#evermore got NOTHING at this event
hbogirls · 1 year
my night :)
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lizardsfromspace · 1 month
Do you ever get kind of interested in a subject where nothing weird has happened yet but you know something weird is going to happen?
Anyway, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. It was originally a upscale resort community, and also still is: it's where rich people from Chicago kept their lake houses, and maybe still do. Its heyday was in the early to mid 20th century, where its status as a vacation destination was so set that Hugh Hefner even put the first ever "Playboy Resort" there. I haven't been there myself, so I may be wrong, but it doesn't give me, like, Pigeon Forge or Niagara Falls energy. The list of attractions online seems to be spas and parks and a few theaters.
But Lake Geneva is more famous now for its most famous son, Gary Gygax. Over the course frigid Wisconsin winters, he and several wargaming friends who didn't become famous developed tactical wargaming into the game Dungeons & Dragons in the early 1970s. He also began hosting a small gaming meetup in Lake Geneva, later called Gen Con, which outgrew the town by the late 1970s.
As I understand it, Lake Geneva didn't really embrace its status as the Birthplace of Dungeons and Dragons. When Gygax died, there were fan-funded tributes here and there, and fans created a new convention in his honor called Gary Con where they played games from his time at TSR, but D&D was still a niche hobby and not the thing you define a rich people resort town around.
Then, whoops, shows like Critical Role turned D&D into one of the most popular entertainment properties in the world! Now there's D&D-themed events popping up all over the place. Some of this is normal, like efforts to fund a more prominent memorial for Gary Gygax, and a Dragon Days Fantasy Festival. But some are going further. Because there are now at least two proposals to create immersive, D&D-themed LARP experiences in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, population 8,227
One is a large themed restaurant/bar/wedding venue (?) called the Griffin and Gargoyle, which is supposedly opening in 2024, though all the art is concept art and they're still looking for investors.
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The other one is Giantlands, the proposed theme park where the tickets will be NFTs, based on a game no one's heard of developed by the son of Gary Gygax by a company that legally can't call itself TSR anymore, but tried anyway before rebranding as Wonderfilled, and who also tried to make old Gygax games even more racist? I can't even begin to explain this. I think they got dunked on years ago but they were still hyping up its Lake Geneva theme park that's definitely going to exist this week (this is from August 11th)
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What's incredible to me here is that they're boasting that their LARP theme park will be from the makers of Evermore Park. Nothing says quality in immersive fantasy roleplaying parks like someone whose main claim to fame is making that other one that failed. Wonder how many real tombstones and haunted dolls they'll buy this time. And this one appears to have fighting arena
I seriously doubt these are the only two pitches. Everyone with too much money and a love for theme parks feels the little voice in their head saying they can do the Star Wars Hotel right. I think what gets me here is, nobody would put anything like this in Lake Geneva otherwise. It's small, it's located in Wisconsin so it'd have to be seasonal, and it's less than two hours away from Wisconsin Dells - an entire town of kitschy roadside attractions - and even closer to Chicago, which is Chicago. Its tourism niche is beaches and homes around a scenic lake. The only reason to place anything there would be to honor Gary Gygax, and uh, I don't think the younger people who got into D&D with 5E really care about him, or even necessarily know who he is. Gary Con and most Gygax-themed events are for old-school gamers, not the Critical Role crowd. And they especially don't care about whatever Giantlands is. Giantlands as a game is so old-school there isn't even a PDF of the book, it's physical only. They want to build a full theme park around a game you can't even buy on DrivethruRPG. Anyway I hope all this open bc it would be funny
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otdiaftg · 6 months
"Mr. Andritch let me take Jean away when he saw the shape he was in," Renee says. "I left him my number and promised to keep in touch while the school investigates. Abby has also promised to keep them updated on his recovery. Unfortunately—or not—Jean is unwilling to name names or press charges. He is not happy to be in South Carolina. He has already tried leaving twice."
"To go where?" Nicky asks. "Not back to Evermore. Is he crazy?" "It's self-preservation," Neil says. "If Riko and Tetsuji think he's pointing fingers behind their backs, they'll kill him. Even this could be considered defiance since he's not where he's supposed to be." "How bad is it?" Matt asks. "Kevin got out of his school contract when he got injured." "They had no choice. I couldn't play," Kevin says. "If Jean will heal, they can still claim him as theirs and there is nothing we can do about it." "But the president's involved, right?" Nicky says. "So the school board's going to get in on it soon enough, and they're going to do whatever it takes to hide this. It'll kill their precious reputation if this gets out." "If Jean won't implicate anyone and my mother agrees to keep quiet, they might be willing to let him transfer to another school," Renee says. "That is the best-case scenario, anyway." "Jean won't agree," Kevin says quietly. "Perhaps you can talk him into it," Renee says. "I would appreciate the help." "He isn't safe with us," Kevin says. "I won't give him false hope." "Some hope is better than none at all," Renee says. "It is the same deal we offered you, and you are still here." "I stayed because of Andrew," Kevin says. "And I'm not taking in any more refugees," Andrew says. "I know," Renee says. "Jean is my problem, not yours. The consequences and fallout are mine to deal with, I promise."
Day: Sunday, March 17th / 18th* Time: 9:40 AM EST
*Due to the Leap Year, I have opted to highlight the day rather than the date to keep the events in occurrence to the 2007 year. I will continue to mark both days accordingly.
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memphisnovels · 1 year
Chapter 4. Colder than this home
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Previous chapters: 1, 2, 3
It is officially Pietro time my friends!
This chapter is a little longer than some of the previous and takes place during the events of Age of Ultron, there is plenty of Pietro in this chapter though so don't worry, time flies when you're having fun <3
pairing: Pietro Maximoff x OFC
warnings: canon-typical violence, lots of flirting arguing
There was snow spattered across the landscape, a deep chill sitting in the air. There had already been complaints about how cold it was here; I hadn’t been particularly fazed by it. There was no cold that ever lived up to the Russian winters, nothing that compared to the chill that sat in my bones when I laid motionless in the carriage of that train all those years ago. I scanned the trees surrounding me, a flash of red hair, Natasha.
“What’s your position, Nadia?”
I glanced through the trees in the opposite direction spotting the red, blue, and silver shield. “To your left, Cap.” I leaned back against a tree trunk, glancing out to survey my path forward. “I will go through the trees and catch up with Stark on the ground. I need cover past that mechanical gun.”
Clint’s voice filled the comm a moment later. “Got it, on your signal.”
“No time like the present.” I pushed off the tree I’d been settled by sprinting between the trunks, my movements were quiet and calculated. I heard the swish of an arrow firing toward the machinery, but it was enveloped by a blur of blue that was gone just as quickly as it appeared. I narrowed my eyes. “Hey, did anyone else see th-” Before the words had even left my mouth my body came into contact with something solid, meeting the frozen ground soon after, the air knocked out of me from the force.
I heard Cap ask my position over the comm, but I did not offer a response, surveying my surroundings for any sign of what I had collided with.  “You did not see that coming?” A voice taunted, though, the area surrounding me remained seemingly empty.
“What the fuck?!”
“Language.” Rogers reprimanded.
My eyes widened at his words, still there was no sign of the force which had knocked me from my feet. “Oh, my sincerest apologies, grandfather. I am just being attacked by something I cannot see but I will mind my language next time.”
“A Russian? Interesting.”
I whipped around in the direction of the voice but, again, there was nothing.
“What are you hiding from? It is just little old me, no need to be shy, road runner. Come out, come out, wherever you are.” I moved to perch; one hand pressed to the icy gravel as I scanned for signs of life. “Or are you afraid?”
A scoff bounced off the trees. “Afraid of what?”
My lips curved upwards, so naïve, so proud; typical man, cannot stand not having the last word. “Afraid that if you slow down you will have to face me.” The moment the words left my lips I tossed one of my blades toward the voice that had answered. Wind whipped around me, and the blue streak reappeared, gripping my knife by its handle just before it impaled him.
“That was not very nice.”
It was a boy, well a man, with silver hair that was dark at the roots. I narrowed my eyes at him, taking in his pale complexion and the dark circles under his eyes. He was quite handsome, unfortunately. I tilted my head, the small smirk never falling from my lips. “I’m sorry.” I moved to grab the other blade holstered at my hip, but he was faster; much, much faster. He grasped my wrist tightly, yanking it away from my belt.
“I don’t think that apology was very genuine.” I glanced at his hand which still clutched my wrist, breathing a light laugh before moving swiftly around him, twisting in his grip to bend his arm unnaturally until he loosened his grip, at which point, I dropped to the ground and swept his feet from under him.
When he was down, I pinned him to the snow-clad ground. “You didn’t see that coming?” He grinned at my choice of words and the taunting tone which coated them. Before I could blink, I was enveloped within the blur of blue and laying on my back beneath the silver-haired man.
“I like you.”
“You’re a bastard!” He only continued to beam down at me, even chuckling slightly at my fury. “Stop using your powers and fight me properly you prick!”
“You are very pretty. Although, you’re quite mean and you seem to have some anger management problems… that might actually make you more attractive. It’s hard to say.” A loud crash sounded from within the trees prompting the both of us to glance toward the source. Hulk had gone bounding into the bunker attached to the mechanical gun, blowing it to smithereens. The momentary distraction worked to my advantage as I freed my legs from beneath the man and kicked him off of me. When I was on my feet once more, I pulled the knife from my belt, taking up a defensive stance. “As much as I’d love to continue this… really, I would love to… I must be going now.” Before I had the chance to respond or strike him, he was gone in yet another streak of blue.
I saw Barton laying on the ground with Nat at his side moments before I heard Cap’s voice over the comms. “There’s an enhanced in the field.”
“Yeah, tell me about it.” I jammed my knife back into its holster and made my way over to Nat and Clint.
Eventually, Stark collected the scepter and finally, we were able to re-board the jet. Barton had a nasty wound burned into his side. “Does not look so bad to me.” I shrugged teasingly as I surveyed the damage.
“Yeah, right, thank you so much for that. Unfortunately, we can’t all walk off being hit with a laser beam like I’m sure you could, Nads.” I grinned at Clint’s taunt.
“What is it they say? I am built differently.”
He scoffed. “One of these days I am going to kick your ass in sparring, and you won’t be so tough then.” I gave him an indignant look causing him to laugh, a hiss of pain cutting the sound of abruptly.
“Don’t hurt yourself, Robin Hood, you cannot learn what I was born with.” I smirked taking a seat behind Stark who snorted at my words.
Clint would be fine, that is what the doctor had said. As for the Maximoffs, Agent Hill had informed us about their past, the bombing, the experimentation. It sat heavy on my mind as I headed back to my room in the tower. I understood why they’d thrown themselves at Strucker’s mercy, more than I’d like to admit. When I was in the Red Room, I knew nothing, but Dreykov’s will. I hated him with every fiber of my being, so much that hate did not suffice to describe what I felt toward him. I loathed him so deeply that it felt as though my blood became so molten my very being would erupt until I was nothing, but rage and hatred incarnate. And yet, I obeyed, for 12 years, I obeyed.
When I got out of the shower and began toweling my hair dry, I grabbed ahold of the measly little purple ball that had been given to me by Bruce. It was ridiculous really, a stress ball? What did I need that for? As if a little rubber ball filled with God knows what could help me destress. I think it had been a good-humored joke, but he had smiled earnestly when he’d handed it to me, as if he were really trying to help.
A knock sounded against my door, pulling me from my thoughts. “It’s me, Nat, can I come in?” I told her she could. A moment later her red curls filled my view as she entered, coming to sit in on of the armchairs placed across the room from my bed. “Still no decorations, huh?”
“What should I decorate with? Lava lamps and band posters?”
She smiled; one eyebrow raised at me as she began to shake her head. “Why not? You could put up a little Ed Sheeran poster in the corner there, I think that’d look really good.” I rolled my eyes at her words. “No, that wouldn’t be very you.” She spoke. I hummed, walking toward the floor to ceiling windows that had been installed in the room. It had been an adjustment, certainly, though when I’d agreed, begrudgingly, to move into the Avengers tower, Stark had asked me whether I would like a room with a view or one without. I’d thought it an odd question then, but there was an unfamiliar gentleness to his tone that prompted me to respond seriously. I told him that I did not care for a view, but I’d like windows, light. He hadn’t pressed me, for that I was grateful.
“What would be me?” I asked, watching the traffic as it petered out below, so tiny from this height. Natasha was silent then. “I am asking, because I do not know.”
When more silence came after my words, I sat in it, allowing it to fill every crevice of the room. She did not need to say anything, neither did I. We both understood, in that room, in that moment, we knew each other better than anyone else ever could.
I smoothed my hand over my little black dress, zipping up my knee-high black boots and straightening my blazer as I stood back to my full height. I enjoyed events like these, where there would be talking and music, for so long my life had silence. I rather liked when it became loud.
The moment I stepped out of my room, Natasha appeared, insisting that we take a picture. Hesitantly, I moved beside her and smiled briefly for the camera. “Why must you inflict this torture on me?”
“I personally would like to commemorate the small things, grumpy.”
With a grumble, I turned to walk toward the party. Music filled my ears and soon I was surrounded by people, drinking and talking, laughing as though there was nothing so bad in the world. I sat near the bar, watching Cap talk to the old men decorated with war medals and strange hats.
He offered me a warm smile as he grabbed a beer from the bar. “Is it hard for you to see your friends now that they are all so…” I trailed off, searching for the appropriate word.
I shrugged before nodding. “When you are still as you were before?”
He looked ahead at the shelves filled with liquor bottles in thought. “It can be. I mean these guys I grew up around, they lived full lives while I was in the ice. It’s not easy to see everything that you lost laid out before you.”
I was quiet for a while, taking in his words. “Do you wish it was different?” He met my eyes then, raising an eyebrow. “I mean if you could trade it, one for the other. Would you choose to be like them?”
He exhaled deeply, rubbing his thumb over the condensation that gathered around the neck of the glass bottle. “Honestly? No.” I studied him as he spoke, unsure if I believed him. “What about you? Is it hard for you to be around Nat?”
I asked him what he meant.
“Well, the two of you knew each other before the Avengers and Fury, I’m guessing you share a tough past… I don’t expect you to tell me about it, but is it hard for you to be around her now?” I looked away, combing through my hair with my fingers at I watched the bubbles rise in my glass. “Oh, come on! You get to ask the hard hitters, but you won’t answer any? I thought we’d moved past that. You know after the whole S.H.I.E.L.D, Hydra thing where you pointed a gun at me and asked how you were supposed to trust that we were on the same side.”
I rolled my eyes, feeling a smile fighting to break through. “It was hard… once. Maybe it still is. Sometimes I think so much of life is hard that I cannot tell the difference anymore between what is painful and what is not.” It was honest, vulnerable, more so than I’d ever been with him and I wasn’t really sure what prompted me to tell him that. I knew I trusted him as a teammate he’d shown me his loyalty and righteousness when S.H.I.E.L.D collapsed but I wondered what had prompted me to offer something so honest and real about myself to him. He was quiet at my admission, though I didn’t feel judged. Surprisingly, as almighty and haughty as I’d once thought Steve Rogers to be, there was not many moments when he’d made me feel as though he were condemning me.
“I know what you mean.” When our eyes met there was an understanding that passed between us, a kind of gentleness that I did not take for granted.
I sat on the floor by Agent Hill as the boys discussed Thor’s hammer. “Whatever man! It’s a trick.” Clint spoke rolling his eyes.
“Please, be my guest.” Thor gestured toward Mjölnir, prompting Clint to jump to his feet and approach it.
“Clint you’ve had a tough week, we won’t hold it against you if you can’t get it up.” Tony taunted. A smile curved across my lips as the hammer did not even shift under either man’s ministrations. The smile turned into a small laugh which had their eyes turning to me expectantly.
Stark raised an eyebrow at me. “By all means Pimenova, if you think you’ve got what it takes…” He nodded toward the hammer.
“Oh, I’m quite alright. I pride myself on being unworthy of big metal tools.” Thor scoffed at my words beginning to lecture me on the godly nature of the hammer and worthiness and so on and so forth. I lifted my glass to my lips, needing alcohol to hear this whole bit again. The bubbly liquid touched my lips but went no further. I sat there, champagne flute to my lips, head tilted slightly as the soft hum of the next song filled my ears.
Say, “nighty-night” and kiss me
Just hold me tight and tell me you’ll miss me
While I’m alone and blue as can be
“What is this?” I turned my narrowed gaze on the group behind me; Tony, Nat and Steve.
Stark hummed. “What you’re not a Mama Cass fan?”
“Didn’t take you for the ‘dream a little dream of me’ type Tony.” Nat piped up teasingly.
My heart was racing but I didn’t understand why.
Sweet dreams ‘til sunbeams find you
The air was warm, and balmy but not humid. It must have been spring because everything was so bright, so alive. I sat on the sun-kissed concrete, the smooth surface pressing heat into the backs of my legs that were exposed by the shorts I wore. Little legs with brightly colored sneakers. I wiped at my cheeks with sticker-clad hands, there were tears.
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
There was a woman, I think. I could not see her, only glimpses of her hair that fell into her face as she knelt before me. She wore silver rings that glittered in the sun as she pressed a light pink Band-Aid over the cut on my knee.
“Nadia, is everything alright?” Nat’s voice cut through the memory, dragging me back to the room where everyone was still chatting amongst themselves, but her eyes were set on me. “Nadia?” She spoke again when I didn’t respond. I met her gaze then, nodding briefly and clearing my throat before downing a rather large gulp of champagne.
A loud ringing sound echoed off the walls around us then, followed by mechanical whirring as a dismantled robot appeared dripping black oil over the marble floors.
“How could you be worthy? You’re all killers.” It spoke. We all looked to Stark who called to Jarvis. “I’m sorry, I was asleep. Or I was a-dream…” The robot continued as Stark clicked at his screen, mumbling about reboots and buggy suits. “I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy.”
I stood then, watching the metal man sway on his feet. “You killed someone?”
“Wouldn’t have been my first call, but down in the real world we’re faced with ugly choices.”
“Who sent you?” Asked Thor.
Suddenly a scratchy recording of Stark’s voice was being emitted from the hunk of metal. “Ultron?” Banner spoke looking toward the other man.
The robot began speaking about a mission. “What mission?” Nat asked.
“Peace in our time.”
The moment he finished speaking multiple robots breached the wall, beginning to attack.
I dove for the stairs, perching halfway up and slipping the gun from my jacket. When I had one of the robots in my sights I reached over the banister and fired at him. It was thrown backward slightly but remained steadfast in his goal, now setting its sights on me. “дрисня” Shit. It flew directly at me, tackling me back into the shattered glass. I grabbed it by the shoulders and kicked it in the torso, sending it tumbling over me. Swiftly pushing myself back to my feet, I wrapped one arm around its neck from behind, using my free hand to grab one of the decorative metallic statues off a table and jam it beneath the mask. I pushed and twisted until sparks flew and the robot powered down in my arms. After the last robot was smashed to pieces by Cap’s shield, we all turned to face the one they called Ultron, still standing amongst the wreckage of the tower.
“I’m sorry, I know you mean well. You just didn’t think It through. You want to protect the world, but you don’t want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to evolve? With these? These puppets?” He picked up the remainder of one of the broken bots, examining it before throwing it back down. “There’s only one path to peace. The Avengers extinction.” Before he could continue Thor broke the robot man to pieces. Yet still, in parts, he spoke. “I had strings but now I’m free.”
We ran stock on the lab for hours, finding just how much Ultron had infiltrated. Our files, all the data on us, he knew everything. Not only that but he also had the scepter. Stark stood by his and Banner’s madness, it seemed the rest of the team were very much not on the same page and cracks were becoming evident.
“Maybe we do not focus on who was right or wrong and we focus on finding the scepter and Ultron instead?”
Cap nodded. “Thor and Nadia are right, Ultron’s calling us out, and I’d like to find him before he’s ready for us.”
The ship was dark and sordid, rust clinging to the walls. I nodded to Natasha when she glanced at me. We crept along the ground floor, watching Stark, Cap, and Thor above on the bridge facing Ultron and the twins. They were attempting to talk Ultron down.
When a fight inevitably broke out, I backed away to where I could hear impending footsteps and gunfire erupting. Several men with bullet-proof vests and heavy weaponry emerged. Nat and I both began to take out everyone we could whilst Clint covered from above. One of the men wrapped me in a chokehold from behind, it only lasted a moment before I dropped and flipped him over my head, slamming the base of my gun into his head. I snuck up behind one of the others, grabbing ahold of his rifle and twisting it to choke him with the strap until he passed out. Just as I turned to locate Natasha that damned blue and silver streak rushed past me, knocking me down onto the damp concrete. My gun skidded across the floor, out of reach. “We must stop meeting like this.” His familiar voice filled my ears. I remained on the ground, wrapping my leg around his and tripping him over the moment he was still long enough. When he met the ground, he grabbed a hold of my ankle, moving back to his feet and dragging me swiftly toward him.
“I suppose I’m to say that you don’t have to do this, we can help you, so on and so forth.” I rolled my eyes. “But…. You have annoyed me now, so I won’t.” With that I planted my foot into his chin sending him tumbling onto his backside. “I grow rather tired of hearing you speak, metal man.” I called, grabbing the gun that I had dropped and shooting round after round at Ultron. When I whirled around to strike the person who I sensed approaching me a pair of arms wrapped tightly around me, incapacitating me. Before I could escape the grip, a girl stepped toward me, eyes red and hands dancing around my forehead. I kicked out at her but then, all at once she was gone, everything was.
I was laying on my back on the cold metal gurney, fluorescent white light burned my eyes making them water. Thrashing around against the arms that grabbed at my flesh, my back met the cold metal once again, pain shooting through my nerve endings.
“Нет, нет... Пожалуйста, прошу тебя, отпусти меня!”
No, no… Please, I beg of you, let me go!
There were voices all around, a moment later I was out of the hospital room, and I was in the shooting range. A hand moved from my shoulder down to my wrist before enveloping my own, tightening my grip on the pistol. There were people speaking to me, all around they called to me. Nadia. Nadia. Nadia. I blinked and classical music filled my ears, I saw the ballerinas en pointe, they twirled and twirled and when I blinked again, I was among them. Leotard suffocating me, pressing in on my ribs until the air could barely enter my lungs.
“You have done so well, my Nadia. The graduation ceremony will commence soon.”
I squeezed my eyes shut, shaking my head violently, as if to shake the memories from me. My knees met the hard concrete beneath me, palms flattening against the rough surface. When I opened my eyes once more, I was no longer in the excruciatingly bright room, nor the ballet studio. There were still voices, but they were different now.
“Nadia, do you copy?!” It was Clint’s voice that came through the comm. I opened my mouth to respond but was cut off by a ringing in my ears.
“The graduation ceremony is a good thing; it means you have proven yourself.”
“You should feel proud, Nadia.”
“Yes. I copy.” I forced out through gritted teeth, clenching my fists as I pushed my body upwards to stand. “Where is everyone?”
The room had been cleared of life in the time I’d been out of order. “I’m with Nat, heading back to the jet now. Banner turned green so Stark’s handling him, no idea where Cap and Thor are.”
I stumbled down a corridor I hoped would lead me out of this hell hole. “I’ll meet you there.” Just as soon as the words were out of my mouth I collapsed against a wall, barely managing to hold myself up.
The music was back, so were the dancers. I shook my head again. I told myself it wasn’t real; it was just a trick being played on me by that witch girl. The ringing sound continued, and I cursed my mind for allowing her in, for being so traitorous.
“Nadia, my sweet, Nadia. This is your home; it always will be, home has a funny way of finding us, does it not?”
“No! No, this is not real.”
“But if it’s not, why does it feel so real?” The voice taunted me, following me down the corridors.
When I finally managed to shake it, I thought I was okay. The music was gone, there were no longer words spoken in Russian, there was no more Dreykov. Everything was okay, but then I blinked, and the room was bathed in red. I glanced around frantically but the red was everywhere. “No.” I murmured, my heart thrumming against my sternum, back pressed firmly to the wall. “No this is not real, it’s over.” I slid to the ground, cradling my head in my hands and shutting my eyes tightly. The red was not real, it was just another of her tricks. The red had been released, it had left me after Abeni cleansed me, I did not see the world in red any longer, it was not real; it couldn’t be, I begged it not to be.
“Why haven’t you gone with your friends?” The voice made everything stop for a moment, my mind slowed, though I did not open my eyes. “You are upset?” I made no move to respond, remaining pressed firmly to the wall, willing the red away. “What? Is it truly so devastating to lose one fight? I think you may have an ego problem.” Pietro’s voice was light, not mocking but certainly teasing. I heard shuffling and then felt his presence close to me, he had knelt down in front of me, presumably. “What is wrong with you?” I remained silent; hands pressed to my closed eyes. Warm hands wrapped loosely around my own, tugging them away from my face. I clenched my fists. I was so utterly petrified that the red had returned that my body barely reacted to the discomfort of being touched.
“Leave me.” I muttered.
He did not. “Open your eyes.” I squeezed them shut tighter, pressing my back even further against the wall, hands still clenched at my sides. He repeated himself, voice so soft it almost sent a shiver down my spine. I shook my head at him, but he ignored my protest going to repeat himself once more.
“I can’t.” It was quiet and barely sounded like me, or perhaps it did sound like me, but a me from a long time ago. He asked me why. “I can’t because if I do, I might hurt you.”
There was silence for a long moment then. “Is that not something you want to do?” I hadn’t decided if keeping my eyes shut was a better alternative than the red. He was still there; I could feel it. Shaking my head gently, I pushed myself back up the wall until I was on my feet once more. I faced straight ahead, away from him before I let my eyes open. The red dissipated slowly before me, turning to dust and nothingness. When I was sure the red was gone, I glanced over my shoulder at the Maximoff boy.
“As it turns out, I am fine. Off you go.”
He narrowed his eyes at me. “What happened to you?”
I ignored his words, pushing off the wall and exiting the building. It was deadly quiet on the jet; the only sound was Agent Hill’s voice informing us about the damage caused by Stark and Banner. The latter of the two sat on the ground, wrapped in a blanket, it had taken quite a lot to get rid of the green guy. An air of defeat and exhaustion sat thick around us as Clint flew us toward the safe house.
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sophietv · 1 year
The Great War and the "second" war
Ok, now that I opened Pandora's box of writing my thoughts down, I don’t seem to be able to stop… 
That being said, I keep seeing antis, especially on Twitter, claiming how The Great War does not mean anything about LSK since it was the first world war, but there was a second after.
So the argument here is that they might have survived that first war (weirdly no one seems to know which events it might be about) but they did not survive the second one (this one is supposed to be 2019 and the failed coming out).
This is gonna be a long post, so if you just want to have my input on what those two wars are about, it's at the end.
At first, I just thought this argument was funny, especially since no one is able to explain what fight (war) this song refers to if it’s not the events of 2019.
But then it got me thinking that if people are seeing this connection about two wars, it was probably not accidental.
So, if there are two World Wars, what is The Great War talking about?
I do believe that The Great War is talking about the events of 2019. There’s many things that point to this.
The Great War is sampled on Only The Young. It’s the same drum beat, especially in the intro.
I think it is meant to set the time the song took place (2019) and the reason behind this great war : The political climate, the results of the elections. As many suspect might have played a role on her not being able to come out.
But the lyrics also points toward 2019: 
The most telling is : “Somewhere in the haze, got a sense I’d been betrayed”
This clearly points to the betrayal accusation that is looming over Karlie since 2019 and that Swifties use to hate on her.
There’s an amazing post about this. I encourage you to go read it as it will help you understand where I am coming from for the rest of the analysis.
Perez Hilton posted a Youtube Video saying how Taylor and Karlie are no longer close because of Scooter Braun, based on absolutly nothing. Ashley Avignone and Claire Winter liked the Taylor Swift Updates post about it.
Therefore lauching every Swifties and their mothers on Karlie.
This tweet and the video are still up, but the original post shared by Taylor Swift Updates and liked by Taylor's friend no longer exists.
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(I highly suggest you read the post about debunking all of this!)
Perez Hilton liked a bunch of tweets this very year about how his claim that Karlie had betrayed Taylor was unfounded and basically not true.
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This is just one exemple, there's MANY (and he confirmed in the comments of some that he does not just like them automatically because his name is in the post).
He even liked one of mine saying he was in his redemption era, liking post debunking his rumor about Karlie...
All of this plays in those lyrics:
“And maybe it’s the past that’s talkin’, screamin’ from the crypt. Telling me to punish you for things you never did. So I justified it.” 
Perez posting those rumors and having her friends “confirm” it by liking the post.
“Spineless in my tomb of silence, tore your banner down took the battle underground”
Her not doing anything at the time (at least at first) to stop those rumors.
“Looked up at me with honor and truth, broken and blue, so I called off the troops.”
The Taylor Swift Updates post being deleted. Her friends are still showing support to Karlie on SM (again, if you have not read the debunk post, it’s really good!).
Frozen ground pointing at 2019:
In The Great War, there’s also the lyric: “Soldier down on that icy ground, looked up at me with honor and truth, broken and blue”. 
Taylor has used the frozen imagery to talk about the Master Heist in Folklore and Evermore.
Hoax: “My win less fight, this has frozen my ground”. 
In the Long Pond Studio Session, when she talks about Hoax she says that it’s about multiple things: A relationship and the true meaning of love for her (staying when the other person is having a difficult time), a person that betrayed her and that she saw like family (Scott Borchetta) and a work thing that really hurt (The Master Heist).
The Win Less Fight is the attempt to come out that has frozen her ground (her past work).
It’s Time To Go: “He’s got my past frozen behind glass, but I got me”
Again, referencing having her past work stolen from her as being frozen.
Right Where You Left Me: “Did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen, time went on for everybody else she won’t know it”.
Once again, she is talking about her and how she got frozen in time by the master heist.
The Lakes: "A red rose grew up, out of ice frozen ground. With no one around to tweet it”.
The lakes talks about her not belonging and wanting to escape with her muse. A red rose, means love and passion.
Meaning that in all of this, love grew up out of the public eye...
In Evermore she also alludes to the cold and the winter while looking back on the events of 2019 (this would take a whole other post to go through all of this) : “And I was catching my breath. Barefoot in the wildest winter catching my death”.
Even in Only The Young: "It keeps me awake, the look on your face, the moment you heard the news. Screaming inside and FROZEN in time, you did all that you could do"
She might be talking about more than just the elections right there...
Another thing that for me screams of 2019 : “Your finger on my hairpin trigger”.
To me this sounds like her relationship with Karlie was one big reason for her wanting to come out in 2019. 
How since the start of her relationship with Karlie she has been more loud about her queerness and how Karlie was the catalyst of her wanting to come out.
This relationship makes her want to drop “hairpins” as she references too in Right Where You Left Me : “I swear you could hear a hairpin drop, right when I felt the moment stopped.”
This checks out when you look back on her discography, social media posts, interviews and everything. Taylor has started being louder and dropping hairpins in conjunction with her relationship with Karlie.
What does it mean for Kaylor?
The song clearly depicts how they made it through those events:
“I vowed, I would always be yours, ‘cause we survived the great war”. 
Which was even more solidified by Taylor singing “I WILL always be yours” when she played it as a surprise song.
But there’s also other interesting detail about that song:
“My hand was the one you reached for all throughout the great war”
Meaning Karlie was there all this time. 
Also: “That was the night I nearly lost you. I really thought I lost you.”
Meaning Taylor did not lose Karlie. She thought she did, thought she might. But as she is saying in the song, it was not the case. 
But why is it about World War 1 AKA The Great War when we know there’s a World War 2?
Here’s what I think it means.
The Great War is about the events of 2019 : her wanting to come out and not being able to because of the Master Heist.
In her song The Archer, which is about the fear of coming out and how she is ready for it (pun not intended).
She starts the song with “Combat, I’m ready for combat”. (singular). 
The combat here is her coming out and the possible backlash it can have.
She sadly was not able to come out in 2019.
But since August 2019 and her BBC1 performance, Taylor has changed the lyrics a bit.
In her live performance of BBC1 (Septembre 2019)
Live in Paris (Septembre 2019)
You can clearly hear “Combats, I’m ready for combats”.
Even during the Eras Tour you can hear her using plural in the song.
The singular combat of coming out in 2019 has transformed into multiple ones, her having to re-record her first six albums for one plus whatever other challenges arose in 2019 that we don’t know about.
So World War 2 might be in that case her future coming out.
Whenever that might be.
And the song saying: “We will never go back”
Meaning that whatever happens, they’ll face it together this time.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 11 months
anything with leathal amounts of ust please!!!
Hey Nonny!
Oh gosh, it's been so long since my last UST/URT list, and I've not a lot of new ones to add that I've personally read, so let's give you what I currently have plus anything tagged with it on my MFL list!
As usual friends, please add yours if you got it!! <3
UST / URT Pt. 2
See also: UST / URT Pt. 1
Evermore by SosoHolmesWatson (G, 2,068 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S4,  5-Year-Old Rosie, Love Confessions, Song Fic, Parentlock, Oblivious John, Pining Sherlock, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Disney Songs, Beauty and the Beast) – For the past years, John and Sherlock have lived at Baker Street again, raising Rosie together--as friends and nothing more. Ever since the little girl has watched her first Disney movie, she is obsessed with princesses. When John comes home one day, he finds his friend and his daughter in the middle of a reenactment of her current favourite. Part 1 of Made of Music
fulfilling for other people by missselene (E, 3,957 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Oblivious John, Pining Sherlock, Unhappy Fic, Unrequited Love Confession, Virgin Sherlock) – When Sherlock decides to act on John’s advice regarding romantic entanglements, the results are far from what John expected. Part 1 of fulfilling for other people
Swallow the Night by ArwaMachine (E, 87,873 w., 15 Ch. || TSo3/Stag Night Fix It, TAB/S4 Divergence, Toplock, Mutual Pining, PWP, Drunk / Public Sex, Anal Fingering/Sex, Alcohol-Induced Amnesia, Everyone Knows Except Them, Emotional Love Confession, Demisexual Sherlock, Internalized Homophobia [John], Parentlock with Rosie, First Kiss, Drug Relapse, Infidelity, Texting, Masturbation, Oblivious John, Emotional Love Making, Angst with Happy Ending, Dreams and Nightmares) – “Do you know how long,” John panted, his cheek scraping against the wall, looking back at Sherlock through half-closed eyes, “I’ve wanted this?” Sherlock pressed himself against John’s back, biting at John’s ear. “Not nearly as long as I have,” he whispered.
2 Bits by Ewebie (M, 717 w., 1 Ch. || TABlock/Victorianlock || Shaving Each Other, UST/URT) – It was the quiet moments. The peace behind closed doors and drawn curtains. At the end of a case. At the end of a long day. At the end of their ropes, but away from society’s prying eyes. That was the foundation upon which the rumors were spread. Part 11 of the Tumblr Shorts series
Nothing Happened in Belarus by DiscordantWords (M, 6,589 w., 2 Ch. || Time Travel || S1 / S4 Compliant, Drug Use, Mutual Pining, Bittersweet, Unresolved) – Six years, give or take. And one night where nothing happened.
Watch What They Photograph Series by Itsallfine (E, 8,014 w. across 3 stories || Sexting / Texting, Bars and Pubs, Pre-Slash, Oblivious John, Voyeurism, UST/URT, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss, Masturbation, Anal) – “If you want to learn what someone fears losing, watch what they photograph.” — Unknown
I meant to say always by OnceSherlock (T, 8,808 w., 1 Ch. || Fake Relationship, Parentlock, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Unresolved Romantic Tension, POV John, Protective Parents) – Rosie made sure that Sherlock was listening before whispering into John’s ear. “I wished for you and Papa to be married.”
Wanting Everything by jadztone (T, 10,931 w. 1 Ch., || Post-S4, Miscommunications, Pining John, Pregnancy, UST / RST, First Kiss, Parentlock, Mollcroft) – John and Rosie are living in Baker Street again, after the events of TFP. John is trying to work up the courage to tell Sherlock how he feels. When he finds out Molly is pregnant, he fears that he is too late.
Fight or Flight by saintscully (M, 10,941 w., 10 Ch. || T6T Fix It, Missing Scenes, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Mutual Pining, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse, Fluff and Angst, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Self-Doubt, Pre-Slash) – Mary Watson drugs Sherlock Holmes and runs away from her husband and daughter. Claiming to flee in order to protect them, she leaves behind a fragile marriage and a fractured relationship with the consulting detective. This is the story of John and Sherlock during Mary’s months away from London. Part 1 of the The Fight or Flight Universe series
Inevitable Conclusions by apliddell (T, 12,103 w., 6 Ch. || TEH Fix It / Post TRF, UST/RST, Ginger Sherlock, Domestics, POV First Person Sherlock) –  The timing isn't perfect. I know that. Part 1 of An Extraordinary Genius for Minutiae
The City of Dreams by bittergreens (E, 12,908 w., 1 Ch. || Established Relationship, UST/RST, Oral/Anal, Hotel Sex, Opera, Case Fic, Toplock, Hand & Finger Kink, Dirty Talk, Possessive Sherlock, Champagne, Drinking, Post-Case Sex) – In which John and Sherlock go to the opera, apprehend a criminal, and then return to their hotel room to have jubilant, endorphin-fueled, post-case sex. Part 1 of the The City of Dreams series 
John Comes to Sussex by iriswallpaper (T, 13,468 w., 9 Ch. || Post S3, Victor/Sherlock, Mutual Pining, UST/URT, Sherlock-Centric, Love Declarations, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Grief/Mourning, Eventual Johnlock, Terminal Illness, Domestics, Retirement) – Sherlock and John both had two great loves of their lives. They had waited more than half their lifetime for each other. They’d both married and had good lives and now as widowers the time for their relationship had finally come. A story of happiness, loss, rediscovered love, contentment, retirement together, family, friendship and late-life love. Un-betaed. I know there are verb tense irregularities but the Internet said that's OK for flashback scenes. All errors are mine and mine alone. It made me ridiculously happy to write this fic. I hope it makes you happy to read it - if it does, please leave a comment. Comments make me ridiculously happy, too. Part 1 of Retirement in Sussex
fulfilling for other people Series by missselene (E, 19,140 w. across 4 works || Post S4, Pining Sherlock, Virgin Sherlock, Oblivious John, Unrequited Love, UST/RST, Bath Sex, Internalized Homophobia, First Kiss/Time, Making Love, Tender Sex, Vocal Sherlock, Caring John, Angst and Fluff) – When Sherlock decides to act on John’s advice regarding romantic entanglements, the results are far from what John expected.
To Reach a Breaking Point by LollipopCop (E, 33,990 w., 12 Ch. || Post-S3, First Kiss/Time, Pining Sherlock, Romance, Frottage, Fluff and Angst, UST/URT, Unresolved Emotional Tension, Kissing, Eventual Happy Ending) – After an adrenaline-filled chase, Sherlock and John can't contain themselves and kiss in an alley. However, John regrets it. Sherlock doesn't know if he should act like it never happened, try to kiss John again, or confront him.
Trenchcoats and Capes by jomochi (T, 35,275 w., 3 Ch. || Superhero AU || UST/URT, Mutually Unrequited, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Love Confessions, Secret Identity, Hero John) – He’s twirling a strand of hair around the finger of his other hand. His coat, which honestly looks more like a cape than anything, is spread out beneath him. His chest rises and falls slowly with calm breaths, the tight black material of his suit stretching to accommodate the movement. John has seen many pictures of him but not one did him any justice. The sight before John is breath-taking. It isn’t right. Evil shouldn’t look this good.
To Poisons and Their Antidotes by thegirlinthedeathfrisbee (M, 66,648 w., 12 Ch. || Unilock AU || Deductions, Coffee, Dinners, Dates, Drug Use, UST / RST, Romance, Humour, One-Liners, Drama, Angst, ASiP, Oral/Anal, Hand Jobs) – Every poison has their antidote. Sherlock will meet the antidote to his poison in the most unlikely of ways. 
Roommates are for little people by alexxphoenix42 (E, 69,042 w., 14 Ch. || Teen/Unilock || Forced to Share a Bed, Pining, Hurt/Comfort, Fake Relationship, Sherlock is a Prick, Drinking, Inadvertent Drug Use, Family Wedding, Footballer John / Ballet Dancer Sherlock, Frottage, Slow Burn, Mild Dub Con, Cuddling While Sleeping, Slight Homophobia, Posh Boy, Dirty Dancing, Endearments, Nosy FAmily, Bathing Together, Mild Angst, UST/RST, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Fluff) – John was looking forward to seeing his friends back at uni, but a new year brings new complications, not the least of which is a dorm room with only one bed, and a stroppy roommate with an utterly spectacular arse. God, John doesn't need the headache.
Sacré Coeur by Mamaorion (M, 95,235 w., 27 Ch. || S4 Fix It Rewrite, First Kiss, UST / RST, Eventual Happy Ending, Coming Out, Holmes Family, Marriage Proposal, Husbands, Healing, Evil Mary, Beekeeping, Caretaker Sherlock, Mind Palace, Alzheimer’s Disease, Protective / Big Brother Mycroft, TD-12) – In this s4 fixit, John must piece together the gaps in his altered memory if he and Sherlock are to face the terror that has plagued Sherlock since childhood. As they untangle the web, seven years of hidden love ignite.
To the Sticking Place by blueink3 (E, 121,973 w., 20 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Musical Theatre AU || Showmance, Friends to Lovers, Bickering, UST / RST, Fluff, Virgin Sherlock, BAMF John, New York City / Broadway) – Renowned Shakespearean actor Sherlock Holmes has finally burned all of his bridges in the theatre industry save for his constant director, Greg Lestrade. John Watson has made a name for himself in the musical theatre circuit, but age and injury are working against him. Can they reinvent themselves for an all-male Macbeth without killing one another? Part 1 of the Screw Your Courage series
Thirst by bittergreens (E, 122,257 w., 18 Ch. || Post TGG, POV John, Angst, Pining John, UST/RST, Masturbation, PTSD, Sexual Fantasy, First Kiss/Time, Nightmares, Frottage, Friends to Lovers, BAMF John, Mildly Dub Con, Hurt/Comfort, Oral Sex, Rain Sex, Voice Kink/Porn, Loud Sex, Rimming, Fingering, Dirty Talk, Case Fic, Baths / Bath Sex, Mild Gore, Psychological Torture, Fluff, Slow Burn) – When John realizes he has feelings for Sherlock and decides he must keep those feelings secret at all costs, the resulting tension might bring Baker Street to the ground.
Drift Compatible by J_Baillier (E, 130,380 w., 26 Ch. || Pacific Rim Fusion || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Alternate First Meeting, Angst, Family Drama, Accidental Telepathic Voyeurism, Martial Arts, Sci-Fi, Internalised Homophobia, Rubbish Siblings, Army Doctor John, Medical H/C, Bullying, Neurodiversity, PTSD, Drug Use, Depression, Mourning, Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, UST/URT) – A washed out war hero struggling with his past. A prodigy who wants nothing to do with his family legacy. Both are looking for something—and someone—worth fighting for in a world where human civilisation is constantly under threat.
The Men Who Talked Between the Words by Odamaki (E, 463,024 w., 30 Ch. || Parentlock, UST/URT, Pining Sherlock, Grieving John, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Past Abuse, Slow Burn/Build, Case Fic, First Kiss / Time, Implied/Referenced Suicide & Drug Use, Slow Burn, Sherlock Whump, Panic Attacks) – John expected to be a father some day; he expected to have the house, and the wife and the nice suburban job. Sherlock never expected to have children, in part because he never expected to make it past 30. As it turns out, you don't get a choice. Crammed into Baker Street with a baby, John struggles with single-parenthood and his own fears, while Sherlock treads the fine line between doing too little and saying too much. 
Everyone Who Knows Us by fraxinusanomala (E, 1,920+ w., 2/? Ch. || WiP || Young Royals / Royalty AU || First Kiss, Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love, Aristocrat Sherlock, High School, UST / RST, Romance) – When Swedish prince Sherlock is sent to an elite boarding school after an embarrassing public incident, he is sure he’s going to be absolutely miserable. That is, of course, until he lays eyes on local scholarship student John Watson.
The Case of the Dancing Cameras by Kr_Nl (E, 54,091+ w., 10/11 Ch. || WiP || Post S4, Dancing Men Adaptation, Case Fic, Angst, Slow Burn, Massage, UST/URT, Homoerotic Literature, Angst, Slow Burn, Fake Relationship, Scars, Humping, Masturbation, Flirting, Almost Kiss, Pining Sherlock) – The case in which John gets to be a massage therapist for a case and Sherlock gets to be massaged against his will (not really). Taking liberties with The Adventure of the Dancing Men of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Or the case in which John discovers Sherlock turns himself on with homoerotic literature.
Since First I Saw Your Face by Stavia_Scott_Grayson (M, 398,966+ w., 19/22 Ch. || WiP || ACD Canon / 1884 Victorian AU || Friends to Lovers, Pining, UST/URT, POV Sherlock, Christmas, Developing Relationship, Turkish Baths, Victorian Attitudes, Sussex Holiday, Cocaine, Holmes’ Childhood, Cold Cases, References to Canon) – During the Great Hiatus, Holmes, studying in Tibet, reflects on his first meeting with Dr John Watson.
Over Fathoms Deep by bittergreens (E, 477,709+ w., 60/? Ch. || WiP || Historical / Regency / Sailing AU || Sailor!John / Aristocrat!Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Virgin Sherlock, Sailing, Bottomlock, UST / RST, Hand/Blow Jobs, Frottage, Masturbation, Happy Ending, Anal) – When the youngest son of the aristocratic Holmes family is shipped off to sea in an attempt to cure him of his poor temper and bad manners, he fully expects to spend a long tedious voyage as miserable as ever. What he does not count on is having his heart stolen by the strapping young crewman, John Watson.
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I’m trying something a little bit new today. A positivity post because I feel like shit now. For those of you who don’t know my ex broke up with me two days ago and I didn’t really feel anything about it. Turns out I had just numbed my feelings until it hit me on my dog walk today. So trying positivity to make me feel better.
@intothedysphoria is where I got the inspiration to do this. Max makes positivity posts when he feels down and it’s something I admire so much. He also writes such good disabled Harringrove content. Like I don’t even ship it and here I am liking all of the posts because I love it all. And he has been so kind to me on discord when I vented about the breakup. I know right now is a rough patch for you, Max but I just want you to know that you kind of feel like a positive force that teaches me brilliant chaotic gremlin things. Thank you for that!!
@hargrove-mayfields is so amazing too. EJ, you were the first person I have truly interacted with online for any fandom ever. I couldn’t have asked for a better person. You have been nothing but sweet and lovely to me, and though you don’t see my jumping up and down frantically whilst waving my hands in the air every single time we interact and especially when you let me get my grubby mitts on a fandom event (again), I kinda want to let you know I maybe do that. So thanks EJ for being amazing.
@skutter We have never interacted but this is a post to make me happy so I wanted to tag you. I really couldn’t believe it when you shared one of my posts for the first time. Because you are like the only other person who blogs about Red Dwarf I could find. And I barely get to ever talk or do anything about Red Dwarf with anybody my age because I’m really the wrong generation for classics like that but oh boy, your posts bring my so much happiness when I see them. Thank you so much for helping me indulge in a silly little brain rot I have.
Also tagging @shieldofiron, @carito-dorito, @salthat, @peachyaliien (who tumblr will not let me tag despite me literally opening her blog), and anybody else on the @disabledbillyandsteveweek discord (check out that tag for stranger things content) who let me be a bit of a mess over there.
A final thanks to my irl friends Abi and Ciara who will probably never know or see this post. You two have been so amazing over the past few days and I am so sad we are all leaving this weekend down our own paths. We will meet again at Christmas when we return from the land beyond (England is that hour plane ride away beyond). My DofE besties who have been with me for so long, I can’t wait to go out tonight which you two arranged beautifully just for me.
Ciara and I have been friends for 14 years, and boy have we been through thick and thin together. We might no longer be as close but I will always remember you for being my first crush and my closest childhood friend. Also the legend who said in response to my I think I’m autistic said yeah, we all knew that.
Abi, we met later but we have been inseparable since. From chucking things at each other, to me making fun of your height (you aren’t *that* short, our friends and me are just tall), and to being the crush who made me realize oh shit, I’m gay.
And to the frankly hilarious coincidence named Jay. You bastard. Why did Ciara have a crush on you and then Abi went on to date you now. Do I have to expect my ex to date you soon? Do I? Will you haunt my romances for evermore?
Anyway thank you to anyone who actually bothered to get up to this point. I see why Max does these now. I feel better.
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taylor-on-your-dash · 23 days
Will you ver put out a timeline for folklore, evermore, and midnights? I know that for ttpd is basically impossible
yeah, ttpd is impossible, i am SHOCKED AND APPALLED that aaron hasn't said a SINGLE thing, when he literally carries the folkmore and partially the midnights timeline on his back. i have already written a folkmore timeline, but there is a problem, i'm writing a post about it. it's a loaded, trauma-dumpy post so it's taking a while for me to write what i want to say the way i want to say it. it's more about the problems that the folklore timeline opens and how i'm trying to resolve them i guess.
for midnights my best friend suggested we do a chronological timeline based on the key events of the album, so kinda different from the usual timeline, we were working on it a few months ago, we did LHaze, midnight rain, bejeweled, sweet nothing, the great war, high infidelety and dear reader and then we got sidetracked. we'll probably resume that in mid-september, but we agreed to analyse chloe et al first. maybe for midnight's birthday if i manage. i haven't even translated anything yet 💀 BUT! there's a midnights timeline by @likeadevils!
the timeline i'm more excited about is the debut one, i went to unhinged lengths to make it as accurate as possible (i even wrote to Bob Orrall... and he answered... 🥲❤️) and i'm SUPER proud of it, i truly cannot wait to put it out
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shootingstarpilot · 1 year
hello and congrats on the new job in Utah!! I lived there for 3ish years and I still miss it sometimes. I just wanted to pop in and say that if you’re going to be in the SLC area and looking to make friends/meet new people, Under the Umbrella bookstore is an amazing indie bookstore that does a lot of community-building events for the local queer community! They were located near my old work and I never did much more than buy books but they do the *coolest* stuff and sometimes I lived in Utah again just so I could go to their events lol
Listen, I saved this ask so I could have it at hand for reference when I actually got into Salt Lake City, and now that I'm here...
*shakes a finger threateningly in your direction* YOU. I DID NOT NEED TO ACCUMULATE MORE BOOKS.
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...Damnit. It's SUCH a good bookshop. Thanks for that.
I wish I was sticking around! I'm giving myself a break tomorrow and I'm gonna try see Evermore (edit: UGH, I just realized I'm in the exact wrong time period between Oktoberfest and Ripper's Cove AND tomorrow is a Monday, time means nothing to me, FINE), but the day after that I'm heading four hours south for the final leg of the trip. I spent most of today walking around SLC, and honestly, I... kind of didn't expect to have as much fun as I did?
I mean, obviously, the bookstore was fun, but I also wandered into a performing arts center in the vain hope of finding a bathroom I didn't have to pay for, ended up chatting with a house manager who gave me a bunch of cool museums to visit, and then mentioned off-hand that they had a show going on right now, and on my way out I realized it was too damn hot to go explore the city in mid-afternoon so I bought a ticket without knowing what the show was and caught the last two and a half hours of a three-hour-long combination lecture/dance/concert centering around Indian novel Ponniyin Selvan???
And they were selling Indian food at the concession stand, so I got to treat myself to samosas for dinner???
And then after that I wandered around Temple Square and ducked into the Tabernacle to catch a bit of the choir practice???
And then after THAT I took Obi's vest off so he could roll around in the grass right outside for a bit, and a couple girls came up and we started chatting and it turns out one of them ALSO had MS so we exchanged numbers to bitch about it together???
I mean. I'm not complaining. I genuinely didn't expect to be enjoying myself so much. Long live road trips, I guess! The mountains are UNREAL.
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evermorehqs · 11 months
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Allison Silva is based on Allison Watts from Hocus Pocus. She is a 28 year old witch, operations manager at the evermore museum, and uses she/her pronouns. She has the power of protection and warding. Allison is portrayed by Macarena Achaga and she is taken.
Allison's obsession with the occult and all things supernatural started at a very young age. Her mother being the previous owner of the Sanderson Sisters cottage when it was once a museum was enough to ignite her curiosities in all things otherworldly. Her family didn't own it for long though, a few bumps in the night was enough to spook her mom into selling it. As Allison got older she kept her interest to herself, her parents didn't find it charming and it didn't really make good conversation with her other wealthy friends. Then came Maximilian Desai during her junior year of high school; someone who shook up Allison's whole world from the moment he entered it. Max seemed to see her for more than just a pretty face, but someone who was intelligent and also incredibly caring. As they became closer friends the more Allison felt a protective urge to keep him and his little sister away from the Sanderson's cottage. Max didn't believe in any of that superstition mumbo jumbo though and ignored Allison's pleas to not light the black candle. In the end he did anyway, and soon learned that dark magic wasn't a toy to be messed with.
Dealing with the Sanderson witches was a whole ordeal and mess that Allison didn't ever want to put herself in again. Though she had gotten something useful out of that fateful night. She remembered Winnie calling Aliison a white witch when she used her knowledge of the occult to pour a circle of salt around herself and Max for protection. For a long while after the ordeal Allison thought nothing of it until a bunch of strange accidents started happening in her life that couldn't be explained, and each time she always came out unscathed. Car accidents, faulty wiring in her home, things that could have been more disastrous to anyone else otherwise. Call it luck but Allison felt differently, maybe Winnie was right, perhaps she was a witch too. It was something she began practicing with for a few years--mainly protection spells to keep her from falling into another situation like had been in with the Sanderson witches. Years came and went and unfortunately Allison had to leave Max behind to pursue her dreams she had for college. She wanted to be an architect or maybe open up a museum like her mother had done. Either way she was ready to leave Salem behind and all her memories of it. You know what they say, be careful for what you wish for, because Allison got exactly that when she woke up in Evermore. Everything came back slowly in bits and pieces until she stumbled into Max and Dani again. Just like Max her full memory didn't come back until he lit that dreaded candle again, dooming them all to repeat history once more. It didn't matter though, she'd stick it out for Max and Dani. Allison wasn't a little girl anymore, this time around she was a witch and she was ready for to fight.
❀ Ming Lee: Allison's boss at the museum, but Ming isn't just someone she works under, Allison really admires Ming and her work ethic. She only hopes to be half as efficient as her one day. ❀ Zelda Borne: Allison met Zelda when the museum was hosting a charity event at Hideaway Hostels. The two instantly clicked, and now the pair isn't seen without the other. Unless one of them is working of course. ❀ Ami Mizuno: She's a regular at the museum to the point they know each other on a first name basis. Usually they talk of modern art and poetry. Allison enjoys any moment she can geek out about history, and Ami lets her do just that.
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cebwrites · 2 years
and everyday, i add another stone
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canon x oc (Lawrin) he/they law, angst(?) word count: 0.7k
Many changes would shake the world following the events of Marineford, both big and small. One of them being the commodification of the Tone Dial, courtesy of Brook and his music along his road to stardom, but of course once they were in circulation, that wasn’t the only thing the public used it for.
Law hunched over the strange device on their workspace, inspecting it briefly but otherwise still seemed apprehensive. Their partner had assured him that it was perfectly harmless as he explained how to use it, following Law’s initial scrutinous gaze.
Kirin had laughed back then, peppered butterfly kisses across Law’s cheeks. They pushed those thoughts aside. They were having a hard time trying to focus tonight, too many thoughts filling up too little space, so a distraction was needed. Among other functions, Kirin also mentioned that he’d recorded something on this TD to serve as an example, a reading of some story off his shelf.
Switching it on, the tension in their shoulders gradually fizzled out as Law heard his partner rummaging around and fiddling through the sky island native device’s buttons. 
The reading was amateurish - being nice about it; Kirin kept getting distracted, talking about things unrelated, clearing his throat, and Law could hear ambient noises from the crew throughout, as if he hadn’t kept in one place while reading. It was good enough background noise, though, the Heart captain was back to being buried in his studies within the hour.
Kirin in the recording seemed to find his rhythm, too, managing to find a relatively quiet spot and from them on the disturbances were kept to a minimum.
If you asked him, Law probably wouldn’t be able to tell you what the actual plot of the book was. It’s genre was romance, nothing they were interested in and frankly was grateful for since if Kirin had read something he did like, Law probably wouldn’t be paying much attention to his own work.
Law leaned back in their chair to stretch, satisfied with how much he’d been able to get done that day. Glancing at the clock that adorned his wall, they noted that Penguin would be up here in a few to call them down for dinner. His gaze turned towards the Tone Dial, its use no longer needed - their attention was caught before Law could turn it off, however.
「 These words only carry a fraction of my feelings for you. They are as vast as the ocean that keeps us apart. 
I long to feel your lips on mine and caress the intricate lines on your body. 
My soul yearns for you, ekes out what solace it can find until we are joined again, whole. 
You’ve lit a fire in my chest and it consumes my flesh evermore, burning desire only tapered by the warmth I feel by your side, darling. 
My being aches in your absence.
Sweetheart, my dearest moonlight - wait for me. 」
Something hollow made itself known in their chest, a viscous sinking feeling in the depth of their stomach followed suit - how long had it been since he made the decision to cut contact? About a month ago, but there were already two messages on their snail phone that Law refused to listen to.
This was their compromise - a way to hear his partner’s voice without letting his emotions sway them. That was the plan, anyway.
The plan for what, exactly - shutting everyone out so you could die guiltlessly at Doffy’s hand?
A knock at the door breaks Law out of their stupor, blinks the pooling moisture from their eyes, too, as they tell whoever it is on the other wise that he’d be out in a minute. Stewing in his feelings, he feels like he might need a little longer but simply suppresses those inclinations like everything else up until this point.
He’d made up his mind, taking down Doflamingo came first and Law wouldn’t forgive themselves if anyone got hurt fighting his battles more people meant more liabilities. This was their past to put to rest, and theirs alone.
But if he did survive, well, he’d simply have to make sure that Kirin didn’t live down his poeticism.
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keefwho · 4 months
May 27 - 2024 Monday
I didn't journal yesterday because my tummy hurt and I had bad anxiety last night.
This morning I didn't clean since I have to handle my parents 5 dogs which takes the entirety of my usual cleaning time. So I did that, took my shower, and made a breakfast sandwich with rice for breakfast. Also had a cookie. I tried to take my time eating which I don't usually do because I often feel like I don't have the time.
For work I warmed up with pony sketches and was thinking about how I want to determine a real sketching method rather than swapping in between things like I've been doing. I've been learning the pros and cons of different sketching methods and I'm on track to create a workflow that incorporates all of them in different stages. I see the potential. Then I finished that Venus patreon reward which I had a lot of fun making because of the composition and colors. It was also sort of classic in terms of subject matter and I enjoyed trying to capture that harsh vibe again. It seemed to do very well on my socials. For the last half of the stream I was handling selecting people for next month's commissions and setting up my spreadsheets.
After work I took care of the dogs and called DS while she worked on her fursuit so we could watch Barbie: A Mermaid's Tale. It was the most 5/10 Barbie so far I think. There was nothing too great or too bad about it. Nothing really stood out at all. The best thing I can remember is how cute the little seahorse with low self confidence was. While watching I played Gunfire Reborn on Roblox to get some of the event tokens and I was slaying in that challenge. She had to leave abruptly due to mom briefing her on family drama that I forgot to ask about. In the meantime I ate lunch and joined BR and AE in their server vc while I did DS's request. She asked for Zelink which was a hard prompt because it's so vague but also a good challenge. I had to think of something that I could do within 30 minutes and focused on 1 character since the requests are single character. I think I came up with something good. Then for my hour of personal art, I just sketched really good looking restyles of Monster High dolls on Pinterest. I always say if you wanna get good at something, you have to do it. I am pulled to draw Monster High content in some way but I lack the skills to adequately portray human proportions. So I did an hour of what I'd call fun practice because personal learning has to be fun. DS was free again in the middle of that so I worked in call with her while we watched Youtube. When I was done sketching, I switched to working on the VRchat world for PZ. I was mentally tired at this point but I cranked out 45 minutes on it and got a few things done. Im proud of myself for that given how little energy I had to spare.
With work done I switched back to Roblox with this not too great driving game and started grinding for more tokens. I put on more of this youtube video about a theme park called Evermore and everything it did wrong. We watched that for awhile until I remembered I had to take the dogs out so I switched to my phone and showed off the doggies. It was nice standing around outside just talking about whatever. I remember being really unengaged for a lot of the day because I think I'm getting tired of doing the same thing over and over right now. So being there outside, while brief, was refreshing. I was also thinking about what I was going to do with the evening knowing I'd have to figure out something. DS left to go shower and get something to eat. I just tuned in to this stream of Rust on Twitch and actually got invested. There was a big team of people engaged in a fight for a drop with another big team. The way they played was aggravating because they had no real organization. This is something I notice with a lot of events like this. I don't know why there isn't a simple hierarchy structure where people just follow orders, I think it would be a lot more organized and effective. Also fun to do and fun to watch. DS wanted to Just Dance so we did that before bed. We did the current Black Swan "event" which was actually just 2 poorly mapped songs with a hint of lore. Then we did one more poorly mapped song. It was still fun though.
In bed we did our puzzles and lost at connections because there was too much topic overlap and we were a little too careless maybe. Or I was at least. Then we had a nice little talk while drifted off to sleep. I played a Roblox skibidi toilet tower defense game trying to earn more tokens but I learned I had been mislead by the game and wasn't actually making any progress on the quests. BUT I had a very fun 30 minutes listening to very fast trance music and vibing out to the game.
I meant to do my trust homework for therapy today but I didn't get adequate time. I've been thinking a lot about it though. More specifically how I can make progress on my day to day trust issues in general. It's tough because it's not acute. Its a very deeply engrained way of thinking I need to unwire. It's something that can probably only be done with a lot of time, awareness, and having actual trustworthy people in my life.
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dleena2023 · 4 months
dearest and beloved zofgk & ktr
how are you all? i hope all of you had enough rest and sleep today :) and soon, it will be none other than the msi's semi finals taking place at 5pm sgt time later. alhamdulillah t1 won a clean sweep series yesterday against g2 3-0 amin amin amin!! so now they are advancing today against blg aka a rematch last sun. defeting g2 was quite.. surprising? i didn't expect us to get a clean series like woahh but oh wells, i guess i underestimated you guys :-( sorry bois! i was too afraid of the outcome and i don't want to get my hopes too high for them to be crushed in the end >.< but i know that you loves are still playing very wonderfully during this tournament. maybe it's just one of those days.. eh? okay so straight to the point, facing blg is another tough event to face especially since they are considered the 1st lpl seed. and i vividly remember how we got vanquished by them in msi last year with a score of 1-3. *sobs loudly* that memory hurts and sucks a lot but that only made us stronger, right? and look what we have become now, we defeated them in worlds and become worlds champs babyyy! so let's move forward and live in the present moment aites~ it's gonna be a tough fight against them but i believe you bois can handle them up to par and be even better than them. that 1-3 we got last year? let's reverse it and the number will be 3-1. instead. and i believe we will win 3-1. have faith. to my dearest coaches as well, i hope you have communicated well with the bois for the pick & ban phase and play strategies. may we draft super, mega, extraordinarily well today, communicate confidently & effectively with each other, play to your best with no regrets and always always be confident that you are going to win it all. let's not forget to play with an ease and calm mind & heart always and for faker's wrist to affect him badly during the games and for him to heal as soon as possible. remember bois, no matter what the outcome and whatever you are feeling, don't let the immense pressure get to you, okay? because you perform best when you not under pressure. play with all your heart out and never lose faith in yourselves and in each other. you loves are the better counterparts than blg individually and i believe that as a team, you guys are even better as a whole. better than blg as well. today may be or may not be our last series as zofgk playing for msi so i wish you all the best for today. let's have fun & play with no regrets okay boiss!! you got thiss!! all your hard work all these while will definitely pay off so have faith!! msi is almost coming to an end so let's only make great and happy memories along the journey! whatever the results are, i'm still proud of each one of you and may we continue to grow and be happy always. today i just feel a bit calmer..? than usual like there's nothing bothering me at all and i'm not sure myself hahaha but i guess i kind of redha with everything now.. we had our ups and downs and almost fall short. everytime. so now, i just leave everything to the best of Planners, Allah SWT. i know He will give what's best for you loves, for me and the rest as well. so have faith and believe that His timing is never wrong. all of my love, prayers and doa-doa have a space for each one of you in my heart. may victory belong to us today and tomorrow if He wills. and may we only experience happiness and great memories. evermore and always. in sha Allah.
ps./ this song is a reflection to how i feel right now. calm and serene.
rooting for zofgk & ktr till the end
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mamibaddie · 2 years
When The Heart Beats || Vampire!Eddie Munson x Reader
Chapter 3: The Night He Came Back
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Authors Note: hey-o! This is the third chapter of my vampire!eddie series. I had fun writing this and I hope you have fun reading it too!! The next chapter will have smut in it so if you’re a minor please DNI. I don’t consent to anyone posting my story anywhere or translating it.
Summary: a creature of the night comes gently rapping at your windowpane. You should let him in.
Warnings: blood, wounds, vampire!eddie, some stalking, sadness, mourning. 18+ only!
After what happened in Hawkins, everyone started to panic. Some thought that the Devil has come to Hawkins, feeding from everyone’s past. Others thought it was the end times, to get right with God. But both were wrong. People tried to keep everything going as usual but it was getting harder and harder as the days went on. Things were slowly dying, crops rotting away attracting flies and maggots. Flowers were withering and you feel like joining them.
As you walked into work, you overheard two people discussing the events that were taking place and others that you haven’t quite heard about yet. “I’m telling you Bill. There’s some freaky shit happening here. First Eddie Munson, then these portals opening up, now people don’t know who they are!” Exclaimed a man. “What are you talking about now Bobby?” Said the other. “I’m talking about how some people around Hawkins have said that they’ll be in one place, one moment. Them they wake up in another place, not knowing what happened!” “When does this happen?” “At night. Late at night.” The main named Bill rolled his eyes and scoffed. “They’re probably just drunk.” “That’s what I thought too! Until they all said they had bite marks on their necks.” “They have what now?!” Now Bill was intrigued with what Bobby had to say. “That’s right. Two holes, close to a vein. A centimeter more and they’d be a goner.”
You kept working. The story sounded strange and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think they were lying. But you’ve seen things that are completely unexplainable. After your shift that night, was when you noticed the first sign. It was past dusk. Hardly anyone was out when you walked to your car. From afar you seen something on your windshield. You walked slower, trying to figure out what it was from afar. A part of it was bright red, and the closer you got, you seen it was a rose. You looked around the parking lot and even underneath your car. All to find nothing.
The only person who ever gave you a rose, was Eddie. You remember it like it was yesterday. It was right before your first date with him. He picked you up in that van of his. He had on a dark blue button-up and tan-ish beige khaki pants. He stuffed in his button-up and you can tell he had done his hair. He had given you a singular rose, with a smile on his face. “For my fair maiden. Your chariot awaits.” He said, motioning to his van. You snapped out of your memory and came back to the present. You also noticed a card. On the envelope it had your first initial. You got in your car first and locked it. You looked around again, even in your backseat. No one was there. You started your car up but kept it in park. You opened the envelope and took out the letter. It read, “to my fair maiden. How I miss you so, we’ll be reunited soon and together again. Evermore.”
You felt like you had stopped breathing. Was it him? Your Eddie? Was it some cruel joke someone wanted to play?
It was all you could think about until the next sign, which was on your doorstep. You had woken up early to run some errands when you looked down, you seen another letter. This time the envelope and letter were red. You opened it and said, “ To my fair maiden, I cannot wait to hold you in my arms again. It’ll happen, soon. “ Then a little lower on the paper, there’s a quote that said, “And he took her in his arms and kissed her under the sunlit sky, and he cared not that they stood high upon the walls in the sight of many.” You giggled, tears sprouting from your eyes. It was a quote from Lord of The Rings. The Return of The King, to be precise. You knew because Eddie would always talk about his favorite fantasy books. Lord of The Rings was one of his favorites. You even started reading the series because you wanted to be able to have a discussion about the books, chiming in with his excited banter. He would sometimes base his DND games off of the stories. He would also quote some of the romantic lines to you from the book, never in front of anyone else but maybe Dustin and Mike. He had a certain persona that he wanted to keep up. However, you do remember the first kiss you shared in public, in the cafeteria. Everyone was looking, especially since it was Eddie Munson kissing a girl. That was unheard of, unfathomable even. But to you, you couldn’t figure out why he hadn’t pulled someone sooner. However, you were glad because you couldn’t imagine a life without Eddie.
You noticed this time it was signed with a cursive E. You went back inside, ran up the stairs and into your room. You opened up your vanity drawer and seen the other letters that Eddie secretly wrote to you when he was alive. You opened one up and compared the writing. It was practically identical. Right down to how he dotted his i’s. You couldn’t believe what you saw. He was alive, but how? You didn’t understand why he didn’t come to you. Why all these letters? Why didn’t he just walk right in? He knew where the key was hidden. You decided to leave a letter back. You don’t know why or how he’ll even see it but you figured it was worth the shot. You wrote about how much you missed him and wanted to see him. You slipped it in the window before bed and crawled into bed. It wasn’t until the following morning that you noticed it was gone. You looked for another letter to replace yours but it wasn’t there. It wasn’t until the next sign, that you knew you’d see him. The next sign came right after you got out the shower. You were applying Luster’s Pink Lotion to your hair when you heard a slight taping coming from your window. You opened your door to find nothing. Your room was incredibly still. You looked around, analyzing every nook and cranny. You seen another letter. This time, it was slipped through the crack of the window, hanging halfway out of your windowpane. You carefully open your window enough for it to fall right in your hands. You knew it was from him and you could barely contain your excitement. It read, “To my fair maiden, it’s me. I miss you so much. I’m so sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner. I’ve been wanting to talk to you in person, but I’m not sure how you’ll react. If you still love me, stay up for me past midnight. All you have to do is let me in.” You were over the moon. You were finally going to see your Eddie again! Thought filled you with nothing but joy. Ignoring the anxious pull at your heart strings.
All you could do was think about this the whole day. When it finally got to be that time, you had made sure you were showered, skincare and hair care routine finished. You waited and waited. You were reading the poem, “The Raven” by Edgar Allen Poe. Despite remembering what the note said, Your thin purple curtains were drawn. You wanted desperately to think that it was Eddie, but logically, how could it be? You remembered what your grief counselor said. That grief can manifest itself to become something other worldly. It can make you see or hear things. However, the writing did look familiar.
While you were in the middle of the poem, you heard something tap against your windowpane. You looked up to see what the tapping could be. It sounded like something gently rapping at your window. You see a figure out there, your grief ridden mind convinced it could be Eddie but you shake your head at the thought. “It is only a tree branch.” You say. “That and nothing more.” It keeps gently tapping at your window. You become frustrated but the closer you get, the more the figure really does look like Eddie. And the thought filled you with a fantastic terror you never felt before. And when you pulled open your curtains, and looked into the eyes of the man you loved, that you thought you’d never see again, you were filled from head to toe with an ethereal feeling. “Hello again my love.” He said. “Will you let me in?” You stared unblinkingly at him.
His hellfire shirt was ripped, torn to shreds with dried blood coagulated by the sides of his stomach. His leather jacket was scuffed, dried blood clung to it. There were what appeared to be bite marks littered on his body. His eyes were a radiant red. But when he blinked, they went right back to the same brown eyes you knew and loved. His beautiful, doe eyes had always captivated you but now you felt like you were in a trance. “Y/N…” he said, and his voice was smooth like velvet. “I asked you a question love, will you let me in?” You still haven’t blinked and tears rolled down your eyes. Your mouth partly opened. You slowly nodded your head. You made your way to the lock, and slowly opened the window to your late night visitor. The bits of fog slowly poured into your room. Despite it being late Spring, it was considerably chilly tonight.
He came into your room, almost like he was floating. You backed up and he followed you. “…are you real??… am I dreaming?…” he laughed and cradled your face with his cold hands… such a familiar touch. “Yeah, it’s me. I’ve missed you so much.” It all started to connect… the flowers… the letters… it was truly him. “But…you were dead… your body…” you choked on your tears. “Yeah… I was… my heart stopped and I thought I was dead. But I took a breath.. and then another.. and then another. The bites from the bats-“ you cut him off before he could finish. “..brought you back.” You slowly looked him over. He was so much paler from before.
You reached out your hands to feel him. Cold to the touch. He pulled you in for a hug that, despite how cold he was, felt warm. You shook off the bad feelings you got from this. Pushing this to the back of your mind. Your prayers had been answered. And that’s what matters. You looked up at him, “would you like to take a shower?” You asked. He put his hands on your waist and smirked at you, “are you going to join me?” He asked, his hands slowly cascading on down to grab your ass. You jumped and smiled at him. “I would, but I just took mine. Maybe next time.” “Okay, I’ll hold you to that sweetheart.” “Okay, I’ll help you get ready.” You said, unwrapping yourself from him. You got some of his clothes that he had left. You felt his intense stare the entire time but didn’t mind because you had to go an entire week without him. You walked out to the hallway where there were sheets and towels. You grabbed him a towel and a washcloth.
When you came back in, the water was running. You noted that you didn’t see any steam and supposed it was cold. He was sitting in your chair, in the corner. If it weren’t for the light from the bathroom, you wouldn’t even have known he was there. “You kept all of my stuff…even the shampoo and body wash. You must still love me, right sweetheart?” You looked at him, you wanted to look away from how intense his stare was. But at the same time, it captivated you so much that you couldn’t look away. “Of course, I prayed for you every night.” He smirked at the confession. You placed his stuff on the bathroom counter and walked over to close the window. “I suppose you’d like something to eat? I bet you’re hungry.” You said with a laugh. For the first time he smiled, and you were able to see his fangs. “Starved.”
Taglist: @capmedusa @lunar-flwr @celestixldarling @nxrdamp @da-disappointment @ratherdieasthedevil @saltysoftgrungeofscience @awesomesauce-abbie @sl-tfor-joseph-quinn
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gingeraleluke · 3 years
𝗺𝗶𝘅𝗲𝗱 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: vinnie hacker x black!fem!reader
𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀: vinnie and his girlfriend can’t seem to arrive at a birthday dinner without getting mobbed by fans.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: the whole birthday controversy (racism), reader has anxiety, some swearing, fluffy stuff, i made the reader a swiftie bc why tf not, talks about race
𝗔/𝗡: i hope that i did all of my black readers justice with this one, and that you all love it! this was a request from @phobiccniea <3
i tried my best to be as respectful as possible with this one considering the event that took place. i love you all so so much.
the pov for this one is all over the place, i’m sorry 😭
“ugh, are we almost there? because, i’m not sure how much more taylor swift and olivia rodrigo, i can take.” luna looked back at you through the rear view mirror. her blonde ponytail was sleeked back and stayed in place, despite the wind that blew from the open window. her hoops were large enough that they would clash up against each other if her head wasn’t in the way.
“yes, we are— and what’s so bad about liv and tay?” you asked, amused at her annoyance. the whole car ride there, luna complained about how she didn’t have the aux cord. you would have given it to vinnie since it’s his birthday, but he insisted that he didn’t care about what you guys listened to.
“nothing! i don’t mind, but…. come on?! it’s the same few songs you play, every time!” luna and you had been best friends since the fourth grade. while you had your similarities, you were both also polar opposites. she had offered to give you and vinnie a ride to the birthday dinner that everyone was attending. she felt bad for not being able to attend it, having a late dentist appointment and all, so she felt obligated to give the two a ride.
“okay, and?!” your voice grew louder as your hand gripped the back of luna’s seat. you and vinnie sat in the back, not wanting to sit up front and instead be with the birthday boy, leaving luna alone up front. your long, pink to white ombré acrylics, dug into the leather of the seat as you perched yourself forwards.
“and?! how many times do i have to listen to evermore and willow? pick one, you can’t have both.” you gasped and held a hand up to your chest.
“girl, that’s fucked up of you to say… but since you asked, evermore stays.” a smile formed on your face as the car began to park.
“your dad and brother are there already, right?” your hand grabbed onto vinnie’s shoulder, comfortingly.
“mmhm, they just got in.” you muttered a ‘cool’ before unbuckling your seatbelt and grabbing your sunglasses. the black leggings you wore, hugged your body just right and the oversized balenciaga hoodie that vinnie gave you, smelled just like him as your straightened hair draped over it. “alex said it’s mobbed with fans and photographers..”
suddenly becoming aware of the dilemma, you snapped your head back to look at him and shifted your body closer to his. he wore his snapback to hide his messy locks and he kept his eyes locked on his phone. “hey.” you lightly pushed his phone down so he would look at you. “are you sure you’re okay? we can just postpone this and go back home, i’m sure they’d understand—“
“no, y/n. it’s fine.” he rubbed his hand over his face as you heard the small clicking noise of his phone finally turning off. “it’s just… being called a racist and trending worldwide on my fucking birthday and then having to see paparazzi is just not something that i want to do..” he stated, materoffactly. vinnie had spent the past few hours scrolling through twitter. a video of him had resurfaced and people had claimed that he said a racial slur, when in reality, he was just thanking a fan named nikki for a sub. he knew he didn’t do anything wrong, but it still hurt him, and y/n could understand why.
“aight, listen, do you want me to do something?” you blurted, jumping into his lap so you balanced on his thigh. “seriously, vin. if you want me to say something i can—“
“no, baby, it’s not your problem to deal with, okay? i promise. just, don’t feel obligated to do something, because you aren’t, it’s my mess and you shouldn’t be getting dragged in it. i already tweeted about it, i’m just waiting for all of the stupidity to die down.” your eyes locked with his and you couldn’t help the small smile that formed on your lips as you looked at how adorable he was.
“i know.” you nodded, “i know, it’s just…. god, people can be so stupid and i’m so fucking pissed that they decided to pull some dumb shit like this on your birthday of all days!” vinnie looked up in adoration at you. “it’s ridiculous how jealous some people can be. because that’s what it is, vin. it’s jealousy. you did nothing wrong and if people wanna be stupid and claim that you’re a racist, when you clearly aren’t and they have literally no reason to think so, just let them— it’s nothing you did, vinnie, it’s just them wanting to make accusations. they look stupid as fuck. you’ve done nothing wrong, and this isn’t something that white people have any right to dismiss. it’s not their apology to accept.” you could tell that vinnie didn’t feel like talking, so you continued.
“i’m glad that they called you out on that, though. people of color need to hold white people accountable for their inadvertent racism. but, you didn’t say it and it was all a misunderstanding, so please don’t feel guilty. i know you aren’t that kind of person, babe.” you could tell that vinnie was close to tears. he hated the idea of hurting someone, and knowing that there were black fans out there who were hurting over what they thought he said, was breaking him apart.
“they’ll come around,” you caressed his cheek, “and if they don’t? fuck em, they’re missing out on such an amazing and caring person. they’re awful for making such a serious and inhumanizing claim in the first place. watch, next week they’ll say that you hate women and spit on fans.” vinnie let out a laugh. “i’m serious! they say whatever they can to get you cancelled— it’s like the obama calendar all over again!” your boyfriend was now in a laughing fit. the two of you sat like that, in silence for a brief moment.
“are you nervous that they’ll say anything to you?” he fiddled with your fingers.
“if they do, i’ll go off on them and set the record straight.” his smile grew bigger at your words.
all he could think was, god i love her.
“are you gonna be okay?”
“i think so.” he nodded, sitting up as you hopped off of him.
“okay, guys? i’m gonna miss my appointment if y’all don’t get the fuck out of my car.” luna warned.
you and vinnie laughed as you looked at him and grabbed his hand. “after this, we can go home and eat ice cream, okay? i promise. let’s go have fun, baby.”
he laced his pinky in yours.
as the restaurant came into view, the two of you were immediately met with a few fans, wandering around with phones in their hands. as you looked down the walkway, you noticed people standing as if they were waiting for you guys to greet them.
oh boy.
vinnie held his phone in his hand and you wrapped an arm around him, protectively. you’d normally just hold his hand, but you could tell that he was still feeling down, so you rubbed his back with your fingers as you continued walking. feeling your feet start to wobble, vinnie could tell that your anxiety was kicking in. he whispered a small “i love you.” to help calm your nerves.
“hey, vinnie. can i have a picture with you?” a boy asked, following after you.
“yeah, sure.” vinnie stopped, and faked a smile as he leaned over the boys shoulder. you stood and watched before you began walking again. you didn’t get much farther, before another fan approached. this one was a little girl and was far more excited than the other was.
“oh my god— vinnie can i get a picture?!” she smiled at him and adverted her eyes towards you; giving you a dirty look.
“sure!“ while your boyfriend posed, you felt your heart drop, somewhat. she was only around twelve years old, so you didn’t hold it against you. y/n wrapped her hands around vinnie before breaking apart, yet again.
he stopped and took a photo with a paparazzi man as you felt yourself become agitated. he sent you a sorry glance, his features lit up from the photographers camera.
“vinnie, happy birthday, man.” you two shuffled awkwardly by him while he spoke. “thanks, i appreciate it.” you looked up, seeing a sincere look of gratitude on his face.
finally, someone acknowledged his birthday!
suddenly, you felt a tap on your shoulder. flinching slightly, you looked down to see a short girl with long box braids, looking up at you.
a smile formed on your lips, vinnie too preoccupied with the paparazzi to notice the girl. “yes?”
“hi!” her braces shown as she smiled.
“hi! how are you?”
“i’m great, wow. i um…you actually followed my fanpage a few days ago… it was uh— on instagram. it was an update page on you and vinnie—“
“OH! that?! that’s you?” the girl nodded ecstatically. “mmhmm.”
“wow, it’s an honor to meet you! i’m a huge fan of that page, give me a hug.” you engulfed the teenage girl in your arms. she smelled of sweet perfume and you held her hand as you broke the hug. y/n’s eyes fixated on the girls nails.
“oh my god, i love your nails!” unsure of what y/n would say, the girl stood there anxiously before checking her manicure herself. y/n played with her fingers, watching how the holographic rainbow pattern sparkled. “the rainbow is gorgeous! i need to get my nails done like that.”
“oh, thank you!” the sound of cars honking from across the street, drowned out her words. the group continued walking, y/n lightly placing her hand on the girls back so she wouldn’t get swept up in the crowd.
“did you want a picture with vinnie?” you asked.
“oh, yes, please! and you too!”
“of course!” you touched your boyfriend on the shoulder and he looked down at the girl. “what’s your name, sweetheart?”
the three of you posed for a photo before walking off and leaving the girl starstruck. you weren’t famous, and were barely an influencer, so when fans approached you, you were always excited. sure, they may just know you as vinnie’s girlfriend, but it’s better than dirty looks. speaking of dirty looks, you watched vinnie speak into a fans camera, a small group of girls your age huddled around him. a thin blonde girl pointed at your shoes, making another girl in the group laugh.
you looked down at your white and red nikes, your heart pounding as you gulped.
what the fuck is wrong with my shoes?
“y/n, vinnie! can i get a picture of you two together?” finally, you both reached the door and posed for a finale photo. you kissed him on the cheek, leaving some of your clear gloss stained on his skin. men with cameras began shouting questions about the controversy to vinnie, making you instinctively pull him away to see his friends at the entrance. jett greeted you two and trailed after vinnie.
meeting with bryce, kouvr and alex, you assumed that the coast was clear, until a fan shouted your name.
“y/n, your lashes are bomb!”
vinnie giggled as you replied with a swift, “thank you!”
“dude, how many fucking hats is that?” jett asked, opening the restaurant door.
“i don’t know, like five?” vinnie laughed, lightly tipsy after being burned by his friends for not drinking on his birthday. you hadn’t planned on getting drunk, but here you were. vinnie held your hand and laughed at your stumbling feet. “fuck, i can’t trip infront of everyone!”
“alright, make a shield, guys!” vinnie motioned with his hands while liza and eamon walking ahead of you two, attempting to hide you from everyone.
“do i look okay?”
“duh!” vinnie smiled, kissing you on the neck as you exited outside.
“i’ve got hats! i’m a wearer of hats!” vinnie shouted, making you laugh like crazy. you held your head down, hiding behind liza’s body. the flicker of white flashes could be seen in your peripheral, but you couldn’t care less; too invested in how ridiculous your boyfriend was being.
speed walking, he swerved multiple fans and said small hello’s as jett rushed ahead of you. throwing vinnie his car keys, vinnie raised his hands in victory.
“finally, my car!” a hat flew off of his head, y/n leaning down to pick it up.
“wait, baby—“
“what?” placing the hat back on his head, he smiled at you. dropping down off of the sidewalk, you began to enter his car. “hold on, let me get it!” he opened the door for you and watched you sit.
“y/n! i love you!” you heard a fan shout.
“i love you more!” you yelled back, ducking down and into the car. a fan gave vinnie a gift as paparazzis started asking questions again.
“let me answer this one!” you poked his shoulder, pouting your lip out.
“okay, my girlfriend is gonna answer this question for me— you’re welcome.” he handed something back to a blonde girl and reclined his seat back so the man could talk to you.
“no, vinnie hasn’t been payed for the fight!”
“hell, yeah! goodnight, everyone!“ he rolled up his windows, feeling the grip of your hand on his leg. the two of you laughed; you laughing at absolutely nothing and vinnie laughing at how drunk you were. “see, this is why i only took two shots, i knew she’d get drunk.”
jett, liza and eamon all laughed at his words. the night sky peeked through y/n’s window as you buckled your seat. “oh, shut up birthday boy.” he flashed a toothy grin, backing out of the parking spot.
“now, it’s time for that ice cream.”
@radioblah-blah @janesofia7 @aleksanderblack
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kevindayscrown · 3 years
You know, I often see people use only vodka bottles and exy related things to create aesthetics for Kevin, which annoys me so much, so here are a few more things (canonical or taken from Nora's EC) to consider:
Kevin loves travelling. He probably only got to travel for games or for publicity purposes, but he's gotten to see some amazing places.
Kevin loves photography and has taken pictures of all said places. Wouldn't be surprised if his minor was photography related.
(I like to think that he bought - or was gifted - a camera after the events of TKM and now he is the one to fill in the wall of photographs, without anyone noticing.)
Kevin loves the colour red. He thinks it doesn't suit him though. (So I like to think that the Foxes eventually convince him that he can wear whatever the fuck he wants and get him a Trojans red/gold Jersey with Jeremy's number on it.)
Kevin loves history, which is widely known but still somehow ignored. For some reason, I think his favourite period to read about is Ancient Greek Times and the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. He probably has piles of books, read and unread, and misses the ones he left behind in Evermore dearly.
Also, a few things to remember:
Kevin is more than his alcoholism. Also, Kevin started drinking only AFTER he joined the Foxes, and only because they didn't know how to handle his panic attacks so they let him get drunk off his ass.
Kevin's obsession to Exy is not a joke and isn't his whole personality. He was raised to believe Exy was the only thing for him and that, without Exy, he is nothing. He literally wasn't allowed to eat or sleep until he got everything right.
Kevin most likely suffers from some form of ED. His relationship with food is not a healthy one.
So please 🙏🏻 stop perceiving Kevin only as a cold asshole who is obsessed with vodka and Exy. He is more than that.
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