#even more so when she has the wings out because she's just this beautiful agent of chaos
soupandsorcery · 1 year
Vesper/Astarion is very much just two hurt souls who are going to heal together, and I am already in love with it. Vesper is a little unhinged, coming off of years of being exploited and treated like a show pony for the pleasure of nobles with more money than sense, and the fact that she sees so much of herself in Astarion makes her almost desperate to protect him.
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rhaegang · 3 months
Felix is the first male Victoria Secret angel and he still models the girls underwear. I like the idea of Ollie being a full nerd for this one, awkward and awfully dressed and nobody understands how he pulled this iconic gorgeous model. Maybe their relationship gets revealed in one of those "what I eat in a day as a Victoria Secret angel" bc Oliver is the one that lovingly prepares everything Felix eats.
I feel like Felix is far too large to model anything VS has ever made — they notoriously run small.
But maybe they’ve decided to get progressive & try to capture a new market segment with high-femme notions & lingerie for the masculine frame. And of course since that’s such a bold business move, they can’t afford to let it flop, so they sign *the* hottest new thing in male modeling — a nepo baby whose mother used to be a VS Angel, in fact, which is the only reason Felix Catton agreed to the contract…
At first, he thinks it’s career suicide, but Elspeth doesn’t let him turn it down. She sees the VISION.
And damn it, but after his first runway in those angel wings and strappy, greecian wrap sandals, Felix does too. He’s never felt hotter than when he was hearing all those shocked gasps and clicking camera shutters. He knows all eyes were on his miles of tanned legs below the lacy, cheeks-out shorts. He knows his broad shoulders look even more delicious when decorated with the satin ribbony straps on a babydoll negligée.
At the recommendation of the creative director, he lets his hair grow out a little longer until it floats around his face in beachy waves just like the women he walks the runway alongside. He starts wearing makeup and earrings in his day to day life, but it’s all rather tasteful. Just some brow pomade and BB cream and pearly highlight, maybe mascara on his lower lashes to really knock people over with his big brown doll eyes. Maybe an adhesive gem beauty mark under one eye. Nothing ostentatious.
His social media was already popular but it has EXPLODED. He’s had to hire someone to manage it all for him. Finding someone was too difficult to do himself, he got overwhelmed by all the options and the resumes and that, so he asked Venetia to do it.
She told him she found someone perfect for the job of not just running his socials but of being his 24/7 personal assistant. A photographer with graphic design experience who has been unemployed for ten months, so he’s desperate enough to deal with all Felix’s wild demands and harebrained ideas.
When Felix meets Oliver, he thinks the guy looks more like a software engineer than a photographer, but it doesn’t take long for him to realize the waxy Nerd coating is thin and what’s underneath is bitter and rich and sweet like dark chocolate and espresso powder.
The photos and videos Oliver snaps, edits, and posts to his socials are absolutely tip fucking top, too. View counts are through the fucking roof. Felix’s agent is SWAMPED with offers for booking him.
Oliver hates writing blurbs and captions though, so Felix takes to tiktok and reels to record short form content where he answers questions, rambles, and otherwise charms the hell out of all his followers.
It’s been about six months since Oliver was hired, and he moved into the guest room of Felix’s flat after the first month when he was insistent he needed more access to Felix’s “real life” to create the type of content his ‘roadmap’ required. (They started sleeping together like. A week after he moved in.)
That’s why Oliver is visible now and then in the background of Felix’s videos. It doesn’t take long for his followers to take note that this severe-looking, conservatively dressed nerd is a recurring presence. It’s confusing, and there are tons of questions in the comments, because Felix’s persona is entirely the opposite — spontaneous, progressive, boundary pushing, whimsical, coquette.
So Felix, still in his short, floral silk kimono robe and retro briefs with PINK branding across the ass, ambushes Ollie one morning. Oliver’s still got his chunky glasses on as he scowls at his giant 4k monitor while editing some photos. Felix gets his phone camera right up in there, saying cheerily, “Morning mate! You up for some Q&A with breakfast?”
And that’s how it comes out that they’re officially seeing each other: via livestream, over croissants and greek yogurt parfaits with green smoothie on the side (because Felix won’t eat his veg regularly unless Oliver puts them in a blender with pineapple and fresh coconut for him).
Followers still have questions. Too many questions. Because like, uh, how? How is THAT guy the one that Felix picked?
(They start to get it once Felix interrupts Oliver’s afternoon yoga for another stream, because holy shit, the sleeveless top and clingy yoga pants would be enough on their own, but that nerd is doing all kinds of intense upside down poses or holding himself up off the floor with just one palm, etc.)
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
I could sleep. I could play video games. Or I could Trigun Bookclub.
Trigun Bookclub it is.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for Trigun Vol. 1, Chapters 9-10 below. (More detailed thoughts will be their own posts.)
Chapter 9: Between Wasteland and Sky...
I love that the girls actually comment on how hot and uncomfortable those suits were.
Meryl is right; this is very non-standard for an insurance agent. It's even pushing it for a reporter.
Howwwww does Prada even exist out here?? How did they manage to transfer name brands this far away?? Did Mr. Prada (I know almost nothing about Prada) buy himself a cryogenic stasis chamber on one of the ships??? Where are they getting the materials? Why are they getting the materials?? Are they just... made out of Thomas leather??? I HAVE QUESTIONS.
Please apply the previous point to Gucci, and Fendi....
I don't have anything in particular to say about it, but I do like the title page spread.
Ok, what's going on with the proportions on this page. First, Katie only comes up to Vash's waist, and then she's a little below shoulder height when he's only barely slouching? Dude.
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I think she asks a legitimate question about the functioning of his pain receptors.
Letting a plant overload is bad. Letting a Plant overload is worse.
My dude Mr. Hat Guy. You recognize the blueprints are valuable. Do NOT step on them! Rude.
Honestly, this shows a lot of maturity from Katie. Even if one is working to make things right, there are still consequences one must accept. And Vash... he seems to accept her decisions in this. Or maybe empathize with them, but I'm getting ahead of things.
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I like this guy peeking around the text bubble.
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Plant reveal! Though I feel like Vash's line might be misinterpreted to be referring to Katie instead of our new bubble lady friend.
I wonder if Plants are really ever in control. They're already century-old tech that (almost) no one understands, and so they're not really controlled so much as maintained.
Yep, hitting the angel imagery HARD in the manga.
Oooh, she's getting sparkly.
Vash is trying to help, but the fact that he just jumped into things and is like, "You guys do stuff while I take care of something that no one else knows how to take care of," is just creating confusion.
Plant lady is NOT happy....
Oh, these pages are beautiful. I love how calm yet determined Vash is as he approaches her. I love his wings showing, clearly for the reader's sake and not as something anyone around them can see. I love their hands mirroring each other on the glass. I love the way her expression changes from this...
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...to this:
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Putting the "dead" in "deadline" here, aren't we?
TBH, I LOVE that they gave taking care of the heat valve to Wolfwood in Stampede. I mean, I know he hasn't even shown up yet here in the manga, but having him show up sooner and then push his way through the people to handle it on his own really drives home both how much he's changed from being a "normal" human and how much he's willing to go through for a chance at protecting the orphanage. The... uh... the orphanage that isn't in this scene, either. Because different timelines.
Ok, I can't tell what the heck happened with the steamer. I'm glad I've seen the anime.
Aww, they're both all beat up. But now that Katie is awake, Vash's expression goes from serious to smiling.
Ohhhh, there's what happened with the steamer.
I like that Neon may not like Vash, but now, at least, he respects him.
I love this wide shot. Like, it may be nothing but barren wasteland, but Katie's pose is determined, and the sun has risen over the horizon. There's a lot of hope in it.
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Can't not have music be part of the world in Trigun. It's very important. For real. Goes hand in hand with hope.
Hahahaha, Katie getting all defensive. Don't worry. Vash likes the tune, too.
He looks so flustered....
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I love the arc coming full circle here with him once again thinking about Rem and why people keep living in spite of everything.
Of course that would make him tear up. And... of course Katie would misinterpret it an take offense. And Vash probably won't explain, because it's complicated and a permanent raw spot in his heart.
It may have arrived two days late, but it ARRIVED.
Chapter 10: Little Arcadia
Huh, I'd heard that this was originally three volumes instead of two. This must be the original volume break.
Ah, Milly and her giant family. Of which she's the youngest. Of course.
Staying up all night writing? No, I can't relate to that at all, why do you ask...
Awww, I love that her family adores her letters.
Good hell. That packet of letters she has is a BRICK.
LOL, Meryl not knowing what to write aside from, "It's dry." Girl. Your life is CRAZY. Tell them about that. Or just tell them about the mundane things, if you don't want them to worry. You can do it. I believe in you.
Oop, Vash's fangs are showing. Why ya gotta get him all flustered like that?
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No wonder he's stressed. I'd be stressed if people were using me as a human shield while hurling insults at a gunman, too.
Don't put your finger on the trigger unless you're gonna shoot. That's Guns 101, Mr. Emo Gunman.
Bwa?! Sudden Insurance Girl Attack! x2!
This guy...
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I love how Meryl is shouting technically true stuff about how dangerous Vash is while Vash himself is looking pathetic AF. I'm sure he's LOVING everything she's saying about how dangerous he is, too....
Yes, indeed, Old People. Meryl and Milly are definitely... different.
Poor Vash just hiding and gibbering in the bottom of the panel...
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Vash may have soup brain, but Milly has ice cream brain. Which I guess is still a kind of soup if you put enough toppings in it and then let it melt for a bit.
"It's nothing really." Yep. Nothing. It just increases their frequency of getting into life-or-death situations and has them constantly having to do their best to mitigate both their charge (who is VERY good at both trouble and sneaking) and other people who aren't positively inclined toward their charge (understandable, but also it's a misunderstanding). NBD.
I like how, for once, Milly and Meryl are being propositioned for bodyguard work instead of Vash.
Aaaand now they're asking Vash.
That risk prevention policy sounds handy. I bet you can slide a lot of usually-unauthorized behavior under there.
Uhhhh... I feel like I should be extra-concerned about something if Vash is concerned about it.
I do hope they find a way to weave this story into Stampede...
Plants (lower-case) belong to the people. PLANTS BELONG TO THE PEOPLE!!! Naturally.
Vash probably is genuinely impressed by all this.
That's it. That's the point of the story. That's what Vash is constantly trying to do. And biblically, something something mustard seed growing from being tiny-tiny to something huge and bountiful.
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Ooh, rejecting people looking at the picture of his family. There's a story there. Especially considering that this chapter started with Milly writing letters to her own family.
Oh, gods. More Nebraskas....
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juicycoutureheaux · 1 year
Call Me ~ A Patrick ID! x Reader Fic
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Hey y’all! I watched infinite darkness again to reference something’s for my AU that I’m currently working on. (I feel so bad for casting Patrick as the antagonist, because he seems like a really great character. I hope we’ll see more of him but I’m not holding my breath 🥲. Capcom, give this man a last name please.) I wanted to produce some more content for him since there’s not much and I’m obsessed. This story was also inspired by the song “Call Me” by St.Paul & the Broken bones.
You were never late, at least not THIS late. The train into DC from your apartment in Alexandria was held up this morning and you had no way of contacting your supervisor. You basically ran from the train to catch a bus heading into DC.
Usually, that would be fine; but you worked as an assistant to press secretary Marta Hoffman. Marta was a beautiful, competent and direct woman. You dreamed of becoming someone as badass as Marta; not only had she served in the United States Military as one of the only females in her unit, but she had also survived terrorist attacks overseas.
Now, you were going to disappoint her, by being late and unprepared. You thought about writing your resignation letter right then and there.
You stepped inside the security clearance area just outside the Whitehouse, checking your wristwatch anxiously, it was possible they hadn’t started the meeting with the President yet.
After security clearance you rushed into the wing that held the press room, you were busy looking down at your papers making sure they were presentable when you and what felt like a very hard wall collided.
Your eyes locked with the ground trying to scramble and pick up your paperwork.
“I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going, are you okay?” you looked up and y/c eyes met warm blue ones.
You vaguely recognized the man as one of the President’s personal agents.
“This day couldn’t possibly get any worse.” You thought to yourself.
“I should be asking if you’re okay.” The man said kneeling down to help you up. “You’re the one who fell.”
You looked down, you were so embarrassed you felt frozen in place.
The man seemed to notice this and gently grabbed your elbow, and lifted you up.
“I think I recognize you, aren’t you Marta’s assistant? She’s been looking for you. I’ll take you to where she is.”
“Thanks..!” you managed to get out.
“It’s no problem, she’ll be happy to see you.” he smiled reassuringly.
Your shoulders began to relax and you began to walk straighter.
The two of you arrived in the conference room.
Marta ran over to you.
“Y/N! Honey, I’m so glad to see you!”
“Marta! I am so sorry, there was a delay on the train! I totally understand if you have to let me go for this, my tardiness was unacceptable-”
She cut you off.
“Y/N, you’re fine sweetie! There was a huge accident on one of the rail lines! I was worried you were caught up in that. The press meeting has been delayed for a couple of hours because of it.”
You felt so dense, you had been so caught up in being late, you didn’t even try to investigate what the cause of the hold up was. You felt so selfish, worried about being late, when others had lost loved ones today.
All you could do was just sit down and put your head in your hands.
“I feel like a jerk, those poor families.” You said muffled by your hands.
Marta sat down next to you and put her hand on your back, in between your shoulder blades. “I think you deserve brunch, on me.” She turned to the agent who was still standing there awkwardly.
“Patrick, why don’t you grab Agent Kennedy? Y/N and I need some good company. I think you two will do.”
“Patrick” smiled and answered enthusiastically “Yes Ma’am.”
Your group had arrived at The Lafayette, and were immediately escorted to a private table near the back.
You still needed time getting adjusted to how much clout Marta had. Anytime you were with Marta, you were treated like royalty, American royalty. She had an extremely important job working with the President; you still wondered why, out of all the qualified applicants she had picked you.
You were brought out of your intrusive thoughts, when Agent Kennedy addressed you directly.
“So, Y/N. How do you like working for Marta? I bet she’s the worst boss.” He said sarcastically.
“She’s actually an incredible role model and someone I truly admire.” You answer honestly.
“Agent Kennedy” laughs at your response and you feel your face redden in embarrassment.
Marta comes to your defense immediately, “You’re just jealous because Patrick doesn’t talk about you like that, Leon.”
Leon smiles. “You’re right. I’m crushed.” He feigned pain.
You felt yourself lighten up and you giggled softly.
Patrick, who had been silent up until this, laughed with you.
Marta and Leon spent the lunch discussing President Graham’s plans for the press conference and their opinions on how the United States was handling Bio-Terrorism.
You were listening intently, almost afraid to speak. You looked over to Patrick to see how he was doing.
He had his elbow on the table, hand cradling his head. His dark curly hair and light eyes suited him; there was no denying he was traditionally handsome.
You must have been gazing a bit longer than you intended, because he made eye contact and winked at you.
You were embarrassed, but you decided this was the perfect “in” to start a conversation.
“How long have you been working for President Graham?” You thought that was a safe question to start off with.
He takes his elbow off the table and sits up straighter. “Since a little before 2005. I’ve been working with Leon as a special agent since 2006.”
“That’s really neat.” You say politely, but also unsure to answer. He says it is so nonchalant, like he works at an accounting firm.
He smiles at you, like he understands the precarious nature of his job and how others might view him.
“Are you just out of College Y/N? You look young.” he says in response.
“I am just out of College, but I’m not as young as you think I am. I was in the Air Force before I went to school on the GI bill.”
“Air Force?” He asked surprised.
“Yeah, it seemed like the most logical option after High School, I needed an out of my dad’s house and they needed warm bodies.”
“I bet you weren’t just a warm body, you did end up working in the White House straight out of school, Y/N.” He said, assuringly. “Sounds like you were an asset.”
“And is currently an asset to MY team.” Marta said, adding to the conversation.
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, you didn’t think she’d be interested in your conversation.
“I didn’t want another nepotism baby from a political family.” Marta continued, “ When I saw Y/N’s resume and service, I knew she’d be the most dependable candidate.”
“Marta, that’s very sweet. Thank you, I don’t know what to say.” You said, feeling warm with praise.
Agent Kennedy rolled his eyes. “God, Marta, you've got her eating out of your hand.” He turned to you. “Do you happen to be single, sweetheart? I think you might be my type.”
Marta playfully swatted Agent Kennedy. “Trust me, you’re not her type Kennedy.”
He looked at you, “What is your type Y/n?”
Like always you responded truthfully. “Someone who values commitment, I guess?
The whole table bursted into laughter including Leon.
“I told you man! You’ve got a reputation in this town!” Patrick said between laughs cupping Leon’s shoulder in a friendly manner.
You smiled too, because for the first time since being employed in The White House, you felt like you were starting to fit in socially.
“Y/N, that was incredible. Agent Kennedy totally deserved that.” Marta said.
You all were walking down the hallway of the White House where the press office was being held. Marta and Leon led the way, while Patrick and yourself straggled behind, side by side.
“Do you have any plans for this weekend?” Patrick asked, breaking the silence.
“Not really, I’m just going to find something to do.” You said absentmindedly. “What about you?”
“I’m hoping that I’ll be what you’re doing this weekend.” He said winking at you.
You couldn’t help but scoff, but you were smiling.
“That was smooth, but what else do I expect from a government agent?”
“Seriously, Y/N, I think we could have a good time. We can do whatever you want. Here,” he said, fiddling in his suit pocket. He pulls out a card with his info. “Call me.”
With that you two go your separate ways.
The next month passed a little too quickly for your tastes.
The press conference had caused a lot of riling up, as the news was not what a lot of people wanted to hear.
Marta was doing damage control, as you were inundated with editing press releases, questions and other duties.
You felt like you had no free time since you last met with Patrick.
You were sorting through memos when you were reminded of tomorrow night’s White House Gala. You felt silly for almost forgetting, you wanted to look your best. You were thankful you didn’t have to worry about a date; because you secretly hoped Patrick would be there.
You wanted to apologize to him in person for not being in touch.
The next day was spent running around, making sure the correct people had the correct clearance and also that Marta felt supported.
Once you got all the loose ends tied up, you finally started focusing on your appearance.
You wanted to make a good impression on everyone in attendance, but you also didn’t want to stand out too much.
The dress you had picked was a knee length, black, satin dress, that had off the shoulder straps, accentuating your decollete.
You decided to apply some iridescent powder to accentuate your bust and collarbones.
You decided to style your hair in a classy updo and wear diamond studs in your ears. Your shoes were a sensible height, but strappy enough to still be sexy. You wore a simple face of makeup: a lightly lined top lid and clean dewy skin. The only thing that stuck out was the brick red lipstick you chose, giving a vintage look to your ensemble.
When you were done getting dressed, you took a step back in the mirror and admired yourself. You were still nervous, it felt like you were going to the prom by yourself hoping to get to dance with the Prom King.
You shook yourself out of your insecurity and walked out confidently to the hired car Marta had rented for the night.
The chauffeur opened the door for you and tipped his hat; Marta and her husband, Simon, were already in the car. Marta was checking her blackberry while Simon sipped boredly on champagne.
When you settled in the vehicle Simon’s eyes lit up when he saw you.
“Marta! Look! Our little girl is all grown up!”
Marta’s eyes snapped up from her phone to Simon, then to you, her jaw dropped instantly.
“My god,Y/N! You look like a woman, not just any woman, but a lady! Simon, we have to turn this car around, I’m completely distraught.” She joked dramatically.
“Geez, normal compliments would be nice every once in a while.” You had spent so much time with Marta and Simon, they really had become your family, so you were used to their eccentric personalities and habits.
“Are you all dressed up because you hope our dear Patrick is there, honey?” Marta said with a smirk and a mischievous twinkle in her eye.
You felt the blood drain from your face and Simon began to giggle. “Her face says it all, Marta! You’re torturing her!”
“Don’t worry, Y/N, I promise you two will have plenty of time to get friendly with one another.”
The rest of the ride was filled with Marta and Simon planning your “imaginary” wedding to Patrick. You were thankful when you finally got to the venue of the Gala. You stepped out of the car and went to work. Even though it was a Gala, it was still a publicized event and you had to make sure everyone behaved.
You had just turned down a sharp dressed waiter with a tray of champagne before you saw a familiar man with dark tendrils of curly hair passing through the crowd. You were unsure of how to approach him. Sure, he had expressed interest in you previously, but he was a very handsome man; he probably had moved on already.
You thought you’d just count your losses when you felt a large warm hand on your shoulder.
“Hey, Y/n! Looking for someone?” It was Agent Kennedy.
You turned around and smiled at him. “Um not really, I’m just trying to stay out of the way to be completely transparent.”
“You’re a terrible liar, I saw the way you looked at Patrick just now. You should go talk to him.”
You began to stutter a little bit.
“Trust me he’s completely heart broken. You haven’t even emailed the guy since you last saw him.”
You gasped and brought your hand to your mouth without thinking. You felt terrible.
“Y/n, you’re so gullible, you’d make a terrible agent.” He laughed, to your dismay.
“I’m only kidding, but I know he’d definitely be very happy to see you, especially since you look beautiful tonight.” He said taking your hand in a princely manner.
“You are a great wingman, Agent Kennedy.” You said gently, taking your hand back.
“Gotta look out for my people.” He said, taking a sip of his champagne.
You took your time, gently weaving through the crowds of the large ballroom until you reached the veranda overlooking a garden. You saw Patrick leaning on the railing looking out thoughtfully.
You slowly approached him and gently laid a hand on his upper back.
“Hey,” you said, voice above a whisper.
He looked over at you and his eyes lit up.
“Hey!” he said excitedly. Then he cleared his throat, he must have been a little too excited to see you. You smiled so hard you instinctively covered your mouth and turned your head.
“Aww, don’t hide your smile, Y/N. You look beautiful tonight. Seriously, you’re glowing.”
You giggled. “Well, the glow is fake, I did put glitter on especially for you.” You swatted at him playfully.
“Just for me?” He asked, exaggerating his excitement.
“Of course, I wanted to look decent when I apologized to you for not getting into touch sooner.” You said, a little bit more seriously.
“Oh, Y/N.” He said, his eyes softening. “I understand.”
“It still wasn’t right, I should have emailed you or something.”
“It’s really okay. You’re here now.” He said moving closer.
“Thank you, really.”
The two of you fell into silence.
“I would really like to take you out sometime, Y/N. Somewhere that doesn’t involve work.”
“I’d really like that Patrick.” You said.
The two of you spent a large portion of the night out on the veranda together; his arm around your waist and your head on his shoulder.
The night ended with Patrick escorting you home in his own car. The two of you were dreading the end of your time together as you sat in his Jaguar, talking about anything and everything.
He was so handsome, but he was also a genuinely sweet man. The more he talked about his family back home in New Hampshire, and how he loved his niece and nephew, you couldn’t help but admire him more and more.
You looked at the car’s clock in dismay. It was getting very late.
“I should be going in now, I don’t want to hold you up any longer.” You said grabbing your handbag.
He grabbed your hand. “You’re not holding me up. I enjoy talking with you, but at least let me walk you to your door.”
You agreed enthusiastically. He got out of the car and quickly ran over to open the door on your side.
He walked you not only into your building, but to the door of your apartment.
“Here’s my stop.” You said, a little disappointed.
“Yeah,” he said, scratching the back of his head.
You moved closer to him to give him a peck on the cheek. His face turned red instantly.
“Thank you for the lovely evening, Patrick.”
“Thank you. I hope to see you again. I had a great night.” He made sure you were able to unlock your door and get inside safely before leaving.
You had butterflies in your tummy and a warmth inside your chest.
This was just the beginning of something new and exciting.
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glaivenoct · 2 years
( fanfic writer ask game ) ✏️ , 🎧 , 🔬 , ✍🏽 , 🌾 ?
Thank you so much for sending some in! ;u; (Fanfic Writer Asks Here)
✏️ The first fanfiction you ever wrote? (doesn’t have to be a posted fic)
Heh.. back in 2005, a show aired on Discovery Kids that became my favorite show in the history of ever. Wee 9 year old Brina did not understand or even know of the concept of Fandom or Fanfiction - but this show is what I consider my first Fandom ever.
Did any fellow millennials ever watch Flight 29 Down on Discovery Kids (2005-2007)? Man, I loved that show so fucking much. I wrote silly little fics for it in my spare spiral college ruled notebooks! AUs before I even know what an AU was lmao. My favorite was one I called "Agents in Action" where I pretended all the characters in the show were recruited as Secret Agents after being rescued lmao.
I also wrote fics for my favorite ship in the show. Again, I didn't really know what the word ship was, but I knew I liked two characters enough to write fics of them getting together and referring to them with a pairing name. I shipped Jackson/Taylor aka Jaylor! Jackson was the Tall-Quiet-Mysterious foster kid with a questionable past and a sense of being an outsider among his peers, and Taylor was the seemingly shallow rich Mean Girl, who turns out not to be as mean or shallow once you get to know her a little more and she learns some more empathy/self-awareness.
When I wrote these fics, I had no idea what fic even was. But man oh man was it such a happy place for me to write them at the time. I wish I still had them, but I don't know where they went. I used to draw pictures at the back of every page and everything. Good times, good times ;u;
🎧 A certain song you listened to while writing a fic?
MUSIC, YAASS. So! Rare is it for me to make a playlist for just a one-shot, but for my NyxNoct Masquerade Fic I really needed a decent chunk of songs that captured the right vibe to help me write it, if ya know what I mean!
Young and Beautiful is the star of that playlist. I not only imagined Nyx and Noct dancing to the song in the fic, but the playlist also features two different instrumental versions of it too! It was such a big help with that fic uwu.
🔬The fic you had to make the most research for?
Hmm.. there's honestly 3 contenders for this, and the Masquerade fic is definitely one of them - but that was research in the sense of looking up a lot of visuals for inspiration. Outfits/ballrooms/mask designs and things like that
The second has to be cagefighter AU because of the fight scenes. I looked up articles about boxing rings/MMA tournaments/different styles of martial arts and things like that. I think I put at some point in the fic that Nyx leans more towards a boxing style while Noct kinda knows a mix of things thanks to Cor. Come the next time I need to write a fight scene, I'll probably be looking up martial arts/self defense videos again. Which is usually fun for me!
The third would have to be my old and Very Incomplete NyxNoct Wings AU that only has one chapter and no proper plot to this day ;u; Researching wing anatomy and all that. Visual references for different wing designs too.
✍🏽 How much do you plan your fics beforehand?
If we're talking about outlines, never have I ever in my fic life done a proper outline ^^; I'm very "I have all the backstory in my head, the rest of the details of the actual plot will unfold as I go" :'D
🌾 A fic you really want to write but you haven’t (yet)?
So Many ;u; but right now, the main things on my radar after I finish the current WIP are: -An assassination attempt prompt that's been sitting in my inbox for too long -A new possibly probably definitely spicy NyxNoct fic ideally for Valentine's Day. Buuut there's a good chance I chicken out of that one and try writing the next chapter of Cagefighter AU instead.
If I add anything else, I'll be getting too ahead of myself and overwhelmed lol. To anyone who's sent me prompts in the last several months: bear with me please I swear. I either get them done sorta quick or... Not Quick.
Thank you again for indulging me with these! ;u; <3
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blu-inked-life · 2 years
Lured In
Mal was in his office when Becc showed up looking as regal and gorgeous as she always did. Flowing red hair and topaz eyes that sparkled in the sunlight. She was resplendent. Exactly what anyone would want to imagine when they spoke of angels. To Mal, she was overbearing and micromanaging. The crush he'd had on her in his training days wore off quickly when he was forced to work beneath her. Funny how what he thought would be a dream became just waking up with a headache. Every. Day.
"I'm sorry if I'm intruding," she said with a voice like music. There were rumors her angelic parent was Uriel, the angel of art and music, but she wouldn't say and no one had been able to confirm. Mal bit the inside of his cheek to avoid telling her he knew she wasn't sorry at all. She never was. "I just wanted to check in on you. I'm.. concerned, Malachai."
"Mal. I've asked to be called Mal." He said for possibly the millionth time, barely swallowing his exasperated sigh. Her heels clicked softly on the floor as she shut the door and crossed the room. In a moment she was leaning against his desk, arms crossed over a spotless white blouse.
"You're changing Malachai."
"No, I'm really not. I've always asked you to call me Mal. Even when we were put into training together." He ought to show his superiors more respect, but why should he when Becc clearly had no intention of giving him any?
"You've been seen with that half-demon," she said quietly.
"And? She was assigned to my team. Without outing her I can't exactly arrest her." He refused to look at Becc, instead keeping his attention focused on a few case files he'd been perusing.
"And why not? It would be easy enough to do so without implicating yourself. A little bit of holy water is all you'd need. Why have you let her stay hidden?" Mal ground his teeth.
"Because my job is to keep magical threats contained and taken care of. She isn't one of them." It was shocking that he managed to keep his voice light, but Becc would no doubt feel the anger slowly building in him. "Bloodline aside, she's been extremely helpful to the squad. She has the strength and power to take on missions alone and has been nothing but friendly to her squad mates."
"Bloodline aside? Malachai do you hear yourself?" Becc was positively scandalized. He managed to keep his attention down but his grip on his tone was slipping.
"Blood isn't everything," Mal replies darkly.
"Is that what this is about? Are you bitter about your rank in the hierarchy and acting out by allowing a demon to slip through?" She had the tone of a mother about to give a scolding. Mal wasn't in the mood to hear it.
"I don't give a damn about the hierarchy, Becc, and you know that," he snapped, finally looking her in the eyes.
Under the flourescent lights her eyes still glittered like gems. Like crystals. It was inhuman yet he knew his did the same. It was a trait of the Nephilim, angel half bloods, to have pure glittering eyes. Plenty of Neph took pride in them as humans typically thought they were beautiful even if their cause was a secret kept among the celestials. Mal never had. He liked his eyes well enough but they separated him. They made him other. Someone glancing at his eyes would think him something special. An assumption he would have no further proof to back up.
"Adria has done excellent work and her cooperation has been extremely beneficial to the MTF whether you like it or not."
Becc stared at him aghast. Her Marked hand slowly rose to her mouth. Mal glared at the wings that flapped slowly on the back of her hand. If he were honest with himself she had been insufferable since she had been Gifted at thirteen. The Gift of Gusts. So perfect for a neph. So fitting. Not at all like Freezing. Cold and unforgiving ice was so very un-nephilim like. It made him like his Gift more.
"You used her name."
Mal realized his mistake instantly. Any other time, with anyone else, he would have said 'agent' with their last name. To her face he'd have called her Agent Mason as he should have just a second ago to Becc. The slip up gave away how comfortable he had gotten with her. Hinted at how much he was beginning to care for her. That was what truly had Becc absolutely horrified.
"You care for her," she uttered in disbelief. "You care for the half demon." Her eyes took on a tone of sadness. "Malachai what has happened to you?"
"I've said all that needs said. She is not a threat, regardless of her bloodline. Even if she's from a powerful demon lineage... she's given us no reason to doubt her and plenty to trust her." Mal sat back down and focused in on his paperwork again. Becc was still staring and the weight of it made him more and more irritable. Ice was pricking at the edges of his desk.
"Oh my poor friend... Don't you see? She has you right where she wants you. That's what demons do. They lure in the unsuspecting. They garner trust, even admiration. She'll lure you straight to the depths if you aren't careful..." To her credit, Becc did seem genuinely concerned for him. In any other circumstance it would have warmed him to her just a little. Right now it only made him angrier.
Becc said nothing more before she left. Just silently shook her head in disappointment. Mal wasn't stupid. He knew this confrontation wasn't over. Next time it might not just be Becc, either. Powers forbid someone from above get involved. Defying a direct order from a full blooded angel... He might as well walk himself down to the depths.
An image of the sunset reflecting in Adria's eyes as she sat on the rooftop flickered through his mind. Then the determined set of her jaw every time she sparred with him. The careless way she laughed like she'd never been weighed down by anything. How she had been bruised and bloody from something and not only had she come here first to avoid scaring her roommate, but refused to turn in her attacker. Was he really just being lured in by her? Then again if the Powers were beings like Becc who thought they knew with just a glance and the Depths were filled with beings like Adria that just let themselves live... Maybe being lured in wasn't so bad.
Even if she was luring him to the depths, he was beginning to think he'd follow not just willingly-- but happily.
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ways that hero society hurts pro heroes headcanons
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does anyone wanna hear the shit i think that heroes go through and why i feel they’re victims? no? ok
firstly i headcanon hero society as having extremely fucked up beauty standards where heroes face the same sort of scrutiny for their bodies as celebrities do in our world, like if a female hero is too muscular there will be men complaining that she looks like a guy and if a male hero isn’t muscular enough he’s lazy etc
i bet you anything that it was not only the fact that media interferes with hero work that Aizawa chose to stay out of the spotlight i bet in some subconscious way he was afraid of the intense scrutiny that comes with being a hero
not only that but heteromorphic people are always chastised and rarely do well in hero ranking if they don’t appear attractive or fit within the public’s view of heroes, i’m thinking of gang orca for example who is ranked number 1 in looks the most like a villain like for someone who fights villains for a living and has probably been harmed by them first hand that’s bound to take some psychological toll. that moment always bothered me and i think it’s really unfair for heroes to be categorised like that when they’re dedicating their lives to try to be useful. you just know that people with quirks like shoji will find it harder to succeed no matter how great or compassionate a hero he is.
i know it’s common in fan fiction for Hawks to have to hide aspects of his quirk that are unappealing but let’s think about that with other heroes as well like Mirko, i imagine she’s grown up with agents and superiors telling her it’s annoying when her foot won’t stop thumping or weird how she eats carrots or Mic being told to keep it down constantly-i’m sure there are loads of heroes who are made to be ashamed of aspects of who they are and have to hide them in order to sell an image and be more profitable and likeable.
i also imagine that they’re all terrified of aging and that perpetual fear of losing their spotlight is probably a huge part of their psyche as from a young age they feel they have limited time to be successful like when hawks is talking about his prime calm tf down your life has barely started.
heroes are objectified so much by the commission being treated like weapons makes them feel like their bodies are what make them useful-just look at hawks’ reaction to losing his wings calling himself crippled and pathetic because he can’t be as efficiently used despite still being able to achieve so much with his intelligence, determination and physical skill alone. Mirko may not have the same self deprecating attitude towards her injuries however her dedication to continue fighting by whatever means she can is a testament to how heroes are taught to act with no thought for their own safety if they want to be useful. this is what makes AFO scary to the heroes, the fact they can lose their quirk and therefore their usefulness is terrifying. i like to imagine that many heroes felt or still feel about AFO as korra did about amon in s1 of lok.
furthermore heroes are expected to give their lives at the drop of a hat, mirko lives every day like it’s her last because for heroes their is no safety net or garuntee that they will survive they can’t just give up or protect themselves in the face of certain death or they literally wouldn’t be doing their job. you saw how disposable Lady nagant was to the president of the HPSC clearly they don’t have any care for the lives of even the heroes they work closest with. Mirko and Aizawa cut off their own limbs without blinking because they have to and they’ve been trained this way and it’s horrific how ready to die all of the heroes are without a second thought despite how young they are. arguably it’s admirable but if i learnt anything from she-ra it’s that they need to find a bit of self worth and need to be treated as people who’s lives and well being should be a priority rather than disposable weapons to be used with no regard to their safety.
and it’s fucking beautiful that All might chose to live, the man who has been through the most and given pretty much all there is to give. He’s given up his whole life, his bodily health, his self esteem, his friends, his image as a natural born hero and so much more just to protect people. All might was able to break the cycle of death be choosing to live rather than give his life up and Deku will break the cycle by choosing to save rather than defeat or kill.
i just think that being a hero is so exhausting and must take so much out of you, it’s important to remember how much they are victims of the system
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Soulmate Mark
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Fandom(s): The Avengers/Marvel Cinematic Universe
Pairing(s): Loki x FemaleWinged!Reader
Summary: Each person has a mark on their wrist called a Soulmate mark. Your soulmate has the exact same mark, only theirs is on the opposite wrist from yours. Also you are not fully human due to the fact that you have massive feathered wings. After working with S.H.I.E.L.D. during the attack on New York you become close friends with the Avengers. When you finally meet your Soulmate you are just as shocked as the Avengers are.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters mentioned in this fanfic. They are owned by Stan Lee, Marvel Comics, the writers, producers, and directors of the films. I am simply borrowing them for this Fanfic.
A/N: Y/N-Your Name. I was going through my blog and decided instead of having two posts. for this fic, I’ll make it one post. I also decided to add a gif this time around.
Warning(s): Some out of character moments? Me thinks. o.O
Word Count: 3,266
It’s been two years since the attack on New York that was lead by Loki. You weren’t on the ground during any of the action. Instead you stayed on the Hellicarrier with Agent Hill, helping when asked. You had met the members of the Avengers before all hell broke loose.  At first they didn’t know what to think of you. You have a massive set of wings. The feathers closest to your shoulders are honey colored and the rest of the feathers are a beautiful auburn color. You normally keep them folded behind you. You’ve had your wings since birth.
As if your wings weren’t off putting enough your attire didn’t help. Due to your wings you had to wear corset tops. It was the only type of top that wouldn’t interfere with your wings. You’d pair the tops with black or blue jeans and black steel-toed boots. Your mark is always visible. Of course it wasn’t the outfit that threw the team off, it was your wings. That was until Bruce said Thor is from a different realm and considered a Norse God so accepting you would be an easy task. With that statement the team fully accepted you for who you are.
Even after the attack they all had kept in touch with you. That had made you happy because until S.H.I.E.L.D. no one had accepted you. When they would call you they talked of how they found their soulmate. Tony had found his the very day he met Pepper. Thor spoke of how Jane ended up being his. Steve never spoke of his much, other than to say she passed away a long time ago. Clint said his is a secret. Bruce and Natasha were still searching.
One day Tony called you, throwing a fit. Odin had decided for Loki’s punishment he had to live on Earth without powers. The place Loki was to live was in the tower with the Avengers. Tony went on saying it’s more of a punishment to the team than it is to Loki.
Today you sat on silently on your couch staring at you soulmate mark. Yours was a beautiful crescent moon surrounded by swirls and a few stars. It’s raised a bit off your skin on your right wrist. The story behind the mark is your soulmate has the exact same mark on the opposite wrist as yours. Once the two of you meet the mark will glow softly and your body will fill with a warmth that you have never felt before. You still have not met your soulmate yet.
You jumped when your phone rang, pulling you out of your thoughts. When you looked at the caller I.D. you smiled, seeing it was Bruce. You were close to him because of how he stood up for you when you met the team. Bruce was the first one to treat you kindly even with your wings. Soon the rest of the team warmed up to you, but you felt closer to Bruce. “Hey, Bruce.” You say when you finally answer. “Hey, Y/N. I’m outside your house.” He says brightly. “Alright, I’ll be out in a few.” You say before you hang up.
You silently praised yourself for getting dressed as soon as you rolled out of bed. You put your shoes on and grabbed your purse. As soon as you stepped outside Bruce pulled you into a hug. “It’s been awhile.” He says when he releases you. “Yes it has been.” You say smiling at him. “Too bad you two aren’t soulmates.” Natasha says as she approaches. “Hey, Nat.” You say as she hugs you. “Okay, enough standing around.” She says pulling you to the car. “Tony let us borrow a convertible so your wings wouldn’t get squished.” Bruce says when you get close to the car.  
“Hold up, what is going on?” You ask releasing yourself from Natasha’s grip. “Right, we should have opened with that.” Bruce said as he hopped into the driver’s seat. “Tony is having a formal party tonight. He wanted us to help you pick out a gown. Well, I’ll help you. It’s just Bruce got excited and forgot to call ahead of time to inform you of your invite.” Natasha says as she hopped into the back seat.
“Okay, I’m up for it.” You say as you get into the car. “We only have four hours before the party.” Bruce says driving away from your house. “I know the perfect place to get Y/N’s dress.” Natasha tells Bruce. You smile happily. The car ride to the dress shop was filled with laughter and off key singing.
“We’re here.” Bruce announces, putting the car in park. “Y/N, are you alright?” Natasha asks when you don’t move right away. “Um, I have wings and no money.” You say looking down at your hands. “Don’t worry we got your back, and we got that covered.” Bruce says squeezing your hand reassuringly. You smiled at him as you all got out of the car. You were still a little nervous and shy as soon as you stepped inside the shop.
When the girl behind the counter just stared at you, you felt uneasy. “Oh. My. You’re gorgeous.” She said walking up to you. “I’m Emma.” She smiled brightly. At her words you felt shocked but also relaxed. “Can you help us choose a dress that won’t interfere with her wings? Natasha asked breaking the awkward silence. “Yes, of course.” Emma said happily. Emma gestured for you and Natasha to follow her. Bruce took a seat on the bench near the dressing rooms. “Are they real?” Emma asked after showing the two of you a rack of dresses.
You looked from side to side before turning your back to the girl. When you knew you had enough room you stretched out your wings. “They’re beautiful.” She gasped as you refolded them and turned to face her. “Is this not abnormal to you?” You ask her gesturing at your wings. “I’m actually friends with people who have special abilities.” She spoke softly to you. “One of them has wings.” She looked at your wings as she spoke. “Oh.” Was the only response you could think of.
“If you tell me your size. I believe I can get the perfect dress for you.” Emma says with a smile. Once you tell her your dress size, she disappeared somewhere within the shop. You and Natasha walk over to Bruce. “Apparently Y/N’s not the only winged human in existence.” Natasha tells Bruce. He looks over at you with an eyebrow raised. “The shop girl knows someone that has wings.” You tell him right as she comes up to you with a gown.
“Here, it’s a corset top gown. Try it on.” She says with a smile. You take the gown happily. Smiling foolishly when you notice the top zips in the front. You walk into the dressing room, quickly stripping out of your clothes and slip on the gown. You looked at yourself in the mirror and gasped. The dress had a corset top with off the shoulder sleeves. The skirt reached down to your ankles. There is a slit on the right side of the skirt that stopped mid-thigh. The gown itself is solid black accented in silver and it hugged your body perfectly.
Smiling you stepped out of the dressing room. Emma, Bruce, and Natasha just stared which made you nervous. “Well?” You asked shyly. “Y/N, it’s perfect.” Bruce spoke first. “You sure this is alright?” You turn to ask Emma. You ask this because you didn’t see the dress on any of the racks so you knew it was pulled from were they kept newly delivered dresses. “Oh yeah. This is my shop and I thought this dress would be perfect. My employees are at the ware house to pick up more dresses anyhow.” Emma spoke happily.
“That dress looks like it was secretly made for you.” Natasha says when she stands up to circle around you. “How about trying these on with it?” Emma says handing you a pair of black pumps with silver straps. You smiled, sat down and put them on. You stood again. You hear a couple more people gasp. “These two are my employees Sara and Lisa.” Emma says when she noticed the nervous look on your face.
“I’m Sara. Wow! You look like a Goddess.” Sara says with a smile. “I’m Lisa. That dress truly compliments your gorgeous wings.” Lisa spoke. “I’ll take the heels and gown.” You said smiling brightly as you went back into the dressing room. When you were dressed you walked up to the counter with Bruce and Natasha smiling. “Thank you.” You say setting the items down.
“Actually we should thank you.” Emma said while she rang up the items. “We had heard rumors of you. Well more of we heard you live in town and are a friend of the Avengers. Also we heard you look like a Goddess. We’ve been hoping to meet you.” Lisa says smiling. “Thank you for being so kind to me. I just might come back more often.” You say as Bruce pays, and Emma hands you the gown and heels.
“Well, did you have fun?” Bruce asks when you head for the car. “Yes, I really did enjoy myself.” You said before Natasha got in the car. You and Bruce follow her lead. “Now to the tower. Nat will help you get ready in her room. Also remember Loki will be attending.” Bruce said pulling away from the curb. Bruce had the music blaring during the car ride so it was filled with music and smiles.
Bruce turned down the music when the tower came into view. He pulled around the side of the building and into the garage. “Good evening.” Jarvis greeted you guys when Bruce turned the car off. “Good evening, Jarvis.” You say as you get out. “Miss Y/N, it is a delight to hear you again.” Jarvis says. You smile as the three of you enter the elevator. “I need to go to my floor and Nat and Y/N need to go Nat’s floor.” Bruce spoke to Jarvis. “Yes, sir.” Jarvis spoke when the elevator moved.
Bruce stepped out of the elevator one floor before you and Natasha had to step out. “Okay, what shall we do with your hair?” Natasha said as you both stepped out of the elevator onto her floor. “How about we do it like Tauriel’s form The Hobbit series?” You say shyly. “That would be perfect with your dress.” Natasha says happily. “We only have two and a half hours left.” You say glancing at the clock. “That’s why we put our dresses on first before hair and makeup.” Natasha said pulling her dress out of her wardrobe.
Her dress was simple, form fitting, and black. She paired her dress with knee high boots and straightened her hair. Doing all of that didn’t take her very long. When she was done she began helping you. Your look took a bit longer because she wanted to do your makeup also. She gave your eyes black wings with a touch of gold. Once finished with dressing you, doing your hair and makeup, she made you look at your reflection. “I truly look like a winged Goddess.” You gasped at your reflection, in her body mirror that was mounted to her wall.
“There’s only twenty minutes left before the guests arrive.” Natasha tells you. “I guess we should get going then.” You smile at her when you walk towards the elevator. When you got to the floor where the party was being held, you were immediately hugged by Agent Hill. “Hi Maria.” You chuckled. “It’s been awhile.” She says smiling and finally lets you go. She gasps once she gets a good look at you. “You look stunning.” She says to you. You smile and walk further into the room. There were already a few guests, mainly S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Currently all eyes were on you, not because of your wings though. This time it’s because of your beauty.
When you see Bruce and Tony you walk towards them. The moment they see you their jaws drop open. “Y/N, you’re gorgeous.” Bruce says when you get close enough. “Thank you.” You blush. “Thunderboy and Reindeer Games will be a few minutes late this evening.” Tony said with a smirk. “Why’s that?” You ask curiously. “Because Thor wanted to explain to Loki the tradition of partying in our realm and to ask him to behave.” Bruce spoke before Tony made anymore insults towards Thor and Loki.
“Good evening, Y/N.” You turn to see Steve. “Steve, how are you?” You ask him while pulling him into a hug. “I’ve been alright.” He says when you release him. “I’m glad you could join us tonight.” Clint said as he walked up to the group with Natasha at his side. “I’m glad I could be here. Where is Pepper?” You ask Tony, looking around the room. “Sadly she is away on business.” Tony says with a frown.
“Lady Y/N, by the Gods you look gorgeous.” Thor says as he finally joins the group. “It is nice to see you. Jane is away so she is unable to join us. Though she did tell me that I am to tell you hello.” Thor continues.  “Where is your brother?” Tony asks sharply. “He will join us soon.” Thor replies kindly. At his words your body suddenly warms. You push your sleeve up to see the mark has a silver glow. “It’s you?” You lift your head and lock eyes with a man you’ve never met before.
“Brother Loki, may I see your wrist?” Thor asked quietly. While he inspected Loki’s mark you kept yours exposed. “They share the same mark.” Thor says to the people around you. Even with what was happening your eyes had stayed locked on Loki. The entire group gasped due to the shock of Loki being your soulmate. Loki stepped closer to you once Thor released his wrist. “May I?” He asked softly gesturing at your mark. You nod as he puts his wrist next to yours.
The two of you gasp as you see for yourselves that the marks are an exact match. “I’ve finally found you.” He looks up at you when he spoke. “Forgive me. My name is Loki.” He spoke finally after releasing your hand. “I am Y/N.” You say with a smile. “Honestly, I’m not sure how to feel about this.” Natasha was the first to speak. “It is fate and a mark that has brought them together. Let us be happy for them.” Thor spoke cheerfully.
“Wait! This man nearly destroyed all of New York. He’s known as the God of Lies and Mischief. How do you expect to have all of us accept this and celebrate?” Steve says angrily. “Steve, calm down. They were meant to be from the very start. I’m sure Loki will become a better person.” Bruce spoke up. “You know what! I know who we see him as and what he has done. Loki, if you are will to look passed the fact that I have wings, I am willing to look passed your past.” You spoke looking directly at Loki.
“Only I have one question. Do you regret your actions?” You asked and waited for a response. “Yes, I regret all the innocent lives that I stole. I do not regret my punishment, simply because it has lead me to you.” Loki replied, you could see the honesty in his eyes.
“He speaks the truth. From this moment on we celebrate.” Thor spoke up. “Wait, I wasn’t finished. Lady Y/N, I can look passed your wings. Though they add on to your beauty. They are a part of you and I will love them as much as I love you. I have to be honest I am not of Asgard. I am of Jotunheim.” Loki spoke the last words quietly. “Brother, are you sure you want to do this here?” Thor asked gesturing around the room at the growing crowd. “Yes, I have been waiting all my life to find my soulmate. I would like to tell her the ENTIRE truth. Y/N, I am a Frost Giant.” Loki spoke to you and Thor.
Suddenly Loki takes you by the wrist and leads you out onto the balcony. Once outside he looks you in the eyes. “I’m about to show you my true form. You must promise me that you will not touch me, it could harm you severely.” He spoke earnestly. “I promise.” You say putting your hands at your side.
He looks into the windows to make sure no one is watching. Suddenly his skin changes to a blue color with markings. He’s looking down hoping you are not repulsed or frightened. “Loki? Please, look at me.” You told him. He looks up slowly meeting your eyes. You gasp when you see his red eyes. “Loki, I wish I could touch you. You are stunning.” You said taking a step closer to him.
He changes his form quickly. “Y-you’re serious?” You would love both sides of me?” He asked tears welling in his eyes. You close the distance and kiss him passionately. At first he is shocked and doesn’t move. A few seconds later he relaxes against you and kisses you back. The two of you broke for air after several minutes. “From this moment on I forgive you, I vow to love all of you.” You say resting your forehead against his. “I suppose we must go back to the party.” Loki said straightening up.
You hooked your arm with his and walked back inside. You smile brightly when you spot the group again. “Well?” Thor asks nervously. “We are together and very happy.” Loki spoke while you smiled in agreement. “Good, I am happy for you both.” Thor pulled the two of you into a group hug when he spoke. “I am weary but also happy.” Steve spoke up. “We’re happy as long as you are.” Bruce said gesturing to Natasha, Clint, and Tony. They smiled brightly in agreement. “Now let us celebrate.” Tony said.
With that said you and Loki follow the group to the bar. “Eventually I do plan to marry you. I have searched my entire childhood and more to find you. I would enjoy to have you at my side forever and always.” Loki told you as you both stood around the bar with the group. “I would love that.” You say smiling at him. Thor begins to pass around the drinks. “To Lady Y/N and Brother Loki.” Thor spoke with his cup raised. Everyone cheered to that. After a couple more drinks and a few more laughs, Loki asked for a dance. The rest of the night was spent getting to know each other.
Many nights were spent that way, getting to know each other. The two of you would talk about anything and everything. Loki kept his word and married you a few years later. Odin approved of you and was happy to see Loki become a better man. Odin had told you that you bring out the best in Loki. From that moment on you both had found true happiness and finally felt like you belonged. Loki was eventually accepted as a member of the Avengers and you continued to work for S.H.I.E.L.D. No matter what danger lay ahead you both faced them together as a couple and as a part of a team.
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specialagentlokitty · 3 years
Loki x reader - Phoenix
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Hi I was wondering if you could do a Loki x reader where the reader is a Phoenix on the avengers and when Loki meets the reader he wonders what she is but doesn’t know and only thinks that she has fire powers. Until one mission where she saves him in her full form. Pure fluff please. Thanks - Anon 💜
Loki was finding his time on Earth to be annoying but enlightening. He was learning about mutants, he found it strange how some humans had powers and how some didn’t.
Sometimes he was still a bit clueless however, and since he’d only met you a few months ago, he wasn’t sure if you had any powers.
You were sat on the couch playing a game when he walked over to you with a book in his hand and sat with you.
“Why do you give off so much heat?” Loki asked.
You paused your game and turned to face him, furrowing your brows.
“I’m sat next to you and I feel like I’m in the depths off hel.”
“Oh... I think it’s because of this.”
You flicked your wrist and your whole hand lit up a bright orange, and Loki jumped, nearly falling off the couch.
“What in the world?!”
You put it out and smiled sheepishly.
“You remember what we talk about with mutants?”
He slowly sat back in his head, and nodded his head.
“Is that what you are? A mutant?”
“Yeah, I am.”
“What kind of mutant are you?”
“Well... under classification I’m a fire mutant.”
“Yeah, it’s what mutants are labelled under. It helps the government keep track of who’s dangerous and who’s not, there’s a whole lot of different things in there too.”
You knew this sort off stuff made him interested in humans, but he would never admit it.
“Are you dangerous?”
“The government seem to think so, that’s why I’m here. Perks off being the last of my kind.”
“The last of your kind, what does that mean?”
You opened your mouth to reply but you were stopped by Jarvis telling you there was a meeting you had to attend.
Turning your console off, you stood and smiled apologeticly at the God.
“Sorry Loki, I’ve gotta go. We’ll talk later.”
The meeting was about a mission you guys would be doing in the up coming weeks that needed to planned very carefully first.
“Are there any questions?” Fury snapped.
“Yeah, I’ve got one. If we’re doing this as a stealth mission, I think it would be a good idea to bring Loki and Wanda along.” You spoke up.
“Wanda I get, but Loki?” Tony scoffed, “bad idea fire bird.”
“Hear me out.” You sighed. “We’re going to split into two groups, with these guys it’ll even it out. Steve and Tony, Nat and Clint, Thor and Wanda, Me and Loki. Since Bruce and Vision will be our eyes.”
You looked over at everyone else who seemed to be thinking about this.
“I think it’s a good idea, the more groups the quicker we can find he captive agents.” Steve nodded.
“Loki can’t be trusted on the field, who knows what he’ll do.” Fury growled.
“That’s why I put him with me, Loki and I get along the most.”
���You think he’ll listen to you?” Tony laughed, “he doesn’t listen to anyone, he’s unpredictable!”
“Trust me, I think it’s time we take Loki out. He’s been here for a while, locked in the tower. It’s time for him to start repenting for what he’s done.”
“It’s a stupid move.” Nat sighed, “I know you think it’ll help but we can’t risk it.”
You sighed, and ran a hand through your hair, shaking your head.
“You guys didn’t trust me either when I was first here, but you gave me a chance. Do the same for him, whatever happens I will take responsibility.”
“Full responsibility?” Fury questioned.
You didn’t even think when you gave a reply.
“Full responsibility.”
“Fine, Rogers brief those two now. (L/N) stay behind, every out.”
They all left and you stood face to face with Fury.
“If this goes wrong it’s on your head.”
“I know sir.”
With that, you left.
You could’ve just made a huge mistake, but you think he could really do some good. You trusted Loki to help you, and you were ready to accept Full responsibility for whatever he would do.
Making your way to the lab, you sat with Bruce.
“Ready for the test?” He asked.
“Let’s do it.”
When it came to he day off the mission, you found Loki stood in front of the jet with a small frown on his face.
“Why bring me?” He asked, “for all you know I could betray you.”
“I trust you.” You smiled, “Come on, let’s sit.”
It started off well, no one had been found out, and you guys were slowly making progress. But when a guy who wasn’t meant to be outside came out it messed everything up.
“Change of plans, get there as fast as you can!” Steve yelled.
“Loki lets go!”
You started to run, but when you didn’t hear him following you or reply you started to worry.
Frantically you looked around, and you started to fear that he’d just up and left, and when you saw him surrounded by HYDRA that worry melted away into a worry for him.
You started to run towards him, your whole body lit up in flames.
“Loki duck!” You screamed.
You jumped high into the air, your body blew up with flames all around, and you emerged a giant red and orange bird.
With a screech, you dived down, knocking the Hydra agents off their feet while burning them.
Ones that hadn’t been taken down in your attack simply turned and ran in fear.
“How beautiful...” Loki whispered.
You looked down at him, folding your wings into your side as you dipped your head.
“May I?” He said, gesturing to your feathers.
You gave a slight nod, allowing him to find his fingers through the firy feathers while you scanned the area.
“Is this your true form?” He asked.
Again, you gave another nod and he smiled softly at you, taking a step back as you turned back into your human form.
“That is amazing, what are you?”
“A Phoenix.”
You guys started to walk towards the HYDRA compound.
You noticed Loki kept glancing at you, so you smiled softly at him and followed behind Tony and Steve.
“Take it he found out.” Tony snickered.
“Yeah, he did.” You laughed.
Everyone shook their heads, and Loki simply just smiled.
“Will you tell me more about it later?” He asked.
“Sure thing.”
He nodded, you were by far the most intriguing human he’d ever met
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albertasunrise · 3 years
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Summary: When Javier left for Colombia the second time, he told no one but his father. When he returns, he realises how selfish that decision was.
Pairings: Javier Peña x Reader
Warnings: Angst.
Words: 4kish
Arriving back in Laredo had been as uneventful as Javier had expected it to be. He hadn’t been gone as long as last time. A little over a year had passed since he’d made the decision to go back. After spending a few months mulling over whether he wanted to return there he had packed a bag and gotten on the first flight he could catch. His father had tried to speak sense into him, tried to convince him that it was a good idea. He could see how Colombia had sucked the soul out of his only son but Javier didn't listen and he didn’t do the one thing his father asked him to do.
Tell you.
He’d made you aware from the start that it was just casual. That he wasn’t ready for commitment. The family and the white picket fence and you'd agreed to that. Your relationship was his only constant for two months. His source of release when ghosts came back to haunt him. He’d met you at his favourite watering hole, you were new to him but not new to the bar and the two of you had talked for hours that first night you’d met. He’d kept coming back then, one thing led to another and he became a regular feature in your bed. The sex was great. Incredible and despite him telling himself that it wasn't serious there was a part of him that had fallen for you but he knew you didn't feel the same. So he'd left it.
Laredo is a small town. Everyone knows everyone and Chucho knew you. When he’d learned of his son's relationship with you he’d made Javier promise he wouldn’t hurt you. It was common knowledge that your relationship history was poor. You’d been treated poorly, cheated on and left to pick up the pieces all on your own until you’d met Chucho. He had taken you under his wing, gotten you the job at the bar and helped pick up the pieces of your broken heart when your fiancé had left you. He had also been there to support you when Javier had left and he’d warned you when he had learned his son was returning.
News you’d not taken well.
‘Where are you going?’ Chucho asked as he watched his son make his way to the front door.
‘Going for a drink.’
‘She’s not going to be there.’ He stated and Javier glanced back at his father.
‘She doesn’t work at the bar anymore.’ His father elaborated as he continued to stare at the mug clasped between his two large hands.
‘What makes you think I was going to see her?’ Javier queried, cocking his hip to one side as he studied his father closely.
‘Because I know you.’ He asserted ‘You seriously think that she’ll want to see you? I asked you to tell her and you didn’t.’
‘Don’t even try and lie to me pendejo.’ He snapped, finally looking up at Javier ‘She turned up at my door looking for you and I had to tell her that you were gone.’ He growled, eyes glowing in the dim evening light ‘You have no idea of the mess you left behind.’
‘What mess?’
‘It’s not my place to say. It's her business what you know.’ He answered, pushing himself up from his chair ‘You lost the right to that knowledge when you walked out on her.’
‘It was casual pops.’ He argued ‘She knew that. If she got hurt by me leaving then that's not my fault.’
‘Your actions have consequences, Javier.’ He finished ‘Remember that.’
The sun was blaring down as you managed to rip the last of the weeds that had invaded your flower bed. Wiping your brow with the back of your hand you dusted off your soiled hands on your worn jeans and made your way to your front door. As soon as your hand twisted the vintage doorknob you heard a voice you hoped you’d never hear again call your name and you sighed. Turning your head to see him standing there on the path, as beautiful as he was the last time he saw you.
‘How are you?’ He asked awkwardly and you rolled your eyes.
‘Peachy.’ you growled as you pushed open your front door.
‘Hermosa wait.’ He pleaded as he sprinted after you, catching the door before it slammed shut.
‘Javier I don’t want to talk to you.’ You growled, crossing your arms as you blocked his way into your home.
‘I just wanted to explain myself.’ He asserted ‘I was a jerk. I shouldn't have just left without saying goodbye.’
‘No, you shouldn't have.’ You growled as you shifted your weight from one leg to the other ‘Is that all? Only I have things to do?’
‘Can I come in?’ He asked, his brown eyes pleading and for a moment you felt yourself weaken under his sad gaze.
‘No.’ You snapped ‘Absolutely not.’
‘Well, could we perhaps meet for coffee?’ He countered ‘I just want a chance to talk.’ He continued, scrubbing a hand over his face as he adopted his signature stance ‘Dad said that I left a mess behind with you and I want to make amends.’ He confessed ‘If I can.’
‘I’ll think about it.’ You replied as you started to push the door ‘I’ll call you.’
Then you were gone. A dark green door separating the two of you. He stood there a moment, his stomach twisting in knots as he relived the interaction he’d just shared with you before he made his way back to his truck and left.
Hoping that you’d call.
You did…
His heart was in his throat as he sat at a table outside the cafe he knew you loved, your favourite coffee ready and waiting for you. His nerves increased when he saw you turn the corner but his emotions soon became confusing as you got closer, pram in front of you.
Why did you have a baby with you?
He didn’t have long to ponder that as you came to a stop beside the table, leaning down to check inside the pram before you took your seat opposite him.
‘Thanks for the coffee.’ You said, taking a sip and humming as the flavours assaulted your senses.
‘Thanks for agreeing to meet with me.’ He replied, giving you a genuine smile ‘Who’s baby is that?’
‘What did you want to speak to me about Javier?’ You asked, skimming over his question.
‘Oh… Well. I um… I wanted to apologise for leaving without telling you. I know I said that we were casual but you deserved better than that.’ He started, taking a sip of his coffee before he continued ‘I um… I guess I just thought it would be easier if I just left but I guess that wasn’t the case if I hurt you.’
‘Javier.’ You began, letting out a sigh as you sat back in your chair ‘I knew what we were. I’m not angry because you left. I’m angry because you ignored my calls.’
He cocked his head to the side as he waited for you to elaborate.
‘You don’t remember do you?’ You asked and snorted when he shook his head.
‘Was a few days after you arrived.’ You declared ‘I rang you telling you there was something I needed to speak to you about.’ You paused as you sipped your coffee again ‘You told me that you were busy but that you would call me back as soon as you could.’
Javier winced as the memory of that call came flooding back to him.
‘You never called me Javier.’ You snapped ‘I rang, left messages on your machine and with your secretary but you never called me back.’
‘Hermosa I-‘
He was cut off by crying and you turned your attention to the pram beside you, pulling out an infant that could not have been much older than four months old. You hushed her, rocking her in your arms as she screamed and protested at your attempts to soothe her.
‘Does she need a bottle or?’ He asked, a little unsure what to do.
‘She’s hungry.’ You stated as you fished out a small blanket from the bag that hung just below the handlebar of the pram and threw it over your shoulder.
After a little arranging, you draped the blanket over her head and shifted your shirt, rocking her lightly as she latched to your breast and started to suckle. Javier watched in shock as the puzzle pieces started to slot into place.
‘She’s uh… You have a baby?’ He asked, voice shaking a little as his eyes drifted from the infant in your arms to your face.
‘Yes.’ You replied plainly, looking him squarely in the eye.
‘Wow… Uh. Congrats I guess.’ He said as he supped at his coffee ‘Who’s the lucky guy?’
‘Seriously?’ You snort, rolling your eyes at him.
‘I thought you were supposed to be some sort of detective.’ You sniggered as you took another sip of your coffee.
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ He growled, feeling his anger start to simmer beneath the surface.
‘Well, let's see.’ You start, glancing down at your daughter before returning to Javier ‘You left. I needed to talk to you. A year or so later you come back and the girl you were fucking has a four-month-old baby. That a big enough clue for you Agent Peña?’
Javier sits there for a moment, mouth opening and closing as he processes everything that you had told him. The longer he took to say anything, the more amused you got by his obvious struggle to comprehend that the infant in your arms was half him. In the time it took for him to process, you tucked yourself back in, readjusted your shirt and started to pat your daughter's back as you placed gentle kisses in her hair.
‘She’s uh… She’s m-mine?’ He stuttered, eyes settling on his daughter.
‘Yes, Javier. She is yours.’ You replied, pulling off the blanket from your shoulder and tossing it on the table.
‘Does pops know?’
‘He does.’ You replied ‘He was there through it all. Came to my scans, held me after she was born. I even stayed with him for the first two months so that he could help me. He uh… her birth was hard.’
‘Hard?’ He asked, his expression changing to one of concern.
‘Yeah, she partly breached.’ You stated, as you looked down lovingly at your world ‘Forceps and six stitches later she was in my arms.’ You said with a smile ‘Was hell but she was worth it all.’
‘Why didn’t pops tell me?’
‘Because I told him not to.’ You snapped, looking up at Javier with fire in your eyes ‘You lost your right to know about her when you chose not to call me.’
‘That’s not fair.’
‘Fair?’ You growled ‘What’s not fair is that I turned up at your house to tell you that I was pregnant, only to learn that you’d left the previous night for Colombia without telling me.’
Javier winced at your timbre.
‘What’s not fair was having to go through the emotional turmoil of learning that I was pregnant with the baby of a guy that I had been fucking casually and knowing I was going to have to do it alone. What's not fair is that I called, gave him a chance after chance to be a part of that baby’s life and he chose to ignore me.’ You paused, downing the last of your coffee ‘You had an opportunity to know about her. To chose whether or not you wanted to be a part of her life and you blew it. I clearly meant nothing to you as otherwise, you would have called.’ You growled.
'I did care Hermosa.' He said softly and you laughed.
'Funny way of showing it.' You replied, staring at the pram for a short while as an awkward silence settled over you both.
‘Can I um… Can I hold her?’ He asked, his request taking you by surprise and you glanced down at your baby for a moment before looking back at him.
‘No.’ You replied bluntly before you stood and placed her back in her pram ‘Thanks for the coffee, Javier.’ You spat as you shoved the blanket into the bag and turned off the breaks on the pram ‘See you around.’
‘HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME?’ He yelled as he came charging through his father's front door.
‘Tell you what?’
‘That I’m a father!’ He gasped ‘That I have a four-month-old daughter. Who you have spent time with, have photos of on the walls of the house. I just assumed that they were some friend's kid but no, she's mine.’
‘She told me not to and I agreed with her decision.’ He stated and Javier saw red 'I thought that it should be down to you to mend this.'
‘If I had known I could have… things could have been different!.’
‘You would have known about her if you'd called her like you said you would.’ His father snapped back ‘You had plenty of opportunities.’
‘I was sorta busy taking down a cartel pops.’
‘And you didn’t have a single moment to yourself?’ Chucho questioned, watching the guilt seep into his son's features ‘You didn’t have a single moment in the past year to call her back? To find out what was wrong with the girl that you had been sleeping with for months.’
‘You should have told me pops.’ Javier scoffed.
‘You should have called.’ His father replied before standing up and leaving a conflicted son in his wake.
2 weeks later - 2 am…
Javier was woken by the sound of frantic banging, followed by raised voices and after rubbing his tired eyes he traipsed his way down the stairs to find you sobbing, your daughter in his father’s arms.
‘Her fever’s really high… I don’t know what to do.’ You sobbed, hands shaking as fat tears rolled down your cheeks.
‘What's going on?’ Asked Javier, making you and his father startle a moment before returning their attention to the baby ‘Is she okay?’
‘She has a fever.’ His father stated.
‘Do you want me to drive you to the hospital?’ He asked, gingerly approaching you before looking at the wailing infant in his father's arms.
‘It's probably just a cold.’ Said Chucho, shaking his head as he glanced up at you ‘You can take her if you want Mija.’
‘I uh… Can you drive?’ She asked the older man, her question stinging Javier.
‘I’m not allowed to drive at night now Mija.’ He stated and she nodded lightly ‘Javi will take you.’
‘It’s fine I’ll-’
‘Just let me help.’ Interrupted Javier, his eyes almost pleading ‘I am her father after all.’
The wait in the ER was the longest of your life. You sat rocking your screaming child as others tutted from their thrones of judgement. You could feel their eyes on you as you desperately tried to soothe her but you knew that nothing would work until her fever was tended to.
Javier sat silently beside you, picking at his cuticles and glancing every so often at his daughter. A part of him yearned to hold her, rock her in his arms and take her suffering away but he didn’t push you. He’d had two weeks to ponder everything that had transpired and he’d tried to reach out but you’d been hesitant. His heart was hurting bLet'se had no right to demand anything from you and so he decided that he would have to earn your trust in the hopes that one day, he’d finally hold his daughter.
‘Sophia?’ Came a voice, grabbing your attention and you abruptly stood.
‘You can uh, wait here if you want.’ You said, glancing at Javier as he stood.
‘I’d like to come.’ He said nervously ‘If that's okay.’
You simply nodded before making your way over to the doctor that had called out for your daughter. He motioned for you to lay her on the bed that was placed in the centre of the room, holding your baby's tiny hand as the doctor made his way over with a tray of different instruments.
‘Someone isn’t a happy girl are they?’ He said softly, stroking her plump cheek and pushing his bottom lip out at her ‘Is this dad?’ He asked as he motioned at Javier.
‘Yeah.’ You replied, taking the younger Peña by surprise.
‘Well let's take a look shall we.’ He said as he started to take her temperature ‘103. No wonder you're grumpy.’ He said as he placed the thermometer back down ‘Lets listen to that little ticker shall we?’ He said as he opened the front of her Winnie the Pooh onesie.
You and Javier watched as he moved the stethoscope around her little chest, letting out a sympathetic sigh as he placed the instrument back around his neck.
‘It's just a cold.’ He said, placing a comforting hand on your arm.
‘What can we do to help her?’ Asked Javier and you turned your head to look at him briefly before looking back at the doctor.
‘Lots of mums breast milk or formula.’ He started ‘The fever is clearly making her uncomfortable so I’ll prescribe some Calpol for that. Will hopefully bring that fever down quickly.’
‘Thank you.’ You said kindly, giving him a genuine smile.
Scooping your still fussy baby into your arms you followed the doctor out and to the pharmacy where he hands the lady at the desk a slip.
‘Get well soon Sophia.’ Said the doctor sweetly as he gently pinched the infant's cheek before bidding you both goodbye.
Javier watched as you picked up the prescription and that's when it hit him. Sophia. He hadn’t known her name until tonight and the more he thought about it, the more he thought it suited her. Smiling to himself, he doesn’t notice you had turned to face him.
‘Can we go now?’ You huffed and he sprung into action, leading the way back to his Jeep.
‘See I told you Mija.’ Said Chucho as he rocked a sleeping Sophia in his arms ‘Just a cold.’
It hadn’t been difficult to get the little one to take her medicine and within ten minutes she was out like a light.
‘How she caught a cold in the middle of summer I’ll never know.’ You chuckled, smiling at the older man as he fawned over his granddaughter.
You noticed out of the corner of your eye that Javier was watching him, conflicting emotions battling for dominance on his face and for a moment you felt sorry for him.
‘Thank you for taking me to the hospital.’ You pipped up and he glanced up at you.
‘It's fine.’ He replied coldly and you felt the sympathy dissolve.
‘Well, I better get her home.’ You said as you took her from Chucho.
‘I will see you on Sunday.’ She said to the older man, giving him a peck on the cheek.
Glancing at Javier you noticed him staring off at nothing in particular and scoffed, kissing your daughter's warm brow as you made your way out of the door and to your car.
‘What's Sunday?’ He asked his father after he knew you had left.
‘She and I have Sunday lunch together once a month.’ He stated plainly ‘I’ll leave something out for you.’ He finished before retiring upstairs again, tired from the evening drama.
2 months later…
You smiled at Chucho bounced Sophia on his knee as she tugged at his moustache. She was fascinated with her abuelo’s facial hair, always trying to grab it with her tiny hands. You thought, for a moment, about whether she’d do the same with Javier, the facial hair style being a trend amongst Peña men.
‘There was something I wanted to ask you Mija.’ He said suddenly, pulling you from your thoughts.
‘What's that?’
‘Do you think that perhaps Javi could come to dinner this Sunday?’
‘He’s been trying Mija.’ The older man interrupted ‘He’s been hurting. Seeing his daughter from afar but not being able to hold her.’
‘Well, who’s fault is that?’ You snapped as you took a sip from your lemonade.
‘I found him crying the other night over a photo of her.’ He said and you looked at him in shock ‘He’d never admit it but this whole situation is killing him.’
‘I'm sorry he's hurting. Truly I am but I just don’t want Sophia to grow attached to him and then him leave again.’ You stated and Chucho nodded in response.
‘I understand Mija but he’s put that life behind him.’ He paused, taking in your expression ‘He has nightmares you know. That country destroyed him and now he’s returned home to learn he's a father but he can't be one no matter how much he wants to be. I’m worried about him Mija.’
‘Worried how?’
‘He doesn't really eat.’ He stated as he pulled a tired Sophia to his chest ‘He’s cut down on the drink and the cigarettes but he’s not taking care of himself. He barely leaves the house. I’ve managed to get him to help me with a few jobs on the ranch but most of the time he’s either laying in bed, not sleeping, or sat out on the deck staring off at nothing.
‘What do you want me to say Chucho?’
‘Just let him hold her.’ He pleaded ‘Even if it’s just the once. Let him just hold her a moment. Let him come on Sunday and just have a little time with her.’
You sat there in silence for a moment, unsure of what to say.
‘Please Mija.’ He begged one last time and you nodded.
Perhaps it was time to mend fences.
Dinner was almost done by the time the Peña men arrived. Chucho entered first, Javier trailing behind him and he watched as you hugged and kissed his father in greeting before grabbing Sophia so she could kiss her Abuelo, or lick, on the cheek.
‘Hi.’ You said to Javier and the man was startled.
‘Hi.’ He replied, nodding slightly ‘Thanks for letting me come along.’ He said, fiddling with the hat in his hands,
‘She’s getting so big.’ Said Chucho as he bounced his granddaughter in his arms ‘Isn’t she getting bigger Javier?’
‘Yeah… yeah she is.’ He replied as he smiled at his daughter.
‘Would you uh… Would you like to hold her?’ You asked, your nerves seeping into your voice as he looked at you in shock.
‘You sure?’ He asked but his eyes were full of hope.
‘Yeah.’ You replied, watching as Chucho carefully handed Sophia to her father.
She squeaked loudly at him as she tried to reach for his moustache and you chuckled at her, smiling as he placed a kiss on her tiny palm.
‘Hey, Hermosa.’ He said softly as he gazed at her, their brown orbs locking.
At that moment he realised there was nothing he wouldn't do for her and his heart swelled. Taking a seat he lifted her so that she was at eye level with him and he rested his forehead against hers, breathing in her smell and smiling as her hands slapped tapped his cheeks.
‘I love you, baby girl.’ He said quietly as he brought his lips to her brow ‘And if momia will let me. I will spend the rest of my days proving it to you.’
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scarletarosa · 4 years
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The Demons
These entities which have been constantly claimed to be evil by Abrahamic religions are much more than what they have been portrayed to be. This is an account based off my many years of working with these beings and speaking to them about their history, mindsets, and values.  
Origin: As the demons and deities have told, Jehovah is not actually the supreme deity, but rather an imposter for the Source (whose counterpart is the Queen of Heaven). The first demons to exist were once angels (agents of the Source/Queen) and many of them were deities (since “angels” is an umbrella-term for all sorts of spirits tasked with directly serving the supreme God and Goddess). When Jehovah had arrived to seize control over the Universe and Earth, Lucifer, the first-born deity from the Source, had led a war against him; yet this traumatic battle ended horribly. Jehovah’s power as an Aeonic god (a deity who creates the physical and metaphysical Universes) outmatched the power of the Universal gods, yet he had been crippled. He defeated them and banished the divine beings who rebelled against his tyranny into the land of torment, Hell, and destroyed their original homeland in the heavens.
Upon arriving in Hell, the fallen angels became demons due to the dark energies of Hell; this caused them to lose their divine glow and become more dark and intimidating in appearance. Their wings blackened, they grew horns, and some even developed spikes on their bodies, claws, or red eyes. Yet they remained beautiful in some darker way, but their hearts were broken. The most powerful of the demons were Lucifer, Satan, and Leviathan; they became the High Kings and sought out to build their own kingdoms in Hell, each kingdom following their own values. From this time on, they became primarily focused on war and revenge. Their new realm began being used by the divine Judges of the Underworld who send evil souls there, allowing the three High Kings to determine torments for them (all evil people are sent to Hell, whether they follow Jehovah or not).  
With the rise of Abrahamic religions, the demons and even some polytheistic deities were labeled as “evil” and were taught to represent the very things which they opposed. Where they teach Lucifer to represent lies, he is instead truth/knowledge, Mammon as greed when he is generosity, Lilith as infertility when she is life/motherhood, Asmodeus as lust when he is love. Yet it is as they say, that the “victors get to write history” and the rebels who fought against a tyrant are portrayed as the ones who are evil. Additionally, not all demons began as fallen angels, as some were gods whose people had been slaughtered and the deities had lost themselves to grief. But instead of allowing them to suffer, many had been recruited by Lucifer into his own kingdom.  
The Three Kingdoms:
The kingdom ruled by Lucifer and his wife, Lilith, is set in a desert wasteland of eternal twilight, but some demons managed to develop oases here. The land looks extremely ancient and mysterious, with some smoldering ruins in the distance. Queen Lilith is viewed as the demons’ Mother Goddess due to her many children and her motherly nature. This kingdom has many areas which are filled with tormented corrupt souls, even gruesome scenes of them being torn apart over and over or having unspeakable things done to them. The values of this kingdom primarily include the seeking of knowledge, wisdom, justice, and developing strength through hardships. Overall, Lucifer is the Initiator towards Illumination, the prime light, and the beam which shatters ignorance.  
The kingdom ruled by Satan and his wife, Ashtoreth, is a dark volcanic land. The landscape reflects strongly Satan’s personality of being easily angered, rebellious, fearless, and destructive. He has many people being burned alive in pits of lava and many other torments within his domain. Satan’s kingdom primarily values military might, aggressive revolutions, and strength of character. Satan is the fiery rebel who incites civil unrest and causes revolutions. Without him, there is apathy and submission to dictatorships. 
The kingdom ruled by Leviathan is a desolate place of steep canyons and emptiness; the energy of this place can fill a human with crushing loneliness beyond imagining, only the demons can withstand it. This kingdom is the most well-defended one since Leviathan focuses primarily on defense whereas the other two are moreso offensive. King Leviathan is a draconic deity who rules over loneliness, desolation, solitude, and deep feelings of despair. He was once one of the Watchers who dwelt in the sea of Earth, but after the War, he greatly changed. Overall, Leviathan destroys everything that is redundant, whether it be places, people, or ideas; he tears through them all. He tends to be cold, calculating, serious, and very withdrawn.
Values: Overall, demons are wise beings who seek to darkly illuminate individuals of Truth, no matter how upsetting it often is. They also teach people how to be strong by putting us through hardships that we must overcome, yet will offer advice if asked. The demons are therefore pedagogues who urge us towards overcoming our weaknesses and seeking spiritual evolution so we may become stronger than ordinary humans. Due to their painful pasts of great loss, the demons are one of the spirit races who best know what it means to overcome suffering and instead allow it to transform you. They often teach this when asked, otherwise, they usually target evil people during their lives by inflicting bad situations upon them or causing them to have cancers or other health issues.  
The demons value wisdom and strength that is gained through walking the solitary path through Hell. It is a path that tears a person apart until they are finally reborn as something far more capable and knowledgeable of who they truly are. It is the demons who know that wisdom is paid for through blood and the sacrifice of one’s current self, and they seek to teach humans how to walk this path. Typically, the demons do not hold the majority of humans in high regard; both for the obvious reasons and because they have watched humans allow themselves to grow weaker over the ages. They seek humans who are willing to step into the abyssal darkness in order to find the light, and those who are willing to forego all that they were taught so they can learn the truth. They teach that once a person removes all of their chains of emotional burden and false beliefs, it is only then that they will they be free and find illumination.
Hierarchy: The highest-ranking demons in Hell are the High Kings and the Queens. These rulers are the ones who appoint promising and trustworthy demons of their courts to certain military ranks of nobility. These (in order of highest to lowest) are as such: kings, dukes, princes, marquises, earls, knights, and presidents. There is also a War Master for each kingdom, whose authority is second-in-command to their High King and Queen. The Goetic demons (the nobility of Hell) are all deities whereas the non-nobles can be either deities or semi-divine demons (as offspring of other demons). Among the nobility of Hell are also the children of the Kings and Queens, since they through blood hold a significant title.  
Demons are also capable of being exiled from Hell if they turn traitor. Although exile for demons means that they will be tortured to death. Upon the death of a spirit, their manifestation is torn apart and it takes many years (sometimes hundreds) to reform. Once they reform, they cannot return to Hell. There have been plenty of traitorous demons in Hell, as not all of them remain loyal and every race of beings has their fair share of corruption. For demons, some begin seeking more power or destruction and so often secretly pledge themselves to the snake-god of evil, Apep. This causes the rogue demons to begin trying to assassinate their own kind, but are quickly discovered and sentenced to a horrific death. Due to these, it is important to remember that not all demons are safe to work with and that it is best to go through their rulers when asking for who best to trust. However, the majority of the Goetia have remained faithful as only a few have ever been exiled; so they are typically safe to work with. A few examples of demons who are very unsafe to work with are Pazuzu, Moloch, and Amy.
Working with Demons: When working with the demonic race, it is best to keep an open-mind and be honest with them. They strongly value those who seek to learn more about who demons truly are and who also seek to better themselves through hardships. Remember to be respectful of these beings and to not treat them in belittling ways (such as calling them nicknames). It is also wise to dress appropriately when calling upon them to manifest in your area; do not dress in sleepwear (especially for the Goetia or other royalty). Additionally, make certain that you do not use any ritualistic summonings to call upon them, as they will be offended by this and leave (no evocation triangles or anything of that sort). One can however feel free to use their enns to either call upon them, meditate upon them, or chant the enns to bless things in a demon’s honour. Make certain that you treat them just as you would any honoured mentor and do not mock them or make lustful moves towards them since there are many demons who do not hesitate to punish humans for doing this.  
One thing that everyone going into demonolatry should always keep in mind is that you should never offer a demon your blood unless you completely understand what you are doing and who you are offering it to, When a person offers their blood to a demon, it is essentially you making a binding contract of devotion to them. If this demon turns out to be a harmful one, they now have the power to do to you whatever they please and you basically belong to them. So this action is overall something unwise. Something else to keep in mind is that the idea of “selling one’s soul” is not only impossible (since the soul is the higher self and is not ours to sell) but it also invites the malevolent tar spirits to you. Once a tar spirit gets ahold of a person wishing to sell themself, the person is now at risk of being possessed by them.
Overall, remember to be polite when working with demons (no need to be overly polite but be respectful at least) and take time to give them offerings when they do something to help you. As for the race of spirits called “tar spirits”, they at times like to pretend to be demons. So if a demon is acting strange towards you or is being harmful, there is a strong chance that it’s actually a tar spirit in disguise; although they can be banished by using an astral attack.
Links: The Angels, Tar Spirits, The Source, Lucifer, Lilith, Satan, Ashtoreth, Leviathan
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erika-being-erika · 3 years
More levihan reccomendations!
Part 1
• One Last Time by PiercingThePage
[Multi-chapt || on going]
Levi & Hanji have been dating for about 3 years in highschool. He starts to have feelings for one of the pretty girls names Petra Ral. After he starts cheating on Hanji with her, he decides he wants out of the relationship. Until the day he decides to tell her, ends up being the day she tells him that she's pregnant. Will they make it out well, or will Levi start to realize he is becoming his own dead beat dad
• Having My Baby by Countess_Dorkula
[Multi-chapt || on going]
Another SNK Kink Meme fill. Follow Levi and Hanji as they go through the marvelous adventure towards parenthood.
• catch me if you can by fanmoose12
[Multi-chapter || on going]
The Ackerman duo. Just the mention of this name filled Hange with so many feelings. Mostly, when she reread the files of their cases over and over, until her eyes watered, she felt pricking annoyance. Sometimes, when she stared at the dead bodies of those scarce unfortunates who stumbled upon their crimes, she was filled with hatred and a pushing need for revenge. Hange couldn't deny, however, there were times when she marveled at the impudence of their crimes. And, when she was investigating the Ackerman's cases and saw just how meticulously planned they all were, she couldn't help but feel something close to fascination.
No one knew who they were. No one had seen their faces, no one knew their true names. Almost everyone knew of their crimes.
Hange was determined to unravel every last one of their secrets. She will put an end to their crimes and then she will get the elusive Ackermans behind bars.
• Partners by fanmoose12
[Multi-chapt || on going]
When Petra was promoted to a detective and partnered up with legendary Levi Ackerman, she felt like the happiest person in the world.
But, as she soon found out, detective Ackerman she used to admire so much was actually a far cry from the ideal policeman Petra thought he was. He was rude, harsh and easily annoyed.
And, in addition, he still hadn’t moved on from the death of his previous partner - detective Hange Zoe.
• can't keep my hands off you by fanmoose12
[Multi-chap || completed]
Hange, Levi and their not so secret relationship.
• Looking for You by fanmoose12
[Multi-chapt || completed]
Returning from a long mission, all Levi wanted was to spend sometime with Hange. But instead he got a message from Erwin, urging him to come to HQ. There he found out, that Hange was missing for over a week and that his new mission is to partner with Moblit, Hange's loyal assistant, and together find and bring Hange home.
• A Tale of Two Slaves by TundrainAfrica
[Multi-chapt || on going]
"Soulmates don’t exist. Fate doesn't exist. Everything's a choice. And Levi could only watch as she made the choice for him."
Levi remembers everything from their past life. Hange doesn't.
• Free-Falling by djmarinizela
[Multi-chapt || on going]
Skydiver and tea shop owner Levi Ackerman meets the town’s resident mad scientist and tries to convince himself that he's not falling for her.
• All of Me by MannaTea
[Multi-chapt || completed]
By the time they reached the trees, Sylvia's sides were heaving, her flanks covered in sweat-foam, but they couldn't afford to stop; two titans had become more. Hange refused to look behind her, but she could tell by the way the ground shook that one of them was at least a 13-meter class.
And all she had with her was one blade and a horse who was about to drop dead of exhaustion.1
• Dreams May Not Come True by MannaTea
[Multi-chapt || completed]
Levihan. Hange knows something is wrong when she goes down to breakfast one morning and the smell makes her stomach churn.
• Something Like Destiny by MannaTea
[Multi-chapt || completed]
Reincarnation AU. Zoë doesn't have dreams; she just knows.
• A Dangerous Game by just_quintessentially_me
[Multi-chapt || on going]
A snk 1920′s AU:
Sina is wild, crowded, bursting with industry. Home to jazz, fashion - and corruption. Crooked politicians, dirty police, and powerful gangs have turned the city into a cesspit of violence where the powerful rule. At the center of the chaos are the Ackermans - one of the most powerful gangs in the city, Mayor Fritz - who is as corrupt as he is wealthy, Erwin - a police commander determined to weed out the corruption in his own department, and Hanji - a journalist willing to risk everything to expose their city’s darkest secrets.
• A Simple Choice by just_quintessentially_me
[Multi-chapt || completed]
The rain had started up again. Fat droplets drummed over her hood, drenching the fabric. Her horse’s reins were wet and cold; though her fingers, numbed from continued exposure to the elements, could hardly feel them.
Following the sound of the explosion, they’d arrived at a clearing. It was a mess of blackened, shattered wood, and the wagon, a skeleton, was little more than a smoking husk. Beyond the wreckage, a titan lay prostrate. Felled, its limp, hulking form was barely visible through the rain.
As soldiers shouted, pointing at the creature, one of the horses still tethered to the ruined wagon, writhed. When the beast screamed a broken, panicked wail, her own horse shifted, flanks twitching with unease.
Hanji barely noticed.
The soldiers' voices, the poor beast’s screams, even the heavy, even thrum of rain - had silenced as she looked to the river.
A body lay at the edge of the dark, white-capped water.
• License to Science (And Kill) by just_quintessentially_me
[Multi-chapt || completed]
When International criminal organization, TITAN, successfully steals an arsenal of missiles along with their encrypted launch codes, Code Blue is initiated. It up to Agent Levi Ackerman, a spy in a class of his own, and Research scientist Hanji Zoe, the premiere authority on the organization, to halt a global catastrophe in its tracks.
She lowered her glasses, brown eyes blinking over the rims. “Does this mean I have a-” One brow lifted. “License to Science?”
“No. But I do have a License to Kill. Don’t tempt me to use it.”
• Aftermath by just_quintessentially_me
[Multi-chapt || completed]
Levi rushes to the wall in the aftermath of the Armored and Colossal Titans' attack.
“Are you worried about your wife?”
The question shocked him out of his musings.
Levi looked up, “My what?”
But the pastor was already speaking, “You’re obviously beside yourself with stress – and it’s understandable. Not knowing if your wife has survived-”
Levi cut him off, “My what?”
The pastor hesitated, apparently realizing he’d made some mistake, but misunderstanding precisely what it was. “Your…wife? The woman we traveled with before? She’s ah – forceful. You two uh – have the same, er – strident personality. When we first met, she dangled me off the wall.”
• Terrible Things by someonestolemyshoes
The first time he tells her she’s pretty, Hange is all kinds of filthy - sweaty, dirty, twigs in her hair and mud on her shoes and a great big disgusting ball of everything Levi hates.
She is also crying.
It isn’t like he’s never seen her cry before - they’re nine and crying is just what kids do, especially kids like Hange who like to play with things they probably shouldn’t play with and like to climb trees even though they’re kind of clumsy and so the crying, in it’s self, isn’t all that weird.
What’s weird is that Hange - Hange, with her print-smudged glasses and ratty ponytail and clothes two sizes too big for her - is crying because a boy called her ugly.
• Acquiescence by 3LevisInATrenchcoat
[Multi-chapt || on going]
On Judgement Day, the tide brought someone strange.
• My soulmate by a_golden_hearted_snk_fan
[Multi-chapt || on going]
When your soulmate gets injured or hurt, their injuries show up on your skin with a slight sting then slowly fade. It was a rare thing to occur, but Levi and Hanji were the lucky ones.
• SOS by djmarinizela
[Multi-chapt || on going]
Levi is a reclusive senior student who shares an apartment with Mike, Nanaba, and his best friend, Hange, who he's secretly in love with. Oddly enough, they also belong to the same secret club with a special operations squad. The 104th cohort is a bunch of freshmen misfits they've taken under their wing, Moblit is Hange's lab partner also vying for her affections, while Erwin’s the newest instructor who doesn’t know how to teach. And they say school is fun.
• the moon is dark by alteirkay
[Multi-chapt || completed]
His face was wet.
“What the hell?” He murmured touching his face to see if he was mistaken. He was not. His hair was damp with sweat. There was an uneasiness invading his whole body. He was filled with it like he had drunk it straight from a bottle. His chest was heavy, his breaths were uneven, and his right eye was throbbing like a hammer was hitting at it continuously.
He was feeling like he had just lost someone.
• The Experiment by KakashiSensei
[Multi-chapt || on going]
After a public brawl between them, Commander Erwin confines Captain Levi and Zoë Hange to barracks. When the Survey Corps next heads out, they are left behind as a punishment. Soon bored out of her mind, Hange turns her scientific curiosity towards the most interesting specimen within her reach: Levi. When his past reaches out to him to claim him back, she joins him on a dangerous journey. Do budding feelings have a chance in the most desolate of places?
• windmill by alteirkay
Here is the thing about Levi, his heart is a windmill in the middle of a wilderness where there was no wind to make it twirl, there was no wind to make it beat, pound and feel. Just feel.
Until one day he got hit by a storm so wild, so rare and so incredibly terrifying but in the most beautiful and breath-taking way that it left him defenceless, vulnerable and weak. Like a tiny little flower which had long passed its day of blossoming in a fierce, winter dawn yet it stood erect with its fragile body, challenging against the merciless winds and the brutal frost.
He fell in love.
• In Your Shoes by Neighborhood_Nori
[Multi-chapt || on going]
Levi, Paradis Studio's strict ballet instructor, can't stand the newly hired hip-hop instructor, Hanji. As a ballet dancer with his own complicated history with hip-hop, Levi only has respect for the more refined forms of dance. Can Hanji change his mind about her and her style of dance through determination, persistence, and her passion for dance?
• Distractions by Rookblonkorules
[One -shot]
Hange’s love for pop culture interferes with her and Levi’s work.
It’s annoying.
• Leave You Whole. by zerothecreator
Levi spends his last moments in Hangë’s arms.
• Moments by Anonymous
[Multi-chapt || on going]
Levihan Modern AU
She's a long-legged, sun-kissed beauty with tattoos in hidden places and multiple piercings.
Her leather jacket's on his bedroom floor, her ripped jeans too and she's pretty sure one of her heeled scarlet boots got left in the living room in their haste last night. At least her glasses are on top of the bedside drawer- they managed that, at least.
• more baby snacks by argethara
Levi tries to find out how and why boxes of Udo's biscuits are gone.
• Anniversary by EllePellano
AU One-shot: Erwin and Levi have a short conversation about the woman they both loved
• All We Are by TundrainAfrica
"We’re what’s left of the old survey corps Levi. We’re all alone.”
“We can’t be alone if there’s two of us.”
“So what do you suggest Captain Levi?”
“We stick together…” Levi answered. “We stick together, Commander Hange.”
During the time skip, Hange and Levi's relationship develops.
• Thin Ice by Xenobia
[Multi-chapt || completed]
Takes place between events in chapter 90 of the manga. Hange, now commander of Survey Corps, commissions Captain Levi to scout territory in the mountains to search for a supply tower she believes may still be stocked. The scouts need all the supplies and currency they can get in order to carry on with their goals. Against his better judgment, Levi joins her on this excursion. The bitter, early winter makes their mission harder than expected, however. The pair find themselves relying on each other to survive, and they find it increasingly difficult to treat one another as comrades in arms and nothing more.
• Hidden Meanings by WhatHistoryForgets
[Multi-chapt || on going]
Hange never thought a materialistic item could mean so much to her until she lost it.
• Of teacups and stale bread
Five times Hange prepared tea for Levi, and the one time that he did.
• Unintended Consequence(s) by Ella3982
[Multi-chapt || on going]
Not all of the Anti-Personnel Control Squad died when the cavern collapsed. Some of them escaped through the tunnel Hange, Moblit, and Armin used. When the two parties meet, the Anti-Personnel Control Squad takes the three Survey Corps members hostage with the intent to force the Survey Corp's hand. However, when they find out that Kenny Ackerman has died, they become more desperate.
If the Uprising Arc had ended a bit differently, how would it alter the course of the story? What would change, and what would stay the same?
• A Fire in the Shadows by free_pancakes
[Multi-chapt || on going]
LeviHan in an Avatar the Last Airbender AU - a side story occurring alongside the events of ATLA
Levi, the nephew of a fire nation captain, stumbles upon a ragtag group of 5 known as the Scouts, formidably known for foiling the plans of local fire nation control, living in the forests a few miles north of Ba Sing Se.
• Speak Your Dark Pleasures to Me by Lamia of the Dark (VisceraNight)
A collection of drabbles and oneshots exploring a sexual relationship between Levi and Hanji.
• Tips & Tricks by Sleepyheadven
Eren’s brow was furrowed forward in confusion as he spoke. “I thought you said that staring at people isn’t nice?” He said after a few moments, gathering his thoughts. He seemed genuinely bewildered as to why she was intensely staring down a stranger when she had told him countless times before that it was impolite to do so.
Oh, lord, was her only thought as she quickly scrambled for an excuse. “I - Uh - well, sometimes people stare at other people because -” before she could even begin to form a proper sentence, Eren interjected. She wasn’t sure whether to be grateful or dismayed by his actions.
“Is it because you think he’s cute? My friend Ymir stares at my friend Krista that way all the time, she says it’s because she’s so pretty!” Eren babbled happily, oblivious to the way Hange’s grip around the handle of the cart tightened. Her brown eyes darted back and forth between the stranger and her son, hoping that he couldn’t overhear their conversation seeing as Eren wasn’t the softest of speakers.
• A drunk man always tells the truth by krissixh
[Multi-chapt || completed]
Levi finds out that Hanji is engaged to a rich man. He gets drunk that night and confronts her his feelings. The two have to confront a lot of difficulties to be able to end as a couple.
• Relapses by Oreotragus
[Multi-chapt || completed]
Despite having become a great asset to humankind, Captain Levi still has some trouble adjusting to his post-crime lifestyle, especially the social aspects of it. One extremely badly coordinated step out of his comfort zone creates a grand mess that he has to clean up.
• Weight of Survival by otterbeans
Hanji gives birth to Levi's unintentional child. She pretends to be surprised when he shows up for it.
• Don't drink the kool-aid by smallblip
Think of a number between one and ten. Because that's how you love in this world. First you toss out the word love. You tell it to its face that Commander Erwin Smith says “love is the ultimate cult of men... A sect... A dirty ploy by the whatever god is up there to make us all vulnerable..."
And then, everything falls into place.
• until another thursday evening by pinkweirdsunsets
[Multi-chapt || on going]
and ever since they were only five, Levi had protected her, whether it was from the daily shenanigans she came up with or the criminal background he came from. She was his sunshine, messy and grinning, and he shielded her away from all terrible things.
until zeke yeager came along.
• Make It Make Sense! By cznpai
[Multi-chapt || completed]
I can't add the summary cause I've reached the limit. Welp i still have a lot of fics here so ill make a another post of reccomendations... HAHA bye!
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nanowrimo · 3 years
5 Tips for Fast Drafting from a New York Times Bestselling Author
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NaNoWriMo is basically an exercise in fast drafting: getting as much of the first draft of the story as you can on the page as quickly as possible. Today, bestselling author J. Elle is here to share some pro tips for fast drafting: My first middle grade novel took me nine days to write. 
The first draft was about 40,000 words or so. And yes, it needed to be revised before it sold to a publisher. But the meat of the story was on the page in just over a week’s time. I’d never drafted anything quite that fast before. Within a single month I’d written an entire novel, revised it a couple times and readied it for sale. A few months later that novel sold at auction and will be on shelves May 2022. 
I still look back on this feat with a bit of shock and awe. To date I’ve sold five novels to major publishers, two young adult, two middle grade and one non fiction and my experience fast drafting has forever altered the way I approach writing. I should mention, fast drafting isn’t for everyone. Writing is such a personal thing and each storyteller has their own process, but in the event getting the first draft out is the biggest hurdle for you, like it is for me, I’m going to share five tips for knocking out that first draft in record time. 
1. Start with a SHORT story pitch.
Pitching a story in a few words is tough. But it’s a worthy effort and the best use of your time before you get any words on the page. Why? Because it helps you hone in on the core of your story and its hook. A good short pitch involves the character, their dilemma, and a hint of the stakes. In October of 2018 I pitched my YA debut novel in a tweet which then blew up. Not many words can fit in a tweet, but by choosing the right set of words, I was able to convey the heart of my story and it really resonated. (From that tweet, I signed with a literary agent and sold my debut novel to a Big 5 publisher in a six-figure-deal.) The biggest favor you can do for yourself is understand the story—its essence, its core—you’re trying to tell before you start drafting. And that’s hard. But the more you play around with creating a short pitch, you’ll begin to see a clear snapshot of what your book is going to be about. That’s your jumping off point. 
2. Expand your pitch into tent pole beats.
From your short pitch, spend some time deciding on what your major beats are. Now, yes this is a bit like outlining. And for you pantsers out there, I empathize with you. I was a pantser and still am in many ways. But I still do this step because this step ultimately saves me time. The beauty of fast drafting is that you know what you need to do when you sit down to type. So a lot of these steps are about doing pre-work so that when you sit down to type you’re not spinning your wheels to figure out what to type. Instead you’ll have a clear goal and you’ll be ready to execute it. Also, note that the goal isn’t to perfect each of these steps, but instead to try to do each step, to the best of your ability, and in a way that makes sense. 
I could write an entire piece on beat sheeting novels (which I love and do for all my books), but for the purposes here, I’ve organized the main things you want to know below in a series of questions. Simply answer each, make a chart if you like that sort of thing, and once you have each question filled out in a way that logically makes sense, move on to the next step. (NOTE: It’s a good idea to get feedback on this step if you have critique partners and fellow writers you trust.)  
Opening Scene - Who is the character before the world changes?
Inciting Incident - What happens that forces them to make a choice, changing their lives forever? What are they choosing between? 
“A” Plot - What is that choice they make? What are they pursuing or working toward? Finding information? Going on a quest? Uncovering the truth behind a murder?
Stakes - What are the stakes of the “A” plot? What’s at risk if they fail to accomplish whatever they’re pursuing? It should be something that personally affects them or someone / something they care about. 
“B” Plot / Character - Who or what is the theme of the story? What character in your story is going to embody that theme and play a key role in helping the main character change?
Midpoint - what happens in the middle of the book to change the character’s direction. Usually it’s some bit of new information or they realize things are not as they seem. 
Stakes Raise - How do the stakes (what’s at risk if they fail) raise after the middle of the book? 
Character Arc - what does your character believe about the world in the beginning of the book that by the book’s end they will no longer believe? (An extension of this question is: what things can happen in this character’s life to facilitate them incrementally learning this big truth? If you don’t know this question right off, that’s okay. But this is a question you want to go back to every now and again, even after you finish the first draft, to ensure your character is actively involved in a plot that is resulting in their change.)
Failure - How will your character fail big? This happens at about the 75% point of the book and it's the final moment of failure, usually, before they pick themselves up off the ground (figuratively or literally) and learn the lesson they’ve needed to learn. There forward they act on their new belief to the end of the book, demonstrating how they’re changed. 
If you’d like a more in depth look at how to beat sheet a novel, I strongly suggest reading Jessica Brody’s Save The Cat Writes A Novel. 
3. Flesh out your beats into a detailed synopsis. 
Now the fun part! This step is the most helpful thing you can do to enable yourself to fast draft. 
Write a mini version of your story, also known as a detailed synopsis. The key to writing synopses is not to worry about the voice, but instead what happens. Try to convey what happens and its impact on the character to show how the story moves from tent pole moment to tent pole moment (per the step above). This takes some trial and error and you may get annoyed with yourself because it’s not as easy as it seems. But, I’ve seen that if you can write a compelling and cohesive synopsis, the draft that you execute will be far stronger and more efficiently executed. 
Definitely get beta feedback on your synopsis from writing friends you trust. It’s worth going over this a few times to get it right. In terms of length, aim for 3-4 pages for a middle grade novel and 5-10 pages for a young adult or adult novel. These are just general guidelines. My latest YA novel required a fifteen page synopsis and I am very glad I did it because it conveys the tone, arc, and plot of the novel and the main plot threads quite well, which allowed me to draft the first 23,000 words of the story in five days. 
4. Summarize each scene. 
(Note: a chapter can have more than one scene.)
Okay, we’re getting really close to writing! Now that you have a mini version of your story, consider how you will break it up into scenes. This doesn't need to be perfect, but spend some time figuring how to stretch your synopsis into a full novel. Give each scene a short summary. Aim for a few sentences, no more than a paragraph, just so you know what needs to happen in that scene (or scenes). Do not skip this step. I repeat, do not skip this step. This step allows you to sit down and execute the scene without figuring out what to write. The “figuring out” part is where a lot of writers slow down. Do that in the summaries so when it’s time to draft you are ready to execute, not sort out details. 
5. Write with a goal in mind.
Plan your writing days. I’m not talking anything extensive here. Just grab your phone calendar or a post-it note and write down which days you want to do which scenes. Then on writing day re-read that summary and execute it. If you’ve done all the pre-work the words will fly from your fingers. Don’t worry about grammar, typos, reading back what you did. Insert fillers such as, “TITLE” or “NAME” for details you haven’t worked out yet. Just get the scene that you’ve summarized out. The goal is to finish the draft. After that is when you make sure it all works together through revisions and fill in the details. Right now the goal is finishing the draft. It literally just needs to exist! 
If you’ve done all five steps, pat yourself on the back because congrats, you’re ready to fast draft! Don’t hesitate to tag me on socials if you try this method out and it works for you. I’d love to hear how it goes!
J.Elle is the New York Times bestselling author of Wings of Ebony. Elle has a Bachelor’s of journalism and an MA in educational administration and human development.  She grew up in Texas, but has lived all over, from coast to coast which she credits as inspiration for her writing. These days the former educator can be found mentoring aspiring authors, binging reality TV, loving on her three littles, or cooking up something true to her Louisiana roots.
Website: WingsOfEbony.com
Twitter: @AuthorJ_Elle
Instagram: @AuthorJ.Elle
TikTok: @authorjelle
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emilyshotchniss · 3 years
Starting Fresh
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Summary: After your best friend Elle leaves the BAU, you’re devastated - and a replacement agent is just adding salt to the wound. Or is it?
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x Fem! BAU reader
Warnings: a little angst? fluff, non-graphic implied smut, nothing major:)
Word Count: 1677
Oh you have got to be kidding me...
You looked up from your desk to find a slender brunette woman standing in Hotch's office. She was carrying a large box, presumably filled with her things, and that could only mean one thing: she was likely Elle's replacement. You rolled your eyes as JJ called you all into the roundtable room, interrupting Hotch's conversation with said brunette, leaving her standing doe-eyed in the doorway, clutching her box. You followed JJ to meet the others, huffing as you went.
"Her body isn't even cold yet! She's been gone less than a week!" You exclaimed to the others.
"Y/N, calm down. We don't even know who she is," Derek said, trying to reassure you. Hotch entered the room with Gideon, looking both annoyed and confused.
"Who was that in your office?" You asked, trying to act cool.
"Nobody. JJ, lets present," He said, abruptly changing the subject.
You made your way across the jet and sat opposite Hotch. He glanced up at you, waiting for you to speak. You squirmed awkwardly, before blurting out your question.
"I just need to know one thing... Is she replacing Elle?" You asked.
"Y/N, not now. I know how close you were with Elle, but this is a private matter." He stated.
"Fine," You sighed, and made your way over to Gideon, at the other end of the jet.
"Hey Gideon, can I ask you something?"
"Fire away kiddo," He replied.
"That woman... You know, the one from Hotch's office this morning? Is she replacing Elle?" You asked, desperate for some more information.
"Look," He began. "I don't know who she is, or why she's here, but she has all the right paperwork saying she's supposed to be here. Hotch is waiting to hear back from Strauss about her." He told you, keeping his voice low so Hotch wouldn't hear. You knew he'd be honest with you, he was almost like a father figure to you, ever since he took you under his wing when you first joined the team. He knew that Elle was your best friend, and how much her leaving affected you - and thought it only fair you knew all the information regarding her vacant position.
"Thank you, Gideon," You said, sincerely.
"Anytime kiddo," He replied, before returning to his book.
You returned from St Louis, laughing with the team as you entered the bullpen. You noticed the light in Hotch's office was on, and upon closer investigation you saw the same brunette sitting on Hotch's couch, waiting. You knew then she'd be sticking around.
"Alright guys, I'm heading out," You declared, masking your true emotions, dodging everyones' glances.
You walked swiftly to your car, and got in quickly. Everything then hit you at once - Elle was gone - and she was never coming back. Your best friend, was gone for good. You wiped your tears, and drove home, preparing yourself for the difficult day ahead of you.
Walking into the bullpen the next morning, you saw the brunette arranging some of her things opposite your desk - what was Elle's desk, was now her desk. You sighed, rolling your eyes, psyching yourself up, when Garcia body-blocked you.
"Stop." She stated.
"Ugh- Penelope," You said, attempting to get past, and failing miserably.
"Before you go any further, fix your face. I know she's not Elle and I know you miss her, but she's only trying to do her job. She's actually very lovely," She replied, smiling and booping your nose as she moved aside.
"Okay Garcia, I'll give her a shot," I said, walking up to my desk, when I heard my name.
"Y/N? Agent Y/N Y/L/N?" The voice said. "Hi, I'm Agent Emily Prentiss," She said, extending her hand for you to shake. You hadn't noticed over the last few days, but she had gorgeous brown eyes, you could almost get lost in them.
"Y- Yes, hi," You replied, shaking her hand, before sitting down. "You nervous?" I joked.
"Uh- yeah, actually, a little. I hear I have big shoes to fill," She said, with a sympathetic look in her eyes.
"That you do," You replied, trying to be nice, "But don't worry, I have a feeling you'll fit right in," You finished, no longer faking the niceness, finding it easier to speak to her as the conversation went on. But god, those eyes...
"The cell members bailed out through a tunnel, the DEA recovered a nextel two-way and managed to intercept a message," JJ began, handing each of us a piece of paper, when she stopped Emily.
"That's not the transcript, it's-" She began, but Emily stopped her.
"No, it's in Arabic," She stated.
"Uh, our friends surprised us and eloped, we can no longer wait for the wedding as planned, we can deliver our gift at the next crescent." She said, oblivious to everyone's stares and gaping jaws. She looked up, as embarrassment flushed over her cheeks. I was in awe.
"I lived in several middle eastern countries growing up," She mumbled. This woman really was full of surprises, wasn't she? You didn't know what you were feeling, but as soon as you met those dark brown eyes you knew there was something different about her. I placed my hand on her thigh, reassuring her. She smiled gently in return, placing her hand delicately on top of yours, squeezing it gently. You were secretly praying that she would be your new field partner, but knowing Hotch and his trust issues, she probably wouldn't even fly with us.
You all returned to your desks, as Hotch and Gideon stood in his office doorway, quite obviously discussing Emily.
"Jason, this is an interrogation, not a training exercise." Hotch said sternly.
"She's the only member fluent in Arabic," Gideon countered.
"There's other translators," Hotch replied. You and Emily both glanced up from your desks.
"They haven't studied behavior," Gideon rebutted again.
"Does she even have her ready bag yet?" Hotch asked. At this, I noticed Emily duck beneath her desk, fumbling about.
"My guess is there isn't much that woman's unprepared for," Gideon said. Just as the words left Gideons' mouth, Emily re-emerged from below her desk, sliding her packed ready bag onto the table, standing awkwardly next to it. You couldn't help but giggle at her, which caught her attention.
"What," She grinned.
"Nothing, it- it's just your cute, that's all," You smiled back, causing her to blush. You had no idea where your boldness was coming from, but you weren't lying - she was cute...
"Prentiss, Y/L/N, you're flying with Gideon to Guantanamo, car leaves in 4 minutes." Hotch stated.
"Yes sir," You both replied, Emily struggling to hide her wide smile. She had the most amazing smile...
The team returned back from GTMO, after an exhausting few days. Thankfully, you were able to prevent the terrorist attack that Al Ikhteraa had planned, and everyone was headed to O'Keefe's for drinks. Hotch went straight home to Haley and Jack, and Gideon decided to skip. You were headed to your cars, when Emily stopped you right before you unlocked your door.
"Hey, Y/N wait up," She said, running over to you. You immediately felt your palms begin to sweat and your heart rate increase. You never expected to - but you liked her. A lot.
"Hey, I just wanted to say thank you," She began.
"Thank you? For what?" You said, letting out a confused giggle. She smiled back, sending the butterflies in your stomach crazy..
"Oh, just helping me settle in the last few days,and being the most awesome field partner I could've asked for, having my back and all," She continued. "I know it couldn't have been easy, you know, they told me you were close with Agent Greenaway," She said. Oh my god - you'd gone the whole week without thinking about Elle once. Were you finally moving past her?
"Uh- Uh yeah, yeah, she was my best friend." I replied, looking at the ground.
"I'm sorry, that must've been difficult," She said, grabbing your arm, the physical contact sending chills down your spine. Screw it. You had had a great week despite your first ideas, and you were feeling bold.
"I wanted to hate you so badly," You began, catching her off guard. "I wanted to hate you, because you were replacing Elle, because I knew that you joining the team would make me have to accept that my best friend was gone, and never coming back." She tightened her grip on your arm, softly stroking it with her thumb.
"But as soon as we first spoke, I knew there was something about you that I couldn't quite put my finger on. And as the week went on, I only became more sure." You continued, smiling at her, making her blush.
"Sure of what?" She questioned, nervously giggling.
"Sure that I wanted to do this..." You hummed, before grabbing her waist and pulling her close to you, then gently placing your lips on hers. You panicked when you didn't feel her kiss back initially, but were reassured when you felt her tongue brush over your bottom lip. You started slow, but things progressed fairly quickly and she took control, pushing you flush against your car. She let out a few faint groans of pleasure, before you pulled away for air, grinning from ear to ear, feeling like you were going to burst with happiness.
"You still wanna get drinks?" She whispered.
"I have other plans in mind, if you'd like to join me," You winked, before unlocking your car.
"I'd love to," She replied, jumping in the passenger side. The whole car journey home was filled with stolen glances and wandering hands, and when you finally arrived at your apartment, you could barely contain yourselves. Lips met, clothes were ripped from each other, and you spent the night exploring every inch of each other. You both knew then that this was the beginning of a beautiful adventure...
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jamespotterthefirst · 4 years
Caress (Adam x f!detective)
Pairing: Adam du Mortain x f!detective (Emilia Miranda) Word count: 1.1K Warnings: None Summary: The detective got a new haircut and Unit Bravo is quick to notice, some more than others.
Author’s Note: Hi, I’m Bree. I just finished TWC and was left with a lot of feelings. It’s been days and I haven’t stopped thinking about that option to change the detective’s hair in the book 3 demo. So here we are. 
Thank you @aestheticartsx​ for pre-reading! 
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The Detective's heartbeat flutters wildly, like the wings of a desperate, terrified hummingbird. Adam can hear the erratic rhythm even before Unit Bravo strides into the station that morning. 
They pass the officers and staff whose names he hadn't bothered to learn, the drumming of her pulse reaching a fever pitch. It becomes evident that Emilia is nervous, even terrified, of something. By the time they reach her door, his mind has conjured a multitude of scenarios where her safety is compromised, each more horrifying than the last. 
Adam quickens his stride, every nerve on high alert, his muscles coiled with concern. 
Until his eyes land on her. 
Her back is to them but even then, he can immediately appreciate the difference in her appearance. The curtain of long, glossy hair that once rippled down her back in the most maddening way is gone, for the most part. It is replaced instead with a blunt sheet of waves that barely reach her chin.
 Adam feels a sharp, inexplicable pang of loss at the absence of tantalizing brown waves. And then she turns to face them, the full effect of sharper cheekbones and a graceful, long neck halting his steps. 
Felix wolf whistles. “Em, you look—” 
For the first time in a long time, even Felix is speechless. 
Shell shocked, everyone turns to Mason, already seated in his dark corner, a plume of smoke swirling from his cigarette. He shrugs, unabashed about the brief compliment. 
Felix nods in solemn agreement. 
“More than hot.” His fingers make a faux photo frame, inspecting Emilia through it as though she was a piece of fine art. “Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before.”
Emilia lets out an unrestrained bout of laughter. Adam revels in the sound, incredulous that he once found it irritating. 
“I never should have sent you that meme,” she says to Felix, though the rosy bloom of her cheeks indicates she's flattered. 
“You look lovely, Em,” Nate informs her earnestly before taking his usual seat. 
Emilia gives Nate a grateful smile that makes Adam's insides twist with longing. 
A short silence ensues and everyone's attention falls on Adam, no doubt awaiting his reaction. 
Except he has no words. 
“It's…” he begins, his voice sounding gruffer than usual even to his own ears. 
Immediately, he amends that last thought. He could think of many words, in many languages, that could begin to pay homage to her. They would fall short, never encapsulating her incandescent charm or her arresting beauty, but for a second, Adam wants to spend hundreds of years trying. 
The detective visibly takes in a breath through parted, pink lips as she waits for the end of that sentence. Her heartbeat picks up again and it dawns on him that this is what she was so nervous about. 
Adam's teeth clench together, masterfully stifling the wave of emotion she effortlessly draws. 
“... Practical.”
Emilia's expression falls, her gaze moving away from his with a resignation that makes his stomach clench painfully. 
“It is,” she says in a small voice. 
The words feel like a blunt knife. 
She doesn't look at him once for the duration of their meeting, even when he offers brusque input from his spot by the window. By the time their time together draws to a close, Adam's crossed arms dig into his chest, every nerve ending aware of her every move. 
“You really do look great, Em,” Felix is saying with a simper as he prepares to leave. “Don't mind Adam, though. He's only upset he can't fantasize about pulling your hair from—” 
The murderous look Adam throws the younger vampire cuts the words short. Instead, Felix dissolves into a wicked laugh before following Nate and Mason out of the office.
Adam begins to follow, too, but he stops at the door. Shoulders pinched with tension, he turns to face her, despite his better judgment. Her gaze clicks with his, paralyzing him on the spot and charging the air around him with crackling energy. 
The silence is heavy, deafening. 
Then, Emilia glances away, busying herself with some documents on her desk. An errant lock of hair falls across her face with the movement and Adam's fingers curl at his sides. 
“Is there anything else, Commanding Agent du Mortain?” 
The use of his professional moniker is expected. Yet, that doesn't ease the sting of hearing it. 
“Not at all, Detective Miranda.”
She barely nods in acknowledgement, already making her way to the exit with a purposeful gait. “Good. If you'll excuse me, I have to meet with Verda about—” 
Her words stop abruptly when Adam remains fixed on the spot, blocking her path out the door. 
Their considerable height difference has her staring straight at his chest. Beautiful, soulful brown eyes move to his neck like the delicate, featherlight caress of a lover. By the time her gaze reaches his eyes, Adam's mouth is dry, his skin feeling too tight for his body. 
He swallows with much effort, unable to look away. 
They remain like that, mere inches apart. Emilia searches his expression, desperately hoping to find something. 
“It suits you.”
The words leave Adam before he can stop them. 
“You hair.”
Emilia blinks, unsure of what to say. 
Having her so close that her breath brushes his skin is pure torture for Adam, his body aching to pull her closer still. Before reason kicks in, he reaches out to her, his fingers brushing away that stray piece of hair. 
The detective sucks in a shuddering breath but she doesn't move away from his touch. Instead, her eyes flutter closed, long lashes casting shadows across jutting cheekbones. 
Adam's fingers move to the plane of her cheeks, tracing a path so delicate, it's as if he's afraid to scare her away. 
In a way, he is.
He is terrified she will realize just how undeserving he is of her. 
His eyes follow the movements with as much intensity, enraptured by how right their skin looks, pressed together. The pad of his thumb reaches the corner of her mouth, aching to travel the swell of her bottom lip. 
“Emilia, Verda is wondering—Oh.”
The officer called Tina comes to an abrupt stop a few paces behind Adam. 
“I'll be right there,” Emilia calls to her friend. 
Adam opens his mouth though he is unsure what to say. It doesn't matter because the detective has already averted her gaze, her spine straightening with quiet dignity. 
Perhaps she knows that had it not been for her friend's interruption, Adam would have retreated, as he always did.
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author’s note: Thank you if you read this! 
Tags: @aestheticartsx,  @kat-tia801, @lady-calypso, @fictional-affections, @alyssalauren , @rav3n23 , @aworldoffandoms , @gryffindordaughterofathena , @missmiimiie , @danijimenezv​ , @canigetanawwjunk​
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rebeccccccaaa · 4 years
𝒻𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓃 𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓁
sᴛᴇᴠᴇ ʀᴏɢᴇʀs x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎: You’re a hydra experiment gone wrong. Not to mention Steve Rogers hates you; and you have no idea why.
𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: angst, substance abuse, alcohol consumption, enemies to lovers kingda but not really, smut 18+  (slight praise?, a bit of pet names? protected sex ;), riding, cockwarming, choking)
𝒶/𝓃: might do a part 2 blurb, but i’mbeginning to run out of ideas so send some requests! also thanks for 100 followers!! :,)
𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉: 3.3k
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You sat by the window of your  room with a cup of coffee as always wishing life would be different; but also not. You were grateful for your life you’re able to have now; being with the Avengers, learning how to control the powers you now possess. Grateful to have a home again.
Years ago you were out with your friends for the fifth time that week, getting drunk and high off of anything you could get your hands on. Your fiance broke off your engagement for his secretary; typical. You got fired from your job the week prior. You were days away from being evicted from your  apartment. You had no family; your life was falling apart. 
You were also the perfect target. Stumbling out of the club black out drunk and high as shit you were taken into the darkness never to be seen again. You woke up surrounded by darkness freezing, shivering from the cold. You had no idea where you were, what day it was, who was staring at you from the shadows.
“Welcome home,” the voice taunted you.
You spent years in that cell. They wanted you to possess dark magic. And you did, oh did possess alright. You remember that night like it was yesterday; that night haunted your dreams every night. 
You would sit in your cell, moving the toy blocks they left for you to use. You mostly practiced your magic with them considering no one taught you how to use them, they only wrote shit down whenever you saw them. No one ever spoke to you and whatever voices you did hear were whispers in languages you couldn’t understand.
Earlier that day so long ago, a ‘doctor’ injected you with this thick disgusting black liquid. They had been at  your door all day waiting for something to happen. But they got what they were looking for; experimenting on you for. 
Your back burned and ached as if  there were nails clawing at your skin. You screamed in agony, begging someone to help you, to take the pain away. You could see your once blue veins that ran through your body turn black.  Your skin ripped on your back, bruises forming, black feathers growing out your body.
Once they were entirely out of your body they applauded. They actually praised the ‘doctor’ who made you into this, this creature. They left you to deal with the pain. You shook in fear and agony. You had wings. Fucking black wings. 
They called you the Fallen Angel. You possessed the powers of Lucifer himself. You didn’t fully know it however.
Months later the avengers infiltrated the base. Natasha found you; you were severely dehydrated and malnourished. But you recovered quickly and here you were staying with the avengers fighting alongside them taking down bad guys and shit. 
There was a light knock on your door taking you out of your horrid memories. 
“Hey, babe,” Natasha opened your door and peeked her head around.
“Hey, Nat,” you replied.
“How are the wings?”
Since you’ve been with the avengers you’ve become happier with your life again and your wings started getting light in color, they’re still not white however and you don’t know why.
“Still gray,” you chuckled.
“That’s so weird. You haven’t done anything and that goop that was in your system is filtered out. What’s making them gray?”
“I have no idea. Anyway are we even sure they're supposed to turn white? I mean I’m no angel; I had a shit life before all of this happened. Maybe it’s just baggage.”
“But it makes sense, you know,” she defended.
“Not everything makes sense.”
“You hungry? Sam was thinking chinese takeout, Tony said shawarma and you’re the tie breaker.”
“Awe man, you guys suck. What do you want?”
“Shawarma,” she whispered.
“Ok. shawarma,” you agreed.
She grabbed your hand and led you to the living where everyone waited for the tie breaker. Your wings were so big and they dragged behind you every time you walked, ran, anything. It was hard sometimes, they were heavy too but you got used to it.
“She said shawarma!” Nat shouted.
Half the crowded cheer and the other half whined. Delivery came fast thankfully and everyone gathered on the couch, Tony putting a movie on while you guys ate. You sat with Bucky and Nat; usually Steve sits with Bucky but Sam was also on the couch next to Buck. 
Steve came up to you making your stomach drop; he was so handsome but here’s the thing, he hated you. Since you came to the tower, he always said they shouldn’t have brought you. That you were too dangerous and you could hurt someone; that hurt you. 
You spent so long hating yourself for what you became but with the avengers help, excluding Steve, you’ve been able to learn to start loving yourself and appreciate how you can use your powers for good and saving people. But every time your name came out of Steve’s mouth, it was degrading and you hated yourself a little more each time. 
And you don’t know why.
“I’m sorry?” you questioned, taken aback.
“I said move,” he said sternly.
“Steve, she was here first. Don’t be a baby. Go sit down somewhere else,” Nat said.
Steve stared at you making you look away in discomfort. He sat in the loveseat alone glaring at you like you had killed his mother or something. The movie continued however and people kept eating. Steve was still grumpy glaring at you whenever you laughed at a scene or said something out loud or literally did anything.
“Rogers, L/n. Briefing, now,” you snapped your head to the voice who was Nick Fury.
“You two doing anything?”he asked when you three were alone.
“We were-”
“Good,” he interrupted.
“I have a mission for you two. We’ve been getting hyperactivity on our radar at these coordinates for the past week now. We do have reason to believe it may be another hydra base trying to regroup maybe, get the band back together type of shit.”
“And you need us why? The rest of the team is in the living room,” Steve asked him.
“You two know hydra best and it’s too soon to put Bucky on a mission that involves Hydra. I’d like you two to complete this with no casualties. We have authorities ready to arrest them, they're just waiting for you,” Nick gave you both a file. 
“I want you both on the plane in 5. And please for fuck’s sake, try not to yell at each other. Y/n, Steve is your captain just do what he says,” He walked out of the room and you rolled your eyes. Whenever you guys go on a mission together he always has you stand back and even stay on the plane with Bruce sometimes. You more than once rejected his instructions; now thinking about it might be the reason he hates you… 
“Try not to kill yourself this time,” Steve said before leaving to suit up. 
The mission was going well and all fell into place. Until while the bastards were under arrest getting ready to be transported, one of the Hydra agents recognized you. He mocked you and laughed at you. Taunted you and brought memories of your time with them back to your mind. 
Tears formed in your eyes, you were so angry. You used your powers, developed from the darkness and began slowly killing him. He turned red and choked gasping for air. Steve watched you begin to get angry, feeling empathy for you. But when he saw you snap, he knew he couldn't trust that you’d cause trouble. 
“Y/n, stop,” he said. But you didn’t stop; you wanted the bastard dead.
“Y/n!” you ignored him.
Your brain drowning all sounds except your breathing and his lack of. Steve grabbed your arms and dragged you, you bursted into tears, memories and trauma flooding back. Steve was pissed that you couldn’t go a single mission without doing something you weren’t supposed to. But he also knew that what you had gone through was torture and he felt sorry for you.
He somewhat knows about the torture that Hydra has inflcited in the past. Bucky talked about it with him and sometimes still has nightmares about it. His behavior probably doesn’t make you feel better. He didn’t mean it to get this far.
When Nat brought you on the plane, he was hesitant. But he knew if they left you there you would die in no time. After you rested, ate, and cleaned up, he was mesmerized. You were very beautiful but Steve felt like because of Peggy he shouldn’t love another person. Like she would be mad if he moved on. 
So, he avoided you at first. Absence turned to frustration when you wouldn’t leave him alone like he had thought. Frustration led to insults and now you think he hates you with everything in his body. But he couldn’t feel further from hate for you. 
Sure, he got frustrated when you didn’t listen to him on missions; primarily because you thought he was being a dick on purpose to antagonize you. But when you came home, safely, and laughed with everyone about Bucky tripping and falling on his face, he fell in love a little bit more with you and your laugh. You looked so happy; without him.
But Steve can’t let it happen, so now he stomped away from you pretending to be upset over something so stupid. 
“Where are you going?” you yelled at him.
“I really don’t need your shit right now, Y/n,” he snapped.
“No, you’re gonna deal with it. It’s been more than a year, Steve! Grow up and talk to me like a real man! Why do you hate me so much?”
“Enough!” he boomed, scaring you.
“Leave me alone,” he said lowly, having more impact than if he were to yell.
“Please,” you cried, “Talk to me. What did I do?”
“You want to know the truth? You’re too powerful. You’re already reckless and if you knew the capacity of your abilities you'd become more reckless. If you’re more reckless you’ll die; and if  you die, that's on me. I can’t let that happen,” there was sincerity in his voice for once; the truth but not the one he wanted to really admit.
“That doesn’t explain why you hate me.”
“God I don’t fucking hate you!”
“Then tell me the truth!” you yelled back.
“I hate myself. I hate myself for feeling the way I do. It's not  fair to her.”
“Not fair to who?” 
“To Peggy.”
“I thought Peggy passed away.”
“She did,” he went into his room and sat on his bed head in his hands.
“I’m confused.”
“I can’t help what I feel for you; and that’s not fair to Peggy. I feel like I should still be in love with her but I’m not.”
You stood by the closed door listening to him. 
“You like me?”
“No, I think I fell in love with you. I thought I could stop by avoiding you but your so fuckin stubborn. You were determined to be my friend; and I don’t want to just be your friend. So I said a couple of mean things and it went too far. I never meant for you to hate me or for you to think I hated you. I was just stupid.”
“Yeah, it was little stupid,” he chuckled at what you said.
You walked towards him and stepped between his legs. He grabbed a hold of your hips and buried his face in your stomach. You held his head brushing your fingers through his hair softly. He looked up at you with soft eyes filled with regret and sorrow. You could tell he was frustrated.
“Is it wrong? To love you?” he whispered.
“No, Peggy wouldn’t want you to spend the rest of your life moping when  you could choose to be happy, like she did. She would want you to move on, live life. And that doesn't mean with me. I mean in general. Does that make sense?”
He nodded sincerely.
He slid his hands to the back of your thighs and sat on his lap. You gasped and your wings fluttered behind you, expanding with excitement. Steve chuckled at that and you buried your face in  his neck feeling embarrassed. He cupped his hand on your face and naturally  you leaned into his hand looking into his blue eyes. 
“Can I kiss you?” he asked.
You simply nodded before leaning up to him to connect your lips with his. Your wings once again expanded; lightly ruffling against each other. You pulled away and attached your lips to his neck peppering light kisses all around. 
You connected your lips once again and it was Steve’s turn to attack your neck with pecks. You’ve alway worn shirts that were either very low in the back or cut to make room for your wings. Either way Steve slowly pulled your shirt over your shoulder trailing kisses along your chest and collarbone. 
“I really care about you, Y/n. Please let me show you.”
You hesitated only because it’s been so long since you had been intimate with someone.
“We don’t have to-” he started.
“No, I do. I really do; it’s just been a while, you know? Being held hostage and all,” you joked.
“I understand. We still don’t have to.”
“Steve,” you whispered in his ear.
“I want you. I want you to fuck me.”
You heard him growl lowly before he stood up with you and almost laid you on your back.
“Steve, I can’t lay on my back!” you laughed.
“Oh that’s right! I’m so sorry,” you both laughed for a second.
He set you down on your feet and stripped his shirt. Your eyes shot straight to his chest, your hands reaching out to touch his chest.  He smirked at you before taking his pants off leaving him in boxers; for now. He reached for your pants as well eyeing you to make sure he wasn’t moving to fast but after a smile and a nod he slowly pulled your own pants to join his discarded on the floor.  
He kissed your thighs that were slightly scarred from your time with hydra. He stood up and you pulled your shirt down off your shoulders letting it fall to the floor. Steve’s eyes watched your breasts. His hands reached for them as you did to his chest when he took his shirt off. 
You pulled in for another kiss until Steve had enough.
“I need to be inside you, baby girl,” he pulled his boxer down, taking your panties off after. He grabbed your hand sitting on the bed. His back leaned against the headboard and you crawled into his lap, your knees falling to either side of his hips. His hands rubbed up and down your thighs and hips.
He reached for a condom and handed it to you winking and smirking. You tore the foil with your teeth keeping direct eye contact with him, Steve getting harder and harder every second passing. Your took his cock in your hands, bigger than you thought it would be, and rolled the condom on squeezing a bit making his hips jerk up into your hand.
“Knock it off, pretty girl.”
You leaned forward and lined your entrance with his cock moving your hips around a bit teasing him before you actually sink down. Steve was so impatient though, he gripped your hips and thrusted quickly into you making you gasp loudly and moan not long after.
You moved quickly, breasts bouncing with each thrust. Steve groaned under you, fingers digging into your hips. 
“My angel. You feel so fucking good,” he grunted.
You simply whined and moaned, feeling euphoric being around Steve. Your wings moved along with you guys gracefully expanding further as you got closer to your oragsm. Steve’s hand moved up your body to wrap around your throat, his thrust getting more sporadic. He squeezed gently making your eyes roll back; your wings getting bigger.
“Your fucking perfect, angel. You gonna cum soon? You gonna cum around my cock?”
“Yes, Stevie. Oh god!” you moaned. 
Your moans got louder, echoing in the room. Skin slapping against each other mixing with the lude sounds of you both where you were connected. Steve released his hold on your neck and grabbed your waist moving wildly in and out of you. 
Your pussy pulsed around Steve’s cocked. When the pressure building in the pit your stomach finally bursted your wings fully expanded and your back arched. You felt Steve’s dick throbbing until it went soft inside you. You collapsed on his chest trying to catch your breath again. 
Steve moved you for a minute taking his cock out of you; discarding the condom in a trash bin. He grabbed a towel and iped you clean first then cleaning himself. He crawled into bed with you and you moved your knee over his hips as before making him laugh. 
“What’s wrong, angel?” you liked that name he gave you.
“Can you…?” you mumbled into his chest.
“What was that?”
“Can you put it back in?” you asked louder.
“My cock?” you nodded shyly.
“Anything for you, angel.”
You laid on his chest with his cock settled inside you and you dozed off. Steve lightly scratched your back after turning his bedside light off. Before he fell asleep he saw a soft glow of wings turning white. He questioned it but ultimately fell asleep. He’d ask you about it tomorrow morning.
You woke up with your head on Steve’s chest, naked limbs tangled with the sheets. Steve was on his phone, his hand scratching your head gently. 
“Good morning.”
“Morning, bug.”
“Sorry to keep you in bed,” you said sitting up; you pulled the sheet with you to cover your chest.
“Don’t be sorry, angel.”
“I’m really hungry.”
“Want to grab breakfast downstairs? We’ll come back up afterwards. We can cuddle some more,” Steve kissed you with a smile.
You stood up grabbing your shirt from last night and Steve handed you a pair of cledan boxers to wear. He dressed himself before walking with you downstairs to the kitchen. 
You walked into the kitchen first everyone’s eyes wide. You thought at first maybe it was because they might have heard you and Steve last night but Nat spoke up before you could ask.
“Your wings! Their white!”
“What?” you asked shocked. You opened your wings so you could see them in front of you to see that they were in fact white. 
“How did that happen?” Nat came up to you.
“They weren’t white last night.”
“They changed after you fell asleep, angel,” Steve spoke up; everyone’s heads snapping toward him, confused.
“They did?” you asked, he nodded and smiled coming up to you grabbing your hand.
“What the fuck?” Tony said.
“What the hell happened? I thought you guys hated each other?” Bucky asked.
“It’s a little complicated,” you said. 
“Ok but that doesn’t really explain why they’re white now,” Nat spoke up.
“I think it’s because I wasn’t truly happy and fully free of my past until yesterday. I was able to move on and now being with Steve now makes me happy.”
“Really?” Sam joked.
“Yes, really,” you laughed.
“This is gonna take some getting used to,” Tony said. 
“Did you guys…?” Nat asked suggestively.
Your eyes grew wide and you got hot. Steve only laughed which was enough of an answer for everyone. 
“As long as you’re both happy,” Bucky said.
“We are,” you looked up at Steve, wrapping your wings yourselves and shielding a heated kiss with Steve. 
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