#fanny thai
highsummonertemptress · 11 months
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tadpal · 9 months
mansfield park is so desperately frustrating to read bc i CARE SO MUCH about fanny and the entire thing is just people taking advantage of her and her being too timid and too self conscious to ask for or refuse anything for herself and it just makes me miserable.
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writers-potion · 10 days
Do you have any cool alias for "zero" ? It's not for character name so I don't mind if it's complicated
Words to Use Instead of...Zero
I'm not sure if my ideas are "cool" in your standards, but here we go:
nothing (not a single thing, not anything, nothing at all)
not a sausage
sweet Fanny Asams
the nadir
bupkis (= nothing at all)
goose egg
the additive identity
the subtractive indentity
the positional value/notation
the commutative ring
the trivial
Maybe you can try an analogy of some sort:
the circle
the big wheel
the ring
the undefined
existance of non-existence
the large dot
vacant star
You can try building on zero in language other than English:
Russian: ноль (nol')
Chinese (Mandarin): 零 (líng)
Japanese: ゼロ (rei, maru)
Korean: 영 (yeong)
Arabic: صفر (sifr)
Hindi: शून्य (shunya)
Swedish: noll
Turkish: sıfır
Greek: μηδέν (midén)
Hungarian: nulla
Czech: nula
Thai: ศูนย์ (sǔun)
Finnish: nolla
+ You don't need to answer, but why do you need a cool alias for zero? I'm genuinely curious LOL
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quietblueriver · 5 months
hug (Kate/Yelena)
Yay, Kate/Yelena! A quick lil thing about them dancing around each other.
Thank you for the prompt and for giving me a reason to post my first venture into writing them. 💜🏹🕷
Lucky knows before she does. As soon as Kate opens the entry, he’s bounding up the stairs in the way he only does for food and a handful of people, so Kate isn’t exactly surprised to see a familiar form in a well-worn black leather jacket crouched down and scratching at his belly, blonde hair spilling out from under a rust-colored beanie. 
Her stomach flips anyway, as it does around Yelena these days. It’s kind of nice, to be doing a normal twenty-something crush thing. It’s kind of weird, to be doing it with a former Black Widow who came into her life via an assassination attempt on her partner/mentor and who may or may not be working for some pretty terrible people right now. 
That mixture is in line with the rest of her life recently. Because she’s Hawkeye. And that’s just how it is. 
(She can see Clint’s eyeroll in her mind and ignores it, as always.)
Anyway. Kate isn’t surprised to see Yelena but she is a little surprised that she’s outside of Kate’s apartment instead of in it, which is where Kate often stumbles on her if it’s a surprise visit or they’re not meeting out in the world—sprawled across her sofa or lurking in the corner like an absolute creep, ready and waiting with stupid fast reflexes and a crooked smile. 
The crooked smile is still there (the stupid fast reflexes, too, but those aren’t distractingly plastered across Yelena’s face) and Kate’s only a little bit jealous that it’s currently being directed at Lucky instead of her. 
If she thinks about it like someone else might, like basically anyone else might, it’s strange to see Yelena the Black Widow, Yelena the deadly mercenary, cooing at the Pizza Dog flopped belly-up in the dingy hallway outside Kate’s apartment, tufts of golden and white dog hair floating into the air and sticking to her black jeans. 
But she doesn’t think about it like anyone else, hasn’t thought about Yelena like anyone else since she shook her head at Kate on that rooftop. And that’s absolutely, totally stupid. She knows that. Kate’s very, very good at what she does. She’s the world’s greatest archer. She’s Hawkeye. 
But Yelena was a Black Widow. She was put through a whole bunch of very, very fucked up shit by a bunch of heinous people that she then escaped and also, apparently, destroyed. (Which, good riddance, and Kate is sad she never met Natasha for a million reasons but near the top of that list is the hug she’d like to give her for helping to demolish The Red Room.) 
All of that has made Yelena one of the best killers in the world. Yelena could absolutely kill her. Yelena nearly killed Clint. 
But Kate, for some reason (other than being, like, desperately gay for her, which is absolutely a thing that’s happening but which she wouldn’t let wreck her life as Hawkeye) trusts her. And more and more, she thinks she’s getting to know her. And like her. 
And she can’t help but feel like it’s a good thing. 
Clint trusted Natasha. Clint loved Natasha. And all it ever gave him was good. All it ever gave the world was good. So Kate’s jumping on the Hawkeye-and-Black-Widow bandwagon with an assassin of her own and if it gets messy she’ll deal with it later. 
Right now, she’s busy watching Yelena Belova, whose eyes crinkle when she laughs and who has a dog named Fanny and loves sour candy and The Muppets and the Thai place around the corner. Right now, she’s listening as Yelena praises the rescue dog who’s wriggling happily against her bent legs, tail thump-thumping against the floor. 
“Oh, you’re a very good boy. Very good. Very good.”
“I don’t know about that.” 
Crinkled green eyes meet hers as she finally steps closer, crouching down to join in the pets and letting herself stare at the slope of Yelena’s nose and the quirk of her lips for a second as Yelena’s eyes turn back to Lucky. 
Possibly she should be a little more discreet about her big gay crush but she’s only human and Yelena is stupidly beautiful and right here and smiling and it doesn’t matter if she gets caught, because it’s only Yelena here to catch her and Yelena definitely knows Kate has a big gay crush on her. She’s been trained to notice and track human behavior and also, Kate is not and never has been described as subtle. So whatever. Might as well lean in. 
She scratches at the spot that makes Lucky’s leg kick as she says, “Yesterday he rolled in trash sludge for a full minute before I could get him away, and we were both covered by the time we got home.”
It sucked. Kate’s joggers had been irredeemably corrupted by the New York City grime and her whole bathroom had needed a deep clean by the time she managed to get Lucky through a bath. 
“Why did you let him roll in the trash, Kate? He’s a dog. You’re a person. It is your responsibility to tell him no, yes?”
She’s smiling, and she’s clearly proud of herself, and Kate’s hand twitches with the desire to tuck some escaped hair behind her ear and also maybe definitely kiss her. She lets half the impulse win, because Yelena knows about her big gay crush and is still at her apartment and petting her dog and smiling at Kate and Kate has never been a coward. 
She moves slowly, an unspoken question, and Yelena doesn’t back away, so Kate keeps going. Her hair is soft, and Kate’s fingers catch in it as she tucks a few escaped strands back, the wool of her beanie scratching against her knuckles. Yelena’s staring at her, green eyes curious and open and Kate seriously thinks about letting the second part of her impulse win, too, but then Lucky’s head pops up between them, a distressed whine making his displeasure at the shift in focus known, and Kate blinks out of her thoughts and back into her gross hallway and decides now isn’t the time. She pulls back instead, presses to her feet and puts her key in the lock. 
When she looks back, a question on her tongue about Thai for dinner, she finds Yelena fully seated, arms around Lucky where he has leaned his entire body into her chest. 
She catches Kate staring, eyebrow raised, and shrugs, lifting one hand from Lucky’s shoulder to gesture at him. “He wanted a hug.” 
And she still doesn’t kiss her, because they’re still in the grungy hallway with its bad lighting and Kate’s needy dog and most importantly because they haven’t talked about it and Kate doesn’t want to rush any of this. But the desire to do it runs through her in a fierce way. 
Not now. But soon. She’s never been a coward, but she knows the dangers of letting the arrow loose too early. 
That’s the good thing, though. She’s Hawkeye. She’ll know when to take the shot.
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caps-clever-girl · 1 year
i like how all the ghosts are intelligent in their own way and how their are varying types of intelligence shown
like robin. robin can be shown as 'dumb', as in he doesnt understand a lot of things that the other ghosts deem impossible not to know. but he is very smart, and wise. hes both 'book' intelligent and emotionally intelligent (and whatever kind of intelligent that makes you good at chess) and he has a decent amount of common sense and logic, it's just that in his time things were a lot simpler and he's kept that simplistic look on life. it makes him look smart when the situation really can be that simple (fanny and cap arguing over rooms in ep one) and stupid when complexities of modern times affect it.
kitty is simmilar. she is portayed - esp in the first season or two - as naive and stupid. but she has her moments of craftiness and emotional intelligence, especially when it comes to other people. she's very intuitive more than anything, and while she might not be 'book smart' in the first couple of seasons i personally think it's just becuse she hasn't been taught much. once she has the oppertunity to learn things she does better.
julian is equally smart and stupid when it comes to intelligence i think; he worked in parliament - you HAVE to be some kind of smart to do that even if he used money to ease the way and hes smart with his words, but he puts his foot in it a pretty much equal amount of the time. most of the time hes being smart he is Also being crafty. capable of emotional intelligence but it's hit and miss. mostly miss.
thomas also is very intelligent around his words! but only under certain circumstances and he cannot get ahold of that. however his emotional intelligence is down the toilet a lot of the time :/ has a strange ability to overthink and underthink all at the same time.
id say cap has a good amount of typical intelligence. hes good with machines and understands technical aspects, and he is smart around his hobbies and interests (birds, insects, weapons). he has a good head for planning and organisation, however if that initial plan collapses he tends to flounder and panic. i dont think he sees much past the surface of a situation and he has little intelligence surrounding humour and jokes often go over his head because he's very logical. he also has little emotional intelligence (tho he is getting better i think!)
pat is a good one! he's a smart guy with heaps of common sense and practicality and he's also a logical one! i think he looks deeper into a situation than cap would, and also has lots of emotional intelligence, the combo of which makes him a good peacemaker - but his emotional intelligence only really applies when it concerns other people. i dont feel like he has anywhere near as good an understanding of himself and bottles up his emotions a lot/refuses to acknowledge them.
humphrey is the smartest and thay would be clearer if he had MORE SCREEN TIME. (as long as you do not look at him trying to defend himself from the soldiers that was embarrasing for everyone involved)
i wrote this very late and i dont think it makes sense or quite got what i was trying to get at but w/e
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sevendeadlyyamis · 3 months
BFDI Ethnicity HCs
Why? I just feel like it.
Characters will be sorted in alphabetical order in their post-split BFB and TPOT teams (And also the exitors):
Note: In a human au, I imagine them all living in Canada. Just keep that in mind when reading this blog post.
Have Cots:
- Balloony : Romani British (His grandparents are from Romania) - Bubble: 1/3 Ukranian, 2/3 Mongolian (Her mother immigrated to Mongolia in her 20s) - Gelatin : Hawaiian - Leafy : 1/2 Tagalog-Filipino, 1/2 Saudi Arabian (Tree is her father and Woody is her half-brother) - Lollipop : Black Hungarian (Her ancestors were from South Africa, and Teardrop is her niece) - Ruby: Chinese (Although some of her sisters are 1/2 Thai) - Teardrop: Romani Hungarian (Lollipop is zer aunt)
Have Nots:
- Blocky : 1/2 Japanese, 1/2 Scottish - Firey: Ojibwe (Ojibwe people are one of the Indigenous groups in Canada. Firey Jr is his cousin) - Flower : 1/3 Irish, 2/3 Turkish - Loser : African-American (Specifically Libyan) - Spongy : Francophone (French-Canadian) - Taco : Chilean - Woody : 1/2 Saudi-Arabian, 1/2 Taiwanese (His half-sister is Leafy and his father in Tree)
The S!:
- Bottle : 1/4 Turkish , 3/4 Korean - Clock : Finnish (White) - Cloudy : 1/2 Belgian, 1/2 Palestinian - Ice Cube : Korean - Rocky : Brazilian - Winner : Desi (Their great-grandparents are from Pakistan) - Yellow Face : Born and raised Anglophone (English Canadian)
- Barf Bag : Malaysian - Coiny : Egyptian - Donut : Indonesian-German - Gaty : 3/4 Greek, 1/4 Cree (Indigenous Canadian tribe) - Needle : Japanese - Pin : 1/2 Malgasy , 1/2 Indian (Grandmother on her mother's side is from Madagascar and her father is from India) - Saw : Japanese
Death P.A.C.T again!:
- Black Hole : 1/2 South African, 1/2 Romani Hungarian - Fanny : Iroquois (Indigenous Canadian tribe) - Lightning : 1/2 Anglophone, 1/2 Korean - Marker : Mexican (Pen and Pencil are his cousins) - Pie: Iranian (She's also a muslim) - Remote : Afro-Syrian - Tree : Saudi Arabian-Australian
The Strongest Team On Earth:
- Basketball : Hispanic Danish (Her ancestors are from Peru) - Bell : 1/3 Chilean, 2/3 Metis - Eggy : Latin American - Foldy : Japanese - Grassy : Anglophone (Black) - Robot Flower : Black German - Snowball : Icelandic
Just Not:
- Bomby : 1/2 Chinese, 1/2 African American - Book : Black Francophone - Cake : 1/3 Puerto Rican, 2/3 Colombian (His parents are both black) - Naily : Taiwanese - Nickel : Indonesian (May or not be related to II Nickel) - Pillow : 1/2 Swedish, 1/2 Japanese - Price Tag : Manobo-Filipino (Manobo are Indigenous people that reside in the Philipines
Are You Okay?:
- Eraser : Indian-Polish - Fries : Peruvian - Golf ball : 1/2 Scottish, 1/2 Nigerian (Her mother immigrated to Canada from Nigeria when she was a teenager which is when she met Golf ball's father in an airport (He's a year younger than her[*Golfball's mom] ). ) - Pen : Mexican (Pencil is his sister and Marker is his cousin) - Puffball : 1/2 Vietnamese , 1/2 Anglophone (White) - Tennis ball : 3/4 British , 1/4 Thai - TV : Ukranian
- Pencil : Mexican (Pen is her sibling and Marker is her cousin) - Bracelety : 1/2 Greek, 1/2 South African - Liy : 1/2 Slavic-Greek, 1/2 Vietnamese - Roboty : Unknown - 8-Ball : Japanese - Stapy : Italian-Peruvian - Match : 1/2 Metis, 1/2 Afro-Mexican - Firey Jr : 1/2 Ojibwe, 1/2 Mexican (Firey is his cousin) - David : 1/2 Francophone, 1/2 German - Dora : Colombian
- Profily : Laos-Anglophone (Their grandparents immigrated to Canada in the 70s) - Onigiri : 1/2 Korean, 1/2 Japanese - Evil Leafy : Taiwanese (Woody's mother adopted her when she was 8) - Tune : Catonese - Avocado : Mexican - Rubber Spatula : Francophone (White)
So that is everything: Thank you for listening
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theatrefanatic27 · 4 months
*Draculaura rushes through the halls with a positive pregnancy test*
Draculaura: No, no, no, no-
Frankie: Hey LaLa.
*Draculaura delivers a hard punch to Frankie's stomach*
Draculaura: You are one of my very best friends, and I cannot stand by and watch you throw your unlife away. You're too young. You're too beautiful!
Frankie: What are you talking about???
Draculaura: I'm talking about the baby that's growing inside of your belly right now.
Frankie: ...I'm not pregnant.
Draculaura: Well, not after that punch you're not. I've been taking muay thai classes.
Frankie: I was never pregnant Draculaura!
Draculaura: Are you sure?
Frankie: Yes, I'm sure!
Cleo: I'm sorry, but why is everybody yelling over here?
Draculaura: Oh, I found this positive pregnancy test, and-
*Cleo delivers a hard punch to Frankie's stomach*
Cleo: I know that we have had our differences in the past, but I cannot stand idly by and let you ruin the fearleading squad's chance at nationals, and we will never get there with you rocking a fetus fanny pack.
Frankie: ...I'm not pregnant!
Cleo: Oh, well I just assumed-
Draculaura: Well yeah, it does make the most sense.
Frankie: No, it doesn't make any sense. My body is made of multiple dead people. I can't reproduce!
Cleo: All right, well now that we've established it's not Frankie's and her bodily functions semantics... Draculaura?
Draculaura: All vampires are infertile.
Cleo: Right. And it can't be me because I'm halfway through Shark Week.
*Frankie and Draculaura share a shocked/nervous look*
Cleo: Yeah, I know what you call my period when I'm not around. So that means somebody else is pregnant. So let's go find out who it is—
Draculaura: And congratulate them!
Cleo: No, mock them, ridicule them, and tell everyone in school. This is high school, not an episode of Lizard McGuire.
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imanes · 7 months
Imane, hello! I hope you're having a wonderful day! My friend and I are coming to Brussels for two days and we were wondering if you have fav spots you could recommend - it could be anything from museums and parks to just your fav neighbourhood <3
omg hi sorry i completely forgot to reply to your message i hope you're still planning on coming and I'm not too late
my fave food spots:
brol coffee house
bark boy
gaston (it's an ice cream shop but they have delicious liège waffles)
sindibad (best shawarma)
caffe batavia
black & white burgers
for pasta: primo, sina pasta, basils liberté
for pizza: basils, la piola pizza
fanny thai
royal indian taste
museums, walks and parks:
galeries royales saint-hubert
musée magritte
musée des instruments de music (music instrument museum?)
mont des arts
colonne du congrès
horta museum (art nouveau)
egmont palace
place polaert
some interesting food courts
gare maritime
i'd say the most pleasant walk you can do is walk from grand place to mont des arts and then to the museum of royal arts and continue on that street until place polaert to watch the sunset! on the way there you can have a look at sablon and egmont palace. idk when you are coming but the Christmas market starts on the 24th of November! the prettiest things to see are the light shows in grande place and sainte Catherine but if you want to know where the good food is, it's on place de brouckère (you need to find the west African food stall if your schedule allows!!)
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scenetocause · 20 days
ok very important discourse at work here
i see the vision for indomie as a breakfast noodle because it's just small enough to be breakfast sized and goes perfectly with an egg. nissin and shin hit diff cus the noodles are phatter therefore it's like a lunch onwards noodle pour moi.
the food u recc'd sounds DELICIOUS ugh
oscar's vibe as nerd who does NOT get beat up help. ur so right. that bigass forehead containing his bigass engineering brain is hard-carrying his school false bullying flag vibes. i think there's an au somewhere where he is a black belt like, literal karate kid but nobody believes him until he is compelled to throw down
god help us all anon you've unleashed my noodle views haha. that is exactly the logic for indomie being breakfast noodles, it's just the perfect amount with an egg and some spring onion and coriander and chilli and whatever else i have lying around (sometimes a little freshly chopped tomato, as a nod to whatever the uk does to its breakfast). the best indomie flavour is hot pepper chicken but i accept alternatives.
there's then the lunch/dinner noodle lineup, which is a wide range of things. i love sesame noodles so much but the packs are always too big and i realised eventually i could just buy noodles and sesame oil and you know, make my own like some sort of adult who can cook. i am also a big fan of the (very questionable) instant pho packs because for some reason you can't get any decent pho where i live but you can vicariously create a goblin version in your own kitchen with enough added vegetables and herbs and chilli. my favourite ever instant noodles are a brand called lolo that i think is thai and actually waiwai (?) but the shop stopped doing them and i'm fuming. there was like a lemon hot and sour soup flavour one that slaps.
late at night many noodle options may appeal but it is actually only the mama creamy shrimp tom yum or the kraft cheesy chatt patta that will do. basically i would like to live somewhere i could get a 2am laksa but unfortunately london is uncivilised and at that time of night i am not fannying around making anything.
i have had to wean myself off buying the buldak ones they are simply not that nice and there are lots of other very spicy noodles or you can just add more chillis and stuff. maybe that's a bad opinion. they just seem like they are made for youtubers now.
come here for the longread fisting fic, get subjected to the noodle chat ig
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for the character bingo, could you do numbuh 362? love your art btw :D
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im glad we got that op, cause it does show that being the supreme leader of global kids organizations ain't at all fun in games, ALSO FOR RAINBOW MONKEY WEBSITE SHES LIKE A FUGUITIVE ALONG WITH PATTON???? WHERE DID SHE GO WRONG!!@ CURSE CN FOR CANCELING GKND BEFORE IT EVEN BEGAN!!!!
Also i really wanted a ep where they explored more of rachel's dynamic/friendship thay isnt JUST Numbuh 1 kfbejf Like patton, fanny, herbert ect would've been cool to get a whole episode on the moonbase global command :((
Overall: 100/10 favorite character love her, would carry her in my bag if i could ckebxj
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kokomatdoroshi · 2 years
I was wondering do you have any Thai pop song recommendations? My friend who showed me kpop like 12 years ago also showed like Perfume for jpop and a mandopop singer but for Thai music she showed me some group called Seven Days and their 2 songs Luv and จะมีสักวันเป็นของฉันมั้ย or as I call it Someday (shortened) because that's what Google translate says and I really like them, they showed up on shuffle the other day and I totally forgot about them but they're still catchy. I would be down to get more into new music if you got any songs? 😊
why do I simultaneously feel like my time has come but also massively under-qualified 😂😂
but yes! i actually have this playlist I made when I was getting heavy into T-pop last year and a lot of songs weren't easy finds on Spotify lol. But I've added to it with newer releases. And I apologize in advance for this word vomit I just did, you caught me in the special interest lol
my current (active) faves as far as groups go are Pretzelle, Siam☆Dream, 4Eve, and Proxie. (I linked their most recent songs, but they're in the playlist too!)
Pretzelle is pretty well known in South Korea because they've done a few OSTs and stuff over there.
Siam☆Dream is a Japanese-Thai group that was created to promote Japan in Thailand. So they have a very Japanese sound, even though all their Japanese girls graduated. Fanny (representative color purple) is one of Mint's old trainee friends!
I'm just getting into 4Eve so idk much about them but I love them sm, stan talent tbh. And Proxie just debuted so they just have the one song. But they debuted like a day after I was complaining about missing cute boy groups in K-pop lol. They are the only boy group I know 😂
I really loved Violet Wink's debut and it made them my #1 favorite, but they've been pretty inactive since participating in LodiX (a competition show that all the major girl groups were in). I hated the original song they performed there (Love Me, I think it's called) but their Crazy In Love cover was killer). They had a bunch of members graduate between debut and LodiX. Then my 2 faves Ultra and Shdar graduated last year (and both didn't seem very happy in the aftermath. Shdar was outright angry and it seems like they weren't being treated great) so idk about VW anymore lmao. Rather than linking their debut MV, I linked the LodiX performance because I prefer the smaller lineup's distribution but the MV is in the playlist!
Mini Heart were great, they were the first group under Mint's company when she took it over! but they dropped off the face of the Earth after their second single. So it's safe to say even companies get the acting (BL) bug and just drop/forget about their groups 😞
As far as soloists, Jannine/Ploychompoo, Milli, and Bowkylion are my girls! Very different sounds from one another, but I ❤️ them all. I linked my fave songs by them but there's a lot I'd recommend tbh and I put a few in the playlist. Jannine's in her top 40s/tik tok pop era rn, but Pak Rai Jai Rak is still that girl.
I also love Rose/Baby J, who is another old friend of Mint, but all she's given us so far is this song.
Honestly congrats if you read this far!! But thanks for asking, I'm honored ❤️❤️
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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I am very tired. We had a huge storm and the stress from that really took it out of me. I am trying to not feel very upset still but it's hard. I was very scared.
Thankfully the rest of today wasn't horrible. I was just dealing with some low level anxiety all day. I actually wanted the storm to be bad to make my anxiety make sense. But also I did not want there to be a crazy storm.
I slept well last night though. I did not want to get up because I was so cozy this morning and it was a bit chilly out. But I pulled myself together and got out of bed. I felt very cute. My hair would need to be washed but that was a later issue. For a while I just took my time getting dressed and poking around. All I wanted to do was walk down to the dining hall and get milk so that I could have some Thai tea. I felt very distracted. And then there were two separate wolf spiders that were almost the sides of a bird. And I was cursing and trying to get them out of the building because they were freaking me out so much. I try not to be bothered by many bugs while I'm here but wolf spiders are something different. They're entirely too big. A stockade boy came in to get string and he heard me curse a whole bunch. But he'll be fine.
Eventually go over to the dining hall and get milk and come back here and make breakfast. And it was a nice day. I had some very nice groups. And no one stole from me at least I don't think they did. I think some kids have more trouble with coming up with ideas than others. But there was a lot more teamwork today. I told everyone that they can have five pipe cleaners but if they work together they could double it. And some kids actually did. It was very cool to see. One group of girls used like 30 but whatever they made a cool flower.
It wasn't like a terribly exciting day. I had nice groups. I did my knitting. And I sewed some more embroidery on my fanny pack.
It was fine but I was a little stressed because the food came out so late and so I didn't get lunches for all of the tables outside like I normally would. Leaving it up to the counselors instead. And it was very disappointed when some counselors got themselves food before they got food for their kids and literally sat down and ate in front of them. So that wasn't cool. And just made me a little annoyed. But I came back up to arts and crafts for my last groups I had the new YLPs come down to learn how to make bracelets.
They were really nice honestly. They're all 15 or 16 years old and they were very sweet. The half of them were playing a silent game. So we had to do a lot of gesturing. But I taught them all how to make bracelets and of the six of them four of them successfully made them. The other two were boys and they did not want to make them but I told them they had to and then I expected to see a finished bracelet by the end of the week. We'll see if that actually happens.
I headed up to the pool with everyone else so I can go take a shower. And it was a good shower and I wash my hair and then I headed to the office for our meeting. But Heather said that the storm was coming in fast and so we canceled the meeting for today and I came back to arts and crafts.
I started cleaning up and bringing things inside. Because I knew a storm was coming. Originally it was supposed to start at 2:00 and then I got pushed back closer to 5:00. And I was packing things up and putting things away and I saw laura. And she was just kind of gently walking. And I told her hey a storm is coming in really fast you need to get back to your building and lock everything down. And she's like oh what do you mean. And I'm just like we're in a severe weather warning right now and you need to find somewhere where you can close yourself in or you're going to get locked somewhere you don't want to be. And she just didn't seem to get it and I was so surprised. I don't know if it's just because people don't realize how bad the storm can get out here but I didn't feel like some people were taking it very seriously until it got very scary.
I was very scared I closed down my building as soon as I could once the rain started picking up and then it felt like the end of the world in here. Four trees outside of my building exploded. Tree branches were flying everywhere. Manny's car who is parked out front of the building had the front of his car destroyed. Okay I'm exaggerating a little bit it's not destroyed but it was ripped off. I had taped a plastic bag over his window because he had accidentally left it open. So at least it's dry inside but the whole fender came off. And there are down trees and the power is still out. Thankfully when Heather said the storm was going to be bad I filled up all four of my water bottles because the electricity runs are wells and so we don't have any water right now. And it has been a very scary couple hours. I was under the table in here and I was shaking and I was so upset. And as the storm started to finally calm down my blood sugar was just awful. My hands were shaking and I felt so sick.
It was right around dinner time and no one knew what we were supposed to do and they weren't communicating well in the group chat. I know that we have a bunch of other group chats so I think some information was going into village group chats and not the main one and it was a whole thing. I was a little annoyed about it I did eat some of the food I have up here but it wasn't enough. Eventually Heather told CJ to get snacks from trading Post and so I texted siege and she said I can have some chips and so I walked down to meet her and then we drove around on the gator. To deliver those snacks to the poor day campers who are still here. They usually get picked up at 4:00. But apparently the highway has a bunch of down trees as well. It literally was terrifying to be up here.
Eventually though I opened up a can of fruit that I had and I ate half of that before walking down to the dining hall and the kitchen stuff was laughing at me and said that they did make me pasta. So I was able to sit outside and eat my pasta before the rain started up again.
And right now we are in a low. The sun briefly came out but the radar says another store might be coming through. I am just so tired. The stress of all that really took it out of me. And I kind of wish I would have gone home. But that's okay. I will be all right. Tomorrow is another day and hopefully all of the trees outside our building get caught up quickly because man it is very scary looking out there. Few of the trees took each other out and they're all intertwined because there was crosswinds. Joe our maintenance man said that the winds were spiraling on top and some of the trees closer to the roads are all intertwined together and have pulled each other down. It's a wild wild life out here sometimes. I wonder if that has anything to do with climate change honestly for how bad these storms have been getting the last couple weeks.
Wherever you are you're safe and that you sleep well tonight. Have a nice day tomorrow and remember to wash your hands.
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I genuinely enjoy reading candlepowerforums.com on occasion because it's just a bunch of middle-aged men who are really into flashlights and I respect that.
There's a lot of overlap with the knife guy and gun guy communities, as well as with the bushcraft and obnoxious-about-ultralight-backpacking ones.
It's always weird being in those sorts of spaces because they are generally VERY male and a lot of the time those guys are REALLY backwards thinking, but I also do feel a weird kinship with them.
I grew up in the country and carry a knife and a flashlight every day. I love outdoor stuff. I'm not averse to guns or hunting or any of that. I know how to make a shelter out of a tarp and start a fire with a steel and forage edible plants and all of that crap.
The politicization of firearm ownership in the US has had an unfortunate impact on these sorts of communities, I think. Any online or IRL space even tangentially related to guns or hunting is basically toxic as fuck and unusable if you're female or openly queer or whatever else. There's a different kind of toxicity from the organic-granola-rock-climbing-type spaces, too. It honestly sucks, because it really doesn't have to be that way!
You're either in a space dominated by far right redneck men or a space dominated by rich suburbanites with expensive ultralight gear who play in the backcountry but disdain everybody that actually lives there (usually either for political or class reasons, or just a sense of being more cosmopolitan because they've had Thai food that isn't ketchupy pad thai). If you're in-between or neither, you don't get to participate in the discussion. You read the relevant review or whatever and fuck off.
It sucks! Because what if I want to wear camouflage unironically and carry knives and not act weird about hunting AND be gay and eat granola and birdwatch? Why does foraging have to be framed as either bushcrafting survivalism or cottagecore aesthetic hobbyism? Why does picking wild herbs need to be gendered and politicized?
Why do you have to assume I'll hate your duck hunting just because I prefer to watch them? Why do you have to assume I don't know anything about the more "redneck" stuff just because I'm queer?
I bought the 10 dollar military surplus fanny pack because it's gigantic and unbreakable. It's a dopey-looking digital camo (the old US army one that nobody likes, even for 10 bucks) and it weighs a little more than the 80 buck Patagonia one, but it's definitely better than the shitty off-brand one. Why does that have to be a political statement? Do I need to spend a day's wages on every little bit of gear that I use maybe once a month at most just to prove that I don't watch Fox News? Why do I need to pretend I like it ironically?
I like the flashlight forum though. It's a lot of the same men from the same crowds, but they overlap and generally just babble about lumens and bezels and strobe patterns and argue about what brands suck. Spicy opinion, but SureFire and other high-end brands can be bothersome for daily use because they run on expensive and harder-to-find CR123 batteries. Somebody can tell you that you're dumb because they last longer and you can just buy backups on Amazon. It's an argument about flashlights.
It's mostly just people discussing flashlights and occasionally being assholes to each other for having the wrong opinions about flashlights or being homebody collectors that don't actually use and abuse their tools. I like that.
I wish outdoor recreation wasn't so political and classist and gendered and sexualized and WEIRD
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vitrinedogiba · 1 year
Café da manhã com Thais Godinho
Nascido em 18 de julho de 1918, na cidade de Transkei, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela era filho único do casal Henry Mgadla Mandela e Noseki Fanny, que integrava uma antiga família de aristocratas da casa real de Thembu. Hotel fazenda ecologico na cidade de Socorro DSCF8428.RAF BNDES 5° NO BNDES – “Carlos Lyra – 60 Anos de Bossa” – Ficha TécnicaCarlos Lyra – vozClaudio Lyra – voz e violãoFernando…
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ad2aj4qa1vlg1g · 1 year
Hardcore cock sucking and pussy fucking for young teen from old man CheatingNeighbor Lady, Husband at work Thai prostitute, Brownie likes to get her trimmed pussy licked Sex Nurses Samantha Grace Chrissy &amp; Anastasia Tongue Fuck! English milf Caz fingers her arse while toying fanny EU E PRETINHA NINFETINHA RJ tatoo fuck Hunk barely endured while being tickled and tied up good Morrita Altozano Morelia sensep Hot blonde Tanya Tate with tattoo gets her pussy banged with a big white cock
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blogreves · 1 year
13 Fév 2023 : avec Chouch en soirée chez des gens
Dans le rêve je suis en après midi/soirée chez des gens que je ne connais que très peu. Je crois que c est chez un gars de la boxe thai (celui que resemble a olivier Giroud, avec les cheveux méga longs).
Il fait du trapèze en mode hyper dangereux chez lui. Sa maison a un immense terrain en pente, avec du plat en bas. On peut voir des petites montagnes au loin.
Il y a un grand trampoline sur la partie basse du terrain, où il s éclate aussi.
Il y a Chouch qui est avec moi, on va bientôt passer à table. Ça s agite hyper vite pour mettre la table. Je suis a 2 doigts d être installé a la table des enfants. Finalement pas.
Je dis à Fanny que je savais même pas qu'elle allait se marier. (Je l apprends a l instant même)
Le rêve switch, on part en soirée avec ce même groupe de ~20 adultes, au bar d un genre de petit hôtel. On a apparemment une chambre réservée pour nous tous, ...juste pour poser nos affaires / vestes 😂. Le bar est un peu luxuriant, plein de plantes, autour d'une piscine avec plein de beaux éclairages. Il y a de la musique.
Je me reveille
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