#every bit of this lives rent free in my mind forever
the-future-is-fowl · 3 days
I just want to keep a running list of all the shit that Feyre made Lucien suffer through in the series. Please I’m begging people to add to this list.
Things Feyre has done or thought about regarding her treatment of Lucien
-Feeling no remorse (at any point in the series, especially near the end of book one) for killing Andras who was good friends with Lucien
-Lucien went out of his way to help her UTM and she was unhappy with it, and then when he couldn’t come (because he was being tortured because of her), she was angry and felt entitled to his healing power (also never thanked him I believe, which is fucked)
-Can fully tell in ACOMAF that Lucien is suffering a bit from Tamlin’s treatment and bullies him into standing up for her, and when he does and gets hurt because of it, urges him to try harder
-Slips into his mind and insults him and his thoughts and also thinks about potentially doing it again if she “needs to” (her and Rhys also do not ever apologize for doing this to him or even tell him which feels fucked up)
-Gets angry at him for coming to save her from Rhys, after actively being told by Feyre and everyone else in his life that the Night Court is evil (not to mention all Rhys does in the scene is antagonize and belittle him so like, wtf)
- Considers not helping him the second time Ianthe tries to SA him.
-Takes advantage of his kindness and uses it to anger Tamlin
-As they’re escaping, forced Lucien to go through the Autumn Court with her because they can’t go through the Summer Court because of Feyre’s atrocities towards Tarquin (another matter that makes me angry), and so they go through Autumn Court where Lucien has a high risk of dying or getting hurt.
-The entire Elain situation.
-Does not make an effort to help Lucien once they get to the NC. Not a single member of the IC makes Lucien feel welcome at all.(also I think there’s a mention somewhere that it takes forever to give him new clean clothing which is also fucked up if that really was in the book??)
-Does not tell Lucien about his father.
-Actively bullies and berates Lucien for having human friends after she herself was human, and she also befriended people who were considered to be dangerous and cruel but actually supposedly weren’t. (Also the court of dreamers is a stupid name, especially if she’s going to sit here talking shit about the Band Of Exiles name)
-and personally my least favorite: convincing Lucien that she was a better friend to him than he was to her. No clue how she pulled that off through the series.
This is probably living rent free in my mind because I only stuck around to read the books because of Lucien, otherwise I never would’ve read them. I just get so heated every time a Feyre Stan talks about Lucien being a bad friend or a terrible person in general because that’s just not true at all. If you have any more instances that I’m forgetting, please comment!!
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dawnsedits · 5 months
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Come on! Faster!
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p1utofairy · 9 months
PAC: “are you down to be a distraction, baby?” 🐅🖤🪄🌟
• how will your person approach you?
disclaimer ✩: 18+ mature themes. take what resonates, leave what doesn't. i’ve had trouble uploading this ugh it wasn’t coming out how i wanted but here we go <3 feels like it’s been forever 🥲 enjoy!
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pile 1 ↓
“could you blame me for needing you? you’re the reason i got a weakness, oh, no you drive me crazy, still that's my baby. can’t get enough of you. baby, it's somethin' that you do.”
hiii pile 1! i'm immediately hearing that your person is enamored by you. they love the way you walk, the way you smile, the way you talk, the way you smell…quite literally everything. i see them staring at you a lot, it might not be obvious at first but they’re gonna try to feel you out/see if your receptive to their vibe. they’re like a cat lurking in the shadows i’m hearing. more than likely, you won’t even be focused on getting into a relationship or actively looking for a partner before they pop up on your radar; your person will just come to you. i see them coming up to you in a slightly crowded or busy environment and saying something sly but it doesn’t come out the way they intended lol they might stutter over their words and then kick themselves over it later. awww it’s cute, you get them flustered and nervous. you may not think that you’re intimidating (actually i’m picking up that some of you might be a bit reserved/quiet) but your presence shakes them to the core. it’s like all their calmness goes out the window when they’re face to face with you. you get their heart racing, palms sweaty and mind wandering but they’ll try to put on their brave face and act like they’re not having a whole meltdown inside. LMFAOOOOO they won’t even know what to do with themselves, you’ve got them down bad. i just heard “i’ve fallen and i can’t get up!” lol i think this is what’s gonna get the ball rolling on this new beginning with them; your humor. even if they don’t have the smoothest delivery, you won’t hold it against them you’ll just keep the conversation going and vibe with them. they’ll love this about you…how non-judgmental you are. they can be themselves around you 🥹 and as you two get more comfortable around each other, you’ll both be able to open up and talk about everything under the sun. awww so cute pile 1!
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pile 2 ↓
“i'll be your groupie, baby. ‘cause you are my superstar. i’m your number one fan, give me your autograph. sign it right here on my heart.”
pile 2…when i say your person’s eyes/eye contact is gonna make your knees BUCKLE 😮‍💨 whew! my goodness, you’ll be squeezing your thighs together lol. this person is very forward and blunt, it might catch you off guard cause you wouldn't think that when you first see them. i feel like they’re very calm and collected on the outside but inside of them is a flame waiting to be sparked…and you’re the match. they'll approach you in a calculated and meticulous way i’m hearing, they have it all planned out. they might even make a cute gesture/treat you to something that will make you go “awww” internally. i feel like your body will be very responsive to them…like when you see them you might freeze and panic lol they'll think it’s cute. conversing with them is going to be so easy, you'll be able to tell that they're soaking up every word that you're saying. this is hottttt pile 2. when they first lay their eyes on you, they’ll just know they have to have you. you make their heart nearly skip a beat. some of you make look young for your age/have a baby face cause when you’re talking to them, they’ll be thinking about how cute you are. even the way you speak makes them go crazy 😩 just know that your first interaction with them will be living in their mind rent-free lol.
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pile 3 ↓
“you make the confusion go all away from this cold and messed up world. i am in love with you, you set me free! i can't do this thing called life without you here with me.”
pile 3 i gotta start by saying you and your person are absolutely adorkable. lmaooo that was so corny but i feel like you two will be very silly with each other from day 1. you both share some similar interests — possibly watch the same shows/like the same music…something of that nature and that’s how your person is going to shoot their shot. shot clock by ella mai just came to mind, “twenty-four seconds, yeah, you better not stop. you got twenty-four seconds, can you beat the shot clock?” lmfao they might feel like the pressure is on with you. you won’t necessarily be pressuring them, but they’ll feel like if they don’t make their move now someone else might swoop in and grab your attention. they don’t wanna waste your time or time in general, and trust me when i say that they’re gonna put a lot of effort into getting your attention and keeping you entertained. you and/or your person may have some gemini placements. you'll think that they're very cute and sweet <3 they have little quirks about them that you'll pick up on and think to yourself “awww i love them 🥹” very much peter parker vibes like yes peter might be a bit clumsy, awkward and quirky but he's an absolute sweetheart (and heartthrob) so you'll really love spending time with this person pile 3.
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604to647 · 6 months
Fics that Live in My Mind, Rent Free (Pedro's Version) - Part 2
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Welp! It seems there are link and tag limits? Who knew? Not this newb 😂😂 When I said that I've read so many good fanfics, I really meant it. Again, below the cut is a continuation of the list of some of my fave Pedro character fanfics that I've read on this site - ones I think about and revisit often. These are all fics I should have/would have reblogged if only I wasn't so weirdly nervous about it; in 2024 we will muster up some courage and reblog (it will be slow, probably, but I promise I will be trying!). This is a good time for me to also say that one of the reasons I am motivated to step out of my comfort zone on this is because of the genuine joy every comment/reblog/like has brought me this year as a new writer - thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the kind reception on anything I have ever posted. 🥹 ilysm 😘
Anyways, we press forward (Part 1 of Rent Free PPCU fics can be found here):
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Din Djarin (The Mandalorian, GOAT)
Of Shadows and Roses by @the-scandalorian (Bodyguard!Din x Royalty!Reader)
All Mine by @mellowswriting (Possessive!Din after Reader uses herself as bait)
Narcissus by @bits-and-babs (Armour/mirror sex)
Looking out for you by @beskarandblasters (Jealous!Din after Reader uses herself as bait)
Cherry Liqueur by @decembermidnight (Reader teases Mando in public)
Breaking in the New House by @beskarandblasters (I love Husband!Din and Wife!Reader fics)
Javier Pena (Narcos)
Sweet Dreams by @javiscigarette (Javi can't sleep)
Phone Sex...amiright? by @tightjeansjavi (Reader calls Javi at work)
Sharing is Caring by @ezrasversion (Corrupt DEA Agent!Javi, Mafia AU!Joel Miller, Reader Threesome)
The Saint, the Sinner, and the Devil by @joelsgirl (Corrupt DEA Agent!Javi, DBF Mafia AU!Joel Miller, Reader Threesome)
MIA by @itsharleystuff (Jealous!Javi with Undercover!Reader)
Surprising Javi P with a Lingerie Set by @swiftispunk
Not here...not now by @gracieispunk (Reader visits Javi at work)
Bunny by @whatsnewalycat (Sex Phone Operator!Reader; Part 2 is great too!)
Ease by @javiscigarette (Javi takes care of Reader after a bad day)
Joel Miller (TLOU)
Say It Right, Peeping Neighbour, and Right Place, Right Time by @chaotic-mystery (All the DBF and BFD fics are amazing; these are my fave)
Quickie by @joelscruff (This falls in the middle of the Boyfriend's Dad series, but it's the first one I read and I was hooked!)
That Funny Feeling by @bluebeary-jay (Joel loves pet names 🥹)
I've Got Lust on My Tongue by @itgetsdark-x (Bratty reader a la Maddy Perez)
The Babysitter, Part 1 by @proxima-writes (There's a Part 2 as well!)
Under the Table by @toxicanonymity (A lot of good Joelkemons, but Speakeasy is a classic and maybe my fave?)
Online Friends, Sticking it to the PTA, and Caught Sunbathing by @walkintotheriveranddisappear (All of Emma's Joel fics are really hot [honestly you can't go wrong], but these are my faves)
Late Night Smoke by @bettercallwillow (Dbf smoking. sigh)
Calling Joel Daddy by @inkedells (I honestly love it when authors bold the dirty talk 🤭)
Gimme What I Want and In the Next Room by @atticrissfinch (The masterlist is some of the hottest Joel fic, if I may say so; these are my faves)
An Open Window by @velvetmud (Joel being a peeping tom; I also always hope for a sequel to this one!)
Crave by @toxic-seduction (Part 2; Reader finds Joel in the QZ)
Good Luck Charm by @javiscigarette (Joel watches the football game)
Ravish by @psychedelic-ink (Webcam Model!Reader; Part 2 is also incredible!)
I Know it When I see It by @bageldaddy (Pornstars!Joel and Readers. This series has me and everyone else, I think, in a chokehold. Reading, as well, the writer's thoughts and feelings about the porn industry and the care put into the characters is such a joy and makes the fic that much more rich)
Chaser series by @livingemkayde (Nanny!Reader and a love triangle; not finished but so good I'm happy to wait forever)
Right my Wrongs by @chloeangelic (Father in Law!Joel)
In A Feud with Her Neighbour by @proxima-writes (Read this delicious fic and the bonus scenes will be the icing on top)
Kiss and Tell by @toxic-seduction (Stepdad!Joel and mom goes away for the weekend)
Peaches and Cream by @javiscigarette (Joel buys reader peaches)
Didn't Cha Know by @chloeangelic (The Joel Reader has been pining for is her boyfriend's brother)
Gif to breakup the text block:
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Camgirl by @phuckinphia (Another Camgirl but this time she's Sarah's friend 🫣)
The Right Wrong Number by @proxima-writes (Sarah's soccer coach!Reader)
Nightmares by @fruispunk (QZ!Reader has nightmares that Joel hears and mistakens for something else)
Damage Done by @bluebeary-jay (Joel accidentally triggers Reader; mind the tags. Heavy angst, heavy topic that is beautifully written)
Yes, Mr. Miller by pedropascallme (Babysitter!Reader, Part 2 Thank You, Mr. Miller is also excellent)
How Long series by @gracieheartspedro (Link is to Part 1; series is complete and wonderfully hot and emotional. Reader's boyfriend Tommy is a cheat😢)
Francisco "Catfish" Morales (Triple Frontier)
Fictional Death by @psychedelic-ink (Frankie comforts Reader)
Well Fed by @the-ginger-hedge-witch (Frankie is HAPPY 🥹)
Forest Ranger AU by @the-ginger-hedge-witch (I'm not an outdoorsy person but this AU makes me wish I was)
It's Always the Quiet Ones by @thot-of-khonshu (Frankie surprises Reader)
Pero Tovar (The Great Wall)
Kinktober 2022 - Breeding by @moralesispunk (Guard!Pero and Royalty!Reader)
Bodily Exchange by @absurdthirst (Mafia AU!Pero and daughter of mafia boss Reader)
Damnation or Salvation by @absurdthirst (Pero is sent to retrieve Reader)
Dying Wish by @absurdthirst (Pero makes Reader's father a promise; okay at this point, just all of Keri's Pero fics 🤭)
Marcus Moreno (We Can Be Heroes)
Beat Poetry on Amphetamines by @psychedelic-ink (Marcus comes home hurt)
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kazehita · 2 months
hi! i noticed your recent post recommending the fic natural satellite and i think i've noticed other isat fics around your blog too. because of that, i was wondering if you had a list of recommended isat fics! i will admit i am not someone who just peruses around on ao3 but i love reading about these characters so if you have any recs, i would greatly appreciate them! thanks and i hope you have a lovely day :3
I love ALL isat fic - each and every one is so special and wonderful - but if I listed the whole archive that wouldn't really help huh... So! Im going to list just some off the top of my head., this is in no way definitive. Isat spoilers ahead - get all the way through the game and the secret before proceeding.
Big recommendation list below:
Additionally, mind the tags for each fic - I wont be specifying the content warnings here.
(don't just read the complete ones!!! Incomplete fic is just as delightful I promise :3)
Complete: Bloom - Level99Eevee Most people know it, it sits at the top of the tag! It's my every wish fulfilled for post-cannon moments.
Memories of defeat - dirtbagtrashcat Stuff in and immediately after the loops, fantastic extrapolations!!!! Very much Loop <33 I find this very grounded and realistic!!!!
Emotion Sickness - dirtbagtrashcat Post cannon fun/trauma with siffrin and the gang.
Memories of Touch - dirtbagtrashcat look i just really like their work sjkdjkfjkasdf its all good go through their profile. This is Isa thoughts.
And if I were not myself, would this be easier? - rabbit_soup Post-game! I love how they flesh out the world.
The Understudy - kittyorange Suuuuch a loop fic I love it to bits. Post cannon loop and the gang stuff.
Star-Speckled Skin - Lora_Blackmane Funn angsty moment, title is very descriptive. Lives in my head rent free.
Clinging to dying embers - Coffeewolf67 Odile's perspective of sif using the dagger. appropriate content warnings apply :)
between the end and a new start - glowingjellyfishtreelights SICKFICCC I had a very funny experience with this one where due to memory mishaps I got to read it for the first time twice! Absolute banger.
What's in a name? - Raaj Explores siffrins love of plays. I have to regularly reread this for my brain to function.
Starstruck - Dusk_Illusionist Isa yearns. The fic. It rocks.
Saturn Devouring His Son (Time Choking on Stone Choking on Blood)- BasilPaste Post cannon moment... I like it...
(Why) you can't let them know by Mayasynth sasasap fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i like it. i hold it. i like it. UGH theres more but I have already listed so many.. my other favorites... im so sorry.,.. i love you guys too... Incomplete:
How To Rest by rabbit_soup Sequel to "And if i were not myself, would this be easier?" Loop is here and I love violence.
TRY IT AGAIN, CHEATER! by discatded "[Loop returns to their own universe after everything. It's hard.]" - from the summary. Love it love it. I will never get enough of this premise.
To Extend our Reach to the Stars Above by Cinnamin_Is_a_Star "Sif if he was team rocket" and is so fun. Very excited to see this one pan out!
until we move on. by Anonymous (also known as lozy) LOOP MY BELOVED..! loop returns to their universe and promptly looses it like the universe intended. Cant get enough of it.
Natural Satellite by dirtbagtrashcat If a single fic makes me the Most insane its natural satellite if I'm honest.... like bro... It just gets right to me...
Sunder by Miranda_tries_their_best Post-cannon Loop fic!! They travel on their own for a bit (but not forever), and I love it dearly.
Face the Light by Kaimiiru Post-game, I hold it close to my heart.... Ah... It's so dear to me.
These next two are sloop so if that's not your thing you have been warned :]
raconte-moi qu’on puisse crier tout bas by bibliomaniac I'm holding this high above my head so everyone can see it the characterization is off the charts.
To Cut You Open With a Knife and Find Your Sacred Heart by Hexea_Art Changeling Loop fic!! What a fun concept. I am excited to see where it goes. yay! AGAIN... THERE ARE SO MANY I LOVE SO MUCH but im forcing myself not to look through the tag else I'd add everything. Honestly, I do recommend just launching right on into the ao3 tag for ISAT even if you aren't super familiar with ao3. Just be sure to filter out anything you don't want to see!
Consider this a good starting point ^^
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lorkai · 7 months
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づ A/N: This idea has been living rent free in my head for a few months now and I finally had time to sit and write down. Might write a part 2 but idk yet. Also reblogs are appreciated!
Characters: Thirteen, Solomon, Simeon & Barbatos
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There are stupid things that are expected to be common sense. For example, everyone knows that eating Solomon's food is an extremely dumb idea. Alas you are dumb and decided to eat the pasta he had made after one lesson you had; resulting in you gaining immortality.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Thirteen is the first being to notice the change. Your candle is forever frozen just like Solomon's, motionless, the flames static and the reaper is left in a mix of feelings when she understands what happened; what that terrible wizard have done to you, poor you and your beautiful soul and mortality. She questions you about it as soon as she sees you, no matter who is around, questioning you about your immortality, about what happened and if you are happy with your decision.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ For her, this was what you wanted so when she finds out that you didn't even know about it Thirteen doesn't know how to react. You recount the day's events to her, how you trained magic with Solomon and then had dinner with him. It's so comical, so unbelievable, several humans searched for a way to obtain immortality and you just had to eat the food that Solomon prepared for you. She is crying with laughter and rolling on the floor at this point, however, the reaper will be more than happy to help you find a way to undo your immortality if you so desire.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Solomon was by your side when Thirteen appeared suddenly and he is so surprised by this information. I mean, he doesn't understand how a simple pasta can make you immortal since he himself only became immortal through one of his failed experiments, but he also didn't know his cooking could do this??? He is not at all sad about the news as now he know his beloved apprentice will live forever, however, yes, immortality has its downsides; the death of friends and family, the pain of remembering how you forgot their faces, voices and cherished memories and there is nothing you can do to get them back.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ But he is here to support you in every difficult and painful moment as well as in the most joyful and happy moments. He's here forever to be by your side, to give you a helping hand and a shoulder to lean on. Though saddened he would help find a way to reverse your mortality if you truly wished for it.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Simeon's mouth had never been so open. You, immortal? How, when, why? He listens to you recount the day's events, but he still can't comprehend how Solomon's dish could do something like this. Simeon knows that the thing Solomon calls food is capable of doing, but being able to grant immortality to someone? By heaven, he doesn't even know what to say, he doesn't even know what to do. Do you need to be comforted? Do you want a hug? Are you well? He's more nervous than you are, honestly. Simeon tries to calm you down and offers solutions to your problems.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ When everything was done and said, he felt a little happy. Angels don't know what the pain of loss is like and he wishes he didn't know what it's like, he wishes he didn't live to find out what life was like without you. You're like a ray of sunshine, so cheerful and chaotic and a welcome part of his life.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Barbatos found out about it from Simeon. The embodiment of "disappointed but not surprised", if you subjected yourself to eating the horrendous pestilence that was Solomon's food then you knew the risks you were taking and didn't care. The lord of time holds back from giving you a good lecture as soon as he sees you. Who in their right mind would eat that??? Why, MC, why??? He wants so much to understand what you were thinking at that moment and what you are thinking now, what you feel now, becoming immortal can be a bit shocking, even more so with all the pros and cons that come along with the experience of being immortal.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He is the one who helps you adjust to your new life as the years go by. The one who helps you get a house, new documents and teaches you how to deal with everything when things get too much. He already did it once to his master and now he's going to do it to you now. If you ask and Diavolo allows it, Barbatos will look into the future for a way to reverse your immortality. That's your wish and he respects it but then why does this possibility leaves an empty feeling in his chest?
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colourstreakgryffin · 10 months
scratch that lamia Obanai request cause I got a better one. Platonic yandere lamia Obanai with a darling reader who absolutely fucking LOVES snakes.
Fuck yes, let’s goooo! My lovely danger noodle~! Now he is a actual danger noodle! Obi~!
Yandere! Platonic! KNY Hashira Scenarios: Naga! Iguro Obanai
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Obanai always scared humans away, when one would cross him. Hissing and whipping his mighty tail as he could never associate with humans, they’re all cowards and hate anything slightly different. His nasty opinion on humans change when he meets you
Somebody who didn’t run away or scream. Somebody who played with his black and white striped serpentine tail, whilst asking how it came to be. He is very confused but he doesn’t bother scaring you off as he just watches you stroke his tail, wonder and amazement crashing on him like a waterfall
Obanai falls in love with you in a instant and he just can’t be away from you, you live in his mind rent free. Obanai is grumpy and irritated when you aren’t before him and when you return to chat with him, his world brightens up again. You’ve taken his heart, please look after it
Obanai is a very scary Yandere, both platonic and romantic. His growing obsession over you is to keep you as his friend, keep you loving him and his snakely attributes so you’ll avoid other humans. They can’t do what he can do! And he doesn’t mind getting a bit violent to get what he wants
Obanai definitely not above taking his rivals’ lives away. In-fact, he will happily kill every other friend you have so you end up alone and desperate for friendship. Obanai tracks down his enemies and chokes them out with his tail, threatening them and roaring that they will die before they even look at you again
And yes. Every human he tracks down, never comes back as he either snaps their neck or tears out their vital organs. He won’t bring back the body, but he hides them from you as to avoid making you scared of him
Obanai stalks you all the time when you aren’t right besides him and chatting away. He needs to know everything he possibly can to use to make you fall deeper in passionate love for him so you won’t stop being his friend and admiring his snake frame. It’s all means to keep you as his and make him you’re only friend
Obanai coils himself around you and holds you in the bundle of his tail when you proclaim you’re tired. It’s not that warm, but it’s tall enough to act as a bed and when you fall asleep, his heart leaps for the skies. You like him a lot, you just must!
Obanai isn’t use to praise at all. He just thought of himself as morbidly hideous for his Naga anatomy and disgusting face scars but you never care about that. You like him and his Naga anatomy a lot, since you always say you love snakes. He plays a lot into being a snake
Obanai‘s acting has gotten a lot better as he has to pretend somebody else is after you, when it’s actually him, who is behind the curtain and pulling the strings to take away everybody who loves you. But he’d rather die then let you know that and try run away from him
Even Platonic! Obanai is as possessive, obsessive and delusional, just like his usual Yandere self. He genuinely believes he is entitled to you since you accepted him and you let him live with you, and he clings onto you anytime he is with you in public. He doesn’t usually go out but when he does, he is pulling you away from people with half-ass excuses
Obanai will eventually kidnap you and take you to his burrow, away from humanity. Sure, he isn’t in love with you in that way, his love is platonic but it’s so powerful that he doesn’t want to find a mate or any of the sorts. He just wants you to stay his friend forever and he curls himself around you, hugging you as you sob in fear
You were completely tricked and it hurt. Obanai seemed like a sweet shy Naga who just needed friends. No, he is a sick obsessed psycho who has forced you into a cave, against your will. He broke your heart but his delusion-fucked mind won’t recognise that, convinced you are relieved that it’s just you two now
“Dokusha. You can barely walk, allow me to help, you’re exhausted. What? No. I can pick you up, I have the strength to. Plus, you weigh like the sweetest gentle leaves— I mean, you weigh nothing!”
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LITA Ep. 5 Rewatch Thoughts Pt. 3
Ok so I have literally watched this part 37 times all the way through for the purposes of this rewatch thread. People needs years of training to reach the single-minded peaceful state I reach when I see these two kiss, but it also means when the scene started I kept forgetting to take screenshots. Here we go!
Starting off, I love how slow they took this. It wasn't an immediate "ok we're together now, let's kiss so hard we knock teeth!" - every move is so deliberate and so gentle. If it's possible to have a comfort kiss, it's this set of ones.
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I continue to see triangle imagery that may not even be real. Let's take a close look at these kisses. This one looks a lot like their first one, where their mouths are closed and their lips just fit together. So very sweet!
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They let go for a beat, and then press together again with their mouths slightly open. This kiss has a bit more force.
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Rain pushes forward for the third one (and who can blame that eagerness?) - to be honest I'm mostly looking at the way Phayu's hands fit so completely around Rain's neck here.
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Someone REALLY wants more kisses right now - he's gotta wait, Phayu's stroking his face first.
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Phayu then delivers the "you can be my wife or I'll be your husband" line, and then we get this absolutely adorable and besotted expression on Rain.
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This is just so aesthetic okay? I love the where it started, where it is now we're getting with the triangle glass case in the blurry foreground and them peacefully kissing in the background, along with an abundance of yellow+navy blue imagery..
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Yeah I'm honestly melting rn I don't have a lot more to say here. I continue to love the microphone placement because you can really hear when they separate from this kiss.
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Rain calls Phayu out on his choices that aren't really choices (I'm just saying, if someone like Phayu wanted to give me these options I wouldn't have a hard time picking). RainPhayu have such lovely hand-related imagery when it comes to their relationship. Whenever Phayu wants to apologize to or assuage Rain, he does the hand kiss, and when whenever Rain wants to calm Phayu down he does the forearm grab plus adorable look up at him.
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Look at his face
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This is the face of the man who is planning future mischief already
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I can think of other, more positive reasons he might cry Phayu, why did you go with embarrassment?
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... We all saw the word cum in there and did a double take, right? My head wasn't even in the gutter at this point but it was so unexpected.
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Hi, universe? Can I have one of these please?? I could use some help on my future thesis, just saying...
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Yas Rain, own that man! Rain is probably good at riddles, huh? Idk I just feel proud of him rn
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The way Phayu/Boss says laina (cunning - i'm sure I spelt the Thai romanization wrong but that's what I heard) the sheer fondness in his voice and on his face hit me so hard. Literally am a puddle rn please look at this brain altering shot. Phayu just wrapped his arms around and pulled Rain almost into his lap. That must be so warm and cozy ahhhh
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Tell him Rain!!
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Ok the little aaa sound Phayu makes to draw out the affection in this sentence will live rent-free in my list of most favorite sounds forever. It's so important to me (and Rain). Rain's besotted again
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Their faces are making a heart - I'm not coping well
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Rain's little intake of breath when Phayu starts whispering in his ear and the slow blinks are also so important to me. I don't think I understood the term molasses-like atmosphere until I watched this scene.
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They are so close to each other right now, emotionally and physically. The little nod of agreement Phayu gives when Rain asks if he really means what he just said is so lovely.
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One other thing I love about EulBoss' depiction of PhayuRain is how happy they are to be together - you can see Phayu clearly smiling as he goes in to kiss Rain, who is smiling himself.
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The tentativeness of this kiss that comes right after the important thing that Phayu just told Rain (we don't officially find out what he says until later but we can assume it was a confession of some sort based on Rain's question and obvious happiness right after it was said) is a beautiful indicator of how vulnerable they're being with each other rn.
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After a few seconds they start pushing a little harder against each other - the amount of movement is super pleasant to watch!
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To the next part for more sweetness!
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jadejedi · 5 months
Fantasy Book Review: The Captive Trilogy by C.S. Pacat
JJ’s rating: 4.5/5
How feral did it make me: 5/5
My book reviews
Ahh these books. What can I possibly say about these books that hasn’t been said before? I first read these books not long after the third book, Kings Rising, was published, back in 2016. If I remember correctly, on that first read, I was sort of like, eh, these are good. I like these. And then a bit later, maybe like a year later (?) I went back and reread them and was like “oh my god?? oh my god?? OH MY GOD??!” And now they have become one of my more frequent rereads (like almost once a year), and they are easily the fandom that I most frequently return to in between hyper fixations. I only have these books on Kindle, and they are pretty thoroughly annotated at this point. Book two, Prince’s Gambit, is genuinely one of my favorite books of all time. 
Okay, if you haven’t read these books or heard of them, here’s the summary: Damianos of Akielos, the crown prince of this world’s version of ancient Greece, is captured by his half-brother in a coup and sent to his country’s greatest enemy, Vere, which is this world’s version of, like, a more debauched version of medieval France. Damen is given as a sex slave to the frigid Crown Prince Laurent. The problem? Damen killed Laurent’s older brother, Prince Auguste, five years ago, and if Laurent finds out Damen's true identity, he’ll definitely have him killed. So Damen has to make his way through the complexities of the Veretian court, ruled by Laurent’s uncle, the Regent, while trying to escape before his identity is revealed. 
There are a LOT OF content warnings for these books, but some of them are spoilers, so if you want them, DM me and I will be happy to answer any questions about content. I will say that the first book has a fairly different tone than the later two. The first book really leans in more to the master/slave kink dynamics of the whole story and is more like ~oooh look! So sexy! So provocative!~ The second and third books are more like “here, let me stab you with these heart wrenching revelations and genuine emotions!!!!!” Like the kink dynamics are still there in the later two books, but the tone is much more serious, if that makes sense. I believe C.S. Pacat has sort of talked about how the Captive Prince series was kind of her practice trilogy before writing Dark Rise (book two out now!!), and I think that is most obvious in the first book. 
The relationship between Damen and Laurent is absolutely wonderful. I consider them one of my top two or three OTPs. The hatred. The eventual respect. The yearning. The pining. The LONGING. THE TRUST. Here are some of my favorite (non spoilery) lines (all from book 2 because 2 and 3 have the best lines but the best lines in book 3 are all spoilers):
“It was like being pleased by a thorn bush, feeling fond of every prickle. Another second and he was going to say something ridiculous like that.”
“To get what you want, you have to know exactly how much you are willing to give up.” 
“A kingdom, or this.” (this line lives RENT FUCKING FREE in my mind forever)
These books also have a fairly unambiguously happy ending. The author has published several short stories, which are all very enjoyable.
Due to the content of these books, they are definitely not for everyone, but for me, at least, I think they are brilliant. They are THE enemies to friends to lovers couple, in my humble opinion. Also, there is a fairly large fandom for these books, with some GREAT fan artists and fanfic authors. Truly we are all blessed.
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Freak Next Door: Part 1
Read Part 2
Read Part 3
18+ only! Josh x OFC
Some Jon Bernthal goodness for a character I don't see a lot of fanfiction about. Sharp Stick was quite a movie, and those scenes now live rent free in my mind forever. Even if Josh was a loser.
Warnings: masturbation, voyeurism
@grippingbeskar This is YOUR fault. I am working on two different pieces right now, and you have been a muse. Thanks!
This is the first part I have written for a Sharp Stick fanfiction which will be inspired by this post by @chellestrash. I think Josh is pretty much a fuckboy of a character, but I would love to see someone torture him. In the fun ways. More to come ASAP - just getting my sea legs.
Comments welcome! Thank you!
Updated June 22nd
Josh stared open-mouthed out of the window. He had been doing this for days now - he'd wake up, say goodbye to his wife before she took the kids to daycare and climb back into the guest-room bed, sitting up against the headboard.
This window gave Josh a perfect view into his neighbor's bedroom. A room with a view, he mused.
After his last stunt with the babysitter, he was still in the dog house, and he had been relegated to the extra room on the opposite side of their home. Married, but in the same purgatory he had found himself in previously. Josh felt his heart clench as he thought about how that last affair had ended.
That wasn't his fault, though. There had been a lot of pressure on him, and with Heather the way she was... Still. He really hadn't meant for any of that to happen.
How long had it been? It must have been two years now.
Such a fuck up...he thought to himself, guilt filling every sense. In this moment, he even considered stopping, not going through with his new ritual, saving some sort of semblance of honor and decency for the mother of his children. But the memory of their first meeting always tugged him back into the filth and away from any honorable thought or intention.
Josh had first met her at a community barbecue down the street. He swallowed hard, running a hand lazily along his chest as he remembered her in that checkered blue and white bathing suit top, still wet from the pool. She had a smile that could dazzle, and he loved how her eyes crinkled at the sides when she threw her head back when she laughed. Josh remembered how he had unconsciously eyed the fabric clinging to her body, to every single curve.
Josh closed his eyes, thinking of the sweat that languidly dripped down her neck into the valley of her breasts as the sun shone gold through the wisps of her blond hair. He imagined himself running a tongue through that trail and a shudder ran through him.
Josh groaned, the self-depricating thoughts at war with the growing arousal in his stomach. That day... he remembered that woman's delicate fingers picking up a strawberry from the buffet table and sinking it in between her lips in a way he felt was meant for him. Her eyes were boring into him, this tight 30-year-old shamelessly making eye contact with him as her red lips pursed against the curve of the berry. Her eyes fluttered, rolling back as her teeth sank into the fruit. A small trail of juice had eeked out of the corner of her mouth. He had been halfway through raising a beer to his lips, and Yuri was blabbing away about his current hot piece, but that had stopped him in his tracks too.
'I said goddamn Josh, was she lookin' at you or me?' Yuri had nearly gasped these words out beside him. Josh hadn't known the answer.
His mind flipped back and forth from memory to reality, and Josh licked his lips, the memory of that damn barbecue sending an electric shock through his body. He pulled off his shirt, throwing it unceremoniously into a ball near the hamper. He bit his lip, waiting with trepedation and a little bit of guilt as he looked through the window into her bedroom.
From here, he could see her golden curls splayed on the sheets, her legs twisted in them. Josh dragged his hand from his neck down his own chest, his eyes closed for a moment, imagining her delicate hands following this very trail. His throat was so fucking dry as he tried to create what he imagined she would do...his finger tips barely putting pressure on his skin, alternating from petting to a slow, light draw of fingernails.
Josh felt his phone vibrate as the 10am alarm sounded. His eyes opened lazily as he sent the alarm into oblivion. She'd be waking up any second now. His eyes darted back, praising whatever diety allowed the bedroom a view straight into her bed.
His breath caught in his chest as he saw a pair of legs slide up. She was awake. He was thankful that the curtains allowed this small space where he could see her in bed. That woman always slept naked, and seeing her legs emerge sent a jolt straight to his growing arousal. He could see her hand lazily playing with the inside of her legs, and he imagined the murmurs she might make if his hands replaced hers. Josh stiffened, watching her sit up in bed. They were nearly facing one another, the distance seeming paradoxically close and yet so so far as he watched her fingers squeeze around her breast and then trail down her stomach to the curls below. He wondered if she tasted sweet like that strawberry, wondered how it would feel to have her grinding herself into his mouth as he cleaned the juices from her. He groaned softly, his hips rising slightly at the thought of being in between those legs, gripping her thick thighs.
Another whsipered moan escaped his lips, all thoughts of resistance chased away in a moment. He jerked his sweatpants down just above his knees and streched out his legs. He spat into his hand, pumping his length lazily a few times before turning his eyes back to her, who was mirroring him now, her back against her headboard and fingers slipping in and out of her.
He choked as his length pulsed, seeing her slowly raise her hips to meet her hand. He hoped that her eyes were closed, afraid of the consequences of her realizing his little fantasy. But Josh wanted nothing more than see her gaze cutting into him, burning him, making him squirm. His grip tightened, and he released a breath he had been holding in earnest.
Her lips were curled into a smile though slightly parted, and he watched her hand circling her clit. He moaned softly, watching her alternate between her clit and sliding a finger into her own folds. He could tell she was moaning from the way her chest rose and fell, by how her hips rose off the bed.
He looked down at himself for a moment, considering how it would look to have her fingers wrapped around his length. His grip tightened, and the pleasure was double edged. He continued to slide his hand in time with her motions, and his mouth hung open as he saw her plunge two fingers into herself. He could see everything, and the pressure building within him made his stomach tight. His grip was firm and deliberate. He was not rushing, yet.
God, she was beautiful. He praised her in his mind, his eyes locked on her hands and how her hips rose as she pumped her fingers. He felt his release on the horizon, and moaned softly as she continued her assault.
Josh felt his end approaching, the pre-cum leaking and mixing with his spit as his speed increased. He imagined what those breathy moans would sound like if he were the one sinking his digits into her, the one licking up and down her slit before taking her clit between is lips and sucking gently. He groaned again, his speed increasing as his eyes locked on her face.
He moved away from the headboard, his legs hanging off the side of the bed as he ached to get a closer look at her as he came. He felt a shot of panic run through him as their eyes made contact. He was unsure if she'd actually seen him until she too began to scoot away from her headboard and closer to the window, knees up and legs perched at the edge of the bed as she fucked herself for his eyes only. Her eyes were alternating from her own body to him, and her other hand slipping a pair of fingers into her mouth.
Josh gasped, imagining the filthy sounds he imagined she would make. His minstrations became erratic as the woman next door laid on her back, her hips bucking up as she fucked herself for him. He watched his cock jump, his hands tightening and releasing pressure as he considered how she would feel under him, panting and mewling. When his eyes returned to the window, she was leaning back on her elbows, looking straight back at him. Her fingers were still plunged inside her, and he watched as she pumped them quickly before her other hand joined in order to rub quickly against her bud. The quiet of the morning allowed the muffled sounds of her moans to drift into the room, and Josh groaned again, his insides twisting with pleasure. He watched as she threw her head back, thrusting into herself as her hips jumped forward.
He gasped, an "Oh fuck" escaped his lips before he threw his head back. He moaned as his cock throbbed in his hands, cumming over his own stomach. He felt his cum as it landed on the sweated sheen of his chest. He couldn't stop the grip of his hand, unrelenting as he came hard, even as the orgasm began to abate. He felt a little pathetic, hearing his own breathy moans as he fucked himself life a teenager. As he finished, he did feel the knots in his stomach release just slightly. Josh's eyes were momentarily fixed on the mess on himself, a feeling of slight shame and nervousness as he thought of how his eyes had locked with hers.
He didn't know if he should move, hide the evidence of what he had been doing as he watched her. He bit his lip and chanced a peek back up. She was looking straight at him, her mouth opened with a look of gasping elation.
Josh slowly threw his legs over the side of the guest bed and walked to the window, unable to take his eyes off the quivering mess in that beautiful woman's hands. He swallowed hard seeing the look in her eyes.
She didn't look completely satisfied, and the idea both thrilled and terrified him. He still hoped in the back of his mind that he was imagining her eyes boring into his. Perhaps she was just staring into space, overcome with pleasure like he had been.
However, his breath caught when she slowly slid off the bed and approached her window. The space between the houses couldn't be more than 30 feet, and he groaned as she raised a hand to wave, a playful grin spreading across her face.
Oh fuck.
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asherlockstudy · 1 year
"Link's unhinged lunacy in 2017-2019" 👀 sounds like a long story, but could you perhaps elaborate on that just a little bit?
Oh boy I honestly don’t know what to say. If for instance you think now Link sometimes says the most unhinged things, you should see how he was at the time. It was so crazy that I think either 2018 or 2019 was called the Year of the Twink in the fandom , after a joke R&L had made in the show.
Honestly there are things Link would now think twice before doing but a few years ago he did without a second thought. Some honourable mentions could be:
That time after a very spicy pepper, he was crawling on Rhett’s feet and hugging his leg for emotional support
A lot of crawling and allowing others to manhandle him, which he clearly enjoyed.
Once they were making a pizza in a car and Link straddled Rhett in a cowgirl position for literally no reason
A lot of getting close to Rhett in general and trying to bring him to his limits
Including asking him if he is attracted to him or if he considers him a silver fox
Sitting in LTAT always in the gayest fashion possible.
Long talks about how he liked to shave his body and every time he started to shave his legs, he lost control and went all the way “up”. He doesn’t shave as much anymore btw
Half of his conversations were about his shiny, pink, smooth and hairless rosebud (and yes rosebud is what you think it is). There was also always a reminder that his rosebud remained tight.
The other half of his conversations were about his bidet and how in love he was with it. That time he said in an interview that he wanted the angle of the water to go so deep that it could hit him in the throat (all the way from the ass to the throat) lives inside my brain rent-free forever
These are just a few moments that came to mind but it is only a glimpse to peak Link Neal unhinged-ness, he is super restrained now by comparison
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In lack of a better description for a few years he appeared to go rabid for Rhett. I kinda think he still does but he controls it better
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highladydeath · 9 months
So, some piece that is renting free in my mind. English not my mother language, so I'm sorry for any mistakes. There are spoilers from chapter 236 of the manga.
She hates Suguru. Shoko Ieiri hates Suguru Geto so much. And she only hates him so much because once she loved him as much.
She loved him. She had loved every single piece of him, had watched him grow. Had been there too. And she didn't only loved him, but she loved them.
Suguru once was her sun, her sky. Suguru once was a boy that Shoko was so certain she would have forever even if he was never hers. Never. Not once.
Satoru was her ground, her ocean, the wind on her face. He was once hers but never all. Never enough.
They were everything to her. Everything. Every breath, every air, every touch. She was there too. . . She was alone too.
And then everything broke. In front of her and even if she had the hand of a healer she could never heal this. Never. Everything fell, and she could do nothing.
Suguru was selfish, leaving that way, not looking behind. He was selfish, he left and looked so much better than they could have been without him. He loved, he lived, and not with them.
And not satisfied, Shoko saw him take Satoru too. She was there, left with what once was hers. She was there with a broken body. Satoru was nothing but a body without soul.
Suguru, why so selfish.
And then. . .
And then it was Satoru's time to be selfish. Kill the villain, be the hero, save the day and never let her say goodbye. Oh, how she hated suguru once more. And this time she hated Satoru too.
Satoru with his lips, with his touch, with his smile. Satoru that showed up on her house, blue eyes looking at her souls and lips looking for her. And once more Satoru was her.
But never all. She could never have all. It wasn't for her. It was for Suguru. And it was okay. It was okay because at least she could have a little bit. Just a little bit.
But that wasn't true. Not, it was never true.
Suguru had attacked once more. This time permanently.
Satoru was never hers, and she could never see. Satoru was always his. Only his.
Ans Shoko cries, body on his body, cursing Suguru names, while being sure that Satoru would never comeback again. But she wants.
She wants like the air she breaths, she needs, and why Suguru had to take Satoru and not her too? Why couldn't he take her? Why she had to be the one left behind.
Selfish, so selfish, he was, taking taking and taking.
Selfish, how selfish he was, giving, giving and giving.
Selfish, how selfish both of them was, letting her being like nothing.
She was there.... She was there too. She was there, looking at them, all the time.
So why does she feel so selfish just for wanting them back?
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tsintotwo · 2 years
(Part 1/4)
Like a lot of us, I've been going through Tom Sturridge's filmography since watching Sandman on Netflix. I've watched a good amount of stuff so far, and I have Thoughts™ . Writing a few lines about him in each of the projects (because apparently this is a Tom Sturridge fan blog now??)
Now, you watch Tom in interviews and he is the DEFINITION of a cinnamon roll, so you would never think this- but this man has been absolutely wildin for over a decade. The projects he chooses? The roles he takes on? Half the time it's as if he's like 'if it's not excruciatingly dramatic, absolutely insane, and/or heart-poundingly, breath-chokingly sexy, don't even bother'. Also something else I think I figured out from watching these and Tom's interviews- it's possible that in his mind, wild/dangerous = seductive. So, anytime he's playing a character of that sort, he turns it on and immediately has intense sexual tension with everyone in sight. It's mind-blowing.
This is what I've watched so far:
Like Minds/Murderous Intent (2006)- Eddie Redmayne's first movie. Tom plays Ed's boarding school classmate, a psycho. He was 20/21 in this, unbelievably pretty, and nailed the 'devil with an angel's face' character to a tee. The chemistry with Ed is, predictably, insane. He says and does some seriously disturbing things in the movie. This was so early in his career too! It's possible that Tom's always been a 'choose the interesting project' person vs 'choose something that might make me a popular sweetheart' person.
Waiting for Forever (2010)- I have to say this first, I legit loved this movie so much. It strikes just the right balance between soulful and real, and the whole effect is incredibly sweet and touching. They don't make movies like this anymore. Tom's character is a very innocent type: naive and clueless to the extent of disturbing, but full of hope and belief. Tom is SO good in this. He plays it a bit slow and spacey, and captures the wide-eyed wonder and confusion of the character perfectly. *chef's kiss*
The Hollow Crown s2 (2012)- This was a series of BBC adaptations of Shakespeare's historical plays based on English kings. Tom was Henry VI, and I was fkn depres*ed for a week after watching this, no lie. Henry VI on screen is spineless, pathetic, and being manipulated left and right by every single person in his vicinity. The politics is nasty, the murders are brutal, and King Henry, 17, doesn't want any of it (but is still too much of a wuss to give up his crown so he clutches on religion instead). Tom, with his young face, long hair, gray cloak and his rosary that he desperately hangs onto, speaking of hope and heartbreak in Shakespearean lingo, just made me feel lots of emotions - terribly angry and frustrated with the king, then sad and horrified for him. It was draining. (The series overall is fantastic tbh.)
On The Road (2012)- Based on Jack Kerouac's novel, this movie is all sorts of nasty- drugs upon drugs, lurid sex, people treating other people terribly. Tom in this is sensitive writer boi in unrequited love with a fuckboy, and his personality is "we can take sexuality out of it, just hold me, man". I pray for the gays who will see this movie now because they won't survive Tom in this. (I mean I'm straight and I barely survived). The messy hair? Thick black-framed glasses? The hurt glances? Manic-pixie smiles? Teary-eyed, swollen-lipped monologue? (Edit: Scene) I'm f*cking deceased. (No kidding tho, I can't take movies that are so on-the-nose seriously and I skipped through it, and still Tom with his limited screen time managed to make me genuinely feel for his character. He was amazing.) Fun fact: The scene of him being bodily carried away for a threesome and proceeding to break the bed (literally) lives rent free in my head. No, I am not all right.
Far From the Madding Crowd (2015)- Adaptation of Thomas Hardy's classic novel. Tom plays Sgt. Francis Troy (opposite Carey Mulligan) and is a regular no-good rake. Listen, you'd think Tom with his sweet mouth and wispy facial hair couldn't pull off a moustache. You'd be wrong. He looks great. And he has that charisma that makes you wanna drive off a cliff for him even though you know he's an asshole. They made his character halfway decent tho, Troy is worse in the book. (EDIT: No they did NOT! I was skipping thru the movie and missed a scene lol. But I've watched the whole thing now and, yeah). And Tom switches vibes from sinister to emotional without missing a beat. What a goddamned treat watching this man is.
I'll stop now, and do the next installment on another 5 Tom projects (I guess Remainder, Mary Shelley, Sweetbitter, Irma Vep, Sea Wall/A Life? We'll see.)
(Edit: Part 2 , Part 3, Part 4, Part 5/ Bonus)
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kaeemin · 1 year
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➠ pairing: non-idol! ex-bf!na jaemin x reader
➠ genre: angst
➠ warnings: major character death (u guessed it) | hallucinations | signs of mild depression| mentions of an accident
➠ wc: 1.089
when you are forced to let go of your true love, will you remember him by with a smile?
( it’s midnight and i’m moody and wrote this and now feel free to read and be sad with me 💋 also i wonder why jaemin has been renting out a huge room in my mind lately .. )
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THERE WAS SOMETHING ABOUT THE GRAPHIC DRAWINGS IN A THIN PIECE OF PAPER. Something that even a thousand words couldn’t explain.
A frozen memory, where eyes were never closed, where hearts were never broken. Time stood still. A moment where you could keep forever.
So your boyfriend’s obsession over his camera made you feel a thing or two. You hated yet adored it at the same time. It wasn’t really pleasant living your life normally, not knowing someone was actually taking your picture without permission. And yet still, Jaemin’s quirky smile and his reminder of why he took the photos in the first place made your heart swell in a good way. In the best ways.
“When we’re old and wrinkled,” he’d say, “I want to show these memories to our grandchildren. Brag to them I married the most beautiful woman in the whole universe.”
It was hard to believe him — well to be exact, it was hard to believe someone like him would exist. Harder to believe you did something in your past life to deserve him.
There was something odd about him now though.
It used to be you not enjoying the flashes of a camera, but now Jaemin seems to have a hard time smiling in every picture you take.
“Jaemin! last one. Please.” You begged, dragging him upwards the small hill. It was autumn, your favorite season and it was a tradition for the two of you to see the amazing view of the place.
“Come on! We have to catch the sunset —“
“— it’ll be so romantic. Our grandchildren will really be jealous after seeing this picture.”
“Y/n.” Jaemin sighs, not moving one bit in his place. He gently pulled away from your hold on his wrist, choosing to hide his hands inside his coat’s pockets.
“Jaemin,” you say his name like it was a sacred thing, voice quivering both from the cold and the thick feelings bubbling up your throat. You don’t understand. “What’s going on, Jaem? You seem so … far away.”
Distant. He seems so distant. It doesn’t matter if he’s right here, a foot away from you. He feels like he’s miles away, somewhere you can’t reach.
Jaemin smiled, but it wasn’t his old one, it was forced out. It didn’t reach his beautiful eyes. “I can’t,” he whispered, softly shaking his head, “you have to go without me.”
“Why?” You gulp, eyes starting to become teary.
“You have to take the picture on your own.”
“You have to share your memories with the grandchildren you and your husband will have —“
“I don’t want to!” You burst out, reaching out to him one last time. You gripped on his coat tightly, sobbing like a madwoman. “I don’t want to go alone. I don’t want the photo without you. I don’t want grandchildren if it’s not you.”
“I know darling,” a tear slowly rolled down his cheek. Jaemin took a deep breath, allowing you to press on him for as long as you need. Just for now. He rested his chin on the top of your head, closing his eyes. “But you have to try.”
You whimpered, opening your mouth to call out his name, but it was hard now. It was like a thousand thorns were poking your heart whenever you tried to speak. Instead, you relished in the feeling, trying to memorize the warmth of his body.
All you could do was hum.
“Promise me you’ll smile.”
How? How will you smile when it’s so difficult? You wanted to complain, to oppose him, to be stubborn.
“Please, Y/n,” Jaemin pleaded, knowing there was not enough time. “Don’t cry when you hear my name. Remember me and smile.”
And yet, how will you not follow his request? His only wish.
“I promise.” You huskily let out, holding him tighter. Finally, Jaemin let out the most genuine smile and knew he could finally rest in peace. You know it. You felt him drifting farther away, until you could feel nothing in your fingertips.
You kept your eyes closed, lips pressed together tightly to conceal in the cries that were threatening to be let out. And then you felt a hand on your shoulder, making you instantly shift your weight to their side, too weak to be alone.
“Are you ready?” Jaemin’s mother asked in a soft voice, letting you sob so weakly by her neck. It took a few seconds of silence before you nodded, slowly lifting your head to meet her eyes.
“I hope you forgive my son, dear,” she wiped your tears, smiling sadly, “Jaemin has come home.”
“I know.” You nod again, not having the heart to hate him for leaving you. It wasn’t his fault. He didn’t do anything wrong.
Her smile had gotten a bit larger but still not so happy. Together, arm in arm, you both climb up the hill. She would share you stories of Jaemin’s childhood, and you would share with her about the plans you and Jaemin wanted to fulfill in the future.
The only thing that stopped the conversation was when you caught the breathtaking view of the small town that you grew to love.
“I’m so glad you and Nana found this place, Y/n.” She sighed in awe, squeezing your hand. “He was right. This is the best place to ask someone to spend the rest of your lives with.”
Your eyes soften, hand unconsciously travelling to the pendant of your necklace. It was an engagement ring. The ring that was found on Jaemin’s closed fist the day of the accident. Painful memories pinched your heart once again, but you stopped them.
“I would have said yes.” You doubted anyone heard you, given how low you said it. But the winds heard, the heavens heard, and somewhere, up in the clouds, a star brightened up even more.
“Oh! We’re losing the sunset. On you go dear, I’ll get the camera. Go pose beside that tree over there.” Mrs. Na gushed while you passed her the camera. You did as she told and stood beside the lonely tree, combing your fingers through your hair to make yourself at least look a bit presentable.
And you smiled with the click and the flash.
Because you promised.
Because you loved him.
Because you will never forget him.
Because when you go home and clip this photograph inside the book alongside with the thousands of pictures Jaemin took, you’ll remember to share to your grandchildren the story of your first love. With a smile.
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and as usual, please leave feedbacks !! this fic is totally unplanned but anyways love u all mwah
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onlyseokmins · 2 years
Been thinking about sucking the life out of seungkwan 😩
Omg bestie me too me tooooo he looks SO GOOD kfkdkkdlsosos if you're not thinking abt sucking Mr boo seungkwan then what's the point??.? Been thinking abt it sm had to write smth abt it 😔 sorry it's not v sexci I was too busy giggling abt how much I wrote abt boo dick at work 💀
Best friends occasionally see each other naked, right? But most best friend dynamics do not include one half of the duo having a raging crush on the other. The two of you aren’t “normal” besties — absolutely cannot be.
Because what kind of best friends end up in this kind of situation? Both of you stare open-mouthed at Seungkwan’s dick that he’d impulsively pulled out just to prove his point.
You should be laughing. You honestly really wish you could.
If you were entirely, completely, and utterly his regular old best friend of twenty-some years, you would be able to laugh it off. Joke around a bit. Poke some fun at how he stupidly whipped his dick out because of your claims of disgust about the portrayal of penises in porn.
But you’re dumb and so much in love with the man that lives rent-free in your mind even though you interact with him almost every hour of the day. And his dick is out. Right in front of you. So, you freeze, eyes glued to it.
Seungkwan thought you would be laughing as well, or maybe even cussing him out. Unaware of your inner turmoil, he’s now mentally slapping himself for not thinking things through when he's fired up. Stiff as a board (willing himself to not grow stiffer elsewhere with your gaze locked on him) and you almost moan aloud when his fingers twitch because they are the most gorgeous you’ve ever seen — of course, he’d have to have a pretty dick as well. And so, you take back everything you said before about ugly penises.
His is curved just right, not too big or too small. Long enough to certainly make your toes curl and you figure he’d still be able to stretch you perfectly for a pleasurable burn. You shift slightly in your seated position on his bed as you lick your lips.
The creak of his bedframe and rustle of his sheets is a crash back to reality for Seungkwan, a tiny gasp leaving his pillowy lips. He scrambles to pull up the waistband of his gray sweatpants but you’re faster, laying a hand on his hip and halting his movements. It causes his almost-covered length to hit against the back of your hand and while he lets out a hiss, you finally ask the question you’ve been dying to ask.
“Can I suck you off?”
“… What?!” He gapes at you. “Why? I thought you hated what penises looked like?”
“I have my complaints, yes… but yours,” you lean a bit closer and Seungkwan bites his lip at how glazed over your eyes are, “I could suck on forever.”
“What the fuck is happening?”
“Look, I have a very serious case of dickitus right now.”
“We can act like this never happened and move on but you’re going to have to understand that I might need some time apart because I won’t be able to stop thinking about your dick for a while.”
His mouth opens and closes. “I’m… sorry?”
“You should be,” you point your other finger accusingly at him suddenly, “you should’ve had an ugly dick so I can have a reason to like you less!”
“I — wait. You like me? Like as in like-like? You like m — ”
“Yes, you idiot, I’m in love with you! All your nagging, our goofy fights, how you take care of me, how you make me laugh, and now your stupid dick!”
He cups the side of his head and lets out an embarrassed giggle when he sees your eyes tear up. “Are you crying because you admitted you love me or because of my dick?”
“Both? But honestly, I’d prefer to be crying solely because of your dick, yes.”
A delicate finger grazes your cheek to brush away a fallen eyelash. “But I’m not even inside you yet?”
“Boo Seungkwan!” you exclaim. “Is that how you respond to a confession? No wonder you’re single!”
“I don’t think that’s how normal people confess but I stand corrected. I’m only in your heart right now, as you are in mine. But I also wouldn’t mind being inside you in other ways.”
You gasp, amusingly half-scandalized as he gestures to your lower body before he pulls you close for a rather chaste kiss. He smiles against your lips when you tell him you two aren’t normal and he relays to you that this moment is something he’s always dreamed of, how much he likes you, and it’s all fireworks and magic between two idiots.
But of course, you make a point of giving Seungkwan the best head ever because you weren’t lying — you could really suck on him forever and as you soak up every single one of his moans, who could really blame you?
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juicybiohazard · 9 months
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Yes, finished my first playthrough of separate ways. The game is RE4 remake so I can't say anything about the gameplay that anyone doesn't already know, so... I'll talk about what I really care about here, the story, you see... Ada Wong and Albert Wesker happen to be my favorite characters in this series, I like the AWs yes. Naturally that means that I noticed how different both are from their original portrayals, listen there is a reason why in my mind the one true canon/continuity is the OG games and not the remakes, because its in those older games when I first experienced the RE world and ended up loving these people as they are, so how I could like these new versions of them when they are so different? they may as well be new characters. The appearance is the only thing they share, they are similar to the OGs on a superficial level but thats where similarities end, and of the two I think Wesker is the one that changed the most and not for the better, from little things like his voice not being so distinctive anymore and sounding generic af to his personality being a cardboard cutout of a cartoon villain, some might say, wasn't Wesker always like that? I mean you can choose to describe him as a cartoon villain but any older version of Wesker wouldn't admit to be willing to murder billions and reveal his plan to some random mercenary he doesn't know... he knows better. Even RE5 Wesker wouldn't do that, ever wondered what happened to the scientists that helped developed Uroboros? You get the general idea from multiple files, it looks like they all got killed and essentially they never even knew what they were doing and what was its true purpose
It goes beyond dialogue, even his mood is different, in the old games he is cool and collected in any situation in this game he is easily irritated by ANYTHING 😂 its kind funny how Ada seems to just exist and Albert huffs at her presence, seriously I could go on forever citing each and every single difference between the old Wesker we know and this new take on the character, but I'd rather end this post today
Like I said before in my little RE4 review, my only real dislikes of this game are the changes to Wesker and Ada, and subsequently Krauser. I loved the dynamic of these three in the old game and its completely gone now. They are no longer deeply connected like before, it's all superficial now, they just happen to be in the same place at the same time due to circumstances of fate, not because they know each other. You know what, that sucks, I don't like that one bit because it feels like taking things away just for the sake of making something different. Ada used to be a true grey character, remember Separate Ways was developed for the ps2 version of the game after it launched on GameCube so the times you saw Ada in the OG game where few, far between and the game gives you no reason to believe she isn't genuinely on Wesker's side. Maybe the devs always wanted her to end up betraying him but whatever the case I'd very much prefer if she wasn't just another good guy, we have enough of those and too many haven't returned for a long time (a lot of people still want Billy and Sheva to return). The amount of heroes in this series is astronomical, do we really need another one? why can't Ada at least be in-between? let her believe that ends justify the means at least, let her believe that some good can come out of eugenics, let her believe that the world needs an enema to erradicate true evil. I don't know I'm rambling here, but I hope this made a bit of sense, I always liked the idea of Ada and Wesker going way back and him being the reason she is alive today, meaning she feels she owes him and genuinely cares about him (I admit this might have never been on the table from the devs perspective so this is just how I wish things were for them) but it is what it is, story aside, the game is fun and this DLC is worth every peny
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One last thing...
The post credits scene will live rent free in my head for the coming months, it seems more obvious than ever that RE5 remake is in the works, or it will be after RE9 is out. What a crazy time to be resi fan, it looks like capcom isn't going to stop giving us content. Can't complain about that one
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