#everyone gets annoyed with her for not being able to remember things anymore and that makes me sad too
we're at my in-laws' house today to watch my husband's grandma while they're away, and it's stressing me out soooo much. she's 94 and hasn't been doing too great recently and I get so anxious about it 😭 she'll stand there and talk for a long time, but she needs to sit down and relax because she gets really anxious about everything, and it just feels so shitty to be like 'no you have to go to your living room and sit down now' so I can't do that 😭
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sunny-mercya · 10 months
Sensitive Heart
Poly! Billy Loomis & Stu Macher x Male Reader
Fandom -> Scream 1996
Requested by -> Anon
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Sidney had become quick to learn, that you're a rather sensible—if not even overstimulated sensitive—boy.
Most things; be it a large crowd, people accidentally bumping into you or someone saying something you had difficulty to understand—hell, even the most mundane compliment; you look really good today—brought you to tears.
And on some days, wether if they are bad or good ones, you would cry for an eternality of hours—exhausting yourself with a sore throat sobbing.
Throughout the school years, you had spend more time in the nursery office thanks to this—whatever and however it's called, Sidney doesn't bother to remember—than being actually injured.
Tatum, who had heard from Stacy—and she had it being told from Mackenzie, who had gotten told it from Helena—the nurses daughter—told Sidney once, that your over sensitivity of personality has been coming from your mother.
Your mother who had pampered you into a suffocating and constant anxious panic. She was a kind soul, with her off shrugging absently affectionate, but treating you well still.
Although, when you were at the age of ten—having been in the hospital again, because of your mother—your father had enough, filled a divorce and complete custody over you and told his ex-wife to leave.
So now, Sidney had to endure your tears filled stuttering jumble of words while accompanying you, yet again, to the nurse office.
Please god, she thought, end me. Holding back a groan, simply nodding along to what you're trying to say. If she's telling you to shut up, you would probably cry a flood then.
The cold wet washcloth always felt good over your burning irritated eyes. Cooling them off and bringing a sort of pain relief to them.
Mrs. Westbrock had left the office, after assessing you down onto the bed and giving you a glass of water and headache-pills. Nothing new, a normal occurrence for you to be alone—till school hours ended—in the nurse office, when you had another rather server breakdown episode. Then again, every episode brought you to the office.
»Aww, at this point you should ask the Director to let you live rent-free here« Stu did his best to lower his voice, when stepping in. Knowing well how headache prone you would get and he also knows how loud his voice can be.
It must be lunch break or a free period or study all, otherwise Billy and Stu wouldn't be able to visit you. Then again, you wouldn't put it pass them to just skip a lesson or two—and you knew they had done already more than once.
»What was it this time babe?« asked Billy, sitting down onto the chair. Someone would say his tone, when asking you this question, is coming off as annoyed, rude and tutting. It wasn't. It was Billys way of asking you how you are and what the cause was.
You shrugged at him, rubbing your eyes and sitting up a bit—letting Stu prep kisses onto your face.
»I.....don't really remember anymore.«
Billy hummed, knowing well it was lie of you, watching you and Stu, the both of you conserving now over some Cartoon.
»Did Jules brought you here?«
»Nu-uh, it was Sydney,«
Billy nodded, they all were somewhat friends with Sidney, though somehow she always seemed to be irritated annoyed by your mere presence—not that you took notice if it, always busy to greet everyone happily, even when it was hard to do for you.
»[Name]. Tell us, what made you cry.« a bit demanding harsh he sounded, but how would he know if Billy didn't use a dominant force to bring you to speak.
»It, it–it was, someone talked about–about how killing is, is–is something and I got upset over it, because they talked so causally about it, but killing is–is–is bad and taking–taking a humans life is cruel«
You broke into another, new, round of tears. Sobbing into Stu's arms, who cooed at you lovely and giving you sloppy kisses on the cheeks again.
Oh, how innocent sweet you are. Thinking so naively and thoughtful about the world. Aren't you adorable?
It was weeks after, when Sidney came to the conclusion that the ominous masked—dubbed as Ghostface—killer, who tried to killer her, is Billy Loomis.
Sidney, when she got the chance, pulled you into an empty classroom, cornering you. Doing her best to look as threatening as she could, to make you confess.
She always found it strange how Billy (and Stu) could love someone like you—someone who's a crybaby, skittish and meek in personality. Too Sensitive for a boy to be.
But then she thought, you're the perfect alibi for Billy or perhaps even someone who knows that Billy is the murder.
»You know Billy is the killer, don't you [Name]?«
»What? What are you talking about Syd?«
»It's Sidney. Billy is the killer and you're either good at pretending to play clueless dumb, which you are though, or you're his partner. There aren't any other options.«
Sidney hated it how you pronounced her name so dumbly wrong. It's a simple name, how hard could it be to say it right? Apparently hard enough for you.
»Accusing someone, a friend even, of something so horrific is a cruel thing to do.«
»Oh? I didn't knew you could speak english without stuttering in sobbing.«
Your lips begun to wobble, biting softly onto them to stop the starting trembling—which would soon racked through your whole body. Eyes getting wet, tears ready to spill.
Sidney had no rights to accuse Billy like this and neither had she the right to be this mean to you. You hadn't done anything to make her upset, so why does she say such things?
She clicked her tongue in annoyance, gripping your arm tight when you were about to bold off.
»We both know I'm right. Whether you like it or not.«
You freed yourself from her, jerking your arm out of her grasp and bolting out of the room. At some point colliding with Jules, who was looking for you, scrambling up again and running even faster away.
A lie. It's a complete conspiracy bullshitting lie, what Sidney had said to you. It wasn't true, Billy isn't a killer.
»I'm home!« greeted Billy once he had open the front door and stepped in, closing if afterwards. Getting out of his jacket and hanging it up on, he made his way towards the kitchen.
Leaning against the frame of the kitchen-door, Billy watched you, smiling at the sight of you cooking today's lunch—dancing slightly to the music which the radio plays.
»You need help, darling?« he admits, spooking you up like this was—the way how you jerked together into surprise—always a fun thing to do.
»Oh, Billy! How was work? Sure sure, you can set the table and please get Stu« you pecked his lips, when he leaned down, snatching a piece of bacon from the cutting board.
»Where is he?«
»Upstairs, doing the laundry.« you had long returned to the cooking, resuming with what you had stopped.
Billy passed through the living room, stopping at the commode in the hallway, next to the stairs.
Photo frames over photos frames filled the commode, telling their own stories—from their graduation, first house, to marriage, to their honeymoon and then to their Kids and their first kindergarten and school day to the here and now.
There was one photo in particular, which both Stu and him are very found of. It still confuses the kids, who couldn't figure out why a photo of you crying was a found memory to keep and share.
To the kids they had told a story of how they always found it adorable, just how bunny like you were and wanted to capture the moment.
In truth though, it was the moment when the broke you—your spirit of will—and had you forever to love.
It was after Sidney had inflicted your pure heart with self-doubt and questionable unbelief towards Billy. You confronted him, breaking out in hysterical when Billy bluntly admits it with a shrug and when you were about to call the police—Stu stepped in, holding you tight in his arms as you trashed in his hold and shouting words at them you never wished to say again.
They had to break a few of your bones, scaring and threatening you completely in submissive—because if they don't, you wouldn't be able to continue with going to school with them and enjoy life, if they didn't had done it this way—they had to kill you and that would be a shame. After all you're their precious little darling.
It took a few years—after framing someone else for their killings and making Sidney an implausible witness in the polices eyes—to shape you into what your are now; a good submissive husband, who showers them in unconditionally love.
»[Name]'s adorable, isn't he Bills?« Stu trotted down the stairs, flashing a grin at Billy.
»You're right, he really is. I was just about to get you, laundry-boy«
»Funny, man. Urgh, my back hurts. I never do laundry again«
After lunch, when the kids had retired into their rooms or going out to spend time with friends. You and your husbands sat on the couch, cuddling against another and watching another round of romance movies.
Even after all these years, you couldn't stop your sensitivity and the spilling tears from your eyes.
Billy and Stu wouldn't have it any other way. They adored you how you are, in their eyes you're perfect.
»Have I told you, just how–how much I love–love you two?« you asked them in between sobs, romantic movies always made you so moody.
»You do plenty of times, precious. We love you just as much in return.«
Both Billy and Stu pressed a kiss against your lips, tasting your salty tears.
You're their little bunny.
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fadedncity · 1 year
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wc: 1.8k (teaser)
pairing: mark x fem!reader
cw: street racing au, childhood friends to lovers, mentions of other idols; (full fic) tags: smut, lil angst, alcohol consumption, use of marijuana, teasing, fingering, semi public sex, marking, oral sex (giving/receiving), dirty talk, pet names, praising, multiple orgasms, more to come…
a/n: everyone thank ay-yo mark for finally getting me out of my writers block 😁 p.s. i don’t know shit about cars and only have knowledge based off the fast and furious movies so apologies 😭
[9:16 PM] FRIDAY
"Come on. The cops are gonna bust it before we even get there!" Summer stomped her heels like a whiny child.
"You know these things never start on time, we will be fine," you said, coming down the stairs.
"You could always go ahead of us and we'll meet you there," Nyla said, checking herself in the mirror, "Oh wait, you can't drive," she deadpanned.
"Only temporarily," Summer rolled her eyes.
"Only until your suspension is lifted," you reminded.
"One of you could let me borrow a car. It's only an issue if I get caught." Summer says matter of factly, like either of you would agree with her.
"That is the issue, sweetie, you did get caught." Nyla pats Summer's cheek.
Summer crossed her arms, again acting like a moody toddler.
"Let's go," you grabbed your keys off the table, "Thought you didn't wanna be late." You said to Summer, heading out the door.
With an annoyed huff, Summer gathered her things and followed you and Nyla out the door.
The three of you got into your car, the gentle purr of the engine coming to life once you put the key in the ignition, sending vibrations through the entire vehicle. Music filtered through the speakers as you pulled out of your spot and took off down the street.
"Hyuck said to make sure you turn your lights off when you're coming up," Summer relayed a message she received from Haechan once you were halfway there.
"Yeah, yeah, I know," you waved off.
You turned off your headlights once you neared the exit, moving offroad. You carefully drove into the woods on unpaved ground, heading deeper into the darkness as the distant streetlights weren't doing anything to assist your sight anymore. 
"I always hate this part," Nyla says from the passenger seat.
"Gotta make sure we don't get caught if any cops are hiding around here." You said.
"I know, but it always feels like the beginning of a horror movie. And you know the hot ones always die first," Nyla pouted.
You found the opening in the fence, worn down from being driven over so many times, and pulled into the abandoned army base, finally able to cut your lights back on.
The sound of music playing and tires screeching on the pavement could already be heard from the runway the meet was on, and you were still a few hangars away.
You slow down once you reach the crowd taking over the runway. People move out of the way as you cruise down the road, looking for a spot to park.
"Ain't that Johnny over there," Summer pointed from the backseat.
"I'd recognize that giant beanstalk anywhere," you say before honking your horn, startling the Aquarius and getting his attention.
"Wow, the princess, actually graces us with her presence on this lovely night," Johnny curtsies, and you scoff.
"Just move out the way before I run your ass over." you tell him.
You backed your car into the spot next to Johnny, and your friends practically jumped out of the vehicle before you could put it in park. You hadn't even closed your door when Johnny embraced you in a tight hug. 
"Jesus, John, gonna crack a rib," you gasp.
"Feels like we don't see you at these things anymore," He let you go.
"Come on, it hasn't been that long. I was here a few weeks ago."
"For like 20 minutes. You left before you could even see me smoke Jungwoo," he crossed his arms over his chest.
You remember that night. You had totally forgotten the assignment you had due at 11:59 and raced back home to turn it in on time.
"Shit. That's my bad. You know it's just stuff with the garage and school and…stuff," you trail off.
"Yeah, I get it," Johnny slung his arm around you, "You're doing good though, kiddo," you both started trailing behind Nyla and Summer.
"How do you figure?"
"Made it further than me. I had already dropped out by this point," Johnny said, sharing a laugh.
The music came from every direction with people displaying their boosted sound systems out of their trunks. The ones not focusing on the races were too busy gawking at the expensive modifications under the hoods of those showing them off.
"Last chance. Winner take all," you instantly recognize Chenle's voice over the rest of the clamor.
You watch Summer reach into her bag, giving Chenle an indescribable amount, looking proud of herself.
"Who're you betting on?" Johnny asks her. 
"Yeri, duh," she answered. 
"You sure that was a good choice?" he asks, teasingly.
"Obviously. Hyuck ain't got shit on her." 
"Yeah, alright," Johnny rolled his eyes, taking a bit of offense himself.
"Where is Haechan, by the way? He's up next," Jeno asks.
"Over there talking to Jaemin," Chenle nodded to the opposite side of the runway where Jaemin's car was parked.
You spotted the back of Haechan's head speaking to Jaemin through the window of his car, probably checking the police scanner and making sure you're all still in the clear, no doubt. Then your eyes land on the guy standing next to him, recognizing his silhouette.
"Oh my god, is that-" Summer starts.
"Mark Lee?" you will your vision to focus from this distance to see clearer. "Mark's back in town and no one said anything?" you hit Johnny's arm.
"You would know if you were here." Chenle shrugged.
"I'm sorry, who is Mark?" Nyla asks.
Everyone turned and looked at Nyla.
"Mark Lee? How do you not know Mark?" Summer says, showing Nyla his Instagram.
"How did you pull that up so fast?" Renjun asks.
"Holy shit, he's good," Nyla says impressed, and you already know Summer pulled up one of the videos of him racing.
"Better be. I taught him." Johnny smiles like a proud father. "We all go way back," he says, "Ain't that right?" Johnny nudges your arm.
Way back. 
Way back when you used to spend hours at the garage with your father after school and only knew Johnny as your father's best and favorite (unconfirmed) employee. And Mark was some boy from your high school that you didn't even know until you went to your first car meet.
Way back doesn't even feel that far away anymore now seeing him. It almost feels exactly like the first car meet you snuck out to. When you first met him.
"If your father knew you were here, he would lose his shit. If he found out I let you drive he would have my head. You are not getting into any car—getting behind any wheel tonight under any circumstances. Do you understand?" Johnny said. 
"Aht, I mean it," he said, shooting you down before changing the subject, "You know Mark, right?" he asked. 
"No, I don't know Mark." 
"Well, this is Mark," Johnny said, yanking the boy out of a conversation to introduce the both of you. "You mind keeping each other company, and make sure she stays out of..everything," Johnny not so quietly muttered to Mark. "I'm up next, so be good while I'm gone," Johnny patted your head before he hopped in his car, leaving the two of you alone. 
"I can't image he's much less of a jackass at work." Mark said. 
"He definitely isn't. I don't think it's something he can turn off," you laughed before you looked over at him, "How'd you know I'm from the garage?" you asked. 
"Johnny said you might be here tonight. He talks about you all the time, like a little sister he's never had," Mark tells you. 
"Oh really? What else has he said?" 
"You're one hell of a driver."
"Come on, it's starting," Summer pulling on your arm, tore you out of your thoughts, and you realize Mark's no longer in your sight, having lost him in the crowd.
People gather on either side of the runway, cheering as Haechan's electric blue Supra pulled up next to Yeri's lavender-wrapped GT-R, stopping right before the spray-paint on the pavement that served as the starting and finish line.
Chenle stood between both cars, looking at Haechan and Yeri. He raised his arms, both drivers reviving up their cars, Haechan burning out his tires, kicking up smoke behind his car before Chenle dropped his arms, and they both sped off past him down the road.
Through all the commotion, you spotted Mark again. And before you could even think about it you were already weaving your way through the crowd to get to him.
"So you thought you could just come back to town and not say anything to anybody?" you say, getting his attention.
Mark's eyes light up, no longer concerned with the race upon seeing you.
"I just got in yesterday but heard you were gonna be here tonight. So I thought I'd surprise you."
"Consider me surprised."
You take the time to notice everything about him, the things that have changed and the things that haven't. Like his hair, no longer dark with the typical schoolboy cut. It's now grown out and blonde—that was as much as you could tell from the beanie it was all tucked underneath. But nothing about his face is much different than how you remember it. Still the same soft eyes you can get yourself lost in and the sweet smile that used to bring one to your face.
"So who's your money on?" Mark asks you.
"You know I'm not throwing anything unless I really got something to lose," you say, "But if I did put my money on one of them, it would definitely be Yeri. She's winning this."
"Yeah, she's a good driver but don't you know what Haechan has under his hood?"
"Yeah, but it's no match for what's under Yeri's. And I would know. I put it all together myself," you smiled proudly.
You heard the cars approaching, closing in on the finishing line. From this distance, it's hard to tell who's winning, but you aren't as eager as the rest of the crowd cheering on either side to see who would make it to the end first.
The cars blurred past you, wind whipping behind them, blowing your hair out of place a bit as you turned to Mark.
"Now would you look at that," you smiled as Yeri was announced as the winner, "I know it's been a while Mark, but the last thing you should forget is that I'm always right."
"Trust, there isn't anything about you I could forget," Mark says.
a/n: i’m currently already at 7k but just wanted to know how y’all feel about this so ik whether i should keep going or not so pls lmk! feedback is appreciated <33
edit: currently at 11k and still haven’t gotten to the smut yet…y’all pray for me
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damn-stark · 1 year
Chapter 5 Journey to the future
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Chapter 5 of Moonlight
A/N- Youre there to annoy Aemond this time around
Warning- Swearing, ANGST, FLUFF, LONG CHAPTER.
Pairing- Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon!fem-reader, Cregan Stark x Velaryon!fem-reader
Episode- Before 1x08
(If you want to be tagged let me know)
Fuck. What if he’s ugly?
Worse, what if he’s just like his brother Aegon? He wasn’t when you knew, but that’s it, you don’t know him anymore, he can be just like his brother now. And if that’s the case then your life is ruined, and you’ll live a miserable life.
Unless you save yourself before…
You’ll have to wait and see. But then again…if he isn’t like Aegon will you be able to be what you once were? Close and kind to each other? Or will you be like his mother and father? Distant and like strangers?
If that’s the case then you’ll have to run away too, run back to Cregan and hide there. You don’t want to live a miserable life.
Damn, you want to know what the future holds for you now! But no, life is cruelly slow. You’ll have to wait and see, damn.
You groan at the unknown and glance out of the window gaps, from what you’ve seen already the Red Keep seems a lot bigger than you remember it being. There are also more people working within the yards, making it louder than what you’re used to now. Albeit the one thing that people do have in common with those in Winterfell is that people gawk here too; you can see them trying to sneak a peek inside your carriage. And not only those people out on the streets but everyone from the dock, up to the moment the carriage rolls to a stop in the courtyard outside the castle doors. They’re all curious to see the realms Golden Girl return from the deep north.
As their eagerness runs rampant though, you feel your stomach twist.
“Here we go, Wolf,” you whisper to your kitten. “We’re officially here.” You exhale deeply as you stroke your kitten's gray fur one time before putting him away in his crate.
“I’ll see you later okay?” You try to assure him after he’s spent the majority of the month out of his crate and never far away from you. You also try to prolong going out and coming face to face with your welcome party waiting for you on the steps.
“It’ll be alright Princess,” your handmaiden now assures you as she helps you put the kitten away.
You let out a deep shaky sight and offer her a nervous expression.
“Yes,” you try to muster confidence. “Here goes nothing,”
Nevertheless, your heart begins to race as you anticipate coming face to face with Aemond; who should be waiting to greet you alongside his mother and siblings, as it befits your station, and the fact that you’re family. If he isn’t out there then he’ll be an even bigger asshole in your mind.
“If it all goes wrong then we just write to your friend.” Your handmaiden offers you a clever solution while she shoots you a smirk. But, GODS! It’s not a good time to joke around like that! Especially not about Cregan!
She’s lucky she’s your most beloved friend or else you would fire her.
“Hilarious,” you grumble with a pointed glare, making her giggle as she grabs Wolf’s crate.
From then on, your continuous prolonging finally is cut short as one of the guards outside your carriage door introduces you by your given name first before following with your mighty house, and lastly, your title, cuing your exit.
Part of you tunes it out because of the grip your nerves has on you, but the guard is loud, and you still feel the inklings of your pride seeping back in at the sound of those titles. “….Of House Velaryon, Princess of Dragonstone!”
Fuck, okay.
You draw out a deep breath and look at the carriage door as it’s getting opened. The guard immediately offers you his hand, but you hesitate and let out another nervous breath of air before you take his hand and let him help you down.
Rather than turning to face the people out to welcome you, you can’t help but look at the sky as Astraea flies overhead. She circles the courtyard once with her eyes on you before she flies away as if making sure you were actually safe before she had to leave.
She was your excuse to keep averting your eyes but once you can’t see her anymore you finally give your attention to brick towers that look blander than you last remember. You look at the lonely house banners that are on display, at the few guards that stand firmly at the sides until you have no more excuses, and finally shift around to land your gaze on the Queen, and her family standing on top of the stairs watching you; the princess that she sent away as a little girl, and came back as a woman.
There you stand, and there she stands. The Queen of course stands out the most with her deep red hair, and elegant green dress adorned with gold jewelry. She looks at you as she always had before; with judgment in her piercing gaze.
Even so, you can’t deny she looks quite beautiful, it’s like she hasn’t aged one bit, albeit it has been five years, so there can’t be that much of a change.
The others though?
Nonetheless, suddenly your name is excitedly called out in the stunned silence, when you shift your gaze to look at who called you, to the right you see a woman with silver-blond hair running at you before she attacks you with an embrace that catches you off guard.
“It is great to see you!” She says sweetly, finally letting you recognize her voice at that moment, it’s Helaena!
You pull back and grab her shoulders to study your aunt. “Helaena?” You query with a grin. “Look at you!” You point out as you see that she hasn't lost how kind she looks, or how blue her eyes gleam. She is a bit plumper than before and she does look a bit more timid, but she is still radiantly beautiful.
“Look at you,” she redirects whilst she pulls back to let her hands slide down your arms and grab your hands instead as she studies you. “You’re beautiful.” She comments, making you beam at her.
“As are you,” you counter softly. “And I’ve heard that a congratulation is in order. Twins, that’s amazing news. I have children of my own.” You smirk.
Helaena blinks and her smile fades. “What? Really?” She asks in a quieter voice.
You giggle and point to the crate. “My kitten, Wolf, and my lovely Astraea, of course.”
“Oh!” She sighs with relief, but doesn’t find it as humorous as you did, or as Arra would have.
“That's great.” Helaena acknowledges your joke before pulling back and letting one hand slip off, while she keeps the other still secured around yours to pull you with her. Once you make it to the bottom of the stairs she comes to a stop and strands you there to be looked down upon by her mother and the boys beside her whom you still avoid looking at. It’s just too much to take in, you need time to progress everything slowly.
“Your Grace,” you greet the Queen, while you grab the blue skirt of your dress and curtsy before her. “It’s a pleasure seeing you again.”
You lift your gaze and see her walking down to you, making you stiffen.
“Look at you,” she says in that voice you can’t tell if it’s sweet or condescending. “You’re a woman grown,” she adds and gently grabs your chin. “You’re beautiful.”
You offer her a feigned sweet smile before looking past her after not finding anything else to say to her. However, much to your disdain, the next person you see is Aegon; his pair of eyes creepily studying you gives him away; that, and well he looks like he hasn’t slept in weeks.
“Uncle,” you greet with a fake courtesy and a lazy smile. “It is…”
“A pleasure seeing me as well?” He adds for you since you couldn’t help but pause. And rather than showing your disgust, you offer him a smirk and a stiff nod
“Sure,” you lie sweetly.
Aegon shoots you a smirk and climbs down to stand before you. “Look at you,” he says and studies you again with a deeper smirk.
“Actually,” you add and point at him. “I am honored seeing you here, I mean am I really that special? You got up from your special afternoon nap time just to greet me?” You snicker as you touch your chest with grace, causing him to chuckle.
“I see that the North didn’t take away your feisty attitude,” he retorts. “Good. Good. I was getting bored here.”
You scoff softly and actually offer him a genuine smile, but that quickly vanishes when he opens his mouth again. “Now you must remember Aemond, right?” Aegon can't help but tease you while he puts his hand on your back to lead you up the stairs where Aemond seems to be stuck. And as much as you want to take him all in you avert your gaze out of spite and bow your head because he is nothing more than a stranger to you after he broke your friendship after one year of you being away.
“Prince Aemond,” you greet coldly and hear Aegon stifle his teasing laugh. You expect to hear something in return, you want to hear how Aemond’s voice changed, but he doesn’t say a thing, making you slowly lift your eyes up his…very tall and slim figure.
He’s very tall, and his hair is long too, it goes past his shoulders, but it actually doesn’t look bad, not on him anyway. It looks soft and well taken care of too. And! He's not ugly, that was a foolish concern. He’s majestic and beautiful.
He has a long face, but it’s pretty, well-structured, and his nose is long and straight. His freckles are gone though, bummer, but his lips, they’re thin and pink, and slightly parted. And his eye is the same eye you saw for years, it’s the one thing that hasn’t changed; it's familiar, comforting; his eye is also slightly widened and just set on you.
And finally, after a long moment of stillness and silence, he bows his head and lets you hear him mutter your name in a deeper voice than the one he had when he was a boy, but still gentle and soft.
“Aemond,” you repeat and can’t help from smiling softly at him.
However, that bliss quickly begins to fade as you see his eye shift lower on your face because when you follow his line of gaze, you notice that he’s looking at the long prominent scar he accidentally had made on your cheek, which then leads you to look back up at his face to look at his own scar; noting that his eye isn’t swollen or red anymore, but he still doesn’t have it, he’s actually wearing a leather eyepatch over his eye socket, which adds to his attractiveness.
As you look at his long scar longer though, you don’t find yourself feeling guilty anymore, not like before. Now that you look at it, you can’t help but notice one thing—and maybe it’s silly, but his scar ends where your scar starts on your cheek.
“It’s,” Aemond interjects and pauses for a brief second.
Have you made him nervous?
“It’s a pleasure seeing you again,” he finishes, making your smile revive. However, you then remember what a jackass he’s been and you quickly drop your head to clench your jaw and frown.
“I wish to see my grandfather,” you ignore him and look over at the Queen at the top of the stairs now.
Alicent blinks in surprise and Aegon continues to stifle his laugh.
“But you have only just arrived. You must be tired from your travel.” Alicent quickly says.
You shake your head and move past Aemond to walk inside the castle. “It’s all right he has more precedence.”
Alicent follows beside you and sighs knowing there’s no need arguing against you on this matter. “Well, all right then come with me.”
You hum softly in agreement even if you knew you’d go without her, and as you're walking away you feel a burning sensation on your back, so you instinctively peer back over your shoulder and meet Aemond’s gaze. He blinks in surprise when you catch him, but doesn’t look away. So you do, you make sure he sees you roll your eyes before turning your head away.
He may be handsome, and sexy, but he has a lot to make up for before you can be okay with him. Besides, he still doesn’t replace Cregan.
Oh sweet, handsome Cregan. Just thinking about him makes your body burn with desire, but he also makes your heart sad as you long to see him, and be with him again. Hopefully, you get a letter from him soon, you’ll send one later regardless to let him know you’ve made it.
As of now, your focus drifts solely to your grandfather. The walk to his chambers is eternal since it’s a quiet and awkward walk between Alicent and you—then again you also prefer that to being asked thousands of questions. However the silence does make your mind fill with thoughts of Cregan, and of Aemond and how this relationship is going to work. No matter how handsome he’s grown to be, that doesn’t change a thing about the fact that you’re nothing more than strangers forced to marry.
How funny is that? That eagerness to marry is merely memories now…
But! You can’t let that mess with your mind at this instant. Maybe once you’re in bed you’ll think. Endlessly.
As for now once again you drift your focus back to your grandfather, and on Alicent since she breaks the silence. However, the conversation isn’t pleasant. “I must inform you that your grandfather is not well. His pain forces him to cloud his mind with milk of the poppy for his pain.”
His pain or for her convenience?
Yes, you’ve noticed that the dragon sigils are missing and their place are the stars of…the faith? The new gods? You’re not much into religion, so you can’t be sure, but, whatever, the stars that decorate the halls are just like that big fat star she wears around her neck as if she’s a part of some cult.
“He won’t be as responsive as he once was,” she lets you know.
You hum in comprehension, and when you reach the King's chambers, the Kingsguard opens the doors to let you in. And the moment you’re in the dimmed lifted chamber you come to see his once precious model of Valyria, unkept and covered in dust and cobwebs.
You remember watching him work on it when you were a little girl, he even let you help him most of the time. He always said he loved the company and the help, your presence never bothered him. Plus you loved spending time with him, not only because keeping him company let you skip lessons with ease, but he was always kind and he wouldn't shoot you judging looks like Alicent.
“Come,” Alicent whispers as she guides you past the curtains that block the view of the bed. “It’s okay.”
You’re hesitant, finding your presence to be a bother now, but you also know you don’t want to linger back out of fear, you want to see him, so you slowly follow Alicent past the curtains but end up stiffening the moment you notice how terrible he looks; he’s so skinny, his skin is paler and scaly, a bandage now wraps around half his face, covering one eye, and his hair is practically gone, only a few strands stick to his head.
You almost don’t want to approach, finding your heartbeat elevating as if you’ve grown fearful, but you remind yourself that he’s your grandfather so after a deep breath you finally approach his bedside, noticing when you get close that his breathes are labored now, like if that alone is too much to work.
“Who goes there?” He asks hoarsely and slowly shifts his head to the side to follow Alicent’s figure as she stands by the end table by his bed.
“It is I, husband,” she speaks up quietly and carefully grabs his hand. “I’ve brought a visitor here to see you.”
“Oh,” he groans. “Who is it?”
Alicent looks over at you, and you meet her gaze to share your reluctance.
“It’s okay,” she assures you. “Come, so he can see you.”
You swallow thickly and bite the inside of your cheek as you take a couple of steps towards him so you can be in his point of view.
“Hello, grandfather,” you make yourself known, noticing him lowering his dull gaze to take in your face as you announce your name and offer him a kind smile before leaning in closer. “I’ve returned from Winterfell.”
Your grandfather draws out a labored breath, and you see him study your face in silence. You can’t help but glance at Alicent in confusion, not knowing if he remembers or not, but you find her just as curious to know as you.
“Ah,” he then startles you. “Sweet granddaughter. My, how you’ve grown.”
You look down at him and can't help but grin and then reach over to grab the hand that Alicent lets go.
“I'm very happy to see you,” you say softly without that same hesitance. “I’ve missed you.”
“And I you,” he responds. “It seems our project has been abandoned since you left.”
He still remembers...
You smirk softly. “So I've noticed, perhaps, now that I will be here, I can come and restore it. It’d be a shame to let such great effort go to waste.”
He hums softly and nods very slowly. “That would be great.” He exhales deeply and his grip loosens whilst his gaze shifts around. “Where’s your mother?” He asks suddenly. “Why did she not travel with you?”
You share a confused look with Alicent, and she responds by stepping in and reminding him where you were. “She was in Winterfell, my dear. Rhaenyra has been at Dragonstone.”
Your grandfather lowers his gaze and instead lifts his hand to rub his head and groan. “Oh,” he whispers. “Yes, that’s right.”
You tighten your grip and add on sweetly. “Winterfell is such a lovely place. The snow is cold but beautiful. And I went to the wall...” You trail off before you can reveal things that can give away any bit of your relationship with Cregan. “It’s truly breathtaking. Liberating.” You quickly redirect yourself, catching the corner of his lips tug upward just slightly.
“Yes,” he mutters, “you always dreamed of adventure. Just like your mother once.”
You smile in awe and find yourself glancing away and catching Alicent’s faltering feigned smile. When she notices your gaze she fixes herself and offers you a bitterly sweet smile.
“If I could,” you add lightheartedly and return your attention to your grandfather. “I’d travel the world on Dragonback and feast on different foods.” You giggle.
He hums and the corner of his lips lift more but that alone seems like too much of a strain.
“Perhaps it’s time we let him rest,” Alicent catches you by surprise—“and you need rest too,” she directs at you. “A month on a boat with rough waters isn’t pleasant I imagine.”
You sigh and give in without a fight because you are indeed exhausted. “Yes,” you agree and let go of your grandfather's hand to instead plant a kiss on his head. “I’ll visit when I can.”
“Yes, please do,” he strains to say. “I will wait.”
You pull back and smile softly, finding peace and pride in the fact that he remembers you in his poor state.
Yet you also feel bothered that Alicent had to intervene and end it so abruptly. Why? You were enjoying each other's company…
Was she bothered he was so taken away with your visit, or was it something else?
Right now if you were in Winterfell, you’d be preparing or already be with Cregan past the castle walls or in his chambers talking, kissing, and cuddling. He’d whisper sweet nothings, or he’d just hear you talk about what comes to mind or the gossip you’ve read from your cousins or brothers. You’d be each other's comfort after a long day. You’d be in his arms, or he’d be in yours. You’d be with him.
Instead, now you’re in your chambers at King’s Landing with just your kitten to keep you company as you read all alone. Your handmaidens had already left for the night, so you’re truly alone. Bored.
However, a soft knock then raps on your door, piquing your curiosity. Could it be Vanessa, your main handmaiden with envoys?
“Come in,” you say eagerly and close the book to put it aside and sit up before resting your arm on the couch's headrest to twist around and face the door.
Nevertheless, you then come face to face with Aemond.
Its Aemond at this time?
You rest your chin on your hand and then slightly tilt your head as you breathe out, noticing that he stands frozen in front of the closed door with his lips slightly parted again, and his eyes widened a bit as if in awe. You muster a feigned smile and catch him swallow thickly, letting you assume that you’re making him nervous.
“Did you miss me terribly?” You ask teasingly.
Aemond lowers his gaze and exhales before he meets your gaze again with a more collected look. “I—”
“Because it doesn’t seem like you did,” you cut him off abruptly and turn back around. “Why did you stop writing?” You get to the point while you pick up the book you were reading. “I kept writing even after you didn’t and I never got anything back, it’s as if I was writing to myself.”
Aemond’s boots approach, making your kitten rush to your lap to avoid the tall scary man.
“It was never my intention,” he finally breaks his vow of silence, causing your gaze to slide to him. “I got busy.”
You narrow your gaze and see his gaze falter away from you, letting you know he’s lying. He's always had a tell.
“Liar,” you call out and put the book back down to cradle your kitten instead. “But if you don’t want to give me the real reason then that’s okay I’ve come to terms with it a long time ago.”
You haven’t, you’re still pissed but if it gets him to leave then good.
Yet…he doesn’t.
“What do you want, Aemond?” You ask and lower your gaze to Wolf to begin petting him. “It’s late.”
You can see him standing there awkwardly from the corner of your eyes.
“I imagined you to be up on the roofs,” he interjects, making you blink in surprise. “It was your favorite spot.”
“Was,” you deadpan. “I can’t find the same joy in that anymore. Besides, what good is it enjoying it alone? It’s not like you went…did you?” You drift your gaze to him and see him avert your gaze and shake his head.
“No,” he mutters. “Why would I?” He redirects with a little less patience and while he clenches his jaw, causing you to look past the fact that he might be lying and snap back.
“What? Are you mad now? You? What reason for?” You quip. “It’s not like I was the one that stopped writing.”
“You did,” he counters and snaps his gaze to you to pierce his glare. But instead of mirroring his anger right away you can’t help but wonder if he continued to read the letters you sent?
“After 3 years,” you remind him with your anger faltering, but not completely disappearing. You’re still pissed. “And 2 of those years I wrote to myself. You were my friend Aemond, I was alone in Winterfell! You felt alone here but you had your family close, I couldn’t even hold mine when my father died,” you pause and that glare shifts to a pained look you were supposed to hide. “I waited for you to write with eagerness, you were my solace, but you forgot about me. So no, you don’t get to be mad at me. I’m the only one who’s supposed to be mad!”
You snap your eyes away and stand up to hide your angry tears that begin to form, whilst Aemond gets up and takes a step towards you. You hear his lips part, but before he can say anything the door opens.
“Princess—oh, I’m sorry, I didn't know you had a visitor so late,” you recognize Vanessa say.
You draw out a deep shaky breath and shake your head. “He was just leaving, Vanessa. Don’t worry.”
You hear Aemond huff, while Vanessa approaches cautiously. “I’ve brought your envoys that just came.”
You turn to face her with an eager smile and take the two scrolls she hands you with haste. “Mother,” you reveal who the first scroll is from. “And…” you trail off and slowly begin to grin as you recognize the Direwolf sigil stamped on the scroll; Cregan.
It’s from Cregan.
You share a happy smile with Vanessa, but when you catch Aemond approaching the small table your happy smile falls in a flash out of fear he will somehow find out your deep secret.
Nevertheless, rather than getting close to you he approaches the small table in front of your couch and places a small box down before he turns around swiftly and storms out.
Once you don’t hear his footsteps out in the hall, you put Wolf down and can’t help but take the box he put down on the table out of curiosity. Yet you don’t open it right away, you're too nervous.
“Well,” Vanessa says eagerly. “Open it.”
She gets closer and you meet her gaze before you look back at the box and sigh before you open it, and the moment you gasp softly when you see a fascinating golden ring held inside.
Seven hells.
It’s so beautiful! And so elegant too! It’s slightly heavy, but worth the weight.
The golden band glimmers against the firelight, and the mesmerizing oval-shaped blue sapphire it holds completely catches you by surprise and steals your breath away. Not only that but around the sapphire are shiny white pearls as well, adding to its beauty, and letting you know he hasn’t forgotten what you like and dislike.
“Gods,” Vanessa murmurs.
You slowly slide the ring on your right ring finger, finding that it fits perfectly. And as you admire the ring you then see a note in the box and pick it up to read the sentences it contains.
“I remembered you liked the most glimmering jewelry. Welcome back home.” - Aemond
Instead of pushing towards his forgiveness, reading this makes you more mad.
Is he trying to buy you off now? Pretend he wasn’t an asshole?
Fuck him. He can shove this up his ass.
You yank the ring off and shove it back in its box along with the note.
“What are you doing?” Vanessa asks as she notices how quickly your emotions change. “What's wrong?”
You huff and instead focus on your letters. “It won’t be that easy,” you grumble. “He can’t just buy off my anger. I’ll give it back to him tomorrow. For now,” you sigh and sit back down on your couch, “I’ll read what my mother and Cregan sent instead.”
Vanessa parts her lips but leaves it be, knowing too well not to argue with you about these matters. Instead, she bids you her goodnight and leaves you be, letting you read the kind and sweet words Cregan and your mother sent alone. And given the day you had you actually find a moment to eagerly write back to them about your day and the month you had on sea.
Once you’re done, however, you still find yourself bored and left with a bit of energy so you continue to read and cuddle with your sleeping kitten. You think about Cregan as well, about his lips, the feeling of his touch on your flesh, and you ache for him. Who knew you’d miss him so much that it would actually pain you?
Does he feel the same way you wonder? Does his heart weep for you as much as yours weeps for him? Or was it all fake?
You fall asleep on that thought. You don’t even make it to bed, the book lulls you to sleep as your memories and thoughts keep you company—And it’s while you’re fast asleep though that someone actually creeps in; Aemond.
He thought you were still awake since your candles were still on, and well, he remembered you liked to stay up very late. He thought you were too upset to answer or acknowledge him so he let himself inside, that’s when he finds you passed out on your couch with your gray kitten sleeping on top of your chest.
Aemond should’ve left, he was, but you captivate him. Even as you sleep he can't help but admire how precious and peaceful you look, how that breathtaking warmth that flowed from you continued to do so even as you slept.
He watches you, this changed person before his eyes, and wants to say that he did in fact miss you; your company, your kindness, and your beauty that compared to nothing in this shit city. He wants to tell you that he did miss you, and he wishes nothing more but for your forgiveness, so you can be friends again, so you can smile at him again, so he can finally kiss you, and so he can finally marry you. He wants you to know that, he needs you to know that.
As for now though, as you sleep, he caresses your cheek with this knuckle before picking up the book you left beside you and places it on your table. You don’t have a blanket on so he takes one from your bed and makes sure to carefully cover you at least halfway so you’d be warm and so he wouldn't drown the small kitten with the sheets. He then turns to leave, but finds a scroll with the Direwolf wax stamp and grows curious.
Who might it be that wrote to you from Winterfell? A friend? A male friend?
He reaches for the sheet of paper out of the temptation to read who it is, but he stops himself just as his fingers are going to grasp the sheet—You’re already so angry at him, if you were to find out that he went through your things you’d be even more pissed and not even acknowledge him at all. So he lets it go and steals one last glance at you before he leaves.
“…And may there be a solution to this match, I don’t want to be in a pitiful marriage. Please,” you finish your prayer and open your eyes to look up at the bleeding face carved on the weirwood tree.
Sometimes prayer helps your mind, or at least you’ve found that it does. Yes, religion isn’t something that most of your Targaryen ancestors dive into too much, but after living in Winterfell, you’ve found comfort in talking to the Old Gods. Besides, now as you live at the other end of the country it feels like it connects you to Cregan, and well the Heart tree seems to be your only friend here. No one talks to you here—Maybe climbing on Astraea and flying to your mother or Cregan isn’t a terrible idea, you think to yourself with a deep sigh before you stand up and turn to head back inside.
However, the moment you turn you jump slightly as you get surprised by Queen Alicent’s presence.
She notices you get startled and quickly excuses herself. “Forgive me, I didn’t mean to startle you, I just didn’t want to interrupt. It seemed like you were praying.”
You draw in a deep breath and nod.
Did she hear what you just said? Hopefully not.
“Yes,” you respond kindly and clasp your hands in front of you. “I was.”
Alicent hums and begins to walk over to you. “I never knew you were much for religion,” she points out.
You glance back at the tree and shake your head. “I wasn’t, but after I lost my father I…felt lost. Lady Karstark turned me to the Old Gods for help, and thanks to her I found how to accept my father's death. I found…comfort speaking to them, praying.” You smile softly and see her lips turn to an actual genuine smile that slightly surprises you.
“I’m glad to hear that,” Alicent says while she stops just a few inches away from you. “If only more could think like you.”
What does she mean by that?
You scoff softly and speak your mind without shame. “You can’t force religion. Some people find comfort in other things, people, themselves. We just have to hope they find a light in the darkness somehow.”
Alicent holds your gaze and sighs softly without losing any of that genuine intruginess she just found for you. “You’re right,” she whispers her agreement.
You hum and raise your eyebrow to probe. “Excuse me for asking, but is there a reason you were searching for me?”
You’ve only been stranded all alone in your quarters for what feels like an eternity, why has she come now?
And why is she grabbing your hands?
She keeps surprising you by pulling them towards her, causing you to glance down in confusion.
“Now that you’re here, I think we should start planning your wedding,” she reveals, making you grow rigid and feel as if you were splashed with freezing water.
“Like what colors you want the flowers. The dress. Who will you want to invite? It should all be exciting considering Aemond and you are friends already. Many don’t have such luck as the two of you.”
Only if she fucking knew. If only she knew.
“You are getting along are you not?” She pulls just on the right strings that make you bite the inside of your cheek and hide the truth as best as you can.
“Quite well.”
Alicent smiles wider. “That’s good to hear,” she says with relief and then lets go of one of your hands to fall by your side and lead you out of the Godswood with your other arm hooked around hers.
“I was thinking of one thing,” you interject sweetly so she won’t see through your hesitation. “Rather than having the wedding right away. Why not…wait six months,” you suggest. “It’s just been so long since Aemond and I have actually been together, we’re strangers now, I want to get to know him better.”
Alicent stops walking and faces you with confusion that causes you to grow nervous.
“Wait?” She repeats and then grabs your hands again to whisper. “Is there something wrong?”
Shit, can she see why you want to hold back the wedding?
“No,” you quickly rebuttal with a lie. “Of course not. I just…want us to be as we were before I left.”
Alicent draws in a deep breath and leans in closer, making you stiffen and grow intimidated by her again for the second time.
“I will tell you something,” she breathes out. “I don’t know if your mother has ever told you this, but there are some responsibilities that we as women of high nobility must bear. That we can’t escape from no matter what position we’re in. We have to raise our heads up high and follow the straight path.”
That sounds miserable but a logic she praises.
“This is one of those times,” she finishes saying.
You’d argue, tell her that you feel disgusted hearing that, but you can’t argue with the Queen and someone who won’t find sense in your argument. There’d be no point in wasting your breath or growing even more grieved.
Besides just past her shoulder you spot Aemond entering the Godswood, leaving no room for further discussion.
Alicent notices your attention drift away and follows your line of gaze, spotting her son and his eyes directly on you, so she doesn’t waste any time at all to look back at you with yet another feigned smile. “Start planning, the wedding will be in 2 months’ time.”
She gives your hands a gentle squeeze before she lets go and leaves you standing there with just Aemond to keep you company now.
“Was she pestering you?” He asks once his mother is out of earshot, and as if nothing happened a few nights ago; It’s so irritating!
You would try to stop being so angry but you clench your jaw and shake your head. “She was just reminding me of my responsibilities. Have you come to do that too? I remember you being close to your mother. Or have you come to apologize?”
Aemond breaks away from his spot and shakes his head. “No,” he says.
You raise your chin and curl your lip to a scowl. “No,” you feign a laugh and approach him as well. “So what? Am I just supposed to forget what a fucking asshole you were and act like a fucking paid-painted whore?”
Aemond swallows thickly and stops, bringing you to a stop close to him with a watery gaze brought by frustration.
“No,” he simply deadpans, making you even angrier because he doesn’t argue because he simply submits.
You want him to argue, yell at you, and counter back, but he just stands there looking all pretty.
“No, what?” You snap back. “Tell me. I want to know why you stopped caring about me?”
Aemond lowers his gaze and shakes his head. He probably would have added more, but you snapped and instead dug your hand in the pocket of your silk blue dress and pull out the present he had given you to shove it on his chest.
“Keep it,” you sneer and wait for him to take it in his grasp before you shove past him. “I won’t be bought off. And just because we live together does it mean we have to cross paths.”
You pick up your skirt and storm away with no room for argument. However, just as you make it out of the archway you run into Aegon. “Trouble in paradise? That’s a shame you two were close. Perhaps—”
“Shut it,” you cut him off without a care in the world that he is your elder and uncle. “Why don’t you go back to drowning in your cups, that’s—” you quickly cut yourself off as an idea comes to mind. “Actually,” you add bluntly.
Aegon blinks in confusion but grows curious. Before you share your idea though, you notice exactly who you wanted to see; Aemond walking out of Godswood, so you can’t help but smirk smugly and then meet Aegon’s gaze with that same smirk. “I’ve been trapped in my chambers for what feels like all my life.”
Aegon scoffs. “That’s an exaggeration.”
You ignore him and grow louder so Aemond can hear. “Why don’t we do something fun?” You suggest batting your eyelashes since that’s what would work with Cregan. “Like go to town…or better yet!” You exclaim and grab Aegon's hand. “We race with our dragons. See who’s the fastest?”
Aegon glances past your shoulder at his brother watching and listening to the interaction. You look back too and notice Aemond’s disapproval of your offer, you see him clench his jaw and glare at his brother, and Aegon sees it too, so you insist. “Come on, it’s way too boring here. We need to do something fun.”
Aegon meets your gaze and begins to mirror your smirk. “Fine,” he gives in. “I accept. Just don’t weep when I win.”
You scoff in amusement and pull your hand away from his as you shake your head. “I won’t because I don’t lose. I’ll meet you on the cove behind the castle, that’s where Astraea is.”
Aegon huffs out and flashes you a half grin. “All right, but if you bail, you'll owe me.”
You begin to walk back and rebuttal him. “If you lose you’ll owe me.” You flash him a grin before you turn to head to Astraea without bothering to change into your riding outfit. And just as expected, Aemond follows you. This time he actually shows emotion and grabs your wrist to stop you and turn you to him.
“<Don’t play into Aegon's whims,” he says in High Valyrian. “He is not good company to keep.>”
You scoff. “<We’re not married yet, you don’t get to control me. Besides, why should I take your advice? We’re not friends, remember?>”
You yank your arm away and roll your eyes before you shove past him and continue towards your destination in a snobby stride that makes him watch you for a lingering moment before he trails after you. Once you arrive at the Cove you beam at your beautiful purple-scaled dragon and embrace what you can of her head.
Astraea leans towards you, making you stumble back and laugh. “I hope the dragon keepers haven’t come to try and lock you up,” you tell her whilst you pull your head back to look her in the eye. “I’ve told them you hate chains. You’re too much of a free spirit, aren't you?”
You stroke your hand down her jaw and stop your hand as you reach the cream-colored horns that decorate the bottom of her jaw—Astraea’s head is shaped just like your mother's yellow dragon, Syrax, actually. They have the same four-shaped horns that grow out of their head, except the horns on Astraea’s head are pointed up and purple, and Astraea also has smaller cream-colored horns on the bottom of her jaw.
“She’s a lot bigger for her age,” Aemond tries to make conversation, but luckily Aegon and Sunfyre are approaching from the horizon. Albeit they’re not fast enough, and so as to not make this more awkward you share your theory to his comment.
“She was never chained and kept underground in Winterfell. There's far more freedom there for her to roam the skies and hunt without worrying about people.”
“Well, I can imagine,” Aemond quips smugly. “It’s just savage so far north.”
You should be the bigger person, but you grow petty over his comment because even though that's not your birthplace, even if most of the time it’s blanketed in snow and an icy chill, the North is breathtaking and the Warden is far more so. Five years was like a lifetime, so it feels like home, which is why you can’t tolerate his slander.
“The only savagery they have is their cold weather, racism, and judgment from those who aren’t brave enough to venture so far north, but you’ll find wolves are far nicer than snakes.”
You spare Aemond an icy glare, and he parts his lips to counter but just ends up closing his mouth and swallows back thickly with discontent.
Now that you got that out of the way you drift your gaze to Sunfyre landing, and watch Aegon descend from his seat to meet you halfway
“We fly around the walls and turn around the rock there,” you point at the large pointy rock ahead. “And end back here. And the only rule is no biting.”
Aegon scoffs. “I thought you didn’t like rules,” he remarks.
You begin to wander to Astraea’s side and counter back smugly. “Yeah, well I don’t feel like getting eaten in half today, so, no biting.”
Aegon begins to head back to his dragon as well and points something out. “Fire?”
“Aegon,” Aemond warns, but Aegon ignores his brother. You hum and glance away to think, debating whether to trust him or not.
But what fun would it be if there wasn’t some danger? “Sure,” you let him have what he wants. “But not directly of course.”
“Of course,” Aegon repeats and shoots you a smirk.
Since there’s nothing more to add, or at least you don’t think, you shoot him back a genuine and competitive smirk for the first time. However, of course, your good sportsmanship only lasts until you break into sprints toward your dragon's sides, because after that you shove him to the side to reach Astraea before he can reach Sunfyre.
Aegon reacts with a booming chuckle and tries to shove you back, but you swerve and instead jump on Astraea’s elbow to quickly scale up her arm whilst Aegon does the same on Sunfyre. When you reach your saddle you don’t even bother hooking on, you just nudge the handles forward and have Astraea take flight. When you look back you see the gorgeous golden dragon stumble in the water before he flaps his pink wings and ascends to the sky.
Little can be said about Aegons character and looks, but his dragon is by far the best thing he actually has, he’s so beautiful and you're a little envious he got to bond with such a beautiful dragon. You’ll never admit that to your own dragon though.
Nevertheless, you peer back and catch Aemond with a scowl formed on his face, but you only encourage it further because that’s exactly what you desire from him, a reaction, something to know that he’s paying attention and that he might care.
So if he won’t fight back or apologize you’ll do things to spite him. That's why before he’s out of view behind the cove walls, you throw him a mischievous smirk before Astraea flaps her wings and flies faster. However, since Sunfyre is older and a bit slimmer than Astraea is, he catches up quickly and now Aegon challenges you right by your side.
You stay side to side, neither of you being able to advance past the other for a few good minutes until you’re over the Oldgate because that's when Aegon and Sunfyre suddenly break away and cut through the middle of the city instead of completing the circle like agreed.
“You fucker,” you laugh before you push the silver handles to the side, causing Astraea to quickly make a sharp turn and follow after Aegon and Sunfyre.
Rather than falling at their side though, Astraea and you dive, letting you feel the rush that makes you feel as if your heart is getting dragged to your throat, and as if you’re going to fly off your saddle. It’s kind of terrifying, but you feel free and that overcomes the fear and fills you with thrill.
But just before Astraea can hit anything, she swoops back up and starts to skim over the ceilings, casting a large shadow to cover the streets you rush over, rattling the unstable things below, and startling those unfortunate enough to be out on the streets. But you don't care, you’re too caught up in the rush to care, you just care about beating Aegon, so when you manage to be just under Sunfyre, you pull back on the handles, causing Astraea to then flap her wings and shoot up.
And the moment you get close, Astraea bumps up on Sunfyre’s wing, making him stumble to the side, and letting you gain the advantage to get past them and look back at your opponent, catching Aegon’s bewildered look.
You counter his look with a grin before you focus ahead, noticing that it looks like you’ll have the advantage and win. But just as you're above the street called The Hook, a shadow casts over you. You try to encourage Astraea to fly faster, but just as she flaps her ginormous purple wings, Sunfyre dives down and cuts you off, causing Astraea to come to a skidding stop and throw herself back before she can bump into them.
Luckily she didn't fling that far back or else you would have dangled over the fucking city. It was just terrifying for a moment, it felt like your heart stopped, but it was also exhilarating.
However, it seems like Aegon and Sunfyre are going to take the advantage of their opportunity and win this race—but! You won’t lose to creepy Aegon! Thus when you’re supposed to circle around the rock across the cove, you counter their cut-off with a dirty move just like he would've done.
Instead of following after Aegon and circling the rock, you have Astraea make a sharp turn and fly towards the cove. Once you have leeway you snap your head back and see Aegon shake his head with a half grin on his face.
You shoot him a wink and throw your arms up as Astraea flies low and turns to the side to skim her wing in the water. But in order not to crash into the cove wall or Aemond still waiting in the cave, Astraea quickly straightens out and dives in the water to slow herself down, soaking you entirely as water splashes all over you, and accidentally splashes onto the shore and rolls in the cave, but stops just at the tip of Aemond’s boots.
“Whoa!” You exclaim and swing your leg over the saddle. “What a fucking rush!”
Just as you’re climbing down your dragon, Aegon lands just as rushed as you. When your feet hit the ground, he exclaims. “You played fucking dirty!” He chuckles as he also begins to climb down. “I never knew you had it in you!”
Rather than looking at Aegon as you walk to him, you look over at Aemond and meet his gaze. He doesn’t look away right at that instant, his chest rises and falls deeply before he clenches his jaw and frowns softly for a split second before he rolls his eye away from you and watches his brother approach you.
You should have felt bad, after all, you know how much of a burden Aegon is on him—you can’t say if it’s the same as before, but you remember how much Aemond followed his older brother to take care of him. You also know that Aegon upsets him in a lot of ways, but right now you actually feel pride to get such a disapproving reaction. You relish in it.
He does seem hurt though. You can’t be certain, he’s so stoic now that you’re having some trouble reading his expressions. But maybe if he is truly hurt by this action that fills you with so much pride then he’ll argue back, or talk, or laugh with you like before.
“I owe you now,” Aegon breaks you from your train of thought and turns your attention to him. “What do you want?” He asks as you both meet in the middle.
You tap your chin and shrug. “I don’t know.” You mutter as you begin to walk around one another out of rushing excitement that still pumps in your veins. “Maybe another race soon. Or! A trip into the city!”
Aegon claps his hands. “Better yet!” He shouts. “A tourney in honor of you and Aemond. Think of it as a wedding present from me.”
You stop walking and falter as you’re reminded of what’s meant to happen, what’s going to break you from Cregan, and what will stop him from going to your mother in six months—and sure when he told you that idea it sounded bad, you didn't want him to get into unnecessary danger, but after sailing away, now that you're here, longed for him, and met Aemond the stranger rather than the friend, Cregan’s idea is all you can hope for. You want him to fight for your hand and whisk you back to him.
Can he do it before you wed?
“As long as I can participate,” you play off your faltering excitement.
“No,” Aemond cuts in and stomps towards Aegon and you. “No. There are hundreds of reasons why that’s a bad idea. We don’t need a tourney.”
Who does he think he is talking for you? Maybe if he tries to reconcile then he can interject, otherwise, you’ll keep fighting him.
“We want one,” you rebuttal Aemond. “Let’s do it, in a month's time. I’ll be too busy after that.”
Aegon shoots Aemond and you a smirk. “Let’s do it.” He closes the deal.
You flutter your eyes to Aemond and shoot him a deep mischievous smirk that matches Aegon’s, and only pisses him off more.
How infernal is this place?
The beauty you once saw in King’s Landing has snuffed out, the fun you once had where you could find it doesn’t amuse you anymore, and the once twinkling lights are dull.
Sure being here before feels like being trapped in a pretty golden cage, no matter how much freedom you have compared to others, but you found an escape; maybe it was because you were content living with your family, and Aemond was kind and a sweet friend, but you managed to find it.
Even then it never stopped you from longing for more though. No matter how many distractions you had, no matter how much you had, you still longed for more, you still felt trapped, and that feeling lingered with you until you became intimate with Cregan that night on the edge of that breathtaking wall.
All your golden walls fell that night.
Maybe it was the company or the love and passion that ended that endless search for more, but they fell and you felt everything you wanted, you had everything you wanted, and it felt like you were a part of something bigger because Lady Arra gave you the chance to help the people, to be apart of the community. You could hold weapons without being scolded or rushed off; sure most of the time it was just in the company of Cregan, but you didn’t feel restrained. Now being back here, in this tall castle with no escape, without Cregan, those golden walls are up once again.
You just want to feel it again; that rush, that breeze that blew you back, that escape and the fascination. But there’s only one way you can find that here, or at least a sense of it, and it isn't on the roofs, no, it's in your own quarters, on top of your balcony’s railing. Your chambers were high enough from the ground to feel at least of lick of what you crave.
“Oh don’t be such a worrywart, Wolf,” you tell your grey kitten that sits all pretty on the balcony floor, whilst you take your heels off and throw them aside. “I’ll be fine. And it won’t be for that long.”
You shrug off the light blue overcoat you wore over your nightgown and throw it aside so you don’t trip on it, and then proceed to grasp onto the railing with both hands.
As if actually worried about your sudden actions, Wolf lets out a loud meow and walks over to sit closer to the railing.
“No,” you express your thoughts out loud as if you’re responding to the kitten. “Cregan wouldn't disapprove. He’d just say “Darling, I’d advise you not to do that. You’re mad.” And I’d just laugh it off and do it.”
Wolf meows back and you nod as you begin to push yourself up. “Yep,” you groan. “He’d just tell me to be careful afterward.”
When you manage to have both feet on the sturdy railing your body wobbles, but you quickly tighten your grip around the stone railing. “Fuck,” you giggle nervously and wait until you’re somewhat stable enough before you slowly unwrap your hands from the railing and gently push yourself up to your given height.
“See, Wolf,” you let out another nervous laugh. “Nothing happened.”
There isn’t a strong breeze here, not now anyway because it’s summer, but you still manage to sway.
“Oh,” you gasp and get ready to crouch and grab the railing, but when you see the twinkling city past the walls that surround the castle, you relax your shoulders and find your balance.
You forbid yourself from looking down out of risk of feeling fear, so you keep looking ahead. You draw in that sweet scent of the soft summer breeze and slowly unfurl out a deep breath.
From all the way up here, hundreds of feet above the ground, above the city, the firelights lit along the streets, in the people’s houses, and in lively taverns look like twinkling stars and you can’t help but smile in admiration.
From all the way up here, balancing on the railing, feeling the breeze hit you, seeing everything so small below you, helps your longing for more. It mends your boredom.
“See, nothing to worry about,” you tell Wolf.
If only Cregan was here too. It would make this much better.
“What are you doing?” The sound of Aemond’s voice startles you.
You snap your head back and see him standing behind the balcony doors.
“You fucking scared me,” you grumble with annoyance. “Don’t you knock?”
“I did,” Aemond huffs. “You didn’t answer.”
You quirk your brow. “Then why did you come in?” You ask.
Aemond presses his lips together and hums before he completely ignores your question and repeats his. “What are you doing? Get down from there.”
You begin to smirk mischievously instead and roll your head ahead to glance at the city again. “Do you remember when we would sneak up to the roofs at night? You were always too overly cautious but you joined me on the top anyway.”
Aemond takes a step forward, but stops just under the balcony’s door frame, causing Wolf to get up and drag himself closer to you.
“This isn’t the same thing,” Aemond argues. “Get down from there.”
You laugh and peer back at him. “That’s the longest I have heard you talk to me after 5 years. You have a very soothing voice.”
Aemond blinks in surprise as you catch him off guard just like you wanted, so the corner of your lips lifts to a smirk.
“Come up with me and I’ll consider being your friend again,” you ignore his command.
Aemond stays looking serious so you move your leg over the other to begin to turn, causing Aemond to break away from his spot and rush towards you in case you fall.
“I’m okay,” you cut Aemond off and successfully turn around to face him. “See, you need to relax.”
Aemond sighs. “Are you drunk?” He asks out of nowhere.
You briefly squint your gaze and remark. “Why would you say that? I don’t need to get drunk to have fun.”
“Are you sure? Your taste of company today says otherwise,” Aemond grumbles.
Is he jealous?
You genuinely flash him a smile as you roll your eyes. “It was only once. Trust me, I still don’t like your brother.” You let him know. “I'm just…” you pause and sigh. “Trying to feel something.”
Your smile fades and you wonder if he can see right through this facade and see the pain you harbor.
“Join me?” You ask.
Aemond shakes his head and instead offers you his hand. “Get down. You’ll fall.”
You look back and then grin at him. “Fall?” You taunt and begin to raise your hands.
Aemond lets out a deep sigh and takes another step closer to try and snatch your wrist, but you pull away quickly and laugh instead, causing him to finally react in the exact way you want.
“This is not a game,” he snaps, and this time your kitten walks to his side as if agreeing with him, while you only pretend to agree with Aemond with a deep exhale while you also reach over to take his hand. However, just as he’s going to grasp it you pull away and begin to laugh again.
Nonetheless, this time in doing something so reckless you actually lose balance and your laugh dies quickly and gets replaced by a frigeneted yelp. And for the first time your life also actually flashes before your eyes like people say happens before death so you do the only thing you can think of and quickly reach out for Aemond as your body gets pulled back by gravity, accepting in that moment that Aemond was right. But you don’t say that out loud.
Luckily the gods are on your side and Aemond manages to wrap his hand around yours and yanks you towards him with a force you didn’t know he had. Now rather than falling back, you fall on him as he loses balance and falls back to the ground.
For a moment after, you just stay on him with your head pressed against his chest as you try to collect your heavy breath, and calm your racing heart.
“Seven hells,” you laugh nervously. “You fucking saved—”
“Is this some joke to you?!” Aemond cuts you off with his voice laced with venom.
You pull your head back and meet his gaze as you remain on top of him. “What?” You snap with a forming scowl.
“Your life?” Aemond counters.
You scoff and push yourself off him to stand to your given height on stable ground now. “My life isn’t a joke to me,” you argue as you watch him tower over you as he stands. “But you are!” You sneer and point at his chest roughly. “You pretending that everything is fine, that you didn’t just disappear from my life should be a joke. Is that what you want to hear, Aemond?” You raise your voice and glare at him.
You want him to fight back just as he was now, but he just watches you with that…narrowed gaze you find alluring.
“Fight back,” you shout at him and push him back. “Fight back and don’t make me believe that you don’t care. Because now that I look at you, now that I see this new person before me, that’s all I feel from you.” You finish and stumble back as you begin to heave.
Yet he drops his gaze and stays quiet and that infuriates you more. “Fight back!” You bellow. “Fight back! Fight—”
“What do you want me to say?” He interrupts you and steps towards you, making you step back. “That being apart from you has been the bane of my existence? That you have plagued my thoughts every single moment since the day I left you!”
He catches you off guard and steals your breath.
“Not a day went by where I didn’t almost have my mother summon you here.” Aemond keeps saying while he takes another step forward and you take one more back, but bump into the railing now as you watch him with disbelief.
You just didn't expect him to actually say anything.
“Then…” you mutter and swallow thickly whilst you watch as his hands lift to reach for your cheeks, but end up hovering near them. “…say it,” you say breathlessly. “Say you care about me. Not by gifts or spontaneous visits, tell me you care and I will stand with you. I will stop fighting this match, I will…” you try to speak but you struggle to finish what you want to say. “…I will be what you need. I will be yours. Just tell me…please.”
Aemond nods softly and licks his lips before he finally says the words you have been craving to hear. And as always he speaks softly. “I care. I have not stopped caring. I…love you.” He finally says and cups your cheeks to pull you in for a forbidden kiss that leaves you stunned.
The only man you have ever kissed has been Cregan, feeling the taste of new lips mold with yours is odd. Yet you can’t get enough, you close your eyes and grab his jaw to deepen the steamy kiss. Aemond presses you back against the railing as he kisses you with a burning passion and an urgency as if this entire time you’ve left him starving for the taste of you.
Albeit just before this can go any further, it feels like you’re betraying Cregan so you pull away from the kiss and instead press your forehead against Aemond.
He however presses a soft kiss on your forehead before he slides his hands around you instead.
“Forgive me,” he interjects as he begins to caress your back. “I have been acting like a jerk.”
You pull back to meet his gaze with a questioning look. “Why did you stop writing? I waited for you to write.” You finally ask your long-awaited question that has been slowly killing you.
Aemond averts his gaze to exhale deeply before his eyes slowly drift up to your cheek where your scar is carved, letting you know exactly why he stopped writing.
“It wasn’t your fault,” you assure him and press your hands against his chest so he can feel comfort radiating off you as well. “You didn’t do it on purpose, I got in the way. It was an accident.”
Aemond drops his gaze and shakes his head. “It doesn’t mean that I still didn’t hurt you,” he mutters. “How could I pretend like nothing happened? Like it wasn’t me that scarred you forever?”
“Well,” you try to cheer him up. “I quite like my scar now. I mean now that it’s not swollen and red.”
You tilt your head and muster a smile so he can see you’re being honest. “You could have just told me.” You whisper softly.
Aemond slowly lifts his eyes to meet your gaze. “It wasn’t that easy,” he admits bashfully. “I’m afraid I’m not so good at talking as freely as you can.”
You giggle. “You’re lucky you have me back then.”
The corner of his lips tug to a smile, and you grow curious about how his own scar turned out. And not the visible one that trails over his face, but the one he hides under his eyepatch.
“Can I see?” You're brave enough to ask.
Aemond stiffens and hesitates for a while before surprising you by stiffly nodding his head and then raising one hand to pull the eyepatch off his face, letting you see the blue twinkling sapphire that sits in his eye socket like a beautiful haunting reminder of what was taken, and what happened that unfortunate night, but not scaring you off, you’re actually fascinated, and also caught by surprise.
Now that you see the sapphire he carries you recall the ring he had given you; the one with the oval-shaped blue sapphire in the center of the pearls, and now you feel terrible for throwing it back at him.
“You know what,” you speak sweetly, causing chills to run up Aemond’s spine at the mere sound of something so beautiful and rare to hear from anyone. Not even his own mother speaks to him so sweetly or as soft.
No one has ever shown any appreciation for the scar in the way you do as your soft fingertips trail his scar. “I like it,” you coo. “It suits you. You look…sexy.”
Aemond drops his gaze and his lips twitch to a wider smile.
“You don’t have to hide it,” you assure him softly and take his eyepatch from him to throw it inside the room. “Not with me.”
Aemond meets your gaze with a soft look he’s even surprised he can achieve, and one you haven’t seen on him before. It honestly makes you giddy as well as flustered, but not timid, you manage to press a kiss on his lip before you press one on his cheek just under his sapphire eye.
He quickly cups your cheeks again, and you begin to smirk. “Can I have it back?” You mention. “The ring you gifted me and I rudely threw back at you.”
Aemond scoffs but doesn’t hesitate to dig into his pocket and pull out the small box again. He proceeds to open it for you and pulls out the impressive ring.
“I do like gifts,” you say as you put your hand out to let him put the ring on your ring finger on your right hand. “I love it,” you praise him giddly. “The pearls are my favorite. As well as the sapphire—actually one time my grandfather Corly’s said he fought a pirate that had a ruby for an eye,” you run your mouth and lift your hand to watch the sapphire twinkle against the firelight. “He stabbed his sword in his face and then gave the ruby to my grandmother. Pretty impressive.”
You grin as you admire the ring on your finger, and when you look over to meet Aemond’s gaze you notice a smile on his handsome face, and once again you grow flustered. “I thought you’d like to know,” you mumble nervously and pull away to walk to your bed. “Would you stay with me tonight? We can catch up, or just sleep.”
You peer over your shoulder and bat your eyelashes. “What do you say?” You press seductively.
Aemond holds your gaze and slowly follows you whilst protesting without any effort. “I'm not allowed.”
You scoff. “So what? We’re grown up now and you’re the son of the king,” you feed his ego to twist his decision your way.
“You can do whatever the hell you want. But then again I can’t force you, so it’s up to you.” You trail off smoothly and reach your bed to sit on the edge and await his answer with your leg over the other.
Aemond stops walking when he reaches the foot of your bed and glances at the front door before meeting your gaze and offering you a faint smile. “Fine,” he gives in. “I’ll stay.”
“Good,” you whisper and flash him a grin.
Tagged- @namelesslosers @stargaryenx @chainsawsangel @lauftivy @winxschester @cloudroomblog @llarue @padsdarlg @sofietargaryen @gracielikegrapes @dreaming-of-the-reality @itzelpeyton @patdsinner33 @mrsdominickstark @elaena-aerrin @todoroki-slut @snh96 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @nifujiswhore @sweethoneyblossom1 @kaetastic @lightdragonrayne @squidscottjeans
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bluemoondust · 5 months
There was a request you did with a famous darling and the pokevillains.
Could you write the famous darling scenario with maybe Brassius, Grusha, Piers, and Petrel?
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Referring to this post!
Characters: Brassius, Grusha, Piers, Petrel
Warning(s): Hints of Possessive Behavior, Hints of Violence, Stalking
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✧Gym Leader Brassius✧
Oh, you bet he's one of your biggest supporters. Despite his yandere tendencies, he isn't one to restrict his darling from expressing themselves creatively. However, one thing he worries deeply about is the impact that comes with fame. He's concerned that you won't be doing this for yourself anymore; that you'll be bending over backwards to please the masses. It depresses him to think how you'll be once you come to see your passion as nothing more than a chore. He doesn't want that for you, so he makes sure it doesn't happen. Some of your fans, who don't treat or see you as a real person, make him sick to his stomach, honestly. He'll gladly ensure they won't bother you anymore and learn how to be respectful. He will gladly weed out the bad seeds from the garden. Harshly, if he has to since some weeds can be stubborn.
✧Gym Leader Grusha✧
Annoyed. That's all he feels. Grusha knows the deal when it comes to being well-known and famous. He was just like that before the accident. However, seeing your fans swarm around you while the two of you are out makes him remember that oh, yeah, that was certainly a thing. Don't people have some amount of decency? Can't they leave someone alone for a few minutes? He hates how it looks like they're treating you like some...object. He doesn't know how much he can take it. There are some genuine fans out there, but oh, he's not annoyed by them. It's the weirdos his concern and bitterness is centered towards. They make him absolutely sick. He doesn't voice any of this out, but you can sure feel his irritation at a certain distance. Just, you know...make sure he's okay since we wouldn't want an accident on the news, don't we?
✧Gym Leader Piers✧
Just like Grusha, he's also annoyed by these fans. Like yeah, there's Team Yell with Marnie but that's her hype team more than anything. These people, though, are so bothersome and he can't help but bring that up sometimes in conversation. If you're actually bothered by them, then great! He'll gladly tell them to bug off when necessary. Hell, you can even come to Spikemuth to hide for a while. Not many people come around anyways, so it's a good place for some alone time. Besides that, Piers is supportive of your career if it's something you're passionate about. Especially if you're a singer/songwriter. As someone who is one himself, he's alright with giving advice and offering a hand. Team Yell can act as bodyguards if you want. Their demeanor would drive excessive fans away and that's something he wants. A benefit to handing advice to you is that he had the opportunity to give small bouts of misinformation to scare you a little. It just helps to keep you leaning onto him for support. I mean, who else could relate? I know what you're thinking: this sounds rather okay. Because it's the way Piers wants it to be. Even as a yandere, he doesn't want unnecessary conflict or trouble. It's rather annoying. Oh, but make no mistake; he's willing to drag any creep into a dark alley to ensure they are never able to hold a paper and pen ever again.
✧Team Rocket Executive Petrel✧
Petrel is rather chill about this. Hell, he even disguises as various people who are 'fans' of yours. Example: you're at a convention with fans and it's going well. Everyone is so sweet and endearing. What you don't notice is that Petrel had approached you multiple times as different people just to see how you react with various individuals. He can never get tired of this. It's entertaining to see that adorable face of yours greet him as if you're meeting for the first time over and over. Little did you know... This man does buy some of your merch, he does but...he wants something personal. These items are more centered around your career, and that's fine and all, but he wants stuff that are closer to you as a person. Rummaging through your stuff was easy. You really need more competent bodyguards, darling. That's fine, he'll just play the part as one of them for you. He wants to chuckle at the way you don't notice anything off with him. An expert in his craft after all. Plus, why would you question anyone who's your bodyguard?
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zmb1eslut · 8 months
Luke Castellan x hypnos!fem
tags: non-romantic relationship, fluff, Luke's pov.
summary: Luke Castellan was found by the way out his nightmares.
1,6k words
Luke remembered it quite clearly, the night in which the whole... something between them came to be what is now.
He was sweaty and drained, being the only wishful thought he felt brave to feed, for the air to reach his lungs so he could run a little further. He had lost all his will, and he was now running on the only thing stronger than his determination, his fear.
Both Titan and kid could feel it, that night he was fated to succumb to the torture. His mind had already given its last pleadful breath when his foot tripped and his face met the floor. And he now cannot phantom the thought of how different his life would be if he hadn't lifted his head, she hadn't been there.
Luke saw her sitting, with a blank expression on her face, looking down at him. His hand reached for her never expecting to actually be aid, she took it and pulled him towards her. Once they were close to each other she said to him in a bizarrely sweet voice "Your screams were getting too loud". That was the last time the girl acknowledged his presence, as well as the last time he felt that sort of fear.
Somi kept rescuing him like that every night. She never explained why. Luke never asked her either. He would only sit there in what he guessed were the girl's own dreams, and wake up in the morning with just a thin grasp of the events.
Most things about the dreams (and the dreamer herself), were awfully confusing for the swordman-boy. He felt like she looked at reality with an eager infatuation, like she knew that guy better than the arbitrary rules that defined him ever could. Being inside her mind perhaps was making a number on him. Perhaps that's why she at some point stopped posing as the spacey buzzed girl everyone meditated with at times, and held herself in a homely sort of normality he developed a liking for.
She showed a part of her no one else ever saw. Altough it would probably be more precise to say she eventually stopped hiding it. Being honest with himself, Luke admitted that he toyed with the idea of him having found her.
She acted exasperated, bored, mean. She behaved like any person he would never mistake for her on the other world would behave. Their exchange right now was especially out of character.
She had entered his dream, as every night. She stepped in front of him and pushed his shoulders down, when he fell, he was met with the softness of a bed. Tonight's dream was apparently on a room. "Sorry for the mess." She said to the boy's surprise. He wasn't opposed to a change on their routine.
"Kinda used to it and all." he said. She answered with an understanding nod. "Did anything happen?" the Hermes boy asked just to keep this anomaly alive, to which she sighed.
"Evan just left." Curiosity flourished on the boy's throat.
"Like the real one?" the girl took way too long to answer and started stroking his hair while she thought.
"No... the dream one. But I'm pissed at him. And that's a naptime dream" she answered as if it was obvious. Even more questions arose, so she explained "Those are the dreams you aren't supposed to watch." Huh...
"What dreams I'm not supposed to watch?"
"You know, Castellan." she really meant it, he didn't had a clue. She got close to him to whisper teasingly, even knowing no one would really be able to hear. "The inappropriate ones" Oh.
He understood fast though, making sense of what teenager needs usually were. "I was naive on that one, wasn't I?"
"I mean..." she said chuckling while walking away from him. She sat down on a chair in front of a desktop. The place was humorously colorful.
"Ok. But like... Evan? Does that happen often?" He asked almost gossiply.
"I mean! Not anymore! He's a total prick." that made him laugh.
"Is he?" Luke asked, enjoying seeing her so annoyed, especially as he wasn't the cause.
"Yes. And you know what? I hate that, I hate this. Cause he goes around just getting the fuck he wants, and then pretends he 'didn't mean it like that'. Then I get mad, and he thinks I'm pretty when I'm mad, and I get pissed off when he says that, and then I'm horny when I'm pissed. And you know what? He doesn't deserve horny me." Sometimes she just was that unexpectedly honest. Luke just listened amused. She looked up and let out a frustrated groan. "And now I have to take care of you." That made him laugh, but he didn't want her to know that.
"C'mon I'm not that difficult" he pretended to be offended.
"No. But right now you're truly inconvenient" He put his hands up in the air as his sign of surrender before laying down in the bed. She stayed silent for a minute and Luke almost thought they went back to normal. The girl usually was quiet and still, looking lost into the air, or, only the contrary, highly invested in a task and barely paying him attention. Now she was neither, the chair was slowly spinning with her wearing a childish expression. She controlled every aspect of every scenario he had observed, and even when she didn't feel like going strong at it, she would prove her domain by popping something for him to distract himself. He took note of that when he saw a ray of sunlight entering the window, leaving a path she was now following in his direction. She was standing in front of the side of the bed again. "Sit." she said, way too used to having control over here. And, listen, he wasn't about to oppose an emotional all powerful being. Once he stood straight, she st looking taller than him, barely. She supported her arms on the top of his head. And sighed again. "I hate men".
"Oh, they are terrible" he teased.
She stayed silent for a bit, he was just being used as a table. Then he heard her. "What do you think about... weird". He understood perfectly.
"I've met so many demi kids, that word just simply lost meaning at some point"
"Ok, then..." she took a step back and looked at him now, lowering her head a bit. "do you consider me pretty?" He took a second to look at her, then shrugged and nodded. "Great then... tell me when to stop." She said while sitting on his lap, with both her legs at his left side, and reaching for his left hand. The girl held it against her face and started nuzzling against him. He couldn't ignore the thought that her actions weren't sexy at all, not as much as they were needy. She was like a cat looking for attention, and he truly didn't mind. He lifted his right hand to caress her hair, and she gave in to the touch. She had closed her eyes and moved the hand of her face down to her outer thigh.
His strong hand gripped her skin, almost performatively. He flirted using a lower voice. "What do you want?" his nose under her jaw, his breath against her neck.
The answer came only with her voice, as she didn't even bother to open her eyes or explore his touch. "I'll let you know when you're doing it wrong." Moody, bossy, and assertive. This was not more than a game for them. This was just a caprice. What is wrong with wanting things that feel right?
The girl held onto his left bicep and hid her face on his neck. They just stayed like that for a couple minutes. Somi hiding on his arms when Luke faintly felt the scent of her hair.
"Why did you rescue me?" wasn't enough to disrupt the comfortability of their scene.
"I already told you why."
"I wasn't screaming tonight."
Then the silence prolonged itself for longer than he would have chosen. The girl just gently pushed his body with hers, making them lay on the bed, side by side, looking into the ceiling.
"We... don't really know each other." He agreed with the sentiment on silence. "But, we both have been here for years so I know you know me." Of course he did. "And everybody knows you." He felt like he didn't quite know what she meant by it. "Luke 'the greatest swordsman in the last 300 years' Castellan, a born leader whose smile has infatuated half our population of half-bloods, who is always there to help when someone gets hurt."
Luke analyzed those words for a couple of seconds. Apparently not enough seconds. "Do you... like me?" She laughed.
"I don't mean it like that!" She then took a pause and moved her head to look at him, he followed. "What I'm trying to say is. There are so many children looking up to you, learning from your effort, going to sleep smiling because they know you'll be there to protect them, and when they fail... you don't make them feel like they failed you. I guess for a second I realized how much our spirit was relying on you. I thought maybe you needed someone to rely on too. I'm sorry if I'm making it awkward now." He didn't know how to answer, her eyes on his were feeling heavy for a second so he escaped by closing them. He didn't know how to answer so he just breathed and hugged her, hoping she wouldn't tease him about his heart rate. She didn't. She hugged him back.
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megu-meow · 2 years
crushing hugs - gojo satoru
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gojo x fem. reader
Summary: This is something my brother did to my mom ACCIDENTALLY when he came back home after spending 7 months in college abroad without seeing her.
Gojo is way too excited when he finds out you're alive and well after he is freed from the prison realm.
TW: broken bones, injuries, Gojo
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Suguru's body has been possessed. Yaga and Nanami are dead. Nobara is nowhere to be seen. Tsumiki is awake, but she's not herself anymore. Yuji is alive, but he's injured badly and Megumi is now the vessel of Sukuna. These are the first pieces of information that reach Gojo's mind as he floats above the city, finally freed from the agonizing nothingness of the prison realm, his blindfold discarded somewhere as his six eyes scan the scenery under him, looking for the last ounce of sanity he has. That being you. He swears if it turns out that you're gone as well, he's going to go berserk. The thought of getting out so that he could reunite with you again was the only one that kept him sane inside the terrible cube he got himself locked into, he wouldn't be able to keep doing life without having you in it.
He remembers the time he thought he could never fall in love or be in a relationship ever. He thought a partner could not fit into his crazy lifestyle and he never wanted to drop the burden of dating someone like him on anyone. He never looked for love, despite being very popular among the ladies.
At least that's what he thought until he met you. A badass first-grade sorcerer he never met before, a knowledgeable woman with a strong aura and a fun personality. He liked how you never took anything too seriously, you were against the hierarchy of the jujutsu world like he was and you were an intriguingly talented sorcerer. The strongest became obsessed with you easily, he loved hanging out with you and annoying the hell out of everyone around the two of you with your crazy shenanigans. He adored your personality, but Gojo could not deny how stunning he thought you were either. He was always nonchalant about having a crush on you, he never tried to keep it a secret. He asked you out on a date after barely a month of meeting you and you agreed without hesitation as you found him attractive as well.
After that first date, the two of you kept going out together and you got to know each other on a deeper level. You quickly found out that there was a lot more to Gojo Satoru than being the strongest. Sometimes he buried the goofy facade and got serious with you, talking about very personal things like what happened to Geto and the pressure he had to grow up with that his clan put on him. He was also incredibly understanding. He would listen to you ramble about your feelings or what you've been through and you knew he always listened attentively. Sometimes the attention he gave you felt intimidating, knowing that he could see and comprehend things even you couldn't figure out about yourself was scary, but he never tried to take advantage of that.
When he asked you to be his girlfriend you agreed without a second thought and you never regretted your decision. He was a perfect boyfriend, he was naturally good at everything, of course he was going to be the best significant other anyone could ask for. He knew everything about you, he was very attentive to details like how you liked your coffee, what kind of music you liked, and what you liked to put in your ramen. It was very easy to fall in love with him and you were doing everything in your power to be the girlfriend he deserved, you always made sure he had enough rest and he took time off to relax from time to time.
The first time he said he loved you was nearly a year into dating him, the day Yuji's fate was decided by the higher-ups. You were unexplainably furious at those old hags deciding to end a kid's life just because they were afraid of his potential. You told them off and at that moment Gojo realised he was destined to be with you forever.
He can't lose you too. You're his other half, he's not fully himself without you. So he keeps looking. His eyes scan the area around him with utmost attention, but they never find you.
"Oh my god, it's true!" he suddenly hears you shout from below him and he turns towards you instantly. You're masking your cursed energy, your presence completely invisible, something you mastered after the love of your life was locked away for good. With a snap of his finger, he appears in front of you. He takes you in, you look tired and beat up, but you're still alive and yourself. He quickly eliminates the distance between the two of you and pulls you into his arms. He knows you're crying, they are happy tears and he holds you to his chest even tighter.
"Thank god, you're okay pretty girl!" he says, his voice raspy and broken. He wants to cry too, but there's no place for that in this moment.
"I missed you, Satoru! I thought you were gone forever." you say and the tears keep streaming down your face.
"I know, baby, I missed you too! I'm back and I'm not leaving again, I promise." he says truthfully, leaving a caring kiss on top of your head "I love you." he whispers and you say it back happily. Upon hearing your confession, he tightens his embrace and suddenly he can hear a snapping sound followed by a painful scream for you.
"I think you broke one of my ribs, Gojo!" you screech and he can't stop apologizing. He never wanted to hurt you, but his superhuman physical strength and the happiness he felt from seeing you again after being locked away made him forget how he was supposed to hold back when it came to physical affection.
"I'm so sorry, baby, I was just very excited to have you in my arms again. I'll take you to Shoko to get you all healed up."
"There's no need for that." you say smugly and he watches intensely as your cursed energy triples and you slowly start healing yourself. He observes with utmost adoration as you finish up quickly and pull him into a warm embrace.
"I didn't think I could adore you more, pretty girl, but you amaze me every day. " he says lovingly, kissing you with intense passion.
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ashleycatchemm · 9 months
1-24: Finally Free
Part 24 of??
Pairing: Reggie x Reader, Luke x Julie, Alex x Willie
Summary: (Y/n) (L/n) has been able to see and feel ghosts ever since she was little, which made it hard to tell the ghosts from the humans. Everyone has always thought she was a bit crazy, even her best friends, Julie and Flynn. But when three ghosts with a love for music appear in Julie's garage, suddenly (Y/n) doesn't seem so crazy anymore.
Song: Finally Free (Julie and the phantoms)
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Season 1 Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Pulling into my driveway I parked the truck and hopped out, leaving the door open for Arius to come out behind me. Once the black cat jumped out of the blue truck I shut the door behind him, a banging noise catching my attention from across the street. Looking over, at the big blue house across the street that's been for sale ever since I remember, no one has wanted to buy it, and when they do, something always seems to cause them to back out.
People have been saying that it's haunted, but I've lived here all my life, and I haven't seen or heard a single ghost from over there. My eyes drifted down to the man hammering in a new sign, only this one was different, it had the word 'Sold' written on it in big bold letters. "Hey Arius?" I didn't bother looking back at the black cat, eyes trained on the sign across the street.
A hum in response gave me the okay to ask my question. "Do you think there are ghosts in that house?" Nodding my head over to the house across the street, watching the man start to pick up the sign he pulled out before replacing it with the other. "I doubt it." Looking back at the cat, I noticed he disappeared, (e/c) eyes glanced around to catch any sign of the demonic cat, only to see him sitting next to me. Blue eyes glued to the house in front of us, tail moving in an annoyed way.
"Your grandmother cleared out that house ages ago."
My brows furrowed in confusion, "So then how did it not sell for years?" I shoved my hands in my pockets "If it's been cleared out for ages, how is it just now getting sold?" Arius didn't give much of a helpful response "I don't know." he turned around and started making his way towards the front door. "Wait." I stated, quickly following after him "What do you mean 'I don't know'? Aren't you supposed to know everything about my grandmother?" Sitting by the door, he growled out a response "I don't know, because I wasn't there."  Arius' temper seemed to flare up at the subject and that's when I felt it. The pang of emotional hurt, it wasn't big enough to get a reaction from me, but I knew one thing. It wasn't my emotion I was feeling.
It was the demonic cat in front of me.
Arius' ears were drooped downward a little, tail wrapped close around him, the end being curled between his front paws. Sitting down on the steps of my front porch, I asked the question on my mind, not knowing if he'd answer me or just yell at me and go back to being closed off, either way, I need to know. "Why weren't you there?" He was silent for a second, tail whipping back and fourth in an agitated manor. After a minute or two, he finally spoke up "Once witches and warlocks get older, they start settling down. Having kids. Getting married. That sort of thing." I stayed quiet, not wanting to jump in.
If there are warlocks out there, then I wonder just how many more people there are like me..
"Eventually, there is a point in our lives where we feel we aren't needed anymore to our masters, so we would leave. No goodbyes, or farewells. Since demons get attached to their witch or warlock, we feel it's easier on us to leave without goodbyes. Breaks the bond faster."
I watched as the cat next to me looked up at the sky his blue eyes shining with an emotion I've never seen on him before, admiration? Maybe even love. His mouth opened a little, as if trying to smile, pointed teeth visible for all to see. "Your grandmother was different than the other witches and warlocks in your family. She could tell I was going to leave. She knew that something was off when she talked to me that night. She sensed it." Arius looked out in front of him at the house across the street, the same house that started this conversation.
"(G/n) engulfed me in the biggest hug, and begged me to stay with her. And so I did, because she was my weakness. Anything she asked of me I would do, all to make her happy."
Arius' expression seemed to falter "But then, it all turned to shit." His teeth bared in anger, claws gripping onto the front porch. "One of her sons got themselves into deep shit. And so your grandmother sent me away in order to protect her family from the ministry." His expression shifted into a scowl as he laid down, front paws hanging a little off the end of the porch. "I'm not mad at her for what she did. I know that they could've easily tracked me and then her family would've been in danger. I just... I wish there could've been another way. 36 years I spent with (G/n), and yet it still wasn't enough. I wanted a little more time with her." The black cat grew silent, not wanting to say anything else as he rested his head on his front legs.
I stared at Arius, having another aching feeling in my chest, it was the same as the last one, having not been my own emotions. Raising my hand up, I brought it over so that it was hovering over the demonic cat's head. I kept it there for a second or two, debating my choices, He'll probably swat at me. But in that moment I decided that I didn't care, because I felt like I should give him some kind of comfort, even if he does swat me away. Bringing my hand down, I gently rubbed his head, cautious of his movements, not wanting to get hit.
To my surprise, he didn't fight back, closing his eyes, Arius let out a small sigh in content. This bond has to start somewhere. Looking up at the clear blue sky a small smile crossed my lips, feeling good that I finally did something to help someone I'm glad it's starting here. And talking about Grandma no less. Looking back down at the black cat, he let out a small huff before shaking my hand off of him and sitting back up.
"So I don't know what (G/n) did to that house. She probably put a spell on it to keep the ministry from finding her. Or from finding her sons. Everything she did was to protect the people she cared about."
"Before she sent me away, she told me to look after you if something were to ever happen to her. Your mother was pregnant with you at the time. And, well, I could feel it. The bond. Before you were even born. I sensed that you would be a powerful witch and I could tell that (G/n) sensed it too. So now I'm going to train you the best I can, and look after you. But I can only do so much."
I nodded my head, understanding what he was saying. I can't keep running away from what I am. That means I'm gonna have to start cooperating with Arius. The black cat looked over at me, his usual bland stare on his face. I opened my mouth to say something but the noise of a ghost appearing caught my attention. "Hey (N/n)!" The boy clad in his leather jacket was quick to state, walking forward a little he pointed back and forth from me to the cat sitting next to me.
"Is this a bad time?"
I shook my head a little, a smile gracing my lips at just the sight of the ghost in front of me. "No. Not at all." Feeling the pull at my chest, causing me to stand up and walk towards Reggie. "Why?" The bassist in front of me radiated happiness as he met me halfway and grabbed ahold of my hand "We got to practice! Our first gig is tonight!" Dragging me down my driveway "Woah, Woah, Woah, Tonight?" I was quick to stop in place at the end of my driveway, causing Reggie to come to a halt as I pulled back on his hand.
The dark haired bassist in front of me tilted his head a little as if confused as to why I stopped him "And I thought Julie was all done with the band? She told me herself that-" Reggie jumped in, successfully cutting me off to answer my questions. "We all made up. But we have to hurry and practice because our gig is in a couple of hours." He pulled me a little bit along the side walk, only for me to quickly come to a stop once again. Still not processing the information.
"Wait Julie forgave you? When? And when did we get a gig?" Reggie rolled his eyes in amusement "What even-"
I was cut off once again, as Reggie pulled me toward him and wrapped a hand around my mouth. Faces inches apart, his award winning smile sitting on his face "I'll fill you in on all the details later. Right now we need to go, okay?" His arm sat wrapped around my waist, I felt my cheeks grow warm from the close proximity. I nodded my head in response, that being the only thing I could do, even if his hand wasn't covering my mouth, I don't think I would've been able to muster a single word.
Well, At least non that would make sense...
His hand left my mouth, finding my own once again. Gripping it tight, he pulled me along to go to Julie's. Looking back I caught sight of the black cat following close behind me.
I don't think he's gonna leave my side anytime soon.
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"Okay. What's with the cat?"
Alex had his eyes trained on Arius sitting on the couch, as Julie walked over to him. "I think it's cute" reaching her arm out to pet him, I was quick to jump in "Uh, Julie, I wouldn't..." the black cat was quick to jump up from his position on the couch. Hissing at Julie, his fur standing up, back arched, ears pulled back to show his agitation. The curly haired singer pulled her hand away in surprise, Arius was quick to make his way towards the other end of the couch, settling down. His eyes glanced at Julie, sending her one more growl before looking back at me.
"What's its problem?"
Alex questioned, seeing as how Arius almost hurt one of his friends. Picking up my rhythm guitar, I put the strap over my shoulder while speaking on the cats behalf. "He just isn't fond of most people. So don't try to force it." Arius growled briefly as I spoke, causing me to send him a look as if to say 'Behave' the black cat huffed while whipping his tail back and forth in aggravation, but overall growing silent. "Well, now that the cat conversation is out of the way..." Reggie grabbed everyone's attention as he walked over next to me, swinging his bass strap over his shoulder.
"Let's get started."
Julie nodded her head in agreement as her and Alex made their way over to their instruments.
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All four of us were playing the cords to Finally Free as Julie sang "Marching on proud, Turn it up loud, cause now we know what we're worth." Luke suddenly appears in the chair by the coffee table, causing the four of us to stop playing. Letting out a small "woah" he noticed the four of us by our instruments. Standing up out of the chair "Julie." He stated, surprised to see her by the piano.
"Grab your guitar. We got work to do."
Luke started at her for a moment, mouth agape, only to let out a small chuckle as he grabbed his guitar, which stood by me. Walking over to Julie he asked "What made you come back?" Julie stood up from her seat "I realized how important music is for all of us. And we've lost so much already. We can't lose this too." Luke nodded his head a little "Thanks." He responded, only to ask "All right boss. Where we at?" In order to lighten the mood a little, letting out a small chuckle at his own question.
"Oh, and by the way, happy birthday."
Julie sat back down in her seat in front of the piano, a small chuckle passing her lips, again Luke stared at her in disbelief. Glancing over at the guys as if they would tell him how she knew, looking back at Julie a smile crossed his lips before making his way across the room.
"Let's take it from the pre-chorus." Julie stated
Alex banged his sticks together "One, Two, Three, Four." And with that the five of us started singing and playing, in order to practice for tonight.
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"You can't come with me Arius. We've already discussed this."
The black cat sat on my bed as I proceeded to do my make up for the gig. "I'll go in my human form."
"What about if Julie and Flynn see you?"
"I'll make up an excuse as to why I'm there."
Putting the mascara down, I turned around to face the black cat on my bed, the two of us stared the other down as if trying to silently win the argument. Letting out a sigh, I pinched the fridge of my nose all while stating "Fine. You can go" The demon determined to be by my side every second of everyday let out a small cheer before getting cut off by me "But..." his cat like eyes seemed to narrow in aggravation as I told him the terms of the agreement. "...You have to stay outside of the coffee shop, in your cat form the entire time. Got it?" My eyes narrowed back at him as if daring him to challenge my decision.
A huff of defeat passed through the black cats nose "Fine. As long as I'm there, I really don't care." The sound of a ghost warping could be heard, grabbing the attention of both me and the demon across from me. "Hey (N/n), you ready to go?" Near the door stood the boy that made my heart practically jump for joy, just from the sound of his voice. Reggie stood clad in his black tank top, biceps clearly being shown which caused my eyes to drift a little to look at them.
My bottom lip found its way between my teeth, all while my thoughts started to get impure. "(Y/n)?" The bassist's voice brought me back to reality, I was quick to let go of my lip as my eyes darted back up to his own. "You okay?" He continued, raising his brows as if to question my behavior. Shaking my head a little to bring myself back to my senses I sent him a small smile "I'm fine. We should get going." all while making my way towards my bedroom door, Arius hopping off my bed and following close behind.
Reggie followed me out the door to my room "The place isn't to far from here is you want to walk together." I started to walk down the steps as I explained "Reggie, if I walked down the street with you, people would think I'm a crazy person talking to herself." The sound of a ghost warping could be heard behind me, only for the dark haired boy to reappear right in front of me at the bottom of the stairs. This surprised me causing me to almost fall back, only for him to grab my arms and hold me steady, our noses inches apart. I felt my face grow warm at the proximity, feeling that tug from my chest, the urge to just lean over and capture his lips in my own.
"We don't even have to talk, just walk and hold hands or something."
Reggie's eyes went wide as he let go of me and took a couple steps back "I-I mean..." I could tell that he was frantically trying to come up with an excuse, but I didn't care at that moment. "not hold hands, but ya know..." because when I looked from his eyes to his hands, I realized how much I wanted to hold it in my own. "I just-" reaching over I snatched his hand in mine, effectively cutting off the dark haired bassist
"Let's go." I stated, all while dragging him towards the door.
Getting a small response of "Okay" from Reggie as Arius followed the two of us out the door.
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Once we got to the coffee shop, I was quick to try to let go of Reggie's hand, only for him to tighten his grip and pull on it a little, refusing to let go. Looking back at the golden retriever boy behind me, my eyes narrowed as if to tell him to let go. "I know. But, just let me hold your hand a little longer...Please?" I was confused, I didn't know why Reggie was acting like this, but tonight feels different with Reggie. I couldn't place my finger on the reason why.
Looking around at the people walking in, I noticed a lot of them eyeing me and whispering to their friends. Looking back at Reggie I leaned over a little to whisper "Reggie. People are staring." It felt suffocating to be standing there with him at the moment, knowing that what everyone was seeing, was that my hand was out in the air holding onto nothing, and I was talking to no one.
Reggie's eyes held an emotion I couldn't quite place, maybe desperation? "I don't care if they stare." The dark haired bassist took a step forward, bringing our interlaced hands up to his chest, eyes begging me to just hold his hand a little longer. "Please (Y/n). I just want your touch right now." I didn't know what to do, I took another glance around at the people and noticed more staring and pointing fingers. I looked down at Arius as if to ask him for some kind of help, only for him to hop on a trashcan and say one thing.
"He's a ghost. So be careful how you handle this. I will explain to you want is happening later. But for now, focus on taking care of this."
My eyes landed back on Reggie's, not knowing what to do or say, I just shook my head all while saying a quick apology "I'm sorry." Pulling my hand away, I walked off into the bustling coffee shop.
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"Hey did I miss anything?"
I asked Julie and Flynn as soon as I got over to them. "Nothing exciting, that's for sure." Flynn stated, directing my attention to the stage. There clad in all pink to perform with her dancing divas was the queen bee herself, Carrie Wilson. "Hope you all came to have a great time!" Carrie's obnoxious giggle left her lips as the crowd clapped. An annoyed growl left my lips from her appearance to ruin my night "Dirty Candy?" Julie asked only for me to jump in "How did she get on the list?" Flynn gave both of us a look, as if we should already know the answer.
"Her daddy made a call"
Crossing my arms across my chest, I stared daggers at the girl on the stage all while Flynn commented on Julie's outfit.
"Whenever I walk in the room, All the focus on me"
Carrie walked forward on stage, her girls joining behind her "The way I talk, the way I move, they all want on my team." I rolled my eyes at her cheap dance moves, not wanting to sit through this what so ever. "Not trying to brag, brag, but I'm flawless. I'm taking over your playlist. Ain't perfect but I can't miss. Yeah" looking back at the boys who suddenly appeared behind us, I noticed Luke smiling and enjoying the performance, Alex looked a bit antsy, and Reggie held a pensive look on his face, not seeming to interested in the girls dancing in front of him. Almost as if he was lost in his own thoughts.
He's probably just as confused about what happened as I was.
Looking back on stage I noticed Alex appear behind Carrie who was now on the floor, I covered my mouth as a laugh almost slipped past my lips. Julie seemed confused, looking back at the boys to see why he did that but Reggie just shrugged in response. Alex seemed lost  for a moment, only for the girls to stand back up as he started dancing with all of them, causing a small giggle in amusement to escape my lips.
When he was done he appeared back next to me, I sent him a smile and shook my head at his funny antics while Julie commented "You having fun out there?" Alex cleared his throat before coming up with an excuse "It's not my fault, it's my um..." he paused "It's my feet" I just shook my head while saying "Yeah, okay."
"Put me back in coach."
And with that Alex was gone, back to dancing on stage with Carrie and her crew. I felt a tap on my shoulder from behind as Reggie took Alex's spot beside me. "Can we talk?" I shook my head in response "not here Reggie." I glanced over at the boy next to me only to see his eyes narrowed in aggravation. "I don't care. We need to talk about this. Because what happened earlier was weird, you must have noticed that much. I don't know what's going on with me and, and  I'm confused-" I kept facing forward as to not draw attention I whisper yelled at him "Reggie!" Successfully cutting him off I stated "Not. Here." Saying it firmly worked to an extent. An angry scoff left his lips as he crossed his arms and went back to standing next to Luke.
The song was soon to end as Alex took in all the praises. Before warping back next to me a giant smile on his face "I uh... I was just... doing that for you guys" Reggie nodded his head "Mhm. yeah. You can stop smiling now." Alex chuckled at Reggie's comment. Julie grabbed our attention "Not gonna lie. That was... kind of good." Flynn nodded her head in agreement "Yeah. I forgot why I hate her so much." I scoffed while saying "I didn't forget my reason for hating her." I noticed her making her way over to us.
"Speak of the devil."
I stated all while receiving a glare from the bitch in response, I sent her a sarcastic smile all while flipping her off. Carrie ignore my actions and turned her attention towards Flynn and Julie "Hi girls. Um, isn't it past your bedtime?" Flynn looked between Julie and I "Now I remember." Before looking back over at Carrie. "If you're looking for Nick, he didn't come." Flynn and I both scoffed in response to her statement, knowing she was just trying to take a jab at Julie.
Stepping towards Carrie, Julie was quick to stick up for herself "That's not why I'm here." The sound of the microphone was quick to grab everyone's attention.
"Ok, it looks like we're closing the night out with one more group, Julie, (Y/n), and the fat ones"
The four of us turned towards Luke in annoyance while the girls in front of us laughed. "Really?" Alex asked.
"Yeah man, my Handwriting sucks."
The four of us rolled our eyes as Julie and I went to walk on stage, but not before I angrily bumped my shoulder into Carries.
Julie was quick to make her way to the piano, as I grabbed the rhythm guitar "Hi, it's actually Julie,(Y/n) and the phantoms" looking around she noticed no one was really paying attention, taking a glance over at me I motioned for her to continue. "Okay." She stated into the mic and started to play the piano. "Hearts on fire, we're no liars, so we say what we wanna say." I played my rhythm guitar as I continued the next line of the song "I'm awaken, no more takin' so we push all our fears away." The two of us started singing together "don't know if we'll make it cause we're falling down under, close my eyes and feel my chest beating like thunder." Julie now sang alone.
"I wanna fly, come alive, watch me shine"
The boys appeared playing their instruments as Julie got up, bringing the microphone with her, I stood in the back behind Luke as the two of them sang. "I got a spark in me, hands up if you can see, and you're a part of me, hands up if you're with me, now till eternity hands up if you believe, been so long and now we're finally free." Julie started singing by herself while she hit a tambourine on her hip.
"We're all bright now, what a sight now coming out like we're fireworks"
I sang the next part alone "Marching on proud, turn it up loud, cause now we know what we're worth"
Julie and Luke sang the next part together as I went back near Reggie "We know we can make it when we're not fallin' down under, close my eyes and feel my chest beating like thunder." All while Julie and Luke stared contently at each other "I wanna fly, come alive, watch me shine" Reggie and I leaned into our mics as we sang "ooooh" while Julie and Luke sang the Chorus "I got a spark in me, hands up if you can see, and your a part of me, hands up if you're with me, now till eternity, hands up if you believe, been so long and now we're finally free"
Reggie suddenly jumped over to Luke's Microphone and sang with him, I felt a jolt of pain corse through my chest for a second as I watched Reggie's every move, I could feel the pull on my chest getting stronger and stronger with each passing day, and it doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon, considering the effect it's starting to have on Reggie. That's the only explanation for his behavior earlier, but the only way to be sure is to ask Arius.
"I got a spark in me, hands up if you can see, and you're a part of me, hands up if you're with me, now till eternity, hands up if you believe, been so long and now we're finally free"
Julie and Luke now sang alone, meeting halfway Julie sang "I got a spark in me" she leaned the mic over to Luke as he echoed "I got a spark in me" the way Julie and Luke were staring at each other made me look back at Alex and Reggie for answers "And you're a part of me" Alex just shrugged with a small smile "And you're a part of me"as Reggie shook his head a little as if to say that he didn't know either.
"Now till eternity"
"Now till eternity"
"Been so long and now we're finally free"
We all started playing our instruments again as Reggie, Luke and I all sang the chorus while Julie sang in the background "I've got a spark in me, hands up if you can see, and you're a part of me, hands up if you're with me" Julie sang "Yeah" as the rest of us continued "now till eternity, hands up if you believe, been so long and now we're finally free."
Reggie, Luke, Alex and I went back to doing the "oooh" as Julie sang "Finally free, yeah" Luke and I jumped in at the end "Been so long and now we're finally free" everyone stopped playing as Julie let me have the last note.
"Finally free, yeah..."
The crowd went nuts as they all cheered and applauded, the five of us took a bow as the boys disappeared. The crowd continued to cheer as walked over next to Julie she stated "Thank you, we're Julie, (Y/n) and the Phantoms." I was quick to grab the mic from her and state "Tell your friends." Before walking off stage with Julie.
♬♩♪♩♬♩♪♩♬♩👻 ♪♩♬♩♪♩♬♩♪♩
Once we got off stage Julie ran over to Flynn excitedly, engulfing her in a hug as the two of them giggled and squealed in excitement. I leisurely made my way over to them, only to get dragged into the hug as well. Once we all let go Flynn stated "You two were incredible!" To which Reggie smugly replied "Yeah we were." While looking back at Alex and Luke who were currently sitting on the bar.
"Hey, Hey! Whoever Carrie was trying to impress is headed our way!"
Luke was quick to call out to Julie and I, as the two of us turned around to see a women in a pants suit headed in our direction. "She looks all business" Alex commented and Reggie started to panic, asking "Wait. Who should do the talking?" Then once realizing what he said he quickly fixed it "Right, Julie and (Y/n)." Julie glanced back at Luke for support, only for him to say "You got this." The women was quick to grab ahold of my hand to introduce herself.
"Hi I'm Andi Parker, and I would-"
Our attention went from Andi to the man that said Julie's name, which just so happened to be her father. Andi looked back at the man behind her "Dad." Julie stated, not sounding to happy.
"It's time to go."
Ray didn't sound to happy but I couldn't let us loose this, it could be our big break and Reggie would be upset if I didn't try. "Mr.Molina, if we could just have 5 minutes to-" he cut me off, not wanting to hear anything I have to say. "No. Julie is going home. And I'm calling your uncle." I scoffed and shook my head "seriously? What did I even do?" Andi finally spoke up deciding that this was a bad moment. "This seems like a bad time, so I'm gonna take off, wonderful performance, the both of you." She stated, looking from Julie to me before taking her leave.
"No! Wait!"
Luke yelled but of course she didn't hear him. She couldn't. Luke went to go chafe after her, but let out an exasperated sigh after realizing it wasn't gonna work.
"What did you do? You brought my daughter out here on a school night, to entertain your band fantasies."
Julie said and was quick to speak up before things go south "She didn't drag me out here, I left by myself." Ray shook his head in disappointment "we'll talk about your punishment later. For now I have to get you both home." Turning towards me he stated "And don't think you're off the hook yet missy. Just because you live in that house by yourself doesn't mean you get to go home scott free. I was told to look after you and that's exactly what I'm doing by giving your uncle a call." I felt trapped in a hole, unable to climb out. I hated my uncle. And I hated that I could loose the freedom that I currently had.
He's definitely going to come down here now, and when he does I'm screwed.
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leviismybby · 2 years
Once a thief, always a thief
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Pairing: Levi Ackerman x reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff, there's a lot going on, it's very bittersweet.
A/N: I wrote this while doing my essay today, the idea seemed too good to just let it go, let me know if I should do a part 2! :))
Taglist: @the-milk-anon @youre-ackermine @levisbrat25 @yakaaamoz @levisgreyeyes @notgoodforlife @ackermendick @laraackerman If you want to be tagged just let me know!
Levi's eyes followed as the scouts trained, every single one trying to impress him more than the other. Next to him, Miche is doing the same, hawk-like eyes watching their every move.
"Levi." He hears Erwins voice behind him, already on alert by the sound of it. Levi turns around to face the blond man, arms crossed against his chest. "We have a problem I'd like to discuss with you."
Without a word Levi follows Erwin to his office, something is telling him that it's about you, again. As they enter his office, he sees Nile sitting in one of the chairs visibly upset.
Levi sits down opposite Nole, his face stoic. Once everyone has settled, Erwin turns to Nile, already annoyed with the man. "So Nile, please repeat to captain Levi what the issue seems to be."
"Name has stolen from us again, this is the fifth time in three months. She needs to be put behind bars for good." There isn't any mercy in Nile's words, you had been a pain in his ass for a while now.
"Why are you telling me this?" Levi almost scoffs the words out, he would lie for you again however this time, he really doesn't know where you are.
"You have lied for her before, I have no reason to see why you wouldn't do it again." It was about a year ago when you had stolen a pretty expensive necklace from one of the nobles, when shown a drawing of you, Levi lied that he didn't know you. Too bad for him, Nile had already caught on by then.
"I have nothing to do with her anymore and I don't fucking care that she stole from you. Train your dumbass soldiers better and maybe they would be able to stop one woman from stealing." But you're a tough cookie, always have been since Levi met you all those years ago.
You used to be kids in the underground, Kenny had thought Levi many things but not how to properly steal, Levi got that from you. Somehow, be it luck or skill, you always got away with it. He remembers when you stole a whole bag of fruits from smugglers without being seen, that was the day he was introduced to apples.
The two of you grew up together and he watched you grow into a woman. When you were taken by the scouts you took it well, even got praised by the commanding officers for your impressive stealth, until Furlan's and Isabelle's deaths.
That was where you snapped and the next day you vanished. Levi lost it all in a span of two days but he grew from it, learned to adapt to the scouts, and became humanities strongest soldier.
As soon as he heard that there was a mysterious robbery in a dress store, he knew it was you. He knows you like the back of his hand.
Arrogance was always your big problem, how many times has Levi had to save your ass because you were too stubborn to quit?  He could count on his finger just how many times he lied not only to the military police but to Erwin as well, all to keep you out of trouble. Yet you always manage to get yourself into bullshit and Levi is getting tired of it.
"How about we set up a trap? What does she like Levi?" Erwin turns his attention to Levi, noticeably curious about what his answer will be. "I don't know, anything that can make her a bit of money."
A lie. He lied again. You loved diamonds and different stones, you kept a shelf in your old room full of them.
"Something from the king, perhaps his robe, that would be worth a bunch on the black market." Of course, all of these suggestions by Erwin are for the benefit of the scouts again. If his plan works, he will be awarded by the government.
"The king? What makes you think he would want to help?" Nile's body is now tense, even though he wouldn't want the king involved in all of this.
"A skilled thief is on the loose, she got past your security what makes you think that she can't get through to the king?"
"The king doesn't interest her, trust me. She is skilled but she never bites off more than she can chew." Of course, you hated royals and their selfishness for normal people, while they starved, the king and his men ate like pigs.
"So what do you propose Levi?" Erwin's eyebrow slightly raises, he is interested in hearing what Levi has in store.
"We wait. She will strike again I'm sure."
Levi doesn't want to complicate things, he simply doesn't want you to get caught by the government. If it means that he has to come up with a plan alone, then so be it.
And so it was, Levi waited for three hours to see if you would be interested in the new jewelry shop that opened not far away from the capital of Mitras. It was dark, only moonlight illuminating the empty streets, the smell of after rain was present, creating an unusual atmosphere.
No matter how many times he has told himself to hate you, to forget you, he couldn't do it. You were his first everything after all. How many times has he hoped that he would see you somewhere happy possibly married and even with a baby in your hands. Levi would hate that man with his whole being but he would know that you are safe.
All of that is far from reality, Levi knew that you never even thought about marriage let alone a child. You weren't mature enough for those things no matter how quickly you had to grow up and fight for survival.
Finally, he sees a hooded figure climbing down from one of the buildings onto the roof of the jewelry shop. Every one of your steps is calculated, at the moment when you concentrated the most is where Levi had caught you off guard.
Suddenly you weren't walking anymore, instead grunting in pain as you felt your arms being pinned behind your back. You tried to wiggle yourself out of the grip but to no avail.
"Name stop." You stop moving, eyes going wide. Levi. When he sees that you have relaxed under his touch, he slowly lets you go making you know that he can catch you should you try to run.
You get up from the ground, taking your hood off. "Heh, I should've known you would be tracking me. I felt eyes on me for a while now."
"I wasn't tracking shit, I just happen to know you." As blunt as ever I see. "Good for you then. Now please excuse me I have a store to rob."
Just as you were about to walk past him, Levi grips your arm halting you in place. "Are you an idiot? Can't you see that it's a trap?" Damn it. He wasn't supposed to tell you that. It was what Nile came up with after he had left Erwin's office.
"No kidding." You smile sarcastically, breaking your hand away from his grip. "You knew."
"Of course I did. A new shop opens out of the blue in the middle of Mitras, do you think that I'm stupid?" Your voice is raised and you don't even notice it. For all that you thought would happen in the future between you and Levi, this wasn't one of them.
You have always thought that he would be your partner in crime for life, it seemed so before anyway. But things have changed, he has changed.
"So why the hell are you here? Do you want to get caught?" The answer was no and yes, no you didn't want to get caught, yes because you wanted to see if the military police have learned from their past mistakes.
"Even if I do, what about it? I'm just a thief aren't I?" Levi scoffs at you, after so long of not seeing each other, he thought you would at least be more responsible.
"Don't test me name." He says eyes searching yours. it's clear that whatever happens on this roof tonight, you two are far from over.
"Or what? You're gonna scold me?
"I'm trying to protect you. You brainless idiot." Levi almost spits out those words, how can't you see that he has been doing it the whole time?
"How nice. Somehow everyone you tried to protect is now six feet under." Those words make Levi's eyes shoot open, you don't seem to realize what you just said until you see Levi grow mad.
Before you can move, your back is already harshly pinned against the stone wall, breath is almost knocked out of you. Levi's hand is gripping your shirt, pulling it up until your noses are almost touching.
"How childish do you have to be not to understand that I have saved your ass so many times? Do you even know how close they were to locking you up? Do you know what it means to be behind bars as someone who is from the underground!?" His voice is harsh but he isn't yelling, it's a mixture of hurt and worry.
"And why do you even do it? I didn't ask that from you! You just joined the scouts, you didn't even try looking for me after I left! Do you know how hard it is to see you after all this time?" Levi softens his grip when he sees that your eyes have been filled with tears.
"Let me go Levi!" A tear rolls down your face, Levi is frozen, stuck between his heart and mind.
"Levi! I said let me g-" Lips suddenly crush to your own and you blink. Without much hesitation, your hands are in his hair and you are kissing him back.
Neither of you are thinking, the only thing you're focused on is Levi. You have missed him so much. His hands run down to your waist, pulling you closer to him.
And you let him, let him savor this moment while it lasts. Your hands wander from his hair to his neck, tongue entering his mouth. Levi moans softly, kissing you passionately.
You're teenagers again, the same ones that clumsily had their first kiss, the same ones that used to cause trouble.
Levis hands move down to your hips, squeezing them, a moan escapes your mouth when Levi pulls away and starts kissing your neck.
"Levi...." You take his face into your hands, kissing him once more before pulling away. "Not here and not now..." He nods, aware of his surroundings again. Pulling away from you, his cheeks grow red.
"You should go. The military police could be here any minute." You nod taking the opportunity to kiss him again and he doesn't budge, fully accepting your kiss.
"Here is my address." You slip a piece of paper into his belt before putting your hood on and running in the opposite direction.
Levi is left on the roof, mouth agape, still trying to process what just happened. Only when he hears footsteps is he brought back to reality.
He will make sure to see you again, he takes the paper from is belt but notices that one of his knives is gone, Levi smiles slightly.
Once a thief, always a thief
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A reason I wrote so much about Simon and Agatha as a couple – a subject I would prefer not to dedicate a second of thought to – is spite. Another is because I'm too annoying not to overthink every single detail, and because I notice imagery of romance and shortcuts being applied to them, and I'm sure it happens without much thought involved. It happens because we're used to them, because we take them for granted, because it's hard to question even when we're told it's wrong.
Like the blushy boy looking at the pretty girl while she walks in slow-motion while romantic music (or music that talks about desiring a woman) plays is a movie cliché, and I knew damn well some people were reading Simon's memory about meeting Agatha like that, not because of what Simon actually says, but because of how used we are to that type of scene. Simon's words aren't about desiring her, but about wanting to be like her, about wanting what he believes Agatha's beauty gives her (acceptance, protection... notice how he keeps talking about being untouchable while being associated with her instead of talking about having feelings for her – he doesn't have them!). Same with the ideas of teenage romance, the image of young love I've seen associated with them (like the blushy kids bumping heads or the boy twirling the girl in the air or lying on the grass staring into each other's eyes as sparkles float in their air and so on) or the dozens of times I've seen people get that they're obviously not in love at the start of CO, but then they ruin it with "but they must have been at some point." Gonna be real here: if we were meant to read these two as "used to be attracted or in love but not anymore," I would question the quality of the writing. I would question the author's ability in the genre, because at no point do they ever say anything that gives me the impression that actual love or attraction had anything to do with their choices. But I know the author is good at romance, so I take them seriously when talk about being together like it's duty and expectation and they have no idea of what else they're supposed to do, and the idea of not conforming is too scary to even contemplate, because if you don't belong here something is wrong, etc. In a moment where Simon should be like "I don't want to let her go as a gf, because [insert romantic feelings here]" he's talking to you about how they became friends and how it would suck to stop being friends after so long. He's not ever like "she used to awaken [insert romantic feelings or attraction] but now I just feel nothing"... there's nothing indicating a romance that run its course!
I'm rambling here (don't even get me started on the assumptions regarding the attraction part, especially the ones associated with Simon because he dares to be a boy who happens to not be great at processing and thus doesn't always present things in obvious exposition) but something less important that kind of bugs me....
The image of Simon towering over Agatha. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I neither remember nor care about the canon heights, but this one bugs me in the way heteronormativity and its imagery bothers me when it's not applicable… isn't Agatha supposed to be tall? I mean, neither Simon nor Baz, who I do remember is tall, should be fitting in that girl's hoodie if she were supposed to be a petite pretty little thing who needs to stand on her toes to reach the boy she's dating (I think Baz mentions the sleeves are a bit short for him, but he should not be able to wear that shit at all if Agatha wasn't at least a bit tall, she doesn’t seem like the type to have clothes that are way too big for her). Isn't that an image that pops up simply because there's a boy and a girl? Even if I'm wrong and she's not tall (which I'll call an inconsistency, given the hoodie business) I'll be willing to bet not everyone indulging in this imagery remembers the canon heights either. I mean, a lot of people forget Agatha's eyes are brown, not blue (which I think also proves Simon's lack of attraction to her. Part of his attraction manifest as obsession – he won't ever let you forget Baz's eyes are grey, and he's very detailed about all the shades of gray those eyes can be. One would think Simon is intentionally getting close – close enough to be in Baz's personal space – to be able to catalogue those shades so clearly)
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chaosgremlinmunson · 11 months
Now I Just Sit In Silence
One shot of Steve waking up deaf, the consequences of head trauma
It was late, that much he could gather when he woke back up. The pain in his head was still excruciating, but it was better than it had been in the beginning. They had told him migraines would come and go after a concussion, but damn why was he always the one getting his head knocked around? It took a moment and he realized he couldn't hear anything, not even the annoying ticking of his alarm clock as he lifted it closer to his head, he leaned back against the headboard cradling his face, and wept. Now the world was silent, no more music, no more of Robin's rambling, just pure silence.
Steve stood from the bed slipping on his sweater and headed downstairs, he came to the bottom only to see Robin and the rest of the party gesticulating at him wildly, everyone's mouths moving faster than he could even hope to maybe catch a word from. Then Eddie was in front of him, his hands on his shoulders as Steve realized he could feel warm tears slipping down his face, he stared at Eddie's mouth and noticed how the older boy kept saying his name and something else, but he couldn't hear it. He felt his own mouth moving, he knew he was trying to tell them he couldn't hear anything but he wasn't sure beyond the vibrations he felt in his body that he'd made a noise at all. He took Eddie's hand and led him and everyone else who followed, into his kitchen grabbing a notepad. He painstakingly began to write about how he woke up and could hear literally nothing, not even the clock, no knocking, yelling, phone's ringing. Anything, everything was silent. He paused as a few tears fell to the paper and added on he missed hearing their voices. 
He sat heavily in one of the chairs at the kitchen bar and slid the notepad over to the group who surrounded his note. Robin was the first to look up at him, her own tears falling just as quickly and came to his side laying her head on his shoulder. She rubbed her hand in circles on his back and he could feel her humming something but he wasn't sure what.
Steve Harrington woke up on his twentieth birthday to being deaf, and now life was going to be different, and difficult. He wrapped his arms around his torso, shaking with silent sobs as the rest of the party all took in the news. 
Each person writing him a note, the pad soon running out of paper, and everyone piling in for hugs. Eddie was opposite him, still writing something, still quiet and so much more still than Steve ever remembered seeing him in all the years he'd ever known of Eddie. 
It felt like hours, maybe even years later when even Eddie finished his note. Steve noticed how before Eddie had poked his tongue out in concentration as he wrote, slowly almost as though he needed to make sure his handwriting could be read easily. He looked up at the group, and then to Robin saying a few things back and forth to her and gathering the kids to take them home, Robin pulled Steve closer to her hugging him as he read through the letters, each telling him how much he was loved, and how they'd make sure somehow they'd be able to communicate again.
He sank down to the kitchen floor with Robin attached to his side still and they wept together for everything Steve had lost through the years fighting for survival and protecting everyone. They didn't know where to go from here, but the one thing that was certain was that Steve didn't know if he could live in this big house alone anymore, how could he protect anyone let alone himself if he couldn't even hear them coming?
He hugged Robin tightly and wrote on the back of her note on the only space available telling her so, she nodded and mouthed 'eddie' to him, he didn't know what she meant but he felt that a plan was already in motion, he let Robin lower him to her lap as she ran her fingers through his hair.
He felt himself thinking about how different life was sure to be now, how obviously his parents were going to be ready to throw him away, he already a disappointment and now he would never be able to take over for his dad at the company, how could he when the entire premise there was socializing and he couldn't hear anyone? Who was going to want to exchange notes with the deaf man to close a sale? Steve knew any prospects he had before were gone, he didn't even stop to think about his potential in the dating world anymore. 
Eventually Eddie came back in and sat on the floor next to them, he picked up Steve's hand placing a kiss on the back of it and smiling softly at him, he held out a notebook to Steve that had a page already filled, even with check boxes so Steve could answer him easily. Steve smiled as he saw Eddie asking if he'd come live with him and Wayne, they both wanted him there and Eddie's Aunt Millie was coming up from Alabama so she could help get Steve into classes for ASL and teach him to read lips as well. She worked with a foundation it said, one that would look into avenues for a cochlear implant, Eddie had spelled cochlear out as "cock-lee-err" so Steve could understand what it was and then drew a small diagram to show what he was talking about, explaining that if they could do this Steve might be able to hear again. It would be different, and things would be difficult for a time, but Eddie went on to write how important Steve was to him, how he wanted to do this for the man who'd carried him out of hell itself. He loved Steve, and he would always be here, he wanted to talk some more later about those feelings but he knew Eddie would understand the need to wait when his world had been upended. 
He smiled pulling Eddie in close, hugging him and rocking him back and forth in excitement, he leaned back and nodded his head writing "yes!!!" Big at the bottom of Eddie's note, and placed Eddie's hand over his heart, Eddie smiling at him in return. No matter where life took Steve from here, even if from this day forward he could never hear again, he knew with this army by his side everything would be okay again. He felt like the sun rose again, just for him, in that moment, and he pulled Eddie and Robin close, holding them while he smiled, laughing softly. Eventually they would pack up Steve Harrington's life, he would leave this house while leaving nothing in his wake but a short note telling his parents he was moving out, leaving the key in the mail slot of the front door, and letting them know they had a deaf, gay son who didn't want nor need them to find him. He was leaving if they couldn't accept him, and he was ready to make a life for himself, hopefully with the man he loved.
There were conversations to be had, both with Robin and with Eddie, he knew who he was, and he also knew they would accept him no matter what. Life had been hard, but he'd found his way, no matter how loud the sound of silence had been for him that morning.
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swiftsdelucaa · 2 years
 Hi, can you do a meredith grey x reader where meredith can’t decide who to pick between reader and Derek. Then she makes her decision once she sees her come into the hospital after she gets injured? Please?
❛ 𝑰 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 ❜
𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Meredith Grey x f!reader ♡
𝘼/𝙣: Sorry for the wait 🙏This was a good idea anyway anon, I hope you'll enjoy this!!
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Even though your relationship didn't last long, this girl could make you feel so damn good. Meredith Gray is one of those people you never wanted to lose.
Everything seemed to be fine, but then... he came along. Derek Shepherd, one of the world's most famous neurosurgeons who would come to work in the same hospital as you. Well that's great. But beyond that he was also Meredith's ex-boyfriend, and since he'd arrived she'd gotten weird.
She had begun to behave differently with you, and when you found out why you immediately felt like a useless object. Did she still love him?
Herself had declared that she didn't know. She said that it had been one of her most important relationships to her, and that ending it had been so hard. And she was probably retrying everything right now. You didn't even know if still believe her when she told you to care about you.
Sometimes meetings between you, Meredith and Derek happened so embarrassing that you would want to disappear from the whole world. More you got to know him, more he just seemed like an asshole, you had no idea how could Meredith fell for someone like that.
Since she didn't intend to do anything to change the situation you decided to walk away from her. She seemed to have noticed it, so when she saw you she often tended to follow you to try to talk to you, and you couldn't take it anymore.
"Y/n, please, wait!" you heard her voice coming from behind you as you went down the stairs.
"What do you still want to me?" you addressed her in a rather annoyed tone.
"Y/n, I really care about you, you must believe me, but-"
"But what?" you interrupted her. "Meredith, I'm the last person in the world who's going to tell you what to do and stop you from being happy. If being with Derek is what you want, go. I'm not going to stay here and wait forever for a person who doesn't even know what wants and playing with other people's feelings. I knew what I wanted, and it was just to be with you, but sadly it doesn't always go as hoped..." you could see the tears in her eyes before you could walk away. As difficult as it's been, it was the only solution, but it hurt you badly.
From that moment the only thing you waited for was the end of the day to go home. You would have sat on the sofa and started drinking to forget all this crap.
You left the hospital, went to your car and you've gone. You were just calmly continuing on your way, the sun was bothering your eyesight, so you reached over to get to your bag and get your sunglasses, but you just dropped everything. You huffed and turned for a moment to gather everything up, sorted yourself out, and immediately you saw the car in front of you stopped. You pressed your foot quickly on the brake, but since you would never be able to stop in time you swerved sharply. You couldn't even see where you had crashed as you hit your head for the impact, and after that you didn't remember anything.
When you woke up you were so confused, everyone was around your stretcher. You wanted to try to say something, but you felt like you didn't quite have the strength.
You were hearing them talk about a possible concussion, when all of a sudden you started getting severe pain in your abdomen, and everyone leaned over having heard you moan.
"Possible internal bleeding, let's take her to the operating room, right now!" they began to take you away, while you still looked around and the pain took over. Then you saw her, Meredith. She seemed to freeze completely at the sight of you like this. But it was certainly not the right time to think about this.
The surgery had gone well fortunately, now you were alone in a depressing room to say the least. You felt your head pounding, but at least the rest of the pain was under control.
"Y/n" you turned to see Meredith near the edge of the door. "Can I enter please?" there was nothing you could do to stop her being stuck in a hospital bed, so you just nodded.
"How are you?" she sat next to you.
"I've been better..."
"I'm so sorry" her gaze was sad.
"Well it's my fault, I got distracted for a second..."
A strange atmosphere had formed in the room, accompanied by an awkward silence.
"Y/n, I- I've never been really good with new experiences..."
"Meredith, we don't have to talk about it now-"
"No, please listen to me. I've never been good with it, and for me with Derek it's been very important. But there's nothing between us anymore, and knowing you it's been one of the best thing until now. I want you with me, I chose you, and I'll always choose you" these words lit up your face and your mind, almost making you feel better. You flashed her a big smile and she shook your hand.
"If I knew it would take an accident to make you say it, then I would have done it long ago" you both laughed.
"Shut up!" she looked at you smiling and gave you a little kiss on your forehead.
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alcalystrasz · 6 months
I know you've been waiting for it. So... Here's my first theory about Stranger Things 5 :
(No Spoilers, just a theory)
Theory n°1 : Vecna's crazy role this season.
Alright, I'd like to start first with a resume about the 4 lasts seasons. For the three firsts seasons it's kind of my thoughts because Vecna never really explained his role during these three seasons, so I'll try to make it logical.
Season 1 -> Will gets kidnapped into the Upside Down.
If we remember what Vecna said to Nancy in S4, he says he was a sensitive, lonely kid. He was good at drawing, and he always felt different. You know who's EXACTY like that? Yup, Will. So in my opinion, he kidnapped Will in the first place because he was like him. But why keeping him so long without killing him? Because Will's good at hiding? No. We learn in the book about him being in the Upside Down what actually happened to him. He said he tried multiple times to "kill himself" like getting the Demogorgons to eat him, but whenever they got the chance they turned back. So I think Vecna was controlling the Demogorgons in order to not kill Will. He maybe wanted to test him, or keep him here until he could be able to do something with him. Take over him, get inside his body, or other stuff... So then Will's finally saved, but it doesn't end for him.
Season 2 -> Will gets possessed by the Mind Flayer.
So this season, Vecna probably wanted to test Will more, or, this time, to take him in his side, since they have the same personality. So he got the Mind Flayer and sent it to possess Will. However, in the end, Joyce made it to remove the creature from his body. That, of course, made Vecna mad, especially when El closed the gate. But, fortunately for him, it wasn't the end.
Season 3 -> The Flesh Mind Flayer wants to kill Eleven.
Russians opened an other door, which is why he was able to control the Mind Flayer through the Upside Down. Cause if the gate is closed, no more control and the Mind Flayer "dies." Which is what happened at the end of season 3 by the way. But, why willing to Kill El, and not controlling more Mike now? Simple question. She's always changing his plans and that annoys him. So killing her off would be the best to get Will to join him in is...what? Army? Maybe. But she managed to destroy the Mind Flayer, once again, with everyone else this time. That is when Vecna got super mad and finally decided to go in the nature and kill some teenagers. Yeah, let's go Henry!
Season 4 -> Vecna wants to kill Eleven.
Sooooo.... So far, Vecna was not a good master to his puppets (got the ref?), so he decided to be the big master, without puppets this time. We learn in the late season, that the more he kills, the more he becomes stronger, so he's like "Yeah let's go kill, to be come stronger." Logic. So he went down to kill, but not nobody, random teens with past traumas who feel guilt. Chrissy, Fred, Patrick... then El went to fight him, and honestly watching this I was like "Bitch are you nuts he's stronger?" And he, in fact was. The only reason El managed to get out of those vines she was trapped in was with Mike's words (sort of). So she then finally beat the ass out of him and he, of course, got totally BURNED by the fruity three (rip Eddie). But then what? We see he got away with it, he's still alive, and we learn from Will's words (oh weird?) that he's still alive, he's hurt, but he's there. And he doesn't want to kill just El or her friends now, but everyone in Hawkins. So it isn't about saving them anymore but the whole town.
So, now considering all that. Here's finally my theory:
We know Vecna wanted to control or make Will join him in the first two season, and it was logic, cause they're alike, they're sensitive, lonely, they feel different from other people and they're good in arts. During these seasons, Vecna probably wanted to observe and understand Will's behavior in some circumstances. Like what if he gets into this world like Vecna got into? He's traumatized? Oh shit. Well how about his personality changes completely like Vecna. He's also traumatized? Well that's a bummer.
What I'm trying to say is that Will and Vecna are very connected even now. Before, with Will's presence in the Upside Down and true sight, but also now because he also and still feels him behind his neck, like before. He was trying to, small steps by small steps, leading him to join him. And that'd what I want to point out.
I think, Vecna will try to finally make Will join him. BUT, Will, of course, won't accept. So I imagine Vecna putting Will in a sort of transe state, like he did with his four other victims, and maybe show him some moments in his life, that shows how miserable and how sad his life is, and that he'll be way better and stronger if he came with him. But Will will refuse. Why? He may be sensitive, a little naive and sometimes stupid, let's be honest, he's not going to let Vecna take him, because there's one thing that'll make him stay: MIKE FUCKING WHEELER. So I imagine, then Vecna putting his big ass hand on his face and that'll make Will float, just like in season 4 with Max and the other kids. But instead of being killed (cause it's Will, like, bro, come on), he can take a piece of wood or I don't know what but something sharp that he finds. You didn't understand? Let me explain: I imagine this, happen at the exact same place it happened to Max, that's why I said a piece of wood. WHO CARES? SO THEN HE TAKES THAT, AND BOOM, in the eye of Vecna, his left eye to be precise. Why? Don't you remember what Eddie said in his DnD campagne? :
"He's not only missing his left arm, but his LEFT EYE!"
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So that's why I think Will could destroy his left eye, as a foreshadowing to what Eddie said (I mean why not?). Vecna would then be hurt again, and let Will go, but he could try to stop him, but not the same way as Max, nah that was too iconic, we need something more Byers, more Will... more William Byers... he could try to stop him by making him hear horrible things Mike told him, like in the rain fight of season 3, or the Rink O'Mania one... But he'd manage to finally get out of this, with the help of Mike's words also, cause I clearly see Mike talking to him. Maybe even a parallel, to what Will said while he had to get El out of Vecna's tentacles "You're the heart", but this time it is Jonathan Damn Byers who says it to Mike. Like, that'd be banger, just saying.
So what next? I already said he could try to take Will by his side, now what? Remember, in season 4 we learn the more he kills, the more he's strong. So I think, he'll try to get to kill all the characters we know, before killing whole Hawkins. Let me explain:
We know that everytime Vecna kills, he uses people's past trauma, in which they feel guilt. Who has past traumas with guilt? Yeah, almost everyone. So here's a quick resume and explanation of what could happen to almost all the characters.
-Nancy's targeted -> past trauma: Barbara's death -> saved by Steve or Jonathan. So why Steve or Jonathan? They're her two loves, be for real. However I see more Steve than Jonathan, but Jonathan could also be possible so it's between both.
-Jonathan's targeted -> past trauma: Will's disappearance in S1 -> saved by Steve. So why Steve? To show Jonathan that they're not enemies anymore, and that they could totally be friends. But it could also be Dustin, his bestfriend, or Robin, his girl bestfriend. But I have something else for Robin...
-Dustin's targeted -> past trauma: Eddie's death -> saved by Steve or Mike. Steve cause he's his bestfriend, but also why not Mike, because they both knew Eddie, and Mike could help him going through this because he also went through it.
-Lucas's targeted -> past trauma: Max's coma state/death -> saved by Erica. I say /death because we don't know if she will actually survive in season 5...
-Will's targeted -> past trauma: tons. Vecna wants him to join him -> saved by Mike.
So I have atleast 5 people that could be targets of Vecna, as for others... not sure what could happen to them. There's still: Steve, Joyce, Hopper, Murray (lol), Erica, Robin, Mike and Suzie (why not). I know Steve doesn't have past traumas he's feeling guilty for, but that's for another theory, along with Robin. Joyce, Murray and Hopper are adults, not sure they could be targetted. As for Erica and Suzie.... Erica doesn't feel guilty about anything, and she's younger so I think Vecna, has a small heart, and will let her live, and Suzie... it's Suzie... I mean... yeah, I think she's safe. However there are still characters we didn't talk about: Karen, Ted, Holly and the other family members of Lucas and Dustin. We know that the series really centered on the Byers and Wheeler family, but never on the Henderson's or Sinclair. So... there's a reason behind that. But it is for another theory.
So to resume, what is Vecna's crazy role this season? Well he's going to turn into a serial killer, trying to kill atleast 4 of our characters and make 1 try to join his army. But he's also going to do more, such as... destroying the Wheeler's house. I'm not kidding. After seeing a "spoiler" of ST5, that I know isn't real (it was clearly fake cause other stuff were like nonsense), I was like "yo it could be a great idea actually." So I imagined a really dramatic scene where, after his 5 tries, Vecna gets mad and tries to make fall the house of the Wheelers. Why? Maybe because everyone could reunite there and talk about a plan or something, when weird shit started to happen. Because it's a 2/3 years time jump, so the first episode is probably going to be them chilling in Hawkins and at the end, BOOM, Vecna's back bitch. And there he could have the opportunity to kill some people, but truth is... no one will die. They're all going to be saved, because they're all geniuses. But it could be a huge dramatic scene anyway. Or maybe if someone HAS to die, it'd be logic if it was either Karen, either Ted, or either Holl- nah just kidding. If one of the parents die, it could create a trauma for Mike, but that's for again, an other theory.
So what's next for Vecna? Honestly, if the Dragon we got foreshadowed since season 1 happens... I think Vecna's role won't be really interesting, so I keep my s5 vision without any Dragon. But I do see him trying to kill, so target, a lot of our characters...
That wasn't the best of my theories though. But, more theories soon, some better and cooler, but as for now, tell me what you think about this one, in the comments or as reblogs!
Thanks for reading all that by the way <3
...I probably am going to add more in this post, if I think about it, but I think I said everything I have to say...
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becauseimanicequeen · 4 months
Pride Month Watch: Light On Me
I'm currently going through my Pride Month Watch List.
Light on Me hasn't been on my radar very long, but I've heard about it from various sources recently, so I figured I would watch it this month. I don't know anything about it, but I've heard it's good. So, let's dive in!
I'm about halfway through the first episode and realized one of the actors has one of the main roles in Black Knight (a dystopian k-drama, which I enjoyed when I watched it last year).
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So, the first episode is over, and I feel like Shinwoo (the guy who was against Taekyung joining the student council) is Taekyung's first love. Or, perhaps I've seen too many enemies-to-lovers stories and this trope might just be messing with my head...
I'm near the end of episode 2 and must say that Daon is really sweet. He's my favorite character at this point. I get the feeling that he might remember Taekyung for other reasons than just having a good memory. But, please don't tell me we're getting a love triangle...
I love that the moody brooder Shinwoo wears dark (black/gray) clothes every time I've seen him so far.
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Namgoong is ridiculous, so I love him (obviously).
Oh, lord. The date in episode 3 is so awkward. But I love how completely honest Taekyung is, he just says what's on his mind.
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I have a feeling that Daon being nice to everyone will become a bigger problem in the coming episodes.
I’ve just started episode 4, and I’ve decided that every time Shinwoo says he doesn’t like Taekyung from now on, he’s actually saying that he likes Taekyung.
This is starting to look like a love... what's the next thing after a triangle? Love square? Love quadrangle? Well, you get the point, it's a mess, lol.
I’m on episode 8 and the girl (whom I can never remember the name of, lol) is using Daon being nice to everyone against Taekyung to say that he’s not anyone special to Daon. And, at the same time, Shinwoo is stepping up his own game to get closer to Taekyung, which Daon is seeing. This is getting delicious.
I'm halfway into episode 9 and this series is starting to lose points from me. Honestly, the BL screenwriters who write female characters to be the wedge between the queer boys who like each other, just because she likes one of them too, need to develop their repertoire...
This is obviously a me-problem because I know that Korea is a very different country than where I'm from (I'm from northern Europe, btw) and their view of girls/women is very different from where I was born and raised. But I can't help but get annoyed at it.
Sohee (yes, I remember her name now) is so stereotypically written and boring at this point. Hopefully, it will change in an episode or two. Hopefully, Daon will be upfront with her that he has zero interest in her so she humbly backs off. His dilly-dallying with her isn't exactly helping either.
Thank every higher power Namgoong is here to be ridiculous. I love him so much. So, whatever points this series is losing because of Sohee (and Daon not telling her what's up), Namgoong makes up for it. And Shinwoo's longing stares at Taekyung. I love those too.
So, Shinwoo's way to get closer to Taekyung was to physically bump into him?
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No wonder Taekyung ignored him, lmao!
Daon taking off the bracelet he got from Taekyung physically hurt me. It's understandable considering the conversation that led up to it (and that conversation in itself was annoying to watch even though it felt more than realistic). It still hurt me. And that Taekyung noticed Daon wasn't wearing the bracelet anymore hurt me too.
I'm nearing the end of the 10th episode and Taekyung feel like he has been rejected by Daon because of the bracelet, Daon's reaction when the dudes interrupted them, and Daon not being able to find the words to say anything. Then they showed that Daon has one of those tubes you store papers in (commonly used by architects and artists), where he (most likely) has a drawing of Taekyung (which Taekyung asked for in a previous episode).
Daon clearly likes Taekyung. I get the feeling that he's holding back because of what those two dudes said to him earlier. There could be something more behind it as well. The family is often a reason, but they haven't been mentioned all that much (just that they practically ignore Daon).
Namgoong just stood up to Sohee for Daon and Taekyung, and I love him even more than I did before.
I'm on episode 11 and it seems like the family might be another reason Daon holds back and that potential rumors could hurt their reputation or status. I hope this doesn't turn into one of those stories where the parents transfer him to another school just because of rumors...
This is getting really painful to watch. Painful for the characters, I mean (because I love the pain it's giving me, lol).
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I'm glad that at least Taekyung has someone there for him when he's falling apart.
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I hope Daon has someone to be there for him too. I'm sure the other three (Shinwoo, Namgoong, and Taekyung) will stand up for him against the idiots at school, but he seemed so lonely at home. It breaks my heart.
I love how Shinwoo took on the role of Daon's friend and then Taekyung's friend to share the different perspectives on what happened so that Taekyung could understand things from Daon's perspective but also feel like he had Shinwoo in his corner. I love friends like this.
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I've got so much respect for Shinwoo after his conversation with Daon in the 12th episode. He knows that both he and Daon like Taekyung, but he doesn't take advantage of Taekyung now that he's heartbroken and vulnerable. Instead, he told Daon to stop avoiding Taekyung and to fix things with him.
I love this. It's not a competition or about who gets the boy by playing dirty tricks. It's about two long-time friends who respect each other and just want what's best for the boy they like. It's such a big contrast to the whole Sohee and Daon situation, and I fucking love it.
I love Namgoong so fucking much!
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I’m at the beginning of episode 13 and I’m glad Daon got pissed at Sohee. He had every right to be considering she outed him and Taekyung to the whole school. I like the way he handled it and how he told her he never wanted to see her again. I mean, she betrayed his trust. Let’s see how long it lasts (I hope it lasts until the end of time, but that’s just me being petty as fuck when it comes to people who betray my trust, lol).
I’m glad Sohee apologized to Taekyung, as she should. That doesn’t mean I would want her as a friend, though. Taekyung is clearly not as petty as me, lol.
It’s near the end of episode 14 and Daon has practically forgiven Sohee, so that didn’t last long. But I’m glad he said they might not be able to be good friends right now.
It was a drawing of Taekyung in that tube. Too bad Daon's declaration of love comes now, though, because I feel like Taekyung is already moving on. Timing is everything.
Have I said that I love Namgoong? No? I fucking love Namgoong. He’s so sweet and funny and ridiculous that I can’t help but smile like an idiot when I see him on my screen. I love him so much.
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The way I cheered for Shinwoo when he asked Taekyung at the end of episode 15 if Taekyung was going to keep him waiting… Shinwoo has waited for a long time to get closer to Taekyung.
And then the way I cheered for Daon when they showed the flashback of him kissing Taekyung’s forehead… These boys...
I have no idea how this is going to end (probably enemies to lovers since that’s so common), and I’m not really leaning more toward one rather than the other. (Normally I would be loud about poly at this point, but I don’t think these boys are ready for that.) So, let’s see what happens.
The way I laughed when Taekyung said he was thankful that Shinwoo had honest ears!
Look at these boys linking arms!
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And holding hands!
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I’m so happy for them!
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Overall, this was a great show. I really liked the friendship between the four boys. I haven’t written anything about the teacher but I loved his role in the series. He was always so kind and gave great advice to all of them. A guiding light in the murky waters of being a young queer kid.
Obviously, my favorite character was Namgoong. He was ridiculous, funny, sweet, and an amazing friend who stood up for the people he cared about.
Seriously, I love Namgoong!
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This is definitely one of the better QLs I’ve seen from Korea, and I’m happy I watched it.
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
Do you mind dumping all of your thoughts on ebina for us?
i dont even know where to begin on ebina he just sucks major horse cock and i cant be swayed on this but ill put it under the cut for everyones sake. this is rambly as hell too idc i refuse to spend any more time thinking about ebina more than i already do
like what is his purpose. like i KNOW his purpose but it sucks- him being a Plot Twist baby is the dumbest shit in the world and they dont even ATTEMPT to do anything meaningful with it i do not care what anyone says
why even HAVE HIM be related to ichiban if he never even interacts with ichi in a meaningful way, esp when ichi's whole theme is family-- WHEN THE GAME IS LITERALLY ABOUT ICHI MEETING HIS MOM (or it was until they decided they didnt care about akane in the plot anymore)
like we mentioned it before here but if you have to have ebina related to a yakuza from the past for his ol Bring Down The Yakuza gig then why not make him an orphan from kazama's orphanage ???? literally nothing wouldve changed except it would've made more sense with how much kiryu deals with him instead of ichi. it wouldve been a great way to round things off with kiryu's saga too, what with having to confront the consequences of kazama's actions directly and finally and officially burst that fanatic bubble of his (i dont wanna HEAR nothing about gaiden that's not enough for me im GREEDY). theres something in here too about kiryu and daigo but i cant articulate it... i just know that wouldve been better too .... something something kiryu brought daigo into this life and now that he sees kazama 'bring' ebina into this life hes projecting ... idk ..
the game def didnt seem to give a fuck that ebina was arakawa's son considering they fucking revealed it in a bland-ass in-game cutscene FROM DAIGO OF ALL PEOPLE daigo respectfully why the fuck do you know this
i dont know how many people watch my streams but i was so obnoxious about ebina's villain monologue before his fight because its just ...... it just SCREAMS Hey You Guys Remember Aoki Right. fucking Masumi Arakawa Had Two Sons: One Who Loved Him And One Who Hated Him LITERALLY SHUT UP AND DIE I HATE YOU MASATO ARAKAWA WAS RIGHT THERE AND HE DID IT BETTER THAN YOU fucking stealing his bleach japan shit too. you might be able to steal bleach japan and piss me off about it the entire time because fucking everyone and their grandmother besides zhao seems to have forgotten fucking bleach japan but you can NOT steal Number One Hater Son from masato arakawa GET AWAY FROM HER 🗣️🗣️🗣️ 'why did masumi arakawa have to get himself killed' BECAUSE HIS NUMBER ONE HATER SON HAD HIM KILLED BECAUSE HE WAS A BETTER HATER THAN YOU SHUT UP
another thing that pissed me off to no end was the sawashiro shit fuckin Oh He Kept Him Alive Because He Wanted Him To Stop Him SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP I HATE YOU . i really wouldve preferred if they just killed sawashiro like old man why are you here- WE DIDNT EVEN GET TO SEE YOUR EYE GET GOUGED but im getting off topic. NOTHING bout what we've seen from ebina could convince me he Wanted To Be Stopped like absolutely nothing i dont want to hear this bullshit excuse. it is MERELY just reminding me of ichi being like 'i wish i couldve been there to stop you' @ aoki and its making me pissed
like im the only person who cares this intensely because im the only person who likes aoki enough like this and im trying NOT to mention him so much and just focus on ebina but its just so annoying... like its impossible NOT to see the parallels, especially when the game is practically bashing it into my brain every three seconds. like if we're talking aoki/masato-adjacent antags then i like eiji so its not the fact that HE IS aoki adjacent that pisses me off its just that he has no agency OUTSIDE of being a ghost of him. like there's nothing interesting about him in the slightest and he's barely even on screen why are you forcing me to give a fuck about this twat. if anything the one aoki thing i wish they did mirror onto him was dying at the end i do not care about this man
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carmenized-onions · 2 months
This is actually my first time ever commenting without being anon …. And I thought I would do that to wish you the HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS!!! I hope you took the time to enjoy the day before your inbox gets flooded from your newest chapter. I’m currently holding off reading it to write you and read the posts from the previous chapter to prepare. When I tell you I have been refreshing your account religiously, awaiting any and all updates….it was looking a little embarrassing for me there. So glad you’re back again so let’s get into it.
-I saw a comment on how your story is better than the show in a sense. 1000% agree. You have a way of writing all the right things to get us attached (and even a little heart broken)to the characters and storyline while giving us hope that good things can and should still be able to happen for them. Regardless of how they see themselves and the situation(we love an unreliable narrator). Idk if this would make sense to anyone but me, but in my mind this story is a Shakespeare sonnet to the show’s Greek tragedy. Sometimes I think about things that I would have liked to see different in stories I read. Didn’t happen once in any of your chapters so far. Everything seems so perfectly balanced.
-I also pretend Tony is just off screen in the show. Don’t worry guys. She’s just on another job. Girls gotta pay rent😭
- I love the relationship between Tony and Syd omg. Peak female friendship between these two, but wouldn’t be mad if it was more than that…we are severely lacking in Syd stories across all platforms. Enough has been said in other comments about Tony’s relationship with Carmy, but this dynamic with Syd really made me think. Do I want to be her or do I want to be with her?? 👀Mhm mhm I’m gonna let that one simmer on the back burner for a bit. Moving on…
- Speaking of relationships. Tony and Richie. Wow. Just wow. I think the scene of him being a bit protective with the gross chef and him thinking Carmy would be all over it if he would just listen to why Richie thought he was a creep, shows how protective he can be. Our boy did not want to let that behavior slide. Then the heart to heart in the parking lot. I was in tears. Full on ugly sobbing. I had to pause and put the phone down….then read it over to really process it. It hit so close to home for me and truly gave me chills. It was such powerful writing in the way it felt so real to both of them and so accurate to how they would feel. If only one relationship can survive, I petition it to be these two. Friends (cousins) for life.
- You’re the closest we’re getting to justice for the Uncle Lee shit and i love you for it. It felt therapeutic 😌
-Also, LOVED the small character of Union Guy who shouted when people got annoyed at the bar staff getting a break. Very much made me think of that Saul Goodman video “Did you know you have rights? Well the constitution says you do.” It truly is the little pieces of comedic writing that make this story incredible.😭
- Obviously, the main event is Tony and Carmy. I love their dynamic and the way they flow so organically with each other in the story. I look forward to these two every week. It truly feels like before when everyone had cable and you waited all week to sit down and watch an episode of your favorite show. Nothing I say can do justice to your writing of these characters. Chefs kiss😘🤌
With all that being said, I’m sorry this was sooo long. I truly could talk about this story for hours. It can be very difficult for me to stay engaged in stories, but you’re easily one of my favorite writers I’ve ever read. I can’t wait to go read the next chapter and see what you do next. And again Happy Birthday!
THAT MEANS THE WORLD THAT YOU’D COME OFF ANON, WHAT A SWEETIE!! My actual birthday was pretty Mid, alas, jobs. But the weekend was delightful, so thank you!! The chapter I dropped on my birthday was Two Steps Back, right? I can’t remember the concept of time anymore. Regardless, I don’t remember seeing you in my inbox about it, I would LOVE TO HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS ON IT!! No pressure though, also you fully may well be in my inbox and have already yapped about it— I’m terrible at reading. 
Ah, what a fuckin knife to the heart (in a good way, yknow? Like a sordid French romance knife to the heart). Greek Tragedy v Shakespeare Sonnet— That honestly helps my brain so much, because everytime I think about S3 I go FUCK I DIDN’T PREDICT RIGHT— And that’s just cause they wanted to go down the alley of We’re at Rock Bottom and we’re going to Dig Even Lower and that’s the tragedy— And I went for We’re at Rock Bottom and we’re going to Desperately Try To Claw Out and that’s the tragedy. 
Neither of them are bad ways of writing!!! So thank you for reminding me of that. Do I kinda prefer my way? Yeaahhhh… No one tell Matty!! No one tell, okay!!! Unless it means you can get me a job then yeah tell Matty!! I want an Emmy, baby, get me in that Writer’s Room!! Anyways, thank you for saying so— The balance comes from going to school to write and also from being a freak— Here, let me show you:
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Ignore the birthday list i had a picnic and a beyblade tournament it was really fun also i lost neverTHELESS!! My notes app looks like this. There’s more but they’re for Chapter 14/15 so I cannot show, but yeah basically if you think I’m balanced, it’s because I’m. wired in a weird way. constantly re-reading and editing and revising and dying. call me carmen's menu cause baby i'm FUCKIN CHAOS
TONY’S JUST AT THE VIP BAR IN S3 GUYS OKAY SHE’S JUST OFF SCREEEENNN— Sigh, I really do hope Syd gets a good fuckin girlfriend (platonic or romantic) next season she is just,, she needs someone other than this fuckin’ family because they are making my poor baby TWEAK out here. I’m still noodling with how I will do a quick lil SquidInk spinoff. I feel like I can’t just do alternate timeline series, because it would be a lot of the same happening just with Syd and no familial trauma, but like,,, a cute little one off, I do have an idea for. So we shall leave it on the back burner for neeeoww. 
UGLY SOBBING??!?!?! FOR MMEEEE??!?!?!? ooooOOHFDGH— Thank you and I’m sorry, I’m so sorry but also thank you— Yknow? 
With all the growth Richie’s had, with his light bit of misogyny from S1, I knew the one thing that he absolutely carried with them from point A to B was be protective, be a gentleman— And so to see Carmen not act like he did— Bro became full girl dad. FULL girl dad moment. 
Can I also take a moment to admit something? I have been waiting a long time to do the parking lot scene, but I had pictured the parking lot scene way long ago, when I was considering writing a Richie fic! I did not think it was going to end up here until like chapter 3? 
The reason Richie and Chip became such close characters was truly born out of me not wanting to write Y/N, and so I wrote in Cousin and gave Richie the history of knowing the nickname Chip— Because originally, I’d thought Chip and Mikey would be very separate from the Beef. But I wanted cousin!! So their closeness was born, and now they’re literally my favourite dynamic in the series. Funny how that works.
I had to beat uncle lee’s ass on camera. I really cannot STAND that motherfucker and it is also SO FUNNY that in the immediate next note to reference Saul Goodman who is Uncle Lee— But yes that is absolutely what i was going for. That union scene in my head was originally going to be so much longer for literally no reason, and because there was no reason for it I cut it down, but it’s those MOMENTS THAT I LOVE TO WRITTEE BABBYYY
THANK YOU FOR SITTIN DOWN AND READING EVERY WEEK AWWEE— I wish The Bear was a weekly release honestly, I feel like it’d be so much fun that way cause what, right now we’d still be yelling about episode seven or eight by now? Ah. Love love love. My hopes are that I can get Ch 14’s draft done today and hopefully have something up in the middle of this week, but we will fucking SEE WON’T WE?
It was SUCH a pleasure to read your thoughts, and it really does mean the world to hear you’re so engaged and fuckin NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR GOING LONG!! It’s MY job to be brief (and I’m bad at it), you yap all you want. As a little gift, here is a tentative meme that I made in advance for the next chapter. The title is still pending changes, but right now Chapter 14 is called The Cat. Will this change? Probably, we’ll see. Everyone tell me if you hate The Cat.
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