#everything that happened with tilín and juanaflippa
ghost-bard · 1 year
I start to drift off, finally getting some sleep
And then
I have one singular thought:
“Charlie and Quackities characters are always doomed to fall, and when one goes the other is close behind”
My eyes shoot open
I am once again awake, tortured by the knowledge I hold.
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bloodpen-to-paper · 1 year
When Juanaflippa died, she was the first. No one knew how to react. Charlie and Mariana expressed the rage, the denial, and it was a spectacle of roleplay followed up by a wacky trial made for laughs. At this point, the rest of the server were still getting used to their eggs, so only Charlie and Mariana felt that twinge of pain from losing an egg. But when you remember Juanaflippa, you remember an explosion. A marvel.
Next Trump died. Maxo made you feel heartbroken with the image of a grieving father wallowing in misery and self destruction. But it was all still early, and most people didn't even notice. Trump died from neglect. Dan never saw him after adoption day. The server didn't come together like they did Juanaflippa. It was all very quiet. To this day, not many people in the community could tell you anything about Maxo's kid. About how hard his father bargained for his life between the gods. About how he failed. Trump was a whisper in the wind that only his father and those who watched him could bother to hear.
Then Tilín. At this point, the server was becoming more accustomed to the eggs. They were becoming attached. When Tilín died, it was depressing in every sense of the word. Quackity was somber, he barely spoke a word when he heard what had happened. A grave was built for Tilín by others with a heavy heart. There was no spectacle, and this time most people were involved in some way. Luzu came on to meet Tilín, and had to deal with that grief of being told his child was dead, something so heavy on him that he shut down completely. In life and in death, Tilín was the embodiment of sadness.
Bobby. The first death since Tilín. The first death in a long time. Everything had changed for the server. The eggs are their babies, their world. Everyone gathered to grieve Bobby, because they're a community now unlike ever before. But its different this time, they aren't there to witness a marvel from a distance, or grieve in sympathy. Bobby was a celebration. Music and dancing and memories. Toasts and cheering his name until the final moment. And having a final clap in his name after. Bobby was life. Because they're all scared now, terrified for their children. But they know what to expect this time. They're ready. They knew not to watch Jaiden and Roier grieve from the sidelines, they knew not to turn their backs on the two, and they would be sad but by god would they be happy as well. The server celebrated Roier and Jaiden, celebrated Bobby, and accepted his death with his name being shouted into the sky.
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bloodychazorite · 11 months
Q!Slime Rant :DDD
I think Q!Slime deserves to snap, or–at the very least–be bitter.
It is insane how the other members of the other members have been treating him, ever since he lost his daughter. Mocking him, ridiculing him, bringing him back over and over again to that moment. Gods forbid, however, he does the same for a second, asking the–perfectly rational, by the way–question of whether or not the eggs are actually okay. Everyone knows JuanaFlippa is different from the other eggs, being brought back a few times now. And even Slime doesn’t know this but the other residents of the island suspect that Juana is code and trying to infect him. They know she’s different as well, so the question isn't insane.
Wilbur openly poked him, calling him a Misclicker but as soon as he brings up that valid point of Tallulah maybe not being okay, he snaps. (Also this hypocrite was yelling at Phil for not doing anything? Oh my gods.) Bad brought up Flippa’s death and Charlie’s mistakes and failures every chance he got and gave him an egg named after his dead daughter during his fucking breakdown. I’m aware that he’s a demon and maybe that contributes to the fact that he has harshly different standards of what’s okay, but that is an insane action to jump to. When your egg is alive, it’s a lot easier to mock those with dead children, isn’t it?
No one is even remotely attempting to help him with the Code Virus.
They are laughing, and they are pointing it out, but no one is doing anything. Each and every one of them knows that Charlie will be stubborn if they tell him it’s Flippa. Denial is his favorite stage of grief and he’s hardly left it since he first got on this island. But that doesn’t change the fact that people know something is wrong and no one has tried to help other than a brief, “Are you okay?” Or an “Are you feeling alright?”
Clearly not!!
I’m not saying he was a perfect saint, and I’m not saying he’s never done anything wrong. For a while, he was a terrible parent. But he was trying to change, and even succeeding in a few aspects. He loved his girl and was trying to change for her, even before she died for the first time. 
Each time he had something taken from him, he got worse. 
Every time his daughter died, Mariana left, Tilín’s death, everything makes him worse. 
No one tried to help him then, and no one is trying to help him now. 
He is far from perfect, but he hardly deserves the endless amounts of suffering he’s been subjected to, not many people do.
A person is deteriorating, decaying, being eaten alive from the inside out in front of each of the island’s residents. People are watching decomposition happen in real time, mentally and physically. In the mental aspect, they’ve been watching it happen for months.
I hope Charlie goes full corrupt and eats all their asses.
Y'know what? Not even that!
I hope he goes full corrupt and they have to lock him up or contain him somehow because he becomes a danger to others or a contamination issue. 
Maybe he drags himself around the island, voice hollow and teeming with glitch after tic after error.
Perhaps the Federation could step in and drag him away kicking and screaming desperately for his daughter, wailing and sobbing for anyone to listen and save him, forgive him.
He could lose all concept of his humanity, entirely a shell of his former self, and every person he speaks to can hardly find his soul behind his eyes until he sees Flippa. Not even José cheers him up anymore. The only light in his eyes is the unnatural green gleam against his now dull blue eyes when his gaze meets Flippa’s.
And I hope that–no matter what–every member of Quesadilla Island has to come to terms with the fact that they did nothing to help a suffering, mentally tortured friend, and now there’s a chance that they’ll never get him back.
Anyway I’m insane how's your day going :p
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soars22 · 6 months
Whatever happens next (which at this point could be anything) I hope we get closure.
I hope we find out what was meant to happen to the eggs.
I hope we get some sort of goodbye, however that looks, beyond just a post to twitter.
I hope the cc’s can share the plans for their characters, even if they’re only headcanons.
I hope that we get to have an end.
I put an entire year of my life into this server. I was there with Phil from day 1 and 95% of his qsmp streams after. I found Bad, Foolish, Roier, Fit, Pac, Mike, Bagi, Cellbit, Pierre, Baghera, and Etoiles not too long after. I fell in love with these characters-I loved their interactions, their energy, their storylines, everything. The stories they told made my days better. I have genuinely never put so much time into caring about something like this before, and I loved the experience and the community.
And above it all, I fucking loved the eggs.
I didn’t know all of them; some of them were gone before Phil ever interacted with them. To Bobby, Trump, Tilín, and Juanaflippa, you were loved and you will always be missed.
To the others, there are no words in any language I can think of to describe what it will be like not to have them any more; I cannot do them justice. Maybe later, when I’m not exhausted and sobbing and heartbroken by the absolute shit time we’ve all had these last few weeks, I’ll make a post to remember them. For now, all I can do is name them because I don’t have the energy to do anything else.
Chayanne. Tallulah. Ramon. Chunsik. Leo. Sunny. Empanada. Pepito. Richarlyson. Dapper. Pomme.
You were the best part of this server. You were the only reason it survived as long as it did. You deserved better than abuse and silence. You deserved communication from someone who was supposed to care. You deserved a better ending than to go to sleep forever.
You deserved better.
And you will never, ever be forgotten.
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imhidingonceagain · 1 year
I never ever thought Slimeriana would be as tragic as they are.
(Disclaimer: Long post)
Hear me out. I think most people don't notice how sad their stories are because both Charlie and Osvaldo are funny as hell. But their characters are so fucking tragic.
I would like for people to understand that they're not the worst parents as everyone in the Island has made them look.
I'm not denying the fact that they fought a lot (that's a whole other thing because they always fought but they also ALWAYS ended up gravitating towards each other and even defending each other -and having weird sex but let's avoid that one-) but when it came to Juanaflippa they loved her with their whole hearts.
Let's remember how at first they named her "Juanaflippo" but when she told Mariana that she was a girl he accepted her IMMEDIATELY and he communicated the fact to Slime who also accepted her WITHOUT A QUESTION.
Slime adored Juana and till this day he thinks constantly about her.
But Mariana also loved her so so much. I don't know if non Spanish speaking people understand the constant words of endearment Mari gave to Juana whenever they were together. He talked sweetly to her and made sure she felt loved (look at them celebrating her birthday).
And I'm emphasizing Mari because at the end of the day he ended her life (twice).
Slimecicle, on the other hand, ended Tilin's life when he was babysitting them (I'm pretty sure Tilín was nonbinary or gender fluid, not sure).
You know why that's tragic?
Because those incidents happened because both content creators have the shittiest luck and are honestly not the best at fighting. NOT BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T CARE ABOUT THOSE KIDS.
Let's remember that everyone in the Island were thrown into parenthood and each of them did the best they could (and props to Charlie and Mariana because both of them were present for their Minecraft child).
I can never forget Slime yelling "How do I fix this?" And Mariana yelling "No, Juanaflippa, no!" When Roier told him they had to go and he couldn't even retrieve Juanas's body.
When Juana passed away seems like Mari finally understood that at the end of the day Slime and him only had each other. That's when he started saying proudly to everyone that Slime and him were a couple.
But then Tilin's accident happened and Slime went to exile and everything went to shit again.
Their interactions became minimal and that's also tragic because despite their fights they're the only ones that understand and care for each other.
Mariana was constantly mocked by Roier (I love q!Roier but he was really mean towards Mari most of the time after the incident and that's super sad when you remember that they're supposedly best friends)
And Slime also suffered because he's now considered a cold murderer by everyone.
I'm pretty sure most people don't know that not only Quackity was hunting him. When Luzu briefly cameback to the Island and BBH and Foolish told him Tilin was his child he immediately asked for Slimecicle's location so he could get "revenge" (and if you're not familiar with Luzu, you won't know what he's capable of. Slime is lucky that Luzu was busy IRL because otherwise we would have had a big confrontation).
Fast forward till the last "interaction" when Slime attended Roier and Cellbit's wedding. He bitterly said that "Mariana couldn't even be there", that only tells me that he was hoping to see Mari.
Then Roier proceed to say that Mariana had been seeing/sleeping with other people when that's certainly not true (again, I love q! Roier but what kind of friend are you, dude?)
After that Slimecicle talked to Baghera and proceeded to say that he thinks Mariana and him and not together anymore and he also said to Baghera "If you see Mariana beat the shit out of him" but honestly, he wasn't irritated when he said those things, he didn't sound angry even.
No, he sounded wounded and hopeless.
So... In one hand we have Mariana who has disappeared completely, we don't know if he's at home depressed (but that the most likely scenario. We saw at Juanas's funeral that he tends to get depressed whenever something bad happens).
On the other hand, we have Slime who has been spending more and more time as Gegg.
And let me remind you that Gegg's all fun and games until you remember that Slime admitted that everytime he becomes Gegg his true self is affected.
We don't know if Slimecicle himself will not comeback one day.
I wish they spoke to each other because I truly believe only they can help each other. Only they understand the guilt and grief they're feeling.
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autumn-arcadia · 1 year
god it's actually kind of devastating. slime loved juanaflippa So Much, everything he did was for her and he worked so hard to get her back. he had a whole grief and revenge arc and everyone on the server worked to support him and he got her back! he did! and now it's all fucked.
tilín's death is an accident but just like mariana's misclick, it most likely won't be treated like that. charlie's forcing himself into self-imposed exile and fuck, i hope to god someone makes sure he's okay. i hope that at some point he and quackity are able to reconcile. i truly hope that he can find little jesus and that he'll be able to do something to make up for what happened. quackity has tried just as hard as charlie and god, i hope this isn't the way it ends for him and his child
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sugahyeon · 1 year
/!\ Angst/Hc /!\
Guiding a child down the path to hell is always a heartbreak. Bad knew that. He led Trump, Tilín and Juanaflippa there, holding their little hands, too small for his, short fingers just gripping at his pinkie. He gave them a hug, listened to their fears, their last wishes, their forever unrealized dreams. He whispered sweet little nothings in their ear when they cried in his arms, promised he would look after their parents, their siblings, after everyone they had ever cared for.
And when the moment came, he let them walk towards Her, waving them goodbye until they were out of sight, before turning around and breaking down.
Because a child's death cannot be fair.
And he has no power over it.
Guiding a child down the path to hell is always a heartbreak. Bad knew that better than anyone.
When he had to guide Dapper halfway throught, he couldn't stop his hands from shaking. For the first time, he thought that maybe, just maybe, he wasn't cut out for this job.
And he begged, begged Her to let him take his son back, to not have to let him halfway through this path. He had been a good worker, the best one perhaps, didn't he deserve a chance? A prize for all of his hard work?
But death isn't fair.
And Bad left his son's soul on the flowery path.
His hands were still shaking a week later. His heartbeat had been too erratic for him to run for a few days. His eyes were red and heavy and oh so tired from crying too much.
But Dapper was still here, right? He had one more life after all, they would be fine, wouldn't they? Life was just the same!
And they continued everything they ever started to do, no matter the danger, no matter the eggs' death multiplying day after day, no matter the federation, no matter the code, no matter anything but them.
Bad thought he had escaped his fate, at least for a few years. He ran, as fast as he could, made them move house every now and then, built an entire web of waypoints. They would be fine, they had to be.
He did everything right.
They did everything right.
And he forgot.
Forgot the injustice.
Forgot the shake of his hands.
Forgot the dryness of his eyes.
Forgot the pain.
Forgot the horror.
One day, Bad didn't get up in the morning.
There were no need to anymore.
The house was cold, the machines in the room besides his weren't buzzing as they always used to, the bed next to his was still undone, keeping the shape of Dapper's last morning.
It didn't made sense to get out of bed.
So Bad didn't.
By instinct, he opened the book laying besides his bed. The blank pages smiled at him: there's no more tasks to do.
So when people started sending him messages, asking to talk, or to visit their new house, or to babysit their egg, or to come help in a dungeon or any now meaningless requests, Bad closed his eyes and fell asleep.
Why go outside?
Why talk?
Why look through his window?
Why make his bed?
Why eat?
Why drink?
Why shower?
Why breath?
Why wake up?
Meanwhile, the outside world is in panic.
No one is here to babysit Tallulah when she doesn't wake up in time for Philza.
No one re-fills Chayanne's ingredient stash when he runs out.
No one plays with Ramón when he gets up without his dad.
No one talks Forever out of his panic phases.
No one keeps Baghera up to date with the server's happening.
No one push Foolish off his builds.
No one steals Maximus' chair.
No one tells Mariana he's pretty in his new clothes.
No one sees Dapper's new machines.
There's no new machines.
Outside, the world starts to move again.
There's potato crates on his porch and Venus' sibling is hanging out in his garden.
There's two paintings hanging on the wall besides his waystone.
There's a statue of Dapper in the middle of the farm.
There's some new armour, foods, books filled with love, lore and tears, blue furniture, a new scarf,
And an egg, stopping by every day after his dad is gone, just to look through the window of his best friend.
But Bad doesn't get out of bed so he doesn't know.
He can't bring himself to see Dapper's machines rusting because he doesn't know how to care for them, to see the farm his son planted, to see the animals they searched for for so long.
The eggs look like him, Leo in their long legs, Tallulah in her pointy chin, Chayanne in the way he adjusts his bangs, Pomme in her handwriting, Ramón in his smile.
Dapper's ghost is everywhere he lays his eyes upon.
Guiding a child down the path to hell is always a heartbreak.
Dapper didn't cry when Bad came to finish the travel.
He didn't shake, he didn't run, he hadn't ask for anything.
Maybe that was worse, to see the flick of fatality dancing in your children's eyes. To wonder where you had failed. To see your reflection in their pupils. To not be able to stand the sight of your mere silhouette in their soon-to-be-dull orbits.
She gave them some time to say goodbye.
Death isn't fair but death isn't inherentely evil.
It just exists.
They talked for a little bit, about the future, about their best memories, about the art gallery and the struggle to complete it, about what they would have for dinner tonight. For a few minutes, it didn't matter that Dapper wouldn't go home at the end of the day. That Bad would go to bed and no get out before a long time. That the world was now cold and dark.
In this instant, only them mattered.
And then time was up.
An entire lifetime worth of love had to fit in a few minutes.
Billions of years wouldn't be enough.
Bad would kill dozens of men for one more second.
He ignored the water in his eyes and his trembling chin, just to cup his son's face one last time. He was beautiful, with long and dark hair, his top hat and his big eyes. His hands were small, his knees scratched and he had one tooth missing.
Dapper was a kid. Just a little kid. It wasn't fair. But Bad has no power over death.
So he just let go of his son and guide him gently back onto the path, nodding when his child look at him with doubts.
Dapper looked at Her, glanced at him again, before bursting in tears. He's scared. He wants to go home. He wants his dad, always, forever, not this unknown scary giant lady. But he doesn't say anything, his hands busy gripping at his shirt.
"-It's ok Dapper, you'll be safe. She's really nice, you know? And you'll see Bobby there! It's gonna be tons of fun, alright?"
The small boy nodded, tears still streaming down his face, before getting out of his father's embrace. He didn't look back this time. He wouldn't have been able to get away.
Bad watched his son walk along the path, now on his own. He barely allowed himself to blink, in hope to keep his image imprinted under his eyelids.
He waved goodbye until the horizon swallowed the frail body, until shadows were the only things left for him to wave at.
Until small hands carried one last message.
"I love you dad!"
"I love you, son."
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chayannecraft · 10 months
COUGHS. ok I’m going more into detail about the qsmp “botw” eggs au because I have too much free time right now ^^
The worldbuilding is kind of wonky BUT basically there are several different kingdoms based on the qsmp language difference who have allied together in the face of Ganon’s impending Calamity (which is the code for now) and also the Antarctic Empire, which has been somewhat iffy on the alliance for reasons explained later. They’re all blessed by different gods. Everybody is living long time. Unless.
The Antarctic empire has been iffy on the alliance because everybody’s sending their kids into Ganon/The Code’s sight and like. Nobody WANTS to do that but destiny is a little bitch and they can’t quite fight with it considering everything will go to hell if they lose. But Philza is not the happiest camper about it which is kind of a problem since the Antarctic Empire HAS the Master Sword!!
Enter Chayanne as Link in this role, Prince of the Antarctic Empire who is also, because destiny loves being funny, The Chosen Hero. He overhears the conflict and is like huh. Hm. That’s. A lot of stuff happening. But then he hears the world is going to end and listen, he knows if Phil finds out he’s the hero he is NOT getting sent out but also like. Everybody is in danger. The entire world. His family, which is his world. His sister.
He’s like you know what it is better to ask for forgiveness than permission <3 and runs away from the empire with the Master Sword towards the allied kingdoms before the world actually starts ending. The whole time he’s like it’s going to be so ok. We stop Ganon/The Code and I can come back and apologize to my dad ^^!!! (foreshadowing wooooo)
Juanaflippa, Tilín, Bobby, and Trump are the four chosen champions for the divine beasts because. um. well you know how this story ends </3
Pomme is Zelda because I need more Pomme and Chayanne content. And if I have to tend to these crops myself I will. I stg.
After Chayanne gets massively humbled by Ganon and then wakes up 100 years later he’s lost all of his memory. The more recent the memories are, the easier it is to regain them. Yeah I’m saying he forgot The Antarctic Empire and Philza and he’s only just getting vague whispers by the time tears of the kingdom rolls around. S. Sorry. Which is also coincidentally when Philza decides it’s time to have a normal civil discussion with everybody else about where his kid is haha
More random information I couldn’t fit into the vague summary given:
- The Antarctic Empire consists of Philza, Technoblade, Wilbur, Tallulah, and Chayanne
- Missa is here!! He helps Chayanne adjust after reaching the rest of the kingdoms and becomes a father figure to him in Phil’s absence. He even gives him a matching skull mask that’s enchanted to change his eye + hair color to hide better in public. This also has the bonus of making him look exactly like his kid lol
- Pomme, despite being the Zelda role, can beat Chayanne’s ass in a fight.
- Pomme and Chayanne walk around carrying the guilt of a thousand suns on their backs from all the shit that has been happening and I could talk about them for ages but I would need another post just know they make me physically ill
- Pomme is the protagonist in totk instead of Chayanne
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ghostlemon36 · 1 year
Hellooo! I’m here to attempt to give you a summary of the qsmp so far! There are already some recap videos out there, some made by the qsmp itself, but so far I do not think any are up to date with the current arcs?
Ok so, spanish speaking and english speaking YouTubers wake up on a train one day heading to a vacation island! They make it there and get weird messages from a duck telling them to restore power to the island. However, there is a gigantic wall separating half of the people. The weird duck (which we later find out is the manager/spokesperson for the federation) tells them one rule, and that is not to press the big red button on the wall.
So of course people go to press the button. (The YouTuber Vegetta managed to do it first) AND THE THE WALL EXPLODES! The duck tells the people that they broke the one rule on the island and now they are unable to leave.
So for two weeks they build their bases and get to know each other. (I believe important personal lore happens for iRoier during this time as well, his friends betray him? I am unsure.)
Then one day, they are presented with dragon eggs. The duck makes an announcement that when the wall exploded, it woke up a dragon and it flew away, leaving her eggs behind. The islanders are paired into teams of two to take care of an egg together.
Each egg only has two lives, and they have to be taken care of and have tasks done everyday or they die of neglect. These eggs are played by admins, so they act like full characters. Over the next few weeks, three eggs will die. Juanaflippa, the daughter of ElMariana and Slimecicle, Tilín, the child of Quackity and Luzu (no one knew if Luzu or Wilbur was the father because both were absent at the time.) and Trump, the son of Maximus and DanTDM.
The eggs are in increasing danger as the island gets more dangerous and more things aim to kill them. There is an entity seemingly made up of binary code that kills eggs, taking them down to one life.
One day, there is a storm on the island and a ship crashes to the shore. On this boat are five YouTubers from Brazil, Cellbit, Pactw, Mike, Felps, and Forever. They are given an egg and they name him Richarlyson. These five are absolutely thrown into the thick of everything.
Cellbit starts investigating the Federation and starts a secret organization called The Order. He ends up getting kidnapped by the federation and tortured, but gets a bit of information about the island in return.
Felps also gets kidnapped later on because the streamer was going to Japan for two weeks. (There’s a joke in the fandom that getting kidnapped by the federation is getting sent to Japan, because I believe this has happened 2-3 times.) And Cellbit starts investigating his best friends disappearance.
I’m going to stop here with the summary because there is just So Much. (Qsmp feels like the One Piece of smps to me) I’ll do my best to summarize from here another day >:]
But this summary is around 1/3 of the story so far, and the story is still going! I recommend jumping into watching vods or streams because every perspective is different and not knowing much about the story does not effect much in my opinion! There’s a new islander that may be a good pov to watch if you want to get into streams, her name is Bagi and she is wonderful.
This was so nice of you to type out agskahjahajaa I’m dying a little you’re my new favourite person (/lh) I would die for you this is amazing
I should jump onto Bagi streams, she seems funny as hell from what I’ve seen, thank you so much anon omg
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str1wberry7thyme · 1 year
Quick TW for character death, blood, descriptions of wounds and heavy emotions! I wanted to write from Ramón's perspective of his nightmare from the other day, so I hope you guys enjoy!
Ramón was burning.
He could feel his lungs expanding painfully, blood gathered in all the wrong places as he coughed up everything he could. From the stiffness in his limbs and the numbing wound that split his chest in two, Ramón knew exactly what was happening. He was dying. And this would be it. 
Ramón grit his teeth, a burst of frustration, anger and helplessness exploded inside of him. How could he let this happen? He was meant to go help, to save his friends from that stupid fucking code monster that seemed to want nothing more than the children’s blood on its blade. Now here they are, the monster watching the sun rise as Ramón crawled away as best as he could.
Ramón reached for nothing in particular. Perhaps aiming for his discarded sword, an escape, or simply just hoping his father would appear and take his hand in his. As much as the confident egg hated to admit it, right now he wanted to be saved more than anything. It hurt so much. The binary monster had lodged its blade deep inside of Ramón’s back but made no move to retrieve it.
Instead, it seemed content in watching him struggle for his life in silence. Looking down and admiring its work from afar before Ramón felt its heavy presence begin to fade, considering its job done for the day. Ramón rasped and gagged harshly as his body finally lost all strength and he flopped to the ground, the sword inside of him poofing into nothing like it had never existed in the first place.
The dragon boy figured he would have loved to cloud gaze early in the morning in any other circumstance. The rising sun was as beautiful as ever, even from his upside down perspective with overhanging tree branches blocking his view ever so slightly. 
“Ramón, come here!”
Ramón immediately recognized the voice of his uncle Bad and the sound of a door being forced open. It took every ounce of will power he had left to try and turn his head in the correct direction. He felt the strange sensation of his eyes beginning to heat up.
“Ramón, where are you?!” Bad called again, and Ramón Sobbed, but made no noise. He could see him now, the demon only a few feet away from his body, frantically searching for him. Blood gurgled in his throat and spilled from the corners of his mouth as he tried to speak, to scream, to call for help, for anything at all, but he found his words escaping him. His chest had begun to rise and fall rapidly in panic the second he realised he failed everyone and it was too late now. 
“What the fudge-” A strange foreign sound of anxiousness laced Bad’s tone, something Ramón was not used to hearing at all. Despite knowing well that there was nothing that could be done about his pierced organs and broken rib cage at this point, a part of him still prayed that his uncle would notice the ever expanding pool of copper liquid that spilled from behind his tree and comfort him as he went.
Morbidly, Ramón distantly wondered if this is how Juanaflippa or even Tilín felt in their final moments. As black floaters began to swim in his vision, he lost sight of his tio. The grass beneath him had long since turned warm and sticky, and strangely enough, Ramón felt a wave of serenity wash over him. He thought about Fit, his loving dad that looked at him like the angels danced the day that he was born.
He thought about Dapper, his annoying best friend that would take him out on adventures whenever he felt like it. Of Chayanne and the stupid games they would play together, much to the dismay of their parents. Of the day he first met Tallulah when Wilbur came to visit. Of tio Phil and Roier and Bad and, and-
It was quiet now. The burning sensation that was eating Ramón from the inside out had finally hit its boiling point, a chilling cold began to fall over him like a blanket of ice. Ramon found it odd, because as he lay there, he felt.. Calm. He had no yesterday, no tomorrow and was all out of today’s, yet he still felt lucky to have existed in this life. Between galaxies, moons and stars, he stepped onto the same land. He woke up to the same sky in the morning as everyone else. 
As he felt himself slip further through the cracks of creation, Ramón decided that he would choose this life every time. In a thousand lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in every corner of reality, he’d find them. He’d choose them. He would search, and search, and search until he was in his fathers arms again. 
On the fifth of April, a child was shown love for the first time.
On the thirteenth of May, a child had a wonderful story to tell his brother and sisters.
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avacadokin · 1 year
ok with juanaflippa fucking dying again and tilín dying i am,, less interested in qsmp, possibly by a significant amount.
i understand that the eggs were intended to be temporary but i just cant be invested anymore because i can't make myself hope for a happy ending anymore and the constant repeated tragedy is boring and unsatisfying because it replaces so many potential interesting diffrent arcs with the same oh everyone is sad now because their egg died and any hope is crushes
like the arcs dont even have to have a happy ending (tho i personally prefer them a bit) as long as they fucking exist! like slime's fucking eggxile means less cuz theres no longer the tension between will he get better and save his daughters best friend so they can be a happy family or will he keep making everything worse accidentally. because there's no happy family hope anymore so the loss of that hope doesnt hurt as much
this point is honestly mostly just a preference thing but i was so looking forward to some lighthearted (with angsty undertones) couples therapy arc with slime+mariana and a custody battle arc over tilín to contrast the heavy angst but now there's mo way in hell the therapy arc is happening (and luzu's shit trying to bring back tilín actually seems really cool so i am being a bit mean lumping them together) and it all seems to be heavy heavy sadness. variety is important!
i really want to be invested in all of this but if its not gonna be silly goofy happy and it's not going to bee satisfying what's the point?
angst is cool angst is fun! but it cant be all that, and having it all angst makes the angst less angsty
juannaflippa coming back wrong from hell and the trauma she seems to have experienced down there is never going to be explored, it's never gonna be more than an oh that sucks too footnote, cuz she just immediately fucking died
im probably overreacting to this and they don't have the luxury to plan everything out in advance perfectly cuz of the nature of the challenges and stuff and cuz rolling with and expanding on unexpected stuff is a huge part of the charm, but im just afraid things will just keep going worse and worse and there'll never be a break or fun cuz the intense angsty drama is what gets the most attention and it is their livelihoods so they do have a very strong incentive to go after it even if it (in my opinion ) reduces the overall quality of the experience
#qsmp#vent#minor vent#if someone actually does see this plz reassure me or something#i want to like this#i want to hope i really do#but i cannot think of a single way juanaflippa's arc ends nicely#if she comes back via trial that's repetitive and boring#if she comes back through eggxile or luzu's shenanigans with tilín that would be great#but it does kinda undermine the responsibility of the egg parents and the consequences of egg death as a whole#i mean its still my preferred outcome but i struggle to see how it wouldnt make it seem like the egg life system is pointless#something drastic and an extreme consequence would have to happen#i cant think of a satisfying one but it is possible#if she doesnt come back then theres no point to any of the trial or developing relationship between slime/mariana#and no point to slime trying to be a better parent#we already did the slime and mariana start to get along while trying to be better parents then death#why are we doing it again#the arc had a happy ending and its time to move onto a different one#i thot it was gonna be couples therapy but eggxile works fine too#mariana stepping up to be a (practically) single parent#slime trying as hard as he can to fix what was his mistake this time and make it up to everyone#thats new thats fancy that's different!!#but now we're back to before#makes it feel like there was no point to it ending in the first place#shit this turned into ankther rant#oh well#imma go eat some fruit :]#qsmp spoilers#spoilers#forgot to tag spoilers at first i am so sorry
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yaoiverseupdates · 1 year
Welcome to Yaoiverse Updates!
Below the cut, you can find all the important information about Yaoiverse, as well as all the information about Yaoiverse Updates! Happy yaoiing!
(Note: this blog was created on Sept. 2, 2023. Any events that happened before Sept. 1 will gladly be summarized if asked, but will not be posted here as a standard recap.)
What is Yaoiverse?
Yaoiverse is a canon-divergent QSMP roleplay group! It currently consists of seventeen roleplayers, and two spectators! Others can join in on Yaoiverse, too, by sending asks to the characters!
Why make an updates blog?
It can be difficult to keep track of everything that happens in the Yaoiverse. Sometimes we get busy, and it can be difficult to catch up. With so many people, most with multiple blogs running Yaoiverse lore at the same time, there is a lot. So, an updates blog!
What will be on this blog?
This blog will contain daily recaps of everything that happened that day, along with completed threads and plot-relevant posts. These will all be tagged accordingly, so do not fret! I will not be reblogging every single post, primarily just those that are plot-relevant. And some that I personally find entertaining.
Who runs this blog?
Hi, my name is Bee! I run a few different Yaoiverse blogs: Cellbit's, Dapper's, Walter Bob's, and Tina's (once she is added to the Yaoiverse). My main blog is @edgarallanpoestan! I will be taking input from other Yaoiverse members, and may have some of them help me run this blog!
Okay, that's all for questions, so let's get into everything else!
Tagging system
#yv updates - any update post
#yv recap - standard recap post, just a bulleted list with all that has happened that day
#yv thread - a reblog of a completed thread
#yv post - a reblog of a Yaoiverse post
#yuriverse - this is a common tag among all Yaoiverse blogs, meaning the post is not canon to Yaoiverse
#straightverse - this is a common tag among Yaoiverse blogs, meaning the post is heavy and contains some degree of angst. Posts reblogged here that use this tag will be tagged with additional warnings
#sexoverse - this is a common tag among Yaoiverse blogs, meaning that the post is implied to be sexual or explicit. There will never be any graphic smut, but some posts do get somewhat NSFW
Posts will also be tagged with the names of every character included in it, including anons!
English-Speaking Characters
Badboyhalo - @daddestboyhalo
DanTDM - @thediamondmodcart
FitMC - @spawnradio
FoolishGamers - @builderfreak
JaidenAnimations - @the-bird-behind-the-slaughter
Philza - @crows-father
Quackity - @duckduckquackity
Slimecicle - @elfagflippo
WilburSoot - @signed-in-song
Spanish-Speaking Characters
AgebteMaxo - @maximum-father
ElMariana - @elwifeguy
Lil Jesus - @theyaoidevil
Lil Satan - @jesusyaoi
Luzu - @tilinsfather
Missasinfonia - @cringefailskeledad
Roier - @psicologoier
SpreenDMC - @cringefailabsentdad
VegettaGaymer777 - @constructor777
Portuguese-Speaking Characters
Cellbit - @catboyarg
Felps - @felpsederation
ForeverPlayerG - @love-youforever
Mike (TazerCraft) - @tazeredmike
Pac (TazerCraft) - @packedtazer
French-Speaking Characters
Antione Daniel - TBD
AyPierre - @shitfactory-official
BagheraJones - @theducklady
Etoiles - @tueur-de-donjon
Kameto - @frenchsasuke
A1 - @egg-a1
Bobby - @bobby-el-mas-chingon
Chayanne - @cha-cha-cha-chayanne
Dapper - @autismbeamsyou
Gegg - @goo-amalgamation
Juanaflippa - @bulletflips
Leonarda - @minibuilder777
Pomme - @carmalized-apples
Ramón - @inventorswag
Richarlyson - @footballpigeon
Tallulah - @music-among-the-amapolas
Tilín - @witheredlilacs
Trump(et) - @yaaay-propellerhat
(Character list continued in reblog, due to tagging limit)
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