#first aid vortex love child???
sphnyspinspin · 1 year
The funniest thing just happened to me as of recently.
I was scrolling through ao3 as per euge~ and I came across the ship tag known as First Aid/Vortex. I was like, “Oh yeah, the nurse guy and the unstable helicopter guy, yeah I could see that-“ then it hit me.
First Aid is an ambulance who’s an empathetic and compassionate doctor with blue optics/visor. Vortex is an insane helicopter maniac who has magnetic capabilities in FOC(from TFwiki states is from Aligned)and has an ‘x’ at the end of his name.
You don’t think…
First Aid + Vortex = Medix
Oh my god. Ooooooh my god. Oh no no nononono no-oh my gawd. I need to reevaluatesomelifechoicesatthemomentjusthangon-
Medix……Medix is going to be a uh, a uh, sparkling-conceived by Vortex and First Aid, and and they both weren’t ready for a baby. So uh they um, they put him up for adoooption and he got adopted by a dude, who traveled t-to Junkion and like, left or something, leaving Medix alone to be raised by the community. Afterwards, he eventually gwoess back to cybertwon and like First Aid’s like instincts kick in and like recognizes the itty bitty baby boy and like there’s gonna be angst-SO MUCH AAAANGST!!
I’m gonna twaumatize de sit outta dis tid.
mua ha ha ha.
Bare witness to my discovery @asmoteeth @magically-maddie @sonia-aquamarineson @sonicnerd @novafire-is-thinking @geluatekurama
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Casualties and Confessions - 11th doctor x fem! reader
Request: “Hi! Could you please write a fluffy/romantic fic (fem! Reader x 11th doctor) with prompts 22 and 29. Maybe something where the Doctor gets in trouble during one of their adventures because of his bravado and the reader tends to his injuries afterwards (the reader kisses his bruises and all this stuff) <3
Prompts: 22 “You look…” “Adorable? Cute? Sexy?” “I was thinking more along the lines of stupid, idiotic and dumb but sure” 29 “Could you please stop being stubborn for once in your life?”
Warnings: Swearing
Word count: 2911
*** = time skip
Requests Prompts
“Doctor would you please just sit down?” You groaned as the time lord turned his back to you once again.
“I told you I’m fine, you don’t need to look after me. It’s just a few bruises.” The doctor replied, busying himself with the control panel.
You let out a groan of frustration as you ran your fingers through your hair. The doctor could be a real pain in the arse when he wanted to be.
“It’s not just a few bruises” You mimicked, walking over to him.
“You’re bleeding. Not only that, but you also smacked your head pretty hard, and I would really love it if you weren’t flying through the time vortex with a concussion so please for the last time – Sit. Down.” You crossed your arms over your chest, staring at him.
The doctor fidgeted under your gaze, unsure of where to look. “Honestly it’s not that big of a deal I’m fine-“
“Oh my god doctor! Could you please stop being stubborn for once in your life?” You yelled.
The doctor was slightly taken back by your tone. It was very rare that you raised your voice, even rarer for you to raise it at him.
You sighed “I just want to make sure you’re okay. Will you let me do that? Please?” You said, your tone softening.
The doctors stomach flipped at your words. He wasn’t used to people caring about him in the way you did. It was a foreign feeling; but he liked it. Without saying anything, he sat down and handed you back the first aid kit he’d taken from you earlier.
“Thank you” You smiled at him.
“I will say, as much as I understand why you said what you did, this is on you.” You chuckled, earning a grin from the doctor.
“Well he was wrong. And you know me, never have been a fan of archaeologists.”
The doctor had taken you a planet not dissimilar to earth. He’d been rambling on about a specific museum exhibit that he’d been wanting to show you for days now yet every time he’d tried to take you, something else came up and caught his eye. But finally, here the two of you were strolling round an ancient building marvelling at all the artifacts on display.
“Doctor this place is just…wow” You said as your eyes gazed upon all the displays around you.
There were all sorts of alien relics from different points in history scattered around the room. Some things you recognised, like a rogue cyberman head that was being displayed in a glass case or one of the guns used by the Silurian race which was hanging on the wall. It was all so fascinating.
“Yes, yes this is all well and good but let’s get to the good bit.” The doctor said, grabbing your hand and pulling you forward.
You laughed at his child like glee as you ran with him.
“Okay, we’re here” The doctor said, coming to a very sudden stop which caused you to collide with his chest.
He placed his hands on your shoulders to steady you, causing a blush to creep onto your cheeks. You’d had feelings for the doctor for a while, I mean how could you not? When a funny, kind hearted, rather attractive man (well – alien) whisks you off and shows you all of time and space – it’d be hard not to fall for him. Normally you’d been pretty good at keeping it under wraps yet for some reason, recently anything he does gets you flustered within a matter of moments
“Close your eyes.” The doctors voice came, breaking you from your thoughts. You looked up at him, the glint of joy held in his eyes melting your heart.
“Okay but if you walk me into a wall, we’re falling out.” You said with a laugh.
“As if I would let that happen to you.” The doctor commented before standing behind you, his hands on your arms as he manoeuvred you forward.
You held your hands out cautiously in front of you but luckily you didn’t hit anything. After a few moments, the doctor stopped.
“Okay, you can open your eyes now.” He said excitedly.
You peeled your eyes open slowly, unsure of what to expect. Your jaw fell open as your eyes took in the sight before you. Next to you, the doctor watched in pure delight as you looked at the exhibit. “
Is this…I mean…It’s beautiful.” Your voice was quiet as you truly had no words to describe how blown away you were.
Before you stood the most gorgeous painting of a landscape, a sky full of vibrant orange, reds, yellows burning their way onto the canvas. Clouds scattered around the fire of the sky, with a burnt orange moon peering out from behind them. In the centre of the painting sat a magnificent dome, within which there were buildings, quite sizeable buildings – almost like skyscrapers. The dome reflected the light of the sun onto the sandy terrain below and if you looked close enough, it was as if you could actually see the light dancing around the floor.
“This was my home.” The doctor said, his gentle voice cutting through the silence. “Gallifrey.”
The pride was evident in his voice as he stared longingly at the painting.
“It’s exquisite doctor.” You replied, still in awe.
“I don’t know where this painting came from. But I am glad some memory of my planet lives on. It was a truly wonderous place.” He said softly.
You glanced over at him, his face fallen slightly. You knew how much he missed him home, his people. Even though he tried to hide it, the guilt consumed him. And it broke your heart.
“Thank you.” You said, never taking your eyes from him. He turned to face you; his brow furrowed in confusion.
“For what?”
“For bringing me here. For showing me your home. I know how painful it must be for you and I am glad you felt comfortable enough to share this with me. It means a lot.” You explained, smiling softly at him.
The doctor took a step closer to you, cupping your face in his hands.
“There is no one else I would rather share this with. If I could take you there in person I would do so in a heartbeat. You are the most important thing in my life, and I want you to see me. All of me.” His words were so soft, so genuine it made tears well in your eyes.
“I see you doctor. And I love you.” You said, the words slipping out before you had a chance to stop them.
The doctor faltered for a second, slightly surprised by your confession. You began to pull away, regretting your choice before the doctor gently pulled your face towards him and promptly crashing his lips to yours. You sighed happily as you melted into him, your arms wrapping around his neck. The kiss was short, but heartfelt. You pulled away grinning up at the doctor, who held you close.
“I love you too by the way.”
“Oh good” You chuckled.
The two of you stood there, just enjoying the others embrace.
“Yeah just tell Allie that she’s going to have to wait for that order, I have a lot more on my plate right now.” A loud voice echoed off the walls, causing you and the doctor to turn around.
The sound of footsteps were getting closer, as were the voices.
“Right so Alex if you could please get the Sontarans body armour boxed up and ready to ship for Monday, and Trevor if  you sort of the Zantian artifacts that would be- Oh hello.” A man, dressed in a full suit and tie appeared before the two of you, followed by two other men, who you assumed to be Alex and Trevor.
“Hello” The doctor replied awkwardly.
“I’m sorry but how on earth did you get in here? This museum isn’t open for another week.” The man said, clearly very agitated.
You rolled your eyes, looking up at the doctor. “Really? You couldn’t have brought us here a week later.”
“Well, I didn’t want it to be busy when we came” The doctor said fidgeting with his bow tie.
You chuckled at his behaviour before turning your attention back to the man in front of you.
“Will you two stop blabbering and tell me how you got in here? I have every right to get you locked up for this. Breaking and entering one of the most prestige buildings in the city and I-“
“I’ll stop you right there thank you. We are actually a part of an official alien artifacts organization, and we were sent here to make sure everything was in order for the grand opening.” The doctor said, flashing them his psychic paper.
The man’s face dropped as he read whatever credentials had just shown up.
“Oh. Oh, right yes of course. I do apologize. I hadn’t been made aware of any visits” The man fumbled through an apology.
“Yes well the uh big boss wanted to keep it a surprise just in case. You know how things are. Anyway, everything seems to be in order. We were just admiring the painting before heading off so goodbye.” The doctor said quickly before taking your hand in his and beginning to walk away.
You were still grinning over the fact the doctor had kissed you. Not only that, he’d told you he loved you. You felt giddy.
“Why would you ever be interested in such a dull painting? Come, let me show you some artifacts that are worth your time.” The man called after the pair of you.
The doctor stopped dead in his tracks. You felt your stomach drop. The doctors face fell.
“What did you just say?” He asked, his voice calm.
But not a relaxing calm, more sinister. More like the type you get before a storm.
“The painting, it’s hardly anything of interest.” The man repeated, clearly not sensing the rising anger in the time lord.
The doctor dropped your hand, marching over to the man.
“You know nothing of that painting. You know nothing of my planet so don’t you dare for one minute tell me that my home is hardly anything of interest.” The doctor didn’t shout. He didn’t need to. His words held enough rage and force in them to do more damage than shouting ever could.
You watched as his chest rose and fell, obviously in an attempt to calm himself down. There was very little that riled the doctor up this much. But you understood why this had caused such a reaction.
“Y-your planet? You mean to say you’re a-“
“Time lord. Yes. The last of them. So choose your words a little more carefully.” The doctor replied.
The mans face contorted in disgust.
“How dare you step foot in here. How dare you step foot onto our planet. Timelords are a disgrace. There extinction was a victory for the rest of us.” His words were dripping with malice as he eyed the doctor.
Your heart burned, anger rising in you as well. The doctor froze once again, his breathing increasing once more. You saw his fists clench as his body became rigid with fury. You began to walk over to him, knowing you needed to get him out of here. You didn’t know what he was going to do but you didn’t want to find out.
“Restrain him.” The man called before you could reach him. The two other men standing behind him were on the doctor in an instant, pinning the doctor against the wall.
“Get off of me. Get off.” The doctor shouted, thrashing in their arms.
“Doctor!” You yelled running towards him.
However before you could reach him, two other men appeared grabbing a hold of you as well. You cried out in pain as they pulled you harshly away from the doctor.
“LET HER GO. DO NOT TOUCH HER" He bellowed, struggling even harder against the men holding him.
“Your kind are nothing but a plague to the rest of the universe. I will be doing her a kindness by getting rid of you.” The man snarled.
“Don’t you fucking hurt him.” You yelled as the men began dragging you away.
Your eyes found the doctor, he looked just as terrified as you just before he was dragged off to another room and out of your eyesight. The further you got from the doctor, the more panicked you became. They were going to kill him. You couldn’t let that happen. The men brought you to the end of a corridor, where there stood a cage.
“You’re just going to lock me up and leave me here are you? Very original” You spat.
One of the men chuckled. “Of course not. We’re going to lock you up and sell you to the highest bidder. There are all sorts of different aliens coming to the opening event that have never seen a human before. I’m sure they will be most interested in you.” He said, chuckling along with his friend.
No. This is not happening. You were getting the doctor and you were getting out of here. With all the energy you could muster, you kicked one the men square between the legs – causing him to double over in pain before doing the same to the other one. With their grip on your arms now loosened, you were able to pull yourself free and began running as fast as you could back in the direction on the doctor. When you made it back to the room you had originally been in, there was no sign of him.
Your mind was racing. You knew you only had a short amount of time before the men recovered and came after you. Suddenly, you heard the doctor yell out in pain. Your heart felt as if it stopped beating as you heard his cries. You went to run towards the noise before looking around you. If you ran in there unarmed, you were as good as captured again. You looked around the room before your eyes landed on the Silurian gun you had noticed earlier. You didn’t have to use it, just threaten to. You grabbed it off the wall before running in the direction of the doctor.
Everything was a bit of a blur after that. When you found the doctor he was laying on the floor, breathing heavily. He had cuts all over his face, as well as nasty looking bruises. It hadn’t taken much to scare the men away, none of them clearly having been threatened with a gun before. You helped the doctor stand before rushing back to the safety of the TARDIS.
“There you are. All patched up.” You said with a smile, taking a step back to admire your work.
Due to the cuts the doctor had obtained, his face was lightly decorated with plasters which you have to admit was a rather funny sight.
“How do I look?” The doctor asked, standing up.
“You look…”
“Adorable? Cute Sexy?”
“I was thinking more along the lines of stupid, idiotic and dumb but sure” You teased, laughing at the frown on his face.
“Well I guess that’s the last time I let my girlfriend take care of me then.” He mumbled to himself as he walked back to the console.
Your stomach fluttered at his words. Whether he meant for you to hear them or not you weren’t sure, but you had.
“Girlfriend?” You commented, following him.
His eyes widened as you stood in front of him. He opened his mouth to say something before changing his mind and closing it again.
“Did you just call me your girlfriend?” You asked, a smirk pulling at your lips.
“I, well, technically yes. I just assumed – because of earlier- isn’t that usually what people do?” He said, stumbling over his words.
You beamed up at him, taking his face gently in your hands. “Yes, it is. Albeit people usually get asked rather than told, but as long as I’m yours I really don’t care.”
The doctors cheeks flushed a light shade of pink at your words, causing your heart to race. He was so beautiful.
“Now as your girlfriend, I demand that you keep this pretty face of yours safe. As much fun as I had looking after you, I’d like my boyfriend to remain in one piece.”
“You think my face is…pretty?” The doctor said, still very flustered.
“Of course I do. Even if its been slightly battered with all these bruises.” You ran your thumb gently across each one before leaning up and placing a kiss on them.
The doctor fidgeted slightly as you kissed his face, making you chuckle against him.
You pulled back and smiled at him. “There we are, all better.”
He grinned down at you, nothing but love reflecting back at you.
“I will forever be grateful that the universe gave me the gift of meeting you.” The doctor said, holding you close to him.
“I love you too.” You replied, sighing happily as you rested your head against his chest.
You could hear his two hearts beating in a steady rhythm as he gently ran his fingers through your hair. This was definitely something you could get used to. And you did.
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dddragoni-drabbles · 7 months
Laughter echoed through the small cottage. "Such an impertinent girl. Is that any way to speak to a guest?"
A swirling vortex of darkness formed on the floor, and from it rose a sleek, dark, draconic head, rising higher and higher on an impossibly long neck, nearly reaching the ceiling before its gaze turned downwards towards Sue. Another vortex formed within the mirror on the wall, and a third on a window opposite that, and from them emerged two more heads, snaking across the room until they crossed in front of the central head, fangs bared and eyes aglow.
This was one of Jan'toa's better manifestations, if she did say so herself. Especially considering she hadn't planned for the theatrics. It was a shame her only audience was a child, she'd have to remember this for the next time she had cause to call on somebody important.
Sue's eyes went wide. "The Queen of the Depths... Brother Tobin told me about you!" She thrust her soup ladle forward with all the gravitas an eight-year-old could muster. There was not an ounce of fear in her expression, simply the righteous confidence of a child who thinks they knlw everything. "Go away! I'm not listening to you!"
"Oh, I wouldn't be so hasty, child." Jan'toa lowered her central head down, keeping just outside of ladle range. "Your father paid quite the high price for my aid. You wouldn't want that to go to waste, would you?"
"Daddy?" Sue's conviction faltered for a moment, then she straightened up and puffed out her chest. "No, he wouldn't! You're lying!"
"Oh, I never lie." The red eyes of her left head glowed brightly, and she projected a scene in front of Sue- that of her father kneeling before Jan'toa as he had mere minutes ago, begging for her to cure his wife's illness, followed by Jan'toa taking his soul in payment.
"Daddy, no!" Sue reached towards the image of her father, then recoiled and dropped the ladle as he collapsed. She stared at the limp body for several seconds, eyes wide and mouth hanging open in shock, until Jan'toa dismissed the projection. Her face quivered and her eyes watered, then she screwed up her face and turned away. "...fine," she said, clearly holding back tears. "Jusy make Mommy better and go."
Jan'toa looked curiously down at Sue. What an intriguing girl. She'd seen grown adults flee in terror at the mere sight of her, and only the most ironclad wills wouldn't break after seeing a loved one's soul torn from their body. Great warriors and monarchs had collapsed before her, yet here was this mere child standing her ground? Fascinating. It would be an easy matter for Jan'toa to directly cure the girl's mother, but instead...
"It will not be that simple," Jan'toa hissed. "This is a cure you must make yourself. There is a mushroom with a cap black as pitch that grows at the top of the waterfall to the west," she said, sending a sliver of her consciousness to go grow that mushroom and infuse it with healkng magic. "Fetch it and mix it into your next stew. That will cure your mother."
Uncertainty furrowed Sue's brow. She eas torn between her love for her mother and her teachings to avoid creatures like the Queen of the Depths, but in the end, family won out. "...alright. I'll go get the mushroom. This better work."
Jan'toa smirked as she watched Sue prepare for her trip. This should be interesting to watch. The waterfall was only a day or two away, but the roads weren’t safe for a lone child. And she supposed she might secretly tag along and keep an eye on things- she had made a deal to see Belinda cured, after all. She was going to see this through. And if she just so happened to see what it took to break Sue, all the bette.
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rust-bearer · 11 months
I’m sorry you can’t go a day without being bombarded by zombie au prompts (sort of). I’ve got, like, three or four assignments to finish that’ll determine whether or not I pass this semester, but what matters right now is clogging your inbox with zombie au First Aid content (in other words, technically texaid content with a little Aid here and there.) so, I hope you enjoy the food:
1. National parks are honestly really nice. Campsites, grills (depending on the park), bathroom stalls/showers, spiders the size of your face… First Aid likely realizes by now that he being stalked, but Vortex is at least slightly discreet about it. All hell breaks loose when the two of them end up cornered in one of the bathroom stalls, however. It’ll be hours before the zombie that appeared (seriously, where do they COME from?) will get tired and move on, and it really doesn’t help that Vortex slammed the stall door on the thing’s face. Talk about blunt force trauma—assuming zombies can suffer stuff like that. Well… at least it’s one of the larger stalls First Aid has seen, and Vortex doesn’t make awful company.
2. First Aid has a soft spot for kids. It doesn’t help to have grown up in a too-small house with older and younger brothers, which left him in a weird back-and-forth between being the babysitter and the one babysat, but he’s got a knack for kids. (TW CHILD DEATH) As such, he doesn’t find it all that surprising that the first place he would’ve looked for survivors was the neighboring households and abandoned hospital wards. Between running contamination protocols and watching children skipping down the streets and enjoying the summer sunshine (before everything had gone to shit, that is), First Aid grew accustomed to determining—unfortunately—which children would have been likely to be left behind, whether out of negligence or awful, awful parenting. The old church building he’s managed to hold down as a temporary shelter works well enough, given the spacious areas for children to run and play and plenty of pews for exhausted kids to sleep. Still… when he starts to see the first signs of infection in a young boy from his section of the hospital ward, First Aid gets a taste of the other end of the spectrum that comes with caring for such sweet, innocent beings. It was for the good of the rest of the children, he told himself. But after that night, First Aid didn’t eat or sleep for an entire week. It still haunts him sometimes, still wakes him up at night, the peaceful look on the little boy’s face as he succumbed to wounds First Aid couldn’t even see.
3. He was never all that tech-savvy, but First Aid does miss the Internet. He mostly misses FaceTiming one of his brothers every morning, only for the rest of them to crash the phone call with questions about his job and the weather and his love life (“what do you mean you haven’t been laid in weeks? What you waiting for, Aid??”) and his eating habits and just…. Everything, everything. Sometimes he’ll lay awake at night while the other survivors sleep restlessly about the church, staring at the cracked screen of his cell phone and wishing that somehow, by some miracle, the screen would light up with another incoming voice message from one of his brothers. Any of them, really. He just wants to see their faces one more time, here their voices again.
4. Once he’s managed to get over the shock of living on a post-apocalyptic world, First Aid usually takes thing in stride. He still finds himself breaking down here and there over the crippling realization that his purpose in life and ability to help and heal have been stripped from him in the most painful way, but he deals as best he can. He’s taken pleasure in the small things, like tending to a small (dying) garden in the back of the church building. Once he gets to the farm with Vortex, he’s given a much bigger garden, too, which is… well, it’s nice. He’s never been much of a green thumb, but he can manage to grow a tomato plant that doesn’t look all that deformed! Vortex still laughed at the first harvest he managed to produce, though.
5. Simple things like planning a shopping spree and gathering supplies for the remaining survivors of his town (the numbers are dwindling quickly, which scares him), become less and less stressful over time. Eventually, First Aid even ends up forming a sort of routine with Vortex, who seems to have memorized his shopping patterns to the second and always, always shows up just as First Aid is browsing the granola section. Every time. He usually brings along one of his brothers, discussing some strange plans about gathering fishing line to “harvest the stock from the farm’s pond,” whatever… whatever that means. Well, First Aid doesn’t have much to do in the meantime, so he joins them once he’s gathered his own supplies.
6. Between the remaining survivors of the apocalypse, First Aid (and others) quickly realize that “normal” isn’t ever going to be a thing for them again. After some back and forth, and some intense convincing on his part, he manages to move everyone into Swindle’s the Combaticons’ farm. It’s a tight fit, at first, but the group of them quickly get into a groove of forming their own personal commune, as Swindle so lovingly refers to it. As it seems, there are quite a few old town people who know just enough about hunting, fishing, canning, and personal grooming to teach anyone who doesn’t know. Swindle is rather stubborn at first, preferring to use the remaining supplies he has lying around that used to be considered “high quality,” but once he realizes that the septic tank won’t clean itself and that water purified from iodine is just as safe as bottled water, he begins to warm up to the idea of living off the land.
Hhhhh my brain is tired now, I guess that’s all it’s got. I hope these little ideas give you some more inspiration, assuming you’re not going through a “please god no more zombie au ideas” moment, and… yeah, I’ll be back with more sometime soon! Or not, I don’t know yet lol.
I love seeing the zombie au stuff it fuels me. It’s just so interesting to think about. Just thinking about everything you own in your house right now, then suddenly you don’t- First Aid might be able to go back to his home, maybe not. Maybe someone else is living there now. Dying there. Every picture on the wall and nicknack is like a ghost story, except the ghost is still living, wandering around, hungry.
And it also helps that swindle and the others provide a different perspective to everything than what you the viewer might be seeing. Maybe he even makes a racket selling candles- everything probably reeks of death and decay, but for today only, you can buy a fine quality candle that definitely wasn’t taken from some dead schmucks house. Just give me about… 3 days of food or so.
I do kind of see First Aid is being a pediatric doctor/nurse (still not sure what route I want to go). So he’s going to be the kind of guy who insists on taking care of children- in a time where it literally is a net negative to do so. Kids cry, BABIES cry, crying attracts zombies- and they eat so much too, and can’t DO much. Yet First Aid is the guy who ran back to the hospital after he realized all the neonatal babies were still likely there, or what about all the other patients-
But a hospital is ground zero for infections. And it’s almost free food for zombies, immobile people who can’t even defend themselves. Maybe First Aid finds something. Maybe he’s too late. Maybe he’s just in time to see the horror. It’s all very interesting!
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nagging and napping
pairing: Steven grant x reader, Marc spector x reader, Jake lockley x reader
Summary: after a good-bye party for Layla you get hurt and the moonboys have to manage taking care of you on their own ways while making sure you remember that this wasn't your fault
Word count: 12 k
Warnings: child abuse, wendy's mentioned, panic attacks, wound patching as a way of showing affection, implied smut, the wounds really don't make sense i'm sorry, intrussive thoughts, negative self talk, mentions of blood and wounds angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort
A/N: This wasn't supposed to be so long nor take as much time to write as it did! this started as a bucky fic back when Falcon and the winter soildier was airing but never really liked it. now I love it and loved writting it so I hope you guys like it too! also I think it looks way nicer on ao3 but if you want to read it here I won't be mad about it
special thanks to my amaizing betta reader @devilish-mirage her notes and sweet words are what motivated me to continue!
also to @bassist-vortex whom I now own a lollypop bcs it's longer than 6k and didn't mind when I texted him at 2 am about being so fucking done drafting this.
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Come on, breathe
In, out. In, out. One, two, three
“Fucking hell!!!” You winced avoiding to look his way, your hands quickly trailing up to cover your mouth, muffling the string of curses.
Your mind frantically ran through every and any single possible scenario trying to detach itself from the notorious pain from the side of your body, the sting running across your back when the soaking cotton made contact with the wounded skin.
Breathe, just breathe
Teeth sunk into your hand trying your best to drown the scream creeping from your throat, your other hand trembling while holding up the t-shirt you wore to make his job easier.
You couldn’t even look at him not when the probability of seeing him frowning at you was huge. One of his hands held you keeping you as still as he could while the other cleaned away the scrapes on your torso.
“Told you to be careful”
It was the first thing he said after getting home, Marc placed you on top of the kitchen table and ran to get the aid kid from the wardrobe in the back, cursing at Steven for moving it from the top of the fridge.
In and out, breathe
He tried his best not to prolong the pain, dabbing carefully and looking up to check your reaction, or at least he tried to but your eyes never shifted from the window and even if they did they never fell into him.
His tone was harsh fuelled by his immense worry, he shook his head pouring alcohol into a new cotton. He knew his way around this but the way your chest moved and breath picked up made him nervous, the hand that was once holding you trailed along the outside of your thigh trying to ease you, and yet you thought he was furious.
“¿Te lo dije, o no?”
 “Fuck off” You hated getting scolded like a child, the guilt bubbling in your chest.  You side-eyed him before shutting your eyes and slamming your hand on the table.
¡Respira maldita sea!
You tried your best to regulate yourself before looking back at him. His eyes never left the place where the wound was, sitting on a chair to be head level to it and with the trash bin on his side to discard everything he used.
You were scared and yet his fear was greater, he was about to fucking scream.
He’s done this thousands of times before, not as many as Marc but his sudden ‘shutdown’ left him with no choice but to attend your wounds.
For fucks sake Marc, couldn’t you choose a better time to freak out?
To be honest he didn’t blame him, it was only his nervousness taking the best of him. In the past he had attended his own wounds before making that stupid deal with the moon god that got him the suit, but it was you they were talking about, none of them wanted to see you in pain and the mere thought of not being able to help you was enough for Jake being pushed forward.
He tried his best to be quick, to not linger in his mind and finish up so you could rest, but the voice of the worried British man that lived in him didn’t make concentrating any easier.
“Steven, si no te callas juro que-“ He whispered to himself and sighed looking back at you “Mi amor, I need you to stay still, ‘kay?”
You nodded lifting the t-shirt even higher, finally deciding to grip it with your teeth, it wouldn’t get in his way and would work wonders muffling you. The pain was worst, He expected you to flinch when he started stitching the cut on your shoulder but for some reason your knuckles turning white when you gripped the edge of the table seemed to have a greater effect on him as his hand began to shudder. He took a deep breath and glanced at your pained expression before continuing.
Where was Layla in a moment like this?
Took them home, remember?
The reason why he had to clean you up in the first place, the guy who you saw across the pub bothering a girl and her friend. The thing is you knew the guy, he ruined the night out you had with a couple of friends some weeks ago. The boys weren’t at home when it happened and Layla had to travel thanks to her line of work to recover some stolen goods, so you decided that going for drinks with your best friend was a good idea.
And it was, it really was until that twat started to roam around you just like he was doing with the girls. You were out as a makeshift ‘goodbye party’ for Layla before she had to leave to secure a buyer for the recently collected stolen goods. Marc went for more drinks while she excused herself to the restroom, you? You walked across the venue to strike him as soon as his hand tried to reach for the girl’s bum.
There is a downside about being constantly surrounded by people who commune with the gods, you sometimes forget you aren’t more than a mere human, you don’t have powers nor a fancy suit and every blow you get can be mortal.
And so when his fist collided against your side taking almost all your breath out of you, it was your doom and yet the second blow seemed even worse, some people ran to help you, others held him but your mind was only on the young lass who shivered on her friend’s arms.
On the bright side Marc and Layla got there before he tried anything else and yet it seemed to be a tad late, you were dizzy and needed to go home. It wasn’t really that big of a deal and yet the pain was present, mostly from your ego being hurt, some from the actual punch.
Marc made sure he was kicked out and you companied Layla to bus stop after she offered to take the girls home, you craved the air on your face and the feeling of it filling your lungs once more not expecting to be followed on your way back to the car. You could see Marc waiting for you, leaning against the passenger’s side, you held your hand up ready to call for him when you felt it. It didn’t come to your mind that he would take it further than a punch, but the sharp pain on your shoulder and your blouse being tinted in crimson made you let out a loud scream, one of pure pain and fucking regret. Just in time for Marc to watch it.
“Just a few stitches left baby” He tried to reassure you but it only made your need to go at him grow “Come on, breathe”
It’s not like you weren’t reminding yourself of that, to just focus on your breathing and forget about what was going on, to detach yourself from the pain but it wasn’t that easy.
“¡Mierda Lockley!” You tilted your head to the side heavily breathing.
“that’s right” once you snapped back to reality he was throwing away the last bit on cotton and placing a bandage to secure the stitches and rubbing your back carefully “We’re done”
He placed a kiss near where the bandages were, the pearls of sweat glistened on both of your bodies and a tired laugh came from within your lips, still high on the adrenaline you locked eyes.
“Thanks baby”
“Just please… don’t try that shit again” You felt his touch, his hands brushing your hair away, the sweet gesture making you close your eyes nodding to his request.
But he knew better.
He knew just like every other occasion you wouldn’t listen, not to Marc, not to Steven and most certainly not to him. He would have to use both his hands to count how many times he had to drag your ass out of situations like this, times when he got in time before something bad happened and the line of curses directed at the other person slowly died down on the way back home.
“You should’ve let me”
Your arms were crossed in front of your chest as you stared at the road, Marc was the one fronting that particular night, driving both of you to the flat.
“I don’t want anything happening to you” he sighed, his eyes never leaving the road “I wouldn’t be able to take it”
Not all of the occasions where the same but had few things in common, you wanted to help and they had to talk some sense into you before the reckless part of your brain decided to take action. This time was different tho, they didn’t have the opportunity to stay on the talking stage of the little routine, resulting on the little pep talk you were immersed in.
He reached for you carefully trying to lift you but the touch was met with your hand pulling his away before resting your back on the table. He was confused but didn’t complain.
“Leave me here” your voice was barely audible as you dozed off “Wait for Layla in bed”
Layla, one of your best friends and the one who used to have your place in Marc’s heart. At first they tried but their relationship was complicated, too many lies and too many betrayals can doom any marriage, they knew that, they knew how much damage the lack of communication had caused and yet they couldn’t part from one another. Too much history and feelings to even try and explain, but she had to move on to find peace and so she left for a while with the promise of being for him whenever he needed her, the silence and loneliness being something he grew accustomed to and yet it left him aching for the love she gave him.
 Then you appeared in the picture, Jake was fond of you since the moment his eyes laid on you, going out of his way to rearrange for you and Steven to meet, let’s just say both of them fancied the tiny moments they had with you, Steven taking you out in the mornings for a cup of tea to his favourite spot and Jake preferring to drive you around the city at night even if you didn’t know it was him. Then you found out about Marc in the worst way possible, at a pub drunk as he could get.
 He knew it could trigger him to switch with more ease but there was also the possibility of his mind going quiet for a second, to forget that the woman he loved wasn’t on his side for just a moment, to think that he would find her when coming back home. That’s when he felt your touch on his back and a kiss on his cheek followed by the little pet name.
“Hi amor”
Fuck he was confused as to why in the middle of him grieving and yearning for Layla there was another person who touched him the same way he expected her to do so. Then he opened his mouth letting his confused tone swoon you.
Wasn’t this Steven? Wasn’t this the man you’ve been seeing for the past month and a half? You were pretty sure he was and yet the strong American accent said otherwise. Until there wasn’t one, his gaze softening and his lips twitching in a broken smile as he tried to explain what was going on with the same accent you’ve grew to love.
You worked things out but not before scolding Jake for letting you believe they didn’t understand those little confessions of love you offered in your mother tongue. That’s how you started to date the three of them, completely mesmerized by every part of your moon boys. Then Layla came back, but not as the lover she used to be but as a friend, as the shoulder Marc could lay on whenever he needed, a place he could feel safe and someone who slowly became just as much as a necessity for you as it did for him.
“Mi amor, she’ll kill me if she finds you here alone” he laughed when you pushed his face softly “y no quiero dejarte”
“Jake, ya… porfa” He saw the way your chest movements slowed down finally falling asleep. He went towards the bed grabbing a pillow and blanket, placing it carefully under your head and covering your body to keep you warm.
 You’ll probably be sore in the morning but right now the best he could do was leave you to rest.
He sat back where he once was, right next to you and his hand instinctively reaching for yours. The flat would’ve been in complete silence if it weren’t for your soft snores and the humming form Jake, singing under his breath a song he heard not so long ago, the one you played that rare morning while making breakfast. The aroma of coffee and tea dragging him out of bed only to find you wearing his t-shirt and underwear, moving your hips to the melody and mouthing the words.
“How are they?” Layla creeped through the front door slowly trying to not wake you up.
“Tired…” he rubbed his eyes trying to remain awake.
“It seems they’re not the only one” She kissed the top of his head and tapped his shoulder “You should go to sleep, I’ll keep an eye on them”
“Nah, nah. I stay, you can take the bed”
She shook her head as amused as irritated, she always knew how stubborn her boys could be, always wanting to have the last word and yet they hadn’t learn. There’s no use on fighting with her, she would be the one in the right but it amazed her how they always tried. She pushed his curls backwards leaning to be on eye level.
“Jake Lockley, either you go to sleep or I’ll drag you to bed”
He chuckled rolling his eyes grabbing her by the shoulders.
“Yes ma’am”
The cold of the night slowly became a chill morning as the hours passed, the drapes didn’t do much to cover the light that came through the window hitting your face, those moments after waking up were precious, where everything seemed fine thanks to having no recollection of what happened the night prior or even who you were, until you tried to move putting all your weight into the wounded arm and the sharp pain finished the job of waking you up completely. You kicked the blanket out of the way and saw the bruising and scrapes creeping from under your clothes.
“Mierda” you slipped right back where you once laid with a thud, hearing the creek of the chair on your side.
Layla rubbed her eyes yawning and her hand moved some curls out of her face, she was still wearing the same clothes she had on last night, her leather jacket hung from the chair she was sitting on and the traces of makeup in her face told you everything you needed to know. She didn’t get much sleep last night either.
“Good morning trouble maker” her tone was soft as her hand reached to mess with your hair before walking to the cupboard where you store the glasses “The boys are sleeping… it was hard to convince Jake to stay in bed all night”
Your forearm laid on your face covering your eyes, now that the rush of adrenaline and anger from last night wore off it became easier to think, to realize how fucking reckless you’ve been and how punching a guy twice your size wasn’t the brightest idea you could think of, but it was hard to make up good ideas with an intoxicated mind and the fear on a young girl’s face.
And then stopping your mind was almost impossible as it recalled every single detail of the night, how Layla rushed to talk with the girls while Marc took the guy form the collar of his shirt dragging him outside followed by a blurry ride home with him talking to you and telling you that everything was okay. You knew those words weren’t meant for you but for him, telling himself over and over again that you were okay, because you had to be okay, he reminded himself that it was just a cut in your arm, that it wasn’t even that deep and even if it was the first time you’ve ever been hurt like this you would still live.
“I wouldn’t be able to take it”
He probably blamed himself for not reacting sooner and Steven was probably trying to ease him. Trying his damn best to stop the tears that built up in his eyes, gripping the steering wheel with such force that you knew his hands would probably hurt the next morning; Steven would’ve taken control then and there if he wasn’t just as scared as Marc was.
Puta madre
“I’m sorry” you sighed, voice breaking “I’ll never do it again”
The coldness of the glass against your arm made you peek from behind it to find her handing you some painkillers along with water. “I know” she simply said
“No use on getting emotional, ‘kay?” the closest thing to a reassuring smile formed on her face, it was the best one she could give you right now at least, to convince you it wasn’t that big of a deal and yet you could sense the undertone worry.
“You want me to help you before heading out?” she pointed at you and gestured towards the bed where your partner’s slept.
She saw you shaking your head before slowly getting up, she tried to help you but you brushed her hand away – you needed this, to know that you were still able to take care of yourself even after that mayor screw up – before embracing her in a much needed hug, she held you close while making sure not to squeeze to hard. She remembers the first time she got hurt like this and knew how painful it really was.
“Do you have to leave so soon? Marc’s more bitchy than usual after you’re gone” you closed your eyes to the feeling of her hair brushing your face, the scent of honey flooding your senses. She rested her chin on your unwrapped shoulder.
“I know” she breathed out, there was a slight undertone of worry on her voice, one so miniscule that you didn’t really catch it “But I know you can manage him”
You smiled.
She left you all alone, the light creeping in and the cold wood under your feet sending shivers down your spine, the painkillers were starting to take affect as you felt drowsier, you crawled into bed, careful not to wake up the man sleeping besides you or to accidentally hurt the damaged shoulder. The feeling of his arm instinctively reaching out for you was soothing you to finally go back to sleep.
You expected after opening your eyes to be greeted by an empty bed, it wasn’t uncommon for you to be left behind like that and you really didn’t mind it. Both Marc and Steven thrived in the mornings, the rush of waking up early and get things done just before heading out, to be totally honest it amassed you how even after staying passed midnight Steven still managed to get up before the sun even rose while Jake was the total opposite, who’s only reason to leave your side and the warmth of the oh so comfortable bed – Steven had such a nice bed for someone who tried for so long not to fall asleep – was to be able to surprise you with a breakfast with some ‘flavour in it’.
His words, not yours. Poor Steven couldn’t seem to see the end of it when he cooked for the two of you, Jake pestering him about adding something that once lived and now tasted better with some hot sauce on top.
The morning birds and your night owl.
But the sight the morning granted you was worthy of heaven. Steven holding you close to him completely fixated by the shapes he traced on your thigh still covered by the blanket, he looked up after you inevitably left out the breath you didn’t know were holding in, you saw the small wrinkles on the corner of his eyes once he smiled at you.
“Morning love” it wasn’t long until you realized that his every move where slow and careful, almost calculated as if he was scare to shift a wrong way and cause you immense pain. He kissed your temple “Didn’t want to wake you up”
His accent was thicker in the mornings, a mixed of his tiredness and the dehydration from the night prior, you had the habit of taking a glass of water with you to bed, having it by your side in case either of you was thirsty but from all your boys, the only who refused to drink from the water you provided was Steven.
“Happy you didn’t” you turned to face him ignoring the immediate discomfort, you replicated his smile only yours was tinted whit malice “I would’ve kicked you out of bed”
He couldn’t help but laugh
“You’re… unbelievable” you felt him turning away, trying to get up but your arms moved quicker than your mind could proses it, wrapping them around his waist to prevent him to moved.
The pain from your torso came back, a quick reminder to keep you in place.
“Stay” you tried to pull him closer but the pain was making it harder than it normally was “Please?”
He turned to look at you, the pained expression on your face made his gut stir, to say he was worried was an understatement, Steven was mortified by your state. It was written all over his face and in the way his fingers were almost shaking in the moment he placed a revel strand of hair behind your ear.
“I’ll make us some tea” he leaned in to kiss your forehead and his hand cupped the side of your face “It’ll make you feel better”
“I don’t want to feel better… I only want to feel you” your voice was low and raspy, you moved closer burring yourself in the crook of his neck, your good arm held the weight and while the other gently wrapped over his shoulders keeping him in place, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“How about this…” he said after a beat of silence, his hand rubbed softly the arm around him and the smell of citrus with a hint of cinnamon flooded your senses, his hair was messier than usual and you couldn’t see his face but from the way his breaths became more irregular you knew his eyes were glued to your shoulder and his mind to your torso “I’ll bring us some tea and we stay in bed, yeah? I was thinking maybe some movies”
Be careful
You nodded against his neck, your nose rubbing against his skin sending shivers down his spine, he gave a light pat to your arm before kissing it and walking away from your side, you almost could feel yourself slipping back, your arm giving up under the pressure only making you whine when your back hit against the mattress, you left your hands where they landed taking almost all the space in bed.
The mornings beside Steven were nice, starting your day with tea – while Marc preferred the taste of morning coffee and Jake settled with a cold glass of water – and vegan breakfast, sometimes there was toast with jam spread on top, other times it was scrambled eggs with beans to the side; today he completely outdid himself, coming back with a stack of pancakes drizzled with honey and frozen berries on top, a little cup filled with bananas and your tea in hand. He placed your cup by your side and kissed the top of your head while his hand cupped the crane of your neck and the little gesture sent sparks to your heart.
You tried to reach for the cup but Steven beat you to it, passing the hot beverage to you. It was milky and smelled like cinnamon and honey.
“Wait…” your head turned to look at him once both of you were tucked back in bed, your laptop proned on his chest so that both of you could see it while cuddling, he turned to look at you raising his eyebrows “Does this mean the bookstore trip is cancelled?”
“We can do that later” you used his arm as a makeshift pillow while he held you close, his hand covered your eyes playfully “right now you need to rest”
“No I don’t” you shifted to your side, putting your weight on your elbow almost peering over him.
From there you saw how he rolled his eyes and still kept a tiny smile on his face, how the laptop was placed on the floor for a moment so he could shift on his side. Now that you both were staring into each other’s faces you could see it, it was faint but it was there.
He was scared, the doe eyes he tried to suppress where still there as his worry ate him alive. You really fucked up, didn’t you? He reached for you, brushing the side of your body and accidentally making pressure near your waist. He saw first-hand how your face screwed up and you hissed at the sudden contact.
Too harsh
“I think you do” the tired tone didn’t match the perked up eyebrow adorning his face, he turned to reach once more for the electronic device and all you could do was scoff.
It really wasn’t the fact that you had to cancel your plans that bothered you, neither was spending away your Saturday evening watching movies with Steven, but you felt like a burden. You were the reason they had to come home earlier last night, why Marc couldn’t spend more time with Layla even if you knew how much he had been looking out for it and why now Steven couldn’t go out scavenging for new books to fill the blank spaces in his bookshelves, because even if you insisted for him to just go without you he wouldn’t even budge.
Calm down.
Steven was glad you couldn’t hear his thoughts or you would get a glance of how he really didn’t know how to approach you right now, he tried his best to just breath it out but his first instinct was to leave you in bed and just sit on the chair by the end of it, just coming closer when you needed something, because he didn’t want to cause you pain. But he knew better, he knew that the moment he went away from your reach he would be causing you an ever greater pain, so he settled for distracting both of you from it until it was time for him to bring you the next dosage of painkillers.
You picked the movie, an animated one that you haven’t seen since you left college. You laid with his arm around you, his warmth mixed with the blanket and heather helped you not to shiver, as the hours passed the temperature started to descend and the movie ended just in time for Steven to make a quick trip to the kitchen, bringing you back a glass of water and a tablet of medicine, you opened your mouth slightly sticking your tongue out so he could place it there before handing the glass to you.
You saw how he strolled back and forth before coming back to bed, taking away the dirty dishes and bringing both of you a new cup filled with tea, his was sweet while yours was sour. You liked the taste of sweetness in the morning when it was still blissful and quiet while opting for a more strong taste in the later hours, maybe it had something to do with the fact that you could never seem to find sugar at work and always forget to bring your own, and right now that’s what you needed the most, a sense of familiarity and a taste of your routine.
Like everything was fine, like you didn’t mess up.
“Steven?” the next movie had already been going for a couple of minutes before you decided to speak up, at this point you weren’t even paying attention to it, only using the sound from the laptop as a way to drown out the otherwise silent flat and loud mind.
“Do you need something love?” he paused the movie already getting up.
Keep calm
You shook your head and looked the other way, trying hard to avoid his stare.
“I just…” trying to gulp down the knot forming in your throat was hard. The guilt from yesterday’s events was revived and you couldn’t stop but think of how everything would’ve been different if you just listened “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ruin the night or today for that matter, I really wanted us to go and– “
He called for your name as he moved closer towards you “It’s alright, you don’t have to apologize”
“But I do!” there was an urge bubbling in the pit of your stomach, to find a culprit and the only person available to be condemned was you “I was dumb and reckless, and you always tell me but I never listen, and if only I listened this wouldn’t have happened”
“You saw being picked on and you went out of your way to help” his hand cupped your face softly rubbing your cheek with his thumb “There’s nothing to apologize for that”
“Still–“ you felt pressure on your face as he pushed his forehead against yours, it was nice. It helped you to notice how you were tangling your hands with the blanket, gripping it hard.
“Tell that little nob of yours to stop nattering” you closed your eyes trying to focus solely on his voice and drown out the thoughts that crossed your mind, you felt the way the mattress moved under his weight when he approached you, his face finding its way towards your neck “And come take a bath… you stink” his words came through with laughter and your eyes suddenly opened as you gasped.
“You little shit!”
Taking your shirt off was a challenge he imposed himself, unable to stand watching you while you struggled to even move the arm, you tried to push him away but after a while of just fighting with it you left him do it instead. The fabric being pulled and thrown away, his calloused hands were soft against your skin careful not to tuck at the bandages that kept the wound shielded from his eyes, it was better that way, the immense relieve of not having to face it just yet, avoiding thinking about it, avoiding acknowledging it besides the lingering knowledge that he had to give you a new dosage of painkillers just after shower and not to be too rough near it.
He could just pretend it didn’t exist for a few more minutes before he had to clean it and change it. Out of sight, out of mind.
The same can’t be said by the bruising and scratches on your torso, splotches of purple and green mixed with crimson dashes reminded you of watercolour and your hand instinctively mode to it. It was captivating, brushing near it without making any pressure, oh but was it tempting. Alluring you almost, like a chant that made you compliant to the urge to dig into it, to just lean into the splashes on your side and make sure that it wasn’t just a trick of the light.
But it wasn’t the light, it was an admonition. Don’t indulge into affairs of the gods and don’t drift into the business of others.
He reacted quicker than you did, managing to pull you away from those thoughts, his hand guided yours away from your skin and his lips left soft kisses on your neck as it was the closest he dare to get to the wound.
Steven made sure the water was warm and not too hot or too cold before he helped you get into the tub. He sat right next to it, scrubbing away the sweat and worried from you with the help of a sponge, you wanted to move his hands away, to take it from him but you aching body wouldn’t let you. So you just indulged against your wishes to the care your partner provided, he made sure to not get to close to your shoulder and to clean away quickly near your ribs.
The water echoed in the tiled room and the light steam from the tub painted the mirror, his hands were all over you but it didn’t feel dirty at all, the care that grazed his gestures as he moved from your legs to your torso and finally your arm, moving it around slowly to scrub it clean, while making sure you were alright.
“Does this hurt?” “Just let me know” “Do you need a break?”
You tilted your head, peering from the edge of the tub to look at him, his figure was soaked, his arms covered in water and soap reaching to the rolled up sleeves of his jumper, the stains where the water had splashed were darker and somehow his hair had managed to also get wet, your heart ached with the need to pull him inside with you and repay the favour by scrubbing his worries away, clean him of the nasty thoughts that tormented him.
“Steven” If it hadn’t been by the calmness in your voice he would’ve thought that something he did hurt you, maybe his hands were harsher on your scratches, maybe he moved your arm too hard and your shoulder was resenting it or maybe he was just too worried to be around you at the moment. He looked back at you rising his eyebrow and with what resembled a smile “Thank you for this”
You closed your eyes in time for him to kiss your lips, it was soft and quick but filled with the unconditional love you had for one another.
“Any time, love”
You had to call in sick for work and explained what happened, you tried to push it back for as long as you could but Saturday came to an end and with that the deadline was something you had to face, at the middle of your peaceful Sunday Steven went away as Jake pushed himself to front ‘quiero ver tu carita hermosa’ was the excuse he gave that granted him with you smiling immensely and rolling your eyes, for him it was amusing seeing you faking being annoyed.
Right now you couldn’t be gladder to be sleeping and waking up beside him, after Steven thought it would be a great idea to put pillows in the middle of the bed to keep you ‘safe’, to keep you away from his touch. But Jake just laughed at the thought as he embraced you in his arms, softly but steady, feeling your chest moving as you breathing relaxed him into sleeping better, the pressure in his arms helping him to sleep through the night and the strong scent of his cologne having the same effect on you. You got up thanks to the smell of breakfast and the feeling of emptiness besides you, it was weird that you missed it but right now being left behind was the last thing you needed.
“Buenos días dormilona” he took the pillow on his side of the bed, letting it fall right in front of your face and this muffling your groans “roncas horrible, did ya know?
That little bitch
A shit-eating grin was plastered on his face, the one you’ve got to know real well, his hair was pristinely combed back and was wearing only a pair of boxers – which wasn’t unusual –, while Marc preferred to wear them combined with a t-shirt to bed and Steven couldn’t even fathom the idea of not wearing pants while sleeping. He preferred to lay with you like that, to be able to feel with every inch of his skin that you were there besides him, to know you were his and – right now – to know that you were okay.
“Mira quién habla” you scoffed at him, pulling the pillow into your arms, pressing it down a bit against your chest, the markings on your torso being something that don’t bother you as much anymore, and you were grateful because that meant that you could enjoy being able to feel his rougher grip on your waist as he hugged you against him. “You talk in your sleep and I never say shit about it”
He licked his lips trying to supress a smirk.
“I’m confessin’, mi amor. That’s between Konshu and I”
His tone was condescending and yet you knew he meant no ill intent by it. He saw you get out of bed and how you were struggling to get out of the shirt you wore to sleep, but he didn’t budge, knowing that if you needed his help you would ask for it. Eventually you did, he didn’t mind at all helping you take them off, enjoying the sight of you and to leave a trail of kisses along your back, on your shoulder blades and slowly coming up to the nape of your neck. You kept those little instances close to your heart, savouring the moment with closed eyes and total silence, to hear the loud ‘smack’ that his lips did against your skin. His hands trailed from your stomach, past the bruises and scratches on your waist and ribs to stop barely under your chest.
The movement was made with ease as if he knew not to tiptoe around you. To not make you feel weird about it.
Maybe it had something to do with your upbringing, after all, growing up in a house were movement meant working and that correlated to the amount of recognition you got, the praise and love being tide with how useful you made yourself to be. You couldn’t stand to be put, feeling ill and remaining still making you anxious. For some reason you thought that feeling couldn’t be topped by anything else and then you discovered it, being a burden was something much worse.
But Jake somehow knew about that, at times you felt like he could hear your thoughts just glancing at you, reading you like an open book. And so his steady grasp was there when he help you get a new shirt – one with the smell of his cologne – with all the unsaid feelings and longing for each other.
You could feel how much he craved to pull you closer, to forget about what had happened and just loose himself in your lips. For his mind to go quiet as it couldn’t focus on anything else but you, in your hands pulling him closer, to be engulfed by you. Or maybe you were the one with those cravings.
You walked up to the kitchen, taking a look at the now empty glass still placed on the table, the droplets of water rolling down from the water Jake took a few minutes ago.  You ate the breakfast he cooked, the boiled eggs with enchiladas bringing you some remembrance of peace, you tried your best to stay grounded, to be present in the moment but he noticed how your mind trailed in the midst of it, a look he knew too well because he has been the one wearing it in the past. He was worried about you, not so much for the wounds that adorned your body, he knew how tough his partner was and that they could take that shit with ease, no, what really worried him was your mind.
Because he knew you like the palm of his hands and know how it wouldn’t give you a rest, filled with thoughts that even if Steven tried his best to scare away they still remained. He would do anything to help you stop them, he just needed you to open up about it. There was something else, something you weren’t telling him, something that bugged you with no end but he couldn’t quite place his finger on it.
He called your name like someone does after being ignored for a while, maybe it was because of the way your fork had been circling against the empty plate or your lost gaze that’s being seeing right past him or even just because he has handed you the tablets of medicine as he refilled your glass with water.
You felt exhausted and scared that he might share the sentiment.
“Lo siento” you took the pills from him plopping it in your mouth and drowning it along with your words.
“Esta bien mi amor” his hand was now on your hair messing it up, he knew how much it annoyed you but he didn’t care because he also knew how much you tried to supress the fact that you actually enjoyed whenever he and Layla did it. “You don’t have to apologize”
“No, es que…” you inhaled sharp, looking up at him. His body was leaning on the table, his weight on both of his arms and the dangling star adorning his neck. “I messed up that night and-“
“I know what you meant, but you don’t have to worry about it” he crunched down, now he being the one looking up at you and you slouched feeling the back of his hand rubbing against your cheek “The bastard is gone, we made sure of that. And you’re okay”
“Wait you did?” You saw him nod content, there was that relief washing your features, not more furrowed eyebrows and worried eyes. “When?”
“no importa amor, lo que importa…” he got up helping you do the same, the feeling of your hands on his was something he couldn’t get enough of, the softness of them against his tainted skin sending a shock of tranquillity through his body “is that you lived to be annoyed by me for another day”
He saw the hesitance creeping back in your eyes and how this fixated in the way your thumb rubbed the back of his hand, tracing the scars that remained on them.
“Hey” his voice was soft, your foreheads pressed against each other and his nose softly brushing yours “Everything is okay”
“You promise?”
“I do” his grip on your hands became sturdier “And I’m no liar”
You left out a tired chuckle “Only when it benefits you”
“Hate the game not the player” the corner of his lips tugged up once more in that stupid grin you fell in love with. He came closer, his hands coming up to grab your head, you leaned into the touch, your hands wrapping around his wrists with a smile on your face.
“I’m pretty sure that’s not how the saying goes” you rolled your eyes but you weren’t actually annoyed, he knew that and you knew that he did.
“I’m pretty sure it is” he closed the distance, pressing his lips against yours and your arms trailed slowly around his neck, the discomfort was there and yet it was eclipsed by the pure ecstasy of tasting him, of having his hands not caring of your damaged skin, grabbing it to keep you right there for him.
Your leg moved up and he helped you to place them around his waist, to have you pressed against him. You could feel your stomach beginning to swirl in anticipation, your shirt riling up when he carried you carefully through the messy apartment back to bed. That bed, that precious bed that held you still like a home you don’t seem to be able to leave, your place of rest for the past two days. Coming to the point of feeling chained to it but right now, in this moment felt more like a throne than a prison.
Where you normally found desire and desperation with torn fabric and sloppy kisses was only love and peace, the care that he felt being transmitted to you. He needed you to realize and understand how much they loved you, for you to understand that forgiveness wasn’t something they could grant you, because it was something only you could give yourself. They didn’t blame you for anything that happened and you needed to understand that, god he really hoped you understood it. It wasn’t your fault.
It was written in all his actions, in how his lips grazed over the purple, green and scabs in his way down, because he knew how it felt to be ashamed of having a wounded body – even if the damaged was caused by protecting someone – and he refused on giving you that option. His hands holding your legs in place while he ripped sweet sounds of pleasure right from your throat.
Those words he gave you just minutes ago replaying in your mind like a chant that would be cemented in your brain for the rest of your days. “I promise, everything is okay”
His lips pressed against yours, shaky breaths clashing against them as you felt his grip on your hips and the way his eyes roamed your face for a sign to stop. There wasn’t.
Everything is okay
His curls hanging on your face while he kept a steady pace, not to rough but not to slow. Just like you needed, he mumbling sweet nothings in Spanish right against your ear, the words falling almost in desperation for you to catch them and keep them near your heart.
Everything is okay.
Your hands intertwined together faces adorned by blissful smiles.
Everything is okay
Your arm was extended In front of you, the back of his hand against your palm as you tried to analyse every aspect of it, laying on the couch was nice, after talking for a bit while scavenging through the flat and realizing you were all out of snack both of you decided to go buy the missing ingredients for cinnamon rolls, the grocery bags laid on the kitchen counter still packed as the two of you laid together on the couch with a blanket laying across your lap, your back leaned against his chest and his fingers playing with your hair with the occasional kiss being left on the crown of your head.
“How about I become a vigilante?” you jokingly said, the humorous tone made him tilt back his head before nudging it against yours.
“How about ya don’t?” he said only half joking, if you didn’t know him as well as you did you would’ve thought he was angry at you, but he wasn’t.
It was hard reading Lockley sometimes, to the untrained eye it would seem like his waking days where just a cruel joke he had to live through, that he was angry just for existing but in actuality he just had that kind of face, the one that keeps people at arm’s length even if he is nothing but polite, forcing him to just cherish the company of the few people who seemed to look past it. Enjoying his time with the ones he cares about, going out of his way to see Crawley every now and then, going to Gena’s dinner whenever he had the chance, texting with Layla every other month and spending all the time he could by your side.
“Come on! It would be fun, I could star sparing with-“ you took a deep breath before continuing “At least you have to admit I would look great, covered in battle scars” you let go of his hand and leaned to the side to look at him comfortably.
He shook his head.
“Me gustas asi” he left a kiss on your wounded shoulder, it was loud but didn’t leave traces of pain “no te cambiaría nada”
The feeling of him pressed against you was comforting, the warmth of his body making the pain tolerable and traces of guilt only an afterthought that you didn’t even focus on instead the migraine inducing reminder that it was. And yet your mind didn’t seem to feel like giving up, making that aching question that you’ve managed to push back for a while something more present and distracting.
“So…” you said elongating the ‘o’ “I know you’re not mad at me”
He hummed for you to continue, there was a small frown on his face as he paid close attention to your words.
“And I know neither is Steven” you tried your best to find the exact words to describe what you were feeling, thinking, aching to ask but it was hard, why was it so hard? You sighed “But I… ¿Qué hay de Marc?”
“¿Qué con él?” His fingers grazed through the side of your arm as a way to tell you ‘hey, it’s fine! You can do it’
“Is he mad at me?” you blurred out, finally spitting out the thought that made your stomach swirl, you glanced at him before looking down to your hands, resting on your lap “I mean, even Layla has called to check on me and-“ you sucked in a breath, his hand reaching out to tangle in between yours “I haven’t heard from him since it happened”
“No mi amor” he pulled you in closer to him, as close as he could without harming you in any way. “He’s ashamed”
He couldn’t stand the tint of guilt creeping back into your words or the way you seemed to become smaller, hunching away from his embrace, how the seemingly nice afternoon turned slowly in something more. You turned to look at him, scooping to the other side of the sofa away from his reach.
“He feels like… this is his fault” he confessed, his eyes looking briefly to your shoulder before coming back to meet your gaze and his hand reached to his temple “and he’s fuckin’ yellin’ all of the sudden”
You wanted to ask for him, to be able to hold Marc and reassure him that none of this was his fault, but you were hesitant, never demanding any of your boyfriends to front before. But the need was there and it was big, so scared of what his mind could be telling him, because for a moment it reminded you of the echoes of your own thoughts. You knew Marc, how he could get caught up into himself, so blinded by the bad thoughts that kept him in place. Sure you had bad days but you also saw how hard his ‘good days’ seemed to be, coming close to those where you weren’t able to leave the bed without some encouragement.
Yet Jake seemed to understand just what you needed without having to spell it out for him and in a split second he was gone, pulling marc to the front. You saw how his eyes grew larger with hesitance and the fear that coated them, how his eyebrows were furrowed and the way his lip trembled as he backed, pressing his back harder into the sofa, and a sudden rush of coldness passing through made you shiver. You reached for his arm but he flinched at the movement, the striking paint going from the tip of your fingers to the wound in the shoulder and tearing a whine out from the depths of your throat.
“Fuck” he said, his eyes frantically looking at you – trailing from your eyes to your chest, down your hands, hips and back to your eyes but not the shoulder, never the shoulder- as he couldn’t stop his body from shaking, It felt weird seeing him like this, frail and scared. Like those nights he would wake up drenched in sweat from a nightmare and would plea you to go back to sleep before going for a new glass of water. But right now it was a bit different, looking like a stray animal that tried to find shelter out of reach from reckless kid that tried to pet him.
Because of you
You saw him becoming stiffer in front of you, how his breath seemed to come to a pause as his hands tried to reach out for you even if his mind screamed to do the opposite, to keep you away where he couldn’t hurt you anymore. The thing about Spector is that he knew deep down, under all the love and longing that he had for you how much danger you were in just by knowing his name, by wrapping your arms around him as you slept together with his back against your chest, and by having a knight for company.
Because that’s what he was and with that came the responsibility of protecting you, even if you insisted and proved how capable you were on taking care of yourself, it was something he felt obligated to do, to keep you safe since that tumultuous night you stumbled into him. Since he fell in love with your soft words and careful touches as if you knew how much damage he has gone through and just how badly he longed for someone to soothe him back to sleep.
When his mind decided it would be great to bring back those faces of the people he had managed to cause pain along his path.
In a loud house a silent room is a blessing, tucking his heart under the bed where the noise doesn’t reach. It’s only a matter of time until he learned that a loud house is something out of the ordinary, something to fear and want to escape from.
Fuck the loud noises, the yelling and screaming. Fuck the shattered plates and thrown pots, the cracking belts and the stinging hands.
He just wanted the peace, security and quietness of a tranquil house, a noiseless home. Things that you handed to him with ease, as if it was something so common, something that didn’t come from obligation, because it was so normal and yet he couldn’t comprehend that something like that could ever be given to him, even if someone had already done it before.
And yet you did. You gave it away without whining or expecting anything in return from Marc because the spark in those brown eyes and the creases that formed around his mouth whenever he smiled was enough pay for you. Feeling the need to scream into the wind how much you loved Marc Spector, to let the world know that no matter what happened you would be by his side. No, to be by their side, because your love didn’t stop at one of them, it seemed like your heart was made in the perfect way to fit into theirs, like a puzzle piece that would be incomplete otherwise.
He tried his best to remember that, to know that everything was okay but he saw how much he had been a toll in other people’s lived and he dreaded the idea of becoming one in yours. He noticed how less frequently your mom called since you started to date him, how you made up excuses not to go back home since you started to live together and how your spark seemed to die down whenever someone pointed out your hometown, it was miniscule but it was there and it pained him.
“Marc” you called for him, he had no idea when both of you left their place on the sofa or when you took his hands in yours, your eyes trying to catch a glimpse of his, making his chest ache in the process, seeing the worry building up in your features.
He should be the one taking care of you, not the other way around.
His hands left yours as soon as he realized, blinking to fight back the tears that started to pile up in the corner of his eyes. This was too much, the air starting to feel heavy and the walls seemingly closer than normal and yet to far apart, no matter how much air filled his lungs it wasn’t enough and he just wanted to go.
“Hey” you took his hand slowly placing it on your chest, his eyes following along. He saw the way your chest moves steady and slow, he tried his best to mimic the rhythm closely but it was hard “breathe” you mouthed, noticing how hard it was for him to actually listen to your voice.
You saw the way he shook his head creating more distance between the two of you, not bearing to touch you knowing what he had caused.
“I- I shouldn’t have…” he tried to speak up but the dryness of his throat made it almost impossible, his hands reached to his chest pushing down on it in hopes for ease the pain growing on it and maybe even being able to push out the words in the process “It’s my fault, I should’ve gone with you, I shouldn’t have left you alone”
He stumbled through his words, trying hard not to listen to what his mind was telling him and instead stay with you and talk things through, he wanted to scape, to go back inside so whoever wanted to take his place could but he pushed through it, feeling both Jake and Steven close to him as if reassuring him with those same words he kept repeating to himself this past days ‘everything is okay’.
You wanted to run and pull him into a hug, to keep him safe and snugged against yourself with your hearts beating near each other but didn’t know if that was the right thing to do.
“Marc” you breathed “It wasn’t your fault, I wanted to go alone”
You were crunched over still trying to even out your breath, it was hard almost impossible with the circle of people around you, leaving barely enough space for you to think.
Layla was too focused on calming down the brunette girl that seemingly could cry a river all by herself, the one that trembled under her friend’s touch as she dragged her hand along her back to ease her. You wished the world would go silent for a moment so you could hear what they were saying without having to move.
That’s when you saw him walking back, almost sprinting to your side after getting rid of the guy that punched you. He wanted to make him pay for what he had done but the thought of you heaving here all alone while Layla made sure the girls were okay was enough to drag him back with that need being unfulfilled.
He reached out to you, helping you to get back on your two feet and getting a whine out of you.
“Are you-“
“Okay?” you cut him out nodding, the pain was there but nothing you couldn’t breathe through “Yes, don’t- yes bebé”
“Hey so…” Layla leaned on Marc’s shoulder once she was back “the girl’s came alone, apparently her birthday? Also exchange students” she sighed “They have no one who can pick them up or take them home”
“I- We can take them” you heaved through, still trying to recollect your breath.
“No” she shook her head and placed a hand on your shoulder “You need to rest, I’ll go with them, make sure they are safe”
You looked at them understanding that there was no way of changing that.
“I guess” you sucked in a breath and closed one of your eyes in a pained expression “But let me walk you to the bus stop, I need some fresh air”
Her eyes drifted away from you as she thought about it for a while, desperately wanting to say no but once she looked back at you, she understood exactly what you were thinking of.
“I guess” she finally said.
“I’ll go with you” he voiced out, his eyes left Layla’s to look back at you, he knew just how stubborn both of you were but hoped he could convince you somehow.
You shook your head chuckling and patted his chest “It’s not far, I’ll see you at the car”
You needed this, to be alone for a second. To know that you could be one minute without being scared, to know that this wouldn’t become something you’ll be afraid of next time you wanted to go out.
“I should’ve insisted” he wanted to step back but for some reason his legs weren’t responding to his commands, hot tears beginning to stream down his face.
You moved slowly towards him, afraid of making a wrong move that would scare him away. One hand resting on his chest while the other reached to wipe away his tears and slowly guiding him to look at you.
“Oh bebé…” it was soft and short but full of memories.
“No” he shook his head placing his jacket on ready to go down street with you “I’m going”
“Marc, please…” you weren’t asking anymore, you were begging to him and he noticed it “I need this”
He was afraid of the funny feeling in his gut telling him to not let you win, to push back and go with you even if you would be all moody in your way back home but the pleading eyes were too much, the sound of your desperate voice asking for his trust.
He sighed
“It’s my fault” he said once more and you couldn’t tell if those words were directed to you or to himself. His voice felt tinted by the bitter ring of Wendy’s and Jake grew angry at them while Steven felt pure sorrow.
“It’s not your fault” pushing through the pain your hands guided his head to press his forehead against yours “everything is okay”
It wasn’t much of a reminder this time, it was a promise.
It took a while to get him out of that heavy mind-set, his breathing becoming less frantic when he finally started to listen, to actually understand what the words that you gave him meant. He tried hard not to flinch away when your fingers reached for his, keeping the little hiccups at bay when your hand ran through his back, his eyes were red and puffy from all the crying, and he told you how his nose felt stuffy when you passed him a napkin. You tried to cheer him up, cleaning away the mess from his face while he apologized for ‘everything’, you didn’t exactly know what everything meant for him though and you wished to believe he only meant to apologize for forgetting how none of this was caused by him, for forgetting that his arms where the place that made you feel like you were truly home. Of course you reminded him with a simple ‘it’s fine’.
“How about we make the cinnamon rolls?” his eyes remained closed and his head leaned against your touch when you brushed his dark curls away from his face, enjoying the view of his now relaxed expression.
You always found it funny how your lovers shared the same face and yet they had their unique way of making it ‘theirs’, how they managed to look so different.
“Yeah, I’d like that” he replied nodding slightly, he felt you pulling your hand away and held it in place to leave a small kiss before any contact between the two of you was lost.
“Just… remember to double check” you laughed seeing him rolling his eyes, he pushed softly your hip with his fist before leaning to take out the bowl you always used while baking.
It was nice, knowing he wasn’t scared of being around you as he was a couple of hours ago.
“I swear the salt and sugar look the same!” he wrapped his arms around you.
He reminded himself once more, this time it wasn’t directed to Jake while patching you up or to Steven while dressing you down but to silence all the other nasty thoughts that threatened to ruin once more his time with you. He wouldn’t let them win, not this time at least.
He couldn’t let them because he wanted this, to spend his time away next to you, craving desperately to hear that laugh that melted his heart away and forget once and for all that anything bad could happened or that occurred in the first place. Nothing would keep that pleasure away from Marc, not even himself.
By the time you were done there were splotches of flours on your clothes and face, not even the kitchen counter and floors were speared of the mess. Marc’s proud smile when he passed you the sugar instead of the salt container was picture worthy and you tried multiple times to sneak a taste from the uncooked batter just for him to smack your hand away making you giggle.
He took a little bit of glazing with his fingers for you to taste, it was delicious.
You were laying on the floor, the cool hardwood floor contrasting with the heat coming from the oven, it was nice, the mix of the cool temperature on your back with the slight warm on the air, there weren’t a lot of things left to say emerging yourself in the comfortable silence, it only being disrupted by the ticking clock on top of the counter that counted down the seconds until the rolls were finally done. After a little while of lying next to Marc he finally spoke up, a little ”hey” rushing from him.
You turned to look at him, his eyes set on the ceiling and a smile slowly making itself present on his face, shining like stars in the night sky.
“Have I ever told you, what I thought when I first saw you?” it came with traces of laughter, the embarrassment of reminding that night mixed with pure disbelief.
You shook your head “No”
“I just- I just wanted to kiss you” the lights were dim making it hard to see, but you knew his face would be glowing in a lovely shade of crimson as he moved his hand covering his eyes “I couldn’t believe someone like you would walk up to that mess and call me amor”
It was late at night in the pub near his old apartment, the one he used to share with Layla, he couldn’t be further from home but he didn’t mind it – Steven’s flat never really felt like home to him anyways – as he could use some time walking alone with his thoughts, it wasn’t that late into the night but he was already as drunk as he could be and it was time to get going, he just needed to remember where his keys were.
It would also be really helpful to be able to stand up without gobbling and plastering his face on the floor. His head rested in between his hands leaning on the bar with a glass of whiskey he didn’t remember ordering next to him.
The pressure from a hand on his back made the man turn faster than you expected, not even his fuzzy senses could manage to slow down his reaction when he felt your lips pressed against his cheek. And then he heard it, your voice ringing in his ears and bringing him an unexpected sense of peace, one that he hadn’t realize would be possible since it left packed inside his ex-wife’s suitcase, fuck! Why was he thinking of her? That was the solely reason he had even gone out tonight.
To forget
“Sorry… do I know you?” his Chicago accent was stronger when he drank and in the mornings, but it’s not like the person in front of him would know that.
The hand left its place on his back as if the mere contact burned harder than fire and he couldn’t explain why he wanted to ask for it back, was he that desperate? That touch starved that he would feel the need to ask a stranger not to back away? To just keep you close to him and your touch on his aching body.
“Steven?” when the name fell from your lips it all made sense and he couldn’t help but feel worse for longing the touch from someone that wasn’t his to long for. He couldn’t be selfish and keep love away from his alters just because it was kept from him.
Fuck, his eyes focused on your lips feeling himself slipping away, his gut stirring at the urge to beg Steven to give him just five more minutes with you and maybe get to know each other.
This definitely would be a night impossible to forget.
The little bell from the oven rang and you turned with excitement, Marc got up and helped you so your eagerness for a sweet treat wouldn’t hurt you in the process, it was still a while for you to actually eat them and you knew that but fuck were you excited for it.
“I wanted to ask you” he was slicing the still hit rolls for you to finally have that sweet you were craving, after all your impatiens was notable when it came to stuff like this “about your má”
“Yeah?” your eyes jumped from the plate in front of you to him, going to the fridge and taking something to drink for both
“Did something happen?” he sat on the opposite side of the table, hand playing with his wristwatch.
“No, why are you asking?” you moved your plate to sit next to him, your hand reaching for his and your head resting on his shoulder.
“I’ve noticed she hasn’t called” he reached for the box of meds that made its home on the table, handing you some water along with them.
“Oh yeah, she’s just busy” you smiled and plopped them in your mouth “Starting a business is hard”
“What?” he tried hard not to sound as confused as he was but failed miserable “I thought- when did that happen?”
“Well… she’s always talked about it and, after a while of pushing I finally managed to convince her to open her own restaurant” you sighed and shrugged “told her I could go down there to help out for a while but she told me not to worry. I know she is busy and all but sometimes I just… it wouldn’t even make sense for me to visit her right now if I’m not going to help, you know? Don’t want to be a-“
You fell in silence, not knowing how to put what you were feeling into word.
“Burden?” he heard you hum and shook his head “You’re not. I really thought you fought or something” he was relieved to be in the wrong.
“Why would we?” he shrugged “well we didn’t so stop worrying about it”
“Is that why you haven’t gone?” he saw the way you rolled your shoulders, the pain no longer there.
“A part of it, yeah. But maybe we could go together next time? I would love for you to meet her”
You’ve talked with her about your boyfriends, it took her a while to understand what it all meant but once she couldn’t help but be glad her ‘little baby’ was loved by someone so strong and capable, sometimes she would say hi to them when you were on facetime.
“I would like that too”
You kissed his shoulder and then his neck, trailing up to kiss his lips, his hand cupping your face
And in that moment there weren’t big descriptions to be made.
Only silence and kisses with taste of cinnamon rolls.
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me adding the translations? wow that's something new
¿Te lo dije, o no? - I told you so, didn't I?
¡Respira maldita sea! - breathe god dammit!
Steven, si no te callas juro que-“ - Steven if you don't shut up I swear-
Mi amor - My love
¡Mierda Lockley! - shit Lockley!
y no quiero dejarte - and I don't want to leave you
Jake, ya… porfa - Jake, come one… please
Mierda - shit
Puta madre - fucking hell
quiero ver tu carita hermosa - I want to see your pretty face
Buenos días dormilona - Good morning sleepyhead
roncas horrible - you snore horribly
Mira quién habla - look who's talking
Lo siento - I'm sorry
Esta bien mi amor - it's alright my love
No, es que… - no, it's just…
no importa amor, lo que importa… - doesn't matter love, what matters…
Me gustas asi - I like you like this
no te cambiaría nada - wouldn't change a thing
¿Qué hay de Marc? - what about Marc?
¿Qué con él? - What about him?
No mi amor - no my love
bebé - baby
má - (short for mom)
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lilydalexf · 5 years
hi! i hope you're doing okay amidst the coronavirus frenzy. do you happen to have great recs for multi-chaptered xf fics? preferably AU... i need to lose myself in a little reading bubble lately because the news is super depressing and i feel like i've read a lot of the long fics out there already. thank you so much for your help!
Thank you for the ask! I hope you (and everyone else) is doing well. There are lots of multi-chapter fics in my posts of novel-length fic recs: part 1, part 2, part 3. Many of those stories are AU, but here is a list of AU stories. Not all of them are multi-chapter, but they are all great.
This list of AU stories is HUGE, so it’s behind the Keep Reading cut. First, please enjoy this AU-style gif of Mulder and Scully playing house in Arcadia.
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All Things Bright And Green by DBKatePost-“Herrenvolk” AU. Mulder escapes with the child Samantha clone and with Scully, all three go into hiding. Months pass, Christmas is near and the struggle to find joy begins.
The Ballgame by @dksculderScully takes a case in her hometown, an old flame causing mixed emotions for her and Mulder.
Beating the Darkness Back by AnjouWhere do we go from here, now that we are free?
Breathe by TerriIt’s set in the future after Mulder has disappeared and a fearful Scully gets in contact with him.
A Candle for Katherine by MarasmusSometimes it’s the friends you make along the way that make all the difference.
Cubed by Louise MarinScully does a little body-swapping of her own. Can she and Mulder make it back to each other? Do they want to?
A Different Place by @myownsuperintendentHerrenvolk AU. When Mulder successfully brings one of the Samantha clones back from the farm with him, she must learn to adapt to a different life.
Eleventh Hour by Rachel AntonSome feeling defy the confines of time.
False Memories by ZuffyTwo years have passed since Mulder left. And then a woman walks into a bar.
Five Things That Never Happened to Dana Scully by anythingbutgreyDana — and she is always Dana now — looks out the window. She has stopped waiting. Instead, she watches.
Five Years and One Night by ShalimarThis starts post “Kitsunegari” and is full of spoilers including all of season 5. It deals with the events in “Emily”.
if you weren’t so by @seek-its-oppositeDreamland AU. “Thanks for coming out there with me,” he says, like she didn’t leave him alone last night.
In Absentia by QofMushDoes absence make the heart grow fonder or smarter?
In My End is My Beginning, Katabasis, and Homeostasis by JohnieSamantha is found and some truths are finally uncovered, but can Mulder deal with them? / Scully deals with Mulder’s disappearance. / Mulder deals with Scully’s disappearance.
An Inconvenient Truth by @mldrgrlAU Prompt: The events of Tithonus happened Post One-Son because Scully needed a break from Mulder and partnered up with Ritter on the Fellig case
Jasper’s Last Thought by MD1016Scully is abducted again, and returned to find her world has changed.
Katherine of Ireland by Jenna ToomsThe King is dead. Long Live the Queen.
The Long Road to Improbable by @mldrgrlWhat if the flashbacks in Per Manum dated back to season 5? What happened between then and Requiem?
Love, The Missing Word by Sarah KileyMulder and Scully are drafted into WW III. Is distance making the heart grow fonder?
Mobius by L.A. WardWhile investigating the disappearance of a physicist, Scully finds someone she didn’t expect–Mulder.
A Notorious Affair by Nicole PerryMulder and Scully in Hitchcock’s movie ‘Notorious’.
Old Growth Forest by AndreaMulder and Scully investigate the disappearances of homeless people in Madison, Wisconsin and seemingly end up suffering the same fate.
Prelude to an X by Helen WillsMulder’s a freelance journalist and Scully’s just been assigned an “X” file to work on, when they meet.
Road Markers by anythingbutgreyThere are anniversaries she can’t shake. Dates have, over the years, many years, worked their way into her mind as an internal clock.
Rules of Life and Death by @dksculderMulder is presented with a list of conditions he must fulfill to receive an inheritance. Can Scully help him accomplish all of the tasks?
The Sin Eater by Jane MortimerScully disappears into a mysterious vortex and Mulder makes an unbelievable sacrifice to ensure her safe return.
the shadow knows by captaingeorgyMSR AU
Shopping List by threeguessesScully has too many rolls of toilet paper for just one person.
Sinners Come Down by @poeticsandaliensSix years into her marriage to Daniel, Scully meets Fox Mulder at a bar one night, and they get talking and fucking over alcohol and self-pity.
The Smell of the Person You Love by @mangokiwitropicalswirlHere’s some plotless NSFW smutty Thanksgiving AU pie
Tandem by @alienqueequegIn 1988, a young Fox Mulder tries out yoga after a difficult case takes a toll on him.
The 13th Sign and Seven Days in May by Prufrock’s LoveMulder saw no reason for life, death, sex, Armageddon, or emotional dysfunction to stand in the way of true love. / It might be the end of the world. Fox Mulder had a psychic vampire on the loose, a six-year-old son in tow, a ton of emotional baggage, and an FBI budget, but at least he wasn’t dead. Mulder felt things were looking up - romantically and apocalyptically.
Triangulation by LeyannHe finally tracks them down in Oxford in mid-October.
The Unfinished Universe by RevelyMSR. This story wasn’t AU when I started it, but now it is.
Untitled AU by @foxmuldersau where mulder and scully get married during the events of christmas carol/emily, believing it will aid scully in the adoption process. after emily dies, they’re still married
Untitled AU by @frangipanidownunderWeird little five para AU set somewhere in Wales in some unspecified medieval time
Untitled AU by @how-i-met-your-mulderAU where M and S get together during the cancer arc
Untitled AU by @leiascullyAn AU where Requiem never happened.
Untitled AU by @leiascullyMulder told Scully he would do whatever he could to help her adopt Emily and she took him up on it.
Untitled AU by @lyndsaybonesAU where Mulder and Scully move in together circa s7
Untitled AU by @lyndsaybonesAU where Scully is shot instead of Diana
Untitled AU by @mldrgrlau where scully is reassigned from the x files but mulder isn’t
Untitled AU by @real-cream-cheeseAcademic AU
Untitled AU by @real-cream-cheeseset post-orison/pre-en ami, pure angst
Untitled AU by @spookysadsophiePrompt: Mulder and Scully have sex during Pilot, Scully gets pregnant, moves away and meets again at Thanksgiving (prolly a couple of years later) bc Mrs Scully invites him.
Untitled AU by @scapegrace74-blogRoyalty AU
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dannyphantomrpg · 5 years
Visual Aid: Danny Phantom: 3 NEW Ghosts!
Danny Phantom! There's so many cool ways to take the show, and I just love exploring new characters and new things we can put into it. In this video, I thought it'd be cool to show you guys what I've been thinking about lately. I came up with three brand new ghosts to put into the Danny Phantom show. Now, would these ghosts interact with Danny as a younger kid, or they interact with the Danny characters ten years later. You be the judge as we go into the Ghost Zone and and find out about Danny Phantom, three new ghosts. Check it out.
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Ok, the first ghost I thought would be really, really cool, I'm thinking, what would be kind of a scary area for a ghost to appear in? And one of the scariest things I've ever seen in, like, scary movies, when someone looks into a mirror, there's someone behind them they weren't expecting. I thought a ghost coming out of a mirror, who only inhabits mirrors, would be very, very cool. And what would this ghost's name be? This ghost's name would be...
Funhouse. Check it out.
You know, reflection in mirrors in horror movies, the, the imagery is just crazy. Uh, and scary movie and ghost stories and things like that. Seeing reflections of things behind you and having reflections come to life and stuff like that, I thought that'd be perfect for a Danny Phantom ghost. I don't really watch a lot of horror movies, but the ones that I have seemed to feature mirrors all the time. Anyway - and, also, I've seen a lot of movies where someone gets trapped in a fun house or just reflections going on all over the place. So I thought that was a pretty cool ghost power to give a ghost villain for Danny Phantom.
So here's Danny Phantom ten year later, in his Ten Years Later outfit and all of his reflections in a fun house mirrors are coming to life. That's what Funhouse does: he brings reflections to life in a horrible, scary way. So the more reflections of you that are there, he will, he will embody, he will inhabit, so suddenly, instead of fighting just a ghost, you're fighting a hundred reflections of yourself. He probably reflects the darkest parts of you too, which would be very, very strange and very, very cool for a villain if you ask me. So I think Danny fighting this new ghost, Funhouse, would be - would it be fun? Probably not so fun. But you know what? It's be really cool. Let's reflect on that.
Alright, what's you guys think of Funhouse? I love Funhouse. I love how he can bring every one of his reflections to life so there's a virtual army of Funhouse ghosts around Danny Phantom.
Coming up next is a very cool ghost, and I think this ghost is fun because there's a lot of ghosts on Danny Phantom that control things. We have Technus that controls technology, we have Vortex that controls the weather, but this ghost controls insects. And she not only controls insects, I think her form is actually made up of insects. Speaking of form, say hello to Swarm.
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After seeing Ant-Man, how Ant-Man can control ants, I thought wouldn't it be cool because, you know b- bugs make big appearance in horror movies all the time and, and let's face it. Bugs are pretty scary to being with. They're creepy, they're crawly, if used in the wrong way - even if used in the right way they're creepy and crawly - but used in the wrong way they're very creepy. They could be very terrifying. So just imagine a ghost whose entire existence is not just controlling bugs, but when he appears in any form at all, his entire body's made of bugs. Made of insects. Just constantly moving, constantly crawling, constantly, you know, undulating with with bug-weird-incest-ness. And I think that w- that jus- that would be just enough to terrify anybody. And no matter how much, how many holes you put it in it would just get refilled with more bugs because he's a constantly living, you know, e-every part of his body is moving and living. And, and I think it's very scary. Anyway, uh just an- and th- then then to draw this character, I though, oh I've got to draw a swarm of bugs. You've ever tried to draw a swarm of bugs before? It, it's a *laughs* it's, drawing a swarm of bugs is very, very challenging.
So anyway, I wanted to draw Danny here, uh, in his Ten Years Later outfit fighting Swarm, of course getting overwhelmed at first. But like any good hero, Danny would rally to the cause. But I don't even know what bugs would be the most ter- it wouldn't even be just, you know, insects, I mean I'm including spiders too. Yes, I know they're arachnids and stuff, but I'm including spiders as well, but imagine being made of spiders and bugs - I mean, this would be very terrifying. So this is a picture of Danny Phantom, ten years later, fighting a brand new ghost: the creepy, the crawly, the icky *shudders* Swarm.
All right, Swarm. What did you guys think of her? That, to me, is a pretty creepy ghost. Uh, it's like one of the plagues of Egypt in the Bible.
*dumb ad for SquareSpace I'm not dealing with*
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The last ghost I thought of, this one I think is the creepiest of all because, you know, you see in movies sometimes that kids have these really creepy dolls. They'll be asleep in the room, they wake up and it's pitch black in the room but they'll see the doll staring back at them. Creepy toys, and just creepy playthings, and play, playthings hey... There's a cool name for a ghost. Say hello, to Plaything.
Alright, now this ghost I couldn't wait to draw. Plaything. How many creepy, scary movies have you seen where a doll is used as the creepy thing in a kid's room that the kid is terrified of. And of course, it ends up being the terrifying thing when the doll comes to life or whatever. Anyway, I thought this ghost, Plaything, would be the perfect ghost to inhabit or embody just, you know, child's toys and and and things you play with. I didn't want to draw the whole ghost. I think it's just great having him in the corner of a room. Uh, Danny's gonna face off with him for the first time. Probably has never met him before, has no idea how to deal with this guy, but just fighting a creepy doll-inhabiting ghost who can just, you know, take over the sweetest thing and make it super scary. That's kind of scary to me, so here's Danny Phantom, ten years later - well, his leg ten years later - about to face off with a brand new ghost: the terrifying, the creepy, Plaything.
All right, there you go. Plaything. Petty creepy, pretty cool. So we have three ghosts, Funhouse, Swarm, and Plaything. Which one of those three did you like the best? Please leave a comment in the comment section down below. What are the things I should add to the Danny Phantom universe? New powers, new ghosts, new characters? It's up to know. Let me know, I'll put it here.
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mzminola · 6 years
Reaction Post Two: Ectoplasmic Boogaloo
Misc thoughts now that I’ve both seen the show, and had time to think.*
Kinda feel like I missed an episode or two? I could swear there’s screenshots going around that I never saw in context, and collective knowledge that’re so consistent I could swear I missed something...but that might just be the result of a ten year old active fandom. Is it ever stated how long Vlad was in the hospital with ecto-acne? Or is “five years” just a really popular fanon?
I see why so many people call for a reboot; there’s a lot of neat stuff in the show, but due to the cancellation a bunch of threads got dropped or warped out of recognition. Almost a “rough draft” sort of vibe.
One of the major problems with S3 (starting with the S2 finale, actually) is that they tried to go Bigger! Moar Extreme!! Higher Stakes!!! But worldwide disasters weren’t what the show as about. The pacing in Urban Jungle was terrible (plants taking over should be a slow, creepy story, not a five second greensplosion), Vortex was way to overpowered, and Phantom Planet really only makes sense as someone’s dream. Like. All of Amity Park got dragged into an alternate dimension in Reign Storm, because the Ghost King Dark Pariah was supposed to be a big deal. Leave that as a biggest disaster.
“Million Dollar Ghost” was an adorable episode. Danny trying to cheer Jack back up was painfully sweet and dorky.
The two episodes with Danielle are, together, or separately, the most actually horrifying episodes. Melting clones, who look scared as they go. Seriously. And if you strip the supernatural/sci-fi elements from the summary, the first episode from Danny’s perspective would be “parents’ old friend kidnaps you for nonconsensual reproductive reasons, and then tries to kill you and your baby sister in a fit of rage.” No wonder he’s exuberant when Sam & Tucker save them.
Meanwhile, Maternal Instincts from Maddie’s perspective is also terrifying; lost in the wilderness with your child, the only hope for communication or travel to the outside world is in the house of a man you barely know anymore, who yelled “NO ONE SAYS NO TO ME!” when you refused to leave your husband for him.
Speaking of Maternal Instincts, I think it shows Danny didn’t get all his forgetfulness from Jack; Maddie’s so laser focused on finding a phone that she’s disregarding the vehicles.
(and Maddie, you’re sad that Danny isn’t spending as much time with you as when he was a tiny child, but when he hugged you and said “I love you Mom!”, after your smile and “I love you too,” you physically dislodged him and singsonged “clingy!” Really? I get being uncomfortable with physical contact, but calling your kid clingy for hugging you in one of the few calm moments of a crisis is...kinda mean, Maddie)
Thought on Living Large: Danny's not “letting money go to his head and being an asshole”, Danny’s fucking depressed. We’ve seen Danny get a big ego and turn into a  jerk; example, every episode where he gets temporary popularity (invited to Dash’s party thanks to Jazz, dating Paulina, judging the beauty contest). Thanks to Val’s arc, we know one of the things affecting popularity at Casper High is family wealth. If Danny was being a jerk thanks to money he’d be at school, flaunting it. He’s not. He’s not even attending school, he’s barely leaving his room, and he’s irritable. The kid’s depressed.
It makes sense; he just underwent a major life change that he had no control over in a few days, and lost nearly all contact with his family. (I think his parents are out of character selling Fenton Works for any amount of money, but that’s a sidenote). Danny lost his home. He’s in a strange house, his parents’ neglect thanks to their ghost-hunting obsession is no longer mitigated by a small house where they have to interact regularly, and Jazz is hiding in the library. Major upheaval followed by isolation in a strange place. Poor fucking kid.
I disagree that “Vlad wants to rule the world” came out of nowhere, but I agree season 3 bungled him terribly. Forget “Phantom Planet”, it’s “Infinite Realms” that’s the worst piece of characterization for him. “take me to my destiny” what the heck,Vlad, that’s so vague. Where’d the Vlad we saw in Reign Storm go?
Vlad (in S1 & S2) makes the most sense if I assume he has long-term goals unrelated to the Fentons. Like he wants revenge on Jack and to ‘win’ Maddie, but honestly he’s had twenty fucking  years for that, it’s like the college reunion came up on his calendar and he want “oh, nice opportunity”. (though Jack’s firm belief in ghosts despite never seeing one until ep1 makes sense if we assume Vlad’s been periodically sending things like the vultures to mess with him invisibly...)
When I first watched Bitter Reunions, I was struck by how badly Vlad handled Danny. In retrospect, it’s even more startling considering how well he manipulated Val. So I thought, why? Well, with Val, Vlad is exploiting her negative emotions towards Phantom and other ghosts. Whereas with Danny, Vlad seems almost incapable of understanding that Danny likes his dad, and in Maternal Instincts he’s likewise confused by Maddie’s loyalty to her husband. Maybe its just that his own view of Jack blinds him to other’s perspectives, but he’s also surprised that Jack defeats him in Million Dollar Ghost. Jack was aided by love and protective feelings for his family, positive emotions. I don’t really think “Vlad has trouble understanding positive emotions in others” is a solid explanation, but it’s a start.
Alsooooooooo, re: Bitter Reunions and most of his other interaction with Danny: Vlad's making Skulker work for him, the vultures (despite being almost 2000 years older than him) do as he says, and we see him regularly searching the Ghost Realm for artifacts and getting into fights.
I think Vlad has spend ten to twenty years (whenever his ghost powers really got going) beating up other ghosts to get what he wants. “No one says no to me!” “Must I beat you with one hand behind my back before you admit you’re outmatched?”
He’s used to manipulating humans, but he saw Danny first and foremost as “ghost kid”, and so tries the same tactics he’s used on all the other ghosts; hit them until they do what you want. This...doesn’t work, with Danny. Sure, Vlad outpowers him, but the kid has a support network, and he thinks on his feet (making a shield bubble after seeing Vlad’s square flat shield? threatening to out both of them? The kid forgets about his own powers half the time, but adapts quickly, which is one of the big reasons hes lasted so long in the hero biz)
Danny never came out to his parents (excepting Phantom Planet) because as long as they didn’t know, he could keep believing they’d accept him no matter what. Schrodinger’s Parental Acceptance.
I think that’s all my post-series thoughts for now.
*I apparently wrote this post months or years ago and never posted it, though I did post the segment about depression on it’s own at some point?
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sphnyspinspin · 1 year
Vortex: …Actually, the person I’m seeing is the mentor of a friend of mine…
Medix: Ooh, whose is it?
Vortex: …
Medix: Whose is it Vortex?
Vortex: It’s going to be okay…
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transboygenius · 6 years
Digital Love
Last night I had a dream about you In this dream I'm dancing right beside you And it looked like everyone was having fun The kind of feeling I've waited so long
The shy little child prodigy looked out into the distance, every kid from first grade to fifth, gathered around the presence of the "King Of Cool," himself, Nickolas "Nick" Dean. He's not that big on brains, and in fact had to repeat the fourth grade due to chronic tardiness. But that didn't matter to anyone, because he was popular. Nick knew how to act, how to dress, and how to defy gravity on a regular kid-powered skateboard. While most young boys somewhat envied his good looks and charms, the rest would sell their souls just to be the macho figure he is. Almost every girl in school wanted him to be their future husband. Then there's James Isaac Neutron, "King Of Fool." The tween had a deformed head, a goofy puffy haircut, a complex vocabulary that puts children in debate if he's human or not, but that's only half of Lindbergh's turn-offs. Nick was the prince, while Jimmy was the clown. No girl would ever share a conversation with him, even if it meant repopulating the Earth. Everything between the two, Jimmy and Nick, was absolutely incomparable.
Whenever a bully sees Nick, they give him a warm greeting. Whenever a bully sets their sight on Jimmy, that's his signal to run. Nick gets hit with blown kisses. Jimmy gets hit with fists. The school laughs with Nick. The school laughs at Jimmy, and so do his friends whenever they get caught in the moment. They all looked down on the poor genius, and still would even if he grew some height. Back on the scene, Jimmy took a deep sigh as he turned his eyes away from the crowd, and decided to proceed to his next period, since the commotion isn't worth his time anyways. Carl Wheezer looked over his best friend. Judging by his expression and the way he looked at Nick, Carl can only presume that Jimmy is intimidated. Seeing his best friend like this only brought him into a frown. It's quite understandable why an undersized geek like Jimmy would hold any jealousy against Nick, who's at the top of the food chain, while Jimmy's sunk to the deep end. Walking to the next classroom, Carl puts his arm around him, followed by a brotherly pat.
In Carl's opinion, popularity is overrated. Jimmy scales a 10/10 to him any day. Because of how nice the boy genius has been to him, more than anyone else, Carl assured to make him feel like a million bucks. Jimmy's weak, bully bait, and prone to many accidents, but that never stopped him. Carl would rather stay beside his nerdy friend than Elementary's golden boy. Speaking of which, if only Carl could save Jimmy from his own insecurities. Like, whenever Nick passes by, he'll sometimes tease the boy for his short height. All the other students have treated him worse than that, but Carl could see it still gets to Jimmy. Nick's not really a bad guy, for he has helped the boy genius occasionally, such as giving him life hacking advice, or coming to his aid whenever he has his hands full with bullies. Jimmy thanks him afterwards, but then he gets all timid and embarrassed. Carl thought, even while trying to help, it never made him feel any better. All those "good deeds" were probably just Nick's way of reminding Jimmy how much of a defenseless weakling he is, and not to mention, an unrelatable dweeb.
Another thing that has concerned Carl, from the easily noticeable mood Jimmy always gave whenever Nick is socializing with Cindy Vortex. Cindy was a bratty know-it-all in pigtails, and Jimmy's quote-on-quote rival. Long ago, before Jimmy transferred into Lindbergh, Cindy had been the smartest kid in school. The fact that her new competition turned out to be none other than a boy, she's been trying to drag him through the mud since then. Jimmy tried to make a good impression, even tried being nice to her, but after a week he eventually gave up and then came a war. If Cindy wants to play that game, then that's how it's gonna be. They argued a lot, never agreed on anything, but every time Nick and Cindy made a scene, Jimmy would give that same depressed look he had whenever he saw Nick surrounded by all the pretty girls in school, followed by some anger. For some reason, Jimmy gets his buttons in a bunch for every moment Nick gives Cindy attention. And out of all of the females, Cindy was the luckiest to get to him. Rumor has it that Nick's got a girlfriend proposal planned in mind, just for Cindy. Whether true or not, picturing those two as a couple made the small boy's blood boil. He can't let him have her. During recess, Carl discussed this topic with Sheen. Jimmy and Cindy hate each other. You can't put them in the same room without them coming at one another's throat. So why does he get offended every time she gets affectionate all over Nick?
"I think the little Romeno's in loooooooovvvvvvve." Said Sheen. "Jimmy? In love with Cindy? Get out, he hates her. Have you ever met his Girl-Eating plant?" Carl replied. "You really don't watch much of TV, don't you Carl? When a man and a woman argue so much, and both are completely obsessed with getting revenge with each other, even if it's not worth it, that's there way of expressing their romantic passion. The feuding is used as a mask to cover up the feelings they're too reluctant to show their friends." "C'mon, Sheen. TV is TV, and this is... ...not TV. This is real life." "You'll never know unless you ask him. Oh, and if he says No, then he could be lying."
Carl walked over to his best friend, who was lying belly down on the grass, sketching out a W.I.P for his newest invention. He felt nervous getting into his personal life like this, but he's really worried for him. If he doesn't ask, he may never get this curiosity off his chest before it actually happens. He took a deep breath, inhaled into his inhaler, then out came the question.
"Jimmy?" "Yeah, Carl?" "I was wondering; Do you like Cindy Vortex?" "NOOOO! What gave you that idea?! I'd rather kiss one of the most venomous insects roaming around the rainforest than her! No! No way in Mars!"
Carl wasn't satisfied with his answer.
"Jimmy, are you lying?" "Don't you know your own best friend? I'm positive that's the truth!" "The truth that you're lying?" "NO, the truth that Cindy is the least person on Earth I could ever fall heads over heels for!" "Okay. Thank you."
Carl went back to Sheen just to gloat about him being right, but that only resulted in Sheen slapping the palm on his face in annoyance.
It was Valentines day at Lindbergh Elementary, and all the students are making a mess out of the arts and crafts tools. They made cards, some with macaroni noodles pasted on, and some with overuse of glitter. Most Valentine gifts are store bought. The children didn't really care for romance, or finding their special Valentine. They only participate just to receive goodies, and stuff their faces with candy. The kids that did care for Valentines Day wrote for the ones they loved, only because that felt right to their hearts. Sheen wrote to UltraLord, including his UltraLord dolls. Carl wrote a card for his mom, dad, and best friend Jimmy, with a pattern of Xs and Os. As awkward as it made Jimmy feel, he gave him a new inhaler with a red bow wrapped around it to show his appreciation. In response, Carl gave him a big loving warm hug, of course he let go immediately after he heard choking from the boy genius.
"Hey Jim, what do you say we had right down to the Candy Bar? My treat! You only get those adorable pink and red heart sprinkles once a year." "Awwww, you go ahead, Carl. I'll meet you there. I need to hand out my final draft papers." "Okay. See ya!"
As soon as Carl left, Jimmy let out a sigh of relief. He was waiting for Carl to leave cuz he can't afford him getting into his fudgy hair while he sets out to make his move. Jimmy sets his jetpack down, then pulled out an envelope with a heart-shaped sticker sealing it closed. He held it up to his face for a bit, sweat trailing down his face, with his heart racing in his chest. On account of urges, he must do it, but he feels he's gonna regret it later on. Jimmy quietly prowled among the hallways, looking back, fourth, and behind himself just to make sure no one catches him in the act. The job would be much easier if he haven't left his invisibility gum at home. He pressed his back against a random locker of an unknown student, which is where his destination had been. With shaky hands and sweaty palms, he stood on his toes as he shoved the letter right into that locker, then ran for cover before anyone walks in. He peeked from behind the wall, watching carefully for his sweetheart to arrive and read his note.
Up walked in Cindy, with Nick behind her. Jimmy leaned in closer, and began biting his nails as he concentrated his focus on Cindy, who's leaning against the locker he dropped the letter in. She was being cornered by her crush Nick, while she giggled and blushed madly like a bubbly school girl, asking him if he has any plans this Valentine's Day, or if he's seen any girls lately. She got an answer out of him, but not what she had in mind.
"Cindy, I need to get to my locker."
How humiliating. Face glowing red, she threw herself off of his locker. She felt like she embarrassed herself, getting in his way all day and pestering him with questions, only to get a stoic response. That probably means she isn't likely to get a chance with him. He accepted her homemade chocolate truffles, but Nick pretty much accepted every girls' gift, even the most weird ones, like assorted meats. She fears, what if somebody else gets to him before she does? As she walked on, she kept her eyes on Nick, watching him open his locker. However, she didn't watch where she was going and bumped into a wall on the way. Nick undid the combination of his locker and opened it wide, that's when he met the first thing that caught his eye; A letter, from an anonymous admirer. Nick wasn't really amused. He has run dry reading these ignorant girls love cards all day, so does he have to put up with another one? So many mushy words and failed attempts at poetry, he's on the verge to fall sick any time soon. Unfortunately, Nick decided to swallow his pride. This will be the last note he'll read for today, then he's calling up for quits on Valentines. He teared away the sticker and flung it aside, opening the envelope to reach in for the letter.
When he unfolded the letter, he hasn't read one word, yet this note already had him at hello. It was different. No cheap decorative touch-ups such as plastic gems or glitter, but something more simple. Very simple, but that's what made it so pleasant. The only touch-up this letter possessed was an animated flashing heart. He read each paragraph, every word in between the lines. It wasn't so mushy after all, but instead it looked like someone paid a famous novelist to write this note. It was pleasing and relaxing, even if he didn't understand two of the vocabulary words. Halfway through the note, Nick could feel the butterflies spawning inside him. Each sentence was written with true modesty, making sure to convince the reader that their feelings are real as day. Like all the Valentine cards he's read, this one ended with an "I love you" but adding on, "Although, I'm not sure you'd feel the same way." Whoever wrote this, Nick said to himself, has definitely won themself a Valentine, except Nick didn't knew who they were. He doesn't even recognize the handwriting.
Jimmy blushed while placing a hand over his mouth. Judging by Nick's body gesture, he could tell he liked it. But, how would he react if he ever found out the writer behind the note? Jimmy Neutron never hated Nick, nor was he jealous at all. He was in love with him. Not for his looks, but for who he was, unlike all the other groupies. The reason why Jimmy always looks so sad whenever he's looking at Nick from a distance, while in the company of those who praised him, because he's out of reach for him. Nick comes to him sometimes, but with their unbalanced popularity statuses, it takes luck for the biggest nerd to see Nick on his own. Worse, it's a boy loving a boy, living in a heteronormative society. The only one he's truly jealous of is Cindy, who's always trying non-stop to make Nick hers. The Girl-Eating Plant was invented as a stress reliever, for every time Cindy lures in Nick's attention like a fly to honey. He can't let Nick have her. It's him he should have.
This feeling drives Jimmy off the wall. He's best at hiding his affection, but that doesn't mean it's easy. Whenever Nick's near him, or even speaks to him, Jimmy always feels like he wants to run away and hide. He's never told anybody about this crush. Not to his friends, family, or even Goddard. In spite of being at the bottom of the food chain, Nick actually had some respect for him. Plus, Nick has done nice favors for Jimmy, such as giving him life hacking advice and saving him any trouble from bullies. Nick treated him like he were one of his bros, without any care of what anyone around him thinks. What if Nick doesn't love him back? What if Nick isn't into the same gender? The most miserable thing in the world, in his book, is dealing with a crush you're not so sure returns your love. He's a scientist, he can make that happen. But, forcing Nick to fall in love with him wouldn't make him feel any good.
Don't stop come a little closer As we jam the rhythm gets stronger There's nothing wrong with just a little little fun We were dancing all night long The time is right to put my arms around you You're feeling right You wrap your arms around too But suddenly I feel the shining sun Before I knew it this dream was all gone
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prehistoricsounds · 4 years
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This weeks arrivals!
Sorry this is a bit late today, but I had a couple of late deliveries arrive today which I wanted to include in this weeks list. About 130 titles!
New releases from Action Bronson "Only For Dolphins", Beabadoobee "Fake It Flowers", Carcass have released a 10" EP "Despicable", Fuzz featuring Ty Segall have released "III", Glass Animals "Dreamland", Hellripper "Affair Of The Poisons", Hot Chip has put together a new volume of "Late Night Tales", finally got some copies of Kaytranada "Bubba", Laura Veirs "My Echo", Miiesha "Nyaaringu", Mr. Bungle have released a furious thrash album "The Raging Wrath Of The Easter Bunny Demo", Okkervil River "A Dream In The Dark: 2 Decades Of Okkervil River", Sevendust "Blood & Stone", The Budos Band "Long In The Tooth", Troye Sivan "In A Dream" and Yes "The Royal Affair Tour"
New reissues and legacy from Anastacia, Anthrax, Exodus, Guns N Roses, a few Mort Garson releases, PJ Harvey, The Chats, Tedeschi Trucks Band and much much more!!!
AC/DC - Back In Black [LP] AC/DC - Live [2LP] Action Bronson - Only For Dolphins [LP] Alice In Chains - Jar Of Flies / Sap [2LP] (sold) Alice In Chains - MTV Unplugged [2LP] Amy Winehouse - Back To Black [LP] Anastacia - Not That Kind (Pink) [LP] Angie McMahon - Piano Salt [LP] Anthrax - Persistence Of Time (Deluxe) [4LP] Beabadoobee - Fake It Flowers [LP] Ben Harper - Winter Is For Lovers (White) [LP] Billie Eilish - When We Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go [LP] Black Pumas - Black Pumas (Deluxe) [2LP+7"] (sold) Black Sabbath - Paranoid [LP] Black Stone Cherry - The Human Condition (Red) [LP] (sold) Bob Mould - Distortion: 1989-1995 [8LP Box] (sold) Carcass - Despicable [10"] Carcass - Despicable [CD] (sold) Charles Bradley - Changes [LP] Charles Bradley - No Time For Dreaming [LP] Charles Bradley - Victim Of Love [LP] Cigarettes After Sex - Cigarettes After Sex [LP] (sold) City And Colour - If I Should Go Before You [2LP] Crack Cloud - Pain Olympics [LP] Datura4 - West Coast Highway Cosmic [LP] Deftones - Ohms (Gold) [LP] (sold) Dennis Cometti - Dennis Cometti (Blue/Wht Split) [LP] Dinosaur Jr. - Swedish Fist (Live In Stockholm) [LP] Distillers - Coral Fang [LP] Donny Benet - Mr Experience (Grape) [LP] Elvis Presley - Elvis 30 #1 Hits (Gold) [2LP] Emma Swift - Blonde On The Tracks [CD] (sold) Exodus - Tempo Of The Damned [2LP] Faith No More - Angel Dust [2LP] First Aid Kit - Lions Roar [LP] (sold) Fleetwood Mac - Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac [LP] Foo Fighters - Greatest Hits [2LP] Freddie Gibbs & The Alchemist - Alfredo [LP] Funkadelic - Funkadelic [LP] Fuzz - III [LP] Glass Animals - Dreamland [LP] Gorillaz - Presents Song Machine, Season 1 (Orange) [LP] Guns N' Roses - Greatest Hits [2LP] Harry Styles - Harry Styles [LP] (sold) Hellripper - Affair Of The Poisons [LP] Hot Chip / Various - Late Night Tales (Unmixed) [2LP] IDLES - Ultra Mono (Vortex) [LP] Jeff Buckley - Grace [LP] Jimi Hendrix - Songs For Groovy Children [8LP Box] (sold) John Butler Trio - Home [2LP] Kate Miller Heidke - Child In Reverse (Pink) [LP] Kaytranada - Bubba [2LP] Khruangbin - Con Todo El Mundo [LP] Kim Salmon & The Surrealists - Rantings From The Book Of Swamp [2LP] Laura Marling - Song For Our Daughter [LP] Laura Veirs - My Echo (Pink) Lime Cordiale - 14 Steps To A Better You [LP] (sold) Lime Cordiale - Permanent Vacation [LP] Living End - Modern Artillery [LP] Lucifer - Black Mass [LP] Mac Demarco - Rock And Roll Night Club [EP] Metallica - S&M2 (Orange Marble) [4LP] (sold) Meteors - Teenage Heart (Yellow) [LP] Miiesha - Nyaaringu [LP] Mobb Deep - Infamous [2LP] Mort Garson - Didn't You Hear? [LP] Mort Garson - Music From Patch Cord Productions [LP] Mr. Bungle - The Raging Wrath Of The Easter Bunny Demo (Red) [2LP] (1 left, more soon!) Mulatu Astatke & Black Jesus - To Know Without Knowing [LP] Mulatu Astatke & His Ethiopian Quintet - Afro Latin Soul Vol.2 [LP] Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Ghosteen [2LP] Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Skeleton Tree [LP] Nina Simone - And Piano! (Gold) [LP] Nina Simone - My Baby Just Cares For Me [LP] Nirvana - MTV Unplugged: Live In New York [LP] Nirvana - Nevermind [LP] Nirvana - Nirvana [LP] Okkervil River - A Dream In The Dark: 2 Decades Of Okkervil River [4LP] Opeth - Watershed [2LP] Osees - Protean Threat [LP] Parkway Drive - Deep Blue [2LP] Phoxjaw - Royal Swan [LP] (sold) Pink Floyd - A Foot In The Door: The Best Of Pink Floyd [2LP] Pink Floyd - The Wall [2LP] Pixies - Trompe Le Monde [LP] PJ Harvey - Dry [LP] PJ Harvey - Dry: Demos [LP] PJ Harvey - Rid Of Me [LP] Queen - Greatest Hits [2LP] Queen - Greatest Hits II [2LP] Queens Of The Stone Age - Rated R (Rated X) [LP] Radio Birdman - Living Eyes (Rockfield Version) [LP] Radiohead - King Of Limbs [LP] (sold) Radiohead - Pablo Honey [LP] (sold) Radiohead - The Bends [LP] (sold) Rare Earth - Get Ready [LP] Red Hot Chili Peppers - Blood Sugar Sex Magik [2LP] Regurgitator - Tu Plang [LP] Rolling Stones - Black & Blue [CD] Rolling Stones - Goats Head Soup (Deluxe) [2LP] (sold) Sarah Mclachlan - Surfacing [LP] (sold) Sevendust - Blood & Stone [LP] Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings - 100 Days, 100 Nights [LP] Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings - Give The People What They Want [LP] Sir Shina Peters & His International Stars - Sewele [LP] Skullcrusher - Skullcrusher [LP] Slade - Cum On Feel The Hitz: The Best Of Slade [2LP] Slowdive - Souvlaki [LP] (sold) Soundgarden - Superunknown [2LP] Suede - Beautiful Ones: The Best Of Suede 1992 - 2018 [2LP] (sold) Swamp Dogg - Gag A Maggott (Splatter) [LP] Tedeschi Trucks Band - Revelator (Yellow) [2LP] The Beatles - Rubber Soul [LP] (sold) The Budos Band - Long In The Tooth [LP] The Chats - Get This In Ya (Gold) [LP] The Chats - The Chats (Blk/Red Splatter) [LP] The Exploited - Live At The Whitehouse [LP] (Green) [LP] Todd Rundgren - A Wizard, A True Star [LP] (sold) Troye Sivan - In A Dream [LP] Tyler, The Creator - Scum Fuck Flower Boy [2LP] Various - Daptone Gold [2LP] Various - New Horizons: A Bristol Jazz Sound [LP] Various: World Spirituality Classics - The Time For Peace Is Now [LP] Warren Zevon - Life'll Kill Ya: 20th Anniversary Edition [LP] White Stripes - Elephant [2LP] White Stripes - The Complete BBC Peel Sessions [2LP] Yes - Live From House Of Blues [3LP+2CD] Yes - The Royal Affair Tour [2LP]
0 notes
mythriteshah · 7 years
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Thiji started out as a simple nobleman looking to make a name for himself in Eorzea, venturing out of the Sagolii Desert into the mainland to pursue the adventurer life.  He had butted heads with many individuals in the Adventure League, and faced numerous hardships therein.  He had tried so arduously to find love, and it would seemingly turn fruitless as he sought out that which he could not gain, condemned to a life of loneliness.
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He had dealt with a destruction-happy Lady of the Vortex in an effort to stand out.  Yet his legacy of generosity would begin when he sent his companion Glacius back home to bring funds from his own coffers to aid in the Adventure League's housing fund.  But Thiji did not do it for attention - he did it not for himself - but for his friends.  He knew that he alone had the power to cement their foothold within the Goblet, and his offering was simply a donation, whilst other parties attempted to gyp them with loans.
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Yet his love life would finally look up as Mamai Mai entered his life.  It was an ephemeral relationship, ended by the unforgiving ire wrought by the fanatical Lady of Frost. 
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The chain of events that followed led the Mythrite Sultan down the path to martial perfection, temporarily forsaking the Regalia to satisfy his wrath and bloodlust as he took down scores of harriers and Nidhogg's brood alike, and even struck down the warmongering Lord of the Hive after a climactic struggle.  Whether it was through a frozen end, a hellacious skewering, a savage series of relentless slashes, or a brutal beating by his own two hands, each kill was in the name of - at the time - the only woman in his life who loved him.
And when he had took back up the mantle of merchant, he had made leaps and bounds in his efforts.  He has shared vast amounts of knowledge from his adventures in Eorzea with his people back home, and brought the Regalia into a golden age of prosperity.  His generosity and goodwill would soon reach the ears of other adventurers, and he would begin to gain numerous friends and allies who adored and cheered him on even in the toughest of times.  Thiji would present events and giveaways by the moon, offering his wares to the public at free and reduced prices so that all would have the opportunity to indulge in the latest fashion trends.
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Three long years later he would find love in Nanago Nago, whom has had eyes on him since childhood.  Though it was the holiday he hated the most for obvious reasons (and still does to this day), their love would begin to bloom.  They faced many trials and tribulations together, even conquering their greatest enemy: themselves.  And now a year later, he has lived a full winter with his Sultana in marital bliss, and had even utilized his own resources to build a new empire for her from the ground up.  To culminate, the two now have a child on the way.
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So much and more has befallen Thiji Higuri in the four years he had spent within the realm known as Eorzea.  He has seen it for all its glory, its splendor, and even its harshness and cruelty.  There was no doubt in his mind when he stated time and again that the realm has problems, but he does not have to solve them alone.  This fact alone reassured the Mythrite Sultan.  He was all set for coming times ahead.
He had developed a vast network of highly skilled female maidservants who train daily to ensure the list of the Regalia's enemies is kept at a minimum, and more and more join the fold by the moon...
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He has gained backing from several Free Companies that have given him support since the moment he made his first appearance in the Sea Breeze Bazaar.  Now he is a Patron of the Lion Order, whose people will not hesitate to bring the pain to their foes and shield those in need of succor.
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The Mythrite Sultan had no reason to fear.  His homeland in Thavnair wasn't going to be suffering Garlean incursion anytime soon thanks to their masterful politics and trading relations - and even if problems were to arise, he has an extremely lethal scythe murderer for a sister-in-law to whom the Garleans would have to answer.
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Though he is annoyed with all the conflict the realm keeps getting itself into, there is still much he can learn from it; there were still more secrets to unearth, even in the world of fashion.
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 And with the Soul of the Sultan shining brightly upon his forehead, he would be determined to seek that knowledge out - even if it meant ruining the days of a few Garleans in the process.  
After giving thanks to those whom have shown him much support since he had commenced his philanthropic efforts - after paying respects to his loved ones who have passed on to Thal's realm and fought bravely to uphold what good is left of the realm - after many, many moons of triumphs, failures, oaths and betrayals, it was clear what Thiji had to do.  He had maintained a perfect balance of entrepreneur and frenzied fighter - of Power and Beauty - and while he absolutely relished in the heat of combat, he makes sure that those around him are taken care of first, for his riches mean nothing if not used for good.
Thus the Mythrite Sultan returned home to train after his conversation with Lady Gwenneth, his mind now free of all worries and strife; free of all his inner and outer turmoil - and Thiji was always at his most dangerous when his mind was clear.  Monumental changes would be taking place soon, and nothing was going to stop him from obtaining the knowledge necessary to further his mastery in jewel and clothcraft.   Thus did the Mythrite Sultan come to a decision, a verdict:
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An ideal means nothing until you fight for it.  And Garlemald would soon receive this message in spades.
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yeehawbisexualold · 7 years
I, Emma Take Thee Killian
An EF AU very loosly based off the infamous “I, Ross take thee Rachel” scene, inspired by @sailorkillian and the anon who sent her this ask.
also tagging, @colinoslayme, @blowmiakisscolin, and @kmomof4
4.6k words ~ also on ao3
The Charming family has finally defeated the Evil Queen. After years of torment and suffering, they’ve vanquished her for good—banished her to a far off land, that she’ll be unable to return from. All it took was the help of Rumpelstiltskin. The man who had previously been unwilling to aid them against Regina had finally found something worth his interest or, to be precise, his son’s interest.
Emma met Neal when she was 17.
She had been preparing to take her horse out for a ride when she saw movement in her peripheral vision, a blur running through the forest. Grabbing a sword, she headed after whatever she had spotted to discover a young man hiding in the trees.
He told her his name was Neal and that he was hiding from his father. He didn’t ask her for help but she had been raised by, whom she is sure to be, the most compassionate rulers to ever live and she had learned to spot a soul in need. So she offered him food, promised to keep his secret, and began to spend time with him.
After weeks of meeting in the forest near her home, he told her more about himself. That his real name was Baelfire and his father The Dark One. That he spent hundreds of years in Neverland after his father essentially abandoned him through a portal. That he’d spent some time after that aging in a land without magic until, only near a fortnight before she found him, he’d returned to this realm.
She felt for him, having been abandoned by both of his parents. She couldn’t imagine the pain one must feel to grow up like that—alone, unloved, and lacking guidance. Her parents had always been the most loving and supportive a girl could ask for but she knew there was a time when that almost didn’t happen.
When she was 10 and Regina was in a particularly vindictive mood—wreaking her special form of havoc—her parents told her about the dark curse that she had intended to cast and how Emma was nearly separated from them at birth. Luckily for them, the curse failed and aside from some minor Regina induced hiccups, they had been together and happy ever since.
She was content with her life as the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. But aside from the perpetual threat of the Evil Queen looming over them, her days lacked excitement. Her parents rarely allowed her to travel along with them on diplomatic missions, for fear of Regina’s henchmen attacking. The only action she participated in was sparring with her trainers and her father and the occasional tracking, simply for fun, with her mother. Sneaking out of the castle was nothing new to Emma.
No, the thrill of that had long ago worn off. Sneaking out to meet a man though, and not just any man but the son of The Dark One, was exhilarating. She was young and naive; he was handsome and so very charming. Being with him was electrifying.
They spent a lot of time together, hiding amongst the trees. He would regale her with tales of different times and far off lands, of ogre wars and boys that never aged. Although he always tried to put a light spin on his past, she could feel the bitterness hidden behind his captivating words.
Looking back on it, it was the pain that really endeared her to him. And it was the pain that drove them apart.
Things went south when he began to suspect his father knew of his whereabouts. He asked Emma to help him procure an item from the castle that he could use in trade of a magic bean. He claimed to know a person from his childhood that would be willing to give up anything for a vial of squid ink.
He begged her to help him so they could run away together—find happiness in another land, far out of reach of his father.
It might have been tempting, the promise of adventure and freedom if it didn’t mean giving up her family. The thought of leaving behind her parents and kingdom—people who loved and supported her, people she had a duty to protect and serve—was unimaginable and the thought of betraying them even worse.
Neal didn’t understand her resistance, only associating parents with heartache and betrayal, he couldn’t understand the loyalty she felt. Because he couldn’t understand her reasoning, couldn’t understand her, their relationship ended in a blowout of epic proportions leaving her with a bruised heart and a distrustful mind.
Time moved on and she put the past and their romance behind her. She grew older and gained insight on their relationship that could only come with age. She realized how much older he had been than her and how wrong that had been at such a juvenile stage of her life. She came to see just how unfair, how irreverent he had been to ask what he did of her, knowing he was the first man she had ever been with and how easily susceptible she was to the lure of the unknown.
She moved on and she managed to keep him from her mind for years. Once her heart was sufficiently mended and her walls built high, she allowed herself zero thoughts of the man.
Until he reconciled with his father.
Everyone in the Enchanted Forrest heard the news of the harmony that had been reached between Rumpelstiltskin and his estranged son. Her mother and father, none the wiser to the liaison that occurred between Neal and herself, celebrated. Being sympathetic people and knowing it could have been them who lost a great deal of time with their child, they were happy for the father and son.
That was until Rumpelstiltskin called upon them, requesting a favor and offering to ensure the safety of their kingdom, a liberation they had been seeking since a time before she was conceived. He promised to aid them with one simple thing in return, that Emma marry his son.
Her parents repudiated the proposition, not wanting to force their daughter into what they imagined to be a loveless marriage. They were Snow White and Prince Charming, their true love the stuff of legends. Who were they to deny their daughter the freedom of obtaining a spectacular love of her own?
Emma was utterly grateful for her them in that moment, regarding them in the highest esteem for their selflessness and bravery. She loved them and admired them and she wanted to be like them. And that was why, knowing how long they’d fought and how weary they must have grown trying to keep their kingdom safe, never fully at peace, she accepted the offer.
The reptilian man had been giddy, promising to get the affair in order as soon as possible and then disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
That was what lead her to where she is today, walking down the aisle on her father’s arm, to a man she does not love, a man she no longer even particularly likes. But with the comfort of knowing that her kingdom is safe and no longer under the thumb of the threat of Regina.
Neal smiles at her softly, eyes glittering brightly in a way that used to fill her stomach with butterflies but now makes it churn with dread.
When her father kisses her hand and puts it in Neal’s she feels tears well in her eyes (and oh, they’re not the tears she expected on her wedding day) but she grits her teeth and wills them away, refusing to let the emotions overcome her for fear that she’ll never recover. Her lips quiver and she sets them firmly in what she hopes passes for a grin.
She feels her resolve settle in place as the officiant begins speaking and she’s sure she’ll get through this. She nods along to the words and smiles in the appropriate places and she’s almost there.
But then he slips through the doors at the end of the hall and walks calmly to the back of the seats. That mad, mad fool. She could just throttle him. How willfully ignorant he must be to walk into the wedding of the son of the man who will rip out his heart and gleefully crush it on sight.
She wants to kill him herself for the lack of regard he shows for his own life.
“I’m a survivor, love,” he’d once told her, a resplendent smile on his face. Well, buddy, you’re doing a piss-poor job of showing it.
She tries to put her focus back into the ceremony taking place, to keep the attention of the crowd off the asinine pirate that just arrived. She attempts to concentrate if not on Neal, then the officiant. She really does try.
But her mind has been spun into a whorl, rivaling the vortex of a portal upon water, and all she can think about his him. Unbidden, their past and what could have been their future flashes before her eyes.
The day they met, not even a year to the date, she was reading peacefully in the castle’s private library when suddenly a figure came tumbling, none too elegantly, through one of the arched, stained glass windows. She was alone and unarmed, in a tower far from any hearing ears.
As she prepared to run, he righted himself and—expecting an immediate threat, likely with the hook attached to his arm—surprised her by simply taking a step back, brushing his dark hair out of his vision, and muttering “Bloody, hell,” eyes wide and brows nearly in his hairline.
“Whatever you want,” she said haughtily, lifting her shoulders and tilting her chin up, “I’m sure could be achieved without breaking through the window.”
“Ah,” he’d sighed, scratching behind his ear in a way entirely too endearing for a pirate who had just forced his way into the walls of the royal family. “That might work if I were a man of your lands and better yet if I weren’t the captain of a notorious pirate ship.”
“Have you been accused of piratery by our kingdom before?”
He paused, narrowing his, unfortunately, (for her) startling blue eyes and rubbing his stubbled chin.
“No, actually.” “Well then, if you had only been more familiar with the laws of my kingdom,” she scolded with crossed arms and if he hadn’t come to the realization of who she was before, he had at that point “you would have known that we harbor no ill will towards pirates who have not… conducted their business in this land.”
He smirked slowly eyeing her up in down in a way entirely to indecent for anyone regarding the crown princess of Misthaven and drew her attention to the fact that the way her arms crossed put her chest on full display for his lascivious gaze. She pulled her arms down instead, putting her hands in a stern position on her hips.
“I see. I guess I’ll be on my way out the window and trying my luck through the front doors. That is if you’d be so kind as to let this indiscretion slide.”
She shouldn’t have, let it slide that is, but it was immensely refreshing to be spoken to with a lack of utmost respect. No one dared to address her without an abundance of reverence and it grew tiresome to be treated as an object held high up on a pedestal, out of reach of anyone below.
So she let him go on his way with the assumption that he would either get what he wanted or not but would most certainly leave, never to be seen again. How wrong she had been. And how grateful she was to have been wrong.
Her parents agreed to give him the squid ink he requested but not without something in return. She had thought her parents foolish to give him his half before securing theirs but they showed to her to never doubt their excellent judge of character. Apparently, there truly is honor among thieves, at least this particular thief, because he remained in their employ, given free reign of travel as long as he obtained something for them in return, after receiving the object of his desire.
Being in their employ lead to him being around her. Being around her lead to lead to him charming her. And charming her lead to him bedding her.
All of this done despite her attempts to keep him from doing just that. He had simply just been too much for her to keep at bay. Too handsome, too smart, too charismatic, too amusing, too passionate. The list goes on and on with too many too’s. The pirate captivated her with his sinfully good looks and piercing blue eyes, he enchanted her with his wit and spirit.
The first night he’d slipped into her room—as she laid beneath the covers staring up at her ceiling and imagining she was gazing upon the stars in the sky, from aboard the deck of The Jolly Roger—she’d been utterly helpless to do anything but draw him into her bed, strip him bare, and ride him into oblivion.
After that first, wild night of unbridled passion, they began an illicit love affair that started out as simple lust and mind-numbing pleasure but soon turned into feelings stronger than anything she’d ever felt before.
They spent as many nights as they could together. Some nights he would sneak through the window of her room and they’d roll around in her bed for hours on end. Other nights she would slip out of the castle to the Jolly where they spent more time on the deck than in his cabin, laying on the cool wood as he pointed out his favorite constellations and entertained her with the legends behind him. 
He told her that the set of stars that aligned to create the Cygnus were his favorite. He said it was the most magnificent thing he’d ever seen, that was until he met her. On nights when he was in a deeply amorous mood, he would call her his swan, tell her that there must have been a marvelous constellation that disappeared from the sky on the night of her birth because she was made up of the most brilliant stars.
She planned on hiding it from her parents, knowing her father would threaten him bodily harm and that her mother would actually follow through on it. She was fine keeping it a secret, preferring a love that she could have in the dark of night than one to mourn. She thought she would never tell another soul until, after a particularly gratifying session of face riding on the deck of his ship, he’d turned to her with metaphorical and literal stars in his eyes and said the three little words that brought her walls crashing down to be left in ruins at her feet.
The oddest thing, odder than the princess and her steadfast resistance of any emotional ties dallying with the 300 year old, vengeance bound pirate, was that she believed him. She felt his love in the air around them and with the glow of his eyes and the press of his warm skin against hers.
She couldn’t recall ever feeling so blissfully happy, so content, anywhere with any other person. She vowed to tell her parents after that. Damn the consequences. If they wanted him, they’d have to go through her first because she wasn’t giving him up.
She waited for the perfect moment to tell them but before it arrived, Rumpelstiltskin did, and she made the promise to protect her kingdom at the sake of her own heart.
She knew of his history with the crocodile and the love he’d lost to the imp before. She knew how long he’d fought to avenge his Milah. But she was still surprised by the force of his anger, never having seen anything so strong until she found him in his cabin and told him what she agreed to do. It was equally startling and arousing the way his eyes flamed and his lips curled. She chuckled bitterly against the sour taste of bile rising in her throat when she realized he was the man Neal had spoke of so long ago, the man who was willing to trade a magic bean for squid’s ink, thinking if only she’d met hims sooner.
The argument they’d had was so intense she was amazed they didn’t sink the ship with the force of it. It started off with shouting and throwing things, lasting so long her throat was raw for days, but eventually turned into something much worse, him begging.
She couldn’t bare the pain and fear in his eyes. She couldn’t listen to the way he pleaded with her, that he couldn’t lose her, couldn’t stand for her to live a life of misery under the control of The Dark One and with the man who had betrayed and hurt her before. When he dropped to his knees before her, she lost her resolve and took him to bed.
The love they’d made that night was just that, love, pure and abundant. She laid with him afterward, tucked against his chest and breathing him in, filling her lungs with his scent and her heart with the feel of him. She watched him as he fell asleep quickly. It had always been easy for him to pass into the realm of dreams (something she envied) and that night he had been beyond exhausted, emotionally and physically. She stayed a little longer after his eyes fluttered shut and stayed closed, needing every moment she could take to imprint him and what she felt with him into her very soul.
She couldn’t allow herself to stay long though and careful not to wake him, she detached herself from his embrace to write him a note. She folded it, pressed a kiss against the paper, and then left, not letting herself look back at his sleeping form for fear that she wouldn’t be able to leave.
He’d followed her wishes, or so she thought, to let her go and not seek her out. Yet here he is, in the middle of the damn wedding, sitting casually at the back of the room.
How dare he? How dare he make it that much harder for her to vow her commitment to a man she didn’t want, a man so different from him?
Indignant, she turns her eyes back to the man speaking to the room and before she knows it, Neal is speaking “I, Baelfire take thee Emma to be my wedded wife” and slipping a lavish gold ring on her finger.
The officiant begins speaking to her and she knows what she has to say.
“I, Emma take thee Killian—” and dear god, no, that was not what she was supposed to say. She feels her stomach drop and her limbs turn cold because how had she possibly said the wrong thing? But she knows how, or at least some part of her does, because she said it.
Chaos erupts in the great hall, voices blending together, growing louder by the second. She spots her parents, sitting wide eyed and mouths open, looking aghast. Rumple appears suddenly before her, holding her by the arms and shaking her so forcefully she thinks for sure her head will snap off, demanding “Why did you speak that name? How do you know it?” He searches frantically about the room but doesn’t seem to spot Killian standing halfway down the aisle.
She feels dizzy and ill and thinks she could possibly pass out until Neal steps between her and his father, stopping him from harming her any further.
“I need to speak with Emma alone, papa,” he pleads softly and Rumple’s wild eyes begin to calm.
“The wedding is over. You may all leave,” the manic man announces before disappearing from the room.
Neal grabs her gently by the arm, steering her out of the room. She see’s her mother holding her father back from following. Once alone, he begins running his palms up and down her bare skin and she comprehends that she’s shaking.
“Stop, now,” he commands calmly. “The Emma I know wouldn’t be shaking like this.” “The Emma you know was a 17-year-old girl. You don’t know the Emma I am,” she snaps, hating to be ordered to do anything by anyone other than her parents, least of all this man. But, probably not in the way he hopes, it works. Her anger flares and her limbs settle.
“That’s true. Apparently, I know you even less than I thought because the version of you I know would sooner slit her wrists than take up with a pirate.”
His words don’t sound harsh, just resigned. He knew whom the name she spoke belonged to.
“That is entirely your fault. You left before I grew old enough for you to know a mature me and when you returned you didn’t bother to try and know me again. You simply had you father force me into marriage.” “Technically he didn’t force you,” he begins but stops in his tracks at her icy glare. “Alright. I knew you wouldn’t be able to turn down his offer. If I did learn one thing about you, it’s that you would do anything for your kingdom.”
“You forced my hand.”
“I did,” he concedes.
“How did you expect a marriage to work between us that was created this way?” “I don’t know, Emma… I didn’t think. I just knew that you were the only woman I ever loved and that I missed you. I regretted what happened between us the moment I left. I didn’t just return for my father, I returned for you. I didn’t even willingly tell my father about you. He sensed my dismay and used a truth potion to get it out of me. When he learned, he concocted the plan. He set it in motion.” “I was a child, Neal.” He winces. “You loved a child. And if what you say is true, that you still care about me, you wouldn’t have put me in this position before even trying to learn how I feel.”
He nods slowly and then glances helplessly around the room, running his hands over his head.
“I fucked up.”
“You did.”
“Do you love him?”
He doesn’t need to specify who he is asking about.
“I do.”
“And does he love you? Does he really love you?”
“He does.”
“If I really loved you like I said, I would let you be with him wouldn’t I?”
She doesn’t speak but he’s smart enough to obtain the answer on his own.
“I—I’m sorry, Emma.”
She softens, feeling something loosen in her chest that she hadn’t realized had been tight all these years because she understands that the apology isn’t just for the wedding.
“I’ll convince my father to let it go and not to harm him. Gods, it will be difficult but I’ll do it.”
She’s tempted to tell him that she doesn’t care how difficult it will be for him but she holds her tongue.
“Thank you,” she sighs and presses a fleeting kiss to his cheek before leaving in search of Killian, hearing Neal call for his father to magic him away.
She finds him leaning against the wall outside the room she and Neal had been talking in and he opens his mouth to say something, but she doesn’t find out what because before he can, she launches herself at him, latching her lips onto his.
He kisses her back greedily, nothing but wetness and battling tongues and clashing of teeth. His hands roam all over her, unable to pick one place to settle. After a while, the kiss slows and eventually he pulls back to gaze at her in wonderment.
“You recognized me,” he says pupils blown wide and a breathtaking grin on his face.
“Of course I did. It’s only been a few days.”
“No you don’t understand,” he explains running his hands up and down her arms and the sensation is so different from the way Neal had been doing it only moments before. “I’m wearing a protective charm that hides my appearance.”
“From everyone?” she asks, puzzled as to how she sees him as him.
“Yes, it changes the appearance to everyone… except those the wearer shares true love with.”
She comprehends now, his excitement and awe at her recognizing him.
“Oh,” she says simply.
He kisses her again, joyously. Then he moves his mouth all over her face, peppering it with kisses only interrupted by his repeated words of “I love you.”
She’s dizzy again, not for the first time today but the first time for a good reason. She stops the assault of his lips by grabbing his face between her hands. She looks him in the eyes and says, “I love you, too.”
“Well, clearly, love or you wouldn’t even know who I am right now. I’d just be some mad stranger attacking you with kisses.”
She’s overwhelmed with elation, having thought she would never experience his humor again and instead of commenting back she kisses him once more.
When they get their fill of each other—or at least enough to hold them off til they can speak with her parents—and break apart she remembers something she’d thought of when he first walked in on the wedding.
“Oh, thank the gods, you fool.” She smacks him on the chest with the hand not clutched in his own.
“I’d thought you’d walked in with the risk of Rumpelstiltskin seeing you.”
“No, love, I hadn’t intended for anyone to see me,” he stops their walking and pulls his hand from hers to run it through her hair, reverently. “I just couldn’t bare to let you go without seeing for certain, with my own two eyes that you wouldn’t be mine.”
How could a pirate be so romantic?
“If you saw, would you have let me go?”
He shakes his head and gives her a rueful grin.
“A man unwilling to fight for what he wants deserves what he gets,” he intones.
“I’m what you want?”
In the end, it takes a lot less convincing of her parents than she thought it would. They had just been so happy for their daughter to find true love they couldn’t be bothered much to care who with.
“Maybe you’ll grow on me,” her father mused, looking like that’s the last thing that would happen.
Their engagement is short (not as short and her one with Neal but that was hastened by Rumple) lasting only a couple months, and only that long so her mother can plan a wedding she deems appropriate.
By the time her father walks her down the aisle, again, her pirate has grown on him.
It’s the strangest feeling, doing a wedding a second time but with entirely different circumstances. The feeling of dread and nausea she felt before, is replaced with excitement and elation. When her father goes to hand her off, she practically jumps out of his arms, to Killian.
She can feel the wild grin splitting her cheeks and the moisture welling in her eyes, good tears this time, wonderful tears, but like before she tries to keep them at bay. When she meets Killian’s eyes, he’s looking at her as if she hung the moon in the sky and he gives her a wink.
She feels incredibly impatient. The officiant can’t talk fast enough for her. She just wants the ceremony to be over so she can be married to her damn pirate already, so she can take him back to his ship.
When Killian slips a simple gold ring on her right hand, it feels so right to look into her true loves eyes and be able to rightfully say, “I, Emma take thee Killian.”
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rolando754011-blog · 7 years
Advertising An Analysis Of Anita Desais 'The Accompanist.
A papa declares his 12-year-old gal has been actually put in 'solitude' by her college given that her footwears drop nasty from brand-new consistent rules by possessing a head on them. That could seem to be adorable, comfy as well as stunning to include considerable amounts of cushioning as well as pillows, yet that is actually much from surveillance. He had to stop in a safe corridor as well as assess the scenario, the father explained, knowingly always remember why he had actually selected his work - and also why he should go forward into the fire regardless of his concern. To take a look at other father browns enjoying with their little ones at playgrounds, or teaching them the best ways to focus on an auto or mow a yard, as well as ponder just what brought in that kid exclusive sufficient for his father brown to stay. First this article, our experts took note that early examinations regarding the dad took a look at papa vacancy and also discovered empirical proof about the effects from growing without a male parent (Back 1946; Lynn & Sawrey, 1958). All Mr. Jones had to perform was report divorce documents, profess that the papa had actually been actually a non-existent aspect of their little girls lifestyle, and also demand wardship. Lots of daddies are Religious and there is unique fashion jewelry only for the Christian papa. Though my papa might ill afford that, our team 3 Diakiw kids started fifteen years of strolling the hallowed venues from Upper Canada College. The monetary strain tore the loved ones apart; her father abandoned Grietje and her three siblings as well as his better half while he went off to Amsterdam to try his good luck. I delight in the religious, the mythological, and also emotional, and I am actually a late life daddy to Shane, 10, as well as Hannah Marie, 4, who human brains are actually thus impressive. The generosity and also wide range of expertise and sources of the grandfather were the central issue as well as very most valuable and also wonderful gift he can give to that little one.
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What is actually more intense is actually, despite the fact that mom and papa could have some type of management when the child was little; this may go slip out of palms at times she or he becomes grownup, consequently in a frequently inharmonious setting inside the home.
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Therefore, the evaluations stated here sustain our suggestion that these distinct domains belong from the dad adventure from a person. Despite all guides worldwide and all the suggestions on the planet, little bit of is actually mosting likely to ready you to sit with the youngsters and inform all of them that their father is actually dead. The over safety dad carries out certainly not believe in his child in such a way he recognizes that he is aiding her by guarding her considering that he believes that she might do inappropriate thus to create traits easier as well as faster he over protects and also in doing so he holds back her advancement and also keeps her depending on him. Although these were actually the fathers that remained on my block (which included my raconteur, story-loving father), I might merely portray as well as demonstrate just what I found growing up. This likewise featured higher booze consumption, higher unemployment, as well as high price from philandering. However as my daddy informed me, eventually he was actually sitting at the breakfast dining table along with my mommy while she wrote out inspections to foot the bill. Our team viewed right into the terrific and memorable door or vortex right into the dimension where the Dad will take our team for this fullness to take place. We don't regularly obtain wonderful daddies, and also I thank God daily that a terrific man improved to become mine. I appreciate your thoughtful opinions, as well as http://portal2016diet.info/niektore-artykuly-spozywcze-witamina-c-opinie-jak-mozna finding out about your very own partnership with your dad. Governor William Drinkwater (Dan Dailey) is the widowed father of spunky J.J. - that's Jennifer Jo (Julie Sommars) - within this long-forgotten situation comedy.
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32flavasshoetique · 4 years
Why I Can Not Bring My Filipino Bride To Australia?
Why I Can Not Bring My Filipino Bride To Australia?
In a SBS article and video clip report it claimed that, “When Darren fell deeply in love with Jeany, through the Philippines, they pictured a stunning life together in Australia. However their fantasy was placed on hold. It ended up being November 2014 whenever Jeany and I also first made contact through the romance that is online -Filipino Cupid. She ended up being seeking to fulfill some body outside of her very own nation and tradition and therefore had been I Click This Link. Connecting with someone from overseas also appeared like a little bit of adventure in my experience as well. ”
Within my 19 several years of experience as being a migration that is registered ‘adventures’ more often than maybe perhaps not end defectively. You either get consumed by a fantasy, dwell in a state of euphoria and end up realising which you have actually invested too much effort and excess amount for the reason that frame of mind and you’re now in many economic stress with nowhere to show and unfortuitously this is just what happened to Darren and Jeany.
Please look at this specific article because it provides a great exemplory case of 2 and dont’s of organising somebody visa application and I also provides treatments and solutions at the conclusion of this website to spell out tips on how to work the machine to your benefit rather than the other way around.
It proceeded to express that.
“once I came back to Australia it absolutely was apparent there was clearly one thing excellent us had really experienced before between us, a strong connection and chemistry neither of. We currently knew that wanting to bring Jeany along with her child to Australia would definitely be an extended and costly procedure, but we actually desired to save money time together, additionally the simplest way to accomplish this in the time ended up being in my situation to return to your Philippines for some time.
I became making my income on the web, as you can simply keep extending your visa so I wasn’t tied to any one location, and spending time in the Philippines as an Australian tourist is easy enough. Aided by the price of residing cheaper within the Philippines in addition to capability to stay for longer durations being a tourist, it just made feeling so we could get to know each other better. From mid-January 2015 to mid-April 2015 Jeany and I spent another 3 wonderful months together that I spend more time over in Jeany’s country. But, my income that is online was needs to dwindle and I also had been forced to come back to Australia to regroup and work out new plans.
By this phase we were quite definitely in love. We actually desired to get hitched and all sorts of reside in Australia together. The way we had been likely to make that take place using the very high cost of the program for a Partner Visa, we didn’t yet know. While I happened to be back Australia we began a web business that I was thinking would do very well over time and I also been able to secure that loan for the Filipino wedding (which can be also far cheaper than an Australian wedding). We came back to your Philippines in July 2015, to Jeany’s city, along with the assistance of the neighborhood wedding planner, were able to organise a lovely yard wedding for October 12, 2015.
Considering we had been doing every thing on a strict spending plan, the marriage proved awesome. All of it went to prepare, the environment seemed amazing, the current weather cooperated, and my bride ended up being definitely stunning! In 2015 Jeany came to Australia with me for our honeymoon december. She remained for 5 months while her child remained behind when you look at the Philippines. Whenever her visit had been over I became kept wanting to figure down an easy method to create my wife and action daughter off to Australia to reside, but while the procedure can be so costly in Australia (especially compared to many other countries), i simply didn’t have the cash doing it; along side moving expenses and a great many other linked costs involved. The visa approval procedure can take years in also some circumstances, particularly for Filipinos.
Whenever months passed and Jeany and I also have been aside for such a long time, and extremely getting nowhere with your plan, my sis provided to send me personally back into the Philippines for a little while therefore my partner and I also could invest some quality time together at the very least.
Having most of us surviving in Australia is our objective and fantasy, but at the time of now I’ve been right straight back into the Philippines since June 2016 and we’re still right right here, stuck without any option to get my loved ones to Australia. Jeany and I also have been together a lot more than 3 years, yet we still have actuallyn’t realised our fantasy, due primarily to the ever-increasing and cost that is high of visa procedure. ”
This might be an example that is classic to numerous of Australian’s and yet it may all be effortlessly avoided if they PREVENT THE MIGRATION MINEFIELD and acquire assistance and sound advice ahead prior to making further choices that could compound already cash strapped Australians. Falling in love the most dangerous occasions in your everyday lives and should you not have the best tools to manage after that it you will end up drifting in an ocean of anxieties very quickly and that’s the very last spot you wish to maintain. Despair frequently sets in next and then your spiralling vortex into a situation of hopelessness requires a grip that is strong could even tear your relationship aside.
You view it’s a well-known proven fact that successive Australian governmentshad raised the Visa Application Charges (VAC) for not just the partner visa application but also for a great many other visas to entre and secure residency that is permanent. Additionally it is a well-known undeniable fact that the expense of living has dramatically increased for many Australians so that as a complete has put lots of strain on the whole idea of Australia being the happy Country and low-cost Country to call home and raise a household in.
But how will you cope with this if you are currently hopelessly in love and how have actually I had the oppertunity to effectively organise to lodge 100’s of partner visa application every over the 19 years year. The solution to this relevant real question is very easy. You’ll want to first realize the application that is actual it self then use oneself to making certain your overall job and/or earnings flow can fund each phase, psychological and economically also it starts with getting yourselves assess accurately and achieving an excellent truthful examine what you are actually planning to undertake.
In several of my booklets and blog sites We write on the roller that is emotional ride that ensues with one of these kinds of visa applications. Wen reality I managed to make it an insurance plan that only my most senior staff that have now been mixed up in company for over five years are allowed to transition from SkillSelect visa applications to mate visa while the psychological cost could be telling in it aswell.
All of us get ready for a lengthy and ever changing landscape in partner visa applications therefore we make certain you are staring that squarely we are all holding each other’s hands in support and we soldier ahead and confront the tightening requirements and raising costs of a partner visa application so we are all reading from the same page.
I am aware just what I am set for and thus should you. You can find 7,000 factors why you really need to stop and determine what the landscape seems like before making further choices in someone from the Philippines to your relationship as currently the Visa Application Charge for the main applicant has already been $7,000.00 buck exactly what you neglect to realise that even though expense is high at the start it will spend, for both the short-term, 24 months and permanent stage, 5 years regarding the partner visa application pathways. Understanding that information will set the phase in your timelines and budgeting that at the least the division will maybe not sting you further with another expense at the conclusion of this partner visa application.
I’ve managed to get an insurance plan not to ever charge any such thing throughout the initial phase of one’s specific partner visa application when I have always been additionally wanting to ascertain whether or otherwise not you’ll need extra qualified advice for those who have currently walked in to a migration minefield and now have currently blown yourselves up and also maybe not realised it yet.
Disciple and rigor may be the way that is best to approach this and then we can explain to you just how simple it really is to secure full-time work legal rights for the Filipino partner visa applicant in Australia whilst their short-term visa application has been determined. Log in and supply your details into our web site and permit me personally to function the clouds and demonstrate ways to make use of MEDICARE Cover and full-time work liberties during an on-shore partner visa application making use of our Exclusive 5 -Step Partner Visa application to Australia through the Philippines.
from 32flavas https://ift.tt/343a7eh via IFTTT
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samuelfields · 6 years
The Proper Geoarbitrage Strategy: First Your City, Then Your Country, Then The World
One of the most common pushbacks I got from my post, “Why You Need To Earn $300,000 A Year To Live A Middle Class Lifestyle Today,” is: why the hell don’t I just leave expensive San Francisco if I’ve truly got enough passive income?
Believe me, I’ve been thinking about relocating out of San Francisco for years now because of the high cost of living, the increased population density, the growing homogeneity, the obsessive money culture, and the growing boredom of living in one place for almost 20 years.
My number one geoarbitrage destination is Honolulu, Hawaii, a place where stress simply melts away. My stress level averages about a 5 out of 10 in San Francisco, but immediately goes down to a steady state 3 when I’m in Hawaii.
Although Honolulu isn’t cheap, it’s about 20% – 30% cheaper than San Francisco in terms of housing. If you can save money and live in a nicer climate, that’s a win in my book.
But relocating takes time when you’ve grown accustomed to living in one place for so long. There are friends to say goodbye to and assets to unwind. Then there’s the small, but highly significant issue of raising a first child.
We figure we’d provide our son with a stable home environment up until he is 2.5-3 years old, and then consider relocating for preschool.
Geoarbitrage Already Happened
What I didn’t realize until recently is that I’ve already taken the first step in geoarbitraging in order to our lower costs and live more freely.
I move slowly with big life decisions because I’m more like a supertanker rather than a speedboat. Think of me as the classic late-stage technology adopter.
Everybody thinks about geoarbitraging as moving to the heartland or to Southeast Asia or Eastern Europe to save big bucks on living expenses. The reality is, such big moves are not necessary.
One can simply geoarbitrage within one’s own town or city.
Move 5 miles west, save 40%-50% on rent or purchase price in SF
By moving out of our single-family home on the north end of San Francisco in 2014, renting it out, and buying a single family home just five miles west allowed us to save roughly $4,200 a month, or 50%.
I don’t know about you, but when you and your partner don’t have stable jobs, saving $50,000 a year after-tax sure alleviates a lot of financial pressure.
We’ve been hearing so much about a housing affordability crisis in cities like San Francisco and New York. Yet if people decided to not live in the most expensive parts of the city, their affordability would go way up!
For example, instead of paying $4,500 a month for a two-bedroom in Pacific Heights, you could have a nice two-bedroom in the Outer Richmond district for $2,700. A $1,800 a month cost savings is significant if your goal is to be financially secure ASAP.
Related: Housing Expense Guidelines For Financial Freedom
The Sacrifices Are Not That Big
Moving five miles west means being five miles further from downtown San Francisco, where most of the jobs are located. If we had to work downtown, the extra commute time would be 15 minutes on average each way.
15 minutes is nothing given we all have phones to nourish our minds with Financial Samurai articles. It is simply amazing how quickly we can kill time once we’re allowed to surf the web, listen to music, text with friends, play games, or watch some Netflix.
The cost to take the bus downtown from the north end where I used to live and the Muni downtown from the west side where I currently reside costs the same $2.5 each way, or $78 for a monthly commuter pass. Meanwhile, the invention of Uber pool and Lyft Line has lowered car service by 60-70%.
Further, if you move to a less densely populated area, there are benefits such as less traffic, less litter, less crime, more diversity, more parks, and cheaper goods and services.
Where I live, you can get a haircut for $12 pre-tip and eat a nice dinner for $15 a person. Where I used to live, the same haircut costs $26 pre-tip and you’d never be able to escape a restaurant for under $30 a person.
Don’t Let Your Ego Get In The Way
If you want to accelerate your path to financial freedom, you’ve got to squash your ego for that big fancy house in a prime neighborhood. You might also have to even relinquish your desire to live in an international city like Washington D.C. or Los Angeles.
During my late 20s, I felt I needed to live in the best neighborhoods because that’s where all my colleagues lived. It was a similar pressure to buying nicer clothes than I was accustomed to, to look the part.
But once I extricated myself from the workplace, there was no longer any peer pressure. Sure, living in a fancy neighborhood was nice, but I wanted a change of scenery 13 years later.
Lowering my housing expenses by 50% since 2014 while concurrently growing my passive income by 50% in the same time period has done wonders for our financial well-being.
Our monthly cost to live has now plummeted to well below 5% of our gross income as a result. Growing this gap is the key to financial freedom.
We used to feel a little guilty being away from our house for more than two weeks because that meant we were paying double living costs for that particular time period. Nowadays, our housing costs can hardly be felt, so we feel much freer.
If people arrogantly tell me, “Wow, you live so far away from downtown,” I think to myself: are you really justifying paying a premium in rent or purchase price just so you can live closer to work to work longer? You mindless fool! 
Of course, I play dumb, nod and tell them it must be nice to live so much closer to work.
Start Small, Work Your Geoarbitrage Way Up
It’s always good to start small when testing new things. Instead of relocating to a different country, try relocating to a different part of your city first.
Once you understand the challenges and get comfortable with the new environment, then consider relocating to a cheaper part of the country. If living in a cheaper part of the country isn’t enough, then you can rip off the band-aid and go international.
The last thing you want to do is uproot your entire life in a completely new environment and feel like you made a mistake.
One family of five I know paid $200,000+ in real estate commission fees to sell their house in order to relocate to Florida where the wife’s family is from.
They ended up hating Florida because their adopted kids from Africa were being bullied and they are white. So they decided to move back to San Francisco seven months later and buy and remodel a new house for multiple millions.
Try before you buy folks.
Being able to work from home definitely helps with geoarbitrage no doubt. But even if you had to go to an office with bright fluorescent lights that burn your skin and accelerate your aging process by 20%, having to commute an extra 10-30 minutes each way to save big bucks isn’t much of a sacrifice.
Instead, it’s a blessing to be able to enjoy your same city and breathe in the same fresh air while saving so much money every day.
If you think you deserve to live in the best area, then be happy paying higher prices. If you aren’t happy with the cost, please relocate to a different part of town.
Nobody is saying you need to move to polar vortex country to achieve financial independence!
Buy Utility, Rent Luxury: The Real Estate Investing Rule To Follow
How To Invest Your Down Payment If You’re Planning To Buy A House
Readers, have you geoarbitraged in your own city or area before? Why aren’t more people willing to move to save on housing costs?
PS: I’ve started a Moving To Honolulu thread in the FS Forum. For those of you who live in Honolulu or are knowledgable about life in Honolulu, I’d love to hear your thoughts. My next geoarbitrage moving is coming up soon and I plan to do a meetup. 
The post The Proper Geoarbitrage Strategy: First Your City, Then Your Country, Then The World appeared first on Financial Samurai.
from Finance https://www.financialsamurai.com/the-proper-geoarbitrage-strategy/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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