#everyone thinks it’s cute though he’s just being a fussy pants. it’s what he’s best at unfortunately
lumiereandcogsworth · 9 months
What do the Adelle family's stockings look like!!!! I MUST KNOW!!!
okay so i’m actually quite torn about this. because adam, interior designer extraordinaire, would definitely want them all to be uniform and themed and Elegant and Lovely™️
belle, however, thinks that’s Dumb. their first christmases (number varying on the universe, of course) when it’s just the two of them, adam gets matchy matchy ones and belle doesn’t mind. they’re the right mix of elegant and cute. i feel like they’d have reindeer on them and are like red and gold.
when they have renée, though, belle is like okay we need to have FUN with stockings now. and INSISTS on getting a new one that is entirely unique to renée. then to juliette. when they’re old enough, belle has them pick them out themselves. adam is Annoyed that they’re all different but he unfortunately is too soft for his little princesses to stop any of it 🙄 like despite how much he insisted on getting stockings that Looked Nice, he simply couldn’t say no to his little girls when one wanted the pink sparkly stocking with a princess on it and the other wanted the green fluffy stocking with a teddy bear on it.
this tradition carries on when maurice is born too, and for years it’s just adam & belle’s nice ones and then the kiddos’ silly ones.
when the girls become teenagers though, adam makes his move. he suggests to the family that perhaps we all get a new set of stockings, so they match and look nice with the decor. renée and juliette don’t mind, but maurice, who is still a Kiddo, is like UMM?? EXCUSE ME??
and adam is like son please it’ll look so nice🥲
and maurice is like father you fail to see the beauty in my teenage mutant ninja turtles stocking
and adam is like i know you like that show but wouldn’t it be so nice if all the stockings matched
and maurice is like NO it would be NICE if my turtles could be FREE
and he walks out and adam has lost the battle for another christmas
he tries again a couple years later when maurice is a teen himself, and eventually maurice concedes.
and finally. FINALLY. after like TWENTY YEARS of these silly stockings that are OH so precious and SO VERY SILLY. finally adam gets his way and they have nice uniform elegant stockings for all five of them
and it’s so lovely and adam totally bided his time and it was totally worth it.
until the grandkids arrive :)
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sunflovverharry · 4 years
Driving Home for Christmas
a/n: hii! i wanted to make this a super cute dad!h during christmas fic so i hope you enjoy! this fic is a part of @goldenbluesuit ´s christmas song fic challenge which i’m honored to be a part of! It's the first fic challenge I’ve entered and I’ve been nervous to post something along with all these other amazing writers, but I'm excited to post this little piece centered in the dad universe. Happy reading, and remember to read the rest of the entries as well (which I’ve read some these past two weeks and they’re fab!) <3
pairing: dad!h + y/n
warnings: none! just a cute dad!h piece
word count: 3.8k
Harry was loading the trunk of their Audi, putting all their packed suitcases and bags of presents in there. The car was smack full as this year they had another addition to their family, waiting patiently for her mum to feed her before they left the city. It was snowing heavily and Anne made sure they knew they didn’t have to drive up today with the weather making the roads worse than usual. Y/n also told him a hundred times it was his decision as he was the one driving. Harry didn’t budge though, telling his mum they would definitely be there by tonight.
This year's Christmas celebrations were being spent in Cheshire with Harry’s family seeing as they were with her family in Nottingham last year. They’ve found it works best this way rather than splitting it up to go both places every year. After four years together and buying a house at the start of this year, y/n thinks this might be the last Christmas spent out of their own home. They have their two cats (Nellie and Sunny) and having their first child it might be time to start celebrating the holiday at their own house.
«Babe, did you remember to pack the board games?» Harry heard his girlfriend ask from the threshold where they had hung a mistletoe and had Harry not been busy trying to make everything fit, he definitely would’ve turned around, ran up to her and gave her a big smack on the lips. He settled for giving her a thumbs up not swirling around as he was too busy trying to figure out how he could make most of their things fit in the trunk, thinking it was just like a game of tetris. While Harry had been doing the heavy lifting and packing; y/n had put a cute Christmas onesie on the still tiny body of their daughter, definitely small for her age but she was eating like her daddy so where the weight went they had no idea.
Olive was a generally happy, cuddly baby who more often than not reached for her dad over her mum. It didn’t bother y/n that she was a daddy’s girl, knowing how much Harry loves children and now that he has his own he’s all over her. She finds the two cuddled together on the sofa, their bed or the armchair in her nursery at least a couple times a day. Her phone is now overflowing with photos of the two and she’s hoping to put together a photo album for Harry’s birthday filled with them - knowing he’d cherish it forever.
Half an hour later they were pulling out of the driveway. Harry had checked multiple times that all the lights were out, the doors were locked and the alarm system was functioning properly. Olive was smiling as she sat still in her car seat behind y/n. She had wondered if sitting in the back with her daughter would be better, but decided against it. If she got fussy they’d stop at a gas station and she’d move to the back.
The couple was tremendously excited to bring along their little bundle of happiness and get to show her off to all of Harry’s family and friends. Of course, his family have seen her when she was a newborn but living quite far away most of them only get to see them once or twice a year. It’ll change the dynamic of how they celebrate the holidays for sure, but it's a positive change. Anne will spoil her rotten, just like she does to y/n when they visit - making her tea whenever she wants some, washing their dirty laundry (which y/n didn’t care that her mother-in-law saw her underwear cause she didn’t bring anything too scandalous) and heading to the shops when they needed even the smallest thing. Really, y/n thought she was too kind for her own good. At the same time though, y/n always did play a good host when Anne visited them - spoiling her with the comfiest bed sheets, making the food for every meal, not wanting her to lift a finger as if she was the queen.
Olive was eight months - a fairly active one at that - and loves to crawl everywhere, especially to follow her mum or dad around the lower floor of their (way too big) house for only the three (five) of them. Since the pair hadn’t brought Olive with them for such a long drive, the longest being an hour, they were anxious to find out how she’d react to being confined over a longer period of time.
Half an hour in and Olive was babbling away to the teddy bear in her arms (she got it from her nephews when she was born and has been attached to it since) as Harry and y/n talked about how excited they were for their daughter to explore her daddy´s hometown and how his whole family and friends would fall in love with Olive even more. With their little girl just starting to sleep all through the night in her own room, Anne wanted to make sure she got her own room at her nana's too, so apparently she’s cleaned the office and made it into a makeshift nursery for her granddaughter.
Y/n doesn’t know who’s more excited to see all the familiar faces, the family that’s become not only important to her in the last four years, but now also to their baby. The last time they visited Cheshire, y/n was barely two months pregnant and as tough as it was to keep it hidden from Anne for another month, they managed to keep it to the two of them (with just a handful of slip-ups). They were sure Anne knew they were having a baby with the small smirks she gave y/n and harry when she didn’t want the wine - Harry keeping to non-alcoholics in solidarity with her - which was unregular for her, normally jumping on the thought of having a glass or two after a long day.
“You know mum won’t give her up after she gets her hands on her right as we walk through the front door? Might want to hop in the back and get your fix before we get there.” Harry let out a chuckle with y/n joining in knowing just how true his words were. Anne was a godsend of a grandmother, taking Olive in her arms doting over her until she’ll start crying for her daddy. Though everyone gives her all the attention she could wish for, no one could ever do what Harry can. He’s her favorite, no matter how much I wish I could be.
Another half hour later and we were making our first stop at a local gas station in Aylesbury. We were about a third of the way in, but the weather was getting harsher with the snow falling harder and the wind picking up just a little bit. While Harry filled the car up with gas and made sure Olive didn’t start fussing, y/n went inside to get a couple snacky items for the three of them and a filled up cup of coffee for her boyfriend. Coming out of the station she could see Harry in the back with his love bug, bringing her out of the car seat as her cute little wails haltered. She was due for a feed, so they found a secluded space to park so no one would stare at her while breastfeeding their daughter.
Sitting in the front passenger seat with her daughter attached to her nipple with her baby daddy sitting in the driver's seat next to her they spent the next twenty minutes singing along to the Christmas songs playing one after the other on the radio.
Y/n had always loved this time of year - the snow, the songs (which - admittedly - she listened to throughout the entire year), the decorations, the joy and cheer. With y/n and Harry moving in together a month before Christmas, only half a year after they first began dating, they had a mutual understanding for how they would go all out with lights, trees and decorations both on the inside and outside. Though their house was gated with a high fence along the perimeter of their entire land. The trees lining the driveway all the way from the gate to where the gravel road extends into two, one leading to the garage and the other to the front door, were now lit up with strings of light going through them. It was only the beginning to their decorations, but it couldn’t be seen from the gate. More lights were lit along the house, windows were accentuated by red tape creating squares with spray along it, making it seem like snow on the glass. Though there aren’t tons of colourful lights, outside at least, the inside is littered with different colours, shining and sparkling along the staircases, mantels, dressers, counters and tables.
Olive felt like there was something new to look at, touch and be amazed by in every room of their house. As the clock sets seven in the morning, like clockwork, Harry hears Olive’s wails for him to get her out of the crib so she can move around. He kisses y/n’s forehead as he lets her sleep for another half hour to an hour like every morning before pulling on a pair of boxers and some pajama pants if it’s cold to get his daughter from her nursery across the hall.
The two of them were like two giggling girlfriends when they finally saw each other for the first time that day, not being able to keep their smiles from their similar lips. Walking downstairs Olive points at the garland wrapping the staircase and every time she sees it, a small sound of surprise and excitement exit her puckered lips. Harry talks to her about how good her mama is at decorating their house and how good it looks good for Christmas (he only helped her put up decorations, following her direct orders). Y/n had a certain way she liked to decorate and with this being the first Christmas in their house she wanted everything to look perfect.
Coming into the kitchen after turning the dimmed lights on low to have some lighting in the morning dark they had a little shimmy along the floor. Olive babbled along with Harry’s singing and mumbling to her explaining how the buttons on the walls turned on the different lights. She probably didn’t understand or care about the lights, but the two continued singing and talking about nonsense along the way. In the kitchen, Harry made her a bottle she demanded having before getting started on the omelette he makes for him and y/n every morning he’s home without fail.
When they finally got back on the road the snow was coming down heavily and the only thing they could see were the lines of cars in front of them on the M40 pushing the break every few seconds before accelerating again moving only a couple meters before breaking again. Y/n didn’t have a lot of patience in traffic - or in general - and quickly became annoyed making Harry laugh at her telling her to calm down (she wasn’t even the one who had to drive through this horrible weather). This lasted for another forty-five minutes before the snow let up just a little bit and the cars seemed to roll along the road like normal.
“I didn’t think driving home for Christmas would take this long. At least, I hoped it wouldn’t.” They’d been on the road since nine thirty this morning and now, two and a half hours later, they still have at least another two hours left until they’re at Anne’s. It wasn’t unusual for y/n to call Anne’s home, having stayed there for weeks at a time during the almost five years her and Harry have known each other. Harry isn’t unknown to calling y/n’s parents’ house his home either.
“I know. Wish it didn’t have to take this long and I’m sure little Ollie is going to get antsy soon. If the weather continues like this and we don’t have to take more than one more break, I think we’ll be there within three hours, but if we run into traffic, we might have to take more stops along the way.” Harry wanted to move along quickly to get to his mum’s before Olive’s nap time around three, if she didn’t end up sleeping in the car. We knew when we decided to drive in the morning that Olive would probably stay up the whole way, too engrossed with the cars and lights along the way to ever be able to fall asleep.
“You know what we should do to keep her happy for another half hour at least?” Y/n turned to look at Harry with a smile grazing her lips. “Play some Christmas music! She loves when we sing and dance around the house.” Playing the memories of hearing Olive’s belly laughter through the house while Harry and her danced in circles around her like another pair of idiots.
Putting on the same Christmas song list they’ve played since making it together all those years ago, the first song coming on shuffle being Santa Claus is Coming to Town. The noise was at a comfortable volume so they could still hear Olive if she started fussing though it’s unlikely and for it to not be too disturbing for Harry’s driving. With Olive seated with her back to them she couldn’t see her mummy dancing in her seat while they sang along to song after song, but she heard her parents’ voices singing out to the songs she’s heard oh so many times before.
“This is accurate, huh?” Harry snickered as Driving Home for Christmas began playing through the speakers.
“You don’t say.” It was one of their favorite songs and it fit the scene they were in, driving home for Christmas, excited to see their family, singing along the slowly getting better traffic. Looking around at the cars next to them, most of them looked to be families also driving home to be with their families for this year's holiday celebrations.
The rest of the drive was filled with more singing, two more stops for Harry to give his baby some cuddles and walking around one of the local Tesco’s they stopped at to get some more drinks and snacks. Olive was waving at everyone walking past us and talking all kinds of gibberish. While y/n grabbed the snacks, Harry had Olive walking along the aisles in between his feet while holding her little hands in his following her around the store.
A quarter to three they finally made it to Anne’s home, reversing into the driveway so they could get their baggage inside easier later in the day. Y/n saw Anne open the front door in the rearview mirror when Harry was pulling in the last meters. There was a bright smile on her face when we got out of the car. The snow had laid thick on the ground up north and the slick ice underneath made it harder to walk without having to make sure every step was carefully thought out.
Just minutes later Olive was already crawling with her little legs all over her grandma’s home, interested in anything and everything she could get her chubby hands on not seeming to be tired at all. They decided to forgo her nap and hope for an early night, which isn’t likely with everything going on around her. Anne was on granny duties right away telling the pair to sit down and relax with the tea she had prepared while she took care of the baby. There was no doubt she loved the attention from the person she might not remember from this summer but quickly became attached to, almost as much as she is to her daddy.
Harry found his place on the sofa, head in y/n’s lap and feet hanging over the armrest demanding her fingers curling through his locks. It wasn’t surprising to her that he was tired from driving the entirety of the way in traffic and tightly packed snow at times. Sure, if needed he could have stayed awake, but with his mum taking care of his little love he didn’t care much, falling asleep to his other love combing her fingers through his hair. It didn’t happen too often that they could have a cuddle in the middle of the day - just the two of them - with Olive needing their attention at all hours of the day so when the opportunity arose he wasn’t going to turn it down. He admits, though this is nice as well, that a naked cuddle in bed would definitely top laying on the sofa with his mum and daughter running around them. Maybe tonight, he thinks, as he finally falls asleep to the sound of Olive’s giggles.
As nighttime inched closer and Olive’s bedtime was passing them in the chatter and laughter, y/n told Harry to get their things from the car while she nurses Olive before getting her ready for bed. While they took care of their daughter, Anne made a nice spread of cheese and crackers for them to indulge tonight while catching up on everything that’s been going on in their lives since the last time she visited them in London.
Harry found Olive’s bag first, choosing a pair of christmassy pajamas from the mountain of clothes they had brought for her. Y/n walked upstairs to the nursery Anne had set up, seeing Harry already unpacking her bags into the cute vintage turquoise chiffonier Anne had bought from a neighbour only a couple weeks ago immediately falling in love with it.
«Would you like to have a cuddle with daddy before bed, Ollie?» Y/n firmly believed her daughter needed the nightly cuddle from Harry, just like she does, to fall asleep. She was already reaching out for him with her nimble hands waiting for him to take her in for a snuggle in his arms. There was no armchair in the makeshift nursery like they had purchased for Olive’s nursery back home where they always sat but Harry made it work. Anything for a cuddle with his baby growing way too quick for his liking.
It was no secret Harry loved babies and that only heightened when he had his own baby. With how good Olive is and how lush it’s been having a baby around and it not be just the two of them, he had thought about what it would be like with another baby around. Another little love for them to have, give Olive a sister or brother to play with. He hadn’t said anything to y/n about the thoughts he’d been having, not knowing if she'd agree with him. It’s been eight months and when they had talked about it before they agreed on a maximum of two years between their children.
Only a couple hours later they headed to bed themselves, ready for a good night's sleep before another long day tomorrow. Harry had been debating with himself whether he was going to mention babies to y/n or not - ultimately ended up with yes, he would mention it. Now they were finally alone with y/n resting her head on Harry’s pillow, her fingers delicately drawing patterns on his chest.
“I have something I’d like to discuss with you.” Harry’s voice wasn’t much louder than a whisper, not wanting to ruin the calmness around them. He wasn’t nervous so to say, but he felt his pulse quicken the tiniest bit at the thought of getting turned down. Y/n turned her head to watch Harry as he pulled her in as close as he could without suffocating her.
“It’s been lovely having Olive, right? Seems like it was meant to be to have a baby and during the holidays it’s been so fun watching her so interested in everything.” Y/n murmured her answer. She had loved having a little one to care for and to fill their days with joy over the last eight months.
“Well, with how well it’s been going with her, I was thinking we could talk about having another little one? Maybe discuss it a bit. What do you say, let's make Ollie a big sister?”
“I think we might be well on the way to making her a sister, bub.” Harry turned his head at lightning speed hearing her words, not knowing if he heard her quite right. His open mouth and big round eyes weren’t something she saw often combined as she wasn’t always the best at surprising him, but this time she was sure her secret had come as a big shock. It wasn’t as if they had been trying for a baby either, only forgetting a condom a handful times when they were too in the moment to care for it.
She found out only a week ago, thinking she could keep it to herself until Christmas day. It wasn’t difficult to hide it from him, not struggling with morning sickness and only craving sweets as if she was on her period. Knowing they had agreed on the number of children they wanted - four - she wasn’t scared of him reacting badly.
“You’re not joking, right?” Harry smashed his lips onto his girlfriends when she shook her head - no, i’m not joking - kissing her slow and long, showing her just how happy he was. They spent the night talking about how thrilled and excited they were to expand their family with more children and how great of a sister Olive would be. Baby names were flying between them, agreeing to never naming one of their babies after a city, but rather continuing naming them something more unique than Chloe or Adam.
The rest of the holiday spent up north with Harry’s family was relaxing and lovely all around. Playing board games, exploring the city with Olive (who was way too fascinated by all the snow), family dinner parties and having fun with friends they didn’t get to see all too often. Olive was wiped out after opening her presents on Christmas morning and spending all her energy on all the toys she got and the paper ripping she played with (more than the toys to be honest).
This year had been special for the family and Christmas was just the same. Olive was lively and it made y/n and Harry exhausted with everything going on, but they wouldn’t change it for the world. After all, Olive was their little girl and soon there would be another little love in their family. Trying to keep the pregnancy from their family and friends was easier this time around as she could blame not drinking alcohol on her breastfeeding and decided they would keep it hidden from everyone until the last possible minute.
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
A Bet can be costly (Percy Jackson)
A bet can be costly
It was only half past nine in the morning and already Percy and Jason were bored while hanging out in the latter's cabin. True it somewhat helped that Jason had somehow swung getting a TV and cable while even Percy despite being the son of one of the big three didn't but still there was just nothing on that held either boys attention for long.
Of course Percy despite his claims of being strait and sighting the fact he was dating Annabeth as proof of said straightness he found himself looking over at Jason who was in just his black shorts and nothing else as he relaxed on the cream colored sofa that the two boys where sharing.
Jason might of been younger but he was well more build compared to Percy who while wasn't fat or even chunky, was as ripped as the demi god next to him.
"Ughhhh, there is NOTHING to do.." Jason groaned and shut the tv off, leaning back and closing his eyes, then smirking and turning to look at Percy as he opened them. "Well almost nothing, but I don't think you're man enough for a little bet I have in mind."
Percy huffed a little at that, ever since he'd been caught with wet pants during a party, everyone had started to treat him like a little guy, even though he had to be one of the most hung guys there!
(Well at least he thought so, it wasn't exactly like he went around and measured everyone else's ding dongs.)
"I can take on any bet you have in mind!" he said and crossed his arms.
'heh, gotcha~' Jason thought and then flashed his pearly whites at Percy.
"Alright, but if you don't wanna take the bet even after I say it, don't feel bad alright?" Jason said, and waited for Percy, who was getting somewhat fussy to nod in agreement.
"Ok buddy, The bet is simple enough.. we're gonna drop our pants and compare cock sizes. Whoever is bigger wins, and the loser has to be the winner little boy for the summer, and do whatever he's told."
"..Where you dropped on your head as a child?" Percy asked, raising a eyebrow but then smirking. "But Fine, you're gonna look sooo cute as my little boy Jason. It's you who might wanna back down, I'm packing some major heat here." Percy said and patted his crotch.
'..Ok he's just asking for a cuddle now. just too cute.' Jason thought then out loud went "Well Mr.Jackson, if you're so sure of yourself go right ahead."
"heh, Wanna spare yourself the humiliation huh? I'll let you keep your modesty." Percy said, really full of himself now as he stood up and started to tug down his black jogging pants. "Your about to see why Annabeth walks funny every time she comes over to my cabin~"
with his pants around his ankles and his plaid boxer's on display, Percy hooked his thumbs in the waistband and shot Jason a shit eating grin.
"Last chance to back out, though I hope you don't. you're gonna look fucking adorable in a sailor suit on the beach making me sand castles."
"Sheesh you trying to be a Pro wrestler with all that trash talking, shut up and show me what you got." Jason laughed, the sheer attuide coming from Percy was just too cute, double so when he knew a few things about Annabeth that Percy didn't.
Smirking Percy dropped his shorts and showed off all 7 inches of his fuck meat, not as thick as he would of liked but it got the job done and his pubes were neatly trimmed , almost a buzz cut.
"Face it Jason, your F'ed in the A." Percy said, reaching down and stroking his semi soft cock and gaining a half inch as it went to full on stiff mode.
"Oh my~ That IS quite impressive Percy, way more then I thought a pants pisser would of had." Jason said and stood up, hooking his thumbs in his shorts. it was well known he went commando so there would be no build up here. "Too bad it's still not enough."
"What?" Percy asked, looking confused and then Jason's shorts hit the floor and a soft 8 inch cock was looking back at Percy, at least TWICE the thickness of Percy's proud fuck meat!
"But, wait, there's more!" Jason said in his best TV infomercial voice, and with a couple of pumps his cock jumped up to 10 inches and was leaking a little cock drool.
"H-Holy fuck!" Percy squeaked.
"So do we need the measuring tape? or compare them side by side or do you wanna be a good boy and take your shirt off so big brother can get you dressed little man?" Jason asked.
"ah..ah..about that..see..I uh..I was totally kidding about making you do anything.." Percy was saying, trying to back away from Jason now with his pants and undies around his ankles. "T-this was all just a silly joke so I don't think we reall-"
"Percy, I'm going to ask one more time, for you to finish striping, or you'll be going over my lap little man." Jason said, bending down and tugging his shorts back up.
"Well ok, when you put it that way that soun- LOOK A DISTRACTION!" Percy yelled and pointed behind Jason and then went to run, instantly tripping and boinking his face off the floor since he hadn't kicked the clothes off.
"heh..I can see you're going to be a handful." Jason said and walked over and picked the dazed Percy up.
"I can taste purple!" Percy coo'ed.
"-snek-, I bet you can."
After making sure that Percy wasn't concussed, Jason waited for a few for the poor soon to be little guy to get his marbles back, and when Percy did he'd find himself over Jason's lap, a firm hand on his lower back to keep Percy from taking off.
The boy had been stripped naked by this point and Jason had made sure his cabin was far enough away from the water to keep Percy from using any of his powers, plus his own taps and water tank were enchanted to 'help keep Percy honest'.
"i.. what... Ah!" Percy yelped as he came to his sense and realized the situation he was in.
"welcome back buddy." Jason said, rubbing his free hand on Percy's bubble butt, almost kneeing the semi fatty flesh of the older boys butt. "Never knew you had so much junk in your trunk!"
"S-Shut up!" Huffed Percy even as he fought to get free, but it was clear who of the two was the stronger and a sudden SWAT to his ample back side (when made a ripple to Jason's delight) stopped him.
"J-J-Jason...Big Brother..I-if I promise to be good, can we skip th-" Percy started.
"Sorry buddy, I don't wanna do this anymore then you wanna be spanked." Jason started, a bold face lie but still. "But you need to learn if your not a good boy there is a fallout. I'll only go with 10 swats THIS time and hopefully you won't make me punish you more."
Percy whimpered, giving a weak token effort to get free but Jason could tell he had more or less accepted his fate and in a small way made Jason hate he STILL had to follow though.
Figuring it was better to get this over with Jason brought his hand down hard on Percy's cheeks, making the demi god guy out and kick his legs.
before Percy could even fully process that swat the second was already happened, Jason wanted this to be fast and hard.
He was all of five swats in, and Percy was blubbering like a baby, his hot tears flowing freely when he felt Percy stiffen on his lap.
"JASON STAP I HAF-" Percy started to warn and then..
well Jason was glad he'd pick a bar stool he had for the spanking as his lap and legs were drenched and a smelly puddle was made as Percy's bladder unloaded itself.
"I-I'm sorry please don't spank me morrrrre!" Percy sobbed.
Jason, despite being soaked in his little guys wee wee, just tugged Percy up and hugged him, wincing slightly as the bawling Percy got snot all over his shoulder while glomping him.
'Yeah..we're gonna share a shower.' he thought.
One wash up later and Jason and Percy were cleaned and dried off, with Jason in a fresh pair of shorts and a t-shirt while Percy was just wrapped up in a big fluffy towel whining softly still.
As it had turned out Percy was NOT a fan of showers, and had wanted to go for a bath despite Jason pointing out how bad of a idea that would of been. Having to put his foot down Jason had been forced to threaten anther trip over his knee to get Percy into said shower.
Now with Jason dressed it was Percy's turn and Jason rummaged though a dresser drawer and came out with a perfect little guy outfit made to Percy's size, clearly he had been planning this for awhile.
Said outfit was a pair of white socks with little anchor designs in dark silver all over them, a pair of briefs likewise with the anchors on them and then following up from that, a pair of cream white shorts and a sailor top.
"..How long have you been-" Percy started to ask.
"long enough, now lay back and let big bro get you dressed. and try not to have anymore accidents little man." Jason chuckled, and smirked as Percy huffed and stuck his tongue out at him.
"You shouldn't stick out your tongue, only snakes and fools do that and snakes don't have arms and legs so you must be a fool~" Jason teased.
"Oh WHATEVER!" Percy fumed and went to stick his tongue out again, but seemed to think better of it.
Once the little guy was all dressed, Jason helped him stand up and kissed his forehead, Making Percy whine and squirm and lead him over to a mirror so he could look at himself, adding a little sailor cap to his head and smirking.
"...I look like a oversized 5 year old!" Percy whined, cheeks going bright red and huffing and squirming.
"That WAS what I was aiming for." Jason chuckled and smooched Percy's cheek, getting even more fussy whines from the newly turned little. "Your gonna look SO cute on the bench making me sand castles and I have a cute little swim suit for you and everything!"
"..why do i get the feeling even if I had won, you would of just found a way to little me anyways?" Percy whined.
"Heh, that kinda foresight would of served you well about half a hour ago little bro."
Leading the huffing Percy back out to the living room, Jason set out a blanket on the floor for the little guy and then as Percy sat there silent fuming, he brought over a cardboard box and set it down.
Percy peeked into the box and it was half filled with toy's that he was sure would of delighted any 4-7 year old but only made him roll his eyes and look up at Jason.
"Really?" he asked Jason."Even if I hadn't of stopped playing with toys years ago, i was more into action figures then stuffies and toy cars and boats."
"Well since video games are a no no for little guys like you and ditto for action figures, you better learn to like these." Jason chuckled.
"What? why can't I have action figures?!" Percy demanded, never mind he had JUST said he wasn't into them anymore.
"Too many little pieces that could come off when you chew on them." Jason chuckled and patted the top of Percy's hat covered head.
"I DON'T CHEW ON TOYS!" Percy semi shouted and huffed.
"That's nottttt what your mom said when I was getting her help with this." Jason said in a sing song voice. "she told me you had teeth marks all over your old power rangers toys.
"Slander and lies! ..WAIT MY MOM WAS IN ON THIS?!?" Percy shrieked.
"Heh, oh yeah. wants pictures and warned me if I make you feel too little to be ready to diaper you at night."
Percy's right eye twitched and then he went on a incoherent screaming and shouting fit that Jason let go on, just to get it out of Percy's system and was amazed it took about 10 minutes before Percy stopped, panting and huffing, spittle running down his chin.
"You wanna try that again, this time in English so I can actually understand what you say?" Jason asked, grinning ear to ear.
by the time Percy was done, Jason had tallied that normally he would of earned about four mouth washings and at least one trip over his lap, but again, was letting the little guy get one punishment free vent in.
"Free better?" Jason asked as Percy huffed and pouted.
"Good, that's the last time I'm putting up with a fit like that Percy, so I hope you got it all out of your system. next time you'll be treated like any other five year old who has a tantrum." Jason said.
"..what does that mean?" Percy asked, gulping. "A time out in the corner?"
"well a time out is part of it, but you'll find this isn't some new age parenting place. Here at camp half blood, we believe in spanking naughty little boys and girls." Jason said and the look on his face left no doubt he meant it.
"..Oh poopie." Percy whimpered.
"Really Percy? stand up and let me check. I don't smell anything." Jason said with a chuckle.
"T-That's not what I meannnnnt!"
after his twin rants and everything else, it was just about lunch time so after getting Percy to start playing with his toy cars, even though Percy looked bored out of his mind, Jason started to cook up some lunch for the boys.
"Percy, I don't hear you playing..you being good over there?" Jason called over his shoulder, cutting up some potato's to make them fries to go with the grilled cheese he was gonna make.
Percy almost snarled out a reply but the threat of a spanking was in the back of his mind and instead..
"Yeah I'm being good, I don't know how to make the cars make enough noise to convince you though." Percy said.
"oh well thats simple. Make the engine noises. go vrhoom vrhoom." Jason chuckled.
"...you are a sick sick man, you know that?" Percy asked, but knowing when he was licked, started to do the noises just like 'big brother' wanted.
blushing the whole time and feeling foolish.
'I suppose it could be worse, no one else is here. and he'll have to get tired of this before long.' Percy thought.
Of course with the way Percy's luck was going he wasn't exactly surprised when right as he thought that, the doorbell rang.
"Percy buddy, can you be a good boy and go answer the door? big bro has his hands full." Jason called.
Huffing and getting up, Percy semi stomped his way over to the door to Jason's cabin, never once realizing with his bratty attuide he seemed less like someone who didn't wanna show off his outfit and more like a huffy little guy who didn't wanna stop playing.
Opening the door without checking to see who was there, Percy entered a full body blush as his girlfriend was standing there, looking amused.
"A-Annabeth!! W-what are you doing over here?" He squeaked.
"Pfffttt, Oh my god, Jason actually got you to do it! this is too good!" She giggled. "I've known he wanted to dress you up for awhile but never in a million years would I of thought you'd -actually- do it!"
the clear amusement in her voice and the big grin on her face had Percy feeling like the little boy he was dressed up as and he squirmed and whined loudly.
"Percy! Who's at the door?" Jason called.
"I..I..It's.." Percy stammered.
"It's Annabeth!" Annabeth called over Percy's shoulder.
"Percy, don't be rude, Invite her in." Jason called.
the last thing that Percy wanted was for his girlfriend to come in but clearly it was out of his hands, so instead he looked down at the floor and then stood to the side, gesturing for her to come in.
'Dad, if your listening..I could really use a tidal wave right about now.' Percy thought.
Sadly, Either seaweed daddy wasn't listening or found this whole thing to be funny as Annabeth walked in and spotted Percy's play area, squealing with delight and laughing.
the next 20 or so minutes was spent with Annabeth 'looking after little Percy' and keeping him out of trouble while Jason made them all lunch.
As bad as playing cars and having to make the noises had been before when it was just for Jason, it was so very much worst doing it for the amusement of his girlfriend who kept asking humiliating questions, and 'Big brother' insisted that he answer them all.
"Awww are you having fun?" She coo'ed as she sat back on the couch.
"..Oh yes, Loads." Percy huffed sarcastically though to his dismay she took it as a honest answer.
"Well that's good! So which car is your favorite?" and she leaned forward now, studying the different types of toy cars.
"...I dunno, I guess the police car?" Percy said and semi shrugged his shoulders, and squirming from all of the embarrassment he was receiving.
"Heh, lots of little guys like cop cars, that makes since. Hmm..Your squirming a lot, do you need to use the potty? we don't want you to have a accident!" Annabeth said, looking mildly concerned though still grinning.
"I-I don't need help telling when I hafa potty!" Percy almost shrieked.
"Heh, tell that to the damp spot on the floor from your accident eariler." Jason called.
"Ohhh, did somebody wet his pants?" Annabeth giggled, looking totally delighted.
"I-It wasn't my fault! Jason was spanking me a-and I ju-" Percy tried to argue but got cut off.
"Oh, why did he have to spank you? were you being a bad boy?" She asked, leaning in close, eyes filled with excitement as she brushed her hair behind a ear. "Did you cry lots and lots and beg big brother to stop?"
Percy was having all sorts of warning bells going off in his head at how excited she seemed by this and just shut his mouth and crossed his arms turning away from him.
"Oh you did! Ahahahaha! Wow, spanked into submission by someone younger then you~" She teased, then got up. "Well all that aside, I don't believe you Mr.fussy pants, so come on, let's take you to the potty."
"NO! I don't have to!" Percy huffed, and winced, he HEARD how little he sounded.
"Percy, you come with me to the potty and try little man or I'll get Jason to do it. who do you think is gonna be nicer about it?" Annabeth asked.
"She's got a point buddy." Jason called over, he was almost done with the fries and grilled cheese that was gonna be supper. "Also you've had your mulligan, any more accidents and you'll be losing big boy underwear privileges."
"..You mean it gets worse then these baby briefs?!" Percy yelped out.
"Yup~ Normally next step down would be pull-ups but I couldn't find any in your size so right back to diapers." Jason called and turned and smirked. "So.. still think your good or wanna hedge your bets and go sit on the potty?"
"...I'm going to the potty because -I- choose to!" Percy huffed and scrambled to his feet.
"Mmmhmmm, whatever you have to tell yourself little man." Jason said and turned back to the cooking.
Annabeth had stood up as well and offered Percy a hand, and while he wanted to slap it away, somehow he just knew how that would end and accepted it.
"..Your waiting outside the door while I go." was the only thing Percy could think to say.
It never dawned on him that despite never being to Jason's cabin before, she seemed to know exactly where the bathroom was, though in his defense she was keeping him off guard.
"Oh my, such a big boy, going all by yourself.. Deal but remember to wipe and wash your hands."
'fuck my life..'
sitting on the potty Percy was mentally counting down how long he should play along with the potty game when he was shocked that a stream did escape him, followed by a couple of wet farts.
As such after the boy had wiped and flushed and washed his hands, his face was somehow even more crimson then before.
Not helping matters was Annabeth praising him for being a good boy and holding up a hand for a high five which Percy weakly returned.
Getting back out to the main room the table had been set and while Annabeth's and Jason's plate sat on the white table cloth, Percy's on was on top of a plastic mat shaped like a teddy bear.
when Percy whined and pointed Jason just gave a big toothy grin.
"Sorry buddy, but I've seen you eat, you're a messy eater and it's easier to wipe the plastic mat clean then to wash the table cloth. Oh! that reminds me.." Jason said as Percy fumed and took his seat.
His grilled cheese had been cut into four parts for him and his ketchup for his fries were in a little plastic bowl to the side. He was about to comment he wasn't that bad when Jason produced a teen sized bib,white in color with navy blue text on it reading 'I love my big brother!'
"..Your joking right?" Percy asked, narrowing his eyes and glaring at Jason while Annabeth covered her mouth to stifle a laugh.
"What, you don't like it?" Jason asked, pretending to sound hurt while smirking.
"What do you think?" Percy asked.
"well ok, you don't HAVE to wear the bib if you don't want to, but if your not wearing it, i want you to strip down to your undies so you don't get your new outfit all dirty buddy." Jason chuckled.
"...Give me the effing bib." Percy growled though clenched teeth.
"Ah ah ah, none of that, that was too close to a swear word for my liking. try that again and your be a little bubble breath. also, as your loving big brother." and Annabeth couldn't hold it in and laughed out loud. "..It's my job to get this on you."
"..Of course it is."
Percy's one mulligan as the bib was put on him was that his drink was at least in a cup, though Jason noticed him looking at it as he finished.
"Ok buddy, I'm taking a chance and trusting you with a big kid cup. but if you spill it, it's back to sippy cups. Or if you wanna just use one now that's ok too. you don't have to put on a show for our guest." Jason said.
A swear was almost out of his mouth when Percy caught himself, and biting down on his tongue, he just ignored Jason and started to chow down on his fries, planing to eat in silence.
However much like most of his other plans for the day, this one fell to the wayside as while Jason and Annabeth started to chow, Jason asked Percy what he'd been pretending was happening while he played with his cars.
The tone in Jason's voice made it clear Percy better come up with something quick, and so the newly turned little boy spun a tale about some cops trying to bust a smuggling ring of counterfeit toys.Percy was getting annoyed though that despite how much of a excellent bullshit story he was weaving on the spot, Jason and Annabeth were apparently distracted and ignoring him.
the only time they seemed to chime in or respond to what he was saying was when he went quiet for too long.
what the Demi god turned little guy couldn't of known though since he lacked X-ray vision was that there was a good reason the two of them were semi ignoring Percy, except to encourage him to go on between his bites of food.
Jason and Annabeth were playing footsie under the table and sending each other signals of shared attraction.
What little Percy didn't know yet, but would find out all too soon was that Annabeth had been over to this cabin more then a few times, having hooked up with Jason while Percy was off being a good boy for his mom.
The idea of cucking the son of one of the big three had just been too much of a temptation to pass up, and it had been going on far longer then Percy himself would of guessed.
She had even faked being too sick to go out with him on his birthday, just to come over and get fucked by Jason, who had truthfully ruined sex with Percy for her but she still put on a show.
The moment that let her always squirt the hardest when neither boy was available though was how she had tricked Percy into eating her out, while blindfolded after Jason had cream pied her. she claimed the funny taste was a sugar cream she had picked up from a sex shop and Jason had been there, watching from the closet as Percy licked and slurped her clean, making her moan even as the poor boys face had been screwed up.
Clearly he hadn't cared for the taste but whenever Annabeth moaned and asked how he liked it, he would reply with a choked
"I-It tastes awesome..y-you should get more."
That had made her squirt right then and there and breathlessly after, she promised Percy she would.
She hadn't even returned the favor, just had Percy climb into bed with her and removed the blind fold once Jason was out the door, cuddling him and stroking him off and on so that in the middle of the night Percy had been forced to sneak off to the bathroom and jerk off, not knowing Annabeth was awake and could hear everything from her bed.
Percy finished his food and his drink, and let out a loud Belch as he finished his story, Annabeth and Jason had finished before him but stayed seated to 'listen' to his 'amazing' story.
"Wow buddy, you have a activate imagination!" Jason coo'ed, pulling his feet away from Annabeth and giving Percy his full attention and smirking.
Of course the sea brat had gotten ketchup on his face and fingers, and on his bib. add into it that while Jason and Annabeth had been drinking root beer Percy was sporting a purple kool-aid mustache and Jupiter, he just looked so cute!
"Heh, hold still buddy, I think somebody needs a quick clean up." Jason laughed, getting up and getting a damp wash cloth and rubbing over Percy's face as the little guy squirmed.
"Stopppp! I can do it my selfff!" He whined, making Annabeth snort.
Did Percy really not hear just how much of a little guy he sound like right now?!
Either way, over his own protests he was cleaned up and given anther drink of grape juice, though this time it was in a light blue sippy cup.
And boy, if looks could kill Jason would of hit the floor stone cold dead.
"I THOUGHT you said I could use big kid cups!" Percy huffed, furrowing his brow and once again looking like the little guy he was dressed up as.
"well your gonna go back to playing while me and Annabeth watch some TV and I don't want you getting too excited playing cops that you knock over your drink without realizing it." Jason said reasonably.
"I wouldn't!" Percy whined.
"well maybe you would, maybe you wouldn't, It's my floor so I get to make the call. when we're over at YOUR place you can knock all the cups over you want." Jason said and smirked, then tapped a finger on Percy's nose.
Leading Percy over to his blanket, Jason got him sat down and noticed Annabeth tapping her chin as she looked down.
"Penny for you thoughts." He said.
"I was thinking, you know that old play mat, where it's a toy and it's toy car sized? we should get one of those for Percy!" She said grinning ear to ear.
"I think-" Percy started to say, not looking happy but he was of course cut off by Jason.
"That's a awesome idea! In fact I think Nico has one still, I'll go see if we can borrow it later!" Jason said smiling and turning to Percy. "Doesn't Annabeth have the BEST ideas little guy?"
"I can barely contain my joy." Percy muttered, huff and holding his sippy cup up and taking a drink before he said more and got his mouth washed out.
with the TV turned on Percy tried to get into the movie that Jason had popped in, but it was some sort of a romantic comedy and he hated those and found himself legit getting into playing with the cars, talking softly to himself and not realizing he was talking out loud as he did a few more police chases, then had a whole story going on about a big race going on.
He found himself drinking lots of the kool-aid, it was really sweet but seemed to dry him out and more then once he had to go and excuse himself to go pee (though Jason or Annabeth insisted on walking down with him to the bathroom, just in case he needed help)
he also found himself getting super tired despite having a good nights sleep, though he chalked it up to everything he had been though so far and laid on his tummy and put himself on eye level with the car's as he ran them back and forth, watching the shiny metal of the the hub caps move and feeling his eyelids drooping.
"Percy buddy, you wanna go for a nap?" Jason called over, pausing the movie, making Percy sit up. he'd shut his eyes for a few seconds.
"Nooo I don't need a nap." Percy huffed and whined.rubbing a fist under one eye.
"Well you were laying there with your eyes closed for about a minute." Annabeth pointed out.
"wasn't sleeping..I was..checking my eyelids for cracks!" Percy huffed, pouting, and taking anther gulp of his juice.
"well ok, if you say so. if you wanna go for a nap it's ok though." Jason said, smirking.
"What EVER." Percy huffed and laid back down switching to one of the toy boat's and laying on his back, moving it in the air now.
he played with the boat for all of 30 seconds before his eyes closed again and soon the 18 year old going on 4 at best was snoring softly on the floor.
"Sheesh, I thought you said you were only gonna give him a light dose of sleeping pills." Annabeth said softly, leaning in and kissing Jason's cheek.
"I didn't. Sea brat is just a lightweight. still, we better move to the other room if he snores as bad as you say." Jason said.
as some deep snores started to come out, the cuck'ed demi god was left on the floor to sleep it off, though before Annabeth and Jason went to go and play 'hide the pickle' they were nice enough to drape a blanket over Percy and get a pillow under his head, setting his hat on the coffee table.
Kissing and mashing lips, Jason and Annabeth almost didn't make it to his bedroom before they were all over each other, she was trying to pull off his shirt as she pressed him against the wall.
"Some one's needy." Jason teased, though he only had slightly more restraint then her.
"I haven't had a real orgasm in 2 days..you turned me into a nympho, take responsibility for it!" Annabeth moaned and begged.
A slap on the ass brought he back in line and she manged to keep her clothes on till they were in Jason's room, with her going and kicking the door shut, or trying to as it only closer 3/4's of the way.
"Jesus, look how wet you are, I'm shocked you didn't leave a puddle." Jason teased, getting her on his bed and sliding two fingers into her dripping sex and hitting all the right spots to drive her wild.
"Stop teasing and fuck me already! I need a MAN, not a BOY!" She moaned.
"Far be it from me to argue." Jason chuckled and pinning her on her back, he entered her hard and fast, just the way she liked it.
Or so he assumed from the cries of pleasure that rang out and the way her arms and legs wrapped around him, trying to pull him in deeper.
her cries were muffled by Jason's lips on hers, his tongue entering her willing mouth and making her hers and when he pulled back, she was semi drooling.
even as he rocked his hips in and out of her, he held up a finger to his lips.
"Shhh, don't wake the baby."
Percy groaned and whimpered in his sleep, having weird dreams where he only came up to Annabeth's and Jason's knee caps and they were teasing him lots and treating him even younger then they already were, when a sharp cramp in his tummy woke him up and he sat up on the floor, rubbing a eye.
"Gotta poop.." Percy mumbled, half asleep and slowly making his way up to his feet, swaying a little bit and letting out a massive fart as he did so.
the poot drew a whine and a whimper from the sleepy demi god, who held his nose as the smell reached him and toddled away as fast as he could, a little cry of 'stinky' coming out of his mouth.
heading down the hall to the bathroom, which was across from Jason's room Percy mostly didn't pay it any mind, the absence of Jason and Annabeth hadn't really clicked in his mind yet.
He likely would of ignored the room all together if he hadn't of heard a cry of pleasure coming from it, and it wasn't Jason's voice.
Toddling over Percy took a peek and his eyes went wide and his sense got a rude wake up call, there was his girlfriend naked and bouncing up and down on top of Jason who was fondling her tits as he cried out and and had her hands on his wrists, encouraging it.
even as he took in the site and felt a rage boiling over, Percy's little sailor shorts painfully tented out and a cramp hit, making him go to his knees and keep watching.
"Fuck fuck fuck, you're so much better then Percy~" Annabeth was moaning and mewing, trying to lean down for a kiss. Jason instead rolled and now was on top of her, fucking her like the whore she was and looking over in Percy's direction, smirking.
"Of course I am. He's just a little cuck boi. I bet if he knew what was happening he'd just suck his thumb and jerk off." Jason said, and winked at Percy.
Percy wanted to get up and storm in there, to pound on Jason and put him in his place.
Instead he found himself reaching into his shorts and jerking his painfully hard cock, which had already leaked pre though the briefs and the shorts and his thumb found it's way into his mouth, sucking on it.
"Hell I bet once we get his stupid ass back in diapers, he'll be more then willing to prep daddy for mommy. can you picture him bobbing up and down on my cock, thickly diapers and whimpering but rubbing the front of his huggies?" Jason added.
Percy missed Annabeth's reply, mostly because as Jason said it Percy was picturing himself doing it, and accordingly the thumb started to move in his mouth, as if he was practicing for daddy.
"Might even let him have a load or two..I know you're gonna breast feed him but I wanna give him some daddy milk too." Jason chuckled, fucking Annabeth in ways Percy knew he never could and he whimpered around his thumb.
Normally Percy's stamina was as such he could fuck for at least half a hour without blowing his load but whether it was the scene in front of him, the scene in his head, the bowel movement pressing on his prostate as he was fighting to keep it in now or all three, his peak was coming fast.
Drool trailing sown his chin and shutting his eyes, he let the mental image of Jason face fucking him while he pooped himself fill his mind and had the biggest most intense orgasm of his life, shooting though the undies and shorts like they weren't even there and spraying his load on the wall, before slumping over, panting and eyes glazed over.
the last thing he recalled before conking back out was a loss of control, and a warm muddy feeling starting to spread on his butt.
Jason finished up with Annabeth and they cuddled, the smell reaching them both but oddly not bothering them as much as it should.
She had picked up Percy was watching from the looks Jason kept giving the door and then his dirty talk and smirked and she traced a finger on his pecs.
"You really are evil you know that~" She giggled.
"Oh please, if anything I just saved us about 2-3 days worth of effort in making him a diaper wearing cuck. trust me, he's never gonna be able to replace that feeling with anything less then watching mommy and daddy fuck." Jason said.
"heh, so you don't think he'll at least be able to hump his stuffies?" Annabeth asked.
"Oh, he'll hump them alright, but all he's gonna do is basically goon himself stupid. Add in maybe some hand jobs from you while your breast feeding him and that's what sex with you will become. him sucking on your titties and humping your hand." Jason laughed and pulled her in for a kiss. "Unless of course you don't even wanna grant him that?" Jason asked and smirked.
"Heh, Nah, I'm not heartless. what we had was fun and the least I can do is let him suck on my titties. though maybe I'll dump a condom full of 'daddy milk' over them first." She teased and they both laughed.
"Well, I suppose ONE of us should go and get him cleaned up and diapered." Jason said and gave Annabeth a hopeful look.
"Heh, nice try, diapers were YOUR idea, so enjoy wiping his poopie butt Mr.daddy dom." Annabeth said and rolled over, covering herself with a sheet and drifting off into a light nap.
"..Maybe it won't be so bad." Jason said softly and slid out of bed.
getting a pair of shorts on he moved out into the hall way and leaned in to check on Percy.
"Oh Jupiter! it's worse then I thought!" came his cry as Annabeth opened one eye and chuckled.
15 minutes later (though it felt like hours to poor Jason) and Percy had been cleaned up of all of his mess and taped up in a nice snug diaper.
the sea brat had woken up halfway though the clean up but hadn't offered one bit of resistance as Jason cleaned him, unless you counted him covering his face in shame when he got a stiffie as Jason wiped his winky.
Still he had been a good boy and lifted his hips when told to for Jason to slid the thick diaper under his butt and sucked on his thumb big time as Jason helped him to his feet.
"well, I guess it's save to say your not big enough for big boy undies huh buddy?" Jason asked and kissed Percy's hot cheek. "Wave bye bye to your undies." Jason added, tossing them in a waste basket and almost melting as after a second, Percy actually waved bye.
a pat on his padded rump and a point towards the living room had Percy toddling unsteadily on his feet, getting used to the bulk between his legs while Jason took the bag out of the trash can and tied it shut, unwilling to let the treasure so to speak linger.
As he came out of the bathroom he saw one of two adorable sights. the first was that Percy had plopped onto his butt and was trying to get back up. the second was that Annabeth was at the end of the hall, leaning down slightly and lightly slapping her thighs and coo'ing to Percy.
"Come on little guy, you can do it! walk for mommy!" She coo'ed."Stop sucking on your thumb and use both hands to get up and for balance~ that's it!"
Percy was clearly mortified, but had a silly grin on his face and pulled his drool soaked thumb out of his mouth and managed to get up on his feet and step by step made his way to her, arms held out like a baby learning to walk.
'Awww, babies first steps and we didn't record it.' Jason mused.
Percy huggled and nuzzled Annabeth who showed off her shocking power as he lifted him up and set him on her hip, taking over over to the couch and sitting down with him as Jason ran the bag with the smelly undies and shorts out to the trash.
Joining the other two on the couch, Jason and Annabeth were on either side of Percy and giving him lots of cuddles.
"So..I suppose you have a few questions for us." Jason started.
"MORE then a few.." Percy agreed.
Half a hour later and Percy was all caught up with what was going on, how this had been the end game from the start and how long he'd been cucked.
It hurt in a way but in the long run he could tell that despite him not being considered a man or even a big boy anymore, Annabeth still cared for him and well, he kinda liked the attention from Jason as well.
"Will I still get to have sex?" Percy asked as his last question.
"well, depends on what you count as sex. You'll get diaper rubs when being breast fed." Annabeth said.
"and your free to hump your stuffies, just not too much, I don't wanna have to replace the stuffing in them every day." Jason said then looked a little sheepish. "Thoughh uhhh..If you wanted to make daddy super duper happy and get a bunch of toys as a reward..I kinda like the idea of long term cock locks on little boys like you."
Percy whined at that and squirmed.
"H-How long?" he asked.
"ehehe well uh..at least a year at a time." Jason started and Percy's jaw dropped.
"Are you nuts?! I'd go crazy!! There's n-" Percy started to whine and have a fit, but was tugged suddenly by Annabeth.
while his attention had been on Jason she'd slipped off her top and now had Percy in her lap and one of her tits resting against his face, the hand on the back on his head and the other hand on his crotch.
"Shhh don't be so fussy and drink up and think about it." she coo'ed.
He tried to fight free for a few seconds but then while trying to yell actually tasted some milk coming out of Annabeth's perfect tits and calmed down, suckling away almost greedily now and thrusting his crotch into her hand over and over again as he drank up.
"if you end up creaming yourself while drinking titty milk I'm going to have to take it as a sign you wanna be locked up for a year buddy." Jason coo'ed, moving around behind Annabeth now and kissing the back of her neck. "Doesn't that sound fair 'mommy'?"
"Mmmhhhm~ totally 'daddy'."Annabeth moaned then turned her attention to Percy. "What do you think baby Percy? Does that sound fair and you want mommy to stop feeding you her boobies or do you wanna keep drinking. hold up one finger for stop, two for keep going."
To the surprise of no one two fingers were held up and she let Percy keep nursing, though she felt a need to toss out a warning.
"Percy sweetie, you might wanna slow down, titty milk is mean for real babies, not big ones and can react funny with your system." she warned.
"Like what?" Jason asked, looking a little concerned now.
"Oh, he'll have this go right though him and then you'll have your first stinky diaper to change." Annabeth said with a evil grin.
"..Uh Percy buddy maybe slow down." Jason said, sweat dropping a little.
It wasn't that he didn't wanna change a smelly diaper, more just he thought there would be more of a break in between said smelly diapers.
In any case Percy either didn't seem to hear mommy and daddy because he was lost in his own little world of diapie rubs and titty milk or he just didn't care, a ominous gurgling coming from his tummy.
"better get ready for anther present from your favorite little gift maker." Annabeth teased Jason as she increased the diaper rubbing which made Percy only drink harder.
Jason resigned himself to his fate and decided to help things along, reaching around Annabeth's arm and rubbing and pushing on Percy's tum tum.
the effect was almost instant and Annabeth pulled her hand away just as Percy started to spurt, the back of his diaper ballooning out with hot mush and hiting his happy spot on the way out and Percy was derpy faced and hand titty milk running down his chin as he diaper humped the air.
"Cumming! Baby Percy ish cumming while going POOPIE in his diapies!" he babbled out.
"heh, you sure are~"
-3 and half months later-
Adjusting to life as a family and living at the camp year round wasn't always easy for everyone, for one there had been a tricky business with calming down Percy's real dad when he found out what Percy had been turned into.
Thankfully Zeus and Hades had manged to calm him down and make him see how much happier their nephew was like this and sea daddy had let it go, though warned Jason and Annabeth that if they ever broke Percy's heart not even his brothers would be able to stop his rage before leaving.
(ironically this threat had made Annabeth have a slight accident and Percy had giggled for almost a hour about how mommy needed diapers too)
Switching all of his clothes into little style ones was anther challenge and then there was the fun of trying to figure out what he could keep from his old life and what he had to give away, though the little yard sale they had for his big boy stuff was helped with Percy in just his diapers and a pair of sandal's running around and gushing over different things and hyping up how kewl they were.
Today however Fall was well underway and Jason was sitting on the front porch with Annabeth sipping on some hot cider while Percy played in the yard.
He was dressed in light black sweat pants and white socks and a pair of light up heel velco strap sneaker, and wearing a light jacket colored blue to help with the chill in the air.
his thick diaper showed under the sweats but after so long in the diapers he only had trouble walking or running when they went up to three diapers just before bed.
Jason had just finished raking up all the leafs into piles before taking a seat on the porch and sighed a little as Percy apparently made it his mission to take out the 'evil leaf aliens from planet FART' via jumping into the piles.
"Remind me why I bothered to rake these when i knew he was coming out to play?" Jason asked, smirking slightly.
"heh,well if I had to take a guess I would suggest that your a glutton for punishment.. or you just wanted to watch him be a cute little dork." Annabeth said and took a sip, then placed a hand on her tummy. "So, I have a question for you."
"Oh?"Jason asked, his hand joining hers on her belly and feeling a little kick.
"How long do we wait to tell him he's gonna be a big brother?"
The end
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lavenderbexlatte · 4 years
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stray kids 1.2k words gender-neutral reader insert Reader x Lee Minho EXPLICIT/NSFW
🖤 warnings: bratting, degradation (incl. sl*t), cat-based nicknames, semi-public sex, handjobs 🖤
🚨🚨 lino is a brat and a bit of an asshole and yknow, it’s sexy here, but it is not realistic.
connect with me! / masterlist
All you can do is stand there, unamused, hands on your hips, and watch.
You’d come to this cocktail event, a stiflingly boring affair inside a fussy restaurant put on by your workplace, with Minho, WITH him. Not like a real date, because the two of you aren’t like that, but he’s at least supposed to be your arm candy. In reality, you can’t even keep track of him. As soon as the first professional you were supposed to be mingling with came up to say hello, Minho excused himself, and you didn’t see him for ages.
Now you’ve found him, near the drinks table, talking to a pretty girl in a gaudy sequined cocktail dress. He’s got one of his best smirks fixed on his face, the one that you’re convinced he practices in the mirror to make sure it’s at full seduction potential.
But Minho shouldn’t be seducing anybody. He came here with you, and if your previous not-quite-dates have taught you anything, he’ll be going home with you, too. The two of you have been friends with benefits for long enough for this to be an expectation.
He’s flirting pretty hard with that girl, though. She’s leaning in close to him, tottering on her high heels, playing with her hair much more than is natural.
No. This isn’t gonna fly.
You walk over to the table, keeping yourself behind Minho and out of his field of view. You’re not about to make a scene, busying yourself with a pitcher of something fruity and a glass full of ice. You just want to listen.
“You smell incredible,” the girl is saying, bringing down one dainty hand on Minho’s shoulder, curling her long pretty nails into the fabric of his blazer.
“You think?” Minho replies, shifting his weight so that he’s even closer to her.
“You’re strong, too, aren’t you?” she simpers.
God. You nearly choke on your too-strong fruity drink, listening to them. No disrespect to this girl, who is obviously trying her damnedest, but it sounds like bad porn dialogue.
“I could let you find out,” Minho says.
Alright, enough. You affix your best clueless smile to your face, and move in.
“There you are!” you say.
The way Minho jumps at the sound of your voice is satisfaction enough, as you come around to stand beside them. The girl’s hand is frozen on his shoulder, and he’s just looking at you in an awkward approximation of his former smirk.
“Oh, my God, am I interrupting you? I’m sorry,” you say cheerfully, laying it on thick.
“Who is this?” the girl asks uneasily.
“I’m his date, but I didn’t realize he knew anyone here!” you say. “How nice, Minho, why don’t you introduce us?”
You don’t want to put her on the spot too badly, since it’s not her fault, but you do want to make Minho squirm. And from the way the girl flushes and excuses herself without another word, giving Minho a dark look, you’d say that you succeeded.
“Nice work, killjoy,” Minho mutters, as you step into the open space in front of him.
“I didn’t know I was so boring that you’d need to go looking for a whole new piece of ass,” you say.
Minho shrugs. “She was cute.”
“Oh, come on, tomcat,” you chide, “If you wanted my attention, you could have just said something.”
“Who says I’m trying to get your attention?” he asks.
You drain your glass before you answer him. “Why else would you be doing this after agreeing to come out with me? If you wanted to find someone to sleep with, you could’ve gone out alone.”
Minho rolls his eyes, “If I want something, I’ll ask for it.”
“Okay, then ask for it.”
You cross your arms, and wait. Minho just meets your gaze evenly, but you can see the annoyance rising behind his eyes, in the tic of his jaw.
“Come on, kitty,” you say, and he bristles at the diminutive nickname, “You know you’re only bad when you want attention.”
Minho is obviously not in the mood for your antagonizing, because he turns right around, muttering under his breath, and heading out toward the front foyer with the coatroom and the bathrooms and host’s stand.
“I could have any girl in here, you know,” he calls over his shoulder.
“I’d like to see you do it,” you reply.
You watch him until he rounds the corner, out of view. But you know this about Minho, from years of being his friend and months of being in this precarious arrangement: if he runs away like this, he wants you to chase him.
When you follow him into the foyer, he’s just standing there against the empty host’s stand, arms crossed. His expression is blank, his pouty downturned lips giving him that distinct catlike resting face that you like so much.
“Bathroom or coatroom?” you ask him lightly.
Choose, or I will,” you say.
He blinks at you. “Coatroom.”
“Nice choice.”
You grab him by both lapels and tug him toward the demure wooden door labeled “Coats.” The room is unmanned, since it’s not cold enough to necessitate outerwear, but the door is unlocked, and you shove Minho inside before shutting yourself in after him.
“What’s your safeword?” you ask him, as you crowd him up against the wall.
He grits his teeth, his malcontent visible even in the hazy yellow glow of the coatroom’s single yellow light, but answers, “Whiskers.”
“That’s right, it is.”
The two of you are pressed chest to chest, and you smile at him, deceptively sweet.
“What?” he snaps.
“Are you gonna admit that you were just being a little attention whore out there?” you ask.
“Why would I admit that?”
You hum, grinding your hips forward into his. Like the easy little kitty he is, you can feel him rut into you in return. His arousal rises like his temper: quickly and out of his control.
“What else would you call it, huh?” you tease.
You reach down between your bodies to grasp his cock through the material of his slacks, and Minho lets out a strangled moan that’s much too loud.
“You have to keep it down,” you murmur, “Or everyone’s gonna know that you’re just a bratty little slut who pitches a fit until he gets what he wants.”
Minho just presses his hips harder into your grip, and you let go of him to pop the button on his pants and slip your hand inside, instead. He moans again, at the feeling of your skin against him, massaging his length.
But as your hand moves, you can heat a rustling sound that’s almost like…paper? Curious, you poke your other hand into Minho’s front pocket, and pull out not one, but two scraps of paper. It’s dark but you can make out a scrawl on each of them.
“What are these?” you ask him, tugging his pants and underwear down more so that you can jerk him off more openly.
“Nothing,” Minho spits.
“They look like phone numbers.”
“Huh, funny.”
You squeeze him even tighter, and he yelps.
“Jesus fucking Christ, are you trying to castrate me?” Minho hisses.
“I just thought my dumb little slut wanted to get his dick wet so bad that he was out hunting for three phone numbers,” you reply.
“Fuck you.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” you grin, “Sluts don’t get what they want.”
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xofanfics · 4 years
Dawn - Alternate Ending II
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Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Alternate Ending I
Genre: angst, fluff, implied smut
Pairing: Reader x Mingyu ; Reader x Junhui
Word Count: 3.5k
Summary: You find out you’re pregnant after you and your boyfriend break up.
You closed the last box you were packing for the night. In the end, you decided to move in with Mingyu. No one wanted you to but it was your decision to make. You didn’t want your daughter to grow up without her dad around. You didn’t want your daughter to grow up hating him for not being there for her. So, you were moving in with him and that was that. 
Mingyu came in, wiping his hands on his shirt. “When should I have the movers come?”
“How about Saturday?”
Mingyu nodded and taped up the box. “Sounds good.” He took out his phone and handed it to you, showing a picture. “I rearranged the room a little. I pushed the bed against the wall to make more room. I was thinking the crib can go next to the dresser?”
You smiled. “Yeah. It just can’t be too big.”
“When she gets bigger we’ll move into a bigger place, of course.”
You leaned in, pressing your lips to his cheek for a quick kiss. This brought a smile to Mingyu’s face. He said, “What was that for?”
You returned his smile. “No reason.”
He placed his hand on your stomach, gently caressing it. “I can’t wait to meet her.”
“About four more months…”
“I hope she’s just as beautiful as her mom.”
Blood rushed to your cheeks, making them hot. If he said anything else cute, your whole face would surely light up like Christmas tree lights. Your smile became wider. 
Then Mingyu started laughing. “You’re blushing right now?”
You felt your cheek, self-conscious. “Shut up.”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Can we try again? I miss you…”
Mirai was a good girl but she wasn’t you. Though he’d been dating Mirai for over a year now, he didn’t feel as strongly as he felt about you despite dating you for a shorter period of time. He cared about her. He did. He loved her. But it wasn’t the same. 
When Jun was with Mirai, he constantly wondered if this was how things were supposed to be. He loved her and cared about her but, on the other hand, he felt restless, bored even. 
He wished that you hadn’t chosen Mingyu but what right did he have to protest when you’d chosen the father of your child? When he first realized that you’d gotten back with him, he was hurt. It hurt him because you’d expressed how much he hurt you. And for you to end up choosing him felt like a slap in the face. 
But none of that mattered. And he couldn’t talk to anyone about it either. So, he kept his feelings wrapped up inside him. He had to pretend that he was okay with how things had turned out even if he wasn’t. 
He’s seen you several times after you made your decision. He was still very much a part of the friend group. He recalled a time where everyone ate dinner together. You were there, too, of course. You’d still been pregnant at the time, your belly huge. Everyone cooed over you and asked a million questions about the baby. Thankfully, almost as if for his sake, your boyfriend wasn’t mentioned in the conversation. 
He watched you as you talked. You were beautiful as ever. This pregnancy had you glowing in every way. Even looking at you, he felt guilty. It wasn’t like he wanted to have an affair with you; that wasn’t it. But he wished that things had gone differently. And he wondered why you made this decision. But from what he’d gathered, he figured you were afraid. Afraid of judgment, afraid of motherhood, maybe even afraid of losing him. Maybe that was why you broke up with him in the first place. Maybe you thought that he wouldn’t stay with you. 
After dinner, he took a taxi home with Michelle since her boyfriend’s place was near his. And she said, “Do you still have feelings for her?”
He froze. Could he be honest with her? Could he be honest with himself? He didn’t think he could say it out loud so he just nodded. 
“I’m sorry…” Michelle put her head in her hands. She was friends with both of you and couldn’t help but put the blame on herself. “I feel like this is my fault since I set you two up in the first place…”
“Don’t blame yourself,” he said. “It’s not your fault that we didn’t work out. It just wasn’t meant I guess.”
“Are you happy? Mirai seems like a good girl.”
“That’s the thing that’s been bothering me. I don’t know. I’m satisfied but I’m still not sure.”
He wanted to be happy and, to be honest, he wasn’t even sure if he was unhappy because you seemed to be happy without him. The cause of his unhappiness was unclear. Maybe he was just bored with his life in general. Maybe Mirai wasn’t the problem. Maybe he was getting tired of his job. Maybe he just needed to do something exciting. Maybe a trip would be good for him. Maybe he should just leave Korea, period.
Your water broke at the most inconvenient time ever. You were in the middle of a meeting and your baby apparently wanted out. You stood up from your chair quietly when you realized that something was wrong. To make matters worse, your coworkers all looked up at you. 
A few awkward seconds passed before you said, “My, uh, water broke…”
Your boss looked at you with wide eyes before rushing toward you to ask a million questions. “Oh God,” she said. “Are you in any pain? Did it really break?”
You felt the back of your pants, confirming that, indeed, your water had broken. At that moment, you were grateful that your pants were black. 
Your coworker that sat at the desk behind you said, “The baby’s really coming?”
“I think she’s ready to come out.” You added, “Should I go to the hospital now? Do I wait? What do you do?” You couldn’t help but laugh. In movies, it was always so much more dramatic when a woman’s water broke. But you weren’t in any pain; contractions hadn’t started yet. 
You grabbed your own phone and called Mingyu. You wanted to let him know sooner rather than later. Your due date wasn’t for another two weeks and Mingyu had argued with you about going to work. Your boss fought with you about it too but you couldn’t just sit at home doing nothing while everyone else was at work.
“Hello?” he answered. 
“Mingyu,” you said, “she’s coming…”
“Oh my God!” he said, panic clear in his voice. “You’re at work, right? Should I come get you? How far is the hospital? Did you call Doctor Lee?”
“No, no,” you said. “I can manage on my own.” But then you felt the moisture in your pants and felt gross. “Actually, could you go home and bring me some pants? Then we can go together.” 
Mingyu was excited. He practically ran out of the office, yelling a little too aggressively at his boss that his daughter was coming before grabbing his jacket and dashing down ten flights of steps, clearly too impatient to wait for the elevator. He took a taxi home, throwing some comfortable clothes for you into his backpack. And he also grabbed your favorite snacks. He threw all these items in a bag in quite the hurry before taking off for your office. 
His baby girl was going to be here soon. You weren’t due until June 26th but here she was two weeks early. He smiled to himself on his way to pick you up. He couldn’t wait to hold her in his arms. You’d both decided on the name Jaehwa. It was so pretty. 
He came into your office for the first time, to give you the clothes. He’d never been here. And everyone was excited to meet him. As he walked in the door he was greeted with “You’re Y/N’s boyfriend, right?” and “Are you excited?” 
While you were in the bathroom changing, your coworkers took a liking to him. Your coworkers told him that he was handsome and that they were excited for you. 
“I never saw Y/N as a mom but no one is fully prepared to be a parent,” said your boss. 
“She’s the best,” Mingyu said, smiling proudly. 
He was excited. His heart swelled every time he looked at you. You would be going into labor in just a couple hours and the two of you would meet your baby girl. He couldn’t wait to see her beautiful face.
You came out in a few minutes, holding onto the wall for support. 
Of course, Mingyu rushed to your side. “Are you in any pain baby?”
“A little,” you said. “I’m just really uncomfortable…”
Mingyu nodded. “Let’s get you to the hospital so you can get comfortable.”
Your coworkers bid you goodbye and good luck as you left for the hospital with Mingyu’s hand around your waist. 
A baby’s cry filled the room as you recovered from that last push. You’d spent the past ten hours in labor and were grateful that it was all over. Mingyu wiped the sweat from your forehead with a small towel. You let out a deep breath, completely exhausted from giving birth. 
You barely had enough energy to move your head. You felt weak. Pushing out a baby took a lot out of you. 
Mingyu kissed your forehead. “You did well, baby. She’s here…”
And a moment later, a nurse was carrying her over to you. She was still a little fussy, limbs flailing around. She was beautiful and it brought tears to your eyes. “Mommy’s here,” you said, caressing her tiny little hand. 
As she settled down, you passed her to Mingyu. And Mingyu stared at her for a moment before tearing up. His little girl was finally here.
“She’s beautiful,” he whispered, sniffling. “She looks like you.”
And you smiled. “I can’t wait to watch her grow up with you.”
Mingyu laughed. “Hopefully she doesn’t grow up too fast…” He returned your smile. “You’ll be an amazing mom. I know you will.”
You thought about it. Though you didn’t want to be a mom, initially, you were grateful to have been put in this situation. It made you stronger and forced you to be more responsible. Every decision you’d made at this point was so that the baby had a good life. At first, you doubted you’d move in with Mingyu but the more you thought about it, the more it made sense. 
Jun felt happier these days. He’d been working out. His skin had been clearer. And he and Mirai were doing better. Whatever he’d been going through must’ve just been a phase because he felt much better about himself, about his life, about Mirai. He was happy with her. He knew that he loved her even if she wasn’t you. He had finally come to terms with what happened with you. He felt like he could finally move on and maybe that reason alone was the reason for his happiness.
Jun’s doorbell rang as he started to get his dinner together. It’d been a long day and he hadn’t had much time to cook anything. He’d settled on making some stir fry. He paused to get the door. He expected it to possibly be his protein powder being delivered a little early. But Mirai was on the other side of the door, face swollen and red like she’d just been crying.
“What’s wrong?” he asked as she came inside.
She didn’t answer at first. She took off her jacket and her shoes before walking to the kitchen table. “I didn’t get approved for my visa extension…”
“Oh,” was all Jun could say. He reached out for her and took her hands in his. He looked down at her but she wouldn’t meet his eyes.
He knew what this meant. In a situation like this there were usually two options: Break up or do long-distance. He’d never done long distance before and wasn’t sure how he felt about his girlfriend being so far away from him when he’d grown accustomed to pretty much seeing her whenever he wanted. He didn’t want to break up either. He felt like their relationship was in a good place yet Mirai’s visa situation was trying to keep them apart. 
He knew that these thoughts were crossing her mind as well. She stood up from the chair and went to him, wrapping her arms around him. Jun held her in his arms for a moment as his girlfriend cried into his shirt. When she calmed down and wiped some of her tears away, she said, “What are we going to do?”
Jun said, “I-I don’t know…” He swallowed. He knew that this meant that she would have to leave the country soon, so he asked her the most important question. “When do you have to go?”
“In the next two months…”
Jun wasn’t ready to let her slip through his fingers like this. He didn’t want to lose her. “What if I went with you?”
She looked up at Jun, wiping her tears and finally meeting his eyes. “What?”
“What if I went with you...back to Thailand?”
“You’d do that?” she asked, in complete disbelief. “You have your whole life here. You got approved for your visa and you just got that raise. You’d have to start over again.”
“I mean, as corny as this sounds, there’s not much in Seoul keeping me here. I have a job and an apartment here but I can always have both of these things somewhere else. I can apply to jobs in Bangkok. My company has a location in Thailand too so I can talk to my boss about relocation...”
She kissed him. “You’d really come with me?” 
“Of course,” he said. “I love you. I care about you. I don’t want to be here if I’m here and you’re in Thailand…”
“I love you, too, Jun…”
Then she started crying again. “No one’s ever done anything like this for me...You’re such an amazing person, Jun.”
Not to say that Mirai had been through guy after guy but the men she’d dated in the past weren’t men of their word. They were the kind of men that would promise her things and break them. Jun was the most genuine and the kindest man she’d ever met. She was curious why the last girlfriend he had broke up with him. He hadn’t told her much, just that she was the one who broke up with him and that she’d met her briefly in the street that time. She always wondered but didn’t want to push him into telling her if he didn’t want to. After all, it didn’t matter. Jun was with Mirai now and he loved her enough to leave his life in Seoul behind for a new one in Thailand. 
Jun smiled. “No more tears, okay?”
Things had changed. You weren’t sure if you made the right choices up to this point. Since you had Jaehwa, you felt like something was missing. You loved your daughter but sometimes you just felt so overwhelmed with being a mother. Mingyu was here, together with you, but being a parent wasn’t easy by any means. 
You were a little jealous of how easily it seemed to come to Mingyu. And Jaehwa was already a bit of a daddy’s girl. He was always getting her to laugh and she was constantly reaching for him. She was seven months old now and you felt like you didn’t have the bond with her that you thought you would. You knew that it was stupid of you to think this but you wondered if deep down Jaehwa knew that you’d thought of having an abortion. But it was silly to think something like that.
You got out of the bath; your fifteen minutes of relaxation was over. Reality set in as you put on your pajamas. You sat on the bed. You weren’t feeling like yourself these days. Depression was beginning to set in. You’d read about postpartum depression but you weren’t sure if that was it or if you were just feeling a general unhappiness with the way things had turned out. 
Mingyu came in the room with Jaehwa in his arms. She was still awake. He sat down next to you on the bed and said, “She’s a little cranky tonight.”
You smiled. “Are you tired?” Jaehwa reached out for you and Mingyu placed her in your arms. You bounced her in your lap, causing her to erupt into little baby giggles.
Mingyu looked at you and he knew something was wrong. He got that feeling from you often but he wasn’t sure if he should ask you about it or not. So, finally, he said, “Are you okay?”
You nodded. “Yeah…”
He scooted closer and put his arm around you. “You don’t seem like yourself lately.”
You started rocking Jaehwa. It was well after her bedtime and you knew that she was fighting sleep because all the lights were on and her parents were awake. “Let me put her to sleep first,” you said, cradling your baby in your arms. “Then let’s talk.”
Mingyu’s heart swelled as he watched you. He loved seeing you hold her. He loved seeing the woman he loved holding their baby. Since you’d given birth, he felt so proud; so proud of you and the baby you made. He was confident that Jaehwa was the most beautiful baby he’d laid eyes on. He loved her with all of his heart and he wanted to be an amazing dad to her.
You looked down at your daughter. She looked up at you with curious eyes and though you weren’t making any specific expression, she smiled at you. It was small things like this that made you happy you decided to go through with the pregnancy. She whined for a moment as you rocked her and, by the time you looked down at her again, her eyes were closed and her mouth was open. 
Mingyu chuckled and took out his phone, snapping a picture of the cute moment. “I’m gonna send this to my parents.”
“She looks like you when she’s asleep.”
Mingyu rolled his eyes. “Yeah I guess all she got from me is my eyelids since your genes clearly took over.”
You chuckled as you stood up. “Maybe she’ll look more like you when she’s older.” You placed Jaehwa down in her crib, putting the blanket over her. 
Mingyu waited for you on the bed; he’d made himself comfortable and he patted the side meant for you. You got in bed next to him and turned the light out. 
He pulled you onto his chest. “Are you unhappy?”
You sighed. “I think I’m just feeling a little...burnt out.”
“What do you mean?”
“I just need a break,” you said. “I was thinking of taking a couple days off next week. You know, to get myself together.”
Mingyu nodded. “That’s fair. My mom can watch Jaehwa the days you’re off so you can at least have some alone time while I’m at work.”
“I hate to ask her something like that…”
“It’s fine,” he said. “She complains about how we don’t bring her over often enough. She’d love to spend more time with her.” 
You nodded and lay on his chest. For a few minutes, you just listened to the sound of his heartbeat. You assumed Mingyu had fallen asleep but when you looked, his eyes met yours. 
He cleared his throat and said, “Does this have anything to do with what I asked you the other day?”
The other day, Mingyu suggested that you get married. It had taken you by surprise, to be honest. It’s not that you didn’t want to or that you didn’t love him; you did. For some reason, you just weren’t ready to take that step. You had some things you needed to work on before you became anyone’s wife. 
You shook your head. “No. It’s not that.”
He frowned. “Do you love me?”
“Of course I do,” you said, sitting up. You took his hand in yours. taking his hand. “Marriage is just such a huge commitment and, with all of these things going on, I don’t think I’m ready yet.”
He kissed your forehead. “That’s okay. I just wanted to know what you thought of it. Don’t feel pressured. If we’re going to get married someday, I want it to be when you’re ready.”
You kissed his lips, climbing on top of him in the process. “I love you, Mingyu...”
He held you by your waist, looking into your eyes. “I love you, too, Y/N…”
Mingyu watched as you peeled off your pajama shirt before he flipped you over and planted kisses against your neck, careful not to bruise you for work in the morning. After the rest of your clothes were tossed all over the floor and the bed, he settled between your legs and the two of you made love for what seemed like the first time in weeks.
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foryoumyheroes · 6 years
Midoriya + Todoroki + Bakugou around their firstborns
Midoriya Izuku: 
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You guys have seen Inko, and you can bet that Izuku is going to be just as great, if not better, than his mom. 
But he’s a bit of a worry wart too. 
Baby-proofs the entire house, always makes sure to keep the head, neck, and butt supported whenever he carries them, has a baby monitor on his desk at work, takes a paternity leave off from his job, washes his hands at least twice before handling his child. 
He doesn’t trust many people with his kid, so when him and his S/O have to go back to work after their maternity leave, he leaves them in the hands of his mom, All Might, or Gran Torino. 
His child is a cheerful, energetic one, so whenever the baby cries in the middle of the night, it’s usually just because they’re lonely and need their parents. 
It’s important for the development of his child that he spends a lot of time with them, and he’s Number One Hero at this point: the people need him but there are tons of heroes out there, and only one father for his child. 
He won’t go back to work unless it’s a national disaster. 
He spends his day carrying them in one hand and doing one task in the other while his S/O sleeps, and he just talks about whatever comes to mind. 
“Uravity’s rank has gone up recently and she said in an interview that she has a whole new powerful move planned...!” 
And whenever his child does something cute — he’s just [heart squeeze~]!
He attempts to wake up with his partner whenever the baby cries in the middle of the night but usually fails. 
Skin to skin is important to the development of his child, so he goes around the house without a shirt, or just a hoodie and no shirt underneath. 
When the baby was first born he was a hot mess whenever the baby needed changing, started to get fussy, was getting immunizations. He was probably on the verge to tears too. 
When his baby gets their “firsts” he is definitely crying those tear cannons. 
He has multiple pictures of his child in his All Might onesie. 
Todoroki Shouto: 
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He doesn’t have many great examples of parental affection, so when his baby is first born he’s very awkward around them. 
Not to say that he’s a distant father, but he doesn’t know what to do with his child, and always has the fear of hurting them. 
When he gets over this fear with a pep talk from his S/O, he takes to his child right away. 
He always holds his child on his left side, because babies can get cold easily, he learned. 
He has a very gentle voice, so he reads a lot of books to his child and hums them a couple lullabies his mom taught him. 
Speaking of Rei, his mom comes over often! 
He calls her and his older sister over for help with his newborn when he’s struggling. 
Which is nearly every day. 
He tells himself that he can handle a couple weeks without sleep, and that’s practically what he does. 
He can skip a couple hours and meals here and there if that’s what it takes to give his child the attention they need and to give his S/O the sleep that they need. 
It’s quite fascinating what babies do, and being the youngest sibling he’s never gone through an experience like this where he has to care for someone so small. He can spend hours just watching his child roll around or mess with their toys. 
His child isn’t very fussy, so he’s able to put them to sleep or change them pretty swiftly, to his gratitude, but his child does burp and barf a lot, so he goes through multiple pairs of pants and shirts. 
When his child was born, Endeavor sent a card and gifts to his S/O’s room, but while Shouto doesn’t hate his father anymore, Endeavor’s only seen his grandkid a handful of times, and that’s how Shouto intends to keep it. 
Doesn’t read the parenting books, and wonders why he’s so clueless. 
When he reads the kiddie books, he finds that he likes Disney’s Frozen and The Little Mermaid the best. 
Bakugou Katsuki: 
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He’s like that opening scene in The Lion King when his kid was first born, because he’s just that proud.  
“I’ve only had them for five minutes, but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.” 
Even if he’s dressing his child in onesies, socks, and mittens they have to be Ground Zero, Red Riot, All Might themed, or patterned with flames or say things like “Daddy’s little Pro-Hero!” 
He has to work on toning down his voice around his kid, and on his temper too, because he has a fussy one with a pair of lungs that can heard across Japan. 
Even though Bakugou’s rough around the edges and many people wouldn’t expect him to be good with kids, he’s actually amazing with them. 
He does cleaning, changing, and feeding pretty well and does the job quick. 
He spends time with his kid by watching TV and has his kid on his chest either sleeping away, nibbling on his shirt, or tugging his hair. 
All of his former classmates are shook at how gently he treats his child. 
“Hey, come on, don’t pull on my hair, that hurts daddy.” 
Not a single expletive or exclamation mark. 
And his kid would just give him a gummy smile in response. 
He doesn’t read them any picture books or kiddie books because he thinks that’s lame, so he reads them things like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. 
When his child is old enough to be put in a baby carrier or stroller, you can bet he’s going out on his morning runs, chores, and to his Hero Agency meetings and gym with that. 
He carries the groceries with his baby carrier and all in one trip, like a man. 
He read all the parenting books, but he denies it. 
“Huh?! You’re giving me an assignment?! Now?! Didn’t I tell you that I just had a kid?! Go on that mission your damned self! Unless it’s a danger to me or my family, don’t fucking call me again!” 
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dxmedstudent · 5 years
i'm 20 and i'm worried about how overly fussy i am with dating men. i do think it's a maturity thing and i'm still trying to outgrow the ridiculous expectations i have for a boyfriend but i always seem to get bored of the guys i've talked to/dated. idk why but guys that show vulnerability make me uncomfortable?? i think it's the ideas i hold about 'masculinity' and i don't want to think like that anymore. any tips to move past this way of thinking?
Hey, friend. What an interesting ask, thank you for writing in. I‘m going to treat you with a rambling post, but I’ll  try to break it up so that it’s less boring. Don’t be hard on yourself; you’re still learning what you want and need. You’re still really young, and what you want in a partner can change a lot as you yourself grow as a person. What might help is if you reflect on what you actually want. Firstly, what are you actually seeing a person for? There’s an assumption that everyone wants a longterm relationship which leads to marriage, kids, a mortgage and a dog. But not everyone wants that or is ready to even think about that. So you do you. Do you want just to date to have fun? Or a casual relationship? What about FWB? Just sex?  A longterm relationship? Kids and a house? Or just to muddle along and see what happens? Because I think a lot of ourselves don’t really think enough about just what we expect out of seeing people. It’s OK if this changes; lots of people start off wanting to be casual, but get serious, or think they want something serious but realise that they don’t. The key is to be open to reflecting on what, right now, will make you happy. And if you even want to be dating at all. It’s OK if the answer is ‘no’, or if you don’t want what everyone else wants for you. The best way to find someone you really want is to not be afraid of being alone. I wonder if you might get bored partly because you’re not sure what you want out of dating; a lot of young people don’t necessarily want a long term relationship or to plan too far ahead, and that’s OK, too. Young people are under a lot of pressure to date, have sex and eventually get married and have kids, but a lot of people just don’t feel ready for that, or might not want that at all. Women, in particular are bombarded messages about how miserable it is to be single, and how we need a man and kids to make us complete. A lot of that pressure can come from other women as well as parents and friends. But not all women feel ready for that, or want that, and pressuring ourselves to rush into relationships can lead to unhappiness because people feel they need to have ‘someone’ for the sake of not being single. I’ve seen people put up with relationships that looked pretty unsatisfying from the start, and I always wondered how much of that was the fear of being alone, of being unloved and of being seen to be single. Perhaps take time out of dating to reflect on who you are right now, and what you want out of life. Not just out of dating, but also out of life in general. Look after the whole of your life, and work towards the things that will give you happiness. Make sure you have a life outside of dating; there are no guarantees any relationship will work out, and anyhow, life is more than just romance. If talking to a guy isn’t interesting or exciting, don’t keep dating him; you have to really want to keep seeing someone for it to work. It sounds like you know that, which is why you’re trying to change your way of thinking, and I really respect the thought you’ve put into what’s not been working for you. That’s actually pretty mature, so  don’t be harsh on yourself.
Men are people, too. It’s hard to tell if your dates start out really promising and you then get bored, or if perhaps it was hard to be enthusiastic to begin with? Though if you find your enthusiasm for them wearing off, it sounds like it might very much relate to your expectations for masculinity. When you get to know a man, and he starts to be more open and vulnerable with you, that goes against what we’re taught about masculinity. We’re told that guys are meant to be tough, silent logical and unemotional. But you and I know that men are people with feelings just like anyone else. People who are moved deeply, who have complex feelings and their own fears and hopes and issues. Society may view women as weak for having emotions, but it at least allows us to express them (even if it does mock us for them anyway); men are under pressure to hold back and keep everything they feel to themselves lest they are seen as weak, and well, feminine. This isn’t very healthy for guys, and I think you’re right to point out that we as women can also enforce unfair standards if we insult men for showing vulnerability. In turn, men will tend to find it harder to open up to friends and family, and are more likely to perhaps rely on only their partner, if they rely on anyone at all, because there are few contexts in which men are allowed to express their feelings.
Get him off that pedestal. Try to reframe how you see the concept of a date or boyfriend. I know that when you first start seeing someone they are shiny and new and seem to be amazing, but also really mysterious. When you start seeing someone, it’s hard not to get ahead of oneself because there’s actually very little we know about them. But putting them on a pedestal will ultimately make it difficult to have an equal relationship with them as a real person.  A guy is just a guy; no different from your male friend or brother or father or male colleague, they will just occupy a different place in your life. We get bombarded with a lot of ideals about what a romantic partner should be like, but really, in the end they are just another person; merely a really good friend you fancy the pants off, rather than a creature we should keep to a higher standard than all other humans. It wouldn’t surprise you that your friends have feelings and are sometimes vulnerable. Think about what it is about vulnerability that makes you feel uncomfortable, but also about what that discomfort is. Is it that you feel it makes them weak? Perhaps it’s a bit scary to see someone you admire with weaknesses or being sad? Perhaps it makes you uncomfortable because you yourself don’t like opening up- there could be many reasons. What do we even want in a partner, anyway? Then you need to think about what you want in a partner, and whether your expectations are what you really want, or are right for you. There are things that are non-negotiable, ideally, this list should be as short and sensible as possible, because it rules out a lot of people. The more things that are non-negotiable, the harder it might be to find someone to meet your criteria. My thoughts on this are basically: I want to find a decent person who I really gel with and who I can build a life with. If I focus on things like how tall or chubby (etc) they are, it’ll rule out lots of perfectly nice people who might be just right, on really arbitrary grounds. That said, we ALL have non-negotiable criteria, even if they are something like ‘is respectful’ and ‘100% understands consent’. I’m just a believer in making sure those criteria truly matter.  And there are things that are nice but not essential. For example, liking the same band, or having the same hobby; you would probably want someone you were seeing to have stuff in common with you in general, but not all your interests would have to line up. You don’t mention what your expectations are, but you can try to remind yourself that most qualities are seasoning; added extras. It might be nice if you like the same band, or the same game, but it’s by no means essential. Types are for blood, not people. I’ve always been a bit wary of the idea of a ‘type’; it feels like limiting yourself to a narrow set of attributes that might be charming, but honestly? lots of people who are different than that can also be perfectly nice and might also be good for you. I’m not a massive crush person, I don’t fall for many people at all, which makes dating even more like looking for a needle in a haystack. But the people I’ve liked have been pretty varied; they aren’t linked by ethnicity or weight or height or particular interests and I guess what I liked about them all was a little different. I just don’t see how some people can say ‘I only like blondes’ or ‘only muscly guys turn me on’, like there are so many cute things about people out there in the world, are you really going to tell me that if someone doesn’t have blue eyes or big boobs, ripped abs, lots of cash or a flash car etc that you wouldn’t find them attractive!? Because half of liking someone is finding little dorky things about them that might not even be remotely conventionally attractive and realising that it makes them kind of cute. Regardless, the real problem with types is that they can sometimes be a way of reliving familiar but ultimately unhelpful ground. Some of my friends really do have ‘types’, and it makes me worry for them, because they keep coming across similar problems in their relationships again and again and I can’t help but feel that it might be because they are picking people with similar kinds of issues, and come up against the same wall as last time. I think examining what we’re attracted to, and what that says about ourselves, and how compatible that combination is with our actual happiness is pretty important, and that’s only something we can et through practice and learning from previous relationships alon the way. There’s no shame in things not working out in the past; it helps us do better next time around. This isn’t to say that it’s wrong to be attracted to something, but some things can be unhealthy, and attraction to something doesn’t necessarily mean there’s compatibility, either. We can be attracted to people with qualities that bring out the best in us, or bring out the worst; our attraction to something doesn’t guarantee that it works for us. What each person needs to do is work out the things that attract them which are good for them, or work on their self until what attracts them is good for them because they are in a much healthier state mentally and in their life.  We all have issues; we all have different ways of thinking, and ways in which our past affects who we are. We all have hurts, and different  ways in which we react to situations. Accepting that we’re human, and that interpersional relationships can be hard (and therefore require thought and work) means that we can work on understanding ourselves and the people who are in our lives. Utimately, in the long term, we all need people who can bring out the best in us, but who don’t bring out our worst qualities or insecurities. Good luck, and I hope you find what you’re looking for :D
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youveneverbeenalone · 6 years
Inktober for Writers/Fictober:
Day 30- Secret (Darejones)
Hello again, fam. Are you ready for the second to last installment of this project I took on a year ago and which took on a life of its own, but which has brought me such joy in the end? I think I am.
Today’s prompt, Secret, turned into one of my favorites. Maybe even my very favorite. It started as a crack idea that I barely started writing last year, but then I sat down and thought about it for a minute and realized ... I might be on to something. But then I took longer than I meant to in getting everything about it just right. I think it was worth it, though. I’m pretty proud of this one. I hope you like it.
Now, fair disclosure (and cw: sexual assault - not in the fic but in this paragraph): parts of what I write for Jessica are what I’d call ... autobiographically-adjacent. My story is different than hers in many ways (obviously) but there are still many similarities. That’s a big part of why I love her as a character so much and why I enjoy writing her. So occasionally I borrow inspiration from my own life and find a way to fit it into Jessica’s that will still make sense for her character and within her world. I try to do this with mostly little things. Details that the show never gets to or thinks to touch on. But I try not to do it with anything that would change the shape of her actual story. I never want to add something that doesn’t fit or seems out of character. Hopefully that’s not what’s happening here. Anyway, I may never have been experimented on and turned into a superhero, but I (like too many others) have been manipulated and experienced sexual violence against my will and one of the ways I chose to cope with that violation and reclaim my bodily autonomy was how Jessica chooses to in this one shot. So the idea didn’t just come from nowhere.
Anyway, this piece fits with the general timeline I was creating with the other Inktober for Writers oneshots from last year, right after they first get together. Like immediately after, in the morning.
To refresh your memory and/or to catch up, here are the preceding 29 days on AO3 (tumblr links are being fussy rn). Give me your thoughts if you’re so inclined. I’d enjoy hearing them if you’re interested in sharing. And again - thank you, with every fiber of my being for reading! You’re all the best!
Day 30 - Secret
When he happens to notice this new, secret bit of information about her is as much of a surprise as the discovery itself, because he is not typically one to miss such details, though he’ll chalk most of that up to the fact that the first time he was introduced to that patch of her skin, he was a little preoccupied. But when they’re getting up and around the next morning, he’s free of distractions as he happens upon it again.
It happens the morning after - after they spend the night together for the first time - when he offers to make her breakfast, having woken her gently with kisses, soft touches to her face, and general adoration that she pretends to despise but he can tell she actually loves. She grunts a begrudging affirmative, still groggy and very put out to be awake before 10 am, but gets up and puts on her underwear and t-shirt as he pulls on pajama pants and a t-shirt of his own. Next she finds her jeans and moves to step in them, but in her still half-asleep state, her foot catches in the fabric, and she starts to fall.
He’s behind her in seconds, pulling her up with one hand grabbing her hip and the other at her shoulder to steady her, a smirk on his face. But his expression immediately morphs into one of confusion.
“Wait, is that a tattoo?” The hand holding her hip now traces the skin slightly to the right of her left hip bone where a circular tattoo, about the size of a plum is inked into her skin.
She heaves a big sigh and fights a losing battle with a blush, rolling her head to angle away from him. “I was wondering if you were going to notice that.”
He chuckles softly. “Forgive me if my attention was diverted last night when I might have had the chance to notice it. I would hope my efforts were appreciated and that the oversight could be forgiven,” he says with a sly grin as he leans in and kisses her neck where she’s exposed it for him.
She shivers and he notices her pulse spike. The shiver seems like an indicator that she enjoyed the gesture, but he can’t quite parse if it’s the good kind of pulse spike or not as her adrenaline spikes as well. But then she turns in his hold so that they’re face-to-face, and he makes a mental note to avoid her neck from behind until they’ve had a conversation about it, just to be sure. She doesn’t seem too upset, though, and links her hands around his neck.
“I probably don’t want to know the answer to this question, but how can you tell?”
He settles his hands on her hips and shrugs. “It has to do with the … density of the skin in that area, for lack of a better word. I can feel the ink sitting in the dermis layer.”
“Yeah, that’s not creepy and simultaneously gross at all.”
He just smirks at her. “May I?”
“Fine,” she huffs.
With gentle, teasing fingers, he resumes his tracing of the outline of the shape with a quiet intensity. He pretends not to notice her sharp intake of breath or rapidly increasing pulse as he does. Instead, he narrates what he finds.
“So it’s a smiley face. But a … dead one? Like, with ex-ed out eyes?”
She huffs an exasperated sigh at him, but it sounds like she’s holding back a bit of a chuckle. “It’s the Nirvana logo, dumbass.”
Matt closes his eyes and inclines his head a few degrees, appropriately chagrined even if it’s not technically realistic for him to have known that. He wasn’t really a fan of grunge before the accident.
“Right. Sorry. It’s been a while since I’ve seen it.”
She bites her lip and rolls her eyes at him, still fighting a laugh. “I guess you’re forgiven.”
He puts a hand to his chest, voice feigning shock. “I’m touched by your magnanimity.”
At this, Jessica playfully punches him in the shoulder.
A beat passes as he begins re-tracing the outline of the shape on her soft skin, mesmerized by this new discovery. His voice is quiet when he finally works up the courage to ask the question that is suddenly burning a hole through the center of his brain.
“What made you decide to get it?”
She doesn’t seem to understand the sincerity of his interest and shrugs. “I don’t know. Why does any young idiot get a tattoo? I had just turned eighteen and was desperate to do anything that would prove my independence to any and everyone who would listen. Plus, I might have been a little drunk. And I, uhhh … nevermind.”
Matt cocks his head at the way that she begins to trail off, as though editing herself before sharing something too … well, he’s not quite sure what. But he has a suspicion.
“Do you not know what ‘nevermind’ means?”
And the flinty edge that is now creeping into her tone does nothing to dissuade him of said suspicion. He runs a few contingencies in his head about how to proceed before making a calculated choice to respond with sarcasm.
“Oh, wait … I do know this one! It’s the name of a Nirvana album?”
“Cute,” she huffs with a halfhearted sneer of a smile. But it’s not too far off of the mark for what he was expecting in response, and it’s less of a shutdown than she could have given him, so he looks at the floor as he pushes her just a little harder.
“Thanks. But, it just seemed like you were thinking really hard about something before you changed your mind. And it just seemed like it was somewhat significant. Now, you don’t have to tell me; you never have to tell me anything you don’t want to. But you also don’t have to not tell me something just because it is significant. I don’t scare that easy, Jones. I’m Daredevil, remember?”
She shakes her head and scoffs at him. “I don’t — I mean, look, I just … ughhh. Fine. It’s just that … even though I wasn’t really consciously thinking it, looking back, it was something I wanted to do for myself. To myself. To show that even though those bastards at IGH had done whatever the fuck they’d done to me, my body was still mine and I got to decide my fate. Including choosing to get a shitty Nirvana tattoo on my hip.”
She’s deflated by the end - as though the disclosure took an inordinate amount of energy from her - posture sagging and looking down and away from him.
Matt blinks at her. “Wow, Jess. That is … surprisingly insightful. And it makes a lot of sense, actually. Thank you for telling me that. Truly.” He brings a gentle hand up to cup her face and lifts her chin, as if to make eye contact with her and emphasize his words.
“Yeah, well, congratulations. You know all my secrets now,” she says in a flat voice.
He struggles and fails to suppress a chuckle, because the idea strikes him as patently ridiculous. Someone as complex and complicated and intelligent and interesting as Jessica Jones is bound to have more secrets than a Nirvana tattoo. Surely.
“Somehow I doubt that,” he says in an arch tone.
But she doesn’t chuckle back or even huff a laugh under her breath at him. Instead she pushes hard against his chest, effectively breaking out of his hold, and smacks him in the arm with a surprising amount of force.
“What? What’s wrong?” he asks, very confused at her sudden change in mood.
“That wasn’t supposed to be funny, asshole. But believe me, I’m thrilled to know this is just a big joke to you. That I’m a joke to you.” She storms off, out of his bedroom and into the living room.
Matt hurries after her, his mind reeling and anxiety coursing through his veins. He’s never made such a terrible miscalculation in how she’d respond to his sarcasm, but he supposes it was bound to happen eventually. He just wishes it wasn’t in response to such a fragile moment that he unintentionally stomped all over.
“No! Jess. Never. You’re the furthest thing from a joke to me. I swear. I-I’m sorry. You’re right. That was … very unfair of me. Please forgive me for being so flippant. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings or invalidate what you were trying to share with me. I’m sorry.”
A quick scan reveals she’s not particularly moved by his words, standing still and silent, arms crossed tight over her chest, as she stares out of his apartment window into the distance.
He runs a nervous hand through his hair and walks a few cautious steps toward the next window over, but she gives no sign that she acknowledges him. Heaving a heavy sigh, he leans back against the brick wall in between the windows and looks down, addressing his feet as much as he’s addressing her.
“I just meant that there’s so much more to you, so much more than what you present to the world. And I see that. Just as I see why you keep it locked away. You’d be crazy not to. Or at least a glutton for punishment with no survival instinct. But you’re neither of those things. You’re beautifully complex and complicated and messy and I love you for it. For all of it. But please believe me when I say I’m not scared of it. I’m not scared of you or of any possible secret you may have. I meant it when I said you never have to tell me anything, but you always can if you want to or if you need someone to talk to. About whatever.”
She answers him in the form of a heavy sigh as she shifts her weight, leaning into her opposite hip. But she still says nothing, staring blankly out at the city below.
Matt sighs in frustration before making himself take a step back to reassess. He’s pretty sure she’s listening - if not, she would have just left. She had every opportunity to. And he’s seen her leave for much less in the past. So he can’t give up yet. Matt licks his lips as he tries his last remaining strategy, edging ever so carefully closer to her as he speaks.
“Not gonna argue - I totally deserve the silent treatment, but that’s gonna make today pretty miserable for me. So is there anything I could do to make it up to you? Or to show you how sorry I am? I mean, I was already going to make breakfast, but at this point, maybe you’d like it in bed?”
She still refuses to look at him, but she turns from looking out the window to looking down at the floor as she leans her left side against the brick wall in between the windows.
Matt considers this progress and continues edging toward her and offering suggestions for how he could pay his penance.
“Or maybe some old fashioned groveling would help?”
Jessica rolls her eyes at that, and Matt smirks at the fact that he seems to be winning her over, slowly but surely.
“Or maybe … I could get a matching tattoo?”
She bites her lip at that, no doubt to keep from smirking at him. But he’s not about to let her get away with that.
“Is that it? Oh, I think that’s it. But where do you think would be best? Here?”
He holds up his arm, flexing his bicep, and though she can’t help but look at him now, she’s doing her damnedest not to smile. But Matt is nothing if not persistent.
“Or maybe here?” he asks, gesturing with his left hand to his right shoulder blade as he turns around and pulls his t-shirt over his head.
Casually, he drops the shirt to the floor, and as it falls, Jessica’s pulse begins to rise. Matt turns back around to face her and edges one last step toward her, stopping just short of arms-length apart.
He slides a finger under the waistband of his pajama pants and lowers them just far enough to expose his own left hip. “Or what about here? Then we can really match.”
Finally losing the battle against her will, Jessica scoffs at him as a tiny smirk breaks across her scowling face. “Idiot,” she says, though with decidedly less acid in her voice than a few moments ago.
“But I’m your idiot,” he says, as he moves slowly back into her space, allowing her the chance to turn away. When she doesn’t, he settles his hands around her waist and leans his forehead forward to touch hers, ever so gently.
“You’d better be,” she huffs with an exaggerated pout. But then she softens, and he watches, perplexed and absolutely elated, as she curls into him, resting her head on his right shoulder and tracing mindless patterns over the planes of his chest.
A sun-bright grin starts to break across his face, but he turns and presses a soft kiss into her hair to keep it from blinding her. This is a rare display of vulnerability from her and he doesn’t want to spook her or ruin the moment. Instead he responds in a tone with which he assumes she’ll be more comfortable.
“The infamous Jessica Jones showing some amount of affection?! What will people say if they find out?”
She pushes back far enough to give him a look, but it lacks the full threat of which she is capable. “You better not go around ruining my image, Murdock. I’ve got a reputation to uphold.”
She leans back against his chest, one hand wrapped around his neck while the other settles over his heart, beating steadily - if a little more rapidly at her close proximity.
Matt wouldn’t be able to stifle the magnitude of his smile this time, even if he tried. So he doesn’t.
“Your secret’s safe with me, Jones. All of them.” His hand returns to her hip and ever so lightly traces the outline of her tattoo as he speaks. “I promise.”
A beat passes as the tension between them swells, and Matt listens as Jessica’s heart once again begins to race. And then she’s surging forward, pressing her lips to his, and wrapping her arms around him with a resolution that makes Matt’s blood sing. But not just in a physical way.
Because the way she is reaching for him now feels different. More sure. More comfortable. Like he’s passed some kind of a test, or made it through some trial and proved his worth. Like he’s earned another clue to help him solve puzzle that is Jessica Jones. He understands that as of this moment, he has been let into her world in a way that few (if any) ever have. And he vows never to betray the trust or the gift she has given him in sharing these secret parts of herself with him.
He pulls her in like a lifeline and kisses her right back, sure hands settling at the small of her back and the base of her throat like anchor points, holding her to him. In doing so, he hopes that he has successfully communicated his promise to her. And if the look she gives him as she takes his hand and turns back to his bedroom after they part for breath - chests heaving in tandem - is any indication, he’s guessing she’s got some idea.
By the time they actually make it to the kitchen to start working on breakfast, it’s closer to noon than to a respectable breakfast hour, but Matt can’t honestly say he minds. In fact, he thinks that by being with Jessica, he may come to develop a new appreciation for the existence of brunch.
P.S. If anyone is curious (and because I enjoy showing it off) - here’s my version of reclaiming my bodily autonomy by getting a tea saucer sized tattoo between my shoulder blades. So totally worth it.
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ava-rosier · 7 years
Ta-dah, have a preview of my Theonsa tumblr fic. More like ‘I wanna prove to @theonbaejoys and @soapieturner that I haven’t forgotten about it’. It’s untitled because I haven’t thought up the perfectest wittiest title yet. 
Rated Mild-for-Theon, with a little kick.
“I can't believe I've never done this before.”
“What- slept with me?” Theon wriggles his eyebrows suggestively.
By this point in her life, having known him for fourteen years, Sansa's eye roll is reflexive. “Me on your couch while you were in your bed doesn't count as sleeping together. Or is the number of women you've claimed to have had sex with inflated?” she retorts, making Theon hold his hands out in show a of halfhearted self-defense. She knows he isn't offended, he's teased her worse than this and she's snapped back at him harder than this.
“Hey now, don't go casting aspersions on my ability to count. I'll have you know every single woman left me knowing I'd fucked them so good their mothers probably felt it before they were even born.”
Sansa groans at the tasteless modifier; he snickers. This is classic Theon; he's always been a horndog chasing after girls and, to hear Robb tell it, he's equal opportunity about college women and horny divorcées nowadays.
She holds up her wine glass, waving it in front of his face. “I meant this. I've never drank alcohol before nine in the morning. Actually I don't think I've ever drank alcohol before noon. And drinking at a club at two a.m. doesn't count!” She rushes to add the last before he could catch her on a technicality.
“Math and alcohol at 8:38 on a Sunday morning. Well, you can always count on me to provide you with new experiences here, Princess.” The old nickname rolls off his tongue easily, but it settles on her differently.  Here, thousands of leagues south of where they'd grown up, Theon's pet name for her feels like a special, secret language shared by only them, that no one else knows.
Blinking away this strange, intrusive thought, Sansa glances around the empty pub backyard instead. It's a chilly Sunday morning in Blackcrown and the skies are just gray, gray, and more gray. Even with the building in the way of the wind, it blows strongly enough that droplets of rain periodically hit her in the face. The Salty Hoar has all the markings of a dive bar: sticky, banged up wooden tables that rock unsteadily when you place any weight on them, chairs that don't match, and a very basic bar selection that reluctantly includes some greasy fare. She can see how Theon loves it.
Despite the cloudy day, they both wear sunglasses, and neither can claim to be hungover. The shades do make them look like they have no fucks to give, which perfectly accessorizes the Naval-brand sweats she is borrowing from Theon to wear on the train back to Oldtown in lieu of the rather fussy and dramatic black dress she'd worn the night before, which is now folded up in a plastic shopping bag.
This is the strangest walk of shame she's ever taken.
She takes advantage of the relative anonymity provided by the sunglasses to study the man sitting next to her. Theon slouches in his chair, looking out at the homes and businesses situated on the hill below them, leading to the shoreline. He's always been boisterous and cocksure, perpetually in motion and in your face. But now there's a genuine self-assurance about him, a contrast from his teenage years. Clearly the military has been good for him.
His head nods to the rhythm of a song only he can hear, fingers lightly drumming on the side of his glass. Sansa isn't sure why it feels so alien to be sitting here with Theon Greyjoy, someone she's known over half her life- laughing and talking with him until her cheeks hurt.
Robb. That has to be it. The answer comes to her with the sort of quiet clarity that makes her feel external to the moment. She had only ever interacted with Theon as Robb's best friend. That has to be why it feels so...taboo...to be here without Robb in between them.
“Thanks again for rescuing me last night and letting me crash at your place.” Harry had never treated her particularly nicely, she could see that now. But what she'd thought was a sweet summer flirtation that could grow more serious had only become tense and distant once the fall term had begun and everyone was back in Oldtown.
He'd been too cowardly to tell her outright he didn't want to be in a relationship anymore and instead had resorted to treating her like shit until she got fed up and called him out on it. Of course, she had decided the last straw was when they were out of town and he kept passively-aggressively complaining about every activity Sansa wanted to do. Hence how she had ended up abandoned in an unfamiliar place at a very late hour of the night.
Theon shakes his head, making a little moue with his mouth. “Nah, don't worry about it. And I meant what I said before. I know some guys. Just say the fucking word and we'll castrate this douchenozzle.” He sounds gleeful at the thought.
A wave of fondness sweeps through her.  She's glad, rather than irritated, with her older brother now for having the foresight and determination to put Theon's number in her phone before she moved so far away from her family. “There's no need. I am in a sorority, after all, and all I have to do is tell a few of my sisters what Harry did, and they'll spread the word. He'll be symbolically castrated at the Cit.” She smirks as she fishes through her purse for her phone, having now remembered Margaery's demands of an update this morning. Her friend might actually be awake by now.
“A patented Sansa Stark revenge, nice!” Theon whistles before taking another slow pull of his beer. “I always knew you were gonna be a sorority chick by the way.”
Sansa arches an eyebrow. “Did you now?”  He looks altogether too smug, chest all puffed out.
“Yup.  In high school, you and your girlfriends were into the whole 'wear tiny pajama shorts and have pillow fights to tease the boys' thing. That cute friend of yours, Beth? It always was obvious she wanted a bounce on Robb's cock. Sororities are basically the same thing, just times ten.”
Sansa is torn between gagging at that mental picture, and smacking him over the head because of the warped stereotype about sorority girls. “One: I really don't need to hear about my brother's penis, thank you. And two: we don't have pillow fights, we support each other and organize charities,” she argues. He is unrepentant, however.
“No, but you get all dolled up and go clubbing, don't you? I betcha have lots of guys panting after those legs of yours in a tight skirt.” If it weren't for the sunglasses, Sansa suspects she would see Theon's eyes roving over her body. Did you pant after my legs in those tiny pajama shorts? She wonders with a small frisson of excitement.
“Maybe so.” To distract herself from the way her body is flushing, she scrolls through her notifications before unlocking her phone. Bran had texted her something with the latest meme sweeping through the internet, one or two of her friends had asked what her plans tonight were, and there are a few Tumblr notifications.
“Anything from Dick Move?”
“Nope. I kind of want to block his number outright,” she admits, “but I'm also hoping he'll try to get a booty call out of me someday just so I can completely ignore his text.”
Theon slides his palm through the air in front of him. “Read 10:23 pm.”  He chortles at the thought.
She goes to her Tumblr app, promising herself she won't eat through most of her monthly data in one go.  When the page loads, there's a gifset from her favorite historical fantasy show, she makes sure to like it on the spot. Before she can stop him or tilt her phone away, Theon's bending his head close to see what she's got on the screen.
"You’ve got a Tumblr too? No fucking way!” he exclaims.
Why does he have to be so loud? At least she doesn't live in this town and there's barely anyone within earshot. Sansa hisses as she hits the home button on her phone, glaring reproachfully at him. “What's so 'no fucking way' about me having a Tumblr?”
He shrugs, shaking his head in the way men do when they know better than to tell the truth. “Nothing, I'm just surprised. Dunno why.” There's something different about his attention now, even though she can't see his eyes.
“Too. You said 'too'. That means you've got one. If anything I should be surprised you're on that site,” she says accusingly.
“What can I say, I'm a man of surprising depths.” She snorts at that, which he accepts with good humor. He snaps his fingers and points at her, grinning. “You know what you should do? You should give me your url.”
She gives him a look like that's the stupidest thing in the world. “I'm not sure I want you to know the depths of some of my fandom obsessions.”
“Come on,” he cajoles. “It's Uncle Theon-”
“Ok, that is so creepy. Never do that again.”
“Fine. But my point still stands. It's me. D'you think there's much that's going to shock me?”
She bites her lip and contemplates it. Maybe it's the weirdness and giddiness of having wine in the early morning, but Sansa finds herself grabbing a pen and scribbling her url down on a napkin and handing it to Theon, who slides his sunglasses to the top of his head to read it.
“'lemoncakess'. Cute. I bet it's very aesthetic.” As he chuckles at the url that had taken forever for her to settle upon (all the good ones she wanted were being hoarded), Sansa finds herself mentally scrolling through her tumblog's archive, trying to remember if there were any incriminating text posts or embarrassing reblogs.
“Don't diss the aesth. I bet yours is full of shitposting.”
“And then some.” He winks, folding the napkin and shoving it into his jacket. “Expect a visit from T-money in the next few days.”
“Is that your url?” It's horrid enough that she's cringing with secondhand embarrassment.
Her assumption only gets her an eye roll. “Nah. I just figured that if 'Uncle Theon' didn't fly, then neither would referring to myself as 'Big Daddy'.”
“But T-money seemed more acceptable?”
“It's what my buddies call me. It all started this one time I was dared to act like a stripper at a bar. I had tons of chicks- and some dudes- sticking their easily-earned stags in my smalls.”
“That I can believe.” She deadpans.
Theon has a wicked grin on his face even as he drains the last of his beer before grabbing his keys and standing up. “C'mon, sweet cheeks, let's get you to the station. I have the depths of a blog to plunder.”
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daesungindistress · 7 years
I read that during Loser promotions Daesung couldn't see around the Inkigayo stage because of his long bangs so he had to hold hands with the other members, and Top said, "I'm taking Daesung around, holding his hand." And now I can't stop thinking about Top leading the ever-trusting Daesung down a dark corridor and having his way with him hohoho
Guess what? After this ask I couldn’t stop thinking about it either. So here’s a thing.
“I’m taking Daesung around, holding his hand.”
“I see that,” Daesung hears off to his left, followed a moment later by a sugary sweet “That’s so nice of you,” and more than one “How cute!” He doesn’t need to see the faces the voices belong to to know that they’re grinning at the two of them. Grinning at him, probably.
Of course they are. He might as well be wearing blackout curtains over his eyes, for all that he can see. It isn’t his fault though. He didn’t ask for this, didn’t ask for any of this. Not the visual impairment, or the loss of dignity from being led around by the hand, or his rather enthusiastic escort cutting a hasty path down the hall en route to their band’s shared dressing room…
You’ll look so cool, she told him. So mysterious, she said. So handsome.
Daesung had laughed then.
“Handsome? With half my face covered?”
He hadn’t been quite sure how to feel about that. Offended, probably, but what had shown on his face must have been something closer to doubt because his hairstylist had continued defending her vision: taking away his.
“Trust me, the fans will love it,” she had insisted and, not wanting to argue, Daesung had let the issue drop, end of discussion. Besides, he trusts her judgment. Usually.
(read the rest behind the cut)
They must make an odd sight, Seunghyun and him, the former kindly guiding Daesung down one hall after another and happily announcing his helpful role to everyone they pass.
“I’m taking Daesung around.“ Like a parrot practicing a new phrase. “He can’t see so I’m holding his hand.”
Daesung tugs on the hand folded over his.
“Hyung,” he whines softly, “I know you’re loving this, but do you have to tell the whole world?”
“Just making sure no one gets the wrong idea,” Seunghyun says, far too cheery for Daesung’s liking. Probably still hyped up from the stage.
Daesung sighs. He’s as excited about their comeback as the rest of them, but his current predicament is putting something of a damper on his usual post-performance high.
“I have a curtain over my eyes. I think it’s obvious I need help to get around,” he says, struggling to keep up with the other’s quick steps. “They’d have to be blind not to see. Blind, like me.”
“Look on the bright side,” Seunghyun comments, clearly loving this, “At least now no one will make fun of you for zoning out in interviews.”“There is no bright side. Not for me,” Daesung complains in low tones, feeling unusually fussy the farther they walk.“Wow, that’s dark.” There’s a sharp tug on his arm, almost hard enough to hurt. “Especially coming from you. It’s almost like you’re someone else.”“I am someone else.” Daesung starts singing. “I’m a loser, a loner, a coward who pretends to be tough–”“Okay, no. Save that for the stage.”“You don’t like my voice?”
For just a moment Seunghyun slows, breaking stride. Without a verbal cue to do the same, it’s a miracle Daesung keeps from crashing right into his back. He does not, however, manage to avoid stepping on his heels.“I love your voice. Just don’t like hearing you sing about being a loser.”“It’s just a song.”
Daesung knows he’s not a loser, and besides, he likes their new single. The somber melody and overall unhurried quality of the song suits his voice and singing style, his preference for ballads making Loser a perfect fit.
All he gets in reply is Seunghyun’s hand squeezing his, his hyung continuing on, pulling him along at a faster pace than he’s comfortable with given his present– but thankfully only temporary– disability. What’s the hurry? He steps as cautiously as he can, placing each foot in front of the other with care and trying his best not to introduce his face to the floor.
“Are we there yet?” he asks after turning yet another corner. Feels like they’ve swung around more than he can count, and tomorrow his poor shoulders will have the bruises to prove it. He doesn’t remember their dressing room being all that far from the stage. Shouldn’t they be there by now?
More importantly, where did the others go? Without his sight, he’s keenly aware of how the halls have gone suspiciously quiet, their footsteps on linoleum floor echoing down the corridor.
“It’s just down this hall. We’re almost there,” Seunghyun says in a voice so low and hushed so that Daesung has to strain to hear him.
That’s weird. It’s his vision that’s gone dim. Nothing wrong with his hearing.
“It’s dark,” he murmurs.
“Lights must be out. It’s fine though, I can still see.” The hand in his adjusts its grip. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you.”
Under my hair, he’d meant. It’s dark in here, under my hair. He doesn’t make an effort to correct him though.
“Do you even know the way?” he says, suddenly feeling cheeky. “Are you leading me down a dark hallway?”
“No. Why would you think that?”
“Because it would be just like you to–”
“Here.” Daesung is made to stop, then urged to turn to his right, hands fastened over his shoulders holding him securely in place. “Door’s open. Go on.”
He hesitates.
“It’s not that I don’t trust you, but…” Uncertainty pulls his lips into a lopsided smile. “I’m not about to walk into a closed door, am I?” Because while this hyung isn’t the type to play pranks that end in pain, Daesung wouldn’t put it past him just this once. Breaking his nose one time was enough.
He lifts a hand to part his hair and see for himself where he’s been taken, but Seunghyun stops him, takes his hand, redirects it. He places it instead on the doorframe so Daesung can feel where the wall ends. Then Daesung is reaching out, groping at empty air.
An open doorway. The way is clear.
A hand on his back steers him through; he goes willingly enough, Seunghyun a comforting presence at his back, shuffling in so close behind him he thinks he feels his breath on the fine hairs at the nape of his neck. The door shuts with a soft click, and then he’s being nudged back against a wall.
He isn’t worried at all… until a body presses into his. Seunghyun’s body, to be clear.
“Hyung,” he gasps, the weight familiar, the warmth usually welcome… just not here.
“You can drop the formalities now. It’s just us.” Seunghyun sweeps a hand up and over his face, lifting his hair from his eyes, and Daesung sees that he’s right. They’re alone in a dark room. “Can you see me now, Daesungie?”
“What?” Daesung laughs when the other’s lips fall on his, warm hands pulling his face near. “Where…”
“Doesn’t matter where,” Seunghyun breathes into his mouth, and drops his hand, letting his bangs fall. Daesung’s world goes dark again. Well, darker. “Did I surprise you?”
“I think I knew something was up,” Daesung says, although he hadn’t really. “You were too cheerful. Like you were planning something.”
“Maybe I just liked taking care of you for a change.”
“What if they come looking for us,” Daesung frets through soft kisses that grow deeper and heavier with urgency the longer they go on. If they carry on like this… there’s no telling how far they’ll make it before someone comes knocking, wondering at their absence. Getting caught with their pants down isn’t an option.
“They won’t. Jiyong knows. He’ll buy us time.”
“Great,” Daesung groans, mortified at the thought of Jiyong making excuses for them. Sure, he and Seunghyun have a history of sneaking off together at their own shows, but never at one like this, with so many other artists around and where their chances of being caught are perilously high.
The door is locked, right? He throws a hand out to test it, jiggling the knob. To his relief, it doesn’t budge.
“It’ll be okay,” Seunghyun says between breaths, coaxing Daesung’s hand back to them, clasping it in his own just like he had before. It had seemed such an innocent gesture then. Now it’s anything but, Seunghyun’s thumb massaging his palm in time to their kisses giving Daesung all sorts of ideas– enticing ideas– the one rhythm reminding him sharply of another. Before he knows it his hips are matching it, grinding on the leg that’s snaked its way between his.
Wait, when did that get there?
A moment later Seunghyun abandons his hand to palm his ass instead, hauling him in hard and fast so that Daesung’s next thrust strikes his hip. The bolt of pleasure that tears through him leaves him weak, shocked still for a second before the next thought is upon him: he needs that again.
Stunned, his head hits the wall with a loud thud.
“Oh, shit–”
“Sorry!” Daesung cries, whipping around to throw a quick apology behind him out of reflex.
“Who are you apologizing to? The wall?”
“I don’t know,” he says, his face going hot. But the embarrassment doesn’t last long, because with Seunghyun it never does, and soon they’re clutching at each other, hands roaming wherever they can reach, dizzy with excitement and drowning in exhilarated– but still very quiet– laughter, the secret nature of their meeting giving them such a rush.
Daesung had no idea he’d be so into this. No one pulls him out of his comfort zone quite like Seunghyun; somehow he always manages to make the risk worth the reward.
“He’ll be teasing me about this for weeks,” Daesung whispers when he’s caught his breath again, thinking back to Jiyong.
“Let him tease. He just wants a little of this.”
“What we have,” Seunghyun clarifies. “He wishes he could get Seungri to stay put long enough for him to do the same. It’s hard to catch a moment alone with him backstage, you know? Our little social butterfly, always surrounded.”
“Not just Seungri,” Daesung sighs and tangles his hands in Seunghyun’s spiked hair. It crunches under his fingers, stiff with hairspray and who knows what else. Their hairdresser is a magician with more than a few tricks up her sleeves; how else could she work such magic with their hair?
“Don’t give Jiyong any ideas. If he sees it worked on me once…”
He leaves the rest well alone. Seunghyun will know what he’s hinting at. He loves their leader, just… maybe not as much as their leader loves him. It’s no fault of Jiyong’s; in the way that matters most Daesung’s heart is already taken.
“Whose idea do you think this was?”
Daesung pulls back as far the wall will allow and sweeps his hair aside to give Seunghyun a dubious look.
“GTOP joining forces?”
Seunghyun’s whole face seems to light up the moment their eyes meet. His joy and affection is catching.
“Just helping out a friend. Jiyong’s nice like that.”
“Two friends, you mean,” Daesung murmurs, and sways in to steal another kiss, because try as he might, now that he’s found his groove he can’t seem to stop. This hyung is a bad influence on him– the worst, in fact. “Thank him for me later.”
“For suggesting I pull you into a dark room and have my way with you?” Seunghyun breathes into his ear in that low, sexy baritone of his. “Will do.”
That voice. So unlike his own, it raises goosebumps across his skin and sends a shiver down every limb.
Daesung shakes his hair out of his eyes… or tries to. As they’ve been styled to do, his bangs fall right back into place, once again obscuring half his face.
“Ugh, it’s like being blindfolded.”
“We’ll have to try that sometime,” Seunghyun says, hands slithering down his back and into the pockets of his jeans.
“You can keep your blindfold,” Daesung says on an exhale, arching under him. “I’ll just stick with my bangs, thanks.”
Seunghyun chuckles, and the way he nuzzles under his jaw in something like sympathy is strangely sweet.
“Is it really that bad?”
“I’m blind as a bat!” Daesung cries. “Why do you think I let you lead me around by the hand, in full view of everyone?” He’d felt a bit like a toddler towed along by an overprotective parent– small, susceptible, weak. It had been a strange role reversal for the two of them, Seunghyun at the helm for a change, leading the way into the unknown.
It isn’t that he needs to be in control, Daesung muses. But it’s a comfort to at least feel capable of taking care of himself. This new album of theirs marks the start of another era with Big Bang, maybe their best yet; he foresees many more days of relying on his bandmates to get him safely from here to there. He guesses he’d better get used to it.
“Thought you just wanted an excuse to hold my hand,” Seunghyun says, smiling against his skin.
“You offered.”
“Oh? Did I? Your memory must be better than mine.”
And there he goes again, playing innocent when he’s anything but.
“You can be my eyes if you want. Just…” Daesung cradles Seunghyun’s head as he peppers light kisses down one side of his neck, and tries to remember where he was going with this. “Just… go slow, okay? And don’t let go of my hand.”
It’ll test him, for sure, to walk with blind faith, but better than going it alone and inevitably falling flat on his face, if not now then later. The last thing he needs is to break his big nose a second time, much less where his clumsiness might have an audience.
“I’d hold your hand always if you’d let me,” Seunghyun promises, and Daesung is suddenly glad for the room’s darkness. He doesn’t think he’s ready for Seunghyun to see what measure of emotion a statement like that brings to his face.
“And don’t send me walking into any walls, or stumbling down stairs, or–” he gasps at the feel of teeth where there shouldn’t be any, especially not now, in a place like this. “And don’t leave marks!”
“I would never,” Seunghyun rumbles, and Daesung isn’t sure which “don’t” he’s agreeing to– the walls and stairs or the marks.
“Dark, vacant rooms are okay though.”
“As long as I go in with you, right?”
“Mmhmm,” Daesung hums, pleased with the hand stroking up and down his side with intent, over his shirt but under his jacket.
“You’re so trusting,” Seunghyun sighs. “Never change.”
Not with just anyone, Daesung thinks. But he doesn’t need to tell Seunghyun that; he already knows, probably better than anyone. Possibly better than Daesung himself.
“Could say the same for you,” is what rolls out instead, so soft and breathy his voice fades to nothing by the end, the final word dropping off in a whisper.
“Only with you.”
And there’s no suppressing it, the smile that springs to Daesung’s lips under the unstoppable force that is Seunghyun’s obvious fondness for him. Because if there’s one thing he can trust this hyung with, it’s that he’ll happily give voice to the things Daesung won’t, words he feels but too often fails to say.
“So.” He pulls their hips flush together. “Did you bring me here just to kiss me, or…?”
“Hmm,” Seunghyun says, rocking with him. “What if I did?”
“I would call that a wasted opportunity.”
Seunghyun’s eyes seem to flash at that, and that’s how Daesung knows he’s moments away from getting exactly what he wants.
“Think we have time?” wondering how long they have before someone– probably Jiyong, unable to turn a blind eye to their disappearing act any longer– starts blowing up their phones.
“We’re about to find out,” Seunghyun growls and closes in, and then there isn’t really time to think, but in a flash of insight a quick thought comes to Daesung, something about how it’s probably alright that he can’t see so well right now because that’s never what this has been about anyway. Seunghyun is still solid and warm against him, as good a guide as he’ll ever need.
As for the dark? Well, it’s not so bad when you have company.
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mosylufanfic · 7 years
For the song fic: "Something Just Like This" By Coldplay/Chainsmokers, and killervibe!!! (Mainly because that song has been stuck in my head legit all day, and Killervibe is my fave ♡) Thx :)
I know this is so, so late! I hope you’re still around to read it, nonny.
The song! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FM7MFYoylVs
Also, I may or may not have recently spent the entire damn day traveling.
Something I Can Turn To (somebody I can kiss)
Cisco braced himself on the handle of his suitcase, pretty sure that he would fall right down the escalator if it wasn’t there to hold him up. His flight from New York had been delayed five hours. Five hours of sitting in the airport, feeling his butt go numb on the thin vinyl seats, watching the board, pushing his departure time ever further away with every update.
And then when it had finally taken off, the flight itself had been the usual nightmare of being squashed into a seat like a cow into a milking stall, surrounded by fussy children and snoring seatmates. He’d managed to doze a little, but he could never really sleep on any kind of transport, and he felt sick from tiredness.
Cisco considered himself a pretty upbeat guy in general, but modern air travel could ruin anybody’s day.
He took a deep, steadying breath. You’re back in the CC, he reminded herself. You’re a half-hour car ride away from your own bed. With maybe a slight detour to that one Big Belly Burger that’s open twenty-four hours. Or maybe waffles. Yeah, waffles. Hang in there, dude.
He’d kept everyone up-to-date with his travel woes, and had just sent out a “back on the ground finally” text, so they wouldn’t be expecting him at Star Labs until tomorrow afternoon. He could sleep in as late as he wanted.
He fiddled with his phone, wondering whether he should request an Uber right now and have to wait, or just hope there was a taxi out front at this hour. But it was so late it was early, and maybe there wouldn’t be any cabs out front. Or maybe he would walk outside with an entire family of seven including a small baby and an elderly nana, and he would be the actual worst if he didn’t at least offer them dibs on the only taxi at the stand.
The girl in front of him was on her phone. “Hi, baby. Yeah, I’m on my way down the escalator right now. Okay. Okay. Baggage claim three. I’ll see you in a few. I can’t wait to kiss you hello. I love you so much.”
He rolled his shoulders, trying not to envy her. Your honey meeting you at the airport with a big smile, a kiss and a hug, ready to whisk you home, was probably about the best feeling in the world. But he was honey-less and had been for awhile, so it was a feeling he was going to have to think about wistfully tonight.
He’d just decided that it couldn’t hurt to at least check the Uber app for nearby cars when he looked down at the base of the escalator. Off to one side, there was a little cluster of comfy chairs where people hung out waiting for their loved ones.
And Caitlin Snow was just pushing herself up from one of the chairs.
He goggled. Seriously, he did. For a moment, he wondered if the airplane air had just dried his brain right out and this was some kind of dehydration-related hallucination.
She was in schlubbies, for her - yoga pants and some kind of soft drapey green t-shirt under her coat. But she looked like a million dollars, honestly, and only Caitlin would look that pretty and put-together at this time of the night.
Her eyes skipped over the people getting off the escalator in front of her, and then they met his. She smiled up at him.
Something funny happened in his stomach.
He almost tripped over the bottom of the escalator. “Caitlin,” he said, wrestling his carry-on out of the way of the old man behind him. “What are you doing here?”
“Picking you up, of course,” she said. “How was the flight?”
“Oh, you know,” he said meaninglessly. “Is everything okay? Do we need to go, like, save the day? The night?”
“The night is perfectly fine and in no need of saving. I just decided to come pick you up.”
“At - ” He glanced at his phone. “- three forty-three in the morning.”
“It is a little later than I’d originally planned to be awake. I’m sure you’re starving. We’ll find some absolutely disgusting twenty-four hour place for you on the way home.” She wrinkled her nose, looking all kinds of cute. “IHOP or something.”
“You love their french fries, don’t front,” he said automatically. “Seriously, what are you doing here? I could’ve gotten an Uber.”
“I know that,” she said. “I just wanted to, that’s all. Do you have anything to pick up at baggage claim?” She reached out for the handle of his carry-on, apparently with the intent of wheeling it around for him.
He held on tight, not letting her take it. Her eyes lifted to his. She looked a little stubborn.
He looked her in the eye. He could make her do or admit just about anything with that look. “Caitlin,” he said.
“I missed you,” she blurted.
He frowned at her. “Is everything okay?” She’d sounded okay over text, but that was just words on a screen.
“Everything’s fine. It’s just that you were so far away. And for so long.”
“New York,” he said. “For a week.”
She shrugged. “I missed you,” she said again, dropping her eyes. Her cheeks had gone pink.
“Yeah, you said that,” he murmured, thinking about how often on this trip he’d checked his phone for a text from her, and how it always sank his spirits when there wasn’t one. How he’d called her from JFK just to hear her voice in his ear, and how even though the flight had gotten pushed back twice as they’d talked, he’d still hung up smiling.
How his stomach had felt when he saw her waiting for him.
How he’d felt right now, just a second ago, when she’d said she’d missed him.
“Baggage claim,” she said brightly. “Do we need to go? You never answered my question.”
“No, nothing,” he said, patting his carry-on. “Got it all packed in here.”
She looked both astonished and appalled. “For a week? How do you do that?”
“Skills,” he said absently. “And only one pair of shoes. Hey, wait up a second - ”
“What?” She turned back to him.
He took enough of a step toward her that he could put one hand on her cheek, lean in, and kiss her on the lips.
For a split second, her mouth was slack with shock under his. Then, right as he was deciding he’d made one of the most catastrophic mistakes of his life and was going to have to hide for the rest of his life in a cave in the Utah desert -
- her arms came around his neck and pulled him close, and she started kissing him back.
He was travel-sore and tired in every cell of his body. The corner of his suitcase was digging into his kneecap, and he could seriously murder a stack of waffles. But for all that, it was still about the best first kiss he’d ever had.
Several minutes - hours? days? - later, they separated. “Wow,” she said, breathless. “You must be really grateful for the ride.”
“Well, yeah. Have you seen cab fares lately?”
The little exchange could have deflated the whole moment, except that they were still plastered together, chest to knees, and her eyes were big and bright, and her mouth was soft and pink and man, he wanted to kiss it again.
Instead, he reached up and tucked her bangs behind her ear. “I missed you too.”
She smiled, a slow, blooming, sweet smile. Her eyes were shy and filled with tenderness. He wanted to pinch himself.
“Come on,” she said, sliding her hand down his arm until it covered his hand where it curved around her him.  "Let’s go find you some waffles. And - and we can talk.“
Talk. Talk could be bad, it could mean things like that was an impulse and I don’t want to ruin our friendship - but looking at the expression in her eyes, he didn’t think so, somehow.
"Waffles and talk, I’m in,” he said, turning his hand over and tangling their fingers together.
She smiled at him and started for the doors out to the parking lot, pulling him along by his hand. And even though he was still a good twelve miles and change away from his own bed, Cisco relaxed into the feeling of coming home.
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Descendants, Chapter 30
Holtz and Abby had thankfully gotten their parents sent off back to Michigan and Maryland with well wishes and more than a few gifts. 
The biggest one for them was that now they could have a few moments of peace and quiet to just themselves. The Ghostbusters headquarters was still closed with Patty and her wife on vacation. Erin and David decided at the last minute to take a mini-vacation to go skiing after Christmas. When Holtzmann questioned Abby about taking a trip, she shook her head.
“Between the speaking engagements, lectures, book meetings, and such, I think I’ve seen too many hotels. I’d just like to stay home for the holiday.”
So for New Years, the team decided to celebrate the new year together at the firehouse with lots of fresh buttery popcorn and sparkling juice. Cheyenne had even made them chocolate truffles with different flavorings before she had to be back at work. Holtzmann had found herself fond of the cinnamon ones as Patty was telling her all about their trip to Hawaii. Erin had already been texting with Abby about being a little upset and would be running a little late, but she hadn’t explained why. After coming in with the traditional champagne for midnight, she sat down beside her best friend and curled up.
“He wouldn’t let me tell them.”
Abby sighed. She had been afraid of this. She liked David, but...
“Did he give a reason why?” she asked, handing Erin one of the truffles.
“He didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up,” she said. “Just in case we changed our minds.” Erin closed her eyes, enjoying the chocolate. “I am beginning to think that he believes that come April when you are in the throes of motherhood and you and Holtz are dealing with a fussy newborn that I will get disinterested and will want to concentrate on the work.”
Abby knew David had a point there, but she wasn’t about to say that to Erin. Work really was all that Erin had to keep her sane for so many years, up until she had found a family again with them. She had even met David on a mission when they had to clean a couple of ghosts out of the small college’s bell tower where he had taught at the time.
“What do you think?”
Erin frowned slightly. “I don’t... I don’t know?” she said. “Maybe?” She grimaced. “I know that sounds bad.”
“It doesn’t,” said Abby, shaking her head. “Everyone has doubts.”
“I want to have a child... maybe even a baby,” said Erin softly. “I wanted to tell my parents and his family that we were adopting.”
“We?” questioned Abby. “So David was on board with adopting?” The look on her best friend’s face was all she needed to know. She had a feeling what was coming. She closed her eyes.
“Erin, you two are getting a divorce, aren’t you? That's why you took the extra vacation.”
“Sep-- Separated,” said Erin. “He wants some time... alone. To think. I think he’s actually scared of fatherhood.”
“I’m going to have to give him a piece of my mind,” said Abby, her teeth clenched. She started to stand and go find her cell phone.
“Okay,” said Erin, grabbing a hold of Abby’s arm and patting it. “Reel it back in Abby. There’s no need.”
“Someone needs to--”
“I can fight my own battles,” smiled Erin sadly. “But thank you. For trying.”
“So, adoption?”
“Still going through with it.”
“I tried to convince Holtz, and see where it got me,” smirked Abby. Erin laughed softly.
“Yes, but then I wouldn’t get to see your cute baby bump,” said the redhead. She rubbed a hand across it. She leaned into her best friend, who wrapped her arms around her.
“Can I cry now?”
“Always,” said Abby, rubbing Erin’s head, wishing there was something she could do to help her.
“And why am I missing out on this cuddle party?” asked Holtz. “This is preposterous, a travesty even!”
“Come on Holtz,” said Erin. She felt the blonde curl into her back. She laughed when Patty sat down on one of the squashy cubes that Abby and Holtz had for extra seating and blanket storage and wrapped her arms around them all.
“It’s a group hug of the best sorts,” said Abby.
“I’ve had dreams like this,” said Holtz sexily.
“Don’t even go there Holtzy. You’ll make this weird.”
“Too late Patty,” grinned Holtzmann. “Thought’s out there.”
“Urrrgghh,” said Patty. Abby patted her cheek in sympathy.
“At least you get to go home. I have to put up with her.”
“We’re going to miss the ball dropping,” said Erin. Tears were already beginning to go down her cheeks.
“Doesn’t matter,” said Abby. “We can start a new tradition of couch cuddles for the new year. Though we’re going to need a bigger couch for next time.”
“I second that,” Holtz said, picking up Erin’s hand and kissing it before doing the same to Patty. Abby pulled Erin tighter when she felt her begin to sob.
It definitely was going to be an interesting new year. She looked at Holtz, who grimaced when she realized that something was actually wrong with their friend. Patty was rubbing the back of Erin’s neck and shoulders. All three of them shared a grim look as Erin curled into a smaller ball and cried.
“Erin’s asleep,” said Abby to Holtzmann as she closed the door to her and Holtz's bedroom. “Completely conked out after I got her to lay down.”
“And you look about as exhausted as she did,” said Holtz. She gestured for Abby to join her in bed. The brunette curled up on her left side and laid her head on Holtzmann’s chest.
“I thought I was going to have to tell Erin to move and let me check the nursing pads in my bra. I felt wet, but I guess it was from all her crying.”
“She was definitely distressed,” said Holtz. “Patty’s already planning for us to go jump David at work.”
“It would probably be better if you didn’t do that,” said Abby. “I don’t think Erin wants us to fight her battles for her.”
“She told you that, but said nothing about us,” Holtzmann said with a grin.
“You don’t need to Holtz,” said Abby, running her fingers up and down Holtz’s stomach. “Patty maybe.”
“What’s the matter with me?”
“Because you’re having a baby already with the reason Erin’s thinking of children in the first place.”
“Good thinkin’ Abs, but it still doesn’t help that we’d like to get beat his ass for hurting Erin like that.”
“Believe me, I quite understand,” Abby said as she moved around a little. “You’re quite comfy Holtzmann.” She rubbed Holtz’s hip and knee. The engineer looked at her wife in amusement.
“So you want to have New Year’s sex?”
Abby gave her a look. “Can’t I just touch my wife who’s pretty?”
“If by touching, you mean pulling down her boxers and getting her off, then yes please.”
“Now who’s wanting New Years sex, honey?” said Abby, pulling down Holtzmann’s sleepwear. The blonde let out a soft sigh when Abby stroked her labia.
“I just have a need and want for my beautiful partner,” said Holtz, making a face as her hips twitched at the movement. “I had to opt for taking a picture of Erin all curled up on you instead of our normal New Year's routine of kisses. It’ll be good blackmail later, but I didn’t want to share.”
Abby instantly knew what Holtz meant. Since Erin was having issues with David, she would be there with them more. Erin was her best friend after all. The first couple of months after everything had settled from the near Rowan induced apocalypse had been a little testing of Erin and Holtz’s friendship because Erin and Abby had been making up for lost time. But Holtzmann tried to be a good sport about it all since they hadn’t seen each other in 16 years. Not that Abby could really blame Holtz. She had been missing the alone time they had together as well. Higgins had been crappy, but at least it had been just them in their own small lab.
And in about three more months, their little one would be there too. Not a lot of time to be together. She could understand Holtzmann’s bout of jealousy.
“You’ll always come first,” said Abby, rubbing Holtzmann’s clit, which made the blonde moan. “Well, after Eliana or Elijah.”
“Of course,” said Holtz, letting out a pleasured sigh. She stripped off her sports bra. “I have already accepted that taking care and feeding a newborn every two hours will come first.” She gave Abby a smirk.
“Oh no,” said Abby. “I maybe food, but you are involved in playtime and diapers. And after a couple of months, we will be working on them taking bottles from you.” She kissed Holtz, still stroking her sex. Holtz pulled out of the kiss, eyeing her wife with a sneaky look.
“I’ve changed my mind. Getting you off sounds way better right now.” Abby squeaked when Holtz started pushing on her pants. Holtzmann was definitely feeling playful. Not that Abby minded in the least.
“Okay!” said Erin, looking at her friends. “New Year.” They were all gathered around the large conference table in the firehouse. They had all come in for part of a day to get back in the swing of things. Holtz was sitting back in her chair with her feet up on the tabletop. Patty was texting with Diana about their meet up time next week. Abby had her head down on the table.
“What’s the matter with her?” asked Patty to Holtzmann.
“Abby and breakfast this morning were not a good match,” said Holtz, stretching. “Apparently the kid was not fond of apple cinnamon pancakes.”
“We shouldn’t have gone out for breakfast,” Abby said with a grimace. Holtz pushed a bottle of Sprite closer to Abby, who glared at it from where she had her chin perched on the top of her arms.
“I wish I knew how to quit you.” She took the bottle and opened it. Patty shook her head.
“Now there’s an old ass reference. Brokeback came out in what, like 2005?”
“Abby and Sprite are my OTP,” grinned Holtz, running her fingers through her curls.
“OTP?” repeated Erin, confused.
“One True Pairing,” said Patty. “It’s a thing the kids used to say when they talk about their favorite couple on TV or movies... Like I dunno, you two liked Mulder and Scully right?”
“Mulder and Scully were some of the first shipping wars on the internet,” said Erin, laughing. “God, those are some memories.”
“You thinking about all the Usenet group posts?” said Abby, a slight grin. “There were some doozies.”
“Remember when you started that idea that Mulder was really an incubus?” said Erin.
“Oh god, I spent way too much time in the supernatural and paranormal sub-boards back then,” said Abby. “We helped that one fanfic author, remember? They had posted about wanting some science help.” She paused. “Didn’t that story get very popular?”
“Yup,” said Erin. “Even made it into one of the fanzines. She didn’t even thank us.”
“Did we just step into something we shouldn’t have?” asked Patty to Holtz.
“You’re watching history,” said Holtzmann. “That is the starting days of shippers on the internet.” She stole Abby’s soda and took a drink of it. “One of these days our grandchildren will marvel that we used to post on message boards with just text.” Patty rolled her eyes.
“Okay, away from memory lane,” said Erin, holding onto the back of the chair she was standing behind. She glanced at Abby, who was trying not to laugh.
“Are we all ready equipment wise for boot camp next week?” Holtz gave her a salute.
“Great,” said Erin. “That’s one thing we don’t have to worry about. Uhh...”
“Patty and Holtzmann have already taken care of that one call we had over the holidays about an owner’s dead bulldog’s ghost floating in their downstairs den and drooling massive amounts of ectoplasm all over the carpet. Erin, you and I have that speaking engagement in New Orleans in a couple of weeks we need to work on, and Holtz you have that other interview--?” Abby gestured to Holtz, frowning as she couldn’t remember.
“Scientific American.”
“Right,” said Abby. “And--”
“Oh and Abby, the cutoff date for flying is 36 weeks,” added Patty.
“Great,” said Erin. “We’re going to beat it by a whole month.” When Holtz made a face, they all knew what was coming. Erin and Patty’s eyes met each other and Erin looked at her watch.
“What?” said Holtzmann. “I’m not saying anything. Abby and I have already discussed this.”
“Loudly,” added Patty. She watched as Abby took the soda back from Holtz and was sipping on it before holding the back of her hand over her mouth. Abby grimaced before speaking.
“Well today is not the day that I am going to discuss not flying down for the conference. I am exhausted and we have a very large, looming deadline.”
“And Patty and I have got to meet with our accountant later,” sighed Erin. “The edits may have to come this evening.”
“Just as long as they come. We are presenting this in two weeks,” said Abby. “I don’t think we need to be going over this at the last minute the morning of at a Starbucks.”
“We’ll be fine,” Erin said quickly. “Kevin coming in today?”
“Still in Australia for a couple more days,” said Holtz. “He texted Abby that his uncle wasn’t doing very well after a stroke, and his mother wanted him to stay on just in case.”
“Poor Kevin,” said Patty, frowning. “Should we text him back and tell him to stay as long as he needs?”
“I did,” said Holtz. “Abby’s already hired a temp from...?”
“First Source,” she responded. “Her name is Susan and she’ll be here tomorrow.”
“Great,” said Erin. “I guess that’s everything unless someone wants to talk to the Safety Commission for me? And order Holtzmann’s monthly supply of fire extinguishers?”
“I’ll let you do that on your own,” said Patty, standing up and rubbing Erin on the shoulder. “I got a cursed book I want to look over before we head out.”
“I’ve got to set up a few more things in the basement,” said Holtz. “So I am going to need those fire extinguishers.” She winked at Erin in passing. The redhead looked at Abby.
“So... anything back from the editor over the holidays?”
“No, still in limbo,” said Abby. “The book is only 280 pages long. I mean, what can they be editing over there? The length of the actual pages the words printed on? With like, itty bitty sewing kit scissors that only a small breed of goblin can operate.”
Erin tried not to laugh, but the huffy look on Abby’s face made her shake her head and chuckle.
“Patience,” said Erin. “It’ll be worth the wait.”
“I hope,” said Abby.
“You doing anything?”
“Just research. And maybe a nap. Definite on the nap.”
“Exhaustion is really settling back in, isn’t it?”
Abby made a face.
“Go take a nap and rest,” said Erin.
“I feel like I should be doing something,” sighed Abby.
“You are. You’re carrying a baby to full term and the both of you need to get lots of rest before March.”
“You’re sounding worse than Holtz,” Abby said, shaking her head.
“Your wife has a point,” said Erin. She rubbed Abby’s back. “Rest.”
“Tell your niece or nephew to stop kicking me in my sleep.”
“I don’t think there’s anything I can do about that,” said Erin. She grinned and hugged Abby’s shoulders. “You’re the one who wanted to get pregnant.”
“You can stop saying that at any time,” scoffed Abby, burying herself in Erin’s hug.
“My paperwork came in.” Abby took a sharp intake of breath. She didn’t even have to ask what paperwork.
“Filled it out?”
“All I have to do is mail it back in.”
“And Da--”
“Still haven’t heard from him except for a couple of texts.”
Abby pulled Erin into a hug this time. <– Prev | Next –>  
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gawaine · 8 years
Rules: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you finished tag 5 people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!!!
Tagged by the wonderful @wwwinteriscoming, who also gave me Isbah’s new URL (thank fuck @softdiego, I keep losing you)
1: Are you named after someone? Nope! The only criteria for my name was that it have an Arabic and English meaning, and could be easily pronounced in both.
2: When was the last time you cried? Yesterday, watching A Year in the Life on Netflix. Richard Gilmore died. It was sad. That was ‘single tear’ type crying though, the last time I had a proper cry was... Last week, maybe? I had a little cry after throwing my ankle out at the gym and it triggered my PTSD.
3: Do you like your handwriting? I have a love-hate relationship with it? Char and @drlegendaryhands swear it’s beautiful, but when I’m rushing it’s reduced to a mess, so... It depends on how much time I have when writing!
4: What is your favourite lunch meat? This is an odd question. But chicken. It’s filling, you can do lots to it, it tastes good and it’s healthy.
5: Do you have kids? No, thank fuck. Bleeergh, the thought of having a child this young is repellant to me (... and not even necessarily ‘this young’). No thanks. That’s what nieces and nephews are for - babies you can love, but give back.
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Probably not? I like to think I’m a good friend, who is funny and loyal, but in reality I’m really out of touch with emotion and a load of other shit. Ref: all previous best friends for proof.
7: Do you use sarcasm? It’s my native tongue.
8: Do you still have your tonsils? No! It’s so weird to be able to say that now! Nope, I had my tonsillectomy in October. I was scheduled to have a coblation procedure, but it ended up being a standard electrocautery tonsillectomy instead :)
9: Would you bungee jump? Yes. No. Depends on why. I like the idea of conquering my fears but I also don’t want to die (today) so??
10: What is your favourite kind of cereal? Golden Nuggets or Weetabix. I have no chill. It’s either a sugarfest or really good for me. Plus, they absorb milk really well and I’ve gotten really fussy recently: milk left over from cereal disgusts me, I can never finish it, and it makes me feel bloated.
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Low-top sneakers, like Vans and Converses, absolutely not, but boots and high-tops, yes. I don’t actually own any other type of shoe.
12: Do you think you’re a strong person? emotionally? or physically? lol no, but I’m arrogant enough to acknowledge the evidence shows otherwise. I think it just comes down to the fact that I’m very good at pretending, emotionally? And physically... HAHA. Actual quote from me at the gym today, talking to my trainer: “You know I said I have the upper body strength of a worm? I think that was too kind.”
13: What is your favorite ice cream flavor? This... Is not... Thorough enough. If it’s Ben & Jerry’s, it’s One Love (banana, chocolate and caramel) though that’s up for debate because I have new flavours in my freezer that I’m yet to try; Haagen Dazs, it’s cookies and cream (macadamia nut brittle is a close second); if it’s sorbet, I prefer berry because of its sharpness, though mango is smoother; if it’s unbranded, then mint chocolate chip. Gelato can only be from the place I went to on Borgo Pio in Rome, so fresh, made only of fruit and milk, where melon is a preference (I take ice cream very seriously, wow).
14: What is the first thing you notice about people? The way they look at people. You can tell a lot about a person that way.
16: What is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself? My injury scars (whoa, look at me being honest today).
17: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? I’m not wearing shoes - I’m at home - so I’m wearing grey skinny sweats and stripy ‘Fries Before Guys’ socks.
18: What was the last thing you ate? Butter biscuits I made a few days ago, but I can’t actually taste that - I can still taste the tuna crunch salad I had before that, because I put in a lot of crunch (read: a shit-ton of red onion and celery).
19: What are you listening to right now? Bollywood music from Shahrukh Khan’s new movie. If I wasn’t, I’d probably be listening to some The Pretty Reckless, I’ve been on a grunge trip recently.
20: If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Purple. No idea why. I guess it’s lighter than black but more complex than a primary colour? Oh, look, my English degree is showing.
21: Favourite smell? Fresh water.
22: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My big sister, Reehana. She wanted to see how I felt after I text her from the cardio machine at the gym, saying my arms felt like lead. They still felt like lead. Arm days kill.
23: Favourite sport to watch? Watching the cricket is more a tradition, so martial arts, probably? Or swimming? But I’m not a big sports enthusiast.
24: Hair color? Very dark brown. It looks black, but you can see it’s not in the light, and because in the summer, it reddens.
25: Eye color? Dark brown. I’m very boring.
26: Do you wear contacts? I’m beginning to. I hate it. I thought taking off a normal bra in exchange for a sports one was a pleasant feeling, but taking contacts out after 11 hours of wear and putting on your glasses is just... Heavenly.
27: Favorite food to eat? This is unfair, so I will go by my favourite cuisines. (Savoury) Italian: pizza. Mexican: burritos. Persian: grilled lamb is amazing. American: burgers and fries. Canadian: fresh maple syrup pancakes. (Sweet) French: macaroons. Italian: ice cream cake. I’m also a total ho for traditional Punjabi food, but that’s complex. (I also take food very seriously).
28: Scary movies or comedy? Ha, half the time, aren’t they the same thing? The girl moves towards the scary noise and drops her phone, the non-white person dies first, everyone trips over their laces? Okay, sorry - comedy! Definitely. Rom coms are cute too. 
29: Last movie you watched? Ummm, Dhangal, this Bollywood movie about a man who trained his little girls to become Olympic wrestlers. Based on a true story. Was absolutely excellent. I can’t remember the last English movie I watched at the cinema... Ghostbusters, possibly?
30: What color of shirt are you wearing? Grey. It’s a jumper with my university logo on the front.
31: Summer or winter? Summer, though I always die, because I wear too many layers. Usually I’d say winter, but our heating is being a little shit, so the whole warm-and-snuggled-while-it-rains ~aesthetic has gone to shit.
32: Hugs or kisses? Hugs. More intimate, they feel more safe and, whilst I have never been kissed on the mouth romantically, I’d assume less gooey, too?
33: What book are you currently reading? HA, I don’t think I’ve finished reading a whole book for pleasure since I graduated. I’m reading multiple. Attempting to re-read A Series of Unfortunate Events (struggling, no idea why) and Muhammad Ali’s memoirs (but Mum stole it). The Princess Diaries set so I could read the newest one, but I’m bored at no.5 because I’ve read that multiple times. Still a quarter of the way through reading The Da Vinci Code for the third time, so I can read the newest two of the set. Reconsidering breaking out my non-fiction book on the Medici that I started about four years ago, after watching Medici: Masters of Florence. You did not expect this long an answer, did you? Your fault for asking!
34: Who do you miss right now? My Dad, he’s away on business.
35: What is on your mouse pad? What is this, 2005? Who still has a mouse pad?
36: What is the last TV program you watched? sense8, I’m rewatching so I can watch the special/second season without having to rush a recap watch.
37: What is the best sound? The sound of rain on glass, or my brother laughing.
38: Rolling Stones or The Beatles? I feel like I’m not white enough for this question, I would struggle to name a Rolling Stones song from the top of my head and the only Beatles songs I know are ones that have been covered by other people. Sorry!
39: What is the furthest you have ever traveled? Had to Google this, but - Florida, USA. Thought it was Pakistan. I went to Disneyworld when I was 8.
40: Do you have a special talent? Yes, isolating myself and being able to fit more ice cream in the top drawer of the freezer, even if it’s full. The TARDIS has nothing on my freezer drawer.
41: Where were you born? St George’s Hospital, London. I’m a city girl, through and through :)
I tag @barefootonbrokenglass, @franklyineedcoffee, @nancyywheller, @intoxicatedinthedark and... I do not know enough people on this site to do shit like this
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