#everyone shows up but i don't wanna tag them all cause they aren't like. the MAIN ones
sagasolejma · 3 months
Happy 6-month HRTnniversary to this lil weirdo!🏳️‍⚧️
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To celebrate it, and also to celebrate my follower count reaching literally 4 times the amount of people my home town has (which isn't saying a lot cause it's a really small town, but still wtf you guys) I'm posting this EXTREMELY rare and exclusive picture of me smiling!
(holy shit balls you probably didn't even know I could do that!!!!)
I kinda hate this pic cause I don't really like my faciular area, and I look like a blobby mess but oh well, that's what I look like sometimes and I wanna show y'all that side of me too :3
Thank you to all my mutuals and followers on here who constantly support me and put up with my never-ending bullshit, I love y'all and I don't know what I would do without you💚💚💚
(seriously, y'all mean the world to me)
Now I'm gonna be a bit sappy here and tag some people, not really because I want them to see this or because I want them to interact with my silly little post, but because they're all amazing and have given me friendships and a community I never thought I would have, they're all amazing people and I want them to know who they are <3
In no particular order: @shakukon-to @crowned-lozar @shequotesherself @theprofmoth @whalesharkcat @godless-of-the-hunt @jessica-1103 @crowmance @coelii @lilithtransrights @anarqueeen @glowingemberz @girlthingnova @twiggybeing @pacificglovebox @subsequentlysilly @crystalline-fox-girl @something345
(if you aren't on this list please don't think I dislike you, maybe we just haven't talked a lot or I forgot)
BONUS: extremely silly and cringe picture from when I was like, 1 month on HRT xP
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Have a nice day everyone, remember I love you <3
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echo-stimmingrose · 8 days
I'm getting so fucking sick of the pjo fandom. It was bad before yes, but ever since the show casting came out, y'all's behavior has been down right disgusting.
The harassment Leah, a literal child, faces due to the color of her skin from you racist fucks is just outright appalling and every single one of you should be ashamed of yourselves. You pieces of shit even got her social media account banned and have told her to kill herself because she's black. And I don't wanna hear "it's just cause of the color of her hair!" Cause it's not and we all know it's not.
Two, the treatment of fan artists is just gross. Multiple fan artists are getting their art stolen and whitewashed not to mention the harassment they get whenever they don't draw a character exactly the way people want. Guess what, their art isn't for you, and you aren't fucking entitled to it.
And three, I was really hoping that y'all would be more accepting of people who just watch the show. But no, you're calling them idiots and harassing them just for not knowing the biggest fucking plot twist of the first book. (Most of y'all didn't know Luke was the traitor when you first read the books either, so shut the fuck up) I need y'all to get off of your damn high horses, you are not better than them just because you've read the books. Your opinion of the show doesn't fucking matter, let people enjoy it and stop telling them to "just read the books" especially if they've said they don't want too. The show makes the story of Percy Jackson more accessible to more people and your hatred of show watchers are driving people away from the fandom. Most of y'all have forgotten, but the book series is about kids with adhd and dyslexia, two disabilities that make it hard to read through one book let alone an entire book series. Not to mention that books are expensive and not everyone has access to them. If you don't like the show, fine, don't watch it, but leave the people who are the fuck alone.
And four, and this is less about the show and just about shipping in general. But ship discourse is the dumbest shit I have ever seen. People are literally told to go kill themselves because of what they ship. It doesn't matter how gross you think a ship is, they're fictional characters; leave people alone and learn how to use the fucking block button. If you don't like a ship you can make your own damn post and tag it as 'anti*ship*'. do not go onto someone's post about that ship and start hating on what they're talking about, it just makes you an asshole. There are ships I don't like all that much so I've blocked the damn tag, it's so easy. I've even blocked the anti tag for ships I ship because there's no point in reading something hating on something I like. Stop hurting your own feelings by reading shit you know will upset you and leave people the fuck alone. (If you're a roleplay account it still doesn't give you the right to hate on someone's ship, especially on their posts, again leave people alone).
People are leaving the fandom because of y'all's behavior and y'all need to learn some basic human decency and grow the fuck up.
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ditizygirl · 2 months
omg forgive me for using your askbox as a dumping ground for my rant but you're one of very few people with common sense so I'm sending it in anyways feel free to ignore or delete 🫶
as someone who's been in the mogai community for three whole tiresome years and who has also been heavily involved in communities which literally engage in child exploitation (as a victim LOL I gotta clarify 😭😭) there's a lot of overlap even if some people refuse to admit it
like is it emiko rei asano from the real hit show I Dressed Up As A Drop-dead Gorgeous Model for a Day and My Entire Class Fell In Love With Me?!?!'s fault that predators would decide to target them for their typing quirks and the way they present themselves? no, absolutely not, and it never will be. but is it still relatively their responsibility to make sure that what they're doing doesn't genuinely border on ageplay? yeah, I would say so, because if as many of them are involved in sfw age regression as they claim they should know what's commonly in those sfw communities and what's typically only limited to ageplay—yet they don't.
if you dance around in a landmine field, eventually something is going to explode.
a really common tactic used by child predators which I'm gonna like explain super briefly and avoid giving too much info abt is that they expose people to explicit things under the guise of it still being sfw, and gradually move on from there. if you are a predator and you are entering the editblr community all you need to do is scroll through an anime list, pick one, pick some shitty dividers from canva to slap onto a character and add a psd coloring to it. it isn't that difficult to talk in third person ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡, it isn't that difficult for your one and only idol to start dming u abt how cool && awesome ur work is and how they wanna get 2 know u better ^–^ none of this s××t is difficult to replicate xD
and I'm not saying it's their fault if a predator comes up to them. but I am saying that editblr puts a large focus onto fake personas that everyone holds up no matter what, and a lot of them are all-knowing goddesses who are meant to fear nothing—so what happens when you mix that with someone who knows how to use that to their advantage? an explosion.
I'm not gonna sit here and claim that everyone on editblr is pedobaiting or predators because most of them are lonely afabs with no irl friends looking for a safe community they can reside in and be seen as cool. and that's fine. but when you worship a 15 year old and treat their work as if it's the greatest thing to ever touch the tags.. that is going to cause issues. that could potentially cause disorders, or at least traits of disorders which cannot be "fixed" or "cured", for lack of a better word, without a fair bit of therapy.
teenagers are easy to manipulate. lonely teenagers who don't get attention from anyone other than one community are the easiest, because they'll go all the way to get what they want. and when they go too far, get ostracized from the community and end up alone again.. it opens up more opportunities.
I wholeheartedly believe that the emphasis on the personas, the layouts, the typing quirks, the aesthetics and the most important aspect everyone tries to live up to, perfection, will cause the downfall of the community.
I do also think it's funny that everyone is caught up on the dyslexia thing considering half the people in this community are faking disorders and saying slurs they can't reclaim just because nobody will question them for fear of being attacked but uhm that's a different personal topic !! btw for a group all abt acceptance they certainly do hate it when people aren't white or "japanese" (you know fully well why that's in quotes) .. lol .. kinda funny how that works !
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sweetmariihs2 · 9 months
Hey guys! Um.. I'm not frequently on this hashtag and just came here to adress that Melanie Martinez songs make a perfect playlist for Sun and Moon. It's been years since the release of Security Breach and still this day I never found anyone talking about that (believe me, I search everywhere from time to time in years (when my hyperfixation starts again lol)) and I'm starting to believe that if I don't say anything, no one will. So umm yeah I don't want to make a big post I just wanna point it out
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If you're here in Tumblr and you're interacting with fandoms for a really long time you probably heard at least one of her songs before. Basically for those interested she makes songs with childish aesthetics and serious themes. Her most recent album is more fairycore though, but the first ones aren't.
She has an album called Cry Baby (it's about a disturbed childhood), an album called K-12 (it's about school), and an EP called After School (inspired by school themes but more inspired in the artist's life) and they fit Sun and Moon very well
Also I wanted to add that some of her best gems are unreleased, and like, there are some really good stuff that fit Sun and Moon, you just need to search for it
The songs that fit them most are the first ones of the list, the rest is more like,,, they fit them well but not like the first ones ya know what i mean
That's my mini list of recomendations if anyone is interested;
(if you're going to make a playlist for YouTube be careful with the unreleased ones, Melanie tends to delete them from time to time):
Unreleased- Twins (this one sounds like it was made for them. Want me to put all the lyrics here? Okay then.)
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Unreleased- Toy Chest ("clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere" (it's from Barney))
Unreleased- Arts and Crafts (creating the perfect bf on arts and crafts)
Released- Glued (she's sad and talking about how her sadness is glued to her like school glue)
Unreleased- Night Mime (she's sad and silent during the night like a night mime. She's waiting for the sunrise so that she can be happy again)
Released- Tag, You're It (she's being chased by a big bad wolf while making analogy to a tag game. It sounds like a little childhood game but the chaser is very sinister and want to do bad things to her)
Released- Teddy Bear (this one fits the whole franchise. Her "teddy bear" (probably a metaphor for an important person in her life, maybe her boyfriend or best friend) was sweet to her before, now he's trying to kill her. "You were my teddy bear, you were comforting and quiet, how did love become so violent?". This was released in 2015, if you're here in the fnaf fandom for a really long time or in the whole fandom part of the internet by itself you know this one. It brings me a lot of memories. How I miss the 2010's)
Released- Sippy Cup (you can try to hide your problems but they're always there. "Blood still stains if the sheets are washed". Even if you always try to keep the lights on, that animatronic killed kids inside the daycare and it can happen again if the lights go out. Oh-oh :c
Released- Carousel (you proably heard this one before let's be real)
Released- Drama Club (theatre!!! Yay)
Released- Show And Tell (She's tired, as an artist, of always playing a character in front of everyone. It's the ventrilocus noises for me)
Released- The Contortionist (idk it's the vibe)
Unreleased- Schizo ("i don't know who you are 'cause I don't know who i am, how can we learn how to love if you change your mind again? I don't know who to be, who do you want me to be?")
Released- Alphabet Boy (a rude boy is telling her how much smarter he is than her for knowing how to spell and write the ABCs)
Released- Lunchbox Friends (we are best friends forever yipee🫶🫶🤝)
Unreleased- Unhappy meal (inspired by McDonalds. Idk it just makes me think of sun)
Released- Pity Party (it's her birthday party and nobody showed up. Then she tries to play pretend with her toys and teddy bears, but she still know that she's alone and ends up destroying her party and stabbing her toys with knives. She's tired of being alone. :(
Released- Fire Drill (she's in a fire, it's the song that plays after the end of the K-12 album. It sounds like a nursery rhyme. There are children singing with her.)
Released- Dollhouse ("everyone seems to be perfect, please don't let them look through the curtains, DOLLHOUSE, I see things that nobody else sees" (again y'all probably know that one))
Released- Play Date (being romantically used by someone while doing analogies to games and toys)
Small list of songs that deserve to be mentioned but don't make a lot of sense like the last ones, it's just the vibes: The whole After School EP, the whole Cry Baby album, Gingerbread Man, Lost and Found, Patient, Papercuts, ZZZZ
There are also some fan-made type beats, since Melanie's community also sometimes link her to jesters and clowns and also make songs about her already released albums, so like here are some: Class Clown, Naptime, Fire Alarm, Janitor's Closet (I love this one sm!!), Punishment
All of those type beats have their own artists, some of those artists even sell them, so make sure if they are free to use if you want to make a playlist, but I guess it's okay to listen to them for fun since they were posted on youtube
Tell me what you think about those. I love interacting with people who like the same things as me 🫶🫶
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doomednarrative · 6 months
My bestie @catgirladjacent tagged me in a little "20 questions for fic writers" ask game so :3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
12 currently
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
29,178. I mostly write one shots lol
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently I have on my ao3 published fics for FFXIV, Pathologic, Resident Evil, Borderlands and Gotham Rogues. I don't really actively write for any of those except FFXIV and Resident Evil these days however, along with various Kamen Rider shows and some BG3 stuff.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
God this is gonna make me cringe cause it's all older stuff I don't like as much anymore lol except for the RE ones
Help Me, Heal Me - 191 kudos
I Think She Knew Everything You Are - 196 kudos (nice)
He Always Held Him When He Cried - 98 kudos
No Sleep - 93 kudos
You Are Yourself - 77 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
Usually yeah. I rarely get them so it's nice to see when people do actually leave them
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Surprisingly as much as I Love writing angst, none of my published fics actually really end on an angsty note. The closest would have to be "Doing Your Best (And Still Failing)" because it was written about my WoL A'cera after losing his first fight with Zenos during Stormblood, so it's a bunch of his raw emotions from the encounter.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably "Just Exhale", which is my personal take on the end of the MSQ for Endwalker with my WoL Alyx after they land back in the Ragnarok following the encounter with Meteion.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope, never have
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
Only in my rp's with Tibby lol, or Occasionally something that won't ever get published that's just for myself. Usually it's oc/canon stuff that's just self indulgent for the sake of it ~
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
No lol it takes a Lot for me to enjoy crossovers unless it concerns toku stuff since those actually happen in canon
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Hmm sort of? I hash out ideas with friends sometimes but I do all the actual writing for anything I publish myself
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
If we wanna go solely by what I've actually Published? Hades/Hythlodaeus/Azem or Wol, I really like writing my personally FFXIV stuff when I'm in the mood. If we wanna go off of unfinished wips by number tho? Hoffstrahm and Chreon by a fuckin mile, those two fucked my brain up for long spans of time
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
There's a few honestly:
"Kiss me baby with your hapsburg lip," one of my many Hoffstrahm wips in my au verse shared with Tibby about Peter having to sew up Mark's face after the bear trap incident, only in this au it's much more comedy than horror
I have at least 5 different Hellhopper fics in my drafts, I would like to finish ONE of them at least someday
My fuckin multichapter Hotline Miami BikerJacket fic aughhh. I havent given up hope with it for how much of it I actually do have plotted out but god it'd take so long to write
I have a whole little various connected one shot series I was working on as a fix it series to the OOO 10th vcine, would love to finish them but I would have to rewatch OOO to pick the character voice back up for it
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, it's the thing everyone always points out to me that they enjoy in my writing and it's usually always the starting point for my fics
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Prose lol. I struggle so hard sometimes with connecting scenes and describing whats happening when people aren't actively speaking. I've gotten better at it but it took a lot of conscious effort to learn it
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I rarely do it, most things I write are in my native language media already, but whenever I do it I usually just italicize it, write it in English and make mention of the language switch in the paragraph somewhere so the reader knows it's happened
19. First fandom you wrote for?
DRAGON BALL Z BABEYYY I'm not ashamed of that I still love DBZ so much. I was so shameless and wrote my own oc to be Vegeta's cousin in one of my first fics and I had fun doing it. They've long since been deleted, not because I Wanted to do so but for other reasons I don't feel like going into rn.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
"Help Me, Heal Me" by far out of my published ones. It's my most solid out of them and I feel like I really nailed Chris and Leon's dynamic well in it, it's the one I'm most proud of ~
Hrmm let's see, I think I'll tag @silenthillmutual, @lunar-gl1tch, @skajador @adrianicsea and @stickers-on-a-laptop for this one ~
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Crystal Hearts
Previous || Chapter Nineteen || Next
»»————- i love you my flower ————-««
"Yoshhh. Chaos butterfly have his happy end..." Aira stretch his arms as he gotten quite bored watching the scene unfold. The scene where the Mayoi Ayase of this world gladly offering his self to balance the chaos yet instead of disappearing, he become more of the dominant ego of chaos butterfly. The black wings of chaos becoming beautiful purple-blue, holding his own precious in his arms that won't fade away like others.
"Aira, where did you go too? I was going to look for you!" Hiiro quickly notice his arrival on the scene. "Quickly teach us how to preform what core fae says about kiss of life... I wanna fix my brother back to normal after all." Hiiro smile warmly to him.
The mad rabbit sigh as he snap his hand, their surrounding change to of a stage.
"The original canon... We're idols aren't we? We obviously have to sing~" as he said that a mic appear in the rest of Alkaloid.
"Oh? But can singing be the cure..."
"Alkaloid could be the cure or a poison. So sing and become the soldiers who would bring life to the dead plains using the stigma and something... Idk how to explain it, in most ez way. Smh...... Ahm minus your dead world, chaos butterfly Mayoi Ayase..
That plain is destroyed beyond repair..."
Aira start clicking in a screen where it show all the outfit from all multiverse. He check up on others outfit too. He ready the footage for the live since his mc would want to view them once he goes back~ how smart of him!
" What's that??? " Hiiro peak on the screen which made aira press the randomizer.
[ soul Link : Randomizer!! ]
Suddenly the four surrounded with colorful lights.
Hiiro Amagi: Feature card but with bunny and wolf tail. ( Crystal Hearts AU )
Tatsumi Kazehaya: Femstar! Feature outfit but genderbend version. (???? AU )
Mayoi Ayase: Sanrio Collab card ( MDD AU ) Phantom Doll
Aira Shiratori: ... sexy Bad rabbit
"Oh my..." The player looks at the scene surprised.
"..." Aira stared at his new outfit and everyone else new outfit.
"Aira--" (Hiiro)
"No." (Aira)
"I don't even say anything--"(Hiiro)
"Your going to ask why there's that outfit??"(aira)
"...well not really. I was going to ask if we're going to start now or after you get use to your outfit." (Hiiro)
" Oh."(aira)
»»————- i love candies ————-««
"Omae, I wanna introduce you to my friends." Kohaku smiled as he and you enter one of the room of his family estate. "Okii~" you happily nodded.
Inside the room.
"Huh... Till when are we going to stay here again...? Not that I mind being in a new environment." A certain afterlife train conductor ask as he cross his legs on table, getting bored each second he doesn't do anything interesting.
"ahaha. HiMERU also felt the same." The blue heard darling doll chuckle quite fakely as ever as he have to deal with those version of his unit mate. If he don't know about the crossover thing from that stupid dollmaker friend of his younger brother, he would believe his alive dreaming about this kind of settings.
"Ah... I don't understand anything happening here. But haku told me his going to held a Feist if I stay dreaming for couple more days. beside If I stay dreaming, I don't have to deal with seven sins cycle thing. Ahahah." The demon of gluttony mumble with a chuckle, he takes bite of the prepaid barbeque rabbit legs by Oukawa servants. "Haku keep offerings rabbit meat since we got here. I wonder what's up with that..."
"Excuse me..." Kohaku says causing the three to gaze at the door as he slide it open. "I would like to have you all meet my spouse." Smiling as he smiled warmly and gesture at your form who's tagging and clingy on his right arm. "... You guys don't seems to be in the same genre or something..." You can't help but point out sfter looking at them. "But hello!" You wave happily at them.
" Oho? If it isn't that Branco kid!" Rinne Amagi from la Mort AU chuckle as he point at your direction. "Hey shouldn't you be up with that friends and lover boy of yours? I remember last winter cycle. Certain branco called kaname get turn to popsicle because of that jealous reaper..." He don't seems to notice the warning of the Shiina when two people in the room is glaring at him.
"What was that ?" HiMERU cannot believe this shit. He did not just hear, his younger brother from another universe turn to a popsicle because of another version of that reckless And trouble magnet dollmaker!
" Kokoko... Rinne-han. I don't know your blind and deaf. You seems to miss out when I said mc is MY SPOUSE." The Helter spider isn't amuse at all. He stared at the annoying rinne. He wonders if he choice the right au or not.
"Niki-han. You seems to want to say something too. Do you know the mc of your world too?"
"... eh? Why am I being ask too? I don't like the atmosphere here!" the demon quickly shake his head, not wanting to include more fuel to the fire. "Besides mc of this world and my world are clearly different from one another! So don't tag me here too!"
"That's right... You been awfully quite about your world, demon Niki..." Rinne put his hand on top of Niki's head, as he began to look at him, making him even more nervous to say anything.
"Ahhh! Keep distance from me!" Niki shove the personal space intruding rinne away from him but rinne pulled his t-shirt off, revealing angry bite marks that's forming a heart.
"... Which world did you say your from ???" (The rest of crazy:b)
" I don't like answering that type of question that do me more bad than good." Niki quickly fix his outfit. "As I said earlier. Even if we have a [ mc ] in each world. They clearly different from one another! Like that's a fae mc, rinne have branco mc in his own world. HiMERU have someone he hates MC. Mine have multiple version--"
"... What?"
" -- they even talk to one another! The reincarnator one that is paired with mayo, the cry baby one with three-- oh... Ahaha. You guys don't hear anything from me :D" Niki suddenly realize his being stared very intensely by four people.
" You said three... Who is it." HiMERU don't like what this at all. But his very curious about Niki's world.
".... youyourbroandtatsu..." He was being shaken for answer, Niki can't help but blurt out more facts. "Hicccc. I can't breathe!!!" Niki suddenly felt red strings choking him. "It's au like route! Stop ittttttt :((((( I don't control things :(((" his tapping out but the annoyed older Toujou wants to end a certain demon life.
"Ohoho! Do I have a route too?" Rinne is more curious as he too ask questions from the demon.
"The amagis do have route..." Niki nodded.
" " The amagis " ??" Rinne repeated before he raise his fist. " Hold him still doll boy!" He cannot believe this shit. "You don't have to tell HiMERU, Amagi."
While the two beat up Niki (affectionately) kohaku sigh as he look at you in worry as you just heard about the matter of the multiverse again. He does know about the canon lore of crazy b, that's why he wanna introduce at least the other member of crazy b he manage to gather here from other multiverse with the use of dreaming.
Besides having more bees Can defeat a mad rabbit. If the three wake up, they will forget about this world to begin with, so it won't be much of a problem if they are sentient about their world if they are asleep.
"Hanii. You have a nice friends." You chuckle through, you seems to realize what he been doing since the world enter a dormant state. Kohaku can't help but narrowed his eyes wondering why you seems fine with terrible thing he did. He force you to forget about everything. To captive you in an endless dreamscape.
"MC-Han..." He felt guilty for his own action. " I..." Reflecting on his action he wanted to apologize.
"... Knowing too much is a pain. So spending time with you without thinking of the world and the world outside ours is good break after a long time." You smiled without hint of malice.
" MC-Han. Why are you like that? It's free to be angry. To be mad at me. To cry or show emotions other than positive, false or true." He can't help but somehow be mad about this. How could you show facade or still act such way??
"Do you regret it?" You suddenly ask him.
" What? Are you trying to change the topic?" He cross his arms, the surrounding start to shake from frustration he felt but he quickly try to stay calm and maintaining the dreamscape. "MC-Han. I'm honestly worried about you. Pls don't change the topic."
The other three seems to notice something is up with those two and stared while Niki is tapping out from Rinne's choke hold.
" Pwehh... Those two sure having a quarrels." Rinne chuckle whistling how heated the atmosphere right now.
"Shut it Amagi. Their business is none of ours." HiMERU refuse to intangle with business of another version of the dollmaker.
"Agh... Can you pls. Let me goooooo..." Niki pleaded.
" Hell no | HiMERU refuse." The two said in unison. " You still need to say more about your world of yours. Like that dumb version of me having to deal with the likes of Tatsumi Kazehaya...." " That's right. What's this about Amagi, huh? I don't like this at all. Niki..."
Kohaku look at the three before he pulled you out of the room, locking the door behind him as you and him find a private place to talk more about the topic.
"I'm a cruel person... " You mumble as you look daze for a moment. "Cruel? Is this about making tools of everyone? To achieve your goal? " He rolled his eyes at your words.
" The only thing your cruel to is yourself. " He pointed out. " You take responsibility of something stupid. Over and over again. You try to achieve something. When you can just let it happened. One day. The world will come to an end. No one can stop that. Yet you refuse it and suffer the consequences."thinking about the problem of the so called multiverse and worlds falling to chaos. It made his headache. It's so complicated. "It shouldn't be your responsibility. No one force you to fix the mess that meant to happened."
"..." You look away. Refusing to meet his gaze.
" MC-Han." He seems to notice your odd silence.
"It is my responsibility, kohaku." You finally says. "My responsibility of being born... I will give my life for..."
" No. It's not! Bullshit from hundred or thousand of years ago. Do you really believe in those. Don't you hate the rules as well? The so called traditions..." He remembers the chat you two always have in the first meeting. "Are you a hypocrite? You hated the rules yet you follow them." He clicked his tongue and scoffing at your attitude.
"probably." You says not even a bit mad about his action. You start laughing at a thought. "Could it be your mad? Do you hate me now~? The idealogy of your human side doesn't apply to me. I'm a fae as well a core fae, destine to die for the sake of others." Putting your hand over your chest. You give a solemn smile. " I have no heart... I give it to Aira because it will help him for the task as well the fact by having no heart, I will not fall to depression, to succumb to the emotions that will hinder my goal." You can't help but laugh like a deranged person.
"I took aira heart so he won't fall into self destruction because it will ruined my plan but if the goal achieve. I will give it back." You turn your back on him, holding you hand open, a beautiful red passionate heart of a light fae appear on it. "if he crush my own heart from hate. For my own selfishness. I will gladly accept it." Hidding the crystal heart back. You turn to look at kohaku who's giving you a look that you could only define as hate, disgust or whatnot.
"I... Would like to see the day everyone able to live till they die in natural causes. To see them not parish in such horrible way, over and over again..." You remember your cousin, that hateful emperor who tried to help at some point but cannot escape the chaos. You don't want to reset the world over and over again, it's tormenting to see everything fails out of the plan over and over again, you witness the death and the end.
Even aira went mad from the hundred tries. The balance inside of him become uneven as seed grows to a new sprouts of chaos, called the mad ( unlucky ) rabbit. You just put a spell to lock it away for the new turn. After all, you already problem the chaos butterfly chaotic nature, seeing the mad rabbit going crazy and going in a killing spree isn't something you want to add in your plate.
""See " ?" Kohaku takes a deep breath to compose himself. If he don't act in rational mind, the world of dream would be destroyed. "MC-Han. You just said if aira wish, you'll happily die for such "cruelty" you made "him" "suffer" through. I don't see the part that wish your alive in such ending." He give you a sweet smile lace with malice.
" Kokoko... Your indeed cruel." He sarcastically laugh. "If you want to throw your life away. Then give it to me or Aira. Or both of us. Since this story, were your partners." He taps his right foot in the floor, creating unsteady rhyme. " Once you achieve your goal. You have nothing to wish for... Nor will to live don't you?"
Sometimes I hated how he knows me too much...
"Kohaku sometimes I don't know what to say, when your acting like a tapeworm in my stomach. You know me too well." Especially when he remembers everything from different turns. He even understand your voiceless words. What a cheat.' you thought which made him chuckle as if he knows what comes in your mind.
*Are they kissing yet?" (Rinne)
" Don't move around, HiMERU cannot see those two." (HiMERU)
" You guys are nosy people..."(Niki)
" Oho. Shut up Niki, your also spying on those two."(rinne)
" I was going to ask haku about food. Unlike you two-- ackkk.... H-helpppppp!!" (Niki)
You both look at the sliding door and saw those three spying on you two.
" I dunno. Hanii probably hate me now and wanna file divorce ...so no kissy scene I guess." You said with a haft joking tone as you dramatically tear up.
"H-hey! I don't say that!" Kohaku quickly says before others could believe your words. "it's just normal quarrels of couples. "
"Ehh. But your throwing a childish tantrum cause your consort won't cry into your arms about their trouble~ gyahaha~" rinne point out, they all been listening since point 0.
"S-shut up...!" The youngest bee glare at the train conductor, for being right.
"HiMERU cannot believe this... Even the dollmaker would talk about their problem with the phantom or kaname." HiMERU look at the two of you. It seems you two really need to chat more to have better relationship.
"I won't compare different version of mc. They all different in their own way." Niki wanted to say but everyone ignore him.
"Gyahaha why don't I be the witness for your divorce~?" Rinne chuckle.
"What if I made everyone witness your death, rinne-han?" ( ╹▽╹ ) (kohaku)
" What a cute threat from a tiny man." Rinne put his right hand to rest on top of Kohaku head which made the young Oukawa to frown and kick his leg. " Oof... So much for a dream... Pain still felt real... Gyahaha...." Rinne hold his harm leg, not a bit angry about the kick.
"Go die." Kohaku glare at him.
"How cruel!" Rinne faked a cry as he put his arms around you and kohaku.
"Rinne-han..." Kohaku frown. His purple eyes zooming in to Rinne's left hand around your shoulder blade. "Do you want to have a dislocated arms ?" (◍•ᴗ•◍)
"Don't touch me pls. Or else you'll be stumped by a mad rabbit."
" You two are such a cute and adorable cruel couple. You two are really meant to be!" He chuckle as he let go of the two of you.
As he did that, a screen appear showing a concert hall.
[ You better not touch my flower, rinne Amagi! ] Angry face of Aira appear in the screen.
"ai~ hello~" you happily wave at him. "Why are you zoom in???" You ask.
[ "Rinne??? Aira did you say rinne??? NIISAN!!!???"] aira face quickly pulled away but that moment your eyes zoom in at his outfit before hiiro appear and waving at Rinne.
The younger Amagi beam at the sight of his older brother.
"... Bunny ears.... H-hiiro... C-cute..." Rinne turn around as he just saw how adorable his brother is.
"Fine... Hmmp." Rinne cover his face as he nodded.
"Ok! Aira, tatsu-senpai, and Mayo-senpai shall we began?" Hiiro back away and everyone saw the alkaloid outfit.
"... Pff--" HiMERU turn around as he chuckle and embarrassed for the priest current self. "How disgraceful..." He mockingly says.
"Woah... Another mc beside mayoi. There's sure bunch of mc." Niki commented as he rub his hungry stomach. You look at him before you point at his direction. Magi candy appear on his hand.
"Woah... Thanks!" He happily nom it. "Still wonder what type of genre this world is... Like I thought its only magic and stuff... Why is there sci-fi one..." He mumble to himself.
"turn off your rational mind. Just enjoy the ride. Lmao." You look back to the screen as the live began.
»»————- Note ————-««
(1) demon Niki Shiina from Soul mate Au with a twist from my side acc. Nun Tatsumi is also from the same acc. Ywy @iamgrape sorry I'm using aus I made lmao.
(2) kohaku just want you to cling on to him and say your problem ywy. Cant he spoil his spouse????
(if want to be tagged pls comment or Send mail) Tag List : @yinenovica @valeriele3
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light-lanterne · 1 year
(to clarify: I am not that previous anon) The cannibal!will fandom is a really interesting phenomenon to me since it's being introduced to a fandom that's so very against anything 'out there' or 'nsfw' in any capacity, and since it's something that a lot of people are uncomfortable with (but I also see a lot of defense for it) it's getting a lot of push back. Stranger things is relatively gory and is still technically a horror/thriller (even if it's real silly sometimes) so to me it makes sense to lean into that as a fandom, but they also definitely have sexually charged scenes/hints of sex without making it too explicate for their audience and it's just like, basic, expected, normal sexually active human stuffs. Nothing crazy, nothing kinky. Just. Sex basically (pretty common in these types of shows esp teen thrillers, and even though it's there I appreciate they don't go overboard the way a lot of teen dramas try to play it up and that's always been weird to me, I digress) but even though it's there (just like the horror/gore/thriller aspect is canon and very real themes in the show) for some reason nsfw is still very frowned upon (I'm specifically talking about consensual relationships/aged up characters/adults content here that's still getting a ton of hate) to the point nsfw artists/writers are pushed out of the fandom as a whole, and it kinda feels like people are trying to do that in the instance of cannibal/will as well. It's really disheartening and I guess I'm a little jealous of the nice little pocket of 'freaks' /pos you've helped curate. Purity culture has destroyed curiosity and experimenting in a safe space such as fandom and it's weird af. Fandoms have been pivotal to a lot of people finding themselves and trying new things in safe spaces and I just don't understand how the Stranger Things community is this really weird staunchly anti-sex community, esp when the show itself is just. Not that? Never has been that? ISN'T that. (which I guess with how people be out here viewing Mike the way they do, what can I expect) This isn't a 'kids show' and I GET that there's a lot of kids in the fandom (but it's also definitely not just kids pushing people out of the fandom) but there's no age limit to this show and there are tons of people in different age brackets consuming this show and it's just weird how violently against curating your own content and consuming what YOU want to consume is so frowned upon. Sort of like... Just cause I'm in the Stranger Things fandom doesn't mean I want to see all the ships so I can just. Block them! People tag for a reason. There's no reason people should be dictating what can and can't be put on someone else's blogs, and people are so rude, and make uncalled for comments as if they have any right to tell you how to participate in fandom how YOU want to on YOUR OWN BLOG. It drives me crazy. This fandom is so very uppity and act like if you don't like exactly what they do then you're wrong and should feel bad and aren't allowed to be a part of the fandom at all, and I'm just tired of it. Sorry for the long rant. This isn't like... sorry if this comes off wrong. I'm not trying to attack you at all lmao I know how you feel about nsfw so sorry to come to you about it. It's just you always are so respectful and understanding that it's like, not your thing! And that it's ok to not want to view certain things! And I appreciate that a lot. Everyone is in their right to not want to consume certain content and that's totally understandable (esp when it doesn't line up with your personal beliefs or sexuality or anything like that) but you're not out here going to peoples blogs calling people shitty things for enjoying their fandom the way they want to. If people would just... Live and let live, it'd only be for the better. Probably best not to respond to this since I don't wanna start shit on your blog. I just. Wanted to rant but also say good on you for being you and keep doing it. Fuck everybody else. Fandoms are here to be creative/have fun and it's ok to share morally ambiguous content!
hi anon ! i don't have much to say about anything you said since, as an aroace guy, sexual content is something i never quite interact with. even some making out in fanfics can make me all squirmy and uncomfy ! :S
just know that i'm glad you felt comfortable enough to share your frustrations with me, and please be assured that i'll never harass or attack anyone who produces / enjoys that type of fanworks !!
it is,,, a very nuanced topic. and while i do understand why there's a lot of debate surrounding the topic and i do respect a lot of the arguments for and against the concept, i think the main takeaway from all you said —from all the conversations i've ever seen about it— is that newer fandom members need to learn to curate their online experience.
the tools are there. they're not that hard to use. if seeing something sexual is upsetting to someone, it is relatively easy to avoid it both in ao3 and in here. if someone wishes such content didn't exist, it is quite easy to mute some words and blogs and voilà, it's like it actually doesn't exist !! there's no need to make big posts condemning the morality of content tropes one doesn't enjoy in fandom spaces, and there is absolutely no reason to go attack people who do engage with such content and are just doing their thing (which is a thousand percent worse than anyone creating anything "weird" >:\ ).
live and let live, as you said anon.
and the same goes for the dark stuff i enjoy (like cannibalism and all that). if someone doesn't like it they're free to block me,,, or if they don't want to do that but still don't want to see it, they can just block out certain words or my handy "dark byler agenda" tag. it's easy, it's there, and people need to remember to utilise such tools to cater the stuff they see to their taste ~
(and if they really wish it didn't exist, they could also drown it out by supporting stuff that doesn't have such tropes via reblogging and actually engaging with things, which the fandom as a whole often forgets to do -_- )
anyway, i better cut myself off here before this gets too long x.x once again, thank you for considering me safe to open up about this !! hope you have a great day / night anon, and that this fandom treats you kindly as you enjoy it the way you've chosen to :]
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simpalert · 2 years
this is a request from @silver-fire-wolf-pokemon-lover ---------------------------------------------------fic name:snowy day love
Tumblr media
it twas a frosty afternoon on Christmas eve, and shadow, sonic, and silver are resting by the fire while they wait for guests to arrive. they have been prepping all morning for a Christmas party and now they finally get to relax. "wow, I keep forgetting holidays can get hectic" sonic said with a chuckle, "well that's how it can get sometimes, people can get wild during the holidays and I've never known why" shadow replied. "well maybe its cause people just want things to be perfect for the people that they care about" replied silver "they just want everyone to be happy". "understandable I can see where your coming from silv" said sonic "now what if we gave each other one of our gifts, ya know for funsies" sonic smiled a wide smile waiting for the other's response.
"you always try to do this sonic, we aren't doing that" replied shadow, "ugh c'mon it'd be fun" sonic said with a huff." no we aren't opening gifts early" replied shadow firmly. "I mean it's one gift shadow I'm sure it's fine" informed silver, shadow looked at silver and then looked at sonic then sighed "fine we can open one gift early, just one". "YAY thanks shads" exclaimed sonic he gave shadow and silver a peck on the cheek and dashed to the tree. he came back with three gifts each with their respective colors as the bow, "alright" he said as he handed silver and shadow their gifts "whose going first?". "well I think you should go first sonic" silver suggested, "I mean you're the one who came up with the idea". "you're so right silv" sonic said with excitement, he picks up his present and then reads the tag "it says to sonic from shads". he kicks his legs with excitement "ooh I can't wait to open it" he exclaims. "well what on Mobius are you waiting for, open it" replied shadow, "I'm getting to it hold your horse's buttface" replied sonic with a huff. silver giggles at the comment sonic made and shadow just rolls his eyes.
sonic opens the gift and inside is a blanket that looks like a galaxy "oooh this looks so cool and it feels so soft" he raps himself in the blanket "thanks shads", "no problem" replied shadow he then turns to silver and asks"do you wanna go next?". silver jumps a little but then says "oh sure I'd love to, now whose it from?". "OH OH, that's from me" excitedly exclaims sonic, "I was gonna read the tag but I guess I already know" replies silver sarcastically. "sorry got excited" sonic said slightly hiding in his new blanket. "it's alright sonic, I get your thing is going fast" silver joked which made sonic and shadow chuckle. silver opens his gift and it's a squishmallow bunny with a felt bow hot glued on to look like a bow tie. "aww it's so cute" silver said, he hugs the squishmallow and then says "thanks a lot sonic". "heh no prob silv" shyly replied sonic, "OH hey shadow it's your turn" sonic the says with excitement.
shadow picks up his gift and reads the tag "to shadow from silver, well let's see what's inside" as he's opening it silver says "I know it sounds dumb but I didn't really know what to get you at first but then I remembered you once wished some old pictures of you and maria were less blurry and uhh in color" he continues to say "so I got it done I hope you like em". shadow stays silent for a small moment while holding the now clear and in-color picture. "shads you ok?" asked sonic, then silver stutters "d-do you not like them i-i'm sorry if you don't i-". "I love them" shadow finally says "r-really," silver asks. "yes of course I love them" shadow pauses "thanks so much silver". silver sighs with relief, then sonic says "BRING IT IN YOU TWO".
he wraps both boys in a hug, "I love you guys" sonic said. "I love you both too" replied silver. shadow sighs and then says "I love you both too". they all then snuggle together on the couch as they wait for their friends to show up for the party.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this request was from @silver-fire-wolf-pokemon-lover
this was honestly so fun to write and so calming too. I hope you like how it turned out.
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kob131 · 2 years
I no longer forgive Type-Moon on Tumblr
You wanna talk shit about me, I will respond. Regardless of being blocked or not.
A character being more than initial appearances and having more to them than just being an asshole is not “bad writing.” Merlin *is* a sleazy douchebag that people barely tolerate, but he also has a heart underneath it all. That’s called showing and not just telling.
Except that no one ever acknowledges that heart, instead they just treat him as a dick. They keep showing one thing but say another, that's my fucking problem here.
But here’s the thing: The fact that Merlin feels guilty about his past actions does not automatically make him a good person, and so by extension Proto Merlin not showing guilt does not make her a bad person. They are both trickster type characters who cannot always be trusted, who’ve both caused their share of good and bad in Camelot and both are handling it differently. But a lot of fans seemed to jump to conclusions that because Protolin isn’t secretly stricken with Catholic Guilt she must be “evil,” which I think is pretty unfair.
But it...kind of does. It shows that he understands that what he did was bad and even the OP admits that his motivation for being trapped in Avalon is in part because he's punishing himself for interferring in Arturia's life. And even then, considering that the World literally could not afford any other outcome besides the one Merlin helped cause- I actually have to question if it was even amoral in the first place.
And while this would normally lead me to say Proto Merlin is the one who is badly written- She's actually the one where people's treatment of her makes the most sense. She's actually the nominal hero that the writing keeps trying to say Merlin is. So...The original kind of has to be badly written. As paradoxical as it sounds.
I admit though that I don’t know a lot about Protolin and haven’t read Fragments, so I’m trying my best to hold off judgement. I don’t expect or want her to be an exact clone of Merlin, because that would be kind of boring and superfluous. FGO kind of dropped the ball on her by making her a Pretender and then not giving a good reason beyond “Oh she’s pretending to be Merlin’s sister!” but they do set up hints that there’s more to it than that. Hopefully we’ll get to see more of her there.
And yet you're about to do said judgements in the tags. So much for that eh?
At no point did I say that I wanted her to be a copy of mainline Merlin. If anything, it would make more sense to infer that I would want the original to be more like Proto. That's stupid but it at least follows some kind of logic from what I said.
#merlin: *is given more characterization than just being a shady asshole everyone hates*#kob: this is bad writing!#''i like mainline merlin'' you sure don't sound likeit
Really? What part of what I said indicates this? In fact, the point of my reblog is that Merlin DOESN'T have that characterization of being a shady asshole despite the writing repeatedly claiming that it does. That Merlin's negative qualities are either so downplayed they barely exist or that they straight up aren't shown. He's not a shady asshole- he's just a goofball. No matter how much the writing tries to scream that at me.
But that's probably too many words for you so let me simplify it in a way I know you understand-
Just because Merlin is likeable doesn't make him well written.
Just because Proto Merlin is unlikeable doesn't make her badly written.
Not like my opinion on a character in FGO has changed *cough* Morgan *cough*.
P.S. And-...
...Oh. It's you.
Hi Celtic, still salty that I called out your bullshit eh?
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the-genesis-caveat · 2 years
Thanks for all the asks!! :D
Now it's my turn. Rant to me about your OCs. Do you have any favorites? Gimme some background info. I wanna know all the things. And definitely don't be afraid to make your answer post as ridiculously long as mine was lol
Ok so. Slight story context cause all my ocs end up in the same world one way or another. There is a place called Creaturae, a nexus of all worlds known as the End of all Stories. Every story ever conceived of ends up here when it's finished (or abandoned). That usually means locations, magic systems, artifacts, etc, but every so often people will show up as well. Creaturae also has Rifts that connect it to whatever other worlds are closest at any given time (this changes according to my whims).
The tag '#creaturae' has a shitton of content under it about the world and a fair number of the main characters but I'll run through some of them here for ya!
A few of my ocs were born in Creaturae, a few came from other worlds appearing there after their stories ended or they died, and some have unclear origins. Everyone listed here is an oc altho due to the nature of Creaturae the story I'm actually writing down atm is basically a somewhere else tma fanfic.
The main pov characters are known as the castle crew and live at the Castle, a hub for the universe spanning organization TAHVA who are tasked with Creaturae's protection.
Rev is a dragonling, a species that falls under the half dragon umbrella and evolved from interbreeding of many species such as dragonborns and actual half-dragons that ended up on Creaturae. They are the head of TAHVA and are skilled at almost every learnable magic that exists (which is a lot). They're also responsible for forming the main planet which is also called Creaturae.
Iden has been a friend of Rev's since they were children. He started out as an avian (humanoid with bird wings) but interaction with deep Creaturae magic and the creation power he gained from a magic pencil (its. A long story) resulting in a passive shapeshifting. He now has features of many animals including the legs of a goat, feline esqe ears and tail, and tusks like a boar's.
Jay is what's referred to as a ghost- that is, she appeared on Creaturae after dying as the end of her story. She's from a story I'm cowriting called the Coalition Files that exists in a multiverse called Deviantverse. Deviants are similar to mutants in superhero media, born with superpowers as part of their DNA. She has the wings of a great horned owl as well as ear feathers and hollow bones, but her main power is ice manipulation. Since her many adventures on Creaturae she's also become a death-god (complicated but I've explained them somewhere before).
Adrian and Lucien are Jay's husbands who also come from the same story. They're less important to Creaturae's story which is good for them because it means they mostly get to chill in New Coma City, the city that resides on the same island as the Castle.
Mixtape started out as a self insert, like a few other of my ocs, but like them has since gained a backstory tied to their world. They lose their memory to a wizard's curse and now live at the Castle. They started out looking human but now have a monkey tail and a few other animalistic features.
Synth is Mixtape's bodyguard, whose origins are as wacky as they are complicated. His appearance is that of a monkie demon and he was created from deep Creaturae magic.
McKenzie is a half enderman and a good friend of Mixtape. They travel the world collecting stories and ensuring that no story that ends up in Creaturae is ever forgotten. They're not the only story collector, but there aren't many, despite the importance of their job.
Rupee is... Complicated. His physical body was created for him by Iden and resembles an avian with a felines legs, tail, and ears. His... Species you could say... Don't have physical bodies of their own. They exist by possessing the ones who summoned them. They are called different things in different translations of the ancient texts that speak of them: red kings, blood kings, sometimes blood gods. They're an interdimensional species, and between summonings exist in a limbo like state between worlds. Rupee doesn't remember much from before Iden summoned him.
Verne is one of the few on Creaturae who looks fully human. He's an oc from a Scythe trilogy fanfic I abandoned, and as his story never really existed he arrived on Creaturae with few memories of his life before. He's driven by the desire to be important and remembered, and that drive got him jumping up the ranks in TAHVA until he became Rev's personal assistant after less than a year working at the Castle.
This isn't all of the castle crew and there's a loooot of Creaturae lore I didn't even touch in this post, but a lot of the intro stuff are things I've talked about on here before! If you have any specific questions I'd love to answer them, and if you're curious about the world and characters in general feel free to check out the #creaturae tag on my blog!!
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derangedfujoshi · 16 days
For the ask game i'd honestly say all of them because i am curious but that's too much so.... 5 of them to your liking, for genshin impact! (o ) w (o )
You said it would've been too much but I'm nothing if a YAPPER and a little HATER! So here we GO! (The girlies aren't gonna like this one so I'm not tagging it lmao)
❤: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
Oh god, like, half of them? I could go with Aether and how ppl decided he was "the dumb labrador" sibling of the two, or with the uwufication of Scaramouche, or how they turned Ei into a fucking idiot. Honestly wherever you turn there's mischaracterization, but personally I hate the uwufication of Scara the most annoying because it completely erases all of his character and growth, all of his nuances and it's the bane of my existence, ESPECIALLY the "mommy issues" part I hate it I hate it I hate it he calls her ""mother"" ONCE and it was as in "creator" HE DOES NOT THINK OF HER AS HIS MOTHER, SHE NEVER THOUGHT OF HIM AS A SON HE WAS A DEFECTIVE PROTOTYPE DIE DIE DIE DIE
So anyway I hate all Genshin mischaracterization the same amount!
🧡: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
I don't go there (the fandom) so idk and I'm cool with that
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
WAY too many but the top two are Ei/Miko and Alhaitham/Kaveh. First one I just see them as very good friends, friendship exists and if we really want to be nitpicky Yae was closer to Makoto than Ei when she was alive sooo... My heavy dislike is a good 60% fandom-born tho, their shippers were simply VILE on twt, calling everyone who didn't like the ship "lesbophobes" even lesbians (me) so like, yeah no.
As for the second one I just ✨detest✨ the constantly bickering dynamic, it downright triggers me due to my ✨past toxic relationship✨ so I tend to avoid them in general. In this case I also find them... Like bland ass chicken, there's literally nothing going on there and if ANYTHING all the iterations I've seen have Kaveh as the butt of the joke. Bro don't even get me STARTED on how Kaveh got stripped of his entire personality to be "Alhaitham's hysterical wife", did you know that if you go into the Kaveh tag on Tumblr you'll mostly find ship posts? I have the tag blocked and the few times I tried to look up fanarts of Kaveh I had to scroll SO long in between posts. It's like he can't even fucking exist outside that goddamn ship and it PISSED ME OFF! Not to mention I heavily dislike the Genshin fandom tendencies to insta ship the New Mation Assigned Tall Male Models together as soon as they get leaked. Don't get me started on that or the enforced gender roles on this ship. Let's move on. Other popular ships I don't like are: Zhongli/Tartaglia (I was lied by the fandom, they barely interacted yall on some delulu shit), Cyno/Tighnari (yawing, also laughing at the antis shipping them that got uno reversed with the We Are Like Brothers), Chongyun/Xingqiu (boooooriiiing), Kazuha/Scaramouche (get out.).
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
I don't wanna rant, I really don't uughh so I'll try to sum it up. Scara doesn't have mummy issues, he wasn't even "alive" when she was working on him, yes he got tricked by Dottore but ultimately the choice of joining the Fatui was his "cause they look fun lolz", he showed NO OUNCE of regret for all the war crimes and yes he is soft to kids and critters and old folks and he is trying to not be evil but he is NOT lawful good nor will he ever be, he's chaotic neutral on a good day and on a Fatui killing spree on a bad one Genshin fandom learn about fully rounded characters challenge failed spectacularly.
💙: Which character is not as hot as everyone else seems to think?
Tartaglia. He's... He's not, he's Just A Dude like literally just an average bishie ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
💜: Which character is way hotter than everyone else seems to think?
Honestly in this fandom everyone gets lusted over so honestly idk mmhh.... Maybe the monsters? Like there's nearly not enough porn of the monsters besides Hilichurls whichare great, mind you, but there's SO much more out there like CMON!
🤍: Which character is not as morally bad as everyone else seems to think?
🖤: Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think?
The Archons. Just the Archons. Definitely Zhongli, Venti and Ei. They're deities, of course they have blood on their hands, we KNOW they do.
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
That it's actually good; that its gacha system is the fairest of all; that they didn't HAVE to gift us anything because you simply need to play the goddamn game to be able to get shit; that meta is the devil whispering to you and sucking up all the fun and whimsy out of your gaming experience because it's making you turn a game with no in-built competitiveness into a fucking competitive game AND that if you hate it so much you should just drop it and go play something else OH wait, you won't because there is no other free to play game on the same level as Genshin and deep down you know it, you know it's at the same level of a TripleA game WITHOUT having to fork our 100 bucks and you're prissy about it.
💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
Despite my personal preferences I do firmly believe that all Genshin characters have merit and deserve to stay in the game it would be Childe of course axe the redheaded twink JUST KIDDING! It would be funny tho to watch his diehard fans combust like, remember when it was rumoured he was gonna DIE in Fontaine?? Shit was mad funny to watch as a non Tarta stan, but also I have some great friends who love him and I wouldn't do that to them so yeah, he can stay.... For now👀
💕: What is an unpopular ship that you like?
I firstly read this as "popular" and gushed over Itto/Gorou but let's SCRATCH that let me TELL YOU ABOUT EI/SARA! *grabs you by the shoulders* The little tengu almost dying and being saved by her Archon? The UNDYING DEVOTION?? THE BLIND TRUST?? THE SERVITUDE??? THE FANGIRLING????? THE SHOGUN AND HER GENERAL THEY MAKE ME GO FERAAAAAAL THEY DON'T DESERVE TO BE SO UNPOPULAR GGRRRRRRRR
📖: If you had to remove one book from the series, which would you choose?
There's no book in Genshin and I wouldn't remove a single quest byeeee
🏳️‍🌈: Which character who is commonly headcanoned as queer doesn't seem queer to you?
I don't really know? Like, I personally have a bone to pick every time a femboy gets hc as transmasc because my god it rubs my own gender identity the wrong way but I overall act upon the "don't like don't read" so I just move on with my life, yall can do whatever hOWEVER if I can be nitpicky for a second here... Scaramouche can't be trans in the canon of the game. Yae tells us that he was built by Ei as a prototype for her Shogun doll so people took that and ran saying "oh well Ei is a woman so she must have made her dolls as hwr image" WRONG they were just dolls and he was an early stage too, he so wasn't given any gendered detail so NO he doesn't have boobs or a fucking vagina ha had NOTHING down there he was a fucking MANNEQUIN! Can his story be read as trans allegory, especially given the whole dying and beinf reborn and given a new name? Yes absolutely but is he, in canon, ftm? NO! Do whatever in your AUs but man it irks me when people just blindly disrespect canon, especially such a cool one like UGH
💀: If you had to choose one major character to die, who would you choose?
Shit I forgot about this one EDIT uuhh hopefully no one honestly 😭
Ask me an unpopular opinion
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sn0tcl0wn · 2 years
on one hand take all my rants with a grain of salt because i'm only partially serious in my delivery but i very much do hold those opinions. specifically the ones about social media and this tumblr vs everyone else bullshit i keep seeing. you are not immune to algorithms, but many of you clearly are incapable of using them and it shows. this is the future now, we have to learn how to use these tools if we want to have positive experiences using sites and apps that primarily utilize them. either get over it and learn or get over it and stop bitching about that when the real issues aren't even the algorithms themselves. that is a neutral force and this fear of curated content is so paranoid. like the only times i see shit i dont wanna see on tiktok or youtube is if i go looking for shit i wouldn't usually have looked up or hit tags on out of curiosity and it was quickly remedied after a week of doing my normal thing and simply hitting the "i dont want to see this" button. it works on reddit too.
the only site i've really had the bad experiences y'all talk about regarding other apps is tumblr. like, for example, whenever someone i follow starts posting stuff i don't like meaning i can't even say "don't show me that", i have to manually put tags into the blocklist or straight up unfollow people i like because i cant just hit a button that makes it so i never have to see that shit again. like it even goes as far as to ask what you didn't like so to further help your algorithm. tumblr just shows you shit and makes users do everything themselves making the UI pretty shitty if you asked me.
i love tumblr and im not leaving, but i will complain and refuse to act like it's somehow better or even a good site. y'all are just mad because you don't wanna learn how to use another app like you had to learn tumblr and you expect everything to be handed to you with minimal effort. you go on and on about how algorithms just give you content but you don't actually learn to work with it to get what you want. then you complain. because you don't know how to use the app. and that's fine. but it's still annoying as fuck when i read your posts and know for a fact your bad experience was your own fault for not learning how to use the damn app properly while simultaneously shitting on them for not knowing how to have a fulfilling experience on tumblr.
(also we totally have fascists, pervs, and all the same kinda scum you find on the other sites too, so it isn't even like we're "safer". so don't even talk to me about safety issues. tumblr is a hotbed for predators and fash recruiters. we are not immune and, in many ways, we're ultimately the fucking cause of this shit.)
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visceraah · 4 years
The sound of music
(aka i’m so sorry for naming it after a musical it has nothing to do with dkjsdjksdjk names are hard)
My gift for @anianthe for @sanderssidesgiftxchange
Rating- Teen cause i’m incapable of not writing wayyy more swears then are necessary-
WC- 2947
Ship- Just Virgil interacting w the other sides,, feel free to interpret romantically if you want!
Warnings- not really any! Remus shows up briefly so.. beware of that. and ig Virgil is also kinda mean bUT he does it affectionately.
“We’re having a movie night!”
Virgil blinked. Took off his his headphones which, unfortunately, hadn’t been playing anything- he wore them out of habit, sometimes- meaning he heard everything his stupid best friend just said.
“No, we aren’t.”
Roman flopped down on his bed without waiting for any indication it was okay, something Virgil was all too used to. “We are now.”
Virgil sighed heavily and pushed Roman with his foot, trying to roll him off the bed. He didn’t budge. “And if I don’t want to?”
“Pleaseeee?” Roman employed the puppy dog eyes and Virgil knew already this was a losing battle. Ugh.
“I get to pick the movie.”
Roman perked up immediately, coming to sit next to him. “Yes! Okay! Just- Disney?”
Virgil rolled his eyes, wondering if Roman was capable of consuming content made by anyone else. He was beginning to doubt it. “Nightmare Before Christmas, then.”
“Predictable.” Roman murmured smugly, and he elbowed him.
“You want this movie night or not?”
“Okay, okay! I yield!” Roman cried, clutching his ribs. Virgil was pretty sure he was more upset at the prospect of a cancelled movie night then the ‘pain’ he was overplaying right now.
“Okay.” Virgil agreed, smugly, and set the movie on.
He’d seen it a million times already, which for most people would only make it boring by now- but Virgil found comfort in familiar things. Plus, that animation! He could happily watch it a million more times- and, honestly, probably would.
That meant he had it memorised, though, and soon enough he was singing along to the introduction under his breath. He listened along contently, until an unfamiliar third voice joined the chorus, and he startled, looking to the side. “Roman?”
Roman stared back, raising an eyebrow at him. “... Hi.”
“Were you singing along?”
Romans eyes flicked between Virgil and the screen, where the movie was still playing, in confusion. “Yes, Dr Gloom? Look, I know what a downer you love to be, but these pipes can’t stay closed all the time! They need exercise- and, the world deserves- neigh, needs to hear them!”
Virgil huffed at the dramatics, although it was fond. “I never said it was a problem, Sir Sing-a-lot, I’m just surprised.”
“One, that’s not an insult and I’m absolutely using that,” Roman retorted, “And two… It’s Disney! One of their best! Do you really expect me to not know the words?”
Virgil snorted, but he had to admit, he couldn’t disagree with that. “Whatever, nerd.”
Roman gasped, somehow seeming more upset than when Virgil had elbowed him. Of course that’d be what got to him. “I am not! I’m a prince- a very princely prince! Not-”
“Whatever you say, prince of the nerds.” Virgil hummed out, smirking to himself. Maybe Roman bursting in out of nowhere wasn’t so bad… This time. He still hated surprises and would not be convinced to do this again. He said that every time
Being Romans best friend, unfortunately, had its side effects. One was unplanned, unannounced Disney marathons he had no choice but to roll with. Another was actually listening to his musicals so often he learned to like them, too.
For all he said about Hamilton being overrated (and Romans reaction was priceless every time), he had to admit it was good. A little fast for him to keep with, but he rarely sang along to his songs anyway, preferring to hum quietly unless he was really in the mood.
He liked keeping his music to himself, too- he didn’t want to annoy anyone, so he always wore headphones- but sometimes he just wanted to drown the world out, and they went to full volume. Worked a treat to drown everyone out, but plenty audible to everyone else in the room. Sometimes, though, they’d just have to live with it.
Today was one of those days, where Virgil didn’t want to speak to anybody and had the volume to show it. He was playing one of Princeys musicals, too, humming along to ‘my shot’ no matter how different it was to his normal taste. He nodded in acknowledgement as he passed Logan on his beeline for the fridge, planning on grabbing the easiest and least healthy snack possible.
Retreating with his bag of marshmallows in hand- he was pretty sure they weren’t meant to be in the fridge, but they were imaginary, so maybe nothing needed to go in the fridge. Holy shit.
He pulled the headphones back, opening his mouth to ask Logan's opinion, when he heard a sound that made him freeze in his tracks.
Logan was rapping along to himself. And well. Jesus, how had he forgotten about that? He stared, still in disbelief, and Logan awkwardly trailed off when he noticed his gaze. “Ah, you could hear me.”
“Yeah, I just wanted to ask… Doesn’t matter. Holy shit, Lo, you’re amazing.”
Logan flushed slightly, looking down at the table. “I simply have an appreciation of the genre, and Hamilton has some particular, uhm- how would you say? ‘Bangers’.”
Virgil laughed, slipping into the seat opposite him and taking the headphones off completely. “Dude, I’ve spent enough time with Roman to know having an ‘appreciation’ doesn’t mean you can pull something off.”
Logan raised an eyebrow, clearly fighting back a smile. “I am not sure he’d appreciate you saying that.”
“Eh, I’ve said it to his face before- and will again.” Virgil dismissed, feeling his lips turn up as well. “Why don’t you do it more?”
Logan shrugged, adjusting his glasses awkwardly. “It is hardly a logical skill for me to have, so it simply… Hasn’t come up.”
“Ro doesn’t need an excuse for songs to ‘come up’ before he starts singing them.” Virgil pointed out, and Logan chuffed.
“No, he certainly doesn’t. But we are different people.”
Virgil laughed, nodding. “You could say that again.”
“Oh. Alright, we are differen-”
“It’s an expression, dude. Come on.” Virgil interrupted, sounding nothing but fond as Logan widened his eyes in realisation.
“A highly illogical one, but alright. I can add it to my flashcards to avoid further confusion.” He decided, pulling out his deck there and then to add to. He paused when he heard the crackling of a plastic bag pulled open, looking up as Virgil helped himself to a marshmallow. “Please do not tell me you intend on consuming that entire bag.”
“Maybe.” Virgil held it out, grinning now. “Want one?”
“A key ingredient is gelatin, created by boiling down a pig or cows bones, skin, ligaments or tendons.” Logan deadpanned, and Virgil almost threw the whole bag away in disgust before he remembered,
“But they’re imaginary!”
Logan titled his head. “I suppose so.”
“Actually, I was thinking…” Virgil began, curious about how the fridge actually worked. Soon enough Logan was in a full-fledged rant about mindscape food, and half of it went over his head, but he didn’t mind listening. It was interesting, after all.
Whatever concerns Virgil had about not bothering anyone with his music, the other sides didn’t share them. Roman didn’t hesitate to sing whatever came to mind as it came to mind, offering full renditions of his favourite musical tracks daily, Logan could be heard humming to himself as he worked, Remus had no restraint about… Anything, really, and this was no different, Janus wasn’t exactly considerate, and Patton- Patton was the worst at all.
He wandered the mindscape belting out whatever was in his head at the moment which, as a father figure, was always old, tacky, and bad. They’d learned to ignore it for the most part, but some of the songs he played… Some of them were just unforgivable. And, sitting on the couch as Patton tidied up a little, Virgil had left himself completely at their mercy.
Virgil pulled his hoodie over his ears, wishing he’d brought his headphones. Or just not left his room. “Please, no.”
“Jolene, Jolene, Joleeeeeeeene, I’m begging of you please don’t take my man-”
“Pain, Padre. This is causing me physical pain.” Virgil groaned, slamming his head back in an attempt to make it all stop. Unfortunately, the sofa was soft, and he just bounced back. Eurgh.
“Awh, cmon kiddo! I’m just singing. You could always join me.” Patton chirped, rearranging the same jar for the fourth time in three minutes.
“I might die.” Virgil deadpanned, staring Patton dead in the eyes, and he giggled.
“Don’t be silly… Come on, my music isn’t that bad!”
Virgil couldn’t quite believe his ears. Maybe they were still bleeding from being subjected to Dolly Parton. “You listen to dad music.”
“Well, yeah, but what else did you expect from your pops-”
Virgil groaned louder, shaking his head. “I- whatever. When’d you even start listening to country music?”
“Nico likes it!” Patton replied, brightly, and Virgil bristled.
“That’s it, Thomas has to break it off.”
It took Patton a second to recognize Virgil was joking, and he started laughing. “Don’t be so judgy! I listen to your music- in fact, I quite like being cautious in the disco.”
“Oh my god.” Virgil pulled his hood down further over his eyes, the secondhand embarrassment hitting him full force. “You’re so old.”
“Now, I know I’m no spring chicken, but that’s hardly a nice thing to say-”
“We are all the same age.” Logan interjected as he walked through the room, gone before Virgil could try and drag the only other sane one around him to his aid.
“Look, Patt- I love you, but Dolly is too far.” Jesus, Virgil was spending too much time with Roman. Dramatic ultimatums weren’t his style at all.
“... How about Country Roads?”
“Jesus Christ.” Virgil sunk further back into the sofa, hoping it’d just swallow him and his smile.
“I wanna play a song.”
“Get your own headphones.”
“But yours are so loud, they’re basically speakers! You ever turn them up to full volume while they’re on? How loud are they? Oooh, reckon they could rupture your eardrums so blood would bubble out your ears and trail down your face-”
“Stop.” Virgil interrupted with a grimace, before Remus’ imagination could go anywhere gorier. They’d been at this for ten minutes and his answer hadn’t wavered once. “It’s a no, alright? Just… Go away.”
Remus huffed loudly and dropped onto the sofa next to Virgil. Great. “What do you want?”
“Hmmm… Oh, I can do a list!” Remus declared, and before Virgil could tell him please, god, don’t, he was off. “A pony- to disembowel so I can use its guts for ritual purposes, that one dick in a Russian erotica museum they claim is Rasputins and has magical fertility powers, for Barry Bee Benson to be real so I can fu-”
“Alright!” Virgil shuddered and disconnected his headphones. He didn’t know what Remus wanted to do with a literal bee, and he liked it that way. “There.”
Remus grinned a grin with far too many teeth, just a little too sharp, and Virgil rolled his eyes, waiting for whatever monstrosity he was about to hear.
 There’s some whores in this house, there’s some-
“You did not just play WAP!” Virgil punched Remus in the arm, pulling his headphones off “You- I swear to God, don’t do the dance.”
Remus was already halfway stood up and Virgil quickly pulled him back down. He’d never wanted Remus to stay sat next to him more in his life. (To be fair, it wasn’t something he felt often.)
“But I already know it!”
“Of course you do.” Virgil grumbled, glancing over at Remus. “Why do you have to play… This, up here?”
“Jannie’s kicked me out, you know how he is.”
Virgil blinked at him, regretting what he was about to say before the words even left his mouth. “If I get him to back off, will you keep your music to the dark side?”
“That’s not fun, though! Ooh, wait, Logan likes rap, doesn’t he? Reckon he’d like to see the dance?”
Virgil stared at Remus blankly. “Please, say that was a joke.”
“It wasn’t! If you wanna hear one, though… Ooh, ok. Two kids walk into a hospice- ”
“No.” Virgil interrupted again, although even he had to snort a little at how ridiculous it was. Even if it was also deeply, deeply twisted. “I- look, I’m gonna do it.”
Remus tilted his head further then looked natural. Virgil was pretty sure he heard a crack. “Thought you hated me and Double Dee.”
“I- I’m just doing this for my sanity, alright? And Logans.” Virgil snapped back, avoiding meeting his eyes.
Avoiding things didn’t work with Remus, though, and soon enough he was uncomfortably close, peering right at Virgil with that unsettling grin. “Awww, Purps is being nice to us.”
“Shut up.” Virgil hissed, sinking out before Remus could pry any further. Creativity was so pushy, Jesus.
Virgil shuddered. He hadn’t been in the dark side of the mindscape in years and, after so long of the bright upstairs, the dark walls felt a little claustrophobic. He just needed to make this quick.
He strode down the hallway, trying to squash the growing nervousness in his stomach. What was the worst that could happen?
… Literally the worst thing he could’ve asked himself, he realised, speeding up subconsciously. So much could go wrong, while he was down here, and he didn’t even know where Deceit was, what if he tripped and fell and broke something and nobody would-
Piano, faint, made him stop in his tracks.
He wasn’t really an expert in classical music, but this had to be one of the more famous pieces, because he’d definitely heard it before. It was good, though, Mozart or something. Pretty difficult, too.
Exactly the kind of pretentious shit Deceit would play, and kick Remus out to enjoy. (Although Virgil couldn’t really blame him for that second part). Emboldened now he knew he wasn’t alone, and could make some jokes about what a snob he was, Virgil entered the room the sound was coming from.
He paled, because in front of him sat Deceit. At a piano. Playing the song.
“Since when do you play.”
Deceit only glanced up at Virgil, the melody smooth even with the interruption. He hated to admit it, but it was impressive. “Things have been quiet. I had time.”
“Quiet? With Remus?”
“I made things quiet.” Deceit amended, shrugging nonchalantly. Knowing him, it had probably been meant to sound as murder-y as it did. Didn’t stop Virgil from shuddering, anyway, serving as the perfect reminder of just how desperately he wanted to leave.
“Alright, look- whatever plan or plot this is, or is covering up, I don’t care.”
Deceit sighed, looking up at Virgil without faltering the music once. Jesus, he actually was good. “You’re right, I’m incapable of having any interests whatsoever without there being some deep, sinister plot behind it. You’ve spotted my evil plan.”
“I- alright, sarcasm’s meant to be for something obviously not true! That could be true!” Virgil protested, already feeling like he was losing this.
Deceit just raised an eyebrow at him in response, and Virgil instinctively hissed back, feeling more and more like he was backed into a corner.
Deceit had the nerve to laugh at him. “It’s been a while since you’ve done that.”
“It’s been a while since I’ve had to talk to anyone so- so-” Virgil groaned, glaring at Deceit. “Stop playing that stupid thing, would you?”
“Alright.” Deceit agreed, and Virgil waited. He kept waiting. The piano continued and after an excruciating minute of listening for an end, he cursed. Why had Virgil assumed he’d be honest?
“That is my legal name.” Deceit agreed dryly, and Virgil rolled his eyes. He was impossible to talk to.
“Look, just let Remus back down. He’s probably scarring Logan as we speak.”
Deceit smiled at the thought, looking back down at the keys as he played them. “I never said he couldn’t be down here. Oh, and I’m sure there’s /nothing/ about ‘scarring’ Logan that could’ve appealed to him.”
“What, so Remus lied?” Virgil crossed his arms. Remus was plenty of things, but one of them was painfully, brutally, upfront and honest. “That’s your thing.”
“Not lied.” Deceit tutted, like scolding a child for not knowing something they should have. Virgil clenched his fists. “Just… Was dramatic.”
Virgil tried to figure out what he meant before realising it meant literally nothing, and he glared at Deceit. “Stop being so cryptic for five seconds and tell me, Jesus.”
“I wasn’t aware you cared about him so much.” Deceit smirked, and Virgil threw his arms up in exasperation.
“I’m trying to get rid of him!”
Deceit snickered but finally, mercifully, seemed to have already had his fun. “I didn’t tell him to get out if he couldn’t just be quiet and not…” His smile faltered… “Dance on the piano.”
Yeah, that expression was priceless. Virgil laughed as Janus furrowed his eyebrows. “What?”
“Just… Nevermind.” Virgil was pretty sure imagining that scene playing out was enough entertainment to last him weeks. And a reminder that honestly… Remus didn’t cause as much chaos as he gave him credit for. He was all bark… And plenty of bite, too, but nothing too permanent. “Keep playing, or whatever.”
“You aren’t going to demand I fetch the Duke?”
“He’s not a dog.” Virgil dismissed, resisting a smile at Deceit’s murmured ‘ehhhhh’. “He’ll come back when he wants to. And Logan can look after himself.”
“Amazing.” Deceit sighed heavily. “You wasted my time for nothing, then.”
Virgil could be proud of that, at the very least. He grinned in way of response, sending Deceit a nod before he sunk out.
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luvrlixie · 3 years
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tags: changbin x gn! reader, soft dom reader, thigh riding/dry humping, very soft, exhibitionism????????? idk they aren't alone in the dorm but no one walks in. not a lot of smut sorry y'all </3 mostly just sappy emotions.. but still nsfw... lit rally wrote at 4am and don't feel like editing lmaoo
"seriously binnie! if you're gonna spend so much money on clothes, you should at least wear them. you have so many cute sweaters and the fact that they're collecting dust in the back of your closet is a crime."
changbin sat up and peered over the back of the couch as you entered the room. he was ready to shoot back a snarky comment but his words died on his tongue as soon as he saw you.
you stopped by the studio to visit him earlier, where he and the rest of 3racha were working on a track for the next album. you hadn't planned on staying long since you knew your boyfriend would be busy. but about 20 minutes after showing up chan was ushering everyone else out of the room, claiming that he had everything he needed from the other boys for now and that they both deserved a night off. any worries you or changbin might have had about chan overworking himself were immediately replaced by the realization that the two of you would finally have some time alone.
and that brought you to where you were now. standing in front of a blushing boy, wearing shorts and a long shirt of his that completely hid said shorts. you had decided to change after your boyfriend proposed that you spend the night. (at the time he was excited for movies and cuddles, but now it was an offer that he was starting to regret as he could already feel himself growing hard). the shirt you wore was one that changbin never put on due to it's size, he didn't think the whole oversized clothes style was really his thing.
but holy fuck it was yours.
"you uh- you look good."
changbin swallowed and you squinted. he was always a sucker for you wearing his clothes, but it was still odd for him to be turning so red just from seeing you in an shirt of his. luckily it didn't take long for you to notice the way his eyes wouldn't meet yours since they were focused on a different part of your body. you couldn't help but let out a little giggle. seeing you in his clothes might make him weak, but his biggest weakness was your thighs. he'd never exactly talked about your thighs in particular, but it was something that you had picked up on as your relationship progressed. you couldn't help but notice how changbin was always making sure to leave little marks on the inside of your thighs, and would jump at the chance to lay between them when he got sleepy, and how he would often pull out just in time to paint your thighs with his cum.
"like what you see?" you asked playfully as you took a few steps forward so you were standing in front of him.
"like what i- fuck yes... you're gonna be the death of me y/n."
you hummed in amusement, loving the affected you had on your boyfriend, and tangled a hand in his hair so you could guide him forward and let him press kisses on your thighs.
"mm seriously, on my gravestone it's gonna say your name after cause of death" changbin breathed out as he happily trailed his lips over your skin.
"that makes it sound like I murdered you, I'm not a fan of that"
you stood there for a few more minutes. finally moving away once you sensed that changbin was growing impatient. although you loved making your boyfriend beg, now was not that time for that. even though you moved to sit down next to him, changbin whined when you stepped away. knowing you, the poor boy was worried that you were gonna make him suffer through the whole movie with a boner. however, you had much different plans in mind for tonight.
with a smile, you slid a hand between his legs. "such a pretty noise, that little whine. wanna make it again for me?"
changbin's mouth went dry, he opened it to say something but nothing would come out. how were you always able to make him speechless? he did want to make that noise for you again. he wanted you to coo over how cute he sounded, but not here. not in the living room with minho still tucked away in his room, and with hyunjin and seungmin who were expected back at any minute.
"please, please let's go to my room. I need you."
you shook your head and started palming at chnagbin's crotch through his sweatpants, making his body go slack. "shh baby it's okay, calm down. I was just gonna let you grind against my thigh, let you get off like that. we'll be fully clothed so if anyone walks in it'll be pretty easy to play it off as cuddling or a makeout session."
that seemed to be all the reassurance that changbin needed. the way you were touching him paired with your soft voice was making his head spin. all he was focused on now was making you happy and chasing his orgasm. not even a second went by until he was moving onto your lap so he was facing you and straddling one of your legs.
"there you go! good boy."
you helped him settle into a comfortable position and pulled him close so his chest was pressed against yours and his face was buried in your neck. as changbin started to move his hips, you continued whispering words of encouragement and gentle praises since you could feel how tense he had gotten. changbin hadn't exactly done this before. and although the whole thing seemed rather self explanatory and he had gotten off by rutting against a pillow multiple times, he felt a bit self conscious with you watching his every move.
"It's okay bunny, there's no right or wrong way to do this. just whatever feels good." you whispered soothingly into his ear, catching the nervous look in his eyes and the way his movements kept faltering.
it was silly of him to be nervous, he realized. the safest he had ever felt was with you, and over the course of your relationship you had both tried out plenty of new things together (both in and out of the bedroom). thigh riding? this was nothing, you had certainly seen him in much more embarassing situations. so changbin nodded and finally started settling into a steady pace, trusting your words entirely.
every drag of his cock elicited a soft ah sound from the dark haired boy. luckily, you didn't have to worry about him being too loud. he was vocal and made plenty of noise, but always quiet whimpers and soft choruses of "oh"s. you could get him to be loud if you wanted to, you knew how. for now the tiny noises he was making was more than enough to satisfy you as you played with his hair and peppered his forehead with kisses. "there you go bun, bet it feels so good huh?" as you spoke you pressed your leg upwards, applying extra pressure to the whimpering boy's cock. the gasp he let out made your eyes widen in entertainment and you repeated the action, taking pleasure in how he squirmed everytime. "keep going little slut, don't slow down. doesn't my bunny wanna make a pretty mess for me?"
"m-more'" changbin panted.
normally you'd chastise him for not saying please. but right now you honestly couldn't care less. you just wanted your boyfriend to feel loved. wanted him to be as proud of himself as you are of him. so you smiled and pressed your leg up again, hands gripping onto his hips so that you can help guide his movements. "that song you were working on when I visited sounded so good. I know you've been working so hard on it. you're so talented baby, so amazing." changbin let out a sort of strangled noise and tightened his arms around you, pulling himself as close to you as he could get. the absence of words didn't bother you. sometimes changbin babbled on and on while you ruined him, telling you how good he felt and how much he loved you. while other times he just clings onto you, settling on a variety of whines to communicate. both were good.
as the familiar tightness grew in changbin's body, he focused on following the push and pull of your arms. if it wasn't for you guiding him he would have entirely lost his rhythm. knowing that your boyfriend was getting close, you started bouncing your leg and kneading his ass with one hand.
"changbin.. binnie, hey. c'mon let me see your face" you softly prodded, waiting for him to pull back. when he did, your heart squeezed in your chest.
he was so beautiful.
his lips were parted and his bottom lip was glossy and red from biting down on it too hard. his hair was sticking out in a few places, and his eyes were so full of pleasure. you could tell from the glassy look that changbin wasn't entirely present, his thoughts were elsewhere.
"m'gonna..." changbin slurred, hips twitching and back arching. you caught on immediately and softly grabbed his chin to make sure he didn't hide his face again, you always loved to see his face screw up as he comes. this time was no different.
"good boy, good boy let it all out for me"
you helped him ride out his orgasm and leaned forward to kiss him. not even caring that the kiss was messy and mostly just teeth since changbin was panting far too heavily to give you a proper kiss. when changbin's orgasm had finished washing through his body, you let him crash back into your chest. as you waited for him to catch his breath you rubbed his back and buried your face in his hair, giving him time to compose himself before talking.
"I love you binnie"
"..love you too y/n ... but seriously you're way too hot ... gonna die from sexiness overload"
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carrdfan · 3 years
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Eddie Brock x Reader
summary : Eddie's thoughts were becoming more and more destructive. Yet a night with you, a familiar bartender, it gives him hope he majorly needed
main tags : angst with comfort of a sort , female reader
notes : venom's entire presences isn't known to anyone yet
The room was quiet, even though there were countless others chatting the night away.
The soothing jazz, the appealing décor, it's no wonder why this bar was so popular when it came to the people in the city.
Yet for an unfortunate man, the comforting atmosphere was just not enough to calm him and his stress. With the recent lost of his relationship and job, Eddie couldn't keep his head up for once, something he did towards to many people.
The music was barely reaching to him, he was losing himself in the unforeseen void that was eating him away. He felt his paranoia grow as the distant chatter formed into laughter. Mocking him for how much of a fool he was and how he truly fucked up.
Any moment now he would break. Eddie knew that one more crack would be the thing that does him in, the thing that will forever ruin him.
"Eddie? You ok?"
Eddie flew his head up to his name, in front of him stood you, who was casually cleaning out a beer glass while facing and looking back at him.
Y/n, a well-loved bartender who enjoys her job. She was the chipper one in the group, making witty jokes, and always managed to help the workers look more forward towards their shift. Yet despite how favored she was, almost no one seemingly knew anything else about her.
If you were to ask, everyone's memories of her consisted of running jokes she came up with that person specifically, not many could recall anything else the overall jokes when it came to Y/n. No one knows what she feels behind her bright smile, and everyone was too distracted by her cheerful acts to dig deeper into it.
"Ah... Yeah, yeah, I'm doin' fine." Eddie attempted to casually brush off the concern, he felt like Y/n may not be the best when it comes to being the person someone would complain their heart out to.
"... You seem too troubled to be 'doin' fine.'" Y/n casually commented, her response made Eddie freeze for a second. She stopped cleaning the glass cup and placed it in its proper place, waiting to be picked up again when the next guy comes in shouting how he wanted Budweiser, or whatever beer was popular for tonight.
While being at a closer distance, Y/n grabbed a chair and took a seat, still looking away and focusing on what was on the T.V.
"You caught me. I ain't doin' the best right now... But what's got you so invested?" Y/n slowly turned her head to Eddie before giving him a big grin, it made her thought process unpredictable almost.
She rested her head down on the table, using her arms as some sort of pillow. "Nothing in particular, just couldn't help myself for asking. So, in any case, what's got you down?"
Childish, is what Y/n was almost all the time. Yet in a moment like now, she showed sparks of being the adult she actual was. Maybe it was a moment of desperation to let out his feelings, or maybe it was because she managed to give off such a pleasing figure right now. Either way, Eddie could barely catch himself as he casually gets the weight off his chest with Y/n.
"Have you... Has there ever been a time in your life where it all just seems meaningless? Hopeless?" There was a moment of pecking silence, Eddie looked at Y/n waiting for a response. Her eyes were closed and Eddie could've sworn she had passed out on him right then and there if she hadn't opened one eye as she stared back.
"Yeah. It's enviable basically. Why, did you have a recent epiphany?" The question felt more of a targeted callout, a reminder of all the events that went down. Eddie took a deep exhale before responding.
"Yep. Lost it all in the matter of a few days, now I just.. Don't know what to do anymore." In the back of Eddie's mind, he took a grip on himself. 'Why am I telling her this? I barely know her.'
He was barely able to snap back and hear the next words that came out of Y/n, "I mean yeah, honestly, I'd lose my shit if that all happened personally... I believe every adult is on the verge of cracking, and to have that happen? Lose everything I had worked so hard for? I'm surprised you aren't on the news, being on the wanted list 'cause that would've been my final push." Y/n swiftly swings her head back to look at the television.
Out of everyone in here who would have such an introspect like that, the last person Eddie would believe to have it would be Y/n. "What do you know about being on the low side? Hell, you're nothing but the opposite honestly."
In the eerie pause of silence, Eddie felt disturbed as Y/n sat back up and slowly locked eyes with him while carrying a smile that was a bit too big for the type of conversation they were having.
"I'm an adult too Eddie, please don't be like everyone else and forget that."
Even with the silence broken, the air still felt disturbing as he took in her words, but before he could respond, Y/n got out of her chair and took a stretch. "Well, the usual loud crowd should be here any minute now."
She popped her knuckles in kiddy exaggeration. A mere 180° from what she was a mere moment ago. "I liked our talk, should do it more. I mean, even the ditz can be tired of themselves, y'know?"
She soon pats Eddie on the shoulder lightly, "Hang in there for me soldier, I don't wanna have these types of conversations with nothing but your dead corpse one day." The joke was caught, but for a situation like this, it did nothing but make Y/n's figure even more ambiguous.
Before he could respond, a loud outburst came from the entrance and caught Eddie's attention. It was a group of men, entering the bar, laughing and disturbing the peaceful atmosphere.
Eddie looked back at Y/n one last time, who was irritated and rolled her eyes to the sight. She did the same to Eddie as they locked eyes one last time before she walked off into the back room.
It felt short, but the talk the both of them shared tonight gave Eddie multiple feelings. He felt reassured and comforted, yet clueless in a way as he had many questions for Y/n that never got a chance to be asked.
Either way, Eddie was definitely planning on making a return for the next few nights. Y/n's strange mannerisms managed to puzzle and captivate him.
She was a book, and he wanted to read and understand her. Especially after tonight.
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anonymous-dentist · 2 years
do u have any fic recs? im so starving
Yep! Fair warning, though, most of (if not all of) these are gonna be karlnapity because I'm one of the few that goes through the tag on a regular basis.
Under the read more for length's sake.
¿tu idioma o el mío? (your language or mine?) Basically, Quackity realizes that neither Karl nor Sapnap speak Spanish and realizes, wow, he can tease them all he wants and they won't know a thing. But, whoops, maybe his joke proposals aren't jokes after all. I really like this one! Idk why. I have a soft spot for fluff for fluff's sake. Let's Just Call It Commonlaw Karl, Sapnap, and Quackity are three very drunk roommates who accidentally get married through a commonlaw marriage and forget about it entirely. Only problem when they find out it's legit is that Karl is in love with his roommates, and that Sapnap and Quackity aren't in love with him. Right? Anyway, this one's written by my number one fan and I'm this fic's number one fan. The legal aspects might not be all there, but I'm a historian, not a lawyer. It's sweet and cute. Enough said. Oh, Sinners Come Down Wilbur-centric. After the Antarctic Empire conquered the existing empire, the homeless population is in shambles, including one Wilbur Soot and his house full of tiny nuisances. And then some asshole named Technoblade shows up and says that the Empire is going to build a homeless shelter. Again, idk why I like this one so much, especially considering my distaste for c!sbi, but it honestly comes off as more of a semi-dsmp semi-smp earth type of deal. When The Sunlight Dies Runaway Prince George and his emotionally-devastated knight, Sapnap, are on their way out of the kingdom when they run into local shmucks, Karl and Quackity. Add in the weird god dude doing the worst job at trying to 'force' George through a corruption arc, and it's a legit good time. Look, I may dislike this fic personally, but this is an objective list. There's a reason everyone and their mother recommends this one. It's just good. Just ignore the random bits of infodumping, but that's all in the second half of the fic. (Note: I do not recommend the very unneeded and overly-long final chapter or the sequel fic. At all. Save yourself the trouble and go outside instead.) tuck me in your covers, bring the colour back into my face Quackity definitely is absolutely alright. Don't even worry about him. Except he is kinda super traumatized and really doesn't wanna think about that. This is another one that's usually recommended, and I think it's pretty unique in that, unlike a lot of other fics in the 'genre', this fic doesn't present Quackity's PTSD as a weakness. I Out of the Woods Three idiots on one couch what problems can happen??? Gasp, a romcom!? Anyway, Karlnap are an established couple, and Quackity shows up and confuses both of them by being the most attractive man in the universe. Idk, I don't normally like college fics, but this one was nice. It's simple. Chill as hell. We Must Have Good Pitch, ‘Cause Baby, You and Me are So In Tune! Band au with bonus dnf. Look, everything Quid touches is just. It's good! I don't even like band aus! Geodes in the Gravel Immortal biographer and immortal shapeshifter menace decide to try and court freshly-immortal former vampire hunter-turned-vampire. Awkwardness and sweetness ensues. Technically this is part of a series by an author I don't really like, but it's perfectly readable on its own. Bad Blood Bad invites Karl and Quackity over to talk about their relationship with Sapnap. It's cute, and it's mostly just our two idiots having crisis after crisis during this conversation as Bad sits there pleasantly having a very good time. It's Not Like You Ever Tried To Stay Sapnap went to the Red Banquet. I think they should hug :( A Leap of Faith Tommy goes to Quackity to learn how to fly, and Quackity is the best big brother material anyone could ask for. Look, Q is better big brother than Wil could ever be. Enough said.
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