#even though that's the first thing he does after meeting hiccup
saras-almanac · 4 months
Being under the assumption that both Eddie’s and Bobby’s storylines will feature heavily in the last few episodes of the season with fallout and some consequences set up for season 8, I have some thoughts about what I want to see for the show since I’m procrastinating doing anything today…
Bobby – Having to actually physically face someone from the fire, I want that to be a big sign for Bobby to actually start working through his trauma and guilt in a way that doesn’t necessarily lead to a potential relapse story, but some tension with Athena because she can’t understand what he’s going through, how he feels really (similar to when he was helping that drunk driving woman after the pileup from Blindsided). Another thing I want is to see him taking more of an active role in his AA meetings—I want him to really start focusing on that so he can have friends outside of people he’s Captain of, plus it’ll help set up what his endgame should be: focusing on his meetings and helping people who have been at or are at rock bottom because he is someone who can really understand. And he doesn’t need to be a first responder to still help.
Athena – I literally just want her to interact more with Buck. (Though I literally want Buck to interact with everyone so much) If his apartment does burn down or he moves, maybe Athena offers him to stay at their place since Maddie and Chimney are dealing with their own stuff, Eddie’s off on his own, and it’s a bit too soon to fully move in with Tommy). But just imagine the talks they could have over tea late at night, both of them being night owls. They could talk about their careers, how to know when to keep trying for advancement or when it’s okay to be content where you’re at. Plus let’s say Athena gets drafted to help on a case of some sort, bringing home some files along with her notes, only to wake up in the morning to see Buck on his third cup of coffee and a full red string makeshift pinboard set up on the table going through all the potential theories. (Athena wants to be annoyed but also, maybe he’s on to something? And it’s not like he went out and started doing his own sleuthing and digging through someone’s trash so… )
Buck – Obviously next season I just want him and Tommy to still be together and their big storyline is working on continuing to build their relationship, especially allowing Buck to really be there for Tommy in a way that we’ve already seen Tommy do for Buck. I want their relationship to be settled and steady, even with the bumps and hiccups, but ultimately something that settles Buck so he can really focus on his career and what he wants outside of being a firefighter. (Obviously my endgame for Buck is being Captain at a different firehouse, or well on his way to actually being Captain). But there’s so much angst and humor to be had in the background where Buck/Tommy doesn’t have to take up too much space. Obviously the angst of if Tommy gets hurt or just learning about his past (which I have lots of thoughts about) and Buck learning to cope with that, still growing and getting better at direct communication. Which could lead into a funny runner in an episode where Buck goes around asking everyone (Bobby, Athena, Maddie, Chimney) how they handle it when their partner is hurt and how is the best way for him to comfort Tommy after a rough shift because he obviously wants to do it the best way possible because Tommy is the best and always seems to know what to do and Buck just wants to be the same for him—only for him to get his real answer from Karen (because I also want more Buck with Karen and Buck and Hen being siblings next season). Plus Buck could be in random scenes because he’s obviously getting kicked out of Bobby and Athena’s house at least twice a week for their roleplaying nights that Buck doesn’t want to really ask about but accidentally knows too much about, which also leads to him showing up at May’s one night when everyone else is at work or busy and they have that weird “do you know what I know about mom and dad” conversation about what their parents are getting up to. (Plus leaning into May and Buck developing a relationship could also show us a lot of both of those characters because it’d be in different roles than we’ve seen them—May as the younger sister, Buck as the older brother) Plus I absolutely need to see Buck and Carla being friends again.
Tommy – I absolutely want him to stick around and for them to start filling in the gaps of his life a bit more because he is a really friendly person and has buddies and people to hang out with, but he’s also really lonely and I think that’s why jumped all in with his friendship with Eddie and putting his best foot forward with Buck. Just want him around lol
HenRen – My most beloved ladies. I just want them to keep going and having them face outside challenges together, as a team. So next season could be them wanting to officially adopt Mara but it’s their first adoption (where the kid is not a baby) and they want to do this right, not making Mara feel pressured or like she has to accept this. Obviously them juggling Mara and their still complicated feelings about Denny reconnecting with Nathanial behind their backs is a really good story for them, and then what happens if they get more kids, or another case similar to Mara where it’s a slightly older child and it upsets the balance a bit more? I just love the idea of them as foster parents and want to keep exploring that, even if it is “repetitive” because it’s wonderful to see such amazing parents who are actively trying to be the best they can be and making sure to put their kids first. (Endgame for them, adopting a baby girl, which doesn’t make them love their other children less, but it’d be a really nice full circle moment of them with Denny and Nia, to this full-scale family) Would also love to see Karen interacting a bit more with people—I think at least starting with Chimney and Buck would be a really quick and easy way—Buck could be babysitting a bit, coming over for game nights, showing up randomly. Just a way to start getting Karen more featured because she is literally sunshine and I think it’d be really cool to see her talking about her job and Buck’s excitement and how he’d be super interested in it. (And maybe she’s starting to question if she wants to stay at her job, now with the kids and she’s not sure if she’s as excited about it anymore, or maybe she hasn’t fully been herself at work since the explosion… anything for Karen that’s not sad or too angsty because I can’t handle it. Or one of her brothers comes to stay for an undisclosed amount of time causing hijinx.)
Madney – Oh my god… These two need much less angst and just pure happiness forever. But obviously, that’s not going to happen. So what I would love to see is their storyline centered around the next steps for their family, namely whether or not they want more kids. Jee was a happy accident and they’d never not want her, but it does bring up the question of do they want more children? They both have some issues surrounding parental relationships, and while they’ve been working through them and are incredible parents themselves, would they feel ready or able to have another child or more children? Not to mention physically, for Maddie, would she be willing and able to put herself through that again? I don’t know. It’s something that could really give them a lot of meat in a story while not being needlessly overdramatic—Like my hopes for HenRen, I want them to face things as a couple and still support each other.
Eddie – I need him to be getting help. I want to see this story completely blow up in his face because he doesn’t really have a lot of storylines that deal with the fallout of his actions. And this will hopefully be something that is just him making the worst possible decisions ever and then seeing him lash out at people would be peak writing for this character, to watch him build himself back up and really allow him to have relationships outside of Chris and Buck. I know they’re all friends, but Eddie literally doesn’t really interact with anyone else. Would love to see him and Buck on the outs for a bit so they could both have scenes with some other people. Plus I’d love this story to lead to a happily single Eddie, realizing that he doesn’t need to have a partner just for Chris’s sake and that he’s not really interested in dating right now, despite the fact it feels like everyone in his life (his family) keeps pushing that on him. He honestly needs to do a lot of work on himself to be ready and able to be in a romantic relationship because Eddie is actually the worst in relationships—and whether that’s only because he’s still dealing with Shannon’s death and the way he’s clearly romanticized their past or because he genuinely doesn’t want to date or doesn’t know how to date, we can explore. I want to know more about Eddie because from the beginning he’s basically just been Single Dad Veteran and I don’t feel like they’ve really given him much else until this season. Let Eddie be alone so we can actually learn who he is more before he gets into another relationship—or crazier yet, allow for Single Representation Eddie where he ultimately decides he’s happier alone and doesn’t need anyone.
Josh – My endgame for Josh is obviously him taking over Sue’s position at the Call Center—which would obviously lead to Maddie officially taking over Josh’s spot. But like Buck, I want Josh to have a little more stability in his life so he has stuff outside the call center to help balance himself when he does take on that role. Could be a really great way to sort of mirror Buck and Josh—both of them knowing what they want to do and being really great at it but having no real idea of what to do if that’s taken away. Josh sort of stumbled into this job and excelled at it immensely, but sort of at the expense of his own personal life (plus the trauma of his last “official” experience with dating). Whereas Buck’s never really set aside his personal life for his job but hasn’t ever really found that balance of both with someone who really gets him. So there could be a lot to explore with them as an option. I just want to see a bit more of Josh and maybe he gets a boyfriend or at least starts to date again.
Ravi – I have no idea what I want for him other than for him to be around. In my ideal endgame, he’s obviously taking over Buck’s role at the 118, so maybe just keeping him involved in the crew more. Maybe he has a big dramatic storyline for season 8, dealing with his past or getting injured or showing how he withdraws very quickly. I don’t know he’s sort of a blank slate so they could really do anything with him. I just want to see him around more.
Basically I just have a lot of thoughts and wanted to write them all out here because why not.
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hina-hina · 2 years
Could you possibly do Ghost or König falling head over heels in a bar over fem! reader, but upon actually going to talk her they find she's mostly mute, signing and such. Though eager to try and converse with this tall masked man who sits at her booth, all pretty smiles and leaning in to listen.
Hello and thank you for requesting!!! This was a super cute senario!! I already wrote a selectively mute reader imagine, but this one is going to be slightly different!
Guys, I'm so sorry for being behind this week! I think I know what I want to do for 1K, but I think I'm going to finish with requests first! Again, sorry for ending my daily posts but hopefully this will cause more high quality work!
First and foremost, I am a Roach-Ghost bestie stan. Someone help me with writing accents!!! ::>_<::
This work is not beta read!!!
→ COD Masterlist
|| Ghost + König With a Mute S/O ||
Tags: Protective Ghost, Meet-Cute, Exchanging of Numbers, Soft Ghost, Bashfulness, Mute!Reader, Ghost knows Sign Language, Possible OOC Ghost (but I try to remain as faithful as possible), Nervous König, Awkward Flirting, Maybe OOC König,
Warnings: Pushy Guys, Alcohol mentions,
Female!Reader // Romantic
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|| Ghost
Ghost very seldom finds people attractive. What even rarer is that he acts on said attraction. He doesn't want to doom anyone to be attached to him, a phantom that death clings to like an ill-fitting coat.
This evening wasn't unlike all the others that happened after a particularly taxing mission. They bar wasn't particularly crowded or nice, filled with stale air and some distant rock music playing over crackly speakers. The others seem content in their conversation, sipping their drinks and laughing as they unwind. Ghost was sat, mask pulled up slightly as he took the last sip from his class of bourbon.
While he does his scan of the room, something catches his eye. Or, rather, someone.
He sees you, sitting off in one of the booths. He finds himself wondering how such a pretty young women is alone in a place like this. Ghost finds himself unable to take his eyes off of you and maybe that's a good thing because he's watching when a (clearly intoxicated) man stumbles over to the booth.
For a moment, Ghost is sure this must be the man you came with and starts to turn away. However, he manages to catch your uncomfortable expression as you try to turn the man away with some hand gestures, to no avail.
With a gruff, "be right back," that is majorly ignored by his companions, Ghost pushes away from the bar and stalks closer to the booth. As he gets closer, he starts to hear what the man is saying and finds himself more disgusted. He is shocked you haven't cursed the man out and slapped him across the face for your trouble.
He clamps one of his hands down onto the (much smaller) man's shoulder, immediately causing him to freeze and glance over his shoulder. "Get lost," Ghost's dark tone reaches even this drunkards rationality causing him to scoff and stumble off.
Upon his departure, Ghost looks back at you who has now begun staring wide eyed at him. He clears his throat, gesturing to the empty booth across from you, "This seat taken?"
You shake your head, gesturing outward to the seat as if to say, "be my guest."
Ghost nods, slumping down into the seat and trying not to make it obvious he was avoiding eye-contact, "I hope that wasn't presumptuous of me. You must've came here with someon'. 'm... Simon. By the way."
You smile, still staring openly at him before shaking your head, signing something with your hands.
Ghost freezes for a moment. He didn't expect this sudden hiccup. He is, for once, thankful for being friends with Roach which led him to learning some sign in order to communicate with him more efficiently.
"'m sorry, love, I didn't catch that," the term slips out before he can stop it, "I know some sign, but can you go a bit slower?"
You look at him in shock for a moment that he can understand before slowing down and signing, "I'm here alone." and tacking on a sign-spelling of your name. You take special care to slow down, carefully signing each word to make sure he catches it. You ask him what he's doing here.
"I think I should be askin' you that. This isn't really the place for pretty ladies," he takes a secret pride in the blush that spreads across your cheeks, "I'm here with some friends."
You glance towards the bar where the other members of 141 have started to calm down a bit before signing, "I was supposed to be meeting someone here. Looks like I've been stood up, though."
Ghost scoffs, "If he wanted to meet you in this place, he ain't worth your worries."
Your smile twitches, "Your probably right. It's not turning out all bad though"
This causes a small, amused scoff to come from his mouth, "I'm glad I can entertain."
Before he could say anything further, a slightly tipsy Soap calls from across the bar, "Ghost! You comin'?" The others have begun paying their tabs and collecting their jackets. Ghost makes a mental note to smack him upside the head for interrupting, nonetheless.
He sighs, "Duty calls." Ghost reluctantly slides, from the booth. "You should get outta' here too. Need someone to take you home?"
You smile and shake your head, "No. I could settle for your number, though."
Ghost's lips twitch into an almost-smile before he holds out his hand for your phone, "That can be arranged."
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He looks so baby girl here
|| König
It wasn't often König found himself going out to bars with his colleagues. Mostly because he found himself getting nervous in crowded places and because it wasn't really acceptable to wear a sniperhood in public spaces.
But, with some urging from his recently-acquired friend Horangi, he found himself reluctantly agreeing. Instead of his normal hood, he put on a simple, black surgical mask to try and help with his anxiety. At least this bar wasn't anywhere near crowded.
He still felt incredibly awkward sitting hunched over in the too-small bar stool. The others seemed to be having a good time at least, all of them caught up in some sports game playing on the tv above the bar. König quickly took a sip of his drink, scanning across the room before his eyes landed on you, sitting quietly off to the side with a group of friends. He pauses, stunned by your smile for a moment before he turns away quickly. Despite his blush being mostly covered by his mask, Horangi notices somehow. "You should send her a drink." If his eyes weren't covered by sunglasses, he was sure the statement would have been accompanied by a wink.
König gulped, "I couldn't..."
Horangi landed a friendly pat on the bigger man's shoulder, "Sure you could. What's the worst that could happen?"
König can think of quite a few things that can go wrong. But even then, he can't get your smile out of his head. He slowly lifts his hand, calling the bartender over before asking for some pleasant, fruity drink to be sent to your table. To you.
When the waiter came to collect the drink to bring to the table, König made a point not to look in your direction. He could already feel the hot waves of embarrassment wash down his back. He briefly thought about bolting from the bar before he realized it was too late, glancing over his shoulder as you scan the bar. Your eyes meet for a moment before König quickly turns away.
He expects nothing to come from it, that you would just laugh about the occurrence with your friends before going about the rest of your night. He figures he's wrong when he hears light footsteps approaching him from behind. You set the drink that he sat you down before sliding into the bar stool next to him. König glaces up nervously.
"I'm sorry..." König can't keep the apology from coming out. You frown slightly and shake your head, signing something with your hands. König pauses, clenching and unclenching his fist around his glass, "Oh... I don't know that much English sign..."
You nod sympathetically, thinking for a moment before gesturing to yourself before slowly fingerspelling your name. König watches intently before nodding slowly, "My friends call me König." At you curious look he laughs softly, "It means King in German. It's a... long story." He didn't really want to get into why he got his callsign.
You smile, slowly signing something along the line of "thank you" before gesturing towards the drink.
König nods, resisting the urge to sheepishly rub at the back of his neck, "Your welcome... I didn't know if you would like it or not."
In response, you smile and take a sip of the drink.
He finds himself laughing softly, turning more openly towards you before saying, "I'm glad. I'm sorry for taking you away from your friends. Your just... Really pretty."
You laugh softly, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. You start to slowly sign something else but your friends call out to you. You both turn, seeing your friends had begun to collect their things. This causes you to frown slightly, which König can't help but find unreasonably cute, before you turn an apologetic look back to König. He waves his hands dismissivly, "No, no, I-It's alright! Go and join your friends."
You take the last sip of the drink he sent you before pulling the napkin you had been using as a coaster from beneath it. You reach across the bar and grab a nearby pen, quickly squibbling down your number onto the napkin before presenting it to König. He takes it carefully, staring astonished before shrinking into himself, trying to hide a rising blush, "Danke..."
You smile before winking back at him, moving towards the bartender to pay your tab before throwing one last look at König that says, "You better text me!"
König nods, carefully folding the napkin and sticking it into his pocket before letting out a deep sigh. He can't help the small smile the comes to his face when he thinks about talking to you again.
Thank you for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments are greatly appreciated!
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violet-moonstone · 1 year
THW Rewrite
More headcannons because I have not been able to stop thinking about this franchise for the past 13 years, and I have over a decade's worth of opinions.
I've already posted some of these ideas but ehh it's fine.
While I enjoyed watching it for the first time, THW was disappointing to me for a variety of reasons. (The music was probably the best out the franchise though, I'll say that) Grimmel didn't reach his full villain potential since the writers used Ruffnut's lack of judgment as his key to success instead of him being a capable strategist. (Also they did my girl so dirty. She may be a dumbass, but she's not an idiot!) I don't like that the dragons left after just 6 years. I don't like that all the riders except for Hiccup and Astrid are just played for laughs instead of shining like they do in RTTE. I don't like whatever the hell Snotlout's obsession with Valka was, and I didn't like Toothless' "romance" with the Light Fury. I hate that even dragons can't escape half-developed romance and a nuclear family as the ultimate character accomplishment.
So here are my edits (looking back, there's quite a bit going on, so it may need to be split into 2 movies or a short TV series)
The time jump happens between movies 2 and 3. (I want a full movie with bearded Hiccup and "Homecoming" does NOT count) 10-15 years have passed, so the riders are about 30-35. Zephyr and Nuffink are either little kids or preteens and are getting to an age where they're starting to train dragons.
Astrid is more rough around the edges like she was in HTTYD 1 and Rob/Dob/RTTE, not just Hiccup's supportive gf/wife. Instead of making her softer, motherhood has made her fiercer because she has more people to protect. Hiccup on the other hand is a doting father and can't say no to the kids if they give him puppy dog eyes: heart melted every time.
Toothless finds his original flock(?)/herd?/murder?/unkindness?/parliament? of Night Furies instead of just one "soulmate". Each can have their own personalities and roles in the group while Toothless is the baby. I think it would be interesting if, like Hiccup, Toothless was quite small compared to his peers - potentially explaining why he was on his own and got separated from the group before meeting Hiccup.
Dagur and Heather are brought into a council meeting as Berserker allies. Hiccup greets them in a way that clarifies things for audience members who haven't watched the show. I suppose Mala would also be in it too. I don't dislike Mala but I hate her and Dagur's relationship. More development needed there.
Gustav should be there too, still very much trying to prove himself as a dragon rider and occasionally messing things up.
In terms of the main plot and villains, I'm not too picky, although I've said before that I'm tired of dragon mind-control being the main villain tool. I'm fine with it if Drago comes back as the villain, but if not, the villain should just be dragon hunters or rival dragon riders who use their dragons for conquering/raiding other settlements.
It can hit pretty much hit the same story beats as before but with better character dynamics.
Make Ruff and Tuff more instrumental to mischief and redirection in a way that helps the plot.
Give Fishlegs more credit for his discoveries and record-keeping about dragons.
Snotlout and Eret are together (or implied to be together if that's the best we can get). Snotlout is also no longer Hiccup's rival - he should be his second in command. They can disagree from time to time, but ultimately, his loyalty is not in question.
Fishlegs and Ruffnut have kids who cause chaos with Zephyr and Nuffink.
It would be cool to include a couple characters from other parts of the world with dragon mythology. I understand that Vikings are white but if we have goddamn flying dragons, there's no reason there can't be visitors from other cultures (who aren't villains).
Ending option 1: The movie can end with the dragons going away, but now they've been with the Berkians for over a decade and it just feels more impactful.
The "there were dragons when I was a boy" line can either be Hiccup talking to his grandson after an even longer time jump, or Nuffink talking to his own kids about Hiccup's adventures.
Ending 2: the Berkians go to The Hidden World with the dragons. Hiccup writes a memoir to leave behind. We hear him reading from it at the beginning and assume that means dragons are going to leave, but it's actually a diversion to make people think dragons are gone so no one tries to look for them.
Ending 3: We accept that HTYYD takes place in a different world so we don't have to explain why dragons don't live among us anymore. The movie ends with Hiccup vowing to make the archipelago safe for all dragons and Nuffink and Zephyr take up the mantle of discovering new dragons. The dragons stay and they all live happily ever after, the end :)
I'm tempted to actually write this as a fanfiction but I already got a lot of writing projects atm. We shall see.
edit: I'm writing it
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earthpleasures · 5 months
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Prologue | butterfly's quarrel with the galaxy
Summary: After being saved by Cedric, you two made a list of hope for you.
Warnings: swearing, suicide attempt, mention of scars.
Word Count: 1.7k
dividers by @benkeibear
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Y/n once read in a holy book, though she didn't remember which one was, it said: “On the Day of Judgment, the stars will fall upon the earth.”
In her dreams, stars fell upon her, coating her in light and dusts of hope. Maybe that was why they were called mere delusions, real life was much more cruel than dreams.
Y/n've been witness of many things, endured endless torture of her so-called family to the point there were nothing but Annie left inside her brain.
Do it for your sister.
How can you be so selfish?
What about Annie's reputation?
Everything lead her to this moment, a final decision on attaining peace.
She looked down at the foothills of Hogwarts from astronomy tower, sharp rocks stared back at her. There would be no return from this fall, one slip and every agony of this unfair fate is gone. Cold air was crushing her lungs as she took deep breaths to give herself at least a sliver of courage.
No one would care even if she was gone, only upsetting thing would be absence of a slave for her sister. The role crafted for her was tiring enough not to consider any possibility of leaving someone behind.
Her hands trembled when they reached for the railings. Metal was icy as it was biting her skin. Nibbling at her lower lip, she set one of her feet on the other side of railings. Harsh wind blew her hair to her face, blocking her view partially.
Initially, she reconsidered her decision. Maybe life would give her another chance to get her mind and youth back. However her sister's words and parents’ abuse played non-stop like a record in her brain. They had no intention of setting her free.
“Hey, what are you doing?”
A soft voice interrupted her inner debate on jumping down or stepping back to safe borders of tower. Cedric Diggory's worry filled green eyes scanned where she stood. He cautiously took a step forward to prevent her from panicking.
“What does it look like, genius?” Y/n spat while her grip on railings unconsciously tightened. A part of her didn't wanna die. A part of her wanted to walk on a way flooded with happiness.
“Does it really worth, Y/n?” He was almost halfway through the distance between them. She didn't even realize him getting closer as her eyes focused on his handsome face. It was strange, golden boy of Hogwarts knowing who she was, a meek girl like her.
“Oh you have no idea how much it will worth.” She laughed in pain, something about taking a second shoot on her conclusions was quite scary and unsettling. Thinking more meant to calculating more, which would lead her to eventually regret even coming here.
“C'mon, we can talk about it. I can listen to you and your troubles.” He slowly raised his hand to hold her arm. His action triggered her ready-to-activate panic. She recoiled, her hand accidentally letting go of what she was holding onto. Horror flashed through her face. She was really going to die.
Cedric's breath choked up in his throat as he launched forward. His fingers wrapped around her wrist before she fell backwards. He pulled her as hard as he can to himself. Their bodies collided, meeting with hard floor of tower while tangled to each other.
Her chest heaved with reality of what was about to happen if Cedric wasn't fast enough. She could've been there, body thorn to pieces. At that moment it didn't matter how foreign she was to him. She buried her face to his chest as tears wet his sweater. Cedric sighed with relief after closing his eyes.
His fingers gently fidgled on her hair, waiting for girl to calm down. She was literally having a histeric episode by the way her shoulders shook and hiccups teared her throat. He first propped on his elbows to fix their position, then he completely straightened his back.
Y/n sobbed, she didn't care what Cedric thought about her crying in his arms or her clinging to a boy she barely knew by his name.
“It's okay, I am here. Just let everything bothers you out.”
That was what she needed. Just a few words of sympathy instead of being dead. Her vision was blurred with tears as she looked up to him. “I am sorry for burdening you with myself.” He smiled softly.
“Don't be sorry, be happy because you still can say these words.”
About ten minutes passed for her to completely calm down, and her mind to function without mislead of horrible thoughts. Now both of their backs were pressed against the wall beside the door. For the first time in her life, she actually looked at the stars and admired their beauty.
“Family problems?” Cedric's curious voice cut the silence engulfed roof they were sitting on. She pulled her knees against her chest and wrapped her arms around them. The obvious scars left by a sharp object immediately drew his attention to themselves. However, he managed to hold his tongue back and didn't blurt an inappropriate question.
“Is it that evident?” Her voice cracked mid-sentence while she wiped the tears off her cheeks.
“I mean, you don't seem to be type of girl that would throw herself from astronomy tower over a boy or stupid friends. It can't be because of your grades, because if I remember correctly, and I always do, you have quite good grades.”
She arched her eyebrow as he finished his last sentence. “You seem to observe me a little too much for a person who never knew me personally.” He averted his gaze back to navy blue sky.
“Well, I must admit you striked my curiosity even before this… situation.” Y/n let out a half hearted laugh. “How so?”
“Once I sat next to you in one of our classes together. I saw your drawings, and the butterfly shaped birthmark inside your wrist. I really wanted to ask about the drawings, especially the butterfly and girl ones but you seemed to be very tense. Like, one word and you were going to punch me.”
This wasn't the answer she was expecting. Any memory of Cedric Diggory sitting with her didn't even exist in her mind. Mayne her expression was the thing gave away her shock because he narrowed his eyes what seemed to be offense.
“You don't even remember, do you?” She shrugged since she had no answer that would make him happy.
His eyes stayed still on her face for a few seconds, taking deeper into her reckless expression. “How we make a deal?” Y/n stopped peeling concers of her nails and looked back at him. “What deal?” He smirked.
“Let's make a list of ten things to make you happy.”
She grimaced with idea. Her happiness lied with getting away from that nightmare like house. However it was impossible, atleast for now.
“You have to take me out of that hell of family, which is not something you're not capable of.” She murmured last part to herself. At this point, every offer seemed pointless to her.
He sat straight and gathered his legs under himself. “Don't be such a pessimistic. I am sure you have things you wanna do. For example, do you like books? Let's find the thickest book in library.”
She couldn't help but smile. “You're annoyingly optimistic. I think… it's likeable.” He clapped his hands with joy. “Then we do the list.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
He pulled a notebook and pencil from his pocket, it was small enough to find inside his palm. She narrowed her eyes to see patterns on the cover better. “Did you really bring a notebook here?” He answered while flipping the pages. “I always have a little notebook with me. Sometimes I write my random ideas or thoughts.”
She rolled her eyes. “Sounds like a hassle.” He stuck his tongue out to her to make fun of her, causing her to laugh without even noticing. “Maybe we need to get idea of being optimistic to your head first. Anyways. Start with hobbies.”
She tried to filter her hobbies from tons of things she liked to do. “I like… going out to walk in school's garden, exploring Hogwarts, stars, books, practice to smile.” He stopped writing. “Pratice to smile? Interesting hobby, butterfly.”
“Yeah, like the birthmark on your skin. You're a caterpillar now.”
“That's rude.”
“Don't interrupt me, Y/n.”
“You're a caterpillar right now, but I will help you to tear your pod out and fly free.”
She snorted. “Are you reading too many philosophy books?” He poked her cheek with back of the pencil. “Try to think metaphorical, it really helps to be creative.”
“Okay, anyways, golden boy. I like lying down in common room of Gryffindor, and lastly, watching people and trying to guess their moods.”
He finished writing, satisfied with the result. Turning the notebook to her, he made sure her to see yellowish paper properly.
“I've made a list regarding your hobbies.”
She snitched the notebook from his hand and began to read his notes and takes on her. His thoughts about her made her smile time to time.
“So, that's the list. When are we starting?” Cedric scratched his chin. “Tomorrow. Do we really wait more than a night?”
Her thumb brushed against little poorly drawn doodles on corner of paper. “No, we don't. I hope we can complete the list.”
“See? That's an optimistic view.”
“Sure it is, though I can't battle with you.”
Cedric pressed his lips together as one more idea crossed his mind. “We should name it.” Y/n raised her eyebrow. “Is it necessary tho?” He furrowed as revised their options. “Of course it it! And I have the perfect name. Butterfly quarrel with the galaxy.”
She almost let out a histeric laugh. “What?” Cedric held her hand tightly as if he was preventing from escaping. “And butterfly is gonna win the quarrel.”
“You're really strange, Diggory. Even more than me.”
“Are you complementing me?”
“I will take it as a compliment regardless.”
“Cheeky bastard.”
“And you already begin to like this cheeky bastard.” He smirked knowingly, making her smile to.
That night, moon witnessed a strange pair of two people come together. For better, for worse. Who knows?
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@2024 earthpleasures do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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ericityyy · 9 months
I want tender fluffy Georgie + Reader but I’m aromantic is it okay if I’m able to ask for Georgie and a fem Reader of color taking care of baby CeeCee Cooper at the Laundromat while Mandy is working? Where they meet and she is able to help him when he is still adjusting to the new routine and they bond?
𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐩?
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: 𝘐𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘎𝘦𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘪𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘥𝘢𝘥.
𝙏𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙚: 𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘍𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴
𝙏𝙮𝙥𝙚: 𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵, 𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘍𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧
𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩: 656
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“Baby girl, can you please stop crying for Daddy?” Georgie looked at his daughter, begging for the crying and whining to stop. His long sighs and messy hair show how terrible everything is going. He tried to feed her, change her diaper, and sing her to sleep, but she still wouldn’t stop crying.
And it’s taking a toll on Georgie.
The sound of the door opening took his attention away from the child, finally noticing his guardian angel sent to him by God. Or that’s what he thinks after seeing Y/N’s figure and noticing her newly braided hair and golden brown skin that glowed under the sun. Georgie could swear that he could see a halo around her head.
“What in the world is going on here, Georgie?” Y/N took a few steps closer to the situation at hand. The girl looked at the boy and the child back and forth, trying to assess what to do but mainly judging the exhausted look on Georgie's face.
“I don’t know what to do; she’s been like this for like 20 minutes, and I don’t know what she wants. Mary has her work, and she trusted me to handle things responsibly, and now I’m failing everything all at once.” Georgie picked up CeeCee and tried to sway around while shushing her, but she still wouldn’t stop crying, “I’m a bad father.” He set down the baby before sitting down on a nearby chair, rubbing his face together, keeping his head down as he listened to the cries of his daughter.
Y/N slowly picked up CeeCee and gently swayed her while patting her back, humming softly. Georgie looked up when he heard the cries starting to soften into sniffles and hiccups.
“See? I can’t even make my own daughter stop crying.”
“That does not make you a failure of a dad, Georgie.” Y/N smiled at her friend. She knows that Georgie needs some reassurance at times when he finds himself trying to please those around him with his charms and his love for business. The girl gave CeeCee back to Georgie’s arms, who, although a bit reluctant, took his daughter back. He was afraid that she might start crying again.
“All of this is new to you and Mary. There’s no handbook on how to be the perfect parent for CeeCee. Just be as present as you can be in her life.” Y/N put her hand gently on Georgie’s cheek. “You’re a good person and a great father. No one said that this was going to be easy. Know that I will always be here to help you guys out.”
Georgie smiled for the first time that day. Y/N has always been the one to comfort him in his darkest days or when he needs a helping hand to climb up. “Thank you… so much for being here with me.” He then started to joke, “Y’know, you’d be a great mother one day.” It’s not really a joke; he knows that if the girl decides to have a child in the near future, she would be the best parent.
"Oh, please, I’d be an awesome parent.” Y/N then dramatically sighs, “Alas, I still don’t know if I want children for myself, though; I always knew that I’d be this rich, cool aunt who everyone loves and adores.”
“You are cool, and you are CeeCee’s aunt, so two steps closer to your dream. And people do love you, of course, including me.”
Y/N laughs wholeheartedly. Georgie knows that Y/N has experienced more than one heartbreak in her life. Mostly from those people that she meets who claim to “love” her, but once hearing her side, immediately turn against her. It was hard watching his best friend be hurt by those who did not understand her. So it was a good sight to see her so happy.
“I love you too, Georgie.”
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i hope this is good, not entirely happy with this one tbh.
i tried to make the reader hint out about her being an aromantic and a person with color. please let me know if it needs some changes to improve the writing. i genuinely do not want to offend anyone with what i write so i make changes as soon as possible if ever it needs to be changed. (and please do so in a respectful way)
thank you.
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madtotry · 11 months
turn the hourglass about and all the sand is running out one. — two. — three. — coming soon.
hiccup haddock x reader
a/n. gn reader. set not long after the first part (but there's still a gap). reader's dragon is one i created myself (more will be revealed about her). the second chapter/part!! ♡ 1.3k
when you see hiccup again, you pretend your last meeting never happened. it's like the same feeling all over again, and if you blink you feel like you're gliding over the ocean with him again, hands twitching as you try so hard not to run away; and yet still you fail.
but you're not in the sky, you're sat in the cold dirt and grass, and you're trying to stay calm.
it feels harder now, sitting across a campfire with him, like if you tried to run you wouldn't be able to. you try to tell yourself that's not true, that at any moment you could jump on elsa's back and fly away and it's not as if hiccup would try to stop you. but the truth does no good soothing your tight throat and light head.
hiccup does most of the talking, and you don't interrupt him — whether because you're too scared or because you simply have nothing to say a mystery even to yourself. but you feel conflicted, trapped yet inexplicably drawn in by his voice; it feels almost warm.
"toothless found a new dragon species yesterday," he says just soft enough that you know he's trying not to scare you, "she was a baby and her wings were underdeveloped so i couldn't see much, but i've never seen one like her before."
you pull your knees even closer to your chest, and elsa shuffles beside you with a quiet growl; sensing your nerves. you know hiccup didn't mean to bring a topic like this up in some weird effort to try to get answers about your own dragon, but you overthink every interaction and still feel out of your depth — like he knows something you don't.
and the worst part is he does, he may not know about you or your dragon, but he knows more about dragons than you knew existed, and he's met more people than you've even seen on boats in passing. you'd finally felt you'd gotten your bearings on the world, and then he came tumbling into your life.
"she did spit a substance though, it turned the grass blue."
you frown, and from curiosity alone your walls are down for just a moment, "blue?"
he nods with a slight smile, and even his dragon perks up at your voice — the first time you've spoken in perhaps an hour.
"blue," he confirms, "toothless wouldn't let me touch it, but i don't know for sure if it's venomous."
"maybe she just likes the colour blue."
he laughs quietly, and your tense arms relax when you realise he's laughing with you. you try to laugh with him, but it comes out misshapen and unlike his own melodious one, so you shut your mouth and stop.
"do you like the colour blue?" he asks after a silence, and you don't notice it through the cloud that hangs over your mind, but he winces in embarrassment as he says it — and elsa almost huffs in amusement.
you don't know why you have to think about it for so long — you do like it, it's the colour of the ocean and the sky which you love both of in ways you can't explain, just as elsa herself is a magical blue, light shades mixed with ripples of something darker that make you feel safe — perhaps because this feels like handing yourself over to hiccup, telling him about you and in turn being tied to him.
he'd be the only person alive to know a single thing about you; it already feels like he knows too much though you barely speak a word.
you find yourself replying, "i do."
you don't recognise the light in his eyes for his excitement at you talking to him, but it is there; shining.
"my favourite colour is green, i think," he says, and you find that you appreciate the colour just a little bit more now.
you take a deep — courageous — breath and ask, "are there green dragons?"
you curl further in on yourself, but hiccup just keeps smiling. his quick moment of quiet thought draws your eyes to the way the campfire's light dances across his skin.
"there is," he nods, "there's green deadly nadders, flightmares, and gronckles. hideous zipplebacks are commonly green too."
you nod as he talks, and wonder if he's saying less than he normally would to avoid making you feel dumb. it's entirely possible, but with the way he's sat up just a little straighter and smiles just a little wider as he lists all these dragons, it doesn't feel like that. it feels nice.
"hideous zipplebacks?" you query, though you've never heard of any of these by name, the word 'hideous' particularly catches your attention.
"we named a lot of them back when we weren't on... great terms," he explains, and that's one of the few things you do know; about the hunting and fighting, "but we have lots of zipplebacks on berk now, deadly nadders and gronckles too."
"no flightmares?"
"their living conditions are really specific, and they generally prefer swamps most of the time."
you note this all down in your mind. you don't know if you'd ever meet one of these dragons — and if you did, you wouldn't even know it from your lack of physical descriptions — but it feels nice to know things.
but something gnaws at your chest as hiccup explains flightmare's living conditions, about their translucent skin that glows in the right conditions and the way their food glows just the same. you feel wrong for not truly listening, but the reminder that he comes from an island of people who used to slaughter dragons and now somehow lives with them sits at the forefront of your mind.
in a lull, where you are unsure whether hiccup noticed your conflicted expression or simply ran out of things to say — however impossible that may be — you ask, "do the dragons have names, on berk?"
you can't read his reaction, but he replies, "yes?" not because he lies, instead because your sudden question has him lost.
"what are some of their names?" you whisper, as a grasp at something far harder to describe than simple distrust; as a wish to be connected to a people, to know about the full life this stranger leads.
hiccup hesitates, almost picking up on your guard raising once more, but does not question you.
"well, my friends have dragons named stormfly, hookfang, meatlug, and a hideous zippleback called barf and belch."
"barf and belch?"
"one head breaths gas, the other sparks it."
even elsa listens as he talks. you have no idea whether she knows about all the dragons you don't, but she lifts her ears with the same curiosity as you.
"does one person ride them?"
hiccup's smile returns as he shakes his head, like he's remembering a fond memory, "two people, twins."
you feel elsa's ever-present weight leaning against your side, and somethings sparks inside you — however silly it may truly be; a realisation that you have not told hiccup your own dragon's name. within a moment, an idea spreads through you like how you imagine hideous zippleback gas might, and is set alight when you speak.
"my dragon," your voice is unsteady as you glance at her sea-blue scales, and her deep eyes meeting yours kindly, "her name is elsa."
you hear an inquisitive sound from toothless, and not for the first time you wonder if dragons can really understand what people say.
hiccup almost mirrors his dragon's small sound of shock, the glimpse then transforming into almost gratitude, when he says, "that's a nice name."
you try to smile back, but hope your face gets all muddled up with the fire just slightly blocking his view of you; so he can't see the way your lip gets caught under your tooth and your eyes crinkle awkwardly — so he doesn't find you off-putting like you fear he suddenly might, so he keeps enjoying your company just enough to keep coming back to see you.
you don't even dare to whisper to elsa that you're starting to feel safe around him.
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fiddlefordisms · 8 days
Canon Details and Analysis of Fiddleford McGucket Part 1
I'm writing a series of meta posts centering around everything we know about Fiddleford McGucket as well as what can be gleaned from those details and some theories of mine. At the very end of this series, I will also do a detailed look, analysis, and theorizing about Fiddauthor (a ship which I love) - however, this series of posts will be focusing mainly on what's actual canon (and thus written in terms of Fiddleford's friendship with Ford) and will be mainly focused on Fiddleford's character even as it stands outside of his relationship with Ford. Because he deserves to be his own character outside the context of a romantic relationship, and he deserves it in general.
Fiddleford was raised on his father's hog farm in Tennessee. We've received very few details about his family life other than that the hog farm belongs to his father, Fiddleford has a cousin named Thistlebert who believes in aliens, and Fiddleford's grandmother who does not approve of "coffee" (whatever that is). What we can glean from this is that Fiddleford is pretty familiar with his extended family. We also know he grew up "dirt-poor."
In Journal 3, Ford mentions that Fiddleford crosses himself while stepping over graves and chastises him for saying "what the devil." Tennessee is also located deep in the Bible Belt. This tells me Fiddleford was likely raised Christian and because of the "crosses himself" thing - likely Catholic. He's the first McGucket to ever go to college.
Fiddleford has anxiety issues, possibly an untreated disorder - a fact commented on by Ford in Journal 3 (knee-bouncing, a tendency towards pulling at his hair, his superstitious nature might lend to this as well, and the "SORRY" photograph mentions that he's "mighty nervous" about his first day, he also mentions having the hiccups that day - probably due to how nervous he is). Given how these things go, it's probably been with him since childhood, and he was probably belittled for it. Especially given the stigma around mental health issues, it would not surprise me if Fiddleford has been told multiple times "to get over his anxiety."
Before meeting Ford, Fiddleford had a low sense of self-confidence (and even after meeting Ford, it might still not have been the greatest). His very first day of college, after being laughed out of class, he's already arranging for a tractor (the joke is he's Southern and from a farm) to pick him up. He was going to drop out of college on his first day had it not been for Ford. This tells us that he was led to believe that he was "not right" or "not smart enough" for college. Because it's only his first day at college, he probably didn't get these ideas ingrained in him from the campus itself. Theories? A few. One: His father probably wanted him to stay and help out on the farm - maybe even take over the hog farm one day. Two: Fiddleford easily leaps to the idea that he "got his math wrong" and that his theory must be incorrect because everyone else thinks so. This tells us he does not consider himself "brilliant" despite the fact that he is HIGHLY intelligent. He's also at Backupsmore instead of a first-rate school. Because Fiddleford has a lot of anxiety, I think it's highly possible something that could have led him to believe this is test anxiety. Schools put so much importance on testing, and because of his anxiety, Fiddleford might not have been able to perform very well on tests. He probably really excelled at doing his homework, though, and probably already had a bit of an inventing streak. He might have been persuaded by a teacher to give college a try and probably had an interest in it due to his affinity for machines and likely a love of mathematics and physics (and possibly chemistry given that Old Man McGucket mixes up a voice-changing serum at one point). Fiddleford mentions in the "SORRY" photograph that he thought making a friend was more impossible than solving relativity. This is extremely sad and points to Fiddleford having been lonely through his childhood and school years up until college. It's not hard to imagine that he might have been bullied for being a "nerd" as well. People tend to look down on those who display Southern mannerisms and interests (Fiddleford plays the banjo, has a strong Southern accent, and was probably raised to take pride in his Southern upbringing) as "dumb hicks" - and this might be a cause for even more bullying while he's in Backupsmore and continued confidence difficulties.
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pythoneon · 10 months
Someone might’ve posted about this before, but while i have the persistent brainrot, I wanna ramble about hatchetfield and the perpetual cycle of missed opportunities.
The first couple is pretty obvious: Paul and Emma. They’re two people who don’t get the chance to move past the early stages of a relationship. In TGWDLM, they’ve just gotten on a first name basis, even though he’s a regular and there’s a connection between them. It’s a slow burn that fizzles out because of the circumstances. Black Friday is a bit different because, while they’re not an official couple, Emma cares enough about Paul to bring her to what she thinks is a belated Thanksgiving dinner with estranged family. But that musical ends with everyone being blown to kingdom come, so again, it doesn’t evolve further than being “intimate” with each other. Then, of course, there’s their brief interaction in NPMD which parallels TGWDLM, with an interruption by Officer Bailey. In Nightmare Time, only Paul 23 and Android! Emma have a happy ending, but not without hiccups of course. They seem like an inevitability-pun fully intended-in every universe. Oftentimes, their potential is never fully realized.
Becky and Tom is an interesting couple because they’re the only main pairing that dated and broke up, only to get back together later on. They dated in high school and were pulled apart by circumstance. Tom goes to war, and in the interim, Becky becomes entangled with her abusive husband that keeps them apart even after he comes back. In Black Friday, they reunite, bone in the movie theater, but again, they get fucking bombed at the end. In Jane’s A Car, they actually get to rekindle their relationship, getting to the point that Tom brings Becky home to meet his son. Tim even likes Becky, acknowledging that she can’t replace his mom but she’s a good presence for them both. Unfortunately, Tom’s grief and guilt drives them apart again-pun not intended this time. There could be other worlds where they get back together as well, but that comes after years of heartbreak, trauma, and separation.
Lex and Ethan are interesting because in every world we’ve seen thus far, they start each story in a very committed relationship. We don’t see their beginning stages like the others, so we already know how they are together. This makes Black Friday even more devastating when we watch Ethan die protecting Hannah, and Lex never finds this out. She dies unaware of his fate. Then in Witch in a Web, they’re both in jail after trying to make money to get Hannah out of their neglectful mother’s home. Yellow Jacket is the worst, I think. Because Ethan wants the best for Lex and Hannah, he allows Hannah to take part in the super kid fight club, which accidentally dooms his relationship after they kill Otho and have to go on the run from Charlie. We see him getting her a ring, preparing to propose to her, but he never gets the chance. Lex leaves him behind in Hatchetfield to relieve him of the burden of having to protect her and Hannah. Ethan loves Lex so much that while trying to save her, he loses her.
Finally, our newest and most hopeful addition: Steph and Pete. The babies. We see them first in Abstinence Camp, finding kindred spirits in each other because they see themselves outcasts in their environment. I’d argue this is also true in NPMD. They’re both outliers in their social groups, and connect because of this. In TGWDLM, we can assume they both are infected before ever meeting-the same thing goes for Black Friday. The nice thing about their relationship is, in both Abstinence Camp and NPMD, they end the story in the early stages of their romance, and we can assume it’ll develop further because they both trust each other and have ‘defeated’ the monster. However, they don’t get through it unscathed. Nobody does. But I’ll be optimistic and say they’re the only ones who actually get the happy ending they deserve.
Some honorable mentions:
- Ted and Charlotte, and Ted and Jenny. Ted seems to truly care for Charlotte, and in TGWDLM, he watches her die for her scummy husband. In Black Friday, they’re briefly seen together at the end, but again, BOMB. Then there’s Forever & Always, where it’s revealed Ted is responsible for the death of his one true love, and also his own.
- Linda and Gerald is less subtle, considering they’re both batshit, but their insanity makes them a match made in hell. So, it’s pretty sad when, in Nightmare Time 2, Gerald dies helping Linda become the titular Honey Queen. And, of course, Linda dies in Black Friday while on the phone with him.
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vermillioncourt-if · 8 months
Hi! I hope you're doing well I 'm super excited for your IF all the lore you've given has been mmm wonderful! I was wondering if you'd mind doing the classic: MC dies in RO's arms (preferably as the result of saving the RO). scenario ask?
If that's to angsty I understand and no matter what I wish you all the best! ♥
Hello! ❤️
I'd be happy to write this! Angst (and smut) are my specialities. There really isn't anything too angsty for me! Although I fear this might be TOO angsty for some! People who are part of my other blog/IF will attest, though, I enjoy ripping hearts out and stomping on them! 😊
I also added on the Aftermath since I couldn't help myself! 🤭 I feel I may have girlbossed too close to sun, cause these ROs are VERY codependent on MC and it shows!
Please heed the TWs!
General TW: lots of death, deaths of 3 ROs, death mentions, dying, trauma, blood, heavy angst
RO Death TWs: Suicide Implied, Childbirth Implied, Murder Implied
MC Dies in ROs Arms After Saving/Protecting Them (and the Aftermath)
Si Huaiqiao - Huaiqiao will be so devastated and will blame himself. He's your personal guard, he should've never even gotten himself into that situation in the first place! He'll try not to cry and will hold you in his arms until you do die. He won't try to staunch your bleeding. He knows what death looks like and it's on you. It will be a bit of a struggle to free your corpse from his grip. He won't be the same after. He'll retire from being a guard and go back home. Depending on how serious it was of a misstep, he would feel so ashamed of how it turned out, he'll just waste away, really. He's... not quite long for the world without you in it.
Xu Chanyu - Chanyu will be in disbelief. She can't believe that happened. You're so stupid! She's an assassin and could handle herself! She'll try to staunch your wounds, yelling at you to stay awake. She's trying to act strong, but her hands are shaking as she tries to apply pressure. She'll beg you to not go, but it's futile. Your body is found a little later, but she's not there. After you die, she disappears. Your friends and family will look for her, but she's nowhere to be found. Years later, a rumor would surface of a small old storyteller woman who lives alone in a tiny shack in the forest. If you pay her price, she'll tell a story of how a generous royal saved a street orphan's life.
You Kounao - Kounao would be horrified. He'd loudly scream and cry. He's panicking, really. He's clumsy as he tries to apply pressure to the wound. He can barely even hold the makeshift cloth/bandage to the wound. He doesn't know what to do, so he just holds you and talks to you. His voice is wavering and hiccuping, but he pushes through. About your wedding, how excited his family will be to meet you, how beautiful his kingdom is during the spring. He doesn't really realize you're gone until someone pries him out of his arms. Afterwards, he goes back to the Chuntian Kingdom, but it all feels wrong. He doesn't talk as much and he just goes through the motions. His family ends up sending him to a monastery to become a monk. It helps, only slightly.
Shen Sandong - Sandong would be mortified and frozen. She'd watch you collapse onto the ground and stand there. It takes her a minute to gather herself and run to you, cradling you in her arms. She tries to stop the bleeding, but at this point you have nothing left to lose. She doesn't say anything, but you know from her face that she is devastated. She barely emotes as is but the last thing you see is her attempting a wobbly smile. You feel proud for her. After your death, she goes home. She's always been solitary and quiet, so no one around her really cares or notices. She goes on with her life and marries a noble, like her family wants, and it takes her a while to conceive a child. She's happy when she does and enjoys telling it about your adventures together. At the end, she thinks she shouldn't be this happy bleeding out as chaos surrounds her, but she can't help herself. She gets to see you again after all this time. She's been practicing her smile since you last saw it. She can't wait to show you.
Wei Duqiong - Duqiong will let his mask slip this one time. He gathers you in his arms and tries to find a doctor or a healer or anything, but sees it's useless and he's losing precious time with you. He sits on the ground and hold you in his arms and tells you all of the things he wishes he did, if he wasn't like this. He wants to show you off to everyone he knows, hold your hand on walks, kiss under fireworks at festivals. He begs you to hold on, but you both know you can't. He then curses himself for letting you in. If he pushed you away and never entertained you, you wouldn't be dying in his arms, would you? Afterwards, he doubles down on his mask. He doesn't do small talk with customers anymore. He doesn't let anyone as close to him as you were. He ends up incredibly prosperous, his business now more efficient than ever, but the growing mountains of gold can't bring you back. They laugh in his face about what he lost, a sore reminder of what could have been but never will be.
Wu Nahou - Nahou is numb. She catches you before you go down. She frowns and tries to staunch the bleeding, lecturing you about how stupid that was. She gets angrier, yelling for help as loud as she can, as you ebb away. At who? You can't tell. She tells you to keep your eyes open and stay awake. But you can't. She stays by your side until someone arrives to collect your body. Afterwards, she takes a hot bath and scrubs until she's raw, just to feel something. Anything. After your death, she becomes a loose cannon. She drinks heavily and picks fights. She takes on physical courtesan work, but is kicked out eventually. No one wants to hire a drunk mouthy courtesan. Nothing she does quite reignites her spark. She thinks dying in an alleyway is fitting, considering how far she's fallen. She didn't expect to die the same way as you either, bleeding out. She wonders what you'll think of her, when you see her like this. She's not sure she'd be able to handle it. She asks to be sent somewhere else. She can't bear to face you again.
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aurum-rays · 2 months
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Meeta is the only reason why I go back to watching Hasee Toh Phasee, even though it has some problematic elements. Meeta and the music of the film, to be precise, but more particularly Zehnaseeb and Ishq Bulava, but that's another post.
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Meeta, played by Parineeti Chopra, is shown as an intelligent girl right from childhood, along with Nikhil, played by Siddharth Malhotra. When the film opens with both our protagonists’ childhood counterparts, it's very interesting to see a young Meeta closing the door while a young Nikhil tries to open a closed door. While he does this to watch his favorite film, Agneepath, 14 years later Nikhil breaks out of his room by unscrewing the room’s windows to attend a wedding where he meets Meeta hanging by a barbed wire fence, trying to run away.
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After their brief conversation, we understand that both of them have similar ideas and are alike, which we already established from the opening scene. As they say their goodbyes, Meeta asks Nikhil, whom she just met, to come to Goa with her. He doesn't, unfortunately. (He later in the film realizes how big of a mistake it was.) But this post is not about the “swooning” chemistry Nikhil and Meeta had. This post is only about Meeta as a character and how much we need more of her in the movies.
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First, let me put aside a few things by saying that I absolutely despised the bade pappa who loves slapping Meeta, and the rest of her family who are at any given time passing sexist comments on the sisters. They always want their girls to wear “dhang k kapde.” Meeta’s dad is the only one who has encouraged her smarts since childhood, and I am glad that he finally takes her side during the climax. I also hated that Meeta takes all the pills at the airport (which she later pukes), which made her look like she has forgotten her goal, her lab, her colleagues, working on the project, everything basically everything she went through, all the family trauma, and the reason she came home for. It just felt extremely out of character for her. Yes, she's in love with a guy who is going to get married to her sister. I get it! But that one scene just felt… I mean… She did her PhD on her own, started her lab, her thesis and her project all without any support from family and her forgetting all of that instantly just felt out of place. But then again, “the things love makes you do,” I guess.
Now that all that's out of the way, here's why I loved watching Meeta.
Meeta is a scientist. She casually starts explaining physics concepts during conversations (the hiccup scene). She comes from a science background and all her bits and her dialogues are just straight-up facts. She's extremely intelligent and a little bit quirky and does weird stuff sometimes, although most of it is due to her medicines. But I don't blame her for it. If I had a family who constantly called me crazy, disowned me, abused me, and behaved like I didn't exist, I would be popping some pills too. The scene with her singing “Ek garam chai ki pyali ho” or even the confusion that ensues with the twin relatives at the bazaar is a laugh riot.
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Meeta deserved better treatment from everyone in her family. But just Meeta as a character deserved better.
I cannot remember any other female character in Indian cinema that was showcased as a highly intellectual, nerdy protagonist. Even though Hasee Toh Phasee isn't a Meeta-centric movie (it should've been) and doesn't talk sensitively about Meeta’s conditions (most of her behavior from the meds is shown comedically), this was the only film where I was rooting for the female lead and wanted to put up Meeta’s poster in my room. I mean, where in movies do we have a female scientist protagonist, and that to a rom-com?
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Even after being raised in an extremely orthodox family, she dares to dream, and with her dad’s support, she fulfills her dreams and makes a crazy invention. She knows what she wants, and she goes to extremes to fulfill her goals. The only unfortunate part of her life is her unsupportive, misogynist family who will spend money on lavish weddings but won't fund their daughter's educational needs. This is why Meeta runs away with the money.
As a physics nerd, I would've loved to see more about Meeta’s life in China, her friends, her colleagues, and her work, Or just her growing years as a science enthusiast that made her a scientist. Because Meeta, for me, felt like “finally a nerdy female character who is not shown as one of the bros or an introverted thick-rimmed glass-wearing geek or even a stereotypical tomboy.” Meeta, in my books, will always remain a superhero scientist, creator of the perpetual motion machine polymer ball whose story still needs to be told.
Meeta is not a manic pixie dream girl who's here to save the male protagonist from his depressed life and show him the “world through a different lens,” nor is she a damsel in distress who needs saving. She's here for herself. She comes home from China for her lab, her project, and her passion. Meeta is an extremely intelligent, career-driven woman who also knows that “Do half mein ek full se zyada milta hai”! 😉
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cositapreciosa · 10 months
hiya! could you write a Gustavo Gaviria x innocent reader? love your work!
Gustavo Gaviria x gn!reader, (nothing very bad, the usual for the show) 777 words
a/n : i wasn't sure where to go for an innocent reader, still love how this came out!
As always it's the fictional, not the real deal, enjoy xx
Tagging the narcos fam @narcolini @drabbles-mc @anunhealthydoseofangst @hausofmamadas @ashlingnarcos
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Pablo had introduced you years ago, back at the beginning, when everything was still calm and smooth sailing. A sweet thing, his mom had told him, trustful, single too. He had brushed it off, of course, ma, he would say, stop it, it’s not like this, but it was. It was the small talk he had to have with you every time he came to the shop your dad owned, how he used to walk the streets after school hours, hoping to run into you.
It was Pablo who told him to let go, to find someone else, when everything became unsure and the storm came knocking on their door. He had brushed it off, hoping that you would understand, wishing it would stop at once, so you could ease into it like he had. Gustavo was blind to think it would happen, that it would calm down, that his brother would even think to slow down.
This is not right, Gustavo, you would tell him, people are dying, is this really what you want? He couldn’t care less, he wanted to say, that it is not his problem, nor yours, that they are killing each other, that he has nothing to do with it, that they-
He knew it was Pablo who told your dad, about how you still had been seeing him in secret, jumping the balcony at night, getting picked up by a car a block over. It made him red with anger, the feeling of betrayal in his chest, loneliness, despair. My dad knows, Gus. I’m grounded, he says he’ll put bars on the window if he has to. Gustavo is not stupid, he knows why your parents are scared, why his brother hates that he still sees you even though he tells him how dangerous it is. One day they will call the cops on you, is this what you want, hm?
Of course, it is not what he wants, especially when he watches you cry like this, unstoppable, hiccups and tears staining your face, but he has to. For you, he tells you, it is all for you. For your safety, for your life, so that you don’t cry for him if he dies. Gustavo has to stay tall and strong as he holds your hands, as he wipes the salted water off your cheeks, pretend he will not drink his pain away later that night, that he will not resent his brother for months, years. He is the one to leave first, one last squeeze of your hands and he lets go and turns away, he doesn't look, simply because he knows how weak he is, how he would run back to you in a heartbeat.
Pablo introduced you years ago, back in the beginning, back when Gustavo didn’t resent everyone, when he wasn’t so angry and so reckless all the time. For once, he thinks it might settle, the longing, the heartache, when he meets Marina. She is nice, yes, but never as nice, never as soft, too extravagant, too used to this. How their relationship has to be kept secret makes his mouth taste like acid, makes him remember how long he did it with you, how he hated it, how he regrets it.
One day, Gustavo leaves in the morning, as early as he can, as early as they allow him to. It’s for business, he tells everyone, even if it isn’t, even if he knows how risky this is, but he has to, he will, even if it is the last thing he does.
Gustavo had met you years ago, back at the beginning, a small party at your parent’s house, not too far from the one you own now, further down the street. The sun beats down on his hat as he stands in the driveway, he is hot and cold, hands moist as he walks up the stairs and wraps his fingers around the knocker. It might be selfish, he thinks, thought about it the whole flight over, but he can’t think of anything that would fix it. The hole in his heart, the solitude. He remembers what you had worn that first night, cotton soft, all white. He remembers your smile, his brother tugging him along. I’m Gustavo, he had said, mucho gusto. And so he knocks, one time, two times.
Igualmente, Gustavo.
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kkaewrites · 1 year
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ok, then kiss me — osamu miya x reader !
warnings. ooc atsumu, description heavy.
tropes. damsel in distress, meet-cute.
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you have never thought of yourself as perfect. which makes sense as to why you’d also never see anyone as flawless. for how can there be one, when all human beings are distinctly designed to be flawed? so, for years, this is what you believed in: everyone have their own defects. no one is god. no one is superior. no one can possibly make you feel otherwise.
until you came across him.
morning jogs were nothing out of the ordinary for you. there’s simply something in the cool air that you enjoy every sunrise, along with the pinkish hued skies. for no other reason would you have thought that today would be a different experience.
you’ve passed the usual tree a few blocks from your place. you’ve gone by the park, where the swing seats lie unaccompanied. the households you’ve memorized elapsed in nothing but colorful blurs, and the streets were emptied, save for the stray animals and a few old women. it was too early for anyone to be out. except maybe you.
except maybe the guy towering over you.
he was not on your routine. no, he’s not supposed to be on your routine. but somehow, as he faces you with a plastic bag full of what you could only guess were onigiris, you couldn’t bring yourself to feel anything negative.
you’ve heard of him. of his honeyed brown eyes and faux blond hair, yes, but more specifically, what he is. he’s a 6 feet tall, volleyball player that every woman is hyped about in school. nevermind the fact that he seems to have an attitude, because he’s damn good at what he does. even you, a not-so-sports-fan, acknowledges his hardwork. you’ve always thought everyone was exaggerating about him, but my god, they were definitely right.
his looks could rival a greek god. and that’s even without proper lighting. what a man he is, miya atsumu.
before you could fall (both literally and figuratively), you sent him a little nod and returned to your jog. you had no idea if he greeted you back, but you didn’t want to stay long enough to find out. there was absolutely no way you’d remain in a danger zone. so, a little shaken and dazed, you continued your morning routine like nothing happened.
although the fact that nothing did happen remains, you certainly think otherwise. for the first time, you thought that maybe there were perfect beings after all.
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months pass. just when you thought that miya atsumu was something sort of a hiccup that day, it seems that he definitely didn’t think so. because every morning, as you jog using your favorite route, you’d come across him with a bag of onigiris. unlike the first day you met him, he’s covered in sweat. it didn’t take a genius to figure that he’s jogging. in the same time and same route as you.
talk about coincidence.
but again, like perfections, you’re no fan of fate. it doesn’t matter whether you’d see him every morning, especially since conversations were absent between the two of you. he had never tried talking to you, and you just find it awkward to have eye contacts with him, much more say anythting else. on rare moments that you do meet his brown eyes, though, you’d look away and run faster to avoid him.
you had no idea why you’re so flabbergasted every time you two run across each other, especially since it has happened for too many times already. and you’d like to think that you’re more of an extrovert than an introvert, so why can’t you speak in the presence of this man?
“excuse me.” shit.
he’s definitely pertaining to you. there’s no one in the street but you, and the only thing you could think of at that moment is ’i wish there had been more people‘ because the least you wanted to do then is to talk. especially to him.
nevertheless, you halted. panting and exhausted from your cardio, but heart beating erratically because of him. you were nervous and excited at the same time, so much so that you felt like you’re ready to burst at any given moment.
you turn to face him once you’ve caught your breath and composed yourself. “yes?”
“are you y/n?”
“yes, is something the matter?”
he holds a familiar towel, one that has your name stitched in the far corner, and steps evenly as he walks towards you. “ya dropped this, ‘s all.”
you accepted it quietly. not because you wanted to be rude, but because you had no idea what to even say to him. thanking him would be the normal response, but this was the only interaction you’ve shared with him in the span of months. were you really going to let it all go to waste?
he nods one last time and turns to leave, so in a panic, you blurted out the first thing you could think of.
“atsumu-san,” he stops. that was a stupid move. how could you call him by his first name just like that? one, he never formally introduced himself. two, he never gave you permission to. you internally cursed at yourself for just casually calling out to him like that, what then if he comes to the conclusion that you’re a stalker?
he raises his brow as he waits for you to finish. from the looks of it, he’s not upset. but you’re not entirely sure, maybe that’s his way of looking upset. either way, you get it over with. you didn’t want to prolong things further.
“thanks a lot.”
he nods, probably as his sign to leave. “see ya around, then.”
once he disappears from the corner you originally came from, you were able to let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. talk about intimidating. how could someone play against him and not melt into a puddle? you simply stood there and talked to him, yet your knees were wobbling.
is that what it feels like to be in the presence of a “perfect” person?
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everyday, like clockwork, you’d run into miya atsumu while jogging. unlike the first few months of shrugging each other off, the both of you were finally able to at least greet one another. sometimes, it’s a simple nod or grin, and on other days, it’s a “good morning”.
you have grown accustomed to the greetings that your knees were no longer wobbly in his presence, but your image of him never faltered. if possible, it intensified. this went on for so long that there could only be one conclusion about your feelings.
you have a crush. on miya atsumu, of all people.
you huffed out a breath as you continued to jog. this was getting tiresome. you’re simply a different person when you’re face to face with the blond. it has got to stop. you don’t want to wait until it worsens and affects everything else around you. what if, with your dumb luck, you cross paths with him at school? will it also render you speechless?
could that happen?
this caused you to stop in your tracks, eyes glued on the very street you’d both cross paths. for some reason, you decided to switch up your route a bit. instead of the familiar turns you’ve been taking for the past months, you opted to take a left this time, which leads to your subdivision’s park.
you weren’t in the mood to see atsumu today. in fact, you’re not in the mood to affiliate yourself with him anymore. what you feel towards him is getting ridiculous. how could one have this much adoration for someone else? it’s suffocating and heavy in the chest.
impulsively kicking a nearby pebble, you stride towards one of the park benches. you’ve got no answer to your question, not even as you sit down to catch your breath. not even as light stretches in the sky. certainly not even as you realize that you’ve lost all chances of bumping into atsumu today.
you glumly waited for the sun to completely rise. this wasn’t the way to go. simply avoiding him won’t do anything because if this is what it feels like on the first day, what of the others to come?
had you foreseen that you’d get attached to someone like him, you would have ignored his existence completely. you would have taken a different route. damn it.
you’re bound to do something about this tomorrow.
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the winds were out of control. it was unlike the calm mornings you’re used to greeting, but it was nothing an oversized hoodie could handle. this wasn’t enough to perturb you in any way, especially since the weather reports earlier claimed that it wouldn’t rain. and even if you were unnerved, you were sure that it had nothing to do with today’s gloomy mood.
yesterday’s events served as nothing but a reminder that miya atsumu has a strict influence in your behavior. you’re lucky enough that his classroom is a whole building away from yours, and your extracurriculars hinder you from bumping into him, so you’re fine when you’re at school.
but on early mornings? you can’t function. you see him everyday; on weekdays, as early as 5 in the morning, and on weekends, it’s 6. you have no way out. you tried changing your route to avoid him, but it was no use. there’s always an intersecting point between his house and yours.
so, if you want your old life back (which in this case, you terrible do) this whole crushing on him thing had to be settled. you’ve got to talk to him.
that was the goal imprinted in your head as you locked your front door and embraced the cold, misty morning.
the streets were as quiet as ever. only the sound of the wind against trees accompanied your lone jog because of the absence of everyone else, and the outer soles of your shoes pounding against the asphalt was enough to be heard from two blocks away. you guessed that it might be because of the lower temperature. people must have slept in.
you would have done the same if not for your main objective for today, but as the clock hits 30 past the hour of 5, you realize that maybe it was all for nothing. there’s no sign of miya atsumu. not even a strand of his hair or shadow could be seen.
and just as you thought that things wouldn’t get any worse, tiny droplets of rain fell from the sky. it slowly came as a gentle shower, so you weren’t bothered at all. however, when it started to get heavier and stronger, you quickened your pace and tugged your hood on. there’s no place you could take shelter from, seeing that the subdivision was full of suburban houses.
your house was 7 blocks away. you opted to run home and just take a quick shower after, but before you could even make such a decision, the rain poured. it was relentless and heavy, especially when it’s paired with the strong whirling winds. you’re not sure if you misheard the morning report— but this was not how you expected your day to occur.
so, you ran. not to your house, no. that was too far. you ran to the onigiri place that atsumu seemed to get his usual bag from. it was two blocks away.
the moment you finally found the perfect place to shield yourself from the rain, your hoodie was already wet. even your bra was wet. on top of that, it was freezing cold. just your luck, the onigiri shop was closed, but the store’s canopy roof served its purpose. you were going to stay here until the rain stops, considering that you don’t have any choices at all.
there’s no one outside but you. it’s a little overwhelming, more so because of the sudden rain downfall. there’s no one to talk to or at least acknowledge. the house adjacent to where you were standing had its bedroom lights on, but god forbid you bothering anyone who’s comfortable in their own homes. to think of it, this was mostly your fault.
you can’t believe that amidst all this trouble, miya atsumu never came.
a sigh withdraws from your system. the only source of heat you have was mostly gone. your clammy hands were pale and wrinkled, so it’s either the rain dies down or you. it was only a matter of time until you find out.
“ghost...?” you hear someone’s voice.
when you turn to look at them, you’re shocked to see who it was. it seems like your prayers have been answered, because who stands before you is none other than miya atsumu. he’s wearing a gray jacket and a black cap, while holding an umbrella. his other hand was tucked inside his jogging pants.
you’re not sure if he notices, but your face lights up at the sight of him. when he realizes that you’re not a ghost (as he speculated earlier), his attention turns towards the closed shop. he must’ve came just to buy his favorite food. or at least you think it’s his favorite.
“maybe they’ll open up later.“ you pipe up.
“will they?”
you shrug. he stands there in the middle of the rain, contemplating what he should do. you expected him to turn his back and walk away, but he does the opposite. he steps under the canopy and stands next to you.
it was cold. freezing. your clothes were wet and your hands were shivering. atsumu seems like he didn’t notice just how cold you are earlier, but the moment he does, he took off his jacket without a word. you don’t even try to stop him, not when the warmth that enveloped you was heavenly.
that left him in his purple shirt. he was wordless the whole time, and the only interaction between the two of you was when you talked about the shop and when he gave you his jacket. aside from that, silence ensued for about 30 more minutes.
him opening his umbrella disrupted your train of thoughts. he steps back into the street and turns to face you, “i don’t think they’ll open today.”
you nod, but he only stared at you blankly. realizing that he’s about to leave, you quickly took off his jacket but he stops you.
“what are you doing?”
“giving back your jacket.”
“let’s go, i’ll walk you.” he nudges to the street. the rain did not show any signs of stopping soon. “you don’t have an umbrella, right?”
and so, true to his words, he walks you home. the umbrella was too small for the both of you, especially with his huge build, but his warmth was nice. at least you weren’t freezing to death.
“this is me.” you tell him once you’ve reached your front gate. “thank you. for everything.” was your breathless addition.
he only nods as his response, then turned to walk away. not until you stop him.
“uh, atsumu-san!” you called, a little louder than how you imagined to say it but you didn’t want the rain to drown out your voice. he whirls to face you, a confused look plastered on his face as if asking me?
who else would it be? there’s no other atsumu around. you could have remarked sarcastically, but your body didn’t allow you to.
still, as he faces you, it was now or never. there was no use in doubletaking your thoughts because you’ve got nothing to lose. the best case scenario is to have him reject you so that you can peacefully move forward, and if that’s the ideal plan, what could go wrong?
“i like you.“ you whisper.
“louder, please.”
when your doubts were left unanswered, you finally let your impulsiveness string you along.
“i like you.” you didn’t yell because you thought it was embarrasing, but your words certainly didn’t fall upon deaf ears. in fact, it seemed as if the rain went quiet just so atsumu could hear what you had to say.
there was no change in his expression, and even if there was, it’s not as if you can decipher them easily.
“okay.” he nods. what does he mean by that?
before you could ask, a miniscule smirk appears on his lips. “then kiss me.”
“did i hear you wrong? you said you like me.”
a frown etched itself onto your features. was he kidding? did he think you were kidding?
you have never kissed anyone, and you certainly did not think that you’d ever be placed in a situation like this. that you’d be kissing atsumu miya — that he would nonchalantly demand you to kiss him. he’s definitely out of his mind.
“you’re joking, right?” you question, watching him slowly walk back to you you.
“sorry, ’m not.”
his dark eyes stared into your vibrant e/c eyes, and you could swear there’s something different in it. he tucks a stray hair of yours behind your ear and leans in. was he going to...?
but he doesn’t. instead, he leans in to whisper: “you confessed to the wrong twin, miss.”
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notes. so sorry for the inactivity 😿 this was written last year & i just thought i’d post it today! this might have a part 2 but i’m not exactly sure how that would go so let me know ur thoughts! <3 for #bllk i’m working on 2 nagi fics (1 enemies to lovers, 1 flower shop au kinda), 1 itoshi sae (enemies to lovers AGAIN) & the part 2 for chigiri’s fic! 🫶🏻 thanks for all the patience & support!
ִ ࣪𖤐 masterlist ! • ִ ࣪𖤐 next !
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bratshaws · 2 years
through the hourglass 62. brb x oc
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a/n: no ROOSTER in this chapter ;-; but there will be ON THE NEXT EHE
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: mentions of eric. OHB OY
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @dhwanishah09 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23
The first few hours without Rooster were fine, Nicole was quiet, she was used to not having her dad during the mornings after all. Beatrice was thankful that their daughter was such a calm baby most of the time, either too busy looking around with interest or trying to grab the mobile above her head as it moved in circles.
But as the day went by, Nicole got fussy, the closer it got to Rooster’s return time the eager she got, kicking and waving her arms and legs, letting out happy squeals because she somehow knew that Rooster would walk past the front door and kiss her cheeks over and over before picking her up. Beatrice just frowned as she watched from the sink, seeing her little daughter just wriggling out of pure excitement about having her father back soon.
Beatrice looked up at the clock on the wall seeing that indeed he’d be home soon if he was still in California. Maybe Nicole wouldn’t mind it too much, maybe she’d act just like when they both go to the Hard Deck…she hoped so at least. 
But alas, that wasn’t what happened.
When the clock’s hands moved to the specific time that Rooster got home,Nicole stopped moving - as if she wanted to hear his steps as he got into the house - and waited. Beatrice felt so bad, chewing her lower lip at the expectative look on her daughter’s face, “Nikki,daddy isn’t home, he’s going to be away for three months.” she knew her daughter couldn’t understand but she couldn’t not tell her about it.
Nicole just moved her light green eyes to Beatrice, then back to where she knew the door was even though she couldn’t see it. “Nikki, I–” how does someone explain that to an infant? There was no way she’d understand, but Nikki’s face slowly scrunched and soft hiccups broke out of her throat when she didn’t see her father, “Oh no,no,no, no,Nikki.” Beatrice rushes to the bouncer just as Nicole’s hiccups got longer and high pitched into gentle crying.
She picks the baby up, holding Nicole against her chest,bouncing and shushing her the best she could but it wasn’t working. Especially when Beatrice turns around and Nicole’s eyes meet the front door and only the front door. 
It was the very first time that Nicole cried so loud.
And it pained Beatrice immensely, “No,no, it’s okay, it’s okay,” her eyes stung as her daughter cried loud and she felt the hot tears touching her neck, Nicole’s tiny fists clenching her mother’s shirt, “Sssh,sshh,it’s okay, it’s okay baby,I know.” her voice cracked and she wiped her own eye with her sleeve covered shoulder, “It’s okay, it’s okay, I know,I know you miss him. I miss him too.”
More crying, she could feel how hot her daughter’s cheeks were because of the blood flow rising to her face. Nicole was heartbroken just by her crying, it was the worst thing she had ever heard, “Nikki,ssshhh,it’s okay.” she kept bouncing the infant, walking around the kitchen with the dogs following her since they heard the crying as well, “It’s okay, sshhh,it’s okay…”
Nicole’s crying slowly faltered to gentle whimpers, tears clung to those long lashes and her tiny chest convulsed with hiccups, only being able to let out a quiet whine after a while. Beatrice cautiously turned her head to check on her daughter, seeing that there were tears still in her eyes but she stopped crying completely, “...oh,birdie,” she whispers, kissing her daughter’s head, ‘It’s okay.” she knew deep inside it wasn’t, she knew that Nicole couldn’t understand why her father who stayed close from the second she was born wasn’t there by her side.
Her mother just bounced her in her arms for a few more minutes,kissing that fluffy hair that was now leaning more to a dark sandy brown color much like her father. And the comparison only made Bea frown a bit more, “I’ll have to talk to him and check when we’ll be able to chat, so you can see him too, you know?” Nicole whined again, earning another kiss to her head, “It’s okay, birdie, it’s okay.”
Nicole’s cries dissipated into nothing, her tiny hands holding onto Beatrice’s shirt still and her soft cheek squished on Beatrice’s shoulder. Her mother rubbed her back soothingly, heart still hurting from seeing her cry so much. 
When she went to put her back on her bouncer,Nicole cried out in complaint and Beatrice pulled her back up so she could be close to her chest, “Okay, you don’t want to be there, that’s fine.” she murmured, “But mommy has to clean some stuff,birdie.” she explains, “I think I can…um…well…” she could wrap Nicole against her body as she cleaned the house, she had learned a few wrap carries from youtube videos that she wore whenever they had to go out.
Beatrice sighed, adjusting her baby in her arms as she walked up the staircase to Nicole’s nursery, turning on the lights and gently placing her on the changing table. She stays close in case she cries out but she doesn’t, she just keeps her mother in her sights all the time.
Soon enough Beatrice hears the sound of her phone, the same one she kept downstairs, “Ugh, fuck.” she groans, flexing her hands and then picking Nicole back up, “Sorry,sweetie, mommy is all over the place. We just need to…ugh, okay, maybe– Ellie!”
Eleanor scrambles up the staircase and almost hits her ribs on the threshold, stopping with her ears perked up and pink nose turned to where Beatrice was, “I know this is a bit weird, but you love grabbing things…can you get me my phone? It’s in my bag,” she moves her hand on her chest as if to show the position the bag usually is when she’s holding, “My bag, you know it,right? You know what it is.”
The white pup blinks up at her, wags her tail for a bit then bolts downstairs. Her hurried paws echo all around the house and Beatrice could hear her sniffing about trying to find the one thing her owner asked her to get.
Beatrice just waited, while looking down at Nicole, frowning at the tear tracks on her soft and small face and the gentle sniffling she still had going on. Beatrice refused to tell Rooster about this because she knew if she did he’d blame himself immediately and that’s not what she wanted especially when he’s so far away.
She didn’t know when they’d be able to talk, he left early this morning after all, but she hoped it’d be soon because of Nicole’s reaction of his absence. She knew Nicole didn’t like when they weren’t home, but thy managed to work through it by sending her to Bea’s parents, she was now used to her mother’s absence during that specific period of time.
But Rooster’s situation was a bit different.
Nicole didn’t understand because she’s just a baby who just turned a month old, she’s used on having both of her parents close by at all times and not to mention, she has a strong connection with both. In her little baby mind it made no sense why her father wouldn’t be home by the time he should be.
Beatrice’s worried thoughts stopped when she heard the tinkling of her xenomorph keychain swinging and Eleanor’s clipped nails clicking on the floor. The white dog stood by the door with the strap of Beatrice’s bag held tightly between her large maws, curved tail wagging “Ellie!You got it!” Beatrice’s tone only makes the dog’s tail wags harder and she wiggles her way inside, dropping the bag on the brunette’s feet and then rolling on the floor to show her pink tummy, “You are such a good girl, thank you! Thank you!”
Beatrice gives her some belly rubs before Eleanor rolls back to stand on her paws, watching with curiosity as Beatrice opens the bag to pull out her phone, “Thank you Ellie,I’ll give you treats downstairs, okay?” Eleanor’s tail stops wagging and she barks out a complaint, “Ellie! Later, I promise okay? Don’t worry,you’ll get it.”
She could swear the pup’s eyes were narrowed in disbelief but she turned around and left the room with a trot. Beatrice sighs, tossing her back to the rocking chair as she checks her phone with her free hand still on top of Nicole’s chest.
Her daughter’s small palm touched the back of her finger, holding the digit close and tight as her mother checked what set her phone off.
Beatrice couldn’t see much yet, checking all her messages and seeing that four of them were from the girls’ group chat,two were from Hangman who took on the mantle of ‘worried uncle and honorary older brother’ asking if she was okay and the last one from her mother who let her know that she was coming over later to bring her dinner.
She smiles in thanks, typing out messages for everyone until Shells’ name popped on the screen, interrupting her typing.
Shells (16:34)
Babes!! Are you home?
Bea (16:34)
Yeah,I am…why?
Shells (16:35)
I’m coming over. We need to talk about something and I’m bringing Ev with me!
Cue to Shells sending a picture of herself and Evelyn inside Shells’ buick, their taller friend holding several bubble teas on her lap while giving the blonde an ugly look
Bea (16:36)
Wait,what? Why? Is everything okay?
Shells (16:36)
You’ll see! Love you!
Beatrice just stared down at the phone in silence,blinking quietly and then furrowing her brows, only looking away when she heard Nicole’s soft noises from her changing table. “Sorry,birdie.” she says sweetly, pocketing her phone into her jeans, “Your aunt Shells is coming over with your aune Evelyn.” Maybe that would help her cheer up, she liked Shells and Evelyn a lot more now that she was used to them.
She was confused as to why Shells was coming over considering they’ve seen each other earlier that day while cleaning the bar…and why she was coming with Evelyn. But Beatrice didn’t have much time to think about it because the doorbell rang and Eleanor started barking like crazy, “They are already here?!” she pulls out her phone to check the camera app and in fact, it was Shells and Evelyn, with Shells waving at the camera with a huge smile.
Beatrice opens the mic to talk through her phone, “I thought you guys would arrive much later.”
“She stepped on the gas to get here.” Evelyn explains as Beatrice walks down the stairs with Nicole against her chest, “She really wanted to get here soon.”
“With good reason! Come on,Bea!Come on, we gotta celebrate!”
What the hell was going on?
Beatrice slides her phone back inside her pocket after gently pushing Eleanor away and opening the front door. “Ah!Bumblebea!” Shells is grinning so wide it’s like her face will split in half, “Hi,Nikki! Hi! It’s me your favorite auntie!” Nicole just blinked at the blonde but did hold onto her finger as she wagged it in front of her face, “Ah,she’s so cute, here Ev, let me grab it.”
She takes the bubble teas from Evelyn’s hands and marches past Beatrice inside her house. The brunette looks back to where her friend was humming and then looks back at Evelyn,  “...what is happening?”
“I have no idea.” Evelyn says as she walks in so Beatrice could close the door, “She showed up at my place and ordered me to come down, didn’t say why, just said we were going to see you and that it was going to be great.”
“...that’s worrisome.”
“No kidding.” Evelyn mutters, the two of them walking along to the kitchen where they could hear Shells’ happy humming, “Anyway,how are you? I know Rooster left this morning.”
Beatrice smiles weakly, giving her friend a shrug, “...well it’s…I’m used to it.”
“But Nicole isn’t.”
“No.” comes out as a groan as she looks down at her daughter, “Cried so much when she didn’t see Rooster walk through the door, broke my heart,Ev.”
Evelyn stays silent for a bit, but Beatrice sees her friend’s jaw move and her lips curl into her mouth. She had a feeling that hearing brought back memories from her own childhood when her father was gone for a long time and since Rooster told her that Cyclone first held Evelyn when she was already one year old it probably made her a bit uncomfortable to think about it again, “...It’ll be fine.” she finally says, breaking the silence between them, “She’ll be okay.”
“I hope so.”
“You and Rooster are raising her well when it comes to that topic,” there’s a hidden bitterness in her words, undoubtedly from the time when she was younger, “She’ll understand. Plus, when he calls,she’ll be able to see him.”
“Yeah, that’s true.”
“Do you plan on telling him about her reaction?”
“No, absolutely not.” Beatrice shakes her head while changing Nicole’s position to her other shoulder, “He’ll just feel guilty and I don’t want that.”
“Are you two coming or what?” Shells’ voice interrupts them,”Come on!”
Both women looked at each other then stepped a bit faster to the kitchen where Shells had somehow found a bag of spicy chips that she poured into a bowl, “What’s the celebration for?” Beatrice asks, grabbing a chip herself and sitting down when Shells flaps her hand as if telling her to do so.
“Yeah,I want to know why I was yanked out of my house as well,” Evelyn comments with her arms folded on top of the table,”Considering you said absolutely nothing.”
Shells had that little smile on her face, the one that she often had that reminded them of ‘Dennis the Menace’ for some odd reason. She crunched her chip with the same smile, grabbing the bubble teas she left in the fridge and placing them in front of her friends, “Mango for Bea and Ube for Evelyn.” she ignored her friends’ confused stares, sipping her own strawberry one and popping the bubbles in her mouth.
The blonde waits for a little bit, then she waits until both of them were sipping the cold treat to finally say “So, do you guys remember Beatrice’s ex? The one who ruined her life and still tried to act like he had a chance? Well he messaged me and asked me about you.”
Beatrice stopped drinking, glad she didn’t choke on the bubble at the sudden mention of her ex-boyfriend, “W-What?”
“Yeah,he messaged me on insta. Asked me about you,all that shit.”
Evelyn’s eyes narrowed, “Are you serious?”
“Dead serious,babes.”
There’s silence because they never expected to hear about Eric again, nor knowing that he messaged Shells. Shells. The one person he is scared of from the second he met her years ago. Beatrice just looks at the white bubbles in her cup, seeing the red and yellow liquids mix inside as she takes in what Shells said, “...what did he want?”
“He wanted to know about you, wanted to know how you were.” Shells looked so happy, “I told him you were probably busy giving Rooster attention,wink-wink, and he got pissed about it. Said I was in the whole scheme, it was crazy.”
“I think he still believes you are just,” she shrugs, “Not…really married to Rooster. I think he thinks it’s all a great joke being played on him.”
“That’s insane.” Evelyn says, giving Beatrice a worried look, “Why the fuck would he do that?”
“Because Eric thinks he’s better than everyone, there’s no one who could best him and he likes to feel superior to others.” she explains while running her fingers on Nicole’s hair, “...but it’s…why would he do that? Why would he message you?”
“Beats the hell outta me,babes.” Shells shrugs, “I just cussed him out and told him if he ever did this again I’d kick his balls so hard he’d cough pubic hair.” and she says that with a smile, extremely pleased with herself, slurping her tea with the same grin.
Beatrice didn’t like how he showed up again. She thought that after she broke his nose, after he ran away from her at the reunion, he wouldn’t consider on asking about her or trying to see how she was again. “I don’t get it.” she mutters with a gentle shake of her head, “Why would he do this? It makes no sense.’
“I agree,”Evelyn says while supporting her chin on the back of her hand, “Why would he try to reach out to you now? Especially after everything.”
“Maybe it’s the universe aligning so Rooster can beat the shit out of him.” Shells suggests, “Wouldn’t that be fun?”
It would.
But Beatrice just chewed her lower lip, “It’s been…what, two years since I last saw him? It’s so odd to me, guys. It’s like he can’t believe I am married,it’s like he doesn’t get it.”
“Maybe he’s just stupid.” 
Shells and her colorful commentary never ceased to amuse them but Beatrice looked…annoyed and worried at the same time. Why the hell is he still trying to get information out of her? That makes absolutely no sense. And she didn’t want to worry about that when there were other things like the baby in her arms that was curiously looking at the bubble tea right now, “Maybe he is.” Beatrice whispered, “I…I just don’t like it.”
“I mean, no one does.” Evelyn adds, furrowing her brows, “Do you think he really believes you are making your whole relationship with Rooster?”
“Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised.” she mutters, “A lot of people seem to doubt that…ugh,I can’t think about it right now,I need to focus on Nikki and how we are going to do everything here without Roos. Jake and Bob said they’ll show up later this week and-”
“Oh! So will we then,right Ev? A big sleepover party!”
“No one said anything about sleeping over,Shells.”
“I know but wouldn’t it be fun?”
Evelyn flicks her eyes from Shells to Beatrice and Nicole, gesturing twice to the still awake baby in their friend’s arms. Shells finally remembers that the reasons for a sleepover, especially when there’s a one month old baby involved, shouldn’t even exist, “...oh.”
 Evelyn sighs with annoyance before turning towards Beatrice “We’ll stop by, you won’t be alone.”
“I know.’ Beatrice grins, “And I appreciate you guys a lot because of it…it’s just,you know, it’s strange. She feels it too and…I don’t know,I don’t want to do a bad job.” Nicole’s light green eyes meet her mother’s and her tiny hand comes up to touch her mother’s lips. Beatrice couldn’t help but kiss the little palm and keep it close to her face, “I felt so bad seeing her cry.”
Evelyn parted her lips to speak, closed them, then opened them again, “Do you have something that Rooster used before he left?” 
“Oh,uh, there’s one of his shirts.”
“You can hang it by Nikki’s crib when she’s asleep…it’s what my mother did to me with one of my dad’s shirts…It helped a little, at least until you can talk to him.”
Beatrice thinks about it but agrees, mentally glad to be done on the Eric subject and focusing on Rooster instead. As always, he was a much better thought than her ex ever was. “I’ll do that, thanks Ev.”
“You are welcome.” a pause, “Wait, did you just bring me over because you wanted to talk about how you dealt with Eric?”
Shells smiles, slurping what was left of her bubble tea, “Yeah! I thought it’d be fun!”
Which then evolved into a back and forth of questions and amused answers that Beatrice couldn’t really add in, choosing to sip her tea in peace while relaxing from what happened earlier. Even if Eric was brought in conversation and even if she worried why he was still so…latched onto her, thinking of Rooster helped a whole lot.
…God, she hopes these three months go by fast.
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pyropsychiccollector · 8 months
Natsu Harem: Fairy GET! 4/14
Let's see... Pink, brown, white.... We'll go with blue. Yes, blue. (人◕ω◕)
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Juvia will be the next here. (人◕ω◕)
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When did they meet?
During the Tower of Heaven incident. (人◕ω◕) Admittedly, Juvia's "love at first sight" thing with Gray is... Well, it happened. Even with this series having fanfiction in its veins, I won't pretend the crush never existed. I already acknowledged Chelia's crush on Lyon, and Cana's dabbled around with men... Might as well touch on Juvia's obsession with Gray. I am no coward. I will overcome this hiccup with relative ease~... Not that Gray doesn't deserve a girl. ... I'm just not crazy about Gruvia. Navia is much more interesting. Fite me. (人◕ω◕)
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So, Juvia goes and helps Team Natsu infiltrate the Tower of Heaven to save Erza. (人◕ω◕) She's jealous of Lucy's bond with Gray, so she makes her air bubble smaller out of spite. They all manage to make it into the Tower, so no harm no foul~...
To be perfectly honest, however, Juvia and Natsu interactions are fleeting in canon. So I'll skip the long-winded review of canon events and just give a bare-bones look back at it. Even if Juvia's whole shtick is supporting and orbiting around Gray, the fact remains that she does help Team Natsu and Fairy Tail as a whole... Even joins the guild. (人◕ω◕)
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When did they grow closer?
This is a million yen question, folks. While there's a ton of flexibility and options, strictly going by canon Juvia would never give Natsu the time of day. Good thing I was never a canon purist. (人◕ω◕)
Juvia's thing is Gray, yeah? So it follows if she wants to be as close to him as possible, she'd hafta join Team Natsu. Cuz for better or for worse, Gray is nice and cozy on a team with his hotheaded rival, Lucy, Erza, Happy, and eventually Wendy and Carla. (人◕ω◕) That said... If Juvia does join up, I can see Erza wanting to attempt some team bonding exercises to get to know one another better~... This means not just bonding as a group, but in two- to three-person units. This means sooner or later, Juvia will have to team up with Natsu and be properly introduced.
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... Do not be fooled, however. (❋•‿•❋) Juvia is a stubborn, faithful woman. Bonding with Natsu is her least favorite ways to pass the time... He's loud, has no manners, always picks fights... Oh yeah. And he always beats up her Darling. (❋•‿•❋) You can be sure that in their early interactions, Juvia-chan attempted to order Natsu to stop picking fights with Gray, if only so that her Beloved could better spend his time.
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It doesn't work out, of course. Natsu's just as much of a free spirit as Juvia is. And moreover... Natsu and Gray both confirm for Juvia that they get plenty out of butting heads with each other; in their own quirky way, they're making sure the other isn't slacking off, and constantly measuring their strength against one another. (❋•‿•❋) Juvia might not like it... But it is what it is.
So once the initial cold shoulder phase is over and Juvia does some jobs with Natsu, she begins to see his caring spirit. Whether it's her, Happy, a client, or someone else being threatened... Natsu gives it his all to defend them. While Juvia finds it admirable, she does still think Gray is leagues above Natsu. And really, she's besties with Gajeel. She knows Dragon Slayers are strong and have big hearts. She knows that. ... They just don't appeal to her on a romantic level. (❋•‿•❋)
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Here's something a little interesting, though. (❋•‿•❋) Lisanna befriended the Edolas Juvia. So when the S-Class trials come up, she volunteers to be Juvia's partner, even though Juvia is severely down in the dumps about being a rival to her Beloved. She doesn't mind Lisanna's companionship, Juvia's just got Gray on her mind. Always. (❋•‿•❋)
But the Lisanna connection really is a possible way in for Natsu. An additional way for him and Juvia to be connected. After the trials and the seven year gap, Juvia does grow closer to Lisanna, and consequentially she and Natsu get more time together little by little. (❋•‿•❋) The Navia ship is often a slowburn, folks. Natsu isn't romantically attracted to Juvia, not for a long while, and you know Juvia is a faithful woman. And you know Lisanna won't be telling Juvia to jump ship, no, no. Lisanna-chan can be a bit... greedy like her neesan. (❋•‿•❋)
Still, the Grand Magic Games goes to show Juvia that Natsu is remaining as tough as ever. Which is good for her Darling, cuz Gray needs a strong rival. (❋•‿•❋) Juvia also enjoys participating in the games...even if for the first while she was technically a rival to her Beloved. Again. But then final day of the games came up, and Juvia replaced Natsu's spot so he could go save Lucy. Then she was a teammate with Gray-sama. (❋•‿•❋)
After the games and the stuff with the dragons... Juvia-chan thinks Natsu has earned a reward for helping give her time with Gray-sama, not to mention the destruction of the Eclipse Gate. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) They're just friends, but Juvia has come to accept time with Natsu is not time wasted anymore. She winds up knitting Natsu a new scarf... Not that Natsu is willing to accept the thing, cuz the scarf he got from Igneel is more precious to him.
... This depresses Juvia a lot, considering she put a lot of thought into her gift to Natsu... On top of being rejected by Gray constantly, it's like being turned down in stereo with Natsu joining in. Natsu picks up on this, and resolves to cheer Juvia up despite not understanding what's wrong. After Mira walks him through the problem - to which he only half-listened, half-understood - Natsu decides to get Wendy's help in enchanting the scarf to have some of his Magic. He'll hafta "recharge" the scarf every now and then, every few months, but he gives the scarf back to Juvia and she's amazed at how toasty it feels. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) At first she thought Natsu was just throwing it back at her, but once he explained what he and Wendy did... Juvia's touched at Natsu's thoughtfulness. ... Even if she still hasn't given him a proper gift yet. Juvia feels bad about that. But. Natsu-kun isn't a complete blockhead of a friend, and Juvia will take this as a win. (๑╹ω╹๑ )
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Do we even need to go over Juvia and Meredy? (๑╹ω╹๑ )
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... (๑╹ω╹๑ );;;
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When does friendship turn to something more?
After Tartaros, Juvia can't think of anything except how she hurt Gray by helping "kill" his dad... She doesn't even know or think about Igneel dying... So whereas Natsu's off cavorting with the Strauss Siblings during the year hiatus, Juvia's with Gray-sama. (๑╹ω╹๑ )
... It's not exactly everything Juvia wanted, despite how she puffs it up as all that. (๑╹ω╹๑ );;; Natsu's Magic ran out months ago in the scarf, and Juvia has felt... empty without it. Plus, even with Gray treating her as a good friend, he still edges away from romance. Naturally this bums Juvia out. And when Natsu sees the scarf and just charges it up for Juvia without being prompted... That sticks in Juvia's mind. (๑╹ω╹๑ )
She's there when Fairy Tail's all reunited. And Juvia goes with Team Natsu to save Makarov from the Alvarez Empire. The subsequent war brought to Ishgar is... overwhelming. A lot happened. There's several points Juvia isn't sure how they'll make it through the day.... But they do.
And in spite of everything that's happened... Gray still turns her down for a relationship. Of course he was overly apologetic about nearly killing her, and Juvia is a precious friend to him... But Gray can't force something that isn't there. He carried his dad's wish to hunt down END and kill him for the past year, and now he's just not sure what he's gonna do from now on. Sticking with Fairy Tail and Team Natsu is obvious, protecting his friends is "no duh", but he just... His head's not in the right place for a relationship. He needs time to unwind and figure out his own personal goals in life.
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Not that this more decisive rejection doesn't rattle Juvia to her core... She keeps insisting she'll wait for Gray, but her insistence only makes Gray all the more resolved to keep his answer as "no"; cuz in his mind, Juvia deserves better after the mistakes he's made. And she shouldn't put her whole love life on hold, let alone dedicate herself to someone that just may never reciprocate...
That's when Gray decides to get Natsu, Lisanna, and Meredy's help on this one. They're all friends with Juvia, and if anyone could get Juvia off this tunnel vision thing, it'd be them... It's not easy. Juvia is tenacious, committed, and really, does anyone like admitting it's over when it's over...?
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After some prodding from Lisanna and Meldy, Natsu takes Juvia out for dinner. He even gets dressed up with the girls' help, and go to a nice restaurant. Sure, it's not this perfect outing that Juvia envisioned, and she's even more devastated when she perceives Lisanna and Meldy's intentions to get her to try a date with Natsu...
But at the end of the day, Juvia only realized the outing was a "date" after it was nearing its end. Despite the high class restaurant, going to a nighttime festival, doing whatever Juvia was up for... Juvia just took it all as Natsu trying to cheer her up. When she realized it was a date, Juvia was certainly revolted at first, that she enjoyed herself with someone other than Gray-sama...
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... But after all this time with Natsu, Juvia knows he never meant any ill will. Natsu knows her feelings for Gray are strong, and he's not trying to erase them out of spite. He's helping out because even the Stripper is concerned for Juvia, that Lisanna and Meldy are worried for her, and they all just want Juvia to be happy.
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It's still a bitter pill to swallow, to just give up on Gray after all this time... But Natsu-kun has always been there, as have Lisanna and Meldy. They've been great friends... And Juvia supposes she can learn to love Natsu more "properly". (๑╹ω╹๑ ) For Natsu's part... He never has to complain about Juvia being "fired up" for jobs or much of anything. Their mutual passion for life bounces off each other quite nicely~... Yes. This couple has all the good vibes. \(๑╹ω╹๑ )/
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grayisblogging · 1 year
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hiccup and valka’s relationship means so much to me.
early on in the second film hiccup tells astrid in regards to being offered the place of chief, “it’s not me astrid. all those speeches, and planning, and running the village— that’s his thing... i’m not like you. you know exactly who you are, you always have. but me? i’m still looking. i know that i’m not my father, and i never met my mother so… what does that make me?” shortly after this hiccup and valka are reunited, and he discovers just how alike he is to her.
when they meet again you can see just how in awe the two are of each other. not solely because mother and son were reunited, but also due to the realization that they are not alone in the world with their beliefs. even though they so vehemently believed that no one else truly understood them, they discover that there is someone else out there who in fact does understand, and looks out for dragons the way they themselves do. it’s beautiful.
later on when stoick dies and hiccup is speaking at the funeral, he expresses how unsure he is of his place in the world. he was always so worried he would disappoint his father, and he reveals this insecurity to everyone here, not just to the confines of astrid, whom he trusted with these feelings first. during the speech he trails off, and valka approaches him to comfort him.
what she says to him has burrowed itself into my brain forever. i always struggle to find the right words to put to how i feel about things, especially things that mean so much to me, but valka in this scene summarizes hiccup perfectly.
“you have the heart of a chief, and the soul of a dragon. only you can bring our worlds together. that is who you are, son.”
like,,?????? i sob every time.
then later on after drago is defeated and hiccup is made chief, valka tells him, “your father would be every bit as proud of you as i am.” and that is so 😭 true 😭
httyd writers you get it!!!!! you really get it!!!
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msfbgraves · 1 year
Love your Mobverse so much! I for one, am dying to see the scene where Daniel decides to return to Terry! Like, when he decides and when Terry comes to pick him up. What do they say to each other after those difficult days apart and what Terry did? Do they hold each other, touch? Do they even speak? I wonder what that first night is back at the house. The pups will be so happy to have their sweet Mama back, but I am sure it would have been awkward and strange between Daddy and Mama. I wonder if they even slept in the same room, let alone the same bed. I feel like that would be traumatizing for Daniel…I just want my bb boy to be loved and cherished 😭
He hasn't slept all night. Maybe there's been some exhausted haze, but he couldn't find any rest, any comfort.
He has to come to a decision, because if he doesn't, Pop will make the choice for him. But what choice can he possibly bear? Condemn his mate? Provoke a war? Though Kreese is not likely to want that either, and could probably be bought off, also, the LaRussos are in much, much better shape, he might not even want to risk it –
His mouth is dry.
Terry must understand the consequences now, though? That he can't... can't...
Daniel doesn't have the peace for prayer. He used to do this for his mate, used to mean it with his very soul, as little as one week ago, and now –
He hugs his baby, but Gianni's fussy. It's not his job, of course, to care for Mama.
“Daniele, sweetheart?” That's his own Ma. “Your puppies are here!”
His babies, oh, his darling babies! He hoists Gianni up and races downstairs, he can hear them coming up the driveway, reaches out to catch a glimpse from the window...
But at the sound of Terry's voice his blood runs cold. Instinctively, he hands his puppy to his father. “Tranquillo, tesoro,” the man says, and it does help. He's safe here. He could stay here, surrounded by his little ones...
“Nonna...!” That's Yasmin at the door, but she sounds so quiet, he can't stand it, he runs into the hallway and of course it's Eli who sees him first. The poor thing straight up launches himself into Daniel's arms, and he falls to his knees to hold him, half a breath later there is Yasmin, sobbing, and he can't stop kissing her, she's so pale. He lifts his head for Sammy and Robby as his Ma takes Eli from him. Terry's holding Robby, who's crying to get down, and Sammy is staring at him –
He opens his arms wider. “Sammy, carina, come to Mama!”
She stands there, one moment, then runs into his arms and simply breaks. “I don't want you to go,” she hiccups, she can barely breathe, even Yasmin lets go, startled, and runs to her Nonna. “Mama, I need you,” Sammy continues, and Daniel dares look over to Robby only for a moment, who has gone completely still in his Daddy's arms. “I need you too, baby,” he whispers in her ear. “Mama loves you, he needs you so much, darling! It's OK, mi'angelina, Mama's here, Mama loves you...”
“Don't go,” Sammy keeps sobbing, clinging to him like she never has before.
He looks up and meets Terry's eyes, one second.
His mate averts his gaze.
He sits up, puts Sammy's face between his hands. “Sweetheart,” he says. “Mama and Daddy lost something. And we need to go find it. But I promise you, I will never leave you. You and your sister, and Eli and Robby and Gianni, I love you, baby. I love you more than my own life.”
“But why are you going?”
“So I can come home to you.”
She holds more tightly. “I don't understand!”
“Neither do I, babygirl,” he says softly. Then he kisses her, stands up, and takes Robby from Terry's arms. “Cuoricino,” he breathes against his neck as he holds him tight against his heart. “My big boy, look how you've grown, darling...”
I never want to let him go, never want to miss another second with any of them.
Pop comes in, carrying Gianni, and only then does Terry step in completely, to take the delighted baby from his arms.
Daniel looks at his father. “You told him to pack?”
A nod.
He gives Robby another kiss, cuddles Eli, Yasmin and Sammy once more. “Hold them for me,” he says to his father. “Keep them safe, make sure -”
“With my life, Daniele.”
He turns to the puppies. “Be good to Nonno and Nonna, ragazzi,” he says. “Give Daddy a kiss, too, now, quickly.”
As they turn to him, he takes Gianni, and presses the baby against his heart. “Topolino,” he whispers. “Don't grow too much, don't...”
It's too much for him then. He puts his baby into Lucille's arms, grabs a coat and hat and walks to Terry's car, checks for luggage in the trunk, tries to get his breaths even. He hears his mate behind him. “Danny, love...”
He looks him in the face. “Pop didn't want to let you drive me, even. In case you'd abduct me. Even though they'd come find me if you did that.”
He's very still. “Daniel...”
“And then I said, Pop, if he was going to do that, our pups would lose us both, and you wouldn't, for their sake.”
“Of course – ”
“And if you were that crazy, you could kill me on that boat too, so don't tell me I don't trust you, Terry, don't tell me I'm not risking anything.”
He's trying so hard not to cry, and his mate looks tortured, but he has to say it, doesn't want to live in his father's world of veiled, half spoken threats.
Terry reaches out, but stays his hand, shakes his head instead. “I would never -”
“I can't know that.” He opens the car door, doesn't want to see Terry's face, doesn't want to hear his puppies call his name, so he closes it, shuts out the world.
He hears Terry go back, say a few words to his family, kiss the pups and then return.
They don't speak the whole ride over.
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