#even the nerds think they're too nerdy
dumb orc barbarian is cool and all but check out my newest character
Nox Callisto, a tiefling astronomer barbarian. Considers themself an intellectual, a scientist, a researcher, a scholar. In reality, they're a broke college student with anger management isses. They think they manage their anger just fine, with an axe. Just don't spew misinformation or call them a nerd. (They are a nerd. They play an obscure constellation based trading card game. They are convinced the cards aren't worthless, they are.)
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cauterisen · 10 months
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kimiko tohomiko is the gf with nerdy interests and yaku morisuke is the bf who doesn't always get it or like the same things but still appreciates her and listens 2 her ramble anyways
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evilminji · 5 months
You think the Zone has its version of Comic Con?
Like? Think about it. You have literally all of time to work on it, your Magnum Opus, your life's work. That DREAM comic. All the supplies you could ever wish for. Endless paper. Endless ink. You can practice and practice for CENTURIES until it's JUST right.
Wouldn't you want to share it?
There are definitely Ghosts who have Obsessions that make them collect.
And two people meeting would lead to a group. Lead to a bigger group. Lead to a large group. A gathering. A crowd even. Eventually you need a Lair to meet IN. It becomes An Event.
People hear about it.
Want to bring other art mediums. Food stalls. Report on it. It grows. Shoot offs start happening. Niche meet ups.
But like?
Unlike comic con? It's all FREE. Sure, you might have fork over the ecto to make your copy. And yeah, weaker ghosts can only do that so many times. Will have to prioritize. But? They can come back after leaving for a nap. Ask a buddy to come with. There ARE work arounds.
Just? Imagine the unbelievable HIPE? Danny would feel? But be unable to TELL anyone about? Zone Con happens several times a year! Cause so many people wanna come. The Zone being infinite, after all.
Problem 1? They're using THEIR standard of a "year". Which is actual 5 earth years. So it's only happens every year and a half for him. And Problem 2? He can't even TALK about how excited he is about Z Con with anyone (outside his friends and family) because they haven't heard of it and might Ask Questions.
It's ALSO held in a part of the Zone that's like? Three days of flying away from the portal. And no amount of begging is gonna get any of his loved ones to camp in the Speeder for around six-ish days just to go to a Con.
So you can imagine his DELIGHT. His utter JOY and *Target Spotted* "!!!" Noise, when? In the crowd? He spots A HUMAN! Hi fellow human!!! Omg, wanna be Con Besties? *doesn't even wait for an answer*
So now? This sad, blonde, deeply lost and kinda alarmed, trench coat dude? Is Danny's new Z Con Going Bestie! You got a map yet, bestie? No? That's cool, he has one. By the way, he has human food in the Speeder if you nee-
Cause, see, here's the THING. John? Lost to the Realms Infinte. Or Infinte Realms. Translation was iffy... and on fire... like the rest of the building. It was him or the kids those psychos had kidnapped, for what fucked "ritual" the voices in their heads, that THEY thought were demons but frankly he's pretty sure was just feedback from-
Look, doesn't matter, he had to choose. He always knew someday he'd have too. That even twisting Luck and talking fast wouldn't quite be enough. And he had to decide, in that moment, which outcome mattered more to him. They get out safe, or he does.
Wasn't much of a question, was it?
So, there he is. Staring down oblivion and all those debts unpaid. 'Bout to see who's gonna come for him this time, and take what left of wretched soul. When? He bleeds on the FUCKIN two-bit crap circle they squiggled in God only knows what. Remembers that "oh YEAH, set dressings!" Sometimes when you focus too hard on insuring a Good Outcome?
You weird weird as shit byproducts happening on the side to balance it all out.
Or BAD ones.
He wakes up someone fucking green and crowded. For the life of him can't tell you which one it is. And THAT was of course, bout two days ago.
Biggest and most immediate problem? He... does NOT recognize what flavor of magical fuckery this is. Doesn't seem Fae. And doesn't smell like Hell. There are... there are honest to God BOOTH BABES hanging around. Hunks too. The view is LOVELY.
And nerdy.
Very, very nerdy.
But he isn't THAT out of touch. So he should recognize SOMETHING. Or at least the languages. But nope! It's like aliens and magic had a nerd baby and dipped it in GREEN. And the worst thing? Is there is food everywhere, but it all glows and John's not stupid enough to eat it.
Then? Sweet merciful fuck. Salvation! Some teeny bopper Barely No Longer Teen fresh faced INFANT of a Hero kid. With a SHIP. Who has FOOD and a clear idea of where they are. Hello~ John's new BEST FRIEND. Yes. Absolutely. Con Buddies, whatever.
Just feed me, kid.
Only? Once he inhales like 5 "Fenton rations"? He only gets half way through introducing himself before getting interrupted. Kid hears "magic" and "occult Detective" and just? Goes "oh! So you wanna check out the magic Ally with me? Sam wanted me to pick up some witchy stuff!"
..............how magic?
(In Which? Constantine becomes Danny's interdimensional Con buddy)
@the-witchhunter @hypewinter @hdgnj @mutable-manifestation @lolottes @nerdpoe
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unclewaynemunson · 8 months
If there is one thing Eddie Munson is good at, it's hyperfixating. He can spend hours upon hours wholly entranced by whatever it is that has his attention, whether it's a newly discovered band or a book series he's reading or some random new interest he likes to immerse himself in. It's something Steve, who himself has the attention span of a goldfish, will never really understand, but that's okay: even without understanding it, it's one of the things he loves about Eddie.
Some of Eddie's obsessions fade just as quickly as they appear, but others stay with him for years. So when he reaches a 1000-day streak on Duolingo learning Elvish, Steve has a surprise for him: two tickets for a Lord of the Rings convention in Chicago. The second ticket is not for Steve – they enjoy their own separate interests just fine without the other's involvement – but for Dustin, and the two of them wave goodbye to Steve with a suitcase filled with nerdy costumes and matching excited sparks in their eyes.
Eddie returns a few days later filled with stories about all that he and Dustin got up to.
'Guess who we met at the convention,' is one of the first things he tells Steve. He's bouncing around with excitement, too impatient to even wait for Steve's first guess. 'The guy who created the Elvish Duolingo course! And guess what? He lives in Indianapolis! I'm having lunch with him next week!'
And it's cool, Steve is happy that Eddie met his hero and made a new nerd friend out of him, he truly is – until Eddie shows him the picture that Dustin took of the two of them.
Here's the thing: Steve is not a jealous person. Not at all. He knows that jealousy is a gross thing to feel and he can't even imagine not trusting Eddie. But... he had not expected Eddie's lame nerd idol to have amazing hair, a lip piercing, and muscles in all the right places. The guy looks like a freaking model. And usually, that wouldn't bother Steve – he knows he's not exactly ugly himself – but usually he doesn't have to compete with guys who speak Elvish fluently.
'You should come with me, we can all hang out together,' Eddie suggests. 'I'm sure you'll love him.'
Steve is hesitant about it, but Eddie refuses to take no for an answer, and that's how Steve ends up at Vikram's house for lunch two weeks later.
Eddie gasps loudly when Vikram leads them into his living room, clutching a dramatic hand to his chest in true Eddie fashion. Steve knows it's not all theatrics, though: there's no way a room like this wouldn't genuinely impress Eddie. It's dark and filled with big leather furniture. Framed posters for various metal bands and horror movies hang on the walls. There are shelves filled with big fantasy books, and every corner of the room has a display cabinet filled with what seem to be collectors' items for various series.
If Steve had been hoping for Vikram to look more like a stereotypical nerd in real life, he would be severely disappointed: the guy looks amazing in a leather jacket that would fit perfectly in Eddie's own collection and black skinny jeans that show off a truly amazing pair of legs, making Steve feel oddly self-conscious about the couple of pounds he gained since he left his high school sports days behind him.
While they're having lunch – Vikram bakes his own bread and it's so good that Steve doesn't think he can ever stop eating – Eddie and Vikram enthusiastically talk each other's heads off about all things Tolkien. Steve, on the other hand, grows more quiet as time passes, not really following along and sure as hell not able to give any contributions to the topic at hand.
'Did you ever try to learn some Sindarin as well, Steve? Or are you more of a Quenya guy?' Vikram asks him in what is no doubt a well-meant attempt to include Steve in the conversation.
Steve hastily swallows a big mouthful of bread and feels his cheeks heat up.
'I never read those books,' he sheepishly confesses.
'Oh!' Vikram's eyes widen and Steve can practically see him think: You never bothered to show any interest in one of your boyfriend's favorite things?
'Well, I mean, I tried,' Steve rushes to explain himself. 'But I um, I couldn't really keep my attention to it. They're a bit difficult to read. For me.' Somehow, explaining it only makes him feel worse about it.
'Oh, yeah, I get it, man. Those books aren't for everyone.'
There is no meanness or hidden insult behind his words. But Steve only feels more like an outsider while Eddie asks Vikram some incomprehensible question that has Vikram giving an in-depth explanation about the difference between two words that literally sound the same to Steve's ears. And when Eddie laughs about a joke that goes way over Steve's head, then says something in that stupidly beautiful nerd language which prompts a laugh from Vikram in return, Steve is reminded in full force how ugly of an emotion jealousy is.
They say goodbye – Eddie says something in Elvish again and Steve has to watch Vikram laugh a joyous laugh about it again – and Steve is quiet during the drive back home.
'Is something wrong?' Eddie asks when they're home, perceptive as always.
'No,' Steve lies.
'Stevie, c'mon.' Eddie studies Steve's face intently, a frown between his eyebrows just barely hidden by his bangs. 'What's going on?' Something in his expression shifts. 'Wait. You didn't like Vikram, did you? Did you hate him?'
'No, I didn't hate him!' Steve is quick to say. 'He's awesome, Eddie, he's perfect and smart and funny and perfect.'
Eddie narrows his eyes like Steve said something weird.
'Why did you say he's perfect twice?'
Steve huffs and runs a hand through his hair in a nervous gesture. 'Just drop it, Eddie.'
'No, I'm not dropping it.' Eddie crosses his arms. 'What are you not telling me?'
Steve sighs. 'Okay, I didn't want to bother you with this, because it's my problem and not yours, and jealousy is an ugly emotion, but–'
'You're jealous of Vikram?'
'I mean, he's like, super hot, and he has this cool house, and he loves the same things as you, and you can speak your cool nerd language with him, while I'm too dumb to even read your cool nerd books and–'
'Steve,' Eddie interrupts him. 'You have no reason to be jealous.'
'I just...' Steve pauses, pinches the bridge of his nose. He finally manages to voice the thought that has been eating at him ever since he met Vikram. 'I don't want you to wake up someday and wish that you were with someone as smart as you are.'
The way Eddie's breath catches is barely noticeable. Then, he reaches out and gently places his hands on Steve's shoulders.
'I am with someone as smart as I am,' he says softly.
Steve scoffs.
'No, it's true,' Eddie presses on. 'Okay, so you don't enjoy reading Tolkien, and you don't speak Elvish. I don't care about that, man. I love the way you think. I love your inexhaustible knowledge of weird sports facts. I love how precise you are about weighing ingredients when you're baking something. I love your through-the-roof emotional and social intelligence.' He lifts one hand off of Steve's shoulder to pet his head, almost as if he's some kind of animal. 'You got a pretty big brain in there, no matter what you tell yourself, Stevie. And that's why I love you, more than anyone who speaks Elvish fluently.'
Steve tugs Eddie closer until their bodies are pressed against each other, his arms around Eddie's waist and his head resting on Eddie's shoulder.
'I don't think anyone has ever called me smart before,' he quietly admits.
'Well, I'll do it more often, then,' Eddie replies. 'Cause you are.'
(I wrote this because @undreaming-rambles has reached the unbelievable milestone of a 1000-day duolingo strike today. obviously that called for a silly fanfic celebration moment, congrats on your incredible perseverance aneta 💖 and credit where credit is due: this one was inspired by an episode of my beloved comfort show brooklyn 99)
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mvnsvn6 · 9 months
Have a mini fic about Steve annotating books and Eddie finding it really hot🖤
So obviously, Eddie's a bookworm. Before he had any friends, he spent the better parts of his childhood at Hawkins Library after school and Hawkins Middle's library during any recesses and lunches. He constantly read books, this was before Wayne got him a guitar and before he got into dnd, and being a bookworm tremendously helped him fuel both of those hobbies later on. But before then? The library was like a second home to him. 
And so, recently founding out that Steve reads, like a lot, is something of a revalation. It's not that Eddie thinks the guy is stupid, but he figured the guy spent time doing other productive hobbies at home. But the guy reads, and as previously mentioned, Eddie considers himself a literature connoisseur of sorts. Writing book reports and essays were one of the few things he actually excelled at in high school. 
So anyway, he found out that Steve is a book nerd by finding one of Steve's books open on his bed. Not really the strangest thing that Eddie's come across in Steve's room if he's being honest, and not the biggest indicator of nerdiness, until he focuses his attention and acknowledges the bright colors sprawled across the pages. 
A burst of rainbow colors underlining what Eddie guesses are his favorite parts of the story or important stuff he wanted to remember. And obviously, Eddie has to ask him about it. and Steve explains to him that he has a whole color key and it's made up of romantic lines that make him feel warm, sad stuff that makes him tear up, stuff that is word for word undoubtedly Steve Harrington sprawled on a page. Steve won't tell him which color is which, too embarrassed by it, but he lets Eddie read through them, and then he stares at Steve in unyeilding fondness. 
The look reflected on Steve's is not the same, mostly anxiety and insecurity, which Eddie immediately wants to soothe. It's so so sweet he thinks but Eddie's mouth translates the words into, "That's so fucking hot." Which, shit man, it is but he hadn't meant to say it out loud. 
"Shut up, dude, don't make fun of me right now." 
And listen, books are everything to him, this is no joking matter. They inspire his own stories, whether through a dnd campaign or writing song lyrics. It's honestly probably the most attractive thing a person could do in Eddie's opinion, he didn't know how hot until right about now, but he'll die on this hill. Annotating your books is hot. 
"Listen to me when I say this Steve, while that is the nerdiest thing I've ever heard and I'm, ya know, me. It's also about the most attractive thing that's come out of that pretty mouth of yours, like ever."
And Steve folds his arms across his fucking beautifully sculpted chest and narrows his eyes just slightly, raising a judgemental eyebrow at him. 
"You're being serious."
Oh he's never been more serious about anything in his life. 
"Uh...yeah? Yes. Oh my god."
Yeah, real eloquent Edward. 
Whatever, his heart is pounding profuesely against his rib cage because holy shit Steve is a book nerd and Eddie wants to kiss him fucking yesterday. So he gets on all fours on Steve's bed to lean forward and basically attacks his mouth before he can even think about it. 
And when he pulls back, Steve's pupils are blown wide and his breath has picked up pace, and Steve keeps bouncing between looking at Eddie's eyes and his lips. 
"You just kissed me."
It comes out disbelieving. 
"Yeah and with your permission I'd like to continue, like stat, immediately, now."
"You're insane."
And hands weave through curls and pull. 
Eddie tumbles foward, ending fully sprawled on top of Steve, and, jesus christ, body pressed impossibly close to his. 
And after they're romantic, read: nerdy horniness, little makeout session, he forces Steve to read the annotations himself, going through all the books that are important to Steve. He has to stop himself from moaning to really emphasize how hot he finds it, and to make Steve slightly embarrassed, but refrains. Just lets him continue. 
Eddie has never been so in love in his life.
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boldlyvoid · 11 months
Falling For You.
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[REQUEST] spencer reid x BAU!reader but they're in a secret relationship, and basically she gets him to watch all these romcoms, so when he makes a reference to something like Notting Hill or You've Got Mail and then the whole secret is blown.
warnings: mentions of lila archer, spoilers for 90s/2000s rom-coms, co-workers to lovers, love confessions, implied smut, secret relationships.
word count: 2.4k
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It was no secret that the newest team member had a thing for romantic comedies. From the little jokes she made with Penelope to the quote from Pretty Woman on her travel mug, she was a walking Rom-Com reference.
Hotch understood some of the references, JJ would talk her ear off about her favourites, and even Emily and Derek would jokingly re-enact that scene from When Harry Met Sally every time they had a team lunch. It was only Spencer who didn’t get the jokes, and after having to explain them all to him 1 too many times, she finally invited him over to watch some. 
The first one they watched together was Can’t Buy Me Love. Patrick Dempsey, a loveable nerd has been saving up all summer to buy the telescope of his dreams when the girl next door accidentally ruins her mom's favourite dress and needs to buy a replacement… he ends up buying it for her on the condition that she pretends to date him so his Senior Year can be his best year yet. Spencer likes the movie overall, he wishes someone in his high school took enough pity on him to make him popular. But his favourite scene is when they go to the abandoned airplane graveyard and watch the stars in his homemade telescope. 
“I can make one of those,” Spencer whispers to her. 
He nods, “It would be pretty easy… maybe we could go star gazing someday too?” He asks, biting the bullet and making this movie date the first of many dates they’d go on. 
The next movie they watch is Never Been Kissed. Drew Barrymore is a nerdy reporter who goes undercover at a high school and gets to relive her teen years while falling in love for the first time. Spencer likes this one because he can relate, he never had his first kiss until well into his 20s… and she was an actress, too. When he explains that to Y/N she can’t believe it, but he has the magazine photos of them saying goodbye after the case to prove it. 
“Have you kissed many people since then?” She asks, wishing he’d move a little closer to her and steal one. 
He nods, “a few.” 
“anyone good?” 
He shakes his head, “no, I’m saving the best kiss for last.” 
She looks puzzled? “What?” 
“My best kiss will be from the girl I end up marrying,” he gives her a smile and moves his hand over to hold hers. 
“Oh,” she bites back a smile and looks down at their interlocked fingers. “Have you at least met her yet?” 
“I think so…” 
“Well, then shouldn’t you kiss her to find out if she’s the right one?” She teases, leaning into his space even more. 
“I suppose you’re right,” he teases, he cups her face with his free hand and rubs his thumb over her cheek, “are you sure you’re okay with this?” 
She nods and leans in all the way this time. Effectively pressing their lips together. And even for a first kiss, it sure does feel different. It feels like her last first kiss ever. 
Keeping it a secret at work is hard when all they want to do is stare at each other with googly-eyes, they’ve fallen head over heels for each other and not told a single soul. No one knows about their movie dates or their real dates either. No one knows they’ve spent a whole night kissing or that they really, really, don’t mind sharing the hotel room with the two queen beds. And they definitely don’t know that they only slept in the one. Together. The whole week they were away. 
After the case ends, they head back to her apartment for their mandated 48 hours off with the pan to watch as many movies as they can. 
The third movie they watch is You’ve Got Mail. 
“Rival bookstore owners hate each other in real life, yet on the internet manage to fall madly in love with one another. Based on an older movie called The Shop Around The Corner, it’s a beloved story brought to life once again by the one and only Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan.” 
She explains every movie like this before they put it on. He’s honestly only watching them because he loves listening to her talk about them. 
“You see, they both have partners in real life but they email each other every day, as friends… but you know what it's like in movies like these,” she smirks. “Best friends who have a lot in common find it easy to fall in love.” 
“That they do,” he agrees. 
He raises his arm over the back of the couch and she sits back, leaning into his side just as his hand lands on her shoulder. They snuggle up close, she hits play and he watches with glee, not knowing this was going to become his favourite movie by the time it’s over. 
His favourite line is when two cars honk at each other and their drivers get out to argue, followed by Meg Ryan saying “Don’t you love New York in the fall?” Which is something Tom Hanks says to her in an email earlier that morning.
He loves the way the old man recalls a woman of his past and called her “enchanting” because what a wonderful thing to say about a woman.
He giggles when Tom Hanks tosses aside Pride and Prejudice cause he just doesn’t get it the way Meg's character does. But ultimately, he picks it back up because he wants to get to know her through her reading history. 
“I sympathize with Frank,” Spencer whispers as he brings out a typewriter when they have a perfectly good computer at her house. 
“I know,” she laughs. “I love the tablets at work, I can’t believe you still have Penny paint the files out for you.” 
You are a lone reed standing tall, waving boldly in the curet sands of commerce. Frank compliments Kathleen, or at least he tries to. 
Spencer giggles again. “I remember what it was like being a lone Reid,” he whispers before pressing a kiss to her cheek. 
She gets all flustered, so madly in love with him that she wants to scream it from the rooftops but it feels way too soon. They’re only 3 movies into their relationship. Maybe at 10, she’ll tell him. Till then, she looks over at him and steals a real kiss. 
Kathleen is so passionate about her books in the same way that Y/N loves her movies. Spencer sees so many similarities between them that it’s really no wonder that Tom Hanks’ character falls in love with her. Passionate, kind, beautiful women will always have a place in Spencer's heart. 
Their 4th movie is another Meg Ryan classic; When Harry Met Sally, and now Spencer understands why Derek pretends to have an orgasm when he eats a good salad… 
Their 5th movie is Notting Hill and Y/N can tell he doesn’t like it very much because unlike William Tucker, the actress who kissed Spencer never talked to him again after that. 
Their 6th movie, however, is Pretty Woman. And while they shared a bed all through the last case, they’ve never really slept together. So watching a movie all about sex and falling in love really didn’t help the frustration they were both feelings. By the time the movie ended, it was almost midnight and they should’ve been getting ready for bed. 
She gets up and heads to her room, expecting him to follow but he just stands in her doorway, watching with a bit of anxiety in his gut. 
“So…” Spencer asks. “What happens after he climbs up and rescues her?” 
She stills, her heart fills with love and she quickly makes his way to him. She cups his face in her hands, staring up at him. “She rescues him right back.” 
“Indeed you have,” he leans in and presses a quick kiss to her lips. “You know what all these movies have in common?” 
“What?” She has no idea where he’s going with this.
“They all fell in love pretty quickly, I mean just look at Vivian and Edward, it took them less than a week,” he explains. “So I don’t feel too crazy when I say… I love you, Y/N. I love you so very much.” 
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” she whispers between kisses. 
They kiss and kiss and he walks with her, leading her toward the bed where they fall in and make love for the first time. It's hot and close and emotional. It's slow and steady and perfect. It’s everything both of them have dreamed of when they finally met the one. 
On their second day off they watch How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, 13 Going On 30, 50 First Dates, A Walk to Remember, 10 Things I Hate About You, and The Holiday. They would’ve gotten to more if they weren’t so wrapped up in one another. By the time they go back to work, they’ve gotten through half of her list of favourite movies. 
He’s not sure if it’s luck or coincidence or what… but their next case happens to be in New York. 
When they land, they get into their Bureau-issued SUVs and weave in and out of traffic on their way to the scene. They’re honked at multiple times and Spencer just smirks to himself. It’s not until they get out and they’re honked at once again, with some guy yelling at them to get out of his way, that Spencer turns to her and says. “Don’t you love New York in the fall?” 
She giggles and shoves him, “Shut up.” 
“It’s not the fall?” JJ remarks, not knowing why he’d say such a thing or why she’d react like that. 
“Hey, isn’t that…” Emily thinks it over for a second. “That’s a line from you’ve got mail!” 
“How would Spencer know that movie?” JJ laughs it off. 
Spencer turns to beat red with embarrassment. “I’ve seen it…” 
“You’ve seen you’ve got mail?” Derek even rides him for this slip-up. “And when do you have time to watch rom-coms?” 
“I’ve seen the original,” he lies. “It’s based on The Shop Around The Corner. My mom liked it before she got sick.” 
“Okay,” they drop it there. 
And by the time the case ends, 3 days have passed, the unsub has been booked into Jail at 9am and they’re free to go home. If they want to. Derek suggests they all go out for breakfast, and Hotch says he rather go home and sleep. JJ wants to go shopping and Emily’s right there with her. 
Spencer on the other hand, he opens his phone and sends Y/N a message. 
“There’s a place in Riverside Park at 91st street where the path curves and there’s a garden. I’ll be waiting there for you.” 
She digs her phone out of her pocket seconds later and smiles, a small sigh leaves her as her shoulders slump. She’s so in love with him it's unreal. 
“What about you, Y/N?” Emily asks her. “Do you want to come with us?” 
“No… no, I have a friend in town I want to meet up with.” 
“Looks like it’s just me and you for breakfast, pretty boy,” Derek teased, wrapping his arm around Spencer. 
He shakes his head, “Actually, I was thinking about going on a little sightseeing adventure, you know I only come to new york for work.” 
“Fine then,” Derek drops it and he, Emily and JJ watch as Spencer and Y/N head off, out of the precinct and in different directions. “I bet you ten bucks they’re meeting up.” 
“Hold on,” JJ says as she calls up Penelope. “Hey, yeah, can you tell me where Spencer and Y/N’s GPS pings in 20 minutes?” 
“I can… why?” Penny asks nervously. 
“No reason. Just a hunch.” 
When Penelope eventually calls her back all she has to say is Riverside Park at 91st Street and they know. 
Y/N gets there first, she’s never seen this place in person before. The flowers are even more vibrant than in the movie. There are bees dancing around every other flower, couples walking around hand in hand, people on dog walks and moms with their strollers. It’s just an average early morning in New York. 
And then she sees him. He comes rounding the corner, he’s carrying a bouquet of flowers wrapped in newspaper… at least she thinks they’re flowers. 
What they don’t notice is their friends on the other side of the garden, watching them get closer and closer until they’re chest to chest. He wraps his free hand around her waist, she cups his face in her own hands, and she stares up at him like he hung the stars just for her.  
“I wanted it to be you,” Spencer whispers what was originally Meg Ryan's line. “I wanted it to be you so badly.” 
“You sure did save the best for last,” she knows exactly what he means. 
Just as they lean in to kiss, as his lips meet hers, they hear it. Someone is playing “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” just for them. They smile into the kiss, shocked that their life is playing out like a perfectly written movie and then they see them.
It’s their own friends who played it. They’re clapping in the distance, “Woo!!” Emily cheers.
“We knew this would happen!” Derek throws in for good measure. 
They can’t help but laugh, Spencer pulls her in for another kiss, a longer, more hearty kiss. He loves her and he wants everyone to know. 
When she pulls back, she looks as though she could cry, so he extends the bouquet to her. It’s a bunch of yellow, newly sharpened number 2 pencils tied up with string. 
“Don’t you love New York in the fall?” 
“Not as much as I love you,” she says as she takes them, gladly. “Not even close.” 
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General Taglist 
@ncsls0515 @stevesmunsons @reidsbookclub @sweetyyhippyy @manuosorioh @mrs-dr-reid @k-k0129 @squishyturtle @katsukis1wife @babybisexual @marsmunson86
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manicpixiedreamcurl · 2 years
I Want to Do What Lovers Do With You.◦○˚♡.˚ₓ
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Pairing | Eddie Munson x reader
Warnings | 18+ only, P in V sex, unprotected sex, dacryphilia, praise kink, brief mention of uncomfy virginity loss (not to Eddie), brief mention of underage drinking, drug use, Eddie calls himself dumb a couple times, there’s maths talk early on I promise it’s only short.
Request | Concept. Reader has never gone on a date or anything before, they're not naive, they just haven't been interested in anyone. Eddie and reader have been crushing on each other for a while and when eddie half-jokingly asks them out they say yes. Reader being easily overwhelmed by the newfound affection and eddie having to get them used to it.
Word Count | ~4,000
A/N | So here's the thing. In hindsight I realise maybe you wanted virgin reader, and I didn't do that. I also didn't even write a date. However, I think I got the ~spirit~ of the request. I will definitely write virgin reader in the future, but I didn't do it here, sorry if that's what you were looking for. Reader is new to intimacy though, if that helps.
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"Zero point seven." Eddie’s head snaps up from the calculator, waiting hopefully for the approving nods he’s been earning from you more and more. 
"Mm-hmm,” you nod, pointing to the page of rough triangles you’d drawn out for him to practice. "Now remember, the cosine of the angle is equal to the adjacent, which we want, over the hypotenuse, which is twenty three, so..."
"I've gotta divide something now."
"Well, how about you write the equation down with what you have?"
"Shit," he sighs, leaning back in his chair. "That's just your nerdy way of telling me I gotta multiply."
You smile in spite of yourself, knowing that Eddie is the only person who has ever called you a nerd without any real malice. There's admiration, appreciation, in his tone somewhere, under the frustration.
"C'mon. Give it a try and then we can take a break, yeah?"
Eddie's face splits in a conspiratorial grin. “What sort of break are we talking here?"
"That depends on whether you answer correctly."
"Man. If only my real teachers knew how to motivate me like you. I'd probably have graduated early."
"Eddie. The cosine of the angle equals?"
"That’s just cruel. I’m trying to concentrate and you know your teacher voice gets me going."
You have to fight a nervous laugh, choosing instead to bite the inside of your lip and gesture to the paper with your head. Eddie sighs and brings his attention to the square lined notebook, twisting the pen round his fingers while he glances between the question and the calculator. You watch him pull his own plump lip between his teeth, hair falling over his shoulders when he leans down to stare at the numbers on the page the way he needs to do sometimes. He looks so sweetly determined your heart aches.
That's unique to him, too.
When you were twelve, you’d read teen romance novels and imagined yourself falling for someone the second you entered high school. Then you got there and boys were…exactly as they always had been. Sometimes friendly, sometimes cruel, but never very interesting. Your heart didn’t flutter, your knees didn’t shake. 
Even when you lost your virginity, fumbling in the dark, head fuzzy with an early taste of alcohol, and it had been an endeavour of pure mediocrity. You expected it to hurt, but you wanted that hurt to feel like passion. Instead, it was an uncomfortable burn that had you gritting your teeth and avoiding wet kisses until he was done. 
Luke Thompson would catch your eye in Physics years later, looking forlorn and longing. 
Then there had been senior prom, something you had dreamt of when you were a pre-teen waiting for epic romance. You thought you probably would go, if you were asked. But when a smooth talking basketball player had sidled up to your locker, talking all kinds of slush about how he’d always thought you would get along but had never had the guts to ask you out, you’d weighed an evening of dancing awkwardly and pulling a strapless chiffon dress up to your armpits every twenty seconds against sitting comfy in your pyjamas and renting a good movie from Family Video. 
You spent prom night gorging on microwave popcorn and falling asleep with Dune playing in the background.
You left for college, away from Hawkins and high school and boys whose parents knew your parents, and it allowed you one night stands without the pressure of seeing them in class every day after. Just the occasional awkward nod across a hallway, if you remembered them at all. Whatever they were, it was not love, or even affection. You were using them, and felt used in turn.
But now there’s Eddie.
When you were at school together, you moved in entirely different circles. Then you’d come back from your first year of college with fewer friends in Hawkins and a new interest in Mary Jane. You’d been standing in his trailer, fishing in your purse for a five dollar bill when he’d stopped you with, “hey, you’re kind of a nerd right?”
You blinked, raised an eyebrow. “There are seven hand painted Dungeons and Dragons miniatures to my right, Munson. You really wanna play this game?”
He grinned, a little surprised by the bite back. “Yeah, but a real nerd. You’re smart, I mean?”
“Not many people would admit to being stupid.”
“I do.” 
You think that’s probably where it started. The ache for him. Eddie Munson, who you’d always dismissed as another boy with more confidence than he had any right to, stood there in his room, a sad but accepting smile on his face, and told you he thought there was something wrong with his brain.
“I mean, I never understand anything when I’m in class,” he said, scratching the back of his neck. “And then whenever I think, maybe, I’m starting to get it, we move on to something else and I’m left sitting there like, hey, you’re not gonna go over that another couple times?” Eddie gave a defeated shrug. “I’m gonna fail again this year, I just know it.”
“Well, you don’t actually know that,” you’d tried, feeling guilty when he’d rolled his eyes at the meaningless platitude. “Okay, what, you want me to tutor you or something?”
“Yeah? I mean nobody smart enough at school would risk being seen with me. Wouldn’t be a problem for you though, right? You’re a college girl now, above that kind of stuff.”
“And the benefit to me would be?”
“Free bud? Or whatever else you’re into,” he shrugged, dimples appearing soon after as he leaned into your space, your heart beating in your ears. “I’ve heard you academic types struggle to stay away from the good stuff.”
So while your new friends from college are spending their long Summer in Key Largo, or camping in Joshua Tree, you are at home in Hawkins, driving most days to Eddie’s trailer to get him where he should be in Math, English, Science and Geography. 
You are giving him more help than he’s paying you for, but it didn’t take you long to think of him as worth it.
Big brown eyes you have to get up close to appreciate, pretty pink lips always smiling when you’re around. He’s self deprecating but he blushes when you compliment and encourage him. Eddie calls you smart with adorable reverence and listens to your opinions. He’s funny and he’s talented and you want to hold his face in your hands and squish. 
It’s like every embarrassing girly teenage crush you never had has been focused all on this one boy and fuck, you weren’t expecting it when you drove up to his trailer for the first time with a calculator in hand, but it’s barely been a month and you want him like you've never wanted anybody. 
You didn’t mind touching people who knew better what they were doing than poor Luke from Physics, didn’t mind clashing teeth and your face pressed into sheets. You didn’t mind that they’d leave in the morning, or you would. You never wished them back. You never imagined holding their hand the way you think about holding Eddie's hand. Warm, big, soft in the palms and rough at the ends of his fingers, chunky rings you want to bring to your face and stare at.  
You think so many things about Eddie you never expected, wonder endlessly about what you wish to know. 
What is his favourite food? Could make it for him as he wants it? Does he like horror movies, or is that an assumption? Even if he doesn't, would he watch one with you anyway, let you cuddle into his side on his Uncle’s couch, jumping and laughing together? Would he want to drive you places, play the gentleman? Would he want to meet your parents? Get a house in the city? Adopt a dog or a cat? Go on dates and be sweet with each other well into your sixties?
What does Eddie picture when he thinks about his future? Are you there?
You wonder if he knows. No matter what he says, Eddie is not dumb, not even close. Surely he has to see that you’re giving more than you’re getting back. 
“Sixteen point one.”
You flinch a little to be pulled from your thoughts, face warm while you check his work. Scratchy, messy handwriting, calculations done correctly. You smack your hands on your knees. “Break time.”
“Hell yeah,” Eddie grins, fingers waggling in the air as he stands to search for his metal lunchbox.
“You left it in the kitchen.”
Eddie pauses to give you a warm, thankful smile, hand coming to lay flat on the left side of his chest. “You always keep me right, sweet thing.”
You have a love-hate relationship with the flirting. It makes your palms sweat like nothing else, your stomach do something it has only ever done at the first jolt forward on a roller coaster, your heart pound in excitement even as it aches with worry. It's exhausting. 
Eddie reappears at his door, hair flying out behind him as he glides over to you, settled on his bed. He settles in next to you, his long arm warm and in line with yours from shoulder to elbow. While he rolls a spliff on his side table, you pick at a new hole on the knees of your blue jeans. You scowl, thinking about how you’ll never locate a pair as good as these in Hawkins, thinking about driving to a city for the day, thinking about abandoning this place altogether, heading back to your college town where good stores sell quality jeans and whatever else you could want. Away from here, away from Eddie, who is beginning to torture you with his smiles.
And his touch.
Eddie grabs your hand from your knee to pass you the newly lit joint, leaving your skin aching to remember the feeling of his calloused fingers. You know his eyes are on your face when you take a drag, and you wonder helplessly if you look cute, or hot, or sexy in your college sweater and jeans, lips wrapped around rolled paper. 
It's a new feeling, and you can't say you're enjoying it. Since spending all this time with Eddie, you’ve come to understand why other people had so much trouble getting their heads down at school. If you thought like this back then, endlessly pondering the prospect of being liked, desired, loved, you would never have got anything done. 
“Hey,” Eddie says when he takes the joint back. “I have a question.”
“No, I don’t expect you to get back to trigonometry when we’re done.”
You hear the rushed breath from his nose, a little amused sound. “No question there. You lose all authority when you’re high.”
“Do not. I could make you study.”
“Nah,” he answers, eyes crinkling at the sides pleasantly, just like everything he does. “You get pretty docile. You’d let me do anything I wanted.”
His fingers brush yours at the next pass, a heated tingle running up your back and across your neck. Your mouth feels a little dry, and you lick your lips like it’ll help, thinking about all the implications of that sentence. “Not anything.”
Eddie has the good sense to blush then, but he quickly shakes his head and powers through. “What I was going to ask was, how come a girl like you is spending her Summer with me?”
You raise an eyebrow, settling back into his pillows to get comfy as your head begins to fuzz, trying to ignore the pleasant hit of his smell emanating from the squished fabric. “Were you smoking this before I got here? You asked me to tutor you.”
“Yeah, and God knows I need all the help you’re giving me,” he says, eyes wide and earnest. “I mean, seriously, I feel like I have a real chance of crawling my way out next year. But what I- what I meant was, and tell me if I’m crossing a line here, sweetheart, how come you’re here, with me, and not road tripping with some college boys or whatever all your friends are doing right now?”
Your face gets hotter. “Does it matter?”
“Does it- yeah. Yes. It matters.”
A prickle of recognition crawls up your spine, stemming from his tone, the way he’s looking at you, how he’s sitting; tense against your side. In the past, you would have felt pure dread, mind working overtime to prepare the required explanation for a boy who was really looking for you to change your mind. Instead, there’s nerves, all along your body, but there is excitement, too. Butterflies zipping about in your stomach. 
“Why?” You ask, passing the joint back, letting yourself freely enjoy the brief touch of his skin, now that you realise that’s allowed. “Why does it matter?”
Eddie blinks at you, his bottom lip shaking. “Well, if I’m being honest,” he starts, pausing to turn away from you and take a long drag like he needs a moment to think it through. Then he eyes you from the side, thumb flicking ash into a metal tray. “I guess the answer might save me from making a fool of myself? If you say that this is all an elaborate prank or I have a rich distant relative paying you to spend time with me or, I don’t know, that helping out super seniors will be good on your resume, then, then I’d accept it. And even this particularly dumb super senior would know not to ask a really, really dumb question.”
“You’re not dumb, Eddie.” You nudge his body with yours, head cottony, loose lipped. “I really, really wish you’d stop saying that.”
Eddie’s gaze moves to your face where you are leaning back on his pillows, watches the subtle turn of your head, rubbing your cheek against the cotton, the feel of it uniquely pleasant after a couple hits. 
“I’ll do whatever you tell me to if you go out with me.”
It sounds like he wasn't even entirely aware he was speaking until he's done. Eddie's eyes widen, his face flushing pink.
“Is that you asking me?”
“Depends on whether you answer correctly” 
Eddie smiles at the repetition, like he’s playing coy, like this is fun, but he is too expressive by half. His big eyes are searching, waiting, with a hint of resignation, to learn that he is fooling himself. 
Eddie always came across as cocky to you, at school. Just like the jocks he hated, he was an overconfident boy. Even now you can picture him stepping up on cafeteria tables and declaring himself a rebel with about a million different causes. But here, alone with you in his room, Eddie makes himself vulnerable.
Your cautious heart calls out to his. Don’t worry, me too.
You take a deep breath, forcing yourself not to look away. “I’d say yes, Eddie.”
You receive a classically Eddie slow blink, followed by a grin that screams every ounce of his joy and relief. His head tilts forward. “Shit. You’re serious?”
"If you are."
"Jesus- yes, I'm serious." Eddie nods emphatically, eyes wide like he’s worried you’ll take it back if he doesn’t establish how much he meant it. “We could get dinner? Or I’ll take you to the nice cinema in the next town? Or- or the lake, or I could show you the bar my friends and I play in-”
You gaze at him, butterflies erupting at the sight of his pleased smile, the way his hair moves with every excited tilt and nod of his head. This is new, and exciting, and scary.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ♡ ୧.˚ₓ  
You stay in Hawkins until the end of Summer, until you have to go back to college and Eddie needs work for his final, final year at high school. 
He sends you off with a worn Metallica t-shirt to wrap around a pillow and cuddle into, a buzzy, crackling recording on tape of his voice over guitar, the black ring from his right hand that would be a promise made too early if it was from anyone else. 
You leave him with all the pens he chewed the tops of, hand written practice sheets for every class he’s taking, old notes on differentiation, centripetal force, the River Nile, searched for and retrieved from the back of closets in your parents house. You hope Eddie knows that this is you trying.
Across the months you spend in his arms with weather cooling and trees turning, followed by stolen weekends, every break from classes lasting longer than three days, you learn so many things about Eddie. 
He eats boxed mac and cheese by the pot. When you boil up some pasta on your own, he shovels it down the same way, surprised when the rich homemade sauce leads to you rubbing his tummy all night and trying not to laugh while he groans out that every spoonful was worth the pain.
He likes all kinds of horror movies; psychological and slasher and comedy. Getting you under his arm while they play in his living room and covering your eyes without your permission during the scary parts becomes a particular joy for him. 
“Eddie, get off!” 
“No can do, sweet thing. Gotta protect you from potential nightmare material. That’s my job now.”
He loves driving you everywhere, loves the sight of you in his van, sorting through the tapes in his glove compartment.
“The world’s foremost thrash metal band. Great choice.” 
He wants to meet your parents, but he’s scared of what they’ll think of him. Dog or cat, he doesn’t mind as long as it’s not a horrible little yappy thing. He wants to get out of this town forever, live in a city, or really anywhere but here, where he could afford a nice-ish place. 
When he pictures his future, you are there. 
“Course, I would stay in Hawkins if you wanted to move back here.”
You’re trying, all of the time. You want him more than anything, because this is different, this is special, but that’s also what makes it so difficult. You are used to pleasured touches followed by closing doors, and it has left you disarmed to the open way that Eddie loves you, the only way he knows how.
“I know, I know,” he murmurs to your cheek, the roll of his hips a steady, torturous rhythm, drawing long whines from the back of your throat. Eddie’s big hand covers your forehead, pushing sweaty stray hairs away, rubbing your eyebrow with his thumb. The other is tucked under your back, helping you to arch sweetly so the head of his cock can find the spot at the back of your pussy that claims you, makes you desperate for him, with each heavy thrust. His brown eyes are sympathetic to your whimpers, proud of you for taking everything he has to give, even when it feels like your heart will beat out of your chest. “It’s always just a little too much for my sweet girl, mm? Still not used to being touched right.” He sighs, gives you a little pout with shining eyes. “I left you waiting too long for me, didn’t I?”
“Eddie,” you cry, fingers digging into his back, arms and legs wrapped tight around him as if he might leave if you let him loose. It’s perfect like this, his body weighing down on yours. You are too warm, your lungs protesting the lack of space to expand, but you can feel Eddie’s skin against every part of you. Any time you want, you can reach up to tuck some of his hair back off his sweaty neck. You do, earning yourself a perfect Eddie smile and a kiss from soft lips. The taste of his mouth, familiar to you now, makes your body clench around him, arms and legs around his torso, your weeping cunt around his cock. Nothing is like this, nothing is so perfectly overwhelmingly right.
“Oh, I felt that,” he smiles, breath spreading across your face at his chuckle. “Remember the first time you let me inside you? Wanted to be bent over and fucked, like you’re used to, mm?” Your toes curl in embarrassment, wanting to hide your face from him but there’s nowhere to go with his gentle hand holding you in place. You are left with your watering eyes, his pretty face blurring until you just about manage to blink the tears away. “It’s better like this, isn’t it?” He presses kisses down your nose, across your cheek to the corner of your mouth, sighing happily. “It’s better when we make love?”
You seize up, crying out, your back arching further as if you could get any closer to him. Eddie fucks you through the desperate clenching of your cunt, each hit to the spongy nerves of your spot building your pleasure past what should have been its peak. Your hand drifts up his back, grasping his neck from behind, fingers flexing and pulling at his pale skin enough that there will be dark bruises there tomorrow. 
At the heavy sob that falls from your mouth, Eddie lets you up, wrapping a hand around the back of your head to help you bury your face in his neck. 
Eddie hums as you come down, hips moving in tight circles like he’s just trying to get deeper while you weep into his skin. Your lungs feel increasingly restrained, little gasping breaths between wails, still confined between Eddie’s body and the mattress. “C’mon,” he says, leaning down to kiss your temple, rubbing below your ear with his thumb. “Let me see you. Need your pretty eyes to make me come.”
You feel him twitch inside you when he settles you back into his pillows, blinking up at him, finally letting the tears fall. The first time Eddie made you cry like this, overwhelmed at the intensity of feeling for him and all he does to you, you were afraid he would slow down, that it would ruin it for him. 
He’d licked the tears off your cheek and grunted through gritted teeth that nothing had ever made him so hot.
Eddie stares at you intensely now, mouth relaxed and open, letting out excited groans as his hips stutter, almost ready to fill you up. He could cum without your voice, like the others before him, but he is the first who deserves it.
“You treat me so well, Eddie,” you breathe, taking a shaky gasp at the sudden increase in the pace of his thrusts. 
Eddie nods desperately, his bottom lip shaking. “‘M trying.”
“I know,” you nod in turn, grasping his face with your hands, whispering so he knows it is all only for him. “I’m so lucky, Eddie. You’re so good, so good. Better than anything when you make love to me.”
His lips find yours to kiss you, but you end up breathing in his final moan instead, feeling him fill you up right with pooling warmth. Your legs squeeze his back, your pussy gifting you another little peak, a grateful flutter for taking Eddie’s cum deep inside you. 
Eddie drops entirely then, face pressed to the base of your neck. You groan a little, but allow yourself to caress his face, sweep his hair away from his sweaty forehead, hold it away from his heated neck. He presses a final wet kiss to your collar and rolls off you, finally allowing your protesting lungs the space to breathe properly. 
It doesn’t last long. Without ceremony, your whole body is pulled towards him, leaving your face tight to his chest. It steals the fresh air of the room, replacing it with the humidity your bodies create this close together. 
But it’s good. It’s better, because it smells like Eddie, feels like Eddie, and everything is better with him.
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babyjakes · 11 months
if this was a movie.
〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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summary | your nerdy best friend is gonna make you a star.
pairing | nerd!best friend!jake jensen x reader
warnings | jakey is lowkey a perv but that's exactly how we love him. best friend!jakey except he's so down bad for reader. reader is nervous/inexperienced. filming/making porn. fingering (both holes >:^)). heavy clit focus, my beloved <3. clit slapping. squirting. praise and humiliation. so many petnames (it's jakey, duh.) me again picking a taylor title bc i have no impulse control.
word count | 1,165
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an | hehe well :^) i've been thinking about nerdy bestie jakey for a while and i just thought i'd write a little something for him, i've been thinking a LOT about pornstar/director au's lately and this felt like a cute little way to enter the genre. hope you guys enjoy, please help me spread my love for jakey by reblogging!!! <3
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"A-Are you sure about this, Jakey?" you ask, wide-eyed as you lean back carefully against your best friend's second-hand leather sofa. In front of you, the blonde-haired boy fiddles with his camera, trying to get the angle of the tripod just right.
Jake looks up at you through the round frames of his glasses, giving you a confident smile. "'Course I am, sweetcheeks," he promises as he finally finds a shot he likes. "Remember all those filming classes I took in high school? Looks like they're finally gonna pay off," he chuckles.
"I-I just, I don't know," you admit shyly as your friend hits record, a small red light shining to the side of the camera's wide lens. "Will people even wanna watch this sort of thing?"
Jake furrows his brow as he crouches down in front of you on the floor, reaching out a hand to rub your knee as you hug your legs up to your chest nervously. "Of course they will, cutie. You're gonna be a hit, just wait and see. Guys online will go crazy over a sweet little thing like you." He gently places a large hand over each of your knees, easing them to either side of the couch to give the camera a full view of your sheer lace panties. "These are so pretty, honey," Jake murmurs as he carefully runs a few fingers over your clothed pussy, causing heat to rise up in your cheeks as you let out a soft whimper. "Don't be nervous, sweetie. Try to forget the camera's even there, yeah? S'just you and me, I got you."
You turn your head to the side, too embarrassed to watch as your best friend continues petting you lightly over the thin strip of fabric covering your most sensitive places. "Mmm," you can hear the smile in Jake's voice as he notes, "you're already getting wet, sweetheart. Look so sweet like this, doing so good for me." He focuses a single finger to rub against the small damp patch in the center of your panties. "Right there," he sighs happily as he takes his time teasing you. "What do you say, pretty girl? Should we give your adoring audience a closer look?"
His hands come up to hook under the waistline of the undies as he gently eases them off of you. Your legs instinctually close again, but he's quick to open you back up for the camera, spreading you nice and wide as your cheeks only burn more with humiliation and uncertainty. "There," Jake coos, giving the viewers the exact shot he knows they've been waiting for. "There she is, oh my," he chuckles as he drags a finger through your leaking folds, stringing out your arousal for you and everyone watching to see. "Look at how excited you are, baby. Here, why don't we just-" his voice lulls a bit as he uses both of his large hands to spread your dripping cunt further open, his mouth practically watering at the sight. "Oh honey," he murmurs. "You've been keeping this all to yourself? What a shame, s'the prettiest little pussy I've ever seen."
Your muscles twitch as the man keeps you suspended in anticipation, just lightly manipulating your flesh this way and that to give the camera an array of angles and views, with all of you spread out so helplessly, of course. "Wanna make sure they can see everything, sweetie," he explains in a soothing manner as he pulls back the hood around your hardened bundle of nerves, giving the exposed head a quick few swipes with his finger. You gasp, jerking at the sudden burning pleasure. "Mhmm, just as I thought," the blonde observes aloud. "Already so sensitive, aren't you, cutie? You're very swollen down here, guess I'm not surprised."
Jake brings the pads of two of his digits down to begin circling over your drenched hole. "Easy, sweet thing. M'gonna stretch you open now, okay? Wanna let your fans see how tight this little baby pussy is." You let out a fluttering sigh as he coaxes his fingers into you. "That's it," he encourages you, "fuck, so fucking tight, pretty girl." He takes a moment with his fingers fully inserted, spreading them apart to let your viewers see your poor little hole being stretched as far as it can manage.
Once he's satisfied with the spectacle he's given, he begins working his fingers in and out of you, his pace gradually increasing as your legs fall further apart while you hum and moan softly to yourself. "Good, that's my good girl," he smiles as he surprises you by spitting down on your puckered asshole, earning a gasp from you as your knees tremble.
He begins teasing the entrance to your virgin bottom with the pad of his thumb, biting his tongue in concentration as you begin falling apart beneath his touch. "J-Jakey," you groan softly in humiliation, "please, I- oh!" Your protests are cut off by a strained whine escaping your lips, his thick digit having forced its way past the tight outer ring of your poor rosebud. "Jakey, Jakey," you whimper, your eyes rolling back on their own as your head falls to the side, the pressure in your tummy becoming more and more urgent.
"C'mon, cutie. Keep making those pretty sounds for me. You gonna be a good girl and cum for the camera?" All you can manage in response is a string of incoherent whimpers and whines. Jake chuckles almost cruelly at the pathetic state he's brought you to. "I'll take that as a yes. Almost there, baby. Here, let's help you out a little, huh?"
His free hand finds your clit, tugging back on the surrounding skin to expose the poor bundle of nerves as he again swipes mercilessly at it, reducing you nearly to tears as an unbearable tightness forms in your gut. "Please, please!" you pant, your hands scrambling to grip at the couch beneath you as you hurtle to the edge of your climax, well past the point of no return.
"Come on, sweetheart. Give us a big one," Jake cheers as you cry out in euphoria, your body convulsing violently as your orgasm tears through you. "That's it, that's my girl," Jake beams proudly as he rips his fingers out of you, smacking his drenched digits down against your poor exposed button to force you to squirt. Across your entire body, your skin is ablaze. Your high feels like it lasts for entire minutes before finally beginning to cease, tiny shocks and tingles shooting through your limbs as you float down, struggling to catch your breath.
Through half-closed lids, you can barely look out at the blonde-haired boy kneeling before you. He smiles gently, easing his fingers out of you as you let out a final set of jumbled whimpers. "That's my girl," he says again, reaching up to cup your cheek softly. "I just knew it. My girl's gonna be a star."
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315 notes · View notes
How about this? Headcanons for Loona and Octavia (separate) with a nerdy!male!reader??
Idk, but when I was thinking of this I thought of him just being Milo thatch from Atlantis: The Lost Empire if he was an imp (and maybe looking like him with a human disguise).
"My Geek" ; Loona, Octavia Ars Goetia
AN: I have never seen ATLA, so I hope I did this okay for you!!
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Loona would tease you. Brutally, in fact. But she does it all out of love. She just doesn't really know how to show people that she cares about them, so she resorts to teasing to hide the fact that she does. She doesn't want to seem vulnerable, after all. Look where that's gotten her in the past.
With that said, that doesn't mean she lets anybody else makes fun of you. No, only SHE'S allowed to do that. Girlfriend privileges, she calls them. Even before you're actually dating.
But the second someone else tries? Ohhhh dear, be prepared for tears. And not hers (or yours).
"Don't be such a prick when he manages to pull hot bitches with his nerdiness, and you're going to die a loser virgin."
She'd of course comfort you afterwards, in her own Loona way. Telling you how that person was a loser, anyway. How they didn't understand your "weird, shitty hobbies", but that that only made them a little bitch.
Loona will act like she doesn't care about what you're suggesting to her, but in reality... well, her Mammazon cart is full of her gift ideas for you for special occasions. Comic books, manga, movies, costumes, you name it.
And y'know what? She'll never tell you that she actually paid attention to what you told her.
"Here. A random shut-up gift."
That's code for "I've been listening a lot, actually, and I know these are things you like, so I wanted to get you something that lets you know I paid attention", by the way.
Honestly, I feel like she'd prefer a nerdy S/O for a guy, though?? Someone she can be playful and fun with without having to maintain her stone-cold persona.
Now your human disguise... oh boy.
You saw how she was with Vortex? Yeah, well, with you, you can basically amplify that by ten.
Basically heart eyes lmao.
Don't worry, she eventually starts acting more normal around you in that form once she begins associating it back to you, her loving boyfriend.
She'd still have those momentary slip-ups where she says something she normally wouldn't, though, although they're much more welcome when you're actually her boyfriend.
"Uh... Loona? You okay?"
"You're hot... I mean, uh- Y'know, literally. Cuz it's... a hot day out."
Girl is down bad.
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Honestly? Octavia seems pretty nerdy, too. Probably has a secret comic book hobby. So she doesn't see anything wrong with your hobbies. She even finds them endearing.
Likes to hear your little hot takes, whether or not she really agrees with them. It opens the floor for some productive discussion and banter.
"Oh yeah? And what happens if I do something like this?"
And she proceeds to either do it, if it's a physical thing she can do, or explain the idea, eager to hear your take on it or if it's something you'd suggest in that scenario.
Due to that, she really isn't hard to make conversation with at all, since she can relate pretty well to your more geeky interests, and even be persuaded to get into the same fandoms. Or have fandom battles, like Marvel vs. D.C..
She'll always side with D.C., though.
And of course, she'll happily come with you to those types of movies, since she usually really enjoys them, herself.
She's more of a music nerd, though, and she'll definitely try to get you to listen to some of her favorite artists. The music is pretty angsty, but it's not bad, either. And you love her, so you bear with it for her.
Definitely the type to take you to one of those geek stores for your birthday and just let you pick whatever you want.
Girl comes from money, and she knows how to spend it. :)
"S/O? What about this one? It's got that thing you like on it."
As she's proudly showing you a T-shirt of a character you mentioned liking, excitedly looking around for her own things, as well.
Always a fun couple experience.
Oh, also, Stella HATES you, but that's probably to be expected. Not that Octavia really cares for her absentee mother's approval.
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archangeldyke-all · 5 months
Sevika and reader’s daughter is getting ready to go prom and sevika gives her date a hard time
I absolutely love your work 💓💓💓💓💓
this is so fucking cute. UGH
men and minors dni
sevika cries the night before little fucker's prom. not in front of her, just in your arms that night, silently soaking your pajama shirt as she cries about your daughter growing up.
"she was a baby just yesterday!" she whines. you giggle and press a kiss to her head.
"she's growing up, honey." you say, tearing up too. sevika sniffles.
"oh god, what if she has sex tomorrow night?" she asks. you laugh.
"oh please, like you weren't juggling three girls by the time you were eighteen." you tease her. sevika groans.
"i know, i'm worried she's got my slutty tendencies!" you burst into laughter.
"she'll be fine. at least she can't get pregnant with her little girlfriend." you tease. sevika groans again.
"god, i don't trust that girl one bit." she mumbles. you laugh.
"sev, she's a sweet kid. she obviously adores our girl, you saw her promposal."
your daughter's date to the prom is a sweet, quiet girl, who 'promposed' to her with a big bouquet of her favorite flowers, a bag of her favorite fast food, and tickets to a movie she's been dying to see. she's got your stamp of approval. sevika's is gonna be a bit harder to earn.
sevika gasps in your arms suddenly.
"what?" you ask, panicked.
"fuck, babe, in five years we could be grandmas." she groans. you laugh.
"oh please, you'd love having another baby around."
"not yet!" she cries. "we're too young! she's too young!"
"she might not even want kids, sev."
sevika's silent for a minute, considering this. then, "she fucking better. if she doesn't have one soon, i'm getting you pregnant again. i want another baby." she says. you burst into laughter.
"i don't think that'll work babe, but you can try all you want." you offer, opening your legs around your wife. she grins, her tears gone, and she shoots up to kiss you.
the next day, sevika cries on and off from the moment she wakes up.
as you help little fucker do her makeup, sevika stands in the corner sobbing.
as she helps little fucker curl her hair, sevika's tears keep falling onto her head.
when she slips into her suit-- sevika breaks down.
"oh fuck!" she cries, wrapping her arms around your daughter. she groans.
"ma, get her off of me! she's gonna ruin my suit!" your girl wails as she tries to wiggle out of sevika's grip. sevika doesn't let go, not until you pull her away by her ear.
"just wait until your wedding day, kid." you tease your girl. she rolls her eyes, and sevika whimpers.
"why would you say that?" sevika wails, a fresh round of tears bubbling up in her eyes. you laugh and kiss her tears away, and beside you, your little girl gags.
when her date arrives, all of sevika's tears disappear, a glare taking over her features.
the girl pulls up in a car and walks to the door with a bouquet of flowers in her shaky hands.
your daughter is vibrating with excitement as she answers the door and lets her girlfriend in, and it makes you a little emotional. they're so fucking cute.
her girlfriend tries her best. sevika doesn't make it easy.
"i'm so excited to finally meet you mrs. and m--"
"save it." sevika grunts. you elbow her and sevika elbows you back.
your daughter facepalms. "mom--"
"what're your intentions with my daughter tonight?" sevika asks. you bite your lip to keep from laughing at the cringes on your daughter and her girl's face.
"i-- uh-- d-dancing?" she asks. "w-we've got reservations at an italian place after, and there's an afterparty at--"
"afterparty!?" sevika exclaims. you snort and elbow her again.
"i already told you mom!" your daughter whines. "at robby's house-- you know, nerdy robby? robotics club captain?"
sevika's glare lessens, but doesn't dissappear. "nerds can get into just as much trouble as any--"
"sev." you cut her off, shooting her a glance. quit embarrassing our poor kid. you telepathically tell her. she glares at you.
it's my job to embarrass her, it gives her character. sevika's glare responds. you roll your eyes.
"can i get a few pictures of you kids before you go? you look so cute in your matching suit and dress." you say, distracting the teenagers from your wife's glare. your daughter's new beau nods so hard you think her head might fall off her neck. you laugh and guide them outside to pose in front of the flowers in the front garden.
as you snap pictures, sevika hovers over your shoulder the entire time.
your daughter grabs her girlfriends hand, and you can physically feel the way sevika cringes. when her girlfriend rests her hands around your daughter's waist, sevika has to look away. and when they kiss, sevika groans.
"okay! fuck, save it until you're married." she says. you snort.
"when did you become such a prude?" your daughter asks, glaring at sevika. sevika glares back.
"i've always been a prude. i've never had sex in my life. and you shouldn't either." she says. you laugh.
"i heard you and ma going at it this morning in the shower!" your daughter exclaims. you watch in amusement as her date blushes red as a tomato.
"okay!" you interrupt before the poor girl has a heart attack. "you two should get going." you say, walking your daughter and her date toward her car on the street.
her date sprints to the driver's side, slamming the door behind her, sufficiently terrified of sevika, and trying to get away as fast as possible. it makes you laugh.
you and sevika wrap your little fucker up in a big, tight hug before she can slip in the passenger's seat, pressing kiss after kiss to her hair. she giggles between the two of you.
"you guys are horrible." she complains. you laugh.
"hey, that's all mom. i've been a perfectly normal parent all evening--" you try to defend yourself. you're met with twin glares from your wife and daughter.
"you wanted me to!" sevika accuses.
"you barely stopped her!" your daughter shouts.
you laugh. "both of those statements are false!"
your kid groans, and sevika kisses her forehead again.
"call us if you need a ride. i don't care what time it is or where you are-- we'll come get you. and your little girlfriend too." she says.
"i know, mom." little fucker groans.
"and don't drink anything you didn't make yourself!" you say. she rolls her eyes.
"there's not even gonna be alc--"
"here." sevika interrupts her, shoving a dental dam, mini bottle of lube, and a condom into her suit's breast pocket. your daughter scoffs.
"oh, so you're suddenly all 'sex positive' again." she says. sevika shrugs.
"i don't want you having any sex until i'm dead and buried, but if you're gonna do it while i'm still alive, make sure it's safe." she says. your kid groans.
"i know, i know." she grumbles.
"take this." you say, handing her a folded wad of cash. "pay for her dinner tonight-- as an apology for our behavior."
your kid grins. "thanks, ma."
you hug her again, pressing kiss after kiss to her head. you're so distracted by loving on your daughter, that neither of you notice when sevika disentangles herself from your group hug to walk around the car and tap on the driver's side window.
"y-yes miss?" your daughter's date asks wearily as she rolls the window down. sevika glares down at her.
"you take care of her." she says. your daughter looks up from where she'd buried her face against your shoulder to watch their interaction in horror.
"yes ma'am."
"drive the limit. if you drink, or smoke, or do anything-- don't you dare get behind the wheel, you hear me?" she asks. the poor girl nods again.
"take this." sevika says, handing the girl another dental dam, condom, and mini bottle of lube. you chuckle, your daughter groans, and her girlfriend's eyes nearly pop out of her head.
"this is so humiliating." your kid mumbles. you giggle.
"hey-- if she sticks around after this, then you know she's a keeper." you tease. your girl snorts.
"mom leave her alone!" she calls.
"you gotta pen?" sevika asks. you watch as the girl scrambles for a pen and paper, handing it to your wife. sevika scrawls something onto the paper, then hands it back. "my number. call if you need anything." she says. the girl gulps and nods.
"oh my god." your kid groans. "she's gonna dump me after this."
you laugh. "no she's not." you say. "when she wasn't cowering in fear 'cause of your mom, the only thing she was looking at this entire time was you. i think you've got her hooked, honey." you say. little fucker melts, a shy smile creeping up her face.
"yeah." she says dreamily. you press a solid kiss to her head, and hug her one more time.
"be safe. but have some fun, yeah?" you ask. she nods at you. "and tell your girl we're really sorry. mom won't always be like this-- it's just how she shows she cares."
"i know."
sevika comes back to wrap your girl in a hug, kissing her again.
"love you, kid." she says.
"love you too." she says, squished between the two of you.
when she finally worms her way out of your arms, she hops into the car and leans over the console to press a kiss to her girlfriend's cheek. you grin at the way the girl's look of horror quickly melts, a shy smile taking its place.
"bye!" you call as the car starts up, waving at the girls.
as soon as the car turns the corner, sevika's crying again.
"fuck! she's gonna be in college soon-- what are we gonna do without her annoying ass bothering us all the time?" she asks, crying into your shoulder. you laugh, pressing a kiss to her scalp.
"i've got a few ideas." you say, trailing your hands down to grab your wife's ass. her crying ceases, and she looks up from your shoulder with a cocky smirk.
"oh yeah?" she asks. you giggle and shrug.
"when's the last time we fucked on the couch? or the counter?" you ask. sevika grins, then ducks down to hoist you over her shoulder, running back into the house.
you squeal and laugh the entire way.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki
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shelbgrey · 9 months
Might i request an Egon Spengler and a nerdy dorky kinda reader that knows a lot about the paranormal, or is a parapsychologist like them in general?
Two Nerds falling in love headcanons:
Paring: Egon spengler x Nerdy!Venkman!Reader
Summary: headcanons about Egon falling in love with Peter Venkman's Nerdy little sister.
💚MasterList 💚dating mood board
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I think you guys would be clueless to your feelings, like they're obviously there and everyone can see It expect you two.
Your really in the paranormal, your old brother Peter would always tell you stuff about the poltergeists and ghosts and soon enough you were studying and were obsessed with it as well.
It was no suprise that the team was impressed by your knowledge of the paranormal, but no one was more impressed than Egon.
And your well... A dork, and there's nothing wrong with that. Your extremely smart and just passionate about the things you love.
[pausing and currently breaking the 4th wall] I'm a dork, so I don't get upset by this label, dorks are amazing people to be around.
Any-who, like Egon your a quiet person, but if the conversation brings up something you love you'll be talking to that person about it for hours. It also helps if your used to the person too.
There was one night you and Ray had a long conversation about Scooby-Doo where are you? And The Twilight Zone.
Egon I very reserved and quiet guy, it's rare for him to give in to human urges or emotions, so it didn't go unnoticed to Peter and the others how he'd turn red in the cheeks at just the mere sight of you.
Without realizing it he fell for your brain and knowledge first, you'd often a company him in the Lab and quickly cought on to how the protonpacks work and how to repair the damaged ones.
Your also very passionate about ghosts and haunted places, you go out of your way to find cool abandoned place that could be haunted. At first Peter found it bizarre but found it cool when you found a haunted amusement park.
“do you all think we can take a trip to Colorado and see if the overlook hotel is really haunted?” you asked.
Egon remembers the little things and that's one of the things that made your relationship special. He remembered you bring up the overlook hotel and he took you a vacation to see it.
Speaking of ghosts, you had a strange sympathy for Slimer, he was the only ghost you encountered that was no harm to anyone. The green dude was just eating.
Your also a movie nerd, you'll qoute movies on calls and 9 times out of 10 Egon won't understand. This ment you guys will have many movie nights in your future.
“I don't understand that reference”
“I know you don't, that's going on the list too”
It got to the point in your relationship that you'd flirt without relizing it... Or how ever how nerdy people flirt.
Your brother Peter is always teasing you, even before you guys started dating. To him he's know from day one that you guys liked each other, he'd always have a snide commit like, “He’s dying…” Peter said sadly. “He asked us to bring him here so he could see you one last time and tell you that he lo—ow!” He yelped when Ray smacked him with the rag he was using to clean the protonpacks after a call.
But, your brother got tired of it, the consent glances you'd sneek and how Egon desperately tried to find the right words to flatter you with.
“Hey, sis, you busy Saturday night?” Peter asked one night. “no?”
“Egon, you busy?” he asked. “I'm not”
“good, because I am... You two go out and have a good time”
Yeah your brother asked Egon out on a date for you. Neither one of you knew how to proses what your brother did but it didn't stop you guys from going out.
It was awkwardly sweet, you guys went to a musem and just talked the who time.
“when it comes to things like this I'm not good with words, but y/n I do have an attraction to you... You just make my life more enjoyable”
You kissed his cheek which made you both blushed. “I like you too Egon”
After your some what of a confession, Egon got more comfortable expressing his emotions to you, and you only.
You both didn't have the best childhoods. Egon's parents didn't let him be a kid and often only cared about if he got an equation right. With yours, well they weren't around much after their devorce and you once told Egon that Peter practically raised you.
After he told you and Ray about the slinky he straightend, you took him to a toy store to get him something cool. You got him a toy airplane and stuffed giraffe.
They both set on a self in his lab so he can see it everyday. He fell deeper in love you when you went out of your way to make him feel loved.
He didn't relize how touch starved he was till he met you, usually he didn't really like it but when you started holding his hand or hugging him from behind on the lab he couldn't help but crave more.
“I'd like another hug... Please?”
You'll give him all the hugs he wants and more.
Kissing took a while to enter the relationship, you were both shy and suprisenly Egon instigated it. He'd give a kiss good-bye on the forehead before a call or he'll kiss your cheek in the early mornings before he heads to the lab.
Peter also goes out of his way to tell embarrasing stories about you. “ya know, when y/n was four I told her if she ate the Fortune out of the fortune cookie it'll come true, she totally ate the paper!” he laughed, you'd turne red when Egon heard it. Egon smiled softly and just wanted to hear more about you.
There will always be an ongoing fight about him not getting enough sleep, you love him and you don't want him spending all night in his lab but he'll always be like, “I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.”
When he's clearly tired but still trying to not to be wrong you'll not give up and try to persuade him to come to bed with you “But, Love, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.”
“O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??” he asked.
“I-is it working?” he knows your just trying to look out for him and eventually he will break down and follow you to bed you share in the Firehouse.
He is very gentle boyfriend and taking care of you as softened his heart a lot. He's type of man to cover you with a blanket when you fall asleep on the couch after kissing your forehead. Or carry you to bed if you fall asleep at your desk in the Lab.
He is amazed by you, even if you breathe he's like a love sick puppy. Everything you do just makes him fall even harder for you. Something as little as using the Dewy desim system to organize your guys book collection just amazes him or something as simple as organizing the snack cabinet.
Egon loves and needs physical affection. After every call, no matter how messy you guys are he will instantly engulfs you in a the biggest hug. Or if your working on something in the Lab and he needs a cuddle break, he'll stand behind you and wrap his arms around your waist and rest his chin on your shoulder so he can watch you work.
When he dose come to bed you guys are always cuddling or close to each other. If your not cuddling and he's sleeping on his stomach, your draped over his back using him as a pillow.
You both wear glasses and sometimes if there's a call in the middle of the night you two will get them switched up in midst of running around getting ready. You both have similar prescriptions so you won't notice until Peter says something.
Peter couldn't stop laughing the first time it happened because at the time your glasses were purple.
Even though your pretty smart, Egon dose say things that even you need a dictionary to know what he's saying. You know scientific names but sometimes your mouth works faster than your brain and words like 'swabie thing' comes out instead of swab.
“I need a... A Swabie thing to get a sample with”
“a what?” Egon asks as you digged in the drawers of your lab.
You guys are an unstoppable force in the Lab, you two just woke well together and have your own methods.
I don't know if he's the marriage type, but just know he won't leave your side. He'll get possessed by a spirit before he'll leave you.
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I also think it's nice that they made Camilla a sci-fi nerd and Luz a fantasy nerd. They're genres that are often seen as completely opposing one another by many people, which is what we're led to believe about Luz and Camilla in season 1. Luz is silly, nerdy, frequently in over her head and irresponsible and loves the boiling isles. We're led to believe that Camilla is the normal, conventional TV mother who'd be disgusted and terrified by the demon realm if she saw it.
Then yesterday's lie gives us a lot of nuance to this, and we realize that while they're still very different and now on opposite sides of a conflict, both mother and daughter are incredibly kind people (seen in their treatment of Vee) who love each other but struggle to make the right choices without hurting one another.
Then thanks to them drops all this Camilla characterization and we realize! She was a nerd too this whole time! The wedge between Camilla and Luz is motivated by past traumas and grief! and for the future has them switching sides on the central conflict of where Luz should stay (Camilla now wanting Luz in the demon realm because it's what's best for her, and Luz believing that staying in the human realm is what's best for the people she loves). They finally talk and realize that, like Willow pointed out earlier in the ep, the two are so alike. Camilla reveals that she's a secret nerd too! That she had a hard time growing up and accidentally hurt Luz trying to save her from the same fait! It's so important to me that Camilla keeps calling Luz a good witch. It's affirming her interests and goals, reminding her that she's just as good as the hero of her favorite story. And Luz finally only realizes that she wants to be understood...when she's finally able to understand her mom. When she realizes that the woman she loves and admires is just as much of a nerdy screw-up as her and that there's hope for her. Her palismen ends being multiple animals at once, showing both how Luz making unconventional choices (like carving an egg) keeps paying off for her and how her potential is limitless now that she finally knows and accepts her own goals, but to me it also reminds of the fact that Camilla is a vet and passed a love of all the weird and unliked animals (like wolves, possums, snakes, etc) to her.
It's just so so sweet and it really shows how much love and thought the crew put into this mother daughter storyline (FTF haters are not welcome on this page, respectfully). I can't wait to see how both of these misunderstood but healing women (who radiate "little/big sister" and "mom" energy respectively) are gonna interact with a) the lonely, easily manipulated and well intentioned but ignorant collector (a mix of both their interests as a magic being with a space motif! I just realized that lol) and b) the nasty puritan white man who's really obsessed with conforming to society's norms even when it literally doesn't benefit him at all.
Anyway, I believe in noceda( AND clawthorne 👀) family supremacy 💙
#the owl house#toh#toh spoilers#luz noceda#camilla noceda#this isn't proofread so if there's words missing or misspellings or somethings unclear feel free to mention#but this is just a messy thought dump#I have a ROUGH WEEK. I wish there was a more positive vibe in the fandom rn (although i kinda get it but also :( sad)#but there isn't one i will create it#tentatively I don't have a responsibility to do that I just wanna talk about things i noticed and like#i am going to post reqs just u wait. bitch!#also uhhhh other things i thought while making this post but couldn't include:#hunter and gus being fantasy trekkies is really funny and cute but also fits really well with both of their characters#gus has always been in love with the human realm and this is the ultimate neat little bow on that.#he's dressed as a character he relates to (captain avery trying to get back home to the family he loves) and his interest is uniquely human#bc sci-fi is kinda uniquely rooted in/associated w/ the human realm in toh. even in something like Belos' steampunk tech#SPEAKING OF. hunter oh my GODDD#he gets so attached to the human realm in TTT bc he's finally somewhere safe (he's always been entrenched in the most-#-toxic parts of the demon realm and it's culture which is ironically propelled forward by one humans influence)#and it's like a part of him is reclaiming his weird split heritage. he loves magic and he loves sci-fi and he's silly abt both#he's not a witch or a human and he's happy. or at least he will be#anyway. i love this shows relationship to fiction it is sweet and comforting and funny
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greghatecrimes · 3 months
Baby Ducks AU Teenage Headcanons
(Only Chase and Thirteen this time since I'm still not exactly sure how I'm going to put Kutner in this AU, but eventually I will write some for him too)
Both Chase and Thirteen are one hundred thousand percent 'nerds'. In both the academic and the hobby sense.
Both of them are quick as a whip (they're House's kids, how could they not be?). On the Honor Roll, all honors and AP classes, that sort of thing. There's never any pressure from House or Wilson to be high achieving; they're very self motivated, but it's not for the grades or the GPA. Growing up with House meant that his thirst for knowledge rubbed off on them. They always want to know more about the world, the body, the brain, etc.
Chase is quiet about it, but he's a bookworm. He's always got one in his backpack or on his bedside table.
Thirteen enjoys reading too, but she's a bit more of a TV nerd. I think her favorites would be Xena: Warrior Princess, Buffy, most of the Star Trek series, etc. (Probably also really liked the '80s She-Ra as a kid, even though it was a little bit before her time in this AU)
Thirteen and some of her friends get into D&D when she's 12-13, and she LOVES it. She (lovingly) bullies Chase into trying it despite his many, many complaints, but he ends up adoring it, too. They manage to convince House and drag Wilson into doing one-shots with them a couple times a month, and eventually start trying to wheedle their way into a full campaign. (They succeed. House DMs and has too much fun with it.)
(Wilson is supportive of the nerdiness and D&D, it just takes him a while to wrap his head around how to do TTRPGs)
Neither one of them is quite as into video games as House is, but they both enjoy playing them. There are definitely many extremely intense family Mario Kart nights, and Thirteen and Chase have one hundred percent gotten into a physical fight that started over Mario Kart (lmaoooo).
Thirteen is into the Legend of Zelda games whereas I think teenage Chase would enjoy faster paced games like the Sonic franchise. Both of them like the Pokémon games and would probably play the ones you could link up with each other on (the ones on GBC and GBA, and maybe later the original NDS) together.
Tweenage Chase and Thirteen (14 and 12) stay up way too late to play Pokemon together. There's a period where almost every night they're hidden in one of their bedrooms, lights off and covers pulled up over their heads, with a flashlight and their Gameboy Colors.
Teenage Chase takes after House and plays the guitar. He can definitely carry a tune (read: he has a great voice but he's modest about it/doesn't ever tell anyone outside his family about it), but he'd keep singing as something for himself, just at home or in private.
Thirteen takes up the piano to improve her dexterity and fine motor skills once she's old enough to understand that she's at risk for Huntington's. Music theory isn't her style, but she does love the challenge in teaching herself progressively harder and harder pieces, and the control and detail it takes to master something particularly tricky.
House has absolutely shown them anime and manga. More on that in a later post for sure.
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vdragon-creations · 1 month
TMayNT Day 13: Best Don
Day 13 of @tmaynt Prompt: Best Don!
Oh my sweet, how I've waited for this day! It should probably come as no surprise to anyone who fallows me or anyone who saw my Day 1 entry that Donnie is my favorite turtle! Hands down, no contest!
But here comes the hard part. Choosing my favorite! Gunna be honest, it's a very hard decision. Each Donnie has a quality to them that I just adore! Intelligence! I don't like to think of myself as that smart, at least not in the way Donnie is! And I love me some soft nerdy types! And when it comes to personality, it gets even harder to pick, because literally ALL of them are just precious.
87 is smart but a bit of a dork! 2003 is...goals. Sweet, kind, has a tiny bit of spice to him, and still has the skills to pay the bills! 2007, while not having much screen time, is a reliable man.
IDW, tbh, I've yet to read the comics in full, but from what I can see, he seems a lot like a mix of both 2003, 2007, and 87 Don. As in, while he's a little more softspoken then the others, he can still hold his own in a fight! And despite having been through some clearly otherworldly shit, he's a skeptic when it comes to magic. But I love the way they wrote him! (And his death scene still makes me cry! And seeing him still deal with pain from that incident is just *Chef's kiss*!)
2012....well...I don't have much to say about him. Frankly he's my least favorite out of the bunch, and all because the writers really wanted to play fanfic writer and they leaned whyyyyy too hard into the nerd stereotype. Resulting in making him borderline creepy to April. (Not that she's perfect either because goddess on a stick I'm not getting into that today.) The one thing I'll give him is that his sarcasm in this one made his very funny to hear in banter, and I apricate that they were trying to do more then just change the skin colors to make the boys stand out from one another. (But guys...really....the gap in the teeth was just not necessary..)
The Bayverse Donnie was one that had to grow on me a little, cause I'm part of the crowed that thought they looked a bit rough. But I agree that that's kinda the point, they're mutants. They more then likely would be a little rough looking irl. But after aa bit, he does start looking pretty cute anyway! And his voice is on par with 2003, in that he just sounds so sweet! I wanna hug him! (PLUS, THE FUCKER IS 6'8"! I'M 5'3"! And I do have a weakness for taller dudes. Bonus if they wear glasses! :3)
Now, for Rise. I was once part of the Cowaboomer crowed that thought that since RISE was so different from the other versions, it was there for ruined. I've since watched it, and the movie, and if anything, I've proven that I no longer think this way! RISE Donnie tho...he had to grow on me. At first I really didn't like him. His personality was such a stark contrast from all the other versions that it was almost like he was a whole new character! And with the art style of RISE being so different, his design was quite a jolt too. (The eyebrows are...a choice.) But after a while, that smug fucking smile had me feeling a type of way. The way he'd make me laugh was starting to become infectious! And the next thing I knew, I fell for this version too! Pretty hard I might say. And while 2003 Donnie is the sweetest bean to ever grace my screen, RISE became the living definition of the meme "I'm a luxury few can afford!"! And I love him!
After that, we had the batman cross over that brought us another Donnie! Once that I'm happy didn't lean too heavy on the other versions. He looked a little like 2012, but was like a gentle mix or 2003 and Bayverse! He also got a lot more lines and personality in that movie! (As well as a broken arm! RIP)
Then Mutant Mayhem showed up, and oh my god if he isn't the same insufferable anime fan I was when I was a teen! He made me laugh, and was still an adorable little dork!
And then we have Fortnite Donnie, who...i gotta be honest, I don't play Fortnite. So I'm not sure if he or the others get much of a personality or story outside of the same story of the turtles that we all know by now. So i can't judge him based on personality. But...I do like his design. Tho I will continue to say Fortnite had NO RIGHT to make him THAT damn fine!
In the end, I love all Donnies! Some more then others, but they all mean something to me! And it was hard to choose! but in the end, I chose the two that had the most influence on me!
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chiiroptereh · 1 year
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The bats of Pokémon through the eyes of a bat nerd (who also used no references so they're a tiny bit iffy)
Forgot to bring my tablet so I'm playing with dad's rainbow markers and pens. I kinda dig it actually but my phone cannot take proper photos of them lol
Nerdy stuff about design choices and lots of bat facts under the cut if you're interested in that!
Zubat is mainly modelled after Vespertillionidae and Natalidae species, inheriting both families' pointy faces and dense fur that often covers their eyes, making them appear blind (except zubat actually is blind). Their wings are broad, more akin to a Megadermatidae species, which was just a choice based off of the original design. Broader wings allow for increased manoeuvrability at the cost of speed in real species. Their legs are long and spindly, another trait borrowed from Natalidae.
Golbat still has zubat's woolly fur to keep its rounded appearance but has narrower wings as well as stumpy ears and a large mouth, all traits gleaned from free-tailed bats, the latter a trait specifically of the genus Otomops. They really do look like that sometimes yes. Its large feet are borrowed from the fish-eating myotis (Myotis vivesi) who frankly has even bigger feet than this guy. Bats are wacky lol
Crobat has a mostly furred face similar to Pteropid, Rhinolophid or Phyllostomid bats. Its ears are more fantasy and not modelled after any existing species. I had hairy-tailed bats of the genus Lasiurus on the mind while interpreting the little tufts on its bum, here they're meant to be fluff hanging off the uropatagium. It has very narrow wings similar to Molossid bats, and it fits for such a speedy Pkmn! (Fun fact: a Molossid bat was the fastest recorded vertical flight of any animal)
Woobat is inspired by Desmodus species, more commonly known as vampire bats. While their cousins the Honduran white bat (Ectophylla albus) is more commonly the interpretation, I chose Desmodus instead for its flat, heart-shaped noses and similar dental structure. The excess in fur is more attributed to the same families as in zubat, but with some more Lasiurine influence.
Swoobat's choice in inspiration was pretty obvious to me at first: the heart-nosed bat (Cardioderma cor)! The furred face and ears joined at the base is indeed inspired by Megadermatid bats but otherwise it has probably the most mixed influences of all these designs. I once again took the flat, heart-shaped nose from Desmodus species like I did with its pre-evo, and then its tail was adapted from Rhinopoma species (fittingly known as mouse-tailed bats!) as well as Molossid (free-tailed) bats. From an entirely nerdy perspective swoobat is easily my favorite, it really highlights a lot of chiropteran diversity whether intentional or not.
Noibat has joined ears like swoobat, inherited from Megadermatid bats (and sometimes Molossids) and is the first to have an actual nose-leaf, partially influenced by trident bats of the genus Asellia. I was kind of imagining that the bare patch between the tufts of black fur were present because they housed scent glands like in Emballonurid (sac-winged) bats who have similar bald patches. (I don't know a ton about Emballonurid bats unfortunately, so I'm not sure whether this is a family-wide occurrence or attributed to certain genii, lol. If anybody knows feel free to tell! I think some Molossids have scent glands too so heck throw them in as well)
Noivern is easily the most fantastical of the bunch, more dragon than bat, but it wouldn't feel right not to include him. He's got the same design choices on the face that its pre-evolution has (joined ears and nose-leaf) but otherwise doesn't have any more specific influences in batty terms. However, I turned the tragus into that little protrusion under the ear of the original design which I thought was kind of clever ;)
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kirkland-meeseeks · 2 months
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OC doodles, more info Abt em below vvv
G-33 / Gatlian Rick
- born human, had an experimental backup body that was Gatlian. Fiddling with the concept of augmenting one with his portal gun, this is the result
- Can make himself human again whenever he wants, just doesn't want to/prefers his weird little gun alien body for the Novelty. Other Ricks tend to be grossed out by him or weirded the fuck out that he decided to be his own portal gun
- His Morty is still alive and kickin'. If they're out Adventuring/doing whatever, Morty arms himself with Rick.
- He's self efficient enough, if C-137 could make due with the body of a pickle then I think G-33 is doing just fine. Able to fire live ammunition and portals on his own accord, has emergency bug legs if not having limbs is too inconvenient
H-95 / Soft Rick
- Lives in the citadel, has been long since estranged from his original Family. Has been working for the Morty Agency for years.
- Especially jaded and grouchy, even for a Rick. Other Ricks tend to go for low hanging fruit quips at him, he's heard them all before. Could not give a shit anymore.
- "Soft" in multiple meanings of the word, he has a soft spot for Mortys and is generally good with kids. Empathetic, does his job at the Agency well.
- His Morty was assigned to him through the Agency, aptly dubbed 'Hoodie Morty'. Hoodie's og family died and was portaled to the citadel as the single survivor. He currently lives with H-95 at the citadel.
- H-95 is working towards finding a Smith family to adopt Hoodie
- Gives better hugs than any other Rick in the multiverse
I-5000 / Nerdy Rick
- Comes from a universe where everyone is some flavor of nerdy stereotype and this was just normal to him.
- Imagine the utter shock and betrayal he felt upon learning that his place in the multiverse was being repeatedly shoved into lockers and getting wedgies, but instead of trying to fit in he doubled down on the schtick of being the Nerd Rick (out of sheer stubbornness and un-swallowed pride)
- Left his former universe behind after his Morty died in an accident, moved to the citadel.
- Some years later on he'd try out the Morty agency, and meet H-95 through it. Found him to be an absolute stick in the mud which was fun to prod at. The pair bonded over being 'loser' Ricks.
- Elf Morty hails from a version of earth where dnd type races were common place, he's of Elven blood. However that version of earth had been taken over and destroyed by an evil wizard. He's skittish and jumpy, and can hear trees talk (which isn't necessarily enjoyable usually).
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