#fandom is a blessing and it is a curse and i want to teach it
fatherramiro · 2 years
look maybe this is cringe or something but god what i wouldn't give to be a professor who teaches film, literature, and a few courses on the intersection of digital culture around media through a sociological and creative lens
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pod-together · 24 days
Pod-Together Day 1 Reveals 2024
Light up This Old Soul (Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars: Dark Disciple - Christie Golden) written by EustaciaVye, performed by AsterRoc Summary: As Obi-Wan heals, he learns more about the Nightsisters' approach to the Force, while Asajj learns more about her heritage.
Both a Blessing and a Curse [text, audio] (Star Wars: Rebels) written by wanderingjedihistorian, performed by flowerparrish Summary: His memory was both a blessing and a curse. Alexsandr Kallus had known this for many years. The date he’d first seen the name The Ghost cross his desk was forever burned into Kallus’ memory. And that date was getting closer.
View from a Pavilion (镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018), 绅探 | Detective L (TV), 叛逆者 | The Rebel (TV 2021)) written by Martha, performed by SEF_podfic Summary: During the dark days of the occupied French Concession, Luo Fei helps an injured young captain of the Republican Military Intelligence. [text and podfic]
dream symphony (The Magnus Archives (Podcast)) written by Lua, performed by gracicah Summary: Simon Fairchild loves the sky, and, through his surprisingly long life, he feels loved back by it. It isn’t all that surprising that he has a good time as an avatar of his patron. After all, he is a man in love.
A Case of Identity Fraud (Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics)) written by DayenuRose, performed by Nymphie_Wolf Summary: After spending years of putting in the hard work and re-building his life and his relationship with his family, Jason Todd is not amused when he falls over a decade into the past. The Red Hood is in the middle of his vengence on his family, Tim's life is falling apart at the seems, and his family is in shambles. Jason misses his home, his family, and the ability to have a decent meal. After two months of (mostly) observing from the sidelines, Jason can't stand by anymore. If no one else will step in and help Tim, then he will. Can Jason help past!Tim without messing up the future for everyone?
Tenderly (Original Work) written by Hagar, performed by wilfriede0815 (with additional voices by stargateinmybasement, ChaosKiro, Juulna, Tipsy_Kitty, horchata, and flowerparrish) Summary: My name is Amalie Madsen. I’m a schoolteacher teaching sixth grade. Since I became a teacher, I’ve been told many times that my sense of wonder may fade with time but, in fact, just last year I ran into the greatest wonder I have encountered to date. Or, should I say, wonders.
Truth Comes Out Of His Well (Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types) written by TsarinaTorment, performed by stereden Summary: Lee Fletcher had a secret. Luke knew it, and anything Luke knew, Kronos knew. This had consequences, which started with Lee not meeting his end at the business end of a giant's club after all.
Letters to Jiejie [text & podfic] (陈情令 | The Untamed (TV)) written by FlutterFyre, performed by pezzax Summary: Jiang Cheng doesn't know what has gotten into Wei Wuxian and to be honest, he doesn't care. He just wants things to go back to normal. Stuck at the Cloud Recesses guest lectures, he vents to his elder sister as he alsways has, hoping against hope that she will have a solution that might bring some semblance of sense back to his foster brother.
Like a Hozier Song [text, audio] (Daredevil (TV), Daredevil (Comics), The Punisher (TV 2017), Punisher (Comics), Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe) written by BurdenedWithPointlessPurpose, performed by 42donotpanic Summary: Matt never expected for Frank Castle to end up on his couch for months on end. He’d never expected to make a home with him, but nothing is as he’d planned. Life isn’t neat like that and his friend gets that more than anyone else ever has. It’s the reason he’s a little sweet on his friend… like the Hozier songs the guy likes to sing.
Phantom Friends (Danny Phantom, Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics)) written by Litra, performed by itallcomesbacktoandreil Summary: Five times someone in the bat family died and met Danny, and the one time no death was needed.
Room 505 (The Hotel (Podcast)) written by zombified_queer, performed by MistbornHero Summary: The Lobby Boy gets to flex his creative muscles. The Hotel Herself observes with a pang of surprise.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Can I place an order for Marvel? If yes: HERE YOU GO. Where the reader is Steve and Natasha's daughter, Tony and Bucky's goddaughter (you can already imagine that) and mainly, she was raised by all the avengers and hidden from the spotlight. Just something pretty fluffy for what her relationship with them would be like 🥺✋
Ohana means family
Paring: Romanogers!Daughter!reader X Avengers(Platonic)
A/n: thank you for the request. This is my first request for the MCU Fandom, hope you enjoy.
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Being the daughter of Captain America and Black Widow is blessing a curse... I'll tell you why.
But first if your the daughter of them I could imagine you having Steve's kind heart and Natasha's temper. Your Godfather Tony always got a kick out of a tiny you getting all angry. And his laughter would only get heavier if you came and started punching his leg for laughing.
Tony would definitely be a second father. He's wanted to be different from his father so he will always show you the love and affection his father didn't show him.
You don't like hearing about Peggy. I think it's because she was almost your dad's love. Natasha never had a problem with hearing Steve talk about her but the woman always left you frustrated just by the sound of her name... You'd never tell your dad this though.
Anyway, being around all theses heros obviously inspired your choice of future work, this scares not only your parents but the whole team.
Sure your mother would teach you how to shoot or Tony will teach you how to build a robot but they all fear the day you'll actually have to use those skills.
Your other Godfather Bucky seems to be the only one with peace about this suprisenly. If you told him you want to be a superhero he'll grien and listen to your reasoning.
There's been times where he'll put toy boxing gloves on your hands and teach you how to punch. Natasha put a stop to it quickly though. One day he was setting on his knees so he was your hight and you kept punching his flesh hand. He wouldn't let you hit his metal hand in fear you'll hurt your self.
Sam would always tease that you have Bucky wrapped around your little finger.
Bucky and Tony always compete to see who can be the coolest Godfather. If one gets you a cool Lego set or dollhouse the other one will get the bigger version. You love Elvis Presley at the time Tony will take you right to Graceland. You want to go you a waterpark Bucky will have you there in a flash before Tony can have the chance.
A down side is you learned how to be independent with your Hero Family. It's not a bad thing and they don't do it intentionally but there's many times you spent at the compound with Pepper and Happy.
But your mom and dad always make it up to you. I wouldn't say your spoiled, but if you ask one of your godfathers nicely(with puppy eyes) you usually get it.
But another down side of being a part of this family is them being extremely over protective. There's been many times you couldn't do something or had to stay indoors for long periods of time because someone was plotting your father's death.
If you do go somewhere one of them is with you. If you want to go to a zoo trip for school one of them is with you. You want to check the mailbox Sam is flying around watching you. And don't even think about going to friends house for a slumber party. Steve and Nat aren't trying to be strick or anything they just always have this sicking feeling something will happen.
On a more positive note... You always have the best time with them. To be honest you never worried about having friends because you had them. You of course have friends your age but you consider the Avengers your Best Friends. Speaking of which Cassie Lang is probably your Best Friend.
Which means the first sleepover you ever had was with Cassie. Since you technically would be with an Avenger it was okay. Tony thought it was dumb to leave you alone with "Thumbelina" but Steve trusts Scott and Nat trusts Hope.
Speaking of which play time is always token to the extreme. You want a nerf gun war, the whole team is involved. You want to build a Lego thing, tony will buy the biggest one. Blanket fort? You don't have to ask Clint and Scott twise.
I think you'll always try and lift Thor's hammer. You've tried but couldn't so one time Thor lifted it with you so you could have the experience.
You love it when Bruce reads to you. If you come up to him with a book he'll drop everything and read to you. It's the only thing that will make him leave the lab immediately. It's calming to him and he always uses different funny voices to make you laugh.
I won't tell anyone but once you got older you had a small crush on Peitro, which didn't set well with most of the men in the compound when Cassie acdently let the cat out of the bag. You've never saw the ironman suit appear so quickly..
I think once you got older the over protectiveness got old. You found it annoying a frustrating at times but in the end you're greatful that you have a group of people that care about you so much.
Be patient with them. They love you and trust you, they just don't trust other people.
Since you can't be on the flighting field you went to medical school and with everyones help(especially from Bruce and Tony) you were able to graduate with a trauma certification and now you work with Dr. Cho in the med bay.
You always hate seeing them beat up from missions but you also love helping Them and other people.
I don't think you and Peter would get along. I don't know why, I just do. I think at one point they tried to get you to go on a date with him but it never happened.
For a little bit I think you had a jealously thing going on and didn't like how close Peter was getting to Tony. Your Godfather noticed this and told you that you'll always be his number one.
Speaking of Starks, your literally the best big sister to Morgan. You two are basically two peas in a pod. And don't even think about messing with her because you will through hands to anyone who's rude to her.
Your basically to her what Tony was to you.
When you get older you do become an Avenger and the elders got over it. You proved you can survive and they couldn't be more proud of you.
This is your family and you couldn't be more thank full. There may have been bumbs mountains along the the way but they'll always be family. And that's forever.
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cenviswasteland · 2 months
do u think kristoph gavin is a mommy issues haver or a daddy issues haver. or if both which one does he have worse. idk why im asking this i just wanna know what u think - 💾
FLOPPY DISK!!! i missed you, nerd. let's talk about it!
so, canonically we know fuck-all about the gavin family outside of klav and kris. this is both a blessing and a curse. from what i can tell, there's a semi-popular fandom headcanon where papa gavin was also a defense attorney, but i cannot find sources at the moment. there's a high possibility that i just made it up.
my personal thoughts on the gavin family? i do like the "papa gavin is a defense attorney" thing, so i'm keeping that. and although i can't name an occupation for mama gavin, i think she was very wealthy. in general the gavin brothers give me "born with a silver spoon" vibes, so i'm extrapolating. of course, with mom having all the money in the world to throw around and dad being no financial slouch either, the boys would get basically whatever they wanted.
(note: from here on, i'm going to focus on kristoph since that's what the ask is about. i might make a follow-up with some thoughts on klavier later though. lol)
the thing is, a lot of work goes into "keeping appearances" in wealthy families, like the old money that mama gavin was steeped in. that extends to the children as well. first-born kristoph, the shining light of the new generation, was expected to be the perfect young man from the beginning. as soon as he had some grasp on fine motor skills, he was learning the violin and the piano. he's supposed to be a well-rounded boy, after all. he had private tutors, teaching him an expedited course. he's the gavins' boy, of course he's gifted academically. he was always dressed well, and scolded for playing with his tie or cufflinks or hair. he was taught his manners; always eat your first course with the smallest fork, always keep a light smile on your face, always say "bless you" when people sneeze. don't slouch, don't be crass, don't raise your voice. "behave yourself, kristoph. remember where you came from."
i do think that as time went on and kristoph grew, it was his father's voice that rang more loudly in his ears. he'd get into petty fights with his mother about little details. but he looked up to his father. more than anyone in the world, he looked up to his father. how could he not? his father was awesome. he always won the case for his clients, no matter what, and they always looked so happy! so kristoph started showing an interest in law, and his father was more than happy to show him the ropes. in between the legal jargon and the textbooks, he picked up on the little things: how to "tell" when a client is "worth your time". how to "find" evidence that wasn't there before. how to make a witness "tell the truth".
is this to say that kristoph has "daddy issues" because of how he shaped him? no, i don't think so. i think if you were to ask him "what made you want to get into law?", he'd still say that it was because of his father.
does that mean that kristoph has "mommy issues" because his mother was the one pushing kristoph into the shape of the old money family's son? no, i don't think so. he never stripped away those influences-- just look at the "beautiful nails" line in 4-4, or how he holds himself so elegantly and precisely.
if you want a specific answer, i think both of his parents gave him issues. hella issues. but he doesn't really go agonizing "ohh my dad ruined my life" or anything.
at the end of the day this is all headcanon. like i said, the AA fandom is really working with scraps when it comes to anything gavin-family related, so i might just be waffling into the air. send more asks if you want lmao.
thanks for reading. peace love and little donuts or whatever lol
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tiaragqueen · 1 year
The Sleeping Horror
Yandere! Izaya Orihara x Female! Reader
Hello! It’s been years, hasn’t it? Idk if you guys missed me, but I do miss writing for other fandom beside genshin and twst. I was planning to make a whole new account, but I was too lazy so here I am! Let’s start with something ‘soft’ and fantastical, shall we? Inspired by the line in the Wikipedia page of his relationship with Shizuo: “Izaya also holds the belief that only humans possess the ability to slay monsters.” And Sleeping Beauty story (would you believe me if I told you I rewrote this three times?).
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Admittedly, marriage wasn’t something Izaya really had in mind.
Not because he was a player, but because he was still young. Still adventurous. Still mischievous. He wanted to see more people, more kingdoms, more chaos. His position as a prince allowed him that much, but it also came with many responsibilities. And one of them was an arranged marriage.
Until now, Izaya wasn’t sure how to react when he found out he was already betrothed since birth. On one hand, he was somewhat irritated with the fate his father had oh-so-kindly lay out in front of him. Even as a child, he should at least have some freedom to choose his own suitor, right? It wasn’t as if he was a particularly naïve kid who thought suitors were equal to playmates. He’d always been intelligent, albeit quieter and more distant.
But on the other hand, you sounded quite… interesting. Yes, sounded, because he’d never seen you. There wasn’t even a painting of you somewhere in your castle. It was either you vanished or you only existed in people’s imagination. Then, his father, Shirou, disproved of the latter because he recounted a story that happened during your christening. Apparently, your father had enraged a wicked fairy by excluding her from the event and she promptly avenged her wounded ego by cursing you to prick your finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel before the sun set on your sixteenth birthday and die. One of the pixie fairies whom your father did invite, used her blessing to weaken the curse so that instead of dying, you’d fall into a deep sleep, only broken by true love’s kiss. Because, apparently, her magic wasn’t strong enough to undo the curse. So, your father ordered all spinning wheels throughout the kingdom be burned and the remains were hidden in the dungeon.
It certainly explained why Izaya heard a few peasants grumbling about the lack of spinning wheels when he occasionally visited your kingdom. But, alas, Shirou didn’t seem to know about your whereabouts. It didn’t help that he forbade him from mentioning the incident to your own father too, despite the fact that Izaya had a right to know as your fiancé.
So, using the intelligence he’d built up after years of scheming and illicit dealings, Izaya managed to pinpoint your location. It was a humble cottage in the middle of the forest, secluded enough to avoid the wicked fairy’s eyes but not enough for his. Izaya smirked as if he’d won a high-staking gamble, and with the leverage he had on your father, it could be described as one. Shirou wasn’t a fool, but his job as a king did prevent him from knowing the full extent of Izaya’s secret occupation and hobby.
And thus, Izaya set out to find his cursed fiancée. As expected, you were every bit of a country bumpkin; naïve and improper. It was clear that you’d never seen a stranger beyond your three bumbling fairy ‘aunts’, judging by how you openly gaped at his sudden appearance when you were singing to your animal friends. And yet, Izaya allowed your curiosity shine through, anyway, if not because of how pathetically cute you looked right now. Like a dog, or a kitten, that he could easily pick up and bring somewhere else because you were just so defenseless.
Did your aunts even teach you not to trust a stranger, whoever it was?
Apparently, no. Because there was a limit to how ‘human’ they could pretend to be, and you wouldn’t have known any better because they were all you had growing up. Even now, a good parent shouldn’t let their daughter play too long in the forest where anything and everything could happen to her, especially when she didn’t possess any self-defense skills.
Especially when she was you, a princess in hiding.
Perhaps you were lucky that he was the one who met you. Izaya couldn’t imagine what would happen if it was that wicked fairy instead?
… Or he could! There was no limit for possibilities in his mind. That was how he could stay entertained despite so many of his plans veering off their tracks.
Truly, it’d be a shame if you were to get caught, right?
Well, it would, but he wouldn’t do that. He wanted to see what would happen if he didn’t intervene in the course of your life. Would it end happily ever after like Shirou hoped? Or would it become a nightmare for you and your kingdom instead? So far, you were the most interesting woman he’d ever met despite your obvious flaws, which some lessons in table manners and etiquette could rectify. And perhaps Izaya would bestow more of his ‘love for humanity’ in keeping you by his side regardless, even if the latter were to befall you.
Was this what the power of bias felt like? It wasn’t that bad, and it might’ve made him feel a bit closer to being a human, but Izaya wanted to know more about your feelings when you found out that he pitied you. Would you be offended? Touched? Upset?
Ah, the possibilities were truly endless, weren’t they?
Apparently, you’d fallen for him at first meeting, and were excited to tell your aunts about him when they revealed your true status as a betrothed princess. You could never meet ‘him’ again, they said. It was somewhat foolish of them to not allow you to tell them about him, but then again, Izaya doubted they’d known him let alone see his face. It was enough that they neglected you most of the time, albeit accidentally. How could he trust them to remember who he was?
Then, the fated thing happened.
The wicked fairy found out about you.
After the fairies brought you to your father’s castle in disguise, they let you grieve over your broken heart in your new room. But the wicked fairy used your sadness to entrance you and led you to an abandoned tower. All this time, Izaya watched from the shadows without anyone’s knowledge, not even your own father. His fingers twitched with an unexplainable urge to help you when you were forced to touch the conjured spinning wheel, while his brain – the more dominant part of him – convinced him to watch a little longer. It wasn’t as if he could challenge the fairy head-on, and he didn’t have any magic to do so despite his yearning heart.
Eventually, you succumbed to the curse, and the wicked fairy gloated over it to your belated aunts.
While waking you up with a kiss sounded ideal, it was more tempting to kill the wicked fairy first of all, if not to feel the rush of adrenaline and victory in his hands. Maybe you’d be grateful for it too, and thus, strengthening your love for him and salvaging your broken heart. But since he didn’t have the appropriate weapon to defeat her, Izaya was left to approach the pixies.
“Excuse me. You three look quite flustered. Is there something wrong?”
“Oh, my! You surprised me there, young man.” the pink one gasped, holding her tiny chest. “A-and no, we’re fine. Thank you for asking.”
“Are you sure?” he asked, still with the amiable smile that took him years of etiquette lessons and scheming to perfect. “You see, I have a fiancée, and I was told that I’d be seeing her today.”
They exchanged quizzical glances at each other.
“My name is Izaya Orihara.” He took a medal from his pocket as a proof of his own identity. “I’m betrothed to the princess of this kingdom. But, unfortunately, I was never able to see her. It upsets me terribly to postpone another meeting with her, when we should’ve been together since the very first start.”
Izaya languished at them through a sad friends as he clutched the medal desperately. Almost all too easily, the fairies fell to his trap with a sympathetic ‘aw’. They didn’t even question why he had the medal in his pocket rather than in his person as a prince should be. But, at least, he wasn’t lying.
“It is against our nature to be in the way of fate, especially a fated love.” said the green one. “A wicked fairy has cursed your fiancée to sleep forever unless awaken by a true love’s kiss, and she’s currently sleeping in this tower right now.”
“Ah, how terrible.” Izaya moaned sadly. “I wish I could do something to that fairy for daring to hurt my precious fiancée.”
Once again, they looked at each other.
“Let us help you with a bit of our magic, Child.” The blue one declared. “Hopefully, with these, you can end the wicked fairy’s reign of darkness once and for all.”
They armed him with the Sword of Truth and the Shield of Virtue, which they stated to be weapons of righteousness that would triumph over evil, and Izaya felt more powerful than ever. He wondered if he could even beat them with these, but they might prove their usefulness again in the future. That, and it’d be easier to manipulate you with them seeing as they were practically a ‘family’ to you.
And so, the group traveled to the mountain where the wicked fairy lived and began the most exhilarating battle he’d ever had. Cornered, the fairy transformed into a fire-breathing dragon. Another wrench to his plan, but Izaya wasn’t too worried because his agility saved their lives at the end of the day. He managed to stab her through her chest with great effort and watched her fall from the cliff.
Truly, only humans had the ability to slay monsters.
“That was wonderful, Child!” the blue fairy gushed, while the others clapped and nodded in agreement.
Izaya feigned a humble chuckle.
“I couldn’t possibly do that without your help, either, so please don’t give me all the credits.”
Flattered as they were, they hadn’t forgotten their second priority: waking you up with a true love’s kiss.
But, shockingly enough, Izaya’s kiss did nothing to your sleeping self.
“H-how could this be?!” the pink one shrieked. “Prince Izaya is supposed to be her fiancé, so why doesn’t it work?!”
While they proceeded to question each other, Izaya took the time to observe you. Your forehead was wrinkled as if suffering from a nightmare, your lips parted slightly as if wanting to say something, and your hands grasped the red roses as if trying to protect yourself with it.
It was far from the peaceful sight he’d expected to see, and the realization brought a mocking, almost humorless laugh from his throat.
“What’s wrong? Why are you laughing?’
“No, it’s nothing. Pardon my unseemly reaction.” said he, wiping his teary eye with his gloved hand. “May I ask you to bring her father here?”
“The King? What can you possibly need from him?”
“You said that only a true love’s kiss can wake her up, right? Well, he’s the one who asked you to protect her. Isn’t that what a ‘true love’ is? The feeling of wanting to protect someone?”
And such feeling wasn’t strong enough within him, or rather, he merely allowed it to wash over him. Otherwise, he would’ve stopped the wicked fairy from bewitching you earlier. Besides, Izaya was too logical to ever fall for someone at first meeting, no matter how interesting they were, and the curse said nothing about needing both parties to love each other for it to be broken.
While the fairies were occupied in bringing your father, Izaya approached one of the maids that happened to pass by.
“Bring me the dragon’s head from the cliff in the wicked fairy’s mountain.”
“Is it her own head?”
He merely smiled, and the spy nodded with a sigh. He wasn’t sure how you’d react once you woke up, but it didn’t hurt to have another ‘decoration’ inside his room. Then, he returned to the tower where your father was already standing at the bedside.
“P-Prince Izaya?!” he stammered. “Since when have you been here? Shouldn’t you notify me beforehand? Why are you dressing so... casually?”
“Now, now, that part isn’t as important as our dear princess is. And I must say, I’m quite hurt to know that you neglected to tell me that she’s been cursed all along.”
Your father flinched and looked down guiltily.
“I didn’t want it to become an international problem.”
“But there were many guests at that time, no? Don’t you think I deserve to know, as her fiancé?” Despite the feelings that Izaya didn’t quite absorb and understand, and your flaws that he mocked and used, a hint of bitterness managed to slip through his tongue. He waved his hand dismissively, both to your father and to his own emotions. “Regardless, you have the duty to save your daughter from the curse. So, go ahead. Don’t worry about the wicked fairy. I’ve slayed her, and her body is at the bottom of the cliff in her own abode. I’ll bring her head if you don’t believe me.”
The fairies gasped, while your father merely gaped, shocked at his callousness. The king glanced at the pixies, and they nodded hesitantly, confirming the part of the battle.
“I… I believe you.”
Slowly, he hovered over your face for a moment before he leaned down to press a deep kiss onto your forehead. Your troubled face relaxed little by little, and Izaya almost felt jealous when you fluttered your eyes open.
“She’s awake!” one of the pixies enthused.
Your father heaved a sigh of relief and smiled almost shakily. And yet, when your eyes landed on Izaya, they immediately widened in fear.
“No, I refuse to marry him!”
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selfshipping-central · 4 months
Matchup for 🕷 anon!!
Fandom: Obey Me
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Satan!! (Romantic)
I’ve decided to pair you with Satan!! Everyone’s favourite cat lover <3
I do wanna talk a little about his reaction to coming out first, if you two are already in a romantic relationship by this point oh my god he is so supportive and so patient.
Want’s to learn everything so he’ll ask you so many questions!!
“So… did you figure it out? How did you figure it out??”
He might forget that a few of them are seen as offensive so you might need to remind him ≡(▔﹏▔)≡
“Oh sorry- I didn’t mean to offend you darling.”
Bless him he just wants to learn more about you <3
Oh my god he’ll take you binder shopping with Asmo. While Asmo is buying all the cute pretty ones you and Satan are looking at Miku binder and giggling.
“We should get this one.”
The only other person I see being almost as hype as Satan when you come out is Asmo.
You and Satan defiantly have some sort of ‘piggybank’ for your surgeries.
Stays by your side the minute you’re out, fretting over you.
This piggybank is heavily protected. Mammon has been banned form dipping his grubby lil fingers into the account lest Lucifer hang him from the ceiling again.
“Wait I didn’t mean to Satan I didn’t know!! Please don’t get Lucifer.”  
He doesn’t mind how silly you are online, he’s not a big social media user but he’ll post pictures of you both on Devilgram.
“Asmo said to post pictures of us on our dates. So smile for the camera darling.”
Loves how shy you are.
It reminds him of a cat.
Unironically calls you ‘kitten’.
“Kitten come here.” *The horrid sound of Mammon’s laughter as he falls to the floor gasping for air.*
You two can be overachievers together. The only thing scarier than Lucifer is you and Satan during exam prep.
“Now listen here darling. I’m not letting you beat me on this exam just you wait.”
Can I hear it for academic rivals to lovers?!
You two are always comparing marks and either congratulating each other, or cursing the heavens.
Somewhere, far away. Simeon sneezes.
You need that academic praise? He’s got you.
“Wait you got full marks on that one? I was sure you would lose a few… wow darling. You must be better at Devildom history than me… that’s impressive for a human. Good job.”
Is so confused if you start crying because of the praise.
“Did I do something wrong?? All I did was attempt to praise you-”
Adores quality time. You might be sitting next to him while you crochet while he studies or watches cat videos or something and he’s having the time of his life.
Doesn’t get overly jealous of other demons, but he will get really pissed off if he catches anyone near you that are clearly pushing your boundaries.
Teach him how to play some basketball.
Once he get’s the hand of it he might slam you at it.
All friendly obviously.
Set bets for each other, the kind if you lose you gotta do yadda yadda for Satan and vice versa.
Gives you both that extra push to go all out.
Think’s your makeup is pretty cool and would let you try putting some on him. But only after Asmo is done having his half hour makeup session with you.
He honestly doesn’t really care about the way you look, dress, etc. If you are getting dysphoria or are feeling particularly insecure, he will do his best to make you feel as comfortable as possible.
Simply stands off in the corner while Asmo helps you with fashion.
Oh could you please show him how to wear a jacker properly its really fucking annoying <33
Takes you to cat cafes.
Late night karaoke?
Late night karaoke.
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wcrriorhearts · 10 months
Iron Flame theories under the cut
After I had a few days to let the book sink in completely, here are some of my unhinged theories about things that came up in Iron Flame
Violet has a second signet and it manifested in the torture scene, where she saw Liam. Yes, she was cut off from her dragons, which is why I think the power was weak, but signets manifest into something the person needs and what does Violet need more in a war after losing people she loved? A way to reach out to them and potentially even bring them back. There was nothing that indicated Liam was a figment of her imagination and I honestly think she truly saw his ghost, BECAUSE they did not burn all of his things ( more on that later )
Violet is tied to Malek & not in fact part venin as many in the fandom believe. Even though her hair is partially silver, she is entirely different from venin in all other ways and I believe they want her for her difference and not because she is like them. Back to Malek, whenever Violet begs him for something, he grants it ( except Liam :( ). She beats death so many times that it seems nothing can kill that girl. When she sees Liam in her cell, he says that Malek sent him. I strongly believe that the Gods actually do exist and aren't just mentioned as part of their religion and that Violet is connected to the God of death, either bc he saved her once, blessed her, cursed her, whatever. Maybe her mother struck a bargain with Malek when she was pregnant with Vi to save her life and the silver hair is a mark he left on her to show she is his. Yarros likes to take names etc from the Gaelic language and there is the Irish myth of the silver branch, which grants entry into the 'Otherworld' without dying, which would explain her connection to the dead and to Malek
The tradition of burning people's belongings is not just a quirky idea they came up with, but a necessity. They forgot why they do it after 450+ years, but I believe that as long as things remain of a deceased, they can be brought back in some shape or form. The tradition began when the people realized it was necessary, but this is why Violet can still reach out to Liam, his letters still exist. Part of him still exists in their world and can be reached
Naolin is not dead, but the Sage. It is never explicitly mentioned by the people close to him, eg Tairn and Brennan, that Naolin is actually dead. Brennan said ' it cost him everything' to save him, but not that it cost Naolin his life. I believe he turned venin and is able to reach into Violet's dreams due to his former connection to Tairn. Tairn also never specifically mentioned that Naolin died, but that they will not speak of the one who came before. We see that Jack's bond with his dragon remains after he turned, so it is to believe Tairn cut the bond to Naolin after he turned. Xaden thinks in his last chapter that Saegyl is uncharacteristically quiet -> I think she cut the bond, but that a bond severed this way is not 100% broken in the way it would be when a rider dies
Andarna said she slept for hundreds of years and waited for someone like Vi. She is an entirely unknown breed of dragon no one has ever seen before, because her breed comes from a time of the founders before the chasm and all knowledge of them existing was erased, because there must be something about them that threatened Navarre. I think that her connection to Vi will be integral in changing the war and that she was destined to bond Vi, unlike Tairn. I sadly believe that whilst Tairn will teach Violet and help her grow, he will not see the end of the war, because he was always just meant to be the teacher, whereas the special girl was always meant to bond the special dragon to end the war and save the world
I think Violet and her 'differences' will be the cure to being venin. Venin lose their souls when they bleed the power around them dry, but if Violet is truly connected to Malek, she might be able to bring back their souls and restore them
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
Greetings. I hope you're well.
I started reading naruto earlier this year and it is one of the best mangas I've read, I haven't finished it yet I just started the war arc, but I started watching it, to see the fights and powers animated. My question is, WHY do so much people hate sasuke? The website I use allows you to comment on the episode and i see alot of people hate him and I wondered why?
Sasuke risked his career to feed naruto, sacrificed himself for naruto despite having goals of his own and more than once was willing to give his life up, when itachi came to the village his first thought was naruto's safety not getting revenge which was his goal. In the beginning of shippuden he did not kill the hundred soldiers that orochimaru ordered him to do, sasuke just replies he become merciless when he needs to.
I can understand why some will hate him since, even though hes my favourite, there were times I wanted to hit him over the head such as for stabbing Karen, trying to kidnap killer bee and ditching team taka even though they did not hesitate to save him during battles and putting themselves at risk. I understand he was In a dark state as he learnt the truth about itachi, so he went psycho but when I look at what people say about him, their reason to hate him is that he's emo, b#tchy, crybaby ( when the real crybaby is that pink pig) and lots of other things.
I see that a lot of people choose to ignore the good in him and focus on his bad and act like he is the worst character in the show, while miss pink, miss purple and danzo are right there. When sasuke wants revenge people hate him for it, understandably as revenge is wrong and does not bring happiness and the path he took for it was wrong, but when shikamaru, ino and choji wanted revenge, people fully supported them and one even said "shikamaru only took two weeks to get revenge, sasuke took three years he should take some tips from shikamaru", and I'm like " I thought you lot said that revenge was bad?", (shikamaru and the others took their revenge in the right way though).
Also it seems the hate come entirely from the west? In the manga sasuke usually comes in the top three in character polls. But I don't see why it would be hard to understand sasukes character whether you're from the west or not, since I'm from the west and understand his character (not a 100% but I'm able to see a little more than just surface level).
This ended up being long and in really sorry for that, I just had to rant, I just want to know why hes hated so much when he is one of the most complex, best and beautifully written character I've come across in a long time. The fact that love is one of the core pieces of his character, how he only thinks of others pain and what they've been through instead of thinking what he himself is going through ( him thinking of itachis pain rather than his own). The fact that he had multiple chances to kill naruto but did not as he could not bring himself to kill the only one he loves ( that scene in the rain T~T). My favourite scene is when they fight against garaa and, even though sasuke was in immense pain cause of the curse mark, he still used his body to cushion naruto as he fell, like it was not fatal if naruto hit the tree but he did it anyway. My heart is just argh.
Instead I see that pink and purple trash being treated like their the best or have the best development, I think "did we read the same manga or watch the same show?" I mean yeah, sasuke does not have to be everyone's favourite just because he's mine but come on. Wheres the understanding you lot are meant to have that the story teaches you about?
Again I am so sorry for it being so long, may god bless you for your patience and have a blessed day. Thank you! \(^ w ^)/
From what I have noticed in the fandom, Sasuke is disliked or hated for reasons such as :
1) He abandoned and thus really hurt Naruto.
Yes he did. Naruto was beyond heartbroken when Sasuke left after vote 1. But he had his reasons, which Naruto couldn't understand earlier.
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Sasuke's reasoning being that Naruto was always alone, so he couldn't understand what it meant to have bonds and the grief and hurt at losing them.
Naruto couldn't understand it then. But after he loses Jiraiya and experiences the (temporary) death of several people he cared about during Pein arc, he now understands Sasuke and his motivations better.
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Naruto, as a character, evolves and keeps evolving, learning more and more, getting stronger each day, all just to be able to reach Sasuke, understand his heart.
2) Some of the fans dislike him for the same reasons you mentioned, he tried to kill Karin, abduct Killer Bee and ditch Taka. And I get that Sasuke doesn't come off very well in those instances but he is not emotionally attached to Taka, even if he is a good leader. He doesn't pretend to be anything but a leader, and even though Karin and Suigetsu try and bring him into the fold of friendship or romance, he makes it clear that the team exists only for Sasuke's goals. Sasuke is about efficiency, when he goes out to battle. By the time Danzou is out for blood with his Sharingan eyes, Sasuke knows the truth about Uchiha massacre and Itachi, and I can't even imagine the pain. Does he go overboard a little bit? Yes. But it won't be fair to judge him because of that, especially when we know the very much understandable reasons for Sasuke's wrath. And as for him joining Akatsuki, that's a stretch. He never joined Akatsuki for the same reasons Akatsuki was formed. He has nothing to do with Akatsuki's goals. He did it as a means to an end, his own ends, to gain power for the sake of his goals, and once it is done (even if he didn't really succeed at abducting Bee), he promptly left. And even though Tobito tries to reprimand him, Sasuke remains irreverent towards him. Sasuke's fighting practices are essentially transactional.
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Does he deserve the hate he gets for it? Absolutely not. This kind of emotional dishonesty is pretty standard in Naruto fandom, especially when Kishi puts so much effort to show why Sasuke committed these actions. And he isn't all that indifferent to Taka either. He protected Karin from Killer Bee despite the odds as Juugo remarked, so it's not like he is entirely unfeeling. He was ready to save Juugo during the war arc, and he generally finds Suigetsu likeable. Before he came to know the truth about the massacre and Itachi, he showed ethical practices (as much as one can in their world) by not killing the ninjas Oro brought him for training, he even warned Taka to do the same.
He is a deeply traumatized person, and people who have experienced deep trauma don't always make the most humanist of all decisions, especially when they are overwhelmed with warring emotions. He is only human, and I get why he did what he did. As for trying to kill Karin, killing Danzou means more to him than protecting Karin. The former lies heavy on the scale of his priorities than the latter. Which makes sense to me, in the given context.
3) Some fans think he is a misogynist for treating Sakura badly.
I call bullshit on this opinion. He is not. If anything, in part one, he tries to be nice to Sakura even though she keeps being a pest to him. He protects her multiple times in part one, comforts her when she is feeling depressed before the Chuunin exams, and tries to console her when he is leaving Konoha. He is emotionally intelligent and kind enough to tell something is off about Sakura before the Chuunin exams when no one else could.
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Sakura keeps getting into his space, pouncing on him and forcing physical contact multiple times when he specifically tells her not to. Hell, she lustfully wanted to see his underparts, if that's not creepy behaviour, I don't know what is. It's the kind of behaviour one would expect from Jiraiya, and that's saying something. If only the roles were reversed, if Sasuke was a girl and Sakura a boy, no one would find this treatment problematic. In kage arc, he tried to kill her as a response to her trying to kill him first. Does he not have a right to defend himself? Sakura stans usually do this, as if Sakura was the one in the right. She manipulated her friends and teachers to do something she wouldn't have had a chance to succeed at in a million years. Honestly, I would have gotten a lot of satisfaction if he had succeeded. But it was still nice to see her failing and how, and cherry on top, Naruto tells him he understood Sasuke's reasons for doing so. Lol. Game set and match.
Karin is another oversexed fangirl who keeps throwing her body at him, and it doesn't take a genius to tell how damn uncomfortable he is.
4) Some uber nationalistic fans claim that Sasuke betrayed Konoha, and get upset that Naruto chose Sasuke's 'friendship' over Konoha. They feel like Sasuke didn't deserve such treatment from Naruto, because Sasuke is a terrorist.
What can I say? This is a gross misinterpretation of both Sasuke and Naruto's characters and the story. Sasuke is deemed a terrorist, for what? Because he killed Danzou, a mass murderer? Danzou who was also responsible for the attack on Konoha in part one? Hell, he majorly contributed to the war arc, they would never have won without Sasuke. How is he a terrorist?
And of course, because they do not understand the true nature of Sasuke and Naruto's relationship, they feel justified in believing that Naruto shouldn't have prioritised Sasuke over his country. 🙄
Not like Naruto on several occasions, wasn't motivated to protect Sasuke over everything else. He would die for Sasuke than live for Konoha, because no one accepted Naruto 's existence more than Sasuke.
Sasuke's well being is Naruto's oxygen.
Also why would Sasuke be expected to preserve the same people that killed his clan so brutally, and used their organs for their own wretched evil interests, people who discriminated against and forced Uchiha clan to do something drastic, who were not even given a chance to table their concerns?
No matter what one says, the truth remains that Uchiha clan didn't summon the kyuubi. But they were punished for it nonetheless. In such a brutal, inhuman manner. Anyone who feels justified in hating Sasuke for his actions can go hug a tree, I don't especially care for their thought processes. Kishi put all sorts of effort in telling this story where Naruto and Sasuke's love trumps all other kinds of love, love for their country, love for the people of their country, love for their friends etc.
Kishi didn't leave any stone unturned to define this love that is so great, nothing can stand in front of it. This kind of love that makes for the most epic love sagas, and Naruto and Shippuden are epic love sagas. While this story depicts tussles between different philosophies, ethical practices, belief systems, different sides of a war, different sides to peace, different sides to love, Sasuke and Naruto's love comes up on top of everything else. A love that is manifested once in several lifetimes, the kind of love that becomes the key factor to saving and ultimately changing the world. The kind of love that is larger than all constructions built by humans. Love is essentially irrational, it never follows reason, that's the love we are witnessing here. So what am I missing here?
5) Then of course there are those who think he is an emo bitch, whining about his clan and family all the time, getting manipulated by people left and right.
Most of them are Naruto stans, and I love Naruto but his stans are fucking dumb. A lot of these are incelish dudebros whose sole focus is on battle jargon and techniques, who fought whom, who killed whom, who is stronger, they are happy to take the lowest common denominator of the story and run with it, thinking they have caught on to the central narrative of the story. That's what they read/watch Naruto for and that's all they care about. Like I said, dumb as shit.
Truth is Sasuke went with Oro being completely aware of the situation. And once he has learnt everything Oro could teach him, he kills Oro. Sasuke never liked the way Oro carried out his business, and he was motivated to kill him right from the start, once he had achieved his goals. And that's what he did. Obito does manipulate him, but had it not been for Obito, Sasuke would never have found out the truth. And Obito calculates the risks of telling Sasuke. He knows Sasuke's trauma, he knows what motivates him, he knew what would affect Sasuke, and if that resulted in Sasuke killing Danzou, I am all for it. No one in Konoha seemed anguished about what happened to the Uchihas. No one else seemed even minutely interested in bringing the fate Danzou deserved to be served to him except for Sasuke. None of the hokages and Kakashis and Shikakus and Jiraiyas and Inoichis of Konoha seemed interested in a massacre that happened overnight in their own village. No one seemed to bat an eye and dish justice. If Sasuke wanted to, where did he go wrong? No one in the history of the world has ever gotten freedom and justice by appealing to the moral sense of those who were oppressing them. Why should I expect Sasuke to? Especially when his reasons are this significant?
His ways might be a little extreme in a couple of instances in the latter half of Shippuden but they weren't unjustified in the least. And those who downplay his trauma and belief systems seem to me like privileged and spoilt idiots who have never known strife and common sense. Those are the kind of fans that are not allowed on this blog.
Yes, you are right. The core element of Sasuke's character is love. Love for his family and clan. This love turns to hate when they are killed off so brutally. Even Naruto realizes that one misstep and Naruto would have found himself in Sasuke's shoes. Love and hate are two sides of the same coin. The ONLY reason Sasuke wanted to 'cut off' Naruto from his life so he could finally be alone, he wouldn't be distracted by Naruto and his love for him, so he would be able to mete justice to the killers and detractors of his dead clan. He loves Naruto. And yes, his reason to kill Naruto isn't the most positive, but it's understandable. Naruto is the only one that can stand to budge Sasuke from his goals and Sasuke doesn't want that, he wants to achieve his goals with all his heart. But in the end, Sasuke gives in to their love. And this is the ending, the conclusion of the story. Their reunion. Like you said, Sasuke loves this boy so damn much, he can't even stand to have Naruto hurt even a little bit, he would become the cushion to break Naruto's fall. This moment.
Shikamaru's revenge is justified for having his teacher killed. Omoi and Karui's revenge is justified for having their teacher killed. Then why not Sasuke's, when he had his entire family and clan killed overnight and the body parts of their dead ones were used as commodities? Kishi had to do it this way, where Kakashi criticises Sasuke for his goals, and additionally Sasuke is generally portrayed as someone who is in the darkness, so as to corner Sasuke in the narrative, to isolate him, to put him in a position where he would be pushed to do something extreme. A position that facilitates the protagonist, the inventor of empathy in their universe, to finally break the chain of revenge by bringing Sasuke back. Naruto applies his skills to the likes of Nagato, Obito and Zabuza, seasoned victims of war and strife turned villians, but Naruto's greatest test was still Sasuke. Sasuke who wouldn't be mollified by anyone else, that is Naruto's job and his and his job alone, no one else's. So Naruto finally turns the tide of fate by making Sasuke accept his love. Kid Sasuke was full of love and affection. But then the tragedy happened and he became embittered, agonized by the deaths of close ones. This love turned hate directed him to become able to carry out his goals, but these goals would have eventually pushed Sasuke into such darkness, he wouldn't have been able to come back, if it weren't for Naruto. So this hate was trumped by his love for Naruto. And hence this love persevered and persevered and finally turned Sasuke away from a self destructive path. This is the crux of the story.
Honestly, I don't take Sasuke haters seriously, their interpretation of him, the story and even Naruto's character is so warped and biased, it's hard to do it. So I attached a disclaimer for them to keep away, and I am good with that, never having to entertain their silly ass opinions and takes. Sasuke is a complex, beautiful, tortured yet kind, graceful, just and ethical for the most part, emotionally intelligent, passionate and loving character and anyone who doesn't see the merit of that isn't worth engaging with.
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gch1995 · 2 years
Okay so rereading ROTS novelization and something rubs me wrong. Yoda and Obi Wan are talking about what to do with the twins and instantly Kenobi starts talking about TRAINING them in the ways of the Force. Yoda even says when the time is right they will be brought to them for training. How did they even know the twins would be force sensitive? Yoda said the Force runs strong in the Skywalker line but how does he know? Shmi wasn’t Force sensitive and neither was Padme so how can they just assume? And the BALLS they both had to just decide for the twins that they would be Jedi. I’m sorry I don’t think you two are exactly the best to decide the fate of children. At this point I see why uncle Owen didn’t want Kenobi around Luke. He was itching to train this kid from birth! Talking about how Luke would be trained how Anakin SHOULD have been… sir you can’t teach. Even when Bail offers to take Leia, Yoda and Kenobi exchange a LOOK, as if they are wary about letting go one of the twins. Also, the straight DISRESPECT Kenobi showed to Anakin when he took Luke to Tatooine knowing that was were Anakin first experienced slavery and the death of his mom. His excuse? “Anakin survived it. Luke can too.” Direct quote. So essentially Luke is like Yoda and Kenobi’s controlled experiment with almost the same situations thinking they’ll get a different outcome. I don’t know it just all rubs me wrong.
It depends on how much of the RotS novelization you actually consider canon, but, yeah, Obi-Wan is a grossly overrated character by most of this fandom.
No, he was never an outright evil conquerer like the gray Jedi believed in Legends from Empire/Sith propaganda, but he was never a particularly idealistic, kind, good, open-minded, or selfless type of character who made a truly heroic person. That’s why, as awful and dark as Anakin Skywalker became, his story is a tragedy, because, at his best, he displayed all the same qualities that Luke did in the OT movies to be that kind, progressive, revolutionary, selfless, and self-sacrificing hero for the Jedi Order and the galaxy at large, if his life hadn’t constantly been a living hell of abuse, neglect, and oppression under corrupt authority and he hadn’t become too afraid to say no and do better after awhile.
Yoda looked upon Obi-Wan Kenobi as the ideal Jedi of the of the old Order because he was a teacher’s pet who repeatedly made a conscious effort to not have any aspirations, ideals, interests, relationships, or personal values, life outside of kissing his ass to fit in and get ahead to be on the Council, even if that meant repeatedly screwing over his own integrity and those he cared about to do it.
It’s both a blessing and curse for him to be that way. On the one hand, he can never be vulnerable to the dark side because he’s learned to be so content with being a perfect Jedi™️ at all costs. On the other hand, because Obi-Wan is so content and dedicated to being that way, he can never reach the same level of true heroism that other characters like his master Qui Gonn met at his best, Anakin met at his best, Ahsoka at her best, Luke met at his best, or Ezra met at his best because his sense of motivation comes primarily from the Jedi Council and Yoda with his desire to fit in and get ahead with them generally outweighing his desire to be good by listening to his own instincts and conscience. For someone to accomplish truly heroic deeds with a truly heroic motivation, they can’t just be doing good things because someone else with power of authority over them tells them it’s right, tells them it’s for a reward, or tells them it’s the only way to fit in.
Obi-Wan can’t reach that level of true heroism that those other characters he met could at their best as a person himself because he generally was all about Yoda’s and the Council’s validation, and he never really put in much effort to be anything better than that. He never had a great enough desire to become anything better than what he had been taught to be by Yoda and the Council for as long as he could remember. He never had a great enough interest to understand the galaxy outside of Yoda’s temple.
It’s not all his fault he grew up to be that way because he was a victim of Yoda’s cult of total emotional/individual denial for life, but he also consistently made a conscious effort to not be like the sort of curious, kind, open-minded, and spontaneously good people he had met throughout his life more than once because they were free thinkers and idealists, who he secretly admired, but also saw didn’t get ahead with Yoda.
You’re right, though, nonny. Obi-Wan and Yoda really didn’t have the right to be planning out Luke’s and Leia’s fates before they even reached their first birthday. To plan on using them as weapons to destroy the monster of a man they inadvertently helped turn their father into before they were even born is also just cowardly of them. The worst part is that they never express any sort of remorse or self-awareness of just how wrong it was to attempt to deceive and manipulate the Skywalker twins to kill off the monster they helped turn his dad. The only one of Luke’s predecessors who gets the importance of taking personal responsibility for bad decisions by the end of the OT movies, rather than letting Luke pay for his sins, or trying to manipulate him for their own ends, is Anakin Skywalker.
Obi-Wan and Yoda never seem to get that it wasn’t okay to use the Skywalker twins as weapons to clean up the mess they inadvertently helped create with their father, but they still get the force ghost treatment, in spite of seemingly learning nothing from their pasts, because they are Jedi.
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poorlittleyaoyao · 2 years
My mission to rewatch the entirety of CQL over the long weekend has commenced! For blocking purposes, the tag is gonna be the same as what it was the first time through: “masala necromancy wizard hour.”
Episode 3:
-Really more of a carry-over from the second episode, but I like how the show isn’t just unclear about how much time passes between Cloud Recesses Summer Camp and WWX’s resurrection, but overtly obfuscating. The title card definitely read SIXTEEN YEARS AGO as the Yunmeng flashback trio pulled into Caiyi Town, but people have repeatedly said that WWX died sixteen years ago. Time, like geography, is an illusion.
-I could not STAND Jin Zixuan when I first watched the show last year. Now that I know what his arc is... I still don’t like him. I’m sorry, fandom, but he’s boring! He’s so boring! I’d honestly like him more if he were overtly bratty; a haughtier version of Jin Ling or, better yet, a male version of Pooja from K3G would be FANTASTIC, but as it is, I just cannot care about this cardboard cutout.
-I also don’t buy that Yanli is attracted to him? She looks uncomfortable to the point of nausea. If I, an aroace, find a character’s response to their love interest personally relatable, that’s... not a great sign. (Jiang Yanli 🤝 Sophia Cracroft 🤝 Rani Mukherjee’s character in KANK, my poor beloveds)
-That said, I appreciate how they lay the groundwork fro JZX turning it around by having him be halfway courteous to JYL and JYL only.
-I choose to believe that the Lan sect absoutely knows who everyone is when they show up, but the “you must have a ticket” thing was put there as a test of responsibility. Alternately, the guard guy hates his job and wants to fuck with people.
-I love bb Jiang Cheng stepping forward to try and do diplomatic interactions every time they encounter other members of the nobility. He’s doing his best!
-I also love!!! That JC notices when JYL is distressed! And tries to reassure her!
- “A-Cheng, you know that A-Xian always takes things seriously when they’re important.” ohhhhh nooooo he’s gonna internalize this and rationalize that WWX must not consider him important later, isn’t he D:
-I like the change to have WWX break a ward to enter Cloud Recesses rather than just climb over a fence. It establishes him as dangerous! No wonder Hall Monitor Lan Wangji is immediately on high alert. Breaking through the wards isn’t allowed? NO SHIT, HANGUANG-JUN. IT ALSO SHOULDN’T BE EASILY DONE!
-omg I just realized that WWX has literally no idea where the Jiang contingent is staying? What was he gonna do if LWJ didn’t intercept him, knock on every door until he found them?
-Xichen is just so DELIGHTED by this diversion, though. It’s cute.
-"The puppets are totally alive and TOTALLY NOT ZOMBIES” creates so many weird plot problems re: Wen Ning and the Yi City crew, but I don’t hate it elsewhere. The description makes me think of the guys who’ve had their souls sucked out by Tuunbaq in The Terror. “All I can bring to mind is the example of a diary with all the entries removed. It’s still a book, yes. But blank pages now.“
-”Wangji, doesn’t he have some real skills? :)” “>:(! >:(! >:(!”
-Does Xue Yang as a Wen attache with a connection to the Yin Iron’s creation throw a wrench in a lot of plot elements? Yes. Do I like it anyway? Also yes. Firstly, it establishes that Wen Ruohan has a habit of giving jobs to maladjusted vengeance teens. Secondly, the Wen siblings and Xue Yang definitely interacted and that is HILARIOUS. Please consider Xue Yang following Wen Qing around pestering her to tell him weird gross medical facts. Please consider Xue Yang teaching an appreciative Wen Ning how to curse better. Bless.
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so a while ago @volkswagonblues left a reply on this post saying that jeong jeong was an example of "someone who is ideologically 'right' but whose character is absolutely not likeable, or at least not in the mainstream fandom-popular way". i started writing this response, but i totally forgot it was in my drafts until i wrote my iroh analysis. it doesn't seem right for me to have an iroh analysis post and not a jeong jeong one so here it is, the jeong jeong character analysis nobody asked for:
volkswagonblues's response hits on exactly why i find his character so fascinating - he's good, but he's absolutely not nice or well-adjusted about it. and he's definitely not mainstream-fandom "likable". it's rare that i see hate for one of my minor character faves (one of the benefits of having them), but i have actually seen people say they don't like jeong jeong. mostly, it centers around him being "wrong" about firebending, as opposed to the sun warriors. i can see where that comes from. jeong jeong has the noticable accent and proverb-y speeches of the ~mystical asian master~ trope, but his viewpoint comes off as pretty harsh and simplistic. this can confuse an audience expecting easy answers from a kids show - are you supposed to see him as wise or not? for me, i think asking "are jeong jeong's beliefs wrong?" is the wrong question. instead, you should ask: "why does jeong jeong have those beliefs?"
and the more you think about that, the more you see that he isn't actually wrong. firebending is the only type of bending where the bender produces the element from their own body rather than using their surroundings. it is someone imposing their will on the world, even more so than the other forms of bending. iroh sums this up nicely:
"Fire is the element of power. The people of the Fire Nation have desire and will, and the energy to drive and achieve what they want."
there's nothing wrong with that in theory, but in the show, this drive and power manifests as the fire nation's imperialist conquest, and the goal they're trying to achieve is world domination. as a former high-ranking military official, jeong jeong has seen firsthand the ways firebenders use their power to hurt people. the culmination of the fire nation's ideology is a plan to burn the entire earth kingdom to the ground - exactly the kind of wide-scale destruction he describes in his first cautionary speech:
"Without the bender, a rock will not throw itself! But fire will spread and destroy everything in its path if one does not have the will to control it!"
you could say that firebending is misused by the fire nation, but that feels like a No True Scotsman fallacy ("that's not true firebending!"). the fact is, firebending's unique qualities fall in line with the nation's imperialist ideology. jeong jeong hates his bending because it is inextricably tied to the war he hates.
like many, i once thought a trip to the sun warriors would be healing for jeong jeong, but i've since realized that's not what he needs. jeong jeong is perfectly aware that firebending isn't always destructive - he counsels restraint and control, not total suppression, and he even alludes to sun warrior beliefs:
"Feel the heat of the sun. It is the greatest source of fire. Yet, it is in complete balance with nature!"
going to see some dragons who tell him that firebending is about the sun and life won't change his mind. 'of course it's not inherently evil,' he'll say. 'but it has been used in terrible ways'. his feelings aren't about firebending in the abstract. they're about firebending as it is used. that it has the capacity to support an ideology of conquest, that he and others have given into its destructive side and committed such atrocities with it. he's right to hate that. (i also feel like he'd resent the sun warrior civilization for their isolationism. i mean, i would, if i'd put my life on the line to fight against my nation and it turned out there were a bunch of people who agreed with me but did nothing about it.)
so if jeong jeong and the sun warriors aren't philosophically opposed (except re: their involvement in the war), why does his view of firebending seem so much harsher? because - and here we come back to the original point - he's not likeable. he's a strict teacher and plenty of us (especially if we were kids when we watched the show) have a knee-jerk negative reaction to that. his speeches about the danger of fire are grandiose. but here's the thing: the speech where he says the most derogatory things about firebending is not one where he's teaching. it's one where he opens up to katara:
"I've always wished I were blessed like you - free from this burning curse."
this reveal that he wants to be a waterbender means that everything he says to her about his bending is less about what he believes about firebending in general and more about his own personal struggles. and in that context, it's heartbreaking:
"It forces those of us burdened with its care to walk a razor's edge between humanity and savagery. Eventually, we are torn apart."
this is the core of it all - jeong jeong doesn't just hate the fire nation and its war, he hates himself, hates that he holds that destructive power inside him. he doesn't seem to struggle with the act of bending (another reason why the sun warriors wouldn't necessarily be any help) but he clearly doesn't want to do it, probably because it reminds him of when he did terrible things with it. no wonder he calls it a curse.
and so here's what we're left with: jeong jeong leaves the fire nation military because he is right that the war is wrong, and he counsels control and restraint in opposition to the imperialist ideology of constant expansion and conquest. however, he is severely traumatized and full of guilt from his participation in said imperialist conquest, and that means he comes off as harsh and overly negative. right, but not likeable.
while i was writing this post, i was rewatching a lot of clips from the show, and i got curious about his voice actor, who i suspected was actually asian (unlike most of the voice actors). it turned out i was correct - his name is keone young, and he's had a very long career - but he's hawaiian and doesn't have the accent that probably made me guess that. he has this to say about how he portrays the one-dimensional accented characters he often plays:
“I want to portray that person with an accent who is real instead of a stereotyped version of it," he said. "I’ve always wanted to see myself as the one the story revolved around so that it was my story not your story. I always try to convey I have some kind of philosophy or point of view.”
(read the full interview here)
i bring this up because while i think jeong jeong's memorability can partially be attributed to the atla writers giving him a cool backstory and dramatic lines, what keone young says here about taking a character who's a bit of a stereotype and making them seem real, with their own philosophy and point of view...well, that's exactly jeong jeong. despite his limited screentime, we get a clear picture of who he is and what he believes. and who he is is someone who fully embodies his radically anti-imperialist politics, who has come to his beliefs from traumatic experience that's made him bitter. as the atla renaissance pushes us to reevaluate these children's cartoon characters with older eyes and modern-day politics, it's worth looking at a striking minor character like jeong jeong, who might not be fandom-likable but who has a lot of depth to offer and a perspective worth considering.
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caesarflickermans · 3 years
what was your inspiration for Virgilia Snow??
I drafted this in a document without realising how long this got (despite thinking I only verged on the broad elements, huh) and therefore this is an under the cut type of ask.
I've always had this idea of a Mrs. Snow who would sleep with others and in the beginning stages of me developing her, I imagined her having her best life ™ sleeping with anyone who wasn't her husband. Chosen people, of course, but still a quiet dissatisfaction with the marriage she is in. That idea was lingering there for quite some years, actually.
But in spring 2020 some pretty bad things happened to me personally within my family, accumulation of long ongoing conflicts (emotional abuse) that kind of resurfaced the idea of her. The thing with abuse is that quite so often it's this sexual or violent abuse, but so rarely is it ever something subtle. Abuse is perceived as flinching at loud sounds or not liking knives around. But there's such a lack of representation in media and recognition in broad society about other forms of abuse; those that leave you questioning yourself, those that make you feel tiny. For example, in the recent chapter I included some notions of intercourse, and it's the same thing that I feel is sometimes lacking in abuse stories (luckily it didn't happen to me), but Virgilia in a way feeling fine with that happening because it's her duty, and Snow not really out there to physically hurt her is something that I don't see a lot in the media or represented in that way. Of course, it is still non-consensual sex, but it's not something she realises is wrong in this specific situation. The mansion is a sort of bubble, here, that keeps hold of her and at the same time keeps realisations about the bad nature of this relationship away. It's a curse and a "blessing" at the same time; a blessing insofar that the realisation will only come once removed from this place.
And then, I decidedly wanted her to be a romantic, to have read romance books, to be soft, and to be interested in romance still. That she is not incapable of love ever again. That a bad upbringing teaching one all the wrong things about love and the discrepancy of the imagined and glorified romantic interests in novels she read and her husband can co-exist but do not doom her. Obviously, this story is fairly romantic and obviously her interactions with Plutarch are the starting event of changing and realising. I realise that can be a point of critique here. Yet, this story is only small in scope, and I don't want to bring about too many original characters that distract from the actual plot to lessen this potential criticism (chapter 4, for example, had me reworking it a lot because I had originally wanted more context with some of the women there). I also know that this is a fanfiction and people don't necessarily stop by for original characters, so I try to keep those chapters where there's little of Plutarch at a minimum. Still, the presence of Grace is meant to represent female kinship that obviously occurs much more frequently and with more people in Virgilia's life who do not receive that much of a mention.
In addition, I didn't want a story of her having been abused and deciding she will become this fierce woman not needing love or become a fierce lesbian finding love away from men. Both because those stories are told a lot (in fandom) and because I like the idea of ending one's past and finding joy and happiness somewhat despite and regardless of what happened. To me, there's strength in her (subconsciously) deciding that those terrible experiences don't define her ideals in what she wants. That Virgilia doesn't have to change who she is or what she believed in because of what happened to her; that the romantic interest from her novels still exists (albeit she will learn that perfect love interests don't exist). [And this is not a declaration for the heterosexual or something; I am a bisexual woman dating another woman right now. In the end, Virgilia growing up as a trophy wife to marry a man had made sense, and I wanted her to personally want that, too, but at the same time I wanted her to rise above that and, through her romantic interests, show that abuse doesn't mean one has to do a 180 in all and everything that was tainted in abuse. That one's character and interests aren't suddenly bad because of what happened; that what happened is and never will be her fault]
In that sense, once she really sprung into motion, her romance with Plutarch seemed almost inevitable. Snow is tall and thin. He's got too many edges; bones sticking out from underneath his skin. A gaunt old man with wrinkles and white hair. Plutarch is the opposite, something she will yet come to realise about him (mentally I have been writing their first sex scene for a while, thinking about how I want her to feel and experience Plutarch who is her age, height and whose (over)weight plays a large contrasting role to Snow). In that sense, I also want to write a story that neither sexualises nor glosses over overweight men. That his weight isn't something she is "kinky" about but also that isn't absent in her liking of him or her interacting physically with him. Hugging him (or more) doesn’t suddenly render him a thin or muscular man. He feels different, the writing represents that, and she neither is repulsed or kink’ed up by it, but that he feels nice the way he is.
Many things converged in spring 2020, and among those was also me watching the Han/ maids Tal.e. I don't want to bring too much comparison about because I don't want to take away from the quality of Virgilia as a standalone character, but the book-reading (i.e. THT not allowing women to read), the trophy wife ideals and the fact Virgilia was never pregnant but raised someone else's children (though she also does not want children, ever, and she is convinced she would make a terrible mother) are definitely elements present in the show/book that aided in fleshing her out. I also picked Yvonne Strahovski as my sort of mental image of Virgilia, because I wanted her to be this typical trophy wife that Yvonne somewhat represents in the show (sorry if that sort of ruins your idea of what Virgilia looks like. rip!)
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scuttling · 3 years
Vacation (All I Ever Wanted)
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Aaron Hotchner/Latina OFC Sophie Cortes Word Count: 11,425 (Broken into 3 chapters on A03) Tags: SFW, Pre-relationship, Getting together, Vacation, Dancing, Drinking, Flirting, Pining, Minor pre-relationship Morgan/Garcia Summary: The team takes a much needed vacation, and things between Sophie and Aaron heat up. Collection: Sophie Cortes timeline, 1 year-1 year 3 mo at the BAU (See Masterlist for reading order) Link to AO3 or read below!
Friday It’s Garcia’s idea for the team to go to Virginia Beach for the weekend, everyone stressed out from the work week and in desperate need of some fun. Hotch and Gideon initially decline—it sounds like a bit too much fun, a young person’s trip—but Sophie announces “if everyone doesn’t go, no one goes,” and that kind of makes the decision for them.
They pile into two cars—Hotch, Gideon, Reid, and Sophie in one and Morgan, Garcia, Prentiss, and JJ in the other—to make the three hour drive on a Friday afternoon, and Gideon calls in a favor from a friend and gets them a beautiful house on the beach for the weekend.
“So after we get settled in, what’s next?” Prentiss asks as they unload the cars, their usual go-bags abandoned in favor of normal luggage.
“Dinner! Please say dinner,” Sophie pleads, and Emily pats her on the head affectionately.
“Okay, little one, dinner it is.”
“I know a great place down the boardwalk with plenty of options for vegetarians,” Garcia states, heels clicking on the tile of the kitchen, and the plans kind of evolve from there. Everyone heads to their rooms to change from work clothes to more appropriate attire, and soon they’re mostly gathered in the kitchen, just waiting for the stragglers.
Sophie, he notices (can’t help but notice anymore, and he’s come to terms with that,) looks incredibly beautiful in a silky, tropical print sundress and nude heels; she belongs in this kind of environment, salt air blowing her hair, slight flush on her cheeks. She looks like a goddamn supermodel, and it only serves to make his heart ache that much more when he looks at her.
“We should go dancing after dinner,” JJ, the last to join the group, mentions, and almost everyone agrees. Gideon grumbles something like, ‘damn kids’ as they file out of the house, and Hotch can’t help but laugh.
They find an Italian restaurant everyone can agree on that can accommodate them on short notice, and they’re seated quickly; Sophie is swiftly pacified by a basket of bread and a glass of wine, and everyone is happy, laughing, just as intended.
“What is calamari, again? I know it’s some type of disgusting seafood,” Garcia says, looking over the menu with a grimace, and Sophie returns the expression.
“Calamari, my dear, is Italian for squid.” She makes a fake retching noise, then turns to her partner. “Dr. Reid, give us a fun fact about squid.”
“While often confused with the octopus, squid have eight legs plus two tentacles, which actually makes them Decapods. The tentacles are used to grab prey and the legs are used to control it.” He smiles, looking pleased that he was asked to give a piece of trivia about something unrelated to a case, and Sophie grins back.
“Thank you. I didn’t know about the tentacles.” She tilts her head to look back to her menu, but catches Hotch’s eye and smiles.
He’s a little proud that he managed to pick the perfect partner for Reid, even if it meant the position was vacant for longer than he would have liked; he truly can’t imagine the BAU without Sophie, even if he is a bit biased now.
After dinner, Gideon retires back to the house, and the rest of them make their way to a beachside bar JJ finds with good reviews. Everyone is about two drinks in, and everyone but Hotch is dancing: Morgan and Garcia are dancing together, JJ and Prentiss are dancing together, and Sophie is doing her best to teach Reid how to dance.
“Put your right hand here,” she guides, placing his hand on her slim waist, “none of the hand-on-butt most guys prefer.”
“There’s something to be said for hand-on-butt,” Morgan shouts over the noise, and the girls laugh.
“Yes, there is, but time and place. I’m teaching him how to dance; someone else is going to have to teach him that.” She smiles up at him and takes his other hand, clasps their fingers together, and holds their arms out a bit. “Arms like this for now, or a little closer when you get closer to your partner.” She demonstrates by hovering her hand over his chest. “If they do this, they're getting comfortable, you can lean a little closer. Might even be a good time for a kiss, if you think it’s heading that way.”
“How do I know if it’s heading that way?”
“Well, social cues and body language are important. If I were you, I’d observe the other people in this room. Personally, if I want to kiss someone, I can’t take my eyes off of them leading up to it. Either their eyes, or, you know. Their lips.” Her own turn up in a smile. “If they're looking at your lips, you should probably kiss them.”
She rests her hand lightly on his arm, just above his elbow, and they take a few steps, a smile and kind words of encouragement passing her lips. “That’s good. I know you’re nervous now, but when you’re dancing with someone you really like, it will feel more natural. Like you’re the only two people in the whole world.” They take a few turns around the floor, and then switch partners, Garcia with JJ, Morgan with Sophie, Prentiss with Reid.
A bit of time passes—team members have come to the table to rest, hydrate, drink, in shifts—and then Sophie heads toward him, shaking her head with a soft laugh.
“That kid is so smart about most things, and then just hopeless about others,” she tells him as she stands at his side, taking a sip of water. “Don’t you like to dance?”
“I do, but you guys are having your fun. I don’t mind keeping an eye on things.” She raises an eyebrow, takes the beer out of his grasp and then takes his hand, pulling him to the dance floor. She catches Reid’s attention and then points to the table they abandoned.
“Will you keep an eye on the drinks, please? Hotch is off duty.” He nods seriously, hops off the stool he’s perched on and heads for the table; Hotch makes a noise of protest.
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“He’s observing, he can do that from over there. You aren’t our unit chief right now, you’re a man on vacation, and if you like dancing, you should dance.” She stops, stands in front of him, looking a little deflated. “I’m sorry. Do you want to dance with me? I’m being overbearing.”
“It would be my pleasure,” he says honestly, with a smile, and she returns the gesture. He places his hand carefully on her waist, takes her hand just like she’d shown Reid earlier; she lays her left arm along his, hand at his shoulder, and they move easily, smoothly across the floor. “Where did you learn how to dance? You seem like a good teacher,” he says softly after a moment, fearful that he’ll break the bubble they’re in if he speaks any louder.
“My aunt owned a dance studio, and my cousin Damian and I were always getting thrown in to demonstrate when she was short handed. I taught a couple classes there while I was putting myself through school.” A couple passes by them, closer than it seems either of them are comfortable with, and they squeeze a little closer together, his hand wrapping across her back, their arms tucking in.
“What kind of dancing do you do?”
“Mostly waltz, rumba, salsa. You?” He’s heard of waltz, salsa, doesn’t know much about rumba, but can imagine she looks graceful, gorgeous, when she dances it.
“Mostly just this. Do you ever go dancing back at home?”
“Sometimes. It’s hard without a partner, because guys can be creeps. They think that dancing means you have to go home with them.” He’s sure his eyes harden, thinking about what men must put her through when she’s just trying to enjoy herself, other women as well. It’s one of many things that irritates him about his gender. “I know dancing with a partner is sexy, but I can separate the dancing from the sexy. When I want to.” She glances up at him, and he’s probably imagining it, but it seems like she might be looking at his lips.
The song ends, transitions into one that’s slower, and they get a little closer, so that her hand presses against his chest, her head almost resting against his shoulder. She feels so good in his arms, smells like heaven, and he would love nothing more than to stay like that all night, but by the end of the song most of the others are back at the table, looking a little faded, and he supposes this good thing must come to an end. As if she senses the shift in his mood, she steps back with a smile.
“Thank you for dancing with me. You’re a great partner.”
“Better than Reid?” he asks with a smile, though it’s all in fun; he’s happy he got to see the youngest agent let loose for once.
“Yes. No offense to him,” she tacks on, and they both laugh softly, “but I like a man who can lead.” He wants to keep her hand in his, to lead her back to the table with their friends, to the house, to her room, but he knows it’s not wise, or even possible, so he lets her walk ahead and tries not to get too caught up in his own mind. They walk back to the house as a group, laughing and bantering as usual, and mostly everyone heads straight to bed—with the exception of Derek and Sophie, who are chatting in the kitchen and making a late-night PB&J.
“I can’t believe you got the boss man dancing,” Derek says, pouring a glass of milk to go with his sandwich, and Sophie laughs softly.
“I practically forced him to, I wouldn’t read that much into it.” He cocks a brow.
“I don’t know, you two looked pretty cozy. Dancing around like you didn’t have a care in the world.” He mimics a waltzing hold, spinning around the kitchen with his eyes closed; she laughs, a little shy, then tries to make a joke of it to hide her emotion.
“What can I say, I’ve got chemistry with everyone; it's a blessing and a curse.” He gestures between them with the hand not holding his glass.
“You and I don’t have that kind of chemistry.”
“That’s because you’re sharing all yours with Penelope,” she teases, taking a bite of her sandwich, and he chuckles.
“That’s just me and my girl. You know how we are.”
“Yes, I do: deeply in denial.” He looks at her with serious eyes, pointing at her, then himself, when he speaks again.
“Pot, kettle.”
“I’m not in denial about anything, trust me,” she replies, looking down at her plate. “I am very aware of my feelings at all times.”
“Okay, so there are feelings.” She rolls her eyes lightly.
“I’m not a robot, I have feelings.”
“For Hotch?” he asks, and the question is far too direct for her liking. She sighs.
“Even if I did, it wouldn’t matter. He’s still my boss. So don’t go trying to play Cupid or something.”
“Me? Interfere with your social life?” She scoffs, and he grins. “I’m just saying. There are ways around the boss thing, if you do have feelings for him.”
“And I’m just saying, it’s totally fine for a special agent to date a technical analyst. You don’t even need a way around it.” She shoots him a toothy, bratty smile, and he messes up her hair, earning a groan.
“Alright, enough of this talk, you’re making me tired.” He rinses his dishes, loads them into the dishwasher. “You wanna get into your feelings later, you let me know.”
“Same goes for you,” she calls as he heads down the hall. She cleans up her dishes too, walks to her room, sighing when she passes Hotch’s door. Saturday “She’s a masochist,” Garcia says the next morning, sipping a cup of coffee and looking out the open kitchen window, and Hotch has no idea what she’s talking about, but he has to find out.
He sighs when he sees, should have known that it would be Sophie, bright eyed and bushy tailed even after their late night, doing yoga in the sun on a patch of grass in front of the house. Her outfit is absolutely minuscule—a partially mesh sports bra, teeny tiny, high-waisted spandex shorts—and she’s getting lots of looks from the men on the beach passing by.
“Bitch,” JJ adds, stepping up beside them, sucking on the straw of an iced coffee. “How is she even functional right now?”
“She operates on a different wavelength than the rest of us,” he supplies, as that’s his only guess so far. He runs to stay fit for work and to relieve stress, sure, but he’s not waking up at 6 AM on vacation to do it for fun.
“I think that she feels inadequate sometimes, for being the smallest of us, and that she overcompensates by never letting herself rest. It’s also why she’s so proficient with firearms. If one of us got hurt because someone overpowered her, she wouldn’t let herself live it down.” That’s Reid, and he may have a little partner insight that the rest don’t, but his opinion is probably correct. Hotch also knows that she’s hard on herself, constantly training her mind and body so she won’t make mistakes; it’s probably something they should discuss more, now that he thinks of it.
“That’s deep,” Garcia says, looking over at Reid, and he nods, sips his coffee too.
“She’s very complex, while somehow also being the simplest person to talk to.”
“What are we lookin’ at?” Gideon asks as he sees the line of agents lined up at the window. When he glances out of it, he chuckles, shakes his head, and keeps walking. “Like the energizer bunny, that one. Makes all the rest of us look bad.”
She shifts into a position that makes it look like she’s sitting with her legs crisscrossed, which might not be difficult, except that she’s balanced on her head; Hotch can’t even marvel at the flexibility that takes, too focused on the effort she must be using to maintain the pose.
“God, what am I even looking at, here?” Morgan asks as he joins the group, protein shaker cup in hand. “And you all thought I was bad.”
“At least she’s not running. If she was running, I’d have to kill her,” JJ mumbles, and Garcia smiles.
“Oh she already ran, honey. Came back in to get the yoga blanket thingy. Said running in the sand is, and I quote, ‘such a fun challenge.’”
There are many sounds of disgust from the group, which seems to draw Prentiss out; she squeezes in between them, reaches out to take JJ’s coffee, sipping through the straw, and exhales.
“Yep, I am definitely gay.” She raps on the window, and Sophie turns her head toward them; she squints her eyes at the group, then tips over so that her feet touch the mat, rising to stand in a way that looks much more effortless than it has to be.
“What the hell are you doing, weirdos?”
“We’re not worthy!” Prentiss teases, mock-bowing in her direction and earning a laugh.
“All right, all right, I’m coming in. Freaking voyeurs,” she mumbles, folding up her blanket. “You too, Hotch?” she asks as she enters the house, walking past him, and all he can do is shrug.
“I was just admiring your form, that’s all.” She gives him a look, partially I doubt it and partially something like, I dare you, and he feels himself get a little hot under the collar.
If one look from her is all it takes, then he’s already in way over his head.
...Then comes the bikini.
It’s nothing outrageous, something simple and sporty enough that she plays volleyball with JJ and Morgan and a couple of other people on the beach, but it’s the least he’s ever seen her wear, so his mouth may water, a little bit.
And is it sad that he wishes she'd have asked him for help putting sunblock on her shoulders? Is it creepy? Regardless, she has Morgan rub it in, and then she does him, because—“as my mama says: just because you’re brown doesn't mean you can clown around.”
“Oh my god, I can already tell I will love your mom. I have to meet her.” She rubs the sunblock into his shoulders, earning playful banter from Garcia about running your hands all over my man, and yes, Hotch is irrationally jealous, and yes, he knows it’s stupid. “Anyone else need some?” She scans the group—Garcia is under an umbrella and clearly plans to stay there, JJ and Prentiss shared some cream that helps you tan faster, Gideon is already fast asleep beneath an umbrella of his own—and shakes the bottle at Reid. “Gonna take off your shirt, doc?”
“I’m gonna pass, but thanks,” he tells her, clearly a little self-conscious, and she just smiles easily.
“Okay, well let me know if you change your mind.” She turns to Hotch, then, smile still broad, runs her eyes up and down his t-shirt before meeting his gaze. “How about you, boss? Do you wanna take that off for me?” Her brow is quirked, her look again sending a flash of arousal through him, and he just shakes his head; he can’t say for certain that he wouldn’t do something very stupid with her hands on his body. “Alright. If you change your mind, my offer stands.” She turns away, and Morgan says something to her, too low for Hotch to hear; it earns him a playful shove.
They stay on the beach until late afternoon, swimming or reading, playing frisbee or sunbathing, and anything and everything in between. He takes a moment to check his work email when he thinks no one is paying attention, but soon feels a cool drop of water land on his arm; he looks behind him, and Sophie is peering over his shoulder with wet hair and a frown.
“Are you incapable of relaxing?” she asks, grabbing for his phone, and he pulls it out of her reach, so she’s forced to either put a hand on his shoulder for balance or fall. She reaches again, and they battle back and forth for it, not because he cares as much as he’s enjoying the attention. It’s childish, he knows. “Damn it, Hotch. I’m trying to… help you.” She has her arms on either side of his neck, trying to cut him off and get the phone out of his grasp, and her mouth is right at his ear when she says, “I’m going to get you to loosen up if it kills me.”
The comment is both very sweet and very tempting, and he catches her wrist, presses his phone into her palm. She disengages her arms from around his neck and sinks down into the sand next to him; she’s flushed from the little bit of exertion, and her eyes are soft when they peer into his.
“I just want you to have a good time and not worry about the BAU for once in your life,” she murmurs, pushing her hand through her wet hair. “Or you’re going to die young from stress and I’ll feel a little bad I didn’t stop it.”
“Just a little bad?” he teases, and she rolls her eyes playfully.
“I’ll feel really bad, so, just. Cut it out. Read your book. People watch. Do anything but work.” With a soft smile, she leans closer, hands him back his phone. “For me?” He looks into her eyes, wants to tell her he would do anything for her, but instead, he nods.
“Okay. For you.” Her returning smile is brilliant, and she rests a hand on his shoulder for a moment before using it to boost herself up to standing. She brushes sand off her butt, and he can’t be blamed for looking, he just can’t.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come swim?” she asks, and he blinks back into focus, shakes his head.
“Maybe later. I think I’m going to people watch,” he says, and if she is the person he chooses to watch, well. No one will be any the wiser.
“Sophie, oh my god.” She turns at the sound of her name, slipping the back onto her earring and staring at Emily with a confused look.
“What did I do?” she asks seriously. All she’s actually done since they came in from the beach was eat a grilled cheese, take a quick shower (daydreaming, just a little, about what it would have been like if Hotch let her rub sunscreen onto his shoulders), and get dressed, so there’s literally no way she’s earned the tone.
“I’m guessing you haven’t seen Hotch since he changed.” Her eyes glaze over as she imagines it—maybe he’s wearing a button-up shirt like last night, the sleeves rolled up, or maybe he opted for another thin, faded t-shirt like the one he wore to the beach…
“Uh, no, I haven’t. But what does that have to do with me?”
“You’ll see,” is all she says, grinning, and Sophie wonders for a moment if she’s actually not being that sneaky about her thing for him, and if everyone knows. Morgan’s inferences are bad enough.
She shakes the thought, because if the whole team did know about her crush, she would know about it. She’d never be able to live it down, and she would definitely know about it.
She finishes getting ready, sees what all the fuss is about when she enters the kitchen and is faced with a broad back with a blue polo stretched across it—the same shade of blue as the patterned dress she’s wearing.
She groans. They’re definitely gonna make a big deal about this.
“I say we make a break for it,” she says, and he turns at the sound of her voice, looks her up and down, and smiles crooked, gorgeous. “They’re going to make us take a picture, and I know how you hate pictures.”
“I do hate pictures, but maybe if I’m lucky, I’ll make it onto your dresser.” She takes a good, long look at his body—the polo is tight, hinting at his pecs, his stomach, and his arms look amazing—and can’t help but flirt a little.
“Are you just trying to get invited back into my bedroom? ‘Cause all you had to do was ask, Hotch.” His eyes get dark, smoldering, and then JJ and Garcia walk in, talking over each other and demanding photographic evidence.
She rolls her eyes lightly, and so does he, but he puts his hand on her back, pulls her close, and they smile for the camera. That night, they go for dinner, and drinks, but no dancing, and Hotch feels at a bit of a loss; it had been so nice to dance with Sophie, to hold her in his arms however briefly. He had kind of been hoping for more of the same.
She wears another lovely dress, light and gauzy, and blue—the same color as his shirt, which makes for a slight moment of hysteria from their coworkers—and he longs to put his hands on her waist, to see her smile, to smell her perfume.
He briefly wonders if he will ever get over wanting what he can’t have.
Hotch goes to the bar to grab a round of drinks when it’s his turn, and an attractive blonde woman about his age makes small talk, which escalates to some mild flirting; she smiles at him in a way that makes him think that, if he had been looking to spend the night with a woman, he wouldn’t have had to look very far. He’s not sure why that makes him uncomfortable.
The bartender is obviously swamped, and he’s thinking about giving up and going back to the table just to get away from the woman’s eyes, her voice, when warm hands wrap around his bicep.
“There you are, honey. I’m glad I found you.” Sophie wedges in between them, not sparing the woman a second glance, all eyes on him. “Drinks going to take a while?”
“Yeah, I think they’re understaffed. I’m sorry I kept you waiting.” He wraps his arm around her back, pulling her close, and she touches his chest softly with her palm.
“No problem. You know I’d wait forever for you.” She smiles brightly up at him, and the woman mumbles something unkind, throws down a few bills, and walks away. Sophie laughs, but doesn’t put any distance between them. “It looked like you needed a save. I hope I didn’t misread the situation.”
“You absolutely did not misread,” he assures with a shake of his head. “She would have eaten me alive if you hadn’t come along.”
“It’s a good thing I’m here, then. To protect your virtue.” She runs both hands down his chest—keeping up appearances in case the woman is watching, he assumes—and it prompts him to lean closer to her.
“I’m glad you’re here for more than that reason,” he says, however foolishly, and she sighs softly, pulls back so she’s not in his easy grasp.
“I’m sorry, I can’t…” She walks away from him quickly, and he doesn’t reach for her arm, knows she doesn't like that, but he does follow her out to the balcony. The night is warm, with a cool breeze, and it blows her hair as she looks out at the water.
“I’m sorry I said that.” He puts his hands on the railing, and she looks over at him, curiously. “I say more than I should around you, and there’s no excuse.” She turns to face him fully, arms crossed, face closed off and hard to read.
“Did you mean it, though? Did you mean it when you kissed my head and told me to let someone into my life? Did you mean it when you said you want to be here for me, and you wiped away my tears? Did you mean it when you were watching me do yoga this morning, when you watched me play volleyball in a bikini?” He opens his mouth to speak, but can’t find the words to deny it, or to help solve this problem.
“Yes, I meant all of that, and I realize now that what I thought was harmless was not so harmless after all.”
“You realize that because you know I felt led on? Or because you were just having fun and you didn’t expect me to pay such close attention?”
“You felt led on? I…” He feels his face scrunch in confusion.
“You told me I was amazing, you held my face in your hands, you pretended to be my boyfriend at the pizza shop. You came upstairs with me on my birthday and you took off my shoes and you looked at me like you wanted to kiss me. And I showed you my family, and you looked at me like you wanted to kiss me. And we danced, closer than I danced with Reid, closer than I would dance with anyone else, and you looked at me like you wanted to kiss me. This morning, I felt your eyes on me; at the beach, I felt your eyes on me. I feel them all the time, and I thought it was wishful thinking, but now I know it’s you looking.” His mouth goes dry, and he pushes a hand through his hair, feels as if walls are crashing down around him.
“Sophie, I can’t apologize enough. I’ve been behaving inappropriately for a while, and this weekend I let my guard down, and I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable.” He looks over at her, ready to see rage, or hurt, but all he sees is… hope.
“I’m not uncomfortable, Hotch. I just need you to tell me that you said and did all those things because you want me. Not because you thought I wanted to hear them, or because you felt some... I don’t know, little sister affection for me.”
“I didn’t say anything because I thought you wanted to hear it, and believe me, what I feel for you… It’s not little sister affection.” He looks into her eyes, apologetic. “I should have come to you when I realized my feelings were becoming inappropriate.”
“Hotch, I’m trying to tell you,” she says softly, wrapping her fingers around his wrist, “that it’s not inappropriate for you to want me, because I want you too.” His mind goes blank at that, the potential panic attack falling away and leaving him with just… what?
“You, what?”
“All of those things... I felt you getting closer to me, and I was getting closer to you. I was looking, too. And when you told me I should let someone in, when you told me that I should start dating again, I thought you were saying you wanted it to be us.” He takes a step toward her, wants to take her face in his hands again but resists, for the time being. “Is that what you were saying? Is that what you want?”
“I—yes. That’s what I want.” It’s all he wants, can’t think of a single thing in his life he’s wanted more, and the look on her face makes him think he might actually be able to have it.
“Then kiss me,” she murmurs, taking a step toward him. Her eyes are warm and clear, sparkling in the moonlight. “If you mean it.”
He slips his arm around her waist, caresses her cheek, and pulls her close for a deep, slow, passionate kiss. It’s everything he imagined, everything he’s been wanting, and she wraps her arms around his shoulders, pulls him closer yet. She is soft against his body, beneath his hands, and they kiss for so long he forgets about the world around them, just sinks his fingers in her hair, breathes in the scent of sunscreen and coconut shampoo, relishes the feel of her soft lips against his. It’s absolute heaven.
“I haven’t been able to think of anything but kissing you all night,” she breathes when they break apart, wetting her lips, and her hands run over his chest again. He leans in for a soft, quick kiss, pushing her hair behind her ear, and smiles down at her.
“I don’t think I’ve thought of anything else for months,” he confides, touching her chin. She smiles brightly, just like he’d hoped she would, and she puts her hands on his arms, bites her bottom lip.
“Well, I’ve thought of a lot of things. Some had to do with these arms…” Her eyes rake over his chest and shoulders, and he feels himself heat under her gaze. “Most of them have to do with all of you, though.” He groans, pulls her closer with hands on her hips.
“If we weren’t here with the rest of the team…” Her eyes get wide, and she laughs, a short sound of surprise.
“Oh my god, I forgot. I well and truly forgot about the rest of them for a second.” He thrills at that, bends for another lengthy kiss, and her eyes are dark when he pulls back.  “How am I supposed to go the rest of the night pretending I don’t know how well you kiss?” she asks, chest heaving, and all he wants to do is kiss her, repeatedly, learn all the ways her body responds to it. “Oh I know: I’m going to get drunk and hope no one notices me staring at your mouth. Worked on my birthday.”
He grins at the thought of her, then, now, drunk and looking at him across the table, watching him, and presses his lips to hers softly. Now that he’s started, he can’t seem to get enough.
“Okay. I’ll stay sober in case you need me to carry you home.”
“Mmm, why do I love the sound of that so much?” she asks no one in particular, wrapping her arms around him in an embrace. “I feel obligated to say we should get back in there; it’s only a matter of time until someone comes looking for us. But…” She trails off, brings a hand to his face and sighs, content. “I’m happy right here and I don’t want to leave this spot.”
“Me too.” He kisses her, and her fingers glide through his hair, tugging softly, making him moan. “Okay, we really better go in now, because I could lose track of everything if you keep doing that.” She smiles, like she likes the thought of making him lose his mind, and he can’t help but return the expression. “Do you want to go in first?”
“No, we can go in together. I got this, promise.” She takes his hand, presses her lips to it, and then drops it, and they head back to the table.
“Where have you two been?” Prentiss asks as they return, and Sophie smiles happily.
“Needed fresh air. Why, did you miss me?”
“Yes, but we also missed our drinks. Sent Reid for them when we realized you two had run off.” Sophie’s face falls a little, eyes a bit sad.
“I’m sorry, that’s my fault. I was upset about something and Hotch went outside with me, helped me talk through it. I’m okay now,” she adds with a brighter expression when it looks like they want to ask about it. It's not technically a lie, either. “So what are we talking about?”
“We’re talking about the craziest thing we’ve ever done,” Morgan says with a teasing grin. “Let me guess, yours is: returned a library book late.” She shoots him an unamused glare.
“Joke’s on you, I would never return a library book late.” The table erupts in laughter, and she sips at her now watered down gin and tonic. “But you’ve made your point, I’m boring. I’m sure you had a threesome with twins and JJ fought a bear in the woods of Pennsylvania and Emily followed The Cure on tour across the country.”
“I did not do that, but trust me, young Emily wishes she had,” Prentiss says with a grin and a sip of her drink. “Mine was going to a rave in Paris that was busted, running from the cops.”
“Okay I’m sorry, that’s way cooler than the Cure thing. What about you, JJ?”
“I played chicken a lot when I was a teenager. Like in Footloose,” she describes, laughing. “Probably should have died, but the dumb boys always got scared first and I won.”
“Chicken champion,” Morgan calls her, making her dissolve into laughter. “Mine was stealing a car, going on a joyride. Only time I’ve ever broken 100 miles per hour.”
“You’re all criminals, I get it now. No wonder you think I’m so boring,” Sophie teases. “You guys?” she asks Reid and Garcia. Garcia grins.
“I hacked the FBI, remember? Doesn’t get much crazier than that.”
“I went skydiving,” Reid says simply, and Sophie is surprised, to say the least. Hotch is too.
“Skydiving! Spencer Reid, you’re holding out on us. When was this?”
“When I turned 21, I wanted to do something special, so I just decided one day. I went by myself. It was terrifying.”
“Wow, I may never get over this. That is so cool.” She leans across the table, bumps her fist with his. When she leans back in her seat, she looks to Hotch with curious eyes. “Alright, I know you’ve got a story. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?”
“I haven’t done many crazy things,” he begins honestly. “I guess the craziest would be backpacking in Europe by myself, on a whim. I’d just graduated high school and was feeling… afraid of the future, I suppose. I was only gone two months, but I did feel different when I came back.”
“Okay, that’s crazy to me. I’ve definitely never had the guts.”
“I can totally see young Hotch backpacking through Europe,” Garcia adds, and he smiles.
“It was stupid, but I met a lot of interesting people. You really haven’t done anything crazy?” he asks Sophie, who has seemed a little reserved the last few minutes, so different from the girl on the balcony.
“Nope. No crimes, no drugs, no underage drinking or fights or spontaneous trips anywhere. I went to school, went to work, went home, and when I was done with school, I went to work and went home.” She twirls the straw in her glass for a moment, and then sits up with a smile. “Oh, wait. I have something. This may not seem that cool to you guys, but walking home one day in Chicago, I saw a flyer for a band that needed a singer, so I tried out. That was pretty spontaneous.”
“Did they like you?” Reid asks, and she nods excitedly.
“Yeah, actually. I ended up singing for them for about a year before I left Chicago.”
“Okay, you were in a band for a year and didn’t think you had any fun stories to share,” Prentiss clarifies. “That’s awesome.”
“We need to hear you sing,” Hotch tells her seriously, and she gets shy, blushes, adorable.
“Ah, no. Maybe back home—my friend owns a bar, and I sing there sometimes. Karaoke or open mic.”
“I learned two things about you tonight, Cortes: you sing, and you have a friend besides us.” Sophie smacks Morgan’s shoulder, making him laugh.
“Well I prefer quality over quantity—yourself excluded.” He feigns hurt, puts his hand over his heart. “And on that note, I need a couple shots. I’m not nearly as drunk as I want to be.” She stands, puts her hand on the back of Hotch’s chair. “Want to try again?” He does, if only to spend a few minutes with her away from the group, stands up and walks beside her to the bar.
“You don’t have to do crazy things to be interesting, you know,” he tells her as they lean companionably against the bar, waiting for their drinks. “I find you very interesting exactly the way you are.” She smiles, a tender, private thing.
“Thank you. I’m glad you do. I find you interesting, too. I want to know what makes you tick; I think I spend too much time trying to figure you out, actually. I’m surprised no one has noticed.”
“I’m simple. I’ll tell you anything you want to know.”
“That will be a long conversation for another time, believe me.” She shifts closer, so their arms are pressed together, and it shouldn’t feel as good to him as it does, her warm skin against his. “I want to know everything there is to know about Aaron Hotchner.”
“And I want to tell you,” he assures her, wants to put his arm around her back, but knows their friends are watching them closely this time. He thinks maybe they’ve noticed more than she believes.
Their drinks are ready much faster this time, and when they return to the table she hands out shots to those who want them while he hands out other drinks to those who don’t. She takes two shots in succession, and he smiles to himself, thinking of her earlier plan.
“You’re crazy, I love Julia Roberts,” Prentiss says about an hour later, when those drinking to get drunk have already done so, and then some. “She’s America’s sweetheart, she’s so beautiful.”
“Okay but we’re talking your dream celebrity hook up,” Morgan clarifies. “You’re telling me Julia Roberts is your dream hook up?”
“Yes. She made me feel things in Pretty Woman, with those long legs in the tub?”
“Yes, the tub,” Sophie agrees, and when she gets some curious looks, she sighs. “It’s stupid to assume everyone is straight all the time, and no one ever asked. I swing all ways, as in, even though I don’t date and haven’t had sex with anyone but myself in far too long to admit to, I like to look at everybody.” She’s moved closer to him in the last hour, and her thigh presses purposefully up against his. “Some people more than others.”
“Oh, we know we’ve gotten Sophie drunk if she’s talking about her sex life,” JJ teases.
“I’m never shy about my sex life, it’s my love life I don’t tell you about, because it’s practically non-existent.”
“And whose fault is that? You’ve been hung up on someone we know nothing about for months. Make a move or move on.”
“I’m working on it. Bossy,” she mutters, presses her thigh against his again. He wants to grab it, pull her legs into his lap, but knows he can’t get away with it. “Hotch, tell her to leave me alone.”
“JJ, leave her alone,” he says just to make Sophie smile; she does, and JJ sticks her tongue out at her.
“Okay, boss’s pet.”
That shouldn’t send a thrill through him, but it does, affects Sophie, too, if the straightening of her spine is any indication. As quickly as it happened, she slumps against the table, chin in her hand. He wonders why, but then her other hand moves to his leg, and he thinks maybe she did it to provide some cover. Clever girl.
“I want to be home. Home home, my own private home, not a house I share with all of you,” she murmurs, and Reid frowns.
“Why? Aren’t you having fun?”
“I am having fun! I am. But it would be different fun. I’ll explain it when you’re older.” Hotch can’t help himself, chuckles at that, and Sophie looks over at him, smiles. “Are we calling it a night? If I get any drunker I’m going to get into trouble.” They share eye contact that probably lasts a beat too long, and he covers her hand with his under the table.
“It’s probably for the best. Do you need me to carry you?”
“No, I’m okay,” she says, standing, and as everyone else gathers their stuff, she stoops under the guise of fixing her shoe, presses a hand to his shoulder for support, and speaks into his ear. “But keep in mind that need and want are two very different things.”
She smirks playfully, and he is so enraptured by her, moves his eyes from her lips to her bare shoulder, strap fallen to the side, wants to kiss her there and slip it back into place; he refrains from the kiss but does hook it with his finger and settle it against her skin, earning a heated look, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip.
He exhales, thinks to himself how silly it is that his heart is racing from just a few looks, a quick comment, the brush of his hand over her shoulder, but he wouldn’t want it any other way.
Heading back to the house is certainly more eventful than the previous night, as Morgan and Garcia giggle about something as she stumbles in her high heels, as JJ and Prentiss take Reid’s arms and link them with theirs for stability. Sophie walks steady, but slow, and Hotch hangs back with her, presses his hand against her lower back when no one is looking.
“I feel like I’m going to wake up in the morning and this will all have been a dream,” she whispers, glancing up at him; he smooths his palm up and down her back, eyes soft as he gazes down at her.
“It does feel like a dream, but nothing changes tomorrow, I promise.” He smiles softly, touches her face before pulling away altogether. “Except you might have a hangover.”
“No, I have foolproof methods. Lots of water before bed and a cup of ginger tea in the morning. I’ll share my methods with you, because I think you’re so cute,” she says with a smile.
“Lucky for me.”
He wants so badly to kiss her goodnight, but of course, they don’t get a chance, someone always hovering by the time they’re ready for bed. He does text her, though, after they go their separate ways.
AH: I’m really glad things happened the way they did tonight. Who knows how long we would have gone on staring silently at each other.
SC: Yeah, we’re pretty dumb for human behavior experts, aren’t we?
SC: I’m going to try to sneak you away tomorrow.
AH: I’ll be waiting. Goodnight.
SC: Goodnight. Sunday Sophie wakes up Sunday at 8:13 feeling like she could walk on air, she’s so happy. She kissed Hotch, Hotch kissed her, there was flirting and touching and it was all intentional and meaningful and magical… She gets a little carried away when she showers, reliving every moment, never so happy she agreed to come on this vacation despite her initial protests that it was too spontaneous.
She knows she needs to liven up a little, do more spontaneous things like go to the beach and kiss her boss and see Europe, go skydiving.
Maybe not the skydiving, but the beach and the boss she can definitely handle. Europe will probably have to wait.
She throws on a swimsuit with a cropped tank top and denim shorts over it and makes for the kitchen to get a cup of tea, smiles when she sees Emily and Garcia there. “Hi ladies. How did you sleep?”
“Like the dead, and now I feel dead,” Garcia grumbles. Emily nods over her cup of coffee.
“I feel like a truck ran over me, backed up, and ran over me again.” Sophie laughs, walks over to the table and sets down her box of tea.
“Have a cup. Cures any ailment, hangovers included, I promise.” Emily glances up, looking suspicious.
“Why are you so chipper? Why aren’t you dead like we are?” She tries not to grin, to be too obvious, but she hasn't been this excited about something in a long time, so it’s hard.
“Mind over matter. Gotta train those brains.” She adds a bit of honey to her tea, stirs it slowly. “It’s a gorgeous day, we have until late afternoon before we need to head back home, we’re having fun. I’m happy.”
“That’s all great stuff, but I can’t focus on it until my eyeballs stop punishing me,” Garcia groans, grabbing the box of tea and heading for the kettle. “Did you meet somebody or something? This is just extreme happiness, even from you. And it’s me who’s saying that.”
“She was with us all night. Well, she wasn’t, but she was with Hotch, so she may as well have been. She didn’t meet anyone.” Oh sweet, brilliant, clueless Emily, Sophie thinks, sitting across from her. She loves when her friends’ brains aren’t firing on all cylinders so she can feel like she has some secrets from them, instead of feeling so exposed all the time.
“Are we making breakfast or going for breakfast? Breakfast will help you guys feel better.”
“Going for breakfast,” Morgan says when he strides into the kitchen behind her. “No yoga this morning? I guess you’re human after all,” he says with a wink, and she just sips her tea because even his teasing isn’t enough to dampen her good mood.
“Takes one to know one. We both have lazy days, we both have feelings—I think we’re getting soft.”
“I’m not,” he says with a grin, lifting his shirt a little just to make Garcia swoon, she’s pretty sure—and it works. “Doesn’t look like you are either, in your little crop top. Trying to impress someone?”
“No, just letting my tummy out, as we all should on vacation. It’s more fun that way.” She drains the rest of her tea and rinses the cup in the sink. “Anyone need a nudge? I’m starving.”
“Haven’t seen JJ or Hotch yet, if you want to check on them,” Emily tells her, and she does grin at that.
“You got it! Hotch and JJ,” she repeats to herself, and she skips JJ’s room to rap on Hotch’s door. He opens it after a moment, looking hotter than should be allowed in a dark blue polo; his eyes roam slowly over her body, which makes her shiver. “Why, good morning, handsome,” she says, low, and he pulls her into his room, shuts the door, and kisses her deeply.
She moans softly in surprise, then weaves her fingers into his hair, stepping backward so she is pressed between the door and his body, which is the stuff of fantasies. His hands feel hot on her waist, his mouth harder than last night, more insistent; she pants for breath when the kiss breaks, runs her hands over his shoulders, pulls him close. “So glad I offered to check on you,” she murmurs, and he smiles softly, presses his mouth to hers again.
“So am I. You look…” He looks her over again, breasts, stomach, legs, back up to her face, wets his lips. “Beautiful doesn’t cover it.”
“Well I’ll take it anyway.” She brings his mouth down to hers for another soft kiss. “I have to check on JJ, but reserve your approval and hopefully we can get a little alone time today.”
“Just one more kiss,” he bargains, smoothing his palm over her throat, and she practically salivates at his touch, would give him anything he asked for. This time it’s a kiss, which is easy enough, and she stretches up on her toes, takes his face in her hands and plants one on him with a soft smack. They both smile. “See you soon.”
“See you soon.” Peeking out into the empty hall, she slips out the door, no one any the wiser, and heads to JJ’s room, pounding on the door with none of the regard she had for Hotch. “Are you up? We’re hungry, come on!” It takes a minute, but JJ pops her head out, hair a mess, eyes tired.
“Make me a coffee. I’ll be out in five minutes.”
“Sure, okay, five minutes though. Hey, do you want my ginger tea? Proven hangover cure, the other girls had some.” She narrows her eyes.
“Tea for now, coffee for the road. Please.” She slams the door, and Sophie laughs to herself, heads to the kitchen, and gets to work. Breakfast is a fun occasion in that everyone leaves the restaurant at least five times happier than when they arrived. Hotch just shakes his head and laughs, glad that his days of drinking to get drunk are over. The team looks rough.
The beach is on the agenda again, and most everyone opts for sunbathing at first, because they’re too full and tired to do anything else. Sophie and Morgan, the two most lively of the bunch, plan to head straight for the water—it’s an activity in itself to watch her strip out of her clothes, baring a little strapless bikini underneath.
Sophie offers to help Morgan with his sunscreen, but Garcia makes a noise of complaint. “Uh uh, my turn,” she says, squeezing some into her palm and handing back the tube. Sophie sighs, looks at JJ like she’s going to ask for help, but Morgan nods in his direction.
“Have Hotch help,” he tells her, and she narrows her eyes at him, gets a raised eyebrow in return. He makes a note to ask what that’s all about, and she looks a little like a deer in the headlights, but she steps over to him because it would be more awkward if she didn't, now.
“You know who to blame for this,” she mutters as she kneels down next to him, hands back the tube of sunblock, and she lifts her hair so he has access to her neck. He has to hold himself back from pressing his lips there, settles for imagining what she’d sound like if he did.
“Or who to thank, depending on how you look at it,” he counters as he rubs the lotion on. He feels the tension in her shoulders slip away as he works it in, the white cream melting into her smooth, brown skin. It’s like her whole body softens at his touch, and he makes a mental note to rub her shoulders often, when he gets the chance, could stand to see her look a little less tense most days. “At least I get to be close to you.”
“You’re sweet,” she says, humming as his hands move down her back. “I’m happy to be close to you too, just don’t need my coworkers watching me get rubbed down by the guy I like.”
“I do like the sound of that.” He presses his fingers against her neck, behind her ears, and she practically purrs at his touch, head tipping to the side. He’d like to spend more time there, it’s clear she enjoys it, but he knows he can’t milk it for too long. He slides his hands away, wipes them on his towel. “All set. My hands are free when you need to reapply.” She turns to face him, looks soft and relaxed and gorgeous, and shoots him a tender smile.
“Thanks. I’m still working on a plan for us, so I’ll be back soon.” She stands, throws the sunscreen at Morgan, and they chase each other into the water.
“Hey, will someone come up to the house with me?” Sophie asks after a while, and pretty much everyone is half asleep—either napping, in a food coma, or something in between—so it’s easy for him to volunteer himself, for them to slip away together. When they’re far enough away from the team’s line of sight, he scoops her up and throws her over his shoulder, earning laughter so hard it leaves her breathless. They make it inside the house, and he sets her down, her cheeks red and smile bright. “I cannot believe you did that,” she says, grabbing his shirt in her hands, and she pulls him close for a kiss that they laugh through, her hands shifting to come up around his neck.
“You were going too slow, I was getting impatient,” he teases, and she kisses him deeper, less playful, more passionate. He wraps his arms around her body, pulls her close, and they fumble toward the living room, collapse into a heap on the couch. They laugh, straighten out so they’re sitting somewhat normally, though very close.
“You’re so good at that, I think I dreamed about it.” She brushes gentle fingers through his hair, puts her legs in his lap just like he thought of doing at the bar, and kisses him softly a couple of times. “This isn’t just because we’re on vacation, right? I mean, tomorrow, when we wake up in our own beds, we’re not just going to pretend none of this happened?” He takes her hand, brings it to his lips, holds it.
“I couldn’t look at you and pretend none of this happened. Never.” He kisses her hand again, and she shifts so that she’s sitting up on her knees, so they can be closer, kiss better, he has to assume. One hand rests against his chest and the other loops around his neck, and they kiss long, hot, deep, so he has to pull back for breath. “Sophie,” he sighs when they separate, his hand gentle on her face. “I want you to know, I’ve never done this, or even thought about doing this with anyone from work. Not before you.”
“Neither have I. It’s just… you.” She leans in for a softer, sweeter kiss. “What do we do now? I guess, just to clarify: you want to date me, right? You don’t just want sex—I want to be sure we’re on the same page.” He puts his hands on her waist, like he’s holding her steady, looks into her eyes.
“I don’t just want sex. I want to spend time with you outside of the office. I want to take you on dates. I want to learn everything there is to know about you. I want to kiss you…” His eyes drift to her lips, and she leans up, presses them softly to his a couple of times.
“So we’ll need to tell Strauss? Gideon? The team?"
“I’ll tell Strauss, and she’ll change your reporting structure so that you report to Gideon, formally. It won’t change anything in the field, but he will have to be in charge of your performance reviews, psych evals, and future promotions so there’s no conflict of interest.”
“That’s good. I don’t want anyone to think I’ll be treated any differently.” He takes her face in his hands, kisses her slow, and she pulls back periodically to speak. “Not that... I think the team would, but... that’s good.” His lips move down the column of her throat, and she tilts her head, inviting more; her voice gets light and breathy. “Mmm, Hotch.”
He pulls back a little, sure he’s wearing a grimace; something about that, as good as it sounds, just does not rub him the right way.
“I think it might be better if you call me Aaron when we’re not working. It might help, you know, to have a little separation?” She nods, bites at her lip, and leans in for another kiss.
“Yes, that sounds good. I want to call you by your first name, but no one ever does, so I was waiting on you to tell me it was okay.” She brushes the pads of her fingers over his lips, his chin. “Kiss me, Aaron.”
He grins at that, puts his arm behind her and tips them both over so she’s laying under him, soft, sun-kissed, beautiful. She smiles, and he leans in, kisses her throat some more. “You smell so good, always like the beach, but especially now.” He’s pretty much destined to have a Pavlovian response to the smell of coconut and sunscreen, he thinks, but he doesn’t mind at all.
“If only you would take off your shirt and come swimming with us,” she teases, holding tightly to his shoulders, “I could make you smell all beachy too.” She catches his mouth in a kiss, grins against his lips. “Plus it would be nice to ogle you like you’ve been ogling me.” He scoffs, pulling a face.
“I haven’t been ogling you, I’ve been admiring you. There’s a difference.”
“Well in that case, let me admire you,” she coos in his ear, tongue curling over the lobe, and he kisses her deeply.
They are completely lost in each other when someone clears their throat above them, and they freeze; Sophie covers her eyes like it’s not happening if she doesn’t look, but Hotch is resigned to his fate, glances up and sees Gideon not looking very surprised. He doesn’t seem to have an opinion at all, actually, or at least his face doesn’t.
He sits up, pulling her with him, but she still can't look Gideon in the eye. Gideon, for what it’s worth, just nods. “I guess we’ll be going over some things in my office tomorrow,” he says, neutral, and Hotch nods.
“Yes. I’ll—I’ll get with Strauss in the morning.”
“Okay,” is all he says, and he heads down the hall to his room. Sophie groans.
“Okay, so we’ve determined we can’t be sneaky to save our lives.” She looks thoroughly embarrassed, but he just chuckles and pulls her closer, wraps his arms around her in an embrace.
“No, I guess we can’t. You’re too distracting.” She turns back to look at him, nose scrunched adorably.
“I’m too distracting? Compared to you, all on top of me, touching me with those hands?”
“They’re the only hands I’ve got,” he jokes, and she smiles indulgently, like she thinks he’s an idiot but likes him anyway. “We should probably head back anyway. I think we pressed our luck enough for today.” She grins at that, and he feels instantly like he should regret something he said. “What?”
“I’ll go quietly if you come swimming.” She adopts that puppy dog look he’s helpless against, presses her lips to his. “Please. It will be fun.” He sighs like he’s put out, but can’t resist smiling when she breaks into a grin of her own. “Yes! Okay, take off your shirt.”
“Now?” he asks with a laugh. “If we come back from the house and I’m half naked, eyebrows will be raised.”
“Just for a minute,” she explains, tugging at his collar. “I need to admire you before we’re out there so I don’t drool in front of them and embarrass myself.”
“You’re dangerous, you know that,” he says, pulling his polo over his head. “Those eyes could make a man do anything.”
“Well unfortunately for you, you’re the only man I plan to use them on.” She’s smiling, but her expression quickly fades to something more serious, and she flicks her eyes to his, then down his body, back up.
She opens her mouth to speak, decides against it, and leaps at him; he barely gets his arms up in time to catch her, and they almost go crashing back onto the sofa.
“God, you look so good,” she mumbles against his lips, hands in his hair. “I knew you’d be hot under all those suits, and then we got here and you’ve dressed more casually and it’s been just… the best.” She pulls back, runs her hands over all the bare skin she can reach, smiles broadly. “Can’t believe I get to touch you like this.” Slowly, he sweeps his palms over her body, brings her to him for a kiss.
“The feeling is so very mutual.” After another couple of kisses, she jumps out of his arms, hands back his shirt, though it’s clear she doesn’t want to.
“Glad we got that out of the way; I don’t know how the group would have reacted to me tackling you on the beach.”
“With incredulity, I’m sure. I don’t think I exactly fit what people would perceive to be your type.” She rolls her eyes, and they head out the door.
“What people perceive to be my type has nothing to do with me, or you.” She loops her hand loosely around his arm as they walk down to the beach. “And I don’t have a type, so we’re good.” As they get closer to the team, they move farther apart, and he already misses the feel of her skin.
“There you guys are,” JJ says when they approach, holding her hand over her eyes to shield from the sun. “Gideon went back to the house for a while, I’m sure you saw him.”
“We sure did see him,” Sophie says, dropping down onto her towel. “Are you guys alive yet? We’re gonna go swimming.” She scans the group, which is missing a few members. “Where are Morgan and Garcia?”
“Taking a walk,” Prentiss says with a suggestive tone. Hotch sighs, knows that soon enough the suggestive tone will be used at their expense. He wonders if Sophie thought that through, how invasive their friends can actually be. “They’ll be back by lunch, and then I guess it’s back to boring Quantico.”
“And that’s exactly why we’re swimming. Come on.” She stands up, walks backward toward the water with a smile. “Come on, Hotch, you promised.” Reid looks over at him with a curious expression, but he just shrugs and pulls off his shirt.
“I did promise.”
He’s not mad he did, either, because for a while it’s just the two of them, floating companionably in the luxuriously warm water, chatting about nothing, and she’s incredibly gorgeous with wet hair and a smile.
JJ and Prentiss join them eventually, and then there’s splashing, which is less enjoyable, but it’s clear Sophie is happy he agreed to swim, so he can’t find it in himself to be too irritated. They gather back at the house for a quick lunch, and they pack their stuff, load up the cars—this time they are split guys and girls, at JJ’s request.
“Thanks, Gideon, for the house, and Garcia, for the plan,” Prentiss says before they leave. “This was a great idea. Much needed.”
“Best weekend ever,” Sophie agrees, and she smiles softly when he catches her eye.
“That was awesome,” JJ says when they’re on the road. She looks back at Garcia with a grin. “So tell us, did you hook up with Morgan? Is Morcia a thing now?”
“I didn’t hook up with him, but…” She grins, and Sophie finds it infectious. “We talked, and I think we’re going on a date this week, barring any traveling you guys might have to do.”
“Yay for a date,” Sophie says, pulling her into a one armed hug. The women in the front shout their happiness a bit louder. “I’m glad, seriously. You guys are too cute not to be together if you want to be.”
“Thanks, I’m just worried about the whole ‘working together’ thing.” She looks over with a frown. “What if it’s awkward? What if I say something weird?”
“You already answer his phone calls with ‘talk dirty to me’—work phone calls. I don’t think you have to worry about it being awkward,” Prentiss says, looking into the back seat. “You two have chemistry, and he’s head over heels for you.”
“And hot,” JJ says from the driver's seat. “You don’t let a guy that hot go because of a little awkward. You hold on for dear life.” They all laugh, and even Garcia seems happier after the short conversation. She segues into another topic, which makes Sophie feel a little awkward.
“Speaking of hot: Hotch took off his shirt, and I liked what I saw,” Garcia says with a playful grin.
“I know, right?” Prentiss says, glancing back again. “Who knew he’d be so buff under his sad fed suits.” I knew, I knew! Sophie thinks, but she knows she can’t say it without spilling the beans about everything that happened over the weekend, so she just hums in agreement.
“We can thank Sophie for getting him out of his shell this weekend,” JJ adds, looks back at her through the rear view mirror. “First she got him dancing, then swimming… I sense that Reid has competition for BFF.”
“Yep, me and Hotch, best buds,” she says, leaning against the window. Garcia seems to find something in her tone, if the look on her face is any consideration, but says nothing. “I’m sad Reid didn’t play on the beach though. He actually is my best bud, but he’s a tough nut to crack.”
The conversation gets lighter from there, a little more talk about Morgan and Garcia, how good breakfast was, how they’re never drinking again. When Sophie gets a text message, she’s a little too excited to answer it, almost throws her phone across the car when she fumbles it.
AH: Can I call you tonight? I realized we didn’t talk about everything you had questions about. I got distracted.
SC: No worries. I got distracted too.
SC: I’ll let you know when I’m home.
She is just unpacking her suitcase and contemplating what to have for dinner when her phone rings, and she grins. He didn’t even wait for her text, which is cute, and she tries to simmer down so she doesn’t sound like a complete weirdo when she answers.
She picks up her phone, and it’s not Aaron’s name she sees, but JJ’s.
“You don’t know how sorry I am to tell you this, but we have a case.” She sighs down the line. “Los Angeles. It’s bad, or I’d say it can wait until morning.”
“Don’t be sorry, it’s your job. And we knew the vacation couldn’t last forever.” She drops her suitcase on the floor and replaces it with her go bag, stuffs it full of durable clothes. “I’ll see you in half an hour, JJ, thanks.”
“See you then.”
Sophie locks her phone and tosses it on the bed, does her best to get into a BAU state of mind.
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chibi-tsukiko · 3 years
Welcome to …
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This is something I have decided to do for the new year!
On Wednesdays, I’ll be posting something about my original story Wretched & Divine. Things like:
Character sheets/facts
Images /Art
World building stuff
And I’ll be answering any questions you guys may have! Just send me an ask! 😆
I’m excited to share more of my story with you! I hope you are too! 🥰
For those who are new here,
In the story, the world is divided into three lands. In the North is Rah, the holy city, where the Children of the Light live. Healers and warriors blessed with the magic of the heavens. No one but their descendants have seen inside the city, for only those of light can enter. In the South, Nubik, the land of demons and the Children of the Damned. Cursed with the magic blood of demons, the Leaders of Rah sent them to the hot southern borders to be closer to hell where they came from. They are known for the marks of the damned on their skin. The eastern and western lands were left to the Nulls. Caught in-between the light and the dark, they posses no magic abilities and are no match for any conquers. The Children of the Damned and their descendants have taken over much of the Nulls land.
Our main characters are :
Takashi Han - a Nubik Prince (Child of the Damned)
Hein — Takashi’s essence, a Null (human)
Ryuji Zenko — an assassin/ old friend of Takashi’s
Ishida Tetsui — a complex character, he is both a Child of the Light & a Child of the Damned
Myya — an orphan & skilled healer. Ishida helped teach her medicine. She is a descendent of the light.
Kai - Aris — A warrior of Rah.
Astraea — A member of the Rah royal council.
Uma — a sassy tavern owner, she is a child of the damned.
Feel free to search their names in the tags or the Wretched & Divine tag on my blog to see past snippets and characters sheets!
See you next Wednesday!!!
Tag list : @littleturtle95 @phoenix-and-dragon @khaleesiofalicante @my-archerboy @clumsyowl-in-a-fandom @radisv @raziyekroos @magnus-the-maqnificent @spotsandclawsthings @sassybookworm2020 @shadowhuntingdemigod
If you want to be removed or added let me know!
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estrel · 4 years
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so i’m not really sure how to make one of these but i felt inspired so! here goes nothing!
it was really...different, coming back to tumblr in the year of our lord 2020, but jesus, am i glad i did. the acceptance and just!! overall kindness! that i have found on here is truly overwhelming and i’m grateful to anyone who has interacted with me in the past few months, from mutuals to anons- i care about you so deeply and you really don’t understand how much the kind words mean to me!! i finally have a place where i can just,, be myself and indulge myself in my interests (singular interest, if we’re being honest) while also meeting so many awesome new people that just!! light up my day! thank you for inspiring me and being there for me, i hope i can do the same to you 💗
so...here are a few shout outs to some of my favorite people on here, because it’s nearing midnight and i’d do a follow forever but...ahaha...do not have time for that. expect one soon, though!! for now, keep reading (,:
@writtenmemxries - elena, thank you so much for being my first friend on here. you’ll always have a special place in my heart and i love you to pieces 💗
@thiscastielhasflown - crazy how me commenting on your post about cheesecake led to @rambleonspn and all that it is today (and will become!) i love our late night convos and going apeshit over destiel via video messages or calls, truly a highlight of my year, so thank you for being there for me and always being a shoulder i can lean on, jay (,:
(side note: while we’re here i’d also like to say that everyone involved in RO is an absolute blessing and you guys are SO FUN to chat with !! you’re all fuckin NERDS and i love you so much for it!!!)
@galaxycastiel - esha, darling, you are the sweetest in the world. you have such a kind heart and talking to you is always super calming for me and you’re basically like my rock. you are so talented and awesome!! don’t forget that!!
@castielology - kai you are simply too nice to me. really, you are!! i’m gonna 🔪🔪🔪 but also!! talking with you is so fun and you teach me so much?? kudos to you for putting up with me 😌
@heller-jensen - you are. sO FUNNY?? the mOST amusing and cool and talented and?? our dates are extremely fun and you’re a huge dork and i think we’re really cute and stuff,, but shh don’t tell anyone i said that 😡
@castee-yel - dee, i admire you so much. also you’re talented as fuck and i’m super jealous no i’m not yes i am. i know i’m a dumbass but you tolerate it and i love you for that 🥰
@kara-merlin - dude. i just have a lot of love for you. i’d also die for you. pls never forget that 💗
@i-think-im-humanbut-cant-besure - bro (gender neutral) whY you continue talking to me is a mystery. if you ever need me to punch someone for you, i’m there with brass knuckles. i want to give you a hug. 
honorable mentions (aka i’ve loved talkin to you this year and you make my days better!!): @acabdean @samdyke @credentiast @belajess @lesbianovak @casandeans @scoobydean @angxlsgrxce @shelikestv @sinnabonka @freckledean​ @bluefirecas​ @randomblabbling​ @hopeblossom50
okay now for some people who i don’t talk to much (or at all ://) but really admire for their Talent and i get real excited when they post!! also who i’d love to get to know better in 2021 if they’d allow it 💙: 
@dreamnovak @acklesy @willyouboy @avaarts @holytran @tearsofgrace @seraphlm @mishha @casjpg @delusionalcas @dykecas @sunforgrace @winchestersingerautorepair @aurastiel​ @s-ammy​ @antifacas​ @valleydean​ @fiercedean​ @celestialcastiel @joharvele​  @bisexualrowena​ @cursed-or-not​ @celestialjack @kingjackless​ and like. quite literally, all of my mutuals/everyone i follow, lmao. please, my dms are always open, come say hi if you so desire 🥺💗 
thank you for welcoming me back to the fandom and being so supportive of me/my content/my work this year!! here’s to many more :D !!
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nocturne-overtures · 4 years
Kinktober Day 19
Pairing: Dom Kun x Lucas, Hendery, Ten, Yangyang, Xiaojun
WC: 1.4k
Prompt: Begging + Sex Toys
Genre: Smut
Tags: Begging, Sex Toys, Fucking Machine, Remote Vibrators, Cock Rings, Overstimulation, Ruined Orgasms, Exhibitionism, Frottage, Nipple Play, Brat Taming, Dirty Talk + Light Degredation, Voyeurism, Light Dom Training, Implied Blowjob, Established OT7 Poly Relationship
A/N: I added Xiaojun. Fight me
The full M.List for Kinktober is here, and I’ll be posting and adding links to that post as I go. The prompts span several fandoms, so feel free to check the list to see if you’re interested in any of the future
Day 18                        Day 20
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“Kun-ge please! I’m s-sorry!”
Kun brought a cup of tea up to his lips, sipping calmly before he looked down at his phone.
Five minutes had passed.
He brought up an app on his phone, sliding his hand up a dial and smiling as a chorus of sensitive cries came from behind him.
On his bed, Lucas was cuffed to the headboard, a blindfold over his eyes as Hendery squirmed in his lap. He was seated fully inside of him, drool running down his mouth as a ballgag kept him from fully closing it. Lucas panted, his chest flushed with claw marks, his nipples perked and puffy from Kun’s rough treatment before they started the real punishment for all of them.
Yangyang whined from his place just beside Lucas, babbling in whatever language fell from his lips first. Ten was situated on top of him, sliding their restrained cocks together as the fucking machine Kun had set up pistoned in and out of him. Sweat clung to the older idol’s head as he rutted desperately against Yangyang, chasing an orgasm that wouldn’t come without Kun’s permission.
All of them had vibrating cock rings on them, keeping their desperate need to cum in check.
“Any of you pulling the word?”
Kun was met with a chorus of ‘no’s in different languages and he smiled, turning his music up as he continued producing.
“Then settle down. I’m making music over here. Unless you want to be on the track, too? I’m sure Sicheng and Xiaojun won’t mind just the four of you having a unit song all to yourselves, yes?” He mused.
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it! Please- ahh fuck please, Ten-ge- please, I need to cum!” Yangyang squirmed below Ten, his hips moving on their own as they rocked upwards. Kun hummed, looking at the app on his phone. He slid one of the dials up and smiled as Yangyang cursed in German, his eyes rolling back as the vibrator in his ass began to stroke at an even higher setting.
“Following Ten and Lucas all the time is gonna get you in trouble, Xiao Yang. You too, Hendery. I don’t know, or care, what kind of things Baekhyun let you two get away with while you were away with SuperM, but I’m Qian Kun, not Byun Baekhyun, and when you’re back here with me, you must know by now that you’re not going to speak to me and act just however you’d like.” Kun hummed, bringing his tea back to his lips.
Hendery whimpered around the gag, and Kun was merciful enough to stand and take it out of his mouth, running his thumb over his lips.
“How does it feel, Dery? Hm? Too much?” He inquired, swiping his thumb over the drool running down his lips before swirling it around his left nipple, pinching lightly. Hendery jolted, clenching around Lucas as he sat down fully, throwing his head back.
“Fuck! N-No, I-I’m okay...W-wanna be good, I-I’m sorry-” He trembled, his blonde hair tickling Kun’s shoulder as he tilted his head back. Kun, satisfied with the answer, turned his head and kissed him, sending a look down at Lucas’s flushed body as he fought the urge to fuck up into Hendery’s lubed up hole.
Idly, Kun remembered just how disobedient and rude Lucas had been as of late. Maybe a bit too comfortable, in his opinion.
He turned his gaze back to Hendery and kissed his temple.
“You wanna be good? You wanna cum?”
“God, yes please.”
“I’ll take the ring off, you just have to fuck yourself on Xuxi until you cum.”
Hendery nods eagerly and Kun rewards him with a kiss, ignoring Yangyang, Ten, and mostly Lucas’ whimpering. Kun reaches between them, sliding the scarlet red cock ring off of him. Hendery whines, resting his head on Kun’s shoulder as he bounces, his cock straining in Kun’s hand as he rode Lucas.
“Kun-hyung, I wanted to see if-” Xiaojun opened the door, his eyes widening as he surveyed the room. His lips parted as he watched Hendery grind down on Lucas’ cock until he came with a scream, shaking. Kun wrapped thick arms around his waist and kissed at his temple, keeping him still as he kept stroking him, smiling coyly as his cum landed all over Lucas’ abs.
Kun kept stroking until Hendery put a trembling hand over his, whining.
Kun let him go and looked over at the doorway, finding Xiaojun standing there with his face beet red. Kun chuckled and licked his hand, arching a brow.
“Like what you see?” He hummed. Xiaojun bit his lip before he nodded. Kun purred at the honesty, lifting Hendery out of Lucas’s lap. He let Hendery lay on a clear part of his bed, letting the blonde catch his breath as he beckoned Xiaojun into the room.
“Do you want to participate? This isn’t Sicheng’s cup of tea, but I’d love to teach you. Especially with how many naughty boys we have in our group. I’m sure they’ve teased you enough for you to be curious to see how it would feel to be on my side of things, no?” Kun purred, looking over at Ten and Yangyang as Ten let out a string of curses in Thai at yet another ruined orgasm.
Xiaojun pushed the door closed behind him and nodded, shuffling over to Kun. Kun kissed him, using his clean hand to cup his cheek before he wiped off his dirty one with a wet wipe he had in a pack on the nightstand. He left Lucas’ abs a mess and motioned for Xiaojun to follow his lead.
“Pay attention.” Kun hummed before he paused the machine, giving Ten a brief reprieve as he freed Yangyang from below him. It was a blessing and a curse because it left his overstimulated cock without any friction or relief. He looked up at the two older idols, his body flushed all the way down to his chest as his cock sat red and throbbing between his legs.
“P-Please, I’ve learned my lesson, I-I’m sorry for being rude, please please please-”
He continued to babble as Kun leaned into Xiaojun’s space, whispering to him. When he was finished, Xiaojun sent him an uncertain look, but he only nodded, looking towards their youngest. Xiaojun leaned down at him, shushing him gently. Yangyang instantly quieted down, looking up at him with big doe eyes. Xiaojun stared at his lips before he pressed his fingers into him, pulling the vibrator free and replacing it with his fingers. Yangyang arched up into him, shaking as Xiaojun kissed his cheekbone before sliding the ring off, stroking him to completion as he whimpered.
Kun watched the two of them before turning to Ten, finding the man sending him a fiery, challenging look. Kun’s lips quirked up as he tilted his chin upwards, looking him in the eyes.
“I take it you haven’t decided to apologize yet for your behavior?” He hummed, his voice dripping like warm honey. Ten only tilted his head, his lips curling up.
“I guess I haven’t. What do we do about this now?” He inquired. If he played his cards right, he could probably provoke Kun into roughly fucking him into these sheets-
Kun was a step ahead, shaking his head as he moved to turn the machine back on, this time all the way, leaving Ten with no one and nothing to rut against, leaving his cock strained and neglected between his legs.
”We aren’t gonna do anything. I’m gonna go see if Xuxi is ready to apologize. You can think about your actions more while I’m over there. Remember, Chittaphon,” Kun leaned down to Ten’s level, smiling sweetly despite the look in his eyes that made Ten whine.
“I’m not Baekhyun. You’re not going to get away with disrespecting me, love.”
Ten shuddered at the tone and bit his lip as Kun walked back over to Lucas, pulling the blindfold free. He let Lucas adjust to the light before the younger man looked up, opening his mouth to apologize and beg Kun to let him cum as well. Kun pressed a finger to his lips, shaking his head before he unzipped his pants.
“Oh no, you don’t get to sweet-talk your way out of this, either. I’ve heard enough of your smartass comments for the time being. You can put that mouth to use doing something productive.”
Lucas looked from Kun’s hardness before looking up into his eyes and nodded, opening his mouth. Kun purred in satisfaction, pushing the head of his cock past Lucas’ pillow lips.
“Good boy. Ill teach all of you some manners again, don’t you worry.”
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