#fiercely protective obi-wan >>>>
archivistofnerddom · 3 months
In the last few years, Star Wars has really been giving some great content about:
Girl Dads and the (adopted) daughters they love, support, and protect completely
Bail Organa and Leia Organa (“Obi-Wan Kenobi”)
Hunter and Omega (“The Bad Batch”)
Master Sol and Osha (and Jecki as well, if I’m being honest) (“The Acolyte”)
Boy Moms/Mother Figures who love and fiercely defend the boys they’ve adopted
Beru Whitesun Lars and Luke Skywalker (“Obi-Wan Kenobi”)
Maarva Andor and Cassian Andor (“Andor”)
With bonus points to:
Girl Mom Breha Organa who is a moderating force to her husband and daughter while also being a loving and supportive guiding figure
Boy Dad/Uncle Owen Lars who just wants to keep an innocent boy safe in a terrible galaxy for as long as possible
Boy Dad Clem Andor who also saw a scared boy and gave him a safe place to call home
Girl Dads/Uncles/Big Brothers Tech, Wrecker, Crosshair, and Echo who also give Omega everything she needs to survive and a family to love completely
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tennessoui · 8 months
it's been so long since i did a sith obi-wan au so like - how about an au where the sith are almost as established as the jedi (a temple, an order, followers numbering in the hundreds/thousands) but things are a bit more diplomatic in the galaxy (it's definitely tense but not all out war just yet)
so both the sith and jedi orders are alerted to a new rising power in the outer rim.....on tatooine of all places. a slave rebellion, led by shmi skywalker, has toppled the hutts. it's said that this new leader, queen of tatooine, has the Force's favor....but more importantly than that, shmi skywalker is a new galactic player, with a lot of money and a lot of support.....and a son of marriageable age.
cue both the jedi and the sith sending a delegation to tatooine - ostensibly to nurture galactic relations between their orders and the new power, but also to lowkey seduce shmi skywalker's son into marriage/a relationship because everyone knows that a parent's heart follows their children's happiness.
sith!obi-wan aka darth solence is selected to lead the sith seduction attempt. he's pretty confident - after all, he's led hundreds of seduction missions at this point, and he'd suffer a thousand different humiliations for the sake of the order of the sith who took him in after the jedi sent him to the agricorps.
the only problem is that he arrives on tatooine and shmi skywalker's son, anakin, is the most bland, boring, two-dimensional boy to ever breathe. he's completely uninterested in politics, in history, in the Force---he'd rather talk about pod-racing and--and Coruscanti daytime holo shows than anything of actual interest!
good thing the prince's manservant, kitster, is almost always hanging around. he's wrong about many things, obi-wan finds, but he's passionate. passionate and beautiful. oh, he loves pod-racing just as much as the prince, but he's fascinated by the Force and ready to tear obi-wan's eyes out over a passing negative observation on a droid. and did obi-wan mention that he's beautiful? with his golden curls and sky blue eyes and fierce scowl and broad shoulders and prominent eyebrows and even more prominent lips? the sith, as a general rule, appreciate passion, anger. beauty. obi-wan adores them as well.
but kitster the man servant isn't the person obi-wan has been flown to tatooine to seduce--he's duty-bound to seduce prince anakin. even if being around him feels like pulling his teeth out with rusty pliers.
if only obi-wan knew that shmi skywalker is more suspicious about the galaxy than she lets on. more protective of her son, too. if only he knew that her son, anakin, had a best friend growing up named kitster, who owed them both just enough life-debts to convince him to trade places with shmi's son for the length of the delegations' visit.
it's an easy sell after all -- who doesn't want to be a prince for a few weeks, no harm done?
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Star Wars request! Could I have one where anakin has a Padawan only a couple years younger than him and he’s secretly in love with her and is fiercely protective to the point that obi-wan points it out regularly and one night after being flirted with by a fellow student, anakin goes a little too far and ends up confessing his feelings for her in private? Lots of fluff please thanks 😊
Word count: 1.8 K.
From the start, you were opposed to being Anakin’s Padawan for two reasons: first, he was a rule- breaker, and second, he was very handsome. You were afraid that you might develop feelings for him- attachment, which was forbidden for a Jedi. However, since it was the Council’s decision, you couldn’t object. What would you even tell them?
Your fear became reality, but you convinced yourself that you could control your emotions- or so you thought.
It didn’t help that he was always so protective of you; some would even say overprotective. In a way, you enjoyed it, but on the other hand, it felt like he was keeping you from reaching your full potential. This led to many arguments between the two of you.
Fortunately, Obi-Wan was on your side most of the time, telling Anakin that he needed to have faith in you, that letting you take risks and go on missions alone was the only way for you to improve and eventually become a Jedi knight.
Anakin would eventually let you go on missions alone, but the ones he chose were usually safe. There were a few exceptions, but these were typically the Council’s orders. 
When you returned, he’d often reprimand you for getting injured, giving you a lecture about how you should be more careful. It always ended with him saying this was why he didn’t like sending you on such missions. This was rich, coming from him-  the most reckless person you’d ever met.
What you didn’t understand was why he acted this way with you. He didn’t treat anyone else like this- not with his former Master, his friends, or his troops.
Then, one night, everything became clear.
You were returning from a dangerous mission on one of the Outer Rim planets. The mission had been a success, but you were seriously injured while defending your men. 
The minute the ship landed, Anakin rushed to check on you, as he always did. But this time, you weren’t there to greet him. Instead, it was one of your men. When he didn’t see you, his heart sank.
“Where is she?” Anakin demanded, anger bubbling beneath the surface.
“The infirmary, she’s-“.
Before the poor man could finish his sentence, Anakin pushed past him, making his way to you. He was furious- angry at your men for failing to protect you, at you for putting yourself in danger, and at himself for allowing this to happen.
But all that anger evaporated the moment he saw you unconscious in the infirmary, your face covered in bruises and cuts. His anger was replaced by worry and fear of losing you.
“How is she?” Anakin asked the medical droid.
“She sustained serious injuries, but she’s doing much better now. I recommend rest and a few days away from missions requiring heavy physical activity”.
He sat quietly at the edge of your bed, watching the steady rise and fall of your chest. He was about to reach for your hand when your eyes fluttered open.
“Master?” Your vision was still a bit blurry.
“I’m here”.
You examined your surroundings, slowly remembering where you were. Realizing the situation, your eyes widened. You knew you were in a lot of trouble “Master, I can explain-“.
“Rest now. We’ll talk later” Anakin said, sensing your panic. As much as he wanted to scold you and know exactly what happened, now was not the time.
The following evening, you were almost fully recovered when a fellow Jedi friend invited you to celebrate your victory at a cantina. Needing to relax after such a grueling mission, you agreed.
Anakin went to check on you, but when you weren’t in the infirmary and your commlink was turned off, his frustration grew. He searched for you everywhere, his patience wearing thin. When one of your fellow Jedi sensed his distress and approached him, Anakin asked about your whereabouts.
Upon hearing you were at the cantina, his heart skipped a beat. Fearing the worst, he rushed there, and when he found you, his fears weren’t entirely unfounded.
You were on the dance floor with a couple other Padawans, one of whom was shamelessly flirting with you. You spoke to him kindly, which Anakin immediately misinterpreted as flirting. Seeing you laughing and being friendly with the Padawan was the last straw.
He strode toward you, gripping your wrist as he leaned in “Can I speak to you in private?”.
“Yes, Master. But can’t it wait until tomorrow?” you pleaded.
“Now, Y/n” he ordered.
“Alright, alright”.
He led the way out of the cantina, his grip on your wrist tight enough that it started to hurt.
“Slow down, Anakin. You’re hurting me”.
Anakin stopped, his eyes dropping to your wrist. He immediately let go, the fear of having hurt you flashing across his face. The last thing he wanted was to cause you pain.
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“Get in the speeder” he commanded.
You complied, knowing better than to argue with him when he was like this, though his sudden aggression confused you.
The ride back to the temple was silent. Once you arrived, he led you into the temple and straight to his private quarters. Realizing where you were, you hesitated- this was the first time you’d been in his room.
“Come in and close the door behind you” he said, his voice stern but tinged with something softer. A mix of thrill and nervousness filled you as you shut the door and turned to face him. You could sense there was more than anger in his emotions- something deeper, familiar.
“Master, if this is about what happened on the mis-”.
“It’s not” he interrupted. There was a long, awkward silence as he seemed to wrestle with what he wanted to say,
“Then what is it about?” you asked, stepping closer, narrowing the distance between you.
“It’s about you. How reckless you are. You were seriously injured just a day ago, and now you’re out celebrating like nothing happened” he began, struggling to keep his anger in check.
“The recklessness, I learned from you, Master. We won- it was hard, but we made it. So yeah, celebrating seemed like a good idea”.
“Well, it’s not. You should be resting. And not everything I do is something you should be doing too” his voice started rising.
“That’s not fair. You never rest. I have learned so much from you, I’ve become a better fighter because of you. And now what? You’re mad because I’ve taken risks, just like you always do?”.
“It’s different for me” he snapped, stepping closer, his voice harsh now “I can handle the risks. You… you shouldn’t have to”.
“Why? Because I’m not as strong as you?” you glared at him, refusing to back down.
“No! Because I ca-” his voice faltered for a moment, but then quickly shifted, his frustration fueling his next words. “I saw you. You were just injured, and there you were, laughing, celebrating with them like nothing’s wrong. And him-” his voice turned sharp with bitterness “that Padawan, flirting with you like you’re just some… some prize, while I was worried sick about you”.
Your eyes widened in realization, and you let out a disbelieving laugh “Is that what this is about? You’re angry because some Padawan flirted with me?”.
“I saw the way he looked at you! Like you were just another challenge to him. You were hurt, and instead of resting, you went to a cantina, where anyone could’ve taken advantage of you” Anakin clenched his fists.
“He was just being nice. I can take care of myself” you shot back, stepping even closer.
“Nice? NICE?” Anakin scoffed, his voice rising with disbelief “I saw the way he touched your arm, the way he stood too close to you. It wasn’t just ‘nice’. I know the likes of him. In your normal state, I have no doubt in your abilities, but you were still recovering. He could’ve-”.
“You’re overreacting, Anakin. He wasn’t going to do anything. I’ve handled worse situations”.
“I’m not overreacting” Anakin grunted, taking another step toward you “I’m trying to protect you”.
“Protect me?” you scoffed, feeling your anger rise to match his. “I don’t need you to. I’m not some helpless child. I know how to defend myself. I’ve done it time and time again”.
“That’s not the point. I can’t just stand by and watch” he said, his voice breaking ”I can’t- I can’t lose you” his anger melted into something else, something raw and vulnerable. You could see how hesitant he was about the last four words.
“What? you asked in a voice barely above a whisper as shock settled in.
Anakin’s eyes finally met yours. They were softer, calmer than when the night began “I can’t lose you” he repeated, this time with more conviction. “I can’t stand the thought of you getting hurt, of something happening to you” his words were filled with pain, as if the weight of them was finally sinking in.
You stood there, staring at him, your heart pounding in your chest as the tension between you became almost unbearable “Anakin… what are you saying?”.
He looked away, his jaw clenching “I’m saying…it’s more than just concern for you as my Padawan. It’s not just that I want to protect you because it’s my duty” he exhaled sharply, running a hand through his hair as if searching for the right words. “It’s because I care about you. More than I should. I know it’s not right. I know I’m not supposed to feel this way. I’ve tried to ignore it, bury it, push it away, but I can’t”.
“Anakin, I-”  you whispered, trying to process everything.
“I don’t expect you to feel the same” he took a step back “I know it complicates things, but I couldn’t keep this bottled up. I couldn’t just pretend anymore, not when I thought I could lose you. I needed you to know. I care about you more than anything else in this galaxy, and the thought of losing you terrifies me. I will do anything you ask”.
For a long moment, the two of you stood there in silence, the weight of his confession pressing down on you. Then, slowly, you stepped forward, closing the distance between you once again “Anakin…” you said softly, your hand reaching out to gently caress his cheek. 
Anakin’s breath hitched at your touch, his eyes closing for a moment as if he were trying to gather himself.
“You’re not the only one who’s been pretending” you confessed. 
His eyes slowly opened, and you could see the flicker of surprise in them as he searched your face, trying to understand what you were saying.
“I care about you too. So much that it scares me sometimes” you admitted, swallowing hard “I tried to deny it, to fight it, and for a while, it worked. But now… this- this changes everything”.
“You…you care about me?” he asked, trying to hide his joy, still not believing what he was hearing.
“I do” you nodded, feeling the air grow thin as your breaths became heavier.
Anakin leaned in, his forehead gently resting against yours. His breath was warm, mingling with yours as he closed his eyes and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips.
Taglist: @mother-dragon-and-her-hatchlings
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fromasgardandback · 1 year
Not A Damsel In Distress
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Princess!Reader
description: A Sith Lord kidnaps you and you’re saved from a handsome Jedi Master.
word count: 1.3k
masterlist | oneshots
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It was another typical day on your planet. You were a princess of the kingdom, a loving ruler to your people, and a kind-hearted woman who everyone adored. You were fearless, a fighter, and a smart mouth when need be. Your elders did not like that, but who are they to comment when you were the one to end the civil war they started? You knew your place and what your duties were. You took your job very seriously, but when a powerful Sith Lord comes to your home planet and demands to either destroy every last living creature or take you, you did not hesitate to follow. 
“You are a fool if you think that by killing me, you would be gaining my people and their planet. They are fierce, loyal, and honorable people.” You started fighting against the chains that held you to the cold, condensation concrete wall.
“And you princess are naïve. We did not take you because of your people and their “loyalty”. Your home planet drives on a powerful force that preserves life forms. You were in the way, we took you. Your home planet is blowing up as we speak.” One of the generals posted outside your cell talked back to you. You couldn’t help but chuckle at his stupidity.
“You are a fool. They will fight to the death to protect the given right to our natural elements. Nor do you know how to use them. You would not be able to use them correctly or to their full potential. Only certain people who are still alive on the planet know how to use these natural elements properly.” You spat at them, a slight smirk curling at the corner of your lips. “That would be such a shame to kill everyone, including the people you need to use the tool you’re looking for. Oh, but alas, you’ll never find them. Such a pity.” You smirked harder when the door opened to reveal the general standing outside your cell with an angry look.
“Back away, general. We need her alive.” Another voice followed, soon to take the form of a tall, older, gray-haired man. “Count Dooku. A pleasure to meet you, princess.” He creepily stared down at you with a serial killer smile. 
“Count Dookie. Nice to meet you too. Say, which one of these bozos learned their wits from you. I can smell the desperation since we landed.” You smiled innocently as if you had not just insulted the Sith Lord.
“Keep it up. You won’t be showing your quick wits much longer. I don’t need you conscious to get what I need from you.” With that comment, he turned and walked away from your cell. The loud, metal-clinking doors closed, and as night settled in, you started to lose faith in someone coming to rescue you.
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“Master Kenobi, we need your help. Our princess was taken by the Imperial Empire. We have valuable natural elements of our planet that they want. Please help us.” The kingdom elders spoke desperately in the hologram message R2D2 played.
“We need to find the Princess, Master. She is highly acclaimed and knowingly fighting against the Imperial armies.” Anakin said crossing his arms, looking at the hologram.
“I know the Princess personally. She is a fighter. Tell your men we are ready to leave.” Obi-Wan sternly said, nodding towards Anakin. What Obi-Wan didn’t tell Anakin was how he knew the Princess. They met on Corasaunt when she came to talk to the council about having Jedi assistance. She was fierce and quick-witted, and even though it was against the Jedi Code, Obi-Wan fell for her. Rather fast that it surprised him.
Obi-Wan, Anakin, and the 501st landed their ships in the docking bay of the Imperial ship. Anakin ordered Rex to go search the area for any known threat and the two Jedi searched for the kidnapped Princess. You sat there waiting to be rescued, listening to the droids continuously say “roger roger” over their intercoms every time they got an order. It became a game that each time they responded with the double word. Although you forced yourself to find some peace and solace in your cell. Besides th droids being completely annoying and useless, it was rather quiet. A little while longer you heard the electric sound of lightsabers being used down the hall.
“Secure the Princess. They’ve come to save her.” A general droid said to the other lower life form droids.
“Roger Roger.” The comment only made you laugh, and a little too loudly.
“Come here, Jedi.” They said going to shoot them, but instead came falling to the floor.
“I’ll get the Princess. Find Count Dooku.” Obi-Wan instructed Anakin.
“Yes, Master,” Anakin responded leaving. Obi-Wan used the Force to open the cell doors and release you of your chains.
“Master Kenobi. How’d you find me?” You smiled thankfully, watching him release you.
“Princess Y/N, Sith Lords are our specialty,” Obi-Wan smirked cutting your ties loose. You rubbed your wrists where the chains had been and followed Obi-Wan out.
“Fighting is mine.” You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck, and hugging him closely. “Thank you for saving me, Obi. I knew it would be a Jedi. I’m delighted that it was you.” You tried to fight back the blush creeping onto your cheeks.
“I couldn’t let my best girl be taken forever, now could I?” He smugly smiled. You rolled your eyes at his playful antics, a side only you got to see.
“Let’s get out of here, I practically know my way around this forsaken ship.” You followed behind him. Once you got into the elevator and no cameras, people, or droids around, you sneakily leaned up and kissed his cheek. His face started to turn a shade of red as the doors opened to reveal a disgruntled-looking Anakin. His hair was all over the place and he was slightly panting.
“Anakin, are you ok?” You asked him, tenderly looking out for your secret love’s Padawan.
“I am fine, Princess. Thank you for your concern.” Anakin nodded placing his lightsaber back on his belt. “I found Count Dooku.” Not long after his sentence, the Count came down the hall after Anakin, lightsaber in hand.
“Princess.” Dooku seethed. “A shame you must die for your actions here.”
“Ah, Count Dookie. Tell me, did you wake up one day and decide to be an evil white-out raisin with no personal life but following orders as a pitiful man because you have no backbone or what?” You said putting your hands on your hips. Both Anakin and Obi-Wan tried to keep in their chuckle, but both failed to do so laughing at your quickness.
“You think you’re smart, Princess. I will not hesitate to destroy you.” But what he didn’t take into account was that your insult was a distraction that had the Count flustered long enough for Obi and Anakin could apprehend him.
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“It’s a beautiful night,” Obi-Wan commented looking at the sky on your balcony overlooking the ocean on your home planet.
“It is stunning. I wake up to this each morning.” You said looking up at him. “You could enjoy this view every morning too. I told you, you were welcome anytime.” You gently placed a fallen hair behind his ear.
“I wish I could. It’s against the order, you know that.” Obi-Wan sadly looked down.
“Attachments are forbidden. Love is not an attachment, only a pure gift few get to indulge in. Indulge in it with me, even if it’s just for the night?” You pleaded with him, gently holding one side of his face in your hand.
“For you, I’d give up the order.” Obi-Wan closed the gap between the both of you. He held you close to his chest, kissing you deeper with years of emotion.
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kingdomhate · 11 months
Getting Them Pets (Part two)
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Luke Skywalker: You both had agreed you wanted something to take care of, and given your guys' history with other animals: stray dogs, cats, birds, fish and a few bunnies, it was no problem. The only problem was: what to get? Luke wants a couple hamsters, and you? You wanted a rabbit. Now, as you and Luke speak to store-owners and even random traders, you cannot seem to find neither.
Sighing, Luke thanks the store owner and walks out with you. "I don't think today's our day." He frowns, crossing his arms to his chest. "What? Have a little faith, Luke." You urge, determined to get a pet. "You're right." He sighs a bit, regaining his normal smile. As you both walk down the road, you see a pen, filled with a group of pigs, chickens and two cows. In the big group of mud covered pigs, you can make out a tiny little figure, it was sniffing the mud and eating some scraps. "Oh!" You gasp, eyes lighting up with a radiant fire. "Luke, let's go here!" You practically scream with excitement and hope. "Huh? Why? What is it, Y\N?" He tilts his head, but you grab his arm and scramble over to the store. "Can I help you?" The owner asks, his voice bored and uninterested. "Yes! I'd like the baby pig that you have in the back." The store owner nods. "Sure. $230." He demands, and Luke's face contorts in disbelief, but seeing that your mood resembled determination and fierceness, he paid. The owner gave you the piglet, which was actually a girl. That night, you both had a fun time giving the piglet a bath, staying up discussing name ideas and just having fun getting to know the new addition to your family.
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Anakin Skywalker: It was the first time you guys discussed anything of the sort. Ani asked you multiple questions regarding what kind of pet, what would it be, look like, etc. Of course, you had no idea what you wanted, so you did a LOT of research on what could be suitable for a couple. Ultimately, you decided a bunny would be good, coming to Anakin with the idea wasn't going to be difficult.
And it wasn't. Quickly, you both travelled to the planet in which the bunny was likely to be in, picked one (and had fun petting, feeding and playing with the others) and then bought it. Along with the crate, food, collective toys and a few treats and a cozy little interior. The bunny was a fluffy white girl, in which the naming seemed perfect, you wanted to settle for Leah, or Amy. Again, the idea with Ani was settled as soon as he heard the names. In the end, Leah was picked. The three of you eager to start a new chapter of your lives.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Immediately, he was open to the idea. Knowing it was something like a new chapter, and you seemed very adamant and enthusiastic about the idea of a pet. Even better, you had a plan for which one and damn, did you have a great convincing plan. However, Obi-Wan being the kind, open-minded man, he did not need convincing (or at least too much, seeing as though looking at you convinced him in the first place.)
So, you both started your journey for a Belgian Malinois, a stubborn, alert and protective dog breed. The thought of having something as intimate as a shared pet to strengthen your bond was something that sparked excitement and determination in your heart. As you met the breeder of the herding dog, Obi-Wan started speaking of how it was your and his first pet and you had been very set on a Belgian Shepherd. The breeder nodded in understanding, indulging Obi-Wan in a short conversation about the breed, as you went to observe the dogs and puppies. The gorgeous amber eyes, black muzzles and a combination of amber and black in the two layers of coat, made you swoon even more. Eventually, the breeder and Obi-Wan disengaged and went over to pick one, and yet again, you found the perfect one: a boy, and about a year old so not impossible to teach. You plead with your boyfriend for the dog and he caves in easily, the breeder offers a reasonable amount of money and you two bring the dog back home. At first, he was weary, but he came to after a few months, now as loving and compassionate as you dreamed.
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jetii · 2 months
i have a confession to make
Reader in Event Horizon has become a fully fledged OC with a mind of her own. she kinda always has been? I won’t change how the story is written, but if you want to know more about her I put some of my info dumping below the cut.
Soma “Goldie” Anathorn
Age 30 at the start of the Clone Wars
Female human from Brentaal IV
Sentinel class, training to be an investigator before the events of Event Horizon
She’s been a part of the Order since she was a toddler, and she was placed in the Kybeck Clan with Obi-Wan out of the crêche.
They’ve been (mostly) inseparable ever since.
She wields two yellow lightsabers. She primarily practices form VI during combat unless she’s throwing her shoto around, then she defaults to Form II.
She nearly fell to her death during her trip to Ilum because a second kyber crystal called out to her. Obi-Wan had to save her, and he never lets her forget it.
Soma has a reputation among the Jedi for being stubborn and reckless. It was cemented after she ran away as a tween and got lost in the lower levels for days, only to be rescued and dragged back by Mace Windu.
She’s never been able to overcome that reputation, and she’s a little obsessed with the Council's opinions about her.
Because of their rebellious streaks, few Masters wanted to take Soma or Obi-Wan as Padawans. Soma had always admired Qui-Gon’s free spirit and approach to the Code, and she was disappointed when he seemingly chose Obi-Wan over her.
She initially saw Yaddle becoming her Master as a punishment, but she became very fond of her quickly after Yaddle wore her down with her unending patience and kindness.
Anakin is the one who nicknames her “Goldie,” a sarcastic reference to her being the Council’s (not) Golden Child and her lightsabers.
Soma becomes a Knight in 32 BBY, and she becomes a Master and a General at the start of the Clone Wars.
She doesn’t get her own battalion right away, but when she does, she loves and protects them fiercely. She forms a close bond with her commander immediately (so excited to share more of that later).
Stopping here to avoid spoilers but I have so much to yap about!!
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just-a-repa · 10 days
Here's my modern AU's part 2
Part 1 is here
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It's Rael and Qui-Gon's turn next!
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Here is the full height chart
(I really didn't get the proportions right I'm sorry)
I got Rael a biker outfit cuz he would either wear the most low effort or the most outrageous fits, it just depends on his mood lmao
Qui-Gon is just a hippie
Edit: I forgot to mention Rael is bisexual and Qui-Gon is aroace
Rael's father left when he found out Jocasta was pregnant with him, so he was born in a maternity home in 1947. He was very lucky that he survived, mostly thanks to his mom's fierce protectiveness. Because of this, Jo and Rael have a really special bond
He was very young when Dooku came into their life, yet they didn't meet much, so his mom getting married was a big and hard change for him (he was around 4 here)
He was wary of Dooku at first but Dooku was very understanding and loving, so even if slowly, they formed a bond
He was bullied in school though for not resembling his stepdad, so Doo and Jo had to threaten a few kids and even teachers. As a teen he got into trouble a lot for drinking, smoking etc.
As a young adult, he fucked around quite a bit, then accidentally had Fanry whom ended up living with him, so he stopped that habit of his. Then a few years later he adopted Nim. (she is still older than Fanry) Rael works as a detective
Qui-Gon was born in 1952 as Dooku's and Jocasta's biological son, when Rael was 5 years old. He has a stronger connection to his dad due to seeing him more. Kindest, sweetest muffin of the family until Rael got to him lmao. Don't let him fool you, he was just as much trouble as big brother was. He is THE hippie if the family. Moved very close to his parents when he was an adult
He really wanted a kid, but as an aroace he decided to adopt instead and this is how Obi-Wan came into his life. Much later, when Obi was 25, Shmi, Qui-Gon's close friend died, so he took Anakin in. Qui-Gon works as a gardener in a botancial garden
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wolfs-writing-den · 5 months
Snippet #1 - Aftermath
Obi-Wan and Dragon!Anakin escape, with the main casualty being Anakin’s arm. This is the late-night, unedited, rambling edition of a conversation that comes later- after the reveal that Dragon!Anakin is In Fact Vader The Sith.
Dw tho. I’m sure things go fine later. Mace is gonna be thrilled.
•Snippet Below!•
“Vader… your arm needs treatment. This ship’s kit barely has a decent strip of bacta, you need professional medical treatment-“
“Then drop me off at the next spaceport, and go home, Obi-wan.”
The Jedi seemed torn, and at that he could only growl through clenched teeth. The room swayed, another flash of pain left him almost breathless, clouding his senses and adding to the fog coating his thoughts.
Obi-Wan was shaking his head. Why was Obi-Wan shaking his head?
“I’m not going to abandon you.”
“Why not?!”
“Because you are injured! Severely!”
“That has never stopped anyone before!” Anakin’s growl turned thunderous, eyes flashing sickly golden-yellow. Obi-Wan faltered, before setting his jaw and staring back just as fiercely.
“Jedi do not just discard their allies- their friends- so easily.”
“Good, because I am neither-“ Anakin hissed, irritation and pain fueling his ire against this stubborn, stupid old man. “- I am a Monster, Jedi Knight. Worse even- a Sith Monster.” He spat, teeth sharpening into fangs even as a white-hot pounding in his bones warned against any further shift.
“I don't need your mercy or your help.”
The sad look he got from Obi-Wan in response only stoked the flames. With a bitter curse he moved to stand- only to try and brace himself with his missing hand. A guttural cry ripped from his throat as the roughly-bandaged remains of his forearm failed him, sending him to the floor in a rather inelegant heap.
Or well- he would’ve ended up there had Obi-Wan not caught him. He fell limp against the Jedi, his remaining hand clutching the other’s robes as he let himself be guided down to their knees. The gentleness and care that Obi-Wan took startled him, so abruptly different from his usual existence. It felt utterly surreal, like this was all merely a fever dream.
“No monster would’ve saved my young padawan like you did- no sith would’ve taken the care to ensure safe escape for all those slaves at the camp.”
“…” Anakin shivered, falling into the warmth of the Jedi holding him up, breathing ragged and broken. His arm burned, his senses felt muddled- the force was muted in a way it never had been before and instinctively, he knew it was associated with the loss of his arm. It would never be the same again.
“I- I am no friend of the Jedi.” His voice felt hoarse, and his words lost their bite. He was pretty sure he’d reopened something and was bleeding all over Obi-Wan. “You and Ahsoka don’t count. You’re both crazy.”
He got a quiet chuckle at that.
“But I’m serious. What do you think will happen when you bring me back to that fancy temple of yours on Coruscant?”
“You’ll get medical treatment, and proper care afterwards. You have valuable information- a deal could be struck for your safety. A sort of witness protection.”
Anakin could only blink up at the man owlishly, his sheer naivety astounding. “Obi-Wan…. I’ll be put in suppressing cuffs and thrown in the brig. They’ll torture whatever information they want out of me and then kill me if they know what’s good for them.”
Even before he was done talking, the other’s head was shaking ‘no’. Again. Damn him.
“Please- trust me. If you can’t trust the Jedi, trust in me. I won’t let your wounds go untreated- you lost your arm saving us, Vader. If you don’t get treatment now you may lose your life-“ his voice cracked, and to Anakin’s flagging consciousness, the emotion over something so trivial made absolutely no sense.
But… Obi-Wan believed it. The truth of his promise chimed out into the force, even muted as it was. He was so, so tired…..
“Fine.” He huffed, “do as you see fit.” Black spots flitted in and out of his vision- making his head hurt something fierce. He thought he may have heard his name being called as his eyes slid shut and he slumped against the warmth at his side- but he was unconscious again before it could matter.
Obi-wan was left holding his new charge- hoping desperately that he wasn’t making some horrible, horrible mistake.
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kangelane · 6 months
By chance we met, by choice we became friends
Summary: A twist on how Kenobi came to meet the varactyl Boga, during a fierce battle over Utapau.
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Suddenly, cutting through the silence was an aggressive loud hiss echoing around the chamber, originating from somewhere in front of him.
Alarmed, Kenobi’s head shot up and he squinted his eyes in direction of the sound. However, the pillar of light – in which he was engulfed – prevented him from seeing the source. Taking another deep breath, he reached out with the Force; localizing a surprisingly advanced intelligent life form lurking in the shadows, fairly big in size, zigzagging closer to his exposed position.
The distinct warning call had limited down the number of potential species it could be – at least within the catalogue Kenobi were familiar with – down to only a dozen. It was first when a curious beaked maw slowly emerged into the light, that Obi-Wan got a definite positive ID.
A varactyl.
The large feathers in a beautiful range from blue, green and deep purple were raised, making the large animal look even more massive and intimidating. Another high warning echoed around the room; a clear indication that Kenobi was definitely unwelcomed, intruding and trespassing.
The Jedi carefully stretched out with the Force again, to send out a message of peace and calm towards the stressed and territorial protective animal.
”Hello there,” Obi-Wan said in a warm soothing tone, still lying down on his side trying to keep his broken leg as immobile as possible. ”Sorry for unexpectedly dropping in on you like this, but it was purely an accident, I can assure you.”
Another shriek rang out, and the animal made a slight warningly lunge.
Keeping his calm, Kenobi’s hand rose slowly, palm open; an invitation for the large reptile to come closer. ”There now… I mean you no harm.” With trembling fingers still extending out his invitation, Kenobi tried his best to send out only calm serenity, despite how his whole body screamed of pain.
To his great relief, the slightly aggressive demeanour started to diminish. The big orange eyes were suddenly scrutinizing him, looking deep into his soul, doing it in such a unique way which only animals can; to check a man trustworthy or not.
Luckily, it seemed like Obi-Wan passed the test.
The approach from the varactyl shifted that instant. The aggressively raised feathers slowly lowered, the protective hostile manner fully gone.
Instead, the massive head fully popped inside the pillar of light, tilting about 45 degrees to mirror the same angle as the Jedi’s countenance. The strong beak glistened majestically in the naturally created spotlight; the golden and black maw allowed a questioning squeak to slip out. Taking the Jedi in, the tangerine eyes scanned over his broken body, landing on his injured leg, before returning to his sweaty face and then on his still welcoming shaking hand.
The large creature carefully closed the remaining distance between them, until the black tip of the beak made contact with the trembling fingers.
Read the whole story here:
~ Kangelane_Star Wars 🤓📚📖
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fionajames · 7 months
ethereal pt. II
A/N: Hey, guys! This part two of ethereal pt. I!!! So sorry for not posting as much, tests are running me over like a train rn. Enjoy!!! Send requests!!!!
(divider by @saradika-graphics)
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Previously on ‘Ethereal’..... “Can we please go now?” Rex asked, itching to get out of the garden. He glanced back at the house, staring at the candle’s flickering in the windows. He was holding Ahsoka close to his chest, worry evident on his face as she nodded eagerly.
“I suppose we should,” Obi-Wan agreed, brow furrowed. “But I am confused. How and why are the statues of us in this garden?” They all murmured their agreement, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation, but to no avail.
“Because,” a gentle, silky voice called from behind them and the five turned to see a young woman - around Anakin’s age - with stormy grey eyes, long wavy golden hair and tan skin, dressed in a strange white toga. “We’ve been awaiting your arrival.”
Now on ‘Ethereal’.....
Anakin had his lightsaber in his hand instantly, the blue glow scattering over his body like water. He grit his teeth and stretched his other arm out to protect the others. Ahsoka had her two lightsabers in his hands as she stood in front of Rex and Cody, all three of them covered in the green glow. Obi-Wan stood by Anakin’s side, hilt in hand but unactivated. Yet, he was covered in the glow of Anakin’s lightsaber.
“Pardon me, who are you?” Obi-Wan asked, stepping slightly ahead of Anakin, sending a wave of calm through their bond. The young woman smiled lightly, taking a step closer.
All three Jedi thought of Mortis. Although Ahsoka and Anakin couldn’t remember the times when they were under the influence of the Son, they all remembered the planet. This planet had a sickening familiarity to it.
“My name is Kamari,” she replied, and her name floated through the air like a hypnotising song. It was mesmerising, and so was the girl. She looked, frankly, like some kind of Goddess. Now, as Ahsoka looked closer, she could see that the girl’s eyes weren’t grey. In fact, they were silver. A whitish silver, like full moons were trapped in her eyes. 
“Alright, Kamari,” Obi-Wan responded, his brow furrowing. “Where are we, what’s going on, and what do you mean by ‘we’ve been awaiting your arrival’?” Kamari smiled, as though he were an oblivious child who didn’t know anything.
“That,” Kamari began, her smile as eerie as the house. But it was also warm, just like the house. “Is something you must discover.”
Ahsoka opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted when a roar split through the air. It was loud, deep and fierce, and so was the creature. The creature burst through the forest and Cody cried out upon seeing it.
The creature was at least three metres tall, with a muscular body, four paws, a long tail with a bushy tip, and white fur with long gold stripes. It had six ears that were short and curved, and it had six eyes that were a magnificent glowing blue. The creature had three heads, each identical with two eyes, two ears, a muzzle with a pink nose and gold antlers.
It leaped to stand next to Kamari, the middle head bumping against her gently. The five soldiers gasped and shuffled closer to each other, Ahsoka shuffling forward. She’d had her fair share with animals and creatures as such. 
“Mahnoor,” Kamari breathed out, reaching up to stroke the nose bridge of the creature. The huge animal let out a content purr, all six eyes closing. “Have no fear, my friends, this is Mahnoor. She is an Ophelia.”
“An Ophelia?” Ahsoka asked, taking a step forward, curiosity grasping her. She was reminded of the creatures of her home world.
“Yes, they are unfortunately on the verge of extinction, Mahnoor is one of the last of her kind,” the young woman murmured, a sad smile on her face as she scratched behind one of Mahnoor’s ears. She played with the tufts of white fur. “Just like us.”
“‘Us’?” Anakin called, glancing at his Padawan worriedly. He didn’t like how she was now in line with him, too close to the stranger. “As in my friends and I, or you and others?” 
Kamari looked up to the sky, a wistful expression adorning her features. “All of us.” The words fell from her lips in a murmur, mystical and floating in the air. 
The group exchanged glances before Rex spoke up. “Who lives in the house?” He asked, unnerved by what she had said. Everything about Kamari was freaking him out. The smile previously lit on Kamari’s face faded and the usual warmth seeping from her turned sharply cold. “No one has lived there for many years,” she replied, gritting her teeth. 
Ahsoka shivered at the sudden iciness of the previously calm woman, her eyes darting to Mahnoor instead. She flinched slightly when she noticed the Ophelia’s six bright blue eyes already on her. Studying her.
Instead of fear, curiosity sparked in her stomach. It flowed through her veins like blood and she crept forward, reaching her hand up. 
Rex placed a hand on her shoulder and tried to pull her back, but she shrugged him off effortlessly. She took a step forward and gazed up at the Ophelia. Now, she couldn’t be more than a few centimetres from touching its neck.
To her surprise, Mahnoor bent down and brushed its centre head’s nose bridge against Ahsoka’s palm. She let out a sigh as she scratched the creature with a content smile, a sense of bliss settling over her.
A gasp interrupted her solace and she opened her eyes, taking in the shocked expressions of her friends. That’s when Ahsoka noticed it herself.
Safe green sparks flitted around her form, bathing her in a beautiful light green glow. They looked like tiny snowflakes or fireflies as they circled her. Instinctively, Ahsoka reached a hand up to touch one of the little wisps. It floated around her fingers, hundreds swirling around her hand.
“What?” Cody breathed out.
Anakin dashed forwards, swatting at the wisps with confusion. They darted from his grasp like he was poison, avoiding him and wrapping themselves around Ahsoka.
“What is this?” Anakin snarled, turning to Kamari. Ahsoka continued to pet Mahnoor, a content smile adorning her features. Kamari smiled sympathetically at Anakin, but the sympathy looked more like passive aggressive pity to the brunette.
“They are Ahsoka,” Kamari told him, giving Ahsoka a relaxed grin.
Rex murmured, “We never told you our names.” He said it so quietly no one else noticed. 
Kamari reached over to Ahsoka and lightly touched her shoulder. Instantly, the same wisps - but golden instead of sage green - floated around her. The girl smiled as she moved hands to create what looked like a twig made of the wisps.
“Rex,” she spoke up and he flinched. She beckoned him over and he hesitated, but then glanced at Ahsoka and moved to Kamari. If Ahsoka was in danger, he needed to know. 
Kamari placed her hand on his shoulder and blue wisps danced around Rex. He gazed in awe at them.
Kamari then did the same to Cody - who’s wisps were yellow - and Obi-Wan - who’s wisps were cyan. But as she moved to rest her hand on Anakin’s shoulder, he jerked away.
“What have you done to them?” He growled. A light, melodic laugh spilled from Kamari’s lips like cotton candy; featherlight and sweet.
“I am helping you,” she whispered. “I am explaining.”
Before Anakin could protect, she brushed his shoulder and his own beautiful red wisps danced around him. 
Anakin tried desperately to brush them away, but they always returned. They never touched him, but were always close.
As the group were mesmerised with the wisps, the bushes to their left shuffled. Even caught up in wonder, they noticed the movement and turned. 
That’s when a figure emerged from the bushes.
“Hello, brother,” Kamari called to him.
“Hello, sister.”
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed! Please send requests!!!
(taglist: @skellymom, @transmascanakin, @techs-goggles9902)
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inkformyblood · 9 months
painting at the edge of the world (CWFKB #16)
Fill for Tearful Kiss, Cowboy/Western AU (minor gun use, not fired) @codywanfirstkissbingo
There is a known rhythm to life at the edge of the world; the slow bleed of sunlight across the plains that brightens to a golden wash that begs to be captured in oils and pastels, memorialised in a flimsy grey photograph. Obi-Wan smears his thumb over the rough surface of his notebook, and the rough lines of the horizon blur beneath his touch. He glances up, checking and rechecking the slow dimming of the land around him. He is still alone out here in his small homestead, his bed empty and cold inside his home. 
The blanket wrapped around his shoulders isn’t his. It’s close enough to pass for his preferred palette of myriad browns and pale colours, but the underside is a deep orange woven through the warp to break up the pattern. There are a couple of uneven spaces, the threads pulled too close together and the orange is completely obscured by the brown on top of it, but Obi-Wan loves it fiercely regardless. Love is a strange emotion, untethered to anything concrete that Obi-Wan could place his hand on and yet… 
He has built a life with Cody. 
Warmth blooms through Obi-Wan’s chest as he thumbs back through his notebook, lingering over a few of the earlier pages. There is a chest beneath their bed, a heavyset thing treated against damp and fire and locked against the possibility of prying eyes, and Obi-Wan keeps most of his artwork of Cody there. He can keep those memories safe even when he can’t keep the other man protected. He only has a few in his current notebook, remnants of a fleeting winter that charged headlong into a spring that stole Cody away weeks before he normally would leave. Cody’s smile is beautiful, wide and unrestrained and held close for a moment in a few dark pencil lines. Obi-Wan blinks back tears, a pressure building behind his eyes and the base of his nose, and he can’t help but glance towards a horizon he has already committed to memory. 
Still empty. 
He draws the blanket closer around his shoulders, pressing his knuckles into the hollow of his throat, swallowing around the weight of expected grief, and settles back against the creaking back of the chair. There is a second chair next to him, recently pulled out of the small shed off to the side of the property because the empty space is easier to work around than the deliberate emptiness of the extra chair, the extra bowls, the extra expanse that Obi-Wan has carved out of his existence to let Cody in. He loves him with every thread of his being.
The horizon is still empty.
Obi-Wan’s breath fogs in the heavy air and he stands, a lingering ache in the small of his back from his posture, turning back towards the house. One more day alone isn’t something he needs to worry about; if Cody is delayed, he can turn back to town and wait out the night or there are decent boarding houses in the farther flung settlements, even spending the night out on the plains wouldn’t prove a hardship yet. The nights are cool but not overly unpleasant making for a rough night’s sleep but Cody would be safe and warm enough to make his way back to Obi-Wan. Inside his home, Obi-Wan places his plate and mug into the basin, resolving to wash up in the morning. Tomorrow would come quicker if he slept and the absence of Cody is weighing on him more than he would have expected after so long apart. If he didn’t love Cody, then it wouldn’t hurt as much. The town thinks they are just good friends who have gone into business together, not uncommon enough to draw any suspicion, and there is always a careful distance between them, even here. Obi-Wan wants to kiss Cody, to hold him, to love him in the way he deserves to be loved. 
Soon. Obi-Wan scratches over his jaw, his nails rasping against the regrowth of his beard, and makes his way to his bedroom. The bed is big enough for two, often shared and yet it isn’t enough. Rage burns at the edges of his eyes and Obi-Wan grinds the base of his palm against it, settling himself down for an uneasy night’s sleep. 
He wakes a handful of hours later, long enough that Obi-Wan feels the heavy duvet of exhaustion slide away from him, crumpling onto the floor. He’s awake, uneasily so, sitting upright in his too-big too-empty bed, blinking out into the dappled darkness. Tears have dried on his face, flaking away as he yawns, beginning to sink back beneath the covers. The front door creaks, the latch sliding back, and Obi-Wan is awake and moving. The rifle on the wall is old but still serviceable, well-maintained in Cody’s absence, and Obi-Wan loads it, his head cocked to one side as he strains to listen. 
“Obi-Wan,” Cody calls, laughter colouring his words a deep shade of orange. “I’m home.”
Obi-Wan can’t remember putting the gun back onto the stand, unloaded once more, or the scant handful of steps back to Cody’s side, but he’s there, smelling like sunshine and horse. Obi-Wan throws his arms around Cody’s neck, hugging him tightly. He’s crying, he notes distantly, tears pressed between his skin and Cody’s, salt damp against his lips, and he doesn’t want to wait a moment longer. Obi-Wan cups Cody’s jaw, his thumb burning against the rough line of stubble Cody always has when he returns and the familiarity of it would break him open once more if Cody wasn’t holding him close. He kisses him, tears streaming down his cheeks and Cody grins against his mouth. 
“What a welcome,” Cody murmurs, drawing back enough to wipe his thumb over Obi-Wan’s cheek. His eyes are bright, wavering film drawn over them too, and a tear falls free as he blinks. “I missed you.”
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purgetrooperfox · 5 months
propaganda (elevator pitches) ⬇️
Nocte (sw):
is CMO of the Coruscant Guard. fiercely loyal to the Guard. deeply wary of the senate, with very few exceptions. he's my oldest oc and probably the one y'all are most likely to have heard of. integrated into arcs with many of my friends' ocs/fics/whatnot <3 what else goes in his elevator pitch,,, known to take kids and younger clones under his wing, protective to a fault, low tolerance for nonsense. beat around the bush at your own peril. questionable bedside manner. manwhore tendencies. I love him, you love him. he's been transplanted into [checks list] cod, tlou, and bebop
Uj'alayi (sw):
is an ARC trooper, used to work with the Shadows then got brutally injured and had to transition to the CG. owes his life to Quinlan Vos and is disgruntled about it. guard dog coded. his bite is exponentially bigger than his bark. on the surface: quick to laugh, quick to joke, charismatic and personable without being overbearing. this may or may not be a mask he wears. will lay a beat down on just about anyone if they Cause Issues for Fox. in the relationship of all time with Lane Hurosa (another of my ocs)
Bones (sw):
is marshal commander of the 410th recon corps under Bastra Vargdan (another of my ocs). traits include: CQC specialist, confounded by the concept of the Force, at least partly responsible for getting a gambling ring going in the GAR (has a poke face like nobody's business). outside of working hours, he's laid back, easygoing. stark contrast between On-Duty Bones and Off-Duty Bones. encyclopedic knowledge of regs, but flexible adherence to them sometimes. big brained tactical strategist, ended up teaching Bastra a Lot about like. how to lead a corps
Bastra (sw):
my Jedi 👉👈 trained by Sifo-Dyas so dookudyas is very dad-coded to him. specialized as an Investigator, excels at undercover ops. also has quite a bit of integration into my friends' oc arcs and stuff <3 buddies with Obi-Wan, gets on pretty well with the TG and CG since he spends a chunk of his time on Coruscant. ummmm he takes a Padawan like 10ish years before the war, somewhere in that range. he's a goofy guy, real stiff and formal a lot of the time but it lets up around people he trusts. of course I know him, he's me etc etc. he's currently getting transplanted into cp2077
Lane (sw):
is a journalist on Coruscant. they spend a Lot of time in the senate district, very good at schmoozing. certified flatterer. charming, if you will. always asking one million questions that senators do Not want to answer, which results in bans from various spots around the city LOL honestly they're just neat idk what to tell you. they stay following risky leads and getting themself into binds. they're squinting very hard at the details of how the Republic acquired a clone army
Myn (sw):
is a smuggler in the early Rebellion era. also a relentless optimist, sees the very first scraps of resistance and buys in immediately. IF somehow Nocte’s alive at that point, Myn's the one who tries and probably fails to sell him on participating in the rebellion
Vio Selnes (sw):
owns and operates a 24h diner on Coruscant. this diner gets heavy business from clones leaving 79s. connections to the clones leads to scattered connections with the Jedi, leads to the restaurant being used as a rendezvous point from time to time. part of Dexter Jettster's network
Jag (mk):
is part of the Kahn Guard when Kotal's in power. he was raised by the Shaolin Monks until he bailed, moved to the States, got into all sorts of illicit activities. Kung Jin eventually moves onto his couch and joins his crew. those illicit activities land him in a stint with the Black Dragon, which is a real lesson in Kano Is A Bastard. when Erron jumps ship, Jag goes with him. he's kind of an idiot, full of trussed issues, gay as hell, will bring a knife to a gunfight or a gun to a knife fight
Rose (mk):
is part of Danver's crew from before he went BD. the brains of that whole operation. she's severely underdeveloped unfortunately but I promise she's very cool. computer nerd. minimal filter on her in the best way
Eyes (cp2077):
is a ripperdoc with more focus on ripping than doc-ing. from Pacifica, got a long time connection to Mr. Hands. wound up in Maelstrom pretty young, cut his teeth on committing atrocities and revolutionizing Maelstrom's uhhh forcible cyberware implantations and general torture methods :) was real loyal to Brick, so Royce wrecked his shit when he took over, meant to kill him but he managed to get out. winds up on Viktor Vektor's table for recovery, tries very hard to turn over a new leaf. he's a fucked up bastard of a guy I shan't lie. compels me though
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tennessoui · 1 year
democratic fic part 3
(democratic fic masterlist) (2.5k)
Anakin breathes in for a count of three and out for five. Obi-Wan Kenobi is the single most vexing creature in the entire galaxy.
Not a small part of him wants to grab the boy by his throat and shake him, make him look at him. How dare he look away. How dare he test Anakin’s control so casually. It is untenable, the way the boy smirks and flutters his eyelashes and begins to walk as if Anakin’s compliance is a matter already resolved. 
“No,” Anakin steps forward and reaches out to grab his arm. Before his fingers can curl  around the bone of his wrist, Kenobi has snatched his hand away, curling it to his chest protectively. The boy turns and glares at him, all hints of sweetness washed away from his face. “I said no, Obi-Wan.”
“Alright,” Obi-Wan says, tone as far from alright as it can get. “Then have a good rest of your night, Senator. I will, I am sure, see you again during my stay on Coruscant, though I will not inflict my company upon you any longer—”
The boy cannot be serious. “You are throwing a tantrum,” Anakin snaps. “I will not be beholden to the whims of a spoiled princeling—”
Obi-Wan throws an embittered, fierce look over his shoulder at him. “I am the grandson of a Count, Senator, I am not a prince—”
“Then stop acting like one!”
“And no one has asked that you accompany me—”
“You just did—”
“Yes, and I have taken your rejection with aplomb—”
“Sith’s hells you have,” Anakin mutters, working his jaw furiously as his thoughts fly rapidly through his head.
Everything he knows about Obi-Wan Kenobi points to the boy being made of soft stuffs; he is bratty and rude, no doubt about it, but he does not possess the spine that would be necessary for him to truly venture into the Lower Levels of Coruscant by himself. He is simply testing Anakin’s patience for the fun of it. Perhaps the thrill of it. But a failed Jedi turned spoiled servant of the Court would never have the guts to go alone somewhere so violent and dark.
“Fine,” Anakin says, turning away himself. “Do send me a comm tomorrow morning so that I know you are alive.” “I didn’t realize you would care,” the boy sniffs, his head held incredibly high when Anakin peeks back at him. For someone apparently not born into aristocracy, he has taken to it quite well. It sets Anakin’s teeth on edge, and his whole body twitches forward, filled with the urge to put his hands on the boy’s body, ruffle him up and tear the cold mask of indifference off his face. 
These are very, very dangerous thoughts as he is quite sure that the boy would welcome those sorts of advances and Anakin has already committed to not allowing the boy into his bed. If not for the scandal should they be found, the questions of propriety, the fact that Kenobi is a ward of a foreign Count, then simply for the reason that Obi-Wan Kenobi is a spoiled little brat of a princeling, and Anakin is old enough to know better than to give into his demands.
He listens to Kenobi’s footsteps move further away from him, towards the elevator at the ends of the gardens that would take him to the speeder lot. He’d probably get into a speeder and fly back to his grandfather, pouting the entire way.
Yes, Anakin can see it now: Kenobi in the front seat of the speeder, full and pink bottom lip pushed out—perhaps even wobbling slightly, spit-slick too—hair a bit tangled and mussed from the wind, eye makeup smeared slightly from rubbing his hand over his face, pointing his speeder back to his grandfather’s apartments because he would never in a million years venture into the Lower Levels without some sort of guardian.
What if Anakin is wrong?
After all, he only met the boy a few days ago. He has impressions of Kenobi, but that doesn’t mean the boy can’t surprise him. He’d been unexpectedly catty in the presence of Padmé: what if he could be unexpectedly brave and direct his speeder down far below the safest levels of Coruscant?
Dressed as he was, he would be noticed immediately. He’d be a target before he even stepped out of his speeder, and if anything happened to Kenobi, the blame would fall on Anakin’s shoulders.
Stars and moons and blasted suns, Anakin thinks to himself. 
He turns around. He follows Kenobi’s disappearing figure with his eyes. It’s rather easy to do at least, with how the boy glimmers and glows in the light of the lanterns as he kriffing sashays along the garden path to the elevator bays.
Anakin gnashes his teeth; Anakin’s feet start moving.
The kriffing idiot goes to the Lower Levels.
Anakin barely has time to hijack a parked speeder and point it towards Kenobi’s when the boy flies his own over the edge of the lot and down at a steep angle.
Too steep of an angle to be going anywhere but to the Lower Levels—alone, looking as he does, dressed as he is.
Anakin curses once more and follows him over the edge.
He’s just going to make sure nothing bad happens to the boy, that’s all. It’s practically his duty. And as long as Kenobi doesn’t feel him in the Force or see him following him, it won’t be giving into the boy’s whims. As long as the boy doesn’t know he’s there, then he will not think he has won, which is of the utmost importance. 
He has not won. 
This is the thought on repeat in Anakin’s head as he jumps down from his stolen speeder and lands on the ground of Level -214 solidly. Kenobi has already dragged his bike, a lithe, slim model of a speeder, into the crook of an alleyway, as if that’ll be enough to keep it safe.
Anakin lets out an explosive sigh as he watches the glimmering blue and silver figure disappear into the crowd. “Hey,” he barks to a street vendor leaning against the wall next to the mouth of that same alley, lazily using a long stick to stir a pot of foul-smelling, iridescently blue liquid. He tosses him a roll of credits. “That’s, uh. Fifty-eight credits. I’ll give you a hundred more if that bike is still there when I get back. Alright?” 
He doesn’t actually have one hundred more credits, but he knows he certainly looks like a man who does. The vendor seems to believe him, if the eager way he nods is any indication. Good. He can’t let the kriffing princeling’s speeder-bike be stolen, else the idiot would probably ask someone to give him a ride back to his apartments and either end up stolen himself or dead in a gutter.
Speaking of the princeling, Anakin can hardly see him anymore in the crowd, which obviously cannot stand. He throws the hood of his cloak up to cover his face and stalks after the boy.
Kenobi is already turning heads, just as Anakin knew he would, and while he takes a sort of sick satisfaction in being right, the feeling is mostly swallowed by a darker emotion, one that’s much harder to name. His feet pick up their pace as he watches Kenobi round an upcoming bend in the main street, eyes turned upwards as if basking in the neon lights and flickering signs. 
Fucking tourist, Anakin thinks to himself uncharitably even as he follows doggedly, eyes glued on the shifting muscles of Obi-Wan’s back and shoulders as he walks instead of the sentients on the streets around them.
Where is he even going? What does he even want to get out of this little excursion save for a layer of muck and grime on the hems of his robes and the perfume of smoke and liquor and stars know what else clinging to his skin? 
When Anakin visits these levels, it’s for a specific reason, to complete a specific purpose. He does not wander through the levels, he does not need to stop at the vendors or skulk inside the cantinas—though he has been known to indulge in the Lower Level clubs, moreso a decade or two ago than nowadays. 
It’s strange cutting through the crowds of this platform, feeling the slight sway of it beneath his feet as his ears are overwhelmed by the clamor of the inhabitants, as his eyes begin to strain under the barrage of flickering neon lights.
When he’s down here, he is usually heading towards a podrace or coming off the high of one, and this—following Kenobi in his useless, aimless trek—does not feel similar to either scenario. It feels more like he has already lost just by being here, traipsing after Kenobi’s figure like a dog on a leash.
Anakin is so distracted by his thoughts that he almost misses the moment that Kenobi stops.
Or is stopped.
Between one moment and the next, a tall, hulking form melts from the shadows of the cramped alleyway Kenobi has chosen to wander down. It’s a Zephrian, long purple horns curling around their thick and proud forehead, shoulders wider than two Kenobis put together. Their hands fall onto Kenobi, bringing him to a halt at the same time that Anakin realizes that he’s not the only one who has been following Kenobi as a much smaller figure darts forward from just in front of Anakin to launch itself up to land on Kenobi’s exposed and unguarded back, claws sinking into pale flesh and pulling a pained noise from Kenobi’s lips, high-pitched and soft, filled to the brim with surprise.
Its voice begins to chatter loudly in the narrow alley, and the Zephrian’s voice joins in, but Anakin cannot hear any of it over that sound Kenobi had made.
His feet are moving of their own accord, his body pushing roughly through the thin remnants of the crowd to get to Kenobi. 
“I—I don’t carry any credits on me,” Kenobi is saying, voice wobbling from fear or pain, Anakin doesn’t know.
The smaller figure, a Kowakian monkey-lizard, lets out a sound akin to a cackle, and its claws leave Kenobi’s skin to dive into the waves of his hair, grasping at a hair ornament—sapphire and twinkling diamond—and pulling it out of the locks with enough force that it pulls another cry from Kenobi’s lips as his hands raise to defend himself.
A moment later, Anakin is there, hand clenching down onto the Kowakian’s neck and ripping it away from Obi-Wan, the sound of his pain deafening even as it fades from the air. The Kowakian goes flying—Anakin hasn’t used the Force consciously in years, but that has to be what rises up and responds to the push of his hand, that has to be the reason the monkey-lizard slams so hard into the wall of the alleyway that the plaster cracks in multiple places as its body snaps.
“Oh,” Obi-Wan says, a punched-out, instinctual noise that Anakin has no idea how to interpret. He cannot turn to look at him either, because the Zephrian’s hazy red eyes go wide as he focuses them with what looks like great difficulty on the monkey-lizard’s rather unmoving body.
“Go,” Anakin commands, voice low and quiet, his body carefully moving in front of Kenobi’s as the boy shifted towards him, curled up on himself with one hand pressed to his face as if terribly injured or frightened. The Zephrian steps backwards, mouth twisting, and then steps forward with his mouth stretches into an angry snarl, eyes hazy with drink. The Force reverberates around them with a warning, and the Zephrian takes another aborted step forward, chest heaving.
“Anakin—” Obi-Wan cries, and Anakin’s hand shoots out. The Force runs up and down his arm, like a loth-cat batting at him for affection. You’ve returned, it seems to murmur in the air around them, nuzzling against his mind, his soul. 
He pushes out, picturing the Zephrian going flying as far and as hard as the Kowakian had, and the Force obeys with glee. The would-be attacker’s feet lift off the ground as he’s thrown into the same cracked wall as the monkey. Anakin hears his body connect with the duraplast, but he doesn’t watch it, swinging around fully to glare down at Kenobi.
“What the fuck did I tell you?” he’s growling out before he can stop himself, vision turning red as he glowers down at stubborn, willful, beautiful Kenobi. He takes a step forward, and Kenobi does not move except to tilt his head further up.
His eyes are dilated. Fear?
He should be afraid. Anakin has just—Anakin does not know what he’s just done, but there’s no undoing it. The Force is swirling around him like a churning whirlpool, the sort that sucked souls in and spat them out on Kamino for thousands of years. There had been a reason the Jedi warned him against using the Force. A reason he hadn’t touched his connection with it in decades, had simply suffered through its warnings and nudges and prods.
Now all his reasons lay in tatters around him, and the Force is so fucking loud.
Obi-Wan isn’t so much as breathing as he looks up at him, pink lips wet and parted as he allows him to approach, to back him up against the other side of the alley wall.
“What did I tell you?” Anakin snarls, hand falling to rest on Kenobi’s shoulder while the other makes a fist at his side. He’d fucking said—and now someone’s gone and made a mess of Kenobi’s hair; someone’s gone and clawed at his dimpled chin, leaving a long scrape up one cheek, leaving marks across the play of muscles on his back, leaving his eyes wide with fear which never would have happened if he’d just listened. His hand jumps up to smooth out the messy tangle of Kenobi’s hair, tenderness in the face of his fear warring with righteous anger.
“Is that what you wanted to see, princeling?” he murmurs, tightening his grip on Kenobi’s shoulder. “Was that enough of a Lower Levels experience for you?”
The boy shivers.
(Link to the corresponding poll for this fic)
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impossibleprincess35 · 2 months
Hello, I'm watching the clone wars again. and it had not caught my attention satine kryze until now, could you explain to me about his personality and character. Thank you for reading
Hi there!
Factually, Satine Kryze is the Duchess of Mandalore, and she is a pacifist, representing the New Mandalorians who have turned from the violent ways of their past. Without bias, it's pretty safe to say that she has a relatively high approval rating among her people, and she has done some incredible work rebuilding Mandalore following years of civil war among her people. Famously, Satine does not align Mandalore with the Republic or the Separatists in the Clone Wars, and instead, forms the Council of Neutral Systems, for other leaders who also eschew taking sides in the conflict. She is the daughter of a warlord (Duke Adonai Kryze, though other than his name, we know little of), and she has a sister, Bo-Katan Kryze, and a nephew, Korkie Kryze.
There are lots of little crumbs of information that Dave Filoni, Pablo Hidalgo, and one or two others involved in the making of "The Clone Wars" have dropped over the years in regards to things such as the age difference between Satine and Bo-Katan, and if there is another Kryze sibling to explain the nephew (who, it has been confirmed, is not Bo-Katan's child), but basically, nothing is established as canon, so we're all out there theorizing our asses off. :)
Also, when she was younger, she was put in the protection of Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, for a year. During this time, she and Obi-Wan fell in love, but they went their separate ways, choosing Mandalore and the Jedi Order over each other. (It's canon that she nicknamed him "Ben." Also, a big fan theory is that Korkie Kryze is actually Obi-Wan's son, but it's not canon, so.. *shrugs*)
All this being said, Satine's fascinating. She's haughty, she's ill-tempered, she's snippy, but she's also compassionate and she's scrappy. She loves Mandalore fiercely, enough to take principled stances that make her unpopular with the rest of the galaxy, and she shows mercy to even domestic terrorists who bomb her city.
In my humble opinion, she is a vastly complex character that deserves so much more exploration, but because there's very little about her in canon aside from her episodes in TCW and a few small mentions in books, most of what you'll find is fandom content.
But those who love her love her dearly, and those who hate her really fucking hate her, and you'll find most people feel strongly one way or the other.
Thanks for the ask and I hope this helps! If not, or if you have anything further, don't hesitate to reach out! I'm happy to answer/help/guide you in the right direction! :)
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skyguyyyyyyy · 9 months
Forgive me but I’m rather new to the Star Wars world and I’m just starting to really fall in love with it, especially the prequels era. I am almost finished reading the novelization of ROTS and I am weak over it.
First of all, it’s beautifully written. 12/10
Secondly, oh. my. gosh. The team, the team!! Kenobi & Skywalker, the Jedi council’s most powerful duo: more than friends, more than brothers. Best friends on and off the battlefield, two halves of the same whole. One is passion & fury while the other is wisdom & solid as stone. They complement each other so well that it makes the betrayal in the end that much worse. It’s absolutely earth shatteringly heartbreaking. Their friendship in the book is so well described and much more fleshed out than in the movie. Not to even mention TCW (which I love so much) and all that we saw between them and what they went through. Obi-Wan & Anakin. Kenobi & Skywalker. Chefs kiss, I love them both.
Thirdly, Anakin & Padmé, the most beautifully heartbreaking and tragic love story that ever was. Anakin & Padmé are e v e r y t h i n g. Their love is so abiding and true, so full of hope and determination against all of the odds stacked against them. Anakin’s fierce loyalty and obsession to protect her from anything is what dream men are made of. He adores her so much to his own detriment and she adores him to hers. It’s so sad, so beautiful, and so unfinished. They never get their happy ending, or at least not in the living world. I hope we get to see Anakin & Padmé reunited in the force somehow, someway, someday.
Finally, PALPATINE, THAT MFER. Isolating Anakin, making him doubt those he holds most dear in the name of saving them. Making him think Padmé is betraying him with Obi-Wan by her side and vice versa. Palpatine making Anakin believe that the council doesn’t trust him more than they most likely do. (Don’t worry, I have my qualms with the Jedi Council, too. I will never forgive them for doing Ahsoka so dirty.) Palpatine getting exactly what he wants in the end and ruining everything good about the galaxy, about Anakin, about Padmé, and about Obi-Wan. Absolutely despicable, i hate him so much.
This novel is pulling at my heart strings y’all and I don’t think I’ll ever recover.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Or Obi-Wan because he’s totally a Dad
Link's babies were certainly quite the group. Today he found himself with a small handful of them, and he watched them curiously.
There was the captain, of course, his little soldier who had stepped up to lead an army for a war that was larger in scale than most he'd seen. An overachiever, proud, but with a sincere heart. He was prone to take charge of the group when Link wasn't available, and he always closed his emotions off while doing so. His ability to compartmentalize for such situations was admirable, but the deity couldn't help but sometimes wonder if it was always a good thing - mortals were far more emotional than him, and even he had visceral reactions to things sometimes.
Next was the little pup, the Hero of Twilight. He knew Link was actually blood related to this particular hero, though he wasn't sure by how many generations. A blood bond was a strong one, though, no matter how distant, and it made him watch the pup more carefully. One thing he'd already observed was that this pup was one of the worst offenders when it came to hiding ailments of any sort; it was very apparent when he was unwell, but he continued to push forward and care for the others and try to pull his weight. The baby's protective instincts made him smile, though.
The wildling, little scar, was entertaining to watch, though his treatment of weapons left much to be desired. He could see the traces of war on the child, recognized the familiar distant gaze that would fall across his face. Of the two soldiers in this group of heroes, little Scar was definitely the more problematically troubled one. But he had a fiery spirit, one that made him smile as he watched the boy scream in defiance against the dangers of the world.
Then there was the sky child, his little songbird. This one fascinated him - a boy born from the clouds, paired with a loftwing, practically dripping in traces of a malice that he'd known long ago. His own memories were vague on his past after so long sealed in a mask, but this particular little one seemed the most familiar, as if he were from a time that was close to his own. He was quiet, kind, supportive, and kept his warm heart simultaneously on his sleeve and tucked carefully out of view.
He also happened to be the one wearing the mask at the moment. That lent his thoughts and heart to the fierce deity, opening him like a book, but the deity refused to read the pages. He respected the little one's privacy, at least after the last encounter.
"Gramps," little Scar called. "I finally figured it out."
He cocked his head to the side. "Oh?"
"If we slip a sleeping draught into the captain's tea, that ought to do the trick," Scar whispered with a wink. "Maybe we can do one for Rancher too."
Smiling, the fierce deity glanced at his little soldier, who was busy pacing back and forth arguing with the little pup. The pair had been at this for nearly hours, each trying to outtalk the other about finding the rest of the group. Songbird had donned the mask originally to allow the cursed deity within to spend time with everyone, but an unexpected attack had interrupted the fun and separated the group. With danger all around, the deity had felt uncomfortable removing the mask and leaving the babies to their predicament, but it also meant he watched them squabble over things out of their control.
He looked back at little Scar, a conspiring, mischievous trace of a smile pulling at one side of his mouth. "I will bring them to you, then."
Scar nodded in excitement, eager to execute his plan, and the fierce deity walked to Link's eldest babies.
Soldier looked at him first, noticing his approach. Pup followed suit a moment later, a curious look crossing his face, while his little soldier instead grew wary. The deity smiled at it and moved quickly, snatching both by the back of their tunics. The pup yelped, confused and startled, while the soldier immediately began to protest.
"For the love of--"
"Don't even say it," the deity interrupted.
"I was going to say the Triforce," his soldier finished halfheartedly, crossing his arms with a pout.
"What the heck are you doing?" Pup asked, flailing his limbs a little.
"Little Scar has food and drink for you," he explained as he walked them to the campfire where the wildling sat. "You are going to partake in it."
"No excuses."
"Gramps, come on--"
"No petition will sway me. You have been arguing for hours. At this point I am surprised you have any breath left."
"They are pretty full of hot air," Little Scar supplied, waving his ladle for emphasis.
Pup gave Scar an annoyed look. As the deity plopped both gently onto the ground, the little scarred hero gave them the tea. He winked at the deity while the pair reluctantly drank, and the mythical warrior rested his hands on the boys' shoulders.
Conspiring with his babies was quite fun, honestly.
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