#even if will were buff (he's not) he can still be feminine
pinkeoni · 5 months
Another big issue with the whole gnc Will debate is that people seem to attribute body type to gender expression, when that kind of thing can be hard to control ESPECIALLY with young actors going through puberty.
it is possible for will to be taller, have fuller arms and a deeper voice and STILL be his sweet, sensitive and delicate self, and it's also possible for Mike to be lanky and still be a brave leader.
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svsss-fanon-exposed · 9 months
Exposing SVSSS Fanon: 16/∞
In fanworks, Luo Binghe is often portrayed as particularly muscular and buff, broad-shouldered, often with tanned skin and sharply-defined features-- all traits that are considered to be stereotypically masculine in the west.
All of this directly contradicts his canonical description.
Necessary disclaimer: I'm not talking against depicting Luo Binghe with a naturally darker skin tone. While that still contradicts the canonical description, I can understand going against colorism (something very rampant in east asian beauty standards!) in fanworks. This sort of discussion is particularly toward those who portray him as fair-skinned on Qing Jing Peak, darker skinned after the abyss, hence "tanned." While this sort of thing might have issues of its own, that's also not the topic of this post, and as a light-skinned Asian person, I don't feel particularly qualified to talk about it.
In truth, deep down, Bing-ge’s fair and clean pretty-boy type didn’t really suit the tastes of “Great Master” Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky.... The art of growing stallions was grounded in science, and the research was clear: women preferred men who looked cultured, pretty, and even a bit soft and feminine. (7 Seas, Ch. 26)
The buff and bulky Luo Binghe often seen in fanworks is not what I would consider to be cultured, pretty, soft, and feminine.
Luo Binghe is described this way just before the conference:
A seventeen-year-old youth, slim and tall and graceful, dressed in white robes, lips turned upward in the hint of a smile, gazed at him with a pair of shining eyes. (7 Seas, Ch. 4)
And again after his return:
The other party was a little taller than [Shen Qingqiu], slender and willowy, dressed in clothes as black as ink that exposed only a fair neck.  (7 Seas, Ch. 7)
And a description of his hands later on:
That hand was slender and unadorned. It didn’t look like the hand of a young lord of the demon race who had already taken countless lives, but rather one whose master had been born to pluck strings, his hand to burn incense and bathe in snow. (7 Seas, Ch. 14)
Consistantly, Luo Binghe is depicted this way-- slender and refined, with fair skin and a softness to his appearance that contradicts his actions.
Furthermore, Luo Binghe is also described as looking very similar to his mother:
Luo Binghe was beautiful, and he looked quite like his birth mother. (7 Seas, Ch. 4)
Yue Qingyuan’s knuckles slowly brushed along Xuan Su’s hilt. “I was able to meet Senior Su Xiyan once at an Immortal Alliance Conference, many years ago. Luo Binghe’s appearance is seven-tenths identical to his mother’s.  (7 Seas, Ch. 18)
As for Su Xiyan's appearance, not much is directly stated-- it can be inferred that she likewise looked quite similar to Luo Binghe, but the only description of her physical appearance that we have is found here:
Even if she wasn’t burly and heavyset, she should at least look like a martial arts master with fierce and ferocious eyes. For all that, when he finally met the culprit behind Tianlang-Jun’s bout of philosophical soul-searching, which had tormented Zhuzhi-Lang for many days, he realized that the culprit in question was not quite like what he’d envisioned... ... Just as these two tourists were standing penniless in the street, a tall woman dressed in black strolled by, sword on her back. (7 Seas, Ch. 25)
The only positive descriptor here is that she is tall, but it can also be implied that she does not have the appearance of a martial arts master, and did not look as fierce and ferocious as Zhuzhi-lang expected, especially in terms of her eyes. However, she is described as a cold person-- whether or not that carried over into her appearance, though, is up for debate.
Su Xiyan's eyes are another matter for discussion--
In appearance, Luo Binghe resembled his mother Su Xiyan, but you could more or less see the shadow of his father in him. For example, in the eyes. Tianlang-Jun’s eyes were deep-set, his brow strong and heroic, the irises dark like fathomless water. In this, he and Luo Binghe were very much alike. Luo Binghe had a pretty boy appearance in the first place, but if his eyes had resembled his mother’s too, his face would have been excessively feminine and the effect would be lost. (7 Seas, Ch. 15)
Here, specifically, Luo Binghe is noted as having his father's strong brow and deep-set eyes, as opposed to his mothers, which based on this passage were most likely to be round, soft, and "feminine"-looking. It's also interesting to see that if not for having his father's eyes, Luo Binghe's features would be "excessively feminine," therefore implying that the softer look applies to all parts of his face except for his eyes and brows.
(thanks to @furbygoblinxiv , @bijoumikhawal for bringing up this point)
So, Luo Binghe is a lithe and petite pretty-boy. Nonetheless, he is still notably muscular. Specifically with a surprising amount of lean muscle-- something that Shen Qingqiu actually remarks on:
Luo Binghe was on top, and Shen Qingqiu was on the bottom, so he was smushed under a considerable weight and almost unable to draw another breath. What had this child been eating?! He looked quite slim, so how was he this heavy?! ... A person’s abdomen is supposed to be the softest spot on their body, but Luo Binghe’s was uncomfortably hard against Shen Qingqiu’s stomach. The farther down he pulled him, the more he was sure that Luo Binghe had an eight-pack. Was that a rock slab down there? (7 Seas, Ch. 16)
(thanks to @verycharismaticdragon for bringing up this point)
As for where the fan depiction of buff, tanned, "hyper-masculine" Luo Binghe may have originated?
I'm not certain where the first such depiction came from, but as for the logic behind it, such phenomena could be explained as thinking of Luo Binghe, the stallion protagonist, as having an "ideal masculine" appearance.
For western audiences and beauty standards, this would certainly be that same sort of muscular, tall, with tanned skin and defined features. Naturally, when first thinking of what a "stereotype of an ideal man" would look like, these traits would come to mind to a western audience.
It is a bit different in eastern standards. While muscular appearances can still be favored, lean muscle is vastly, vastly preferred over bulky muscle, and fair skin, which represents elegance and status (as those with fair skin tones are perceived as those who are wealthy, and do not need to work outdoors) is preferred over tanned skin. This is, of course, a generalization-- but as a representation of ideal masculinity, Luo Binghe's appearance would also be a generalization.
Particularly, Luo Binghe's figure and appearance is described not as those favored by men for themselves, but as those favored aesthetically by women. Therefore, that gentle, refined appearance is a must.
While western vs eastern beauty standards may play a role in this, it is also possible that western vs eastern character design standards may also be coming into play. While in eastern character design, things such as color and style of clothing and hair play a very large role in creating visual contrast, in terms of western designs, body shape and style, along with hair shape and style, seem to be far more important, with the idea that a character should be recognizable by silhouette alone. This may lead to western-trained artists, and also those who grew up watching primarily western cartoons, unconsciously applying those same standards to their own design-- such as making Luo Binghe broader-shouldered and with rounder shapes, the "heroic" type character design, in contrast to sharper, narrower shapes for Shen Qingqiu, the "villain" type character design.
(thanks to @gaywarcriminals , @mu-qingfang-stan-account , @temporoom for bringing up this explanation)
One additional possible reason would be the potential for heteronormative/"het-coding" standards being applied to a gay relationship, where the gong is being given more "traditionally masculine" features in order to align with gender roles. This is something that is fairly common in BL/MLM shipping and designs in general, so it wouldn't be unreasonable to think that it might apply in some fashion to Luo Binghe's fan-design as well (Note, this does not apply to actual fem/masc mlm pairs, because those do exist and it isn't always about heteronormativity. This is specifically referring to taking characters with roughly similar build like SQQ and LBH and making their designs distinctly more masc/fem based on who tops and who bottoms).
(thanks to @mysteryteacup and @gurggggleburgle for bringing this up)
As for the true source of these design elements, it probably cannot be narrowed down to just one-- rather, it would be an amalgamation of bits and pieces of all of the above, as well as the popularity and spread of certain designs throughout the fandom and artists taking inspiration from one another.
So often i've seen that Luo Binghe's bulk and muscles are shown as key traits of his physical appearance, despite the fact that this directly contradicts his actual depiction in the novel. Thus, it is inaccurate to depict him this way.
Luo Binghe's canonical body type and build is tall, slender, and willowy with lean musculature, and his features are soft and a bit effeminate. The best example I could give for reference would be to base his body type off of a pretty-boy type idol.
Of course, fanartists are perfectly free to continue drawing him however they please, but it should not be assumed that a Luo Binghe with bulky musculature, tanned skin, and sharp features is a canon-compliant depiction.
Luo Binghe is a pretty-boy.
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virgobingo · 10 months
maki is an interesting character, bc she is generally acknowledged to be one of gege's best written characters in jjk, period. regardless of gender.
but the reason she is so great, is because her arc is centered around her experiences as a girl in a patriarchal society. not one that fits into the standard either.
she's born into a family that is considered misogynistic by other clans' standards. as a twin, no less, which is considered a bad omen. with little to no curse energy to boot.
still, for a large portion of her life, she desired to prove herself to them. in a way that reminds me of the myth of meritocracy? that idea of "if you work hard enough, you can do anything you want and you can prove yourself to the naysayers."
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but in her journey she learns it's impossible for her to rise in an institution that actively works against her.
this happens, specifically, when she goes to the zenin clan during the culling games (to simply collect tools). she's confronted by reality in ways that echo momo and nobara's conversation (about the weight of misogyny in their lives).
"A scar on the face can be a good thing for guys. But not for girls. You think the world of Jujutsu Sorcerers is based on skills? [It is] Sure. But only for guys. Even if a girl is skilled, if she's not cute, she is looked down upon. Of course, if she's only cute without any skill, it's the same. Women Jujutsu Sorcerers aren't expected to be skilled. They're expected to be perfect." (Momo, Chapter 40)
the first thing she is told when she visits the compound is "yikes, what a face. that ain't gonna heal. what are you gonna do Maki? [...] all you had going was your face and now it's wrecked. no one will even look in your direction anymore." (Chapter 148, p.2-3)
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after that, she crosses paths with her mother, who, at face value, echoes the horror tropes of mothers that "fanatically conform to the institution" (i think her actions later make her more complex).
then, finally, maki comes across her father, who remarks on maki and mai's "worthlessness" to him. he's convinced himself he would be better off in life if they were dead.
maki's continuously told she has no value in this world. for things that are out of her control.
of course, this all leads to the loss of mai, who sacrifices herself in order to essentially push maki forward as a character bc "to gain something, you must offer something," in the world of jujutsu kaisen. this is not exclusive to them. it also leads to mai telling maki something that aligns really well with what "female rage" means to me:
"Destroy… Everything" (Chapter 149, p.12)
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i think there is no amount of climbing you can do in a society that is actively pulling you down. no way to become clan head in an institution that wants you dead.
i believe it's this realization that causes maki to embrace her "monstruous femininity" that ultimately results in her ascension (as a person, as a sorcerer).
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i know some people criticize her decision to kill the zenin in honor of her sister's memory. but, i think the message here is that some institutions simply cannot be reformed.
also, note that with their destruction, maki's narratively released from their expectations.
anyways, what comes after is honestly hilarious. i think it's a mockery of what gege expected misogynistic readers to say. "you're not toji!" (Chapter 151, 6-19) as if drawing a parallel implies that she's his copy.
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another charming detail to maki's character is how sumo helps her find freedom/her groove. considering how, in traditional sumo, "women are considered impure and cannot step into the ring". it's just something so fitting for maki who continually defies gender expectations.
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long post to say: i honestly love her and i think ppl often ignore how entrenched her story is in the female experience bc they just see how buff she is.
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minihotdog · 7 months
Locked Out On Valentine's (Choose Your Ending)
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(Photo Cred: @chatskaja on twitter) <3
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader
Summary: You get locked out on Valentine's Day and have to sleep over at a certain Lt.'s flat.
C/W: Reader is dressed a little inappropriately
A/N: Never tried something like this before so I hope it buffs out. Also, super late Valentine's fic whoops
Word Count: 1k
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“What do you mean he’s not available?!” You stand with your forehead against your door.
“Barrack’s manager is out on leave, he’ll be back tomorrow. Recommend you stay with a friend for now.”
“Wait! Where’s the emergency ma-” *click*
What the fuck!
You huff, banging your head against the outside of your door. Today was one of the worst days of your life. You planned a date with your boyfriend of one year only to be dumped right before you were supposed to meet up. And after bawling your eyes out decide to run out to the fountain to get back the hydration you lost.
The redness around your eyes finally went away but they were so puffy you couldn’t even see your keychain still hanging on the wall.
You’re now stuck in the middle of the hall on Valentine’s Day in a short tank top and your bedtime booty shorts hoping a soul doesn’t appear and see you with all your goods hanging out.
The barracks manager - or whoever that was - told you to find a friend. You didn’t have any here. You’d been in the unit for all of five months and they weren’t all that accepting of new people. They oozed the “prove yourself worthy of our clan” mentality. You roll your eyes just at the thought.
Ughhh. I really don’t want to.
You whine internally as you pull up Cpt. Price’s contact on your phone hoping you’re not interrupting anything.
“Sergeant y/n, what’s the purpose of your call?” He sounds annoyed. You hear a feminine voice in the background and him softly shooshing it.
“Sir! I’ve been locked out of my room and the primary barracks manager won’t be in till tomorrow. I don’t have anywhere to stay.”
“That’s unfortunate, isn’t it?” His voice strains lightly. He’s quiet for a moment and you’re unsure if you’re supposed to say something or…
“I’ll see what I can do. I’ll message you soon.”
You sigh in relief. Maybe he’d contact the emergency manager and they’ll come unlock your door.
You stand with your arms crossed, back against the cold wall for what feels like forever until your phone finally buzzes.
Cpt. Price: Bld 920 Room 1208. Stay there tonight.
You’re about to flood him with questions, like: Where’s the key? Is there someone already there? Who’s room is this? But before you’re done typing he sends one last message.
Cpt. Price: I’m busy tonight with work so no need to thank me. Or call me again.
Work…? Yeah right!
The room was at least in the same building as you. Beats trekking in the snow in slippers and the ungodly attire you have on at the moment.
You make your way up the stairs cursing the base for not putting an elevator in your building. You peer at each door while wandering further down the hall.
1206… 1207… 1208!
You take a deep breath before knocking quietly.
God, I hope it’s at least a woman.
A few seconds go by before the door swings open. You stand wide-eyed. If you had less control your jaw would be on the floor too.
You stare back at your Lt. in all his glory. He stares back at you in nothing but low-hanging sweatpants. His blond hair is disheveled, the color matching the patch of hair on his bare sculpted chest. You’d seen him maskless before but from afar. He’s someone many avoided, his demeanor wasn’t exactly inviting and his wrath, from the rumors, was even worse.
The light flooding through the door frame illuminates his face enough to show the fine features up close. The scars running through his lips and cheeks only add to the stirring inside you that’s leaving you speechless. 
As you try to stop yourself from ogling him right here and now he notices your eyes popping out of your skull and softly blows air out of his nose.
Is he laughing at me?
He decides to finally break the staring contest.
“What d’you want, pet?”
You stutter a bit before getting the words out,
“I got locked out, the captain told me to come here. He didn’t tell me it was your place.”
It was his turn to let his eyes wander. His eyes rake over your tank top, your arm over your chest to conceal the fact you’re braless, your exposed stomach and shorts that barely did their job as clothes. You stand there waving your water bottle around as you speak, completely unaware of the look on his face.
A smirk pulls at one of his lips as he listens to you ramble about the barracks managers not doing their jobs. Your voice gradually gets higher the angrier you get.
“What the hell are you wearin’?” He interrupts.
“Why are you answering the door half-naked?” You shoot back.
He sneers, “You show up at my door wantin’ a place to stay and you have an attitude?” He pulls his phone from his pocket seeing a barely coherent message from Price.
“Fine. No point in arguin’, Price is probably with the missus, doesn’t want to be bothered.” He steps to the side allowing you to come in. You cautiously accept and step into the space.
His place was neat, and well-kept, more like an apartment rather than the prison they kept you in. You turn back to look at him and notice the tattoos covering the skin of his arm. He pretends not to notice you checking him out as he walks to the hallway closet and pulls out a pillow and blanket.
He hands them to you, “Is that enough or d’you need a bedtime story too?”
“Little Red Riding Hood’s my favorite, please.” You snark, as you drop the pillow and lean over to throw the blanket over the cushions. You swear you hear his breath catch in his throat but get quickly covered up by him clearing his throat.
“So… What are you up to on Valentine’s Day?” You prod hoping to learn something about the most feared individual of the unit.
“Just another day, means nothin’.” He leans against the wall behind him. You sit with your legs crossed on the almost comically large couch, probably custom-made for his giant ass. You lean on your hand and look up at him.
“Is that so?”
“What happened to that muppet you’re always moanin’ bout? Should be with him.” He tilts his head to the side.
“Nah, he’s no good. Decided he liked by friend better.” You laugh sadly. “Can’t seem to keep them this time of year. I’m too cool for it.” You try to joke but end up cringing on the inside. His chest rises with a soft chuckle.
“That right?”
“You know it.” You wink at him.
The two of you go quiet for a moment. 
He decides to break the silence.
”You want some tea, love?
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*** Decision Time ***
Why not? I'm already here and he's being nice. Sure, I'll have some tea.
I don't wanna be a bother. He's already having to let me stay over. I'm gonna pass on tea.
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tmntfixationxreader · 8 months
"I just read your Donnie fic and I am in LOVE with the way you write. Sometimes I feel like fics don't really show the emotions of the turtles beyond being shy around reader and I appreciate fluff where the characters actually interact and have a meaningful moment without it having to be sexual. So let me just say your writing feeds my soul. I love it.
That being said can I request a Raph x fem reader crack oneshot?
Reader was a friend of April and April decided that it would be good to introduce the turtles and reader. Little did she know that reader had a thing for big buff dudes, to the point that she goes from generally outgoing to extremely shy within seconds. So when she meets Raph she gets quiet, avoids eye contact, and fidgets frequently. Raph calks it up first time nervousness because he knows that he can be a bit intimidating. Reader eventually starts hanging around the turtles more often and gets closer with Donnie, Leo, and Mikey but is still shy around Raph and it ends up hurting his feelings. He feels like he's too scary and starts avoiding reader. Obviously this is the opposite of what the reader wanted, especially after getting to know him a little bit better and liking him even more.
Bonus points if the reader is taller than most her peers and a bit stronger to so she is often viewed as not feminine. So in order to seem more feminine she wears baggy clothing and curls in on herself to feel small. Happy ending please🙇‍♀️
Sorry if this is too long or too specific 😫 I just really like the way you write and I feel like I can trust you with an idea that is so dear to my heart!!!
Make sure to rest and drink some water.❤️"
♡All requests are anonymous, so here is the copy and pasted ask♡
Thank you so so much for the kind words!! I really appreciate and it fuels me to keep writing <3 Also, I did drink some water.
Here is your request! I hope It is how you wanted it :)
♡You don't scare me♡Raph x Fem!Reader♡
~When you get nervous around Raph, he’s worried you are scared of him~
Word count: 3,237 (longest one-shot so far)
Warnings: Fluff, Fem reader, strong/tall reader, reader attracted to strong guys, squishmallows.
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When Apri skipped up to you, bag over her shoulder with more than a few pencils falling out the back end, you knew immediately she had planned something. 
She was panting, and smiled excitedly at you. “Y/n! Guess what?”
You smile at her, stopping and helping her pick up the pencils that had just fallen out. “What?”
“So you know those friends I told you about?? The ones that don’t go to school here?” She said, grabbing the pencils with you and shoving them messily back into her bag.
“Yeah! That's the brothers right?” You say, standing back upright after you had collected the last of the pencils.
You were easily a head taller than April, had broader shoulders, and had some pretty good muscles on you. From April being small and lesser on the muscle scale, and you being tall and muscular, the comparison made many people do a double take. It just heightened the differences you two had. You two didn’t care though, you liked yourselves just as you two were. And if there were days when you would doubt it, then April was always, always here to prove just how great you were. Just like you were always there for her.
She nodded excitedly. “Yes! Mikey, Leo, Donnie-”
“And Raph,” You finished, grinning, and April nodded happily. “You talk about them a lot.”
She laughed, and you two began walking. “Yeah, I guess I do… Anyways, I had a chat with them and they invited me to bring you to their- er- house!”
Your face lit up with excitement. April had talked about these guys for years. It was about time your finally meet them
“Heck yeah! When can we go?” You ask, putting one hand into your baggy hoodie pocket. You always wore baggy clothes. 
April smiled, pushing her red glasses back up into place on her nose. “After school! If you're not busy.”
You shook your head. “Nope! I’m not busy, I would love to meet them.”
April grinned. “Perfect! I’ll let ‘em know, and we can go after school!”
April found you immediately after school, which wasn’t hard. You two usually walked home together on most days anyways.
What you weren’t expecting was how far away their house was.
It seemed like you two were just walking until the crowd of kids faded away, which turned out to be the idea.
When April turned and went into an alleyway, you got really confused.
“An… Alley?” You said, raising an eyebrow and following her anyways. You trusted April, and knew she wasn’t going to lead you anywhere dangerous. 
April nodded her head side to side. “Well… Yes.. I mean, they aren’t living in the alley…”
She walked over to the sewer gate and lifted the lid. You stared at the sewer entrance.
You raised an eyebrow, and put a hand on your hip.“Ok, you’ve got to be kidding me.”
You trusted April. She had been your best friend for a long time. You two had done a lot of crazy things when you were little; from pulling amazing parkour stunts on the couches to playing Floor is Lava. You two did it all. Now that you two were older, you had broadened the area of things you two could do; the mall, movies, drawing,  unfortunately homework, and you still were the all-time champion of floor is lava.
Even after everything, how April managed to convince you to go into the sewers, you still didn’t know.
That didn’t matter now, you were walking in a sewer tunnel next to April, narrowly dodging some unmentionable things you avoided looking at.
But in all honesty, it wasn’t that bad. It was at first, but the further and closer you got the cleaner it was. Soon the smell went away entirely, and the tunnel was empty and clean. The smell was so gone, that you actually started smelling… Pizza?
The sheer thought of smelling pizza in a sewer tunnel attempted to trigger your gag reflex.
“April… is that pizza?” You ask, feeling nauseated and looking at her like this whole thing was crazy. You were open minded, but this was getting crazy.
April smiled and nodded. “Heh, yeah, the boys like pizza… Mikey is probably cooking some.”
“Ok… So how close… are… we?”  You trail off as you turn a corner, seeing an entrance to what you could only assume was the brothers house. It looked really nice on the inside, from what you could see. Pizza boxes, skate ramps- like the whole place was a skate park on the inside. And that was only what you could see.
April stepped inside. 
"She’s here!” She called into the layer.
“Ok!” A light-toned male voice called back. “Tell us when you're ready!”
April turned back to face you.
You glanced around to see the lack of brothers. “Are… They hiding?”
April nodded nervously. “There’s a couple of things I need to explain first…”
You raised an eyebrow and fidgeted with your hoodie drawstrings. It wasn’t out of nervousness, you were excited.
“Ok… What is it?” You ask. 
April nodded her head side to side. “So… Before you meet them, you need an open mind.”
“April, you know me. I am a very open minded person- as long as they aren't walking crocodiles living in the sewers I'm fine.”
April blinked. “How does a turtle sound?”
You raised both eyebrows. “I like turtles… But what does that have to do with them?”
April smiled slightly. “Mikey, why don’t you come on out!” 
You got slightly excited; you had heard so much about the brothers already, and knew that Mikey was the artistic younger brother.
Mikey slowly side-stepped out from around the corner, a large smile on his face. 
He was… Green? With an orange mask and a… Turtle shell??
Your jaw dropped and you blinked. You were frozen like that for a while. 
Mikey turned kind of shy, giving a small wave.
You waved back, and finally took a breath. “M… Mikey?”
His face lit up into a smile. “Yep! I’m Mikey!!”
You smile a little. “Wow! You're a… Turtle!!”
Mikey smiled back. “Yep! A mutant turtle teenager!”
You smiled back happily, taking a step towards him, and walking around him. You were a head taller than he was. You looked down at his shell, his green skin, and the yellow spots on his shoulders.
“Wow!” You exclaimed, looking back at April, who smiled. “Wait- are your brothers turtles too??”
Mikey nodded. “Yep! Would you like to meet them?”
You nodded, smiling, eyes wide with shock and excitement.
“Leo! Donnie! Come on out!” Mikey called. 
A turtle in a blue mask came out around the corner. The first thing you noticed was that he was a different color green, and he had red crescents around his eyes. He was as tall as you were, close enough that you could probably only tell who was taller by standing side by side.
He waved his hand.
“What’s up Y/n! I’m Leon!” He said in his show-offey-tone. 
You waved back. “Hi Leon!” You said happily.
A turtle in purple came out next. You noticed he had a head wrap instead of a bandana, and he had a pair of goggles mounted on his head. His shell looked different too, like it was metal. And you more than quickly realize it was.
“My name is Donnie, Donatello, and to my loving brother here, Donald,” He said with a sarcastic monotone voice.
You smile, watching Leo lean an arm on Donnie’s shoulder. You give Donnie a wave too.
“Wait, isn’t there one more brother?... Raph right?” You ask the brothers. 
Mikey nods. “Yes in deedy! But there is something you should know first… Raph is a little… Bigger than the rest of us. He wanted me to tell you that first before you met him.”
You shrug. “I am bigger than most people my age, too.”
Mikey smiles. “He may look big and scary, but he really is the sweetest guy…”
You smile and nod, looking around the corner to where the other brothers came out from. 
“Raph? You can come out,” You say.
Then, a turtle who was two heads taller than Leo, and at least twice his size, came out around the corner. He was strong, his arms and legs loaded with muscle, and he had spikes protruding from the top and back of his plastron and back of his shell. 
One small tooth poked out from the right side of his mouth, and he smiled nervously when he spoke, clearly shy.
“Hi… I’m Raph...”
You smiled, and gave him a nervous wave. For someone who was generally outgoing, you suddenly became very shy. You didn’t know exactly why.
Raph smiled, and looked towards Mikey with a smile. For him, it was just a win that you didn’t run away.
“H-hi Raph… I’m Y/n,” You say, smiling up at him but, then looking away back at the other brothers as you felt it growing harder and harder to keep eye contact.
Raph beamed, and nodded happily. “Nice to meet you!”
The brothers and April smiled.
The pizza timer dingged, and everyone looked towards the doorway to the kitchen. 
“Time to eat! Y/n, how do you feel about pizza?” Mikey asked, rocking on his heels excitedly.
You grinned at him. “I love pizza!”
It had been about a month since then, and you and April would hang out with the turtles everyday after school.
You and the turtles had gotten closer, you would play games with Leo and Donnie, and make art with Mikey. You really wanted to train or hang out with Raph, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to do it. Something about him was just so… You didn’t want to explain it. But whatever it was, it was making you nervous. You would fidget, avoid eye contact with him, and get much, much quieter. You just couldn’t get yourself to stop being so shy around him, even though you really wanted to hang out with him. 
April and the other brothers didn’t seem to notice, and if Raph noticed. He had avoided you multiple times before. He knew he was big, scary and intimidating, and he thought you just hadn’t gotten used to him yet.
“Hey guys! How about we play a board game?” Mikey called out to the others from where he was playing his video game with you. You had gotten pretty good at that fighting game, and Mikey was getting a little playfully worried that you would beat him soon. That was his high score on the line after all.
You grinned. “Perfect!”
“That sounds great!” April said excitedly, then got up from her spot next to Leo. The two of them had been watching a cartoon on his phone. “I’ll go get one!”
Raph came excitedly into the room, ushering Donnie in as well. Donnie didn’t seem all that pleased about the idea, but perhaps that was just the aloof-bad-boy persona he was trying to perfect.
Everyone gathered around the table, standing over it as April brought in the game, she had chosen Sorry.
You were bubbling with excitement as everyone gathered around… Until Raph took his spot across from you, smiling that adorable smile that had been playing on loop in your head for the past few weeks.
Your heart (for reasons you didn’t want to sort out-) started to flutter again. You took a firm hold of your hoodie drawstrings, seeming to shrink a little. Your smile was still genuine, but it seemed lesser, like you were suddenly self conscious and shy.
The others didn’t notice as they were setting up the game, but Raph did. He always did. He always noticed that you got nervous around him. He really did think you were just shy around him at first, but you had known him for weeks and you still were like this… 
Raph’s smile seemed to fade a little too. 
Just as they were handing him his game token, he put his hands up and took a step backwards. 
“Sorry guys, Raph just forgot that he was supposed to help Dad clean up the living room…” Raph said, speaking in the third person again. Normally you thought that it was adorable when he did that, but something about the way that he was speaking seemed off.
Mikey raised an eyebrow. “You can do it after, I’m sure Dad wouldn't mind if-”
“No, no, Mikey, I told him I would… You guys go ahead and play. Raph’ll catch up with you later…” He said, and walked off towards the living room where his dad was always watching his commercials.
The brothers exchanged glances, and April got up to go after him, when you stopped her. 
“I’ll go get him. You guys go ahead and start, Raph and I will join in the next round,” You say, and follow where Raph had left.
Raph wasn’t in Splinter's room.
You checked the dojo, and the skate ramp before finally finding him in his room.
You heard moving from within his room, but his curtain was pulled covering the door so you didn’t let yourself in. Instead you knocked on the doorframe.
“R-Raph? Are you coming?” You asked.
“Uh- Y/n… Yeah, I’ll be there in a minute…” Raph said. You stood quietly for a moment.
“Can I come in?” You asked.
“Yeah… Sure,” He said. 
You stepped through the curtain into his room. He was sitting on his bed, the mattress bowing beneath his weight. 
His room was nice, a few posters, some weapons hung up, and a few scratches on the walls from his spikes. It was pretty clean, surprisingly.
The one defining feature was the squishmallow on his bed, each neatly in place. That made you smile. 
He watched you expressionless for a moment.
You watched him. 
“Can I sit down…?” You asked quietly. He nodded.
You sat down next to him. It was weird being smaller than someone, you were normally much taller than the rest of your peers, so sitting next to someone so much bigger than you was almost a relief. You more than often hunched over to make yourself feel smaller, but next to Raph you felt like you didn’t have to do that. It makes you feel more comfortable in your own skin.
Raph watched you for a moment. “Why did you come to get me?”
You shrug, playing with your hoodie drawstrings again. “The others got worried when you left, so I volunteered to come and get you.”
Raph nods a little. “But… Why?”
You shrug again, seeming nervous. “I wanted you to come and play.”
Raph looked slightly surprised, shifting so he was facing you. “But… You don’t like Raph. I make you scared… Why would you want me there?”
You look extremely confused. “What? Scared? You don’t make me scared, Raph.”
Raph shook his head, his voice quiet. “But I do… I'm big… I’m scary… I make you scared..”
You looked at him like he was crazy. “What? Why would I be scared of you! You're one of the sweetest guys I’ve ever met!”
He blushes a little at the compliment. “But… You're always fidgeting when you're around me… You get quiet. You don’t like hanging out with Raph.”
You shake your head, reaching up and putting a hand on his shoulder. 
“I love to hang out with you, Raph… Actually it’s been making me a little disappointed that you keep avoiding me.”
Raph nodded. “Sorry… Raph just thought you would like it better if I stayed away…” His eyes dropped down to the mattress.
You shook your head. “Raph, why would you think that? You don’t make me scared, or intimidated at all…” 
“Y/n, I’m a giant mutant snapping turtle. You do get nervous around me. You don’t have to be sorry for that, I get it,” He said, attempting to give you a fake smile, but you saw right through it.
“Raph… I do get nervous around you, but it’s not because I think you're scary. Promise… But I get where you're coming from… Actually, you're a lot like me. I’m so much bigger than everyone else my age, and I'm not trying to brag, but I'm pretty strong in comparison to them, too. I’ve had a lot of people avoid me before.”
Raph looks at you, waiting for you to continue. When you don’t, he speaks.
“So… If you're not scared… Then why are you so nervous?” He asks. You put your hands in your lap and fidget a little again.
“W-well… See… I…” You stutter.
Raph looks confused. 
You sigh, taking a deep breath.
“Well, I… I kind of have a thing for big strong guys…” You mutter.
Raph blinks, and blushes without his expression changing. 
His eyes widened. “Oh- so you're not scared of me- you… you just have a thing for big strong guys?”
You nod a little, feeling your own cheeks burn.
Raph’s eyes widen even more. “Wait- I’m a big strong guy!”
You chuckle, and nod. 
His jaw drops momentarily and he blushes. “Ohhhh- so you think i’m-” He puts a finger to his chest and waits for you to speak.
You nod again. “Y-yeah…”
His face lights up into a bright smile. “S-so you think I’m… Attractive?”
“Yeah… Very…” You say, feeling your cheeks burn. You are smiling a little, but taking out all of your nerves on your hoodie drawstrings.
Raph grins and he blushes. “So you're not scared of me?”
You shake your head, smiling.
Raph nods, grinning. He blushes a little more. “Y/n… Can I tell you something?”
You nod, still blushing. “Of course…”
“Well… I kind of have a thing for strong girls…” He smiled, face as red as his mask.
You blush, looking down at the mattress with a grin.
“So… You…” You say and wait for him to answer.
He nods. “You probably don’t realize it… But you're really cute, Y/n…” He blushes a lot.
You smile, blushing and feeling awkward. “T-Thanks…”
You two sit in the silence for a moment.
“So… You probably think that someone as big and strong as I am is weird for collecting squishmallows then…” Raph said, feeling slightly embarrassed.
You immediately shake your head. “Nope! I’ve got a few at home too.”
Raph’s eyes lit up. “Really! What ones? What are their names?”
You grin. “I’ve got Abby the octopus, Caddie the cat, and Darex the dinosaur!”
Raph grinned. “Cool! I have quite a few… I can show you if you want!”
You nod excitedly, and Raph shifted so he could show you his collection better…
For the next half hour, you and Raph talk about both of your squishmallows, and the conversation slowly shifts from your favorite tv shows, to your favorite foods, and your favorite music.
You and Raph learned a lot more about each other, and you two grew much, much closer.
Eventually April comes up to say the second round is starting, and you two play the game with the others. 
And this time, when Raph stands across the counter from you and smiles that adorable smile of his, you smile back. 
And if you get nervous, he knows it’s not about his appearance or that you think he’s scary… 
…It’s because you like him…
…And he might just like you back…
Hope you like it! Thank you very much for the request! <3
This one ended up being longer, my brain took the story and ran with it lol
I am currently working on 4 other requests, and I will write them in the order I received them :)
Master post
Bye bye Butterflies!!
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Bloody Painter Headcanons
Did y’all miss these? Idc if this seems like a weird direction to go from my past two HC lists, I’ve always loved Helen as a character and I just went and read up on all the compiled lore DeluCat made of him years ago, and I got some HCs fresh in my mind!
I used THIS YouTube video from DeluCat herself as my main source, assume anything I don’t list/discuss here is filled in by anything here. I’m actually really impressed that she did so much research on different serial killers, psych ward operations, and violent crimes to make Helen as realistic as possible.
Expect canon typical horror/mature topics being discussed from this point forward, nothing is censored beyond this point!!!!
Roughly about 25, give or take a few years
STRICTLY he/him, will react violently if anyone calls him different pronouns, especially feminine ones
Despite this, he’s definitely not cis (it’s actually canon that he’s agender! Friendly reminder that pronouns =/= gender)
Like bro you were literally raised to have a gender crisis. Everyone point and laugh at the egg
Jeff used she/her for him once as a joke and he still has deep scars from what Helen decided to do to him
Like I shit you not, Helen took a sizable chunk of skin out of Jeff’s back, and only stopped because Eyeless Jack physically had to hold him back until Jeff left his line of sight
You wouldn’t even expect such violent outbursts from this guy considering how normally calm he is
Barely talks at all tbh
Like, he’ll interact politely with most of the residents of the mansion and isn’t turned off by conversation, but don’t expect him to hold a full conversation if he deems you boring or unimportant
Which tbh he probably will, he’s not super big on friendships considering how his last one went
Mostly prefers to keep to himself and is often in the more run down/abandoned wings of the manor
Has a naturally more feminine looking face (long eyelashes, smaller nose, etc) and does nothing to try and fix/hide it
Has converted one of the dilapidated rooms into an “art” studio
And by art. Heh. Let’s just say. Corpses
No actually he really just has an entire room dedicated to some of the most fucked up art a person is capable of making
Sculptures made out of bones and flesh, jars filled with coagulated blood submerging his taxidermy projects, eyeball jewelry, teeth jewelry, paint made from pummeled organs and flesh, brandings and etchings on stretched human skin, plushies made of human hair, he’s got it all
He also makes more “normal” art, which in reality is just more traditional mediums that still depict his usual obsessions with violence
Has gotten used to the scent of rot and decay like pretty much every resident has, but is one of the few who enjoys it
Is very selfish, self centered, and has an ego larger than Texas
Him and Ben have a somewhat transactional relationship; Helen films all the depraved torture and crafting he enacts and shares it with Ben, and Ben prints out news articles of Helen’s crimes for Helen to make art with, or just look at to admire his handiwork
ZERO empathy. His morals heavily align with the BEN AI, and even somewhat Slenderman’s
Hates animals. Not cause he’s scared of them or anything, but because he finds their existence useless
…unless he’s using it for fucked up taxidermy
LOVES torture the same way Eyelss Jack loves vivisections
One of his favorite things to do is rip a person’s fingernails out one by one, and then severing the hand and using the bleeding nail beds as the world’s most fucked up large paintbrush
Besides art, he loves to read. Kind of a given considering he’s basically the quiet kid
Loves depraved horror novels and serial killer memoirs/autobiographies
Can speak fluent Chinese, and often shit talks other pastas to their faces without them even knowing
Kagekao learned Chinese just so the two could gossip
Similar to EJ, has a more “buff” physique and has been seen breaking bones effortlessly. When you’ve been murdering steadily for over a decade at this point you kinda just learn where the weak/break points are in the human body
Can improvise anything into a weapon
Actually he really loves killing people with unconventional murder weapons. Scenes are often found with things like metal straws lodged in a victim’s sternum, or the top of a bowling pin shoved down a victim’s throat so far their jaw broke and the victim subsequently choked on their own blood from their shattered teeth
He’s gotten so good at this that the other pastas will literally make a game out of it and challenge him to use an outlandish item as a weapon the next time he kills
“Okay okay how about a bong” “are you being serious right now” “just answer the question art boy” “twice, actually. Though technically I think one of them was a really weird ceramic frog instead. That, or a pcp pipe.” “Awesome”
Hates removing his mask around anyone he’s not acquainted with
Gets reeeaaalll fuckin quiet too
Has gotten so good at being stealthy he doesn’t even alert or startle people like Eyeless Jack does
Surprisingly enough he actually gets enough sleep compared to most of the other residents of the manor
He’s also able to get comfortable and sleep practically anywhere, in the weirdest positions too. Is often found passed out in his studio sitting up, or laying on the floor covered in metal torture tools and bones
Despite his lack of empathy, his blood boils and he seethes if anyone dares to mess with Sally
The first day he stumbled across the manor and introduced himself by what the media called him, Sally gave him a drawing of himself, and he vowed on the spot to look out for the little snot
Is already a naturally patient person, and is incredibly patient and gentle when explaining how to do specific art things to Sally
Jokingly “agrees” with Sally about not liking doctors whenever she’s around eyeless Jack (though in his case he hates psych doctors vastly more than physical ailment doctors)
Back to the patience thing: will stalk a victim for months to toy with them. He has an eternity to do this to people with his newfound abilities granted to him by slenderman, why rush?
Helen 🤝 BEN/Ben = malewhore mansplain manipulate
Will say anything to get what he wants
Thinks in a very transactional and technical way. If you don’t do or offer something to benefit him first, he doesn’t even see you as a person
Is friends/close with: Sally, Eyeless Jack, BEN/Ben, Jason, Ann, and KageKao
Has a tolerable relationship with/is very neutral about: Masky, Hoody, Jane, Liu, Puppeteer, LJ, and Slenderman
Doesn’t get along with/HATES: clockwork, Nina, and Jeff
Him and Jason often collaborate together on pieces involving still living people
Him and Ann have a mutual distaste for doctors/hospital settings, and can often be found stitching up their wounds (or sometimes in Helen’s case a piece involving human flesh) together
Ace, heavily questioning if he’s aro too
He finds Ann aesthetically pleasing to look at, but his thoughts don’t go any further than that. Often uses her as figure practice (with her consent)
Is mainly fascinated by the fact she’s a walking sentient corpse
Tried cannibalism once, wasn’t a fan
Tried going to both Eyeless Jack and Ann once during a dysphoria-spurred panic attack and begged for bottom surgery
“But why tho” “I’m ace. I don’t need it. Don’t women who never want to get pregnant get rid of their uteruses anyways?” “Well, yes, but-“ “so help me god get this thing off my body”
Obviously one of the few times he actually doesn’t appear calm and put together to people. Tries his damn hardest to hide these panic attacks unless around Eyeless Jack or Ann. Would be mortified if Ben, Sally, or any of the loud judgmental pastas saw him in this state
Gives a lot of his full corpse art pieces a physical sex swap
You’re dead but hey free top surgery and you get to be fucked up art
Honestly doesn’t give a shit about symbolism, makes art of whatever he wants/feels like and makes it pretty clear there’s no hidden meaning
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alisaint · 5 months
Bravery is literally one of will's core traits, so your side trying to erase that and make him into some powerless, delicate, dainty crybaby is genuinely depressing. Will stans are constantly in the trenches to rescue Will from these unfair boxes, and it's like your taking all the things will haters believe about will and then saying, "actually, you're right," instead of challenging those assumptions/stereotypes.
But of course, Will can't be brave and also be the eternally vulnerable feminine damsel in distress y'all clearly want him to be, so you erase Will's canonical bravery in favor of exaggerating Mike's bravery. They both have shown bravery, and they both have shown fear as well.
Why would you even ship byler if you believe will is eternally helpless and wimpy and mike has to step in and save him all the time??? If that was actually their dynamic, that would be weird and lopsided. But that's just... not what happens in the show?
They both are equals. Within the canon of Stranger Things.
It's not about making the characters into "yaoi" whatever, nor is it about buff byers or anything like that. It's about actively making Will out to inherently be cowardly, equating sensitivity with weakness, and then claiming you're following canon, when no? You're viewing things through an incredibly biased filter. And it's very backwards.
have you ever interacted with someone in the real physical world? for extended periods of time? perhaps even through turmoil? do you remember what school was like and the other kids you went to school with? have you ever looked at the world, the horrors that occur in it, and how that changes people? have you ever gone to a nursing home or an assisted living center? have you ever met someone with a disability? have you ever met multiple kinds of gay people, including the ones that fit stereotypes? have you ever looked at gay history and the people that made it up, many of whom are what we based stereotypes off of? my final question was going to be, have you experienced enough growth and development to understand this thing called nuance?, but i can see by your elementary, defensive, and frankly unrealistic way of thinking, not to mention the "sides" comment lol, that the answer to that question is no.
will is a crybaby, because he cries a lot. why is that a bad thing? is it because he's a boy? his life fucking sucks. of course he's going to cry a lot.
he *is* mostly powerless. he can't defend himself against bullies or monsters or vecna. he always needs help and that's okay.
he is delicate. he requires careful handling which is why everyone approaches him differently than they do others. this isn't the same as babying him, it's just having tact. he's also a sensitive kid. emphasis on sensitive, and emphasis on the fact that he's still a kid. also, he is liable to break. he's gay in a small town and feels alone and scared and is in love with someone he not only thinks he'll never have a chance with but who is in love with his sister/other friend. he's in a very vulnerable position to be approached again by vecna, not even counting the other reasons like ptsd, abuse, etc.
no one is erasing will's bravery. in my rb i even mentioned that i think fans were voting will bc they were thinking of his ability to persevere. still, that's different and the poll asks who's bravER. as in who is more brave. and i think that mike is more brave, because even when it comes to stuff like internal struggles... you still need to pry that shit out of will and he only comes clean at the last possible moment when he can no longer keep it to himself without hurting someone.
like i said, he chickened out of telling mike. he didn't want to believe or trust himself in s3 and only said smth when it could no longer be denied without people possibly getting hurt. in s2 he keeps it to himself until joyce makes him talk by telling him she already knows. etc etc.
will is brave. he's brave for wanting to get his truth off his chest even though he can't. he's brave for telling mike that yes he did want to spend forever with him n bringing it up again a year later. he's brave for saying WHO CARESSSSSS abt your relationship problems. he's brave for sticking up to the shadow monster. he's brave for running to the shed to load that gun as a last resort. he was brave to spy back on the shadow monster. but that does not mean he was able to see that bravery through all the way every single time. and you know who does? mike.
also, it is possible to be brave and be a damsel in distress. remember when will told them to close the gate? he was in trouble and he was still willing to go down if it meant saving everyone else. it's almost like your black and white thinking is nonsensical, not even canon-based, and not at all what i've ever argued.
mike's bravery doesn't need to be exaggerated either. it speaks for itself. i and everyone else defending mike in those tags just stated point blank what he did. we didn't need to exaggerate anything lol. but hey it's kinda funny and cool for him that you think just listing his accomplishments is a brag in and of itself lmaoooo
will and mike are complementary, and it's their complementary matching puzzle piece parts that once put together make them equal. i mean, obviously they're equal human beings on their own. but they have qualities that balance each other out and work off of each other in ways that make them a formidable duo. that's why will is so in love with him and even aside from the romance trusts mike more than anyone, and why mike feels at home with will by his side, most himself when with will, and why he can't make it work with el.
also, you sound like a dumbass insinuating that i believe sensitivity is weakness. you're talking to a damn war vet lmao that's why i couldn't tell if you were mocking me with your first message. i've been yelling for yearsssss that will's sensitivity that is perceived as a weakness by antagonists in canon is precisely his strength and what has saved his life.
you sound like a dumbass in general by acting like any of these "negative" traits are bad. newsflash dude everyone has moments when they're cowardly! not everyone in the world is a fighter! sometimes people have ptsd and other disorders that make them freeze up! some people, including boys/men, cry a lot! sometimes people are more brave than others! that's just life!!!!!!! i literally don't know what to tell you. these things make will more real. they make mike more real too. i don't know why you think they're such bad things.
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alexissara · 2 months
My Fire Emblem: Three Houses/Hopes OCs.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses is one of my biggest fandoms ever, generally speaking Fire Emblem is probably one of the only fandoms I'd consider myself to be in or have ever been in. Everything else, I feel like i'm more on the outside of things I like, not as into it as people who are "in fandom" are or have since grown uninterested in. Even for things I barely enjoy sometimes I like to make OCs for the universe just for fun cuz I enjoy it as a writing experience and an expression of creativity so of course I have made my fair share of OCs set in the Three Houses universe.
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Xel is a young woman from Duscur who witnessed her fathers death at the hands of Dimitri when he participated in the genocide of her people. She is the last living member of her bloodline, even family friends were all killed who were of Duscur. She was forced to live on her own as a child, ending up fighting in the shadey underground arena of Fargus where the allegedly civilized nobles came to bet on what warrior would win or lose in bloody combat. She took some merc work from time to time the arena tiring on her soul but eventually it was at the Arena where she met the two women who would lead to her going to the officers Academy, Catherine and Cornella. At the arena she also got into sex work as she got older having people asking for a night with the buff warrior woman and accepting the money given her dire need for it.
Xel has a total contempt for Faerghus as a nation and wishes to see it burn to ashes regardless of who's hands it is at. However, her rage and cynical side stay mostly hidden as she attempts her best to present as feminine, delicate and soft. Xel is a trans woman who was accepted by her family and culture but lost her resources and acceptance with the death of her people. She was already not keen on fighting and wished to study magic but instead had to hone her arms for the arena becoming a world class brawler. Still she attempted to present feminine and did her best to salvage for what she could to continue a transition. She is my most dysphoric trans OC and often finds herself struggling between what she is good at and what she wants to be.
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Xel is childhood friends with Byleth, both of whom were young and trans and met up together with their partners both seeking to support their child who knew their gender early. Xel's mother was a merc who had worked with Jearlt a few times so they had let the two have play dates and spend as much time as they could stationed there together. Xel learned Archery from her mother as well as the fundamentals of how she would later fight with her fists while she got her inspiration for magic from her studious father who worshiped the spirits and saw magic as a means to be closer to him.
She ended up working in the same company as Shez for some time before returning to the Arena making her connected to both mercs. Her connection to Cornelia started as a private engagement in sex work, a rare woman who wanted the lesbian and actually treated her as a woman. Cornelia assisted in funding her stay at the officers academy while Catherine was impressed with her skills in the arena and recommend her to the school getting her enrolled. Catherine see's Xel as a potential apprentice who can carry on her legacy whenever that time came although Xel disinterest in the faith troubles her.
I am still exploring Xel's arc and where it might go, she may get a buff to her faith magic spell list after some experiments from Cornelia who wants to take her as a long term lover once she can get her ascended to a higher status. Xel has her heart set on Byleth and Shez but Shez wants Byleth dead and it places her in a very complicated situation. Xel is a Black Eagle but the older women in her life both eventual enemies of Edelgard. Xel is in school with the boy who murdered her peace loving father and can barely contain her rage around him. A lot of fun hooks are set for her in the future.
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From my sweet girl with a lot of potential paths, let's go to my most problematic gal of the batch Queen Arte of the Agarthians. Sister of Epimenides the twins were equal in skill and talent but differed in their abilities. Epimenides was a master of magic and power while Arte crafted the shapeshifting and stealth of her people which would become vital after Serios's bloody retaliation to her people's fight for freedom from the dragons. Arte is mostly hands off with Those Who Slither In The Dark allowing them their actions across Fodlan given they advance her eventual goal of reclaiming the surface. She however, does not trust Thales and excepts his eventual betrayal in a power play for her throne simply awaiting one wrong move to kill him and remove him all together from the chest board.
Arte is one of Shez's mothers and the reason for Arval's creation inside of her. Publicly she wished for her brothers return but truthfully Arval was created to be a thing capable of removing her brother from the table all together. Arte did not want her brother competing for her position in power nor to share it equally. However, the woman she paired with not knowing that she never intended to have their daughter consumed by her brother ran away with Shez hoping to let her grow up and be her own person. Arte would hunt down her former lover but wouldn't find Shez until she was a young adult.
Arte is a morally complex character who mostly cares for power but does wish for the best future for her people and does not want wanton human death either seeing any worshiper of the church as tainted and worthy of death but anyone who doesn't worship Serios as a lost sibling to her own people. The culture in Agartha is complicated, there is a mix of freedoms and oppression that suit Arte's grand design. Queerness is allowed, there is no poverty, there is public education but also the nation requires a lot of the people's bodies and lives in service to the continued existence of their people. She's intended to mirror Rhea in a lot of ways.
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Taking a break from Slithering to talk about Zara my first major Three Houses OC that I used in a short lived Three Houses roleplay. Zara came after my first OC idea was rejected and I cooked up this terrible disaster instead. She has an OC crest, the crest of Herzefeld. Zara von Herzefeld is a mixed race Almyrian and Lester woman. She was raised in secret by her mother who hide her pregnancy from the noble man who had on some nights taken to her before she moved away near the border. In a little town Zara was raised, a happy girl but her crests healing abilities manifested, something that her mother would beg for her to suppress. Yet, one day a friend of Zara's was injured and she healed them, they told everyone about her powers and rumors came that someone else had the Crest of Herzefeld. So her father came to town. Her mother was killed for keeping her secret and Zara was taken in, given a cover story and raised by the man who killed her mother.
Zara at first tried to rebel, tried to fight back but she couldn't defeat the older war tested man even if he was mostly a healer. Then she tried to run away but his men would always catch her and he would get more agressive eventually having shackles placed on her. The reality was Zara was a valuable asset. He had failed to pass a crest onto any heir so he simply pretended he had non but he had, many, many children and non had gained the crest, so Zara had to be the answer. Eventually Zara learned to play him, to be the perfect daughter for her father with an intention, a goal, to kill him one day, not just kill him but to tear away his legacy, to ruin his family, to end nobility itself, she wanted to see it all in flames. In secret she studied fire magic but actively she practiced faith magic. Zara was set to be married off but convinced her father to wait until after she graduated the officers academy and that she would go hunting for a proper man of even higher status she might be able to seduce to bring their family higher wealth and power. He agreed but assured her he would keep his looking for suitors. Her father knows Zara's attraction solely lays with women but he cared not about that, never seeing her as more than an object to be used. Although in the time he started to truly see her as a daughter, as Zara stroked his ego and made him think they were ever more alike, he even began to search for whispers of young women in noble families perhaps looking for a mistress or ones his daughter might be able to take. Yet, it still was mostly to twist his own ego. Ultimately the goal remained the same and he'd do anything to get her to fill his goals even the worst things one could imagine.
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Zara's personal skill allows her to gain extra damage when she does not heal an injured ally in rage and instead attacks with her fire magic. This represents her hatred of the noble class she is at school with at the Officers Academy and those of positions of power. She is in school the year before the Events of Three Houses, the same year Monica was enlisted and therefore lacks connection to most of the cast until the war begins regardless of Houses or Hopes timelines. Regardless of the timeline, the intended route for her as a character is to kill her father, join Edelgard but have some friction in her wanton desire for violence. Zara is unlikely to drop the guise though that she is a simple cleric stereotype, one who loves her friends and wants to heal everyone and that she is devote although in truth she hates the church nearly as much as the nobility. Can Zara be fixed, be open, will she end her path concluding that she too is a noble and must also face her own fires? I'm not sure I didn't get to explore everything but I really think she is a fun compelling character and I think about her often.
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The final two face of my batch of Three Houses women. Heca is an Agrathian woman sent to live deep undercover by Queen Arte as a young Noble to be her spy on both Edelgard and Thales. To Thales she is a report on Edelgard but to Edelgard she is a noble she has no idea has any ties to Thales she's known since they were young. To Arte though she is here to ensure Thales stays in line although she is rarely ever to report to him only giving him updates every few moons. Heca is Kronya's girlfriend, they started dating young but were called apart when Heca was sent off due to her amazing aptitude for shapeshifting and roleplaying. She contained no other magical talent, unlike most Agarthians she had no magical aptitude at all except in her ability to shapeshift, even requiring a mystic stone crafted by Arte to do the Agthain's signature warp. Heca happily agreed to sign up having thought herself and the Agrathan's as future liberators of human kind of the churches oppression, it being pitched to her and many others of the nation as a means of giving liberation to the people to let them live as they were at the cost of the lives of those in power and those who would defend them. That they would end Sexism, Homophobia, and more that the Church created and placed in man.
Heca is a Wyvern Rider, something she hides from others in her role as a Student and noble, she saved a young Wyvern's life who was at the edge of the underground when her and Kronya were playing exploring the limits of where they were allowed to go and she nursed her back to health. Since then her and Medusa have forever been linked together. Medusa flies near where ever Heca works ready to be her escape at any time an the two meet in secret to play and enjoy each others company. She is a firm believer in Queen Arte and in the Agarthian cause but she feels bad for spying against Edelgard as a fellow queer woman, she has no love for Thales and hopes one day Arte will give her the order and let her kill him so Edelgard can be free of him but she is a good solider so she doesn't. When Shez appears at the monastery her goals are expanded to observing her and the Ashen Demon and to learn more about both their abilities by Arte.
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Heca for her role was given to a noble man who's wife and daughter had died in a crest beast attack, "revived from the dead" before anyone even knew they were dead other than him. Arte gleefully positioned herself a necromancer when in truth they had simply extracted his dead daughters Crest of Earnest and placed it insider of Heca and Heca's exceptional abilities allowed her to copy the daughters memory and personality. Heca understands the weight of her deception but there a small loss of ethics in the grand scheme of the goals, in the end the man who believes her to be her daughter would likely need to be killed in order for Agatha to flourish above anyway. Although Heca advocated for the idea he may remain loyal given they had given back his daughter so long as she continued to live her life as his daughter until his natural death.
Heca begins to struggle with faith in her queen as she finds more of what Those Who Slither In The Dark had done through Kronya and as she finds more and more people who might need to be sacrificed she cares about. Her arc has her strugglingly between loyalties, realities, believes and dreams never totally sure that the path she choses is right and knowing every choice has the potential to hurt someone she loves.
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That will do it for now, I considered talking about the Three Houses version of my OC Lena but I did talk about my longer term roleplay with here over here which was in my Thirsty Sword Lesbians campaign Four Houses, so not in Fodlan but a world with it's own lore and stuff but she was a very similar type of character as a Three Houses OC although not as important to the world as she is in Four Houses.
I hope you enjoyed this look at my OCs, if you like it you can always shoot me some cash over at patreon or ko-fi which helps me be alive so I can cook up new OCs and share them with the world, sometimes in the form of stories or as art in TTRPGs or as comic characters or whatever. I am deeply curious if if fandom inspired OCs are something that tickles people's fancies and if it is, what world should I cook up OCs for that you'd like to see me bake some lesbians in?
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floralovebot · 4 months
isn't helia kinda meant to be respresenting of diversity in the specialists group? in winx you got tecna with short hair or musa with a tomboy style (both discarded in later seasons, too bad), even aisha with her sporty side.
helia to me is like that but on men's version. he's pretty, he likes art and he got luscious long hair, obviously gonna stick out in a school of martial artists that wield weapons and kill monsters.
but he's still a man that kills monsters, like musa wears cute fairy dresses.
he's like that one character that is just different but at the same time the same. in like tecna and musa, in the series they got rid of his artistic side and more quiet personality to the point I even saw him trying to punch riven for imitating a werewolf (but mischaracterization of season 3 onwards aside).
he's obviously showing that men can be pretty much straight and masculine but hace attributes that feel androgynous. you don't need to guess his gender or orientation outside fans' headcanons or little oc universes. helia is the same as his friends with a more refined design that adds more diversity.
he's pretty, got a pretty girlfriend, likes to draw, he's head over heels for his girl, flora is his muse, he loves his grandpa, he can lead missions, he's a skilled fighter, he's levelheaded and he enjoys the quiet.
exactly! like i really do not understand why this is such a big issue for some people. if tecna can be less traditionally feminine without anyone questioning her canon gender, why can't the same be true for helia? and again, absolutely no issue with headcanons (as long as they're respectful and not offensive)! but the rumor that he was supposed to be a girl is just so ?? like who said that. give me their number NOW alhgd
even though most of the specialists now fit into one neat little category, there was still diversity! timmy wasn't as buff, he was more sensitive and emotional, etc. he got buff in the third season, but at least his personality stayed. and just like they made flora latina to add diversity to the winx, i think they made helia Very Noticeably asian to add diversity to the specialists. nabu added racial diversity too but then they killed him so
but anyway yeah, even disregarding race and just focusing on personality and interests, helia was meant to be a better fit for flora which means he's not going to be a super nasty macho man. obviously. her type is sensitive, emotionally cognizant people who don't explode every five minutes (sorry flora/riven likers). and when designing him, they were pretty clearly inspired by shojo anime/manga. and Again, long hair on men isn't a "weird" or Strictly Feminine thing in the winx universe. like i'm saying dude people are weird as shit to Helia Specifically. like this doesn't happen to timmy or tecna. it's Him.
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morningstargirl666 · 9 months
It's here. The new improved chapters 1-3 have posted. Read The Big Bad Wolf's prequel from the beginning here. Chapters 4 & 5 should be posted a week from now, either on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, depending on when I finish it.
Think of it as my little gift to you all - I hope you all have a Merry Christmas (or a Happy Hanukkah!). And for those who don't celebrate either, then Happy New Year!
If you want more details on all the changes I made to The Little Wolf, read below. It's not too spoil-ery but it's not exactly spoiler-free either, so by all means come back later to see if you found all the changes I made! Extra kudos to those who notices them all.
Over 20k+ of brand new content. This includes two new chapters (chapter 2 & 4 respectively) and around 20 or more new scenes to devour across the entirety of the fic.
Original scenes have been tweaked and expanded upon, with longer conversations or scenes between characters.
All punctuation, grammar and spelling has been proof read repeatedly. I won't say it's all perfect, because I've probably still missed bits, but its in a much better state than it was before. Dialogue grammar in particular has had a complete overhaul, which should make everything much easier to read.
Each chapter has song lyrics at the beginning, fitting the vibes or themes of the chapter. This is a part of a playlist that I will share in Running With Wolves after completing the editing to The Big Bad Wolf (which has it's own share of songs, compiled with a mix of the music I listen to while writing and music I feel embodies each chapter).
In a similar thread, new timestamps have been added whenever there is a time or location jump. Again, this is a change that will be happening to The Big Bad Wolf as well to make flashbacks clearer. Upon completion of TBBW's edit, a timeline will be added to Running With Wolves so you can see all of the events that take place in the series in chronological order.
Historical accuracy has been given a bigger focus. Obviously, there's still a need for suspension of disbelief (vikings never travelled that far south in America, horses weren't introduced to America until the 1500s etc) as I'm no history buff and I personally believe you can allow a little leeway for sake of creative freedom. However, that said, I've tried to right the most egregious wrongs by Julie Plec: the white washing of the native Americans, the almost European-Christian culture of the Mikaelsons' village (views on bastards, women like Rebekah not carrying arms and being all innocently feminine even though they were warrriors too in viking culture, lack of historical accuracy in settings/costumes/props etc) and of course, the complete lack of explanation behind how the vikings arrived in Southern America. Hopefully it should feel more alive, and I'll probably add even more in the final FINAL edit that will happen once I've finished TBBW.
The Little Wolf's main focus is Klaus' characterisation arc. However, in this rewrite, all the Mikaelson siblings get more screen time and you get their characterisation arcs in the background, as a treat.
Henrik is much more fleshed out as a character. He's mischievous and playful, a lot like Kol, with other attributes from the other siblings thrown in. He's also got more Youngest Sibling energy, just as the other siblings have Middle Child/Eldest Child energy, because in a fic about family, really that's the most important detail of them all.
I've delved deeper into Mikael and Esther's treatment of Klaus and how it wasn't much different to how they treated the other siblings after all. Don't get me wrong - in my mind Klaus was dealt the worst of Mikael's physical fury, but I don't believe 'he was singled out' is as black and white as the show would lead you to believe. That's not how abusive households work.
Talking about Klaus' characterisation, think of this fic as the death of Niklaus Mikaelson, leading to the birth of Klaus, The Original Hybrid. The Little Wolf leading the way for The Big, Bad Wolf. You'll get innocent baby boi Niklaus of course, but that same innocent kid has a feral side. When you become a vampire, it heightens who you already are and Klaus - he had that fury and violence in him all along, and it wasn't just because of the wolf.
In a lot of human-era Originals fics and the actual shows, when they're turned into vampires its all very planned out. Idk, like Esther and Mikael are evil villains twirling their moustaches? Turning their children into vampires, its all very pre-meditated, oh the horror and everything. And although there is elements of that in this rewrite (they ARE shitty, evil parents after all) I tried to do something a little original myself. In this fic, more focus is given to the family's grief and how Henrik's death becomes the shatterpoint for EVERYTHING. His death causes every bad decision made by the family from that moment on. It's less of "I planned to make my children the most powerful beings to ever walk this earth" and more of "I tried to save my children and didn't expect ANY of this so wtf do I do now, another bad decision? Yeah let's do that". You feel me? Hopefully that comes across anyways.
Okay what haven't I mentioned yet... WEREWOLF LORE. Yeah that's been expanded on and fleshed out some more. You get a glimpse into my take on how the werewolf gene is triggered, along with a coming of age ritual, general culture, outsider prejudice against werewolves etc...Klaus' views on them is much more explored, especially in relation to his heritage. Kinda playing with the idea that him being a bastard was never the problem to Mikael or Klaus - it was him being a werewolf.
Since I started re-writing this I watched way too many of Mike Flanagan's series'. So I kinda went all 'Midnight Mass' on the Mikaelson's village. Oopsies.
In a similar thread, the raven from the Fall of The House of Usher left a bigger impact on me than I like to admit. That's something so sexy about an omen of death okay leave me alone I NEED THE FORESHADOWING
There's probably more, I'm disclaiming that now, but I've forgotten. Go forth and devour my lovelies ✨
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Elias in a dress
Hear me out for a sec. Sometime in the beginning of the Ghosts/just formed tf stalker, they gotta get undercover somewhere and for disguise reasons they need a woman, but given they are all guys one has gotta dress up, there was the quiet question of getting Mrs Walker (cause they all know she a badass too), but Elias refused that directly, so they were back to one of them. Gabe directly said that he's the Captain, he's not gonna do it, he'll be the front guy, Keegan and Ajax were also directly put aside, they are too young. So it was between the rest of the guys and because they couldn't decide they pulled sticks and Elias lost and therefore had to play the "date".
They managed to get a nice dress and non obvious wig from somewhere and got Elias all dolled up and they all were shocked at how nice he looked (most of all Elias himself). It also doesn't look like a dude in a dress, but actually like a tall slightly buff Woman. (They are also confused onto why Elias can relatively well walk in the heels, but nobody dares to ask)
Needless to say that he gets hit on quite a few times, Rorke chases everyone off tho as soon as they get to close, except for one the guy they were there for, who very gladly gives out enough info on what they need to the pretty "Lady".
Elias never heard the end of it, and he may or may not be giving out bribes so that the Ghosts keep that hidden from his boys, he does not want them to have that ammunition on him
Idk just popped into my head
PERFECT hook, 10/10. Straight to the point, and attention catching! Phenomenal.
I bet that even though the idea to involve the wifey directly was rejected, she still had a hand in making Elias the wonderfully buff lady he turned out to be. I don't think any of the others would keep a dress in the closet, much less a wig. And a bit of makeup would not hurt.... I'm saying that Mrs. Walker was like the costume department, she absolutely helped prettify her husband lmao. Took entirely too much joy in the opportunity as well, came up with his cover name and gave him some pointers to sound more feminine.
Rorke chasing everyone off as if Elias wouldn't be able to do that on his own lmao. Has to fight the part of him that wants to outright moider their target when Elias has to chat him up. Mf was SEETHING, meanwhile Elias was like "I haven't been flirted with this much since college! :D" having the time of his life. He can excuse the murdery looks Rorke is giving by just waving him off as a bodyguard or smthn. (Bodyguard au for the ghost husbands when?)
Elias can bribe the Ghosties all he wants, Logan and Hesh will find out eventually. It's just a matter of time... and a well placed photo set by an unknown trouble maker/prankster. Kick
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saltbind · 11 days
okay i really got carried away and i dont mean to vent in ur asks but ur post about being uncomfortable with the way fandom misgenders sam and leans into the misogyny of the show is so relatable i had to say something on it. feel free to publish this ask or to add ur own opinion, i dont mind!
i think now i am less uncomfortable with girl sam headcanons and i even enjoy transfem sam hcs in the later seasons,, but especially when i was first joining the fandom seeing the amount of misgendering and girlifying of sam made me so bone deep uncomfortable. because i saw the way sam was degraded and feminized in canon and i related to him so much in a transmasc way instead
then to go into the fandom and see people leaning into the misgendering and calling him a woman for being a man who *checks notes* is nice to people? has long hair. likes to be clean?? felt like it was just perpetuating the sexism of the show. it felt incredibly invalidating to say the least,, and to say a lot more, it made me feel uncomfortable being trans in the spn fandom.
even now its incredibly hard to trust anyone in the spn fandom to not be transphobic or hold transphobic values. someone can have 'terfs dni' in their pinned post all they want but are they really challenging sexism, bioessentialism, or transphobia by calling men women for acting slightly feminine? are trans people supposed to be comfortable around them when they see a man with the slightest amount of ass, with a tiny bit of hip and waist visible, and pointing at him laughing and calling him a woman? (also its made worse by the fact that sams not all that feminine? hes a very masculine big buff guy. the way the show misgenders him is almost comical when paired with that fact, but the way fandom perpetuates it and doubles down on it is something else entirely.)
its hard because i understand that people are going to relate to the show differently to me. i relate to sam in a way that ties into my trans male identity. other people might relate to him and the way hes treated as feminine because of their feminine identity. to some people it could be liberating and an expression of their own identity to focus on sams femininity and i dont want to ruin or make people feel bad for enjoying that. but this fandom makes me feel like im fucking crazy for being uncomfortable with sexism and transphobia sometimes.
i completely get all of this and feel the same honestly!
one of the things that makes me relate so much to sam, whether he's written a cis man or a trans man, is that he's masculine in ways that are non-typical in the environment he's in. especially when it comes to headcanoning him as trans - it's important to me that he has these traits that can be read as feminine and has asserted his identity as a man anyway. it's important to me that he's unapologetic for the ways that he defies expectation and i'm always going to prefer headcanons that center his masculinity as a big part of his identity.
sometimes it can feel like people see the 'feminine' traits sam has and make the same jump that i used to see when it came to autistic-coded characters. feminine traits = trans woman, autistic traits = ace or agender. and while it's true for some people, i think that making that jump in every instance you see can be really disillusioning for people in that community who don't fit into those boxes. it can make you feel like there's something wrong with you for being trans in a particular direction when you still have traits that are 'typical' for your assigned gender or vice versa, or make you feel like you have to adhere to an identity that doesn't quite fit because everyone talks like it's a given for your personality. when i was younger i really did think and feel like i was ace when i wasn't because of just how many people were convinced the characters i related to were. turns out autistic people can just have very different relationships with sex and i'm very normal for an autistic person! i was never ace, i was just really disconnected with the allistic way of looking at sex.
it's the same with trans headcanons for me. a lot, and i mean a lot of characters that people think of as trans fem have been characters that for me have been huge comfort characters or kin characters, both in this fandom and in others. often for the same reasons that i personally see myself in them - those atypical traits that make me feel like oh that's a guy who's like me! - and every time i have found myself going the other way, and ending up really firm on my own trans masc headcanons. you don't have to be the dictionary definition of masculine to be a man. you can be masculine in ways that are different to what is expected of you and those ways are still just as important and valuable and manly.
again, this isn't necessarily a rebuke to trans fem sam headcanons. this shit is personal and i fully understand that. the above are my personal reasons for my headcanons and the way i am about them.
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henrysglock · 2 years
I thought the ''buff Will'' was supposed to be a joke thing from S3.
It feels like people just wanna make Will seem ''manly'' so it wont come off as ''homophobic'', so they just ignore the sides Will has and make his ''feminine'' attributions non-existent and give those ''feminine'' sides to Mike's character. Bro you do not kill the stereotypes when you do that. You are creating your own stereotypes based on false assumptions and readings.
Nah, the sentiment came back for s4 because Noah filled out a little in comparison to s3 :/
And you’re so right anon, it’s like they need to have one character be the “man” or the “woman” in the relationship so they take the feminine parts of the more traditionally masc presenting character and give them and give them to the less gender conforming male character. It also feels like they view feminine traits as being undesirable/insulting to characters…which…yikes!
Will has traditionally feminine traits! A lot of them! He’s the sensitive artist, he cries more easily, he openly panics, he shows when he’s afraid, his instinct is freeze/flight rather than fight, he hangs behind Mike when he’s uncertain, and all that is important to who he is! He is not some tough muscly BAMF James Bond type guy, and he never will be. THAT’S OKAY!! He can use a gun, but he chooses to run and hide first. He fights when running/hiding seem futile. Mike saves him multiple times over, and Will takes that to heart. It’s not that Will can’t fight, it’s that typically he ends up in the damsel position. Most importantly: he’s not upset about that.
Mike has traditionally masculine traits! Many of them! He’s the logical strategist, he’s a bit hotheaded/impulsive, he jumps into fights instead of fleeing, we see him cry twice in the entire show and both times were under extreme mental duress, he puts himself in front of Will every chance he gets, and all that is important to who he is! He has emotional intelligence and he’s not physically strong, but that doesn’t make him a weepy damsel in distress type. He is quite literally Will’s hero/knight in shining armor!! He takes pride in that fact!!
It’s a disservice to both characters to remove these parts of them to pigeonhole them into man/woman stereotypes based on body type.
Not only that, but I want us to question why we’re doing this.
Why is it so bad for Will to have feminine traits?
Why do we need to get rid of them for him to be strong?
Why would it be some kind of insult for a character to have feminine traits?
Why do we need to erase Will’s sensitivity and femininity so badly?
Why is it so hard to acknowledge that even in a more traditionally masc body, someone can still embody femininity?
Why do these feminine traits have to be embodied by someone thin and long-haired?
Why can’t that thin, long-haired boy be embody more traditionally masculine traits than the visually gender conforming boy?
Why is it a homophobic insult to have Will embody the femininity written into his character?
Fandom, and society as a whole, needs to get more comfortable with visually gender conforming people embodying traits that are traditionally assigned to the opposite gender.
We also need to get more comfortable with a) cisbinary people being visually gender non-conforming without being labeled trans, and b) gnc cisbinary people embodying traits that are traditionally assigned to their visually gender conforming counterparts.
Boys with short hair in jeans and a polo-tee can be sensitive damsels in distress. Boys with long hair wearing rings and necklaces and (stay with me here) skirts can be knights in shining armor.
Begging people to get with this program, because the current one smacks of homophobia and misogyny.
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degeneratetwink · 5 months
ppl will literally say “hasan queerbaits as a socialist” and as a tenured gay man in america im just like… “ok define queerbaiting” BUT then anything they say i just dont agree with bc queerbaiting is for keeping people in your audience to continue watching or for trying to grab a demographic more than you already have. his community is so queer it doesn’t even count. he’s funny too. he’s got a funny laugh, he’s knowledgable about what he needs to know as a current event “journalist” type beat, he’s on national television championing palestine, and he is more understanding and even (unfortunately) sometimes smarter about queer liberation than most queers i meet.
additionally, he is more respectful to queer culture than some queers online. i dont say this bc i like straighties in gay places; i even had a huge streak of straight ppl just promising goodness and never pulling through. i even thought straight ppl shouldnt be involved in our liberation, but this man just happens to be really classically hot and masculine and ppl are mad bc of what???? queerbaiting? doubtful. i listen to him enough to know his viewpoints and i think he’s a noble guy. yeah hes really fucking hot and i feel like its a monolith to call this queerbaiting when queer people and especially queer men enjoy feminine men and femme men in general: not just big buff hairy MEN. this just applies to rabid twinks like me if i were 9-10 years younger.
the hate for him doesnt make much sense to me and im using my autistic logic. all i see is a friendly straight dude making dry sarcastic satirical commentary on social issues for doomers. and then he emphasizes things that are not doomed, and he regularly cleans out his audience if sentiments get too tankie, or too right wing. he’s one of the most responsible allies ive seen.
hes really never done anything to offend me and i don’t agree with everything he says either, so i guess i dont understand why this is what it is. ppl probably just hate that hes hot, autistically dialed into his special interest, speaks well on it, makes money online doing streams, is a homeowner, etc., and all of this is true jealousy. as someone who wants to be in shape, but physically cant, and as someone who wants my own home but cant buy one, why would i hate him for succeeding in both of those areas just because im disabled???? he wants ppl like me to be taken care of. he’s one of the biggest pro queer streamers on twitch. he could have $100 million & i wouldnt care if he just kept donating and doing what he still does.
make it make sense y’all.
p.s. yeah he has nice titties what are you going to do deflate them?????
p.p.s. yes i agree with hasan i just have an authority and power kink theres a tag for police so you can blacklist it i totally get it hence the tumblr username DEGENERATE twink okay i aint wholesome and i never claimed to be
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m-to-z-andbackto-m · 9 months
Okay I know I posted a ramble like a little bit ago but more on fabulous AUs and AMs
Have you guys ever seen like- where once in a while, or constantly, whatever, they're like super feminine but still identify as guys? Like I see a lot of ectobody art so they can wear dresses and have badoinkers BUT I SAW THIS ONE WHERE THEY DON'T HAVE ECTOS AND IT WAS LIKE SO PRETTY GUYS I CAN'T EVEN TELL YOU, I LOVE THEM SO MUCH??? HEHEHE THE SILLIES!!! 💕
Also please tell me I'm not the only one who has seen Dust drawn in a skirt a few times by different artists- I kinda assumed it became a joke trend/schtick, kinda like how we all mutually agreed that Killer wears a black sleeveless turtleneck (Lol like his top half was normal and there's just a skirt slapped onto the bottom half it's so funny, you guys have to check it out sometime)
I think it's really gender to make a traditionally masculine character extra feminine or to have them crossdress without gender bending entirely jeuifsg
Which reminds me
I can't remember exactly but I saw Flapper!Nightmare (Oh my god she(?) was beautiful) and Designer(?)!Ink (absolutely fantabulous) for like, a roaring 20's(?) multiverse, THEY WERE SO PRETTY AND GENDER LIKE THICC NIGHTMARE (in a body positive and non-perverted way) FOR THE WIN, HELLO??? MA'AM, YES MA'AM.
Anyways normalize skeletons wearing dresses.
But also normalize trying to make special outfits for them if they did not have an ectobody because I personally I don't like? Drawing ectobodies that much??? Never tried to draw ectos (Besides hair) actually, I think I'd make it look cursed-
But I have drawn Lust in a dress before, again, no ectobody (He's so fantabulous, I'll post it when I find it somewhere-)
(Then again, say just privates were ecto-fied (Chest and Pelvic region), I think I could work with that but y'know, not gonna try- Not- No, Not gonna try-)
No like, I'm totes okay with them, sure, but I think it kinda messes with the whole part of being a skeleton, y'know??? (Like, ecto body implies flesh, but why no ectoface- I think it's a little weird) It feels??? Off to me 😭??? But when people do it, it can be so cool, most of the time... Most- Most of the time... *Shudders at buff body and small head drawing I saw once, it was kinda funny actually, talented artist though like- details were on point*
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 9 months
I understand the need for a callout for pjms that fetishize his feminine side and actually misgender him but now I’m seeing way too many pjms being reminiscent of darlinjimi on twt…(if u don’t know who that is it was a big pjm acc that constantly pushed the macho/alpha jm agenda and eventually unstanned him for austin butler. also dragged him and teamed up with jjks to drag pjms) like I do not want a repeat of that situation 😭. anyways the point being I think there’s weirdos on both sides pushing him to fit one agenda and they always wind up not actually caring abt him.
Yep I remember. I wrote about it when it happened:
I feel like lately this "hyper feminization" doesn't happen that much with Jimin, btw. And when it happens a lot, it's almost always a shipper.
It wasn't my intention to "callout" anyone; someone said "why do you think this happens" and I replied that it's because people are desperate for representation/validation. And I'd say it again.
I've also made fun of pjms that every week they go "omg he's so buff that's so sexy" because deep down they're waiting for him to show up one day looking like a Marvel actor on steroids. Jimin is never that buff. He doesn't really seem to like himself like that. And sometimes it happens because he has to work out, that's how he's able to be a performer, by working out and training his body and inevitably you gain muscle mass; but it's not like he goes to the gym thinking of bulking up. He said once in a live that he'd work on having a "prettier" body. What man says he wants to have a pretty body?? He could've used any other word, but he didn't.
I'm infinitely more comfortable talking about Jimin with other queer pjms, I'd like to make that clear. Even when I was active on pjm twitter, the pjms I talked with, were the gay ones. It's not like we talk about Jimin being lgbtq all the time either, but just that they were gay. I grew up around queer people, I've been out to everyone my age since I was 14 and to this day half of my close friends are queer; so I've always been more comfortable talking with other people who also thought Jimin's not straight, and are okay with acknowledging that.
That said, I still don't like extremes. Like, it's okay to call him (or other BTS) your girlfriend maybe ONCE, as a joke. But on every single tweet? Really?
On the other hand, yesterday or something, I saw a tweet made by an army that was like "here's a list of everyone misgendering the tannies so you can block them" and it's not THAT deep either like... 😭 just unfollow or block them yourself, but there's no need to put a target on their back like that.
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