#finally getting back to these old requests
dr0wnme0ut · 2 days
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Synopsis: Tired of living a rough day to day life, you can’t help but wish for an escape from it all, not knowing someone was listening to your wish.
Pairings: Peter Pan!Heeseung X Female!Reader
Word Count: 8.5k+
Author Note: This is random, I know, one tiktok edit sent my brain into overdrive and I was able to spit this out in three-ish sittings. Which is why it wasn’t on my WIP, consider this an unhinged gift to you. Special thank you to my bestie for helping me come up with certain scenes and giving me delicious ideas!! Enjoy it, baby bats!
NSFW Warnings: unprotected sex, oral (female rec), vaginal and anal fingering, spit, double penetration, anal, squirting, cream pie, choking, praising, shadow fucking (lol don't question it)
*not 100% proofread, if you see a mistake, no you didn't*
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You sigh loudly as your old car tires squeak loudly when your car comes to a stop in front of the rustic log cabin your best friend Lisa had rented for the weekend. She insisted that the four of you spend the weekend away from the city in a “lovely” cabin in the middle of a forest to destress from the hectic day to day life you were all experiencing. With the way your boss had been treating you lately, this was much warranted. 
“Finally! We’ve been waiting for you, we haven’t started without you.” She grins from the porch waving her hands dramatically over her head.
“I had to finish a report for my boss before I could get on the road,” you explain, taking the duffle bag from your passenger seat. She engulfs you in a tight hug, the vanilla scent of her shampoo comforts you immediately letting the stress of work melt away. She had always been like a sister to you, her presence alone made her a safe space for you.
“Well, none of that matters now, you’re here! Come on, Jennie set up the fire pit in the back. Let’s crack open a bottle of wine!” 
She leads you inside the small cabin and shows you an empty bed to place your duffle on. The cabin itself is much nicer on the inside than its standoffish appearance from the outside. The walls were painted in deep chestnut brown with framed pictures of woodland animals. Four twin size beds lined the four walls, each bed with a fluffy pillow and clean folded quilts. A small kitchenette sat in the back, with an even smaller bathroom next to it. 
The smell of the burning wood from the fire pit swirled around the cabin, Lisa gestures to your bed “grab a blanket and come sit outside.” 
The fall weather of the day was beautiful, the sky was gray and the temperature was perfectly chilly making it perfect firepit weather. Jennie and Jisoo smile widely as you walk outside, immediately wrapping their arms around you when you get close enough to them. The last time all four of you had been together was months ago, work mostly keeping you from one another.
“Finally! I’ve been counting the days for this trip!” Jennie happily dances back to her chair. Four large chairs were strategically placed around the large metal fire pit that was burning. 
“Sorry I’m so late guys, I had to finish a report for my boss.” You sigh, sinking into the chair and wrapping the quilt around your lap.
“That boss of yours works you way too hard, I’m surprised you were able to get this weekend off.” Jisoo shakes her head pouring red wine into four wine glasses. 
“I had to request it weeks ago, and remind him every day this week.” 
She hands you the wine glass, “I don’t know how you put up with him. He is way too demanding, and he doesn’t even pay well.”
“I’m an assistant guys, I have to stick it out if I want to move up in the company.”
“We never see you anymore though,” Lisa pouts, sipping on the delicious red wine. 
“I know, I hate it. I really miss you guys,” you frown at the three women you have been friends with since childhood. “Sometimes I wish I could leave it all,” you smile softly, swirling the drink in your glass. “Could you imagine? Running away from work and all of the stress of the city? Never worrying about a job, rent, bills, love. Just run away and disappear.” 
“Sounds like Peter Pan syndrome,” Jennie giggles.
“No, Peter Pan was a kid that didn’t want to grow up. I like being an adult.” You lean your head back against the chair and stare into the gray sky as more dark clouds roll in. You sigh and close your eyes, “I like having adult money and doing adult things. I’m just saying, it would be nice to walk away from it all sometimes. I wish I could just stay in a place like this, away from everything.”
“I’ll cheers to that. No more work talk, babe. This weekend is all about relaxation!” Jisoo smiled holding her glass out about the flame of the pit, all of you followed her lead and clinked your glasses together giggling. “Cheers!”
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The loud vibration of your phone woke you from your slumber, searching for it you're immediately blinded by the obnoxious light of the screen. Squinting your tired eyes you see it’s 4:00 am, not only that, but it was your boss calling. The cabin was filled with the soft snores of your friends. Not wanting to wake them, you quietly wrap the quilt around you and tiptoe to the backdoor and sneak out. 
Standing outside you reluctantly answer the phone, “Hello? Mr. Kim?”
“I need you to come into the office, right now!” His voice was so loud that you had to take the phone away from your ear. 
“What? Sir, I’m on a trip, remember? I’m an hour away, I can’t..” A sudden gust of cold wind knocks the quilt off of your shoulders leaving you in the floor length sleeveless white satin nightgown you had slept in. The quilt pooled around your ankles, “This isn’t negotiable. I have an emergency meeting and as my assistant you are expected to be there. You need to be at this office in two hours or I’ll have you back in the mail room.”
Before you could protest he hangs up the phone leaving you dumbfounded. The trip Lisa had been planning for weeks was now ruined, because of you. Could he do that? Could he really send you back to your interning days of sorting mail? Tears brimmed your waterline, fuck, you need to pack up and wake the girls. 
A snap of a branch catches your attention, picking up the quilt and wrapping it around your shoulders, you look in the direction of the forest where the sound came from. It was still dark out, the only light coming from the porch light and the moon. All you could make out were the outlines of the trees right in front of you, it was pitch black beyond that. 
Using the flashlight from your phone you shine it toward the trees trying to make out what could've made that sound. Calm down, it’s a fucking forest. There's animals, go inside and pack your shit. 
“Are you lost?”
A sudden deep voice makes you drop your phone with a gasp. Grabbing your phone from the ground in a rush, you clutch the quilt closer to your body as you shine the light around you in search of the voice. The deep voice laughs mockingly watching you spin in circles in search of him.
“Up here.”
Hesitantly, you lift your head in the direction and see a figure crouched on a tree branch, his elbows are on his knees as he rests his chin in between both of his hands. The darkness makes it hard to see his face. The branch he was perched on had to be at least 40 feet in the air with no smaller branches leading up there, how the hell did he manage that? 
“I-I should get inside..”
“Don’t be afraid, darling. You called for me.”
“Excuse me?”
He stands from his crouched position and steps off of the branch. “WHAT ARE YOU-” your voice stops in its tracks watching his body gently float down from the branch and landing on the ground in perfect grace. He rolls his shoulders and cracks his neck and starts walking toward you. 
Stepping closer to you out of the darkness you can finally see him. Silver ashy hair swoops across his forehead and around his ears, the moonlight highlights his defined jaw, prominent nose, and adams apple as well as his soft honey skin. His lips are plush and pink, with a small playful smirk stretched across his perfectly white teeth. His brown eyes capture yours and hold them. He’s in black slacks, a white button up collared shirt and a black vest to top it off. 
“You called for me last night. Don’t you remember, darling?” He steps closer to you with each word he speaks. His eyes still hold yours, you don’t know why you’re not running from this stranger. Something about him is holding your feet to the ground, his presence brings an unexplainable wave of comfort around you. He reaches his hand out and gently strokes the hair away out of your face and tucks it behind your ears, your face instinctively moving toward his warm hand. 
“I don't know what youre talking about, I don't even know you…” you whisper.
He smiles a little wider and cups your cheek in his hand, using his thumb to rub circles on the apple of your cheek. 
“You do, kind of.” He chuckles, shaking his head. “I’m Heeseung, but fairy tales call me something else. Do you know what they call me?”
“I’ll give you a hint.” He has a playful gleam in his eyes as he removes his hand from your face and takes a step back. He reaches into his pants pocket and pulls his balled fist out presenting it to you. You lean in closer as he unravels his hand and a ball of light and fluttering wings hovers in his large palm. 
A bug?
The fluttering subsides and a tiny figure sits in his palm. A small man sits in his palm in a green jumpsuit, he shakes the sparkles out of his wavy platinum blonde hair and smiles brightly at you as the translucent wings on his back twitch in excitement. 
Your mind is starting to question the reality of this. Not only did this strange man just float in midair, but now he keeps a pocket sized human looking bug in his pocket. There's no way any of this is real, you had to be dreaming, or still drunk from last night's wine. 
“Do you know who I am now?” He smiles watching the little fairy fly around and land on his shoulder in excitement. Your brain flashes with scenes from childhood movies and books and you can’t help but think, why does this little blonde bug look like the boy version of…
“Tinkerbell…” you whisper the last part out loud. 
The little fairy leaps off his shoulder, backflips in the air and flies around you in joy leaving traces of sparkles and light in his trail. He stops in front of your face and uses his tiny hand to boop you on the nose. He makes excited squeaking noises and flies back to Heeseung’s shoulder.
“He would rather be known as Tink by the world. But, his name is Sunoo. Most fairies are boys, I don’t know where they got the idea that he was a girl from.” He smiles watching the fairy pout and make dramatic faux crying faces on his shoulder. “So, darling. Who does that make me?” 
This isn’t real, there’s no way this could probably be real. If Sunoo was “Tinkerbell” then that meant in this very not real hypothetical scenario, Heeseung had to be..
“Peter Pan..” you whisper. 
His grin widens, he bows, placing his right hand over his heart, “at your service.”
“That’s not possible. Peter Pan is a little boy, a child. It’s a kids story, this isn’t..this can’t be real..”
He chuckles at your disbelief, “fairy tales tend to get misconstrued as they pass down. But, I’m very much real.” He says spinning in a circle lifting a few feet off of the ground to show his abilities. 
“I suppose the lost boys are real too,” you laugh in disbelief rubbing your hand over your face in an attempt to wake yourself up from the dream you must be having.
He smirks and reaches into his vest pocket and pulls out a beautiful wooden ocarina. “As a matter of fact, darling.” He places his lips on the opening and blows into the instrument as he plays a few notes. He stops playing the small melody and smiles in the direction of the woods seeing the tall tree branches shake. One by one, different men drop from the trees and float gently onto the ground and start making their way toward you. 
“Darling, these are the lost boys,” Heeseung gestures to the four men as they stand in front of the two of you. 
Sunoo flutters around excitedly and swirls around the four boys. All four of the men were undoubtedly attractive, but nowhere near as beautiful as Heeseung. They were all in the same black and white attire, standing tall and proudly looking between you and Heeseung. 
“This is Jay, Jake, Sunghoon, and Jungwon.” He smiles pointing to each boy as they give you a small formal wave and taking a bow when their name is said. 
“This…this is not happening.”
Heeseung rolls his eyes in faux annoyance, “well, I guess I’ll have to make you believe this is real.” He grabs the phone from your hand and tosses it off to the side into a pile of leaves on the ground, “hey! I need that! I have to go-“
“Shh, darling. Let me show you something.” He smiles warmly, placing his index finger over your lips. Before you could protest his arms snakes around your waist, letting the quilt fall off of your shoulders again. He smirks down at you as he presses your body harder against his, “relax, darling. I’ve got you.”
His body is firm against yours, he’s warm and you instinctively melt into his touch. Your body starts to feel weightless as you feel yourself being lifted off of the ground. You watch the leaves on the ground become smaller and smaller and a surge of panic courses through you as you cling onto Heeseung to make sure he doesn’t drop you. You bury your face into his neck and squeeze your eyes shut to avoid looking at the height he’s taking you. 
He presses his lips into your hair and places a small comforting kiss into it, “darling, relax. I got you.”
You're being lifted higher into the air as he starts to lead you into the dark forest with the lost boys and Sunoo flying close behind. You bury your face further into his neck as you feel him pick up speed, the wind is howling in your ears and your hair is whipping against your shoulders. Your stomach drops like you’re on a rollercoaster and you feel like you might get nauseous from intense motion sickness. 
You hesitantly open your eyes and see the trees speed past you as he flies you deeper into the forest. Your eyes catch a glimpse of a pair of white glowing eyes staring at you, you gasp and press yourself harder against Heeseung. He rubs your back soothingly, “I’m not going to drop you.” You blink and the eyes are nowhere to be found, maybe it was an owl?
You feel Heeseung start to slow down and you look at the ground as you feel your bodies start to float gently to the ground. The ground is cold and wet beneath your bare feet, you look around and see you’ve landed in a small opening in the forest. There's two long logs placed around a makeshift opening for a campfire. The lost boys sit around on the logs as Sunoo blows a puff of green smoke into the campfire opening and a small fire blazes.
“Come, sit with us.” Heeseung gestures toward the fire. He leads you to the log closest to the flame, you sit as he rubs your arms soothingly helping you warm up from the chill of the early morning. 
“Heeseung?” You ask, looking at him nervously. “Yes, darling?”
“What did you mean when you said I called for you?” 
He smiles slightly and looks at you with adoration, “you said you wanted an escape. That you wanted to run away from your life. I heard you, and I’m here to give that to you.” 
“How? I have to work, Heeseung, I can’t just stay in the forest with a bunch of strangers.” 
“Darling, stop worrying about the things that don’t matter right now. Just for now, just for this moment, forget it all.” 
Everything in you is screaming to run away, that this couldn’t be real. But looking into Heeseung’s eyes gave you an unexplainable feeling of comfort. The way he smiled at his friends with the cute wrinkle of his nose. His big doe eyes that held warmth in them, everything about him was inviting. Even the smell of the forest and morning dew on his skin had you yearning to be closer to this mysterious stranger. 
“So, how much do you know about me?” He asks with curiosity beaming in his eyes. 
“I don’t remember a whole lot from the animated movie,” you giggle shyly under his gaze. “But I loved the one with Jeremy Sumpter, have you seen it?” You ask curiously.
He smiles warmly, “I’ve seen every movie version of me. Is that one your favorite?”
“Yeah, it had me swooning as a kid. It was so obvious how much Peter loved Wendy, I hated that they didn’t end up together.” you admit fiddling with your hands in your lap.
His smile widens as he watches you twitch nervously, “what was your favorite part?”
You meet his gaze and he sees your eyes light up as you answer without hesitation, “the fairy dance scene of course!”
Of course it was 
He stands up and extends his hand to you, you take it without question as he pulls you to a standing position gently. He wraps one arm around your waist and takes your other in his hand, in a waltz position. Sunoo flutters around the two of you in swirling motions causing falling shimmers of light to cascade around you two. Your feet leave the ground again as he brings you closer to his body.
“Are we going to dance?” You smile excitedly watching as he brings you high into the sky. The nervousness about flying before was no longer present as excitement bubbled within you to live out a fantasy of yours. 
He starts to slowly spin you in circles, Sunoo stays flying around you sprinkling more of his pixie dust on you so you don't need Heeseung’s full support to stay in the air. Every childhood dream you had watching that movie was becoming reality and you couldn't stop the stupid grin that took over your face. You stayed looking at Heeseung to avoid looking at the height he was taking you, you didn’t want anything to ruin this moment. 
As you reach the height of the treetops he stays hovering the two of you there as he brings you closer to him, still slowly turning you in circles. The sunrise was starting to break through, painting you in orange and red hues, he couldn’t help but stare at you admiring how the sun highlighted every notable feature on your face. 
He had been waiting for this moment for so long. 
He smiles watching you giggle as he continues to dance with you. Spinning you in circles, and even dipping you a time or two. The way he glided you along the treetops effortlessly and hummed a small melody only added to the magic of it all. Sunoo stayed close by, adding the dust and sparkle to keep you glowing in Heeseung’s arms. 
He spins you a final time bringing your back against his chest as he carries your weight so you can watch the full sunrise. The sunrise above the treetops was unlike anything you had ever seen before, somehow everything looked brighter and more vivid. You closed your eyes and leaned your head back on his shoulder feeling the warmth of the sun's rays take away the chill from the cold morning wind.
“Can I just stay here?” you whisper into the sky, feeling truly free for the first time. No thoughts of work, no thoughts of stress, just pure bliss and pure freedom that you’ve never felt before.
A cheshire grin creeps on his face, his hands run along your lower abdomen as he places his mouth against your ear “Forget them, darling. Forget them, all. Stay with me, where you’ll never, never have to worry about anything ever again.”
You smile, “Never is an awfully long time…” you giggle feeling his lips ghost over neck and shoulder. He doesn’t comment as he lets you bathe in the morning light for a few minutes before bringing you slowly back down on the cold ground. 
The lost boys smirk watching Heeseung twirl you one last time in the air before letting your feet touch the ground again. Sunoo flies around Heeseung and squeaks out little sounds, “right now?” Heeseung responds. Sunoo flicks his wings in annoyance and Heeseung sighs. “Stay put, I need to check on something.” He kisses your cheek and follows Sunoo a few feet away behind a large tree, leaving you alone with the other boys. 
They all stare at you curiously as you take a seat on the log next to Jake. “So, do you guys stay around here?” You ask, trying to break the tension.
Jake doesn't say anything but he leans closer to your face and studies every feature intently. “Boy, you really do look a lot like her.” He realizes that he said the statement out loud and immediately backs away with wide panicked eyes. The other lost boys shoot him a glare and look between each other. 
“I look a lot like who, Jake?” you ask curiously tilting your head to the side. 
“No one, sorry.” He quickly stands up and walks away from you avoiding the stares from the rest of the boys. Heeseung watches him from behind the tree with a hard stare and clenches his jaw, he pauses for a few seconds and starts to chase after him.
“What’s going on?” You ask Jungwon. The three boys look at each other nervously. “I don’t know, you would need to ask Heeseung.”
Heeseung and Jake don’t return for a while, you wait impatiently for his return to demand to know about Jake’s odd statement. When he finally does return he has a hard glare on his normally soft face and notably, Jake isn’t with him. 
“Heeseung, what’s going on? You’re not telling me something.”
“Darling, stop worrying.” He shakes his head running the back of his hand against your cheek. 
You push his hand away, “stop. Tell me the truth. Please.” The happiness and freeness you had felt with him was washing away and you were facing the reality of the hard truth. Heeseing is a stranger, and you don’t know anything about him, let alone trust him. 
He studies you for a moment and looks at the boys and gestures his head in the direction of where he came from, signaling for them to get lost. Sunoo lands on Heeseung’s shoulder and sits with his legs crossed nervously. 
“I’ve been waiting for you for a very long time, darling.” He sighs rubbing the pad of his thumb along your bottom lip. He looks at you with his soft doe eyes and sighs, “I knew your mother.”
“My-my mom?”
“She called out to me, too. She was so sad about her life, just like you.” He pauses, letting the memories of him taking your mother out of her college dorm window and flying above the downtown skyline replay in his head for a moment. 
“And I thought she was the one, we had such a fun adventure together.” He smiles a bit remembering how she opened up to him as they sat atop a bridge and watched the busy city life traffic. “But, when I told her to stay with me she said she couldn’t. She said she was pregnant…and getting married..to your father.” 
You slow blink at him processing each sentence. This was the first you were ever hearing of this, come to think of it, your mother read you Peter Pan books as a child. Your mind begins to wander back to those moments, now noting that sometimes she wiped her eyes during reading and stared at the drawings of Peter Pan. As a child, you never questioned why she reacted that way but now the pieces were connecting like a puzzle, and it was making you sick. 
“I was so mad in the beginning. I grew to despise her. I told myself I was going to kill her for breaking my heart. It took 19 years to track her down..” he scoffs, dropping his hand from your face and walking in a circle around you, like a lion stalking its prey. 
“But, to my surprise, what did I see when I found her? I saw you, darling. And then I realized why everything happened the way it did. She was never meant to be mine, you were.” He stops in his tracks remembering seeing you on your mothers couch though the glass patio door. The dagger he had in his hand fell to the floor as he placed his hand gently on the glass as if it was you, so desperate to touch you. 
“I spent almost twenty years miserable and hating her, only to find out that she wasn’t my true love, she was just a container. She was brought into my life because she was carrying you. It was you all along.” He spoke softly looking at you, his hands went back to cupping your face gently.
“Wait, Heeseung. You’re confused, I don’t know you. I don’t love you…” You shake your head breaking from his grasp. All the new information became overwhelming, your chest was tightening and it felt like water was rushing into your ears making you dizzy with loud roaring sounds. 
He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before opening them again, his big eyes narrowing and turning dark. “You will learn to love me, darling. Do you think all this was a coincidence? How do you think your friend knew about this place?” A small humorless smile tugs at his lips. 
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“I know Jennie, I’m still looking! I think I found a cute little beach villa but it’s four hours away. I just need something a little closer.” Lisa sighs into her phone as she types on her computer in search of a weekend getaway spot. 
A knock on her office door startles her, “hang on Jen, I think my boss is here.” She places the call on mute and puts the cell in her drawer out of sight. “Come in.”
A tall man with silver hair walks in with a friendly smile on his face and a black briefcase in hand, “I hope I’m not intruding on you miss. I heard you could help me with a little problem.”
Lisa furrows her brows at the strange man, “um, sure? I’m sorry sir, what exactly is it that you need my help with?” He walks to her desk and places his briefcase on top of the wood and opens the locks. “I just need you to look at this.”
She stands from her office chair and watches him open the case, he pulls out something in his fist and presents it to her. “Can you hold this for me?” Normally, she would ask a hundred and one questions to this stranger but there's something unexplainable about him that she trusts. 
She opens her hand and the man smiles as he drops Sunoo into her palm. Her eyes widen and before she can form a response Sunno blows a puff of pixie dust in her face. The dust covers her face and her dark eyes glaze over with green hues as she sits back down in her chair and stares straight ahead. Heeseung walks behind her desk and searches for the cabin on her computer, once he pulls up the address he pulls up the booking information and leaves it on the screen.
He places his lips by her ear and smiles, “you found such a lovely cabin for you and your friends. Make sure to book it immediately, and make sure she is there, no excuses.” Lisa nods as she still continues to stare mindlessly ahead. He grabs his briefcase and nods to Sunoo as he walks to the office door. Sunoo puffs another small cloud of dust into her face and quickly follows Heeseung out of the office. 
Lisa blinks slowly and shakes her head from the foggy feeling that filled her brain. What the hell just happened? Looking at the computer she smiles at the cute little cabin that she must have found when she spaced out. She quickly grabs her phone from the desk drawer to unmute Jennie.
“Hey! I found it! It’s the sweetest little cabin ever! It’s only an hour away! I need to call Jisoo and Y/N, we have to go. No excuses.”
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You felt sick to your stomach, this was all him? This was all a trap? For what, for you? “I want to go home.” You start walking in a random direction to put distance between you and Heeseung. He lets you walk a few steps away before he leaps into the air, landing in front of you blocking your path. “You’re not leaving me, you’re coming home with me.”
“Heeseung, this is ridiculous! I have a job, my friends are probably worried sick about me right now. I can’t stay in some stupid fantasyland out here with you!” You retort angrily as you shove him away from you. 
“You can and you will, I’m taking you to your new home.”
Sunoo flutters around the two of you and stops in front of your face. “Do it.” Heeseung commands the fairy. Sunoo pouts at you apologetically and cups his tiny hands in front of his mouth and blows out a puff of dark green sparkling smoke directly in your face. 
You step back as the smoke fills your lungs making you cough aggressively, knocking the wind out of you. You kneel on the ground clutching your throat gasping for fresh air. The choking sensation gets quickly replaced by a numbing feeling that has your eyes dropping and limbs tingling. You look at Heeseung with pleading eyes as he watches you falter to the ground further, you notice a familiar pair of white glowing eyes behind him before letting sleep take over your body. 
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Waking up in a foggy haze, memories start to resurface in your mind, what a weird fucking dream. Trying to turn over a sudden sharp pain stabs into your wrists forcing your eyes open in a panic. After blinking a few times you take notice of your ankles and wrists tied to four wooden bed posts, not only that, but they were tied with vines. Vines that were laced in greenery and sharp thorns. If you struggled against them they would cut into your skin, blood was already starting to drip out of the wrist you tried to move.
“Sorry about that, darling. Sunoo’s fairy smoke isn’t really used on humans and we might have used too much on you. I’m so happy you’re awake now.” Heeseung smiles from the corner of the room. 
“Heeseung please, let me go, I want to go home.”
“This is your home, darling, I’m your home.”
“I can’t stay here, my friends and family will come looking for me.” You start to let your tears spill, this all felt hopeless, it was becoming clear he wasn’t going to let you go. 
“Darling, even if they did look for you, they could never find you here.” He taunts playfully as he gestures around the room you’re in. He steps closer to you as he removes his vest and tosses it aside, he unbuttons the first two buttons of his dress shirt as he steps closer to you. His fingers tap on your bleeding ankles, he runs the tip of his index finger along the bottom of the satin of your nightgown all the way up, stopping right at the top of your breasts. He traces the delicate lace that lined the top of the gown watching your nipples pebble from the action, he smirks, taking a handful of the fabric in each hand and tearing it down the middle exposing you to him.
“Heeseung! Stop!”
He rolls his eyes and tears another piece off of the fabric and balls it up. He grabs your jaw and forces your mouth open as wide as it could go with his fingers and shoves the fabric into your mouth gagging you. “Normally, I’d love to hear what you sound like when I fuck you. But if you’re going to be screaming nonsense at me, I’d rather not hear you at all.”
Trying not to pull on your limbs to stab yourself further on the thorns, you look up at him helplessly. He straddles your waist and starts to place wet open mouth kisses along your jaw and down to your neck, gently letting the tip of his tongue trace every vein. He takes the sensitive skin between his teeth and starts sucking harshly until it’s sure to leave a mark, his mark. You hate how much your body reacts to his touch, you don’t want this, but the uncomfortable stickiness growing between your legs speaks a different story. 
You try to cry out but it's muffled by the fabric in your mouth. “You’re so beautiful, I’m so happy you’re finally home.” He mumbles into your soft skin. He kisses all the way down your body and stops above your clothed core. The way the vines had your legs spread open for him and had given him the perfect view of your clothed cunt. You looked so fucking perfect like this for him, all helpless and spread for him like a prized dessert. He bit his bottom lips as he ran his hand over the simple cotton fabric, he had been dreaming about seeing your pretty little pussy all swollen and needy for him, he wanted to see your tiny needy hole gaping and begging for him. Like your nightgown, he rips the fabric down the middle. He discards the torn fabric and places a loving kiss on your belly button as he lays flat on his stomach between your legs. “I’ve been dreaming about this moment for so long, darling.”
His face hovers above your core for a few seconds inhaling your scent before he spreads your folds apart and spits a wad of his saliva directly on your clit to help aid his movements. He uses three fingers to spread his spit around your clit as he watches your body shudder under him. You close your eyes and bite down on the makeshift gag as he applies more pressure to your clit. You hated how good it felt, and you hated how you could feel your arousal slowly start to seep out of you as you clench around nothing. 
He notices 
He smirks watching your body react to his touch, he stops rubbing your pussy and replaces his fingers with his mouth desperate to finally have a taste of you. You start panting heavily as you try to keep your legs from shaking to avoid being stabbed further by the sharp thorns. His warm tongue skillfully laps against your clit and sucks the nub into his mouth as he slips two of his thick fingers into your wet core. 
His eyes immediately close as he lets your clit go with a pop of his lips and slurps the arousal that’s leaking out of you around his fingers, not wanting to waste a single drop onto the sheets. His perfect nose is buried hard against your clit as he licks and sucks messily desperate for more of your sweet arousal to leak out so he can satisfy his insatiable thirst for you. He had never tasted anything so sweet before, and he knew he was going to spend hours everyday with his mouth attached to your cunt.  
Your legs try to close but the thorned vines dig further into your skin making you cry out in pain. He continues to suck on your clit as his thick long fingers explore inside your walls to prep you for his cock. He hums around you sending the vibrations straight to your lower belly, your thighs trembling around his face. He lifts his head up and stares at you with hooded dark eyes, “can you cum for me, darling?”
You whine around the gag feeling his fingers fuck into you faster and deeper, the pain in your wrists and ankles fading around the pleasure from your forced building orgasm. You can’t help the moans that try to escape your gagged mouth as you feel your orgasm building. He latches his mouth back onto your clit and sucks the sensitive flesh between his perfect teeth harshly. Your back arches off the mattress as your forced release gushes out of you soaking his entire hand and the lower half of his face. 
He moans around you as he continues to suck on your now swollen clit and finger fuck you through your orgasm. He finally stops his movements when he hears you squeal behind the gag from the overstimulation as you try to wiggle away from his mouth and fingers. He watches you pant heavily as you stare at the ceiling desperate to catch your breath. Your limbs were shaking against the restraints and blood was staining the sheets under you. He left small kisses along your wet inner thighs, “Do you want to know what else is real about the fairy tales, darling?” He smiles against your skin. 
You look down at him between your shaking opened legs and watch his gaze shift to the side of the room where a figure emerges. Your eyes widen as they flicker back and forth between Heeseung and Heeseung? The figure that emerged from the side of the room looked like a carbon copy of the man in between your legs, down to the attire. Fear and confusion make your entire body tremble in fear, you start crying again as the other Heeseung makes its way toward you two.
The other Heeseung wipes your tears off of your cheeks, “don’t cry darling. I’m going to take care of you.” The Heeseung between your legs speaks as he gets on his knees. The mysterious Heeseung figure doesn’t speak, he just stares at you with dark, curious and lustful eyes. But something about them felt strangely familiar. Heeseung stands up from the bed and starts to unravel the vines around your ankles as the other one works on the ones that are wrapped around your wrists, never making a sound or saying a word. 
The relief was immediate, feeling the thorns being removed from your delicate skin. You start to reach for the wadded ball of fabric in your mouth but the Heeseung clone grabs your bleeding wrists and keeps you pinned to the bed with one of his hands. He strokes your face with the back of his free hand but the actions feel anything but soothing or comforting. 
The real Heeseung stands and starts to remove his clothing piece by piece, while never breaking his eye contact with you. Heeseung makes his way back to the top of the bed and the clone pulls you into a sitting position, they exchange a silent look and the replica maneuvers you more forward so Heeseung can lean against the headboard. He beckons you with his finger and the other one lifts you effortlessly so that you’re hovering above Heeseung’s awaiting cock. You weren’t a virgin, but the generous size of him would surely have you struggling around him. 
He taps his fingers on your lips that are wrapped around the drool soaked fabric, “if I pull this out will you be good? I don’t want to hear any nonsense. I just want to hear your pretty sounds.” 
You nod aggressively and make a muffled sound around the fabric, “if you start acting out I’m going to gag you again. Understand?” He asks. You nod again, he grabs the wet fabric and pulls it out as you whine lightly and flex your sore jaw from the uncomfortable open forced position it was in. “Now, just relax and let me take care of you.” 
He grips your hips and helps the clone guide you onto his length. The swollen mushroom tip forces its way inside of you, your forced arousal helping aid it further. You could feel every vein of his length as they both slowly slid you down onto him. Your mouth was open in a silent pained gasp as you stared at Heeseung with wide, wet, and pleading eyes. He watched you with his bottom lip between his teeth, relishing in the feeling of how tight you were around his aching cock. You started to tense and clench around him at the halfway mark, resisting to take him any further but the clone grabbed your shoulders roughly and pushed you down the rest of the way in a fast motion with no room for adjustment. You try to wriggle off of him but Heeseung’s grip on your waist is firm. 
You were fully sitting on him as you fell forward on his chest sobbing uncontrollably, the stretch was painful, his fingers did nothing to prep you properly and you could feel him all the way to your belly button pulsing and throbbing inside of you. Heeseung grabs your face off of his chest and forces it back so he could slip his tongue inside your mouth, desperate to taste all of you. The figure stays behind you as it lifts your hips up and down on Heeseungs cock like you were some kind of fuck doll. 
The figure starts kissing your shoulders and neck as Heeseungs stays exploring the inside of your mouth, licking every crevice and swallowing all of the spit you can’t swallow. The figure stays moving you in an up and down motion, you whine in pain but Heeseung swallows the pained sounds with his tongue. He pulls away from your mouth to latch it onto your right nipple and takes the left one between his fingers. The figure forces your back against its chest to give Heeseung better access to your chest. 
Heeseung looks up at you with your nipple between his teeth, he wants to hear more of you. He pinches the other and twists it painfully causing you to gasp and whine loudly. You place your hands on his shoulders to try and pry him off of you but the figure stops you and forces your arms back at your side. Heeseung releases your nipple and places a wet kiss in between your breasts and smiles darkly at you when he feels you clenching around his cock, more of your arousal leaking out around him and dripping down his balls.   
He shoots a glance at the figure behind you and you feel your body being pushed forward. Your breasts hit Heeseung’s bare chest as the figure behind you maneuvers around you behind you and you feel its hands roam over your bottom and spread your cheeks. You try to shoot up but Heeseung has his arms wrapped around you keeping you in place, he feels your pussy clenching harder around him and he groans. 
“I’ve never done that before!” You panic trying to squirm away but they have a firm hold on you keeping you in place, “I told you if you spoke nonsense again, I’d gag you.” Heeseung scoffs, before you can respond he shoves three of his fingers into your mouth up to his third knuckle. You cough and choke around the digits, the clone uses the distraction to spit on your puckered hole before swirling the spit around the opening and pressing his thumb inside. You can’t move out of their grip and are forced to remain still around the uncomfortable intrusion as its thumb wiggles around inside of you, you continue to cry around Heeseung’s fingers in your mouth.
The figure slips its thumb out and coats two of its other fingers in your dripping arousal and slips them into the tight opening scissoring you open further. You cry out again and squeeze your eyes shut in pain. Heeseung feels you clench harder around him causing his already painfully aching cock to throb uncomfortably inside of you. He looks at the figure behind you again, clearly giving him another order, it retreats its fingers and lowers the slacks it's wearing and frees its cock out. It strokes itself a few times using its precum as lube. 
You look at Heeseung with desperate pleading eyes knowing what was about to happen. “Be good for me, darling.” He kisses your wet cheeks and nods to the figure. You suck in a deep breath as you feel the other Heeseung line himself up to your tiny hole and start to push itself inside of you. You scream around Heeseung’s fingers as it continues to slide its way inside of you, ignoring the flailing of your legs and body until reaching its hilt. You scream until it hurts, Heeseung places kisses on every part of your skin he can reach trying to soothe you from the unbearable stretch. You pant heavily against Heeseung’s fingers while obscene amounts of drool drip down your neck and onto his chest. 
The stretch and pain was unlike anything you had ever felt before, it burned, it was blistering hot and it felt like you were tearing and bleeding around the both of them, but the pressure. The pressure was the most unbearable. “You’re doing so good for me, darling.” He hums lifting your head so he could kiss around his fingers and lightly lick at the drool spilling out of your mouth. They don’t give you anytime for adjustments or comfort as they both start to move inside both of your holes. 
They set a rhythm together, one pulling out as the other would enter in, in continuous vigorous thrusts. Heeseung finally removed his fingers and slipped his tongue back in your open mouth and licked comforting strokes against your tongue as you continued to cry at the excruciating pain. He reached down between you and started to rub circles on your swollen clit, making you whine as you clenched around both of them. The more you clenched around them, the more painful it was, forced to feel the full size and hardness of them. 
The figure behind you grabs you from Heeseung’s mouth by the throat and pulls you against its chest making you look up at it while it continues to fuck your ass. Heeseung places both of his hands on your waist, he’s gripping you so tight he’s leaving his nail marks into your skin as he bounces you on their cocks faster. You stare into the eyes of the figure behind you as something strange begins to happen. 
The brown eyes of the figure start to glow and they glaze over into white bright orbs, like the eyes you had continuously seen in the forest. The figure slowly starts to morph out of its skin and a black faceless apparition takes its place. Your mouth drops open as color drains from your face as the apparition continues to drill into you. Heeseung covers your mouth before you can scream, “the fairy tales were right about one thing, darling.” He grunts as the shadow continues to rut you harder on Heeseung’s and its cocks. “I have a mischievous shadow that likes to play.” 
The shadow continues to hold you by the neck forcing you to stare into its white glowing eyes. You cry and squeal behind Heeseung’s hand that’s covering your mouth feeling them thrust into you mercilessly. The sounds go straight to the tip of Heeseing’s cock, as he hits your cervix with each painful punch of his thrusts, going deeper and deeper inside of you, both of them. 
“I’m going to fuck you like this every day, darling.” He pants as his brows scrunch in pleasure, he was so fucking close. The shadow tilts your head down so you’re forced to look at Heeseung. “You’re all mine, I’ve waited for you for hundreds of years.” He looks deep into your eyes as he rests his sweaty forehead against yours, you can see the deranged psychotic look in his eyes as he speaks. The shadow reaches around and starts rubbing your clit at an inhumane pace making it hard to breath and your legs shake and tremble. You sob and shake your head behind his hand, you didn’t want this, you didn’t want this life. 
Heeseung watches you intently as your eyes become wild the harder the shadow rubs your clit, your eyes roll to the back of your head as you scream against his hand as your gummy walls clamp around Heeseung’s cock and a gush of liquid sprays out of you, the force of it was almost enough to push his cock out of you. He groans loudly and ruts harder into you chasing his own high, not even caring about the shadow anymore, his movements are sloppy and desperate before his hips stutter against you and he lets out a primal groan from deep within his chest.  Thick and hot cum fill your womb, it feels like an obscene amount and you can feel your lower belly expanding from the weight of it all. Nothing about Heeseung was human. 
The shadow pulls out of your other hole when Heeseung removes his hand from your mouth, it lifts you off of his softening cock and lays you onto your side next to Heeseung. You can feel both of your holes pulsing and gaping around nothing, you feel disgusting as you sob into your bloody shaking hands. Heeseung wraps his arms around you from behind you and pulls you closer to him. “I love you.”
Your cries start to slowly die down as you watch the shadow fly around the room before exiting the large open window. You squint your watery eyes as you try to see the outside view, you can only make out lots of emerald green treetops but the sky, the sky was what was confusing you. It was lilac, no sunlight, no darkness, just a lilac sky with white clouds and fairies flying around leaving traces of their light. This wasn’t the sky you were used to, this wasn’t the scenery you were used to. Heeseung kisses your bare shoulder from behind you and follows your bewildered gaze to the window, “welcome home, darling. Welcome to Neverland.”
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Every like/comment/reblog gives Peter Pan Heeseung a smooch!
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pathologicalreid · 13 hours
Heyy dunno if this is something you’d consider writing but I just saw an edit of Spencer and it made me realize we don’t really go into how he essentially relapsed when he was drugged in Mexico and now I need to see this in writing I don’t necessarily have a prompt but something along the lines of just having a convo with him or comforting him? 🫶🏼
the ninth step | S.R.
spencer works to make amends after mexico, and he's starting with you
who? spencer reid x fem!reader category: angst; hurt/comfort content warnings: drug use, narcotics anonymous, spoilers for 2x15 "revelations", spoilers for 12x13 "spencer", substance use disorder, fiancee!reader, the ninth step is amends, a lot of crying, only a little proofread word count: 1.11k a/n: you say no prompt and i say free reign!!! i think about spencer in mexico all the time so thank you sooo much for this request!
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The only time anyone could find Spencer Reid in a church was when he was in a meeting.
As usual, you waited out front on one of the benches, leaning your elbow on the iron armrest as you kept your notebook balanced on your thigh, scribbling notes down as you waited for Spencer to come out and meet you.
Members of his group left the church in staggered variations of people, some left together to get coffee after, some left alone, and one didn’t leave at all. A few of them acknowledged you as they passed, but no one mentioned your fiancé.
Once your car was the last one remaining in the parking lot, you slipped your notebook into your bag before hauling it over your shoulder and standing up. Wiping off the back of your jeans, you walked through the front doors, noting the way the stained-glass windows refracted the remaining sunlight on the linoleum floor.
Knowing the pathway, you walked over to the meeting room, a space reserved for youth groups, Sunday school, and Narcotics Anonymous meetings. With the space vacated, the only sound was the tapping of your shoes as you passed through the doorway, and just as you had assumed, Spencer was the only person remaining in the windowless room.
He didn’t move as you approached him, sticking your hands in your jeans pockets as you silently assessed the despondent look on his face. “How are you?” You asked softly, tilting your head to the side.
“I’m just sitting,” he mumbled, it wouldn’t have been intelligible if you didn’t have years of practice understanding him and his mumbles. His old NA group had disbanded years ago, and you were glad to find this one close to your apartment.
Nodding understandingly, you took one more step closer to him, “Can I sit with you?”
Brown eyes flickered up at you just then as he seemingly considered your offer, “Yeah.”
Looking around, you hooked your ankle around the leg of an empty, gray folding chair and dragged it across the floor until it was next to Spencer.  Setting your bag on the floor, you took your seat.
For a while, you sat in silence. For a while, that was enough.
After a couple of minutes, your silence was broken when Spencer finally moved, pressing the heels of his palms to his eyes, and your chest ached when slowly, his shoulders started to shake.
Getting out of your chair, you crouched in front of him, keeping your hands resting on your knees as you looked up at him, “Can I get you anything?” You asked, keeping your voice level as emotion threatened to take over.
You had known that today wasn’t going to be a good day from the moment Spencer asked you to drive him to the meeting. He asked you to take him because he was afraid that he wouldn’t make it there on his own, and at the time, you hadn’t even dared to consider the implications of what that meant for him.
Spencer’s hands fell to his lap, and you eyed him carefully as he took a deep breath. His eyes were bloodshot and watery as he looked at you just as intently – there was a dam built between the two of you, and there had been since he came home.
Things had changed. That much was clear to you ever since he came home to you and said the word out loud. A word that had seemed foreign in your household until it became a reality. You continuously had to remind yourself that you weren’t in this situation because of a decision he had made, you were here before of a choice that someone else had made for him.
It churned your stomach to see him knocked back down to day one. Six months later, you were here, in this denominational building, silently pleading with him to say something to you.
Holding your breath, Spencer reached his hands out, taking both of yours in his, “I’m so sorry.”
Your shoulders drooped. We don’t have to do this here, you wanted to tell him, but that’s not what he needed right now. Gently, you squeezed his hands in a comforting gesture, “I know you are, baby.”
“We…” he whispered, “Our lives should look a lot different right now.” He said, moving a finger and tapping the engagement ring on your left hand.
A previously planned wedding day had come and gone, Spencer had been in Millburn, and you spent the day on the couch in Emily’s office.
Refusing to disconnect your hands, Spencer wiped his face on his arm, the motion bringing a minuscule smile to your face. “I shouldn’t have gone to Mexico. I should’ve been more honest with you about where I had been going and what I was doing, and I know that now.”
You looked up at him, maintaining eye contact with him. He was trying to make amends with you.
“I know that there’s no amount of apologizing or groveling that can fully make up for everything you’ve lost because of me, but for as long as you keep having me, I’ll spend all of my days trying to make up for all of this,” he lamented, keeping his clammy hands clasped around yours. “Actions speak louder than words, that’s true, especially with amends, and… I’m trying.”
Spencer followed the NA handbook to the very finest minutiae, he stayed away from anything that his substance use disorder could cling onto, and as his voice broke and tears made pathways on his cheeks, you wanted to tell him that you saw him. You noticed every effort he made, but all you could do was cry in time with him.
Disconnecting your hands, he reached out and wiped away your tears before cupping both of your cheeks in his hands, “I’m never going to stop trying for you, Y/N.”
Your lips parted as you wandered the depths of your mind for something adequate to tell him, but nothing came out.
“All of the sacrifices that you’ve made in the name of the life that I messed up, I see them all. I think about them all the time and if there’s ever anything you need from me, just tell me, okay?” He implored, lifting your chin and gently guiding you up, pulling you toward him until you were sat with your legs perpendicular on his lap.
You let loose a shaky sigh, leaning your head and settling it on his shoulder, “Thank you,” you whispered, closing your eyes as he wrapped his arms around your torso, keeping you close to him.
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wholoveseggs · 2 days
Heyy, you should make an Elijah fic where it’s set where he has his middle part and he falls in love with Elena’s best friend as the reader? With fluff and smut please!!! 🤍🤍
Rules {Part One}
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
Part One
As the little sister of the Salvatores, trouble always finds you. Whether it's from a vampire, werewolf or an original, you are always at the center of it. When the mysterious villain Elijah comes to Mystic Falls, everyone is trying to stop him from hurting Elena. But you? You might be falling in love...
♡♡ Thanks for the request beautiful anon! Middle part Elijah will forever have me in a chokehold && it's about time I write a little bit about the Salvatore brothers...♡♡
2k words - Warnings: this one is just mainly smut, foreplay, secret affair, enemies to lovers, Elijah being the sexiest middle-part menace he can be, reader is a lot like her brother Damon... will this turn into a romeo and juilet tragic romance ? maybee
{Part Two}
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"Rules? I don't recall such things..." You giggled softly, kicking your feet a little, a wide smile on your face.
Laying on your stomach in front of the fireplace at the boarding house, you chatted on the phone with Elijah. You ran your fingers through the soft rug underneath you, biting your lip and waiting for a response from him.
"Hmm, perhaps you just have a very poor memory then," Elijah murmured, you could hear the smile in his voice. It had you grinning like an idiot, and you had to roll onto your back and stare up at the ceiling just to calm yourself down. You felt giddy, excited, and so many other emotions that you thought were long dormant in your old age.
"Perhaps..." You murmured, letting out a happy sigh and smiling at the ceiling.
"Let me refresh your memory," Elijah whispered into the phone, his tone calm and deep, as he sat back in the large leather chair in his office. "Rule one, when we are together, it will just be us,"
"And it will be," You assured him, closing your eyes, imagining his voice directly in your ear. "Everyone has gone away for the night,"
"I don't see why we don't just rent a room," He chuckled softly.
"Because," you murmured, feeling shyer by the second. "I want you to see my room, I have some books and art to share with you, there's this painting I hung up the other day that you would love..."
Elijah smiled, looking down and picking at a piece of lint on his pants, unable to deny how much he liked that thought. "I would love to see all the details of what makes you happy,"
You blushed, sitting up on your thighs, the heat of the fireplace warming your back.
"So? Come over?" You asked, hopeful, almost squirming with need.
Elijah knew this was a bad idea, if the Salvatore brothers returned, he would have to deal with their wrath. They were the enemy, but you... You were a weakness, one he couldn't seem to ignore.
"What would I get in return?" He wondered, standing up and moving over to the window.
You grinned, a plan forming. "Anything you want..."
Elijah licked his lips, feeling his heart beat just a bit faster.
"You are dangerous..." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Give me an hour,"
You giggled happily, rolling onto your stomach and kicking your legs behind you. "I'll be waiting,"
With a small hum of confirmation, Elijah ended the call.
You tossed your phone aside and scurried to your room, deciding what to wear. Usually you weren't shy or nervous to hook-up with someone, but with Elijah it was different.
It had been a few weeks, and you had both agreed, the last time would be the only time. But then one thing led to another, a text here, an invitation there, and now you couldn't deny the pull between the two of you.
After showering and shaving and washing, you stood naked in your closet and looked through the clothes. You finally settled on a simple yet expensive lingerie set that hugged your body and pushed up your breasts. Then you slipped into a simple black dress, deciding to keep it casual, since you were planning on being naked for most of the night.
A knock on the door made you grin, and you rushed to the door, your excitement bubbling to the surface.
Elijah stood on the porch, hands tucked in the pockets of his long trench coat, a small smile on his face.
"Hello, Miss Salvatore," He said softly, stepping inside.
You shut the door behind him, pressing your back against it, taking in the man before you.
"Elijah," You purred, grinning like a cat. "Glad you could join me,"
Elijah hummed softly, his eyes roaming your form. You could see the lust in his eyes, the way his jaw clenched.
"You know, the last time we were alone, I believe we agreed this would not happen again," Elijah reminded, taking a step forward, closing the gap between you.
"Hmm, did we?" You murmured, your hand reaching out and running down the front of his suit, feeling the material. You stopped and looked up at him, a grin on your face.
He leaned down and kissed you, his lips soft and gentle against yours. His hands went to your hips, pulling you flush against him.
You let out a small gasp, a hand going to his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart.
You pulled away, your cheeks a light pink and your breathing heavy. He already had you dizzy, and he had barely done anything.
"How about a tour?" He murmured, a smile on his lips.
"Sure," You nodded, pulling him towards the stairs, a giddy smile on your face.
He followed along, not paying attention to the art and paintings on the walls, instead he was watching you, the way your hips swayed with every step, and the smile on your face as you brought him closer and closer to your bedroom.
As soon as you stepped through the door, Elijah's hands were on your waist, his lips kissing along your neck and shoulders. He kicked the door close, and started pushing you further into the room.
You stumbled a little, giggling and holding onto his arm, letting him push you towards the bed. You spun around and faced him, and he leaned in, his lips capturing yours in a passionate kiss. You ran your hands up his chest and to his tie, unknotting it and throwing it on the ground. You worked on his jacket next, sliding it off his shoulders and down his arms, leaving him in his white shirt.
"Mm, you're rushing," Elijah teased, nipping at your bottom lip, his hands gripping your hips tightly.
"No, no, you're just too slow," You shot back, ripping open his shirt, the buttons flying across the room.
Elijah looked down at his torn shirt, and then up at you, his lips curled into a smirk. "Careful,"
"Or what?" You teased, running your fingers through his hair, a playful glint in your eyes.
Elijah pushed you backwards, and you fell onto the bed, letting out a laugh as he crawled up your body, his mouth attaching to your neck, sucking and biting, making you moan.
"Greedy little vampire, aren't you?" He murmured against your skin, his hands running up your thighs, slowly pushing your dress up.
"Hmm, for you," You purred, tugging at his belt, getting frustrated when you couldn't get it undone.
Elijah chuckled, sitting up and working his belt free, a cocky smirk on his lips. You rolled your eyes, and wiggled your way out of your dress, tossing it onto the ground, leaving you in nothing but the black lace lingerie.
"My, my," Elijah said slowly, his eyes drinking in the sight before him. "You look stunning,"
You bit your lip, a small smile on your face as he climbed back on top of you, his hands running up your sides.
"This was an excellent choice," He murmured, running his fingers over the lace. "Maybe I should rip it off, make it match my shirt,"
"Don't you dare," You warned, wrapping your arms around his neck, bringing his mouth to yours.
Your hand rested against his stomach, and you let it wander up his chest. You could feel his strength as he held himself over you, the muscles of his arms flexing, his chest rising and falling.
His hair fell into his face, framing his cheekbones, his intense gaze fixed on you. You blushed and tucked his hair behind his ear, running your finger along his sharp jaw.
"You're so handsome," You breathed, the words escaping your lips before you could stop them.
Elijah chuckled, his breath hot against your skin.
"And you're breathtaking," He murmured, before ripping off your lingerie, leaving you completely bare beneath him.
"I told you not to do that," You gasped, though you weren't really angry, your blood was already rushing south.
He grinned, his fingers trailing up your leg, teasing your core. You spread your legs wider, and he eased a finger inside you, chuckling as your annoyed expression melted into pleasure. He watched you like this, lips parted, panting softly. Then he added second finger, then a third, until he was fucking you with three fingers, the palm of his hand brushing against your clit.
"Elijah," You moaned, tugging him down, kissing him roughly.
Elijah smirked against your lips, and curled his fingers, finding that sweet spot that had you seeing stars.
"Fuck," You moaned, arching off the bed, your eyes screwed shut.
"That's it," He encouraged, his eyes dark with lust as he watched you, his fingers picking up speed, curling and twisting inside you.
"I can't..." You whined, squirming and grabbing his wrist.
"But you can," He mumbled, kissing you deeply. You moaned into the kiss as he moved his hand faster. The tension was so delicious and intoxicating, but before you could reach your release, Elijah was pulling his hand back.
You were so lost in pleasure you didn't hear the sound of the front door opening, or the noise of Stefan and Damon entering the house.
But Elijah did. He froze, his ears trained on the footsteps of the Salvatore brothers. He cursed under his breath, and turned to look down at you, a smirk playing on his lips.
You frowned at the lack of contact, and pouted, looking up at him, confused. You opened your mouth to speak but he cut you off with a kiss.
Then you heard them.
In a flash Elijah was gone, all that was left of his touch was your scattered breathing and lust filled eyes.
You heard the sound of your brother's footsteps coming up the stairs and pulled a blanket over yourself. A moment later Damon and Stefan walked in the doorway.
"What do you want?" You muttered, looking grumpy, and trying to sound like you were angry at being interrupted from a good sleep.
"Just checking in," Stefan smiled, before noticing how disheveled your hair was, the blush in your cheeks, and the fact that you were wrapped in a blanket and nothing else.
"Have you been here all night?" Damon asked, looking concerned.
"Yes," You snapped, sitting up and pulling the blankets tighter around you. "I was tired and fell asleep reading,"
Stefan and Damon shared a look, neither looked like they were buying your story.
"We'll let you rest," Stefan nodded, heading for the door, giving you a suspicious look.
"Yeah, go back to sleep, we'll be downstairs," Damon murmured, shooting you a knowing look, before following his brother out the door, shutting it behind him.
Once they were gone, you collapsed back against the pillows, letting out a breath.
You could still feel Elijah's lips on yours, still smell his cologne, still taste him on your tongue. You closed your eyes, a smile spreading across your face.
It was in that moment, that you knew you were absolutely, undeniably, hopelessly, in love with Elijah.
And, without a doubt, completely and utterly fucked.
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{Part Two}
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siredtosturniolos · 2 days
hiii can I request a chris x slightly big reader? she's not skinny but she's not plus size, she just has a bigger body with a stomach dip and all. basically they're dating but the internet doesn't know it yet and they're both tired of hiding so they decide to announce it through a photo dump, reader is nervous of what people might think of her and second guesses whether chris is embarrassed or not to be dating a "not skinny and standard body goal" girl. chris gently reassures her and the fans ended up loving and supporting the ship. thank you!!
Paring: Chris Sturniolo x Reader
Summary: You and Chris had finally agreed to coming out to his fans with your relationship. You knew Chris loved you, but you were worried the fans would get to you, or even worse, him. You had a little more to love than most girls, but it was something Chris loved about you. You could face anything as long as you had Chris by your side.
Warnings: talks of body size!
Authors note: As a plus sized girly, i hope I didn't offend anyone and that this is what you were hoping for! Thank you for the request <3
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
I frown as I look over at Chris’ phone, opened on Instagram and looking through his photos of us together. We were finally coming out to his fans as being a couple, and I can’t help but feel insecure.
I wasn’t fat, but I also wasn’t skinny, so I can only imagine what his fans would have to say about my body. I just don’t want Chris to be embarrassed by his fans reaction, or by me.
“Baby?” I’m pulled out of the thoughts I was drowning in, I look to him and offer a small smile. “What’s wrong?” He asks, locking his phone to give me his full attention.
“Nothing, I’m fine.” I reply, and I can basically feel his eyes roll as he turns to fully face me.
He shakes his head, “We’re not moving from this spot till you tell me what’s on your mind.”
Damn him and his stubbornness.
I shrug, “I’m just a little worried about how everyone will react. To me.” I admit quietly.
“Well, you’re my first girlfriend since I’ve gotten a following-“ He starts, but I cut him off, “I know Chris, I mean I’m worried about what they’ll say about my size. I’m not what they imagine your type to be.” I explain softly, and I watch the sadness seep into his expression.
“Baby, you know I fucking love you and your body. I don’t care what they have to say about it.” He replies, tugging me into a hug.
I feel tears fill my waterline, “Just don’t want you to feel embarrassed.” I mumble into his chest, feeling his arms tense up around me.
“I could never be embarrassed of you.” He whispers, “If anyone should be embarrassed, it should be you. Having a boyfriend that’s 20 years old without a license? Jeez.” He jokes softly, making me erupt with giggles.
He’s not entirely wrong.
“I don’t think any less of you for not having your license you know.” I tell him, pulling back to place a short and sweet kiss on his lips.
“I know.” He grins down at me once we pull away, “Do you still wanna post today? We can wait.”
Instantly I shake my head, “We’ve waited long enough.” I tell him, and he pulls his phone back out. “These are good.” I tell him as he shows the 9 pictures he wanted to post. He nods, then twists away from me so I can’t see what he’s typing.
“Chris!” I whine, rolling my eyes.
“It’s gonna be a surprise shut up.”
I get a notification on my own phone, making me pull it out to see he had tagged me in the post. I click the notification and immediately read the caption.
@christophersturniolo: Got the baddest bitch to be my girlfriend ❤️ 🪄
I laughed, “You and that fucking emoji.”
Chris scoffs, “It’s the best one out there!”
“I love you.” I tell him, watching fondly as his cheeks flush and he turns a little bashful.
“Love you too baby.” He grins back at me, quickly leaning forward to place a soft kiss on my lips. We settle back onto the couch as I pulled my phone back out, opening Instagram to check the comments on Chris’ post.
@astrologysturniolo: that should be me by justin bieber is playing so loud rn
@chrislovespepsi: Y/N is so pretty wtf
@mattybloverboy: GOALS
@outerspacesturniolo: can’t believe chris bagged a baddie like that when he’s scared of women LMAO
@teampurplenas: where is that top from in the 3rd pic??? she’s serving cunt ngl
“How are they taking it?” Chris quietly asks, bringing my attention away from my screen.
I shoot him a smile, before I lock my phone and place it on the coffee table, “Pretty well so far.” He cheers and nearly tackles me off the couch in the process.
“If you wanna go to the bedroom just say that.”
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deathbxnny · 12 hours
So we know that Boothill had a daughter but what is he had a S/O that also was killed but their consciousness was put into a robotic body(?) and they work for the IPC. Not having any memory of what the IPC did to their family and they meet Boothill again after a long time. Maybe they didn’t even recognize Boothill. Just angst.
ʕ •̀ ω •́ ʔ congratulations on 1000!!!
Oooh, I really love this request, Anon!! I've been craving something angsty and tragic, so I hope you'll like this and thank you for the request!!<33
Content: Reader is similar to the Androids from "Detroit: Become human", spoilers to Boothills past!!, past romantic relationship, heavy angst, hurt/no comfort, swearing, reader kind of is hinted to have a southern sounding accent, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!!
((Not proofread))
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"You promised your next life to me." (Boothill x Gn!Reader)
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"That was close-" "-Too close! I told ya not to shut the gates too hard! The damned hens nearly got us killed when they woke up!" A young Boothill hissed to you, although there was no malice in his voice, only a playful tune of amusement. You grinned, biting into one of the apples you had stolen. "But we're alive right now, aren't we?"
The sun was slowly peeking out from beyond the mountains, painting the skies above you in soft blues, pinks, and oranges. You leaned against the tree you were both hiding in, trying your best not to fall out of it or make too much noise, lest the swearing and enraged farmer nearby heard you. It was just supposed to be a little early morning fun, in which you both hopped your neighbors fence to get some of his freshly harvested apples.
Some may call it stealing, but you often liked to call it "borrowing". Served the old man right anyway. He always sold them for too high of a price at the market!
"God damn you, brats! Once I get my hands on you, you'll never think of crossing my damned fields again!" The farmer yelled, loading his shot gun, before he seemed to trip over the pots you had accidentally run into on your way to the tree. Both of you snorted at the cursing intensifying, your hands pressing against your mouths to weakly muffle the laughs that threaten to bubble out of you.
A door creaked open in the distance, the disgruntled old wife hobbling out in annoyance. "RANDY! WHAT ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH ARE YOU DOIN'? IT'S NEARLY 5 AM!" She yelled, the farmer quick to scramble up and pull on his hat with a gulp. "Those damned kids are back!-" "-I don't care! Get your ass back in here, or so may the Aeons help me!" The man only reluctantly did as told, trudging back inside in sizzling rage, yet decided that for today, the little rats could escape him just one more time again. He'll get them next time.
You two waited for a while after the door slammed shut before you finally let out a relieved giggle. "That's what he gets! Old man Mr. Roger had it, comin'!" You slid down the tree, skillfully landing on your feet, before you ran towards the cornfield you came from. "Let's get back to the horses!" You called out behind you, making the young boy follow after you quickly, albeit slower due to being the one carrying most of your "borrowed" goods. You had always been the braver one. The one with the most energy and the most strength to do things. He looked up to you in moments like these, nearly admiring you when you jumped over the fence with no difficulty. He struggled alot more than you did before he too finally reached your horses on the otherside.
"That was really fun..." Boothill trailed off as he helped you load up your half of the apples onto your mare, that was attempting to take one for herself. You hummed in agreement, thanking him right after whilst he helped you onto your saddle. "It's always fun when you're with me." You commented with a shrug, not understanding the weight of your kind words that made his heart beat faster. You rode next to eachother in silence for a while, your eyes glued on the sunset before you, and yet the boy found you more interesting to look at. He bit his lip nervously when the sun hit your eyes just right, making them glow.
"I'm gonna hit the bed the second I'm home... but we'll meet later today again, okay? See ya!" It wasn't a request in Boothills' mind. No, it was simply a natural demand, a requirement to be there, to see you. He watched you ride on the opposite path back to your home, wondering when he too could be braver than you and spill the words that were on his mind for his best friend.
That was one of the only memories of Boothills childhood with you that he could remember anymore now. It was odd to think that you two were once nothing more than little troublemakers ridding through the early morning hours together. Only years later however, you'd see eachother every day through marriage.
Your home was a small cottage near the oceanside, miles of fields and meadows surrounding it, in the distance, unexplored forests and mountains. It was your idea to move there as it was still close to his family, and he couldn't have been more grateful. Especially with the small bundle of joy he one day found whilst he was out checking on the cattle during a strong thunderstorm. You were resting at home that night, your fingers moving quickly as they crocheted a blanket you had been working on for a while, ears strained to listen to the music over the static that played through the radio. The fireplace was warm, eyes beginning to drop shut from the exhaustion of a busy day on the farm, when suddenly the front door creaked open and in came your husband, soaked to the bone.
You sat up, watching carefully as he set down his dripping hat and pulled off his boots with one hand clumsily, the other tightly wrapped around something you couldn't see from the dimness of the room. "Come here, honey. Look what a sweet little thing I've found out there." He chuckled gently, holding out the wrapped bundle to you, whilst he pulled away some of the cloth to show the face of a small, sleeping infant. You gasped in surprise, eyes widening, as you were quick to take her out of the wet cloths and wrap her into your own warm arms. "Oh she really is so little!" You whispered in awe, and Boothill could see the love you had for what would soon become your adoptive daughter from the start.
She was your everything ever since that fateful night, you two lovingly calling her "Lavender" after the fields her father had found her in. She was a lively, easy child, so loving and sweet, that your heart couldn't help but be filled with her the moment you met her. Boothill found alot of purpose in raising her with you, often times taking her on horse rides around the land he owned, or taking her out to fish, whilst you taught her how to garden and crochet things herself.
You and Lavender were his sweethearts, his everything. All that Boothill lived for... until eventually, you weren't.
The day came in which the devil's from above, also calling themselves members of the "IPC" came down to slaughter you all senselessly. No one survived, no one but Boothill. Your daughter was dead instantly, her small daughter hidden under the heavy rubble, never having stood a chance against the bombs.
He could never forget the relief he felt when he found you, even if it was short-lived. You were fatally injured, breath labored and short, as you tried to hold on for just a moment longer. His arms wrapped around you, tears in eyes when he saw the fear for the first time in yours. No amount of bravery could save you now. "(Y/N)... you... please, you can't die." He chocked out, unable to comprehend the agony he was in. Yet you couldn't hear him over the ringing in your ears, your hand reaching up to grasp his shirt tightly with all the strength you had left. "I'll... I'll find you. I swear I will. In my next life. I promise... I..." Your arm dropped, the fear relaxing into nothing, as your breathing came to an end, the only thing left being the crackling of flames around you.
"Mr. Boothill? Are you... alright?" Dan Heng awkwardly nudged the now Cyborg man, his head tilting in confusion. Aventurine raised a brow, his arms crossing as his gaze met your rather unamused one in thought. "My... he only seemed to malfunction once you arrived, (Y/N)!" He grinned teasingly, making you roll your eyes and cross your arms. "Can we please continue? You claimed we didn't have any time to waste." The blonde raised his arms in faux surrender, knowing he shouldn't bother you any more than summoning you here has.
A high-profile IPC android like you surely had better things to do after all than to deal with a failing country, but here you were.
Boothill, meanwhile, blinked a couple of times, his head hurting and throbbing in agonizing pain. Just how was this possible? Just how were you alive?
Why did you not recognize him?
"... I... sorry, they look really familiar." He said, trying to compose himself when you gave him a sharp, uninterested look. Your eyes always held so much kindness for everyone. How could you forget even that? Pulling down his hat to cover his eyes, he sighed and shook his head. He supposed both of you had changed beyond recognition in one way or another.
"Anyways... let's get goin'... that nice, wing-headed Mister ain't gonna go down on his own..." He continued, trailing off for a moment, before he simply turned and left to fulfill his part of the plan. He heard you scoff lightly, obviously unamused by whatever seemed to have angered you so much before coming here.
His soul ached for you in ways he couldn't ever utter out loud again. And whilst you did keep your promise of seeing him again, this is not the life or the way he had preferred.
At least you weren't a liar, he supposed bitterly with a cold chuckle.
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Alrightyy... I finally found the time to write this, and I'm unsure how I like it... BUT it's done, and I hope it was okay for you, Anon!! Thank you again for the request!!<33
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iliketangerines · 3 days
I absolutely adore your writing omg its so good. you make me want to write more fics even tho ive only posted 1 (womp womp).
If I can make a request, we need more primal play Tomas plEASEEE!
Hunter/Prey dynamics w that man got me running laps around my room and quite possibly have me feral!!!!
(I dont need therapy, I just need to be pinned down by his big strong arms.)
Please and Thank You. Youre the best ever <3
helpless prey
a/n: tomas....mmm...so tasty
pairing: tomas vrbada x afab!reader
warnings: nsfw (MDNI) primal prey, cnc, public sex (you're in the woods)
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Tomas comes out of the woods after checking the safety of the surroundings about a third time, and you pat his shoulder and tell him it’ll be okay and that you can defend yourself
he just sighs and says he was just making sure one more time, and you just fix the little bunny ear hairband on your head and show the thigh strap holding your knife
you reassure him one more time and say you know how to defend yourself, and he presses his forehead to yours and murmurs that he knows, his hands coming up to grip onto your arms and squeeze it gently
finally, he pulls away, and you shake yourself loose as you face the dark woods, pursing your lips at the feeling of the bunny tail plug sitting snug in your ass
it would definitely hinder your ability to think properly, but you push the thought out of your mind and give another glance to Tomas standing behind you
he taps his fingers against his thigh and says he’ll give you five minutes to hide before he comes to hunt you down, and you nod
sprinting off into the woods, the ears bob on your head and your tail presses against you and make your legs slightly wobble as you run through the forest
the trees tower over you, and your heart beats fast in your chest as you criss cross your own path, leaving the footprints in a confusing pattern on the dirt
you know the five minutes have finally passed, and he’s coming to get you, tracking your footprints in the loose first
only a minute remains, maybe less for you to actually hide, and you look at the trees and find one with a hole in the trunk, bushes covering the base
you mess your footprints, tracing old ones before diving into the bushes and making sure you were as low to the trunk floor as possible
the woods are silent, save for the sound of night animals prowling around in the night, and you try to keep your breaths shallow and your body still as you strain your ears
nothing happens for a few minutes, but you would be a fool to think that you’re safe as you keep your eyes focused through the leaves of the bush to listen for Tomas
it’s silent, quiet, and then you hear it, subtle and barely there, but the light footsteps of an assassin are in the air
he comes out from behind a bush, eyes scanning the area, and you go still, barely even trembling as he searches the area
your footprints are still on the ground, and he looks at them carefully before looking through the area again
you watch with wide eyes as he walks and walks around, looking up the trees and near the bushes, and he’s getting closer, only about a foot away from you
your breathing stops, and you hope he doesn’t look down into the bushes
his footsteps stand right outside you, and you wait and wait until he lets out a barely audible breath and starts walking in the other direction
and then you hear him stop and turn around, and his eyes meet yours through the leaves
your feet scramble for balance as he pounces toward you, and you sprint out of the tree trunk as he jumps into the bushes
running through the woods, you pant hard, heart beating wildly, and his footsteps aren’t far behind yours as you run
he’s fast, faster than you’ve ever seen him run, and his fingers brush against your back as you make a turn around a tree
he’s too close to you, and you try to make unpredictable turns right and left
but it feels as though he’s leading you in a certain direction as you run, but you ignore the feeling in your stomach as you run and run
and then as he slams into a tree to the right of you, you sprint to the left and trip over something, tangling up your feet in something rough
tumbling onto the ground, you try to pull your knife out of your thigh strap, but Tomas easily knocks it aside as he pounces on top of you
he grabs onto your wrists and pin them to your sides, his thigh slotting between yours and rubbing against your clothed cunt
it makes you whimper, the adrenaline still running through you, and you try to find purchase with your legs to try and kick him off
the only thing it accomplishes it making his thigh dig further in your clit, and Tomas seems to know as he watches with a slight smirk at how you work yourself up
by the end of your struggle, lungs burning with exhaustion, Tomas just watches a smirk, hands gripping tight onto your wrists and finally asks if you’re done
you just part your lips and try to take in as much as you can, trying to ease the burn in your chest, and he laughs and grinds your clit into his thigh
it makes you whimper, and pleasure shoots through you as you try and move your hips away from him
he just smirks and moves his thigh with you and watches as you struggle to stifle your sounds and try not to give him the satisfaction
Tomas leans down to growl in your ear to give into him little bunny, and you turn your head to the side
he laughs and buries his nose in your neck, breathing in your scent before sucking and licking at the skin, teeth sinking into the flesh after a second
you whine at the feeling, legs twitching to squeeze his waist, and his smirk only grows as you struggle in his arms
he slots his other thigh next to his and spreads your legs with his, grinding his hips into yours and listening to your slight whimper
you’re only dressed in panties, and you can feel his hardening cock into your cunt, groaning into your ear and murmuring that he can’t wait to devour you
then he brings his free hand to your face, tilting your face towards him and pressing his lips to yours, and he pushes his tongue against the seal of your lips
you keep them shut, and he growls at the lack of submission
he humps his hip into yours roughly, causing your mouth to slip open, and Tomas shoves his tongue into your mouth, almost daring you to bite it with the smirk against yours
he hums into your mouth, savoring the taste of your lips, and his free hand goes to slip off his sash and pants, pulling his cock out of his underpants
he parts from your lips, grinning at your teary eyes, and says he would do more but he can’t wait, too helpless to his instincts to resist such a pretty piece of prey
you whimper and close your eyes, biting your lip and turning your head away, and Tomas just coos at your reaction, slipping your panties to the side
his fingers run through your folds, and he brings them up to his face and smiles at the sight of your want covering his fingers
he teases you, saying that maybe you are just a desperate little bunny, all for him, and he humps his cock against your pussy, listening to the slick sound of it
Tomas kisses you again, and he continues to ruts against you, wetting his cock against you and grunting into your mouth at your little whines
it’s all he does for a minute, and then finally he groans that he can’t wait anymore, lining himself up with you and slowly pushing in
you whine and kick your legs uselessly in the air, swollen tears falling down your face, and Tomas just kisses them away
his brows furrow, and he asks if you’re okay, genuinely, eyes wide with concern
you take a little breath and say that you’re fine, and just to give you a second
Tomas nods, releasing your wrists to bring both his hands to cup your face and wipe away your tears with gentle thumbs
you lean into his touch and take a second to adjust, just breathing in and out, and he waits for you patiently, staring with a concentrated face until you’re ready
a few minutes pass, and finally, you give him the go ahead and tell him he can continue
Tomas grabs onto your wrists again and give you a little nod, closing his eyes and letting out a quick puff of air
when he opens them again, they’re dangerous and glint with something sharp and angry as his hips start to snap against you
you whine and squirm, but it’s impossible to get out of his grip with how his weight presses down on you
the hand not holding your wrists goes down to rub against your clit, drawing a high keen out of you, and he just thrusts his hips in and out of you, grinning down at you
Tomas starts slow with his thrusts, listening to your whimpers and your whines as he starts to speed up, and then it’s the sound of his hips slapping against yours viciously
his thumb presses firm circles into your clit, and he leans down in close to hear your stifled moans and see how you try to keep yourself quiet
you bite your lip, turning your head to the side, but he just takes the opportunity to bite your neck again and suck a deep hickey into your skin
his hips never stop, pushing into you deeper and deeper, and he presses faster circles into your clit, groaning into your skin as he bites your skin
you whine as your pussy clenches down on him, and you cum on him hard
Tomas smiles as you cum on him, teasing you for cumming on a big bad wolf’s cock, he thought that you were scared of him and yet here you are trembling beneath him
you whine and whimper, finally releasing your lip from your teeth, and whines and whimpers spill from your lips as you sob and cry from the pleasure
his thumb presses insistently on your clit, prolonging your orgasm, and his hips only get faster, biting into your neck
he says he wants you to cum again, cum on his cock again, needs to hear your sweet little moans for him
he grips onto your wrists tighter, scooting up so that his thighs sit underneath your butt, and it changes the angle of his thrusts
it makes the tip of his cock hit against that sweet spot inside of you, and you let out choked moan a the feeling
he grins at your scrunched up face, how you cry tears from the pleasure, and his hips keep fucking into your desperately
the pace stumbles, and his own moans start to fall out of your mouth, groaning out your name and just looking at you with love-sick eyes
he can’t help but break the act as he leans down to kiss you, hands releasing your wrists to cup your face with one hand and rub your clit with the other
your hands go to scratch at his back, digging your blunt nails into the hard muscle, and he whines into your mouth, thrusting hard as his fingers press insistent circles into you
he cums into you, hips stuttering as he buries himself deep, and your pussy clenches down on him, milking him of every drop
he slightly whines at the feeling and stays inside of you for a while, just kissing you and moaning into your mouth
after a minute, he pulls out of you and asks if you can walk, and you stretch your legs, or at least attempt to before you groan and let them flop to the floor
he smiles and laughs at your attempt before moving, pulling his pants up, and he moves your panties back to normal and picks you up into his arms
you adjust the little bunny ears on your head and ask if you were convincing enough, and he laughs and says that you were, walking back to the compound while you’re in his arms
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junowritings · 1 day
Hii!! Would it be alright if i requested the companions of your choice (bg3) and Rolan reacting to meeting tav's older brother(or just sibling if youd like to keep it gender neutral!)? I had the image of him potentially running into them all in combat and just dashing in to help tav, everyone being so confused as to who the hell this guy is, only to find out their related. I think itd be even funnier if tav and their sibling were very different, or seeing tav with their sibling brought out a very different side than their used to. Maybe tavs very polite and awkward usually, but gets super playful and competitive (and maybe loses a few braincells) around their sibling. Tysm!! - 🍒
Thank you so much for the request cherry~! I honestly have a lot of fun imagining what it would be like if Tav had any family throughout the story so this was a neat write! I had to cut a couple characters bc this got to long but I do hope it was worth the wait~!
Trouble seems to have a habit of finding this wayward band of travelers, or, more specifically Tav. Who knows what had caused it this time - tensions too high, the wrong thing pilfered from the wrong pocket, or maybe just the desire for some good old bloodshed. Swords are clashed and spells are thrown with abandon across the field of battle in a bid for coming out of this scuffle alive, commands and taunts lashed back and forth as easily as blades.
Somewhere in the midst of this chaos is their impromptu leader, doing who knows what to gods knows what. You’re grappling with your opponent, using the terrain to your advantage even as it muddies your shoes and rends holes in your armor that will need patching up later. This battle won’t last for much longer - with the entirety of your traveling party in roster you’re surprised that your opponents have even lasted this long considering the varied skill sets and questionable morals at their disposal. Still, that doesn’t mean you’re making it out unscathed. In fact, you’re mid-turn towards Shadowheart after a nasty jab to the back nearly has you tripping, the request for healing barely having left your mouth before it’s cut off with a shout…that’s not yours.
A new voice breaks through the cacophony of conflict, and there’s only a second to wonder the what’s and the why’s before someone else leaps headfirst into the fray with a shout loud enough to leave ears ringing. No one recognizes him, at least not from a glance, but he barrels into battle with all the grace of a bear as he all but slams body-first into the nearest enemy, sending them skidding through the dirt with a triumphant cry. The questions have to wait till later, burning as they are.
It’s only after the party sets about making themselves scarce from the last dregs of battle that all eyes are finally drawn back to this newcomer. Some with curiosity, intrigue; others with distrust and distaste for his sudden involvement - the question is the same on all fronts however - who is this?. Whoever he is, he seems unbothered, far more focused on pulling you to your feet. To everyone’s surprise he greets you like an old friend - a hand finding a way to your head mussing up your hair as you’re pulled into a crushing hug that has the pair of them almost tipping over back into the dirt. Laughter rings through the air as you swat at the offending hand, almost wrestling with the guy before the grip is finally relinquished and you pull yourself away.
You look…happy. Clearly you know this person, but who are they to you?
The question comes out curious, and the newcomer blinks as he turns to face your companions for the first time since his appearance.
“Who, me?” for a moment his head cocks to the side, as though the question has an obvious answer. Then he grins, an all too familiar smile stretching across his lips as he slings an arm over your shoulders, jabs a thumb in your direction and proudly declares-
“I’m their brother!”
♡A sibling you say? The information shouldn’t be too surprising, Wyll reasons; you’re bound to have had a life somewhere in this world before the nautiloid crash, just as any of your wayward companions had. A life with family, friends and familiar faces that had been present in your day to day life before the mindflayers and tadpoles. To see a fragment of that life in person however? Wyll has to admit that he’s taken a little by surprise as he didn’t expect anyone related to you to make such a…memorable entrance. Not that you hadn’t, of course.
♡ You’ve been traveling together for long enough at this point that the two of you had begun to share tales. And yet the topic of family had never come up before, if only because Wyll wasn’t sure if you would appreciate someone prying into that subject. Gods knows his own relationship with his family was…tumultuous at best, and you haven’t actively tried to force information out of him he didn’t want to share, so he’d offered you the same courtesy.
♡ Now that he’s been introduced to your brother, Wyll's curiosity inevitably gets the better of him. He’s polite as he introduces himself to your sibling, making an approving comment about his battle prowess and good timing. In return he’s met with a bright smile that reminds him so much of you and a clap on his back as your sibling introduces himself properly in kind.
♡ Your sibling is quick to invite himself back to your camp, and while there’s grumbles from the others who seem arguably mixed about the whole arrangement, Wyll is all for the idea. It’s on the trek back to this evening’s campsite that Wyll notices how you practically brighten up around your sibling, a far cry from the reserved, quiet side of you he’s grown used to. How smiles that he’s so often seen strained or overly polite melt into something softer, livelier. Even bordering on snarky as he sees the pair of you throw about witty comments like its second nature, with playful jabs of elbows and the constant knock of shoes subtly trying to trip one another as you trail ahead.
♡ It’s a reminder of simpler times, and Wyll finds himself content at the sight of you finally letting your guard down. You’ve been on edge since the very first time he saw you at the grove, to see such a stark contrast to that moment with the way you smile and laugh now brings a hope that one day he’ll see more days of your happiness than of your grief.
♡After that meeting Wyll has no more reservations asking you more about your life and family back home - what you miss and what you’re looking forward to returning to once this is all over. Of course your brother gets involved, filling you in on everything that’s happened since you were taken by the Nautiloid and how things are back home. Home. With any luck, Wyll can help you and your brother get back there one day, minus two squirming cranial stowaways.
♡ Shadowheart has a ‘oh gods there’s two of them’ moment from the second she watches you and your sibling grapple like a pair of children at the sight of one another. It doesn’t take much to fill in the gaps watching you actively cuss each other out in playful banter that would have had anyone other than close family or friends gearing up for a fight. She reasons that this person must be in the latter category, noting the similarities in your features and the similar lilt in your voices as you speak; and it’s all but confirmed once this brother of yours introduces himself.
♡ Whether you never brought them up because you felt no need or weren’t willing to share, she’s not going to exactly fault you for the decision. It’s not as though she can blame you when the majority of your relationship up until this point had been secrets, half-truths and blatant requests not to push her for more information than she’s been willing to give. 
♡ Still, it would be a lie to say that she wasn’t at least somewhat curious about your family. There comes the usual questions - who’s the oldest, what you did before this, where the two of you come from and the usual rigmarole. But Shadowheart occasionally comes in to probe at your brother's true intentions, the real questions she wants to ask. Had he come all the way out here to look for you? What had taken him so long? Surely if any other sibling had heard that their family was whisked away on a mindflayer vessel they would prepare for the worst? What are the chances that you just happened to run into your family here of all places? Thankfully by the time you all actually reach camp for the night she’s satisfied with the answers she gets enough to let your brother scarper away to catch up with you.
♡ She can’t say she didn’t expect that you were bolder than most initially thought. Sure you gave off an overly structured air tinged with an awkward demeanor, but she’s also seen that facade slip into something more coy and laid back. Shadowheart had seen it happen even more as you’d continued to bond, growing to trust the sharran and becoming more comfortable with each passing rest.
♡ But the way you interact with your brother? It’s a whole different side of you than what Shadowheart is used to seeing. She watches you brighten, grinning so hard it dimples your cheeks as you joke around with your reunited family member; and the sound of your laughter whizzes right past her tent as she watches you take off with your brother’s bed roll, tossing it to scratch and the owlbear cub with a triumphant ‘good luck getting it back!’ She notices that the mood at camp that night is significantly lighter than it’s been before that point as she comes to rest by her tent to give the camp a final once over.
♡ A memory tugs as she watches you, a distant thrum in the back of her mind as though ardent to remind her of something long since buried. It’s a nostalgic feeling - a feeling that Shadowheart can’t put a name to yet tries to chase anyway. But then comes the burn, the sharp pain of that incessant hole in her hand which flares up as though in retaliation to her pursuit. It stops her in her tracks, the familiar pain still twinging like a dwindling ember as she pushes the memory back down and rips her attention elsewhere.
♡ Lae’zel can see the braincells being lost from here with every second that you spend around your sibling. Just about the only thing that stops her from turning her blade before the introductions is the fact that for whatever reason this person seemed inclined to actually aid your group, rather than joining in for the sake of adding to the carnage. Upon the revelation that this is your sibling of all things, Lae’zel’s gaze is sharp as she glances between the pair of you; an unspoken question as she focuses in on you - is he telling the truth? She’s trusting your judgment on this.
♡ It’s a foreign sight, watching you go from a bumbling, awkward reflection of yourself to someone so bold and loud. Whatever side of you this sibling of yours seems to bring out, it distracts you from everything else of importance in favor of catching up with someone who was so very sure they’d never see you again. It should frustrate her, considering just how vital this journey is even without the imminent threat of becoming illithid. But if it does you surprisingly don’t gain her ire from it; instead she allows you this moment of reprieve, moving into step within arms reach behind the pair of you the whole way back to camp.
♡ Despite the over theatrical entrance, she’s mildly impressed at your brother’s test of skill in the battle. Brutish, and with many exploitable holes should the enemy prove smart, but it was efficient enough to cut the tide of battle. She’ll tell him as such with no reservations, and you can see the cogs turning in his head as your brother tries to figure out if that was a genuine compliment or a backhanded dressdown of his tactics. His eyes dart to you for guidance but you offer no quarter, instead giving a grin watching him struggle to discern the answer for himself.
♡ You won’t have to worry about being prodded by questions from the Githyanki as you would some of the other companions at the camp. As things stand there are far more important things to focus on regarding the task ahead than exchanging pleasantries or reminiscing. With that being said, instead of retreating to her tent as everyone settles in back at camp, Lae’zel can be found sharpening her blade a little bit closer to the campfire not far from your side as your sibling regales your companions with stories and tales, both of shared memories and of things missed since you’ve been gone. 
♡ Saying this,once your sibling starts sharing embarrassing tales of your many fumbles you hear her pause to listen. It doesn’t take much to figure out that she’s paying attention specifically because of how you react, watching you practically squirm from embarrassment at the retelling as you whine that it’s nowhere near as bad as he makes them sound. Any attempts to silence your sibling get you a firm tug at your shoulder as she keeps you rooted to her side the rest of that night, giving your sibling the go ahead to continue - the tale was just beginning to become interesting.
♡ Karlach sorely wishes that she could frame the face that you make as soon as you recognize that it’s your brother who’s come to your party’s ‘rescue’. Your whole expression lights up with an emotion she doesn’t think she’s seen in the past decade. Hope, relief - joy. You and your sibling just about crash into each other trying to hug, laughing replacing the sounds of fighting just moments ago.
♡ No sooner have you broken the hug Karlach comes forward to check out the newcomer for herself. Anyone you trust has got her full support too, so her welcome is all smiles as the tiefling joins the two of you as she introduces herself. If anyone’s going to make your brother feel welcomed into the party, Karlach is safe to say one of the very top of that list; she’s the life of the party and is willing to lend you her trust and companionship if you don’t do her wrong as you’ve learned firsthand.
♡ The moment you begin showing that side of yourself only your family is privy to, Karlach is here for it, and will actively encourage it. You’re louder, less awkward and more comfortable, and you can bet Karlach has never been more excited for that change. What she notices the most is how much lighter you seem to feel, no longer burdened by the gargantuan weight of ‘what ifs’ of what’s to come that have been plaguing you from the beginning - don’t think for a second she hasn’t noticed. 
♡ She doesn’t think she’s seen a shred of that stress or uncertainty since you’d reunited with your brother. Sure, it’s no doubt still stewing in the back of your mind along with the tadpole but seeing you let loose like she hasn’t seen before is a refreshing change of pace - like things could be really looking up from here.
♡ She wants to know how she can make you smile and act like that, and when there’s a lull in the conversation Karlach ducks in to ask your sibling exactly that. He gives her such a warm look as soon as she asks the question, as though her asking at all actually relieved him. The only answer she gets is a noncommittal shrug and reassurance that with time you’ll open up, joking that she may regret it once she sees the full brunt of how chaotic you can get. She doubts she’ll ever regret it, even as you goad him for hogging your companion’s attention and call for them to catch up.
♡Similar to Wyll, once Karlach’s seen your family for herself she’s absolutely brimming with questions about the both of you. This sparks the conversation of wanting to know more about your family, where you came from, what it’s like; it’s enough to make your head spin if you weren’t already fondly accustomed to the lively tiefling’s usual party banter. The three of you end up crowded around the fire back at camp that very evening, sharing stories over snacks you may or may not have ‘borrowed’ from the supply packs when Gale wasn’t looking.
♡ It’s a little bittersweet recalling old memories of better times when things weren’t such a tragic mess, but gods if it isn’t the best feeling on a night like this. The entire time she’s trying to commit every single moment of this night to memory, from the way the corners of your eyes crinkle when you crack up, or the way you scowl and none-too-subtly try and boot your brother when he tries to tell embarrassing stories he promised he wouldn’t. You’ve got a good family, one that’s worth fighting for. She just hopes that she’ll be here long enough to see you reunite with them proper when all of this is over.
♡ Gale sees the exact moment that you recognize who this impromptu guest is. Your face melts from confusion to surprise, before an overflow of emotions passes through your eyes and you meet your brother halfway just about knocking the two of you into the dirt in your joy. The wizard is more than happy to give you time to enjoy this reunion, and may or may not subtly step aside to avoid the splashback of mud kicked up watching the pair of you practically running circles around one another in the name of giving you space.
♡ Once things calm down enough for you to actually fill the party in on the identity of the newcomer, Gale’s surprised he didn’t notice before. There’s clear differences obviously, but seeing the two of you standing side by side as thick as thieves with those devilish grins to boot the resemblance is rather striking. He chalks it up to a detail easily missed in the throes of battle - picking out similarities between faces is an excellent way to get a blade between the ribs, and Gale’s got no such intentions of being on the receiving end of that literal jab.
♡ It’s rather entertaining watching you and your sibling interact, though you’re certainly a lot more playful and reckless than the wizard has ever seen you act before. Gale’s had no such siblings to relate the experience to, but even from just this small experience of watching how you act around him is enough of an indicator that you’re more than happy at the uncanny turn of events. 
♡ Just don’t expect the trek back to camp to be a quiet one, not that it ever is whenever you go out anywhere with Gale in the party. Gale is ever the man of questions. Too many of them actually as the three of you are still prattling by the time that your makeshift camp comes into view. Who could possibly blame him, when their usually awkward and reserved team leader has a never before disclosed sibling suddenly run right into them in what is essentially the middle of nowhere.
♡ Curiosity, as it often does, gets the better of the wizard who will quite happily waste the rest of the evening away grilling the pair of you for answers to the burning questions that he has regarding your background. If you’re willing to share, of course. Gale’s no stranger to verbally putting his foot in it if given half of the chance, but he’ll respect any refusals to queries you deem too personal for right now. If you are willing to share however get ready for what is essentially a combined sleepover outside Gale’s tent because he will keep all three of you up recounting tales until you quite literally fall asleep in your seats. When he complains in the morning for the back pains at having slept in such an awkward position, be sure to remind him that it’s what he signed up for.
♡ Gale for one is happy that you’ve been able to reunite with a family member in light of such dire circumstances. It’s not ideal when you have such heavy responsibilities on your shoulders, but hopefully having your sibling around will provide you some much needed comfort and support in a time where you arguably need it the most. And that support is more important now than ever, especially with the looming threat of everything that’s to come the second you step out of this temporary respite.
♡ This is your sibling? Really? Is Astarion’s immediate thought, and the first words out of his mouth as he gives the sibling in question a cautionary once over with a raised brow. He’s not surprised, not really. Instead, he’s more puzzled. Of course far stranger things had happened over the course of this little escapade - infant eating hags, cult worshiping goblins and of course damned mindflayers, just to name a (admittedly impressive) few instances. 
♡But what are the actual chances that of all the people to come running to your aid in the wilderness, where the only thing for a mile in each direction is woods, beasts and death, just so happens to be your sibling of all people? For a second he wonders if you’d gotten in touch with your sibling yourself - maybe called them over for help in a spot of trouble. But then he catches the way you face brightens with surprise, damn near sinking the poor sod into the dirt with how hard you grapple back to return your brother’s hug. Either you’re a damned good actor, or you’re just as surprised as the rest of them.
♡ Similar to Shadowheart, Astarion is more than a little weary of the sudden appearance. But he will outright sidle up to you on the trek back when your sibling isn’t paying attention to warn you to keep an eye on that brother of yours. There’s all manner of creatures who can wear the faces of men as easily as the clothes on your back, you’re the best person to decide whether this guy is the real deal. All said with a smile of course, though his friendly advice is only met with an eyeroll of all things as you playfully rib him for being so worried.
♡ It’s bizarre really, watching you laugh and joke with your brother. That carefree attitude and playfulness shared with inside jokes and snarky back and forth is a new look for you, though Astarion’s certainly not going to quash it. It’s an entertaining change - makes things more fun even if he could do without the mildly sickening display of a healthy family dynamic. It’s not as though Astarion can exactly relate to it, even with his own ‘siblings’, they’d all spent the better part of two centuries relentlessly undermining one another in a bid for their master’s nonexistent mercy and a taste of freedom that wouldn’t come.
♡ You hadn’t brought anything up about your background at this point - sure, Astarion knew the basics and had been working to get you to open up enough to spill more of the juicy details. But the elf had been firm in toeing the boundary of coaxing information out of you while keeping his closely guarded; an admittedly difficult feat considering with your damned politeness you’d go out of your way to direct any questions received right back at him as a matter of courtesy. You hadn’t made prying easy for him, which is most likely why it has taken so long to get a glimpse at your background - he just didn’t expect it to be in the flesh. 
♡ So when he sees the chance to pry for more information, you can bet he’ll take full advantage of the opportunity. He’s halfway through a glass listening to your brother recounting stories when he lets slip that it’s such a shame you never mentioned the sibling before - to think he’s been missing out on these stories all this time. You know what he’s up to, but your sibling falls for it hook line and sinker, dramatically falling into your side and letting gravity do the rest of the work to make you suffer.
♡ The obvious theatrics of your brother bemoaning your negligence of his memory makes the elf snort into his glass, and your groan and attempts to shove the deadweight off is only doubled when Astarion further stirs the pot about how you’d not even breathed a word about your beloved family. Why, Astarion was beginning to fear the worst for you, how relieved he is to know you’ve got such a lovely family looking out for you.
♡ The revelation comes as a surprise to the majority of the party, watching your brother proudly clapping a hand onto your shoulder as he reveals his identity to your new traveling companions. Admittedly, this is not where Rolan ever expected to be when he’d crossed paths with your merry band of misfits for the umpteenth time, and feels rather out of place. He thinks he might be the only one that this is news too, until a quick glance at the varying degrees of confusion and mild distrust reassure him that he’s definitely not the odd one out in this scenario.
♡ For a second Rolan is truly baffled. In all the times that you’ve interacted with one another, Rolan’s always seen you as painfully awkward, going out of your way to be nothing short of polite and well-mannered with varying degrees of success. He’d long grown used to it, coming to expect it by default with each and every encounter. So how is it that someone who appeared out of nowhere and seems to be such a polar opposite to everything he knows about you, be your sibling of all things?
♡ But then he recalls just how different he, Lia and Cal are and it suddenly makes a lot more sense.
♡The next thing he wonders is how you having any family at all never came up before? You’ve shared conversations before, with him less willing to indulge you on a couple of said occasions than others. Surely the topic has come up at least one time before, right?...right? 
♡ He’s never actually asked you, Rolan realizes with a startling clarity. In fact, in all the time you’ve spent traveling and running into one another, the thought of prying into your own backstory and getting overly involved in your history hadn’t really crossed his mind; at least, not enough that he’d blatantly ask without sufficient cause. He was just being polite, is what he tries to convince himself - it would be rude to go getting involved in others affairs like you’ve been doing since you’ve met him.
♡ And yet the realization nags more than it should, feeling a little guilty that of all the times you’ve gone out of your way to learn more about the wizard, he hasn’t thought to do the same for you. He especially feels it upon seeing just how differently you act around your brother; you’re louder, bolder, and aren’t afraid to look like a complete fool - had he ever seen you look that carefree before today? He hopes it’s not the last he sees of it.
♡ He’s neglected to learn more about you before, so he sets to learning now, with about as much tact as an owlbear in an antique shop. He feels too awkward outright asking you about it, so he settles for the next best thing and promptly falls in step with your brother. There’s nothing like sharing stories on the road after all - and given how earnestly the tiefling’s asking, your sibling caves and offers to give him the brief family rundown - if only for the funny stories that he’s been dying to share with anyone who even remotely knows you.
♡ The two of them bond, much to your surprise. About an hour or two into getting settled down at camp you go looking for them; only to find them sharing an already half empty bottle of spirits and shooting stories back and forth about all the wild and reckless shit their respective siblings have gotten into over the years. Rolan flashes you a grin and offers you to join them on the story telling - your brother has shared some dreadfully embarrassing tales and he’s dying to know if there’s any truth to them.
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Little Vettel Introduction
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Author’s note: I imagine her to be born in 2008-ish! Requests and ideas are always welcome in my inbox! 
Taglist: If you would like to be added to the taglist please comment down below for me to know!
Summary: the adventures of a teenager, daughter of the former F1 driver, Sebastian Vettel. What will happen?
Sebastian Vettel as himself: there’s no need to write a whole passage just to introduce him, right? 4 World Championship titles pretty much introduce himself already. But there’s one thing you didn’t know about Mr.Vettel was that he had a baby when he was 21. The mother did not want to be in the picture. She left when the kid was only 5 months old. It was hard to balance between living the hectic life of a Formula One driver and being a domestic dad to his child. Fortunately, he had all the needed support from his mom and dad, Heike and Norbert, along with his two older sisters and younger brother. Not to mention all the help he got from his friends, Britta and Antti. In 2022, he finally decided to take a step back from the racing life to live the life of a “retired” dad, that is what his kid called him. 
Anna Vettel as Seb’s kid: Seb prefers to call his daughter Mein Häschen (Little Bunny) as his first gift for her was a Bunny from a Jelly Cat store, and she hasn’t gone to bed without her Bunny friend ever since. She grew up spending most of her time with Heike and Norbert and sometimes joined her dad on some races when she was a kid. All drivers on the grid despite always in a race against her Papa are all her funny uncles. She pretty much got them wrapped around her little fingers. Whatever Little Bunny wants, Little Bunny gets. 
All drivers, retired or not, participate in this story as themselves. For that, I will not write further introductions for them. 
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acoraxia · 20 hours
I may have just found your art (is so freaking pretttttyyyyy) and your cotl AU but I now desperately need to know everything about the AU because it looks so. cool.
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I’m going to ramble now if that’s ok-
WARNING:: long and messy ramblings about AU ideas, headcanons and body horror/gore mentions up ahead
My Lamb’s story is actually pretty simple: they were born as Aluhé (ahl-weh) to a family filled with traveling performers. They traveled throughout the land of the Old Faith, worshipping the gods (especially Shamura) and performed to earn money to maintain themselves. Life was good up until rumors of the prophecy foretold by the Bishops spread towards the little hers; when Aluhé came of age they learned of said prophecy and that that was the reason why their family “settled down” in a (supposedly) hidden village.
Eventually, heretics arrive and they kill the herd safe for Aluhé and they escape, meet a flock of goats and Jahel (goat co-op character) and then run away due to guilt only to be captured by heretics and be introduced to the bishops.
After meeting Narinder and obtaining the crown, Aluhé refused to do anything in his name — refused to start a cult or touch the crown or anything… for months
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they met Koi when they were planning to simply kill the Bishops bare handed and instead save her from being sacrificed (haha me too!). They don’t run the cult per say — mostly due to the fact they don’t want to get attached to anyone but they feel a strong sense of… protectiveness when it comes to the flock, going as far as appointing disciples to ensure the cult is safe and beating the life out of heretics that get a little too close for comfort to the cult grounds.
THE CROWN TAKES SUCH A MASSIVE TOLL ON ALUHÉ HOWEVER — apart from the fact that Aluhé is “easily corrupted” being fueled by a blind sense of justice towards the culling of their species over a family’s spat and a selfish fucker’s decisions, the crown latches on to their body and often does so when Aluhé has their guard down. This allows for certain changes to occur — the lack of hunger, exhaustion and ability to “morph” their body being a few of them.
It doesn’t help that Aluhé refuses to use the crown to fight unless absolutely necessary (because they hate dying because it means hearing Narinder talk and because they’ll end up angry all over again—) and often wears the crown around their neck.
This causes certain personality changes as well: Aluhé is typically quiet and docile when engaging with the flock if only a bit intimidating. They don’t talk to the followers unless necessary and only exchange actual conversation with their disciples. Since no follower is allowed to go on crusades with Aluhé they’re omitted from the fact their benevolent leader is in fact very, very, very, violent
They’d often consume heretics during their final moments or force feed their remains to the few that tried to get away (and failed) so they’d choke and die — a brutality that spread towards the bishops and their own disciples (Narinder still remembers how vile it was to see a meek little lamb get up and tear Barbatos to shreds, only to then use one of the worms’ teeth to sink it into Leshy’s flesh. Charming, really). This only strengthens when they kill Narinder and are eventually crowned the new god of death… among other things… and their body eventually adapts to the changes but it takes a toll on their mental health (
Their behavior, however, can be traced back to Shamura…
Since the two had a very interesting conversation before Aluhé was sent to be sacrificed:
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Smh Aluhé you should be grateful to be blessed with the presence of the War Bishop tssk tsk
When the Bishops are killed and, eventually, brought back to life per the Mystic Seller’s request, Aluhé refuses to heal them or allow for their bodies to heal until they repent or make a pact with them to ensure obedience as they join their flock. Goes about as well as you can imagine
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A big little change I made was that I made the Bishops Embodiments of their titles rather than just gods worshipped for it.
So Narinder is the Embodiment of Death, Leshy is the Embodiment of Chaos, etc. despite having somewhat mortal bodies they are still connected to their godhood and this will not change due to the fact that the world still needs gods in order to maintain balance — it also means that Aluhé is not just the god of death but the god of other things; it also means they have.. a union with Narinder, so to speak
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The Gods have vessels for the sole purpose of their finding their replacements (because the gods will exist, even if they are not the same person they once were years ago) or to gain more worship and strengthen their power. When the Old Faith started getting greedy (coughs, Narinder) it was harder to find willing vessels or the right type of vessels to take on the task of bringing the Siblings more worship. It took years to find the proper candidates for Leshy or Kallamar (because the fucker was so PICKY /j) and it also caused a bit of horror to the siblings to see Aluhé reject the Red Crown as though it were simple
Aside from the Siblings being somewhat “dormant” and Narinder not being within the cult and Shamura traveling with Jahel… there’s a lot of silly little lore I managed to put into the four of them because I thought it’d be fun to explore the capability of Vessels and Gods and “War/Death Incarnate” as a whole — there’s a lot of story lore I don’t want to spoil but you can have these as a treat:
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And thats it for now
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opencommunion · 2 days
"The suit describes how incarcerated Alabamians are forced to work for free in prison and paid extremely low wages to work for hundreds of private employers — including meatpacking plants and fast-food franchises like McDonald’s — as well as more than 100 city, county and state agencies. And it alleges that the state keeps the scheme going by systematically denying parole to those eligible to work outside jobs. ... In the case of the government officials, they’re also accused of conspiring to increase the size of the Alabama prison population — which is predominantly Black — through the discriminatory denial of parole so the state can continue profiting from forced labor. '[Prisoners] have been entrapped in a system of ​‘convict leasing’ in which incarcerated people are forced to work, often for little or no money, for the benefit of the numerous government entities and private businesses that ​‘employ’ them,' the suit charges. In Alabama, that charge comes with ugly historical baggage. Convict leasing — a practice of forced penal labor prevalent in the post-Emancipation South (in which incarcerated men were ​'leased' to private employers) — was a massive state revenue driver. Thanks to the Black Codes, a racist program to criminalize petty offenses both real and imagined, Black people were locked up at a massively disproportionate rate to their white neighbors. Many were then sent to work on plantations to fill the labor gap left by Emancipation. ... Convict leasing was formally abolished in Alabama in 1928, but prison labor has remained a significant source of income for the state. ... According to the lawsuit, Alabama reaped a $450 million benefit from forced prison labor in 2023 alone. ... Lakiera Walker worked for Jefferson County doing roadwork for approximately two years and was paid a $2 daily wage to handle large trash removal (including a Jacuzzi). She found out that the non-incarcerated workers on her team were making $10 per hour for the same job. One day, the lawsuit alleges, Walker’s boss attempted to coerce her into unwanted sexual activity; when she refused, he wrote her up on a disciplinary offense for ​'refusing to work.' She was then sent to work unpaid in the prison’s kitchen, and when her family called the commissioner and the warden to demand something be done, no action was taken. ... During Walker’s 15-year incarceration, she held a litany of unpaid jobs throughout the prison itself, too, including in the kitchen, housekeeping and healthcare. She even provided hospice care to dying patients. ​'The nurses really weren’t interested in taking care of sickly or terminally ill people, so they would get the inmates to do it,' Walker says. She says she was regularly required to work seven days a week, and she often had to work two shifts a day. None of these prison jobs were paid, and quitting or refusing work was not a viable option. ​'You can’t say, ​‘Hey, I can’t go to work today,’' Walker explains. ​'You would go to segregation, which was solitary confinement. … People were so tired and just hopeless at that point, they would kind of welcome solitary confinement, just to have a break.'
... Walker did finally make it home after all those years of forced labor, but many others are still trapped in the system. ... By 2022, the parole rate was 11% overall and only 7% for Black prisoners — meaning that 93% of parole-requesting Black prisoners were denied. That’s what happened to Alimireo English, a charismatic 48-year-old Black man who, according to a judge, should not be in prison right now. ... But instead of being back home with his family, at church with his faith community, or visiting his eldest son in New York, English is at the Ventress Correctional Facility in Clayton, Ala. His case did not come before the parole board until November 28, 2023, more than two years after he’d already been acquitted, but he was denied anyway. His next parole date is November 2024. 'They gotta keep me for another year until they can find somebody else on the street that they can pull back in and take my place,' English tells me. ​'If they can’t replace you, they don’t let you go.'
... English works as a dorm representative for the facility’s Faith Dorm, where he is on call 24 hours a day, seven days per week. He is responsible for the safety and well-being of 190 incarcerated men, many of them elderly or medically vulnerable. He handles custodial duties and maintenance, screens dorm visitors and is also the first responder for drug and health emergencies. In his scant free time, he runs a therapy and counseling group for his fellow prisoners. He consistently works 12 to 15 hour days and, for most of the week, he is the sole individual in charge of the dorm; a retired prison chaplain comes in to assist him a few times weekly, but otherwise English is not supervised by any corrections personnel. As the lawsuit highlights, ​'Since Mr. English has been in this position, the Faith Dorm has had no fights, deaths, or overdoses.' The plaintiffs’ legal team estimates that ADOC saves roughly $200,000 a year by not having a corrections officer in that one dorm. Meanwhile, English is paid nothing. ​'The inmates basically run the prison, but the officers are getting compensated for it,' English says. ​'The wages the inmates are paid for their work hasn’t changed since 1927.'
Several of the plaintiffs I spoke to also mentioned ​'institutional need,' a specific designation that plaintiffs have reported is added to certain prisoners’ files to signify their utility to their current facility. According to Walker and her lawyer, institutional need is yet another trick used by the ADOC to keep especially useful incarcerated workers from leaving, so the state can continue benefiting from that person’s skills. ... 'Most people, it stops them from going home or making parole because it says that we need you more in prison than the world needs you in society,' Walker explains. ​'This lady, her name is Lisa Smith, she’s been in prison about 30 years, and every time she comes up for parole, regardless of her crime, she’s an institutional need. She can fix anything in the prison — she can probably build a prison — but she’s not getting paid. Sometimes they won’t even call in a free world contractor because she knows what to do. It’s looking bleak that she will ever make it out of prison, because they need her there.'
... Because of a 1977 Supreme Court decision, incarcerated workers in the United States — including those in ADOC’s work release program — are legally prohibited from unionizing. The Supreme Court decision barring incarcerated workers from unionizing has not stopped organizations like the Industrial Workers of the World’s Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee, Jailhouse Lawyers Speak and the Free Alabama Movement (FAM) from organizing labor actions, strikes and protests against prison slavery, or individual prisoners from finding their own ways to dissent. ... One of the founders of FAM, Kinetik Justice, is a plaintiff in the Alabama lawsuit. He has helped organize and lead several high-profile nationwide prison strikes since 2016. He’s been in ADOC custody for the past 29 years, and he has been repeatedly punished, harassed and tortured for his work organizing against forced labor. According to The Appeal, he spent 54 months in solitary confinement between 2014 and 2018 and has been repeatedly sent back into the hole. As he told Democracy Now! in 2016, ​'We understood our incarceration was pretty much about our labor and the money that was being generated from the prison system, therefore we began organizing around our labor and used it as a means and a method to bring about reform in the Alabama prison system.' He is no stranger to filing lawsuits on his own and his fellow prisoners’ behalf against ADOC, so it is fitting that this landmark class action suit bears his name."
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Hi darling! You' ve done incredible works! Could you please take a request for Raymond Smith with competency and size kinks?
Thank you for reading this 🩷🩷🩷
Thank you so much!
For once, I am so fucking happy with this but I really hope you like it. No pressure tags @yourwinchesterbros @rayslittlekitten @youflickedtooharddamnit
Roll Your Own
Contains: Cannabis use, competency kink, size kink, oral sex (f receiving) P in V, fluff.
1.6 K words
Ray is good at everything he does
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You watched as Ray carefully picked the flower away from its stem, placing it in the grinder before sealing it and twisting the top with practised, precise movements. Seconds later, he was softly sprinkling the finely ground herb on the rolling paper. Meticulous fingers placed the filter at the end and finally rolled the joint tight before he slid it in front of you. "There you go, Love."
He made his with the same precision, with the added addition of tobacco from a cigarette, and you sighed. "That shit will kill you know?"
He chuckled warmly and shook his head. "There's plenty of stuff that's going to kill me, and a good, old fashion fifty fifty is not one of them." He reached out, squeezing your knee lovingly before flicking on his lighter and lighting your joint, then his own. His eyes remained on you as you inhaled, and he waited until you puffed out a lung full of smoke before speaking. "Good?"
You nodded. "You always rolled good joints, even if you complain about the new school nonsense I like."
The weather was warm enough that all you needed to be comfortable was a blanket over your lap and Ray sitting next to you. He slung his arm around the back of the bench and over your shoulder, pulling you close as the smoke blew away in the wind. "This is nice."
He smiled. "Yeah, it is." You leaned into him, somehow, whether it be the way he dressed or the way he carried himself, he managed to make himself look so much smaller than he was. In truth, he was broad and tall, with all lean muscles and coiled strength, and without all the trapping of high society dress, he was an intimidating large man. "You look lost in thought." He had pressed his nose to the side of your face, breathing in the scent of your shampoo as he spoke.
"I'm just thinking about how hot your are with your shirt off, and how I'd kill for some hot chips." It was getting close to dinner time, the lights around the barbeque turning on as the sun set over the hill.
He sighed and pressed his lips to your temple. "I can get you some hot chips, then we'll see about the other thing."
He stood up and stretched out his hand, pulling you to your feet before walking you to the kitchen and sitting you on a stool at the bench. Everything happened like a dance, the cutting board came out, then the knife out of its block and the potatoes from their bag in the cupboard. He liked showing off, a small smile gracing his face as he cut the potatoes into perfect, even lengths while the oven preheated, knowing you were watching with wrapped attention at every movement of his long fingers.
"See something you like?" He was a smug bastard when he wanted to be.
You nodded. "Yes, delicious carbohydrates."
He raised an eyebrow, the corner of his lip turning up into a smirk. "What did you call me?" There was a twinkle of mischief in his eyes as the chips entered the oven, and he was walking over to you with a swagger in his step. "They'll be ready in forty minutes, how about I get some wagyu out of the freezer too?"
You nodded and placed your hand on his cheek. "I would like that." He leaned down and kissed you, his beard scratching your skin as his lips sealed on yours. He pulled away, brushing a stray hair from your face as he looked down at you lovingly. You craned your head and pecked his jaw. "You know what else I'd like?"
He smirked, his face lightening up as he shook his head. "Dinner before dessert, Love"
Dinner was lovely, Ray had once again outdone himself, everything was perfect. The quiet moments like this were the best parts of the day, with him stealing glances at you every time he thought you weren't looking. You talked about your day and Ray his, and with dinner done, you moved to the couch. It didn't take long for you to climb onto his lap, and he smiled into a kiss as you pushed his mustard yellow sweater off his broad shoulders. His hand found your face, and he fiddled with the buttons on your shirt, each one popping open with care.
He used his body weight to lift you off him and spin around, taking your hand and leading you up the staircase, stopping to press you into the railing so he could kiss you. It was only a short intermission, but it left you breathless nonetheless, and by the time you were through the threshold of your shared bedroom, you were ready to sink to your knees.
He stopped you with a smirk, and you raised your eyebrow. "What gives?"
He ran his finger down your sternum and leaned in close, his lips bumping yours as he spoke. "I want dessert."
You blinked. "But…"
He shook his head. "No buts, get on the bed."
You huffed, but you couldn't hide your smile. "You are a terrible husband, depriving me like this."
His eyes crinkled at the corners as he laughed, lifting your hand to his chest to lay over his heart. "You wound me."
You use the excuse to remove his button down. "Yes, and you deny me."
He shook his head as he stripped off the rest of your clothes and walked you backwards towards the edge of the bed. "I could never deny you anything." He was gazing down at you with such deep affection that it almost hurt. "Can I put my mouth on you now?"
You nodded, laughing as you pulled back with you onto the bed. He kissed his way down your body, stopping at your breast to give each one attention before continuing on his journey. His massive hands ran down your legs, lifting them up on his solid back as he settled on his belly on the bed. He kissed the insides of your thighs, each kiss soft and reverent as he made his way closer to your core.
He licked you from entrance to clit, and you gasped out his name as your hips bucked. He stilled for a moment, throwing one forearm over your hips so you couldn't twitch away and wiggling down so he was keeping your legs apart with his shoulders. He began in earnest when he knew you couldn't shift away from his seeking mouth, closing his lips around your clit while his other hand reached up to play with your breast, and despite the lack of his weight on your body, you felt utterly covered by him.
He was moaning like you were the one getting him off, the vibrations sending shockwaves through you with each pass of his tongue. The edge inevitably appeared, and you lifted your hand from his hair to cover your mouth to avoid what would have been a wail, then everything stopped, and he was looking up at you with both expectation and concern. He lifted his arm off your hip and reached up, wrapping it around your wrist as he brought it downwards. He pressed his wet lips to the very centre of your palm before placing it flat on the bed and smiling softly. "Don't hide anything from me."
He didn't give you time to respond, returning right back to his mission with even more vigour this time. It didn't take long for the peak to crest again, and you found yourself falling into what seemed to be endless bliss as he licked you through it. He gave you a moment to catch your breath before pulling away and wiping his face with his hand. "Thank you, Love."
You reached out, rushing to free him from his pants, pushing them and his boxers down in one go before spreading your legs to accommodate him. His lips found yours and you wrapped your legs around his waist as you reached down to grab his cock so you could guide it inside you. Without the help of his fingers, it was a stretch, and you buried your face in his neck as he took over when you got too overwhelmed.
It must have been a lot for him too, because he was wrapping his arms around your body and lifting you up to sit in his lap, your chest pressed to his as he slowly rocked his hips upwards. He pressed his forehead to yours as you shared a breath, his eyes locked to yours as he picked up the pace. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on."
You felt so close to him like this, his considerable arms wrapped around you as he held you tight. You could feel his body rippling with each movement until he adjusted again and one hand left you back in favour of rubbing your clit. "Come on, my Darling, I can feel how close you are."
Your teeth latched on the meat of his shoulder as you came, pulling him with you as his rhythm faltered. You stayed like that for a time, catching your breath while his lips lay on your temple. Eventually, you parted and he pulled you with him as he laid down, brushing your sweat stuck hair from your face as you rested your head over his heart. "That was lovely."
He smiled lazily. "Yesn it was." He rubbed your nose with his, then kissed you. "I love you."
You took his face in your hand, and he fought the urge to nuzzle into your palm. "I love you too Ray."
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pjohoo-reclists · 24 hours
Hello there! May I request some time travel fics?
Hello Roosinii!! Here you go. I found a decent amount and split it into two rec lists. I'll tag you when the second list is posted. Enjoy!!
PJO/HoO Time Travel Fics (1/2)
A list of fics that have different sorts of time travel involved. All these fics are tagged time travel, in addition to the other tags listed. This list has fics under 40k. This list (TBD) has fics over 40k.
Be my lighthouse; show me the path towards home. by youngjusticewriter 
T | 700 words | Complete
Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson, Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Abusive Relationships, Post-Tartarus
Despite the tears in his eyes along with Smelly Gabe's blood on his knuckles his mom doesn't immediately demand answers because she's not only the best person in the world but the best mom in the world. Instead, she runs a hand through his mess of hair and hums softly as though he's still a baby instead of a seventeen year old demi-god that's in his twelve year old "troubled kid" body. It feels too soon when his mom finally pulls somewhat away from him to stare at his face - at his eyes and she had to see something in them. Or the first thing Percy does after getting over the shock of being woken up by Grover (who is so young even though he's not) is use his money he got from selling his illegal stash of candy to Yancy students is go find his mom.
Time is a River by Oreocat155338
T | 2.2k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Apollo, Percy Jackson & Zeus, Percy Jackson & Poseidon
Angst, Hopeful Ending, accidental Percy/Hermes elements
"In Einstein's equation, time is a river. It speeds up, meanders, and slows down. The new wrinkle is that it can have whirlpools and fork into two rivers. So, if the river of time can be bent into a pretzel, create whirlpools and fork into two rivers, then time travel cannot be ruled out." - Michio Kaku Percy time travels way further than they meant him to. Now he has to deal with trying to not change things, and figuring out what the hell he's going to do once time catches up.
is it really a crime if you don't exist? by MidnightBunnyy
T | 2.7k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson & Nico di Angelo
Humor, tired college student edition, crack
"So, what you're saying is," Percy said, staring at the man in front of him. "you're me from the future." The man took a drink out of the coffee cup in his hand. "Yup." "And you're here," Percy said slowly. "Because Annabeth's brother's boyfriend is trying to prove the existence of the multiverse." The man nodded. "And you got sucked in when he turned it on." Nod. "And now you don't know how to get home." Nod. "And how did you get sucked in, again?" The man mumbled something. "What?" "I was coming back from the bathroom and opened the wrong door."
a new age by suomynonAnonymous
T | 2.8k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson & Poseidon
Dark Percy, PTSD, Fix-it
When Luke and Kronos are killed by a mysterious man a few days after the Battle of the Labyrinth, Percy and Annabeth are confused. Who is this man powerful enough to defeat a Titan? And why does he look so much like Percy? |“Our parents care about us, they just have an shit way of showing it. After all, they’re gods. They have important shit to do.” Thalia says dismissively, striding towards the man. “C’mon Percy, let’s kill this-” “If your father cared about you,” the man interrupts quietly. “Why didn’t he tell you Jason was alive?” Thalia freezes. Annabeth and I looked on in confusion. Who was Jason?
the annabeth project by pjoseries (divineauthor)
T | 13k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase
Banter, Action & Romance, Established Relationship
Time kneels to no one, but Percy will take his chances. Annabeth is lost in time. Percy finds his way to her, but not without a few familiar faces helping him along the way.
Walking Backward Into My Own Myth by mrthology
M | 19k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Character Study, Temporary Character Death, gods being gods
"You should have ascended years ago," Zeus said without preamble, looking down at Percy. The other Olympians, even his father, remained silent, watching the proceedings with uncharacteristic solemnity. "I said no years ago," Percy snapped, rage making his voice tremble and hands shake. "I didn't want to be a God then, and I want to even less now. I've seen how horrible eternity is." "You would defy the fates themselves?" Athena asked softly, leaning forwards with narrowed eyes. She looked more godly than Percy had ever seen her, to the point where it was nearly unbearable to look at her face. Percy did so nevertheless, glaring at the Goddess he'd lost almost all respect for. "You had children die today," he snapped, desperate to return to Camp. "Annabeth could still die—hasn't she done enough?" Or, Percy keeps living the same horrible day over and over and over again, regardless of what he does. Eventually, something will have to give. Percy just isn't sure what.
Love's Design by MidnightinJapan
G | 22k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Drama, Romance, Action/Adventure
Prompt: Nico is sent back in time.
bring the forgotten dawn by poisedwalrus
G | 22k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood, Percy Jackson & Nico di Angelo
Unreliable Narrator, Mood whiplash, Fix it
“What is it?” Grover asks, “What’s with that weird look on your face?” “Just trying to figure out if turning me in will get us enough bounty money to buy our way to LA.” Percy says, craning his neck towards the news van. “We are not turning you in to the police.” Grover presses his head back into the alleyway. “Why not?” Percy says. They could use a bit of cash. “You guys can just break me out afterwards, right?” Annabeth looks like she’s considering it. “No, guys,” Grover says. “No.” - If Percy has to spend the rest of his life cleaning up after the gods, then he might as well start from the beginning.
Stick Together and Navigate the Storm by Rynna_Aurelius
M | 24k+ | Last Updated June 29, 2022
Percy Jackson & Hazel Levesque, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson & Triton
Everyone Needs A Hug, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, PTSD
Kronos has returned. Again. Ever since waking up as his twelve-year-old self, Percy Jackson has thrown himself from one fire into another, taking advantage of the Fates-given second chance to try and set things right. But now, he has to face the results of his efforts: the second Titanomachy back on the horizon, only a few friends who know the truth, and a camp struggling in the aftermath of Kronos's return (And Luke Castellan's sacrifice). All the while, two sides of an impending war are racing to find the Golden Fleece, Hazel Levesque is trying to piece together her own life, and Sally Jackson runs into a fast-talking son of Hephaestus on the run one day. . . "What is it?" Percy demanded. Hazel Levesque grimaced. "Chiron issued the quest for the Golden Fleece this morning. Without you."
close to the breathing wave by poisedwalrus
G | 32k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Luke Castellan
Unreliable Narrator, Mood Whiplash, Fix it
“Why are you looking at skateboards?” asks Luke. “Maybe Kronos wants us to get a skateboard.” Luke presses a hand on the top of Percy’s head and physically turns him away from the window display. “Does Kronos want us to get a skateboard,” he says. “…No.” Luke wants to know what the hell Percy thinks he’s doing. Percy wants Luke to trip and fall over the side of the yacht. They are, as always, at an impasse.
Sands of Time by CSP2708, Dylan_Walts
T | 40k | Complete
Percy Jackson, The Hunters of Artemis, Kronos
Battle, Historical, Pre-Heroes of Olympus
In a fit of rage, Kronos curses Percy before he disappears. The curse, forever tied to Percy, will send him through time at random, and there is no way for him to stop it or is there?
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fl0atingtherians · 24 hours
Reopening requests!
Please read this post before sending a request otherwise yours will not get picked!
That’s right, I’m finally coming back to this! If you already put in a request and I didn’t do it, put it in again! I’m going to be ignoring all the old requests from now on as they are very old at this point 😭
I will be doing 2 types of requests this time! Alter human symbol requests, and mask designs from emojis!
To request a symbol:
1. Tell me you want a symbol!
2. send an ask with the species/breed/creature you want (image examples are welcome)
3. Tell me what symbol you want (Therian, otherkin, otherheart, etc)
To request a mask design
1. Tell me you want a mask design
2. Add 3-5 emojis that you want the design to be based off! (You can also let me know if you want it to be a specific animal, otherwise I’ll just make sowmthing up for you!
Symbol examples:
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Mask examples:
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Make sure to get your requests in as I’m not sure when I’m gonna be closing them!!
Oh and feel free to repost this to let people know X3
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violetarks · 2 days
“i hate you.”
“fuck off.”
“get out of my house.”
you look over your shoulder, apron on as you cut vegetables on his chopping board. your glare makes reiner weak — weak enough to finally draw his attention to the floorboards and clench his fists.
“shut up and sit down, dinner will be ready soon, you idiot.” you scoff, furrowed brows are you loudly chop up some carrots.
he knows you don’t mean anything you say, and neither does he. when you don’t hear him sit down, you eventually sigh and shake your head, placing the knife on the bench.
“look, reiner, you need to just… just trust me, okay?” you huff out, obviously tired from your ongoing argument with him. it had been hours, and all reiner can muster up is some sad excuse to try and make you leave. “what is going on with you, huh? why are you all of a sudden acting so hostile?”
“you were being rude to me first.” he scoffs, crossed arms as he leans against the back of the couch. his eyes are still trained on the floor, “yelled at me as soon as i walked into the house.”
“because you fuckin’—” you stop yourself short before wiping your face and continuing your work, “you came home after hours of silence. didn’t even tell me where you were going… how am i supposed to act?”
sometimes, you didn’t understand your boyfriend.
you were one of the only other people that marley had sent to do recon on paradis. zeke gave you all the information you needed to know before sending you off. at the time, you were both 17-years-old and just happy to see each other. you were dear friends, until zeke sent you a letter to come back and reiner made the move to kiss you ’goodbye’. he promised he would come back to you.
maybe he was lying, because he had been out in the town for hours without any notice. you resorted to even asking porco what was going on, and he just shrugged it off. you thought, he had to come home at some point, right?
right you were. he walked into his house 30 minutes after you started prepping dinner.
“i don’t want you here anymore.” he says, knitted brows. this place has been his for a while, you only moved in upon his request. “i… i don’t know how to explain it to you, y/n, i just… i would feel so much better if i was alone.”
“so what, you can wallow in self-pity for the rest of your life?” you retort, now washing the chopping board, “i don’t want you here alone, reiner.”
“it’s my house.”
“you’re my boyfriend.”
“so what?”
“are you serious?” you scoff, dropping the board into the sink and turning to him. your wet hands press against your biceps as you cross your arms over your chest. “reiner, what has gotten into you?”
when you land your gaze on him, reiner is holding his head in both his hands, covering his eyes and tears stream down his face silently. you are quiet as well as you drop your hands, quietly sighing through your nose. your footsteps towards him don’t make him flinch, and he stays still.
you try not to take anything he says to heart because you know how little he means it. he’s just scared. but he can’t say it out loud. instead, he throws out excuses and stuff to make you upset and leave. it hurt that he would do such a thing, but you loved him. reiner was yours.
your bring your arms closely around his waist, resting your hand between his shoulders. “it’s okay.” you whisper, allowing him to finally crumble in your arms and cry out loud, “you’re okay.”
how many years does he have left? how could you continue to love him after he told you what happened on paradis? why would you stay? to torment him? to punish him for his sins?
he sits down on the back of the couch and you slip passed his knees to hug him tighter. your fingers brush through his blonde hair, and you kiss his jaw softly. reiner can’t help but let you hold him, you were the kindest touch he has ever known. and what could he do without you?
“please leave me.” he whimpers out, still covering his face.
your heart aches at his request, but you only hug him closer to you. “don’t be silly, reiner.” you mumble, lips against his cheekbone.
he’s pleading you at this point. but you don’t let go.
“i’m with you ‘til the end.”
that’s what he’s afraid of.
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ariseur · 3 days
Hey, How are you? Just read so many of your DMC head canon and I liked them, good work don't think it's against your rules, if it is, just ignore this.
But wanted to request Dante with fem! Reader who just had a baby girl.... Dante's reaction to having a girl and how he is with a newborn.
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dante with a baby girl 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
dante (dmc) x reader (?)
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
this has been sitting in my inbox for so long, my apologies!!! this was a really cute request and i love dante sm ugh i have dante brainrot rn
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
babies n mentions of pregnancy ( obviously ), intended lowercase, lmk if i missed something!! 💕
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
❥ let me tell you how cute i think this actually is.. like dante with a little baby girl??? it’s??? just so?? cuteee??22?2?2
❥ i can honestly see dante as a boy and a girl dad, but since we’re talking about girls here!! let me just shed some light on how awesome of a dad dante would be regardless of what gender his kid is.
❥ as a newborn, i can see him being both super goofy or uncharacteristically careful. dante is literally so scared to do something wrong so he leaves most of it to you, but if you use formula for your baby or if.. part demons don’t need milk (?).. then he’ll take over that. it should be easy enough, he says, right? right???
❥ wrong. he let you have some time alone to let you go out and actually be baby-free for a little while and he partially regrets it. the only reason why is because he’s stuck on the couch rocking the baby back and forth while she cries because dante doesn’t know how much to feed her.. which is how he ends up calling you on your alone time
❥ dante’s behavior as a dad depends on how old he is ( what game we’re talking about ). as in dmc 1-3, he’s more so carefree and although he’d know being a dad is a lot of responsibility, he’d still have somewhat of goofy, dumb mindset within him. meanwhile as he progresses in dmc4, he’s learned a lot and has gotten better, so i think this would be the start of a really good era to raise a baby. and then finally in dmc5, peepaw still got it, okay?
❥ while i see dante enjoying his beauty rest, i can also see him sacrificing his sleep to get up and take the fall of a crying baby rather than wake you up and ruin your sleep schedule. dante’s pretty good at entertaining babies for some reason, what can i say?? they just love the guy i guess
❥ even before you’ve had the baby AND after, i feel like dante would pick the goofiest outfits for her omfg. like, you’ll be sifting through the clothes and looking for some cute onesies or something and all of a sudden you hear, “babe—!” and you turn and it’s dante holding up a baby tee with a cannabis leaf on it
❥ dante would absolutely remember his baby’s birthday, and on the off chance he doesn’t and he only remembers because you or nero brought it up or something, he will run on the other side of town just for her. you’ll call him and be like, “you got the cake, right?” and he’ll be like “ohhh, yeah— don’t worry, i got it” and he’s literally fighting like six antenora and hellbats rn but dont worryyy!! afterwards he’ll just stop by the bakery all bloody and ask for the cutesiest cake available and he’ll start showing the baker photos of you and his baby girl. he’ll be like “ugh, they grow up so fast 😊” as he’s picking out demon blood and residue from his air
❥ read a post where it was headcanons about if vergil and dante had a baby that had blonde hair like eva’s and WHOAAA. if dante’s daughter somehow received a recessive trait and she has blonde hair like eva’s, it will pull at dante’s heart strings from birth. he thinks it’s a sign, a sign that she’s still watching over him and that’s she’s there— she’s there enough that you’ve acquired her hair color. he believes her love is just that strong, and that makes him try a little harder every day. he will not let her memory be forgotten, and he’ll tell you and his daughter whatever stories he remembers from when he was a kid, especially ones with vergil ( partially to spite him ).
❥ growing up would be the hardest thing for dante to accept. he’ll always love her unconditionally but it makes him sad knowing that this is the youngest she’ll ever be and the oldest she’ll ever get ( if that makes sense ). but, he’ll always love her even when she’s not a baby anymore. he’ll love her when those onesies turn into t-shirts and he’ll love her when that teddy bear turns into an algebra textbook or a phone or jewelry.
❥ dante will forever cherish his family, and he yearns for that domesticity you two have created with your children. he’ll love you and his daughter regardless, and he’ll always come back for you. he is the legendary devil hunter, of course.
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melminli · 10 hours
𝗢𝗰𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗘𝘆𝗲𝘀 - 𝟬𝟭
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pairing: neuvilette x fem. reader
summery - fontaine was known for being the nation of the element hydro as well as the nation of justice. however, the people were known for their love of gossip. though, sometimes rumors turn out to be true, don't they?
word count: 1,5k
content: lawyer reader, lots of fluff, crack, romance, akward reader + neuvilette
series masterlist
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Fontaine. The nation under the supervision of the Hydro Archon as well as the element Hydro itself. With its many waterfalls, wide seas, and many bodies of water, its aquatic space is widely embellished. Of course, this is not a big surprise, and yet the brilliant landscape never ceases to amaze new and old visitors and residents alike.
"Mademoiselle Rivière, please excuse me for disturbing you during your break, but the reports you requested have finally arrived," a soft female voice woke you up.
You slowly sat up and rubbed the sleep from your eyes. Even when you just wanted to lean back on the couch in your office for a while, you couldn't seem to get any rest. You had to get to work when it was calling, and it always did. A healthy work-life balance was something unknown to you. "Don't worry, Marie, thank you for your work." You mumbled sleepily and reached for the file your assistant had brought you.
As you went through the pages, she looked at you a little worried. Even after all the years she had known you and worked under you, she couldn't stop frowning at your workaholic lifestyle. "Have you pulled an all-nighter again? How many days have you been here? You haven't forgotten to eat again, have you?"
Your eyes were fixed on the paper so that you could decipher the information inside as quickly as possible. "I'm fine, don't worry, really. I just don't have any time to waste since I have to be at the Opera Epiclese the day after tomorrow, and the defense isn't going to build itself."
Marie just sighed and made a mental note to order something to eat as soon as she left the room. "I'll get you something to drink. Who knows when you last got any time to do that." She said hopelessly and interrupted you before you could interject. "And I'll get water and nothing else!"
You didn't dare to say anything else to that. So, no coffee for me then. Maybe it's better this way. It would be a bit embarrassing to dehydrate in Fontaine. You leaned back in your chair and looked out of the window for a while, just watching the water surrounding the city for a bit. "Maybe I really should take a break. It's been a long time since I've been to the beach..." You continued to think, "...or even just the shore for a bit."
You sighed once and stretched a little to clear your head and get back to work. After all, you still had some preparation to do since Fontaine was not only the land of the element Hydro but also the land of justice. You were confronted with this not only as a citizen of this nation but, above all, as a lawyer. The best in town.
The case you were currently working on was about the unjust firing of your client from the Fonta development team. You had gathered the necessary evidence and testimonies, which was the lesser of two evils. The thing you still weren't really sure about yet...was how you wanted to present your case.
This was the Opera Epiclese we were talking about. Of course, everything was decided by the presentation. Getting the audience on your side was a must because only when you've kept them satisfied with a spectacle can you achieve great success. Simply bringing the truth to light was not enough in this country. Justice and reputation were very closely linked, and in order to keep your face, you not only had to be right, you also had to entertain. This made it possible for the result to have an effect. For making a change in the right direction, which people would remember.
You hated the system. Some days more and some days less since the need to entertain usually meant gossip, which in turn diminished the seriousness needed in court. As a lawyer, you were, of course, part of this, but you know the saying, hate the game and not the player. You did your best to bring justice, and your morals were not related to recognition or anything else. That's all that mattered for now.
Now that I've been thinking about Fonta so much, I feel like drinking it. Maybe Marie will let me have a bottle since there's no caffeine in it.
Quite a while later...
"I'm completely exhausted..." You sighed and could hardly wait to sleep in your own bed again. As much as you love Palais Mermonia, you really should spend less time there and your office. The world always felt so small when you spent so much time in the same four walls, and then as soon as you stepped out of them, the world suddenly seemed bigger than ever.
Though you missed your home, you didn't want to go from one room to the other. That's probably why your feet almost automatically carried you in the direction of the Vasari Passage. You loved walking past the many stores and greeted the owners and various other people on your stroll. Your destination, however, was in the middle of the plaza because one of your favorite things to do in the city, was to sit near the fountain and simply watch the endlessly spinning mechanisms of the sphere.
Lost in thought, the scream of a certain nickname confused you greatly at first. "If it isn't the Ice Queen of Court herself! Today must be my lucky day!"
You turned to the voice only to see a certain reporter. She really won't stop calling me that, will she? I noticed that some other people started to do it, too. The cryo vision dangling off your outfit made it sound a bit cliché in your eyes. "Ah, it's you, Mademoiselle Charlotte. I didn't expect to find you here at this hour." You admitted.
She had a big smile on her face. "Well, I did! Rumor has it that you're usually here in the evening, so I sometimes come by when I have time, hoping for a little chat with the most famous lawyer in Fontain." She said without any shame and already had her pen and paper ready. "We never get to see you except in court, and getting appointments is super difficult. So, I thought I'd give this a try."
You couldn't help but smile slightly in disbelief at her efforts. "I see. So you switched to stalking after you ran out of your more professional resources."
"Guilty!" She exclaimed, and you raised an eyebrow at the circumstances. When Charlotte realized the context of the situation, she quickly corrected herself. "I mean, I'm just kidding! Please don't get me wrong, I would never resort to foul means for my work, really!" She suddenly clarified very nervously.
You reassured her. "I'm always up for a bit of humor, and I would also say that we're not complete strangers, so it's not a problem." You assured her. "But I would advise you to be a little more careful with the way you get people excited about your work. You might scare off some of the gentler people."
Stars formed in her eyes as you offered her your advice. I'm not a stranger in her eyes? That almost makes us friends then! "As you'd expect, the best lawyer always knows exactly what to say! Very impressive, I'll take note of that." She said in a good mood. "To get to the point, I was wondering if you could give me some news about your next court case!"
An apologetic expression came over your face. "I fear I can't, Mademoiselle Charlotte. I don't share any information regarding my ongoing cases. Keeping statements concerning my clients strictly to myself is very important to me." You replied and could see from her expression that she wasn't too disappointed. She had probably already anticipated this answer from you.
"What a shame, but of course, understandable." She expressed with a cheerful spirit. "Then perhaps you could comment on the new rumors about you?" She asked you intently as she leaned a little closer to you, finally revealing the true reason for her interest.
More rumors? You were aware of how talkative the people of Fontaine were, but you didn't realize that they were the same when it came to you. "What kind of rumor would you like me to address?" You asked a little curiously yourself.
"Well, the rumors about a secret romance with you and our Iudex, Monsieur Neuvilette, of course!"
You were rarely completely blown away by anything, but this? That was the first time you ever heard anything like that. It sounded even more absurd than the thought alone. People - people are talking about me and Monsieur Neuvilette...?
To Be Continued...
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