#except maybe sage but only for now
kaatiba · 11 months
oracle wip - an opening snippet
There’s a new guard.
You notice her because she looks you in the eyes, and that’s something no one does any more, not even Alyss. You flinch, but only on the inside.
One moment you’re not focusing on anything, in that foggy space where you’re almost-asleep and everything’s far away and dreamlike, and the next you’re aware, with a jolt like a shock, of what’s happening, what she’s doing.
She has green eyes, this guard. A dark, deep green that’s almost black. She looks into your eyes and you look back because you quite literally can’t not, even as you brace yourself—
But nothing happens.
She doesn’t start screaming or shaking, doesn’t start gibbering or clawing at her face, doesn’t collapse. She just looks at you, and after an endless moment her eyes drift away, trailing over your face, your body, suspended before her. Her stare is as tangible as a touch, leaving phantom prickles in its wake that linger even after she looks away, turning her back on you as the other guard—Menik—shifts with a sigh.
She seems as sane as ever. Whatever it is that’s wrong with your eyes hasn’t driven her mad.
Maybe she’s already insane, you think. Or maybe she has some way to protect herself.
You don’t know. You can’t ask her. You can’t do anything.
You don’t like remembering that.
You let yourself drift off again.
The guard’s name is Ro. She’s new to the palace. She talks easily, lightly, with Menik. You listen. You could tune her out, but she’s far more interesting than the inside of your head or anything else in this horrible gilded room. She’s made you curious, and you haven’t felt anything besides numb despair and seething hatred for so long.
So you listen, all your attention fixed on her.
She says she’s in her twenty-fifth year and her father was a soldier and her mother a farrier. She says she has a sister Menik’s age, who’s married with three children. She says she was so excited to become the oracle’s guard, but it’s actually kind of boring, and is it always like this?
You wonder if you’re imagining the wrongness in her tone. (You spend a lot of time imagining things, after all. It helps the time pass.) When Ro talks she sounds almost, but not quite, genuine. Her tone is just a little too airy…or maybe you’re just too wretched to be able to take someone who seems so cheerful seriously.
Menik laughs. “Everyone gets disappointed,” he says, leaning on his spear. All you can see of them are their backs, since they’re facing away from you. “They expect to see wonders while guarding the oracle, given he’s…well. An oracle.”
“So this is really all he does?” Ro asks, nodding her head toward you and glancing at you over her shoulder, looking you in the eye again for a brief moment. It’s electric. Electric that she does it, electric that doing so doesn’t affect her at all. “He just…floats there?”
“Mhm,” Menik hums. “Unless her majesty’s visiting, but we’re to wait outside when that happens.”
“Oh,” Ro says, sounding disappointed. “But—so does something happen when the queen visits then?”
“Doors’ spelled silent,” says Menik. “I’m sure plenty happens, but we don’t hear none of it.”
Nobody…nobody hears you?
That shouldn’t hit you like a blow, but it does.
Nobody hears you. Nobody hears what happens in this room. Nobody hears the prisoners, Alyss’s enemies, be driven mad as they’re forced to make eye contact with you. Nobody hears your screaming or your begging or the dull answers you give Alyss for her interrogations or the tantrums she throws when your answers aren’t useful enough.
Soon you won’t have anything at all to tell her. Maybe then she’ll finally kill you. If you die here, will you finally go home? Or will it just be the end of everything you are?
You’ve lost track of the conversation, of the world. When you tune back in, Menik and Ro are gone, replaced by Talma and Rafe.
They’re boring. They never do anything but play cards or read books or have naps. They’ve been guarding you since the beginning, however long it’s been, which means they don’t really guard you at all anymore. Nothing ever happens. There’s nothing to guard you from.
They don’t realize that they’re here to guard against you.
Theoretically, anyway—after all, you can’t move. Can’t even control your blinks or your breaths. You just float there, trapped inside yourself, until Alyss deigns to let you out.
But she likes to be prepared. If you do manage to break out somehow—it would take a miracle—the guards are there to stop you. Your only weapons against them are your eyes, and they have strict instructions not to meet your gaze, lest they be driven mad…so none of them do.
Except Ro.
Why does she do that? Why does she look at you? Did she somehow know she’d be safe? How is she safe? Is it something about her, or is it something done to her, or is it something about you and her that’s different from you and everybody else? Even Alyss doesn’t look you in the eye anymore. No, before she releases you, she blindfolds you and ties your hands so you can’t rip the blindfold off and try and make her look at you.
You chew on these questions until the frustration of not knowing, of not being able to ever know, unless someone says something where you can hear it, starts to make you want to scream.
For a little while, you do. Scream that is.
Just silently, inside your own head.
It’s not as satisfying.
You eventually lose interest in Ro too. She stops talking so much, settling into her position as a guard. She doesn’t look at you all that often anymore either. You miss it. Miss being seen. Miss being interested in what’s happening around you. You spend more and more time lost in your head. That should probably frighten you, but the capacity to be frightened has been worn out of you.
Nowadays you’re either frothing with pointless rage or numb.
So it’s a shock, a complete and utter shock, when one night, indistinguishable from the countless nights you’ve spent in your prison, Ro pulls a gimlet blade of a knife from her belt, turns to Menik, and slits his throat in one swift movement.
Menik doesn't even have a chance to make a sound before he's crumpling into Ro's waiting arms and being lowered slowly to the floor.
She pats his cheek with a solem expression at odds with the crow-brightness of her eyes. “This is a better ending for you than letting you be found by the Queen," she says. "She'd have made you suffer. This is quick and painless—look, you're already gone."
While you’re still reeling from the murder, she begins doffing her armour, until all she’s left wearing are the clothes underneath and the leather armguards. As she undresses, she stares down at your spell circle, brows furrowed, an expression of intense concentration on her face.
Heart pounding double time in the hollow of your throat, giddy anticipation thrumming through your veins, you wonder what she’s going to do next. Or attempt to do, anyway.
She must be an assassin.
Those tapered off a while ago, though you’re not sure how long ‘a while’ actually was. It doesn’t matter; other assassins have tried to kill you. Seven, at last count, but there could have been more that never even made it into your room.
Unfortunately and obviously, none of them have been successful. None of them have even gotten close to being successful. Your prison is too well-formed—the three concentric rings of spells keep you unable to move or speak.
The outer ring is all about security. That’s the section that prevents anybody from crossing its bounds and acts as a shield against projectiles both mundane and magical in nature: the only things allowed through are air, light, and Alyss.
The middle ring maintains your body, preserving your physical health and mobility, placing you in stasis so that you don’t need nourishment as often and no waste is excreted.
The inner ring is all flashy sigils that make you float and cause a breeze that makes your hair move for added ambience. It's a complete waste of magic, in your opinion, but it adds to the mystical effect, and Alyss always did have a tendency towards spectacle.
She'd explained your prison to you in painstaking, gloating detail, while you'd had no choice but to listen, paralyzed and terrified and devastated.
You’re curious to see how far Ro gets. What she’ll try next. How much she knows about your trap. Being a guard, she’s had ample time to study it, if she can see it. To the unmagical, you just look like you’re floating on an altar. Anyone with enough magical ability will see the glow of the sigils. Anyone studied would be able to decode the spell. Only a master of magic would be able to unmake it, and not without alerting Alyss that her spell is being tampered with.
But she shocks you again. She doesn't try to unravel the spell. Doesn't test it with magic or weapons.
She just walks right through the circles, unimpeded and casual, until she’s only a foot away from you. It takes her all of three steps. The sigils flicker like electricity shorting out beneath her feet and then resume their steady glow once she’s no longer touching them.
You would goggle at her if you could manage anything but the resting placid expression your face has settled into.
She looks up at you. She’s standing too close for you to be able to make out more than the top of her head at about chin level with you. This is it, then. For all of Alyss's efforts, someone's beat her.
An assassin has made it through. You wonder, with staggering relief, just how Ro's going to kill you. You're not even afraid as you once were about dying. Not anymore. Not now that it means this is over.
Ro will kill you and you’ll either be free or dead, but either way, you won’t be trapped anymore, locked inside of yourself, inside of this room, inside of this world.
You feel a twinge of regret that you won’t be able to make Alyss suffer worse than she’s made you suffer, but you know your loss will hit her where it hurts the most. And if there's any justice in the world, your death will mean a reset.
Alyss will be dead along with you and she'll lose everything. You wonder if she'll even have time to know when she loses it all.
Ro shifts. If you could brace yourself you would.
But death doesn't come. Instead, her hand wraps around your wrist.
You register the searing sensation of her skin only after you’ve plummeted to the ground, suddenly and fully in yourself.
For a second you don’t remember how to breathe or move or even hold yourself up, assaulted by sensation—her hand still on your wrist, all calloused palms and long fingers and warmth, your knees smarting from their collision with the stones, the weight of your overgrown hair, of your clothes, of your limbs, of gravity bearing you down, down, down.
You make a horrible gurgling choking noise and your whole body jerks wildly—trying to get away, trying to get ahold of yourself, trying to look up at her, trying to breathe.
“Woah, woah, take it easy,” Ro says, crouching down in front of you and grabbing you by the shoulder with her free hand, grip firm to the point of bruising, forcing you still, holding you upright.
You've never been so aware of anyone’s touch before in your whole life—
You inhale harshly, exhale brokenly, stop flailing, though you can’t stop trembling. “L-let go,” you croak, trying to break free of her hold on you.
Her touch burns. Not in any magical way, no, just in being too much.
She’s very strong, or you’re very weak; all you really accomplish is an exaggerated twitch rather than anything effective.
“If I let you go the spell will take you again,” Ro says, brow arched high. “And I want to talk to you.”
You twitch again, but towards her rather than away, the base instinct to grasp tightly to what will keep you safe driving you to twist your hands in the material of her shirt and cling. Weakly, sure, but fervently. She looks down at your grip on her and then up at you, and obviously, clearly, allows it to happen.
“How—why—what is this?” you ask, stumbling over the words, your tongue, your teeth.
“A temporarily suspended assassination,” Ro replies, smiling cheerily. Her eyes crinkle up with the force of it. There are droplets of blood on her cheek.
“If I kill the oracle, I’ll make a fortune from two different contracts. I haven’t decided if that means I have to kill you yet, though.” Then her gaze goes sharp, her smile razor-edged. “But shouldn’t you already know that?”
You blink at her, mind rapidly spinning, twisting, turning over itself. Oracle, right. You’re the oracle. Alyss’s oracle.
Except you’re not. Alyss is a liar in this as in all things.
What do you do now? You only have more questions, but asking them is admitting to not knowing, and if you don't know then you’re not an oracle, and if you’re not an oracle, will Ro still kill you?
The possibility of surviving, of escaping—
Death is better than being trapped, but living free is better than being dead. After all, you can always die later. If you get out of here, you can torment Alyss the way she’s tormented you. You can take everything from her, the way she’s taken everything from you.
Ro is staring at you, expectant. You make a decision. It’s ironic, or maybe self-destructive, proof that you’ve lost it completely, that it’s the same decision that ruined you—to tell the truth.
“'M not,” you rasp. “'M not the oracle.”
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kicktwine · 10 months
started dark knight bc I hit the level cap and already I can see why everyone is like the writing for DRK is the best
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whoistartaglia · 4 days
trust falls with genshin mem
neuvillette would catch you and it would be something out of a romance novel. one hand supporting your back, the other your legs. the perfect bridal-style hold. when he realized you’re just playing a prank on him, he’ll gently and gracefully return you to your feet, and sneak a chaste kiss on your cheek as he does so.
wriothesley would try to be a bridal-style hold but start it too late. this leads to him to awkwardly clutch your legs and arm. he might try to adjust his hold and make it slightly better, but if he can’t, he’ll make you do it again, despite your protests it won’t be a surprise anymore. if he does convince you to give him a redo, he’ll have a mostly perfect hold, even as you playfully roll your eyes in faux annoyance.
zhongli would catch you before you even knew you were committing to the fall. a firm touch on your back stops the trust fall before you can even yell it out. what can he say, he knows you better than you do yourself sometimes. if you try to do it again later, zhongli will also best your attempt. and if you try once more, he’ll keep that hand lingering on your back. just in case.
xiao would be very confused and almost let you fall, until his instincts kick in and his body autopilots to catch you. his hold will be firm and uncomfortable as he rights you back to your feet. he gives you a look like what are you doing? he might also ask if you’ll ill, and if you admit it’s a prank he’ll laugh, once, and then ask you to never do that again. you and your mortal antics scare him sometimes, y’know?
childe is familiar with this prank from his siblings, and he’ll play one back, by not catching you until the absolute last second. you think you’re about the hit the cold hard ground, until childe’s hand slips under your back millimeters from the impact zone. everything after that is a whirl as childe bypasses getting you back on your feet, but instead hefts you over his shoulder, maybe twirling you around. what were you thinking, pranking someone with younger and older siblings?
kaeya would warn you that he’s not going to give into you’re little prank before you start the fall. he knows what you’re up to as you survey your surroundings and decide on a place to land incase he’s not quick enough. you ain’t that sly. if you should decide to go ahead with the prank anyways, you’ll see kaeya was just bluffing, even as he grumbles with you now in his arms. give him a peck on the lips, he deserves it.
diluc would literally stop everything to catch you. pouring a drink? it’s on the floor. reading a book? not anymore! his catch might not be terribly graceful, but it’s efficient and gets the job done. you don’t touch the floor and you’re not very disoriented by the end of it. he might ask you not to do that again, before huffing out a small laugh at your prank. a dusting of rose can be seen on his cheeks at the romantic position you put him it.
alhaitham will catch you without looking. yeah, he’s just kind of cool like that. you’ll do your trust fall and alhaitham’s arm will reach out, cushioning your fall and either guiding you to the floor or righting you immediately. he’ll only look at you when it’s over, raising an eyebrow in a judgemental stare, before returning to whatever he was doing beforehand. what can he say, he’s a busy scribe/acting grand sage/boyfriend.
kaveh would fall with you. whether he was also planning a trust fall or just decided to join in, you can’t decide. all you know it that you were falling, he was falling, and seconds later, you had landed, and so had kaveh. except you landed on a confused, slightly miffed, and a little hurt, kaveh. you both laid there in bewildered silence, both trying to understand what just happened. kaveh technically did break your fall, even if it was in rather unfortunate circumstances.
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 3 months
Ex-husband!Simon "Ghost" Riley Drabble
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Hi lovelies! Lia here again, I've been quite busy with school so I hope you guys can be a little patient with content since I've been stuck on a slump and there's a lot of things I'm currently busy with at the moment because of school despite posting so much last week. Here's the weekly content and I hope you all enjoy :)
Also how do you all feel if I write works inspired by old gacha songs? And yes I used to be a gacha girly, it was some wild phase AHAHAHA
My CoD Masterlist
Taglist: @wishesforyou @puff0o0 @simping4konig @simp4konig @blingblong55 @azereus @rustic-guitar-notes @shadofireshinobi @thesnowurzikdjinn @09maruchan @anonymuslydumb @skeletalgoats @icarustypicalfall @ghosts-cyphera @cutenote @connorsui @capuccino192 @miss-gms-and-the-rotten-womb @celestialhole @the-second-sage @starryylies @everlastingmoonlightsworld @keiva1000
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Brainrot, Ex-husband!Simon "Ghost" Riley who decided he wanted to get a divorce with you because things weren't working out between the both of you, so you had to share custody of your daughter.
You managed to get yourself together, having no time to grieve that part of you that he took with him because you had a little one depending on you. You loved that girl for all she was, however she brings you and Simon together.
Not that you resent her for it, god no, it wasn't her fault you and your husband couldn't see eye to eye.. that he refused to retire after everything, maybe it was just your paranoia getting to you. You couldn't stand the fear anymore, the fear of one day he's not the one you'll see when you open the front door but Price.
You forgot how difficult it was doing this on your own until now, you could barely get up, your head was actually killing you. You pushed through, making your daughter breakfast.
You felt like you were about to throw up, ears started to ring and everything else felt numb. The next thing you know was your eyes rolling back and everything going black, the last thing you heard was your toddler panicking, calling you over and over on the verge of crying.
All while you were unconscious, your little one runs to your room to look for your phone to call her dad.
"Listen I know we—" Simon said expecting you on the phone before getting cut off by his daughter..
"Dada! Momma's dead, dada. Momma's not breathing!" In a panic, she cried it out like a mantra. Simon was in a panic, he got up from where he was and was speeding towards what used to be your shared home.
The next thing you know, you were hearing the beeps of a heart monitor. All your senses were working, all except sight.. you didn't have enough energy to open them, in the coldness of your whole body from the well ventilated room, you felt warmth on your hand.
It was all too familiar, calloused but so gentle and warm. Simon.. it was Simon. All while processing this situation, all that's going through Simon's head are the what ifs.
"Fucking hell, help her.. My wife, she's been unconscious for thirty minutes. She's breathing but it's faint and she's burning" Simon almost yelled in a full panic, he was doing his best not to snap at the hospital staff but how couldn't he? Hadn't even realized that he called you something you weren't anymore, the title he took with him.
Your little one holding her dad's hand in the waiting room, she was observant, an emotionally intelligent little girl who holds her dad's hand. Simon keeps reminding himself to calm down, how much his bumblebee must be terrified, far more than he was so he takes her in his arms.
Sooner or later they were allowed to enter, doctor said you were stabilized and only collapsed from a horrid fever and so much fatigue. Thinking of losing you, just like that with no warning would be the second time Simon would lose you.
Now watching you unconscious, IV tube connected to you because of course you haven't been eating well either. It made him rethink everything, was it a mistake to give you those papers? Was it worth it losing the one person in his life who he would give his life for with no hesitation?
All he could do for now was sit next to you, no matter how long it takes for you to wake up because he doesn't have the strength to leave, maybe in a day or two but not now..
Part 2 anyone?
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anantaru · 1 year
cw. none, calling him a petname for the first time, gn! reader
a/n. this was actually so much fun to write that i already plan to post headcanons with the same trope <3 enjoy!
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"this dinner is important, okay?" you, in a determined muse, sing over to alhaitham. you knew he would attempt to wiggle himself out of this serious situation yet ventured to carefully twist your voice into his mind, until it's walking over the tunes expelling from his earphones.
you move on, "plus— it's not just 'any' dinner, don't call it that!" while, in all your pearly brilliancy, glance over to your boyfriend from under lowered brows, your amused expression being crocheted in a pettish course of action.
"so don‘t be late, —okay?"
under different circumstances, the thought of practically ordering your boyfriend around for something such as this would never even cross the simplest thought of yours, yet the mentioned dinner in particular was one held of graven significance for a future endeavor— to say it was to be taken serious was an understatement.
"understood, there's no need to repeat yourself." alhaitham notes, wilting a little in the glaring confidence of your words.
irregardless of his choice in mannerism and tone— it being as dry as the large deserts in sumeru and parched, if you didn't know any better it audibly sounded as if alhaitham was actually rolling his eyes at you.
it's not like he wasn't your biggest supporter, because in reality, he was. there hadn't been an instance in your life where your boyfriend wasn't the most important pillar of assistance and aided to navigate you through a severe spell or serious time.
yet, if you consider paddling back to actually give yourself a moment to observe his sweet frame of mind, the perception of inscribed responsibility was purling into alhaitham‘s bones and tensing muscles a little too quick, jolting through his limbs— because, he downright abominates working overtime, or perhaps it was something different this time.
was the oh so renowned and fetching acting grand sage of the nation of wisdom, a victim of the so called, 'nervousness' scholars were chatting about? might be, or maybe, only maybe, he was simply not looking forward to doing something grating instead of spending a nice evening in his safe home together with you.
but he makes you smile, there was a spark of interest in his eyes before;
"thank you my love."
uhm— okay wait. hold on. just this second.
given that it was the evening approaching and alhaitham had been working all day, he, at the outset, had not seriously noted the last two words of your sentence, well, not before you inched closer to where he was resting at— the large green couch in his living room more inviting than prior to this winsome situation.
"you're the cutest and sweetest and bestest my love." you do not move any closer, instead, you shyly tangle your legs over his own before half way smushed in his lap.
on a dime, alhaitham curses the inability of himself to control his body when he was around you. how does one possibly respond to this?
a nickname, he never had been called something of that sorts by anyone, not in a positive regard— except the usual mean spirited ones from his roommate. but the scribe never viewed them as something that had to be used or maybe he never thought about it more upfront.
"my? love?" he slants his head to the side to look at you, a heave following from his chest at your proclamation, "yes, my love." you smile back, undoubtedly catching a sheer fade of redness planted on his scorching cheeks, in addition, there was a heaviness in his arms, but a warm feeling in his heart.
"that's a new one." alhaitham mutters and notes it in his memories.
"most of the times i'm being called a jerk." it's true, he was, however luckily you weren't just anyone. you angle your body closer to be comfortably seated on his lap now, before bending your head forward to settle an airy kiss on his cheeks. "you're not a jerk to me though."
alhaitham didn't respond, the thought of prolonging this conversation was as tiresome as the dinner you had planned out for later. nevertheless, what he did do was smile, distantly, scarcely perceivable.
but you caught it, how he noted it yet again and on how priceless and wonderful you were to him.
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2023 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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navisakura · 11 months
*Tears of the Kingdom Spoilers*
Playing through the Wind Temple quest has given me even more love and respect for Revali in retrospect because now it’s confirmed that he was literally just a guy™️.
All of the other champions were direct descendants of the sages who fought in the Imprisoning War, except him. He had no special powers or magic passed down through his bloodline, he was just some guy who was good with a bow. He had to develop and perfect his own technique to help him in battle on his own, no other Rito had ever done it before.
Which makes the fact that he, without any noble blood or fancy magic, was able to fight alongside the descendants of the sages AND the Hero of Destiny AND the divine princess/descendant of Rauru and Sonia even more impressive. His outward confidence and ego makes sense when you consider that he was constantly trying to prove himself to everyone, that he was a strong warrior despite not being born with power.
It’s also really sad that in the end, Revali’s bloodline ended with him whereas the other champions at least got to die knowing that their family and loved ones would live on. The only things that serve as a reminder of his existence are the Great Eagle Bow and Revali’s Landing. Almost everyone in Zora’s domain remembers Mipha and honors her memory with an entire courtyard for her statue, Daruk has his face carved in a literal mountain, but Revali is rarely mentioned in TotK. (Urbosa doesn’t really have anything but shhh this aint about her) No one that knew him is still alive, except maybe the former chief owl guy?
That also begs the question of wtf was the Rito sage doing at the time of the Calamity, but honestly they probably were just some random person with no combat experience, given that they didn’t know they were a sage :P
tldr; Revali is the best champion no I don’t take criticism
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yandereunsolved · 1 month
When you have the time, yandere chain reaction to reader wanting to help by making dishes from our world for them? Like pizza, breaded chicken, spaghetti, lasagna, grilled cheese sandwiches,ect. Dishes you don't see in hyrule ya know? Maybe they first got to cook for them when wild is too exhausted or sick to cook? Actually, I don't think they know how to make boiled eggs or popcorn. Be funny if reader invented popcorn for hyrule. Hope you have a great week
Okay, I love this. You too, anon! 𖹭 ( part 2 )
cw: a mention of them possibly crossing your boundaries (at the end)
We'll set the mood by saying The Chain has had an absolutely exhaustive day. They've had to fight off multiple monsters of varying varieties, and to top off the sundae of shit, you have the rotten cherry of all of you being pushed into another portal. You're soaked in things you don't even want to imagine; all of your yanderes are neglecting their health and trying to take care of you; and you are hangry. You end up snapping at them and then getting gaslit for about twenty minutes. 
That's when they learned about the wonderful world of ✨ human cuisine ✨ —peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, meat pies, puff puff, zapiekanka, etc...
You were on the edge of your seat, and Wild was exhausted, so you told them that if they left you alone for an hour, you'd cook for them. After a bit of convincing the more worried and overbearing yanderes, you finally got more than five feet away from them. That's when you cooked a dish from your homeland.
Let me tell you, you just fell into a deeper hole than you already were. They are already dependent on you for love, affection, and attention. Now, they want you to always cook meals for them. They are all trying to get the recipes for your favorite meals out of you so they can win your favor. Naturally, Wild has them outmatched in this sense, and none of them are happy about it.
Wild gets all of your attention when it comes to cooking things. You get to share recipes and learn from each other. Sometimes Sage is able to join since he has more refined cooking abilities, except his Zonai arm always acts up because it reacts to his suppressed yandere tendencies towards you. It's a weird quirk his arm has gotten into. He still isn't sure why. Everyone else in The Chain always tries to undermine Wild's cooking skills when you aren't around. 
It backfires when Wild gets to be the one to cuddle up to you, and he manipulates you by telling you how the others hate him. They hate him because he is different. They hate him because he has you. They hate him because he is everything they are not. It just all seems so vulnerable and raw. Why would you not believe him? Do you not trust him? Do you not love him?
Over all, they are fascinated, and it only feeds into their worship of you. They are enamored by the foods you have brought them. Any of them practically drops dead when you make one of your native snacks for just one of them. Oh my, you made it just for him? No one else. You must really love only that Link! Fierce is even willing to use his deity magic to get ingredients from your world for you. 
How did Fierce do this?
Does this mean he is able to get you home?
No, uh—his power is limited because of the mask. Something, something, a convincing lie to get you to stay and not question him. He is a deity, after all. He knows better than you.
They may crave your food, but there is one thing they long for more—you. How long will you be able to deprive them of your body before they take what is rightfully theirs?
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barrenclan · 25 days
Everyone is jumping on the theory wagon so here are my personal predictions:
-You made a few posts about how one of the themes of PATFW is finding hope in hopeless situations which makes me think the ending of it won't be completly bleak. I think it'll be bittersweet, although leaning more on the bitter side. Maybe something along the lines of TMA's ending but a bit more melancholic
-Rainhaze is gonna die. There's no hope for him by now. Although, I think it would've been real fucked up if everybody except for him died and he was forced to go on without a purpouse. Fascinating but not that likely to happend imo
-I think both Blacknose and her kits will live, not only that I think at least one other character will survive so they can help her with the children. My bets on it are either Egrettail, Slugpelt or Daffofilpaw
-Barrenclan is DEFINATLY not getting reformed after the defience attack. I mean the previous chapter is literally called the death of Barrenclan
-I think Pinepaw will die at the end of the story, possibly in a murder/suicide in order to defeat Deepdark. It's sad, but I think it's a very likely possibility. Cormorantpaw will survive though and will have to live with only his memory :( Perhaps he'll get to reunite with his siblings though?
-I feel like to parallel the fire that burned down the forest that Roseclan resided in there's gonna be a fire near the end of the story. Not sure yet what it'll do yet tho. Perhaps it'll snuff out the defience?
-I'm not sure how likely it'll be but I think it'd be really nice if Pinepaw got to talk to or interact with some of the more unwilling members of the defience. Perhaps have a bit of a heart-to-heart with them as they're all stuck in the same horrible situation.
-To wrap this up, here are some other characters that I think will die: Redpelt, Beeface and/or Plumstripe (Either they both die defending the clan side by side and make peace with eachother, or only one of them dies and the other grieve the fact that she wasn't a better sister to her in life. Either way at least one of them is dying) and Prowl
YAAAAY I love these long endgame theory predictions so much. :D So much I can't say but I can read everything and nod my head sagely. ALSO I adore the bingos, they're so funny.
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itsabouttimex2 · 4 months
Here's a challenge: platonic x reader who hates monkeys with a passion (you could do it with phobia or irrational hatred). With Wukong, Macaque, and Mk.
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Yandere MK, Sun Wukong, Macaque
(Fun fact 1- prunes are not their own fruit! They’re just dried plums.)
“I’m just saying,” he starts with a scoff, “it’s really silly that you’re expecting me to play along with this. Especially when I don’t get anything out of it.”
MK turns around to face the demon monkey, frowning. He folds his arms and walks backwards to keep eye contact, hoping that his mentor would watch his steps for him.
“Uh, you are getting something out of it, though? Y/N spent all day cooking for us so we could celebrate the new year together! They even made extra in case we wanted to bring someone else! That’s like… super nice of them!”
“Oh, I might get some maybe decent food, is that it? And all I’ve got to do is pretend to be a powerless mortal all the way through a probably mediocre dinner, huh? Just because this weird friend of yours is scared of monkeys?”
Sun Wukong; who had eyeing the sky for early fireworks more than he had been looking out for his student’s safety, finally chimed in. “To be fair, I think that mug of yours would scare anyone away!” A second later, he ducks down to avoid Macaque’s incoming tail, leaving MK to take the brunt of the relatively harmless blow.
MK stumbles backwards and almost into the street, only stopped when his mentor’s tail wraps around his waist and pulls him back onto the sidewalk. “Whoa,” the Great Sage mocks, setting MK safely back down, “someone’s in a bad mood today! Maybe… you’re just mad cause no one except us wanted you over for the new year?”
Macaque snarls and lunges at Wukong, ready to brawl. It’s only when MK swiftly moves to stand between them that the near fight is averted. “Guys, come on! Can’t you get along for just one day?!”
The “NO!” that they shout in perfect unison is just about what he was expecting, but he’s still a little disappointed about it. They both try to move past him to grab at one another, barely impeded by his physical position.
A thunderous bang echoes across the sky, a brilliant bloom of sparkling red painting the blue horizon. Macaque hisses and recoils, his arms quaking as he moves to clap his hands over his ears. At the exact same time, Wukong jumps up in delight, cheering and hollering at the sight. MK takes his chance to separate them, hooking his arm around Macaque’s, pulling the pained monkey demon along much quicker than he was moving before.
“Come on, come on! The food is gonna get cold if you two don’t hurry up! And! Y/N told me that there’s something special just for the two of you! Cause, y’know… when I asked if I could invite you both, they asked me what sort of stuff you liked, and I told ‘em about the whole ‘peaches and plums’ thing…”
Bringing up food seems to have been a decent enough distraction, as both of them choose to start moving along instead of fighting. Your house is already on the horizon. Now he just has to hope that another fight doesn’t break out between the rival demons.
As usual, life dashes his hopes of peace being anything more than a temporary lull.
“Yeah? Like how peaches are just about the best thing ever? And how everyone that isn’t crazy likes ‘em one way or another?”
“About how sweet-toothed meatheads can’t help but shovel them down whole? Those sort of people don’t have the brain to enjoy plums. Peaches are just sweet. Plums have a subtle astringent skin that mixes well with the flesh’s mellow sweetness.”
“Sure thing, old man. Go home and eat your prunes if ya like ‘em so much.”
“They are NOT-“
“Guys! We’re here!” Before they can argue any further, MK releases Macaque’s arm and rushes up to the door of your house. “Hurry up and come inside!”
He takes a moment to consider knocking, then grabs the doorknob and impatiently starts rattling it instead. To his delight, it’s already unlocked. A quick glance over his shoulder shows that both of his companions remain in their transformed state, tails safely tucked into their clothing.
He throws the door open and races inside, leaving the monkeys in the dust.
Just barely remembering to take off his shoes before he tears through the halls of your house without hesitation, he throws them aside near the door in a still-tied heap.
He follows a practiced path straight into the kitchen, finding you just as you remove a plate of pork-stuffed spring rolls from the oven. You set them down on the countertop to cool, then turn to face the very-expected intruder. You might’ve been surprised, if it wasn’t for his excited footsteps echoing through the house.
MK runs into your arms before you can even pull the oven mitts off, wrapping you up in a warm hug. For just a moment, it gives you the same feeling as coming home after a long day, cozy and inviting.
Then, his grip grows tight.
“I missed you,” he says, his voice quiet and low. “Invite me over more often. Or come to Pigsy’s and visit me, at least. Please.”
His grip tightens further.
And then he lets go of you, turning to face his two companions, neither of which you recognize. He waves them into the kitchen and moves to set the table.
Politely, you offer the first one your hand. He’s decked out in shining gold and exuberant red, like a brighter and flashier MK. “It’s nice to meet you! I’m glad you came to celebrate with me. Come and take a seat!”
He snags your hand between both of his own, giving it a firm pump. “It’s great to meet ya, bud! Thanks for having us!” He heads to the table and bounces on his heels, snatching up a seat for himself before anyone else gets the chance.
You smile and turn to MK’s other friend, the one dressed in a billowing black and red shroud that concealed most of his face and body. You offer him your hand as well.
He shrugs and walks right past you, sitting down at the opposite side of the table- probably to keep away from his colorful and loud companion.
MK frowns at his friend’s behavior, but turns back to you with a wide and rather forced smile. “Don’t worry about him. He’s just… not used to this.” His voice drops to a low whisper as he adds: “And his ears have been hurting all day. I think he’s getting grumpy.”
“I can hear you, kid,” the irritated man says from beneath his shroud. “There’s a reason that I’m called the S-”
“The SUPER SENSITIVE hearing guy, I know! The thing that all of your friends call you,” MK clumsily tries to lie, his ears and cheeks darkening to red with his poor attempt at deceiving you.
But before you can question him on it, his golden-clad friend pipes in with a snide: “He’s certainly sensitive, I’ll give him that.”
Outright chaos is only abated by the sharp click that sounds when you set a porcelain tray on the polished quartz surface of the table.
“MK told me about your favorite fruits, actually! So I stayed up late to make these for all of you,” you cheerily announce to the trio, lifting the delicate lid to reveal three plates of sticky-rice pudding. Each one is delicately drizzled with syrup sugar and studded in tiers with sweet fruits.
Your friend jumps forward, his palms hitting the table as he stares at you with wide-eyes. “Y/N! You made Eight Treasures Rice for us?!”
“Well, it’s more like ‘One Treasure Rice’, haha. It’s really only got the fruit in it, actually. I didn’t wanna put anything you guys didn’t like in there, so I decided to play it safe. I hope that’s not disappointing!”
“Not at all, bud! Not at all!” Several of his aureate accessories glint in the light as the man reaches eagerly for the peach-filled rice pudding.
You pass it to him with a smile, then give MK his own, stuffed full of tangerine slices. With only one left, you push the plum-packed dessert to the shrouded stranger, who seems to slightly brighten up at the sight of it.
Before anyone can say anything, you remove yourself from the table and hurry around the kitchen, gathering plates and utensils for the trio. You put them out quickly, then pile all the dishes you made in the morning onto the table.
“Good kid,” Wukong whispers to Macaque, picking bits of peach from the pudding as you arrange two plates of dumplings on the table. “And good food. Still regret coming, ‘Super Sensitive’?”
“…the kid’s alright. Jury’s still out on the food, though.” He pauses, taking a quick moment to think of something to criticize Wukong for. “And keep your tail under control. I can see the tip flicking back and forth in your pant leg.”
“Whatever you say, bud.”
A tray with a whole braised chicken is set between them, and a platter of steamed rice flour cakes after it. Finally, you take your own seat, next to the shrouded man and across from MK.
It strikes you then that you haven’t even learned the names of your guests.
“I’m Y/N, by the way! I’m sorry for not asking your names earlier! What should I call you?”
“The name’s Sun, bud! And that’s Mac, sitting in the edgy robe.”
“I like the robe,” you compliment politely, looking at the concealing garment. “The cloud embroidery is a nice touch.”
“It’s a cloak… and thanks.”
MK jumps forward in excitement and strikes his palms against the table, rattling the bowls and dishes.
“C‘mon! Let’s eat, everyone!
“I think everything went well, today. You think so too, right?”
You set the knife down, turning to face ‘Sun’. As you cut up the leftovers, he’s sorting them into separate containers for everyone to take home. (And giving himself larger portions when you weren’t looking.)
“Definitely! I think my, uh… friend was pretty impressed. I hope we can do this again, Y/N! I don’t really have anything scheduled this time of year…like, ever.”
Except for watching fireworks from the top of his mountain, far away from company and civilization. Again and again, over and over, thinking only of his long-passed friends and companions.
“…we are going to do it again, right?”
“Oh, um, sure. I don’t see why not. My family doesn’t really come and visit, so I’ll probably have the house empty again next year. So, um… yes! I’d be happy to have you over!
He hums softly, nodding his head to your words.
“Sounds good, bud. I’ll be there. And… I’ll see if I can wrangle Mac into coming, too. Maybe just to see him jump at fireworks again, though.”
“He seemed interesting,” you graciously offer of the cloaked man, in spite of his admittedly poor behavior through dinner. “I enjoyed his stories.”
“Pfft! I could’ve told them better- I was there for most of them!”
“Well, the two of you should come again- MK seemed happy- more than usual, even. Honestly? I think he’s been stressed out lately… I’m glad he could have a day to relax. I really do need to visit him more often.”
“Huh. Guess it must be a little hard living so far from the city, bud. Any reason you’re this far out?”
“Oh, that’s… I inherited this house- and the orchard outside- from my parents, actually! I take a lot of pride in it, really. I wouldn’t trade it for the world, even if the work is a little lonely.”
“…I think I will come visit, then. And I might sample a few of your fruits, too,” he teases, lightly elbowing your side. “You think you can handle that, bud?”
“…you know what, Sun?” Sun, what he had informed you his name was. It fits him well. He’s bright and exuberant, and never stops smiling. He seems like he’d be a good friend.
“That- that sounds really nice. Come by anytime you’d like.”
Your words sound kind right now. They feel right to say. The Great Sage thinks so too.
And he’s certainly not going to forget about them. Neither will Macaque, listening in from the shadows beside your tangerine trees.
Why would they ever let go of this kindness?
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linzerj · 4 months
Just getting this idea out there so that maybe I'll actually finish writing it one day, but -
I've been on a Legend of Zelda kick recently. Currently replaying BOTW. Never played AOC but I've watched gameplay and all the cutscenes so I know what happens. Planning to play that and TOTK again soon. But I've got this idea cooking in my head.
Theres a post that talks about "what if you could find the Divine Beasts in the Depths", and another funny post that was just "what if Teba was the sage of Wind and not Tulin?" And I remembered when BOTW had just come out, and then AOC after, and people were speculating about the characters, like Teba, being the New Champions and getting to bond to the Divine Beasts.
That didn't happen in canon, but. Hear me out. What if even just one of the Divine Beasts bonded with a New Champion... like say, the one who doesn't become a Sage?
Teba, Sidon, Riju, and Yunobo return from their adventure in the past/alternate timeline/whatever, having saved those Champions and that Hyrule from destruction. Their own timeline is still the same, but they continue on as they do in canon.
Except they all meet up shortly after returning home, and one of them (Sidon or Riju maybe) asks "hey did anyone else try going to the Divine Beasts only to get rejected" and while the rest are like "yup wonder what that's about, sad" Teba is like "no wtf are you all talking about I was settling back in with my wife and kid."
But something about it sticks with Teba. He goes home, looks up at Vah Medoh, and thinks, 'it probably won't work but I may as well try just to confirm.'
...Vah Medoh accepts him as its new pilot.
I'm unsure as to whether or not Revali's spirit will still be there for a quick hello - but if he is, he'd be like "whomst?!" And Teba would be like "if you were still alive I'd definitely adopt you because thanks to some time travel shenanigans i know that you desperately needed a parental figure in your life".
Mostly everything else proceeds as is canon up to the start of TOTK - except for the other Divine Beasts continuing to chill at their resting places, because upon hearing about Teba successfully bonding with Medoh, the others want to keep trying.
But, for whatever reason, Hylia decided that you cannot be both a Sage and a Divine Beast pilot, so the Beasts acknowledge them but never quite accept them as their pilots.
Then, TOTK. Then the chasms. Then, the other 3 Divine Beasts taking a plunge into the Depths.
Teba freaks out a little bit, but Medoh is circling Rito Village and is fine, except now there's these random floating islands but also a fuckass blizzard that's making it almost impossible to keep everyone fed, and Teba's just been saddled with Elder status so he's super in charge and Tulin is in a bit of a "I can do anything let me prove it let's go" phase and is trying to convince Teba to use Vah Medoh to fly up and stop the blizzard, but Teba is way too busy trying to keep the village from falling apart to go right now -
Then Link shows up, and Tulin runs off, and Link follows him, and the two go up and find the Stormwind Ark and fight Colgera and as the magical blizzard finally ends, Teba is just like "what the fuck".
Tulin tells him he's become a Sage, and isn't that cool dad?! And Teba is like "you're 12 and you're going to help fight a demon king?!?! Wtf?!"
But then at some point, Tulin (who knows the other Sages from that time he was in AOC, and meeting them a few times with his dad after) one day looks up from his breakfast and says "oh hey Sidon just became the Sage of Water! I saw it through my connection with Link!" And that's when it clicks into place for Teba why the Beasts never quite accepted the other "New Champions" - because they were destined for something else.
But Vah Medoh is still here. And it's pissed that it's fellow Beasts are gone and it also wants to blast Ganondorf in the face.
Unfortunately, Teba can't let it blast the castle when Link and co go to confront the Zelda illusion, because Tulin is there, Link is there, Sidon and Riju and Yunobo are there, and it's not the real demon king yet anyway.
Teba is grumpy about it, about letting Tulin go off and risk his life when he's a child and Teba is an adult, but then a huge dark dragon explodes out from the chasm below the castle and Vah Medoh is all too happy to fire upon it, knowing it's Ganondorf and wanting some sweet revenge of its own.
Teba's just surprised he can see the dark dragon, it's huge but he'd heard tales of only the young, or those chosen by thr goddesses, could see dragons. Maybe it's because of Vah Medoh that he can see this one, and the little light dragon that comes in and - hey is that Link?!
Maybe it ends with Teba going down to the Depths with Link to visit the other Divine Beasts, and suggesting that the locations stay known so that future generations may try to awaken them. They don't really need the Beasts anymore since both Calamity Ganon and Ganondorf have been defeated, but Medoh doesn't want to turn off and is happy just chilling at Rito Village with Teba. The end.
I have like 2.5k of this already written, I just wanted to use this post to write more of the ideas for the fic structure before I go to bed lol. And this idea probably doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense canon-wise, but it doesn't need to because the only reason this exists is because i love Teba and wish he'd gotten more screntime (or at least some spoken dialogue in the cutscenes!) in TOTK.
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adrianasunderworld · 7 months
TwstxStardew Valley au!
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Yuu inherited the Ramshackle farm from their grandfather. It's located in the little town of Night Raven in the Valley of Sages. Shortly after moving in, they find a cat called Grim. Now it's up to Yuu to restore the farm and town to it's former glory. All the characters are the townsfolk, all the staff are the ones that run the local businesses, and Crowley is the mayor. And all the students are the marriage candidates.
Sam runs the general store, but unlike Pierre he's pretty cool. Vargas is the blacksmith. Trien is the librarian, and his cat hangs out amongst the shelves. Crewel I was thinking we have a new business that is the local clothing store where you can buy the bag upgrade from him and instead of the sewing machine being in Emily's house, it's in the shop. So all that stuff would be in one place.
Kalim as the resident animal lover I can see being the one that sells you your farm animals. Maybe his business is a branch of his parents much larger business that he runs and Jamil is his employee.
I feel like it goes without saying that Idia is the Sebastian here. He's the freelance programmer living in his parents basement, and Ortho Is his kid brother you see running around town that always tells Yuu about how cool his brother actually is.
Silver lives with his veteran dad in their little cottage in the woods outside your farm, they like living off the land out there. I can also see Lilia and Baul as the ones that run the adventurers guild. Maybe the Zigvolt family dental clinic is also in town and Sebek works there. And in that same vein, maybe Mrs. Rosehearts is the town doctor and her son, Riddle, is her assistant. She's planned everything out that Riddle will become a doctor like her and take over the clinic one day.
Epel is still a farm boy here, it feels right, he's in his element in this au. The Felmiers run an orchard on the opposite side of town. His granny used to know your grandpa, and maybe Farmer Yuu can buy fruit tree saplings from them.And of course get a good price on the apple ones.
Deuce is the former town delinquent that lives with his single mom. He's doing his best to turn their life around, he grew out of his old ways and wants to do better. I can see his heart events being about people assuming he's going to cause trouble because of his old habits and Deuce having to prove he's not that little teenage punk anymore. And instead of Idia/Sebastian, Deuce is the one that takes you on the motorcycle date if you romance him.
Mostro Lounge is the equivalent of the Stardrop Saloon, and Azul is th owner with the tweels working for him.
Malleus I can see being the one that lives in the wizard tower in the woods outside your farm. He's studied magic all his life because it's all he's ever known. But he wants very badly to interact with the town and the villagers, but everyone tends to stay away. The only exceptions being Lilia, Silver, and Sebek. That is until Yuu moves in and discovers his tower, and once Malleus helps them understand the Juiminos in the community center, they become better friends.
@mangacupcake @marrondrawsalot @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind
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st4rrth0ughts · 2 months
Kavetham/ Haikaveh/ Alhaitham + Kaveh character analysis because yes
a/n: why is their colour christmas themed
This post will contain Kaveh and Al Haitham's past, Haitham's story quest, voicelines spoilers, Sumeru Archon Quest spoilers, shipping mentions!! proceed with caution. Enjoy my 2nd yap session :3
First, Al haitham. No, he is not a cold, apathetic alpha male that will abuse Kaveh (you heard me), he is a man with depth, depth!! He is the Scrbe of the Akademiya, now the Grand Sage, and he not remotely near anything of the fanon interpretations i mentioned above.
He is a man who not so much as struggles with emotions in that sense, but can be extremely blunt when getting his point across, as see throughout the archon quest. Because of this, people around the Akademiya and i think some people outside(?) call him cold, mean, and many negative traits.
Al Haitham was extremely close to his grandmother, and he has no recollection of his mother and father, who died very early in his childhood by a car accident. His grandmother, as far as i know, was one of his closest, perhaps his only family member. And she's dead.
Now, onto the blunt side (i'll get into Kaveh through his paragraph, trust). This blunt side of Al haitham is shown when speaking to Kaveh (i think during his story quest), which may spark the view in game and maybe some fan's interpretations that they hate each other's guts. But Haitham really does care for Kaveh, he just doesn't show it lik how Kaveh shows his care for Haitham, yk? Its a miscommunication issue between these two.
In turn, Laveh is a emotional, and emotionally intelligent man. His kindness is often taken advantage of. An example, Dori and her palace of alcazarzaray, which until now, he still owes debt towards her until now. Kaveh himself is a man who has a heavy and deep story to him. His father had passed away, and he had to watch his mother fall into a deep depression, and eventually, she moved to Fontaine after being offered a job there. So he's alone, great. Kaveh is a man who is emphathetic of the people around him, and ever so thoughtful. But it has its flaws. He's emotionally volatile, and far too considerate of everyone around him. A doormat, essentially.
Now, Haitham and Kaveh's bond. Romantic or platonic, they have history, you cannot deny that. They've known each other since theri schooling days at the Akademiya, and even if everyone who sees them on surface level, think of them as roommates who bicker, hate each other's guts, no. 100% wrong, incorrect buzzer, go cry. They care for each other, in their own little ways, you know? If they did hate each other, you'd think they'd even talk?? Im sure ecen if their roomates, they'd find ways to avoid each other if their enemies.
Kaveh and Haitham's bond, shipping or not, runs much, much deeper than simply schoolmates turned roommates who bicker and argue all day. If Haitham doesn't care for Kaveh, he'd surely kick him out. Dont forget, even though he collects rent from Kaveh, he's willing to let him stay. No enemy does that (yes, im looking at you enemies x y/n stories, no, haitham and kaveh are not that dynamic) for you except in your dreams. Likewise, if Kaveh hates Haitham's guts, he would most likely find his own place by now, even if he is kind and generous with mora, he'd save just to get away. So no, they dont hate each other, enough about 'enemies to lovers' troupe with them.
Now, this may be a lil bit of a stretch, but their voicelines contrast each other perfectly. Kaveh's favourite foods are hot soup and fruits, and Haitham's least favourite food? You guessed it, hot soup because he doesn't like eating that while reading. Even one of their idles match, its even canon, Al Haitham likes to take Kaveh's house keys, making Kaveh wait and have to ask Al Haitham to open the door. The two of them were made with love by hoyo, and whether you ship these two or not, they have a deep and close bond that unless you read their voicelines and stories, and other character's observations of them, its a little bit difficult to understand them both, separately or as a ship.
Conclusion: Al Haithem and Kaveh are complex characters by themselves, and their bond is equally as intricate as them. I may not play genshin as much, but i love them both.
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amateurwritescm · 10 months
Weems, a Goddess
Hello everyone, I am tentatively posting this as my first fic. It was intended to be a complete fic but it became so long. So I thought I would post it and see what people think. So, here is the first part of made it as a first part of a few that will end up NSFW.
Warnings: Right now, I don't think there are any but I am super happy for you to tell me otherwise and ill edit. I'm new to this :). The only thing I will add is that I don't really proof read, so I am so sorry in advance.
I would love some feedback if you do read it.
Summary: Your Normie self arrives in Nevermore as the Academies new therapist. Instantly you are impacted by Larissa who is like a goddess. Fluff and flirting ensue. You are a mess and completely undone by her.
P.s. Help please I don't know what I am doing. SOS
🐴 CM
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Weems, A Goddess. Part 1.
You could faintly hear the train on tracks clacking away when suddenly, your eyes snapped open. Your heart picked up its pace, beating fast as if your life was threatened. You had forgotten where you were momentarily and cursing yourself for the way your body did this sometimes. It was so unpleasant.
Internally you laughed at yourself, knowing you wouldn’t usually have fallen asleep on a freaking train, but it had been a huge trip from Australia already. Finally, you were on your last leg to Jericho, Nevermore Academy. Filled with nervous energy, you looked out at the passing autumn trees. They were beautiful, calming you as they passed by almost rhythmically in time with the train. Memories arose of your brother telling you that you were crazy to accept a job on the other side of the world, in which you kind of agreed with. You knew very little about this school’s history. From what you could tell, it was a boarding school for outcasts. It intrigued you, being a therapist and all.
The train had been pretty empty for a while now, you guessed Jericho was further out than you thought. Weirdly enough the absence of passengers didn’t alarm you, kind of filling you with curiosity instead.
An uncomfortable screech of what you assumed was the result of poor-quality sound and speakers blared overhead. It did not fail to grab your attention as it announced your stop. Jericho didn’t have a train station, however there was one only half an hour away. You’d hoped that you could find an uber or a taxi, maybe even a bus to make your way there. Picking up your bags from the luggage section between the carriages, you waited as the train slowed to a stop.
Stepping onto the platform and chuckling to yourself, you marvelled the quiet. It was empty, oh except for some random woman at the other end of the platform. Weirdly, she didn’t get on the train. You supposed you could ask the woman if she knew how to get from here to Nevermore, realising it was probably not as simple as you first thought!
You were looking down, pulling your luggage in the direction of the woman when you heard a “Hello there!” in the most beautiful British tone. Looking up, you realised that the woman at the end of the track was much closer and you began to take her features. She was much taller than you first noticed, with beautiful curves and bright white hair curled pinned in an updo. The woman strode so gracefully towards you in her sage green tightly fitted skirt suit. Wow she was beautiful.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you, I am Ms Weems” she introduced, holding her hand out towards you in a soft gentle way. Are you Y/n? You half nodded, half shook your head realising you were staring right at her and hadn’t replied yet. In confusion, you took her hand. “Hello?” you said more like a question, hoping your accent wasn’t too harsh in comparison to the lull of her voice. She spoke again, “I’m so sorry to surprise you. I am here to pick you up, you see I forgot to mention that it’s almost impossible to get from the station to the school without encountering lots of chaos” smiling cheekily, her white teeth white filling her mouth beautifully. Suddenly it all clicked, she was the principal of the school and was here to pick you up. Taking a second glance at her beautiful face, you were taken back by how beautiful she was. You assumed the principal would be like a much older grumpy head mistress. You had only exchanged words over email recently, as your interview had been with someone standing in for her whilst the principal was on leave.
“I hope that’s okay?” she said, after your silence. You noticed her plump red lips turn from a huge smile into a concerned pout. “Oh of course, thank you very much” you finally came out with. Your eyes met her crystal blue’s which seemed to sparkle, was that even possible? You looked away as you felt the heat rise into your cheeks, hoping she wouldn’t notice. Interrupting your inner thoughts once again, she leaned in close to grab one of the cases you were holding and sung “this way!” whilst nodding towards the exit. It’s safe to say you died for a moment, momentarily made worse as you inhaled deeply, smelling her perfume as some kind of sweet flowery mix. Still standing there, you watched her walk away with her hips swaying and heels clicking against the concrete. She turned once again, “Hey, Y/N enough staring for right now, are you coming?”. You realised in that moment you were in some serious trouble.
“And this will be your quarters y/n” I suspect you’ll find it most suitable. Most of the staff live in quarters by the hall they oversee so we are kind of spread out, but since you aren’t a part of the teaching staff” She paused and stepped closer to you, her hips slightly more forward as if they were beckoning you themselves “I also thought it would be nice for you to be closer to me, In case you need me…”. Her voice shifted from playful to sultry and low and she looked deep into your eyes, with an unspoken question. No, it was expectation. With her face flashing darker, her head slightly tilted down to you, she bit her lip.
Oh my god.
The word… or name even had brought you back to your earlier interactions with the principal. You were just as flustered now, feeling as though you were short circuiting. On the drive, Principal Weems had initially talked about some of the students at Nevermore, however you had trouble listening as you stared at her lips moving so gracefully, occasionally catching her gaze. Usually, you weren’t so frazzled by the presence of beautiful women. It was technically your job to be confident and talk to people and seek meaning, but this woman was something else.
You were sitting in the small car, with your luggage stuck in the back and boot. Looking over, you marvelled at her stature closely resembling some kind of goddess. Although she was slim, she barely fit into her seat with her long arm resting close to yours as she drove.  “The place you’ll consult with student’s Y/n is on the other side of my office. Its just a small room but you are welcome to change it around, decorate and make it your own if you like”.
You nodded, catching the last sentence as you were stirred from your thoughts by her mentioning your name. “Yes… sorry for not being so present. It’s been such a long couple of days I think my brain is just jetlagged”.
Or it is because you’re sitting next to a literal god in human form that you would let sacrifice you if it was her wish?
“Of course, you must be absolutely exhausted having come so far. Ill show you to your quarters and you can rest that pretty little head of yours” she said sweetly, glancing down at your body and then up to your face before looking back towards the road. “I was wondering though if tomorrow you might join me for lunch, seeing as it is a Sunday”.
Eeeeeee, she asked you to lunch! You squealed internally. Calm down Y/n it’s just lunch... You opened your mouth, expecting yourself to accept in a kind and professional manner. Which would have been so appropriate and normal, except you didn’t.
“I’d really love you for lunch” Fuck. “I mean I’d love you to lunch me… like… I mean… for me to have lunch with you, like you said”. Your stomach flipped violently making you push yourself back into the passenger seat, silently wishing it would swallow you whole. You took your bottom lip between your teeth and looked down at your hands.
 “G God, I’m so sorry” you stammered. your eyes flicking upwards whilst your cheeks beginning to sting as you knew you had no room to move underneath her gaze.
“My name is Larissa, darling”, her eyes darkening even further as Larissa internally revelled in the feeling of having caught you like a little mouse. You on the other hand, felt terrified but electrified by the way Larissa looked at you in that moment.
The thing was with Larissa, she was so emotive with her face that all could be revealed with a fleeting look. You, being a highly trained therapist were great with reading emotions, and that included those with a suggestive nature. You stored the glimpse you saw on that drive, knowing you could bring it up again in your mind. But you didn’t have to, because you remembered that you were standing in the room with her right now and the same look was on her face.
“Has anyone told you how beautiful you are?” She picked an invisible piece of lint from your blouse before running her hand down your arm slightly. Your skin responded with little tingles. Having registered your response to her touch, she continued. “I must have missed that memo, with me having been away when you were hired. Well darling, I think I am going to quite like having you here” she said, her expression moving from the darkened gaze to a content smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow, sweetheart” she said not bothering to pose it as a question again. “Come to my quarters at noon and we can figure out a plan from there”. She was walking away slowly, turning to lean for on the door frame for a moment. “And bring those brilliant eyes, I love it when you stare at me”.
The next day:
Larissa had felt quite taken with you the moment she saw you. Truly she had just expected to pick up the new therapist who would probably also leave shortly into the school term. The last one had left because of Wednesday Addams, of which you could understand to some degree but hiring someone else felt impossible knowing it may just happen again. However, when she saw you hop off that train, her heart felt like it simultaneously dropped into her stomach and beamed up into the sky outside of her being. She knew right then and there; you were hers and she wouldn’t let you go without a fight.
*Knock knock*
You knocked on Larissa’s door, and it she soon opened it to you dressed in a slightly more casual pair of dress pants and a soft pastel blouse tucked in to accentuate her waist. “Hello, my love. You look beautiful”.
Earlier you had tried on about 6 different outfits, making a huge mess in your new place, you went with your favourite pants and long sleeve combination. It was much colder than you had expected it to be though having come from summer in a hot climate. You walked in with a bit of a shiver, grateful to look over and see her open wood fire going.
“Oh, my love you look freezing!” With her beside you, she wrapped her arm around you and led you towards the fire. “Here, come sit with me and I will warm you up”. You thanked her quietly, just absorbing her touch as it lingered on you. You felt unprepared for her to leave, feeling her shift slightly you pressed into her a little. Larissa knowingly smiled and instead of moving further she simply asked “what would you like to do for lunch? And I mean what would you like to eat and not who” She laughed, recalling yesterdays use of your words. You tensed momentarily until Larissa squeezed your arm playfully. Relaxing you giggled “I’m so sorry, you’re just so beautiful and I guess you make me a little nervous”. Larissa, still smiling retorted “well that much, I can tell and its kind of fun” she pushed into you slightly causing you to look up into her eyes wondering what might happen next. Larissa looked down to your lips and then back to your eyes…
 “And as fun as this is, I am absolutely starving and we must eat!” Larissa gracefully lifted herself from your side. You audibly whined slightly at the lost of contact, until you realised she was gone. She emerged from a door hidden in a corner you hadn’t noticed earlier, holding a warm jacket out to you. “I thought as much as I am a fantastic giant water bottle, you might need this. Let’s go to lunch at the Weathervane”.
“Oh that’s so kind of you, but my place is just down the hall …” you began to make an excuse, knowing if you wore that jacket that she would never see it again.
“Nonsense, this way it is much sweeter” Larissa boasted a big smile, although she thought something much dirtier. It’s also going to be much more satisfying when I get to take it off of you.
Larissa motioned to you to turn around as she held the jacket for you to slip your arms into one by one, making contact with your arms, neck and back as she adjusted the way it sat for no reason other than to touch you. “Let’s go, Ill drive”.
Only 15 minutes later you were hopping out of Larissa’s personal car which was much bigger, feeling slightly tipsy as it smelt intoxicatingly like her. It had made sense when Larissa opened your door for you, that the little car she barely fit into yesterday was not hers and was a Nevermore car for school related things.  
“This is the Weathervane, it’s such a nice place to get food and drink. They have really fantastic hot chocolate and cute little booths sit in” Larissa said enthusiastically with a smile charging towards the entrance. Your legs although not typically small, struggled to keep up with her. She turned around “Come on darling as much as I don’t mind you watching me walk from behind, I love having you by my side”. Fluffy comment pricked you in the chest, leaving you warm feelings. You didn’t know it then but that was just the start of the heat.
After ordering some hot fresh paninis and hot chocolate, Larissa sat down at her favourite booth in the corner. You sat across from her and began to ask her questions about Nevermore. You both talked for what seemed like hours discussing students, the history behind outcasts and education. It was all so interesting to you, and you couldn’t wait to begin with the students who needed you most. One thing that kept popping up was that you couldn’t help but wonder whether Larissa was an outcast or a normie like you. One part of you knew that she had to be, no normal human being could be so tall, so beautiful and practically perfect in every way.
“If you are wondering, which I am sure you are… I am an outcast” Larissa said, shaking you from what clearly was silence through your last thought process. Caught in a new bout of fluster, you began to ramble the thoughts you had been having. “That… doesn’t surprise me you know like you’re so beautiful and perfect kind of like some Amazonian, or goddess that fell from the sky or something. Like look at you, of course you are. No normal person looks so delicious”. None of that was supposed to come out of your mouth in the way it did. You shrunk down slightly, blushing bright red.
“Oh really? Well, that is quite the admittance” the words almost crawling out of her mouth, just like her body crawled forward, leaning over the table with little effort and maximum grace. “I just love the way your brain and body disconnect from itself and then does whatever it wants”. Tilting her head, she looked into your eyes and down to your lips, licking her own red plump ones. Suddenly you felt her leg brush past yours underneath the table. Feeling slightly brave as your core was set alight “Oh yeah?” you breathed out, hoping you didn’t look too impacted by her words and her actions. But how could you not? “Mmhmm, yes, I do. However, it would be much nicer if I were the one to undo you; mind body and soul and then put you back together again”.
You could say nothing, Larissa grabbed your hand and walked you back to her car.
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shortnotsweet · 7 months
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growing pains
It’s only been nine years. They’re not in their thirties yet—and won’t be for a while—but it’s worth noting that things are different. Maybe it’s them, maybe it’s the boardwalk, or maybe—well. Logan is a different person than when he was a high schooler. He’s less assured than he was. That could be it. Louise is almost certainly different than she was then, but even now she still hates his guts. Maybe some things don’t change after all.
Notes Transcription
Main Episode Outfit Variations
Louise would be into layering, I think. She’s multifaceted, practical, and resourceful. Harsh structure in conjunction with more layered pieces; tendency towards color blocking, but she keeps it sharp. She’d be into casual, pragmatic clothes. If not very structured, she has loose-fitting, draped fabrics like sweatshirts or heavy pants (cargo material, corduroy, denim?)—draped and bulked, but not baggy. Something easy to run and move in; sneakers or combat boots.
Not opposed to dresses. Keeps it compact, simple lines. No frills but does lean into triangle shapes or rectangular blocks. Color blocking => neutrals will take up negative space, highlight colors are accented.
Sticks to main colors (green and pink) for consistency, but relies on neutrals like beige, black, and brown. Less cool-toned than Tina, either spring or autumn coloring. Bright colors are muted with exception of a highlight, usually pink (hat or laces). Green varies from lime to olive to sage to forest, etc. whichever tone is appropriate.
Occasional purple or blue in reference to the snowball fight/sled episode with Logan (he was in blue, Louise was in purple). Louise could lean into purple (imposing, mysterious, feminine but still intimidating) for off-episodes. Not frequent, though; too similar to Tina’s color palette.
Hairstyle options include braids, pigtails, or just loose. I’m growing partial to braids; they feel utilitarian, almost boyish, useful. Could emulate the bunny ears under the cap.
Beanie vs. Baseball Cap. I like the beanie, but to me it lends to this aspect of laziness? Not the worst, but i like the structure and sharpness of the baseball cap. Also obscures the eyes occasionally, or could be worn backwards.
Timeline + Basis
Loosely, 9 years post-canon timeline (ambiguous). Louise is 18, Logan is 25. The age gap is too big for them to feasibly be in high school together, so the second storyboard shot by the lockers is him visiting the high school for some errand (maybe Cynthia needs him to deliver something, maybe he’s got a younger sibling by now?), Louise passes by him in the hallway and doesn’t move to accommodate him (almost slams into his shoulder) and he almost looks back at her but continues on. He recognizes her when he visits the diner, which he later frequents because it’s one of the closest places in town that has good food that’s affordable and keeps him out of the house.
That’s one of the reasons, anyway. He isn’t conscious of it, although Gene picks up on it early on an often gloats to either Louise or Logan, both of whom are baffled or irritated at first. Linda is overly supportive of the idea to the point of humiliation, Bob doesn’t want to think about it and refuses to see it, and Tina writes extremely detailed romance novel drafts about it.
Logan becomes ‘aware’ in the following year, then feels really gross about it and avoids the diner for months until confronted (member of the family is up for debate). Realistically, nothing ‘tangible’ happens between them for three years (kiss? Weird face touch? Jealous outburst? Freudian slip? Something fun, idk [Louise: 22, Logan 29]).
I think Louise regresses at this point, and tries to distance herself like that episode of iCarly when Sam realizes she’s in love with Freddy and literally institutionalizes herself in a mental ward. Very much LALALALALALALALALA I can’t hear you, that didn’t happen. Logan is not feeling great at this point. Heart-to-heart with Bob snaps her out of it.
One more year of slow burn, actual relationship starts (Louise: 23, Logan 30).
Logan gets married, eventually, in his early thirties. Gene is an unintentional omnipresent narrator.
Additional Notes
Keep Logan in primary colors (mostly red or blue), but keep him out of dark neutrals/monotones (no black or charcoal gray), because it’s too heavy of a countermeasure against Louise’s color blocking—too unbalanced.
Decent height difference, although it varies depending on Louise’s shoes (sneakers or platform boots, she’s usually in sneakers in the restaurant). She’s right over his shoulder (?)
Concept comparison of them both around the ages 14-16 are for comparison only. Their ages do not coincide.
Occasional pet names, always mockingly derogatory.
Montage shots of her leaning over the counter while they talk. He used to sit in the booth seats but eventually began sitting at the counter instead. No reason. It means he can talk to her more easily and bother her with less effort.
They’re the kind of couple who publicly argues over the pronunciation of ‘egg’ type beat. Bickering keeps it exciting for them, but they make it a point to apologize in any serious disagreements, usually by the end of the episode. Similar difficulty in admitting when they’re wrong, often attempt to compromise by sharing/taking on blame in some equal capacity. Sometimes this is healthy, sometimes it’s more de-facto.
Mother-in-law beef goes crazy
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soniclozdplove · 1 year
So I have a mini theory about TOTK based on the memories, major spoilers under cut
So Zelda is around 10,000 years in the past, in the Era where this iteration of Hyrule was first founded. I say this iteration because I believe that this isn't the true original Hyrule that we know to have been founded form Skyward Sword but most likely a refounding of the kingdom from further down the timeline, similar to how New Hyrule was founded by Link and Tetra after Wind Waker, but that's my own headcanon and I don't really want to deal with the whole timeline bs right now. Which is why I'm only focusing on Zelda doing time travel in TOTK.
So... my question here is, exactly how long was she in the past!? The answer is 10,000 years, I know, but I mean... how long was ZELDA in the past. Not Zelda the Light Dragon but Zelda as herself. Time travel is a finicky subject since, for us, she could have only been missing for weeks, maybe months, before the end of the game. For her it could have been much, much longer.
My idea stens from a few factors, first being her relationship with Sonia and Rauru and the second being the Imprisoning War. A little bit of Ganondorf thrown in there too.
First and foremost, the bond between Zelda and her ancestors. Queen Sonia and King Rauru treat Zelda, a literal stranger to their politics and therapy, like a daughter. Far more so than he rown father ever did! When she has something to say, they listen to her concerns and validate them. Now that could just be them being good parental figures to their decendant, but Rauru had no reason to believe a word Zelda said about her concerns over Ganondorf's treachery when, in her time, the Imprisoning War that hadn't even happened yet was little more than a legend and barely remembered history. Nobody even knew who the Zonai were by the time BOTW came along. Yet Ganondorf aoemhow knew Sonia would listen if Zelda asked to see her in private, and Sonia and Zelda were both able to put a contingency plan in effect to thwart the attamped assassination. True they failed in the end, but the initial attempt had failed and the fact Ganondorf knew Zelda's image would move Sonia to leave her protection and her husband says a lot in and of itself.
Then the war itself. First of all, war isn't a quick matter. There is jo su h thing as a fast war no matter what history claims. All war is messy and takes years to deal with the fallout. And the Imprisoning War wasn't a simple skirmish. It was a massive war that put the Hylians and their aloud forces to the rbink of extinction, one that had long lasting consequences including but not limited to the longterm exclusion of all males within the Gerudo tribe with the exception of Link over 10,000 years down the line, and even then that only happened AFTER he saved the tribe twice over. A war that is o far reaching it is mere jyth and legend yet still very present at the time of BOTW. By the time the Sages swear allegiance to Rauru, he was the last bastion against the Demon King in his rampage with the last of the Gerudo falling shortly beforehand. That is, the Gerudo who are OP as hell in BOTW in all accounts and are literally trained from childhood as elite warriors in most cases.
Zelda had FOUGHT in that war and had spent an undetermined time after its ending, preparing the Kingdome of Hyrule and the remaining survivors for Ganondorf's inevitable revival as best she could. That in and of itself will likely take years, especially since she had to find a caretaker for Rauru and Sonia's unnamed and unseen heir to ensure her bloodline lasted long enough for her own birth.
So, I bring you back to my theory... Zelda has been in the past for at least several years before she turned into the Light Dragon. She did not immediately go to the Temple of Time and swallow the secret stone. She had to have had at least several months after the war at minimum before she could transform into a dragon. I know the Tears make it appear shorter than it was but there's no way all the events of the 8 tears can happen within a span of a few months. It had to have been years.
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wisteriaiswriting · 6 months
𝕊𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕝 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
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Includes : If they smoke, vape, do blunts or none | Fav ice-cream flavours | Fav kissing places - giving and receiving | Height | Age | Extras
Words: 1317
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In his daily life he won’t do any. The exception being when he’s with any other rich people, most likely smoking one cigar of their choice before calling it quits.
He is someone who likes to put up a front, meaning the smallest things will be covered up, including his favourite ice-cream flavour. When with others he’ll only get vanilla, maybe even a milkshake. But when alone, he’ll eat a tub of honey comb. (Regretting it later for the brain freeze.)
Receiving: While everyone thinks he’s into pda he’s really not, preferring to have any affection behind closed doors. Loving gentle kisses on the side of his neck and butterfly kisses anywhere, since he can’t do the same unless he wants to not see you. Giving: He’s a fan of the classic hand and/or wrist, as it can lead to other things. Mainly grabbing your hand to lead you away, or at night he’ll let it cup his cheek while pulling you closer.
5’10 / 177cm
27 years old
Ever since his late teenage years his eyesight deteriorated, leading to him needing glasses 24/7 now. Unable to see anything clearly without them.
His parents were lightly into astrology, he was given a few books which led him to searching more about it. Currently he has an interest in it, which has been hidden well. But from time to time he will search for Astra around the base to ask and find out some things.
Back at his main residence he has a cat he raised since it was a kitten. It’s a pure white fluffy cat with mismatched eyes, a light brown and a light blue eye. Somehow Fade found out and managed to blackmail him to bring the cat over, for a visit. (It wasn’t a visit.) Eventually the cat just stayed.
The cat quickly found her favourites, Astra, Omen, Fade, Yoru and Reyna. If you looked for her most likely she would be with the protocols other cats. (Standing out since most of them were strays.)
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Has smoked in his younger years but when he met his wife she helped him slow down, completely stopping when she revealed she was pregnant with his child. Even after her death he never picked it back up.
If he buys his ice-cream he will buy a tub of hazelnut, he always has a tub somewhere ‘just in case.’ But if he manages to find the time he will make his own ice-cream, making different flavours of tea ice-cream. Storing them away from the others or they will be eaten.
Receiving: When you just start the relationship he won’t accept much kissing, except the occasional back of the hand. Later on he’ll open himself up to pulling his mask just over his nose for a cheek kiss, quickly pulling it down to hide the slight blush. Giving: Majority of his time on base is spent in his lab, which gives the perfect moments to surprise you. Any moment is perfect for him.
5’9 / 175cm
39 years old
We’ve seen how he likes his tea, but he also likes his coffee. Hand pressed coffee grounds, putting a small amount of sugar and creamer inside.
He already gets tea imported but will get more just for him and Sage to share. (They have a list of what ones they enjoy in order.)
In his room, tucked away but still grabable. Is a clearly aged box which he won’t replace, it’s a bunch of stuff from his wife and child. Photo albums, letters, some of her accessories. A pile of baby clothes and accessories, even their birth certificate is in a plastic folder.
The box is something he’ll never look at twice in one sitting. Only seeing the contents once a month.
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Iselin is one of the many agents who vape daily, although she can survive without it for a few. Has smoked a blunt a few times in her teenage years and once or twice in between missions, but has slowed down usage.
She will get a small craving from time to time, which she always listens to by indulging in cookies and cream ice-cream.
Receiving: No matter how far into your relationship she will always be 50/50 about kisses, but each end is alway extreme. On the affectionate side she’s all over you, they are also your lazy days. Not getting out of bed due to her crashing on you, leaving long and lazy kisses over your cheek and neck. The other side includes her staying away all day, using any excuse possible. Only seeing you when you both crash for the night. Giving: Ever since you started dating she’s quickly gained a habit after a shared mission, seeking you out to check up on you, ending it in a rushed but emotional kiss. Only ending when someone calls you both back, walking back all red and embarrassed.
5’9 / 175cm
26 years old
Ever since being recruited at the protocol she refuses to work with Gekko and his buddies, and due to her past she was granted an exemption.
Her relationship with Gekko is ‘complicated,’ (In her words.) she won’t say it but in reality she doesn’t hate him.
Ever since she got her prosthetic arm phantom pains have become a lot more present, and after being recruited into the protocol they’ve started showing at least once every week. Majority of them leave her arm unusable, this is a problem Sage is trying to help with.
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Killjoy has never done a blunt, smoked or directly vaped, but she has shotgunned with Raze. (Never doing it again.) She is borderline asthmatic so she stays away from most people when they do anything.
She isn’t the biggest ice-cream fan but will eat it. Is also a huge chocolate fan, causing her to get chocolate chip or double chocolate ice-cream.
Receiving: Loves affection but will not let that interfere with her work, on the battlefield and in her lab. Anytype will have it wait until she steps out of her lab, then she’ll smoother you in affection to make up for your lack of love. Giving: Out of all the agents at the protocol she could be labeled the biggest cuddler. Mixing all her love for affection will lead to constant cuddling sessions where you two just lay down and lazily exchange kisses.
5’8 / 175cm
24 years old
If you search her lab (not needing to go far) you’ll find her sketchbooks, many being covered in a range of stuff, mainly paint and oil. They are all full of drawings of 3 things, the other agents, her future tech plans or rare but detailed full page drawings. They are mostly places on missions.
She never sleeps, sometimes having 10 hours over the week. Meaning if you are around you’ll be forced to drag her back to bed, and not hers. Otherwise she’ll get up in the night, take her to yours and lock the door, then she’ll finally get a full night’s sleep. But once she’s in bed she’s out like a light.
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Sage  has never been interested in any and won’t do them if asked. Is a massive gum addict, mainly of mint.
Likes her ice-cream kinda basic, strawberry with extra chopped up strawberries.
Receiving: Sometimes she want’s what she gives, so please kiss her injuries once patched up. Enjoys having slower and more intimate kisses, doesn’t like rushing in any aspect. Giving: Isn’t a person who enjoys pda, so all types of affection will be behind closed doors. During her time at the protocol many of the agents have joked about her ‘kissing their injuries better,’ eventually leading her to do it for your injuries. 
5’7 / 173cm
28 years old
She is an avid tea drinker, and will only drink coffee if she’s having a late night. (Her and Cypher will have tea imported only for them to enjoy.)
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