#feel free to reblog and/or send me asks!
on-noon · 2 years
Mineral OC Ask Game
Ulexite: How clearly do they communicate?
Aragonite: Do they help keep the environment stable for others? How so?
Malachite: What is their outfit like? What types of decorations do they like?
Azurite: How do they react to heat? (either literal or metaphorical heat)
Calcite: What brings them out of their shell?
Dolomite: How do they react in conflict?
Gold: How flexible are they?
Diamond: Are they good at hurting others? How do they do so?
Graphite: Do they like to write or draw?
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i-eat-deodorant · 9 months
i love narilamb shittens everyone should show me their shittens right now
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sweetandglovelyart · 6 days
A Kirby OC Ask Game!
Thought I’d make one of these for people to reblog and send each other asks about their OCs. You can send a number or an emoji, I’ve included both for all of the asks here so people can send whatever is easier for them.
1. 🎮: What Kirby game or what point in the Kirby series timeline would your OC first appear?
2. 🤝: Does your OC have any important connections to any canon characters?
3. 🏠: Where does your OC live?
4. 🪄: Does your OC use magic? If they do, how did they gain their magical abilities?
5. 🍎: What are some foods that your OC enjoys eating?
6. 🗣️: If you could cast a voice actor to voice your OC who would you choose?
7. ❤️: What is your OC’s love language (Words of affirmation, Quality time, Physical touch, Receiving gifts, or Acts of service)?
8. 🏳️‍🌈: What is your OC’s sexual orientation?
9. 🪪: Does your OC go by a nickname? If they do, what is their full name?
10. 👑: Is your OC royalty?
11. 🗡️: What is your OC’s weapon of choice?
12. 💏: Is your OC in a relationship?
13. 🙅: Does your OC have any enemies?
14. 🍱: If your OC had a dish themed around them at the Kirby Cafe, what would it be?
15. 🧸: If your OC had any merchandise themed around them, what would it be?
16. 👶: Does your OC have children? If they don’t have any children, would they like to have some one day?
17. 🎨: What are your OC’s artistic skills? Are they a good artist or is art something that they struggle with?
18. 💎: Does your OC like to collect anything?
19. 🛒: If your OC owned a shop, what would they sell?
20. 🤫: Does your OC have any secrets?
21. 🃏: Is your OC a good liar, or is it easy for others to tell when they’re not being truthful?
22. 🪽: Can your OC fly? If they can fly, how do they do it?
23. 👍: What is your OC most proud of?
24. 🥺: What is your OC’s biggest regret?
25. ⭐️: If your OC got their own spinoff game what would it be about and what would the gameplay be like?
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r0semultiverse · 6 months
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acealistair · 1 year
RPG Character Development Questions!
Trying my hand at making one of these, specifically aimed towards D&D characters but it should also work for other TTRPGs and video games like Dragon Age.
Send me any number of emojis for any of my characters! Anyone is welcome to reblog! 😊
👀: Describe their physical appearance in as much detail as possible. Facial features, colors, height, build, etc. 👄: How do they talk? What's their vocabulary like? What does their voice sound like? Any accent, verbal tics, etc? 👃: Do they smell like anything in particular? Why do they smell like that? 🏷️: What is their full name? Do any of their names have any special meaning? How did you come up with them? 🌳: What physical traits did they inherit from their biological parents? Do they look more like one parent than the other? ♦️: Are there any motifs you associate with them? What do those motifs represent thematically? 🎨: What is their color scheme? Or at least colors you associate them with? 🔮: If they were to feature in the art of a tarot card, which one would it be and why? 💭: What was the original concept for your OC? Has it changed at all since then? 📺: Is your OC inspired at all by characters from other media? Which one(s) and what traits do they have in common? 🛡️: How does their class inform their characterization? How does their personality match or clash with the stereotype for that class? 📖: Describe your ideal character arc for them. How do you envision them changing by the end of the story?
📊: What is their best stat? What is their worst/dump stat? How do these affect how you roleplay as them? 🗡️: What type of weapon do they normally use? Is there a particular reason for it? ✨: Are they a magic user? If so, how did they come to learn it (born with it, studied, acquired, etc.)? What does their magic look like when cast? If not, what is their attitude towards magic? 🖌️: What is their go-to hobby? When did they start learning it? Why do they like it? 🔨: Do they have any practical skills they wouldn't consider a hobby? What sorts of skills and how/why did they learn them? 🍳: Are they good at cooking? Do they like to? Why and how did they learn to cook, or, if they didn't, why didn't they? 🎵: Are they any good at singing? What situations do/would they sing in? Would they sing in the shower? 🎻: Do they know how to play an instrument? If so which one(s)? Do they enjoy music in general? 💃: How do they feel about dancing and are they any good at it? Do they prefer solo, partnered, or group dancing? 🚗: In a modern AU, what kind of job would they have, if any? 🎁: If they needed to give a friend a gift, how would they go about choosing one? Would they buy it, make it, or do something else? Would others consider them good at gift-giving? 📚: Do they like to read books? If so, what sorts of books do they prefer to read? If not, why don't they like reading? ✍: What does your character's handwriting look like? Do they write letters often? What other contexts do they usually write in, if any?
🙂: What are three of their personality traits that others would generally consider positive? 🙁: What are three of their personality traits that others would generally consider negative? 😱: Do they have any irrational fears/phobias? How do they cope with them? Has a phobia ever impacted the game you play them in? 😭: How easily do they cry? Do they ever cry in front of other people? When was the last time they cried? 💢: How quick are they to anger? What is a surefire way to piss them off? What do they act like when angry? 😄: How can you tell when they're really happy? What sorts of things make them happy? How often do they smile? 😳: How easily are they embarrassed/flustered? What sorts of things catch them off-guard and make them lose their cool? 🏁: What do they consider to be their main goal in life, the thing that motivates most of their actions? 🤲: Do they have any deep desires that they don't talk about and/or don't even realize they have? Do these desires conflict with their main goal at all? 🗣️: How social are they? Do they speak to strangers because they like to or only when necessary? How differently do they act with strangers vs. friends? 🐾: How do they feel about animals? Do they have/want any pets? Do they have a favorite animal?
😬: Did they ever make a major decision in their past that they regret? How are they handling it now? 🙏: What are their feelings on religion? If they are religious, what do they practice? How much of an impact does it have on their daily life? 🎓: What was their education like? Do they have any favorite subjects? What is their preferred learning style? 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦: What is their family like? Are there any family members that are particularly influential and/or important to them (whether in a positive or negative sense)? 🛝: Do they have any childhood friends? If so, are they still in touch with them? What is their relationship like now (or why did it end)? 🧸: What was their favorite childhood toy and why? 🚸: Would they consider their childhood to have been a happy one? Why or why not? Does their perception of that differ from yours as their player? 🌹: Are they experienced romantically? How many romantic partners have they had? How has this affected their view of romance? 😡: Do they have any enemies and/or rivals from their past? How serious of a threat are they to your OC?
💘: Do they have a "canon" romantic partner? If so, who is it and what is their relationship like? If not, what kind of person would be the optimal romantic partner for them (the most interesting narratively, not necessarily the healthiest/what they think their preferences are)? 😍: What traits, physical and/or mental, do they find attractive in other people? 💒: How does your character feel about marriage? Have their feelings on marriage ever changed? 🎉: Who are their party members/companions? Describe each of their relationships with your OC (however brief or detailed you want). 💍: Among their current companions, are there any that are narrative foils to your OC? How so? 🍼: How do they feel about children in general? Do kids get along with them? Do they have/want kids of their own (now or down the line)? 🤝: How do they express platonic affection? When does an acquaintance become a friend for them? 🥰: Who do they currently consider to be their best friend and why? Has their best friend changed over time? 🫂: How are they with casual physical touch? Do they have different boundaries based on how well they know a person? Is there a specific reason behind their comfort level?
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the-kipsabian · 8 months
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i stole this from twitter shhhh they dont need to know
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inseasofgreen · 1 month
Night Sky Addition
LUNAR - How often do they get lost in thougt?
CELESTIAL - Do they believe in any higher being?
NOVA - How is their relationship with their parents?
MOONLIGHT - What is their biggest personality flaw?
ORION - Who/what do they go for comfort?
TWILIGHT - What would put them past their breaking point?
STELLAR - Do they have good or bad self esteem?
JUPITER - Do they believe everything happens for a reason?
EMPYREAN - Where do they find their inner strength from?
DUSK - What is something that prokes their anger?
DAWN - Do they have any magical/super normal capabilities?
VEGA - Do they have any hidden talents?
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How is everyone doing!! How are the friends & strangers in my phone doing? :)
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leopardom · 5 months
so tour is officially over and it’s been a rollercoaster. whether you’ve been at a gig or not, would you like to share some of your favourite moments/memories with the class? if yes, feel free to do so by reblogging this post with what’s on your mind or if you wanna stay anonymous, feel free to send me an ask and i’ll add it to the hashtag 🫶
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kanerallels · 20 days
CUSS YEAH I DO look I used to be so neutral on Boromir and then like. Two years ago when my family was rewatching the trilogy over New Years (like we always do cause we're iconic like that) I went INSANE OKAY
HE JUST WANTS TO HELP HIS PEOPLE OKAY and the way the movies portray his dynamic with Aragorn is actually so so good? I went on this super long rant toward my friend @heckin-music-dork about it at the time lol but the gist of it is: he starts out so antagonistic toward Aragorn but then he does start to respect him as a warrior and a friend and fights by his side and there are times in Moria where you can almost see him taking cues from Aragorn, waiting to see what he's gonna do next and then he nerds out about Gondor to Aragorn in Lothlorien and just. It's a whole long rant but I'm obsessed with him now and I really, really wish he hadn't died
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dragon-wisteria · 1 year
OC Asks: Put Those Guys in Situations
Solo Situations (number + a character)
Your character is being offered three wishes by a genie. The usual rules reply. What do they wish for?
Your character is being offered a choice of any pet they want, along with whatever they need to take care of it. Do they accept the offer? If so, what kind of pet do they choose?
Your character is stuck in a timeloop! They can choose ONE other character to remember every loop. Which character do they choose? What happens next?
Your character has to give a ten-minute speech on a subject of their choice to a room full of experts. What subject do they choose?
Your character gets to resurrect any one person and spend a whole day with them. Who do they resurrect, and what do they do for their one day?
Your character finds themself in a looping dream of their happiest moment. What is this moment, and would they choose to break the loop and go back to reality?
If your character could have an infinite supply of ONE food, which food would they choose?
If your character got to travel to another world, what world would they choose?
Your character has been invited to a prestigious formal event. What do they wear? What do they do when they get there?
Your character finds a lost child. What do they do?
Your character has to spend a whole day indoors. What do they get up to?
Your character has to spend a whole day out in nature. What kind of terrain do they choose to go to, and what do they get up to?
Your character has been locked in a room and will only be let out if they either sit still and silent for a whole hour, or make constant noise for a whole hour. The room is empty of anything other than a simple plastic chair. Which option do they choose, and what strategy do they use to succeed?
Your character gets stranded on an island. They can choose one item to have with them. What do they choose?
Your character is doing a sponsored challenge to raise money for charity. What kind of challenge do they do?
A magical trickster has trapped your character and will only set them free if they can beat the trickster at a game of their choice. What game does your character choose to play?
Your character has been captured by pirates! The pirate captain gives your character one minute to convince him to let them live. What do they say?
Quick! Your character has to accurately sing or recite something from memory! They only have one chance - what do they pick, and do they succeed?
Your character comes across a cat stuck up a tree. Do they try to help it down? If so, how?
Your character has fallen into a deep chasm with their worst enemy. They have no supplies beyond what they normally carry on their person. Somewhere in the chasm is a huge creature that will eat them if it finds them. How does your character escape this situation?
Someone your character respects is coming over for dinner. What do they serve? How does the dinner go?
Your character is given two tickets to their dream concert or event. What did they get tickets for? Who do they invite to come with them?
Your character keeps hearing scratching noises in the walls or under the floorboards. What do they think it is? What do they do about it?
Your character has been challenged to a duel by a skilled fighter. What incentive would convince them to accept? How would they prepare for the fight? Do you think they would win? (bonus: which other character do you think the challenger could be?)
Your character has been invited to a party. Someone who they love but rarely get to see will be there, but so will their worst enemy. Do they accept the invitation? Do they succeed in meeting their loved one, and avoiding their enemy? What happens?
Group Situations (number + a story or a group of characters)
Your characters are being forced to participate in a talent show! Which talents do they choose to show off? Who wins?
Your characters have been locked in a room together for 24 hours. It is impossible to escape the room by any means. What happens?
Your characters have to carry out a daring heist. What roles on the heist team do they take? Do they succeed?
Your characters are throwing a big party together. What does each character do to contribute? Is the party a success?
One of your characters has been arrested for a crime they didn't commit. How do the other characters get them out of this predicament?
Your characters have to put on an stage show for a fully booked theatre. They have one month to prepare. What show do they put on? What roles do they play? Is the show a success?
Beach day! What will your characters wear to the beach, and what activities do they get up to?
Your characters have been invited to a fancy dress ball, and their costumes must fit a group theme. What do they wear?
Your characters have to look after a group of small children for a whole day. What happens?
Your characters are having a potluck. Where are they holding it? What do each of them bring?
Your characters are sharing stories around the fire. What story does each character tell? Whose story is the most popular?
Your characters are put in a death match against each other. They can use any weapons or abilities they have. Who wins, and how?
Your characters are about to get captured by an enemy. They can choose one member of their group to escape - who do they choose? What does that character do when they're free?
Your characters have to prepare a meal for 100 people. They have access to any ingredients they want but only have a few hours to prepare. What do they cook? How do they divide up the work? Do they finish in time, and how good is the meal in the end?
Your characters have decided to play dungeons and dragons or another tabletop rpg. Who's running the game? What characters do the rest of the players bring to the table? How does their first session go?
Your characters go to an arcade or a fair. What games do they play? Who wins the most, and who loses the most?
One of the characters in the group has been replaced by an evil doppelganger. How does the group figure out who it is?
One of your characters is sick in bed. What do the rest of the characters do to help them feel better?
A villainous vampire has come to town and has chosen one or all of your characters as its prey. How do you characters deal with this predicament?
Your characters are trapped in a joint dream or simulation that recreates their greatest fears. They can only escape if each one of them faces their fear. What are these fears? How do they overcome them? Who overcomes theirs first, and who takes the longest?
Your characters are stranded on a desert island. Help will arrive in 24 hours, but a violent storm is picking up and a dangerous, unseen creature is hunting your characters. How do they deal with this situation? Do they survive long enough for help to arrive?
Your characters have somehow travelled 200 years into the past! What time period have they ended up in? Do they enjoy visiting this time period? What do your characters get up to? Are there any historical figures they want to meet?
Your characters are up against an enemy group with the same lineup of skills and abilities as them. How do they approach the situation? Do you think they would win? Would they try to befriend the enemies instead?
Your characters are all guests at an old manor house. It soon becomes clear that their host is secretly planning to kill them. All the doors and windows in the house are locked tight, and their host has the keys. How do your characters react? Do they all make it out alive?
Your characters are being forced to do a group bonding exercise. They each have to share something they like about each other character in the group. What do they say?
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wispscribbles · 1 year
Every time I see your art it makes my heart so WARM!! And it makes me cry happy tears. I especially love your werewolf soapghost art. The way you drew those two is DELICIOUS!!! And there's just something about the way you draw their eyes that just makes me 😍 😍😍😍
FORNHAUS!! U are a real one, I srsly do happy jigs whenever I read all ur tags on my art - thank you so much <333 Here's a sketch of the wolf lads just for u
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fakehelper · 8 months
gif pack maker question game! 💕
I've seen a few of these float around for gif/edit makers and some questions apply to us, but I figured I'd make one specifically for gif pack makers! Feel free to send me some or just reblog and get some questions asked yourself! If you think of any other good questions, leave them in the replies and I'll try to add them in the future!
What is your favorite gif pack to date?
Which FC have you made the most gifs of?
What is the largest pack you've ever made?
What is the smallest pack you've ever made?
Who is your favorite gif pack maker? If that's too hard, top 3!
Which gif pack do you think is underrated (should have gotten more attention)?
Which gif pack are you close to deleting?
Have you ever deleted a gif pack?
How did you get started making gif packs?
Post your favorite gif of one of your current projects (or one from each!)
What scenes are the worst to color?
Which scenes are your favorite to color?
What was the worst show you've had to color?
Which show had the best lighting/was the easiest for you to cover?
Would you ever remake a gif pack? If so, which one(s)?
Would you ever do a gif pack collab? (ie, you split a season or movie of the same fc and gif half)
Which gifs do you think are ESSENTIAL for a pack?
Which gifs do you think should never leave the cutting room floor?
Do you have any current projects you want to talk about?
What are you most looking forward to gifing this year? Any upcoming movies or shows?
Do you usually gif a whole pack at once, or split up packs across various days (or weeks, or months... or years...)
What is your favorite expression to gif? Smiles, laughs, incredulous looks, etc
What FC do you wish had more footage for you to gif?
Which gif pack do you regret making? Why?
Any pet peeves when it comes to gifing?
Frames to Layers or Screencaps? Or do you use a different import method?
Frames or Video timeline?
Watermarks or no watermarks? Any reason why?
What is your favorite or standard gif size for packs? Any particular reason why?
Do you save your psds? If so, do you save one per scene and edit it or do you save one for each gif?
Do you save your .gif files after posting them?
What is a gif pack you've seen recently that you think deserves praise?
Are you someone who likes to take suggestions or do you just gif what you feel inspired to make?
Black and white gifs. Worth it?
Free choice! Ask whatever you'd like!
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hewasanamericangirl · 4 months
i’ve listened to 4 episodes, read up on some lore in the wiki
i generally know how things work
i’m not going to finish tma by the end of the year at the rate im listening because i have to prep myself because it is paranoia inducing and psychosis triggering
i love reading things, but if im truly missing bits then i need to know what’s up
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onepiece-polls · 7 days
Since you were curios, I thought I'll tell you my predictions:
Side A prediction:
Reiju/Tashigi wins it all. I think Ace/Law could beat Ishho/Dadan since its an already established ship, but lose to the sapphics. Perona/Reiju wins over Enel/Gild Tesoro. I was actually conflicted on the outcome of Kureha/Brook vs Kid/Usopp vs Tsuru/Kureha. I knew Kidd/Usopp would have likely been the least appealing (as in funny. C'mon kureha is in the other two) I settled on the grannies losing to brook but they apparently are winning. Who ever wins, they lose to Perona/Reiju who lose against Reiju/Tashigi.
Side B predictions:
I love Sabosaji, but even sanji fans love torturing the blonde man, so Iva/Zeff wins (itsfunny). Nami/Hiyori features much more beloved characters than Uroge/Sadie, so it wins. Zeff/Garp gained some following since last year, so I think its more than enough to beat out Rosi/Smoker. Marco/Law, once again, features more popular characters that Granfall/Shandia chief, so it wins. And between this and Zeff/Garp I am sure the old men would thrive. I think Nami/Hiyori could beat Iva/Zeff due to the larger appeal of F/F ob this site, But I'm not sure. Either way, both ships should be able to beat Zeff/Garp since they are either funnier or cuter.
Side C predictions:
Shanks/Rosi could beat Enel/Croc. Its more wholesome, and I've seen a few fics already. Baby5/Sanji is also something that I've seen people enjoy, so it could beat Iceburg/Shanks. Ceasar/Judge has been a thing for a while, so I think it could veat Brook/Big Mom. Both are toxic, but which one is more hilarious? Tera/Sora has more appeal that Niji/Uta due to being Zosan's moms, so it clears. And I think they could beat the toxic old man yaoi. Between Shanks/Rosi and Baby5/Sanji I'll say 5/Sanji would more likely win, mostly due to their appeal from their respective backstories. And between Tera/Sora and 5/Sanji... I'm not really sure. I'll go with Zosan's moms since, once again, people love torturing sanji.
Side D predictions
Crocodragon CLEARS and its the final survivor. On a more accurate note, Coby/Sabo would make more sense than Iceburg/Drake, Croc/Rosi is an already esblashed ship so it wins over Mihawk/Kaku. Cricket/Wiper does the sane witj Mihawk/Benn. Croc/Rosi would win against them, but lose to the shier power of Crocodad.
Side E predictions:
Rosi/Bellemere is already established, it beats Cobra/Croc. Same with Yamato/Hiyori vs Speed/Tashigi. Between Boa/Uta and Boa/Alvida I think the ship with Alvida is funnier. And this time, the lesbians Reiju/Nojiko could probably well defeat Kata/Rosi. I think Rosi/Brllemere would lose to Yanato/Hiyori, its just a way bigger ship. And Rwiju/Nojiko has been a thing longer than Alvida/Boa, I've seen it more. But they would lose to Yamato/Hiyori since they are just that big.
Side F predictions:
Nami/Koala has been a thing longer than Zeff/WB. It clears. Boa/Barto is too hilarious for people to pass it on, it wins over Boa/Robin. Kuhera/Kokoro would have an advantage to Mihawk/Rosi since people fw old woman yuri on here. And I've seen kata/king way more tgan Belleremere/Makino. But I think Jata/king could be strong enough to win over them. Boa/Barto is gaining some traction so i think it beats the first mates as well.
Side G predictions:
Rosi/Buggy is much bigger than Killer/Pen, so it clears. I have seen a few people complain that the princess polycule isn't cracky at all, so I think it could lose either this round with Tatch/Sanji or the next with Rosi/Buggy. Kuina/Hiyori has been gaining a LOT of traction, it woukd easily beat Bon/Inazuma. Between the old gen shipping and Rei/Pudding... I couod see both winning, actually. But wither way, I think they would lose to Kuina/Hiyori for different reasons: for the old gen, I've seen someone complain is not that much crack, and F/F is more preferred here. And for Rei/Pudding, I could see people complaining about the age gap. Yeah. And between Kuina/Hiyori and Rosi/Buggy.... I think the lesbians could win again. I've really seen people go Very crazy about Hiyoku.
Side H predictions:
Zeff/Sora clears against Zoro/Kata. Fake frobin is too funny to let go against Shakky/Rouge but I think they wpuld lose to Zeff/Sora. I could see either WB/Dadan or the NB boys winning, but either wpuld lose agains Kiku/Perona, who wins over Bellemere/Rouge but lose to Zeff/Sora.
So we have:
Reiju/Tash vs Either Iva/Zeff or Nami/Hiyori
Sora/Tera vs Crocodragon
Yamato/Hiyori vs Boa/Barto
Hiyoku vs Zeff/Sora.
Reitash and crocodragon clear easily, so does Yamato/Hiyori with Boa/Barto. I think Hiyoku would be extremely popular at this point so it could beat Zeff/Sora.
I would have Crocodragon at 1st place, Reitash at 2nd, and either Yamato/Hiyori or Kuina/Hiyori at 3rd.
Okay, I love reading this. and since you took the time to send me this, I'll share my predictions as well:
I'm with you on the A side in every bit (I expected Brook to do better with Kureha too, but apparenlty not).
One the B side I'm with you on most, but I think Zeff/Iva could beat Nami/Hiyori (but i'm not sure either), but nevertheless I think Zeff/Garp can beat either ship and will win that side. Though I wouldn't be too surprised if Zeff/Iva won.
C side I agree with all you said. The finale might become a tight battle, but probably zosan moms win.
D side... Yeah Dragon/Croco wins. But. I do think they'll face Wyper/Cricket. I don't think CrocoRosi would win from them, honestly (I had never heard of that ship before this tournament, but that might just be my corner of the fandom). They are Calgara/Noland reincarnated, so I think they'll do good. But yeah... try to beat Luffy's biological parents, you know?
E side I agree, except I think Rosi/Bell-mère will win from Yamato/Hiyori (and so, win the final battle of that side as well). Don't underestimate their fanbase, they had a few submissions in the previous 'normal' ship war as well.
F side I think is really hard to predict. First battle already. Nami/Koala probably wins, since lesbians seem to do really well in the tournament so far, but idk, I think Zeff/Whitebeard might surprise people and they love the ship name! I agree with the other outcomes of that round and Barto/Boa probably wins the next round as well. KataKing is one of my own ships (though submitted by 2 more people) that's still in the running and so, I hope they'll beat Kureha/Kokoro, but I think it'll be hard. I do think, no matter which of those two ships wins that round, they'll both win from barto/boa as both Barto and Boa are actually just in love with Luffy.
G side: "Rosi/Buggy is much bigger than Killer/Pen" - Well on your side of tumblr maybe! On my side, however... *Follows several kilguin-loving blogs*. Ugh. I don't wanna admit you're right. But... you're probably right. Still... don't write kilguin off yet! I They will fight hard 😛 Wait, let me check AO3 real quick.... killer/penguin: 207 fics. rosi/buggy: 18 fics. You might wanna reconsider which one is "much bigger" 😛 (still, I would not at all be surprised if rosi/buggy won - they did have more submissions - like... 6 vs 0 - kilguin is my submission only 🙈) *clears throat* Anyway... I think princess polycule will win from thatch/sanji but lose from lovebug. Kuina/Hiyor wins their battle indeed, and I dreamt about RoRayShaRouge last night (though... the men were an afterthought 😂 it was very spicy), so they win their battle too, I just know it 😂 But they might indeed just not be cracky enough to beat Kuina/Hiyori. Still, I think the final winner of this side will be Rosi/Buggy (unless they were beaten by kilguin, in that case Kuina/Hiyori wins).
H side:
Zeff/Sora wins, yes. But, maybe Shakky/Rouge wins over fake frobin (I dreamt about them, remember? It gotta mean something). I think WB/Dadan will win from North Blue boys because they are 1)more crack, and 2)still have a solid basis (Ace's parents). Although, NB boys just being the Sanji-fanclub is funny too so... could go either way. (still betting my money on Ace's parents). The last one is hard, because Bell-Rouge is my IRL friend's ship. I think it has great potential. But it might lose to Kiku/Perona. I'm not really sure. Lesbians are doing really well though, so whoever wins will probably win the next round too. But at the end of the day, Zeff/Sora will be the winner of the H side.
So in the end for my predictions we have:
Reiju/Tashigi vs Zeff/Garp = ReiTash wins.
Sora/Tera vs CrocoDragon = I don't think it's an easy win, but CrocoDragon wins.
Rosi/Bell-mere vs Kureha/Kokoro (or KataKing) = oooh really hard to say. Probably Rosi/Bell-mere.
Rosi/Buggy vs Zeff/Sora = Zeff/Sora wins easily.
Seeing this outcome it's honeslty really funny because... so many parental figures who are shipped 😂
I think the end result would be:
(Which would mean ReiTash won from CrocoDragon and ZeffSora won from CoraBell) However, I could be very mistaken everywhere! 😂 and that's what I love about this competition. I actually hope one of the ships I wrote off early on will make it to the finals to surprise me.
I also love that in the end, our predictions are quite different.
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yantao-enthusiast · 2 months
“taylor swift is putting so much carbon in the air by flying private” musicians who are nowhere near taylor’s level who fly public already get fucking harassed (see: chappell roan*). genuinely think about it: taylor swift at the airport would never in a million years work. the airports would be crowded, delayed, and cause so much unnecessary trouble and stress that y’all would shit on her for going to an airport instead of going on a jet. and what are they gonna do about all her equipment for the tour and all the crew members? some of y’all jump too quick on a reason to hate taylor that you completely forgo critical thinking.
*video of a “fan” talking about being weird towards chappell at the airport: https://x.com/rmjroan/status/1816593837231407184?s=46
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