sunshineandlyrics · 2 years
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🎫 15 March 2023 X
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🎫 Robert Smith from The Cure tweeted about ticket prices and Ticketmaster's extra fees. He also tweeted about the verified fan process. 14/15 March 2023 x
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dimetrodone · 3 months
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soadscrawl · 1 month
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1 like = 1 beating the triangle to death for fucking up whatever unhinged coworker/roommate/unspecified relationship these two had going on
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theinsomniacindian · 11 months
"Love is what makes us human" Wrong, my ability to write poetry about the moon is what makes me human
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irradiatedpiratebooty · 4 months
Hancock having a line thats something along the lines of "when nobody wants to talk to you, a book will be your best friend. Not that I have to worry about that"
Only to also have lines that quote classic literature ( "I like the new outfit, emperor" for example)
I love this insecure asshole
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amadelii · 1 month
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Relationship status: year 10 of an awkward situationship that could have ramifications for the fate of the world because the gods she used to follow might actually be horrible (aka It's Complicated)
I can't wait for the new game - I'm very fond of this desperate, tortured, wet cat of a man. Bonus points if Lavellan can swoop in and save him from his own delusional chaos for Peak Drama 🙏🙏🙏
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New draw your OTP3 challenge dropped.
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wearecrowley · 9 months
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trans-xianxian · 26 days
perhaps my hottest take yet but there's this very interesting phenomenon within fanworks, especially modern aus, where people make lan wangji like. The Crazy Smart Bookish Nerd, when in canon his Thing, his character archetype, isn't even that he's smart or clever. that's wei wuxians thing. HE'S the genius. and lan wangji obviously isn't an idiot, wangxians whole dynamic is that they're equally matched, but the narrative puts weight on wei wuxians intelligence where it does not with lan wangjis. lan wangjis thing Is being noble, and it Is valuing tradition, and it Is being talented, and, in the beginning, it Is following the rules. he's a good student as a child and an incredibly skilled cultivator, but the role his character plays in terms of trope is not one that focuses on his intellect, even when the story makes it clear that hes very smart. and the thing is that him being a rule follower in the cloud recesses arc Does make him a good student, and the story successfully communicates that he Is smart, but the focus is on him being a competent cultivator who is "good at school", the point is the way that working within the systems rules leads to success, Not that he's smart
but wei wuxians role in a strictly narrative context Does hinge on him being incredibly clever and intelligent, it's a key part of his character archetype, and there is a point being made about the fact that, even when he's a troublemaker in class and labeled as a bad student, he's very intelligent. it's one of the many things that frustrates but draws lan wangji to him in the first place. but somehow more often than not fanon depicts wei wuxian as a fumbling idiot. and I just think it's very interesting that rule following and "good behavior" gets associated with intelligence, where rebellion and disregard for social expectations is associated with being foolish or ignorant, when the narrative of the source material is communicating almost the opposite idea
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ceranovis · 9 months
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"Life here is very different from the wasteland. But I haven't forgotten our agreement. I will fulfil my contractional obligations."
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theconfusedacorn · 18 days
So, hellaverse fans, we can all agree:
If Emberlynn were to meet Alastor, she would RELENTLESSLY thirst after him, right? We can all agree on this? Her monster fucker ass would be chasing him harder than Vox?
Alright, great. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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Can you draw dirk strider eating a ice cream cookie?!? :O3
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thefluxqueen · 4 months
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had a revelation about the new girls band anime airing rn
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holdmymetaphor · 1 month
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okay when i started rewatching house, it took me until 3x15 but i started to notice a pattern in house's wardrobe. the scene where foreman was trying to express sadness(?) at house's (fake) brain cancer they were both wearing pink.
After that I noticed that any time house was wearing pink, they were particularly vulnerable moments. Moments that he's feeling tender or open. Moments where he is being pretty earnest.
Then I started to notice that other colored shirts came up at different times. Light blue was his most neutral state, it represents logic and reason imo. Maybe a little bit of humor. There's a lightness or surface-ness to it.
Purple represents something like consequences or grief or guilt. any time there is purple someone is bearing the weight of a decision that was made, or a complex situation.
Black represents, as you can imagine, death. the darkest moments we see house in black.
The other colors aren't as prominent, but I have theories. Red is sex, power, life, excitement, ego. tan is neutrality. white is almost naive. green is rare and house never wears it. Dark blue is still logic but more solemn, more deep. its also interesting to note the times when he doesn't wear a t-shirt under his dress shirt and leaves like 3 buttons open (hubba hubba) and when he /only/ wears a t-shirt. I think his dress shirt is almost like his armor.
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Things Inupiaq culture doesn't traditionally have:
Kings/royalty (requiring tribute from the people you lead is seen as tyranical and tyrants are killed when possible)
A cash economy (dentallium shells were valued by many other cultures and sometimes were used as money in international trade, but not among fellow Inupiat)
Agriculture (we are traditionally a hunter-gatherer people seasonally following the herds, fish, and ripening greens and berries)
Corporal punishment (you aren't even supposed to yell at people or even scold children)
Slavery (you could argue this one since women were sometimes captured and taken as wives; but this is typically regarded as an ancient and morally questionable practice. The Inupiat didn't believe in owning people or their labor, only at best associating through marriage, blood relation, or wife-exchange)
Primogeniture as a hard-fast rule (Inupiat culture was traditionally patriarchal so a son may inherit his father's status as a family patriarch if he is already a father at this time, but material inheritence was not guaranteed to work that way)
A written language (historians were assigned to memorize records, family trees, and the like)
Human or animal sacrifices (would be considered cruel and wasteful)
Formal vs informal language (socio-economic class is mutable and does not affect language)
Gendered pronouns (our language uses pronouns to indicate tone of a sentence the way many languages use pronunciation, as well as relationship between subject and object in complex sentences and in all cases whether the subject is singular, dual, or plural and if the sentence is in first, second, or third person. An absolute fuckton of pronouns and none of them are gendered)
Raw meat taboo (except in the case of pregnancy; the arctic climate means the weather was not too far off from refrigerator or freezer temperatures, if not colder, and underground storage was often placed around frozen methane deposits known as permafrost)
Dog meat taboo (dogs were helpful as beasts of burden or sometimes hunting companions but when there's a famine you gotta eat what you can)
Many ceremonies taken for granted (for example, if a man and woman mutually agreed they were married, that was the only wedding required. We had big celebrations for survival, and women got incredible face tattoos for coming of age, but many lifestages were celebrated more low-key with little pomp and circumstance)
Shirts (you didn't wear anything underneath your atigi, and if it was too warm for it, you took it off. Yes, even women. Presbyterian missionaries thought we were godless sluts for our tits out ways)
Virginity marriage requirement (it was best if a woman hadn't had sex before but only because we lived in small communities and you have to keep track of bloodlines. Having sex didn't make girls unclean or impure and unwed mothers were taken care of by their families and weren't stigmatized)
Required monogomy (men could have multiple wives and women could have multiple husbands, wife exchange was a means of fostering allegiance, and the main problem with cheating is that it involved lying and prioritizing pleasure over duties like making sure your husband doesn't fall to his death while hunting. In stories about cheating and revenge, the cheater and retaliating jealous partner are both depicted as in the wrong)
There are more, but these i feel provide a pretty good basic idea of the culture. You can use these bits of info as Water Tribe worldbuilding inspo if you want, but i won't pester you into it. I just think my culture is neat and wanted to share ^-^
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fraternum-momentum · 7 months
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2024 < 2019 < 2017 (?)
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