#felt? is it both...? but the cuts and music and the camera zoom in i mean the way catherine zeta-jones doesnt even seem to blink during the
valkaryah · 1 year
Ocean's Twelve (2004) dir. Steven Soderbergh
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undead-moth · 1 month
The last scene we get of Sydney this season is her having her panic attack. The scene isn't very long, but the Camera is extremely close to her face the whole time, and all we can see is her face and her hands. In that scene, we see her go from hyperventilating to beginning to breathe more slowly.
I noticed all this when I watched it the first time, and I also noticed that there's no music overlaying the scene. We can hear Syd's breathing, her crying, and the party happening in the background.
All of this stood out to me when I compared it to Carmy's panic attack scene. I compared them to begin with because so many other parallel scenes already exist between Syd and Carmy. Right away, I saw Syd's panic attack as another parallel. Just like in Carmy's scene, we see her alone. Just like in his, the camera is up very close, only showing us her face and hands. And most importantly, just like in Carmy's, she calms down. It wasn't strictly necessary to show us her calm down, and in fact, cutting away from her while she's still panicking would have been more emotionally intense for us. This more than anything else makes it feel like it's meant to be yet another parallel.
However, when comparing them, they're not properly mirroring each other in other ways.
In Carmy's panic attack scene, there's music overlay, initially skipping and then smoothing out, and we get flashes of his thoughts, which include clipped flashbacks from prior scenes. Because of this, when watching Carmy's panic attack, we know exactly what thoughts were causing him to panic, and what thought calmed him down. Thoughts of his family and Claire above all are causing him to panic, and thoughts of Sydney calm him down. The music stops skipping at the same moment he begins thinking about Syd.
But with Sydney, we don't get music, and we don't get flashes of her thoughts. Even if we can surmise what's causing her to panic, we don't get to see it, and we have no way of knowing what calms her down. We don't even have music offering insight, unless we include the music being played at the party - which, I listened to and looked at the lyrics for.
The song is "Laid" by James, and I think the music could be meant to imply Syd's thoughts on Carmy. It's a song about someone whose been told by his therapist that he needs to leave the woman he's seeing because she's behaving unhealthily and isn't good for him, and he knows it's true, but the song nonetheless ends with him asking, "When are you coming home?"
We know Syd is debating whether or not to leave The Bear, and we also know that the reason is because Carmy's behavior this season was unhealthy and affecting his relationship with her. I think the song could easily be alluding to Syd's desire to stay even though she thinks she shouldn't.
That could be all there is to this scene, and I certainly could be looking too deeply into it.
But season 4 could also return to this scene, and it could change. Since the music in this scene is background music, they could come back to it again in season 4 and overlay it with a different song that more indisputably is meant to offer insight into Syd's state of mind.
And given that we didn't get to see any visual representation of her thoughts, the second time around they could show us that.
Both the choice not to have music overlay and not to show us Syd's thoughts was intentional, and though the scene isn't long, it's a long time to spend zoomed in a character's face while she has a panic attack in silence. It felt conspicuous to me that there wasn't music or flashbacks indicating her thoughts.
And sure, I know we primarily see that happen with Carmy. He's the protagonist. His thoughts are shown to us more than anyone else's. But we do see other characters thoughts sometimes. For example, when they want to pass their fire safety exam, and they're waiting to see if the balloon fills, we get a snippet from all of the characters lined up to watch.
And given there are so many other very purposeful parallel scenes between Carmy and Syd, and this would appear to be another one, I feel like there has to be a reason this one so conspicuously deviated in style from its counterpart.
Basically, what I'm saying is, what I'm theorizing is, I think they purposefully didn't show us the whole story with Syd's flashback this season. I don't think the choice not to have music overlay and not to show us her thoughts was simply because they determined this was the most effective way to convey her panic attack to us. I don't think it was for the emotional effect silence or an extended up-close look at her distress would have on us, or at least, not just for that.
I think (I hope) season 4 will return to this scene, and when it does, it will more closely mirror Carmy's panic attack. I think (I hope) there will be music overlay, and we'll see flashes of Syd's thoughts. Just like in Carmy's, I think (I hope) we will get to see the transition from thoughts about what's panicking her, which we already know -
To thoughts about whatever calms her down.
I think that thought could either be of leaving The Bear, which would then solidify her decision to leave -
Or it could be of Carmy, which would then solidify her decision to stay.
I genuinely think that if this is the route they go, if I'm somehow incredulously spot-on, either one could work sufficiently with the narrative. I do think there's a strong chance Syd will leave The Bear -
However, the only way to truly make this scene mirror Carmy's scene, and to thereby make it consistent with all the parallels that have come before - and not incidentally or purposelessly either - it would have to be thoughts of Carmy calming her down.
I'm crossing my fingers.
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g1rlken · 3 months
┏ 𝐅𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 ┐
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part1 part 2. Alex turner x fem!actress reader
summary: Alex knows how to hold a grudge, moving on from a break up? What a foreign concept!
word count: 2.5k+
The cold of the grassland with its cutting pink winter wasn’t as cold as Alex. Grudge was an understatement, but to an extent it was valid. That’s what y/n thought and considered. After an ugly parting and hurt that she inflicted upon him she took accountability in accepting his harsh behavior. It wasn’t harsh per se it was just a lot of nothings. Harsh nothings. She tried to avoid it as much as he tried to avoid her but working together just made it worse. An exhibit about to follow as y/n, against her better judgement tried to join a conversation.
She felt invited enough to do so as Richard greeted her with an obnoxiously cheerful “good morning!” amidst his ongoing conversation with Alex. Choosing to ignore Alex’s evident indifference he waved her over “y/n!”
“Morning” she greeted in general to the both of them timidly looking at Alex to see if he would react with as much as a nod of acknowledgement but it was worse well, he didn’t even look in her direction even though she was right there.
“Yeah no you can go about it however you like…” Alex briefed to Richard about their conversation continuing it as if y/n hadn’t been invited to the conversation and she was just standing there dumbfounded.
“I was just telling him about making some changes in the camera operation, you know wide angle or zooming in from the writer’s perspective if he’d like it.” Richard filled in y/n on the context of the conversation since alex was rather rude about it. He definitely took a note of that.
“Right” y/n nodded attentively, playing it cool that it didn’t bother how Alex was acting. It had been just a week since the shoot began, dismissing her hi’s in the hotel lobby, scoffing or rolling her eyes at her in casual conversations, making it hugely evident how much he disliked being in her radius. It was all remotely digestive she was prepared for such spitefulness but instead of removing himself from the situation he was just giving her a hard time. It was getting increasingly embarrassing in front of the whole crew.
“For the second verse, before it begins we were thinking of adding a god’s eye shot-” Richard said showing y/n the script in his hands as he looked at alex, trying to make her feel inclusive to the conversation.
“What’s a god’s eye shot?” Alex asked stopping Richard midway.
“You don’t know what’s a god’s eye shot?” Richard asked having a bit of Hollywood condescension in his tone having worked cameras and directions for most of his career he considered it a common knowledge for most. Clearly not the songwriter.
Jumping in to save Alex having to fall small against Richard patronizing him y/n answered “Its basically like an aerial shot of a camera zooming out. Its also called a bird’s eye shot. It’s a perspective to make the watcher-“ Y/n tried to explain it to him casually as if it wasn’t a big deal that he didn’t know that.
Alex interrupted her almost immediately, “Sounds fine.” He replied to Richard as if he was the one who just explained him about the shot and not y/n. Disregarding her helpful set of tone as well like he truly couldn’t care less.
“Are you sure?” Richard asked to confirm he wasn’t just trying to cut the conversation short to spite y/n.
“Look mate, this is your job. Making the song is my job, this music video is your job.” Alex explained assertively as he crossed his arms. Y/n nodded as if he was talking to her, her nonchalance irritated him very much. “I wouldn’t like it if you told me how to make a song” he said and for the first time through this entire interaction he looked at y/n, “you know like in any relationship, you wouldn’t like if you were told what you felt, if you were told what’s hurting what’s not. You’d want to decide that for yourself no?” he had a piercing gaze, entitled even, towards y/n as he talked to her through Richard. “So I wouldn’t want to tell you how to do your job…do what you feel right.” He said to Richard patting his shoulder as he exited leaving both y/n and Richard speechless.
As Alex left with his last word y/n was left looking down at the grass as if it were the most interesting thing. Somewhat with shame too, through Alex’s scold like bitter conversation. “He’s clearly not over it.” Richard remarked hugging his clipboard.
Scoffing y/n looked up and watched Alex leave, “Yeah…this is such bullshit.” She said averting her gaze back to Richard to not risk being caught looking at Alex for long. “didn’t your PR team think this through, we’re not even together anymore this would look so awful.”
“Any publicity is good publicity for them” Richard explained with a shrug, “and originally Alex did want you for the music video so there’s that…” trailing off.
“That’s six months ago.” Y/n said her voice laced with slight agitation after and through that interaction. Referring to the timeline of before their breakup. ‘Originally’ like how Richard said Alex wanted her for the music video. She had stopped working for her projects for two months since the Emmy fiasco. Alex had assigned her to work with his team for the music video, back then before the album was out. Alex wanted to help her through it, he wanted her to resume acting through a comfortable setting if he would be on set with her it would be the best way for her to ease back into her job. Ironically enough after all this time, his presence was making being on set insufferable for her.
“No” Richard shook his head, confused how she didn’t know so far “Even after that.” He told her unsure if being subjected to tell her this would help her somehow. “Since you two broke this song is like writer’s heaven for him right? So he said and I quote, ‘She is the devil of my writer’s heaven so why not.’ But he was subtle with it.”
“wait what?” y/n asked wide eyed and really surprised he would say that “He called me the devil?!” sometimes she wondered if she was pre-existingly scared of confrontations or was growing to scared of them but she could not find it in herself to go graceful about this newfound information.
“Not figuratively.” Richard defended the bluntness of how he relayed that onto her.
“The devil though? He called me that?” She asked not being over the insult used as an adverb. Emphasizing on ‘that’ as her eyes widened in horror, more and more she contemplated that word.
“Look that’s besides the point…” Richard trailed off in a comforting way to tell her otherwise “he wanted you here even after the break up and is now acting passive aggressive to you?”
“Maybe he hasn’t had closure” y/n said crossing her arms, tightening them around her with her jacket to withstand the cold wind. Given how awful she felt around him in addition to the devil comment she hadn’t had closure herself.
“I don’t think so, he is growing way too friendly with literally every woman you see with him. Just in six months.” Richard, said with a dramatic scoff, undoubtedly on y/n’s side through the vague black and white of their break up.
“is he now?” She asked raising a brow, growing increasingly uncomfortable at the validness of Alex’s grudge. If he had it in himself to move on as such why was he being such a passive aggressive jerk to her. The newfound confusion was quick to crumble itself as she recalled his crying face from the night of their break up. “You know its fine, he’s supposed to move on…I’ve done so to.”
“If you say so.”
The whole day grew worse with zero productiveness, getting all ready for the shot, preparing the shot itself was such a hustle in itself. A heavy downpour caused the production for that day to shut down altogether. The sun was below horizon way earlier than city sunset timings. Tidying herself out of her character clothes and makeup after spending almost the entire day in them, only to do nothing, y/n was in her car in her usual off screen attire again. Overwhelmed with the day’s outcome and all the thoughts which had hours worth of free time to marinate into depressive keep-you-up-at-night ones. Sighing she leant on the steering wheel with her head on her forearm relaxing before the godawful snow covered road back to the hotel. By mistake she must have had reverse gear set, in an already spinning life she didn’t notice her car pull back. Until a mall thud into the car behind her in the parking lot she came back to her senses and quickly pulled breaks. No alarm went off so she thought it must be a curb, regardless she never parked that gracefully so she was used to hitting curbs. “Are you out of your mind?!” a voice called out to make her conclude otherwise about the curb. She barely heard it within closed windows but she would recognize that voice anywhere.
With a deep breath she unbuckled herself and got out of her car to see Alex standing between her car and the one behind which she victimized with a supposed hit. “Sorry, hey, my bad” she apologized immediately. Contrary to new York set of driving skills, the city makes you master in road rage. But this was Alex and she was clearly not in his good graces to begin with.
“You park like a maniac that was diabolical-” he began with furrowed brows and a very intimidating agitation laced in his tone. He knew the context of her poor parking skills beforehand so he accusatory, precisely right.
“I wasn’t parking, I was getting out.” She replied, guilt in her tone even though she wanted to be stern.
“After hitting another car?” He asked with a scoff as he crossed his arm. The generally calm, the awfully chill Alex Turner was all of a sudden very concerned about a half empty parking lot.
“No-there was no alarm I thought it was a curb.” She said, pulling her arms closer to herself because it was too cold without her sweater she removed inside the car.
“Now you cant tell the difference between a curb and a car and you’re out there on the road?” he spoke bitterly, puprosley showing her down.
Y/n felt guilty as she rooted-ly did so around him ever since their breakup. She allotted this agency to let him be bitter to her because of that but as of now, he was being unreasonably petty “Hey I have a valid driving llicense, I don’t need you to police me on it.”
“Sure my lady, why don’t you go out on the road and grace us peasants-“
”Don’t be so melodramatic there’s barely a scratch on your car!” She exclaimed with a huff as she looked over at the front truck to cross check.
“A fender bender is a big deal and this is your fault, what if I was in it?” Alex inquired shaking her head as he leant back on the car, wanting to appear rather authoritative.
“Fine” she sighed realising this was going nowhere progressive “I’ll just pay for the damages. How does that sound?”
“Oh?” He snickered in a harsh way looking to the side and then back at him, “oh you’ll pay for the damages, will you?” The irony wasn’t lost on either of them but he was just overdoing it a bit. “That’s shocking, you generally prefer to run when you mess up.”
“Alex just because I tolerate you on set, my workspace, doesn’t mean you can constantly berate me.” She said, genuinely disheartened he would bring up everything to the same thing over and over again.
“Tolerate?” He gasped softly for dramatic effect “You tolerate me, y/n? After everything you’re seriously going to stand there tell me that?”
“Breaking up with you is not a crime Alex.” Y/n said as her face fell that they were here bickering again. There was a much more graceful way to go about this than constantly talk down to her on set, she let it be given she was here for work but he was going out of his way to be unpleasant. In the hotel lobby, by the vending machine, blocking her supposedly favourite drink and he knew it was her favourite: damn a two year blissful relationships. “Spilling coffee on my shoes, getting the intern to send me the wrong schedule and I know you added those coloured pods to my white shirt laundry.” She hasn’t even been here a week but Alex had created absolute havoc misusing their shared hotel space privileges.
“Whatever the fuck you’re on about” he said disregarding and denying what she was accusing him of, he had done it but it wasn’t anywhere major nor significantly hurtful how she hurt him and so far he had been the bigger person. “You think you’re so important in my life that I would do all that? You think I have all that time, y/n?” He quite literally did have all that time. He wasn’t even needed to make the music video he just came because he wished to do so and the studio could most definitely not refuse him if he wanted to be present for the shoot of a song he made.
“You’re a bully.” Y/n said after much thought to come up with a conventional yet witty
insult that was the best she could do.
“I’m a bully?” Alex repeated, just expectedly surprised how surface level childish that comment was. She was growing on his nerves throughout this interaction and he could tell she felt cold, his muscle memory being taking off his jacket for her, that thought brought a bittersweet nostalgia as much as irritation. He hated that he could just tell she was cold, he had grown to hate her even but not unlearn her, “you are so pointless…go on inside princess you’d probably freeze out here” he scoffed and turned around.
As did y/n thinking that leaving faster than him was some kind of a heavy blow because she couldn’t have the last word. The blow did hit her eventually as she was in the silence of her car again, he’d known her like the back of his hand and that’s all they’ll be now. To know somebody as truly as she let him know her, a big piece of him was out of herself as long as he knew her but that’s all they would ever be now. Just pointless details of being so close to someone once ages ago. Maybe that’s how he thought of her now and she didn’t blame him.
She ran, she blew it. But it did change the fact that it was difficult to stomach his harshness. Alex, whose gentle affections was all she knew. Her Alex who changed the door from its hinges to a new one till three in the morning because she mentioned it irked her how the door closed, that Alex was slamming the door of his life on her face. Having to get used to his indifference, it hurt more than leaving perhaps because leaving was always easier.
Tags: @sagegreensimmr @indierockgirrl @turnersverse @ladydraculasthings @libertyybellls @kelizai @bewr0210
Also if you want to be added to the tag list let me know :)
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fhrlclln · 2 years
i think we need a part two to the rockstar! eddie x wife! reader, possibly where it left off but this time they’re gonna make a baby? ;)
rockstar! eddie x wife! reader
i absolutely adored writing this! the much needed part 2 is here!! here’s part 1
nsfw/smut under the cut
this time in the munson household…
“the best sex i had?” eddie asks confusingly as the camera crew nodded, zooming into his face as he sat by the pool, cigar in hand and whiskey by his side. shirtless, tattoos covering his chest while his mullet was tied in a low ponytail. the scent of chlorine filling his nostrils as he relaxes himself after such a tiring week of non-stop music making for the next corroded coffin album and taking extra care of you nowadays. these past months being so hectic on the both of you. it was refreshing to get a weeks worth of stay at home vacation.
“thought i’d said that already. any sex with my fucking wife, man.” he shrugs, bored at such plain question. the camera man only says they know that but in specific detail.
“oh, you all are getting nosy as shit.” he scoffs and laughs at it as he blows out a smoke. he leans back on the chair, sighing as he smiles at it, every memory him making sweet love to you in his mind but one always sticks to him to this day. quite recently it was as well.
“well the best fucking sex is when you’re really determined. don’t wanna overshare but getting your wife pregnant is the best sex, you horny fucks.” he says, taking in the sun, smirking as he remembers it so vividly that he could get an hard-on shamelessly in front of the camera. not that his fans hadn’t seen it countlessly when you’re around the show.
it was after that filming when you told him about your desire of a little munson running around the big mansion. it never left his mind that you wanted a family with him. i mean, of course it was bound to happen. but he never felt so blessed that you’d want a kid with him, never in his life he’d imagine being a father. his dad was an asshole, he expected much he could turn like his dad but he vowed to never think of that way. he had you, he loves you, and he will do everything to get what you want.
and he’ll get you a fucking kid.
“you’d really wanna have little me’s and you’s, sweetheart?” he wraps his arms around your waist, hands resting on your belly as you perfume hit his nose making him sigh tiredly. you nodded, eyes focused on the eggs you were frying and the pancakes you were flipping as well as the crisp bacon cooking. felt like heaven to him right now.
“of course i do, eds.” you answered as he kissed your neck. “you think i wouldn’t?”
“well, i don’t fucking know, thought that this wouldn’t cross your mind since we’re so busy all the time that we wouldn’t have the capacity.” he counters, knowing you were also busy with keeping up your image. magazines, photo shoots, modeling and all for the fans. which he currently despises how his own fans are horny fuckers for you. you were basically a 90’s it girl now, rockstar wife that he’s so lucky to be with.
“oh, eddie.” you turned around, facing him as you wrap your arms around his neck. kissing his lips as he squeezes your ass. “having kids with you has always been on my mind since we married.”
“mhm.” you nodded, kissing him again, slow and tender, no screaming or fighting, just pure bliss of the sweet moment. eddie melts tasting your strawberry glossed lips, his hand roamed up and down at the expanse of your lower back. your sundress so sheer that he could feel your skin. fueling his desire further.
“we could get started now, ey?” he teases, nibbling your lower lip as you let out a quiet moan when he descend down to kiss your neck, enticing you.
“but breakfast, eddie.” you whined, scolding him.
“but that’s what you want right now, isn’t it? me topping you up with my cum ‘til you get so round with my child.” he breaths out, pressing his covered bulge to your stomach. his black boxer shorts feeling tight around his crotch. you sighed at him, the damn man had a knack way of his words to get you riled up. honestly, you weren’t complaining but it was so hard to say no to him sometimes.
“you’ll be fucking glowing as ever. i’ll take care of you the whole shitty 9 months, fuck you real good.” he smirks, lifting your sundress up until his hand met with your bare ass. you grew accustom to not wear panties most of the time, easy access it is for you.
“fuck you, i w-wanted to make breakfast— oh!” you gasped when he lifts you up by your waist, shutting the stoves quickly as he circles to place you gently on the marble counter of the kitchen. he grins boyishly making your heart thump remembering your highschool days with him. he still looks the same back then.
“fine.” you sigh at him as he greedily hikes up your sundress to reveal your glistening pussy. “but you better get me pregnant, munson. or else.”
“ooh, i’ll fill you up in no time.” he promises, shoving his boxers down. he was about to do his usual foreplay but you stopped him by his wrist. he looks up, feeling puzzled by your intrusion.
“just want it now, please.” you pleaded as he chuckles at that.
“you on the pill?” he asks warily.
“nope.” you answer, wiggling your hips to seduce him further as he pumps himself first, precum glistening the head as you eyed it hungrily, spreading your legs wider as he positions himself to your entrance. rubbing the tip of his cock on your clit for moisture as you breathlessly moaned at the pleasant feeling.
“fuck.” he breaths out as he pushes in, determined to make your wish come true. he sinks in blissfully, the heat of your cunt coating him with such ease. no matter how many times he gets to slide into you, it never tires him out how you were made for him. your cunt was made for his cock. bottoming out, you wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, letting out a mewl as he starts pumping in and out. teasing you relentlessly.
“put a baby in me, munson. pleaseee…” you begged, salivating at the thought of his cum in you. you wanted this as much as him. you wanted it so bad for so long, now was the time he has to give it to you.
“i will, baby. i will.” he promises, snapping his hips suddenly in such vigor that made you squirm and grip his shoulders hard. he pounds into you, every snap of his hips a promise that he’s fulfilling. so determined to get you knock up in the moment. you gasped, shuddered, moaned at every move his cock rubs inside you raw. you loved it, loved the look on his face. so serious as he kisses your now bare chest as you shove it down for him.
“these fucking breasts gonna swell up soon.” he groans, burying his face as he moves his head side to side, loving the feeling of your soft breasts on his face. you giggled as he grips your hips hard, fucking you with no will to stop. the kitchen is filled with the lewdness of wet skin slapping, groans and moans and breathless whispers of curses.
“gonna..” eddie starts, kissing you hard, tongue and all. “make you a mama, huh. gonna make you a mama. you like that?” he practically growls against your lips, feeling his release near seeing you mercilessly take in his brutal pace as you rubbed your swollen clit.
“yes, yes, yes— fuck! please, eddie!” you begged, eyes watering as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. one sharp thrust had you shuddering as the coil in your stomach exploded making you clamp hard around him.
“shit—“ eddie moans out, bottoming in to the hilt as he fills you up with spurts of his release. your wet walls clamping down on him hard as he grinds in as you sobbed at such wonderful feeling inside of you. he sighs, slumping a bit as the grip on his shoulder lessened, making you slump back against his chest tiredly.
“filled you up good, sweetheart?” he asks breathlessly, cupping your cheeks as he kisses your lips softly for the rough fucking.
“yeah.” you shakily nodded, feeling blissed out as ever. eddie smirks, rubbing your stomach, feeling a little giddy he’s gonna see it round and plump soon.
“now we wait.” he smiles making you smile tiredly. breakfast out of your mind.
and back to the present…
“that fucking sex was the best out of all, you horny shits.” he breathed out, done reminiscing about it. “i’m starting to fucking think you all just wanna hear how me and my wife fuck.” he chuckles, the camera man zooms out as you suddenly appeared with heat in your steps.
“eddie!” you sniffled, eddie immediately sits up, facing the teary eyed heavily pregnant you.
“baby! what happened?” he asks worriedly seeing you cry as you sat on his lap, burying your face in his neck as you held something in your hands. “did something go wrong, sweetheart? did you get hurt or is it the baby—“
“my shoes!” you sniffled. eddie waits as he caresses your back, knowing how sore you are from carrying the little rascal growing in your stomach. the whole media went crazy when they first found out you were 5 months pregnant after making a public view to the world. eddie was above happy everyone got to know about the munson family starting to expand.
“what about your shoes, baby?” he asks curiously as you shake your head, tossing the heels into the pool. he ignores those as you grumbled. emotion shifting.
“they don’t fucking fit me anymore and i don’t know why! my fucking stomach is already in the way, i couldn’t bend down and now my shoes don’t fit!” you sobbed as the camera man moves away from the scene as eddie gestured for privacy. he licks his lips to himself, knowing those damn hormones are poking at you for the past 8 months. he kisses your forehead as he wipes away your tears. a determination in his eyes, wanting you to feel relax as ever, knowing your literally carrying his child. he’s literally at your beck and call these few months.
“sweetheart, i’ll buy you another pair. don’t you fucking worry.”
i love me husband rockstar eddie 🥹
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madhatterbri · 1 year
Care | HOOK
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Summary: Hook and you broke up. Anna with the help of Jack uses this to come for your championship belt. An unexpected hero saves you.
Author's Note: GIF has nothing to do with this it just makes me feral. 😭🤌
As always, requests. 🥺🥺
Life is hard working for a wrestling company. Friendships and relationships constantly came and went. You travel a lot and spent time with fellow wrestlers more than your own family. You swore you would never be with anyone in AEW until you laid eyes on Hook.
The relationship was physical at first. You both wanted to have sex without feeling bad for someone waiting for you to come home. It was nice at the beginning. You two would meet up together after the show. Times changed when you started developing feelings.
You were honest with him, but he wasn't interested in a relationship. The two of you were young. He wanted to experience the world. More like experience girls around the world. In order to avoid anymore hurt, you two decided to go your separate ways. That was three months ago.
Now you were getting ready to cut a promo in the ring. Your make-up was done and the championship belt was secure on your shoulder. Tonight was simple enough, anger Anna Jay. The two of you hated each other. It wouldn't be hard.
The unsettling feeling of someone watching you made the hairs on your neck stand. You turned to see the handsome devil himself. He was in a hoodie and sweatpants eating chips. His mind seemed to be in a different galaxy, but he was definitely staring at you. You missed being able to talk to him. Maybe that was a resolution for another year.
The familiar sound of your entrance music played in the arena. You walked out to the top of the ramp. The crowd went wild. Fans of different ages reached out for you to high five them.
The microphone was handed to you. An once rowdy crowd was quiet to hear you. You spoke your piece about Anna. Some of the insults were low. Tony gave you the green light to rile up Anna. You were going to take it. Your speech was cut off by Anna's music.
Anna came out with Jack in tow. She stormed to the ring. You dropped your championship belt in the middle of the ring to meet her outside the ropes. Anna was the first to swing. The two of you landing blows on each other. You never noticed Jack grabbing your championship belt from the ring.
"You think your fuck buddy is going to save you, Y/N?" She asked menacingly. You hadn't thought you would really need help. Normally, you weren't really put in jeopardy of actually losing the belt you worked so hard for.
"I don't need anyone," you scoffed. "I got in this business alone and I'll fight and die alone,"
"You think your are so funny?"
"Actually? Yeah," you answered truthfully. The crowd laughed at your corny jokes. You had to be funny. Anna pushed you to the ground. You landed on your hands and knees facing away from her.
'Rude,' you thought before getting up. You stood up and faced her. Before you could attack, Anna kicked you into the stairs. A scream of anguish sounded through the arena.
"What the fuck?" You asked yourself. Immediately the crowd gasped as their women's champ went down. Your head and back slammed to the stairs. Anna stood above you as you slid to the floor. The championship belt displayed on her shoulder. The camera zoomed in on the two of you. Your eyes pleaded for someone to help you.
"This is going to be mine, Y/N. I'm going to beat your ass until I say I'm tired. Do you understand me?" She yelled at you. You moved your legs as if to get up. She stood on your leg to stop you. Painful throbbing occurred under her foot.
The arena went dark. You were starting to wonder if you passed out. Your head throbbed and you were pretty sure your upper back fell out. The familiar rift of Chairman's Intent felt like an angel's song. Cheers filled the arena.
"We gotta go!" Jack yelled to her. Anna dropped the belt and ran with him into the audience.
Hook was at your side.
"Are you okay?"
"Do I look okay?"
"I was hoping she'd kick that shitty attitude out of you," he countered and helped you to your feet. Hook grabbed your belt knowing how possessive you were with it. Your legs wobbled as he helped you up the ramp. Several members of the crowd wished you a speedy recovery.
You limped to medical with him helping you inside. Hook helped you on the bed while you waited for the doctors to run their tests on you.
"Thanks. I didn't think anyone was going to save me,"
"You didn't think I would save you?" He questioned.
"I didn't think you would care."
"I've always cared,"
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pommpuriinn · 7 months
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‪⋅˚₊‧ synopsis‧₊˚ ⋅ the last event of 2023 for txt and of course they had to end it with a bang
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Red carpet outfit | makeup | nails | hair
᧔o᧓ the flashing lights were blinding and the photographers yelling out the members names was nothing new to the group. They kept their smiles on and continued posing until the MC came to ask questions.
᧔o᧓ “Joohyung-ssi how does it feel to finally perform one of your songs with a few of your members?” The MC asked. “I’m so excited! I always wanted to do this. I hope moa are just as excited and please cheer loudly for us.” Joohyung got embarrassed towards the end making everyone chuckle.
᧔o᧓ the MC made them each turn and say something nice to another. Beomgyu looked at Joohyung and even before saying anything the photographers went crazy with snapping pictures of the couple. With the sudden action made both of laugh. Beomgyu cleared his throat before speaking, “Joohyung is the definition of a perfect idol that our group is very proud of.” It was short and sweet which made Joohyung beam at him.
᧔o᧓ Joohyung turned to Yeonjun “um…” Joohyung was getting embarrassed again. “Y-you practice so hard and I admire you a lot for how hard working you are…um yeah.”
“Noona what was that?” Yeonjun laughed while hugging a flustered Joohyung. “I’m sorry, I was put on the spot.” Joohyung covered her face with her hands. “It’s ok noona.” Yeonjun rubbed her back comforting her.
᧔o᧓ Joohyung did go viral from her abs being more defined along with her elegant looks throughout the night. With her pearly white hair color Joohyung was called ice queen all over social media.
Gotta Go outfit | makeup | hair
᧔o᧓ the second those stage lights turned on the whole venue filled with screams. The trio just had a chic aura to them with this performance. Joohyung combined the original feminine dance moves with a masculine touch to them to suit Yeonjun and Beomgyu better in the company opinion. Joohyung would still dance to the original choreo towards the end of the main chorus.
᧔o᧓ Yeonjun and Joohyung got to share the high note with each other which moas erupted with cheer. Soon after the high note Joohyung got on the floor to so you iconic leg move. This performance was definitely the talk of the night and probably the most anticipated one.
The main performance outfit | makeup | hair
᧔o᧓ during ‘CTF’ the camera zoomed in on Joohyung during her part and she gave a flirty wink causing moas to scream. During the performance Joohyung felt her hair get caught on the gems on her jean jacket, so when it was time to take them off for ‘Tinnitus’ the jacket took some of Joohyung’s hair out of her braid. She held in her whimper from the pain and continued on performing.
᧔o᧓ many people praised Joohyung for doing hard choreo in heels, singing live while dancing, and for her amazing facial expressions.
Practice outfit
᧔o᧓ “I miss the memo today.” Joohyung laughed, as she looked at her pink set and the all the members dark fits. The video then cut to the members looking at Joohyung’s abs, “I’m jealous of noona.” Kai pointed at Joohyung’s stomach. “You should come with us to the gym then.” Joohyung teased Kai. “I’m lazy~”
᧔o᧓ Soobin made Joohyung practice with him for his stage with Arin from Oh My Girl. He kept on smiling and laughing at Joohyung straight face while doing such a lively dance. “Noona you have to act cute!” Soobin whined, as he kept on dancing. “Fine.” Joohyung switch to being cute making Soobin burst out laughing.
᧔o᧓ the video shows the new trio practicing for ‘Gotta Go’. “Joohyung how about we do this-” Yeonjun shows what he thinks looks better in the dance. “Let’s try it.” The three continue practicing. Joohyung even practices her singing while dancing causing moas to go crazy on twitter with all the clips of her raw vocals.
᧔o᧓ Joohyung came to support Yeonjun as he was going to film his VCR intro. “It’s looks so good.” Joohyung watched Yeonjun through the tv. Once Yeonjun came back out of breath Joohyung immediately gave him a water bottle and hugged him, “you did so good junie-ah~”
᧔o᧓ it was now Soobin’s turn to perform his duo stage and just before leaving Joohyung stopped him to fixed his hair and outfit one last time. “There, you’re perfect.” She smiled up at him. “Thank you noona.” He just wanted to squeeze her with how endearing she was being.
᧔o᧓ “woah, woah, noona you look so chic!” Taehyun big boba eyes stare at Joohyung’s whole look. “Thanks, I really love it.” Joohyung looked into the mirror while fixing little things about her stage outfit. “Want me to take photos for you?” Yeonjun asked, already getting his phone ready. Joohyung gasped, “will you?” Yeonjun hummed ‘yes’ and already started pointing the camera towards Joohyung. They spent a good 10 minutes takes pictures, some solos pics then duo, and finally many trio ones. Just before leaving to the stage Joohyung started warming up her vocals and singing her parts. “I have to make sure my voice is in good condition before going.” Joohyung did feel a bit of pressure to perform the best she can, especially with this anticipated stage.
᧔o᧓ Joohyung came back to the waiting room squealing with happiness. “We were so good! I couldn’t even hear because of the cheers.” Everyone clapped and explained how good it looked. “I heard it through my ear-ins.” Beomgyu told the camera.
᧔o᧓ the group got a little break before their main group performance since they only had to perform short versions of their individual stages because they pre recorded the day prior. Joohyung mainly just fell asleep on the couch while Taehyun and Yeonjun did mini workouts.
᧔o᧓ the camera showed Soobin watching the ‘Gotta Go’ performance. “Woah they did a good job. Noona look so pretty with her makeup.” He chuckled while fixing his ear-ins and headset mic.
᧔o᧓ finally the members were done with all their performances and the cameraman showed them walking back into their waiting room. “Look there’s a chuck of my hair stuck.” Joohyung showed the camera her white hair strands clinging into the jewels of the jacket. “Did it hurt?” Yeonjun gasped at the sight. “It did! I had to hold in the pain.” Joohyung threw the jacket onto a makeup chair. “I had to suck in the tear that was coming out because of how hard I pulled it.” Joohyung cried, as she threw herself in the couch. 
᧔o᧓ “I think moas will enjoy all of our performances from today and we really enjoy performing all of our songs.” Joohyung did a mini clap, as she spoke. “Everyone did an amazing job today. Well done!” The members clapped before saying ‘fighting!’ 
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fallinginaforrest · 1 year
Okay here's my opinion:
Curt being the DP for Workin' boys is the best thing that coulda happened to it. There are so many choices that were made during filming that just absolutely heighten the level of comedy. It's shot like a Mockumentary almost? The shakycam and the randomized movement? As someone who wrote a Mockumentary last year, I can only dream of pulling off a film like this.
A couple things I wanna point out:
-the minuscule push in on Hidgens when he realises he won the workshop competition feels very office-ey.
-the cut back to MK's amused face had me WHEEZING
-the pan over to Paul as be reminds Hidgens to remember the changes
-"apparently a musical about six men bonding on a football field isnt 'of the times..."'etc, this line right here felt like a talking head, I appreciated it.
-those time cards eg: "Rehearsal #2, 28 days until opening" lent itself so much to the documentarian feel of it.
-"wow, what an auteur", not a camerawork comment but I appreciate the joke for all of the film and theater theory studiers
-the "rehearsal montage" I love a good meta joke.
-even in this montage, the camera is never really onstage. At all. Like, it's always situated off to the side or in the audience, and then zoomed in, the documentarian is trying to capture all of the action on stage instead of trying to make us feel immersed in the rehearsal process. We're not really aligned with any of the characters, we're an audience, and we better stay that way. For our own sake.
-and then this dynamic totally changes, and shifts away from the mockumentary feel
-but I'll get to that in a second
-henry is almost always by himself in the shot. I think the one of the only other times that the entirety of another character's face is seen alongside Henry's (I mean, both faces are CLEAR and uncovered in the shot) is in the two shot of him and Paul's stage manager in the rehearsal montage. He is totally singular in his experiences with this show! He is not one of these girls, if anything he is opposed to them. And this becomes clearer later, but it's a nice seed to sow, establishing that he is not in a collaborative mindset at all. The only other time I can think of is him and Zoey behind the curtain, even then, the only time both of their faces are actually IN the shot is when they're behind all the workin' girls. There's probably more but ykwim.
-also the sheer number of times that Henry is off centre in the shot with just a bunch of space surrounding him.
-okay after "two week notice" or whatever tf that song is called (Kim sounds amazing as always) is when the style shifts. It feels less like a mockumentary and more like this sort of voyeuristic peek into Henry's psyche. I LOVE IT.
-the fact that he is never shown in the shot with the workin' boys! It makes you absolutely feel like he is just talking to the air around him (this is hatchetfield so who knows, either way its unsettling)
-we get aligned with ruth, for the first time, we see the audience from the perspective of a character, not just from a stage POV
-the camera roll!! We don't get a full rotation but we feel dizzy and unsettled when we look at ruth, which is exactly how she feels!
-camera roll close up on Zoey. Uncomfortable, unsettling! Rests in a canted angle before continuing to roll on Hidgens! Who is centered in a low angle shot! We don't see the axe until he brings it up to his face! He is not only in a position of power here, but revealing the axe only when Henry makes it clear he is gonna kill them makes it clear that he calls the shots! We've departed from the Mockumentary style completely, as if this was never a documentary to begin with, more like we're flies on the wall or spirits in the theater or omniscient eldritch beings... anyway-
-long shot of Henry dragging zoey's body, no footage of them being killed, aligns us with the audience
-our friend the camera is getting shakey again, the chaos is in the process of ensueing
-THE PULL OUT SHOT OF GRACE WITH THE GUN. I GASPED. I KNEW IT WAS GONNA HAPPEN AND I GASPED. Fun fact on my first watch I thought this was a dolly shot but I dont think y'all are fitting a dolly on the Hudson theater main stage steps, and also the distance is too short so it must have been a pull out. It was REALLY SMOOTH.
-notice, when grace quotes the bible, we are EVER SO SLIGHTLY looking up at her. It gets progressively more obvious the further she gets into the line, but she has the power now. Somehow she always ends up with the fuckin' power, maybe I should convert to christianity smh.
-shakeycam is back again baby!
The creative minds put so much love and care into Hatchetfield, and you can tell that every project is a passion project. People know starkid primarily as a theater company, and that's great and all, but in reality it's an Avenue for all kind of creatives to not only have the opportunity to create all kinds of amazing things, let alone theater, but also have a way to show people. It's moved past being a theater company, with things like Starkid returns and Workin' boys, it's more like a production collective, and it feels like the beginning of a new era. Not only in terms of broadening the way that they Express themselves and be creative, but also in terms of finding a new niche in the industry. Finding a new, wider audience. Because yeah, you're always gonna have people that dislike the new media you produce, for nostalgia's sake or whatever, but beyond that, there are going to be be people that absolutely love what you have to offer. There's no point in trying to revert back to the way it was before, or trying to cater specifically to an audience from an era gone by. How do you grow as an artist if you're always thinking in the past? Starkid is moving in a new direction. The next musical is likely not going to be hatchetfield, but I dont even mind because it's going to be new. New is always good, and Starkid has a bright future.
TL;DR @curtmega you're a literal genius, and starkid is TOTALLY AWESOME
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stranger-theory · 8 months
Song & Scene Analysis: Lumax vs Byler
I've also posted this on the Byler Subreddit so if you see it there, hi, that's me!
I’m sure you’re aware of song importance in Stranger Things with the Duffer Brothers saying sometimes it takes weeks to pick a song that conveys the exact message they’re trying to portray. I’ve seen quite a bit of theories around what songs mean what, but there’s one specific song that caught my attention.
There’s a scene in season two, episode six where Lucas and Max speak on top of a bus in the junkyard. It’s a lovely scene in which Max explains her behavior to Lucas, and apologizes for some stuff she wasn’t proud of. She says she’s sorry for acting like a jerk, and doesn’t ever want to be like that, but she feels overwhelmed with her home life and takes it out on people she doesn’t mean to. She then expresses that she likes California, and sometimes wants to go home, but having Lucas there with her for comfort makes her feel better. Max makes a call back to their “Stalker” joke, with a shared laugh. This emotional scene is then cut off by the sighting of a demodog, and a tense scene plays.
Now you know the base of the conversation, let me tell you about a similar scene I see as a parallel. Season four, episode four bedroom talk. This scene is between Mike and Will, where Mike apologizes to Will. In his apology he says he’s sorry for acting like a jerk, but everything with El was just really overwhelming and he doesn’t want Will to feel like their argument was personal. Mike explains to Will that he really appreciates Hawkins, but, since Will moved to California, it feels different. He misses Will. They share a “Cool” with each other and sit in silence while smiling, but are cut off by the doorbell as Jack’s men come searching for El.
These scenes may not feel as similar as I'm insisting with just this information, but there’s a very key portion to this parallel: Music.
I’m going to go through these scenes at the same time to help you understand where I’m coming from. At the current moments in time for these scenes, Lucas/Will have a like Max/Mike, but don’t know how to confront them about it. Max/Mike both apologize to Lucas/Will for hurting them when they didn’t mean to. Max/Mike say the reason they acted like this was because they felt overwhelmed with their lives at the moment. Max/Mike say that they like California/Hawkins but without Lucas/Will, it wouldn’t be/isn't the same. Max/Mike make a callback to “Stalker/Cool”. Almost directly after these heartfelt talks, they’re interrupted with the intense Demodog/Goverment scenes. The same song plays in these scenes to further imply that we’re supposed to view them the same way. The camera slowly zooms closer on their reactions to help the audience grasp these scenes better, and help it feel more intimate.
These are things you basically can’t deny, as I’m just stating the facts of these scenes. From all of these similarities and comparisons, we can also further suspect other aspects of these scenes. Something we’re allowed to assume is that, like Max, Mike also has feelings for Will. If the original scene including this song is meant to be interpreted as romantic, then why would the second be any different? If the original scene is meant to be read as a “romantic” and “intimate” apology, then why would the second scene suddenly be a purely platonic interaction? If they’d wanted us as an audience to think otherwise, then they would have chosen a different way to portray this scene.
I thank you greatly for listening to me rant about why this scene drove me crazy. I’ve been looking forward to posting this for a while, but with my very on fire Spongebob looking brain, I never remembered. I’d love love looooove to hear your thoughts and add ons to this, ESPECIALLY corrections if i’ve somehow misinterpreted something. I wouldn't want to spread misinformation. Have a good morning, afternoon, or night, folks.
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yawn-junn · 1 year
ding-dong, u have request (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。✉️
can i request 8turn reaction to 9th member m!reader unconsciously peck on hand in live or music show, he usually do not in front of camera maybe bc 8turn hit chart or won (⁠゜⁠o⁠゜⁠;
if too much u can write u want, thx for open request (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
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♡︎Kissing there hand on camera♡︎
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Yeah I can definitely write that it's not to much also so sorry for taking so long to get to this ik it was sitting in my asks for awhile now but recently with all the things going on with my dad and much more I barley had time but I'm getting more time now so you can expect my normal update schedule from here on out unless I get too busy to write anything also sorry if there are spelling errors or things that don't line up I haven't slept (it's currently 8am-)
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TW: mentions of getting hate : ALOT of being flustered : lots of kissing (obv-) : mentions of the Disney movie "Inside Out" : mentions of biting someone : public relationship : mentions of the girl group TWICE : Mentions of Yoonsung twerking : mentions of Fanfiction :
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Tbh he forgot you both were on camera like Im not sure how to explain it but he kinda went into his own little world the moment you touched his hand (ah young love at it's finest) so really he didn't realize the camera was pointing at you two when you reached and kissed his hand until a few days later he watched the video back then the embarrassment came flooding in
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He got flustered when your lips touched his hand like to the point he started dropping everything he was holding and you could feel his palms start sweating the camera person noticed the flustered look on his face so ofc they zoomed in Kyungmin was trending for a few days after that one
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No reaction stoned face but on the inside his brain short circuited like y'know in the Inside out movie how the boys brain was like "emergency girl alert" that's what his was on but it was "emergency Y/N alert" (gotta stay inclusive)
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This boy he teased you by kissing your cheek he tried to reach your lips but you wouldn't let him so he got what he got but he made you extremely flustered instead
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Being the youngest most attention is on him from turnings, staff and, members so when you raised his hand up to kiss it everyone saw and refused to let the video go like y'all went on trending for a month
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(My baby 🥺) anyway this boy tried to stop you before you could even reach his hand he thought you were going to bite him (I can't be the only one who randomly bites my friends and S/O's-) but once he did realize what you wanted he kissed your head instead now that spawned a lot of fanfiction
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After the video of him getting so flustered he almost passed out made it's way on the internet the turnings made it a fan known meme of everytime they make a video or edit on 8Turn to always play Shy Shy by TWICE when the camera cuts to you and him-
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You kissed his hand he kissed you forgetting about the camera and people around of course you both got a lot of hate from "fans" and Yoonsung felt terrible but you gave him words of encouragement and kisses and cuddles and he was back to twerking
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theoddcatlady · 10 months
I'm Never Shooting Another Snuff Film
You don’t start out shooting snuff. You build up to it. To be honest, I never thought I’d let it get that far. And I wish I never did.
I started out wanting to be a legit film maker. But that’s a hard business to break into when you don’t know the right people. Living on your own is expensive, and it gets humiliating to ask your parents for help covering your rent after the second time. My mom was always more than happy to help, but it wasn’t like my parents were loaded, and I hated being a leech.
Eating nothing but ramen noodles and cheap mac n cheese is its own kind of misery. Not to mention being unable to go out and do anything with friends. I mean, I survived, but I was miserable. So when the chance to film a porno came up, I jumped at the chance. I told myself it would be just this once.
Just this once turned into just one more time, then this would be the last time, and before I knew it I started getting deeper and deeper into the taboo. Like Fifty Shades of Grey looked vanilla compared to some of the BDSM I was behind the camera for.
I knew I was getting out of the realm of legal when I filmed a girl cutting open her arms and licking up the blood. I don’t know what she was on, but she had to be on something to do this all while smiling and giggling. But that check felt so damn good, so I kept my mouth shut. I was finally in the black. I told myself no one made her do those things, so what was the harm in it?
Then one day I was approached with a once in a lifetime deal. I normally worked with my guy Charlie, he got all the hook ups for the weird stuff. One day Charlie came over with this other guy I’d never met before who introduced himself as Noel.
Noel doesn’t look how you’re probably picturing someone in this scene, he was about five foot six and balding on top. He wore these round wire framed glasses and made me think of a schoolteacher. The kind of teacher that everyone loved, the one that you couldn’t wait for his class every day because he never assigned homework and let you listen to music while you worked.
“I’m a fan of your work, Frank- can I call you Frank?” Noel took out his wallet and counted out a few hundred dollar bills. “This is your signing bonus. Once the film is complete, I’ll give you double that.”
My eyes nearly popped out of my head. “How long’s the filming going on for?” I asked, already snatching up the money.
“Oh, just a day. Maybe two, if we need to do reshoots. Don’t worry, you’ll be compensated if it takes any longer than it should.” Noel extended his hand. “What do you say? No hard feelings if you feel you’re not up for the task.”
I shook Noel’s hand and asked when I started.
I figured it would just be over the top BDSM when I saw the set, all chains and brick. I had a few drinks with the two male actors while we waited for the actress to make her appearance. Not gonna lie, I got Ted Bundy vibes from the guy calling himself Tommy, but Gabe seemed like another average, fun guy.
When I saw the actress get dragged in, I realized how very deep I was in over my head.
Her mouth had been duct taped shut, she’d clearly been crying and looked pretty banged up. Noel followed the men dragging her and clapped his hands together. “Let’s get to work then! Frank, I’d like for you to focus a lot on her limbs. The commissioner is very into legs and arms. You’ll only get one chance, but since this is your first time filming this sort of kink, I won’t be too upset if it’s not perfect.”
I should’ve just bolted then. Gave Noel back his goddamn money and left. Gone to the cops, gone to someone.
Instead, I quietly sat behind the camera and treated it like any other porn film.
Lights, camera, action.
I never knew the girl’s name. Both Tommy and Gabe wore full leather masks and were armed with hand saws. I zoomed in as they started sawing through her shoulder. Drops of blood landed on the camera and I brushed them off without even thinking. I saw Noel nod approvingly at that natural motion. The arm fell to the ground and I panned over it nice and slow as it rested on the floor.
They took off her other arm and both legs, her struggles slowly fading and her eyes fluttering shut by the time they got through the final femur. Tommy and Gabe stood, bowed to the camera like they were on stage for a play.
And cut.
I had to run to the bathroom after that. I vomited for what felt like an hour. When I finally stumbled out, Noel handed me the rest of my payment. He patted my shoulder and helped escort me to my car. “It’s always hardest the first time. I bet you had dreams of filming the next summer blockbuster someday?” He said.
I didn’t say anything, but I didn’t need to. Noel just nodded. “We all had dreams like that. Maybe if things turned out differently we would’ve been working on one of those blockbusters together. I’ll call you when I need your services again.”
I told myself that I wouldn’t pick up the phone again when Noel called.
But I did.
I did twenty-five snuff films in total. The money felt so, so damn good. And after a while, you really do become desensitized to it all. For me, it just felt like I was in a dream. A dream with gore and guts and horrible, horrible things happening to people, but it wasn’t happening to me. I just saw it through a lens.
The twenty-fifth film was the one that finally made me quit.
I was out drinking with my fellow crew members when Noel came up with this darling blonde on his shoulder. I don’t know how he did it as he was pretty average in appearance, but Noel could get the hottest women.
“Gentlemen, this is Rada. Rada, this is Tommy, Gabe, and Frank,” He said, gesturing to them all.
Rada giggled and clapped. “Noel tells me you are… actors?” She said, her Russian accent thick on her words.
Gabe puffed up. “Tommy and I are the actors. Frank’s the camera man,” He said.
“Camera man?” She cocked her head to the side. “Is it fun?” She asked.
I shrugged. “Well, I like it. It pays the bills,” I said.
“Very good, very good!” Rada clapped before looking up at Noel. “Could I be in a film? I’ve always wanted to be an actress.”
I nearly dropped my glass. I had to excuse myself from the table, unable to ignore that glint of darkness in Noel’s smile.
I got a text about twenty minutes later saying to head to the ‘studio’. I stopped by at home to change into clothes I didn’t mind getting bloody before I walked over.
Rada was clearly drunk as she teetered around the set. She poked at the chains on the wall and smiled. “Am I a captive in your scene, Noel?” She asked.
“That sounds about right.” Noel helped her into the chains, Rada’s innocent doe brown eyes looking excitedly around. This whole thing made me genuinely sick. It was one thing when they were terrified, begging for mercy and sobbing as they realized they were doomed. But the innocent expression on Rada’s face, how clear it was she had no idea what was going to happen… I almost walked out then.
But then Noel slipped a few hundreds in my hand and I just got the camera ready.
“Now remember, Rada, you are terrified. You are in true fear of your life as this man is about to gut you. Don’t be afraid to scream,” Noel said.
Rada nodded. “I can do that! I’m very good at being scared,” She said.
Tommy snickered before he pulled on his leather mask. “This is just too easy sometimes,” He murmured to me. I just rolled my eyes.
Lights. Camera. Action.
Rada’s bubbly expression changed to one of true terror as Tommy walked into the camera. “Please, why am I here? I want to go home, please,” She said as a tear rolled down her cheek.
Tommy twirled around the knife before sliding it down her front, slicing through the front of her dress. Rada whimpered and turned her face away. “I’ll do whatever you want! Please, take my money, use my body!” She begged.
The knife nicked her skin and I saw this brief moment of confusion before she began to struggle in earnest, realizing this wasn’t just a movie anymore. “Nyet! Unchain me! I don’t like this game! Director! I don’t want to play anymore!” She shouted.
The knife went into her stomach and her breath caught before she screamed so loudly I felt my ears pop.
Tommy sliced down her stomach, thrusting his hand inside to pull out her intestines. He held them in front of her eyes as she continued to scream actual bloody murder. Even Noel, who was typically quite passive during these scenes, winced and rubbed one of his ears.
Rada’s dying breaths came as all her organs were spilled out in front of her. Tommy bowed for the camera.
And cut.
“Incredible,” Noel shook his head before he got up and threw Tommy a towel, “You’ve outdone yourself.”
Tommy nodded before I heard a groan.
“Noel, can I go again? I can do better.”
I am not lying when I say I literally pissed my pants when I saw Rada’s head roll back up, blinking a few times before her eyes focused on Noel.
Tommy screamed like a school girl as he scrambled away, ripping off his mask. “How the fuck!?!” He yelped as Rada began to tug at her chains.
The girl groaned before rolling her eyes and smashing her right hand against the wall, I heard bones crack before she pulled her mangled hand free. She did the same to the left before she began the impossible task of shoving her organs inside her mangled torso. “Scene… sorry… your language is hard… when I hurt…” She grunted as she popped her large intestine back inside. “Scene would look better, covered in my blood? I can be cleaned,” She looked up with a smile as she attempted to pull her skin together.
Noel got up from his chair, I saw him shake as he slowly approached this woman that should absolutely be dead. “What are you?” He said softly.
Rada giggled.
“An actress, Noel. I want to be a very good actress.”
We filmed that scene three more times. Rada had to film the rest of the shots naked, but she didn’t mind. Only thing that bothered her was how cold the stone under her ass was. After each time she’d get up, put herself back together, and we’d go again. I’d never filmed for so long before, not for one of Noel’s films. The sun was coming up when Noel finally said we were done.
I was about to leave when Rada stopped me. “Can I see?” She asked, snuggling into the shirt she’d stolen from Tommy.
Swallowing, I let her have the camera and rewound to the final time we filmed, which Noel had said was going to be his best work yet. She watched silently, nodding approvingly as Tommy tore out her heart and squeezed the beating organ in his hand. “My expressions are believable?” She asked.
“Does it really hurt you?” I asked.
Rada nodded. “It hurts like it would if it would kill me. But like I said, I want to be an actress. Will I be famous in these films? I can change if the director needs me to be a different girl.” She looked so eager for my response.
“… In certain circles, you’ll be a star.”
I left that day and never went back. I never picked up Noel’s phonecalls. Charlie was as good as dead to me. I cut my lease early and am now living back with my parents in Ohio. I think I’ll be going back to school, go into something less bloody like accounting. My mom always wanted me to be an accountant.
I never want to film anything again. Especially one of Noel’s films.
I wonder if Rada’s starring in all his movies now.
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demoreelrewound · 4 months
Episode 1 excerpt: Company Trailer
The screen shows TRAILER - DEMO REEL PRODUCTION STUDIO. The classic countdown plays.
Important sounding music starts- the logo moves as it does in the show intro, then match-cuts to a live-action clapperboard closing then revealing DONNIE DUPRÉ. He reads the contents of a folder in his director chair with an obviously arranged set of '"tools of the trade" on shelves behind him - some in boxes, some loose. There's an identical clapperboard to the one just used on the table beside DONNIE.
DONNIE looks up from the folder on his lap and smiles, at once charming and staged.
DONNIE: Oh, hello! My name is Donnie Dupré, and you've reached the official website for my production company, Demo Reel.
Now you may be asking, "what is Demo Reel?" Well, I'm glad you asked! We are a group of like-minded creatives ---
Shot fades as he continues. A selection of soundless clips play, showing low budget recreations of various films gradually zoom in, beginning with a scene of DONNIE laughing directly at the camera (laughing at the viewer).
These scenes include one or two clever shots hampered by very obvious set dressing, as well as cheap digital effects and actors who only stuck around for one film - this is made clear with two of them of the exact same build and ethnicity playing characters originally played by the same actor. (Likely a Black actor to call forward episode 2's focus.)
DONNIE (voiceover throughout): -- dedicated to crafting high-quality homages to some of your favourite movies, all in the name of furthering your appreciation of them. As you can see, we opt for a home-made, minimalistic style, so all the focus can go on what's most important, recreating memorable moments for a new audience...
The montage ends by going full view on a scene of Braveheart also including REBECCA STONE trying her best with the material she's got.
[Blogger note: I've not seen Braveheart so I've no idea which scene would be best here, but the parody is clearly in the self-referential style of Channel Awesome and HISHE-era YouTube parodies, only with slightly better production value. They're in a real woodland but the sky has been cut out as much as possible and changed to sunset with greenscreen. A flat orange filter has been put over the actors in post-production.]
The clip ends and we cut back to Donnie in the chair smiling proudly and nodding once.
DONNIE (wryly): Felt just like the real thing, didn't it?
The shot switches to that of another camera - this one has a tighter shot of DONNIE'S head and shoulders but you can see the very edge of the previous camera.
DONNIE: With the help of my talented crew of both local and international talent --
Beat. He realises his redundancy then shakes his head.
DONNIE: (regains confident mask) I hope to eventually take the Demo Reel Production Studio beyond the Internet and into the real world. And who knows, maybe even Hollywood!
The shot lingers just a bit longer than it's supposed to with his face still on the last syllable before it switches to a screen grab of a basic looking website.
DONNIE (voiceover): Here on our official website, you can access our trailers, contact information, and the opportunity to become a part of the Demo Reel VIP club, featuring a newsletter, exclusive behind-the-scenes content and previews for our upcoming releases.
The things said appear on screen. As well as DONNIE and REBECCA, one of the candid shots catches KARL COPENHAGEN in profile, intently working on repairs to his camera - he's turned his head away sharply enough to blur his face. Another shows TACOMA NEWELL smiling in surprise with a pen in his hand, having been going over a typed-out script to edit. One image shows all four, implying a fifth person, but it's followed up with a close up of a gross-looking microwave meal.
DONNIE: We hope you enjoy your stay on our little corner of the web, and experience the magic of movies all over again.
Demo Reel: we don't make films, we remake them.
DONNIE lifts the spare clapperboard.
DONNIE: Aaand cut!
It claps shut and the video ends.
0 notes
lemon-plort · 8 months
[ FFVII Demo thoughts below :) ]
Dumping all my first impressions here now that I've sat on it for a bit
This is probably going to be a bit of a mess bc there's just so much I love about this franchise...
Starting off obvious, the music oh my god. Nobuo Uematsu smashed it out but that was to be expected.
I absolutely adore how they explored Cloud's recollection of events from his pov!! Zack's mannerisms and personality showing through while the real Cloud stayed in the background and kept mostly silent (especially around Tifa). It was cool to see, and I think they did a great job blending cloud's perspective with what actually happened. It felt believable that Cloud could recall everything the way he did and seeing how his mind mended or flat out ignored the gaps and inconsistencies was perfect.
Speaking of, the method they chose to retell it. I'm so glad they opted for more of a story around a campfire kind of approach than just showing us through flashbacks. The added dialogue from Barret, Tifa and Aerith was the cherry on top.
Loved the choice system
I've seen others mention it too but how they aren't afraid to keep things a little silly :)) Cloud stuffing his mouth with those sandwiches, butchering Tifa's theme on the piano and stretching with the exercise class were great little moments and I can't wait to see more.
Sephiroth. He honestly deserves multiple bullet points. I LOVE how we got to see more of his personality pre-nibelheim disaster. His banter and expressions were such a welcome addition since I feel they never expanded on it nearly enough in crisis core! He looked genuinely upset after losing the other Shinra trooper and the amount of expression purely in his eyes during and just before the disaster- *chefs kiss*
The small details around the environment, I spent a good chunk of the time just getting in the camera mode and zooming into all the pictures Tifa had around her room or the posters in the general store and inn.
How realistic the physics were for those mako purifiers?? It made me feel like I was back hauling around road cases
Screw it he is getting more points. I need to mention his hair and boots. I couldn't stop looking at them, they were so nicely rendered...
Expanding on that everything was tbh. The fabric of Cloud's pants looks so so soft (they were looking a bit rough in remake) and all the detailing on the buster sword and metal like Tifa's gloves. I could spend hours just zooming into every little detail and texture.
I also think they nailed Cloud and Tifa's models. They both clearly look like themselves even though they're younger which I feel some games struggle with.
More Sephiroth points soz- his model was just so accurate. There were shots where his silhouette literally looked like his original art, it was so satisfying to see.
The use of the L2 R2 buttons. Idk the proper name for the feature but when they make it physically harder to press. I feel they used it sparingly which made it more effective. That scene especially with Cloud crawling towards Sephiroth...oh my god chills. It gave me the same sense of immersion like the end of Crisis Core during Zack's final stand.
More on the immersion. How they differentiated between Sephiroth and "Cloud's" skill levels by allowing Sephiroth to cast the higher level spells from the get go.
Combo moves!! One of my favourite features in FFXV so to see it translated here was great
Just going to make a general point for the atmosphere, environment, voice acting, enemy design etc. bc otherwise I'll be here forever.
Though the scene with Sephiroth cutting down all the tubes has to get a special mention. The pure disdain in his voice towards Hojo was done super well.
Some of these might be a little nitpicky since I really don't have much to complain about
I found some of the dialogue to be a little clunky at times, like the characters weren't given enough time to say their line before the camera changes. This is probably just a translation issue though and really doesn't bother me that much
Not the biggest fan of the white interface for your spells n shit. It feels like it sticks out a lot more than the blue and not in a good way.
I think I just generally prefer remakes UI (except the pause screen, I enjoy getting to see their models rather than the still images we had before)
Moving around the map is a bit clunkier than I would've hoped. The inside areas were better but outside felt choppy at times.
the storage space....
I find it generally funny how they completely skipped over any mention of gackt Genesis. Like it makes sense but as someone with no real hatred towards him like a lot of fans have, it came across like square enix was shoving him in a box and hoping no one brings it up lolol
surprised to see we're getting a demo update too, the Junon demo? curious to see what they'll cover in that
Overall though I'm absolutely buzzing. February 29th can't get here soon enough :)))
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kingstylesdaily · 2 years
Meet the Paris-based Designer Who Made Harry Styles‘ Sequined Look in ‘As It Was’
The high-waisted trousers and sleeveless top worn by the British artist in the music video are the works of 28-year-old Spanish designer Arturo Obegero.
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LOOK OF THE TIMES: “I still have all those sequins all over my place,” said Paris-based designer Arturo Obegero as he watched Harry Styles stride forward in his creations, a red top and matching trousers, in the freshly released music video for “As It Was,” the lead single of the British artist’s new album.
Although he’d been expecting the reveal since he started working on these designs in late 2021, he still found being part of Styles’ latest work to be “mind-blowing, a great experience and, ultimately, a privilege” — especially as a young designer.
“The fact that Harry Styles and [his stylist] Harry Lambert both believed in me, supported me, not just with exposure but by buying the clothes, is insane. They could have gone to so many big brands but they believed in a young designer struggling with a 70-year-old sewing machine in a five-square-meters corner of my place,” said the designer, who considers the British artist “the Mick Jagger of our generation.”
Obegero, 28, who describes himself as “a young Spanish designer who launched a Parisian label a week before [France’s March 2020] COVID-19 lockdown,” hails from Tapia de Casariego, a town in the country’s northern region of Asturias.
As a teenager, he watched fashion shows on YouTube — Alexander McQueen, Balenciaga and Riccardo Tisci for Givenchy — as a form of escapism from his countryside town. Dancing gave him the awareness that costumes are intrinsically connected to building a character to go on stage, but it took receiving a book on Yves Saint Laurent for his interest in fashion to solidify.
After studying pattern-making and confection at Escuela Superior de Diseño y Moda Goymar, a technical school in northwestern Spain, Obegero headed to London and Central Saint Martins. After graduating in 2018, he arrived in Paris for a first experience at Lanvin before making the jump to working solo as the pandemic hit Europe.
Working from home led him to use materials he had on hand, a practice that he felt natural and continued even when businesses reopened. This approach culminated in using old theater curtains for his fall 2021 debut on the Paris Fashion Week calendar.
The designer, who is sold at e-tailer Ssense and independent retailers like Paris-based Elevastor, noted that while 95 percent of his clients were male, he ultimately was designing “for someone who is not afraid of [turning] their vulnerability and sensitivity into one of their main strengths,” playing with the codes of formfitting and almost second-skin outfits of flamenco dancers and matadors.
“It’s all about the lines of the body. That’s one of the reasons [Styles and his team] called me — they were really about the body. There’s no big volumes, no ruffles, nothing extravagant,” he added.
He worked on the assumption that Styles would be performing in the clothes — live or in front of a camera — so he angled toward making something that was as comfortable for movement as it is eye-catching.
With that in mind, he reworked his signature silhouette of high-waisted trousers and a structured sleeveless top for Styles, adding “a little bit of pizzaz using sequins panels graphically cut to catch and reflect the light. It’s the disco, joyful part of the looks.”
Although the process took place through Zoom calls and exchanged images, he most enjoyed the sensation of a balance between his design vision and the artistic one of Styles — and the very principle of a creative dialogue leading to a bespoke design.
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Obegero is gearing up for a busy year: He’s applied for the ANDAM fashion award and is mulling a bridal offering. And though he started it on a high note, he’s not letting the experience go to his head.
“Harry Styles was definitely in my top five people that I wanted to dress. But it’s also a double-edged sword for young designers, where it can seem that you only count or are relevant if you dress celebrities. There is much more to learn about style, creation and the art of fashion [in these experiences] than just the connection to a famous person,” he said.
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rumblelibrary · 3 years
Okay I swear last one for now I swear 😅 might send some more when I wake up tomorrow.
But you said you would write for the actual Daniel and I saw one on the kink list and was like yes
So uh, Daniel Brühl with the filming (consensual) kink 😏
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Consensual filming with Daniel Brühl
Warnings: S - M - U - T
(I can only thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me always such interesting plots to work with 💝💝💝 ILY and I Hope you'll enjoy iy)
It all begun on one random night, one like any other. Daniel was reading a
book about film making and screenplay adaptation.
You stared down at your own book, the soft music coming from the speakers lulling the both of you, your legs thrown over his lap as you laid on the couch.
You were soon to go to bed and you were trying to convince yourself to stand up and do your night routine.
“This camera angle language is fascinating" he said.
You sat up as you leaned in and he showed you all the pictures contained din the book, he pointed at them giving you some rough interpretation of them.
"I mean, I have been in those so many times but this changes my perspective"
You nodded as you looked at him, he was so absorbed by the idea of his first debut as a director, you adored to see him so driven . They were still onto the screenplay with the production, but he was way too into it.
"Maybe you can use my old digital camera, it is not that old in the end and you can practice"
He nodded and smiled a you kissing your forehead to thank you for your support.
"Thank you mi amor"
You winked at him as you stood up "I'll go to bed"
"Five minutes"
He said as he stood up and actually went to pick the camera from where you stored it and he plugged the battery up to charge overnight.
You called your own disgrace, because from that moment on you were on a movie set. He kept asking you to redo a thing, to move back into a room because he wanted to try it in a different way. Once he even asked you to cut the carrots all over again.
"But I don't need them"
Your own whines didn't help, you did it again because he decided that it would look better in a way and not the other.
The real deal came while you were watching a Spanish movie to improve your own language skills, better said you were ignoring it while kissing. It happened most of the times, Daniel loved cinema, but he had the greatest distraction beside himself.
"mi amor, tengo the enseñarte algo"
His whisper reached to your ears as he was nibbling onto your skin, his hands onto you as you were already try to get rid of his clothings.
It wasn't new he had to show you something, he was an actor, he was made to play dress up and you loved every bit of it.
You hummed contently as he stood up and left.
You stared at him walking away noticing how the man was prepping for his next role doing some weights and it showed onto his shoulders, in the way his comfy homey clothing now clung onto his upper chest giving it a show.
But it wasn't him in some historical clothing or suit that you found when you joined him but he bowed onto the camera adjusting some settings.
"There's my main actress"
You frowned "oh, no Daniel" you said covering your face as a little chuckle escaped you but it was pure nervousness.
"What? is that such a bad idea? it would be nice and embarrassing to rewatch it together, sexy in particular"
You frowned at him not sure about it
The soft nickname he used with you rang through your bones as you looked away onto the bed, the room mildly illuminate by only the lamp on his nightstand, and then at him doing his prettiest puppy eyes.
You said as the biggest and brightest smile opened onto him.
"Okay, but please take only my good angles" you said trying to focus or maybe you should just relax "you have only good angles my angel. now, just panties and your, no wait"
He put down the camera and took off his white t-shirt "panties and my shirt"
You chuckled but obeyed as you picked the shirt and begun undressing leaving on your panties and slipping his shirt on before slowly crawling onto the bed.
You laid on yo beck trying to get comfortable as much as you could in such a peculiar moment.
You let a soft sigh out trying to relax on your first, and maybe last, leading role.
"Don't be nervous, you're so beautiful ,why don't you touch your body a bit"
You let out a big breath as you begun to follow his instructions, but you were still too tensed.
"Look at me"
He said as he held the camera and looked away from the little screen on the back of the camera to look up at you "I am so lucky"
He smirked as he moved closer, his shirtless figure being so attractive as his hair got a bit messed up when he took it off.
You almost didn't think about it as you started to touch yourself more, cupping your breasts and guiding your hands between your legs as he stared intensely at every movement.
"Put your hand in your panties"
you whimpered softly as you did as he said, you hated him because you wanted him so bad and you were touching yourself over his bare chested figure.
"oh, so hot to see your hand tucked in there" he commented and he made you feel excited only by thinking about it, about what you could achieve now, so you pulled up your shirt lightly exposing partially your breasts.
A little groan escaped him as your eyes travelled onto him with such a desire, it was impossible for him to hide the excitement growing into his pants as you begun to unleash little moans and pleads for more pleasure.
"come closer"
Your little whisper, your hand stretched toward you wanting more, the way the frame was captured and he moved near you to obey that wish using your arm as a bridge.
"Tell me"
You didn't answer him as you slipped your panties off legs before doing the same with his pants pulling them down along with his briefs.
He stared at you, he couldn't hold back a groan of pleasure mixed with surprise when instead of touching him you begun to run your tongue on his shaft while looking up at him, depositing soft kisses and licks on the tip. The camera recording it all as you finally welcomed his cock between your lips. He probably underestimated the effect this experiment would have on him.
"Fuck, you're so good"
He muttered under his breath as you bobbed your head so nicely taking him in and giving such a show for the camera as he zoomed onto you, your eyes briefly moving up to him as some pre cum coated your tongue.
He pulled back almost immediately not willing to cum like this, you really put an effort in this and he had to do the same.
He leaned on the bed resting the camera on his nightstand and turning the little screen on side to make sure both of you were well angled and it wasn’t recording into the void.
"You're such a tease"
He said as he knew you'd be a natural at it. You peeled his shirt off you as he pushed you down onto the mattress hovering you in a second, lacing your lips into a bruising kiss as he mercilessly pushed inside you making you groan n that kiss.
You felt so extra sensitive, you arched your back as you welcomed him, as he owned your body so perfectly.
You moaned his name as his lips found your neck again and he begun thrusting inside you, the camera already forgotten as he dived deep into that pleasure with you.
"You're so wet, you're shameless"
He whispered as he kissed you with a smile playing over his lips.
Your hands cupping his face as you pulled him closer, then digging your fingers onto those toned shoulders that obsessed you.
"Harder, harder"
You begged breathlessly as he moved his hand behind your head tangling his fingers among your hair. He was doing all in his power to not give in to that tempting sight you were and he failed himself pretty fast.
Your legs lacing around him as he supported himself easily over you, he was gone for it, next time probably wasting less time on foreplay because he wanted more angles of him fucking you.
His hand moving between your bodies to touch your clit as he snapped his hips hard into you, the hold up pleasure taking over as you reached your orgasm and he could finally let go after you.
You hissed nuzzling against you as he pressed his forehead against your neck.
"You have talent, we should do that again"
"Next time will you be Zemo or Dr Kreizler?"
"Depends if you want to be played or play, mi amor"
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miastideclock · 4 years
Stray Kids Reaction To Their Relationships Accidentally Going Public
@babybouille​ asked
Hi there ~ ! I saw that your request are open ? If possible can I please have a skz reaction for when their relationship with their s/o accidently goes public ? Thanks :)
Can do, love!
Word Count: 4,6k Warnings: sorry this took so long, not really a warning bUT YOU GET IT
Bang Chan
“What kind of spoiler? You will see it later. Recently what has everyone been up to these days? I’ve been working out a lot. Like, I’ve been eating salads. I want to build up my body-” Chan answered as he read the questions out loud.
Chan and Felix were sat on each their chair in Chan’s studio, talking to the fans via Chan’s weekly livestream. However, you had completely forgotten this. As you and Chan had been dating for almost six months, you probably should know this by now, but what can you do. 
You knocked gently before opening the door, instantly closing it back up when you saw what they were doing. Luckily, the camera was at such an angle that you couldn’t see the door. 
Chan jumped in his seat, as did Felix. “Hold on one moment you guys, I just need to mute our mic for a second.” The older Aussie spoke into the camera before clicking a few buttons. Chan then got out halfway out of frame, to the point where you could just see from the waist down on the left side of his body. From where he was standing, he could reach the door, so he opened it back up to find you standing there with a sheepish smile on your face. 
“I am so sorry! I completely forgot!” You instantly apologized to both your boyfriend and your friend. As you leaned gently to the side to see past Chan, Felix chuckled, waving it off saying it was an honest mistake. “Did anyone see me?”
Even though you and Chan had dated as long as you had, the public had yet to find out. Originally, Chan was under a strict dating-ban, but after a few weeks of convincing, the management agreed to let you date, but only if you kept it a secret, and if you worked at the company. That way no one would be suspicious of you entered and left the building at free will. 
“No, no one saw you babe- we’re good.” Chan chuckled and leaned forward to kiss you, jokingly making kissy noises as he came closer, mostly to gross out Felix, but also because the two of you genuinely found it funny to act like those super-gross couples. 
“I just wanted to let you know that I’m headed to the store, you boys want anything?” You asked, but as both the boys said no, their phones started vibrating like crazy. Felix grabbed his from the table they were sitting at, his face first confused, then a look of panic struck him. He instantly motioned for you and your boyfriend to be quiet as he grabbed the mouse and started clicking around the screen. He ended the live. 
“Mate. You didn’t mute yourself.” Felix breathed once Chan asked what all the commotion was about. Chan’s blood ran cold as he realized what that meant. You instantly pulled out your phone and went to the VLIVE app to see the ending of their stream, and sure enough. Kissy sounds, loving nicknames, Felix saying you were cute together. It was all there. 
“I guess we’re official then?” Chan sighed as he looked at you, scared of how you would react.
“Oh thank god!”
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Lee Know
“You excited for the set tonight?” You asked softly as you sat on your boyfriends lap. He gently brushed his hands through your hair as he hummed a reply. 
“Yeah, it has been so long it feels like. But when you really do the math it really isn’t that bad.” Minho replied, the playing of your hair never stopping. You had enjoyed having your boyfriend to yourself for a while, but you knew how much he loved working and being on stage, so you didn’t mind giving him up to his members for a while.
You and Minho had been dating for about a year at this point, but you had yet to go public. The only people who knew were his members, and their management team. Or so you thought.
“Hyung, don’t kill me!” Seungmin ran over to the couch you were sat on in the greenroom, his make-up perfectly done and his outfit matching Minho’s. Minho sat up straighter, making you look up from where you had your face nuzzled into his chest. 
“Then don’t give me a reason?” Minho spoke, asking more than anything. Seungmin looked genuinely panicked, and you soon grew concerned for the boy. You had seen him get worried over dumb things before, but never like this. 
“I posted on Instagram. I didn’t see until I read the comments, but by then it was too late- I deleted it, but the fans are too fast.” He stumbled over his words and stuttered, almost as if he had just ran a marathon. 
“Seungmin, calm down. What was it about the picture?” Minho was now also concerned for the well-being of his member, genuinely worried he would have an anxiety attack. 
“You and Y/N are in it.” He breathed and showed you his phone. The screen showed his selfie, very cute picture. But if you zoomed in, you could see you and your boyfriend, cuddling, being mid-kiss. Unluckily for you, the quality was good enough to where you could definitely tell it was Minho. 
You inhaled a sharp breath of air, and instinctively looked to see Minho’s reactions- but it was impossible to read him. Was he happy? Stressed? Angry? Sad? Even with a gun to your head, you couldn’t give an answer. 
“I mean..” He started, not sounding very upset. “If it’s already out there, management can’t really force us to keep it a secret anymore, right?” He asked Seungmin what his opinion on the matter was, but he was at a loss for words. You had to side with Seungmin on this one, as it was a thing anyone would be angry at. 
When all Seungmin could do was stutter out inaudible sounds, Minho turned to one of the managers that had just entered the room. “Am I in trouble?” He asked calmly, and much to everyone's surprise, the manager shook his head. 
“No, but just meet with us in the conference room when we get back, so we can talk about where you can go and stuff.” He said, making you and Minho nod.
“That went well.”
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You smiled slightly as you smelled the freshly popped popcorn, the salty and buttery smell filling your nose. While humming gently to yourself as you poured the snacks out of the bag and into a bowl, bopping your head to the beat you heard in your head. “Blurry lines, yeah-yeah. So many, so many-” But you cut yourself off as you heard your show begin in the living room. You softly squealed and ran with the popcorn and your drink.
Your boyfriend Changbin and his group was going on a talk show, and you were so excited to see it. You always loved their live interviews as they always felt more charismatic when nothing was edited out.
“Tonight on Late Later Latest with Bentley™, Stray Kids! Welcome!” The host greeted the boys. They did their intro and got started. The host asked her usual questions, how promotion was going, how it felt being such an up-and-coming group etc etc. After the general questions, she asked more individual question, asking Minho about his dancing (Nat Geo), Felix and Chan about their life in Australia and so on. When she finally went to Changbin, you felt your heart beat proudly. 
You had originally asked management if you could come to the audience of the talk-show and watch, but they sadly denied your request as people might get suspicious. You and Changbin had been dating since forever, but the public didn’t know yet. Management had agreed to let you keep dating, but only if they could expose your relationship at any given moment for promotion purposes. At first you were disgusted with their demands, but you soon understood where they came from, and agreed. 
“So Changbin, what would you say motivates your writing the most?” The host asked, giving him a smile as she did so. 
Changbin nodded and answered, not giving his answer enough thought. “Well, mostly my girlf-” but he cut himself off. “uuh- my members? Maybe my fans?” He stumbled over his words, trying to hide his original answer, but it was too late.
“Were you gonna say girlfriend?” The host asked him in kind of a humoring tone. Changbin then sighed and nodded, this making you choke on your popcorn, sending a few pieces flying as you coughed. You did not expect him to expose your relationship for the whole world to see, this fine Thursday afternoon. 
“Yeah. I guess I have to come clean now, don’t I? Y/N, please don’t kill me.” He sheepishly smiled into the camera and gave you a slight wave, causing you to smile back at him and wave gently, not realizing he couldn’t see you. You then let your and fall into your lap as you giggled at your now public boyfriend.
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While almost skipping, you made your way down the hallway. Taking turn after turn and up and down hallways and staircases, you finally found what you had been looking for. The loud music gave it away instantly as you entered the room.
in the middle of the floor, looking at himself dancing in the mirror, stood your boyfriend Hyunjin. “Hi baby!” He grinned when he saw you stood there by the door. He stopped dancing and hurried over to you and picked you up to spin you around. “I missed you!”
You had been out of town for about three weeks, so it was with good reason he said what he did. 
“Am I interrupting anything?” You quickly asked, praying that he would say no. He shook his head while copying your grin, finally placing you back on the ground. You took that opportunity to get on your tippy-toes and give him a kiss.
You and Hyunjin had been dating for just under nine months at this point, and your relationship was still as blooming as if was only a few weeks ago you went on your first date. 
At first, you had been forbidden to date, as his idol-contract came with pretty serious and strict rules, but after sneaking around for about half a year, the company finally gave up and let you do whatever you wanted. Hyunjin’s managers were all surprised when you let them know that neither of you wanted to take the relationship public, at least not to begin with. So all the secrecy was completely your own ideas. Hyunjin’s members also agreed to keep you a secret for now, respecting you and Hyunjin’s decisions.
“Would they mind if I stole you for a day date? I was thinking maybe taking you on a picnic right now, and then after we could go to the fair?” You suggested, already having the picnic basket ready in your car parked outside.
“I already told them I would be occupied the day you came home. I just gotta send this to our editor, and he can work his magic or something!” Hyunjin let you know, letting go of your waist to run over to the camera propped up on a tripod. He had been filming a dance practise, something he did every once in a while. 
He clicked the camera and then sat down on the floor next to the laptop the camera was wired to, clicking a few more buttons. After that he cleared out the room, and you were on your way. 
The date was nice, you and Hyunjin catching up, even though you had spoken on the phone every single night while you were away. However, mid-date, Hyunjin got a phone call from his leader. As it was just Chan, he put it on speaker so you could listen in too.
“Hyung! What’s up?” He asked casually, after he had placed the phone back down on the blanket. 
“Hyunjin- did you mean to post that? Cause if yes- hella cute. If not? I’m so sorry, mate.” Bang Chan’s voice was slightly static as he was talking through a phone after all, but that wasn’t what made his statement confusing. 
“What are you talking about?” Both you and Hyunjin said at the same time.
“Oh, Y/N, fitting that you’re here too. But you posted the uncut version of your dance practice to our VLIVE instead of sending it to the editor. Everything is there.. Everything.” He spoke slowly, trying to make sure you and your boyfriend truly understood the consequences.
You looked over at Hyunjin for a second, him being just as confused as you were- all before he looked like he had touched a hot plate, his face lighting up in a grimace. 
“You! You’re in the video! We kiss! And say dating! sHIT-” He started panicking. 
“Baby- slow down. I don’t care if you don’t. Maybe it was time for us to go public anyways- we couldn’t have kept it a secret the rest of our lives, right? I love you, you love me- we can do this.” You spoke in a tone to try to calm him down.
“Yeah, I do love you. We’ll figure it out.” He replied after letting out a sigh of relief. You then leaned in to kiss him but was cut off by someone you had forgotten long ago.
“Awwww, you guys! That was so cu-” BEEP. Hyunjin quickly hung up on Chan even though he was mid-sentence, going back to kissing you.
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“Please don’t ever get a mustache.” You chuckled as you gently stroked the fake beard glued to your boyfriends upper lip. He chuckled as he returned the favor, gently pulling on your fake grandma-glasses.
“I would say the same about your outfit, but I don’t know. This whole grandma look is growing on me.” He joked, you swatting away his hand as he did so. 
“You’re weird.” You laughed at him.
You were currently sat in a boot at a restaurant, trying to enjoy a good meal with your boyfriend. As you still weren’t known to the public yet, despite having dated for almost a year- you had to play dress up. 
You were sat in a dated dress you could find in any grandmother's closet, matched with a shawl draped over your head and granny glasses, covering as much of your face as possible. Your other half was in a suit, distorting his true body-type, a fake mustache and a hat. 
“I don’t know, I preferred the costume where you dressed as a woman.” You snickered, making Jisung roll his eyes and chuckle with you. 
This was in no way shape or form the first time you had dressed up to go out, but it had been some time since the last time you did it. His company didn’t necessarily have anything against your dating, as long as you kept it lowkey. You could go public if you so wished, but if you did- you couldn’t go on dates on massively crowded spots. 
“I liked the one where you were not only a man, but a biker!” Jisung cackled at that one. But before he could say anything else, you both noticed a flash of light in the distance. Your first thought was lightning, but as you were inside a shopping centre, you doubted it.
As you both turned to the source of the light, you saw not only one, but two paparazzis standing by the entrance of the restaurant, taking your pictures.
You then quickly looked up at each other, and then making a run for the door, trying to hide your faces as much as you could. 
Once you made it outside, Jisung grabbed your hand as you still ran, trying to drag you after him. You couldn’t help but laugh at the situation, as it would have to look ridiculous to anyone else. An old couple running at full speed down the shopping mall, as if they were being chased by the police? Iconic. 
Your laugh soon infected Jisung causing him to laugh too, one hand on his hat, the other in yours.
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“Okay, so- No! I’m not impostor- I’m down by electrical!” Felix defended himself as he spoke into the mic, discussing with the other players on Discord.
Felix was twitch streaming as he and some of his personal friends played Among Us. They also opted to use Discord rather than the chat that came with the game, when they were discussing. 
“Nah, Felix sus! You know you can vent from electrical to medbay, and then you’re in cafeteria in two seconds, giving you plenty of time to kill cyan, and then leave!” One of his friends argued, prompting you to say something. 
“No, I saw Felix do a garbage-task earlier, he safe.” You backed him. You hadn’t actually seen him to a task, but he seemed like he needed some help. 
You loved playing with Felix and his friends, but you preferred it when they weren’t Twitch streaming. You were always scared to mess up, or let words slip. Words like babe, honey, or boyfriend. As you and your boyfriend Felix had decided to let the world think you were only friends, it made things a bit more difficult, gaming wise. 
You had been dating for just over half a year at this point. His idol-company had asked you to date in secret for a while, just to see if it would work out before you announced it to the world- something you completely understood, as it was quite a mess to clean if you had a nasty break.
However, the past few weeks, you and Felix found yourself catching yourself almost revealing it by accident. At this point, you found it tiresome to keep the secret, wanting to spread it to the world so you could adore your boyfriend in public. 
“Oh damn. Unless Felix and Y/N are impostor together!” Felix’s friend tried once again, but just as you had done previously you defended both you and your boyfriend.
“Eject confirmations are on. Danny was clearly the other impostor you dimwit.” You chuckled into your mic, making him groan.
“No, sorry- you’re right. Sorry Felix.” He apologized, prompting Felix to thank you for backing him, but along those lines, a certain word accidentally slipped his lips.
“Thanks, babe.” 
As soon as the words had left his lips, the chat grew quiet, no one knowing if they were allowed to speak, or if Felix wanted to try and save his mistake. One of your monitors showed Felix’s stream which also happened to show his stream-chat, it going completely nuts.
xxemogirlxx: DID HE SAY BABE?
changbinishawt: IS Y/N HIS GIRLFRIEND?
falixlaa: omg i knew they were dating
And so on, and so forth. You found yourself in complete shock as you leaned back in your chair, your mouth wide open. 
“Oh, screw it. Yes, Y/N is my girlfriend, and we’ve been together for a while. I’m also impostor while we’re at it.” He said, the relief in his voice prominent. As he spoke the last words, he ran over to his friend in MedBay and killed him, finishing the game.
The discord went crazy, all eight of Felix and you’s friends rioting.
“How does it feel being completely out to the world, Y/N?” You were asked by Danny.
“Feels great.”
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“I’m really sorry, I’m already late for the meeting!” Your boyfriend, Seungmin apologized as he repeatedly kissed your cheeks, nose and forehead, finally landing on your lips. 
“Go on! Have fun, and say hi to the boys from me would you?” You giggled and tried to squirm your way out of his hug. He finally released you, but not fully as he slid his hands down your arms and intertwined your fingers, slowly stepping away as he did so. 
“Of course! Love you.” He smiled as he finally let go of your hand, but kept his walk backwards. 
You were inside the company building at this point, so you didn’t need to worry if anyone saw you. You smiled at him and waved slightly until he turned a corner and was out of sight. 
You and Seungmin had been dating for exactly six months, it being the reason for your date- to celebrate your anniversary. The company did have some words to say about your relationship in the beginning, but after a while they backed off and let you have your fun. 
Once you were sure he was gone, you made your way out of the building and down to the bus-stop waiting for the next scheduled bus. Two girls were sat at the bus-stop already, waiting for the same bus as you probably. They seemed to have a weird look at you, but you ignored it 
Maybe they had seen you and Seungmin enter the building! or maybe you just had gum on your pants? You decided to not give it too much thought. It was only a two minute wait, so before you knew it, you had your headphones plugged in and your phone in your hand. You were about to press the Spotify app, but soon noticed you had received a notification from VLIVE a few minutes ago.
You grew confused as the title didn’t mention any specific members hosting the live, but you clicked it nonetheless. 
Your headphones were soon filled with the cheers and rioting of your boyfriends band members, having the time of their lives as some sat on the couch, and some on the floor. You did however fail to spot Seungmin in the crowd, making you a tad bit confused, but reckoned there was a reason for it. A reason you and about 1.2 million others soon found out.
Just as the boys calmed down and Minho opened his mouth to talk, the door at the very left of the screen opened and revealed a distressed Seungmin. 
“Sorry I’m late, I was on my anniversary date with Y/N-” He started, not realizing the live had already started. The boys tried to save him as they started yelling once they saw where the sentence was going, but it was too late.
You felt your heart drop as you moved faster than lightning to tap the screen so you could see the comments. They were going crazy, everyone trying to figure out who you were, and if they had seen you before. 
“Damn it. Well, sorry STAY- I do in fact have a girlfriend, and we would much appreciate it if you didn’t go trying to look for her, or harass her in any comment section. Thank you.” Seungmin asked directly to the camera, the comments instantly flooding with nothing but love and support for their faves and their significant others. 
After the live was over, you found yourself smiling to yourself, happy that no one came with any mean comments. 
As you were on your way to collect your bag and push the stop button on the bus, you accidentally made eye-contact with the two girls who were sharing headphones. They looked you up and down once more before their eyes lit up, almost if they realized. 
Fear instantly washed over you, but it was soon gone as they raised their hands and waved and sent you little finger hearts, showing that they supported you. You softly waved back and stepped off the bus.
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You were walking around a store downtown, minding your own business, having taken yourself out on a date. Your boyfriend, Jeongin was unable to join you as he had an early morning practice. You didn’t mind though, it had been a while since you got some time to yourself.
You and Jeongin had officially been dating for ten months circa, meaning you were already well into the relationship. His managers never really had anything against it as you seemed to follow all the company rules anyways. 
Looking at the items in the thrift-shop you were in, a ring caught your eye, instantly making you think of Jeongin. You decided to give him a call to see if the ring was something he liked, and if you should bring it home for him. 
The ringing of the FaceTime was short before he picked up, lighting up the whole screen with his massive smile. “Hi babe!” He beamed. You quickly greeted him and asked if he was busy. When he revealed he had a few minutes to spare, you flipped the camera so he could see what you were looking at.
“I saw this ring and thought it would suit you so well! It’s not too bold, and just large enough to make a statement. Would you wear it if I bought it for you?” You asked him as you showed him every angle of the ring, even how it looked on you. 
“Oh I love it! It would go well with so many outfits too. You really know your stuff.” He complimented and chuckled. You spoke for a few more minutes before you felt a tap on your shoulder.
“Excuse me?” You whipped around as they spoke to you, the voice belonging to a girl around maybe fourteen years old. You gently placed the screen of your phone against your stomach, not necessarily to hide your boyfriends face, but to be respectful towards the person you spoke to.
“Can I help you?” You asked as politely as you could. The girl soon waved over her friends who were scattered around the store, making them all step over to you.
“How do you know our oppa?” The first girl asked, almost sounding angry as she spoke. You shot her a confused glance, genuinely not knowing what she was talking about.
“I’m sorry- do I know you?” You asked, in case it was the little sister of one of your friends.
“No, you don’t. But I saw your phone and you are talking to our I.N-oppa!” She was almost throwing a tantrum at this point, and you had no idea what to say or do. You tried stuttering out a reply, but you found your mouth gaping and closing, like the one of a fish. 
Muffles sounds suddenly came from your stomach, making both you and the girl look to your phone. You gently pulled it back out so you could see the screen. “Y/N, babe! Let me talk to them okay?” He suggested, having heard the entire conversation. You turned your phone around, but you didn’t let the girl hold it on her own, scared that she would run off with it. 
“Hi! Nice to meet you! I’m Jeongin, and this lovely girl you are talking to is a good friend of mine, so I would really love it if you stopped being upset with her, and rather left her alone, okay?” Jeongin spoke to the girls, trying his best to come across as kind and sweet, even though he hated how they had treated you. 
“Of course! But.. Is she your girlfriend?” The main girl asked, causing you to shake your head no, at the same time Jeongin sighed and confirmed you were. You felt your breath hitch and a smile creep up on your face.
“She is, but since we’re best friends now, you guys won’t tell anyone right?” He continued in the same baby-ing voice. Almost all of the girls agreed. All but one.
“Too late? I am so sorry!” She started sheepish, and ended in a panic. Apparently she had been filming the conversation and instead of stopping the filming when Jeongin asked them to keep it a secret, she had stumbled and uploaded it to twitter istead. Posting it to her hundreds and thousands of followers already. 
Both you and Jeongin stood there silently for a second before you flipped the phone around and agreed that you should stop by the company building to do some damage control.
“I’ll see you there. Love you, bye.” You said and hung up. You gave the girls a half-assed smile and picked up the ring to go pay.
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That took so long I am genuinely so so so so so sorry x
I hope you liked it tho!
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biggirllifestyle · 3 years
Over the Rails: Sparkly bands
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Summary: After Peter posts, a video of him and his friends at the roller rink on the Avengers group chat, Bucky can’t seem to get his mind off of Peter’s friend who stole the show. And after getting goaded into going skating with the other Avengers (by Natasha’s conniving planning) where Peter’s friend works at well Bucky can’t help but feel that there’s something more to look towards to.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus-Sized Reader
Word Count: 1.4K
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of physical harm from roller skating, etc.
A/N: It’s something…
If you would have asked her what was going through her mind the moment her eyes landed on Bucky Barnes, well Bibi could have told you that she was freaking the fuck out. She thought that nothing else could embarrass her more than that stupid speech Peter had made her do for losing a wager, but here she was right after face to face with her childhood hero and crush of many years and the only thing she thought of saying to him was ‘What’ll be Sarge?’
Ugh, pathetic.
Here was her chance to finally talk to people who were the most unselfish individuals, who. put their life on the line for the greater good and today she was to become their mentor. Sergeant Barnes seemed to be entertained by her flustered remark, a beautiful smile spreading across his face that made her heart flutter. The Black Widow was sitting on the counter putting on her skates, Bibi didn't feel like she had the guts to let her know that she wasn’t allowed to be on the counter so she let her be.
“I’ll take a pair of twelve in a half skates, doll,” Bucky said as he saw her turn towards the shelf grabbing him a pair of dark faded skates. Her cheeks were burning bright red and Bucky felt a deep satisfaction for being the reason. Somebody yelled out her name from the rink, so she gave him an apologetic smile before pushing herself off and skating towards whoever had called her, Bucky couldn’t help but stare as she glided around with ease.
Natasha shimmied herself closer to where he had bent down to tug off his boots, from the corner of his eyes he could see her dark red skates swinging back and forward nonchalantly but he knew better than that. He looked up at her waiting for a teasing remark but her expression was enough especially as she wiggled her eyebrows at him, taunting him.
Bucky looked away, lasering on, tying his skates avoiding Nat’s eyes, he couldn’t help but worry that maybe he wasn't cut out for skating as he used to be, maybe Steve had exaggerated a little bit when he was talking about his experience. He stood ready to take a step forward before wobbling, almost losing his footing and falling, okay maybe Steve had exaggerated too much.  Natasha jumped off the counter landing neatly on her skates without any form of trouble before throwing him a mocking grin as she skated away, Bucky glared at her retreating form as he finished getting his laces tied, he stood and took a confident step forward and almost broke his nose as his foot slipped he caught himself on the encounter.
He looked up trying to make out if his slip was caught by anybody but it seemed no one had been paying attention to him, he tried again a little more tentatively wobbling towards where Tony, Pepper who had just arrived with Morgan, Steve, and Sam were standing around watching the others get instructions from Peter’s girlfriend on how to stand on their skates, Peter, Shuri, Ned were already skating around trying to outmaneuver each other to see who could do a better move.
He looked around trying to see where you were when he finally spotted you, Morgan, at your side clinging to your arm as she followed in slower glides from her skates, you had taken a slow pace to accommodate to her still being a beginner your skirt flowed around you, and Bucky was mesmerized.
“Wow!” Pepper exclaimed. “She’s going to be amazing with the kids.”
Bucky roused from his trance as he turned towards Pepper who was watching you closely as you and Morgan skated by as both of you raised a hand at them and waved, Tony stood by a camera in hand taking pictures and videos. She turned to him, a small smirk in place as she gave a side glance at Tony who was trying very hard to avoid the conversation.
“Nat might have mentioned you would have an interest in anything on our new nanny/tutor for Morgan and Charlie.”
“New nanny, since when?”
“Since last week, Peter mentioned she was majoring in child development and education and was in dire need of a job. Morgan needed a tutor and we also needed someone who could help me out with Charlie when I had to show up to meetings and Tony was out on missions, so it was a win-win situation.”
Bucky’s curiosity was piqued by the extra information he was given on you, and just as he was about to indirectly ask for more Nat had skated over hitting him at the back of his head.
“What are you doing over here?” She asked as he ignored his pointed glare as he tried to soothe the spot where she had hit him “The whole point of making this happen was for you to be able to get a chance and talk to this girl, so get your ass out there sergeant.”
Buck huffed out a breath knowing it was true and feeling a little triumph in getting Natasha to confess that this was all her doing. He took a step forward as the music changed to a much more upbeat tempo, something that made him feel confident about what he was doing as he finally stepped on the floor you zoomed past him as you gave a full 180 turn that left him a little speechless. Knowing that he was interrupted earlier and maybe this was his only chance to have a conversation with you so Bucky squared his shoulders and took a small little step forward.
And he fell.
Bucky had fallen right on his face in front of everybody and this time it could not be ignored.
He heard Natasha’s laugh from behind him, her loud cackles making his annoyance flair up as he tried to get up but his skate slipped and he fell once more making her laugh harder at him. He looked to his left trying to find Nat and send her a very helpful finger but the only thing he saw was an exchange of money from Tony to her as they clearly ignored his mortification of the situation. He felt like nothing else could go even worse, maybe he could go to Fury and ask him to send him on a mission deep in the jungle where he could disappear for a year or so.
“Are you okay? Do you need some help?”
Forget the jungle, Antártica sounded so much better at this moment. He looked up his hair getting in the way as he saw you crouching down a few feet away giving him space so he wouldn’t be startled by her proximity, he knew that if he were to try and get up by himself it would end back with him sprawled on the floor so he lightly gave a nod at her as confirmation.  Just as you were in the crouching position you used your hands to glide towards him, your skirt dragging on the dirty ground and he couldn’t help the frown on his face when he saw it.
It was a pretty skirt. He thought.
You didn’t reach out to him or tried to lift him as others would do but instead, you held out your hand palm up, giving him a say when he wanted to take your hand. He hesitated as he took your hand, it was so soft that he didn't want to let it go. After you gave him a small boost and explained to him the perfect way to position his feet so he didn't slip again, Bucky was up towering over you, your hands holding him so there wasn’t another incident.
“It’s much harder than what people think.” You said to him as you let him go, Bucky pushed his hair back, he had forgotten to bring a hair tie that Nat had given to him earlier in the day so here he was struggling with his hair as he tried to get it in control, you held out your hand again and Bucky felt his heart jump at the sparkly hair tie you were holding out to him.
“People think it’s all fun and games until they break a few bones and twist a few ankles, then they decide that skating just isn’t for them.”
Bucky looked at you as he finished picking up his hair trying to see if you were joking or not a small little smile danced upon your lips and he couldn’t help the small laugh he let out.
“Sacrifices should be made when you want to improve yourself.”
You nodded at his words behind you he could see Morgan dragging along Thor helping him glide about as he held her small hand in his, he turned back to you as you gave him a smile holding out your hand to his.
“I was told you wanted some private lessons, how about you take my hand and trust that I will be the best teacher you've probably ever had.”
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