#even tho they didn’t tell me that they were going out for lunch so how on earth was I supposed to know
smilesrobotlover · 1 year
Ok Smiles I couldn’t find it anywhere but I’d love commentary on any part of that fic you wrote where Blue is touchstarved and the other colors comfort him abddhffh I love that one
-Sky Floor
Don’t worry bestie I got you. It’s right here
Ok, I honestly don’t know where I got the idea to write Blue the way I did. In the manga he’s a very angry and tough guy but he has a soft spot (he cries when they say goodbye :() so imagined it all goes a lot deeper than just anger. Originally I was gonna have Leon comfort Blue in the end but I decided it would’ve been better if the colors comforted him so that I have all of them in one fic you know? Now, I’m not a neat person, I don’t keep my room clean and while I do occasionally organize things, I’m not neat like Blue is. However I think I am very shy and reclusive and I really projected that onto him. I mean he doesn’t have that many connections in the manga. Green is the most like Link and is the leader and so I imagine that he and Zelda get along the best, Vio was close with Shadow, and while he’s rude too I don’t think he’d be shy. And Red is just a little Angel who I feel like would keep in touch with Erune and the kids! But Blue didn’t have that many connections to me. Except with the colors of course
Now the part where he looks for Green and Zelda and hears their laughter and decides not to join them is def something I’ve felt. The self consciousness and believing that people really don’t enjoy being around you is rough, they probably feel obligated to be around you and are just being polite. And it’s hard when you don’t know if they’re being genuine or polite. So you start to spiral into overthinking it all. Blue feels sad hearing Green and Zelda having fun and he doesn’t want to ruin anything, so he decides to stay alone. You know in movies or irl when you hear laughter and it just makes you feel hollow? Yeah that’s what I was trying to convey there.
The most frustrating part of being very shy and introverted is that you do eventually feel lonely. Whether you like it or not, humans are social creatures and we NEED connections. Even tho I can be alone for a while, I need to at least talk to someone. Blue has spent a lot of time alone and he begins to feel left out and hated and all that stuff. He can handle being alone, but not for a long time. And the most annoying thing is that there’s a simple solution to loneliness, go out, socialize, make friends, all that. But it’s really not that easy. I’ve been told so many times that I need to go out and be with people more, and I KNOW that, I know that I get lonely and I know that I need to at least hang out with some people sometimes, but It’s HARD. It’s so hard and people who don’t struggle socially DO NOT understand how hard it is. I feel like I get super anxious whenever I’m in small groups of people where I have to hold up some conversation, big groups is fine but going to a grocery store or trying to find a job or calling someone on the phone is scary and I hate it, and no one seems to understand it. I tried to convey this with Blue, and even the blame that I put on myself on him. He keeps saying that it’s his fault that he’s lonely and that he’s friendless. He won’t go out and talk to people, he won’t make the effort to reach out, therefore HE shouldn’t have the right to even complain about it because HE can solve the issue so easily. And he doesn’t feel like he can talk to people about it because they’ll say “you need to go out and socialize” or something like that so he doesn’t say anything cuz it’s his fault. I just kinda wish that some people understood that not everyone’s strong enough to reach out on their own. And that just talking to people can be terrifying.
And the part where Blue is watching everyone have fun, and the feeling of being left out. It HURTS. It’s hurts so bad, and it’s worse cuz you know that the problem will be solved if you just move to join them and to have fun but you’re so upset that you don’t know how to do anything else except to curl up alone in your room. You don’t know if you’ll even be in the write mood to have fun, you don’t know if you’ll ruin their fun with your presence, you don’t know if they even want you there. I’ve def felt that too many times and it’s so so hard. Now the part where the colors come in and comfort him hasn’t actually happened to me eheh…. But it was needed for him. The colors love Blue and they do want to be with him, Blue was just overthinking and they didn’t know that he was feeling that way because he didn’t say anything. Also the nickname blueberry I felt was very cute lol. And it’s def something Red would call him.
Idk I’m not a touchy person but sometimes a hug goes a long way, sometimes you may need a hug. And yeah, that’s all I have to say about that dhksbsksbsk hope it was a fun read and I’m glad you like it!
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occamstfs · 6 months
Diet Diaries
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Hi all! Thank you so much for 500 followers! Here's a little style switch up to celebrate, got a lotta refs in this one and I quite leaned into the diary entries so I hope it's not too much! Hope y'all enjoy this stereotype reversal and as always, best! -Occam
Monday March 21st-
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I am beyond sick of Steve. Moving in together was a mistake, I don’t care how cheap the rent is, he is a narcissistic slob and I am eager to never see him again. Well no, I shouldn’t get ahead of myself. Our R.A. had this idea to try and walk in each other's shoes, which I don’t know? It might not be the worst thing? My big idea was switching diets actually- honestly I’m just hoping if he ate more like me he’ll stop stinking up the dorm. I can dream at least. Literally though he just can’t go to the gym as often if he eats like me. If I'm lucky at the very least his deodorant will last longer, I cannot take another day of his b.o. seeping through the walls, ugh! Anyway, wish me luck! I’m sure this will be a breeze for me, he usually just eats junk anyway, hope he enjoys my salads~
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Andy that little fucker. He was being such a little bitch to James and now I’ve gotta eat his rabbit food for a week or lose this bet or whatever. Steve don’t lose tho. Lil twink’s gotta eat whatever I make him too and you can bet your ass I’m gonna make him match my macros if I’ve gotta starve myself like he wants. Fuck! This shit is going to absolutely tank my routine! I’ve gotta make Andy give up. I’m gonna go so hard on him he’ll have to hit weights if he doesn't want to blow up like a pig. Maybe then he’ll stop bitching any time I don’t fucking shower every time I get back home. 
Tuesday March 22nd-
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My Lord! He is trying to kill me! I don’t know how anyone could consistently eat as much as he’s telling me to. I’m so bloated from all this food.. He looks so smug every time he tells me to keep eating, I’m sure he doesn’t eat like this. He’s just trying to break me but I’m not going to let him win this easy.
Ugh, I feel so bloated my pants are so tight on my waist. I didn’t think meat sweats were a thing but man I am needing to put on deodorant like twice a day now and I’m not even exercising. I will say that now that I’m eating so much, I don’t hate the idea of going to the gym. It’s been a while since I went but I should probably at least hit up the treadmill lest I get even more of a gut- maybe I’ll see if he wants to go tomorrow. This is all just an exercise to understand each other more after all, no need to make it a stupid competition like he wants eh~
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Fuck! I am so tired of Andy’s pussy-ass diet. I had absolutely no energy at the gym today, I told all my bros that I was just gonna take it easy but fuck! I really was working my ass off and I struggled to even meet a PR I set last week. It was supposed to be a push day and I didn’t even get a chest pump! Why the fuck am I still going. I’m abso-fucking-lutely not getting gains on his fuckin’ bitch-ass salads and oats.
Eatin’ like a fucking twink and the fucker has the nerve to ask to go to the gym with me tomorrow. I’ll make sure he regrets that >:) Gonna work him like a horse so he’ll throw in the towel! After feeling how sore actually working on yourself makes ya, he might actually learn something. I’ll turn in early so I can go all out and show him what a real man looks like.
Wednesday March 23rd-
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Man! I totally get why Steven eats so much now~ I am absolutely raring to go and get this; He said I could go to the gym with him today! He even seemed like he wanted me to go with him! I feel like I have more energy than I’ve ever had before, I might even try some weights!! I don’t know but I’m so excited! It’s like I can feel my chest and biceps begging me to go and hit some iron haha! Or whatever those “bros” say~ I hope he’s got something good planned for lunch because I fuck Sorry! I just want to show him that I can do all this dude stuff too! I’m a man right? I guess all this protein is making me feel more like a man than usual idk. Either way though I’m ready to go! Hope we have some fun!
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That bitch’s fuckin’ fru fru salads are ruining my PR’s for sure! I bet he knew that when he begged me to take him to the gym today, knew it was the only time he could show off to me was when I’m so out of it. And he didn't! Just to be clear I could still wipe the floor with  him even if I’m not at my A-game. Ugh, I do gotta hand it to the little fucker though. I KNOW he hasn’t even really set foot in a gym before but man. Beginners luck my ass, as soon as I showed him a technique he lifted like he’s been doing it his whole life! It’s like I could see his pecs and tris swelling up with each lift. Not that I was staring at the bitch or anything but he’s just I just need this fuckin’ diet thing to end so I can get back to my grind, I guess I wouldn’t hate taking him to the gym more often, would be hot to make a bitch into a bro Fuck! What am I writing, I just need to lift again.
Thursday March 24th-
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Bro! Weird? Whatever, I am absolutely on fire! Steven’s diet is absolutely killer! I don’t know how it’s working so well but man I couldn’t care less, I felt like a pro in there! My coaches in school would always shit on me for not trying but man! I was barely trying yesterday but I could tell from the look on Steven’s face that I was acing it! I guess I’ll have to admit to him that he is definitely onto something with his macros but man, not until he gives up haha! Man, I need to chill haha, it’s not like I’m any stronger than I was Monday but man, looking at myself in the mirror it just seems like my clothes are just fitting better. Catching on my chest rather than my stomach y’know? I’ve never noticed that there is muscle on my arms before but man the way my sleeves are kinda hugging my biceps mm. I need to chill haha! Can’t use all my energy before hitting the gym again today!
OH! Also totally weird, I’ve had to shave twice this week! Once last night and then again this morning which is so weird! I’m not complaining though, it’s not like I wouldnt look hot with a beard right? Although my face is a little itchy already, my chest too? Whatever though haha! Time to head back to the grind lol!
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God!! Andy Andrew is being such an asshole! He’s clogging the sink shaving which I know he would so be on my ass if I had done that. Wait, he did get on my ass for shaving! But it hasn’t been a problem this week, it’s like I’m not even growing stubble for some reason? Probably from not working so hard at the gym, is that how that works? Whatever it’ll be over as soon as this stupid diet thing is. We’re halfway through now. Thank God! Because that fucking twink is starting to stink up the dorm which again!! He was such a little bitch all the time to me about that! It’s like he’s literally stopped using deodorant as soon as he started needing it! He’s never exerted himself in his life and now that his pits are sweating at all he’s suddenly allergic to hygiene, ugh! I saw last night too the fucker fell asleep with his head in his pit too so it’s not like he doesn’t know it. 
It was a little surprising actually, cause I would’ve sworn he was hairless like one of those freak cats but man his pit was as thick as my pubes! Thicker maybe, uh? Man I wish I could get that image out of my head, it’s like the tuft was pushing out further each time he inhaled, man that’s kinda hot? Fuck! I swear this twink-ass diet is making me think like him too. I need to sneak to the gym later, without him. I cannot have him getting ahead even while I’m still on his chickenshit diet.
Friday March 25th-
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Ah!! That Little bitch! He was already at the gym when I got there! Ugh! It makes me want to punch a wall, or fight him. Or something I dont know! It’s just, he was lifting my body weight on the bench when he saw me, it was so ho ugh! It doesn’t matter what it was, I can’t stop thinking of that smug look on his face- what I would give to wipe it off… That absolute prick knew what he was doing. Ugh, speaking of pricks! He may as well have not been wearing shorts at all by how much his cock was showing through them.
I knew my meal prepping was fucking tight but man, I can’t believe hot its made him. It just really fucking turns me on, or no its such a turn on for chicks. Yeah. Whatever. I need this bet to end already. Clearly he’s totally obsessed with my lifestyle so he should just admit it already! Also, hate to say it, but to Andrew’s credit his diet ain't too bad either. I’d never tell him this, and it is all a little emasculating but my skin has never looked this good. I’m not even doing skincare or anything but it’s like I’ve been on a routine for years, it’s crazy! It’s still ruining my upper gains but man, my ass looks so good it's crazy..
Oh also re: facial hair, I woke up this morning and could’ve sworn I used to have chest hair but now it looks like I’ve got just a little left around my nipples and leading up from my pubes? I might go ahead and shave those too, might as well be totally smooth like a chick right haha, I wonder what Andrew would think? I need to chill haha, maybe I’ll go see if he’s still at the gym~
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Fuuuuck dude lol. I should’ve started hitting up the gym ages ago. Don’t know what I was even wasting time on before I started doing twice-a-days? Studying I guess but I can figure that shit stuff out hm. Fuck it is so much better to be strong than a dweeb. Every set it feels like I’m just busting out new PR’s! Gonna need to buy new clothes though cause I am absolutely tearing up my crop tops, my twinky little wardrobe just isn’t cutting it anymore. Maybe Steven’d be down for a clothes swap, I’ve seen him eying up my fits all week, god knows he’ll fit them better lol. Oh haha, and speaking of him eying things up >:) You should’ve seen his little face blush when he walked into the gym this morning! He looked so pissed at me lol, but I’m not gonna grab him to come along every time I need to get some sets in right? It was pretty embarrassing for him yesterday anyway, the way I showed him up lol. I’m not just gonna sit around and watch him not lift weights when I can figure this shit out myself, thought it was supposed to be his thing though lol.
Mm, saying that though, I def didn’t hate having a little audience from his treadmill. God, his blushing face as he stared directly at my work-out chub. Fuck, it really got me going. It really helped my sets too haha. Maybe I should hit him up lol, I can tell how bad he wants me >:)
Saturday March 26th-
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Ugh! That douche is walking around the dorm completely shirtless! Do you know what it’s like to have an oaf flexing away across the room from you 24/7! He knows what he’s doing, and thank god my dick isn’t showing through my shorts like I thought it usually does because he might literally pounce on me then-
Ugh! I didn’t even mention this morning. I literally woke up to him jacking off his morning wood! Do you know what a bitch-fit he would have thrown if I did that! He would’ve filed a police report, probably the dweeb, or. I guess I could too?? But it was just so fucking hot. I tried to pretend I was asleep, but he totally caught me. He literally smirked and made eye contact as he finished too- thank god he didn’t see my boner as he asked if I wanted to clean up his mess. He’s such an ass! 
I still have a boner now actually, it’s his B.O. driving me actually crazy! It’s like I can’t think near him if he’s going to stink this bad god.. Oh, he’s doing pullups on the door frame fuck. He’s supposed to be hairless but I see sweat dripping from his pits god I can't. God with each pull up his chest looks even more powerful. His cock is bobbing up and down in his pants and I can not look away. Fuck it’s getting even bigger. I’m supposed to be the strong one right? It’s not, fuck. This isn’t right. He just so fucking, god that body, I need him-
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And Drew:
Heh. I knew that fucking twink couldn’t resist me. Every little thing I do wraps him even tighter around my finger. Every flex and smirk turns him on even more I bet he can’t even think straight the way his little dick is losing it in his briefs- I took all his jocks since I’m sure he would need them anymore. Bet the little bitch didn’t even remember they were his.  
Might as well have been drooling when he saw me jacking my cock this morning lol, surprised he didn’t take me up on the offer to lick up the mess. I know he wanted to lol. He’ll get the chance soon enough though >:) God it’s a two-way street though. That fucking twink is so fuckable now, thank god he doesn’t need to shave anymore, don’t want his peachfuzz scratching my cock cause god that mouth is so fuckable now.. To say nothing of his fucking juicy ass, god! I’ve been working out in the room all morning waiting for him to give in and ask me to fuck him, idk if I can hold it in much longer. I might need to jack it again, my balls are bluer than I ever thought they could be, fuck. It’s like they're sore. Ugh I feel them getting heavier, heh, that little fucker cant resist though. God I feel precum starting to pool in my jock. If I put my pit within a foot of his face I give him five before he can’t help but shove his face in. I need to fuck him, but as if I’m going to let him see how desperate I am. Stevie that little fucker. He’ll be riding my cock any second now.
Sunday March 27th-
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Fuck <3 !! He finally fucked me!! God, it was like nothing I’ve experienced before~ His cock was like a beer can and goddd the scratch of his beard as we were making out.. Hehe if I keep thinking about him I might just cum again right now! He can fully toss my body like a ragdoll and I’d thank him ugh! He’s just so hot, and to think he wants to fuck me!! Ah~ I’ll need to keep myself pretty so he won’t get tired of me hehe! Not that it’ll be a problem, I just need to keep on his diet, God who knew it would be this good! I don’t even remember whatever problems we had before all this and I can’t imagine anything better than getting fucked by him <3 Ah! He he~ He’s staring at my ass right now so I guess it’s time for another round! Can’t thank our R.A. enough for this idea, well he he I’ve got an idea for how to thank him, oh! Drew’s ripped off his jock! Wish me luck he he~
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My little bitch is so tight, fuck. I’m surprised he can even take my cock but god can he ride it. Gonna have a hard time taking a break from fucking him to even hit the gym. Need to make sure the twink keeps up the diet tho or we’ll have an issue. Be sure to make him come to the gym whenever I do, if not to tighten up then to watch me heh. Won’t hate fucking him in the locker room too. Mm, God his fucking tiny body makes me feel so powerful. And I fucking am. God my bis are the size of his thick thighs, fuck his ass. My cock is straining my jock just thinking about it. His tiny waist ugh, I need my sweaty body over him now. Not like he’ll mind, the horny fucker. Mmm hope he’s ready to take my cock, bet his mouth is already watering heh. Pop my pecs at him and he’ll struggle not to cum on the spot, he better keep it together until I let him though. Can’t be having my bitch blow his load that fast. Thank fuck he’s chilled out finally, though I guess my cock’ll work wonders on anyone >:) speaking of it’s about that time again. Hope he’s ready for some more action, hate to have to find another hole.
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mingis-orangejuice · 2 months
Asking the L&Ds boys "What are we?" Part 4: Sylus
Summary: MC and her boy have been in a sort of situation-ship but MC wants to know why they haven't officially called her their girlfriend
a/n: This ended up being much longer than I thought so I'm making it into 4 parts (one for each boy) Here's Sylus' part its the longest part, but also my favourite. hope you like it. also, I probably mixed up Luke and Kieran multiple times so just ignore it lol.
Genres/Warnings: lots of Luke and Kieran shenanigans, a bit of angst, fluff, kinda slow burn
Word count: 1936
Previous Parts 1 2 3
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You were spending the day with Luke and Kieran, it was supposed to be with sylus but something came up. He didn’t want you to waste your day off so he arranged for them to escort you around Linkon and basically do whatever you want for the whole day. While you were happy to have a chill day with your bodyguards/friends Luke and Keiran you were really looking forward to spending a whole day with Sylus. But recently lots of things have come up and he kept rescheduling all your dates. Was he trying to tell you something, is this his way of saying he’s not actually interested in you romantically but he’s too chicken to tell you? No, he wouldn’t do that, Sylus is one of the most direct people you know, if he didn’t like you, he’d just say so. So then why does it feel like he’s just stringing you along, when is he going to make you two official?
“MC?...MC?...” Luke’s voice snapped you out of your train of thought. 
“What? sorry I was a little spaced out.” you turn to the twins standing above you while you sit at one of the tables of the Linkon Mall foodcourt.
“I said where do you want to go for lunch? There's so many choices” Luke gestured to the row of different restaurants among the foodcourt.
“We could always have the boss’s favourite, ever since you let him try your instant ramen that's all he asks the chefs to make for him when you’re away,” Kieran suggested as both boys took a seat next to you on the other side of the table. “There's a ramen place right over there”
“Umm… I’m not sure… I’m not really hungry right now” You looked vacantly across the mall foodcourt starting to space out again
“The boss said there's no limit to how much we can spend today so we don’t have to eat here. Or if you can’t decide on what to eat we can buy a bit of everything and you can taste them all” Kieran suggests while taking out Sylus’ black credit card from his pocket.
“You have to eat something, the boss doesn’t want you to skip meals he told us to make sure you eat something or else” Luke warned in a fake threatening voice.
“Well, I guess if I have to in order to save you two from Sylus’ wrath, then I want something homemade, not this cheap generic stuff, so let’s go back to the base and see what we can cook up, what do you say?” 
“Anything for the Boss’s girlfriend,” Kieran said with a smile, he stood up and put out his arm for him to escort you to the car.
“Huh… what did you say?” You stopped reaching for Kieran’s arm at the word girlfriend.
“Anything for the boss’s …girlfriend…. I’m confused, are you not his girlfriend” Kieran looked embarrassed like he might have misread the situation.
“Well yeah…but .. he’s never said it before…so I didn’t think he thought of me as his girlfriend.” you stood awkwardly looking at the floor and playing with your hands.
“Of course he thinks of you that way he gets all smiley when he or anyone else mentions you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the boss smile so much before you came along” Luke grabbed your bags as you guys started to head to the car. “The boss just has a hard time expressing his emotions. ”  he mentioned brightly
“Yeah for the first year of us working for him he pretended not to remember our names cuz he didn’t want to seem soft, even tho he could already tell us apart after the first day even with our masks on.” Kieran said as he looked up to the sky like he was reminiscing on the Good-old-days 
“But he always calls you his girlfriend around us” 
“Right, he even calls you his girlfriend in the task memos he sends us” Luke shows you his phone with all the tasks set out by sylus. He clicks play and a voice recording of Sylus starts. 
“1. As I’ll be away for the day take my girlfriend to the mall and get her anything she wants, to keep her happy
2. Make sure she eats something for lunch, she tends to skip meals and gets really tired halfway through the day because of it. If she doesn’t eat anything, a punishment will be waiting for you upon your return.
3. Carry everything for her no matter how much she buys, rent a truck if you have to, I don’t want her straining herself before tonight’s special event…”
“Wait” you click pause on Luke’s phone. “what event, he never told me about that.” 
“Uhh…oops” Luke quickly puts away his phone “You weren’t supposed to hear that. Just pretend it didn’t happen”
Kieran slaps Luke’s arm “You idiot, that was supposed to be a surprise, the boss is gonna kill us”
“Just what is he planning?” you interrogate the twins. Both of them looked at each other as they opened the car door and helped you in.
“our lips are sealed.” they both said in unison while placing their fingers in an X over their lips
You guys were now in the car on the way back to the base. You’ve fallen silent thinking about this special event. just what kind of event was this? It couldn't be something bad, right? Was he breaking up with you? Is that why he let you use his card with no limit, to give you one final good day then he’d cut you off??? You couldn’t take the suspense anymore, you had to know. You took your phone out of your purse and called Sylus. Your phone was connected to the car’s speakers and Kieran saw that you were calling him and got a little nervous. Sylus picked up almost immediately. 
“Yes, Sweetie? What's wrong, are Luke and Kieran not treating You well, do you need me to get rid of them for you? I’ve been looking for some new Henchmen anyway” He said with a chuckle
“Hey, we’re right here you know?” Kieran said in a hurt voice
“I know, that's why I said it” “Sylus joked
“And you wouldn’t get rid of us, right boss?” Luke asked, “We’re your favourite henchmen, right?”
Sylus completely ignores Luke's question “...So why did you call sweetie? Remember when I said I was very busy today and that we’d see each other later tonight?”
You didn’t want to beat around the bush so you got straight to the point.“Yeah, that’s what I wanted to ask about, what exactly is happening tonight? What's the Special event and why didn’t you tell me earlier?” 
There was silence on the other end and then an annoyed groan. “Did you two tell her?” Sylus sounded like he was about to jump through the phone and punch both of them in the face.
“No boss we promise all she knows is that there’s an event tonight she doesn’t know anything else,” Kieran said frantically “Please don’t get rid of us”
Ignoring them again he sighed. “Where are you right now babe?”
“We were on our way to the base for lunch.” You informed him
“at least those two can do something right” he sighs. “Ok then I’ll be waiting for you at the base and I’ll explain everything.” *Click* he hangs up
Now you were even more curious, what was sylus planning?
“Do you think the boss is really gonna get rid of us?” Luke asked you in a scared voice.
“I doubt it, you guys mess up all the time and he hasn’t gotten rid of you yet, what's one more mess up” you say in a joking tone “Plus if he’s as nice as you say he is, then you don’t have anything to worry about.”
Later back at the base you all walk into the living room to see Sylus sitting on the couch reading a book. “Oh, you’re back.” Sylus puts down his book and pats the space next to him for you to join him on the couch. “Come, sit. Let’s talk.” as you sit he wraps an arm around your waist to pull you closer. He then looked up to where the twins were standing. “You two, I’ll deal with you later. Leave us be for now.”
“Yes boss.” they both say and hurriedly walk out of the room.
On the way to the base after the phone call you just couldn’t stop thinking about what this event could be and mixed with your thoughts from earlier you were only coming up with every bad result it could be. All those thoughts and emotions were boiling inside and before Sylus could say anything they overflowed “What are we?” 
“Huh?” Sylus looked confused “Sweetie, what do you mean?”
“Why do you keep avoiding me and why won't you call me your girlfriend? Apparently, you’ll say it in front of everyone else but me.” You moved back so you were out of his grip 
“Those two, I’ll fire them for sure this time,” He says under his breath.
“And what is this event? Why didn’t you tell me about it, is it about me? Did I do something wrong?” Your voice slightly cracked on the last word and your eyes started to get misty.
“Woah, slow down, if I knew it would make you feel like this I would have explained sooner.” He pulls you close again, holds your face in his palms and wipes your tears with his thumbs  “First, We are Sylus and MC the strongest and most feared couple in the N109 Zone.” He chuckled. “Second, I’m sorry that I made you feel this way. I knew you were curious but I didn’t know the curiosity would get to you this much. I wasn’t avoiding you, I’ve been setting up the special event that I’ll tell you more about in due time. But, as for your third question…” Sylus pulls your head in closer and places a soft kiss on your lips that nearly takes your breath away. He pulls away and looks at you with a smirk “You’ve also never called me your boyfriend so I guess we’re even” 
“Yeah well…I didn’t want to assume… I” You start to stutter both from the kiss and his accusation.
He stops you and places another kiss on your lips “I guess we both felt that way” 
“So then what about the event?” you’re now sitting closer to him his hands on your waist to keep you close.
“Oh yeah, the event… I was gonna let you watch while I fire Luke and Kieran. I set up events every time I want to fire one of my men, why do you think I had you keep them out of the house the whole day?” He joked.
You softly slapped his chest and rolled your eyes “ I know you’re joking those two might be idiots but you’d never fire them. Come on seriously what is it really?”
“Ok, I'll tell you, if you can tell me something first, what day is it today? He asks, hoping you’ll know the answer.
“Uh, Sunday?” you say confused as to why this day of the week had any significance.
“You can’t even remember yet you want me to call you my girlfriend,” Sylus said pretending to be offended “It’s the anniversary of when a little kitten first wandered into the N109 Zone and…” he pulls you into a hug “ into my life”
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agaypanic · 6 months
Is this how you request a fic? I have no idea but I’ll try. I’m craving Regina George content. Can you please write something where reader is apart of the plastics but she’s not mean like the rest of them and that’s why Regina likes her. When Cady shows up and Regina has an interest in cady it’s too make reader jealous but instead cady ends up liking reader who distances herself from the plastics and then Regina gets jealous and admits her feelings so reader doesn’t end up with cady. If that makes sense? Thank you!
Craving Your Attention (Regina George X Plastic!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Regina George is the queen of North Shore High and she doesn’t like to share her toys, even if she doesn’t really play with them. 
A/N: kinda toxic!regina even tho thats not really a surprise. slight cady x reader, she likes you instead of aaron (also aaron doesn’t exist teehee). The girls arent homophobic bc cady tells gretchen she likes reader and regina ends up with reader (saying this bc idk if you’re gonna read this with 2004 regina or 2024 regina in mind, and obviously 2004 was a different time lmao) content warning for diet talk but it’s just part of one scene. Heavily relied on the mean girls (2004) script for this fic, so it's almost all written centered around Cady. all in third person which felt a lil weird to write because i usually write in second person lol idk if anyone’s gonna want a part 2 but imma lyk rn that im not planning on writing a part 2, mainly bc this took so painstakingly long
Everyone at North Shore High knew about Regina George. They’d be stupid not to. She was practically royalty. 
A queen bee was nothing without her little worker bees. First was Karen Smith. She seemed to give a whole new meaning to the word ‘clueless,’ but she was friendly. In more ways than one.
Then there’s Gretchen Wieners. She was Regina’s eyes and ears, whether it was wanted or not. All she wanted to do was please her leader.
And finally, there was Y/n L/n. If any of the plastics were to be deemed approachable, it was her. She was Regina’s right-hand girl, maybe even a bit more than that. But no one ever brought that up.
But then Cady Heron came to North Shore.
“Is he bothering you?” Regina tilted her head as she looked at the redheaded girl and the familiar boy who was talking to her. Y/n, who was sitting next to Regina, looked up from her food in curiosity. Regina didn’t usually talk to anyone outside of the table during lunch. The girl made a nondescript noise, so Regina turned her attention to the boy. “Jason, why are you such a skeez?”
Jason rolled his eyes, but tried to seem polite.
“I’m just being friendly.”
“You were supposed to call me last night,” Gretchen pouted, looking over her shoulder at Jason.
“Jason.” Attention was brought back to Regina with the simple call of his name. She wore a sweet smile, which meant that Jason was probably about to get a bite taken out of him. “You do not come to a party at my house with Gretchen and then scam on some poor, innocent girl right in front of us three days later. She’s not interested.” Regina then turned to the redheaded girl. “Do you wanna have sex with him?”
She looked shocked, giving an immediate no.
“Good. So it’s settled.”
“You can go shave your back now,” Y/n finished, and the four plastics waved him off. Jason walked away, but not before muttering an insult to the girls.
“Good one,” Regina said quietly to Y/n, who couldn’t help but smile a bit at the small praise. Before she could reply, Regina’s eyes followed after the red-haired girl, who was now starting to walk away. “Wait.” The single word made her stop in her tracks and look back. “Sit down.”
Regina moved her hands, signaling Gretchen and Karen to move to the sides of the lunch bench to make room for this mystery girl. After some more encouragement, she sat down.
“What’s your name?” Y/n asked sweetly, trying to ease the girl’s nerves.
“Why don’t I know you?” Regina asked, looking at Cady curiously.
“I’m new,” Cady replied. “I just moved here from Africa.”
“I used to be home-schooled.”
“Wait. What?”
Cady took a second, wondering why Regina kept saying ‘what.’ She didn’t think it was that confusing.
“My mom taught me at home-”
“No, no.” Regina laughed. “I know what ‘home-school’ is; I’m not stupid. So, you’ve actually never been to a real school before?”
As she spoke, Regina leaned more and more forward towards Cady. And as the conversation continued, Y/n wondered why Regina was taking such an interest in her. Regina never cared about anyone who passed by, too involved in the latest gossip session Gretchen had started or in Y/n’s appearance. Not that Y/n really noticed that; she was busy thinking about Regina to see that Regina was thinking about her. Either way, she didn’t understand why the blonde was suddenly so fascinated by this new girl.
“You’re like, really pretty.”
Oh… That must be why.
Y/n seemed to tune the rest of the conversation out, too wrapped up in Regina’s compliment towards Cady and the bright smile she wore while giving it. She didn’t know why it bothered her. It’s not like Regina belonged to her. If anything, Y/n, along with the rest of the Plastics, belonged to Regina.
Even when Regina brought Gretchen and Karen in close to speak to them and Y/n, leaving Cady awkwardly leaning back to give them more privacy, Y/n didn’t care much to listen. The gist of the conversation was that they wanted Cady to sit with them at lunch for a week, something they had never considered doing with anyone else in this school.
“Okay.” Regina started as Gretchen and Karen relaxed back into their seats, and Cady leaned back in. “You should just know that we don’t do this a lot, so this is, like, a really huge deal. We wanna invite you to have lunch with us every day for the rest of the week.” Regina wore a grin that meant she was up to something, but Cady didn’t seem to decipher that, and the rest of the girls didn’t know what it meant.
“Oh, it’s okay—” Cady’s tone seemed to indicate that she was about to decline, but Regina interrupted her before she could.
“Coolness.” The bell rang, and Regina’s eyes darted over to Y/n before going back to Cady. Her mischievous smile remained present as she, Gretchen, and Karen grabbed their trays. “So we’ll see you tomorrow.”
The three Plastics stood up and left the table, leaving Y/n in a slight daze and Cady confused about what had just happened. Y/n suddenly looked around, realizing that her friends had left without her, but the new girl was still with her. She figured that she should say something before leaving her alone. She didn’t have to be mean or unpleasant just because Regina seemed to like Cady.
“On Wednesdays, we wear pink.” Y/n said it with a timid but sweet smile, trying to get over the revelation that the girl she loved was setting her sights on someone else. Her hand patted Cady’s a few times before she stood up and picked up her tray. “Welcome to North Shore.”
As Cady watched Y/n leave, and as Janis and Damian dragged the redhead away to interrogate her about her interaction with Regina, she couldn’t help but feel warm. Maybe public school wouldn’t be so bad.
The next day, Cady was slightly nervous to sit with the Plastics. She felt like a double spy. Janis and Damian were under the impression that Cady was doing it for them, to listen in on Regina’s secrets and relay them back to her friends so they could laugh at the pathetic and superficial nature of it all. And sure, that was the main reason she was sitting with the girls. But Cady also returned to the table so she could bask in a new light, Y/n. 
But living in girl world came with a bunch of rules.
“You can’t wear a tank top two days in a row, and you can only wear your hair in a ponytail once a week. So…” Gretchen laughed lightly, seeming a little nervous for no reason as she looked at Cady, who was wearing her hair in a ponytail. “I guess you picked today. Oh! And we only wear jeans or track pants on Fridays.”
“Which totally blows in the winter,” Y/n muttered before sipping her Diet Coke.
“Now,” Gretchen started again, “if you break any of these rules, you can’t sit with us at lunch.” Cady seemed surprised, but Gretchen continued. “Not just you! Like, any of us. Okay, so, like, if I was wearing jeans today, I would be sitting over there with the art freaks.” She said it with a grimace, pointing over to a table a few feet away from the girls before looking back at Cady. “Oh, and we always vote before we ask someone to eat lunch with us, because you have to be considerate of the rest of the group. I mean, you wouldn’t buy a skirt without asking your friends first if it looks good on you.”
Everyone nodded except for Cady, who was processing all of these new rules she had to follow.
“I wouldn’t?”
“Right,” Gretchen said with a definitive nod. “And it’s the same with guys. Like, you may think you like someone, but you could be wrong.”
“One hundred twenty calories and forty-eight calories from fat,” Regina interrupted, reading a food bar that she had grabbed. She looked at her friends inquisitively. What percent is that?”
“Uh… forty-eight into one hundred and twenty?” Gretchen suggested, not really sure of herself.
“No, I don’t think so, Gretch,” Y/n said, trying to think of the correct answer.
“I’m only eating foods with less than thirty percent calories from fat.”
“It’s forty percent,” Cady said suddenly, proud that she was able to do the equation in her head. Everyone looked at her, expressions varying from impressed to confused. Cady suddenly felt the need to show her work. “Well, forty-eight over a hundred and twenty equals X over a hundred-”
“So then you cross multiply to get X!” Y/n finished off with a grin, thrilled that she knew what Cady was talking about. Cady smiled back at her with the same excited energy, although looking a little more subdued. Not only was this girl super pretty and friendly, but she also seemed decently smart. Maybe Janis was wrong about these girls.
“Whatever.” Regina looked at the two girls suspiciously. She tossed the food bar onto the table and stood up. “I’m getting cheese fries. Y/n, come with me.”
Taken back by the sudden command, Y/n stumbled out of her seat and followed Regina. Cady’s eyes followed her until she was out of sight, and she sighed quietly when she couldn’t catch a glimpse of the girl anymore. 
“So!” Gretchen startled Cady with her enthusiastic voice and a hand on her shoulder. As she turned to look at her, Cady realized that Karen was also gone from the table. She must’ve gone to the bathroom or somewhere else. “Have you seen anyone you think is cute yet?”
Cady didn’t know how to answer. There was definitely one person that came to mind, but she didn’t know if she should say the name. Gretchen might react badly if Cady told her, which would most likely lead to her getting kicked out of the Plastics.
But at the same time, she didn’t want to lie. 
“Well… there’s this one.. girl.” The last word was quiet and hesitant, but Gretchen picked up on it.
“Oh my gosh, who is it?” She asked excitedly. “Do you think it’s just like, a phase, or is it more serious?”
“I dunno.” Cady shrugged. “I haven’t known her too long to be sure.”
“Who is it?” Gretchen leaned forward in her seat, completely invested in Cady’s answer. It took the redhead a long moment of hesitancy to open her mouth.
“It’s Y/n…”
“No!” Gretchen straightened up, looking absolutely horrified. She looked around, ensuring none of the other girls were back yet. “You can’t like Y/n. Not only is she a part of the group, but… Okay, you didn’t hear this from me, and you’re, like, totally forbidden from ever bringing it up. But Regina is really possessive over Y/n. They’ve been best friends for, like, forever, and Regina chases off anyone who tries to so much as ask her out. And it’s not my place to say whether or not it’s more than friendship, but if I had to say something, there’s definitely something going on between them.” Gretchen took a much-needed breath, shaking her head slightly to clear her jumbled thoughts. “Look, the point is, you shouldn’t date friends. Especially Regina’s friends. But don’t worry, I’ll never tell Regina or Y/n what you said. It’ll be our little secret.”
Gretchen gave Cady a sweet smile, and that seemed to be the end of their little conversation. But for the next few days, Cady kept thinking about it.
She didn’t want to get on Regina’s bad side. That would mean no more things to tell Janis and Damian and no more seeing Y/n. And she also didn’t want to freak Y/n out. But just because Cady wasn’t allowed to like Y/n didn’t mean she wasn’t allowed to look at her. Or think about her. Or talk to her.
A few days later, when Cady was with Janis and Damian at the mall, Janis asked when Cady would see Regina next. She said it felt weird to spy on her and that she didn’t want to do it anymore. And sure, it being weird was part of why she wanted to stop. But mainly, it was because Cady had started getting so distracted by Y/n that it was difficult to focus on Regina. Which was strange, because the blonde girl was so alluring. But Janis reassured Cady that Regina would never find out about her double agent status, that it would be their little secret.
So many secrets.
“Hello?” Cady held the phone up to her ear, wondering who was calling her at this late hour.
“I know your secret.” Cady stiffened at Regina’s voice coming through the speaker. She internally panicked, trying to figure out what to do. How did Regina figure out about Cady’s spying?
“Secret?” She decided that playing it cool was the better move. “What secret?”
“Gretchen told me that you like Y/n.” Cady relaxed at the fact that Regina had learned about her other secret, before freezing again. Right now, she wondered if it would be better if Regina knew about the spying. “I mean, I don’t care, do whatever you want.” Regina didn’t sound like she didn’t care, but Cady didn’t bring it up. “But let me just tell you something about Y/n: She’s, like, never gone on a date before. It’s not that she’s not pretty or anything, but no one’s ever really been good enough for her.”
“Oh?” What did this mean? Did Regina deem Cady good enough for Y/n after so many others tried and failed? Or was this a set-up?
Honestly, Cady was so happy for Regina’s blessing that she didn’t really care.
“I could talk to her for you, if you want.”
“Really? You would do that?”
“We’ve been friends since like, pretty much birth. I know exactly how to play it.” There was a moment of silence, and Cady could picture Regina picking at her nails. “But wait. Aren’t you mad at Gretchen for telling me? Because if you are, you can tell me. It was a really bitchy thing for her to do.”
“Yeah, it was pretty bitchy, but I’m not mad.” Cady was a little mad, but she didn’t feel like saying that. “I mean, it’s better she told you instead of Y/n. I dunno, I guess she just likes the attention.” Cady didn’t know why she said that last part, but it had just spilled out of her mouth.
“See, Gretch? I told you she’s not mad at you.” Cady was a bit confused, but then another voice spoke.
“I can’t believe you think I like attention!” There was a click, and Cady assumed the Gretchen had hung up. She had no idea she was even listening.
“Okay, love you. See you tomorrow!” Cady could hear Regina’s smile, and then there was another click followed by a dial tone, showing that Cady was now the only one on the line. She then hung up herself, processing the three-way call she had just survived.
And then after that, Cady realized that she had gotten Regina’s blessing to try to pursue Y/n.
“What day is it?” Y/n asked, looking down at her worksheet. She didn’t usually do homework at lunch, but lately, some of her classes had been kicking her ass. 
“It’s October third,” Cady answered almost immediately, catching the suspicious eyes of Regina and Gretchen.
“Thanks, Cady,” Y/n said, looking up at the girl and giving her a sweet smile before returning to her paper.
“I dunno why you don’t just ask one of the Mathlete dorks to do it for you,” Regina said, looking over Y/n’s shoulder. “They’d probably even do it for free.”
“We’ve talked about this, Regina. If my teacher didn’t catch on, it would still totally bite me in the ass when I’d have to do a test all by myself.”
“You need help with math?” Cady asked, subtly leaning closer to Y/n. The girl looked at Cady, now completely distracted from her work.
“Yeah! I used to get it, but trig is crazy hard.” Y/n sighed, delicately rubbing at her tired eyes so she didn’t mess up her makeup. “I feel like I’m never gonna get it.”
“I can help you!” Cady said, excited over this opportunity. She had always excelled in mathematics, and now Y/n needs help with that exact subject? It seemed like fate.
“Really?” Both Y/n and Cady missed the slight glare that Regina was giving them. 
“Oh right, Cady’s like, a total nerd.” They also chose to ignore Regina’s snide comment before sipping her Diet Coke.
“That would be amazing, Cady! Maybe I could come over after school today or something?”
Cady was about to say yes, a million times yes, but Regina butted in.
“Y/n, you’re coming over to my house today.” It didn’t really feel like Regina was reminding her of forgotten plans. Instead, it sounded like Regina was coming up with a reason for Y/n to be unavailable. Cady’s suspicions were confirmed by the confused look Y/n gave the blonde.
“I am?”
“Oh… Well, how about tomorrow?”
“Perfect!” Cady spoke quickly and enthusiastically before Regina could say another word.
Over the next month or so, Cady tutored Y/n a few days every week. It quickly became their favorite part of their days. After helping with a few problems Y/n was stuck on, the two girls would get distracted by conversations about whatever they wanted to talk about. Neither of them felt the need to filter themselves in fear of being made fun of by one of the other Plastics, mainly Regina. Topics ranged from the latest gossip to future plans to their favorite things in media. If Cady had never heard of something Y/n brought up, which was the case nine times out of ten, the tutoring session would turn into a movie night or music party.
“Oh my gosh, so…” Y/n and Cady were in the middle of watching a chick flick that Cady had never seen when Y/n suddenly spoke. “I’m having a Halloween party at my place. We usually do it at Regina’s, but for some reason, she didn’t feel like doing it this year. Are you gonna come?” 
“Yeah, sure.” Cady’s response made Y/n smile brightly, a sight that Cady could never get sick of.
“Awesome!” Y/n sat up from her slouched position, her excitement waking her up from her slightly tired state. “It’s a costume party, which’ll be a lot of fun. I can give you a flier with all the info tomorrow. Even though I know you’re invited, you need the flier to get in. It only admits one person, so don’t bring anyone else with you.”
“Grool.” Y/n blinked in slight confusion, and Cady realized what she had said. “I… I meant to say ‘cool,’ and then I started to say ‘great.’”
Y/n giggled, which made Cady’s cheeks heat up.
“Right. Well, grool.” The two laughed, and then Y/n looked down at her watch. “Oh my gosh, it’s so late. I should probably get going.” With the help of Cady, Y/n gathered her things. “See you tomorrow!” In a flash, Y/n kissed Cady’s cheek before walking out of the room and leaving Cady’s house. Cady’s cheeks felt like they were on fire, and she lightly touched the cheek Y/n had kissed.
One thing that no one told Cady was that on Halloween, many girls opted for very revealing costumes rather than actual costumes. So when she arrived at Y/n’s house, she stuck out like a sore thumb in her dead bride attire while her friends wore tight clothes and animal ears.
“Why are you so scary?” Gretchen asked with concern, looking at Cady’s appearance with wide eyes.
“It’s Halloween,” Cady said with a shrug, not knowing what the problem was.
Suddenly, a hand touched Cady’s arm, making her jump. But she quickly relaxed when she saw who was touching her.
“You came!” Y/n squealed, bringing Cady in for a hug. The redhead felt a bit flustered by the contact, plus seeing Y/n in her slightly revealing outfit. When they broke the embrace, Y/n held Cady by the shoulders, surveying her outfit. “And you’re a… zombie bride…?”
“An ‘ex-wife.’” Cady replied, using her fingers to air quote.
“Well, I love it.” Y/n finally let go of Cady, although she wouldn’t have been opposed if she kept holding onto her. “You want something to drink?”
“I’ll be right back.” 
Y/n squeezed Cady’s arm for a quick moment before turning around. She weaved her way through the crowd to get to the kitchen, where a shit load of different drinks were scattered on the counters. She started mixing a drink for Cady when she felt a presence behind her.
“What the hell is Cady wearing?” Regina asked, squinting to see Cady from across the room.
“She’s a zombie bride!”
“She looks like a freak.”
“Regina!” Y/n set down the bottle she was pouring and looked at the blonde. “Be nice.”
“Whatever.” Regina rolled her eyes, pushing her hair off her shoulder before leaning on the kitchen counter. “You know, you should probably be careful around her. She has a giant crush on you.”
“What?” Y/n’s eyes snapped to Regina, immediately curious. “How do you know?”
“She told me. She tells everybody. It’s kinda cute, to be honest. She’s like a little girl.” Regina laughed, and Y/n tilted her head and raised her brows, silently asking for more details. “Like, she writes ‘Y/n plus Cady’ and stuff like that all over her notebook. And she made this shirt that says ‘I heart Y/n’ and she wears it under all of her clothes.
“Oh, come on.” Y/n sighed and rolled her eyes, figuring Regina had been joking. “That’s not funny, Regina.”
“I’m serious! She’s, like, obsessed with you. And who can blame her?” Regina’s hand reached out and brushed a stray lock of hair away from Y/n’s face. When Y/n looked at her friend, she was suddenly closer than before. “I mean, you’re gorgeous.”
“If I’m being honest… I hate the way she looks at you.” Regina grabbed Y/n’s chin before she could look away, forcing them to maintain eye contact. “It makes me sick. She should know better than to think she has a chance with you.”
“What are you saying, Regina?” Y/n’s voice was barely a whisper, but the blonde heard her loud and clear despite being in a crowded room with blasting music and semi-drunk teenagers.
“I’m saying you’re mine, Y/n.” With every word, Regina inched closer and closer. “I don’t want you to be with Cady. Or with anyone else.” 
Regina closed the small gap between her and Y/n’s lips, wrapping her arms around Y/n’s body to keep her close. After the wave of shock washed over her, Y/n reciprocated the kiss. Neither of them cared about any of the people around them watching. Including Cady, who watched from across the room with watery eyes and a breaking heart. 
Cady had lost Y/n to a competition she didn’t even know she had. Y/n had finally gotten the girl she had been wanting for years after being kept at arm’s length away. And Regina had once again ruined someone else’s happiness for her own.
Regina George Taglist: @wedfan2 @pyro-les @natashamaximoff-69
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crosbyism · 24 days
"but then again this is the guy who’s publically known for loving to eat ass so"
I'm sorry, I thought Nate eating ass was fanon. Are you telling me this is an actual canon fact??
god i love when people don’t realise how much “fanon” around sid and nate is actually canon. it’s like heroin to me. also bc it’s like. 90% of the stuff in fics (which is probably why people assume it’s fanon but. oh boy it’s not. there’s shockingly little fanon around these two, mostly because canon is so abundant).
yes, nathan mackinnon is a known ass-eater. let me direct you to this post, anon. you’re welcome.
other nate (and sid) facts you might not have realised are canon:
nate is a known advocate for therapy. he’s been seeing a sports therapist since 2017
they wear matching clothing all the fucking time, sid has said publicly that he started wearing white sneakers and updated his wardrobe due to nate’s influence (iirc nate might’ve even bought him his first pair of white sneakers? either that or it was a “he told me i need to so i did” situation). they share a tailor. unfortunately i now have to bring your attention to the fact that since they have an alarming amount of matching clothes that they’ve bought for each other, that means that they in fact have to know each other’s clothing sizes off by heart. they also low-key share clothing btw
their families celebrate canada day together and their dads are best friends. in-law behaviour goes crazy
nate did in fact stalk his way into sid’s heart (got the same personal trainer and agent at age 13; built his house next door in 2017; they’ve been spending every day in the summers together since at least 2015. sid cooks for them daily, or at least did pre-pandemic. sid refuses to use nate’s gym tho so they always use sid’s).
nate used to have a fan twitter account more or less where he rooted for the pens. it was active until 2017.
sid and nate regularly go to summer weddings together as each other’s dates. they have done this since, once again, at least 2015
nate has confirmed that he used to have a poster of sid on his wall as a teenager (he didn’t confirm he used to jerk off to it but frankly. i think that’d be saying the quiet part out loud)
when sid won the cup in 2009 and held the parade in cole harbour, nate stood by the side of the road watching it. he was about to turn 14, he was already working with sid’s trainer and agent, and he was about to start attending shattuck (sid’s junior high). due to old pics we also know that this was RIGHT before nate had his first growth spurt and hit puberty. i’m not saying seeing sid with the cup kickstarted nate’s puberty and gave him his first boner but i’m not NOT saying it
nate dated vanessa morgan of riverdale fame in his rookie year. she’s now good friends with elias petersson from the vancouver canucks (this means nothing but i do think it’s a very funny coincidence).
nate schmidt, formerly of the VGK, once failed a drug test (it turned out to be a testing-fuck-up); when nhl players were asked about it natemack iconically said “i don’t think he was sticking a needle up his ass” (i just like this one)
when he was a kid, the one other thing sid wanted to be was a hairdresser. nate, on the other hand, “didn’t have a plan B”
nate is canonically possessive of sid (see: the asg 2024) and sid is canonically delighted by this and into it
they go on so many lunch dates in the summer my dude. they go grocery shopping together. like there’s so many pics of them in grocery stores or out having coffee or weird green shakes
oh i almost forgot, they went on a roadtrip through ireland last year. they’ve been on holiday together multiple times over the years though. done some eurotripping together and stuff. in 2015 they spent three months together, three weeks of which were spent living in sid’s santa monica condo together just the two of them
sid has put up a picture of every stanley cup winning captain in his basement since 2008, when the pens lost in the scf to DET. apparently this serves as motivation for him to win the cup. he notoriously does not watch the playoffs after the pens are out
however, he partied so hard at nate’s cup party he actually closed down the party with his dad. nate is the only non-teammate sid’s ever been seen supporting for a cup run (he’s also never been to his teammates’ cup parties afaik so. there’s that)
also they talked on the phone daily and between periods during nate’s cup run. they also canonically have almost weekly phone dates that can run multiple hours. quote nate “i can’t talk to anyone else the way i can talk to him”
they each have pictures of the two of them together framed in each other’s houses
there’s rumours they’re building adjoining houses on neighbouring properties in cape breton next to a golf course bc apparently being neighbours in halifax isn’t enough or something. this one is as yet unconfirmed by reputable sources though
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soobnny · 1 year
classmate au | park sunghoon
Tumblr media
❝ what do you have for lunch today? ❞
heeseung | jay | jake | SUNGHOON | sunoo | jungwon | ni-ki
alexa play 0x1=lovesong
in your head, he’s the love interest with 0 interest in you🥲😢😢😢😢
it’s bc he’s so DAMN famous in your school
yes he’s your classmate .. ltrly in the same room but u cannot make conversation with him
he sleeps in class when he can like he will be DOZED OFF !!!!
nobody rly approaches the pretty boy
you’ve heard he’s rejected a handful of people before
you wont make a move for sure
so why does Park Sunghoon drag his seat so he’s sitting adjacent of you
why is he pulling out his lunch box and putting it on ur little table
you don’t say anything when he does it
and he doesn’t say anything either
honestlyyyy…. it’s a little awkward like wtf is happening rn this is a Simulation
BUT you’re eating lunch together
and guess what
it becomes a constant thing too 😭
like he’d just silently drag his seat and you know he’s on his way to your table to eat lunch
is it because you’re one of the few people who eat in the room instead of the canteen??
unattainable campus crush park sunghoon is in front of you and eating lunch with you for some reason
it makes ur heart go crazy becos !!???!!!
he doesn’t rly acknowledge anyone
it’s bc he’s always busy being exempted for some competition
he finally starts talking to you when he sees you watching a yuzuru hanyu video during one of your little lunch sessions
tbh it was just a small video on tiktok that u scrolled by and returned to bc wow that spin was so cool
it’s when he starts making convo that u find out he’s actually SO funny and so unhinged
he’ll start laughing to himself 😕😕
also will tell the most UNFUNNY dad jokes
you only laugh because his laugh is so loud and so unrestrained
tho you do tell him his jokes are horrible
and he makes everyday a mission to tell you a joke that’ll genuinely make you laugh
it becomes your thing
he’ll just randomly show up in front of u and start cracking the most terrible joke
“rip boiling water. you will be mist!”
cue his laughter
you: 😐😐😐 not funny didn’t laugh
then sunghoon becomes more of a friend… not some unattainable crush figure !!! a friend !!!
some of his favorite things to do with you are watching videos during lunch AND sharing earphones while you listen to music
your fyp on tiktok now is both of ur shared interests
you even have a folder on each of ur phones for tiktoks u wanna share to each other that u pass by when u aren’t together
no he doesn’t send u the link like a normal person
sunghoon waits until class to show u so he can see ur reaction face to face
and the whole listening to music ??? u’ll just be seated side by side and staring into the distance sometimes
spacing out is wonderful <3
so now instead of sleeping .. he’ll just offer u an earbud so you can put it in your ear and listen to him
has a secret playlist for u (u don’t know this)
the photo for the playlist is the only photo u have together btw
it was when u were checking ur face on ur front cam and he just suddenly appeared in the back with a peace sign
it’s adorable
he bugged u to airdrop the photo 9284 times that day bc u refused to at first
it’s so 180 the way you suddenly become friends with him !!!!!
another thing he does is laugh at how you enjoy playing candy crush, calling you a grandma as if he doesn’t act like an old man
and then he gets so invested when you let him try
will cheat to get more lives and fuck up your time settings on your phone
btw he always talks about you A LOT 😭
his friends will know everything about you before you even meet them
“so, what level are you in candy crush?”, jake would ask the first time you meet
“excuse me, what??”
“sunghoon talks about you aaaall the time, it’s getting a little silly. like i know your go-to order at a cafe.”
“yeah like isn’t ur favorite color ___”
u look at sunghoon like ?????? and he just has a guilty smile on his face
but he doesn’t deny anything
you’d be shocked to suddenly see him as your seatmate one day like he rly switched with the person sitting next to you
laughing at your test paper scores together is also a fun little activity the two of u do
and then crying as you cram study in one of ur homes or on call when it gets too late
“hey can u help me with this chemistry question”
“ok give me a minute”
would open up those white board apps and screenshare his phone to start helping u with a part he understands but u don’t
he was 828283 screenshots of ur calls together
btw you CANNOT go to the library
you know that if you go to a library together … yall are NOT studying 😭
also u enjoy just shooting each other questions back and forth before the test
u would also probably come up with ways on how to cheat im sorry like u guys will have this whole grand scheme only to chicken out of it when u actually take the test
one day, you ask him why he had suddenly started eating lunch with you
bc like !!!! u’re happy he did but why so suddenly yknow
you’re grateful tho bc now u have someone to text like 25/8 and call whenever u’re bored
BUT U WANNA KNOW WHY. what started it
“i don’t know... i’ve always wanted to talk to you. you’re always so funny in class”
“and you didn’t say anything because??”
“i was gonna say something then i totally chickened out and then it was too late to say anything…. thank god for yuzuru hanyu.”
asks u to be his gf while teaching u figure skating for the first time
bc u finally ask him like dude why r u ALWAYS absent from classes
he’s like oh no biggie i’m ltrly just an athlete that competes in national events 😹😹😹
WTF !!!!!!!!
u knew he was competing in something but he never mentioned Figure Skating before
he is a fraud of a Friend
“sunghoon what does our friendship actually mean to u … WHERE IS THE LOVE”
but then he’ll go .. “want me to teach you?”
he’s forgiven now
“teach me figure skating??”
“yes” and he’s SOOOOO excited about it
he helps you find which skates to wear like he makes sure u have right size so ur feet don’t hurt
doesnt let u borrow those polar bears to hold onto
he can be ur polar bear
tho, when u do get tired .. he finally rents one and lets u sit on it while he pushes u around
it’s so much fun
except for when you fall
tho … it’s important for me to tell you that when you fall on your butt, he has heart eyes
and he holds your hands the entire time
he asks u to be his gf when you skate ur way across the rink without his help
sunghoon got so happy he just blurted it out
“be mine”
BYEEEEEE ofc u say yes
tho u think he’s joking at first
he does repeat it when you eat ramen after .. he’ll be like r u actually fr ??? did u actually say yes to me ??? u wanna deal with my jokes forever ??
oh dear
you should invite yuzuru hanyu to your wedding honestly 😭 thank u to ur fyp
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note. credits to user @.luvknow for the layout of this post! last of the series, let me know what you think!
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number1jeonginstan · 10 months
can you write about an au where when ppl meet/see their s/o they instantly feel like they need to consummate their bond? and seungmin meets y/n? (its fine if not tho)
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A/N: Thank you for your request and sorry for it taking so long :( I really hope you enjoyed it! While writing this, I started getting an idea of making this into a series, so one for each member meeting their soulmate and stuff. I thought it would be neat, but I don’t really know if you guys want that or not, if you do, please tell me! ALSO, I told you guys I will be back on that writing grind (I always keep my promises!!) 
WC: 2.6k
Minors don't interact, 18+
Pairing: College Student!Seungmin x afab! Reader
Warnings: kinda public sex, but not, unprotected sex (are we surprised?), cumming inside of op even though it was their first time, idk what else to add…
The air was thick outside, a light drizzle was hitting the ground as Jeongin and Seungmin were eating their lunch.
“Did you guys fuck?” Seungmin asked bluntly, dipping another fry in the ketchup in front of him. “You know we have to as soon as we touch, it’s so embarrassing though” Jeongin groaned. “How is it embarrassing? She now knows what your dick looks like and you guys can live happily ever after!” he chuckled as Jeongin took a sip of his milkshake. 
“Dude, I don’t understand why we have to have sex as soon as we see our soulmate, the world is a twisted place. Like hypothetically, what if the dude is a virgin and the girl isn’t, or the dude has a micro? Even worse if they are both virgins, like imagine losing it to someone you don’t even know and then having to spend your entire life with them” 
Seungmin just nodded along as Jeongin continued to go on and on. “Like think about it if I didn’t have sex with them, I would have a painful ass boner until we are either 100 miles apart or until I fuck her, not to mention, I can only have sex with them for the rest of our lives and we barely know each other.” 
“I think you are reading too much into it, was she at least nice?” 
“Yeah” Jeongin scratched the back of his neck “she was super sweet, I’m actually going to her place after this for a movie date” 
“Awww, Innie is finally getting play, even though it is forceful” 
Jeongin just rolled his eyes, popping another fry in his mouth. “I better get going, I don’t want to be late”
Seungmin watched him get out of their shared booth, only to almost run into someone and apologize. Seungmin just chuckled, knowing how clumsy his friend was, only to look up and see you. 
He knew you from a few classes, you were also taking photography, but he didn’t believe it was your major seeing as you were only taking the required classes with him. 
Jeongin profusely began apologizing, telling you he really didn’t mean it, you just giggled, telling him that everything was okay and it wasn’t your fault. As you turned around, you spotted Seungmin, and you stopped and looked at him for a second. 
“You are Seungmin from my photography class right?” Seungmin was confused, he didn’t think that you knew him, let alone knew his name. “Oh um, yeah Professor Lee right?” he asked, trying to make it seem like he didn’t know exactly who you were. 
“Yeah, I just wanted to say I love your work. When you showed us your portfolio, I was genuinely blown away. Like seriously, the way you capture the essence of everything around you is breathtaking.” 
Seungmin could feel his ears getting redder, blushing slightly at the way you described his photos. No one had ever admired them the way you were describing them at that moment. “Thank you so much” he stuttered slightly, still a bit embarrassed.
“That actually leads me to my question,” you said, picking at your nails slightly. “Oh? What’s your question?” He asked, placing his chin in the palm of his hands, trying to show to you that you had his full attention. 
“I’m a Journalism major, and I’m trying to work on my photography so I can better capture the essence of what’s going on at that moment in time. That’s why I’m minoring in it, but I feel like I’m just not there. Like sure, I have the camera and everything, but I feel like I’m not conveying the feeling or emotions of the event like you do, so I was going to ask if you could help me?”
You rocked back and forth on your heels waiting for his response, and he simply nodded “Yeah, I would love to help you” 
You grinned “Um, do you want to give me your number, or I can give you mine so we can figure out a time if that’s okay, or if you don’t want to give me yours we can always meet up after class” you continued to ramble on. 
“Give me your phone, I’ll put in my number and just text me right now so I can make sure it went through” 
You simply nodded, handing him your phone. He put in his number, sending a text from your phone to his.
“See, I got it,” he said, holding up his own phone. “Why don’t I text you when I’m free and we can coordinate from there!” 
“Thank you so much Seungmin, like seriously, I really appreciate it!”
Just before he could reply, your friend that you were with called you over to your booth, causing you to wave him goodbye and run over to her. 
“Who was that?” she asked you, looking over the menu in front of her. 
“He’s this really cute dude from my photography class, he said he would help me so I can take better pictures” You grinned to yourself, you had finally got the boy's number you had been fawning over for the semester. 
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10:21 PM
Hey, it’s Seungmin Wait, you already know that  You know what, ignore the first two texts  And that one And that one  Shit.  Ummm  I just wanted to say that I am free tomorrow at 2 pm if that works with you. If not, that’s totally fine, we can find another time Anyway, have a good night! 
You giggled at the texts he had just sent you, something about him being flustered over text made you so happy. 
Seungmin rolled around in anguish waiting for your text, he wanted to know your thoughts. Maybe you thought he was crazy sending all those texts and ghosted him or no longer wanted his help. He was about to give up and go to sleep until he got your text. 
10:34 PM
Oh hey Seungmin! Yeah, I think 2 works for me! I’ll bring my camera and stuff, and I’ll text you a good location Also, text me your coffee order, I’ll bring you some
He felt like a schoolgirl with a crush. You were so cute, asking for his coffee order, he just wanted to pinch your cheeks, but that would be weird, right? You guys barely knew each other, he would just watch over you in class and that’s all. 
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It was the afternoon and you had set up your camera. You had found this abandoned field a few months ago while just walking around listening to music. You thought it was the perfect spot to practice taking pictures with more emotion. 
You had placed a picnic blanket in the grass big enough to fit 4 people as well as a blanket since it was getting cooler and you didn’t know how long you guys would be there. 
You were waiting for Seungmin, the ice in his Americano slowly melting, the condensation slowly making the cup wetter. When your phone finally showed 2:05, Seungmin showed up. While you were wearing jeans, a white blouse, and a sweater with apples all over it, he was dressed in jeans, a white t-shirt, and a flannel. 
“Sorry I’m a little late, I was trying to find this place,” he said, placing his camera bag onto the blanket. He took a step back, fully looking around taking in the view. “How did you find this place? It’s secluded, but absolutely stunning” 
“I was just walking around one day and stumbled over this spot”
You handed him his iced americano, and he took it from your hands graciously. “So, I was thinking that we should practice different emotions, but the same scene, so why don’t we do that?” He took a sip of his drink and then placed it back on the grass.
You simply nodded, getting your camera, and waiting for his instructions. He turned to you and pointed in front of him. It was just some dandelions, it was nothing special, but he went on to explain. 
“Dandelions are one of the very few plants that can grow anywhere and everywhere. Some might see them as a weed, but others may see them as a beautiful flowers that can withstand thousands of weather conditions. Now, think about what you want it to look like as you take the picture”
You did as he said, trying to fully understand the flower in front of you. You took the picture with the intent you had in mind, and you did it. The flower looked bright and powerful compared to the grass that surrounded it. 
“Seungmin I did it!” you jumped up and down, showing him the hug. Before he could react, you gave him a hug, trying to express your gratitude. As you pulled away, it was like a switch had flipped in you. 
For some reason, you could feel yourself get wetter. It was something you had never felt before, it felt uncomfortable, and the only thing you could feel was lust. The same was for Seungmin, all he could feel himself get hard the second you touched him. It wasn’t even just a random hard-on, but it felt so painful like he had to cum that second or else he would die. 
“Seungmin, do you also feel that way?” You asked, feeling a bit scared, but your entire body was tingling like there was no other sensation. You could feel your wetness slowly drip down your thighs and there was no stopping it. “Yeah, fuck, I think it does” 
“Can I please?” he groaned, he couldn’t bear the feeling of not being next to you, on top of you, inside of you. It’s like he could smell your wetness and had to indulge himself in it or else he would die. “Wait, I don’t have a condom, I don’t think we should”
Before he could even continue speaking, you stopped him, shutting him up by kissing his lips. “If you don’t fuck me right now, I think I might just explode” 
You continued to kiss him, taking off your own sweater and pants, leaving you just in your blouse and underwear as he took off his flannel and pants. “But, what if?” 
You stopped him, “I’m clean and am on birth control, if you are clean too then what’s stopping us? The only way this sensation will stop is if we are a hundred miles away from each other and that will take hours, so please just fuck me” 
He groaned, going back to attacking your lips. He laid you on the picnic blanket you had brought, thanking your prior self for bringing it. He moved down to your neck, to the curve of your breasts as he continued to kiss them, pulling down the strap of your bra and blouse in one tug to give him access to your breast. 
He began to tease your nipple, pinching it with his finger as he began to bite marks on your neck, claiming you as his. “Seungmin please stop teasing, I need to feel you in me right now” 
That was all he needed, he pulled his shirt off, throwing it somewhere in the distance as well as his boxers. His cock was long, slightly thick, with two veins at the underside of it. You could feel your mouth water as he began to smear the pre-cum leaking from his tip onto the rest of his throbbing cock. 
“Fuck baby, look at what you did to me just with a hug” he groaned. “I could say the same for me,” you said, pulling down your underwear to show your soaked core. 
He looked at your pussy in awe, you were so wet he could easily slip in with no prep. “Fuck, so wet just for me” 
You just nodded, playing with your clit, trying to give yourself some sort of stimulation. “Please Minnie, need your cock so bad” you pleaded, your doe eyes looking up at him. Before he could even register what he was doing, he aligned the tip of his cock, with your hole, slowly putting his cock inside of you. 
You moaned at the sensation, you had never felt so full in your life. Once he had fully sheathed his cock inside of you, he let out a long and sultry moan. “Fuck baby, this pussy is everything” 
Before you could moan in response, he began to fuck you like there was no tomorrow. Your legs wrapped around him, wanting to feel him hit that spot inside of you. “Fuck baby, fuck Minnie you feel so good” you moaned. 
He lifted your hips slightly, causing him to hit that one spot inside of you. “Oh fuck, fuck, fuuuuuck” you babbled, feeling so close. 
He could feel your walls tighten around his cock, he could tell you were close, so he brought his hand down to your clit, slowly circling it in tandem with his thrusts. That was all you needed to cum. 
You came screaming his name, your legs wrapping tighter around him, not wanting him to stop thrusting into you. “Fuck baby, if you keep doing that, I’m going to cum inside, please let me go” he whined.
You didn’t budge, feeling slightly overstimulated, but that didn’t stop you from begging him to cum inside of you, to fill you with his cum. That was all he needed to reach his peak, his load shooting inside of you, causing you to cum once again, your walls milking him dry. 
He slowly pulled out of you, covering you with the blanket you had brought and wrapping his arms around you. 
You were both covered by the second blanket you had brought. You were thankful for it, it was shielding the both of you from the cool air that would be nipping your skin if you didn’t. 
“Who would have thought the dude I was looking at all of class for the past semester was actually my soulmate?” You said out loud, your head buried into his chest.
He cocked his head slightly to look at you. “What do you mean, I was looking at you in class all the time, I never saw you looking at me?” 
You turned your head up to look at him “So we are both idiots who could have done this earlier if we actually talked to one another?” You asked, giggling a bit about how stupid the two of you were.
“Yeah, I guess so” he chuckled back, placing a kiss on your head. “Shit, my friends are going to tease me relentlessly for this, fucking my soulmate in the middle of a field” He groaned out loud. 
“You guys tell each other when you meet your soulmate?” you asked, a bit confused 
“Yeah, we have a group chat, Jeongin was the first to find his and now I’m second, I wonder how the rest of them are going to find theirs” 
“You should invite me to them,” you said, kissing his lips once again. 
“Baby, if I didn’t they would have kidnapped you and introduced themselves to you” 
You just laughed, running your fingers along his face. “Now that we have gotten over the whole “need to fuck like bunnies” how about we do this again?” 
Before Seungmin could even realize what you meant, you slowly moved on top of him, slipping his already-hardened cock into your soaking pussy. 
“Fuck baby, I’m always ready for round two,” He said, groaning at the way your walls clenched his cock, you were made for him.
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hyuckswoman · 5 months
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« yoo, how are you? » mark asks waiting by your desk as you collect your stuff 
« when did you even get there??? also we’ve been texting the whole time you know how i am » 
« my class ended a bit early so i waited by the door and when people were leaving i thought i’d just come in, also it’s called courtesy the whole asking how you’re doing, so stop complaining this is me being nice » mark says as you both head out of the class 
« righhtttt my bad sir , where are we going by the way? I don’t have classes for the rest of the day so I’m free if you want to hang out » you say 
« I told you to stop flirting with me, you’re getting desperate and it shows » mark jokes as you slightly punch his arm 
« we could grab lunch if you want to? also i don’t know where your friend is, i don’t think i saw him in your classroom but we can wait for him if you’d like » mark says looking around for hanbin you presume 
« Bin went to a party last night, he sent me a text this morning he’s wasted and hungover and basically skipped class so we don’t have to wait for him this time, also i wouldn’t act like I’m the one that likes you too much given how you practically begged me not to leave the music group » you said trying to get back at him. It was kinda annoying how he shrugged and told you that you were right without fighting back tho. 
« where the fuck are you taking me? this looks too expensive i don’t have that kind of money » you say as you guys near mark’s recommendation. you make a mental note to never trust the guy ever again when he tells you he knows a place
«  don’t worry, i got the bill » he says
« man, you’re as broke as I am don’t even pretend with this gentleman shit » you say laughing 
« dude you could’ve at least pretended for my ego, you suck. also it might look super fancy but it’s affordable don’t worry, not that i’d let you pay for your meal tho, i might be broke but I still know how to treat a lady thank you » he says holding the door of the establishment open for you 
«  I will wrestle you to the cash register don’t even play with me marcus lee » you say trailing behind him as he chuckles. you wonder if he’s making fun of your threat or if he’s laughing because of the nickname (the answer is both)
you were halfway through your meal when mark started to speak again 
« man.. isn’t it kinda crazy? » he says looking at you 
« what is? » you answer genuinely confused.. did this man think you’re sherlock holmes or something?? how would you know what he’s even talking about 
«  it’s kinda crazy how you, my diehard fan managed to be in the same music group as me. you hide your game pretty well though, sometimes i forget that you’re the president of my fan club » he says, you could see him holding back his laugh so hard. crazy how this man was openly making fun of you like that 
«  what happened to ‘let’s not talk about this ever again’? also, considering how you’ve been hyping me up these past few weeks i’d say that the roles have reversed and you’re my die hard fan now, you even said so yesterday » you reply 
« i never said any of that you are mistaking me for another man on your roster » mark answers
« let’s not lie like that we both remember the messages… and stop slut shaming me we are in public. and considering the amount of girls that want you i’d say you’re more likely to be the slut » you says hoping that’ll shut him up 
« ooo are you jealous that everybody wants me?? » he says. the answer is yes but you’ll never tell him that of course. 
« stop being so cocky before i slap that smirk off your face » you reply lowkey glaring at him
«  you didn’t deny it though » he says cockily. this man was aggravating you 
« god you’re becoming worse than hyuck. actually nevermind you are worse than hyuck constantly asking me for validation and compliments » you say smiling
« ouchhh okay i get it my bad, i’ll stop asking for validation and compliments the minute I’m 100% sure that I’m your favorite. also i don’t think it’s fair how donghyuck and jisung get to have cute nicknames while you call me marcus » he says kinda sulking 
« oh sorry my bad dork lee » you say laughing while he just gives you the middle finger « also i call you markie so you do have a cute nickname stop complaining and eat your food » you say as he just goes like « oooooh, that’s right » remembering the nickname you gave him. 
as you guys were finishing the meal you excused yourself to go to the toilet (little did he know you were actually paying the bill like the gentleman you are)
as you come back to the table you see mark trying to grab the waiter attention 
« what are you doing? stop doing that you’re giving me the ick » you say sitting back down 
« man fuck you, it’s not my fault nobody sees me i just want to pay the bill. and don’t fight me on this please » he says continuing his gesture to grab the staff’s attention 
« mark i paid the bill already that’s why no one is coming please stop » you say grabbing his hand to put it down 
« WHAT???!!!! » he replies 
« man… i can’t believe you paid the bill. next time’s one me tho » he says holding the door open for you to get out 
« is this an attempt to ask me out on a date? » you ask. yea that’s right. uno reverse bitch 
« sorry i don’t date fans » he replies. ooooooooh this man is 100% aggravating 
« by the way I texted you earlier to give you something but I’m really fucking nervous so I’ve been delaying it this whole time, but no more delaying shit I’ve got this I think. Also if you think it’s weird thennn pretend i never gave you shit ok? » he says sorta hyping himself up in the middle before opening his palm revealing a black guitar keychain 
you burst out laughing 
« I think this is worse than if you would’ve told me that you hated it. I’m literally contemplating suicide right now don’t even play with me » he says as you laugh even harder because his antics were really making it worse 
A few seconds later and in between giggles you decide to speak « no.. wait, i swear I’m not making fun of you, I swear I find this unbelievably sweet, you’ll understand why I’m laughing just give me a second » you say reaching into your bag pulling out a spiderman lego keychain you grabbed from the same store earlier to give to him as a present 
« this is for you, i bought it earlier because it reminded me of you, since you said you liked spiderman and since your twitter header is a lego character » you say finding it amusing how you both got each other a keychain
« dudeeee you need to stop doing this to me I’ll cry i love it so much, also look i got myself a guitar keychain to match yours » he says showing you the other keychain 
« i also got a keychain to match the one i got you hold on » you say showing yours 
« it’s crazy how we thought of the same thing tho, we’re like… spiritually connected » he says as the both of you start walking to head back to your apartment because even though you’ve been making fun of him for his gentleman antics, deep down (you didn’t even have to look hard to see it) mark was a good guy and no matter the time of day, he’s going to walk you back home.
you wonder if it’s because you like him but you know that if he keeps on acting the way he’s acting, this whole crush was going to be even worse than it is…
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39. double matching
previous chapter masterlist next chapter
notes: ended this on sort of a cliffhanger lolll, also this is not proofread at all sooooo idk probably a bunch of mistakes i just cba
taglist : @imsiriuslyreal @iscocohere @simpforarmihn @replayenthusiast @lovm4rk @youreintheclubb @polarisjisung @sour-chaos @jising-jisang-jisung @aerivrs @multifandomania @tiddygang2020 @roseangelxfuma @skepvids @morkiee @yangasm @artstaeh @pussyslayerhd @bacons-thighs @bugcattie @leefullsun @jkslvsnella @alethea-moon @marvelahsobx @haechansbbg @katsukis1wife @winuvs @n0hyuck @whats-my-question @dojaejunging @hibernatinghamster @user7520 @m1dn1ghtv1olet @starwonb1n @lostinneocity @miniature-tragedy @llearlert @haezyhyuck @inosfavgf @bluesinfinities @calumsfringe @cigarettesafterjae @defzcl @delfdiary @minkyuncutie @bunnyjaycheoluwu @sofix-hc7
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blueninjablade3 · 2 months
Yandere Frollo Alphabet
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Real quick for my regular readers who are waiting for the Hades Angst I’m working on it at a snails pace but it’s shaping up nicely. I’m publishing this solely because it’s been in my drafts taunting me.
TW: Yandere themes, Slurs/ talks about slurs, genocide, medieval torture, isolation, abuse, gaslight, lack of right, racism, and religious themes.
If you are uncomfortable with any of this scroll on. I won’t be offended. If you are in a bad mental state I don’t recommend reading this Yandere relationships are extremely toxic and dangerous. If you or someone you love are in an abusive relationship, please remember you have resources to help you. I believe I’ve covered most of my bases so without further ado Yandere Frollo alphabet. Ps, left a little music if anyone wants to listen to that while they read.
Affection: how do they show you love and affection? How intense can It get?
I view Frollo somewhat like “I never quite learned to verbalize my feelings so I’m going to do very small things to tell you I love you.” Also, he brings you grapes. It’s every day he brings you grapes. (Unless you’re getting punished.) He does do the traditional kiss-your-cheek and forehead tho.
Blood: How dirty is he willing to get when it comes to you?
He’s willing to burn down all of Paris to find you. You and Esmeralda are gonna be best friends and shit talk Frollo together.
Cruelty: how will they treat you once kidnapped will he mock you?
Yes. Wtf do you think I would say “No he’s an angel” Brother has no problem calling someone a slur. Hell, I’d put money on the fact that he’d call a black person the N word hard R to their face. (He’s seriously the worst tho. Get y’all a man like… uh Prince Naveen. He’ll treat you better)
Darling: besides kidnapping you would he do anything else against your will?
Being an active part of the Romani people’s slaughter, being horrible to Quasi, and whipping people are the ones that are off the top of my head. I’m probably missing others but the point is he absolutely would.
Exposed: How much of his heart do you bear?
I think you actually bear 40%. The other 60 goes to the Bible and Christ. Don’t worry that’s still more than his family ever got.
Fight: How would he feel if you fought back?
CHOOSE ME OR YOUR PYRE BE MINE OR YOU WILL BURN~! But in all seriousness, he’s going to be so upset and do the same thing that he does to Quasi.
Game: Is this a Game to them? Would he like watching his darling try to escape?
No! This isn’t a game! Those filthy gypsies can’t be trusted! (it feels wrong even typing that 😭) They’ll harm you! You need to stay safe. In the bell tower.
I also don’t think he’d enjoy you escaping. He wants you at arm’s length at all times.
Hell: Your worst experience with him.
After one of your little “stunts” he had you flogged for a few hours and then you didn’t get lunch for a few days. (like three)
Ideals: what he sees in the future with you.
He sees a traditional Christian marriage (pretend male x male relationships were most of the time accepted by the church), a couple of NORMAL kids (he is the worst), and all the Romani people dead. (ICK)
Jealousy: does he get jealous and if he does, does he find a way to cope or will he lash out?
He gets very jealous and never controls it. He always lashes out. At this point, don’t even look at a fly anymore. He’ll get jealous of it.
Kisses: How does he act around you?
He’s possessive, creepy, and lustful. Think about how he behaves with Esma and multiply by two.
Love letters: how would he go about courting/approaching you?
He’s very traditional. He’s the type who’d buy a goat to give to your dad and then just be like “Gimme.” But he would approach you beforehand and have some small talk in passing.
Mask: Are his truth colors different from what people think?
No. He’s very publicly creepy and weird it seems. People also fear him and view him as dangerous which you can say firsthand is true. Creepy bitch.
Naughty: how would he punish you?
He’s the type to flog you for a little, isolate you, and then limit food consumption. You’re extremely afraid of acting out or acting against him for fear of his reaction.
Oppression: what rights did he take away from you:
Freedom, religion (if you’re anything other than Roman Catholic you’ll have to practice and pray in secret.), privacy, and if you’re American the right to bear arms. Really any weapons he’ll take away. (Maybe see if you can hide a dagger?)
Regret: does he regret kidnapping you? Will he ever let you go?
Haha! You’re so funny if you think he’d let you go or think he’d regret kidnapping you! The Lord brought you two together! You two were meant to be! Now stop struggling unless you wanna go back to the palace of justice.
Sigma: what brought this side of him?
I think his lust, pride, and lack of getting any bitches over his years all contributed. He got lustful for you, and he didn’t know how to react, then instead of admitting that he was in the wrong his pride got the best of him, and blamed you. When his lust won caused his Yandere actions.
Tears: how would he feel if you cried screamed or Isolated yourself?
He doesn’t care! You’ll learn to love him eventually. If you don’t… you won’t like what’s gonna happen. But do go ahead.
Unique: is there anything different from a normal Yandere
He has a massive superiority complex? He also can have people flogged and not be questioned.
Vice: what can you use to escape him?
I’m not quite sure. I guess maybe you could hide in the court of miracles?
Witts end: would he ever hurt you
Without a second thought.
Xoanon: how much does he revere/worship you and to what extent is he willing to go to win you over
He’s willing to go to extreme lengths. I know I’ve talked a lot of shit about him in this but in all seriousness, he views you as a gift from the heavens. An angel sent to him. His angel.
Yearn: How long before he snapped and kidnapped you?
He’s a patient man. I’m going to say if you play your cards right and Quasi is still young about 1.5 years till he snaps.
Zenith: would he ever break you?
Oh definitely.
Thank you for reading! Please remember that rebloging, likes and comments are much appreciated! ❤️
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jade-jini · 9 months
soft dom kazuha hehehehe wheeeeeeeen jade 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
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(My baby Zuha is so gentle, almost makes me doubt she can dom sometimes)
tw: idk if it counts as ed, there’s a little part where reader ain’t big on eating but Zuha helps her with it. Just putting it here in case.
I think dom Zuha is big on praising and encouraging. Both in and out of bed. Like you’d be on your desk, clearly stressing about work, and she’d walk behind you and stop to give you a hot drink, a little shoulder massage and also shake you a bit lol and goes all “you can do it let’s go!”, making you laugh at her silliness, and she’s just happy to do so, leaving a kiss on your face as she leaves you to continue your work.
Once you come back with good news about the work submitted, she’ll hug you and all you hear is “that’s my girl” “I’m so proud of you.” “I knew you could do it, you’re amazing”, etc :3
If you had a hard day tho, she’s rather a bit quiet, letting you talk as she cuddles you, just going “mhm” so you know she’s paying attention. She would try to come up with a way to fix whatever the problem is, as well as telling you that what you did was good, and that she’s sorry it didn’t go the way you wanted, sympathizing with you about the issue. Feeling heard actually helps, and the warm hugs and kisses your girlfriend gives you, as well as her sweet words in between, yeah. There’s no way you can be sad for a long time when you have her.
Gentle dominance! I personally believe Kazuha can look a little intimidating when she looks serious 😭 but let’s be honest she’s such a sweet thing ahhhh. She doesn’t threaten you with punishments or anything like that. Rather she will be kind when speaking to you, but it’s clear when she’s telling and not asking. You’ve gained better habits thanks to her though.
“I’m not hungry, Zuha.” You’d say, but your girlfriend knows you haven’t had anything that day, and it’s past lunch time. Kazuha looks at you with a calm expression, but her tone is different from the cute voice she uses with you sometimes.
“You are eating, don’t argue with me.” She says, and her voice sends shivers down your spine. “It’s for your own good, my love. Can’t spend the day like that. Be good and listen to mommy, yes?” She whispered this last part only for you to listen of course. “Here, at least try some of my soup if you’re not that hungry.” And how can you say no? Specially when she’s sweetly feeding you lol. With time, now it was you who’d ask what she’d like for lunch ‘cause you were hungry, and when you started doing this she felt so happy knowing you had a healthier meal schedule.
“Straight posture, darling.” She says with her hand on your back, and the moment you feel her touch you obey. Same could be told in bed.
You guys are in your shared room at night, her kisses making you drunk already as she takes your jacket and shirt off. Of course you help her too, almost drooling at the view of her abs even though you’ve seen them a thousand times. Kazuha loves the reaction you have when seeing her body, one of the several motivations she has to continue going to the gym. As you leave kisses on her torso, she opens the drawer of the little nightstand next to your bed, and gets one of your favorite toys, silently asking you. Excitement traveling your body, you nod and help her with the rest of her clothes, staying on your knees as she gets the strap on ready.
“Bend over for me, will ya?” She asks, and the moment you feel her touch (and the strap teasing your clit from behind) you obey:). Her hand on your lower back pushing you down. “Good girl.” The praise resonating in your brain and you need more. She knows this. “My pretty girl, so wet already. We just started.”
And as soft as she might sound, she sure knows how to fuck you hard. Grabbing your hips as she focus all her energy into creating the perfect pace. Deep. Fast. Anything that will hit those spots that get you drooling all over your pillow. As your moans get louder and turn into sobs, she stops and pulls you up by the hair, keeping you in place as she asks “You ok?” you wonder how can her voice sound so calm?? She barely lets you nod before continuing “ok good.” And there she goes again, pounding you so good until your legs burn.
“Zuha~ please… fuck!” You cried as she keeps hitting your favorite spot, tears going down your face because of the overwhelming pleasure “mommy, please.. right there, yes~”.
“There, my baby? Is my darling feeling a little too good? Look at you, you look so beautiful when I fuck you like this, princess.” showering you in compliments before, during, and after you come. You never can’t not feel loved and desired when is Kazuha making you hers like that.
Now wait. ‘Cause teasing. She’s BIG on teasing, it’ll always get a smile of a giggle out of her to see and hear your reactions. Specially in public. When she grabs your thigh and squeezes for no reason, a little gasp or even moan escaping your lips? That makes her laugh 😭 when she whispers dirty things in your ear in Japanese, knowing damn well you either didn’t understand or barely caught a few words. However her deep voice is enough to get you going, there’s just something about the way she sounds when speaking her mother tongue like that to you. Enough for desire to be written all over your face, and when you think she’s gonna take you somewhere private, she’s just holding her laugh as she walks away, making you groan in disappointment.
“Not fair, Zuha.” You tell her once you catch up with her, holding her arm. She simply laughs at you, and pats your head before kissing your forehead.
“Be good and I’ll give you anything you want at home, my baby.” She says and you know she means it, so you simply nod and hug her tight, getting wrapped in her arms as well to protect each other from the cold weather <3.
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idlerin · 1 year
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THEY’VE GOT NO IDEA ABOUT ME AND YOU — sakusa kiyoomi one-shot smau
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you and sakusa kiyoomi have been competing with each other since your first year when for the first time in your life, someone beat you at academics (something you based your self esteem on).
you developed a begrudging crush on him in your second year when you realized he wasn’t that bad when the two of you stayed late in the classroom and you had a breakdown and instead of telling you to suck it up like you expected he would, he wiped your tears with his handkerchief and calmingly brushed your hair away from your face (he still called you a dummy tho).
it was in your third year when sakusa (with a flushed face) asked you out while you were ranting about how you were going to outrank him in the next semester as well. you were so shocked it took you too long to answer and he stomped away annoyed (you ran after him and held his hand which made both of you blush— you guys did go on a date the following day).
once you made things official, you both have agreed to keep it a secret (mostly cause you didn’t know how to tell everybody, sakusa didn’t really care, but you do, so he cares by default). none of your friends know about your romantic relationship with your academic rival who you swore you hate so much. not even your childhood best friends, kenma and kuroo, knew. for kiyoomi, motoya didn’t know (but sakusa knows motoya has his suspicions).
you talk about sakusa all the time in your priv (which is an acc just for you, but ever since dating him you’ve let his account in).
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the following day, sakusa was more aware of his surroundings— and glared at poor yuu a lot who didn’t know what he did to upset sakusa.
it took you a while to notice but when you eventually do, you laughed so hard your friends thought you were crazy. later on at lunch you coddle sakusa (and tease him also) but your laughs were contagious and he gave in after a while and even let out a small smile.
that small smile diminishes later on in the next period where you guys end up arguing— which was normal, what wasn’t normal was when “yuu” raised his hand and sided with sakusa’s point. which made sakusa mad, because why the hell would anyone disprove your point? you made sense! sure he was arguing with you too, but he wasn’t saying you were wrong, he’s just saying there’s more to it than that. (he’s the how-dare-you-disagree-with-my-gf boyfriend)
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unlike our [name], sakusa has surprisingly healthy study habits despite juggling volleyball and academics.
[name] does indeed do better in the exams, with a point difference but still.
they go on a movie date after! motoya was looking for kiyoomi everywhere.
[name] accidentally sees kuroo and kenma in the mall when their date was about to end. they saw a glimpse of sakusa and thus, confirmed, [name] really wasn’t delusional.
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kenma was following [name]’s phone in life360 and stumbled upon her sweetly feeding sakusa kiyoomi— the same person she’s been ranting about for years— while kissing his cheek. it grossed him out but not enough to not take a picture.
motoya signed kiyoomi up for the date auction for fun (kiyo currently has the most biddings).
you irritatedly dug out your wallet and tossed your bag to kiyoomi’s lap and ran.
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a/n — apologies for zero nonsense updates i needed to get this out of my system!! (and a lot happened, one being i fINALLY finished jhs hello 3 weeks of freedom before i go back to school)
general taglist + @renardiererin @giyuus0nlywife @luvrsthrist @cherries4denki @cloud-lyy @misscaller06 @noideawhothatis @wolffmaiden @rivaiken @wooasecret @weird0o0 @eclecticlandmughoagie @gokm1023 @bitchotine @nicerthanu @sukunasrealgf @ris-krispie
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artdcnaldson · 2 months
Consider: you're a close friend of Tashi's from stanford and you'd drifted apart after the injury. You vaguely recognize Patrick at a bar and decide to go home with him despite not... Really remembering where you knew him from. This becomes a semi regular hookup. Until...
You get pregnant. You try calling him but it's not like he picks up. And you'll be damned if you beg for help from any man, especially Patrick fucking Zweig. So ... Maybe it's a bit spiteful. You could've included that important detail in any of your voicemails.
You have a girl. Victoria. (Ricky for short. Yeah it's corny but hey. You're a single mom. You get the right to feel however you want about the situation.) You try not to be bitter - even when you start seeing news that the three of them are together again and you're... SOL.
There's a kids tennis day camp nearby. Shed seemed interested and it gave you some free time. Ricky's 6 now, just a couple years younger than Lily. You show up to pick her up, all sunglasses and tight ponytail and cool ease when you see a girl with the same eyes as your college best friend clinging to your baby girls hand with two men walking behind a bit awkwardly.
What were you going to say now?
This actually makes me insane like hbngngnggg also changed the daughter’s name one fraction ok i think it makes sense tho
Patrick was getting too attached— 24 years old, in his prime, and he didn’t want to tie himself down to someone. He stopped picking up your calls and fucked his way through the eastern seaboard— far away from you so he could get you out of his mind.
A little over a month after he started ignoring you, he got a text.
hey. can you call me?
And he was mean. He knew it was mean, because he saw the message come in and he felt a fondness. And he wasn’t sure if he missed your pussy, or if he missed you. He knew he longed for conversations with you, the way you’d mindlessly trace whorls over his back and talk about the day, ask about things he liked, his childhood, fond memories, tell him some of your own. It came too easy, the most natural thing he’d felt since Art, since Tashi, so he got out. He stayed out.
who is this lol
You don’t text back. He doesn’t see you again for seven years, but you don’t stop seeing him. Partially, you see him in your daughter, in her personality, in her eyes, in her crooked smile, in her ears. It always struck you as funny, the way genetics picks and chooses things like that.
It wasn’t just her— it was your incessant need to know about him. You kept up with his ranking, watched a few of his matches after Ricky goes to sleep and you have the TV to yourself. It was just like that for a while— his rank would dip, it would rise, but he stayed relatively stagnant.
Until New Rochelle. You watched the match live with Ricky, because she had developed a persistent interest in the sport since she’d learned about it in P.E.. A month prior. After the match, after the insanity of the tie break, when Patrick wins, Ricky asks for you to please put her in lessons.
You start small— a local thing at the YMCA. She takes to it like a duck to water. Fucking genetics, if that was even how it worked. You start working your way up, wind up paying a ridiculous amount of money for a fancy tennis camp just because she loves it so much. You show up a couple minutes late for pick up a few weeks in and Ricky runs up to you with a friend in tow.
“Can Lily go to lunch?”
You crouch down and push your sunglasses atop your head, smiling fondly at your daughter. “I dunno, baby… does Lily want to go to lunch?”
“My dad and Uncle Patrick already said yes,” Lily supplies, gesturing behind her.
And fuck, of fucking course. You stand, sweep invisible dirt off of your legs and look at Patrick Zweig in person for the first time since, what? 2012? He looks good, of fucking course he does. You’d seen him during matches, but normal clothes look good on him. It pisses you off.
“You know you just agreed to Chuck E Cheese, right?” You say in lieu of a greeting, omitting awkward pleasantries with Art and Patrick. Maybe Art at least deserved a hello, congratulations on retirement, on the US Open, but the asshole standing beside him was all you could focus on. “I take Ricky after tennis lessons.”
“You have a kid,” Patrick says, not a question, just a statement of fact. You nod, swallowing down irritation. Your luck was so fucking bad. “And she’s…”
You sigh. “She's turning seven in a few months,” you supply. He swallows, nods, does the math in his head
Chuck E Cheese is hell. You remembered liking it as a kid, having your fifth birthday there and being scared of the animatronics. But they got rid of the animatronics, and made the mascot in question creepy and skinny and all but one skeeball machine is out of order. But you play anyway, leave Art and Patrick at the table as soon as the girls get up.
Patrick finds you, sidles up so close it’s like he has no sense of personal space. “She’s mine?”
You huff in annoyance, flub your roll down the skeeball lane. 0 points. What you want to say is something along the lines of, what the fuck do you think? But you remember where you are, sigh, and try your best to censor yourself. “Yes. Biologically, she's all yours.”
He fucking groans, swears under his breath, paces a bit behind you as you ignore him and keep playing. You toss another skeeball down the lane, then another, and the timer runs out before he speaks again.
“You didn’t think maybe you should tell me anytime in the past seven years?” He finally says, He grabs your arm, his hands warm and big and exactly like you remembered.
“I thought I should,” you reply, as casually as you can as all of the hurt and frustration and resentment rears its ugly head. “But you lost my fucking number within the same week that you ditched the west coast for wherever the fuck you went. I called you— over and over. You were the one that never picked up.”
He huffs in annoyance. “You could’ve left a message. Something. I deserved to know that I had a fucking kid running around.”
Ricky darts by, steals your hard earned skeeball tickets from the machine, and runs off giggling like a maniac. You smile fondly and pocket your game card. You turn to Patrick and let the expression fall back into something cold and stern. “I disagree. And I think it’s best if Ricky doesn’t find out.”
He grabs your arm, pulls you closer. “You fucking named her after me,” he practically growls in your ear. You clench your jaw and look away. “She’s never asked who I am? Never wondered about her dad?”
You pull your arm away and glare. You’re sure you look like two divorced parents trying and failing to play nice for their kids’ sake. It honestly amuses you a bit— you might have laughed about it if you were with anyone else. “One, her name is Veronica, okay? Ricky’s a nickname. Two, yes, of course she wonders. She’s a kid. Kids ask questions. You should know that Uncle Patrick.”
“Shut the fuck up,” he mutters, an annoyed smile twitching at the corner of his lips. “I’m living with Tashi and Art. Tashi’s coaching me this season.”
You laugh wryly and start to walk back towards the table. “I didn’t ask.”
“Yeah, but you want to make bitchy fucking comments, don’t you?”
You roll your eyes and brush past him. “Fuck off, Patrick.”
But you can't deny it. As you sit at the table and watch Patrick get roped into some game hacking scheme by Lily, as Ricky stands to the side and watches with wide, interested eyes, that you feel a twinge of... something.
When Ricky comes back to the table with a large plushie she got from the prize counter and happily says that man helped her win it. When Patrick smiles fondly down at her and steals crusts from Lily's plate. Maybe you don't have to hold him to a seven year grudge. Maybe you could let him back in.
Not for your sake, of course. Clearly that would be a bad idea. A horrible idea.
But for your daughter? Maybe you could just reap the benefits.
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augustvandyne · 8 months
Angela lopez x reader
Lucy and Nyla try to set up their two best friends
hey again! this one’s really long, and i’m not sorry.
Everyone could see it from a mile away, even Sergeant Grey. So the question was, why couldn’t the two of you see it?
I mean, Angela is a detective, for goodness sake!
How could she not see that the two of you have the biggest crushes on each other?
Well, that was Nyla and Lucy’s mission for this week. To get you and Angela to, for one, see your feelings for each other. Because it’s been oncoming since the first day the two of you met. And then for two, they want to get you two together.
Yesterday, Nyla had found Lucy at lunch, and proposed this plan.
And now, I know what you’re thinking. Nyla came to Lucy?
Well, she was tired of the unknown flirting, longing looks, the touching.. it was making her annoyed. You guys were basically dating at this point, but every time Nyla brought it up, Angela denied it.
Let’s begin!
You rode with Lucy almost everyday, so imagine your surprise when Lucy told you she was going to be riding with mostly Nyla this week.
You kind of just shrugged it off, figuring she might have wanted to broaden her horizons and try out detective work. Which didn’t really make sense, because you thought her heart was set on undercover work.
Little did you know, they were plotting against you and Angela.
You also didn’t mind because that meant you would be with Angela. You two were friends, and hung out every once in a while, but you did enjoy her company and talked to her whenever you could.
Today you and Angela were mostly staying at the station, so you’d talked a bunch.
Nothing you hadn’t already known about her, though.
Eventually her phone starts dinging repeatedly, and you look up to see her scrunched up face, and you knew what that meant. She was frustrated.
“Jeez,” Angela finally gives in and flips the phone over.
You watch her as her frown grows deeper, and her frustration turns into anger. She rolls her eyes, placing her phone on silent and into her bag on the floor.
“Everything okay?” You ask, making her look up you.
Her features and voice soften, “Fine.”
She sits there and begins tapping her foot on the floor, which you pretend not to notice as you focus on the case files in front of you. She lets out a loud sigh that has you dropping the papers and gives her your full attention.
“It’s Wesley,” Angela admits. “Do you like him?”
You try your best not to make a face. You knew Wesley well.
He made his appearance throughout the station due to him being a defense lawyer. He often represents criminals in your interrogation room.
You’re best at interrogating criminals, so most people seek you out to do their interrogations, which is how you know Wesley so well.
But did you like him?
Well that was a whole different story.
He’d taken Angela out a few times, to which you didn’t like. He’d annoyed you now that he went out with her. You couldn’t explain why it bothered you, but it did.
The two of them had broken things off about a week ago, Angela’s doing, but you couldn’t get the reason out of Angela.
“Yeah, yeah, sure,” You raise one shoulder.
“You’re a terrible liar,” Angela pursed her lips. “Tell me the truth.”
“He’s kind of.. uh, an asshole?” You wince thinking of what Angela’s reaction to your opinion would be.
“Hm,” She doesn’t look fazed, which is good. But that could also mean she was upset and was just hiding it. “Well, he’s the one blowing my phone up.”
“I figured as much,” You say.
“He wants to try again.”
There was that feeling again. Deep in your stomach. You wanted this conversation to stop, but you loved listening to Angela talk. You could listen all day.
“What do you want?” You tilt your head slightly.
“I don’t know,” Angela bites the inside of her cheek. “That’s why I’m talking to you. He’s been texting me a lot lately, asking me to go out with him again, but I ended things for a reason.”
“And what reason was that?” You thought you’d at least try, but you already knew her answer.
She hesitates, and you think she might actually tell you, but then she just shook her head.
“Mm,” You clear your throat and put the files away neatly on Nyla’s desk. You reach to grab for your bag, ready to get out for the night, the overwhelming sensation to cry hitting you. “I’m gonna head out.”
“Oh,” Angela parts her lips. “I can walk you out—“
“No,” You clench your jaw, putting your walls back up. “I’ve got it.”
“Well doesn’t Lucy normally drive you—“
“I said I’ve got it.”
Lucy was devastated to find out about the small fight that took place between you and Angela last night.
She found out when she found you with your comfort movie on and a pint of ice cream in hand.
She was able to get what happened out of you easily, and immediately messaged Nyla with the news.
They were hoping yesterday would be enough, but apparently not.
You were relieved to find out you’d be riding with Nyla the next morning in roll call. You were interested in becoming a detective, so it worked out for you.
Only, it wasn’t going so great now that you were cornered by two men.
Nyla had been tied to a chair back further into the room, and you were being cornered close to the top of the stairs.
You called for backup about five minutes ago, and you prayed Lucy or anyone else would hurry to your location because you wouldn’t be able to hold out two men for more than a few minutes.
Next thing you know, Nyla is yelling something that sounds like a, “Watch out!”, and you’re tumbling down the stairs.
Your vision goes blurry and your head is pounding. You feel like throwing up and you have a pain in your ankle.
Thankfully, you’re put out of your misery when you pass out.
You wake up in the hospital, a doctor shining a light in your eyes.
As you thought, Lucy was there by your side when you woke up, which was a relief.
You’d gotten a bad concussion from hitting your head off the floor after tumbling down the steps, as well as a sprained ankle.
Lucy dropped you at home, which is where you spent the rest of your night—alone.
At least you did until Angela came knocking on your door.
“Oh,” You let out a sharp breath when finding the woman at the other end of the door.
“Hey, I heard what happened,” Angela steps into your apartment without even asking, concern written all over her face. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” You say as her hand touches the bruise that formed on the side of your face from the fall.
Her hand is cool on your face, and even though the bruise hurts to the touch, you hold her hand there.
“Does it hurt?” She lightly moves her hand from the side of your face, and softly grips your chin, turning your head so she can see your bruise.
“Keep your hand there,” You dodge her question, grabbing her hand that’s not on your chin, and place it back on the side of your face. “Your hands cold. Feels good.”
You were placed on desk duty for the rest of the week. Just great.
It tampered with Nyla and Lucy’s plan, but it’s nothing they couldn’t handle.
Lucy stayed back today, but kept her distance from you and Angela. The two of you were in the same seats at Monday. Sat across from each other.
You could feel Angela watching over you as the day went by.
Lucy ate lunch with you and asked how Angela was but you did your usual show when someone asked about her.
You looked down, hid your blush, shrugged your shoulders and muttered an “I don’t know.”
Later into the shift, you had gotten up for coffee.
You and Angela stayed back a bit late to finish the case you were on. You were so close, you could feel it.
But that also meant Lucy and Nyla were at home, as well as the rest of the day shift.
They were at home conspiring against the two of you as you make your coffee.
Angela followed you into the break room, and good thing she did, because your ankle decided to give out three seconds later.
Angela speeds to catch you just in time, you falling back into her arms. You swallow nervously, your faces awfully close.
All you could see were her sparkling brown eyes, and her kissable lips.
But you beat yourself down for even thinking about that. So when she leaned in a fraction, you cleared your throat and stood up.
“Sorry about that,” You scratched the back of your neck.
“You should really be more careful,” Angela tries to play it off as if she didn’t just try to kiss you and got rejected.
“I know,” You chuckle awkwardly.
“Was it your ankle?” Angela frowns.
“Yeah, it’s been bothering me,” You shrug. “I should stay off it.”
“Damn right you should,” Angela said sternly. “From now on I’m confining you to Nyla’s desk.”
You let out a breathy laugh, “Fine by me.”
“Okay.. so go sit down,” Angela raises her brows. “You think I’m joking? I’m not. Go sit. I’ll bring you your coffee.”
Smirking, and watching you leave the room, she does just as she says.
Today would be an exciting one.
You were with Nyla again, and Lucy was with Angela.
But since Angela forced you on desk duty, you and Nyla would be hanging back at the station.
The fun part is how all Nyla’s been talking about is Angela.
Nyla had somehow found out about your almost kiss with Angela last night, and yet she hadn’t asked about why you’d pulled back, you had a feeling she would soon.
“You know she broke things off with Wesley?” Nyla looked up, smiling at you.
“Yeah. I mean, she was thinking about it,” You try not to get too hung up on the question, trying to figure something out for Nolan, but coming up with nothing due to your mind being on the Lopez woman. “But why?”
“You really want to know?” Nyla leans on the desk, her hands intertwined together on top of the surface.
“Will you actually tell me?” You sit up excitedly.
“It was because of you.”
That caught you off guard. Why would she say something like that?
“That’s not funny,” You start blinking repeatedly.
“I’m not laughing, am I?” Nyla gave you her serious face.
“But why would she do that?” You asked yourself, and ended up with an answer from Nyla.
“Because she likes you.”
You scoff.
“What, me?” You’re taken aback at the seriousness of Nyla’s tone and face. “No. I’m just a patrol officer. And she’s a detective. She could have anyone. And she wants me? Are you sure?”
“Positive. You’re all she talks about.”
“You’re all she talks about,” Lucy looked over to look at Angela who had her thinking face on.
Angela had Lucy driving today, because she felt like sitting back today, rather than dealing with assholes on the road.
“I don’t buy it,” Angela shrugged. “I would know. I mean, I’m a detective.”
“You know, that’s exactly what Nyla and I thought.”
“What— Nyla?” Angela turns her whole body. “She’s in on it?”
“Well, I mean—“
“Are you sure? I’ve liked her since, well, I don’t know..”
“Since your first day training her? Yeah, her too,” Lucy was jittery, excited for their plan to finally come together. Even after having to go to plan D.
“Well, what do you think I should do?” Angela bites her nail nervously. “Should I ask her out?”
“Of course you should!” Lucy is basically bouncing in her seat, she can only imagine how you feel.
“Yes!” But then Lucy remembers tonight in the night your show comes on, and you almost never miss it. “Oh, no, wait, no.. here’s the thing. Thursdays are not so good, you see.”
“Her show?”
Lucy is surprised by her words, but it just points out the obvious fact that the two of you like each other.
“Yeah, yeah, how did you know that?” Lucy shakes her head.
“It’s all she talks about on Fridays, so I have no choice but to assume it comes on on Thursday nights.”
“You know what you should do? Bring her takeout! Yes, I’m going out with a friend tonight, so it works out perfectly,” Lucy beams. “You know her favorite place?”
“Of course,” Angela rolls her eyes. “I know it by heart.”
“So it’s a date.”
“Whatever,” She shrugs it off, but is secretly planning out her outfit.
A knock at the door later that night has you bouncing on your toes.
Lucy had hinted at how her conversation went with Angela earlier in the day, but wouldn’t tell you how it went.
When you open your door there she is, looking gorgeous as always, your favorite takeout in her hand.
You smile widely, trying your best not to check her out, but fail.
“You gonna invite me in, or what? Your shows coming back on,” She jerks her head in the direction of you and Lucy’s huge TV.
“Oh, come in,” She shreds off her coat, placing it on the hanger by the door.
She was wearing a black tank, which you weren’t complaining about, as well as jeans that complimented her perfectly.
When she catches you staring, you fake cough, and hide your face in the fridge, grabbing the both of you some water.
“How was desk duty?”
“As well as it should be,” You shrugged.
“Speaking of, you should be sitting,” She pushes you towards the couch, a smile across her face. “Go sit. I’ll bring you some.”
You talk as you eat, and learn that Angela doesn’t know anything about this show, besides what you’ve told her. So you pause the show, and you spend the next hour and a half explaining the show.
At this point, she isn’t even paying attention to what you’re saying, she’s just watching your mouth and the column of your throat move as you talk.
“Angelaaa you aren’t even listening. How are you going to understand what’s happening?”
“I am listening, and it’s very interesting,” Angela tries to lie her way out.
“What did I just say?”
“I don’t know.”
“Then what do you know?” You squint at her.
“That I want to kiss you.”
You hadn’t realized that there was only about an inch or two between your faces.
This time, when Angela leans in, you don’t stop her. You let her grip the sides of your neck, her thumbs rubbing across your neck.
You wrap your arm around her neck, moving yourself closer, all but on her lap. You begin running your hands through her hair.
You pull slightly, making the woman groan, which gives you access to her mouth.
It would have gone farther, had Lucy and Nyla not chosen that second to walk in.
“Oh! I guess our plan worked,” Lucy turns her head as you scramble off Angela.
“I guess it did,” Nyla smiled. “We’ve got moves.”
“Yeah, yeah we do,” Lucy nodded, sticking her fist out for Nyla, who bumps it.
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strniohoeee · 11 months
Can I request something with Matt x fem!reader where they go on a walk or something and all of a sudden it starts raining like crazy so they rush back home and get in comfy clothes and then start making out or something? Can get as smutty as u want it to be
Also sorry if you’ve already written something similar, im new to your page and only read a few things but I love your work really really much!!
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N is having a bit of anxiety, so she stays back to try and calm her mind, but when Matt comes home he decides to take her for a walk to clear her mind, but then the weather gets crazy, and they head back home🫂
Warnings⚠️: This is SMUT! There’s shower sex, but nothing crazy. It’s pretty cute actually🥹
Song for the imagine: Cigarettes out the Window- TV Girl
⚠️This is an 18+ story, so minors do not interact, or do??⚠️
Today just felt like a drag. I was having the worst anxiety, and I didn’t even know why. I spent the whole day with my heart thumping, my head racing and my body shaking. I hated this feeling, and the only person who could help me was Matt.
Sadly Matt was out today filming with his brothers, and doing some stuff at the warehouse. He had asked if he wanted me to join, but I was so anxious I simply couldn’t get up.
I knew they would be gone pretty much the whole day, so I tried to keep my mind off of things. I decided to cook, clean and do some laundry while listening to music. I lit some candles to ease my senses, but still I couldn’t shake this anxious feeling.
I was trying to eat lunch, but my mind wouldn’t let me. I began to feel nauseous. I just wanted to feel okay, and for some reason I couldn’t. I was watching Cars on Disney plus since it was my favorite childhood movie, and taking deep breaths, when suddenly my phone pinged with a message, it was from Matt
Hey baby, how are you doing? I miss you
Hey baby. I’m doing okay. I miss you more
are you sure? You seemed off this morning
yeah… just having a bit of anxiety, but I’m doing alright
want me to come home??
No baby don’t worry I’m okay! I’m watching Cars and eating now. Thank you my love
okay! Just let me know if you change your mind. I’ll be over real quick
I decided to take a nap to keep my mind off of things since I couldn’t eat, or really calm down.
I had fallen asleep around 2, and woke up when I heard the front door opening. They were home!!
They came up the stairs as I was stretching
“Hey! It looks so clean in here, and smells amazing” Nick said looking around
“Thanks! Did some of that anxiety deep cleaning” I said smiling at them
“I appreciate it! You didn’t have to tho” Chris said
“No, don't even worry! I love it” I said getting up and grabbing my plate to bring to the kitchen, Matt had followed me into the kitchen
“You didn’t eat?” He asked looking at my plate still full
“I tried to, but I just couldn’t” I said
“Baby why didn’t you call me? I would’ve came and spent the day with you” he said looking at little but upset
“Don’t worry baby! I’m okay” I said tossing the food out
“Want to go for a walk?” He asked me
“You know that might actually help me a lot” I said
“Alright let’s go” he said. I went and put my shoes on and grabbed my phone, and we headed out
“So tell me how dirty was the house” Matt said laughing
“Actually it wasn’t too bad. I mean not till I got to Chris' room to put his laundry on his bed for him. That was something out of this world” I said laughing
“Oh god. Chris is actually a child. His room looks like it got flipped upside down repeatedly for 10 minutes” Matt said laughing
“I cleaned it up a bit for him, just so it wasn’t too bad” I said
“Aww you’re so sweet cleaning up after that pig” he said kissing me on the cheek
“I love to clean helps my mind clear” I said to him
“Oh look at that flower” he said pointing behind me
I quickly turned around, and saw a beautiful pink flower hanging off of a vine on someone’s fence.
“Oh that’s so pretty” I said grabbing it and looking at it
“Take it” he said
“No it’ll die by the time we get home” I said frowning a little bit
“But it’ll be a memory” he said
“Yeah, but it looks so pretty right now” I said back to him
He was looking into my eyes, when all of sudden it started to poor on us
“WHAT THE FUCK” we both screamed and started to laugh
“Since fucking when was it supposed to rain” he said grabbing my hand as we started to jog back to the house
We were laughing, and running back to the house trying not to slip or step into any big puddles on the way back
When we got back to the house we were drenched, and cold, and laughing about how bizarre this situation was
We had taken our shoes off at the door, and started to walk up the steps. When we got to the top I slipped and fell to my knees
“OH MY GOD” Matt said laughing so hard, and trying to help me up, but we were laughing too hard we couldn't even focus on each other
“Oh my fucking god” I said holding my stomach and laughing
“Get up” he said doubled over laughing and holding his stomach
“I’m trying” I said as I was trying to get up, and all that we kept hearing was my wet feet squeaking on the floor trying to get up
“I CANT FUCKING BREATHE YOU SOUND LIKE A SQUEAKY TOY” Matt said trying to help me up, but we literally could not get it together
Finally we calmed down, and I got up holding onto Matt as we kept laughing and walking to his room
“Oh god. My knees are going to be tore up tomorrow” I said walking into his room
“It’s okay I’ll put some ointment on them for you” he said shutting his door
“I’m colddddddd” I said shaking my body
“Want to take a warm shower with me?” He asked stripping himself of his wet hoodie
“Ouuu yes that sounds nice” I said also taking off my wet hoodie
We had stripped ourselves of our clothes and left them in a wet pile in his room, and then walked to his bathroom
He got the hot water started, and we both got in
“This feels great” I said letting the hot water hit my back
“It really does” he said also letting the water hit him
We showered together talking and laughing about how funny my fall was, and that he wish he had it recorded
I had finished washing my face when I turned to Matt, and we already looking at me
“You’re so beautiful” he said looking down at my lips
“Thank you baby” I said wiping the water out of my eyes
“Kiss me” he said before pulling me in by my waist
I smashed my lips against his as I ran my fingers through his wet hair
“How does shower sex sound to you?” He asked pulling away from me
“It sounds hot” I said kissing his neck
Matt continued to kiss me, and went down to my neck peppering little love bites here and there.
I sighed at this
“I love you so much Matt. You treat me so well” I said
“I love you more baby” he said coming back up to kiss my lips
“I would get down and suck your dick, but my knees are already hurting from falling” I said, and we both started to giggle thinking back to the fall I had
“Don’t worry baby. I wanna pleasure you” he said laughing a little bit
“I’m ready Matt” I said to him kissing him one last time
Matt had pushed me back against the shower wall allowing the cool tiles to kiss my warm skin. He grabbed my leg lifting it up slightly and with his other hand guided his dick to my entrance.
Slowly he started to slide into me. And then completely bottoming out
“Fuck” I said throwing my head back a little bit
“Shit baby” he said looking at me
Matt started to slowly thrust into me. Making sure we both don’t fall this time. He was kissing my neck as he thrusted deeper and deeper
“Shit matt this feels so good” I said starting to get wobbly in the knees
“I know baby” he said putting one hand on the shower wall next to my head, and the other wrapped around my waist to keep me close
Matt kept fucking into me as a delicious pace, allowing me to feel every inch of him. This felt amazing, and I needed this so badly. He was keeping my mind off of all my worries by fucking me in the best way
“Shit Matt I think I’m gonna cum” I said pulling at his hair in the back of his head
“Me too baby, me too” he said still thrusting into me
“Fuck Matt” I moaned one last time before cumming on his dick. My legs shaking, and my upper body convulsing
He allowed me to come down from my high to catch my breath before pulling out of me
Matt started to jerk himself off before moaning my name and cumming into his hand.
He started to come down from his high, trying to catch his breath before cleaning himself off one last time, and I did the same
“Thank you baby that was amazing” I said kissing his back as he cleaned himself up
“Always for my pretty girl. I’m always here for you to help you take your mind off of anything” he said turning around and kissing me
We both hopped out of the shower and got dressed in his room. Changing into some warm clothes, and then putting our wet clothes to wash
“Wanna watch The Notebook” I asked him laying in his bed
“I’ve never seen it. I’m down” he said after shutting his door, and coming to lay with me
I put the movie on, and we snuggled into each other while watching. Eventually we fell asleep….in each others arms watching a romance movie…..oh how cliché
The End
I’m powering through these requests🤞🏽, and hope you guys enjoyed this one. And for the person that requested this I hope you liked it as well lmk!!!!❤️
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agaypanic · 10 months
Headcannons on being the Davenports bestfriend 💗
Being Best Friends With the Davenports Headcanons
Request Something!
A/N: this is probably asking for being best friends with all of them at the same time, but i’m gonna do individual headcanons. also even tho it says davenport, im also adding leo (i know he’s technically a davenport but idk i dont see him as a davenport i see him as a dooley)
You always enable and encourage his silly ideas
Which his family doesn’t like much
But you and Adam have fun, so you don’t care much
You help him with his homework a bunch
He doesn’t like asking Chase for help bc he makes him feel really dumb
Your favorite activity is probably going to the zoo bc he loves all the animals
You peeked through the front door of the Davenport’s house. When the coast was clear, you opened the door wider and waved for Adam to come in. How he was gonna hide this when his family saw, you didn’t know.
“What is that?” Leo’s sudden voice made the two of you jump. He had come from down the hall, and was staring at you with an incredulous look and pointed finger. 
“Lunch,” Adam answered, pointing at the bag of food in your hand. Leo rolled his eyes, furiously trying to make where he was pointing more obvious.
“No, that!” 
You and Adam looked at the alpaca that Leo was pointing to, knowing you were unable to avoid it any longer.
“Oh my gosh, how did that get there?” You asked dumbly, as if you didn’t help Adam break it out of the zoo and bring it home.
“This is definitely the first time I’ve seen this,” Adam said in a faux shocked tone, petting the alpaca’s head. “But since it’s here, we can keep it, right?”
You guys become extremely close extremely fast
Being surrounded by guys all her life, you’re very refreshing to be around
The two of you love to gossip
About who’s with whom, her siblings’ antics, everything and nothing
You guys like going to the mall to shop, eat, and catch up
Even though you hang out literally every day
“Oh my gosh, did I tell you what happened with my brothers this week?” Bree asked as she looked through a rack of shirts.
“You probably have, but tell me anyway.” You laugh, looking at the clothes with her.
“So Leo likes this girl, right? And Chase comes up with some plan to get her to fall for him- oh, this is cute. Well, anyways, it completely backfires, and she ends up going after Adam.”
“No.” You gasped.
“Yes! And that’s not even the craziest part.” Bree took something off the rack and held it up to you, wanting your opinion. You nodded furiously at the sight, and she grinned, adding it to the try-on pile of clothes she was carrying. “So Chase tells Leo that he’ll talk to the girl for him, and guess what.”
“What? Does she start liking Chase?” You ask jokingly. Bree raised her eyebrows at you and pursed her lips, signaling you were correct. “No!”
Yall are that duo at school
Smart, sassy, and pretty
You guys sign up for extracurriculars like science fair and debate club together
Even though he’s literally the smartest man in the world, he likes having you go over his work
Very occasionally, he’ll miss a detail, and you’ll point it out
But he mainly just likes the validation
But you also never hesitate to put him in his place when needed
“Hey, can you read this over for me?” Chase asked as he handed you his laptop. You decided to come over to watch a movie when he suddenly remembered he needed to revise one of his papers for a class. 
Pausing the TV, you set the computer on your lap and read the essay. You didn’t comment until you were finished, handing the laptop back to Chase.
“Pretty good.” You said, playing the movie again.
“I knew it.” Chase gloated, reclining on the couch next to you. “Perks of being the smartest guy ever.”
“Yeah, well, you also misspelled ‘and,’ genius.” You laughed as you watched him scramble for his computer, looking through every word to find the mistake. “Perks of not knowing how to type, I guess.”
“Shut up.” He grumbled, fixing the error and crossing his arms with a pout.
The blind leading the blind
You encourage all of his delusions, mainly because you think it’s funny
You two are a comedic duo tbh
You guys bounce off each other really well
Before the bionic trio, you always defended Leo from bullies
You still do sometimes
Leo was currently talking your ear off about his current crush, some girl named Danielle. This was part of your guys’ routine. He’d tell you about someone he liked, you’d tell him that the two of them were meant to be, something would go wrong, you’d laugh about it, and then Leo would find someone new the next week.
“We’re so close to being boyfriend and girlfriend; I can feel it!” He said excitedly.
“Oh yeah.” You nodded, trying to suppress a laugh. “I know that if I had a boyfriend, I’d want him to be my human footstool because it’s what I deserve.”
“Exactly! You’re like the only one who gets it.”
“Ooh, there she is now.” You said, looking over his shoulder to see his girl of the week at her locker. “She came into the same hallway you’re in, so she clearly wants to see you. You should go talk to her.”
“Really?” Leo asked, slowly standing up. You nodded and pushed him in Danielle’s direction, waiting for everything to unfold. 
Leo somehow found the courage to talk to Danielle, but it was a pretty short conversation. When she walked away, she looked at him from over her shoulder and said goodbye.
“See you later, Lenny!”
The name made you bust out laughing, almost weak in the knees to stand up and go over to the now somewhat sad boy.
“Better luck next time, Lenny.” You said, patting his shoulder and laughing some more.
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cryoniide · 8 months
could you do a house x male reader where reader is also struggling through a drug addiction to the point they overdose, and house wonders why they arent responding gets mad at them but then finds out reader is in the hospital due to the OD? angsty comfort? sorry im struggling at the moment and this sounds nice, i understand if its a bit too serious to write about tho
of course i can, i tried my best sorry if it isn’t exactly what you want, i can redo it if needed ^^
i’m here now
gregory house x male reader
it was monday, a universal day that was hated by everyone. why? no one really knows. but, today was a very bad day for y/n l/n. he was an employee at princeton-plainsboro teaching hospital. he was under the finest doctor there, dr. gregory house. now, no one knew why the boy wanted to work with the drug addicted sadist. no one but him. his reasoning? because him and dr. house have one thing in common. drug addiction.
for y/n, it started when he was in high school. he had a shitty childhood which continued into his teen years. only when he found drugs had he found peace. but, as the years progressed, so did his addiction. it’s gotten to the point where he doesn’t even remember a time he was sober, besides the weeks leading up to his every-6-month checkups, which were the closest thing to hell on earth.
but, why was it a shitty day for y/n? well, he had given the wrong diagnosis, and got called an idiot for almost killing a patient. he missed breakfast. got his lunch stolen by his boss. but, the worst thing of all was that there was a new patient. someone from his past. someone he never, ever, wanted to see again. his mother. when he saw her, he turned around.
‘fuck this shit.’
after that, no one saw him the whole day. it was only a few hours after y/n left when house started to get angry.
“how dare that brat leave right after we get assigned a case!” he complained to wilson, who rolled his eyes in response, “have you tried, i dont know, asking him?” wilson replied, not bothering to look up from the folder in his hand.
the whole day, house toyed with the patient to release his frustrations. to be homest, he was starting to get less angry and more worried. he made an excuse saying that y/n is the sharpest one on the team and that the rest of them can’t function without him. when, in reality, house was the one that couldn’t function. wilson was the only one who knew why house was actually worried. why? well, the two sort of have a..romantic relationship.
he tried reaching him. call after call after call, but it all went straight to voicemail. after treating the patient, house found out it was y/n’s mom. he was about to go to his lovers home, when he got a page.
‘room 202, now.’
it was from lisa. he rushed down to the room, seeing the unconscious body of his lover. he rushed to his side grabbing y/n’s hand and looking up at the cuddy. “he overdosed…on oxycodone.”
‘fuck.’ house thought.
how could he had let this slip past him? how could he have not noticed that you were suffering all this time? he wanted to beat himself up over this, but he knew you wouldn’t want that. so he waited, sitting in the chair and watching your vitals all night. he didn’t want to risk losing someone so close to him. not again.
you woke up the next day, your head pounding and your feelings all over the place. you were glad to be alive but, god you wish you weren’t. “y/n?” you turned to the voice, seeing greg sitting next to you. he looked miserable, the bags under his eyes darker than they were before. “are you okay? why didn’t you tell me?” you didn’t say anything. to be honest, you wish you could’ve told him. that you were suffering. that you wanted help. needed help. but, it wasn’t easy to admit you were an addict.
“i know it’s hard, but please, talk to me.” you looked in his eyes. he was worried. genuinely worried. right there, tears escaped your eyes, streaming down your face. he got up, wrapping his arms around you in a tight embrace. “it’s okay, y/n. i’m here, now. you’re safe, i promise.”
a/n; I HOPE THIS IS OKAY. i tried my best. again, loveeee writing angst, decided to throw in a sad lil backstory hope you dont mind and i hope you enjoyed. on a serious note, if any of you are struggling with addiction, please don’t be afraid to talk to someone and get help, even if its with a friend at first. i have a family member who’s an alcoholic, and i know it isnt the same as drugs but it hurts me to see that person going down this path. i worry that one day they aren’t gonna be here anymore and i really dont want that to be soon. so please, talk to someone, anyone, and don’t be afraid to ask for help <33 you are loved and cared for i promise
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