#fellowship game
sabusthings · 2 years
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Oh yeah, I play a Fellowship game as Salieri and Amadeus and it's been a tonne of fun!
Amadeus somehow keeps getting double 6s which is pretty funny lol
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dvalin · 2 months
Chief Rebel and Arc Games have just announced their latest game, "Fellowship," a new Multiplayer Online Dungeon Adventure (MODA). Let's dive into their newest trailer and website to explore what this game is all about.
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emilybeemartin · 7 months
A whopping, like, 2.6 people have expressed interest in my recent adventures in watching Bean films, which is all the encouragement I need to present to you:
An Incomplete Guide to Sean Bean Roles (Investigation Ongoing)
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Our guy has a vast filmography, and I'm not even close to being halfway through it, but I've watched a lot of his significant ones in the past few weeks thanks to a perfect storm of illness, injury, and lapses in client work. Crucially, I have created superlatives for a variety of them and present them here for your benefit. Disclaimer: many of these films are violent! Or have butts and/or tits! Some have dick! Some have dated bits that didn't age well! So, if you have triggers or are watching with young viewers, do your research first! Also, these are just the opinions of one solitary millennial! Nothing is objective! Nothing is real! I care not!
Okay, CYA done, let's begin. I'll get the two most obvious ones out of the way up front, otherwise they'll dominate half the categories:
Greatest Bean: Fellowship of the Ring. I've said it before and I'll say it again, he achieved more pathos with Boromir than a lot of his other roles have allowed for, and every note he hits just sings. No debate.
Best Bean for Your Buck: Sharpe. For the best confluence of quantity, quality, physicality, emotion, humor, and action, you can't beat Richard Sharpe.
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Favorite Dramatic Bean: Time; he earned that BAFTA fr
Softest Bean: The first date scene in Stormy Monday, where Brendan shyly gets to know Kate, slow dances with her, lends her a shirt and strokes her back after she asks if they can just go to sleep instead of have sex.
Most Dashing Bean: Vronsky in Anna Karenina, that uniform cuts, damn
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Swooniest Bean: I know I'm supposed to say Chatterley, and he is undeniably sexy as Mellors, but there are parts where his character is actually kind of off-putting. I'll lay a good chunk of the blame on the weirdly ominous score, the very of-the-time depiction of dubious consent, and Joely Richardson's tendency to look like she's having the worst time of her life while shagging the hot gamekeeper. No, I'm giving this category to Stormy Monday again. He's just so gentle and genuine in this one, without some of the obligatory "heartthrob" overtones of his nineties stuff. He never raises his voice at Kate or manhandles her. He really does feel like some kid who just wants to be sweet to his girlfriend.
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Laddiest Bean: When Saturday Comes, specifically the strip club and bathtub scenes.
Favorite Sad Bean: As a collective, he has some great grief scenes in World on Fire, but! The railroad track scene in When Saturday Comes?! That was RAW.
Favorite Mad Bean: Black Death; there are plenty of movies where he doesn't smile at all, but unlike some others, his grimness and anger felt proportionate to the story, rather than just rage because he's good at rage.
Favorite Bad Bean: There are so many great Bean villains (Goldeneye, obvs), but I think my favorite is Patriot Games. Bonus points for all the different hairstyles he has in this film (long locks-shag-shag ponytail!-buzz-wet spiky buzz). Also HUGH FRASER AAAA
Favorite Dad Bean: Wolfwalkers, where Bill Goodfellowe literally turns his own convictions and beliefs upside-down in order to protect and support his daughter.
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A note on GoT: I haven't watched it. When season one was first coming out, it was during a time where I really couldn't handle watching any kind of sexual assault onscreen, and while I have a higher tolerance now, I just... don't want to. I like seeing gifs of Ned Stark and appreciate that it's one of his great roles, but I just can't make myself take the plunge.
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ilysm you grizzled dead wolf man
Favorite Costumed Bean: Odysseus in Troy: curls, leather, thighs.
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Favorite Un-Costumed Bean: He strips in quite a lot of his films, so let's give it to Lady Chatterley for sheer screentime, exertion, and the bonus of being naked and wearing a flower crown. Honorable mention to When Saturday Comes for the totally not homoerotic amount of butts and also dick in the locker room bathtub scene.
Hurtin'est Bean: Bravo Two Zero. Oof, don't watch this one if you have an aversion to seeing pain, although---you're a Sean Bean fan, and we all know one of his MOs is being GREAT at pain. This one was directed by Tom Clegg, who directed Sharpe. Also lol at the sickle-shaped wound on his shoulder, which is covering his 100% Blade tattoo (he gets a lot of sickle-shaped wounds on his left shoulder).
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Best Inside References: The Frankenstein Chronicles, where he plays a former Peninsular soldier, and every reference to his service is a reference to Sharpe, including shots of his greenjacket, pistol, sword, and flogging scars. Honorable mention to The Martian for the Council of Elrond line.
Most Unsettling Bean: Cleanskin for moral grayness, The Frankenstein Chronicles for body horror
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Most Inefficient Use of Bean: Black Beauty. Despite getting high billing he's only onscreen for about two minutes and I'm convinced the long shots are a body double. Criminal.
Biggest Missed Opportunity: We were robbed of a Sean Bean Odyssey. R o b b e d
Funniest Bean: Deploying Bean for comedy is woefully underused, but he made full use of his ~15 seconds in The Vicar of Dibley ("Spring" episode). He's also hilarious in Wasted, though I haven't watched the show, only the clips he's in on YouTube, where he plays a mock version of himself serving as a spirit guide for a stoner. IMO, though, Sharpe gives him the most room for humor.
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Favorite Character Quirk: In World on Fire, when Douglas is having WWI flashbacks and really coming apart, he kept putting his hand to his mouth. My modern brain first read this as talking into a phantom radio, but of course that wasn't right, and then I realized--he was reaching for a phantom gas mask. CHILLS. AMAZING. (Honorable mentions to the Mouth Rub and the Tongue Thing [pictured above]).
Most Nostalgic Bean: National Treasure. The concept may be utter silliness, but you have to admit, this is a fun movie to watch.
Best Dismount from a Horse: Henry VIII, he goes pshwing out of the saddle
Best Swordplay: You may think there's no possible answer to this, but there is---two moments, specifically: the preparatory sword-spin he does at Balin's tomb just before the goblin attack in Moria, and the four lunges he does at 1:26:22 of Sharpe's Battle. It's just facts.
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Prettiest Bean Film: Wolfwalkers, hands downnnn
Favorite Bean Death: All right, you knew we had to eventually end here. It's Boromir, obviously--- nothing tops that. But if we're looking at other roles, I think Patriot Games is my favorite, followed by Goldeneye.
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So! That concludes this installment of Bean films, though I'll be continuing the labor, and I hope you will, too. What are your favorites?
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thecurefordepression · 7 months
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atzupdates · 1 year
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[230828] Riot Games Music Twitter Update | made some new gamer friends at work ATEEZ 🌶️ we're sad that Captain Hongjoong couldn't make it but we'll always have a seat saved for him at the PC bang
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violecov · 1 year
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Melkor, in order to be forgiven, was forced to join the fellowship of the ring. It looked like a good idea, until he realized it was definitely not.
Hobbits are worse than elves.
Inspired by this amazing post of @skaelds .
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kierancaz · 27 days
It’s hard out here being a Sean Bean liker bc whatever character he’s playing easily becomes your favorite and then fucking dies
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retrocgads · 2 years
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UK 1985
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fckmini · 2 months
hi!! im looking for more mutuals who are into:
hotd, asoiaf, got
lotr, the hobbit
I absolutely ADORE fantasy! and am eager to write for these fandoms as well as share my thoughts/ opinions with others who love them!!!
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spinnenpfote6 · 3 months
You know how fabricated the outrage over black Aragorn in LOTR Magic: The Gathering was when you think about how in the 1978 cartoon he was a Native American flaunting his shaved legs in a miniskirt and Chanel boots and no one batted an eye
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oldschoolfrp · 2 years
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“There was a blow on the door that made it quiver; and then it began to grind slowly open, driving back the wedges.”  (Angus McBride cover for Moria, Middle Earth Citadel supplement for MERP, Rolemaster, and the Lord of the Rings Adventure Game, 2nd ed, 1994)
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sabusthings · 1 year
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gasp missing art
I forgot to upload these two with the FGO batch at the very beginning
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tinkerbitch69 · 5 months
Tagged by @homunyas tysm <3
Top 7 Comfort Films
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(Ignore that last one and pretend I’m mentally stable xoxo)
This was tricky to narrow down to just seven AND to keep in mind its films that make me happy not just my favourite films. Tho several of these would also crack my top 10 tbh.
Tagging @mildlysentientboots @valentinism @nifflering @getoutofmytardis @trupie @vangoghschair @thevanillahorizon @heartbuckles @karottenbackcreme + anyone else who wants to join in (no pressure <3)
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fellowshipofthefics · 9 months
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Can you believe the year is almost over? We can't! 🎉
As we charge towards the new year, we wanted to encourage you guys to reflect on your accomplishments for this year! Have you participated in a new event this year? Reached a writing goal? Or maybe you posted your first fanfic! We want to know!
Feel free to use the questions below as a guide to recap your year, or let followers ask you specific questions from this list. Whatever you want to do with these questions, it doesn't matter, just be sure to celebrate the victories!
Remember: all progress is good progress!
What is something new you tried with your writing this year?
Did you participate in any fandom events?
What's been your favorite project to work on?
Hardest project to work on?
Did you start any projects?
Did you finish any projects?
How many WIPS do you have now?
Share your favorite scene/line!
Share your favorite story title!
What does your writing system look like? (i.e. brainstorming, writing, editing - how do you do it?)
What's the best atmosphere for you to write?
Any particular snacks or drinks while writing?
Do you form playlists/soundtracks for your stories? Or even just for your "writing time"?
What advice would you give to a new writer?
What are some goals you have for 2024?
✨ Here at FOTFICS we want to thank everyone for another fantastic year! We have a lot of fun new things coming in 2024, and we hope to see you there!
Happy Holidays, everyone, from all of your fellowshipofthefics mods! @lordoftherazzles @ahufflepuffhobbit @fantasyinallforms
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sequesteredbhaalspawn · 6 months
Also why is Minthara a "Lolth-Sworn" Drow, when she clearly doesn't like Lolth? Like did Larian just give her the "evil" subrace (gross of them to have it be that why in the game tbh) because she's "evil?"
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smalltownfae · 1 year
Rules: post 10 of your favorite comfort movies and then tag 10 people
tagged by: @lairn (thank you :D)
I am so glad quality isn't necessary when it comes to comfort because this and my favourites list is kind of different.
Spirited Away
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This movie is just so beautiful to look at. When I think of comfort I think about the train scene or when Chihiro is at Zeniba's home. There are so many calm scenes in this movie and even the conflict is solved with no action. It's just people talking and trying to understand each other and themselves and I love it so very much.
2. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
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When I think of comfort I also think of the Shire. Oh how I wish I lived there. This movie is just so wholesome. I love when a group of people has to work together towards a common goal and I love the bonding moments. It is my favourite movie of the trilogy and one of my favourite movies in general, even though the lack of Smeagol is upsetting since he is my favourite character.
3. Pride
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This movie just fills my heart with such tender feelings. I laugh, I cry and I always end with a little hope.
4. The Princess Bride
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This has got to be the most quoteable movie of all time. Full of tropes, it's just a fun adventure that makes me laugh and feel relaxed.
5. Now You See Me
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Remember when I said I liked when a group of people comes together for a common goal? Yeah. Plus, this is a movie full of tricksters! Honestly, they were just waving a delicious toy in front of me and saying pssss psss psss with this one. I still remember having watched this in the cinema and wanting the sequel to be named Now You Don't. I was really upset when that wasn't the name. I own this in DVD and now I want to go rewatch it so I hope this answers all the questions.
6. Hot Fuzz
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Everytime I rewatch this movie I notice something new. This is another movie that never fails to make me laugh and it's also a great friendship story.
7. The Road to El Dorado
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Me and a former friend from my teens used to quote this movie all the time (in portuguese). This is one of the movies I know all the lines and it annoys my other friends to no end when they attempt to watch it with me. Very fond memories connected with this one.
8. Pride and Prejudice
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Just looking at Mr. Bingley's face makes me smile. Yeah, yeah, I am not on the Mr. Darcy camp. I like my men cute, kind hearted and a little dumb. Enough said. (This movie also looks beautiful)
9. Song of the Sea
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This seemingly simple story about conflicting family relationships resonated so much with me. Besides that, like Spirited Away, it is gorgeous to look at. This is probably my favourite movie in terms of visuals. I love the shapes, I love the colors, I love the sountrack!
10. 10 Things I Hate About You
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I possibly related to Kat way too much in my teens. This teen movie improved the Shakespeare play that inspired it.
Tagging: @whatevsbla @monpetitrenard @alloysius-g @random-jot @xserpx @vydumaj @electropeach @beeblackburn @garnetrena @logarithmicpanda (only if you want to do it, of course)
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