#everywhere else is closed ig
no-one-hears-me · 1 year
random story idk why I feel like telling this. anyways. so like a month ago I was taking a good thorough shower like full shave and exfoliating my scalp type shower yk. so as I was exfoliating the inside of my belly button I was thinking to myself about how no man deserves to even LOOK at me etc etc. that type of shower. then later that night a man asked me to hang out and it was like 1am so we all know what kind of hang out session this would be. and obviously like noooooo wtf at least offer to take me to applebees first but at the same time I was like well. maybe I shouldn't let all my hard work go to waste
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heartlesscorpse · 8 months
Pyramid Head thoughts 🩸🔪 △
Catering this to myself and my hornee NEEDS and anybody else’s ig because I’m a dirty boy rn and I have too many thoughts in my head revolving around my man and I need to spill my guts before I lose this precious brain rot. Oh yeah this got some nsfw shit (it’s gonna be like further down) so be sure to read at your risk, and don’t mind the occasional out of context shit bc that’s just my comments and me giggling so hard abt this fine mfer— this was pretty fun to make too ngl, I might do more in the future if I ever get anymore ideas from things or from people, Idk we’ll see.
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Pyramid Head’s possessive asf over his s/o, when you’re living inside a hellhole of a town full of monsters and a cult run by a bunch of lunatics, who else is gonna protect your ass none other than this 7’0” deity??? Man wouldn’t even hesitate to kill anybody or anything that came way too close to you.
Man’s not even gonna let you out of his sight for a second, wherever the hell you’re going he’s coming with you, you’re a fragile little thing after all. He doesn’t want anything bad happening to you, not on his watch.
The size diff between you and Pyramid Head is endearing as well as arousing just thinking about how he could manhandle you into any positions he wants and watch you struggle to take him in. You’re just so short compared to him, he finds it cute. <3
It’s fun to carry you around everywhere he goes because of how short you are compared to him. Doesn’t matter if you get a say in this or not, he’s gonna carry you whenever the hell he pleases and he’ll never let go.
Pyramid Head would’ve associated you with the colour white and some times gives you white clothing because you’re pure and the only non-sinner in this shit hole of a town.
Who the fuck needs a bed when you have Pyramid Head??? Hell, he’d probably prefer you to sleep on top of him so he could hold you in your sleep and protect you from all the dangers of Silent Hill. Not to mention he’d like the feeling of how squishy you are in his embrace, particularly your thighs, he likes wrapping his hands on them and squishing them gently in your sleep. Might be a form of comfort saying “I’m here, everything’s okay”, or he’s just admiring them. Who would’ve thought a large monster living on violence and inflicting pain on sinners would be so gentle with you? (Unless you wanted him to roughen you up a little of course then by all means, he’ll fuckin’ do it.) >:))
Because Pyramid Head only exists in Silent Hill and doesn’t know a lot about the outside world, it’s rather adorable watching him get all confused with that head tilt of his whenever you explain certain things to him couples do on a regular basis besides sex, but he does show some curiosity on said topic and possibly willing to do those things with you as well.
Pyramid Head enjoys receiving attention from you, be it either hugs from behind or give him kisses on his helmet or the tongue— anywhere else is prolly gonna give him some other ideas of sorts, rnskfbsjfbw.
OH BOY the fucking dirty brain rot persists. If this man ever happened to be feeling horny he honestly wouldn’t hesitate taking your clothes off in one tear the second he has your consent.
Did I mention abt the size diff last time? Making you take in his cock nice and slow isn’t gonna do much, he’d want you to get over with the pain fairly quick so he’ll just push it in without warning lmao, of course once he’s in, he’ll allow you a brief moment to adjust to his size and once you’re all good he’s going to pound the fucking daylights out of you.
AGAIN WITH THE SIZE DIFF it’s just so satisfying and enjoyable to him watching you writhing and moaning underneath him like that, accounting to that just seeing you stuffed full of his come and utterly blissed out is adorable. (Like man I— let him rail me already PLEASEE)
And he’s for sure going to tease the fuck out of you to overstimulation until your mind is nothing but a puddle of mush and you���re begging for him. <33
Aftercare in the end is amazing, he’ll help clean you up by fucking eating you out with his tongue and then he’ll lay there with you in his arms, with a blanket big enough pulled over top to cover the both of you while you snuggle up in the mean time. A possible guarantee you’re gonna have a blast trying to walk in the morning./j
🥩⋆♱✮♱⋆🔪 🩸
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schoenpepper · 1 month
And If You Slipped Through My Fingers
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Intro: Emotional constipation turns to emotional diarrhea.
Warnings: bad grammar, awful writing, Ace being a dickwad, not proofread so read at your own risk, open ending ig, short af, bad words
A/N: Okaaay and that's the second request done. Struggling for ideas about that Jamil songfic might change the song idk. Whoever asked for this I hope you like it.
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Feelings are such complicated matters.
He couldn't make sense of them at all.
Sure there was nothing but a sprinkling of superiority complex when he first met you (powerless, magicless little human that you are), but then that chandelier thing happened and it all went rolling (downhill or uphill, he still hasn't decided). Ace was nothing if not flexible, though. He went the ways the waves did when it came to you, even though you seemed to have just the perfect knack for getting into trouble. But lately...you've been different.
His super very platonic bond with you is shifting in your hands, all the lines blurred together and tied into a braid by your deft fingers. Suddenly, you're a little more needy. You're hanging off Ace like a feral cat, claws sunk into his arms. He hears his name from your lips no he wasn't staring and he realizes you've begun to see him as some sort of reliable figure in your life. You're in danger, and the first thing you do is reach for him.
But what can he even do for you?
He's smart, but he's no Riddle or Azul. He can fight, but he's not like Leona or Vil. He's resourceful, but he can't beat Jamil, and his magic doesn't hold a candle to your Tsunotarou.
What is he to you?
And now you're gravitating towards him like the moon orbiting his planet—but he thinks the pull might be too strong and you'll just crash right into him. Always on call, circling him like a shark in the water. He's not afraid of you. He's not afraid of the problems you bring with you. But what if one day, you reach out to him, and he can't hold your hand? What if the next time trouble finds you, he can't pull you out of the mud anymore? What if, when you stare at him with those lovely eyes and plead for him to stay, he's still forcibly pulled away by all the other planets that are in your orbit?
You're not his moon. You're the sun that everyone longs for.
He's not afraid of anything. But there's this inkling of fear swirling within him, curling around his torso and squeezing the life out of him.
He's scared of you leaving.
He's scared of you staying.
He doesn't know what to do.
Why not choose someone else?
Somehow, at some point, the place next to him is your seat. You're always by his side with one arm wrapped around his shoulder or your hand holding his. It's so suspiciously close in a way that friends shouldn't be. At 3 am, under his covers, he's texting the night away with you while his roommates are asleep. You're at every corner and every turn. You're at every classroom and in the cafeteria and Riddle invited you to every unbirthday party. And you sit next to him and smile. You smile that stupid smile that makes his heart beat so fast in his chest he has to choke down his tea to calm himself. You're in the mirror when he looks, but no, you couldn't be. It's just...Ace.
He wants to be alone for a while. He needs to think.
Why are you everywhere?
[nomagicnolyf: aceeeeee come over lets play super stario squish sisters]
[aceUNOone: noooo im sleeping]
[nomagicnolyf: bish ur typing]
He puts his phone aside and closes his eyes. What do you want from him? Why are you always bothering (yes, bothering) him? Why not bother Deuce, Epel, Sebek, Ortho, or Jack? Or anyone in your roster of friends in the higher years? They'd love to hang out with you, don't you know they practically fight each other just for a sliver of your time? Why him, then? There's a knock on the door. He gets up with a groan to open it.
"What do you want?"
It's you, and he tries to push down the chaotic magma of feelings bubbling in his chest. He's just been too confused lately. You don't deserve its outburst.
"Sorry, I just wanted to hang out with you."
"Didn't we hang out yesterday?"
"But I want to hang out today too."
He can't stop himself. The lava, it boils over and the words spill out his mouth faster than he can think. You don't deserve its outburst but fuck your timing was really off, you know?
"Well I don't want to hang out with you. You're always clinging onto me, aren't you tired of being such a burden? It's annoying, Y/N, you're getting real annoying and every single time you show up something is wrong and something needs to be done." It's not true, he knows it's not true, but he doesn't even know what he's saying anymore.
"Sevens, can't you handle your shit by yourself? Do you seriously still need to be babied every time? Act like an adult and deal with your problems like the rest of us. Alone."
When it's erupted and done, the words come flying back to him like a boomerang made out of razor blades. No, he doesn't think any of those things. He likes helping you. He likes defending you, he likes fighting for you and— oh.
Oh, he likes you. So that's why he's been in such a mess mentally.
It's too bad you're already gone by the time he's dealt with his feelings.
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ajaxless · 2 months
Yandere Soulmate
Tw: Death (not to reader), threats made against reader ig??? Idk this was a rather short drabble
Your yandere soulmate who shows up at your door one day, claiming he's your soulmate as he gestures to the red string connecting to both of your hands
Your yandere soulmate who uses it as an excuse to follow you everywhere, claiming fate tied the two of you together and now you have to be together at all times
Yandere soulmate whose string isn't as red as yours. His looks a little darker
Your yandere soulmate who begs, pleads, and cries about moving in with you
Your yandere soulmate who babbles about getting married asap
Your yandere soulmate who has a breakdown when you inevitably reject him for being too forward and guilt trips you into caving
Your yandere soulmate who isn't ashamed to admit he's been stalking you for several months before approaching you, knowing you're stuck with him either way
Your yandere soulmate who grows confident you'd never report him to the police because of your strings
Your yandere soulmate who has a weird, deep-seated hatred for your coworker.
Yandere soulmate who grows upset when you inspect the string too closely
Yandere soulmate who accuses you of trying to betray him when he finds out your coworker tried to see you without him present
Yandere soulmate who pressures you into quitting your job and letting him pay for everything, claiming that pampering you financially is how he shows love
Yandere soulmate who claims you don't love him enough when you try to refuse
Yandere soulmate who has a fit of anger when your coworker shows up outside your shared home after you quit
Yandere soulmate who dissappears with your coworker for a few days
Yandere soulmate who comes home like nothing happened
Yandere soulmate who constantly holds your hand to distract you from inspecting the string
Yandere soulmate who gets pale when you notice the little knot in your strings.
Yandere soulmate, who reassures you that it's normal, that the knot just marks the halfway part of your strings and to stop looking at it
Yandere soulmate who grows irrationally angry when you point out that the part of the knot in the string that connects to him is a slightly different shade of red than yours
Yandere soulmate who sleeps soundly at night, unaware that you stayed up to look at the knot more
Yandere soulmate who doesn't know that you realized the knot is what's actually teathered you together
Yandere soulmate doesn't realize you've untied your strings and found the ends of a new red string on the porch.
Yandere soulmate who wakes up too late and realizes you've unraveled his hard work
Yandere soulmate who watches you follow the other string to the woods
Yandere soulmate who follows after you quietly as you find your soulmate's decomposing body in a ditch
Yandere "soulmate" who tries to pry you away as you realize he severed you and your soulmate's strings and took his place
Yandere "soulmate" who pins you down, explaining they killed your coworker because they were his real soulmate, but insists he loves you more than them.
Yandere "soulmate" who ties your strings back together, not bothering to try and hide the real color of his string anymore
Yandere "soulmate" who drags you home and ties you up, joking about how his knot tying skills are improving with practice
Yandere "soulmate" who nuzzles into you while telling you they loved you so much that they defied fate itself to be with you.
Yandere "soulmate" who tells you that you can always be with your real soulmate, rotting in that ditch if you don't behave.
Yandere "soulmate" who threatens to untie the knot and tie it to someone else's string, then kill their soulmate too
Yandere "soulmate" who has you convinced that you're protecting another person from him by staying with him
Yandere soulmate who doesn't intend on fulfilling the threat of replacing you, but relishes in the fear and guilt on your face when you realize you're the only reason he hasn’t killed again
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sixosix · 1 year
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he said, “it’s a shame, then, that it’s against my ideals to commit a crime.” you couldn’t think too hard about what he said because he distracted you quickly with a kiss, even forgetting your name for a moment.
tags implied…Ahem yk, getting together, heizou is pining BAD but so are u (carnally now too ig), sweet sweet fluff
a/n 2700 words, holy shit this was longer than i planned T__T
previous part
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"why does this shikanoin heizou want to meet me that badly? how does he even know me?"
kazuha smiles lightly, content with watching you make a mess of your temporary room like a cyclone. “i’m not so certain. heizou has a habit of prying into the lives of people he hears mentioned. i was reminiscing about the day i met you while catching up with him, and he insisted i introduce him before i could talk about anyone else.”
seriously, who does that?
kazuha had mentioned shikanoin heizou before, as with his other close friends. you were listening but not paying attention enough to have him as your surprise not-in-a-romantic-way-date like a pop quiz. it was as though you didn’t have enough time to prepare for heizou’s inevitable “what time and date did i meet kaedehara kazuha and what’s the name of my distant cousin?” but that’s not the case right now, which means what else could doushin shikanoin want from you? a good first impression and a far-from-suspicious job, obviously.
“there’s nothing about me—my hair’s a mess, why didn’t you tell me?— that could possibly warrant a tenryou commission detective’s interest in that way.”
you pick an unruly strand of hair off, then belatedly realize that walking outside would lead to more of them, and there is no point in doing so. you’re deeply stressed.
“clearly he disagrees,” your friend says in return, amused. you do not share his delight, back to pacing across and around your room.
“kazuha,” you groan, “he’s your friend, isn’t he? can’t you just ask what he wants from me? get this over with.” you abhor first introductions. can’t kazuha just tell you if you should ship your ass back to liyue right this instant?
“are you truly this nervous?”
“he’s a detective, kazuha. and no one can know what i do for a living—yelan will kick me out!”
“you don’t have to worry too much. he bears no ill intentions towards you. if he did,” kazuha pauses to meet your eyes intently, turning serious, “i wouldn’t have offered to introduce you to him in the first place.”
you throw your hands in the air, exasperated.
that answers absolutely nothing and only brings more questions. what does he want from you if not your occupation? surely a detective with a renowned reputation such as himself taking an interest in you means that he wants you to spill truths you’ve sworn to lie about.
maybe it’s not too late to ask if beidou wants a trip back home at this very moment.
“y/n,” kazuha says, with a hint of a fond smile, “let fate take the lead for today. you’ll find that it’s nothing like you’re agonizing over.”
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your first memory of inazuma city is when kazuha was hauled away by a few people and left you stranded in the crowd, the same one who had seen you tailing kazuha like a lost puppy—the same one who treated your friend as something sort of a celebrity because of his famous block.
in the few days you’ve been wandering around here, you’ve learned that people everywhere, no matter the region, are always too curious. and somehow prepared to bargain for information.
you’re breezing through everyone in hopes they can sense you don’t want to talk with any of them at the moment. the last time you were lenient, new rumors sprung in the air the first few hours you arrived at inazuma, saying that you’re their ticket to meeting kaedahara kazuha himself.
you’d been deeply affronted. you’re not a scammer; even you’re incapable of tying kazuha to one place, much less holding a meet-and-greet for his fans.
“sorry, sorry, hey—wait up! you!” someone calls out from behind, sounding oddly familiar.
irritation spikes.
“i don’t know who kaedehara kazuha is, sorry,” you say, speeding past stalls and apologizing in advance for people who swerve out of your way.
but this person is determined, somehow swift enough to seize your wrist. there was a second where you forgot where you were for a moment and jerked your arm back in favor of a very, very violent self-defense— even so, this person’s grip was surprisingly strong.
he smiles when you meet his eyes. “i was looking for you, actually.”
there is no mistaking it. his face had been hard to tell in dim lighting, but even then, you could make out the soft features and the distinct twin moles illuminated by blue.
you couldn’t confuse him for someone else even if you tried. the moment you stared a little too long when he was being dragged away, you set it upon yourself for today—as if he was never unfamiliar.
“i know you,” you say, “you’re the drunk guy.”
and then it hits you harder than yelan’s kick on a good day.
this is the same guy kazuha said is a tenryou commission detective—their best one, people say, renowned for his commendable skills and intuition. you were expecting someone older, taller, who fit that description, and definitely, someone who didn’t look like…this.
“yes, that’s me,” he grins brightly. “hi.”
seeing him up close on a bright, sunny day was not the best idea. only here can you see the startlingly compelling shade of green on his eyes and the softness of his burgundy hair. only here can you realize that this man is exactly your type.
“hello,” you say pleasantly and hope you aren’t gaping.
shikanoin heizou looks around, taking in the number of people passing by. he looks back at you, and leans in close to whisper, “let’s go somewhere else.”
you follow him into a food stall, with only one person on the far edge eating. you take a seat on the two chairs laid out on the far right with him. this is starting to feel less like an interrogation and more like something you’re not willing to get into at the moment.
heizou leans against the wooden counter, announcing his order. he suggests food for you upon seeing the conflict on your face.
“you’re from liyue, right? you live in liyue?” is the first thing heizou asks, his arm still resting on the counter with his chin on his palm.
he looks enticing in the gold glow of the lanterns on both sides of the stall. you let your eyes stray, pretending you’re entranced by the ramen and not his arms. “i’m not here on any official business. i’m just here because kazuha begged me to accompany him to inazuma.”
“from what i heard, you jumped at the boat the moment kazuha offered inazuma for you.”
your brow twitches, caught. “details, details.”
the distinct scents of different foods sold in other stalls along with this fills your senses. your stomach rumbles, a gentle reminder. an embarrassing one, at that.
heizou smiles, and it’s almost sweet if you weren’t so suspicious. “my treat.”
“...shikanoin-san,” you begin, “is there a reason why you were so adamant about meeting me?”
his gaze drifts then, ears darkening. “do you remember that night we met? i dragged myself to work the next day, head pounding, my desk a mess from stumbling around it the night before. my mind was elsewhere. my peers ushered me when they caught me snea—ahem, doing patrols.”
“did they belittle you once again or something?”
“i’m pleased you still remember that.” your face burns, intently staring at the ramen the stall owner is preparing. “they told me all about how i was blabbing their ears off about someone. someone i insisted must be a youkai with how uncharacteristically enamored i was. they told me i kept asking to get myself drunk again to trace myself back to you—and i almost considered it sober.”
“that’s stupid,” you say, pretending you aren’t flustered by this.
“isn’t it?” he doesn’t look embarrassed at all. “but then i saw kazuha. we caught up, and he told me about this friend who is a stranger in inazuma; my intuition honed in on your name the moment he mentioned it.”
“and what do you know—” heizou glances at you, “—my intuition still hasn’t failed me.”
this could’ve been the moment you realized that shikanoin heizou is a dangerous, dangerous man, but really, it was on that night when he had been an ungraceful mess, letting you pin him against the tree with a gleam in his eye.
finally, food is served, and you don’t have to answer that. you can only hope that heizou won’t hone in your face the same way, and you can excuse the steam of the ramen as the culprit of its heat.
“so,” heizou begins, and you dread how it’s going, “you come here often?”
you hide a laugh. “you shouldn’t be so curious about me, for your own sake.”
“why? are you hiding something?”
he is no threat at all, you realize. you’re almost desperate, because whatever is happening right now is far from your expertise. with a glimpse of honesty: “i have no obligation to give you information about myself or my field of work. if i spill anything, the commission will never hear from you again.”
“is that so?” he looks excited.
shikanoin heizou is strange. so why are you fighting off a smile?
is it also so strange you realize his body is completely facing you? he speaks again, “well, i heard from kaedehara about a case here in inazuma that i would’ve been thrilled solving, and you were the one to bring it to a close before anyone else caught wind of it. before i caught wind of it.”
you remember that. it was practically nothing. the bandits were just unfortunate enough to do their crimes in front of your face, trained and armed for these very moments.
but where is he going with this? “i have committed no crimes myself, detective.”
“that’s not what i said,” heizou grins, resting his chin on the center of his palm. “i just want to say i appreciate you for helping in your own way. even if that meant we had to deal with interrogating dazed, thoroughly beaten-up nobushi. i want you to tell me about what went down in excruciating detail some other time.”
“you’re welcome. are you going to arrest me for interfering?”
he hums. “why do you want me to arrest you so much? want my handcuffs on you that badly?”
you’re glad you’ve already swallowed the noodles before he opened his mouth. “that’s not what i mean and you know it.”
heizou giggles, the bastard. “cute,” he murmurs as he sips on his drink, smiling to himself.
are you the one with alcohol in your system this time? because the tension is suffocating and you want him bad. “you’re too forward, shikanoin-san.”
“heizou,” he corrects. “and what’s the point in beating around the bush? we both know what i want at the end of the day. you think i meet you again and i’ll let you slip from my fingers again?”
it’s hard not to want the same. it’s itching under your fingertips, begging to be closer, to feel his laugh against your skin. “let’s pray kazuha doesn’t find out.”
“what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” or makes things extremely awkward for him.
that night is also the same night you last see shikanoin heizou for a while. you told him about how you were leaving the next day, and getting attached would be a bad idea.
he had been hovering over you when he said, “it’s a shame, then, that it’s against my ideals to commit a crime.” you couldn’t think too hard about what he said because he distracted you quickly with a kiss, even forgetting your name for a moment.
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with inazuma added to your to-do list for next year (ASAP!!! written beside it), you and the crux sail back to liyue. you were already starting to miss it, but homesickness washed over soon enough at the sight of the familiar wharf. people wave at you, saying they missed you, asking if you enjoyed your vacation.
“hey, you.”
you don’t have to look to know who it is. “yelan.” you crane your neck. “i haven’t seen you since i got back.”
“there wasn’t much you missed out on; i was dead to the world,” yelan says with a cunning smile, slinging an arm over your shoulder. “how was your trip? had fun? bring home anything good?”
you smile to yourself, “i had fun.”
“oh,” yelan smirks. “i see. what did they call it? summer fling.”
“no, nothing like that.”
she flicks your forehead. “you’re still a lousy liar as ever.”
the days pass, and it’s almost easy to forget you even went to inazuma. everything falls back into place, as routine dictated—if it weren’t for the way you keep thinking about bare sides, olive eyes, and unending playful banter.
although you weren’t slacking off, it was easy to tell that your mind was far away when you walked past couples whispering to themselves, tucked into some dark corner.
“hey, y/n! kazuha is calling for you in the wharf.”
“coming! hold on!”
the crux fleet’s grand ship looms over other boats. curiously, you note that the crew has only begun to disembark. beidou waves at you when she spots you, and you wave back with a wide smile.
she gestures at the side. you follow her gaze.
if you didn’t know who he was, you’d think—with the way he walks around and smiles at curious onlookers as if he knows them personally��that he belongs here. but you do, you do know him, madly so. he’s been in your mind for far too much that you convinced yourself he’s just a fragment of your imagination until he catches sight of you and brightens.
“y/n!” he says, enthusiastically making his way towards you.
“heizou…?” you let him tackle you into a hug, too stunned to do anything else. “wait, heizou!?” you pull away, cupping his cheeks in your palms. “what are you doing here… in—in liyue? who…”
heizou sighs, looking away despite all the confidence he’s bragged about. his face is very, very red. “it’s a long story.”
kazuha appears behind him, startling the both of you bad enough to have you freezing in sync. “he jumped at the boat the moment i offered. it was starting to get disheartening seeing the longing looks.”
he definitely knows something between you two went down.
“thanks again, kazuha, i owe you one!”
“two, heizou.”
“two,” heizou amends. “you’re the best.”
kazuha quirks a brow, amused. “flattery won’t make me lessen it, doushin shikanoin.”
“dammit,” heizou curses, smiling when you laugh.
“i’ll leave you two to it,” kazuha says, and despite all this, he looks genuinely happy. maybe because he’s rubbing on your face that he’s right—this was far from what you were agonizing over.
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“ah, so you work for…the ministry of civil affairs.” heizou definitely doesn’t believe this, and he doesn’t even bother trying to hide it on his face. “the youngest, too, i heard on the way here. very good with a sword.”
“don’t underestimate me,” you instinctively say. deep inside, you’re pleased with the way your friends are giving him a good impression of you. “i do more than issue bounties on wanted criminals.”
“i knew that. though most of them don’t need to carry around a weapon as sharp as that.” you try not to react too strongly, but based on the way heizou smiles, you know that he can see straight through you. damn intuition or whatever. “and you don’t have to explain to me, i’m not underestimating you. i’m the youngest in the commission, too, you see?”
“oh…” you do remember him repeatedly mentioning how extraordinary and young he is.
“look at that,” he coos, his arms snaking around your waist, “we have so much in common already. what are you gonna do about it? shikanoin heizou, in the flesh, all for you.”
you couldn’t help but laugh. “is that all you think about?”
“you’re all i think about.”
you learn that it’s difficult to keep heizou’s hands away from you.
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( “do you like him?”
“huh? who? shikanoin heizou? he’s annoying. the flowers in chinju forest are taller than him.”
kazuha looks thoughtful. “are they?”
“yes. they were taller than me, too, but that’s not the point.”
“and so was the answer to my question,” kazuha says, “you didn’t outright say no.”
your face burns, caught.
kazuha grins. “i’m glad to have someone accompany my every visit to inazuma from now on.” )
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a/n thank u for reading!!!!! i feel like i didn't do heizou enough justice </3 but i wasn't expecting the first part to get attention at all so thank u to the people who commented and reblogged <333
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Error for the newest au :D internet cryptid thing. he is an absolute menace to society and anyone else he may come across. a digital eldritch being. this form is just his vessel. in reality he is just... the internet. a culmination of electronic world. and an absolute troll. He is always aware of everything that goes on. this may be why he thinks everyone is an abomination. amusing abominations who are fun to troll. His strings are wires connecting his vessel to his greater self. they are for the most part indestructible and don't disappear. his vessel acts as sort of the main processing unit ig (idk i don't know how computers work) The antivoid is the realm Error has created for himself inside the digital plane. It is a nest of wires and screens. in a way it is a part of himself.
he is the digital and the digital is him. somehow everywhere at once. his vessel body can't leave. if he was to leave the antivoid he would be like a hologram except if he had a robotic body to control. he has made a few but rarely ever uses them. like at all. he spends too much time harassing people online. There are several conspiricy theorists who are trying to prove Error's existence. they never seem to be able to come up with much of anything or get to close to the truth. all their info keeps disappearing, or corrupting... or their electronics start exploding.
error may or may not also be the reason nightmare absolutely despises electronics. Error isn't really the destroyer in this au and the balances don't really exist. ... i really need to name this au...
more doodles of him under cut
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the face of someone who has just leaked top secret info.
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btw he kidnapped Cross once...
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h0ney-mochi · 2 years
Hiii! Can i request Sub bodyguard!xiao x fem!reader (fingering and praise)??? Feel free to ignore this. Have a nice day! (srry if my grammar is bad)
Bodyguard!Xiao x fem!reader ;; readers pronouns not mentioned tho
SMUT/NSFW CONTENT (sub!bodyguard!xiao, dom!reader, fingering (m!receiving), praise, dacryphilia ? well he kinda tears up ig)
Summary: Bodyguard Xiao does a good job at protecting you from fans getting too close, so you give him yet another reward for it. After all, no one else could treat him so well like you!
A/n: Sorry for the wait nonnie! My motivation literally took a week or more off </3 Anyways, your grammar is alright!!! I hope you have a good day as well <3
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Minor writer, dni if uncomfortable!
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Having Xiao as your bodyguard is pretty much a blessing. He looks small, some people were confused on social media, why do you have him as a bodyguard? He.. he doesn't look like "how a bodyguard should look like".
But everyone shut their months once they saw the drama of few fans stepping over the line. Understood everything.
It was a blessing for you. He was strong, pretty and.. cold. He knows his job and he does it well. You're sort of glad no one else has him as a bodyguard, because they for sure won't be able to reward him correctly for doing his job!
Despite his neutral face, barely showing any emotion whenever he's with you, you always, always notice a small blush on his cheeks when you somehow touch him or speak to him. You found it so adorable — your best bodyguard sometimes gets nervous around you? Oh oh?
Everyone saw you two as just.. two people. Maybe friends. You're an idol, he's your bodyguard. Since you're nice to everybody and Xiao is just quiet, cold, no one thinks you and him are closer than that.
Of course. No one will get to see what's behind the scenes.
No one will ever see the massive blush on your cold bodyguards face. No one will ever hear his high pitched moans echoing through your room. No one will ever see Xiao with a disheveled look, tears pricking at his eyes.
It's a sight reserved only for you and him alone.
It was another night after your performance. Photographers were everywhere, same with your fans, while you, your bodyguard Xiao and two others were leaving. A sigh escaped your lips, knowing you did a good job and that it's time to rest. But not before you give a treat to Xiao.
When you're at your hotel room, you put a 'do not disturb' sign on the door handle outside. Then you turn to Xiao. He looks a little confused, watching your moves. You smile, walking up to him. He sighs when you leave a kiss on his neck.
"You‐ you should rest, it was a long performance," He speaks, turning his head to the side, "You deserve- [Name], you should—" He stops speaking, biting down on his lip when you suck on his neck. You left a mark.
"But you deserve something as well, pretty," you whisper in his ear, hands going to hold his. There's a hitch in his breathing, meanwhile you pull away. You notice that familiar blush on his face. The one only you know of.
Staring into his eyes with a smile and a glint in your eye, Xiao knows he can't resist you. He'd be lying if he said he didn't want your.. affection.
"If you insist," he finally responds. You let out a laugh and kiss him, bringing one of your hands up to his chin. He won't resist you. Not when you taste so sweet.
"Hm? That feels good?" You speak, a smirk tugging on your lips. Xiao's head falls back as another moan rings throughout the room. He's quickly nodding in response. You just sped up your fingers, watching his eyes close again.
His chest rises, another half moan, half whine coming from his mouth. You leaned down to kiss his thighs, other hand going to touch his dick. Just a little.
Xiao twitches at your sudden touch, eyes opening up to look at you. You meet his gaze and you couldn't help but smile at him. He's so flushed..
"Oh, Xiao," you lean up to his face, pressing a quick kiss on his cheek, "You look so cute like this." He looks up at you, mouth agape, and you notice some drool going down his chin. "You did such a good job today," you continue, moving your fingers in a different angle, making Xiao twitch.
"You did so well, you like a little reward from me, no?" You tilt your head and he nods. "Yes- fuck, ah-! Yes, I do—!" His hand reaches up to the pillow, gripping onto it. You head down to leave kisses on his already bruised neck and he turns his head away.
"You take my fingers so good," you whisper, blowing some air on his skin, "Do you want me to touch your pretty cock?" His back arches when you wrap a hand around him.
"Yes, please, yesyes I've been- fuck— so good for you-!" Xiao whines out, a tear falling down his cheek. You lick it away and press a kiss on his forehead. Your fingers moved a little higher and your other hand went to jerk around the tip of his dick, smearing precum.
Your name fell from his mouth like a prayer while he tried to grind against your fingers. You just praised him more, watching few more tears fall down. Hazy eyes rolling at the back of his head, Xiao's already close to release.
Oh, could anyone else treat him so well?
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Thank you for waiting! Hope you enjoyed the taste <3
© h0ney-mochi 2023 / Please don't copy or repost my work and writings! <3
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2dmax · 11 months
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vampire prince adopt 🦇🌕 - closed
price tiers, terms, and close-ups under the cut! open from october 30th - november 30th, 2023
thanks for reblogging, even if you aren’t interested right now!
price tiers:
$50 - high res .png delivered via e-mail/google drive
$80 - high res .png delivered via e-mail/google drive with your choice of A.) a ref sheet with 1 extra pose B.) ref sheet with design of shapeshifted form (bat or other vampire-familiar type animal) C.) full body illustration (medium is artist's choice). Includes any basic changes like color swaps or adjustment to body proportions, etc.
please PM me to claim! p-pal, v-mo, c-shapp OK.
recoloring & changing hair style, body type, and gender presentation is OK, as long as they are recognizable and credit for the design basis remains.
for personal use only. no pornographic use. do not use to promote hate speech of any kind. ok to trade or gift, not to resell.
do not claim as your own art. please credit 2dmax on tumblr and toyhouse, and maximumgroove on ig & everywhere else.
thanks again!! 🦇 feel free to PM with questions.
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kaeemin · 2 years
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➠ pairing: non-idol! ex-bf!mark lee x reader
➠ genre: angsty
➠ warnings: um they broke up in a bad way ig | marks a red flag here even tho we all know he’s the bestboy ever | cheating :0 | the word ‘asshole’ here is used once in the ending
➠ wc: 1.041 (i think i got a little carried away)
when you pick up your things in his apartment and mark tells you he still loves you.
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Your ex of three years, Mark Lee, leaned back on the side of the door with a small smirk on his face. “I know,” he inhales slowly, licking his lips, “it’s great to see you again, Y/n.”
“I wish I could tell you the same.” You grumbled. “Let’s just get this over with.”
It was easy to tell, the pink bra hanging by the dining chair was the biggest giveaway.
Mark must’ve noticed where you were glaring at and he hurried to grab the underwear, shoving it in his joggers pocket. “Forgot to throw it away, sorry.”
Mark must’ve noticed where you were glaring at and he hurried to grab the underwear, shoving it in his joggers pocket. “Forgot to throw it away, sorry.”
Mark must’ve noticed where you were glaring at and he hurried to grab the underwear, shoving it in his joggers pocket. “Forgot to throw it away, sorry.”
You hate how casual he sounded.
“Whatever. Where’s my stuff?” You decided to go right through business. It was useless making a conversation with him anyways. Plus, you couldn’t really stand being in the apartment where you were constantly reminded of painful memories.
Here was when Mark asked you out, when you had gotten your first kiss, and when you also caught him tongue tangled with another woman. Yes, he cheated.
Here was when Mark asked you out, when you had gotten your first kiss, and when you also caught him tongue tangled with another woman. Yes, he cheated.
“I packed them for you, you know, as an apology. But I left some since I didn’t know which you still wanted.” He shrugged, walking to his room (the room you both used to share) and grabbed a huge box.
“I told you I don’t need your sorry—“
“—but I want to say sorry.”
You paused, blood boiling. It took a few seconds of you opening and closing your mouth, not knowing what were the right words to say. “Even…even if you want to say sorry, and even if you say it a million times, I can’t forgive you.”
Mark’s eyes softened. He looked like he was also having difficulty deciding what to say, so he gave up and placed the box on top of the table. “The rest of your things are still in the room. Feel free to look around and take anything you want.”
Without responding back, you walked past him inside the room. Nothing really changed much, everything was the same as you remembered. Except, the polaroids that were once stuck to the wall were gone. It was weird seeing the plain wall.
“I didn’t throw them away,” you hear Mark speak from behind you, “they’re in the box.”
“You don’t wanna get reminded, huh?” You scoffed loudly, but there was a painful pinch in your heart. Those polaroids hold memories and him admitting to not keeping them did hurt a little more than needed. What else did you expect from a cheater anyways?
“No, quite the opposite actually.”
In surprise, you turned around to face him and then regretted it the next second. Mark smiled, genuinely but small, still though, his eyes reflected thousands of emotions and you had a hard time reading them—reading him. He was holding a familiar sweater.
“It hurts, Y/n. I remember everything everywhere I look, even if I close my eyes. But even if it’s painful, I want to remember.” He confessed. Everything about him was so genuine. Mark stared at you in an almost pleading way, he looked down on his hand and sighed. “It’s your favorite sweater, take it.”
It is, in fact, your favorite. You used to wear it everyday, every night, and was always fussy when it had to be in the laundry. But you hesitated, because it was his sweater. You don’t know if you could handle wearing it again.
“I can’t,” you stammered. Tears were slowly filling your eyes and your lips quivered. Suddenly, you felt everything crashing down. It felt like a truck hit you. Your boyfriend of three years, the one who you thought you’ll spend forever with, cheated on you and stepped on your heart until it broke into millions of pieces.
Enough was enough. You needed to get out. Mark stared at you in silence and it pisses you off.
So, you pushed him roughly to the side and walked out of the room, hugging the huge box close to your chest. It was heavy and difficult to carry, but you didn’t want to ask for his help. In fact, you never want to have him involved in your life ever again.
“Y/n, I—“
“God, Mark, why do you have to make everything difficult?” You cut him off, spatting every word with venom. You faced him, eyes puffy and cheeks full of tears. “You’re the one who bought another girl home, you’re the one who messed everything up. You broke both my heart and my trust. Which part of ‘I don’t want anything with you anymore’ don’t you understand?”
“I’m sorry..”
“Stop saying that!”
“I can’t!” Mark finally lost it. The mask he placed on now fell off, and you could finally see how messed up he was too, if not more messed up. His sudden outburst shuts you up. This time, it was you who was staring at him in silence.
He breathed harshly, Adam's apple going up and down before he continued speaking in a hoarse but more gentle voice. “I just can’t stop saying sorry, okay? I know I screwed up, I know I made the biggest mistake of my life. The guilt is eating me alive, Y/n. I thought I was over you, I thought I didn’t care anymore, but I’m wrong. Because I still love you. I love you so, so much and I never stopped.”
It was clear now.
Finally, you could read him like an open book. Yes, Mark made a mistake, but you did one too. Believing him was the biggest mistake you’ve ever made.
“Yeah. You’re wrong.” You sniffled, balancing the box in your left arm while opening the front door. “You never loved me, you’re just using that as an excuse to feed that guilt in you. You’re an asshole, Mark Lee. I hope you rot in hell.”
And with that, you walked your way out of his apartment and his life.
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wisehearts · 2 months
kind of random but the ceo × assistant au has me thinking about like...mike and will as a villain duo. like villain!mike and henchman!will except will is his main henchman, if that makes sense - like the one who is always by mike's side, who mike clearly likes the most, has the best relationship with, and confides in all of his Evil Schemes™️ with. lol.
-thinking about them eventually having a moment while doing some villainry or whatever with a ton of sexual tension which eventually leads to them developing a fwb relationship where mike fucks will to get some relief from stress (will is fine with this. in fact, he wants it and regularly asks mike for it). mike loves it and ofc since he's an evil villain they have mad kinky sex LMAO
-mike wearing those silly cartoon villain boots and will not being able to be normal about it. because they're like. sleek black high heels.
-mike only showing real emotion around and then slowly falling for will, even if he's seen as evil by everyone else. (btw, i don't actually know what he's doing that's so evil. so just, like, generally think of some cartoon villain when im talking about this ig😭)
-mike having power over everyone and will being so goddamn into it and having intense fantasies about mike excercising that power over him. mike can totally tell because they're together in the evil lair all the time and jokingly flirts at will which makes him VERY blushy. eventually will has enough and gets bold and gets him all flustered by getting in mikes space....AUGHH and mike dominating will while also being sooo sweet with him because he loves him
-mikes other henchman getting confused because they thought will was at the same level as them but then him and will become more like an evil duo since mike favors him so much.
-mikes henchmen knocking on his door to bring him news of a new scheme's progress and they find the door closed and locked because mike thought they'd be gone longer carrying out his plans so he took to fucking will in the meantime🥴 this eventually causes them to get caught because they are NOT slick.
anyway. evil villain boyfriends with mad sexual tension.
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How fun!!! okay I need to answer this by the dot point because my thoughts are everywhere in the best way
Immediately I'm obsessed with will becoming the favorite henchman, like of course mike feels a pull towards him. a genuine connection but also some protectiveness, a soft (vulnerable, uh oh!) side
okay is it lame to use will being creative to say maybe he comes up with actual creative, efficient plans or tactics that no one else does and it impresses mike, excites him. when the first few work mike feels a rush at how much better things are with will around. will feels a rush of his own at the praise mike gives him and more alone time with mike he earns...
idk if we're staying cartoony level or actually dark, like blood and killing, but oh they should totally defeat an enemy as a team (!!!) for the first time and it just ignites something in mike, literally pulling will in to devour him in a kiss, a quick fuck next to the unconscious/dead body.
the stress relief sex YUM. Absolutely kinky. a will that loves some pain and being restrained, a mike that enjoys being rough and passionate and is so happy he has someone to keep up with him. but like you said, still so gentle. cooing and teasing, edging and marking. will's in heaven, he feels special (he is).
will loving watching mike in action and being powerful is so aghenvjksks HUGE yes from me, that suits this au soooo well! him getting hot and bothered and dreaming of mike taking him then and there. OH OH okay imagineeee mike threatening an enemy or getting a whimper of pain out of them and flicking his gaze over to will just brief enough to know he saw it all and got aroused about it.
will getting up in mike's space while being shorter 🙈 delicious thought, blinking up at him with a challenging look and catching mike off guard. or getting in his space when mike's sitting and mike does not mind the view at all. only person he'll allow to be above him like that.
omg the boots. will loving the sound of the heavy clack clunk as mike slowly approaches the enemy of the day, like the fear that sound arouses in other people just, well, arouses will too.
Also I love will not being normal about the boots as if he's not definitely wearing something skin tight and seductive as fuck as his beautiful henchman self. driving mike completely insane.
sooo sorry but I love a damsel moment and what you said about the other henchmen thinking will was at the same level but was actually favored... it's making me think of one of them not taking it well and making an enemy out of mike by taking will, and it's literally the darkest most intense mike's ever been while getting will back. mike becomes a hero anyway in his own twisted way <3 HAHA
what a fun concept I am eating this!!!!!
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tonowarii · 2 years
Could you do something with Lo’ak missing and thinking about his human best friend/crush that came from earth that he had to leave behind in the forest and she eventually comes to visits and she tells him about this friend that she made back at the lane and he gets jealous? This is extremely specific but I rlly hope it makes sense your writing is amazing
Do I Wanna Know
lo'ak te suli tsyek'itan x human!fem! reader
wc: 1.6k
warning/s: jealous lo'ak, suggestive ending, that's it ig <3
GIF is not mine, credits to the owner!
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After months of settling in Awa'atlu after the war, Tonowari finally allowed some of Jake's most trusted dreamwalker friends to visit from time to time. Once Jake deemed the samson's location wasn't being tracked, he immediately gave Norm the 'go' signal.
Now, why does this news had Lo'ak's ears perking up as he listened to his father talking to his comms with Norm?
It's because he gets to see you.
Yes, his favorite human best friend.
Well, Spider comes in close second, but with you it's different. Because ever since growing up in the forest with the two of you, he grew close to you and Spider rather than some of his family. That's when he also discovered he had taken a liking to you.
So when the time came they had to hide in a different clan, it broke him, his thoughts rushed to his head knowing that he'll might never get to see Spider or worse, you, again.
A day had never passed that he didn't think about you. But due to the war, he had to focus on himself, but as the war was won, his first thought was you. How were you doing back in the forest? Were you having fun there without him? Were you going on adventures all on your own? Have you have met someone else that was much cooler than him?
Pfft, yeah right.
Neteyam chuckles at his brother who's face had shown his thoughts were running a million miles an hour. He met you and boy, if only you knew the effect you had on his brother.
"When are they coming?" Lo'ak asked the second Jake ends the conversation with Norm. Jake looks at him with a raised eyebrow and a smile tugging on the edge of his lip. "Tomorrow morning, why?"
Lo'ak gulped as he was met with the question why. His throat goes dry as the sand as his mouth hangs lightly open, wanting to play it off.
Neteyam and Jake shared a knowing look and Jake strides over to Lo'ak's sitting form to lean over and pat him on the back. "She's coming, don't worry, kid. I heard Norm say she's excited to see someone here." Jake playfully teased his youngest son as Neteyam laughed again.
"Baby brother can't wait to meet his little human, hm?" Neteyam teased as Lo'ak bared his fangs and hissed at him for his teasing.
"Hey, quit it." Jake says, but there's a playful tone in his voice too.
Lo'ak winced, wanting nothing to rid himself as the center of attention between his brother and father. So he stands, brushing off his loincloth before nodding at his father then at Neteyam. "I'll just go outside."
He didn't even get to hear their reply as he was already out the door.
Before he knew it, he was looking at the aircraft in the sky, its blades whirring loudly and spraying sand everywhere as it landed and had left a ringing in his ears until the engines turn off.
The rest of the Metkayina had gotten used to it by now, but some would still stand there, inspecting what could they have bought today.
Lo'ak looked as Norm hopped off the chopper in his avatar while Max followed, still human. Then the last one to hop off was you with the help of Norm.
My Eywa you still looked amazing as the last time he saw you- which was like a few weeks ago.
You were wearing a brand new set of clothes than your usual one, so that peaked his curiosity and would likely be a topic later.
When he was about to approach you, the other metkayina girls already beat him to it as they towered all over you and began gossiping. He frowns as you laughed with them and then some of the boys approached as well, greeting you.
He just wanted to trudge over there and pull you away from them to finally get to talk to you but that would probably end with yet another scolding from his father.
He didn't know how long his face turned sour as you were in front of him, well- looking up at him.
To your surprise it seemed like Lo'ak had gotten a little taller than before, his features sharpening. But the sour look on his face makes you tilt your head.
"Hey, Pandora to Lo'ak, you there? You don't seem happy to see me." You joke.
Lo'ak shakes his head, features softening as his eyes widened as he looks down at you and a smile forms on his face. "(Y/N)!"
Without thinking, he pulls you up in a hug which makes you grab onto him for dear life as you were suddenly hoisted up a couple feet in the air as you laughed. "Woah woah, chill! You're about to kill me!"
Lo'ak smiles as your eyes met, his big yellow eyes staring right into your small ones. "Sorry." He mutters sheepishly, slowly letting you down as his hands brush over your skin that leaves tingles in its wake.
The silence was broken by you. "So! What have you been up to?"
After Lo'ak had showed you fruits you haven't tasted before, having you and him explore things in the ocean, and telling you stories of his week, it was your turn.
"Yeah you should've seen the way Neteyam looked as I told Payakan to go faster as he was holding onto him." Lo'ak laughs, recalling the memory.
You laugh at his stories, your smile never left your face the moment you two talked and hung out.
Lo'ak coughs, subtly moving the topic to you. "So, (Y/N)," he starts.
You raise your eyebrows at him, urging him to go on.
"You look amazing."
That sends your cheeks to go warm as he inspects you. "Thank you, I- I made it myself." You say, smiling proudly as you looked down at your set of clothes.
Lo'ak was about to speak again when you bought up something he wasn't expecting. "I couldn't have done it without Käetxo's help!" You smile, remembering your friend.
"Käetxo?" Lo'ak repeated, squinting his eyes as if to remember someone back in the forest with that name.
"Yes, he's amazing and did you know he just completed his dream hunt? I was worried for him." You said in a worried tone that had Lo'ak's ears almost flattening against his head.
Lo'ak was about to change the subject as a certain dislike for that 'Käetxo' grew but you seemed to have picked that as the next topic, which as seconds passed as he heard nothing but stories of him come out of your mouth had him frowning.
"We went exploring one time and he taught me how to shoot a bow properly and how I could make all kinds of knots for traps!"
Lo'ak was sure you could catch a glance of smoke coming out of his as he breathed out rather harshly, thinking how this guy could possibly had his hands over you, your arms- your waist.
"Can't you talk about something else?!" Lo'ak suddenly bursts out, surprising you mid-sentence as your mouth hanged open, staring at him.
"Lo'ak...?" You say, tilting your head and scooting closer to him as he was across from you.
He shakes his head, huffing. "I'm sorry- It just...sucks I can't hang out with you anytime when he gets to have you all to himself."
The last part wasn't supposed to come out as his eyes widened. "Forget that, tell me something else, just not about him." He said.
"Why..?" Oh you knew why. You were observing him not too long ago how his fists would clench whenever you mention him and how his ears seem to flatten as his tail swayed annoyingly behind him.
Lo'ak doesn't respond. You chuckle. "You jealous?" Saying that probably had your friendship dangling on thin wire but you just had to push your luck sometimes, you never know.
"No, why don't you go back and have fun with him then?" He said, rolling his eyes.
"Oh, Lo'ak you skxawng." You say, having enough of hiding your feelings for him. "I wore this for you, hoping you'd notice- you did." You laugh.
Lo'ak's brain freezes. "Huh?"
"I said nothing." You played, scooting away; but it was his turn to scoot closer to you, almost a little too close.
"Say it again." You could feel the warmth of his arms that was keeping you from escaping.
You gulp. "I wore this for you. I guess you haven't noticed all these years I love you and you only, Lo'ak." He stares at you.
"Käetxo's just a friend, nothing more, and besides, he already chose his mate which I was about to tell you until you interrupted me." You laugh.
Lo'ak feels the heat rise to his cheeks in embarassment, but he makes a bold move to move his huge hand to your waist, touching your skin, rubbing circles on it with his thumb.
"Yeah, oh."
Lo'ak looks at you, then down at your waist where he was touching you. He liked this, and the way your breath hitched didn't go unnoticed.
"Say, why don't you just stay here?" He offered, squeezing your waist with a playful smile as his fangs showed.
You avoided his gaze as you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach.
"Hm? Maybe I could convince Norm..." You say. You really did want to stay here, with Lo'ak and his family, since they were also used to you back in the Omaticaya.
"Great, maybe I could just show you how much I did miss you."
It was a simple sentence yet it had you gulping as Lo'ak was smiling at you playfully.
Oh my Eywa.
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1800-page-not-found · 11 months
Another Lifetime | Gojo Satoru x Fem! Reader
I caught up with the manga and I think I'm going insane.
I was gonna make him a yandere but i switched up in the middle lol
ig i write for jujutsu kaisen now to yippie
Yall ever have those fucked up dreams of having a child or taking care of them only to wake up and realize your child doesn't exist, and will never exist?
If you do, then you can understand how Gojo acts in this story.
If you don't...just imagine how it feels to lose the closest person or animal to you, and for the entire world ignore the fact that you lost them and expects you to pretend they never existed in the first place. Something like that.
Something is wrong. Very wrong. You can feel it in your bones. Everything's the same, but different.
This... Gojo Satoru is not your Satoru.
What had happened that day? If only you were there to witness it. It was the first time you heard that the Gojo Satoru had fainted.
When he wakes up, he smiles, like his usual cheery self. But something's different. There's a hint of grief.
Everyone else seems to think he's fine. But perhaps its because they don't know him how you know him.
But now, do you even know him?
Day by day, he starts to stick less and less to his morals. He feels empty, a terrifying attribute for a man deemed the strongest. You just hope this Gojo Satoru will stay on the 'good' side.
Or maybe you never knew him at all.
Maybe, he held a facade, even in front of you. Maybe he was that broken this whole time. You wonder what happened that day.
But that's the past. Now...You wondered if you would survive today. It was no longer comforting, being alone with...Gojo was now a frightening experience.
"[name]." He smiled at you, yet it felt cold. Cruel. Evil.
"Yes, Gojo?" You answer back. He pauses.
"...You no longer call me Satoru." He is very close to you. It's suffocating.
"I thought you'd like to be called more formally." His smile drops. It's eerily silent, his eye pierce into you, seemingly tearing you apart until nothing is left.
"I see. Well! That's not what I really wanted to tell you!" And just like that, Gojo is happy. You can no longer tell if he means it or not.
"I escaped! That day-I was set free." He's spouting nonsense again. What does that mean?
"[name]." He grabs your wrist tightly. "are you afraid? Do you not like...the real me?"
The real him?
"Gojo, what nonsense are you spouting. Of course I like you." He smiles again.
"Just wanted to make sure. ⁱ ᵗʰⁱⁿᵏ ⁱ'ᵐ ᵍᵒⁱⁿᵍ ᶜʳᵃᶻʸ."
You exchange a few more sentences, and part ways. As you walk away, you can feel his eyes boring into your back, looking into your soul.
It's chilling. Gojo isn't smiling. Blood...Blood everywhere. Is this the day humanity ends?
"Gojo! What are you doing!?" You shout at him.
He turns around to face you. "Ah! [name]!" A smile that could only be perceived in nightmares appears on his face. "I got rid of them. They were going to hurt our family!"
You freeze.
He sees your reaction, and only grins in response.
"That day, I died. I really died. I couldn't use reversed curse technique. It was scary. 'How am I here then?' you might wonder."
He looks deranged, hysterical.
"It wasn't Jujutsu. A whole entire third world opened up." His face contorts to agony. "I lived a whole entire new life [name]! Free from curses, free from Jujutsu! We got married! We had a child, [name], a child! I was so happy-and, and-" He sounds crazy. He grips his hair, almost to the verge of pulling it out. "in a single moment-it all disappeared when I somehow came back to life."
I...had a child? No, no, this is just him trying to get into your head!
"It's not real."
"BUT IT IS, [NAME]. OUR DAUGHTER-SHE WAS REAL. ⁱ⁻ⁱ ʲᵘˢᵗ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵐʸ ᵇᵃᵇʸ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ…" He mumbles the last part. He crumbles to the ground, a sobbing mess.
This man...he is your Satoru. Just...broken.
But...if it's your Satoru, then you can accept it.
"Satoru..." You bend down. You're... crying.
He looks up at you, eyes red. "ʸᵒᵘ⁻ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵃˡˡᵉᵈ ᵐᵉ ᵇʸ ᵐʸ ᶠⁱʳˢᵗ ⁿᵃᵐᵉ…" His voice is weak.
"I'm sorry." You pull him into a tight hug. "I'm sorry I couldn't accept you and comfort being at your lowest point."
The two of you hug for a long time, until Satoru pulls out a glass orb of sorts which glows a faint gold color. "Satoru?...What...What is this?"
"My baby...Our baby. I can bring her back, [name]."
But nothing's ever free in this cursed world.
"What price...must be paid?..."
He starts to sniffle, and breaks out into tears again. "I have to kill people [name]. I hate this. I hate this so much."
You pause. "How many?..."
"A thousand lives."
It honestly wasn't a hard decision. You hold your daughter's soul securely, then standing up.
"[n-name]?" Satoru looks up at you, wiping his tears away, just as yours start to pour.
"Satoru. From this day on, I will become a curse user. I'll take the blame. You have never hurt an innocent person, and I will have claimed a thousand lives. One day we'll meet again. Let me do this for you, please."
It was terrible. Satoru knew that one day, your fate's would intertwine again. And on that day, you'd take your last breath.
"Under Jujutsu Regulations, t-the curse user known as [n-name]-he choked out a sob-[l. name] must be executed."
It was the first time after the day you left him, that he had cried again.
You didn't put up a fight. You smiled as blood poured out of your mouth. You held a piece of paper in your hand when you died.
It read:
I ᴅɪᴅ ɪᴛ, Sᴀᴛᴏʀᴜ. Fʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʏ ᴏᴜʀ ᴅᴀᴜɢʜᴛᴇʀ ᴡᴀs ʀᴇʙᴏʀɴ, I ʜᴀᴠᴇ ɢɪᴠᴇɴ ʜᴇʀ ᴜɴᴄᴏɴᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ʟᴏᴠᴇ. [ᴅ. ɴᴀᴍᴇ] ɪs ᴀ ʟᴏᴠᴇʟʏ ɢɪʀʟ. I ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ'ʟʟ ᴛʀᴇᴀᴛ ʜᴇʀ ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴀs ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜ ᴅɪᴅ ɪɴ ᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ʟɪꜰᴇᴛɪᴍᴇ.
I ᴏɴʟʏ ᴡɪsʜ I ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴇxᴘᴇʀɪᴇɴᴄᴇ ɪᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜ.
Sᴛᴀʏ sᴛʀᴏɴɢ ꜰᴏʀ ᴏᴜʀ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ɢɪʀʟ. I ʟᴏᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴛs.
⁻Yᴏᴜʀ ᴏɴᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴏɴʟʏ [ɴᴀᴍᴇ].
He cried for hours, holding your dead body. You named her the same name you had given her in his other lifetime. He...never told you what you named her.
"Daddy!" A girl shouts gleefully as she gets pushed forward on a swing.
"Wheeee! Isn't this fun, darling?" Satoru pushes his daughter carefully.
"Very! Hehe!" The little girl giggles.
Satoru opened his eyes as he awakened on a grassy field. 'I fell asleep...where am I?' He looks around to see a faint figure on a hill, painting.
Walking closer, he sees, it's you. It's...you?... "[n-name]?"
He runs and hugs you so tight, you think you'd have died again from his hug.
"I can't stay long Satoru but... I wanted to check up on you. How is [d. name]?"
He smiled. "She's turning seven next month! She's also inherited your cursed technique."
"That's lovely. I'm so proud of you Satoru."
"Of course! I'm not the strongest sorcerer for nothing! It makes me the best father!"
You two talked for what seemed to be like an eternity.
"I have to go now, Satoru." You smiled softly.
"I know name. I love you. [l. name] [d. name.] loves you a lot too. She's never forgotten about you or what you look like, and I intend to keep it that way."
Your eyes widen in surprise. He gave her your last name.
"Goodbye. I love you, Satoru." You whispered as you faded away.
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pointless-discourse · 5 months
hs diet/cooking skills headcandons :3
what would they eat. i prommy im not scrambling for ideas, i am being fully genuine when i say i think about (the majority) of these a lot. disregarding my trans hcs for consistency and to try to reign in my fanon perception and keep it at least semi-accurate
content warning for disordered eating
eats very well, if a little heavy on the sweets just based on how many are in his vicinity. his dad loves baking. there will be baked goods. despite how sick he gets of sugar, he's gonna nibble.
however, i'm sure his dad knows how to cook and passed that onto john, at least how to follow a recipe
i think john would be a recipe follower most of the time tbh
living with nanna on the ship wouldn't significantly alter his skills
maybe with all that free time he'd start to improv more in the kitchen?
anyway, he is a good cook and is probably going to end up cooking for his disaster friends a lot because he is a charming young man
well not really? like he'll be on it in a pinch if he's asked too, or immediately reminded that his friends can't fucking cook, but she, in typical egbert fashion, will remain doing her own thing a lot of the time
charming young june gets tradwife'd ig
fuck i transed her . oopsie
we've seen that his fridge is full of smuppets and he hides his food, so his stash is small and is made up of foods that don't need to be refrigerated
texan heat is def a catalyst for that rot
his stash is also made of cheap, low quality food, because i doubt he's getting a lot of money
just an assortment of non-ingredient food like apples and mcdonands
this is on the hypothesis that bro gives dave food money or dave's somehow monetized his skills
if bro is providing this food, it's probably semi-often paywalled behind weird shit or swordfights
TLDR: he likely doesn't have a consistent supply either. enough to sustain some muscle so he can live up to what we've seen in comic, but he's underweight
you think he'll learn to cook on the meteor? wrong. why learn to cook when you can alchemize? what's the point of alchemizing the ingredients for a PB&J and then assemble it when you can just magic up a sandwich?
he cannot cook. he will burn the water. the only appliance he can use is a microwave, and that is iffy in itself because, until he gets the hang of it, will leave a slightly lukewarm hamburger in there for ten minutes
plants. a lot of plants.
freshest thing near her. everything else she has to get through the airplane mail.
she'd forget to eat for a day or two, and then wonder why she's so hungry and then eat enough to feed a family of three. horses. three horess
she lost her grandpa at a young age and then was raised by a dog, so i doubt her eating habits are completely normal
she eats like a dog. jade does not use silverware because she does not like doing dishes. all food is finger food if you're not afraid.
what she eats is of very high quality. if she remembers to eat and can prepare her food correctly, she'll do fine.
on that topic, she's not a bad cook. her chem know-how would help her estimate what would work. but she's never had another person interact with her cooking, so it's lacking a lot of stuff.
research can get her cooking close to the real thing, but it's still mediocre. she doesn't even know what she's missing, because she's never known anything else.
she has a lot of weird tastes that can only come from an insane amount of time to kill. i'm talking mustard everywhere.
john and nanna might be able to reign her in a bit? they would definitely help her improve her cooking skills. watching her eat, there would still be something off about her.
however, she can cook for herself, and it tastes kinda good.
like john in that she had someone there who would cook for her.
mom lalonde is very absent, but she's still on top of things. she responds to rose's notes. she vaccums. she would still cook for rose on a regular basis, give or take a few off weeks.
that cooking would not be good, because she's wasted whilst making it.
even if the food was good, rose wouldn't admit it.
she often makes a show of pecking at her food, but still eats.
unlike john, mom never showed rose how to cook. rose never asked.
when she gets to the meteor, like dave, she alchemizes all the food she needs. there has never been a reason for her to learn how to cook.
she could probably put effort in and, with strife, successfully follow a recipe, but she is a horrible cook. she does not understand it for the life of her, and she won't until she studies it
she'll master it. eventually.
like june. their upbringings are very similar.
one exception is that she cooks more and is a much better cook than she is because jane genuinely cares about it.
she also has some mad pastry skills.
jane can make macarons.
she would attempt to teach her disaster friends to cook, but would quickly lose patience.
and then she would try to cook for them, but get sick of it a meal in. they are very picky and her temper is not long
survives purely off rations/canned food
again, dave's food is fuel mindset extends to him and he can stomach a lot of "gross" things, like an entire can of peanut butter. i may have mentioned that before, so i'll give you some PD lore. i have eaten an entire jar of peanut butter out of hunger and i think about that event a lot because it was not nice for my tastebuds
however, i think as a control freak he would be adamant about his food schedule, even mathing out the amount of calories he would need to consume for every meal proportional to what he does in a day
and then a half-hearted attempt to balance out protiens, fats, minerals, and the other stuff
he is very adamant about his schedule and consuming the food he needs to survive, but that schedule is fucked
ex. 3 cans of canned peaches for breakfast at 3:50 in the morning. two large, burnt mutated fish for dinner at noon. no lunch. or eats half a can of peaches for the twenty hours he is awake in a day.
he can cook, as in prepare meat to be consumed alright. it's edible, and it's not that bad. but he is assed at combining ingredients. he cannot create something successful. all his food tastes like shit because he does not pick up on taste. though, i believe if he was cooking for someone else, he could set aside a few days and come up with something that's high-tier in the mediocre range.
he eats only the meat of the beasts he's killed. he has scurvy.
he is a good cook (in the sense that he can competently prepare meat) though, and genuinely cares about the quality of the food he makes for the sake of his taste buds, and cooking is something he can get lost in
however: he has insane tastes. he is an expert in preparing food in this hyper-unique way that he is insane for but is absolutely disgusting to anyone else
ex. after years of eating similar tasting meat, he was motivated to use seasoning. he does not own seasoning. he is going insane and cannot eat the same thing again. he uses dirt. tastes bad, but god he is dying for something new after x years of eating the same thing for breakfast lunch and dinner. he continues to eat it because he cannot eat unseasoned meat anymore and repetition-causes-complacency's himself into genuinely enjoying the taste of dirt.
dirt is just the tip of the iceberg
jake is also unintentionally bulking (bodybuilders eat a lot of meat to gain muscle). he eats a lot of protien. however, he hasn't herd of the concept of 'cuts' (where you stop eating as much to let the muscles show) so he has a bit of a tummy
but also, he's sixteen so he's not a fridge. i also don't see him as that tall (huss draws him as shorter than dirk anyay huehuehue) but he has muscle if you look. twunk if anything
genuinely horrid diet
so zoned out and depressed she barely recognizes her own hunger and even then has no drive to do anything about it
will eat sugary stuff for the happy chemicals
roxy is the one trans headcanon i have where i am completely unable to distinguish it from canon
she is trans in my head. that is as much a part of her to me as her love for cats is
anyway like a lot of trans women she's pressured to be petite and small in her portion choices so even when she has the drive to eat i dont think its a lot
because of her likely not weighing a lot shes a lightweight
part one million on how is roxy not dead yet
and as expected, she cannot cook
she also has some really weird tastes
she is really good at baking a few specific sweets that she eats on repeat (with a lot of recipes from jane)
once she enters the medium and works on her drinking problem i think her eating problems would also get less intensive
not drinking as much she has to face her hunger more
and being around jane, a big gal, face to face, i think that would do something to her idea that to be a woman she has to be small
troll rations
not only is he poor so no money for all the nice stuff i also dont think troll society has a big focus on cooking
their only main professions are military based and art doesn't seem to be a big focus, just a highblood thing
again probably some nasty cheap ration bars that keep him alive
but i do think he eats regularly and normal amounts, he has that fighting spirit to stay alive and get stronger
but yeah i don't think troll society would require you to put a lot of effort into culinary stuff. but he can prepare the food well
the meteor inspired no one to cook, but he'd get the hang of human food and probably enjoy it as compared to tasteless lowblood troll slop
humanstuck karkat is a kid chef. he is so fucking good at cooking. baking too.
mmmmm yummy troll slop
same as karkat
ghost aradia didnt need to eat anyway so i doubt that would've affected her diet habits
same with got tiger aradia? don't think she would bother with it, too much else to do
but once she starts hanging around in the dreambubbles, exposed to non-troll slop cusine, she'd have a fun time trying to learn how to cook and delight in all those new flavors
then when she gets to earth c she's a good cook who loves cooking
i dont have any headcanons fro tavros because is hate him
sorry tavros fans
uhh he probably eats POOP!!! and LIKES IT!!! because he TAVROS!!!
troll-slop-enjoyer, but also likes aradia's cooking
humanstuck sollux survives purely off doritos and g-fuel
utter chad
survives solely off the giant beasts she kills herself
ripped yet still small and nimble
her diet is entirely protein
no troll slop for her
unfortunately for her, this means missing out on non protiens and fats
nepeta has scurvy
humanstuck nepeta is less feral and also eats cute japanese cat themed sweets
dont know if it was stated in canon but she would garden alongside eating troll slop
yumy blood
roses blood
you would not believe it from looking at her but humanstuck kanaya eats a lot of spicy food and has a horrifically high spice tolerance
she's also pretty good at cooking, mediocre at baking
?????? chalk???????
hopefully alongside the slop
either that or troll chalk is really nutritious
despite technically being a highblood i doubt she'd engage in their fancy food
she eats to survive, not for the taste
she may have access to higher quality sludge though
i think this part of her would persist, but she does love june's cooking
pure, distilled protien and milk
so much milk
its not 2%, not 3.25%, it's 100% milk
he suckles it straight from the moobeast teat
it is really weird and he does not get invited to parties
humanstuck equius's diet is 1/4 food and 3/4 protien shakes, bars, and the like
he'd probably also be like those bodybuilding influencers who eat eggs raw or camel nutsacks
similar to roxy in that he's too checked out to remember to eat
but what he does have as a highblood is insanely high quality
sober gamzee does not require any sustenance to survive in a similar fashion as to how he got shot down by caliborn and was fine afterwards
humanstuck gamzee can bake. he cannot cook. he has the diet of an insane college student, ramen cups interspersed with weed brownies
occasionally he gets the munchies and eats enough to feed four full grown goku
i like thinking that someone realized he wasn't doing alright tried to help him, maybe roxy? in a universe where he didn't get lil cal'd
only the finest fish food for him
he dines like a king
he projectile vomits when in a 50 mile radius of the sludge
agile, but weak
doesn't cook, has other people do it for him
humanstuck eridan has a private chef and is offended if you expect him to cook for himself
finest fish food for her, dines like a queen
but also attempts to live like the normies once and a while
and take a bite of the (highblood edition) slop
humanstuck fef also has a private chef but helps out in the kitchen from time to time
gonna b real dawgs, i cannot concieve of the dancestors in this manner. peace
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axel-skz · 1 year
hey hope ur having a great day!
could u possibly write an angst request with skz? (any member)
something along the lines of the reader having a terrible childhood and having to go through trauma and really dark days and maybe opening up to them about it? or maybe the member finding them unconscious due to something and then opening up about it?
ig I'm asking for it is cause I'm not doing so good and just need to feel something lmao
A/N: AWH! I will do it, since you asked soo nicely. Hope it makes you feel better 😘 AND for everyone else. I haven’t done it in a bit so let’s do the song roulette today. Im gonna shuffle all of stray kids music and we shall see what song we get. We get… HaPpy (Han)!
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It felt so common now a days to hear people joking about childhood trauma. Mental health was this big thing and people were so open about their problems.
You wished you could be that way but every time you thought to tell Minho about even a pinch of it, the sweat broke out. You would start heaving and the panic would overtake you. The dread would take control and you felt like you were in a dark cave. Left alone where no one would ever find you.
That only ever happened when you thought about telling someone though. The easy solution, never talk about it.
You had a few triggers that reminded you of the cursed day and that would usually cause you to spiral till you passed out. But it had been years since you had last dealt with it.
You had a false sense of security cloaking you. Little did you know, the veil would be lifted soon.
You were making dinner an hour before Minho was going to come home from work. You had the radio playing and it was a whole fun little dance number. The cats were running around somewhere in the living room. You were having a great time. You saw your goofy dance moves in the mirror and it made you laugh. The fact that you’re with such an exceptional dancer and you couldn’t put two good looking steps together. Funny.
Your mistake though, you had gotten too comfortable.
You were having a lot of fun but it all came crashing down when a song started to play on the radio that reminded you of that night. You dropped the wooden spoon you were holding and you tried to grab the counter to keep balance.
Maybe you could work through this. The blood rushing to your head, making you dizzy, losing control would somehow stop. The tunnel vision came not too long after with the inability to breathe. Before you knew it, you were out like a light.
You had no idea why your head was throbbing. The light behind your closed eyelids slowly getting brighter.
No, I’m comfy, let me go back to sleep.
The words you couldn’t get out of your mouth because it was being stubborn and wouldn’t do what you wanted. You felt paralysed until slowly you started to regain control of yourself.
First order of business, open your eyes. And you did. But then regretted it because there was a lightbulb right there and now you were having a staring competition that you definitely were in no shape to win.
You came to as the room slowly stopped spinning. Everything was blurry until it wasn’t. You could see a very concerned Minho looking down at you. He seemed so flustered and out of breath.
It took all the energy you had to try and get up, not without him trying to stop you either. But since you were so stubborn, you got up and hugged him. He hugged you back immediately.
After some time and him looking after you, you were sitting on the sofa with him. He had put the cats into the bedroom so they wouldn’t be jumping everywhere around you.
It was a little awkward but he really wanted to know what had happened so very carefully, he asked.
You weren’t sure how to answer so you quietly started to open up.
‘I was home one day with my mum. We were making food and the radio was on. We were dancing when suddenly… there was banging on our front door… she went to go check, carefully. But no amount of care could help us. I was… Terrified when I heard yelling. There was gunshots. I don’t want to get into all of it but thankfully, my mum and I survived.’
He had held you tighter and closer the more you talked. You had gotten shaky and the tunnel vision had come back a little but he was like a grounding presence.
‘I can’t believe that happened to you,’ he seemed utterly shocked.
‘I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about it before. I have a very hard time talking about it,’ you felt terrible about not being able to tell him anything.
‘No! It’s alright. You never have to tell me anything. It’s completely up to you how much or how little you share.’
You couldn’t help but smile at how sweet he was.
‘Now, I think it’s probably best we take our mind of things… you wanna watch a movie and eat overly greasy food?’
You laughed, ‘how could I ever say no to that?’
He got up after kissing your forehead gently, ‘I’ll order 3 pizzas right away!’
You stopped him for. A moment by grabbing his hand, ‘I’d like to tell you more about what happened… one day… if you wanna know…’
He kneeled down in-front of you and held your hands as he looked into your eyes with adoration, ‘I will be here for anything and everything with you. Whenever you’re feeling confident enough to talk about it, I’ll be right here.’
He went and let the cats out of the room. Then he made sure to order the food. The rest of the night was spent cuddled up on the sofa with the love of your life and your fur babies.
You never quite thought about it but you loved your life now. You had all the love you could need. You had a home.
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A/N: I HOPE YOU LIKED IT! Please like and reblog and share and smile and be happy or ELSE!
See you soon with our sweeet boy, Felix!
See I would make my work longer but my brain just doesn’t wanna do that 💀
So you either get too much dialogue or too much detail.
Lee know: can’t we have the best of both worlds?
I turn to look at him: um… 1, didn’t peg you for a Hannah Montana fan. 2, this is my moment… you got a whole story… go away…
He gets up, sets his chair on fire and walks away nonchalantly.
I turn back to look at you with wide eyes: I’m gonna pay for that tonight…
I chase after him frantically.
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2dmax · 1 year
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shapeshifter adoptables - unicorn is SOLD🦋 dragon is SOLD - now with free bonus art
price tiers, terms, and close-ups under the cut!
(shout out to @kchloewhite for the concept & encouragement!)
price tiers, terms, and close-ups under the cut!
thanks for reblogging, even if you aren't interested right now!
price tiers:
$50 - high res .png & a separated .psd delivered via e-mail/google drive
$80 - high res .png & a separated .psd delivered via e-mail/google drive + reference sheet with 1 extra full body pose/outfit + 2 extra head poses (you choose which form)
$80 - high res .png & a separated .psd delivered via e-mail/google drive + one original illustration (digital or traditional up to my discretion)
please PM me to claim! p-pal, v-mo, c-shapp OK.
The unicorn shapeshifter now has FREE bonus art - you get a hi-res file & I can ship the original (6"x9") to you at cost.
recoloring & changing their hair style, body type, and gender presentation is OK, as long as they are recognizable and credit for the design basis remains.
for personal use only. no pornographic use. do not use to promote hate speech of any kind. ok to trade or gift, not to resell.
do not claim as your own art. please credit 2dmax on tumblr and toyhouse, and maximumgroove on ig & everywhere else.
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thanks again!
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your-local-baguette · 7 months
Julian loki x reader
Warnings: not proofread, nothing else ig just fluff
Chapter 3: tickets
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
You and julian had been talking for quite a while, by which i mean, already three months passed by, time flew by so fast it felt unreal. You had taken the habits of texting eachother everyday and telling eachother about your day and all that. That's how you found out he was a pro footballer, even if he was only seventeen.
Most of your conversations apart from rambling about your day was secured around, music, football and volleyball. That was it, but then, julian would be very happy to talk about something else if you asked to. Yet, today's conversation was quite... unexpected.
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You smiled brightly at your screen, then closing your phone screen you slid down on your seat. Squealing out of excitement, you felt like jumping around. You sighed to yourself almost cringing, you were acting like a teenage girl with a crush. Which you kinda were, seventeen, with a crush on a pro football player. You quickly checked your emails to see the one ju' had sent you.
You opened it up, anddddd....
It was a VIP ticket, you felt like in those kind of fanfictions and all that. You really had to thank him good for this. You were sooo freaking excited.
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You almost wanted to jump everywhere but it took every ounce of strength in your body not to, you took a deep breath, you were so hyped for this weekend.
Next chapter (upcoming)
Masterlist should come out soon
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