#felix catton story
saintsir4n · 6 months
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Prologue cast list saltburn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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localraccconn · 9 months
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barry keoghan u lil freak i love u so much
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greenrosepdtl-blog · 7 months
Ok listen I have seen the same take over and over that Felix would have gotten bored with Oliver if he didn’t lie because Oliver pointed out one of Felix’s flaws when he tried to clean his room.
But after watching it again I don’t think that’s it at all. I think Oliver rejected Felix in that scene. Felix laying there mostly naked I feel like if Oliver got down on the floor with him and offered something, Felix would have gladly done it. Look at the way Felix reacts afterwards. The way he looks so surprised at what Oliver is saying and still looks at him all silly/flirty and upside down. The way he says Oliver is driving him nuts I think it’s because he does way less and the girls always pick up on what he wants so why is he trying so hard with Oliver but all Oliver wants to do is clean his damn room. The nervous thumb biting and the watching him leave and then not calling him to go out. That’s hurt feelings. That’s rejection.
Then he’s only all in when Oliver lies because Oliver is so vulnerable with him and came to HIM for comfort so it’s proof Oliver does want him and care about him so he feels needed and wanted again and instantly reverses his hurt feelings and goes back to the way he was.
If these two lovely idiots would have just had a damn conversation with each other and overtly said I WANT TO FUCK YOU PLEASE then it probably could have been the love story our little Felix/juliet wanted it to be.
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Everything dulls when Farleigh is sent away. Before it's a blur of all of them having fun, talking about Harry Potter, getting drunk and playing games.
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After Farleigh, it's just Oliver and Felix laying around. There's nothing left but Felix and the obsession Oliver has for him that will soon consume them both.
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Farleigh was the light holding off Oliver's darkness. They were opposing forces keeping each other in balance until Oliver tipped the scale, then ultimately, lost control.
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xavigab · 7 months
Okay, but Oliver actually being a stupidly rich kid too, and him being rich and bored... well, he started doing social experiments. It started off with simple stuff with the staff, like dropping money and seeing if they’d keep it or give it back to him or his mother. As he got older, the experiments became more complicated. In a sense, he accidentally created a little cult before he just ghosted them because he got scared. (He saw Scientology and was like ‘oh yeah I could do that’) He had journal after journal, all being very detailed research on each experiment he’s done. Then he entered Oxford, and instead of Oliver falling in love at first sight, he kinda just wanted to see if Felix, the golden boy of Oxford, could be befriended by a 'poor awkward scholarship kid with no style' (lmao). Anyways, he started from the very beginning, meeting Michael (whom he would have liked to befriend because the guy was weird and would be nice to socially study), and then the whole lying about his ‘family’ to be taken to Saltburn, and then after conducting that experiment because it like worked, he decided to do a second part and see how much lying it would take for a friend to forgive. He hired another family and planned to be called when he was bathing. Oh and if y’all want you could say he fell In love with Felix at the end of it so he confessed in the maze and like after some angst they had their happy ending hahaha. Anyways, he takes his social experiments very seriously. (I would say the most he would do is the Farleigh thing about the plate, but he would still feel bad lol. I wouldn’t say he would be able to kill someone. As he did social experiments, he learned more about people, the good and the bad, so I feel like he would have very good etiquette.)
Sorry I like making completely new stories from already existing once cuz I’m dumb
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hiboudark · 9 months
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Summer of 85 (Ozon, 2020) // Saltburn (Fennell, 2023)
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k-wame · 8 months
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lol the greatest yearner to have ever yearned
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sadnessunderthebridge · 9 months
I love the fact that when people write Saltburn fanfics that they don't really bother with putting Dead Dove: Do Not Eat Tags. Because like the whole movie was Dead Dove.
Also, if you plan on reading a Saltburn fanfic and you don't want Dead Dove then why are are you reading it, we all know it's going either going to have weird ass Michael Gavey with Y/N or our lovely sadistic Oliver Quick either in a toxic relationship with Felix or doing something sadistic and crazy.
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foxglovevibes · 10 months
Something about
"Saltburn being so heavily steeped with Shakespearean symbolism that the Midsummer Night's Dream party comes to serve as a meta commentary. A way to remind the audience that this is an intimate perspective of the character's lives, giving us a bit of a reprieve from the performative aspects of the film and the specific/stereotyped roles that the audience have unintentionally fashioned for the characters within their minds throughout the flow of the film. Eventually causing us to find them evolving into something completely eerily other but still so distinctly familiar when Felix's death strips away the comedically glistening veneer surrounding the Catton family and rendering them just as human, just as fragile and weak as anyone with lesser means in an almost uncomfortably satisfying and deeply perverse fashion that makes you want to look away but also keep watching and take a bit of a look at yourself in the mirror for relishing it-"
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I need a good Wattpad fanfic about this man.
Any recommendations are appreciated! I'm looking for a Slow burn, cryptic, dramatic etc! They're stupidly in love and don't know it etc!
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fullmoonfelix · 8 months
i worship emerald fennell because people criticized the politics of her first movie (the greatest movie ever made) too and she said y'all are wrong and loud but idgaf let me make another movie whose politics are even more subtle and controversial but ultimately completely correct and let me also make this a simultaneously genre subverting and defining piece of queer cinema that is CANONICALLY QUEER and the whole thing is more about desire and yearning and fucked up queer people who live for the drama than anything political BUT ISN'T THAT INHERENTLY POLITICAL and let's also make it the most gorgeous, sexy, well-acted film of all time and let's go on a press tour where i drop little fun facts that will make gay people everywhere lose their minds and let's play the long game with that because once an army of gay people start stanning you, you've won. anyway, emerald fennell is mothering on another level with saltburn and i've loved her since 2020 so everyone else get on my level
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im-getting-help · 7 months
But in a way im glad that thing's happened the way that they did. Cause imagine Felix inviting Ollie's mom as a surprise for their wedding... like, imagine that.
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arabellanyc · 8 months
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“Icarus and his star”
the icarus you know
the icarus you knew
the icarus who has fallen
the one who is an icarus anew
has loved a star that is brighter than usual
but a star that shines just like every other star
nothing new
but a star can blind you when it gets too close
when YOU get too close
but icarus didnt mind
because you wouldnt know how blind you are
until the light's suddenly off
The star had fallen
Much like icarus himself
But he has fallen gracefully and at will
Unlike icarus who was ripped of his wings and had fallen ill
But together they stayed
And together they grew
Icarus and his star had started anew
But what icarus didn't know
Or rather, what he decided to ignore
Was that the sun was a star
And a star has to prioritize light over love
It happened once when his sun chose to shine, still
Even though it knew that it would melt off icarus's wings
And it happened again with his star
As his star starts to lose his light
"I have to go home and see to it that my light doesn't go off"
The star said as he prepares himself
"You're leaving me" icarus said
Blinded by his needs and his selfishness
"It's not like that my love. I would never want to lose you but I cannot lose myself for you" the star had said through his tears
He saw icarus was not hearing him
Was not understnding him
So he did what he swore not to do
He broke his own heart and left only with half of a whole
That was the last that icarus heard of his star
Now he wears his heart in his sleeves and his stars heart around his neck
And now the icarus you know
the icarus you knew
the icarus who has fallen
the one who is an icarus anew
has loved a star that is brighter than usual
And loves him still, but on a brighter point of view
—icarus fray, 2018
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broke-art-girl · 6 months
Texting story for my fanfic Salt and Bones.
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wastingprompts · 8 months
so, I'm never eager to watch whatever people is talking about (reality: haven't been watching shit) so I just learned the jacob elordi's bathwater scene and to be honest I legit had already thought of writing a story in which the yandere does that shit 💀 I don't know the context in the movie but really obviously the yandere would do that bc he is nasty and obsessed with his darling
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i-understand-vangogh · 9 months
Ignorance is Bliss
I was told I’ll never understand it. The things I myself have lived through others choose to convince me I can’t remember or will never understand as if ignorance is some sort of bliss. Right? I was too young to remember the pain. Ignorance is bliss. Well I am not ignorant nor do I believe in bliss. I lived through it. I remember. It is my pain and no matter how easily forgotten or brushed off my story may be, it is mine and it is there. The ignorance you choose to hold as to not listen to my story as a way to not feel an ounce of my pain is your bliss. I will not bleed on you from my open wound but know it is there. I hold onto every detail, every feeling, and every moment because the wound goes so deep that even if it was healed, there’s a scar. I do not get the luxury of ignorance because I am forever reminded. I will forever wish for your ignorance but for me recognition is bliss. To be heard and to be seen is bliss. Do not water my story down to make it easier to swallow. 
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