#fgo official translation
ladyjuquia · 1 year
Something funny about Tristans Line for Percival
Back then the Fan-Translation showed us already that Tristan and Percival have a rather fun interaction. Percival calls out Tristan for being unfaithful, Tristan responses to that, in the Fan-Translation, with this:
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translation by Raizu Stash on YouTube
But there were also other variants of the Line that added the term „Bastard“ at the end of it, which made this interaction very funny since it came rather unexpected from Tristan to snap back like this (I love it, haha)
Now we have the official Line. The best Part here is that while it’s like in the Fan-Translation that they both talk about each other in the official Translation it feels like they talk to each other instead but above Masters Head wwww
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So the funny thing here is that it seems like Tristan takes Percivals Line as open attack and instead of just making the Statement that he will and can start a fight with whoever he wants, he says here clearly „He is picking a fight with me, so I'll ride the challenge. The Bastard.“
Tristan not only took this personally as soon as Percival drops his Line and declares that he started the fight, they also still put the Bastard at the end which made it so much funnier I love it, haha
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montydollcrew2 · 1 year
Oberon got a part time job to help pay off his tab.
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He was fired pretty soon after though.
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dmitriyuriev · 6 months
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Something you Hate.
(Read right to left)
From Danzou's my room line. I think a lot about how this Danzou, who should know nothing of Limbo, fears the Dark Sun (there is no story clear requirement for this line either)
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r-18g · 1 year
just remembered this doujin, which is going to be on my recs list, but also deserves its own post.
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the premise is just. emiya archer getting absolutely wrecked (with a strap) by medb, and then it is heavily implied cú alter is getting a turn next. genuinely one of my favorite fate doujins out there.
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shuttershocky · 8 months
I'm FGO's biggest hater so you know I'm serious when I say this all began with FGO releasing in English in 2017. No longer could Type-Moon bury their heads in the sand and pretend an international audience for their visual novels didn't exist, not when JAlter sales alone made 3 million dollars.
Anyway, it's actually really cool that we can see Nasu go back and decide an actual intended reading order for Type-Moon works. Mahoyo was written first but never released to the public, Kara No Kyoukai sold like 6 copies on its first release so nobody read it, while Tsukihime and even the original Fate/Stay Night would stay out of mainstream store fronts due to being eroge, leading to readers coming in to Type-Moon almost entirely through (often troubled) adaptations and never the source material.
But it doesn't have to be like that anymore. Mahoyo got remade in 2012 as a VN, Fate/Stay Night got rereleased as a mainstream commercial work on the PS2 with Realta Nua, and Tsukihime got a Remake for consoles.
So it's pretty cool that Nasu used the first official English (and Simplified Chinese, they're an even bigger market tbh) translations of his novels to make something of an actual reading order.
Do you want to get into Type-Moon? Read Witch on the Holy Night, it's simple, has no routes or choices, and lays all the basic foundations of the setting. Tsukihime: A Piece of Blue Glass Moon then elaborates on the monsters and the militaristic Holy Church that Mahoyo introduced. Finally, Fate/Stay Night rounds this out by going back to the mages, getting deeper into their society and while introducing a whole other kind of monster in the heroic spirits that became so iconic to the entire otakusphere.
It doesn't have to be hard and inaccessible anymore! We're so fucking back
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ooloongt3a · 1 year
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I did a really simple fan translation of one of the chapters from the FGO comic anthology manga so that fellow Arjuna enjoyers, like @hasarjunadoneanythingwrong can enjoy this cute lil bean enjoying life hehe.
NOTE: this is translated by Bilibili manhua from Japanese to Chinese, and I merely translated the Chinese version to English for non-profit purposes. All credits belong to Bilibili manhua and the original author of this chapter. Please go support the official ones if you can! If you want to read more chapters, feel free to DM me for the link to access these chapters in Chinese :3
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hanakihan · 3 months
I know it’s a translation issue and jp related joke about ‘Count of Monte Cristo’ having two official Japanese translated titles hence why we have ‘Gankutsuou’ and ‘Count of Monte Cristo’ as names for two separate iterations (and I bet rider version would’ve actually gotten honor of bearing ‘Edmond Dantes’ name)
But it’s also hilarious that ‘Gankutsuou’ version doesn’t want to be called Edmond Dantes and eng translation does exactly opposite purely became there’s no other way
Edmond: I don’t want to be called Edmond Dantes since I’m not the same man
FGO’s eng translation/Guda: proceeds to call him exactly that in next sentence
Edmond: … okay listen here you little bitch—
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grailfinders · 3 months
Grailfinders Viewers' Choice #28: Jacques de Molay (Arcade)
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howdy y’all, we’re back at it again, giving arcade characters a new lease on life! today we’re building Jacques de Molay, a totally unique character we have never seen in FGO before. like every other arcade servant, there’s frustratingly little info on him in english, but we’ll make it work! Jack’s a Redemption Paladin because he’s a paladin, but he seems to like to talk stuff out more than win by force. he does have plenty of force though, smites are very much still on the table.
check out his build breakdown below the cut, or his character sheet over here!
Ancestry & Background
as you’d probably suspect, Jacques is a Human, and that gives him +1 Strength and Intelligence, as well as proficiency in Intimidation, and the human-specific feat Prodigy, that gives you fluency in a language of your choice, as well as proficiency in Persuasion and Cartographer’s Tools, and expertise(that’s double proficiency) in Religion!
oh, have I not mentioned where you get proficiency in religion in the first place yet? Jacques is also starting off as an Acolyte, which is where that and your proficiency in Insight come from.
Ability Scores
your highest stats should be in charisma or strength, but Jacques is kind of a nerd and if we don’t stock up on Intelligence now when will we? after that are the usuals- Charisma, then Strength. then we’ll make Wisdom above average since you have glasses (which should probably make your wisdom lower tbh but anime glasses never come off). that means your Constitution is pretty low- the one translated part of your bio mentions you get sick easily, but I’m not cruel enough to make a paladin with negative constitution. that means your Dexterity gets stuck with the short stick. I don’t think Jacques is particularly clumsy, but we need it less than anything else since you’ll have heavy armor.
Class Levels
1. starting off as a paladin gives you a Divine Sense to detect zombies and other monsters a couple times a day. this won’t tell you exactly what you’re looking at, but you’ll know that oddly pale nobleman who refuses to appear during the day might be more than just quirky.
you also get Lay on Hands to heal people when you touch them- and for once, it’s part of your official kit! you get 5 HP per level a day, and you can spend 5 HP all at once to heal a disease or a poisoning.
finally, your proficiencies- Wisdom and Charisma saves, as well as Medicine and Athletics.
2. at second level, paladins learn to cast Spells, which you cast and prepare using your Charisma. since you can pick your spells every day, don’t sweat getting them exactly right. I’d suggest using spells that can protect or heal your allies, smite your enemies, and possibly summon vengeful divine spirits to destroy your foes. so what I’m saying is, use the paladin spell list. yeah, his skill set just happens to match D&D’s idea of a generic paladin perfectly, so you really can’t go wrong here!
if you’d rather do something more straightforward, you can spend those spell slots on Divine Smites instead! they add a bunch of radiant damage to your melee weapon attacks, though you have to spend a spell slot every time you connect.
speaking of connecting attacks, you should make sure your enemies can’t do that! with the Protection fighting style, you can put your shield between an enemy and a friend, forcing disadvantage on the attack.
3. at third level, you set down your path of Redemption, which lets you Channel Divinity in one of two ways each shot rest. you can either become an Emissary of Peace to get a +5 bonus on all persuasion checks for 10 minutes, or you can Rebuke the Violent to counter an attack with a wisdom save. if the violent fails, you deal whatever damage they just did back at them as radiant damage!
you also get Divine Health so you can’t get sick any more, as well as your oath spells Sanctuary to protect an innocent in the heat of battle, and Sleep to end confrontations non-violently. at least until the sleeping person wakes up.
4. at level four you get your first Ability Score Improvement, so bump up that Strength so you can actually hit stuff!
5. fifth level pallies get an Extra Attack each attack action, so now you get to hit stuff twice as often! you also get second level spells like Calm Emotions and Hold Person. the latter one can technically be used to stop combat while you talk stuff out, but it’s more often used by paladins to absolutely wallop a dude since it gives you advantage to hit and guaranteed crits when you do. either way it’s not technically in character, but good golly does it help.
6. at sixth level, your Aura of Protection adds your charisma modifier to every save made in a 10’ radius around you. it’s simple, but effective, like this build.
7. seventh level redemption paladins get an Aura of the Guardian which is not just Aura of Protection after wotc found a thesaurus shut up. now you can use your reaction to take the hit for anyone within 10’ of you, with no way to reduce it. it’s not a great idea given your constitution, but it’s definitely the knightly option.
8. since we’re getting more charisma-based stuff, let’s bump up your Charisma with this next ASI. better auras, stronger spells, what’s not to love?
9. ninth level paladins get third level spells! your freebies this time are Counterspell and Hypnotic Pattern. neither of those are super in-character, but you could at least make an argument for counterspell being like, you putting up your shield to block a magic attack or something.
10. at tenth level you exude an Aura of Courage, so people don’t get frightened while they’re around you any more. the knights templar made a skinny nerd with stomach pains their boss so you know there must be something about Jacques that makes him feel like leadership material. it’s good vibes.
11. or maybe its the fact that you have Improved Divine Smites, giving every attack you make a little radiant stank on it. not that radiant damage smells or anything, just- y’know what let’s just move on.
12. another ASI, another boost to Charisma. moving on.
13. thirteenth level paladins get fourth level spells! this time you get Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere and Stoneskin- again neither one quite works afaik, but at least stoneskin helps you stay in the fight longer with your middling constitution.
14. we don’t normally get this far in paladin, I’m actually having to look stuff up again. at level 14 you get something called a Cleansing Touch. charisma modifier times a day, you can touch yourself or a friend to end a spell affecting them. debuff cleanse, nice! you actually get debuff immunity, but it’s close enough with your aura and everything.
15. fifteenth level redeemers can summon a Protective Spirit whenever they’re below half health, healing themselves a little bit each turn as long as you haven’t hit 0 yet. your spirits tend to be more violent than this, but any way to stay in the fight longer is a good thing to have.
16. speaking of, I think it’s long overdue to spend an ASI on some Constitution. yes it’s supposed to be bad, but it should at least be good enough to survive with.
17. at long last you gain access to fifth level spells, including your freebies Hold Monster and Wall of Force. the former, while undeniably useful, isn’t really in your repertoire, and the latter fits Mash better anyways. that being said, all is not lost! I recommend you add Holy Weapon to your spell list to really pile the holy spirit energy into your sword. every attack you make with the enchanted weapon deals extra radiant damage, and you can even end the spell early to deal a massive blast of damage that can blind enemies.
18. eighteenth level is pretty plain, at least on paper. all of your auras grow in size, covering a 30’ radius instead of a 10’ one. once again, it’s plain, but effective.
19. for our last ASI, we’ll take a crack at fixing up your HP without increasing your constitution any. with the Inspiring Leader feat, you can give up to six friendly creatures (including yourself) temporary HP. this takes ten minutes, and you can’t do it again until you finish another short rest, but it’ll give you an extra 20 plus HP to work with, which is nothing to sneeze at.
20. our final level turns you into an Emissary of Redemption, not only giving you resistance to all damage from creatures, but a reflective radiant damage shield that hits back whenever you get hurt. the only catch is this stops working on any creature you attack or cast a spell on for the rest of the day. still, it’s nice to give people a chance before you whoop them.
Pros & Cons:
your protective auras are massive, probably the biggest we’ve ever had on this blog. that means you don’t have to worry about positioning yourself to give everyone a hand nearly as much as most paladin builds.
with your semi-permanent resistance to damage and all your self-healing options, you’re surprisingly durable given your low constitution. fighting is really all about not dying, if you think about it, so you’re ahead of the game!
you’re damn good at perusasion, intimidation, and insight, making you pretty well suited to being the party face! depending on how much you play up the “lawful” part of lawful good, I guess.
ironically, one of your biggest cons is your Con...stitution. sure we get plenty of ways to deal with it by the end of the build, but before your capstone you’re pretty frail for a paladin. especially one that is supposed to be taking hits for the rest of the party.
ngl this build feels a little plain to me. admittedly it’s nice to not have to juggle three different classes for once, but there’s not a ton going on that makes me think of this specifically as “Jacques de Molay”. admittedly this one’s more of a personal gripe- it’s nobody’s fault that arcade gave him a skillset that just happens to match the baseline D&D paladin.
speaking of “generic paladin problems”, you don’t get any ranged attacks this way. pray you don’t have to fight too many flying enemies. and if you have to fight angels, just run.
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kasunex · 8 months
You know, I was going to say that I had "two nickels for everytime" NeroHaku and Aikoto reminded me of one another. But, the more I thought about it, the more I realized there actually are a good few parallels between the two. Which is interesting, since I had never really thought about them as being all that similar.
1) In CCC, Nero says that what she wants in a relationship is to remain by Hakuno's side and protect them.
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Meanwhile, Aigis repeatedly expresses a deeply held desire to remain by Makoto's side and protect him.
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“You are very special to me… I do not know why, but I always want to be by your side… I want to protect you..."
2) In Extella, Hakuno is left comatose in a bad end. Nero collapses over him, professing her affections and begging Hakuno to wake up.
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When Makoto dies, he does so in Aigis' lap as she tells him about how she wants to be by his side, always.
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Both of them have allusions to "sleeping" when they are truly dying, though Aigis tells Makoto it's ok to sleep - not knowing he is dying - while Nero is begging Hakuno to awaken, fully aware that Hakuno is not well.
3) Aigis carries Makoto bridal style in PQ if she is picked as his partner.
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Nero carries Hakuno bridal style in Last Encore, Extella, and Extra Record.
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Assuming male Hakuno, in both cases it's the girl holding the guy rather than the more common reverse.
4) The Persona Official Magazine refers to Aigis and Makoto's meeting as being "fated".
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Similarly, Hakuno is alluded to as Nero's "fated spouse" in Fate/Grand Order.
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In both cases, it's only in Japanese. The Persona Official Magazine wasn't translated into English, while the NA version of FGO doesn't have the "fated" part for whatever reason.
5) Both pairings have an alternative option who is hypothetically on even footing, up to player choice...but in practice relegated to a jealous third wheel. For Nero and Hakuno, it's Tamamo, for Aigis and Makoto it's Yukari.
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6) In terms of the characters themselves, both Aigis and Nero are socially eccentric, although in opposite ways. Aigis is more formal, if sometimes inept, Nero is aggressively outgoing. Both are also the more affectionate and more battle-prone of their pairings. Both are indifferent to their partner's gender, Nero's relationship being the same with male and female Hakuno while Aigis falls for FeMC all the same as Makoto. And both Aigis and Nero are criticized by fans for being given "favoritism" by the writers.
7) Hakuno and Makoto, aside from both being JRPG protagonists, don't have a ton in common...at least, unless we're counting Last Encore. The technically-not-Hakuno-but-still-Hakuno of that anime has the same broody introvert vibe going that Makoto does.
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8) Both pairings have a scene where the antagonist wipes one of their minds and tries to turn them against each other, only for the character to snap out of it through their love. In Persona 3, Aigis is brainwashed by Ikutsuki, but she snaps out of it when she looks into Makoto's eyes.
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In CCC, BB tries to delete Nero, and though that fails, Nero is stuck comatose. Hakuno dives into her subconscious to revive her, but is confronted with an inner version of Nero who doesn't remember them. Inner Nero is disinterested, even hostile towards Hakuno, but she falls for them again and defends them against BB despite that.
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9) One in both pairings is an AI. Aigis is a robot and Hakuno is…well, literally an AI.
10) Both have a scene where they hug after forgetting about one another.
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So if I had a nickel for everytime NeroHaku and Aikoto paralleled one another, I would have...50c. And that's not even two nickels at that point. That's two quarters.
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zeravmeta · 2 years
how i be looking telling people to purchase mahou tsukai no yoru, also known as witch of the holy night, a visual novel written by kinoko nasu available on ps4 and nintendo switch december 8th and currently out for preorder online for the intention of opening up official translation for all nasuverse works still stuck in translation for their own global remakes and for the ultimate purpose of having the inevitable fgo console remake as a full proper visual novel for everyone to read in its rawest truest form free from the constraints of a mobile game
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ladyjuquia · 8 months
!!! LB6 SPOILER !!!
I will never not think about the official NA Translation
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Like keep in mind the Fan-Translation the whole time was this one
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Translation by Raizu Stash on YouTube
It’s the specific change from „for those I love“ to „for the one I love“ that gets me it sounds very specific. I am a Tristan Yumejoshi so of course this is just free food for me but like this is really a direct hit into my heart and I will never recover from it.
Reading this Line the first time made me scream and feel like
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Truly thanks FGO for the Food I am on my knees. This goes even better hand in hand considering I once made these posts before the official NA release of Lostbelt 6 where I only had the Fan-Translation but with this it works even better oh my god
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actual-haise · 10 months
You know it sucks how much isekai slop light novels get licensed and officially translated and yet not a SINGLE Fate light novel is here in the west FGO is raking in DOUGH you'd think they'd done that years ago I think Apocrypha did never get a full fan TL either unless I somehow missed the last volume getting TL'd And sure I own the japanese novels but I'd buy an official TL in a HEARTBEAT
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hoodiedoodles · 8 months
i really like the side-story in the Case Files event, even if it's a little messy at times
the story of FGO is frequently at it's best when its JUST guda and one or two fellow servants (see: the start of LB1, shinjuku, Shimousa even if I don't like that one) so the choice to have it just be Guda and Faker was really nice
the commentary on the "theseus paradox" of "even if this version of you dies, and you remember it only as a dream, would it still be worth saving"? to which the answer is "yes, because i'm still alive now" was very very goodciv, im a sucker for that
Guda almost dies which is great I'm also a sucker for them experiencing unimaginable suffering
not really sure how i feel about the whole Hephaistion-Mneomnosyne thing, esp since i dont think a second part was ever mentioned in the original event, but it seemed like a handwave for why Faker was summonable so i don't really care
seeing Faker go from "cocky jerk who only wants to get out" to "burning her spirit origin to ash, summoning the one person she vowed never to face again, and not even wanting an answer to her question because saving this one tiny, insignificant fragment that she vowed to remember" OHHHHHHHHHHH thats the GOOD SHIT
Faker is a person who was a fragment of another man, and was forgotten. Even if she doesn't want to admit it, that hurt her deeply and eternally, and she refuses to see it happen again while she can do something about it
Also her summoning fuckin Ionoi Hetaroi while "You are my King" plays in the background was peak
Even if it wasn't the best written side-story, and was kind of slapdash, I deeply deeply enjoyed the plot for its vibes alone
Now if only they could officially translate Case Files/Adventures so i could FUCKIN READ THE THINGS TALKED ABOUT
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tainbocuailnge · 1 year
Hey, thank you for posting the altus academy link! I had to drop fgo for addiction reasons and thanks to that I've been finally able to start catching up without melting my brain. I'm coming up on LB6 though, which obviously is the last officially translated chapter.
If I wanted to keep going, is it possible to get the rayshift translations on something similar to atlus academy? Or are translated youtube videos basically my best bet?
glad to hear that! atlas has rayshift translations integrated for the chapters that have them since its run by the same people. go to a script page and check for "other version" in the script information. they have this for LB6 as well, but if you want to read stuff beyond that you have to switch the dataset to the japanese game through the flags at the top right first
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Hello, I've just gotten into your story, Passing Days, and I love it so far. I just want to ask, given what happens after all the lostbelts are resolved and if this question wasn't posted to you yet, how Vy will react to ordeal call? Will it basically be a slap to the face after everything she went through given that the Human Order prevents her from resolving the entire situation on the basis of being a foreign outlaw for repeatedly utilizing servants from the extra classes?
(_ _) Thank you for enjoying Passing Days so far.
As for your question, I'm awake at 4-5 am again, so I'll be brief.
I don't know if I'm going to even cover Ordeal Call, or as I like to call it recently, "Ordeal Stall." It reads like a GIANT slap in the face when thinking about it in Vy's POV, there's more nightmare/angst porn in the canon story to give Part 2 a run for its money, and well...
When a lot of FGO has been running on The Power of Friendship with the Servants, for Ordeal Stall to say that very same power of friendship is abusing the Extra Classes after the Foreign God and so many others already broke the rules--
I'm not keen on the arc. Heck, I'm in the place of outright hating it too. So well. Might just skip it entirely. Or just write something else.
Because when the Avenger Ordeal Call had me go into a real life breakdown from events mimicking the work stress I had with a real life friend - my first work friend at my current job - outright betraying me like Dantes did in stringing up Ritsuka to handle their trauma, not to mention the recent Moon Cancer Ordeal Call making me emotionally numb for a day and a half, I can safely say Ordeal Stall sucks and I do not have the energy to deal with that shit right now.
Once NA gets the official translation, we'll see.
TLDR: Ordeal Call is absolute bullshit in my eyes and I don't got the energy to process it right now when writing this answer alone is making me tear up on an early Saturday morning. Even took Dantes off my Support List too for his Ordeal Call bullshit. So fuck Nasu.
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shuttershocky · 10 months
If Type-Moon are serious about English translations for their titles going forward, they need to hire a guy whose sole job is ensuring style consistency across titles.
You cannot be calling them 'oni' in FGO and then 'ogres' in Fate/Samurai Remnant while also having an enemy in Samurai Remnant be called 'Blue Oni' anyway. The original Fate/Extra also used "Legendary Souls" and "Formalwear" in place of "Heroic Spirits" and "Mystic Codes". FGO and Melty Blood Actress Again also use family name - given name even for modern Japanese characters like Ryougi Shiki and Tohno Shiki, but Mahoyo and Melty Blood Type Lumina use the given name - family name format so you get Aoko Aozaki and Alice Kuonji (to say nothing about 'Soujyuro')
None of this even touches how bad the official English releases of the Heaven's Feel movies in Southeast Asia were, where the subtitles would have 'Tohsaka', "Tousaka", "Toosaka", and "Tōsaka" all in the same movie, and even in the same lines.
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