#fast hands nora
allgoodnamesrgoneee · 3 months
CAN U DO JUDE BELLINGHAM FLUFF LIKE TOOTH ROTTING FLUFF... LIKE uh having a family with him and its all sweet
Pink Dress
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𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — Your daughter takes after you, something that Jude both hates and loves.
𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — Husband!Jude Bellingham x Wife!you
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 — 1.2k
Warnings! FLUFF, cute kid, domestic fluff, sweetness, baby fever, dilfjude, he's such a good dad.
Jude had always loved that your daughter had taken your sassy side.
After all it was the thing that made him fall in love with you.
But right now, he was at his wit's end. The spirited retorts that once charmed him now echoed through the house like tiny thunderclaps. Your daughter, standing defiantly with her hands on her hips, mirrored the very stance you used to take when you challenged him.
The same fiery determination in her eyes, the same spark that had drawn him to you so many years ago.
He took a deep breath, and he knelt down to her level. "I'm sorry babygirl, but we have to hurry." Clearly, that was not the right thing to say.
Her lips pursed in that familiar way, a mini-him staring back at him with an unyielding resolve. "But Daddy, I not wanna wear the blue dwess. I wanna wear the pink one!" she insisted, her stubborness rivaling yours.
Why did the women in his life love to go against him.
Jude glanced at the clock, knowing they were already running late. He softened his tone, trying to channel the patience you always seemed to have in abundance. "I know you do, and the pink one is lovely. But remember, mommy picked out the blue dress for picture day. We don't have time to change now."
Tears welled up in her eyes, and for a moment, his heart ached at the sight. He could never say no to his little girl. Something she knew. And used to her advantage.
He pulled her into a gentle hug, her small frame trembling slightly. "Okay, okay," he whispered, stroking her hair. "How about this? After picture day, we'll have a special Daddy-Daughter day, and you can wear your favorite pink dress then. We can go to the park, get some ice cream, whatever you want. Deal?"
Nora sniffled, considering his offer. "Pwomise?" Her tiny voice was filled with hope, and Jude could see the wavering resolve in her eyes. He smiled and wiped away her tears with his thumb. "I promise, sweetheart. Pink dress, ice cream, and the park. Just the two of us."
She nodded slowly, her lips curving into a small smile. "Otay, Daddy."
Jude stood up, lifting her effortlessly placing her on his hip before giving her a big kiss on the cheek. "Let's go show Mommy how beautiful you look in your blue dress, huh?"
Her giggle was music to his ears, and as they made their way to the bedroom.
Jude felt a wave of relief wash over him. The crisis had been averted, and his little girl was smiling again. He would kill to keep that smile on her face. Forever.
He gently pushed the door open, and there you were, laying in bed with Klara laying on your chest. Jude felt his heart swell at the sight. She was fast asleep, her tiny hand clutching your shirt. And you looked as beautiful as ever.
Even though it had only been a few days since the baby had arrived, you seemed to radiate an otherworldly glow. Just like the goddess he knew you were. God, he was a lucky bastard.
Jude tiptoed into the room, not wanting to disturb the peaceful scene. You looked up at him with tired but loving eyes, and he could see the exhaustion etched into your face. Yet, there was an unmistakable serenity there too, a contentment that mirrored his own.
"Look who's ready for picture day," he whispered, turning slightly so you could see Nora perched on his hip, now beaming in her blue dress. You smiled, amusement swimming in your eyes. You knew how much of a hellion your daughter could be and you were thankful to Jude for volunteering to tame her. The cute adorable little beast.
"Well, don't you look absolutely stunning, my little princess," you cooed softly, careful not to wake the baby. Your daughter preened at the compliment, any earlier resistance forgotten in the face of your praise.
Jude carefully set her down and she immediately ran over to you, climbing onto the bed with the kind of energy only a young child possessed. She carefully snuggled up next to you, and you wrapped an arm around her, holding both your children close.
"Ready for your big day?" you asked her, brushing a stray curl away from her face. She nodded enthusiastically, her earlier tears now just a distant memory.
"Yeah!" she chirped, her excitement bubbling over. "Daddy said after pictures we can have a Daddy-Daughter day!"
You glanced at Jude, raising an eyebrow in amusement. "Did he now? That sounds like a wonderful idea." The softie. This is how it went everytime.
Jude chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck as he shrugged. "What can I say? She's got me wrapped around her little finger." That she did.
You laughed softly, the sound a soothing balm to his soul. "I know the feeling," you said, looking down at Klara who was still peacefully asleep. The love the both of you had for your daughters was something that sometimes scared you. The way you would do anything for them. Anything.
He watched as you gently kissed the top of Nora's head, and sighed. Jude knew then and therre that he couldn't have picked a better mom for his precious little girls. You were everything he ever wanted, ever dreamed of. You've given him everything and he vowed everyday to reciprocate that.
He loves doing life with you.
Nora snuggled closer to you, her tiny fingers playing with the edge of your shirt. "Mommy, can you come too? To the park and ice cream?"
Your eyes met Jude's, a silent conversation passing between you. You knew how much he cherished these special moments alone with Nora, needed them.
What with his career taking up a lot of his time sometimes. He had often shared his fears with you. Fears of missing out on their lives. But you were always there to reassure him.
"I think Daddy and Nora should have their special day," you said softly, smoothing down her curls. "But maybe we can all go together another time. What do you think?"
Nora seemed to ponder this for a moment before nodding. "Okay, Mommy. We can do that."
Jude smiled, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him. "It's a deal then," he said, giving you a grateful look. "And maybe tonight, after picture day and our little adventure, we can all have dinner together. Just the four of us."
You nodded, your eyes shining with love and happiness. "I'd like that very much. Now you guys better get going so you're not late. I want good pictures." You squinted playfully at the two, causing Jude to get into a soldire stance.
"Ma'am! Yes ma'am!" Jude teased, saluting with a grin. Nora giggled, mimicking his salute with an exaggerated seriousness that melted into laughter. You chuckled softly, shaking your head at their antics.
With a final glance at Klara, still peacefully asleep in your arms, Jude gently scooped up Nora and headed for the door. She squealed in delight, waving enthusiastically at you as they made their way out of the room. You waved back, your heart swelling with love for your little tribe.
You were the luckiest woman in the world.
No one could convince you otherwise.
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marchofmistria · 6 days
A Nice Contrast
A/N: This is my first Fields of Mistria fic so I hope you like it! It's based off March's autumn dialogue when you speak to him at the forge and he tells you that it's nice and warm in contrast to the cold outside <3
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Planning to cross-post this to AO3, and will update this post with the link when I do.
Summary: March helps you warm up by the forge when it starts to cool down in Mistria.
Word Count: 2,127
Tags: March x Reader, gender-neutral reader (2nd person), hurt/comfort, fluff
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The summer bled into autumn and it was officially cold in Mistria. You felt like you barely had time to catch up, and the first two seasons you spent in the town sped by so fast you could scarcely remember to enjoy the season before it was over. Days at the beach with friends felt long and restful in the moment, and now they let out to a short and cool autumn when a farmer's work is hardest. Your wardrobe had yet to catch up to the change in Mistrian weather, however, and unpacking your warmer clothes was on the to-do list. However, a late start to the day after a late night in the mines and that plan was gone.
It was already 2PM by the time you had finished your daily tasks on your farm. The crops were watered and they had just begun to peer out of the dark soil. Your animals were fed and seemed happy. You sat down for a moment next to Caldarus, chatting with him as you untied your hair and changed out of your farming gloves. There were errands to do today, after all, and Mistria certainly did not rest for you.
As you fell into the swing of the day, your morning plans were quickly and totally forgotten. You didn't have much of a chance to notice; you felt warm from running around the whole town for hours. These townsfolk sure knew how to run you to the ground. First it was a delivery for Balor, then a chat with Nora before returning to Balor, then a trip to the museum to discuss a new finding with Eiland and Errol, some fishing for Reina's new dish at the Inn tonight, and a quick trip to the mines to repair a chip in the metal of your shovel.
Your body had gotten stronger in the last few months since arriving to the small town, but you felt exhausted regardless. Days felt like they ended too soon as is, but as you left the mines, you were truly surprised by the incoming dark. How did it get so late so fast?
The feeling really set in once you set off to the forge to smelt your findings. The breeze blew your hair back and out of your face, exposing your shoulders further and starting a chill down your arms. You felt thirsty and very hungry and realized you missed lunch and would miss dinner if you didn't hurry.
Wanting to catch March before he left the forge for his own dinner, you hurried on, wrapping your arms protectively around your shoulders for some mock-warmth. It did little to help, and you had begun to feel a bit lightheaded.
March seemed to be finishing his work day just as you were arriving, although you knew he would leave the forge hot for you to use at all hours. He had grown accustomed to your habits, knowing how busy you were throughout the day and that you might come to the forge even late at night to squeeze as much into the day as you could before you passed out from exhaustion.
When you finally stumbled up to him, he addressed you with a curt "Hey," his usual attempt at appearing nonchalant. Just as he had grown accustomed to your habits, you had gotten to know his as well. You had gotten pretty good at giving whatever he gave you right back to him, and your conversations were at the point of total ease.
But rather than shooting the shit with him as you usually did, well enough to break down his boundaries to show even some vulnerability (a shock to anyone who had ever spoken to March), you ignored his greeting and rested your hand on the anvil for support. At this point, you felt like it was the only thing supporting your weight up.
March, who often couldn't help but observe you closely whenever you were near him, noticed right away and rushed over to you. His brows knit together, he put a strong arm under your arm for you to lean into. You all but collapsed into his support for a moment, before regaining a bit of strength and using your legs to lift yourself up a bit more again.
"What's wrong?" March asked, an arm still around your torso in case you fully passed out on him. His heart beat faster, worry showing on every feature. As soon as your head stopped spinning a moment later, you looked into his eyes and saw his concern. He couldn't even try and hide his real feelings like he usually did.
You blushed as soon as you realized how close your faces were to each other. The closest they'd ever been, you both quickly noted before pulling away from each other slightly. March did not withdraw his support though, despite the blush that was tinging the tips of his ears.
"Hey, did you hear me? What's wrong? Should I call Valen?" March asked again, concern growing as you didn't answer his first question. Your mind swam back into focus when March reached his hand up, moving your hair out of your face to feel your forehead with his hand. You closed your eyes at the warmth. His hands were rough against the skin of your forehead, but the warmth spread throughout your body.
"O-oh, sorry! I just got dizzy for a second..." You finally stuttered out. The crease between March's brows lessened slightly, but was still visible. He didn't move his hand away from your face. "I think I'm just tired from the mines, and I realized I didn't eat much today. I'll be fine though."
"What the hell? Why didn't you eat anything, dumbass?" March all but barked at you. You couldn't help but smile a bit to yourself. So this is what it looks like when March worried about you...
"Charming as ever, March," you replied quietly, hoping to ease some of his worry and show that you really were okay. But as soon as that signature smirk reappeared, pulling up the corner of his lips, it was gone as you tried to walk again and stumbled once more. The dizziness was back, and you were worried that he may be right about the fever after all.
"Hey, hey... you should sit down. Don't try and stand up again," March commanded, lowering you gently to the ground. You didn't think March was capable of touching anything so gently, let alone you. He kneeled down at your side and made sure you were comfortable with your back propped against the outer wall of his house. "You're freezing... why aren't you dressed more warmly?"
You had nearly forgotten how chilly you'd gotten, and his comment caused a shiver to run down your spine. March had you scoot a bit closer to the fire in the forge. "It's warm by the forge," March said quietly, taking your hands in his and pulling them a bit closer to the fire in an attempt to warm you up a bit faster. "You shouldn't hang around in the cold too long. Especially in what you're wearing! What were you thinking?"
"March, I'm fine. I promise. I'm just a bit tired." You said weakly, hoping to provide reassurance once more (even though you didn't want him to let go of your hands quite yet. The warmth felt too good, both from the forge and from your closeness.)
"Like hell you are. You're gonna sit here while I go find Valen, got it?" You didn't dare defy him while looking into his sharp eyes. "Will you be okay a few minutes alone?" he said, the softness seeping through yet again. Your head was reeling from this contrast alone, and you nodded. March looked back at you one more time as if to verify the truth, his eyes softening as you leaned your head back to rest against the side of the house once more. Just before he left, he took off his brown jacket, throwing it on your lap before he turned and walked to Valen's clinic with speed.
As you waited for March to return with the doctor, you shrugged the jacket onto your cold shoulders. You couldn't help but note how comforting it smelled. It was the same pleasant smell you noticed when March leaned closer to you as you worked at the forge, observing your work and chiming in with helpful comments. It was also the same smell you enjoyed when March all but pulled you to his side at the Inn when he had a couple of beers in him. The warmth spread from your nose to the rest of your body. The smell of a crackling fire, leather, a bit of sweat (not at all unpleasant), and even... chocolate.
You had nearly fallen asleep in the pleasure of the smell alone when you heard March's deep voice coming up the cobblestone path to you. "—seemed like she was gonna faint. She told me she hadn't eaten anything all day, and looked like she was freezing her ass off."
Without a greeting, Valen knelt down to you eye level, checking your forehead with her hand before asking to put a thermometer in your mouth. You noticed how different her hands felt from March's. Soft, gentle, and a bit cold. Clinical was the right word.
"March, please go down to the Inn and grab them a bowl of soup, would you? That would be just the thing, I think." March went right away, as if he was tempted to do just that before Valen had given him the instruction.
"Y/N, you need to take better care of yourself. This behavior is a bit concerning to me, and it seems to March as well. Which, alone, says something, no?" Valen smiled knowingly. She gave you a bottle of water to sip on, and asked if you were still feeling dizzy. You were not. Just plain tired.
"You're running yourself to the ground with work, which I can't say I'm too happy about in the first place. But to make matters worse, skipping meals? Not dressing for the cold weather?" Valen chastised lightly. You were embarrassed that your lack of self-care had caught up with you, and now it was a problem for others as well. You hadn't meant to make anyone worry, which you expressed to Valen.
"You're right. It won't happen again. I'll make sure to take better care of myself," you said softly. "Sorry to make you worry..." Valen chuckled, surprised by your humbleness. "No need to apologize to me. We just want you to be healthy. You may not realize it, but everyone in this town has really grown to care for you. I know you want to take on everyone's problems, but I really think people would be more grateful if you watched out for yourself before you burn out all your energy."
Cheeks burning, all you could muster was a nod of your head. March returned with the soup in his hands. The steam that rose from it looked so incredibly appealing. March sat down next to you. "Have enough strength to hold the bowl or do I need to feed you?" March scoffed.
You shook your head, offering a small smile and thanking Valen again when she told you to monitor your condition and find her right away if you felt bad again. March sat next to you as you took spoonful after spoonful of the delicious vegetable soup. March said nothing, but in the silence you could tell he was making sure you finished every drop in the bowl. As soon as you had taken the last spoonful, March removed the bowl from your hands and set it down on the floor. "I'll bring this back later," said March.
"Do you think you can stand? I'll walk you back to your house," March sighed, extending his hand out for you to grab. The combination of the soup, the fire in the forge, and the presence of March next to you made you regain much of your strength. You grabbed March's hand and used it as leverage to pull yourself up to stand. Still wearing his brown leather jacket, the two of you set off in the direction of your farm.
It was only after March saw your front door close behind you and the lights flip on in your bedroom that he turned to head back home. Something about the thought of his jacket in your bedroom made his heart beat faster, and you both fell asleep that night heated by the feeling of each others proximity that lingered and left its warmth in you through the entire night.
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otdiaftg · 6 months
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The King's Men - Chapter Fifteen (17)
Day: Friday, March 22nd / 23rd* Time: 11:30 PM EST
Neil locks the door behind him and crosses the room to Andrew's side. Andrew lets him take the vodka away without argument or resistance. Neil screws its cap on tight and sets it where neither of them could knock it over. Andrew is ready when Neil turns back to him, and he catches Neil's collar to pull him down. Neil plants one hand against the rough carpet to keep himself leveraged off Andrew's body. The other he buries in the beanbag near Andrew's head. Andrew drags a hand down Neil's arm from his shoulder to his wrist. "Last I checked you hated me," Neil says against Andrew's mouth. "Everything about you," Andrew says. Neil pushes himself up a bit. "I'm not as stupid as you think I am." "And I'm not as smart as I thought I was," Andrew says. "I know better than to do this again. Perhaps it's the self-destructive streak in me?" If it wasn't for that "again" Neil would think this has to do with Wednesday's terrible conversation. Neil ticks through all the possible explanations as fast as he can, from Roland's rejected advances to Andrew's complicated family issues to the Foxes and Drake. Pressure on his wrist finally turns his thoughts where they need to go. Neil had once asked Andrew if it would kill him to let something in. He should've known better than to say such a thing after seeing Andrew's scars. Andrew had nearly killed himself trying to hang onto Cass Spear, but he'd still lost her in the end. "I am not a pipe dream," Neil says. "I'm not going anywhere." "I didn't ask you." "Ask me," Neil insists, "or stick around long enough to figure it out for yourself." "I'll get bored of you eventually." "You sure?" Neil asks. "Rumor has it I'm pretty interesting." "Don't believe everything you hear." Neil ignores that dismissal because Andrew is already pulling him down again. They kiss until Neil feels dizzy, until he isn't sure he can hold himself up anymore, and then Andrew pulls Neil's hand off the beanbag chair. He holds it up away from them for an eternity, then slowly presses it flat against his chest and lets go. Andrew tenses up underneath Neil's hand but relaxes before Neil can pull away. Neil isn't fooled. Andrew had made it very clear the first time he kissed Neil how important an actual "yes" is. This casual surrender isn't genuine consent. Andrew is doing this because of what they'd said on Wednesday, but Neil isn't sure which one of them Andrew is trying to convince. It's only been three months since Proust's abuse and four months since Drake's attack. Neil doesn't know when Andrew will be okay with this but he knows it isn't today. Neil leaves his hand on Andrew but refuses to move it from that spot. "I won't be like them," Neil says. "I won't let you let me be." "One hundred and one," Andrew says, "going on one hundred and two." "You're a terrible liar," Neil says, and Andrew kisses him into silence.
Art used with permission by rainbowd00dles. Thank you @rainbowd00dles
*Due to the Leap Year, I have opted to highlight the day rather than the date to keep the events in occurrence to the 2007 year. I will continue to mark both days accordingly.
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shares-a-vest · 1 year
I just think Eddie would add the nickname 'Slugger' to his roster of pet names for Steve when he finds out about the nail bat...
Eddie awakens to a scratching sound at Steve's bedroom window.
He thinks it must be the trees. God knows the isolated Loch Nora has enough of them to make a consistent amount of noise 24/7. But his heart skips a beat when he comes to enough to remember that there is in fact, no tree directly outside Steve's bedroom window.
He flips over to face his boyfriend, sending their blankets flying and starling with enough movement he rattles the set of framed baseball cards Steve has on the shelving of his headboard. But the fanatic himself doesn't move, still fast asleep. Looking all angelic and cute as he steadily breathes in and out with only the faintest hint of a snore.
"Steeeeve," he panics, slapping his shoulder, "Steve, there's something at the window!"
Again, nothing.
He groans and leans forward, pressing his weight on him as he speaks directly in his ear, "Steve, wake up and put your goddamn ears in, I'm scared."
He doesn't care that it all sounds a little dramatic. Steve knows he's a total scaredy cat.
"Eds," Steve murmurs, sounding very grumpy, "What is it?"
"There's something outside."
Steve pushes him off, snapping to and hopping straight out of bed in one swift move. Eddie scrambles, spluttering as he struggles against the, now tangled, bed sheets. He looks up just in time to see Steve duck down and retrieve something from underneath his side of the bed…
It's a baseball bat.
A baseball bat covered in large nails. Nails that have been haphazardly hammered in, sticking out every which way and making it quite the deadly weapon.
He watches as Steve spins it around in his hands before gripping it tight and standing at the ready. Oh.
Steve cocks his head and quirks a brow in the direction of the frightening window in question.
The noise is still there, tap, tap a-tapping on the window.
But Eddie really couldn't give a shit anymore because now he is solely focused on his boyfriend creeping towards the window, waving his bat like he geeing himself up to hit a homer. His hands clench with every step, exposing all the veins on his hands and spider up his forearms. All the while the guy is sporting his impossibly voluminous bed hair and skulking along in his loose and tantalisingly-thin sleep shorts that leave nothing to Eddie's filthy imagination.
Well, maybe he can think of a few things…
"Step back against the wall," Steve commands, not tearing his eyes away from the window.
Eddie nods, backing back and clutching at the wall for support as his heart beats faster as Steve whirls the bat around again. He palms along the wall, feeling around until his shaking hand hits the bed and he stumbles onto it.
But Steve isn't paying attention to his immediate disobedience. He is too busy looking out the window.
"Oh, fuck," he curses before groaning with abject annoyance, "Eds!"
"Huh?" Eddie mumbles, watching Steve's bare shoulders flex and then drop as he allows the nail bat to fall by his side.
"It's a raccoon!" Steve whines, stumping the bat into the carpet with a solid thump to punctuate his frustration.
He whips around and starts off for the bed again, dragging his weapon along behind him. As if in a reverse move, Steve rolls the bat back to its hiding spot and flops onto the bed.
"Eds, I was dead asleep!" he complains, dry-sobbing. He helicopter-kicks his feet in order to propel his legs back onto the bed properly, "Why couldn't you have checked it out first?"
"Excuse me," he protests, raising a hand to his chest in offence, "I was terrified."
"You woke me up!" Steve retorts, pulling the covers about without a great deal of finesse - if anything, his technique makes their bedding situation worse.
"Could'a used that weapon up against a colony of flesh-eating bats, my dear," Eddie grins as he attempts to smooth out the crumpled covers before quickly abandoning the futile task.
"Yeah, no shit," Steve snaps. He really is a bitch when he's sleep-deprived a grouchy, "But I didn't exactly have time to come here and get it. You being a wanted fugitive and all."
"I apologise for the inconvenience," he teases, holding out grabby hands, "Come here, Slugger, and I'll make it up to you."
Steve smirks, thoroughly perking up at the new pet name. And before Eddie knows it, his baseball bat-wielding boyfriend is lunging straight over their mountain of twisted blankets for him.
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juanarc-thethird · 2 months
I am proud of my body!
Beacon Academy, Cafeteria
Jaune is in line with his team waiting to be served. While they wait among his team they talk about the classes they recently took.
Jaune: So General Michi lost because he was distracted by a laser pointer?
Pyrrha: Surprisingly, yes.
Jaune: I can't believe that.
Nora: Yeah, me neither.
Ren: But is true.
Jaune: I mean, losing the battle with something so… how do I put it… "unusual" is unbelievable.
They continued their conversation without realizing that Cardin is approaching Jaune with a mischievous smile. And when he had the opportunity he took Jaune's pants and pulled them down fast, underwear included.
Cardin: What nice underwear you have, Jauny boy. Hahahaha!
At that moment everyone turned to see what happened but they remained silent and with their mouths agape. Cardin was the only one still laughing with his eyes close. Jaune on the other hand, decided to be brave. He grabbed his pants from the floor and pulled them back up. He looked at everyone and said.
Jaune: I don't care what you all think. I am proud of my body.
Without ceasing to have his face held high, he made his way to the exit of the cafeteria. People just followed him with their eyes while Cardin was still laughing.
Jaune: *At the door* Good day
He leaves the cafeteria and closes the door behind him. At that moment Nora was the first to speak.
Pyrrha: *Interrupts her* THAT'S A HUGE DICK!
And Pyrrha was second.
Then she realizes what she said, and she covers her mouth in shame. Showing only her face all red like a tomato. At the same time Cardin stopped laughing, confused by what he had just heard.
Cardin: Wait what?
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superiorsturgeon · 15 days
Jaune: *fidgeting in a suit before his big date with Pyrrha* Ren, I need your help!
Ren: Do you need me to help with your tie?
Jaune: No!
Jaune: Look…I’ve been partnered with Pyrrha for a while, and we’ve already had our first kiss, but Nora just sent me a picture of Pyrrha in her date outfit and I’m freaking out! 😣
Ren: You’re not getting cold feet now, are you?
Jaune: No! The opposite! If I go in as I am now I’m going to propose to her on the spot!! She’s so gorgeous!!! I’m afraid I’m going to do something stupid and scare her by going too fast!
Ren: *sigh* Look, Nora and I will double-date with you so I can hold your hand through the whole night. 🙄
Jaune: But then your hand will be on her butt because that’s where mine will be!
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sl-ut · 9 months
new years eve
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more college!abby
also tysm to @princesssmars for giving me permission to steal her idea lol ily babe.
pairing: college!abby anderson x fem!reader
description: abby invites y/n on her friends’ annual new years ski trip! five days of uninterrupted fun at a private chalet with abby, her friends, her ex boyfriend, and his current girlfriend who seems to have some kind of vendetta against them both. 
warnings: UNEDITED, smut (not a lot tbh), swearing, alcohol consumption, mentions of drug use, owen is really mean to reader, homophobia, a lot of sweet little moments between abby and reader
words: 7.4K
date posted: 07/01/24
Y/n knew she wasn’t exactly the most welcome on this trip, they didn’t even try to hide it. The only exception to this would be, of course, Nora, who’d been the one to set her up with Abby in the first place, and Manny, who genuinely seemed like the only one who didn’t seem bothered by her presence at all times. Not wanting to impose on a seemingly very strict tradition, Y/n initially declined her girlfriend’s offer to spend New Years Eve together in Aspen, which didn’t go over as well with Abby as she had expected.
“They don’t mind, really.” She tried to reassure her, only to be met with a knowing look, “Okay, a few of them feel that we shouldn’t bring people outside of our friend group, but think about it; Owen and Mel are both going, Leah is bringing Jordan…” Then came the ultimatum of, “No, if you don’t go, I don’t go.”
The threat was more than what Abby’s words even said. The cabin belonged to Abby’s grandparents, and were more than enthusiastic about their sole grandchild using it with her friends over the holidays, but were stern with the condition that Abby was not to let them go up and destroy it. To summarise, if Abby didn’t go, nobody did, and Y/n was certain that her friends would hate her less if she joined them than if she caused the entire trip to be cancelled.
So there she was on the twenty-ninth of December, tightly belted into the front seat of Abby’s Bronco on the road to Aspen. The drive wasn’t terrible, only a few hours from Abby’s childhood home just outside of Salt Lake city, though Abby made it sort of enjoyable by making a road-trip playlist and barely taking her large hand away from her girlfriend’s thigh throughout the remainder of the journey. 
The chalet was more than Y/n even had the ability to imagine. It looked like it was straight out of a movie; high ceilings, wooden panelling lining the entire interior, large windows looking out over a snow-covered valley, all that was missing was for the pair of them to snuggle up together in front of the wide stone fireplace, which was bound to happen at some point over the holiday. As she ran her fingertips over the glazed butcher block counters, she was thankful that the others wouldn’t be arriving until the next day, giving them more time to fulfil the fantasies that had been racing through her mind since setting foot inside the chalet. 
Abby was eager to give the full tour, looking delightfully in-place in her tight jeans and cream coloured cable knit sweater. She left no room or corner alone, using little anecdotes and stories from her childhood to help her feel more at home, and finishing by explaining exactly how she would fuck her in each and every room. Y/n laughed and brushed it off in the moment, but came to realise that she was dead serious when she could barely move her legs to crawl out of bed the next morning.
The sweet bliss was finally interrupted by the rest of the crew making their arrivals. First came Leah and Jordan, who immediately rushed to the next biggest room and then made their way to the jacuzzi on the deck. Then came Manny and Nora, who couldn’t seem to get to the kitchen fast enough, before finally, Mel and Owen quietly made their way in, offering silent greetings to their friends before going straight to their bedroom, which didn’t seem to bode well with Mel, who’s complaints carried through the entire ventilation system of the house. 
The others seemed to have no patience for their drama, all clearly picking up on the fact that they must have fought the entire drive, as well as the thick tension that filled the room whenever they were both present. Instead, they all gathered in the kitchen for a late lunch and began pouring drinks, loud laughter overwhelming the hushed argument escaping the vent. Y/n was a little surprised to see that even Abby had reached for a second beer, the merriment in the kitchen and the overall excitement for the holiday seeming more important to her in that moment than her otherwise strict fitness regimen, though she really didn’t mind. In fact, she sort of liked the way that she had been looser than she normally would have been, gliding her hands across Y/n’s body without care, laughing along carelessly to jokes that she normally would’ve only chuckled at. She was more open with the group, and made sure to keep Y/n involved in the conversation even when the others talked over top of her. 
The atmosphere felt warm, like they were spending time with their closest family members. Manny showed off his mixology skills, which were mediocre at best, while Nora and Abby whipped up a luxurious rendition of pasta with a side salad, all of which seemed to disappear in a matter of minutes, leaving barely enough for both Mel and Owen to split between themselves once they finally re-emerged from their shared bedroom. 
The sun was beginning to set early, thanks to the shorter days of winter, leaving poor Manny no other option but to wait until morning until he could finally hit the slopes. Instead, he found interest in offering constant refills to everyone in order to, as he put it, boost morale. Abby had taken the initiative to cut herself off, wanting to make sure she still had her wits about her while also being able to relax, and made sure to warn Y/n about Manny’s drinks.
“He calls himself a mixologist,” She’d whispered into her girlfriend’s ear, “But I’d say he’s more of a wizard. He makes drinks so strong, but somehow covers up the taste of the liquor.”
That was the first and final time that Y/n ignored a warning from Abby, soon enough finding herself stumbling out the door in just her bathing suit, ears completely deaf to everyone’s questions of concern for the nearly naked girl in the cold weather as she clambered into the jacuzzi. She grinned, watching as Abby followed closely behind her, along with Manny, Nora, and Leah.
She snuggled up against Abby’s side, relishing in the weight of her thick bicep around her shoulder as she only half-listened to whatever Nora was trying to fill her in on, and babbling on about some nonsense that no one really had much interest in hearing, but they all listened in and responded as if she were telling the most interesting tale to ever exist. 
Once Leah and Nora took over the conversation, she turned to stare up at her girlfriend with glossy eyes, grinning stupidly at the mere sight of her face.
“What?” Abby laughed when she finally took notice.
Y/n shrugged, answering as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, “Nothing, just thinking about how much I love you.”
Abby’s already flushed cheeks darkened, but she was quick to press a longing kiss to her forehead and return the sentiment lovingly. 
“No,” Y/n frowned, “You don’t understand, I love you. I love how smart you are, I love how you make me laugh, I love how you make me feel loved, I love how you make me feel.”
Abby glanced around at the others to ensure that they weren’t overhearing this intimate conversation. Thankfully, Manny was too wrapped up in making sure that Nora was correctly recounting the time that he successfully hooked up with his TA and bumped his grade up.
“I love your abs, and your big beefy arms.” Y/n continued, leaning her head back against the bulging muscle to emphasise her point, “I love your fingers, too. And of course I love your face, and your pretty eyes, and your nose–God I love your nose, I just wanna sit on it–”
All conversation seemed to stop as the patio door creaked open, all heads turning in surprise to see Owen standing in the doorway, swimming trunks hanging low on his hips and a towel slung over his shoulder. 
“Room for one more?”
Manny was the first to break the silence, “Of course, man. We all thought you guys were just calling it for the night.”
The blond furrowed his brow, “What, you guys really thought you could replace me so easily?”
The words were so obviously aimed at his ex-girlfriend and the girl curled into her side, and if she hadn’t been so intoxicated, this probably would have been enough to send Y/n off the rails when it came to Owen. Instead, Abby took the reins in order to diffuse the situation. 
“Are you gonna get in or are you gonna keep on bitching, Moore?” 
He looked equally as pleased and displeased with her dual-sided tone, both wanting to keep things light while also warning him not to start anything. 
“Yeah, yeah,” He tossed his towel to the side and climbed in, taking a seat next to Leah and directly across from Abby. “Whatever.”
The group sat in silence for a few moments before Y/n finally chimed in, “Where’s Mel? Is she coming down?”
He seemed to be visibly annoyed by either the question or by her, probably both. “She’s upstairs, not feeling too well.”
“Oh,” She nodded along, “That’s too bad, I think she really would’ve liked whatever drink Manny just made me.”
Manny grinned at the credit, “I call it, dulce peligro.”
Nora snorted, “Sweet danger? That’s a little on the nose, even for you, don’t you think?”
“Hey, when you start mixing up drinks like that, then you get a say, ‘kay?”
Owen’s stern tone cut through the playful nature of their bickering, “Not likely. None of us really come up here and get sloshed anymore, I guess we’ve all just matured past that.”
Embarrassment crept up her throat, causing tears to spring into her eyes from his clear disapproval of her current state. Nora and Leah shared an uncomfortable stare, both seemingly ready to grab Abby before she could make a move against him, her disbelief and anger so clear on her face. 
“Well I definitely haven’t,” Manny chuckled awkwardly, “Besides, the holidays are the only time of the year where it's actually encouraged to get shitfaced.”
“Yeah,” Nora jumped in, “The night’s still young, and most of us probably aren’t even gonna remember tonight.”
Their words had obviously been a mere attempt at bringing comfort to the younger girl, whose face betrayed the insecurity that was very rapidly eating away at her drunken confidence from the inside out. Her eyes had become even glossier, and her heaving breaths made it clear that she was on the verge of tears. 
“No,” She wiped at her nose with the back of her hand, “He’s right, I think it’s time I put myself to bed.”
Abby grabbed her hand as she stood up, carefully stepping over her girlfriend’s legs and onto the steps that lead out onto the deck, “Hey, hey, don’t go yet. You’re having fun.”
Y/n could tell she was trying to keep her cool, not wanting to put the other three of her friends in the position of hearing her and Owen fighting once again. She shook her head, stepping out onto the pine floor and wrapping herself in the fluffy white robe that Abby had brought out for her, “I’m tired, I might go take a shower and then just go to bed.”
Abby nodded, standing from her own seat and moving to climb out after her, “Alright, I’m gonna hit the hay too, guys.”
“Aww,” Nora whined, “Guys don’t go yet.”
“Stay,” Y/n turned to Abby, offering a weak smile, “I’m just… tired. You don’t have to come to bed yet.”
“Let me walk you up,” She was practically begging at this point, wanting to comfort her girlfriend when she was so obviously upset. 
“C’mon Abs, she’s a big girl. I’m sure she can go to sleep without being tucked in for just one night.”
Abby scowled at him, turning to him with intent as she growled at him, “What the hell is your problem?”
It was true, as bad as Owen usually was when Y/n was around, he was usually only passive aggressive, but now he was just being downright mean. If Abby hadn’t already gone to hell and back trying to convince her friend to let Y/n come (even though she really didn’t give them a choice), Y/n wasn’t about to let the whole vacation be ruined by her pride, choosing to allow Owen’s words to slide rather than biting back as she usually would. 
“Abs, it’s okay,” Y/n tried again. 
“No I don’t think-”
Nora was the next person to step out of the tub, “You know, I’m starting to get a little pruny anyways, so why don’t I help her to bed?”
Abby appeared annoyed at Nora’s intrusion, but allowed her to pull Y/n away from the situation and back into the chalet, leaving Leah and Manny to face the intense staredown between her and Owen before they, too, fled the scene, allowing the real fighting to start.
Hardly an hour had passed since Y/n had curled herself into bed, not even bothering to get herself ready at all aside from removing her bathing suit and snuggling back into the fluffy robe, leaving her surprised when her light sleep was broken by the feeling of the mattress sinking next to her. Abby looked tired, irritation clear on her face as she slumped against the headboard with a quiet sigh. Her eyes softened as she turned to glance at her girlfriend, an apologetic smile crossing her features when their eyes met. 
“Sorry baby, didn’t mean to wake you.”
“‘S okay,” Y/n’s words were slurred with sleep, “‘M sorry too.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for, Owen’s just being a…he’s being a stupid prick.”
Y/n pushed herself up, scooching across the mattress to snuggle into her girlfriend’s side as sighing at the comforting weight of her arm around her shoulder, “I know but… I don’t know. I guess I can see why he’s annoyed. I’m not one of you guys, I know how I would feel if one of my friends invited their partners to join our traditions.”
“It’s not even about that, it’s–” she cut herself off, a deep frown cutting into her cheeks, “It’s nothing. Let’s just forget it.” She hugged Y/n tighter to her chest, pressing a long kiss to the crown of her head. “I love you, you know that, right?”
Y/n lifted her head, concern filling her at her girlfriend’s tone, “Is something wrong? Did something happen with Owen?”
Abby looked alarmed, “What–No, no. Nothing happened. I promise.”
“Good,” Y/n nuzzled her head back into her shoulder, “‘Cause I’ll kick his ass.”
Abby snorted, “I’m sure you would. Now go back to sleep, I’m gonna go take a shower and I’ll be back.”
Y/n whined, “Are you punishing me or something?”
Abby cocked her head in confusion.
“No invitation?”
A knowing smirk appeared on the blonde’s lips, “I don’t know if you know what you’re asking for here, baby.”
Y/n pushed herself away from Abby, crawling to stand at the foot of the bed as she slowly backed up towards the bathroom, hips swaying seductively as she untied her robe and let it slowly glide down her arms until it hit the floor with a soft thud, leaving her bare for her girlfriend’s viewing pleasure. She bit her lip, fluttering her lashes as she whispered a response, “I think I do.”
Abby grinned, moving faster than Y/n’s brain could even register to race towards her and haul her body over her shoulder as she rushed into the large ensuite. She reached the shower, turning the water on to allow it to heat up for a few moments before she placed her girlfriend onto the marble countertop. 
Y/n’s brain swirled with pleasure as the seconds ticked by, the room slowly heating up as steam curled around the glass wall of the insanely oversized shower, feelings only heightened from the bit of alcohol still in her system and her girlfriend’s hands and lips roaming around her body. 
“Abs,” she gasped out as her fingers massaged her inner thigh, “I think the water’s ready.”
Despite her previous flurry of attention, Abby seemed to have settled down the moment that they set foot in the shower, relishing in the casual intimacy of carefully washing each other’s hair, lathering one another in a foamy vanilla scented body wash, and just holding each other under the hot water. After all was said and done, Abby pulled her back against her chest, one arm wrapping around her waist and the other curling around her shoulders to hold her in place. Y/n leaned her head back, staring up at the taller blonde with droopy eyelids. 
“I love you too.”
Y/n giggled, “I never said it back earlier, so I am now.”
Abby shook her head, leaning down to press a kiss to her soft lips, “I love you more.”
“I love you more.”
“I love you to the moon and back ten times.”
“Well I love you times infinity!”
“Infinity?” Abby whistled, tightening her arms around her, “Don’t know if I can beat that.”
Scoffing in mock offence, Y/n turned her head to sink her teeth into the meaty bulge of Abby’s bicep, just biting hard enough to leave the faintest of teeth marks in her burning skin.
“Hey!” Abby grunted, twirling her around to face her, “I bring you on this nice vacation, I make you dinner, I drive you around, I rock your world whenever you ask,” her face grew closer with every statement, “And this is the thanks I get?”
Y/n squealed at the feeling of her fingers digging into her sides, leaning up to press their foreheads together, “I suppose you’re right, I’m sorry.” Her hands moved from their places on her biceps, gliding up her slick skin to her neck, then down over her chest, one finding purchase on one of her toned breasts, the other pressing into her firm abdomen, massaging the protruding muscles appreciatively, “Can I make it up to you?”
Abby didn’t respond, instead gripping the back of her head and slamming their lips together, teeth clashing and tongues fighting for dominance, though the fight was over within seconds as Abby forced her girlfriend into submission. She allowed her to press her against the wall, her shorter frame pressing against her so tightly that it would seem they were connected, then seemingly made the move to flip them around until Y/n pulled back.
“Nuh-uh, I’m making it up to you, remember?” Her hand slid even lower, resting against her lower belly just above the thick patch of blonde curls between her legs. 
“Baby, you don’t have to–oh,” Her words came to a halt as her fingers grazed against her clit. 
It was a fight that they had on the regular, Abby always feeling like she had to be on the giving end, and not the receiving. To be quite fair, there was never a time where Abby didn’t finish during sex with Y/n, but she seemed to be determined to only allow it happen either against the harness of her strap or directly against Y/n’s own centre. Hell, they’d been seeing each other for almost two months before she even let Y/n go down on her for the first time. She was a giver, and tended to find pleasure in giving, but was growing to enjoy the aspect of receiving just as much.
“Just let me,” Y/n whispered against the wet skin of her neck, lips pressing against her jugular with an indescribable softness. “Can I? Please?”
After finally receiving the green light, Y/n wasted no time in dropping to her knees, nudging Abby’s feet apart as she slid her hands over her thick thighs, lips and tongue gliding along the trembling muscles until the tip of her nose was met with the coarse hair covering her pubis. 
A soft grunt fell from Abby’s lips at the contact, chuckling at the feeling of her girlfriend’s nose prodding even further inwards, poking at her clit.
“Spread your legs, baby,” Y/n murmured, mouth barely parting from the skin of her inner thigh as she spoke, carefully scooching in closer as Abby complied, even slinging one of her calves over her shoulder to offer better access. “Thank you.”
Abby laughed, “Look at you, on your knees for me and still so polite. Such a good girl.”
Y/n moaned at the words, finally moving her mouth to drag her tongue up the entire length of Abby’s cunt, whining at the taste of Abby’s dripping nectar. She twirled her tongue around her engorged clit, dragging the muscle over the bundle of nerves, encouraged by Abby’s moans and the grip she had on the back of her head. 
“Right there,” The blonde gasped, bucking her hips against her face, pressing her hand even more firmly against the base of her skull. “Yeah, right fucking there. Shit.”
Then the real moaning started. What had begun as muffled grunts had quickly developed into breathy cries of pleasure, the only words falling from her lips being drawn out curses or punchy words of praise. 
Y/n prodded her tongue around the opening of her core, poking inside shallowly, hardly able to slip inside with how tightly she was clenching. Chuckling, Y/n drew her middle finger against the opening, “Relax for me, Abby.”
At her words, the muscles of her core almost immediately relaxed, easily accepting the intrusion of her finger with eagerness, walls clamping down as she added her ring finger. She pulled her face away for a moment, pumping her fingers in and out with precision as her fingertips easily found purchase against the spongy flesh that caused her eyes to roll back in her skull. 
Y/n grinned, pressing her lips against the thigh that had rested over her shoulder. She would never be able to recover from this view that she was so rarely able to see; Abby’s head tilted back, eyes hooded and lips parted as she whimpered out soft praises, small breasts heaving with each breath and her nipples pebbled with arousal. There was something about having somebody so big and strong at her disposal that she simply couldn’t get enough of, knowing that in a simple movement, Abby could have her at her disposal before she could even protest, the idea that someone like Abby, who took such pride in her dominance, was willing to give it up just for her. 
Feeling the tell-tale fluttering of her inner walls, Y/n quickened the pace of her fingers and returned her mouth to its rightful place on her clit, sucking and licking so gently in comparison to the fast pace of her fingers. 
Abby came with a shout, hand forcing Y/n’s face impossibly closer to her core as she continued to pump her fingers, fucking her through the orgasm until she felt her walls slacken. She removed her fingers, and with one last kiss to her inner thigh, she pulled away. Abby moved her leg, reaching down and yanking her girlfriend up to slam their lips together, whimpering at the musky taste of her own cum. 
“God, I’m gonna marry you,” Abby murmured against her mouth, drawing soft giggles from both of them.
“Not if I marry you first.”
Abby rolled her eyes as she reached past Y/n, turning the water off and scooping her up in a single movement, “Everything’s gotta be a competition with you, huh?”
Y/n giggled, hooking her ankles at the base of Abby’s spine and wrapping her arms around her neck, “Well, not everything.”
“Yeah? So you’re not gonna try and fight me when I have my way with you?”
Y/n kissed her again, “As long as you don’t make me wait, I’m impatient.”
Abby tossed her on the mattress, completely unconcerned about the fact that she was still dripping wet from the shower. She crossed the room, opening the top drawer of the dresser and fishing around for a moment before she found her target. Y/n watched in awe as Abby skillfully slid the harness up her legs, tightening it just enough that it wouldn’t slip as she turned, revealing the thick blue dildo hanging from her pelvis. 
“Why don’t you just lay there and be a good girl for me, heh?”
When Y/n woke up the next morning, she was stiff, but who wouldn’t be after being bent in every imaginable position for over an hour? 
It was nearly twelve o’clock by the time her eyes finally cracked open, and she was disappointed, but not surprised, to find that she was alone in the bed. She was dressed in only one of Abby’s lacrosse sweatshirts, and tucked snugly into the blankets and a note set neatly on the pillow next to her own.
Went out to the slopes, be back soon. Love you.
Y/n sighed, tossing the note aside as she glanced around the room, noticing that Abby must have tidied up a bit before she left, everything that had been knocked over or thrown across the room in the early hours of the morning having been set neatly back in place. Y/n would have preferred to stay in bed a while longer, but her throbbing headache demanded that she go downstairs and consume as much coffee and aspirin as possible without needed medical attention (luckily for her, she has a sexy pre-med girlfriend on standby). 
After cleaning herself up some and tidying her hair (and cursing herself for not doing her entire hair routine while it was wet) and sliding a pair of sweatpants up her legs, she shuffled down the wooden staircase to face the few stragglers that stayed behind. 
In the kitchen, she found Nora, who seemed like she had just returned, still dressed in her snowpants as she stood at the kitchen counter stirring her coffee. The dark-haired girl turned her head at the sound of Y/n coming down the stairs, a grin appearing on her face at the sight of the sleepy girl. 
“Morning sunshine!” She chuckled, glancing over at the large grandfather clock quickly,  “You just won me ten bucks, gorgeous. Manny said you’d be out for the count until the afternoon.”
Y/n raised her eyebrows, shaking her head as she made her own cup of coffee and swallowed two tablets of aspirin. She took up one of the tall stools opposite Nora, quickly taking a mouthful of her drink. 
“You come back alone?” 
Nora shrugged, “Yeah, once Abby and Manny start making everything a competition I count myself out.” 
Y/n nodded her head, a knowing smile crossing her features. She, too, has fallen victim to the pissing contests between those two. 
“Was it just you three?”
She pursed her lips, slowly shaking her head, “No, uh, Owen joined kinda last minute. Hey, did Abby tell you anything about last night? Manny said they sort of went after it after we left, but he and Leah kinda made a run for it.”
“No, she didn’t,” Y/n frowned, “She seemed a little worked up when she came to bed, but she didn’t really say much.”
A smirk appeared on Nora’s lips, “Yeah, we all heard how worked up she was.”
The blood drained from Y/n’s face, realisation dawning on her face. She thought she had made some kind of effort to keep herself quiet the night before, but to be fair, she had been intoxicated and Abby had made her come three times with just her tongue before even thinking of putting the strap to work.
“Gotta say, I never pictured Abby being a little freaky, I never even would have imagined some of the shit she was saying to you. It had me blushing.”
Y/n buried her face in her hands, wincing at the burning temperature of her skin. Had they all heard it? She’d been so worried about imposing herself on this trip that she hadn’t even considered the consequences of any alone time that she and Abby would have together. She supposed it was bound to happen; The chalet wasn’t that big, and the vents connected every room together, and even knowing that every other person on the vacation had witnessed their very active and intense sex life, she couldn’t find it within herself to regret it at all. The light purple bruises on her neck were a testimony to the way her night ended, and with Owen around, she would proudly wear them. 
The front door swung open, the entire house immediately being filled with the energetic and boisterously loud voice of Manny, obviously still hyped up from his seemingly long session on the slopes. When his gaze fell on Y/n, he hurriedly glanced down at his watch, scowling as he read the time as 11:59, indicating that he had lost the bet. His disappointment was not long-lasting, however, grinning mischievously and wiggling his brows at her as Abby appeared behind her, arms resting on the counter on either side of her body and caging her in, skin cold to the touch through her thin long-sleeve shirt. 
“Jesus, Abigail,” He whistled, “What did you do to her? The poor girl looks like she got mugged.”
“Fuck off,” The blonde groaned, pressing a kiss to her girlfriend’s head and chuckling as Y/n raised her middle finger in his direction. 
“Jealousy doesn’t look good on you, Manuel.” She hummed, leaning back against Abby’s chest. 
Manny seemed surprised at her bold response, turning to the taller girl with a smirk as he continued to tease them. 
“That’s enough Manny, I already gave her hell for interrupting my beauty sleep,” Nora added, taking a long sip from her mug.
“Please,” Abby rested her chin on the top of Y/n’s head, “I’ve lived with both of you before, I can’t even count how many times I had to sleep with earplugs in.”
Nora shrugged, “What goes around, comes around I suppose.”
Abby’s body stiffened when Owen appeared next to Manny, his blue eyes narrowing in on the pair across the counter. It didn’t surprise her in the least that Owen would be bothered by their late night activities; Abby had once disclosed to her early on in their sexual relationship that she had very little experience in anything beyond the basics. With Owen, things were quite vanilla, and there was little said and there was almost no experimentation, so it would make sense that he felt a bit dejected at the idea that the woman he was still so obviously in love with was now in a much healthier and more adventurous relationship with someone else. 
Abby squeezed Y/n’s shoulders, leaning down to whisper in her ear, “I think I’m gonna go up to the room for a bit, maybe watch a movie and take a nap, if you wanna join me.”
Y/n nodded immediately, excited at the idea of going back to bed, hopping off of the stool and letting Abby lead her upstairs by the hand. 
She curled up in the bed, constructing a nest of pillows and blankets on top of the comforter and tucking herself in under a lighter fleece blanket. Abby appeared out of the bathroom, now dressed in a pair of sweats and a tight-fitting t-shirt, her hair hanging loosely around her shoulders. She chuckled when she spotted the structure that had been erected on top of the bed. 
“What movie did you pick?” She asked, carefully climbing in next to her girlfriend and snuggling up against her.”
Y/n glanced up at her, “The Holiday. Thought it was fitting.”
A few minutes into the film, Y/n could hardly even hold her eyes open, rolling over to lay on her belly and nuzzle her face into the crook of Abby’s neck. She glanced up at her girlfriend, admiring the way that the flickering colours from the screen were being projected on her face, light catching on her features and causing her rosy cheeks to glow. Abby turned her head, staring down at her with a fond smile. 
“What?” She asked, fingers gracing Y/n’s cheek softly. 
“Just looking,” She mumbled, “You’re so pretty.”
Abby scoffed, “Says you.”
“Says me,” Y/n agreed, “If anyone else says that, I’ll kill them. Except for your grandmother.”
Abby laughed, “Yes, I would prefer if you didn’t kill Nana, thank you.”
Y/n pressed her lips to the underside of her jaw, “Is everything good between you and Owen?”
“You want everything to be good between us?” Abby raised an eyebrow.
She shrugged, “You know how I feel about Owen, but he’s your friend, and I don’t wanna be the cause of some drama between you if I can help it. Nora said you guys had a fight last night.”
Abby sighed, her arms tightening around her girlfriend’s figure, “I don’t like the way he talks about you. The thing is, when I broke up with him, I was honest with him and he seemed to be okay with it. But since you and I started dating, he seems to be bothered by it. Last night, he was drunk, and he said some pretty nasty stuff about us, mostly about me, honestly.”
“So what, he’s mad that you’ve moved on with someone else, or he’s mad that you’ve moved on with a girl?”
“Not sure,” Abby shook her head, “I don’t–I just wanna move past it. I don’t care what he thinks, and neither should you. If it comes down to you and him, I'm picking you every time.”
Y/n leaned up, nudging Abby’s curved nose with her own before pressing a sweet kiss to her lips, “I love you.”
Abby smiled, kissing her again, “I love you too.”
This time, when Y/n woke up, she was still curled tightly against Abby’s chest. She was thankful, smiling softly as she nuzzled closer to her warmth and simply just laid there contentedly until a loud banging sounded from their bedroom door. 
“Wake up, you lazy perras,” Manny shouted through the wooden door, “It’s time to party!”
Y/n had quickly come to realise over the few days at the chalet that Abby’s friends took New Year’s Eve very seriously. Her eyes had grown three sizes at the sight of the mountain of booze that they had all collected to share amongst the group on the one night. Each of them had expressed their excitement for the holiday, even Mel, who had hardly interacted with her the whole time they’d been there. 
It was torture to pull themselves out of the little nest they’d made, but they knew that Manny would be back in a matter of minutes if they weren’t out of bed soon, and he would be much less friendly the second time. Taking a few moments to wake themselves up, both girls finally crawled out of bed and began to get themselves ready for the evening, knowing that Leah, Nora, and Mel would be wanting to take and post pictures from the little party on any social media platform that they could get their hands on.
They were both offered drinks immediately upon entering the kitchen, discovering a large bowl of punch sitting in the middle of the large island, apparently having been a concoction made by Jordan and Manny, which became quite obvious once Y/n took a small drink and discovered that it was probably closer in form to a toxic chemical than any kind of enjoyable beverage, but for the sake of the holiday, she continued to take small sips of the drink, quickly followed up by a much more enjoyable Diet Coke.
They spent the evening playing drinking games, watching movies, and exposing each other’s most embarrassing moments until late in the evening, though Y/n decided to cap herself at the one drink, considering the night she’d had the night before, and instead accepted the edible offered to her by Nora, who had also been put off of liquor by the hangover she’d had that morning. 
Y/n could admit that the small get-together felt much more intimate and enjoyable to her than attending a larger party, as she likely would have done if Abby had not invited her. Even those who did not overly like Y/n seemed glad to have her there, except for Owen, of course. 
Even Mel had entertained some conversations with her and had invited her to jump into some pictures with her and the other girls, the alcohol making her much friendlier than usual. Y/n’s feelings towards Mel were never set in stone. From time to time, she was very nice to her, but the majority of the time, she seemed completely uninterested in her being there. Of course, Y/n could understand it, to a degree; If Abby acted the same way that Owen did when she was around, Y/n would feel the same way, and he apparently hadn’t started acting that way until Y/n came around. 
Y/n couldn’t help but keep a watchful eye on the two figures out on the deck, doing her best to not make it obvious, feeling the need to protect her girlfriend from any more hurt, especially after hearing what sort of things that Owen had said to her the night before. They’d only been out there for about ten minutes after Owen had asked her to talk in private, offering an overly sympathetic look to both Abby and her girlfriend, who’d been reluctant to let her go on her own, especially since he had been drinking quite heavily all evening.
In truth, Owen had immediately apologised for what he’d said the night before, shocking the blonde with his words. Normally, Owen was a proud man, never apologising to anyone unless he knows that it might offer him something in return. 
“Really,” He had cleared his throat, obviously hesitant and uncomfortable, “I’m really sorry. I wouldn’t intentionally do anything to hurt you, it’s just…You don’t know how hard it’s been.”
“Hard?” Abby repeated, “What’s been so hard for you, Owen?”
He scowled, “Seeing you happy, with someone else–with her.” 
She scoffed, “So it is about her. Tell me, if I was dating another man, would you have this issue?”
“Yes!” He looked appalled, “Seriously–how are you trying to turn this into that sorta thing. You know I’m not like that.”
“Do I?” She pressed, “How many times have I heard you use the f slur in passing, or couldn’t stop staring at two girls holding hands in public? You may not realise it all the time, but you are like that, and I can’t just sit back and let you treat someone I love like that.”
He paused, “You love her?”
She nodded.
“I just–I don’t get it. How can you be…you were never like that with me. We were happy, I thought you loved me.”
Abby stared at him incredulously, “I did. Part of me always will, and you know that, but I’m not sure I was ever in love with you.”
That seemed to set him off, “So I was just…what to you? A plaything? An experiment?”
“Owen,” she growled, “You’re the one who started dating someone else only a week after we broke up, and not just anyone, but Mel. The one person who you always told me not to worry about, that you two were just good friends. Now look at you two, you act like an old married couple.”
“I don’t love Mel.” He stated, like it was a blatantly obvious statement. “I love you.”
Abby laughed, pushing herself away from the railing harshly, “You’re drunk, Owen.”
He grabbed her arm, pulling her back into him before she could stomp away, forcing his lips onto hers in a fury of passion. His hand gripped the back of her head, holding her in place as she fought against him. Finally, she sank her teeth into his bottom lip, not relenting until she could taste the iron of his blood and he was forcing her away.
“Fuck!” He swore, reaching up to nurse his bleeding lip, though he was given very little time to recover as Y/n practically flew past Abby and swung her fist into his jaw. He stumbled backwards from the force, flood now running down his chin and neck, “You stupid bitch.”
Abby stepped between the two as he lunged at the shorter of the two girls, shoving him down onto the deck as the others came rushing out after Y/n. She scowled at him, crouching ever so slightly to meet his gaze, “Don’t you ever put your hands on her, or me, ever again.”
She turned to face her girlfriend, hands cradling her now swollen fist and running her thumb over the cracked and bleeding skin over the knuckles, “You okay?”
Y/n lifted her good hand up to swipe at the lip on Abby’s lower lip, tears leaking down her cheeks, “Are you?”
She nodded, pressing her bloody lips to Y/n’s forehead briefly, taking one final look at the man on the floor, who seemed to be in shock and finally realising what he had done, glancing between the two women standing over him, to his friends who all seemed nothing short of disgusted with him, and finally, his girlfriend, who could barely stand to offer him anything more than a fleeting glance. Abby shook her head. She never wanted this, she would have been more than content to keep Owen in her life as a friend, but there was very little that could recover him in her eyes, and she knew that he would never be able to accept her or the woman she loved. She hoped that, at some point in the future, he might come to his senses, but until then, she decided that he would no longer be regarded as one of her best friends, as he previously had been. 
She led her girlfriend back inside, grabbing an ice pack from the freezer before guiding her up the stairs and to their bedroom. Abby pushed her to sit on the edge of the mattress, lowering herself to kneel in front of her. She gingerly pressed the ice to her knuckles, shushing her when she whimpered at the sudden cold.
“I’m sorry,” Y/n whispered, “None of this would’ve happened if I didn’t come on this trip.”
“Stop apologising. It’s no one’s fault but his, for being a homophobic prick, and my own, for putting up with it for so long.”
It was quiet for a moment before a giggle escaped from Y/n’s lips, “I told you I would kick someone’s ass for you.”
“That’s really all you got out of this?” Abby laughed, her radiant smile breaking through her otherwise stony expression.
“That,” Y/n leaned down, “And that I love you.”
“I thought you already knew that.”
Y/n rolled her eyes, “I did, but this was my proof that I wasn’t joking about it.”
She leaned down, hands cupping Abby’s defined jaw in her hands, holding her just as softly as one might hold a newborn as she pressed a kiss to her lips. When she pulled back, she glanced at the alarm clock on the dresser, smirking as she pressed another kiss to her lips and mumbled against her.
“Happy New Year, baby.”
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mopopshop · 4 months
On and Off the Court
based on this request <-
words: 3.7k
summary: You've just been accepted for a sports medicine internship at the University of Connecticut, joining your best friend Sue Bird. As you meet Diana, you're quickly warned about her romantic habits. Will this warning be enough to keep you away?
made an OC for this one, hope you guys enjoy and lmk how we’re feeling about the DT stuff and if I should keep making it 🙏🏾
as always my requests are open so send me anything you guys want to see, please enjoy!!💕
UConn Campus: 2002
Securing the internship at UConn had been a long shot, but you had never been one to back down from a challenge. The application process had been rigorous—endless forms, letters of recommendation, and a nerve-wracking interview. But when the call came through, informing you that you’d been selected as an athletic trainer intern for one of the most prestigious women’s basketball programs in the country, you knew it was all worth it. 
Sue was right there with you too, she’d already been attending UConn two years prior to your application but she was the one who encouraged you apply in the first place. She knew your love for sports medicine and what’s greater than having your best friend study that at your school? 
You first met Sue Bird during a summer basketball camp, you’d dabbled in the physical sport before deciding on sports med. She was the cooler older girl who’d taken you under her wing and from then on you were inseparable and the rest is history.  
Sue had been the one to drive you on campus for your first day, she helped you move into your dorm and now she was showing you around the UConn practice facility. 
As you walk beside her, she points out players, giving you a quick rundown of who’s who. And then she mentions, almost casually, "And that’s Diana. Lemme introduce you real quick."
Your eyes follow her gesture to see Diana, tan freckled skin and a slick back curled bun, who's shooting three-pointers with an ease that defies logic. There's an intensity to her that draws you in immediately.
"Aye, D! Meet the new intern," Sue calls out. Diana pauses, her gaze shifting towards you. She walks over, her confidence apparent in every step.
"Hey, I’m Diana," she says, extending her hand. You shake it, feeling a jolt of something you can't quite identify.
"Yeah! I’ve heard a lot about you, I’m Nora" you manage to say, your voice steady despite your racing heart.
She gives you a once over, nodding and biting her lip lightly “Nora, that’s a pretty name”
You flush and go to respond but Sue quickly cuts you off, clearing her throat.
“Alright! Um we’re gonna… I’m gonna show her around the rest of the place.” she makes an awkward thumb gesture, pointing down a hallway and quickly ushers you away, not even giving Diana a chance to respond. 
“Do you think D’s hot?” She blurts out once you get to one of the med rooms.
She groans, rubbing a hand over her face “ D’s… she’s like- well she’s..”
“Spit it out Sue” you shove her lightly 
“She like-  she sleeps around! I don’t know, I just got vibes that she thinks you’re cute and as your self appointed big sister and very best friend I don’t need her breaking your heart”
“You got all that from a three-second conversation??”
“Well no- but also yes, look.. all I’m saying is I know my teammates and I absolutely know you, as much as I love D don’t fall for her lesbian flirty tactic thingys”
“Lesbian.. flirty… tactic… thingys…”
“Sue you sound crazy but sure”
Your next few weeks at UConn are chill as you settle into your role, finding a rhythm in the fast-paced environment. You spend your days taping ankles, stretching out sore muscles, and learning from your mentors.
Even after what Sue said about Diana you can’t help but be attracted to her and honestly you feel that Diana reciprocates your feelings. These past few weeks you and Diana have only gotten closer, first it started with talking during practice, then getting food together after practice, and eventually hanging out at each other’s dorms.
One evening, Sue invites you to your first college party, eager to show you the social side of university life. You’re excited but also nervous, partly because you don’t know what to expect and partly because you can’t stop thinking about Diana. Despite Sue’s warnings, you can’t shake the feeling that there’s something real between you and Diana, something more than just casual flirting.
The party is at a popular off-campus house, and as soon as you walk in, you’re hit by the loud music and the sight of students milling about, drinks in hand. Sue is quickly pulled into a conversation with some friends, leaving you to navigate the crowded room on your own.
You grab a drink and wander around, trying to blend in and relax. Just when you’re starting to enjoy yourself, you spot Diana across the room. Your heart skips a beat as you watch her laughing and talking animatedly with another girl, her arm casually draped over the girl’s shoulders.
You tell yourself not to overreact. After all, it’s a party, and Diana is allowed to talk to whoever she wants. You start heading in her direction, hoping to get her attention but as you walk, Diana leans in and kisses the girl, a deep, lingering kiss that leaves no room for misinterpretation.
Your stomach drops, and you feel a cold wave of disappointment wash over you. Sue’s words echo in your mind, reminding you of Diana’s reputation. You turn away, trying to focus on anything but the scene unfolding before you, but it’s no use. The image is burned into your mind.
Feeling a mix of hurt and foolishness, you decide to leave. You make your way to the door, hoping to escape unnoticed. Just as you step outside into the cool night air, you hear Sue calling your name.
“Nora! Hey, what’s wrong?” She asks, her voice laces with concern.
“Nothing, nothing! Um.. just feeling kinda nauseous, I’m gonna head back but you have fun ‘mkay?” you reach up, giving her a hug “Thanks for bringing me, I’ll see you at the gym tomorrow” you spit out before rushing to your car.
After the party, you do everything in your power to avoid Diana, shrugging away from her flirtatious touches, opting to eat lunch with Sue instead, and finding any excuse to keep her from coming back to your dorm. 
One night after practice, you find yourself in the training room alone, organizing supplies. The door swings open, Diana walks in, and your heart sinks, you still have feelings for her despite everything and being alone with her doesn’t make you feel any better. 
“ ‘Sup, Nora,” she greets, her voice dripping with playful charm as if she’s completely oblivious to the change in your dynamic over the past few days. 
You force a smile, trying to keep up appearances despite the turmoil inside. "Hey, D"
She saunters over, her movements fluid and confident. "Just thought I'd swing by and see how you're doing. You've been kind of distant lately."
You swallow hard, struggling to find the right words. "Yeah, just busy with work and stuff."
Diana raises an eyebrow, her expression unreadable. "Is that all it is? Because it feels like there's something else going on."
You avert your gaze, unable to meet her eyes. "I'm fine, Diana. Really."
But she doesn't seem convinced, and you can feel her studying you intently. "Nora, whatever it is, you can talk to me. I'm here for you."
Her words stir something inside you, a flicker of longing mixed with frustration. How can she act so caring and yet be the cause of so much pain?
"I don't think that's such a good idea," you murmur, your voice barely above a whisper.
Diana takes a step closer, her presence overwhelming. "Why not?"
You finally look up, and your breath catches at the intensity in her eyes. She’s so close now, you can see every detail of her face, every freckle, and the way her lips curl into a slight, confident smile. The air between you is charged with tension, and you can’t help but feel drawn to her.
You’re standing so close now, mere centimeters apart. You can feel her breath on your skin, and it’s intoxicating. Your body leans in almost of its own accord, the pull towards her undeniable. You can see the same desire reflected in her eyes, and for a moment, you think you might actually kiss her.
But then images of Diana and that girl at the party flicker into your mind. You take a shaky step back, breaking the magnetic pull between you. “I.. I don’t know, I’ve gotta get back” you laugh awkwardly, trying to play it off and rush towards the door “Um I’ll catch you at practice tomorrow!” and with that you go, leaving Diana standing in the training room alone and  confused. 
The next day at practice, the atmosphere between you and Diana is noticeably tense. You arrive early, as usual, to help set up and assist with stretches. You’ve managed to avoid telling Sue about this whole Diana debacle, trying to keep from her lectures.
As the team files in, you focus intently on your tasks, hoping to avoid any awkward interactions. But it’s impossible to ignore the magnetic presence of Diana as she walks into the gym, her eyes immediately seeking you out.
You try to act natural, going through your routine with the players. When it’s Diana’s turn, you lead her to the training room as she takes her place on the mat, and you approach with professional detachment, though your heart is pounding.
“Morning,” she says, her tone casual but her eyes betraying a hint of something more.
“Morning,” you reply, keeping your focus on the task at hand. “Let’s get started.”
As you begin to help her stretch, the proximity brings back the memory of the previous evening. Your hands brush against her skin, sending electric sparks up your arms. Diana doesn’t make it easy, her body language and occasional lingering looks making it clear she hasn’t forgotten either.
“You know,” she says quietly, “I’ve been thinking about last night.”
You swallow hard, trying to maintain your composure. “ D, we shouldn’t talk about this here”
She chuckles softly, a sound that makes your stomach flutter. “Maybe not. But we can’t ignore it forever.”
You don’t respond, focusing instead on finishing the stretch. But when you look up, her face is inches from yours, her eyes dark with intent.
“Nora,” she murmurs, her voice low and intimate. “I don’t know what’s going on between us, but I can’t stop thinking about you.”
Your breath catches in your throat, her proximity overwhelming. “Diana, we can’t—”
But before you can finish, she leans in, her lips brushing against yours in a soft, tentative kiss. It’s like a spark igniting, setting your senses on fire. For a moment, you forget everything—the warnings, the doubts, the pain. There’s only Diana, and the undeniable pull between you.
But just as quickly as it began, the moment is shattered as coach’s voice booms across the gym, down the hall, and into the training room, breaking the spell.
“Alright, everyone, get your asses up let’s get started!”
Diana pulls away, her expression unreadable. You’re left standing there as she runs back to the main practice area, heart racing, trying to make sense of what just happened. 
As practice continues, you struggle to focus, the memory of Diana’s lips on yours distracting you at every turn. It’s like a whirlwind of emotions, pulling you in all directions at once.
After practice, you find yourself alone in the training room once again, sorting through equipment as you try to process everything that’s happened. You’re still reeling from the kiss, unsure of what it means or where things will go from here.
Just then, the door swings open, and Diana walks in, her expression determined.
“Nora,” she says, her voice soft but resolute. “We need to talk.”
You suck in a sharp breath “D I have to go I’m-“
“No, Nora you keep running and we need to talk”
“Just five minutes, please” 
Diana's voice is pleading, and you can see the sincerity in her eyes. Despite your reluctance, you can't deny her request. You nod silently, gesturing for her to take a seat as you settle into a chair opposite her.
For a moment, there's silence between you, the tension palpable in the air. Diana fidgets with her hands, her gaze fixed on the floor as if searching for the right words.
Finally, she looks up, meeting your eyes with a mixture of vulnerability and determination. 
“I’m just confused about what’s going on between us? I mean, your first few weeks here we were inseparable and then you do a 180° on me and pretend like I don’t exist? And then- then we almost kiss and then we do kiss I’m just.. I’m confused on who you feel here.” 
“You’re confused? Imagine how I fucking feel D, you flirt with me and call me pretty and take me out to eat and sleepover at my dorm and—all this other shit but turn around and kiss another girl? And on top of that you tell me you can’t stop thinking about me, It’s frustrating like just be honest” you rant, letting all your feelings from the past few months voice themselves.
Diana sits there sort of silent and you continue “Even fucking Sue warned me that’d this what happen! And I didn’t listen when I know I should’ve, it would’ve saved me all this confusion” you huff.
“Nora I…” 
Diana's voice trails off, and she runs a hand through her hair, clearly struggling to find the right words. She takes a deep breath and starts again, her eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that makes your heart race.
“Nora, I didn’t realize how much I was messing with your head. I’ve never felt like this before, and I didn’t know how to handle it. I was scared,” she admits, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Scared of what?” you ask, your tone softer now but still edged with frustration.
“Of this,” Diana gestures between the two of you, “Of us, of how strong my feelings are for you. It’s easier to flirt and mess around than to face how real this is. That kiss at the party… it was a mistake. I was trying to convince myself that what we have wasn’t real, that it was all just in my head. But I can’t keep lying to myself, and I can’t keep hurting you.”
Her confession leaves you speechless for a moment, the sincerity in her words cutting through the fog of your emotions. You take a deep breath, trying to process everything she’s said.
Diana reaches out, taking your hand in hers. Her touch is gentle, but there's a desperate urgency in her grip. "Nora, I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you if I have to just please forgive me” 
You take a deep breath, glancing down at your intertwined fingers and feeling the weight of her words. Part of you wants to hold onto the hurt, to protect yourself from getting hurt again. But another part of you recognizes the sincerity in her eyes, the genuine remorse in her voice.
"D," you start, your voice trembling slightly, "I need to know that you won't hurt me like this again. If we're going to move forward, I need to trust you."
She nods fervently, her eyes shining with determination. "I promise, I swear on fucking everything, I promise."
A small smile tugs at your lips, the vulnerability in her words melting some of the walls you've built up. "Okay, but this has to be different. No more games, no more mixed signals. I need you to be honest with me."
"I will," she promises, her voice steady. "I want to make this work, Nora. Let me start with asking you on a proper date m. No more hiding, no more confusion. Just you and me."
You feel a flicker of hope in your chest, a warmth spreading through you at her words. "A proper date, huh?"
Diana grins, her usual confident demeanor peeking through. "Yeah, a proper date.“
You stand there silently, watching her sweat a little at your lack of response.
“So? You gonna ask me?”
“Wha- I thought I just did?” genuine confusion paints her face.
 “I’m waiting…..” you sing song, smiling
She rolls her eyes at your sarcasm, scoffing then takes both of your hands in hers “Nora Evans, will you please do me the honor of sharing a meal with me, outside of the facility, in a romantic setting, preferably under $40”
You chuckle nodding before glancing down at her lips. She leans in, her eyes sparkling with relief and excitement, and presses a soft, lingering kiss to your lips. When she pulls back, you can see the sincerity in her gaze, the promise of something real and honest.
Over the next few days, you and Diana take the first steps into your new relationship. It's a gradual process, filled with small, meaningful gestures—a shared laugh, a lingering touch, a whispered promise. The awkward tension that once filled the training room is replaced by a quiet, mutual understanding.
One afternoon, you both decide it's time to tell Sue. You've been dreading this moment, knowing how protective Sue can be. But it feels right, and you want your best friend to be a part of this.
You catch Sue in the dining hall, finishing up a study session. She looks up as you and Diana approach, a curious smile on her face.
"Hey, you two," she greets, her eyes flicking between you with an all-too-knowing look. "What's up?"
You glance at Diana, who nods encouragingly. Taking a deep breath, you start, "Sue, there's something we need to tell you."
Sue raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Oh? This sounds serious."
You exchange a nervous look with Diana, then take a step forward. "Well, Diana and I... we're kind of seeing each other now."
For a moment, Sue just blinks at you, her expression unreadable before she groans, smacking her hand on the table “Dammit, I owe Tamika $20 bucks”
You and Diana burst into laughter “What? You were betting on us?”
“She knew the second I told you not to date DT you were gonna do it anyways, shit” she sighs “I guess I’m happy for you though” she says jokingly.
“Oh whatever, Sue” you laugh
She looks up at Diana “If you hurt my best friend, just know I’ve got something in store for your ass”
Diana raises her hands in mock surrender, a playful glint in her eyes. "Got it, Bird. No need to send out a hit squad."
Sue narrows her eyes, leaning in for dramatic effect. "I'm serious. I've got connections."
You can't help but burst into more laughter at the exaggerated threat. Sue joins in, pulling both you and Diana into a tight, affectionate hug.
"Honestly, I'm happy for you guys," Sue says sincerely, giving you a squeeze. "Just be good to each other, alright?"
You nod, feeling a warmth spread through you. "We will, Sue. Promise."
lmk how you feel about this everyone! i kinda struggled writing it but in the end i like how it turned out
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piratefishmama · 1 year
Fake it till you make it | Part 11
“Be careful, Eddie” were Wayne’s words as he hugged his nephew goodbye, knowing he wouldn’t see him for a whole week and honestly still being a little worried about it “if you think even for one minute that something’s off, just… just get out of there, alright?”
“I know, I know, I’ll bolt through the woods and hitchhike my way home, I know the way, Wayne, I got this.” He could read a compass, he’d be able to get a map from any gas station and head home, he was resourceful, an adult, he could handle himself.
“Damn right you got this, son. But… be careful in other ways too, alright? Steve’s a charmin boy, but… remember this ain’t real.” Eddie had bitten his bottom lip at that one, brows furrowed in thought, those big brown eyes of his swirling in emotion, he never did hide his feelings well, it’d always be a little real for him. “Protect this” Wayne poked his chest with a gentle prod, right over Eddie’s heart “okay?”
“Mhm, I will…” he’d try to anyway. Steve really was… charming. An his kisses? God his kisses… but also... it really was the closest he’d ever been to what romance ought to be, what a relationship ought to be, he never thought he’d have that.
The world didn’t appear to be moving fast enough for him to truly experience romance as most people did.
He had to remember that he didn’t have that.
“Eddie! C’mon you’re in the back with me!” Steve called from the garage door, behind which the car was rumbling, their bags packed into the back, Steve’s parents already inside, ready to go. The longest Eddie had ever been away from Wayne since arriving in Hawkins, was three days during a weekend trip to Indy with the band to play at a slightly bigger venue than the Hideout as a one off.
A favour for his favourite gay bar when a live act they’d scheduled pulled out last minute. It hadn’t gotten them a lot of exposure, but it’d been a fun and enlightening night for the band.
“Best get on, son, I’ll see you in a week. Call when you can alright? Don’t care if you wake me up or about no damn time zones, just call, I’ll answer, an if I don’t, you know the plant’s number.” Tight lipped, strained smile, Eddie nodded quickly then turned on his heel and graced Steve with a brilliant smile, game on.
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“I don’t wish to alarm anyone, but... did we miss a turning?” Eddie may have been unusually quiet for the first leg of their journey, nerves having hit him like a truck the second they pulled out of Loch Nora, but he was paying attention to his surroundings.
And those surroundings, were all too quickly, Fort Wayne International Airport.
“You don’t honestly expect rich people to drive the whole way to Canada do you?” Steve’s voice was amused and came from so very close to his ear that he actually jumped, quickly turning in his seat, back plastered against his side of the back seat, eyes wide as he took in and processed what Steve said. “Plus, what would you rather do, spend nearly two days in a car with my parents—”
“We’d make wonderful road trip companions, don’t be rude Steven” came his mother’s interruption
Steve ignored it in favour of continuing his point “—orr… around ten hours in one of those with a brief stop off in Chicago.” Steve leaned inward, uncaring of personal space as he pointed to a plane, ascending into the heavens from the runway.
“I don’t—” he didn’t know. He’d never been on a plane before. Trips like that, across country, they were the stuff of road trip legend, but Steve had a point…
Two whole days of a trip stuck in a car. Or just ten hours. Eddie’s eyes skipped to the window again, to the plane now disappearing beyond the overcast cloud cover.
“It’ll be okay, Eds, I’ll sit right next to you the whole time, you’ll be okay.”
“What if we crash? What if it falls out of the sky? What’ll you do?”
“My best to keep you safe.” It was so earnest, coupled with Steve gently taking his hands and giving them a squeeze, eyes so full of raw honesty, of understanding, it hit Eddie directly in all his soft gooey bits. “I’ll hold your hand through the whole ten hours if you want.”
“Even during the stop in Chicago?”
“Hah, yeah baby, even during the stop in Chicago.”
“They’re a lot more openminded in Chicago too!” Lynda spoke up without turning her head, allowing Eddie to not get stuck on baby for too long “might get a few looks from people passing through the airport but nobody will say anything, and if they do, they deal with us.”
“If we had enough time during the stop we’d have taken a trip around the city, let you boys see some of the sights we’ve seen, but alas, our connection gives us an hour at most depending on everything being on time, and that’s just enough time to get us from one gate to the next.” John added as he pulled into the long stay parking lot. “Maybe some other time, some other family trip, eh Eddie?”
Eddie’s wide eyes turned to the front of the car, then back to Steve again, lips parted ever so slightly in surprise. Not surprise over the words used, but the feeling those words caused. Family trip. They were including him on future family trips.
Steve’s eyes quickly snapped from him to the front of the car and back again, then a warm smile blossomed on his lips. He lifted his hand and ever so carefully brushed a stray curl back behind Eddie’s ear, and asked so softly as his thumb lowered to brush along his jawline. “Right, Eddie?”
“Y-yeah… yeah I’d… I’d love that.” He turned his head fully toward the drivers seat, he’d never been too good at hiding his emotions, so maybe he was just a little choked up when he accepted the offer “I’d really love that.”
“Great!” The car came to a stop in one of the many parking bays, ignition off, driver side door opened “It’s settled then.” Settled. Eddie would privately mourn the knowledge that it’d never come to fruition, but… on the surface he could pretend he was excited for a future trip for the sake of the ruse. “Now boys if you could get the bigger bags out the trunk that’d be a big help! This back of mine isn’t as sturdy as it used to be.”
“You’re forty-six and go jogging almost every morning, don’t be stupid John.” Lynda whapped her husband with her handbag in gentle, semi-amused admonishment before getting out of the car.
Followed by her husband who, in a hushed tone replied with “don’t tell them that, Lynda, save us the work.” Leaving the two boys to breathe soft laughs between themselves before they too joined the older couple out in the parking lot.
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“Steve...” Eddie hissed as they neared check-in.
“I have weed” said through his teeth.
“What?” Steve paused.
“I have weed… I have weed in my suitcase.”
“You have what?!” Steve rounded on him, sentence ended with a pointed hiss
“I didn’t know we’d be flying to Canada, Steve, maybe you should tell people when you’re planning on launching them into the troposphere in a death tube!”
“Why would you bring weed on a holiday with my parents, Eddie?!”
“SHHHH, be quiet. I thought I might need it to chill out if I was freaking out at some point during the week like right now, I could really do with it right now.”
“Oh my god.”
“Steven? Is something wrong?” Lynda’s voice had them both snapping to attention, eyes wide, caught in the act. Luckily she had no idea what that ‘act’ was.
“Nope! No, uh, Eddie’s just gotta… use the bathroom real quick.”
“Well, there’s bathrooms in the business class lounge he can—"
“No! It’s uhm, it’s urgent, can’t wait, he’s uh…”
“Nerves, it’s uh, it’s nerves, I think imma hurl” she looked between them with a small frown on her face, assessing them both, it seemed like whatever she found wasn’t worth arguing about though, because she waved them off with a quick flick of her wrist.
“Alright fine, hurry up. Steven you know where the closest ones are go on now quickly before we’re late for check in, we’ll double check everything here.” John was already pausing to check through all their documents like a regular airport dad, it was the third time he’d done it since entering the airport.
“Alright let’s go, Eds, lets deal with your little problem.” At least he was soft-handed when he manhandled Eddie to the nearest bathroom, patchy suitcase with a squeaky wheel wobbling away behind them. Once inside, he checked each stall individually, before quickly turning on a wide eyed Eddie. “Where is it?” Eddie pointed down at the suitcase, and Steve snapped to action, lifting, and placing Eddie’s suitcase down on the slightly damp row of sinks. “Did you pack any liquid soaps?”
“Uhhh…” Eddie was too busy staring at the flex of Steve’s arms as he just. Lifted that whole very packed suitcase in one hoist. Fuck.
“Any shampoo? Conditioner?”
“I—I feel like my answer is going to make you mad so I’m just not going to answer.” Which on its own, was a pretty damning answer, and Steve’s expression told him as such “I don’t have a twelve step hair care routine like you do, Steve! I just… I have drug store shampoo and conditioner and that’s really only when it’s on a two for one sale! Usually I just—"
“If you say you water it down to make it last longer I’m going to throw the first thing I find in this suitcase at you.”
“Shutting up. I just thought I’d buy it there if I needed it, or just borrow yours, I know you brought some, right?”
“Well then, I figured that… if I borrowed yours it’d make it seem like I just… wanted… to smell like you?”
“You just made that up.” Eddie just smiled, all teeth and dimples, scrunching his shoulders inwards in an unfairly cute display of mischief. “You’re a menace, Munson. Get your stuff out of there for me. Don’t ever put weed in checked luggage.”
“TSA does random checks on checked luggage all the time, an while they’re not usually looking for weed, it’ll get launched and you might get fined. Whereas you can hide weed in just about anything in a carry on, just shows up as vague blurred shit on the x-ray scanners. Just be cool when you shove it through.” Steve was rummaging in the front of his own bag now, “be cool, and act natural.”
“You sound like you’ve done this before.”
“Mn once or twice, Tommy was a dick, but his cousin worked for the TSA for a few years, gave us all kinds’a neat tricks to get things through the airport.” Tommy’s cousin had gotten fired and a year inside for attempting to smuggle narcotics out of the confiscated items lock up, but that was neither here nor there. “Gimmie what you have.” Hand outstretched, Steve waited until Eddie placed the single baggie containing three roll ups and a few loose buds “Christ Eddie.”
“I knew I’d be nervous! Stop being mean to me!” Steve rolled his eyes before taking the three roll ups out of the baggie
“Your smokes, give em.” Plenty of room in the pack to slot the three roll ups, and as for the buds, Steve emptied out his travel sized bottle of hand lotion into the sink and stuffed the whole plastic bag into the little bottle, then screwed the lid on tight. Nobody would look twice at a rich kids hand lotion. “Now wet the ends of your hair.”
“Your hair butthead! Wet it, we told my mother you’d be in here hurling your guts up, so… you got some in your hair, it’s a good extra to add to the ruse, now do it.”
“So my own boyfriend wouldn’t even hold my hair back if I threw up? Where’s the romance, where’s the commitment, where’s the care and—”
“Dude you have a lot of hair, I doubt I could get it all in my hand at once.” Although now that thought was in his head… could he? Could he get a good fistful and hold it there? Not important. “I’d drop bits.” A flimsy argument, he wouldn’t drop anything.
“Uh-huh, sure you would, big boy.” Eddie quickly dampened the tips of his hair, and ran a wet hand through his bangs quickly in a bid to fake flop sweat, theatrics over and done with. “Zipper-up, let’s get this show on the road, shall we?”
Part 13
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canaidliafail · 1 year
Abby x f!reader x ellie 🌿 2.1k words
listen idk what demon possessed me but I had to write about a threeway relationship with ellabs in a college AU. Its just random scenes of what it would be like and theres filth so MDI
CW: voyerism I think, jealousy and abby and ellie being unhinged over reader [ like srsl ] , established relationship, mentions of alcohol & dealer ellie. not proof read, will never be. Say a prayer and go ahead and read idk
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“In a moment you're getting the shivers
'Cause I know the way you feel
My body gives you chills”
In college, rumors went around fast. Everyone knew that Cindy from chem had relapsed for the third time that year, that Alexander had hooked up with every exchange student, that Abby was probably that richest kid in the entire campus and that Ellie was the hottest lesbian dealer that lived in dormitory B5.
That along with the fact that Abby, Ellie and you were roommates. Manny and Dina had, on different occasions tried to get a hold of you and fill you in on how hot the gossip on the three of you were but it just failed to entertain you enough to listen.
You didn’t give a fuck actually. You were so blissfully content with your reality that you weren’t interested in knowing what everyone else's half assed version sounded like. Your girlfriends though were different. Abby and Ellie had the inseparable dynamic of oil and water. They just did not get along but they did find common sense when it came to you and they had to know what was going on. Blind and deep in love they forgot how they themselves were a prize and considered most people who approached you a threat.
Abby vaguely remembered a rumor when you three first started going out after Jesse's birthday. Ellie was the supplier that night and the girl that came by your dorm to pick up the stuff caught you two making out in the hallway. Ellie was a bit more flustered to be caught like that while you just rolled your eyes as if she was the problem invading your public space and walked inside your room, though back then, the girl assumed you were staying over at Ellie’s place. In the span of a week,the whole art department knew that Ellie allegedly had a girlfriend. That was until someone interrupted the conversation
“Wait, is Ellie's girl the one in sculpture ?You know she has a lot of tattoos and talks with Nora a lot?”
“Yeah her!”
“Well than she has to be cheating on her cause I saw her In Anderson's car the other night and they were like,going at it”
So other than “that girl with tattoos in sculpture major” you were also “The one two timing Ellie and Abby”
Abby didn’t know how much of a hot topic she was. She knew people talked but not about her. She was cooking and ellie was smoking weed on the kitchen counter keeping her company when you barged in your dorm room.
“You have to hear this” You said excitedly and tossed your bag on the couch and your shoes all over the hallway which Abby being a clean freak knew would have to organize by herself later that evening. You run up to them in the kitchen and Ellie out of habit spread her legs to let you in her space for a kiss. Which you didn’t really give but instead you took her blunt and took one long good puff.
“So I was talking with my friends and apparently there’s this rumor going around that I am cheating on Ellie williams with Abby anderson”
Abby stilled her hand while working with the pan and the stir fry food and she turned to look at Ellie the same moment that she did. They came to a silent agreement to solve this issue which you found quite embarrassing to think over in the first place. You couldn’t take problems like these seriously and hell, who doesn’t have people talking shit behind their back ?
“Oh c'mon don’t tell me you are mad” You whined and abby turned around to cup your cheek,gently caressing you
“Doesn’t it bother you? That they are doing this?”
“It would but thats so much effort and like…oh my fucking god who caresssss” You drew out and left to go rest on the couch.
“Can’t you two just… make out the next time you are on campus or something ? That will solve things or whatever”
And they did. Not because you told them to, but at some point abby had to help Ellie’s scrawny ass carry some fresh wood planks to her working space in class to build a new canvas and before they parted ways she did kiss her on the lips, hard and long and then she left to attend her own lectures. The rumors didn’t die but people had a rough idea of what was going on now.
Abby loved eating you out continuously and tirelessly. She would come to a pussydrunk state where she would lazily lap up at your pussy like she was starving and despite wanting to take the reins and be more commanding,her skill rendered you weak and helpless and a moaning mess, and when you were voiceless from the pleasure your soft sighs did the job for her. And that's when usually Ellie would come strapped up and take you right after Abby was finished devouring your puffy cunt.
Abby unbuckled her belt with a heavy clank once the metal clasp snapped open that signified it was your turn to please which had you licking your lips eager to taste her. Ellie pushed you on all fours and slapped your thighs as indication to spread them apart and got into position behind you admiring your ass for a good few seconds while Abby sat in front of you, legs spread and a cigarette in hand taunting you to go ahead.
You usually took your time,biting her freckled thighs and leaving a path of bruising bitemarks which had her groan in fake protest most of the time. You pressed your palms flat against her legs and moved your head closer to her cunt,your nose buried in the trimmed blonde hair as you licked a flat thick stripe that had Abby flinch in pleasure. Ellie took her moment to slowly slide in her new thick strap toy in you
“Abby prepared you so well for my cock, fuck look at it just sliding in”
Abby was loud, Ellie was vocal, and you loved the combination of the two in bed.
Abby would hold your hair up,a string of praises falling from her lips and ellie would lean in leaving kisses on your back as she thrusted her hips in a pace that fastened every minute enjoying how well you took her every time.
You rarely left the apartment alone since your schedules matched with one of your girlfriends. However on the sparse occasion that you did, you always found yourself in trouble.
You stepped out of the room and were busy locking the door when you heard a girl behind you scoff. You turned to look at the unpleasant figure who hoarded the space and you smirked
“Can I help you?”
“Yeah how about you keep it down at night?”
She snapped, aiming to shame you. She wasn’t wrong. Last night was something else. When you and Abby dominated Ellie at the same time it usually ended up in the rest of the dormitory having a poor night. It was a bit homophobic in your opinion to only target you when there was Manny, one floor above you being just as rowdy with his girlfriend.
You smiled and leaned against the wall effectively walking into her personal space. She froze on the spot and looked up at you. You weren’t tall but you were tall enough to use it to your advantage at times like these
“Aren’t you the girl who tried to get into Ellies pants on Jesse's birthday?”
She frowned and quirked her mouth in disgust
“You are so delusional”
You looked into her eyes,down to her lips and then slowly fixed a crooked fold on her shoulder pads from her shirt
“Am I though? You pathetic cunt, if you came for a fight at least follow through” She tensed,lost and unsure on how to handle this situation when Abby walked out of the door and yanked you away from the girl like a wet cat, holding your arm in a way that it made it look like she only tried to get a hold of your backpack to slide it on her own shoulders. To you, it was a warning, to the stranger it seemed like a gesture of affection.
“Wait for me in my car. I'll drive you” she said and passed you her keys. You left, unbothered and entertained enough for the rest of the day. Abby however glared at the girl and stalked over, towering over her like a hawk in a much more aggressive manner than you did and she seemed to shrink in on herself
“If you talk to her again I'll make sure you end up on the streets. If you insult her, you might even have to retake the exams for a different college” she barked and left.
You were in Abby’s car and had turned the heater on and were already looking at what song to put on from the speakers. She sat on the driver's seat and grabbed your phone
“What the fuck was that” she growled and you rolled your eyes and leaned your head against the window
“I don’t get why you take everything so personally” You whispered and she carefully put a hand on your shoulder to get your attention. You turned your head and she pulled you in for a kiss, her hand on the nape of your neck. She lingered there to keep you close and rubbed her thumb in a straight line against your spine,the soft gesture contradicting her stern tone
“You need to learn to apologize. That attitude was completely unprovoked”
“Didn’t you hear what she said?”
“I did and I expected you to handle it better than that”
You looked at each other and eventually you agreed and let out a small and curt sorry to show remorse which she half accepted as a first step to changing your actions. Abby, no matter how in the wrong you were, would always have your back in public and would only scold you when she knew you had privacy and were alone and that was something you loved about her.
You smiled and wrapped your arms around her neck and went to kiss her before moving down to her neck to leave new bitemarks near Ellie’s
“You are insatiable”
“You are hot when you are mad at me babygirl '' You teased and watched as Abby's cheeks took a new shade of pink.
Abby and Ellie weren’t exactly opposite forces but they did not blend either, So when you had walked in on them making out on the couch with Abby on top of Ellie you had to take a photo silently stalking in from the corridor. You loved watching them please each other. There weren’t many times that you caught them in the midst of it but when you did you did everything within your power to stay silent and just enjoy the view. That was until your phone betrayed you with the shallow “click” that hinted at a photo being taken.
Abby pulled away first,lips a new hue of red trying to steady herself on the armrest while ellie took a moment to fix her tousled short hair.She looked at you and you never thought doe eyes could look so menacing and mischievous .
“Enjoying the show?”
You walked in and stood in front of the couch, arms crossed as you leaned against the wall
“Absolutely. Go on”
Ellie pulled abby back in for another kiss clearly to horny to entertain this conversation and sucked on her lower lip in need. She followed Ellie’s lead and pushed her lower on the cushions of the sofa moaning into the kiss. Ellie was a good kisser and she knew it, and just imagining how good abby felt had you sitting on the sofa across the couch and spreading your legs to make yourself comfortable knowing you would soon have to slide your hand in your pants to release the building tension in your stomach.
Ellie and Abby got along as roommates but not as people. Ellie kept to herself and in their shared space which was the living room she only had a tray with her smoking gear and a bag of weed but otherwise she didn’t cram the space with any other items. Abby liked plants and Ellie found them to be a decent choice for decor and that was that. Dormitory B5 was known for having nicer and more spacious rooms. Abby was rich and Ellie’s side hustle made her comfortable enough. In the first two years of them living together they talked occasionally and they knew each other's friend group. They did bond once over their shitty ex’s and Abby appreciated Ellie’s seriousness when she came out to her confused and convinced that she was perhaps a lesbian. That was it though. In the second semester of their second year however you moved in. Abby told Ellie that if they didn’t like their new roommate she could easily pull a few strings to have you out but that was thrown out of the window once they saw you.
You took up all of their space, You had pottery items in Abby’s room when you wanted to show her something and eventually forget them there, and you had left your makeup on Ellies desk because you often sat there since, in your words “The sun coming from your window is so much better than mine”
The living room now was full of posters and you insisted on having to spend time together at least on Saturdays. You were comfortable and your comfort made them relax as well. Ellie of course knew what it was. She wanted you and she was head over heels for you and all of that was sealed when she came to your apartment after a shitty 3 hour art history lecture to find you making dinner for everyone. You also had a gift for her
“Remember how you told me about that comic ? So funny story, my friend actually was getting rid of his collection since he is moving out and I asked him to give them to me so here you go”
Ellie actually cried that night, moved by your gesture and when she saw you now all she heard in her mind was “wife wife wife”
But Ellie wasn’t the only one. Abby had magically shifted her entire schedule in a way that whenever you had a free day she had one as well and she would be in the apartment with you.
Abby had never felt lust like this before. If she couldn’t own the wind she wanted to at least tame it and dance with it for a while.
The two of them talked and somehow came to a mutual understanding that if you were to choose either of them they would be peaceful about it. Another silent agreement that they took however was to make sure you would end up with either of them and not someone else.
The first time it happened, all three of you were drunk out of your minds blasting music from the speakers and played a raunchy card game that Abby didn’t even remember if it existed in the first place. One thing led to another and suddenly you found yourself in your underwear only, fondling Ellies chest while nibbling on her neck and Abby pressed against your back, her hand under your panties fingering you while whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
Just like you moving in and settling into their lives, a relationship between the three of you occurred just as naturally since you felt like the missing link that they needed to connect.
Ellie was unhinged and she was aware of it and it was one of the things that she didn’t care to fix. not when Abby was a jock who flaunted her wealth and threatened with it and certainly not when she saw how aroused you were every time she brought her butterfly knife in the bedroom.
However she also knew that sometimes she took it too far.
She once overheard a guy in your major fawn over you in the most grotesque way, salivating over the fact that you wore a dress that accentuated your ass in all the right ways, and the low v front cut of the top showed your sternum tattoos in a “provocative way”
Ellie was no better than a man because she had noticed all those things herself which was why she ate you out in the elevator that morning and caused the entire building to believe that it was out of service for 36 minutes. However when Ellie thought of that it was different. So she leaned against the door and played with her knife, carrying them around campus under the excuse that she needed them to sharpen her coals for her artworks, even though she carried them for very different situations that she wasn’t shamed to admit that she made use of. She didn’t say anything but when they noticed her staring they did turn around to face her the same time that you were ready to leave. You walked up to her oblivious to the tension around her and went in for a small greeting peck that she turned into a french kiss with her hands on your ass pulling you closer. She lifted one hand to cradle your head and looked at the guy across the hall challenging him to continue his fruitless attempts to hit on you to which he just frowned and looked away confused and in disgust.
That night, when you were blissfully asleep on Abby’s chest she mentioned what happened to her in a tone that indicated that she planned on handling it herself. Ellie knew though, that if word of a situation like that reached Abby’s ears the guys would probably either end up kicked out of campus at best, hospitalised at worst.
heres my ko-fi tip jar if you enjoy my work 🤍
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sukunasdirtylaugh · 6 months
ex-husband!satoru blurb, reader and satoru have a daughter named saori, slight angst
your skin feels cold when it used to feel warm by his side, satoru stands not only 3 feet from you as he peers down at your daughter as she sleeps in your arms.
"I can stay over at a hotel." he offers. the both of you were here for satoru's dad's birthday party. his 60th birthday, followed by a grand dinner. and of course you were invited. of course you would, you literally had given birth to his favorite (and only) grandchild.
"don't be ridicouls." you shook your head. truth was, satoru had arrived a day early since his daughter asked to see him, but not taking into account how busy the city would be this weekend was, almost every hotelroom was resereved. something about a famous celeberity in tour for the weekend rose in the talks.
"you can take the couch," you offer, "but I'm sure there's another room in the suite. I can even call the staff to bring in an extra bed." you knew shoko's words were ringing at the back of your head, at least his girlfriend won't be coming, she said. satoru had been with nora for nearly 6 months now. and according to suguru, from shoko, he hadn't even presented her to his dad. it's just proof he's just waiting for something to happen in this last family reunion, she told you.
"are you sure?" he asked, walking on eggshells, "I... I don't want to make this-"
"-saori would really look forward to having her dad around. maybe you can make pancakes with her in the morning. I saw the kitchen here had some supplies you could use. she's been really into baking as of late." he nods.
"yeah, but still..."
"it's not like we're sleeping in the same room, satoru." you sigh, thinking twice if annoyance rang in your tone. "she's fine," you reassure him softer, "we're fine."
a minute passes of thought, and he nods.
"let me take her to bed for you."
there's a nervousness in your hands when he takes her from you, and you clam your hands hoping to get rid of the sensation by the time he's back. your throat itches, and your heart feels heavier. you've never wanted to scold at shoko more than now, why couldn't it be her? she'd be so much better at doing this than you, you thought.
by the time satoru returns, his sleeves are rolled up before he rubs his palms against the front of his pants, "I... do you...?"
"tomorrow's a big day," you answer, softly adjusting a pillow, two, for satoru. he had a habit of holding pillows in his sleep. "it's your dad's birthday."
"I know," he wants to say something, "are you nervous?"
"not really, why would I be?"
"I don't know," he breathes, "I just thought... after the divorce..."
"he hasn't treated me any different, and I'm grateful for that." I can't say the same for us.
"he's always liked you," satoru scratches the back of his head, "it's kinda hard for him not to. not when you've blessed us all with saori." there it is again, that feeling in the base of your chest. it's anxious, eating you away like tiny ants, taking bits and bits from you soon to leave you empty in a long silence.
"I heard you and nora were trying to concieve," there's some regret after you say those words, and your nose burns at the thought of continuing this talk. your eyes averted to the ground.
"I... well, you're not exactly wrong..." he breathes, uncomfortably, "it-it's in the talks..."
"and you want a son."
"not..." he breathes then huffs, no words as fast as yours.
"I worry about saori," I worry about us. "about... another baby... another..." you breathe, "it's a big change. permanent."
"she'll be fine if we talk to her," the fact is, are you okay?
"I don't know," you murmur below your breath, enough for satoru to catch on.
"I... I feel like I should say something...."
"you don't have to," I don't want to make you uncomfortable because I'm already uncomfortable. "you just... you have new plans." that don't surround us.
"but..." your eyes swell in tears, making you face away from him. "when we seperated, we promised to always work together, to support one another in anything we do. especially when it came to saori," the back of your nose stings, "if this makes you happy, then... who am I to say no?"
"you're the mother of my daughter first and foremost," he says, confidently. "and you were the love of my life second." he says, "one of those will always stands, but the other calls for you right now."
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empressdede · 6 months
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Chapter three
Four times. That’s how many times Roman made her cum today. Four fucking times. She couldn’t remember the last time James ever made her cum that much in a single night. She knew she could cum twice in a night but FOUR?
It was hard to let Roman walk away after that. He had to leave cause he had a meeting with Paul, but London wasn’t ready to let him go. And when he did, it was with a promise that he’ll see her again later that same night.
Now here it was, a couple hours later, London freshly showered and in her bed thinking about what took place in her office, her pussy still throbbed in between her legs as she reminisce about what he did to her.
London cried out loudly and her hand slid up to glide through his hair when he pushed her panties to the side and buried his tongue inside of her. He groaned when she tugged onto his roots, wiggling his tongue inside of her and sliding it out to swirl it around her pussy to lap up all her juices all the way up to her clit, sucking on it.
London bucked her hips into his mouth, pushing her pussy in his face to keep him exactly where he was at. He kept staring at her, flickering his tongue up and down in a fast motion.
"Ouuuu fuck Roman." She called out, looking down to meet his eyes as she started grinding her pussy against his tongue. She would chase this feeling forever if she could, she could’ve came from this feeling alone. When she kept grinding against him, he flattened his tongue against her clit letting her do the work herself.
She just couldn’t believe she took her sister’s advice and let him fuck her. And she thought maybe if she did it, it would be a one and done. But how could she not run back to that? How could she expect herself to not bust it open it for him when he asked?
He fucked her seven days from Sunday, snatched her soul and refused to give it back until she agreed to stop running from him. An attraction she’s been trying to deny herself from having but she could only do so much, especially after almost two years of knowing him. She really did try.
All she knows is her desire for Roman burned stronger now that she had a taste. Now she gets it… the reason why Tiara acts the way she does about Roman… she gets it. But as wrong as it was to say, Tiara was just going to have to get used to sharing her man.
“I might go and see Nora later tonight, she told me she had a couple of things she wanted to talk to me about so if I don’t come back home tonight, you know where I’ll be.” London said to James as he walked out of the bathroom from his shower.
He nodded his head at her to let her know he heard her. “Okay, I’m gonna call it a night though baby cause I got an early morning.”
And while he walked to the closet to get dressed for the night, her phone pinged with a message.
Roman: I’m outside.
That was the only thing she needed to know. Grabbing her keys and her phone, she walked to give James a kiss on the cheek before walking out.
“Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow hunny. I love you.” James called out and the guilt started to sink in for just a moment.
“Love you too.” She called back out before rushing out to leave. She couldn’t be in that situation without feeling guilty. How can you say that knowing what transpired between you and Roman?
But the closer she walked to the tinted escalade, the feeling of guilt diminished. She could practically hear her blood rushing throughout her body, her heartbeat being the only thing she could both feel and hear from the anticipation of whatever could happen between those two.
“Why didn’t you pack a bag?” Roman questioned when she finally slid into the passenger seat of the car.
“Pack a bag?” London repeats, the confusion laced in her voice as she turns to face Roman.
“You thought I was bringing you back?”
“Maybe not tonight but-
“You with me for the whole weekend, so I don’t know what you gotta tell him; but tell him something cause I’m not bringing you back till Monday… Night.”
She raised an eyebrow at him in confusion, "I thought we were going to talk."
"We are, I promise."
She didn’t even let him get out of the car, barely even let him put the car in park before she jumped on him.
She tried to contain herself the entire car ride, but she couldn’t really help it. This man looked so fine driving her around with one hand on the wheel and the other on her thigh.
She guesses that’s what really jumpstarted her being where she is now, eyes rolling to the back of her head when she slowly sat herself on him; the stretch feeling so damn good, she forgot that this was a position that these two shouldn’t have been in at all.
“Gon head baby. Ride that shit.” He grunted in her ear in encouragement, sliding his hands against her waist to guide her.
London’s hand’s gripping his shoulders as she slid up and sat all the way back down, and the feeling every inch of him. The feeling was intoxicating, she’d only experienced this dick earlier that same day but him making her cum four times in her office had her feeling like she was a fiend, hooked on her favorite new drug.
Her head falling into the crook of his neck, moans slipping out of her mouth and melting into his skin, sending chills down his spine.
“Shit…Baby.” She breathed out.
Roman’s hands moved from her waist to grip onto her ass. “Daddy making you feel good baby?” He asked, keeping his voice low.
London moaned out in agreement as she continued to move against him. Her thighs burned at the movements she was making, sweat sticking on both bodies as their motions and quick breaths fogged the car up and add onto the heat their bodies were making.
“F-feels so fuckin’ good. You makin me feel so good.” She moaned out into his ear.
“You love that shit don’t you?” The question was asked on purpose because Roman’s new purpose was to make sure London didn’t run from him anymore. They’ve played this game for a year and a half now. They’ve already crossed this line, he wasn’t going back now.
“Yes, I love it. Finna make me cum f-fast cause y-you hitting m’spot.” She stuttered out.
His hands tightened its grip against her cheeks and began thrusting up into her. London’s moans were loud; and while in her office she didn’t have the luxury to be so vocal but now, Roman took in these loud moans and let it feed his ego.
This was him making her feel like this. Fuck all the white noise, he’s finally gotten London where he wanted her and to be able to hear her call out to him like she was now…
“Yesss, just like that Roman, m’gonna cum just like that.”
…yeah, he couldn’t give this up. Not yet at least.
After their quick session in the car the two made their way to his condo and wash off the sweat they worked up and found themselves sitting in his living room eating Chinese takeout.
London sat crisscrossed as she waited for him to continue the conversation that was long awaited between them.
“I seen you with him at the party ya know?”
London chuckled and rolled her eyes before responding. “He’s my husband Roman, that fact didn’t change because we spent 20 minutes in a room.”
Roman shrugged. “Just saying you didn’t need to go to him to finish something I started. You could’ve stayed with me.”
“And risk getting caught at YOUR wife’s birthday party? How does that look?” London retorts back, cocking her head to side in almost faux confusion.
“Like we’ve been attracted to each other since we’ve met.”
Silence fell between the two of them at his words. What does one say to that? Except, it’s true. London knew it was the truth, because she went to dinner with him the very next week after they met, wearing his dress for him.
“We both tried to fight it London; granted you put up a much bigger fight than I did, I still never crossed those lines unless I was sure that you would’ve crossed it with me.” Roman continued, setting his container of fried rice on the coffee table and turning to face her.
“I know we’re married to other people but I can’t help but want you. Every time we’ve hung out it took everything in me to not take you somewhere to bend you over and have you scream my name over and over again.” Roman confessed.
London let out a small sigh. “I kept running from you because I’ve never done this before. I don’t know how to… cheat.” She started poking at her food with her fork, tearing her gaze away from him. “James is damn near all I know.”
Roman nodded his head at her, understanding, he’s never cheated on his wife either. “I understand, I haven’t- it’s my first time too you know? And I’ll tell you what, if you want after this weekend we can stop.”
London started to nod her head. Because yeah, that sounds like a good idea. They’ll use this weekend to get each other out of their system and go back to their regular lives.
“Yes, we’ll fulfill any fantasies we’ve ever had and on Monday, we’ll leave this all behind us.” London agreed.
It makes sense, London didn’t really want to step out of her marriage for not being able to control her urges and neither did Roman. He spent a long time with Tiara and he wouldn’t want it to go to waste just because his dick got hard at the presence of another woman.
They’ll get it out of their system this weekend and everything could go back to normal after that. Wouldn’t it?
Comment & show some love🥺🫶🏾
Tagging the lovelies: @whatdoeseverybodywant @theninthwonder @christinabae @2-muchsauce @alichesmi @pitlissa22 @sassginawanmills @harmshake @po3ticb3auty @unfriendly--blvck--hottie @dershalover89 @serena004 @reci1996 @scarlettnoir01 @venusesworld @kill-the-artiste @southerngirl41 @badbitchcentralinc @reignsboy19 @mzv11 @cyberdejos2 @msniaimani @skyesthebomb @bebesobrielo @katymae12344
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priincebutt · 17 days
How about Henry who never fell asleep with anyone else around, because he never trusted anyone and had an image to uphold, falling asleep on Alex all the time when they're hanging out (even with other people) because he feels safe. Can be canon or AU. :)
Hey anon!! Thank you for this lovely little prompt! This is a super short response, but I didn't want to drag it out because I think it works as just a silly lil domestic drabble. Hope you enjoy!
Movie night has kind of become a thing for Alex and Henry now that they have a space that’s their own. It feels domestic, like they’re allowed to have their own slice of normalcy despite everything they’ve been through. On Friday nights when most people their age are going to the clubs or hitting up dive bars, Alex and Henry curl up on their couch with a bowl of popcorn, boxes of pizza, and a bottle of wine and choose a movie out of a bowl. The movies they put in there are an amalgamation of favorites, ones that haven’t been seen, and new releases they both were anticipating, and this way they don’t fight over what to watch (which of course happened on their inaugural movie night).
This week, things look a little different. Alex is in his usual spot on the couch with Henry curled up into his side. Nora and June have commandeered the love seat across the way, their sides touching, their legs intertwined, arms slung over the arms of the chair haphazardly. Percy is in Henry’s favorite armchair, a vintage thing they found at a flea market that he had reupholstered in a cream brocade that somehow matches Percy’s overly stylish sweats. Bea occupies the final seat on the couch, her legs tucked underneath her, chin balanced on her hand, elbow perched on the arm of the couch. It’s not often that the super six are all in the same city together – business keeps them all bouncing around the globe, or firmly planted across the pond, or overly worked in DC, but they always found their way back to each other eventually, and this weekend it was a trip to New York City, with Bea occupying the guest bedroom in the Brownstone, and Nora, June and Percy all staying in a local hotel close by.
“The Mummy is an integral part of the bisexual experience!” Alex had yelled in excitement when the title had been announced as their watch for tonight. “I’m so excited for you to see it, Hen, Brendan Fraser is so hot, and it takes place in Egypt, you guys are going to love it.”
June and Nora had enthusiastically agreed, and Percy and Bea and Henry all shared a look and a laugh, an understanding passing between the three of them – they love these silly Americans enough to suffer through any movie for them.
“Fine, but I still can’t believe it wasn’t Notting Hill,” Henry had harrumphed, like it was a real struggle to curl up into Alex’s side and watch a movie full of attractive actors on the screen.
Everyone settles in as the movie starts, and pizza and popcorn is passed from hand to hand. It doesn’t take long for The Mummy to capture everyone’s attention, and only a few hushed whispers are occasionally passed as Evie and Rick run from the bad guys and race to find Hamunaptra.
They don’t even get halfway through the movie when Alex notices it – Henry’s head is heavy on his shoulder, his breathing regular and his chest rising and falling slowly against Alex’s side. Alex ducks his head and peeks at Henry, and the small, satisfied smile that curls across his lips is genuine. Henry’s fast asleep on his chest, despite him being engrossed in the movie only moments before. Alex doesn’t wake him up, though, just runs his fingers through Henry’s golden hair and presses a reverent kiss to his boyfriend’s forehead, then turns back to the movie. They make it a few more scenes before Nora catches on and alerts June to the snoozing Henry, which in turn gets Pez to coo at them softly and Bea to share a small, private smile with Alex.
Henry, an infamous insomniac, passed out across Alex’s chest and snoozing like a baby. Bea remembers how hard it used to be for Henry to sleep, how he used to fight sleep like it was giving in to weakness to lay his head down and rest. He deserves this, she thinks. He deserves someone he feels comfortable enough around to fall asleep on, in the middle of a room full of people, in the middle of a loud, action packed movie. Henry deserves Alex, who lulls him to sleep and knocks him out despite it all.
Nora and June are in the kitchen making a box of brownies they found in the pantry, and the credits are rolling when Bea conspiratorially leans in to Alex and smiles brightly.
“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen my brother sleep in a public space. This is… impressive.”
“Quite,” Percy agrees in a quiet tone, his own smile telling as he looks from Bea to sleeping Henry then back over to Alex. “Henry’s always been so… strange about sleep. Didn’t want people to know he did it or something,” Percy laughs as he shakes his head.
Alex smiles sweetly down at Henry, his affection easily apparent as he brushes a lot of hair from Henry’s forehead. “This is his home, he can be comfortable here. I’m proud of that,” Alex admits quietly, not budging an inch in hopes of allowing Henry to sleep longer.
“I’m so thrilled to see him this happy,” Bea admits, her tone easy and her eyes bright. “You’re so worthy of his love, Alex.”
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I got a Rwby ask for ya for Yang Xiao long, Weiss schnee and Nora Valkyrie with a Male S/O that's Shy like Kobeni from chainsaw man and seems to downplay himself when in actuality he's incredibly strong. I just wanna see His girly just smother him in affection and won't allow him to talk down on himself
I had a fun time writing this, though I'm not sure If I did all to well on it as I'm not really sure if I have a firm grasp of everyone's characters, not to mention I was half asleep when writing most of this.
Now! Your wish is my command!
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Yang had to admit, she wasn’t really sure about you when the two of you first met.
You floundered every time someone talked to you, jumped at every little noise, and yet you came “Highly recommended” as a temporary replacement for Ruby while she was out with a cold.
She didn’t understand why, at least until the first time she saw you fight a pack of Grimm.
It was… efficient.
That way the only word Yang could think to describe the fight, if it could even be called that.
You cut ligaments and veins, snapped and crushed bone, tore limbs away from the body and as soon as one began to drop the next was being disassembled.
It was an exciting display.
But still, you could’ve left a few of them for her to show off on.
Oh well, it’ll have to wait until next time.
The next group of Grimm was almost instantly cut to ribbons.
The following one was ripped to shreds.
It was around here that you apologized for being so “Slow”.
At this, Yang felt like she should grab you by the collar and shake you like a stuffed toy.
This was you going SLOW!?
What the hell was fast then!?
Needless to say, Yang took a bit of an interest in you after that.
And seeing as you weren’t really a part of your own team, Yang asked to have you as a +1 of sorts to team RWBY.
Things snowballed after that.
Somewhere down the line Yang’s interest in you turned to infatuation and then love.
That being said, your lack of faith in yourself made her want to throttle you sometimes.
You could shred through almost any Grimm with ease.
Yet, you called yourself a “Below third rate hunter”.
She didn’t know if she wanted to hug you or strangle you every time you said that.
Then again, she could probably do both if she put her mind to it…
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Weiss had heard that you had immense talent, an almost unrivaled ability to disassemble Grimm into many small pieces in record time.
You had a reputation that precedes you, even Winter sang your praises as a prodigy.
Needless to say Weiss was excited when she was told that you would temporarily be joining team RWBY to cover for Ruby who ate herself into a food coma with cookies.
On one hand, she wanted to strangle the young woman.
On the other hand, she felt like giving her a hug and thanking her.
It was only when they were on the way that Weiss realized that she had no idea what to expect of you as a person.
Shortly following this realization, they arrived and were greeted by the single most frazzled and shaken creature that Weiss had ever laid eyes on.
Weiss was understandably concerned by this and asked where you were as you were supposed to be the one greeting them.
Imagine her surprise when she learned that this person who looked like they were going to shake apart at any second was the very person Winter had been singing the praises of, not to mention the same person she had been told held the current record for defeating a Grimm.
She was sure that this was some joke.
But before Weiss could properly express her indignation, everyone got to work.
Well, by everyone, Weiss means you got to work.
When the first Grimm made its appearance it was already falling to the ground in a heap of severed body parts by the time Weiss had drawn her sword.
She swore she would get the next one.
She did not get the next one, or the one after that, or the one following that one.
It infuriated her to no end.
After this, Weiss made it her own personal mission to get to a Grimm before you did.
She got some… mixed results.
More specifically, she got to hit one, single Grimm before you obliterated it.
That was still better than she had managed to get throughout the entire day and as such, made her the person to get the second most done.
She was really wondering why in the world they hadn’t just sent you to do this on your own.
Then, when the whole expedition came to an end, you apologized for “Holding them back.”
That’s when it all clicked for Weiss.
The frazzled way you acted.
The fact you had barely said a word to anyone.
The apology.
You lacked faith in yourself.
Despite all of the talent you had, despite the fact you could dismantle a Grimm faster than the human eye could see.
You saw yourself as less than third rate.
Weiss felt a sudden kinship with you at this realization.
After this, Weiss did her best to find a way to spend time with you, to try and get to know you.
It was an extremely difficult process, but slowly, eventually, she came to understand you.
And you came to understand her.
After that, things sort of happened between the two of you.
She, of course, was teased mercilessly by Ruby, Yang, and Blake when they found out.
They were lucky she was nice, otherwise she would have frozen them solid.
That and she was more concerned about you at the moment.
You managed to infuriate her to no end with the lack of faith you had in yourself.
She had done her best to try and get you to believe in yourself more but it was very, very slow going.
But that just meant she had to believe in you enough for the both of you.
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When Nora met you for the first time, her first thought was “Wet cat”.
To be fair, at the time it was a very apt comparison as it was pouring rain and you had just returned from dealing with quite a few Grimm.
That being said, the two of you didn’t officially meet until the next afternoon.
Upon meeting you, she blurted out without any shame.
“You’re the wet cat person!”
Your only response to that was a meek “Fair.”
After this, you and Nora became fast friends.
Well, it's more like Nora just started showing up to chat with you and you didn’t really want to argue with her about it.
Something told you she was a very stubborn person.
Nora also, on occasion, brought her other friends.
It was during one of these occasions, that she learned that you were someone rather famous.
You were the person who could take down a Grimm in under a tenth of a second.
Nora had to admit, she couldn’t really see it.
To her you were a lot like a ball of yarn that was quickly unraveling.
Then again, she has been wrong before.
However, what you said in response to this caught her attention, knocking her out of her musing.
“I’m just a third rate hunter, no one special at all. I’m sure someone could do what I did a lot faster if they wanted to.”
This told Nora two things.
The first being that you actually were the current record holder for the fastest Hunter in training.
The second was that you downplayed yourself more than was healthy.
And seeing as you were a friend of hers, she didn’t particularly like that second part.
So, Nora cleared her schedule.
She was going to make you have more faith in yourself.
By any means necessary.
It took a week before she was ready to either beat you over the head with her hammer or crush you in a hug and smother you in kisses.
How could someone so nice and awesome have so little faith in themself?
What in the world happened to make you like this?
She was going to hurt it.
That or put a rubber band on you and snapping it every time you said something self deprecating.
That or do both.
Both sounded good to Nora right now.
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midnightsnyx · 9 months
girl at home | mat barzal | part 6
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pairing: mat barzal x fem!reader chapter summary: a new face threatens what you've started to build with mat and nora & you recieve some much needed advice from jax
warnings: angst, not edited, mentions of food, a sprinkle of fluff word count: 1.7k (sry its not longer i am trying my best lol) authors note: hi so it's been a month and change but i am finally able to present to you guys, part 6!! thank you for the continuous love on this story. your likes, reblogs & comments mean the WORLD to me!!! someone said nora needs to start a parent trap - don't worry, she's on it <3 quick important notes: the first bit in italics is a flashback. not sure if I will do many more of them. second, i have no idea how many more parts there will be to this series because i feel like i've barely scratched the surface of what can be done. and last, im sorry if your name is calista. enjoy and please don't hate me :)
requests are open. masterpost masterlist tag form askbox
It wasn’t often that you and Mat had time to yourselves. He was busy with school and hockey, and you had a lot going on so when the opportunity arose, you always made time for each other. Liana was at a sleepover and his parents were gone out for dinner with friends so the two of you had the house to yourselves for a few hours, which as teenagers, wasn’t often. His parents were always good about giving you and Mat space but you were still teenagers, after all. 
You were curled up together on his bed with some random movie playing in the background but you weren’t paying attention to it. You were thinking about graduation that was fast approaching and what the aftermath would look like. It wasn’t a surprise that the two of you would be going separate ways once you graduated high school. Although not set in stone, Mat was on his way to the National Hockey League to an unknown team. It wasn’t realistic for you to wait to see where he would end up and then figure something out for school. You had scholarships and your heart set on UBC, not quite yet ready to move too far from home. 
But Mat, well he could go anywhere. 
You’d toyed the idea of a long distance relationship in your head but you always ended up realizing that it wasn’t logical. Mat would probably be playing on a team thousands of miles away and you were going to be busy with university. Sure, there were holidays and summers but going from being basically attached at the hip to hardly seeing each other. 
“What’re you thinking ‘bout?” Mat suddenly mumbled. His hand had been rubbing your back but when it stopped, you thought he had fallen asleep. 
“Graduation,” you said and his body stiffened. The difference between the two of you was that you were an overthinker and a planner whereas Mat was a go with the flow type of person. He didn’t think about things until he had to. 
When he didn’t say anything, you peered up at him. He was frowning, staring at the ceiling in deep thought. You reached out to smoothen the wrinkle between his eyes and he looked down at you and smiled. 
“If I was selfish enough to ask you to come with me wherever I end up, would you say yes?” 
It was a theoretical question because you knew he would never be that selfish. Neither were you though, because you would never ask him to give up his dream. 
“No,” you admitted and his smile didn’t waver but something flickered in his eyes. 
As a general rule of thumb, you don’t introduce Nora to anyone you date until the three month mark. It isn’t something that you have to worry about often because most of the guys you meet run the second they find out you have a daughter. It doesn’t bother you most of the time; you have your family and friends, and Nora is your number one priority so if someone has a problem with you having a kid, they aren’t worth your time. 
So, it didn’t occur to you that it was a conversation you should have had with Mat. You thought that he had enough common sense not to bring the girl you recently learned that he’s casually seeing, to lunch with you and Nora. 
It takes all of your willpower to stay in your seat and not take Nora and leave when they sit across from you. Mat seems completely unfazed by the sudden tension in the room and it hurts on some level because he used to know you so well that if something was upsetting you, he always knew. 
But that was when you were kids.
You don’t get a chance to say anything because Nora gives the girl a onceover, and wrinkles her nose. 
“Who’s that?” She asks in such a bitter tone that you’re torn between scolding her or laughing. 
The girl, to her credit, doesn’t even blink an eye. She just offers her hand to Nora and introduces herself. 
“I’m Calista, and you must be Nora,” she says, still holding her hand out and waiting for your daughter to shake it. When she realizes that Nora is not going to respond, she quickly brings her hand back and lays them in her lap. Mat looks absolutely horrified, either by Nora’s behavior or the fact that you haven’t scolded her. He’s still not sure if he’s allowed to reprimand her when she acts out and often looks to you to be the bad guy. You’re enjoying this a little too much though, especially when he coughs and gestures to you.
“Cal, this is-”
“His baby mama,” you cut him off, smiling sweetly at her. He’s not getting off the hook for ambushing you, and sure, maybe it’s a little childish of you but you have heard the stories from Liana already and you know you won’t like this girl. 
“Um, nice to meet you,” she says awkwardly, but there’s something in her eyes that tells you she isn’t the innocent, sweet, new girlfriend of Mathew Barzal. There’s definitely a different personality hiding behind the curtain. 
“Have you guys ordered already?” Mat asks.
“No, we were waiting on you,” is your reply and you make sure to emphasize on the word you. He doesn’t humor you with a response, instead looking at the menu and asking Calista what she wants. 
Lunch goes about as terrible as you expected, with Nora acting out because of a new person suddenly joining the outings she was used to only being the three of you. She ignores Mat’s attempts at talking to her, opting to read a book she brought along and gives Calista the stink eye anytime she speaks. You’re fine with her wanting to ignore Calista, but you don’t want her relationship with Mat to suffer because of this, so towards the end of lunch, you excuse yourself to the washroom in hopes that she might talk to Mat if you step away. 
The only problem is that Calista decides to tag along with you, claiming she needs to wash her hands. You suspect there will be something more and your suspicions are proved true when you’re washing your hands and she walks up next to you. 
“The whole kid-trap thing is really cute,” she says, fixing her hair. “Just keep in mind that it’s me in his bed every night.” 
She doesn’t give you a chance to say anything before she quickly walks out of the restroom. You stand in shock for a moment, because you haven’t had a girl talk to you like that since high school. Liana wasn’t wrong when she told you there was something off about the new girl Mat was seeing, but this teenage-like attitude? This isn’t something that Nora is going to be around.
You storm out of the restroom, planning on taking Nora and leaving right away but you stop short when you see Mat and Nora talking. She’s giggling about something he must have said and the fondness and love in his eyes towards her is almost enough to make you stay but one look at Calista, reminds you why you were leaving in the first place. So, you walk over to the table, picking up Nora from her chair even though she’s capable of walking herself and tossing a twenty on the table. You don’t look at Mat before you leave, only calling out a goodbye over your shoulder. 
Nora doesn’t say anything until you’re buckling her seatbelt. 
“I didn’t like her,” she says casually.
“Yeah,” you agree. “Me neither.”
Mat blows up your phone with calls and texts but you ignore them. As soon as you left the restaurant, you planned on driving straight home and you knew that was where Mat would look first so instead you drove around aimlessly until you ended up in Jax’s driveway. Nora fell asleep about twenty minutes ago and you didn’t want to wake her, so you sent him a text to come out to your car. You watch as Jax comes out of his house and runs down the driveway in bare feet, climbing in your car and closing the door quietly. 
“It went that bad, huh?”
You’re quiet for a moment before leaning forward and resting your head on the steering wheel and taking a deep breath. 
“I feel like Mat and I are stuck in this constant cycle, you know?” you mutter quietly.. “Like, two steps forward and then five back. Everytime I think we’re making progress, something happens and I can’t help but wonder if I should have let him in her life at all. I’ve been a mom for 6 years, and Mat has only been a parent for a few weeks so the rational part of me knows I can’t be too hard on him, but I feel like we’re not making any progress and this is just going to end up bad, especially for Nora.”
Jax knows you well, and doesn’t say anything right away. He lets you say and feel your own thoughts out loud before giving his opinion. 
“Want me to sugarcoat anything?” he asks and you lift your head to look at him. Jax is looking at you with slight concern so you know he’s about to give you his exact thoughts. 
You shake your head and he sighs. 
“I think you still have feelings for Mat,” he says and when you open your mouth to cut him off, he stops you. “I’m not saying that you’re still in love with him, but you have something going on in your head that is creating chaos with the relationship you have with him now. You said he’s doing well with Nora, yeah?”
You nod, but don’t say anything. 
“If he’s doing well with Nora, you shouldn’t be having these doubts about if you should have let him in her life. You’re her mom, you know what’s best and if you really felt like it wasn’t working, you would have stopped it right away. You are the problem, whatever lingering feelings you are holding inside, you’ve got to figure them out.”
For a split second, you hate Jax. For a split second, you want to yell and scream and swear at him because he’s right.
“He has a girlfriend,” you whisper.
“Yeah,” Jax says. “Why are you upset about it?” 
You shrug. “I don’t know.”
He doesn’t say anything until you look at him. 
“I think you do,” he replies.
You hate that he’s right.
tag list: @literatureluster @dasiysthings @barzyblogbabe @diary-of-jj @heatherawoowoo @fallinallincurls @topguncultleader @shadowsndaisies @lovinbarzal @whatthepuckisgoingon @alilstressyandlotdepressy @teapartydreams @keiva1000 @hischiershoe @cavill83 @bellstwd @alwaysclassyeagle
if you'd like to be added or taken off the list please let me know <3 also if you asked to be tagged and wasn't, it was because when i typed in your user, it didn't come up. send me a msg & we can figure it out.
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enchantedbarnes · 10 months
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Uncle Buck • Part 6
I Caught Fire
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Single Aunt!Reader
Word Count: 900
Masterlist: One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven |
A/N: I know, I know - I'm sorry I suck at posting. Again - none of this was planned to go on after Part 1 😂 Only warning is this is just a short silly idea that popped into my head. However, I do have something else that's much longer cooking up, I just have been on the struggle bus to finish it. Ideas and suggestions are always welcome and what keeps this nonsense going. If you wanna spam me with replies, gifs, reblogs, what you love about these - maybe it will get the inspo bus moving along again. xoxo thank you so much for all the love so far 🥰
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Bucky arrives at the house to meet up with you. You both had plans to check out the local farmer's market.
Nora opens the door with a welcoming smile, "Hey, Bucky!" She pulls him into a quick warm hug.
"Good to see your handsome face around here again," She teases while stepping back to let him step inside, "She's in the attic, go on up."
Bucky gets to the attic landing and hears music.
Stopping short he waits a moment to listen. You're singing along to the song playing.
He takes a seat on the bottom steps, enjoying the moment of you happily singing along without a care in the world.
"I'm melting, I'm melting!
In your eyes, I lost my place
Could stay a while
And I'm melting
In your eyes like my first time
That I caught fire
Just stay with me, lay with me.."
Benji walks out of his room and is about to let out a shout of excitement when Bucky holds a hand up and brings his finger up to his lips to silence him. He waves Benji over and pats the open spot next to him.
Benji runs over and takes a seat next to Bucky with a grin.
Bucky silently nods his head towards the stairs and points upstairs with an eyebrow raised.
Benji answers the silent question with a shrug and nod, as if to say, "Yup, this is what we deal with here."
"You can stay and watch me fall
And of course, I'll ask for help
Just stay with me now
We could take our heads off, stay in bed
Just make love, that's all
Just stay with me now!"
Bucky's eyebrows raise so high they almost levitate off his face.
The chorus starts up again and you let out a string of curses, "Shit. Damnit. Fuck. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7- Wait...Shit.. 6-7-8-9-10..."
Bucky holds his palms up and mouths, "What is she doing?"
Benji then mimes crocheting while mouthing the answer. "She lost count or something, happens a lot..." He whispers.
The next song starts to play. A soft guitar intro begins only to then be broken up with fast drums and heavier guitar, the unexpected transition almost startles Bucky.
Benji starts air drumming along to the song while headbanging.
Bucky lets out a silent laugh with a shake of his head.
"The toxicity of our city, of our city," you join in, singing along to the more aggressive chorus of Toxicity by System of a Down, "YOU, what do you own the world?
How do you own disorder? Disorder!
Now! Somewhere between the sacred silence
Sacred silence and sleeeep
Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep
Disorder, disorder, disorder!"
Benji is still busy in his fantasy drum performance rocking out.
Bucky starts to wonder what exactly happens in this household on a daily basis. He's certain nothing he can possibly imagine will be anything close to the actual reality.
His phone vibrates in his pocket pulling him out from his thoughts. You had sent him a text.
Did you take a scenic route to get here?
You could say that.. be there sooner than you'd think.
He's about to stand up when Benji grabs his arm and mouths, "Wait. One second..." Benji scurries off to his room and comes back a moment later with his tablet. He taps around for a bit and the song changes. The intro seems to grab your attention because he hears you go "Oooh shit." Benji smirks.
The two sit there a moment, Bucky can hear shuffling and footsteps, but they're not approaching the stairs from what he can tell.
He looks over at Benji to see if he has an answer.
"This is her favorite band," he whispers, he motions Bucky to follow him.
They both slowly move up the stairs, one step at a time, until you're in view. They stay low trying to keep out of sight as much as they can. Benji is lying on his stomach against the stairs with his head peeking up. Bucky continues to sit on a step and has his arm leaning on the next step, propping his head up to watch in amusement as you dance around the attic while carrying your crochet project with you, somehow continuing your row of stitches. You start singing along as the vocals start up.
"If you have an opinion
Maybe you should shove it
Or maybe you could scream it
Might be best to keep it
To yourself…
To yourself!"
Benji hops up and runs over to you as the beat picks up, both of them start jumping up and down with each other.
"This is why I don't leave the house!
You say the coast is clear
But you won't catch me out
Oh, whyyyyy?"
You point your crochet hook at Benji as a makeshift microphone and continue dancing as you shout, "This is why!-" You suddenly catch sight of Bucky leaning against the wall with his arms crossed at the top of the stairs and freeze in your spot.
"How long have you been here..."
"Honest answer?" He asks with a smirk.
"Something about catching fire a few songs ago."
"Oh my God," You groan in embarrassment. "Creep!" You laugh while throwing a ball of yarn at him.
"Maybe they'll have a karaoke contest you can start at the market."
Another projectile ball of yarn hits his chest.
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Song list/links:
I Caught Fire by The Used
Toxicity by System of a Down
This is Why by Paramore
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Taglist: if you'd like to be on the taglist let me know. Also if you're on the taglist and change your username - let me know so I can update the list! xo
Next: Part 7 Goodnightmorning
Dividers by @saradika
@pono-pura-vida @bitchy-bi-trash @random-writer-23 @jvanilly @clintsupremacy @eatingtheworldsoffanfiction@firstcashheroathlete@stany0url0calwh0res111@sjsmith56@eliwinchester99@babymady@shaking-a-jar-of-bees @its-daydreamer23@capswife@thecubanator2@wintermunsonreads@buckybarnessimpp@moon-light1928@emily-roberts@jeanbarton@doublevirgogirl@unknownpengu@trixxietat@imdoingbetternow@buckys-bbg@samsgirl93@lovebittenbyevans@inwhichiramble@jbuckybarnesfan@buckysfirstbitch@marvel88 @spiderman-stilinski@marvelfreakgirl@assassinscross@foolishwaitersblog@thatsojasminesworld@buckysbaby-doll@kilikina34512@rintheemolion@themorningsunshine@saranghaey@je-suis-prest-rachel@alovecraft@openup-yourmind@alicedopey@ilovetaquitosmmmm @sebbystanlover-vk@sleepertown@ivorycrow19@songoficecreamandfireworks@ellabraun9339@vicmc624@tiedyedghoulette@superduckmilkshake@ozwriterchick@kandis-mom@wintersoldierdarling@scooobies@magz-muni
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