#false knight on the road
connortheconceded · 7 months
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"Oh, where will you go so late?" Said the knight on the road?
-False Knight on the Road
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bryoria · 6 months
top 5 fleet foxes song!!!
ask so intense I had to go to the gym to think about it. Mykonos, Ragged Wood, If You Need To Keep Time on Me, The Shrine / An Argument, Sunblind.
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neil-gaiman · 8 months
Hi there,
I'm an illustrator in search of public domain writing I can turn into my first graphic novel.
I find myself drawn to 'The Hill Wife' by Robert Frost. It's mysterious and creepy as fuck which is everything I like in a story. I'm also a woman who is very isolated and suffers from poor mental health so I feel like the story is a good match.
My idea is to take the exact lines from the poems and spread them out over the pages of sequential illustrations.
My problem is that I feel like this is maybe altering Frost's work too much. I don't know enough about poetry to know if I'm messing it up by visually breaking up the lines like this.
When I look for illustrated poems the tradition seems to be to have the whole poem printed in one part, unaltered, with visual art off to the side/background.
Should I just leave poetry alone and look at other forms of writing to adapt?
Thanks for your time!
I've seen lots of adaptations of poetry that broke up the poems into captions or even word balloons, as well as ones that do them as blocks.
Here's Charles Vess and me retelling The False Knight On the Road:
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Here's an illustrated poem I handwrote on some lovely Chris Bachalo art to be auctioned for charity...
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...and one from the 911 Benefit book...
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You are in charge. You can do whatever you want. The Hill Wife is in the public domain. Have fun retelling it.
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There is an unfortunately pervasive aspect of this fandom in that people conflate and replace what is established in canon with what is "true" in fanonland. Or they let their biases run wild and come up with a wide array of baseless ideas.
I tire of this.
Was is when a 22 year old adult started showing interest in a pubescent 14 year old?
This is not out of place in a universe where the author turned Daenerys and Drogo into some love story, twisted as it was, or when he had admitted he was playing around with Sandor and Sansa in the books and that "there was something there," or when he has commissioned Sansan fanart hanging on his wall.
The man does not give two flying fucks about age gaps, even problematic ones by our modern standards.
Was it when he trapped her in Dorne with knights outside ready to kill anyone who tried to help her?
Why would they kill anyone who tried to help her? Lyanna was found in a bed of blood and was ill, so she possibly had puerperal fever after giving birth. There was no way she didn't have a wetnurse to accompany her. Was this wetnurse supposed to have been slain by the Kingsguard for daring to assist Lyanna?
Was it when he joined the war to kill her remaining family and Northerners?
He didn't join the war to specifically kill her family. I find it hard to believe that anyone could forget Rhaegar had stakes of his own, and family of his own. Like, if it wasn't for Rhaegar dying, Elia, Rhaenys, and Aegon wouldn't have been killed by the Mountain and Amory Lorch.
He didn't deliberately join the war to kill Lyanna's family, he did it so he could win it, return to King's Landing, and depose Aerys. This has been his goal as far back as the tourney at Harrenhal:
His lordship lacked the funds to pay such munificent prizes, they argued; someone else must surely have stood behind him, someone who did not lack for gold but preferred to remain in the shadows whilst allowing the Lord of Harrenhal to claim the glory for hosting this magnificent event. We have no shred of evidence that such a "shadow host" ever existed, but the notion was widely believed at the time and remains so today.
But if indeed there was a shadow, who was he, and why did he choose to keep his role a secret? A dozen names have been put forward over the years, but only one seems truly compelling: Rhaegar Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone.
If this tale be believed, 'twas Prince Rhaegar who urged Lord Walter to hold the tourney, using his lordship's brother Ser Oswell as a gobetween. Rhaegar provided Whent with gold sufficient for splendid prizes in order to bring as many lords and knights to Harrenhal as possible. The prince, it is said, had no interest in the tourney as a tourney; his intent was to gather the great lords of the realm together in what amounted to an informal Great Council, in order to discuss ways and means of dealing with the madness of his father, King Aerys II, possibly by means of a regency or a forced abdication. (The Fall of the Dragons: The Year of the False Spring, The World of Ice and Fire)
Rhaegar had put his hand on Jaime's shoulder. "When this battle's done I mean to call a council. Changes will be made. I meant to do it long ago, but...well, it does no good to speak of roads not taken. We shall talk when I return." (Jaime I, AFfC)
The major wrench thrown in Rhaegar's plans was Aerys attending said tourney.
Was it when he left her to die in a pool of her own blood?
Rhaegar was dead before then, and even as he was dying he whispered Lyanna's name, as was semi-confirmed in the World of Ice and Fire app.
Leading a large host to the Trident, Rhaegar met Robert in battle duelling on horseback in the fording of the river Rhaegar was killed after giving Robert a serious wound. He would die with Lyanna's name on his lips. (Rhaegar Targaryen, AWoIaF app)
She was in his thoughts even while dying.
Was it when she screamed for her brother to save her?
She didn't. And she would never call Ned "Lord Eddard."
As they came together in a rush of steel and shadow, he could hear Lyanna screaming. "Eddard!" she called. A storm of rose petals blew across a blood-streaked sky, as blue as the eyes of death.
"Lord Eddard," Lyanna called again.
"I promise," he whispered. "Lya, I promise..."
"Lord Eddard," a man echoed from the dark. (Eddard X, AGoT)
This is based on a fever dream, of which George already said that not all dreams are literal. Rose petals certainly were not blowing across a blood-streaked sky, after all, and by Ned's account, the petals in Lyanna's hold were not blue, but crushed and blackened.
Ned remembered the way she had smiled then, how tightly her fingers had clutched his as she gave up her hold on life, the rose petals spilling from her palm, dead and black. After that he remembered nothing. (Eddard I, AGoT)
I might mention, though, that Ned's account, which you refer to, was in the context of a dream...and a fever dream at that. Our dreams are not always literal.
So we're still, deliberately, in the dark about the events surrounding the tower of joy.
You'll need to wait for future books to find out more about the Tower of Joy and what happened there, I fear.
Was it when she begged to be buried with her family in Winterfell?
About this.
It was already a given that Lyanna's body was going to be returned home, as all Starks are traditionally interred in the crypts.
Ned stopped at last and lifted the oil lantern. The crypt continued on into darkness ahead of them, but beyond this point the tombs were empty and unsealed; black holes waiting for their dead, waiting for him and his children. Ned did not like to think on that. (Eddard I, AGoT)
The only exception to this rule has been Brandon the Shipwright, since he was lost at sea. Rickard and Brandon died in King's Landing yet they were returned to Winterfell, so I doubt she'd truly have to beg Ned for that:
They were almost at the end now, and Bran felt a sadness creeping over him. "And there's my grandfather, Lord Rickard, who was beheaded by Mad King Aerys. His daughter Lyanna and his son Brandon are in the tombs beside him. Not me, another Brandon, my father's brother. They're not supposed to have statues, that's only for the lords and the kings, but my father loved them so much he had them done." (Bran VII, AGoT)
The problem is how frequently this allusion to a promise has been in Ned's chapters. I doubt he would be thinking of it nearly as much if it was solely about Lyanna's bones returning home, so her pleading must narratively carry a deeper meaning. We are talking about a man who has said before that he had lived with lies for fourteen years and how it often troubled him at night.
Jon was fourteen at the start of the series.
Please direct me to the "love story"
Regarding the possible nature of Rhaegar and Lyanna's relationship, I believe this quote of George's implies it was indeed a romance, in his own preferred telling of one:
It’s interesting, to get back to this issue of romance that you raised earlier. When I was in Spain a few years ago, I had dinner with a woman — a Spanish academic — and a big fan of both science fiction and romance, and she had read a lot of my stuff because people said I was a very romantic writer. And she sort of launched at me and said, “What are you talking about?! You are not a romantic writer, you know. Nobody ever lives happily ever after in your books!” I was defending it, saying, “Well, but that’s a different tradition of romance. I don’t — I’m a romantic writer in the tradition of The Great Gatsby and Romeo and Juliet, and, you know, the Beauty and the Beast. These things don’t necessarily have happy endings, but aren’t the most powerful romances the unfulfilled romances — the romances where people go their separate ways, but they’ll always have Paris, like in Casablanca, one of the films I showed here. You know, they go separate at the end, but they’ll always have Paris.” And she basically said, “No, you’re wrong. They have to be happily ever after together for it to be romance, otherwise it’s just sad.”
[Source: 03:19]
Rhaegar and Lyanna's story is analogous to the tale of Bael the Bard and the Stark maiden; there was a reason why this tale of the blue winter rose was told to Jon specifically. Like the Stark maiden in the story, Lyanna loved Rhaegar so much that she bore him a son.
Bael and the Stark maiden's tale was not a happily ever after, either; both lovers died in the end. But their union did produce a child.
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karolinevassalor · 1 year
Anything for you. Pantalone x Reader
Warning: Mention of cheating, false accusation, theft, imprisoment, starvation,preg!reader, cheater! Kaeya,
Ie: for the people who love Kaeya. I also love him, one of my favorite playable char, but i want to try him this kind of situation.
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It was a rainy night in Liyue. Everyone is either their home or one of the city inns. Just  a few, mostly homeless people who remained outside in the cold weather. One of them, a young woman silently cried and gently patted her stomach.
-I know love you hungry…so i…but don't worry…mother will get you food somehow…somehow…- her tears became in one with the raindrops what fell from the little rag what she managed to get from the back alleys. She collected a little water to drink in her free hand, but it just make her stomach grumble more.
-Im sorry baby…im sorry…- She sobbed and slowly stand up, stumbled over the road , but a moment later someone caught her and shortly after a heavy dark jacket landed on her back. She heard a  calm male voice. 
-Oh my…It's too cold out here darling. You’ll catch a cold if you…- She looked up to where the voice and the jacket came from. By the archons. It was a handsome man with luscious long black hair and glasses.
-I-im sorry sir. I did not want…- she tried to move away, but he gently grabbed her shoulder and with another hand he moved her face to front of his.
-My, you look really weak darlin’. You eat something today?- Maybe she just imagined but his voice was surprisingly concerned just as his eyes. After his question she started to cry even more. The young woman's trembling lips are not open for answer. He quickly pulled his hand from her face and lifted her in bridal style. 
You need to go to a doctor. Lets go.
Later, in the clinic.
“This cant be real. Why he helped me?” She thought as she slowly gulped the warm soup what the nurse gave her earlier.
The doctor and a man who brought her there  talked not far from her.
Thank you kind sir for bringing her in time. She was seriously malnourished and her fever almost get worse. It was deadly to both her and the baby.
…Understand. Thank you doctor. - The raven haired man looked at the woman. - May I ask for some minutes of privacy with her after you finish the necessary checks?
Of course. I just finished the papers.  Take your time. - And then he left the room. The other man grabbed a chair and sit next to bed.
I'm sorry for the vulgarity, i'm not even introduced myself to you. Name is Pantalone. May i ask yours? - She just put the empty bowl on the counter and bowed her head. She weakly told her name. Pantalone let out a worried sigh.
Beautiful name. So, you’re not from Liyue?
I'm from Mondstadt. I was from there.
And may i ask what happened to you in this condition?
…I did not know either. - She muttered and grabbed the  bedsheet. Pantalone raised a brow, but before he opened his mouth, she continued- Just one month ago I was in the middle of the preparation of my wedding with my fiance and the next moment i was accused for stealing relic from the temple.
You did that?
Of course not! - she cried out. - I would never do such a thing! And turn out…that said relic was not even stolen from.
Hooh? Then what happened? - She gripped the sheets with more force, he put his hand on hers to ease her a little bit.
My own fiance, who is one the knight of Favonius, came to arrest me. They put me in the jail without a trial.
Thats kinda suspicious.
At first i dod not understand either, but later i found out.
The two guards who  was on night patrol talked about how Kaeya already moved another woman in our house and tomorrow they will get me out of the town to ‘put another place’. They don't even cared about i heard them.
Now you safe darlin’.- Pantalone gently moved his hand toward hers.- They dont hurt you anymore.
But why? - she cried. - Why did he did this to me?! I was his fiance! With his child! He told me to get married earlier! 
He did not think about it seriously. He did not care about you and the baby at all. - He said the with a cold tone. She froze from his words. Then she let out a sigh and a weak smile toward Pantalone.
Thank you, for saying this…Maybe i …i just want to hear what i tought. - His face are softened after her sudden comment and start to caress her hands with this tumb.
Tomorrow i need to travel to Inazuma. Would you mind to accompany to me on this journey?
…Why did you care about me, Mr Pantalone? - She asked weakly.
Because i know the feeling when you been left all alone without any hope. I don't want you to feel that anymore.
…Thank you.
6 Years later, Mondstadt
Around noon, a big fancy carriage arrived to the town. Folks gathered around it, and when the door opened 3 young children jump out from it, all boys. After them a tall male with an expensive looking dress came out and reached his hand toward a woman, who also wore a beautiful dress but also covered her face with a silvery colored vail.
Boys, dont run so far. Wait for me and your mother.- He hold her hand and they start to go after the children. Everyone looked at confusion the faces, the knight, the restaurant owner and even Mondstadt  most wealthies man, Diluc came into their view. And he did not like what he saw at all. As they make a stroll over the stairs, one of the guard stop their way upstairs.
Im sorry sir, but this is way is restricted. Military personel only.
Oh, dont mind good sir - Pantalone smiled as the boys hid behind him and their mother. - I was just here to talk with lady Jean.
And may i know what interest?
It really nothing..- Now he slightly opened his eyes, showed a more menacing side of his - i wanted to talk about her how much this city cost? I want to buy it.
To be continue…
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ikeromantic · 6 months
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A Chevalier Michel fanfiction. Approx. 3000 words. This scene takes place in Chapter 14 of the main route and is told from Chevalier’s POV. Part 14 of a series.
Chapter List
Chevalier glared at the report as if his icy disdain might change the words there. 
“It’s an uprising in your own lands. Embarrassing, isn’t it?” Clavis almost seemed gleeful. “They’ve taken the border fort and set up blockades on the road. The villagers are supplying them with food and other resources.”
“Shut up.” Everything Clavis said was already clear on the page. He didn’t need to hear it spoken aloud. 
Clavis smiled thinly. “What are you going to do?”
“What I must.” Chevalier stood. “Make the arrangements.” 
“Already done.” 
Chev nodded. His brother was efficient at least. He left without another word, though his thoughts strayed. Emma.
His soldiers met him at the palace gates, their gazes as hard and cold as his own. They understood what would be needed. He gave them a grim smile. “We have a fort to retake.”
Another troop might have shouted with false bravado at his command, but not his men. There was no joy to be taken from this battle. Only duty. They saluted, silent as the grave, and then followed Chevalier as he rode through the dark streets toward the northwestern territories. His lands, his people. His fight.
He glanced back at the palace just once. Was she asleep? Was she dreaming? Chevalier felt an odd ache in his chest at the thought of not seeing her in the days ahead. But the Belle had no place on a battlefield. He did not want her to see . . . Chev shook off the foolish thought, the memory of her gazing at him in fear. Her wide eyes and tear soaked lashes. 
There was bloody work to be done, and the opinions of one naive girl could not - would not - change that. It did not matter if the Belle saw the Brutal Beast or no. There was no place in duty for such considerations. And if it made her fear him again, well, perhaps that was for the best. He cloaked his heart with ice and rode on.
The village was in chaos when the knights arrived. Desperate attempts to fortify it against the inland road clashed with loyalists trying to dismantle the same barriers. The fort itself sat in the distance, all gates closed and barred. 
Chevalier knew Black would try to negotiate. Talk them down. Take weeks, perhaps months to determine who the guilty parties were. And such gentle tactics would leave traitors seeded in the midst of the citizens, cowards as well, waiting for the next moment a betrayal would be to their advantage. He would brook no such delays, nor imperfect results. 
“First secure the village,” he called. His knights slammed fist to shield and then split off into their separate companies, each led by a handpicked commander. Chev’s personal guards stayed close to him as he rode into the fray. 
As expected, the commoners put up little real fight. When presented with a professional soldier in opposition, most surrendered. Others tried to fight back, organizing badly equipped sorties. Those died fighting, their efforts more nuisance than dangerous. The real battle was with the traitor soldiers. Some hid in the houses, attacking when the knights least expected it. Chevalier’s troops spent days clearing the village building by building. Days of bloodshed and misery. 
Attempts to negotiate were met with failure. The traitors seemed to have no unified demands. Mostly, they were just angry. Angry at the sacrifices they’d made for their country. The loss of loved ones, dreams of hearth and family fading as duty claimed their youth, living through the pain of past wounds. An ache in their hearts that turned to poison. And the second prince had an idea of how deep that poison went.
Chevalier faced it with the unshakeable certainty that he was protecting Rhodolite. His life, the lives of his knights, and the life of any villager were forfeit to the greater good. Even if sometimes it was hard to hold to that vision when covered in the blood and filth of a battlefield. The peaceful future he worked toward felt distant and impossible. 
Grim resolve kept him advancing. The knowledge that any other action would only lead to more death and despair. But, he found an odd thought filling his mind in the midst of the chaos. Emma. Her gentle smile and playful gaze. The kindness in her, and the strength of her heart. 
Foolish. What was the value of one woman’s life that it should settle his soul in the midst of this slaughter? And yet. He did not chase her from his thoughts. 
Support arrived from the capitol just as the fortress broke. The traitors spilled from the gates, hungry and desperate. Chevalier’s knights met them just outside the village in another wave of carnage. The slaughter was less one-sided this time, as their enemies were well equipped. Professional soldiers with arms and armor, fighting with all the determination of cornered rats. 
The village would be in the Clown’s deft hands, leaving Chevalier free to focus on what mattered. He gazed out at the battle, the fort, and the border beyond. At the edge of the fighting, he noticed a familiar mop of unruly red hair. Jumbo. Why had he stirred himself to - “Oh.” The sound left him in a sudden exhalation. An irrational response he tamped down with a grimace.
“Stay here.” He motioned to the knights at his side as he rode toward his youngest brother. Jumbo stood beside the Belle, his usual lackadaisical smile missing. Chevalier scowled. He could not imagine what madness infected his brothers. To bring the Belle here, to a dangerous place. Her life - her duty  - was at risk. And while he cursed the Clown and Four Eyes for allowing this, he also cursed himself. This was a possibility he should have anticipated. 
“What are you doing in a place like this,” he growled. Chevalier dismounted with a leap and strode toward the two. 
The Belle was staring at him, he realized. Her eyes were wide with horror and disgust. Blood soaked the hem of her skirt and stained her hands and the slip of paper she clutched in them. 
It took Chevalier a moment to realize there was a body at her feet. A knight. And not just any of his troops. The fallen man was one of his scouts. “Ah . . . so he is dead.” He took the scrap of bloodied paper from Emma’s hand, knowing it was for this that his scout died. “He seems to have been of some use.”
Emma’s expression crumpled as if she were about to cry. She didn’t understand what he meant - that this death had meaning and purpose. That this knight served a greater good, and this sacrifice mattered. She only heard the cold, flat tone of Chev’s voice. But she didn’t cry. Her jaw firmed and she looked the prince right in the eye. “This man was one of your knights, wasn’t he?”
“Indeed.” Chevalier watched her, curious whether or not she could see the death as he did. Or if she would fall to simple emotion.
“Th-then -”
“Don’t bother saying something foolish, like ‘You should mourn the dead’.” Chevalier interrupted. Grief was a pointless emotion. It could not return the dead to you, nor ease the sense of loss. What mattered was ensuring the death meant something. That this loss, and the loss of every soldier that died in this action, protected Rhodolite.
“I . . . I . . .” The Belle stammered, uncertainty taking the words from her lips.
Chevalier gripped the bloodied paper, his knuckles white beneath his gloves. “I have no use for the dead. And once someone is no longer useful, that is that.” 
Her eyes widened further, conflict playing out in her horrified expression. Emma’s mouth opened once. Twice. The third time, she managed to speak, her voice cracking under the weight of the tears she refused to shed. “Don’t you have a shred of humanity in your heart?”
Part of him wanted to reassure her, but that would be a lie. An unnecessary lie. It was better for her to understand what he was. A man that forsook his own heart, the right to his own feelings, and replaced them with the logic and reason needed to protect the country. Not individuals, as no one man or woman was Rhodolite. But the whole. He could not allow himself to mourn one dead man. Nor even a hundred. “I have no need of such a thing,” Chevalier replied with an icy calm.
Jumbo watched, his mouth pressed to a grimace of disapproval. Something hard and angry glinted in his gaze. 
“Take the simpleton and go home at once.” Chevalier gave the order without shifting his gaze from the Belle. She wilted, her shoulders falling. Soon she would cry, he thought. He finally looked up at the red head. “If you want to join the mountain of corpses, that’s a different story.” 
“Chevalier. You . . .” Jumbo’s fists clenched at his sides. 
Chev didn’t wait to see if his warning hit home nor whether his orders were followed. After this, she would leave. She had to. There was no reason for her to stay. He mounted his horse and rode back to the battle. This little detour took him long enough, though at least he’d gathered the report his scout brought in. He ignored the feel of the Belle’s eyes on his back, the hurt betrayal in their depths. She would fear him now.
His chest tightened at the thought and Chevalier snorted, mocking himself. He was no lovestruck princeling. If he felt anything in this moment, it was only the strain of battle and the need to quickly end this fight with the anti-war faction before it brought greater consequences. A truth, if not the whole truth. 
Pacifying the traitors in the fortress took days. The turn-coat soldiers fought well, but in the end, they could not stand against the Brutal Beast’s relentless assault. Days of violence, surrounded by blood and death. Chevalier felt no pride in the final moments of victory. The outcome was inevitable, delayed only by the number of bodies willing to throw themselves upon his blade. 
He was exhausted, though it did not show.
Chevalier left his camp, eager for a moment alone. The cool evening breeze was a welcome respite. There was a small lake nearby, and at this hour it would be empty and peaceful. It was there that he turned his steps. As Chev crested a small rise, the lake spread out before him. The water was still, and in it he could see the reflected glory of the sunset. But he wasn’t alone. A small figure knelt on the rocky shore. One he regarded with a certain degree of incredulity. She was supposed to be gone. Home. Safe.
His eyes traced the curve of her neck, the sweep of her hair. That little stubborn piece that always escaped her bun hung now beside her ear, brushing the slope of her shoulder. Chevalier walked slowly, letting himself savor her presence before she noticed him. He knew she would be angry, her eyes accusing.. The Belle was supposed to see into the hearts of men, and he hoped she might see . . .
Perhaps that was the problem though. He was a beast without a heart. The useless organ discarded for his duty. The Belle could not read a page that was not there, no matter how clearly she saw. 
“You’re very likely to be attacked if you wander alone in a place like this,” he said, finally drawing her attention to him. 
She didn’t look up from her handwashing. Blood stained her cuffs, rolled to the elbows as they were. “Prince Chevalier. Why are you -”
“Just taking a little breather,” he admitted. His gaze drifted to her partially submerged hands. A jagged cut marred her skin, seeping blood into the cool lake waters. Chev reached for her over her squawk of surprise. He pulled her arm close enough to evaluate the wound. “You’re hurt. Did a patient scratch you?”
“No!” The Belle jerked her arm away from him with such violence that he didn’t consider trying to keep his grip on her. She was trembling, he realized. 
A heavy weight pressed in on him as he held her gaze. “I was only examining the wound.” The explanation felt flat, pointless. Chevalier could still see the fear and revulsion in her eyes. A cloud of pain and anger over their clear depths. 
“I’m sorry . . .” Her breath was shallow, her words barely audible.
“That’s why I told you.” He paused and took a steadying breath. A familiar coldness settled over him. “I’m not a decent human being. I am the Brutal Beast.” Chev saw the way her fingers curled into white-knuckled fists at her sides. “If you’re afraid, then run away. You don’t need to force yourself to be in my presence.” 
For a moment, it seemed she would run. Her muscles tensed, a slight turn in her posture. And then she went still as her eyes filled with tears. Unable to hold back any longer, they slid wetly down her cheeks. 
“You’re an eyesore.” He sighed, irritation creeping into his tone. She should have run. It would be better for her. But instead, she stood there weeping. For what? “It makes me want to give you something to really cry about.” 
The Belle didn’t reply. Her hands shook as she wiped at the streaks on her face. 
Chevalier searched for something to say, but he had no comfort to give. There was only the numbing cold inside him. And that pressure in his chest. He felt as if he could not breathe. Chev turned and walked away. 
His steps led him to his tent, where he lay down on the uncomfortable cot. He could hear the sounds of his knights as they chatted beside their campfires. A quiet murmur, the crackle of the flames. Chevalier closed his eyes but he could not sleep. Emma surely hated him now. She understood what he was. Saw with her own eyes his unforgivable nature. Her tear-streaked face settled behind his eyelids.
Chevalier sat up and lit his lamp. A book would distract him. He pulled a book from his pack. The words washed over him, the characters taking life in the lines. But the unfolding drama of the enemies to lovers tale slipped away from him as his mind kept returning to Emma. He cursed himself for the foolishness of it. 
After several attempts at distraction, Chev finally got up. He decided he would go check on her. Because of her injury. Which was surely why she haunted his thoughts. She was too much a fool to care for herself and he . . . he needed to make sure the Belle was safe and healthy. His duty, as a prince. The rationale was solid, even if he didn’t fully believe it. 
Emma was settled in a village home for the night. Chevalier found her easily enough, the guards lounging outside her door were an easy giveaway. He nodded to them as he let himself in. A low fire burned in the kitchen hearth, giving the inside a dim red glow. He stepped into the open bedroom, his wintery gaze fixed on the bed along the far wall.
He could see her figure in the tangle of sheets, tossing and turning. Sweat-soaked and grimacing in the grip of nightmares, her sleep less than restful. Chevalier crossed the space with silent steps and knelt beside her bed. He took her arm with a careful grip, his touch gentle as he rolled up her nightgown sleeve. “As I expected. You didn’t even treat it.”
The jagged red wounds ran down her forearm, already swollen and warm to the touch. He took wound salve and bandages from his pocket. Chevalier didn’t note the small smile that lifted the corners of his lips as he applied the medicine with a tender touch and then bandaged her. 
“N-no! Don’t . . . touch . . . me . . .” Emma cried out in her sleep. 
The words hit Chev like a slap. He tied off the bandage and let go of her. Though he could not know what she dreamed of, he could well imagine. Sweat beaded her brow, her expression twisted with dismay as he watched in silence. Another heavy sigh left him. “You really are foolish.” 
He wasn’t sure if those words were meant for her, or for himself. Chevalier took her hand in his, unsure what to do. In books, the charming prince would kiss away the nightmare. But he was no charming prince. He gave her hand a squeeze, hoping the slight pressure would calm her. It seemed to, as her expression relaxed again.
“You wouldn’t be having nightmares if you hadn’t come to the battlefield.” 
Emma slept on, oblivious to his lecture. 
Chevalier said nothing more as he held her hand. He kept ahold of her until he was sure her night terror had passed. She was still, her breathing even. Chev carefully prised his hand from hers and tenderly stroked a hand through her hair. 
He wished . . . but wishes were meaningless. The prince left, closing the door quietly behind him.
“You’re sure kind to the Belle.” Clavis’ voice was teasing, his golden gaze full of barely leashed laughter. He raised an eyebrow, his smile widening as he glanced between the closed door and his brother. “Well well. What’s the meaning of this, hm?”
Chev regarded the third prince with icy disdain. “Not everything has to have meaning.”
Clavis nodded slowly as if thinking it over. “All right. Perhaps I misspoke. I thought surely you would have a reason though.” 
“There is not.” Chevalier hoped this would be the end of it, but with Clavis . . . A moment of silence passed between them. “You are the one who treated her wound.”
A pale brow rose. “Oh? Is that the story we’re telling then?”
It was clear Clavis would not go along with this without explanation. Chev felt his jaw clench and then he sighed. This was not a battle worth fighting. “I’m well aware that my actions are nonsensical.” He held his brother’s gaze, willing him to accept this vague answer.
Clavis stared at him, his smile faltering for a heartbeat. Something akin to surprise flickered in his eyes.
A slight dip of his chin was all the confirmation Chevalier needed to turn and leave. He didn’t want to say more. Not to himself, much less to his brother. He needed to escape that knowing smirk. He needed distance. His steps were quick, graceful. Out into the dark and quiet night. 
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murder-ballad-ballot · 3 months
round 1, match 7: poor ellen smith vs false sir john
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examples & descriptions
poor ellen smith
"a woman is murdered and her lover is falsely accused and imprisoned for her murder. based on a real murder in north carolina in 1894, although the narrative of the song is very different from the facts of the case"
false sir john
alternate titles: may colvin, the false knight upon the road
"The woman lives! There is a twist in the story- maybe not so much murder but self defense..?"
"the man tries to kill his love, but she pushes him in the river"
(note: one submitter suggested a bob dylan version but i haven't been able to find it, if you have a youtube or spotify link please let me know and i will add it)
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burningblake · 7 months
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all the gold and the guns in the world (couldn't get you off) ↳ by burningblake
She snort-giggles. Because it's the only response she can summon. "I'm not kissing you for a case." "What, no feelings of gratitude left for the knight that saved your life?" --- Jane and Lisbon go undercover as a couple to take down the leader of a drug cartel. Set in early s2, canon up to 2x06.
Read: AO3 | FFnet
"Of all the goddamned restaurants," Minelli swears, rapping his fist against the dark wooden surface of his desk. It's Monday morning, and he hasn't had coffee yet—Lisbon can tell by the dark pouches under his eyes—so those are already two reasons for him to be cranky. And now this…
She sits on the edge of the couch, her arms criss-crossed, staring at the beams of sunlight permeating through the shuttered windows, and deliberately avoiding eye contact with the man lounging on the opposite end of the sofa. Jane maintains a much more relaxed posture than her, typically, looking directly at their boss.
"Why so grumpy?" he asks. "You have a direct informant for a criminal you've long sought to catch. Isn't that what you law enforcement folks call an advantage?"
Lisbon rolls her eyes, while Minelli takes a long, exaggerated breath to calm himself, refusing to face the speaker and instead addressing her with forced composure.
"Lisbon, can you please explain to this man—this menace to society, this absolute horror of a specimen, this—this… I don't even know what to call him—"
"Bolting-hutch of beastliness? Swollen parcel of dropsies?" Jane helpfully offers, the words amusing him as he proffers them.
"Shut up," Lisbon huffs, her voice a mere stir of the air, half-turning her head towards him.
"What, it's Shakespeare," he murmurs back.
She shakes her head.
"Tell him," Minelli continues, albeit with a hard stare on the consultant, "that him getting caught on camera casually chatting up a renowned drug lord hours before they find his car packed up with four kilos of heroin is the opposite of an advantage. In fact, it's the kind of thing that could get us all permanently unemployed. Do you have any idea what resources I had to pull to convince the FBI that you were on a secretly-authorized mission from the bureau?"
Jane shrugs. "Honestly, I had no idea he was under the FBI's radar. It's impressive, actually—if they are that focused on him, I wonder why they haven't caught him so far."
"That's not for you to question! What you should be worried about is ending up in prison— again. "
"But you just said—"
"Sir," Lisbon cuts him off before he can make it any worse, "I sincerely apologize on behalf of the both of us. I should have known—"
The older man glares at her. "Yes, I was getting to you, Lisbon. How could you have allowed this? What were the two of you doing at the restaurant of one of Vegas' most notorious casinos in the first place?"
"Sir, we'd just finished the Barnes case - the one with the double murder victim? It was a long drive home and I falsely thought to let him pick the dinner place. I take full responsibility for this—I told him who Vincent Garpow was, misjudging his ability to restrain himself from baiting a cartel boss."
The rest of the team had taken a flight home, but Jane had stayed with her while she finished up with the bureaucratic ends of the case, claiming he had nothing else to do. Lately she doesn't think much of him hovering around, whether he's spending time at the couch in her office, or taking the hour-long road trips with her. She finds comfort in his presence and the long silences they often share. More than she'd like to admit. Especially when he gets on her nerves.
"Meh," he jeers, then prods his chin towards Minelli. "How long has the FBI been monitoring Garpow's crew? Five years? This is the first time there's an actual plan to catch him."
Lisbon snaps her head towards him, feeling like she's had enough of his arrogance. "You offering to transfer product for a major trafficker is not a plan. What were you thinking?"
It's imperceptible, but he settles down a little under her gaze, that rare earnestness of his shining through momentarily. He opens his mouth to speak, lifting his finger, but it is Minelli's voice that comes instead.
"Well, whatever it was, congratulations, you've officially appointed yourself to this case," he announces.
Lisbon turns to him, arching an eyebrow, a prickle of worry pinching her stomach. "Sir?"
"You heard me, Lisbon. Jane interfered with official federal business. His options are prison, or, your team cooperates with the FBI to finish what he started."
"But he's a civilian. He doesn't have proper training," she argues.
"That is why you'll be joining him," Minelli announces, and her heart sinks into her stomach as she realizes where this is going. "You were together in that restaurant, were you not? Well, both of you will be meeting with Garpow's crew, acting undercover as a couple."
She rushes down the hall to her office, aware of Jane falling into step behind her. She wants to turn around and shout at him to quit following her, which would be in line with her usual attitude towards him, except right now she doesn't trust her reasons. Or the steadiness of her voice for that matter. It's just an assignment, just another case, she chants to herself again and again. Even though it feels as though Minelli reached into her innermost thoughts and orchestrated the ideal plot to expose them. Expose what? she questions herself. She doesn't have feelings for her consultant. This is just her shy juvenile instincts and catholic training acting out.
She reaches her door then, and on an impulse, slams it to his face as she steps through. The last thing she needs is to have all that emotional jumble inside her exposed to his very perceptive eyes. Thankfully, she does have quite a valid reason not to want to talk to him, considering he once again failed to communicate.
"Lisbon, come on," he pleads. The mere sound of his voice sends swarms of bees up her arms and spine. Get it together, girl. This is so silly. So not her. No, she cannot face him. Not until she's reined in all the insanity, until she's made sense of her own overreaction, and until she has safely concealed most of it.
"Go away," she orders, surprised to hear the firmness in her own voice.
She sits at her desk and runs a hand through her hair. Opens her bottom drawer to take a glimpse of the expensive amber liquid tucked neatly inside, before she slides the drawer shut again.
"What did you do?" Cho's voice comes from outside her door. That almost completely mortifies her. So, naturally, it is what brings her back. Like water evaporates when it boils, her body has an odd reaction to the presence of high-strung emotions. As if the mere taste of experiencing that kind of lack of control sets off an immune mechanism, oozing calm and numbness into her veins instead. It always came in handy when she had to control situations with her dad and brothers.
"Uh, I made business with a drug dealer," Jane admits.
A bit and then, "How much 'd they pay you?" Cho asks.
"Nothing, I haven't delivered the product yet."
The other man exhales. "So you made them angry."
"Yeah, not my fault. FBI got in the way," Jane defends.
"So you made them angry and suspicious."
"I ... "
Lisbon finally opens the door, interrupting whatever the consultant was attempting to say. Both of them turn to look at her, Cho with the ever restful expression on his features, and Jane with apologetic, albeit inquisitive eyes. She averts her gaze, still fearing what he might read in it.
"Cho, have Van Pelt look into Vincent Garpow's operations. You and Rigsby go meet with FBI Special Agent Haffner to share his intel on the drug cartel's history."
"You've got it, boss," Cho replies, swiftly turning on his heel. She prepares to face Jane then, but Bosco suddenly appears where Cho stood, his thick eyebrows raised in concern.
"Teresa, am I hearing right? You're back on the Garpow case?"
Instead of answering, she side-eyes Jane, wishing that Bosco would have kept his mouth shut. But a look at the consultant tells her that it wouldn't have mattered anyway. Because of course he already knows that she has a history with the particular crime boss. Like he knows so many other things.
"Yes, Sam. That's right," she answers.
"Well, be careful." He hesitates. "If you need anything..."
"I know," she reassures him, the edge of a smile on her lips. Bosco nods and walks away.
Silence settles over the threshold of her office. She sighs, and finally indulges the consultant with her attention, neatly wrapped into a glare and a retreat to her desk. Jane follows her inside, until they both smooth into the power dynamics they're accustomed with—her sitting in her chair, him standing in front of her workspace, humbled and ready to make amends.
"Lisbon, listen—" he starts, but she's the least bit willing to let him drive this conversation. Not to mention how her stomach clenches at the sight of the seriousness in his eyes.
"When were you planning on telling me?" she demands.
He gives her a long, quiet stare. "Not telling you was kind of the entire point," he says, and then without sharing any more information, waits for her to understand the implication behind his words. Which Lisbon does, with a shock that rises from her blood to consume her entirely.
"You wanted the FBI to catch you," she utters. "So that I would get the case."
He holds her gaze steadily. "You were visibly upset to see him at the restaurant, and from the way you spoke about him, I could tell that you had dealt with him in the past. He left a sore spot for you—my guess is that it was a victim's father, or mother—yes, the latter—that you failed to give closure to, because they pulled the case from you too soon."
She shakes her head in disbelief. "So you manipulated Garpow and the FBI to give it back to me?"
Jane glances sideways. "Pretty much, yeah."
"There's a million ways that could have gone wrong!"
"Um, but it didn't," he points out.
"If this is some kind of leverage to get me to convince Bosco to return the Red John case to you—"
"You can do that?" he wonders.
He taps a finger on his lips, muttering to himself, "Yes, I figured. Your unique influence on him can only reach so far."
"Jane," she says in all seriousness. He lifts his eyes to hers, an intimate kind of silence falling over them. Something sparks in her chest, but she ignores it. "I need you to quit acting like this is your usual walk in the park. Crime syndicates like this are dangerous business. One wrong look, and they could have your head blasted in a blink. Do you understand?"
"Yes, I'm sorry about that. I didn't expect Minelli to make this an official undercover mission, much less assign us on it. I mean, the delivery date is long past, the slingers are going to be asking questions now. We'd better work on getting our act together."
She blinks, leaning back in her chair. "What do you mean 'get our act together'?" She tries for a light tone, but her blush must ruin the effect.
If he's noticed it—which he most certainly has—Jane shows no sign of it.
"Well, we need to get the cop out of you, first and foremost," he explains, then pauses with a frown. "I don't suppose you own a mini black leather skirt?"
Lisbon's mouth gapes open, her memory brushing over that one less than decent outfit she wore at college once, knowing it will no longer fit her. Regardless, it's not the point right now. Her wardrobe should be none of his concern. And what does he mean by that phrasing? She's not that much of a prude. Not that she gives a damn about what he thinks of her or doesn't.
"Yes, we'll have to do some shopping," Jane continues unperturbed, before she can let out any of her protests. The way he says it, like an answer to her thoughts, sets off an alarm in her. Reminds her that her mind is never safe around him.
She smiles sweetly, raising her defenses. "I can handle my own wardrobe, thanks."
A bizarre image flashes through her head—her parading in a slew of skimpy outfits, while he lounges at the back of a boutique store, assuming the role of her critic. She crosses her legs under the desk, quickly hiding her eyes from view.
"Alright." Jane is quiet for a moment. So quiet she's forced to look up again.
"There's of course also the matter of us selling like a real couple."
It's instinctive, how she summons up her defenses, giving him an elaborate frown. "What? Like the thugs are going to be interested in whether we know each other's favorite color and birthday dates?"
Her mocking tone leaves him unaffected. "We both already possess that kind of information," he says, and suddenly she remembers him looking her in the eyes one dusky afternoon and telling her his favorite color is green. "What I mean is of a more practical nature." She stares at him. He cannot be suggesting what she thinks he's suggesting. And then he adds, "Like intimacy", clearing all doubt.
Heat travels up her body, her skin feeling all clammy and burned-up. Just a case, just an assignment. The chant echoes across her head, pulled like a lifeline for her deteriorating sanity.
She doesn't have feelings for him. He's not even her type. Emotional stability is her type. Except in moments like this, when it's like her own brain betrays her, filling her with this untethered kind of attraction. Moments that she catches herself flirting with the idea of irrationality.
She snort-giggles. Because it's the only response she can summon. "I'm not kissing you for a case."
"What, no feelings of gratitude left for the knight that saved your life?"
She grabs a crumpled piece of paper from her desk and tosses it at him, relief washing through her. Good. He's back to joking.
"I'll feel gratitude when you stop mingling with dangerous mobsters."
"Fair enough. I'll keep you to your word," he quips, the idea of a grin shaping across his face as he ambles out of her office.
It's only several seconds after he's left that she realizes the double implication in his statement. And she's thankful for it, for at least he's not present to witness her turning scarlet all over.
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dandelion-wings · 2 months
💘 dealer's choice on ship 👀
Thank you for the ask! <3 I accidentally significantly more than a snippet, whoops. >> But I'd been reminded of this pet pairing of mine while looking at Eula's voicelines earlier today, and while I don't always manage it I do like to hit all the elements in these prompts, and then the moment I looked at this one the idea for fitting this pairing into it sprang into my head and demanded its chance.
This isn't what Sucrose had expected when Ms. Eula said that she would protect Sucrose personally on the way to Liyue Harbor. Some bandit gang has been kidnapping doctors, alchemists, and similar such people on the roads through the Guili Plains, and while Sucrose is strong enough to protect herself while gathering materials, she *is* grateful for extra protection from the kind of threat posed by a large, organized band. Still, she'd just assumed it meant she would ride along with the merchant caravan Eula is already protecting.
Instead, the first night they camp, someone had asked Sucrose what she was going to Liyue Harbor to do, since she certainly wasn't a merchant she didn't seem to be a knight. She'd just opened her mouth to explain that she was an alchemist, and that she was going to confer on certain herbs with a healer there, when Ms Eula spoke over her.
"She's here as my personal companion," Ms. Eula said haughtily, giving the merchant a glare so fierce that she quickly mumbled an excuse and scooted over to talk to one of her companions instead. When Sucrose finished dinner and went looking for her tent, she found that Ms. Eula had put Sucrose's bedroll in the command tent, side-by-side with her own.
"Um... you don't have to do that," she said. "I brought my own tent."
"I swore to Master Jean and Captain Albedo that I would take personal responsibility for your safety," Ms. Eula said, just as haughtily. "That includes protecting you from any spies that may be in the caravan. If you're with me, they have fewer chances to ask you questions you can't formulate a dishonest answer to."
"Oh," Sucrose said, her face hot with the realization that she'd almost made Ms. Eula's job harder by giving herself away, and that was how Ms. Eula had arranged their sleeping arrangement ever since.
Their sleeping arrangements aren't the only way in which Ms. Eula has backed up her assertion that Sucrose is her *'personal companion.'* She insists that Sucrose walk with her when she's pacing alongside the wagon, and with Mika when she's gone ahead to scout. She puts her hand on Sucrose's shoulder, or takes her arm, or even takes her hand once, when Sucrose slips and nearly falls in her mud, and keeps her fingers laced with Sucrose's for nearly a mile after she pulls her out. And Sucrose is only making it harder for her by getting more and more flustered with every gesture that makes it clear what 'personal companion' is supposed to *mean*.
The problem is... well, there are several, but they all have the same central root. Sucrose wouldn't get so flustered as to nearly bely the pretense, nor pull jerkily away from Ms. Eula when she finds herself too aware of her touch, nor drive herself deeper and deeper into sleep debt by lying stiffly awake all night long with Ms. Eula's back against her own, if she didn't enjoy Ms. Eula's attention so much. The logical knowledge that her affection is false doesn't change the emotional or physical effects. Ms. Eula is a very beautiful woman, and her dedication to keeping Sucrose safe makes clear the kindness that lies behind her intimidating exterior. Sucrose is experiencing a very natural reaction that would be fascinating to observe, if it was happening to anyone else.
Instead she's been observing Ms. Eula, which only makes it worse. Sometimes she nearly thinks that she catches evidence that her feelings are returned--Ms. Eula's hand lingering a little too long, her anecdotes when they walk together becoming a little too personally vulnerable, her strong back pressed against Sucrose's own a little too firmly to be an accident in her sleep. But then Ms. Eula sees Sucrose jump at her touch and makes an excuse for another patrol, or hears Sucrose stammer an inadequate response to their conversation and abruptly changes the subject, or notices her embarrassment in the dark and carefully rolls away to the far edge of her bedroll, and Sucrose doubts her observations after all.
Besides, that Eula might harbor the same feelings is a highly unlikely hypothesis. It's not one that Sucrose is confident enough in to test, not when the results of that experiment might be so disastrous.
It should be a relief to get to Wangshu Inn, where bandits wouldn't dare to operate and Sucrose can safely get her own room. That she finds herself fantasizing about sharing one of the Inn's famously comfortable beds with Ms. Eula is all the more reason that she should get her own. This may not be a subject for experiments, but she can surely run a few small-scale personal trials to determine exactly how far her reactions to the situation have progressed.
There are a few other folks from Mondstadt there already, a smaller group on the way back from Liyue Harbor that have hired their own protection. Some of them know some of the merchants Ms. Eula's company is escorting, and they cluster together at dinner, laughing and talking, while Ms. Eula and Sucrose and Mika join the rest of the Reconnaissance Company at a table of their own. Drink flows steadily, until Sucrose is light-headed and half the knights are flushed. The laughter from the merchants grow louder, as well as their looser and looser talk.
"Wonder what the Lawrence has over her?" one of the merchants on their way back says, far too loudly, and gives a braying laugh. "She might look good, but I wouldn't kiss a fish that cold if you paid me a million Mora to do it, and I can't imagine a hoity-toity Lawrence is anything but a selfish tyrant in bed."
Every back at the knights' table stiffens at the insult. Sucrose draws herself up, too, and turns about in her chair, flushed red and with no idea what she's going to say but still certain that Ms. Eula deserves some defense.
"Leave them be," Ms. Eula said, just as loudly, her chin high and her hand cool on Sucrose's arm. The touch sends a shiver through Sucrose that isn't just from the chill. "Such insults from drunken idiots aren't worthy of a response, even proper vengeance."
Given Ms. Eula's own attitude, that seems hypocritical. Sucrose goes even redder when she sees the faint concern in Eula's scowl and realizes that this dismissal is for her sake--that she's protecting Sucrose from embarrassing herself in an argument she hasn't the least idea of how to make.
The braying merchant, though, has already noticed Sucrose turning towards him, and he grins maliciously at her. "Come on, don't try to lie to us. You wouldn't be cuddling up with a Lawrence if she wasn't making it worth your while."
Ms. Eula's hand tightens on her arm, as if to hold her back. But Sucrose isn't the sort of knight who rushes in with sword or spear. Anger bubbling up, as well as an impulsive desire that some analytical part of her notes is undoubtedly due to the alcohol, she rises to her feet.
"Her time and attention is worth the time and attention I give to her. It's a mutually beneficial relationship," she tells him, and deliberately turns her back, which brings her directly face-to-face with Ms. Eula.
Who is just as red in the face as Sucrose herself. Certainly that's the alcohol, but Sucrose looks at her widened eyes, her slightly parted lips, the way her breath is caught, and decides, impulsively, that maybe her unlikely and overly-optimistic hypothesis is worth testing after all. Surely she can get away with attributing any experimental failures to the alcohol. Leaning in, she presses their lips together.
For a moment Ms. Eula is stiff and frozen, lips unmoving against Sucrose's own. Then she responds, tilting her head back and to the side to better fit them together, with nothing but warmth in her answering kiss. She lets go of Sucrose's arm only to catch her hips and pull Sucrose into her lap; Sucrose clambers eagerly into it, pressing up against her, running her hands over the muscles of her shoulders and the curve of her sides. Eula shivers and gasps into Sucrose's mouth.
She should have touched Eula back ages ago, instead of freezing up at every contact. If she had, she wouldn't have been so worried about testing her hypothesis. Right now the results are *extremely* promising. Though, Sucrose reflects as Eula adjusts her grip to hold her up as she rises and marches into the inn, she should certainly repeat the experiment multiple times. Just to verify the results.
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myfavoriteficss · 1 year
Scream Masterlist
This Masterlist includes all of the Scream fan fiction I have reblogged. Enjoy.
Updated: 12/30/2023
1. Tara Carpenter
Written by: @bingwriterxo
the shakespeare exhibit: part 1 - part 2 - drabble 1 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 (18+) - drabble 2 - part 7 - drabble 3 - part 8 - drabble 4 - part 9 - drabble 5
Written by: @delfiore
The Happiest Girl In The World
Written by: @gyuhji
Written by: @heavenlylie
Written by: @house-of-lovin
(1) over - (2) love language - (3) safety net
protect her
Written by: @jazzyoranges
Harleys in Hawaii
Written by: @junoxans
Under The Mistletoe
Movie Marathon Madness
Anywhere You Go, I'll Follow
Without You
You Saved Me
I Got You
Written by: @kaisacobra
A Little Bird Told Me
Written by: @lesbianpepsi
‘Cause I’m a jealous, jealous, jealous girl: Part I - Part II
Written by: @lonelym00n
The Devil Likes the Pirate: (1) The Devil Likes the Pirate - (2) There’s No One Else I’d Rather Kidnap - (3) Is It Okay to Run When You’re Feeling Weak? - (4) Just Friends - (5) The End - (Epilogue) The Road to Recovery
Written by: @mikavlcs
(1) Shade Astray - (2) Purity Weeps - (3) False Meridian
Written by: @simp4wom3n
The Quiet One: Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV
Written by: @somekindofpoet
Skin Deep: Part I (18+) - Part II (18+) - Part III (18+) - Part IV (18+) - Part V (18+) 
Spin Me Round (18+) 
Written by: @talesofesther
late night blues
you're all I want love to be
warmth in winter
Written by: @the-oblivious-writer
Let The Light In: (1) Princess Tara - (2) Alamort - (3) Nosy Friends & Conflicting Feelings - (4) Leave That For The Adults - (5) Shit-faced - (6) Knight In Shining Armor
Pretty Girl: (1) Pretty - (2) Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse! - (3) Unspoken Words - (4) Honesty & Confessions - (5) A Soggy Picnic
After The Storm: (1) After The Storm - (2) Repeated Mistakes - (O.S) Vigilantes & Branzino - (3) The Police Will Handle It
Touch Tank
Written by: @tonyspank
Till Death Do Us Part
Written by: @toournextadventure
Movie Night: Part I - Part II - Part III (18+) - Part IV - Drabble I (18+) - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII
Bad Dream?: Part I - Part II
Written by: @vioartemis
The one for you
2. Sam Carpenter
Written by: @carpentersghost
Champ of Pain: [One]
Written by: @httplilyyy
Breaking At The Seams
Written by: @laenordeservedbetter
Sweet Nothing
the demon i cling to
Written by: @talesofesther
souls tied, bound to burn: Chapter 1
secrets I held in my heart
3. Amber Freeman
Written by: @bingwriterxo
a drunken kiss
no strings attached...right?
Written by: @junoxans
Cause And Effect
Beer Runs (18+) 
Written by: @lockettelullaby
Nailed It Baby
Written by: @lonelym00n
Green-Eyed Monster
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lapsthings · 9 days
BLLK MATCHUP EXCHANGE WITH @xxchthonicreaturexx
Your best match is...
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I wanted to pair you with one of the Wanimas as a false pairing prank, but I haven’t come up with a solid idea to better conceal it—so you’re safe this time. Lucky you!
Back to the main point: I kinda struggled to choose from a few characters, but ultimately, I think Chigiri is your most compatible match
First things first, you’re literally his type—someone who’s calm and understanding (which is great because he can be pretty intense)
You both have attitude: he’s got sass, and you have smartass remarks, so playful banter between you two would definitely be a regular thing
Once you’re close enough, he can be very playful. He, too, finds yelling matches entertaining and funny, so expect those to be a common part of your relationship—mostly when it’s just the two of you in private
These yelling matches could start over something as small as who left the lights on, whose turn it is to pick the next show to binge, who’s hogging all the blankets, whether pineapple belongs on pizza…(spoiler alert: they do)
He’ll try to persuade you away from trespassing or climbing onto trains since he's worried about you and doesn't want you to get into too much trouble...but whether or not he succeeds, he’ll always remind you to be careful (He's secretly impressed tho lol)
But he’s more than happy to tag along on your less…extreme adventures
Road trips with him? Expect a lot of impromptu karaoke sessions, girl gossip and spontaneous snack stops at quirky little cafes
Now onto his hair, he completely trusts you with his. Do whatever you want, just don’t tug too hard, he might actually kill you
Spiders don’t scare him, but they do gross him out, so he’s eternally thankful when you handle them for him
You're his knight in shining armor
He absolutely loves your style, especially the way your color palette blends cute and cool elements. You two would have matching outfits, it is inevitable.
or at least matching accessories
Onto the topic, since he’s a cat person and you like rodents, you'd probably have some Tom & Jerry-themed accessories stashed somewhere
He’ll try to guess what color you’ll dye your hair next, sometimes throwing out suggestions on colours he thinks will look good on you
When you first show him your doll collection, he’s a bit startled—not in a bad way, just impressed by the level of detail. He thinks they’re cute and might even consider getting some for himself…
Chigiri fully encourages your idea of getting a cherry blossom tattoo, but he understands your fear of needles so he’ll try help you overcome it, one step at a time :)
He doesn’t mind your routine; he’s got one of his own, so he totally gets it
As for your eating habits, he doesn’t mind those either. He’ll even gladly peel bananas for you—and, funny enough, he’ll discover he has a weird talent for peeling them perfectly in one swift motion
You get along with his sister btw, she teases him, so maybe you'd both gang up on him
Quality time together is a must. It could be as simple as scrolling through social media (he’ll show you cute cat videos), painting each other’s nails, doing each other’s hair, or going on cute little dates
Night routines with him are so fun I cannot emphasize this enough
Doing skincare, applying face masks, maybe even a little contest to see who can finish their night routine first
Unfortunately, he always wins. After all he never loses in a contest of speed
He's not really the type to let you win just because he feels bad, so you'll have to cheat lol
Hide his products somewhere, make sure he doesn't get his hands on yours and your hard earned victory will be secured
Chigiri is familiar with DC; he’s well-read and not THAT uncultured. But feel free to fill him in on whatever he’s missing
Your conversations will shift from his stories from Blue Lock to something DC related
Whenever you’re dissociating, Chigiri will pull you back to reality and reassure you. Don’t worry, he’s always there for you
Staying up late isn’t great for the skin, but he hasn’t been following his bedtime schedule as strictly since he started hanging out with you more
He sleeps for at least 8 hours a day, but there’s no rule stating which part of the day he’s having his beauty sleep right?
Once you’re with him, your skin will always be smooth, and your hair will be healthy. He’s sharing all of his hair tips and tricks with you, even his products
He must really love you, huh?
All that said, just remember you’re someone who’s extremely important to him, he loves you lots and will pamper you. You’re in good hands
Power couple btw
(In case if you’re wondering, your runner-up was Kunigami/Otoya)
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lagwrites · 3 months
these false vows: an introduction.
summary: silly kids doing silly things :p (actual summary to come)
main characters:
adelaida evangeline romero - the princess
adelaida has had enough with being a princess. an equestrian expert and avid painter, adelaida puts 100% into everything she does(if she sticks to it for more than a week). she loves to talk, but she’s not much of a truth teller, and has been caught in many a lie. can addie stay in the kingdom long enough to gain back her parents’ trust? or will she run away when things get serious?
cillian alexander romero - the prince
cillian is the heir to the throne of krystallia, but he'd much rather be a farmer or merchant. he's fluent in 4 languages, likes public appearances but hates meetings, is terrified of horses, and can't sing to save his life. while he tells his sister adelaida everything, there's one thing only one person knows... and it's not her. will cillian reveal his true self to his family? or stay silent forever?
yuhi ishizaki & orion halloway - the love interests
a knight and a stable boy, but also the secret lovers of some of the most important individuals in krystallia. will yuhi remain loyal to his charge, or return to his country when given the chance? will orion sympathize with cillian's plights, or will he never realize the burden of being a royal?
odella emilie young - the lady and the ???
odella is a stereotypical villan, keeping the prince from his true love. but is she really?
laggy rambles:
finally. omg im spiraling away from this project alr and im SCARED lmao, i have a history of not finishing these things and its freaking me out. but im determined to see this through! anyways, writings going okay. im about a third of the way through chapter two and am struggling BUT ITS OKAY!!!!! everyone is going to have writers block at some point and i just have to power through. rn, we are at 4k words! trying to keep to a 2.5k min for each chapter but im not going to force it if it doesnt feel right. my goal for this book is probably 90-100k words? about 40-50 chapters i think, but we'll see how it goes. im hoping to get this book agented and traditionally published, but as this is my first book and i don't have a ton of experience, i expect i'll probably go indie. in general, im so excited for the road that lies ahead!
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justafandomgvrl · 2 years
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Severe dislike to lovers one shot
nothing yet
Fake Lovers to Dating
Kiss to Distract Guards
Caught Making Out
Playing With Their Hair Headcanons
Grog and Pike Platonic Headcanons
Pet Sitting
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Unnamed Chapter One
Unnamed Chapter Two
Valentine's Day
Sharing a Bed
First Kiss
Lockwood x Lucy x Reader
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Stargazing - Poe Dameron
Cramps - Kanan Jarrus
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Sniffles - Steven Grant
Read To Me? - Steven Grant
Is That My Shirt - Steven Grant
Hallways - Steven Grant
Road trip - Jake Lockley
Since When Did You Care - Marc Spector
Kitten - MK System
Sharing A Bed Headcanons - MK System
The Blood Lake - MK System
Moon Knight - Gods of a Feather coming soon
You Don’t Know Me - Miguel O’Hara
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Angels Tears - Blue Jones
Thoughts - Blue Jones
You're Bleeding - Leto Atreides
Cold Hands - Santiago Garcia
December 2023 - Santiago Garcia
Over Again - Llewyn Davis
Touchstarved - Jonathan Levy
Pathological People Pleaser - Jonathan Levy
Art Deco - Jonathan Levy
Not Afraid Anymore 🔞 - Jonathan Levy
Then and Now - Nathan Bateman
Pets - Nathan Bateman
Not A Christmas Person - Nathan Bateman
Flower Fields - King John
False God - King John
Cola - William Tell
Tattoo Artist AU Pt One - Laurent Leclaire
Tattoo Artist AU Pt Two - Laurent Leclaire
Please make requests!
I will NOT write adult x minor sorry!
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your-absent-father · 9 months
Re introduction to False Gods.
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Progress: second draft, 1/3 done
Genre: Drama, hitorical in a sense
Tropes: morally grey leads, mafia romances, friends to lovers to enemies, doomed since the beginning, unhinged female lead.
Tw: lots of violence, refrences to transphobia, child abuse, destriptions of child neglesence, guns and violence. Death
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The False Gods felt for a long time like a band that will dominate the world. With their elaborate masks and mysterious personas, the band members were the people's favorite mystery. After a shocking expose and arrest of almost all the members of bankrobbery and murder, the lead singer Beatrix Jones confesses to everything, seemingly content on getting the death penalty.
As the truth unfolds, Love Bradley, well known podcaster of her own crime podcast, becomes determined to uncover the real story behind the band's secrets, and the reasons why Beatrix is eager to cover for the rest of the band. With the opportunity to interview Beatrix Jones, Love's investigation takes a turn, leading her down a dangerous path of deception, murder, and the dark underbelly of the entertainment industry, eager to find answers. Why the singer beat up her best friend? What is the connection between the band and the notorious syndicate of Hollywood? Annd most importantly, who exposed all of this into public knowledge.
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Main Characters:
Love Bradley - Editor, writer and host of "Love and murder"-true crime podcaster who becomes facinated by the stories the band is hiding. She is ready to find eberything out, no matter what.
Beatrix Jones - The lead singer of The False Gods, before known as Roseblood. She is an enigma of a woman, even when she could talk your ear off. She won't reveal anyone else's involment, intent on going to grave with that information.
Stevie Dylan - Well meaning guitarist. Beatrix's oldest friend and confidadnt, altough separated in the present day. He is a calm version of Beatrix. He is secretly the son of Nicholas Harkness, an hollywood mafioso.
Nikita Grant -The group's bassist, already done with the mess she wasn't even making. She had a young daughter Ivy but is now in constant fear of people taking her because of her arrest.
Louis Knight - quiet but bright Louis Knight. Greatdrummer, who disappeared before the cops arrested everyone else.
Elize Grant - the groups manager and Stevie's girlfriend. She always wants to think someone is purely good, even tough her cliants make it hard to think so.
Other notable characters:
Vivienne Perez - Love's bestie and the producer of love and murder
Mickey Jones - Beatrix's lawyer and father
Evalyn Harkness - leader of Harkness syndicate, Stevie's half sister and Nikita's situationship
Valentine Lee - the smooth mafia leader and Evalyn's second in command.
Ivy Grant - Nikita's daughter
Vince May - toxic ex husband of Nikita. Is in jail for arson he didn't commit.
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The tag: wip: fg
Let's see how many looked here lmao.
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banerpg · 8 months
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At the center of a cluster of ancient towers stands the Citadel, the pinnacle point of Vinnesse raised atop the cliffside where great swells curl in from the North Sea and lash against cragged rock. It is a harsh region of howling wind that carries the taste of brine up from the tide spray; a fierce nature that seems to mimic the power of its inhabiting mages. The fellowship is welcomed in strides, wandering the soaring infrastructures beneath keen stares until all arrive to convene within a grave chamber that bears an aura of severity. Its effects are black in colour and all carved from dark stone, the edges of the furnishings seemingly honed by a whetstone — nearly sharp enough to cut the skin, if you catch it just right. It is there they pledge their lives to the destruction of the gauntlet, the arcane artefact peering into the minds of its new sentry from the round table's core. It is oxidised and black, merely another relic of the Great War to the unwitting eye. But when it begins to whisper to those twelve minds, it is swiftly enveloped by elven cloth and eased away. A moon surpasses them. And during this time, DARK HEIR and BONE PYRE pore over maps late into the night, exchanging thoughts and expertise on the best course through The Black Valley from a cumulation of their travels. They are aided by the scholar GRAVE RELIC, familiar with the archives of Vinnesse and even NIGHT SHRIKE, who shifts into a generously sized kestrel to retrieve an aged atlas that collects dust upon the top shelf. But it is not as quiet as they'd prefer during its study, and BLACK OATH'S eye strays once towards the echo of elevated tones. In the room across them, the council challenges GOD BURNER'S decision to join the quest, and the display leaves STORM SAINT with a centuries old headache. LOST POET idly strums a tune, stalling in their explanation as to why an earlier sparring session with FALSE KNIGHT went so poorly if they are supposed to be a trained knight. The lamp keeping the charts aglow runs low on oil, and before DUSK BLADE can break from the flip of their knife to fetch another, LIGHT BRINGER succeeds in conjuring a sphere of light. Someone spares an appreciative word in their direction, but BLOOD OMEN looks on in disdain, lounging on a settee with a pair of guards at their back.
𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐏𝐆 is now open for interactions ! For our opening setting, it has been one week since the fellowship has arrived in Vinnesse and it is their last day before they officially set out on their journey to destroy the gauntlet in Antirac. Feel free to drop all open starters or in the respective tag ( bane.start ), as well as toss a link in our starter channel in the discord, especially if it's an open thread there. Make sure you're following everyone on the blogroll and I look forward to writing with you all soon ( all threads should be set within Vinnesse unless writing out a past scenario ). A final reminder that threads taking place on tumblr must be made with the beta editor + xkit rewritten ( if you need any help with this, please do not hesitate to ask ). Part one of our first chapter will only last for roughly a week or two at max as it's meant as a soft start to help everyone settle into both the world and your characters, and part two will officially see them on the road.
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duckapus · 1 year
The Avatars
(11/6/23 Edited to reflect the changes post-Legacy Arc) (11/28/23 Edited to include Cole and Sally, as well as acknowledge SMG21's new preferred name and Doppel's new living situation.) (1/9/24 Edited to include Irene, clean up the tags a little, and update a couple of profiles) (3/9/24 Edited to reflect the Arles' statuses post-Arle Arc)
Juliano (belongs to @forthedancingandthethriving)
Status: Anomaly
Guardians: -1 and -2/Domain and Forum
The main protagonist of Rising Star Circus, and Domain and Forum's Avatar back when they were still the prototype SMGs. Despite the destruction of his original universe, he managed to survive as a few strings of code and reform as a Mario Recolor in the Super Mario 64 universe. He's since reunited with his old friends and restored his original model, though his code is still incredibly fragile, and he's got some nasty scars he'd rather keep hidden.
He currently acts as a mentor to the other Avatars, particularly Mario.
Status: Deceased
Guardians: 0 and Niles
One of the two playable characters in Mage, the other being a blank slate recolor before the role was filled by SMG0. He unfortunately died when the False SMG Niles went insane after trying to repair his unstable code.
Status: Deceased
Guardians: 1 and 2
The main protagonist of Spudnick's Great Adventure. He was killed by Zer0 when it tried to convert him into a replacement Fred in its "Perfect" new world, leading to the events that would forever change the destiny of the Super Mario 64 universe, and the greater SMG multiverse by extension.
Status: Active
Guardians: 3 and 4
The main protagonist of Super Mario 64, the Super Mario franchise as a whole, and the SMG4 series. Due to the unusual circumstances of his universe's activation, Mario lacks the instinctual understanding, knowledge and control of his Avatar abilities that the others have, and has only recently started learning those skills the hard way. It doesn't help that his Meme Energy levels are significantly higher than everyone else's, so he's stuck having more power to try and control than they do.
Status: Active
Guardians: Penta Knight and 6
The main protagonist of the Kirby series. He's honestly not that different from his canon counterpart, since all that Meme Energy is really just a drop in the bucket compared to the kinds of things he already has going on.
Nimbus (belongs to @forthedancingandthethriving)
Status: Active
Guardians: 8 and 9
Introduced here
The main protagonist of The Cloud's Songbird. She has a complicated relationship with her status as an Avatar, and the weirdness that comes with it, due to the expectations of her station, so she tries to pretend it doesn't exist when she's in her own universe. Unfortunately, due to how Meme Energy works, as well as the friends she's made among the other Avatars and the guilt and rampant insecurity she feels over how she's treating them, this will inevitably blow up in her face both literally and figuratively.
(Note: this has in fact blown up in her face as of the Watered Down Dreams storyline, but with the support of the other Avatars and her local friends she's come out stronger for it)
Tulip (belongs to @forthedancingandthethriving)
Status: Active
Guardians: 7 and 10
Introduced here
The main protagonist of Tulip's Road Trip.
Tune Dark
Status: Active
Guardians: 11 and 12
Introduced here
The main protagonist of Outgunned. She and Nimbus often butt heads due to clashing personalities and conflicting morals.
Status: Active
Guardians: XIII and XIV(kingdom hearts things LOL)
Main protagonist of the Kingdom Hearts series. He's obviously a lot crazier than his canon self, but due to the ever-present shadow of The Disney Sensors he has to keep himself reined in a lot more than the other Avatars. Interestingly, certain quirks of his series' Lore have resulted in his SMGs looking like recolors of Roxas and Xion instead of himself.
Frenzy the Chupacabra
Status: Active
Guardians: 15 and 16
The main protagonist of a Sonic parody of the same name. He was already a bit crazy and violent before the Memes, so when the USBs dropped and cranked everything up to 11 he feared that he'd be a danger to his friends and ran off. This left him in the perfect state for a certain rogue avatar to convince him to join their cause...
Fortunately, the Avatar-centered plotline of the Legacy Arc and the events leading up to it caused him to realize his mistake, and he's now returned to his own universe to undo the damage he inadvertently caused.
Barry the Blook
Status: Imprisoned
Guardians: 17 and 18
Introduced here
The main protagonist of Blook, and the founder of the Union of Scorned Avatars. He does not like being mistaken for Meat Boy.
He's now an inmate in Computer Hell, following the events of the Legacy Arc.
Status: Active
Guardians: 19 and 20
The mascot and most basic bird type of the Angry Birds franchise. He only speaks-or, well, yells-bird, so nobody knows what the heck is going on with him.
As of the Legacy Arc, it's been revealed that Red was stuck in Crazy Stupid Mode the entire time he was with the Union, and now that he's back to (relatively) normal, that whole period is kind of a blur for him. He's now actually capable of speech, and acts more-or-less how you'd expect based on his canon portrayals.
Arle Nadja
Status: Active
Guardians: 21/Kira and 22
The main protagonist of the Madou Monogatari series, the first of the three main protagonists of the Puyo Puyo series, and half of the Puyo Puyo universe's Avatar.
Explanation for that can be found here
As of the Arle Arc, she now has the full Avatar code, and is the sole Avatar of her universe.
Doppelganger Arle Dapple Nadja
Status: Deactivated
Guardians: 21/Kira and 22
The main protagonist of the Madou Monogatari series, the main antagonist of Puyo Puyo~n, and the other half of the Puyo Puyo universe's Avatar. She is identity issues incarnate.
She was part of the Union of Scorned Avatars, but now that they've been dismantled she's acting on her own. Currently living in Nimbus's universe as King Bolero's court jester/unofficial-and-unspoken adopted daughter under the assumed identity of Dapple/The Amazing Pierrot.
Following the events of the Arle Arc, her Avatar status has been fully revoked. She is now permanently and openly living in Magnamiel as Dapple, and is taking steps to heal from her trauma.
Status: Active
Guardians: 23 and 24
The main protagonist of Disgaea 1 and Disgaea D2, and a major reoccurring character in the rest of the series. While he's technically part of the good Avatars due to helping them at the end of the Hell Arc, his need to maintain his image as the ruthless "evil" and powerful Overlord of the Netherworld, as well as his rather abrasive and arrogant personality even when he isn't playing that up, means he doesn't get along very well with most of the other Avatars. Plus he's in charge of an entire plane of existence, so he's usually too busy to come to the meetups with any sort of regularity.
Both fortunately and unfortunately for him, the other Avatars can see right through his many-layered facades, trauma-responses and demonic cultural differences to see the genuinely good person underneath, just like his closest friends back home, so even if they don't usually get along with him that well they still care about him and know he'll come through for them if they need it.
(Note: this version of Laharl is genderfluid as of this post, so don't be surprised if Effi or I use she/her or they/them for him sometimes. It's just this version though, I don't personally headcanon the Canon Laharl as genderfluid currently)
Lord Ramagog
Status: Imprisoned
Guardians: 25 and 26
The villain protagonist of Hellking. After the success of Laharl's activation, as well as seeing how several canonical villains in different SMG universes have mellowed out, the Admins thought that the Meme Energy would do the same for Ramagog.
They were wrong.
They were so very wrong.
Thankfully, he's now an inmate in Computer Hell.
Status: Active
Guardians: 27 and 28
The main protagonist of the series of the same name. Considering what Sequin Land is already like, adding Meme Energy didn't really change too much apart from all the crossover stuff.
Ash Ketchum
Status: Active
Guardians: 29 and 30
The main protagonist of the Pokemon Anime pre-Horizons, which marks the first time something other than a video game was turned into an SMG universe. His activation was a little rocky due to Barry's interference, but things worked out thanks to the help of Mario, SMG4 and SMG3.
Captain Olimar
Status: Active
Guardians: 31 and 32
The main protagonist of the Pikmin series. As far as he's concerned, the arrival of Memes is just one more item on the list of absurd and somewhat frustrating things that he's had to deal with since joining Hocotate Freight. Though, much like his discovery of the Pikmin, not necessarily a bad one.
Elanore Haltmann
Status: Active/Anomaly
Guardians: HMG1 "Vee" Haltmann and HMG2 "Hex" Haltmann
Introduced here
A False Avatar created by Susie Haltmann using a fragment of the God Box. She was originally created to replace Mario, even technically being a clone of him, but turned out to be good and is now his Co-Avatar.
She's weaker (at least in terms of Meme Energy) than a normal avatar due to her Avatar Code being made by a God Box Fragment instead of an Admin, but to make up for it she's immune to Anti-Meme corruption.
Sally 13 and Cole
Status: Active
Guardians: 33 and 34
Introduced Here
The protagonists of Sally's Outstanding Adventure! and Diamind 6: Stars Go Out respectively. Their universes were fused and the Avatar Code split between the two of them as a result of Garyboy messing with their files before the SMG Mod was launched. They're slightly unstable, but thankfully no more-so than the Arles. 33 ended up as a recolor of Sally, while 34 is based on Cole.
Irene Emeril (belongs to @forthedancingandthethriving)
Status: Active
Guardians: 35 and 36
Introduced Here
The protagonist of Winding Rest. She was actually introduced to the SMG Multiverse a good while before becoming an Avatar due to encounters with Leto and Mario.
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