#eventually you just get to a point where you're like: “eh. fuck it. good enough”
un-local · 1 year
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crookedteethed · 8 months
RADIO appearance (1) | e.m & s.h
Pairing: Rockstar!EddieMunson x Radiohost Fem Reader x BandManager!SteveHarrington
Summary: You're seemingly going nowhere at your job at Studio 66. You finally get your big break when your boss meets a terrible fate. Given the opportunity to become Mental in the Morning's newest radio host, you embark on a never before experience when you fall into a love triangle between Corroded Coffins, Eddie Munson, and his manager, Steve Harrington, all while trying not to lose yourself to your sudden fame. What will you choose? 
Warnings: Cursing, Misogyny, Love Triangle, Sexual harassment in the workplace, eventual smut, Drug and alcohol use, slowburn, mentions of blood, Character death
Authors note: Wanted to give writing on Tumblr a try. Let me know how you like the story and thanks for reading.💗💗 Word count: 2,463
RADIO appearance ⭑ materiel list
Divider credits- @cafekitsune
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Circa’ 1991 
Spike Van Dyke was an idiot. 
He was the type to ask you for the time, even though he had a shiny metal Rolex banded around his wrist, just to purely get on your nerves. Spike was the type of person to play obnoxious clown honks and buzzers on his morning radio show as hungover parents rushed their children off to school in their minivans or Subarus. Spike also was the person to ask you if you were "Mental in the Morning?!" And if you weren't, you would get sprayed with silly string and get kicked in the tush. 
Spike didn't like me; well, he acted like he didn't like me. Said I had the type of looks that made a freight train take a dirt road, per se, compared to Candace "Candi" Jones. 
Here comes the sad part. My family says it's sad, but I like to think otherwise: After being told I wasn't good enough, I didn't quit. Anyone with an ounce of self-respect in their bones and dignity in their gut would quit after being told they weren't good enough, but I stayed. I've been Spike's humbled assistant for four years now—not like he needed one, though. 
Despite being obnoxious and sometimes rude, Spike was a low-maintenance guy. A day's work for me is grabbing him bottled water after he's choking on a fly, getting into his mouth from gawking at Candace. 
"Metal fucking sucks." The sound of a crowd booing and then a loud tuba-sounding "Womp womp womp" plays in the background—radio imaging. 
Now where was I? Spike Van Dyke was—is—an idiot.
The big and bright “ON AIR” sign lit up my face as I watched from outside Studio 66. 
“Now Spike, you aren’t saying that because Corroded Coffin is coming to studio 66 tomorrow, right?” Candice said, a shit-eating grin plastered on her lips. He only kept Candice as the co-host of Mental in the Morning because she once flashed him her big silicon Double D tits at a wet tank top contest he was hosting. 
“Oh, that’s a load of bullshit, Candi. And you wanna know why?” “Why?” “You wanna know why that’s bullshit, Candi? Because I hadn’t even heard of crowded coffee—” “Corroded Coffin.” “Until you just brought them up seconds ago.” Spike shrugs, leaning his back in his seat and swinging his feet in his chair because they barely touch the ground. 
“I don’t know, Spike, you have a reputation for making your guests mad. Remember when you called Madonna a sellout?”
“She never denied it.” 
“And when you called Steven Tyler a creep?”
"That one's true and we all know it." 
"Ok, so let me get this straight: are YOU, Spike Van Dyke, going to play nice tomorrow for the Corroded Coffin boys?"
Spike shrugs again. "Depends, Candi, why don't you play one of crowded coffee—" "Corroded Coffin." "Eh.. yeah, why don't you play one of their songs? I'll have my conclusion at the end of the break." 
"Welp, you heard it folks, whatever Spike wants, he gets. Here's "Hellmouth" from Corroded Coffin's sophomore album "Mutilation, Sickness, and a Little Death." Make sure you all stay tuned after the break, and also don't forget to stay—"Candice points to Spike, and in his dreadful, languid voice, he says: "Mental in the Morning." 
At a click of a button, the dark and muddy strings of Corroded Coffin's "Hellmouth" ring through the speakers of studio 66; by the time the long interlude is over, I only hear a snippet of Munson's throaty singing before Candice and Spike come out of the studio. 
The "ON AIR" sign is now turned off, but it's only until the break is over. "That was a good take, guys." I softly say as Candice and Spike leave the studio.
Y'know, when I was five, I dressed up as a brick wall for Halloween--I'd thought it'd be funny. Who knew I'd still be in the same costume fifteen years later? Spike walks straight past me, like the wall I am.
Candice does pay mind to me, leaning beside the same wall as I, looking at the short and stout Spike Van Dyke going straight to his favorite intern--Bonnie, I think her name is--just to mess with her for his shits and giggles.
"Should I start making apology gift baskets now?" I ask her.
She asks. "Maybe he'll have a change of heart this time? You know, I've noticed he hasn't been staring at my breast as much lately. I think that's a sign for something."
"A sign for what?" Now it was my turn to tsk. "That he's finally gone through the lobotomy he so desperately needs?" 
I look up at her, and she's laughing. Candice wasn't that much taller than me, but her hot pink stilettos made me look like Stuart Little standing beside her. I join in on the laughter, too. But the joyous moment is cut short when we hear an "eek!" from the intern and see Spike pinching up the ends of her frilly white skirt. 
"Poor girl." Candice says. "One day he's going to mess with the wrong person." Candice mutters.
Black and green sludge starts swishing in my body, and I think I will be sick. I watched the intern's skin become extremely pallid, and her eyes turned a shade of fear. Any other time, her skin would be pretty porcelain, like an antique doll you'll find in an upscale market, and her eyes would shine the brightest green. 
"I hate to say it, but it's kind of like a rite of passage for the girls of Studio 66 to get hounded by Spike, right?" I hear Candice say from afar; she sees I'm gone when she looks over. 
And out of the emergency exit and down three flights of stairs I go, I find myself in front of studio 66, looking out at the crowded streets of New York City, and thinking of Bonnie, the girl with porcelain skin, and Candice, the 5'8 glamazon.
A "Rite of Passage" it was. It wasn't a shocker when Spike liked you; he shows it. He's done it to many women prior before he's done it to Candice, and now he's doing it to Bonnie. Bonnie was just an intern today, but she'll be Spike's new assistant tomorrow. Why hadn't Spike taken a liking to me? Well, according to him, I'm "too boring." I’m simply plain and simple—old, boring Y/N. 
I know it's wrong, but how else should I feel? It's not like I wanted to get filled up by Spike; that's disgusting, but if that meant I get to do something at my job or move up a position, then so be it. 
Fuck. How would I do that when Spike doesn't even look at me?
Bonnie was about to be promoted while I was off somewhere, filling out yet another job application. Maybe I'll apply to Coney Island. At least then, I'll have the joyous laughter of children or exciting screams from amusement parkgoers to drown my sorrows. 
"You have an expressive face." A voice says beside me. I look up at the stranger; his fluffy-looking hair draws my attention away from his face. The warm stink of nicotine fills my nostrils, and I feel the hairs on my body prick the fabric of my clothes. When I relaxed my face, I realized how scrunched tight I had it. 
"Jesus, what kind of deep shit are you in, kid?" He asks. He says "kid" as if he and I didn't look remotely close in age. 
"You got another one of those?" I say, pointing to the cigarette hanging out the corner of his mouth. Without hesitation, he goes into his left boot, pulling out a pack of Camels. I pull out a cigarette--his last one. When I have the cigarette in my mouth, he whips a white lighter with its blazing flames. 
"Thanks." I say, my voice almost muffled. I nearly gag from the nicotine as I smoke it. 
Cigarettes sucked. They only looked cool as an accessory--accompanied by a cup of coffee and some old French novel. Other times, cigarettes look fantastic when they're used by guys who stare at you so intensely, waiting to hear what you have to say. 
"Um--" I freeze; his eyes roll down my body before meeting my eyes again. "It's rude to stare," I say, nerves starting to leave my body as the nicotine seeps in. 
"It's rude to leave people hanging." He snaps back. "What's gotten you so pressed?"
I huff, "Spike Van Dyke, that's what." 
He hums. "With a name like that, how couldn't he? Did his mother even love him?" I let out a nervous chuckle, somewhat wary about talking to the stranger, but he gave me his last cigarette, which meant he was ok?
"We're in the same boat, y'know?" he says, playing with the cigarette between his fingers. 
"He'd hit on your girlfriend or something?" I cock my eyebrow, and I feel a smile form on my lips. "Say he did hit on your girlfriend, and you're here to kick his ass; you wouldn't say anything if I let you in without a badge?" 
"No, I'm not here to kick his ass." He breathily laughs. "Your funny." He says. I wasn't joking. I deadpan.
"I'm Steve. Steve Harrington." He introduces.
Why does the name seem so familiar? I squint my eyes at him. 
"Y/n. Y/n Y/l/n." 
"So, I take it you work here." he points his thump to the building. "At Studio 66?"
"Not for long; I'll be working at Coney Island soon. I could get you tickets, perhaps?
He laughs again, and for the second time, I wasn't joking. 
"Yeah, my band--the band I'm managing--you've might've heard of them? Corroded Coffin? I'm here for them." 
Something in my brain snaps. 
"You're Corroded Coffin's manager." I state that's why his name was so familiar. "You're the one we talked to about the interview." 
He nods. "Yep." he drags. "That's me." 
"I didn't expect you to be so..."
Good-looking? The good-looking that would make you instantly popular--taking it back to my high school days. Most of the managers I've met in the past have been the Spike Van Dyke type, y'know, bald and plump with deceitful eyes and a deceitful chin and wandering hands. 
"Preppy? Not the type to manage a band who sings about war, destruction, doom and misery?" 
"Took the words right out of my mouth." 
"I'm reminded of it every day." He says, now leaning on the cold brick wall, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his dark blue bomber jacket. 
"Your interview isn't until tomorrow." I say. 
"Yeah, but I'm here to talk to Spike, that guys an idiot." 
As if that still needed to be established.
"I bet you won't say that to his face." I dare. 
With a smirk on his lips and a sparkle in his eyes, he took me up on the challenge.
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Spike took Steve's comment well, I think. 
"Ok, so what do you want me to do?" Spike shrugged. 
"All I'm saying is, Corroded Coffin won't do the interview if you're going to be a..." 
Steve's eyes met mine. I look at him wide-eyed and boggled, sitting on the edge of my seat beside Spike's desk. Steve jitters a bit, switching all his weight from one foot to another. 
"An asshole." 
I would've preferred the word "dickhead" instead, but "asshole" is close enough.
"But "asshole" is my brand. If you or Corroded Coffin don't like it, I'm glad to not have you all on my show." 
"Should I remind you that we were the ones to get a voicemail from you guys? You're the one that wants us here. My group will be damned if you think we're going to let you disrespect us." To convey his authority, Steve places both hands on his hips. A smirk creeps onto my lips.
Spike squints his eyes, gnawing his teeth. "Who sent you here?" He asks. "Was it that hotshot—what's his name? I forget." Spike snaps his fingers. "Munson." 
Steve scoffs. "I'm here on the behalf of all of Corroded Coffin." 
Spike rolls his eyes and says: "Y'know Munson has a "bad" reputation himself. I'd seen his little stunt he pulled with Rush the Radio a few weeks back." 
As if it were him involved in the horrendous event, Steve mutters a "Jesus Christ" and runs his fingers through his bouncy hair. 
"I mean, who gets mad like that over one little question? My poor guy Rush is still paying for the damages that little shithead caused." 
It was Steve's turn to squint his eyes and gnaw at his teeth. 
"You all should be grateful that another radio host wants to have the spawns of Satan on their show." Spike continues. 
With a few nibbles of his fingertips and a long, harsh stare, Steve concluded: 
"Let's agree to disagree. If you don't act like such an asshole, my guys won't either." Steve says. 
"Harrington, I think we have a deal." I had a crawling suspicion that Spike had his fingers crossed behind his back. 
Steve and Spike shook on it, thus the ending of their little spat. It was not climactic enough, but indeed, it was entertaining. Spike gets my name wrong when telling me to walk Steve out. 
"Problem solved?" Steve says, seemingly trying to convince himself and me that "the problem" was resolved. When really, that was only the tip of the iceberg. 
Steve gives me a piece of paper with his personal number on it; his fingertips touch mine in a subtle exchange. I feel a sting of heat that twinges my body; I blame the August searing heat. Steve says to call him if anything significant happens between now and tomorrow, though I highly doubt it. 
I watched Steve walk down the pavement and turn the corner to 13th Street. I feel a small smile creep onto my lips, holding the piece of paper with his number on it close to my chest. 
When I return to Studio 66, my smile fades when I watch everyone scatter around in a frenzy. My eyes follow the pattern of warm blood that puddles to my ankles. The trail of blood seems never-ending, but that myth is busted when my eyes land on a good as dead(?) Spike Van Dyke. 
His eyes were stapled shut, followed by a few staples around his dome and neck. My eyes followed the body that hovered over him. Bonnie—the porcelain skin—intern, hovers over Spike's unconscious body, a stapler in her hand.   
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02chois · 1 year
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pairing: kang taehyun x reader
word count: 883 + texts
summary: friends— that's all what you guys are, yet why does he brush your hair so fondly? why does he holds your hand as you walk home? And you don't even like each other that much. wait, fuck, maybe you do? does he though? you have to find out someway or another.
content: uses "girl" to address you
note: got a lil angsty here cus yn's longing for tyun :(
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From his point of view you're nothing more than a best friend. He loves you, platonically.
It started all the way back from middle school and you were but a little girl minding her own, quietly fixing your colored pencils in the box where they all belong. Then, all of a sudden, he walked up to you and stood in front of your desk.
He asked if he could borrow your colored pencils and you let him, however, days passed and you haven't gotten your colored pencils back. And days became weeks, months, until finally half a year had passed— Taehyun came up to you by your locker holding a pink box that was surprisingly still intact.
"I might've forgotten to give this back to you," he gave you a small smile, "but I promise they're all in good condition. I took good care of them."
Your lips formed into a pout, closing your locker after use. "I'm surprised you still remembered," you took the box of colored pencils from his hand.
"Eh, it's nothing. But as an apology, I'll buy you lunch? And I promise I only used your colored pencils once. I just forgot about it." He reassured you. And just like that you believed his words.
"Free food, how could I say no to that?"
Those colored pencils became the reason you bonded, the bridge to your ongoing friendship, and possibly will continue until later in your lives. But how come you've been so unsatisfied? You watched him get into several relationships, and as he dated you started to doubt yourself. Are you not enough for him? Why does he not see you the way he sees those girls? What's wrong with you? How can you change the way he sees you?
It's stupid. You're stupid. He changed your point of view and all of sudden your name becomes beautiful when spoken by him. And as you think of the possibilities of alternate realities, you cannot help but wonder, if maybe, just maybe, in a different universe, he would finally choose you. He makes you think of such things. But you couldn't help yourself. How can you not fall in love with him? He's everything you want.
The excruciating sound of books falling from a desk snapped you out of your reverie.
And as if the universe was playing with you, he was right there in front of you. Every time you see him, you can't help but smile, and this time is no exception.
"You alright? I was looking everywhere for you and the library was my last resort." Taehyun kneeled down and picked up the books that fell from your table, then he carefully placed them back where they wouldn't get knocked down.
"Yeah, I was just thinking… and I'm a little sleepy."
He frowned, taking a glance at his watch. "The library closes in ten minutes. It's almost nine in the evening. How long have you been studying?"
Damn. Has it been that long? Time felt like it wasn't moving when you were reading and rewriting notes, but then again your mind wandered and eventually you fell asleep. You lift your head to look at him, confusion written across your face.
"I'm not sure. I didn't really look at the time, and got too busy with reading." You stood and gathered your things, placing them back all inside your bag.
Taehyun watched you, the shuffling of your clothes and paper filled the area. And he was right, the library was already empty. The librarian was the only person left aside from you and it looks like she was only waiting for you to leave before closing.
Taehyun took your bag from you and slung it over his shoulder, and before you could complain he shook his head. "You look awfully tired. This is the least I could do for you, so don't complain." He smiled.
These little things he does for you is one of the many things why you like him. Although, some people will tell you that it's the bare minimum. And honestly? You don't really care what they say because it's from him— Kang Taehyun. You wouldn't get affected if he were just some other dude trying to hit on you.
And watching him drive you home at this hour only made it difficult for you to control your feelings. He looked so… boyfriend— for the lack of a better term.
And as the car came to a stop by the red light, the dim glow of the street lamp delicately framed his face— you couldn't help but stare. His fair skin was visible only slightly from the opened collar of his buttoned shirt, his cardigan was uneven though you find it cute. Delicate strands of silver toppled over his forehead, his dark brows knitted together in deep concentration.
And it got you thinking, but you wouldn't risk it. You're not going to ruin the friendship you have for the past few years because of your silly little feelings for him, you'd rather have him stay with you like this than watch him distance himself away from you.
From your point of view he's everything you want. You love him so, so much. Your little crush on him from middle school wasn't just puppy love.
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taglist: bold (can't tag)
@boba-beom @beeomgui @luvsoobs @bunnystrm @yenqa @hueninv @moontyuns @jjunsolos @sullystraw @tyunsion @txtbrainrot @goldennika @automatictalebeliever @vexstrils @soobinlover718 @strawbrinkofdeath @hyusun @wezbin @enhapocketz @dainsleif-when-playable @igotkpoops @luvdokja @vianna99 @emohazuzworld @taehyunsfel @hueneve @azurez
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kimberlyannharts · 17 days
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LAST TIME ON RANGER ACADEMY - Sage has had enough of this education thing, especially when "who am I" and "is my dad gay" aren't part of the curriculum (food for thought - does Ranger Academy have a tuition fee? Will she be hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt for the rest of her life?). So we're ditching school and heading back home.
It's Ranger Academy #10!
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= you know what, I'm just gonna come out and say it. Mathis should have been a Pink Ranger. Like I'll take their pink hair being inherited from Nadira but THEY HAVE A PINK BAG AS WELL. SAGE HAS A GREEN BAG. THEY ARE WAY MORE COLOR-CODED AS PINK.
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= oh hey Tula you're here too
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= Like I already joked about, Tula basically ran to Sage's moon to be Rhianth's new daughter because she'd rather be at the planet she's almost died at than go home and face her actual family in the wake of her failure. She's just like me fr
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= they are so rhahrhghrhrhhgghrhghgh. Something about single parents widowed by their Green Ranger loves and their daughters
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= this is very Wes/Eric coded. You just know Rhianth tossed Zilan a note that said "get out of my school"
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= I feel like this was pointed out somewhere else but this issue gives us the colors of Rhianth's friend group: Rhianth was Red, Zilan was Green, Nika was Yellow, blue-haired kid was Black, red-haired elf was Blue, and black-haired kid was Pink. Obviously the other members aren't as important as Rhianth, Zilan, and Nika; but it would be nice to know where they are nowadays
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= cute little detail: baby Sage looking at a picture of the goat things she'll one day end up herding in the future. Sure hope nothing bad happens to her between now and then
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= so yeah this is fucked up but again, part of me can't help but wonder if there will be one last twist that the sabotage WAS someone else
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= "Zilan, you're not a Blue Ranger!!!! You can't build machines!!!! Only Blue Rangers can be smart and solve problems with their tech!!! You're gonna mess up!!!!!"
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= sorry that Rhianth had to be traumatized but this doomed yaoi is goddamn STELLAR
= also I think Sage gets that same staff weapon. I like that she has a piece of both her dads
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= hey Mathis uhhhhhh I know no one's paying attention but....you good
(i saw #11's cover. I know they're not good.)
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= tbh I like how Ranger Academy portrays Dark Specter. I like how he's kind of a demonic entity that no one can really figure out because his motivations are beyond our human understanding so we just have to make our best guess. It makes him a lot scarier and more unique to other PR villains. I feel like in the main series BOOM ended up trying too hard to prove that they were going to make Dark Specter into the threat he never was in the show that they took out a lot of his mystery and intrigue, so he just ended up like a generic supervillain
= as for why he's still here in the future when he died so long ago.....eh. I'm kinda forming a headcanon that he can't really die forever - he eventually reforms after a certain amount of time. That's why he looks so different here, because he's in an early stage of his reincarnation
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= See? If Zilan was a Blue Ranger he wouldn't have died. Sucks for him
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void-botanist · 3 months
Character Cuddle Scale: AOM
I got tagged four separate times for this game so this is part one, for @vacantgodling's tag. I also decided not to stop myself and pretty much included everybody lmao.
Rules: Rate your OCs based on how they handle cuddling/being cuddled.
Based on a scale of 0 (cuddly as a cactus) to 10 (could be paid to cuddle professionally):
Sid: 5/10. He doesn't seek out cuddles from most people (the main exception is Devon but that's complicated) but he will generally accept cuddles when they're offered. However if it's his mom offering them (his dad never does), 1/10, please make it stop.
Avis: 4/10. She cuddles Sorian (or used to) and Antony and that's it. She would cuddle Sid if it felt necessary (read: he is having an extra bad time), and she will touch him casually, but in general she's a "you stay over there and I'll stay over here" kind of person. She used to be more touchy with Phil, but now things are weird with her (Phil disagrees), and she eventually gets to that level of trust with Leon and Edith but they can keep their pervert cuddles to themselves.
Sorian: 7/10. He's a good, if clingy, cuddler, but until he knows where things stand, he won't be forward about it. He'll wait until the other person cuddles him and then take that as a general invitation. He misses cuddling Avis a lot. In AOM he would rather die than say this to her face. Post-divorce he becomes very attached to cuddling Leon and Edith. However he has never been able to deal with Horatio cuddling him. He instantly goes into stiff awkward mode because what is he supposed to do??? This is why Horatio stopped cuddling him almost immediately.
Horatio: 10/10. Cuddling is his favorite thing, aside from all his other favorite things. He has no qualms about asking to cuddle anyone he considers a friend (though he thinks Graham might be too cool for that. maybe). For him it's an important part of friendship, and while he will absolutely respect it if someone declines his cuddles he does die a little inside. He can often be found with someone else cozy in his lap. You could probably convince him to cuddle professionally, but, like, he has a job already, and that job is plants.
Emma: 3/10. She does not accept cuddles from anyone except Donovan and Sid, and Sid has not wanted to cuddle her since he was a small child. She's not terrible at cuddling itself but she will talk the entire time regardless of whether you respond, and will only talk about what she wants to talk about.
Donovan: For literally everyone except Emma he is a 0/10. For her, he's like a 6/10. He will commit to the bit and he's pleasantly warm but from Emma's perspective he loses points for having the conversational skills of a brick wall.
Leon: 6/10. He's a casually touchy person, but not a cuddly one in general. However if he does not get cuddled regularly he will shrivel up and die. He loses points for not being very flexible about accepting cuddles (all his swinging partners are great but to be honest he'd rather be cuddling his wife. or Sorian) and also for being bony.
Edith: 8/10. She has none of Leon's pickiness and she will cuddle whoever wants to. The warmer they are, the better. But she does struggle with not accidentally stabbing people with her horns.
Celia: 5/10. She's very warm and soft because she's fat, but a little bit inconvenient to cuddle with because of her various face spikes. She also is unlikely to cuddle you unless she's fucking you, either recently or just in general (exceptions are made for Horatio and her ferasca cousins). If someone is outside of those two categories of "fucking" or "family member" she honestly just thinks they're probably weird about ferasca.
Allison: 4/10. He's also soft due to being fat, and he's tall enough that he can wrap around most people, and he's mostly a sweetheart, but he is also kind of prickly and anxious when it comes to touching. If you're Celia, you get 10/10 cuddles. If you're anyone else…eh.
Marcus: 4/10. It's complicated, though, because he is both aloof (doesn't want to get close to people emotionally) and kinda touch-starved. He really wants to go home…among his spouses he's more a 7/10, kind of stiff and anxious internally but trying hard to be comforting and cozy. Because Horatio is Horatio he gets the 7/10 treatment, though it's really more him that's doing the comforting than Marcus.
Colin: 4/10. He's kinda weird about touching people in general. Most of his cuddling happens with whoever he's dating (eventually he will cuddle them whenever) or whoever he's hooking up with (he will cuddle them after the fact like his life depends on it).
Palmyra: 8/10. She doesn't cuddle that much, but when she does, she puts her all into it. You WILL feel cozy and loved and accepted. There's no way out of this.
Antony: 9/10. He'll let anyone cuddle with his fat cozy self, because it's fun and because he loves that feeling of being trusted. Really his only downside is that he gets bored of it and restless after a while.
I'll tag @sarahlizziewrites, @kahvilahuhut, and @kk7-rbs plus anyone else who wants to join in!
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writtenjewels · 1 year
See No Evil part 2
Part One
Salim found something that his new companion could use as a walking stick. This whole situation worried him. The smart thing probably would've been to just leave the American, but he had simply been unable to do it. Admittedly, he was glad of the company. Jason's presence made this place feel a little less daunting, and their chatter helped fill the time as they walked through the temple.
At first, he thought Jason's blindness was some sort of tactic to make Salim drop his guard. He had leaned in very close but Jason hadn't even reacted and wasn't even looking directly at Salim. His dark eyes looked clear enough, which made Salim think that the blindness was due to some head injury. Allah willing, Jason would eventually heal.
“So you from around here, Salim?” Jason asked him. Even with his makeshift walking stick, his fingers pinched into Salim's uniform sleeve as they walked.
“I live in a town called Badra-Mandali. I doubt you would know of it.”
“I'm from a small town, too,” Jason nodded. “We'll both get outta here and get back home.” His hand wrapped around Salim's elbow and squeezed. Salim smiled despite himself.
“You're an optimist, eh?”
“You could call it that,” Jason shrugged. “I call it confidence.” That made Salim smile more. He patted Jason's hand.
“Then I will trust in your confidence, my friend.” This time it was Jason who smiled, his features softening. It was a good look for him.
The two continued on in comfortable silence. It was a little strange feeling so at ease around an enemy soldier. Jason's blindness was likely a contributing factor: he didn't see Salim's uniform. It made Salim wonder what would happen when Jason's eyesight returned. Would they suddenly become enemies?
His thoughts were interrupted by Jason. The American had stopped, his hand closing urgently around Salim's elbow. Salim obediently stopped as well. Jason's head was tilted to the side, his face set in concentration.
“What's wrong?” Salim wondered.
“I heard somethin'.” Salim frowned and listened for a few moments. Jason's grip tightened. “There! You hear that?” Salim opened his mouth to give a no when he heard it, too: a faint clicking noise. It was said the other senses were heightened when one was lost; there was apparently some truth to that.
“It's coming from behind us,” Salim judged. “There's a side path ahead. We'll turn there and wait for it to pass.” Jason nodded his agreement and the two ducked into the hiding spot.
The clicking noise was growing louder and Salim's heart responded by quickening its pace. He shifted, slowly drawing out the long piece of iron he had torn off the wrecked car that fell into the temple. It wasn't much but it had a pointed end.
“Salim?” Jason hissed out in alarm. All the moving around made him lose his grip on Salim's sleeve. “The fuck are you doin'? Where are you?”
“I'm here,” Salim assured him. He reached out to touch Jason's shoulder. “I just took out my weapon in case we're attacked.”
“Tell me next time, asshole!” Jason snapped. Despite his hot words, Salim could detect genuine worry in Jason's tone. He dropped his hand lower to squeeze Jason's fingers. Salim soon turned back to watch for whatever creature had been behind them.
The clicking sound was growing louder now. Salim could see the shadow of its figure and sucked in a sharp breath. What was it? It finally drew close enough to their hiding place that Salim could see its head. He stared, mouth open as he took in the strange shape of it and the fangs protruding from its mouth. It looked a little like a giant bat, except its head was shaped differently and its body was more leathery-looking.
“Salim!” Jason hissed. “The fuck is it?”
“I don't know,” Salim answered back in a whisper. “A demon.” He watched, in parts horrified and fascinated as the creature crawled along the ground. “It walked right by our hiding spot,” he reported. “I think that clicking noise acts like echolocation to help them see.”
“You think that'd work for me?” Jason wondered.
“If these creatures rely so much on sound, us making more noise will only attract them to us.” Jason nodded his agreement. They stood hidden until the creature was out of sight. Salim let out of breath and emerged with Jason following him. “We'll have to go another way,” Salim mentioned.
“I'm with ya,” Jason agreed, squeezing Salim's hand. Salim had barely realized they'd been holding onto each other while they waited for the creature to pass.
Truth be told, he was a little reluctant to let go.
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cursivetalk · 3 years
Plane Rides And Heart Attacks
Frank Iero X F!Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Summary: you're on your way home on the plane and get to talk to the person next to you.
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"Flight 0349 to New Jersey boarding now," the speaker right over my head announced, making me flinch so violently that I fell from my seat. Down on the hard airport ground.
Ouch. Rubbing my eyes, I stared around as if that would tell me how I got here. All I got were amused glances from strangers. Thanks a lot. But at least the announced one was my flight. I fully intended on falling right back asleep as soon as I was sitting again. I took my luggage and made my way over to the gate.
On the plane, I got my headphones back out and put them in my ears, drowning out my surroundings. Music and sleep, the only things that got me through flights. Out of the corner of my eye I saw that another person took the seat next to me. I was too tired for small talk so I acted like I was sleeping.
I turned up my music even further and drifted away, curled up in the seat. Small talk successfully avoided.
No more than twenty minutes later, I was woken up by someone gently shaking my shoulder. I barely could suppress a groan, stared grumpily at the person who woke me up and ripped out my headphones. "Hm?"
The man next to me giggled and pointed at the waiting flight attendant. Oops. I haven't even registered another person. "They asked whether we wanted something and I figured you'd like to be informed."
"Oh, thanks but no," I gave them a polite smile and they walked over to the next person behind me with a nod.
Then, I took a closer look at the man next to me, ever the curious person. I was awake now after all so I might as well find out who I had the pleasure of sharing a row with. Maybe he was nice enough to let me get away with sleeping and didn't try to rope me into a conversation?
Something about him seemed familiar though. He was fairly short, had tattoos on nearly every exposed part of skin and that was hard, given that he was wearing a comfortable hoodie and sweat pants. Damn, he really looked familiar but I couldn't think for the life of me where I knew him from. Damn sleep deprived brain.
Eventually, I shrugged it off and gave him a little smile as I noticed that he was looking at me as well. Please don't have me caught staring, I prayed. That would be more than embarrassing. And then, I saw that he was looking down at my tangled headphones that currently were wrapped around my fingers. Nervous habit. Fuck, they were loud enough to hear the current song blaring through the little speakers.
And he grinned at me cheekily. "Mind if I listen with you?"
What? Who asked that a stranger? Eh, whatever. If he asked, he had to have a good taste in music. Or was a very tolerant person.
"Uh, sure I guess," I agreed, offered him one side and added in an afterthought, "I'm Y/N, nice to meet you."
He took the extended headphones and popped it in his ear, grinning even brighter as he recognised the song.
It was currently The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You and we both nodded our heads to it. So he had good taste. That would make this flight so much more pleasant.
"Nice, I'm Frank," Frank introduced himself and then leaned his head back against the headrest.
I gave a nod back as an answer and then let the music engulf me.
Only to shoot up like something had bitten me in the back right as the song changed. Oh fuck.
Frank laughed loudly (and immediately got quiet again because you know we were on a plane) at my facial expression.
Did I just make Frank Iero listen to his own music together with me? And did he accept? Fuck fuck fuck.
And because I was such a rational person who hadn't slept in the last twenty four hours for more than twenty minutes my reaction was perfectly normal. "Are you kidding me?"
"Your music taste is pretty rad," Frank said, still stifling giggles.
I stared at him, unable to form words. And as my ability to speak was back (after a much too long silence), the words that came out again were accompanied by a groan as I rubbed my forehead. "God, I hate you."
"Your music taste begs to differ." To prove his point, he held up that stupid little headphone and let it dangle in my face.
I needed to get out here. Preferably off the plane and never see any living person again.
"Would you mind? I need to go just for a second." And then I nearly sprinted to the toilets after squeezing past him and through the rows.
I slammed the door shut behind me, slapped my hands over my mouth to muffle the inhuman noise that now came out of me. Frank fucking Iero sat next to me on this godforsaken plane and I had nothing better to do than first not recognise him because of sleep deprivation and then run away right after I did. God, I wanted to die a little bit at the moment.
After a little more freaking out and then calming myself down with way too much cold water, I walked out and back to my seat. At least I was really awake now.
Only to be greeted by Frank with still this huge grin on his face. Instantly, I blushed such a deep shade of red that I wondered when my organs would give out due to loss of blood. "Stop looking at me like that."
"You're cute when you blush," he said casually and made room for me to sit back down. Total lie.
"And you probably say that to every fan who wants to die of embarrassment," I shot back, fully intending on rolling in on myself and ignore him out of shame. Or y'know, break the window and let myself be sucked into nothing.
Then, I felt his hand on my shoulder, stopping me from turning away. His grin had transformed into a more honest smile. "Nope, I don't. And please stop freaking out because if you're nervous, I'll get nervous too."
"Well, that's not so easy at the moment," I grumbled and crossed my arms like a stubborn toddler.
Frank laughed again. "See? Cute."
I hid my face in my hands in embarrassment. "Stooop."
"But it's funny. Seriously, calm down and instead tell me something about you. I'm hella bored and I need to know more about the charmingly blushing person next to me," Frank explained to me matter-of-factly and got more comfortable, now facing me completely.
I adjusted my legs and crossed and uncrossed my arms again, mainly because I couldn't hold still, wide awake thanks to the adrenaline he just gave me. "Stop flirting with me of I'll go back to the toilet. And there is nothing really special about me to be honest."
Now, it was Frank's turn to cross his arms childishly. "That's bullshit. Just tell me something random. For example why you are on this plane."
"Okay, uh I was visiting my grandparents for a week and now I'm on my way home."
The guitarist nodded approvingly. "Cool. Did you like it there?"
"Yeah, I love my grandparents. They are literally the coolest people walking this planet and I love to spend time with them." I was glad that I had a topic that I was confident in. "And you?"
"Oh, I'm on my way back home as well. We just ended the last tour and the rest is somewhere here on the plane too if you were wondering," Frank told me and reached for the headphones again.
A little confused I gave it to him and he made grabby hands for my phone so I handed it to him as well, Spotify opened. For a moment, he looked around in my lists, probably judging me for their names but there was nothing I could do about that now. Then, he popped one earphone in his ear, and gave me the other half along with my phone.
Surprised, I heard the familiar tunes of a Black Veil Brides song and looked at him. Frank raised his hands defensively. "I wanted to listen to some music and talk some more. Come on, tell me more."
So we started a conversation about the latest book we read because that was the first thing that came to my mind. To my surprise, Frank was really invested in the topic. As I checked the time again, I realised that we had been talking for the the last hour and a half. I hadn't even noticed the time passing.
Throughout the conversation, I calmed down significantly and just enjoyed listening to him rant, my tiredness finally catching up with me.
My head dropped down once or twice until it landed on Frank's shoulder as I couldn't hold it up anymore. He didn't flinch away like I thought he would and instead put his arm around me softly so I was in a more comfortable position. Frank kept talking quietly as I nodded occasionally, maybe humming in agreement for a few times until I was fully asleep.
The next time I woke up, I felt a blanket being placed over me and heard multiple voices around me speaking quietly.
I moved around a little bit and felt my pillow adjust itself as well. Then, I opened my eyes to identify my pillow as Frank who was still holding onto me loosely while was talking to a man that stood in front of our seats. A man with long black hair, pale skin and a friendly smile. Gerard Way. Oh shit.
"Morning Cutie," Frank greeted me with a grin of his own as he saw that I was awake. Gerard and I stared at him with identical perplexed expressions at the nickname.
"Cutie?" I echoed, still half asleep. Otherwise I would most likely be squealing or something.
"Well, you're even more cute when you sleep. Wait, not in a weird way or anything just uh- forget it." Was I making Frank Iero flustered?
Gerard seemed to think the same thing. But like the nice person he was, he didn't mentioned it and simply extended his hand to me with a big smile. "Hey, I'm Gerard. Nice to meet you."
I took the hand and smiled back. "Nice to meet you too. I'm Y/N and I'm sorry if I was interrupting anything."
"Nah, I just wanted to make sure that Frank over here did nothing crazy. Just tell him to fuck off if he's too much," Gerard told me with a wink and walked back to his seat.
"Hey!" Frank complained. "I'm nice as fuck you dick!"
Gerard flipped him off without turning back around. "Love you too asshole."
"Ignore him," Frank told me with a sigh accompanied by a head shake. "Did you sleep well? Were you comfortable?"
"Yeah, thank you for the blanket. And sorry that I kind of fell asleep on you," I apologised but he brushed it off.
Instead, Frank pulled me back into his side. Woah, I was in heaven. "Eh, I'm tired too and I like to cuddle, c'mere."
So we cuddled back together. While Frank drifted away relatively soon, I stayed awake a little longer thinking.
That was the wildest plane ride I ever experienced. I mean, three hours earlier, I had freaked out over the fact that he was sitting next to me (in his presence) and now Frank was cuddling with me like we had known each other for ages. Not that I was complaining. It was actually quite comfortable and I had always been a person that needed physical contact very much. Still, it felt more than surreal.
I decided to play a little with my phone as I couldn't fall asleep again. Going through just about every app on it (because indecisive what to do) I noticed that Frank had not only played around with my Spotify as I had given him my phone but also saved his number and sent himself a message so he got my number as well.
Did that mean that he wanted to stay in contact with me even after this day? And why would he do this if not? Maybe I would ask him later.
Thoughts and dreams of future conversations with Frank filled my head until I fell back asleep, cuddled close to Frank.
We got startled awake by the announcements that we would be landing soon. Disentangling proved to be much harder than either of us had thought but eventually everyone had their limbs to themselves.
And finally, I had solid ground again under my feet. After the odyssey of finding all my luggage, I made it outside, exhausted despite the fact that I had slept through half of the flight.
I had lost Frank along the way. The sour taste in my mouth sure came from the fact that I hadn't eaten and not that I didn't get the chance to say goodbye properly. Nope, definitely not.
A little bit away from all the people a group of four guys stood, looking around for someone as I exited the huge building.
"Y/N!" Frank – one of the guys – shouted and came over to me as he recognised me.
So I did get a chance to speak to him again before leaving. He stopped in front of me, both of us suddenly a bit awkward. "Soooo.."
"Sooooo..." I repeated, unsure myself and played with the handle of my suitcase.
We stared at each other silently for definitely too long.
"Goddammit Frank just ask her already!" I thought it was Mikey who had exclaimed that.
Frank actually blushed a little bit and took a deep breath. His flirty attitude was gone for now. "So, obviously I enjoyed this plane ride together with you and I wanted to ask if we maybe could do it again?"
"Get on a plane?" I asked, partly to mess with him and partly to suppress that nervous giggle that tried to bubble up my throat. Better feign ignorance than get your hopes up too much, huh?
Frank groaned. "Noo. God, you make it pretty hard for me to ask you out."
"W-what?" Okay, maybe I thought, no hoped, that he wanted to stay in contact and that was all but a date? Was it my birthday? Or Christmas?
"I- uhm, of course you don't have to, I just figured you'd like to uh," Frank moved his hands around violently as he spoke, probably a sign of nervousness.
"No no! I'd love to!" I assured him.
Finally, his grin came back. "Rad. Oh, and I saved my number on your phone so I'm gonna call you okay?"
"Sure. Can I get a hug goodbye maybe?" I asked with a sudden rush of bravery. Wouldn't hurt to ask, right? I mean, he had agreed to a date already so a hug should be in there too.
Frank nodded, now a soft smile playing around the corner of his mouth as he pulled me into his chest for a short hug.
"Call me when you're home safe!"
"Will do!" He promised as he walked back to the boys who piled around him, probably asking him all kinds of questions.
I, on the other hand, stood here, the fattest grin plastered on my face and I couldn't believe what just happened. I would go on a date with Frank fucking Iero! And he had initiated it!
Taglist: @immrbrightsideeee (I wasn't too sure if you wanted to be tagged here as well, sorry if that was wrong)
Part Two
(let me know if you want to be added to the taglist)
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zuffer-weird-girl · 3 years
Red hair as roses, and turquoise eyes as orchids
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"Dada look!" The bored and depressed blue eyes stood up from his lap to his 6 years old daughter, extending her tiny hands up high in the air.
"Be careful with what you're gonna do pretty doll." He manage to smirk a bit as she pouted, strands of red brushing against her forehead until a huge wave of flames of the colour blue danced around her hands until she jumped and a small prinkle of flames were throw in the air.
She laughed at the sign and clapped her hands in glee at her own little show as Dabi let out a chuckle at seeing the happines of his daughter... instead of him, Emika had the blessing of having a body that could tolerate the heat enough of his quirk that she inherited it from him. Your quirk itself being a huge help for the little girl to not have scars as her father's.
"Did you see Dada?! It was soooo huge and beautiful!!!" She ran towards him only to trip and thankfully landed on the brunette male's lap, giggling with a smile so bright that could've hury his eyes.
"Hmm. Almost like mine princess, im impressed." His hands carresed her chubby cheeks until he heard murmuring behind them.
Of course. Even with his disguise, that were people whose were going to mutter, say bad things... he lost count on how many times Emika had been bullied because her quirk was similiar with the most cruel and wanted villain....
And much to his dismay, Emika didn't take that... very well.
"WHAT ARE YOU WHISPERING ABOUT?! LEAVE US ALONE!" the little girl shouted and the adults only scoffed, picking up their kids and getting out of the park.
"You're going to scare off anyone with that attitude of yours princess." He muttered while carresing her red hair and picking her up as she scoffed.
"They cant say bad things about MY dada!" He smiled at the little girl and sighed.
"Yeah yeah, just lets get out of here before you burn things down."
"Thats something you would do!" She poked his scarred cheek. "Ne ne dada? We gonna visit mama right? I want to bring flowers to her this time!"
His eyes dropped at the ground as his feet carried them to the cemetery...
"We can arrange that."
"Mama was so pretty!!!" Emika squealed as Spinner and Toga showed her some photos as Dabi stared holes into their skulls.
Is not that he didn't wanted his daughter to forget or to not know about her mother... but it was painfull enough to have a father as a villain, now being a mother orphan was just more harder.
Emika couldn't go to school without being recognized as Dabi's daughter. So he brought himself the task to teach her things , being thankfull to his past self that he had studied enough.
"Yeah and she was strong as fuck too according to your dad there." Spinner grinned, showing a picture of you pinning down a hero on the middle of the street.
"Emika-chan, despite not meeting (Y/n) you look so much like her!" Toga beamed with a smile, fangs showing and the little girl giggling when Dabi just yanked her away from the two.
"Naaaaaa dada no bed time!" She squirmed as he carried her to now the comfortable room the league gotten ever since the incident with Shigaraki and Redestro.
"Dont complain or else Im going to take away your toy." He grumbled as the girl gasped and pouted at him much like you would do.
"You wouldn't!" She defies him with a cheeky smile although while settling down on the bed she shared with him.
"Try me." He smirked with a atched eyebrow making her laugh.
Some time passed and Dabi watched as the eyelids of Emika slowly dropped until she called him softly.
"This place we are now... we gonna stay or are the bad man breaking it and we have to move again?" His heart clenched.. she still had the memories when the league had captured that blonde kid and the heroes busted the bar...
With her own view, she saw the villains as the good and normal people despite Toga being a crazy assasin that loved drinking blood, Shigaraki a men that only wanted to destriy the world, Twice a bipolar man and the list goes on...
Emika saw the villains as good people, and the heroes as bad ones... after all, after she found out on her own that her mother died not because of childbirth, but because of a hero that accidentally killed her with a much too strong attack... and only because she wanted to protect the baby on her arms at that time.
So much blood dropped from his eyes... some even dropping on your lifeless body and on the crying baby he soon noticed that thankfully was alive.
He would never forget whem he craddled the baby on his arms and sobbed deyly as his child wailed at not having the warmth of her mother anymore.
Things were tough until they found the league of villains and had at peast a place to crash.
Emika was now soudly asleep as he sighed and brushed his hair.
"When the heroes come to us... I will make sure yoi stay outta of the mess Emika. But you will not like to know the truth about our origins..." he muttered as a scarred hand brushed her bangs and smirked when she nuzzled on his hand... reminding him of how you would nuzzle on him on cold nights...
"Time to sleep off huh? The more we sleep, the pess we have to face the reality." He muttered before laying down and bringing her close to his chest.
"Dada..." she whimpered as fat tears fell feom her turquoise eyes as she tremblingly holded the box of paper towels, helping him clean off the blood from his stapples as he took a final look on the mirror, his white hair finally at show for the first time in so many years.
"Hey," he crouched down and made his best to not wince "I'm fine. Daddy is used to this by now and-"
"bUT I'M NOT!" she yelled and punched his chest with her tiny fist as he frowned and holded her as she sobbed on his chest.
"...Is it true..?" He looked down at the tuff of red hair on his chest "That uncle Twice is not coming back..? That.. T-That grandpa did this to you..m that we are from the family of E-Endeavour?"
He frowned and wiped her tears away as she holded his wrist while sobbing at the loss of Twice, whose always played and made silly faces with her on spare times.
"Yeah... Im sorry for not telling you... but I thought that... Me and your mother actually decided that Emika (L/n) was better than puttingnon a fake and... well, not right name on yours."
"... which hero... killed... mama..?" His heart stopped... should he reaally tell her? She was only a baby of five years.. five fucking years... he was already damaged by society, but her was just a little flower growing...
"Princess.. I-"
"Who?!" She sobbed as his eyes dropped, a heavy sigh as he dinally sit down on the edge of the sofa as he put his hand on his face as the other helped her sit on his lap.
"... your grandpa."
Emika cried heraelf to sleep that night. Wailing that she hated the heroes, that she hated Endeavour, that she hated him for not telling her the truth for so long, that she hated having fo be a Todoroki.
Each word was a spike to his chest as he tried and eventually succeed on calming her down enough, from harsh sobs and eails to soft sniffles and the rest of the tears she had to sheed.
He hugged her just a bit tighter that night as one drop of blood fell from his eyes.
"I thought I could do it (Y/n)... I fucking promised you... but... fuck." He bited his bottom scarred lips to contain a whimper "Everything is just the worst now... why did you have to be so goddamn stubborn and risk your life dammit..."
"Is your fourth bowl of ice cream ya know?" Dabi muttered from his place on the miserable yet comfy apartment you two shared as you stared back at him with a spoonfull of your favorite ice cream on hand close to your mouth.
"I have the right. I'm pregnant. Leave me be." You made a show of putting the spoon on your mouth and moaning out loud as Dabi shooked his head in dismay before taking a place on your side ofbthe couxh before you two cringed at the sounds of the old mobile almost creaking.
"We need to got money to find a new couch." You muttered horrified, just apmost ending all of your money on baby supplies and clothes.
"Or I can just steal one." He smirked at the slight slap you gave to him.
"And have shitty heroes coming our way later? Nu uh mister... maybe just rob a bank though." You muttered before both of you chuckled as you laid your head on his shoulder as he subconsciously placed his hand on the sweel of your stomach and felt a kick already.
"She is going to be a daddy's girl. Im so sure of it." You giggled as he arched an eyebrow.
"How cam you say this already? We dont even know if it is a girl of a boy doll."
"I know is a girl. I just know it. And she has already a favorite parent." You carresed your belly just besides where Dabi's hand was layed on.
"You're exaggerating." He chuckled as he felt another kick "They are going to be a nasty oen though, they kick alot."
"She kicks a lot when your nearby or talking to her. Just like I said, a daddy's girl." You smiled sweetly at him and he never felt so happy...
He looked at your lips for a second as you narrowed your eyes playfully at him before your lips almost touched-
He woke up with a hand tapping on his cheek and soon saw his daughter looking down at him with a pout.
"Can we go walk?" She almost whimpered as he could only stare and slowly nod as he caught his disguise and a very own for her.
She clunged to the black bunny plushie as she walked with pinks connected to him as he stated down at her in worry until she gasped at a convenience store.
"Dada! Snickers!" She pointed as he smiled at seeing a bit of bright on her eyes once again.
"How about we get some, eh?" She nodded with a small smile and soon followed her dad inside.
While she waited for Dabi to get the snacks and pay for them, for once, she gasped when a purple haired boy at the same age as her bumped accidentaly to her making her plushie drop.
"Hey!" She called out with tears on her eyes, being emotionally damaged enough for those past days.
"I'm sorry." The boy said immediatly, kneeling and grabbing the plushie to hand it to her "Its yours?" He tilted his head as Emika grabbed immediatly.
"Of course it was! It was with me until you bunped on me!" Emika slowly dropped her tone of voice at seeing how the purple haired boy seemed genuily sorry as he aproached and bowed once again.
"Sorry, I just am here to grab some medice and a chocolate for my mom and dad. They're both sick and they dont know i went out so I needed to hurry." He smiled as Emika soon dropped slowly her guard down as she muttered.
"Is okay... is just that bunny is speacial to me."
"I can see why. Your mama gave it to you right." Her turquoise eyes widened as she frowned her eyebrows at the boy.
"Kinda of..?" She clinged to the toy "Why do you that?"
He closed his eyes with a tiny giggle.
"Well, she told me as soon as you started to tear up. She is always by your side aparently." Emika eyes darkned and she let go of one hand of the plushie to heat up her hand.
"Say that one more time. I dare you. My mama is not here." She almost cried until the purple boy touched her forehead with two fingers and soon she was not more in the grocery store, but in a blank space.
"Geez, daddy did not spare you of curse words then?" She froze and looked behind her and saw the sane woman Dabi showed photos of and was compared whenever she was laughing or making a trick on others.
She froze for a bit before silently tears started to fall and she hiccupped for a bit before dropping her bunny and running to you as you hugged her tightly.
"Mama! I cant believe-! Is you-! I-I-" she hicupped as you wiped her tears with your thumb and let some of your own fall.
"You're take so much of your dada im so happy... My little girl is just so beautiful..." you whispered as she sobbed while wiping her tears with her sleeve.
"D-Dada!" She gasped before smiling widely and grabbing your sleeve "Dada needs to see this! Mama he misses you a lot he need to see yo-"
"Im sorry princess..." you grabbed her cheek softly "I wanted to see your daddy just as much, but I cant...." her face fell a bit but soon nodded while playing with your fingers and hair.
"Mama? Why did you do it?" You hummed as she looked up hesitantly "Why did youbleave dad? Why... you took.. Endeavour attack..?" She asked sadly as you furrowed your eyebrows but soon closed your eyes and smiled.
"Emika... the day you were born was the day I was gone as well... but when I saw your grandpa recognizing me as a villain and blasted an attack close to where you were... I just had to. I had to protect the feuit of love that me and your father made..." you smiled sadly as she sniffed.
"But you arent with us..." she almost sobbed until you made her look up.
"Emika... Im so sorry for the loneliness you had to endure... the pain... that was the only dowside of the decision I made. My swest little girl..." you cuppex her cheek and wiped a tear "Thank you for letting me be your mother, and Touya for being your father..."
You touched your forehead with her as she noticed your body was slowly turning to tiny hints of lights and fireflies.
"Mama..?" She looked at you crying softly as you kissed her forehead.
"Emika, evertime you see a star in the dark sky it will be me watching over you and your dada... and please understand one thing," you got away from her as your hair floated majestically "Dying for you, was a noble sacrifice I did for love..."
She widened her eyes as she grabbed your hands as you giggled at her expression.
"Say to dada Im watching him too, and that loving him were the happier moments I spend... I love him and always will...after all, he is my canolli, dead or not, okay?"
The littpe girl gasped and looked at the place she was, the grocery store and the boy from earlier retracting his hand with a unsure littpe smile.
"It was your quirk... you... you made me talk with my mama." She says outstruck as the boy giggled but soon gasped at looking the time.
"I have to go! But I hope we meet again." He ran to the door with the bags before looking one more time behind to her "Call me Akira! See you soon Emika-chan!"
She stood there in complete shook before brushing her fingers on the tingling spot you had kissed on her forehead before smiling widely and giggling before knocking her daddy's leg as he grunted.
"Emika what the-"
"Mama is watching us!" She bounced up and down as he atood with a 'what the fuck' expression.
"What the hell Emika?" He grabbed the packs and carried her as he walked on the street.
"Mama said your name is Touya dada! Which I found strange at first but anyway! She kissed my forehead! Hugged me and said how much she loves me and you and is watching us! She is a star dada! A star!!"
His eyes widened. Emika didn't hear his speech to Endeavour. Emika didn't know his real name was Touya instead of Dabi as the league called him... so she was not imagining neither making things up.
"..so you saw mama?" She giggled and nodded while boucing on his arms. "... did she say something else?" He asked hopefully and she smiled widely as much as you would do.
"She said loving you was the most happier she got! And that your are her canolli forever!"
His steps faltered and almost that he dropped his daughter as his eyes widened... only you knew that god for saken nickname you gaved to him...
"Dada?" His daughter words and hands on his cheeks made him ho back to reality as he saw the blood on his little girl's fingers and worried expression "Are you crying..? Dada?"
"Heh..." he wiped with one thumb the blood before smilling at her and continuing walking "Nah. Must be one of my staples..." he stared up as his daughter rested her face on his neck. "Mama is a star then?"
"Ya.." she yawned "Watching us... I bet she is that one." The little girl pointed at the shiniest star on the sku as Dabi smiled...
"Yeah... I also bet on that one."
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corysmiles · 3 years
This is full of nothing and fluff, so prepare lmao
After a while, they began organizing group dinners, where they would all meet up in the evening and eat together. It took a bit of convincing Tommy's parents, but they accepted more easily when they realized it was just between close friends. Wilbur was already living on his own so it was no problem and Phil always was a free spirit. 
And so, at least once a week, they met up at Techno's abode to spend the night together.
Tommy was elated to see all of the furniture now 10 times his size, and all the objects and decoration. "We're gonna have to try and play Hide and Seek, big man. Because this looks like the best fucking playground!" Wilbur, meanwhile, was looking in awe at the whole thing. It felt weird to be so not rightly scaled, but he got used to it soon enough.
Phil was the most surprising of all, due to the fact that he wasn't surprised at all. Even unbothered, in fact. Techno wondered if he was faking it to make him feel better, but everything seemed honest. For someone who claims to never have interacted with giants, he acted as if this was his everyday life. One day he wanted to ask him about that, but he figured those were not the time.
And so they would gather around, bringing each a part of the meal so they could enjoy together. 
Sometimes, techno would drink the potion and join them, other times, he would stay at his regular size and simply enjoy the conversation. It was fine like that, Techno liked it. And his friends didn't seem to mind so it was perfect. (Well, Phil kind of minded, but he was always like that whenever he as much as looked at the potion so that wasn't really anything to go by.)
But it was nice, Wilbur would even bring his guitar from time to time, noticing Techno had a violin. He hasn't touched the instrument in a while but seeing Wilbur play the guitar, it was very tempting. 
"You should try and play again, Techno! We could even make a duet! That would be fun"
"Maybe one day, yeah… but I would need to practice, it's been years."
"Well I don't know violin" Phil perked up "but I'm around Tommy almost everyday, so I'm used to bad sounds" he chuckled
"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN??"Tommy argued, baffled, which made the other three laugh. 
"But yeah, I think I'm gonna try to play again, it could be fun."
"How did you even get a violin this size? Are there giant shop owners ?"
Techno crackled at that "Na. I made it myself. Took a while, but I'm proud of the result."
Wilbur made an "ooohh" before returning to his meal with a smile. 
It was pretty quiet for a while, everyone enjoying the silence before Wilbur perked up again. 
"I'm wondering, are there giant animals? Like cows or chicken? How do you eat?" 
Phil's fork almost dropped on the plate and looked at Wil with wide eyes, while Tommy added "hey yeah! You never eat with us when you're all big, how come?"
Techno smirked a bit at the question, and his hand reached for a counter. "Actually" he said, grabbing and showing an object they knew all too well "This is why I brought the potion in the first place." 
Wilbur looked confused, but kept smiling, while Tommy exclaimed "wait, really?!?" 
He chuckled "yeah. If creatures like that exist, I never found any. So I started hunting and eating stuff at human size, so when the potion effects wears off, it's like I ate a meal my size. That's how it started, pretty funny when you think about it."
Wilbur laughed a bit "yeah, who would've thought it would lead to this."
"Not me, that's for sure" techno confirmed.
The rest of the meal was spent in comfortable silence. Yet he could feel another question lingered in the brunette's tongue. Carefully, he bopped his hair with one of his fingers, and ruffled his hair gently, which made Wilbur laugh. It wasn't holding yet, but he was getting better at the whole contact thing. "What's stuck in that head of yours, Wilbur?" 
The other continued to laugh a bit even after techno stopped, and he sheepishly smiled. "Well, I have a question, but it might come off as very rude, so I don't know if I should ask."
Phil turned to Wilbur, with an almost scolding glare "wilbur, don-" 
"It's alright, Phil." He lifted a hand before turning his gaze towards Wilbur "ask away."
"Well… About the, hm… myths. Is that… is any of it true?" He finally said, clearly trying to word it inoffensively. 
It was vague enough that Tommy didn't know what he was talking about, and Phil stayed silent, though his brows furrowed. 
Techno bore a small, earnest smile. There was something that could be mistaken for sadness, but it wasn’t quite. 
"Maybe a long time ago, but not that I know of. Giants heard of it too, but from tales and legends taking place so long ago the line between fiction and reality is a huge blur." he couldn't blame Wilbur for his curiosity, and he was surprised the question didn't even make him nervous. He was glad. Very glad. 
"And I didn't meet a lot of giants in my lifetime, but none of them did it, so yeah. Maybe it was true at one point, but I think if it still was, humans would clearly be aware of it."
Wilbur hummed, satisfied with the answer. He took another bite of his meal "yeah, I mean to us, it's only a myth, so it makes sense. Thanks." 
"No problem?" Techno had an amused smile on his face. Wilbur was a weird one sometimes, asking the weirdest or scariest things with only a childish smile on his face. 
Tommy turned to look at wilbur, then technoblade, then wilbur again, before speaking “What the fuck are you two talking abou-”
“Nothing” They hummed in unison. 
Eventually, the night fell completely and it was time for the humans to go home. They waved goodbye and walked toward the exit, but before they walked through the door, Wilbur turned around sharply and prompted "Can I sleep at your house tonight?" 
Techno, phil and tommy were all taken aback. "You can go home if you want" he reassured the two blonds "I just really like Techno's house." 
"Uhh" techno hesitated. It's not like Wilbur was in any danger, he was careful not to fall from heights… and he would be dead sooner than letting his friends get hurt. 
"You don't have to, if you would rather sleep alone" the brunette was quick to add once he saw the small tension in Techno's stance.
"I think it'd be fine. I spent nights at your house after all, it's only fair. Yeah, you can stay." Techno settled on, earning another bright smile from the human. 
After a couple of minutes, it was just the two of them. It was a bit awkward, seeing as it was the first time Techno was at real size on a one on one. But Wilbur didn't seem to see it that way, enjoying the view. 
"Want me to join you down there?" He asked. 
"Nope! You don't have to worry about a thing!" Wilbur simply replied, grabbing on a drawer handle and slowly making his way up. Techno was quick to put his hand below in case he fell.
"You could have warned me!" Techno complained, to which the other simply laughed a quick "sorry". Not stopping at all. 
After almost falling only twice (and techno almost getting a heart attack two times), Wilbur made it onto a safe platform. The two sighed,one from exhaustion, the other from relief. And he laughed again.
"Tommy wasn't lying. This house really is an amazing playground." He stated, earning a snort from Techno.
"Did you want to stay at my house so you could play with the room without any remark?" He asked, amused. 
"Maybe" Wilbur admitted. “But I also like to spend some time with you. You’re always a comforting presence.” 
"Pff, yeah, right." Techno tried to ignore the warmth coming for his cheeks and ears. “You’re just saying that so I help you with something.” 
“No, no, I mean it, techno. You’re a good friend.” And when he turned to meet the human’s face, it was a simple, honest smile. They stared at each other for a moment, unspoken words being said. Unspoken promises being made. 
Techno stared at his friend’s eyes and saw: not fear. Not méfiance, not worry. His eyes were full of acceptance. Filled with joy and curiosity and wonder. It was the first time he had ever seen such an expression, and yet this look was dedicated to him. Wilbur had waited for them to be in absolute intimacy to offer him this moment.
A good friend.
Techno laughed. Quietly at first, but it grew and grew until the sounds filled the whole room. Wilbur could probably feel the vibration through his whole body but he couldn’t stop. The brunette soon joined in and happiness filled the entire room for god knows how long. Maybe it was two minutes, maybe it was an hour. 
The laughters quieted down eventually, and Techno noticed the fond way Wilbur looked at him. The warmth quickly reached his whole face as he failed to keep a neutral expression. He coughed to wash away his awkwardness. “What- what with that face?” 
"Nothing. It's just nice to see you less restrained." Wilbur smiled "you're always so careful when we're all together." 
"Well, I have to be careful around humans." He hummed, pointing a finger at his friend "you're so small."
"Eh. You couldn't bruise us even if you tried" wilbur shrugged off. "But it's nice! We should do this more often if that means I get to hear your laugh like that more."
Techno cursed himself for the smile that wouldn't wear off. 
"Yeah… maybe we should."
-Written by @melissa-s23 please send them love!!! I love the fluff so much
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crashdevlin · 3 years
Another Second Chance 18- Therapy
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Another Second Chance Masterlist, Happily Ever Eventually Masterlist
Author’s Note: The final (hopefully) installment of the Happily Ever Eventually RPF series.
Summary: Y/n finds herself a new house and Misha is determined to make it a huge project.
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Word count: 2993
Story Warnings: past cheating, mentions of FFM threesome, not much in this one
“It’s pretty, right?” I ask, looking around the open concept of the first floor of this $350,000 house.
“Kitchen’s kinda outdated,” Jensen says, pointing at the fridge. “I mean, that fridge has gotta be from when you were in high school.”
“I could buy new appliances, Jay. Get a natural gas stove set up. Install some cabinet pulls, because I’m not a really big fan of this whole lack of elements.” I gesture at the cabinets. “Probably stain it a little darker to go against the flooring. But it’s pretty, right?”
Jay smiles. “Yeah. It’s pretty...and it’s about twice as big as the one you’ve been living in. Which is what you need.”
“Yeah. Walk-in closet in the master, too. It’ll be a good place to put the security hub.”
“Or you could put the security hub in the closet in the den and put your clothes in the master closet,” Jay suggests, grumpy old man in his tone. "And if you're gonna update the kitchen, you gotta update the bathrooms. Get one of those-"
"I am not getting an automatic toilet!" I laugh. "No one needs that!"
"Of course no one needs it but it's freakin' awesome!"
"Okay, Dean," I tease.
"Dean would agree with me. Automatic toilet, with the bidet and the-"
"Dean Winchester would break an automatic toilet and then complain that it's a damn computer which means he can't fix it without help."
Jay laughs. "He'd still think it was cool."
"He'd be down for the heated seat. I will give you that much."
He smiles as he looks around. "So...are we looking at your new digs or what?"
I bite my bottom lip and run my hand over the granite countertop. “Shouldn’t I ask Nova's opinion? It's gonna be her home, too."
"She's a teenager. As long as she's got her own room, I'm sure she's gonna be fine." He sets his hands on my shoulders and smiles. "But you can show her pictures or bring her by before you sit down with the realtor."
I nod and smile. "It's in the right school district and a bigger room for her and for Mav and the bonus room can be an office. I really think it's the place."
"Then get it," he encourages. "Get it, Baby Girl. We can make it perfect. I'm no stranger to a little reno."
"Please," I start, laughing. "A contractor did the work on your old place. Shush."
He looks a little offended. "I helped. I painted. I installed the sink in the half bath off the kitchen."
"Fine. You can stain these cabinets for me." I wink and step away from him. I'm gonna get this house. "Come on." I walk to the foyer where the realtor is waiting and I smile at him. "Can I put in an offer now or should I wait a few hours?" He smiles brighter than the sun.
"You can make an offer anytime, Miss."
Miss. Still young enough to get 'miss'. "Good. Let's do this."
"Four bedroom, 2 and a half bath, 3200 square feet with an office next to the master bed. It needs some updating and work...had a contractor quote me $60,000 but that's not bad...covers new appliances, too."
"I could come down and help," Misha offers. "You know, a lot of that stuff you can DIY and I can help with most of it."
"You don't have to do that, Meesh."
"Why would I let you spend that much money on something I could help you with for a fraction of the cost?"
"Misha, you really don’t-"
"I'm not letting you tell me 'no' on this. We'll get together some manpower and get this done for you."
He's really not going to let me say 'no'. "Okay. Well, it's going to be several weeks before the paperwork is finished and all that. I'll let you know when it's mine."
"Good. I'll start looking at HGTV.com." Damn it, Misha. Don't be so extra. "And send me pictures and a floorplan so I know what I'm working with."
"Yeah, okay." Really no point in arguing. It's Misha. If I don't send him pics and a copy of the floorplan, he'll just find the house and get them himself off the internet. "I'll send it to you after my appointment tomorrow, okay?"
"Sounds good. Talk to you then."
"Bye, Meesh." I hang up and sigh. He's gonna make it this whole thing, isn't he?
His house in Washington did come out amazing, though, so he does have some skills that will help in this. Eh, why not? Why not get together with my best friend and make my new home my own?
"So, I get to see this house eventually, right?" Nova says, walking into the living room.
I smile. "Come see all these pretty pictures I took and we can speculate on what craziness Misha is gonna come up with." I pat the couch next to me and she comes over. "This is the view from the street." I start showing her the pictures and she claims a room before I've even finished the digital tour.
"Oh, and you're gonna paint the exterior, right? Like, it's pretty but it's yellow. You're gonna fix that, right?"
"Oh, I'm sure Misha isn't going to let me move into another drab house. You weren’t here the first time he showed up at this house but he had opinions about all of it. I didn't let him talk me into reno last time but this time...I don’t know...maybe this will be the forever home so…"
"It's gotta be custom!" Nova exclaims.
"Can I paint my walls custom? Or get custom wallpaper done? I know that a lot of people don't like wallpaper but I've seen a few places that got it right and-"
"Yeah, baby, of course. We'll figure out something awesome for your walls." I kiss her forehead. We'll do whatever she wants for her room.
I love when she's happy.
It's been a while since I've been in Dr. McCauliffe's office. Life has been in the way...and I guess I didn’t want her to judge me for my involvement with Jensen...which is ridiculous because she's my therapist. She's not going to judge me.
"So." She taps her pen against her clipboard. "What's new?"
"Well...I have been dating Jensen again. I know you saw that in the news."
"I saw it on Mr. Collins' Instagram, actually," she says with a smile.
"Right. The video. Forgot about it for a minute. Um, yeah, like I said in the video and Jensen said in his...spark's still there, we're giving it another chance."
"How's that feel?"
I bite my bottom lip. "Scary as Hell, honestly. I mean, but it's good. I've done pretty good with boundaries and moving slowly. You know, before...we jumped in head first and everything was this intense passion right out of the gate but this time…" I shrug. "I don't know. Maybe we've grown up, or grown old, but…"
"Have you slept with him?" she asks and it's because she knows that sex was a big issue when I was with him before. Sex was all we were supposed to be in the beginning and sex ruined us in the end. I know why she's asking but there's this...well, it's a bit intrusive, isn't it? It seems like she's judging me for being sexually active and I know that's not what it is but my whole spine goes tense when she asks.
"Yes. We dated for about a month before we started getting physical again."
“And how has that been? I don’t need details, of course, but...emotionally, how has it been to be intimate with Jensen again?”
How to answer that?
Really, how am I supposed to answer that? It’s the best sex I’ve ever had, emotionally fullfilling in a romance-novel sort of way. It’s perfect but it does have its scary moments. “Well, we’ve only actually...slept together a couple times this time. His libido is a lot less than it was. I mean, he didn’t have sex the entire time we were broken up, can you believe that?”
Dr. McCauliffe adjusts her glasses and shrugs a little. “I do not. Five years is a long time to go without sex...but you seem to believe it. That’s what matters.”
I never even questioned it. Should I have? No, because he’s been so honest about everything else. “I went years and years without sex after Nate. I believe Jensen did the same after me. He had a lot going on. He was in recovery for alcoholism. He had to be a good father and work on his career and-”
“You just got very defensive, very quickly. Why is that?”
Fuck, I don’t know. I run my hand over my mouth and shrug. “I don’t know,” I respond honestly.
“Analyze it, Y/n. Why would you get so defensive over my disbelief in what Jensen told you?”
“Because I didn’t question it,” I answer after a moment. “Because he told me that the last time he had sex, real full-penetrative sex, was the time that broke us and I didn’t really question it. I took it at face value because we’ve been doing very good about honesty with each other and what if that’s stupid? What if I’m stupid because maybe he’s lying about it and keeping stuff from me and-”
“You said he’s been very good about honesty so far, right?”
I nod. “Yeah. He’s...he admitted to stuff that I never thought he’d admit to and he apologized for stuff and he’s been open about what happened and why. He’s even been honest about little things that he would have lied about before...like I told him about Will and he Googled him. Used to be, he’d keep that kind of thing to himself, never tell me, but he admitted it without even prompting.” I chew on my bottom lip as she starts scribbling on her notes. “I believe him. It might be stupid but I believe him.”
She sets her clipboard in her lap and smiles at me. “It’s not stupid...and he’s likely changed enough that honesty is important to him. You’ve told me that his recovery has changed him. Jared’s told me the same. Now, it’s a bit hard for me to believe that he’s changed so much in the last five years that he would have abstained from sex since the last time he was with you, but...I don’t know the man, do I? You do. Jared does. If you believe him, then don’t let me change your mind.”
“I believe him. You didn’t see the way he looked at me the first time we...‘Reverent’ is the best word for it.”
“What do you think that means for you?”
I scoot back, leaning against the back of the couch. “I think he’s finally got Danneel out of his head.”
“Do you?” she asks and I hate when she asks things I don’t want to answer. “Danneel was a major roadblock in your relationship before, wasn’t she?”
“You know she was. I was so focused on giving Jensen what he wanted...Danneel...that I couldn’t see that I was what he was supposed to be wanting. I wanted to be like her, couldn’t appreciate myself. I know this stuff, Doctor.” I shift on the couch and sigh. “I don’t wanna be Danneel and I don’t want Jensen to be with her. I want Jensen to be with me...I want him to want to be with only me.” I shrug. “Seems like that’s where we are. He doesn’t even talk to her anymore. I talked to her the other day and she didn’t even know why he doesn’t talk to her anymore.”
“You talked to Danneel again?”
“Yeah. We ran into each other at a shop while I was getting Nova a new dress. It...didn’t go well. Nova was very combative with Danneel. I ended up having to...be very honest with my daughter. She knows about everything now...even the night with Danneel.”
“Oh? How’d that talk go?”
“It was...it was good to get it off my chest, actually. It was like the conversation where I told her about, about why her father and I got divorced. It’s like...It was a hard conversation but it was an important one. I don’t have to...hide things anymore and that’s a blessing. She understands why I make the decisions I make now...she understands...the betrayal was a lot deeper than she even knew. She understands that now and...maybe it’ll make us closer, but at least she knows the truth now.”
“And she’s living with you now, right?” I nod. “How did that happen? Nathan doesn’t seem the type to just allow her to do what she wants.”
I snort. “He’s definitely not, but...he fucked up with Jenny, blew up his marriage. I’m actually surprised it took her this long to realize that he was cheating on her, but whatever. Um...Nova didn’t want to be there for the destruction of his way of life and she asked if she could come to Texas. I convinced him to let her come because she didn’t need to see the parade of his affairs that Jenny would bring up. I then used those women to convince him not to fight me on custody when I refiled. It was…” I scratch at my cheek. “It was a low move, but it’s exactly the kind of move he pulled on me, convincing the judge that I was too unstable to care for her. I don’t feel bad about it, especially since she wants to be here.”
“That’s a big change...on top of other big changes.”
“Yep...and there’s more coming. Because I need more room since Nova is living with me, there will be a new home in my future."
"A new home? That's exciting."
"It is. And I am more excited about it than I am scared so that says something."
"I remember how anxious you were about your first house. I remember all the security options you went through."
"Well, security had to be heavy. I had to think about Tom and his crazy-ass fans and the crazier of Jensen’s fans and the paps. There was that one photographer in Vancouver that climbed the balcony outside the condo to get pics of me and Jay, remember?" I shiver at the memory of looking out the French doors to see a man with his camera, snapping away. So intrusive. "I'm gonna have to put up a privacy fence and a coded gate at the new place, too...and, of course, all the security cameras."
"Sounds like a big project."
"Yeah. Definitely. Not even half of it, though. Misha wants to DIY everything."
"Misha isn't your husband, Y/n," Dr. McCauliffe reminds me and I laugh.
"I think he forgets that sometimes. But there's not a lot of use in arguing with him. He's...well, he's right a lot. Like, most of the time, I mean. So, I always cave to him."
"Do you want to do a big DIY project at this new house?"
"Not at first, I didn't but...I dunno. Might be fun. I've never gotten to do that kind of project and knowing Misha, he's gonna make it fun even if it is hard work."
"Well, as long as you can maintain your work as well as this project. How is that coming along?"
"Really good, actually. We started shooting not too long ago...and I hadn't even considered that this project might be detrimental to Midsummer. I'll have to make sure that Misha knows that Midsummer comes first."
"Well, it seems like you've got things under control."
"Yeah? I was afraid you'd tell me I was...going too fast or…"
"Do you think that? You were telling me that you'd done well with boundaries and keeping things-"
"Well, I have! I mean, Jensen was talking about moving in together already and I shut that down and decided to get a bigger place...my own bigger place."
"Jensen wanted to move in with you?" She writes down something on her notes. "And you said 'no'?"
"I said 'no'," I confirm. "I was really proud of myself, Doc. Nova was proud of me, too, actually. Which was...it was interesting and new. I don’t know that she's ever been proud of me for anything and I know that it's supposed to be the other way, where I'm proud of her and I am, of course but Nova being proud of me setting these boundaries and sticking to them...it gives me hope that she'll be able to do the same in her own life, you know?"
"There's nothing wrong with feeling happy that you made your daughter proud and there's nothing wrong with hoping she's going to make different mistakes than you. She's going to do well in life if you keep making the best choices for the both of you." She sets her clipboard on her desk and smiles. "I'm proud of you, too, by the way. Six years ago, you would have jumped at living with Jensen."
"Six years ago, I did."
We finish out our session with a promise to not go so long without seeing her next time. "Mental health is about the maintenance," she reminds me as she opens her office door and walks me to the reception desk. I agree and set an appointment for six weeks out. I call Misha as I start my car, intending to tell him that Midsummer comes before the house project. I haven't even gotten a 'hello' out of my mouth when he speaks.
"I saw the pictures you sent. I have so many ideas!"
The Kitchen Sink - @emoryhemsworth @flamencodiva @wasabiwitteks @rainbowkisses31 @rissbennett @mariekoukie6661 @officiallyunofficialperson @dolphincliffs @mrs-meghan-winchester @gayspacenerd @foxyjwls007 @ilovefanfic86 @marvelfansworld @f-yeahfandoms @wonderlandfandomkingdom @hhiggs @sev3nruby @hobby27 @paintballkid711 @divadinag @thewhiterabbit42 @fantasymyth-1 @queenoftheunderdark @cosicas-cuquis @superfanficnatural @letsby @supernatural-bellawinchester @onethirstyunicorn @swinchester27 @chalicia @screechingartisancashbailiff @death-unbecomes-you @dayasvalkyrie @paryl @wereallbrokenangels @the-american-witch @that-one-gay-girl @tatted-trina6 @sunshineandwings86 @lunarmoon8 @wheezyeds @vicmc624 @couldabeenamermaid @vulgar-library
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xsugarysweetsx · 3 years
𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 7
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A/N: Yes it has been slow and I am so sorry about that but I hope you all enjoy the chapter!
Warnings; some language; suggestive themes (kinda in a way); fluff; tension; relationship???; minor angst; tiny argument; nee character 👀;
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"It's cold you should come inside" you hear a voice approach you. It was pretty nice outside that morning, so you decided to sit on the porch for a bit and just think things over. You've been here for almost 3 and a half months already, you've been attacked and people got hurt. It was safe to say you felt the guilt, even though Erwin had woken up and Hanji was still herself as usual and held both held no resentment towards you. They keep telling you it was something you cannot control, and therefore not your fault.
It has been about three days since the incident happened. You remember having countless nightmares where Levi had to come and call me down. You endlessly apologized to everyone in the home, for bringing such a mess. you had spent nights losing sleep, afraid that Zeke may return. luckily during those late nights, you have someone stay up with, and talk with. sometimes he would bring you tea, and how do you smuggle in close to him. The faint smell of his detergent and lemon still lingered in your nose as you drifted into sleep.
"I'm okay...you should get sleep though.." you offer looking back at him. Luckily the porch was covered by a roof so he comes to sit behind you. You didn't know what you two were, you kissed and you feel the attraction--but what were you? would he consider?
"It's not your fault," he said calmly wrapping his arms around your shoulders as you sat between his legs. "you sound nostalgic when you're thinking a lot"
Even though it has been a short time he's picked up a few things from you. How you react, what you'd pick, and even little behaviors, the same thing went for Levi. You knew he liked his space to be clean, tea was calming for him, he kept to himself but there was more on his mind than anyone.
“I just can't help but think....something worse could have happened..." you admit feeling your heart sink slightly
"Hey..." he turned your head to face him "nothing was your fault. You did as you were told and we were caught off guard." he pecked your lips trying to bring peace to your mind.
"...what are we?" you ask with genuine wonder
"Well...whatever you want it to be," he says "A kiss can be more than that or a kiss can just be a kiss," he explained with another peck to your lips it felt a bit loner this time.
"oooo someone is getting all romantic out here~~" a third voice joined making Levi groan. Now that he was affectionate towards you more Hanji loved to tease him
"Aren't you busy with research four eyes?" he asked her standing him and helping you up.
"Well, we've all been under a lot of stress lately and I thought maybe...we should go out" she offered with a hopeful look "We've got a nice swimming spot"
"Really? In the daytime?" you ask
"Oh, we have our ways" she winked "there's a small path through the forest with enough shade for us, and it's going to be cloudy today. Along with that, the swimming spot is in a cave so sunlight won't be a problem"
"Well, that's fortunate huh?" you perked up "I don't have a swimsuit though" you point out "Don't worry I think I have an extra you can try" Hanji offered "Everyone, get ready! We've got a swim day today!" She announced to make sure everyone could hear. It looked like you were taking a day off today. You turn to Levi and take his hand 
“I hope you can swim” you tease with a smile 
“Hm, we’ll see about swimming,” he said walking with you inside.
To get ready, he didn’t need sunscreen for obvious reasons. He got changed and threw on a white t-shirt and his swim trunks, and his shoes with some towels. He wasn’t that convinced to just go out after that night, but at the same time, some stress-free time was needed. Also, it was time to spend with you now. You were just amazing to be around and to know you had felt the same way he did. 
You made him feel like he was worth something again. Maybe it was because you had been around each other for some time now but, he did feel the connection. You balanced him out like the day and night, like warmth and cold. If he had to give his life to protect you. Walking out of his room he could hear Hanji squealing from your room. As he approached he hears
“Y/N when he sees you he won’t be able to keep his hands off you!“ she said in a high pitch 
“Hanji! I don’t look that good“
“Oh come on! As soon as he sees you he’s going to get a har-Levi! Look how well this fit her!“ Levi stopped and looked at what you were wearing. It was a black two-piece with a high-waist bottom. You hugged you perfectly with each curve, and dip in your body. He could feel his cheeks heat up with blush, which wasn’t common 
“Y-you look...nice..“ he said looking away in the other direction. “Anyway are we ready to go?“ he asked holding up his bag
“Sure are! Molbit and Erwin should be waiting downstairs“ Hanji smiled picking up her bag that seemed to weigh more than she did. As she waddled down the hallway excited to get to their location.
“Well she seems excited, “ you said coming to his side 
“It has been a while since we’ve all been out to have some fun since the whole Zeke thing happened, “ he said taking your bag in his hand and walking along with you 
“Well, I think you all deserve it. Some time to relax and unwind...don’t ya think“ you said bringing your hand into the crook of his elbow 
“Yeah...I think you’re right“
The walk along the forest was nice, there was a passage with hundreds of trees. The branches creating the perfect passage for everyone to walk and enjoy. You walked hand in hand with Levi, it was nice almost like your first date together. While looking at your surround you take in a deep breath, almost like you had forgotten what was going on. The breeze was fresh and crisp and clear.
“Hange, we almost there? I don’t remember it being this far away“ Levi asked after about 16 more minutes of walking. 
“Yeah, yeah grampa, just a little more and the cave should be just ahead“
“Huh, I’m not that old-“
“What do you mean well?“ he pushed on to hear your answer 
“Well...you’re 100 years older than I am so...uh...“ this caused laughter and giggles to erupt from the group. You thought you even saw a smile on Levi’s face. 
“Oh! We’re here!“ Hanji shouted as she ran over still waddling due to the weight of her bag.
She made her way to a regular-sized entrance, about the size of a garage. Moving the vines aside you look inside to find a much larger cave. It was like nothing you had ever seen! A pool filled with fresh water, it was clean, with icicle-like rocks hanging from the top. There was even a few small holes in the roof of the cave letting in some light. The light hit the pool at just the right angle to give it a magic glow
“Wow...“ was all you could muster up
“It’s nice isn’t it?“ Molbit saying putting down more of Hanji’s stuff “We used to come here every other week with everyone until...things took a turn. Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t properly introduce myself“ he held out his hand for you to take “I’m Molbit Berner.“
“Y/F/N, so how old are you?“
“I’m 127 actually“ oh, so he was a younger one...well in this group at least
"Well, let's get on the water then!" Hanji's voice echoes into the cave as she dives into the water. She had said something about a pocket of air in the pool and want to discover it. She had some scuba gear which she claimed to have bought. From the groan, Molbit made you could tell there were some holes in that story.
Everyone strips from their shirts and such, and into their swimwear. You do the same and feel a pair of eyes on you you turn around only to see Levi whip his head the other way. you were about to tease him when your eyes had caught a view. It's a miracle you didn't have a nose bleed.
This man was built like a god! For as short as a statue or was, he made up for it in different ways. You always knew he was strong but wow was he built. You would hear him working out in the morning, but you didn't think you'd have the guts to peek while he did. pretend as if it didn't faze you, and made your way to the water. The water was a bit chilly, but it was expected since it was the morning.
You decided to rush in until it was up to your waist, not wanting to extend the cold feeling. You swim out a bit more to rest your back against the edge of the pool
"Whoa look at Levi getting in the water so soon," Erwin chuckled "trying to impress a certain lady I see?"
"Shut it eyebrows" Levi flipped him off as he swam towards you with a light blush. "uh..hey," he said slightly bashful
"Hey, Levi.... aren't you cold?" You said trying not to seem awkward while a shiver ran up your spine.
"Eh, I can deal with it, I actually know a trick to get used to the cold water" he offered
"Really?" you ask
"You trust me?" he asks back, he receives a nod and moves closer to you. His arms come around your waist and pull your flush against him. Your legs tangling and swimming together "all right then."
He dunks you both under the water, the water encasing your bodies. You come back up and you gasp as a rare chuckle escaped his lips. Still holding your close his warmth contrasting with the coolness of the water
"Feel better?" he asked
"Oh haha, mister" you smile pushing him down underwater again. You had never seen him this playful. You giggle as you swim through the water trying to get away from him. You could feel his hands grazing your legs as your start to reach the shore of the pool on the other side. He eventually catches you causing you both to fall to the ground, with him over you. You were panting but still giggling. His hand comes up to brush away some hair from your face
"You're fucking gorgeous..." he whispered inching closer to your face. Small drops of water falling from his hair and to your face. You feel your eyes droop as the tension grows stronger. With a single swoop, he captures your lips in a kiss. It was loving and passionate but also gentle. Your arms droop over his shoulders and your fingers tangle in his hair, bringing him deeper into the kiss.
Sometimes you thought this was just a dream. Being targeted by a vampire, eventually falling in love with another one, and now, here you are. Sometimes you pinch yourself to make sure that you were awake, and 99% of the time you were awake. Either where you weren't complaining. Just as the kids started to get heated up, you felt something sharp against your lower lip. It must have been his fangs, damn. He pulls you up with him as he sits back and has you sit in his lap
"Levi...Erwin is still there" you shy away into his shoulder
"Damn eyebrows is probably asleep, he can't see us" he kisses your shoulder with a tight hug "But we can stop if you want."
"No, this is nice, and if he can't see us it's fine" you shrug your shoulders
"Listen I won't do anything while we're here" he warned you making your chuckle
Coming up you rest your forehead on his and lay a quick peck onto his nose. It feels almost as if you had known him for so long in so little time, He made you feel something strange, something foreign yet something you wanted to feel.
"I'm sorry" you hear him break the silence
"For what?"
"..for being a monster. You deserve so much in this world, I don't think I deserve to be with you. I-"
"Who was the one who almost killed me?" you interrupt him
"And who saved me, each time?" you ask again
"Me..." he whispered
"You" you cup his face "We may be from two different worlds but when our worlds collide, I feel something I've never felt before. Like, you're the one..maybe I'm jumping too far ahead but *sigh* you just make me go all blah!" you say hiding your face into your hands, why were feelings so hard to explain?
“I hope I’ll be the only one to make you feel that way.“ he said bringing his hands to your hips 
“Awh, Levi’s being soft with me“ you tease him “Come on they’ll start thinking we’ve run off to do things~, “ you said bouncing your eyebrows. Taking his hand he stands up with you and back into the water. Levi has you rest on his back as he swims back to your original spot. Hanji was back from her small trip
“Hey you two, did you get some steamy time in?“ Hanji bounced her eyebrows with a smirk 
“Did you find hit your head while looking for that pocket?“ he shoots back coming to a stop near the edge. 
“Very funny Levi, but no. There was no pocket it just leads out of the cave into a stream. Oh well, at least we got out of the house for once“
Coming out of the pool Levi grabs a towel for you and him. He puts one over your shoulders and begins to dry off his hair. Looking outside he still causes us to, the time, and what was around you guys. Even though this is supposed to be a time of rest, he could never let his guard down. Not after what happened. 
“It’s just about sundown we should head back“ everyone nodded in agreement packing up their things. Levi gives you an extra sweater to keep you warm. The walk was a bit cooler at night but still enjoyable. Sometimes it seemed you forgot about your city life. Your job, bills, money....your friends and oh god Mochi. You missed seeing him every morning. Luckily you stayed in touch with Sasha in which she sent pics of him every day.
You made sure to check on her and thank her for everything she’s been through with you. You promised her to make things up to her as soon as you could. Maybe you’ll take her to an all-you-can-eat buffet. Making it to the house the moon was full and at its highest peak. Walking inside Levi stumbles a bit making you worry 
“Whoa are you okay?“ he takes your hand to regain his balance ”you look exhausted.“
“Just fine. Go to bed I need to get something“ the way he said 
“Maybe I should go with you.“ you offer 
“No Y/N.“ Erwin got in “You should go to bed. He’ll be fine“ with a worried expression you look at all four of them and nod your head 
“O-okay then....goodnight“ walking to your room you couldn’t help but worry more for him. Walking inside you change out of your clothes and into some sweats and an oversize t-shirt. You laid in bed for bout an hour but you only tossed and turned, not able to get sleep. Something was gnawing at you to check on Levi. Getting up from the bed you peer into the hallway, everything seemed fine so you make your way outside. 
You were going to the kitchen first until you heard cursing coming from Levi’s room. Walking carefully you stay outside the room as you listen in 
“fuck...I can’t stop thinking about her...“ at first you had thought he may have been talking about the woman he was once with but then he said “I can’t put Y/N in that position. Damn it.....I know you’re there. I can smell you.“
You walk in shyly as you were caught spying in on him. He was slouched in his chair as he looked out the window, gazing into the sky. He looked so lonely and hurt.
“H-hey Levi, are you okay? You don’t-“
“You shouldn’t be here...“ he cut you off “I’m not like you Y/N...maybe you should just leave that way you’ll be safer.“
“Levi, what are you talking about? I can’t leave or Zeke might come for me, or he can come for you guys!“
“Out of town then! Another city, hell out of the country!“ he snapped his head towards you making you surprised at his attitude. “Far from Zeke and me.“
“Levi, what the hell has gotten into you? We had an amazing day today, come on talk to me“ you said coming closer to him only for your breath to gitch as he quickly pinned you to his bed.
"Don't you get it?! I'm a monster! A monster who can't get you out of my head!" he now admits "I want to have you for myself and no one else but...but you need better." he confesses as he lets you go and plopped down next to you on the mattress. Standing up you walk in front of him.
"Levi, look at me," you say gently taking his chin and tilting it upwards look at you "you are not a monster. And if you are one, you wouldn't have helped me, and I probably would have been with Zeke right now"
Straddling his love you bring your arms around his neck into a warm embrace. His arms come up hesitantly around your waist and pull you even closer. His lips pressed into the crook of your neck, nothing too intimate but something loving. he loved the way your fingers would play with the hairs at the end of his neck. How they would massage the skin ever so gently. For someone like him to have been cursed with immortality, how lucky could he have been to meet you within his lifetime?
He moves further back onto his bed until you're both laying down facing each other "Y/N?" he said in a quiet voice
"Yeah Levi?"
"I'm going to end that bastard if it's the last thing I do." he brings your head to rest in his chest as if shooting you from the world around you "I swear it on my life"
"So just what makes you so sure you're fit for this?" Zeke interrogated the young man who sat with him at the booth of a bar "After all you were just some rando around the neighborhood. Next thing you know you're asking to join me. Why is that?"
Leaning forward his face comes into the light. His chestnut hair casting a shadow over his face that held a grim expression
"Let's just say, I have an interest in our precious little Y/N. Along with a grudge."
"And your name?" he said puffing out a cloud of smoke
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Taglist: @mysteriousmagicx @kameko-ko @jin-mowi @mystic-starlove @chronic-claire-universe​ @shrimp1026​ @wildspeciallavender @captainchrisstan @givemea-dam-break @actual-trash-goblin @leiaausmus @sugarysweets-appreciation-blog @levisfilm @outcast-thingz @leviiiiiiiii @dilirx @super-peace-fangirl @ultimateelitepenguin @happygalaxymilkshake @lola2001 @sillykawa @queenofcurse @fanfictionreaderholic @notgoodforlife @deludedimagines @xcityretro @chocolatrchip @cyrxlleee @carley-chan
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ramblingtomcat · 2 years
I need to vent a little bit. Lately I have seen this "trend" (well it's not really a trend I think but I've seen it a bit lately) where nonbinary people would say that if you have a cishet partner as a nonbinary person, that partner just sees you as your agab. And I find it very problematic, potentially harmful to say.
Because. Yeah. If your partner after you came out was like 'eh I don't care' and ignores your preferred pronouns and feelings - that doesn't sound healthy.
But to police somebody to label themselves differently after you coming out? I don't think it's that easy. Identity is something very personal and you shouldn't pressure someone to come out as something they don't know if they are now.
Sexuality is fluid. Gender Identity can be fluid too. I hate it that people get so judgy and dismissive of nonbinary people in relationships with straight people. Nonbinary people in "straight" relationships exist and not all of them are abusive or not respectful or not loving.
And all those people telling nonbinary people who say they're happy in their straight relationships that they're lying to themselves - are just fucking frustrating to deal with.
It comes off as super infantilizing, condescending and rude. You don't know shit about those relationships. And even if they were lying to themselves about being happy in that relationship it's just cruel to point out. As if you'd tell a bi person that "no worries, you'll eventually see that you're actually gay".
I read a comment that really resonated to me and it was along the lines of "this makes me more dysphoric than my straight boyfriend could ever make me".
And it's true. Implying your loved one might not love you for who you are just because they still consider themselves straight - it feels awful. And my partner isn't even heterosexual. They are cis though and in fact not attracted to the opposite of my agab. But that's a bit beside the point.
There's also the huge implications, that cishet partners couldn't go through with their nonbinary partners transitioning.
That leaves out a huge chunk of nonbinary people who don't wish to transition. Or nonbinary people whose pronouns aren't they/them. Or demigender/genderfluid/etc people who enjoy certain aspects of their agab. Or nonbinary people who like certain gendered terms.
Being nonbinary in a world that already doesn't see you is othering enough. Getting the same treatment from your own community? We don't need that shit.
I do believe people who make that point have good intentions and cishet people dating nonbinary people should think thoroughly about their feelings around gender and around their partners. But I also think that you should be respectful to people's relationships you don't know anything about.
So here's some questions I've got for you before you judge some straight/nonbinary relationship:
Do you know them? Preferably personally? Are you a close friend or something?
Do you know how both people identify?
Do you know if the nonbinary person has preferred pronouns and if they wanted their partner to use those pronouns when they came out?
Do you really care or do you project your own feelings on the relationship just because you had a bad experience with a cishet partner?
Is your opinion based on how the nonbinary person is presenting their gender?
I try to make a list for the cis straights too, because I don't want to let them off the hook easy. Because even if your partner is cool with you, you might want to be a better ally to them, so here's some things:
Respect them, their pronouns and them as a person. If you're unsure about anything, ask them and listen to them about how they're feeling. Don't make this about yourself.
Do your research. Look up some resources, so if you ask them certain things they don't need to explain the most basic things.
Ask yourself how you identify. Don't pressure yourself to identify in a certain way, but ask yourself what really are the aspects of your orientation. Maybe your partner is "the one exception", maybe not.
Think about gender. What is even gender? What makes you the gender you are?
Support them. Make them feel seen. Make them feel loved. And mean it. If you can't do it in the long run, it might not be a good fit.
I probably should sleep. It's almost 5 am.
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Been reading your Yiga Husbands stuff recently and can I just say it's some good shit? Your headcanons even outside of the smut are amusing and I can get behind them (somebody please find Sooga a horse that doesn't immediately hate him, I want him to be happy). But if I'm being honest, something I'm intrigued to see is something with choking? You mentioned in a past post it's one of the more BDSM-ish stuff Sooga'll do, and it just makes me really curious. 👀 Of course, only if you're up for it?
Thank you! Even though I’m behind on these asks, I still REALLY appreciate your kind words! Second of all, I can ABSOLUTELY do choking. It’s actually one of Sooga’s favorite things, because Kohga’s hands are...hands. Sometimes Sooga can jerk off JUST on his hands. Point is, Sooga is almost EAGER to get choked. So, let’s go!
Master Kohga was so talented. So wise, so skilled, so incredible. It was what Sooga always thought of as he watched Kohga do...anything, really. As if now, it was cooking. He was teaching Sooga how to cook, and Sooga could NOT keep track of his movements.
“Pinch, tuck, pinch tuck. See how it goes into a sort of spiral?”
His fingers were so...nimble. They moved so expertly, so swiftly. Sooga wanted to hold them. Wanted them to touch him, so very badly.
“I apologize, you’re...very fast. I think I understand how it works, but I doubt I can make them without your supervision.”
“Eh, you’ll pick it up eventually. When I was a kid, I couldn’t do it. I’d just sit there and eat raw dough like a moron. Oh but I did pick this up as a kid, watch.”
Kohga added more filling (a combination of pork and mushrooms) onto a small sheet of dough, and started to fold. In mere seconds, Kohga finished. He had somehow made it into the shape of a fish, and Sooga couldn’t have swooned harder.
“Ain’t it? Anyhow, that one’s yours. I gotta feed you sometimes, fuck knows you forget to.”
Then Kohga grabbed a firm hold of his face. His grip was firm, his hands were soft, it took everything in Sooga NOT to moan. Hell, when Kohga let go of him, he nearly plummeted face first onto the counter. He grabbed a hold of the table, trying to steady his poor heart. Kohga didn’t seem to notice, opting to check the bamboo basket.
“Alright, this is ready. Now we just put it in there, wait ten minutes, then bam, we got some nice dumplings.”
Kohga added them all to the basket, before covering them, and putting the timer onto the slate. When he did that, he leaned against the counter, shrugging.
“You want me to teach you how to make some sauce to go with these?”
Sooga shouldn’t have been so lewd. Master Kohga was being so sweet, so kind to him, why did he have to think about something so lewd? He wouldn’t say anything. He couldn’t.
“Please choke me.”
That was WAY too forward, way too impulsive. But the words came from him before he could stop them, and he immediately knew his mistake. He was about to go on his knees and beg for forgiveness, when Kohga chuckled.
“Why not? We’ve got ten minutes to kill, and you haven’t been a fuck up in the kitchen. Suppose that deserves a reward.”
Sooga was about to apologize still, for being so crass, when Kohga pulled him down into a kiss. It was a good, warm kiss, but it was a trap. It was something light, sweet, something to distract him from the fact that Kohga’s hand was at his neck. It wasn’t grabbing just yet, merely taunting his poor, wanting neck with his fingers. When Kohga pulled away, he kept his face right in front of Sooga’s, and Sooga knew why. He WANTED to see him lose himself to his greed. Lose himself to such a perversion.
“M-master Kohga, I-”
“You’re getting bold. Real bold. Asking for what you want, in the kitchen, and in SUCH a time limit. I’m honestly a little proud of you. But not surprised. I see the way you look at my hands. I see the way you look at ME.”
He was about to respond, when Kohga’s grip finally graced him. It was a good, solid grip, just right under his jaw, EXACTLY how he liked it. Sooga had to grip onto the counter behind him as Kohga essentially pinned him there.
“You’re such a helpless boy when it comes to me. You like having yourself in my hands. You like the feeling of me choking you out like a good, good boy. And you like how I seem to know just where your dirty little spot is.”
Oh his grip got tighter, his voice got lower. Sooga was panting too hard, making breathing a bit difficult. But Kohga knew better than to stop just yet. Sooga liked a real heavy hand, one that ONLY stopped when it absolutely had to. One of Sooga’s hand gripped onto Kohga’s. Not in begging for it to cease, but in adoration. His hand was so soft, but he had such a grip, Sooga swore his legs were going to buckle underneath him. Then Kohga went overboard; bringing a second hand up to his neck, and pushing him back a bit, shortening any distance they had with one another, to essentially nothing.
“You like seeing the way my fingers bruise you. Like seeing the way I had my way with you. I can tell you get off to it. I can tell you could cum on this alone, couldn’t you?”
Kohga loosened his grip, letting Sooga catch his breath. Right before he’d pass out, JUST how he liked it. But before he got too comfortable, he gripped again, MUCH harder than last time.
“You love my hands SO fucking much. You love how I can do anything I fucking want to you. Look at you. Pinned against a counter, my hands around your greedy throat, when anyone can walk in at any second. You’d WANT them to see it, huh? Want everyone to know that I can teach you a fucking lesson? That you’re a dirty, dirty boy?”
Sooga was shaking now. Everything was true. Someone could walk in right now, and he wouldn’t care. He just wanted to keep those strong hands on him, just how they were. Even as his body squirmed, Kohga kept him nice and still. Just how he liked it.
“You’re gonna cum, aren’t you? Gonna cum right on yourself, because I’m choking the absolute shit out of you. You like that I don’t treat you so delicately. You look like you’re gonna pass out, and yet, I’m not stopping. Because I know, YOU know, that I won’t let go till you FUCKING CUM.”
Kohga gripped so goddamn hard on his throat, Sooga was seeing stars. To any outsiders, it’d look as if Kohga was trying to kill him. But it wasn’t the case. Kohga just knew EXACTLY how he wanted it. His muffled cries, even the gurgling in his throat; were all signs of desperate, agonizing lust. Kohga knew him so well. Well enough that when Sooga DID cum on himself, he knew to hold it, just a moment longer. It wasn’t until Kohga knew Sooga was done making mess, did he finally let go. Sooga’s body was barely supported by the counter, and he went into a coughing fit, holding the spot that Kohga just held. He was shaking, he surely had some tears in his eyes, and his neck hurt. It was EXACTLY what he wanted, and more. He stood there, catching his breath, drooling, trying to process the fact that Kohga choked him out SO perfectly, he was getting hard again ALREADY. Kohga chuckled, patting his back.
“There we go. Now once you’re done there, sit down at the table, foods done. And one more thing.”
Kohga grabbed a fistful of his soiled crotch, and chuckled.
“Try not to choke on it.”
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princebugs · 5 years
stolen dance. (reed900)
small note before this begins--- this oneshot is based off of some art made by @jude-shotto !!! pls go follow them theyre amazing
"Fucking--- shit," Squinted eyes gaze into his dust-ridden reflection before him, his phalanges evidently not nimble enough for this simple task he had to complete; tying a tie. Perhaps he was skilled in this in another life of his, but ever since he was a young kid, he was never able to finish any sort of tie. Whether it be a regular ass tie, or a bowtie--- tying that shit? Not Gavin's thing; he would just force his father to tie it, when his dad was still in the house, that is.
Cue another long-winded groan, and he gives up. The tie had gotten all sorts of messed up during the actual wedding, due to him having to lift it up to wipe away the tears dripping down his cheeks. Weddings were emotional, alright? Tina could barely get through her vows to North, and Gavin felt too many emotions at once--- anger at her for leaving Gavin so easily (not in the romantic way, he didn't like her like that), sadness for seeing her go away into her new life, and happiness for seeing his best friend finally finding someone that cared about her so dearly.
Nonetheless, it left a bitter taste in his mouth. Jealousy.
When the fuck was it gonna be Gavin's turn, huh?!
He threw the abandoned, wrinkled tie behind him, not really caring to see where it landed, and he points to himself in the mirror. "You, Gavin Reed, are a fuckin' delight to be around. You will find someone eventually. And, your ass looks GREAT in these pants, so don't go in there and look all depressed. You're gonna walk into that stupid dance-floor, immediately sit the fuck down at the bar, drink champagne, and hope for the best--- because Gavin Reed isn't a desperate man!"
A proud grin stretches across his visage, confidence washing over all of his insecurities as he turns around to leave the bathroom--- of course, taking a quick look at his ass along the way.
You're damn right it looks good.
He straightens out his suit jacket on the way out, before noticing that someone was in the bathroom stall directly behind where he did his little pep talk. Freezing in his tracks, the air is silent in the room for several moments.
"...I'll give you twenty bucks after this if you don't tell everyone about me talking about my ass."
Done and done with that, he walks out of the bathroom.
A brief exhalation, and still meandering with a new surge of confidence, his hues breeze over the area, searching for a very specific lady of the hour--- he wasn't letting her go on that honeymoon without stealing a dance from her, duh. That's just how they rolled, ever since highschool prom.
His train of thought is broken by someone speaking to him, and he inclines his cranium to the side to catch a glance of who wished to partake in a conversation with him--- oh. Connor, and Hank.
Connor was wearing suspenders along with his bowtie (stupid phckin' neat android who could tie a tie--), and his jacket was placed on a chair just a few feet away from them. His hair was done as it usually was; slicked back except for a few baby hairs. His smile was as bright as ever. "Gavin! We were wondering when you would come out of there. I queried to Hank that you might have had a bad lunch, and were possibly disposing of i--"
"Connor, stop that shit," Hank interrupts before Gavin gets the chance to, and Gavin almost laughs at his appearance. Listen, it's not everyday that you see Hank Motherfuckin' Anderson dressed up nicely, and Gavin actually has to cover his mouth to stifle his laughter. He didn't catch sight of him beforehand, so he was just seeing this--- this monkey suit of his.
He couldn't deny that it did look good on the Lieutenant, but nonetheless, it was fuckin' hilarious. "So, Hank, did you borrow that suit from your grandpa, because it looks just a lil' dusty riiiight--"
"Don't even touch me, Reed. Don't even think about it," Hank's coarse voice states, causing Gavin to retract his palm from almost wiping off the other male's shoulder. Gavin snickers anyways.
"Sorry, sorry. I'll bug you about that shit later, after the wedding," He actually has a tone of genuine joy, his childish smirk turning into a bright grin.
Connor beams at that. "Wow, Detective! You actually... don't look pissed off for once. I'm quite impressed."
His cerulean irises roll in slight irritation, but he keeps smiling. "Listen, today's a good day for me, alright? My best friend got married, for fuck's sake--- speaking of Tina, where is the secondary bride? I need to get my dance from her real quick before I dash outta this place. It smells like my nana in here."
"Don't tell North that," Markus joins in on the conversation, looking as pristine as ever with his tuxedo (suit jacket abandoned), and his sapphire-and-emerald optics practically sparkling in the light. Gavin almost blushes. Almost.
There may have been a possibility that Gavin used to have a minor, MINOR, crush on Markus. Who could blame him? Look at the guy--- he was too pretty. If Gavin was the president during the revolution, he would've let the androids live free just because he would have gotten entranced in everything that is... Markus.
He gave up on that MINOR crush soon enough, and now they were just mutual friends.
"Oh, shit--- she isn't around here, is she? North'll kill me if she heard that," Gavin glances around himself, emitting a sigh of relief. North was the one who planned the majority of the wedding occasion, and if she heard any complaint about it, she wouldn't hesitate to snap a certain-coffee-infused-relatively-short-detective's neck. Phew. "Coast is clear, y'all."
"Tina and North are actually sitting down right over there," Markus turned around to point over towards the newly-wedded couple before continuing, "be careful what you say, of course. North could still commit a murder tonight." Markus chuckles, but Gavin gulps.
"Alright, see ya, losers," The human begins his sauntering over towards Tina, ignoring any possible looks that were given his way (he was hoping it was merely because he put just a little extra sway in his step to catch people's attention), and then tapping Tina's shoulder once he made it there.
"North? Mind if I snatch away your wife for a dance?" Gavin bit down on the inside of his right cheek, extremely nervous about merely asking her that. He had met North beforehand, of course--- he was just very afraid of her. She didn't generally like humans, besides her partner, and he didn't generally like androids; it was a match made in HELL.
Surprisingly, North smiled softly, gesturing for Tina to go ahead and stand up. "Go ahead, I'm sure she needs as much time with her best friend as she can get."
"Sweet. C'mon, Tina," Finally taking off his jacket and placing it around an empty chair near his current area, as well as pushing up his sleeves, he then holds a palm out for her to take, and Tina laughs.
"Dude, are you taking me for a waltz, or something? Don't be so fancy," Tina, that beautiful bitch, giggled before giving her wife a kiss on the cheek, then taking Gavin's hand. "This doesn't make me any less gay, you know that, right?"
Gavin stuck his tongue out in disgust, a little 'bleugh' sound emitting from him, "Gross, man. Plus, you're totally not my type," he says as he leads her to the dancefloor. People are already dancing there, but once they see the grey-black vest of Gavin, and the sleek black dress of Tina, they move out of the way. Perks of being the best man and one of the brides, eh?
"Yeah," Tina began, peeking behind Gavin's shoulder as they swayed around to the rhythm, their hips shaking at a leisurely pace, "in fact, didn't your type just walk right through that door?"
His eyebrows furrow momentarily, his head turning to look behind him, and---
keep reading on ao3!!!
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haddonfieldproject · 4 years
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Warren County, Illinois
While that call did not succeed in waking up Kyndra and Zoey, the aforementioned Diego was woken up, however, by his co-worker Quinn, as he lay napping on a tattered sofa in the SuperFuel Deluxe's break room.
Diego grunted.
“Diego, get up,” Quinn slapped him with a blue rag.
Diego sat up and rubbed his eye.
“Customers.” Quinn said.
Diego blinked awake. The TV was on. A man with fake looking blonde hair stood in front of a map coated with splotches of reds, oranges, and yellows.
“ Lightning strikes have been reported just about everywhere as this severe cell moves through Warren and Carpenter counties. Listen up if you are in the areas of Russelville, Haddonfield, Langdon, Tuckerville...you are under a Severe Thunderstorm Warning and Tornado Watch ‪until 7:45 am‬. Check out this picture someone posted on social media, that's softball sized hail folks...this reported by Zeke, a custodian working late ‪night tonight‬ at Smith's Grove High School, so be careful out there folks.”
Thunder struck and the lights in the shop momentarily dimmed. Customers, Diego thought, in this storm?
Diego stood up and stretched and then grabbed his Mountain Dew he had swiped from the coolers a few hours ago. Stepping into the shop, he sure enough saw some guy was talking to Quinn, standing next to an old-ass station wagon. The kind that had the wood panels on the side. The bottom was eaten away with rust. Diego was surprised the thing was even running at all, and one of the first things he noticed were the California plates. The lifeless remains of a tire lay snaked around a severely dented rim on the front passenger side. Must have hit a curb without even braking, he thought.
Quinn pulled a clipboard off the dark blue tool bench next to him and said, “We actually just had one of these die on us last week and it's back there in the yard. We can replace the tire and the rim and fix up those tie rods and struts in a jiff. You got really got lucky, because otherwise you'd be waiting at least two days for parts.”
The man's eyes grew wide, “Are you serious?! That's a miracle if I ever heard one.”
“I'll say,” Diego chimed in, “What year is this?”
“1989 Ford Country Squire” Jack Tate said proudly.
“Wow,” Diego laughed. “Quinn's right, we literally just got one of these in, the drive train fell apart in our hands, literally fell apart. But it was much more beat up than this.”
“You don't say!?” Jack put his hands on his hips.
“I couldn't help but recognize the California plates,” Diego motioned to the back of the car, dropping to one knee to examine the wheel well.
“Yep,” Jack said, rubbing his chin, “We're from a small town in Northern California, between San Jose and Sacramento. It's called Summer Glen.”
“Bet you don't get much snow there,” Diego said from under the car.
“Nope..but I bet you guys do.”
Diego appeared from under the lopsided tire with a smile, “Buckets,” he replied, “And it wreaks havoc on an undercarriage.”
“I bet it does” Jack replied.
Diego stood up and wiped his hands on his coveralls. “Well, not so much the snow,” he said, “it's the salt they salt the roads with. Eats the bottom of the car all up.”
“So what do you do?” Jack asked.
“Heated car wash,” Diego said, reaching out his hand to Quinn for the clipboard.
“I saw signs for those on the way in, all over the place up here,” Jack said, “But I saw signs but then it looked like empty parking lots.”
Quinn smiled and handed Diego the clipboard, “With steam coming up?”
“I didn't see any steam,” Jack replied.
“They're probably turned off right now.” Diego remarked, looking over the paper on the clipboard.
Quinn whistled, “Whew don't I know it. It's been hotter than a hippo with a hernia.”
“Hmmm,” Jack grunted in agreement, “Climate Change.”
Quinn hissed, “Hogwash! I don't believe that bullshit for a second.”
Jack quickly changed the subject, “Anyways—err--how do car washes help your car in the winter?”
Quinn nodded, “You drive over the jets and they hose off your undercarriage with heated water”
“That's fascinating,” Jack smiled.
“Well,” Diego sighed, “We have the parts already so we'll charge you a $90 restocking fee, that's mostly 'cuz Quinn here has to run out in the rain and slip the rim and tie-rods off the old car.”
“Aww man, that's cold,” Quinn exclaimed.
“Good news is,” Diego continued, “You really didn't tear her up all that much besides that, you knocked some things loose but we can tighten her up. The labor will cost you $400 easy,, being on the weekend now, and then $140 for the tire, $126 for the rim, taxes and disposal and you're still under a grand.”
“That's wonderful,” Jack said, placing his hands back on his hips.
“What brings you out here?” Quinn asked, “Especially in this storm.”
“My wife got a job out here, she ‪starts Monday‬ so we wanted to get out here as quick as we could....drove straight through.” Jack remarked.
“Wow,” Quinn breathed.
“I need those parts Quinn,” Diego remarked, opening the top of the tool bench and pulling out a socket wrench.
“Oh right!” Quinn smiled. He walked over to the far wall and grabbed a yellow rain coat which hung on a peg next to a Calendar, still on the month of October. A model in a bikini presided over the tenth month. “What job did your wife get out here?” He called from across the room.
“She's going to be the new Chief of Medicine at the hospital,” Jack replied, his eyes on Diego as Diego crouched back down toward the car.
“Oh she's gonna replace old man Mixter!” Quinn remarked.
Jack shrugged.
“Hurry Quinn, this guy said he's got places to be,” Diego said from under the car.
“Oh right,” Quinn said and stepped through the side door that led into a small foyer and eventually either out to the front parking lot or back into the lot.
“So your wife's a doctor eh,” Diego's voice came from under the car, “so what do you do?”
“Well I'm a doctor too,” Jack replied.
Diego emerged from the car holding a twisted piece of metal, “Really? What kind?”
“Well I'm a psychiatrist,” Jack said.
Diego slid back under the car, “A shrink huh?” He said, “You opening up an office here or something?”
“Well no,” Jack laughed, “I'm actually going to take some time off and write a book.”
Diego re-emerged with more twisted metal, “Cool,” he said, “What about?”
“Hypnosis,” Jack said matter-of-factly.
Diego cocked his head to one side, “Really? You do that shit?”
“Swear by it,” Jack replied.
There was an awkward moment of silence and then they both laughed.
Meanwhile, Ophelia Tate had purchased a small and incredibly over-priced pack of baby wipes and was giving herself the best attempt at a bath she could muster inside the surprisingly clean restroom of the SuperFuel Deluxe. After she finished, she sat on top of a toilet and took an opportunity to catch up on social media.
While she sat in the stall reading about “11 Celebrities That You Would Never Assume Were Gay”, her son Damon stepped into the Food Mart, and wiped his perfectly white sneakers on the welcome mat. An angry looking Indian man looked up as the door bells jingled and then went back to fiddling with some electronic device behind the counter. Damon's first thought was, Why does he keep all that bullet proof glass open?
He casually turned to his left, starting down an aisle chock full of every imaginable brand of potato chip or chocolate or fruity candy---browsing but not really browsing, more just wasting time. The aisle came to a dead-end at a wall of coolers full of soda and water and fruit juices. Damon stopped and caught himself staring at a row of YooHoos when he heard what sounded like a snickering to his left.
There was a small hallway to the left of the coolers, veering off next to an ATM machine. He stepped in front of the ATM machine and peered down the hallway, at once spotting the cause of the commotion. Three young boys were standing in the corner next to a door marked: UTILITY, NO TRESSPASSING. One was a freckled redheaded kid with shiny braces dressed as batman, another was a blonde haired blue eyed boy dressed like Darth Vader, and the last was a much younger looking kid with brown hair and brown eyes dressed like some kind of zombie. They were huddled together, their masks all hanging limply around their necks, crowded around a magazine featuring a hot blonde titled RED RABBIT. The cover-girl’s name was apparently Misty Dawn, and according to the cover caption, she was “Back and Ready for More Action”.
The boys caught sight of Damon and looked up startled. The freckled redhead kid's smile disappeared and his eyes grew narrow, “Hey!” He called, “What are you looking at?”
Damon was unfazed. “Looks like a couple of pervs to me,” he said, stepping toward them.
This apparently took them aback because they said nothing in retort.
“Seriously,” Damon said, pointing at the cover, “How old are you guys?”
Blonde Vader who held the magazine in his hand pressed it to his chest as if it were the most valuable thing on the earth and looked up at Damon with his mouth open. Little zombie boy took a step back. But BatFreckle was not amused. “Why don't you go Fuck Off!”
Damon frowned, “That's not very nice language. Is everyone in this town pervs like you?”
“Where are you---” little zombie started in but BatFreckle cut him off.
“Don't you know that Warren County is the home of the Rabbit-in-Red? What hole did you crawl out of freak-show?”
“Rabbit-in-what?” Damon asked and with lightning speed, snatched the magazine from Blonde Vader.
“Hey!” The wannabe Sith Lord exclaimed.
“Rabbit-In-Red Productions is the world's third largest manufacturer of pornographic media dipshit, and the company is based here in Warren County.” BatFreckle spat.
“So it is a county full of pervs,” Damon said, opening the magazine and thumbing through the pages.
“My dad said a local bunch of church folks fought Mr. Martini in court over decency laws so much, the legal fees drove the church out of business.” Blonde Vader said.
“Shi-yeah,” BatFreckle said, “That's why old man Taylor's up in his house on the hill crying like a pussy all the time.”
“Mr. Who?” Damon asked, closing the magaize and handing it back to Blonde Vader.
BatFreckle snatched it instead and flipped to the table of contents, pointing to a ‪small black‬ and white picture of a middle-aged overweight man. “Lou Martini. He's the CEO of Rabbit-in-Red nimrod, he owns half the county and is like, the richest man in Illinois outside of Chicago.”
“Where are you from?” Little zombie found his place to ask.
“My parents and I are moving here from California, we just got in tonight, got a flat tire.” Damon replied.
“California! That's cool!” Blonde Vader exclaimed.
BatFreckle rolled his eyes, “Beat it California!” He said, “We were just checking out Spitz' mom in this month's issue.”
He and Blonde Vader started laughing.
“That's not my mom!” Little zombie, who's name was obviously Spitz, whined.
“Don't lie, you know it's her!” BatFreckle teased.
Blonde Vader turned the page, and the centerfold fell out, revealing the cover-girl Misty Dawn laying on a bed of white fur naked except for a silver belly chain and and black stilettos. A paper fell out as well and fluttered almost magestically to the floor. Damon bent down and picked it up. It was a flier that featured another picture of the model. The headline read:
“Look Spitz” BatFreckle said in jest, “You can see your mom's show tonight if you want.”
“It's not my mom!” Spitz whined again.
“Why don't you leave him alone?” Damon said.
“Why don't you suck my balls?” BatFreckle snapped.
“Chill out Lonnie!” Blonde Vader slapped BatFreckle's shoulder and then looked at Damon “Lonnie can be a douche sometimes, I'm Richie Marshall, this is Lonnie Elamb, and he's Spitz. Welcome to Haddonfield.”
Lonnie groused and leaned back against the wall, opening up the porn.
“Cool, my name is Damon.”
“How old are you?” Richie asked.
“17, you?”
“I just turned 12, Lonnie is 16 but he's still in 8th grade...he has to go to special classes at the Middle School.” Richie and Spitz cackled.
“I have dyslexia fuck face!” Lonnie said, throwing the RED RABBIT at his friend.
“I'm 8,” Spitz said proudly.
“What are you doing out of the house at this time of night?” Damon asked, picking up the magazine from the floor and handing it back to Richie.
“Lonnie has his drivers license now, and I just snuck out of my house.” Richie said.
“What about you?” Damon asked, turning toward Spitz.
“His mom's a whore so she leaves him alone to go out fucking for quarters!” Lonnie called.
“Stop it Lonnie! She is not!” Spitz cried.
Damon ignored him and Spitz continued, “My mom works late nights at Jamie Lee's Diner, she doesn't get home till morning. My grandma watches me but she fell asleep and I...I snuck out too.”
“We just ate there coming in,” Damon said smiling.
“My mom is Taylor,” Spitz said.
“She was our waitress.” Damon replied.
“His mom's a slut!” Lonnie called.
Spitz started to whine but Damon put an arm around him, “Why do you hang out with this asshole? Is there anything else to do in this place than look at naked chicks?”
“There's an arcade in the driver's lounge, but I don't have any quarters.” Spitz said.
“Come on,” Damon said, “Show me where it is.”
Richie tossed Lonnie the magazine to followed Damon and Spitz. Lonnie caught it, rolling his eyes, he was perfectly happy right there looking at boobs.
Damon stepped into the shop area of the SuperFuel Deluxe and shook off the rain. There he saw his dad sitting on a folding chair listening, as another man held a lamp under their family station wagon from the Jurassic era. A third man was under the car working. The man holding the lamp was droning on and on about baseball. Damon didn't really care for baseball, or any sports for that matter.
“And then the Sox brought in their reliever, that guy Stroop, and he just completely fell apart. He hit two batters and walked another, and before you knew it the bases were loaded.” Quinn was saying.
Damon walked up to his dad. “Is that so---” Jack replied, but was startled when Damon tapped him on the shoulder.
“What is it son? You're not supposed to be back here.” Jack looked up at Damon.
“There's an arcade inside and I was wondering if you had any change on you?” Damon asked.
Jack leaned to one side and pulled his wallet out, withdrawing a 20 dollar bill. “Can they make change?” He asked.
“There's a change machine,” Damon said flatly, taking the money.
“You can play all of that, what the hell, it's been a long few days,” Jack said smiling.
Damon stuffed the twenty in his front pocket and turned, “Thanks,” he said.
“Tell your mom I'm in here,” Jack called after him.
“Haven't seen her,” Damon said as he walked out, without turning.
Quinn started up again, “So you know that big Dominican for the Cubs, Agu...Agu...something.”
“Aguilar,” Diego called from under the car.
“Yeah, Aguilar,” Quinn corrected himself. “Well he steps up to the plate and first pitch...bam!”
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shawnpetermuffins · 6 years
Disney Daze
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A/n: This took forever to write just because of who I am as a person and I had like 0 motivation. But I'm back and ready to write. I really like this concept, so I hope the story does it justice.
Summary: They call it the happiest place on earth. Shawn and y/n think other wise.
Warnings: fluff and lots of it, slight mentions of smut.
Shawn looks down at you, his girlfriend, his hands tangled in yours. She's beautiful, he thinks to himself. You're standing next to him, sunglasses shielding your y/e/c eyes - they're his favorite place to get lost. You've been together for two years, and he'd been touring the majority of that time, so when he finally got some "time off" he took you with him to California.
Of course you had hoped it would be just the two of you on this little adventure, but would never admit that because he wants to see his friends too. And lucky for you, you're good with his team, so having them tag along wasn't all bad. Except for when Shawn got a little more handsy than he usually would and the guys would point it out by making more sexual jokes than you'd like. Neither of you are shy about the aspects of your relationship by any means; his friends and team use that against you though and love to make fun. They don't mean it maliciously, though and you both know that.
"You're undressing her with your eyes, Shawny boy," Teddy said, pulling the bill of his cap over his eyes. "I don't blame you though."
You laugh and fix his sunglasses while he pushes his hat back in place, "Oh Teddy, you're making me blush. I don't think your fiance will approve." You say just loud enough for Emily to hear. She was able to take a break from her busy filming schedule to join you guys.
"Oh, I approve. You're a cutie."
You shake your head, "Oh, you've got major competition now, bubs."
He hummed and pulled you closer. "They can look all they want. As long as I'm the one undressing you later tonight."
"Play your cards right and you just might get lucky," you said, wrapping your arms around his torso while you walked, making you both kind of slow down a little because the angle was all wrong, but neither of you wanted to let go. He hummed and kissed the top of your head.
"Where to first?" Josiah asked, but you two weren't paying much attention. You were so caught up in the proximity of each other that you couldn't focus on anything outside of your arms length - which just so happen to still be around each other. "Carsland it is!" He said after some discussion from the group. "Maybe we need partners. I'll be with y/n!" He exclaimed. That caught Shawn's attention.
"Over my dead body. She's my partner."
"Oh, so you can hear?" Andrew teased. "Good to know." He patted Shawn's shoulder. "Come on. We're going to Carsland."
"Wasn't Niall supposed to come with us?" You asked as you made your way deeper into the park. "Should we have waited for him at the entrance?"
Shawn shook his head, "He got tied up at the studio. Said he couldn't make it."
You got stopped only a handful of times on your way to the Cars, and that's probably the least amount he's ever been stopped in public with you. But neither of you minded the interruptions.
Shawn took you on nearly every ride - Radiator Springs Racers twice because he wanted to ride in both cars, took you into every store, begging to buy you something even though he'd already bought you more than you needed at the first store you went to. "They all have the same stuff," you shrugged, taking the change from his hand so you could do the penny press. "Really, bubs, I don't need anything else. I just want to make the pennies." You know he rolled his eyes from behind those glasses that covered his beautiful eyes far too well.
"There you guys are!" Teddy exclaimed when she finally found you in the corner of the shop. "Figures I'd find you making out in a corner."
"It's hard to make out when his hat literally hits my forehead every time he leans down to kiss me," I point out. Shawn chuckles and rests his hands on my waist.
"Why were you looking for us? We haven't been gone five minutes. We would have caught up." Shawn mumbled as we walked out into the blinding California sun.
"You've been gone twenty minutes. We started thinking you finally got mobbed." Finally, you giggled, as if it was an event that everyone knew would happen eventually. "Figured we would have to send out a rescue team here pretty soon."
"Well we're fine. No need to worry."
It was nearing three when you guys made your way over to the Disneyland side of the park.
"Look, babe!" You nodded to your right. "It's Belle!"
He hummed, "there's not a long line. You want to take a picture?"
"Only if you take one with me."
"Course I will. Josiah, will you take our picture?"
"That's what I do, man." He took Shawn's phone while we got in line.
"God, you're fucking beautiful," Shawn muttered to himself when he looked through all the photos you've taken together today. You and the team were all sitting in a shaded area, rehydrating after having walked for hours upon hours. You and him, however, didn't seem to be slowing down. He had managed to take you on another few rides, except for the really tall ones like splash mountain; you were on the verge of tears when he suggested it. So instead he took you to ride the tea cups - three times. He was currently rewatching the video he took of you spinning the cup around, giggling and just genuinely having a great time. He loved seeing you this way. Carefree and vibrant. It wasn't often that you let this side of you out and he knew that, making sure to bask in every moment where you didn't have a single care in the world.
Your chin rested on his shoulder, water bottle nearly empty in your hand. "Have I told you yet that I think you look very handsome today?" You pressed a soft kiss to the shell of his ear and heard him take in a breath.
"No. But thank you." His hand found your free one and he brought it to his lips for a quick kiss, and even though you wanted to keep your hands joined, his were starting to clam up and they were way too hot for you to hold them comfortably. "And have I told you yet that I'm so desperately in love with you?"
You thought it over, "Only like three times since we sat down," you teased.
"Haha, very funny." He booped the tip of your nose. "I'm still gonna tell you again. I love you. I mean it. I really, really do."
You hummed and leaned in to press a quick kiss to his cheek "I love you, too, rockstar." His hand rested on the back of yout head and he smoothly brought you to his lips, kissing you nice and slow, a soft gasp eliciting your mouth when his teeth sunk in your bottom lip.
"Hey!" Andrew threw an empty water bottle at the two of you, "We're in public! Keep it in your pants, maybe?" He said as you separated from your boyfriend, your face feeling hot.
Shawn shook his head, laughing, placing his tattooed hand on your thigh. "They're never allowed to come anywhere with us ever again."
"Definitely not," you agreed.
The walk back to the car consisted of Shawn running around aimlessly with you on his back and you laughing uncontrollably into his shoulder.
"Why were we never that cute?" You heard Teddy ask Emily when Shawn set you down and just as quickly picked you back up bridal style and once again started running around like a maniac.
"It's ten o'clock! Calm down, eh?" Andrew suggested.
Shawn ignored him and placed a chaste kiss on your neck. "Come on, Andrew. You never been in love before?" He asked, finally putting you back on the ground, but keeping hold of your hand and spinning you around once, pulling you back to his chest so that you were walking - stumbling, would be a more accurate description - synchronously.
Once back to the hotel, you all went separate ways. Andrew and Josiah went up to bed, Teddy and Emily went to the bar, and you and Shawn went to the pool after changing into your bathing suits. "Hey," he whispered into your hair while you walked casually against the edge of the pool.
Your eyes fluttered open to look at your beautiful boy. "Hmm?" Your hands found purchase in his curls.
He reached out and grabbed the back of youd thighs, and you wrapped them around his waist. "Thank you for today." He pressed a soft kiss to your temple and slowly started trailing them down to the base of your throat.
"I had fun," you managed to breathe out before his teeth grazed your collar bone. "Oh," you moaned softly.
"You looked beautiful today. Couldn't take my eyes off you." His kisses trailed even lower and his hands slipped under the strings of you top.
"Really?" You giggled. "I hadn't noticed."
"I want you," he murmured into your chest, slickly untying your top.
You squealed and hit his arm, "Babe! We're in public!"
He looked around at the completely empty poolside, "Oh yeah, people are definitely gonna say something." His hands cupped your breasts and your eyes closed at the contact.
"Shawn, please," you said into his neck.
"You wanna go to the room?" He asked, his left hand inching it's way to your bikini bottoms.
You gulped and nodded when his fingers met your unexposed skin. "Now, please."
Breathing heavily, he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips as climbed off him. "Thank you, baby. So good to me."
You could only hum in response. Catching your breath, you found his hand and played with his fingers for a little bit before you felt yourself growing more and more sleepy. "I love you," you muttered, rolling onto your side.
"I love you," he said back, curling his arm around your waist. Laying beneath the sheets, with his arm wrapped around your naked body, you knew there was no place on earth you'd rather be.
A/n: this took so long, I'm sorry. My next fic will be up Wednesday or Thursday though, I promise.
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