#excellent as usual from them :)
wolfjackle-creates · 8 months
Bring Me Home Arc 2 Part 17
Damn, how did this get to a part 17????
Here's the promised WIP Wednesday (on a Thursday)!
I had a lot of fun writing this part. The words just flowed so easily.
If you didn't notice, I now have the first arc posted on AO3. It covers the first three parts I've shared here along with some extras that I never did.
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
Part 1, Previous
Word Count: 1.9k
By the time morning had rolled around, Tim had also signed them up for a 7:30 AM and a 6 PM TV interview. Hopefully they could do enough damage control to mitigate the worst of Walker’s bad PR, whatever that turned out to be.
Tim nudged everyone awake at 5 AM. Conner and Cassie got up the easiest.
“Morning, Rob,” Conner said through a yawn. “Time to prepare for our interview?”
“Yep. We’ll be going in uniform since this is an interview for the Young Justice.”
“Great,” said Cassie. “We’ll be ready.”
Tim went to Danny next. “Hey, Danny.” The boy didn’t move, so Tim shook his shoulder slightly.
“Wha…?” Danny blinked his eyes open. “Wha’s goin on?”
“Me and the others are going to our interviews. We’ll be back in a few hours, kay?”
Danny just blinked at him and Tim laughed fondly.
“I’ll leave a note.”
Tim skipped breakfast on their way out, though Bart offered him some breakfast bars.
“It’s too late to be up,” Tim yawned.
Conner laughed as he hugged Tim and wrapped him in his TTK. They rose several feet into the air. “You should not have pulled that all-nighter.”
“How else was I supposed to be awake in time?”
Tim could feel the way Conner shook his head. “Just tell me where to go. I’ll get us there.”
Tim pointed to an area in town. “It’s over that way.”
Bart grinned. “I’ll meet you three there!”
“We won’t be long,” said Cassie.
With the benefit of flying, they were at the radio station within fifteen minutes. Sometimes being friends with metas made life so much easier.
As soon as they entered, a team of people greeted them.
“You were actually serious!” exclaimed a tall, white man. “Thought for sure it was a joke when I got your email last night. I’m Steve and I’ll be your interviewer this morning.”
Tim shook his hand. “Good morning, Steve. Robin at your service, and these are Superboy, Wonder Girl, and Impulse.”
Then they had to be introduced to all the producers, sound engineers, and assistants. If it hadn’t been for his parents’ gala training, Tim was certain he would’ve forgotten all the names instantly.
The employees knew how to do their jobs, however, and despite everyone wanting to meet the heroes, in less than twenty minutes, they were set up in the recording studio.
“So,” said Steve. “I just want to make sure I get this right. You, Robin, have been friends with Phantom for a while now and wanted to tell our listeners the truth about him. That he’s actually a hero and not a menace.”
“That’s right, Steve. I knew him before… Well, he’s a ghost. You know what before implies. He was there for me when I first became Robin. Now I want to be there for him when he’s dealing with similar struggles.”
“That’s not what any of the experts believe.”
Conner snorted. “The so-called experts in this town want to completely destroy any and all ghosts. Don’t think they’re unbiased.”
Bart nodded. “Yeah. We may not have known Phantom as long as Robin, here. But he’s a good guy. Helped us out when we got stranded here.”
“Stranded, eh? Mind if I ask you more about that on air?”
Tim laughed. “You can ask whatever you like. But I can’t guarantee we’ll answer everything. Secret missions and all that, you understand.”
Steve sighed theatrically. “It was worth a shot. Now, we’ll be going live in about five minutes and we’ll have three segments of eight minutes separated by two minute ad breaks. For a total of thirty minutes in the studio. Anything in particular you want me to ask?”
Tim pulled a sheet of paper out of his utility belt. “I wrote some down, if you don’t mind. They should be engaging and broad enough to please your audience and personal curiosity.”
“I won’t ask only from this list, you understand,” said Steve as he took it.
“Of course not. The first three are ones I do request that you ask, however. Beyond those, they’re just suggestions.”
Steve skimmed the list and nodded. “I can work with this.”
Beyond the window, the sound technician made a signal.
“All right, everyone. That’s the one minute mark. Let me introduce you before you say anything, capiche?”
Tim gave a thumbs up and the others added their assent.
The “on air” light turned on and Steve spoke in a voice much more performative than the one he’d been using. “Good Morning, Amity Park! This is Steve Boyce here to help you bring in the day. How are you early birds doing? Have I got a treat for you today! So last night I got absolutely no sleep because at nine thirty, shortly after our newly implemented curfew, I got a surprise email. From no other than the heroes who helped us out the other night when we were attacked! That’s right! The one and only Robin from Gotham emailed my and asked to come on my small, local show. So he and the Teen Titans are here with me. Let’s give them a warm Amity welcome, what do you say?”
Cassie laughed. “Thanks for that introduction, Steve. I’m Wonder Girl and I’d like to clarify one point. The former Teen Titans have kept the name Titans even if they’re no longer Teens. So we’ve decided to go by a new name.”
Bart nodded. “Yep. We’re the Young Justice now.”
Steve laughed. “Looks like I’ve already put my foot in it. Let me correct myself, let’s give the Young Justice a warm Amity welcome.”
Tim put on the happy gala voice his parents had drilled into him. “Not at all! It’s a new change and we’ve never really operated out here before. Even back home in San Francisco or Gotham we get called the Teen Titans more often than not. We’re just on a crusade to get the name change to stick.”
“Well I’m sure all of my listeners will be sure to get it right going forward. Now, let’s get down to business. We’re all thrilled that you were around to help us out the other night, but what brought you to Amity to begin with? Mayor Montez has publicly stated he never even had a chance to reach out for help before you were on the scene.”
“That was all Robin’s doing,” said Conner. “He’s friends with Phantom, you know.”
“Yep,” agreed Tim. “We were in the area when our transport broke down. Impulse figured out where we were and I knew of Amity due to my friendship with Phantom. Since we weren’t on a time limit, we decided to pop into town for a visit. Imagine our surprise when our very first evening here, we experienced a ghost invasion!”
Cassie laughed. “Oh, come on, Rob. With our lives, it really wasn’t that surprising.”
“Yeah,” said Bart. “We’ve totally had weirder things happen to us.”
Steve leaned forward and pitched his tone lower as if conspiring with them. “Well, I’ll definitely be asking for some of the details on what those might’ve been later. But first, I have to ask. Robin, how did you meet Phantom? He’s that ghost in the black-and-white jumpsuit, right? As far as I know, he’s only ever been seen in Amity. And you’ve certainly never been here before.”
Tim took a breath, this was the moment. “Yep, that’s him. And, well, it may be strange, but I knew him before he was ever Phantom.”
“Before he was Phantom? Do you mean…” Steve let his voice trail off.
Tim let out a low sigh and closed his eyes. He really had to sell this. “Yeah.” He made sure his voice was rough. “Yeah. I knew him before he died. He was one of my best friends growing up and we’ve known each other for years.”
Conner put a hand on his shoulder. “Rob…”
When even Steve needed a second to figure out how to reply, Tim figured he did a good enough job. “So you know him when he was alive,” Steve said. “Who was he? Where did he live?”
“I’m afraid I can’t answer that,” said Tim. “He was young when he died and his family don’t need people harassing them. They’ve been through a lot. And I know Phantom’s reputation isn’t the best.”
Steve let out another put-upon sigh. “And there you go being reasonable when all I want is the hot gossip. Fine, no questions about who Phantom was. I’m sure you were thrilled when you found out he came back as a ghost, though.”
Tim laughed and was glad Steve was able to change the mood of the interview so quickly without him doing anything. “Oh absolutely. I near about had a heart attack when he called me up out of the blue to say he was a ghost now! This was my first opportunity to visit him since, you know.”
Conner nudged him. “So he brought us along for the ride.”
Steve hummed. “So for the rest of you, this is your first time meeting Phantom?”
“Yep,” said Bart. “I like him. He’s cool.”
“So, Impulse, you think he’s trying to help us. Because it seems like whenever he shows up, things get broken and we have to spend days or weeks and tens of thousands on repairs.”
“Robin knows more about it than I do,” said Bart, “but I guess what let Phantom cross back over to Earth is allowing other ghosts to cross back over. Phantom just wants to spend more time with his living family and friends. The others ghosts…”
“They want more than that,” finished Tim. “Phantom’s explained it to me a bit. They all have something driving them that can only be fulfilled on Earth. And they don’t care what they have to do to satisfy that drive. So Phantom steps in to try and prevent them from causing too much damage or hurting anyone. Then he forces them back to the dimension they come from.”
“In fact,” added Cassie. “We spent all night talking with Phantom and we got his side of the story on several of his fights since he first came to Amity. We’ve written it all up and submitted them to the local paper, so look in the OpEds over the next few days if you want to know the truth.”
“Oh, well now you’ve definitely got me intrigued! I think I will. Anything you'd be willing to share with us now?”
“Do you remember how a month or two ago, a giant robot was seen in Amity?” asked Tim.
“Not something I’m likely to forget!”
Tim laughed. “I’m sure! Well, what you don’t know is that he crossed over to Earth from the Ghost Zone about three or four days before you ever saw him. Phantom kept him from gaining a physical body for days before Technus was able to get past him.”
“Really? So you’re saying that without Phantom, we would’ve been dealing with that robot for a lot longer?”
Steve asked several more questions about Phantom. Some serious: How does he plan to decrease property damage going forward? We’re coaching him on how to move a fight and deescalate conflict. And some light hearted: So I heard he’s a dog person? Oh, absolutely. A ghost dog adopted him a few weeks ago.
Then the questions turned more personal as he moved on from Phantom and asked about their lives and exploits. And before they knew it, the interview was over.
“Thanks for reaching out,” Steve said as soon as they left the recording studio. “You are by far the biggest guests I’ve ever had on.”
“Thanks for agreeing to have us on so last minute,” said Tim.
“How could I possibly say no?”
Hope you enjoyed the interview! I probably won't go into detail for the TV one since it'd just be rehashing the same information.
I no longer do tag lists, but I do have a Subscription Post if you want to be notified of updates.
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imsailorpluto · 1 year
Another thing I love love about Bloodhounds is the effortless look of the boxing duo. They're just neck-deep in their little boxing world, training hard, feeling comfortable in their own skin, finding ways to end the bad guys, and looking drop dead gorgeous while they're at it. It's the we're-so-freakishly-handsome-and-completely-unaware impression that gets me every time
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"you are so fucking stupid that it will literally impede your ability to function as an adult in the world. you will be jobless and alone. also you're a Whore." "oh?? oh yeah?? well... I'm hot. it's actually Insane, how hot I am. also I won Homecoming queen in high school. so. take that. skank."
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lisbonsteresa · 1 year
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they make me so
#tm#the way she immediately goes along with him there's no hesitation and then she immediately puts them in the same boat i want to scream#because there's a way to read this that it's actually too much faith; she trusts him and his methods - weird though they usually are -#maybe too much - the 'one day i'm gonna get fired because of you; that's just how it is' route#(which is like that excellent tag i saw - that lisbon's 'a rebel with the trauma of having to be responsible' -#like she likes breaking the rules and jane breaks them in fun ways (usually) and his rule-breaking gets results#- the 'people might ask why you signed on with me in the first place' bit alsosheskindofinlovewithhimnbd)#but on the other hand there is a bit of 'such little faith' too because yes he gets results but she knows firsthand (and repeatedly)#that he runs the risk of hurting - himself; others; her - while he gets those results#and she's putting them in the same boat she's making them equally responsible for anything that happens#*unequally actually she'd take the brunt of any punishment/backlash as they both know#and you COULD (and i do) see that as her trying (maybe unconsciously) to temper him; to pull him back from going TOO far#whatever you're doing you're not doing alone; remember this is on me now too don't go too far#CAN'T YOU SEE THERE'S PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT YOU; WHO NEED YOU#and like does the tempering always work? no; obviously; for multiple reasons#but for her to - on whatever level - think that she would be enough FOR it to work? much to think about#(it's crazy how it's so clear that on some level they both know she's the most important person to him#but they're also just....tucking that fact away until a moment comes when they can actually think fully about what it means#(which would have to be post red john but also they're just avoidant bitches too afraid to look too close i love it)#anyway i'm back at work so i'm back to thinking too much about tv shows that ended 8 years ago it's so cool and stable#(also rigsby just going along with it too lkfasdj i just adore them)#FUCK THE END OF THE EPISODE BARK BARK I FEEL CRAZY#TERESA LISBON YOU'RE SO IMPORTANT TO ME LIKE SHIT
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sunburnacoustic · 1 year
No post-gig IG post from Muse after Rock Werchter. Silence from photographers too. They’re not pleased about what happened last night huh.
#Even JAR didn’t post any pics after the show#Although he just posted a vague pic a very short while ago of him editing some footage so idk maybe there’s more admin to getting#Festival footage cleared or something? I don’t know. Anyway no posts from Muse in a first in a long time.#Hope they don’t let it get them too down like. Maybe some people at a festival crowd didn’t recognise Showbiz but Muse fans#I’m sure really appreciated the thought they put into it!!!#Plus they’re professional and reasonable folks; they would know there’s not much they can do about stuff that’s beyond their control#Suspect it was a curfew thing— you run over and there are timed things that take half your rig’s power out?#Can’t recall most festivals bc we haven’t seen them but iirc last year at Rock Am Ring too they ran over slightly#Again into KoC but they were allowed to finish smoothly. I wonder if that’s something Muse are annoyed about?#To my knowledge never in 25 years of Muse has a song been restarted twice in the same night so there’s that.#They’re usually excellent at running a tight set.#Anyway I hope we’re able to get the point across to them that we loved them and last night’s show was great!#And Showbiz was very welcome too <3#muse band#muse#rock werchter 2023#alsp the thing is Muse do Rock Werchter almos every single year so I imagine not having had trouble with them in 23 years past#Is probably annoying them a little. A matter of trust etc. Anyway it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay. It was genuinely a great set#Matt’s voice sounded exceptional last night#muse live
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
i love ichiban so much. like in general but like. he's so neurodivergent. so so much i haven't been able to let go of it since i started playing. he's still filtering everything through dragon quest after 18 fucking years in jail without touching it and his loved ones realize and adapt to this bc they're cool so theyre like,, okay,, lemme put it like this. so you got a debuff from your one night stand. it's gonorrhea. and he's like okay i understand. that blows but im ready to hear my treatment options. and then he'd handle it like a well adjusted adult. he just processes it in a roundabout kinda way. he's just like me fr. and he's fully hallucinating gamer shit in the middle of street fights and his friends (who he met 2 days ago) are like lol ok cool cat that's wild. keep hitting them idc. my stats are going up? that's actually really cool ty for telling me i love you forever. i would die for you. and they're right for it. like they just accept him as-is with little fanfare because that's just ichi. they get on his level conversationally and it's not some awful horrific burden to talk about a thing he likes. and he hallucinates and he's not portrayed as some scary monster or unsettling pitiable thing. he's a cool guy and he's got all these nd traits and i think a lotta ppl probably need to see that. it feels very humanizing to me idk. he's a deeply kind and intelligent and loyal and dependable and wonderful man. one of the game protagonists ever maybe THE game protagonist ever and he's always in fucking situations constantly, as is the case with every rgg protag. anyway i love him. i know a lotta ppl look at him and go oh adhd for sure bc he's bouncy or whatever. and while i question that impulse i see you,, but that is NOT all okay. my man has some comorbidities. he's at a quaint little buffet of the dsm-5. something is UP with him and he's doing marvelously and everybody loves him and I love him too. yeag
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ultrakdramamama · 1 year
비투비 (BTOB) - '나의 바람 (Wind And Wish)' Official Music Video
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fox-mulder-gets-pegged · 11 months
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For reference this is the winter coat I own and would thus be wearing these with for the most part:
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sammygender · 1 year
nothing like scrolling through a relationship tag on ao3 and saying aloud to yourself. i’ve read ALL of these
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I just realized that I hate being directly talked to (in most situations); but if someone is talking to their friend at the same table as I am, and we’re all working on separate projects, I love listening to their conversation? Like, in art class these two gamer kids would go on and on about Sonic and Overwatch to each other and it was amazing; because I like reading Wikipedia articles on things I have no personal interest in just to know what it is enough to talk about it if someone brings it up in conversation.
Call that benign eavesdropping.
#I kinda programmed my brain to zone out if someone talks to me at length because I was vented on so much as a child#I also programmed my brain to zone out when reading because of The Meetings#one of my earliest memories is pretending to read the Daily Text by moving my eyes back and forth dramatically (I was… five?)#and my dad made thehalfway-snide remark of “Wow I can tell you’re following along because your eyes are moving“#and I was like “oh crap I overacted; gotta find another way to do that“#so then I figured out I had this magical ability to actually read words and absorb nothing from them#and instead of trying to fix that magical ability as the problem it was; I amplified it to the point where I hated reading#because I couldn’t read anything longer than a paragraph without going through the five stages of grief#so naturally 30 minute reading time in school was horrible and I hated it#because they said we had to read a certain number of books and REALLY put the pressure on us if we didn’t#and ​we would have to finish books over winter break in order to get a good grade and ??? hello what does the word break mean to you?#I don’t wanna read a book for school on my BREAK#I never got close to the forty books they wanted us to read#the most I ever got in a school year was seventeen (and they were all short)#of those; I maybe liked reading two or three#the rest I either hated or have no memory of#which is saying something because I have an excellent memory#usually
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pigeonenjoyer · 2 years
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#fat pigeon tag#wood pigeon#columba palumbus#for weeks he was just fighting that other pigeon constantly and rarely did anything else#so he never visited and i got increasingly worried abt him#feathers were flying everywhere and even here you can see he's missing a lot of feathers and is much skinnier#i wish males weren't so territorial :(#ik it's the circle of life and natural selection and shit but i was worried fat pigeon was gonna be bullied out of his home#and it's not safe out there there are so many cattis that are excellent hunters and my dogs scare them away from here so it's safer#but he's back now and im so glad bc first of all im lov him and second of all i needed this#i've been in kind of a slump lately bc im just really burned out#existence itself is tiring for me and owl city wasn't lying when he said ''im far too tired to fall asleep''#bc my insomnia ironically gets worse when im burned out and need more sleep and i get endlessly frustrated with it#and i've just been so. not knowing what to do with myself?? bc like i have adhd so i can't do nothing that's torture#but everything else just compounded my fatigue and when you mix that with depression you get everything that usually chers you up just#not being fun anymore. and being just another Thing that tires you out even more#it's so hard to get out of those slumps bc it's not just mental it's physical. i've been physically exhausted#and anything i could have done to get myself out of it required energy i didn't have#but then i saw fat pigeon and just. my mood did a complete 180#i have been so happy and energetic today and obviously all my problems aren't magically solved but that's what it feels like#like i feel like im top of the world rn?? there is a reason this blog is titled ''antidepressants with wings'' bc that's what pigeons are#to me at least. i love them sm 🥹#i wish there was a way i could tell fat pigeon that i would literally die for him and he's changed my life#ok so i MAY have bipolar disorder. but idc im gonna ride this high as long as i can
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Like, moving to a big city in September 2020 only to be locked in a house with 4 strangers and basically never see the light of day for nine months was 1) a terrible experience overall and 2) not a bad setup for a horror series of some sort, but also I am nostalgic for a few things from that time
#one of them obviously being minnie. i miss her every day and i hope she’s having a good time wherever she is now#i’m absolutely certain she’s found a different gang of hapless grad students to sit on and beg for tuna from. it’s what she excels at#second; smoking 🍃 on the front porch with my flatmates. or smoking out the attic window. honestly a quintessential grad school experience#third; the food. oh my god the food. the time i ordered bao buns and then got so high i forgot i ordered bao buns and then i remembered#my bao buns. i was so happy. i have never felt such a rush of love for any being as i did for myself in that moment#and the food was transcendent#fourth; grocery shopping was so good because the prices hadn’t gone up insanely yet and there was never anyone in the shop#fifth; movie nights with my flatmates. and watching random crap like classic who wants to be a millionaire and columbo and stuff#usually none of us were sober and one of us would order burgers#sixth; watching the across the street neighbours. there was this house of seven undergrads across from us; all lads; and they used to do#the weirdest shit. one time i spent a full ten minutes watching one of them take out the garbage and narrating everything he was doing#‘and here he is with more bottles… bottles again… jesus fucking christ how did they drink this much… rip to their liver… pizza boxes!#hey good for them for washing it down with something. ooh five black bin bags. intriguing’ but i swear to god it took Ages for him to take#it all out. i was like ‘i know there’s seven of them but how did they produce this much’#another time the one who had an afro despite being white and the one who was somewhat good looking had a dance party in their living room#while only wearing boxers. i was like ‘do they know we can see them?’ and the others were like ‘idk’ lol#idk where this is going. i was just thinking about it just now. i wouldn’t do all of that again honestly but i miss certain moments#and i hope everyone from that time who i’ve lost touch with is well. apart from sb. he can fuck off#personal
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sysig · 1 year
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The appropriate attire, down to the details (Patreon)
#Doodles#Original#Solitaire#Still thinking along these lines lol#I was hit with the Excellent idea of turning the kind of unstructured single-finger gloves that I sometimes put on ♦ and ♣ into a full set#One finger apiece! Although it is maybe a bit funny-reverse looking with how I normally arrange them lol#If you just look at their right palms or left from the back it's in reverse! Whoops! Lol it's meant to be more by priority of the finger#Index is most commonly used etc. etc. and so on lol#I think each of them getting their own general design (Adel and Noirceur the most similar since they're inverses also hehe) is nice :)#And Stellat's looking like a ring to represent jewelry ♪ It's nice!#Also shows a bit of a difference in their hand sizes and....quality?? I don't know what word it would be lol#Like Adel's vs. Noirceur's again - ♥'s hands are large but generally unmarred - a few callouses and probably a scar or two#Noirceur's are also large but a bit more lean and his knuckles and the pads of his fingers are deeply calloused#And the outsides of his knuckles are usually rough#Both because he can't afford for them to be as pretty - he doesn't have as many resources to spend on attendants to keep them soft#Nakamura's are slender and soft and Stellat's are probably the softest of all of them haha ♪#He has some meat to his fingers and they're kept well-hydrated and clean so he's the prettiest hand model#He also has the smallest hands tho so it exaggerates how chubby they look haha#Of all the kings he'd definitely be the one to wear nail polish lol#Fun ♪
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alfamangle · 2 years
alfa you being an eye avatar makes Sense. you are simply assigned smartass <3
uquiz assigned people watcher :pensive:
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neo--queen--serenity · 2 months
Marcille is actually one of the biggest reasons it took so long to pinpoint which Chilchuck was the imposter in today’s episode.
The Senshi and Marcille imposters had their own reasons for being hard to decipher, but that was a joint effort on the party’s part. Chilchuck was the only example where a single member’s bias actually swayed the others so strongly that it made them all doubt themselves.
Ryouko Kui did an excellent job of giving us a rich background on how different races interact, and how they may descriminate against each other. Each of the races in this series struggles with these prejudices. Our main characters are not exempt from this, and we see it clearly in the way the shapeshifter manifested as each party member, showing us how the others percieve them.
Marcille knows Chilchuck well, and cares deeply for him as a friend. But she’s not immune to assumptions and biases that come from her elven background. The Chilchuck imposter we are faced with, when it’s down to two of them left, is Marcille’s memory of Chilchuck, Marcille’s perception of how he behaves.
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One of the first manifestations of this bias occurs when shapeshifter Chilchuck can’t get a jar open.
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The real Chilchuck knows that this would never happen—at least not in this way. Chilchuck is proud, yes, but he asks for Laios’ help all the time. Laios is actually one of the party members he is the most likely to ask help from, given how long they’ve known each other, and how much mutual trust exists between them.
However, the whole scenario isn’t right. Chilchuck wouldn’t give up so easily on opening something; his whole job is opening and unlocking things. He would never quit an attempt like this within 5 seconds, then run to Laios so that “big strong adult tall-man” can open it for him.
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Marcille is the one who asks, “Huh? Why do you say that?” because Marcille is partially right. Chilchuck does rely on Laios, and Marcille knows this to be true. But she fails to realize how he relies on Laios.
Chilchuck respects many of Laios’ talents, but the most important ones are his combat skills, his emotional fortitude, and his quick thinking when delegating tasks. He trusts Laios as someone he is comfortable following (he literally said to him and Shuro in the last episode: “Laios!! Tell us what do!! Give us orders!!” when chimera Falin was quickly overpowering them).
So while Marcille almost understands Chilchuck’s confidence in Laios, she tends to accidentally infantilize him in the process.
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She immediately believes that Chilchuck B (the imposter, who is specifically using her own memory as its base for Chilchuck’s personality) is the real one, and says so, because she’s blinded by her perception of him as being childlike and adorable because of the very common racial prejudices that half-foots deal with all the time.
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She dotes on the imposter, and is open with her affections, as usual (again, her care for him is clear), but doubles down on that bias, on her own assumptions of Chilchuck’s behavior shown through her own lens.
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And ultimately, Laios was able to tell the difference, but only because he watched how the Chilchucks handled other minute tasks. Marcille’s stance on which Chilchuck was real truly did throw the others for a loop, at least until the threat passed. And honestly, that’s part of what makes the shapeshifter so terrifying. Its strategy almost worked.
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cauchys-special-boy · 5 months
if there's one thing ive learned from my math education it's the ability to judge a textbook by it's cover:
fancy cover with actual picture, fewer than 15 years old, $300: absolute dogshit. time wasting exercises, poor exposition, that weird gloss they put on the pages probably makes it too toxic to use as kindling
title is just name of subject, referred to by author, 50 years old with like 3 editions: excellent. compact proofs, exercises good enough people refer to them by number in conversation. available for free by foraging somewhere they grow naturally
title is some shit like paul's notes, "cover" is just default latex titlepage, distributed as pdf to grad classes or by advisor: best coverage of whatever (usually niche) topic it's about in the world. crystal clear exposition. solutions to exercises available by emailing grad students working under author
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