#first time giffing tomb raider
mysadcorner · 8 months
Hello! I have a request on a head cannon on the whole bat family discovering that their adopted sister is basically out in the world discovering tombs raiding them for sport, and getting dangerous artifacts to store them safely and protect them in the manor. Basically Lara Croft and I’m basically basing it on the unified timeline for the tomb raider games which contain the original timeline, Legend, Anniversary, and Underworld or LAU for short timeline, and the survivor timeline. You can pick the personalities for Lara from each of the three timelines to creat your own unified Lara Croft. Sorry if this doesn’t make sense I have been think of this a lot and was searching for any head cannons that I had in my head. But I would love if you did my request, thanks! Oh btw I love your work! ❤️
BatFam x TombRaider!Reader Headcanons
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- Credit to the gifs owner - Please be specific about which character you want in headcanons -
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I haven’t written for ant of the female batfam characters before, so I decided to leave them out. Sorry in advance!
Bruce Wayne
• Bruce’s first reaction to you having an interest in tomb raiding and searching for artefacts would be one of interest. He doesn’t have a lot of time to do what you do since he’s always so busy with his business and helping people, so he’s inclined to know more about what you do despite him generally being well travelled himself but in a different way.
• He would be incredibly supportive of you and wouldn’t be able to tell you to stop as he also has questionable ways of spending your time. If he ever did have some spare time he would like to go with you on one of your trips, but he would have to schedule a bit of time to do this in advance as he doesn’t like to be away from Gotham for too long.
• Bruce loves your company, so he doesn’t really like to be away from you for long periods of time, especially as he’s always concerned about something bad happening to the people he cares about after all he’s been through. However, since you do this regularly and know how to handle yourself he will be reassured that you’ll come home to him fine like you always do.
• Bruce has plenty of room at the manor for any of the artefacts you find and has plenty of protection to look after them safely; he’ll even have the resources to find out more information or history surrounding the pieces you find. Even if you wanted to put any of these artefacts on display for a private crowd he’ll be able to get an exhibition arranged for you instantly.
• Because you’re constantly dealing with valuable relics and artefacts there is a high chance that someone else will be looking for it as well, or will at least have an eye on it once they find out that it had been found. Bruce will promptly make sure you and the artefact are safe and will deal
Jason Todd
• Jason has always had a bit of an interest for history so when he finds out that you deal with historical artefacts he is genuinely interested in hearing you talk about what you do. He’s always going to listen to you and will be one of the few people you know who knows the right questions to ask which causes you to fall into a deep hole of knowledge surrounding the things you’ve found.
• He’s very supportive of you and genuinely likes the thought of you travelling rather than being stuck in Gotham with him. He likes hearing about the things you’ve found while you’re on one of your trips and will be awake no matter what time you call.
• Jason misses the emotional and physical support you offer him, so if you are away quite often then he will struggle with this quite a bit. However, if the two of you manage to stick through this then he will be much more appreciative of your time together when you are home.
• Jason may not live in the most expensive place if he’s living away from Bruce, but he does have more than enough connections to find you somewhere to keep all of your finds safe. And you already know that he has plenty of men on hand to guard everything you bring back with you that are of value.
• If there is anyone that tries to get in your way or tries to steal your artefacts then Jason will approach them quite brutally. He can’t stand the thought of anyone negatively affecting you or hurting you, so he’s going to put them in their place before anything bad actually happens.
Dick Grayson
• Dick is always interested in the things you get up to, and seeing that you have a passion for something makes him happy. He may want to know more about why you’re so invested in the things you do, but overall he’ll be happy to hear about it.
• Dick is one of the most supportive people you could ever meet, and he’d stick through pretty much anything you decide to do. He may want to give you self defence lessons of you’re aren’t already taught as he will worry about you being away and in possible dangerous situations.
• Dick will call you multiple times a day if he can when your away on your trips, and he knows he can be a bit overbearing at times but he just can’t stand being away from you for long periods of time. Luckily the two of you enjoy talking to each other so much that you never get tired of hearing his voice no matter what you’re doing, and you’re able to express your excitement to him every time you find something.
• Dick will be pretty curious about the things you bring home and will want to touch as many things as he can if you let him, and he’s quick enough to make sure he doesn’t drop anything you consider as important. He’d hope that you would show your finds off due to how proud of you he is, but if you aren’t willing to then he’s fine to admire them in private with you.
• Dick will always be incredibly protective of you, so he’ll be keeping an eye out for anyone possibly out to get you or get a hold of the relics you’ve recovered. He may keep this quiet at first though, as he doesn’t want you to get worried about any potential danger coming your way.
Tim Drake
• Tim would be very visibly excited when he finds out about your interests in tomb raiding and finding lost or forgotten artefacts due to having his own interest in expanding his knowledge on every subject he can possibly get a hold of. He may not know much about what you do, but he can certainly find a way to help you fairly quickly.
• Supportive - Tim is very supportive and will keep an eye out for any new information he can get his hands on which may help you while looking for artefacts. He’s also good at moral support and will listen ti any concerns you have about what you’re heading out to do or if something bad happened when you last retrieved a relic.
• Being away from you would be a bit stressful for him if he’s used to your company and is suddenly left without you when you’re away on a trip. He can’t wait to see you again, and will try to keep in touch to see how you’re doing as much as he can.
• Tim always asks you as much as you can about the items you bring back with you and is happy to hear you explain them and their historical value in depth. He also looks into anything which may be related to it and will help you complete a collection if you ask him to in his free time.
• If anyone tries to get in your way or tries to get a hold of the things you have found then he’ll get everyone he can to keep an eye out for you, and will make sure no one gets their hands on you. He’ll always be worried about you, but he’ll also be happy that you’re doing what also makes you happy.
Damian Wayne
• Damian has been around his fare share of things which hold ancient value or historical context, so he may have heard something about what you’re looking for. If not, he’ll want to have an in depth and deep conversation about it with you - he especially loves conversations which make him think about things in a deeper way and has him mentally stimulated.
• Damian isn’t exactly loud and expressive about how he’s proud of everything you do, but he definitely is. If anything he’s much more defensive of you; he’s always prepared to stop anyone who has anything bad to say about you or is out to stop what you’re doing, and if you need something specific to keep you going then he’ll be more than happy to provide it.
• You calm Damian’s angst and anger a lot so when you aren’t around he does seem to be more cranky and less patient to others. He does struggle with this, but he’s also very strong willed so he is more than capable to wait for you to come back every time.
• Damian is very gentle with the artefacts you bring home, so you don’t have to worry about him breaking anything. He’s also very invested in the stories you have about your travels, much more than he is about the value of anything you’ve retrieved.
• Damian will instantly be aggressive to anyone who tries to get near you with bad intent, and will happily come with you on your travels if he thought you may be in any danger. They would never see Damian coming, and he would make sure everyone saw what he did as an example to stay away from you.
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ageless-aislynn · 3 months
Aislynn and the Long Rambly Rambles about Video Games and Finishing My Halo WIPs and Potential Future Halo Fic Ideas and I Dunno Maybe I Should Finish My Last Two Flash WIPs 'Cause That Would Be Super Rad, Too, Right?™️
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Finished! I had a lot of fun with Portal! I did finally manage to compensate for the weird "look to the side and look all the way up or down" problem I was having, thankfully. The puzzle aspect was awesome!
Now, since I'm here for a good time, not to be an amazing gamer, I'mma be straight with you: I looked up the answer whenever I got stuck. I tried all of the puzzles "cold" first and kept trying even when I had no idea what to do. Then, when I reached that first hint of ~~frustration~~, I just looked up the answer. Most of the time, I still had to work to get through it, so it wasn't a gimme. But I don't even care if it does. Like I said, I'm here for a good time, full stop. After really thinking I was never going to get to play any other games in my Steam library because of all of Georgette's serious computer issues, I'm just super happy to be playing again!
I may play the second Portal next, might just go for something else entirely.
I still want to finish Scott/Peebee and Scott/Jaal in Mass Effect: Andromeda but while I can't make any further GIFs, I'm not in a big hurry to do that next. I can still capture the footage, though, so might just have to do that and then hope Georgette will let me install Vegas. 🤞😣🤞
I also have Half-Life and Half-Life 2 and I believe they're connected to Portal in some way? Also have heard they're good games, so they're definitely on my to-play list.
Also there is, in no particular order:
Mass Effect Legendary Edition (got to finally experience the OT, after all!)
Dragon Age: Inquisition (I'm thinking this might slightly scratch my itch to play Baldur's Gate 3, since I'm waiting on that to go on sale)
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (been looking forward to this one for a long time!)
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (another one I've been looking forward to for a while)
Tomb Raider (2013) (DEFINITELY been looking forward to this for ages and ages!)
Titanfall2 (have heard a lot of good things about this one; have also heard it's not too terribly long, which I'm looking for right now, I've got things like ME to play if I want something really long and involved but I'm honestly also looking for a few things that are less of a large time commitment to intersperse with the epic-sized games 😉)
Dead Rising 1, 2 and Off the Record (There are a few things about them I hope won't make me feel stressed out, I don't always do good with things that have time limits, but mannnn, I really want to try out all of the funny weapons and such that you can craft! So the plan is to not worry about "winning" just get in there and have fun!)
I've also got the Resident Evil Village demo but am kinda bummed that it's on a 30 minute time limit. So, like, if it takes me forever to get the hang of the controls, I might not get to see 5 minutes of gameplay. That'll suck. 😠It seems like it would've been better for the demo just to be a level or part of a level and if it takes you an hour to play it, what does it matter? You're still just playing that one little chunk they set aside for you to test out. Oh well, I'll give it a try out of these days.
The Resident Evil 4 remake demo isn't time-locked and you can replay it as much as you want, so I'm thinking about giving that a try. I dunno. I've watched a LOT of playthroughs in this franchise and I'd like to try them myself but I also know I can get skeeved out by body horror and sometimes survival horror in general just stresses me out. So, don't plan on picking up the full game of either of these until I get a chance to try out their demos at least. And I want them to be on a great sale in case I try the full game and then find myself going
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Anyway, if you play games, what are you into these days?
Halo MCC will always be my comfort place, needless to say! Does anybody here do the weekly challenges? I love doing them! Just need 100 more points and I can buy everything on the final level/season/whatever they call it. I love getting new nameplates, lol!
Anyway, I did also do some writing today towards Camp NaNo and made my ridiculously low daily word par. I'm hoping to actually get all of the rest of "Recreation" and "15 Minutes" done in first draft form this month. That would be rad to just have to do final editing and get them posted in May! I'm going to miss them when they're done but I want to make sure that I get their story told, you know?
If I should achieve that goal, then I have a fluffy Vannak x Reader one-shot I'd like to finish. Then I realized if I do that, I'll have given everybody in Silver Team a Reader character except Riz. Can't have that, now can I? Riz is also MAH BB!
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heraldofsomething · 2 years
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Sometimes I feel like I have to keep going, and if I don't, then I'll just let everyone down...
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builtmythrone · 5 years
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LARA CROFT + hard moments [3/?]
The Welcoming
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tombralderarchive · 6 years
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20 years of Tomb Raider♡ ► [10/11/2015] A dangerous and dark organisation called Trinity have followed the events that happened on Yamatai’s island and covered up Lara’s statements on the matter, discrediting them. With a changed vision of the world, and with the help of his deceased father’s old tapes, Lara sets her new adventure in the search of the Lost City of Kitezh with the hope of not only clear her progenitor’s defiled name, but also to understand that her new beliefs are not just a delusion as she is told.
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gogolucky13 · 4 years
Pretty Boy
Summary: You make Bucky a pretty boy.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 900
Warnings: Fluff.
A/N: I’ve always imagined doing this and thought I’d write a little something about it. This isn’t my first time writing, but my first time sharing on here, so hopefully people read it and enjoy it. :) Also, gif not mine.
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The common room is quiet, save for the soft pattering of rain against the large windows and the occasional huffs from the only other person in the room. You are on one end of the couch, legs curled under and a book on your lap. Bucky is on the floor in front of the opposite end of the couch, hunching over the coffee table as he puts together a massive one thousand piece puzzle.
It wasn’t unusual for you to find yourself alone and settled into a comfortable silence with Bucky. After arriving at the Compound, the two of you quickly formed a friendship, finding the other’s presence calming as you went about trivial tasks.
From your peripheral, you see annoyed fingers brush back loose strands of hair as Bucky lets out another huff.
“I can braid it for you,” you comment, closing your book over a forefinger to hold your place, attention focusing on Bucky.
He turns his head to look at you with a raise of an eyebrow. “Hm?”
“Your hair,” you chuckle, “I can braid it for you. Then it won’t get in your face.”
A purse of his lips and skeptical eyes are narrowed at you. “Braid my hair?”
“Sure, why not. It’ll be fun.” You shrug, a coy smile playing at the corner of your lips.
Bucky’s gaze remains on you until he finally relents. “Okay, fine.” He turns back around, running fingers through the dark locks. “Braid my hair if you must.”
You hop off the couch with an excited squeak, tossing your now forgotten book onto an empty corner of the coffee table. “Gotta go get a brush, be right back!”
“Hurry up before I change my mind!” Bucky’s voice follows you into the hallway.
Delighted half steps, half skips lead you back to your room to gather a brush and hair ties. Truth be told, since the first day you met Bucky and his long locks, you had been itching to touch it, braid it, just play with it. Always offering to assist when he pulled it back during a work out, or providing input on what he could do to take care of it. Today was not the first time you had offered to braid it, but it seemed today was the day Bucky finally gave in.
“Alright, move forward a little,” you instruct, squeezing to sit behind Bucky on the couch once you returned to the common room. “Oooh, it’s so soft,” you comment, running your fingers in the silky tresses as you brush through it.
“Well, I do condition,” Bucky remarks, knowing there’s a smirk on his face without needing to see it.
“Thanks to me. You’d still be using bar soap I’m pretty sure.”
A quiet grumble vibrates in his chest and he reaches around to squeeze your foot out of faux annoyance.
“Just sayin,” you giggle. “Okay, one or two braids?”
“One or two?”
“Yeah, I could do two on the sides or one down the back.”
“What’s cooler?”
“Hm, well, Dorothy from Wizard of Oz has two braids, and Lara Croft from Tomb Raider has one. So, who do you want to be? Dorothy or Lara Croft?” You lean around as you ask, getting a glimpse of Bucky’s profile.
His eyes are narrowed in thought, lips moving side to side as he ponders. “Let’s do one, I’m feeling very Lara-y today.”
“Good choice.” You move back behind him, instructing him to look up as you gather three sections of hair. You continue to work through the braid, adding chunks of hair as you go.
“Owww,” whines Bucky when you pull maybe a little too tight.
“Shush,” you reply, adjusting his head slightly downwards. “I’m almost done.”
Gathering the last pieces of hair from the base of Bucky’s neck, you entwine them into the rest of the braid. You gesture for one of the small black hair ties you brought from your room and twist it around the tail of the braid.
“Okay, done.”
A small nudge to Bucky’s shoulders encourages him to stand up and inspect your work in the mirror above the fireplace. He’s quiet as he moves his head around to get a better look at the braid.
Finally, he turns around to face you with hands on his hips. “I’m impressed. I think Lara would be, too.”
You roll your eyes playfully, sliding back to your end of the couch as Bucky moves to sit on the floor again to continue with his puzzle. Resuming your previous position, you reach for your book and catch a glimpse of Bucky’s profile. A few shorter strands of hair have already fallen out, framing his handsome features.
“You’re such a pretty boy,” you comment.
“I’m a what?” Bucky turns to look at you with raised eyebrows.
“A pretty boy.”
“No I’m not,” Bucky protests.
“Wow, Barnes, digging the hair,” Sam’s voice comes from behind as he enters the room.
Without turning around, Bucky replies, “Thanks, Y/N did it.”
Sam gives you an approving nod and you smile in return. “Sam, tell Bucky he’s a pretty boy.”
“Bucky, you’re a pretty boy.”
“Told you.” A smug smile spreads across your lips as you look back to Bucky.
“I’m a handsome man,” Bucky remarks, reaching for a couch pillow to throw at you.
You giggle, blocking the pillow from hitting you in the face. “Whatever you say, pretty boy.”
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freesiart · 3 years
Tony won’t let you go on a mission, but you’re pretty capable of getting in trouble without his assistance.
English isn’t my first language, I apologize if there were any mistakes!
Gif isn’t mine
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“Damn it, that’s what I talking about, Y/N! You're just being stupid! I won't let you go on a mission.”
Perhaps if you stopped treating me like a child, I would stop acting like one, you thought sourly.
Stark became a real monster when it came to protection. More precisely, to hyperprotection. At first it was even pleasant, but now it was just annoying.
“Gods, Tony!” You gritted your teeth trying to contain your anger. “This is not a raid on the Hydra base, this is an average mission! I can handle myself!”
Stark didn’t pay the slightest attention to your words. He fastened the buckle on his chest and gave you an angry look.
“You are not going, kid. End of discussion.”
You growled, but refrained from stamping your foot. It would only amuse him even more.
“It doesn't make any sense! You take everyone! Even Bucky is coming,” you said. “You care about quantity, not quality! Take me!”
Tony nodded at Barnes as he passed by and looked at you wearily.
“Y/N. No. Plus, Loki is staying with you! Play Scrabble or whatever. When we get back, you can help us unload.”
You folded your hands on your chest and turned away, pursing your lips so as not to cry from anger and powerlessness. Tony left.
It was late evening. Finally, a quinjet with an incomplete, but basic composition of the Avengers (the full one included Y/N and Loki) took off, and you stubbornly followed him with your gaze until it turned into a completely distinguishable point on the horizon.
Turning around, you saw that Loki was watching you, leaning on the doorframe.
He was dressed like a Midgardian: a dark green crew-neck sweater, black trousers, and a jacket. Black hair framed his face in a perfect halo, and your heart fluttered. Gods, he was handsome. And he was also a god, you reminded yourself. Do not flatter yourself.
You put on an imperturbable face.
“What? You don't expect me to really play Scrabble with you, do you?”
His lips curled up in a grin for a moment.
“I have no idea what Scrabble is. Another stupid invention of the Midgardians.”
You rolled your eyes in displeasure and walked past him. To your surprise, Loki followed you.
“What do you want?” you asked him without turning your head. You were uncomfortable with the fact that you are alone in the Avengers tower with a Scandinavian god. You were not afraid of Loki. Rather, you were afraid of what would happen if he suddenly found out about your feelings. Or at least suspect them.
Loki snorted.
“I'm just bored, mortal. Why, of all people, did they leave you here?
“Why, of all people, did they leave you here?” you retorted. “Oh wait, I know. This is because no one trusts you enough to allow you to take part in a real mission.”
You turned around, anticipating that he would be angry, but Loki's face was amused. His eyes glittered. He seemed to feel the delight of the verbal skirmish.
But before he had time to answer, an alarm siren screamed. Your heart immediately sank into your heels, and you rushed to the dashboard.
You didn't like what you saw there.
“Damn it!” You turned to Loki. “On the lower floors, someone made their way into the room with safes. Where Stark's developments are. They will not break the safe, but they will cause trouble. Need to go.”
You rushed to the weapons cabinet and fished out three pistols. You put one in your holster, took the second in your hand, and handed the third to Loki. He froze, looking at you with disbelief... and nervousness?
“We must go,” you repeated insistently, holding out a gun to him.
Loki took a deep breath.
“Y/N, you shouldn't go there. Let the guards settle this.”
You felt the bitterness on your tongue. Without looking at Loki, you put the third gun back in the closet.
“I see,” you muttered angrily. “Stay here, I can handle it myself. Play Scrabble or whatever.”
You went to the elevator with a lump in your throat. When the doors were already closing, Loki squeezed into the elevator. He looked worried and angry.
“I already told you, I don’t know what Scrabble is.”
As it turns out, Loki was not completely wrong.
There were four spies - one broke into the safe room, the second guarded the entrance to the premises, and the other two held the guards hostage. And they had huge guns.
You and Loki were standing right around the corner of the floor. You looked at the small pistol in your hand and sighed intermittently.
“I go first, shoot those two, and you disarm the third from behind,” you whispered him your plan. “Then we go inside, and the last one...”
Before you could finish, Loki calmly walked around the corner and disarmed all three with a wave of his hand. They clutched at their throats, as if something invisible was choking them. One of them's eyes began to roll.
You've never seen Loki's magic in action. And, to be honest, it scared you.
You hung on his arm, forcing him to look at you. His eyes were empty, and his brows were furrowed. His gaze cleared slightly as he saw you.
“Loki,” you said forcefully. “Stop, you are killing them.”
Loki lowered his hand with a sigh. Criminals fell to the floor, coughing. You nodded in satisfaction and cocked the trigger.
“Well done. Keep these under control, I will bring out the Tomb Raider.”
You coped with the fourth one without any problems. He was unarmed, but surrounded by devices to open the safe - as if they really would have helped him. Seeing the muzzle of the gun pointed at himself, he immediately surrendered.
Proud, you led the fourth one out of the safe room and motioned for him to go to the others. Beaming, you turned to Loki. Who turned very pale in an instant and opened his mouth, but you interrupted him:
“Nice work, Loki! You and I are...”
You felt something cold on your neck, and all the bravado immediately flew off you.
“Slow down, talker. Gun on the floor.”
Damn it.
It looks like there were five of them.
You dropped your gun to the floor, trying not to make any sudden movements. Out of the corner of your eye you looked at Loki and saw that he was white with anger. His hands were clenched into fists.
“Get the gun off her!” he growled. It seemed to you that the room had darkened. “Right now.”
Loki took a step towards you, but the man behind you jabbed a cold muzzle into your neck, and you flinched. Loki stopped immediately. You saw how his Adam's apple twitched convulsively.
“Stay where you are, little god. And you, talker, throw out the second pistol. And walk with me to the exit. You are my ticket to freedom, aye?”
You swallowed hard and pulled out the second pistol, not taking your eyes off Loki. He was terrified, he was pounding.
“Sorry,” you mouthed. The muzzle poked you in the back again, and you were seized with sudden anger towards the criminal. You are not a little child. You are capable of more than just being a damsel in distress.
You bent down and walked off to the left, sweeping the criminal. There was not enough strength, and he did not fall, but only lost his balance. With your elbow you tried to knock the pistol out of his hand when the shot happened.
He fell, and for some reason you fell too.
Then you felt a pain in your shoulder, and your eyes darkened for a minute.
You heard screams and heavy breathing. Then everything fell silent, and you felt someone's gentle, caring hands lifting you from the floor.
“Loki...” you whispered. You saw his face, distorted by a mask of horror, and felt how he was shaking. “Everything is fine. He hit my shoulder.”
His lips trembled, and you thought he sobbed.
"Why should I care about you, stupid mortal?" he growled. His eyes glittered strangely. ”Especially about such an idiot?”
You chuckled, feeling your whole body go numb from the pain spreading from your shoulder. The pain was bearable if it meant you could look at Loki.
“Yeah,” you whispered.
Loki gazed at your face painfully and tenderly, and then lightly pressed his lips to yours. Weightless as the touch of a butterfly.
You leaned forward and kissed him. Your kiss was bittersweet: full of fear, pain, longing and deep affection of the heart.
Loki looked up from you, not hiding the love that was in the lights in his eyes.
“You didn't think that I would let you go until you teached me how to play Scrabble, did you?”
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karahalloway · 2 years
Fanfic End of Year Asks: 3, 14, 18, 19, 21, 23, & 25
Thank you for the asks @nestledonthaveone!
3 favourite line/scene you wrote this year
Oh…. Hard to choose! I’ll do top three 😅
Top 3 lines:
(Un)Common Attraction, Ch17 – Helluva View:
"And knowing what I did about Drake, I realise that this bike really captured the essence of who he was – power and reliability cloaked in an understated exterior that promised you a no-holds-barred ride if you were willing to take a chance on it."
(Un)Common Attraction, Bonus Chapter – Crazy:
"I had no idea what I was going to do if she said 'yes'. Probably drown myself in whiskey... or seriously consider moving back to Texas."
Sleepless in New York, Ch1 – Best Laid Plans:
"The plane hadn't even taxied to a stop yet and Max was already getting ready to burst out the doors like a lunatic out of an asylum."
Top three scenes:
(Less Than) Noble Intentions, Ch2 – I’ve Been Waiting For You:
This was the first sex scene I ever wrote (ever!) and I am very happy with how it turned out (even though I’ve written steamier stuff since then).
(Less Than) Noble Intentions, Ch6 – Confiteor:
The conversation with Harper’s family. I was literally giggling out loud as I wrote this.
Sleepless in New York, Ch2 – First Impressions
Even though it took a while to come together, I loved delving deeper into Drake’s head, and exploring what he could’ve been thinking when he laid eyes on Harper the first time. And, of course, the Italian.
14 a fic you didn’t expect to write
All the one shots! I honestly didn’t think I was a one-shot type of writer, but since I did my first Wacky Drabble, I seem to have discovered a rabbit hole of mini-fics to tie into my main TRR rewrite.
18 current number of wips
3 (a new Drake POV bonus chapter for (Un)Common Attraction, Ch3 for Sleepless in New York and Ch10 for (Less Than) Noble Intentions)
19 any new fics to start next year
Probably more one shots. Other than that, I am planning to hopefully finish Sleepless in New York, (Less Than) Noble Intentions and the Thanksgiving one shot (which has now turned into a short story).
21 most memorable comment/review
Your review of Ch2 – I’ve Been Waiting for You of (Less Than) Noble Intentions. That sudden-stop boat gif still cracks me up whenever I think about it!
23 fics you wanted to write but didn’t
An original story (not TRR) that is kind of a Tomb Raider / Jack Ryan cross-over. I have bits and pieces in my head, but I’ve been so engrossed in Harper and Drake that I haven’t really had the headspace to focus on this story. But, maybe next year!
25 a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
Oh, God… So many again! I’ll do top three once more (no particular order):
Savage Love by @angelasscribbles
Secret Agent Riley is so kick-ass! And Captain Drake Walker... 🥵
Cordonian A**holes by @ritachacha
These were epic! So on-point and very funny!
The Butcher, the Blender, and the Little Ketchup Packet by @burnsoslow
This was one of the first fics I've read here on Tumblr and OMG I’ve never laughed so hard in my life!😆
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bamitsbeth · 2 years
Top Games Played 2021
Hello, hello, hello. It is that time of the year again folks. (Yes, I know I’m late this year) Let’s get into it!
10 - Monster Hunter World
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Now I’m giving Monster Hunter World the first mention at Number 10. I’m not saying it’s a bad game, because I have heard a lot of good things about it - I just think I’m at the beginning of the game where you need to keep going for it to get good. I spent about 2 hours just customising my character and pet, the level of detail to customation is awesome! The fighting mechanics are a big clunky but hopefully if I go back to it I will enjoy it more.
9 - Hidden Through Time
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Yes, I am well aware I have a gif from Runescape, but this is such a small indie game - you try and find a gif for it! It’s basically a Where’s Wally game, but with no Wally and more items to find. My bestie and her dad also love it. Fun for all the fam, honestly give it a try.
8- Blair Witch  
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So the first horror on the list, I know y’all were waiting. Blair Witch, has a lots of similarities and references to the film but is a whole other experience. Best part is you have a dog that you can customise, pet and give treats to. The graphics are hella amazing too! However, I did stop playing this game as I loved that dog like it was child and (SPOILER ALERT) I’m pretty sure it died, and I refuse to accept it.
7 - Harvey’s New Eyes
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Right listen, the gif ain’t from the game but it does give off the vibe from the game (another indie game if you were wondering.) So definitley would recommend this game if you have a pretty dark sense of humour, please don’t play in front of your parents, you will be in therapy the next day. It actually made me laugh so loud and the pun game is unbeatable. 
6- Genshin Impact
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I haven’t played this game as much as last year sadly, but you know I’m here for the free stuff you get logging on. I got more Childe content this year so I’m more than happy, that sexy bastard. I like how they’ve expanded the map, though I’m not high enough level to get there yet, so sad. The Summer quests were so cute though.
5 - Don’t Knock Twice
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Another horror for the list, I know you were waiting. Don’t Knock Twice is a fantastic short horror game! It absolutely shit me up the first time, I literally had to pause the game and wait for my friend to join for support. The tears in my eyes were real lemme tell you. Also graphics 10/10, honestly the atmophere created just went so well with the jump scares, the waiting for something to happen was terrifying. 
4 - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
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Aaaaaah Lara, my queen, my wife, the woman who made me realise I’m a little gay. I’ve always preferred the classic Lara to the new games, HOWEVER, I absolutely love the Shadow of the Tomb Raider! Nothing felt forced or like a filler, the plot is so much better and the characters more interesting. Easily the best out of the newer triology! 
3- Fallout 4
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This was a surprising game that made a comeback to me this year, now I’m playing it every available moment. I played them a long time back, F4 is easily better than Fallout 3. My bestie enjoyed watching me play it so mcuh that she’s starting to replay it too. That lady that sings in that underground bar has my heart. I will romance everyone, except McCready he can die in a hole.
2- Fortnite
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Fortnite easy had to be 2nd place, was very close to coming in first! My bestie and I played this game so much this past year. We have gotten top places in almost every battle babe, so if anyone wants an earlier death I got you boo.
1 - Final Fantasy 7 Remake
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I WAS ABSOLUTELY STUNNED WHEN THIS WAS OFFERED AS A FREE GAME ON PS+!!!! I downloaded it straight away! Although I procrastinated for ages before I actually played it because I was so worried it wouldn’t be as good as the original. Oh how wrong I was... It is EVEN BETTER! The graphics, utterly beautiful. The characters are more easy to become invested in. Our sexy daddy villain Seph. There was a point a character started humming the original FF7 music and I almost started crying. I also much more prefer this combat system to the original. It’s so fucking good 
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nathanprscott · 2 years
I’m contemplating on whether or not buying a PS4 - what games can you recommend since you’re an avid gamer yourself?
Oh boy, there are so many games I love and recommend. It really depends on what genre you like, though. Personally, I'm most interested in story-driven, action and exploration games. Red Dead Redemption 2, the Uncharted Series* and the Witcher 3 are among my favourites. But I can always go back to replaying the Tomb Raider or God of War reboot, too.
If you're into anime-type entertainment more, I can recommend the Final Fantasy 7 Remake* or Persona 5*.
Currently I am mainly playing GTA 5, but I'd check out trailers to see if that's for you, first.
There are thousands of games in the playstation store and they always have great discounts in my opinion (I only buy on sale), so I'm sure there are plenty of games that would appeal to you.
A good reference for what I like and recommend, is generally also my tag "my gifs" or "my edits" cause I only make content for games I consider worth my time.
If you want, you can also send me a message with more specifics of what you're most interested in.
PS: I added the *s to games that are playstation exclusives.
PSS: I personally chose a PS4 Pro cause I wanted better image quality and improved performance. Idk if that's important to you (the difference isn't mind-blowing so you're gonna have a great experience with the regular PS4 aswell), but maybe it's worth considering before you buy.
Hope this isn't too much info all at once :P
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brujah-remade · 3 years
content creator appreciation: list five favourite sets you've made and send this ask to five other content creators! 💗💗💗💗 (if you haven't already)
oh thank you so much ophelia! 🥺 ♡♡
1. the outer worlds | various locations.
this is the first time i’ve properly tried to experiment with using text like this on my gifs and i really like how it came out :] plus the outer worlds is such a colourful game and i loveee giffing it in general
2. lara croft | tomb raider: underworld.
i usually really struggle with colouring this game but i’m really proud of this one ^_^ and also underworld is my favourite tomb raider game so i mean . <underworld lara3
3. ten years of portal 2.
i have such a tough relationship with sets like these bc i am obsessed with making sure the colouring matches, the gifs look good side by side etc and as one of the fussiest people alive i think this is one of my better attempts at doing that
4. five years of until dawn.
same as above, it’s a bigger set and i really like how i ended up colouring it, with the blues and the oranges :] also, i spent all day working on this as a distraction from irl things that were happening last year, so it holds a special place in my heart because of that as well
5. moxxi’s bar, sanctuary iii.
this is one of the first sets i ever made and i still really like how it looks! like yes it’s pink and purple which makes me automatically obsessed with it regardless, but i really like how i used the ingame dof slider for this. borderlands 3 animated photo mode my beloved
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hawopro · 4 years
Thoughts of a rare soul who enjoyed DMBJ’s Time Raiders 2016 adaptation (2/2)
Or: why TR 2016 is a Pingxie movie
Continuation from this post.
Okay, normal movie review aside, this post is my attempt to discuss the very-compelling Pingxie story that pulled me into the deep end of niche within niche fandom. I am now wholeheartedly shipping Pingxie.
Incredibly long post, so here’s a summary:
Symbolism & foreshadowing in nuances
Pingxie & past lives
These are the nuances that sold me TR: the song, the button, the masks, the scarf, the hands. They added an extra layer to the movie and made you really think about the real story. 
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Because the story isn’t truly about tomb raiding and fighting monsters, it is as Wu Xie stated at the beginning, “This should be a story about me and him.”
It’s a story about Wu Xie and Zhang Qiling/Men You Ping, about their connection that probably started thousands of years ago, and it ran so deep that we couldn’t possibly fathom how far.
Wu Xie asked, “When did it begin? How did it end?” We don’t know, but we know it definitely exists.
To sum up the story before starting the analysis:
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As a kid, Wu Xie snuck inside a maze-like place, took a button from a relic and was chased by a ghostlike figure for it, let’s call the ghost Bronze Mask. This experience haunted his dream all the way to adulthood. Then he discovered the tomb of Iron Mask, a tomb builder, found a key to the Snake Empress's tomb, and met ZQL ‘for the first time’ on the raid with his uncle. They bonded, and for some reason, ZQL wanted that button, which WX gave it to him upon their parting. At the end, it is implied that Bronze Mask is actually ZQL and Iron Mask is Wu Xie. 
Wait what? You think that ending came out of nowhere? 
First, let’s go back to the very beginning. The performer’s song. 
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Which, according to English translation, goes like:
“Life is a dream What is unreal would be real Life is a mirror that shows your reflection But I hope the reflection doesn’t show the mundane Flowers bloom and flower wilt are a way of life How can life be as you wish?”
At first glance, it didn’t seem to be anything significant, just very pretty words, but after I finished watching, I realized it could be interpreted as foreshadows. 
The beginning couple of lines could allude to WX’s dream, and the possibility that there’s something more tangible in this connection with the Bronze Mask figure. Then they foreshadow the ending sequence when WX and ZQL walked past one another as themselves, but turned and saw each other as Bronze Mask and Iron Mask.
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The words are telling us that even seemingly unlikely, things could just as likely to happen in life, and I thought they tie the ending back to the opening very neatly. 
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The idea of mirror and reflection seems to come up quite a bit in the movie, window, mirror, camera lens, dialogues.
I'm thinking that a reflection of themselves symbolizes the idea that there lies another facet of their identities, hinting at past lives. Then we have ZQL’s crisis over his existence and amnesia, constantly wondering who he is, and whether he will one day lose himself.
The last two lines are about ZQL’s immortality, if to live means to bloom then wilt, then he doesn’t belong to the land of living at all.
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At the end, the song goes:
“We don’t seek smoke and mirror Looking back at the time when the wise man rises It was a time of innocence and purity.”
Mirror appears again here, I haven’t even begun dissecting what this could mean. But I like to think the last two lines fit very well with Wu Xie’s character development, how he grew up after this trip.
NEXT, the pendant thing that I'm going to call a button.
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The button honestly foreshadows that ZQL is Bronze Mask in two instances: when he took it from WX the first time and gave it back, then when he asked for it again when they were inside the tomb.
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This is the connection that tied WX to Bronze Mask until he met ZQL, until he returned it at the end, AFTER the two of them formed a new connection with pictures, and memories from inside the tomb. 
The masks--specifically the Iron Mask foretells Wu Xie’s identity as Iron Mask.
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He put it on when he was telling the writer the story in the opening. Then when he first discovered the tomb and the key, he also did that. I was very confused on why someone would put on a rusty old mask? I just chalked it up as a method to open the cage. I was wrong! BAM, foreshadow! 
That brings me to the scarf that Iron Mask wore in the ending sequence.
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Looks familiar?! Well I would argue that that’s the same scarf that ZQL wore the entire time in the movie, and he very clearly used it to fight A-Ning. If the button is WX's connection to Bronze Mask, then the scarf is a memento--it's ZQL's connection to Iron Mask.
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FINALLY, THE HANDS! And Michelangelo’s reference. Separate hands appreciation gif set here.
Hands are incredibly expressive, and I found myself very drawn to them while watching movies. Well, they are the forefront of Pingxie in this story, the movie keeps on showing them, figuratively and literally, reaching out to each other.
Hands are to catch, to hold, to protect, to save, and you will see all of these in Pingxie’s interactions. Heck, the director ended the movie with an entire sequence of their hands and freaking allude to The Creation of Adam!
There’s the first handshake, where ZQL opened up for the first time, and WX appreciated it and reached out first.
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Then comes my personal favorite scene which I gif entirely here.
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WX, standing on death’s door and still legit worrying about giving MYP his memories in the camera. Boy, pls stop. And you see ZQL freaked out. This was the first time ZQL reached out, this was trust, this was him caring about someone for the first time, you know, as far as he can remember anyway.
Then WX said to MYP, “I said I’d take care of you.” He really did jump headfirst onto a questionable tomb structure to save MYP. 
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Here, WX literally saved ZQL, and figuratively saved him from his mind and existential crisis as well. Because after, ZQL said to WX, “Memories aren’t everything, daring to imagine is what everything is all about,” which is his character development! Hooray!
Bonus, that hands hold on the magical carpet ride.
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AND the Creation of Adam allusion? Which shows God giving life to the first man? 
WX is man, he’s always on the left of the painting and all the hand-scenes, ZQL is basically god-like immortal, he’s always on the right. When the allusion to the Creation happened, WX was actually on higher ground, he was the one doing the saving. In this case, the mortal human gave the god life, not the other way around because ZQL didn’t know what living was, so he let WX show him.
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The whole idea of past lives probably deviated so much from drama and novel, but it created such a compelling bond for WX and MYP in this movie. 
That is why I ship Pingxie now. 
You can’t watch this thinking it’ll be like the drama, or like a live-action remake of the novel. No, it’s meant to be a standalone film that showed only a corner of the DMBJ universe, but it unfailingly portrays the deep connection between WX and ZQL, and I love it.
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wuxian-vs-wangji · 4 years
Sorry if you've answered this before but I'm curious about the lost tomb. Does one need to watch the other seasons to watch the reboot or whatever the new thing is? I saw gifs from it a couple months back and thought the cast was really pretty but didn't watch because I didn't want to have to watch all that other stuff to get to the pretty boys yanno? Would I be losing out on anything by not watching the other content?
So I watched “The Lost Tomb” first, the original season is only 10 episodes long, and then dove immediately into “Reunion”;  but since every single character is re-cast between seasons with extremely few exceptions, you still have to learn everyone over again. I did feel like I was missing some stuff, but not to a degree that impacted my viewing.
Um... I’ll make a little character guide for you. Read that and you should be fine::
Wu Xie (Iron Triangle #1)
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Wu Xie is the main POV focus. Wu Xie’s great-grandfather began robbing tombs during China’s great famine as a way to feed his family. He left behind The Gravedigger’s Notebook (title of the book series), which catalogues hidden tombs both explored and rumored. It is considered the family’s greatest treasure.
Wu Xie does not rob tombs to make money. He believes in studying their history and secrets, and sort of goes in as an advanced scout before summoning archaeological teams and donating everything inside to museums and such.
In the original “Lost Tomb” series (2015), Wu Xie is poisoned inside a tomb. To save his life, Xiao Ge feeds him something called “Dragon Medicine”- an ancient, rare form of Chinese medicine that grows more potent with age. The piece Wu Xie eats is 3,000 years old, and it causes permanent changes to his DNA. This appears in the story as both Wu Xie’s blood being used to protect others sometimes and whenever someone mentions Wu Xie having “Dragon’s Blood”.
Kylin // Zhang Qiling // Xiao Ge (Iron Triangle #2)
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A 100+++ year old tomb raider. Xiao Ge is the patriarch of the most powerful tomb raiding family- though he doesn’t have anything to do with them. His kind are incredibly long lived and he may even be an immortal- so long as he doesn’t die of injury, starvation, cold, etc.
His blood is a deterrent to most of the creepy crawlies in tombs, it can cure some poisons, and he has two fingers on his right hand that are elongated and possess near super strength thanks to an ancient and lost technique. 
Xiao Ge often wanders off on his own, but he always appears when Wu Xie is in trouble. For an unknown reason, Xiao Ge has had a couple instances in the past where he as badly injured and lost time or memory entirely, so much of his past is a mystery to him as well.
Wang Pangzi // Fatty (Iron Triangle #3)
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Wu Xie’s constant companion and, along with Xiao Ge, one of his best friends. Pangzi was a tomb robber once upon a time, but a couple of raids in a row landed him with Wu Xie, who doesn’t allow him to steal.
Pangzi has friends in low places, but Wu Xie has become the person he is most loyal to. Seriously, they act like an old married couple most of the time. Oh, and Pangzi might have magical abilities like Xiao Ge- no matter how long they’ve been in a tomb or how unprepared they were to enter, he somehow always has plenty of peanuts or sunflower seeds in his pockets. It’s a running joke.
** Wu Xie’s uncle Sanxing had a companion and right hand man named Panzi who is mentioned a couple times. It gets confusing, just a heads up.
Wu Sanxing // Third Uncle
(Couldn’t find a GIF)
Wu Xie’s father is the first brother, Wu Sanxing is the third (the second is listed next). Wu Xie idolized his uncle Sanxing his entire life, but Wu Sanxing vanished after a tomb exploration, never to be seen or heard from again. 
Wu Xie’s guiding mission is to find his uncle Sanxing at all costs- but to do that he must use his grandfather’s notebook to follow in his uncle’s footsteps and try to piece together a decades-old mystery.
Wu Erbai // Second Uncle
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Wu Xie’s... second uncle, lmao!
With Wu Sanxing missing, Wu Erbai is the only family Wu Xie has around (in some “Lost Tomb” adaptations Wu Xie says his parents are dead, but in this one it is implied they are alive but estranged from Wu Xie). Wu Erbai is a bit of a mob boss, though he is kind to his family. He tends to finance Wu Xie’s explorations and takes a keen interest in his nephew’s safety and wellbeing.
(No GIF)
A-Ning was one of the first tomb robbers Wu Xie ever encountered on his travels. Over “The Lost Tomb” series, Wu Xie and A-Ning go from enemies to friends- and there are little hints that they may have been heading towards intimate relations.
In “Reunion”, A-Ning is revealed to have died on Wu Xie’s watch as they searched for a tomb (IDK if this is part of another of the Lost Tomb shows, I’m going back now to watch my way through the whole series). Her memory is very present in the story, so it was worth mentioning her.
Black Glasses // Hei Yanjing
(Not Giffed, but... you know... look for a dude all in black wearing sunglasses religiously)
One of the people Wu Erbai has on his payroll. Black Glasses is another semi-immortal. He is only a little bit younger than Xiao Ge, and very nearly his equal in terms of power. 
Yanjing’s main abilities lie in his eyes though. Out in the world- day or night- he is blind without his simple black sunglasses. In a pitch-black tomb though, he can see perfectly due to his insanely good night vision.
Xiao Ge fights mainly with his sword, but Yanjing is more fond of modern weapons such as guns. He’ll use anything to his advantage- and he’s quite mouthy. I think he and Xiao Ge are... cousins? Or something?
That’s pretty much it for “Reunion”. There are a few other characters who are returns from earlier seasons, but their purposes are pretty easy to guess and their roles minor enough that you’ll pick up on their characters pretty quickly. This includes Liu Sang- the one whose GIFsets I keep sharing :)
The show contains itself in its own story very well, so I think you’ll be able to make it through. But if you feel lost, all I watched before going into it was “The Lost Tomb” from 2015 (10 episodes), mainly to learn who the characters are. You can also look up the characters in the DMBJ Wiki (DMBJ = shorthand for the name of the novel).
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leemarkies · 3 years
HI i’m so sorry for disappearing just like *poof* 🥲 i got occupied with studying for tests but i’m free now so yay the p1harmony blog will be up in a couple days! speaking of which, you and kristen are apparently the same kind of crazy (in a good way though, of course!) according to my sis… she didn’t believe anyone would do it and asked me who was crazy enough to follow a blog not even up yet so i showed you guys’ urls in the followers list to her and she’s just- shook haha i saw your set of the top songs and 1. it was gorgeous! 2. i wish there were an option to tag through anon or something so that i could tag you too ;-; i’m still working on mine because at first i was going to draw scenes form the mv but i forgot that my pad is broken and that i don’t have the luxury to be free all day for that to happen avkqndndk so now i’m going to gif/make a gfx; really just depends as i’ll finish it tomorrow~ i only know call of duty from the games you mentioned though and even then i didn’t play it 😅 i loved playing all tomb raider & the uncharted series + need for speed from what i remember! OH AND THE MIXTAPE! i still haven’t giffed the mv ‘cause it came out the day i went mia to study but i heard the song and saw it, it’s so nice! hyunjin gave me a heart attack though, was NOT expecting to see him sing or appear in it because jyp had let my hopes down for the next 2 months but a what a surprise! what did you think of the song? i like it better than on track but everyone around me (personal friends) said the latter was better and i’m alone on the kid supremacy agenda there - 🍉
ok FIRST OF ALL there is no need to apologize!!! i’m honestly likely to disappear from time to time too soon when law school starts up so dw!!! AND CONGRATS ON YOUR STUDY BREAK!! i hope your tests went well!
oh trust me that isn’t even the craziest blog i’ve followed hehe. there is this one blog i’ve been following for YEARS that literally just posts the same picture of minho every day around 6pm. love that blog could never unfollow <3 and i will patiently wait for your blog to be set up hehe
and thank you sooo so much!! and honestly!! i was literally thinking about adding “🍉 anon” to this list of people i tagged but i didn’t know if you would see it 😢 yes you should do it if you have the time! i love seeing everyone’s lists!
oo i’ve heard those games are super fun!!! i’ve always wanted to play tomb raider! and yeah same here i was awful at cod live but my siblings and i would play cod zombies for HOURS every day in high school hehe
YES I WENT CRAZY WHEN I SAW HYUNJIN!!! i wasn’t home when it was released so i’m sure i looked liked a lunatic out in public crying about him ajsjjsjf. ok i love the song!! i do!!! i love every song bin makes!! but! … personally i like on track better hehe. on track is one of my v fav skz songs so it’s hard to beat ��
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/Bio: @/adventuresbyhenrik | 53.1k followers — “imma wild boi🌿🌏🧗 | happily taken👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
23 (24) years old
Parents are both Swedish and only speak Swedish, leaving henrik to also become fluent
His father Halvi is a pilot
His mother Lova is a race car driver
Siblings? Probably a brother, named Jahan & younger by two or three years + they get along quite well
Born & raised in Isle of Wight, England + loves it there & thinks it’s the best place for him to live, it’s his own private island in his mind plus he’s always finding something to do. He stays active
Climbing & wilderness survival instructor, he gets to talk as much as he wants while also teaching people AND all while being active! Sounds like the perfect job for him
Probably developed ADHD around his pre-teen age, leaving his parents to find him something he enjoys + can slow down and focus on
used to be on meds for it
Was well-known in high school, probably in the yearbook club since he was able to run around & get to know people but was kinda shit at knowing the functions of a camera
His selfie game has gotten a lot better now but he mostly posts anything but his face. You’ll see more of his face on his stories & location shots on his feed
Feels his hair is his best physical feature & his prized possession, would never THINK about cutting it. Even just a trim is a bit much for him
Always tries to be positive but at the same time can be condescending since he sometimes won’t pick his words wisely ex.) when he gave MC a backhanded “compliment” about makeup, being active, + wanting them to “think of others ” feelings — just because someone is opposite from you doesn’t mean you have to shit on the way they carry themselves...that’s my issue with him
maybe he’s a Taurus?
Loves fall & spring, more so fall since that’s when the weather feels nicest to him plus allergy season is a REAL bitch
The guy’s real Adventurous & always managing to find something to do. If you’re ever bored just hit him up, he has plenty of recommendations 
Family owns a cottage & he’s the one who goes out there more than his own family does! “You should just sell it to me at this point!” He tells his parents over dinner often & it is strongly considered
Has five birds & a husky, when he goes on road trips they’re always with him. Which can get a little hectic at times but they’re his family, he’s a, “birdog dad”
BLAKE secretly dislikes them all, feeling like they take up space sometimes (especially when she wants to cuddle) but she deals with it since she cares for the guy — yes, they’re still dating
She’s been convincing him to cut a few inches off of his hair which he took like a slap in the face, “that’s like me asking you to quit speaking up for humans!” “No, no it’s not.”
They’re polar opposites with flaws which causes disagreements between the two of them by putting each other in their places but they learn to compromise? (*insert eartha Kitt gif laughing here*] if they want this to work
His mother seems to be the only one who dislikes blake (she strongly feels he should have bought MC back home...that’s right she watched the show from time to time. Not always since she doesn’t care for reality tv but her friends encouraged her to watch bits and pieces) while his dad and brother approve
It is tense when Blake and his mom are in the same room which makes Henrik sad since he believes Blake deserves a chance. He took a chance on her and it seems to be going pretty well so why couldn’t his mother just be happy for him like the rest of the family is?
Henrik loves his low-maintenance girls who are open to trying new things with him, Blake is usually down most of the time but she likes her personal space too..which henrik struggles to understand
He wants her to live with him, he’s sure his parents will let him have the cottage if Blake decides to live with him but Blake loves her freedom in Kingston
It’s hidden but I feel like he might be one of those guys that feels like “a woman should follow a man” since that’s what his father installed into his boys— which failed because his wife isn’t just a housewife, she has goals and went after them
I feel like Blake turns to social media almost always to post about her feelings (I can’t remember what I picked the first time around as my occupation but as I’m currently playing I picked human rights campaigner so) but it’s mostly subtle shade & it always goes recognized by fans which brings drama between her, mc x Bobby
Henrik jumps in because what kind of guy would he be if he didn’t have his gf’s back? Doesn’t care for the drama but he & Bobby usually said slick shit to each other in the villa, it’s safe to say they’re not really friends but they’re not enemies either that’s mostly between their gf/wife
Henrik doesn’t care enough about Bobby to dislike him but he won’t put up with his shit any longer and what easier way to do that than online? He feels like they can settle this with a phone call but Blake & MC aren’t with the shits and don’t want their men speaking to each other
Henrik & Bobby eventually have a chat in secret anyways
Henrik warns Blake that this can effect her job status if she doesn’t calm down since she uses social media for her cause
She usually knows when to stop but can’t help it if it slips out sometimes
They talk it out and move on usually with whatever fun idea henrik may have
Owns a ford bronco from the 90’s that used to be his uncle’s who builds tree houses for a living and is still running, a jeep gladitor, or some sort of pickup truck
Knows how to make the best apricot jam
All about saving the bees
Loves animals, probably on his journey to veganism if he’s not already there
We all know this fucking guy likes eating M0sS
“Embarrassing fact” but uh big fan of twilight, feels like Seth Clearwater and him are meant to be best buds but he also stans the Volturi 😷
Him and Lucas of course remained the best of mates, since they live 2 hrs away from each other and are always busy living their lives they always have to plan out when they can hangout but that fails 60% of the time when henrik pops up at Lucas’ job or at his flat not giving him a choice but to hang out
They’re always vacationing together too? Sure Henrik is his own version of low-key while Lucas likes a bit of luxury...they still find a balance to just have a good time regardless if they live different lifestyles...they’re basically married
Always texting if they’re not hanging out, henrik with his memes that Lucas doesn’t understand & Lucas just checking in on henrik’s well being which leads the conversation to many topics
He’s actually cool with Gary now? They like/comment on each other’s posts & even text here and there
Even ran into Rocco once on a road trip, that was interesting but when life gives you lemons...we’ll just say that
Even him and Ibrahim share recommendations through text or DM’s which is nice! Henrik is always down for friends even tho they’re not like his personal friends (except for Lucas, he fits into his criteria)
Most of his work is physical and talking but he goes the extra mile by hiking every Sunday either with his friends, Blake, or family — he’s genuinely likes being one with nature
If he’s at the cottage, he’s always outside, chopping extra wood, making sure the yard looks like it belongs on a magazine, or takes the boat out on lake to nap since he doesn’t like to fish as much anymore
Currently trying to grow strawberries but some animal keeps eating them :/
Adores adventure time, the x-files, bobs burgers + animal planet, and travel channels—like he’s a real dad
If he could shower outside everyday, he would, it’s such a freeing experience to him
His outings consist of being in the woods 24/7 so in his mind when he brings Blake out there with him, it’s a version of a date, whenever they spend time together is a date to him, which she has to remind him that she wants to do something different like getting dressed up every now and then + go out to dinner which he HATES but he’ll do his best to please her, as long as the restaurant is more earthy than snobby he’s okay
100% would survive the apocalypse, he knows how to make due with what he’s got, he’s always been that way
Enjoys rom-com’s so he’ll laugh at how cringe they are but still enjoy it, indie films, ALITA was the best film of 2019 to him & currently his fav film is, “the call of the wild” with Harrison Ford
His favorite films ever are Indiana Jones, Lara Coft: Tomb raider, Terminator, and I am legend
Aliens ARE real, they’re out there and he’ll be part of the reason they’ve been exposed
I feel like he wanted to be an astronaut growing up but then realized he’d be a confined space for long periods of time and said cancel that shit lol + he isn’t the greatest at science. History? He did real well in that subject
I think he loves Lorde, listens to Bon Iver—especially on early morning commutes to work, Rex Orange County, Omar Apollo, Joji, the nbhd, the driver era, kid cudi...yktfv
Celeb crushes?/types: The main girls from Charlie’s angels 2019, Alexa PenaVega... “you know Carmen from spy kids?” Diana silvers, Dove Cameron, JAMIE CHUNG, & VANESSA HUDGENS
Anthem = Wallows, “OK”
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villainii · 4 years
1 2 6 17 for creators asks
1: What’s your favourite creation of yours? And why?
As usual I can’t stick with one, but I try to keep it to three 😊 After going through my edits, I have to apologize. I absolutely can’t stick to three, sorry 😁
Dishonored, Dunwall Sewers Only sticking with green and yellow, this one was extremely painful. I remade and remade the coloring until I was satisfied, but it was worth it!
Resident Evil 4 I’m still in love with what I did with the coloring. It’s vibrant and soft at the same time and the second gif might be the best I ever made. It’s just perfect.
Borderlands, The Highlands I think this one is really uncommon for me. The coloring is vibrant but not THAT vibrant and there’s not much contrast but I still like how it turned out. Just because it’s that uncommon for me. 
Borderlands, Handsome Jack Gonna be honest, this might be the best coloring I ever made. Love the palette and the vibrantness!
Art Gallery, Little Misfortune The coloring is rather dull, but it’s soft 😊 I actually deleted the first version and posted this one instead!
Shadow of the Tomb Raider I remember spending an eternity on this. I even had various color combinations, but I’m happy that I sticked with this. The colors are rather cold but still vibrant. 
Tenenbaum’s Sanctuary, Bioshock Originally those gifs were really dark, I had to adjust quite a lot. It’s one of the few sets where I colored every gif for itself without wanting to make it look consistent and that I actually liked. 
Claptrap, Borderlands The greens, yellows and purples look so good together. Plus it’s one of very few edits where I successfully used captions.
Spec Ops The Line There was a time when I used to make rainbow sets all the time and this one is one of the best I ever made. Even tho every gif looks different (colorwise), it looks like a set. 
2: A creation that came out completely different to what you had first pictured in your mind
This gifset from the seven deadly sins in Darksiders 3. I actually wanted a colorful set but everything I tried didn’t worked, so I decided to make a consistent coloring. I wanted the set to look like the first two gifs but well I couldn’t  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
6: What fandom do you always enjoy creating content for?
I have to admit, that I don’t have one for gaming. Even tho I always return to making Borderlands content, I don’t enjoy making it for the fandom, rather for myself. Wow, I sound pricky, but that’s how it is...
17: Do you enjoy working with gifs?
Absolutely! It’s the one content I always feel comfortable with since I’m happy with my creations overall. 
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