#flash speculation
cupid-tune · 11 months
Sometimes I get curious about the alpha troll session, how much we don't know about and can only speculate on. I really enjoy the interpretations people come up with, the multitude of possibilities there are.
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I'm especially interested in the events already talked about, I want to know exactly what happened and what caused them. There's so much left in the dark about Mituna's accident, how much of it was an accident, how much was planned.
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With the ties Kurloz and Damara have to Lord English's arrival, I'm sure there was a lot of planning that went through to the other sessions.
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But an Heir of Doom would've been too dangerous for their plans, able to snuff out the preparations and prepare everyone for battle before they even knew of English's existence.
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He had to be stopped before that, it wasn't worth the risk.
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So I wonder if Kurloz had anything to do with the actual accident, or he really was just a bystander happening to witness that fated moment.
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Who knows if there really was any danger, if Mituna's incident really was something heroic that saved the others.
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Or if Mituna played right into the tricks, and Kurloz only created a threat to make him and the others feel better. To give reason to his accident.
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I do think he would still feel guilt about what he did, but it had to be done regardless. It's the same with Meulin, Kurloz didn't mean to cause this much damage, nor was it part of the plan. He's shrouded in mystery to the point that no one knows how he really feels, his actions don't align with his grief. It must be frustrating to know all the harm you caused to those closest to you was all in vain, that with the loss of everything you worked so hard for, you really are just a bad person at the end of the day.
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whereserpentswalk · 1 year
Imagine you've grown up on a spacestation. It's a major port, several times larger then most terrestrial cities. You've gotten to meet people, from all around the known universe, cultures with diffrent gods, diffrent tongues, diffrent systems of government, even some that aren't even fully human anymore through genetic engineering and adaptation.
And for your entire life you've heard about planets. Most media, from the strangest fantasy stories, to the most mundane dramas, take place on planets and assume to viewer lived most of their life on a planet. And most of the you talk to are from planets too, even those that have made their home on the station still grew up on planets, or have family they visit on planets. But you don't really have any personal frame of reference for what a planet is even like. Once or twice you've been on a ship or visited a nearby station, but you've never actually been too a planet.
You don't think of things the way terrestrial people do. You don't think of things as being inside or outside, just in diffrent rooms. You don't think of places as being flat, but as having layers of floors. You don't even have a full idea of what being "outside" would be like.
And one day, long after you've become an adult, you actually visit a planet. Everyone you know kind of expects you to be in awe of the beauty of an open sky, to finally enjoy the feeling of fresh air. But to you, you feel nothing. It's chaotic and confusing, you don't know how to get anywhere, you can't navigate places this open. When you see an open field it scares you, like open space brought into a station's walls. Everything feels so big and crowded and so small and empty at the same time. You barely leave your hotel room the entire trip.
People are supposed to exist on the ground. But you adapted to something else. That's what humans do after all, adapt to things.
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transjudas · 1 year
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There's a specific way Frank plays with My Chem and it's the way he's played with them since he was 20 years old. (x, x, x, x)
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will80sbyers · 6 months
Mega recap post, today we got a video from the rainbow room:
They are also doing the vfx stuff for the season
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We got Karen's stuff for when she takes her baths and the wine is non alcoholic for some reason ( tbh I think she's too old to get pregnant and it wouldn't make sense so idk what's going on - update no one is pregnant thankgod ) there's also something that kinda looks like a spyglass behind the red radio but I'm not sure
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Ross at the Wheeler's house filming something, the painting in the corridor is the same that was in season 4 and not the one that was in season 1 so it should be the present, it also kinda looks like there's a hand in the shot on the left in the monitor but I'm not 100% sure that it's a hand... I'm not sure but it seems that maybe they are filming where the fireplace is because there's a color like flames there... idk maybe these are scenes with Holly?
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melymigo · 5 months
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I can't sleep.
Did knives ever try to communicate with his plant sisters on what they wanted? Did he ever ask them what made them happy?? What was his plan past freeing plants from humans because it doesn't look like he was improving the quality of their lives past not sending into a Last Run but what would an improvement on their lives look like??
Do the Plants even know what they want? They must, from the sparse glimpses we get from their perspectives.
Am I focusing on the wrong things in trigun lmao
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In Good Omens 3, what would be even better than flashbacks of Crowley and Aziraphale is flash forwards. Imagine half an hour (like in s1) of Crowley and Aziraphale doing different things after the end of s3.
So we would see them in their cottage, going on a picnic, and generally doing domestic things.
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selkra-souza · 3 months
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>:) First week of Art Fight attacks for @yellosnacc, Incorrect03, and @randomuser678
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strangelittlestories · 6 months
When you have trudged unwilling far enough down the road of desperation, you might spy a crooked little path leading off into the woods signposted ‘opportunity’.
You must be eagle-eyed to spot it. That or you must have friends who will give you crude, hand-drawn map.
So it was in your case. As your savings flatlined and the financial doctors behind their plaguemasks stopped even returning your calls, a friend passed on a business card.
It was good money, they assured you. Very legit. Referral only. An exclusive service.
If anything, the ‘exclusive’ nature of it was what stopped you from getting in touch. You were fairly sure you weren’t *deserving* of an elite get-out-of-money-jail free club.
But eventually, you got far enough down the road that you knew this was your only exit. It was this or enter the Bankruptcy Games.
You made the call.
“So, you’re a temp agency?”
“*The* Temp Agency, in fact.” Said the suit with a face. “It’s a great deal. You come to work, you close your eyes, and you wake 8 hours later and 8 hours older. It’s like being paid to sleep, only without the rest.”
“But if I’m not doing anything, what are you paying me for?”
“For your time, of course. There’s always a market for it.” The suit with a face smiled the *idea* of a smile which contained within it the *idea* of sharp canines. “It’s the one true currency. The ‘hour standard’.”
“...I thought procrastination was the thief of time.”
“Procrastination is a moocher who never did anything for you, darling. We offer a 401k.”
“I still don’t really know what that is.”
“No-one does. But, believe me, you want one.”
After your first few visits, you began to get some faint ideas of how the enterprise worked. When you got into the slim glass pod, you noticed the telltale whine of a consciousness disruptor. You’d used them in work once, before you caught ethics.
So … the time was not simply siphoned out of you, There was a *process* that required you to be un-awake.
The next visit, you asked an old friend for a 3D bug. It was all organic neuron circuitry in a collagen case - slipped beneath the dermis, it was virtually undetectable.
When you played back the recording, you saw the strangest scene.
After you were rendered unconscious, face-in-the-suit opened a small hatch and a crowd of tiny 8-inch humanoids thronged through. They knelt in front of your pod and began *praying*. They praised your name, begged intercession, then praised your name some more.
They had made a god of you - a strange kind of chrono-theology.
Only your followers did not ask you to give them their daily bread, but simply to give them *days*.
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currentlyonstandbi · 1 year
okay call me cynical but i'm at that point where i want five's story to end with him dying. i know a lot of people are probably going to disagree with me because it's going to feel like a slap in the face for him to die after everything he's gone through but i just feel like him having a bittersweet ending is way more satisfying to me than some wishy-washy 'everything worked out and they all lived happily ever after' no consequences kind of ending. i want a five who spent years trying to save his family from dying, always being the one to survive, always being the one left alone at the end of everything, to die saving his family. i want a five who realises it's him that's been causing their fates this entire time, that it's always been him, that five is the apocalypse because his messing with the timeline had made such a mess of things that the universe tried to take the hargreeves out of the equation entirely. give me a five who finally realises the only way to save them is to take himself out of the equation instead.
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eebie · 5 months
So spots powers are very much meant to be electrically based, esp. with that animation test where he “flicks” a portal onto the face of an atm, which alan hawkings (lead character guy for the movie) even said is intended to look electric..
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And at the end of of the movie abyss warping back to earth 1610 causes electromagnetic interference with power w how all of lights in the buildings nearby start to flicker. … not to mention that he literally cracks down to the ground like a bolt of lightning
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Im worried about miles he better not get any ideas man if he tries 2 absorb Any of that energy from abyss he will fry himselfbut it’s pretty much a guarantee that he’s gonna do it anyways. They wouldnt introduce a power like that if it wasn’t gonna be significant. And it’s interesting that, although there’s tons of concept art of miles using his venom blast on spot, we haven’t seen it in the movies yet. Looks like they’re saving it for… Something..😥
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Hopefully after Buck and Eddie’s hospitalizations in 6B...
They will finally be allowed to...
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 Talk about this...
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And this...
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And this...
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And this...
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And this...
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And this...
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And this...
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The audience is still waiting on Buck and Eddie to have all of these conversations on-screen.  Some of their shared traumas happened more than three years ago and THEY STILL HAVEN’T TALKED ABOUT THEM.
How much longer will these conversations be delayed?  Only the showrunner(s), writers and producers know the answer to that question.
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whereserpentswalk · 3 months
It's actually a myth that dragon skeletons commonly reanimate on their own. What happens is that a species semi sentient fungi will often find dragon bones and use them to create an artificial skeleton so that they can move around like a mobile animal. This is why so called drcoliches often have what looks like mummified skin on their bones, but that's not skin, that's fungus. The fungi often uses dragon bones, but has been known to animate other massive beings, from giants, to large whales, to even the corpses of large angels and demons. It's even said that one might have found a dead god and inherited their divine nature, essentially ascending to godhood faster than anything in the animal kingdom ever could.
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dallonwrites · 1 year
i do think as writers and creatives we would all benefit from letting ourselves embrace and enjoy being a beginner at something. and not just in a "because one day you will improve and see how far you've come" way but actually enjoying being an amateur at something in the moment. embracing the fun and excitement of something new even if you don't really know anything yet. like i'm making a worldbuilding bible for the first time and do i have any idea what i'm doing? no. am i having fun? absolutely
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weirdchristmas · 11 months
MONDAY! Monday is the deadline! Christmas weirdness! 350 words! Prizes! Fame! Bragging rights! Proof of aesthetic and literary superiority! Disturb your friends and family!
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melymigo · 5 months
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