#fanfic writier
morganski-19 · 1 year
Jesus Christ the comic sans trick works. I always get writer's block when I have to transition into the dialogue and felt it coming so I change to comic sans. And now I'm just pumping out a whole 500-word dialogue scene without stopping much. my god what is this magic.
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whumpthefuck · 3 months
All my character's are autistic now. It's been decided.
Low key just want to start adding a little disclaimer to all my fics on AO3 that all my characters are, on some level, autistic & ADHD, bc I'M autistic & have ADHD, and I have no fucking idea how NT's think or why they do what they do so I don't think I could ever accurately write a NT character.
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afh48 · 1 month
chapter 4 of Naked In Manhattan, you'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling, has just been posted on ao3!! this one's another chloe-centric chapter, which is always so fun to write, so i hope you like it!!
summary: "Hi, it's Chloe! I know you just landed, and I know you're probably busy. But I would love to see you! So call me when you can!"
On a business trip to Manhattan, Beca meets Chloe in a club bathroom.
fandom: pitch perfect
pairings: beca x chloe, minor aubrey x stacie
other tags: alternate universe, implied sexual content, implied/referenced abuse, internalised homophobia
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secret-sageent · 6 months
I wrote more Plant Dads because i am so normal about them!
have a first meet fic
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lemmegettamcpictwo · 7 months
You guys ever have something extremely upsetting or traumatic happen to you, and your first thought is to channel it into angst fanfiction? Where my deeply unsettled writers at
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neptune-scythe · 6 months
and if I start making teaser "posters" for my fics what then
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marauderingpaige · 9 months
When you're writing the next chapter of one of your many fanfics and you type the words "Well, at least I can take you now," when it is two characters talking about a restaurant they are about to go to for a date and your mind supplies nothing but dirty thoughts for this incredibly not dirty scenario...
(And, the characters have in fact done the deed before (though not in the fanfic, yet, things are complicated) so the character who says it has taken the character they are speaking to, but hey, my mind is a bit questionable sometimes, haha.)
Anyways, new chapter of one of my fics coming your way soon-ish ;) I hope you are all having a wonderful day! xx
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purinfelix · 9 months
everytime i follow someone i think is cool and just hope they follow me back so i can have writer friends to talk to i feel like this picture of eric cartman praying ,,,, like pls ,,,,, lord ,,,,,
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gumsnail682 · 11 months
(Bad) Life hack for writers!
Start two(2) projects at once so you can procrastinate on one project by working on the other!
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cheshireegray · 2 years
So I’m in a serious mood to write, I want some requests for any tvd/To one shots. I’m like super bored and my adhd won’t let me sit still so please send me requests for one shots. To be honest it can be smut or really violent or have to do with any type of metal/physical illnesses I’ll write it JUST PLEASE GIVE ME SOMETHING TO DO!!!
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sylwanin-was-right · 2 years
Me filtering all the x reader fanfic and instantly improving my search experience
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whumpthefuck · 1 year
People need to stop seeing fanfiction authors the same way they'd see having a personal chef.
Here's the thing, with a personal chef you can ask for whatever you want, and then should be getting whatever you ordered. If the chef makes something you like and you want it slightly different next time, you can ask for that. If the chef makes something you hate, you can voice that and tell them to never make that for you again. You get 110% control over the end result.
However, finding fanfic online is more like driving around and you see a sign outside of someone's personal home that says "Free apple pie!" and you go "Damn I love apple pie" so you show up, and I still have some apple pie, and I say "OF COURSE I DO!!" and get you the ingredients list (tags) for you to look over to make sure you don't have any allergens (triggers) in the Pie. Then I give you the pie (FOR FREE). Now you have two options, you can either eat the pie enjoy it, and maybe let me know, or if you don't like the pie, you don't come by again for more free pie. It's really that simple.
However, some of you, seem to think it's okay to (in this metaphor) see that you have allergens in the pie take & eat the pie anyway. THEN come BACK TO MY HOUSE and yell at me for including allergens in the FREE pie I MADE FOR FUN and because I WANTED TO MAKE PIE, and didn't make you eat the damn pie.
I (and I'd think most writers) got into writing because we enjoy making our own stories, stories we'd want to read. We write for our own enjoyment and post for people who want to read stuff we also like to read and write. MEANING if you don't like what we write, that's fine but you don't get to demand we write exactly what you want. You don't get to complain about what we write all because it's not exactly how you want the story to be written. If you want a story written a specific way, YOU FUCKING WRITE IT THEN!!!
Fanfic authors write FOR FUCKING FREE, this is not our job, this is not done under contract, this is not done by obligation. We do not owe it to you, to write consistently, to post consistently. WE DO NOT AND CANNOT GET PAID FOR WRITING FANFICTION!! So if you want something custom do it your damn self.
This is not me saying that you can never have or voice an opinion on what you'd enjoy seeing next. Sometimes that can be a great way for fanfic authors to get new ideas, and see things in ways they may have never seen before even with their own story. However you as the reader need to understand that this is not a writer's meeting. This is a bus, where you are the passenger and we (the writer/s) are the bus driver. You are free to get on or off the bus at any time, however, you do not get to decide where the bus goes. We as writers do. You are simply along for the ride.
I should clarify that I have never had this happen, however, I see it happen enough, and I hear about it happening enough that I wanted to vent about it.
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Someone, maybe: How do you have so many half written chapters for a single fic?
Me: Yes Send help I am so disorganized, I can't even write chapters in order anymore
-Mod Angel
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xemdead · 2 years
Happy new year! Thank you guys so much for all the love and support towards my writing! And thank you for sticking with me 🖤 I hope you all have a great 2023 xxx╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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hoebaring · 2 years
26.27 and 28 please! they are such correct questions!! sorry for my english it not my first language
Hey!😄Don't worry luv, your English is just fine :D
26. How do you get into your character’s head? How do you get out? Do you ever regret going in there in the first place?
Well, I never needed to get into a character's head, because, the characters and situations that I regularly write about, are always influenced by circumstances that I have faced or I've seen. The main events (excluding the romance. your girl has never experienced it and she's genuinely proud😂😏) are almost never made up :) It's only the situations that lead up to the main event that are a figment of my imagination. The rest of the writing are just my thoughts that I present through the characters about the entire situation. So, that should answer the second part of the question too, that is, I never have to get out of the character's head either. Yes, there are times when I genuinely regret going there in the first place because it's kind of like a trip down memory lane :( but it's all for the best because writing has helped me evolve as a human being more than anything else ever has!
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
I think the most stressful character I've written is Namjoon's mom in OB :) Although she doesn't appear for more than 3 chapters, I had to portray the conflict between the logical and emotional side of her mind and help her justify her actions and herself in a very short span of, like I said, 3 chapters which meant I wouldn't have enough time to elaborate like I usually tend to. But, all in all, it turned out well for both my writing and the characters in the story. Her decision to start being strong for both herself, and her kids made things all the more better and I love that! :))
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
Bo-ra is without a doubt the most delightful! I's mainly because the traits she has are a mix of all the traits and characteristics my best friends possess. What more could I ask for in anyone be it a character or a person?
Author G <3
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kosmic-kore · 1 year
writeblr intro
hii, im finnley!! im:
-mainly a fanfic writier but i have a few original works as of lately.
-LGBTQ+, trans, and i have AuDHD. almost all of my characters will also be/have these things. dont like dont read.
-january aquarius, minor, preforming artist, upcoming actor
-ask/tag game positive
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a group of kids takes it upon themselves to end a haunting of a past student. but what if its deeper then that? and what will they do when bigger secrets are revealed?
-LGBTQ+ rep, an aroacespec character written by a aroace person, trans rep, disability/mental heath rep, poc rep
-diverse cast of characters (that are still being developed)
-my first original work, and the only one im focusing on right now
-found family trope because its my favorite
-bits of romance, action, and drama
stage: plotting/draft zero
other: i've only just started writing for thoua, and i haven't gotten far. currently, writing is a hobby for me and im hoping to write more as i get older. all pieces of writing i share comes from my fanfics.
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