#noah kaspbrak
huntsvillegossip · 7 months
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Hello, hello my little lovelies,
So much to catch up on these days! Everyone all at once seemed to have some type of news to share with me. 
You all know being on the ice is meant to keep us all cool and level-headed, right? There were so many punches thrown at the ice skating event, not just once, not even twice, but three whole times. Eagan Connolly punched Huntsville Daily’s very own Samuel Ahn over what was reportedly, and unsurprisingly, something to do with that missing brother of hers again. If she keeps that attitude up no one is going to be willing to assist her. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar, sweetheart. 
Seeming to take a cue from her is that wildchild from the Westfall family, Esther Westfall, who is just as short tempered as ever. They were seen punching one Eldon Harcourt, though he seemed to take it decently well, and didn’t engage into a full brawl. The same can’t be said for Joey Albright who fully attacked Louis Ryan and had to be pulled off him. Not exactly the behavior you’d expect from everyone’s favorite heartthrob but it seems love makes fools of us all. Let’s just hope that Hope Macgillivray is worth it. 
However, not everyone at the ice skating party was quick to come to blows. It seems that there are at least some of you who would rather make love than war. Jackson Miller was spotted getting cozy with Lavender Parsons, ending in what was apparently quite the steamy kiss, if my sources are to be believed. Now I know that some readers may be scandalized by this news, but I for one think it is wonderful that after everything she went through with her mother’s disappearance last year, Miss Parsons seems to be coming into her own as a young woman. All I can say is, be careful out there, men of Huntsville! There’s a new heartbreaker on the rise.
Here’s a toast to one town event being mostly a success with no serious incidents. Hopefully this is the start of a new and lighter year for all of us. 
Auntie G
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That older ranger guy is like, always at the bar. Smells like a bar too. Really harshes the vibe, you know? - Day Drinker
I've been seeing Amber Ryan and Noah Kasprak head off to his place a lot lately. I wonder how her siblings feel about her sleeping around with her co-worker. Seems pretty irresponsible to me considering the family's history. - Anon (25F)
So I was minding my business, when I heard Marisol de la Luna was holding some guy’s tarantula? Is that a new euphemism the kids are using or what? Here’s hoping history doesn’t repeat itself or she’ll end up like her mom did senior year. - Think of the Children
Geez, never a dull day with the Romeros. Heard another one of Hawk’s kids came popping out of the woods. Sora Griffon? At this rate, he’s gonna have a whole flock of ‘em. Hope his new hubby is ready to play Brady Bunch. - Town Bird Watcher
Nico Garcia has been going around saying he’s going to be a dad? I wonder who he knocked up. Could be half the town from the way he’s been getting around. I heard that within the past couple months he’s been hooking up with Val Moreno, Kirby, Nadine Briggs, Jessie Sinclair, Wren Romero, Cole Cerulli, Jovi DiCamillo, and Tatum Hampton, to name just a few! - Anon (33M)
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clericxhood777 · 8 months
These two ships have my heart, always and forever
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I made these especially for them
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thirtecnth · 3 months
huntsvillestarter / open to all / noah kaspbrak setting: pop & lock soda shop
It was 7 o'clock somewhere. That was Noah's first thought as he dumped whatever was left in his flask from this morning into his soda. It was actually much better like that. Felt like a treat compared to forcing the hard stuff back. Someone across the room stared at him while doing so and so Noah lightly bumped the person beside him, nodding to the watcher. "Hey, is my mind playing tricks on me or is that asshole over there staring at me?" He asked, his gaze unmoving. "Tell me the truth. Cause I can give 'em something to stare at if they're staring at me."
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socialanxietyvictim · 11 months
i don’t know how many people will actually see this but i’m curious.
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eddiekaspbrakirlsblog · 8 months
rip eddie kaspbrak you would’ve loved noah kahan 🤞
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kmcarras · 2 years
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riptozier · 1 year
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when it's cold i'd like to die ; moby && mimi goese MUTUALS ONLY CAN REBLOG !
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Y'all know that if I ever meet an Eddie or Will I'm gonna call them Eddie Spaghetti and Will the Wise. There ain't no changing that, even if I'm almost dead. Still Eddie is gonna be some spaghetti, and Will is still the Wise.
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sebacielenthusiast · 4 months
It was another cold day in the nursing home that richie was sent to be in due to his old age, i mean, time really does fly when you have fun doesn't it.
He made his way down the hallway with his handwritten book stuffed underneath his arm. He was on his way to go read to his husband, eddie kaspbrak, who was situated inside of his mother's home.
You see, he was diagnosed with dementia a few years back which meant he couldn't stay in a nursing home, the doctors recommended him to stay somewhere that would do him some good, and in this case, it was his mother's house.
Richie found himself walking up the hallway to Eddie's room, where he found his caretaker trying to persuade him to go outside. "Come on now, honey. Some fresh air would do you some good."
Richie cleared his throat slightly to make his presence be known and the caretaker turns around and makes her way towards him. "Hello, rich. Im sorry but today is not a good day, he's not feeling up for anything." She whispered, an apologetic tone visible in her voice. Richie nodded, looking down for a few moments before a small voice broke the silence.
"Whos that?" Eddie muttered, eyebrows furrowed as he investigated richie's appearance. The caretaker turned around and walked closer to Eddie as richie lifted his head to meet his lover's eyes.
"This is Richie, he's come to read to you." She clarified. "Read?" He shook his head as if to say no. "No, i dont know.." eddie simply felt too out of place to listen to somebody read today. "Oh come on, hes a very funny man, im sure you'll like him." She attempted to persuade him and it ended up working when eddie looked up and met richie's stare, his eyebrows lifted up a bit and a small grin was on the taller man's face.
Eddie walks towards richie slowly and intertwines their hands, making their way to the conservatory room.
They both sat down across from each other and richie opened his book and placed his glasses on his eyes. "Ahh...alright now, where did we leave off?" Eddie simply looked at him, not saying a word. Richie got the hint, he probably couldn't remember. "Oh yes, it was the night of the carnival." He said, a small smile on his face as he replayed the memory in his mind.
"I was there with my friend's Bill, Ben, and Mike. Meanwhile, you were with your friends." "My friends?.." eddie asked in a curious tone. "Beverly and Stanley, dear." Richie clarified, a soft smile on his face. "June sixth, 1941. We were both seventeen years young."
"Little man wins a prize!" The game operator yelled as Bill rolled his eyes. He was playing one of those stupid chance games and actually won, but he won one of those stupidly small teddy bears.
"Damn it!" He exclaimed. "Thank you for playing." The man grinned whilst Bill scoffed. "H-Ha, you're real funny." He groaned and looked over to where Mike, Richie, and Ben were standing off to the side.
"Man, i totally clobbered that thing. Im telling ya' these games are fixed to make you lose.." He complained and Ben snickered, hitting his shoulder playfully. "Man, it's a game of chance. Those things are practically impossible to win." He explained which made him feel a little bit calmer.
They kept making their way towards the bumper cars, where Ben's friends were playing. They all leaned against the fence as they began to observe the other group. There was Stanley, who was bumping into Beverly, who then bumped into a boy with short brown hair and the cutest smile ever.
The mysterious boy giggled when his friends bumped into his car, trying to swerve away from them. His beautiful brown locks were being blown back by the force of the wind whilst his wide, honey eyes were shut.
"Whos this boy with Stan and Bev?" He asked, a faint blush rising to his cheeks as he observed him closer. "His name is Eddie Kaspbrak. He's here for the summer with his family." Ben explained, too busy to keep going with his description as he was staring at Beverly. "From what I've heard, his dad's got more money than god." Mike muttered, looking off into the distance as he smoked a cigarette.
"Hey, Ben!" Beverly exclaimed from where she was playing, whilst ben did a small wave before snatching the plushie out of Bill's hand. "Hi, honey! Won you a prize." He yelled back and Beverly let out a small shriek of excitement. Mike and Bill both laughed at her reaction but Richie was too dead set on figuring more out about the strange yet beautiful boy.
Eddie's car bumper got hit once more which caused him to let out a loud laugh, his hands flying up to push his hair back to avoid getting it in his eyes.
The trio got off of the bumper car's and made their way out of the attraction. Eddie had his arm interlinked with Beverly's as they giggled together and his other arm was interlinked with Stan who was a bit more quiet yet he was listening to their conversation.
"Hey guys, wanna stop for some cotton candy?" Stan asked, a smile plastered on his face and the other two grinned, nodding their heads. "Yeah!" Eddie exclaimed as they made their way towards the stand.
Ben, Richie, Bill, and Mike ran up to the trio, walking beside them.
Beverly let go of Eddie and began to chat with Ben and Stan did the same with Bill and Mike, this left Richie and Eddie last. "I'll pay!" Mike offered and everyone began to thank him, grinning as the cotton candy was being passed around.
Richie walked up to Eddie and looked down at him slightly, due to the fact that Eddie stood at a rough 5'5 whilst Richie was 5'11. "You wanna dance with me?" Richie asked, a foolish love struck grin was stuck on his face.
Eddie looked up at him and smiled playfully, curious as to who he was. "No.." he answered, looking off to the side a bit while he began to twiddle his fingers. "Why not?" Richie asked and Eddie scoffed teasingly. "Because I don't want to." He replied, simple as that.
Beverly interrupted their awkward conversation and tugged on Eddie's arm, causing him to look back. "Hey eds, wanna ride the ferris wheel?" She asked, a huge grin on her face which Eddie reciprocated. Richie truly thought Eddie was perfect.
He had to be an undercover angel sent straight from heaven, because damn was he gorgeous. "I would love too." Eddie answered, grabbing hold of Beverly's hand before looking back at Richie and winking, bumping into him purposefully as they walked off.
Everyone else from the group trailed behind them, except for Richie. He was stuck standing there in disbelief. Nobody had rejected him, ever. He scoffed playfully before turning around and watching Eddie walk off.
"Richie Tozier." Beverly said, walking a bit further with Eddie. "What?" He asked, his mouth full of cotton candy. He turned his head to face her, wanting to understand what she meant. "He works down at the lumberyard with Ben." She elaborates which makes Eddie realize that Beverly was talking about the strange boy.
"Oh.. did you see he was standing like two inches away from my face?!" He whispered in her ear which made her nod slightly. "Yeah, i saw! Thats Richie, though. You know im surprised that he even came over to us, I think he might like you!" She giggled whilst Eddie rolls his eyes with a smirk as he turned his head away.
Richie had finally caught up with the group and was watching Eddie as he mounted the ferris wheel with some random dude who probably had a crush on him. He waiting until the ferris wheel did another round about before running up and jumping onto his specific seat.
"Hey! What the hell, jerk!" Eddie yelled, holding onto the side of the ride for dear life. Richie attempted to wedge his way in between the pair and was successful. "Get off of this! Dont touch me." Eddie kept yelling which only made Richie laugh.
"Hey, what are you doing? You cant do that!" The ride operator yelled at richie, looking up at him with his hands on his hips. "I'll pay you when i get down, Tommy!" Richie yelled back before returning his attention to Eddie.
"Im Richie Tozier." He introduced, sticking a hand out for Eddie to shake. "So?!" He exclaimed, still partially freaking out. "So, it's really nice to meet you." Richie replied, a goofy grin on his face.
"Eddie, who is this guy?" The man asked angrily, pushing Richie's shoulder slightly. "I dont know, Richie Tozier!" Eddie yelled, a sarcastic tone lacing his voice.
"I would really like to take you out." Richie got straight to the point, wrapping an arm around Eddie's shoulder which the boy immediately threw off. "Hey, jackass! Do you mind?" The man yelled angrily and then the ride abruptly came to a stop.
"You can't sit more than two people in a chair, Tozier!" The operator yelled again and Richie rolled his eyes. "Okay Tommy, alright!" He yelled back before standing up and gripping onto the bar in front of him, taking his legs off of the chair and hanging in the air there.
"Get down, Rich! You're going to kill yourself!" Stanley yelled from the seat below him. "Richie, cut it out." Mike groaned, rubbing his index fingers between the bridge of his nose.
"Now will you go out with me?" Richie asked, grinning wildly at Eddie. "What? No!" The smaller boy said. "No?" Richie replied and Eddie repeated it, getting a bit angry now. "No!" "And why not?" Richie says and Eddie simply crossed his arms over his chest "I dont know, maybe because i don't want to!" Richie scoffed at that.
"Well then, you leave me no other choice." He mutters and then lets one hand go from his grasp on the bar.
Eddie lets out a scream and covers his mouth with both hands which makes Richie chuckle a bit. "Richie, stop fooling around!" Beverly yells out and Ben follows. "Yeah, what in your right mind are you doing?!" He exclaims, worried for his safety.
Richie looks back down at Eddie and begins to speak once more. "Im gonna ask you one more time. Will you, or will you not, go out with me?" He groans, feeling the stretch in his arm. Eddie stays silent for a few more moments in fear which prompts Richie to keep talking.
"God damn, my hand's slipping." He mutters. "Then grab the bar, you idiot!" Bill screams and Richie answers him "Not until he agrees!" He yells back which makes Mike speak up again. "Ah, go out with him, honey!"
Eddie removes his hands from his mouth and meets Richie's eyes. "Okay, fine! I'll go out with you!" He yelped which made Richie keep on teasing him.
"No, dont do me any favors!" He called out which makes Eddie shake his head furiously. "No, i really want too!" And that causes the man beside Eddie to look at him and ask "You do?" Which makes eddie shriek "Yes, i do!"
"Then say it." Richie smirks and Eddie continues glaring at him. "I wanna go out with you!" He says and Richie repeats his answer. "Say it again." Which makes Eddie yell now "I want to go out with you!!" He cries out and Richie finally grabs back onto the bar with both hands.
"All right, all right, we'll go out." He teases, chuckling a bit at how furious the boy underneath him looks. "You think you're so smart, don't you?" He says between gritted teeth.
"That wasn't funny, Richie, you idiot!" Beverly says from below them which makes Eddie look down at her. "No, it's okay! I'll take care of this." He declares before turning back to Richie and lifting up his shirt so he can reach his belt buckle.
"What are you doing?" Richie asks, worriedly. Eddie simply stays silent and keeps unbuckling his pants. "Please dont do that.." Richie mumbles in embarrassment, looking around to see the many people surrounding the ferris wheel.
Eddie ignores him once more and pulls his fly down. "Please dont do that, Eddie." He repeats but the boy tugs his pants down to showcase his colorful boxers.
Richie looks up in embarrassment and Eddie simply sits back with a smirk and his arms crossed, feeling proud of his achievement. "Oh, god." Richie mutters whilst everyone around him begins to laugh.
"You're not so cocky now. Are you?" He snickers and Richie turns his gaze back down to Eddie. "Im gonna get ya' for that, Eds." he mumbles. "Ah, maybe you will, maybe you wont." Eddie manages out between fits of laughter.
Richie was walking back from his shift at the lumberyard with his friends Bill, Mike and Ben. They were talking about going to the movies but Mike suddenly stopped, which caused everyone to stop.
"Hey look, isn't that the Kaspbrak boy?" He said and Richie immediately turned to look at him.
He immediately recognized him and began to run up behind Eddie.
Eddie was still unsuspecting so Richie caught up a bit more until they were finally walking side by side.
"Hey, doll. You remember me?" He asked with that same stupid grin from a few nights ago which made Eddie let out a small laugh.
"Yeah, sure. Mister underwear, was it?" He teases which made Richie stammer a bit. "Well, I.." he muttered which prompted Eddie to keep talking.
"How could i possibly forget?" He said before looking forward once more.
Richie chuckled and blocked his pathway by walking backwards infront of him. "Yeah, I wanted to clear that up with you because im really sorry about that."
Eddie simply laughed again and rolled his eyes before returning his gaze to Richie.
"It was a really stupid thing to do. You know, crawl up a ferris wheel to talk to somebody.." he explained and before Eddie could say something, he kept going.
"But i had to be next to you. I was being drawn to you." By now, they both stopped walking and were just staring at each other until Eddie broke the silence with another loud giggle.
"Oh jeez, what a line! You use that on all the boys around here?" He asks, curious as to why Richie had chosen him. "No." The taller boy responded whilst Eddie began to walk again. "Right, and im supposed to believe that? I saw you giving that other boy a look."
"What are you doing tonight?" Richie stopped Eddie once more. "What?" Richie began to drone on once more, boy did he sure love talking. "Or tomorrow night, or this week, or whatever day?"
And Eddie was very confused now. "..Why?" He asked and Richie shrugged with a smile. "Why? Our date." And Eddie simply acted oblivious "What date?"
Richie was the confused one now, walking a bit closer. "You know, the date that you agreed to?" "No.." Eddie said with a smile, his eyebrows raised. "Yes you did! You promised and you swore it." Richie said with a small pout on his face as his eyebrows began to furrow.
Eddie stepped around Richie and started making his way to his car. "Well i guess i've changed my mind." He shrugged and Richie just wont give up, trailing after him again like a lost puppy.
"Look, i know you get some dirty guy coming up to you on the street. You dont know him- you dont know me, But i know me. And when i see something that i like, i gotta have- i love it. I mean, i go crazy for it.."
Eddie was giggling the whole time Richie was talking and paused him. "Okay, what are you talking about?" Richie grinned "Well, im talking about you, sweetcheeks." He says in a tone so full of love.
"Oh wow, you're good." Eddie mocks, still not believing him.
"What?" Richie asks curiously and Eddie repeats it. "You're good." "No, no, you're getting me wrong-" Eddie cuts him off once more. "You're good at playing this love game, you really are! You're fantastic." He teases, crossing his arms as he looks up at the taller male. "Im not, dear." "You really are, im impressed!" He said once more, this time playfully hitting Richie's shoulder.
Richie laughed with him and hunched over a bit and stood up again. "Im not usually like this, im sorry." He chuckles and so does Eddie. "Oh yes you are. I may not be from here, but im not completely dumb." Richie rolls his eyes and gets closer.
"I could be fun if you want?" Which makes Eddie furrow his brows in confusion. Richie continues, "pensive, um.., smart, superstitious, funny, brave. And uh, i could be light on my feet?" He says before beginning to tap dance as a joke which makes Eddie chuckle a lot.
"I could be whatever you want. You just tell me what you want, and I'll be that for you." He says, seriously. Which makes Eddie smile and begin to sway a bit "You're dumb." He concludes, meeting Richie's gaze.
"I could be that."
Eddie shakes his head playfully at the boy's awfully charming attempt to swoon him and skips off to his car whilst his butler opens the door.
"Come on, one date! Whats it gonna hurt?" Richie calls out from where he was standing which makes Eddie turn around to face him from afar.
"Hmm.. I don't think so!" He teases and stands behind the car door.
"Well what can i do to change your mind?" Richie cries out once more.
Eddie shrugs and yells "Guess you'll figure somethin' out!" before stepping into his car and buckling himself in as his butler drives off.
Richie watches as his car drives odd and begins to chuckle to himself. "He really is something, that boy."
A few hours pass by and Richie is walking with ben, on their way to the movies. "You sure he's comin' with her?" He asks nervously and ben smacks his shoulder. "Relax, pal! It's all been set up, Beverly convinced him to meet with us for the late show. He just doesn't know you're taggin along."
They keep walking and finally, the theatre comes into view. Ben points forward and Richie follows his hand, noticing Eddie standing there, talking with Beverly. "Come on!" Ben hollers as he's already jogging up to his girlfriend.
Beverly notices them out of the corner of her eye and turns to the boys quickly. "Oh my goodness, What a coincidence!" She exclaims, looking back at Eddie with a smile who then tugs her aside. "I need to talk to you for a second." Eddie whispers and Bev mumbles "Hes here!" In a happy tone before turning to Richie who was staring at Eddie with that dumb smirk, watching it all play out.
"Eds, you remember Richie, don't you?"
"Yes i remember.." he mutters with a forced smile. Beverly nods and turns Eddie to face Richie, who was standing there with a dumb grin and his hands shoved in his pockets.
"Hey." Richie greets and Eddie returns it "Hi.." he smiles. He sticks his hand out and waits for Eddie to shake it. "It's nice to see you again." "You too.". When Eddie finally reached for his hand, he noticed their obvious size difference.
Eddie was one of those mama's boys with soft hands whilst Richie had rough, calloused hands from working at the Lumberyard all day.
"You look great." Richie compliments and takes notice of the rising blush on Eddie's cheeks. "Awh, thanks." He replies, looking off awkwardly. "Really, really great." He clarifies and Ben hops in, thankfully.
"You do look great. You look great, rich. And i know i look great. So could we please go see this movie now?" Eddie nods. "After you, dolly." And eddie scoffs playfully, smacking richie's shoulder.
They make it inside the theatre and Richie is obviously bored by it, kicking his feet up on the chair in front of him as he looks for some kind of entertainment.
Finally, his eyes make their way towards Eddie who was shrugging his jacket off. They meet gazes and Eddie smiles, which makes Richie return it.
They both look away at the same time and return to stare at the boring comedy that was playing. Richie gets up and climbs over a few seats to sit right next to Eddie, who was chewing on some popcorn. He was also smirking, but still not moving his gaze from the projector's screen.
Finally, the movie was over and Beverly is skipping towards Ben's car, hopping inside as Ben holds the door open for her. "Why, thank you!" She giggles, leaning back on her seat. Ben walks over to the drivers seat and Richie takes this opportunity to lean closer to Eddie.
"Wanna take a walk with me?" He whispers in eddies ear, who turns to him and nods. "I don't see why not." He whispers back.
"Come on, get in." Ben says, causing the pair to turn towards them. "We're gonna walk." Richie speaks up. "Do you guys love each other?" Ben teases, which makes Richie chuckle and hunch over a bit.
Eddie runs up to bev and she leans into his ear "don't do anything I wouldn't do!" She says with a giggle and a small wink before Eddie nods and spins back around to face Richie. Beverly rolls her eyes playfully and leans in to give Ben a kiss, who was clearly caught off guard.
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planetcleer · 3 months
the view between villages by noah kahan but it’s eddie kaspbrak returning to derry and remembering that before he left when he was seventeen he had started healing and found his voice and finally had his own identity and dreams and aspirations and things he wanted for himself and things he was excited to accomplish and places he wanted to go and he wasn’t scared anymore but he was angry, he was so angry all the time, angry at his mother angry at pennywise angry at derry angry at the world, and that anger was righteous, and that anger was his, and that life was his, too, and then he left and It took all of that away, It broke him down and made him forget and turned him back into that scared weak little boy again, he fought his way out of that cycle of abuse and It put him right back into it and stole his life away and he never even had a chance, did he?
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oxtofmydcpth · 4 months
Main Street // Noah Kaspbrak // @thirtecnth
"That looks like the face of a man fed up with life on the ground and wants to join me up here," Lynx called down when spotting Noah from his spot perched on the roof of whatever business it was he'd clambered up to, wanting a new perspective of the town he now called home, watching everyone scurry about their day-to-day lives like little ants. All he was missing was the magnifying glass.
Cigarette still resting between two fingers, he's ushered to the left side of the building. "Piping is broke. I plead ignorant if it was me or not. Easy to climb. Come on." He patted the spot next to him encouragingly.
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tyrantonutx · 7 months
Looking for RP Partner(s)!
Hey, hi, how's it goin'?
I'm Tyrant, 30+ s/they, and this is a Take Two attempt at finding like-minded folx, so if you happen to see a similar looking post floating around (unlikely but possible), I am in fact one and the same Tyrant, I'm just too damn impatient to wait on tumblr to fix my original blog.
I'm hoping to find some partner(s) interested in Discord RP, because I am in fact a tumblr Baby (despite the original blog being...several years old...) and the formatting on tumblr rp blogs makes me Nervous.
I've been roleplaying in various capacities on forums, discord, and chat (throwback to AOL Instant Messenger amirite?) for approximately two decades and some change. I tend to write in a casual cadence as one might suspect, and I like to adapt my replies to the thread (anywhere from several sentences to a few paragraphs is my norm). I generally prefer CANON x CANON ships, at least starting out, to get a feel for how we come at characterization and plot together before we dip into OC territory. I'm involved in a few fandoms that may in fact be wastelands but, hey, you miss every shot you don't take, so here I am!
What follows is a list of fandos, characters, and ships I'm ACTIVELY looking for, the things that make my brain buzz in all the good ways. I'm down for hearing out any plots you might have in your lovely beating hearts (or shriveled little black ones, no judgment here!) or working out plots together based on all the good things that come from two rambling fans throwing head canons and "OK BUT WHAT IF"s at each other til something sticks.
If any of these strike you as fun, or if you just think I'm gosh darn neat and wanna chat me up for the thrills, please like this post, message me here on tumblr, or send me a friend request on discord (@tyrantonut)! I'm shy af and terrible at reaching out first, thank you hereditary anxiety and Burnt Out Gifted Kid syndrome, so sometimes I need that lil nudge.
...right! The fandoms! (Please note that while I have listed characters for me vs. for you, I'm actually pretty flexible on these! I just think I write some sides better than others.)
The Boys (AU preferred)
Butchie -- Billy Butcher x Hughie Campbell
Stephen King's It (Muschietti AU preferred)
Reddie -- Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak
Stranger Things (Aged up AU preferred)
Byler -- Mike Wheeler x Will Byers
Harringrove -- Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington
Steddie -- Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
Hannibal (NBC)
Hannigram -- Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham
Marvel Universe (Comics & Movieverse)
Spideypool -- Wade Wilson x Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)
Spiderprowl -- Aaron Davis x Peter B. Parker
Mysterio/Spiderman -- Quentin Beck x Peter Parker (Tom Holland, preferably aged up)
Starkmonger -- Tony Stark/Erik Killmonger
Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss Universe
Huskerdust -- Angel Dust x Husk (Overlord Husk AU has given me brain rot)
Chaggie -- Charlie Magne x Vaggie
RadioApple -- Alastor x Lucifer
Stolitz -- Blitzo x Stolas
Fizzarozzie -- Fizzarolli x Asmodeus
Puckurt -- Noah 'Puck' Puckerman x Kurt Hummel
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js-a-writer · 1 year
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People I Write For :
Stranger Things
El Hopper (fem, gn, male)
Max Mayfield (fem, gn, male)
Dustin Henderson (fem, gn)
Will Byers (gn, male)
Lucas Sinclaire (fem, gn, male)
Mike Wheeler (fem, gn, male)
Steve Harrington (fem, gn, male)
Nancy Wheeler (fem, gn, male)
Eddie Munson (fem, gn, male)
Robin Buckley (fem, gn)
Billy Hargrove (fem, gn)
Sidney Prescott (fem, gn, male)
Randy Meeks (fem, gn)
Tatem Riley (fem, gn male)
Stu Macher (fem, gn)
Billy Loomis (fem, gn)
Derek Feldman (fem, gn)
Mark Kincaid (fem, gn)
Kirby Reed (fem, gn, male)
Marnie Cooper (fem, gn, male)
Amber Freeman (fem, gn, male)
Chad Meeks-Martin (fem, gn)
Mindy Meeks-Martin (fem, gn)
Wes Hicks (fem, gn)
Tara Carpenter (fem, gn, male)
Sam Carpenter *Loomis* (fem, gn, male)
Liv McKenzie (fem, gn, male)
Anika Kayoko (fem, gn)
Danny Brackett (fem, gn)
Ethan Landry (fem, gn)
Outer Banks
Rafe Cameron (fem, gn)
JJ Maybank (fem, gn)
Pope (fem, gn)
Kiara (fem, gn, male)
Cleo (fem, gn, male)
Carl Gallagher (fem, gn)
Ian Gallagher (fem, gn, male)
Fiona Gallagher (fem, gn, male)
Debbie Gallagher (fem, gn, male)
Liam Gallagher *aged up* (fem, gn)
Tim McGee (fem, gn)
Tony DiNozzo (fem, gn)
Gibbs (fem, gn)
Jimmy Palmer (fem, gn)
Abby Scuito (fem, gn, male)
Ziva David (fem, gn, male)
Caitlin Todd (fem, gn, male)
Greenhouse Academy
Haley Woods (fem, gn, male)
Leo Cruz (fem, gn)
Alex Woods (fem, gn)
Brooke Osmand (fem, gn, male)
Max Miller (fem, gn)
Sophia Cardona (fem, gn, male)
Daniel Hayward (fem, gn)
Parker Grant (fem, gn)
Jackie Sanders (fem, gn, male)
Ryan Woods *young* (fem, gn, male)
Fuller House
Stephanie Tanner (fem, gn, male)
Jesse Katsopolis *young and old* (fem, gn)
Ramona Gibbler (fem, gn, male)
Max Fuller *aged up* (fem, gn)
Steve Hale *young and old* (fem, gn)
Jackson Fuller (fem, gn)
Jimmy Gibbler (fem, gn)
Matt Harmon (fem, gn)
Ethan (fem, gn)
Ginny and Georgia
Ginny Miller (fem, gn, male)
Abby (fem, gn, male)
Marcus Baker (fem, gn)
Georgia Miller *young and old*(fem, gn, male)
Maxine Baker (fem, gn)
Zion Miller *young and old* (fem, gn)
Paul Randolph (fem, gn)
Brodie (fem, gn, male)
Norah (gn, male)
Padma (gn, male)
Matt Press (fem, gn)
Joe (fem, gn)
Jordan (fem, gn)
Charlie Spring (gn, male)
Nick Nelson (fem, gn, male)
Elle Argent (fem, gn, male)
Darcy Olsson (fem, gn)
Tara Jones (fem, gn)
Tao Xu (fem, gn)
Imogen Heaney (gn, male)
Isaac Henderson (fem, gn, male)
Anne with an E
Gilbert Blythe (fem, gn)
Anne Shirley-Cuthbert (fem, gn, male)
Diana Barry (gn, male)
Jerry Baynard (fem, gn)
Cole Mackenzie (fem, gn, male)
Sebastian Lacroix (fem, gn)
Billy Andrews (fem, gn)
Charlie Sloane (fem, gn)
Nate (fem, gn)
Prissy Andrews (fem, gn, male)
To All the Boys I've Loved Before
John Ambrose (fem, gn)
Josh (fem, gn)
Peter Kavinsky (fem, gn)
Lucas (gn, male)
Gen (fem, gn, male)
Chris *Christine* (fem, gn, male)
Julie and the Phantoms
Julie (fem, gn, male)
Luke Patterson (fem, gn)
Alex (gn, male)
Reggie (fem, gn)
Nick (fem, gn)
Flynn (fem, gn, male)
Willie (gn, male)
IT (Chapter 1 + 2)
Stanley Uris (fem, gn, male)
Richie Tozier (fem, gn, male)
Eddie Kaspbrak (fem, gn, male)
Beverly Marsh (fem, gn, male)
Ben Hanscom (fem, gn)
Mike Hanlon (fem, gn)
Bill Denbrough (fem, gn, male)
Henry Bowers (fem, gn)
Belch Huggins *Reggie* (fem, gn)
Patrick Hockstetter (fem, gn)
Victor Criss (fem, gn)
I Am Not Okay With This
Sydney Novak (fem, gn, male)
Stanley Barber (fem, gn, male)
Enola Holmes
Enola Holmes (fem, gn, male)
Tewksbury (fem, gn)
Sherlock Holmes (fem, gn)
The Kissing Booth
Noah Flynn (fem, gn)
Lee Flynn (fem, gn)
Marco Peña (fem, gn)
The Imperfects
Tilda Webber (fem, gn, male)
Abbi Singh (fem, gn, male)
Juan Ruiz (fem, gn)
Sydney Burke (fem, gn, male)
P.J. (fem, gn)
Malibu Rescue
Tyler (fem, gn)
Dylan (fem, gn, male)
Lizzy (fem, gn, male)
Gina (fem, gn, male)
Eric (fem, gn)
The Package
Sean Floyd (fem, gn, male)
Sarah (fem, gn, male)
Becky Abelar (fem, gn, male)
Purple Hearts
Cassie Salazar (fem, gn, male)
Luke Morrow (fem, gn)
Frankie (fem, gn)
Armando (fem, gn)
Riley (fem, gn, male)
Wednesday Adams (fem, gn, male)
Xavier Thorpe (fem, gn)
Enid Sinclair (fem, gn, male)
Tyler Galpin (fem, gn)
Rowan Laslow (fem, gn, male)
Lucas Walker (fem, gn)
Ajax Petropolus (fem, gn)
Heartbreak High
Spencer White *Spider* (fem, gn)
Anthony Vaughn *Ant* (fem, gn, male)
Darren Rivers (gn, male)
Amerie Wadia (gn, male)
Quinn Gallagher-Jones *Quinni* (fem, gn)
Dustin Reid *Dusty* (fem, gn)
Harper McLean (fem, gn, male)
Douglas Piggott *Ca$h* (fem, gn, male)
Malakai Mitchell (fem, gn, male)
Hype House (All time)
Vinnie Hacker (fem, gn)
Taylor Holder (fem, gn)
Jack Wright (fem, gn, male)
Jett (fem, gn, male)
Barron Sho (fem, gn)
Ryland (fem, gn)
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger (fem, gn, male)
Harry Potter (fem, gn)
Ron Weasley (fem, gn)
George Weasley (fem, gn)
Fred Weasley (fem, gn)
Bill Weasley (fem, gn)
Charlie Weasley (fem, gn)
Percy Weasley (fem, gn)
Ginny Weasley (fem, gn, male)
Mattheo Riddle (fem, gn)
Theodore Nott (fem, gn)
Dean Thomas (fem, gn)
Lee Jordan ( fem, gn, male)
Seamas Finnigan (fem, gn, male)
Pansy Parkinson (fem, gn, male)
Lorenzo Berkshire (fem, gn)
Tom Riddle *not Voldemort* (fem, gn)
Blaise Zabini (fem, gn)
Luna Lovegood (fem, gn, male)
Regulus Black *young* (fem, gn, male)
Sirius Black *young* (fem, gn, male)
Remus Lupin *young* (fem, gn, male)
James Potter *young* (fem, gn, male)
Lily Potter *young* (fem, gn, male)
Nymphadora Tonks (fem, gn, male)
Narcissa Malfoy *young and old* (fem, gn, male)
Fantastic Beasts
Newt Scammander (fem, gn)
Queenie Goldstein (fem, gn, male)
Credence Barebone (fem, gn, male)
Theseus Scammander (fem, gn)
The Black Phone
Vance Hopper (fem, gn)
Finney Blake (fem, gn)
Gwenny Blake *aged up* (fem, gn, male)
Robin Arellano (fem, gn)
Bruce Yamada (fem, gn)
Billy Showalter (fem, gn)
10 Things I Hate About You
Kat Stratford (fem, gn, male)
Cameron James (fem, gn)
Bianca Stratford (fem, gn, male)
Patrick Verona (fem, gn)
Michael (fem, gn, male)
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
Jacob Portman (fem, gn, male)
Emma Bloom (fem, gn, male)
Alma Peregrine (fem, gn, male)
Enoch O'Connor (fem, gn)
Victor Bruntley *alive* (fem, gn)
Olive Abroholos Elephanta (fem, gn, male)
Millard Nullings (fem, gn, male)
Horace (fem, gn male)
Fiona *aged up* (fem, gn, male)
Bronwyn Bruntley *aged up* (fem, gn, male)
Hugh (fem, gn, male)
Sturniolo Triplets
Matt Sturniolo (fem, gn)
Chris Sturniolo (fem, gn)
Nick Sturniolo (gn, male)
Rose Dewitt Bukater (fem, gn, male)
Jack Dawson (fem, gn, male)
A Quiet Place
Marcus (fem, gn, male)
Evelyn (fem, gn, male)
Regan (fem, gn, male)
Lee (fem, gn)
The Office
Jim Halpert (fem, gn)
Dwight Shrute (fem, gn, male)
Pam Beesley (fem, gn, male)
Five Feet Apart
Stella (fem, gn, male)
Poe Ramirez (gn, male)
Will (fem, gn)
That I don't already have as characters (cuz I write for the haracter and the actor)
Nils Kuesel (fem, gn, male)
Jack Harlow (fem, gn)
Dua Lipa (fem, gn, male)
Olivia Rodrigo (fem, gn, male)
Jenna Ortega (fem, gn, male)
Dove Cameron (fem, gn, male)
Benjamin Wadsworth (fem, gn)
Girl Meets World
Farkle Minkus (fem, gn, male)
Riley Matthews (fem, gn, male)
Maya Hart (fem, gn, male)
Lucas Friar (fem, gn)
Isaiah Babineaux (fem, gn)
Isadora Smackle (fem, gn, male)
Auggie Matthews *aged up* (fem, gn)
Josh Matthews (fem, gn)
Boy Meets World
Shawn Hunter (fem, gn)
Eric Matthews (fem, gn, male)
Cory Matthews (fem, gn)
Topanga Lawrance (fem, gn, male)
Jack (fem, gn, male)
The Notebook
The Breakfast Club
She's the Man
Duke Orsino (fem, gn)
Hazbin Hotel
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How to Request :
Make sure to state what you would like in the imagine/story and what genre (?) Like angst, fluff, smut (sometimes). Also what character or person you would want in the imagine. 🙃
I write for all of these characters and their actors and if you have someone else you would want me to write for be sure to put that in your request these are just the characters I could think of off the top of my head
P.S. I also do some ship imagines like Nick x Charlie (heartstopper), etc. So if you want ship imagines be sure to send them in and I will try and get to them.
79 notes · View notes
thirtecnth · 2 months
@endlessreruns / closed event starter / stella hendrix setting: the lake
"I hate when people ask me to explain my thought process. Like hell if I know... Ya know?"
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neverwasreddie · 2 years
Eddie is finally living in LA, but he’s starting to miss the few months between leaving Derry and leaving NYC for good. 
When hanging out with Richie required a cross-country flight, days off from work and lots of carefully detailed schedules, it took a little of the pressure off of him. He didn’t have to worry about whether or not Richie actually wanted to see him that day: too bad, plans were set, nothing to do but follow through on them. 
It’s a lot more nerve-wracking for Eddie to just drop in on Richie unannounced now that they’re only a neighborhood apart from each other. Richie’s a celebrity, for crying out loud — a successful one, now, and supremely popular among the Hollywood elite, veterans and newcomers alike. 
What if he’s on a date when Eddie drops by? What if he’s in bed with someone like — like Tom Cruise, or Timothee Chalamet? (Eddie’s only half convinced he even knows who Timothee Chalamet is, but it’s definitely either the skinny guy from Call Me By Your Name or the new kid Spider-Man — and for fuck’s sake, why do they need another Spider-Man, anyway, it’s — )
It’s the kind of thing he could complain about to Richie, if he could just get over that mental hurdle of being afraid to intrude on Richie’s life. There’s this fear in the back of Eddie’s head that no matter how close they’ve gotten since Derry 2, part of Richie is still unknowable to him, and he feels like maybe it’s his fault. 
That fear only doubles the day Eddie finally gets the nerve to show up at Richie’s house unannounced, only to knock on the door and find it answered by a small, strange child. 
The child itself is not strange, Eddie amends, once he gets over the shock of seeing a child in Richie’s home; it’s just strange to see a child here. The child has a mop of bouncy black curls and is wearing the same kind of glasses Richie wears. In fact, they are Richie’s glasses, Eddie’s pretty sure. 
At least, that would explain why the child squints up at Eddie before loudly asking, “Who’re you?”
Eddie almost sticks out a hand as a reflex before yanking it back to his side, already hearing Richie’s voice in his head: Did you honestly just try to shake hands with a child, Spaghetti, you fuckin’ lunatic? 
“Edward Kaspbrak,” he says instead, giving an awkward half-nod, half-bow to the child. “And you are?”
“Jesus Christ, Noah, didn’t I tell you not to answer doors to strange— oh. Noah, that’s your Uncle Eddie!”
“Uncle Spaghetti?” the kid asks, turning a sweet, wide grin toward the approaching figure of Richie.
“The one and only.” Richie reaches down and scoops the kid up, upside down, and blows a raspberry onto its belly before turning a wide, squinting, glasses-less grin to Eddie. “Hey, man. Sorry I didn’t warn you about the kid.”
All of Eddie’s systems are crashing and blaring warning signs at the same time, because Richie’s got a kid? and Richie thinks he should warn me about the kid? and also What the ever-loving FUCK is happening? 
Richie must sense a freakout about to occur — he could always smell Eddie’s neuroses from a mile away — and sets the child down with a ruffle of its hair and a quick but careful reclaiming of his glasses. 
“Scram, kid,” he says, gently pushing the kid away by the head, and it’s then that Eddie’s realizing there’s more big sibling energy to their interaction than father-child energy. Especially as the child (Noah, Richie had said) hugs Richie quickly around the leg before scampering deeper into the house. 
When Richie turns to face Eddie again, glasses on, he’s still grinning ear to ear, like that kid is the best thing he’s ever seen. 
He says so to Eddie, too, almost immediately. “Isn’t that kid the best?”
“Who — uh, is it...I mean — ”
“It, he says,” Richie cackles suddenly, grabbing Eddie by the sleeve and yanking him inside, too close for comfort as always, right into Richie’s personal space. “That’s my niece Noah. We’ll call her a “she” for now but who the fuck knows, right? But she’s the best, man. Just the absolute best. She’s like if you morphed kid Stan and kid Bev into one eight-year-old body. She’s the fucking coolest.”
He shoots a fond glance over his shoulder toward the living room, where Noah has assembled pillows and stuffed animals and a mass of blue blankets into what Eddie can only assume is supposed to be the wreckage of the Titanic, a guess that’s only confirmed when Noah starts jumping from cushion to cushion and shrieking “Evacuate the children! Women and children to the lifeboats first! Man your stations, men, this ship is going down!” 
Her British Guy voice is even better than Richie’s had been in middle school. Before Eddie can even say it out loud, Richie beams at him like he already knows what he’s thinking. 
“I didn’t even teach her that one,” he says proudly, watching his niece get lost into a world of chaos of her own design. 
As if I needed another fucking reason to fall in love with Richie Tozier, Eddie thinks with a sigh, shuffling closer to Richie so he can fondly watch him fondly watch his niece spark the kind of unmatched pandemonium only a Tozier can create. 
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ambercast · 9 months
who: noah kaspbrak (@thirtecnth)
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“Hey,” Natalie said with a faint grin, setting her guitar up against the bar counter. “Do you ever host live music here? I usually play on the street, but I’m hoping to get a more permanent audience. If I need to audition I can.”
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