#fire the canons
winterfireice · 2 years
Kotlc Secret Santa 2022
I got @the-one-and-only-aroace so this is for you
Hope you enjoy! 💙💜💙💜💙💜💙
Link to my ao3 for ease
@song-tam thank you so much for hosting this was a lot of fun
“Ahhhhhhhhhhh, why is it that the entire day I've been thinking about my book with almost nothing else in mind but the minute I get home and actually have time to write my brain goes blank!” I push back in my chair exasperatedly throwing my head back so it's facing the ceiling. “I don't know inspiration strikes at random times I guess.” My little sister Amy says while writing in one of her music journals. My older sister Jolie is laying on my bed doing homework with earbuds in she probably doesn't even know we're talking, these two are some of the only people in my life that know that I write.
I've been writing a book for almost a year now and it's still nowhere near the end, it has all the things I love about fantasy, elves, goblins, ogres I've been thinking about adding gnomes too but haven't figured out how to incorporate them yet. It's taken an annoyingly long time mostly because of classes and the fact that I've been suffering from some major writer's block for the last couple of months.
Jolie rolls over taking her earbuds off and asks what we're talking about, “Sophie is struggling to actually participate in her favorite hobby.” Amy says not looking up, while I have been having trouble with writing my sister has been in a rush of inspiration. Amy has loved writing music since she got her first special notebook when she was seven and it had purple glitter on it. Over the last eight years, she has gotten much better and I couldn't be more proud. She even has created songs for my characters, one of the best birthday presents I've gotten, along with the drawings of them from Jolie.
Sitting here is doing absolutely nothing so I suggest we all go to the ice cream place down the street “I could use a break from my English paper.” Jolie replies closing her book. “I'm really getting into the groove here I don't want to mess it up, but I’ll come next time.” Amy says taking her eyes off her pencil for the first time in hours. “Ok,” I tell her “do you want us to bring you anything?” “Vanilla with Carmel and mini marshmallows please” Amy gives me her iconic aren't I the best little sister even though she's not doing anything. ”You got it.” I say as Jolie grabs her car keys and purse from across the hall.
The ice cream place has only been here for about a year but it’s become a regular spot for us, it's great for study breaks or a meet-up place, plus has some of the best ice cream I've ever tasted.
We order and sit down at a table by the window, my biggest problem right now is that my story doesn't really have a plot or a main goal, I have a feeling for what I want it to be. As stupid as that sounds but it’s the only way I can explain it. And I know I shouldn't be rushing the creative process but I want to write so badly I just can't. I find it extremely infuriating. “Hey sis what's up, your face is super scrunched up and you look like you want to remove all of your eyelashes.” Jolie says reaching over to remove my hand from my eyes. “Talk to me” she straitens her back like she's about to go into an interview.
“I don't know I guess it's nothing, I'm just getting tired of being blocked all the time,” I tell her looking out the window. “Hey don't say it's nothing this is something important to you and it's bothering you. You have been working on this book for a really long time, I should know I hear you grumbling to yourself at all hours of the day about it” She says the last part with a look of possible annoyance. “I just feel like I don't know my brain is working against me.” I explain “like it's betraying you?” Jolie adds “Exactly! That's the best way to explain it-” I trail off thinking and then jump up excitedly “Thank you, thank you that's actually perfect, major help” I start hurrying to the door and I hear Jolie say something to the waiter about getting to go containers.
We drove to the ice cream place but our house is close enough that with running I get home within ten minutes and run to my room barely saying anything to my parents. “Wow that didn't take long at all, do you have my food?” Amy looks up a bit surprised because of my quick reappearance. “I love you but I need you to be quiet for a little while if you're in my room, also I think Jolie will be back soon with your ice cream.” I'm putting in my password and opening my writing software “I guess inspiration struck” Amy says while grabbing her stuff and closing my door while she leaves with a smile on her face.
When Jolie talked about betrayal I thought about how interesting it would be if my main character ends up betraying everyone to save the world ending up sacrificing herself and no one ever knows.
I end up passing out around six am with a mostly finished book and end up writing the ending after I get some actual sleep and start editing it.
My sisters come in around ten am both sitting on the bed not even saying anything just falling into a familiar routine, Jolie starts to sketch and Amy is humming a new song, and every once and a while she writes down a new line in her notebook.
“Thanks, you guys.” I say to them. “For what?” they both ask at the same time “For you two helping with my book, which I've almost finished now but also for just being great sisters.” Jolie and Amy look at each other before tackling me in a hug “Your also an amazing sister” Amy says “Now can we please read your book?” Jolie asks when I nod they both push my rolly chair out of the way so they can see my computer better, I laugh to myself while I wait for them to tell me their thoughts.
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halstar-the-clown · 3 months
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May that flame always burn bright for you, Vivian. You are a woman and a good sister no matter what anyone else says.
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irlplasticlamb · 2 months
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what you cannot do, let others do for you,
prints + merch + c0mm1ssion info pinned to profile :)
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contact-guy · 22 days
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the BOSCOMBE VALLEY MYSTERY part 2 - part 1 here - there is a mention of Holmes reading Petrarch in this story and so naturally I went on a deep dive of some of the most TRAGIC AND ROMANTIC POETRY ABOUT DOOMED LOVE I HAVE EVER READ. BUDDY.
the 'deductions and inferences' bit I drew ages ago so it's in a different style! classic bitch moment.
One more part to come! This is in the Watson's Sketchbook series.
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quiddling · 1 month
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how many eyes does lord bloodraven have?
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talia8pie · 8 months
Whiteout my BBG,,
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Plan to do more wof background/secondary characters later. I got some suggestions from my server, and hope to do them, but if anyone has ideas. (Not doing protagonists, they have enough art for now)
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justawanderingfan · 10 months
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Screw canon they’re all bisexual (to me)
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mint-fixates · 2 months
There's this weird take I've seen floating around on TikTok that Bill doesn't actually care about his family/dimension or Stanford at all; that we're supposed to take everything in TBOB as non-canon basically because he's lying to garner sympathy from reader to make a deal with them. I'm all for having your own interpretations of media, but I just don't think this idea that Bill is a completely heartless unfeeling creature is supported by canon at all. In fact, it kind of feels like the opposite of the point of the book.
Like, yeah, most things Bill says should be taken with a grain of salt because he lies a lot, but he's not actually a very good liar? It's usually pretty easy to clock when he's full of it. But okay, even if we assume every word Bill says while trying to recruit the reader is a lie, there are three major things that this doesn't account for.
Bill is not the only source in the book. The lost Journal 3 pages were written by Stanford, we only know about the interdimensional Taco Bell incident because of an included police transcript, etc.
Even once he's lost any chance of making a deal with the reader to escape, Bill is having a complete breakdown and mentions all the people he so totally doesn't miss for real you guys. Why bother with reverse psychology double-lying for sympathy once his shot at getting the reader on his side is already gone?
Trying to garner the reader's sympathy makes sense to a certain extent, but why go out of his way to make himself look pathetic? Does revealing that he got drunk and cried over his ex in a fast-food drive-through really help his cause if that cause is to convince the reader he's still a powerful being capable of starting the apocalypse again so they can rule with him?
And that's all without even mentioning that, as previously stated, I think the entire point of the book is missed if we're interpreting Bill as having no genuine feelings or attachments. The book ends with Stanford healing from his past by being open about what he went through with his family and accepting their help, while Bill insists he doesn't need anyone and refuses to heal, actively making himself worse in the process. The clear theme imo is that accepting your past and accepting help from people who love you is essential to healing, while denying those things just makes everything worse. If Bill doesn't actually care about his family, his dimension, Stanford, or anything/anyone else, he has no trauma to heal from or regrets to learn from that he's refusing to accept and deal with, and the entire meaning of the book is made moot.
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artwork-and-tingz · 3 months
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sunny!!!! didn’t feel like doing lineart so just a sketch today (:
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legendary-cookies · 5 months
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I've been working on this on and off for like a long time and honestly I kinda hate it now, but this is like a revamp of these but with the Beasts too lmao
This also has a headcanon I have of if the Legends had virtues like the Ancients and Beasts
Also yes I'm aware Fire and Moon might fit more if they switched but I have lore reasons leave me alone
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gentletrees · 1 year
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Some doodles from different scenes of @ssreeder 's fanfic LIAB! I literally drop everything when you upload QuQ <3 thank you for putting so much effort into this fic, it really shows! I love it!
Really wanted to capture the two most heartbreaking moments of the last few chapters - two very, very different reunions with very different underlying emotions.
And the last one is a doodle after reading the most recent chapter - Zuko wearing his hair in a messy ponytail, dressed in expensive clothing - moments before disaster :))
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crowcrash · 2 months
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The Dragonets of Destiny
I Originally did this for Smaugust day 1 “from a book” except it took way too long so i’ve decided i am not doing Smaugust lol
ive always wanted to draw the dragonets and iron out my designs for them and im super happy with how this turned out. maybe ill do a pt 2 and 3 with the povs from the other arcs…?
you are welcome to use my designs as long as you credit me :)
design notes:
Coming from a blood-red egg, Clay is immune to damage from fire. Instead of becoming scarred he develops faint swirl-markings across his scales as marks of his ability to withstand intense heat. He has hazel eyes that appear more green in contrast to his warm coloring.
Tsunami is covered in scars from the many battles she’s been through, including ripped fins, burnt gills, and slashes all over her body. She offsets her worn intimidating appearance with ropes of pearls around her horns; gifts from her mom in the kingdom of the sea. After Clay she is the largest of the dragonets.
Glory is noticeably duller than most RainWings, and tends to keep her coloring in the green-blue spectrum. She too is covered in scars, but unlike the other dragonets these are not marks from battle but rather evidence of Kestrel’s hatred. Being a very humble queen, she prefers to keep her attire simple: a crown of flowers and silver hoop earrings.
Starflight wears glasses, and instead of being fully blinded by lava in the volcano he was partially blinded by the intense light which permanently damaged his eyes. He can only pick up light, dark, and the shapes of objects and other dragons. He is covered in scars along his side from the volcano, but was lucky enough to have Clay shield his head from any of the damage.
Sunny is the smallest of the five, and her bright coloring is noticeably very different from the usual pale sandy grey of most SandWing’s. Her eyes are a very very dark green, and she wears an amber teardrop earring; a gift from her mother in the kingdom of the sand as a reminder of her home. Her adopted brother Qibli has one very similar. She is noticeably the least scarred of the dragonets, as she was able to use her small size to wiggle out of battles.
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otiksimr · 8 months
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battry-acid · 6 days
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BEHOLD! my fire emblem three bitches
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bodty · 20 days
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h..happ..ppy b b.. bbirrthhhh-d d..daday y…. daddy. 💦💦💦💦
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winterfireice · 2 years
I love that I have the power to make Sophie, Amy and Jolie all sisters in human aus in my wips
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