#female rover x reader
starless-nightz · 27 days
female rover... I’m obsessed with her GRRHGHJRHD she’s so girlboss and charismatic but she has those adorable, gentle eyes that I can’t help but want to be all hers AAAAA
can you do hcs about female rover with a fem!s/o who always gets flustered around her? 😍😍
Fem! Rover with a flustered! fem! S/O
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warnings -> none.
content includes -> fluff, flustered reader, confused rover.
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Rover doesnt understand why you get so flustered around her, especially when she kisses you on the forehead or when she kisses your hand
She doesnt understand that just her being next to you makes you want to fall on your knees, and dont get me started on her gentle voice and eyes
Rover isnt completely oblivious tho, she knows what makes you get to your knees, but she tries her absolute best not to tease you too much
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robilover · 16 days
Dating Female Rover headcannons? 🥺👉👈
Female Rover Dating Headcanons !
pairing(s): female rover x fem!reader
cw: purely SFW, men and homophobes dni.
a/n: first hc request! so sorry if this took a while to make </3
dating female rover is very interesting. most of the time, she can be quite nonchalant, but she brings out some jokes here and there!
it’s either you laugh at her jokes or cringe— it doesn’t really matter to her. she loves your every reaction to her jokes.
she can be protective but she knows her limit since you’re also a person who has her own life.
a bit of a flirt. if you do return the flirtation, she would sometimes be caught off guard. she immediately recovers though, and returns it again to see your face flush because of her. she would smile proudly right after.
female rover is a green flag. that’s it.
...but she does like to tease you every now and then, just to see you blush and stutter around her. she knows when to stop though.
she always tells you where she’s heading; whether it may be going out with yangyang and chixia, fight tacet discords, or even help people in jinzhou. however, if you wanted to go with her, she wouldn’t mind since she loves your company. just, keep a safe distance when she fights the tacet discords. she wouldn’t want to see you get hurt.
when she is in the middle of a fight against tacet discords, she always asks either yangyang or chixia, or anyone who tags along, to watch over you to keep you safe.
in the corner of her eye, during fights, she would notice you getting all blushy and wide-eyed. it’s like a booster for her, as she feels determined to finish them off since she knows that her beloved girlfriend is watching her fight. she knows that you admire her a lot.
female rover isn’t so much of a woman who is into physical touch, but she doesn’t mind holding your hand in public or hugging you in public. you just have to ask!
she would sometimes get embarrassed if chixia points out how lovey-dovey you both are. you could already see the faint blush on her cheeks as she jokingly tells chixia to mind her own business.
however, if you are someone who is not fond of showing affection in public, she respects your boundaries. after all, she doesn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.
in private, she loves to cuddle you. she doesn’t really notice that she’s already giving you her puppy eyes when she asks for cuddles.
she’s always the big spoon, but she doesn’t really mind being the small spoon! whatever cuddling position you want, even if you’re taller or shorter, she doesn’t care as long as you’re in her arms. <3
she loves to kiss you on your forehead. to her, it’s like a promise that she’ll always be there for you and that she will never leave you.
when hugging or cuddling, she would be quite confused when you bury your face into her chest. however, she finds it endearing.
she likes to pull you on her lap just so she could take in your scent. her arms tightly wrapped around your waist as she occasionally presses fleeting kisses on your nape or even your shoulders. also on your cheek because she loves to hear you giggle.
all in all, female rover always ensures your safety, makes sure that you’re loved and cared for, also protected since she’s a strong woman! very strong woman <33
another a/n: you can tell how much I love female rover🔥🔥
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n0tamused · 22 days
Jiyaaaan request coming your way~
While training his soldiers, one of them accidentally calls him 'Dad'. This leads to the reader teasing them but Jiyan teases back by calling them 'Mom' (or the gender neutral for it?)
(Was reading tv tropes and Jiyan had the 'A Father to his Men' tropes in his character tab lol)
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A/n: Anon this request was so sweet, thank you sm for sending it in! Jiyan the father of an army fr.. I do hope I executed it well. Enjoy!
Content: Jiyan x F!Reader, fluff and playful stuff, nothing more
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The morning sun had long since shifted its axis towards the center of the sky, blazing down through cotton clouds that sailed the azure skies. Below them, in the open fields, west of the main base cacophony sounded, consisting of commands, groans and other sounds of effort as the Midnight Ranger performed their training. And today Jiyan had come to overlook the session himself, although it wouldn’t be the first time. He was often so preoccupied with tasks at the front lines that he didn’t have the time to be leading drills too frequently, but when he did get the chance to do so he would take it. While it wasn’t a full reprieve from the battle, it was still a stark contrast to the grotesque and twisted fates he’d see daily on the battlefield.
Jiyan was noticeably more disheveled by the end, hair messy and hanging in strands and clinging to his sweaty forehead, hands on his hips as his voice rose to meet all ears present. You have just been passing by, helping carry supplies that just came in, and loading old and empty boxes back to be refilled in the city. For once there was no rush that would make your legs ache or your lungs hurt, allowing you all the precious time to bask in the views, the soft chatter and, of course, your dear lover.
The sun caught his figure and formed a golden aura around him, his skin glistening, and you couldn’t help but take a seat at one of many big boxes at the side of the training grounds after you had finished your task. In passing you caught a few looks, and a few smiles of the soldiers you knew from before. They looked much  more lively, despite the rigorous training they just went through. It made your heart warm seeing them in better spirits, wishing nothing more than to see them prevail and be happy. And just as you had recognized a bunch of familiar faces did Jiyan conclude his small speech, about to dismiss everyone with advice of rest hanging on every word. He had spotted you from the start, when you were going by with supplies in arms and soon he’d have a chance to speak to you too, he thought.
“General Jiyan! General Jiyan, a word or two- if I may?” 
It was a voice of one of the new recruits, Jiyan noted as he gazed at the face of the youth, a boy of twenty or so years by the looks of it, and eyes full of curiosity and admiration. He had come up to Jiyan just as he had turned towards you, prompting him to stay rooted in his spot a little longer. A few more young rangers came up behind the recruit, sharing the same curiosity but also being aware of whatever the recruit had on his mind.
“Yes? Is there something you need?” Jiyan questioned, looking at the young man. From his peripheral vision he spotted you moving down from the boxes and joining his side, staying quiet after a short word of greeting towards his Rangers, but your presence felt like a cool breeze under this sun, and he appreciated it all the more.
“I just wanted to say how great today’s training session was, we learned so much more than we did with our drill sergeant” he praised, smiling up at Jiyan all the while, “And I just wanted to ask whether or not you’ll be leading our training session tomorrow as well? Or any other day that is, we would really benefit from your teaching. I mean, you've seen it all for yourself at the front lines!"
The other few with him nodded along, prompting a small smile of pride to form on your face from seeing their fascination with Jiyan. To them he was everything they aspired to be - strong, enduring, tough but not lacking kindness or knowledge. There were times where they were scared to approach him, not knowing how he’d react to their questions, but from observing his interactions with others they warmed up to the idea and plucked all their courage. 
A polite smile curled up on Jiyan’s face as he regarded the youth with gentle golden eyes. His presence as the drill sergeant today wasn’t due to his availability, but a simple coincidence and necessity to fill the shoes of their drill sergeant that had been injured due to Tacet Discords, and Jiyan just happened to be able to be there. “Ah, you have my thanks, rangers. If a replacement for your drill sergeant does not arrive tomorrow and I am not required to be at the front lines, then I will be leading your training tomorrow as well” he told them, which pleased them greatly to hear.  “Although I’m sure Sargent Jin’xi has much more to teach you, something much more important for your sound development in this profession. You cannot take his method lightly. He has seen everything I have, as well. His knowledge is as valuable to your growth, and even more so than mine. You need the good foundation he can give you” He was aware of how confusing or hard it could be to listen to Jin’xi, as the sergeant had quite the eye for details and slow progress in lessons due to his meticulous nature - but that also made him all the better for his station. He was observant and could pluck out bad behavior and mistakes like weeds, and that is better to be done here, than in the middle of battle.
“We know, general, but sergeant Jin’xi is just so hard on us.. sometimes it really seems like he has no limit” one of the women standing behind voiced, earning a look from Jiyan that spoke of his understanding but also his disagreement with the subtle message they were trying to send - please, replace sergeant Jin’xi, or, save us.
“Yeah! One time I accidentally mixed up the weapons in the storage room and he had me do everything on my own again, saying how such mistakes can’t happen on the front lines, how it all means life or death” the first young man said, brushing his fingers through his hair and sighing. “I understand it, but we just got here..” he added and looked at his comrades. 
What was supposed to be a short chit-chat turned swiftly into a gossip galore about Jin’xi. Had Jiyan been any different from the man he was currently, he would’ve scolded them, taken offense at how they spoke about his colleague, but he was in their shoes once, always on edge around the higher ups, and he wished not to bring that same unease to them. He didn’t fail to remind them to not speak like this in front of everyone, and to respect sergeant Jin’xi when he does eventually return, and they gave him their word.
The first young man that approached looked at Jiyan after their discussion, both hands on his hips and looking more relaxed. “We won’t forget that, I promise on my last name! Still, we appreciate your kindness, and one more thing dad- I MEAN- GENERAL!” His entire face crumbled into a look of terror, and all eyes of the group shot to him, looks of surprise and amusement appearing before several of them erupted into laughter after taking a wary glance at Jiyan - who was not offended.
“General Jiyan! Oh god- I apologize, general, I don’t know where that came from-” he stammered, shaking his head and his hands, face flushed from sheer embarrassment. More choked words tumbled out of his mouth, desperate to excuse himself and forget about this. 
Jiyan can’t help but chuckle, the corners of his lips twitching in a failed attempt to hold back his smile. “At ease, recruit. You have not done any crime” he nods at the other, his eyes softening and not showing any sign that he’s about to dish out some punishment - that’d be ridiculous. 
You can’t help but crack a laugh too, covering your lips with your hand as to stifle the sound, but your mirth was evident in your eyes. “Have I missed a chapter? I didn’t know you had kids, general Jiyan” you teased, earning a few shocked but heavily amused looks from the group. Giggles erupted once more, all stifled as they waited for Jiyan to respond to the quip.
Jiyan turns his head to look at you, his eyes boring into yours and questioning your intentions - you can read the thoughts going through your head and your smile only widens in a silent call to a challenge of wits. He didn’t expect you to say something like that, but he could only huff, hiding his amusement under an abrupt guise of confusion.
“Kids?.. Why, I had hoped you’d recognize your own kids, Miss (L/N)” he shot back instantly, making your jaw drop at his rebuttal, a gasp flying past your mouth. “General” you said, accusations plenty heard in your tone as the atmosphere melted into one of jest and play.
Many eyes flickered between you and him, taking in the easy way you conversed with one another.
“Yes? What’s the surprise for? The recruits look up to you too, if you fail to notice. You can confirm with them right now” he is shifting the spotlight to you, and the recruits are quick to jump in too. “It is right, miss. Personally I haven’t been around you for long, no longer than I interacted with the General, but you two are alike, you treat us new ones with a firm but kind hand” a young woman said, smiling at you, and you feel your heart climb into your throat. 
“Can we really be surprised, they’re always together too-” "Aren't they married?" Whispering is heard amidst the group, and Jiyan looks amidst the faces to catch the one that said that but fails to do so, or refuses to weed out the individuals, and his eyes go back to you to catch your response. It’d be a lie to say your relationship with him was a secret, everyone knew there was something deeper between the two of you, something you didn’t show in public due to the war and status, but it was undeniably there. Still, hearing it loud and clear like this was like a splash of cold water. Despite their chatter, the group remained respectful, sweet in their musings.
“Ah, quiet, I do not want to hear it. This is about you, General”
“Ah, don’t run from it now. You’re the one that started this” he commented, rolling his eyes as he folded his arms over his chest. “Anyway, you’re all dismissed. I have a word with.. mother over here. Off you all go. I will see you all in the morning for another training drill. Get some rest” he speaks to the group, gazing upon their faces, only to see how they looked at him with some sort of childhood wonder, and that’s when he realized he must be flushed too. A sheepish smile bloomed on his face. 
“Alright! Awesome-” “Yes, sir!"
“Have a good day, General! And you too, Miss!” 
He watched them leave, bidding them all farewell, and when he turned to face you again he saw you pinching the bridge of your nose, hiding away the biggest smile of the day, the apples of your cheeks redder than before. The Midnight Rangers were undeniably close in connection, having spent so many nights and days huddled together for warmth or laughs or protection, and this small exchange only warmed Jiyan’s heart, to witness how positively they felt around him - and you. 
“Didn’t think we’d become parents so soon. Have we gotten that old already?” Jiyan commented, tone softer in a way he only addressed you when you were alone, and there was no one near the training grounds to hear you.
“Oh, shut up, Jiyan-” you playfully snapped, biting your lip as you looked up at him, stifling a giggle. “You are unbelievable!”
“Hm? Did you expect me to stay quiet today or ignore your quips?” he smiled bigger and you have to admire the little dimples in his cheeks as the smile reaches his eyes, making them squint at you softly.
“I don’t know what I expected, but your response was certainly the last thing I expected” you replied and shook your head, as if that would shake off the redness tinting your skin, imitating him now by crossing your arms. The two of you were looking at each other, wordlessly admiring your red faces while throwing these little quips at one another. 
“Ah.. you’ll get used to it, dearest wife”
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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resonatorover · 20 days
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WW . " 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞… 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐰. "
An independent + public roleplay blog of ROVER from the game WUTHERING WAVES , as viewed FIXII. REQUESTS AND INTERACTIONS [ OPEN. ]
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the gifs belong to @/sinsofsinister, the character(s) are from KURO GAMES and all rights go to them. the creative writing and specific posts however belongs to this blog's agent only.
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i. be kind; mod is open-minded. ii. discrimination of age, race, religion, sexuality or gender will not be accepted here. iii. will NOT do adult x child, or NSFW topics involving a child. [ side note: due to personal matters, updates will be sporadic. ]
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© @resonatorover do not reproduce.
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btssavedmylifeblr · 1 month
Void - Part 10 - Wednesday
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title banner by @rude–jude♡
Genre: Sci-fi with a little angst and a LOT of smut
Pairing: BTS x Reader (yup - all seven)
Summary: You are the only female crew member on a 12 year space mission with seven handsome men. The sexual tension is real, y’all.
Word Count: 1.9k
Part 9 /?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Warnings: very short chapter
Mercifully, Taehyung does not wake you up with a thumb in your mouth. You wonder if you will even see him today, given he only signed the form to hide his feelings for Jimin. 
You head straight for the greenhouse, determined to avoid Hoseok for as long as possible. Will you ever be able to face him again? Maybe you should start working nights.
Luckily, there’s plenty to do in the greenhouse and you manage to work all day without interruption. Dinnertime arrives and your stomach grumbles, but you procrastinate heading for the kitchen out of fear of who may be eating there. You can’t stomach bumping into any of the men you’re fucking or any of the men you aren’t.
At a little past seven o-clock, Taehyung sticks his head into the door of the greenhouse. He furrows his brow to see your hands covered in soil. “I thought we had a date?”
“Huh?” you ask, wiping the dirt from your hands onto your pants. “I thought that was pretend. For the benefit of the crew.” 
Taehyung laughs, stepping further into the greenhouse. “Well, some of it was, but I did actually make dinner.”
“You did?” You aren’t dressed for a date. Not that you have anything else to wear. Just a different slightly less dirty jumpsuit. At least none of your clothing is covered in semen today. Yet. 
Taehyung is wearing the same jumpsuit from the accident with the rover. It’s still missing a sleeve from where it was cut off of him. It’s quite flattering on him, no surprise. His exposed upper arm has just enough muscle definition to draw your attention. It’s still in the sling but the bruising has faded. The asymmetrical look with its rough unsewn edge makes him look rather roguish. 
“Come on! The food’s getting cold!” He ducks back out of the greenhouse, waving for you to follow him.
You clean your hands with a cloth and follow him. You're surprised when he veers away from the kitchen and heads for the hangar instead.
The overhead lights in the hangar are off. The room looks so different, it takes you a minute to process what you are seeing. The Europa rover sits in the middle of the room, glowing from the inside with soft blue light.  Scattered around the room are little twinkling lights of white and blue and green. 
“Taehyung!” you gasp. “What is all this?”
“A date!” he answers triumphantly. He clambors up onto one of the large wheels of the rover and opens the door. Even from a distance, you can see a white tablecloth covering the center console, topped with more twinkling lights. He reaches down a hand to help you up. “Your chariot, m’lady.”
“This is…” You are at a loss for words as you take his hand and climb up into the rover with him. “This is so…” You examine one of the twinkling lights on the make-shift table up close. It’s one of the LEDs intended for lighting your paths down on the Europa ice sheets. At least it was rechargeable. "Taehyung, this is so much work for a fake date.” 
Taehyung laughs. “Just because we’re not bumping uglies, doesn’t mean it can't be a real date. I like dates.”
He pulls out a reusable water bottle from behind one of the seats that makes a surprising pop when he opens it. Then he pours something golden and bubbly into two champagne glasses. 
Without thinking, you take accept glass as he hands it to you, then do a double-take. “Is this champagne? Where on Earth did you get champagne? Or champagne glasses?”
He laughs, enjoying your surprise, as he takes a sip from his own glass. “Unfortunately, it’s not the real stuff, just some apple juice I ran through the carbonator.” He clinks his glass to yours as you hold it, still suspended in shock. “The glasses are from Earth though. Packed them for a special occasion.”
He stares a bit wistfully at the glass in his hand and you get a little pang of sadness. “Were you planning this for Jimin?”
He looks up at you and shakes his head, waving your concerns away. “No, no, no. I did this for you.”
“For me?”
He nods. “I’m trying to make amends.”
You’re surprised. “Amends for what?”
He sighs. “For the tape, for the jealousy, I feel like…” He gestures around at the ship in general. “I feel like a lot of this is my fault.”
“What? No.” You shake your head. “This is my fault. I started all this.” 
Taehyung gestures to one side of the console table welcoming you to sit down. “It seemed like you and Jimin were happy though, until I broke my arm and messed everything up.”
“Yeah…” You sigh as you sit down across from him. You sip your fake champagne as you remember orgasming with Jimin inside you, but Yoongi’s voice in your head. “Mostly… but there was something missing…”
“Ah,” Taehyung gives a bit of a teasing smile. “A certain flight engineer, perhaps?”
“Yeah,” you shrug nervously, running your finger around the rim of your glass and teetering on the edge of admitting your real problem. “And not just him…” 
Taehyung nods knowingly. “We do have a devastatingly attractive crew, don’t we?”
“Yes!!” You exclaim, laughing in relief at someone who finally understands. “Why did you all have to be so fucking hot?!”
“All of us?” He places a hand on his chest in fake surprise. 
“Oh shut up, you know you’re hot.” The bubbles in your glass make you feel a little tipsy even if there's no alcohol in them.
Taehyung gives an exaggerated wink, then laughs. "You are very good at seeming uninterested in anyone though. I couldn’t believe how well you held it together when Jungkook stripped in front of you for that haircut.”
A lightbulb goes off. “Oh my god, you put him up to that, didn’t you?”
Taehyung bursts into delighted giggles and you smack him on his good arm. “You did! You maniac! Are you trying to kill me?”
“Not my finest moment, I will admit. Perhaps I had ulterior motives for throwing the hunk at you. Sorry. Just one of many reasons I owe you apologetic fake champagne.” He takes another sip and smiles as he recalls the memory. “Still, you kept your cool remarkably well. If it were me, I would have had his dick in my mouth well before the end of that haircut.”
Your mouth falls open. Fuck. That’s… that’s a very attractive mental image. Your pelvic muscles flinch with a twinge of arousal. 
Taehyung sees your surprise and his eyes widen. “Oh shoot, sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” He takes your glass from you and sets it down on the table, before turning to rummage with something in a cooler sitting under the seat next to him.
“Oh no.” You squirm in your seat. “I’m not… you didn’t…” you stammer. Fuck. What are you even trying to say? “I just didn’t realize you were attracted to Jungkook as well.”
Taehyung turns back to you and smiles. “I mean… how could you not be? That smile… those abs…”
You both sigh in unison, then laugh. “It’s deeply unfair,” you agree.
He nods, then wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “What’s deeply unfair is how you have this crew wrapped around your finger.”
“What? No I don’t.”
He arches an eyebrow.
“I don’t!”
He sips his apple juice skeptically.
“No seriously! Hoseok and Namjoon won’t have sex with me even though I practically begged them…” 
He shakes his head. “I still don’t think you realize the power you hold.”
“What power?”
“I saw that video you made with Yoongi. That was incredible. When you let go of all the fear and stress and were so open and vulnerable, that was beautiful. It’s no wonder they all love you.”
Something about hearing it from someone you’re pretty sure doesn’t want to have to sex with you makes you feel like it might really be true. But the whole thing is still too embarrassing and uncomfortable to think about for too long. 
“They’re not in love with me. They’re just… I don’t know… can we talk about something else?”
Taehyung sets down two plates of what looks like fine dining. Red beets sliced thin and drizzled with balsamic vinegar and a rounded mound of rice pilaf topped with a whole chicken breast.
“My god, where did you get all this?”
He smiles, pleased with himself. “Jin helped me with a bunch of it. I’ve technically given up two of my Christmas dinners for this, but it seemed worth it.” 
You are shocked again that he would go to so much effort. “You didn’t have to do all this just for the sake of our pretend relationship…”
He reaches over the table to take your hand in his. “I do want a real relationship with you though,” he says and your heart starts racing. His dark eyes hold such warmth even as the rest of him is so statuesque. But then he draws back. “Even just as a friend.” he says and you’re a bit disappointed. 
The two of you chat the rest of the evening as you savor your meal, both relieved to find someone you can be honest with. 
At one point you offer to mend his jumpsuit sleeve for him, but he declines. “I like it," he says, shrugging. "Reminds me of important lessons."
You wait for him to elaborate, but he doesn't. "I suppose it is rather dashing," you admit, trying to fill the silence. "But I suppose you would make a dish towel look dashing." You can't even blame the fake champagne for your loose tongue.
His eyes widen in delight and he laughs as he pours the last of the bubbly apple juice into each of your glasses.
“So…” he says as you take a last bite of your dessert, a delicious chocolate cake designated for some future New Year’s Eve. “Fuck, marry, kill: Namjoon, Jimin, Yoongi.”
You gasp in horror. “Taehyung, I can’t answer that!”
“Too violent? How about fuck, marry, kiss?”
“No way, not answering.” You mime zipping your lips closed. 
“I’d marry Jimin, obviously.” He continues, undeterred. “And I think I’d have to fuck Yoongi. Those hands… my god.”
“Ugh…” Just the memory makes you groan and collapse onto the table in front of you. “Tae, he’s so good with them. It’s terrible. Those goddamn hands are what started this whole mess.”
Taehyung is pleased to have finally cracked through your facade. “Though the commander… he just carries himself like he has a big dick, you know?”
“Agh…” you groan again, laughing as you stand up. “I think that’s my cue to go to bed.”
“Allow me, m’lady.” He stands up and takes your hand to help you out of the rover. He’s still holding your hand as the two of you reach the floor of the hangar. 
“Thank you again for all this.” You gesture at the twinkling lights spread over the floor, looking especially lovely now that most of the ship has gone dark. 
“Would you mind a platonic goodnight kiss?” He asks, tapping his cheek.  
You bite your lip and shake your head, feeling a whole storm of butterflies in your stomach that do not feel platonic at all. He leans in and gives you a soft kiss on your cheek. “Thank you for a lovely evening,” he murmurs close to your ear.
“Same time next week?” you ask, trying to fight down how on fire your face feels now. “I’ll cook next time.”
He grins. “Looking forward to it.”
Thursday is next! And it's going to be dramatic. Hopefully it will be ready soon! Thanks for reading!
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purel6mbie · 27 days
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'𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝, 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞' ... !
꒰ scar x reader
꒰ cw yandere, mentions of blood, reader hates female rover, slightly suggestive, reader is crazier than him nd that's smth .. tysm for the request, anonie ~ hope you'll like it !
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you couldn't believe what was playing before your eyes. your blood boiled beneath your skin as you watched the playful banter between your lover and that so-called rover going on. the way scar smiled at her and the attitude she showed him, all of it was like watching flames burn you without you ever trying to escape them. it hurt.
'you don't know your worth yet, do you ? i know you have questions and I have the answers. I'd give them all to you if you joined me, us.' scar smiled. your man, lips merely inches away from that woman's ear.
your eyes barely managed to notice the glimmer of a sword before your body moves instinctively, going to shield your lover from rover's attempt. all hell broke lose at that exact moment. no one could try to hurt your lover without facing the consequences.
'oh oh ..' you heard scar say behind you as you lunged on your enemy, trying to find access to any exposed skin.
'you dared try hurt him ..' you seethed between gritted teeth, the sound of swords clashing buzzing in your ears, only further fueling your adrenaline. 'I don't know who you think you are, but I'll show you your place.'
and just as your blade finally grazed her filthy skin, tainting it a crimson red, your sword turned into ashes, vanishing into thin air as you screamed in protest.
looking up, your opponent had disappeared. you were back in scar's room ..
'why'd you protect her ?' you spat, furiously turning towards your lover who was lying down on his luxurious ruby sofa. 'I was about to kill her.'
scar looks over at you, at the deep frown over your eyes, at the slight pout digging your lips .. at the blood on your forearm. you looked like an insane goddess. he could feel his pants getting tighter.
'come here,' he beckons you over, waving his hand. 'cmon pretty, don't make me beg you, you know that's not how it goes between us, mmh ?' the smirk that tugs at his mouth and the sudden gleam in his odd eyes make you obey him against your will.
his gloved hand rested on your hip, his fingers drawing circles on the patch of bare skin that wasn't covered by your uniform. you shivered at the touch, before you found yourself lying on his toned chest, cheek pressed just above his heart as scar patted your head like you would do to calm a child throwing a tantrum. even though you frowned at the lack of seriousness in your lover's actions, your heartbeat went into a frenzy, painfully hammering inside your chest, and you knew that he could hear it.
'what you did just now is reckless and absolutely disregarding of what I told you to do if you were to accompany me.' he breathes over your head, tone even.
you detached your head from his chest to look up at him with anger. 'she tried to hurt you. to kill you, even.' you remind him through gritted teeth. 'I can't believe that you're reprimanding me for that .. is she that important to you ?'
scar simply laughed out loud at that, his chest vibrating like it would burst, head thrown back over the arm rest. he cups your cheeks and stares at you.
'do you think I would have let myself be killed that way ? you're underestimating me, darling ..' he says with a smile, before tilting his head to the side. 'but I've got to admit that you look hella cute like that,' his thumb grazes your lip as his gaze lingers there for a moment, 'almost ready to kill that insignificant bug for me. yeah, that was actually extremely arousing ..' scar smirks at the way you blush when he moves his hips slightly, his boner now pressed against your thigh in case you hadn't noticed it already.
one of his hands goes to pull your hair back quite harshly, tilting your head up as yours are sprawled on his torso for support. the villain contemplates you like that for some time before grinning. 'insanity looks ravishing on you, darling. but you'll have to tune it down until I complete my mission ..' he leans his face closer, mere inches from your lips, breathing. 'then, I'll let you do whatever my precious wants to our tool once she becomes useless, alright ?'
your lips clash with his in a heated kiss, or what it might look like from the outside, because this was something else, something greater, a love only possible between the most exceptional living beings. it was obsession.
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©purel6mbie 2024 | do not copy, translate, repost !
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Reality Sinks In
Pairing: Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.7k
Warnings: relationship angst, fluff
Summary: You and Bucky get a taste of normalcy in Italy where he goes to work and you spend his money. He will do anything to see you smile but he's quickly reminded of the fact that your smile can be easily taken away.
Between Love and Hate Masterlist
Squares Filled: always (2023) for @buckybarnesbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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After that conversation with Bucky, you became more suspicious about what he did for work. There was only one way you were going to get answers and that was if you got them yourself. You hated doing this to Bucky because you loved him so much. You should have trusted him if he said there was nothing to worry about, but there was something nagging at you in the back of your mind.
Something wasn’t right.
You took one of your old Air Tags and placed it inside his trunk underneath his gym bag. Wherever he went, you’d know about it. Bucky allowed you to stay inside his mansion while he left for business knowing there were guards here to make sure you don’t go in places you weren't supposed to go in. 
You pulled up the app for the Air Tag inside his car to see he was already on the move. You grabbed your purse and headed out. You order an Uber and put in a random address just so the driver would have something concrete to charge you with. When he got there, you hopped into the front seat.
“I know this isn’t customary but I need you to follow this Air Tag, please. I’ll pay you two hundred bucks,” you said and showed him the money so he knew you had it.
“Done,” he shrugged.
You placed your phone on his hook so he could see Bucky’s movement. The map took you all the way to the other side of town. The only thing on this side of town was an old warehouse. Why was Bucky here? The driver pulled up to the warehouse and you got out of the car.
“If you wait here, I’ll tip you an extra hundred. I’ll be right back.”
“You got it.”
Bucky’s sleek black Maserati was outside with three other Range Rovers that Bucky’s men drove. You snuck inside the warehouse and immediately heard screaming coming from upstairs. You slowly walked up the stairs in fear that you might be caught if you made too much noise. On the second story, you approached a room that didn’t have a door. Whatever this room was, the door had been smashed to pieces either from vandalism or by homeless people.
“Are you going to tell me what I want to know?”
That was Bucky’s voice. What the hell was he doing here? You peeked your head through the open doorway and saw a man tied to a chair in the middle of the room. His face had cuts and bruises, blood soaked his clothes, and one of his eyes was swollen shut. Bucky’s men stood around the man with guns while Bucky was right in front of him with his sleeves rolled to his elbows.
“I swear, I don’t know anything, man.”
“You want to know what I do to people who lie to me?”
Bucky pulled his fist back and punched the guyy so hard that you heard his bone crack under the pressure. You put your hand to your mouth as tears came to your eyes. This wasn’t the Bucky you knew. Bucky was kind and loving, not brutal and dangerous.
“Tell me who your boss is and I’ll make your death quick and painless,” Bucky ordered. The man refused to give Bucky what he wanted, and Bucky didn’t have time for this. “I got a girl waiting for me at home who I’d rather be with. Don’t keep me waiting.”
When the man didn’t answer, Bucky took out his gun and aimed it at the man’s head. The man started crying in fear but Bucky spared him no mercy. He shot him twice in the head. You jumped back from the impact and let out a startling cry. Bucky and his men turned toward the sound, and Bucky locked eyes with you.
“Shit, Y/N!”
You didn’t hear him because you were already running away from him. The Uber you ordered was still down there like you asked him to, and you hopped back into the car and wiped your tears.
“Just take me back home.”
“Are you okay?”
“I need you to step on it.”
You wanted to get back to his mansion before Bucky did. When you did, you threw the money at the man, thanked him, and sprinted toward the house. You packed whatever you could with the hope that you’d be out of the house before Bucky came back, but luck wasn’t on your side.
“Y/N, please, wait--”
“Get away from me! Don’t come near me!”
“This is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you what I did.”
You turned to him with tears rolling down your cheeks.
“You’re a murderer! My parents are Christians. Imagine what they’d think of you!”
Bucky stood up straight and hardened his look.
“You knew what you were signing up for the second you gave your body to me.”
“God, being in a relationship isn’t meant to be this exhausting! I can’t keep waiting around for you to come home, what secrets you want to keep from me, and if I’ll get in trouble for going into your damn office! You’re hurting people, Bucky!”
“This is the life. Take it or leave it.”
Bucky left your room but you didn’t think twice about what to do next. You finished packing and left his house with the intention of never returning again.
You’re about to leave for Italy when you decide to double-check your list just to make sure you have everything. Clothes, makeup, hair products, hair curler, bathroom stuff, pajamas, etc. You walk by the front door and notice a brown box outside on the porch. Weird. There isn’t a note or anything on the outside but your name is written in beautiful script writing.
You take the box inside and open it without thinking it could be dangerous. Inside is a note and the beautiful dress you and Gio made together.
The dress was made for you. You should have it. - Gio
Oh, Gio. You quickly put the dress in your suitcase before Bucky comes down. You toss the boxes next to the ones you got from Amazon hoping he’ll think it’s from Amazon. Your mouth goes dry at the sight of Bucky in a three-piece suit. It makes you want to rip it off him and take him back upstairs.
“You’re staring,” he smirks.
“You’re very hard not to stare at.”
“Are you ready?”
Bucky takes the suitcases to the car while you pull out your phone to text Gio. You feel bad for bailing on his college party but how can you resist Bucky’s offer to Italy? You don’t Gio to feel like he’s second best, so you come up with a little lie about why you can’t go to the party.
You: Hey, Gio! I feel so bad about this but an emergency came up, and I won’t be able to make it to the party this weekend. Gio: Hey, no worries! Maybe we can hang out after? You: Yeah, I’d like that. Maybe when I get back in town.
“You ready?”
“Yeah, coming.” Bucky drives you to the airport where his personal jet is waiting. “Wow, I’ve never been on a private jet before.”
“You can have all this and more,” Bucky grins. Sam takes the suitcases and brings them to the jet. “Any weekend, anywhere in the world. You name it, you’re there.”
“You’re making all this go to my head,” you blush. “Before you know it, you’ll be taking me all around the world every weekend.”
“I hope you use it that way.”
He escorts you into the jet while Sam and Steve get it ready for takeoff. Once they join you inside, the pilot taqkes off. One of the female flight attendants brings over a flute of champagne, and you take it with a smile.
“Thank you.” You turn to Bucky who is right across the small aisle. “So, why are you going to Italy?”
“I need to take care of some business.” At the word “business” your smile falters. “Before you overthink this, I’m going to negotiate terms on opening a branch in Italy. I’m meeting with the owner of the building I want to buy.”
“Okay, okay,” you chuckle nervously. “I’m assuming this meeting isn’t going to take all week so what else do you have planned?”
“Whatever you want.”
You hum in thought and smirk when a few ideas come to mind.
“Dinner overlooking the Eternal City?”
“Shopping in Milan?”
“Only if you promise to spend a lot of money.”
“What if I wanted to stay in bed all day with you?”
“If you’re going to do that, you’re going to be naked the whole time,” he smirks. You blush darkly and look at Sam and Steve who have yet to look at you. “I once promised you the world. I’m just holding onto that promise.”
It’s not enough you took a private jet to Italy but Bucky had to get the most expensive room at the most expensive hotel in Italy. The room is covered in gold--golden and white walls, a beautiful California King bed on a platform, a big bathtub in the middle of the bedroom that can fit two people, a balcony overlooking the city and waters below, and a full kitchen. This place is more expensive than you made in an entire year.
“Wow, this room is beautiful.”
“Listen, I made the meeting first thing so we could have the rest of the week together. I gotta go. Sam and Steve are in the next room if you need them or if you want to go somewhere. I will be back in time to take you to dinner.”
“Okay,” you smile.
Bucky grabs the sides of your face and kisses you deeply. Bucky leaves before he’s tempted to take you to bed, and you admire the room some more. You’re in fucking Italy! Of course, you’re going to go shopping here. The bathroom is as big as your bedroom back home. This is all so surreal. This is nothing like what you had growing up.
You spend two hours inside the bathroom pampering yourself before getting dressed in a light blue flowing dress that goes past your knees and a pair of cute heels. Steve and Sam escorted you to the nearest mall where you immediately fell in love with the stores available. You have Bucky’s shiny black Amex card in your purse that’s begging you to use it, and who are you to deny that?
Shirts, shoes, makeup, pants, dresses, lingerie, perfume, and more are in bags that Steve and Sam are carrying for you. All things you don’t really need but want. You might be buying all this knowing Bucky is seeing all the transactions on his bank app, and that is giving you motivation to buy more. You just bought a Louis Vitton purse and Christian Louboutin shoes when your phone rings.
“Yes, may I help you?” you answer Bucky’s call.
“I see you’re quite the spender today.”
“Well, you’re not here to make me feel better. This is the next best thing.”
“I can’t wait to see what you bought. I’ll need you to try them all on for me.”
“Oh, I will. Don’t worry, I got something for you.”
“I already have everything I want. You.”
Bucky sure does know how to make you blush like a schoolgirl.
“You know how to make a girl swoon.”
‘I know how to do more than that,” he smirks.
“Don’t you have a meeting to get back to?”
Bucky chuckles. “See you tonight, Doll.”
After spending another hour shopping, you felt bad for Steve and Sam who carried all of your bags. When you get back to the hotel, you take the extra two hours to get ready. You decide to wear the dress you and Gio made since you’re proud of the design and love how it looks on you. To match the dress, you wear your new Louboutins that are sleek black like Bucky’s card. You step out of the elevator onto the floor where the lobby is. Bucky is waiting with Steve and Sam with his back to you. Sam’s eyes meet yours causing Bucky to turn to see what his trusted friend is looking at. Bucky’s eyes go slightly wide, his mouth drops open a bit, and his pupils dilate because he’s in love with what he sees.
“Wow, you’re just stunning,” Bucky smiles.
“You clean up nice,” you blush.
Bucky takes you to La Pergola, one of the most expensive restaurants in Italy overlooking the Eternal City just like you wanted. Bucky must know the owner because he takes you to the balcony where there are no other people. You should have known he’d buy out the entire section just so you could eat by yourselves. The waiter brings out the wine menu which you take to look over.
“Where did you get that dress?” Bucky asks. “It’s beautiful.”
“Thank you. I made it in class with my partner. He let me have it.”
“Yeah, Gio. The guy you met at lunch last week.”
Bucky’s eyes narrow. “When did he give it to you?”
“I found a box on the front porch before we left.” There’s something dark and dangerous about the look in Bucky’s eyes. “No, please don’t do this. Not here. Not now.”
“Fine,” he nods after a moment.
Bucky will let it go for now but he will definitely be upping security. No one would have been able to leave a box on the front porch without him knowing.
“So, you made this dress?”
“Yeah. I want to make my own clothes and have my own brand. I’d love to see millions of people wear my clothes.”
“I bet you’d be able to showcase your work in Milan during fashion week.”
“I wish,” you smile. “Maybe one day.”
Since the chef also knows Bucky, he gives a discount on the meal even though Bucky asks to pay full price for everything. Bucky ordered the seafood platter while you got the steak and lobster. Both meals were absolutely delicious, especially the chocolate lava cake. Since Bucky didn’t pay full price for the meal, he tipped three hundred dollars extra. You’re not used to such luxury but Bucky isn’t shy when it comes to money.
Afterward, you and Bucky decide to walk around the Po River that flows through Italy. The lights alongside the river make the night glow with the light of a thousand fairies. It’s all so romantic. Bucky knows Steve and Sam are following loosely behind you two but he ignores them since the most important person right now is you.
“What are you thinking?” Bucky asks.
“How I wish every day could be like this.”
“It can.”
No, it can’t. Not as long as Bucky does what he does for work. There are plenty of people who would see past the murder but how can you? You love life and you think everyone should value their life. Bucky takes it away like it’s nothing. You don’t want to ruin the moment so you don’t say anything about it.
You two stop at a small clearing that overlooks the river, and Bucky pulls you close by your hips. He slides his hand into your hair and holds you steady before kissing you. He makes you feel so alive. He makes you feel like you’re the only woman in the world. Why are you so conflicted about this? Why can’t you seem to be okay with this dangerous part of him?
Bucky pulls away from you and notices something behind you. He sees two men standing across the river in black suits with the faint outline of guns strapped to their sides. 
“What is it?” you ask.
“Nothing. It’s time to go back to the hotel room.”
Bucky pulls you away gently, but you look behind you to see the two men.
“Who are those men?”
“No one.”
“Then why are you rushing me out of here?”
“Y/N, come on. We need to go.”
You stop walking and yank your arm out of his grasp.
“No, who are those men? What is going on?”
“Doll, I have a lot of enemies here. I’d rather not let them see you.”
That’s why you can’t let it go. That’s what breaks your heart. It doesn’t matter where Bucky goes, you two can never be normal. You allowed yourself to get caught up in this moment but reality stings when it sets in.
It hurts to love Bucky. It’s making you bleed, and you don’t know how much blood you have left to give.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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starless-nightz · 29 days
Hi. May I request fem rover and sanhua (separate) hc relationships? Thank you :)
Fem! Rover dating HCs
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note -> I didn't do Sanhua since I already made dating HCs for her!
warnings -> none.
content includes -> fluff, jealousy, gift giving.
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Rover is often quite, she prefers showing you her love through actions, but when she speaks her words take your breath away, the way she speaks and talks about you gets you to your knees
She doesnt get jealous easily, but when she does she just glares at the person, who overtime just walks away cause they do not want to deal with a jealous Rover
Rover likes to give you gifts and trinkets from when she comes back from exploring, she even brings you beautiful flowers that match you
You are always there for her, you promise that you will stay by her side as she tries to remember her past and her old life
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robilover · 24 days
hear me out—
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female rover.. nghhhjtjghdjekkwkdns
I want her to just AAAAAGH I want her and I need her and I love her.
SHE’S SO, SO CUTE AND PRETTY AND EVERYTHING OH MY GOD I wanna squish her cheeks so bad. I want her to hold me tight in her arms.
I wanna kiss her so bad, give her cheek kisses and forehead kisses— AND I wanna kiss her tacet mark on her hand like plsplspls female rover I want YOU
read at your own risk under the cut. went a tinyyy bit silly (it’s suggestive.)
I want her to hold me up against the wall and kiss me silly. I want her to litter love bites all over my neck to show everyone who I belong to.
I want to be pinned down by her like how she did to camellya— just without the sword hshajaha she looked so hot doing that help me
she’s good with her fingers I just know it.. I want them in me HSHAJSJA
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romanreignseater · 11 months
This Is Cinema.
Jey Uso x Black Female Reader
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; consensual pornography & rough times 🤫.
“You know what they say about the Bloodline, them boys make CINEMA!!”
A/N: That Jimmy fic is on hold until further notice 😤 (that boy made me so mad). I do have another Jey fic, but this was TOOO good for me to not upload first!! Hope you enjoy 💋!!”
GIF: @jeygif
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Another day of work, another asshole to deal with.
Or so you thought.
Working as “pornstar”, but your preferred term of “adult film star”, was something you didn’t see yourself doing when you were a teen. The idea of getting nude in front of a camera with loads of crew surrounding as you do something that seems so sacred was weird to you back then. But, once college didn’t work out, you had other plans.
One of your homegirls who started off doing porn and soon ventured into the world of OnlyFans gave you the idea to start. And honestly… it was one of the best decisions you’ve made!!
You were soon living lavishly in Tampa, Florida, with $6 million to your name, the most gorgeous mansion, a brand new bright pink Range Rover, the cutest teacup poodle named Rex, food in your fridge, and bills paid. All in under a year.
Regardless of what people may say about you on the internet… sweetheart they were paying your bills.
You were working with some of the best in the industry and millions of views on those videos. Your career seemed to be at its pinnacle, but your manager informed you that there was a group of men starting off in the industry and absolutely taking over. In a little over five months, they were rated the top pornstars in the world.
Hundreds of millions of views on each of their videos and numerous women wanting to start a career just to be able to be near them. Working with them would not only boost your career even further, but to get a chance to fuck a handsome ass Samoan, yes please. In the words of your manager, “We gotta get that dick.”
An interesting choice of words, but you trusted every piece of advice she gave you. Soon, you were on a flight to the ATL to meet up with one of the members of the infamous group.
Doing your research the night prior to your flight, there were three brothers and a cousin. Roman, the cousin, was the oldest and definitely the biggest. A set of twins, Jimmy and Jey, and their younger brother, Solo, who didn’t look so little.
Roman was the one who wasn’t the most booked, as he only worked with the best of the best. Viewers only seeing his work every once in a while. But, when he dropped a video you knew it was gonna be heat. The absolute passion in his strokes and darkness in his eyes made you bite your lip at his raw manly magnitude.
Jimmy was fairly booked, with his whole month practically full. Most of his content involved acting with a lot of backstory. Really diving deep into massive rounds of role play and foreplay. That boy didn’t play games once that time came around though.
Next was Solo. He was working with a lot of underground stars and still reaching the levels of the ones older than him. Yet, he picked up those levels quick. Reaching the heights of his family and making women reach their climax at the same time.
But, the one who really caught your eyes was Jey. He was the definition of your ideal man. His warm-looking tan skin, his beautiful curly mullet, sexy ass style, big meaty thighs and muscles, and those grills. The way he fucked made you shrivel in your panties. He was a beast with a lot of mouth, just the way you liked it. His style consisted more of an interview at the beginning with a little foreplay and then straight to business. Asking girls about what turns them on the most and what he’s gonna do to them. Making each and every woman who set foot near him blush heavily.
And let’s not get started about that dick.
Definitely a 9-incher, big and heavy looking balls that laid nicely underneath his cock. A luscious pink mushroom tip, with meaty veins that trailed down to his trimmed hair. Now, it’s getting really hot and the thoughts of what he could do to you couldn’t stop dancing around your head.
After some more internet stalking, the time flew by and your flight approached.
Knowing that he stayed in ATL made you absolutely happy. Your manager wouldn’t let you know who exactly you’d be working with, but as soon as you saw your ticket, you knew you were in for a treat and rude awakening.
Dressing your absolute best in a grey Skims shirt and matching miniskirt, that barely covered your ass… perfect.
Wig secured down by some industrial glue and an opt out for the lashes, knowing they’d come off. But, mascara is a must.
On your way there, you couldn’t contain the excitement you felt. Watching some of his work that night before and earlier that day, you knew what he liked, how he acted, and how he wanted it. All the little things that made him tick and shiver.
You were seriously on demon time.
Even though, you felt as though you were throughly experienced and quite the pro. The flashing lights and big cameras still made you very nervous. In the beginning, your parents weren’t very supportive, but once they saw you had a roof over your head and food to eat, that’s all that mattered to them. But, sometimes the days didn’t get any easier. Luckily, your manager was a real one and knew how to calm you down.
After meeting all members of the crew, and the camera and director you and Jey would be working closely with today, you got touched up as you awaited Jey’s arrival.
“Nervous?!” The makeup artist asked you. Laughing slightly, you nonchalantly ignored your jitters and told her you were fine. All that anxious behavior would only arise and the man of the hour arrived.
He looked absolutely scrumptious in a pair of white joggers and a white Nike Tech with no shirt on underneath. His Cuban link chains shining in the sunlight and his cross earring dangling from his one ear.
Your cunt just throbbed at the sight of him. “Hello Ms. Y/N?! Is anyone in there?!” Completely zoned out and you didn’t even realize it, Jey waved his big hand in your face to catch your attention. His dimple prominent as he was quite amused by your expression.
“Hey Jey nice to meet you. Sorry… I just zoned out for a second.” Reaching out to shake his hand, he kindly refused. “It’s no problem, but I don’t shake hands I’m more of a hugger.” Flustered by his comment you arose from your chair and were soon enveloped into his burly arms.
His arms were thick and wrapped around your waist securely, his warm chest pressed against yours, as you felt your nipples harden. The feeling of his semi-hard dick rest against your thigh made you bit your lip and hold your arms around his neck tighter. “You out here showing out, I see you and your little miniskirt.” Spinning you around at 180 degrees, he stopped when your back faced his front.
Obviously entertained by his comments, you decided to show out a little more. Bending over slightly and giving him a little shake, Jey took the opportunity to give your ass an ample smack. “Uh oh, we got a lotta chemistry over here, don’t we?!” The producer of our film walked over to us as we were sharing a moment.
Both of us blushed at the producers comments. Damn right we have chemistry, but we really are gonna see once those cameras turn on. “But, we need more of that on the screen, so let’s get filming.” Turning back around to you, Jey gave you a wet kiss on the cheek and winked at you as he headed to the living room.
He is something else.
“In 5, 4, 3, 2… 1.”
“Alright, well look at who we have here. We got the Queen of Screams, Y/N in the building. And the Leader Beater, Jey.” Both of us have a wave and proper introduction to the camera as we laughed at the names the producer gave us.
“I just gotta say you guys just sitting next to each other is already a movie.”
“Maybe I need to move a little more closer to him then.” Snuggling up by his side as gave you a gentle kiss on the forehead.
Jey’s arm was placed on the back of the couch with his legs fully spread, giving a beautiful of his already hard dick. You crossed you legs to staf off that feeling of what he would do to you tonight.
“You already know what it is Uce. I got one of the baddest in the game next to me and I’ve been waiting to get my hands on that ass.”
“Ooooo, Jey got all the smoke about you Y/N. You know that ass is viral!!”
Rolling you eyes slightly, you casually smirked as you began to open your mouth. “I got all the smoke behind him too. I’ve been waiting to dig into him for a while.” Your hand left your right thigh as you palmed him through his white sweats, feeling all of his girth.
“Okayyy, Jey how we feeling about that?!!”
“I’m feeling real good about that Uce. Like the feeling is only rising from here.” Removing your hand from his length, you put your head down as you laughed at his comment.
“She bout to be a REALLLL problem Uce!!” Jey’s hand traveled from the back of the couch to your ass as he palmed and massaged it. Returning the favor, you returned your hand back onto his dick.
“Tim, you need to speed this up a little don’t you think?!” Biting your lip and looking Jey dead in his chocolate brown eyes.
“She’s on demon time Jey.”
Jey simply nodded his head at the camera with a smile on his face as you threw your head back in laughter. “But, you gotta show me a little something bae.”
“What you wanna see?!”
Jey intently stared at your chest, barely taking his eyes off of them. “I think he wants to see my tits.” You giggled as you sensually removed your top, letting your breasts out on full display. Jey took a sharp intake of his breath as he admired your ample assets. You played with them first as you stuck your tongue out of your mouth, letting your saliva drip down onto them.
“Why yo ass so scared Jey?!” He quickly snapped out of your trance and gave you a questioning look. “I ain’t ever scared.”
“Prove it.”
Jey dove straight into the middle of your breasts, motorboating himself. You giggled as you took the back of his head into your hands. Things took a sharp turn when he massaged both of your sensitive breasts in his hands and began sucking on each nipples. Covering them in the upmost amount of saliva.
Bringing himself back into an upright position, he sat back and played with your tits. In awe of the dangly Hello Kitty nipple piercing you had on your right tit. “That fuckin’ piercing go crazy Uce, get a closeup on that.” As the cameraman went in to get a closeup, Jey shook your tits from side to side giving himself and the viewers a show.
“He’s having a lot of fun.” Jey gave the camera another sly look as he continued to play with your breasts. “But, I know he’s gonna have more fun with this.” Removing his hands from you, your chest now faces the back of the couch and your knees now pressed up against the seat cushion. You could hear a whistle coming from Jey’s mouth as you gently shook your ass, letting your miniskirt rise showcasing your lovely pink thong.
“This what I’m taking about baby.” Jey bit his lip as his head neared your ass, giving it a wonderful spank, kiss, and caress. “I’m done with this. I’m ready to get in the field.”
“Wow Y/N, I don’t think we’ve ever seen Jey skip over the interview so fast. We got only about four minutes of footage.”
“Four minutes is enough, come baby.” You yelped as Jey took you into his arms and walked to the bed placed off camera.
“I guess I just got the magic touch.”
“Damn right she do. Take that shit off for me mama.”
Tossing you onto the plush bed, you followed his orders and removed your skirt and panties. Your cunt on full display: wet, warm, pink, and soft. You began to play with your pearl as you stared into Jey’s now dark eyes. He slowly started to undo the ties in his sweats. “Keep playing with it baby, I need that pussy real wet when I fuck it.”
Him telling you to continue masturbating in front of him already drove you over the edge, but wanting you real wet when he fucked you, sent you to the moon.
“Unhhh… my pussy’s so wet for you daddy.” Jey was now in his PSD boxers, playing with his clothed cock at the same pace as you. You both stared sensually into each others eyes as Jey finally became nude. Your eyes couldn’t help but to trail down to his massive length, taking in all its magnificent glory.
“Yo ass looking at it real bad, come give it a taste.” Swiftly, you positioned yourself ass up face down as you took his dick into your small hands. Licking at his swollen head, you captured his bead of pre-cum. Closing your eyes and savoring the taste.
Jey’s head leaned back as you enveloped his entire cock into your mouth, all the way to the base. “Fuckkk, that throat ain’t no joke for real.” Not only were you known for your ass, the way you seemed to swallow a dick up so easily was also a topic of discussion.
You sloppily cover his entire length in your saliva, balls and all. You barely even gagged as he reached the back of your throat. Jey’s head lolled back as he revel in the feeling of your throat swallowing him whole like it was nothing. Bobbing your head up and down, twirling circles around his dick, and playing with his balls. “I-I-I-I c-an’t.”
Jey immediately pushed you away as he shivered at the immense amount of pleasure he was receiving, that he had to stop you. “We can’t be going too crazy so fast now. Stay bent over like that baby.” Arching your back even further, Jey assumed the position behind you.
Massaging your ass oh so heavenly. “That ass is something dangerous mama.” Blushing, you began to shake your ass back reaching to feel his dick. He just stood still as he admired your lewd attempts to fuck yourself against him.
Your pussy finally found his cock and you moaned as you gently pushed it into yourself. “Oooo Daddy, that feels so good already.” Jey grabbed your hips in order to get himself inside of you faster. “That pussy so tighttt.”
You bit your lip and looked into the camera as Jey bottomed out into you and began fucking you slowly. “Hey Jey, I swear you got more than that. Give the girl what she wants.”
Jey paused as you looked back at him. “Many girls can’t handle this and then they tap out.”
“I don’t tap out sweetheart. Do your worst.”
Jey pushed your head down into the mattress, as well as pushing your back down slightly more. He spread your legs further and held your juicy hips. He whispered to the camera, “She ain’t ready.”
Jey soon began to absolutely berating your cunt into oblivion. Your nails almost broke as you clawed at the sheets so roughly. Your ass bounced off of his taut abs as if a basketball was being dribbled on a court.
Your screams muffled into the mat as he didn’t cease his ministrations. His hand stayed trained on the back of your head as your nails scratched up his forearm.
“I told you yo’ ass ain’t ready. Tell the world your ass wasn’t ready!!” He pulled your head up as your face was covered in mascara stained tears and forced you to stare into the camera. The cameraman moved to get a closeup. “Tell the world yo’ ass can’t take it.”
Eyes rolled all the way to the back of your head and a big smile on your face, you proudly spoke. “I ca—n take i-i-it wo-rld.” A moan in each break of your sentence as you took Jey’s dick like a champ.
“She lasted longer than the rest, I ain’t gonna lie.” Your head fell back into the sheets as pulled both of your arms to your lower back. You soon began squirting and screaming like a mad woman, nearly as if someone was murdering you.
Well… you were definitely getting murdered in a different way.
“Fuckkkk, baby I’m about to cum. Keep squeezing me just like that.”
Your cunt never stopped clenching as Jey’s cum soon entered your quaking pussy. Jey beat seven hard strokes into your cunt, ensuring that he got every single drop into you.
You shivered as he left the warmth of pussy. You lied back against the bed and but your lip as Jey gave you a sloppy wet kiss.
“How was that guys?!”
“That was cinema.” We said in unison.
I actually think this is my longest fic to date. Why are all my Jey fics so long?!?! I wanna do a Roman fic give some ideas for Big Uce 💝💝🤪!!!
MY TAG SQUAD: @cyberdejos2 @thesamoanqueen @nayys-world @mzv11 @babybatlover @vogueyonce @harlem11680 @seeingstarks @thewarlordsworld @alyyaanna @southerngirl41 @christinabae @pitlissa22 @thealliasylum @fame-ass-ers @iluvthebloodline @jeyusos-girl @ah-fin3sse @solosikoasgf @msbigredmachine @rollinsland @angelicflower2020 @theogsamoanqueen @saintsvenust @angelreigns444
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natsgrave · 7 months
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from heartwarming tales that tug at your emotions to thrilling adventures that leave you on the edge of your seat, this masterlist offers a diverse range of stories to suit every reader's taste. whether you're a reader looking for your next favorite story or a writer seeking inspiration, this masterlist is designed to connect you with the vibrant storytelling.
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━━━━ ⧗ most work contain angst and fluff. ━━━━ ᗢ be polite or get blocked. ━━━━ ⧗ welcome gays, leave men. ━━━━ ᗢ dom!female!reader x sub!wandanat ( scarlizzie ) ━━━━ ⧗ english is not my first language, so excuse my poor grammar and poor writing style. ━━━━ ᗢ #natsgrave — my personal hashtag.
━━━━ ⧗ #grave fic reco's — fic reblogs.
━━━━ ᗢ #graves iq reco's — funny / wholesome quotes that i found.
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W. MAXIMOFF | E. OLSEN request open!
━━━━ ᗢ tolerate it | pt. 2 While you were out building other worlds, where was I? You assume I'm fine, but what would you do if I break free and leave us in ruins? ━━━━ ᗢ midnight rain She was sunshine, I was midnight rain. She wanted a bride, I was making my own name, chasing that fame. ━━━━ ᗢ new year's day I want your midnights, but I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's day. Please, don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere. ━━━━ ᗢ to be loved is to be known
I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you. I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you. I've been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night, and now I see daylight, I only see daylight. ━━━━ ᗢ the manuscript and at last, she knew what the agony had been for. ━━━━ ᗢ inside my palm She said; the whole world can fit inside my palm. ━━━━ ᗢ cake The role you made me play of the fool, how you laugh when you lie, I got a list of names and yours is in red underlined. Oh, look what you made me do. ━━━━ ᗢ scary witch The stars in your eyes shined brighter in tupelo, and if you're ever tired of being known for who you know, you know, you'll always know me. ━━━━ ᗢ flirting Baby, was it over then? Is it over now? ━━━━ ᗢ boobs There's nothin' like a mad woman, what a shame she went mad. No one likes a mad woman, you made her like that. ━━━━ ᗢ do you want my number? I'm captivated by you, baby, like a fireworks show. I see sparks fly, whenever you smile, get me with those green eyes, baby. ━━━━ ᗢ bus The old lady thinks that you and lizzie make a really good couple. ━━━━ ᗢ mommy  I loved you in secret. I could've spent forever with your hands in my pockets, picture of your face in an invisible locket. And darling, you had turned my bed into a sacred oasis. People started talking, putting us through our paces, I knew there was no one in the world who could take it. ━━━━ ᗢ cold And baby, I get mystified by how this city screams your name. And baby, I'm so terrified of if you ever walk away. That's the kind of heartbreak time could never mend ━━━━ ᗢ use me' You're a mansion with a view, do the girls back home touch you like I do? ━━━━ ᗢ kids' And you know that I'd swing with you for the fences, sit with you in the trenches. Give you my wild, give you a child. Give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other. ━━━━ ᗢ distant In a world of boys, she's a gentlewoman. ━━━━ ᗢ she's back Sometimes I wonder; when you sleep, are you ever dreaming of me? Sometimes when I look into your eyes, I pretend you're mine, all the damn time. ━━━━ ᗢ soulmate What a shame, didn't want to be the one that got away. Taking down the pictures and the plans we made. Big mistake, you broke the sweetest promise that you never should have made.
━━━━ ᗢ her villain 'Cause all the boys and their expensive cars with their range rovers and their jaguars never took me quite way you do. ━━━━ ᗢ greatest what if Someday when you leave me, I bet these memories follow you around. ━━━━ ᗢ professor maximoff Why is she just so oblivious? ━━━━ ᗢ heart I knew it from the first old fashioned, we were cursed. Should've known I'd be the first to leave think about the place where you first met me.
━━━━ ᗢ you're losing me How can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dyin'? Do I throw out everything we built or keep it? And you know what they all say, you don't know what you got until it's gone. ━━━━ ᗢ after the fight | pt. 2 Echoes of your name inside my mind, hiding my obsession. I once was poison ivy, but now I'm your daisy. ━━━━ ᗢ last memory If I didn't know better, I'd think you were talking to me now. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were still around. What died didn't stay dead, you're alive, so alive, in my head. ━━━━ ᗢ shadows of the night Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby and I'm a monster on the hill. Too big to hang out, slowly lurching toward your favorite city pierced through the heart, but never killed. I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror, it must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero. ━━━━ ᗢ love A string that pulled me, out of all the wrong arms right into that dive bar. Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire, chains around my demons, wool to brave the seasons. One single thread of gold tied me to you. And isn't it just so pretty to think, all along there was some invisible string tying you to me? ━━━━ ᗢ birthday Your wish is my command. ━━━━ ᗢ wedding Sometimes giving up is the strong thing, sometimes to run is the brave thing, sometimes walking out is the one thing, that will find you the right thing. The snaps from the same little breaks in your soul, you know when it's time to go. ━━━━ ᗢ compliments she deserves it all.
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request closed! ━━━━ ⧗ pick up lines And that's how it works, that's how you got the girl.
━━━━ ⧗ high school sweetheart You wear the same jewels that I gave you as you bury me. I didn't have it in myself to go with grace and you're the hero flying around, saving face. And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake? ━━━━ ⧗ coffee I've been spending the last eight months, thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end. But on a wednesday, in a cafe, I watched it begin again. ━━━━ ⧗ cold hearted You're so gorgeous, I can't say anything to your face, 'cause look at your face. And I'm so furious at you for making me feel this way. ━━━━ ⧗ it was you' Something's gone terribly wrong, you're all I wanted. Can't turn back now, I'm haunted. ━━━━ ⧗ the photographer and actress Big reputation, you and me, we'd be a big conversation. It's like your eyes are liquor, it's like your body is gold. You've been calling my bluff on all my usual tricks, so here's the truth from my red lips. ━━━━ ⧗ thank you Why'd you have to lead me on? Why'd you have to twist the knife? Walk away and leave me bleedin'. ━━━━ ⧗ the knight All I know is you held the door, you'll be mine and I'll be yours. All I know since yesterday is everything has changed. ━━━━ ⧗ my atlantis To kiss in cars and downtown bars was all we needed. You drew stars around my scars but now I'm bleedin'. I knew you tried to change the ending, peter losing wendy. ━━━━ ⧗ ex I used to say never say never, but we are never getting back together, like ever. ━━━━ ⧗ in the next lifetime But in those photos, I saw us instead and, somehow, I know that you and I would've found each other in another life. You still would've turned my head even if we'd met. You're always gonna be mine, we're gonna be timeless. ━━━━ ⧗ you have flour When you think of all the late nights, lame fights over the phone. Your past and mine are parallel lines, stars all aligned and they intertwined. ━━━━ ⧗ we both had our chance I persist and resist the temptation to ask you if one thing had been different, would everything be different today? ━━━━ ⧗ i miss you Now, I fear I have fallen from grace and I feel like my castle's crumbling down. ━━━━ ⧗ what's the answer? Spending the next few years of my life looking for answers from her. ━━━━ ⧗ short You think she's just being dramatic about it. ━━━━ ⧗ she doesn't love me anymore What the fuck? ━━━━ ⧗ this is your fault Kiss me, try to fix it, could you just try to listen? Hang up, give up, and for the life of us, we can't get back. ━━━━ ⧗ bad temper | pt. 2 | pt. 3 My words shoot to kill when I'm mad, I have a lot of regret about that. ━━━━ ⧗ teddy bear Seems like she don't hate Mr. cuddle that much. ━━━━ ⧗ you forgot your clothes I'm so chill, but you make me jealous, but I got your heart skippin'. You know I'm not a bad girl but I do bad things with you. ━━━━ ⧗ i'm falling again Oh oh, I'm falling inlove again. ━━━━ ⧗ gorgeous specimen I was enchanted to meet you. ━━━━ ⧗ too late words— how little they mean when you're a little too late. ━━━━ ⧗ how to seduce your wife | pt. 2 I would stay forever if you say, don't go. ━━━━ ⧗ threesome' All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting, 'cause I don't want you like a best friend. ━━━━ ⧗ i hate you Remembering her comes in flashbacks and echoes, tell myself it's time now gotta let go. But moving on from her is impossible, when I still see it all in my head, in burning red. ━━━━ ⧗ streamer' Don't worry, you're safe, the stream's off. ━━━━ ⧗ recreating memories I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you. I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you. I once believed love would be black and white but it's golden, like daylight. ━━━━ ⧗ ribbon Found my way back to her. ━━━━ ⧗ you went home early I know that I'm a handful, baby. But one of these things is not like the others, baby doll, when it comes to a lover I promise that you'll never find another like me. ━━━━ ⧗ eight years This is the last time I'm asking you why, you break my heart in the blink of an eye.
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If you have any suggestions or recommendations for additions to this masterlist, don't hesitate to reach out and let me know! divider made by @cafekitsune
© NATSGRAVE 2023 ━━ ⧗ ᗢ ━━ you don't have my permission to copy, edit, translate, and post my work on any other sites.
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fandomxpreferences · 1 year
A Crack In The Glass (Part 4 of Heartbroke Bitch)
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Female!reader, platonic!JJ Maybank x female!reader
TW:angst, allusion to smut, drinking
Summary: You and Rafe are figuring things out and JJ is not happy.
Word Count:2k
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Three hours later, you find yourself standing in front of the Pogues to drop the Twinkie back off. Your neck is hastily covered in concealer that you stopped to buy, and you can tell JJ and John B are suspicious. 
"You were gone a while, everything go okay?"
John B is eyeing you carefully as you shift back and forth trying to hide your nerves. 
"Yeah. Yeah, everything was fine."
He nods slowly and you turn to face Pope when you hear his voice. 
"We're all gonna go surf then grab a bite to eat. You down?"
You swallow thickly and stuff your hands in your back pockets, trying to appear as casual as possible. 
"Uh, I was actually going to have dinner with a friend. I'll catch you guys tomorrow?"
JJ frowns but nods nonetheless. 
"Yeah, okay. Have fun."
You take off down the driveway where Rafe is waiting at the end in his Rover. You told him to park out of sight, not wanting everyone to see. 
JJ turns to the group as soon as you're out of earshot with a disgruntled expression. 
"What other friend does she have? We're all right here."
He's met with a chorus of shrugs and agreements, but no one presses the topic. 
A short while later, you're sitting across the table from Rafe at your usual spot. It's a place only locals know about, notorious for fresh seafood. You've been coming here since your first date, and a small smile covers your face at the familiarity of it all. 
"So…" You start and Rafe quirks an eyebrow. 
"So…. What?" He asks with a small laugh, and you can't help but join in. 
"What does this mean? Are we back together? I mean, it's gonna take a while for you to earn my trust but is this something exclusive or are we casual?"
Rafe doesn't even take a second to ponder your question; he already knew you'd ask this and his answer has been sitting on the tip of his tongue. 
"I don't want anyone else, Y/N."
You nod and he reaches out to grab your hand. 
"Okay, then we'll call it exclusive. Just don't get any ideas about us falling into old patterns. If you don't keep your promise, I walk." 
He responds by squeezing your hand and the two of you fall into a comfortable conversation just like you always have. A half-hour later, your sentence dies in your throat and Rafe notices the sudden panic-stricken look on your face. 
"Hey, what's wrong?"
His eyebrows are furrowed in concern and you try to block the side of your face with your hand. 
"The whole gang is here." You whisper and Rafe moves to look. 
"No! Don't turn around, you'll draw their attention!" 
He looks back at you and you hate the hurt that crosses his chiseled features. 
"You're trying to hide us?"
There's betrayal laced in his voice and you sigh. 
"No, I just... Everything is so fresh and I don't want to explain yet. I wanted to give us time to see if this is going to work before getting everybody worked up." 
He nods in understanding and you resist the urge to hide under the table. You peek over your hand to try and figure out where they're being seated and immediately regret it. 
Your eyes lock with a pair of blue irises and your stomach drops. JJ looks excited for a split second before his gaze darts down to your hand interlocked with Rafe's and up to the face of the man sitting across from you. 
His emotions change from happy to hurt and rage the second he clocks who you're with and tears prick your waterline. You knew JJ would be the least accepting of this, and him finding out in this manner is the last thing you wanted. 
It doesn't take long for the rest of the group to catch on after JJ storms out and they all give you equally disgusted and sad looks before following after him. 
Rafe grabs your hand as you leap to your feet and you peer down at him with watery eyes. 
"Rafe, I have to go talk to him. I'll be back, just wait here." 
You don't give him a chance to respond before taking off and he leans back in his seat with a heavy sigh as he watches you chase after your friends. 
JJ's about to open the door to the Twinkie when you see him, almost tripping over your own feet as you try to catch up. 
"JJ, wait!" 
You're out of breath from running, your heart beating out of your chest from the sudden exercise and anxiety.
He stops with his fingers grasping the door handle and you come to a halt a few feet away. 
"I can explain."
He doesn't face you, but you don't miss the scoff he lets out. 
"I'd like to hear you try."
Your mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water as you try to form a sentence and you can tell he's losing patience. 
"I'm sorry." 
It's all you can muster and you see JJ's head drop.
"That's not an explanation."
Your hand runs through your hair and you try to figure out how the hell you can make him understand. 
"I didn't have any intention other than to cuss him out. He apologized and he seemed so sincere, it took me by surprise. One thing led to another and…" You trail off and JJ spins to look at you. 
His gaze is piercing as he stares into your eyes and you silently plead with him to try and see it from your perspective instead of the protective best friend. 
"Did you sleep with him?"
His tone is harsh and he laughs bitterly when you avert your gaze. 
"Fuck, you are so stupid. How could you possibly let him back into your life?! After everything he's done, all it takes is a fucking apology for you to spread your legs and take him back?"
You physically recoil at his words, hurt searing your chest. JJ has never spoken to you like this, and you don't know how to respond. 
You vaguely register John B and Pope pulling on his arms and encouraging him to let it go, but he doesn't budge. His eyes stay glued on yours and you shrink back under his hateful gaze. 
"That's not fair." 
Your voice trembles, and any other time it would stop JJ in his tracks. This isn't any other time though, and the raw hurt is outweighing anything screaming at him to stop. 
"What's not fair is me having to pick up the pieces every time the two of you fought or he went on a coke-fueled bender! You finally break away, and you go running right back into his arms. I'm the one that had to hold you while you cried, I'm the one who had to listen to you vent about all your relationship problems." 
He's screaming by now and you can't do anything but stand there and take it as tears stream down your cheeks. The rest of the group just stands by staring at the ground, well aware that this ship has already sailed. 
"I'm the one that had to force-feed you and shove you in the shower when you were so depressed because he dumped your ass. You almost killed yourself after he left, and it was all for nothing. This is fucked!"
You look at your best friend, his chest red and heaving as he processes the new information. 
"It's different this time, JJ."
He shakes his head and takes a step forward, now close enough for his Cologne to fill your senses. 
"No, Y/N. It's not. You're just too fucking cock dumb to see that." 
There's venom dripping from every word and something inside you snaps. 
"Fuck you, Maybank." 
He nods and sucks his lip between his teeth before backing up. 
"For your sake, I hope I'm wrong. Because I won't be there to fix you this time."
At that, he turns around and stomps over to the van where the rest of the group has now moved, and slams the door. 
"Good, I don't fucking want you there anyway!"
You kick the door as John B drives away and watch as the tail lights fade into the distance. You take a moment to regain your composure before heading back inside to a worried Rafe. 
"Everything okay?"
Your mouth is set in a hard line as you sit down and chug the rest of your cocktail. 
"I don't want to talk about it." 
He watches you as you stew in silence, deciding it's best not to pry. You'll tell him when you're ready, he knows that. 
The rest of the date goes by relatively smoothly, Rafe always knows how to put you at ease. When the bill is paid and you're settled in the passenger seat, he looks over at you. 
"Want me to drop you off at John B's?"
You mull over your options for a second and glance over at him. 
"Actually, do you mind if I crash at your place? I just need to swing by and pick up a couple of things."
He puts the car in drive and his hand finds its home on your thigh. 
"Of course." 
When you finally pull up to the chateau, you groan when you see everyone is inside. You were hoping to sneak in and out but clearly, that plan has been foiled. You choose to take it in stride, strolling in the door like you didn't just have a knock-down drag-out fight with your best friend. 
Everyone seems surprised to see you, and you give a small wave before making a beeline to your room. You gather up a few necessities and make your way to the kitchen to grab some of your staple snacks. 
You frown when you see your shelf empty and turn to face your friends. 
"Where's all my food?"
Everyone averts their gaze and you notice JJ munching on a bag of chips. Your mouth drops open when you see empty wrappers from all your food next to him and the last two cans of your favorite soda. 
You march over and try to grab the bag from JJ's hand but he quickly dodges you. 
"Give me my fucking chips!"
You lunge again and he pops another chip in his mouth while flipping you off. 
"You are such a child!" 
You huff when you realize he's not going to cave and storm out of the house. Rafe's eyebrows raise when he sees your change in mood, but doesn't ask questions before starting back toward Tannyhill. 
Your mood has improved significantly in the time it took you to arrive and you lean into Rafe.
"You seem happy." He smiles and you nod while giving him a sweet kiss. 
"I am."
He hums and kisses your forehead before pulling back. 
"Does it have anything to do with me?" 
You tap your chin and pretend to think as he smiles down at you like you're his entire world. 
"It might." 
His hand covers his heart with mock offense and you laugh loudly. 
"It better have to do with me. What do you want to do?" 
You hold up your duffel bag and wave it around.
"I figured we could have a movie and spa night. I brought facials." 
You see the moment his eyes get a mischievous glint and know he's going to say something out of pocket. 
"I can give you a facial." 
Your nose scrunches up and you pretend to gag. 
His head tilts back as he lets out a gleeful laugh and you shake your head at his antics. 
"That's not what you said the other night." 
Your mouth drops open and you smack him on his arm.
"Rafe Cameron! Shut up!" 
@brooklynscherry-z @joselyn001 @writtenwordslover @craftyalmondghostflap @malfoytargaryen @dearreader03 @magnificantmermaid @disturbedbeautywrites
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apocalypseornaw · 3 months
Sheriff, Ranger & Marshal
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Beau Arlen x Female Reader x Cordell Walker
When a resort comes onto a few agencies' radar a task force is formed and 3 people are chose to go undercover. You, Beau and Cordell
I have no excuse. This is smut yall. J2 makes my brain go to mush.
A Sheriff, a Marshal and a Ranger walked into a hot tub. Sounded like the beginning of a joke but it was very much your current reality.
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When a joint task force had been propositioned to infiltrate a resort that was marketed as “An unconventional getaway for people who didn't live by society's standards” you knew you would be on the list for potential undercover. You had a decent track record and usually only took a couple weeks to decompress after assignments before you'd be completely back to normal as if it had never happened.
You however didn't know that Liam's older brother Cordell would also be on the list along with Beau Arlen, a Sheriff from Montana that had worked well with the bureau in the past. The resort was suspected of being a front for money laundering, weapon and drug smuggling.
When each branch of the task force which consisted of the Marshals, the Rangers and the FBI had picked their undercover the three of you met. It was basically a chemistry read like they did for movie roles. Had to make sure it was believable that the three of you were together.
You'd met Cordell in passing so you knew he was a good looking man and feigning attraction to him would be easy. The moment you laid eyes on Beau you nearly bowed out of the assignment. No one would believe these two men had chosen you.
When you'd voiced your concerns to Captain James who was overseeing the meeting Beau and Cordell had exchanged a look before Cordell moved up to your back while Beau moved to stand in front of you, effectively trapping you between their larger frames.
Beau gently brushed your hair behind your ear, green eyes holding you place while Cordell trailed his fingers over your arms “Now darling,we've talked about this. If anyone's lucky it's me and Eric. You know we love you”
Cordell leaned down to where his lips were almost touching your ear when he spoke “David's right Nessa, so just get those thoughts out of your head”
You felt your face warm so in one fluid movement you punched Beau in the stomach then threw your elbow back into Cordell's. Both men fell away from you, painful laughter falling from them as Captain James clapped “See? Proof to point you're the woman for this job because that? Really looked like you're their wife”
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You walked into the safe house the task force was using as the “home address” for your thruple. Jesus you'd gone under cover solo and as a couple with a few guys and a couple women but you'd never gone under cover with two men and had to act as if you were deeply in love with them both.
Beau and Cordell were already there considering Cordell had picked Beau up from the airport and you'd been meeting with the contact you'd formed through a few yoga classes that was in with the owner of the resort. You'd parked your persona's little yellow beetle next to Cordell's persona's range rover.
When you made it past the entry way you let out a low whistle “Honeys I'm home” you heard laughter as your response before Cordell called out “in the kitchen baby” your stomach flipped a little at his voice.
You walked into the kitchen and both men were sitting at the small breakfast table, a cup of coffee in front of them both. You walked over to stand between the two of them and placed the envelope you carried down on the table “We got an invite to the resort. Bianca came through”
Without warning Cordell pulled you down into his lap, you started to protest but he whispered into your ear “We gotta get used to acting all the time” Beau winked at you “Eric quit hogging Nessa before I spank the both of you” “Promise?” You and Cordell teased in unison. Yeah this was going to be the most interesting assignment you'd ever undertaken.
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The resort was beautiful, you had to give it that. Set back in the mountain side of Colorado the scenery was gorgeous. You, Cordell and Beau had been there for a few days but so far no one was really opening up to the three of you and you were starting to feel guilty having a California king to yourself while one man slept on the couch and the other slept on the floor in your suite.
A few times housekeeping had taken you by surprise so blankets and pillows had to be tossed around and one of them joined you in the bed while the other answered the door. You'd told them they could share the bed with you; it was plenty big enough and all of you were adults.
Cordell had apparently woken up first and ordered room service. You woke up to him and Beau testing everything on the tray to ensure nothing was drugged before you all ate.
You sat up in the bed, leaning back on your arms and admired the sight of your “husbands” Cordell was wearing a pair of jeans, hung low on his hips. He was barefoot and not currently wearing a shirt, the muscles of his back flexing deliciously in the sunlight streaming in from the high window.
Beau was wearing the gray sweatpants he wore to bed, that left little to the imagination (not that you'd looked) and he was also barefoot and missing a shirt. His light brown hair was still tousled from sleep and the way the muscles in his arms moved was damn near hypnotizing. Fuck, when was the last time you'd had sex to have you drooling over your temporary partners like this? You needed a cold shower.
Cordell glanced over his shoulder at you and grinned “Nessa you're finally awake” you smiled and tossed the blanket off your legs. You were currently wearing one of Beaus shirts or well “Davids” and panties. It fell far enough on your thigh neither men saw anything but should something happen it looked better if you were wearing one of their clothes to bed.
You walked over to stand next to the room service tray, running your nails across Beau's bare back as you leaned into Cordell's side “We need to talk” Cordell whispered in your ear. At your confused look he motioned to the tray then his ear. Your eyes widened and you nodded “What's a girl gotta do to get you fellas in that big Ole shower with me?”
Cordell laughed “Darling you know all you gotta do is ask” you grabbed Cordell's ark and then Beau's “well come on then”
Once the three of you were in the bathroom you shut the door and rolled up a towel to put under the crack before going to the corner where a shower as big as your first apartment sat. You turned the cold on full blast so there would still be hot water for your showers but enough noise you could talk freely.
Once the shower was going you beckoned them closer to it where it would drown anything out “They bugged the room service?” You whispered and Cordell nodded “From what I gather they don't trust us. Apparently everyone else here has an exhibitionist streak. We're the only people that hasn't had sex loud enough you can hear it down the hall or publicly enough anyone can see it”
You looked from him to Beau, both men close enough you could touch and sighed “Then we have to put on a show” they exchanged a look, clearly letting you take the reins on this “What do you mean?” Beau asked.
You rolled your eyes “You've both been undercover. I had to make it to third base with my last partner's wife one time to keep us from blowing our cover. If they want a show we give them one. That hot tub right outside our room would be a good place because we turn it high enough no one knows what's actually happening under the water as long as it sounds believable”
Cordell nodded slowly, his tongue flicking out to wet his lips. “The three of us need to make sure we're comfortable together. Our personas have been together for nearly eight years” you nodded then reached up to hook your arms around his neck, pulling him to you.
When your lips met his he didn't even appear to have been taken off guard, instead he backed up closer to the wall caging you between it and his body. He slid a clothed knee between your legs keeping them open as he flicked his tongue into your mouth, tasting all of you. You could feel your knees weaken from the kiss before you gasped lightly and pulled back trying to get air so he moved from your lips to your jaw then down to your neck, working the sensitive flesh there between his teeth gently as his knee pushed up into your dripping center causing a light moan to escape your lips “Fuck” you whispered when he pulled back with a grin “Good enough?” He asked and you nodded “Very”
He turned his eyes from you to Beau who was watching the two of you intently. He readjusted himself and your eyes slid down to see he was half hard under those sweats. He'd apparently enjoyed the show “Come here” Cordell spoke, pulling Beau to him.
You watched as the two men shared a kiss that was all tongue and teeth and rolled your hips against Cordell's thigh that was still between your legs, trying to soothe the ache forming there. Once the two of them broke away from each other Cordell nodded towards you “She makes the sweetest sounds doesn't she?” Beau nodded, green eyes full of hunger.
Cordell moved and let Beau in front of you. Beau grinned before he leaned down to catch your lips in a bruising kiss. Your hands went to his shoulders, gripping tightly. Damn could he kiss. He moved your hands from his shoulders to hold them both in one of his large hands before pressing them to the wall above your head.
His other hand moved to tease your hardened nipple through the shirt you wore, devouring the moan that escaped you. He kissed down your jaw opposite the side Cordell had but worked the sensitive flesh the same, enough to bring you pleasure but not to mark. Just when you felt like you might explode he placed a final kiss on your lips then backed off, dropping your hands and bracing your hips to help keep you upright as your chest heaved like you'd just ran a few miles.
You swallowed hard twice to keep from whimpering. The two men in front of you both smiled slightly “Believable that we both chose you?” Cordell asked, throwing your words from the chemistry read back at you. You nodded stiffly, finally finding your voice “Believable. I'm gonna um I'm gonna shower. I'm supposed to go to yoga with Bianca”
Beau grinned “Want us to join you or?” You felt your face warm and shook your head “Go eat breakfast. Save me some though. Tonight after dinner in the dining hall we'll give em a show to make sure they don't doubt us” Cordell tipped his head “Yes ma'am” you weren't even the senior agent here but they were letting you lead for the undercover part. Why you weren't sure but you kind of enjoyed it.
Beau started to walk out then shook his head and walked back over to you, catching your lips in another hungry kiss. Not to be outdone the moment Beau released you Cordell pulled you into another kiss. You groaned when they both finally stepped away “Later” you needed the entire day to prepare for the show you'd have to put on tonight. You had gone to third with Lindsay to keep you both safe and you'd simply been friends with her. Those two?
They could easily ruin you and if you didn't keep a hold on yourself you might just let them.
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The ground rules that had been set was no penetration and always remember that it was your peronas. Not yourselves.
Easier said than done. You'd chosen a simple back two piece because while you trusted the men you were with, the rest of the resort didn't need to see everything.
You stepped out of the bathroom and laughed at the fact that they were both leaning against the doorframe leading out to the deck area where the hot tub sat. Cordell had on dark blue swim trunks while Beau wore dark green ones. The moment they heard the door open both of their eyes landed on you and you could see them darken. “Sorry to keep you fellas waiting”
You walked past them outside and they both followed you closely. Beau had set the tub to high, like you'd said. You stopped at the edge and both men offered you a hand to help you get in. You took Cordell's and worked at Beau.
Once you were in they both climbed in “Where do you want us Nessa?” Beau asked and you grabbed Cordell's hand first “I want to sit in Eric's lap” you pushed Cordell down in the corner and once he was settled with his long legs bent at the knees you settled yourself between them, your ass brushing against his crotch as you did so and heard him stifle a groan.
You reached a hand out towards Beau “C'mere David” he grinned and dipped himself down to be kneeling in front of you, he leaned down close to your ear to whisper feather light “How far are we going darling? Me and Cordell discussed it. This is your ballgame”
“They have to think we've had sex” he nodded and glanced over your shoulder at Cordell. You'd laid back against Cordell's chest which meant Beau could easily lean over you. Him and Cordell shared a heated kiss and when they pulled away Cordell nodded towards you “Make our girl fall apart in my lap David”
Cordell shifted you higher up in his lap so Beau wouldn't have to crouch to reach you. He gripped your chin with two fingers, tilting your head “Look at her. So damn gorgeous and all ours” when his lips met yours you didn't try to swallow the whimper that escaped you. He smiled against your lips “and always so eager for us”
You felt one of his hands come up to cup one of your breasts while Cordell snaked a hand around you to cup the other. You moaned lightly and that seemed to spur them on. Beau moved down to your neck, kissing and biting gently and Cordell leaned up to claim the other side of your neck, both of them still working at your breasts, tweaking the sensitive buds and making your back arch off Cordell's chest pushing you into Beau's.
Just when you were damn near too overwhelmed they changed tactics. Cordell moved his hand to your chin so he could tilt your head back and claim your mouth while Beau slipped one of your breasts free from the swimsuit top, flicking his tongue over the nipple. Cordell swallowed every moan that you gave as Beau finished with one breast and tucked it back into the top before going to the other.
You rolled your hips back against Cordell and felt his erection pressing into your back. You slipped one hand between you and he hissed when your fingers slipped below the band of the shorts he wore, wrapping around his hardened cock. Damn he was big and thick. You began to jack him slowly, moving at the same rhythm as your lips moved against each other.
After a moment Beau reclaimed your lips from Cordell, one hand slipping between your legs to tease at your clothed core. A moan escaped your lips, one from Cordell joining you. “Do fingers count?” Beau asked low between gritted teeth and you shook your head. With your go ahead he moved your bottoms to the side plunging two fingers knuckle deep inside of you.
You moaned loudly as Beau curled his fingers finding that spot deep inside of you. A rhythm fell of your hand moving at the same speed of his fingers as he worked you towards an orgasm and you worked Cordell. You bucked your hips against Beau's fingers and he broke from your lips to move down your neck “Just like that sweet girl. Fuck yourself on my fingers while you jack Eric off”
The names didn't matter, the fact that you were technically working didn't matter. All that mattered was how amazing Beau's fingers felt and how fucking wrecked Cordell sounded behind you. You felt yourself getting close to that edge and knew from how Cordy was moving his hips to meet your movement he was close too. Beau twisted his wrist slightly and your vision went soft around the edges as your orgasm washed over you. The feeling of Cordell's warm cum coating your hand anchored you in the moment as both men bit down on your shoulders.
Beau gently slipped his fingers out of you and grinned “You're looking a little gone darling” then looked behind you at Cordell “You both do” Cordell was breathless as he said “That was intense” you turned to pull him down into a kiss, his tongue rolling against yours. When he pulled back he kissed the tip of your nose “Baby he didn't come”
You looked at Beau and smiled “C'mere David” he moved closer and placed a quick kiss on Cordell's lips before pulling you out of Cordy's lap and into his own. He moved so your back was against the side of the hot tub and your legs were wrapped around his waist. He dropped his head to your neck and whispered “I'm not gonna fuck you,don't worry”
He moved a hand under the water and if anyone nearby looked it probably appeared he was freeing his cock but instead he just tightened his grip on your hips. He gave a hard roll of his hips into yours and your head fell back with a low moan “Fuck” you gasped and he did it again. You looked up to stare into those gorgeous green eyes “Can you come like this?” You whispered against his lips and he chuckled “Fuck yes”
The feeling of his hard cock rubbing just right against your clit with every thrust of his hips were pushing you closer and closer to that edge. You wanted to feel him without the layer between you, but you'd set the rule. You looked over at Cordell who was now stroking his semi erect cock, working back up himself at watching the two of you. A silent conversation happened between the two of you and when he nodded you grinned before slipping a hand between you and Beau.
He stopped his movements and watched you with hooded eyes as you slipped your hand into his trunks to free his cock then pushed the bottoms of your swimsuit to the side. He looked from you to Cordell and when you both nodded he rolled his hips forward again this time sliding into you. Fuck he was wide and long and felt so damn good.
Your head fell back at the feeling of being stretched around him. After a moment he gave a tentative thrust and when you tightened around him he buried his face in the bend of your neck and started fucking you in earnest.
You knew it wouldn't take long for you to hit that high again and judging from how hard and fast Beau was slamming into you he was chasing his own orgasm as well. “Fuck, harder” you begged and he groaned “You're killing me darling” his thrusts got deeper and harder and when Cordell moved to slip his hand between your body and Beau's, rubbing tight circles on your clit you came hard clenching down around Beau's cock. He groaned as he gave a few more sloppy thrusts then came inside of you, you bite down on his shoulder to keep from screaming with pleasure.
He stilled with his cock still inside of you and searched your face, no doubt wondering if he crossed a line but when you simply smiled he crashed his lips against yours in a rough kiss.
You gasped when he pulled out of you then looked between him and Cordell. They were both watching you so you took a few steadying breaths before saying “How about we break in that California king?” They both grinned “Yes ma'am”
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You woke up the next morning curled up to Beau's chest with Cordell's tall frame wrapped around you from behind. You were sore everywhere, both of them were big men in every way and damn their stamina.
You considered trying to get up but both had vice grips on you. You decided to try to go back to sleep but right before you dozed back off the memories of them both whispering your real name and each other's last night came flooding back along with the fact that you were fairly certain you'd done the same. What the hell had the three of you really gotten yourselves into?
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jingle-beast · 20 days
hi so sorry i was the one who requested for m!rover, cld the nsfw be for females? the sfw being gender neutral pls! thank you!
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nsfw hcs | m!rover x gn!afab reader. reader has a vagina but no other specifications. switch rover. general hcs. 625 words.
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-` When it comes to fighting, Rover is a natural, but the skill of lovemaking is, unfortunately, something he did not obtain when he awoke with little memories. He’s a bit nervous to disappoint, hesitant to initiate and continue. You might find this shyness cute though. In the beginning of your intimacy, Rover is most likely letting you guide him, willing to learn what to do and how you want it, even allowing himself to submit to you if that’s what you love.
-` He’s not very loud, quiet like his normal attitude. His moans are soft and come out more in breaths, sometimes grunts, only peeking during climax. He also tries to minimize the sounds by burying his face whether in a pillow or his arms. He’ll bite his lip if he can’t bury the sounds. Make sure you give him kisses to stop his lips from bruising! If you ask him to, he’ll try to swallow the nervousness to let out more sounds for you; it’s easier if he has access to your ear so he can just make all the sounds right where you can hear everything.
-` I think once he’s adjusted to sex, his favorite thing would be to eat you out. Rover discovering how big of a munch he is was so game changing to him. When I say he likes to eat, he likes to eat. The taste of your cunt, thighs plush against his face, the wet noise of his tongue slushing over your clit, it’s all heaven to his senses. He wouldn’t mind being crushed between your legs. Just squeeze his head, he really wants it. His favorite treat would be for you to wear pantyhoses; ripping it open for your cunt to pop out like unwrapping a candy. Plus, the fabric is nice for him to run his hands over. If he notices you wearing them out in public then his imagination will run too wild for him, and you’ll notice the lingering, silent gazes on you, his cheeks red as he turns away.
-` He is still very silly during sex! He likes to giggle, he doesn’t mind mistakes, he likes jokes! He usually starts out very light-hearted like this, it helps calm his nerves, but also the sight of his half-naked partner laughing softly while lust builds in their gaze over him…is that idea not sexy or what? It is to Rover, and no one is changing his mind.
-` Rover needs smooches constantly, he needs a position where he could easily reach your lips whenever he wants. He’s addicted to kissing, but it’s also comforting. Kiss him however you want, he wants your lips on him no matter what. He’ll let you dominate his mouth, so don’t tease him by ghosting your lips over his, it’s not nice. If you keep teasing him, he’ll flip the switch and get your smooches himself, and you’ll find you’re the one needing air instead. Honestly, he can just enjoy a heavy make-out petting session and it’ll leave him satisfied, and if you train him well, he could cum right in his pants from your tongue in his mouth. He’s a little embarrassed by this idea, though.
-` He loves a little hair tugging on either you or him. He doesn’t need you to grip it too harshly, just a quick tug here and there, it’s part of the reason he likes eating you out; he gets to have your hands buried in his hair, getting tugged around, the slight sharpness of the sensation making his head fill with clouds. If you tug on his braids when he’s least expecting it, he makes a cute, surprised sound, almost mixed with a strangled moan, and it’s especially embarrassing if you do it outside. 
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train-wrecc · 1 year
niklaus mikaelson x female!reader
word count: 2.3k
warnings!: none?
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Y/n, Klaus, and Hope had been shopping for some new clothes for Hope. Albeit Hope didn’t need that many clothes seeing as you’d often find her wearing numerous variations of her uniform for the Salvatore School. However, Klaus spoiled the young tribrid. Always insisting to Y/n, “She’s a growing girl, my love, she needs them.” 
“She needs 4 pairs of the same skirt in different colors, Nik?”
“She’s a Mikaelson love, it’s not about our needs, it’s about our wants. If she wants 5 Range Rovers in 5 different colors for each day of the school week, she’d surely get them.”
“Really?” Hope exclaimed turning to look at her dad.
“Why of course-”
“Not, sweetie your father’s just joking.” Y/n interrupted the hybrid, elbowing him in his side, to shut his mouth and not give the girl any ideas.
“Hope, honey, why don’t you go browse the shoes,”
“You’re so right mom, I’ve been dying to get a new pair of combat boots!” Her voice trailed off as she headed to the store's shoe section. 
“Klaus, I thought we talked about this, we need to stop spoiling her.”
“Love, you talked, I simply sat there and listened.”
“Well, clearly you didn’t listen hard enough.”
“Honestly love, I don’t see what’s so wrong with giving her the things she wants, you know it’s how I show my affection,” 
“I know Nik, but sometimes she needs to work for what she wants, we can’t just reward her for nothing.”
“How absurd of you to say that. We’re not rewarding her for nothing, we’re rewarding her for being my daughter-”
“Our daughter.” Y/n raised her brows while correcting him.
“Yes, our daughter, and for being a tribrid- I mean that can’t be easy, look at my past, and I’m only a hybrid…”
“Bub, I think that’s just you… and have you forgotten you’re not the only hybrid here?”
“No, but you’re a Heretic, sweetheart, don't you think there’s a wee bit of a difference there?
“Either way that’s not the point, Nik.” 
“Alright, darling, I will try to spoil Hope a little less. Happy?”
“Yes, now let’s go find our daughter,” Y/n said before placing a small kiss on the Hybrid’s full lips. 
After loading their expensive SUV with even more expensive bags of various clothing, jewelry, and shoes, the Mikaelson girls had become a little hangry.
“Nik, just stop at the grill, we’re starving.”
“Oh please, not that wretched place,”
“Niklaus, I swear if you don’t-”
“Alright, the Mystic Grill it is.”
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At first, Niklaus refused to order anything from the grill, while Y/n and Hope ordered their favorites. Hope saw  Landon working out of the corner of her eye, he’d been working there for a while now, and she’d thought he was kinda cute.
Hope quietly talked to her parents about what she’d been learning in her History of the Supernaturals class. After, Y/n gave Hope a sneak peek at her lesson plan for the upcoming Monday in her very own Advanced Magic class. Which, Hope was in, of course. Her mother was not only a teacher at the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted but also a very powerful witch. 
“Where’s our waiter? I’ve been wanting to order a Peanut Butter Blast, and Nik stop eating my fries when you said you didn’t want anything! I’m saving them for my shake.” Y/n said pulling her plate away from the thief she called her husband. 
Niklaus held his hands up in mock surrender, stealing another fry when his wife wasn’t looking. Hope giggled at her father's antics, she loved her parents and hoped one day she would find someone to love her, just as much as they loved each other. 
Y/n saw a waiter with curly hair passing by and stopped him, “Excuse me, could I get 2 Peanut Butter Blasts with whipped-“
“With whipped cream on the bottom?” The boy finished.
“Uh yeah, how’d you know?” Y/n questioned, a laugh escaping her lips.
The boy made a small gesture towards Hope with the pen in his hand. “It’s usually how Hope orders it, just assumed...and now I know where she got the idea from.” He answered with an awkward smile.
“Hey Landon,” Hope said returning the awkward smile. 
“And how do you two exactly know each other?” Klaus questioned the pair. 
“Well, I come here pretty often Dad, and Landon goes to Mystic Falls High, so yeah…”
“Well it’s nice to meet you, Landon,” Y/n spoke with a smile to try and ease the tension that Niklaus had created. 
“You as well, uh, I should go and get that order in,” He said before walking toward the kitchen.
“You’re not dating anyone until you’re 100, I hope you know that,” Klaus said to his tribrid daughter, who responded with a roll of her eyes.
Klaus received a nudge in his side from Y/n, as Hope spoke up, “I don’t even like him like that, he’s just a friend, Dad.” 
“Sure,” Niklaus said his words coated in sarcasm while Y/n snorted in amusement at her daughter, in an attempt to hold her laughter in.
“Just ike you’re mother and I were just friends, and look at where we are now… and no matter if you don’t like him, he clearly likes you Hopey,” 
“Yeah right,” Hope said with the same amount of sarcasm as her father.
The group of three finally decided to head out once they had received their shakes, Y/n taking her fries as well. The car was filled with the hum of a jazz song that reminded the Mikaelsons of their true home, New Orleans. Of course, the only reason the Mikaelsons had left was to give Hope a proper education and expand her knowledge of her species; how to control her powers, and her heightened emotions. If there was one thing that Y/n and Klaus wished for their daughter it was that she never used her abilities for bad, for her to not follow the same path that her father once had. Albeit they would love her no matter what, always and forever. 
Once they had made it to their expensive abode, Hope took her new wardrobe - with the help of her parents up to her room. She finished reorganizing her closet and went downstairs to be met by her father painting in their shared art room dedicated to their favorite shared craft. Hope joined Niklaus, placing her easel beside his, before beginning to besmirch the white canvas with various colors. The pair were focused on their own work, like usual, speaking a few sentences here and there. The pair preferred to bask in the comfort of the others presence. Hope truly loved her father, she knew he had made numerous mistakes in his extensive life, but she never held those against him, she knew of the abuse her father suffered in his childhood. It was that abuse that had shaped him combined with the heightened emotions of being a hybrid, made him prone to violence. Nevertheless, Klaus would never intentionally hurt his daughter in any shape or way, he had continuously made the effort to not jump to violence the second he felt upset or irate. Most of the time he would begin to feel anger or any emotions that would make him feel overwhelmed, he would often go somewhere to cool off and take a breather. He promised he would never raise his voice at his wife or daughter. 
Nik accidentally bumped into Hope when he had been adjusting his canvas, causing her to create a large streak of red paint across her canvas. “Dad!” Hope blurted at the man who had caused her to ruin her masterpiece. “Dove, I’m so sorry, I swear it was an accident.” He said sincerely, looking at her canvas; he didn’t know when she had become a better painter than him. 
“It’s alright,” She sighed.
“Here, go at it,” He turned his canvas toward her. 
She gazed up at him before looking at the canvas, which was a painting containing two people with a little girl inbetween them with their hands clasped together in a field of flowers taking up the foreground, in the background the Salvatore Estate. 
“Is that you, Mom, and me?” the girl questioned her father. 
“It is indeed,” He replied with a nod.
She took a separate paintbrush and dipped it into a gray-almost-black color, adding the shadows of the figures to the canvas. Before her father could process it she swiped the paintbrush across his nose where freckles used to lay.
“Oh, you’re going to regret that, Dove.” 
Klaus reached for one of his larger paintbrushes filled with a previous color of paint he’d used swiping it across Hope’s arm. Giggles, laughter, and shrieks filled the room and bounced off the walls. The sounds of happiness mixed with the clacking of feet running.
Y/n placed her book on the side table beside the oh-so-comfortable la-Z-boy chair she had begged Klaus for. She made her way to the large art room, practically the size of a large dining room, where she heard various noises. When she opened the door, she wasn’t sure what she was expecting, however, it was not paint strewn all over her handsome husband, beautiful daughter, and the floor that was thankfully protected by a clear, plastic tarp. A laugh escaped her lips at the sight of the two loves of her life flicking paint at each other. The sound made the two glance at the door, where Y/n stood slightly in front. The pair of artists quickly glanced at each other, silently conversing. They then ran toward Y/n, pulling her into a tight embrace and getting paint all over her, matching the other two. This caused her to squeal, the father-daughter duo pressing kisses to Y/n’s cheeks, resulting in various giggles escaping her lips. 
“Alright, alright, thank you for the kisses,” She said trying to speak through her laughter. Y/n pulled away from them, returning the kisses, placing a kiss on both of their cheeks. She was looking at her little family, eyes filled with pure adulation, heart beating with nothing but happiness. 
Suddenly a painting grabbed Y/n’s attention, two figures that resembled her and Nik and another stood in between them, which resembled a young Hope in a field of Y/n’s favorite flowers. Her old home, the Salvatore Estate in the background.
“Nik… you painted this…” She murmured, knowing the painting had his own artistic touch to it.
“Of course, my love.” 
“I love it, it’s beautiful…” She murmured, her scintillating eyes meeting his light blue eyes. She placed her hand against his cheek, gently caressing his face before pulling her husband into a short gentle kiss filled with fervor. The two lovers pulled away, due to their daughter being in the room, and not wanting to scar her.
“We should hang it in the foyer, both of them,” She smiled at her two artists. 
“Whatever you want, my love,” Nik replied, his arms gently caressing Y/n’s waist.
“Also, we need to clean ourselves up, today’s Sunday so we're going to your Uncle Stefan’s for dinner.”
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
The Mikaelsons arrived at the Salvatore’s house, and 2 other cars were already in the driveway. All of a sudden the front door swung open and Stefan and Caroline's son Cayden ran out to greet the family, as they unloaded from the SUV. 
“Auntie Y/n, Uncle Nik, Hope!” He excitedly exclaimed.
The young boy threw himself at his aunt, happily squeezing her in a hug.
“Hi, sweetheart, how are you?” She said, caressing the seven-year-olds back while returning his embrace. 
“I’m amazing! You know who isn’t? Sadie, she’s sad because her boyfriend broke up with her…” The young boy whispered the end of his sentence. “Oh my poor girl,” Y/n said. 
Cayden ended up letting go of his aunt to greet his uncle just as excitedly. They began walking into the house greeted by Stefan, Damon, and Elena sitting on the large couch. Hope immediately went toward her aunt, greeting her and pulling her in for a hug. Nik greeted the Salvatore brothers before sitting down with his nephew, who immediately began to go on, and on about various topics. 
“Stef, Damon!” Y/n exclaimed, pulling her younger and older brother into an embrace.
“Hey Y/n/n,” They greeted her in unison. 
Y/n talked with the pair for a little before, she and Hope made their way into the kitchen to greet Caroline along with Sadie. They were shocked to find Rebekah, Marcel, and Rowena, their 10-year-old daughter, seated on the stools by the island.
“Bekah!” Y/n shrieked, bursting with joy at getting to see her sister-in-law, that was more of an actual sister to her. She hugged the woman tightly. 
"Hi, love, how've you been?" Rebekah questioned the woman, who was still hugging her.
"Good, you'd know that if you visited more, I haven't seen you in months!" She exclaimed.
"I know I'm sorry I promise we'll visit more often." She responded, gently pulling away from the hug.
"You better, and why didn't you tell us you guys were coming!" She said lightly hitting the vampire on the shoulder, causing her to feign pain.
"We wanted to surprise you." She smiled at her sister.
"How's Nik, he giving you any trouble?"
"Oh always, you know how your brother is," Y/n laughed, “No, I’m kidding, he’s amazing but don’t tell him I said that, his ego’s already big as it is.” 
“Are you ladies speaking of me? I heard the word ego…” Niklaus popped into the kitchen, his hand immediately finding it’s place on his wife’s waist. 
“Speak of the devil,” Rebekah said. 
The family aided in making dinner, which took quite long considering all the catching up and shenanigans that had occurred just like every Sunday dinner. It didn’t matter what was going on, family dinner was a must every week. Always and forever.
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
A/N - The ending’s really crappy because I just wanted this out of my drafts and I honestly forgot where I had been going with this… also I have so many drafts that stop at 3k because I can never make it past 3k I truly don't know why, and I literally can't write fics that are like simple an around 1k. I have to make the most complex's plots and then never finish writing them 😭
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karionice · 10 months
The Only Hong
Pairing: ceo!Joshua Hong x secretary!female reader
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This is connected to my villain DK one-shot which was lots of fun but much, much shorter. If you'd like, strap in for some world-building.
Word Count: ~ 9.7k
Genres/Warnings: eventual romance and fluff, sci-fi au, kinda dense, tech empire au, non-idol au, robots, mentions of other svt members, skz reference from my drafts, reference to death, joshua is gentle sexy as always, reader and Joshua are about the same age, joshua is an orphan, true neutral, reader probs has anxiety, "refuge cafes" = "Plaza system", first kiss, shua's shtick with water here too
Ceo world taglist: @fabulaee, @laaylaazyy
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What a lonely man he must be, you thought to yourself. Everything about Joshua Hong's home was solemn and quiet, yet also very much alive. 
In every direction there was some sort of robot - little ones floating about wiping windows, larger ones scooting about sweeping the floors, little screens on each door blinking at you as you walked by...There was even a slinkier robot swinging about the ceiling rafters dusting surfaces and changing lights. One of the sweepers gave you a little wave as you kept walking until you reached a large, open doorway of polished dark wood.
You stood there in the middle of the open doors and took in the gilded, floor length windows on the other side of a large study. It was a beautiful room within an already beautiful place, but you specifically observed the motionless silhouette of a tall and slim young man. He had his back turned to you with his hands clasped behind him, gazing out the window at the glowing city outside.
You didn't know whether to make a sound or not so you stayed standing in the doorway, fighting the urge to fidget. After a couple more quiet seconds, the man looked over his shoulder and gave you a small smile. He beckoned you to come over before turning to walk over to a large desk.
With each step you felt yourself tensing up so you got yourself to breathe as you watched Mr. Hong sit down in his very comfortable looking chair. Once you'd gotten close enough in front of his desk, you bowed and greeted him plainly.
"Good to see you again, Y/N L/N.” Mr. Hong regarded you, eyes astute. “From today forward, you will be my at-home secretary. Thank you again for accepting the position."
You simply nodded and bowed again, making Mr. Hong chuckle. "No need to be nervous, I only hope to make your time working for me both comfortable and manageable." He then stood and beckoned to you again.
"Welcome to my study,” Mr. Hong exclaimed, making a wide gesture with his arm. “That desk over there will be where you will spend most of your time working."
You followed him over and he proceeded to explain some of the more unfamiliar gadgets on your desk, all of which he'd invented himself. He made note of the subtle uptick in brightness in your expression when he showed you the task managing device he'd designed for you.
"And finally, that quaint little area on the other side of the room is the refreshments corner. All of the cabinets are labeled and the refrigerator is self-cleaning - a best-seller of mine, if you didn’t know. Who knew people enjoy saving time from looking for the source of distracting odors?”
Even though you could tell that he was trying to get you to crack a smile, you still felt too timid to really do so and simply nodded at him, not meeting his eyes. At that, he cocked his head and regarded you with another small smile.
“A few of my delivery rovers have already transported your things to your living quarters, which are a little ways past the main hallway. Allow me to show you the way.”
Your shoulders relaxed a little at the prospect of rest as Mr. Hong turned on his heel and gestured for you to follow. Rather than through the large doorway, he seemed to be leading you to a smaller double door on the side within a wall of bookshelves.
As you passed the refreshments corner, the coffee machine, also a robot, waved at you.
You paused in your tracks and blinked, causing Mr. Hong to turn around to see what was happening. When he saw you giving the coffee-bot a wave back, Mr. Hong laughed. You looked back at him wide-eyed and embarrassed, only for your eyes to grow wider as Mr. Hong walked up to the robot and gave it a pat on the head. 
Did that robot just giggle? You noted the shine of curly embellished letters on the back of it that spelled Shubot.
“Come now,” Mr. Hong said, breaking you from your perplexion. “There will be plenty of time to become acquainted with the rest of my creations inhabiting this home later on.”
As the two of you continued to walk, you eventually came to be walking next to him rather than behind. You looked around, taking in the elegant mix of all things high-tech and what had clearly been there for generations.
"Hong Corporations has had many rebrandings and changes in development throughout the decades, but the fact that the oldest furniture and designs in this home are from two centuries ago doesn’t change. My ancestors wanted to build things that would last for a long time, but my grandfather was the one who decided to begin a legacy of creating to adapt to an ever-expanding world. Therefore our original property is far outside of the city. My grandfather relocated the business itself to the west side of here, Sector 17, and built it from the ground up, eventually raising my father here. And now for a very important question,” Mr. Hong stopped walking and raised his head.
The screen on the beautiful door you had stopped in front of displayed a waterfall effect to reveal letters - letters that spelled your name.
“Coffee or tea?” Mr. Hong smiled, looking at you.
You swore you could feel yourself blush as you said quietly, “I usually prefer neither.”
Mr. Hong’s smile grew wider as he snapped his fingers. Before you had the chance to soak in how perfectly straight his pearly teeth are, a delivery rover approached rapidly and prompted the door to open.
As you walked into your room, you watched as the rover extended its compartments to plop a robot you hadn’t seen before onto a small table in between the bathroom and what looked to be a vanity. You then jumped as Mr. Hong snapped his fingers again and the new robot whirred itself to life.
“This is Voira, a prototype for a new model of my water filtration and dispensing line. She can set the time when she will refill herself in a sink, or you can have her do it herself whenever empty, and she has a variety of options for the quality and temperature of drinking water. She will also retrieve one of your complimentary mugs from wherever it may be herself, unless you switch that feature off too. Currently I am still working on flavor fusion options, but hopefully with the data produced from you having her, it will be completed soon.”
You had to unhinge your jaw before looking up at Mr. Hong with shy gratitude. “Thank you so much, sir.”
“Oh please my dear, no need to be so formal. Call me Joshua.” At that, you simply bowed and turned away to hide your even deeper blush.
Joshua checked his Shu-watch and tapped the screen a few times before putting his hands behind his back and turning to exit. “I shall see you for dinner in two hours, which will be followed by your first set of tasks to complete for me. Please, however, get yourself accustomed at your own pace. If you need any assistance organizing your possessions or adjusting the settings of anything in your room, there is a companion Shubot on your desk that will gladly speak with you.”
After he left, closing the door behind him, you flopped down into a large cushioned chair by the vanity and took a good look around. 
Your room was a sleek yet cozy little space, or at least little in comparison to what you’d seen so far. There were floor length windows here as well, with digital, remote-controlled blinds that you recognized as those of Hong Co.’s that could turn into a television screen. Your bed was a large loft over a simple glass desk, at which you noticed several charging stations for a variety of devices. Mirroring the bathroom, next to your bed was the entrance to a walk-in closet, where all of your things had been left in a neat pile by the rover-bots. 
How on earth am I going to get myself together in two hours and still have energy to work tonight? You thought to yourself. You took a deep breath and got yourself up to settle in.
To start, you decided to ask Voira to bring you a cup of lukewarm water. You then started unpacking your clothing in the closet, only to be surprised by the clothes hangers- they unraveled themselves from the shape of hangers into robotic arms similar to the swinging cleaner bot you saw earlier and began hanging your clothes for you; pants, skirts, dresses, blouses, even belts and scarves. When you placed your shoes on the shelves labeled for them, the platforms above sprayed them with a sort of odor-eliminating disinfectant. 
“...get yourself accustomed at your own pace,” you remembered Joshua’s voice in your head. 
After getting over the shock of it all, you decided to do a little experiment. You noticed drawers that read “socks.” You took out an armful of your socks from a baggage and tossed them all into one. To your amazement, there were digital shifting platforms that paired up and organized your socks for you by length.
At this rate, I will be done unpacking in no time. It’s no wonder how the big CEOs who can afford to have their homes like this are able to be so productive, despite being humans.
“Now,” you thought aloud. “What’s the internet password?”
“Not to worry, Miss!” You heard a voice say from outside of the closet. You rushed out and saw the companion Shubot on your desk waving at you cheerfully. “Just place all of your electronics into the appropriate charging slots and I will get them connected to the internet right away!”
Your hands covered your mouth in silent glee as you hurried to follow the robot’s instructions. Once most everything had been put away, you noted how less than thirty minutes had passed. You got iced water from Voira and sat down at your desk again, you wanted to greet your desk companion properly.
“Hello, Miss! What can I do for you?”
You giggled at the thing and asked, “I just wanted to know, what should I call you?”
“You may call me whatever you’d like, Miss!”
“Please, call me Y/N. And er, may I call you…let’s see…” The little bot swayed in place patiently as you thought about what to possibly name it.
“Ani. May I call you Ani?”
“Of course!” You laughed as Ani gave a little spin. “Nice to meet you, Y/N! I’m excited to take care of ya!”
“Ani, I have some questions, if that’s okay?”
“Absolutely, ask away!”
“Why does Joshua only live with robots?”
Ani’s head quirked to the side. “I assume you don’t know the story of his parents?”
You shook your head. “I know about Joshua being an orphan but does he really not have anyone else?”
Ani shrugged, something you never thought you’d see a stiff little robot do. “I don’t contain any data on the topic of the Hong family outside of their names and important dates. There are other AIs here who do. But I am programmed to keep anything you tell me confidential, so don’t worry! I may not have much to say but you can talk to me anytime!”
You had never thought it possible to experience awkward silence with a robot but there you sat. “Well…I suppose I just don’t know where to start around here. I’m sort of hoping I'll wake up one day and realize things have picked up and I can just work. If, uhm, that makes any sense.”
Ani nodded. “Mhm! If it helps, one of your first tasks after dinner will be to organize your schedule for tomorrow! Joshua will send me a list and then you get to add whatever you want to in my hourly calendar!”
Checking the currently blank calendar, you weren’t surprised that you could add anything you wanted down to the minute, though you did wonder how much of it Joshua would see. “Ani, I have one more thing - Should I dress up for dinner?”
“Oh! The master has specifically requested you wear this…”
The uniform wasn’t tacky by any means, you just weren’t sure if it suited you. At least it was comfortable, and you liked that the skirt wasn’t too tight and left plenty of possibilities for layering.
When you arrived where Ani had indicated dinner would be, you stopped in your tracks in shock. Even though you knew that Joshua lived alone, you were expecting something more like a large or lavish dining room, maybe even with a chandelier. Instead you were greeted with a simple kitchen and living space, separated by a counter with tall seats. 
Behind the seats was a small glass table and simple chairs with tied-on cushions, almost like what a grandmother long ago would have in their home. Even larger of a surprise, Joshua was in the process of taking off an apron.
When he turned around to give it to a nearby robot to put away, he saw where you were standing and smiled.
“Come, have a seat at the table. My Cara-bots will bring out dinner momentarily.”
As you sat down gingerly, a robot similar to Voira but with a retractable tray for a body hovered over and poured wine into Joshua’s glass. He then looked at you, lifting his glass in question.
“Oh! I don’t really drink…”
Without anything said, the Shubot hovered over to you and poured something amber colored into your glass. You looked up at Joshua, puzzled.
“Try it, Y/N.”
You took a tentative sip and was immediately wowed. It’s like the robot had read your mind - you’d been craving something at this consistency, and the taste…it seemed to be diluted fig syrup, strained of seeds.
A Shubot similar to the delivery rovers but smaller set out plates, chopsticks, and soy sauce. Another one followed with a tray of kimbap.
“My mother’s recipe,” Joshua said, a tad softly. “It’s one of the few dishes I always make myself.”
The two of you ate in silence for a bit. It’s not that you didn’t want to talk and the food was really delicious, you just felt a bit…awkward. Joshua, being considerate of your shrinking posture, didn’t try to make any small talk like he had earlier. You were hyper-aware of it, especially since the situation was too reminiscent of how the two of you had met. 
You had just been let off of your last job in the upper-east side of the city, where some places were filing for bankruptcy due to a recent falling through in DK Tower, that part of Sector 17’s keystone, something about a security breach causing a leak of investment funds. 
You ended up in one of the city’s “refuge cafes”, which are large plazas scattered across the south side of Sector 17 that offer temporary housing for people willing to work until they find security, usually from business owners that set up there, then after workers can find more permanent options.
Unlike where you used to work, all of the businesses in the refuge cafes used Shubots for everything. The whole system is owned by the south of the city’s keystone, who’s even more secretive than Joshua.
Joshua noticed you at the business you were taking refuge in while he was in the midst of a meeting one day. A rare occurance since it's said he usually never leaves home. He’d invited you to meet with him after your shift and in the midst of the awkward silence of that encounter, you were given a new job which was currently proving to be just as daunting but luxurious.
What finally broke the ice in the present moment was one of the helper robots; a Cara came floating over with another robot that looked similar to Ani on her tray.
“Hello Sunday,” Joshua smiled at the bot as it hopped off of the tray onto the table. “Is something the matter?”
The robot spoke in a much stuffier voice than Ani’s cheerful one. “The atmosphere within a 3-meter diameter of you is rather ‘chilly’. Would you like me to play fireplace sounds over a decibel of white noise?”
The five seconds of silence that followed was deafening until it was broken by an unbidden snort from you. You quickly brought your napkin up to hide your face as Joshua’s head snapped towards the sound. Another second after, Joshua broke into loud and enthusiastic laughter.
Seeing this, you felt your face finally break into the smile Joshua had been looking for all day as you joined in.
What made you laugh even more was how you saw that Sunday was still just standing there, patiently awaiting input. It seemed the suddenly happy atmosphere was affecting him though, as the robot’s face smiled a little more while swaying in place.
“It’s okay Sunday,” Joshua finally said, still wheezing slightly. “That won’t be necessary, but thank you. Let the other Caras know that it’s almost time to bring out dessert.”
Joshua turned back to you as you drank more of your fig drink, and upon seeing that your glass was past halfway gone, he waved his hand and a robot came swinging from the kitchen to refill it.
“Thank you,” you spoke less softly than before, still smiling. “I’m sorry I haven’t said much.”
“Oh my dear, you have done nothing wrong. Besides I should apologize, I forgot to let Sunday know not to have his 'automatic ambience' setting on earlier.”
“All of your creations have so much personality…how have you made that possible?”
“This city is as transparent as it is crowded,” Joshua spoke in a more professional voice, perking your interest. “All it took was programming a Bitty bot to fly around it and gather data on human interactions, giving me everything I needed.” He looked away, wiping his face with his napkin.
“Do any of your robots continue to collect data even after being purchased?”
Joshua raised an eyebrow at you. “Of course not, but I have no control over anyone who uses my devices for surveillance after it’s out of my hands. Only if, say, a separate company volunteers to gather data for me might I entertain the idea, but even so I am still capable of getting that information myself.”
“So if I said you couldn’t use data from how I use Voira to do anything, you wouldn’t?” You were trying so hard not to find your own comment funny.
“Haha! Sorry dear, but the matter of liabilities isn’t there yet. However if you really insisted, I could have Voira be tested elsewhere, but she's a prototype and still under my ownership.”
“There isn’t anything else in this place gathering data from my presence, is there?” You asked, for no reason in particular at this point.
“Just my eyes, of course,” Joshua winked at you. That sure made you quiet. As if to save you from how flustered you felt, the Cara-bot from before brought dessert. A welcome distraction.
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Your first day of work was well-paced and quiet. So much in the house was already done by Shubots that most of your tasks were completed at your desk in the study, mainly brief correspondences through an earpiece that matched one Joshua wore, and filtering through messages. Pretty much anything Joshua preferred a human do, which was what you’d expected well before coming. 
Joshua was good about making sure everything was doable along with efficient breaks and meals, all while keeping a pristine friendly attitude. You quickly felt your initial fear vanish.
Your second day was more or less the same, and you concluded it by having Ani help you with finding a television program to wind down with. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d felt so…safe. Just being alive.
Your third day began with a very perplexing addition to your schedule. Joshua had the words “Field Trip, dress normally” written in the slot after breakfast, which was to be eaten with him. 
You picked a comfortable dress you owned with a cute collar and layered with stockings, plus a pretty jacket. Wanting to maintain some professionalism, you detached your name tag from your uniform and fixed it to your jacket.
“Good morning, Y/N.” Joshua greeted you when you arrived. “I’m glad to see you growing accustomed to the place.”
You gave him a smile and bow. “Thank you for breakfast, Joshua.”
Before you sat down, Joshua walked up to you while reaching into his jacket’s inner pocket and pulled out a small object to show you.
It was a brooch, beautifully polished with a vintage crest decorated with opal. You noticed embossed words before Joshua read them aloud to you.
“Purposeful, Practical, and Peculiar. That has been my family motto since the very beginning. It’s why the company used to be named ‘Pianissimo’ before it was out with the old, but the rather silly motto still stands. You asked me how my robots are so expressive and I told you how but not why. The basis for such an intent has been passed down for generations, I wasn’t about to let it end with me.”
Joshua leaned in closer to you so suddenly you almost tripped, but he stopped just short so he could fasten the brooch in between the lapels of your collar. 
“You look lovely today, Y/N. So I hope you don’t mind my ‘finishing touch.’ Please keep it, as a token of my gratitude.”
It was Joshua’s turn to blush as your face broke into the widest smile he’s seen from you yet.
He almost didn’t hear you thank him, the glow of your happy face made the lights illuminating it seem less bright in comparison making him step back in admiration. Joshua nodded in an attempt to hide his sheepish face as you both sat down to eat.
“So,” you began. “What is this ‘field trip’ that Ani told me about?”
Joshua raised an eyebrow at you as he took a sip of coffee. “You named your companion bot Annie?”
“Ah, yeah…I just thought he sounded like an ‘Ani’ to me,” you said, owning it softly.
“That’s really cute. Well, today I will be showing you the ‘Practical’ side of Hong Co. and give you a better idea of how my business is actually run. I know you have some degree of experience from your time at the Woozi Plaza but you will find that tech headquarters are a bit different.”
“Is it true that Hong Co. is just you and this tower?” You asked before taking another bite of your food.
“How could it not be true is the real question?”
You cocked your head at Joshua in confusion. He looked almost stunned. “My my, you must be the first person I’ve met who doesn’t know.”
“Well I always heard people talking in the plaza but I didn’t really…ingest much of it. I’m sorry…”
“There’s really no need to apologize, I promise to take my time telling you.”
He then placed his hand up to his earpiece, silent before nodding. “Mhm, thanks Sunday. And please have that package brought to the upper loft and unpacked.” Joshua looked back at you. “We’ll depart as soon as you’re finished eating.”
The center of Hong Tower was one long and sleek elevator, surrounded by a steel staircase to follow city safety regulations. Otherwise, as Joshua joked to you once you both stepped in, he wouldn’t even bother with the waste of material. You noted that this central elevator defaulted to being accessed by a biometric scan.
“My home is on the second floor through the sixth floor of this tower. My grandfather began with that and kept building up as the business grew. He had hopes that for generations to come, this building would continue to blossom from the roots he laid down. Our original estate would be a retirement place for each scion’s father to rest when we inherited the tower and well…” Joshua didn’t finish the thought as the elevator reached your destination.
When the doors opened, the most complex symphony of so many sounds hit you, and not one sounded human. When you stepped out onto a platform, you gasped at the hundreds of different kinds of robots performing so many tasks below where you were standing.
It was so fascinating how there weren’t any assembly lines or cuticles, it was just a lot of machines and holographic screens and the constant movement of work surfaces and…oh, a couple of them waved up at you. You and Joshua waved back at the same time. Then you looked at each other, causing you to giggle a bit.
“Every floor serves a general and unique purpose in the many aspects of how I have shaped the company. This is where stock is managed and maintained, receiving materials from above and below. Sunday is in charge of these factory floors, sending me any quirks for me to fix from the study. That used to be a more frequent process when I was still developing Sunday's AI,” Joshua chuckled. “But it has streamlined exponentially since I gave him the ability to control physical forms.”
Joshua led you back to the elevator where he showed you the next floors, “the flight lofts” as he called them. They were where everything from hoverbots to drones to transport pods were developed, managed by Joshua’s other AI program, Wednesday. Clever, you thought, that they were the floors that began to surpass the height of most other buildings in the city.
Since the tower was meant to always be built up, Joshua showed you that the second flight loft was the only place he had ever built sideways so that there could be hovercraft landing pads somewhere.
Your final destination for today’s little trip was a lounge floor almost completely surrounded in Joshua’s signature floor-length windows.
“This is the floor right above the last current factory floor, the upper loft. In his later years, my grandfather found that having a break location to end up in on maintenance check days was necessary. It would constantly change and rise since there could never be a penthouse, so my father inherited the idea as a tradition. It is currently of my own design.”
Joshua brought you to the other side of the lounge where instead of long couches, there were two armchairs. As you sat down in one, Joshua clapped his hands together, summoning a rover bot that placed down a round coffee table between you. A lone Cara-bot floated over with a ceramic tea set.
“I ordered the table yesterday, it’s what was in the package I had Sunday send up.”
You barely heard Joshua say that; you were too busy in awe of the view of the city.
Never in your life had you ever seen it from so high up - And goodness had you also never in your life smelled tea so good before.
Joshua laughed aloud at the face you made when you turned your head towards the teapot. “I like to keep my nicest tea leaves up here. I suppose I’ve always been waiting to share it. Let me pour you a cup.”
“Thank you, Joshua.” Your smile made Joshua blush a little again, and this time you shyly took notice. “I will be sure to savor it.”
You sat there for a bit in silence that was decorated by the sound of an electric fireplace nearby and the raindrops outside catching the neon glow of everything in Sector 17.
Despite the city always being rather dark, during the middle of the day like this it was just bright enough where you could see the towers of the other keystones. You could even see DK Tower in the far, far east, though the drizzle made it appear blurry.
“A great view, isn’t it? The City of Perpetual Dusk…” Joshua murmured, and you turned to look at him.
The look on his face was hard to read. You had a feeling that this was the most he ever truly lets himself relax, which was unnerving. His face when speaking to you was usually wise and cheerful, with rather watchful eyes.
At this moment, his whole form was none of those things, and it made him look a lot younger and smaller than you always picture him.
You watched him turn to look at you back and it wasn’t the motion that startled you, but the subtle diffusion of the glint in his eyes. In the time it took you to think of something to say, you wondered how exactly he saw you.
“If you’re always expanding up, what happens to the order of the floors below?”
“This company is constantly recycling itself,” Joshua answered simply, turning back. “We have a few floors of storage above and below ground, but I try not to have material come in too often. The average lifespan of a Shubot purchased in the city is rather short, so a certain percentage of them end up back here to be repurposed in one of the stock floors. Material left over from renovations and expansion goes back down to be repurposed.”
Practical indeed, you thought, sipping your tea.
You reached out to the Cara-bot still floating next to you and tried petting it the same way Joshua petted the coffee machine the other day, evoking a purr from the robot and a melodic chuckle from Joshua.
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Two weeks later came a day where you were tasked with helping Joshua out with gadget orders that required more…personal attention than what was taken care of in the floors above.
You were in awe of how many big names appeared in the list Sunday gave you, a couple of whom you’d seen before at the refuge cafe. Though one unfamiliar name did catch your attention among the rest.
With a quirk of your eyebrow, you looked up at Joshua.
“A large order from one…Arthur Pendragon.”
To your surprise, Joshua cracked the most playful smirk as he chuckled. It caught you very much off guard, so much so in fact, that you felt your face warm up immediately, which only made his smirk wider.
“Ah, Seokmin…still ordering under a fake name after all these years. Well, what would he like this time?”
“Did you just say Seokmin? As in Lee-”
“Mhm, the city ‘bad boy’ as I’m sure even he calls himself.” Joshua interrupted gently, running a hand through his hair. “Don’t worry, he may abundantly misbehave but in reality, he can’t do anything outside of a certain perimeter. And while I’m not unfriendly with him, I always stay on my far side of the city.”
“Why do you do business with him then, anyways?” You asked as you showed Joshua your screen.
“Are you judging, dear?” Joshua raised an eyebrow, but he wasn’t fazed at all.
“Not really," you shrugged. "I just haven’t seen anything here that could be deemed, uhm, shady yet.”
Joshua didn’t answer at first, he glanced through the order before chuckling. “I never cease to be amazed at how funny Seokmin’s taste is. It’s like he doesn’t even notice that I know it’s him. No, it’s not truly shady. Reputation aside, he’s still one of the Sector’s keystones and I have worked too hard to be the only one without a single broken bridge to sour that now.”
Before he could continue, Sunday's bot hopped into view to relay a message. You just barely heard it say “Subject line ‘urgent’, from ‘Lee Jihoon.’ Would you like me to read it for you?” 
Joshua’s face turned stony in an instant. “Send it to my watch, Sunday. I’ll return shortly.”
He turned to you with the complete opposite expression, startling you. “Apologies, Y/N. Process more orders to your best ability and we will continue our conversation over lunch.”
You nodded quickly as Joshua rose from his chair and left the study swiftly, holding his watch up to his mouth speaking in a hushed voice. A rover bot arrived to pick up Sunday and left too. Trying not to think on it too much, you returned to your desk and went back to your tasks.
About twenty minutes later, you looked at the time. There was still a bit until lunch, so you gave yourself a moment to breathe.
Where is this weird..feeling coming from…?
“Sunday?” You called out tentatively. You didn’t even know if it would work.
“Yes Miss Y/N, I’m here.”
You looked down at your custom task device. A wavy, holographic sphere that resembled a rising sun had emitted from the corner of your screen. This must be Sunday in program form.
“Oh wow, so I can talk to you?”
“But of course Miss, did the master not tell you?”
You decided not to answer that and hoped that said master wasn’t listening. “Sunday, I’m curious, how long has it been since another human has worked here?”
Sunday pulled up a simple visual with a series of dates. “Since the worker lifts were recycled, Miss. The building became fully automated then.”
But that’s after Joshua’s father passed… you thought to yourself.
“If you don’t have any more questions Miss, I have a reminder from the master to begin heading to the kitchen for lunch.”
“Thank you Sunday, let Joshua know what I’ve been able to wrap up.”
“Joshua,” you spoke, the moment the man in question came into view. He had just sat down and looked at you, eyebrows raised. “Will I be punished for using Sunday without permission?”
Joshua blinked hard. “‘Punished?’ My dear you haven’t been misbehaving, have you?”
It took you a second to realize he was making fun of you and you weren’t sure if you were amused or mortified. Joshua gave you another smirk, leaning you more towards mortified. 
“No, you’re not in trouble. Even if it was violating a protocol, I never explicitly said you could or couldn’t talk to Sunday. If you ever do something protocol-violating around him or Wednesday, however, I would know immediately.” He regarded you with the same teasing look in his eyes as you sat down, clearly relishing in how it made you pout a bit.
“In truth Y/N, I had hoped in time I could tell you more and more, but I didn’t want to limit your parameters of interaction in the house. Though to see you can be such a daredevil, well, I’m honestly tempted to keep even more secrets.” You scoffed at the way he shone his teeth at you while putting an elbow on the table, chin up and in one hand.
“So I’m not your prisoner who will be buried with what I do end up being told?” Even with your sarcastic side-smile, you sounded just a tad more serious than you intended.
“My my Y/N, do rope in that imagination. I don’t dispose of people like lil’ Seokmin on the other side of town, nor do I encase anyone like his older brother. You’re free to come and leave however you like, we discussed as much in your contract.”
You were thankful for the food being laid out as Joshua spoke, offering you an excuse to not talk for a little.
You’d interacted with Joshua enough by now to know when he's purposely leaving out other implications to situations.
Some bites in, you finally began the expected topic at hand, letting the atmosphere grow serious.
“I was about fourteen when ‘the incident’ happened. Everyone around me talked about it for years. I was still in a District 9 facility at the time though, so most of what I know, I learned when I was sent here. I was first told that keystones are where what we need comes from, not really the CEOs yourselves. When I spent those two years at a refuge cafe though, I heard about how the huge Lee Family broke apart, all of the rumors surrounding your family, what District 9 really is…”
You had to pause for a minute there. Joshua, not taking his eyes off of you, waved for a bot to bring iced water. He nodded at you kindly when you looked up at him, as you swallowed heavily.
“There were so many people of varying levels of importance, talking in those bars every night as I worked. I heard about a lot of things that seem like they’d be underground, so I admit I’m rather afraid of what isn’t spoken about in broad daylight. But when you offered me this job, I decided that I would go in not assuming a thing. I’ve seen how it can destroy a person.”
Joshua was a good listener, his gaze was calm and revealed nothing of what he was thinking as you spoke about your life. When you were done, he finished his food before he decided to talk.
“Hong Co. is and has always been a family business. Even from the beginning it seemed that family businesses are always doomed to fail, and yet we were able to stay together through the decades. Er, mostly by trying not to have too many children. The Lees are a modern example of the third-generation curse that only grew worse over time. I grew up with the Lee brothers of Sector 17, though, so I don’t believe things would have turned out how they did if it wasn’t for, well,” Joshua didn’t need to finish that sentence.
“Know that you are not obligated to believe everything I say, though you are only hearing everything from me. When our parents were killed, Lee Jihoon and I had barely turned sixteen. Lee Seokmin came out of ‘the incident’ a completely different person, making any reparation plans they had impossible. He ran off to fulfill his own desires, which left Jihoon to take care of their youngest brother, Chan, who is now the regime’s most valued keystone. Jihoon designed the Plaza system not only to give Chan a larger and connected space to grow up in, but also to gather intel in the same way you've heard things; surface level. He particularly likes my Bitty bots for that. Many of the Lee cousins disappeared during ‘the incident’ so Jihoon has always tried to find them again.”
“Has he found any?” You asked through your hands, which had been covering your mouth for a while.
Joshua shook his head. “Every time Jihoon gets close to finding one, he gets sabotaged by Seok. I really couldn’t tell you why but it is the only thing I haven’t been able to help with. Seokmin may buy my home appliances but I have no way of hacking his own tech. He mastered stealth the best out of all of us.”
Your eyes widened at this. “Has he tried to infiltrate here before?”
“His ego is too big. Even if he did though, I mastered security the best. So I focus on keeping Jihoon from going completely insane, for now he hasn't gone farther than paranoid. His business serves as protection for the city, he sends most of the info he gathers to Chan’s side of the city where plans are made and executed. Chan was always the best with combat.”
At that moment, Joshua received a message on his watch. He let out a huff. “My apologies, Y/N, there’s been a change of schedule. I have to leave for a bit and won’t be able to have dinner with you. Continue with your afternoon tasks and I will see you tomorrow.”
“Thank you Joshua, see you tomorrow.”
For the rest of the day, you got to experience what Joshua’s home must have felt like for the past decade before you came.
It really was lonesome, even with AI to talk to. Well, more like especially with only the Shubots. No wonder they’d been programmed to be so...peculiar.
That night, dinner was brought to your bedroom with a note that said you would be allowed to sleep in tomorrow if you wanted, and to tell “Annie” when you wanted breakfast. Instead of thinking about how that meant you had no clue what Joshua was up to, you laughed at how funny it was that despite being the most organized human being to exist, he was actually not the best with names.
You thought about writing a letter to your old employer, but you weren’t sure what you could possibly send, to anyone really. Had she forgotten about you by now? All you really did back then was wait tables.
Then again, Joshua of all people had noticed you. Other than awkward, what was it like for him when you two first met? You didn’t even realize who he was until he offered you work for a place to stay.
What was frustrating you the most was that you also couldn’t think of why you were only wondering about it all now. Does it matter why now that you’re already here and know half of his life story?
After you had gotten ready for bed, you took out a keepsake box you hid in among your socks and opened it. Inside were your most precious possessions, many of which held little monetary value but they held the details of your past. The most recent addition was the Pianissimo brooch.
As you ran your fingers along the polished opal designs, you felt a small tear escape your left eye as you tried to ignore the unfamiliar sensation of what felt like a pinch in your heart.
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The process of you and Joshua learning more about each other spread across the weeks. The distance between you had long become friendly and Joshua eventually programmed Sunday not to interrupt conversations with you for anything other than emergencies.
Years of only having robots and depressed business people to talk to must have piled on Joshua over time because now that he had another human around, you came to learn that Joshua wasn’t just strange but a rather silly person, too. He could be charming and watching him work was fascinating, as he constantly sketched ideas and swiped at so many holographic screens.
He was not only efficient but afforded the luxury to mess with you a bit too, in extremely high spirits. But still at the same time of maintaining an organized work environment. You pretending to feel offended by his antics only seemed to spur him on more.
Then when you asked him why none of his robots were human sized, he chuckled and said “That would be so creepy, I’d never sleep. Besides, it’s bad for business. A handful of people would splurge on something like that in one place, rather than a bunch returning every so often to buy something smaller.”
When you asked why he only ever wore suits, he said he was only choosing the “hottest attire” from a fashion company sponsor.
And when you asked Joshua why Voira was named that, he said “I think the touch of French can make even a water dispenser sound more appealing, don’t you?” and winked at you the same way he does whenever he catches you staring from across the study.
His casual flirting was what actually drove you crazy. It was almost like he wanted to keep you on your toes all of the time after you grew used to his surprisingly playful nature.
Afternoon tea time in the upper loft only happened on occasion, and it was the only time Joshua was anything but playful.
He looked somber, calculating, and a tiny bit tired as he surveyed the city outside of the windows. Only once did he allow himself to tell you of the burden he felt at times.
“Growing up, I was always the one Hong. In a world of Lees, I stand as the common ground.” And now just about everyone, good or villainous, rich or teeming; Shubots of all kinds are used by them in all walks of life. 
For you, those days served as a reminder of the large world outside of everything you knew within Hong Co. You seldom left the tower to do anything, even though you knew how to take care of yourself in the crowded city due to your own background.
As you got to explore your new home, you came to realize just how much the estate was designed with the intention of housing a small family. You had no idea why the thought always came to you with a little flush to your face.
It was also during tea time that the little pinch in your chest would invade your heart more bit by bit as you got to know each of Joshua’s sides. It was hard for you to show more of yourself at times, so you appreciated the quiet days just as much as the ones with glee.
Before you knew it, you were watching light snow begin to fall outside as you sipped your tea.
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Colder months meant new heating designs for Joshua to make, and according to Sunday, less conflicts between the Lee brothers to worry about.
“We basically hibernate until either Seok or Chan randomly gets up to something in Spring,” Joshua joked. “Even though I already stay out of the public eye as it is.”
“Was it always this way?” You asked, aiming to sound broad. Perhaps a month ago, Joshua wouldn’t have answered. But he spoke freely. 
“My father was the least social of all of the men in my family. After my grandfather passed, he no longer had a reason to keep up appearances or go out at all, and then I and the other scions of the city were training up north. I never liked attending conferences with my father anyway, but then suddenly he was gone. I felt terrible letting all of the people he’d hired go, but they served as the foundation for Jihoon’s refuge cafes. And suddenly I had all of the space in the world to build back what I’d been left with. No one watching from the outside or the inside.”
“But no one at all except you,” You didn’t mean to say it out loud, but the look in Joshua’s eyes showed that it was something he always wanted someone to say but there never was anyone else.
“It was the only way I was able to continue my family’s work without sacrificing myself, but that didn’t make me hate it any less. I was never going to be ready to have people around again, though at some point I knew I would have to try. Avoiding how others have failed doesn’t delay your own failure.” When he said that aloud, you could tell that he’d mentally hit a wall. That was probably it for him today, or maybe a while.
You took a deep breath. “I’m glad you were able to try something new, Joshua. For the company, and for yourself.” You put your teacup down and smiled at him, allowing your arm to stretch out to him tentatively.
Maybe it was because he genuinely had no idea what else to say but his hand slowly reached yours. You could tell from Joshua’s flush that warmth was flooding through him, too.
It wasn’t just the first time the two of you touched, it was likely the first time he had touched anyone in a very long time.
Just as his fingers were beginning to wrap around yours, Sunday’s hologram suddenly appeared from Joshua’s watch in between you two, making you jump apart.
“What’s the emergency, Sunday?” Joshua smiled, though you noticed the watchfulness return to his eyes.
“Your heart rate has increased beyond 120 bpm in the past minute, would you like me to send for-”
“No, it's all fine!” Joshua interrupted a bit loudly, completely embarrassed. You doubled over laughing, only making Joshua grow redder.
“Your AI are great,” You said, wiping your eyes. “Maybe I should get a watch, too.”
Joshua scratched the back of his neck in relief that you weren’t judging. “That can be tended to now, let’s head back to the study.”
The next time the two of you touched was when Joshua was showing you how to put on a Shu-watch, since you’d never had anything like it before. He specifically touched one up so that Wednesday would primarily care for you, connected to Ani in your room.
“Now Wednesday can embarrass you too whenever she or Sunday wants,” Joshua said cheekily as he showed you some of the regular features.
The next time would be at dinner the next day, when Joshua would get a little more adventurous by pushing a lock of your hair behind your ear. Even though your legs were about to turn to jelly, you decided you couldn’t let him have all the fun.
“Wow some gentleman you are, boss,” you teased, bringing your hand up to your ears to poke his.
He caught on quickly though. “Oh forgive me, my lady,” Joshua gently took your hand before you could react. He bowed his head down to kiss it. “I was fatefully distracted.”
Forcing yourself not to faint, you met his eyes, hoping he couldn’t see right through you in that moment. “Well I suppose that makes sense since you haven’t wiped the crumbs from your face.”
Before Joshua could grab his napkin, you took your own and got up to wipe his mouth yourself. 
The cocky grin on his face when you stepped back was what made you think that at this rate, you were going to physically fall for him before anything else.
The day you did faint wasn’t from a tussle with Joshua, but from dehydration.
The feeling that had built up within you was a source of stress you couldn’t stand after a while. You had finally acknowledged to yourself by then that you didn't want to leave at some point, as was agreed, even if you'd be sent off with everything you could ever need.
You realized that it wasn't what you wanted, and even if you could stay forever, your feelings for Joshua would be there too. For that you couldn't even look at Joshua, even though it wasn't truly his fault you were feeling this way about him.
Quite literally you couldn't stand it; as a distraction, you kept finding reasons to exit the study and poured yourself into tasks, ignoring alerts from your watch about your health. You knew it was wrong not taking the time to figure yourself out but whenever you tried, the feeling in your chest evolved further into a thorough ache.
When you started to feel dizzy one day, you tried to get up from your desk again for the nth time, only to stumble. Joshua noticed from his side of the study, but you shuffled away fast.
Wednesday showed at that moment that Shu-watches are (cleverly) programmed with certain overrides and beeped at you to either rest, or drink some water.
“That’s what I’m on my way to do,” you grumbled, trying to dismiss her.
“Miss Y/N, the nearest beverage machine is in the study, please pause your activity and-”
You hit the floor and vaguely registered the sound of Wednesday sending a message to Joshua about it.
When you were finally at a better state of consciousness, you found yourself in your bed with Voira next to you, holding out a cup of water. Sitting up, you saw Joshua sitting at your desk below.
He looked up at you, looking relieved that you were feeling better again.
“Wednesday, how are Y/N's vitals?” Joshua spoke into his watch.
“Back to normal,” You heard from your own watch. Joshua smiled and got up. To your slight horror, he climbed up halfway to your bed.
“How are you feeling otherwise?” Joshua asked you, his gorgeous face full of concern.
You looked away, still upset with yourself. “I’m sorry that I haven’t been taking care of myself lately.” 
With a thoughtful “Hmm,” Joshua climbed all of the way up and sat right next to you, making you shrink away more.
“Are you afraid of me, Y/N?” That sure was one way to get you to look at him. Joshua's face was passive, but his eyes were filled with worry over what you might say. 
“I...know that you’ve been avoiding me for a bit but I didn’t expect that you would ignore your watch. Poor Wednesday,” he added light-heartedly. Joshua waited patiently for your answer, fighting his own urge to physically reach out.
You let out a dispirited laugh at that. It was hard for you to find words, but you realized that this conversation was going to happen at some point, one way or another.
“I wouldn’t say that I’m afraid of you, Joshua…just of...the way I’ve been feeling lately. I am really grateful for everything you’ve done for me and you are a wonderful person to be around, but, well, I…”
You involuntarily reached for Joshua’s hand, and your back straightened at the feeling of his hand accepting yours. You suddenly felt so small but, for the first time, you were safe to say so.
“I’m afraid that I’ve been selfish,” you let out, mellow. “In all of this time I’ve spent around you I keep thinking about everything that makes me different and...unimportant...” You didn’t let him interrupt you there when you felt him shift. 
“And I just…who am I to say that I…that…”
You felt him give your hand a little squeeze. Screw it.
“That I like you a lot? I really do care so much about you…you’re so kind to me and you intrigue me very much. I know that doesn’t mean I should feel this way at all, especially since the contract I’m under is temporary. I’m here to work, to help you, and that’s it. So I tried really hard not to think about it…”
You regretted it the moment you said it all, but it was only for a moment.
Because then Joshua used his other hand to cup your face, making you look at him, giving you a kiss on the forehead.
“Y/N, I am the one who should be saying sorry to you. I think I’ve waited too long to tell you that I want you to extend your stay here. From the moment we met I knew that I would like you, so much that I couldn’t bear to watch you leave. I originally designed a new master bedroom just for you, but then I realized that I don’t just want you to stay, I want you by my side.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. You were so stunned, Joshua looked away in fear that this time he had overstepped instead. So you leaned up to kiss his cheek, but given the height difference, it caused you to lose balance and Joshua turned quickly to catch you, and your faces were closer to each other than they ever have been, which at this point said a lot. Joshua swallowed nervously.
“Well, Y/N? Would you like to change your contract to one of marriage someday?”
You were sure at that moment most would have swooned or initiated a makeout session, but you instead laughed, giving Joshua the smile he himself had fallen for.
You had no idea where the confidence was coming from but you’d be lying if you said didn’t it come from Joshua, and just like him, you loved it. “Joshua Hong, you may be one of the most powerful people in the whole world but there really is so very much you do not know about women.”
Joshua blushed immediately, but he held his ground just as hard as he was holding onto you. “As long as it’s you, I will do whatever I can to learn. I want you here, Y/N, truly. You're family now.” 
Family. Something both of you had lived so long without.
“Well call me old-fashioned but aren’t you supposed to date me first?” you both laughed and Joshua poked your nose, making you gasp incredulously.
“Darling, I’m the old-fashioned one here who was planning to take this slow, but then you fell face first before the ‘talking phase’ could even turn into seeing movies~”
The two of you kept the banter and jostling up until you breathlessly grew quiet again.
“That’s why,” Joshua spoke out of the blue.
“What?” You looked at him, and he brought his hand up to your face again.
“Talking with you, laughing with you, seeing you prove that I really am here, with you." Joshua stroked your face so lovingly you could cry.
"For so long I was alone...It was a harsh reality I never wanted to face, but no matter which way I turned it was the truth. Bringing you into my life was the most frightening thing I have ever done, but it remains the one decision I am most sure of. You make me feel like I am worth everything, and now I rest every night knowing I will see your beautiful face the next day. If you accept my offer of making permanence of this, I promise I will always be here for you, too.”
Well indeed right there you did cry. You were so choked up as he wiped your face, trying not to cry himself, that the only way you could respond to him sincerely was by closing the final bit of physical distance between you two.
You could faintly hear the sound of hundreds of the tower's Shubots in a 30 meter radius clapping and cheering as Joshua returned the kiss with passion, holding you close with both arms, your hearts pounding.
Sharing your first ever kiss only marked a pivotal point in the feelings you had begun sharing long before, which would only continue on to fill every desolate corner that could ever appear in this limitless home of yours, and everything you would continue to work for together.
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a/n: "And that, kids, is how I met your mother"
Time for a trip to my dentist because my stars writing that might’ve made a hole in my sweet tooth awwwww 💕;w; At a point in this fic I realized I was expanding the world a little too much so I left out the details of “the incident” the reader and Joshua mentions to try and close a love story nicely.  For you all that have reached the end of this amalgamation of my late-night writing, a year in the making, thank you so much and I do hope you’ve enjoyed this fic as much as I had writing it!
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