#few more days…. i miss u suho……….
jdah · 9 months
why is it when im busy i wanna draw but when i have so much free time i just want to sleep
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aphrodite1288 · 11 months
im sorry but saying ksoo never said Ji about his premature enlistment is the most ridiculous thing you've ever said. I mean that's something he didn't decide a week before his enlistment it might be imposible for Ji not knowing that. If that's true which I think it's not the case I directly broke up with him like that's not a decision you make alone if u are in a long term relationship
First of all guys whom are Non-Kaisooists, I saw Kadi kissing and going on Vacations in Spain, Hungary, Hawaii, L.A, Philippines and Jeju, and in Sapporo and Osaka, you will not affect me or change my mind with your asks. So spear yourself the effort and don't come here if our blog irritates you! What you believe keep it for yourself no need to come convince us what you believe. Do I make you this Angry that you had to come anonymously send such dumb questions?
So back to the main topic:
If you were a real EXOL you would know EXO said Ksoo came to them without any notice and said I'm going to be enlisted in 2 months and it was in April and they clearly said they were shocked all of them when he announced that he applied for the Military and signed all the paperwork and done some of the medical checkups.
And Honey, I didn't say it ! It's the People who know better than me and you said.
The members also said he told them nonchalantly as if it wasn't a big deal. He didn't even discuss it with the company to reschedule any future projects because simply he has had enough of SM and he sabotaged them his own way. And the members said they were all so supportive.
And Ji was there with them and after Ksoo's enlistment Ji went absent for two months straight no bubble messages no Instagram lives nothing he went disappearing. under the excuse that he forgot his password. After that he was so depressed and sad and shortly before SuperM's debut he came on RadioStar show and revealed he suffered from Depression the past few months which explains his absence , he also said he is seeking medical help with a therapist!
And I still remember the MC shamelessly and Rudely asked Suho if he knew about this and him and the members were all so taken aback and they showed sad expression and that Stupid MC again shamelessly told Suho : "Did you know about your member was mentally exhausted and depressed? You Should be more attentive to your members'mental health!!" and Suho was so embarrassed and hurt that he apologized to Jongin and told him " I'll pay more attention to you and the members from now on and always come to Hyung whenever you feel like you need to talk, don't hide it". Because Ji clearly said he didn't tell any member that he was in deep depression or that he was regularly seeing a Therapist.
And it was a very critical Kadi period that he went for hiatus for two months and even earlier that year in 2019 after jenkai, Ksoo fought with SM and was reported to have left the company remember March 13th 2019?? (if you were in this blog since 2019 they talked a lot about this and explained everything regarding how Jenkai is related to Ksoo's case with SM and how it affaceted Kadi and Ji). Ksoo went missing since Jenkai exactly since January 5th when he was seen in Blue dragon awards show or whatever I don't remember the name, until his enlistment day July 1st, he was ABSENT. AKsoo took a long vacation refusing to be on any Schedule and refused to film Underdogs2 and refused all Acting projects and even refused to be on any Exo schedule as he was in a major mental health crisis and he even filed a lawsuit saying he was being overworked for 7 years with 0 off days unlike the other members, it was his first vacation since he debuted and SM only gave him 7 days vacation in 7 years and he talked about it in The 100Days Husband Press Conference and Booklet ,it's one of the main reasons he wanted to leave which is why the rumor dropped in March 2019, it was reported that he wanted all the accumulated Vacations since 2012 SM wanted to rob from him! Which is why he went missing for 6 months and we saw him going to Japan 3 times with Chanyeol in February remember? Also Baekhyun said he met Ksoo accidentally in Japan and they had a meal together. At that time Ji went to Philippines with his friends. This time Kadi were on a break from each other. And Ji didn't speak to Ksoo and there were no sightings of the both of them together anywhere and Ksoo didn't stay with Ji at all and they weren't even on talking terms.
Every couple have downfalls like this it's normal. We all almost broke up or even broken up with our partners at one point of our lives. Especially if you're in over a decade relationship of almost 14 years.
Anyway the story is too long. I can explain it all if you DM me instead of Hiding like this.
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Carnation (prt1) - Han Seojun x Reader
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A/N: im back?? hello to my 3 followers. i love you guys. i’ve missed writing. This piece is from the kdrama True Beauty! def worth watching. you can watch the first few episodes for free on Viki <3  also. the coloring in this gif is so pretty!! Feel free to message me if you have a question, if u would like to know more about the story, or if u just wanna talk.
Summary: You run into Seojun at the worst possible moment.
Disclaimer: i’m using the names from webtoon but im following the kdrama timeline. im not caught up w the webtoon. no use of y/n. gn reader.
Warnings: potential spoilers for ep. 5 & 6, swearing, one-sided (or is it), mutual pining, bad flower knowledge haha
Word count: 2.2k
prt 1 -> prt 2 -> epilogue
Dianthus Caryophyllus; commonly known as the carnation or clove pink, a species of Dianthus. Coined by greek botanist Theophrastus, and is derived from the Ancient Greek words for divine and flower. Light red carnations represent admiration, while dark red denote deep love and affection.
Your feet are hardly touching the floor as you float through the packed mall. You make your way around a slow walking group of friends, annoyed by their lack of movement. 
Shit shit shit shit--
It was supposed to snow today. That’s what your phone had told you, anyway. There was no way in hell you were missing this.
You curse yourself as you nearly stumble into an elderly couple. A quick bow and apology and you’re on your way.
Please, hold on a little bit longer!
Everyone knew what the implications of the first snowfall held. Especially watching it with a potential significant other. . People had been arranging dates with one another since the first mention of snow this coming winter. Shyly approaching their crush to suggest the action. Blushing at the thought of staying together throughout the season. True love blossoming in their hearts as they did so. 
One glance at the pile of people near the elevator and you decide to take the stairs instead.
You yourself were not immune to the giddy thought. Nor the countless boys who’d ask to spend the day with you. Coming up to you during lunch or in between classes and letting a cheesy line slip out of their mouths and into your ears. Regretful grimaces found their way onto both parties’ faces when you turned them down as best you could without hurting their feelings. 
You weave your way through the people in the mall’s food court. Nearly sending someone’s tray of food to the floor. This time though, you have no time to bow. Rather, you shout an apology as they glare back at you. 
Your friends would complain to you about your efforts to turn potential lovers away. You, however, knew it was all worth it when Gu Seung-joon, the pretty boy with long hair from class 2-3, had asked to spend the day with you. He had walked up to you at the bus station after school, making conversation when he suddenly asked if you had anybody to spend the upcoming weekend with. One you both knew could potentially hold the first snowfall. 
“I’m always free!”
The words came out awkwardly loud before you could give them any thought. His lips only quirked up as he told you, ‘perfect’ and pulled out his phone for you to type your number into.
Now, you were pushing at the glass doors of the entrance as you rushed to find him. The day was getting cloudy and your nerves rose as the temperature fell. You felt your phone buzz in your pocket and you scrambled to unlock it. 
Unfortunately for you--or maybe not--at this very moment, Seojun had been chasing after Jugyeong, who was running from both him and Suho. All of your attention was held by your phone. Which you had now unlocked and were frantically typing out a response to Seung-joon’s message. 
So frantically so, that you don’t notice the sidewalk ahead of you that had buckled where the two large rectangles met. You fail to pick up your foot in time and stumble as it hits the risen sidewalk. A puff of air releases itself from your chest as Seojun’s frame crashes into yours, making your phone hit the concrete hard. 
The collision is so harsh, in fact, that it nearly sends both of you to the ground with it. Instinctively, his hands wrap around your body, clutching onto you for balance. Your hands come up clumsily to his chest, shaking as you do the same. They end up on his shirt, absent-mindedly gripping him closer. 
You can feel his breath on your skin as he attempts to regain it. You wonder for a second if he can feel how hard your heart is beating. Your eyes meet and you think that maybe you’ve bumped into each other all over again. Bodies pummeling together once more. Your heart leaps up to your throat and skips a beat or two. His eyes flicker between both of yours. You search your brain for words but come up blank. His adam apple bobs.
You had recognized him. Of course you had, you were in the same class after all. Even in his absence, you never failed to spot him at any of Gowoon’s performances. Regardless of what part she sang. Being in the school’s choir granted you the opportunity of encountering him at such performances. He’d stand there, waiting for her to come off the stage. Usually with a bouquet of flowers and a flashy smile. Embracing Gowoon with one arm and holding the flowers with the other. The flowers grew in quantity with every new song his sister sang. So much so that Gowoon took it upon herself to pass out single flowers to those she deemed worthy. 
You’ll never forget the day Seojun came up to you, holding a light red carnation in hand, cheeks rosy. Complementing the flower. It was the lightest one he could find. Not quite pink but a softer, more dull red.
“Gowoon wanted you to have this,” he sounded annoyed but the heat in his face said otherwise. You simply nodded as you took the flower from his fingers.
“Give her my thanks, will you?” 
When you went home that evening, you couldn’t help your fingers’ gliding as they typed into google “what do carnations mean?” Your curiosity had gotten the best of you. Heat arose in your body when you became aware of the meaning behind them. He had filled all of your thoughts for the rest of that week.
Not to mention that, recently, he had been the talk of the whole school. You couldn’t help it. Rumours had spread about him and Jugyeong; In a love triangle with Suho and the girl, secretly dating, given up his motorcycle for her. You had even heard that he gotten himself into a street fight with a gang leader to keep her safe. You hadn’t paid them much attention until now. Information about him piling into your brain all at once. 
Seojun, however, couldn’t say the same about you. He had no clue who you were or why you seemed so familiar. Didn’t stop the butterflies he felt in his stomach, though. They fluttered up into his throat, making it close up. His usual quick-witted self gone. All he could do was stare at you as he furiously attempted to shove the bugs back down so he could breathe once more. All that came to mind was how nicely your jacket collar framed your face. 
The two of you observe the other, both thinking the exact same thing. Why had you bumped into each other now? And why was the person holding you close so pretty? Granted, the latter applied mostly to Seojun. You force yourself out of the trance. 
Before you can spit out apologetic words, though, something white floats down from the air and lands on his cheek, right below his slender eye. Your eyes follow the substance as it melts and slides down his skin. Your mouth is motionless as another snowflake kisses his nose. Then another in his hair. The opposite cheek. And another on his top lip, where your eyes linger for a little too long. 
When the wet matter finally falls on your own skin, you’re hit with the realization that it’s snowing. Your eyes go up, your chin following, and as does his. Once again, air leaves your lips. This causes Seojun’s gaze to fall onto them. When your eyes connect with his again, there is no denying the disappointment in his face. No doubt your expression mirrors his. 
The two of you come to an unspoken understanding then that neither of you had planned to be in this situation with one another. It happened, though, and there was no denying the fact.
He blinks when he realizes how long the two of you have been intertwined. Drawing his gaze anywhere but you, his hands unwind themselves from your waist. He clears his throat and sticks his hands in his pockets when he can’t find a comfortable position. You suddenly become aware of your own hands, still grasping his shirt. You drop them quickly and wipe the sweat from them on your pants. Regardless of how cold your hands feel on your thighs. 
“I’m sorry,” the sorrow in your voice causes his head to look at you. Genuine remorse fills both of you. You aren’t apologizing for bumping into him. 
His relationship with Jugyeong was complicated, you knew that much. It wasn’t hard to tell that he liked her by the way he stared at her when he thought no one else was looking. The way worry filled his chest whenever she seemed upset. The jealousy flaring in his nostrils when she gravitated towards Suho. The giddy that filled his voice when they teased each other. Or even when his pink lips pulled into a smile at the mention of her. Not that you had meant to stare. Honestly, how could you not notice when he was so devastatingly obvious about it?
Okay, fine. Maybe you had a small crush on Seojun. To be fair, though, everyone had a crush on Seojun at some point. He was handsome and charming. People were drawn to him. You figured you should probably get over him at some point, but it was difficult to do so considering how hard it is to avoid him. Even as you began to notice his infatuation for the new girl, your heart fluttered whenever you’d spot him in the audience of a performance. Sometimes, you’d even go the extra mile to look cute just to see if he would say anything. See if he handed you a dark red carnation this time. 
He never did, and while your heart ached at the thought, you had gained the attention of other boys. Other boys like Seung-joon. Seung-joon, who had been waiting for you in the cold to watch the snow together. Seung-joon who had actually chosen you over anyone in his class. No, anyone in the entire school. And yet, here you were, feet stuck to the ground awaiting Seojun’s response. One you knew you’d be disappointed by, but still eagerly listened for it. 
He glances over your shoulder. His jaw clenches. You can’t help but turn your head in the direction. You see what he’s staring at. A good few feet behind you, stand Im Jugyeong and Ru Hyung Jin, the baseball player, holding hands as they watch snow hit the cold ground. 
When you look back at him, he sighs loudly and looks to the floor. 
“Don’t be,” an eyebrow goes up and you take note of the disheartened tone in his voice. It’s harmonious. As if he’s singing a song. Air gliding through his vocal cords to create the sound that reaches your ears. 
His eyes look you up and down as he takes you in. You’ve now put a good distance between you two. Letting the snow fill the space.
“Are you okay?” 
Are you okay?
Your head shakes ‘no’ and he almost looks worried for a second.
“I’m not hurt,” your words are careful. His eyes narrow in curiosity. 
Before he can say anything else, though, your phone buzzes from on the sidewalk. Which was now turning dark gray as more snow dampened it. Your phone lays dead center between the two of you, your case stares back at you. Like it’s waiting to see who will make the first move. You feel as if your phone mocks you, like it had planned this. Planned to ring right as Seojun was racing in your direction. The cause for the crash. Have your mind revert back to when your silly crush was all you could think of. Right when you had seemingly gotten over it. 
Fear rushes your body as you think of the damage caused to the screen. Both you and Seojun crouch down at the same time to grab it. Hands brushing as you reach it, fingers ghosting over one anothers. You look up at him and he does the same. His eyes are piercing and intimidating. Right then they widen, and his eyebrows quickly flash up as he takes you in. Almost as if he recognizes you. Light catches on his earrings and the sound of them dangling snaps you out of your thoughts. 
You take the phone from his hand and get up as fast as you can. You bow as soon as you’re standing straight, settling for silence rather than risking something stupid coming out of your mouth. 
He stands and watches as you walk off. His eyes don’t move even when you glance back at him over your shoulder. Your buzzing phone rings through the air and you regretfully pick up a call from Seung-joon. He asks you where you are and you finally turn away from Seojun. Whose teeth are gritted, hissing through them when he sees you run off.
prt 2
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kyanmapng · 3 years
han seojun biker au.
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listen to movie by junny.
˗ˋˏ author’s note ˎˊ˗
finally biker! seojun is here. as usual i just indulged and let my imagination run wild with the cheesiness. it might seem short, but i actually wrote too much and had to cut it in the middle as to not overwhelm ppl and tumblr (who loves to cut my stuff when i add read more). but if u are interested in more of this, let me know! biker seojun is definitely my weakness and this has a continuation, but i’m thinking of re-writing the continuation as more of a scenario. 
duality truly hits different with han seojun. dark, mysterious with a studded jacket and ears heavy with piercings, but drinking non-alcoholic sweet drinks because his tolerance for alcohol is so incredibly low (i mean one shot and the world is a merry-go-round low). 
he has the look of a model, as if u can’t possibly catch him looking less than 100% perfect (something his gang members would love to prove wrong and they have no shortage of incriminating pictures).
he definitely named his bike and talks to it when he makes repairs. also is it just me or did it get a little hot here, thinking about seojun working on his bike? headband in his hair to keep it from falling in his eyes, leather jacket somewhere in the corner so as to not get it dirty, black shirt with a neckline so deep his friends call it indecent exposure. his friends make so much fun of him when he does things in what seems like a thought-out pose (think of suho making fun of seojun for drying his hair in the most diva way possible.)
seojun doesn’t enjoy fighting but sometimes you just can’t avoid it and he learned to adapt. as a kid he would never stoop so low as to cheat or play to his advantage. when he got older and saw that his play by the book mentality gave the upperhand to everyone but him, he changed his way. petty and crafty tricks sometimes hit harder than fists ever could. 
but even then his heart is forever kind and beats harder for anything cute. he gets this soft look in his eyes when seeing a puppy or riding by a field of pretty flowers. (he also wears cute mismatched socks inside his scary looking leather boots. but that’s a secret he’s taking to his grave.)
and people seem to notice the softness even when he tries so hard to be intimidating. grannies effortlessly rope him into carrying their groceries (oftentimes he volunteers himself) and then they pull his cheeks and coo at him, while he has to bow down to even be eye level with them. it makes him wonder if he is just soft or they are tough. (it’s both ok.)
biker seojun loves his gang, they are his family and he can’t imagine them not being by his side. it would feel like he is stranded in the middle of nowhere with his bike in pieces that he can’t put together. 
even then he feels like there is something missing. seojun is a romantic soul through and through, he wants to feel the connection and have someone who will turn to him for help and who will be there for him as well. someone he can share his everything with (down to the mismatched socks secrets.)
it just so happens, seojun often rides off to clear his head so as to not bother his friends. this time he is jumped by some people that really want to have revenge and have the numbers to make it sting bad. seojun gets hurt pretty bad but in comes a knight in a shining armor (really it’s just a person on a scooter playing police siren imitation.) shockingly the tactic pays off and the dudes run off yelling curses and promises of bigger beating. 
before seojun loses consciousness he sees you run to him from the pizza delivery scooter and look him over with an extremely worried look. 
hauling seojun anywhere is a pain that your back is going to feel for a few days, but after he’s successfully transported you can finally try and see the full scope of his injuries. split lip, cut on his forehead probably from a ring, bruised jaw and ribs. when your hand touched his ribs, seojun flinched and woke up, grabbing your hand and squeezing hard on the reflex. 
once u calm him down and he relaxes again, he let’s go and watches you fuss over him. when he notices your wrist and those red irritated marks his grip left, he feels guilty. you ask him what happened and he glosses over it, not wanting to disclose anything that could somehow put you in risk. he asks how come you got a police siren and you laugh and tell him that you have secrets of your own. 
when seojun is as good as new, you send him on his way, but before that he asks about the reason you would risk helping him. “turning a blind eye like that is … agreeing with the violence even without throwing my fists around. how could i sleep at night not knowing what happened to you after i turned my back on you?” seojun feels something stir in him at that, even more so when u add, “it’s not that i wasn’t scared! but i would be more scared of myself if i let it go.” 
basically that seal the deal and seojun is stuck with your words in his mind and your kind touch on his wounds in his memory. later that night he realizes… he didn’t ask for your name! he feels like his chance to get to know you just slipped through his fingers.
until later his gang members see how gloomy seojun seems and want to raise his spirits with some pizza night! seojun goes to the door, grumpily huffing and puffing under his breath, just to freeze when he sees you holding the pizza, trained smile on your face. “here is your pizza-- oh!” by some movie-esque turn of events seojun sees his second chance materialize and he is not going to let it pass him by. maybe this time he will start by asking your name and maybe just maybe he will ask for your number too. 
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maariarogers · 4 years
random plot bunnies from my seojun x sujin brainrot on a fic that i might?? or may not write. based primarily from k-drama, following the webtoon plotline:
so, this is set in the future, maybe about five years in?? so theyre all 25 years old at this point and seojun’s a well-established idol (singer)
seojun’s nutritionist provided by the agency is going to resign because she's six-months in into her pregnancy and wanted to focus on raising her children
seojun feels a little disheartened at this point; a lot of the time, being an idol, the few constant things he could rely on was the same faces of the team that took care of him - because in other aspects of his career, he has to meet new people a lot, and his scene and environment changes so much
so this was lowkey a blow for seojun, who just wants every sense of familiarity, regardless how little, to sorta stay?? the same??
but he can’t really have much say on it too, because a lot of the team members who took care of him which he has are provided by the agency, and he knows the agency will be doing placements for that too
but then his nutritionist sorta knows he’s a lil sad (she’s become like a surrogate older sister for him) and she’s like, “i have someone in my mind. she’s... a little rough around the edges. she’s been through a lot. but - she has a good heart. like you.” the nutritionist smiles, “i think the both of you could get along well!”
so the new nutrionist? that’s our badass girl, kang sujin.
now sujin has already known that her senior wanted her to replace the position for han seojun’s nutrionist because her senior trusted her to do a good job, but sujin’s a bit queasy about the entire arrangement if she’s honest
she wants to say no, but her senior has always been supportive and strict in ways that’s got her shaped up to her best ability, and she just didn’t have the heart to say “no” in the end
so on the day they met, seojun recognised sujin immediately, and sujin, at first, pretended that she’s only met seojun for the first time
seojun consecutively tries to trigger some sort of reaction in sujin, but she deflects pretty well? every time he tries to confront her, she’s like “hi mr. han seojun” and “what can i do for you today?”
even during their private sessions while sujin goes over seojun’s daily food and nutrition intakes and adjusting new set of schedules for him, sujin’s all serious. she’s gotten close to snapping at him - but then she quickly just, “noooo :) im not mad :) what do u mean”
after a while, seojun sorta lets it go and focuses back on training
his team is planning a tour, maybe even concerts outside korea, and seojun’s lowkey scared because even though he’s toured and flown to various countries to perform at this point, he still has the anxiety
he wants to be so good to his fans, wants to do his best now that he’s come so far to the point he essentially sacrifices a chance at a relatively ordinary life
but then, he starts overworking too
seojun’s never been the best dancer, you know; he could always make up for it with singing, but he still?? doesnt feel like it’s enough???
and then one day sujin just comes barging in at his apartment, mad, because seojun’s had a fever and couldn’t train for two days now and turns out?? he hasn’t really been eating as much as he should, or he’s not drinking as much as he should
that was the first time sujin showed any sense of familiarity from their high school days
she gave him a good whip, talks to his doctors, and adjusts his diet according to his schedules and for the next week, she sorta comes quite frequently to make sure even when he’s training, he’s doing okay
seojun comments that she’s “scarier” than his last nutrionist, and sujin’s like, “good. it means you’ll listen to me.”
one day, he starts asking her to stay just a while instead of just leaving, which she always does, and he’s like “have a beer. what, you have a strict diet too?” and sujin reluctantly stays? even tho she’s awkward and quiet
finally seojun’s like, “why did u pretend u didn’t recognise me?”
and sujin’s just.... “didn’t you hate me?” referring to what she did to jugyeong (implying the k-drama events i assume?? but imma keep this vague as hell) and she just, “i did something horrible to the girl you love.”
and because this is seojun, esp their dynamics dkjhksdhf, he’s just straight up, “yeah. you were a bitch.” because to him, that was the facts, you know
sujin sorta stays quiet, but then she puts the beer down and like?? “i don’t have to explain anything to you.” but seojun’s like!!!!! thats not what he meant!!! and hes just, “hey no! sit. you just started relaxing, right?”
but after a minute he comments under his breath, “i didn’t know you were this sensitive.”
but then sujin quietly replied, “she was my friend. i loved her too.”
and that sorta got the two of them quiet, but then seojun decided to change the topic because its Its_Too_Awkward.jpeg, “last i heard u were gonna be a doctor. your dad’s professor Kang right? he treated my mom.”
and that sorta??? causes sujin to tense up, but then she deflects with a snappish, “why are you so interested in me?” “i’m not! i’m just asking questions.” “i should be asking you questions - why the hell did you think it was a good idea to pull the shit u did now that your touring schedule is in the talks? how are you supposed to perform if you can’t even stand?” “aish, didn’t you already nag me?” “you’re so stupid, i’m scared you’ve forgetten”
they started bickering again but that night was really what triggered for sujin to be a little more relaxed with seojun, and for seojun to sorta - try a bit harder to?? not be friendlier, no, but he likes that he’s known her from an era in his life where he didn’t have to always be a face in the screen.
more and more, seojun asks sujin to stay and have dinner after she’s done evaluating his weekly meals and they have a better comradeship
he starts anticipating her more when she comes to evaluate another idol or something at the agency and he’s just!!!!!!! “you’re here? why are you here? did u miss me already? what do u mean i’m not the only one you’re treating”
and then slowly we also found out why she didn’t become a doctor (she didn’t wanna follow her dad; and she still carries the guilt of what she did to jugyeong and admitted, more than the result of her father’s anger, she likes the version of her who always wants to help others - and, she can memorises easily, so... nutritionist didn’t seem bad)
sujin starts bringing in board games or sometimes she sneaks a few of supermarket-brand goods since seojun’s been behaving with his meals and vitamin intakes, and the one time seojun’s invited to a tv show where it has quizes, she tutors him the whole night so he “doesnt make a fool out of himself”
she also starts to keep up with whatever show he’s in, and she’s always texting him that she’s watched him with this horrible washed-out screenshot because she takes the photo on her laptop with her phone. and her texts are all “the dance was good” and “you’ve improved that move huh” and then sometimes “idiot. why did u answer like that”
sujin makes fun of her for not being able to take a clean screenshot, but he never really leaves her un-replied
and they started talking about relationships - how they were both so enamoured with suho and jugyeong respectively, and for sujin specially, how she can’t wait to be loved by someone who can make her feel like suho’s not a big deal at all
but then she admits she doesn’t think she deserves to be loved, and sorta has this sad smile, and seojun confesses that he’s scared if he loves someone, he has to lose them due to his career
and they’re really sad about it, but the night also isn’t as bad cause they had each other
and ok i have a LOT more i think - and i honestly dk how nutritionist actually works BUT. yes. them.
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cxsmicmyeon · 3 years
Hi! It seems like I'm going to be your Secret Santa this year (and I'm really excited about it!!) 💕 Your bias is Suho, right? I'd love to know the story behind you falling for him if that's alright with you!
OH WHERE TO BEGIN😭oh, at the beginning!!
so i rejoined the exo fandom last november after feeling super nostalgic for their songs and doing a gigantic listening spree of a ton of the songs i used to listen to when i was younger (was an exo-l from late 2016 to early 2018 then i left the fandom lol)
and i think the more i got back into exo, the more i started to look at jun differently then i did back a few years ago (i didn't really have a bias back then haha but i still loved ot11 all the more)
and i would get really excited every time i heard his voice in a song or saw him in a music video and overtime (even after i declared him as my bias) i just fell for him more and more🥺
i don't think there's any concrete reason as to why, i just felt drawn to him☺️☺️☺️❤and to this day i love and miss him more and more and i'm just so glad to have rejoined the fandom and find so much meaning in him (and the rest of the members ofc!)
this got long fast im not even sorry about that😅
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abloomingperiod · 5 years
junmyeon as a bf
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the softest of the softies
kim junmyeon is an old-fashioned guy
and i’m not saying that in terms of being conservative or anything, ‘cuz i really hope he isn’t
i mean in the sense of love
like you know that kind of person who dreams the whole picture
he dates for a reason
unlike other members, junmyeon isn’t the type to not think about the future
being a leader makes you like that
but this gets less harsh on him when u arrive in his life
yk that whole romantic comedy movie where a guy runs into someone and it’s this beautiful woman with the biggest smile and they fall for each other and shit
well.......not exactly your case
he indeed ran into you with an iced tea in hands
except you didn’t smile at him
you basically screamed “SHIT IM SORRY ILL PAY U BACK”
he got so flustered w your reaction like
this really pretty girl just offered me some iced tea”
he was all like nonononononoooo don’t say that it’s fine don’t worry aha
you kept insisting but were late for work so you made him promise to come back to that bakery the day after bcs he WOULD be paid back no matter wHAT
he didn’t feel the need butyou were cute and he wasn’t with a thick schedule so why not right
so yeah ofc prince suho showed up
the next day he entered the place and saw you
you were so pretty watching you crinkling your nose over the hot coffee in your hands was already a payback
a cute one
cmon he’s cringey give him a chance
you bowed at each other and he realized you didn’t mention for Once between the whole minute after the accident and his arrival abt his name or profession as an idol
which for him
was nice
not a big deal, but nice
after you gave him his iced tea he was so polite you actually smiled bcs ajshskjsks cute ?
and then you started talking for a while
you introduced yourself, told him abt your dream to become a writer someday and he !!!!!
okay junmyeon easy on the hearbeats you got it
he just thought of this as such a COOL dream
writing for a living
now he was like this pretty girl... is a poet
i know
but he’s adorable so who cares tbh
he talked to u abt being an idol and how was the position of the leader
you listened to every word and even though you lost a fee of them along with the honey like voice and puffy cheeks of his, you loved hearing abt it
after like 2 hours he had to go bcs schedule
but before you parted your way you had to go to the bathroom
when you went pay for your payback iced tea, you hear a waiter asking “mrs y/n? i believe that for you”
no shit there was the waiter holding a cappuccino
you got like Dude. there must’ve been a mist-
you turn the cup and there it is:
“for y/n
i loved the iced tea but since my goodbyes were a little earlier i most definitely own you a payback too. how abt sushi? xx” and the waiter hands you a note with his name and number
and that’s how you started seeing each other
jun is a quiet person so he won’t be like vocal abt developing a crush on you more and more
it would b like
you guys would hang out sometimes
and little by little he would catch himself getting the heart eyes
like you’re at a coffe shop
you would get passionate talking about some movie or song and suddenly there’s a drop of coffee on the side of your lip. you didn’t notice but he did but he thought you looked so cute popping off about ur favorite music he would just sit there like,,, 💖nvm💖
and with those little stuff he would catch himself thinking yup they’re gonna b mine
so one day he went like soooo maybe i’m catching feelings i didn’t know this was happening sorry??? so i think u should know that bcs it’s abt u... i’m fancied by u i didn’t mean it to happen
like straight up he APOLOGIZED
you were like goshkjsjksj so cute
and decided to play w him a little
“so you don’t want to like me” “NONONOOO THATS NOT WHAT I MEA-” “jk i got it i really like you too and maybe we could kiss to see what happens”
he combusted
so yeah you’re dating that’s what happened
so caring literally sO CARING
calls you on a daily basis when he’s away to talk abt the weather the boys his breakfast how much he misses you how he saw those flowers outside and it reminded of you or how he will bring you to that country when it’s vacations
he’s such a husband material fuck me
keeps notes of things you like so he can hit the high score on important dates
talking abt dates
i mean he’s bourgeoisie ofc it’s fancy
such a lovely boyfriend i’m actually sad
jun is restaurants with low lights, candles, roses and holding your hand while talking about how he never seemed to figure out the food app to find a cool place to go to so he just asked chanyeol with a pout on his lips
“you’re such an old man” “i’m simple it’s different”
on your 1 year anniversary he took you to a boat ride on a lake witha guy playing violin and wine and cheese waiting for you
simple my ass
keeps bringing coffee and flowers for you every friday night you get together bcs it’s your “tiny vacations” as he calls it
on weekends with you the only ppl he answers is either manager or a serious question from the boys/his family
and it’s always a short “yes” or “no” or “👍🏻”
fuck it he’s with his baby leave him alone
loves cooking with you
like fuck it if it’s not that tasty he just LUUUVES doing it with you
probably because he gets to hug you a lot
like you’re in the stove and he had already placed everything in its own place so he goes behind your figure, hugs your waist and places his lips on your shoulder to give you tiny pecks and praise your cooking
“junmy this is practically burnt” “you’re the best cooker i know”
once you guys were enjoying a whole ass week together and the last time you were together for more than a day were like 6 months before
you were so all over each other he went to do the same thing and you guys ended up making out in front of a precooked pan of french fries
long story short, your toasted it and only saw that coming bcs jun went to embrace your waist and his fingers touched the hot pan
“that happened bcs of you and your teenager behavior” “YOU COULD’VE MOVED” “I WAS TRAPPED”
so guess what you did after you applied some salve om his fingers
he was staring @ u all 💖💖💖💖💖
you were like ,,,what
he just shrugged and murmured “you’re beautiful”
that’s right
you fucked
not fucked in a Fucked way
yall made love
kim junmyeon is all about luv
i remember someone posting here that he probably fucked like white people and i-
that person ruined it for me
i hate yall
i will defend him till the end of time my boi DOES NOT fuck like a white person
takes it very seriously as he sees it as an opportunity to shower u with the love u deserve
on that day you actually convinced him you should do the hard work
jun seems like soft dom for me like just bcs he’s in charge for most of the time doesn’t mean youon get to do a thing
that time as you rode him you got very like Very excited but you saw in his eyes how desperate he was to touch you entirely so you catch his hand and kiss his fingertips slowly
he kept smiling for you saying “god you are so beautiful” “i love you so much”
but you’re a little shit and always tries and bring his rough side out
so you open your mouth and lick his two burnt finger from the knuckles to the tips
he got so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not really a vocal guy
heavy sighs and low groans are it for junmyeon
very into dirty talk
but a fancy one
“does my baby likes it when i make her beg?” “look at me, love. do you want it from where i can kiss your back or your breasts?” “you’re mine to take and no one else”
we don’t support women treated as objects but this is a sexual environment and you’ve always consented him to say things like that in bed
he’s a gentlemen fuck it
once you were so horny you straight up said “i don’t give a fuck about formality just make me cum at least three times”
he got 😳 for a sec but got your point
not a rough lover but once you get in a fight
you’re both pretty mature ppl so every rare time you fight it’s very Very serious
will kiss you until your both breathless just so you can not even catch your breath bcs he will be kissing your neck and liking your skin
slaps your butt?
a fucking lot
“funny how you turn shut the fuck up as soon as i lay my hands on you”
makes you strip for him
has a thing for watching where your bodies connect
call him baby and he’s got a 3 secs tops soft jun
like a little grin with puffy cheeks
and he’s back with the restless pounding
bathtub aftercare is a must
massages your feet as you talk sweet nothings for him
if you’re feeling feisty might get a romantic round two
loves doing it slowly so he can drag it to the point you get so hot and bothered you beg
“oh god- just please- jun, faster”
likes it when you rub his back after
get a shot of soft myeonie post-sex
lays in his stomach and quietly asks “can you”
you lay there also on your stomach and rubbing his back drawing circles and talking about life
once he got so full of idk emotion?? love?? idk never been there
he just poured a whole “marry me”
like dude.
“WHAT” “not today, like... in a few years maybe idk forget it”
he closed his eyes to dismiss your reaction and just felt a warm peck on his naked shoulder
“of course i’ll marry you a few years”
his eyes shot open like This woman. the loml. dead ass said yes to my hypothetical proposal”
he actually got emotional
“kajsksjsksjsk really?????????v
“yes really”
and there was a teardrop
you felt like dying
i mean I feel like dying rn
doesn’t say it but thinks abt having kids someday
and u know that bcs honestly it’s suho everybody just Knows that
his parents? ofc they know you
exo? absolutely sure they know you
“one day we’re gonna have a dinner on like christmas with my family and yours” “baby they don’t even live in korea” “i don’t care we’ll pay” “STOP”
really treasures your relationship like i’m not here to play games i’m past mid-20’s this is Serious
and because he’s so worried and serious he nevers seems to let loose
which is probably normal since he’s a leader
but it makes him so !! all the time u get worried
once he actually CRIED out of stress
and you ofc were there
you kept hugging him tightly and slowly rocking his body with yours kissing his tears away as he kept softly saying “i’m fine, don’t worry”
you didn’t stop worrying
you said “if you’re fine then i can stay here hugging my boyfriend”
he nodded and kept sobbing for a little while
his head was pounding so you literally laid him down and cuddled him in your arms, fingers between his locks and hot breath on his neck
he once said the sound of your breath calmed him
so that’s what you did
you calmed him
and that’s everything he ever wanted
someone to be there for him on tough times like he’s always there for everyone
he loves the fact you’re always so calm and ready to solve any problem that appears
he loves the calmness and ““““normal”””” atmosphere you bring to him
after all those years of hardship and responsability
you showed him he could be a leader and have more fun on a daily basis
he deadass thinks abt your marriage
like it’s barely 6am, he wakes up and sees you sleeping next to him, hair everywhere on the pillow and mouth open
his heart goes 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
his arms goes to your sleeping body
& his mind “i’m gonna marry this girl someday”
idk i feel like i could write a whole ass fanfiction of 50 chapters on suho and id still have 100 scenarios of him in mind
i honestly love him sm
such a nice boy
he deserves so much more
give lota of love to him he’s perfect
that’s it i’m done
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almondeyes-biased · 6 years
Kim Jongin (EXO Kai) oneshot
You knew I would do this, no? I mean, it's Kai. Hey come on.
For this boy's bday it is. Happy (late) birthday, Kim Jongin. ❤️
You slowly opened the door of the dancing studio, while humming to the melody of "The Eve", the song that EXO were currently rehearsing at for their upcoming concert in Seoul. The security guard had easily granted you entrance, since he knew about how much you wanted to be there for Jongin's day, especially after you both had an extremely tiring day at SME.
Jongin's eyes catch your figure the moment you close the door behind you, as much as all of the other members. Baekhyun flashes a smile and stares a bit at the ground. He knew you'd come, even after that fight you had with Jongin just the day before. He was the one you had called right after, really worried about what had just happened, as you knew he always had his ways on Calming you down, telling you it was gonna be fine and that Jongin lived you too much to let go of you for a stupid fight.
As soon as the song reaches its end, Suho calls it a break. Jongin moves to the back of the dancing room without moving towards you. You smile. You are so well aware of his childish behavior from time to time, thing that could both annoy you a lot and make you chuckle, call him cute and give him small playful pecks on his cheek for the next two days.
When Baekhyun sees you approaching, nodds at you and leaves you two alone, moving away to sit with Sehun and Chanyeol, a few meters away. As you hear then joking around and laughing just the moment the got together, as it always happened, you touched Jongin on his shoulder. You immediately sense him freeze on anything he was doing. A second after you heard a sigh escape his lips, and you can't help but bite yours. You move to his side smiling shyly.
"I didn't think you'd come," he said, still not looking at you as he was placing his water bottle away. But you could sense that tone of sadness and regret in his voice.
"Would I ever miss your birthday? You know I do this every time, and I will keep doing it for all you want me to," you answer, searching for his eyes to look at. He however kept them away. There it was again, that little kid, afraid too look at others when something bad had happened. You chuckled.
" Jongin-"
"I am sorry," he says. "I shouldn't have gone so hard on you yesterday."
You grinned slightly. You knew about his sometimes outrageous personality. You also knew about his innocence and this habit of his, feeling so bad when he'd hurt someone he deeply cared about about, so bad that he couldn't even look at them sometimes while apologizing.
But you were not "them."
With a light gesture you cup his cheeks and make him raise his chin in order to look at you straight in the eyes. You could see the nervousness take over him, as his bottom lip started trembling slightly, a little habit of his. You let out a little laugh.
He sighed.
"You know I can't take it when you call me by my stage name."
"I do know."
You rose on your feet and placed a kiss on his lips. You're not sure if everyone else around stopped talking or if it was just in your mind. Jongin kissed you back, one of his hands pulling you closer from the waist and the other slowly caressing your hair on the back of your head. You closed your eyes at the feeling, and slowly deepened the kiss, eagerly craving the sweet taste of his lips on yours, after the bitterness your words had left on both of you.
He is the first one to break the kiss. He now looks at you right in the eye sighing a little before awkwardly biting his lower lip. He sits on the couch and pulls you forward, making you sit on his lap.
"You know, when I said earlier that u didn't think you'd come, I didn't mean my birthday. I don't like birthdays anyway. I thought you'd still be really mad at me for all I said yesterday," he said, innocently and shyly, but honestly. You are ready to reply as you know exactly what words to use, but another voice cut you off.
" She loves you, silly! As you'd never leave her just because of one of that stupid fights you lovebirds have all the time, it's the same for her;she wouldn't stop loving you for some words your silly mouth can't hold in!"
Byun Baekhyun, of course. You both started laughing, and Jongin threw his jacket at him, Chanyeol and Sehun laughing, contagiously infecting Jongdae and Kyungsoo.
"This boy has studied our relationship much more than you and I together ever will," Jongin joked, and you agreed.
"He is not wrong, anyway."
You kiss his cheek and he smiles.
"And of course I'd come, having we fought or not."
He pulls you closer on him and you wrap your hands around his neck, as you lean in and whisper to him:
"And you love your birthday when I'm around."
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kpoppwriter · 6 years
A Cup Of Coffee
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Anon asked: Hello can u do a sehun scenario (funny and fluff) where he attend a barista "masterclass" with the other member of exo, because he want to get back his ex girfriend and she' s the one who give the lessons. Thank you
Genre: fluff
Words: 955
Group: EXO
a/n: so my main hoe ( @lemonange ) was over my house today and we thought up another series that I’m going to start writing. I may put Belladonna on hold a bit while I write it because it will take my full attention even though she wants me to keep on working on Belladonna too 
You walked down the sidewalk going to your work. You worked down at a local cafe in the heart of Seoul. You loved working there as a barista but the shop was usually quiet and didn’t get much business. Your boss was looking for different ways to get more business.
You leisurely walked into the cafe and was met with your boss rushing around. He was moving tables and chairs, trying to make room.
“What’s going on?” you asked
“Today is a special day, Y/N!” your boss singsonged “A big music company got in contact with the cafe and asked if they could have one of their artists come in and film.”
“Film what?”
You boss smiled at you somewhat mischievously. He wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
“You will be teaching them how to be a barista.”
“Oh, okay.” you nodded “Who am I teaching?”
You turned and looked at your boss shocked. Out of every group, why did it have to be the group your ex-boyfriend was in.
You dressed yourself in your work uniform. You tried to calm yourself from the shock of hearing you were going to be teaching your ex-boyfriend, Sehun, and his bandmates how to be a barista. You walked back up to the front of the cafe where your boss was finishing up setting everything up.
“Okay, so I’m going to be in the back while you guys do your thing.”
“Wait, you’re going to leave me alone with them?”
You heard a commotion coming from outside the cafe. The door opened and in walked in a large crew of people. One of them walked up to your boss and the two of them began chatting. You looked back to the door and saw a group of men walk in. You clearly recognized them. You saw your old friends and your ex-boyfriend walk in and look around at the cafe.  Your eyes met with Baekhyun’s and he waved excitedly.
“Hi Y/N!”
He rushed over to greet you along with Xiumin and Jongin. You guys happily chatted together, catching up with each other. Sehun stayed back with a few of the others. After all the equipment was set up, someone clapped their hands, getting everyone’s attention. They gave a quick rundown of how the shoot was going to go. Filming started shortly after that.
Everything was going well until it got time to actually preparing the coffee. You explained to the boys how to grind up the coffee and make an espresso. The tables they were working on was already a mess and you even haven’t started the hard part.
Throughout this whole thing, Sehun would keep looking at you. Yes, he had to look at you for the explanation for what to do, but he was almost staring at you. You would occasionally meet eyes from time to time. Both of you would look away, blushing.
“Y/N, how do I do this again?”
“Now this is the fun part.” you picked up your frothed milk “This is where you get to make a fun design in the coffee.”
You heard the boys murmur to themselves before picking up their own milk cups. You finished off pouring the milk into your cup and started walking around, looking at the others’ cups. Baekhyun and Chanyeol giggled as they poured in their milk, making silly designs. As expected, Xiumin made a beautiful design. You walked over to Sehun and looked into his cup. He had made a heart design into the coffee. You looked up at him. His face had a small blush. Your face was now flushed as well.
“It’s really good, Sehun,” you said quietly
“Thanks,” he said “I...I made it for you.”
“Listen Y/N. I miss you. We shouldn’t have broken up. It was a mistake.”
You looked into his eyes. His eyes were so sad and sorrowful. You could tell he wasn’t lying. To be honest, you missed him too. You grabbed ahold of his hand, interlocking your fingers with his.
“I miss you too.”
Sehun’s shoulders relaxed a bit and a small smile spread on his face. You grinned as well. He slowly started to lean in towards your face but you were interrupted by Chanyeol yelling behind you. The both of you look over to him and saw his cup of coffee being overflowed with milk. You sighed and went over to Chanyeol, helping him to clean up his mess.
The shoot had ended and all the filming equipment was being packed up. You were chatting with your boss when one of the producers came up and thank you for your work.
“I’m glad that Sehun had recommended this cafe to us. You were all fantastic.”
You looked at the producer curiously.
“Sehun recommended this place?”
“Yeah, he said the staff was wonderful and the atmosphere was great.”
You peered over to Sehun, who was chatting with Suho. He glanced over at you and shot you a smirk. You sighed and shook your head. He came up to you.
“You planned this, didn’t you?” you asked
“I may have mentioned something to my producers.”
“Smoothe Sehun.” you chuckled
“I mean, it worked didn’t it?”
“I guess it did.”
Sehun smiled and leaned in to kiss you. But yet again you were interrupted by one of the boys yelling. You both looked over to the others who were being loud. Sehun scoffed at them. While he was focused on glaring at the members, you leaned up and pecked his cheek. His head whipped around to look at you. His face was a slight shade of pink. He leaned in and quickly pecked your lips.
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rvkis · 6 years
180915 KBS in Berlin
so after being emo all sunday and monday i finally got the strenght to write my report about music bank in berlin and about the whole trip in general. if i got anything wrong you may correct me, since my memory might be messed up bcs A LOT happened. well, here we go ~
Friday, arrival in Berlin: later at noon i met up with my friend in düsseldorf to take the plane to berlin, since her sister and parents were already there but that’s not important. i was super nervous bcs it was only my second flight and without a parent at that. it was pretty cool tho, night flights are amazing. when we arrived we found out, that if our plane didn’t had a 30 minutes delay (bcs we were 3 people too much and couldn’t start off lol), we would’ve have arrived together with taemin, exo and wanna one. how cool would that be.
Saturday, D-DAY: after a very, very short night (berlin is hella loud jeez) we headed to the venue pretty early to grab some fan stuff and banners to cheer for our favourites. while we looked around first, so that we know where eveything is, we wanted to head back to my friends parents to tell them, that we’ll grab what we can get and then leave again. we had seated tickets so we didn’t need to line up for numbers. so on our way back to the car to tell them that, a van arrived just when i wanted to cross the street. and guess who was in that van - EXO. (so i can say i got nearly hit by exo, literally lmao) we had short eye contact with sehun who was sitting in the front and scrunched up his face bcs the sun was blinding, he looked so funny and cute haha. since there weren’t many people at the gate we decided to watch get them in to the venue. the girls next to us screamed so loud it sounded like she was giving birth, which made us laugh a lot haha (you can find the video of exo arriving on my twitter: skelettblume)
well then, after exo arrived we waited a little longer for taemin. but boy he was taking long, so we decided to grab some fan goods and banners and then leave, since we also wanted to do some sightseeing (so we missed taem :(). in the end berlin wasn’t really that nice, at least not too us. and due to the marathon that was going on it was pretty crowded and stuffed. so when we arrived back at the hotel around lunch time we were pretty tired and took a nap to re-charge our energy. then an hour before let in, we headed back to the venue to line up.everything went really smooth and we were inside after like 45 minutes. inside the venue they played music videos of all the groups that were to perform and fans chanted a long, it was super cool and set up a really good mood.
Stray Kids: the opening, after the mcess had a short speach, was made by them. they were really cute. and since it was felix’ birthday we even sang for him. in german tho since this was organized by the staff. originally we fans planned to sing in korean but ok lol. felix was really touched and even teared up, cutie. ;;
Songs Performed: district 9, hellevator, my space
GIdle: tbh i’m not a big fan of girl groups, therefor i don’t have much to say about them. only that they had one of the cutest fanboys. :)
Songs Performed: latata, maze, hann
WANNA ONE: they were def the 3rd strongest group this evening. fanchants were really loud and their perfomance was lit. during their ment they said they are really grateful that fans give so much love and support even tho their debut wasn’t that long ago.
Songs Performed: boomerang, energetic, light, beautiful, burn it up
TAEMIN ( ❤️ ): so, since i’m a shawol since the beginning i have A LOT to say here. it was my second time seeing taemin. i first saw him with the rest of the band back in 2011 during smtown paris. his performances were LIT 🔥 . he was so cute during his ment (he introduced himself in german ;;) and since i literally saw him grow up i can say he improved SO MUCH. I’M SO PROUD. he also prepared a video message from minho and kibum and was like “do you want to see them more than me?” and when the fans just screamed he took it as a yes and pouted haha. during hypnosis then emotions took over and i started crying bcs than it sank in just how much he grew up and everything. ;; and that he continues to be there for fans after you know... -anyways during press your number the fanchants def were loudest and he literally turned his perfomances into his own concert. 😁  something that was also really sweet was when he together with vcr minho and kibum sang I WANT YOU and the crowd flipped ;; it was such a cool surprise. kibum and minho said that they are sad whole shinee couldn’t come but want to next time. minho also looked really proud and happy for taemin. :)
Songs Performed: move, press your number, (with vcr minho and kibum) i want you, hypnosis, danger
EXO: like some maybe expected they def dominated the show. even tho taemin was just as strong with the fanchants but still exo boys really got it. but that’s okay bcs i’m also a fan lol (but shinee will always come firs <3). they were really cute ofcourse. suho really did his best and even wrote what he wanted to say on his palm ;;. as always as it seemed baekhyun’s mic was too low (when will they ever learn ugh). kyungsoo looked SO HAPPY during boomerang ;; i wanted to squish him so bad. kai spoilered a move for cb uhuhu and also looked really happy bcs of the fanchants. suho, chanyeol and sehun danced a few parts of WE YOUNG during ments. baekhyun sang a bit of YOUNG and looked really proud a the end. fanchants were SUPER LOUD and we all went crazy during WHAT U DO, it was awesome. OHHH and we sang happy birthday for jongdaes upcoming birthday and he also looked so proud haha. chanyeol thanked fans for liking WE YOUNG and all the love they get. he was so startled when he talked bcs he was really, really loved (i would say he and taemin def got the most love).
Songs Performed: the eve, kokopop, boomerang, what u do, power
SPECIAL STAGE - CHANYEOL: there were a few special stages, including a video message of bts, but since i don’t really have much to talk about them and also only want to say something to chanyeol’s one, i’ll leave the rest out. so, mr. park chanyeol - istg he gets my heart so weak. he was so considerate and sweet and performed WIND OF CHANGE from scorpions for us. i got goosebumps and teary eyes. his rap voice is already something but his deep singing voice just does things to you. also i felt so touched that he showed so much interest and prepared something so meaningful ;;. really i love soft pups. he also looked really proud/happy when he was done and the whole crowd chanted “PARK CHANYEOL” it was heavy.
Song Performed: wind of change from scorpions
Stray Kids - happy song, dna, hard carry
Wanna One - pick me, bang bang bang
GIdle + Daniel Lindemann - sunny by boney m
Somi - rollercoaster, gashina
besides the special stages, we also had a QUIZ and RANDOM PLAY DANCE break. the best question of the quiz was “is taemin beautiful” and everyone chanted “YES” and then it was his time to perform <3. during rpd break songs from top kpop groups were played (i only remember red velvet tho, bcs our section screamed for suho HAHA exo fans know what we meant). it was really energetic and hyped everyone up even more.
CLOSING: since exo was the last group to perfom, the mcees said a few more words and then everyone got on stage and bid goodbye with gangnam style. really, even tho it went on for 4 hours it felt really too short. but it was a really nice experience, since it was my first with lightsticks and fanchants (i really need more kpop concerts haha). since i’m a shawol first (before an exo-l) i spend more time with them and everyone was so sweet and worked so hard with handing out banners and even lightsticks. HUGE THANK YOU TO Y’ALL ;;. and of course like after every concert my post-concert depression is SUPER HEAVY like can i pls turn back time and go again ;;. anyways, i hope you all liked my ‘short’ report and i hope you get to see your favourites soon too. if you have any questions, just hit my inbox. thank you and that’s it. <3
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dokyungsu · 7 years
Who are some of ur favorite people here and why?
i had this in drafts for so long bc i wanted to post it on valentines like di cheesy person that i am so this is kind of like my version of sending u guys a love letter of some sort,,, flowers n chocolates all that… bc i obviously can’t send u guys flowers n chocolates irl 😣😣😣 anyways aasdjhakdkjh this is gonna be long so ima put a read more right here ♥
@zyxgf​ aka jackieMISS JACKIE!?!?!? uhm i say this all di time but she’s my baby girl 🤢🤢 she’s given me nothing but love n affection and laffs for di whole time we’ve been mutuals,,, 💗💓💕💖💞💗💓💕💖💞 she’s so funni n a relateable kween. giffing kween. kween of being cute… superior xingmi n exo m stan wrow… i’m always excited to see if she’s tagged me in stuff (laysoo) or if she’s messaged me or has made posts abt me or has sent me asks…. like she’s rly one of di reasons i love being here :((((( she’s so cute ohhhh my god..  also she sends me death threats abt yixing pls dw jackie i won’t steal ur man… i’ll steal U from ur man.. 😣😣😣 i’ll make him lose his balance n sweep u away 👀👀👀 i also lowkey wished we talked but ajsdbkjashdkj 
@exoistheuniverse aka ali (formerly sooweetlies a god-tier url wow)ALI IS THE SOFTEST MUTUAL EVER !!!!!!!! AND ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITE KSOO-LS :(((( everytime i think of her i think about cotton candy and clouds and penguins and ksoo :((( … she’s so talented have y’ALL SEEN HER EDITS??? AND GIFS?? AND HER CUTE KSOO ICONS !!!! when will i ever… her voice is also di cutest… she always sends me love asks and asdhkas honestly how can i ask for more when she gives me di Most… pls i have a lot of love in my hort for her i always wish her the best n hope that she’s always happy 😣😣😣
@pcys-l aka rimi (formerly loeysoul i mean its true loey is in her soul)RIMI di LOve of my LIFE!!!!!! the first ever mutual i talked to because we both cried abt bruise 🤕🤕 meme queen, is Nasty in her tags abt pcy 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️ THINKS I’M UNLOYAL WHEN I’M NOT but she makes me happy n holds a special place in my hort.. I LOVE RIMI SO MUCH SHE DESORVS DI WHOLE WORLD SHE’S SO FUNNI AND HAVE MADE ME LAFF COUNTLESS OF TIMES AND I’m happy i got to be mutuals w u :(((
@yiffxing aka gabbyPREDDIEST FURRY QUEEN !! YIXING’S SEKSI SHEEP BACK-UP DANCERS R SHAKING !!! even tho we’ve only started talking uhhhh she’s rly di sweetest person ik 🤕🤕🤕 is trash for ksoo but i’ll let her off bc i luv her :\ the person who’ll date will b di luckiest bc uhhh she’s a whole package… fun fact: i was intimidated by gabby at first bc she was too beautiful n i thought i couldn’t b friends w her but 😣😣 I SEND HER LOVE MSGS EVERY CHANCE I GET💗💗💗💗💗💗
@kiungsoo aka livLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i haven’t seen her on my dash in a while bc she’s on q but i miss her :((( she a fellow twenty-four enthusiast so if u wanna slander miss twenty four u gotta go thru US !! 😤😤😤 she’s also another talented mutual :(( y’all seen her countdown bday posts for ksoo?? go check it out binch!!! go d i love liv 😩😩😩 i hope school and studying is going well for u i wish u all di best i love u 💗
@suhopps aka sunnie my SUNNIEshine (i’ve appointed u that nickname there’s lideralee no escape from it) we talked heaps before but everyone who’s… mutuals w me.. like basically everyone in this list knows i am The Worst at keeping convos 😰😰 but sunnie is so so so so sweet and soft and i love when i talk with you :((( we have so many things in common lmfao and she’s such a dramatic gay but i love it !! i always wish for your happiness and i believe that u can overcome any hardships you’re facing right now,,, i love u sunnie!!!! take care always 😙💘
@sophrosynes​ aka robertaI LOVE ROBERTA SO MUCH !!!!!!! I KNOW WE DON’T TALK BUT I HOPE U KNOW THAT I THINK ABT U AND HOPE THAT UR ALWAYS WELL :((( miss sophrosynes was my very first anon and honestly… she’s so thoughtful and considerate and nothing full of love and g od d dd she has a face to match her beautiful hort :(( thank u for sending me love always 💗💓💕💖💞 id die for u.. 
@kokobaekhyun aka jasmineY’ALL JASMINE’S A WILDT ONE Y’ALL SEEN HER TAGs??? when i thought no one can match rimi in being the Nastiest but.. ANYWAYS i love her either way 🤕🤕🤕 when she’s in soft mode it’s wholesome rly…. WE BONDED OVER MULLET!BBH BC IT’S GOD TIER AND WILL NEVER BE TOPPED anyways yea… love jas… she’s so funny n fun to talk to 😩💘 also if ur in a mood to talk about hard bbh she’S THE GIRL UR LOOKING FOR she’s always in the mood u won’t be disappointed KAJSHDjkas 
@my1ady aka arelyUHMMM NOT TO START BUT SHE’S MY BIGGEST FAN :(((((( WHEN SHE TAGS ME IN STUFF??? AND HER TAGS?? heart n*t :\ I LOVE HER SO MUCH THE LOVE SHE GIVES ME???? i don’t deserve… 😞😞😞 my anons asked abt her a lot lmfao idk why adkjahskj ONE OF MY FAVORITE XINGMIS HONESTLY!! HAS A GOD TIER URL WROW… my_lady_by_exo-m.mp3 amazing.. and uh loves my man so that’s a bonus… we share mans 🤕🤕🤕 love u arely.. 💗💗💗
@byunchen aka melqueen of making me want to d*e bc of soft n sweet bbh/exo imagines :(( also queen of making me want to KERMIT SUE OF SIDE BC OF THE NSFW BBH POSTS SHE MAKES I H*TE akjdhaskdjh SHE RLY BRINGS OUT THE BBH-L IN ME :\  ALSO MY FELLOW TRIPLE STAN??? VALID ! she’s full of nothing but love and AHHHHHHH I LOVE U MEL !!!!!!!! 💗💓💕💖💞
@exosvisual aka cindySHE ONE OF DI LOVELIEST XINGMIS IVE EVER MET PLEASE !!!! we cry about idol producer trainees together but mainly how hot and yixing distracting looks in all of di goddamn idol p episodes :\ I LOVE HER so much she’s rly so sweet and i’m rly glad i got to meet her :(( and also may i add that she’s… rly beautiful  😭😭😭 💗💓💕💖💞
@byunparks aka maddyMADDY WHO I BONDED WITH DURING THE 3 NIGHTS OF ELYXION !?!?!!?!!!! NEVER FUCKING FORGET !!!!! SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE I WAS TALKING AND UH we were both crying and truly losing our minds pls… i haven’t interacted with her much nowadays but she’s one of di best bbh-Ls i know n i love her… thank u for making me happy so i also wish for you happiness ily 🤧💖💖💖
@byunbread aka veraQUEEN VEWWA WHOMST I WUV SO MUCH :((((( not to b dramatic but she’s lideralee one of di best bbh blogs out there… (also random fact; she’s 179cm like… i’m so sorry baekhyun sweetie akshdakjsHDAAKJHDKJA) also uhhh queen of being di most beautiful ??? i’m not kidding :\ altho we’ve only interacted through posts and what not i rly love seeing her on my dash 🤧🤧🤧 i wish you di best for ur studies i wuv u vewwa 💕💕💕
@stanbaek aka ashleyASHLEY !!!!! A-SHE!!!-LY!!! uhm she’s is sososo sweet and her love for bbh is so so wholesome and beautiful and there’s A LOT of it :((( HER BBH BLOG CONTENT IS AMAZING AHH!!! we’ve talked a few times and she’s rly so sweet please.. 😞😞😞 honey i hope you know that you deserve to be happy 🤧🤧 i wish that you’ll always have strength when you experience days that are difficult to go through, i told u that i believe in u okay!!! i love you and i mean it 💞💞💞
@littlechefsoo aka courtneyONE OF MY FAVORTIE KSOO-LS AHH!!!!! i think courtney has been one of my oldest mutuals since i came on tumblr and she’s always been such a lovely person :(( her love for ksoo??? WHOLESOME…. i love it whenever she tags me in di tag games and even tho we’ve only interacted/talked a few times i love her 😣😣💗💗 also have y’all seen her ‘do it for him’ post and the pics were filled with suho’s tiddies from gayo daejun???? YEA MOOD. i love my fellow kyungmyeon-Ls 💖💖💖
@kyungsooslatinagf aka jossyJOSSY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!??!?! i love reading her tags when she reblogs from me pls kashdkahs also another one of my all-time favorite ksoo-Ls ♥♥♥ she’s one of di few people who came to check up on me during… a hard time so thank you for that :(( a fellow shawol-L and honestly miss jossy is beautiful my gosh 😩💘 we’re both tauruses so i think we have a lot in common lmao i wanna b able to interact n talk w u more miss jossy ily 🤧🤧💖💖
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eeslek · 4 years
kdrama diary@!
finished ones: (semi order i watch them in) ,,this is rlly just me ranting about how attached i get to every show i watch, like im always in pain 
crash landing on you
thoughts: sooo good like there’s nothing to compare it was my first kdrama ever i just wanna watch it for the first time again. captain ri AND se-ri are sooo sexy pls 
it’s okay not to be okay 
thoughts: moon gangtae was my bae and ko mun-yeong be dressing like all her outfits were cute af i want her, the acting always made me cry their exploration of mental illness through all of the patients and the metaphors connecting to her books were always soo good 
what’s wrong with secretary kim? 
thoughts: v bland and slow but it was v funny and i liked being able to have a show i could just watch with no emotional attachment to
the king: eternal monarch
thoughts: MF FAV kdrama after crash landing it was so good i luv sci-fi and it gave me everything i wanted. didnt vibe with the ending cuz all i wanted was for tae-eul to be lee gin’s queen </3  
start up
thoughts: my bae good boy deserved sm more </3 but dal-mi/do-san deserved eachother ig the ending/time skip to them being married was sooo good i couldn’t breathe when the primary four were walking and being successful asf
private lives
thoughts: confusing asf i only got like two of the plot lines but i loved spy lee and joo-run:p
the scene right before their wedding was soo good seeing everyone happy i vibed 
weightlifting fairy kim bok joo 
thoughts: FAV KDRAMA EVER so funny and cute their relationship was sooo fun to watch all the side characters were so cool as well everything was MUAH!!
extraordinary you
thoughts: ngl this show hit the first few episodes it was v interesting and new i loved dan oh and haru together it was just so sad to watch kyung never win <///3 also the final scenes where all the characters are in a new book/have different personalities was v cool BUT where was kyung and do hwa ??? had me down bad just waiting for them to pop up omg 
record of youth 
thoughts: this show makes my heart tender one of the best the main leads had a v innocent and healthy love that was soo nice to watch. they portray so many healthy relationships that are full of love and encouragement (hye-jin & his grandpa <3)
all the supporting actors didn’t feel like supporting actors they got their own stories and i was able to empathize with all of them so i was never bored of their story lines so that was nice. they talk about the fear and doubt and struggles that come with being in your twenties and i think that was something that young adults everywhere could relate to. 
it’s just so heartbreaking and bittersweet because they love eachother like that’s not the problem they just couldn’t fix it so that they were both happy but like they titled it record of youth NOT record of love so i can’t be mad.
the first kdrama to make me cry like a baby! their breakup was just so sad bc they loved eachother but everything got in the way 
true beauty (feb.42021)
thoughts: their exploration of loving yourself and growing and not taking anyone’s shit: SOO GOOD sooho gave me creepy vibes in some of his seems NONETHELESS i always wanted him to be happy so i’m glad he ended up with ju kyung the multiple appearances from the extraordinary you cast was just so good i loved seeing them again. i loved every episode of this drama but episodes 5-10 were probs the funnest episodes of any kdrama i’ve ever watched idk maybe i just rlly vibe with dramas placed in high school,,,u already know i feel a type of way for seonjun he deserved so much he was so sweet i love him sm </33 the pain that he and suho go through after losing their best friend was so sad but i’m glad they have eachother now!! all the family members were so funny i’m rooting for ju kyung & seojuns sister to date one day,, ALSO the reverse stereotype with ju kyungs macho sister and ju kyungs teacher was so good!! loved this show so much !! i’ll miss watching it every week. 
in progress: 
love alarm
tale of the nine-tailed
run on 
to watch!: 
lovestruck in the city 
0 notes
maariarogers · 4 years
flash review for episode 14
i KNEW this episode was gonna tear my heart apart but man, i didn’t know it’d be this bad
but lets start from the beginning: i love sua, man. i’ve always loved her in the comics, and madam kang min-ah really delivered her SO WELL
and i know at one point it might even look petty, but personally like, i truly felt sua feeling betrayed when jugyeong didn’t tell her anything — like, yes, jugyeong has a right to tell or not to tell, but the idea of someone withholding information from you when you thought they trusted you does hurt
so i feel like sua’s hurt is valid, and im so SO SOOOO happy she talked it out
im also SO happy when she said the line “sujin was the one who lost us” because in that sort of mindset, i’m more towards jugyeong? in a sense that i still tried to rationalise or justified what she did, especially knowing her circumstances and the fact that she’s like, only 17 or 18
but sua’s right. sujin made the choice all on her own. she was the one who decided not to care for jugyeong or sua any longer. and that’s a strong message to put out there.
SPEAKING OF......... CAN WE GIVE A ROUND OF APPLAUSE TO PARK YOUNA???????????? DUDE..... she killed it
i was so, so, SO thrilled by the way sujin was written in the k-drama you have no idea. its so much more fleshed out, the depths are astronomical, and almost like a reflection of suho in earlier episodes — we can see the fragility of her mental health, and how she isn’t coping well, and how that led her to lash out to everyone around her
but unlike suho, she didn’t learn. or rather, she refused to. she villainies herself, thinking it would hurt less or it wouldn’t matter as much when she caused this amount of damage. and thats so so so good. thats excellent writing. im amazed.
and i love how that also reflected the three other main characters well as well: jugyeong overcame her trauma — she stopped hiding — and sujin allowed it to lead her to a more destructive path — she was the one who ran away; suho is an accumulation of bad parenting, same as sujin, but they reversed their roles with suho warming up to people towards the end of the season, and sujin cutting off one good relationship after another as opposed to when the series started; seojun is a reflection of them inhabiting the same roles of pining over people they can’t have, but seojun chose to respect the relationship, while sujin couldn’t. it’s fucking amazing. just hit me up if u wanna talk about it more
joo hye-min was so, so good. i think she was supposed to be the other friend with sua and jugyeong (i couldn’t remember her name omg) so that was a really good circle of returning back to the webtoon original plot, which seemed to be the main theme right now rip us
i fucking LOVE the insight to how anxious suho actually is when it comes to dating jugyeong, to the point it could be unhealthy. taehoon is absolutely right, and its so NICE that suho has friends now — reliable peers that he trusts — to tell him as it is
we can see that he has these train of thoughts that he knows logically he shouldn’t do as a romantic partner, and u know what he did? he didn’t do it. he didn’t say those thoughts. he approached it differently. HE LEARNS!!!!!!!
and the seojun/suho date night out pls kill me,,,,, its so good,,,
seojun is still a better fighter in my heart because the webtoon says so (im just a webtoon hoe i cannot change this) but its all good cause we RESPECT healthy communication among friends
and we RESPECT seojun saying whatever the fuck he wants to say as long as he knows his points get across like that boy could like, get it
i fucking love that it’s consistent throughout the few minutes we see of jugyeong trying to take her exam and suho trying to fill his time that it’s obvious suho misses her. he expresses this several times, too. and yet when he knew seojun wants to see his girlfriend after WEEKS (presumably) of not properly seeing her? he lets her go. he gives seojun a chance
because as much as seojun respects suho, he respects him back
the whole date scene just,,, i died,,,, i knew it was gonna be their last day (due to the clothes) so towards the end i was already crying
and in my head, i kept saying, this is so sad. they’re not gonna see each other again. suho said, “go home.” to jugyeong, as if he’ll be there the next day to walk her to school, but he won’t. we all know he won’t. that will be the last time they see each other. and that ripped me apart.
but u know what jugyeong said? she broke down the moment suho was gone from the view and all she said was, “what happens if [suho’s father] passes away? what will happen to suho?” because all she thought was that she couldn’t be there for him, that suho is alone
and that kills me more. she’s just so kind in loving him, but they were always the star-crossed lovers. they were always meant to separate right there, so no zendaya and zac efron, they cant rewrite the stars
i am a bit pissed off that they decide to follow the webtoon at the end. i feel like, more than anything, it seems as if they’re only throwing that plot for shock value??? idk tho
because i’m not the biggest seojun fan, but even i felt offended that they would do it this late into the series and in return sacrifice what could’ve been a good romantic development for seojun and jugyeong
so now all we’re gonna get are like scrapes of what-could’ve-been
but then again, the series have been good at surprising us so far, so i’m not quite sure what they’re planning ahead
speaking of, idk the fate of suho and jugyeong either???? i dont think its smth to forgive suho for in two episodes so????? @ true beauty writers, whats good????
other notes: i personally dont care about mr. han that much, i much rather see the lim family interacting among themselves as is, but yeah. good for them. welcome, mr. han, into the chaotic mess that is the lim family
overall, it’s... a strong 8/10. suho and jugyeong should’ve kissed more. seojun and sujin as usual, are the lowkey power couple and no im not accepting criticism. idk from where jugyeong suddenly knew how to throw a punch but ok, go home park saemi ure done. i hope selena comes back. pretty sure she’ll save the whole show if our main cast couldn’t. what are y’all thought
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jiminies-ahmee · 7 years
EXO Reaction
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Requested: @andreasumbra
Thank you for the request love xx 
Sorry it took so long, school got in the way and decided to ruin everything as per usual smh 
X I U M I N 
Xiumin would laugh in an uneasy manner, though he always wanted to please you, horror movies were not his thing. He’d try his best to put on a poker face and not react during the jump scenes, but on the inside he was absolutely pissing it. 
“C’mere, I’m scared.” He was very grateful that you’d asked him to hold you because having you in his arms never failed to make him feel safe. 
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S U H O 
Immediately he’d dismiss your request. There was no way in hell he was going to sit through a horror film with you. No. Way. In. Hell. 
“Y/N, why do you find them fun to watch, huh?” 
“They’re so good though, Suho. You’re missing out.” 
After an entire week of nagging him, he finally gave in and played it cool, “What’s there to be scared about?” He asked you, switching the lights off in the living room as the film began playing. Let’s just say, Suho did not let you leave his side for a few days. 
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B A E K H Y U N 
He’d be the one to recommend the film to be honest. 
“Yeah, Lay hyung told me it’s a very good movie.” He’d explain to you as you both sat on the couch, waiting for the film to begin. 
“Baek, you do realise that it’s a horror film, right?” 
“If Lay hyung said it was good, that’s all I need to know.” He insisted. You sighed, knowing this wouldn't end well at all. And sure enough, by the time you told Baekhyun you were going to bed, he grabbed onto your hand. 
“Y-Y/N, I can’t feel my legs. It’s dark upstairs, hold my hand please? Lay hyung has terrible taste in movies.” 
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S E H U N 
The maknae would tell you straight up he was scared of horror films, he wasn’t going to deny the facts. 
“Jagi, if I get scared we’re stopping it.” You nodded, pressing play on the laptop before huddling into Sehun’s side, pulling the blanket over the both of you. 
Two minutes in, suspenseful music started playing, getting louder and louder by the second and Sehun had had enough. 
“Nope, I can’t do it. He’s going to die and so is everyone else, can we watch something else, jagi?” You giggled, not being able to say ‘no’ to him. 
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C H E N 
“Ah whyyyyy?” Chen would whine. You rolled your eyes at him. 
“It’s not even that scary, Chen. Just watch a bit of it.” He simply couldn’t understand how you found enjoyment in watching such a thing, but agreed in the end after a bit more whining. 
But Chen being Chen did not let you watch the film without screaming at every little jump scene. 
“Chen, I swear if you don’t shut up right now, it’ll come and slit your throat next.” You threatened, finally getting him to stop. 
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L A Y 
“This is not a good idea at all, Y/N. Even I’m not this stupid.” Lay warned, sitting beside you on the couch. 
“This isn’t even the scariest one. The second one is scarier, but I’m letting you watch the less scary one because I’m nice like that.” 
Let’s just say that after that film Lay didn't think you were nice at all. 
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D O 
“You want to do what now?” D.O was confused as to why you’d even bring it up, he’d told you countless times he hated horror movies. You shrugged your shoulders in response to his question. 
“I dunno, I figured you should at least try it out. You know, don’t knock it to you try it.” He sighed, looking up at you from where he sat on the couch. He nodded towards the TV, mumbling a small ‘fine then’. You giggled with glee as you squished in beside him, getting Netlifx ready... And after that movie, D.O told you he wouldn’t be making dinner for the both of you for a month. 
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C H A N Y E O L 
He’d be totally up for it, he’d always been one to try something new. Of course, he told you beforehand that he’d probably get scared easily and he proved it before the movie even started. “Ah! Oh my god, I can’t watch anymore, Y/N, I can’t!”
“Chan... That was an ad.”
“Oh, I knew that. I just wanted to make sure you knew it was an ad.”
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K A I 
“There are so many things we can do, but you wanna sit here and watch a horror movie. C’mon, jagi, let’s go out and do something fun.” Kai insisted. 
“But everyone’s said it’s really good and it’s finally on Netflix.” He scoffed, shaking his head at you. 
“I don’t like horror movies... But I like you enough to watch it, let’s get this over with.” 
You had to pause it 20 minutes in because Kai ended up spilling the popcorn and drinks everywhere after a ‘jump scare’. 
“I almost died of a heart-attack, Y/N and you’re worrying about your carpet?!”
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EXO Reaction: Their Reaction To Their S/O Being Bratty {NSFW}
Could u please do a exo reaction to their girlfriend being bratty ? Thanks
Kyungsoo (D.O):
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Kyungsoo is an 'I really don't have time for this shit' type of person. He doesn't have time for the pouting or the whining, he doesn't have time for you to throw a tantrum fit whenever you don't get what you want.
"Kyungsoo?" You mewled softly, rolling over in the bed, feeling for the warmth of his body, only to find the spot empty-the sheets cold. "Kyungsoo?"  You called away, this time sitting up in bed, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you let out a small yawn.
"I'm in here jagi," He pokes his head into the bedroom from the bathroom, his toothbrush hanging out his mouth, his hair still ruffled from sleeping, wearing nothing but his briefs. "What do you want?"
"Well, why aren't you in bed?" You look out the window, "It's still dark outside," Kyungsoo sighs, knowing where this is going.
"Jagi, I have practice, we're filming out dance practice for 'The Ever', I need to be there by six o'clock sharp or Minseok hyung is going to be on my ass again." You pout, crossing your arms.
"You can miss just one practice," You hold up your index finger. "I'm sure they wouldn't mind." Kyungsoo shakes his head, disappearing back into the bathroom. He walks out a few minutes later, wiping his face with a  rag.
"I already missed 'just one practice,'" Kyungsoo kneels on the bed, pulling you by the ankles. He wraps your legs around his waist, leaning over your body. He gently pecks your forehead, then your nose and finally your lips. Both your hands come up, pushing his closer to you, forcing your tongue past his sealed lips. "No, no you don't." He laughs, pulling completely away from you. "If I engage in that, I'll never leave."
"Kyungsoo,  I don't want you to leave me, please don't leave me!" You pound your fist against the mattress, tossing your head side to side.
"'Are you throwing a fit?" His voice drops and his eyes narrow. "A tantrum fit?" You consider the options, deciding to agree. "Well, you settle that with yourself, I've got to get dressed." He walked over toward your closet, leaving you shooting daggers in the back of his head. "I don't care how hard you stare at the back of my head, I'm not fucking you right now, maybe after practice..." He sighs, grabbing a towel, walking back toward the bathroom. That was enough to get you to stop pouting.
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Jongin wouldn't know what to do at first, you not throwing any tantrums or fits since the two of you were in a relationship. So one day while you were out with the group and you started to act out, Jongin had to recover quickly.
"Jongin?" You swung your arms between the both of you,
"What princess?" He looked up from the sand he had been kicking,
"'I want some ice cream," Jongin furrowed his brows, "Like...I want some ice cream...now!" Jongin shook his head, trying to figure out how the situation escalated so quickly.
"The nearest ice cream spot is three miles down the street and we were just there...why didn't you say anything then?" You shrug,
"I didn't want ice cream then, but I want ice cream now." Jongin chuckles, ticking his to the side. "Jongin!" You pause, stomping your foot. "Get me some ice cream...please!"
"I can't! We'll have to get back in the car and drive down there,"
"Well then let's go." You turn the two of you around, heading back toward the car. The car all of the members had taken to the beach.
"We can't take the car, the others will be stranded here," Jongin argued but continued to follow you anyhow, interested to see how this would turn out.
"They won't mind, we'll bring them some ice cream back," Jongin loves the way you smile at him as if what you were suggesting wasn't almost, completely irrational. "Well, come on. I want some ice cream." Jongin followed you all the way out to the parking lot, before deciding to stand his ground.
"Wait, what are we doing?"
"We have the keys, let's go." You roll your hand, pointing toward the car you had all taken.
"No, we can't." You pout,
"But I-"
"You want ice cream, I know, but I'm not taking you to go get ice cream, so we're going to have a good day at the beach, and on the way home we'll grab you some ice cream. Deal?"  You tilt your head to the side, rolling your eyes into the back of your head.
"Fine. Deal."
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Sehun was excited the first time you threw a fit. He had been waiting, when the two of you first got together, he knew you would be bratty, it was in the way you talked, the way you acted, and it excited him, excited everything inside of him.
"Sehun, why are you still up, playing video games?" You watched into the dimly lit living room, the other sound the clicking of his fingers on the controller. "Come back to bed," You pulled the side of his headphone set from his ear, speaking the words into his ear. He jumps and pauses the game.
"I can't I got two more levels to go and I'll win." He readjusted his headset and turned back toward the screen, resuming the game. You roll your eyes walking around the couch, plopping down beside him.
"Sehun, come to bed." You sigh, moving his headset again. He frowns, pausing the game once again.
"After these two levels, I'll win and then I'll come to bed. Okay?" You nod, giving him a tight smile before moving his headset back into place. You rub your hands against your jeans, standing up off the couch. Sehun watches you, hoping you're going to walk back to your bedroom, but instead you walk toward the t.v. Giving Sehun a genuine smile when you unplug his game system.
"I want you to come to bed...now." You pout, throwing the cord to the floor. Sehun furrows his brows, cocking his head to the side.
"What the hell?" He speaks slowly, throwing his arms over his head. "I didn't save the game..." He throws his headset from his head, "I didn't save the game..." He repeats, shaking his head. "Why the hell would you do that? I didn't save the game." You roll your eyes at him again, and walk back toward the couch, standing in front of him. You reach out both your hands, Sehun smacking them away from his face. "Do I look like I want to go to bed with you, I'll sleep on the couch."
"Sehun, stop being an overdramatic baby and come to bed with me, I'm not going to ask again...because if I do, you're not going to like the fit I throw." He grabs your hands and stands up, looking down his nose at you.
"You know what's funny?"
"'What?" You humor him,
"You actually think you're in charge..." He spins you around and taps your ass, "Now, get to that bedroom you're in trouble..." Sehun watched you waltz down the hall back toward your room. "I can't believe I didn't save the damn game."
Baek, Chen, Chanyeol
Minseok, Suho, Lay
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gyeommine · 7 years
How They Kiss You (EXO)
“ 'Got7 how they kiss' but for exo pretty please”
(gif credits to the original owners)
Suho: Gentle, gentleman Kim Junmyeon will be a passionate kisser. He will always tenderly grab your face and caress your face gently. He would linger for a while, then release. He'd look dead at you with his warm, round eyes just after. You'd giggle, quickly avoiding his eyes. “What?” you'd ask. He'd just shrug and utter something utterly greasy like “Just looking at you” causing you to blush and swat him away playfully. His dad jokes even transcend romance – the man's incredible.
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(he is such a cute prince type okay)
Xiumin: He's definitely a little playful, through that shy persona of his. He would plant a few pecks on both cheeks before going in for your lips. You'd be smiling like an idiot through the kiss, your arms slung lazily around his neck as you let the feeling whisk you away. You'd stay in the position for a lil' longer, even after the kiss had finished. Neither of you could stop smiling, it would be super pure okay trust me. I also think this could go down a different route but that's for another day guys.
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(he is so sweet wtaf)
Luhan: He's another romantic guy, trust. He would definitely be tender and passionate with you. Like Suho, he would hold your face in his hand before leaning in. Your first kiss would have been nothing short of magical with this guy. He has so much charisma, but is still gentle with you. However, like Xiumin I also think (if you let him ofc) the kiss could go multiple ways because I genuinely believ he's a lil' cheeky. He's definitely one of the best kissers tho d a m n.
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(he’s so soft it’s unreal wow)
Kris: I think he'd kiss you a lot, but it often be sweet and unexpected. I very much think he has his heart on his sleeve, so he would often tell you how much he loves and cares for you and that means giving you pecks here and there. I also think he'd love to hold your hands when you guys kiss. It would be magical, but in a very Kris way: unstated but true. This sounds cheesy as hell but lol guys b a r e with me. He would just love to give you lil' bits of affection, which always makes you giddy and happy and aghh what a cutie.
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(his eyes are fucking twinkling have i died and gone to heaven jfc)
Lay: Him and Kris are similar, for sure. He would also love to give you random and cute spots of affection to catch you off guard. He loves when you get all bashful and shy when he surprises you – always batting him away with a “Don't be silly Yixing, ya dummy”. I think he would get more excitable though, like a small puppy. Whenever he gets really happy to see you, he'll just pick you up in his arms with ease and spin you around. He's just v in love and v pure okay let him pls.
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(omg what this is i miss lay): )
Baekhyun: You all know he's a lil' demon okay. There aren't a lot of places where Baek won't kiss you. He'll leave trails up your neck, arms, thighs;) and other places. He's cheeky, more cheeky than Luhan, and loves to make you unravel as well as making you happy. He's passionate on the lips though, he'll grab the back of your head – so much so you can feel the heat radiating off of the two of you. He'll leave you breathless, for sure. If he's being really steamy (yes more so than usual) he'll tug at your lip a little and ask for entrance so you guys can take it further. It will often end that way w him tbh.
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(i will phone ur mother jfc)
Chen: Sweetie Jongdae is just overwhelmed and excited to see you, especially w his Exo boy schedule always having him tied down. So, you better believe his kisses are meaningful. No matter how long they last, they leave an impact on you and your lips will feel their most emptiest just after a kiss has ended. He is also a tad playful (like his hyung minseok) and will tease you, missing you lips differently just to poke fun. You will whine, pout and he'll give in. He'll love to kiss you when cuddling too, having a precious human laying in his arms just makes him want to kiss you even more.
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(chen stans how r u still alive look at this thot)
Chanyeol: This big goof will love to kiss your forehead just to remind you that he's a mutant giant, but is still full of love. You'll protest jokingly, and then he'll just carry you away just to remind you (again) he's just one big fluff giant full of love. He'll also love to kiss the back of your neck, he'll come behind you and quickly encompass you in his long arms and bury his head in the nape of your neck. He'll mumble something with a low, morning voice before kissing your nape. You'll spin around in his arms, just to finish the job on his lips. He's just gentle and needy, so I think he could be a mix of cute to pure filth (passion we'll call it).
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(this hair, his red hair and his silver are all killers for me wow. pouty soft cutie)
D.O: Soo is definitely a sincere kisser, like Jongdae, you can feel everything w just one kiss and your lips will feel more barren once you guys have parted. However, I don't think he kisses you often. He's not a big PDA lover, so kisses with him mean that much more. I can just imagine him getting this big dreamy moments where you do something really cute, and he's just star struck like “Wow, (Y/N) is so great” in his head. He'll let off that heart shaped smile and kiss you. You'll ask why with a shy giggle, and he'll just beam and mumble that he loves you. I also think he's an amazing kisser, probably one of the most gentle of all the boys.
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Tao: I think he's one of the most needy. He'll playfully whine, and call out that he wants a kiss to give off a cute facade. But then, he'd grab you into his arms and tickle you until your jaw aches from squealing and laughing. Then, he'll just kiss all over your neck and cheek because he cannot get over how cute you are when you smile, laugh or do anything really. Like Baek and Luhan tho, he can be a lil' bit steamy and sometimes gets carried away when kissing you. He'll pull you in by your waist and boiiii you won't be wanting to part for a while w him wowee lord pour holy water on my impure soul.
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(i saw some of his instagram and i am deceased honestly - model)
Kai: He's got a sweet, playful nature to his kisses. Like Yeol, he's also a tol and will love to tease you by kissing your forehead but not as teasingly as the floppy giant himself. He would love to hold your waist when you guys kiss, but his hands would slowly wander up to your shoulders and tenderly twirl the hair on the back of your head. He would giggle a lot after the kiss, the both of you flustered and bashful like it was your first kiss every time, but it's super endearing. Sometimes, he'll be incredibly passionate bc the dancer side of him (it's a trend trust) and take you by surprise. But for the most part, he's too sweet to handle.
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(i feel like we need some cute kai bc he’s been sin lately, and he REALLY reminds me of taemin here)
Sehun: Like Soo, he wouldn't kiss you all the time but he would make it special when you did. He would grab both sides of your face, carefully ofc, and take you completely by surprise when your lips collide. He would very rarely give you random pecks, only to say goodbye or greet you, but he'll always kiss you full out. He'd probably hoist you up, and kiss you there. You would always be left breathless and, like a few other members of filth in this supergroup, it would often escalate v quickly especially when he picks you up and whisks you away to the bedroom. Yes, pure pure filth oh sehun.
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(all he has to do is open his eyes and we’re all weak - such power)
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