#fey guardian
hotel-japanifornia · 3 months
I often find myself thinking of that one person describing Phoenix and Maya's relationship as "Maya no" "Maya yes!" during investigations and "Phoenix no!" and "Phoenix yes!" during the court sections.
Never have I seen a more accurate description of their dynamic before or since, lmfao.
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onefey · 1 year
"ohh botw was so PEACEFUL everything in totk wants to kill you--" so you're telling me you don't remember the sheer terror you felt the first time a guardian stalker started hunting you? or when a skywatcher caught sight of you? the fucking billion turrets in hyrule castle that hated you? how you couldn't dillydally around the center of the map without catching the eye of at least three giant laser pottery spiders? it's all ohhh guardian theme song instant anxiety haha until the sequel comes out and you completely forget She exists?! for shame! for shame!!
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airjemsfandump · 1 year
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Ah, yes. My favorite genre.
What are your picks? 😊
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nemainofthewater · 7 months
Best character surnamed : Shen
Come and vote for the best characters with the same surname!*
What does best mean? It's up to you! Whether you love them, are intrigued by their characters, love to hate them, or they're your '2 second blorbos whose personality you made up wholesale', these are all reasons for you to vote for your favs!
*note, the surnames are not exactly the same in all the cases, as often there will be a different character. I am, however, grouping them all together otherwise things got more complicated.
Propaganda is very welcome! If I’ve forgot anyone, let me know in the notes.
This is part of a larger series of ‘best character with X surname’ polls’. The overview with ongoing polls, winners, and future polls can be found here
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ivyithink · 1 year
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so i’ve finished “mo du”
so, i’ve read “mo du” and it finished me
fei du’s mug! (a gift from luo wenzhou, obviously)
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"Bitches be like "this is my comfort character" and then choose a character that hasn't had a day of comfort in their lives" well, they did find comfort when they met their beloved... maybe some day it will be time for me too..
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the-marron · 2 months
All-Forgotten Fics of Yours Truly
You know who constantly forgets to post stuff on Tumblr? Me.
And so now when I tried to find a link to one of my fics I couldn't because it's physically not there 🙃 I am a pro at social media. So now I decided to do a round up of all the Guardian stuff I haven't posted before, just for archival purposes 😅
1. To wild uncharted waters
Tonight, Shen Wei is abandoning all of Aoguang’s laws and heading towards the shore, for the second time in his entire life. All for Kunlun.
Also known as mermaid!au, written for @birdbird-blog ❤
2. What happens to the heart
“I bring an offering,” he starts, feeling the oddness of the words on his tongue. This is not an offering, not exactly. It’s not incense and gold worthy of a god, it’s not a string of worshipful words either, and yet with who they are, The Ghost King has no other word for it.
There is nothing else a ghost can offer to a god.
Novel-verse, an attempt at happy moment between Kunlun and Shen Wei
3. Spellbound
Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei Vs Ancient Couples Counseling
Also known as duck!SW fic
4. The Way of the Househusband
Zhao Yunlan vs household chores feat Shen Wei's existential crisis
Technically this one appeared on my self-rec post at some point and it was added to the art that inspired it but I technically didn't publish it here myself, so here it is. Domesticity, dear people, what else can I say.
5. hold every memory as you go
Wang Zheng was her first girl friend. It sounds sad when she thinks about it, that the first woman she felt true connection with was a dead girl found by her boss and Da Qing in the woods, but that's still a fact. She didn't have true friends before, not like that.
Also known as: not a fix it people, just Zhu Hong post-canon, thinking about everything she's lost and learning to move on with hope
6. I've got a dream
“I swear, if it turns out you have no idea where we are going, I will murder you and leave your body for the crows to find,” Chu Shuzhi said conversationally, stomping through the mud with the air of a man condemned to an unjust punishment. The object of his anger, Zhao Yunlan the Adventurer, just shrugged without turning back. Chu Nianzhi was certain that he had heard worse threats in his life, he used to work at the court after all. Though, in what capacity, Zhao Yunlan had never disclosed – ever since Nianzhi and Shuzhi met him at the inn, winning a strange map from a crowd of very suspicious looking men, all that they managed to get out of him was that he was on an adventure.
Written for an event, it has Chu brothers having The Time of Their Lives (Not) thanks to Zhao Yunlan who Apparently Has A Wife
7. Wish You Were Here
Instead of falling asleep, Shen Wei gets to experience the millennia of longing, year after a lonely year.
Written for a friend, featuring, well, lots of loneliness
And I think that's all from Guardian? The rest was here because of the Guardian Bingo, I am pretty sure
And now, as my treat from me to me, the forgotten Luolins:
1. Unscathed [WIP]
“Well, hello,” the man said, his lips tugging up in a smile. Not prepared for that, all Lin Nansheng could do in reply was to cough shallowly, the exertion of the chase getting to him. “You can let go, comrade, I won’t run.” Despite the lightness in his words, the voice was hushed, as if trying not to attract more attention. And yet, Lin Nansheng found himself letting go. The stranger used his free hand to support the bundle pressed against his chest.
A bitter and disillusioned Lin Nansheng gets pulled into much more excitement than he bargained for.
Post-canon longfic that I am still trying to write despite the lack of time. Totally not known as Godzilla AU, not at all good sir.
2. A Practical Arrangement
It was a pure accident that Luo Fei and Lan Xinjie knew each other, and that the lady came to Cen Zimo with questions about a possible accommodation for her friend was a sign from the heavens. Luo Fei wasn’t convinced of course, but the argument of 'practical arrangement' swayed him in the end.
Technically it's not Luolin for it features an outsider POV of another deriv that has romantic plans re: LF, but let's be real here, I wouldn't break up Luolin for anyone so it's Luolin through and through. Sorry, Cen Zimo. (I am not)
3. we devour, like a falcon in the dive
A quiet moment of trust that morphs into something much more.
Based on art, first attempt to give these two an actual happy ending and not an ambigious one
4. only a touch of dust remains
He knows what he will find when he opens the door. He's known for a while, he's been preparing for it but still, the moment his hand touches the handle, he hesitates. He never hesitates, there is no reason for him to do so – there is nothing that can surprise him.
Angst. Outsider's POV. Did I mention angst?
5. All in the Scheme of Things
And then Wu-laoshi brought in Luo Fei – a tall, handsome man in a well-tailored suit whose words were outpaced only by his thoughts. It was with relief that Lin Nansheng realized that they didn’t manage to discuss anything and would have to meet again – he had a good excuse to see Luo Fei again.
Modern Teacher!au, a prequel to one of my fics from Weilan Derivs week 2022.
6. Unmoored Academicals [CROSSOVER]
A foreboding sense of familiarity washed over Zhao Yunlan. His mind had one, final thought of’ not again’, before the vortex of time opened for good and swallowed everything around him. -- The 'DCU moonlights as Shanghai University' crack that wouldn't leave my brain, with a dash of academia humour
Yeah, I wrote it mostly for crack reasons, but also to appreciate that while there are some similarities between them, SW and LNS are very different, as are LF and ZYL - it is a bit of a love letter to BY and Z1L's acting abilities, dressed up as a crack about a university jumping dimensions, just like Pratchett would have wanted
7. The man you seek is long gone
After returning from Hong Kong, Lin Nansheng tries to find out what happened to Luo Fei. -- Mostly canon compliant with some fix-ity changes added
Presumed dead fic, because everyone needs one 🤗
8. It's falsehood's flame, it's a crying shame
There is a man at the door, dressed in a rather expensive-looking suit, looking around with a faint air of distaste. He has a cane in his hand and a certain confidence around him – Lin Nansheng notices all of that, but it is dulled by the realization that the man is really handsome. * In an alternate universe, Chen Moqun becomes a crime boss instead of the Station Chief. Lin Nansheng follows him either way, until he encounters an unexpected complication in the form of Luo Fei.
Not-really (and yet) mafia!au which is also my first Luolin ever, written for @babischlong-six 😌❤
and now I am off to live that cryptid life because there are still at least a dozen weilan derivs fics that I haven't posted here either but I don't have the energy to do it today. Better to do something than nothing and all that ~
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frankencanon · 1 year
The one negative when it comes to watching asian dramas that were based off of novels is that often times things won't make sense and you just have to accept that.
Due to budget or time constraints or censorship laws, etc etc etc, things will inevitably have to be changed, modified, or left out, and often times things that would have made perfect sense in the novel will either be left unexplained in the drama, or be modified in such a way that it no longer makes any sense.
Probably one of the most obvious/well-known examples of this would be in The Untamed, when Wei Wuxian asks Lan Wangji to lend him his headband to use as a blindfold.
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I don't think I need to explain why that sounded absolutely ridiculous to drama-only fans (myself included).
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secretly-a-catamount · 2 months
Narratively, Malcolm Fade’s life began when he met Annabel Blackthorn, and it ended when she put a knife in his heart.
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luluy33art · 2 months
Thought regarding Guardian Chloe, would she and Fei bond over heir surprisingly similar backstories?
I don't really remember Fei's backstory that clearly, but I think they would get along, more on Chloe's side. She would this she's so cool and would be so excited to be in her grandpa's home country and also bc of all the stories she heard since she was little
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jianghushenanigans · 11 months
propaganda (SPOILERS) under cut
Jin Guangyao: All his mother ever wanted was for him to be in his rightful place by his father's side. Everything he's ever done, it's just to keep himself and the memory of his mother alive. He's honouring her, honouring her memory. If his father orders him to do something awful, then how can he say no, and disrespect his mother's memory? And if his father continues to disrespect his mother's memory... how can he be allowed to live?
Xie Wang: He was rescued from the streets, raised up from nothing. How can he not give his yifu everything he asks for? Do everything his yifu asks him to do? Become everything his yifu wants him to become? Yifu is the only one who loves him. Yifu is the only one who cares for him. Yifu is the only one he loves. Yifu... yifu doesn't care about him at all.
Prince Yu: You could be the emperor, they told him. Of all your brothers, you're the most like your father, they told him. All you have to do is play the game and wait for it to be your turn, they told him. He played the game, and he played it well, and it was finally his turn. He was finally chosen. Except, he wasn't. He was a front, allowing his pathetic younger brother to steal what was rightfully his out from under his nose. You have one last chance, they tell him. And what other choice does he have?
Shulin: His mother (the one who raised him) told him that she found him, abandoned. Asked him if he wanted to know where he came from. He was just a child. Of course he wanted to know where he came from. And then his home, his people (the ones who raised him) were destroyed. Destroyed by his mother (the one who swapped him for another child, the one who left him to die). Of course he wants his birth mother, his birth people to suffer the same fate as the only people who ever really cared about him. It's a kinder death than they deserve.
Xiao Yu: He is not his father's favourite son. Everybody knows that. As a child, he had liked to think he could compete, but he should have known better. Even with Chuhe gone, even as the only possible candidate, the title of crown prince is still not his. What's worse, though, is that he is not his mother's favourite son, either. She sits and she sighs about some other child that he has never met, as if he isn't right here, not loved by either of them. No matter. He'll use whoever he has to to get the power he deserves.
Ye Zun: He is nothing, he knows. You have no power, they jeer as they spit at him and beat him. His master laughs at his downturned head, taunts him with the knowledge that his own brother sold him to his life of misery. He has never had power… until he does. And once he’s found his strength… why would he give it up? Why wouldn’t he make them pay?
Shen Jiu: He was plucked out of a ditch as a child, with nothing. No food, no home, no parents. Only an older brother, and for years it’s enough. Then, not even that. Later there's power and prestige, but alongside it hatred, mockery. And then he dies, unmourned, unnoticed, unloved. Even his so-called older brother doesn’t notice. This is a secret he has always known - the only way that the story can end happily is without him.
Runyu: He has been pushed to the side in favour of his brother, but he can’t hate him. He is the only one who has stood by him. If that means stepping into the shadows as he strides into the light… well, it is no hardship. Until he meets her. His future wife, their fates intertwined since birth. The one shining promise that has kept him warm through the tormented millennia. And so, for the first time in his existence, he chooses to be selfish. Is that so wrong?
Yin Pei: Dear tumblr user. If you’ve made it this far, I’ll be real with you. I don’t remember what happens in tv shows unless I become obsessed with them or have watched them recently, and neither of those apply here. I can’t remember anything about Yin Pei except he had daddy issues and we referred to him as Kylo Pei in the group chat. Make of that what you will
many thanks to @nemainofthewater for writing ye zun, shen jiu, runyu. I don't know who they are
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dual-domination · 2 months
🔁 A fic you’ve re-read several times
🛳️ A fic that brought you aboard a new ship
Easy. HELLO ARJUN, I know I've been delaying the reply to this ask for several months, but today I'm glad to share it
A fic I reread several times - Just one??? No, I'm sharing my top 4 (They're all Guardian/Weilan, 3 of the authors below are among my ⭐favorites⭐ EVER so let me be talkative abt them):
To wild uncharted waters by @the-marron ⭐- Nothing new to see here, everyone knows I'm obsessed with this fic, but this is not the first and won't be the last time Marron's fics do THINGS to my heart. Her stories are inspiration.
The Charm Of Chastity by PaddlesPetwixtPuddles - no idea if the author is on tumblr. Sad fact: this is the ONLY Guardian fic they posted. It's perfect.
Kunlun's Godly Seed, Shen Wei's Ghostly Body by @lacommunarde ⭐- Idk how many times I reread this one tbh, but around 5-6 for sure (as some others from the same author, one day I'll comment in all of them jksjkskj HELLO I LOVE YOUR FICS)
Young Love by @thosch3i ⭐- Read all the Guardian fics this author posted too. Also sad fact, they're not active in this fandom anymore, but I hope they're having fun wherever they are now :D
A fic that brought you aboard a new ship
All the ships I actively interact with (read/write/art) were brought to my life by Marron, she put me in the Weilan Derivatives hell jksksj. As for my DMBJ ships, the adaptations did the trick, so there's no fic to mention (but Marron also mentioned Heihua and I was OH 👀?)
My favorite of all, OTP so dear to my heart 2Luo, in 3 steps: But a bitter kiss will bring him to his knees , A Kiss is Still a Kiss and That fatal kiss is all we need
Across the Stars (Qi Heng/Xun Xu - this ship is SO SWEET) - Star Wars AU, but it's Weilan Derivs (I need to finish reading the fics of this ship)
and THE FIC - it's so good I better not start to talk abt this fic I'm a gremlin abt this fic and YOU KNOW THIS FIC bc I think the whole team read it, Vince said it's better than books so yk what it means: The Thousand Flowers Manor (Hua Wuxie/Pei Wende - and we also have Qi Heng/Xun Xu there!) It's Pride and Prejudice in Wuxia times, how could that go wrong in Marron's hands? I'd recommend it a million times, watch some youtube to see the characters if you don't want to watch the shows/movies and go read this fic, you'll laugh, cry, be angry, hunt demons in Ancient China and have lots of dramatic relatives messing things up. It's a true delight. Happy Ending :D
~~About rereading, if a fic is in my ao3 bookmarks, there's a high chance that I reread that fic at least once, but I decided to share the ones that are Fav Fic + Fav Author ~~About ships and new stuff, I'm still waiting for the Godzilla AU with actual godzillas in it, ship is Godzilla/ruined cities under his feet.
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nemainofthewater · 8 months
Hi [Character],
I notice that you haven't responded to my email about the [Terrible and Useless Committee] that I'm putting together. Don't worry, I know you just forgot so I've put you down as a member anyway. See you at the meeting this evening.
[Person Who Has Just Ruined Your Day]
I'm sure that we've all had similar emails to this (just me...?). Usually the two choices are to join the committee (and suffer) or refuse (and worry that everyone hates you) (just me again...?). However, in cdrama there is a very logical, very necessary third path!
Faking your own death.
Now, is there a convenient cliff anywhere around here...
Propaganda, examples, and write-ins are absolutely encouraged!
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quakgrass · 3 months
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spirit guardians, for my nature cleric
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them: You seem different.
me: I started reading a new book/watching new series and accidentally (not really) took on the personality of my favorite character.
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More Fei sketches :D
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