#except i want his hand in holy matrimony also
destinymylove · 5 months
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vagabond-umlaut · 1 year
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The stars are but mere fireflies to the sun that is the Kojima household tonight. 
Bedecked in bright lights and a thousand and one paper lanterns, the palatial grounds of the property exude a brilliance, the likes of which the guests claim to have never been seen before, their awestruck voices drawing a polite smile from your grandmother (though the pride in her ancient eyes is unmistakable, you note). 
You move your eyes away from your clan matriarch and let them rove over those around you – and their glowing selves – rendered more luminous by their expensive fabrics, sparkling jewels, and gleaming smiles. 
Oh, what a couple of scraps of paper can do to one’s self, you muse silently, glancing at the woman batting her eyelashes at your cousin – the former the same one who was convicted in a hit-and-run case a year or two back, though now, with a Louis Vuitton dress hanging off her frame, no one, except you, perhaps, remembers on seeing her the innocent blood she wiped off her hands, all thanks to her wealth. 
Not wanting to mar this celebratory evening with such dark thoughts, you shift your gaze to tonight’s centre of attention: the older of your two brothers, Takeshi and his fiancée Sara, your lips turning upwards into a small smile on seeing how dazzling they look beside each other – how beautiful, how well-suited, how happy, how… very artificial they look beside each other. 
As artificial as the thousand and one paper lanterns your grandmother’s so proud of. 
As artificial as your guests’ smiles - too-white, too-wide, too-thin. 
As artificial as the compliments you can hear that woman shower upon the wife of the man she was attempting to seduce not too long ago. 
Your smile disappears to give way to a frown, as you take in the falsity around you. 
And a leaden weight lodges itself in your chest, right where your heart should be, when your eyes again meet the sight of your brother and your childhood friend smiling at the photographer – while your ears hear the wails of anguish, the snarls of contempt and the sighs of wistfulness –a cacophony of abandoned dreams and stifled desires emanating from the two souls soon to be joined in holy matrimony, two weeks from today. 
Your mother says marriage is one of, if not the happiest event in a person’s life. 
Oh Mom! If only you could hear what I can now… 
Placing your empty glass of mojito mocktail on the grass near you, you lean back against a tree and close your eyes to soothe the throbbing pain in your temples – one which always happens after you’ve been amid too many people for too long a time, much to your great discomfort. 
Sighing loudly, you move to lie down on the grass when the sounds of an approaching pair of footsteps reach you, soon joined by a boisterous yell of “Aha! There’s the woman of my dreams I’ve been searching for so long!” 
“Hello to you too, Satoru,” You say, turning to the side and propping yourself up on an elbow, your eyes now open. “Didn’t think you would make it to the party.” 
Gojo flops down beside you with an exaggerated pout. 
“Oh, come on, Momo-chan. Think a bit higher of me, will you? Of course, I would make it to the party. My best friend’s brother’s getting engaged today. How on earth could I ever miss it?” 
“And since when have you and Takeshi been on such good terms, hm? That you’re willing to leave your comfortable life at school to attend a party filled with clan elders for an entire evening?” You ask him, an eyebrow raised, unwilling to buy into his rubbish explanation. 
Gojo chuckles. “Oh, it’s not Takeshi I’m here for today,” He says softly, shuffling closer to you until your sides are almost touching, “It’s you.” 
You open your mouth, ready with a snarky reply, when his expression makes you stop – the words you were planning to say, now lost in your throat, as you look at his unusually earnest face. 
“Satoru?” Your voice comes out as a shaky whisper, reasons behind which you cannot fathom for the love of your life. 
(It’s ’cause he’s so close to you, silly! A part of your brain whispers – the same one which had made you call Gojo handsome, out of all the damned things you could say to him – that day you first saw him in his Jujutsu Tech uniform – much to your utter bewilderment and embarrassment.) 
You clear your throat and repeat yourself loudly, “Hey, Satoru?” 
“Hm?” Gojo moves even closer to you when you call his name and places a hand on your cheek, the warmth of it making a wonderful contrast with your cold skin that chilly autumn night. 
“Do-” You hesitate, as an odd (warm? bubbly?) feeling creeps into your chest, but ultimately your concern for the eerie way his eyes seem to shine at you outweighs that weird feeling, and you ask, “Do you have a fever, Satoru? You don’t really look okay there.” 
Gojo blinks, his unusual expression soon overtaken by a stupefied one as you continue to peer up at him, frowning. 
“Satoru,” You shake him gently, after a few seconds of him staring at you. “Hey! Gojo!” 
That seems to shake him out of his stupor, as he quickly removes his hand away from your cheek and scoots away, his face reddening with each passing moment. 
“N-no, no. I’m okay. Totally okay,” He mumbles, “There’s no need to worry. I’m perfectly fine.” 
But you know the white-haired shaman way better than that. 
You sit up and move closer to him and place your palm on his forehead, the other palm on your own forehead. “Now, lie still and let me check your temperature.” 
“Your skin’s warm… But not so warm for you to have a fever,” You say after a while, still frowning down at your friend whose head you have now placed in your lap, “But your face looks awfully red. And your eyes too seem weird. And,” Pausing, you place your hand on the kimono over his heart, remembering a person’s pulse rate is said to speak volumes about their health, and gasp. 
“My goodness, Toru! What the hell happened to you? Your heart is beating really fast! Are you-” 
A finger to your lips stops your outburst, and within the next moment, you find yourself crushed to his chest, his arms holding you in a vice-like grip and his nose muzzling into your hair. 
“Toru, you’re not really okay, are you?” You ask, tilting your head up at him, the slight tremor in your voice inaudible to all except you – and Gojo too, perhaps, judging by the way you notice him smirk a little at you, before it slips into an indecipherable twitch of his lips. 
“No, I’m not okay,” He answers above you, his arms around you tightening a touch. “I’m really, really not okay.” 
You crane your neck upwards to fully look at him and brush the pads of your thumbs over the skin under his eyes. “Then why did you come here tonight, you idiot? You should have stayed back in your dorms and taken rest,” You scold him, concerned eyes sweeping over his appearance. 
Gently removing your hand from his face to intertwine his fingers with yours, Gojo leans closer to your face and whispers, every breath he exhales hitting your face like a little puff of smoke in the cold, “But I couldn’t stay back in my dorms tonight, Momo-chan – Not when I know the medicine to my treatment is here.” 
It takes a while for his words to register themselves in your brain. 
And when they do, you can’t help but let out a small gasp (the same time as that portion of your brain lets out a small squeal in joy). 
“Are you-” You begin but stop yourself from speaking any further, your trust in your oratory skills having plummeted to an all-time low, and choose instead to focus on his electric blue eyes as the slew of nervous mutterings, which had been lost in the background of your mind until now, slowly turns intelligible. 
Was that too much for her? 
Am I going to get rejected? 
Well, shit, she’s going to reject me. 
Oh wait – did she even understand me? 
My Momo-chan can be really dense at times – though she’s cute too then – like really, really cute! 
But no, seriously – was I too roundabout for her? Or should I have confessed to her directly? 
Oh no, she’s looking at me right now. Is she angry? Is she disappointed? Is she horrified? 
Oh no, that’d be the worst – if she’s horrified. 
Calm down, Satoru. Calm down. Take a breath in and think straight. Panicking won’t help you now. 
But I’m too much in love with Momo-chan to even think straight. 
Damn it, damn it, just damn it. 
I should have just listened to Suguru and written her a love letter or something. 
“Love letters are really beautiful, Toru-chan,” Reaching up a hand, you tuck some of his unkempt hair behind his ear – while a giggle erupts from you at the way his face changes from being lovestruck (and not fever-stricken, you realise, relieved) to horrified to the most apprehensive you’ve ever seen him – and you add with a grin, “But this confession is the most beautiful of them all. I love it.” 
Gojo blinks. “So does that mean…” He trails off, an unsure yet hopeful look in his eyes. 
Sliding your hand down to his cheek and keeping it there, you reply, “Yeah, I guess it does mean so, Toru-chan.” 
A moment passes in pin drop silence between the two – the only sounds being the distant chatter of the party and the occasional wind blowing through the trees – before a wide grin breaks out across Gojo’s face, its absolute natural radiance banishing the darkness around you in a way a billion suns could never do – your grandmother’s flimsy paper lanterns or your vain guests’ mountains of gold and gems nothing but tiny specks of dust to the constellation of stars his joy reveals to you. 
And in that instant, as Gojo presses a sweet kiss to your forehead and wraps his arms around you, excitedly describing the new dessert café he discovered on his last mission and the matcha eclairs you just can’t not try – you swear to yourself that you will do anything to keep that blinding beauty of his smile unharmed – even throw away your life, if that’s what it takes. 
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Let The Bells Ring (A Stricklake Wedding)
Good news everyone! I was finally able to motivate myself to finish this fanfic, which took me weeks due to work and weak motivation lol. Since I’ve been sick this week with not much to do, I was able to motivate myself to power through!
So this is a continuation of my Making Things Right fic, which is an alternate ROTT ending where the timeline is NOT reset and everyone lives and gets to attend the Stricklake wedding! This in general is how I imagine a Stricklake wedding going, regardless of the overall plot of ROTT. I got so much inspiration for this from throughout the fandom, including @bklily & @undeadchestnut <3 Enjoy!
In the weeks to come, the people of Arcadia and perhaps, the whole world would continue to recover from what would’ve been a large-scale apocalypse. To celebrate the end of this war and help everyone with healing, Barbara and Strickler felt that they should get married as soon as possible. Barbara nearly lost Strickler in his attempt to save Jim and stop the ice titan, and she was never more determined to tie the knot and be with him for the rest of her life. It was thanks to her excellent medical skills that both him and Nomura were able to recover from their life-threatening injuries, even though his wings were permanently damaged from the blast.
The day of the wedding arrived on a bright spring as the flowers began to bloom in the trees across Arcadia. Everyone was busy and super pumped getting ready for the big day. Claire, along with Aja, Darci, and Mary were all getting ready in her room. With Papa Skull music playing, they did their hair, nails, and makeup while also fooling around quite a bit. Aja sat right in front of the mirror back in her human form after a very long time.
“I’ve never been to a human marriage party before!” She squealed in excitement as her girlfriends did her hair and makeup.
“We’re so glad you can be with us, Aj,” Darci responded wholeheartedly as she pulled Aja’s light blonde hair into a beautiful, flowery updo with some loose hairs falling to the side. Claire and Mary both focused on getting her makeup done and when they were finally done, Aja gazed into the mirror in awe. 
“Wow! I look.. I look soo..”
“Lively!” The girls cheerfully finished the sentence for her.
“Hey Claire Bear, Darc and I are gonna grab a few things from my car. You and Aja finish getting ready, ok?” Said Mary as she and Darci left the room. Claire helped Aja get into her hot pink strapless dress, and Aja couldn’t help but squeal in excitement and twirl around in her high-low skirt. Aja quickly enveloped Claire into a tight hug.
“Oh thank you so much Claire! This is amazing!”
Both girls chuckled and smiled at each other.
“Also,” Aja started. “It’s so nice to have another girl to fight side by side with, I don’t get to do that a lot. And your shadows of magic are so lively!”
“Thanks! And yeah same. Boys clubs can get pretty annoying, haha,” Claire joked. "We should definitely hang out more," Aja nodded in agreement and they both smiled warmly at each other. 
“We’re back!” Mary said as she and Darci finally came back with more accessories. After they all finished getting ready, Mary took out her phone and they all posed for a selfie.
“Aw C-Bomb! It’s so good to have you back! We missed you like crazy when you left Arcadia! You and Aja!” She squealed cheerfully, squeezing Claire into a tight hug. Darci joined in and grabbed Aja as well. “Yeah girl! Don’t ever leave us out of nowhere like that again,” Darci said with a frown as she hugged Claire tighter. Claire chuckled and took both of their hands. “Don’t worry, I don’t plan on leaving anytime soon. It would be nice to take a break once in a while, hopefully,” She assured her girlfriends and hugged them again.
Moments later, the girls rode in Mary's car to Jim's house. When Aja got out from the back seat, the front door suddenly flew open and Steve ran out to her.
"My royal, ninja-kicking angel is here!" He yelled. 
Without any hesitation, he swung Aja up from her feet and spun her around as she screamed joyously. He kissed her so passionately that Aja eventually started pushing him.
"Steve!" She chuckled. "My makeup! You're going to mess it up!" Steve laughed and then they both pressed their foreheads together and smiled lovingly as they held each other.
Jim stood at the front door watching and shaking his head while the remaining girls chuckled and let out some "awws" from the car. Claire eventually opened the door and walked out from the front seat, and Jim couldn't help but let out a "woah."
Claire stepped out in glimmering heels and wore a beautiful, midnight dress with a slit to the side. She smiled at Jim and her smoky eyeshadow made her beautiful, brown eyes glow even more. She walked up to him and he gently took her hands in his.
"You ready to be the greatest best man?" She asked. 
"Ready as I can get," Jim chuckled awkwardly and scratched the back of his head. Claire smiled, then cupped his cheeks in her hands and leaned forward to press her lips against his. When she finally pulled back, she carefully stroked his hair and tucked it behind his ear.
"Good luck, I know you got this," 
Jim smiled and put his hand on hers, letting out a sigh of relief. 
Toby and Aaarrrgghh walked out of the front door beside them and the three trollhunters smiled at one another. It's good they were all back together. And actually happy this time! Toby walked over to Jim and Claire for an affectionate group hug while Darci and Mary walked over.
"Toby!" Darci screamed as she ran over to hug her boyfriend. With a massive smile on his face, Toby hugged her back and held her tight.
"Oh TP! It's so good to have you back! I missed you so so much!" She started, her eyes tearing up. Toby on the other hand, after everything he went through, just wanted to revel in this moment
"It's good to be back, Darc," he responded softly. 
Darci smiled at him and was totally digging his wedding look. "Looking good in a tux, TP,"
Aaarrrgghh nodded in agreement. "Mmm, Fancy,"
Toby put his hands on his hips and smirked. "Oh, well, yeah I do gotta look awesome-sauce for Dr. L's wedding, am I right?"
The gang laughed and finally went inside the house. Everyone headed towards the backyard except for Jim, who waited by the stairs. Toby and Claire looked back at him and gave him a nod of good luck before walking out the door.
Later that evening, more guests arrived and filled the seats in the backyard and Strickler waited for his bride at the altar. Blinky stood behind the stand mic with a piece of heartstone in his hand. Nomura stood by where Barbara soon would be. After all the help she's gotten and the time they spent together, Nomura became so close to Barbara that she gladly accepted her request to be her maid of honor. They were surrounded by a magical, embellished flower arch made by none other than Nari. Bright lights twinkled all around the place and soft, mellow tunes filled the atmosphere, played by both Krel on his keyboard and Douxie on his guitar. They high-fived each other for successfully setting a romantic mood.
Jim stood inside his house and then suddenly, he heard click-clacking from the stairs. It was his mother, so beautiful in her lace white dress. He couldn't help but tear up at the sight of his mom finally being happy again. She made it down the stairs and wrapped Jim in a warm hug. 
"I love you so much, kiddo," Barbara told her son as her voice began to break. "I'm so proud of how far you've come and couldn't be any happier to be walked down the aisle by my beautiful boy,"
Jim held her even tighter as he chuckled lightly, tears falling down his cheeks. Barbara then looked at him lovingly as she wiped his tears. She leaned forward to kiss his forehead, then put her arms in his as they began heading towards the back door.
The guests looked around as the beautiful bride made her way down the aisle. Strickler couldn't stop gazing and smiling at his soon-to-be wife as she walked towards him, returning his smile. Barbara finally stood looking towards him and Jim stood by Strickler's side as his best man. Blinky finally cleared his throat and approached the mic.
"Greetings everyone. We are gathered here today to join our dearly beloved Barbara Lake and Walter Strickler in holy matrimony. After everything that has transpired in Arcadia over the past few years, what a blessing it is for all of us to congregate here to cherish and celebrate this union. Despite all the trials and tribulations that have been faced by this lovely pair, well of course the unusual beginning they’ve had..." 
Strickler cleared his throat, interrupting Blinky’s speech. Jim couldn’t resist letting out a little chuckle. “Uh, Mr Blinky,” Barbara whispered. “We don’t need to go into all the details. What’s in the past can stay in the past. What’s most important is the here and now,”
“Right, right, right,” Blinky continued clumsily. “These two warriors have persevered through it all, the thick and the thin leading up to this very special moment. From this day forth, they will continue to strive and triumph together for the rest of their lives. Now may I have the rings?” 
The audience clapped while Blinky signaled for Archie to fly over and bring the cushion that bore the rings.
“Now both of you place your hands on this heartstone as you say your vows. Do you, Walter Strickler, take Barbara Lake to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
Strickler took a deep breath, then smiled wholeheartedly and answered. “Yes, I do,” Followed by the clapping in the audience, Blinky turned to face Barbara.
“Do you, Barbara Lake, take Walter Strickler to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do” Barbara responded softly, with light tears in her eyes as she smiled brightly at her soon-to-be husband. They let go of the glowing heartstone, then took their rings and gently placed them on each of their left ring fingers. They finally held hands tightly in excitement and couldn’t take their eyes off of each other.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss,” 
Strickler pulled Barbara closer to him and they finally leaned in for a warm kiss. Loud cheers spread throughout the audience with some sniffles of joy. Jim stood by wiping tears off his cheeks. Finally! Nothing brought more happiness into his heart than to see his own mother finally again, just as she deserved. And never did he expect that someone he once resented would eventually become someone so dear to both him and his mother. 
Claire looked towards Douxie across the front row and they both nodded. Absorbing shadows from around her, she released a couple of black and purple shimmering doves into the sky and in turn, Douxie cast out beautiful blue sparkles to light up the scene even more. A round of oohs and aahs echoed was followed by a standing ovation.
A few moments later, Barbara turned around and was ready to throw the bouquet to a competitive crowd of single ladies of all ages and… Varvatos, who’s made it his quest to be the next in line for Nancy. As the bouquet suddenly flew into the air and was falling back down, out of nowhere, a shadow portal opened and swallowed it up. The audience gasped and looked around in confusion as another portal opened and the bouquet was caught by Claire. She glanced over at Jim whose eyes widened and cheeks turned pure red. In response, she winked at him as he sheepishly smiled back and waved. All the other ladies grunted and Mary and Darci approached her. 
“Claire Bear! You’re not supposed to do that here! That’s cheating!” Darci told her with her arms crossed while Mary nodded in agreement. Claire chuckled and held the bouquet victoriously as she went to sit back down. “Um, I don’t remember there being a rule book for bouquet tosses as far as I’m concerned,” 
“Preposterous!” Exclaimed Varvatos. “It should’ve been I who won this battle for Nancy!” He heard Nancy walk up to him giggling and grabbing his arm. “Oh Varvatos, you don’t need a bouquet to marry me! I’m way past that!” Varvatos’s eyes glew up and he let out a big smile. “Glorious!” He yelled. laughing maniacally. 
Later that night, everyone got up and slow-danced to the sweet, charming tunes that Krel played. Douxie danced with Zoe, who he finally caught up with and they got to hunt niffins and grab burgers together as promised. Toby and Darci danced together and enjoyed their well-needed reunion, sharing a few kisses here and there. While Steve and Aja danced, they discussed their future plans and whether they would be together on Akiridion-5 or remain long distance.
“Well now, since we got wormholes and stuff, maybe I could come to you more often on Akiridion-5 while finishing college and who knows what will happen next?” Steve started as he held Aja and slightly dipped her. She smiled back at him and pushed her hair behind her ear. “You know, I really miss this mudball and seeing you more. I think maybe I too, should come visit and go on more Earth dates,”
Jim shared a short and sweet dance with mother then hugged her so tightly, before Strickler walked over to them and asked if could borrow his wife for another dance. Jim went over to Krel’s turntable and whispered something in his ears. Suddenly the music stopped as Krel plugged Jim’s phone to his turntable and pressed play. 
Claire sat and chatted with Mary and a couple of friends when she suddenly froze. It was a familiar melody that took her back to the night of Spring Fling, her first ever dance with Jim. The guitar strings of Eres Tu played as she turned around and saw Jim hold out his hands to her. She looked up at him smiling and grabbed his hand. She got up and walked with him further away from the crowd until they were almost alone but could still hear the song. They started dancing as the Spanish lyrics began to be sung, while Jim sang along parts of the song, just like last time. 
“Nice little trick you did back there with the flowers,” Jim joked as he spun her around. Claire chuckled and blushed a little. “Oh I bet you wanted me to be the one to catch it. But don’t worry, there’s no rushing into this. We just enjoy every moment together and take this all little by little, ok?” She assured him. He smiled back at her and stroked her cheek. It was so good that they finally got to enjoy this moment of peace without needing to defeat gumm-gumms or evil wizards trying to destroy the world. For both of them, it was a relief that neither of them felt the need to dread any upcoming battles hopefully for years to come. Without any further talking, they just danced together slowly reminiscing their beautiful memories they’ve had throughout their relationship, putting a warm smile on each of their faces. Jim spun Claire, then hugged her from behind and kissed her cheek, while Claire’s smile only got bigger and brighter.
From a distance, Barbara and Walter watched Jim dance with Claire while they too danced. “You’ve raised an amazing son, Barbara. Young Atlas has come so far in life and he wouldn’t have become the man he did without an amazing mother like you,”
“He’s also had a wonderful person like you come into his life and help him grow a lot. I couldn’t be more thankful he had you and Mr. Blinky help him become a strong trollhunter,”
The stars continued glimmering in the night sky as everyone enjoyed the rest of the wedding. A cool breeze blew through and the petals on the flowers and the twinkling lights slowly flowed along. The heroes of Arcadia have truly found an adventure worth telling for generations to come, whether it was on Earth, the caverns below, or on Akiridion-5. It was a one of a kind adventure that each hero will continue to remember and hold onto no matter what comes next. Despite all the trauma and heartbreak they all went through, they have also gained so much strength and wisdom, along with many great allies that will always stay together whatever comes next.
Thank you so much for reading this fic! I know this was super long but I definitely put in a lot of stuff that I wanted to see in the TOA series, including Aja and Claire bonding and a happy ending with a Stricklake wedding! I know this isn’t the best I’ve written and that I wasn’t able to give each character but I’m glad I was able to get it done! Stay tuned for more and hopefully more focus on other characters!
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meher-sumedha · 3 years
Gwynriel Headcanon - The End
Word Count - 4200 Words (I wrote this in one day idk how)
(yes I know, very long and this is also the end to my series...aaaaa. Also besties, I poured my heart AND soul out in this one so please, for god’s sake - COMMENT and reblog if you like. also this was meant to be like 1500 words but lol)
Gwyn almost shouted at what Eris said, “What!”. Azriel’s surprise could not be hidden. Even his eyes had widened for a second before he slipped back into his cool demeanor. 
Would it be so bad? He started thinking and internally smirking at himself when he saw Gwyn’s red cheeks. Gwyn then swatted him sharply on his arm. Azriel asked, suddenly surprised by her action and brought back to reality, “Ow, what was that for?” he muttered and rubbed his arm.
She replied, “Stop smirking” Even though her lips were twitching upward in a smile. Azriel didn’t bother to hide the amusement in his eyes.
Gwyn then turned to Eris and hesitantly asked, “Why do we need to go as..........a couple?” 
Her blush was so red, it almost matched the colour of her hair. She then started fidgeting with her fingers, nervous to hear the answer. Why the hell was she so nervous? 
Eris replied, his anger barely on a leash, “Well, as much as I hate the idea, it’s our only possible chance of getting in the palace. You see, marriage is like the ‘holy matrimony’ here. If you’re married, your status is immediately higher. It’s even better if you have a child but we don’t need to go that far. I would take you myself but then you would actually have to marry me, as if any of my siblings saw you, they would definitely remember your face.”
Gwyn then stopped fidgeting, “So the only choice we(she said, running her hands between the space between her and Azriel) have is to enter as a married couple?”
Eris took a long breath and said, “Yes”. “Oh” was all Gwyn replied before she started staring at her fingers again. To lesser the tension in the air, Azriel said, “So what’s the plan?”
Eris led them to an abandoned warehouse, saying that there were too many prying ears in the forest.
Eris then told them they’d enter as a couple, right through the palace gates. They would be led to the throne room and then he would make sure they got a room in the palace. As marriages were so rare in the autumn court due to the lack of eligible bachelors, everyone respected it, including the High Lord.
Each couple who was married got to stay at the palace. In the last year, only 2 couples had stayed at the palace. Azriel and Gwyn would pose as a wealthy couple, so that the princes don’t get to suspicious. After the dinner on the first night, they would excuse themselves. Eris told them that the book was on the topmost floor, in.....Beron’s room. 
Gwyn huffed and said, “That oughta go well” and let Eris continue. He said he didn’t know where the book was in Beron’s room. Azriel didn’t have a choice except to believe him and hope that he wasn’t lying. Eris also told them that Beron was not in the court at the time and no one was allowed to enter his room. 
“How do we get out?” Gwyn asked. Eris replied, “I know about some underground tunnels, I’ll lead you through them, but you’ll have to be blindfolded”, “WHAT” Azriel almost shouted.
Eris smirked, “Calm down shadowsinger. I can’t show you those tunnels. It would be too dangerous for me when I would become the High Lord”. As soon as he finished those words Gwyn’s eyes widened and she asked, “Are you gonna be the High Lord of the Autumn Court? Beron chose you already?”
Eris’ eyes shadowed and Azriel could’ve sworn they flashed shamed. But he wasn’t sure as that shame disappeared after a second. Before Eris could reply Azriel cut in and said, “Something like that”.
“Okay. So when do we leave for the palace?” Gwyn asked, eager to change the topic. Eris replied, “I’ll leave and get you a dress right now. You can change here and we can leave at 7pm, sharp, till then you should rest, all your stitches are ripped, I have already applied some magic on you both so that the colour of your eyes and hair are different for other people”
Before Gwyn could reply, Eris disappeared into thin air which made Gwyn gasp. “He can winnow, big deal” Azriel said sulkily and rolled his eyes, which made Gwyn smile for some reason. Azriel’s eyes then turned to the caring and worrying eyes which Gwyn had grown to love so much.
“You should rest, I’ll stitch your wound” Azriel said and before Gwyn could reply, he lift her up bridal style and laid her down on the floor. He then took off his jacket and placed it under Gwyn’s head, so the wood on the floor wouldn’t seem so hard.
“Thank You” Gwyn replied before sleep took ahold of her......
(After quite a few hours)
Gwyn woke up while facing the leg of a table. She then took ahold of her surroundings and she felt a scarred hand on her stomach, Azriel’s hand. She didn’t need to see his face to know it was his hand, she had seen and felt the hands so many times that she had memorized the scars on his hand, like a map. It was the map the she felt touch her whenever she had a nightmare. It was a map the lead her anywhere she wanted to go. She didn’t move, afraid to wake up the shadowsinger whose chest was pressed against her back and whose face was in her hair. 
After what felt like just an hour and her body, which had gone numb from not moving for so long. Azriel groaned and got up, his hand leaving her bare, but well stitched stomach. Gwyn immediately felt the hollowness in her chest when his hand left her body, fuck gwyn. She thought to herself.
Then Eris walked into the room. Azriel must have woken up because of Eris’ presence. Eris had a beautiful dress in hand, one that was modest, as well as beautiful. Eris was slightly blushing while holding the dress, he said “I brought a red one as it is the colour in which people get married in the court. I-I hope you like it” He was stuttering.
The heir to the throne of the Autumn court was stuttering, the thought made Gwyn giggle. While Gwyn giggled and Eris blushed, Azriel was throwing daggers at Eris with his eyes. Gwyn noticed that and said, “I’ll go and change” so that the tension could be minimized. It didn’t.
But that brought Azriel back from his fantasy of killing Eris and he looked towards Gwyn. He said a short “ok” and got up. He then noticed fucking Eris was still standing there. He literally snatched the dress from his hand and gave it to Gwyn.
Gwyn was confused, she asked, “Where should I change?”, Azriel then replied, “You can change here, we can go out”, then Eris butted in, “It’s not safe for her to be here alone in the middle of a jungle-”, “I’ll stay with her then” Azriel replied and Gwyn’s eyes widened. Eris had to surrender, because if he said anything else, his feelings would be known. He didn’t bother replying and walked out of the warehouse.
Gwyn was still confused, she asked, “Wher-where should I change? There’s no room here”, Azriel suddenly realized that and a bright pink blush crept up his cheeks. He said, “Uhh, if, IF, you’re comfortable, you can change here, I-I won’t look.” Gwyn replied with a simple “okay” and Azriel turned around. 
He heard the sound of clothes ruffling and didn’t turn, even though all of his instincts were screaming at him to do so, he would not break his promise to Gwyn. Suddenly Gwyn muttered, “son of a bitch” and he heard her jumping. He let out a dark chuckle and Gwyn suddenly stopped, realizing he was still here.
When he didn’t hear anything else he got worried and asked, “Is everything okay?”, when she didn’t reply he asked, “Can I turn around, are you okay?”. The only confirmation he got was a simple “mhmm” and he turned around. 
This girl was going to be the death of him. The dress she was wearing was magnificent. Red really was her colour.
Her straps were falling from both sides and she was keeping them up with her hands. When she saw him staring she cleared her throat, as to get his attention. It worked and Azriel’s eyes shot up to her nervous eyes. He silently asked “What’s wrong” with his eyes. Gwyn then replied, “My zip won’t get up, I can’t reach it”.
Bile crept up Azriel’s throat and it took a lot of hard work to keep it there. He then gulped very loudly and went towards Gwyn and stood in front of her. He then asked, his voice almost a whisper and thick with desire, “May I?”. Gwyn was completely red right now, like a tomato, but Azriel’s cheek weren’t looking less red either.
He then put his shaky hands on her shoulders and turned her around. He then took her hair and put it over her shoulder, so he could zip her up, but when he saw the sight in front of him, his jaw dropped to the floor and his lips parted. Gwyn’s hands slightly touched his when she moved her hair more forward, giving him more ‘access’ to the beauty that was in front of him.
The zip ended at her lower back, just above her o so perfect hips. He then held her zip with one hand and the end of the zip with his other, pulling her dress down slightly. He then in a very very slow movement, pulled the zip upward. Making sure to touch her skin as much he could without making her uncomfortable. When he was done, Gwyn didn’t move for a minute, his breath hot on her neck.
Then she finally walked forward a few steps, making a bit distance between them which felt like miles for Azriel, and then she turned around.
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Fucking Hell. Now that the dress was zipped, it hugged her beautiful curves tightly. Did fucking Eris find no other dress. All the other males would make a move on her. SHIT.
Gwyn was confused. At first Azriel was staring her down like a prize and now he was frowning. Gwyn asked while straightening her dress, “Is something wrong?”. That got Azriel out of his trance. “NO, No. Nothing is wrong” He suddenly said.
Then fucking Eris came into the room, but he stopped short when he saw Gwyn’s hair, she had her back towards him. Gwyn suddenly turned around and met his eyes. He was frozen. Does it really look that bad on me? It would probably look better on Elain. She thought.
“You look beautiful” Eris choked out but it rather seem forced. She tried her best to smile but failed nonetheless. Gwyn said, slight anger laced in her voice, “You both should get changed, I’ll wait outside”. She didn’t wait for their reply and walked out of the warehouse. 
After a few minutes, Eris came out in his robes and Azriel followed. She didn’t even glance at Azriel, afraid that if she did, she would start begging him to kiss her in that suit. Eris didn’t say anything and led the way, Gwyn and Azriel followed. It took them an hour to get there, when they reached the palace, Gwyn slid her arm through Azriel’s trying to smile and appear like a happy wife.
No guard stopped them, only nodded and smiled a little as a greeting and congrats. They then entered the dining room directly. This wasn’t the plan, Gwyn thought but didn’t let the confusion be visible on her face.
She smiled to the other brothers but they just stared at her outright. Eris introduced them and no matter how uncomfortable Gwyn was, she was not going to fail under their stared. Suddenly she felt Azriel loop his arm out of hers and she panicked, for a second before Azriel looped his hand through her waist. The brothers backed up a bit and stopped staring at her, “She’s my mate” Azriel suddenly said and Gwyn’s eyes shot to him.
He was still in his cool demeanor. She didn’t know what to do but the brothers definitely stopped with the staring after that. She ate dinner in silence, not speaking a word, afraid of speaking something wrong. They then excused themselves, sounding eager to go to their bedroom but before Eris could speak, one of the brothers said, “I’ll lead you to your room” and got up. 
The shock was visible on Gwyn’s face because the brother spoke and smirked, “Afraid of a little threesome?” Fuck you, thought Gwyn but didn’t say anything.
Instead she remained cool replied boldly, “Not at all, I’ve actually had a lot of fun in them. You should ask your brothers how it was” and suddenly everyone started coughing and choking. Azriel choked on the glass of water he was drinking.
“Shall we?” Gwyn asked, batting her lashes. The brother didn’t say anything and just lead them out of the room. Eris was just gonna leave them in front of Beron’s room but now she didn’t know what was going on. But, the brother lead them to the topmost floor and stood in front of a door, “The bed is extra large” He said coolly and smirked but Gwyn replied, “I hope it doesn’t creak, wouldn’t want to wake you up from your sleep” 
And before the brother could say anything Eris came and interrupted him, Gwyn saw him touch a specific door and saw that door open a bit. That couldn’t have been a coincidence, right?
Eris took the brother out of the hallway and Gwyn rushed into the room Eris had touched and heard Azriel’s footsteps following her. She walked in the room but when Azriel came, he slammed into an invisible wall. He rubbed his head. Was this a trap?
Gwyn suddenly rushed out of the room but she was able to do so very easily. Even Azriel was confused. But, then Gwyn took his hand and led him to the room, this time, he didn’t slam into a wall. Gwyn laughed slightly, unable to comprehend what happened. Azriel smiled when he saw Gwyn laugh.
Then they both started looking for the book. They checked everywhere for an hour but couldn’t find it. Their clothes were wrinkled and Azriel’s hair was a mess, Gwyn smiled at the idea of her ruffling his hair but suddenly a tiny mistake in the texture of the wall caught her eye. She went towards it and so did Azriel. As soon as she touched it, two small door opened inwards and she saw the book kept there. 
She went inside, holding Azriel’s hand in the tiny cupboard. But then they heard footsteps and Azriel suddenly closed the doors. Gwyn’s confusion was erased when she saw Beron enter the room, but then something else distracted her. Azriel’s laboured breathing.
There was no space in the closet so Azriel had put his hands on Gwyn’s waist and Gwyn had her hands on Azriel’s shoulder. She knew panic when she heard it and Azriel was panicking, He was claustrophobic.
Their bodies were pressed against one another’s and their breaths were mingling. Azriel was panicking and she didn’t know what to do. So, she slightly put her hands on Azriel’s face and moved her face closer to his but stopped just a breath’s inch away. Azriel’s slight nod was the only confirmation she needed before she gently kissed him. His hold on her waist became tighter but Gwyn didn’t speed up the kiss. 
She wanted to feel every part of his mouth before they ended the kiss, cause Gwyn wasn’t sure if she was ever gonna get to kiss anyone else. Azriel never wanted it to stop. Even though he was in a place which he considered his worst nightmare, he would come here everyday, just so that he could feel her lips.
She pulled away first, because she was out of breath, but before she could kiss him again, the doors flew open, revealing Eris. 
Gwyn then walked away from Azriel and before they could say anything, Eris said, “You need to leave, NOW!” before leaving. Azriel held her hand and tried to winnow. “What’s wrong?” Gwyn asked, “I can’t winnow” He said but Gwyn hear people talking out of the room, their voices were becoming louder.
“We need to leave az” She told him but he still wasn’t able to winnow. But before she could say anything Azriel picked her up and flew out of the window.
She immediately wrapped her hands around Azriel’s neck in the loud rain and thunder. She heard Azriel falter when a lightening bolt struck right behind him. The last thing Azriel said to her was, his voice cracking and full of tears, “I’m sorry love” before they both fell into an endless fall.
Gwyn fell into bushes, but she saw Azriel going far away from her and he heard him fall into the lake. When she finally landed on the ground, she was bruised, terribly. Every instinct in her body was telling her to stop running towards him. All she was feeling was pain but she never stopped, she would never stop for him.
She finally reached the river where she saw Azriel washed up on the shore. She went towards him, she screamed his name a thousand times but he didn’t wake up. So, she did what she did best, She sang and sang, her voice full of tears. She could hear her life being drained from her but she would not give up on him.
Just when she was on the verge of dying Azriel got up and a pang of pain went through him. He winnowed them to a nearby cave which he used to live in. That took a lot of energy to do but he still did it. Gwyn didn’t talk to him, she wouldn’t, couldn’t.
She couldn’t talk to him when she knew he knew the dangers of flying in such a weather, it costed people their lives. It could have cost Azriel his life. She didn’t talk to him and he didn’t speak.
His eyes were pained but Gwyn couldn’t see him in such a condition, couldn’t bear to acknowledge the fact the he could have died because of her. He was the first to break the silence, “Are you okay?” He asked. Gwyn didn’t reply, instead she focused on creating a fire. Azriel came upto her and took two stones and ignited a fire.
It was around 2am right now, the stars were shining. They could be seen easily from the cave and the storm had calmed down. Gwyn went and sat in front of the fire, hugging her knees, still feeling cold. Azriel went up to her and offered her a t-shirt. Gwyn looked up to him with curious eyes, “I come and stay here, whenever I need to spy on this court. Your clothes are wet, you’ll get a cold”
Gwyn took the t-shirt from his hands and went to the back of the cave to change. She took of all of her clothes, even her underthings as they were soaked with water. She then noticed a bag. Her curiosity took the best of her and she looked through the bag and found a water bottle in it.
She took it and sat beside Azriel. “You don’t wanna drink that” Azriel said, with slight amusement in his eyes. Fine, she was never the one to back down from a challenge. As soon as she took the first sip, she threw out the ‘water’ from her mouth. “WHAT THE HELL IS THIS” she asked, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
Azriel was too busy snickering, then Gwyn recognized the taste, “Vodka” she said and Azriel still kept laughing. She smacked his hand playfully, “Why the hell do you have vodka in a water bottle?” He still kept laughing but replied, “It helps with the cold”, “This is literally the Autumn court for fuck’s sake” Gwyn said and Azriel started laughing again.
He then took the bottle from her hand and took a sip. He then let out a contented sigh. Then they both decided to get drunk and play truth and sip. They used to take a drink and the other person would ask them a question. 
They had already played 5 rounds but then Azriel suddenly asked, “Have you ever been in love?” and Gwyn reddened, Azriel didn’t know it was possible to blush so much when you drink but apparently Gwyn was a living miracle of that. He saw her nervousness and then said, “Hey, it’s okay if you don’t wanna answer” but then she quietly and shyly said, “yes”, “oh, with whom?”
Gwyn blushed even more, because the only person she’d ever been in love with, was him. But then she quickly replied, letting her drunk and bold self take over, “Whom have you been in love with?” She asked, the vodka now kicking in. “How do you know I’ve ever been in love?” Azriel asked, trying to stall.
“You’ve been on this earth since 500 years, you must have fallen in love with someone except mor”, Azriel was surprised now, “How do you know about mor?”, She shrugged and said, “Nesta told me. Now stop stalling and answer the question”.
“You” Azriel said in a serious tone, his eyes shadowed, “What me?” Gwyn said, laughing a bit at the joke. “I’m in love with you” he said and looked down. “Oh” was all Gwyn replied and took a sip of the vodka.
“So then why didn’t you ask me out?” She asked, serious as well. “I don’t think I deserve you” Azriel said and walked away, “WHAT” Gwyn almost shouted. But Azriel was already getting ready to sleep. He took off his shirt and saw Gwyn staring, he flexed a little bit too. He then started unbuttoning his pants and smirked when he saw Gwyn staring. Gwyn noticed that smirked and suddenly turned around, embarrassed by her actions. “Fuck you az” she muttered.
“You know you’d love to” Azriel replied and she could literally hear the smirk in his face, she was blushing and she was glad when Azriel couldn’t see that. She then turned around, Azriel was in his shorts and his upper body was naked. A little bit of sweat because of the fire, was on his muscles.
Gwyn fisted her hands, only because if she didn’t, she would go right up to him and start tracing his muscles, eager to remember how they feel. Azriel sat down and plopped himself up against the cave. His one leg folded with his knee upwards and one of his legs stranded on the ground.
Gwyn mustered enough courage to go up to him and sit directly in front of him. “Answer my question, please” She almost begged him. But he still didn’t answer and looked away. “Fine then, you know what, you’re not the only one who feels that way, I have felt that too, more times than anyone could count. I don’t think I’m worthy of you because you saved me and I can never repay you.
 But guess what, I’ve fallen in love with you, knowing, that you would never choose me. Knowing that I would never be the one. You have no idea how that feels because you’ve always been the one for me. And do you have any idea how special it is to be someone’s ‘one’. Obviously you don’t because your oblivious to every single thing around you.
 (And then she came closer to him and cupped his face. touching whatever I write) You’re oblivious to the fact that a strand of your hair runs just above your eyes and all I want to do is ruffle your hair and run my hands through them. You’re oblivious to the fact that you have the perfect jawline. You’re oblivious to the fact that you have a sensitive spot just below the ear. 
You’re oblivious to the fact that the scarred hands you’re so ashamed of are the same ones that saved me. You’re oblivious to the fact that whenever I breathe down your neck at training you get shrivers and you’ve been oblivious to the fact that I’ve been in love with you since the first time you came back to the house of wind and you’re oblivious to the fact that all I wanna do is to kiss you-” And before she could speak anything else, he kissed her.
Taglist - @katiebellf @imsointobooks​ @hlizr50​ @shisingh​ @trashforazriel​ @positivewitch
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btsqualityy · 3 years
Heaven Sent; Part 10
Jin x Reader
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Warnings: None to note.
Author’s Note: This is the last part of this series! Thank you so much to everyone for all of the love you guys have given me, I appreciate it more than you know!! I hope you guys enjoy this final part!!
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Two Years Later
“Yoon Aera!” You shouted, sighing heavily as you took in the sight of your eight year old’s destroyed bedroom. You could hear running footsteps, which only further annoyed you because you couldn’t remember how many times you had told this child to stop running in the house. 
“Yes Mommy?” She answered as she stood next to you, and you looked down at her with an arched brow. 
“I thought you said that you could handle packing up your room by yourself,” you said.
“I did, and I can!” Aera shot back. 
“And this is your version of packing your room up?” You questioned as you used your arm to motion into her bedroom, where books littered the floor, clothes were all over her bed, and none of the large boxes that you had set in her room where being used. 
“I pulled everything out though, like you told me to,” she pouted. 
“Love, we’re moving tomorrow and you’re literally not even halfway done,” you pointed out. “Not only that, but you promised Jin that you would have it done by the time that he came home from work.”
“Sorry Mommy,” she muttered. “I’ll start now.”
“Alright, you better get to it because Jin should be off of work by now,” you told her and that made her jump into high gear, and she rushed into her room and pulled out one of the boxes. You just smiled at her and shook your head before walking out of her bedroom and down the stairs. Just as you made it off the last step, the door knob jiggled and suddenly, the door opened and Jin stepped inside. 
“Hey,” you smiled, pacing over to him and placing your hands on his cheeks before pulling him down for a kiss. 
“Hi yourself,” he grinned, giving you two more quick pecks before pulling away to take off his jacket and shoes. 
“How was your day?” You asked and he just sighed before shrugging.
“Work was work,” he replied lamely. “How was packing?”
“It was fine, except Aera hasn’t finished packing her stuff,” you told him. “I really wish you would’ve just let me do it for her.”
“That probably would’ve been easier, but we have to let her be independent,” he pointed out. “She’s been acting so much like Hae lately, we have to give her some freedom or she’ll feel stifled.”
“I know, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it,” you grumbled, not exactly thrilled with the idea of your baby growing up. Jin just chuckled and leaned forward, kissing your lips softly. 
“Come on, I’ll help you finish packing up the bedroom,” he offered, stretching his hand out to you and you didn’t hesitate to take it before allowing him to lead you back up the stairs. When the both of you walked into the room, Jin let out a low whistle from how much you had managed to do in the seven hours that he had been gone for work. 
“Damn, maybe you don’t need my help after all,” he chucked, making you nudge his ribs. 
“There’s some shoes and stuff still in the wardrobe, plus your clothes that have built up from your staying the night over the years,” you said. “So feel free to tackle those. I have to finish up in the bathroom.”
“Alright,” he nodded and the two of you went your separate ways, you stepping into the en suite while Jin grabbed a box and walked over to the wardrobe. After kneeling down in front of it, he opened it up and let out a soft gasp at how empty it was. 
“Hey babe?” He called out and he heard you hum in response. “Where did Hae’s clothes go?”
“Oh, I packed them up and his mom came to get them,” you explained as you leaned against the doorway of the bathroom. “I knew that I didn’t want to keep them and it didn’t feel right to just stuff them in the garage of the new house or to give them away so I called his parents and asked if they wanted to take them.”
“Oof, how’d his mom react to...that?” Jin asked, motioning towards your left ring finger, where the engagement ring that Jin had given you two months prior sat. 
“Jin-joo didn’t outright say anything about it, but I know she saw it,” you shrugged. “She suddenly started acting all pissy and she made an excuse to hurry up and leave once she had the clothes.”
“I hate how she acts about you just wanting to be happy,” Jin muttered, beginning to grab some of the shoes that sat at the bottom of the wardrobe and putting into the box. You couldn’t help but to smile, because Jin had felt some type of way towards Jin-joo every since you had explained to him that the conversation you had with her over two years ago was the reason why you had avoided him for almost two months.
“Eh, I’m over it,” you sighed. “I only want to keep things civil for Aera but other than that, I could care less.”
“It’s still annoying,” he replied. “But you’re right, Aera’s more important than my dislike for her.”
“That would be mutual dislike,” you pointed out with a smile, which made Jin chuckle. Just then, Aera walked into the room.
“Mommy,” she whined but she stopped when she saw Jin kneeling on the ground. “Jinnie!”
“Hi Little Heart,” Jin smiled, opening his arms and letting out a huff of air when Aera ran into his chest. Aera had long since stopped referring to Jin as her “uncle”, but it made you happy that their relationship hadn’t changed at all.
“How’s packing going?” Jin asked her and she pouted.
“Slow,” she huffed, making Jin chuckle while she turned to you. “Mommy, I don’t know what to do with my jewelry box.” You gasped softly as you walked over to her, gently taking it from her hands. The jewelry box was made of maple wood, the finish soft to the touch. 
“I don’t want it to get broken when we’re moving,” Aera whispered and you smiled because you knew why it was so important to her. 
“How about if we wrap it up with extra bubble wrap, and we can put it into one of the boxes that’s going to be in the car with us?” You suggested.
“And it’ll be ok?” Aera wondered and you nodded your head.
“Promise,” you smiled, handing the jewelry box back off to her before she bounded out of the bedroom. 
“What was that about?” Jin asked.
“Hae gave her that jewelry box,” you explained. “He actually bought it for her once I found out that I was having a girl.”
“That’s cute,” Jin smiled. “You know, are you sure that you’re ready to move out of this house? I mean, I know it’s the house that you and Hae bought together and the house that you brought Aera home to.”
“That’s true, it is but I’m ready,” you said as you walked over to him, kneeling down next to him. “This house was where we started our lives together but it’s also the house where our life together ended. It’s you, me, and Aera now so we should have a place where we can have a fresh start, you know?”
“I get it,” he nodded. “I just don’t want you to regret anything.”
“I wouldn’t have agreed to marry you if I thought I would,” you pointed out with a smile. “Now, come on. The movers will be here at 9am tomorrow and it’s gonna take you at least two hours to pack all of your clothes alone.”
“I feel judged,” he pouted, making you laugh before you leaned over and kissed him firmly. 
The next day was a complete chaotic mess, with movers everywhere, an overexcited 8 year old who was happy to be moving but also sad at the same time, and your and Jin’s friends who insisted on coming over to “help” you guys unpack.
“Why do you have so much shit Y/N-ah?” Jungkook grunted as he picked up a box to carry into the living room. 
“No cursing around the baby,” you and Jin both reminded him at the same time, referring to Aera.
“And it’s not my fault,” you laughed. “When you live in the same place for 10 years, you have a tendency to let stuff accumulate.”
“And now we’re here, stuck unloading all of this...crap,” Yoongi corrected himself at the last minute after receiving a warning eyebrow from you, since you knew that he was about to curse. 
“I think it’s cool,” Jimin spoke up with a smile. “It’s like seeing years of your life right in front of you.”
“You’re so cute when you fawn over things,” Taehyung cooed, which made Jimin blush harshly.
“Ok, don’t make this weird with your awkward mutual pining, you two,” Hobi muttered as he worked on setting Jin’s book on the shelves of the large bookcase that was placed against one wall of the living room. 
“We’re not!” They both replied at the same time.
“You definitely are,” Namjoon chuckled. 
“It’s not pining if they’ve done something about it,” Yoongi pointed out and everyone’s head whipped towards him. 
“Really?” You gasped. “But you and Tae...”
“He didn’t say that he wasn’t in on it,” Taehyung supplied and everyone’s eyes widened.
“So, throuple?” Jin guessed.
“Throuple,” Jimin nodded in confirmation. 
“Weirder things have happened,” Jungkook shrugged and everyone murmured in agreement before going back to their separate tasks. 
Later that night, after all of your friends had left, you and Jin managed to put Aera down for bed before walking into your new shared bedroom. 
“It feels so good to finally be moved,” you giggled as you threw yourself onto the bed, Jin’s body following close behind and landing right next to yours. 
“It’s nice to know that this house is ours, together,” he nodded. “No more debating about where to spend the night, no more having Aera’s stuff split up between two houses.”
“Ugh, it’s amazing,” you laughed. 
“All that’s left now is for us to get married,” Jin smiled as he turned onto his back then, extending his arm and you didn’t hesitate to move over and snuggle into the side of his body. 
“And after that?” you wondered.
“You want more?” Jin teased. “Me giving myself to you in holy matrimony isn’t good enough?”
“Shut up,” you scoffed playfully, smacking his chest lightly. “I meant as in, what you want life to look like for us after that.”
“Well, I guess I’d like for us to just settle in together as a family more,” he started. “Hopefully, I’ll be in a place soon where I won’t be working as much anymore and I can spend more time with you and Little Heart.”
“And what about...babies?” You questioned quietly as you looked up at him. 
“Babies?” He repeated with a soft smile. “You want a baby?”
“Well, I’ve always wanted Aera to have siblings,” you shrugged sheepishly. “And you’re so great with Aera, it would kind of be a crime to not add another baby to this.”
“Plus my good looks combined with yours would make a gorgeous baby, right?” Jin added, making you laugh as you nodded your head.
“That too,” you agreed. biting your lip afterwards. “So what do you think?”
“I think that I would very much like to have babies with you,”  he smiled knowingly. 
“Really. In fact,” he smirked, pausing his words to wrap his arms around you and roll over so that your body was trapped underneath yours. “I think maybe we should start practicing now, just so that we know what to do when we do decide to have a baby.”
“You’re very annoying,” you whispered, your smile wide as you wrapped your arms around his neck. “Anyone ever tell you that?”
“Someone that I love very much, yes,” Jin nodded. 
“I love you too,” you replied before leaning up and pressing your lips against his. Jin’s hands moved down to rest on your waist while you wrapped your legs around his waist. Just as Jin allowed himself to rut against you, there was a tiny knock on your bedroom door. 
“Damn it,” you whispered in defeat, removing your lips from Jin’s and letting your head fall back against the pillow as Jin moved to lay next to you again. 
“Come in Little Heart,” Jin granted her permission and the door opened then, Aera’s little head poking into the room. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m scared,” she whispered and you couldn’t help but to smile softly. “Can I sleep in here?”
“Sure Love, come on,” you nodded and it didn’t take her long at all to rush over to the bed, hauling herself up onto it and crawling over your body in order to settle down in between you and Jin. 
“Your new room is still a little too new, huh?” Jin guessed and Aera nodded. “Well, we can just have a little movie night in here until you fall asleep. That alright Y/N-ah?”
“Fine with me,” you responded, watching as Jin allowed Aera to snuggle into his side as he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV that was hung on the opposite side of the wall from where the bed sat. 
As you watched them, you couldn’t believe just how far you had come in the three years since Hae-il died. Of course, you had your days where you’d see or hear something that reminded you of him, or Aera would say something that sounded just like her father and it would make you break down into tears. One thing that you learned was that the grief you felt from loosing him would never go away, it would just change and evolve over time. 
However, you had done your best to keep true to your promise that you made to Hae-il, about doing your best to be happy, and you were more confident than ever that Jin was exactly what you needed to be happy again. Jin was a man that loved you, loved your daughter, and the respected the place that Hae-il still held in both of your lives. He never tried to overstep boundaries, or create new ones; he simply loved you and Aera the way that the two of you were, and that was more than enough for you.
Looking back on everything, you never thought that you would lose your husband in the first place. Even more, you never thought that Kim Seokjin would be the one to make you whole again. As more and more time passed, you were convinced that he was truly Heaven Sent.
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moonyblackwerewolf · 3 years
The Letter Ch. 3 - Sirius Black
Betrothed Ch. 3
Sirius Black x fem!Reader
Word count: 3.2k
Summary: Sirius and Y/N meet at a family dinner and have some fun, later she finds out she is betrothed to some pureblood boy so Sirius comes up with a mental idea to save them both.
Warnings: Kissing, hints of sex, 'aggressive' parents, underage drinking, idk my writing and English? lol
a/n: I don't really know how i feel about this, so i hope you guys like it. Feedback is always welcome too :)
Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch. 2.5 Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch. 5 
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The exams were now over, Y/N and Lily were at the Great Hall eating breakfast, the smell of bacon and fruits invading their noses, they could enjoy the morning Saturday sun and the pancakes without worrying about the exams.
“What did you think about the Potions test? I can’t stop thinking about that last question I think got it wrong” Lily mumbled while picking up an apple.
“Oh Lils, you are so cute” Y/N laughed at her friend’s worries. “I can’t remember, but we can go to library today and check, but I’m sure you got it right, Slughorn has his reasons for inventing you for his little club” Y/N/N pointed out and Lily nodded, while looking at her sister who was staring suspiciously at her “At least you got in for pure talent, not because he wanted to suck up to your father” she chuckled, trying to avoid her sister’s gaze.
“That’s a lie, you’re one of the best Potions student Y/N/N i’m sure you-” Lily was cut off by Diana standing by her sister’s side.
“Got your mail yet Y/N/N? I’m so delighted for you, when Mother and Father told me I started planning the party already, Slytherin common room Sunday 8 p.m, also if you need help getting your hair done you can ask me.” Y/N was scared, her sister was never this nice to her, something was going on.
“Why Sunday?” But she was interrupted.
As if Diana knew when the letter would arrive, an Elegant snowy owl showed up carrying a letter from her parents. “What’s that” she was now genuinely scared as she saw Lucius looking at her from the Slytherin table. Lily who has calmed her down on several sleepless nights after the Malfoy incident looked between the two girl worried, connecting the dots about the letter’s content, as her friend read the letter and stormed out of the Hall. Lily tried to follow her but she just vanished. She looked for Y/N everywhere but she seemed to be nowhere to be found, she was feeling scared and even desperate, what could’ve made Y/N so upset, her family of course, but what did they do?
Y/N was in the only place in the castle Lily didn’t look for, the Hufflepuff common room, her friend Amos Diggory, a handsome boy, who would was loyal and would do anything for his friends, let her in and stay in his room, since it was Saturday and everyone was outside. She laid in his bed, heart racing threatening to jump off her chest, she felt sick and completely and utterly alone and unloved, she felt stuck in a life she never asked for and an inevitable future, this feeling of despair was too much for her to hold, like she would always do. Y/N buried her faced in Amos’ pillow and cries the life out of her, she couldn’t believe and in the same time she always knew this would happen, but it didn’t make it all less painful.
“Hi” Amos knocked on the room’s door delicately earning a jump from the girl. “I’m sorry, but you seem like someone who desperately needs a friend” he said with a sympathetic smile.
She smiled warmly at the boy and let him sit by her side, he offered her his shoulder to cry on, soothing the girl, even though he didn’t know why she was so sad. Eventually she told him everything and he was as disgusted as she was, his heart ached for his friend, he couldn’t imagine what was like to have her parents and go through what she was. He could only help.
“You should go tell your friends, they never leave your side, they’ll probably want to know about this, you should trust them Y/N/N” he suggested with a reassuring smile, wrapping her in a hug. Y/N loved that on Amos, he was so sweet and helpful and never asked for anything in return, he was a true Hufflepuff, she always teased him.
“But I don’t want them to worry, it’s not really easy for me to trust people and it’s nothing really, I don’t want to be dramatic” she sighed looking troubled.
“Y/N/N, i can assure you, you’re not being dramatic” he paused looking at her with a concerned smile “You have all the right to be upset, i’d be too in your situation, i’d demand justice for me and the other person too, it’s not fair, but you should tell your friends, they must be really worried”
“You’re right badger, thank you for letting me stay here, if you ever need something you know where to find me” she mumbled quietly still trying to hold her tears desperately.
It was nighttime by the time she was heading to the Gryffindor tower. The marauders were at the empty Gryffindor common room, they had just finished packing and were siting by the fireplace talking, Lily looking worried whispering to herself places she might’ve forgotten to search, when y/n entered the room the girl stood up fast and wrapped her in the tightest hug she could give only letting her friend go after her arms became sore, y/n mumbled a thank you hugging Lily again and then gave Sirius a kiss on the cheek and laid on his chest, she was looking completely broken, that made the boys get concerned too. 
“Hey guys” she said with voice of someone who has been crying. Sirius started caressing her hair, the group was now completely quiet until.
“Y/n-” Remus Lupin said softly “What’s wrong? Have you been crying?” His question made everyone look at her and she shifted in her Sirius lap a bit, his hands still caressing her hair patiently waiting for her answer, Lily was sitting next to them in the sofa, she grabbed her friend’s hand reassuringly.
“I got this letter from my parents today- at breakfast” she said, her voice completely numb she sounded like someone who had abandoned all hope. She then took  a letter with a fancy wax seal with an “W” from her coat, she couldn’t say it so she handed it to Sirius. The seal was already broken from when she read it earlier and the parchment had stains that suggested crying, he started reading the letter, Lily peaking too, while the other boys were curious and he’s blood was boiling with anger.
He stood up abruptly and screamed “No way they're making you do this- Over my dead body, Y/n”. Sirius’ reaction startled the boys, but he was so angry he didn’t even notice James taking the letter and reading it aloud.
Dear Y/n,
Your father and i are delighted to inform you that after a few meetings with family friends, we have decided, together with the Malfoys, that you and their son, Lucius, are now engaged and the marriage will happen soon after your graduation.
Lucius has already talked with his parents and he is more than happy for taking your hand in matrimony if you accept him, in our meeting with Abraxas Malfoy this evening, he has told us how Lucius cares about and wants to protect you. Therefore we were shocked to hear that you’ve been spending many nights in the Gryffindor tower and been ignoring your fellow housemates including Lucius.
In light of theses events we’ve decided that you will be spending Christmas break in the Malfoy manor, so you and Lucius can seal each other’s promise contract and get used to each other and future married life.
Now Y/n, you are going to listen very carefully what i’m going to tell you, young lady, you are going to behave AND accept this proposal, the Malfoys are a very respectful pureblood family, they were extremely delighted to know about your interest in their son. The Watson name carries weight in our world, I don’t want you doing anything that could compromise that. Now you are going to sleep every night of the rest of your years at Hogwarts in the Slytherin dorms, we already talked with Lucius and he is going to stay with you the whole night if necessary.
With Love,
Charles Edward Watson and Louise Helena Watson
“Holy shit y/n/n” James gasped “I’m so sorry, I can’t believe your parents would do that” he paused pondering if he should joke or not, and figured it could help “but is that their way of making you shag Malfoy?, Godric they’ don’t even try to be subtle” y/n chuckled humourlessly.
“Really? because I do, that’s what all these crazy purists families do, they breed their children, they don’t care about love or anything of the sort, I can’t believe how much time I spent putting up with their shit, pretending to agree with them” she hissed starting to sound more angry, she couldn’t believe it herself she just couldn't admit.
“Y/n we won’t let that happen” Remus reassured her grabbing other her hand “we’ll do anything to help you” all the boys and Lily agreed, except for Sirius that was on a weird kind of angry trance. Lily jumped from her seat and hugged her best friend with all the love she could give again.
She was happy to see her friends helping her, she didn’t feel as alone as she felt this morning, but still, reality was rough, she’d have to marry that prick Lucius Malfoy that she and the Marauders hated so much, he was a real blood purist just like their parents and that made her feel suffocated.
Suddenly Sirius burst out of his trance and went to his dorm, which scared the remaining group on the common room, making Y/n follow him. The common room went silent. After she left they sighed “I can’t believe she’s having to go through that, she doesn’t deserve it, this year she’s been nothing but a good friend, she even helped you study Moony and she became your best friend Lily, we all know you talk about us when you’re alone” James sighed “I wish we could do something for her”.
“Yes, we sure do Potter” Lily shrugged a bit absentmindedly, wondering what was happening in the other room.
“Siri, what’s going on with you?” She asked a bit startled by his sudden weirdness, while standing in the threshold. He was searching for something frenetically in his trunk. “What are you searching for Sirius?” 
“Y/n/n- Y/n” he turned to her seriously “there’s no way i’m letting you marry Malfoy” he stared so deep into her eyes that she felt a shiver run down her spine. 
“Thanks you Sirius, I love you for that, but there's nothing me or you can do to help, believe me i’ve been trying to find a way out since i read that letter, but there isn’t” she sighed her voice cracking “All I can do is enjoy the little time i’ve left before i’m Mrs. Malfoy” she ran her hand in her face and looked at Sirius “But I appreciate your efforts” Sirius made his way to where she was and caressed her cheeks looking at her with a determination Y/n couldn’t understand.
“I’m going to do everything i can to help you- even if I’ll have ask my monster of a mother for help” he revealed.
“What?” She gasped, surprised and confused at his revelation to say the least.
“I hate to say it out loud but- I’m still a Black, from the Noble house of Black” He paused and Y/n began to catch up with his plan, still a little shocked “I bet it’ll be easy to convince my mom, if i Sirius Black, her hopeless case of a son, tell her he wants to marry Elena Watson the daughter of the Royal house of Watson, she would finally be at least pleased with me” 
“WHAT?! No way Sirius, no- no! absolutely not” she almost choked on her words, shock written all over her face. “I’m not letting you ruin your life for me! No way! Do you even know what you’d be doing? You’d be committing yourself for the rest of your life and you know your parents AND mine wouldn’t let us divorce till the day they die at least! There is no going back and they certainly won’t let us escape, never” She was not going to let him ruin his life too.
“I know that perfectly well, but would it be that bad? we’re best friends and it’s not like we never slept together before” Y/n was in shock, left without words, Sirius Black wanting to commit with someone, he truly was a good friend but she looked at him with a gaze that said ‘no’ “Y/n… if you don’t accept this, then i’ll help you escape” he grabbed her hand and held it tightly in his chest, for a moment he wondered what about it made him feel so angry, angrier than the other boys, he felt this urge to protect her so much it almost hurt “I- just- i can’t stand seeing you suffering from this and being forced to sleep in the same bed as Malfoy- it makes me so angry, i want to protect you- I promised I would protect you, you’ve became one of my best friends this year I can’t let you go through this” he was looking at her with desperate eyes, almost imploring her to let him help her, it made Y/n’s heart jump from her chest.
“I don’t know what to do Sirius” her eyes were filling up with tears again, she was trying hard not to cry, as a wave of courage hit her and made her stop, she needed to grow up. “But I can’t escape my home, my parents would find me and probably-” she paused reconsidering if telling Sirius about her parents’ ways of parenting was a good idea, remembering Amos’ words, but even though she decided against it, she didn’t want him to worry more then he already was “I’m going to be okay, everything’s going to be fine. I’m going home and i’ll tell my parents that i won’t oblige, that I won’t be a pawn on their sick game of blood purity” she finished, more determined than she had been during the day, knowing that it’d be a foolish mistake, but it was confrontation or marriage.
“Are you sure Y/n? You want me to go with you?” He asked concerned, not feeling confident in her idea, it seemed dangerous and reckless, normally he’d love a little danger, but the fact that she could get hurt made him opposed to it.
“Yes, you don’t need to come with me, I think its better if I go alone, my parents can get- irritated. I’ll send you letters and i’ll keep you updated i promise” with that she kissed his cheek.
“Y/n/n are you really sure? I don’t think it’s- I don’t know your parents but I know mine and they wouldn’t react really well if I confronted them that way” Y/n knew what Sirius meant, but she had to try, so she whispered a yes burying her head in his neck as he wrapped her in a tight hug.
They both returned to the common room, updating their friends about what had happened and then they tried to have a pleasant last day at Hogwarts, the boys reassured Y/n even more and promised they’d be there for her if she ever needs them. The rest of the day they tried to forget all of their problems and talked, James kept trying to invite Lily out and she kept saying no while everyone laughed at the boy, Y/n laid in Sirius’s chest enjoying this little interactions while she still could. Sirius’ plan never left the back of his mind, he wasn’t sure if she’d be able to convince the Watsons, they didn’t strike him as understanding people. Little did he know how right he was.
The next day went by fast, everyone finished packing and met at the train station. The group left the Hogwarts Express and entered platform 9 3/4 everyone said their goodbyes, hugging and wishing Y/n worried good lucks, then heading to their respective families.
“I wish you could meet my family, Y/n/n, expect my sister, she’d be mean to you” Lily pouted as Y/n hugged her tightly for the last time in two weeks. “I’m gonna write you ok? with the names we planned” the both best friends chuckled, they had created nicknames so Y/n’s parents wouldn’t suspect about Lily.
“Oh Lils thank you, I’m gonna miss you so much, wish you could visit me” Y/n whispered sadly leaving Lily’s embrace after she said she would miss her too, heading to Sirius.
“Hey beautiful” Sirius murmured while wrapping her in a hug and lifting her making her laugh. “Wanna meet mommy and daddy Black, they’ll love you?” 
“Of course” she chuckled in his lap, being so close to him made her heart jump faster, she didn’t want to let go, never “And of course they will, how could they not like me” she joked.
Sirius put her in the ground slowly, heart jumping too, grabbed her wrist and the two of them walked to where his parents and brother were waiting, he hated his parents but he wanted an excuse to spend more time with her. “Mother, Father, this is Y/n Watson” he mocked his parents, who were clearly shocked their son had perhaps grown some sense into his head.
“Miss Watson, what a pleasure to see you again, darling, how are your parents doing?” Mr. and Mrs. Black asked politely. Walburga was a tall raven haired woman with an elegant appearance and stern face, she was quite scary, Mr. Black looked just like his wife but older and more serious.
“Suck ups” Sirius whispered in her ears making her giggle, she could feel his breath against her ear and it made her shiver.
“They’re alright, thank you Mr. Black, how are you?” Y/n asked, looking so much like her mother that it scared Sirius, he had to hide his laugh.
Before Mr. Black answered, Mr. and Mrs. Watson showed up, with angry faces. Mrs. Watson grabbed Y/n’s wrist strongly making her wince, pushing her to their side.
“Walburga, Orion, what a pleasure to see you” Mr. Watson offered his hand to the couple, softening his face a little, Mrs. Watson smiled, while whispering.
“Y/n, where is Lucius? Haven’t you been seeing him? You should be here with him young lady” her mother hissed at her, angry with the lack of effort from her daughter to make the marriage happen.
Sirius looked at Y/n’s wrist and suspected, he felt angry at Mrs. Watson, something was wrong, but he couldn’t do anything in front of their parents, so he just looked reassuringly at her.
“Pleasure to see you too Charles, we hope to see you and Louise at the Rosiers later this week” Mrs. Black politely suggested.
“Of course” with that the Watsons said goodbye and the both families headed their separate ways, breaking Sirius’ and Y/n’s grasp on each other.
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reidgraygubler · 4 years
and they said speak now... (spencer reid/reader)
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Title: and they said speak now... Request: no Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader Category: fluff w/ some angst Content Warning: swearing (if any), leaving someone at the alter, Word Count: 3,803 Summary: Spencer Reid is getting married and Reader is in love with him. Reader shows up at his wedding, uninvited, to try and win him back before it’s too late. A/N: this is based on speak now by taylor swift. thanks for the love and support! check out my masterlist  
My body refused to work when my eyes opened. I just laid still in bed, watching as the ceiling fan spun. There was no work today, so there really should be no reason for me to be awake right now. Why was there no work? Because my best friend, Doctor Spencer Reid, was getting married. And I was uninvited by his not so lovely bride-to-be. 
Everyone would be wondering where I was and why I wasn’t there. I suppose it’s not exactly my place to say why I wasn’t invited or why I wasn’t there. I should be there. She didn’t invite me because she doesn’t like me. She thinks I’m a threat. It’s probably a good thing I’m not there. Mostly because I’m in love with Spencer Reid and I’m too late. She was right not to let me be there. I’m no more a threat than JJ is. JJ loves Spencer, but I suppose it’s different for her. She’s already married, and I’m single. 
I remember the day Spencer told me he was engaged and getting married. My heart broke into a million pieces, but he didn’t know that. Spencer couldn’t know my true feelings for him. It’d ruin everything we had together, and I didn’t want to lose my friendship with Spencer. But, I suppose I am losing my friendship with him because of his wife-to-be.
My stomach churned as I rolled to look at the clock. The ceremony would be starting in two hours. And in two hours, Spencer Reid would be a husband to someone who isn’t me. 
“Screw this,” I muttered as I pushed myself out of bed. I made way towards the closet and pulled out a dark blue, knee-length tea dress. I made sure to be quick with a shower and getting ready to leave. If I took my time and doddled, I would be late and I'd lost my chance to show up. 
I grabbed the last few things I needed before leaving my apartment. The church that the ceremony was being held at was across town. From what I’m told, by JJ, the bride wanted the wedding to be in Baltimore. But, Spencer wouldn’t have that. He wanted the wedding to be right here in DC. I was happy about that. 
I parked my car down the street from the church. It was a cute building. A place where I’m sure a lot of brides would love to have their wedding. I rolled my eyes at the sickening thought of his wife-to-be, begging him for their wedding to be at a place like this.  
When I stepped into the church, I smiled when I saw our friends and co-workers waiting in the foyer. They looked happy to see me too. JJ, of all the people, seemed the happiest. She peeled away from the group to embrace me.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, her baby blue eyes staring into my soul. She knew exactly why I wasn’t invited. She even knew how I felt about Spencer and the bride. JJ shouldn’t be surprised that I’m here. I’ve spent many nights with her, or with Emily, or with Penelope. Many of those nights were spent with my drunk and blubbering about this whole thing. The day after I found I wasn’t invited to my best friend’s wedding, I told JJ that I was going to show up anyways and break them up… She said I shouldn’t. Well, look at where I am now.
I stared back at her, staying silent. The bride’s family was scattered around the room. They were all wearing different shades of pastels and snotty expressions on their faces. In fact, everyone here was wearing pastels… Except for me. I stood out in my dark dress. 
“He can’t marry her,” I kept my voice low as I scanned the room. My eyes landed on Diana. She was standing by the doors to the sanctuary. The expression on her face told me that she did not want to be here, that she was confused, and that she did not like what was going on with Spencer. My heart broke for her. “You know that. He’s too good for her,” I whispered as I looked back at JJ. JJ looked back at me and nodded. 
“Are you-”
“Yes,” I cut her off before she could say another word. She nodded and looked around the room. Shouting could be heard from a back room. I could only assume the bride was shouting at one of her bridesmaids. I wrinkled my nose and looked at JJ. “Don’t stop me if I tackle that woman to the ground when I see her,” I whispered. 
“I will, most definitely, stop you. We don’t need you in jail.” She whispered before pulling me into a hug. I nodded and pressed my face into her shoulder. I was happy that our other friends didn’t come over and talk to me. 
“Save me a seat,” I winked at her. She smiled and chuckled lightly, but nodded.
“Good luck,” she smiled before allowing me to sneak away.
I walked past the group of our friends. They noticed me and my expression, taking it as a sign to not talk to me. I was on a mission and couldn’t be stopped. That was until I heard my name being called from a familiar person. 
“I’m so happy you’re here,” Diana spoke as she wrapped her arms around my body. I froze stiff. What am I supposed to do right now?! I can’t just tell Diana off and leave her. “I wasn’t sure if you’d come or not,”
“Yeah, I almost wasn’t going to come,” I spoke as I stepped back a step. Diana looked at me with a relaxed expression on her face. “Listen, Diana, I’d love to chat, but I have to get to my seat,” I lied with a smile. I felt bad for lying to Spencer’s mother. But, I didn’t want to be caught by anyone from the bride’s family. I’d be kicked out in an instant. I couldn’t leave, I still have to speak my mind.
“Spencer can’t marry this girl,” she whispered as she hugged me again. I felt tears well up in my eyes as she spoke. “I love him, but this girl is not for him,” she continued. I nodded and backed away from her.
“I know,” I whispered before walking away from her. Again, I felt bad for lying to her and just walking away. I knew if I stayed with her, she’d cling to me. And, I couldn’t just be by her side. Spencer still had to walk her to her seat before the official start of the ceremony. He can’t know that I am here.
The sanctuary was… beautiful… Sure, that’s a word that could be used. Flowers decorated each of the pews with ribbon and bows. A pastel pink carpet lined the center aisle, with pink rose petals on top of it. The windows were covered with curtains that were drawn back, except for the back two. I looked around for a place to hide before giving up and just tucking myself behind the curtain. 
This is not how I thought my day would be. And, I’m sure Spencer is expecting a totally different outcome for his wedding day. This is not what he thought it would be.
 I pressed my back to the wall behind me and closed my eyes. A memory came to my mind and caused tears to roll down my cheeks. The day I realized I was in love with him. It seemed like everyone but Spencer and I knew that. But, that was probably for the best. I knew from that day on I would forever be screwed. I was right though. I’ve never been more screwed in my entire life until now.
I thought about what I was going to say when it came time to disagree with this holy matrimony, though I would disagree and say unholy matrimony. Like, would I say “Spencer, I love you. Please don’t marry her.” Or, alternatively, would I say “She’s the wrong person to marry. You should be marrying me.” Or, “Don’t say yes to her. Runaway with me. Don’t spend the rest of your life regretting this.” 
The sound of the organ started to play the wedding march, it sounded like the death march to me, pulled me out of my thoughts, and to the realization of current events. I poked my head out from the curtain. The sanctuary was filled, except for the back pew. I quickly stepped to sit there. JJ and everyone was sitting more towards the center of the room. I had to be quick as I moved towards them. I closed my eyes as I sat beside her. She looked over at me before grasping my hand.
I looked towards the front of the room and saw the bridal party and Spencer. My heart raced as I looked at him. 
He wore a baby blue suit with a baby pink bowtie. He hated it. I could tell by the expression on his face that he hated it. Hell, I hated it too. It made him look flushed. Or, maybe that was the fact that he was about to marry a self-center bitch.
He isn’t the type to marry someone like this girl. He should be marrying me. Would that also make me a self-centered bitch too then? 
Suddenly everyone around me stood up, causing me to shyly stand to my feet. The bride and her father entered the room and started down the center aisle. I kept my eyes on Spencer. He looked at her like he loved her, but something was off. I wish it was me walking down in an elegant wedding dress instead of this woman. And something told me he wished it was me too. That has to mean something, right? I’m not just projecting my feelings on to him, am I?
She walked past me, her gown shaped like an oversized cream puff. The way she walked was similar to a pageant queen who won the pageant. I'm sure that's how she thought too. She probably thought that since I wasn't invited, I shouldn't be here. Therefore, I couldn't ruin her perfect day. Boy, was she wrong. I’m about to ruin everyone’s day. Or, make it better. That entirely depends on what happens. I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts of her winning and turned my eyes back to Spencer. 
Everyone sat back down and the ceremony started. The priest went right at the start of it all and I stopped listening till I needed too. I didn’t want to hear about how the priest was so blessed to be marrying Spencer and his bride, and how he was so fond of their shared love. I wanted so desperately to scoff and roll my eyes. But I knew it was an entirely inappropriate time to do that.
“For those who disagree upon this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace,” the priest spoke. I shot my head back up to look at them. 
The silence in the air was tense and I knew this was my last chance. I'm not missing this moment. JJ squeezed my hand as I nervously stood up. My stomach dropped to the ground and I suddenly felt like I was going to throw up. My hands were shaking and sweaty. All eyes were on me. The horrified expressions on everyone’s faces, except for my friends, made me feel even sicker. But I just kept my eyes on Spencer, who kept his eyes on me. The bride kept looking between Spencer and I. She wanted to stop me from saying something, but she couldn’t. I disagreed with this marriage. I get my chance to speak.
“I’m… I’m sorry,” I whispered as I slowly sat back down. I noticed how Spencer was staring at me like he was surprised that I’d be here. My face twisted up as I stood back up. “You know what, no…  I’m not sorry… I’m not at all sorry.” I bit my lips together and nodded. “Now,” I stepped out of the pew row and stood in the center aisle, “I’m… I’m not the type of girl who just shows up, rudely barging in, uninvited to a white veil, white dress event… But, Spencer, you’re not the kind of boy to marry the wrong girl,” I stopped talking and swallowed roughly. Everyone was still staring at me, but I was still staring at Spencer. The tension in the air was tight, and I felt like I needed to throw up. “I love you, Spencer,” I wiped my eyes as tears started to roll down my cheeks. “So, don’t say yes… Don’t marry her. Please… Runaway with me, Spencer… I’ll meet you outside… Just, please don’t wait, don’t say a single vow… Runaway with me, please. I… I love you,” I spoke out loud, just for Spencer. I wasn’t exactly pleased that I had to pour my heart and soul out to Spencer in front of my best friends and her family. 
The priest looked shocked as he turned to Spencer. Spencer was still staring at me, confusion and shock on his face. The bride was definitely in shock and anger that I’m ruining her wedding day. I won. I don't care if Spencer says anything after… I ruined her wedding day… therefore I won. Though that was a lie, I did care if Spencer said anything. Because, even if he didn’t feel the same, my day would be further ruined. So, in the end, she would win.
“Do you… Do you have anything to say,” the priest finally spoke after what felt like hours of silence. 
I placed my hand over my stomach,  trying to hold back the feeling of being sick. Spencer just stared at me, his mouth opening and closing. I wiped my eyes and nodded, understanding I messed up and should just leave. Just as I turned to leave he spoke. “Let’s… Let’s run away… Right now,” Spencer spoke out, catching my attention and turning me back to look at him. I widened my eyes and opened my mouth, but no words fell out. Spencer pulled his hands from the bride’s and kept his eyes on me. 
“Spencer,” the bride started to whine. That was the first time Spencer looked away from me, only to glare at the bride. I held back the inappropriate laughter. 
“I love you too,” he spoke as he turned to face me, “I’ll meet you outside, let me… I’ll meet you outside in a minute,” he spoke as he stepped off the platform and towards me. He walked closer to me, keeping his eyes on me. “You’re right, I’m not the type of boy to be marrying the wrong girl,” he whispered just loud enough for me to hear. Spencer stood right in front of me and held my hands. I nodded and smiled. 
“You better be outside,” I muttered before pecking his cheek and running out of the church and towards the side. I needed to hide from the onslaught of the bride’s family that was bound to come my way. I hid in the bushes, away from everyone. I could hear the shouting and yelling coming from the inside of the church as the doors swung open. I looked over the bushes and saw Spencer sprinting down the stairs. He was no longer wearing his light blue suit jacket and a light pink bowtie. He was just wearing his white button-up, suspenders, and light blue slacks. I smiled as I stepped out of the bushes. 
I ran into his arms and he embraced me before kissing my lips. I melted under his touch. The way he held me close to his body made me feel warm and safe. He held my cheeks in his hands and kept my head still so I couldn’t move away from him. But even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t. I was content staying here. We stayed still, kissing each other right in front of the church he was going to get married at, where he left his wife-to-be at the altar. 
I kept my eyes closed because I was scared that if I opened them this dream would be gone and Spencer would be married, and not to me. I’d wake up and still be in bed where I was before I came over here. But, when we finally separated from each other and I opened my eyes, I was looking at Spencer. My heart fluttered at the sight of him, happy that he was standing in front of me. 
“I didn’t say my vows… I didn’t say anything to her…” he whispered once we were in each other’s arms. I smiled and nodded. “I’m so happy you were there when the priest said speak now,” he smiled, keeping his hands on my face. 
“My car… It’s just down the street… We can go, go to my place, your place, anywhere. Anywhere but here,” I whispered and nodded. Spencer looked over his shoulder towards the church where more shouting came from. I followed his gaze just as the doors were pushed open. I was worried that it’d be the bride, coming to shout at Spencer, but more importantly me. I relaxed when I saw JJ and Emily’s faces.
“You guys should go if you’re going to leave! Derek can only hold her back for so long,” JJ looked down at us. She seemed pleased that Spencer was here with me. No one liked her. But no one wanted to tell Spencer that. He loved her. But, I guess he loved me more.
“Honestly, Aaron and David can only do so much to hold back the bride’s family. Her father wants to rip you a new one, Spence,” Emily laughed. I looked back at Spencer and smiled. 
Just as we were about to tease back, the door was pushed open again and the bride stepped out. She was staring at Spencer and I with anger in her eyes. I looked at her with terror on my face.
Spencer picked me up in one easy movement and threw me over his shoulder. I held back the laughter that I so desperately wanted to let out. But, instead, I looked at the bride with a smile. She looked back at me, the anger exploding on her face. JJ and Emily held her back so she could chance after Spencer and I. I won. I flashed her my best smile as Spencer walked further and further from the church.
The bride just stood behind JJ and Emily, staring at us. Her face was twisted up. They kept their arms up to keep her from chasing after us. I smiled as I watched them try to deescalate the situation but ultimately held her back. There was no saving the day from this situation. 
Spencer walked down the street towards my car. He kept me over his shoulder. I finally laughed once we were at my car. He set me down so I was sitting on the hood of my car. “Where do you want to go?” he asked, resting his hands on the hood of my car on either side of my hips. I smiled as he leaned closer to me.
“My place,” I whispered before pressing a kiss to his lips. He hummed and nodded. “My place, she doesn’t know where I live. She can’t storm in and scream at us. She’ll do that at your place,” I whispered.
“Your place it is,” he smiled at me before kissing my lips again. He helped me off the hood and then into the car. 
“Does this mean we have to get married now?” I looked at him. Spencer laughed as he started the car. “Can we get married now?” I asked, keeping my voice low. Spencer glanced at me and smiled. “Too soon?” I cracked a smile at him. 
“No, not too soon.” Spencer smiled as he started my car and drove away. “I suppose that means we can get married now,” he reached out for my hand. I let him hold it as I stared at him. 
“Wow, not even going to ask me out on a date before you propose to me?” I smiled before pressing my lips to his cheek. He glanced at me for a moment. Pure bliss and happiness was on his face as we drove away from the church. 
“Well, actually, I think you’re the one that proposed to me,” he grinned. I rolled my eyes and nodded. 
“I guess you’re right,” I threw my head back in laughter. Spencer glanced at me again and smiled. “Although, I never technically asked the question… That being, will you marry me?” I turned to face him. He stayed silent, laughing through his nose as he shook his head. I stared at him and cocked an eyebrow. “So, will you?” I asked out loud when I realized he thought I was just joking.
“Oh, you were being serious,” he looked over at me when he stopped at a stoplight. I stared at him and slowly nodded.
“I was being serious, Spencer. I mean, I didn’t just spill my heart and soul out in front of that amount of people I don’t know, nor like, and you’re now ex-fiance for no reason. I’m being more than serious,” I whispered and nodded. He looked down at our hands and raised an eyebrow. “Marry me, Spencer Reid,”  
Never in a million years did I ever expect to be proposing to my best friend on his wedding day. I don’t think he was expecting it either. Honestly, no one should have seen this coming. But, here I am, sitting in my car with Spencer beside me, asking him to marry me, after he left his wife-to-be at the altar. 
“That’s going to be one hell of a love story to tell people, you know,” Spencer smiled at me. I looked at him as a smile grew on my lips. I shook my head but kept the smile on my lips. 
“Is that… Is that a yes?” I whispered and kept my eyes on Spencer. He glanced at me and smiled. 
“You don’t just stop the wedding of your best friend and not expect me to say yes,” he laughed. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “Of course I’ll marry you,” 
“You’re not wrong though, it will be one hell of a love story to tell people,” I half-cackled.
I’m so happy I was there when they said speak now.
if you want to be a part of a taglist or have any comments about this one shot, let me know here ​
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bifrostarchivist · 3 years
tma fic recs
hi i’ve been been going through my bookmarks so here’s a list of some of my favorite tma fics! a lot of these are pretty angsty though so you should heed the trigger warnings!
jon-centric fics
Farewell Wanderlust by CombatBootsAndDreams
Jonathan Sims never had enough time. It was always slipping through his fingers like sand through an hourglass. He could see it passing but could do nothing as it took more and more things from him. So he learned to measure everything in actions instead of seconds.
Or: The many moments used to measure the life of one Jonathan Sims, The Archivist.
i love this one it hurts me real bad!
the bell tolls by softlyblue
Jon knows about death, and he knows about dying. He tries to plan around his own.
this one also really hurts me!
Touch Me, Even it Hurts by AuralQueer
People don't really touch Jonathan Sims unless they want to hurt him. That's mostly fine. Jon has never been a tactile person, and he doesn't need anyone but himself.
Except the world is falling down around him, and loneliness aches, and sometimes he'll take anything - even cruelty - just to feel human again.
*A story set between s1 and s4, looking at Jon's relationship with touch, friendship, and his own humanity.
i cried over this one a lot yesterday! it’s wonderful and so fucking sad
jonmartin fics
the garden of forking paths by bibliocratic
Whatever he had predicted might happen, Jon wasn't expecting to survive upon demolishing the Panopticon. He certainly wasn't expecting to be rescued.
Instead, he wakes up in an alternative universe where he's never been the Archivist, and Martin Blackwood doesn't exist.
Martin Blackwood wakes up somewhere else entirely.
i love this one a lot! made me really fucking emotional
The Power of Self-Respect by IceEckos12 & PitViperOfDoom
Jon's life has never been easy, but he's now in a place where he has friends, his job isn't wretched, and best of all, he's dating Martin Blackwood. Things are finally starting to turn around for him, so of course that's when he learns that he must defeat Martin's seven exes in order to stay with him.
There's something fishy about this whole thing, Jon is sure of it. But the only way to find out what is to throw down the gauntlet and fight for his love.
the scout pilgrim au i never knew i needed! i went into this expecting crack but now every time it gets updated it’s all i can think about for the rest of the day and it is very painful. it’s so good.
Desperate Measures by quantumducky
Helen offers to help, and Jon is just tired and miserable enough to accept. Turns out her idea of "helping" is to turn his brain into confused mush and then make that Martin's problem. Somehow, it all works out.
this one! fuck! i love it. made me so sad. but also. a happy ending! i miss helen.
See the Line, where the Sky meets to Sea by The_Floating_World
When Jon is a child he looks into the infinite abyss of space. The Vast looks back into him.
also has some jon/oliver! some found family! vast!jon my beloved...
jongerry fics
Til Death, Parted by Hecatetheviolet
“But, yes, if you all really must know, I married Gerard Keay in Las Vegas.” The total stillness at the table would have better suited a painting than a group of very confused archival assistants. A blob of ketchup falls from the chip frozen halfway to Melanie’s mouth.
“You… married a ghost,” says Melanie, eventually, in a stilted, leading tone.
“Mhm,” says Jon.
A ghost story is something that can be so matrimonial, actually. Too bad Jon and Gerry didn't find that out until the wedding.
eager eye and willing ear by graveExcitement
Gerry investigates a paranormal mirror and is pulled into another universe, one where Jon has just burned his page.
i just. love this one. 
Ghosts without Graves by Ostentenacity
“I’m already dead, after all.” Gerry smiles, a mirthless flash of teeth. “If I pop out of existence tomorrow, fine. If I stick around for a while, well—at least now I’ve got someone to talk to.” His tone of voice is still blasé, but his gaze falls heavily on Jon, as though asking, Right?
“Yes,” says Jon. “Yes, of course.”
When Jon wakes up from his coma, he finds that while Gerry may still be dead, he’s not exactly gone.
i love this one so much. made me happy. made me sad. it’s just wonderful. 
jontim fics
Between Sleeping and Waking by voiceless_terror
So they curl up in his bed, an arm slung across Jon’s waist, his back to Tim’s chest. There are no spiders here, not in this bed that smells of dryer sheets and detergent and Tim. He’s almost asleep when the arm around his waist tightens suddenly.
“My brother always said the pressure helped. When he had bad dreams.”
Jon has nightmares and Tim attempts to chase them away. In the process, they learn a few things about each other.
the comfort. the understanding. it’s just so nice.
enemy of my enemy by beeclaws
Jon comes back from his time with the Circus a little worse for wear. Tim has some feelings about that.
it hurts so bad. but. fuck. the tim & jon somewhat fixing their relationship fic that i just really needed.
Tear Out All Your Tenderness by With_the_Wolves
"He’s been doing such a good job of ignoring it, up until now, pretending he didn’t know how he survived the Unknowing. Pretending he didn’t hear the constant rhythm of hunt hunt kill kill rushing through his veins in time with his blood. He didn’t used to be able to smell fear.
In the aftermath of the Coffin, Tim decides that he's going to be there for Jon. But Jon's fear is intoxicating.
jonmartim fics
beautiful and annihilating by advantagetexas
But reality was a lot harsher than dreams. He admitted that to himself now, as he gently moved a piece of hair from Jon’s unblinking eye. Daisy Tonner was dead. Sasha James was dead. Daniel Stoker was still dead, or disappeared, or whatever woe begotten fate had befallen him at the hands of that wretched circus.
And here was Tim. Alive. And forced to deal with the fallout.
this fic <3 i love it very much. it’s updates are the highlight of my day. really fucks with my emotions. it’s just great.
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It's at James's wedding to Lily. Remus is officiating and Sirius is the best man. Like, AT the alter james suddenly realizes he's in love with Sirius and then kinda blurts it out. He ends up marrying Sirius instead. Lily's feelings are not hurt because she's aroace and was marrying James because her parents were threatening to pick someone for her. She's already pregnant with harry and they (Sirius and Remus and Lily and James) end up living in a house together :)
Because Remus was a wonderful friend and didn't begrudge James for choosing Sirius as his best man (and only man, since he and Lily had decided they didn't want four people standing on their respective sides and Sirius was capable of taking care of everything on his own), he was the one officiating James and Lily's wedding. He was also very understanding about the fact that they were only getting married because Lily was pregnant, and all of the ministers they had met with had been very judgemental about that fact.
That being said, Remus was obviously nervous. He had the Bible open in front of him because he needed a place to hide his index card that had all his notes on it, and they were all pretty sure that there was supposed to be a Bible open while the ceremony was happening. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the joyous union of James Potter and Lily Evans in holy matrimony."
You know, James had known that he didn't love Lily, but the fact that he was about to marry her made his tie feel a lot tighter than it had five minutes ago. Like, he'd known five minutes and a day and a week ago that he was going to marry her, but it hadn't made him panic like this. It's as if it was suddenly real, where it hadn't been before.
Remus was still talking, but James's hadn't been paying attention. He only knew that he was supposed to be doing something now because Sirius tapped his elbow to hand him the card that he'd written his vows on. Him and Lily both knew what this marriage was going to be, but they'd agreed to do a semi-fancy ceremony to appease their various friends and that included exchanging vows. James had thought it was a good idea when they were planning, but now that the time had come, he felt like he was going to throw up. Still, he turned obligingly to Sirius to accept the card. Sirius smiled at him comfortingly as if to say 'I know you can do this' then leaned back to his spot.
"-the couple will now share their vows," Remus said, looking at James expectantly.
They'd practiced this. The timing and when to do what. Where they should look. James opened his mouth without turning to Lily and blurted, "I'm in love with Sirius."
The room went unnaturally silent.
It was a hell of a moment for James to realise it. His mind finally shoved the pieces into place, letting him know without a doubt that what he felt for Sirius wasn't normal best mate feelings. In hindsight, all the time he'd spent thinking about Sirius's mouth should've clued him in sooner, but better late than never, right?
Except Remus blinked at him, blind-sided, and James was starting to think that maybe he would've been better off if he'd realised it later then... well, then in the middle of his wedding to Lily. "Erm," Remus said in an undertone, glancing down at his notecards, "I don't really- should I say it again?"
Lily snickered.
Remus narrowed his eyes at her. "That's not helpful. Sirius?"
"Don't bloody look at me," Sirius breathed, sounding shocked.
James winced. At seeing the wedding party at the front of the chapel talking, the guests took that as a sign that they could talk, and there was a dull roar as everyone exchanged whispers about the situation. "Yeah, alright, shite timing, that's my bad."
"Your bad?" Sirius repeated incredulously. "For fuck's sake, James, I think that's a bit of an understatement."
Lily's laugh got louder as she struggled to keep quiet.
"Still not helping," Remus said to her.
"Oh I'm sorry," she said, not sounding very sorry at all and grinning widely, "but you have to admit, this is pure gold. I thought they were dating at Hogwarts and it turns out James didn't even know he fancies Sirius?"
"Woah, what?" James asked. "You knew?"
"Mate, the only one who didn't know is you," Remus said. Then he glanced at Sirius and added, "Sirius may not have known either."
"I knew that he thought I was fit; I didn't know he fancied me," Sirius hissed. "I mean, yes, I love him, but he's a sodding idiot! What arsehole doesn’t realise something like that until they’re getting married to someone else?"
"I'm beginning to feel ganged up on," James said, but he couldn't be too upset with all the butterflies in his stomach over hearing that Sirius loved him. Sirius loved him! Talk about a best case scenario. And yes, Sirius had said he was stupid, but with all the current evidence supporting that, James couldn't hold it against him. Plus, y’know, he could be stupid at times, and he knew that.
Lily snorted. "You deserve it. I mean really, waxing poetic about his hands? What did you think was going on in your head?"
"Yes this is very funny and I think we should continue it later," Remus said, "but for right now, what the hell do I do? In case you lot forgot, there's sort of a full house, here."
"Sirius," Lily said, leaning to peer around James to look at him, "how do you feel about marrying James?"
"What?" James said, but he was ignored as Lily continued.
"We've already got the venue and all the food, and I feel like someone should get married today, just so it's not a total waste."
"While that is a lovely idea, Lils, I don't think James would want to-"
"James would very much want to," James interrupted, turning to look at Sirius. "I still want to live with you, but Lily's having the baby and- I mean, it makes sense, doesn't it?"
"You're absolutely barmy, and the answer is yes," Sirius said. Which, knowing him the way that James did, wasn't much of a surprise; he was always up for the crazy ideas the instant that James said he wanted to. In the grand scheme of things, this wasn't any different.
"Okay," Remus muttered, looking down at his notes with a frown. "Erm. I don't really have a contingency for this. Do I start over?"
Lily tossed her bouquet to Sirius, who caught it even though he seemed bewildered that she had given them to him. "I think you can skip to the 'I do's'." She took off the veil and-- with a massive grin-- stuck the clip of it in James's hair. She picked up her skirts and took a little step backwards as Remus took a step to the side so he was standing in between James and Sirius instead of James and Lily.
"Do you, James Potter, take Sirius Black as your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, till death parts you?"
"I do," James said, not entirely sure that he wasn't hallucinating, but also, he wasn't going to say no on the off-chance that this was real.
Remus nodded. "And do you, Sirius Black, take James Potter as your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, till death parts you?"
"I do," Sirius said, sounding only slightly more put-together than James did.
Harry wrinkled his nose, squinting up at Sirius.
"Something wrong, prongslet?" Sirius asked.
"I do not think that story is true," he said, his words carefully arranged so that it didn't sound like he was calling one of his fathers a liar; he'd been told a few months ago not to call other people liars because it was rude.
"I promise, that's how it happened."
Harry's eyes squinted even more; Sirius doubted he could see anything with how little space there was between his eyelids.
"Why's Harry giving you that look?" Lily asked, walking into the room.
Sirius sighed, ruffling Harry's hair as he turned his face towards Lily. "I told him how me and Dad-" Dad meaning James "-got married and he doesn't believe me."
"It's a rather unbelievable story," Lily said understandingly. "But that is how it happened, Haz. You can ask Uncle Moony later, if you want to double-check."
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maybe-im-dark · 3 years
The plot picks up in chapter 3!
Even tinsel football didn't help improve Bernard's mood. Still, he forced a smile and cheered his elves on. Santa had introduced the variant of the American sport. And indeed it helped the elves to let out the frustration of long work and to free themselves from pent-up energies. He never played along himself. Not only because as a head elf he had to maintain his composure. Bernard was simply not gifted in sport. Balls always bounced off him and his throws hit everything-Quintin's shins, Curtis glasses-except the target. Although of course he would never admit that.
The elves, meanwhile, had thrown themselves on Santa. Everyone celebrated the victory. Bernard leaned down to his boss. "Santa. We need to talk."
It was about time to let him know. Curtis had wasted enough time and now they only had a month left. Together they made their way to Santa's office. Bernard's stomach tightened. That wouldn't end well.
On arrival, the head elf fetched Santa's coat and handed it to him. To make matters worse, there was also the annual meeting of the Council of Legendary Figures. Absolutely nothing went as it should and the pain in Bernard's stomach intensified even more when he thought about what still had to be done.
"Strange," muttered Santa, tugging at his waistband, "those fit yesterday"
A worried "Uh-oh" came from the puppet stage. Bernard didn't know which of the elves had come up with the idea of ​​furnishing Santa's rooms with hand puppets brought to life. He just knew that they were extremely annoying and that their comments did not contribute to the situation.
"Hot cocoa for you!"
“This is not a good time, Abby!” Bernard rebuked the cocoa elf.
Not that he had anything against Abby. She was kind, helpful, a good listener, as her job required. But she wasn't Judy. Judy had had a mental breakdown about two years ago. All of a sudden. Screeching hysterically, she had run around the workshop, throwing everything around her that was within reach. When Bernard had approached her to calm her down, she had grabbed a pot of cocoa and flung the scalding contents right in his face.
It was only thanks to Dr Hismus excellent care and strong healing magic that it hadn't left a trace. Triggered by the incident, his own head elf magic had also flared up. He had spent a month in the elfirmary plagued by febrile seizures. The flare-up of the head elf magic actually only happened once, namely when an elf became the head elf. It changed them, made them taller and physically older, as a sign that this elf was a leader and had to be respected. As a result, Bernard had outwardly aged from a teenager to a young adult. Judy couldn't be helped and so she was put into retirement. The last Bernard heard from her was that she resided in Las Vegas. He never thought she would retire before him.
"I sent Dasher to get Brazilian cocoa beans," Abby snapped him from his thoughts.
"What's the bad news?" Asked Santa and looked sharply at the elf.
"What do you mean?" She replied, putting on a fake innocent smile.
Bernard knew that smile. He suspected evil.
"Whenever you play the designer bean card, it means bad news."
Abby's face fell. Without a word she handed him a roll of parchment.
"What are you doing with the nice and list list?" Asked Santa.
Bernard shot Abby a sour look over his shoulder and put his arms on his hips.
"Just don't shoot the messenger." Guilty, she looked down.
Sighing, Santa put on his reading glasses and unrolled the document without taking his eyes off Abby.
"It's Charlie," she managed.
"Sheen?" Santa frowned. "I thought he straightened out."
"Not that Charlie."
Bernard looked back and forth between Santa and Abby. Chin raised defiantly. She didn't mean ...?
“My Charlie? My son Charlie is on the naughty list? ”Santa looked like he had been hit by a bag of bricks.
The puppets shrieked in horror and clapped their hands over their mouths.
"There's gotta be a mistake." His voice sounded like someone whose entire world was broken. And somehow it was the case.
“We don't make mistakes. Sorry Santa, please excuse me. ”Abby fled the room with her head bowed.
Bernard was torn. On the one hand, he wanted to follow Abby to comfort her. Contrary to his reputation as a cold-hearted jerk, it hurt him very much to see his elves so emotionally distressed. On the other hand, he knew that his duty as a head elf was also to stand by Santa and this priority unfortunately outweighed.
"Is that what you and Curtis wanted to tell me?" Now Santa sounded reproachful.
At that moment Curtis burst into the room, pushing the magnifying glass device.
“You told him? Great! Let's get you ready for that meeting! "
“I can't have the meeting here. I have to see Charlie! ", Santa replied, while Bernard closed his coat.
The head elf glared angrily at Curtis. "Number two, tell him right now!"
He wasn't going to let Curtis get away that easily! The younger one returned the glare, making him look more like a defiant toddler due to his small size and chubby cheeks.
"Tell me what? Come clean, guys! "Demanded Santa.
Curtis sighed. "Santa, there is a clause."
"That would be me."
"No, another clause."
"Curtis, in case you haven't noticed, this time of the year the malls are filled with other Santa Clauses."
"No, there is another Santa Clause. "
"Get on with it!" The puppets screamed.
"This was in your predecessor's coat," Curtis put Santa's business card into the holder of the device.
"Yes, I remember," said the boss and recited what was written. "And the rest would be history, right?"
"Apparently our number two", Bernard held up two fingers, " the keeper of the handbook, seems to have overlooked the single most important detail in the history of christmas!" His voice grew louder with every word.
Anyone who knew Bernard knew that the elf was on the verge of a full blown outburst. Not much was missing and he would freak out. The elf was often sassy and cynical. True outbursts of anger were rare with Bernard and therefore feared.
"Wow! One mistake in 900 years, "remarked Curtis dryly.
Bernard snorted. "Look!" He took a magnifying glass out of the device.
Santa blinked. "I can't see that."
"Better now?" He took out the next bigger one.
"Ehhh ..."
Magnifying glass 2.
"Or now?"
"It's getting there..."
Magnifying glass 3.
"How about now?"
"I can't see anything!" Sighed Santa.
With a little effort, Bernard took out the last and largest magnifying glass.
“Ah, now I see. The cardholder agrees to choose a woman of his choice ... true love ... not valid in the state of Utah ... Holy ... MATRIMONY? I HAVE TO GET MARRIED? "
Bernard swallowed. "Yes, it's the Mrs. Clause."
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katemarley · 4 years
fanfiction: fugue in a minor
Fandom: Hetalia Pairing: SpAus (Austria/Spain) Characters: Austria, Spain, Belgium, Augsburg, Swabia, Bavaria, Holy Roman Empire, Saxony Rating: E
Summary: 23 October 1520. Spain and Austria get married. The Imperial Estates and their guests while away the evening with music and courtly dances, celebrating both the union and Charles V’s crowning as “elected Roman emperor” in Aachen Cathedral. But what is expected of the newlyweds? And what is in for them on their wedding night?
This story has been written for Hetabang 2020. It’s a collaboration project with @aph--lietuva who was my Beta and who created wonderful art for this story that you can find on her tumblr. With her permission, I also inserted her art into this tumblr post. It’s been a pleasure working with you! ❤︎
Also available on AO3 (see the link in my profile).
This story also is the sequel to “Prelude in A Minor” that you can also find on AO3 and that I have been talking about, but not written, for almost four years, oops... xD Both stories can be read independently from each other.
Preliminary notes: Augusta – Augsburg: brown hair, green eyes, elegant low bun Hilde/Hildegard – Swabia (Reichskreis/Imperial Circle, Reichsritterschaft/Imperial Knighthood): blond locks, green eyes, some resemblance to Switzerland and Liechtenstein Léa – Burgundy: our canon Belgium before she came to be called Belgium
Austria turned slowly. He was wearing a cumbersome ceremonial robe that was far heavier than his usual formal attire. It had been made especially for today in order to dress him in the latest fashion and he didn’t want to rip any fabric by accident—and definitely not before the wedding.
“I’m sorry to interrupt,” said Burgundy, not sounding sorry at all as she pried him from the clutches of a dozen courtiers. He didn’t mind—courtly talk was stressful because it contained a dozen pitfalls, and Léa was a straightforward woman. Also, in a moment like this, he’d much rather be with someone comforting and familiar rather than navigate the sea of faces and names of humans he had probably only met once but was to remember regardless. Usually, he had no problem with that; he was actually very skilled at the diplomatic game. But right now, his head was too full of other thoughts.
“I need some moments alone with my consort, my partner.” Burgundy gave off an air of sovereignty as she spoke to her court who all accepted without question that this was business for the immortals to tend to. Roderich sighed in relief and let her steal him away into their bedroom.
She was fussing at his outfit, straightening it and picking imaginary lint off the velvet before making him sit down on a chair in front of the dresser. She took a brush and took off his black beret to run it softly through his hair, obviously just to have something to do while they talked.
“Liefsteling, I think we should have a little chat before you and Antonio exchange rings.”
“Didn’t we talk about all I need to know already?” Austria frowned. He was unable to keep in all his pent-up frustration and around her, he wasn’t too scrupulous to show it. “You and Charles want to strengthen the unity of the empire, so I am to marry Spain. I understand that. I don’t like it and you know I don’t like Charles, but I can see your point that marriage is a useful device to strengthen the empire.” He huffed indignantly. Sometimes, it was annoying to be “a sensible lad”, as Charles had once dubbed him, but he knew too well how these things worked to waste his time on rebelling. She let him pour it all out with a patient smile.
Finally, he quieted down and added more demurely: “I just wish it wasn’t me, and I wish I didn’t have to marry another male personification. It seems … indecent.”
“I know, dear. It’s a bit … unorthodox.” Burgundy touched his arm and squeezed it in an attempt to comfort him. A smile played on her lips that already showed her intent to lighten Roderich’s mood. “Well, listen to you complaining! You get to marry Europe’s newcomer, a surprise uncovered from Al Andalus. A shiny, new, mysterious knight, a devout catholic, and dare I say … a fair countenance. I’m sure many of the ladies here envy you. But it seemed more important to strengthen relations between two important parts of the empire that are further away from each other, rather than between him and me.” She sighed wistfully, but a bit theatrically.
“Burgundy, if you talk like that I’d swear you want to wed him!” He feigned indignance. “I wish you were the one to marry him,” he added glumly. “And the ladies can have him, for all I care.”
“Now! To think you’d give me away that easily. I’d want my husband to be jealous and fight for me!” She then stopped the theatrics and, with a soft smile, put her arm around him, just like an older sister would do. “I am a little jealous to give you away … I’m going to miss our library talks.” Roderich’s smile softened and he touched her hand.
“There is another thing I must discuss…” She seemed to hesitate. “Remember our wedding night and what we left unfulfilled?” 
“Ah.” Austria tensed. “So this is what we’re talking about.”
“It is indeed.” Burgundy paused. “We didn’t complete our union that night and while we did later, it did affect us. Charles and I believe it is vital to strengthen the union of Spain and Austria as much as possible, and for that…” Her arm around Austria tensed. He could feel the topic was uncomfortable for her.
“And for that, the marriage needs to be consummated,” Austria said flatly. “That doesn’t exactly come as a surprise, Léa.”
“Yes, but it’s not the only thing we discussed…”
Roderich now felt his cheeks redden “What? The insolence!” He sighed. “That imprudent man was actually discussing the technicalities of a coupling between two men with you? ”
“He only wants to ensure that the strength of the union…”
“Don’t defend him!” Austria snapped. Léa flinched.
“I’m sorry,” he said in a quieter tone. “It’s just that he has no idea how things actually work at my place. I don’t like how little interest he takes, and now he focuses on the anatomy of the personification rather than on the resources of the land…” He sighed. The duality of beings like them further complicated everything.
Spain and him were “mere manifestations of the political body shaping them”, Charles had told him not long ago. Manifestations of the body politic—not men. That meant the laws of the Church regarding marriages between humans didn’t apply to them. Archbishop Hermann of Cologne had agreed and had added that the biblical example for a country was to be the heavenly Jerusalem, which further expands itself to gain as much territory as possible and to help the spread of Christianity all over the world. To strengthen their holy empire like this was to behave exactly as the Bible dedicated. 
“The fact that we’re human personifications really is convenient to the likes of him: Whether they consider us human or not ultimately depends on what’s more convenient to them. Two men couldn’t marry, but the human-shaped, but not human, personifications of Spain and Austria can. It doesn’t matter to him that our anatomy is exactly the same as that of two male human beings.”
“I know. I agree with you, I’ve seen kings and bishops use scripture as a justification rather than as a guide many times. As a woman, I have often felt what it was like to be an exception to the rule”, said Burgundy firmly, reminding him of her own position. “However, there’s another message those cowards have made me the messenger of” She stopped brushing his hair, seemingly looking for the right words.
“Yes?” Austria waited. He had no intention to help her with this.
“The king and bishop believe that because this is already infringing on normal matrimony, everything else should mimic a normal marriage as closely as possible.” She interrupted herself, She looked at Austria as if she was hoping that he would understand it. He did but he was going to have her say it. 
“Well, you know. Have the position of the wife be taken by the—by the—more gallant one of the two.” Even her silver tongue couldn’t phrase this more delicately.
Austria was speechless. Charles—this morally rigid, exceedingly religious person—not only insisted two men marry for political reasons, as an unpleasant but ultimately bearable formality. No, he had also insisted these two men actually consummate their marriage and had elaborate thoughts on the mechanics of it. Austria was seriously tempted to rush off, grab Charles by the ruff and give him a piece of his mind. Including the rhetorical question what he thought their private parts looked like.
Burgundy saw the face he was making and spat out the rest. “And only the accepted position, all else is fornication. So you’re to lay on your back.” She let out a small whimper and looked faint. Austria realized that he shouldn’t direct his anger at her. She had always been his friend.
“Cowards, the both of them. In treating you as a country, they are indeed forgetting you’re a lady. Your nature is far too delicate for such crass messages.” He stood up and took her hands gently. He didn’t want to fight with her.
She embraced him, held him for a moment and then stepped back.
“I have something for you.” She opened a chest with a key from her belt and produced a box. “Open it, I’d like for you to wear it today.” Roderich did so and found an ornate golden chain with the Golden Fleece in it.
“Your order…” Roderich smiled at her. 
“When you united with me, you obtained the right to be a part of the Order of the Golden Fleece. When you’re out there, I’m with you.” Roderich felt a tightness around his chest as he recognised the curls on top of the ram shaping the letter B for Burgundy. 
He wasn’t in this alone.
She placed the chain around his neck with an air of ceremony and made sure it lay evenly over his shoulders. She smiled at him and kissed his forehead, after which she traced the sign of the cross on it with her finger. After the tender gesture, she rather forcefully put the beret back on his head and chuckled. “There, you’re ready!”   
Oh, he wasn’t ready. Far from it, but it was happening now.
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The procession departed from the house he shared with Burgundy in Aachen. Usually, the bride was led to the house of her new husband, but Spain did not have a house there. Out of convenience, they were using the cathedral, which had already been prepared for the coronation of Charles V, and the city hall for the festivities after that. In the procession, all the nuptial gifts Austria had received were carried along and displayed. Some of them were made of strange, exotic-looking gold brought from the new world that gleamed ostentatiously in the afternoon sun. Roderich could feel the presence of Spain through everything surrounding him. Even the new coat had been paid for by him.
The marriage itself was overwhelming in terms of pompously clad courtiers and country personifications, but rather underwhelming in terms of anything else. Roderich’s feelings were a mixture of nervousness because so many people watched him and carefully veiled anger at being one of the two pawns in Charles’s and Burgundy’s political plans.
The truly annoying thing was that he saw the logic behind their actions. He just didn’t like how they affected him.
They were met by the second procession coming from the opposite direction with Spain at its centre. Roderich sought out his eyes, but he was still mostly obscured by the crowd. Both processions reached the cathedral and filled the front part of the space. The nave and choir were reserved for mass, after all, and weddings were worldly affairs. So, leaving the late Gothic choir unoccupied, everyone gathered in the octagonal Palatine Chapel at the very front of the church, leaving the centre open for the couple and the priest.
Roderich’s eyes had to adjust to the relative darkness of the church in contrast with the bright afternoon outside. Two young boys were made to hold long torches over Spain’s and his head and above them, a plethora of little candles were lit in the giant octagonal candelabra. For a moment, he was captivated by the little lights and a realisation dawned upon him: The small structures on the chandelier represented gates. It was a direct depiction of Heavenly Jerusalem. The architecture mimicked the octagonal shape of the chandelier and thus that of Jerusalem as well. The words of the archbishop about the biblical duties of a country echoed through his head. He realized that his duty was literally hanging over his head.
As his gaze war already turned upwards, he saw that the upper gallery was filling with people as well, all of them waiting while a small shadow was passing in front of them. The figure walking around the upper gallery barely reached over the coiled cast-iron balustrades when he finally halted and stepped into the light. The Holy Roman Empire wore the Imperial Regalia and made a gesture of blessing. He was their witness, as it was his empire they were fortifying. The ancient child climbed onto the bare marble throne that had once belonged to their forefather in order to oversee the wedding. Roderich would have laughed at the image of Karl der Kleine playing at being Karl der Große, had he not felt a chill run down his spine at the image of Karl on his throne. Among everyone here, he was the one that belonged there. His spirit had been there when these walls had been built and through his presence, through his breath, the spirit of history slowly filled the space.
When the priest asked them to say their vows, Austria obliged, speaking flatly and without emotion. Spain’s intonation was much livelier, but from what little he had learned about the other country in the past months, that was the way they were: One who usually remained calm unless you crossed him one too many times; and another who seemed to be ever vigorous.
The priest produced a small dish on which Spain put a piece of gold, a piece of silver and a ring. 
Roderich extended his hand meekly for Antonio to put on the ring, but then noticed something. The ring was of a German type. He wondered if this was Spain being thoughtful or him purchasing one at the last minute. Spain held up the ring and clicked it open to be two separate rings. To Roderich’s surprise, they were gimmel rings …
Spain explained in a hushed voice: “Because we are both men, I felt I couldn’t just put a ring on you. We should both wear one. I liked these because of what they say.” He was referring to the words around the band, which he read out in horribly accented German: was Gott zusammen fueget soll der Mensch nicht schneiden. They were a purplish ruby and an emerald. Antonio carefully put the half with the emerald on Roderich’s left ring finger and then handed him the ruby to do the same. This was thoughtful of Antonio—had he come up with this himself or was this the council of Karl advising him? Austria was very aware of the new weight around his finger and his resolve to remain cold started to waver.
When the priest asked them to kiss, Austria’s first impulse was to do it as unemotionally as he had made his vows. Then his eyes caught the pleading look in Spain’s, and his resolve faltered.
Spain was a pawn as well. He didn’t deserve Austria’s coldness. If anyone, it was Charles who deserved coldness.
They settled for a chaste but tender kiss. There was relief in Spain’s eyes when they separated, and Austria was glad his softer side had got the best of him.
They didn’t deserve to be pawns.
They were in this together.
They were then taken to the altar to kneel and be blessed. Austria stole a glance to Spain halfway who had his eyes shut tightly and was fervently praying. Thoughts were drowning out Roderich’s own prayers as well as the words of the priest. Worries about everything—about whether God could really approve of their union, about how his life was going to change after this, even about the impending consummation. They all seemed to lump together in an all-encompassing buzzing noise in his head.
He barely registered the “Amen”.
Then they were hoisted back on their feet and, with much loud music and cheering, led out of the church for another procession to the city hall that had been readied for further festivities. For a moment, Roderich stood there like a deer facing a hunter. Then, almost as if it was the most natural thing ever, Spain took his hand and pulled him into the cacophony of the crowd, but the act did make Austria’s thoughts quieten down.
Remember, Austria thought to himself.
They were in this together.
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Austria turned to the speaker. He had recognised her voice instantly.
Augsburg bowed, albeit not very low. She was an imperial city, much smaller than him in terms of her land and yet so much wealthier.
“Augsburg.” Austria bowed on his part, anxious not to incline his head lower than she had. He could at least keep up appearances, if nothing else.
It was her who took his hand for the basse danse—almost imperceptible, but the transgression was there. She swept her eyes over the people that had gathered inside Aachen’s town hall: Most of them were members of the high nobility and imperial estates who wouldn’t have missed the opportunity to show themselves for Charles’s crowning and the establishment of the Austro-Spanish union alike. There were guests from other kingdoms, too, moving in the slow and elegant sequence of steps so characteristic for this dance. Not all of those people had come to Austria and Spain’s wedding ceremony itself.
It makes them uncomfortable, Austria thought. But who was he to complain? It made him uncomfortable, too.
“Lovely, isn’t it?” Augsburg said with the attitude of a self-satisfied host. “Don’t you think the banquet was quite decent, too?”
Hand movements, steps, hand movements—they all came naturally to Austria. He didn’t need to think with his brain when he danced. His feet had memorised the steps, going through the motions without his conscious thought.
“One could almost think it was your marriage,” Austria replied in the politest tone he could muster.
Stop it, Aunt Augusta, this isn’t your marriage.
Augsburg understood him very well. She pulled them aside before they were to change partners, giving him her piece of mind. Someone like Augusta didn’t even need to raise her eyebrow. One look was enough.
“Oh, I much prefer to be the merchant who pays for all of this,” she said bluntly. “I pay; you do my bidding. That’s how things work these days, dearie. It’s the same for your Charles and my Jakob Fugger.”
He’s not my Charles. Austria bit down on his lips. It would have been unwise to wear his heart on his sleeve in front of her. You never knew what she might do with a delicate piece of information such as this. How she might profit from it. For this seemed to be what the world of merchants was all about: Profit; personal gain.
“You’ve become cold,” he said eventually. The irony wasn’t lost on him: Augsburg seemed cold because she focused on monetary gain; Charles seemed cold because he focused on political gain; and Austria acted cold because he did what needed to be done.
Still, marrying someone he barely knew felt daunting. So did the uncertainty of  how other people thought about his marriage: Did they perceive it the way Charles had presented it to everyone—as a political union only? Were they secretly disgusted because both personifications who had exchanged vows inhabited male human bodies? Did they expect them to consummate their marriage?
“I’m not cold, dearie,” Augsburg interrupted his train of thoughts. Her voice was warmer and darker now; a tone he remembered from his childhood. “I’m only trying to achieve the best for my people, as we all do—or should be doing, at the very least.”
That was undoubtedly true. It was the truth at the very core of all country personifications: You are the land—or, in Augsburg’s case, the city. Do what is best for the land and those who call it their home.
You could go against that, but not for very long. It drove you insane. There had been examples of that, too…
Swabia had told him to be the land, time and time again. When she had vanished, everybody had thought her dead. Then she had returned, telling everyone she would always be there as long as there was one soul who remembered her name and called themselves Swabian. Histrionics, they had thought, and yet…
Perhaps there was some grain of truth in it. Perhaps the key was to believe in it yourself.
“You look far too serious, darling,” Augsburg said into his thoughts. “Cheer up, it’s your wedding day!” She patted his cheek in an almost motherly gesture. “It’s all new to you now, but you’ll get used to being his husband.”
“Will I?” he said flatly. His anger was still there, bubbling under the surface. “Will I ever?”
She ignored his despondent answer and studied Spain from across the room before leaning in with a conspiratory grin. “So, what do you think: Is he or isn’t he?”
Austria was confused. “Is he what?”
She answered as if she was discussing the latest court scandal. “Moorish, of course! He spent so much time under Muslim occupation. Perhaps he obtained some Moorish blood or strange habits! Hmm, his skin is pale, but his curls are dark! If he’d grow a beard, he’d look the part.”
She had achieved her aim. Roderich had been fighting the Ottoman Turks at his eastern border for a while now, and he was thoroughly scandalized.
“I sure hope you’re joking!”
“Oh, well, it doesn’t matter, as long as he has no more Muslim tendencies. Take a piece of advice from someone who’s been around for one and a half millennia,” she told him, glancing meaningfully at Spain’s back once she had spotted him among the dancers. “You could have had it worse. At least he’s handsome.”
“He plays the vihuela.” Austria hadn’t even intended to give her this piece of information; it had simply slipped out.
“Does he?” Now Augsburg did raise an eyebrow. “That’s even better. I may know less than you about arranged marriages between rulers unless we’re only talking about ceremonies, but I believe it’s always useful to have some common ground.” She glanced at Spain again. “And like I said, he’s nicely shaped.” Her hands made curving motions, forming two semicircles.
“What?” Austria looked at her in puzzlement.
It took a few seconds until the penny dropped.
“Augusta!” Austria hissed, blushing furiously. “How very indecent!”
“You’re the one who’s going to see it without all those layers of clothing,” Augsburg deadpanned. “Most likely, in any case.” She shrugged. “Unless Charles told you not to make inquiries in that direction. But if I were you, I’d still try to squeeze it, no matter what Charles says. I feel tempted to do it even now.”
“Please don’t!” Austria felt very hot all of a sudden. Until now, he had pushed thoughts about the technical side of consummating a marriage out of his mind. Trust Augusta not to let me get away with it. Augsburg’s words planted mental images in his head that he really didn’t want to think about just now.
“Hmm...” Augsburg threw a calculating glance in Spain’s general direction. “No, I won’t squeeze it. But tempted I am.”
They joined the basse danse again. At some point, Spain gave a little yelp, looking around himself in puzzlement. Austria was entirely unsurprised to spot Augusta quite close to him, looking just as surprised about the sound as anyone else.
Austria sighed.
She was a good actor, he had to give her that.
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Third time’s the charm, Roderich thought, turning toward the person who had uttered his name in a mixture between a hiss and a rough whisper.
Swabia took him by the arm—not a very comfortable experience from an old warrior with an iron grip. Austria winced.
“Sorry,” Swabia said casually, not sounding sorry at all. Austria inwardly rolled his eyes. Why was half his family like this?
She dragged him in a corner suitably far away from spying eyes and ears. Only then she released her grip. Austria rubbed his protesting upper arm.
“Listen to me, boy,” she said urgently. Her voice was dark, almost masculine. When Austria had been little, he had thought she was a man, and she had done nothing to discourage that notion. Then the Duchy of Swabia had been no more, and for all people knew, she had vanished from the face of the Earth. It was only when she had reappeared a few decades ago, from Heaven knew where, that she had been open about being a woman.
“What is it, Hilde?” He couldn’t help it; he sounded unnerved.
“I do realise that everyone wants you to do or be something for them today,” Swabia said gruffly, “but that is precisely the reason why we need to talk. What do you know about bedding ceremonies?”
“Oh no,” Austria groaned. “They wouldn’t, would they.” His tone was too flat to count as a question. They would, he knew that. Or at least certain people would.
“I discouraged them from actually witnessing the consummation,” Swabia said in the tone of the long-suffering. “But Burgundy will guide Spain and I will guide you to your chamber.”
Austria smacked his head against the nearest wall. He did it with caution, so as not to accidentally hurt himself, but the message was clear. As soon as he leaned back, Swabia patted his back not very gently. He suspected it would take several minutes until it recovered from this onslaught.
“We’re going to leave as soon as we’ve finished escorting you,” she reassured him. “I, for my part, have no intention whatsoever to watch the actual consummation, whether it actually takes place or not.” Her voice sounded affronted at the mere suggestion, one clear indication, Austria thought, that someone had indeed suggested she stay and watch.
“But others might have fewer qualms,” Austria said. Swabia had always appreciated straightforwardness, a no-bullshit attitude and, last but not least, people who thought for themselves. That was one thing that hadn’t changed between before and after.
“Precisely,” she said darkly. “Don’t look at him, but you know who I mean.”
Bavaria, thought Austria. Out loud, he said: “He has always been a bully.”
“He has been a bully towards you from the very moment Redbeard and I decided to make you a duchy independent from him,” Swabia specified. “Which, even though it is all water under the bridge now, it is a major reason why I feel responsible to protect you from him in a moment when you will be vulnerable.”
Austria’s heart softened. Thinking back, she had always had an impressive ability to put herself in other people’s shoes—oh well, nothing special there; think like the enemy was one of the first things Bavaria himself had taught him. But Swabia had always had a motherly streak towards him, Austria—and that made all the difference, even though he hadn’t realised it when he was little.
“In any case,” Swabia swiftly returned to the matters at hand, “Bavaria will probably try to sneak up on you. If you don’t want that—and I’m sure you don’t—I urgently advise you not to start anything until he has made the attempt. I don’t know, sing some merry songs instead. Play a nice board game with your husband, for all I care. But see to it that there will be nothing for Bavaria to see. Alright?”
“Alright,” said Austria, “but how can I be sure that he won’t come back for another attempt?”
“I will see to that,” Swabia said gloomily. Austria had to pull himself together so as not to take an involuntary step back. She could be menacing when she set her mind to it.
An old warrior, they said. Better with the sword than with the head. But that wasn’t true; Austria knew it wasn’t. In order to be as good with the sword as her, you had to be a quick thinker, too. The difference was that she was no schemer at all—nothing like Augusta. But she was no schemer because she had an aversion to scheming, not because she was fundamentally unable to think in such a way.
“Thank you.” He gave her a genuine smile. She smiled back, in her own firm and earnest way, insofar as you could smile earnestly. 
“You will remain in the corridor?” he asked.
“Don’t worry, I will keep my distance.”
“I did not worry. In fact, I’m glad it will be you who stays there.”
As the festivities progressed, Swabia came over once again—this time for everyone to be seen—took Austria gently by the hand—the hand, not the arm—and guided him away. He did not see Burgundy approach Spain, but they arrived in front of Spain and his chamber at the same time.
“Have fun, boys!” Burgundy said with a cat-like smile before she left them alone.
Swabia exchanged a meaningful glance with Austria. Then she nodded at them both and went away. Her footsteps echoed in the corridor—still a soldier’s steps despite the elegant dress she was wearing.
“Who is she?” whispered Spain in Italian as soon as the footsteps had died away.
“Swabia.” My guardian angel, he thought. And she is still here.
“The one who—” Spain craned his neck as if he could catch another glimpse of her that way.
“Who what?” Austria pretended not to know what Spain was asking about.
“Who spent her time in that mountain—you know, the same that Emperor Frederick II went to?”
“The Kyffhäuser, you mean,” Austria said.
 “And said she had returned because it was a time of need for her children?” Spain continued, still craning his neck to see what was not to be seen anymore.
Oh dear, my husband is naïve. Roderich sighed.
“For all I know, Frederick II died in Castel Fiorentino in 1250,” he said drily. “For all I know, she has never been gone. Probably kept her head down because her children wanted so many different things. But as soon as aforesaid children think it best to unite, she’s there again, as head of their league. Head of the Swabian Circle now, too.”
“I hear grudging respect,” said Spain.
“At some point when I was little, I used to look up to her,” Austria explained. “She was the leading power of the empire back then. I wanted to be like her. Wanted to earn the empire’s crown.”
“So you did.”
“So I did,” Austria repeated sourly. “And look what good it is doing me. I’m nothing but a pawn in a game too big for me to play. She has never been a pawn.”
“Oh no,” Spain said earnestly. “She has always been a knight.” He paused. “So are you. And so am I.”
There was a small silence before Spain opened the door.
“Shall we go in?”
The room was pleasant and warm. Roderich noticed he’d been gifted a marriage chest. He had no time to look at it, though. Instead, he was looking for the right words to say.   
For the first time after their wedding ceremony, Austria looked directly into his husband’s eyes. Play a nice board game with your husband, for all I care.
Then, to his dismay, Spain stepped closer to him and leaned in, inclining his head for a kiss.
“No! Wait.” Roderich’s voice came out more shrill than he had intended. He stepped back and tried to compose himself.
“May I challenge you to a game of chess?”
Shock and hurt manifested in Spain’s eyes. Austria could read him like an open book.
Oh. So this is important to you, Austria thought. Who would have thought.
“But…” Spain whimpered.
“I do not intend to eschew my marital duties,” Austria reassured him in his most formal tone. “I do, however, intend to postpone them for some more minutes or, as it may be, hours.”
Spain looked at him in confusion.
“You will see why.”
Spain thought about that.
“Chess it is, then,” he decided in the end.
They had barely lit all the candles in the room, taken off their shoes and laid out the chessboard in the middle of their four-poster when a long-haired blonde barged into their chamber.
“Austria!” he barked.
“You know, Saxony, there is such a thing as a door,” Austria said gently, placing his first pawn to e4 on the board. “The concept might seem novel to you, but it is for knocking.”
“Don’t give me that bullshit!” The blond man’s blue eyes bored into Austria’s purple ones. “I’m here to warn you! Your brother wants to be an asshole once again and spy on you…”
“Spy on me playing chess with my husband?” Austria asked sweetly.
Saxony visibly deflated.
“I should have expected you to know.”
“No harm done. But, Saxony—” Austria paused.
“Next time you intend to warn someone of potential bedding ceremonies, do knock before you barge in. You might, you know … cause the exact thing you aim to prevent.”
“Sorry, Austria.” Saxony hung his head.
“Chin up,” Austria said jovially. “Like I said, no harm done.”
There was silence after Saxony had trudged out of the room.
“So this is why you suggested a game of chess,” Spain said eventually, moving one of his own pawns to e5.
“Exactly.” In a split-second decision, Austria moved a second pawn to f4. Spain whistled.
“Classic! Did you read Francesch Vicent’s book on chess?”
Austria gave him his best enigmatic smile.
They hadn’t played for long when the door clicked open one more time, and Augsburg put her head inside.
“Chess?” she asked in disapproval. “How boring!”
“It is a very interesting game!” insisted Spain.
Augsburg pouted.
“Your butt is far more interesting to me, young man. One should have thought seeing it was included in the price I paid for this wedding, but this seems not to be so. Good evening, gentlemen.”
With that, her head vanished, and the door clicked shut. Spain stared after her, open-mouthed.
“What was that?”
“The question is: Who was that, dear Antonio,” said Austria patiently. “The answer is: Meet Aunt Augusta, the moneybag who pays for everything you have seen so far, except for the fixed interior of this building. Then again, you have already met her or, rather, met her thumb and forefinger when she pinched your behind earlier this evening.”
“That was her?” Spain stared at the door.
“I’m afraid so.”
With that, Austria returned his focus to the game.
“Do you really think this is appropriate—”
Everyone was surprised when they first heard the child’s voice that sounded so very old. Austria’s first thought now was bafflement.
“Let me down!” the voice clamoured. “Let me down this instant! I don’t want—”
Then their camber door was kicked open with a bang, revealing Bavaria with a struggling Holy Roman Empire in one of his arms.
Something within Austria’s mind clicked. He stalked towards Bavaria in his stockings, putting his hands on his hips.
“What do you even think you’re doing?” he hissed. White-hot anger coursed through his veins.
“Roderich!” Bavaria said in what he had clearly attempted to be a jovial tone. It slipped. “We just…”
“We?” hissed Austria. “We?” His voice rose. “You dragged little Karl here against his will and you have the nerve to suggest he was in any way involved in the idea of seeing his guardian in a compromising situation?” Austria was still growing and only wore socks, but somehow, he managed to tower over Bavaria regardless.
“Erm…” Bavaria did one sensible thing and put Holy Rome to the ground. Austria grabbed him by the collar, still seething with anger.
“Roderich?” the young, old voice said calmly. “Theodor?”
Both countries looked at him.
“I think we should all calm down now, and then Theodor and I will return to the festivities. Is that not a good idea, Theodor?”
“Yes,” Bavaria said glumly. Then Holy Rome took his hand and guided him away.  Austria closed the door after them—with deliberate care. Antagonising Karl was never a good idea. It made you seem childish.
“Alright.” Austria let out a long sigh. “After this, I think they will leave us alone at last.”
Then he saw the look in Spain’s eyes. There was a flicker of reverence in them as well as a distinct spark of—interest? Austria’s stomach did a tiny flip.
“So…” Spain was brushing his hand alongside the nape of his neck; a clear, if somewhat clumsy, sign of nervousness.
“So.” Austria was nervous, too. He tried not to show it; tied to muster the stoic bravery he always associated with Swabia.
“I rather think there will be no more disturbances now, and … I think we both know what is expected of us.” Damn. He was sure Swabia’s voice would not have been quavering.
“Have you ever done this before? I mean, with…” He didn’t know how to continue the sentence. With another man? But were they men? They weren’t human beings; that he was sure of. But their bodies were built like those of two male human beings, and the fact that the church itself had made it official today that human law did not apply to them… To him, it seemed like cheating. It appeared that kings and popes would always decide what they were on the basis of what was most convenient to them.
He looked on the chessboard. Were they pawns in this game of kings?
Spain followed his gaze. He picked up the chessboard from the bed and placed it carefully on the floor.
“You’re thinking too much.” Even Spain’s voice was gentle.
“I always do.” Austria looked away, on the cushions of the large four-poster. So, he thought once more. This was when…
“Will you let me guide you?” Spain said in the same quiet voice he had used before. “Because I actually have done this before.”
“You?” Austria’s head whipped up. He stared at Spain incredulously. “I thought…” He didn’t know how to continue. “Religion…”
For a split second, Spain appeared to be flustered but then answered with an aloofness that seemed almost like he was overcompensating:
“I know what the authorities say on the matter, and in the beginning, I was confused, too. But … it’s not really all that different, you know.” He shrugged. “I’m not a theologian, so I might miss a few points, but if the bishop approves of it, I can’t find fault with it either. Especially when it’s about our kind, who don’t have children the human way anyway.”
“Hm.” Austria thought. “That seems to be the main point, doesn’t it?”
Spain didn’t reply. Austria didn’t know if Spain really thought what he suspected—what he would have thought in Spain’s stead, in any case: Think like that if it makes you feel better about it.
He would try to, anyway.
“What do I need to do?”
“Stop looking like you’re going to face down an enemy, for starters.” Spain smiled as he was inching closer to him.
“I’m trying to.” Austria relaxed his features. Perhaps thinking How would Swabia handle this? wasn’t a good approach in every situation.
“First of all, I’m going to kiss you,” Spain declared. There was an edge to his voice Austria couldn’t quite place. “Then … just follow my lead. And push me away if you want me to stop, okay?”
Austria nodded.
Then a gentle, calloused hand cupped his chin and warm, slightly chapped lips captured his lower lip.
This really was no different to being with a woman, Austria thought involuntarily. At least so far.
He opened his mouth to let Spain in when his tongue demanded it. Spain was a good kisser, at the least; Austria had to give him that. He made an involuntary, small sound at the back of his throat and could feel Spain smile against his lips before he started to kiss Austria’s cheek.
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“That is a fine coat you’re wearing but it’s in my way.” Spain deftly pushed the fur-lined  coat down Austria’s shoulders and let it fall to the floor with a heavy thud. He kissed down Austria’s neck where the wide necked undershirt left him ample room for kisses. While kissing he got at the laces and points that held Austria’s doublet closed down his side and carefully started undoing them. 
Austria’s hands were much more clumsy as he tried to open Spain’s belt that held his sayo gathered at the waist. It was an action dangerously close to the codpiece that peeked from between Spain’s skirts. The kissing had made him light-headed; he refused to accept thinking of himself as aroused yet.
Spain was progressing rapidly and now moved to the laces that tied his doublet to his hoses, it wouldn’t be long or he’d be in his shirt. Austria believed it his duty to do the same, but it was hard to think with Spain’s lips and hair touching his skin, and he had to get Spain to remove his coat and say first before he could get at any laces himself…
Spain sat back and laughed.
“We should have changed into our nightshirts before we started this, shouldn’t we?”
“Probably,” Austria said breathlessly. His mouth twitched upwards, too. “I always underestimate the time it takes to change out of ceremonial clothing.”
Spain flashed back a grin.
“Especially when you’re dead tired after some tedious reception, isn’t it?” He chucked off his own heavy coat and then pulled off the sayo over his head, leaving him in just his jubón and very short breeches and stockings, a state of undress that was already quite scandalous. Austria watched him before he realised that now would be a good time to start unfastening what Spain hadn’t unfastened yet. He took off his doublet and was left in just his undershirt and his breeches.
There was just one problem: The moment he untied the codpiece that was closing his breeches, Spain would see that… Well, that the kissing hadn’t quite left Austria unaffected. And wasn’t that too early…
Meanwhile, Spain had loosened his jubón from the shorts and undid just as many laces as needed to hastily pull it off. He accidentally pulled his linen undershirt along and got a bit stuck. With a little determination he had freed himself and stretched, his upper body was now completely bare. Austria stared. Where he was soft and a little skinny, Spain’s body was covered in hard planes of muscle. He suddenly felt self-conscious about his own body.
Then, Spain pulled loose his garter bands and loosened his codpiece and pushed down everything he wore on the lower half of his body. It was tight so he had to work it down a bit before being able to pull it off. The man was stark naked now. Without conscious thought, Austria’s eyes were drawn to his half-hard cock.
“But you didn’t even…” Austria had no idea how he wanted to finish this sentence.
“It’s basically been like this since we entered the bedroom,” Spain admitted frankly. “But it got a little harder when you put your brother in his place.”
“But … why?” That probably ranked pretty high on a list of most stupid questions ever uttered, Austria realised, so he clarified: “I mean … it’s not as if we had much of a choice…”
“Simple,” Spain said. “You look good. You’re graceful when you dance, among other things. I knew kissing you would feel good, too, and it does.”
“You’re the one who looks good.” Austria knew he was simply stating a fact. “I, on the other hand…” He pulled his wide linen shirt, over his head, leaving himself shirtless. He was trying not to think too much about how he looked.
Then he caught Spain’s stare.
He blinked.
“You know the saying,” murmured Spain, walking over to Austria’s side of the bed. “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.” He raked his eyes over Austria’s, as Austria thought himself, rather scrawny chest. Spain’s broad, warm hands followed, and that did feel good…
Then Spain had managed to untie Austria’s knee breeches. He pulled them down.
“Oh.” Spain stared at Austria’s cock—a rather unbecoming thing, Austria thought; pale with some angry red at the tip.
“And here I was actually worried your body might not react, no matter what I do.”
Was that before or after you kissed me breathless? Austria wanted to quip, but then Spain was on his knees and—alright, that was something he had experienced before too, but Spain had swallowed him whole, and…
He cried out and swore in German, in words he would otherwise have denied he even knew. So much for keeping this to ‘the approved position’ Burgundy had demanded of him this was definitely fornication. He liked that idea, yes there were so many things he had to comply with about this marriage. But there were parts of it that no one could control except for the two of them, no matter how much others might want to.
Spain pushed him on the bed, getting rid of Austria’s breeches and socks while he was at it, never stopping with his mouth…
Rational thought escaped Austria, and that was probably just as fine because he wasn’t keen on evaluating the sounds he made anyway.
Then one of Spain’s hands held down his hips. Cold air hit his cock as Spain sat on his knees, raking his eyes over Austria while he was stroking himself.
Austria stared. He hadn’t felt so aroused in a long time.
“Want to touch me?” Spain asked. Austria nodded. He ran his hands over the muscles on Spain’s chest before he let one hand dip down into Spain’s soft flank. His other hand wrapped around Spain’s cock.
It was a new sensation to hold a cock that wasn’t his own, but Austria knew how he liked to be touched … if he twisted his hand just like this … Spain’s hips bucked under his hands.
“Okay, okay, you’re making me come!” Spain pushed his hand off. “Not yet.”
Oh yes… So far, it had been easy. But that had just been Spain’s way of making the whole thing more bearable, hadn’t it?
Austria rolled on his stomach. Better get it over with…
Broad hands started to knead his … backside, for want of a more becoming term. He felt a puff of air between his cheeks, and then…
He didn’t know if he had bucked or flinched. In any case, he hadn’t been prepared for Spain’s tongue … there.
At first, the sensations were just confusing. Then Spain’s tongue started to work him for real, darting in and out and caressing his inner walls. He started to pant again.
“Hmm…” Spain hummed against his arse. Austria’s hips bucked out of their own volition. “And I didn’t even need to tell you to relax.” The puffs of air against his hole made him buck his hips again. 
“That’s good,” Spain continued. “I’m going to work you open now,” he explained. “That might get a bit uncomfortable. You need to tell me if it gets too much, alright?”
“Yes,” said Austria. It was hard to think through his arousal, but he had understood. On the other hand, he had no intention whatsoever to tell Spain that anything was too much. Grit your teeth…
Spain leaned away from him, taking something from his clothes. Austria looked after him.
“Olive oil,” Spain explained as he opened the jar. “The very best.”
Then Spain started, using his tongue and an oil-coated finger to stretch Austria from the inside… It didn’t feel good, but it was also not the horrible feeling Austria had expected: A mixture of pleasure—yes, it was still there—and the uncomfortable sensation of being stretched in a place that hadn’t been made for stretching all that much. Austria’s hips still bucked when Spain inserted two oily fingers and his tongue, moving them in and out, but his moans were now half pain, half pleasure.
“I think you’re ready,” Spain said eventually.
Am I? thought Austria. He wasn’t ready at all; not mentally, at the least.
Something warm and spongy that had also been coated in oil nudged his arse, and then he had to bite his lips hard not to cry out in pain because that was definitely bigger than…
“Oh, shit,” Spain swore. A number of Spanish expletives followed as he rolled them both to the side, arms flailing. At least it distracted Austria from the unpleasant feeling.
“What…?” he started to ask.
“Damn. Sorry. I almost lost control… Did I hurt you?”
“Not much,” Austria said, more or less truthfully. “Is there something I can do to help?”
“I’d better … hold my legs still. Can you, uh, move against me?”
Austria understood immediately. He tugged one of Spain’s arms across his chest.
“Alright. Hold me.”
Spain did, muscles quivering from the effort not to move while Austria pushed his ass against him again and again, panting in the effort of moving.
“This doesn’t work,” he concluded. “On your back.”
Spain did as he was told. Austria took the jar from Spain’s hand, rubbing more oil on his dick and between his ass cheeks. Then he sat on him, face to his legs because Spain really didn’t need to see the grimace he pulled. He gave himself no time to think about the fact that suddenly it seemed to be him, not Spain, who controlled the situation. Instead, he used his weight to push Spain’s dick inside of him in slow thrusts that strained his leg muscles
When he was almost inside, Spain’s hips jerked upward, knocking the wind out of Austria’s lungs.
“You can turn me around now,” Austria panted as soon as he was sure his voice wouldn’t come out an octave too high. Spain did so, trying to hold his dick inside of Austria as it was. It wasn’t really possible because Austria could feel every little movement, and it wasn’t a pleasant sensation at all.
In the end, they were on their sides again, Spain’s arm once again slung across Austria’s chest.
“You’re so tight,” Spain panted. “Too tight. Can you try to relax?”
Austria did his best. He thought about Spain’s hands on him; the moment he had touched Spain; Spain’s lips around him… That had felt good.
“Better,” Spain grunted. He rocked his hips, keeping Austria in place with his arm.
It actually was better. The stretch was still unpleasant, but the oil did its job quite nicely now, and the pace Spain set suited Austria well: Not too fast, but not too slow either; not too hard and not too soft. He felt his cock that had become softer in the past minutes harden once again.
Then Spain’s hand brushed down Austria’s chest, gripped his cock, and—oh, that was more like it.
Spain’s mouth started to pepper kisses on his neck. Austria understood what he wanted, turning his head until Spain could kiss him. The kiss was open-mouthed and clumsy. Spain moaned into it as his hips moved harder and faster. At last, Austria’s hips started to jerk out of their own volition, torn between the thrusts from behind, the hand around his cock and the tongue in his mouth.
Suddenly, Spain brushed something inside of him that sent a shock of arousal through him. He cried out. Spain’s hand that had only held his cock before twisted up and down. Before Austria had registered what was happening, sticky wetness hit his stomach. Then Spain brushed the same spot as before, and another spurt of come followed the first.
Spain pumped Austria’s cock in a frenzy while his hips jerked up fast and erratically. Spots started to dance before Austria’s eyes. Then Spain’s hips stilled, and Austria felt hot fluid inside of him.
So this was penetrative sex between men, Austria thought with the part of his brain that never seemed to shut off. He pumped air between his lungs in long gasps until the spots in front of his eyes vanished.
The next things he registered were how sensitive the skin on his thighs felt—again, something that was not entirely new—and that he felt unable to move his legs even an inch.
“Austria?” Spain asked in a small voice.
“Hmm?” He couldn’t bring himself to say more.
“Are you … I mean, did I hurt you?” Spain sounded worried.
You mean, when didn’t you hurt me, a malicious part of Austria wanted to quip. He reined it in and settled for the truth.
“It stung when you spread me and it did hurt in the beginning,” he admitted. “But I don’t mind that you were chasing your own release at the end, which is what I think you are referring to.”
“I’m sorry.” Spain sounded sincere. “It gets easier if you do it more often.” There was an unspoken question in that statement, but Austria chose to ignore it for the time being. He had done his duty—the marriage had been consummated—but he didn’t know yet what he wanted for the future.
“Still,” Spain said. Austria felt the bed dip as he stood. He heard him move, but couldn’t bring himself to lift his head. “It was your first time. I should have been gentler.” Spain’s upper body entered Austria’s field of vision, holding a wet piece of cloth. “Allow me to clean you up, too?”
“Please.” Austria realised his own switch back to a formal tone. It seemed to have an effect on Spain: The way he cleaned him up was meticulous and efficient. Austria noted he had warmed the piece of cloth with his body—an act of care he appreciated.
“Tell me,” Austria asked, “if we hadn’t been ordered to consummate our marriage properly, would you have done all you did tonight?”
“No,” Spain answered at once. “I wanted you to enjoy it. I’d probably have stroked us off together, and that’s it. And you can keep caressing each other while you do that…” His voice trailed off. “Look, I think you’re clever and brave and beautiful, and I want to touch you. I’d want it if we weren’t married. But I’m worried I thwarted my own chances before I had any because we were doing what others expected of us.”
“Don’t be cross with me, but I believe I’m unable to think about that just now.” Austria only realised how true this was as he said it: He was exhausted; his legs felt like jelly; and he needed a good night’s sleep anyway after the dances, the chess match and Swabia’s and his own valiant efforts to thwart all spectators.
“Don’t misunderstand me,” he hurried to say as he saw the disappointment on Spain’s face. “If I say I need to think about it, I don’t mean no. I mean that I need to think about it, but I’m about to fall asleep. So … come to bed with me?”
Spain nodded. Then he doused the candles and went to bed, putting the blankets over them both as well as he could. Austria made a point of taking Spain’s hand.
It had been a long day, and he really needed to think. He also needed his legs to work again, but he assumed that problem would have solved itself by tomorrow.
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heyhazza · 3 years
The Ceremony ~ Brazza
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Who:  Harry and Brendon
What:  The Wedding
When:  December 20, 2020
Where:  St Regis Resort, Aspen, Colorado
The music played softly, romantic melodies standard in weddings as the guests were seated.   Harry paced behind his team, but he was ready.  The separation was awful and he hadn't slept, but he wasn't tired.  This was the day he had waited for and dreamed of for so long, even during the worst months of his life and thought it wouldn't happen, there was that sliver of light.   They were five minutes away.  Five.
“Harry, slow down, stop,”  his mum was right there with tissues in her cream Gucci wedding dress.  She dabbed at her son’s eyes.  “They are just on the other side of the room.”
“I know.  Andy and KJ are keeping tabs.  They did all night.”   That had helped, even if the night was still long.
“They are good lads.  I’m so proud of you, you know.  You are strong, stronger than most.  You made it this far.  100 more feet and you get your happily ever after.”
He looked back at the door, trying to will it open with his mind.  He caught his own reflection.  Dressed in black and gold, he was a sight, no longer a boy, but a man.  One that was ready for not only the world of music, but everything that was thrown his way, and still he only wanted one thing.  He wanted to be happy and loved, tied up in a happy ending for the two of them.  He and Brendon had fought, found each other, lost each other, and made it back.  They made it here.  In five minutes they would arrive at forever.   His mum gave him a last kiss and went to take her place. The doors opened.  The ushers indicated that they were ready.  The flower girls and the ring bearer were on the aisle, throwing petals and carrying a pillow.   The wedding party came next, led by Andy on one side and KJ on the other, they ascended the steps to wait for the grooms.  As was the tradition, once the parties were on the platform, the doors closed again.
One minute.
The doors opened again after what Harry though were seconds going in reverse. He stepped out, watching with baited breath at the door directly across from his own.  He watched it open and exhaled.  They had rehearsed the scene.  They would meet in the middle at the base of the steps and walk together, arm in arm.  Except he stopped in the middle and reached for Brendon, pulling them close.  It had been a night away, he needed a minute.  They might only have one, but this was them, the thing that fused them right back.
‘When we see each other, no talking for the first five minutes.  Just feel.’  That was the best advice he had ever been given, and the crowd of spectators would have to wait a couple minutes more.
Brendon got his wish. Just before everyone was seated, he was able to snag the first three minutes in a song. With the help of Panic! and KJ, the guests were first greeted with his version of The Greatest Show as they arrived and just moments before they seated, just a brief preview of what was to come throughout the night and something that Brendon and KJ spent weeks working on. He was thrilled that he got the chance to do it without screwing up seeing how that whole morning he'd been nothing but a bundle of nerves. Once the song came to a close, he was quick to disappear behind the scenes where he was instantly greeted by his mother who wrapped her arms around him in her warm embrace, and his father that handed him a shot which he was quick to down. It was just a little something to help calm his nerves.
"You did so good, now let's get you changed and into the proper suit." His mothers soft voice rang in his ears as she was already starting to pull the jacket from his shoulders. He took a deep breath trying to keep himself together. He performed in front of millions of people and yet he was more nervous now than he could ever remember being.
Once he was changed, his mom adjusted his tie and took his hand which he was quick to grab onto them tightly. "My hands won't stop shaking.." His tone was soft as he looked at her, tears already in his eyes.  "Don't you start crying right now, you need to keep yourself together, son." She spoke and hugged him again.
He watched as everyone took their proper place where they needed to be. His dads hand resting on the handle to the door that would reveal his entire future in just a matter of moments. The door came open, and Brendon all but hit his knees the second his fiance came into his view. He took a few steps out, reaching his hands out for Harry's. He laced their fingers together as he stood there in silence just looking at him.
It was so hard to believe that they finally made it here. After everything the two of them went through, this was the moment they fought so hard to have. He was just moments away from making Harry his husband, moments away from having his happy ending, something he thought he was never going to have. His hand tightened it's hold on Harry's. His gaze never pulling away. There was no way they wouldn't use their first five minutes together.
Brendon let a smile pull at the corner of his lips, and pulling Harry closer to him, he let his hand rest on the small of his back and he just stared at him and it took everything in that moment not to kiss him right then and there. He lifted his hand, the knuckle of his pointer finger lightly brushing against Harry's nose. His way of telling him that he loved with him without speaking any words. He slowly pulled back, holding his arm out for Harry.
He was shaking, standing there with Brendon, letting all that stress and worry dissolve into happiness.  The tears were there, but there was also a smile that could light a room.  It wrinkled his nose, and lit his eyes.  Brendon tapped his nose, and his forehead brushed against the other’s, dark hair blended.   His heart pounded in his chest, alive and happy.  The butterflies that lay so quiet in the dark months were awake and displaying their colors as they circled in his chest, swooping and looping.
With great effort, he pulled away, but the smile stayed.   He looked up at the altar, and back at Brendon.  “Let’s do this.”  He had absolutely no doubts.  No turning back, not that he ever had any intention of doing so.  This man standing next to him, hand in hand, he was the only one, and Harry liked his choice.
Up the steps, minutes still - his heart was full of love and hope, and everything one could feel as the minister started in.  “Dearly beloved ~ .” He cast a look at Brendon, so handsome in his tux.  He was entirely too perfect for words, but today he was luminescent.  From his hair to his honey colored eyes, to his lips ~ he couldn’t stop staring.  He thought about their first meeting.  They’d just said Hi, nice to meet you, or something like that, shook hands, and those eyes had stuck in his memory.  Harry still had a long way to go, and really they both did.   Their journeys weren’t on the same path, but he remembered.
“We are gathered here today to join these two men, Harry Edward Styles, and Brendon Boyd Urie in holy matrimony.”  Fresh tears welled up and slid down his cheeks.   There was nothing he had ever wanted more than this.
Brendon followed Harry up the stairs and to the alter. The closer they got, the faster he could feel his heart racing in his chest. This was what he'd always wanted. The moment that he'd worked so hard to get to, and it was finally happening. The thought along brought tears to his eyes. He was really just minutes away from marrying his best friend and he couldn't be happier.
He took a deep breath, it was needed to keep himself from passing out. His heart was racing faster than ever before and for just a brief moment he felt lightheaded which caused him to squeeze Harry's hand even tighter. They were really doing this. Their vision was becoming a whole reality and he could feel it in every single bone.
When the minister started in, Brendon smiled as he looked at Harry, completely please at those words. He let a small smirk pull across his lips as his gaze met Harry's. Those eyes had captivated him the moment he saw them and he knew they would captivate him for the rest of his life and that was all he wanted. His gaze looked to the minister and then back to Harry as he took one more step closer to him, closing the distance between the two of them.
Harry couldn't be sure of what he was hearing.  It was all blending together, like it did in a dream.  His heart pounded, every nerve was alive and so ready for the final proclamation, and his eyes brimmed with tears of the purest joy.  They made it.  He had wanted his life back, and wished for only that on every occasion.  It was in his hands.  He held his head up high and smiled and mouthed a simple 'I love you'.
“When you are young, you follow your parents, but you grow and as you grow you drift into the men you will become.  Sometimes you take detours, but eventually you find yourself coming into your own.  Love blossoms, and sometimes fades with the season, and sometimes you are lucky enough to find the one that will last, and bloom over and over again, and that person is the one.  If they agree to share a journey, you become even bigger than you were on your own, and as you grow, you grow together.  Think of the trees that start as seedings, but as they grow, their trunks twist and turn, not like the other perfect trees.  Once they find each other, wrap each other up, and find themselves in the place they were always meant, they realize that they are stronger together, and even stronger than all those perfect trees.  That is what I hope for you, to realize your own strength, but to your greater strength together.  The bond you share is yours to care for.  You both live in a unique world of opportunity and temptation, but if you care for your bond, it will care for you in return.  You will become better and stronger over your lifetime.  Let your faith and love carry you through, and as you reach the obstacles, tackle them together and you will always come through.  Believe in yourselves as your friends and family believe in you and love fearlessly.”
The minister bowed his head and said a short prayer with the congregation, then his attention returned to the pair.  “I understand you have written your own vows.”
Harry’s eyes widened a little and his throat went dry.  He nodded, having committed them to memory over the last few days.  He’d done a million revisions, but now they were here.  He listed a hand to Brendon’s cheek and his bottom lip quivered.  “We’re here.”  The tears were already peeking out, and stopping them would be useless so he looked across so the soft brown eyes in front of him and smiled.  “Last year, I was barely hanging on.  There was a voice in my head that kept me going.  Some day, some way, it could change.”   The tears fell, like they were promised.  “I stayed for you and for us, because if there was a chance, i wasn’t going to miss it.  We’re here, and you are the one that I’m supposed to be with, and I’ve known it even before the first kiss.  There was always something, even when we fought, it was there, right on the edge, and in our own way we both held on.  I believe in forever, I believe in soulmates, and I promise that I will love you, and support you, and honor you with everything I am.  It doesn’t matter where we are or where we go, you are my home, and I am the luckiest man in the world, because I get to take this journey with you.  In our world we have money, careers, awards, screaming fans by the millions, and none of that could ever replace you.  You are my forever, my husband, my one.  The promises we make today are the easiest ones I’ve ever made.  I will love you forever.”
Brendon smiled softly, lifting his hand to touch Harry's the moment he touched his cheek. For a moment he closed his eyes and it was like he was being touched for the very first time. He opened his eyes when Harry started to speak and he could see the tears swelling in his eyes. When they dripped down his cheek, he moved his hand for his thumb to lightly wipe the tears, all while trying to fight back his own. He felt like he'd waited his whole life for this moment. And soon, it was his turn.
"I didn't write anything.. and I didn't write it, because I wanted it all to be in the moment. What I'm thinking, what I'm feeling right now in this moment. I remember when we first met, god, we couldn't stand to be in the same room together. Now, I can't stand to be in a room that you're not in. The first time I kissed you, I knew all that fighting, all the anger I held, it was because I love you and I have always loved you. When I fall down, you lift me up. You help me become a better man and there is no one in this world that I would rather share my life with. You're my heart, my soul, my everything. I promise you that I will spend the rest of my life keeping you happy, I promise to protect you, to cherish you, to always love you like no other. I promise that it will be you and me always from now until the end of time. We will make each other stronger, and because of you, I am the best version of myself that I could be. I love you and I will always love you. This is it for me. You're my future."
The eternal spring of tears did not disappoint.  If they weren't bad enough, they managed to boost to a new level, not quite ugly, but threatening.  He'd mark those words, listen to them in his head over and over.  "My sun, my moon, and all of my stars," he whispered, because Brendon was that.  He was the only one that Harry would ever want and he knew it.   From this world to the next, this was his choice.  Forever started right now.
All he could do was stare.  His husband was so many things, everything that he loved.  He'd taken it all, every single piece of the man.  He couldn't pick out a bad point.   He was simply captivated.   "Harry?" the minister asked, looking down from his top step.  Harry inhaled, trying to get some control of the voice that had cracked the entire way through.  "I, Harry Edward Styles, take you Brendon Boyd Urie, to be my husband for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, and forsaking all others.  I am completely yours as long as we both shall live.  I most definitely do."
This was probably the most Brendon had cried in his entire life. He couldn't seem to stop the tears from falling but he let them. Harry was his everything, and he was going to spend his entire life with him and he never felt happier than he did in this moment right here. His hands squeezed Harry's again, hoping that he wasn't holding onto him too tightly. "My world, my muse, my soul." He whispered in return, his gaze stay locked on the others.
Hearing Harry say those words only caused his tears to fall more. "God damn it." he laughed as he lifted his hand to wipe his own eyes. "Brendon?" It was now his turn and his gaze only went to the minister for less than a second before they were back on Harry. "I, Brendon Boyd Urie, take you Harry Edward Styles, to be my husband for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, and forsaking all others. I am completely yours as long as we both shall live. I most certainly do."
He reached over, grabbed the ring that at some point had been handed to KJ. Smiling softly, he took Harry's hand and slowly slid it onto his finger. Finally, his hand looked complete and he knew that in just a few moments he would get the chance to kiss him and that was what he wanted more than anything at this moment.
It was Harry's turn to wipe tears from those beautiful eyes.  His own leaked, but he didn't care anymore.  He thought of those months, and he'd say that the words, all of them were real.  He didn't just blow their relationship into something bigger than it was.  It WAS real, just as they were here now.  It wasn't in his head, but right in front of him.  He was a dreamer, and this was his greatest dream. The words he was dying to hear were seconds away and the minute the pastor started, he smiled.  This was it.  He took Brendon’s ring, careful not to drop it.  He slipped it on his left hand and just stared at it.  They had engagement rings, but these rings - he’d never take his off. 
"These two gentlemen can before me, spoke with me, confirmed that their future truly lies together as a whole, and that love will always win.  It is my absolute pleasure to pronounce you husbands.  By the state of Colorado, and under the eyes of God and these witnesses, what God had brought together, let no man put asunder.   You may kiss your groom."
That was all it took and Harry flung himself at his husband, kissing him for the first time since their separation which felt like a year.  His fingers slid through hair like they had a thousand times, but this one was special.  The families dabbed wet eyes as the audience looked on.  "I love you, forever," he whispered between kisses.   "You're mine.  We made it."
"Ladies and gentlemen, I present Mr. and Mr. Urie."
That was it, that was all he needed to hear. The permission to kiss his now husband. His arms wrapped around him instantly, pulling him even closer to his chest as he kissed him roughly, his free hand moving to lightly grab the back of his neck as he kissed him like it was the first time he'd ever kissed him before. They were finally married, after everything they'd been through, they had finally made it. This was the moment they fought so hard to have and they were married. "I love you, always." He whispered against his lips as he kissed him over and over again. "We did it Haz, we actually fucking did it." He whispered again and it took everything in him to stop kissing him. Now that he got the chance to do it, he didn't want to stop. This was now his husband and every single dream was coming true.
He hadn't slept at all, but it didn't show.  Everything was alive today.  It was the peak of happiness.  He had went from an all time low to a high that might never be beat in the span of a year.  "I'm never letting you go.  I can't.  This is ours, and nobody can take it away."   His forehead dropped against Brendon's, back in that familiar position, absorbing the whole moment.  It was a dream.  His only dream.  Last Christmas he'd been asked what he wanted, and he'd give a random answer that wasn't important, because this was the one thing that he had truly wanted.  It was worth all of it, and he'd walk through hell all over again if he needed to, as long as they came out on the other side.  Whatever the years would bring, they would face them.  "I'm Harry Urie, and this is real, and I've never been happier in my life."
They turned slowly.  Harry had a grip on his husband's hand that was strong and sure.   They were the first out, followed by Andy and KJ, Ashley and Kristen, Dom and Sarah, Sam and Aaron, and Zayn and Nicole.  He caught the waves, offered huge smiles, and the minute they were out in the lobby, he wrapped around his husband again.
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It Should have been Me. Benny Colon x Reader
Just a quick one, written on my breaks if it’s rubbish! :) trying to find a creative outlet in the corona virus chaos. It’s sort of inspired by the vicar of dibley episode. hopefully you’ll enjoy.
As I looked at myself in the mirror, I knew I was making a mistake. A sick feeling swirled in the pit of my stomach as I gazed at my reflection. Everything else was perfect. My pearly white dress, the almost sheer veil with its gorgeous diamante head dress, nestled in the complicated up do it had taken Chunk nearly two hours to perfect. He had worked so hard to make me look flawless and beautiful, but I just felt empty and cold. 
Marissa and Danny were laughing and joking behind me, resplendent in their shimmering satin dresses, a lovely, warm peach colour. When I glanced in the mirror, Cable was watching me. Her face as serious as mine. "He'll be here." She said quietly, her eyes meaningful. I felt sick, obviously it showed on my hands. "He will."
I sat next to Cable and put my chin in my hands. "I think I’m making a mistake Cable. Or is it just cold feet?" I hissed it quietly enough that the other two girls didn't notice, too wrapped up in themselves.  "Sean is nice, and he treats me so well, gives me everything I need. Except . . ." I sighed, the words sticking in my throat.  "Except the butterflies and the weak knees."
Cable fiddled with the hem of her darker dress. "They say marriage doesn't really keep those things anyway."
I shrugged. "I don't think I ever did. But he's safe. And he loves me. So much."
"But" Cable eyed me seriously "not as much as you love Benny?"
Even hearing his name made my blood flare with heat and my tummy squirm. 
"Benny is . . . Special." I blinked back the tears I felt burning in my eyes. "What happened with you two?" Cable asked. 
"Our paths never lined up like they should have. We always reconnected but we managed to constantly slip away from eachother. And then he met Grace, and I took a backseat in his life. So I met Sean, and here we are."
"He still checks in about you though. He makes sure he's part of every conversation about you. He makes sure Bull sends every interesting case your way."
I looked at Cable, I could feel a tear running down my cheek. "Is she still in the picture?" She knew she shouldn't ask, but her heart was dying to know. 
Cable didn't answer me, but took a sip from her champagne. "What are you going to do"
I took a deep breath and swallowed hard. Benny was happy with Grace. I couldn’t ask him to walking away from being happy.
“I’m going to let him be happy. And I’m not going to walk away. I have been happy with Sean, I still can be. But I’ll always love Benny. I Don’t think I could ever get that piece of my heart back from him. But he’s happy, and I can’t walk away from a chance at being happy. Every girl has a fantasy life. It’ll just have to stay as that.” I wrung my hands and sniffed back my tears, stiffening my resolve.
Cable just looked at me, unconvinced.
  I stood in the doorway of the old church, with its crumbling flag stones and lines of melting candles. The unusually warm British wind blew my veil around and washed comfortingly over my cheeks. I had one had clutching my bouquet of orange roses and white lilies, and the other clinging on the crook of my dad’s arm for dear life.  He was smiling at me proudly, with adoration in his eyes.
“Are you ready poppet?” He whispered as she shuffled into the little lobby.
I battled the nausea that raged in my stomach and offered him the best mile I could muster.
I could see the whole of the church from where I was standing. The priest flicking through his prayer book, Sean in a jet black tux, stood at the front talking to his best man. I couldn’t deny he looked handsome. He always did. Sean was a doctor and was always well put together. His blond hair was neat, and stood tall and straight, the embodiment of confidence.
I could see the congregation, my friends and family, all sat chatting between themselves in hushed tones. I could see Chunk, sat with Jason and Isabelle. Izzy. Benny’s sister. My heart hurt just looking at her. And next to her was an empty space.
I shouldn’t have been surprised, He had pretty much told me categorically that although he was happy for me (through gritted teeth and the most forced smile I had ever seen), he couldn’t be there. I felt a pang of anger and despair seeing the empty seat. Let him be happy. Give yourself a chance to be loved and maybe love someone else as much.
It was now or never. I looked at my dad and nodded. “I’m ready.”
The organ started to play the wedding march and the verger signalled for me to start my walk down the aisle.
   “And so friends and family gathered here today …” I looked up at Sean, his blue eyes sparkled like the ocean as he gazed down at me lovingly. He was holding my hands as if I were made of crystal.
You can do this. You’re half way through! I told myself, and smiled back at my husband to be, hoping the expression did not look too fake.
The priest had commanded the congregation’s attention and they were all watching the three of us avidly. I wanted to run. To kick off these ridiculous high heels Chunk had picked, and get the hell out of the church into the air.
I wanted to see him; I wanted to see Benny. I wanted to feel the strong, stable warmth of his hugs, enveloping me in his arms, wanted to feel him press kisses to my cheeks, neck and hair. I wanted to hear him say my name in every possible tone. I wanted to hear him whisper that he loved me into my ear while we sit in the bay window of his apartment reading books by moonlight again.
And most of all, I wanted it to be his hands holding mine, his smile radiating down on me, and his heated gaze full of love watching my every move as we proclaim our love to everyone we know.
I glanced once again at the empty seat, and held in a pained sob. He really wasn’t there.
“If anyone knows any just cause or impediment, for why these two should not be wedded in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace …”
I held my breath. I this was a movie, this would be where he’d bust in and sweep me off my feet. I thought to myself. The silence was deafening. It crushed any small sliver of hope that I’d had.
Well that’s it then.
“Very well then” the priest began, opening his prayer book to find the recital of vows.
I knew that voice. I, and the whole of the church turned back towards the doors.
The love of my life, Benny Colon was, stood at the end of the aisle, arms crossed over his chest and staring determinedly.
I could feel my heart beating in my chest, faster and faster.
He looked so good, dressed in a black three piece suit with a dark blue shirt. His hair was perfect.
“Do you have something to say, sir?” the priest asked, looking shocked.
Sean dropped my hands and rounded on Benny, his tall frame towing over him. Benny stood his ground and didn’t falter, other than his dark eyes quickly meeting mine.
“What is the meaning of this?!” Sean basically screamed.
“Well,” Benny shrugged and put his hands in his pockets, turning on the charm that he so frequently used with juries. “I thought I was ok with Y/N marrying you, after all, I was in a relationship myself, as you well know. But do you know what I couldn’t get out of my head? That I was letting you marry the love of my life. That it should have been me.”
He looked a me over Sean’s shoulder, a passion filled glint in his eye. “It always should have been me. I knew it from the day I met you. I knew one day it’d be me meeting you at the end of the aisle, I knew it would be me lounging on a beach with you for our honeymoon. Me holding your hand and loving you when we have a baby.”
I felt my cheeks heat and tears poured out of my eyes, I left the alter, running my way to him. Sean moved out of my way as I came passed, looking beyond hurt and deflated.
“I love you” Benny said to me as he caught my face between his hands, smoothing his thumbs over my cheekbones. “I love you too much to let you go.”
I smiled, looking into his beautiful eyes, and sniffed back the happy tears, clinging on to his lapels. I wanted to be close to him, to breathe in every little detail of his scent. “I love you too. My heart was breaking, I was barely keeping it together. It’s always been you Benjamin Colon, always.”
Benny smiled at me, showing off his pearly white teeth, and placed his soft lips against mine, in what started off as a chaste kiss, but quickly deepened to something more passionate.
 Sean who was watching us in disbelief made a strangled noise. Benny and I pulled apart and looked at him, both of us feeling guilty for his side of the outcome.
“I’m sorry, I can’t let you have my life.” Benny offered, wrapping his arms around my waist.
Sean looked at me in desperation “Really, Y/N, is this what you want? I thought we were happy?!”
I felt terrible for him, I did, but I also felt immense relief.
“it really is. I’m sorry Sean I really am. I would have been happy with you, and you would have loved me, but my heart …” I leaned my head against Benny’s and let me fingers glide softly across his jaw line. “Has always belonged to Benny. I would have always been happy, but never complete. I’m sorry. Please try and understand.”
“No!” Sean spat and stormed out of the church following after him, throwing Benny and I dirty looks, and chorusing his name. The heavy wooden doors banged shut behind him.
Silence filled the church as Benny and I took a second to regroup and hugged each other.
“Who doesn’t love a wedding right?!” Snickered the voice of Jason Bull, breaking the tension.
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Hope you enjoy @reelovesbennycolon​
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johnny-and-dora · 5 years
darling, you’re my everything
for @amyscascadingtabs - happy birthday my love! <3
“Hey, Ames?” He begins, and everything is perfectly fine until she looks up at him and he literally feels any capacity for rational thought leave his body and he’s almost asking something stupid, like ‘wanna get married?’
or, april 29th, 2017.
read on ao3 -
The morning of April 29th is – unsurprisingly, given the shear dopeness of the romantic epiphany the night before it – mildly chaotic.
Later, when he’s drifting off on the couch while Amy makes flashcards for the sergeant’s exam, he’ll begrudgingly admit that he probably should have been paying more attention to his futile attempts at a romantic breakfast; for now, as Jake stands in their kitchen wearing his girlfriend’s pink fluffy dressing gown and daydreaming of Amy walking down the aisle, the burnt pancakes are very clearly her fault.
Because it’s all he can think about, now, like someone opened the floodgates to a whole new subcategory of Amy fantasies he’s been deep diving into all night, unable to sleep – Amy showing off a sparkling engagement ring, Amy as a glowing vision in white, Amy laughing at him as he fumbles with the rings or his vows or otherwise somehow manages to make himself look like an idiot in front of everyone they know.
(And yes, when he pictures it currently their wedding looks suspiciously like something out of Tangled, but he can work on that. Or maybe not, except he’s not exactly sure where you buy that many lanterns from and if they need a permit for that and he has zero idea what they’re going to do with a horse and a chameleon afterwards so overall it’s probably best that he leaves the planning to Amy, if she…)
(Well, he’s pretty sure she’s gonna say yes. God, he hopes so.)
The point he’s agonisingly slowly lumbering towards is that he has not had a lot of sleep, wrapped up in fleeting dreams of proposing and weddings and maybe being actually, properly married, officially Not Dying Alone and all the euphoria that comes from realising that he’s ready for that, that he might have been lucky enough to have found someone to tease and to surprise and to love for the rest of his life. It’s a lot to process.
Therefore, his burning of what was going to be a super romantic breakfast is by his logic, completely and utterly Amy’s fault. That being said, he’s not a complete monster - it’s not like he has the heart to tell her that she’s entirely to blame when she traipses into the kitchen in her old lady glasses and his hoodie, looking hopeful at the promise of breakfast.
“Pancakes?” She asks – the hope quickly eases into familiar endeared exasperation the second she clocks the blackened breakfast crime scene he’s been caught red handed in. Jake rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, hoping that he’s not visibly radiating the I wanna marry you vibe that he can feel strongly emitting from his chest.
“Uh, they were formerly pancakes at some stage before they mutinied against me to become gross charred bricks.”
“Mmm.” She hums sarcastically as if they appear even slightly edible, then quickly kisses the pout off his lips.
“Sorry. I got…distracted.”
“It’s okay, babe, we’re out of milk and orange soda anyway – let me go.” She firmly dismisses his protests before he can even say anything, a sign of the truly spooky psychic link their partnership has naturally formed over the years; he sighs one last lament over his culinary failure as she disappears into the bathroom and quickly returns with contacts in, her hair in a messy bun and a soft smile on her face.
Just like that, the pancakes don’t even seem to matter anymore - then he has the disgustingly cliché thought of we’ve got forever for pancakes anyway, like forever with someone isn’t merely a faraway abstract Disney concept and more of a real, tangible thing. Jake feels the very strong urge to lie down and preferably take a day or two to process that feeling on top of all the other ones that seem to be clouding his ability to be a rational human being.
He hopes he’s not going to be this weird all the time now, but judging by the direction and speed of his current train of thought there seems to be very little hope.
She’s leaning over the kitchen counter scribbling down a shopping list when he comes to his senses, because of course she is -  he resists the urge to tease her now that he really, truly knows her and he knows her lists are an anchor that keep her organised, keep her steady, keep her sane.
Instead, he watches as she taps the pen against her lips, brows furrowed in deep thought as she mentally categorises the contents of their fridge, and imagines the glint of silver on her ring finger.
He’ll blame on overtiredness and being a general lovesick idiot, later; in the moment of mild chaos, it is absolutely her fault.
“Hey, Ames?” He begins, and everything is perfectly fine until she looks up at him and he literally feels any capacity for rational thought leave his body and he’s almost asking something stupid, like ‘wanna get married?’
Everything is perfectly great until before he knows it he’s almost asking ‘wanna get married?’ - like he’s asking what she wants for dinner or what the weather is going to be like today. Like he’s not asking the most important question of his whole life before 9am on a rainy Saturday while trying to waft away the smell of burning from permeating the kitchen, while half asleep and wearing her pink fluffy dressing gown.
Like he didn’t just have baby’s first romantic epiphany less than twelve hours ago and isn’t still very much almost giddily coming to grips with what that actually means. And all because she’s scribbling down a shopping list for three items that he knows she’ll remember, and how stupidly endearing and consistent and so very Amy that simple action is.
He almost says something very, very stupid – like ‘wanna get married?’ or ‘wanna secretly elope to Paris?’ or ‘we could just go down to the registry office, like today, because I’ve recently realised that you’re the one person I want to spend the rest of my life with, if that’s cool with you’ – and then he gets distracted practically praying that his poor, poor brain to mouth filter that has to deal with this shit on a daily basis hasn’t packed its bags and retired to Florida, because ‘wanna get married?’ is definitely absolutely not how you’re supposed to ask the love of your life to wed you in holy freakin’ matrimony, he knows that, and he doesn’t even have a ring yet and-
“…Jake?” Amy’s doing that face reserved just for him where she’s half amused and half genuinely concerned, and he expertly deduces that he’s been weirdly silent for far too long and therefore hasn’t just acted on one of the more questionable impulses of his life, brought to you straight from the guy who once owned six separate massage chairs. Small mercies.
“Yeah. Sorry, it’s nothing.” He waves a frantic hand in panicked dismissal, downplays it like his heart isn’t doing awe-inspiring acrobatics in his chest right now, bounces on the heels of his feet a little to try and dispel the nervous energy that’s coursing through his veins.  
In the moment he realises he hasn’t just accidentally proposed to her, Jake also makes the executive decision to get some kind of proposal plan together soon so he doesn’t risk accidentally dropping a proposal into casual conversation – because yeah, ‘wanna get married’ is perfectly okay, but if he’s gonna do this, he’s gonna do it properly.
No ‘Celebration’ blaring loudly in the background or confetti cannons or cheap plastic one dollar rings this time. He’s going to do it right.
If he’s going to propose to Amy Santiago, certified actual most incredible amazing human/genius on the entire planet, it is decidedly not going to be while he’s wearing a pink fluffy dressing down and shoving a failed breakfast into the trash. That’s a Peralta guarantee.
“Okay, weirdo.” She gives him a smile with a fleeting hint with suspicion before going back to digging through her purse, and his heart rate slowly but surely returns to normal.
Jake’s going to need a binder. Maybe even with the good types of tab this time, if he can figure out what criteria makes a good type of tab first.
He also needs to calm down so he’s not on the verge of a cardiac arrest every time he’s in close proximity to his girlfriend, because he’s pretty sure that even if she wasn’t the best detective he knows she’d figure him out before he can even scrape the finances together to buy a half decent ring. Maybe he just needs to lie down in general.
“I’ll be back in fifteen minutes. Try not to burn our apartment down in that time?”
“Coming from the woman who seemingly insists on testing our smoke alarm twice a week.”
She rolls her eyes and gently reaches up to cup his face and kiss him goodbye, which is mostly sweet and only slightly satisfying because he knows that means she doesn’t have a good comeback. As the door swings shut behind her he busies himself with cleaning up the kitchen, overwhelmed with another wave of excitement at the idea of marrying his best friend.
Because he’s ready, now – really, he’s probably been ready for a while, deep down. Maybe the second that she kissed him in the back of the ambulance in Florida or when he forfeited yet another bet just to see her smile or when the Nine-Nine was saved from getting shut down and she showed him just how hot she finds his moral compass.
The typo in that crossword puzzle shines out like a beacon in the night; but thoughts of Amy and loving Amy and marrying Amy have been brightening up the darker corners of his life for longer than he’d care to admit.
It’s all her fault – all that determination and kindness and brilliant enthusiasm. The way she’s so stubbornly cemented herself into his heart a, refusing to leave just as she refused to let him work their first case alone, demanding to be taken seriously with a fierceness that both irritated, impressed him and slightly turned him on. She is warmth, joy, that bubbling kind of laughter that just lights him up every time he gets to hear it – but she’s also tougher than she looks and stronger than she knows. There is absolutely no-one else like her.
And the plan, absolutely, startlingly clear in his otherwise sleep deprived and cloudy mind, is to marry her.
(And, on an unsurprisingly extremely chaotic yet magical evening in mid-May, he does.)
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lilyvandersteen · 5 years
Hey, do you have any werewolf!Klaine fics to recommend. And/or possessive/jealous Kurt or Blaine fics? Please and thank you! :)
Hey @darriness! Thanks for asking. Please find the two lists below. They got kind of long, but somehow I don’t think you’ll mind :-) Happy reading! Hugs, Marjan
Werewolf Fic
I haven't read much werewolf fic, I'm afraid. It’s not really my thing. Apart from @caramelcoffeeaddict’s excellent Reflections verse, which no doubt you’ve read already, these are the werewolf Klaine fics I know of (most of which I haven’t read):
Being Wolves verse by Verseau_87
Back from New York and visiting his parent's during summer vacation, Kurt (literally) bumps into Blaine. Another werewolf like him. Their love is quick and easy, but it seems life is never that simple. Trying to enjoy their time together and merge their respective packs, they both must navigate being in love, over coming every obstacle along the way.
Blueberry Moon by @framby
After a terrible fight between rival packs Kurt, the Hunter in chief of his town, is left to deal with a lonely Alpha who just lost everything. Kurt did not know what to expect but it definitely wasn't a bunch of wolves making themselves at home at his place.
Claim by @rightonthelimits-blog (sequel: Oath)
One night, when a lonely witch named Kurt woke up from a werewolf’s pained cries, he never expected that said werewolf would become his mate.
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night by @sorrowsofyore
Kurt's life has always been held together by Pack and family.  Now, faced with with adversity, he's struggling to find a place in a world he doesn't believe in.
Don't Tell Anyone by heavenorspace
Kurt is an advanced student attending Dalton’s elite campus extension run entirely by hybrids. Blaine is a wolf hybrid professor in his prime who Kurt seduces and then reports all the juicy details in an email to his friend.
For Which I Have to Howl by @emilianadarling
Werewolf AU. Tension is rising in the pack, and having the very-human Kurt Hummel come to visit his brother and boyfriend is putting a strain on everyone. Having Blaine and Kurt mate should help the problem, but the process proves to be more complicated – both physically and emotionally – than either of them could have imagined.
Full Moon by the_girl_without_a_face
"I’m a werewolf.” "Oh I know.” "... What?!"
Give Me A Part of You by @slightestwind
Blaine has always had an innocent fascination with Kurt’s nipples, even before they started courting. But when they meet again as teenagers, his obsession plays into Kurt's omega instincts until mating and starting a family together is something they both desperately want.
Going to the Chapel, and we're... verse by @fictionallylost/Lostinfictionalworlds
AU. Blaine is a Werewolf. Kurt is a Vampire. This is a series of oneshots up until they come together in holy matrimony.
Heart of One by coribird  (heed the warnings) 
In which the boys are werewolves but Kurt has no idea what Blaine claiming him as a mate really entails. Reposted from this prompt at the GKM. 
Hounds of God by darkkixie
Kurt is a werewolf hunter and protector of the small town of Lima. This has been his existant since he was a small boy until a new pack comes into the picture and everything around Kurt comes undone under the watchful eyes of an Alpha. KurtxBlaine, Werewolf Blaine COMPLETE 
Howlin' verse by @klainebowsanddramioneflies
A collection of 'drabbles' (they're really more like oneshots, but *shrug*) with werewolf!badboy!Blaine and human!Kurt (eventually werewolf!Kurt). Very kinky smut. There's also plot. But there's a lot of kink. So...
I'd Walk to You (If I Could Trust My Feet) by @luthien82
Kurt Hummel is a born werewolf. A born Alpha. He's telling you what to do and you will like it. And he is NOT OKAY with the fact that for some reason, he wants to submit to Blaine Anderson, Alpha wolf of Westerville. 
Just Like Magic by @slightestwind
Fairy!bp!Kurt meets werewolf!Blaine, who is in search of a mate.
Lycan verse by @triddlegrl
Kurt thinks he's getting a dog, but what he actually gets is Blaine, an alpha werewolf in exile for crimes against The Guild. Blaine thinks he's getting a new jailer, but what he actually gets is Kurt, the only man who has ever made him feel not quite so alone.
Night by @purseplayer 
Kurt had only given his boyfriend a hickey - he had no idea it would have consequences like this! 
Running on All Fours by sereko
One impulsive night, Kurt agrees to let Elliot bite him and become his Alpha. Something Blaine is very interested to find out on his next visit to NYC. 
Serendipity verse by @whatstheproblembaby
Vampire Kurt decides to go spy on the New Directions' werewolf competition for Sectionals. He doesn't plan on going in the building, but some instincts demand to be followed. 
Species by DreamingKate
Interspecies relationships didn’t exist. That’s why they had to keep this quiet.
The Four Strongest verse by @faerietalegal
Four boys, each has three names on their wrist.. they are soul bound to each other.
They have hills to climb, family to help find their soul mates, and someone has some healing to do.
The Life of a Werewolf verse by karanoaoi
Wolves mate for life once an Alpha claims their Omega mate, but the ways of choosing your mate are changing from the traditional meets where all non-mated wolves of age are thrown in together and you end up with a mate. Alphas still have to start a mating run, but what if the Omega has their eye on a certain Alpha? Follow the Anderson and Hummel families through these changes. A generational fic starting with Grandma Anderson and going through Kurt and Blaines generation. 
The Wax verse by @skivvysupreme
Kurt Hummel is a vampire. Blaine Anderson is a werewolf. This is how they help each other deal with it.
Twilight Klaine verse by @quizasvivamos  (also this ficlet)
Vampire!Kurt & Werewolf!Blaine: Kurt has been on the run for almost a century, eventually finding himself in Lima, Ohio. While hunting in unfamiliar woods one night, Kurt comes face to face with a beautiful young boy who saves him from an even worse fate. Kurt is drawn to the boy and must battle temptation to keep from making an unforgivable mistake. But what will happen when Kurt finds out the boy has secrets of his own?
Werewolf? I Don't Know, You Saw Him Last by MerikaG
Blaine's life has never been a picnic, but as the age of Choosing looms ever closer, he decides anything is better than the future his Father has chosen for him.  Running away is his only choice, but if he can't find a place among his neighbors, the Heartsong Pack, it may be his last.  Of course, if they eat him that will solve his problems, too.
Werewolf!Blaine verse by Pterodactyl
klaine advent drabble challenge day 8: human
warnings: d/s-y klaine with sub!blaine, werewolves, blaine’s parents being borderline physically/emotionally abusive assholes.
in this ‘verse, werewolves are known to the public but mostly shunned because of some incidents with attacks and stuff. not much of their biology/dynamics are known to non-werewolves.
Werewolf Blaine verse by @skintightsocksfic
Blaine's eyes are dark, much darker than Kurt ever remembers them being, and Kurt's going to have to start marking Blaine's freaky werewolf mating season on his calendar if it gets Blaine to act like this, all uninhibited and desperate to be close to Kurt, to taste him, to have sex with him.
Also pretty much every fic by https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2914721/porcelain_bird
Possessive/Jealous Klaine
Possessive/jealous Klaine, on the other hand, is totally my jam. Please find below some of my favourites:
5 Times Blaine Misunderstands by jujuberry136
Wherein the Dalton boys mess with Blaine’s head and Blaine is really kind of an idiot.
Better Late Than Never by flyblckbirdfly
Five years in the future, AU where the boys have always been friends, but never romantic. On a night out, one gets hit on, causing the other to realize their true feelings after all this time.
Careful, The Beverage You Are About To Enjoy is Extremely Hot by @munchkinpandas24
“He read somewhere that it was one of Starbucks’ brilliant marketing strategies to maintain at least one completely dreamy (gorgeous, ravishing, steamy, prettiest of the pretty) guy behind the counter at any given shift. Nicely done, Starbucks. It seemed Kurt found his absolute favorite.”
Charm by @dont-stop-believin-in-klaine
Sometimes Blaine was just too damn charming for his own good.
Clubbing Nights by @loveheartlover
Kurt and Blaine don't go clubbing often, but when they do? It's spectacular.
Come Here Boy by sugakane_01
What Blaine Anderson wants, Blaine Anderson gets and he's determined that Kurt Hummel will be no exception. When Kurt becomes more than a conquest, Blaine shows just how far the boy who has everything is willing to go for love.
Daisies in Green Pastures by @hazelandglasz
Imagine Person B of your OTP getting a pet for Person A, but soon became jealous of the pet for getting so much of Person A’s attention.
Dark Bars and Desperate Measures by @quizasvivamos
After the conclusion of their sophomore year of high school, best friends Kurt and Blaine make a pact to get out of Lima and escape to New York City together, a place where dreams are said to come true. Nearly six years later, feeling stuck during his final year at NYADA and desperate to prove his worth, Kurt forms a rock band, enlisting the help of Blaine. While hurtling along on the fast track to fame and fortune, a clashing of egos, jealousy, and latent feelings threaten to derail all they’ve been working toward.
Dirt on Your Name by @sabbypandawan
Blaine Anderson is NYU’s most notorious lothario. Everybody knows his name, and people either warn each other off him or vie for his attention. So when Blaine meets Kurt Hummel at a party their dorm is hosting for the newly moved-in freshmen, he expects either rejection or, more likely, approval – and gets so much more than he ever would have guessed, and had definitely never hoped for. 
Discovering Jealousy by @janrea
Blaine Anderson's Five Steps to Embracing His Jealous Side    Bonus for being exactly who he is. 
Drowning in Jealousy by @hazelandglasz
One time Kurt got jealous of BlaineOne time Blaine got jealous of Kurt
Far Beneath the Bitter Snow by @hazelandglasz
What happens when instead of falling for the Bachelor, Kurt and Blaine fall for each other?
Finders, Keepers by Lexie (and the prequel: Possession Is Nine Tenths Of The Law)
Kurt and Blaine technically tagged along on Blaine's dad's New York business trip so that they could tour college campuses, but the trip also has its fringe benefits. Like: an entire day spent roaming the city with Blaine. Even if Blaine isn't responding very gracefully to the unexpected attention that Kurt finds himself receiving.
First by @fleshandfantasies
"Every guy that touched you, every man you went out with, I hated him. I hated that he had your time, your attention. I hated that he had the opportunity.”
“Opportunity? What, to date me?”
“To be your first.”
From Afar by @hazelandglasz
anonymous asked:Klaine, i see you with the same person all the time and i assume you two are in a relationship so i’ll just pine for you from a distance au. :(
Hitting On My Man by @animeangelriku
For Arania, Erin, and Cass, who wanted some jealous!Blaine after we got that quote about Chris wondering why no one wanted Kurt… I think.
Invidia in E-Minor by @vosje
Kurt was trying to find home in loveless New York when handsome stranger Cooper Anderson comes along and feels him up, showing him the life he could lead with a loving boyfriend. Back in Ohio lies Cooper's little brother Blaine restless on his bed, trying to find the music for his college-applications - and music is what he hears when he meets his brother's boyfriend. 
It’s Part Of My Chemistry by CatieDontCry
Jealous Blaine.
Jealousy by @kookaburrito
Jealous Blaine.
Jealousy by Blind
It all started when his older brother Cooper came strutting down the hall of William McKinley High School like he was the shit. Blaine hadn't failed to notice the way his boyfriend's eyes widened, the way he watched the taller Anderson make his way towards them, the way his eyes travelled up and down his body almost hungrily.
Blaine didn't like Kurt looking at another guy like that. He didn't like it one bit.
Jealousy Will Drive You Mad by klaineficrex
kurts on broadway and blaines doing whatever but not bway and kurt has to kiss someone on stage a couple times every show or something and blaines like ok but when you get home youre all mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bc hes jelly 
Just Jealous by @pumpkinkurt
two times where blaine was the jealous one, and one time kurt was. 
Koala by DreamingKate
The guy flirting with him was awkward. Blaine sitting in his lap was even more awkward.
Moony by @lady-divine-writes
Blaine doesn’t like Kurt’s new assistant…more to the point, he doesn’t like the crush the boy has on his husband. 
Not Exclusive by @nellie12
Finn happens to be doing well for himself in the University of Florida. He is starting QB for the Gators, and he's a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and his grades aren't terrible. He also has his favorite step-brother coming to visit from New York, and Kurt has no idea he's about to have the Spring Break of a lifetime until he meets Finn's best friend and frat mate- Blaine Anderson. 
Not Just My Wingman by @lady-divine-writes
Kurt and Blaine are roommates, living in the loft together after Blaine graduates from high school and moves to New York. Kurt is determined that he's over Blaine, and tries to prove it by helping him get a date…or ultimately, get laid. But when Blaine succeeds in finding a guy that's actually interested in him, will Kurt realize that he wasn't as over Blaine as he thought?
One Million Invisible Lines by @the-cimmerians
Things work out. Eventually. 
Operation: Make Blaine Jealous by Sailor Grape
For two very bright boys, both Kurt and Blaine were obliviously stupid. And it was driving everyone insane. Wes and David finally take matters into their own hands.  AU from The Sue Sylvester Shuffle. Klaine cotton candy fluff! 
Outdoor Concert by @somethingfishyfan
Kurt and Blaine were colleagues, best of friends at work.. but that was as far as it went. That was until Sebastian Smythe came along.. and a very jealous Kurt had to rethink his ideas. Teachers au. 
Pushing Boundaries by klaines_deepest_desires
Set after season 6. Blaine tried to ignore it.  It wasn’t that Blaine blamed the men for noticing Kurt.  Of course they did. But he wouldn’t sit idly by any longer.  He stood up and stormed towards Kurt, eyes narrowing on the men with him. He was going to show the men what they were missing out on. 
Signs of Ownership by @lady-divine-writes
When Blaine volunteers for a local kids' theater group, another volunteer has his eye on him. When Kurt catches wind of a few choices comments the man has made (one, in particular, about how Kurt doesn't own Blaine), Kurt puts a plan into action to prove just how wrong he is.
Teeth by @stut--ter
"Blaine is being a gentleman. Kurt is all like: that’s nice but can please just fuck. Blaine still thinks he knows what's best for Kurt. Kurt decides to take matters into his own hands and performs Lady Gay Gay's "Teeth" with backup dancing (and groping) from the other Warblers. Blaine sees Kurt’s little hips swinging and he also sees one of his Warbler’s hands wrapping around them. Cue horny, jealous, decidedly non-gentleman Blaine dragging Kurt into an empty room by his cute little Dalton tie and fucking him rough and hard over a desk. After THAT's out of his system, Blaine stays inside Kurt until he's hard again and then reams Kurt nice and slow and sweet."
The Green-Eyed Monster by Petalene
What do you do when your husband lands a dream role playing the romantic lead in a sexy movie?
A. Be supportive because you love him.B. Get jealous. You don't want anyone touching him but you.C. Have lots of possessive sex to remind him who he belongs to.
If you're Blaine Anderson and the stars of the movie are your husband Kurt and your brother Cooper, then the answer is:
D. All of the above.
The story contains sexy Kurt, jealous Blaine, inappropriate Cooper, and snarky Sebastian. Humor, romance, and smut rated M for descriptive sex. Fill for the GKM.
the one wherein Blaine and Mike like cardigans by @villiageidiot
Mike sits with his bestie at the Lima Bean while Blaine is all 'woe is me'.
The Pussy Collector by @lady-divine-writes
Blaine has been crushing on assistant fashion editor Kurt Hummel since the first day he started interning at Vogue. They spent almost every lunch hour together, and he thought Kurt might feel the same way. But after he gets hired on and transferred to Kurt's department, Blaine overhears some conversation that gives him a reason to think differently.
To think that, despite all of their many heart-to-hearts, he may not know the first thing about Kurt Hummel.
Turning Saints by saffronire
Kurt wants to take their relationship to the next level, but Blaine, fearing he won’t be able to control himself, is adamant they wait. Kurt decides that making Blaine jealous is the only way to get what he wants, cue possessive! Angry! Blaine. Spoilers for 2x16?
To Know Him Is To Love Him by @poorlittleklainer
Blaine's a good fiancé. He supports Kurt as he prepares for his first headline runway show. Just, he wants to rip Joseph limb from limb for looking at Kurt. Okay, he's jealous, but Kurt doesn't need to know that.
What’s Mine (Isn’t Yours) by EmilianaDarling
On Blaine’s first day at McKinley, it takes him less than five minutes to realize that Dave Karofsky wants his boyfriend. And over the course of the next while, he can’t seem to stop himself from getting more and more bothered by it.
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dregstrash · 5 years
Welp now I need a follow up fic where Nikolai finds out why Zoya was really acting that way about Vladmir, but he finds out just hairsbreadth too late because I'm craving some Nikolai POV angst
Oooohhh love this! This is the continuation to this ask
Okay folks you can still send me angst prompts, but after this one there will be a fluff intermission. Thank you for the angsk (i did just combine angst and ask together–don’t judge me)
It was hot at the alter. No one told Nikolai it would be hot up here. He felt every single bead of sweat drip from his temple and roll down his neck uncomfortably. He was wearing his father’s wedding suit and while his tailor did wonders, it was too short at the ankles and the color scratched at the collar.
The wedding guests were still settling, but in a few moments Ehri was going to walk down the aisle with that regular scowl on her face, and Nikolai was going to be married within the hour. All was going to be well– except for maybe the tightened feeling in his gut that he had come to associate with near-death experiences.
“Nikolai are you okay?” David’s whisper drew him away from his thoughts. 
He barked a laugh, “It’s my wedding day, David. I’m supposed to be the happiest man alive.”
And what a happy man he was that he could hear the light strings of a violin and hear his own heart plummet. He saw the doors open and see the beautiful dress and the equally beautiful woman wearing it, but only focused on the figure sitting two rows away right next to the smarmy bastard Vladmir that dared to catch her attention. 
Ehri was ten steps away, five, four, but Nikolai didn’t notice. His eyes locked briefly with Zoya’s steely blue and he saw the briefest flash of- of something before she suddenly clutched Vladmir’s hand a little too tightly.
Nikolai caught Ehri’s hand and turned just like his mind turned over that exchange.
He knew Zoya. He would be even bolder to say he knew her better than anyone. And that wasn’t the way she acted when she liked someone. The more someone closer to her, the more she seemed determined to push them away. She’d snark. She’d bite. She’d be brutally honest. What she wasn’t was stiff, touchy, or indifferent.
The priest was talking. Should he be listening? What was he saying? Something about love and loyalty? It didn’t matter.
Nikolai’s mind raced. It jumped from possibility to possibility– circling around and around trying to answer the one question that’s been bothering him ever since Zoya had dinner with Vladmir and his father: Why was she lying about him?
Did Vladmir’s father have something against Zoya? Maybe she was holding Vladmir hostage? Was it blackmail? Against her? Against him?
The priest circled around him and Ehri with a candle reciting some ancient Ravkan. And that’s when Nikolai caught the eye of the Shu ambassador. Nikolai’s had few interactions with the man, but he’s also never seen him look so….satisfied. His gaze lingered on Ehri for a moment then onto Nikolai. One of his eyebrows rose up and bits and pieces of Shu culture started to filter in through Nikolai’s mind.
“Do you Princess Ehri Kir-Taban, swear to serve Ravka, its people, its king, through the bonds of holy matrimony through sickness and health, happiness and loss, devastation and creation?”
Nikolai didn’t hear her forced answer all he heard were his own thoughts. 
The Shu are a proud people. Loyal to a fault. Fierce. Wildly determined. Infidelity is enough to shame one from his or her family.
The realization clicked in his mind the same time Nikolai felt the eyes of a hundred people on him. The priest must have asked the same question to him. It was his turn to say his part of the vows. This was his last shot to stop this wedding. If Zoya had been approached by the Shu or even threatened–no, it would have to be him who would be threatened. He would have needed to be the target– Target enough for Zoya to lie to him and push him away. It all made sense– He didn’t have to marry Ehri. He could step off this alter and talk to her.
Nikolai looked around and caught Zoya’s eyes. Her indifference was gone. She must have seen the change lighting up his eyes. He opened his mouth ready to call out to her but with an imperceptible shake of her head his heart continued its endless descent.
She’d never forgive him if he stopped this wedding. But the real question was could he live with himself if he chained himself to the cycle of loveless marriage that his family seemed to be cursed into?
“Your Majesty?” The priest whispered.
Nikolai came back into himself, and he looked at Ehri who couldn’t have hated this moment more than he did. He wanted to turn back to Zoya, but if he did he knew he wouldn’t have the strength to do what they both needed him to do.
He looked to the priest and let his voice carry through the crowded church.
“I do.”
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