#et audio songs
dullahandyke · 10 months
She had a lot of love to give
I was prepared to take it all!
(And what did you do next?)
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childofgears · 2 months
whenever I meet an “I like all kinds of music, I’ll listen to anything” mfer I like to blast them with the 97997ALMONDS beam
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fallangel2368 · 3 months
Fall Angel - They (Official Audio)
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neogirlart · 2 years
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orizukuin · 2 months
I've seen a lot of animatic, using the the audio "We Become We" from journey to Bethlehem so I decided to do one for myself but it's uhh you guys know et- it Charl n Moike hehe—
Instagram doing me dirty- I'm gonna post it here too then-*cries myself in the corner of the room*
I search the song in YouTube and listened to it for like 3 times— that's where I found out the title XD who ever started this uhh trend(??) thank you X3
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loup-venant · 25 days
Quand les portes s'ouvrent, les voyageurs attendent en foule devant, empêchant en partie ceux qui descendent de s'extraire des voitures aisément. Les quais ne sont pas particulièrement étroits ni bondés. C'est en retrait que Léa observe cette inclination individuelle de plus en plus prononcée.
Une balade audio lui glisse dans les oreilles depuis son casque. Elle s'empare des tensions que la situation provoque dans son ventre. Léa ferme les yeux un instant. Une guitare, une voix douce, un hautbois, et des percussions modestes forment ensemble un air qui lui inspire un chemin sous les arbres l'été, entre forêt et champs. Une discussion entre amis qui vient de finir, qui laisse place au silence précieux, celui qui ouvre les portes des nuages ou des étoiles. Une véritable couverture de douceur, pour construire des forts ou rester au chaud devant les flammes.
Quand Léa rouvre les yeux, son agacement s'expulse dans un soupir profond. Le monde revient, sur le quai, dans le train. Les pas pressés des uns, les rires des autres. Elle s'aligne derrière un groupe de jeunes adolescents. Ils n'ont pas loins d'avoir son age, à une dizaine prêt. Ils se serrent les uns contres les autres, s'accrochent à ce qu'ils peuvent, le sac de leur copain de devant, la rampe verticale à l'entrée de la voiture, l'épaule de celui à coté. Un nuage dense comme un orage, prêt à s'engouffrer en un éclair dès que la route sera dégagée.
C'est au tour de Léa de s'avancer pour rentrer, elle a la main sur la rampe, son pied prêt à décoller quand quelqu'un lui passe devant. Un homme qui ne lui adresse aucun regard. Il est monté comme si l'escalier lui appartenait, et qu'il y vivait seul. C'est au moins ce qu'on peut lire sur le visage circonspect de Léa qui s'est reculée inconsciemment, par automatisme, malgré elle, pour éviter tout accident. Elle ne se permettrait pas de bousculer quelqu'un, le dépasser dans une file. Elle n'a pas été touchée, mais ça fait quand même mal.
Autour d'elle, elle n’aperçoit rien d'autre que des regards qui semblent lui demander ce qu'elle attend pour monter. Elle avale sa rancoeur, et se hisse dans le train, défaite. Dans le couloir entre les sièges, elle ère à la recherche d'une place seule. A première vue, ça ne sera pas pour aujourd'hui. Elle passe le groupe d'adolescents. Ils se sont entassés sur deux fois quatre place et continue de se pousser, de rigoler. Plus loin, une femme avec une valise au moins aussi grande qu'elle et deux sacs utilise également quatre places. En face, deux gars qui ne parlent pas mais qui s'étalent aussi loins qu'ils le peuvent la regarde passer.
C'est après eux, à coté d'un petit vieux avec une casquette et sa canne à laquelle il accroche un sourire imperturbable que Léa s'assied. Après, s'aurait été trop dangereux. C'est là que le gars qui lui est passé devant s'est assis. Elle souhaite éviter la prison tant qu'elle peut.
Le petit vieux regarde par la fenêtre pendant la quasi entièreté du trajet. Parfois, Léa a l'impression de lire des histoires dans ses yeux qui semblent s'accrocher à tous les détails des paysages qu'ils traversent. Son coeur s'apaise en l'observant. Il incarne la balade dans les bois à lui tout seul. Quand il se lève à son arrêt, c'est après un échange intense avec les yeux de Léa. Ils brillaient comme une flamme prête à s'éteindre. Fragile, et si belle à la fois.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.5 Q.E.D. by Sakamaki Laito Mini Drama “The Secret Closet”
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Original title: 秘密のクローゼット
Source: Diabolik Lovers CHARACTER SONG Vol. 5 Mini Drama
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Hirakawa Daisuke
Translator’s note: I read the title of this mini drama and immediately knew that my fate was sealed, lol. Although I have to say, I kind of expected it to be worse. Laito is kind of infamous for doing a lot of licking and such and those kind of sounds literally make my stomach turn but he only did it a few times and it was rather subtle rather than being this big ‘ol SLUUUUURP noise. Still, I think I would rather eat my own shoe than to be stuck in a cramped closet with Laito all day lol. But to each their own, I guess. :p I’m sure all of you Laito stans out there will enjoy this one.
*Knock knock knock*
*Knock knock knock*
You call out for him.
“I was wondering who it could be...But I recognize Bitch-chan’s voice...Nfu~ Correct?”
You tell him to get ready for school.
“Hmm~ Even if you say that, I’m not in the mood for school today.”
You voice your concern. 
“Eh...? I’m not feeling sick, not particularly at least. It’s just...”
Laito opens the door. 
“I just thought that it doesn’t hurt to skip school every once in a while to spend time frolicking around with you instead~ Just like this...See~?”
He licks you.
“Hey, Bitch-chan...Can’t you  et me have this one day of fun? Unlike me, I doubt you have to worry about being held back a year. ...Well then, hurry up and step inside my room.”
You hesitate.
“Eeeh~? Geezー You’re always so cold...But I know you by now. Whenever you resist like that...”
“You actually want me to use brute force, don’t you~? Nfu...~”
“Just like this...Well then...Mmh...”
You protest as you hear footsteps in the distance.
“Eh? Somebody’s coming this way? ...And what’s the issue with that?”
Laito continues to kiss you passionately.
“Nn...Mmh...I bet it’s Reiji or something. I imagine he’ll go on a tangent about being late for school agaiー Woah!”
You push him away.
“...Gosh, Bitch-chan, what has gotten into you all of a sudden?”
You explain.
“What’s so bad about being caught? If anything, we should put on a show. Ahー I get it, Bitch-chan! You’re in the mood for something a little more private today. That’s what you’re trying to say, right?”
“In other words...You want us to have some quality time together as well, don’t you? I’m so happy to see you take initiative. Nfu~ I’ll grant that request of yours. Now, come here.”
Laito pulls you inside his room and locks the door.
“...Come on, this way~ Now, hurry up and get inside of here.”
“Eh? What do you mean? Can’t you tell? It’s my closet. You’re the one who requested a private space, remember?”
You shake your head.
“Eh? You never alluded to anything like that? Fufu...Don’t say that now~ No need to get all embarrassedーー There!”
He pushes you inside.
“Well then...I suppose I’ll get inside as well.”
Laito joins you inside the closet.
“Hm...Looking at it now, this closet is pretty cramped, isn’t it? On top of that...”
*Rustle rustle*
“It’s pitch-black because I closed the door. ...Bitch-chan~ Where are you~?”
You seem confused that he can’t see you.
“Just kidding! That doesn’t make sense now, does it? I can see everything, no matter how dark it is. ...Like how your ear is over here, for example.”
“Or how your lips are right here. Mmh...”
“And last but not least...Nn...”
“I could see that dreamy look in your eyes as I licked your nape just now very clear as well~”
You ask him to leave the closet.
“Eh? You want to get out already? But why? Don’t you think the dark and lack of space only adds to the fun~?”
“These clothes around us are a little in the way but well...It’s a closet, so I can’t really complain about that.”
“There we go...”
You complain about his leg being in between your own.
“Eh? My leg? I mean, what other choice do I have? It’s super cramped in here...So I have to no other but to huddle even closer to you like this~”
Laito takes in your scent.
“Ah~ When I get this close to you, I can smell a wonderful fragrance coming from your nape~ It’s the scent of your sugary sweet blood driving me crazy...Haah...”
He bites you.
*Gulp gulp gulp*
*Rustle rustle*
*Gulp gulp gulp*
“...Hah~ Aah...Bitch-chan...Let me suck more of your blood...Hahn...”
*Gulp gulp gulp*
“Rustle rustle*
“...Nn...More...From a different spot this time...”
“Woah there...! ...Fufu, ah-ah~ How come you’re stumbling around all of a sudden? I haven’ even sucked that much of your blood yet, you know? Better be careful, okay? Fufu...I suppose I better wrap my arms around you nice and tight like this...”
“So you don’t accidentally touch something which you shouldn’t. Nfu~”
You ask him if he has anything weird stashed away in this closet.
“Eh? You want to know what I’m keeping in here? I’m afraid I can’t tell you that so easily~ However...Right. If you’re that curious, I wouldn’t mind testing out a couple of my goodies on you sometime soon~”
You shake your head.
“Fufu...Oh well, whatever. Let us enjoy our time together right now. I mean, we even skipped school for this. ...So, what do you say, Bitch-chan~? Nnh...”
ーー THE END ーー
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putschki1969 · 9 months
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『Hikaru Single Special LIVE 2023』
Don't forget about today's live event in the mobile app Music Champ! Those who have the app installed and an account registered, can purchase a streaming ticket for Hikaru's live performance🎤! She will be performing a total of five songs, the digital singles which have been released during her freelance period, plus one of the unreleased tracks => Survivor, Escape, Flow, Awe, Treasure(?)
Tweet by Hikaru | Tweet 2 by Hikaru | Tweet by CCC member | Instagram post by Hikaru
Title: “Hikaru Single Special LIVE 2023” Date: 9/16 (Sat) Time: 18:30~
Click here for streaming tickets 🎫 https://t.co/P5knviHh0q ※7 day archive ※Use this link on your mobile device ※Credit card payment available
1.Survivor: I like the stage and camera setup but the audio could be a tiny bit better I guess. Solid vocals though. MC: Hikaru mentions that her silver necklace, earrings and ring with the turquoise gem (the set she has been wearing regularly for several years) is from the Japanese jewelry brand "ete" (image).
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2.Escape: Loved the performance! So powerful! Hikaru was so exhausted and almost forgot to introduce her band members. 3.Flow: Not my favourite... Goods intro: Pretty useless since she won't be selling any of the items online but it's still nice 4.Awe: Seems like HaKA was heavily inspired by ARIA when he wrote "Awe". Still in love with this song!! Talk: Next up is "Treasure" which will be released later today at midnight JST. For a change, it is not written by HaKA 5.Treasure: Meh, a little too cutesy for my taste. Not particularly flattering. It's supposed to be a fluffy feel-good song but it's not doing much for me.
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Solo Tour Details Announced
Title: 『Hikaru LIVE TOUR 2024 -FEATURES-』 Jan 06 Toyama (Soul Power) Jan 13 Osaka (Umeda Zeela) Jan 20 Fukuoka (Live House OP’s) Feb 09 Tokyo (Billboard Live)
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(Red songs are ones I feel fit the best, some song are more vibes than anything.)
So I went through every single song I’ve ever downloaded (It’s A LOT, like, it’s a playlist over 30 hours long.) and grabbed all the ones I maladaptive daydream Wukong and/or Macaque to. So, without further ado, I present:
💞✨An Overly Long Wukong/Macaque “Playlist”✨💞
People Eater and Misery Meat by Sodikken
Sober by FIDLAR (makes me think of a v angsty shadowpeach fic from SWK’s POV)
Rät by Penelope Scott
Scrawny by Wallows
Nowhere To Run by Stegosaurus Rex
I’m Gonna Win by Rob Cantor
Poor George by James Supercave
Candle Queen by GHOST
Copycat by VocaCircus
Bury A Friend by Billie Eilish
Can’t Be Erased by Coda
Ghosts by Jacob Tillberg
Maniac by Conan Gray
Snowcone by Rei Ami
OH NO! and Are You Satisfied by Marina & The Diamonds
Good Enough by Atsuover
Two Birds by Regina Spektor
Bird Song by Florence + The Machine
Suki Suki Daisuki by Jun Togawa
Saint Bernard by Lincoln
I Can’t Decide by Scissor Sisters
Ghosting, Wrecking Ball, Hayloft (+ Hayloft II), Arms Tonite (YES IK WHAT ITS ACTUALLY ABT SHUP UP😭), and Problems by Mother Mother
Everybody Loves Me by OneRepublic
Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes
Violent by Carolesdaughter
Troublemaker by Olly Murs
Sweet Tooth and Devil Town by Cavetown
Bust Your Kneecaps by Pomplamoose
Cupid’s Chokehold by Gym Class Heroes
Cloud 9 by Beach Bunny
I Can’t Fix You by The Living Tombstone
Hot N Cold by Katy Perry
Applause by Lady Gaga
She Wants Me Dead by Cazette
Backstabber by Kesha
Hell’s Comin’ With Me by Poor Mans Poison
Paparazzi Murder Party by Vain
‘Cause I’m A Liar by Mcki Robyns-P
Everything Stays by Adventure Time
I / Me / Myself by Will Wood (Idk y, it just feels so wholesome shadowpeach-y 2 me)
Worst Case Scenario and Goodbye MR A by The Hoosiers
Anything You Want by JAWNY
Stalkers Tango by Autoheart (listen… listen man… just think abt it)
Bad Day by Darwin Deez
Fuck You by Lily Allen (bitter exes💀)
True Love FT. Lily Allen by P!nk
Feels by Calvin Harris
Change The Formality by Infected Mushroom
I Just Threw Out The Love Of My Dreams by Weezer
Villain by Stella Jang
Washing Machine Heart by Mitski
Ghost Busters (bcz I think it’s fun E, just imagine SWK & others like ‘who ya gonna call’ & 6EM is the ghost)
Pride X New Magic (I MEAN C’MON “Loves gonna get you killed, but prides gonna be the death of you.” IDBSIXGSINSEIH, the edit audio ever)
Sucker By Jonas Brothers
Bloody Nose and Kitchen Fork by Jack Conte (this song has the vibes that just scream the past tragedy part of their relationship 2 me, idk how 2 explain it)
Passing Through by Kaden MacKay
Karma by AJR
One Way Or Another by Blondie
These Boots Are Made For Walking by Nancy Sinatra
Bad Idea! by Girl In Red
Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo
Them Changes by Thundercat (same reason as the Jack Conte songs tbh, but it’s more the present tragedy part)
C’est toi qu’elle préfère by Alice et Moi
Break My Heart by Dua Lipa
Jesus On The Telephone by Machinery Of The Human Heart
Too Close and Michelle by Sir Chloe
Another Believer by Rufus Wainwright
Dancin Closer To The Edge by JOHNNH GOTH
Julie VS. Robot Julie by Arthur
She Wolf by Shakira
I Don’t Want To Set The World On Fire by The Ink Spots
Plug Me In by Lil Soda Boi
Run, Rabbit, Run! by Flanagan & Allen
Youth by Daughter
Stay Calm by BonBun Films
Exorcism FT. Cyber Diva by Creep-P
Step On Me by The Cardigans
Girl Anachronism by The Dresden Dolls
I’m Not The Only One by Sam Smith (it’s prolly just me tbh)
Shit by Bo Burnham
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simsimulation · 3 months
rules of the game: link a song for each letter of your username
LOVE anything music related so thank you for the tag @cinamun . Not all songs have audio cause Tumblr..
S - Sodade
I - In a Sentimental Mood
M - My Skin My Logo
S - Santé
I -ice by Erika de Casier
M - Minor Feelings
U - Unravel
L - Lumumba
A - Andromeda
T - Top Dog - Magadelena Bay
I - I Tried - Brandy
O - Orange Moon
N - N.E.O.
This is all over the place but this is how I listen to music lol
I tag: @cowboycid @nightlifeseries @ladybugsimblr @mysimsloveaffair @beachyserasims @ellemant @niyahsiims @wannabe-simblr @bobnewbie
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freisende · 3 months
Thousand Autumns Audio Drama Ending Song 2 - Cao Mu Bu Xiu Lyrics & Translation
Thousand Autumns Audio Drama Season 2 Ending Theme Song
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Production Team:
Produced by: Sheng Luo Wan Xiang Studio (声罗万象工作室)
Producer: Liao Liao (聊聊)
Lyricist: Zhen Zhu (镇朱)
Composer: Chen Yiming (陈亦洺)
Performed by: Chen Yiming (陈亦洺)
Arranger: Li Dabai (李大白)
Harmony writing/mixing: Cha Xue (茶雪)
Poster: Qin Mo (秦墨)
Inscription: Qiongjiu (穹九)
English Translation: Freiya, credit reference to TreasureChestSubs
The Grass and Trees Remain Eternal
wǒ jièguò yī chuán mèng 
suí mèng tiāndì xié yóu 
chéng wù zhī jí yǐ yǎn kāi jiǔzhōu
lěng yuè tài shòu biàn yǎng yú yī xiù 
mèng jiě lǎn yīgè wǒ dú xiàxíng zhōu 
梦解缆一个我 独下行舟
tì zuórì shàonián 
zhē lái lù báihóng 
bù wèn chūnshān jǐ dié xiàn yún zhōng 
yǒuxīn yú wǒ jiàn shàng huà língluò 
yǔ nǐ xiāng zhuàng huà wàn qiān xīng fēng 
与你相撞 化万千腥风
tòng xǐng hòu jìxù yuǎn zǒu 
bù wèn sìhǎi quàn wǒ hé shí xiū 
cháng'ān lóu shàng yōng rénmíng liú 
rúcǐ dàdào wúyòng jiāng fēngyuè kè sòng 
如此大道无用 将风月刻诵
wǒ jièguò yībēi jiǔ 
mǎn zhēn gǔlǎo xīngdǒu 
nǎge xiào céng ràng wǒ rù qíng zhǒng 
huò shì shānchuān dōu lái cǐ tíngliú 
shì nǐ tà yè érguò zèng wǒ dāofēng 
是你踏夜而过 赠我刀锋
huàn chī zhě jiěmèng 
shēngsǐ qīng fèngsòng 
bù wèn chūnshān jǐ dié xiàn yún zhōng��
yǒuxīn yú wǒ jiàn shàng huà língluò 
yǔ nǐ xiāng zhuàng huà wàn qiān xīng fēng 
与你相撞 化万千腥风
tòng xǐng hòu jìxù yuǎn zǒu 
bù wèn sìhǎi quàn wǒ hé shí xiū 
cháng'ān lóu shàng yōng rénmíng liú 
rúcǐ dàdào wúyòng jiāng fēngyuè kè sòng 
如此大道无用 将风月刻诵
bù wèn chūnshān jǐ dié xiàn yún zhōng 
yǒuxīn yú wǒ jiàn shàng huà língluò 
yǔ nǐ xiāng zhuàng huà wàn qiān xīng fēng 
与你相撞 化万千腥风
tòng xǐng hòu jìxù yuǎn zǒu 
bù wèn tā nián tóng chén wàng yānbō 
duōshǎo gùshì zhuǎnshēn qiānqiū 
xìng dé shì wài xū zhōu huì piāobó jiùyǒu 
幸得世外虚舟 会漂泊旧友
tā xìn shānhé zhǎng yǒu 
cǎomù yì bùxiǔ
English Translation
Once I borrowed a boatful of dreams,
and journeyed through the universe together with these dreams
Taking this opportunity with my own eyes to see the nine states[1]
Keeping the thin, cold moon within my sleeves.
The dream released one of me to descend the boat alone, 
and helped the young man of yesterday
by covering up the way ahead in white moon light[2]
Do not inquire how many layers of spring mountains were wrapped in the clouds,[3]
If the will of my sword to paint the scattered pieces
turns into a thousand gusts of wind when clashing with you together
After being awakened from the pain, I'll continue to travel far away.
Do not ask the four seas to advise me when to rest,[4]
The mediocre man carves his name on the towers of Chang'an.
Thus the Great Way is but a worthless thoroughfare to carve the wind and the moon.[5]
Once I borrowed a cup of wine,
With the ancient stars, toasted a full cup.
Which smile has made me fall in love,
or made the mountains and rivers stay here?
You were the one who strolled through the night and handed me a blade,
For the sake of those with foolish dreams.
Life and death, gifted gently by you
Do not inquire how many layers of spring mountains were wrapped in the clouds,
If the will of my sword to paint the scattered pieces
turns into a thousand gusts of wind when clashing with you together
After being awakened from the pain, I'll continue to travel far away.
Do not ask the four seas to advise me when to rest
The mediocre man carves his name on the towers of Chang'an.
Thus the Great Way is but a worthless thoroughfare to carve the wind and the moon. 
Do not ask him to forget the dust and the smoke in those years,
How many stories have been told in a thousand autumns?
Fortunate to drift with old friends in the ethereal boat.
He believes that the mountains and rivers will last forever,[6]
And the grass and trees will remain there eternally.[7]
*Translator's Notes: [1]This line can also mean ‘riding to the extreme’ to see the nine states. Nine states also refer to the nine provinces in China, also part of the four seas.  [2]This line literally said “white rainbow”, but since there’s a cold moon mentioned before, I think this is actually a moonlight [3]This line literally said ‘do not inquire’, but can also mean ‘no matter’. [4]Four seas in this song mean the world/everywhere/all around the world [5]For me personally I think these two lines described Yan Wushi. The whole reff described how passing through many outcomes and challenges, he had the idea of how human nature is evil, until he stumbled upon a pure mountain, a strong-stanced person (Shen Qiao) in which he began the change of his thinking (to the point of realizing how he was blinded and has been mistaken for a whole long while). [6]The lyrics really is written as ‘he’ [7]In this line it was written literally as immortal/eternal
**The whole song is very complicated in my opinion, and some lines doesn’t really make sense if translated literally, hence I’m also open to suggestions/corrections. 
Navigation Thousand Autumns Audio Drama Season 1 Ending Song: Wo Du San Qian Bian Ni by Xiao Hun Translation Masterlist
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fallangel2368 · 3 months
Fall Angel - Mine (Official Audio)
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marveltrumpshate · 9 months
Want to participate in Marvel Trumps Hate, but don't know what to offer? Think outside the box!
Stumped on what to offer because you don't write fic or draw? Marvel Trumps Hate welcomes a huge variety of fanworks and fan labor (see our sign-up post) so there are different ways you can contribute. You'll be amazed by the breadth of skills, talents, knowledge, and types of creative expression found in fandom!
Here's a smorgasbord of offers that we've either had before or seen people discuss as possibilities for MTH 2023 or future years to help inspire you.
Single-page and multi-page comics
Paintings (oil, acrylic, gouache, watercolor)
Stained glass/suncatcher
Mixed-media artwork on canvas
Ink-on-bristol art
Embroidery on canvas
Pour paint/spin art
Videos (fic trailers, themed edits, vids set to songs)
Cheer reading
Sensitivity reading
Knowledge about specific topics or experiences (e.g., identities, lifestyles, professions, interests, fields of study)
Lip balms
Scented beanbag-style sachets
Candy/chocolate/baked goods
Pins, magnets, patches, charms, standees, key chains, ring holders, calendars, stickers, bookmarks
Ceramic mugs and other items
Apparel/wearable accessories (shirts, jackets, scarves, gloves/mittens, hats, face masks, regular masks, cowls)
Tote bags, itabags with custom window shapes, leather dice bags, wallets, pouches/pencil cases
Plushie animal or Tsum Tsum versions of Marvel characters
Dolls (crochet, needle felt, matte board, hand-sewn)
Embroidery hoops/wall art and cross stitch pieces
Jewelry (diamond painting, macrame, metal, crochet, wire, beads)
Woodwork/wood burning (cheese board, box/chest, USB stick, coasters, photo frame, alphabet blocks)
Custom Funko Pops
Paper cut light boxes
Pillow cases, quilted pillows, baby blankets, dishcloth/washcloths, potholders
Handmade leather journals
Linoleum stamps
Dog toys
Artbooks and paper doll books
Hand dyed yarn skeins
Mood boards
Photo manips
Fic covers/posters/banners
Icons and headers
Tumblr layouts
Names, tags, and summaries for fics
Audio/sound editing for podfics
Book cover design and printing
Art/comic/fic translation
Website/game coding
Meta posts
Social media AUs
Whether you can do something on this list or something else altogether (we're sure there are a lot of other things that you can do that we haven't thought about or seen before), we hope you'll consider signing up before the deadline: September 30, 11:59 PM ET.
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angelfirewalker · 3 months
Yes watching Good Omens yet again ...
"Quelle surprise"
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During the trial in Hell of Crowley (aka Aziraphale disguised as AJC).
There is a line when they ask ...
'Creatures of Hell.... you have heard the evidence against the demon known as Crowley, what is your verdict?'
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Reminds me of a line in Kate Bush song.
It comes from her masterpiece The 9th Wave from 1985.. Side 2 of The Hounds of Love Album. I ADORE it... it was considered very weird and strange back then....and still is to many folks now.
The line comes from a song called Waking the Witch... very apt for Season 1 G.O.
"What say you good people...
Everything I watch the scene, I hear Kate's song in my head.
In many ways, Good Omens opens the files on the hard drive of my memories frequently.....
God only knows what else I will post about my personal triggers from Good Omens...lol!
Original album version of Waking the Witch.
I was lucky enough to see it performed live in 2014, I had wanted to see Kate perform live since her previous tour in 1979 when I was too young to go.
I love Kate's wings as the blackbird part of Waking the Witch as she is in the water, it reminds of Crowley's fallen Angel wings and also when he was being pulled to hell in Edinburgh.
Screenshots from video below .
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Just found this if anyone wants to see The 9th Wave live.
Just audio in next link live.
Kate has become very popular since Stranger Things, but I remember her first appearance on Top of the Pops in 1978.
Kate and David Bowie guided me to Lindsay Kemp as a teenager... somehow, we all find a path if we follow our dreams. I did meet Kate numerous times backstage at Kemp shows as she often came to see Lindsay and Douglas McNicol, who danced with her a lot around 1982....during The Dreaming era.
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Kate and Douglas.
We sadly lost Douglas 2 days after Christmas 2023. Rest in Peace McDougie.♡
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Kate backstage at Sadlers Wells with Lindsay and David Tomlinson (Mary Poppins and Bedknobs fame) 1985.
Kate in front and me behind both in white shirts, I hardly ever wore my hair down when I was working . Lindsay's Onnagata talk at Sadlers Wells 1991.
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The talk, Kate came to with Linds.... you can see her come in and Lindsay telling her to sit with me.
Song Lyrics to waking the witch by Kate Bush .....
Wake up
Good morning, ma'am
Your early morning call
You must wake up
Wake up
Wake up, man
Wake up, child
Pay attention
Come on, wake up
Wake up, love
We should make the night
But see your little lights alive
Stop that lying (ma needs a shower, get out of bed)
And sleeping in bed, get up
Little light
Can you not see that little light up there?
Over here
You still in bed?
Wake up, sleepy head
We are of the going water and the gone
We are of water in the Holy Land of water
Don't you know you've kept him waiting
Look who's here to see you
You won't burn (red, red roses)
You won't bleed (pinks and posies)
Confess to me, girl (red, red roses, go down)
Spiritus Sanctus in nomine
Spiritus Sanctus in nomine
Spiritus Sanctus in nomine
Spiritus Sanctus in nomine
Poor little thing (red, red roses)
The blackbird (pinks and posies)
Wings in the water (red, red roses)
Go down (go down, pinks and posies)
Deus et dei domino inferno
Deus et dei domino inferno
Deus et dei domino inferno
Deus et dei domino inferno
What is it, child?
Bless me, father, bless me father, for I have sinned
Help me, listen to me, listen to me, tell me (red, red roses)
Help me, baby, don't go (red, red ro-)
I question your innocence
She's a witch (help this blackbird, there's a stone around my leg)
Ha, damn you, woman
(Help this blackbird, there's a stone around my leg)
What say you, good people (guilty, guilty, guilty)
Well, are you responsible for your actions? (This blackbird)
Not guilty (help this blackbird)
Wake up the witch
Get out of the waves
Get out of the water
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kittenshouse · 9 months
Hey there. Welcome to the Kitten's House. You can call me Abyssinian.
I'm a one-person archival team dedicated to finding scraps of Weiß Kreuz content that was lost to the death of the old web.
My current goal is to archive the translations of the audio dramas hosted on kekkai.org back in the day. These will be posted simultaneously to this blog and to kittenshouse.gay, when I get the latter set up.
Additionally, I plan to put together a Google Drive where rips of the songs, audio dramas, concerts, interviews, and more can be found. I will also host this content on the Kitten's House website, if I can sort out embeds.
If you are a Weiß Kreuz fan somehow still checking the tags in this day and age, I'll leave my askbox open for requests and inquiries and I'll open my submissions box for scans, videos I missed, et cetera.
The purpose of the Kitten's House is to make Weiß Kreuz content readily available to new and old fans alike, so please, aid me in making this possible.
Thank you,
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twopoppies · 1 year
have you listen to the audio of harry saying, I'm Harry san. so cutee. Anyway, when i heard harry speaking other languages i think of how he learns the language when he's interesented in certain country's culture (ex. italy or japan) but then i dont think he ever learn any french more than je suis allé au cinema avec ma famille et ..., even if he "had" a french gf for over a year, someone who he supposedly heard on the phone speaking french enough times so that one time was recorded organically and then added to a song, wonder how.
I’ve seen him speak a tiny bit of French at concerts, but you’re very right. For someone who supposedly had a French gf, it’s a bit odd. 🙃
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