#everything else is gross
ego0baby · 5 months
European food truly the most nastiest cuisine
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suusoh · 2 months
"Johan would be a gross kisser. Change my mind."
FACTS. I feel like him feeling human emotions really makes him sloppy at romantic interactions and borderline needy at times. He's like catching up on things he had "lost" during him being a "nameless monster". Forgive him for being absurdly gross, it's his first shot at life after being ontologically dead for most of his existence. 😭
ontologically dead is such an accurate way of phrasing it I love it!! Like exactly!!! This is Johan's first try at being human. He's going to go through human experiences now in all the wrong, repressed, and ungraceful ways. Key word: ungraceful. Which is why Johan kissing you, like actually kissing you, after years of meaningless social interaction, is gonna be soooooooooooo messy and gross. He's gonna be like some hungry teenager with his first crush. THE most unrefined kissing you can think of. Smushing his face against you, pushing his lips towards yours a bit too hard, parting your mouth, tongue slipping in and rubbing against yours, and exploring everything so fully and deeply. He's exploring the missing parts of his humanity through all the little nooks and crannies of your mouth. I'm gonna be so gross here but it will feel like he's literally trying to clean your mouth out HFKLAHDJH forgive him. He just needs to leave no stone unturned okay. He wouldn't allow himself to part for just a second, even when you try to catch your breathe his lips don't leave yours, opened and catching in everything you're giving him. Your breathe, your spit, everything. You'd be inhaling each other at that point :/// sorry. It could be kinda hot at first? if you squint hard enough?? but as the kiss prolongs it feels less like a kiss and more like a dental checkup fhaskdfjl. This is his first time being human. Let him be messy, let him be ungraceful, let him be gross.
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sturnioloho · 5 months
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brazilian-whalien52 · 1 month
Give me flawed characters, but please don't try to tone down or pretend that what they did is justified
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sinnbaddie · 11 months
I’m starting to hate STSG so much solely for the fact that I cannot consume any content of my faves without them always being brought up or inserted into the conversation in some type of way
I just wanna hyperfixate on Hikara and Itafushi yet the most toxic and unhealthy ship is brought up more in their tags than them themselves
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criscura · 3 months
I want to get to the good part of this blastvoid thing I'm writing but i do NOT want to write the part before it and I'm procrastinating so fucking hard
Like i know what i want and it'll be satisfying but it's like the reverse of eating beef jerky, where this is the tough gross part you just need to swallow before getting to the fucking SPPIUCCE
#I'm writing their early days when blast first realizes a) fucking void is an option and b) he REALLY wants to#but it's in the middle of a one night stand with a woman#and I'm just......so uninterested in most straight stuff......like unless its genderfuckery with the characters cause that's cool#also hard because i really believe background characters should have their own lives so trying to write these OCs as likable and believable#without them taking to too much time#or at least if they do have them be fun enough that it's fine#and also having it be believable that they'll go about their business even after the story moves on from them#hard too to get into the head of a frat bro/fuckboy which is kinda how i see Blast#or rather it's hard to write him without making him either too soft or too gross#like the way i like and see women isn't necessarily the way a guy like that would and it's tough to figure out where the crossover is#so i can use it to make this whole thing more believable#i REALLY want it to be clear that blast and void do not have the kind of relationship that would be good for anyone else#and probably really isn't even good for them#but that requires a fair amount of build up to get it across the way I'd like#like blast is fixated on void and so hyper aware of everything he does that he's almost#but not quite#scared of him#and void knows what he's doing because blast is the Goldie Locks of candidates for someone to help him with the GOD stuff#and he D O E S N O T want him going anywhere so he's gonna keep him close using every trick in the book#but blast IS charismatic and he IS fun and he DOES make daily life a lot more pleasant#so he's uncomfortably attached too#but blast has zero fucking for clue about any of that other than he's aware of just **how little** he knows about void#IT'S A FUCKING LOT OF SUBTEXT TO GET ACROSS WITH A CHARACTER I'M STRUGGLING WITH#I'm going to do it but MAN#blastvoid
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running-in-the-dark · 6 months
okay I've been working on this damn painting for approximately five million years so I need to show you guys what it looks like right now to get scared enough that I don't stop before it's done (sharing things is scary, sharing unfinished bad bad bad things is so much scarier so I need to at least add the finished painting in the end so I don't die of shame)
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so there he is. Jenkins making a 🤨 face.
yes he's missing a hand, yes I've had to paint over those damn suspenders a bunch of times, yes the desk in the background is just ?? but. that's what it looks like right now 🙃
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goldkirk · 4 months
#everything’s fine and I’m fine I’m just saying this to say it rn#I don’t know what I would choose to do if he WAS still alive and I COULD still report officially#but a large part of me is really really glad that that mayor is dead. and I don’t ever have to hear him or see him at events or feel his#unusually long weird fingernails and iron grip while telling me to smile for pictures ever again#a part of me would love to confront him#but most of me is just glad he’s gone and can’t scare me or make life hell for my parents ever again#he never should’ve gotten away with all the things he did for so many years. but he did.#now that we’re here in the present. it’s a gift to get to move on from it knowing he’s not still out there at least#he was a gross greedy person with police and government power and never should’ve had those positions for so many decades like he did#but that being said. he can’t ever speak to or touch me again.#I’m not grateful now. I wasn’t grateful then after he stopped pretending either. but I’m glad I get to walk away and never live near#any subdivision or building or anything else with his name or picture#ever again. and he’s never able to touch another child ever. good riddance. you gross greedy poor excuse for a public servant.#now I’m gonna go try to write some of what I’ve learned into a fic to help my future self and others#who do you think came out on top at the end of the day mayor L?#I came out of this with friends and kindness and gentleness and healthy rage. you died just as greedy and fake and paranoid as you lived.#I hope you got better towards the end. for your wife and family’s sake.#I get to protect others from people like you for the rest of my life. and I’ll win.#because I deserve it and every current kid deserves it too.#shh katie
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a-sketchy · 8 months
the thing about yosuke’s shittiness around here (up close and personal, the campout) is that the vast majority of it isn’t doing literally anything for his character. i completely think yosuke’s shittiness is important to his character, but it’s by and large reflections of his own insecurities and flaws. he’s insecure about his masculinity and sexuality, he’s lame, he’s selfish, he’s obsessed with the idea of women, his mouth moves faster than his brain, he doesn’t like himself, and he cares way too much about the societal ideal of ‘normal’. but it’s really important that he’s self-aware! he knows when the things he says are shitty, he knows he’s lame, he knows he’s selfish, he knows he’s putting up a front of being carefree and normal. but there’s absolutely no self awareness here, there’s no recognizing he went too far and apologizing the next day, there’s no regret, there’s not even any self-deprecation, and there’s absolutely no compassion or empathy like he has in serious moments. a lot of what he says is just mean for meanness’s sake, in an execution incongruous with previous behaviour. it’s not even funny!
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raintailed · 5 months
RAIN WORLD HEADCANON TIME it's about gooieducks
Gooieducks are the weird fruiting bodies of a fungus. They are covered in a spiky shell made of chitin and calcium, much like what snail shells are made of. The shell protects the delicate fruiting body from being eaten before it has released all of its spores.
These "fruits" smell AWFUL to anything that isn't a slugcat. Slugcats like them a lot and their beaks are perfect for cracking open the shell of a gooieduck. Gooieducks are edible to scavengers, but scavs tend to dislike eating them because 1. hard to get the shell off and 2. they smell like garbage.
Uhhh the spores are toxic to worm grass, so worm grass automatically avoids any gooieducks. If a creature is holding one (or has rolled around in gooieduck spores), they can walk through worm grass patches if they are careful.
Also! Gooieduck shells have utility! For crafting, decoration, or just for being ground up and used as a dietary supplement for calcium.
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feralnumberfive · 1 month
Well y'all it's been fun but I'm going to take a break now. I won't be gone long, maybe a few days or a week, but I just need time away from here.
Not to sound like a pompous asshole, but since S4 I've been flooded with notifications and it's starting to bug me (as a person in general I don't like notifications and I'm not too sure why!) so I just need an escape from it for a little bit. At the same time I want to apologize to all the people who have reblogged or left replies on my posts with questions about S4 or wanting to start a discussion. I just don't have the mental capacity to try and talk to you all, and it's nothing against any of you!
My mental state has slowly deteriorated over the past month, especially with being so incredibly busy at school and then my last day before break was super shitty. This is my last week of break before I go back and I am so incredibly anxious about it and everything else I have to face in my life right now.
If you need me I'll be taking a mental vacation over on @spikes-got-anger-issues
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
Genuinely hilarious that they talk all that shit about hating “girlboss” characters meanwhile acting as if QitN Sansa isn’t the ultimate Girlboss fantasy for these dullards.
Exactly. They're so hypocritical and it's comical to see how inconsistent they are. They bash Dany and Arya as "girlbosses" for being active in their arcs, as though that's a bad thing, but then want exactly that for Sansa. They want her to become Queen Regent of the North but because she isn't there in her arc, they're stuck having to praise what she does have - passivity. They'll do and say anything to prop Sansa up and put Arya and Dany down.
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Ed is so real for only eating buttered toast and gravy every other food is gross and hard to eat and makes me sad
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mouseratz · 4 months
the rampant misogyny (and transmisogyny) on this site from transmascs specifically is so crazy to me. like......it really is like this
Tumblr user: trans women oppress the rest of us trans people & it's terfy for lesbians to criticize the patriarchy and because of all of that misandry is real and alive
someone in real life: Hey man how's it going
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apostate-in-an-alcove · 2 months
Millennials and Gen Z complain about a lack of community but then put ZERO effort into actually building community or getting to know and befriending their coworkers, peers, neighbours etc... You guys do realize that a close knit community isn't going to just magically appear in your lap just because you want it to right? You actually have to be an active participant. I swear individualism has rotted people's brains beyond repair.
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shrowdly · 3 months
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First Ismorth reference in umm. three years?
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