#feel free to give him a dream (or a nightmare) if you want it'd be funny
typhoonvash · 1 year
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It is a Friday afternoon and all Vash can think about is whatever he's dreaming of.
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moonstruckme · 10 months
hii omg I absolutely adore your blog!! i love the interactions between the guys and reader, the way you write them makes them feel so so real 💫 I was wondering, how do you think they'd react to reader having a horrible nightmare and not being able to fall asleep? you dont have to write it ofc, and sorry for my english it's not my first language 🥰
Hi, thank you lovely! Please don't worry about your english, it's amazing and it'd be no problem even if it weren't, and thanks for requesting <3
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.2k words
You wake with a tear already slithering down your face from the injustice of it. Your chest feels empty and crushed, and you press your palm to your breastbone as if that will ease the hollow ache. You come to terms quickly with the fact that none of it was real, you’re okay, but there’s still evidence of your terror and indignation in your too-hot skin. You pull the sheets covering you to the side so that half your body is exposed to the cool air. 
“Hey.” The word is hardly more than a raspy exhale, Sirius’ voice slurred with sleep. You’d evidently slipped free of his arms at some point in the night. You distinctly remember falling asleep with his breath on your forehead, but now there’s nearly a foot of empty space between you. His face rubs against the pillowcase as he shifts to see you better. “Hey, what’s up?” 
“Nothing,” you say, though your voice is tight with unwanted tears. They keep squishing out of your eyes, like aftershocks of an earthquake that’s already fading from your memory. “Just a dream.” 
Sirius reaches for your face. His hand is pleasantly cool against your skin, but he makes a sleepy discontented sound at the wetness he finds. “You’re crying.” 
“Shh, you’ll wake them.” You cover his hand with yours, giving his fingers a reassuring squeeze. “I’m okay, go back to sleep.” 
Sheets rustle as James rolls over to face you. “Whas’ going on?” 
You sigh. “Nothing, sorry.” You turn your face from Sirius’ touch, moving one leg over the edge of the bed. “I’m going to go get some water.” 
“She’s crying,” Sirius tattles, though it’s hard to be too mad at him when his voice is still foggy with sleepy bemusement. He wraps his hand around your elbow. “Wait, stay.” 
You go to shush him again, but then you see that Remus already has his eyes open. He’s been watching you quietly for who knows how long. Superb. At least your crying has finally stopped. 
“What’s wrong, angel?” James says through a yawn, rubbing sleep out of his eyes as he props himself up on his elbow to see you over Sirius. “Bad dream?” 
“Yeah, just a dream,” you reassure him softly. “Go back to sleep, I’m sorry I woke you.”
“Don’t be sorry,” he says, though he still looks like he’s got weights sewn into his eyelids. “Wanna talk about it?” 
“No, thank you,” you say as kindly as you can. “I just want to get a drink, then I’ll go back to sleep.” 
“I’ll get it for you, love.” Remus’ voice is rough. He rolls over and says warningly, “Light,” before turning on the lamp beside the bed. Sirius makes a low moan of protest, turning his face into the pillow, and you and James both squint your eyes. Remus passes James his glasses, sitting up to get out of bed. 
“I can get it,” you object. You go to mirror him, but Sirius holds fast to your elbow, preventing you from moving off the mattress. 
“No, I know better.” Remus steps into his slippers. “I’ve got it, you stay.” 
You watch guiltily as he plods out of the room, then turn to James and Sirius with a bemused look. He knows better?
James gives you a small smile, tinged with apology. “Whenever you say you’re going to get water in the middle of the night, you never come back,” he explains as Sirius wraps his arms around your waist, drawing you closer. “None of us wants you to deal with these things on your own, angel.” 
Your face starts heating again with the knowledge that they’ve found you out. You do often say you’re going for water after nightmares like these, so that your boyfriends will go back to sleep even though you can’t. You usually end up sitting in the living room, distracting yourself with sudoku or reading until it’s a reasonable hour to make breakfast and pretend you’ve only just woken up.
“Give ‘er here, Pads,” James says at your touched silence. “We can share.” 
Sirius holds you to his front and rolls over, situating you between him and James on the bed. James takes your face in his hands and sets about kissing your salty cheeks, lips wet and smooshed and more loving than you could ever deserve. You can’t help but smile as he does it, and Sirius makes a quiet sound of satisfaction, giving your middle an appreciative squeeze. 
“They’re just dreams,” you argue when James pauses. “I don’t need to be babied over something that didn’t really happen.” 
“They’re still upsetting,” Remus says as he comes in with a cup of water, “aren’t they?” 
“Sort of, I guess.” You sit up to take the cup from him, doing your best to convey your gratitude through a look. He gives you a tired smile as he gets back in bed beside James. “But it’s like, half the time I don’t even know what I’m upset about. I forget them.” 
Sirius disentangles his arms from you as you sit upright. He settles for rubbing your lower back instead. “But you can’t sleep afterward.” It’s not a question. 
You take a sip of water, speaking quietly into the cup. “I think I get too worked up.” 
“That’s alright, darling.” Remus’ voice is soft and smooth as butter. “Your body’s just still working through the emotions of it all, yeah? But maybe, instead of running off and staying up all night, you could let us help you.” 
You look over at him. The warm light from the lamp makes his mussed brown hair look golden as he watches you consideringly. “How?” you ask tentatively.
“Seems like all you need is to calm down,” James says, looking up at you from where his head rests on the pillow just beside your hip. You want to squirm at all the attention, but there’s nothing pitying in his gaze. “We can at least try to help with that.” 
You hesitate, and Remus reaches over, wrapping his hand around your cup. “Done with this, lovely?” He takes it when you nod and sets it down on the nightstand. “Alright, lie down.” 
You do as he says, shimmying beneath the covers. Remus shuts off the light. 
Sirius’ grip is solid as he turns you by your hips, setting your back to his front. “Still feeling too warm?” he asks softly. 
You blink into the darkness. “How’d you know?” 
He chuckles, and you feel his lips press against the back of your head a moment before his hands snake under your pajama shirt, cool palms pressed flat to your stomach. “Because I know you, sweet girl.” 
“Do you think taking some deep breaths would help?” Remus murmurs. 
You’re not sure, but you try, counting as your lungs expand and contract until they start to feel a bit more like their normal size. 
“There you go.” James’ lips press to the spot between your brows. “Does that feel better, angel?” 
“Yeah,” you admit. The word emerges like a sigh. Your voice is slipping away, quieting as you grow drowsy. Sirius can tell, and he begins to rub his palm slowly back and forth across your ribs. It grows warm against your skin, but you don’t mind so much anymore. “Thank you guys. Sorry for waking you.” 
“Don’t worry about it, darling.” Remus’ words start to slur as his own sleep finds him. “We’d always rather all be awake than leave you by yourself.”
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basilpaste · 7 months
On Command!
(This fic contains depictions of panic attacks and also talks of death! please be safe.)
You can loop without dying. You can loop without touching a tear or dying. Why?
Better question: how?
You know you loop when you talk to the Head Housemaiden. You know you looped when Loop said something similar to her. Is it those words that trigger it?
Something is breaking. Something's failing, rotting. You sit in front of the statue of the Change God and think the words with force. Panic swells in your chest. You hate thinking about it! You thought you were free the first time you beat the King! That your friends would get to go and you'd be done with this whole thing. And then the Head Housemaiden started talking like that and it just!
You don't feel like looping. You just feel bad.
So if not that… what? What caused you to loop those times? Was it… emotions? You weren't stressed the first time you talked to the Head Housemaiden, though! But you still looped back anyway! You bite your lip — hard. Okay. Maybe you'll have time to think about this later. Because Sif just passed the statue and you have a schedule!
… You could ask Loop about it. You aren't sure Loop would appreciate that much. So. You won't! You'll figure it out on your own! It can't be that hard, can it?
You are in the House. In the secret library, thumbing uselessly through the same books you've already skimmed. There's nothing important here, not that you know of at least, but you still look vaguely at the pages. One of the books, shoved away and out of place, is on self help. A page catches your eye! Breathing exercises! Like Sif's! From all the time you've spent with him, now, you've found yourself doing them subconsciously. To keep yourself calm!
You don't panic in front of your friends much, do you? Not genuinely, at least. You play up nervous embarrassment, lean into it when m'dame Odile teases you, but you don't ever actually panic. Not visibly, not in a way they can see.
What are you thinking? You'd already ruled out the strange loops being based on emotion because of the first time you talked to m'dame Head Housemaiden! Would it hurt to try, though? This loop is already a bust, after all. It'd be nice to not have to die.
… The tears have started to give you more nightmares than dreams.
It's not like it's hard to panic! In this situation you have a lot to panic about! You're pretty constantly stressed! You place the book back on the shelf and move on from the library, holding that thought in your mind. Panic… panic. You're trapped in a time loop. The end doesn't end it, the beginning never changes. You are the only one who remembers other than Loop. You have to watch your friends do the same things over and over and over again.
You keep moving on autopilot. You know this floor well enough to not make any dumb mistakes. Your head feels fuzzy, your chest feels tight! You're doing a good job at making yourself panic! If you never get out of this loop Mira will never realize how much she's grown. If you never get out of this loop Bonbon won't ever see their sister again. If you don't make it out m'dame will never really respect you and you'll never properly tell Sif how much they mean to you — not really. So you need to get out. But you're trapped. You can't escape.
There is static in your head, the back of your throat tastes sweet like sugar. You're trapped. Forever and ever in this world without change. There's no escape.
"… Isabeau?"
Mira. She's looking at you! Maybe you weren't being as subtle as you thought, huh?
You breathe deep. In and out. Staying calm under pressure is easy for you. You want to choke and scream and sob but you won't. You can't! You're the fighter! You're big and strong and reliable! What would happen if you weren't? If no one could trust you to be their rock!
"Sorry, Mira!" You rub the back of your neck, "I got lost in thought for a second there."
The static is gone. You're fine.
You stand in the room with the poem. You're not quite sure what made you come here! It's a dead end! Poetry isn't even something you're that big on! You like it, sure, especially love poems (which a Housemaiden in Jouvente once said were the lowest form of poetry. You exist to spite xem every day), but its not like you go out of your way to read any poems!
You're just… here.
That's all a lie.
You know why you came here. You have a theory. Not a strong theory, not a good one, but one you can test. The last time you tried to loop without a tear… you couldn't. You got close. You know for sure you got close but… you're missing something. You're at a dead end but no one else has realized it yet. If you coward out — you can use that as an excuse! Hah!
Panic. Okay. You're terrified of this! Of doing this! Because if it doesn't work the way you want it to you'll make everyone worry! And the idea of making people worry about you makes you want to curl up into a ball and scream! Because you're Isa! Emotional Isa, but never really scared! Only ever spooked!
You're stupid. It's what you convince others is true about yourself. You think… Mira knows it's not true. That's so scary it makes you kind of sick to think about, actually! You don't want anyone to see through you, to learn what a coward you are. Hiding everything about yourself.
Oh. Um. You're doing the breathing thing. Don't do that, Isabeau! It slows your heartrate down! Don't keep your cool! Don't don't don't! You have to do this — you at least have to try! You hold your breath. You know that doing that slows your heart but if you do it long enough when you breathe out it'll start racing! And you'll breathe quicker because you need to catch your breath.
People are talking but you aren't listening. You can't hear them, you're too focused on not breathing. On not being calm. Because oh Change are you not calm! You're so not calm!!
You can't hold your breath anymore.
Just like you knew it would, breathing out leaves you gasping for air. You can feel your pulse drumming in your ears and your breath coming out in short little bursts. It's not enough! It's not quick enough! They'll notice. You don't want them to notice you. You dig your nails into your palms, feeling them even through your gloves.
You've died. You've died a lot. It's really really scary to die and you don't think you've actually thought about it enough! The King killed you brutally twice before you figured out what you were supposed to do! You've gotten caught off guard by the strong sadnesses! Once you even managed to get crushed by the stupid crabbing rock!
There is a sickly sweet taste in your mouth and when you try to swallow you almost gag.
You're not strong! You're not strong, you're panicking like a little kid! Tears prick in the corners of your eyes and they sting.
If anyone notices they'll know that you're not what any of them expected. You're an overgrown child who can't protect anyone!
You can't protect anyone.
How could they ever trust you to protect them, to be strong enough to keep them safe, when you're acting like this!
They won't trust you.
You won't be able to protect them.
You can't breathe you can't breathe you can't—
There is a thread tugging at your chest.
The thread snaps.
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eris-snow · 6 months
𝐖𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠
Tags: bakugou x gn!reader, meet in dreams, fluff
We met in a dream. Really? Really. Literally? Literally.
"You're here again."
Bakugou whips around, and he catches your eyes again. It's the same empty void, the same white, endless room.
And you're there again.
Waiting for him, it seems.
"Right back at you."
"You're insufferable."
Bakugou chuckles at that. He loves getting under your skin and loves the challenge you give him. Some people are just delightful to annoy, and you're one of those people.
"Rough day?" He asks, striding closer to you. Your face twists into a scowl, and he laughs at that. You wear your heart on your sleeve, no matter how much you try to mask your feelings.
It takes a second before you respond. "Don't laugh, idiot. You don't look any better."
Bakugou winds his arm up, feeling the ache in his bones. Well, you have a point. Training to become a hero isn't just your average high schooler's day-to-day 7 to 5. His battery is flat by the time he ends the day, and the next thing he knows it's morning again.
But this is a dream, his dream, and this isn't his first time here. The both of you have built mountains, painted cherry blossom trees and created sandy beaches straight from your minds.
"We can make anything," Bakugou says.
You peer at him, a smile forming against your lips for the first time tonight.
You look so good when you smile.
"Well then what are we waiting for, Bakugou Katsuki? Let's get to it."
Bakugou remembers that night standing in grassy fields with you. It was your turn to set the scene, and you brought hazy green and a strong gale with you as the both of you stare at the moon from the grass.
Bakugou likes the feeling of it. the fields stretch on and on, and he feels free, like he could do anything.
"We can make anything."
That's what you had first told him when he first dreamt of this place.
People think he goes to sleep early because he wants to keep his sleeping schedule intact, but his biggest motivating factor is his dreams. Dreams instead of nightmares of his kidnapping, dreams instead of the war.
He loves this, so, so much, and he's grown fond of you.
"Where is this?" He asks. You always have a reason for whatever place you take him.
"Nowhere." You tell him, arms cushioning your head as you stare up at the round, round moon. "I just like the wind in my hair the breath of fresh air. It's so wide, so quiet, and it makes me feel like I can do anything."
It's a good 15 minutes of talking before you sit up abruptly, causing Bakugou to do the same.
"What is it?" He asks.
You look at him before tapping his shoulder lightly. Then, without warning, you take off into the night.
It takes him a good 5 seconds to decipher what you just did. "Oi! You little shit, get back here-!"
He runs and runs chasing after your surprisingly nimble self. He can't use his quirk here, and he knows it'd be unfair if he did anyway, you'd never count it.
No matter, he can tag you without it.
Your voice bubbles with laughter as you dodge his attempts, scaling a sakura tree and watching him trying to grab your shoe.
"Catch me!"
Sakura petals drift down as you jump. Startled, he does, but your momentum causes the both of you to collapse on the ground with a loud thump.
You snicker, he sputters, yelling at you.
"What is wrong with you, dumbass? Does the word bruises exist in your vocabulary? What about injury? You're crazy, you know that?"
His ribcage throbs, but in a good way. The weight on him is good, because you're still laughing, and that's all that matters.
"It's a dream, silly. You don't get hurt in dreams." You reply, getting off his body.
"Come on, catch me."
With that you take off again, and he's racing after you, shouting the entire way.
You both do it more often than he'd like to admit. Chasing each other in the grassy fields, you laughing, him shouting, as the wind of eternal spring messes up your hair.
Sprawled on the ground without a care in the world. He loves it. He loves the way you make he feel.
He loves you.
"What are you looking at?"
He glances up, and he sees you hanging lazily from a tree.
You like trees.
Sakura ones, especially.
"You," His lips coil into a smirk, and he grabs a brunch and swings himself up there such that he's right in front of you.
You don't look fazed at all.
He leans in, and the kiss is short and sweet on your lips. You lean in too, and when he pulls back, he settles himself comfortably next to you, bodies comfortably pressed against each other.
"You're blushing," He notes. You try to smack him, but he catches your hand. "Look who's the one getting flustered."
"Insufferable. Downright insufferable." You mutter, yanking your hand out of his grip.
"Says the person who runs around fields for hours at a time."
"Yeah, love you too, asshole." You reply.
We can make anything.
And we did, Bakugou thinks, smiling fondly as holds you closer.
Let him have you, he tells the universe, let him find you.
A remedy for his nightmares, a medicine for his heart.
Catch me, you'd say, and he'd chase you for as long as it takes.
As long as you're here, anytime, anywhere, real or not, it'd be better than just a dream.
Author's note: I was gonna write angst but given the option, my sister chose fluff, so arghh-
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kawaiichibiart · 4 months
I did it with ATLA, figured why not do it with PRSK? Here's a random assortment of AUs I probably won't do anything with:
Cinderella AU. This can go one of two ways: Toya and/or Mafuyu is Cinderella. I'm thinking masked ball to further hide their identities from their respective Prince/Princess aka Akito/Kanade. We follow the story of Cinderella almost to a T. Almost. Neither of them have an evil STEP-parent. Just an evil parent. Toya's brothers can be his evil brothers, but as a single child, we gotta give Mafuyu siblings. Or we can diverge from the story and make it so her mom won't take Mafuyu to the ball, even after she's done everything she's been asked (ordered) to do. Mizuki would be Mafuyu's Fairy Godmother and Tsukasa would be Toya's. Because I think it'd be a neat idea for their Fairy Godmother to just be someone they know and not actually a fairy. This is the rough idea, things need to be worked on, but yeah :D
Fantasy, Arranged Marriage AU (follows the White Day cards roughly). Lady Asahina, Queen of her kingdom (I actually had names for the three kingdoms but forgot them, oops) wants to arrange a marriage between her kingdom and the neighboring two. Not so much to unite them, but as a show of control. She plans for her daughter, Mafuyu, to marry the son of King Harumichi, while she's ordering one of her subjects, a sorcerer named Rui Kamishiro, to marry a noble's daughter. The noble is said to be a sickly girl named Saki who was recuperating from her illness, but would be in perfect health in time for the wedding. She is the first to arrive with her brother and his fellow knights. Lady Asahina has her daughter show her around, stating it would be good practice for whenever she hosted grand balls and tea times. Rui, would eventually take Saki to his room and leave her brother and his fellow knights behind to enjoy tea with Mafuyu and her two ladies in waiting: Honami and Shizuku. Upon them leaving, Saki's brother breaks down into tears and that's when the truth is revealed. The person who left with Rui wasn't Saki. Saki was sitting in the room with them. The person who left with them? Her older brother, Tsukasa, who vowed to help her walk free and take her place as Kamishiro's wife, so she could go home and marry her love, a musician named Ichika.
Intruder Alert aka Unexpected (and unwanted) Guests in the SEKAIs: Basically, their parents/siblings find out about the SEKAIs. Mafuyu's finds out because she's a nosy little bitch. Ena's dad finds out because he's also a nosy little bitch but in the sense that he wasn't actually trying to find things, he just comes across them. Mizuki's sister finds out because her girlfriend, Hinata, told her about the Untitled Song in her little sister's phone, and how she was curious what it was and when she went to listen to it, she found herself in a new world. She was back in her sister's room so fast she can't help but wonder if she was imagining things. Ken finds out because An accidentally took him with her (she was in a rush and didn't see him come up behind her until it was too late). He gets along with MEIKO tho, so that's a plus. And so on and so forth.
Unit Shuffle AU: Self explanatory, tempted to make one, but not sure if I ever will (:
Fairy AU: The idea for this is that everyone is a fairy (obviously). Each Unit is a different type of fairy (kinda like the ones from Pixie Hollow). L/n are fairies who help people remember fond memories, moments that made them happy or feel loved, they tend to work with everyone but usually just with each other. MMJ are fairies of hope. Their job is to help people go forwards and not give up. VBS are fairies of ambition. They help people push forward and fight for their dreams and goals. Because of this, they often work with MMJ. WxS are dream fairies. Not "my dream is to become this or that," like dreams you get when you sleep. They mainly work with children, helping them get to sleep and comforting them whenever they have nightmares. 25ji are sorrow fairies. They take care of people who've been hurt, are hurting and need someone to care. They help people cry and ask for help. If they ever need to help a child, someone from or all of WxS will help them. Fairies can be seen by the human eye and there is a law that bans fairies being traded or sold. They can't be kept as pets or toys. Do with that as you will.
Well...This Was a Nice (?) Reunion: Toya's family is holding a reunion. It's been years since the last one and he's changed a lot. He honestly doesn't want to go but he can't get out of it. He thinks he might enjoy it when he finds out they'll spend a few hours at Phoenix Wonderland, maybe he can see his older brother and his troupe mates perform a show. Things turn sour rather quickly and Toya uses the moment his dad and aunt start arguing to sneak away. Hopefully WxS will let him hide backstage.
We've Met Before: Sometimes we don't always remember the first time we've actually met someone. This is meant to be moreso a series of small stories where characters are told about times they've met one another before they first met one another (meaning the actual first time was forgotten). Kanade is visiting her father in the hospital when Tsukasa and Saki leave said hospital. A nurse tells her about the time she'd sat with Tsukasa as they both waited to be told about their loved ones condition. When VBS is together at Weekend Garage, Ken tells them about the first time An and Toya actually met. The boy had runaway from home and rather than go where he'd normally go, he ended up at WG. An had spent several hours talking to him before he left. Etc., etc., etc.
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thehealingsystem · 2 years
top 5 cg chapters and top 5 mp100 characters for the top 5 ask game :]
OH. okay. hmmm these will probs all be c!henry centric
1. The Ink Demon
Where do I start. This chapter...perfect ending for the first part. Couldn't even think about anything better than this. Every time I even GLANCE at the ending it gives me the feels. What happened there, Henry having to trust Joey and work with him ("What about you?" GJSJFHSHHFF), the Ink Demon finally given a soul, just the pure shock + Henry reflecting on his past compared to his present. Him IMMEDIATELY adopting Bendy, seeing how he changed. And ending it off with "Now what?" Just....yes
2. Those Still, Soft Spaces
I reread this chapter a lot. Filled with fluff yet its just so...sad. I'm SO GLAD Henry got to have those moments by himself, alone, just letting himself feel and experience the world for the first time in years. Actually realizing that the time loop was broken, that he was free. Even when he had given up hope a long time ago. Him being so damn happy over chex mix of all things was just so adorable but also just so :( this chapter just hits so hard. Him crying with pure happiness, plus the toons actually getting to have a proper introduction with him. I love it
3. Blackout
This chapter was so terrifying...C!Henry IMMEDIATELY stepped up to the plate here. And seeing HS!Henry do so as well despite his fear was refreshing. We got a special moment with the Henries bc of it, but also that fight...C!Henry is so badass, but I hate how this is just his norm. And that NIGHTMARE. A part of me wants it to be more than a nightmare, and considering the theme of CG it probably was, but also does he need to suffer more. does he. the answer is no
I do have a fic in the drafts for this chapter from a different perspective (gonna be mostly hs!joey tho not solely him). When am I gonna finish it? I have no idea. But I really want to see what it was like for the rest of them. But I'm glad we got to see C!Henry's dream
Also it seems that he's gained some respect points from that fight. It clearly shows in recent chapters. "Henry'll be there!" "If anyone could keep it check, it'd be him"  “Besides, ah, Henry, he’s proven he’s not a pushover. I’ll be fine" He's gained some trust from others, they rely on him to protect them now (I personally think it should be the other way around...but I'm glad they see his reliability)
4. There's A Lot to Unpack Here...
This chapter hurts, but it was expected. Honestly it would've been better if they had known what to expect. I mean, I would too be pissed if a guy I used to be friends with had trapped me in a time loop for years, only to be suddenly brought to a separate world where nothing had ever gone wrong and that very same man's counterpart was also there, while also completely misunderstanding just what had happened there. When they started DEFENDING HIS JOEY....he got SO PISSED. I don't blame him at all ("How can you be sure it was even his fault?" Susie sweetie I know you mean well but omfg)
5. Story Time
Ah! An AWRB chapter! Finally! I was waiting for this to happen. And damn that hurt! He needed to actually admit what happened and not keep it all inside, but I feel bad for Al and Tom. Imagine finding out your entire life is a lie? Gonna be even worse when they find out who they used to be. It would probably also result in them also having their grudge against Joey. And HS!Joey's gonna feel even worse than he already does
OH and it was DEFINITELY him who eavesdropped on their conversation. We've had absolute radio silence from him on his part, and all he's done is been holed up in his office. If he's trying to find a solution for Sammy/Sam, or something more (cause believe me, why wouldn't he try to fix their side after hearing that?), I don't know
I think I'm gonna answer the second one in a separate post...don't want it too long + mp100 is too off topic for this
For anyone curious, this is about this fanfic. It's super amazing, so I suggest if you like bendy you should read it!
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buckybarnesdiaries · 3 years
my sergeant
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© credits to the author, i found it on pinterest. if you are the author, please send me a message to add your @.
bucky barnes x reader. ⎢ masterlist.
Bucky breaks into your house to make you keep remember one thing.
word count: 1.352 words.
warnings/tags: nsfw, +18!!! clothes on, unprotected sex, hair pulling, language, cursing, sergeant!kink, praise!kink, mention of bodily fluids, a little possessive!bucky, and i don't know what else.
author notes: i'm not sorry for this scene turning me on af every time i watch it. reposted because it didn't show in the tags. none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
Join the tag list here.
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Your eyes snapped open, sitting up on your bed barely breathing. You were agitated after having another nightmare you couldn't remember once you were awake. At least this time, you weren't covered in sweat, but your whole body was on fire. Tossing the sheets away, you got up bare feet to head to the kitchen and drink a very much needed glass of freshwater. You drank it in one gulp, gasping while leaving it inside the sink. With both hands on the edge of the counter, you inclined your head back, putting your eyes on the ceiling. Those bad dreams would be the death for you one day, you knew it.
As you felt more calmed and recomforted, you turned around with the intention of going to your bed again. But that was left in the background at the moment you glimpsed Bucky sitting at the dinner table. He didn't scare you, not at all. You were starting to get used to find him there, waiting for you, in the middle of the gloom. He looked exhausted too. Deadly tired. He was reclined against the chair, legs slightly spread and his arm made of vibranium over the table. The soldier didn't utter a word, following your steps walking closer to him with his shiny blue eyes. He didn't even move a muscle when you sat on his lap and placed both hands on the sides of his neck.
Leaning ahead, you pecked his rough and dry lips slowly, taking your time with no rush. Bucky just closed his eyes, slipping his hands down to your hips, nailing his fingers there. He couldn't help but growl quietly the second your mouth trailed a path of short, ephemeral kisses to his jawline till reaching his throat, forcing him to toss his head back. Unconsciously, he urged you to swing your body on top of his. You dragged your incisors on his Adam's apple, causing him to swallow a soft gasp, feeling his digits grabbing your hips strongly —probably, that gesture would leave some marks on your skin.
“I've missed you”. You purred coming back your attention to his lips, as the bulge under the rigid fabric of his pants became bigger and harder because of your dance. You were aware that he looked for you whenever he wanted to put his feet on the ground, feel loved, desired. “My Sergeant…”
Bucky didn't open his eyes, sliding his cold palm to your lower waist and landing the warm one on the back of your head to tangle it in your hair. You groaned against his lips before they were hungrily devoured. The heat in your core grew by leaps and bounds when he repositioned you on his legs and his solid erection was placed under your weakest spot. You couldn't hold back a delicate, sweet moan. One of these that used to drive him insane. With his left hand, Bucky continued encouraging you to rock your hips against his crotch, rubbing it concretely among your folds covered by the soaked fabric of your panties.
You hated sometimes the control he had over you, over your body, over your mind. He could put you to beg with just one look. And he knew it. You were his, that was the absolute truth. And he wanted something else from you, as soon as you increased the pace. Bucky didn't care about your t-shirt, using both of his hands to rip it off from your body. Ruining it like he was going to ruin you. His hand of vibranium went straight to your breasts, giving you goosebumps because of the contrast of his cold fingers pinching them as he caught one of your nipples between his warm lips. You whined his name, securing your hands on his shoulders, out of the world while the sensitivity of your wet and needed cunt became more sensible to the firm rubbing against your panties.
“You want to cum, don't you, babydoll?” He hummed squeezing the nipple covered in his saliva using his thumb and his forefinger, bringing his lips closer to yours.
“Yes… Yes, Sergeant”. You pouted at him, nodding with your chin and looking at him through your eyelids.
“I knew you needed me… I knew my sweet girl needed her Sergeant to make her feel good, am I wrong?” Bucky's hoarse tone was pushing you to the seventh heaven, feeling the tickles borning within your lower belly, swinging your body faster over his rock-hard dick.
“No… No, you're… you're not”. You babbled this time, seeing him curling up the corner of his lips in that charming and breathtaking smirk of him. “I ne— need you inside me… I need you to… fuck me like you me— mean it, my Sergeant, please, I beg you”.
“I will, babydoll, I will… 'Cause you're a good, good girl”. Bucky affirmed unhurriedly, peppering your swollen lips, remembering how good they looked around his cock —sucking his soul out of his body— the last time he appeared in your house. “Open your mouth”.
You obeyed instantly, swallowing a loud whining, letting him tuck his cold thumb between your lips. You licked it using your tongue, giving him a whole show and noticing how a storm of darkness covered his pale blue orbs. When he decided it was well covered in your saliva, Bucky directed it to your panties, not pulling them aside. And he drew circles on your throbbing clit, pressing his fingertip enough to stroke it.
“Oh, f— fuck, Sergeant”. You sobbed arching your back, very close to being thrown above the edge of your limits.
“C'mon, babydoll… cum for me… Show me what only I can make you feel”. He whispered into your ear. A raspy voice that gave you shivers down your backbone. “You're so damn soaked I can feel it under my clothes… Good lord… what a dirty girl you are…”
“Only fo— for you”.
Your response came an instant before the fireworks exploded inside your belly, not being able to stop when the orgasm hit your soul crying his name, dancing your cunt onto his hard cock needed of him. Your thighs strained, your legs were shaking, hanging above the floor and you were panting nonsense words about your Sergeant.
Bucky stormed his tongue into your mouth, invading it with no mercy to dominate yours. Placing his hands back to your hips, he forced you to keep moving, stealing the less air inside your lungs. He was about to cum too, but it'd be a waste if he did it in his boxers; stopping you at the precise moment to push you back enough to undo his belt and zip. Bucky didn't let you time to react. As his cock covered in his own arousal broke free and he removed your ruined panties to the side, he lifted you sufficiently to impale your pussy down.
“Fuck!” You both hissed at the same time, closing strongly your eyelids.
Bucky made you bounce onto his rigid erection, once and once, keen to fill you up with his heated seed. You were a bundle of moans, sobs, and pleas, feeling his most sensible skin stretching your soaked walls and twitching between them. He didn't give you prior notice. Bucky just cum inside your cunt, pushing you down harder till his dick was balls-deep beyond your limits. He growled against your throat, pulling back your hair and your head, to nail his teeth in your sweaty skin.
“Oh, god, my Sergeant…” You gasped with a wrecked tone of voice, finding balance by gripping his jacket in two fists.
“You look like Heaven, babydoll… But you feel like Hell”. Bucky rumbled, making your whole anatomy shake again. “What a shame 'm gonna destroy you tonight…”
And by destroying you he meant you wouldn't be able to walk the next morning, not even to talk because what he has planned for you was to fuck every sweet, warm hole of you —your mouth, your ass, your pussy. Or rather, his mouth, his ass, his pussy. Bucky would make you keep remembering who you belonged to.
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feedback is appreciated, please, leave a comment to let me know if you liked it.
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whosaskingwrites · 4 years
Glass Heart (Oikawa x Reader x Kageyama)
A/N: This was the only request that came in for the follower event which by the way I've extended so its still open. So thanks for requesting this it was fun to write! Full disclosure the Akaashi b-day one was supposed to be uploaded first but I haven't finished it yet so...Also I went a little feral on this cause its the first ever request on the blog 💞. I even added it a small thing from one of my favorite movie series. Also I don't know if this is exactly what you wanted but I did my best to fulfill the request. Some things are changed in it but this is the final product.
Details: 9.4 pages 3,305 words (she long)
WARNINGS: Mentions of blood, angst, heartbreak, there's a happy end for Mc tho, manga spoilers??? Kinda not really???
Date: December 7th, 2020
Theme: Glass Heart Syndrome- Similar to the Hanahaki disease, when a person goes through heart break it causes their heart to literally form into glass and break. It will result in the person never being able to love again or die through the agonizing process. The symptoms include dark cracks on the chest stemming from the heart that spread and grow darker the worse the heartbreak is, the victim becomes physically weaker, and they’ll cough up blood. (Taken directly from the request)
Sachi- means miracle. Thank you @msecchi for requesting 💞 hope you enjoy!
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That's what the doctor said to him. "You can't sleep because of the nightmares!" Thats what he was told by them. For ten years doctors told him its just nightmares. But he knew it wasn't nightmares no...He was being haunted by her. Dead and cold e/c eyes stared at him from the darkness as they dulled. A faint shattering sound accompanied it as he watched shards of glass fall.
His heart was cracked black lines trailed against his skin hidden under his shirt. It had cracked all those years ago when he thought she was gone. She had recovered though it was a miracle really that she had. After all he was there when her heart shattered.
Hanamaki and Matsukawa still looked at him with disgust. They supported him sure but they only supported him because they wanted him out of Japan. Iwaizumi didn't look at him the same either, there was always something hidden behind his gazes. He could take the anger from them though it was worth it to know she was still alive.
He loved her. He knew that, Iwaizumi knew it. For ten years he asked Iwaizumi how she was doing "she's fine," was the only response he got. Now he could see for himself if she was fine. The Olympics were here and he was currently on his way to Japan with his team. It'd been a long time since he'd been back. Almost nine years now but he wasn't worried. He curled into the plane seat shutting his eyes and trying to catch some nightmare free sleep...
"Y/n-chan! You look really pretty today!" He threw an arm around the h/cette's shoulder pulling her roughly into his side. She stumbled a bit peering up at him through long eyelashes. "Can you let me go please Oikawa-san?" She asked shifting to pry his arm off. He held on though and gasped "Eh? Why Y/n-chan!" He shrieked and just like that his arm was thrown off her shoulder and Iwaizumi stood there.
"Dumbass she doesn't like people touching her!" He yelled flicking him in the forehead. He whined and rubbed at the spot "Iwa-chan you're supposed to be on my side!" Iwaizumi simply shook his head before turning towards Y/n. "So Y/n have you decided on a high school yet?" She merely hummed "I was thinking Shiratori-" "No you can't go there!" Oikawa cut off quickly throwing himself infront of her.
"...Can I finish my sentence?" She asked sending a pointed look towards him. "Please do," Iwaizumi supplied as he covered Oikawa's mouth. "Shiratorizawa but my cousin convinced me to go to Aoba Johsai instead," She finished sending a pointed look towards him. He pried Iwaizumi's hand off to speak "You're going to Aoba Johsai!?" She laughed then smiling at him and he felt his heart rate speed up in response.
It'd been a few months since then he was a third year now and her a sparkling brand new first year at Aoba Johsai. Since day one he'd been around her constantly. Walking her to her classes or sitting with her at lunch sometimes bringing her an extra piece of Milk Bread. Of course the team knew he liked her it stared them in the face everyday. He'd smile at his phone everytime she texted or his face would flush slightly when she complimented him. Not that she ever noticed but they knew she was falling to.
She no longer rejected physical touches from him she leaned into them instead. She always smiled at him whenever he appeared in her line of sight. She even started using his first name! Halfway through the school year everybody knew Oikawa Tooru and L/n Y/n were attached at the hip. Fangirls confessed all the time but he rejected them without fail thinking of the girl with s/c skin and e/c eyes. He wanted her confession but it never came to him. He got tired of the team making fun of him one day. They always picked on him so why should they be allowed to do it when it involves the girl he liked?
"Oh please! Like I even care about her! She's getting boring anyway i'll just move on to a new girl. One that's more exciting and not some bright-eyed first year," He had said crossing his arms and looking up indignantly. "Oikawa...You don't mean that," Iwaizumi said slowly looking at him. "Of course I do. She's boring now," He pushed refusing to crack under the pressure.
Of course how was he going to remember that all of this went down a minute before she was supposed to walk into the gym to watch him practice like everyday? He really should have remembered that if he had things might have gone differently. Practice had ended as usual though it had been quieter than he remembered. Something was missing and he knew it.
He shrugged it off as he left the locker room walking towards the front gates to wait for Iwaizumi with Y/n. "Hey Y/n-chan what'd you think of practice?" He waited a moment to see her rush around the corner in a flurry of excitement but it never happened. "Y/n-chan..?" Rounding the corner of the gate he saw the spot they normally waited in was empty no sign of the beautiful girl anywhere.
There was however a piece of paper trapped against the bars. It was a small thing easily loseable but the way it was crumpled and felt soft meant the paper he held was old and probably had been thrown away. He opened it slowly and glared at what he saw on it. 'Kageyama Tobio xxxx-xxx-xxxx' What were the odds he'd find his enemies number here of all places? Astronomically low he knew as he chucked the paper away.
Iwaizumi had come up then pushing him along while he struggled. "Iwa-chan! Y/n-chan isn't here yet!" Iwaizumi rolled his eyes. "She went home. She was feeling sick today," He responded easily while Oikawa's nose crinkled. That was impossible he'd been with her all day except for in class. She was perfectly normal in every way today, he'd have know she was sick.
Maybe if he said something to Iwaizumi instead of keeping quiet he'd have seen her and fixed everything. Maybe if he had made them stop at the park like he did everyday instead of being consumed by his thoughts he might have seen a familiar h/c haired girl sitting with a boy that had blackish blue hair and vibrant blue eyes.
He might have seen the boy give her his jacket and a carton of milk when she started crying. Or how he awkwardly patted her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. But instead the duo walked on with him thinking about how to ask Y/n why she lied. Of course for the next two weeks he wouldn't receive a response since she avoided him at every turn.
Eventually though he cornered her right outside the gym after she dropped off Hanamaki's water bottle. He didn't question why she had it or the black and blue jacket she was wearing that was slightly too big for her. Instead he ran after her stopping her before she got to far. "Hey! Y/n-chan why are you avoiding me!?" He shouted towards her.
She and everyone else nearby stopped people whispered as they looked at them but he didn't care. He watched her turn and froze as dull e/c eyes met his own. "Just speeding things up. After all you said I was boring Oikawa-san,"
He jolted awake sitting up rapidly as he tried to slow down his racing heart. "Hey you okay man?" He turned his head looking at his teammates who looked startled. "Yeah I'm fine...Just a bad dream," He smiled at them before looking out the window. Japan was spread out below them lights twinkling in the dark.
The smile fell from his face as they landed replaced with a sense of displacement and nostalgia. He gripped his bags tightly tomorrow he would be facing his biggest rivals on the court all to see who would win the gold. He didn't have time to think about what happened to the girl he used to know.
"Wha- who said you were boring?" He asked stepping towards her. She took a step back in response "You did. Two weeks ago when I went to the gym. I heard you," His eyes widened dramatically as he looked at her "No- That's out of context!" He tried to save it but she just shook her head. 
"Don't lie Oikawa-san," Her eyes became more dull as she spoke. "Don't- dont call me Oikawa please. Dont do that please," he begged reaching out towards her. She coughed then putting a hand up to her mouth. As she did the sleeve of the jacket rolled down and he saw them. The thin black lines trailing across her skin and decorating her pale s/c arm.
"Y/n-chan...," he trailed off as his eyes focused on her arm and the thin trail of blood coming from her mouth. She smiled but it wasn't anything. Only a slight twitch upwards no warmth behind it. "Its okay Oikawa-san you helped me you know?" He paused as he looked at her "Helped you..?" She nodded slowly "Yeah! You helped me realize that love is worthless so thank you," He could only watch in horror as the black veins spread further and widened being accompanied by a cracking sound.
Like someone had thrown a ball threw a glass window she collapsed at the same time a shattering sound filled the air. A girl nearby screamed as Y/n fell while someone else yelled for emergency services. "Y/n!" He was shoved backwards as Hanamaki and Matsukawa ran past him.
"What happened!?" Matsukawa yelled as he lifted her head. He looked at him while blood dripped from her mouth. "I- I don't know. S-she said she heard me a-and-," Hanamaki whipped around at that "She heard you!?" He stood blood had left a red stain on his white track pants. 
"If she dies from this I will never forgive you," Hanamaki hissed. "Makki she's- she's not breathing!" Matsukawa screamed pressing a hand on her heart. Paramedics rushed into the area skittering around as the pushed Matsukawa and Hanamaki away. "What happened?" One of the medics asked. "Glass Heart Syndrome," Hanamaki answered back glaring at Oikawa as he spoke.
"We need to get her out of here right away! Lets go!" The medic had run back over towards Y/n helping to pick her up onto the gurney. They paramedics left quickly with her denying Hanamaki and Matsukawa's attempt to go with her. They raced into the gym grabbing their stuff before running back out. Hanamaki shoved Oikawa out of the way and down to the ground as they ran.
He sighed as he jolted awake for the third time in a row. This was ridiculous she wasn't even dead so why couldn't he sleep without seeing dead e/c eyes? Guilt that's what Iwaizumi told him. He tilted his head to see the time five am was what the clock told him. He needed to meet the rest of the team at seven thirty so he changed and went running.
The streets he ran on seemed so familiar but so different to him. Of course he stopped at the nearby park it was similar to the one he used to stop at with Iwaizumi and Y/n. Those trips long since abandoned after what he did his eyes flittered over the park until they landed on a h/cette. His eyes widened as he looked at her so similar to the last time he saw her.
Slightly taller and figure slightly rounder perfect to him but it hurt to realize it was a pregnancy bump. The h/c hair on her head sparkled and her e/c eyes glittered with a warmth he hadn't seen in years. He began walking towards her almost starting to run until a voice stopped him. "Y/n!" He stopped immediately snapping his head to the side. Barreling towards her was a male with silver and black hair and golden eyes sparkling. He knew who that was...Bokuto Koutarou wing spiker for the MSBY Black Jackals and he was his opponent in the upcoming game.
He slunk closer and it was then that he noticed a little girl hugged to Bokutos chest. She couldn't have been older than five from what he could see but he noticed that running through the girls h/c hair were streaks of silver. He certainly didn't expect her to take the little girl from him and kiss his cheek. His shock was palpable when she reached a hand up to run through his hair. A thin sliver band with a small diamond on it glared back at him glittering in the sun.
Bokuto had lifted his own hand to run it through the small girl's hair the silver came through more prominently as well as exposing dark navy almost black streaks he hadnt seen before. The little girls head turned revealing a single e/c eyes. His eyes however zoned in on the gold band on Bokuto's finger. He was excitedly talking to her while she shook her head and started walking off. He watched Bokuto's eyes widen comically as the wing spiker ran off after her.
He stood frozen as he watched the scene anybody could see a cute family scene. That should have been him handing her their kid not Bokuto. But it wasn't him no it was someone else. So of course he called Iwaizumi to complain.
"Iwa! You didn't tell me Y/n was married to that- that wing spiker!?" He yelled into the phone while Iwaizumi scoffed. "One I shouldnt tell you anything about Y/n since you ruined that. And two thats not your business," He returned the statement with a scoff of his own. "Not my business? Shes married! You know what Iwa. I'll win her back," Iwaizumi laughed then it was laced with disbelief much like his voice was. 
"Sorry you are gonna try to win back a married woman who has a kid and another one on the way?" Iwaizumi was right that sounded wrong out loud but he couldn't back down. "Yes! I'm gonna win her back from that Bokuto guy!" Iwaizumi snorted "Sorry how'd you figure they were married?" Iwaizumi asked with a laugh "I saw the rings and her daughter has silver hair like him!" He stated indignantly.
Iwaizumi did bust out laughing then "Silver hair? Must have dyed it then," Iwaizumi mumbled quietly. "Iwa what are you going on about?" He asked not being able to hear the male on the other line clearly. "Oh nothing just suprised you don't pay more attention to your sworn enemies," He called uninterested. "I pay enough attention to know they're on the same team and will be playing against me," He hissed and Iwaizumi laughed. "I gotta go. See you later Oikawa," He hung up and Oikawa sighed as he put the phone away.
"Oh are you all here for Ms. L/n?" The team turned eyes landing on a doctor with short brown hair and hazel eyes. He was clearly foreign but they didn't have any questions other than about her. Looking at them all he could see the fear in their faces and sighed. "Well its a miracle really that she lived. One of the worst cases of Glass Heart Syndrome I've seen in years," Oikawa froze as he felt the numerous glares on his back.
"Thank you doctor...?" Hanamaki walked forward looking at the man. "McCoy. Leonard McCoy," He said holding out a hand. "Thank you Doctor McCoy. Can we see her?" Hanamaki shook his hand while the doctor sighed. "Im afraid not. She still needs some time to recover we're going to try some beta blockers but until we try them I can't allow you guys in just incase," He said turning back around and leaving just like that.
The next week was spent waiting for the news. It came during practice one day for them "The beta blockers worked. She starts school again tomorrow at a new school," Matsukawa said as he walked back into the gym. The team cheered in excitement "Wait a new school? Shes transferring?" He asked stopping everyone while Hanamaki scoffed "she lived which was a fucking miracle and now you want her back here at the school that she almost died at with the person who almost killed her?" He flinched at the tone.
The game had ended with Argentina's victory them winning the gold. He smirked at the wing spiker on the other side who only tilted his head in confusion silver hair following the movement. Iwaizumi smacked him as he approached "Stop looking at Bokuto like that," He said with a sigh. "I won against him and now I'll do it again," He was determined as he huffed. "Also Iwa how could you! Did you even know they got married!?" Iwaizumi scoffed in disbelief.
"Of course I knew she got married. I was a groomsmen along with Ushijima and Bokuto. Hinata was the best man," He processed the words "Sorry did you say Bokuto was a grooms-," before he could continue his questioning the patter of running feet interrupted him. "Daddy!" He snapped his head to the side seeing the little girl again only this time his jaw dropped.
The girl was pulled into a pair of arms which he followed to their owner. Kageyama's side profile glared back at him as he smiled down at the little girl. From this side he saw her other eye was a vibrant blue shade and sparkled in joy. "Hi angel what's going on here?" He lifted the girls hair in his finger and Oikawa saw the silver band around his ring finger while silver hair slipped through his fingers. "Uncle Kashi took me to the hair salon while he was watching me! I got my hair done to match Uncle Bo!" The little girl threw her arms up with a smile.
"Eh? Why not Uncle Tsumu kid?" Atsumu had asked joining the conversation. The girls nose crinkled "Uncle Bo is better than you!" Atsumu threw a hand over his heart and gasped mocking hurt. "Sachi Kageyama what did I tell you about running off?" Everyone turned seeing Y/n walking over with her arms crossed Akaashi stood next to her carrying her bag of stuff a ring of gold stood out prominently on his finger. "M'sorry mama," The girl now identified fully as Sachi frowned looking down with big eyes.
"Sachi. Just because Uncle Bo's sad face doesn't work on me doesn't mean yours will," She tapped her foot twice and Oikawa felt it the black veins trailing on his skin getting bigger and darker. He could hear the crack in his heart as Kageyama leaned over to kiss Y/n. The two of them fitted together perfectly while Bokuto bounded over to Akaashi and threw an arm around his shoulders. "Alright we get it. You two and your miracle are cute!" Hinata claimed as he shoved the two apart.
Y/n laughed as she looked up her eyes flittered over the other team stopping on Oikawa for a moment. He froze under her gaze. The warmth in her eyes faded replaced by the same empty and dead eyes he'd grown used to. The group had headed towards the exit as he felt the cracks happen rapidly. The last thing he could remember was the loud sound of something glass shattering before he collapsed to the ground.
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ineffablebooklover · 3 years
Holà, I love your work so much and I was wondering if you'd be okay doing something for me? This is kinda AU-ish or supernatural idk... This is about Usnavi, Sony and female OC (who you can name whatever name you'd like, Latina ofc). As December starts, Usmavi's memories from his past start to resurface and he's having these frightening dreams that includes snow, light flickering, blackout... And always the same woman, asking for help, giving him a head so he can follow her... He always fees like he is suffocating, panicking. He dont know who she is, but he has to follow her.... The nightmares really starts to get on his mental health and Sonny, who is crashing at his place (because you know, his dad's backstory and stuff) genuinely that's to get worried about his cousin when he sees him awake in the middle of the night, struggling with the store ect... Eventually one day, the girl walks in into Usnavi's life and he feels like he has lost his mind... Maybe there is more to the story? Well basically that is it I know it's a bit messy plot I hope you'll enjoy it feel free to change stuff or adjusting things you can even create a backstory for the girl and include other characters. Do you think it'd be possible take it long? Like not novel length but I am such a s*cher for long stories. Mucho Gracias xoxo
Lo siento for not posting in such a long time, and I’m sorry for making this one short, but there will be more parts(just you wait!!!)! (I’ll post this particular story under #UsanvisWinterDreamsAU and #ibl writing commissions until I can get an AO3 up and running, so if you want, look out for that!)
But I love this wintery theme since December has recently started (happy holidays!!!) and I love this mysterious prompt. So without further ado, here it is!!!
Usanvi's Winter Dreams~an ITH AU
The flakes, lighter than feathers but impeccably colder, drifted slowly and noiselessly towards the warm glass of the window. He wasn’t sure if he was inside or out in the blizzard, but a gust of prickling anxiety swept his stomach. But for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why.
It was dark out, as it usually is on a snowy day en Washington Heights. The streetlights were lit like little luciérnagas, and some might even say the lights resembled the stars, las estrellas, helping to guide people home.
But as Usnavi took a step through the cold, the stars flickered. They no longer lit up the little snowflakes, no longer lighting the path. Panic seized Usnavi, stuck in the cold and alone as the lights shut out and the city went silent. The city’s mechanical hum was gone.
And then she appeared, fragile as the snow crunches beneath your feet, five yards ahead of him in the snow. She was hunched over, and the silence around them amplified her soft sobs. Usanvi was shocked to hear his name.
“Ayudame, ayudame por favor,” she whispered in a hushed tone. She sounded rushed, as if the cold only let air escape her lungs in short, harsh breaths.
And then she stood, but not fully upright, and Usnavi could tell she was injured by the way she held herself. Her dark arms wrapped around her shivering body, as if she were to come apart if someone simply blew her over. He tried to suck in a breath, but found that he couldn’t. He couldn’t breathe.
As he started to panic, the lady in the snow raised her arm, snowflakes already attaching to her tanned but goosebumped skin.
“Usnavi, ayudame!”
And then he met her gaze. It was a piercing, chocolate stare that cut through the air and bored right into his own. The air suddenly got heavier and heavier, sucking the air out of Usnavi’s lungs. It pressed a metal clamp on his chest, and he felt tired. But he had to say something.
“Who… Qui- Quién eres?” He managed to whisper out, but regretted it instantly as the air escaped his lungs.
She just gave him that strong look, and she opened her mouth to talk. But before she could do anything more, Usnavi felt panic take him as his eyes rolled back into his head.
“AH!” Usnavi gasped as he bolted upright. He gasped for air and grasped at his bedsheets, grounding himself and glad that he was no longer suffocating.
Usnavi looked around his dimly lit room, his eyes tracing over every familiar thing he could find. He was home, and he was safe. A shiver ran down his spine from something more than just the cold, and he pulled his discarded blanket back up to his exposed chest.
After getting his breathing back to normal, he checked the time. He still had two hours until the shop opened. Rattled by the strange dream, he lingered in his bed a little longer before swinging his legs over the side of the bed to get ready for the day.
Stay tuned for part two! And thank you so much for your patience!
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peachpitfics · 4 years
Would you write a fic where the reader used to date Spencer but they've broken up and she started to date another guy from the FBI and Spencer is really mad about it? And it'd be great if you wrote it from Spencer's POV
Length: 1.3k
Characters: Spencer Reid (POV), Ex-girlfriend, Dave Rossi, Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, Tara Lewis & Jennifer Jareau
Content Warnings: Mentions of miscarriage
A/N: Hey, thanks for requesting! I don’t know how my brain went this way, but it did and we’re going with it... My apologies if it wasn’t the sort of thing you’d had in mind! I hope you do enjoy it thought xx
Peering up from your book, you watched her saunter across the room and into his arms. Every simulation, every possibility, and every outcome, you’d ran them through your mind, but this one is the one you conveniently forgot. How could you think it wouldn’t come to this? So very naïve. Fingers digging into the hard cover, your eyes caught on her like a magnet. Everything about her was different and it made you angry; why was she dressing like that? She hates those clothes, you thought. Never would she have been comfortable with you touching her like that in public. Your brow began to furrow into a frown, your eyes glaring at tiny black words on the pages but not taking anything in. Why was this so hard?
You were together for so long, how could she move on so quickly? So caught up in your own mind, you didn’t even see her approach you, noticing how you scowled at her from across the bullpen. “Spencer” She said softly, “Please, stop looking at me like that”. You cleared your throat, snapping back to reality as she filled your view. “Like what?” You asked, feigning confusion. You knew how you were looking at her; a sense of hatred washed over you as her face softened and gave you a slight smile. “It’s been two weeks and you’re already seeing someone else! We were together for three years. We had lives together, a home, a family...” Your voice carried in anger, multiple people beginning to stare, as if they weren’t already. “Spencer please, I’m sorry that this is hard for you... But I - I’m letting go of that part of my life and I think you need to as well” Her words fell on your ears so carelessly. How could she say that? Your legs sprung out beneath you, you slammed your hand on your desk and stormed up the stairs, headed for the round table. Anywhere where her face wasn’t. You were glad she wasn’t on your team, and you almost wished for a case right now.
Derek and Dave filed out of their offices as you stormed by them. They gave each other a worrisome look as you passed. As you flopped down into a car, exhaling air in a great huff, Derek and Dave joined you at the table. Elbows on the table, hands over if your face trying to cover tears. “Kid...” Rossi searched for some semblance of a response from you, but you couldn’t bear to speak. Derek placed a hand on your back, patting it softly. You sucked in air as you sobbed into your hands, the other men in the room wondering what they could say that would help you. “How could she?” Your weeping manipulating your words into mush. “Come on, man” Morgan started, “You’ve gotta let us help you, it’s been weeks of this. What happened?” He asked, a little sterner than when he had asked a couple of weeks ago. “Yeah, the kid I know would never make a scene like that in public. Something is really wrong here Spencer” Rossi took a lesser tone to Derek, which you noticed was some sort of good cop - bad cop routine they used often.
Bringing your hands away from your face, you wiped your eyes with your jumper. You paused, knowing that even in this safe space, this was something you didn’t ever want to talk about, not even with her. “We had so much trouble trying to have a child together, but we thought this was it” You paused, “We were waiting to tell you all at 6 months, we learned our lesson the last time with telling people too early. She’d been able to hide it well and no one knew. Five months, we’d gotten to five months!” You hit the table again, hands finding their way back to your face, covering your grief.
“Man” Morgan’s arms wrapped around you. Rossi’s face sunk and his eyes glued themselves to the floor. Nothing else was needed to make them understand. You had lost your baby; she had lost her baby. But your reactions were dissimilar. In the end of your relationship, she began to see you and be reminded of the trauma of losing her children. Children you both so desperately wanted together. Some relationships survived; it turns out you were in the 22% that would never recover. She never liked you giving statistics. It made her feel cold and detached from a situation. “People handle things in different ways Spencer. I know that this is one of the hardest things you’ve ever been through, and you’ve got to get some help” Dave instructed. You nodded, knowing full well that the way you were handling it wasn’t healthy for you. “We could have helped you kid, why didn’t you come to us? Or one of the girls?” Derek reached out his hand and took yours into his.
“I’m just trying to forget” You breathed deeply and sighed, as if some weight was off your shoulders, “But I can’t, not while she’s out there, all over him like we never existed, - like our son never existed” Gasping for air as tears streamed down your face. Dave stood and gestured to Derek to leave with him as you looked to the door to see her standing there. She closed the door behind her and knelt next to you.
“Spencer, I’m so sorry” Tears spilled from her eyes, her hands hanging off your arm as she tore at you to look at her. The sight of her eyes in that moment would haunt you forever, her pain seethed from her expression. “Of course he existed, he existed so strongly for me. He was my dream” She mumbled through snot and tears as she held eye contact with you. “But it’s got to be done for me Spencer, it has to. My dream was destroyed, and I shared that dream with you. I made your dream my own, and that was so selfish of me. I’m setting you free Spencer, you don’t have to live this nightmare” You turned to face her, continually wiping your face as she became harder to see.
“Why are you with that guy? This isn’t you, this isn’t you” You repeated back to her. “I’ve gotta find a new dream Spence, I’ll die if I don’t move on” She cried, planting her face into your pants, like she was begging for forgiveness. “You’re still m-my dream” Your words were incoherent, desperate gasping for air and sobbing filled the room. You dropped out of the chair and onto your knees, taking her in as she wrapped her arms around you. You sat there for what seemed like forever, just holding each other. You both eventually stopped crying, your faces relaxed. And as you parted, you saw how her face had changed again. She looked at you like she always had, like you were the world. You tried to hide your anger, giving her a slight smile. She nodded in acknowledgment; it was okay that you were angry.
“I’m going to go back to work” She touched your arm one more time, turning you into a puddle until her hand left you. “I’ll see you around” You sighed, crossing your legs and remaining on the floor, wiping your face again and hoping you didn’t look too disheveled. Emily, Tara and JJ entered the round table room, staring at you on the floor. JJ held in her hands a large bottle of tequila, Tara throwing a shot glass your way, hoping you’d catch it.
“God yes” You welcomed the ladies to the floor, your unit chief quietly closing the door as you accepted their invitation. Tara poured four shots and sitting in a circle, she held hers up in the center and said, “To drinking on company time”. Emily laughed hysterically. “To friendship” JJ held hers to the center, one hand on your back as she rubbed gently. “To moving on” Emily threw her hand into the mix, each of them looking to you. “To my son” Your hand wavered into the circle and as you clinked, you all threw the shots back, a load of tense expressions on each face.
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reprobateubeg4 · 4 years
“Some days I can't get out of my head
That's just the dark side of me”
[The room was dimly lit, candlelight flickered in its dark glow. Groans sounded out from Detective Dick as I tightened the wrist straps restraining him. “Kenzi…” his voice was a low plead as I raised the blindfold and reached to tie it over his eyes.]
You sure this is what you want? Cause if I get arrested for this shit Imma be pissed as fuck at you.
[“I told you, I’d sign a contract saying this is what I want.” I nodded. Seemed odd I didn’t have one handy but I brushed it off, impatience maybe? I rolled my shoulders and moved to the side of my bed and kneeled down to pull the antique box from beneath it. I opened it carefully with a key from my neck, revealing a silk and soft padded lining sections with carefully placed knives. Intricate in their various styles of my collection. All my favorites. Sharpened, shined, and hidden from sight for safety and kept secrets. I picked up the heirloom blade from my ancestors, red and black stones, the sharpest of all the blades in the box. I climbed over Detective Dick and straddled his hips. I brush the blade smoothly over his cheek, jaw, tracing his neck as he swallows. A dark smirk stretches over my features at the sense of fear he presents. I turned the knife so the edge glides over his flesh, cutting a thin slow slice down his chest. “Fuck… Kenzi..” my name escapes his lips in a painful hiss. I swipe the next cut in a quick slash in diagonal streak over his right pectoral. His hip bucks sending me forward which only gives me leverage to lock my legs beneath him to lock me in a tighter hold over him. I give another cut, deeper than the first and slower than the last swipe. “Kenzi, stop! Please! I can’t.. take it..” His voice was muffled. When did my hand get over his mouth? My hand clamped tighter has he squirmed beneath me. My knife wielding hand kept slicing and slashing away, carving my name and truths of his lies into his chest until the squirming stopped and I was covered in his blood. I leaned forward to peel off the blindfold. I was met with restraint, snap and roll and was pinned. The sound of the knife clinking to the floor with a loud thud and snapping of teeth. When the dim light flashed bright enough, Cricket's features showed with a wide mouth ready and open.~~~~I jumped out and off the bed and slammed into the light switch across the room. I swung the baseball bat from behind the door and moved around the door as if I wasn’t the only one around the room. I clearly was.]
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Fuck, I really am losing my shit. This quarantine bullshit is really getting to me.
[I set the baseball bat aside. I moved to the bed and felt around for the antique box.]
Definitely a dream. He’s not here, she’s not here and My knives aren’t even here. Wait… my knives aren’t here… THE FUCK ARE MY KNIVES?!!
[I flipped the covers up and searched under the bed. Nothing. Flipped boxes and clothes from the closet. Nothing. Bathroom. Nothing. Living room and kitchen were empty too. I slipped on clothes quickly and grabbed my knife spring boots to slip them on and lace up and checked them with a stomp check. I grabbed my keys and headed to the car. It didn’t matter that it was 3 am. If Detective Dick took my shit he was in for the worst wake up call. And if he didn’t then It'd be a trip to Roma to find out what she’d done. I reached the door and as soon as I opened it there he was, fucking Detective Dick.]
Are you fucking serious? What are you doing? Are you stalking me?
[“No, Kenzi, I came to tell you…” I pushed past him and didn’t stop as I ran to the car and peeled out of the garage. It didn’t matter what he had to tell me. A sudden sense of going to see Roma hit and I headed out. When I pulled up to the gates, they were busted open. Cop cars surrounded her driveway way and I parked the car before I jumped out and took off into a run.]
[I pushed and climbed through a crowd of officers and ducked under the yellow tape and was blocked by a detective I didn’t recognize. “Can I help you?” I tried to get past him but he wasn’t budging and it didn’t help that Dick walked up behind to help him.]
My aunt lives here, is she okay? What happened? What’s going on?
[“That's what I was coming to tell you, this is Detective Ramirez. He’s the homicide detective on this case.” I could hear the shakiness in Dick’s voice as he tried to figure out the best way to break the news to me. Professional? Personal? How do you break that kind of news? My stomach pitted. I gripped my chest and took a deep breath as I fell back against him and fell to my knees.]
Homicide? That means? Oh my god… I can’t… breathe
[When the coroner walked through my eyes filled with water and watched his every move as best I could as he disappeared into her office room. “Your aunt, there’s a lot of occult items in the home, is she into all that magic stuff.” I rolled my eyes.]
Family of Romani gypsies. She’s—was a medium. She—was a Wiccan practitioner and a heavy believer in as you call “magic stuff” so please be respectful with her stuff, you might release a demon or some negative spirit if you bump into the wrong thing or break something.
[“Right. So is she a fortune teller? Like a customer paid psychic type.” I nodded.]
Not like old carny style but yeah she started at the local fair, built a client base and when the big money players wanted in she became a “personal consultant” and left out the psychic part. She keeps a schedule book in that room.. I can’t explain where it’s a feel around kind of thing.. I would need to be in there to get it.
[The detective shook his head. Dick to his opening though. “Might be the only way. If she has the best way to get a lead..” when the coroner came out with the gurney and black bag he pointed “what’s the hesitation?” The detective “Just.. be careful” I slowly moved and caught a glimpse of the cuts and slashes over her chest. Similar to my dream.. I started to freak out until I heard the whisper. I looked over to see her ghost shake her head. I moved to the office and felt around for the prick to my finger and the drawer popped free. I pulled my finger to my mouth. “What’d you do?”]
It’s a blood code. It’s a setup that only opens to family. It’s open. I didn’t touch anything else. Just popped the drawers for you. I need some air.. I’m gonna set outside for a bit..
[I climbed over the desk and moved to where I saw Roma’s ghost and stepped to the back door. “I’m sorry if I worried you, dear” the chilly whisper sent goosebumps over my skin. “I just needed to reach out for your attention, I picked one of your guilty nightmares.” I shook my head, embarrassed that Cricket could be considered that when I’ve worked so hard to convince myself I wasn’t scared of her.]
Who did this? And why? And where are my knives?
[“All those questions have related answers.” I looked over at her. “Find the answer to one you’ll find the answer to the other two.” An eyebrow raised. Aunt Roma’s hand raised and pressed against my cheek as tears rolled down my cheek. “Love you. Embrace who you are and it’ll lead you to the answers you seek.” ]
Wait.. Aunt Roma..
[Before I could say anything she vanished into the moonlight. I wiped my cheek and searched my pockets for cigarettes. I managed to find one and patted everything for a lighter and was met with a flicked flame by Detective Dick. I sucked in the toxic breath and blew out a slow bellow of smoke.]
How long til I can do her funeral? And claim her stuff?
[“Depends. They’re going to take everything from the desk, dust everything down. Probably send another crew in for another dust over. Couple days a week or two?” I nodded and took another few silent hits of the cigarette before dropping and stomping out the cigarette.]
What about her dog?
[“Her what?” Detective Dick looked at me confused as I started out into the woods towards the dark barn house.]
Monster! Vino!
[A Black Great Dane came bounding out through the trees, barely seen, only outlines in the light. I snapped my fingers beside me and shouted.]
Sta! Băiat bun!
[I bent down to kiss his nose and scratch his ears. “What are you saying?” I stood up but kept my hand moving over the top of his head.]
Romanian. She taught him commands in Romanian so if he was close when someone was near she could speak and they wouldn’t know what was being said. Which tells me this attack wasn’t planned. They must’ve had an amulet to black intentions or it was too late to change it? I-I don’t know..
[“Hey, don’t do that to yourself..” when Detective Dick took a step towards me Monster growled and adjusted to an attack stance. “Woah, okay..” when Dick backed Monster relaxed again. “Seems you’ll be protected tonight”]
Yeah, but my place is not big enough for this big boy. Not for long. I’ll have to bring him back here whenever they're done grabbing everything they need.
[I snapped my fingers and walked to the front of the house to get in my car and let Monster climb in ahead of me. I backed out of the driveway with a deep breath and felt a wet tongue over my face.]
Thanks dude… that’s not what I was thinking I needed but I’ll take it.
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