#fable zombie apocalypse au
Okay, the one zaau fic is. Almost done. And will probably be out very soon.
But earlier I had thoughts about the reunion zaau fic (as I'm dubbing it) and I really enjoy this paragraph from Rae's pov.
"He doesn't particularly get (or like) the vagueness. He never has. (Icarus was always vague on bad days. Never dared talk about their feelings. Always had to be the strong one. To their detriment, he suposes.)"
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Never have I ever everlark on the Zombie apocalypse 🧟🤭
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Okay go with me on this one, because it's a little bat shit and out there and full of pseudo science and cheesy deux ex machina but here we go...
Extreme canon divergence.
Still with me? *cracks knuckles and gets to work*
Okay, so we know that tracker jackers are hive-minded. They somehow communicate and track their prey as a hive. We know this because Katniss hopes she can saw through the branch before the ones that sting her tell the rest of the hive about her. Not that it matters once she drops the nest on the Careers and Peeta but I digress. There's also the moment right before the fabled sewer kiss, when Peeta tells her something like "Leave me. Before I turn mutt like them," (paraphrasing) in reference to the lizard mutts... which opens the door to my concept.
What if Peeta wasn't talking in generalities but literally means that his mind is somehow tied to the mutts in the sewer? So, we diverge before that.
Hijacking has never been done successfully before, so the progress on Peeta Mellark's conditioning is carefully tracked and followed. An entire team of scientists working on the project. One ambitious scientist notices that in playing around with genetic alterations along with the fear conditioning, they've managed to alter Peeta's brain chemistry. He quietly takes his findings to another part of the lab and tries to recreate and expand upon this interesting muttation. He uses brain eating amoeba to deliver the new gene sequencing. This is how our zombies are formed in this au. Hive minded, engineered to be weapons that murder with their bare hands and can, with enough bites on their victim, transfer the contagion, creating more zombies.
Of course, at some point, several of the experiments break containment and chaos reigns in the Capitol. Snow escapes with his granddaughter and absconds to his bunker somewhere in District Two. A few of the guards at the prison have the brilliant idea of using the three victors they're in charge of as bait so they can escape the descending horde of brain eating muttations. It backfires. Johanna goes axe murderer supreme on the guards and on the zombies. Annie is mid meltdown and Peeta is dazed and confused, until one of them goes after Annie. He manages to protect her long enough for her to escape and protect him in return, and the three of them make a run for it.
On the other side of Panem, deep inside District 13, Katniss and Finnick watch the horror unfold onscreen as the Capitol tears itself apart in panic. Coin is, of course thrilled. They just have to contain the threat inside the Capitol and let the city burn itself to the ground. Of course, you can bet your boots that Katniss and Finnick aren't going to sit there and wait to find out if their loved ones have survived. They manage a poorly planned escape on a hovercraft and somehow have way too many allies for what is supposed to be a stealth mission.
The story would follow the two separate groups as one flees for their lives and the other barrels into danger, searching for Annie and Peeta. Half hijacked and confused, Peeta starts to mistake what happened with him and Annie during the escape means something. She's trying to keep him at arms length, but everything looks so bleak where they are, it becomes difficult not to lean on him.
Eventually, of course, the Katniss et al group discovers just how out of their depth they are with these things when they lose one of the Leeg twins, and Boggs... Right before the escaped victors stumble across them and manage to get them out of danger... temporarily.
Finnick and Annie have their joyful reunion. Peeta's confused by what's going on here. Katniss flings herself at him, and is coldly rebuffed. Oh wait you thought this was a happy ending? Mwahahahahaha. Your mistake.
So now the group needs to get out of the Capitol, and their hovercraft is too damaged to fly them out (obviously because that's how this genre works, duh), which means they have to make it past the zombies and through Coin's perimeters. Oh and she's not letting ANYONE out of the Capitol, even if they're not infected.
At some point, hijacked Peeta will come out to play. At another point, Finnick will be bitten as he heroically saves Katniss and the rest of the group. I haven't decided yet Katniss mercy kills him ala Nightlock Nightlock Nightlock, or if he manages to survive but now the group shifts it's focus from "Get the hell out of this city" to figuring out a cure. There would absolutely be some version of the unhijacking/Everlark sewer kiss with Peeta insisting that Katniss kill him. And just for funsies, they discover that Peeta somehow has a vaguely sympathetic link to the zombie horde, which is both an asset and dangerous af to their group.
How would I end this monstrosity? Option A: it conveniently turns out the brain eating amoeba thing means the zombies die within a certain window so Coin's containment thing actually works. This presents a problem when forming a new government because what she did saved a lot of people... but it also left a whole lot of people dead. Vaguely sinister ending as Katniss and company consider the ramifications of Coin in power. Option B: Cliffhanger ending when it seems like all hope is lost because Snow isn't dead and why not. idk this genre is clearly not my forte okay????
<3 kdnfb
Never Have I Ever
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hoardingpuffin · 8 months
I will say, the topic of Fable Characters in a Zombie apocalypse setting couldn't have come at a worse [or better] time as I have been to my elbows in Walking Dead Video essays and Breakdowns of the seasons I missed and theories about the spin-offs and all that - I have been obsessed with TWD since about age 15, I have so many thoughts about it and about zombie apocalypse AUs and so - aaaaaaaaaargh!
. .
. . .
Anyways guys guess what I am writing next?
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bugged-candies · 4 months
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Watching Nuxanor react to the first episode and I was just struck with an AU idea. What if TADC was a last-ditch hope to preserve the minds of humanity during an insane apocalypse? Their bodies are all in stasis while they’re in the circus, and the world outside the system is dead. Caine is the only firewall left, trying desperately to keep the last living minds of humanity from decaying into nothing.
The bodies have all long-decayed (save Pomni’s). Those who Abstract are actually corrupted files completely ruined by the decaying computer system.
And the Abstract can’t be contained in the cellar- they roam the circus grounds and Caine’s extra landscapes, hunting down anything and everything they see. The whole AU becomes a zombie-apocalypse-esque ‘survive’ situation, but none of the PCs understand why they need to live.
Bonus points if there’s a legitimate way out to the real world inside the Tent, but it’s overflowing with the Abstracted so no one can get close. And those who have tried to go to the Tent in the past just- never returned. Additional bonus points for this fabled ‘Exit’ not leading anywhere, because all their bodies are long-gone so leaving = dying. The ‘Exit’ has been reprogrammed by Caine to put the person who goes inside into an endless loop of offices until he can pull them back to the others.
Ragatha gets killed by the Abstracted when Pomni arrives.
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viklikesslimes · 2 years
Year 001, the 40th of snowfall, post everlasting era
Hello, I'm stults, I was a soldier from the southern firefly kingdom, well soldier is an overstatement, I was more of a guard than anything else, but then, they assigned me to the COT.Bravo, I still don't know what cot is but we've been walking the tunnels for 2 days, and now where at the start of our journey, the wild forest, northeast of the desert and defiant root town, and I will be cataloging this journey in this journal 
I'm not entirely sure what the mission is, I don't think even the captain knows, but bugaria, the lands to the north has been quarantined for about 2 weeks now, that's 20 days, and we are being sent there to find out why, which is concerning, if even the kingdom's that quarantined the place knows what's happening, then we can't even imagine what we'll find in this journey, maybe I'll die before entry 3, but, this is a strong team, I think we can make it
The team, right
●Me, stults, I was selected because I was born in bugaria and lived there for years, so they want me to serve as a guide
●Princ, the captain, he's harsh but it's understandable 
●Hasta, she's a dragonfly with a strange-looking spear 
●Magnus, he's a scorpion, and a large one at that, he's shy but he's nice and I think we're good friends now
●Now neb, he's not so nice, he's also a scorpion but much more armored, he's a jerk, but I think he's essential for our survival, he is the champion of the arachnid arena!
●demens, he is certainly an interesting one, he's "an alchemist", to me he's a small spider with glasses of explosive liquids 
●gercus is a butterfly, she's a field medic assigned to this group for, ya know, medicine 
●sani, he's a termite scientist, he's from the termite kingdom, which happens to have their capital in the quarantine zone, he's quiet, and that weird scanner, it's strangely advanced, hopefully, he can figure out what happened 
●Stella is a firefly hunter, she is cool, I don't know much about her, but I heard something about her being from the hunters guild, neat
●eri, eri is a big black spider, she scares the crap out of me, twice my height wields a scythe, many legs, she is a beast and I am scared 
That's my group, but we're not the only ones, there are 2 other teams, team alpha, and team Charlie, they were sent to other locations so I have no idea who or what they are
But hopefully, we can make it, as I'm writing this the night has come and we're settling in for the night, tomorrow is when the real journey begins 
Year 001, 41st of snowfall, post everlasting era
The captain said we are supposed to split up, apparently, me, demens, neb, eri, Stella and I go through the Swamp while the rest check out the wasp kingdom, why did he make the decision of me going with the most intimidating people on the team should go together in the Swamp rout? No idea, it seems as if he chose at random like with a wheel or something, but whatever were packing our stuff and heading to Swamp path
I heard stories of a beast that lurks in the region, killing any explorers foolish enough to go here
Hopefully, it's a myth, but we have to figure it out on our own 
I also heard that there were "local leaf bugs" in the area and that they were dangerous, I think they might be a problem 
It's been a few hours, we've walked a long way through the Swamp, it's quiet, too quiet, but fear not cause bad news and good news, bad news the beast isn't a myth, good news it's dead, but, now that I think about it, if the beast is dead, then what killed it? I don't know, but Stella is hurrying us to continue our route, maybe we won't find what killed that beast, and still no signs of locals, but I did see a spear lodged in one of the plants, oh well, more stuff for us
Year 001, 42nd of snowfall, post everlasting era
We found some of those natives we were warned about, insects covered in leaves to disguise in the wilderness, but, these were different, they looked dead, but they were still moving, strange gray things coming out from inside of them, and we even saw one of them eating another bug's arm, I knew these people were wild, but I don't think this is normal, it's creepy, they attacked but instead of spears clubs and bows, which they had, they attacked by biting and slashing with their strange grey arms, could whatever that was be the reason why bugaria was quarantined? I hope not, but I don't think we should ignore this………sickness 
Another thing, they were fragile. As if they were rotten, a single crossbow shot was enough to put one down, and, demens decided to cut one of these "infected" natives open to "Get a better look" and "research", their insides, it was mostly more of that Grey mass, and after some minutes, demens said that it was some kind of mushroom, I've never seen a mushroom-like that before, this, I don't have a good feeling about this 
We need to keep our eyes open, good thing we packed hustle juice, that should keep us awake 
Year 001, 43rd of snowfall, post everlasting era
We're close to the exit of the Swamp, good, I don't want to be in this place anymore, those natives give me the creeps, and the strange infection doesn't help the situation, we had a break so we could rest, I talked with Magnus and demens about this situation, Magnus is as scared of this situation as I am, and considering he is a big scorpion twice my size and a poison Tail, that means that it's scary to him as well, but demens seems to be awfully cheerful about this situation, when I asked him, he just said "I can do my experiments without anyone questioning about ethics!", that's when I realized he didn't look crazy, he was crazy, hopefully, these experiments will help us and not kill us
Speaking of killing, we ran into more of those natives, we were able to defeat them, once again they were fragile, but one of them stabbed neb with their weird grey arm, he's okay but it looked bad, and it shows that they're dangerous, although defeating them is easy, they were able to penetrate neb's hard shell, that is not good news 
Year 001, 44th of snowfall, post everlasting era
We arrived at the spot, the rest of the team was there just as planned, and, my fears are true, that strange grey mushroom that was in the natives, where also in the Wasp Kingdom, and according to princ and Sani, most wasps are infected, even the queen was infected, I think we can safely say that this mushroom is why bugaria is quarantined, which is bad, if they were so contagious they had to quarantine the place, then, I think neb might be infected, and he's not the only one, it seems hasta was also injured by these infected, hopefully, they didn't catch it but, from what we've seen from the natives, and what the others saw from the wasps, if they're infected then they'll certainly will become hostile like those monsters
Hasta is calm, apparently, she has ice magic, and these creatures are weak to ice, so maybe she's immune, but neb, I never thought he would be scared, but the second he heard that he might be infected with this plague which turns people into monsters, he instantly started to cry of fear, I feel bad for him, and for us, the strongest members of our teams are infected with the thing we're supposed to destroy, this is bad news for our journey 
Until then, we'll camp here for the night, and tomorrow we head for the desert
Year 001, 45th of snowfall, post everlasting era
We've been walking the desert for a few hours now, it's the same as it always was, hot, full of sand, no water for like miles, only resources being from cactus'es, and with lots of tiny criters that love to attack adventurers walking nearby, one of these critters are psicorps small not sentient scorpions that just attack anything in sight, wich is kinda awkward since the scorpions from the south are huge and sentient, as it's probably understandable since 2 of my team members are scorpions, but here's the thing, these scorpions and critters are infected, if critters and scorpions can be infected, then I'm certain that neb could be infected,and I'm not the only one that thinks so, everyone else is less trustworthy of neb and hasta due to the fear of them being infected, wich I agree, it seems that whatever this is, it turns the infected I to monsters, but for now, they're still safe and sane, were setting up camp now,the captain where gonna head to defiant root because that's where the other teams will be going, but it will take a while cause I think we had the shortest route, hopefully we'll be able to find these other teams soon
Year 001, the 1st of celebration, post everlasting era
Today I woke up to the noise of distress, I was confused then I saw it, hastas head started to break for no reason, she wasn't attacked, she didn't feel pain, he'll she didn't realize the Crack until someone else pointed it out, gercus, the field medic examined the wound, it came from INSIDE her skull, and while examining, she found something which made everyone scared and anxious, that grey mushroom thing was INSIDE her, and it was breaking out, God it was so unnerving
Some of the members of the team wanted to "put her out of her misery", but the captain said no, she was still sane, and we would never kill one of our own, after that discourse, we continued our route, more sand, more heat, and more infected critters 
I talked with Magnus and demens, and I asked what they think about the whole executing hasta before she loses it, Magnus is scared of everything and doesn't have an opinion, and demens thinks we should wait until she starts to lose herself, and then we kill her, I'm still thinking whether befriending the mad scientist was a good or bad idea
Year 001, the 2nd of celebration, post everlasting era
Today is interesting, hasta hasn't gotten any better, but she is still with us, a teeny tiny sprout of that weird mushroom disease appeared from the cracks of her skull, wich is disgusting, we quickly wrapped that with bandages, but bandages isnt a cure, but that's not the interesting thing of today
While we continued to walk, trying to find deviant root, we found something else, an abandoned camp, several tents, campfires, and other stuff, it was…..empty, no people, no bodies, no leftover objects no nothing, however there was something, a tent, larger than any of the others, ans on top of the entrance,a sign, it was the symbol of the bee kingdom, on top of a alchemy flask, and inside this science tent, we found somethings, a table full of research equipment on top, a "dissection" table with what appear to be a dead infected person on top, wich was probably being used for research of these monsters, but most interestingly, a infected bee wearing a lab coat, bound to a piece of wood, it tried to attack us but it was stuck, it seems this bee was part of whatever research team was here, but then it got infected and then it became the test subject
We killed the infected bee, and then decided to use the camp to camp for the night, both cause these tents where much better than the sleeping bags, and because we wanted to see if we missed something, wich we did
Eri found a hole with several infected bugs inside, from bandits to what looked like bee soldiers, that hole had all kinds of dead bodies, holy crap, and we also found a "research" note they forgot about, "After 3 days, the first signs start to appear, after 7 the infected becomes unable to eat food and can only eat insect meat, and they also hear voices from "The hivemind", and after 15 days they're lost, monsters that only want to kill and infect, and at 30 days, God have mercy on those around, once they reach stage 5 they become way too Dangerous to be left alive, within why all infected must be destroyed before day 30"
That notes tells us so much about this thing, wich I think is good for our mission but, well hasta is nervous about the situation, and neb is having a mental breakdown, toughest warrior of the arena? Well he doesn't seem so tough now 
Year 001, the 3rd of celebration, post everlasting era
Today I woke up to something bad, really bad, it was in the night and i think nobody saw it, it's better that way, I woke to a sharp pain in my leg
One of those infected scorpion critters bit my leg, hopefully it didn't infect, but I'm scared, I'll sleep with my Armour on from now on, and let's pray to the gods that, that single bite wasn't enough to infect me, yeah it probably didn't right?, a tiny little scorpion with a deadly plague wouldn't pass it to me in one single bite! Right? I hope so
But, anyways we found this mountain wich we climbed to get a better view, so we can see where defiant root town was, it worked like a charm, we will reach it by tomorrow, but, theres something else, we saw this horde of infected bugs, there was a bad bandit problem in the region, and I'm pretty sure those where the bandits that the newspapers warned us about back in the day, those bandits seemed to be going in the direction of defiant root, why? Also, one of those bandits had something weird and blue on top of their head, I couldn't see it cause it was far but it was definitely different 
Year 001, the 4th of celebration, post everlasting era
10 days, one whole week since we arrived in bugaria, and its a hell hole, the sudden quarantine is now understandable, this mushrooms, these parasites infected normal bugs, and turns them into cannibalistic monsters 
I woke up to the sound of warfare, those bandits we saw yesterday, some of them found us, they attacked, they stabbed at us with spears, and shot at us with bows, we were able to defeat them but we knew more would come, we grabbed our stuff and ran to defiant root, hoping the bandits weren't there
We are so lucky, when we arrived the town was empty, no bandits, no citizens, nothing, just the woosh of the wind as the only sound
But there was something there, a smell, when I lived here I used to go to this place called "crisbees", it was a bakery/restaurant with the most delicious pastries I've ever eaten, sweet glazed donuts, yam bread, ice cream, it was a dream, and this smell came from crisbees, at first I toughtit was the smell of his sweet donuts, but then, i realized the smell wasn't just honey
It was honey, mixed with rotting flesh, God almighty, while the other checked the elevator to the bee-hive, me Magnus and demens went to check the smell, and it was horrifying 
The shop wasn't abandoned, it was relatively in good shape, but it was different, there were posters advertising a new menu, with new……"cordycep inclusive items", God I almost vomited at the sight, ant pie, cordyceps burger, bloody shakes? I hoped this was a sick joke but when i peeked in, I saw it, crisbee, the wholesome baker of the shop was definitely infected, his fur was pale, his abdomen had exploded, bursting open full of cordyceps, his right arm had been completely cut off, replaced by more of that mushroom plague, and his head, God it was full of these mushroom sprouts, and worst of all, he was still cooking food, but instead of the normal honey cake, he was making a cake with BEE MEAT, God I vomited at the sight
And then he saw us, I thought he was going to kill us, demens was ready to throw acid in his face and Magnus had ran away, but instead, he talked, crisbee talked, wich was not expected
He explained to us that sometimes, this plague wich he called "cordyceps" would spare their sentience, wich was maked with special mushrooms, wich only then I noticed that crisbee had, anyways, these "relivers" as he called it are sentient, but they still have the primal cannibalistic instincts of these monsters, wich is sad but reassuring 
Soon we and crisbee met back up with the rest of the team and explained the situation to them, neb was still sad over his condition, but slightly less so, and hasta was calm, because it meant sje could live
After that, we barricaded ourselves inside the inn, finally after a whole week of leeping in bags, we finally have beds! 
Hopefully, things get better, but ……. I doubt it
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AU Tag
Thanks for tagging me, @highasfantasy! :D
Rules: make an AU of a WIP on the spot and fill in the following intro categories. I’ll do this for The Power and the Glory:
AU Title: A Terrible Decision, Really
Setting: Same as canon
Concept: Imrahil/Lian somehow adopts Abihira (he kidnapped her after the festival debacle? He learnt she was meddling with necromancy and decided to step in like a good older brother? They met completely coincidentally and she refused to leave him alone?). Abi now has a necromancy teacher to keep her from accidentally starting the zombie apocalypse. Somehow she and Lian get dragged into Ilaran’s revenge quest and she uses necromancy to expose Haliran’s crimes. (Irímé is probably here somewhere, but I can’t think of a role for him.)
Tiny Scene:
"Remind me to never leave you unsupervised again,” Lian said grimly.
Abi looked offended. “But Lian! I solved the haunting! It wasn’t really a ghost at all, just a pair of drunk teenagers.”
“And was that any reason for you to raise an actual ghost and set it on them?”
“I got the ghost’s permission first,” Abi said. “I didn’t just call it up without asking.”
“But how do you plan to exorcise it?”
“I don’t. I promised I’d let it haunt that house.”
Lian face-palmed. “You replaced a fake haunting with a real one? How is that an improvement?”
“The ghost has agreed to only appear when I take people on tours of the haunted house. If other tour guides lead groups, the ghost won’t appear. I’ll make a fortune and the other tours will go out of business.”
“...Congratulations, Abi. You’ve invented the first ever “use-necromancy-to-get-rich-quick” scheme.”
Tagging @talesfromaurea, @zonnemaagd, @weaver-of-fantasies-and-fables, @northernrosewritings, and anyone else who wants to do this! :D
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sanjuno · 4 years
You're doing NaNo?! Can you tell us anything about what you'll be doing???
No Evil Abolishing Resentment System
Transmigrator!Madara meets Reincarnator!Tobirama (… 55 times in a row.)
For NaNoWriMo 2020 – How Many AUs Can I Fit In One Fic?
·      0 Tails Interlude
o   Meet Sanzan-han
o   Introduction to System driven Quick-Transmigration isekai plot
o   “The seeds of evil are as follows, to hear of evil and take no action against it, to see evil and take no action against it, to speak of evil and take no action against it.”
o   “To do nothing in the face of evil is not a neutral act.”
o   “The only thing required for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing.”
·      1st World:
o   Crystal Nuclei Zombie Apocalypse with Ability Users and levelling up AU
o   Politician!Madara ended up being shoved into a zombie tide by people who thought he was too strong/disliked him before the apocalypse
o   Scientist!Tobirama really regrets not preventing that when Zombie Emperor Madara breaks through the city walls and kills everyone in Konoha Base
o   Reborn!Tobirama is determined to complete the vaccine he was working on in his first life – also keep Madara alive so he can’t become a super zombie
§  Tobirama would like to say he is surprised by Madara’s competency in zombie annihilation but he remembers how terrifying Zombie King Madara was so he really isn’t shocked that Empowered Human Madara is just as much the living embodiment of Nightmare Fuel
o   Madara as evolved Zombie catnip with a mouthy pet fish
§  Madara is absolutely disgusted by the Z-poc Virus undead they are gross, rotting, and go squelchwhen he hits them.
§  Some zombie bits get stuck in Madara’s hair. He has a screaming tantrum and promptly sets the entire horde on fire.
§  Pro-tip: Career politicians should avoid indulging in a crying fit over getting their precious beautiful hair dirty during a fight if they want to be taken seriously by their military escort even if they areso hilariously OP they can indulge in whiny hysterics and not die horribly as a result
o   The Zombies are Zetsu
o   Oh look Madara’s blood has the key component to creating the zombie vaccine who would have thought
o   There is so much angry sex for stress relief, just… so much
·      1 Tail Interlude
o   Madara is pissed off that he accidently ended up in a relationship with Tobirama
o   Madara wants a refund on this System
o   Sanzan-han explains the fine print of “No Evils Abolishing Resentment System” – the Target must have resentment both towards Madara and from Madara
o   Madara’s first world was intended to lock his target
o   Switching targets will result in a full reset of his karma to level 1 – no cheating by using his previous incarnations accumulated points to get a head start any more
o   Madara’s only other valid targets approaching Tobirama’s stats were Hashirama and Mito
o   Madara could target someone else but without the heavy accumulation of karma like the Senju-Uchiha bloodfeud situation it would take thousands of lifetimes to accrue 10 tails
o   Madara is so mad ^_^
·      2nd World
o   Japanese Classic Fable AU
o   Crane Wife!Madara being Tsundere with his husband
o   Madara is accused of theft and Scholar!Tobirama is convinced to spy on his wife’s weaving
o   Madara gets caught ripping out feathers to weave into silks that are sold to pay for Tobirama’s exams
o   Madara flies away and is shot down by hunters
o   Reborn!Tobirama who is more than a little obsessed with making sure his wife doesn’t have a reason to fly off again
o   Madara doesn’t really understand why Tobirama is trying to prevent him from doing anything productive this is weird
o   Zetsu is a corrupted monk trying to capture Madara for his feathers/demon core
·      3rd World
o   Galactic Empire Mecha Pilots with psychic powers and enhanced bodies versus the Zerg Horde
o   Arranged Marriages for the noble class occur based on genetic advantages rather than affection
o   Ace Pilot/Mecha Engineer!Tobirama pays less than zero attention to his nominal spouse and heir in favour of developing weapons to fight against the Zerg
o   SSS Ace Pilot!Madara resigned to being ignored by spouse, makes friends with in-laws for sheer spite
o   Madara framed for sabotage – dies holding off a Zerg swarm
o   Science child!Kagami killed by kidnappers
o   Reborn!Tobirama pays better attention to his spouse and child while fighting to end the Zerg threat
o   The Zerg are Zetsu
o   Madara rolls his eyes and sets the Zerg Queen (Kaguya) on fire – Tobirama confused and aroused by his spouse
·      2 Tails Interlude
o   Madara wants to know if he’s going to be required to save the world every single time he’s due to earn a new tail
o   Sanzan-han: Sources say “probably”
o   Madara would question the heavy-handed implication that Zetsu was just using him but he’s still super pissed off about being trapped in a cave for 50 years and then possessed by a demon goddess thing so he’s more than willing the blame Zetsu for all the horrible things that happened
·      4th World
o   Japanese Mythical Creature AU
o   Kitsune!Madara saves the life of War General/Prince!Tobirama from Yin poisoning
o   There’s a snowstorm and Madara has to warm Tobirama up
o   Madara is a Calamitous Beauty and killed by cultists who wanted his demon core
o   Reborn!Tobirama is doing his best to take responsibility
o   Zetsu is the cultists who poisoned Tobirama and killed Madara
o   Madara is super pissed off but the shrine and the garden Tobirama builds for him are really nice so maybe he won’t claw the pasty bastard’s face off
·      5th World
o   Super Heroes and Villains in a Megamind AU
o   Pyromaniacal Villain!Madara “Moon Eye” is obviously an alien and the arch nemesis of the city’s most beloved Hero, Treeman
o   Aquatic Hero “Flying Thunder”!Tobirama’s civilian-marine biologist ID keeps getting kidnapped
o   Reborn!Tobirama needs to keep Madara sane and honestly that’s easier than it sounds because Madara gets adorably flustered when given sincere compliments and is hilariously easy to distract with questions about his obviously-also-alien pet fish
o   #I accidently started dating my brother’s arch nemesis #what do I do? #waiting online for answers
o   Sanzan-han is Minion and really likes the exo-suit
o   Zetsu is an evil shadow organization trying to take control of the heroes for world domination reasons
o   Madara has an invisible Susanoo and as ridiculous as this world can be he’s having fun in it
·      6th World
o   Immortal Cultivators AU
o   Borderline-demonic/Unorthodox Sect Leader!Madara is getting chased around by Righteous Sect Inner Disciple!Tobirama because Madara keeps nabbing all the good secret treasures that Tobirama needs to prevent the demon realm from breaking free and invading
o   Reborn!Tobirama realizes in hindsight that Original Goods!Madara was also trying to prevent the Demon Realm invasion because the Righteous Sects didn’t listen to his initial warnings
o   Tobirama eventually pins Madara down as his Dao companion to get access to the booty loot Madara has collected/protect Madara from being targeted by unscrupulous treasure hunters
o   The demons/demonic spirits are Zetsu
o   Madara is playing whack-a-Zetsu and doesn’t have time for Tobirama’s nonsense
·      3 Tails Interlude
o   Sanzan-han praises Madara for his top-notch seduction skillz
o   Madara is So Done with this stupid godsdamned fish
o   Sanzan-han mentions but doesn’t explain that the accumulation of “affection points” will start having a notable effect on Tobirama soon – so gambatte, Mada-sama!
o   Madara tries to ignore the constant hooking up in favour of plotting new ways to kill Zetsu – seeing as the creature is the only thing he can kill in the Other-Worlds without losing the “ExP” that will allow his return home
·      7th World
o   Geode Betting Modern AU
o   Carver!Madara is a picky spoiled artiste who got blamed for ruining Tobirama’s family
o   Reborn-with-Treasure-Senses Appraiser!Tobirama is determined to “get revenge in advance” on Madara only to realize what a dork Madara is
o   Tobirama frantically backs off on his face-slapping plot only to overcompensate his way into dating a crazy artist
o   #oops
o   Zetsu are the yakuza involved in rigging the Geode betting
o   Madara is confused by the lack of open warfare but thinks this is a nice vacation
·      8th World
o   Greek Monsters AU
o   Gorgon!Madara has the strongest stone-gaze in History
o   Heroic Demigod!Tobirama arrives to take off Madara’s head for prophecy reasons
o   Tobirama’s Quest ends in tragedy – turns out ghosts/guardians of the Underworld don’t turn to stone so Tobirama can’t bring his little brothers out using Madara’s decapitated head
o   Madara is hiding from Reborn!Tobirama because he wants to keep in head on his neck, fuckdammit and accidently interrupts the murder of Kawarama and Itama via even more accidental kidnapping
o   Tobirama just wants to apologize for overreacting to a very ambiguously worded prophecy that he self-fulfilled – Tobirama is really, really very sorry, really – also wtf give him back his baby brothers
o   Zetsu is the Oracle of Kaguya who killed Tobirama’s little brothers and wanted Tobirama/Madara cursed/dead
·      9th World
o   Sentinels and Guides are Known AU
o   SSS Guide!Madara is 100% going to cut a bitch if these special fucking snowflake godsdamned Sentinels don’t piss off and leave him alone
o   6-sense Alpha Sentinel Prime!Tobirama does not want a Guide who will only slow him down with their coddling nature
o   Tobirama rejects Madara/doesn’t acknowledge their nascent connection
o   Reborn!Tobirama wakes up out of a zone – wakes up after pulling the Guide he recognized far too late as his own out of the depths of the bay – and promptly terrifies his entire family by going hyper-focused and borderline feral as he takes off to hunt down his Guide
o   Tobirama’s Guide – his Guide who is still alive – still alive and not drowned
o   Reborn!Tobirama has some lingering trauma to work through btw
o   Madara terrifies so many people when he starts inducing hallucinations as a defense mechanism
o   Zetsu are dark Sentinel cult masquerading as a shady government organization
·      10th World
o   Classic D&D AU
o   Harpy Queen!Madara is being plotted against
o   Necromancer!Tobirama regrets killing Madara and keeping his soul in a jar when he finds out the truth
o   Tobirama let’s Izuna “mete justice” – protip: Uchiha Harpies are actually Furies
o   Reborn!Tobirama decides he quite enjoys being Madara’s concubine
o   Madara lays an egg
o   The Demon Gods trying to break loose and destroy all life get kicked back into the Underworld – insert Zetsu smiting here
o   Hashirama is traumatized by his little brother’s loincloth
·      4 Tails Interlude
o   Madara throws an epic tantrum over the egg-laying thing
o   Sanzan-han doesn’t understand his deal but obligingly flees screaming in terror anyway
·      11th World
o   Imperial Court AU
o   Fire Priest!Madara is given as a “bride” to Imperial Prince Tobirama to remove Tobirama from the line of succession
o   Tobirama considered a “holy child” by the Fire devotees due to his red eyes
o   Tobirama realizes too late that his opinion of his “wife” was manipulated so that he wouldn’t be able to gather his full strength to compete with his enemies
o   Reborn!Tobirama has goals to 1. Be gay, and; 2. Commit Treason
o   Zetsu as the scheming Minister who is actually the bastard child of Empress Dowager Kaguya
o   Madara turns the court upside down and shakes because he’s bored and vindictive
·      12th World
o   Beastmen in Space AU
o   The Tribes are even more stupidly competitive than shinobi Clans but have more space (lol) to spread out so they aren’t at full war with each other
o   Snow Leopard!Madara has a female beast form as most Uchiha males do – Uchiha females tend to have male Beast Forms
o   Uchiha Do Not switch forms in Public/on the Battlefield and also the Uchiha don’t gender the way the other Tribes do
o   White Tiger!Tobirama only discovers this after the Uchiha are destroyed by hostile invasion of Borg-type enemies
o   Zetsu are the Borg knockoffs
o   Reborn!Tobirama starts courting Madara because rowr and peace happens because kittens – yay!
o   Madara uses his carving skills to create power stones that allow High Level Beasts to control themselves
·      13th World
o   Castlevania-esque Vampire AU
o   Vampires and Humans share a world but live in different realities thanks to magic sub-dimensions
o   Vampire Prince!Madara is lazy and hedonistic
o   Vampire Prince!Tobirama is disdainful of Madara’s magpie brain
o   Zetsu is the Religious extremist Vampire cult that realizes that Madara is the key to tearing down the veil and bleeds him dry to shatter the barrier separating the worlds and free the first vampire Kaguya
o   Reborn!Tobirama absolutely refuses to allow the Veil to get torn down again so he gets stupidly “devoted and jealous” over his previously despised betrothed
o   Madara is rather offended that the blood drinking is sexy and also that Tobirama is a tasty snack
·      14th World
o   Merfolk AU
o   Devil Firefish Mer!Madara always knew that the merfolk from the deeper waters would only visit the Volcanic Reef to mate and leave, especially the sharks – but he had still wanted to hope for something more…
o   Great White Mer!Tobirama only ever left the Kelp Forest to guard his more hormone driven kin when the pod headed to shallower waters to spawn and let the fry gather strength in the protection of the cove before heading back home
o   Tangling with the pretty, poisonous leader of the Uchiha pod was a mistake that could be entirely blamed on his brother’s tendency to overindulge in urchin-spines and share his vices with every mer in the vicinity
o   Someone (see: Zetsu) fucks up and pisses off the Ocean
o   Seaquakes and the resulting tsunami’s drive all the mer to the deepest-water cities to wait out the disasters
o   Madara gets eaten by a giant kraken while defending the fry – Tobirama arrives just in time to see Madara and their son get torn in half
o   Reborn!Tobirama courts Madara properly and the Uchiha pod moves into the sea-caves because the coral as too fragile for Tobirama’s peace of mind
o   Zetsu are creepy seaweed/anglerfish things
·      15th World
o   Virtual Reality Game AU
o   Code-writer!Tobirama develops Kenjutsu Mania Online in an attempt to revive his comatose little brothers
o   Overworked Detective!Madara gets suckered into the VR game with his little brothers
o   Crazy Person (Kaguya) traps all the players in a death game – as you do
o   Tobirama gets exposed as a game designer and PK’d
o   Reborn!Tobirama parties with Madara and gets married for the ExP bonus
o   Zetsu are a computer virus AI like Agent Smith
o   Madara uses IRL weapon skills to break the game and his character build before he smashes the Crazy Person open like an overripe melon
o   All the little brothers wake up
·      5 Tails Interlude
o   Sanzan-han is very proud! Mada-sama is halfway there!
o   Madara is throwing a huge fit over giving birth in 2 out of 5 worlds
o   But Mada-sama, the massive amount of affection points!
o   Fuck your affection points!
o   That’s the spirit, Mada-sama!
·      16th World
o   Modern Wizards AU
o   Dragon Keeper!Madara trips over poachers/dark wizards who kidnapped Ancient Runes Master!Tobirama for evil-ritual-sacrifice purposes
o   They accidently end up in a Marriage Bond
o   Tobirama suspects Madara of being a Dark Wizard
o   Madara is framed and executed – only for the real culprit to be exposed a few months later
o   The real culprit is Kaguya and Zetsu natch
o   Tobirama explodes a Time Turner
o   Reborn!Tobirama drags his new spouse Dark Wizard hunting
o   Couple Therapy for dumb Wizards go
·      17th World
o   ID Porn in a Miraculous AU
o   Masked Hero Phoenix is consistently pursued and wooed by his partner in crime fighting, Dragon
o   PoliSci TA!Madara has a raging brain crush on Bio-Chem Doctorate Student!Tobirama
o   An ill-advised insult/rejection causes Phoenix to darken and self-destruct
o   A grief-stricken Dragon “teleports” his mind back in time
o   Madara is so confused by Tobirama and his new stalker tendencies
o   Kaguya is RabbitMoth and Zetsu are the Akuma
·      18th World
o   Really Cheap Silmarillion Knockoff AU
o   Spell-Singer!Madara is driven mad by an Oath that was forced on him by a Messenger done Dark
o   Kaguya as the evil god and Zetsu as her evil Messenger
o   Forger!Tobirama doesn’t pay attention to extenuating circumstances until it’s too late and the bodies are buried
o   The World goes to shit for 3 ages because Tobirama’s shinies are the shiniest
o   Reborn!Tobirama devotes himself to fucking over Zetsu’s evil schemes and making pretty baubles for Madara
o   The fact that Madara’s new hairpin can level a mountain range is incidental and has nothing to do with Tobirama’s paranoia
o   An ancient mystery re. parentage is solved when Madara sings Kagami into being right on schedule – Tobirama is delighted to assist this time
·      19th World
o   Steampunk AU a la FF flavour
o   Enemy Nation!Madara is the Prince/General who goes crazy due to infection from alien viral lifeform
o   HoL Companion!Tobirama as a Prince of the protag Nation who are prophesized to save the world from Calamity
o   World goes to shit
o   Zetsu is the Scourge and Kaguya is Jenova/the Accursed
o   Tobirama is too impatient to wait out the “time-skip”
o   Reborn!Tobirama sneaks into the enemy stronghold – finds pre-infection!Madara imprisoned with tiny clone-child Kagami and steals them both
o   Cue roadtrip shenanigans as both sides try to track them down
o   Madara gets to one-man-army the forces of evil – Tobirama is very impressed
·      20th World
o   Demon Hunter AU
o   Incubus!Madara has a “food allergy” and has been stuck at the physical age of 13 being fed energy by his family members for the last 200 years
o   Functionally Ace Demon Hunter!Tobirama pegs Madara for a sex demon on sight because the lust whammy is legit the most distracting thing to ever happen to him and that incubus looks like a child ew
o   Tobirama sets a trap for Madara and is mean about it because he doesn’t appreciate the second-hand bad-touch feelings – trigger warning: allusions to non-con gangbang
o   Madara kills the “bait” and Tobirama bursts into the room
o   Tobirama sees adult!Madara in the aftermath of the carnage and is horrified to recognize his soulmate
o   Madara proceeds to vomit blood and dies at Tobirama’s feet – the allergy is no joke
o   Tobirama learns about Madara’s “allergy” from revenge rampage Izuna – recognizes that Izuna is Touka’s soulmate and doesn’t fight back
o   Tobirama regrets so hard he magics his soul back in time to the day he first saw Madara
o   The most awkward dating adventure begins
o   Zetsu are the actually evil demons who eat people for real – and not in the fun way Uchiha do
·      21st World
o   Gods AU
o   Ocean Kami!Tobirama realizes too late that he loved Volcano!Kami Madara and was unable to rescue him from the Underworld – that trick never works
o   Reborn!Tobirama starts bringing Madara tributes, averts the Twilight of the Gods via shameless debauchery, and accidently builds a tropical island honeymoon palace to spoil Madara in
o   Zetsu are the evil servants of the “god-eating Titan” Kaguya
·      6 Tails Interlude
o   Lots of Madara screaming about how the Powers That Be are far too fucking obsessed with seeing Madara get railed
o   Sanzan-han goes no-duh, most lifeforms devote about 99% of their spare life energy towards reproductive efforts
o   Madara is very grumpy about being a SSS Class Ninja Nightmare reduced to pillow-book wish-fulfillment fantasy fodder
·      22nd World
o   Noodle Dragon AU
o   Dragon King of the Northern Ocean!Tobirama and Quetzalcoatl!Madara courting shenanigans
o   OTL!Tobirama fucked up and led Hunters (Zetsu) to OTL!Madara’s nest and they stole his heart for black magic doomsday ritual
o   Madara ended up a stone statue curled around the shattered remains of his first egg
o   Reborn!Tobirama is determined to be a properly attentive mate
o   Madara is resigned to laying eggs again
·      23rd World
o   GoT-knockoff Medieval AU
o   Madara gets burned at the stake as a witch, doesn’t die, and then gets torn apart by a terrified mob
o   Northern Lord!Tobirama realizes that he done fucked up and needs Madara to beat the evil ice zombies
o   Reborn!Tobirama starts wooing an extremely cranky pyro-prince while trying to give the Uchiha Crown Prince more positive PR with the peasantry to avoid another riot
o   Zetsu are the Others, Kaguya as the Night Queen
·      24th World
o   ‘Taur AU – Tribal Setting
o   Leopard-Taur!Madara lives high up in the Mountains
o   Tiger-Taur!Tobirama is poisoned and delirious during a fated encounter – he doesn’t learn what happened or who saved him until after both prides are mostly destroyed
o   Reborn!Tobirama manages to avoid delirium induced amnesia and starts stalking Madara with the intent to make love not war
o   Zetsu are corrupted from using radioactive/poisonous Power Stones to boost strength, Kaguya is actually parasite queen
·      25th World
o   Exorcists and Ghosts AU
o   Cursed Ghost!Madara lingers in the courtyard he called home while he was alive
o   Kagami wanders in during the ghost hour and Madara shoves him into a cabinet to protect him
o   Exorcist!Tobirama finds out that Madara was still protecting Kagami from the devil spirits – not haunting him – only after the devils grow stronger and get free after ghost!Madara is destroyed
o   Reborn!Tobirama needs to figure out a way to woo his past incarnation’s very justifiably angry murdered consort before Madara denies Tobirama visitation rights
o   Zetsu are devil spirits who cursed Madara to death, Kaguya wants to consume Kagami for power
·      26th World
o   Midsummer Night’s Dream AU
o   Fairy Prince!Tobirama gets dosed with love potion
o   Meets Dark Forest King!Madara
o   Falls in potion induced love – which gets Tobirama invested enough to forget his previous prejudices and fall in True Love
o   Then Madara dies
o   Reborn!Tobirama is now immune to Love Potions because he is in True Love with Madara – fuck you, cheating bastard traitors to the Fairy Crown
o   Tobirama runs off into the Dark Forest to snag himself a Goblin King (and break Hashirama out of Love Potion induced insanity, natch)
o   Zetsu as the dirtbag fiancée, Kaguya as the dark fairy trying to take over both kingdoms
·      27th World
o   Naga AU
o   Banded Sea Kriat!Tobirama tangles with in-heat Black Hooded Tiger Snake!Madara and doesn’t realize until later that the whole situation was a bloodmage trap
o   Zetsu are the bloodmages
o   Tobirama finds Madara’s still bleeding skinned body a few weeks after they tangle – manages to get Madara’s skin and their still-curing egg back from the hunting team
o   Tobirama tries to save their egg and fails – it was taken from Madara too soon
o   Tobirama hunts down the bloodmage and dies in killing them
o   Reborn!Tobirama gives Madara proper aftercare – notes the bloody wound from the unwanted heat inducing potion – and hauls Madara back to his den for proper nesting
·      28th World
o   Magical Knight AU
o   Storm Knight!Tobirama damages Evil General!Madara’s control seal during the battle of the week
o   Tobirama then runs into amnesiac in civilian ID Madara after the fight and goes on a date
o   Tobirama still end up killing Madara when the brainwashing is reapplied – prolonged death scene reveals that Madara was mind-controlled not committing betrayal
o   Reborn!Tobirama puts significantly more effort into ensuring that the control seal is completely removed from “General Indra”
o   Madara helps defeat the Ancient Evil while wearing leather booty shorts
o   Kaguya as Mettalia, Zetsu as the Youma
·      7 Tails Interlude
o   Forget about the indignity of being Tobirama’s go-to baby incubator – Madara is absolutely flipping his shit over the booty shorts
o   Sanzan-han thought they were quite flattering on you, Mada-sama!
·      29th World
o   Blood Magic AU
o   Demon Lord!Madara gets honeytrapped by Blood Mage!Tobirama and stabbed from behind by Hashirama
o   Tobirama turns Madara’s body into a scrying gem to steal his powers and secrets
o   Snooping through Madara’s memories of their courtship lets Tobirama discover that Madara’s “evil plot” was a baby Kagami now cold in his cradle
o   Reborn!Tobirama is doing everything in his power to keep his family from finding out about Madara because the Senju’s whole “thing” is demon hunting and stealing their magic
o   Kaguya as the creepy Ancestor of the Senju clan who started the demon killing habit, Zetsu as the twisted remains of Senju elders who cursed themselves due to magic addiction
·      30th World
o   Phantom Thief AU
o   Kaito!Tobirama has to watch as his dear Detective!Madara gets gunned down by the Black Organization
o   Reborn!Tobirama first tries to send Madara away for his own safety – has a control freak panic attack when he can’t see Madara
o   Tobirama proceeds to go full disclosure overcompensation trying to keep Madara safe
o   Madara is a Sigh and steals all nine bijuu tama while Tobirama is sorting himself out
o   … Tobirama would like to know when his dear Detective learned to pick locks but before that there is a very serious problem that has arisen in Tobirama’s pants that needs to be dealt with because that was the smoothest heist Tobirama has ever borne witness to holy shit
o   Zetsu as the Black Organization looking for the magic gem Kaguya
·      31st World
o   Transformers AU
o   Decepticon!Madara is Sunspot and Autobot!Tobirama is Whitespace
o   The Great War happens – Kaguya-as-Unicron wakes up and eats most of the planet and population
o   “That’s no moon.”
o   Whitespace yeets his spark back in time and attempts to if not stop then at least delay the start of the Great War
o   Reborn!Whitespace ends up pair-bonding with Sunspot to rob the Decepticons of their Air Commander
o   A 3rd faction forms separate from the High Council versus Violent Terrorist Extremists options
·      32nd World
o   Beauty and the Beast meets Hanahaki Tragedy AU
o   Imprisoned Guest!Tobirama heads home for The Visit and stays away too long – not longer than he promised, but Beast!Madara was days away from suffocation
o   Tobirama comes back to a silent castle and finds Madara on his bed surrounded by blood and the flowers that had burst out from under his skin
o   Reborn!Tobirama is determined to break the curse – Madara is just really tired and in pain
o   What kind of fucking sadist curses a kid with roses growing inside their body – Madara was 13 when this shit started and his body knows it
o   True Loves Kiss ensues (and also Itama and Kawarama beat the shit out of Zetsu for cursing their new brother in law)
·      33rd World
o   ABO ElfQuest-ish AU
o   Alpha!Tobirama thinks he was tricked into marriage hunting Omega!Madara as part of a plot against the Senju Kingdom – everyone knows that you can’t trust Dark Elves
o   Tobirama finds out too late that there are evil forces on the loose that only the Uchiha are aware of – that’s why the Dark Elves are called Dark Elves, because they hunt evil in the dark
o   Madara is caught and left mutilated for Tobirama to come across just as he made up his mind to treat his mate better
o   Reborn!Tobirama misses his cue from the original setup – but he still finds Madara hiding in a waterfall cave because fuck no, no more fucking fucking
o   Spoiler: Madara gets fucked good and hard
o   Tobirama and Madara go demon hunting together
o   Zetsu are the Madkin demons created by Kaguya’s twisted flesh-shaping
·      34th World
o   Wonderland AU
o   Evil Dictatorship ruling family Uchiha Clan are actually held captive by their Palace – it’s a seal keeping a demon asleep and powered by the Uchiha who live inside the castle – the Uchiha don’t actually do much ruling, the Council of Elders is where the majority of the corruption is
o   Revolutionary!Tobirama kidnaps Crown Prince of Hearts!Madara during the siege to “free” Wonderland which lets the demon loose so Tobirama is forced to marry Madara and have kids quick due to being responsible for the plan that killed off 99% of the Uchiha
o   Also people born with red eyes get married to the Uchiha in the Kingdom of Hearts – those with red eyes have hearts that cannot be fooled or controlled (meaning they’re able to see through the demon’s tricks)
o   Reborn!Tobirama has just enough time to alter his plan for the attack on the Palace of Hearts – then he walks in on the turncoat guards who gave the Revolution entry to the Palace making comments about sexually assaulting Madara
o   Tobirama bursts in before Madara can break their skulls and “saves” his future husband
o   Most of the Uchiha survive this time – only the Elders get killed
o   Tobirama marries Madara again and gets to work on revamping the bad laws
o   Zetsu is the Jabberwocky
·      35th World
o   Werewolf Fighting Ring AU
o   Alpha Werewolf!Tobirama was unwillingly mated to Alpha Werewolf!Madara when he was caught and held prisoner by slave traffickers
o   Tobirama rejects Madara once they’re free of the arena but makes sure to “payback” Madara for his “humiliation” first
o   Madara had been given heat drugs the entire time and didn’t remember what Tobirama resented him for
o   Madara ends up dying from mate-loss
o   Tobirama is focused on bringing down the slavery ring and doesn’t know Madara died – until Hashirama sends him a letter about how his mate “didn’t make it through the birth” and asking him to get back for the funeral
o   Tobirama finally slows down – reads the file on Madara he has been ignoring since he found it – and breaks
o   Reborn!Tobirama is focused on treating Madara as a proper mate while also getting revenge on the Slavers
o   Madara is going to rip out so many throats out over being pregnant again
o   Zetsu as the warlocks running the slave rings to feed Kaguya power
·      36th World
o   Star Wars AU
o   By-the-Code Jedi!Tobirama tends to bisect all the “darksiders” he runs into – kills Izuna during a mission
o   Madara does full dark-side rage and Empress Kaguya takes over
o   Zetsu as the Darkside clone army
o   Reborn!Tobirama is a lot less saber-happy and has learned that the Uchiha are not dark – more wild/grey
o   Ends up Force Bonded to Madara to bring Balance
·      8 Tails Interlude
o   Madara has a screaming breakdown to the tune of “why fucking Tobirama?!?!?!”
o   Sanzan-han is like “He resented you the most? Duh? No Evil Abolishing Resentment System?”
o   Madara tries his best to fry the stupid gods-be-damned-twice fish
·      37th World
o   Sex Slave Soulmate AU
o   War-Mage!Tobirama uses borderline-forbidden magic to make Kagami – shatters his soulmate link to do so, which is what makes the magic unpopular but not illegal as nobody is actually “harmed” by the spell
o   Note: Kagami is now the living embodiment of the link
o   Kagami finds Courtesan!Madara in a high-end brothel that is a front for nobles to buy magically bound sex-slaves – this is actually super forbidden magic, btw
o   Tobirama saves Madara and the other enslaved thralls while rescuing Kagami
o   Madara had enough magic to fight against the enchantment and managed to get Kagami out of the brothel – that’s how Tobirama knew where to attack
o   No follow through after the rescue – Madara and the others are left under the enslavement seals
o   Madara ends up assaulted/dead/silenced by the nobles who used to patronize the brothel and slave market
o   Reborn!Tobirama moves faster and has already figured out how to break the enslavement curse – gets to the brothel before Madara manages to get Kagami out again
o   Mexican standoff ensues – Tobirama rescues his soulmate and kid
o   Madara gets freed from the curse
o   Courting ensues when their soulmark repairs when they touch after the curse is broken
o   Kaguya as the evil mage who was using the brothels as a power source, Zetsu as her simulacrum servants
·      38th World
o   Mythos AU
o   Dragon!Tobirama is married to Phoenix!Madara and resents it
o   Madara has bad PR and Tobirama listens to rumours so he ignores Madara as much as he can
o   Civil War erupts – Madara hides Kagami when their Palace is attacked and is a distraction
o   Tobirama finds his spouse ritually violated to steal his “fire”
o   Reborn!Tobirama is a much more enthusiastic spouse and realizes that Madara is a fluffy sap
o   Zetsu as the invading horde of magic thieves
·      39th World
o   Angels AU
o   Angel!Tobirama is “tempted” by Fallen!Madara
o   Tobirama kills Madara and kicks off a new War In Heaven
o   Regret hits when Tobirama finds Kagami’s body after Danzo kills him… in an exact mirror of how Tobirama tricked Madara
o   Reborn!Tobirama decides to “prove” that Madara is “evil” before killing him this time to keep the War from happening again
o   Tobirama gets his nose rubbed in Madara’s ability to love his family
o   Zetsu as actual demons who are trying to kill off both Angels and Fallen
·      40th World
o   Fae Marriage Hunt AU
o   Winter Fae!Tobirama was a petty bastard and resisted his betrothal to the point a Marriage Hunt was the only option
o   Skinchanger!Madara wins the Hunt
o   The peace between the High Court and the Wild Hunt collapses after Madara is killed during a diplomatic meeting
o   Reborn!Tobirama decides to play along/use his “marriage” to make the peace permanent
o   Tobirama gets his misconceptions challenged when Madara rides his cooperative “willing” bride into the ground
o   Kaguya as an evil Fairy Queen with Zetsu as her Greymalkin
·      41st World
o   The Mummy AU
o   Archeologist!Tobirama accidently triggers mummy!Madara’s awakening and the crazy demon cultists take advantage
o   Madara lets Tobirama kill him rather than let the cultists sacrifice Tobirama
o   Tobirama gets an info dump on Madara’s trauma
o   Reborn!Tobirama uses the evil cult to resurrect Madara properly and woos the ancient shogun like a boss
o   Kaguya as even more ancient evil Mummy and Zetsu as obsessed cultists
·      42nd World
o   Labyrinth AU
o   Adventurer!Tobirama keeps meeting a mysterious “king” in his dreams – King of the Labyrinth!Madara keeps a veil over his head and his hands covered by extra-long fluttery sleeves
o   Tobirama has to beat the Labyrinth to rescue his little brothers
o   Paranoid Tobirama gets tricked into betraying Madara by goblin Zetsu – the Labyrinth collapses
o   Tobirama’s little brothers are killed along with all the other kidnapped children – the energy from their deaths and the destruction of the Labyrinth is used to fuel the resurrection of a Demon God Kaguya
o   Tobirama dies taking his revenge after learning the full story
o   Reborn!Tobirama is much more willing to “dance” with Madara now that he knows Madara is as much or more a prisoner than the stolen children
o   Madara was used as a lure – his fingers bound in wire and his eyes sewn shut – but they miscalculated because Madara was still the King and wouldn’t let anyone who can’t complete his Labyrinth reach the children
o   Tobirama completes the Labyrinth… after he frees Madara
o   Yay romantic dance sequences
·      43rd World
o   Four Kings AU
o   Byakko!Tobirama gets trapped in a blood-and-wine seal
o   Suzaku!Madara runs afoul of Tobirama’s enemies, kills them all in a rage, and trips into Tobirama’s trap with him
o   Violent coitus ensues
o   Madara breaks the seal once the trap’s power has been exhausted and runs away
o   Tobirama wakes up with a blank memory as a result of the seal
o   Madara lays an egg – Kagami hatches
o   Zetsu as Minions of the God-Eater Kaguya catch Madara while he’s weak and sacrifice him thinking he still contains the combined essence of Byakko and Suzaku
o   Hey but actually Madara’s power was at a low ebb because he spent it all on Kagami so no resurrections for you, stupid doomsday cult
o   Tobirama rescues Kagami – baby bird begs the tiger to save his mama – is too late
o   Reborn!Tobirama gets to watch his past!self deflower the avatar of Suzaku and oh shit that means Kagami is my son? Tobirama is a scream
o   Time to gather the Four Kings and destroy a Demon Cult! Mito is Seiryuu and Hashirama is Genbu.
·      44th World
o   Warprize Ger AU
o   Imperial Prince!Tobirama is given as a consort to Ger Emperor Madara as part of a Senju plot
o   Tobirama is unaware that his attendants are using him to poison Madara but is super pissed at his father for giving him away as a treaty gift
o   Madara dies birthing Kagami but reveals to Tobirama that he was glad to marry him – Kagami is worth it and Tobirama was the only man to ever give Madara flowers
o   Kagami learns that it was a Senju plot that killed his mother and hates Tobirama for his part in it
o   War erupts between the Uchiha Empire and the Senju Kingdom again and destroys both countries
o   Reborn!Tobirama decides to overturn all his father’s plan and dotes on his Imperial Spouse – so manyflowers are given
o   Madara is an amazing Emperor and newly crowned Emperor Hashirama is super thrilled to have such peaceful relations with his neighbour thanks to Tobirama’s beautiful love story
·      45th World
o   Buddy-cop StarTrek Federation AU
o   Senju-With-Tentacles, Psychic!Uchiha-With-Horns
o   Zetsu are the Borg
o   Kagami is a Tube Baby
·      9 Tails Interlude
o   Madara is freaking the fuck out the last set of worlds were uniquely traumatizing – especially the Labyrinth one
·      46th World
o   Loveless AU
o   Sacrifice!Madara has learned to fight on auto – the first Sacrifice to figure out how to do so, and he doesn’t stop fighting even when his Fighter shows up
o   Fighter!Tobirama never wanted a Sacrifice because he didn’t want them to get hurt and he sees Madara acting as a Fighter so he doesn’t believe that Madara is a Sacrifice
o   The name of their Bond is Devotion
o   Madara gets targeted by a swarm of Dr. Kaguya’s fake-bonded Zetsu
o   Tobirama finds Madara’s body in Kaguya’s lab and uncovers the Bond too late to save his Sacrifice
o   Reborn!Tobirama is hyper overprotective and Madara trounces his Fighter’s ass up and down the street until he feels better about living in a reality with a world-wide virginity fetish
·      47th World
o   Witch Madara and Magical Creature Tobirama
o   Tobirama is cursed into a human form
o   Tricked into thinking that he has to kill Madara/a Witch to get the curse broken?
o   It was all a lie
o   Tobirama twisting the curse to go back in time instead of dying
o   Madara is too gods-be-damned-again tired for this nonsense
·      48th World
o   Stargate AU
o   Head Scientist of the Expedition Tobirama
o   Leader of the surviving “Ancients” Madara
·      49th World
o   Welcome to Nightvale AU
o   Tobirama, the Scientist
o   Madara, the Sherriff of the Secret Police
·      50th World
o   Tobirama IDS as a Switch but he’s service oriented non-dynamic instead
o   Madara thinks toys/scenes are silly – demi-romantic/grey-ace Madara rides again
o   Tobirama has cultural dissonance meeting a “Dom” who likes being the one fucked
·      51st World
o   TRON?
·      52nd World
o   Tyrant CEO/Entertainment Circle
·      53rd World
o   From another world AU
o   Tobirama drops into Fantasy Land from a Modern-ish Naruto World
o   Madara as the Villainous Noble who was “jealous” of Tobirama’s magic power
·      54th World
o   Last Unicorn AU
o   Madara is the Kirin
o   Tobirama as a Wizard who likes Science more
·      55th World
o   Dragon Raja AU
·      10 Tails Interlude
o   Sanzan-han reveals why they were helping Madara – and fade to black
·      Return to the Warring Clans Era
o   Canon is About to Be Diverted
o   Madara is back on the battlefield where Izuna died
o   Promptly summons Sanzan-han to stop this fucking bullshit – Sanzan-han has ascended and become a massive dragon so yeah the battle is definitely over now
o   Tobirama appears to be having a migraine – whoops looks like the arrival of Sanzan-han has started the data-dump of all Tobirama’s System-generated memories into canon!Tobirama
o   Peace and Konoha happen
·      Epilogue/Extras
o   Tobirama has Suspicions regarding his shiny new memories – especially because he remembers seeing that fish. Everywhere. All the time. Stupid fish.
o   Everyone is very confused by how fast Tobirama and Madara get over the war and hook up but yay peace? Also Madara and Tobirama somehow make a baby and everyone is too busy trying to figure out how that works to complain anymore.
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andorerso · 4 years
tell me about the zombie AU :D
ahhhh okay, so the problem with this one is that i have too many conflicting ideas for it! as is my tendency. i had a version where they already knew each other but were separated when shit hit the fan, and now they’re trying to find each other again, desperately hoping there’s still someone to find. 
i wasn’t feeling that one so much so i changed it into them meeting for the first time during the apocalypse, a few months, maybe even a year after everyone was zombified. despite her best instincts not to get involved, jyn saves cassian from a group of bandits, and he kinda tags along as she tries to make her way to a fabled military safe haven. she can’t really believe it’s still operating but it’s where bodhi was last heard from so it’s where she’s going. cassian, who’s lost kay a while ago, has nowhere better to go, so they stick together. the two of them against the world. lots of potential for angst and bonding. we’ll have co-dependence, competence kink, a gratuitous amount of protectiveness coupled with fear of abandonment, and the best zombie killing team the world has ever seen.
i also had some throwaway thought about galen and krennic being involved in creating the virus, and maybe even a showdown with krennic at the end, but i’m not sure if i’ll work that in.
this is a very small snippet but i don’t have any longer parts that are cohesive and coherent :/
“Let me see,” she breathes out, shallow, her gaze trained on the skin of his wrist where he was decidedly not bitten.
“Jyn,” he says her name slowly, his dark eyes somber but honest. “I would tell you.”
“I know. I need to see.”
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thebrandings · 5 years
In a zombie apocalypse au, what would the ros do if mc was bitten?
Olivia/Oliver would be the person who tries everything in their power to try and heal the MC before the bite fully affects them. They go so far into the research that the unconsciously push away the MC. They become frantic, desperate that they'll do anything.
Victoria/Vick would be dive straight into denial like it's only a scratch, it can't affect you. They would be more irritated to everyone but you because everyone else would try to make them see sense. They would be heartbroken once they run out of excuses and it'd turn into heartfelt see you later.
Christine/Chris would pretend it didn't happen, laugh it off as they always do. But you can see that behind that false expression, their hands shake. They'd slowly lose composure as every day passes, until they just couldn't handle it anymore.
Fable would go out on a zombie killing rampage before they're able to think clearly. They can't bear the failure of not protecting you. They'd give you small comforts that they find though, anything that might give you joy though they wouldn't give it to you directly. It might be a box of chocolates that they found in a pile of ash on your pillow. But they'd stay at a distance, only feeling the guilt slightly lift from their heart at your smile, not knowing that it wasn't the gift that brought that happiness to you but the fact that they still cared.
Aila would try to stay composed, organizing more units and resources into finding a cure. You wouldn't see how it affected her because she wouldn't want you to see that she continues to search through ruins when you're asleep or how she gives you a little bit of her ratio so that you can enjoy your last few days. When you are awake though, she'd spent all her moments with you, trying to memorize how she makes you laugh or the way your eyes glint when you look at her.
Hayden just wouldn't know what to do with themself. They wouldn't really take care of themself all that well, like losing sleep, eating less. After all, they lied to you, to themself as well. They thought they could protect you but in the end. . They'd be in a trance, wishing they can snap out of it, if only to beg for your forgiveness and care for you till the end.
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oh my gods wait, i took this before lore earlier, and forgot to post it, but this button up I have is honestly peak Present day ZAAU!Icarus and I cannot expain why. it just is.
(also featuring, also all of the zaau!Icarus cosplay, bar their belt because. I need to make it-)
Tumblr media
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hoidn · 4 years
if you want to play along, consider yourself tagged.
AO3 name: tree
Fandoms: these are fandoms i've written in, but they're not all my fandoms, if that makes sense. i've written quite a few things in exchanges just because i was familiar enough with the canon to take a pinch-hit or because i didn't know what i was getting myself into.
Longmire (TV), The X-Files, Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, House M.D., Star Trek: Voyager, Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, The X-Files RPF, The Cutting Edge (1992), Blade (Movie Series), Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen, Hannibal (TV), Girl with a Pearl Earring - All Media Types, Lady of the Shard (Webcomic), The Fionavar Tapestry - Guy Gavriel Kay, The Wake - Paul Kingsnorth, Battlestar Galactica (2003), Stranger Than Fiction, Charlotte Gray (2001), Green Gables Fables, Firefly, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Ibis Trilogy - Amitav Ghosh, Octopus Steals My Video Camera and Swims off with It While It's Recording (Short Film), Gilmore Girls, The Middleman (TV), Fairy Tales & Related Fandoms, JAG (TV 1995), Hamlet - Shakespeare, The Fall (TV 2013), The Abyss (1989)
the fandoms i haven’t yet posted anything for are many and varied, and any WIPs that may exist for them will likely die with me, which is probably a very good thing.
Number of fics: 94 (?!!)
Fic you spent the most time on: no friggin' idea. i sometimes spend weeks just trying to get one paragraph right and then write two thousand words the next day which need very little editing. it might take me over a year to write something from start to finish that's not much more than a thousand words, but how much of that span of time was spent actually working on that particular fic isn't something i keep track of.
Fic you spent the least time on: hope falls harder — it's one sentence; i spent longer scraping together the title and summary than i did writing the work. in my defence it's in a made-up language that only exists in the text, so it was a difficult sentence.
Longest fic: some wild and necessary hunger with 24,606 words. because of course a trope i didn't like at all until i discovered i liked it in very specific contexts turned itself into my longest fic. of fucking course.
Shortest fic: hope falls harder with 41 words. however, since it's the only fic anywhere ever for this canon, i still win the prize for the longest fic in the fandom.
Most hits: A Wild and Distant Shore with 32,785 hits. fork me. that is terrifying. (what's interesting is that to suppose the truth of it possible has the next highest number at 30,440 and it was written nine years later, so it's accrued hits at a much faster rate than my older P&P fics, but it doesn't even make it into the top 5 by kudos. so a lot of hits but fewer people like it? i'm so curious!)
Most kudos: A Wild and Distant Shore with 1,084 kudos. folks continue to dig the P&P smut.
Most comment threads: if you came this way with 80 threads, but it's an extreme outlier. the next three highest are in the mid-low 30s, which i think is more indicative.
Fave fic you wrote: within the last few years, probably Darlin', everything's on fire (with Through Worlds as a close runner-up). i am genuinely proud of my zombie apocalypse AU. i think it's one of the best things i've ever written.
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: as @sarking said, "I’m not a rewriter – it’s hard enough to get something out of me once, or to get a draft and a finished product out of me." i'm also not an expander, with one recent exception. when i write a fic, i tell the story i've got to tell and then there's no more. that said, someone once mentioned they'd like to read chakotay's side of if you came this way and my brain mulled over that to the extent that it's got a title (no mean feat) and its own document, and i've actually noodled a bit at it.
(noodling is, of course, a different process to writing; noodling is to writing what doodling is to drawing. although to continue the alliterative parallels i suppose it should be 'woodling', but as that just looks ridiculous, let's not.)
however, there are many barriers to this fic's completion, among other things that it's daunting trying to match myself. even while i was in the process of writing it, i knew if you came this way was something special. not necessarily the best thing i've ever written in strict terms, but certainly the most joyful in process (at least up until the very end). which isn't to say it was easy, just that somehow all the stars aligned so that my love of the characters and my love of language combined into something wonderful and the process itself became a celebration of that love. oh my god it sounds like i was on acid or something at the time, but i wasn't. just my usual cocktail of crazy meds.
Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning: i'm knee-deep in my het big bang fic that won't quit and is definitely not the fic i had intended to write hahahaha. it's for That Show I Can't Stop Making GIFs For Or Writing Fic For Apparently. but! i'm also noodling away at a J/C voyager fic for the kind soul who bid on me in the fandom for australia auction. this may or may not be the final version, given that i haven't written the lead-up yet and i haven't written these characters at all in some time, but i quite like it as it stands, so here we go.
"It has to be me," she said.
A single raised hand forestalled his protest.
"I've already had this argument with Tuvok. Please don't make me repeat the experience, Commander." She strode a restless to-and-fro across the Ready Room. "Perhaps it makes me a prude but I believe that sex is a private act, not a performance."
"It doesn't make you a prude."
Janeway carried on as if she hadn't heard, her eloquent hands in agitated motion. "And how can I, in good conscience, order someone to... to... perform?"
It was a split-second decision, instinctive.
"You won't have to order anyone, Captain."
She stopped, frowned. "What do you mean?"
"I'm volunteering for this mission."
Her whole face softened into gentle distress. "Oh, Chakotay. I can't ask that of you."
"You're not asking. I'm offering."
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uphissleevies · 6 years
Natsu x Lucy Fanfiction Gems
A continued list of my favorite stories that keep piling up.
-More current updated ones are at the top of the list
-Only one story per author
-Sexual content in some stories
-Stories from FF.net are first, followed by the stories from A03
Happy Reading!
-FF.net stories-
Bound in Blood (M) by xambedo
When tragedy unseals a demon beneath the soil of Fairy Hills, Lucy Heartfilia is offered a choice: remain and be buried alive, or bargain to save her classmates. Seven years later, Natsu is here to collect, but he's about to get more than he bargained for. / NaLu / Romance - Supernatural - Humour
Capturing Her Damaged Heart (M) by mushi0131
A deadly disease plagues the world. People are dying, the dead are rising. The infection spreads too fast to stop. Everyone tries their best to survive in this post-apocalyptic world, but things get messy for Natsu when he finds a blonde woman on one of his missions. Natsu takes it upon himself to help her, protect her, and accidentally fall in love with her? Zombie Apocalypse AU.
Til Death Do Us Part (M) by superfreakerz
Immortal/Reincarnation AU. There are immortals and there are those who reincarnate, though it's best to keep these things hidden. Lucy is attending college and meets Natsu, a mischievous boy with pink hair, a devilish smile, and a body that never ages.
Dauntless (M) by HungryPeanut
The Royal Military College was founded a few centuries ago and the traditional laws that were instaured at the time still remained. One of those laws stipulating clearly that only male students were allowed to apply for the formation. But here Lucy was, standing among the other recruits in the ranks, dressed as a man.
Do it for him, Do it for her (T) by schmad20
Lucy goes on with her mission, "without" any one else. She wants to help her client and while doing that she'll prove to others what she's capable of! She's doing it for herself...and for him... While she's off on her mission, Natsu is waiting restlessly at home. Waiting for her to come home. He knows how much this means to her... So he's doing it for her...
Walk through the fire (T) by elssiie
Strategist and priestess Lucy Heartfilia gets caught up in the turmoil of war. Torn between duty and love she must decide whether to follow her heart or mind because the destiny of two nations rests on her shoulders.
Implexium Vitae (M) by notjustanyfangrl
It is said that some people have old souls, reborn every couple centuries to find their loved ones again and continue on their never ending journey. But what happens to these intersecting lives when one is immortal and the other is ripped from them? Vampire AU.
Falling into Home (T) by selenityshiroi
Post-canon. Lucy finds it difficult to let certain horrors from the war go but, fortunately, her team mates are having the same struggle and they can work past it together.
Her Master (M) by Letting go of Fate
Neither of them remembered how it all started. How their innocent friendship twisted into something like this. She loved it. He craved it. He was her Master and she, his pet.
Stars that Bite (T) by MizzyPlatinum
AU in which Lucy feeds off of blood and refuses to drink Natsu's, but what happens when Natsu finds out that he's the only one she refuses to feed from? NaLu. OneShot. Fluff. Blood trigger.
Dark Side of You (M) by Binky1987
Post Manga/Anime, therefore sort of AU. The progress of Lucy and Natsu's relationship, five years after the war. When finally their relationship is becoming defined, the world turns ugly and they have to choose a side. With Lucy's life on the line the choice is clear, the world be damned because you can't take his things and live to tell about it.
One Week of Danger (T) by Cervella
"Okay, Miss Mystic." Lucy stood up and held the magazine which she would flush down the drain later above her head. Plue imitated her totally heroic pose and she was dead serious when she yelled,"In the next week I will prove that your horoscope is completely wrong!"
Desire In Strawberries (M) by  shelbyshoe
Natsu and Lucy are swept away by a festival held by their wealthy client, Lady Nakahara. There is more than mystery and the scent of strawberries in the air as they find themselves intimately closer to one another. What they thought was a friendly feast turns into something more as the puzzling night goes on.
Letter’s To Mom (T) by  ElementalMiko12
Going back to the place they first met after Lucy reveals an unkept promise she made to her mother; Natsu takes her to keep that promise... In the process Lucy's deceased mother decides to keep a promise of her own she made long ago. (Complete)
The Simplest Gift (A Valentine's Day Special) (T) by ladyoflitany A Valentine's Day one shot, involving Natsu, Lucy unspoken feelings and Valentine's gifts. Throw in a meddling Mira, Natsu misunderstanding the idea of Valentine's and Lucy's missing fan mail and problems and Hilarity ensue...
Brightside (K+) by stopnatsu Natsu loves Lucy. Lucy is on a date. Natsu gets roaring drunk and drama ensues. Oneshot. Angst/fluffy. (May or may not be heavily inspired by Mr. Brightside by The Killers).
The Lacrima Wish (T) by  LucyLacrima
In the midst of a battle with Natsu, Lucy stumbles upon a cursed tree and something is released. She is given the opportunity to make one wish, with no limitations, and is given a Lacrima. The Lacrima allows her to see the repercussions of each potential wish. She tests different futures while watching her guild's future unfold.
Thirty Days of Misadventures (T) by MagiLiv Imagine waking one morning in one world, sleeping, then waking in another. Different lives, different scenarios- together, Natsu and Lucy venture through the trials of laughter, anger, sadness and love.
A Big Problem (T) by  Jayalek
How is Lucy supposed to live her life normally when an overgrown lizard won't leave her alone? Of all the things to be obsessed with her, it just had to be a dragon who won't give her some peace and quiet. NALU! Dragonized!Natsu
Just Kiss! (T) by WhiteRose123
Even when Lucy is feeling at her worst, Natsu is always there to try to cheer her up. NaLu. Oneshot.
Strawberry Heaven (K+) by PrinceCharmingsPrincess
Oneshot: A NaLu lost moment... Ranges after the Games.
It started with a kiss (M) by Eugenee
Natsu comes home from a mission to find the guild in full swing and in the middle is his worst nightmare... a drunk Lucy.
Priorities (K+) by PEANUT v1.2
"Moving forward is what Fairy Tail mages do, isn't it?" Lucy says to Natsu. Yesterday he would have agreed immediately, but that was before catastrophe struck. How can he move forward after his mistake? Nalu friendship/romance oneshot.
Switched (T) by SyberSweetHeart
Once again the lives of Fairy Tail mages are interrupted- but the problem is Lucy and Natsu have switched bodies! Oh boy, this is bound to cause problems…
Exceedingly Adorable (K+) by Sweet Little Demon
A magical mishap happens in the middle of a battle, leaving Lucy fluffier and more adorable than ever. Humor, Fluff, adorableness, cuddliness, master planning and envy guaranteed.
Are You My Daddy? (T) by BlackLynx17 It was just a normal day at Fairy Tail... that is until a little girl is carried in claiming to be Lucy's daughter. The only thing she remembers about her Father is that he's strong and has a fairy on his body, that narrows it down to every male in Fairy Tail... hold on she said strong, maybe about half the males then. What's Fairy Tail to do now?
-A03 stories-
Flame’s Desire (M) by Rougescribe
As the last of her tribe, Lucy barely escapes the grasp of slavers and falls into the hands of a man as wild as the flames that destroyed her clan. She's been given a second chance with her life, but why does her savior awaken a fire in her blood she's never known before?
Of Dragons and Gods (T) by Gemini888
Lucy Heartfilia: Fairy Tail's resident Celestial Spirit Mage who is currently in love with the Guild's own Fire Dragon Slayer.
Natsu Dragneel: One of Fairy Tail's aces; a powerhouse Mage that is more than conflicted and confused about his feelings for Lucy.
Suberashi: A ancient, powerful, and fabled Guild straight from legends. Only, now, it's no longer fabled, nor does 'just a children's fairy tale' quite fit the reality of their sudden presence.
With Natsu unintentionally hurting Lucy emotionally and with Suberashi's sudden interest in her, will she leave Fairy Tail and accept their offer to give her the powers of a 'God.'
A Fever in the Night (G) by starmini
Coming back from a mission, Lucy collapses in the the middle of a forest with a dangerously high fever. Natsu sends Happy to bring back help, as he desperately tries to keep her alive.
Heaven Sent: A Fairy Tail Fairy Tale (G) by joliemariella
Natsu Dragneel is the infamous 'Dragon Prince' who rules Fiore with the assistance of his carefully chosen council. His life is changed forever, though, when his dear friend Happy, is struck by an incurable disease. Desperate, he turns to the ancient fairy tales that tell of the Celestial Maidens, whose robes hold the power to do anything a determined man might set his mind to...
Starcrossed (G) by wisdomofme
Bonus Prompt 1 of FT Angst Week: Ever After/ Perfect Disaster Once upon a time there lived a star that had seen it all, and boy who could see the stars… Who would’ve thought that their paths would cross?
what’s the big deal? (Explicit) by julamei
Natsu's sexual awakening is... clumsy and awkward, obviously. The poor boy has purposefully remained ignorant of these more mundane, human miracles. that is, until something happens he can't ignore and things between him and Lucy being to grow. Here is my headcannon on their journey around the bases (hopefully this reflects more our own experiences than just our need for fulfillment for these characters).
Hunter (M) by Freyjabee  (No longer available?)
Natsu and Lucy follow some dangerous hunters into a city housing sin. While one is desperate to leave, the other can't help but stay.
A Lesson for Natsu (M) by aeotae
Despite the injustice of it all, the men of Fairy Tail endeavor to prepare Natsu for his new manly duty as Lucy's boyfriend.
I have a lot more so let me know if anyone wants more recommendations.
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zorilleerrant · 3 years
Original Fiction
White Hat Complex
zero point powers (textbook excerpt) Set within my White Hat Complex universe, this is an excerpt from an imaginary textbook on the development of superpowers. I think it was in response to a prompt? But I don’t know what.
WHC AU: Surprise Kid prompt. about my WHC universe characters encountering a surprise kid from the future. will probably write more about this story at some point
monster prompt. a conversation between me and Corinth. mostly musing about the nature of writing rather than the character per se
chosen ones (working title)
elves a little bit of humor about elf-human relations. this is background for a story I’m writing but it stands alone without me having to explain anything about it, and the rest of the story would honestly be more distracting than enlightening especially since there aren’t any elves in it (like. only in the background)
sexy werewolves (working title)
Murder Mystery In which Fitzy is harassed by someone convinced he’s a serial killer.
River Jones Totally Can Lie
Do you think we should tell them? Prompt. River and Laurel from River Jones Totally Can Lie. Watching other fae try to trick humans back to their realm.
Misk U/Blip
OC-tober prompts about Corwin LaFontaine and the Blip universe
discovering magic dancing research stars hug search light dark
introduction to a racist coming out to mom toy dinosaurs dating sim memes fears zombie apocalypse AU Blip the eldritch dumbo octopus…might be sick?
favorite outfit Blip the eldritch dumbo octopus wants lunch instruments weapon of choice midnight adventure good luck charm horror film AU
haircut Ray vampire AU Harry Potter AU backpack
coming out to dad major character flaw outfit swap drunk
Corwin as a superhero Fox as a Miskatonic professor
slutty necromancer (working title)
part 1 of a story I am tentatively calling ‘slutty necromancer’ You’re a retired adventurer and you have to figure out why all your friends are dead, which was not true until now.
Myth Retellings
loki and the mistletoe I went on a kick about retelling myths for a while. Humorously. Not informatively. This only makes sense if you already know the original story and don’t take it too seriously. I think it’s funny, anyway.
arachne This is lowkey based on a Toast article about how much being a teenager sucks, which I thought was appropriate to Arachne’s story. This one honestly isn’t that funny. It may be cathartic to read the yelling though? I don’t know. Again, familiarity with the myth required to find it amusing.
apollo and daphne This one is sort of a broader familiarity with Greek myth to find it funny, and may actually be better if you aren’t as familiar with the actual story. There’s no abuse/assault in this version (as necessary to make the jokes work) so if that bothers you avoid it. Basically mocking Apollo.
persephone This one also avoids the abuse/assault readings, although I think there’s a lot more variation with this myth than a lot of others. Did not manage to incorporate my joke about how she only ate 6 pomegranate seeds because she just gave up on the pomegranate after that. Maybe if I edit it.
the tortoise and the hare it’s a retelling of the fable, only, like, have you ever seen actually real turtles and bunnies racing because it’s that instead
Big Bad Wolf rewrite of Little Red Riding Hood from the wolf’s perspective. about the way in which marginalized identity is circumscribed within society (in this case, the easiest readings are transphobia and cultural appropriation but it’s not overly specific). one of my favorite pieces I’ve written to date
Fair’s Fair Snow White retelling. short. humor
musing on seasonal affective disorder An addition to something I really liked that someone else wrote, because I was having feelings about SAD. The initial story is wlw; my addition is nblw even though I was trying to match the tone and style of the original.
untitled six word story look it’s only six words either read it or don’t. (it’s not very good.)
mall gothic Yes, that’s a pun. No, I don’t know what the point of this was either.
Ocean Short story about a nonbinary mage questing after a fantasy sword. Written on the assumption this is a typical high fantasy universe so no there are no proper safety protocols or historical preservation procedures. Mildly comedic.
Welcome to Fae Mart humorous story about retail in Faerie
Please Come In microfiction about a changeling. character study
says a vampire elf probably this paragraph is a satire of that thing where people write long, loving descriptions of the sexy men in their novels that are awkward when it’s supposed to be close third. it’s first person tho
Words a little Elsewhere University story about the power of words
Faerie Circle an Elsewhere University story about changelings and their support group
Coda to a Sixteen Book Epic Fantasy Series I Will Never Write what it says on the tin. just an epilogue thingy that I think would be an amusing ending to a super long and fairly dark and angsty series. ambiguously gay
Sanctuary short story about the god of sanctuary asking for sanctuary. 2nd person
Kawaii Short story about your starship and your annoying crew who keeps setting the ship’s AI to be a Magical Girl. Can be read as Star Trek if you feel like it, but probably only makes sense if you’re Janeway.
Mary Sue barely knows (y/n) Superpowers, faerie, heavily internal musings. Short story exploring SFFH tropes, fandom tropes, how our relationship to our own writing/life/fandom experiences changes over time, and how self-insert fandom itself has changed over time. Yes, it is important that it’s in second person, unlike most of these prompts that I’ve filled. I would post this on AO3 if I could figure out how to tag it but I don’t know how.
that’s a dog Portal fiction. Accidental chosen one. This world has never seen dogs.
wishes Everyone in the world is granted three wishes. It changes things. A lot of worldbuilding happens in this one but I really hope it’s not the opening of something longer because I have too many projects. But I could probably be persuaded about it just sayin.
Flat Earther Prompt. Aliens have found a troll and shown him what he trolls about.
Fever Prompt. She has light magic and she uses it to heal the world.
Skip Prompt. Our main character wakes up surrounded by bodies and doesn’t know what’s going on. Ambiguously fae but explicitly magical.
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T’s Masterlist of AU Ideas
Need some inspiration for your next fanfic? Here are a list of ideas I’ve compiled to help you get started! There are also a few sub-AUs I included just because :)
50s AU
80s AU
Ancient Egypt AU
Cold War AU
Medieval AU
Dark/Middle Ages
Regency AU
Revolutionary War AU
Roaring 20s AU
Stone Age AU
Tudor AU
Victorian AU
World War I AU
World War II AU
Apocalypse AU
Dystopian AU
Fairy Tale AU
12 Dancing Princesses
Aladdin / Arabian Nights
Beauty & the Beast
Hansel & Gretel
Jack & the Beanstalk
Peter Pan
Sleeping Beauty
Snow Queen
Snow White
The Frog Prince
The Little Mermaid
The Prince/Princess & the Pauper
The Princess & the Pea
High Fantasy AU
Horror AU
Mafia AU
Military AU
Musical AU
Mystery AU
Noir AU
Pirate AU
Sci-Fi AU
Shakespeare AU
Superhero AU
Supernatural/Paranormal AU
Time Travel AU
Urban Fantasy AU
Utopian AU
Wild West AU
Airplane Passengers AU
Aristocrat/Commoner AU
Arranged Marriage AU
Artist/Muse AU
Author/Publisher AU
Body Swap AU
Childhood Sweethearts AU
Chosen One & Sidekick AU
Complete Opposites AU
Doctor/Patient AU
Hades & Persephone AU
Handcuffed Together AU
Lab Partners AU
Neighbors AU
Pen Pals AU
Personality Switch AU
Rockstar/Groupie AU
Roommates AU
Royalty/Servant AU
Soldier/Nurse AU
Soulmates AU
Teacher/Student AU
Tourist/Native AU
Battle Royale AU
Breakfast Club AU
Chronicles of Narnia AU
Dirty Dancing AU
Giselle AU
Hogwarts AU
Inception AU
Jumanji AU
Les Miserables AU
La La Land AU
Middle Earth AU
Nutcracker AU
Pacific Rim AU
Phantom of the Opera AU
Star Trek AU
Star Wars AU
Swan Lake AU
Swiss Family Robinson AU
Terminator AU
Wonderland AU
Android AU
Archaeologist AU
Assassin AU
Astronaut AU
Celebrity AU
Cosplayer AU
Criminal AU
Dancer AU
Demon Slayer AU
Detective AU
Double Agent AU
Explorer AU
Fallen Angel AU
Fighter Pilot AU
Guardian Angel AU
Hacker AU
Musician AU
Nerd/Geek AU
Olympic Athlete AU
Photographer AU
Private Eye AU
Punk AU
Race Car Driver AU
Revolutionary AU
Royalty AU
Street Performer AU
Tsundere AU
Tutor AU
Viking AU
Yandere AU
Atlantis AU
Egyptian Gods AU
El Dorado AU
Fountain of Youth AU
Greek Gods AU
King Arthur AU
Norse Gods AU
Robin Hood AU
Angel AU
Banshee AU
Demigod AU
Demon AU
Genie AU
Ghost AU
Mermaid AU
Siren AU
Werewolf AU
Vampire AU
Zombie AU
Christmas AU
Fourth of July AU
Halloween AU
Hanukkah AU
New Years AU
Spring Break AU
Thanksgiving AU
Backpacking Across Europe AU
Battle of the Bands AU
Bookshop AU
Carnival AU
Circus AU
Coffeeshop AU
College AU
“We got paired up for a group project but none of us know what we’re doing”
Conspiracy AU
Dragons AU
Heist AU
High School AU
Summer School
Immortal AU
Kidnapped AU
Prison AU
Reincarnation AU
Road Trip AU
Seven Deadly Sins AU
Summer Camp AU
Time Travel AU
“Marry me because my green card expired” AU
“Why does by neighbor have to be an aspiring opera singer?” AU
“I’m a server and you’re a frequent customer and you flirt with me but YOU NEVER TIP ME, WHAT THE HELL MAN?” AU
“I never break the law but I was asked to be part of a massive heist and damn, I really need to pay off my student debt...” AU
“I lied and said I could speak a different language to impress my crush but now he wants me to tutor him so I need to become fluent in Mandarin in 3 days HELP” AU
“We are fictional characters that know we are fictional characters and so we decided to have a little fun and mess with the author by not following any of the tropes they’re writing” AU
[Updated 8/21/17]
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viklikesslimes · 2 years
I have recently started writting a bug fables cordyceps apocalypse AU
I posted in amino and AO3
Imma put the AO3 link here
It is soo good! Chapter one is done and I'll start writing chapter 2 later today
So far, we have 10 days, many lore, and lotsof cool stuff
Here's some characters sheets for you fuckers that need evidence that it's good
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Wow, 10 characters, that's a lot, more info on my amino
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worldsentwined · 7 years
Comics, trust, and stories that I didn’t expect to break my heart
In which I am still not over the 9-page update and keep discovering new ways that it has messed me up.
(Warning: May contain SSSS spoilers, so if you haven’t caught up, don’t read under the cut!)
So as anyone who’s talked to me about the current state of Stand Still Stay Silent knows, I’m still trying to process what Those Pages mean for the comic going forward. (Mostly by entertaining lots of crack theories and writing “nothing bad happens to anyone” AU fic). But I’m still pretty shaken, not just by the actual events but by the tonal shift they represent. 
I’ve written before about how the events of those pages change the comic from what I always thought it was - a post-apocalyptic story with some dark/horror moments, but carried along by a spirit of friendship and adventure - to something I can’t really describe. I suspect it will be a long time before I can see the shape of the overall story again. (Especially because it’s very slow-moving - as far as I can tell, in the past month we’ve covered approximately one day in the story.)
Anyway, this transition has also made me excessively sensitive to the possibility of unexpected tragedy in other works of fiction. I’ve been reading a lot of fanfiction (even before the Events) and I realize I’ve come to really rely on those helpful Archive Warnings on AO3. Especially the “major character death” one. The more I think about it, the more I realize that I have a lifelong dislike for stories with sad endings, especially when a favorite character dies. It’s turned me off series before (I read through a bunch of the Fables comic a few years ago, but then my favorite character was killed off and I just...stopped) and I’ve gotten to the end of many books and thought “well I really liked that until the end, and now I don’t.” (This isn’t to say that character death can’t be done well, but I feel like it happens more than it needs to - it’s not, for me, a satisfying story element.) And I doubt traditionally published fiction will ever adopt an archive warnings method in any kind of formal way, though sometimes I wish that was a thing.
But at least with a novel, I can go through the reading experience in a matter of days and then move on to the next story if I don’t like how it ends. (Ongoing series are a bit more of a risk, but the actual reading process is broken up into smaller chunks). With webcomics, updates come a page or two at a time, and mostly at a rate of 1-4 pages a week. It’s a slower way of reading, and I like it for a lot of reasons - it gives the story space to take root in my mind, and allows for lots of time outside the story to think about possibilities. The waiting is less excruciating than the whole “oh crap, I just read this book and the next won’t be out for over a year” thing, even when the writers/artists take chapter breaks or go on hiatus. I imagine this is a bit how people who watch daily soap operas or even keep up with television shows as they come out experience their media. 
In any case, the downside of webcomics is - well, as I’ve now seen with SSSS, the frequent exposure makes it easier to get attached. It’s an investment of time for the reader, especially if one starts reading the story near the beginning. Plenty of comics I’ve come across late, which means binge-reading the archive and getting a hefty dose of plot before waiting for updates - not so different from reading a novel. But I found out about SSSS before it even started (I got into reading A Redtail’s Dream a few months before it ended, so I knew there was a new comic coming.) I had to get little bits of it at a time, and each new development revealed more of the story. I remember the shock when we discovered that the main comic was set 90 years after the prologue - there had been lots of speculation, but I think most of us expected a shorter gap - and the screaming excitement when we finally had a name for Braidy. As the story has gone on, there have been plenty of dark moments, but it’s always come back around to feeling more hopeful...until now.
The thing is (and now we get to the whole reason I’m writing this post) it took over seven hundred pages and nearly four years for SSSS to get to this point. If someone binge-read the archive a year ago, they’d have had years of content that all pointed in a hopeful direction, no matter how bad things got. They’d have missed the agony of the weekend cliffhanger when Reynir got scratched (and we didn’t yet have the reassurance that it didn’t break the skin) which, until the Tuuri arc we’ve just experienced, was the most scared I’ve ever been for a character in this story. And I’m not trying to be like, some kind of SSSS hipster (”I was reading before everything was on fire!”). What I’m saying is, if such a drastic tone shift could happen with SSSS, a story with years of history and story development...what’s to stop it from happening in any other comic?
This isn’t coming completely out of the blue, although I realize I’ve been rambling on without explaining my motivation for writing. See, last night I stumbled upon a comic called No End, and I binge-read the entire archive. It has over 500 pages, plus extras in between chapters, and is on its eighth chapter now. It’s a post-apocalyptic setting, socially much grittier than SSSS (in that it’s not safe to trust anyone, especially the military, and that’s before you start worrying about the zombies). It’s more of a standard zombie apocalypse story, but very character-driven and with a generous dose of romance (I already ship some things SO HARD, and some of them are actually canon. Also, everyone is some shade of gay/bi/pan/ace which is delightful). Sure, it has its dark moments, there’s a fair amount of body horror and gore and omnipresent danger. But, like, that doesn’t seem to be the most important part of the story, it’s more about character relationships and adventure.
Wait. Hang on a second.
Sure, it has its dark moments, there’s a fair amount of body horror and gore and omnipresent danger. But, like, that doesn’t seem to be the most important part of the story, it’s more about character relationships and adventure.
Does this sound familiar? It should, because up until recently I would have said the same thing about SSSS. And now, despite the fact that I just read something I really like, that I think some of my friends would like based on the fact that they like SSSS, I’m scared. I’m scared to get attached to these characters, (even though it’s too late for me, I’m already attached) because there are already elements set up that could lead to future tragedy, if the authors decide to take it that way. I’m scared to invest myself emotionally in yet another story that could take its setting in the logical direction and kill my faves. And I’m scared to recommend this story to other people, because what if it goes that way? 
TL;DR, SSSS has given me major trust issues, and I don’t quite know what to do about it. But if anyone else reads No End and wants to talk to me about it (or suffer with me in my anxiety) let me know, I guess?
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