#first drawing felt too serious so I just started drawing stuff and the second one is what I got from that
twilightarcade · 1 year
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@eatingchemicals <- blog
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juvenillia · 7 months
~ Death of Peace of Mind ~ 14: weak
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x fem!reader
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a/n: did we needed another filler chapter to build up some emotions, yes we did. Just read and enjoy, the next chapter will be different and we finally start building the main plot hehe [I know that keegan is another timeline but I wanted him to be there]
CW/TW: mentions of insecurity, guilt, shame, fluff, angst, violence, the usual stuff
wordcount: 2.3k
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"Sir, with all my respect, you can't be serious?!", you looked shocked and with disbelief at Price. "That's nothing to discuss. You aren't in a state of heading out " Price's usual soft voice turned completely stoic. Looking with a stern face and you knew you couldn't convince him otherwise. "Rog’.", you answered defeated and went off for the common room. It was a few days after you returned to the base, and everything felt kind of normal. Well, at least the most. What wasn't normal was the amount of awareness people - your teammates - showed you.
You literally felt like you were a little weak child because everything they suggested let you feel like you were made from glass. Ghost wouldn't let you go to the gym, especially not alone. So, he made sure you didn't strain yourself and the still fresh wounds. Johnny wouldn't let you eat alone. Making sure you ate enough, and rations with enough nutrition. Kyle would make sure, that you didn't have to do any paperwork at all, using this time rather for proper rest. And now Price didn’t even allow you on the next mission was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
You sat on the couch, an annoyed expression on your face, while Johnny looked concerned at you. "Bonnie what's wrong?" - "Does something hurt? Need us to get something for you?", Kyle joined leaning a bit forward. "Could you just stop treating me like a baby. God damn.", you cried out while immediately standing up again. Your Lieutenant just walked through the door and looked as concerned as Johnny at your figure. By now you were quite able to read his expression from his eyes. It wasn't that hard, because to be honest, his eyes were actually highly expressive. "And you, don't you even start Lieutenant. I'm capable of taking care of my own. So fucking stop it.", you point your finger at him before stomping out back to your barracks. Maybe it was unfair to react that way, they only wanted to help, to take care of you, but at this point it only annoyed you. You were a soldier, just like them. As Ghost caught the bullet nobody even cared about him going the gym the next morning or even heading out to the next mission. But you? You were treated like a rookie who was new to all that and it made you sick. You accepted Price's decision, but not the way you were treated by the boys. It was too much. They always saw you as equal, why not now?
That way you actually relaxed as they head out to the mission you were excluded from. Sure, you told them to take care and come back save, but you finally had some peace. Well, this relaxed feeling didn't stay long. The first day was calm. You could finally go to the gym without the scolding voice of Ghost lecturing you about the workout you wanted to do. You met with one of the Sergeants, the one that already recommended some training sessions to you before. He didn't know about your injuries and therefore you could finally push your limits again. Not to overdo it of course, you knew your body and your limits. And you still had the harsh voice of Ghost in the back of your head. Afterwards you went to take care of some of the new gathered intel. Trying to draw patterns and fulfilling some tasks Price left you. The first night was restful. It was no miracle though, after you could finally exhaust your body again. The second day felt already off. You went to your morning run and neither Ghost or Soap did approach you and adjusted their pace to yours. You simply ran in silent. That was the first time you started to miss them. Until Keegan met your glance and you kind of challenged each other in running. You didn't last long though, the wound in your left abdomen still sending pulsating pain down your legs. But you'd be able to push you further day by day. But the pain in your chest also raised to each day. You weren't greeted by a blissful Gaz as you passed the common room. No new tea was spilled as you head to the canteen in now found silence. There was no Ghost at the table, already finished with his meal but still waiting for the two of you to approach.
Everything felt utterly weird without them around. It was almost confusing how you already grew so attached to the little things those men around you provided. At least you knew that the mission shouldn't take too long. Price assured you it would be about three days, and then they would be back and discuss everything further. But going after your routine at the base without them made you feel somehow lonely.
Sometimes it made you feel guilty, guilty that you moved on so easily. Shoving your previous team out of your mind. But you didn't. Nearly every day you thought about them. Especially Droplet and Kabuki, now, after the talk with König, of course as well about König and Meg. They were your family, and they would always stay that. But you couldn't deny that you already grew highly attached to the 141 as well. At this point you questioned your whole emotional base. Did you changed so much, that you could easily find someone new? A new family? Or were these four men so damn special? You couldn't tell. A question you couldn't answer, but you didn't care. You knew your world turned upside down since you joined them.
You sat here on your usual spot in the common area at the third day and still heard nothing from the team. That's when you started to become unsettled. The day passed by, and it grew long, and the night even longer. By the fifths day you couldn’t sleep at all. What would be if something happened? Something that you could have prevented. All those thoughts out dribbling themselves. You smoked more than usual, were restless pacing through your room. The most time of the day you spent in the office going after clues and patterns. Your mind wasn't able to settle. Nothing could grant you some peace of mind. Keegan spend more time with you, when you shuffled through the halls, trying to ease your mood a bit. It worked only the slightest. You weren't close, still you appreciated his company. But after all you felt nothing than truly weak by now.
You were at the seventh day without proper sleep. Your body was exhausted, you fell into small naps, but they gave you nothing than more headaches. Meanwhile the boys did finally enter the helicopter that brought them home. Exhausted heads, drained limbs, and tired eyes, but satisfied of what they've achieved. Kyle and Price were in the front and Johnny next to Ghost. Soap let his head fall back against the cold metal and smiled satisfied. That smile growing smug as his eyes caught Ghost starring at his phone. He had your contact open, searching for a message but there was none. You didn't reach out to them because you knew it was nonsense. Ghost knew as well, but still he hoped to get a sign that you were okay and waiting for him, wait no, for them. "Already missing her, eh, Lt?", Johnny poked his elbow in his side and Ghost immediately shoved the phone away and stared in the distant in front of him. "Och, c'mon.", Johnny's voice became a bit more teasingly. "To be honest, it was weird without her.", Gaz stated from the front. "Aye. Definitive. Cannae wait to see that brawl face again.", the Scot smiled full of mischief. Ghost only growled low. "You like her a bit too much, Soap.", Kyle exhaled, and Price only laughed. He laughed because he knew what Johnny tried to do but he didn't intervene. He had his own fun watching from afar and letting things come naturally. Waiting for the right moment when he really needed to intervene.
When the boys arrived at the base it was already dark outside. The sun had set some time ago and they were all off to their rooms, stuffing their belongings back where they were before, taking a highly anticipated shower and meeting in the common room. Everyone was quick with their tasks to find some rest in their usual spots in the meant room. Only Price was missing.
You found him as you walked to get yourself another coffee and your heart nearly jumped out of your chest. "Cap!", you exhaled and ran over to him. He smiled softly at you. "You're back! Is everyone... "- "Everything is fine. We were met with some troubling circumstances, but we sorted it out.", he stated with his usual soft but firm smile. "I'm glad.", you exhaled, finally feeling your mind settling. "How are you, Skadi?" - "As fit as a fiddle." - "Good. I need to talk to you about something. Let's head to my office. Shall we?" You looked a bit confused at him, it was already late, they just came back, and he already needed something to discuss but you shouldn't be the person to judge. That's what your life in the military was always like. So, you followed him to the office and that way you could explain what you've found out during their absence.
After some talking you and Price joined the other in the common room and every ounce of stress that was still in your body left as you saw the relaxed figures of your team. "Welcome back, lads.", you said firmly, but happy while taking your by now usual spot at the bigger couch next to Ghost. Closer than usual, close enough that if you moved an inch more to your right, you could simply sit in his lap. Not that you wanted that, no, that would totally be inappropriate. "Are yer alright? Look exhausted.", Johnny looks at you with his tired but still joyful eyes. "I am fine.", you reassure them before they fell in their usual talks and chats. Of course, you're a bit nervous of what Price have told you but that could wait till tomorrow. Now you only wanted to ease the stress of the last days. To enjoy the company, you missed so much.
Simon felt the same. Some time ago his balaclava and a fag would do the comforting after a long and draining mission. Then later it was listening to Soap and Gaz brag about everything that happened during the operation and now. Now your presence, your smile took such a huge part in comforting him. It scared him as much as he embraced it. He was caught off guard when he suddenly felt a weight against him. Johnny abruptly stopped his talking and only looked in awe over. Price did chuckle the slightest while not averting his gaze and Kyle just kept talking, like nothing happened.
You knew that feeling to well. The comfort of the people you held dear around you. The safety for you to finally accept your weakness and just drift away. A feeling you were way too familiar with. Something the four of your former team could easily provide you with. The echoing of their laughter and talks, the warmth of the man next to you. It gave you something the silence of your own room never could. It gave you peace. Peace, you thought you lost back then. But somehow you found it again. You found it in the dramatical way Johnny told a story. In the way Kyle would mock him all the time, while Price laughter echoed through the room. And the way Simon sat next to you, a familiar warmth provided by his sheer presence. It made you feel safe and sound.
As Simon looked to his left, he could see your figure, once again deep asleep, but this time leaning against him. Your head comfortable resting against his statue. Sunken too low to lay on his shoulder, still comforting nuzzled against him. He could feel the warmth radiating from your body. Your chest slowly heaven. He was glad that he chose a hoodie for today. He couldn't bear the feeling of your soft cheeks against his skin. It would drive him mad. He cut out all his surroundings, his complete focus only laying onto your sleeping figure. He was also more than glad to wear his mask. The smug face of Johnny during the flight was already enough for him. Simon didn't want to give Soap the satisfaction of seeing the blush that creeped over his face. He wasn't used to this, so he didn't dare to move even a millimeter. Too scared he could wake you up, too scared you could move away from him. He liked the feeling of the warmth you provided. A feeling that went under his skin. He hated himself for interrupting all of that while carrying you to your quarters once more. He hated the feeling inside his stomach as he saw your adorable features, and the little gasps that left your lips when he tugged you under the covers of your bed. But he mostly hated his inner urge to just lay down next to you, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close to him. He couldn't let himself show such a weakness. Because that's what you made him feel, weak.
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blade-that-was-broken · 2 months
I don’t know why asking but I’m curious.
How did you first find out about Trolls? What did you think about Trolls? What were your favorite character?
About TBT
How did you think and feel about Branch when TBT first released? About fact he has four brothers? How do you feel about JD, Clay, Floyd and Bruce when you first saw them? Sure they have reasons why they left but they weren’t thinking straight, their reasons were stupid and worse they even decided to leave and BOOM! We know what happened in TBT.
(Poor Baby Branch being left in Trolls Tree in the middle of Bergen Town and poor JD…)
How did you think about bunker that it was the originally for his brothers as Branch built?
What’s your favorite member of BroZone, other than JD and Branch?
Where did you think Clay was after he left? There was a theory that he didn’t leave Trolls Tree but I’m not sure about that one.
Did you know that Branch was originally going to be kidnapped by Velvet and Veneer but that was changed to Floyd, that I heard about that. It would have been so much angst! :(
What do you think Trolls 4 going to be about if there’s one? (Idk why I’m asking that 😅)
Oh boy... I'm not sure about the first time I saw Trolls.
I have several younger siblings so I have watched a TON of animated movies over the course of my teenage and young adult years (I'm still a young adult, I'm not that old I promise lol) and several of my siblings do NOT shy away from the animated kids stuff. My guess is one of my sisters put it on and since most of us like the musical movies, it kind of worked out. Why I latched onto it for my hyperfixation a few months ago? I have ZERO idea.
My favorite character was Branch. Introvert, sarcastic, organizational nut, overthinking paranoid? Yeah, might as well be me with a little extra trauma and crazy. (After my fixation started, JD was added to that favorite. I'm sorry just that's how it is) I had watched movie one and two and whatever before but I didn't think much of it. And then the third movie came out and my sister watched it and I decided to rewatch the entire movie series - with most of the tv shows - as well because that is what I do.
I binge watch shows and movies and draw. I'm a big homebody and most of my time is spent drawing so that's kind of what worked. And then I watched the third movie and then watched it again and upon the second watching, zeroed in on John Dory's "thought you were dead" and "came back" parts and well, hyperfixation galore.
I didn't really watch anything as it was released; as I didn't really follow Trolls that closely. Like I said, my fixation isn't very old. So I didn't really care? Okay so when I watched TBT for the first time, my favorite character was Branch and the other brothers, I didn't have much opinion on? Except for Floyd who I LOATHED. The others leaving? Fine, whatever, I didn't really see it as much as child abandonment in the sense that others do at the time because he was left with his grandmother who, as the adult - should have been raising him anyways - so I guess I didn't see it the way some others did.
For my dislike of Floyd in the beginning, it was because of that promise. The others didn't promise to come back so I didn't really hold them to that standard but Floyd promised to return (there is also him telling Branch to take care of grandma which... I GET why he said that and it makes sense too for a kid but Branch... Branch probably didn't take it the way kids normally do) and he never did. Twenty years. Look, I get that the writers probably did not have that backstory when they were first writing the first trolls movie, I get it but AUGHHHHH
The second time I watched TBT, I got a bit more of a opinion on the brothers. Eventually my dislike of Floyd softened, mostly because I figure he's not as grudge-holding as some of the others. Trust me, I know how holding grudges can eat you up. Clay kind of annoyed me; like he felt so childish with the whole "I'm serious and boring thing" like dude, just chill. I like Brandy, don't get me wrong, but the whole giants/muppets thing threw me off guard and it kind of wigs me out just a bit. Idk, it's probably just me.
Also them getting so upset with JD when he slips up on Bruce's name in kind of a heated situation irritates the heck out of me. Don't ask my why, it just did.
Anyways, I don't have a good memory so idk on most of this stuff lol
I think it's really sweet that the bunker was built for his brothers too. I know Branch does that specific thing for Floyd, like, that's his favorite and whatever, but it's nice that everyone was included. It was kind of like that holding onto hope that they would at least come and visit or something; like they would always have a place with him. Which pisses me off more about none of them coming back. I'm not saying they had to stay but geez, they coulda called or whatever. This is mostly with Bruce and maybe Floyd. We don't really know what Floyd was up to so idk. Bruce literally just settled down and pretty much entirely forgot about his family point blank. Clay has a bit of an excuse, since Viva was protective and he had to lead people. John has a bit of an excuse too considering he thought Branch was dead.
I think the Clay one is kind of hard. I don't... I'm not sure if I think that Clay and Viva were friends before the escape. And I'm not sure if Clay stayed in the tree or not. Like, that's a hard one. Cause idk if that would be worse, if he was in the tree and never even visited Branch. I know the timeline between everything is SUPER sketchy and aging for Trolls seems to be... confusing at best (considering Branch is like a couple months old when he's performing?? Or something?? Idk) so who knows how much time passed between the band breakup and the escape.
My guess? Not a lot of time is between the two. I know Branch seems to "look" 5-6 or whatever in the first movie flashbacks but who even knows with Trolls; everything about them is wild and uncertain and the writers certainly don't seem to care about timelines/continuity that much. It's fine, I don't really mind, since it is a kids movie but whatever.
I did hear about Branch being the one to be captured once upon a time. I think that's a bit too much angst; the dude is literally full of angst. I'm kind of glad that it wasn't him but I'm also not entirely fond of how Floyd is treated as a character? Idk, I guess that is mostly up for interpretation. I think it would also be really hard to find John Dory, considering he travels a lot and thinks everyone is dead lol. Or at least, Branch. Well, up until after TWT. So... I'm not sure?
Trolls 4... hmmm. I'm curious on how long they are going to milk this. I'm a little worried if they do because if the brothers are in it, John's just going to be treated like the butt of the joke like in TBT and I'm not a huge fan of that, as much as I would love to see more of the bros. I'd like to think they'd do something either more world-wide centric with the other tribes or something a bit more Poppy-centric, since TBT is pretty much solely Branch-centric. Maybe some Viva and Poppy bonding.
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galactic-pirates · 11 days
For the ship ask: Helen/John/James and Helen/Nikola.
Thanks for the ask!
Helen/John/James Let's plumb the depths of my shoddy memory. I'm relatively certain I had got the DVD before the season 1 finale but it's possible I hadn't. Either way I started watching on YouTube which was rough. I wasn't sure I would like the show and wanted to try it out.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure I decided I liked it by the time I got to the episode "the Five" which was obviously Nikola's debut but that first impression wasn't the best. It was John that utterly intrigued me. Him talking with Ashley, the recollections of Oxford, the whole wrestling with darkness thing. "Shall we talk here or here" as he teleported various places like a volcano. How he put a fist through Nikola's chest and then teleported away. I can't remember if it was with a bow of if my memory has added that. Either way he had my attention!
The whole quasi-immortal "for all eternity" thing. John and Helen for 95% of the time, it's a bit like "I wish I could quit you" but they are just never quite done with each other. It's so painful.
And then came along Revelations - in which my obsession was sealed. The chemistry/energy between John and James could be cut with a knife (ha! no pun intended). Every interaction they had was just loaded with meaning. The way John gripped James' jacket when they were in the ruins. The way he almost tenderly let James take his shoulder to help him walk. The way they had real damn hearteyes when peering at each other over drinks in Helen's office.
Now my brain for all of 30 seconds wasn't sure what to do with this. How could there be Helen + John, and John + James? Then lightbulb and I was like Helen + John + James. The friendship between Helen and James was clear, there was obviously a great deal of fondness. I think it wasn't until I started thinking about them more/writing fanfic that I really 'got them'. Which makes sense sadly because James did NOT get enough screen time. Friends to lovers is my absolute favourite so truly an awesome ship :( But yeah truly an OT3 of equals. Each side as compelling as the others.
This OT3 has so much going for it. As I said earlier the whole "quasi immortality" thing - it's not just a love that lasts a lifetime, but multiple lifetimes. How does that work as the world changes, and they change with it? Add on that James didn't always (I headcanon eventually did) have that 'quasi immortality' and so he had his suit but felt the years more than the others. There's the whole era into which they were born, with Helen being ahead of her time/independent, and homosexuality being illegal. Then of course there is the whole Ripper thing. I left that until last because I think the OT3 is compelling without it, but that as well just adds another layer and I am obsessed.
I've sort of come back a little from the real depths of my obsession. Most of this is because I'm not writing fanfic anymore. If I was still immersing myself in this OT3 I'd be as rabid as ever. They truly do have a hold on my heart. I have so many drawings I would love to do for them one day. I just have a spoons issue in getting stuff done :/
So yes I 110% ship them.
Helen/Nikola As I said above Nikola's introduction wasn't the best. Also like with James I guess once I started writing and thinking about him more, I grew to understand him better. He has a hell of an ego but he isn't half as self-serving as he pretends. He's actually very ride or die for his friends. He'll never say the words, but his 'love language' if you like is acts of service. He'll grumble, and complain, and be insulting and snarky, but there's nothing he wouldn't do for his friends. This is sort of at odds with the whole "guess I'll have to kill you then" thing with Helen in Rome but I do think he wasn't all that serious about it. He'd had 60 years without his friends to stop him from going too far. I think Nikola likes to push it, likes to see how much he can get away with before his friends call him on his bullshit.
Nikola flirts outrageously because I think that's another way to show he cares. Another repeated line in my fics is that it's a way to show Helen respect, because she bristled so much in the 19th century when they met about how she wasn't some delicate fragile flower. Treating Helen normally, and not like spun glass, is just another way to show friendship.
Anyway! I think in most of my fics I included some kind of line about how if James and John weren't around, then maybe eventually Helen would choose Nikola. They have one of those relationships where they are family. They definitely have a bond. I don't ship them, I do prefer them as friends but I don't feel defensive or like my OT3 is threatened by the possibility of Helen and Nikola.
Regardless Helen and Nikola will always be a part of each others lives. They are important to one another. I just don't ship them romantically.
Send me a ship
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capn-queer · 7 months
Actually did some art for once, so. Woo! It's been a while, kinda been just idling trying to figure out how to make good 3d models, but I decided that like. Yeah I should just try making some 2d stuff because it's been a while. And I did. And I enjoyed it.
There's two, a Warframe character and a D&D character, don't know if I should be splitting this up into two posts but like. There's not really a tutorial or anything for using Tumblr as far as I'm aware and it seems unlikely many people will see this anyway so even if it's a bit bothersome, it shouldn't be Too bothersome.
Anyways, first one, this is Damhnait, named after the singer for Sleeping in the Cold Below. They're my Tenno OC because Warframe has been taking up my time in Destiny's stead now that the sunk cost fallacy's not holding me down. They're a bit of a bigger kid compared to a lot of the others on the Zariman, and because of that they felt responsible when everything went to shit, and tried to keep at least their little group together, which they managed pretty well, eventually ending up starting a clan and building a dojo with their friends.
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Fast forwards a bit after first waking up, they're... not doing so hot as a faceless super soldier still, but they're not doing terribly, more just strangely empty as they go about their life up until the point the Second Dream happens.
They aren't the one who makes the discovery but to be fair it doesn't matter that much when you find out everything you thought you knew about yourself was built up on a lie, that lie being the idea that you and the people you are ordering to fight are adults and not a bunch of literal child soldiers.
Obviously, they are not exactly Okay after that little revelation and have not Transferred back into any of their Warframes even Once after recovering their real body, instead being carried around like in the Second Dream most of the time, also not being the most physically healthy just in general and due to that being pretty much wheelchair bound. I mean. If that wheelchair was a humanoid-killing machine capable of magnetizing people's bones.
Anyways, I tried to base them off their look in game a decent amount but obviously it's not perfect, their scars especially bother me but I haven't figured out texture for any of my other drawings and I'm certainly not stopping now.
And now onto something relatively more lighthearted, Cosgrove, named after Matt Cosgrove who plays on the TTRPG channel the Third Wheel and also made a bunch of character songs for the PCs and NPCs. He's one of my current player characters, a Wild Magic Sorcerer who had a very normal homelife with parents who love him and a dog and went to Magic Highschool and Magic College just like anyone else, eventually graduating with an ethics degree and becoming a workplace health and safety inspector for the Nine Shrines Merchant's Guild with a serious disposition and a desire to help others.
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Only... well, this is a D&D character, so obviously there's problems. Not from what you might think though, this man's as straight-laced and surprisingly average as they come, with a loving family, a decent social life, a stable job, a home to come back to, etc. The only real issue is something he's dealt with his entire life, his magic, something wild and uncontrollable that he's grown to resent over the years, which is what even lead to most of his decisions, to his need for control over himself and deeply unhealthy level of responsibility for others even when reasonably he should be looking out for himself.
He joined the party, not because of his own goals or motivations, but because his best friend, my previous character Indrina Morea, ended up getting seriously messed up in the first fight she was in, not enough to kill her but enough for her to realize that she was not enough for the party as it stood then and there, and for her to make the decision to ask for help, going to the most capable person she knew, who she also knew was a strong magic user even if he actively avoided using any magic.
He's got a deeply unhealthy mindset for an adventurer obviously, adventurers are so deeply varied but they almost all Want things, have their own wants and desires, don't hesitate in dangerous situations and act on their instincts. Cosgrove though... he freezes up, he refuses to use magic unless given proper authorization by either the leader of the party or the highest rank ally available. He uses a gun in most of his fights and doesn't even Have a damaging spell.
He's the weakest link in the party, and the rest of the party doesn't Know it yet, even to him, while it's obvious he isn't exactly suited he doesn't know the extent of it, and it's going to be made Very Clear through various fights, getting singled out and having his weaknesses taken advantage of, and through it all he'll either sink on his own or the other party members will recognize what's going on and push him to start swimming. It's all a matter of whether they'll see the dangers and flaws of his current mindset before it's too late.
As you can tell by... well, all of that, I have a lot more to say about Cosgrove than I do about Damhnait, which makes sense because he's a character that's actively doing stuff and not just in my head while leveling up random items. As for his design, it's pretty simple and formal. I wanted to really hammer home how out of his depth he is here by making him... well, an office worker.
He doesn't look like some hero or even particularly fantastical, he's just a guy, he Wants to be just a guy, he's rejecting himself to be that and he's covered it up so well that if the rest of the party hadn't actively seen him using magic in combat they wouldn't even know. I also largely took inspiration from, well, two Jujutsu Kaisen characters, Nanami and a guy from the manga who I'm not gonna spoil in case any of my friends who wants to watch/read the series read this.
Anyways, that's the two of them. Who knows, maybe I'll post more within a semi-reasonable time-frame if I finish up more pics soon. I have been thinking about drawing my other active and soon to be active D&D characters, and maybe when I get more comfortable with art again I can start doing more complex things than just headshots, all just kinda depends.
At least I'm not working with MS Paint now.
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izartn · 7 months
I ended the CFC extras this morning (finished the main plot yesterday at unholy hours of the night) and I started writing a post and like. I don't have any idea of wta to talk about first so I will post first my main impressions very quickly.
1. Confirmed; this is my less favorite by Meatbun. Still better than other danmei I've read, in terms of enjoyment and even writing, and honestly I have no problems with the pairing, but by the end I was having to draw my attention back, unlike Yuwu or Erha.
2. I didn't care about the plot despite having interesting and well thought elements; I was annoyed that they keep interrupting my HeXiw time, instead of suffering the angst of it gladly like when the plot is well written.
Related to the above-> 3. I would have loved a book about HeXie without an overarching plot, just about them dealing being a mess, their even messier relationship and their illness. Posts incoming about the development of their charas and then as a couple bc woah. I really like them.
4. CFC is the book of Meatbun where I cared less about the secondaries and the antagonists adding to me being meh about the arch plot. Unlike Erha or specially Yuwu where strangely for me (I usually only care on second or third reads if there's anything to care about), I read attentively and enjoyed the drama of the secondaries, here they felt very window dressing.
4.5 Given that Qingcheng had become basically an human robot by the start, someone impossible to truly connect with and He Yu only cares about XQC and other people incidentally as they relate to his gege.... Makes sense that secondary charas aren't as drawn bc these mains are so self absorbed; in fact the ones I connected best were XQC fam, bc he cares, and even then it was harder.
5. I can't take the sex too seriously, sorry not sorry those mad about it. I enjoyed how it was used as a vehicle to show the state of their relationship bc HeXie won't talk about their feelings or explain anything to each other unless theyre about to die. So like. It has a very clear function on the story and it's also too clearly fantastically porny. Meatbun is clearly enjoying herself so It is what it is. And HeXie are deranged about each other. Nothing new, that. I will comment mor eon those incoming posts.
6. The search of home, and that what keeps one living are the people who love you and the way the lack of this affects so so clearly the characterization of both HY and XQC??? Perfect, super sad and poignant. Typical Meatbun theme, but driven home even harder bc of the way the mental illness aspect, however fantastical, is presented making it a issue to deal with for the rest of HeXie lives. This stuff is why I wanted the story to be even more about them and not Duan Wen and DCZ.
7. XQC wants someone to fully dedicate himself to, bc he has 0 self (although he's learning by end of canon) (that's why he loves kids btw), and HY gives him that lifelong project bc HY will need him the rest of their lives. HY being on suicide watch those two years XQC was recovering and they were investigating HY cure left that very clear. That XQC was going to go the same way via willfully neglect of himself until his sister had his niece and even then was a husk of himself... Two way street. Codepent messes (affectionate and worried) that they both are.
8. He Yu whole everything could have leaned so much more into the Gothic, he had all the elements. Xie Qingcheng too. Meatbun!!!!!! The moment the narration took itself serious were chef kiss for that mood. But if the book were that way all the time I guess it'd be super depressing to read about these two, and anyways I laughed a lot so. /conflicted
9. Finally: Meatbun really wants magic to play with. I'm sorry but it was kinda funny how all the so called low scifi was at the same time trying to be low key and so fantastical in it's effects. The brain transplants, the seruns, the mind control... The Mandela island illusion cover was really well thought though. I really liked that one. And the holograms. She really could have just gone with a low key urban fantasy setting though, she was itching to go there for her plot points.
That's all for now. Expect incoming posts bc yeah, it's rotating in my brain.
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i actually think a lot abt hangman's family, like my headcanons.
It's a big family, 2 parents happily married, 3 girls and 2 boys, and the grandma from the dad's side. They live a simple life, they have a farm, etc etc.
Jake is the youngest of them all. 2 older sisters, then an older brother, and then an older sister. Then Jake. That's the order. And even tho they always thought of having a big family, Jake's mom really just wanted to have babies. The fact that they grew into kids n then teenagers was something she kinda tried not to think abt too much.
So, she just kept having them, thinking she might lose her motherly touch if she never had a baby to coddle. That meant that was basically a year difference between the siblings, two years between baby number 3 and 4 because of some money complications.
After Jake was born, and he lived 1 glorious year of being coddled and babied (as he should ofc), an accident happened, and his mom got seriously hurt. It meant she had to be bedridden for a while, which meant no more making babies for a while.
His dad cared for his wife as much as he could juggling 5 kids and a whole ass farm. As the kids grew older and started going to kindergarten and having friends and getting personalities, the couple had to damage control, which meant putting a bunch of responsibilities on the eldest daughter, which they thought was a quick solution to their problem.
But she never took any of their shit. Their first born was the toughest kid they've ever met, and she never, no matter how much they screamed and punished her, let herself become a mother to her siblings. She was their oldest sister. That's it. And the most they would get from her is her help around the farm.
So the oldest kids started getting their chores while the mom healed. The second Jake could walk on his own, it was like a relief. "He can take care of himself now. I can rest." and Jake knew this.
Every time he went to his parents with anything, for help, for affection, for questions, they always had this air of resignation to them that lil Jake always picked up on. Like he was an afterthought.
The person that always advocated for him was his eldest sister, but even her grew up and had her own problems and life. Which led to Jake doing anything he could to get his parents attention. Anything.
At first he went for his own siblings, pulling the girls hair, destroying their toys, ripping drawings apart. But he always felt so guilty when they cried and ignored him. He was trying to get his parents attention, not his siblings hatred. So he started going after other kids when he got to school.
He'd annoy everyone, disrupt the classroom, anything to get the teachers to say they're gonna call his parents. He thought it was soooo funny how they only looked at him when he messed up. He started doing it out of spite, just to see them fume.
That is until his brother and him got into a fight. His brother always got cool stuff while Jake always got the scraps, and it led to Jake stealing things from him. They got into a serious scuffle that ended when one of their sisters saw Jake getting choked by his brother and started screaming. From then on, Jake knew that if push comes to shove, his family could just end him like that. They didnt love him, he was just there taking up space.
So he did a 180. He became quiet and withdrawn, but had fits of anger. They came with crying until he was 7 and the kids his age told him "boys dont cry" and he got so scared his parents would abandon him that he never cried in front of people after that.
A year later, when his sister was 13, she was caught kissing a girl by one of their neighbors.
There was a lot of screaming and sobbing, and for years to come, the eldest Seresin daughter refused to call their parents as such. She'd always call them by their names, and would ignore them all the time. The only time she was there was for her siblings, who might have their own thoughts on the matter, but they were still her siblings, and she'd never abandon them.
Things got quieter after this. It's like they were afraid to make noise, lest they anger their parents. So, the kids kept to their own. The parents just thought they had grown up quick and were leaving them more n more, becoming more independent, which was a good thing.
Except they all became their own versions of fucked up.
The eldest had her dream of becoming a horse riding teacher, and plans to do it all on her own. Secretly, shes afraid she'll never be loved and believes this fully. She thinks not having her parents support is better than having it. She ignores how much she misses having their love and approval, and knows she'll never have it. She never lets any of her siblings too close, shes just there to be useful and then shes gone. She assumes they like it that way but they all miss her.
The second oldest wants to be an actress, in theater specifically. Her parents dont approve, but she follows in her sister's footsteps, and rebels against them. She finds out rather early that she's not like other teenagers, in the sense that sex strongly grosses her out. She thinks its because of her being too religious, but secretly she knows she doesnt rly believe in god. It distances her from the rest of her family, since she thinks she's kinda of a freak. She ignores all pregnancy comments her mother throws her way. She compensates by dating a lot of people, but it never ends well since they always expect it to go further and she just cant do it.
The eldest son gets closer to his grandma, which had a love for tapestry. So while he stays on the farm, mostly to appease his parents, secretly he wants to pursue tapestry full time. Him and his grandma have secret tapestry meetings. He feels stuck, like he has to stay or else the whole family will fall apart. He never lets himself live his life lest it ends up being too divergent from what his parents want, and at this point he just wants peace.
The youngest daughter is more of a free spirit, and the older she gets the less she is home. She just thinks theres no point in doing anything grand when she can just stay at the farm with her parents, who r too busy with their trouble children to pay attention to her. She has no ambitions, and isnt interested in falling in love and starting a family. She just wants a place to fall back to if she needs it. She becomes a sort of ghost, there but forgotten. She thinks she likes it that way. She doesn't.
Jake grows up to be in denial over his sexuality. He knows what happens, and he prefers having his parents support than not. He becomes the quiet kid they can depend on when his brother is busy, and thats it. He goes to the navy just to do something, but do it well. In fact, do it so well its all his parents can talk about. Its also a great excuse to not be home all the time. He assumes if he doesnt do good in this thing he chose, he'll lose whatever respect his parents have for him. So he'll just play perfect son, perfect man, etc. etc. and ignores all marriage talk ever. Mostly ends with him saying that they'll have plenty of grandkids with his siblings, so dont bother him abt it.
Its with growing up that the siblings start to own up to the fact that 1) their parents fucked them up bad, and 2) they miss each other a lot.
So they become a strong squad of 5, the eldest sis caring for her queer siblings best she can, secretly emotional abt them confiding in her. The 2 brothers stop fighting, and Jake joins the tapestry meetings, much to his grandma's delight. She always saw right through him. They attend every performance of the second oldest, and shes amazing. The youngest sister judges everyones crushes whenever pics r sent to their groupchat. And its not perfect, but its amazing, and they're healing.
One day tho, they're all there for Christmas. They managed to convince the eldest to come, to surprise their parents. She hadnt been there ever since she got her own place at 21. It's very stilted at first but they manage, mostly because the siblings actually like each other now.
It comes crashing down when their grandma accidentally starts gushing abt the boys work with her, completely forgetting its supposed to be a secret. It gets tense, and then their father makes some comment abt it being smth girls do. And all hell breaks loose.
Because grandma scolds her son and his wife for all the shit they've done over the years. The kids watch as the 3 elders fight over the dinner table. Everyone thought, if somebody is ruining Christmas, then it would be the eldest daughter. She thought so as well.
Their mom is crying, saying how she did her best and all she ever wanted was a happy family, and smth just snaps in Jake. All that anger over never being thought of first, all those years of just not being seen as himself, but just their normal, charming, well adjusted son. And he's the one screaming at them, abt how they're all fucked up because of them, and jsut because they did their best doesnt mean it was enough. If they couldnt be there for their 5 kids, they shouldnt have had them. And that stuns them, and in their silence all of the kids talk over each other on how they've had to be each other parents over the years, while all they did was stay in their conservative little bubbles and never trying to get to know their kids.
The rest of the dinner is quiet, and the kids are the first to get up and leave the table, the brothers and their grandam doing their tapestry session in the living room for all to see, while the second oldest puts on her fav playlist and makes her younger sister dance and sing with her, much to the youngest dismay. The eldest quietly helps with the dishes and ignores any looks her parents throw her way, before joining her siblings and wanting to try tapestry as well. Their parents watch, not knowing where they fit.
The next morning, Jake wakes up first. He's always been an early bird, and the navy didn't help. He's 24 now, and he still has the same routine from when he was a kid. He's not expecting his mom to be awake.
That's when the family finally starts getting together. It starts with Jake and their mom and a very emotional conversation, where she watches her son cry for the first time since he was seven. He comes out to her. She says she will accept it, with time. And it's all she asks. Time.
After that, the kids try to include the parents on their things. The eldest sister reveals her girlfriend of 5 years, and asks her dad how he proposed to mom so she can do it himself. He's overcome with feelings because her girlfriend had asked for his blessing earlier to marry his daughter. The mom discovers that she really likes screen writing, and bonds with her second daughter over it. They talk abt theater and acting, and why she'll never conceive children in the traditional sense. She does want to adopt one day, when she finds her person (her mom doesnt miss the word "person"). The oldest brother reveals that he actually has a personality, which is a lot sassier than the parents thought. They also start receiving tapestry presents whenever he finishes one he likes. The youngest daughter reveals she and her friends want to open a cat cafe, and enthusiastically shows her plans to her parents, that choose to ignore the blunt shes smoking in lieu of asking what the fuck a cat cafe is. And Jake sends them letters, pictures and stories abt his time in the navy. He talks boys with his mom, assuming his dad wouldnt be very interested, but he has a thirst for gossip apparently after crashing one of their son-mom sessions, and now will be personally offended in Jake doesnt talk boys with him there. He's more judgey than Jake realized. No man is good enough for his little boy. Ever.
And its not perfect, but theyre trying, and its fucking bliss.
(names i've finally chosen for Jake's siblings, by order of oldest to youngest: Anneliese, Catherine, Corey, Mia, Jake. their parents names are: Grace and Harrison. their grandma's name is: Madeleine.)
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sanurasdoodles · 8 months
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[Concept] The Nova Crew
If you want to see more like this please support me at Subscribestar / Ko-Fi So a while back, when I was struggling to find ideas to work on for myself, I found an old drawing of a female StarFox fan-character, who was a playful and mischievous husky and claimed she was a descendant of Wolf O-Donnell! I remembered that I wanted to do something with her and for a while and I had a few ideas for crew mates, but unfortunately the ideas either weren’t developed enough or just didn’t stick. The only thing I could remember for her was She was not the captain but instead was the Sharpshooter/ Ace pilot. Anyways I'm moving away from the StarFox universe mainly because I don’t want to deal with the threat of Nintendo breathing down my neck, Nintendo is scary! Which lets me do my own thing with her and her potential story! First things first, the crew! I knew I was going to have a hard time making new characters on the spot, so I decided to add some of my other characters and see if they would fit. So there are three recycled characters, the first are Dunn and Kit of course, since of the few things I could remember of the captain and the engineer, were that the captain was a serious fellow with 3 robotic limbs and was maybe in a relationship with the engineer, I thought those two would work the best to mold into what I need them to do. I also dropped the the number of robotic limbs from 3 to 1 for Dunn since after a while I felt that that was excessive. The other character is one I have been wanting to give love to for a while now, but have been struggling to find a place to use him. Kain, was a MLP oc whose design I loved but I didn’t get to do much with him, and now that I’m no longer into MLP I wanted to move him away from it too. As for his role in the crew, it was something I made up on the spot when drawing these guys out since his design was exotic compared to the rest. He is the resident alien specialist and muscle of the crew! I mean it wouldn’t be sci-fi without an alien right!?
Circling back to the character that started this all, for a long time I didn’t have a name for her, but now she does! Eri Wolfhowl (last name still pending) Is the Ace pilot and sharpshooter of the crew, and the main character of the story! Or at least I’m trying to make her the main character, I got some stuff lined up for her, I just need to flesh her out more. I still want to use much of what I came up with for her in the past, I’m just going to have to alter her legendary ‘ancestry’! The next three are new characters I came up with once I got into the flow of designing the others. Avolin and Drimick Stonewal are two of the new characters, having the relationship of father and son. Avolin acts as the crews second in command and general medic, though I drew him with a serious frown in my first draft, I have decide to give Avolin a more general caring and fun personality, he can still be very serious but he is much more lax then he initially gives off. His father on the other hand is a very serious man, as a general of a large force should be, Drimick acts primarily as a task giver and a supportive character to the crew. And like his son, I drew Drimick with a very serious face but he is also a very caring person. Last but not least is the robo-companion of the crew, Digi! Digi was the last of the designs I made in this line and the one I had the hardest time with. Robots and other mechanical things are some of the few things I’m not the greatest with, but something I want to get better with, so Digi’s design will definitely be getting tweaked in the future. As for their personality, Digi is very curious for they lack an understanding of many thing around them, even if their programming and data banks states otherwise. I still feel like everyone’s designs still need to be improved upon a bit, as this was around the time I learned that their outfits... matter, but I have a lot of fun ideas and stories stored of them. that I hope to fully explore one day.
If you want to see more please let me know! Enjoy! Art drawn by Me Art, and Characters belong to Me
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patchesproblem · 1 year
do you have any spare hcs abt karl or joyce 😭 im starved
YES I DO ACTUALLY!!! I think about those two sm like you don't even understand. I really need to talk about them more, tbh.
I have A Lot to say, so sorry in advance for my nonsensical ramblings.
Actual answer under the cut
OKAY SO!! Starting with our favorite pathetic bean sprout.
I'll separate the au hc's and actual main universe hcs just to keep everything semi understandable. It'll have HC's for relationships with Karl, Planck, Einslas, etc. Also including Elysia and Joffrey because siblings can't be separated <3
AU headcanons:
Joyce is smarter than he gives himself credit for. I'm being serious when I say this. It doesn't express itself as obviously as the Einslas, but that's only because his strengths are in other areas. While the Einslas are extremely smart when it comes to STEM, I feel as if Joyce's strong suit is more in creativity. It's hard to exaplain, but think writing / reading and all that. He enjoys learning new information about things he likes (examples include astrology, writing, etc.) and he will often be able to remember details that others normally wouldn't.
He probably spent a lot of his childhood reading stories, and was probably ahead of his grades reading level. He didn't really have many friends because he has social issues, despite the fact a lot of people did actually like him. He just knew a lot of people, but he wasn't really able to form any close friendships until his insane scientist bestie came along. Though that was partially because he just was awkward and didn't know how to talk to others. Was worried he'd come off as weird or get bullied for his interests.
Tesla probably comes to him sometimes to ask for help with her own writing, actually. Although he doesn't write much himself, he's somehow one of the best people to ask for advice LMAO. They probably bonded over their shared passions, even if they are technically different. (Different in the sense of she's into writing, and he's into reading. They go together hand in hand. Idk I just feel like it's a cute little thing. Besties and siblings <33) He also probably proof reads her stuff occasionally when Einsteins too busy to, though he might've had a few objects thrown at him at some points. He also gives her advice / ideas.
Has a fear of people leaving him bc his parents just kinda. Disappeared leaving him with Karl and Emma as his care takers, and Elyisa eventually left soon after because she got married to Eden and all that. Then when Einstein left with Planck it just kinda destroyed him. He's not upset with them, he's actually really happy for them. Though it gets lonely and he's afraid that he'll get replaced (haha Joachim haha. Sorry.)
Probably really close with Joffrey tbh. Does anything in his power to make sure his little brother has a good childhood. He reads to him A Lot, and actively engages in his ideas. For example: if he has an idea to make something Joyce will help him make it. He also encourages him to pursue his own interests even if it's a one off thing. He'll often draw / write with him too. He's very proud of him
Karl is basically his dad at this point. He doesn't treat him as his nephew, but instead he treats him as if he was his own son in a sense. He's extremely proud of him and that someday he'll make a positive impact on the world. Joyce looks up to him heavily, and wants to follow in his foot steps once he gets older.
When Ein originally came he was terrified of her LMAO. She was an absolute menace as a child and lived up to Karl calling her a brat. He was relentlessly teased and messed with by this tiny goblin who could turn on the water works at any second if she felt like it. She still actually is the reason he's called Welt. Though it's because he's the clumsiest mf in the world, so dual meaning there.
She's actually one of his first actual friends, and partially responsible for his love of space. How they became friends is blurry just because it's more of a "she won't be leaving I need to learn to survive" but despite being eccentric, he eventually came to see her as his bestie / sister. Though he's still absolutely terrified of her. He still has zero clue what goes on in her head and that's terrifying to him.
He's absolutely terrified of Tesla too. Both his besties scare him half to death and he's convinced one of these days they're going to be the reason he gets killed, but that won't happen surely. They're at each others throats constantly, and would probably be those two people threatening to kill the other in a waffle house at two in the morning. They want to throw each other through a wall, but also trust each other with their lives. The only man Tesla remotely tolerates along with Karl. They have sibling energy and you can pry it out of my cold dead hands.
Him and Elysia also probably used to be really close. She cares about him deeply, and would drop anything at a moments notice to help him if he needed it. Though she also does tease him often, as a big sister should. Eden acts as a parental figure towards him as well. They both met when he was young, and he grew up with her around a lot so he just started looking up to her tbh.
He originally goes to Lab 42 to become Einslas assistant while he went to university there, and would help them with stuff similar to how he helped out in canon. Though Tesla basically said "Fuck you, we're your superiors now so you'll refer to us as Dr. Tesla and Dr. Einstein now!" and that's how he started calling Einstein Ein lmao. Tes wasn't amused.
They also drag his ass to Alaska. He never wanted to go on work related trips with them after that.
He's terrified of Planck. That's all. He's terrified. Her constant midlife crisis scares him.
Okay so for non AU headcannons:
Tes and Ein 100% got together in private and planned how to torment him. Just Trust Me on this. They were feeling a little bit silly and goofy and just coordinated together on how to torment him next.
Him and Tes' relationship is a little bit different in the main universe, for obvious reasons. Though they stay besties and have sibling energy. Neither of them trusted each other at first. Tes didn't trust Joyce because 1. He's a man 2. He's a man 3. He's a man and 4. She was scared he'd hurt Ein (was also just jealous and scared she'd pay less attention to her but yanno), and Joyce didn't trust Tesla because she's an angry redhead who would probably kill a man if given the chance. Didn't help that she threatened his life and threatened to castrate him within the first minute of meeting him, but yanno it be like that sometimes.
Over time Tes begrudgingly accepted that he wasn't going anywhere for awhile and that she should probably get used to it. While Eins was out they probably were forced to bond, and eventually Tesla realized that maybe he wasn't as bad as she originally thought and slowly began to trust him. Honestly they were best friends by the time he just decided to die like a pathetic person on them. He'd stay up to make sure she got home okay and alive, and he eventually just became her rambling buddy. AKA Einstein was asleep and she just went on long nonsensical ramblings to Joyce while he just went "uh huh.. interesting.. they did what now?"
Probably admitted some embarrassing things to him in all honesty. Though he'd never be able to tell anyone that considering she herself didn't even remember telling him half the stuff she did, and even if she did she'd actually kill him if he said anything about it. Not like he really wanted to, anyways. Was just happy she was willing to talk to him and didn't completely hate him tbh. Was also happy that he could be there for her considering his whole depression thing and knowing how horrible it was to not have someone there for you.
Though she also always cared and worried about him. Her and Ein had read his 'profile' beforehand, and Tesla immediately was scared and concerned when she realized he quite literally was diagnosed with severe depression. Though she'd never admit that and would prefer to pretend she just found him annoying and pathetic LMAO. At least before his death, after his death is a different story. (AKA she finally admitted years later she cared about him to Einstein and still missed having his dumbass around and constantly had to be held back from nuking Otto off the face of the earth.)
Another note I forgot to add that I'm adding after the fact: He was actually amazed by Tesla's knowledge. Like he knew she was smart, but the extent of it surprised him tbh. Especially after hearing how she didn't even have her degree.
With Ein it's pretty much the same, though she's legitimately just an absolute menace to everyone around her. She intentionally dialed it to ten just to make sure that he was terrified of her and never knew what she was going to do next. She did it just for the funsies tbh. Things were going slow in the lab and as much fun as it is to tease Tesla, it was funny to be able to just bully some random man who had no clue what was happening at any given second. Plus added bonus points for being able to still tease Tesla but making it 100% worse because someone else is around and Tes just gets embarrassed and loses it.
VN is basically two lesbians harass and bully some poor traumatized man for an entire month.
That aside, I feel like him and Joachim got along really well. I like to believe that he took him out sometimes to watch him while Einslas were working, and that Joachim constantly asked the Finn to go see the three. While the Einslas taught him to gaslight gatekeep and girlboss, Joyce taught him actual life lessons and tried to negate the 'damage' the Einslas had done. AKA try to make him stop being even worse than them.
He cared A Lot about Joachim, and probably saw him as his little brother honestly. I feel like they spent a lot of time together, even if it often resulted in Joyce being bullied constantly by three people instead of just two. The explosions also didn't amuse him because he's lame and a coward.
He's terrified of Planck. That's all. He's Terrified.
After his death he intentionally hid from Tesla Einstein and Joachim. He didn't want them to find him, and try to bring him back. He felt like he'd disappointed them all and he felt guilty over what happened, and he was scared they hated him and despised him over what happened. He only shows up for Bronya because he knew that she'd be his successor, and even at that he refused to talk because he didn't want to disappoint her too. Didn't want her getting too attached to him, mainly because he's too scared to hurt yet another person.
Had to end it off depressingly, sorry </3 I'm sure you understand.
Was going to do non AU and AU versions for Karl too but like... He wasn't alive near long enough to even have hcs for the main universe. I've just hit him with the dad beam honestly.
Anyways AU Karl hcs <33
He's a dad. Literally just a dad. Will adopt any insane scientist within a 1000 mile radius.
He met Ein similarly to how he does in canon, and managed to convince her parents to let him and Planck allow her to continue her studies at a college level. Ever since then he's basically become her dad, and that's how she views him. Has accidentally called him dad before.
For a majority of the time he was one of Eins main mentors, though as time went on and he became more busy, Planck began to become her teacher.
He's awkward, and is kinda oblivious. Very Oblivious. He tends to not over think peoples words, and doesn't even think that there's a second meaning in most circumstances.
For the most part he's extremely dedicated to his work, and has issues with accidentally over working himself. All he wants to do is help others, even if it causes himself issues. He's often extremely busy and running about.
Though he also is extremely dedicated to his family and cares about them more than anything. If ANY of them needed anything, including Tesla, he'd drop whatever he was doing to make sure that his family is okay. He loves them all.
I'll have to add more later, but a lot of my thoughts have simply disappeared. I'll dm you on discord when I put more for Karl LMAO.
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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I wanted to start my post an hour ago but I was so upset that I didn't think that it would be a very fun post. I feel slightly better right now but I'm still not having a great night. I don't know why this small thing that happened at dinner upset me so bad. But I feel like it's just building frustration. I just talked to James about it and I think if I do decide to come back next summer. And that's a very big if. I'm going to have to take a week off in the middle. I feel like every year I get to the middle point of the summer and I just lose my fucking mind.
I slept okay last night and woke up tired but not in the worst mood. I didn't want to leave the house honestly. But I woke up early enough to say goodbye to James and then got dressed and packed my donuts from yesterday and said goodbye to Sweet pea. I drove out to putock and I was a couple minutes later than I was planning because of traffic. But that was fine.
I got after talking half and I cleaned everything up and put all my stuff away. I set up for my program and then I went outside to just chill in the hammock until Olivia came. And we had a nice day. Besides it just being too hot and the ink drawing too fast when we were doing printmaking overall it was fun. We had mostly very good kids and I didn't really have any issues. They were really doing a good job and I was able to let Olivia be in charge of the press and I could sit and just watch them and work on my painting and have a good time.
Today I felt really good. We had an hour that we didn't have any kids so Olivia took a nap in the hammock. It was her first time being in the hammock so that was very cute. And I sat and read my book and that is exactly what I wanted to do and it was wonderful. And then lunch was good too. The food was all right and while there was some issues getting food to our table it was I ended up getting an extra cheese grilled naan situation. And I went up to arts and crafts to wait for my next group.
The afternoon groups were fine. We have the second youngest campers and they were so stinking cute. This one specifically who had glasses and just the biggest eyes and she was so serious. And one girl in the group just loved making the prints and kept making copies over and over again. And overall they were coming out pretty good even if the ink was drying super fast. It was more of an issue of just how many layers of ink we were getting. I really appreciate having Olivia here this week because she's been cleaning everything at the end of the day and that's just saving me so much time and effort that would have just made my stress level so much higher.
The last group of the day was the oldest girls. From the Alaskan villages. And they just wanted to make bracelets. Which was fine with me. Olivia worked on cutting yarn for our theme project. And I made a bracelet. And then my bracelet exploded because it was a beaded bracelet and I really don't know why it blew up but as soon as I was tying it I dropped the beads literally everywhere. I just started over and honestly I liked the new bracelet better anyway.
What's the group left me and Olivia worked on the theme. I had her empty out the boxes and I hot glued the yarn to the ping pong balls. Which took a really long time. I ended up not even finishing and having Laura do the last 25 while she was looking for hours for tipi wakon. Not sure that thats spelled correctly. But it was good having a project that we could do over and over again until a little after 4.
Stop showing in front of my old artwork to Olivia and reading her some of my other statements. And it was fun kind of doing a memory Lane situation. I haven't read some of those statements in a really long time. And they're a decade old now which feels very weird. And then she headed to go to the bus and I grab my bag to go take a shower.
Honestly when I got down there I realized it was way hotter in the Sun that it had been up here and I should have brought my bathing suit so I could swim for a little while. But instead I just took a longer shower. And came back up to arts and crafts already sweaty. And I read my book for a while. Until it was time to go down for dinner.
This is where a lot of my upset started. It would have been a message in the group chat from Chris saying that staff was no longer allowed to go in the kitchen. That it should only be senior staff. And that there was just too much commotion in there and too much things were happening. Fine. Not a big deal. I asked in the group chat that since we have been going back there to get the vegetarian option from the warmer what were we going to do about that now. And I did not get an answer. I waited almost 20 minutes before I walked down to the dining hall. And I didn't have an answer.
And Chris was there setting out food and I asked him and he didn't have an answer. And Kieran the vegetarian option is right here. And I said okay am I allowed to get it. And Chris said no and Kieran said why not. And so there arguing back and forth. And I'm just like I'm standing here can I please have the food. And they're having and hawing. And I was just like I don't care either way I just need to know. And they basically just go back in the kitchen. So I went outside to our table. I was so mad. I just feel like the goal post keeps being moved and either there is no food. Or there's no instructions on how to get the food or things are fine for a few days. And then they change the rules again. It's like I had great vegetarian options the first week of camp. And then like 2 weeks of nothing and nonsense. And then last week all of my tears over being told I could just have salad bar. To everything being okay and the food being fine. I don't love how much fake meat there is but I appreciate that they're trying. And now the rules are changed again. That I have to wait. And it bothers me because at lunch today they didn't even get the food out until after 12:50. When I have a group at 1:15. So I have basically no time to eat and get back up here. If I don't go and get it myself. And so I am just fuming at my table. Because it is well past 5: 40 and I have no food. And also no answer. And then Laura comes up and she bring some of the food out for everybody else. And makes a joke about how the vegetarian option is just bread. And I basically had to tell her I am not in the mood to joke I'm going to flip this table so angry right now. And she tried to make me feel better and offer me a hug. But then CJ saw how upset I was and basically as soon as she hugged me I started crying. And I was just so angry that I was crying. Because it feels so stupid to cry over food. I feel so stupid that I keep crying over food. I have so much anxiety that's around it and not knowing what's going on makes everything feel so much worse.
Actually CJ just went inside because she is senior staff and brought me dinner out. But I still have no answer on when or who is supposed to get the food. Charlotte said that it's just going to be out like everyone else's food is. But that wasn't true at dinner so I don't know when that had happened. I'm not going to stand around in the dining room until someone decides to put it out. It makes me feel stupid. And honestly it makes me not want to be here. And that's where I've spiraled from all night.
I had so much hurt and anger at dinner. And it wasn't even just for me. It's for all the vegetarian kids. It's for all the people that can't eat pork. When they keep putting pork in so many dishes for no reason. And I'm just like so frustrated. That this continues to be an argument and an issue. I don't need to be here. I don't want to drive home everyday because gas is so expensive but I also feel stupid trying to help out as much as I do and then just being dicked around constantly. Cuz that's all it feels like. As soon as I leave the safety of the art building everything fucking sucks. Doesn't feel good to say. It shouldn't be like that.
Like there's a lot of concessions that I can make for the way things are here. It's an old camp. Things were done a certain way for a long time and they're learning things. But from the way James talks campus have the same issues with food every year. And the same drama every year. And I think another staff member quit today. Like I don't understand why this summer has been such a nightmare. I started during the pandemic. The worst summer that I probably could have been here and I had a blast. Besides some of the issues with just being fearful about people getting covid. And we didn't even have any positives. But this year we've had dozens of people get covid and it just feels like no one takes it seriously and I'm very stressed out all the time because of all of the stuff that happens outside of my building. And I hate it. I don't want to hate camp I love so many parts of it but this year has not been very fun. There have been many fun times but it's been very hard to keep a positive attitude when I constantly feel like I'm starving or I'm going to eat something that's going to make me sick. It doesn't feel good and it makes me really angry.
Like I feel a little bit better right now. I've calmed down a lot. But tonight was not much better. Because even after dinner was over Chris had asked specialty and lifeguards and anybody else who was around to stay and help sweep because the cities needed to help with the evening program. Which I don't even understand why that they needed help because it was capture the flag. And then Laura the few Day camp counselors that have been eating dinner with us all said they weren't going to come help sweep. And I was like well I already said in the group chat that I would be there so that means if you guys don't go I will be the only one there. And they were like oh well you're not going to be upset with us. And I said no I will be and I will judge you for not coming. And so Laura came and Ibti pain but no one else did. And none of the specialty staff or senior staff or lifeguards or any day camp came and helped. And I just felt so fucking stupid. And I feel like I'm cursing a lot because I'm mad. And I'm using talk to text. But it just is such selfish behavior. And it's been so consistent this year. Of just selfish behavior.
At least at the end of sweeping the kitchen staff brought us cookies from the oven. And that was nice. And I went and took the long way back to arts and crafts. I stopped at the native cultures building and got a shield because I decided to paint one now that I knew that we had some Greta was making one at dinner and I thought it would make me feel better to start a new piece of art now that my office painting is mostly done.
And it did help. It made me feel a lot better. But I really need people to understand when I tell them hey I'm not having a good time and I would like to be alone. That I mean it. And then I'm not being cute. Because I wanted to scream when people would not stop standing around in the building. Thankfully they mostly left. But capture the flag was happening and so kids were running around my building for 2 hours. And screaming. And if it wasn't so warm I probably would have closed the doors. But I needed some of the cross breeze. And I worked on my shield and I actually got a ton of it done. But I'm just not feeling great. Kind of wish I would have gone home. I might go home tomorrow. Who knows.
After I finished working on my painting for the night I walked down to the nurse's office to use the bathroom and talk to a couple campers that I like. And I came back up here and brushed my teeth and I've been laying in my hammock since then. I was so overheated when I started this post but I've cooled down a lot now and I don't feel quite as angry. It wasn't all bad today. I'm just really tired. Emotionally. Physically. I hope this weekend I feel better. I hope that you guys all have a nice night and that tomorrow doesn't feel so heavy and angry. Sleep well everybody. Please continue to wash your hands. And try not to touch your face so much.
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redr0sewrites · 9 months
14, 23, 63 for the ask game!
AAA TYSM!!!! SOOO EXCITED AB THIS EHEHEH!!!! just fyi, these questions are from this post
14. (how do you write emotional scenes? do you ever feel what the characters feel? do you draw from personal experiences?)
when writing emotional things i often do use personal experience or my own feelings, but i also do try to put myself in others' shoes too! i consider myself to be pretty empathetic (to a fault sometimes), and writing too much emotional or negative content def has an effect on me. i always make sure to space out my emotional or angsty writing pieces, and overall it can be a bit challenging handling emotions in my writing!!! i def feel what the characters feel when im writing, esp when it comes to x reader fics cuz i want to make both the readers and the characters personalities as accurate as possible!!!
23. (Best writing advice for other writers?)
WRITE WHAT YOU ENJOY. im serious, if your forcing yourself to write for a fandom, character, or anything at all that you dont enjoy it will be so draining and exhausting!!! you also are NOT obligated to obey other peoples wishes when it comes to writing reqs, trust me when i say that no one else should dictate your writing or writing style. if someone doesn't like your writing, thats their problem and if people are continuously disobeying and disrespecting your requesting rules and guidelines it is VERY MUCH OK to simply not write their requests and to set that boundary. finally, never feel afraid to write or post something if it feels too "cringe" or bad, bc the more you write the more you improve!!! keeping all those ideas and creativity bottled up inside personally made me feel so misunderstood, and i felt like i had nobody who shared my interests. thats why i personally started writing fanfiction, to feel closer to my interests and share them with others!! (also coming from a fanfic writer + reader standpoint, make a masterlist PLEASE it makes finding your fics so much easier and link thirsts as well, not just fics! i see so many good writing blogs with incredible wips or thirsts or asks that i want to read, but have only like 2 fics actually on their masterlist and it takes FOREVER to scroll and find all the posts in the archives. i just find masterlists sm easier and more organized tbh!!!)
63. (something you hate to see in smut.)
THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE OFFENSIVE OR TARGETED, JUST SOME THINGS I DONT LIEK!!! i do some of these in my own writing, dont feel bad if u do this stuff, its just my preference!!!!
now, starting off- when the story starts right in the middle of the smut with NO CLUE where the characters are, what position theyre in, whats going on, like the first sentence is like "i could feel my release building as (character) thrusted into me" HOW? WHERE? WHEN???? WHY????? WHATS GOING ON???? also, when the writer is describing a position or something but 2 paragraphs later the position seems completely different with no context whatsoever- like one second the characters hitting it from the back and the next theyre sloppily making out and rubbing their chests together??? when did they move???? also when theres like NO description at ALL ab the position, liek i NEED to know what im visualizing here😭😭😭 . an unnecessary amount of dialogue is also a no-no for me, like why yall having a discussion arent u fucking😭😭😭😭. AND FINALLY. THE BIGGEST PET PEEVE OF THEM ALL. WHEN ITS TAGGED AS GN BUT THEN THE ANATOMY IS DESCRIBED AS FEM OR MASC LIKE USING COCK OR G SPOT OR PROSTATE ITS SUPPOSED TO BE GN!!!! CAN ALSO BE WHEN ITS TAGGED MALE AND THEIRS FEM ANATOMY AND VICE VERSA, WRITERS PLSSS TAG UR SMUTS ACCORDINGLY I DONT WANT GENDER DYSPHORIA WHEN TRYING TO SIMPLY READ SMUT 💀💀💀
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islesnucks · 2 years
Unannounced - Mathew Barzal x Reader
or ‘the one where showing up at your ex’s place wasn’t the best idea’
Part of the Clara’s Scrapbook: Blurb Series
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Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: angst i think not sure
Add yourself to the taglist!
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In your defense you didn’t know he had a new girl when you kissed him. However part of you was glad you didn’t because if you had known you wouldn’t have done it.
It wasn’t like you to do this kind of stuff, to be this spontaneous or impulsive, but you thought maybe the problem was you were thinking too much about it when instead you should be doing what your heart told you. You were driving back home from work and all you could think about was how bad you wanted to see him, so you took the first turn you found and made your way to his place.
Kissing him wasn’t part of the plan, then again you didn’t exactly have a plan. You just wanted to see him, talk to him, but the moment he opened the door, surprised look all over his face, it was like your body had a mind of its own. Before you knew you your hands were going to his face, drawing him closer until your lips crushed against his.
It felt like home and you loved the feelings even if it was the last thing you needed. The answers you were looking for couldn’t be found in the softness of his lips, yet there you were. His taste, his touch, his smell, his warmth, him. You didn’t realize how much you missed it all till you had it back.
He didn’t kiss you at first, you attributed it to the shock. Just when you felt him wrap his arms around you, his lips starting to move against yours, his body relax under your touch, just when you thought maybe this wasn’t a bad idea you heard a voice.
“Mat?” He pulled away from you quickly. It was a girl, you didn’t need to see her to know it, but she appeared under the doorframe a second later confirming it. “What the fuck?!”
“It’s not what it looks like.” he was quick to reply. You looked at the two trying to understand what was going on.
“I can’t fucking believe it.” the girl said, pushing him away as she made her way down the hallway to the elevator. To her luck the elevator was already there since you had taken it a minute ago.
Mat followed her but there was no point, she had already made her mind up. You stood there, still trying to process everything that was going on. He had a girl at his place. Was she a one night thing? Were they serious? You knew you had no right to be jealous or offended yet you couldn’t help that bitter feeling in your chest. The fact he was trying to justify himself and make her stay didn’t make you feel any better.
“No! Wait! I can explain-” The elevator doors closed before he could finish. The hallways went silent again. He let out an exasperated sigh and turned towards you, or so you thought. With a couple strides he crossed the room without so much as looking at you and entered his apartment. He didn’t close the door which you took as an invitation in.
It felt weird to be back in his apartment. Everything looked exactly like it used to but it felt different, probably because contrary to every other time you had been there you weren’t welcome this time. Mat sat in silence on his couch, head thrown back looking at the ceiling.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you were seeing someone.”
“Clearly.” he let out, eyes still glued to the ceiling.
You stood there, clueless as to what your next move should be. Only then you noticed the apartment wasn’t exactly like it used to, every picture he had of the two of you was gone. The one next to the door of your anniversary, the one he had on the coffee table of the first time you went to one of his games, the one from last christmas when he took you to his hometown he had placed by the window; all of them gone.
He had erased you from his life, he was moving on. Maybe that’s what you had to do, what you should’ve done all this time.
“Do you want me to talk to her? Maybe if I tell her you didn’t know I’d come and that i kissed you-”
“What are you doing here?” he cut you off, finally looking at you.
“I-I … I don’t know.” That wasn’t the answer he was looking for, the way he rolled his eyes gave it away.
“What do you mean you don’t know? Why did you come here? Do you want us to get back together?” He hated how much hope he had interlaced in that last question, but you didn’t notice.
“N-no or maybe? I don’t know Mat.” you stumbled on your words, it was hard to answer a question you didn’t even know the answer to yourself.
His heart broke a little. He had dreamed of this many times, you coming to his door, telling him you still felt the same he felt for you, that it was all a mistake, that you wanted things to go back to like they were. Your answer only remarked that it indeed was a dream, not reality.
“I just wanted to see you so I drove here and when I saw you I don't know what came over me.” You could tell it wasn’t enough, he still was angry. “If you’re mad about the girl I told you I can explain it to her.”
The way you so freely offered to fix things between him and another woman was what broke him. He suddenly stood up and the next thing you knew he was right in front of you.
“I’m not mad about her! Right now I couldn’t care less what she thinks of me. I’m mad at you! I’m mad that you showed up announced 3 months after you broke up with me and just kissed me like it’s no big deal.”
It wasn’t like him to make huge scenes but tonight was the exception. He couldn't keep it in. He hated your careless manner, how you couldn’t see how much it all affected him.
“You can’t do this. You can’t show up and kiss me and then disappear again. How do you think this makes me feel? I’m finally getting over you, I’m seeing this new girl and you appear out of the blue and kiss me.”
“I didn’t know you were with someone.” You knew it was a stupid answer, he had already told you that wasn’t the problem, but you were so taken aback by his words you kept on repeating the same foolish thing.
“That’s not the point, it still would be wrong if I wasn’t seeing someone. You can’t do this. It hurts.” His voice trembled in that last sentence and his eyes filled with tears. He knew he was about to admit something he didn’t want to. “Because while you’re trying to figure out how you feel I already know how I feel, I already know I still love you, and I’ve been trying so hard to get rid of that feeling because you didn’t feel the same and now you show up telling me you’re not sure. You’re playin with my emotions and it hurts.”
He left you speechless. All you could think about was the pain you had caused him, how he didn’t deserve this, how reckless you were being with him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think before coming-” you tried to apologize once again.
“Exactly, you didn't think. At least not about me, about how I'd feel.”
“Mat-” You lifted your hand trying to reach him, to comfort him, but he took a step back turning you down.
“Just do me a favor, leave and don’t come back.”
That was it, this was the end. You came looking for answers and now you had them. It was pointless to even try, you had ruined it. Tears started falling down your face without you even noticing.
Mat turned away, unable to watch you leave one last time. Everything in him told him to let you go as he heard your steps. He knew it was wrong, he knew he would regret it but before you could close the door and walk away from his life definitely he had to let you know it wasn’t all lost for him.
“Don’t come back unless you’re sure how you feel.” was the last thing you heard followed by the door locking behind you.
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hope you liked it!
taglist pt1: @2manytabsopen @nilspettersson @sweetlittlegingy @mcsteamylove98 @ttylfedora @chieflawyerpastatoad @iwantahockeyhimbo @cherrymaybank @fallinallincurls @jordiee95 @heatherawoowoo @tysonsjosty @barzysreputation @stars-canucks @farabeezers @4ambagelbites @kaitieskidmore1 @sodalatte @hotgirlhockey @matwith1t @tseggys91 @audryaho @maximoff-xmen @astrydis @barzysandmarnersbitch @joelsfarabees @bitchforbarzy @caufieldmakesmesmile @deloughrey @thotforthedevils @brias1201 @besthockeyfics​
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soubi122 · 2 years
The Artist and Her Canvases PT 7
BontenxReader, no minors, violence, suggestive material/situations, smut, light fluff, blood, murder, mentions/use of illegal substances, mentions/use of illegal activity.
Tags list is open, please let me know if you would like to be added.
Part 7 - The move
Upon arrival at your apartment, you felt a sinking feeling in your stomach - was this really happening? Mikey’s back in your life, you’ve met 7 others who make you feel at home - you don't want to be left alone again. You were barely finding your ground and were scared that they were all going to toss you aside if something were to happen. “We’ll come back later on tonight, start packing little by little so that you don’t draw suspicion.” Ran said as he kissed your lips when he dropped you off in the back of your apartment building. Your heart was beating fast, you were growing attached to them and felt needy. “…Ran, promise me guys will come back…” Rindou came to hug you from behind and held you close, “Don’t worry beautiful, a few more days and we’ll get you out of here, you’ll see us everyday, you might just get sick of us…” You took Ran’s hand and placed it on your chest - he could feel your heart pounding against his palm. There was a slight sting in his chest, you were making them not want to leave you even for just a second, somehow you became the center of their worlds. You were highly emotional, everything was happening so fast and these men were now your world too.
“I promise we’ll be back (Y/N),” this was the first time you’ve heard him say your name. It makes your heart flutter and you reach your hand to cup his face, “Let’s go…before someone sees us”. They both kissed you on the cheek and began to get into the car. Both brothers didn’t want to leave but had no choice. They wanted to take you upstairs and prove that you belonged to them, that you had a permanent place to stay and you wouldn’t be alone. Despite having Mikey back in your life, your heart wasn’t just in the same state that it was before - you fell in love but were broken. It will take time to piece you back together. It might just take all of them to do so. Once they left, you walked upstairs to the 3rd floor where your unit was waiting to be emptied.
After stepping in, you closed the door behind you, locking it and taking in the whole scene in front of you. Your apartment was small but cozy, your paintings and photos were decorating your living room, the messy pile of paints, brushes and rags were giving you serious nostalgia. It made you wonder what Kokonoi had planned for you - you began to take out the contract he gave you, reading through the whole thing. He really knew his way around the legal stuff, it was a legit contract and was long term. It even outlined your annual income, housing terms and insurance policy. It felt like you signed your soul away to him. But really, you didn’t sign anything, they forged your shit without breaking a sweat.
You left the contract on the table and began packing your important belongings first (identifications, birth certificate, legal and government documents, and of course your photos). The rest of the day you spent packing away small things that are usually out of sight and cleaning while listening to music, waiting for the cops to show up or even the Haitani brothers to just walk through your door. With the music blasting, you were in your own little world - getting things done as quickly as possible. It felt surreal, a new life was waiting for you.
Once most things were put in place, you started looking back at your canvases and had a blank one that gave you an urge to paint. Once the urge starts, you have to follow through, though you have a bad habit of getting distracted from work. You went to your room to change out of your clothes for some shorts and a loose t-shirt, your comfy clothes that you don’t mind getting paint on. The easel was set up and you began to work. A few hours passed and your music was still blasting, paint specs on your arms, legs and clothes, you kept going. There were two empty wine bottles on your countertop and a third half empty one in your hand, the buzz of the alcohol and rhythm of your music had you in a trance. You completely forgot about checking in with Kokonoi…oops.
“She hasn’t called or texted, it’s been a few hours - should we send someone to check on her?” Kokonoi asked Mikey, more annoyed than concerned. He disliked people not following the plan and worse, people not checking in when they needed to. “Send Kakucho to check on her, if we ask the other three…they might knock her door down.” Mikey said with a small smile on his face. He found it hard to believe that his men were smitten with you. Your charm and alluring nature pulled them in and made it hard for them to not fall for you.
“Understood, yeah I’ll check on her…” Kakucho assured Kokonoi that he was on his way. Ran and Rindou weren’t too far behind Kakucho as you didn’t send them a text either. All three met up at your building’s back entrance at the same time “Koko asked for me to check on her, have you two heard anything from her?” “No…and I don’t see any cops around either…” Ran said as he made his way through the door. As they got up to the 3rd floor and reached the end of the hallway, they could hear the music blaring and had an idea of what was going on.
You were so caught up in working and dancing around that you didn’t hear your phone nor the knocks on the door. Rindou lock picked your door again, he opened the door wide open - the music blared through your speakers and they were surprised that you didn’t even notice the sound of the door tapping the wall when it opened. They walked in and closed the door behind them, they couldn’t keep their eyes off of you - you were swaying and dancing, eyes closed with the wine bottle in one hand and paintbrush in the other. As you raised your arms, your t-shirt lifted up to expose your midriff and they were entranced by your figure. The song blaring on your speaker was Influence by Tove Lo. When you spun around you opened your eyes and immediately smiled. Seeing them stand there gave you such a warm feeling, the liquid courage was coursing through your veins and your face was blissed out.
“She’s drunk isn’t she?” Kakucho asked as he glanced at the countertop and saw the empty bottles of wine. “I missed you guys…” you said as you made your way to them and immediately hugged Kakucho. Both Haitani’s were confused by your actions, they expected for you to attach yourself to one of them, but you took Kakucho instead. “Easy there babe…” Kakucho said as he grabbed your waist trying to hold you up. Your body kept teetering. “Hmm…that’s mah neu name. I-I ammm babe or baby…” Your speech is a little slurred and you couldn’t help but enjoy Kakucho’s term of endearment for you. “God damn, she finished 3 bottles of wine” Rindou said as he pried the bottle from your hand. Ran kept chuckling at how Kakucho looked so uncomfortable with you latching on to him. “Alright gorgeous, is this why you didn’t check in?” Ran asked with a smirk on his face. “Heh…Koko’s gonna be soooo mahd, he’sss gonna fire mee.” You made yourself laugh at the thought of getting fired on the very first day. They couldn’t help but melt at the site, you were so vulnerable and almost ditzy.
“Kaku…can yu kiss me?” You asked Kakucho, drunk on the wine and his scent. “(Y/N), you’re drunk and beautiful, but I won’t take advantage of that.” He responded while running his hand through your hair. You pouted at him, “Hmm...’m not (Y/N), I am baby…” “You heard her…she’s baby” Rindou said, laughing at your little fit, while disposing of the empty bottles. Kakucho sighed and leaned in to give you a kiss, the taste of semi sweet wine on your lips made him dive in deeper. You hummed and moaned into his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck - Kakucho couldn’t stop himself. He was drunk off your lips and moans. Now he understood why the three devils were so hellbent on keeping you. You made him want more of you, he wanted to make you moan for him the way you did for Mikey. Your hand began to slip lower to palm him, he was getting hard and chuckled against your lips. Both Haitani brothers felt a little jealous that Kakucho was getting all the fun.
Kakucho’s phone rang, he didn’t even break the kiss as he pulled his phone out. He answered with a hum. “….hmm? The fuck you mean ‘hmm’?” Takeomi was on the other line. “Did you check on (Y/N)? I’m about to head out if you haven’t.” Rindou yelled from across the kitchen “Kakucho’s too busy being (Y/N)’s baby…” You broke the kiss and yelled back at Rindou, “NO! I’M BABY!” The apartment erupted in laughter, you were beyond amusing - “I’m not even gonna ask, but I’ll take that as yes that everything is fine…” Takeomi said before ending the call. Kakucho grabbed your chin and turned your face to look at him. “You are my baby…” , you smiled up at him and pressed a kiss on his cheek.
“Hey gorgeous, drink some water, we need you sober just in case if-” A hard knock was heard on the door. “Heh, is that Sanzu?” You asked, still hanging on to Kakucho, “no baby, that’s not Sanzu, we need you to get it together…” Shit, the cops were here and you weren’t in the best condition to be questioned. Another knock “Coming! Can you not bang on my door like that?!” “Miss (L/N), it’s detective x, we have a couple of questions for you”, it wasn’t just a cop, there were two well trained detectives on the other side of the door. “Ok, ok, I’m coming…” You said as you signal them to hide. All three went to your room and left the door slightly open so that they could hear and peek if necessary.
You open the door and greet the detectives with a sweet smile on your face. “My apologies, I had my music on…” “Can we come in? We have some follow up questions.” The detectives were a little more serious and stern than the previous cops that stopped by. “Sure, please forgive the mess - I was celebrating.” Both detectives cock an eyebrow at you, the smell of alcohol on your breath was making them overly suspicious of your behavior, Ran felt the need to swoop in and get you out of there. “And what exactly are you celebrating miss (L/N)? Perhaps the murder of your employer?” It looks like the heat was strong. “Of course not silly! I got a new job! I’m so - wait, what did you just say?” You paused and looked the detective in the eyes, “Oh my god, oh my god, what happened?” You question in shock and disbelief. “That’s what we’re here to find out, where were you yesterday afternoon and evening?” They questioned you without hesitation, you felt their suspicion shift towards you. “I was in a meeting and at a dinner party with my new employer, after the two officer’s from yesterday informed me about the incident regarding the abandoned building, I was too scared to continue working at the building.” You said with a concerned tone in your voice, the detectives were looking at your body language, looking for any signs of dishonesty or discomfort.
“And do you have proof of this dinner party? Unfortunately, we are considering everyone who was in touch with Mr. sleaze ball recently as suspects.” “I totally understand Sir, I have the contract actually on the table,” You point at it, they asked for permission to review the date and signatures, they immediately noticed the notary on it. It was legit. “You will be moving out, is that correct?” “Oh yes, I will be onsite for my new job.”
Then they asked for the receipts of your dinner, “Sure,I have them in my purse, may I?” You got permission to go to your room, you didn’t notice that one of them trailed behind you. “Hide!” Ran whispered. When you stopped to open the door, the detective bumped into you “Pardon me miss, I have to accompany you as a security measure.” Your heart started to beat faster, there were three men in your room, two of them part taking in the murder of your ex employer. “I understand, my room is such a mess - I hope you don’t mind...” You say as you open the door carefully.
Your room was empty, no sign of any of them - they may have either hid in the closet or under your bed. Luckly, your bag was on your bed and you grabbed the receipts. “Here you go, please let me know if you need anything else.” The detective examined the receipts and returned them to you. “Excellent, thank you.” Was all he could say. Both you and the detective exited the room and returned to the kitchen - “that was close...” exhaled Rindou. After much back and forth with the detectives, they finally removed you off the suspect list, the alibi and notary on the contract was ironclad. “Thank you for your time, please let us know if you happen to hear anything. Also, just out of curiosity, those marks on your neck…they aren’t bruises are they?” You smiled coyly and lifted your hair to expose your neck, “These? No, they are my boyfriends’ love marks…” “I see, have a good evening.” With that, they left your apartment.
All three emerged from your room and smirked at you, they felt proud of your boldness to expose your marks and stating that you have been claimed - “you kept your cool even while drunk....you are really full of surprises” Rindou said as he picked you up and sat you on top of the kitchen counter and placed himself between your legs as you wrapped your arms around his neck. This morning’s encounter was replaying in his head and he couldn’t help but nip at your neck again - making sure he made his mark deeper. Your breath hitched at the sensation. “You’re gonna give her a blood clot, stop it.” Ran managed to stay as he unhooked your arms from Rindou’s neck. “We will start moving things tonight, don’t worry about furniture items, Kokonoi already has the new place furnished.” Ran said as he bumped Rindou out the way and positioned himself between your legs.
As he did, you wrapped your legs around his waist - “Ran…are you three staying over tonight?” You traced circles on his chest with a pout on your face. The alcohol was bringing out your true nature. All you wanted to be was in pure bliss, a high that you never wanted to come down from and you have three men here that can take you there. Kakucho felt his cock twitch at your question, the fact that you placed yourself in his world without effort…he knew he had to have you. “You know we can’t just yet, but I promise once you’re in your new home, we will spend the nights with you, and the mornings and afternoons and any other time you want…” Ran’s voice was sweet like honey and it made you grind your hips. Your core was aching, needy and wet.
Ran was good at keeping his arousal in check, but you were slowly breaking him down and making it harder for him to stay level headed. “Mmm…but you promised” You said a little disappointed at his response, you were feeling bratty at not getting what you wanted. “Oh? Are you throwing a fit baby?” Kakucho said as he walked up next to Ran and tilted your chin up to face him. “Be a good girl and let us take care of you when you move to your new home...” His tone was coy, you wanted nothing more than to press your pretty lips on him again. Can you really stay in control when you have multiple temptations in front of you? You began to slither your hands down between your legs and leaned back into the counter - “I need you...now” The voice dripping from your lips was breathy and your face was dusted in pink, you felt needy. This is what Mikey knew, when you get like this you need something or someone to satisfy you or else. Each of them swallowed hard, they had the perfect woman who was in dire need of a good fucking but they had a schedule to follow. “...please” You begged and rubbed your clothed clit. “We’ll give your body what it wants when you get to your new home, but you need to be a good girl now and get packing...” Kakucho said and there was a slight sense of regret, he wanted to take you on the counter top and give you what you wanted. You decided to behave and released your legs grip on Ran’s waist. “Fine…” They chuckled at your look of defeat. The rest of the day was spent packing and moving boxes in and out of the building. Since you were removed off the suspect list, it made it easier for you to move out of the building quicker.
Throughout the upcoming days, the men would take the boxes out and drop them off at your new home. You have yet to see this new place, Kokonoi was adamant on keeping it a surprise from you. You found it a little scary that he had already taken care of your address change for mail, bills, etc. “Hey, I haven’t seen Sanzu, Kokonoi or Mikey lately, they haven’t stopped by at all...are they ok?” You asked Mochizuki as he was helping you take out the last of your boxes. “They’ve been busy with...work” “Ah, got it.” You almost forgot what they really do for a living, you were used to seeing a different side of them, not the ‘business’ side. “Darlin’, we need to get going - Kokonoi asked for us to finalize your move and take you to your new place, we need to be there by 7pm.” Takeomi said while carrying your items. Only Takeomi and Mochi were with you today. Everyone else had work to do and wouldn’t be able to see you until tomorrow.
Once everything was ready to go, you took a look back at your now semi empty apartment, this was the last time you would see this place. “Little lady, you aren’t regretting coming with us, are you?” You let out a small laugh, “Of course not, I am happy to have met you all and I appreciate you guys taking me in...now I won’t be alone... ” Both men patted your head and smiled at you, “Try not to get too sick of us later on, especially with Sanzu - he can be a little overwhelming.” Takeomi said as he walked down the hall with you. “Ha! You really think I can’t handle him?” You say confidently, turning to look at him with a grin on your face. “Hmph, suit yourself darlin’ - there’s a reason why you haven’t seen him lately....” Takeomi made you question what that reason is.
After dropping off your keys at the front office, you were ready to take on this new world with them. “Mochi, can I drive your car one da-” “Nope” He quickly cut you off before you could say you were kidding. “Geez, I won’t hurt Lucy, I promise” You laughed at his response. The car ride consisted of general chitter chatter and jokes, these two men were like older brothers to you - they made you feel safe and comfortable.
As they pulled into the underground parking lot of the building, your eyes almost popped out of your head as you saw the outside of the building. “Guys, I can’t afford to live here...” They both stopped the car to turn and look at you, “What? I’m serious, this looks expensive as fuck.” You were met with roaring laughter. “You’re not paying the rent anyways, Kokonoi is handling that for you.” Mochizuki responded while wiping tears from his eyes, he found your aloofness funny - other women would probably be excited to live in a high-end condo building and not even care/ask who is paying the rent. And then here you are scared that you can’t afford rent, still assuming you’re taking responsibility for living expenses. Mikey was vague about you belonging to Bonten, he didn’t mention anything about being taken care of nor worrying about living expenses.
After taking the last of your items out of the car and getting in the elevator, they gave you the honors of pushing the button to the top floor. Swallowing hard, you asked - “Are you sure this is ok? Top floor residences are extremely expensive. This is too much!” Both just nodded and smiled at you. As the elevator reached the top floor and pinged, you three walked out of it and headed to your new unit. The top floor was reserved and you would be the only tennant there.
“Here we are little lady, welcome home...” Mochizuki said as he opened the door, Mikey and Kokonoi were waiting for you. “Welcome home angel...” Mikey said as he lazily made his way to you, pulling you in for a kiss. Your heart fluttered and you couldn’t wrap your head around the new home. You returned the kiss and hugged him, you missed him and everyone else too. “Mikey, this is too much...” “You don’t like it?” “No, no - it’s not that. It’s just a really expensive place, I can’t afford this...” Mochizuki cut in “We already told you that you’re not paying for anything, don’t worry...” You felt undeserving of their generosity, it was too much and you didn’t know how to process it. “C’mere princess, I need to show you around your new home.” Kokonoi said while extending his hand to you.
You took his hand and he guided you through the whole condo. The place had high ceilings, a private balcony, a walk-in closet, a large kitchen with an island, living and dining room combined and washer and dryer units. The master bath was huge, it had both a shower and bathtub, separate room for the toilet, two sinks and a large vanity. Your master bedroom had a king sized bed - your imagination was running wild at this point. It can almost fit everyone. “Oh, by the way, we all have keys.” He whispered in your ear. It was like a sign or a warning.
“Koko, regarding this contract, what exactly am I doing for work?” You asked him as you threw yourself on top of the king sized bed. Kokonoi sat at the edge of your new bed and gave you a smirk - “For now, you’re eye candy and within the next few weeks, I will train you…Mikey told me you used to be into photography” “And? What exactly am I doing for you?” This was starting to sound like you were going on field work, not that you didn’t mind, you wanted to work or do something in return for all this but what else does he have up his sleeve? “Will I still be able to do freelance work?” Kokonoi snorted at your question. “Of course…not, remember who you belong to now…you aren’t allowed to meet with anyone that we don’t know” He ran his fingers up your thigh and you didn’t know whether to take it or be upset that you had lost control of your life. Of course, what else did you expect? You had to be careful, you could put not only yourself at risk but you can also put them at risk.
You sat up and looked him in the eye, “I could be more than just eye candy you know…” “Oh I know, that you’ve already proven…” He leaned in to whisper in your ear, “I won’t baby you like Mikey and the others do, I will work you just as hard as they can fuck…” He gave you goosebumps, he was giving you a warning - this training won’t be easy. “So tell me, do you fuck harder than they do?” You felt him smirk against your ear, his hands ran under your shirt to give your breast a light squeeze and you left out a small moan. “You’ll just have to find out, princess…” You tackled him into the mattress, pinning him underneath you. “Can we find out now?” You asked playfully and slowly rolled your hips, he was getting hard. Kokonoi’s hand grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you in - his breath fanned your lips. “Next time…I don’t think-” “You are not allowed to break in that bed yet without me.” Mikey said from the doorway, interrupting your playtime with Kokonoi. “Will you be spending the night with me or will I be spending the night alone?” You ask Mikey, while running your hands through Kokonoi’s hair. Just as Mikey was about to answer, you could hear the front door open and a series of voices. “Looks like everyone else is here, come on princess…before they see you in this room and keep you here.” You laugh and press a light kiss on his forehead. “You and I will need to discuss our business later.”
Upon exiting the master bedroom, you see Ran, Rindou, Sanzu and Kakucho. All 4 were carrying booze and food. “Hey gorgeous, welcome home.” Ran greeted you with a warm smile and set the items on the island. This new place was starting to feel like home already. “Oh! Can we take a group photo? I promise not to post it and I will make a copy for everyone, please!” You clasped your hands together, Mikey was reminded of that day you first met - he couldn’t help but wrap his arms around your waist, “Anything for you angel.” “Yay! Ok, I need everyone to gather around the couch, Mikey - you sit in the middle, Sanzu, I need you to sit next to him. Koko, you sit on Mikey’s other side, Ran and Rindou, I need you both here with Kakucho. Takeomi and Mochi, I need you two here. Perfect!” You arranged everyone so perfectly, they looked like a real family - you paused and told everyone to smile. “What about you sweetheart?” “Just a second, I want this one for myself.” They all gave a small smile and you took the picture. You felt butterflies in your stomach, it was the first time in a long time that you felt at ease and happy.
“Ok, I am setting the timer for 10 seconds-” “Wait, where are you going to sit princess?” Kokonoi asked right as you scurried to them and threw yourself on their laps, “Say cheese!” Click!
Part 7 End
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aquamarinescarlet · 3 years
Don’t give up just yet
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Word count: ~3.6k
Warnings: two curse word (I think), brief mentions of sex and cheating, angst (bare in mind these warnings don’t apply the way you think they do, you’ll have to read to understand)
Summary: The classic soulmate AU, sentences written on each other’s wrists, but with a twist.
Author’s note: This was basically an excuse for me to reinvent the soulmate AU with the wrist tattoos thing. It’s sorta angsty, but I just thought the ending was too funny. Just experimenting here, tell me what you think.
PSA: Dividers are the count down till the day: black is reader focused, red is wanda focused, gold/yellow is also reader focused, but I thought it deserved a little spark.
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“You should call her, y’know.”
“Why would I do that? She made her point very clear.”
“It’s her wedding day, Y/N,” Mia reasoned, “and this fight was months ago, you have to get over it.”
You rolled your eyes at her insistence. This discussion has been happening every day for the past two weeks.
“I didn’t do anything wrong, why am I the one who should get over it?” You emphasized.
“He is her soulmate, and she is your sister, the least you could do is pretend.”
“Ugh,” you let out a guttural scream, “I can’t do this anymore Mia, I stand by what I said. That man is an asshole and this soulmate thing is stupid. I don’t trust him, no matter what the words on both their wrists say, and I’m not gonna watch her go down with this and not do anything about it.”
Mia didn’t respond, she knew she’d reached your last nerve. You watched as the woman left your office, sending a last sympathetic glance your way before walking into the hall. 
Mia was right in some points, and you knew that. She was right about it being your sister’s wedding day and that you should be there to support her. She was wrong about you needing to be the one to apologize though. The way people manipulated their lives to fit this whole twisted Soulmate Theory made your blood boil.
The Soulmate Theory was quite simple: everyone was born with a sentence written on their wrists, popular belief is that those are the first words your soulmate will say to you. It was cute, and it worked most of the time, not for your sister though. Or at least you thought so.
Oli's soulmate was Isaac. They had met three years ago and eventually started dating. Oli was a firm believer of the Soulmate Theory and had never dated anyone before, so it was all new and exciting.
You started noticing the patterns roughly one year after they started dating. He was controlling her, discreetly, barely noticeable, but it was there. 
First with clothes, Oli had made it a habit to always ask for his opinions on her clothing, and he would tell her he hated something, regardless of her telling him over and over again she had liked it. You made little comments here and there about his actions, mostly jokes but with some truth behind, she didn’t notice.
Second was friends, Isaac would always want to meet Oli’s friends, and if she went out with one he didn’t know he would make her feel guilty. You started giving more serious warnings, pointing out what he was doing more clearly, she didn’t care and called you crazy.
Third was her feelings, he had his mind set on what her role should be in his life. He praised Oli endlessly when she cooked or cleaned. Other than that, he didn’t care, didn’t pay attention to her stories, didn’t appreciate her paintings and drawings… 
It got to the point where she wouldn’t want to paint anymore, when she was telling a story it would be without her usual excitement. Her smile no longer reached her eyes, she was constantly tired. 
You confronted her about it, several times, but it was of no use. You’d point out the facts and she’d retort with ‘he is my soulmate, the universe bound us together, he wouldn’t do this to me!’
Three months ago was the last time you two talked. She told you he asked her hand. She knew you would be against it, she tried to ease you into the idea of her being with Isaac for the rest of her life. You weren’t having any of it. 
After hours of screaming, arguing and loads of tears, she told you not to come to the wedding, and you said you wouldn’t. 
It’s now four days from the date and you’re not going as long as he’s the one she’s marrying.
You stared at the words on your own wrist. ‘It’s you’. That sentence haunted you for years. What a stupid set of words for your soulmate to say.
As a kid you adored the Soulmate Theory, you paid meticulous attention to the first words you’d exchange with anyone, you made new friends nearly every day in hopes of hearing those words, but they never came.
Until they came. At first it was exhilarating, but the ones you said didn’t match the ones on the person’s wrist. You were extremely disappointed. And then you heard them again, and again, and again… It became almost routine. Every single person you met would say ‘it’s you’ or some variation of it. 
You being who you are certainly didn’t help. During college you had started a tech company and now it had grown to be one of the biggest and most important in the field. The new inventions did win you several prizes and a lot of money. You were also stupid famous, being the young brilliant CEO and all. 
Ever since, you gave up on looking for your soulmate. It seemed counter productive to get yourself all worked up just for it not to happen every single day. You made your peace with it, although a small part of you just wanted to meet said person.
The situation with Isaac and Oli helped. Seeing that it could end up hurting you made it easier to not fixate on finding your soulmate. Nonetheless, the desire was there; hidden, pushed to the back of your mind, but still there.
You just wished your sister could see it too, that the Soulmate Theory is not the solution to all her problems. 
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“Relax Steve, it’s all taken care of.” 
“What about the flowers? Did you book the buffet? Did you check with the band? And the decorations? I saw some people didn’t RSVP yet, should I redo the seating charts?” Steve rambled on as Wanda just laughed.
“The flower problem is solved, the buffet confirmed, so did the band, the wedding planner is working on the decorations and redoing the whole seating chart seems… unnecessary, they still have three days to confirm their presence.” She reassured the man who was more stressed than her about the whole situation.
“Okay, sorry, I just want to make sure everything is perfect.” He huffed, taking a seat on the couch. 
“It’s going to be perfect, don’t worry.” She couldn’t help the weirdness that surged upon uttering those words.
“How are you so calm?” Wanda just shrugged, not really sure how to answer. 
Steve took a deep breath and gazed at the red head, offering her a smile. 
“I’m going to sleep, all this wedding stuff has been stressing me all day.” 
“Okay,” Steve made his way to his bedroom but she called him before he reached the hallway, “thanks for the help Rogers.” 
“No worries.” He shot a last smile before disappearing. 
Wanda found herself alone in the living room, the silence only making her thoughts scream louder.
She would be married in three days. It seemed unbelievable. After losing her parents, being experimented on at Hydra, fighting along Ultron, losing her brother and becoming an Avenger, she never thought she would have time to fall in love.
Yet, here she is. Although the feeling wasn’t quite what she thought it would be. It wasn’t exciting, or nerve racking. She felt no different than any other day of her life. Steve seemed like the one who was getting married, not her. 
Vision is sweet and caring, she feels so happy around him. Then what is causing all these doubts to haunt her?
She knows what it is, she just doesn’t want to admit it.
Those words. Those stupid words painted forever on her wrist. ‘Don’t do this’. Ever since joining the Avengers she started using several bracelets to hide them, but they still burned on her skin every single day.
She’d heard of the Soulmate Theory at a very young age. Her parents had explained how those were the first words she’d hear from the love of her life. She would spend hours daydreaming all sorts of scenarios in which someone would say those words to her and they’d fall in love.
After her parent’s death, that stopped being her priority. At the Hydra base she’d only see her brother and a couple dozen different Hydra soldiers, too old and mean for a soulmate. 
Gaining powers was a game changer. She was older then. Stronger. They finally allowed her and Pietro to leave the base and create chaos in Hydra’s name. “Do good” in Hydra’s name. She believed she was doing the right thing. She truly did. 
Hearing her first ‘Don’t do this’ made her question everything. It came from a little kid nonetheless. A scared little kid. It must’ve been a mistake, she thought at the time. But that mistake happened, again, and again, and again… 
When she joined the Avengers her eyes were opened to all the pain and terror she had caused. All the people she hurt. Then it dawned on her, what if one of those ‘Don’t do this’ came from her soulmate? What if she had hurt them, or worse, killed them?
The idea terrified her. So she hid those words on her wrist. A reminder of the evil she’s done and the love she’ll never have. She promised herself to never look for her soulmate, she already caused them enough pain, they didn’t deserve to get tangled in the mess that was her life.
And then Vision was created. Him and Wanda got along greatly. He made her happy. They fell in love, or at least that’s what Wanda told herself, that she fell in love with him. It was possible, there’s no rule on the Soulmate Theory that says you can only fall in love with your soulmate. Plus, Vision is not human, so he doesn’t have words written on his wrist, he doesn’t have a predestined soulmate, technically he doesn’t even have an actual soul for this sort of thing. They could be each other’s soulmate. A loophole on this stupid theory.
Why didn’t it feel like that though? Why was she questioning it so much? And why now? Three days before her wedding?
She took off the bracelets and stared at the ink, brushing her fingers lightly over it. She loved Vision, she affirmed to herself. She wants to marry him. This is what she wants. And she believes in these words, for a while. Long enough for her to fall asleep, turning off her brain from overthinking the situation too much.
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Work has had you occupied all week. With back to back meetings and loads of paperwork to fill out, you’ve barely had time to think of anything else.
But now it seems like everything is done and you have more free time than you’d like. 
You left the office early, not having much to do there anymore, and, instead of spending all afternoon home alone, you decided to go out for some coffee.
You were sitting on your usual table in the small coffee shop close to your place. It was calm, quiet and homely, a nice contrast between the places you frequent. The warm cup on your hands did nothing to distract you though.
The book you’d brought was long forgotten on the table as you glanced at your phone every few seconds. It’s two days till the wedding and, even though you tried not to think about it, you hoped your sister would text you saying she broke it off. It was unlikely, but wishing she could get some sense knocked into her wouldn’t kill.
You were so focused on your thoughts that you didn’t notice a woman glancing at you until you caught her trying to call your attention.
“It’s you!” She said, astonished, pointing to the cover of a magazine showing a picture of you.
Recognizing that issue as being a rather old one, you just nodded and offered the woman a friendly smile. She took that as an opportunity to approach you.
“Hi. Sorry,” she sounded excited and also nervous for bothering you, “I just wanted to say what an inspiration you are to women all around, to me especially. I’ve been opening my own business and seeing what you do has been such an encouragement to me. So, thank you!” 
You were surprised by how nice she was. You’d expected her to ask you to invest in her business or something, like everyone who approaches you does, but she didn’t and it was a nice change of pace for once.
“What kind of business are you opening?” You asked. Listen to her talk would be a good distraction, plus, you could use the company.
“Oh, no, that’s ok,” she said, “I don’t want to bother you any further.”
“Please,” you urged, “I have the rest of my day off and I could use someone to talk to. Unless you’re busy, then I wouldn’t want to be a burden to you.” You laughed to ease the woman’s nerves.
“Sure?” You nodded and gestured to the empty seat across from you. 
She accepted it and you spent at least an hour talking before she had to leave. It was a pleasant conversation, she praised your work but didn’t refrain from giving some interesting criticism on your business. The topic of an investment or a partnership never even came up. 
It got your sister out of your mind for a while, although it didn’t last long.
Laying on your bed, your eyes fought to stay open, your mind swirling with all possible scenarios regarding Oli. She would be miserable if she went through with this, and you couldn’t do anything about it.
You love your sister, you care so much about her, but she refuses to listen to your warnings. You could swallow your pride and go to the wedding. You could try and support her. But that would just make an accomplice to her stupidity and you’re not going to just stand there and pretend that that’s ok.
You thought about texting her, way too many times. But your relationship is already rocky as it is, the least you could do is hope she gets some clarity on her own.
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One day till the wedding. She’s 24 hours away from the happiest day of her life. Why is it, then, that Wanda doesn’t feel as happy as she should be. 
She didn’t have to fake a smile, she was happy, but that smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. 
None of the others seemed to notice it. They just thought it was the nervousness of having everything set so the day could run smoothly. Vision even brought up the possibility of her having cold feet about it, but she denied it thoroughly, assuring him she wanted this.
And she does. She wants to get married, have kids and build up a family of her own. She wants it all. 
It still seemed weird though. Like something was off. 
“Steve just called,” Nat interrupted her thoughts, walking back into the room, “everything is set, prepped and organized for tomorrow.”
“Let’s try on the dress then.” Carol urged the girl to put on the piece of clothing for the millionth time.
It did her justice. Slim at the top and flowy at the bottom, accentuating all her curves perfectly. It wasn’t big and puffy but light and delicate. She smiled at her own reflection as the other women crammed around her to take a look.
“You look beautiful.” Pepper said in awe. 
“She does, doesn’t she.” Laura agreed, even though she’s the one that helped her choose it.
Wanda didn’t say anything, just smiling and appreciating her own image, excitement growing on her chest from wearing it in front of everyone the next day.
The girls spent hours planning how they would do her hair and makeup. There were so many ideas, disagreements and arguments that Wanda was completely drained by the end of the day. She was happy though, to see her friends being there for her, eager to help and make sure everything was perfect.
It was nice to have people around since she lost so much throughout the years.
After the women were gone and she found herself alone, Wanda’s thoughts from the beginning of the day came back, hitting her like a train.
Was she really more excited about wearing a dress than about getting married? Was this a sign of her actually getting cold feet? 
She shrugged them away, affirming to herself these are just stupid uncertanties people always get before their wedding day. At least that’s what happens in movies, so nothing to worry about... right?
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Thankfully your work slump had subsided as now a gigantic pile of papers sat on your table. Some contracts had to be restructured and a set of stores had to be chosen to distribute your newest technology. 
You thrived in that scenario, with countless reports and 2D drawings of the prototypes scattered about the room. Your mind was going a thousand miles a minute, seemingly unaware of the events that would take place later that day.
That peace, however, was short lived. Your brain short circuited for a second when you checked what had caused your phone to buzz.
Two voicemails. 
From none other than Isaac. 
It was right then that it dawned on you: Oli was marrying that asshole today. In only a couple of hours actually.
Before listening to the messages you started to record your phone screen, maybe he would try to threaten you or something and you could use that to convince Oli to break things off with him. It wouldn’t kill to be precautious.
The first one was sweet, although it almost made you gag, it was sent with good intentions. Isaac was asking you to go easy on Oli, regardless of your feelings towards him, you should be supportive of her and her decisions. Too pretentious for your liking, but sent with good intentions nonetheless.
The second one started awfully weird. Some muffled sounds, things you couldn’t quite make out. Until you heard a loud moan, your eyes going wide as you pushed your phone away from your face. Isn’t it technically ‘bad luck’ to see the bride on the wedding day? You didn’t have time to dwell on those thoughts as the voice on the phone started to moan each other’s names. The woman didn’t sound anything like Oli, because it wasn’t Oli. Isaac was cheating on your sister? And on their wedding day!?
Oh you weren’t about to just let that go. You stopped the recording, thanking your intuition, and quickly ringed Oli.
It rang once… twice… three times… and then voicemail. You tried at least four more times until you figured she just didn’t want to talk to you.
“Marie can you come in here please?” You called your secretary.
A few seconds later she popped her head inside your office.
“How can I help?”
“Can I use your phone!?” You sounded more exasperated than you wished.
“Are you sure it’s a good idea to call your sister today?” Damn, that woman knows you too well. You sighed loudly.
“Please… I just…” You trailed off, sounding desperate this time around.
Thankfully Marie gave in and lent you her phone. You typed Oli’s number and rang it, several times, she didn’t pick up once. You were starting to get truly desperate now.
“Do you have the address?” You handed Marie her phone back.
“Here.” She handed you a piece of paper from her pocket. 
It was on the other side of the city, at least a one hour drive. You quickly grabbed your coat, purse and phone, rushing out of the office, only being stopped by a hand wrapping around your wrist.
“Don’t do anything stupid.” You gave her a reassuring smile and a quick nod before making your way to your car. Marie has been working with you since the beginning, she always knew when you were up to nothing good. She also knew that when you set your mind to something, there was no stopping you.
The drive was excruciating. You kept making stupid mistakes and taking wrong turns. Everything seemed to work against you, being it: accidents, red lights, slow drivers, pedestrians. Even the birds chirping around were pissing you off.
You finally reached the venue and stopped the car messily in the front entrance. You quickly ran up the stairs, and almost tripped and fell when you heard the officiant was already performing the ceremony.
You reached the doors and yanked them open, hopefully interrupting the wedding before it was too late.
“Don’t do this!” You screamed at the top of your lungs, nearly breathless. 
The guests all turned towards you, surprised. So did the couple on the podium.
Except those people weren’t Oli and Isaac. You recognized them, Vision and Scarlet Witch, or at least that’s the names they went for on television. You’ve seen them before, doing business with Stark had its perks, but had never been introduced.
You could’ve felt bad, but your stomach was a turmoil of faith and nausea. You were either really early or really late to stop Oli.
“Sorry,” you said, trying to catch your breath, “wrong wedding, carry on.” You turned around to leave, but not before noticing the bride glancing at her own wrist.
You didn’t get the chance to take a single step out the door before her voice filled the silence that had settled.
“It’s you.” You stopped dead on your tracks. Your wrist burning slightly, not the kind of pain to cause discomfort, just enough to be noticeable.
Those words. 
Her looking at her wrist.
Your’s burning now.
You turned back around, earning all kinds of confused glances from the guests. Your eyes fell on the woman, a smirk plastered on your lips.
“Seems like this isn’t the wrong wedding after all.”
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tojigasm · 3 years
You're Rich And I'm Wishing You Could Be My Master, Yum
Authors Note: This is the first part of my collab series with @tsundere-cherry-girl I'm sorry this took me so long to get out as I really was excited for this piece and wanted to ensure it was perfect before sharing it with you all! I will now be working on requests! enjoy our dilf king Toji, blessup.
* cw : 18+ minors dni, Daddy kink, age gap, and anxiety attacks
Word count: 14.7k
College wasn't something you enjoyed, in fact you loathed it. There was something about autumn winds and winter snow storms that no longer brought along the warm fuzzy feeling that they would have when you were younger. Now, the snow storm that had passed through overnight only reminded you of how far you were going to have to walk to your next class in the freezing cold.
You pulled your coat closer to your body, the cream corduroy acting as a soft barrier against the freezing air. Boots shuffling through the layered snow as you made your way through the peninsula of covered sidewalk, dead leaves that had fallen to the snow being kicked up; rising to the air quickly before falling onto the ice again.
Despite the fact that throughout your childhood you dreamed of college - a way to escape the bouts of teenage immaturity and transition to adulthood - a couple of years to have to yourself. But you couldn't help but be fucking irritated by the constant parties and think-with-their-dick boys who approached you after class, pawing at you and calling you sweet names with their whiny voices that pricked your ears like an icepick.
Outside of the constant nagging from boys, you did have your friends: friends that would call you in the middle of the night to ask if you wanted to go to the dorm next to yours and go party, friends that slipped you the answers to your History teacher’s exam because Mr. Yaga was a fucker who didn’t care if you passed or failed.
Outside of school ruining your life, you had your friends and your friend group was interesting to say the least: there was Megumi, your best friend, who would approach every situation with the least amount of worry - no matter how unprepared he might be and always end up fine in the end. Then there was Itadori, who was late to every single class, a head full of dishelved hair that would shake in shame as your professor scolded him for the upteenth time that week. And then there was Nobara, who was your roommate but spent more time out with at parties than actually in the dorm. Thankfully, all four of you had become close throughout the first hellish year of college, being there for one another when need be.
It was finals week, your schedule was filled to the brim with studying and back to back classes that would determine your grades for the end of the semester. Long nights in the main library and in your dorm resulted in early coffees and shaking fingers as you worked out the answers to your exams.
You hurried to your last class, holding your textbooks and folders closer to your chest, boots skipping up the steps to the door, black letters on the textured glass read ‘Professor Nanami’.
Once inside, you hurried to your seat next to Megumi who was rereading some of his notes, his head turning to you when you sat down and began to pull out your notes randomly.
“Are you serious?” Megumi asked, deadpanning at your mess of scrambled notes and chicken scratched papers.
You gave him a sheepish smile before pointing a finger at him, “Hey! I made it before Itadori, and that’s saying something!”
Megumi chuckled lightly and went back to his notes, highlighting a few things “So… have you decided whether or not you're gonna stay at my place for winter break?”
Your eyes widened. Shit! you forgot about that!
“Uhm… are you sure you’re okay with me coming, I don’t wanna feel like I’m intruding on your break, let alone your family.” You clicked your pen nervously and bit the plush of your bottom lip.
Megumi gave a fake look of shock “No, you’re all good, I want you to come!” he reassured and then went back to writing.
You thought it over for a second, eyes dashing from the scattered and scribbled papers on the table and back to Megumi “Then I’ll go, it sounds exciting!” You smiled widely and Megumi nodded, opening his mouth to say something when he was interrupted by your professor, clapping loudly from the desk at the bottom of the auditorium.
“Alright, as you all know this is your final for the semester, determining whether or not you’ll pass my class.” he took a moment to shuffle the stack of papers, collecting them together. “Do your best, and once you’re finished, you’re free to go.”
You took a deep breath, calming your nerves.
Your professor walked up and down the carpeted steps, placing blank tests down and continuing down the aisle to the next row of students.
Your palms were clammy and your skin pricked with beads of sweat, your turtleneck began to stick to your soft skin.
The atmosphere of the classroom did nothing to relieve your stress, the humming of the heater causing a persistent ache in your head, pulling at the strings of your mind as you tried to think over all the information you had spent the past week and full 12 hours reviewing. A blank test was placed on your desk and you inhaled deeply, looking over the first question and picking up your pencil before circling ‘A’.
Walking out the door and into the snow, books held to your chest, you turned to Megumi before heading in the direction of your dorm.
“So what time are you planning on leaving?” You asked, jutting your hip out to stand more comfortably, snow crunching under your heavy fur boots.
Megumi always stood so perfectly still, even when talking - when you had first became friends it was off putting, making you think he was uncomfortable in your presence, only when the two of you became closer - basically best friends, did u realize that Megumi did some pretty odd things, that being one of them.
“I was gonna head up around like eightish maybe?” Megumi looked up to the sky as though he were in deep thought,” I can drive us both if you want.” He offered, hand gesturing to you.
You shook your head and placed a mittened hand out to stop him, “No, it’s okay, you can just drop by my dorm once you’re ready and I can follow you.” You smiled.
Megumi nodded and then looked away towards his dorm.
“Alright, well, make sure you pack for at least a week and half’s stay, wouldn’t want you to not have something to wear.” he joked, kicking the ground a bit, dragging his shoes through the snow aimlessly as if he were drawing something.
You shook your head and laughed, “I will,” you sighed deeply and clicked your tongue, your shoulders falling gently, “well, I gotta get going, I’ll see you at eight then?” you began to walk backwards, the snow squealing under your boots.
“On the dot.” Megumi concluded and turned, walking through the deep snow on his way back to his dorm.
The next morning when you woke you felt refreshed, your face felt soft and your muscles were relaxed, little to no cramps as the contrast to how the week of finals had treated your body - the overwhelming stress not giving you a minute to relax.
You took a shower and got dressed, putting on your favorite fur jacket over a hoodie along with a pair of baggy jeans. You took one final look in the mirror before checking your suitcase once more, making sure you had everything packed.
Toothbrush, check. Hairbrush, check. Tampons, check. Phone charger, check…
You continued down the checklist of items, failing to hear Nobara enter the room. She had a coffee and muffin in one hand and her purple-bubble thick cased phone in the other.
“Oh, you’re leaving?” she quirked an eyebrow, clearly wanting you to elaborate on where you were going. Nobara was always like that, she felt like more of an aunt at times than an actual friend.
You turned your head to look at her, “Don’t get too excited now, I’ll be back when school starts up again.” You smiled and turned back to your open bag.
Nobara didn't say anything, opting to take a small bite out of the muffin and a sip from the straw of her drink before swallowing loudly.
“A-are you going to your parents place?” She still stood in the hallway, leaned against the wall, she bent over a tad as she continued to look at you, eyebrow pulled into a tight arch.
You stopped zipping your suitcase up to take a deep breath, voice becoming stuck in your throat and tears building up in your downcast eyes.
“N-no, uhm actually,” You cleared your throat, shaking your head slightly, “I’m actually going out of town to stay with Megumi, he invited me to stay with his family for break.” you grabbed the handle of your suitcase and placed it onto the ground, pulling the handle all the way up.
“Hey, you okay?” Nobara asked, walking up to you and chucking her phone onto her bed, the case causing the phone to bounce in the process.
You nodded and smiled, you knew she was looking out for you, aware of the issues you’d had with your father in the past, but that didn’t make the mere thought of your relationship with your father any easier to think about.
“Yeah, I’m okay, just nervous.” You gave a weak smile and grabbed your phone from your nightstand, slipping it into your coat pocket.
“Awh, you’ll have tons of fun, I’m sure Megumi will do a great job making you feel right at home!” She smiled and her hair shook as her head lifted in excitement.
You nodded again and smiled at her warmly, reaching to grab the handle of your bag, “Alright, well, I’m off - I’ll see you again soon.”
Nobara nodded and followed you out of the doorway. The two of you said your goodbyes and you made your way down the hall, fur boots clumping on the carpeted ground.
“Wait!” Nobara’s voice stopped you, making you turn to look at her, one hand in your coat pocket.
“What’s up?” You asked.
“You got everything? Like, all your girl stuff and everything?” she kept a hand on the door handle, the other on the wall.
You smiled at her and nodded, “Yeah, I've got everything.” You then waved to her and continued to make your way to the elevator.
Once outside you shivered as the wind hit your face, biting your skin as you made your way down the snow covered steps and onto the pavement. Megumi was waiting at the curb, leaning against his black Mercedes, dressed in a Louis Vuitton coat, arms crossed and looking to the side.
You always wondered where he got the money for all of the expensive things he bought: his cars, his shoes - being his best friend, you didn't feel comfortable asking, but now that you were being introduced to his family, you realized that the possibility of his family being just that rich never actually occurred to you.
“Hey Gumi!” You waved, pulling your suitcase through the snow behind you.
“Hey,” He turned to you and smiled, “You need help taking that to your car?” he asked, flipping his keys absentmindedly
“No, I'm all good, you wanna just meet me in the parking lot?” you gestured to the lot at the side of your dorm.
“Yeah sure.”
The ride to the cabin was fairly smooth, most of it being a fast trip on the freeway until you followed Megumi’s black Mercedes down an off ramp and into a new town.
You took the time at each stop light to look around, making note of the winter decorations parading the streets. The clouds covering the sky gave the town’s look a picturesque holiday aura to it.
Music played through your speakers as you followed Megumi throughout the town, the road soon became flat and desolate for a few miles before his car came to the start of a small trail.
The tires of your car grumbled over the gravel, rocking your car side to side as you drove down the pine covered road. The trees created an atmosphere that felt almost - in no other words to describe it - home.
You could see mountains to the left of you, sun glittering against the snow, you could smell the pine wafting through the ventilation of your car, relaxing your nerves and washing over your senses greedily.
The road seemed to go on forever, not that you were complaining, the surrounding forest made you feel as though you were stuck in a perfect place in time, nature in its purest form, no city lights, no roads, no cars, just the soothing smell of pine and the occasional cry from a bird.
Megumi’s car took a right and suddenly the ground became smoother, the rocks becoming a makeshift driveway where a Black Ford F150 was parked next to a tan Rolls Royce in front of cobblestone steps that lead up to the chestnut red door of the prodigious house you assumed was the “cabin” Megumi had told you about. The two of you obviously had different ideas of what a “cabin” was. This was a multi million dollar house at least, you wouldn't be surprised if his parents owned the place...scratch that. They definitely owned it.
Megumi parked his car next to the tan Rolls Royce and stepped out, walking over to your car. You rolled your window down to which he bent over and leaned his crossed arms against it, ducking his head to look at you.
“You can park next to my dad’s truck if you want.” He tilted his head and threw his thumb back to point at the giant F150.
“Okay, thankyou.” you let Megumi step back and rolled up your window before pulling into the parking spot.
You stepped out and went to the backseat of your car, pulling out your bag and your blanket before rounding the car to where Megumi was still removing his bags, two Louis Vuitton duffle bags were sat on the sanded down gravel, dirt already seeping into the leather and fabric.
“Your family knows I'm coming… right?” You chuckled nervously, watching Megumi continue to sift through the many expensive bags in his trunk.
“Of course, I’ve told them all about you. Trust me, they’ll adore you.”
You almost cried at that. What had Megumi told them? what if he was lying and they actually were just allowing you to stay out of pity, what if Megumi had actually told them something terrible about you and you weren’t even there to defend yourself.
You felt bad, knowing Megumi would never talk so horibily about you; The two of you were best friends. You just still couldn't help the metaphorical vomit that filled your brain to it’s brim, threatening to spill from your lips until you convinced Megumi you wanted to go home, spilled over until the words became tears because you couldn’t even fathom the idea of Megumi’s family not liking you.
“Are you ready to go?” Megumi stood with two duffle bags in one hand and another thrown over his shoulder.
Nodding, you let Megumi pass you and followed him up to the front of the red painted door. The wood had been furnished and was well kept, obviously polished regularly.
Megumi raised his fist and knocked on the peppermint red wood, a soft rapping filling your ears.
The door opened to reveal a young woman in red bottom snake heels and a cream sweater, her hair pulled into a loose ponytail.
“Hi ‘Gumi!” She smiled happily, her eyes squeezing shut as her arms crushed him in a tight hug before parting and looking him up and down. “My goodness, you’re so much taller than last time I saw you.” Megumi grumbled and she giggled, petting his shoulder lightly.
Suddenly she turned to you, “Oh hi! You must be y/n, Megumi has told me all about you.” She went to grab your mitten covered hands in her own, “Please come in, you must be freezing.” She stepped to the side and placed a hand on your back to guide you inside.
The three of you walked down the wood paneled hall, the walls were decorated with wreaths and cute accessories for the holidays.
“My name is Tsumiki by the way.” She smiled at you again, leading you into the living room, her heels clicking against the floor.
Once you entered the living room you immediately felt out of place - well, more than you felt already, if even possible; a flat screen TV sat was built into the flat wooden wall, a huge leather couch was placed in the middle of the room, double doors leading to a balcony were opened, the sound of birds and creaking wood echoing throughout the home.
The smell of sugar made you turn your head in the direction of what you assumed was the kitchen, the heaviness of it making you close your eyes and hum.
Tsumiki giggled, “I’m making a pie, it should be done before dinner if you two wanna go get settled down and unpack.”
Megumi nodded and took your arm in his hand, pulling you down the next hallway as you said a quick “Thankyou!” before you were out of range.
Megumi pulled you along to a crème covered carpet staircase, climbing the steps with one hand on the rail and the other still on your arm.
Once you made it upstairs, you came into another hallway; a chandelier illuminating the white thicket walls. Four doors were on either side of the hall leading to two large pearl French doors that sat at the very end.
“My dad’s room is the room at the end, Tsumiki sleeps in the room closest to the bathroom ‘cus she always has to pee, I usually take the room farthest from my dad’s just ‘cus.” Megumi informed you. You nodded at his words before it dawned on you that you would be the one sleeping closest to his dad - someone who you had yet to meet and someone who quite frankly, intimidated you.
“You can take the room I usually sleep in if you want.” Megumi tilted his head to see your nervous expression.
“No!” You cleared your throat, “It’s- it’s just, it doesn’t really matter to me, I’m fine either way.”
“M’kay.” Megumi walked to his door and opened it, standing outside until you entered your own, “I’ll get you when dinner’s ready.”
You nodded and walked into the bedroom, met with a king sized bed and glass panel door that led to a balcony. The walls were a grey color, decorated with simple objects and pictures of the surrounding mountains. The room smelled of lavender and vanilla, painting a clear picture of the woodland surrounding you.
Placing your suitcase onto the bed you began unpack; putting your folded clothes into the auburn dresser and closet, placing your shoes at the bottom of the wardrobe. Deciding to keep your toiletries in your room, you put them on the vanity seat beside the glass sliding door.
Once you had everything put away you grabbed your phone and sent a quick text to Nobara, informing her you’d made it, to which she replied with a ‘Good to hear, can’t wait for you to come back, miss you already! xoxo’
You smiled and put your phone down, getting ready to move some things around when a knock came from your door. You opened the heavy door to come face to face with Megumi who had changed into a navy sweatshirt.
“Dinner’s ready.” he informed you and you smiled, nodding as you followed him down the staircase and back through the hallways into the dining room. The walls were plastered with gold and black trim, decorating the thicket walls; a candled chandelier illuminated the room in a calm light.
“Hi there!” Tsumiki waved as she placed a basket of bread rolls onto the table, “you can sit wherever you’d like.” You took a seat next to Megumi, the cushioned chairs adding a soft touch to your nervousness.
As Tsumiki sat down she opened her mouth to ask a question when the sound of a door shutting made you jump, looking towards the hallway to see a tall raven haired man round the corner, dressed in tightly fit black shirt and baggy jeans, his timbs pounding the polished floors.
“What’s for dinner?” His gruff voice immediately made your legs tense. It screamed authority and discipline - the voice of a parent, a father who was stern but rewarded good behavior. The man took a seat at the end of the table and looked at you, his eyebrow raising.
“Who’s this?” he didn't speak to you, opting to talk to his son.
Megumi took a bite of his food and looked at his father, rolling his eyes, “Her name is y/n, I told you she was coming.”
You felt almost helpless not being able to speak for yourself in front of the man of the house. You couldn't deny Megumi’s father was attractive, a part of you embarrassed that you couldn't even make eye contact with the man, afraid that if you did, he’d surely know you were crushing like a schoolgirl on the father of your best friend.
“Oh yeah, nice to meet you, y/n.” He nodded in acknowledgment and began eating.
Tsumiki made small talk, making sure to involve you in all the conversations: asking about your school work, which major you were studying, your plans for the future.
You answered each honestly, explaining why you were interested in your major, why you chose the same college Megumi attended and how you planned to succeed in the workplace you were working towards being in.
Toji had leaned back in his chair at some point, his arms folded beneath his head as he listened to you ramble on about how important school was and your eagerness to be introduced into an industry such as the one you were interested in. It was cute.
Tsumiki listened attentively, asking questions and nodding her head in agreeance whenever you said something. “That's really cool, y/n, I believe you’d be a good addition to any team that hired you, you’re a smart girl and a hardworking one at that.” Tsumiki interrupted herself to gasp lightly, turning to her father. “Come to think of it, dad, didn’t you do some work in that major?” she swallowed, “I could’ve sworn I remember you talking about it.”
You looked to Toji, only to meet his eyes and immediately look at your lap; he looked almost bored - eyes lidded and plump lips resting against each other, the pinkness of them only becoming a darker color, your eyes traced of the scar that was ingrained in his skin.
Toji laughed at your quick shift of focus, taking a hand out from behind his head to scratch at his chest, the fabric of his shirt sliding over his pecs as he did so. “It’s okay, kid. You can look at me - I don't bite.” you gulped at that, if there was any questioning of your attraction to the man, the way his biceps bulged at his shirt as he spoke assured that you were swooning for the older man.
“But, Yeah, I did.” He said flatley, watching you with squinted eyes. There was a moment of silence before Toji stuck his tongue into his cheek and looked down at his finished plate before moving his hands back down to the table resting his elbows against the cotton of the tablecloth.
“Gojou still working there?” He asked, reaching towards the glass cup of toothpicks and inserting one between his teeth.
You gulped sighly and nodded “Y-yeah, he is.” You felt as though you needed to speak with your head down - a primal dominance encouraging you to not make eye contact out of respect, his blue eyes pierced your own as he brought his tongue out to lick the scar on his lip.
You could’ve sworn you died right there and then; something about the oh-so-innocent yet so aware action he pulled by simply flicking his soft tongue along the line of the dark scar made your knees weak, your thighs squeezing together, your shoes toeing at each other nervously.
“He’s a dick.” Toji stated.
“Yeah-” you laughed a bit. “Yeah, he is.”
Once dinner was finished and you and Tsumiki had cleaned the china plates until your fingers pruned, scrubbing the soft sponge across the glass plates gently. When the plates were all put away, you fled to your room.
You had spent what had been at least thirty minutes with your soft hand between your legs, rubbing furiously at your clit, replaying the image of Toji sliding his tongue over the dark line of his scar - pretending it was your plush legs he was kissing instead.
A part of you wished he could hear you through the smokey colored walls, entertaining the idea that he was just as perverted as you, jacking himself off to your soft moans and imagining that he too wished he was with you too. The thoughts themselves brought you to an orgasm; pushing a satin pillow onto your face, you moaned, deep and shaikly, feeling your stomach tighten.
“Oh fuck, I’m cumming.” You wined, rubbing circles around the small bundle of nerves until your legs tensed and chills ran down your spine when your orgasm washed over you.
You pulled the pillow off your face to inhale deeply, pulling your fingers from between your legs, looking at your soaked fingers, embarrassment flooding your body as you stared at the proof of how long you had been jacking it to your best friend's dad.
A wash of realization hit your brain when you remembered where you were, whose house you were in and who was sleeping in the rooms on either side of you.
Oh god. You slapped your hand to your forehead, immiedialtey praying to god that your wishes for Toji to hear your soft moans and supple sighs hadn’t been answered.
Getting out of the tall bed, your feet hit the cold floor and you shivered, padding your way to the door of your room, you stepped out and made your way into the bathroom across the hall.
Once inside, you washed your hands, lathering a generous amount of foamed soap that read ‘Winter Candy Apple’ and was wrapped in a sparkly red plastic that slid against your fingers as you sat the bottle back down onto the granite countertop.
Toji was laid back against the expensive furs of his queen bed, fisting his cock furiously to the sound of your moans, sweat beading in small drops on his firm chest.
“Gah -fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.” he threw his head back, his hair sprawling behind his head and he hissed, cum spurting onto his hand and abdomen.
“Ohhhh shiiit.” he groaned, voice shaky.
Toji pnated in the mess of blankets and crumpled satin sheets, staring up at the cream colored ceiling, chest heaving.
His blue eyes tracing the iron lines of the gray barn liam chandelier, Toji felt dirty, jerking his dick to his son's best friend. He scoffed, “what the hell?” Toji took another shaky breath and ran his hands over his face before sitting up and pulling his boxers up over his waist and walking into his adjoined bathroom.
The fluorescent lights created a flaxen glow against the white walls and black mineral countertop. Grabbing a small towel from beneath the counter he placed it under the sink’s faucet and wiped down his abdomen, sighing as he chucked the soiled towel into the hamper and walking back into his bedroom.
Toji walked to his dresser and pulled out a white tshirt before heading to the door that connected his bedroom to the hallway.
Walking out into the hall Toji scratched the back of his neck, looking down at the carpeted floor, his eyes tired and adjusting to the dark of the hallway when suddenly something - someone bumped into his chest making him reach his hands out to steady the person he hit.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” You whisper yelled and gripped onto his forearms.
Toji squinted to see your features outlined in the dark, “Oh, hey kid, what’re you doin’ up?” He took his hands off your shoulders and yawned dramatically, bringing a hand to cover his mouth.
“Sorry, I just needed to use the restroom.” you told him, eyes meeting his sapphire ones.
He nodded, “You wanna come downstairs? I’m gonna get some coffee.” Toji walked past you.
You listened to the stairs creak as he made his way down the steps, “yes!” you whispered yelled again, being met with a light chuckle from the bottom of the steps.
Following Toji throughout the massive cabin you reached the kitchen where Toji had you sit at the bar. He stood at the opposite side of the island, pouring a pot that had been put out by Tsumiki earlier than night, aware of her father’s habit to wake up and come to the kitchen searching for something to drink and calm his nerves.
Your eyes followed Toji’s movements, his arms flexing as he placed the pot down and pulled out a packet of sugar, ripping the paper and pouring the bag into the cup before grabbing a spoon and mixing the drink together.
“You want something sweetie?” Toji placed the spoon into his mouth and looked up to meet your eyes.
Your face felt warm as you watched him gently suck on the spoon, “u-uhm, no, I’m okay, thank you.” You pull your knees up to your chest, resting your chin and stopping your knees.
Toji offered a slight ‘tch’ and walked towards the sliding glass door, pulling it open and stepping out onto the balcony, letting snow-chilled air fill the room.
You didn't know what to do, too nervous to ask if you could follow but too shy to stay behind and sit awkwardly until Megumi’s father decided to come back into the warmth of the cabin. Stepping off the bar stool you slipped on a pair of slippers you had left at the door and walked out onto the patio, making your way over to where Toji stood.
He was bent over the wooden terrace, leg crossed over another as he looked out at the moonlit forest. You walked up beside him and mimicked his position. He side eyed you and chuckled lightly, noticing the repeated movements of his own. He turned around and leaned his back against the terrace, wondering if you’d follow.
You stayed in Toji’s original position.
“It’s pretty right?” Toji stated, nodding his head towards the pine trees and snow covered ground.
You nodded and began to pick at the wood of the terrace, sniffling as the wind tickled goosebumps up your arms and legs. “It really is.”
Toji huffed in aggreence and turned back to lean on his forearms again, taking a sip of his coffee, the steam from the cup swirling in the air like a growing cloud of fire, eating away at the air in a grey mass.
Toji sensed your nervousness and laughed a bit before scooting closer to you and pointing towards a small tire swing, nearly covered completely by the snow, only a sliver of rusted rubber still visible. “When I was younger, around ten or eleven, I used to swing on that thing everytime my parents drove me up here, and broke my arm on it once too.” He laughed at the memory and took another sip.
You laughed and leaned over the ledge a tad as you tried to imagine Megumi’s father as anything but a father at sometime in his life. Fully believing that he’d been born a father and stayed that way for the past thirty-five years if he had told you that. Maybe he looked like Megumi… possibly Tsumiki, she has his nose-
“Megumi broke his arm on it too, I think it’s cursed.” He joked and you looked at him in question.
“Really? He never told me that.” you sounded disappointed, almost as if Megumi had hid something from you - logically, you knew he hadn’t but in the past thirty minutes, Toji had shared more memories of his own childhood with you than Megumi ever had in your three years of knowing him.
“Are you ready for ice skating tomorrow? There's a lake in the woods that we go down to every year.” he asked
You did remember Megumi mentioning a lake… now that you thought about it, you didn't have any skates.
“I don’t have any skates…”
“You can have a pair of Tsumiki’s, she’s got like six different colors.” He rolled his eyes at his daughter’s adoration for fancy colors and need for fashion.
You giggled at that to which Toji smiled. ‘I don't know how to skate either, haha.” you ran your hands up and down your arms trying to stay warm.
Toji lifted an eyebrow at that, adjusting to lean on his elbow that held the cup of now-cooled-down coffee. “You serious?” He took another sip.
You met his eyes for a split second before looking at the balcony terrace again, “Yeah.”
Toji gave a ‘hmph’ in surprise, tilting his head as he downed the rest of his coffee. “I’ll teach you.” he stated, giving you no room to refuse his offer.
“Okay.” you smiled.
The two of you entered the cabin a few minutes later and Toji sent you up to bed with a hug, following behind you as you made your way back up the stairs and into your room.
“Night, Mr. Fushiguro.” You stood in the doorway of your bedroom.
“Night, brat.” He smirked and waited for you to enter your room and shut the door before retreating to his own room and falling back onto the bed, eyes searching for something to focus on as he forced himself to sleep. His eyes decided on the iron of the chandelier again, tracing the intricate lines and candle holders as he fell asleep, the smell of your shampoo and memory of your moans filling his senses.
As you lay in bed, you stared at the ceiling; thinking of how you’d ask Tsumiki to borrow a pair of skis, what you’d wear, and how you’d have Megumi teach you how to ice skate without embarrassing yourself. Wait no. Toji was going to teach you. Your eyes slowly begin to close, your body sleep deprived and too exhausted from the long drive and late talk with Toji to question why he offered to teach you rather than have his son.
The next morning was far more relaxed than the evening before, you helped Tsumiki make breakfast, whisking eggs as Toji made his way into the kitchen.
“Well aren’t you two cute.” he teased and tousled his hair a bit.
You felt your cheeks heat up at his words, “It’s almost done if you wanna get Megumi.” You said, choosing to watch the basking of the eggs rather than make eye contact with the taller man.
Toji laughed and walking over to the coffee pot you had refilled, pouring himself a cup of it and adding a packet of sugar. He made his way over to the bar and sat on one of the stools, his chin resting in his palms as we watched the two of you work.
He felt like he had a family back. It was a horrible thing, truly, to seek comfort in the young girl who Megumi had introduced as his friend. But Toji wanted you, and whatever Toji wanted, Toji fucking got.
A plate was placed in front of him by a pair of small hands, he looked at you and smiled, placing a hand on your head and scratching your scalp as he tousled your hair “Thanks.”
You nodded and went back to the other pre-made plates. You placed another next to Toji for Megumi.
Toji internally groaned, he wanted you to sit next to him.
“I’ll go get Megumi.” You left the kitchen and Tsumiki siad a quick ‘Okay!’ before turning to her father who was devouring the food you’d cooked.
Toji could feel his daughter’s eyes on him, looking up from his meal to stare blankly “What?”
Tsumiki rolled her eyes and turned back to her own plate of sugar covered pancakes, decorated with strawberries and whip cream. “I see the way you look at her dad. She’s in college and you’ve barely known her for a whole day!” She exclaimed.
Toji simply shrugged his shoulders at her input and continued to eat, taking another bite of eggs, “You’re gonna give her a pair of skates for when we go to the lake today.”
Tsumiki nodded and picked up her plate, walking past him to sit at the table, placing a hand on his shoulder “Dad.” she pleaded
Toji lifted an eyebrow “I’m not gonna do anything.” He put his hands in mock defense to which Tsumiki gave a ‘really?’ look at and sighed, walking over to the table and taking a seat.
Only a minute later you came down with a sleepy Megumi following behind, rubbing his eyes and tripping over his feet. “Morning.” he said groggily, taking the seat next to his dad and digging into his breakfast.
Toji ruffled his pointed hair and laughed as the raven strands bent for half a second and then bounced back up into their original place.
You sat at the table with Tsumiki, watching the quiet scene unfold, smiling warmly at the interaction. The father-son interaction brought you to think of your own father, your thoughts scrambling to find a moment in your life where he was as soft with you as Toji was with his own children.
“You guys excited to go skating later?” Toji turned in his chair, looking at you Tsumiki.
You nodded, mouth full. Wiping your mouth you nodded again, “I am, Mr. Fushiguro. I’m very excited.”
Toji’s heart warmed at your tired voice, feeling a little guilty for keeping you up outside in the cold for as long as he did. He crossed his arms over the back of the stool and watched you eat, “I can take y/n in my truck if you two wanna take the Royce.” Toji stated more than asked.
Megumi shrugged at that, not really caring who he went with but still concerned about how you’d feel being all alone with his father, He was fine with driving with his sister but Megumi knew his dad’s truck had enough seats for all of you. “y/n are you okay with that?” Megumi turned to you.
You felt embarrassed as all eyes were on you, “I’m okay with that.” you smiled at Megumi, slowly turning your head towards Toji, reassuring him with a smile.
He smirked and stepped off the stool, stretching his arms over his shoulders, his shirt riding up past his navel. “Alright, I’m gonna go get dressed.” he made his way through the kitchen and into the hall before turning back and looking at you “y/n, wear something warm ‘mkay?” He said and walked off.
Tsumiki rolled her eyes at his request “Don’t mind him, it’s just his dad shit telling him to be all parental, wear whatever you want.” She said.
You smiled at her before dragging your finger through the leftover whip cream on your plate, bringing your finger to your lips and sucking on it gently. It felt nice to be dotted on, to be worried about, to be worried about by a father. As you made your way to your room and got dressed, pulling on a hooded mink fur jacket, like Toji told you to do; You twirled in your mirror, picking up one foot cutely, watching the strings of your furry moon boots dangle.
A knock came from your door before Megumi entered the room, dressed in a luxury white fur coat, the hem running to his jean clad knees. “You almost ready? Tsumiki put your skis in my dad’s truck already, she guessed your size.” you laughed at that.
“I’m sure they’ll fit.” you picked up your phone and slipped it into your pocket and followed Megumi down the carpet steps. Once outside you stepped onto the gravel and over to Toji’s truck where he stood, resting against the tailgate with his arms crossed; the denim of his jacket stretching over the bulkiness of his arms - drool pooling in your mouth at the sight.
“You ready kid?” Toji stepped out, timbs crunching the gravel beneath him.
You nodded and watched Megumi walk past you and open the door to Royce, “We’ll meet you there right?” he said, hand on the door. Toji gave a thumbs up before walking up to your side of the truck; Tsumiki pulled out beside him as he did so.
“Be careful on the road, dad, she doesn't need to be subjected to your psychopathic driving skills.” She narrowed her eyes only to soften them when she saw you, “Don’t worry, baby, I’m sure he’ll keep you safe - something about Tsumiki’s insignificant promise that her father would protect you made your knees weak - It’s only about a thirty minute drive, we can get lunch after too.” She then left, wheels rumbling over the gravel as the car rounded the corner; Leaving you and Toji alone.
“C’mere baby,” He motioned for you. You walked up to the passenger side, Toji standing with the door open, hand on his hip. “You ready?” you nodded and he placed his hands on your hips, your smaller ones grasping his forearms in shock, placing you in the seat he then squeezed your thigh gently, “Good girl.” he shut the door.
You were gonna die right then and there. Jesus Christ you were going to die and Toji-Fucking-Fushiguro and his deep voice and big hands were going to be the reason Megumi would find you dead in the passanger seat of his father’s car.
The sound of the driver’s side door opening made you turn your head, watching Toji step into the truck with ease and push the start button, the car rumbling as it turned on and warm air ran over your skin. The contrast between the cold air and the heated car made you shiver.
The ride was silent as the truck rocked back and forth over larger rocks in the road, Toji had some music playing at you watched the mountain range, making note of how it must've snowed last night as there was visibily more white frosted trees and the mountain seemed to hide all the dark toothpick looking trees from across the valley.
“When I was younger, my dad took me up here with my friends,” he paused as you turned to him, waiting for him to continue in complex adoreness. Toji felt his hands grip the leather wheel with his left hand, his right folding into a fist on the compartment piece in between the two of you; his mind begging him, demanding him to reach out to you and hold you, hold your thigh, your hands, anything to touch you.
He cleared his throat and continued “I took his pickup out to go get drinks with my friends and slid on black ice, we jumped out in time but the truck went down this lil’ valley, thought I was gonna die.”
You felt your shoulders release - aware that Toji had survived since he was literally driving you down the same road he nearly died on before you were even born. But a part of you made you relieved to know that he hadn’t slipped down the icy mountain and met an evil demise brought to him by the reigns of teenage boy stupidity.
“You were okay though right?” your eyes wide with worry
Toji laughed at your shocked expression, the thought that you asked if he was okay, the thought that you were worried about him made his heart swell. He loved the way you made him feel and simuloutansley hated it. Knowing you’d almost never reciprocate the same feelings he had.
“Yeah honey, I was okay.” He ruffled your hair teasingly before grabbing the back of your hood and pulling it up and over your head, covering your eyes.
“Hey!” You moved the hood from your head and hit his arm, he jumped back and put his hands up in mock defense, laughing heartily.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” He laughed and turned back to the road.
You gave a ‘Hmph’, crossing your arms dramatically.
A hand was placed on your thigh gently, squeezing at the plush of your thigh through your pants. Turning your head you met his eyes, the car slowing down, his focus now on you. Toji shifted a small bit, moving closer to you, his grip on your thigh growing tighter.
The air suddenly seemed thinner, your lungs scrambling to find breath in such a quiet and intimate moment. Your best friend's father had his hand holding your thigh, your best friend’s hot, older dad had his giant, rough hand holding your thigh - holding you.
You exhaled shakily, almost embarrassed to meet his eyes.
“Hey” placing the hand that was on your thigh to your cheek, stroking your cheek gently.
“Hi” you whispered, toji smiled at your voice, god he was whipped and he’d only known you for seventeen hours.
Leaning in, he watched your plump lips part, his face was so close you could feel his breath on your skin. “You’re so pretty, baby.” he whispered, thumb coming up to rest on your bottom lip and pulling it downwards.
Heat went straight to your pussy, your thighs clenching together as toji brought his lips to your own. His hand went to the back of your neck, holding you in place as he ran his tongue over your teeth. You moaned into the kiss and brought a hand to his arm, rubbing his skin softly.
Toji groaned, pulling away from you and shifting the gear of the truck into park and reaching over you with both hands, cupping your face to his. Toji inhaled deeply through his nose, pulling apart to see a line of spit attaching your lips together.
“Fuck.” his eyes were lided and his lips were swollen and red “C’mere” he brought you into his lap himself, pushing the seat back so you’d have more room. Looking out the window you could see you were still on the trail, no other cars in sight. Your head was turned by Toji, grabbing your chin and leading you back to his lips.
Your lips met again, Toji’s hands coming to squeeze the flesh of your ass appreciatively. Moaning into the kiss you lowered your pelvis down to his prominent bulge, rutting against it gently. He hissed at the movement, breaking apart from you to look down between the two of you.
“Shiiit,” he sighed and went to run a hand through his hair, “can’t do that to me, I’m gotta fuck you, needa be inside you so bad baby.” placing his hand on the cup of your sex making you shiver.
“Toji please.” you closed your eyes, head tilting downwards slightly.
“Please what? C’mon use your words.” he smirked and ran his hands down the sides of your body, battered and roughed fingers caressing the soft-textured fur of your mink coat.
“Mhmm'' you whimpered, suddenly very aware of where you were and who you were with. Shying away, you backed away from him to rest on your thighs - still straddling Toji’s waist - you brought a finger to your lips, biting your soft skin and looking through the windows as if you were being watched. As if the trees and the birds and the deers and the clouds knew you were about to lose your virginity to your bestfriend’s fucking father.
“Hey, hey, what’s up munchkin?” Toji sat up, bringing you to his chest comfortingly - a parental instinct to protect - “m’ I movin’ too fast?” he asked, petting your head softly as you softly nodded into his chest.
“M’ sorry sweet girl'' Toji rubbed your back gently, letting you snuggle into his hold and hide yourself in the neck of his turtleneck, sniffling quietly. “Shh, no more tears, baby m sorry.” he cooed. The two of you sat in the car for a good while, the soft humming of the engine and Toji’s warm arms wrapped around your small body mixed with his soft words slowly lead you to sleep.
When you finally woke up you were met with a bright light, bringing a hand over your eyes to shield the sun away you saw Toji leaning over you slightly, working to unbuckle our seatbelt. “Hey sunshine.” he smiled.
“Hey…” you rubbed your eyes gently making him chuckle, “are we at the lake already?” you asked, looking from your seat in the truck, noticing you were in a small parking lot surrounded by forest.
“Sure are sweetcheeks, you wanna get out?” he backed away from the door and let you stumble out, knees still wobbly from being asleep. Toji steadied you and pressed a kiss to your forehead to which you hummed at and tilted your head back, puckering your lips for him. Toji chuckled and pressed a small peck to your lips.
He took your hand in his and walked you to the bed of the truck, picking you up and placing you onto the rubber mat of the bed and grabbing your (Tsumiki’s) pink skates.
Toji pulled off your moon boots and helped lace up your skates before putting you down, patting your head gently. Yawning, you watched him go back to the passenger seat of the truck and put your shoes underneath the seat before coming back to you.
“You ready lil lady?” he looked at you once and took your gloved hand in his, leading you to the rink where Megumi was skating backwards and talking to Tsumiki as she twirled lightly. Megumi saw you and waved, making you giggle and wave back with your free hand.
Toji walked you over to the entrance of the rink, stepping in and holding a hand out for you to aid you in walking to the frozen lake bed. You hesitated, watching Megumi and Tsumiki, they made it look so easy - but to someone who had never skated in their life, you were sure this was how you were to meet your end.
“C’mon baby, I’m not gonna letcha’ fall.” Toji urged, stepping a tad closer to you as reassurement.
“You promise?” you looked down at the ice and back to his face and then his hand.
“Yes, honey, I promise.” Toji’s face turned serious, eyebrows furrowing as you took his hand, helping you step down and grabbing your hip when your leg slipped a tad. You held onto him for dear life, the hood of your coat rubbing against his shoulder.
“It’s okay, kid” he laughed a little and stepped backwards, holding his other hand out for you to take, letting you follow him as he took small swerves backwards. “Easy, just like that - ooh, careful! Good girl.” Toji praised, allowing you to grow more confident as he only held one of your hands now, still skating backwards as he watched your footing. Praising you when you made a turn or caught yourself.
Tsumiki had stopped skating and was standing by the edge of the lake, watching her father and you skate together. It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that her father was pinning you and that you were returning, said pinning with the intensity of a school girl crush.
Megumi made his way past her and slowed to watch the two of you, turning to her as his chest heaved slightly. “Why are you watching them?”
Tsumiki was taken aback by his question, taking her hands out and gesturing to the two of you - you had slipped and Toji had caught you, bringing you up to his chest to hold you, letting you rest against his body as he continued to skate backwards, allowing you to hold onto him as he did the work for both of you.
“They look like they’ve been dating for four years for christ’s sake!” She exclaimed, her ponytail swaying. Megumi looked between her and the two of you shrugging lightly before preparing himself to continue skating. “How can you just sit here and not be bothered by that?” she laughed airily.
Megumi sighed and tilted his head towards her, “If i’m being honest, i don't really care - she’s still my best friend, and like, yeah” he shrugged again, “It’s weird, but this is the happiest i’ve seen dad in years, not to mention, she seems happy too.” Megumi then looked down at his gloves, restrapping them before taking off to skate again.
Toji held you to his chest, skating slowly as you listened to his heartbeat through his shirt. The rhythmic sway of his movements slowly lulling you into a sleep again. “You still with me baby?” his voice startled you slightly, vibrating through his chest and tickling the side of your cheek making you giggle.
“Yeah,” you slurred and moved to get closer to him, legs still moving in sync with his to help him as the two of you skated around the lake. “You’re warm.” you snuzzled him.
“Oh yeah?” he pulled your face away from his chest to tilt your head upwards, “Well, you’re pretty.” he watched you turn away from him bashfully, earning a deep laugh from him. “Awh c’mere stinker,” he grabbed your face and turned you back to him, slowly stopping the two of you in the middle of the lake. “You really are pretty.” he said and you nodded, leaning up to kiss him.
Megumi watched the two of you holding each other, completely unaware of his presence in staring at the two of you. An odd feeling filled his chest, not one of anger or sadness but one of almost relief, relief he could see his father being happy. Relief for you, someone who always seemed to sell themselves short, someone who put others before themselves. It was interesting to see you and his father somehow grow closer in less than a full day than he had managed in twenty-two years of living in the same home as the gruff man.
He was pulled out of his thoughts by Tsumiki grabbing her brother by the arm, dragging him off the lake and onto the snow covered ground. “We’re gonna head into town and get some takeout, you guys wanna come?” She yelled.
Toji pulled away from your gaze to give her a thumbs up, “We’ll probably get something on the way back, don’t wait on us.”
You watched Tsumiki nod and return the thumbs up, walking with Megumi to the Royce and pulling out of the lot, gravel crumbling under the tires.
Toji sighed as he watched them get into the car, “Finally, gotcha’ all to myself.” He tucked his head to nuzzle your neck making you squeal and wiggle around in his arms. The two of you sat in silence for a small while, listening to the soft air and snapping of tree branches, the occasional bird crying. It was heavenly - you and Toji’s own little space among the battered and destroyed world.
Feeling yourself move forward, you open your eyes slowly to see Toji skating backwards gently, moving so quietly that he skates hardly made any noise against the frozen water. “Hey, you ready to go, baby?” there was that pet name again. That damn name that made your knees weak, an insignificant title that made you want to sink to your soft knees and devour his cock.
“Mhm” you hummed, following him as he made his way to the snow covered ground and pulled you up, helping you stand as he watched you sway tiredly - worn out from skating and probably talking the night before did not help any.
Once in the car, Toji had buckled you in and removed your skates, letting you sit cross legged on the heated leather seats. You watched Toji remove his own skates and put on his shoes before stepping into the car and reaching his hand out towards you. Heat rushed to your cheeks when your hands met, it was a simple act of love - one might even say domestic, and for a minute, yeah, you entertained the idea of being domestic with him. Of having a family with him. Of being his.
“You okay?” He asked and rubbed the skin of your knuckle with his thumb gently, putting the car in reverse with his other. Toji held your hand the rest of the drive, squeezing occasionally when you pointed something out.
“Okay, baby,” Toji parked in a shopping center and let you look around at the sea of snow covered cars and neon labeled writing that covered the illuminated buildings, “What’re you feelin’?”
Sitting up a tad straighter you scanned the buildings, looking for any place you could recognize before falling back against the heated seat. “M’ not really sure, I don’t recognize anything here Toji.” you yawned and leaned over the compartment to wrap your arm around his bicep, snuggling into him.
Toji cooed at your tenderness, patting your head and making the decision himself, pulling into a drive through and ordering something for himself and for you, deciding to get you two different things in case you favored the other.
You woke up to the smell of something spicy, rubbing your eyes before letting them focus on the ma sitting in the seat beside you. “Mornin’ to” you yawned, jumping lightly when he laughed through the mouthful of food.
“It’s seven P.M, baby cakes” Toji took another bite of food and then reached into the backseat to grab the separate bag of fruit and hand it to you gently. “I got you two things so you can choose which one you want.” he brought his hand to your head, pulling you towards him and placing a kiss on your temple and then went back to eating.
“Thankyou Toji.” you whispered, leaning against him as you ate and looked up through the windscreen of the car, watching the stars quietly. The soft hum of the engine mixed with the soft song playing on the radio built a warm feeling up in your belly. The feeling of home. Although you had only known Toji for a day, somehow you knew he was everything you needed. The perfect mix of dominance and parental guidance that made you look up at him like he was the only man in the entire world who mattered (scratch that) the only person who’s ever mattered.
“What’s up, baby?” he met your soft gaze. You smiled and leaned up to kiss him. Toji filled the gap between the two of you and pressed his lips to yours. The kiss was gentle, short and sweet, nothing forced and nothing fake. It was reassuring.
The two of you went back to eating when you paused after your third bite, “Toji?” you asked and turned to him. “Yeah, baby?” he leaned back to rest his hands behind his head, watching you lovingly. You had him whipped and he knew it. He knew as soon as he heard your cries and soft meals for him through the thicket walls that he would do anything and everything to ensure you were happy and healthy and his.
“I want you to be my first.” so nonchalauntly said it almost made him blush, you spoke as if you were talking about the weather.
“You sure?” He querched an eyebrow at you to which your submissive nature returned, making you shrink away and lower your head.
“Yeah I’m sure.” you said and played with your food nervously. Toji smiled at you.
The rest of the ride home was filled with soft comments and the soft sound of your knees bouncing nervously. At one point Toji had reached over to hold your thigh, slowing the rhythmic bouncing. “Calm down” he chuckled and rubbed your leg with his hand, “Don’t stress yourself out, I’m gonna take care of you.” he reassured you. Toji looked between you and the road, your face illuminated with a cherry light from the car lights surrounding you, “Hey, I’d rather have you do it with me than some dipshit who’s gonna fuck you and get you pregnant without caring about you.”
Your head turned to his, a worried expression painted your pretty features. “D-do boys actually do that?”
“Do what, baby?” he squeezed your hand and made a left turn, turning the wheel with his left hand smoothly.
“Try to get girls pregnant and then run away?” your bottom lip jutted out into a pout. Toji would have laughed at your naive nature, so easily bought by scary lines of abandonment. He knew you had abandonment issues; if the small tugs on his arms and adoring looks you gave him were any indication that you had trouble believing people (Toji) weren't going to leave you, stemming from some evil plant that had been rooted by most definitely someone you called a “father”.
“No, not all. But boys are idiots, I don’t want you hanging around any boys when you go back to school. They just wanna get their dicks wet.” Toji said, no room up to argue, as if you were going to.
“I won’t, I promise.” you were serious and Toji could tell. His precious baby, you were all his and he’d do whatever he could to protect you from the terrible monster spewed from the selfishness of teenage boy hormones and immaturity.
“I know baby, you’re my good girl, you’re daddy’s good girl.” the title made your legs quiver immediately, panties becoming soaked and thighs rubbing against each other, desperate for friction to ease the assault on your brain. The truck came to a stop at another intersection and Toji took the opportunity to press a kiss to your soft lips, pulling away and running his thumb across the bottom. He hummed at you and kissed you again, “Mhm, my sweet baby.”
“You’re so pretty” Toji praised, looking at you from between your spread thighs, your legs thrown over his shoulder as he pressed kisses to your panties, sucking on the damp spot of the fabric.
“Mmm, daddy, please.” you whined and reached a hand down to slip beneath your panties, your actions serving as pointless when Toji smacked your hand away.
“Please what?” he bit the inside of your thigh, sucking off your soft skin. You mewled at his touch, small fingers twisting the satin sheets generously. “Please touch me, I need you.”
Toji smiled at your neediness, sitting up a tad to pull your panties off and throw them behind him aimlessly. Bringing his mouth to your cunt he inhaled deeply and groaned, cupping your hips with his rough hands and bringing your body closer to him.
You exhaled shakily as he kissed your clit gently then moved down to lick a wide stripe up your core. You rushed to grab his head to steady yourself, thighs quivering as he groaned again when he inserted a finger.
“Fuuuck, you’re so fucking tight, baby.” he sucked your clit, his finger curling inside of you and stoking your gummy walls. “God, can’t wait to feel your tight little pussy on my cock, Jesus.” he exhaled deeply. “Gonna add another finger, kay, baby, you tell me if it's too much.” you looked up from your cunt, your juices coating his plush lips.
You nodded gently, spreading your legs a tad wider to accommodate toji’s new position. He pulled himself to sit on his knees, resting your cunt over his thighs. “Words for me, use your words for daddy.” he kissed your folds and you shivered.
“Yes daddy-”
“Promise me you’ll tell me if it hurts.” his eyes grew soft at your affectionate gaze.
“I promise, daddy.” you nodded and decided to act boldly, scooting yourself higher into his hold. Toji smirked through a chuckle before leaning down and inserting two fingers into you slowly. Wincing at the stretch Toji caressed your thigh with his hand holding you to him.
“I know, so good for daddy, just a little bit more baby.” he continued to praise you until both fingers were stuffed inside your tight cunt, threatening to split you if he tried to stretch them. “Oh honey, you’re so tight, that hurt?” he looked at you, concerned about his features.
You thought it over for a second, “Mm, a little bit, just a lil’ uncomfortable” hissing when he went to remove a finger, walls clenching emptily after benign stretched lightly.
“M’ sorry baby, daddy’s sorry, jus’ wanna make sure you're okay.” he rubbed the inside of your thigh and reentered his finger, sliding the two of them in and out of you with a squelch of your wet cunt. Toji watched as you squirm slightly, his fingers separating gently to stretch you. “So good for me baby, so good.”
Tears welled in your eyes at the praise, bringing your hand down to wrap around Toji’s wrist, he softened his movements. The two of you met each other's eyes and Toji smirked at your expression, eyes lidded hair stuck to your forehead. The way you looked at him with such trust made his heart swell, your swollen lips and rising chest, and the meteophicral hearts swimming in your vision could bring him to his knees.
He needed you and he fucking needed you now.
Toji grabbed a pillow and placed your hips over it, moving back to lean between your legs and press small kisses to your folds. “M’ you taste so good.” he wrapped his hands around your hips, caging you to the bed. His scarred lip tickling your skin when he sucked on your clit and reached his hand up towards you to hold yours in his own. He could tell you were close. Your legs twitched and he could feel your folds pulse and pump in his mouth.
“You’re okay.” he mumbled as your legs clenched as you came, nails digging into the rough flesh of his knuckle. His gruff voice muffled between your legs. Toji continued to lap at your soft cunt, his tongue flicking over your clit as he brought you closer to the edge.
A tight heat coiled in your belly, you tensed again and pulled your legs closer to your chest, toji following you as you moved, keeping a hand wrapped around your waist. He pulled off of you to smile, the scar on his lip splitting - the sight was almost painful to look at. Toji’s fingers pinched your clit while he watched you moan.
Throwing your head back against the fur pillow and tightening your grip around Toji’s wrist you came. “Oh- oh, please I’m cumming.” your walls pulsed around his digits, pussy soaking his mouth.
“Such a good fuckin’ girl for daddy huh” Toji smirked against your cunt, licking your wet folds before moving away to kiss up the inside of your thighs and up your leg that sat on his shoulder. He sat up onto his knees to kiss your ankle, rubbing your calf as you panted. “So pretty, baby.” he kissed your ankle again then moved to rest his hands on either side of your shoulders.
Toji brought his head down to snuzzle your neck, kissing the junction between your collarbone and neck, pressing short and small kisses all the way up your jaw until he met your parted lips. He pressed his lips to yours, cupping your head with one of his hands while the other moved down to part your folds again.
“Think you’re ready for daddy?” he pecked your lips. You nodded and whined lightly as he moved back to cup the bulge in his sweatpants. You moaned at the sight, you pushed yourself onto your elbows and crawled over to him.
He watched you eye his bulge, his cock twitching as your head tilted upwards, eyes meeting his own. You looked so innocent - so easy to ruin. You looked between him and his bulge, jaw opening and closing like a gaping fish. “C-can I touch..” you whispered, embarrassed at your own insinuation that you most definitely wanted this man’s cock inside of you.
Toji chuckled and leaned down to pet your head, he kissed your forehead and nodded when your expression grew into one of frustration at the lack of answer. “Yeah, baby, you wanna touch daddy’s cock?” he tilted his head to watch you turn bashfully making him laugh, pulling down the hem of his sweatpants through his chuckle.
His cock sprung up to tap his abdomen and drool pooled in your mouth, you moved to take him into your mouth, Toji’s hand coming up to press against your forehead, stopping you in the process. You looked up to him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Daddy’s okay, I’ll teach you how to suck dick another day, kay baby?” he stroked the back of your head. His words were almost condescending, treating you as though you didn’t know any better, as though you were too incapable of doing things on your own. Toji didn't think so though, Toji saw this as his way to own you completely, riot your brain of everything you knew and mold you into a submissive little puppy - mold you into something entirely perfect and special, hidden from the sinful acts of civilization.
“Daddy,” you whined, pawing at his thigh, staring at his cock had begun tortures; memorizing the thin veins that ran up the underside and his pretty pink tip. Daddy’s cock is pretty you thought to yourself.
He hadn't even noticed he’d begun to stare off.
Toji blinked and made a smile at you, holding your jaw in his hand and kissing you roughly, “Daddy’s here.” he pulled off to look behind you at the bed, pushing you back till you were laying on your back, arms reaching up for him.
Positioning himself between your legs, he hiked one thigh over his arm, pressing your knee to your chest. You placed your hands on his biceps, rubbing his skin as a means to comfort yourself as you watched him tug on his cock, precum leaking from the tip.
You made a nervous whimper at the feeling of his tip pressing against your folds. Toji kissed you and stroked the skin of your hip gently. “Shh… kiss daddy’s gonna go slow kay?” he waited for you to nod before slowly pushing his tip in.
You cried out and pushed against his belly, trying to slow him down, “Too much daddy!” tears already fell down your soft cheeks making Toji’s eyes soften. He brought himself down to rest on his forearms, bringing his hands to either side of your face and cupping it as you sobbed.
“Honey, calm down,” he spoke gently, thumbing your tears away “it’s only just the tip, baby”
You closed your mouth and screwed your eyes shut, trying to get used to the stretch only to shake your head when it wasn’t working. “Too big, daddy,” you wailed and brought your hands up to cup his wrists.
“Baby.” he cooed “focus on daddy for me baby” he pulled out a small bit to let you calm down. You slowly opened your eyes, vision blurred with salty tears as you tried to make out his face.
“Daddy you have to go slow.” you cried, bringing a hand up to wipe at your eyes which Toji pulled away, leaning down to kiss your eyelids gently and pulling back to place a peck on your swollen lips.
He cooed again, “I know baby, daddy’s sorry, he was going too fast.” you nodded at his words and he nodded back, smiling when you began to breathe normally again, taking deep inhales through your lips. “That’s my girl, deep breaths, kay?” you continued to breathe until you squirmed a bit underneath him. “Where you goin baby?” Toji asked, head tucked into your neck where he’d been pressing gentle kisses.
“Wanna try again.” you met his eyes when he came back up, “I can do it daddy, just go slow.” you reassured him when his eyebrow quirked.
“Okay, daddy’s gonna so slow, you tell him if it gets to be too much okay?” he kissed both of your cheeks and you nodded, your features filling with excitement in hopes of making your daddy proud. Toji noticed your excitement, of course, and laughed lightly, “Calm down, squirt, we still gotta take it slow. Daddy doesn’t wanna hurt you.”
You nodded enthusiastically and grabbed his biceps again, bracing yourself for the stretch and wincing when he pushed in again. Toji watched your soft expression grow screwed and stopped, “Take a breath, baby.”
You gasped loudly, showing Toji that you were in fact breathing which earned you a smile at your exaggerated breaths. Toji took your moment of distraction to push himself in a bit more, making your smile break into a gasp, nails gripping his skin roughly.
“So good, for me, see almost done” he tucked your head to look between the two of you; the sight of his girth splitting you open making your walls flutter and soak hsi cock, pulling him into you more.
Toji’s jaw dropped at the clench of you walls, you were so fucking tight - and he wasn’t even all the way in - “Oh, fuuuck,” he chuckled breathlessly, readjusting himself to support his weight on one of his hands, “easy, kid, god.”
“M’ sorry” your eyes welled up, thinking you were hurting him you went to move only to be stopped by him keeping you in place.
“No,” he chuckled “No- just- just god, haha” he took a few breaths, bringing a hand down to massage your clit, hoping you’d loosen up because at the rate you were going right now, he was gonna cum right when he was fully inside you. “Jesus, kid, you’re gonna be the death of me.” he said through gritted teeth.
Toji continued to push himself in, your body shivering and leg quivering over his arm as he met your hymen, tapping it lightly with the tip of his cock making you wince. “There she is.” Toji looked down between your bodies, seeing how much more you had to take he gulped and turned his head back up to see your worried expression.
“Hey, hey, hey, I’m still gonna go slow, baby, daddy’s gonna make you feel so good.” the two of you waited for a moment, his cock pulsing inside your tight cunt as you took deep breaths, trying to prepare yourself. Toji took the time to appreciate your features; your furrowed brows as you concentrated on the size of him, your long eyelashes stuck together by tears, your soft skin and plump cheeks that made him want to wrap you up in his arms and snuggle you. “You okay, baby?” you nodded “You want daddy to try moving?” he asked and kissed you.
“Yes daddy, I just- I need help.” you looked to him for guidance and guidance he provided. Toji thought for a second before taking your smaller hand in his large one and pulling it down to his cock, letting you wrap your small hand around the girth that hadn’t entered you yet.
“Good girl,” Toji muttered, watching you feel around his cock, exploring the touch and texture of it, “Now, daddy’s gonna push in and if it gets to be too much for you I want you to press against me.” he informed you and you nodded, heart speeding up at the pulse under the skin of his cock. “You ready?” nodding you moved your arm to his neck, pulling him closer to you and kissing him.
Toji pushed in gently, your hymen splitting, a broken cry muffled by Toji’s mouth, your hand made no move of stopping him but he slowed to a near stop for your sake, stroking your wrist with his hand and pressing kisses over your tears.
“You okay, sweetie?” he pulled back, stroking the back of your head.
“Yeah, m’okay, jus’ hurts a bit.” you sniffled
“I know, kid, you’re being’ so good for me, so good for daddy.” he kisses your nose and lets you relax, running his hands over any part of your body he could reach, slowly kissing you and allowing you to grow accustomed to his size.
“I’m okay now daddy, c-can you move, but be gentle please, like- like slow?” you said softly, taking your hand off his length to hold his forearm.
“Of course, baby.” Toji nodded and pulled out a bit before slowly pushing himself back in. He watched your expression clench up, having difficulty in taking his length; he tried a few more practice thrusts before realizing your body was tense and making it difficult for you to fully let him move without hurting you. “Baby, relax.” he sat up onto his haunches and pulled you closer to him. Your legs were placed over his shoulders as he pressed your body into a mating press, forcing your body to relax in surprise of all of his cock sinking into your tight cunt making him groan.
“Oh jesus, you’re so fucking tight, baby - haha, god, you’re all mine, god you feel so good.” he praised, head coming to tuck into your neck. He pressed small kisses to your skin while he groaned.
“Mm daddy, please,” your legs tensed when his cock twitched slightly. There was hardly any room for him, his cock was pressed against your cervix, your squirming not helping to ease the cramped feeling.
“I gotcha’, kid.” he pulled out and thrusted back in, this time you moaned and threw your head back against the fur pillows. You felt so fucking full. “Fuck, daddy.” you cried, turning your head upwards to watch him to see his focused yet blissed expression.
“Yeah, sweetie?” he chuckled, thrusting deeply inside you, his balls slapped your skin, the sound was damn near pornographic, the weight of his cock made you moan. “Oh, that feels good, does my baby feel good?” he teased at your expression, drool trailing from your mouth.
You nodded enthusiastically and moved to hold him closer, your legs bending against his shoulders to press him further inside you. “Daddy - whine - daddy, please all the way inside.” you pleaded and Toji looked at you worriedly.
“Okay, sweetie, relax for me.” he readjusted your legs higher on his shoulders and sank all the way into you, two of you gasping when his balls met your folds. “Jesus.” Toji shivered and pulled back to thrust into you again.
Toji continued to thrust into you, hitting your cervix and making you moan and clench around him, the heat and tightness of your pussy making him groan. He needed to get you to come. “C’mon sweetie, you’re so pretty for me, so. thrust. damn. Thrust. Good.” he brought a hand down to your clit and began to circle it gently, the rough pad of his finger bringing you closer.
“Oh fuck, daddy!” you moaned, “Daddy, m’ gonna cum, m’ gonna cum.” you cried.
Toji groaned and leaned down to kiss you, “cum for me sweet girl, want daddy to fill you up? Give you a baby?” he smirked at your expression, fucked coompletely stupid.
“Daddy please, please fill me up.” you moaned, the need to be bred was making your head spin. Thoughts of being swollen with his child and carrying his baby for him made your knees weak.
“Okay, kid, daddy’s cummin’ c’mon.” he said through clenched teeth, pressing your legs deeper against your chest causing you to cum. Your jaw dropped and you gasped, pulling yourself closer to Toji as you came.
Toji leaned into your hold, shivering as he bucked his hips into you, your gummy walls pulsed around him, milking his cock as cum painted your walls. He swore you were going to kill him. “God, you’re all mine, kid, all fucking mine. He finished thrusting and pushed himself all the way into the hilt, assuring his seed took before pulling out and falling beside you.
You sat staring at the ceiling, looking for something to ground yourself with as your body shook. Eyes coming to focus on the iron chandelier you felt tears well up in your eyes and pour down your cheeks. Suddenly everything was too much and not enough, you needed more of him, you needed him to tell you everything was okay, to tell you he wasn’t going to leave his multi-million dollar cabin after fucking you ti’ll you were braindead, your mind scrambled to find some logical thought, grasping at the scariest one it could find until you could feel the anxiety rotting in your stomach.
Toji heard you sniffle and turned over to see you covering your face with your hands, chest heaving as tears ran down your cheeks. “Baby, baby, baby, what’s wrong?” he moved to pull you into his arms, spooning you and grounding you with his weight. “Are you hurt, honey, what’s going on?” he kissed the back of your head. Hsi touch made you cry harder, “c’mon, kid, talk to me.” he pleaded and brought his hand over your body to cup your face.
“Please -” you choked, turning over to meet his eyes, “Please don’t leave me, don’t - I can’t, I wan’t-” you were panicking, unable to get the words out as word vomit spilled form your swollen lips aimlessly.
Toji tried to make sense of your rambling, ‘shushing’ you and pulling you against his chest. “M’ not leaving a sweet thing.” he kissed the top of your head. “Remember how I told you I didn’t want you hanging around those boys? Is that what this is about?” he pulled your head back from his chest to look at you, stroking your cheek gently.
You thought for a moment and considered that those scary stories Toji told you about the mean boys and their inability to be mature probably put you on edge. “Maybe” you sniffled.
Toji chuckled lightly, “Baby, I’m not gonna leave you.” he tucked you back against his chest before rolling over and letting you lay against him. “Shh, sweetie, relax.” he cooed as he felt your back heave with heavy sniffles.
Trying to slow your breathing you snuggled against his body, relaxing to the touch of him running his hand up and down your back comfortingly. You turned to him as you felt your eyes get heavy, “Toji?” you sniffled.
“Yeah, kid?” he asked, eyes closed yet his hand continued to run up and down your skin.
“Thankyou.” you said softly.
Toji peaked one eye open, “C’mere.” he brought his arm up to make room for you, letting you lay down next to him before wrapping you in his hold under the heavy fur blanket. “You’re a good kid y/n.” he kissed your forehead.
You hummed to yourself, relaxing into his hold and falling asleep to the sound of his heart.
The next morning Toji sent you to shower, letting you have your own privacy as you scrubbed the blood from between your thighs and watched the clear water that ran over the pearly white tiles turn a pink hue.
Once you were finished and dressed yourself in a pair of pj’s, you made your way downstairs, lured into the kitchen by the smell of bacon and syrup much like the morning before. Toji was sitting at the bar with a coffee cup in his hand and his phone in the other.
Noticing you enter the room he motioned for you to come over to him, letting you stand between his legs as he sat on the stool. “How’d you sleep, baby?” you stroked your head gently.
“Mm, good.” you yawned and rubbed your eyes to which Toji pulled your hand away from your face again.
“How many times I gotta tell you to stop doing’ that shit with your eyes?” You smiled sheepishly before wrapping your arms around him in a hug to which he returned, resting his chin atop your head.
“Forever.” you joked and Toji laughed, you smiled as you felt it vibrate through his body.
“Breakfast is ready.” Tsumiki said through a smile and placed two plates down at the bar, one for you and one for Toji before going back to make her own plate.
“C’mere, sweet thing.” Toji spread his legs and helped you up into his lap. Letting you rest against his chest as he brought your plate over next to his and began to feed you. It was a simple thing, the act of feeding someone you love, but it was a small act of domesticity that warms your heart. It made you and Toji’s relationship seem years old, as he kissed your temple and took a bite of his own food you smiled to yourself.
“What are you thinking about?” Toji teased and flicked your forehead.
“You.” you answered honestly, snuggling into him.
Toji smiled and placed a hand on your head before bringing another fork of food to your mouth, “Yeah, I’m thinkin’ about you too.”
Toji fed you another bite as Megumi made his way into the kitchen. You waved to him and smiled with a mouthful of food, Megumi chuckled at you, his shoulders bouncing.
He made his own plate and went to sit down with Tsumiki. The four of you ate in silence, save for snide comments made here and there by Toji or soft pet names he would whisper to you as you took another bite.
"Are we gonna go to the gondola today?" He pulled the string off his hoodie mindlessly and he munched on a piece of bacon.
Toji looked back at his son before turning to you and stroking the back of your head softly, "How's that sound, baby?"
You nodded your head and brought a hand up to cover your mouth, "sounds fun to me, I wanna see the mountains and play in the snow."
Toji smiled at your excitement and kissed your temple. The rest of the breakfast was filled with far more normalcy rather than tension, son and father making jokes while Tsumiki and you spoke about silly little things.
"You ready to go, kid?" Toji yelled from the bottom of the steps. He wore a black jacket made of PU leather and cotton fabric, snow pants, a pair of leather snow boots.
Bouncing down the steps in your moon boots you squealed happily, "Yes, I'm so excited!"
Toji chuckled and ruffled your hair once you made it to the bottom of the steps, "Careful, baby." He scolded lightly and you shook your head, removing his large hand from your hair.
"I wanna go!" You said gleefully and ran to the door and out into the icy air, Toji following behind, his bag in one hand and truck keys in the other.
You crouched down in the small amount of piled snow that had built up over night, grabbing a stick and poking at it happily as Toji started the F150 and placed his bags in the back.
Suddenly two hand grabbed your waist making you squeal and thrash around, "Toji!'' You giggled and he laughed, kissing your neck playfully. Toji carried you to the passanger seat of the truck and placed you in the seat, helping strap you in and then kissing your nose.
Toji made his way to the driver's seat and sat down, heated up the seats and started the engine before typing in the directions to the gondola. "You ready to go see some mountains, sweet cheeks?" He laid his hand out across the compartment signaling he wanted you to take his hand.
Placing your hand in his, you looped your fingers together and leaned forward to kiss him on his lips. "Yes!" You chirped and grabbed his phone to turn on some music.
Toji smiled at your music choice and rubbed the faux fur of your glove gently as he drove down the trail. He was happy.
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hockeywhy · 3 years
4 times you faked a relationship + 1 time you didn’t; m.tkachuk
WARNINGS: language. WORD COUNT: 17.2k. A/N: So, I didn’t want my effort for this fic to go to waste and I’ve decided to re-write it for Matty because he and the fake dating trope work so well together. I had to, so here it is.
“I’d only be asking Matthew if I had no other options and needed a last resort,” you said. “Until then, I’m not even contemplating it.” 
“Kind of sounds like you’ve just about reached the bottom of your list, right around where you’re keeping Matthew, Y/N,” your friend, Anna, responded and though her tone said sympathy, the look on her face reflected anything but sheer elation. 
The invitation landed on your tabletop with a loud slap while you deposited yourself in a nearby chair unceremoniously, glaring at the decorative paper as if it offended you. Actually, scratch that. It did offend you. Greatly so. Honestly, it may as well have come in the form of one of those boxing gloves that sprung out of a box immediately upon opening and decked you square in the face. That’s how much it offended you. 
The golden letters inked on the thick paper warmly requested the pleasure of your company to witness the love of Josh Reynolds to Louise Jones six weeks from now. The location stated was a hotel you knew only through word of mouth: one of those fancy establishments that served ridiculously priced plates that were more canapes than actual meals. 
You doubted there would be much pleasure from your company.
You and Josh called it quits just over a year ago after a relationship that became increasing rockier, significantly more emotionally exhausting. The two of you started dating in high school and if the relationship started off with nothing but the sort of blinding fiery passion only teens could be capable of, well someone missed the memo on giving you the message that all fires eventually fizzle out. Gradually, it was the only way you could see your relationship heading and it seemed that Josh felt it too. It made the breakup easier: it was neat and mutual. Still, that couldn’t be considered an incentive for either of you to invite each other to such grand, deeply personal events. You couldn’t help but feel a little hurt that he found someone he wanted to tie the knot with so quickly but in retrospect, Josh had always wanted that while you were content as you were. That seemed to be the fork in your road with him.
On the one hand, you were angry at Josh for even considering jotting your name down on the list of attendees and on the other, you were angry at yourself for being angry about that. One moment you were dead set on declining the invite and the next, you considering that doing that would simply show you were bitter and unable to be civil about it. Besides, surely it was noted somewhere in the Rulebook of Ex’s that you just couldn’t do stuff like that. That seemed to just about do it. Like hell you’d given anyone the satisfaction of one-upping you.
You needed a plus one. Desperately. 
“Ask your brother then. Pretty sure that’s bound to impress anyone there. It’s not often many will get to say they brushed shoulders with an up-and-coming professional athlete.” 
“I don’t need that sort of plus one. If I did, I would’ve asked you—”
“Thanks,” Anna mumbled.”
“—but what I need,” you ploughed on ahead, “is, well, something that can come off a bit more serious looking.”
She rolled her eyes. “Saying the word boyfriend won’t jinx you into permanent silence, you know. You need a boyfriend.”
“A boyfriend for a day,” you agreed contemplatively. 
She picked up the invitation to look through it carefully and after concluding her inspection, she slapped the papers back down on the table, grinning. “Matthew it will be then!” 
Your younger brother, Jake, recently signed his entry-level contract with the Calgary Flames, in a way carrying forward the family tradition of starting a career in professional sports with them. Your grandfather did, your father did and now, here you were watching your little brother take on the mantle. Your family’s involvement in sport and, specifically, the team meant that you were somewhat familiar with the organization whether that meant attending home games or a few events arranged by the team. You couldn’t say you were the best of friends with them, certainly nowhere near the level your brother was, but generally speaking you were fond of the C of Red. 
That couldn’t also be said about Matthew, however.
It seemed that from the get-go, there was a personality clash between you. At first, you thought it was just Matthew picking on you, joking around as he disagreed with virtually anything you’d say but progressively, you were pretty sure the two of you didn’t even have the compatibility to keep things civil. Matthew had a way with pushing your buttons and it bothered you he could do that with so much ease, though the more you thought of it, the more it shouldn’t have come as a surprise to you: you were all too familiar with his on-ice shenanigans, after all. Whenever you knew you had to be under the same roof as him, you’d tell yourself to not let him get under your skin but that resolve would last for all of ten minutes. Fifteen if you had a particularly good day. 
Much to your chagrin, it seemed your brother was closest to Matthew. Though you offered the spare room in your apartment, your brother was so warmly welcomed by Matthew. It was no doubt even Jake found your annoyance with his teammate entertaining.
The thought alone was frustrating enough. If one day, by chance, you caught sight of a white strand of hair on your head, you were dead set on blaming Matthew for it. Matthew and his smarmy attitude; Matthew and his smartass retorts; Matthew and the smirks he threw your way whenever your brother took his side, outnumbering you. 
You clenched your teeth, glaring at the invite. From the corner of your eye, you saw Anna’s outstretched hand holding your phone out to you. A groan formed in your throat and you wished you kept in contact with the handful of guys you tried dating after Josh. None really stayed. Or better said, none managed to draw you in. It was as if Josh had put a jinx on you. If that was the case, you hoped that this whammy would disappear if it meant watching him watch someone else walk down the aisle towards him. 
Anna waved the device at you insistently. “Do it. Come on. Even you know nothing says fuck you like turning up there with Matthew. Scrappy when he wants to be and he’s not bad to look at either. You know it.” 
You arched an eyebrow up at her. “More than Johnny?” 
She flushed visibly. Johnny and Anna were still a relatively new thing, dancing around their relationship carefully as if they were both doing this rodeo for the first time. It was pretty cute. “Don’t change the subject.” She placed the device down on the table in front of you then patted your shoulder. “I have a feeling you won’t regret it. If he gets on your nerves too much, well…it can’t be worse than watching your ex get married, right?” 
“Ouch,” you winced, but chuckled, knowing you were defeated. Matthew was the last resort, and you knew you were at the bottom of your list before you even started going through it. “You do realize if he declines, I’ll probably make a start on packing my bags and moving to Montana, right? The only time you’ll hear from me is when my handwritten letter goes through the nine circles of hell that is our postal service.” 
Anna fixed you with a stare that could only read as ‘do it’. “I wouldn’t be so insistent on this if I knew Matthew would say no. I have a feeling he’ll surprise you.” 
With a heavy sigh, you unlocked your phone and scrolled through your list of contacts, thumb hovering over his name when it came up. Anna wasn’t wrong: Matthew wasn’t bad to look at all, that much you could admit. But god, if he turned you down…. you knew you wouldn’t be able to ever show your face in front of him or the rest of the team ever again. 
“I think I’ve had enough surprises from him to last a lifetime,” you mumbled but tapped the call symbol anyway.
He answered on the third ring. “Hel—
You didn’t let him finish. “I need your help,” you ground out, eyes closing while you rubbed at your forehead with the tips of your fingers. 
There was silence on the other end of the line that had you biting your lip in anxiousness. You shouldn’t have done this. You really shouldn’t have done this. All it would take would be just hitting the ‘resume my account’ link on one of the dating apps you signed up for a while ago. Someone was bound to be attracted not only to you but the promise of an open bar—
“Music to my ears,” Matthew’s response came through. You could practically hear the smile in his voice and knew you’d regret it; you could easily tell from the tone of his voice. 
You sighed quietly, leaning forward to rest your elbows on the table, eyes glued to the invitation. Fuck it, you could get someone else; easily, no doubt. The world of online dating was vast and there would always be takers.
“Uh, yeah actually, never mind—”
“No, no. Come on, Y/N. Pretty sure this is the first time you’re calling me first so can we take a moment to just let that sink in?” Silence again, then a chuckle. “Okay, now that we did. How can I help you?” 
It wasn’t as if Josh had put you in the position to ask Matthew for a favor but still: fuck Josh, anyway. In a split second of sheer pettiness, you considered aiming to host the most extravagant, unforgettable weddings when your turn would come just to show him who does it better. 
“Are you free the third weekend in June?” you asked tiredly. 
“Don’t know. Depends what for and who you’re asking for.” 
You should’ve asked him face-to-face. At least then, he would’ve had the chance to see you roll your eyes, turn on your heel and walk away. “I’m obviously asking for myself. Could you just be straightforward for once and answer yes or no? You’re making me hold the line for longer than I anticipated and I’m happy to ask someone else,” you lied.
“Let me get this right—” Here comes, you thought exhausted. “You’re calling me for the first time since you have my number to ask me if I’m free the third weekend in June? As a favor for yourself.” 
“Matthew, I didn’t stutter—”
“What’s happening in June?”
You don’t know what it was about his words that downed you. It was nothing but a simple question yet the only thing you could think of was: the first boy I’ve dated and so far, the only one, seems to have moved on quicker than I anticipated and while I’m still trying to build myself back up, I’m sitting in my kitchen looking at a wedding invitation and wallowing in self-pity because regardless of how hard I try, of how much I’ve amended my standards, no one seems to do it so what if this is it for me? What if this is just the way it’ll be from now on? And now, I’m resorting to lying just to make myself feel better but also put a façade in front of someone who I know no longer cares about me like that. And really, nor do I about him but here we are. So, nothing much is happening in June, Matthew. Hopefully we get a lot more sunshine though!
What you responded with instead was, “just an old friend of mine getting married and I need a plus one. Nothing serious. Just go there for an hour or two, say some hellos and leave. It’s a quick in-and-out thing.” 
More silence on the other end of the line other than the muffled shuffle of what sounded like bedsheets. “Why not ask your brother then?” 
“Asked him already, said he’s got something lined up already. So, are you free or not?” you lied, quickly pressing on even if you knew that sounded a lot like desperation.
“For you, at a price.” He was smirking. You knew he was and more than ever, you wished 2021 was the year you could just reach through the phone and shake the person on the other end. 
“Uh-huh. Right. No, just forget it. Forget I even—”
You were going to end the call when Matthew laughed, quickly calling out a “no, no! Nothing weird, I promise. Just owe me a favor in return, is all.” 
“Do I get a choice?” you mumbled, more to yourself than towards him.
“I think we both know that you don’t. Text me the time and place,” he instructed and then, just as you were really about to end the call, he added, “hey, send me a photo of what you’re wearing also. I’ll match my tie to your dress, free of charge.” 
“Can you maybe ditch the jacket while you’re at it? Just want to make sure your tie’s within reach so I can strangle you with it.”
Even after you cut the call, Matthew’s laughter rang in your ears. 
Matthew matched his tie to your red dress. The color of the silk around his neck was so striking, you would swear it was made from the same material as your outfit. You sent him a photo of the material of the dress, more as a joke than having any expectations attached to it so you were pleasantly surprised to see he made the effort. For a moment, you allowed yourself to bask in sheer joy knowing that to any eye, the two of you could easily pass as a couple. At least, from looks alone if not from attitude. You were a proud person; fiercely so. Knowing you were now in debt to Matthew however he saw fit dealt a pretty impressive blow to your ego. You don’t let yourself linger too much on that thought, though. It was already difficult enough to loosen up and relax your stance as you climbed into Matthew’s car as soon as he texted you of his arrival. 
“You look good,” he commented after you fixed the seatbelt on. He turned in his seat as much as space would allow so he could look at you properly and in return, you arched an eyebrow, refusing to give way to his stare. “Are you trying to one-up the bride?” 
“Ha, ha. Funny. You didn’t even see the bride. I didn’t even see the bride.” 
“Didn’t see her but I’m seeing you, so,” he shrugged, by way of explanation before correcting his position. 
If asked, you wouldn’t deny that Matthew also looked good. Very good. But only if asked. It was impossible that someone with a face like that didn’t know they turned heads easily wherever they went. Matthew’s suit fit him as if it was sown on him. If the two of you had a better relationship, you would even dare ask him what it was he was putting in that hair of his that made it so shiny and gave those curls so much definition, taming them almost perfectly when he really put his mind to it. Whatever it was, you had a feeling he didn’t strain as much as you had earlier that morning to tame your hair and though you could give yourself credit for how well it turned out, your arms weren’t thanking you for it. 
Thankfully, much of the drive was pleasant. Though you hated small talk, you decided to make an effort if only to ease your nerves as the navigation system indicated you were drawing closer and closer to that glitzy hotel. You learned that although the season was over, Matthew, Brady and the rest of the family would spend a few weeks in Canada before heading back home to St. Louis. In turn, you told him that some of the days off you booked from work would be spent somewhere just as sunny and warm but with more beaches. It was safe ground. That, you could do although progressively, you were becoming more and more distracted, and less focused on the conversation the two of you managed to keep. 
“Want me to pull over?” Matthew asked suddenly. 
“What,” you mumbled, turning your attention from the road ahead to Matthew who seemed amused by the situation. “Why would I want you to do that?” 
“I’d want you to do that. You look pretty pale and honestly, I’ve just had the interior cleaned so—”
“Fuck you, Tkachuk, keep driving. I’m just a little…cold. How high do you have the AC on?” 
He fixed you with a stare while waiting for the lights ahead to turn green, eyebrow arched. “It’s June, Y/N, and uncomfortably warm. If it makes you feel better, though, I could turn it off and we can roll down the windows instead?”
“No, sorry—you’re right. It’s fine. Just leave the AC as it is.” 
The laugh he gave was nothing short of incredulous. “Repeat that back for me. Actually—hold on, do that when I can press record on my phone so I can have that on repeat. Did you admit I’m right?” 
“God, you’re making me regret inviting you,” you muttered though without heat. 
An uncomfortable silence slipped between the two of you or maybe, it was just your perspective on it. Matthew seemed perfectly at ease minding the road, only occasionally throwing a cursory glance towards the car’s navigation system whenever it announced a turn. Doing this seemed more and more like a bad idea. A terrible one. No one would’ve held it against you if you denied the invitation. In fact, you thought that was more expected than accepting it and turning up to the party as if you were seeing an old friend, not an ex-boyfriend. It wasn’t too late though. Matthew could still turn the car around. 
“Listen, Matt—”
“You have now reached your destination. Your destination is on the right.”
You released a breath you weren’t even aware of holding, then threw a quick look towards the main entrance of the hotel. Already, a few guests whom you recognized were crossing into the lobby.
“You really don’t look okay at all,” Matthew repeated and there was less humor in his voice and more concern this time around. Even you weren’t ignorant to how much your mood kept fluctuating over the course of the drive: often, engaged in conversation but occasionally, withdrawn, barely just catching on to whatever it was Matthew was saying. Sure, he probably didn’t know you well enough to read you, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out something was amiss. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I felt like there’s more to this thing than you’re telling me. You could’ve asked your brother, yet you didn’t—” 
Damn it. You made him swear to play along. You made a quick mental note to get back at him about it whenever you felt energized enough to do so.
“Matthew,” you said, your voice suddenly clear, tone neutral. You didn’t dare look him in the eyes so instead, you kept your stare fixed on the revolving doors ahead. “I’m only going to say this once and I hope that you won’t make me repeat it now or ever again. I’d prefer that you don’t mention it to anyone either. The person getting married today is my ex-boyfriend. Up until last year, we’ve been together since we were teenagers. I loved him. Since we broke up, I kept trying to look for parts of him in others, but I couldn’t find even a trace of who he was. I feel as I’ve been jinxed, and I felt that maybe if I come today, maybe if I see him with someone else, I can confidently say I’m fine with that. It hurt my pride when I received the invitation, so my first thought was to lie. If, for just a few hours, I can pretend I’ve also moved on and I’m not stuck in this…fucking weird limbo, then maybe it becomes true. A fucked up self-prophecy. So.” You pause, clearing your throat. Your mouth suddenly felt dry from your speech, yet you couldn’t feel a pang of regret in your chest or heat behind your eyes. “So. If you want out, that’s fine. After all, I’m asking you to pretend to be my date out of spite, I guess. And embarrassment. It’s childish and unfair and ridiculous but—”
You came to a halt when you felt a finger under your chin, and a gentle upward push forced you to raise your head up a little more. When you turned towards Matthew, you looked at him with a look of confusion on your face. 
“Keep your head up. We have a wedding to go to.” 
His encouragement sunk in faster than expected and as your expression relaxed, a smile formed on your face. 
Yeah. The two of you had a wedding to go to. 
The event hall was decorated minimally yet tastefully. It made everything seem even more personal and you received that impression from every detail: from the flower arrangements to the music, everything was a testament to a life united by love. Maybe your emotional outburst earlier accounted for it, but you felt lighter even as you watched the newlyweds glide along the floor for their first dance. Sure, you felt a desperate pang of want but it was distant. Muffled. 
Despite your initial thoughts, having Matthew at your side felt very much like a safety cushion. It surprised you to watch him settle into his role with so much ease that eventually, even you didn’t have to remind yourself to not withdraw whenever his arm wrapped around your waist: sometimes loosely, sometimes a little tighter, reeling you in closer.
Fish, here is your bait, you thought wildly as you stood tucked at his side while he accepted flatteries from one of the guests who swore had been a fan of the Calgary Flames since before he could even talk.
“You must be so proud,” the man turned towards you. “Your family’s truly one of a kind to have all played for the team and now—” He gestures towards Matthew as if to say all of this. “Must be something about those Flames!” 
You laughed tightly, just as Matthew squeezed your side. By that move alone, you could tell he was eating this up. 
“Yeah, just can’t get enough of them,” you concluded, pitching your voice just a little higher towards the end. To the man, it was as genuine as could be, but Matthew cautioned you silently with the slightest narrowing of his eyes, effectively warning you to be more realistic. “Hey, I’ll get us some refills? Try to be a little more inconspicuous in the meantime. Remember this isn’t your day,” you joked. 
“Only practicing for when our turn comes,” Matthew responded without missing a beat and released the hold he had on you. 
Once at the bar, you allowed yourself some extra moments to catch your breath. Even off ice, Matthew was a force to be reckoned with. He struck conversation with others easily, drew their attention with seemingly little effort and easily set the mood for whatever situation or person the two of you would run into. A part of you thought his profession had a lot to do with his mannerism, but a bigger part knew different:  mostly, it was really just Matthew. 
He had a way with words and with people that you haven’t been witness to before and couldn’t help but wonder if it was all show. He was, after all, a face for the public: familiar with interviews, familiar with the attention, apparently not overwhelmed even by less conventional questions. Watching him play this role was fascinating to say the least. It certainly took your mind off the circumstances so credit where credit was due. 
“Hey, it’s good to see you here.” 
You turned from the bar and came face to face with Josh. His jacket was off, and his sleeves were neatly rolled up past his elbows; behind the knot of his tie, you could see he’d undone the top button of the collar. You’d seen him make countless rounds across the entire floor, greeting guests and ensuring everything was running smoothly. Occasionally, you watched him dance either with his wife, or family members, or even guests you recognized as work colleagues. 
You smiled. “Thanks for the invite. It was a bit weird to receive it, I can’t lie about that, but I’m glad you sent it.” It surprised you to learn you weren’t even lying about that. Through the course of the evening, it dawned on you that maybe, it was more the thought of being here that made you anxious; the event itself, however, proved just how right you were. It felt…fine. You felt fine. 
“Yeah—uh, I wasn’t… I wasn’t really sure but, well, before…” He trailed off into a sigh. 
You chuckled softly. “Would you like to buy a vowel?” 
That made him laugh. Truly, genuinely laugh. “Sorry. I guess it’s a bit weird for me also. But, well, before you and I were, well, you-and-I, we were friends. I would’ve hoped we’d still be friends even after…” He waved a hand in the air by way of explanation but that was sufficient for you.
“Won’t hurt to be friends. Whatever happened between us—well. Thing of the past. Build bridges and get over them, right?” 
“Right. Function of a bridge and all.”
“Hey. Congratulations, by the way! I’m happy for you. Really. I wish the two of you all the best. She seems really great.” 
“She is,” he agreed and cast a glance towards the room, eyes undoubtedly searching for her. “Are you—”
“Here you are.” 
Saved by the bell. A weight fell around your waist that, by now, was warm and familiar. Unconsciously, you leaned into Matthew, flashing a wide smile at Josh. At first, he seemed surprised by the sudden appearance but then his features settled into something more comfortable; something so much like relief that for a moment, you wished you could just come clean about it. You and Matthew were less than meets the eye.
Before you could even introduce them, a kiss was pressed to your cheek, knocking all air from your lungs and almost making you choke because of it.
What the hell.
“You were gone for some time, so I thought to check on you,” Matthew informed you, all matter of fact. To Josh, he said, “congratulations on the wedding. Must be pretty great to finally get to this point. You two look great together.” 
“Oh? Yeah. Yeah, thanks man. So glad you could come along today.” Josh turned to you, an eyebrow perked in interest. “I didn’t know you two were together.” 
“Oh we’re just—” 
You began but were promptly interrupted by Matthew. “We like to keep it lowkey. It hasn’t been that long for us but that’s not much of a problem when your gut tells you this is it. You know it well, right?”  
You were entirely caught off guard. Instead of responding immediately, you bought yourself some time by taking a sip from your glass of—whatever it was. Strong though. Just perfect for the situation you suddenly found yourself in: ex-boyfriend ahead, fake boyfriend to the side, promising sweet nothings that you knew would come back to haunt you at some ungodly hour. You wished you could step on his shoe; pull on those shiny curls of his real quick, knock some sense back into him. There was a difference between play a role well and clearly, playing it too well.
Matthew pushed ahead. “It’s pretty good timing for us though. We could take some notes for when our turn comes, right babe?” 
“I’ll let the two of you to it, then. Thanks again for coming.” Josh made a move to step away but before he did, he turned to you and caught your eyes. “I’m really happy for you, Y/N. You look good together. Just make sure you don’t take too many notes.”
“Wouldn’t dream to,” Matthew responded, and you could read the slight bite in his words. When Josh was out of earshot, he looked down at you. “You dated him? Just him?” 
“Hey, what’d I say about not bringing that up again? And save your dick measuring contests for the locker room, Tkachuk. Now’s not the time nor place.” 
“Now’s definitely the time and place,” he countered, making you roll your eyes but there was a smile on your face you couldn’t quite wipe off. “Come on. Let’s continue taking leaves out of their book.” In one swift motion, he took the glass from your hand and set it on the bar while above, the LED lights dimmed, and the playlist switched to a slower song. 
You threw him a cautious look, easily reading where that was going. “I’m not dancing.”
“Sure, you are. You want to give the impression of being happily in love? You need to start pulling your weight in this thing.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry, Atlas. Do your shoulders hurt from carrying the burden of our relationship?” you mocked, yet still allowed him to lead you towards the dance floor. Right in the center of it given the bride and groom appeared to sit this one out; you expected nothing less from him. You weren’t even surprised when he made an entire show out of it, forcing you to do a pirouette when the two of you claimed your spot. 
“You can’t even imagine the pain you put me through,” he sighed near your ear as the two of you began swaying to the music. 
“Well, you’re still standing so clearly it can’t be that bad.” 
“Baby, it’s torture.” 
You were grateful the two of you weren’t exactly face to face or you were sure Matthew would never have let you live down the flush you felt rising to your cheeks. Sure, he didn’t use the pet name in a genuine manner, but just hearing it roll off his tongue like that… You stopped that thought before it grew into a whole new different monster. 
After a few moments of silence passed, Matthew lowered his head closer to yours, his warm breath colliding with the skin on your throat. “Do you think now’s the right time to kiss? Are enough people watching?” 
You stepped on his foot. Not hard, but just with the right amount of pressure to draw a wince from him. Satisfied, you leaned back just a little to look at him properly. “Don’t even think about it, Tkachuk—”
“Thought about it already.”
Through clenched teeth, you hissed, “you. Are. Incorrigible.” 
He raised his eyebrows, surprised. “If only you could meet yourself.” 
You snickered quietly then leaned back against him. “Thanks for doing this. I know it’s not the most convenient of things… and it wasn’t fair to tell you the full truth of it right on the day of. But—well, thanks.”
“That sounds like it was pretty difficult to let out. It’s very…. heartfelt.” 
“Just fucking accept it as I gave it to you, Tkachuk,” you complained, more amused than annoyed.
More silence followed, filled in only by the general buzz of the room and the slow melody. “And now?” Matthew questioned a short while later. You allowed an extended silence to fill in for your confusion. He picked up on it within seconds. “Do you still feel jinxed? Stuck in the same place while he goes on ahead in life?” 
You took some time to think through your answer, time during which the song faded into yet another slow one. Matthew didn’t give an indication of wanting to move away from the dancefloor, so you saw no purpose in you doing that. 
“Not really,” you concluded. “Just seems like we’re both following different trajectories. Doesn’t mean I’m left behind if I’ve not yet met someone to settle down with like he did. Maybe I just need to be here to come to terms with it. Good for him though. I’m genuinely happy for him and his wife. I think lots of people imagine going through this very same moment.” You ended with a shrug but then, to lighten up the moment, you added, “don’t mock me for it. Between the two of us, I’m the one with the pointy shoes.” 
Matthew laughed, a low, pleasant laugh right by your ear. “I’ll give you a free pass for what’s left of today.” 
“Your generosity astounds me. Please could you also sign my jersey?” 
“Is it my jersey?” 
“Why would it be your jersey when I have my last name printed out on one at the expense of my brother being roughed up a little?” 
“Don’t tempt me. That favor you now owe me? I might just use it to have you get my jersey so I can sign it since you so generously asked.” 
“Your call,” you shrugged. “Just know it’s going straight in the wash right after you scribble on it.” 
Matthew took a few small steps back, only to pull you back towards him. You played along and spun as you landed into his hold once again.
“You say that now, but when you’ll see yourself with it—”
“I’ll auction it on eBay.” 
The laugh you got out of Matthew stayed with you through the rest of the night and like never before, his good disposition easily transferred to you.
When the elevator doors slid open, your brother and Johnny weren’t the only ones to step into the hotel lobby. Matthew accompanied them, flashing a smug smile as the trio approached and his eyes landed on you. You cast a quizzical glance from your brother, to Johnny, to Matthew and then looked towards Anna as if to ask are you seeing this? She only shrugged at you in silent response, though she was grinning from ear to ear. At least someone was certainly enjoying this.
“Last I remember, there were only two of you,” you commented.
“Was that before or after your third drink?” your brother chirped back.
Instead of humoring him, you shift your gaze to Matthew. “What gives, Tkachuk? Can’t be left at home unsupervised during family vacations?” 
“My house training has only gone so far,” he responded smartly, then nodded his head towards Anna and Johnny who were caught in a half-hug, apparently entertaining by watching you and Matthew bicker as if watching a tennis match. “They’re not family.” 
Anna feigned a gasp on your behalf. “Y/N and I are part and parcel, Matt. Thought you’d know that by now.” 
“Well, the three of us are part and parcel also, Anna. Thought you’d definitely know that by now,” he responded but you were already leading the way out of the hotel lobby and towards the busy square outside.
It was a hub of activity: from street vendors to dance and music performers, there was something to see regardless of which way you looked. Although you arrived at your holiday destination the previous day, the flight south coupled with the warm, sticky evening made you want to steer away from the busier parts of the town. Instead, you opted to lounge by the pool with Anna, having perhaps one too many cocktails to kickstart your vacation. Perhaps you missed Matthew’s arrival at some point then, though for the life of you, you couldn’t remember anyone mentioning he’d come along also. Not that it bothered you greatly.
Since the time you asked him to be your plus one some few weeks ago, the relationship between the two of you warmed slightly. Sure, he still knew which buttons to press to get a reaction out of you, but you saw it as being less ill-intended and more good-natured fun. You kept up with him easily and whenever it felt as if he was cornering you, you conceded with a roll of your eyes but never admitted defeat. You didn’t consider the two of you friends, but something changed on the day of the wedding right around the time you had spilled out your feelings about the entire deal to him. Looking back on it, you found it strange just how easily you did that, no second thoughts, no wishing for takebacks. You knew you owed him the truth given the position you put him in without plenty of heads-up, but you could’ve easily just simplified the entire thing. 
It wasn’t difficult to stick together as a group but eventually, you wandered off towards a few stalls on your own that have caught your eye. Though you wanted some more time to have Anna to yourself, it was technically her first vacation with Johnny. You could catch up with her later in the room; surely, she’d have even more swooning to do over him by then. Not that you blamed her. Johnny was an incredible guy. 
First, you stopped at a stall selling a range of baked goods that you simply couldn’t turn away from. And for good reason: the sour cherry churro you settled for was a dream come true. From there, you strolled towards a few small stores selling a range of products ranging from colorful graphic tees to earrings made from vibrant, colorful gemstones. You held a blue pair next to your ear, turning one way then another to watch as the light reflected off the gleaming gem. 
“Those suit your complexion,” the attendant commented and when you looked towards him, he smiled bashfully. 
A gentle heat crept up your neck, unable to keep the grin off your face but you couldn’t look away from him: his skin was lightly tanned, and a dusting of freckles covered the bridge of his nose and upper cheeks. His blond hair was messy in a way you could easily tell was styled to appear as such. He was cute in a sort of conventional way, but you liked the way he smiled at you, all shy but certainly genuine.
“Funny you say that. I always had a feeling blue was my color,” you responded, and his smile widened. 
“Here for vacation?” he asked. 
You nodded. “Yeah, I just got here yesterday, and I’ll be around for a few days,” you added, a little hopeful. 
Hey, if you could score some good company while in the area, then you weren’t going to turn down the opportunity to flirt a little and make good with someone more local.
“Good. That’s really good to know.” He regarded you for a moment and you were certain that caused your blush to deepen though at the same time, it made you feel a little…exposed. “Hey, are you free—”
“The red ones are nicer.” 
You squeezed your eyes shut, frustration quickly replacing the feeling of near euphoria. You could recognize that voice anywhere. Of all times he could have run into you, the universe fixed it so he popped up when you least needed that to happen. 
“I prefer the blue,” you countered, then held them up against your ear again though you knew you didn’t need to double check if they suited you. 
“No, trust me with the red,” Matthew insisted, and you saw him appear behind you in the small circular mirror you were looking into. He was so close. “Goes well with that little number I got you the other day.” 
You sputtered. “W-what?! Stop messing—”
In the mirror Matthew’s eyes flicked from you to the attendant. “Yeah, you know the one. I left the box on the bed in our room, thought to surprise—”
“Tkachuk, just shut up. There isn’t an our room—”
This was so painfully uncomfortable. So frustratingly annoying, you felt the blood warm in your veins, that familiar wave of anger coursing through your body.
“I’ll ring those up for you,” the attendant said, his voice carefully polite while he accepted the red earrings from Matthew’s outstretched hand. 
You hated him. Passionately hated him. It was easy for Matthew to play games like those because he could easily get just about anyone, but you? It wasn’t quite as easy to not be a pro-athlete who had pretty much everything lined up and going for them. You tried catching the store attendant’s eyes again but he was busy accepting the cash from Matthew after packing away the earrings in a small paper bag. You knew he wouldn’t catch sight of it, but it didn’t stop you from casting a longing, apologetic glance towards him before leaving the store. 
It felt as if for every two steps you took, Matthew only needed one and despite the crowds, he caught up with you easily, holding out the bag towards you while you powered ahead. 
“Come on, don’t be mad. The red ones are definitely better than the blue ones,” Matthew tried to reason with you while holding the hand stretched out to you, insistent on his offer. When you didn’t respond and instead, tried to rush further ahead, Matthew pressed on. Him managing to keep up with your pace only added fuel to the fire. “Don’t tell me you’re upset over Ron Jon back there.” 
You came to a halt, turning to glare up at him. “I am, Matthew. You didn’t need to do what you did back there. There was no reason for it. It was shitty of you, and I need you to back off while I try to enjoy the rest of my night.” You clenched your jaw, trying to suppress the overwhelming feeling of anger that normally resulted in tears. “You could at least pretend to be sorry about it.” 
With that, you turned on your heel and squeezed your way through the crowds, ignoring Matthew’s calls to stop and come back and that he was only joking. 
Too late for that, you thought bitterly, making a turn towards a street popular for its dining and bar venues. 
The part of the archipelago more popular with tourists was truly a sight to behold as the sun went down, coloring the sky in some of the warmest, most calming shades of orange, red and yellow you ever saw. It seemed as if everyone gathered on the promenade, phones at the ready while taking photos of the sky, selfies and group shots. Even you couldn’t resist it and after taking a few well-centered selfies, a passing couple offered to take your photo which you immediately posed for. 
Later, once the sight sunk in, you moved towards a nearby bar, first attracted by the pink, purple and blue neon lights and then, the music. A good cocktail, good music and a gorgeous sunset were all it took for you to feel more relaxed, leaving behind the event from earlier. He wouldn’t be the first cute guy you’d see, nor the last and indeed, it was easy for you to settle in the more crowded area of the locale where people were dancing either solo, with a partner or as part of a group.
Not long after you weaved your way onto the dancefloor, you felt a pair of hands settle on your hips, drawing you in. You went easily, accepting the embrace, accepting the way you were being led into the dance, swaying your hips along with his. You didn’t even miss a beat when he spun you around, but you kept your hands pressed against his shoulders, rather than wrapping your arms around his neck. You were tipsy, no doubt, and admittedly felt touch-starved but you weren’t quite in the mood for anything more. You even dodged his mouth when he tipped his head down to your lips so instead, he landed a kiss on your cheek. Still, he was pretty relentless. The dance took a turn that was significantly more sensual, crossing a line into discomfort, and you felt that was your cue to try and remove yourself from him. It was easy initially. You threw him a small smile and when he caught hold of your hand, you simply motioned you were only going to get a drink, hoping that would keep him where he was with the knowledge you would return. 
When you finally pulled away, you made a bee line towards the exit of the venue but again, you were a step too slow. The guy caught you just at the door.
“Where are you running off to, pretty?” he slurred, his voice louder above the thumping of the music. 
“Oh—Um, just getting a breath of fresh air, is all,” you said quickly and immediately wished you didn’t venture off in a place like this alone. It was as if you suddenly forgot everything that was common sense, pushed towards it by earlier frustration. 
“Doesn’t look like it to me.” He frowned, but there was no clarity in his eyes. He was entirely out of it and his fingers squeezed painfully around your wrist. You flinched visibly, squirming under his touch and even if you tried pulling your arm away, it was useless. He overpowered you even through the drunken haze. “Wanna go? Fine, then let’s go together.” 
“No—uh, I’m actually here with my friends. I’ve just—I saw them so I’m going to catch up with them. They must be looking for—”
“Then we can go to them together, sweetheart. Here, point them out to me.”
“No, really. I’m going to them alone,” you emphasized and put all your force into trying to free your hand. It may have taken him by surprise that led to his loosened grip, but as soon as you turned on your heel, you found out there was more to it than just that.
You almost faceplanted right into Matthew’s chest when you tried making a run for it. He stood there, eyes flicking between you and the guy with an unreadable expression on his face. Your heart was hammering wildly in your chest and instinctively, you almost glued yourself to his side. It wasn’t the first time someone tried to force a move on you, but it was the first time it was done so in such a thoughtless, drunken manner. Perhaps your fear was also enhanced by being alone in an unfamiliar place. To see Matthew this time felt like a blessing.
“Babe,” Matthew said by way of greeting, pulling you to him when he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. 
You didn’t realize you were trembling until you stood so close to him, legs suddenly feeling like jelly in front of your salvation. Matthew could easily overpower the guy; even if they were roughly the same height, there was a big difference between the body of an athlete and the swaying one of a drunk guy. Still, it didn’t mean you wanted Matthew to get caught up in anything he’d later regret or would affect him in any way, so you pressed a hand to his chest trying to put some pressure into guiding him away from the scene.
“She yours?” the drunk guy slurred, head tilting back, chin pointing towards your general direction.
“Yeah. So, guess that makes the situation even worse for you,” Matthew responded. His tone was light, seemingly non-threatening to someone who didn’t know him but you did. You knew him and you could read him crystal clear in this moment. 
“Matthew, please,” you muttered, looking at him almost desperately while trying to put all your body weight into guiding him away. 
The guy scoffed. “You’ve gotta do better than that, buddy.” He snickered. “You’ve gotta keep ‘em on a tighter leash unless you want them to go—”
Matthew made a move towards him, but you quickly stepped in front of him, essentially forcing him to halt. “Matt, please. Let’s go, okay? Please. I really want to leave. Right now.” 
He glared at the guy for a moment longer but the hard look in his eyes softened as soon as his gaze fell on you. You took the liberty of placing most of your weight against Matthew, allowing him to remove both of you from the situation and towards a less crowded area. That was easy to find: with the sun having long set, most of the crowds cleared away from the promenade so there was plenty of space for you to collect yourself in peace. 
He didn’t pry into the situation, didn’t even make any smartass comments. Instead, he let you slip away from under the safety of his arm while you pace around a small area, trying to work off the anxiety as much as you could. You had to count your breaths, remind yourself to breathe in then out slowly. You were okay. You were far from that guy, and he couldn’t hurt you. At least, no more than he already did. Your wrist felt a bit sore, but you’d take that over anything worse. 
“You okay?” Matthew asked at last, tone careful. “I can go back there and pull him out, you know, get him to apologize.”
“No!” you said loudly, desperately, then cleared your throat and lowered your voice. “No, don’t go. Please. I just need a moment, that’s all. Just a little. Could you not leave? I’ll be fine in a moment. Just—just need to catch my breath—"
“Hey, hey—relax. It’s over. He can’t put a hand down on you now, or ever.” Matthew took a few steps closer to you as if apprehensive to approach you in the first place. You knew what you must’ve looked like: pale, still shaken by what happened. He held a hand towards you, palm up. “Can I touch you?” 
You looked from it to his face, then said, “don’t get any funny ideas,” but it lacked your usual punch. You took his hand though, letting yourself be drawn to him. Matthew smelled like the sea. You couldn’t help but wonder if maybe he’d gone down to the beach earlier to take a dip. You wished you did that rather than try and drink your frustration over missing out on a random guy. God, you could sleep right here if sleeping while standing was a thing. “I’m sorry for reacting the way I did before—with, uh—what did you call him?” 
Matthew chuckled, a low, deep chuckle. “Ron Jon.” 
“You’re awful, Tkachuk.”
“And you have a funny way of expressing gratitude.” 
He laughed louder. “I’m messing with you.” A pause, and then, “I’m sorry I rained on your parade earlier with the guy back then. If you really liked him…” He trailed off, as if to let you fill in the sentence for him.
You laughed weakly, waving a hand dismissively. “Thanks. Again. Seems like nowadays, I just keep having to thank you for one thing or the other.” 
You felt him shrug. “Fine by me. You keep adding to these favors you owe me.” 
“It’s only one. Well. Two if you want to be a dick and count this one too.” 
You took a step back, detaching yourself from him to run both hands through your hair. You felt exhausted, drained of energy yet relieved. Who would’ve thought you’d be pleased to see Matthew pull another one of his appearing out of the blue acts?
“You give me no other choice but to be one,” he joked. “Come on, let’s go back to the hotel. Everyone’s wondering where you were, so you kind of lost your right to vote on dinner for tonight.” 
You sighed heavily. “Let me guess: you all ganged up on me in my absence and settled on lobster?” 
Matthew grinned. “Can’t vacation in a seaside town and skip out on that.” 
“Ugh. Sea critters.” You pulled a face, drawing yet another laugh from Matthew. It made you feel oddly accomplished but you cut that train of thought there, forcing it to derail elsewhere, to place more familiar to you, more comfortable. “Matthew, I mean it when I said thank you. That was—it was scary,” you admitted as the two of you started walking back towards the hotel. You pulled your wrist into your hand, rubbing at the skin gently. Focused on the road ahead, you missed Matthew frowning down at the gesture. “I don’t know how that happened. It’s just—it’s not my thing to do. Go out alone, especially in a place like that. Good instincts by the way,” you tried to joke but it fell flat.
“Don’t mention it,” he said, voice tight. “I don’t want to think about it again if I can help it.” 
You cast a confused stare in his direction but by then, it was his turn to look ahead, a frown marring his features. You didn’t push any further though. 
Later that night, after you and Anna decided to call it a day and switch off the lights, you lay in bed glancing a look up at the ceiling above. You didn’t think back on the evening’s events but rather, thought back to how a familiar small brown paper bag was taped to your room’s door before dinner. Anna had fixed you with a knowing stare as you plucked it off the door, tipping its contents into the palm of your hand. 
Then, you thought how during dinner, Matthew had claimed the seat next to yours and complimented the earrings you wore, remarking how awfully familiar they seemed though he could swear he didn’t know where from. For the first time, you had an inside joke to share with him and neither of you bothered to offer any clarifications to everyone else around the table as they tried to press for details. 
The Flames’ first game of the season was scheduled to take place in Las Vegas and with a few days left of vacation, you couldn’t skip on the opportunity to return to the city you were inexplicably fond of, as well as watching your brother play on the third line. The night promised to be unforgettable, and you wouldn’t miss it for the world. Although there were plenty of things to keep you busy throughout the day, your eyes would occasionally wander down to your watch, counting down the hours until the start of the game. It seemed like most of the city was doing the same.
Often, you’d spot handfuls of people donning Knights jerseys and occasionally, there would be a few Flames fans wandering the streets and locales. You’d only spotted one person wearing your brother’s jersey but that was more than enough for you – he was a fairly new face in the professional league, but he certainly pulled his weight during every shift he had on ice whenever given the opportunity. Luckily, you managed to take a quick photo of their back before they disappeared into the crowds, sending it to your brother along with a thumbs-up emoji. 
He didn’t respond immediately, nor did you expect him to. You could only imagine how quickly he racked up pre-game nerves and he had a pretty strict routine, which included avoiding his phone until after the game. You couldn’t really make sense of superstitions even if each member of your family who played, whether professionally or otherwise, had their own. Naturally, you were surprised when your phone pinged, indicating a new message almost half an hour later. Except, it wasn’t quite who you were expecting.
Matthew is that your way of saying good luck?
You frowned, but all it took was a little more attention on your part to notice you hadn’t sent the message to your brother but rather, to Matthew. Lately, he was one of your top contacts for frequent messaging.
You wrong number
You good luck to you too though, i guess :/ 
Matthew busy?
You don’t you have practice to get to?
Matthew [attachment: photo of an ice rink where a few players were captured in motion]
Matthew [attachment: photo of his skates, taken from the players’ bench]
Matthew on break, where are you?
You hanging around
Matthew what are you wearing? 
You [emoji: middle finger] 
Matthew ice cold
Matthew nice, i can handle ice cold
You then go handle ice cold so you don’t get handled tonight
Matthew wish me luck too
You i already did
Matthew i need it twice, it’s my superstition 
You that’s a bullshit superstition
Matthew if we lose tonight, it’s on you
You [emoji: angry face]
You good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Matthew :) 
You dropped your phone on the table with a low groan, slouching in your chair. From across the table, Anna shot you a confused stare which quickly morphed into understanding when you rolled your eyes, shooting your phone a look of frustration as if the device itself was to blame. 
“Anything interesting?” she asked in a singsong tone. 
“If you count Matthew being his usual self interesting, then that’s what’s up. Otherwise, nothing new.”
“By his usual self, do you mean engaging? Funny? Witty? So good with his words that he yet again takes your attention and keeps it while the rest of us, mere mortals, struggle to do that for longer than a few minutes tops?” 
You arched an eyebrow, somewhat amused. “All that – just empty words.” 
Anna leaned back in her seat, taking her glass with her while twirling the straw, looking ahead somewhat thoughtfully. “You know what the two of you remind me of? Those two kids in the playground who think love can only be expressed through pulling hair and making snide remarks.” 
“First of all, that’s a shitty way of trying to get someone to realize you have feelings for them and second of all, love is a pretty big word. You managing to carry it okay?” 
“Okay, maybe not love. But like? It has to be like. Say what you want to say but it looks different from the outside.” 
“Okay, you keep staying out there and let me know what you’re seeing. I like your imagination. Very vivid,” you commented but there was no bite to your words and Anna threw her head back with laughter. 
You didn’t think much of your exchange with Matthew throughout the rest of the day, nor did you try to linger too long on Anna’s interpretation of your relationship with Matthew. You let it wash over you, knowing it’d give her too much satisfaction if you fretted too much over it and anyway, many of your thoughts seemed to fly towards the evening’s game. 
By the time the two of you made your way to the arena, however, you moved from anxiety to excitement within the space of mere moments, apparently. Even if this wasn’t your first rodeo and you’d been to countless games before, there was nothing quite like the thrill of an opening game. You and Anna had spaces reserved in the upper stands along with other family members and significant others but both of you chose to watch the warm-ups close-up, so you hung around by the glass at ice level. 
The Vegas Knights and the Flames stepped on the ice to a combination of cheers and the thump of a loud electronic mix. You spotted your brother almost instantly. He did a quick lap around the team’s half of the ice before pulling a puck towards him with his stick, sliding it this way and that before shooting it over towards the net. Once sufficiently warmed up, he cast a searching look around the rink and you quickly waved both arms up in the air to try and get his attention. You knew he’d spotted you, but he made an entire show out of looking over you until you smacked a hand against the panel. You knew the sound wouldn’t be heard over the general noise of the arena, but he still laughed. When he skated over, you held your phone up, giving it a quick shake and mouthing “selfie?”. 
He flashed a thumbs up and you quickly turned around to take the photo, but it wasn’t until you inspected it afterwards that you noticed you were photobombed by Matthew himself. You had every intention to look up from the screen and somehow try and get his attention only to glare at him, but he was a step ahead. You almost jumped out of your skin when you noticed Matthew standing right there by the glass, smirking at you.
“Asshole,” you mouthed, not daring to voice it out given you were surrounded by kids.
Matthew winked, skated to collect a stray puck then threw it up over the boards towards one of the kids standing right next to you. The kid was clearly thrilled by the gesture, bouncing up and down with the puck held over his head as if it were a trophy. You couldn’t help it: your heart melted at the sight, so you simply nodded once at Matthew, apparently just in time as the warm-up countdown reached zero.
You weren’t surprised the home team were putting on such a show for the opening night. There was a little bit of Vegas in every opening act: from the fireworks set off outside the arena to the showgirls and mind-blowing animations projected down on the ice, it felt more of a Stanley Cup playoff game than the start of a regular season game. This was Vegas and no one did it quite like Vegas did, you had to give that to them. 
Both teams were almost evenly balanced throughout the first period but stepping out of intermissions and into the second, the Flames started powering ahead. It was as if something had clicked together even better and they functioned as a well-oiled machine, both in offence and defense. By the end of that period, they were leading the Knights 3-2 and you were more than elated your brother had earned himself an assist. Like all games, tensions formed quickly, and the third period saw both teams play aggressively. On several occasions, you caught sight of players clearly chirping each other even while heading towards their respective benches after the end of a shift. Once, Matthew seemed to be involved in a seemingly endless yelling match with a player on the opposing team. There were more checks against the panels, an impressive number of penalties drawn by both teams, and it felt as if the atmosphere was just tethering towards a fight.
It happened right after the Flames scored the fourth goal with just two minutes left of the game. 
The moment the puck was dropped at center ice, you watched as Matthew charged ahead towards one of the Knights players who didn’t hesitate to drop the gloves. Between them, Matthew had the faster instinct, and he landed the first punch, effectively forcing both players to fall to the ice while the referees scrambled to try and split them apart. They were there a moment too late, just mere seconds after you caught sight of knuckles scraping along Matthew’s mouth on the big screens above. At first, it seemed to be nothing more than a graze but once he was separated and made his way towards the Flames bench, you noticed several spots of blood on his jersey on the screens above that made you almost jump out of your seat.
Sure, this was a familiar sight, but it didn’t alleviate the sheer shock and restlessness. Whatever had happened between them must’ve been a pretty big deal to set Matthew off the way it did. There was no way of sugarcoating it: the fight was vicious. More than ever, you wanted the period countdown to reach zero so you could go down to the lockers. It wasn’t just a few nagging feelings towards Matthew that led you to react the way you did. He was a friend, after all, so worrying for him was simply natural. An expected way of responding to a situation like that. 
“He had it worse before, remember?” Anna reminded you as you followed the small stream of relatives and friends down towards the players’ rooms.
“Still looked pretty bad to me,” you responded, briefly pulling your lower lip between your teeth. Before she could continue being the voice of reason, you added in a light tone, “I just want to see if he had any teeth knocked out of his mouth this time around.”
It took some time before the players filed out and as you watched them come out one by one, you almost wished you saved this for somewhere less…well, public. Sure, you were just a friend checking on a friend, but you wished you could do that without an audience. 
Your brother emerged first, beaming, no doubt pleased with the win, and you hugged him tightly, easily sharing his joy. 
“He’s just getting ready to come out now,” he informed you, heading nodding back towards the locker.
You blinked. “What? Oh—no, I’m just. I was waiting for you to say congratulations. What are you even talking about,” you mumbled but inevitably, your eyes were drawn towards the locker room as the door swung open and Matthew stepped out.
His hair was still damp but already curling again. He was dressed in the same suit he probably arrived in, a simple light grey number that fit him perfectly. He had his backpack on also and in one hand, he carried an apparently ice-cold bottle of water while the other was pressing an ice pack to the corner of his mouth. When you made eye contact, he frowned lightly and for a moment, seemed almost hesitant to approach you. This time, you were a step ahead and cornered him before he decided to walk away.
You nodded your head once, indicating in his general direction. “What? You’re trying to add to the family’s hefty dentist bill by getting a few teeth knocked out already?”
Matthew shrugged. “It’s not hockey without a few scraps now and then.”
“For a guy who got a goal and an assist, you sure don’t look too pleased with that.” 
At that comment, Matthew’s expression shifted, lightening up considerably. “Are you keeping track of my stats now?”
“What? No, Tkachuk. I was doing what everyone else in that arena was doing: paying attention generally speaking.” 
Suddenly, his entire face scrunched up in pain and he almost doubled over as he groaned. Instinctively, you reached out for him, eyes widening a little when bending down a little to try and look at his face. 
“Oh my god—Matthew. Are you okay? Do you need me to get a medic to check—” 
You frowned as soon as you felt his shoulders tremble under your touch. Slowly, it dawned on you he was laughing. Laughing. You slapped his shoulder lightly, the gesture more a tap than anything else and you started walking down the corridor quickly, trying to catch up with everyone else as they filed out of the arena. 
“Hey, hey, wait, Y/N! Come on, don’t be mad,” he called out after you and you heard him jog to catch up with you. When he did, he took a couple more steps ahead then stepped in your path, walking backwards to match your pace. “I was only messing around. I couldn’t not do that. You should’ve seen your face, honestly.” 
“My face? Hope you’ve seen yours. I’m not mad. Me being mad would basically mean you managed to get to me which you really didn’t, so don’t give yourself any credit, Tkachuk,” you responded. “You just reminded me you’re still a dick so thanks for that.” 
“Give me a free pass. I’m injured.” 
“If you’re searching for sympathy, you’re looking for it in the wrong place,” you informed him, side stepping him so that he resumed walking at your side instead. After a few moments of silence, you conceded with a sigh. “Seriously speaking. How’s your mouth?”
“Don’t think I’ll need fillers, let’s just say.” He removed his hand from his mouth, and you looked over. 
Thankfully, it seemed that putting ice on it quickly was paying off. The area was somewhat red, but no significant damage seemed to be visible to the untrained eye. He was certainly miles better than he was just months ago. 
“Looks okay, I guess,” you shrugged. “What happened? Honestly, it looked pretty intense from the outside.” 
Matthew didn’t respond and you didn’t press him for details even after you stepped out into the balmy Vegas night. If he chose to not share with you, then you guessed it must’ve been either pretty personal or pretty stupid. You leaned more towards the former. You didn’t even complain when he followed you to the car you hired, claiming the passenger seat. Before you also stepped inside, a message pinged in from Anna informed you she had taken off with Johnny for dinner but promised to be back in the room in a few to catch up.
You didn’t start the engine when you fixed your seatbelt and instead, leaned your head back against the rest, watching a few other vehicles pull out of the car park. In his seat, Matthew was looking out of the window to his left, heading resting against a loosely formed fist propped up against the door. 
“He was talking shit about you,” he said at last, but didn’t turn to you when he spoke. 
“Who was?” 
“The guy on the other team. He made a comment about you towards your brother at the end of the shift. Something about… I don’t know, something crude, vulgar. Don’t really remember it.” 
You didn’t quite believe him on the last part, but you allowed it anyway. “Okay… Well, I don’t know the guy anyway, so it didn’t matter, Matthew. You should have let it slip by or left my brother to deal with it.” Then, out of curiosity, you asked, “why didn’t you?”
More silence. Occasionally, the muffled sound of a passing car would cut through it but it, too, would be gone in seconds.
“Because I couldn’t.”
You pursed your lips and your fingers clenched then unclenched in your lap. You placed your hands on the steering wheel, then dropped them away before settling them back on it after starting the engine. 
“Thanks, I guess. You just keep making me owe you favors.”
“You don’t owe me—”
“So, I’ll clear that now with dinner. Just please don’t tell me you’re going to need to be on a smoothie diet. I’ll feel bad eating something really good while you’re there with a strawberry and banana drink. Not that I’d stop eating though, just so you know. But it’s the thought that counts,” you said and finally, finally he chuckled quietly. 
“No smoothie diets this time.”
You sighed dramatically. “Maybe no smoothie diets ever?”
Matthew shrugged. He was still not meeting your eyes but that was okay. “Can’t promise that. Kind of comes with the job. Just in case though, I like the sweeter stuff more. Triple chocolate, Oreo pieces, peanut butter.” 
“Thanks, Matthew. I’ll file that under information I don’t care to know about.” 
“I’m injured. Show some sympathy,” he demanded without heat, finally turning to you. 
You cooed then reached out with one of your hands to pat his cheek lightly. “Aw, really searching for it in the wrong place.”
“I’ll make do with what I can get,” he allowed, and you could swear he leaned into your touch, but you tore your hand away before either of you got too comfortable. 
Matthew called in his favor after a few of his teammates agreed where to host their Halloween party. 
“Kind of sounds like you’re the one asking for a favor,” you commented, planting yourself at your kitchen table while securing the phone between your ear and shoulder.
Matthew sighed on the other end. “Sort of. Who does a themed Halloween party anyway? The theme itself is Halloween.” 
“You’re not wrong about that. Could be fun though, a bit more unique. So, what’s the theme for this year?” 
“Couple outfits,” Matthew replied without hesitation. 
You stilled and were grateful he wasn’t in the same room as you. It took you a great deal more energy over the course of the past few months to convince yourself that Matthew didn’t attract you in one way or another. His looks aside, it was rare you came across someone who could easily keep up with your snide remarks and the more you got to know him, the more you realized that there was more to Matthew than just being a typical athlete with his share of well-deserved fame. He was funny, dedicated and undoubtedly, caring. You had some first-hand experience with the latter. After all, he didn’t owe you anything to make him obligated to jump into whatever weird situation you found yourself in.
You warmed to him little by little. If you found him attractive, well that was for you alone to know though it made everything just that more difficult. Thankfully, Matthew seemed pretty oblivious to it or at least, he was doing a good job at pretending he didn’t catch you staring at him on several occasions or the few times you took a discrete step back if it felt like you were too close to him. Knowing he was asking you to go together as a couple (pretend couple, you corrected yourself) only added to the difficulty of coming to terms with your…crush. 
Puppy love, you assured yourself. It’ll go as quickly as it came. 
“Sorry, still here. Guess it sucks another year will go by without the opportunity to bring out your Fortnite costume.”
“Oh, come on. I wouldn’t dress like a game character!”
“Matthew,” you warned.
There was a pause, then, “okay, fine. Maybe I would. So, can you come?” 
You shrugged, then remembered he couldn’t see it. “I owe it to you, don’t I?”
“Great! Hey, choose something good for us. There’s going to be a prize for best dressed and I have my eyes on it.”
“I think we can both agree my creativity will not let us down. I’ll text you my idea. You just make sure you actually stick to it, so I don’t end up looking stupid.”
“Don’t worry,” he started, “I won’t dump you on Halloween.”
“Good to know I won’t end up traumatized and have my favorite holiday ruined,” you said, by way of goodbye.
“Hey, spin around for me once. You look good. Blonde’s not bad on you.” 
“No color’s bad on me,” you responded but refused to entertain Matthew by complying with his request. Instead, you rang the bell to Noah’s apartment after the door didn’t budge when Matthew tried the handle. 
“Come on, just a spin,” Matthew insisted, nudging his elbow into your own then pressed the doorbell himself once again – hard, as if that would make it ring louder.
“Only if you dance for me and do the entire Greased Lightning choreography without missing a step.” 
Matthew feigned a groan and you shot him an amused look. Before you could even comment on that, the door opened, and Noah stood at the threshold. The ruckus from inside spilled out into the corridor and from what you could see beyond him, it was a full house of all sorts of characters. 
“Wow! Sandy and Danny! Finally, someone with really good taste,” Noah said by way of greeting and he looked towards you pointedly. 
You flashed him a grin. “Always a pleasure to exceed expectations,” you responded and stepped into his open arms, a clear invitation for an embrace that was shortly broken apart by Matthew.
“Hey, none of that man,” he said, pulling you back and easily holding most of your weight as you broke into a laugh that had you stumbling into his side. “I didn’t even get to tell her she’s the one that I want.” 
“Yeah, well, you better shape up ‘cause I need a man,” you responded, without missing a beat though you couldn’t help but replay his words in your mind. They sounded a lot like a broken record that you desperately wished to stop immediately before this…thing went way too far and spun out of control.  
You were both led towards a photo wall and if you had any nerves about striking good poses without at least some liquid courage first, all that vanished. To your surprise, Matthew easily took the lead initially, falling to his knees in front of you in an attempt to recreate the part where a smitten Danny fell before Sandy, completely and utterly overwhelmed by her presence. Despite it being difficult to control your laughter, you played along with ease. At first, you were simply grinning down at him but you couldn’t let all his in-character effort go to waste, so you turned, casting a glance down towards him over your shoulder. To your side, Noah’s flash was going off every few seconds as he tried to capture the two of you from the best angle, together with cheers of encouragement. For your second pose, you rested your arms on Matthew’s shoulders once he rose back to his full height and his hands held on to either side of your torso. Again, the flash went off and again, the two of you changed pose into something more casual: him, standing behind you with his palms on your hips while you place a hand on his face, grinning at the camera. The flash went off again and he whooped loudly.
“I’m never inviting both of you to a party with this theme again,” Noah muttered, feigning disgruntlement. “You can’t come into my home and kill it like that.” 
“Blame the one who came up with this idea in the first place,” Matthew defended, holding both hands up in the air in a gesture of innocence. 
It was true. The idea to dress as Danny and Sandy from Grease came to you fairly quickly. You knew the two were a popular go-to, but you enjoyed the movie greatly. Plus, it was a great opportunity for you to pull out a pair of red heels you invested a hefty sum of money into. And, well, admittedly there was something about Matthew that made you think he’d suit the role just fine. When you shared your idea with him, he was on board from the start without complaining or suggesting alternatives. You were grateful for that: when Matthew picked you up earlier, dressed in an all-black outfit, leather jacket and hair styled to rival John Travolta’s, you gave yourself a mental pat on your shoulder. If any photos would go up on the internet, you were pretty sure Instagram would be grateful to you. Certainly, you knew Chantal and Keith would get a kick out of it for sure.
“Guilty as charged,” you acknowledged. “I’m going to look for Anna. Catch you later.” You gave a wave to the both of them before making your way towards the hub of activity where couple costumes ranged from peanut butter and jelly to superheroes. 
She was fairly easy to locate, in part because she told you she and Johnny would dress as Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor. The red, blue and gold of her outfit were unmissable even in a sea of costumes. As soon as she spotted you approaching, she made a beeline and wrapped an arm around yours.
“Tell me you and Matthew will recreate the entire You’re the One That I Want scene,” she pleaded. “Please tell me that at some point this evening, you’ll tell us to clear the dancefloor so the two of you can have your moment.”
You rolled your eyes, dragging her along towards a table hosting drinks and small bites. “There’s no moment we’re going to be having.” 
“Because you don’t want to or because you want to so badly that you don’t know how to ask him? I’m pretty sure he’ll say yes.” 
“Neither,” you muttered but even you’d be able to hear the lack of conviction in your tone from a mile away. 
To take your mind off it, you poured yourself a glass of red wine, taking a tentative sip from it. Across the room, Matthew had deposited his black leather jacket away and started making rounds around the room. You took a longer sip from your wine and looked away. 
Anna fixed you with a knowing stare which you refused to acknowledge, but she knew you like the back of her hand. “It’s okay to say you like him, you know,” she advised, and you hated the soothing tone she tried to take when saying that. It felt more pitying than anything, as if you hadn’t already had your share of disappointments in love—or, relationships better said. 
“Who said anything about liking him? He’s not bad to look at I’ll admit, but that’s where it stops.” You frowned, looking out of the nearest nearby window that gave a broad view of the city below. “That’s where I want it to stop,” you admitted, this time quieter. 
You were well aware that you were occasionally trying to look for a narrative that was most convenient for late night thoughts when you had the peace and privacy to think of him as you wished. The reality couldn’t be more different, though, and you knew that. Matthew was helpful to you before because he was good friends with your brother and eventually, you realized that it was just part of his nature. Beyond being successful, beyond his fame and recognition, Matthew was kind and funny and respectful. It was just that you didn’t give him the chance to before and now that you got to know him better, you suddenly realized that…what? You’d like the first man who gives you a helping hand? If that were the case, you should’ve gotten the memo sooner: it would’ve been easier liking the tech guy from work who once debugged your laptop.
It wasn’t doing you any good to try and look for a ‘but’ in every situation: Matthew is helpful because he’s good friends with my brother but it’s not like that should force him to act as if we’re romantically involved not once or twice or thrice but now, four times. Regardless of how you looked at it, that reeked of desperation. You were in that weird period in your life where it felt as if everyone around you was in a relationship, so maybe that mood translated to you. 
That’s right, you settled. That’s what was possibly behind these thoughts of yours. You found Matthew attractive – and what? So did plenty of other people. You saw him surrounded by girls after practice, after matches, while out. What you felt was nothing special. It felt easier to think of it that way, even if for a few hours to truly enjoy the party without having that lurking at the back of your mind. 
You mingled easily, danced with Anna, danced with other players’ girlfriends and wives, danced with your brother, even attempted a few traditional Russian dances taught by Nikita, Artyom and a few of their friends, that left you breathless by their rapid pace and intricate footwork. 
“I’m done!” you declared, breathless and almost swaying on your feet when another Russian folk song came to an end but thankfully, you managed to hold steady before you could catch a ride on the hot mess express. “Absolutely wasted. Knocked out.” You stepped away, tired but euphoric and dropped rather unceremoniously on one of the available couches pushed against a wall. 
“Having fun?” Matthew asked and there was a light flush on his cheeks you knew wasn’t from dancing. There was even just a slight slur to his speech.
“The most,” you replied, breathless, and accepted the drink he held out to you. You took a sip without questioning him what was in the glass, only to find out for yourself he was settling for harder stuff tonight. “But never let it be said that anyone can keep up with Russians because let me tell you,” you whistled quietly, “we’re a couple of steps behind. Plenty of steps behind, actually.” 
Matthew flashed a lazy smile and you briefly spared a moment to envy him for how kept together he remained despite being evidently buzzed. “’s okay. At least we’re the better dressed ones so we lose in style.” 
You took another sip from his glass, holding it out to him with a smirk. “Tell me about it, stud,” you said in what you hoped was a low, alluring tone of voice but no sooner did you think that, and you were reduced to embarrassed laughter. “Forget about that! Forget it, forget it! Where’s the delete button?” 
“I didn’t come equipped with that,” he declared proudly, finishing off what was left of his drink. “C’mere, you can show me a couple of those steps you learned.” 
He stood, a little unsteadily initially then held a hand to you. You knew he wouldn’t have the strength to pull you up properly, so you stood easily fully intent to actually lead him through some of the steps. Except, Matthew was definitely swaying more than you thought he would. There was something inexplicably amusing about the situation and instead of directing him towards the center of the room, you steered him away from it and towards a small bathroom you were shown to earlier that night when you needed some time to re-touch your makeup. 
“Where’re we going?” he asked curiously, looking over his shoulder towards the living room with a look that could only be read as longing. 
“To cool down a little and then you can learn as many folk dances as you want. Believe me, you need to be alert for them. Can’t miss a step,” you advised, trying to steady him by wrapping an arm around him though the difference in weight between the two of you couldn’t compare. Still, you managed to get him into the bathroom safely without either of you making a mess of yourselves or the room. 
“Are you gonna cool down too?” he questioned. 
“Sure thing, definitely need it.” 
“Good, we’ll cool down together.” With that, he made a move to open the glass partition for the shower cubicle but thankfully, you were significantly more alert than he was and managed to prevent him from doing anything more than that.
“Not that sort of cool down. Here, sit here,” you encouraged, lowering the lid on the toilet so Matthew could drop down. You doubted you’d be able to hold much of his strength above the sink if you were to help him splash some cold water on his face.
“But I want that sort of cool down,” he slurred. “With you. Us two. You said you want to cool down too. Could be a couple activity.” He grinned, as if proud of himself. 
Thankfully, Matthew was buzzed enough to miss the flush on your face, the slight shake of your hand as you arranged a towel around his neck to prevent too much overspill before turning the tap on. 
“Can’t do that, Matthew. Here, this will be much better, I promise.” 
“Wanna try though,” he mumbled but was still compliant as you pressed a wet, cool palm against his forehead, then either of his cheeks. “Not cool enough.” His complaint was accompanied by a frown which only morphed into a lazy smirk when he leaned back, trying to pull you with him. “C’mon, Y/N. It’s a couple’s Halloween night.” 
“Matthew, we’re not a couple,” you said gently, pushing your palms against his shoulders in an attempt to free yourself from his hold. Before it was too late. Before you allowed yourself to get drawn into a drunk man’s ramblings. 
“But I wanna be. A couple, with you.” 
You put all your strength into breaking away from his hold and thankfully, managed to do so. Your heart was hammering in your chest as if desperately trying to release itself from the cage of your ribs. 
“Matthew, you’re drunk. Here, splash some cold water on your face so you can come back to your senses.” 
“But I’m not drunk,” he insisted and as if to demonstrate, he stood up quickly. He swayed on the spot, stretching out his arms a little and once he found his footing, he looked towards you with an expression that mixed pride with hopefulness. “See? Definitely okay—”
You frowned, feeling a little caged in. You should’ve left the door open at least. “Okay, then let’s go back out there, yeah? I can get an Uber and I’ll take you home if you prefer that?” 
“Yes,” he said, then leaned back against the door. “Only if you come with me.” 
You exhaled, suddenly tired as if the exchange was working every ounce of energy out of you. “I’ll come to make sure you’re okay and can make it to your bed okay.”
“I can though. I can definitely make it there even on my own and you know why? Because I’m not drunk,” Matthew insisted and when you shot him a look of disbelief, he peeled himself away from the door. “Look, look I can prove it to you I’m not drunk.” 
Before you could even ask him to walk a straight line without stumbling his steps, Matthew’s arm wrapped around your waist while his other hand pressed on the back of your head, bringing you closer until your lips met. Kissing Matthew was like everything you imagined and more. He even did that with the same passion with which he skated on ice, chasing puck after puck. It left you breathless how well he worked his lips against your own as if all along, he knew how to do that in such way that it’d leave your legs feeling like jelly. Beyond that though, it felt comfortable. Not forceful despite him having not asked if he could do it in the first place, yet it still felt right. You tasted sweetness on his mouth and the sharp tang of whiskey. Vaguely, you knew nothing else could compare. It was that thought that made you push away from him with as much force as you could muster, ducking under his arm and towards the door. 
“I’ll ask someone to take you home,” you said without even looking his way before leaving dashing out of the bathroom.
“You okay?” Anna asked you when you ran into her. Quite literally. 
“Uh—yeah. No, actually. I think I feel a bit unwell so I’m going to head home, okay?” 
You made a move to leave but her arm stopped you. “Hey. Are you sure you’re okay?” 
Above her shoulder, you saw Matthew emerge from the bathroom, a little dazzled, eyes searching the room. Before he could even spot you, you quickly freed yourself from her hold and nodded. “Will be. I’ll text you when I get home. Don’t rush back, okay? Tell Alex I said thanks for the invite.” 
You didn’t stumble a step in your heels as you jogged towards the door, making a swift exit before you attracted even more attention.
+ one.
Matthew left no calls and no messages, but that was fine. You didn’t spend time trying to build your expectations of anything like that happening because drunk words weren’t always sober thoughts. The event was just something you had to deal with and if you had to do it alone, then so be it. Reasonably speaking, you and Matthew went from nothing to friends and if you caught feelings along the way, then that was your mistake for letting yourself slip like that. You were left broken hearted once, you really didn’t want to go through that again especially over someone that wasn’t even really and truly yours to begin with.
So, the next morning, you woke up at a reasonably early hour despite the late night but felt energized enough to sweep through your apartment and collect the garments you tossed carelessly on your way to bed after arriving at home. You said a heartfelt goodbye to Sandy, apologizing that in this scenario, her and Danny didn’t end up driving off in a red convertible. After that, you showered and changed in a fresh set of clothes even if the day would most likely be spent indoors. It was a fitting conclusion to the Halloween weekend, and you could do with some downtime, really.
Anna must’ve stayed with Johnny because regardless of how much noise you made, she didn’t emerge from the room and after fixing a quick breakfast and brewing coffee to continued silence, you knew you were right. It didn’t bother you. You’d make full use of the couch and stretch out on it properly as you flicked through your Netflix account and for the sake of sticking to weekend morning traditions, you selected a lighthearted sitcom. You were halfway through the third episode when your doorbell rang. You could’ve sworn Anna had a spare key of her own unless she misplaced it or forgot it home. Not entirely out of question.
Except, it wasn’t Anna who greeted you when you opened the door.
“Oh.” You coughed lightly, crossing your arms then unfolding them, then leaning one against the doorway before dropping it to your side. “Hey—uh. Hey Tkachuk, isn’t it a bit early for you to be out and about? You were smashed the last time I saw you.” 
Matthew looked over your shoulder into the apartment, as if checking to see if you were alone. “Can I come in?” 
Defeated, you stepped to the side and cleared the way for him to step inside before pushing the door closed. Part of you wished you’d dressed up as if you were ready to head off somewhere. You weren’t quite ready nor willing to face whatever music Matthew had in mind for you. 
In the aftermath of the party, out of the flashiness of the costume, Matthew seemed to be perfectly clear-headed despite the state you’d left him in. The curls atop his head seemed soft despite the natural frizz and as he passed by, you caught a whiff of sharp cologne and fresh bodywash. 
“Is Anna here?”
“Are we playing twenty-one questions?” 
“Kind of sounds like it, though?” You laughed quietly, trying to lighten the mood. It was bad enough the weather outside was gloomy, autumn settling in full force. Now, you had to deal with a Matthew who looked as if he wasn’t sure he came to the right place. “Coffee?” you asked, already leading the way towards the kitchen. You heard him follow behind you just moments later. While you poured a full cup for him, he hovered by the table, making you frown at him. “What’s wrong with you? You need an invite to sit down and relax? Seriously, Matthew, you look like you should be in bed.” 
“You left last night without saying anything,” he said instead. 
“Uh—yeah. I was kind of tired and I wanted it to call it a night early so—”
“Was it because of what I said or what I did?” 
You almost dropped the coffee cup, but fortunately only startled enough for the liquid to slosh over the rim and down the back of your hand, causing you to hiss in pain. You cursed quietly and, in an instant, Matthew crossed over the room and took the cup from you, setting it down on the table before leading you towards the sink. As if used to this, he placed your hand under ice cold water and once the sharp pain numbed, you pushed his hand away, taking a step to the side in an attempt to put more distance between you. 
“It’s fine, I’ve got this,” you mumbled, holding your hand still under the jet for a few more seconds before closing it.
It was hardly worth the fuss, but it gave you a reason to make yourself busy with something other than freaking out. It couldn’t be that he remembered anything. It couldn’t be that he was standing in your kitchen, thinking that it was a good idea to just open up that subject when you were so ready to take a shovel to it and bury it six feet under. 
“Didn’t you get tired of it at all?” he tried again.
“Tired of what?”
“Of pretending. Of only acting like we’re together for one reason or the other—”
“Matthew, I asked you only once and you know why. I apologized then but if it helps you sleep better at night, I’ll apologize again for dragging you into my mess. I don’t know what the point is of this discussion—”
“The point,” he said, raising his voice but only to cut through your speech. “The point is that I’m tired of it. I’m tired of having to be by your side and pretend. It got to a stage where I don’t even know what’s real and what isn’t, and I feel as if the only time I’ll know that for sure will be when you find someone, so you no longer need to turn to me to pretend.” 
“Matthew, I’m not using you, if that’s what you’re thinking. You’re coming at me with this out of the blue and I don’t even understand what this is all about,” you argued, waving a hand between the two of you. 
Matthew clenched his jaw. You watched as he flexed it and his eyebrows furrowed. “Do you need me to spell it out for you again? I thought I was pretty straightforward about what I want last night.” 
“You were drunk last night, is what you were. You could hardly put a foot in front of the other.” 
“You know that’s not true,” he retorts, lifting his arms then dropping them back down to his sides. “I was sober enough to know damn well what I said and why I said it. If you want to keep pretending even now, even at this point, then you go ahead and do that but let me be clear with you again and you take what you want from it: I don’t want to pretend with you anymore. I want to be with you. You want to know what that feels like? It feels a lot like being so close to something you want, literally having that thing dangled right in front of you only to have it snatched just when you think it’s yours. Me kissing you last night? I’m sorry I forced it on you, I could’ve gone about doing it differently but I’m not sorry for what I feel. That was all me and not the alcohol. So, you take this and do what you want with it.”
You stared at him, disbelieving your ears. It wouldn’t surprise you if that was the case: you did wake up surprisingly refreshed even after an emotionally charged night, so for all you knew, you could be dreaming this. 
“Matthew, what are you—That’s, you’re kidding me with this right? You can’t. You can’t possibly think that.” 
“And why not?”
“Because it doesn’t make sense. Are you even hearing yourself talk?” 
“Why doesn’t it make sense? Want me to go about it differently? If you let me pull your hair, I’ll let you push me in the sandbox.” 
You were suffering from a strange, ill-timed case of déjà vu. Part of you wanted to laugh at the situation but the bigger part of you triumphed, thankfully. You released a breath you had been holding, bringing both hands up to cover your face, taking some moments to yourself. Or perhaps, you’d lost track of time because eventually, you heard Matthew sigh and felt his fingers wrap around each wrist though he didn’t put pressure to tug your hands down from your face.
“Sorry. I’m just—I’m not doing this the right way. I don’t want it to seem like I’m forcing my feelings on you and that you should accept them. If I misread us—you at any point, then fine. Just, we can drop it here and I’ll deal with it but—”
You shook your head slowly. “No, I just need a moment. Sorry. You really caught me by surprise. I didn’t… I thought everything you said last night…what you did… I thought that was just, well, just the alcohol. So, I did the best thing I knew to do and, uh, left.”
“Drunk words, sober thoughts,” he reminded you quietly and this time, you dropped your hands away from your face so you could look up at him. 
He was so handsome. Ridiculously handsome in his casual clothes. Briefly, you thought back to the time you first found safety in his arms and wondered if maybe… Well, why not. You closed the distance between the two of you, wrapping your arms around him, fingers clinging to the thick material of his hoodie while you faceplanted against his chest and breathed him in.
You liked Matthew. You liked Matthew so much that the admission overwhelmed you so much that you squeezed him to you, trying desperately to bring him closer. The gesture seemed to prompt him into action, and he returned the hug, pressing a kiss to the top of your head and then to the base of your throat once he’d lowered his head there. 
“Me too. I want to be with you too. Really be with you. No more of this pretend stuff,” you told him, your voice muffled against his body, but you knew he caught every word.
He chuckled, the sound low and deep, sending shivers down your spine. “We won Noah’s competition last night.”
“Bet he did it because of your long face,” you commented, unable to help yourself. “What did we win?” 
Matthew made a move to step back, but you clung to him, much to your embarrassment. It seemed as if your body acted out of sync with your mind, but who could blame it when Matthew stood right there, right before you. Turned out he only took a step back to lift you off your feet and instinctively, you wrapped your legs around his hips, arms resting loosely around his neck. You leaned in and pressed a fleeting kiss to his mouth as he stumbled away from the kitchen while you stole another kiss. And then, just because you could, a third. 
“A voucher to a seafood restaurant,” he informed you, breaking into a laugh when you groaned, throwing your head back in sheer frustration even if you had a strong feeling he was only messing with you.
“Remind me to never put so much effort if that’s what the stake are.” 
“Noted. Next time, I’ll tell you we could just stay home for Halloween and play by our rules. Outfits optional. Probably not recommended.” 
“That’s…really not what I said.” 
“I’m reading between the lines. See? We know each other so well.” 
You laughed as he carried you all the way into your room without even as much as breaking a sweat. That was definitely some food for thought at a later point.
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