#fabric poll
thecozycuttlefish · 7 months
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vinceaddams · 2 months
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linaxart · 1 year
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carpet weaver
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i-never-forgot · 3 months
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zarvasace · 9 days
I might be able to go to a con in like two weeks, but now I have a conundrum...
I also have BotW Zelda and LBW Zelda finished, but I don't particularly want to wear those.
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Found Family Tournament Round 2 Part 11 Group 52
Propaganda and further images under the cut
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Taragang: Tara Duncan, Fabrice, Sparrow, Fafnir, Robin, Cal
Floof Squad: Kendal, Alinua, Erin Ruunaser, Falst, Tess Ruunaser, Dainix
I prefer the book series but you won't find official art for it
Floof Squad:
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zattemptspatterns · 1 year
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bookwyrminspiration · 6 months
hey. if you haven't read the A Chorus of Dragons series by Jenn Lyons (highly recommended for high/hard fantasy lovers)
Some of the wording is intentionally a tad misrepresentative simply because its funnier that way, but it's still accurate.
please read a chorus of dragons by jenn lyons. please. i promise I've spoiled like nothing, there's so much context and other happenings missing. i am begging
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sunnibits · 5 months
hi, curious question for any hijabis/muslims out there!! as a big tiefling fan I’ve been musing a lot on the concept of hijabi tieflings because aesthetically I’m obsessed with the mental image, but I was wondering if u could help me decide on something! :O
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I’m also curious on how tails would work when it comes to modesty…. would they just have to stay hidden under skirts?? idk but I’m genuinely really interested in hearing any thoughts on this!!
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barksbog · 4 months
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hellaversepolls · 3 months
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cirrus-grey · 2 years
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odinsblog · 1 year
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taleweaver-ramblings · 4 months
Cosmere Pin Hoop
So, I want to make a pin hoop to show off the pins I got from the Sanderson Secret Project boxes. I could do this the easy way, which is to just . . . sandwich a couple layers of fabric and felt in an embroidery hoop, hot glue the edges, and call it good. But why would I do that when I could instead make an embroidery fanart project?
I've come up with four possible designs, some of which are very specifically oriented towards these specific characters, and some of which would allow for a little more variation. I'd love opinions/votes on which other people like best. (Please ignore my repeated misspelling of constellations, BTW. Fixing it would involve re-exporting the images a fourth time, and I don't feel like doing that.)
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I am not going to embroider the pin images, to be clear; they're just there to show how the design would look with them in place. I think any of these would allow for a few extra pins to be added, though I don't plan on getting a ton more. (If I do, I'll make another hoop.)
The constellations/systems, by the way, are the Scadrian and Rosharan systems, which I traced from the bookmark in the first box.
Bonus points if you comment or reblog with your thoughts on which design you picked and why you like it best.
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tohakumaru · 1 year
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[ > you touch its nose.
it was hard, but smooth, unlike any noses or beaks you have ever had the pleasure to touch. the sensation is more like holding a small pebble in the palm of your hand. the creature pulls back, unphased at your hand but seeming (you think) at a loss as to what should happen next.
"i'm sorry. was that rude?", that comes out more insincere than you intend it to. you frown to yourself: recently, it has been difficult to say what you mean, even more so to mean what you say most of the times. this has not proven to be an issue but at this exact moment you find yourself rather tormented over the fact. you really are sorry for that brief but unsolicited touch.
no answer, of course.
a few minutes passed. the dinging of outlook signifies the end of your lunch break, bringing your eyes to the screen. as expected, no-one is dying. you keep your eyes on the email a lot longer than you expect yourself to, perhaps thinking that when you look back, "it" will no longer be there.
you are wrong. the creature remains, now holding out a small bundle of scrapped yarns.
instinctively, you feel some attention being cast on the 20p lodged at the back of your phone case. it has been there a while now, waiting for whatever kind of hypothetical rainy days that can be saved with less than a pound.
"don't you want to give me a new ball of yarn instead? i could give you this 20 note?" - why on earth do you say that, you wonder, slightly in awe of yourself, and definitely considering that hr call now.
the creature stays still; the attention on the coin lingers.
outlook emails notifications are the new heaven's horns these days.]
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