#everythings moving too suddenly
imblocking-you · 10 months
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Me, while manically cleaning my room at 3:27am: I should make several large, life-changing, irreversible decisions.
#so ive been in a bad mental state lately#because of many things. but the biggest being (yes i know ive complained about this in multiple other posts)#that my best friend and my ex gf were fucking. without even asking or telling me. i got no heads up. just figured it out on my own#which sucked and now im not speaking to either of them#and when i first found out i was in a bad place physically too#i had a terrible ear infection that was so fucking painful#and i realized i could concentrate on both things. so i focused on healing#and then i remembered ny family is coming to visit for Christmas#and thats a lot to deal with. so now im focusing on cleaning the apartment. specifically my bedroom#so im manically cleaning at 3:30am while angry and stressed and trying not to focus on this thing that makes me really upset#and in the middle of cleaning ill suddenly think 'should i quit my summer camp job?' or 'should i move states again?'#its not good. but i havent acted on anything#AND in the middle of cleaning i found all of my meds#i havent been taking them for months. but i decided im gonna start taking them again#i have a few refills left but then ill have to find a psychiatrist. i dont want to. but its definitely for the best#im trying to get my life back on track and build and better it#but then something hits me and completely derails everything and makes everything so hard#so anyway im gonna go do some more cleaning and try not to make life-altering decisions. and maybe build a desk#btw i have to get up at 9am to take out my puppy. and at 11:35 i have to get ready for work. again its 3:30am#and im full of manic energy#tomorrow is going to be very bad but at least I'll have a semi-clean room
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lestatslestits · 24 days
I am happening very fast and very slow and i am very tired and very awake and very dissociated and very zeroed in and it’s a lot!!!
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needylittlegirl · 2 months
im having so much fun !
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coffee-bat · 8 months
completely unrelated to anything but is being hypersensitive to pain when sleep deprived a thing for anyone else or is that just a me thing
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daz4i · 9 months
man if anyone else was in my situation I'd tell them "noooo don't listen to the people in your life who tell you you're making excuses and just being lazy, it's clear that you're in pain, not to mention executive dysfunction makes everything so much harder and depression draining you immediately after one action, be kinder to yourself" however. i am not anyone else
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lambentplume · 2 months
yapping aimlessly tonight
#jaerambles#i just have a lot in my brain!!#anyway i keep getting asked what i would want to do in an ideal situation. if money and time and stuff were no object#i really do think it would be just aimless learning.#like learning new crafts. reading without having to respond to it. sponging up knowledge without the expectation to Say Things#it feels a bit. selfish.#but i don’t really have an endpoint to reach nor do i have something to say. like i just want to acquire experiences and learn things#i get really nervous when people ask me what makes me happy because i don’t know. i know what makes me uncomfortable and scared though#i would also like the ability to just change my situation a lot as much as i want. moving to new places and leaving when i don’t like them#trying new professions without having to stick to them or work up a ladder#drop everything for a weekend to go see friends. things like that.#i say all these things as though i haven’t been too afraid to leave my house for the past 6 months djfjdjfjdjfjjd#i’m trying to be less avoidant lately though. like ideal situations are not my reality!#real life is me being too scared to think of possibilities so in reality i just have to take the tiniest steps back to normalcy#ppl with the jae lore remember when my commute to school was literally 5000 miles#or when i worked two jobs and was so about the grind because i had a reason to want the money#like i used to have So much going on. and now i don’t. and i don’t know what i am in the absence of being Busy#there’s still so much i don’t understand abt bpd1 i’m so scared of making changes too suddenly because i HATE who i was in august#or not who i was. what i was doing.#but now i’ve swung the other direction and i do nothing 😭 i don’t feel like i’m Living rn#i feel like i’ve started all over again. i almost had it i was gonna do two internships and keep doing my cute little barista job#and have a senior year that was gonna be about growing and finishing strong#and then of course my maladjusted ass sees [irreversible change event] and like. yknow#this keeps. happening to me. i want to be so much better than this 😭😭😭
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piplupod · 2 months
would rly love to know why the brain and nervous system have decided to gift me with The Evening Horrors every day for the past ... week ? ish ? what the heck changed that made this start happening consistently every time dinner rolls around :[
#its just like suddenly everything bad becomes a crushing unbearable weight#like i can usually cope but this is just... Too Much fhdkdl#i wish i could just tell my brain and body ''hey i know this reality is intolerable but can we just like... chill?''#like theres nothing i can do for it fhdkdl so why do i have to act like a prey animal about it !!!#cant i just be silly and ignore the terrible reality around me ??? why do the body and brain refuse to cooperate !!!#its so infuriating dbjdksl#i know its looking for an escape or a fix but theres nothing !!! i have been attempting to figure this out for 5 years now !!!#unless something miraculous happens then there is no escape or fix !!! i would like to move on and just chill !!!#if there is no way out of hell then i might as well have fun w it yknow?#if nothing immediately terrible is happening then i should be able to just Ignore it all#but alas !!! nervous system and brain do not allow for that !!!#(actually there IS a way to cope w this and its called ''have a self destructive meltdown and forcibly get switched out'')#(but I'd prefer to not do that fhdkdl i have a lot of creative projects i want to work on rn LOL)#(also the others in the brain get very bored and lonely bc theres nobody to talk to and nothing much for them to do)#(thats the issue w having a host who fronts for large chunks of time!! its difficult for the others to make friends and find hobbies!)#anyways. rambling. im going to go eat dinner and hopefully that fixes at least a little bit of this fjfkdl#pippen needs 2nd breakfast
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aria0fgold · 2 months
In this world, the storm will pass
Alec sat atop the railing of the balcony, looking up at the sky as it slowly dims to reveal the countless stars awaiting the night to be seen, to twinkle at the life below the vast sky. A cigarette placed between his lips, smoke rising up to the stars that he can only dream of reaching someday.
His eyes were vacant, what was once a vibrant blue, like the sky in a cloudless sunny day, is now merely as dull as the sky in the fog, in the stormy weather that never left. But it's getting better now. Slowly, slowly… Like clouds drifting in a windless day, moving an inch, yet moving still. Slowly… The storm will pass. But for now, he'll stay in the eye of it.
Standing beneath the stars surrounded by a quiet storm all kept inside. In this world, everything is the same, yet different. In this world, everyone is alive, safe from a greater danger than life itself. In this world, Alec is supposed to be dead, yet here he is… Someone else. In this world, his family lost Alec, yet in his world, he lost everything.
So what is he doing here then? Intruding in a world that didn't need someone like him. An Alec that was doomed to have nothing, living in a world that has moved on from Alec's death. He doesn't know, doesn't understand. He gave up understanding the world ever since that day, the day where it collapsed, leaving him with nothing but ruin. He always thought that, it would be better for him to have lost himself to the forest instead than be brought here by whatever force, whatever power, whatever God, who thought it entertaining to put him here, in this world. Is it fun? His life… to be toyed with by fate, by the world itself, is it fun? He gave up wondering about it, gave up on an answer he didn't need to hear.
Alec took a drag on his cigarette, frankly, he isn't one to smoke, he isn't one to drink, he isn't one to do any such things. But what does it matter anyway? His body… won't sustain any damage from it anymore. It's different. Everything is. Nothing was ever the same ever since his world started collapsing. Nothing was. So it didn't matter, whatever damage he does to his body didn't matter, it'll just heal it all anyway. Leaving not even scars on his skin, what a picture perfect body, devoid of scars. One would wonder if he ever went through such things, when there's nothing for him to show for it.
Alec glanced down, it was pretty high. This house, this balcony on the third floor. He gave up on that thought long ago though, it was the only constant he has left, his will to live, even after everything. Foolish, isn't it? To continue wanting to live even after all that, for what reason really? He doesn't know anymore, his memory isn't as good as it was before. So much so, that he's guilty of forgetting what his family looked like. Had he not been living in this world, he would've forgotten their names too.
Alec looked up again, to the pitch black sky, the stars brightly twinkling at him. Back in his world, he found solace in the night, in the stars above. He thought of them as his family watching over him, was it a myth he read back then? The souls of your loved ones becoming stars in the night sky. What of it now, however? In a world where everything is okay, is his family's souls still amongst the sea of stars, watching over him like they did before? What would they think of him now? Would they be happy? Glad? Relieved? Or would they be mad? Upset? Betrayed? To see Alec be happy with someone that's them yet aren't at the same time?
He doesn't want to think about it.
Just as Alec brought the cigarette to his lips to take another drag, the hand of another reached out to take it from his own, he didn't need to turn around to know who it belonged to. He knows it already, by heart.
“You okay?” Ray stood beside him, leaning on the railing as he threw the cigarette to the ground. Putting the fire out with his slippers.
“You're going to ruin that pair soon if you keep that up…”
“Well, that's fine. I forgot to grab the ashtray on the way.” Ray hummed, “You dodged my question again though.” His voice had a slight teasing tone, mouth formed into a small grin as he glanced at Alec.
“It's always the same answer, anyway.” I'm fine. That's the answer he always gives to that question, every single time. He knows it's a lie, they know it's a lie, but what else can he say when words aren't enough to convey whatever he's been feeling ever since then?
“I don't mind that. Maybe, once a lie is repeated enough times, it'd come true someday.” Ray chuckled, “Though that sounds a bit dangerous, now that I think about it.”
Silence fell between the both of them, it isn't heavy nor is it tense. It was comfortable, like the breeze of the night. Ray looked to the sky, and Alec… he looked to Ray's eyes. It was as dark as the night sky, reflecting the countless stars twinkling high above with a light all too familiar yet not at the same time. This is Ray, yet not his Ray. That is Ray, one who've turned into light, amongst the sea of many others, high above the sky, a bright twinkling star. In a way, he did become a ray of light, just not that of sunshine as he would always say.
Alec moved his eyes towards the sky once more, and the two stayed there, in the silence, below the night sky, underneath the stars, they bathed in the light of a hundred promises, a thousand wishes and a million hopes for a future gentler than their present.
#ariawrites#ariaoc#ariaoc: Alec#ariaoc: Ray#angst#uuuuhhhhhhh how do you tag this thing. nothing triggering in it??? i think? other than angst it aint that heavy#well theres smoking so ig i should tag that one then???? its been waaay too long since i did smth like this#tw smoking#also also to have a lil more context bout whats happening here. basically this is set in an au where the alec here#belonged in a world that ''collapsed'' like some doomsday thing. Stuff happened and everyone he loved is practically dead#hes one of the survivors. he gained some regeneration/self healing from the Event. a lot of things changed and hes desperate#to cling onto anything that Didnt change. a constant to find comfort in. and thats his will to live despite *gestures vaguely* everything#anyway when he reached his limit he was just thinkin of going into a forest to walk. to be lost. or just anything#but theeen he fell through a portal (i call em stray portals in my universe. they pop up randomly) that appeared below him#That portal led him to This world! where everything is alright. no world ending event happened. everyone is alive. except#for one thing... the alec in this world is dead. and his family were still in the process of moving on from it when suddenly#this Guy appeared that looked Very much so identical to alec so Things happened. and theyre all in the process of healing#alec is healing from the Event. the others are healing from their alec's death and all of em are relearning to love#alec is relearning to love these ppl that are his family yet not at the same time. his family is learning to love and give space to#this alec without seemingly replacing their own alec that had died. its a pretty delicate process of healing from grief
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valdrift · 10 months
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some damn philosophers in my activity tonight these tags are KILLING MEE
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bylertruther · 2 years
me when season five airs and The Big Reveals are mike's sexuality and will's love for mike bc mike has always known he's loved will but he hasn't always been comfortable with his sexuality and will has always known what he is but he didn't always know that what he felt for mike was that kind of love until it was already too late and thus the source of his pain has been jealousy + unrequited love
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#mike said 'it's not my fault you don't like girls' and 'did you think /i/ would never get a girlfriend?' and joyce said she was so proud of#will's rainbow rocket ship and jonathan told will he'd always love him no matter what and to please talk to him if he needs to and the#party has always heard what people call will and loved him anyway no matter what and will has generally always had people in his corner#to support him that have literally endangered themselves and almost died for him and some people STILLLLLL think that HIS plot is abt#/focused on coming out n being generally accepted for being gay. like we didn't see that his entire s4 plot was abt his feelings for mike#specifically not his feelings for men in general.#UNLIKE MIKE who was fiercely devoted to will from the get-go but suddenly pushed him away n projected his internalized homophobia#and shame bestowed upon him by society onto will who wasn't even fucking talking about THAT thank u very much and who has been#battling being a freak loser (aka himself) vs conforming to what everyone else wants him to be (wearing mommy's clothes; impressing#other people by getting not just a girlfriend but a SUPERHERO girlfriend) and who in the season where he says he doesn't want to be#popular and where the person he looks up to talks abt nonconformity and mentions sodomy in relation 2 dnd etc etc they make HIS plot#focus on how he CAN'T SAY I LOVE YOU TO HIS GIRLFRIEND IN A ROMANTIC CONTEXT until HIS BEST FRIEND confesses his feelings#and it moves him enough to then make him say it to el when his bestie tells him to. like. literally how much more clear does it need 2 be#MIKE is the one that has BEEENNNNN vying for acceptance and self-worth and battling shame#WILL has been the one that has Known what he is and suffered bc he thought mike was that too n obviously felt hurt by mike replacing him#with el n ignoring him altogether aka 'you're destroying everything and for what? so you can swap spit with some stupid girl?'#like am i the weird one or does mike's 3984093 weird projecting statements after s2 vs will being jealous of el not make this super clear#will HAS ALWAYS HAD ppl to accept him n love him for who he is. the party + his family are right there for him to go home to after being#bullied. it's scary and a part of his story yes undoubtedly but it is not The High Point. and mike has always been crazy for will but#that doesn't mean he's accepted it or thinks others will accept it.#but anyway. im normal i did not write an entire essay in the tags bc i am normal
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batcavescolony · 4 months
Jughead Jones would have beef with Michelle Obama over her 'The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids' Act of 2010.
#reason i know this: im aroace and have beef with Michelle Obama over her healthy hunger free kids act of 2010.#like ok i get that kids should have healthy food but thats not what happened. they just made everything whole wheet and now we needed to#buy a fruit and veg that was either half rotten of from a can. if schools actually made heathy good food that would be one thing but#they didnt! we used to have these warhead ices and the food was good and we ate it all then 2010 hit and the food was suddenly shit#and with this came alot of food waste too no one wanted to eat the oranges that fell off the back of the truck and over cooked green beans!#jughead jones#jughead comics#archie comics#and i took culinary and putting kids in the room with other kids makes them tey new things. their's a way you can them to eat healthy food#its by having that food NOT TASTE LIKE ASS! and not LOOK LIOE ROAD KILL! and obviously im not actually hating at Michelle she had her heart#in the right place its just the road to hell is paved with good intentions. it didnt work. usa school lunch is a literal joke!#and also in part with this what getting kids to move more and that didn't happen either! you known what i would have done?#got rid of the physical fitness test and have kids play funs games. making kids compeat against each other is a shit way to get them to#enjoy exercise! let them play. dont make them compare themselves to their peers. dont stop fun play in elementary!#and maybe dont cut their portions at luch and have them movie more? if you want them to move they need fuel to move!#just i have thoughts about the health and hunger free kids act of 2010 and how it utterly failed.#michelle obama#the healthy hunger free kids act of 2010#school lunch#american school system#american school lunch program#comics#forsythe pendleton jones III#riverdale#yall get tagged get over it
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gxtzeizm · 4 months
having a vivid dream really hurts like hell realizing that it's actually not freaking real because i was thought it was really true at that time 😭😭💔
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septimus-heap · 1 year
Can't wait to get top surgery not even for transgender reasons just bc boobs r so fucking impractical and annoying. Girlies I don't need u what r u here for
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maythray · 2 years
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Objectober Day 4: Maple
Identity talks with your friend, the corpse :)
(please click for better quality!! rbs > likes!!)
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alchemistdetective · 5 months
I hope you will be alright Amber, that sounds like things haven't gone to plan or been good
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