#fitness near me
boltnutrition · 2 years
Fitness and health are two of the most talked about topics in today's society. There is no shortage of information available on the internet, but not all of it is accurate. With so many myths and misconceptions surrounding fitness and health, it can be difficult to know what information to trust. That's where a myth buster about fitness and health comes in. The purpose of this blog is to separate fact from fiction and provide accurate information to help you make informed decisions about your health and fitness. By debunking common myths and misconceptions, we aim to empower you to take control of your health and achieve your fitness goals. So, whether you're a seasoned fitness enthusiast or just starting out, this blog is a must-read for anyone looking to improve their health and wellness.
Here are 12 myths and real facts about fitness and health:
Myth 1: No Pain, No Gain Fact:
While pushing yourself during a workout is important, it is not necessary to experience pain to make progress. In fact, experiencing pain during exercise can indicate an injury or strain. It's important to listen to your body and adjust your workout accordingly.
Myth 2: Carbs are Bad Fact:
Carbs are an important source of energy and are necessary for a balanced diet. It's important to choose complex carbohydrates, like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, instead of simple carbs like sugar and white flour.
Myth 3: You Have to Work Out for Hours to See Results Fact:
You don't have to spend hours at the gym to see results. In fact, research has shown that short, high-intensity workouts can be just as effective as longer, low-intensity workouts.
Myth 4: Muscle Turns into Fat if You Stop Working Out Fact:
Muscle and fat are two different types of tissue. When you stop working out, your muscles may shrink, but they will not turn into fat. However, if you stop exercising and continue to eat the same amount of food, you may gain weight in the form of fat.
Myth 5: Spot Training Can Reduce Fat in Specific Areas Fact:
While you can target specific muscle groups with exercise, you can't spot reduce fat in specific areas. Fat loss occurs throughout the body, not just in the area where you are working out.
Myth 6: You Can't Build Muscle After 30 Fact:
 Age is not a limiting factor when it comes to building muscle. As long as you are consistent with your workouts and eating a balanced diet, you can build muscle at any age.
Myth 7: All Supplements are Safe Fact:
 Not all supplements are safe or effective. Some supplements can have harmful side effects or interact with medications. It's important to speak with a doctor or a registered dietitian before starting any supplement regimen.
Myth 8: Stretching Before Exercise Prevents Injury Fact:
Stretching before exercise can help improve flexibility, but there is limited evidence to support the idea that stretching can prevent injury. It's more important to warm up with light aerobic exercise before starting a workout.
Myth 9: You Should Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day Fact:
The "8 glasses of water a day" rule is a myth. The amount of water you need depends on many factors, such as your body size, activity level, and climate. A general guideline is to drink enough water so that your urine is light yellow in color.
Myth 10: Crunches are the Best Way to Get a Six-Pack Fact:
Crunches can help strengthen your abdominal muscles, but they won't reduce belly fat. To see your abs, you need to reduce your overall body fat through a combination of diet and exercise.
Myth 11: Sweating More Means You're Burning More Calories Fact:
Sweating is a natural response to heat and does not necessarily mean you are burning more calories. The amount of calories you burn during exercise depends on many factors, including your body size, activity level, and intensity of the workout.
Myth 12: You Can Eat Anything You Want if You Work Out Enough Fact:
While exercise is important, it's not a free pass to eat whatever you want. A healthy diet is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle and can't be compensated for by exercise alone.
These are some of the common myths and facts about fitness and health. It's important to always consult with a doctor or a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new exercise or diet program.
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lichenbug · 7 months
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the first time either of them have slept in days
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fitnessstudioclub · 2 years
Fitness First
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Before you start doing your fitness workout you should know the meaning of fitness first classes. Fitness is always changing and growing in different ways. You have to work hard and safely to achieve your fitness goals no matter what they are. You have to learn new techniques about your workout to make it easy and fun for you. Fitness First should always be your first priority. Lets have a look on fitness definition in simple words you can say that “It is the ability to do daily tasks with good performance, patience, and strength with less fatigue and stress and have a good behavior”
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fitnessfastindia · 2 years
Fitness for Men and Women: Staying Healthy Together
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Get Absolutely free fitness tips for men and women with your Favourite favour Fitnessfastindia
How much do you know about what it takes to maintain a healthy lifestyle? It’s not just diet and exercise. There are a number of factors that influence overall health and wellness, including stress levels, environment, family health history and even your social life. When it comes to keeping the whole family healthy, here are some tips that apply specifically to men's and women’s fitness needs.
Stay active
Becoming active is not just a way to look better, it's a health necessity. Fitnessfastindia offers fitness classes across India that are designed specifically to fit the needs of both men and women. Most importantly, they provide exercise routines to improve your health, which can also be done at home with the help of Fitnessfastindia.
Exercise together
To stay healthy, it's important not only to exercise separately but also together. FitnessFastIndia has a variety of fitness and health programs to help you get the most out of your fitness routine.
Finding ways to participate in fitness and health activities with one another can be challenging if you lead busy lives, have disparate interests or have completely opposite schedules. Luckily there are several ways fitness enthusiasts can work out together without actually having to go on a run or hit up that spinning class at 6:30 AM. Hire a Personal Trainer For Weight Loss from FitnessFastIndia personal Training is often considered an integral part of any weight loss journey.
Keep it fun
Many people think that fitness is only for women. But the truth is, men need to stay healthy too! Fitnessfastindia has created some great workouts for couples that will have you both feeling better about your health in no time. These workouts are a great way to bond with your significant other while keeping yourself in shape. Plus, they're easy to do at home so you don't have to leave the comforts of your bedroom or living room. Get started with one of these exercises today!
Introduce outdoor activities into your daily routine
Breathing fresh air and getting some exercise outdoors are great ways to get some health benefits. Although running is often a popular choice, other outdoor activities can be just as beneficial such as walking or biking. Many fitness programs are geared towards adults to help keep them in shape. Fitnessfastindia is an online program that provides guides to a healthier lifestyle by recommending different exercises depending on your interests or athletic level.
At last, Fitnessfastindis is one of the best fitness blog platforms in India where you can get the best fitness tips for both men and women. If you are interested to transform your body within a short period of time then definitely you’re in the right place. For need more info you can directly visit our website www.fitnessfastindia.com
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u3pxx · 9 months
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wtf!!!!! klapollo yuri???!???!?!?
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poppy-s-rampage · 29 days
Once a Hero.
Danny Phantom fought with the knowledge that at any given time he could be stricken dead. With the knowledge that his own parents, the people who brought him into this world, could be the ones to take him out permanently. The Job was already half done after all.
But no matter what, no matter his adversaries, Danny held strong. Despite the constant threat of the GIW and his parents, despites his rogues’ shenanigans and Vlad’s scheming, despite the citizen’s ungratefulness, he held his ground. Always staying true to his beliefs.
Yes, he made mistakes ,terrible ones. Yes, he has done things he would forever be ashamed of. But he never let others take responsibility for his actions. The very proof being his existence as Phantom.
There is no denying it, Danny Phantom/Fenton is a hero.
An existence to whom every victory comes hand to hand with tragedy.
An existence favored by fate.
And fate is known to be a cruel mistress.
He should have known something was up. It was too good to be true. He should have trusted his instinct. But he ignored it, choosing hope instead of the very thing that kept him alive all these years. All it took was one mistake for everything to domino into a nuclear warhead that quite literally took his everything.
And now, there he is on all four in the middle of a crater of what once was Amity Park and its surroundings. His ears ringing only able to hear the sounds of his own screams.
The once menace, once protector of a city too soon departed wailed in agony. Clutching at his wounds with a strength that reopened his sloppily made stitches. His devastated wails, only interrupted by his sobbed breath and hiccups. His throat was ripped to shreds, tainted ectoplasm pooling into his mouth and lungs while some got projected out with each wail.
Rivers of tears cascaded down his face burning his already bloodshot eyes. His unstable form glitching from ghost to human to something in between.
His once healthy balanced core was now struggling to remain whole. Cracks appearing all over, life and death fighting to preserve their precious Halfa’s existence. Danny felt his body and core beginning to give out. His consciousness finally fading. His body slowly being engulfed into the cold familiar embrace of death.
He fell on his back. His wails dying to choked wet sobs and coughs. Through his tears, Danny could only vaguely see the smoke covered nightsky. Ash falling slowly around him like snowflakes.
He could feel the cold creeping up his limbs then gripping his chest. His already dying heart being embraced by a type of cold even his core couldn’t dream to reproduce. Phantom finally fell silent, his unseeing eyes staring at the starless sky above.
Danny in his last few coherent thoughts felt the pain of his core shattering and reforming itself. It felt like his entire being was set on fire before being melded back together. He felt familiar arms cradling him close to their unbeating heart. The familiar ticking of a clock luring him into a dreamless rest.
Chapter 1!
Author notes:
My brain vomiting this at 3 am. I am sorry for any catastrophic grammar and english, that would be my brain short circuiting from lack of sleep. I intend to hopefully continue this story wherever it may go. You’re welcome to suggest anything or add yourself something to it.
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riverrunscold · 2 years
Death Note plot really is just an autistic person who's constantly masking vs an autistic person who has never masked in his life
also ryuk's there
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larabar · 11 months
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"so, that was fun"
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dozydawn · 2 months
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starflungwaddledee · 9 months
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wanted to do a "year" in review, though actually i only joined tumblr in october! so instead i just did twelve pieces i'm proud of, in roughly chronological order!
can't believe it's been three months? feels both longer and shorter at the same time! thank you so much for having me, i'm looking forward to creating more art and interacting more with this wonderful community in the new year!
ps. for fun: if you remember what art piece you found me through, or your favourite of mine, i'd love to know in the comments!!
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liesmyth · 10 months
re prev post... I need more people who followed me for Ted Lasso to understand how wildly fucking insane rl football actually gets.
I'm keeping a tally of unhinged moments I want to shove into my fic for this fandom, such as "Goalkeeper gets sent off and a random player has to stand in goal now" or "Goal disallowed because buttocks were offside; ass too big!" or "Crazy penalty shoutout ends with 44 total penalties taken" or "League champions celebrate in the dark after rivals turn off stadium lights after final whistle"
And maybe some people will think I'm making this all and I just have a great imagination, but actually? This ALL happened in club football just this week
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boltnutrition · 2 years
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mychemicalbrromance · 4 months
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SKETCHES manga spoilers under the thingywingy
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pixelatedquarter · 1 year
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Something something [add here the line from Take Over, Breaks Over]
Because of this post doing the rounds
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kira's ongoing narrative in relation to cardassia and post-genocide complication of easy stories -- not, of course, that it was not genocide, but that some people she thought of as enemies were allies, and many people who were a part of the oppressing forces, were later, in turn, the victims of a mass attempted-genocide
and the idea that she, personally, cannot hate every individual cardassian, because she genuinely wants to build and heal and what that looks like, versus many (understandably) traumatised bajorans who are still and will always be at war
it's such a complicated, ongoing, twisty-turny storyline that returns again and again, with dukat, with garak, with ghemor, with damar, with ziyal, with rugal (although he and kira don't really interact, but in terms of the wider complexity of bajoran-cardassian interactions), with marritza (I've forgotten characters I know it -- there's natima as well, although I don't think she and kira interact?)
and then her ongoing narrative related to healing vs punishment vs power with -- yes li nalas and bareil, with winn and opaka (battle lines really is the first realisation I think of kira's needs and ongoing journey), with the people she was in the resistance with, some of whom are trying to create new lives some of whom cannot, ziyal again...
i also wonder about a stitch in time, and the knowledge that cardassia's rich, spiritual life was all but stamped out by a military dictatorship, and how kira would feel about this/whether she would feel a connection with the underground religious space that survived despite it
i think the reason it (mostly, let's not go into the storyline with her mother) works is that it's something her narrative returns to over and over, like a worried tooth, not necessarily in a single straight line, but via individual stories from many directions, with this understanding that she's at the centre of this massive change and she may have to take on a leadership position in order to facilitate and hold together bajoran ideals and culture and history and pain and hope through that, and bit by bit she grows into that role. and in some ways it doesn't come across as conscious, but it builds up slowly like drops accumulating, until there's a picture there
it's so so good, and imo the most complete/successful storyline given to a character in ds9 (I think nog-and-rom as a somewhat more intimate ongoing push-and-pull storyline, and also benjamin sisko on a macro spiritual level have a similar kind of thorough exploration, if different in focus, and also - to an extent - odo). my one big thing with kira's narrative is consistently how they handled ziyal, that is my personal biggest detractor. shocking because -- perhaps with benefit of hindsight, perhaps with a little less sexism idk -- there were so many ways they could have gone with ziyal, it seemed obvious while i was watching, and yet
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marc--chilton · 1 month
house says to wilson, "you can't be going out with cuddy because you're straight"
i'm going to be so honest i did not clock that as house insulting cuddy thru implying she's transfem (and that being a bad thing?) at first for a good little while there i thought that was him insulting wilson for being in the closet (you COULD be going out with cuddy, oh, but straight (cis) people only go for straight (cis) people, right? hmm how about that)
or it's the double edged sword of insults. "you're BOTH gay" wow he really is so smart at being a total cunt
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