#fandom nerds
pbscore · 7 months
That one fandom nerd who’s being an entitled jerk towards the Native News blog (who are a team of constantly working people dedicated to posting as much information as they can about genocide and anti-imperialism FOR FREE) is just another example of how fandom ‘politics’ has genuinely rotted so many people’s brains when it comes to prioritizing serious issues and NOT centering oneself during a period of traumatic stress and horror that they aren’t even experiencing or even IMAGINE experiencing.
Fandom nerds make the WORST ‘activists’ and I’m so tired of this site constantly coddling them. I’m so tired of encountering the most entitled and selfish people who claim they’re the most ‘enlightened/anarchist/leftist’ just because they learned queer and feminist 101 talking points. But goodness forbid these people stop themselves from calling a black person a ‘fascist’ for calling out racism in fandom spaces or a teenager/minor a ‘puriteen’ for calling out p*dophilic content in fandom spaces.
Goodness forbid these nerds actively try to work with minority communities that don’t conveniently line up with their personal experiences. Goodness forbid they stop using the one black person or slew of minors who do agree with them as pawns in their own little circle of ‘anything goes’ nonsense.
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hoshizoralone · 3 months
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i finished halo ce
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burningvelvet · 11 days
the worst part about having an embarrassing amount of knowledge about your hyperfixation is having to repress the urge to correct people when they talk about it bc u don't want to be an asshole but at the same time u Need to Share and Protect the Knowledge for the Good of All Mankind
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runraerun · 6 months
Do you guys ever think about how canonically the vessels that angels occupy aren’t supposed to age (s12e10 when Cas is impressed his buddies kept their same vessels for well over a century. Also apparently Cas tells Jimmy when he first was requesting permission to inhabit his body, that Jimmy would not age while he was doing so.)
…but Castiel definitely ages. Obviously I get that this is simply because Misha himself is aging, but *my* in-universe headcanon is that he’s choosing it, (whether consciously or unconsciously) because he wants to grow old with Dean.
UPDATE: I wrote a fic for this. Enjoy!🐝
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chaotic-autumn · 2 years
never let anyone convince you that your excitement isn't beautiful. what an incredible thing it is, to notice and be overcome by any bright spot in this too-dark world.
it doesn't matter what you're excited about, how small it seems to other people, your joy deserves to grow as big as it can. nurture it. help it grow strong so that when you are hurting your joy can lend you its strength.
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sunfishingart · 1 year
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theyre on a date
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robotpussy · 5 months
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winwin17 · 4 months
Are you afraid of Scary Bilbo?
Maybe, but ...
Does it change your view of Bilbo's entire character? Does it make you decide Bilbo is evil and corrupt at heart? Does it cause you to deride Bilbo for greed and selfishness in spite of all his heroic deeds?
Then why do you do that to Boromir?
When Boromir tried to take the Ring from Frodo, it was his equivalent to the "HRRAAGHH!!" Bilbo moment.
Think back to the moment when Bilbo at Rivendell asked Frodo just to see the Ring, and in one fleeting instant Frodo saw, not the Bilbo he knew, but "a little wrinkled creature with a hungry face and bony groping hands." The flash of vision scared Frodo so bad he felt a desire to strike Bilbo. Frodo was terrified.
And then the next moment, Bilbo was himself again. The book itself describes the moment thus: "Bilbo looked quickly at Frodo 's face and passed his hand across his eyes. 'I understand now,' he said. 'Put it away! I am sorry: sorry you have come in for this burden; sorry about everything.'"
My friends, this is not that different from what happened with Boromir. He pressed Frodo to show him the Ring, and then became so intense about it that Frodo was terrified Boromir would take the Ring by force. Just like he'd been terrified of Scary Bilbo. Because, just as that was frighteningly not like the true Bilbo, this action was also not like the true Boromir.
Sadly, Frodo did not get the chance to hear Boromir's repentant apology and weeping once the moment of madness had passed. He got to hear Bilbo say, "I am sorry; sorry about everything!" But he did not get to hear Boromir say, "What have I said? What have I done?" nor his confession to Aragorn, "I tried to take the Ring from Frodo. I am sorry."
And what did Bilbo want the Ring for at that point in his life anyway? What would he do with its power? Get revenge on his petty relatives? Acquire riches and pipe-weed to last a lifetime? On the other hand, Boromir wanted the Ring as a final desperate hope to save his city, his home, his family, and his people. Being of a noble heart, he viewed the Ring as the only possible way to protect and defend others. It could be said that he was somewhat selfish and desired glory of his own through his efforts, but then again, wouldn't it be called selfishness for Bilbo to get revenge on the Sackville-Baggins, or store up wealth and riches for himself, or hoard all the pipe-weed he could want? Perhaps he would have had loftier thoughts and intentions to use it against Sauron - but then that would simply be a twin vision to Boromir's.
The point is, no one loses confidence in the character of Bilbo or his true-heartedness because of that one scary moment when he is almost overcome by lust for the Ring. And yet Boromir gets villainized for the same thing.
Say it with me, folks: "Boromir was no more of a villain in his temporary madness for the Ring than Scary Bilbo was!"
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thelastfinalgirl · 1 year
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The Blair Witch Project. Directed by Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sánchez (1999)
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i never noticed this this is the cutest thing ever omg
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drieddpetals · 6 months
jesper and wylan: *standing under mistletoe*
jesper: "hey wylan" *points up*
wylan: *looks up* "omg mistletoe! did you know mistletoe is actually a parasite? they grow in big bunches up in trees and slowly suck all the nutrients out of their hosts :)"
jesper: "how romantic"
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my-castles-crumbling · 6 months
sip - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 158
"So?" Lily asked, trying not to show how much she was dying for information.
Remus just smirked and wagged his eyebrows suggestively while taking a sip of his hot cocoa.
"Remus! You have to give me more than that!" Lily shrieked, throwing her hands up in the air. "The entirety of Gryffindor has been waiting for you and Black to get together for years!"
He grinned and shrugged. "What more do you want?"
Lily rolled her eyes. "I don't know! Did it go well? Did you have fun? Did you--I dunno--kiss?"
At that, Remus beamed.
With a gasp, Lily said in awe, "You did! You arse, why didn't you start with that? Tell me more!"
"Well, if you must ask, he's as good with his tongue as he is with his hands," Remus started, grinning evilly.
"You slag!"
"You asked!"
"I know....tell me more!"
Suffice it to say, Remus's cocoa had turned cold before they finished talking.
You guys can't tell me that Remus and Lily didn't sit and gossip for hours at least a few times a week. C'mon.
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modawg · 4 days
i feel like if rick keeps saying the timeline just goes with whatever timeline it is irl (more or less) so the characters don’t age outside of cannon then annabeth would be the biggest slooth and knew everything abt percy before he even came to camp using that computer they have in the back
if we’re saying technology ages with the irl timeline yk
like i just know pre tlt the moment annabeth found out abt that prophecy and chiron told her they might’ve found their guy she was looking that kid up IMMEDIATELY
like she was looking up first name last name middle initial school records public court records everything abt his mom his step dad yada yada yada like genuinely i just know she would’ve looked into all that shit
like she probably went to luke after chiron told her abt percy and was like “they think they found the kid from the prophecy”
“oh shit fr ?? when are they gonna bring him to camp?”
“oh idk..”
“damn well-“
“but his names perseus jackson he lives in manhattan new york he’s been kicked out of 5 schools so far- he’s my age his birthdays coming up pretty soon, august 18th, so he’s a leo- his moms sally jackson she married his guy gabriel ugliano a couple years ago and hes currently going to boarding school called yancy academy which is where grovers at rn and where chirons going tomorrow. his public records say he’s pretty small too i could prob pick him up, shorter then me by 2 inches😌”
“nothing abt his dad tho chiron won’t tell me :/“
“and when did he tell you all that??”
“he told me his name last night i’ve been at the computer all day there aren’t many ppl by the name perseus lmao”
“cool..so when perseus-“
“chiron said grover calls him percy”
“ok so when percy comes to camp how abt we make sure he doesn’t think ur a creep ok? and we’ll keep this all to ourselves”
“:/ ok”
“do you wanna know his blood type? i already told the apollo kids :)”
“please no”
logistically ik you can say “mo she can’t do that bc the monsters >:(“ FUCK THOSE MONSTERS
their protected by thalias tree at this point and i feel like she’d be one of the only ppl with access to that computer anyway like they keep that thing pretty lock and key so i could see annabeth sticking her hat on and creeping her way to the computer every other night before percy came just so she could know exactly who they would be bringing to camp
hc that annabeths a freak and we love her for it
i will forever believe annabeth has a scary “percy” folder hidden under her bed with a bunch of shit abt him in there
emails he sent her ? printed and annotated check
anything written/drawn by him ? check
anything medical just incase ? check
random facts abt him she probably wrote when he was gone to make herself feel better ? check
your honour she’s a menace and she loves that boy
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marysblo0d · 2 months
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How some of you sound
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prokopetz · 2 years
The fact of the matter is that many nerds suck at fantasy worldbuilding because, as a group, we’re entirely too prepared to listen to that little voice that insists we’re the smartest person in the room.
Whether we’re talking about prompt fills, fanfic AUs, or original fiction, going “actually, all of this setting’s problems have easy and obvious solutions, and the only reason they haven’t already been implemented is because every single person involved is extremely stupid” is almost never going to be compelling – save perhaps in a wanky nerd power fantasy sort of way, and you can only get so much mileage out of that!
That doesn’t mean you can’t use that little voice to your advantage, though. Take the easy, obvious solution it’s giving you, then assume that if that solution was feasible, it would already have been done. Why isn’t it feasible? Do not proceed until you have a satisfactory answer that doesn’t boil down to “everyone involved is stupid”. Then figure out what the easy-and-obvious-because-everyone-is-dumber-than-me workaround for the obstacle you’ve just come up with is, and devise a good reason why that doesn’t work, either.
Two layers will generally be enough – readers will usually forgive a reductively clever solution if you make your heroes work to get into a position where they can try it.
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cipher-the-sidhe · 3 months
I think our good pal and author of the super fantastic amazing MedievalTimes!au “Pluck My Heartstrings” @pluck-heartstrings is feeling under appreciated. I propose we flood them with love and praise!
@naffeclipse @lycerialilfire @muzzlemouths @pure-plum @xitsensunmoon @shirajellyfish @lynaferns @certified-handler
Can y’all help me out with drowning them in praise pretty please? :>
I can start! Pluck’s writing is incredibly fun and I am thrilled every time their fic updates. Their art is absolutely gorgeous, especially their art of the Vocalist/Princess, which has such a fairytale, dreamy quality to it that I’m in awe of.
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