#fluffruary day 1
hellcatinnc · 8 months
Fluffruary Day 1 - Breath Taking First Glance
(First Sight)
Warning This includes: SFW (Read Tags Before Continuing)
Tags: sfw, fluff, first sight, love at first sight, romance, romantic, rafayel, love and deepspace, merfolk, merman, under the sea, art, artwork
Word Count: 1,796
Feature: Rafayel x Fem! Reader
Theme: First Sight
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Your friends had been telling you about this art museum in town. However you never really much cared for art but you were tired of hearing them so you agreed to check it out that weekend. You got up that Saturday morning and didn't go all out on your makeup or clothing, just comfy jeans and nice shirt, some eyeliner and lip gloss and go. Its not like you planned on picking someone up in a art gallery that is the last place you would think to do that. So you get there and you are surprised how so many people are into art and you keep hearing people talk about this Rafayel guy who is supposed to be the main artist in todays gallery. You tried to find anywhere on the pamphlet you grabbed when you came in for a last name but you thought guess he is so popular he doesn't need a last name like the singer Prince. This made you laugh cause at least he isn't just a symbol.
You look over the pamphlet and go from each art piece to the next based on what it says about each of them. There wasn't much standing out to you til you got to this mural on the wall of the depths of the ocean. It had fish, dolphins, whales and merfolk in it and you were drawn to this piece like no other. So many had passed this one by but this was it, this piece talked to you. The thought of merfolk as a kid interested you like no other and whales and dolphins are some of your favorite creatures. You were taking it all in when you heard a voice "That is one of my favorites as well." You quickly wiped the tears that were trickling in your eyes away then look back at this man. He was so handsome, the purple hair casting a slight shadow across his face, his purple mix tented eyes were captivating, his skin looked soft and silky with a creamy tone, he was tall and had broad shoulders and absolutely the most beautiful man you had ever seen in your life. For the first time you felt like you believed in love at first sight. You were caught up in his looks you found your eyes settling on his soft plush lips that looked like they were so kissable.
He cleared his throat and you snapped out of it, you fumbled dropping the pamphlet. "Um yeah I think I love you too.. I mean I love it too.." You were so embarrassed your words were gone, your mind couldn't think about anything but him which caused you to mess up what you were saying, you sighed. He chuckled "Your cute, whats your name?" You smile and your face is own fire at the way he is looking at you, you're now questioning if you even remember your name. You push through and you catch his gaze, your cheeks still flushed "My, name is Y/N what about you?" He smiles at you then turns and walks away, you are so shook, what just happened. You were sure you messed it up with the fumble of your words, your eyes direct back to the painting and sigh.
About that time he walks back over to you holding a picture frame in his hand which left you curious. He turned it around and it was a picture of him then underneath it said his name Rafayel, then he pointed to the painting the plaque on the wall under the painting said the same. "Oh! Oh my god! Your.....H-him?!?" He smiles and nods "Thats right, but you, are the first to take alot of notice in this one picture and I am curious why. Do you have plans after this?" You couldn't believe he was standing right here in front of you, he was someone famous and you surely weren't drop dead gorgeous yet he wants to take you out and talk. Then you started wondering is it just cause the picture or is he actually interested in you. "N-no..." He chuckles, then reaches for your hand and pulls you with him. You gladly follow along not sure why, but you know your heart is beating so loudly you are sure he can hear it.
He walks you out the back door and walks you out towards the open beach that lays behind the art gallery. You are trying to keep up he is walking much faster than you yet still holding your hand. As you reach the waters edge he looks back at you as he releases your hand. "What does the ocean mean to you, the creatures in it?" He says with a more serious tone to it as he looks out in to the blue sea. Your not sure what he wants but you tell him about your love of the ocean and the sea creatures in it. He is now looking at you with such fascination yet doesn't say anything. You are hesitant on the last part thinking he might think your crazy..."Also merfolk I have been in love with the idea they exist since I was a little girl. So when I look out at the ocean I hope that deep down they do and your art made me feel like that hopeful little girl again." His face softly flushed pink, his ears had a tint of red to them to. He was embarrassed like he had some secret he wanted to tell you but wasn't sure how too.
"I'm going to trust you, because some reason I feel like I can." His words were shaky as he pulled out his hand blowing into and little blue fish swam around in thin air. You were so captivated by this magic you couldn't take your eyes off it and when you went touch, it faded. "W-What...was that?" He could see as you asked the curiosity and dreamy look in your eyes flickered. He took your hand and walked you towards the ocean as you walked further out you were starting to get scared. He could feel you start to tremble he turned back giving you a big hug and whispering in your ear "Trust me I will protect you, I just want to show you the world you have dreamed of does exist."
You let you heart rate relax as he said these words, you were going to trust him and you just didn't understand its like the moment you laid eyes on him it was like your heart was home, like it had found the missing half of your puzzle however you knew nothing about him and this all surprised you. Right now you were following a strange man you met over a hour ago into the ocean where you can't even swim, this could be the last day you breathe on earth yet your following him blindly. You realize love at first sight is blinder than you could imagine. As you get to where the water is about to go over your head, he is still holding you close as he looks at you and his eyes light up a beautiful bright blue. You are so alarmed by this but you never pull away because even though he has some kind of magic he is still holding you tight preventing you from falling.
He looks at you smiling with those pretty illuminated eyes staring back at you, now you find your smiling back at him. "Ready for the best part?" He says with a playful sound to his voice, you nod yes and he takes you into his arms picking you up as you look up at him he leans in and kisses your lips softly. You weren't expecting this but you kiss him back, then you realized he wasn't making out with you he was doing it to help you breathe. When he pulled away after a moment he chuckled, "There will be plenty of time for kisses, I promise." You were embarrassed that you thought he was trying to make out with you. Your face felt like it was on fire and you were sure your cheeks were probably really red by now. He plunges under the water and you go to gasp and no sooner you get under the water you realize your not drowning, you can breathe under the water yet your confused why.
You reach up touching your lips as you look at him his glowing eyes looking back you. You notice scale like area on the back of his neck such a sparkly blue, when your eyes finally look down. You see the most beautiful fanned out mer tail and you gasp. Then look back in his eyes "Wow...Your beautiful!" He smiled at her as he swayed his tail back and fourth keeping them in the same area. He held you close to him as he began to swim across the ocean bottom, you saw schools of fish flipping by, coral reefs lined the bottom area near rocks and tropical looking plants. The water made everything practically shimmer down below. You were so mesmerized how this world you hoped for so long existed and he showed you a world you only dreamed of. He eventually took you back to the beach and soon as he switched back to human his eyes flipped back to normal as well.
Once you were back standing in front of him on the ocean sand you look up at him and reach out for his hand. He meets you pulling you close to him. "Is this real? Are you real?" You had to ask because this seemed like some kind of fairy tale there was no way it was all real. "It is real, I am a merman. I am trusting you to keep that secret, but I want to see you again. Is that ok?" You were shocked by his request you wanted to see him again in and out of the water, you wanted to run away with him at this point but you didn't dare tell him that you didn't want to scare him. You nodded "Yes I want to see you again too. Can we go on a date maybe tomorrow?" You were surprised you were able to get that out and he smiled at you with the brightest smile you would ever see. "We will meet here at 3pm then, for now I have to go. Thank you for today, Y/N." As you waved goodbye you watched him walk to the gallery and back inside. You stood there flushed in the face, still soaking wet. You were excited to see what tomorrow would bring.
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chaoticharlotte · 8 months
Day 1: First Sight
Read on AO3 here!
Word Count: 413
Evan meets Sammy for the first time.
==================February 1st, 1974==================
William had taken Evan with him to Simon’s house. William and Simon had met when they went to pick up their kids Terrence and Noah from daycare, respectively, and had hit it off rather quickly. Will was still closer with Henry, having known him for far longer, but Simon was closer and easier to visit. So to the Vernum’s home he went.
Simon had recently had a 3rd child, Samuel, and he wanted Evan to meet who would likely become one of his future classmates, given their birthdates and the fact that Simon wouldn’t let any of his kids be held back only because of age.
There was also another reason he was visiting. He’d begun work on opening a restaraunt, and wanted a partner or two for the business. He’d be visiting Henry later with a similar proposition, of course, but Simon had expressed interest in working with him before. So while William and Simon talked, Samuel and Evan Christopher were over playing in the next room.
Despite the 16 week and 1 day age difference, the two babies had very similar interests in toys and promptly began laughing and playing together.
“Sorry, William, but I don’t have any of the necessary skill set to help you here. I know Henry runs a few restaraunts, why don’t you go ask him to be your partner?”
“I was already planning to speak to Henry, but I was hoping you’d be interested as well. Regardless, I take it you wouldn’t mind if I stay for tea? I’d bet Christopher would like to spend more time with Samuel as well.”
“Of course not, old sport!”
“Oi, who the bloody hell are you calling old? I was in 10th year while you were graduating from university!” Simon simply laughed at that.
Sammy had stopped laughing and was paying attention to the conversation; as much attention an 8-month-old can have to a conversation, anyway. “A bwa bwa la!”
“Oh? Whattya need buddy?” said Simon.
“K... Ki...”
“Oh, you’re trying for your first word!”
“Kiki!” said Sammy, pointing at Evan.
William laughed. “I guess that’s your name now, bud: CC.”
“NWO!” Sammy pouted, “ONLY ME CALL KIKI!”
“Alright, I get it. You don’t want anyone else to call him by the nickname,” said William.
Meanwhile, Simon was staring at Sammy in slight shock. “I- Wha- you just went from rarely babbling to practically a full sentence! HOW?”
Evan finally spoke something: “Can I keep him?”
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mothfables · 8 months
Fluffuary Day 1: First Sight Best Friends
Characters: Link + Sidon (LoZ: Breath of the Wild) Relationship: Best Friends
Something about Zora’s Domain always made Link feel calmer, settled, safe. Perhaps it was the architecture, with it’s soothing blues and sweeping shapes. Perhaps it was the ever-constant sound of water, providing a calming backdrop to any conversation.
Or perhaps it was the people, always welcoming and kind (at least, after he had saved Vah Rutah). The Zora never turned him away, always made sure he was doing well in whatever ways they could- whether that was providing a safe place to sleep, supplies, or simply company. He always enjoyed his visits to the Domain.
There was one person there, however, who Link looked forward to seeing more than anyone else.
Sidon, Prince of the Zora, but most importantly, Link’s best friend in the whole of Hyrule. It had been difficult to truly connect with anyone after he’d awoken, and though he was friendly enough with just about anyone he came across, Link had had trouble actually getting close with those around him; even Beedle, the amiable traveling merchant.
And then Sidon had appeared - with his larger-than-life personality and unwavering trust and belief in Link, the Prince had easily found his way past Link’s defenses.
And Link, to his surprise, had let him.
That support had remained even after Link had freed the Divine Beasts and defeated the Calamity for good. Sidon always made sure Link was doing alright, that Link had what he needed, and that Link knew he was always available if the Hero needed to talk or even just a moment to himself.
Slowly but surely, Link had come to see the other as a friend. He tried his best to reciprocate the trust and care that Sidon poured into him with every visit, and his chest filled with warmth whenever Sidon sent him an appreciative smile for his efforts.
It was easy to be himself around Sidon, even though he was still discovering what ‘himself’ meant. The zora was always willing to lend a listening ear (or eye, if Link preferred to sign). In return, the Hero did his best to do the same, as well as offer to help him sneak away for a quick adventure when the stresses of court life got to be too much.
Gallivanting around the Domain and racing through the waters together never failed to bring a smile to his face, especially when Sidon would laugh his booming laugh and smile at Link like living sunshine.
He always found himself smiling back.
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dead-girl-prolific · 7 months
Masky/Tim Wright Oneshot(Fluffruary)Pt 1
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as you can see i'm very very VERY late on writing these oneshots, but i have everything organized now so it shouldn't be too bad lol. Here's the playlist!~
TW: discussion of eating troubles, themes of depression and abandonment issues, one mention of alcohol and cigarettes. mentions of murder(?)
Prompt: finding you wearing his clothes.
Tim’s been gone for seven days. He had been on a solo mission; he told you it would only take ten days. You were starting to miss him badly. In fact, after the fifth day, you started wearing his flannels as a form of comfort. They smelled like him: cigarettes, pine, blood, and whiskey. You were so homesick for the man that you stayed in his room for hours upon hours a day. You only came out to eat dinner. It was almost a ritual for the residents of the mansion to eat dinner together.
You made your way down the long, dark halls of the mansion’s second floor and shuffled down the stairs. You hadn’t thought to throw on a hoodie to cover up the fact that you were wearing his flannel. It wasn’t like everyone didn't know the two of you were dating; you just didn’t want to be perceived as weak for missing him so much. You missed his touch, his love, his kisses, his hugs, his reassuring gestures, all of it.
When you enter the foyer, you walk straight into the dining room.
There were two dining tables because of the number of residences; most of the creeps weren’t eating dinner or didn't eat normal food.
In the dining room, you see Jeff eating dinner and Smile sleeping under his feet. Next to Jeff was Toby; the two of them were bickering back and forth about something, probably stupid.
On the other side of Jeff was his brother, and the two of them didn’t talk to each other.
Next to Toby was Nina. Nina and Toby had their pinky fingers intertwined; those two were inseparable; they were best friends for life.
At the head of the table was Hoodie; next to Hoodie was Tim’s seat, which was empty. You sat next to the empty seat. Your sweat was protecting you from the cold wood of your seat.
On the other side of you was Kate’s seat. You didn’t really feel like eating, so you just sat there, twiddling your thumbs, till Hoodie spoke up through bites of his food.
“Are you not eating?” Hoodie asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Don’t feel like it," you said, as your stomach let out an audible grumble.
"Well, you may not feel like it, but Tim would chew my ass out if you starved to death.” Hoodie stated that as he stood up and walked to the kitchen, he came back a few minutes later with a plate of food.
He placed the plate of food in front of you and sat back down. You looked at the plate of food and back at him and mumbled a ‘thank you’.
As you began eating, the very few creeps who were eating dinner walked in and headed for the kitchen and made their plates.
As the tables started to fill up, you were growing more and more upset. You wanted to have more friends, but you just didn’t know how to go about that. But you weren’t shy; in fact, you were the opposite. The only person to treat you as an equal was Tim, and you were very flattered by it.
There was also Hoodie, but he treated you more like Tim’s pet, like feeding you while he was gone because you couldn’t take care of yourself.
But you could take care of yourself. You just forgot to eat; that's all. You were too busy to feed yourself, but you could do everything else correctly.
You kept thinking back to how you spent your free time in Tim’s room, laying on his bed and digging through his closet. You were looking for his favorite clothes because they’d smell the most like him.
thank you for reading stay tuned for part two, if you want the full story that isn't separated check my Quotev and Wattpad! sorry for the late update i have been super busy and sick...lol
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fluffruaryprompts · 1 year
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🌹💐Hello and Welcome to our first Fluffruary!🌷🪻
We hope to make this an annual thing if this first year goes well!
Let’s fill this month of February with love and fluffy times! We’ve made up a month of prompts, and even have some Prompt Extras!❤️
Prompt Extras!
We made this as we realize some of these prompts are not for everyone, so we hope to be more inclusive with these extras! You can use them to replace some of the prompts on the original list. Feel free to replace whatever you’d like if a prompt does not work for you - no explanation needed!🩷
You can also use these prompts if you just like them and feel like doing something extra!🩵
Have fun with these extra prompts, and we will be voting on them at the end of the month to see what are the top five and you all would like to keep!💛
Below the cut you’ll find all our rules, posting info, all prompts in writing, as well as some explanations for prompts we feel might need some clarification.♥️
If you have any questions, please ask. We want this to go as smoothly as possible, no questions are bad.💚
We hope you like these prompts, now
💕Happy Creating!💞
Standard Blog Rules & FAQ
No inc*st or p*dophilia - we can’t keep you from writing it or creating art for it but it will not be reblogged.
No hate or ship bashing - we are all different and we all love different things. As long as it does not go against rule # 1, it is allowed.
Tag correctly! Trigger warnings (including cheating!), ships, ratings, (pure) smut, etc - is all fine as long as you tag it.
There is absolutely no word count. It can be as short and as long as you would like to make it.
In regards to art, anything goes: drawings, paintings, collages, mood boards, gif sets, videos, playlist… the sky’s the limit (though not really…)
While we can not force you to write fluff or crest fluffy art, please try to keep in mind that this is a fluff event! 🧡
You can start writing and/or rating as soon as you see this - but please refrain from posting before the respective day. We have released this early as we want to give those who need time to plan everything out a chance to join.
You can participate on as many days as you like, even if it’s just one: you can also create multiple entries for the same day.
You can replace prompts from the original list with either or all of our extra prompts; you can also mix them with the original prompts or create for them in addition to the 29 original prompts, that’s completely up to you!
It is okay to write one story/a series for all the prompts as long as it’s separated into chapters and the respective chapter/work is posted on the given day.
You do not have to stick to one ship! Or even one fandom! Switch as often as you would like to or even write for multiple ships in one day! This is the month of love after all!
THE SHIP DOES NOT HAVE TO BE A ROMANTIC ONE! Friend and Family feels are more than welcome. There is more than just romantic love!
This event is currently not combined with Whumpruary.
Late entries are always welcome, even if it’s months later.
All fandoms and ships are welcome - canon and fanon. As long as they are of age (in case you want to add smut) and not related.
Posting to Tumbler
Please use the tag #fluffruary2024
Since tags are sometimes wonky, make sure to @ us on the post.
We will try to catch them all, but please do not be mad if we miss a post or if it gets reblogged late.
If you are absolutely certain that a post has slipped past us, feel free to send us an ask with the link to your post.
To make reblogging easier for us, make sure to add the following tags: #fluffruary2024 , #Fluffruary , #day [xy] , #[ship and/or main character(s)]
If you are using an prompt extra tag it as #alt [number]
Posting to Ao3
We do not yet have a collection yet on Ao3, however, if you use the tags fluffruary2024 and Fluffruary , we may hopefully be able to find it. We will make a collection sooner, and will make a separate post addressing that.
Late entries are always welcome on both Tumbler and Ao3! Neither will close but reblogs will become less regular as more months pass.
First Sight
First Date
Cozy Shelter
Ice Skating
Small Gestures
Cold hands, Warm heart
Quiet Company
True Love
Platonic Love
How Far We’ve Come
Dancing in the moonlight
Happily Ever After
Something extra!
Extra Prompts
Alt 1: True Friendship
Alt 2: Loop
Alt 3: Seasons
Alt 4: Song
Alt 5: Birds
Alt 6: Shared Excitement
Alt 7: Fishing
Alt 8: Chocolate
Alt 9: Movie/play
Alt 10: Truth or Dare
Enjoy Fluffruary! Can not wait to see your work!
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fedyaxz · 9 months
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Event Masterlist
- If it's crossed one, it means that it's upcoming, and I'm working on it
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January Ficdays:
3/1~ Dazai x Reader: “Shall you dance with me, my insufferable lady?”
mafia! Ranpo x Reader: "You know how the saying goes... two can keep a secret if one of them is dead. Don't you think so too dear?"
Jouno x Reader: “You're weak, you need me” & “how pathetic"
pm! Dazai x Reader::"I'll break you again and again, but you'll just come crawling back to me. Just as I wanted."
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14/2~ Tecchuo: “Look at this! It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life!”
19/2~ Chuuya, Kunikida, Nikolai: How they realized they're in love with you
26/2~ Jouno: “I don't really believe in this day, but Happy Valentine's”
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©fedyaxz — do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform without credit, reblogs and likes are very appreciated
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hellcatinnc · 8 months
Fluffruary Day 2 - Breath Taking First Glance Chapter 2 (First Date)
Warning This includes: SFW (Read Tags Before Continuing)
Tags: sfw, fluff, first date, romance, romantic, rafayel, love and deepspace, merfolk, merman, under the sea, fireworks, ferris wheel, proposal, love, life mate, love of a lifetime
Word Count: 2,148
Feature: Rafayel x Fem! Reader
Theme: First Date
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Its morning time your waking up remembering the wonderful time you had with Rafayel yesterday and you really hope it wasn't some dream. He showed you such beauty underwater and how he shimmered as well as his tail it was just such a breath taking sight. You plundered through your closet trying to figure out what to wear on this date today. This was your first date with him and you wanted it to be special. You ended up settling on a light blue dress was slightly low cut in the front but not over doing it for a first date and all. It fell nicely over your figure and draped across your legs right above your knees. You were sure this is the one to catch his eye, so you moved on to putting your hair half up and half down in a more romantic look to it. Last step was putting on some sandals and putting on the touches of your make up mainly to make your eyes pop. You were ready its 2pm and you still had a hour to go. You wondered what he might have planned for your date, then you got to thinking what if he thought you were going to do something since you actually asked. Then things in your mind had you anxious if nothing but to make up back up plans just in case he didn't plan anything. You sit down at your laptop with a few clicks you found some fun first date ideas to do around town.
First link you pulled up mentioned skydiving, you shook your head and said to yourself in a soft mumble "Thats a no!" Then you saw this couples only ferris wheel that overlooked the city it looked so romantic and it comes with a firework show. You continued looking and saw the local aquarium as well since you both love aquatic animals, you were sure both of these and eat out somewhere would be the perfect fall back you were now ready to go. You look at your phone and you spent 45 minutes looking that up so you rushed out the door drive down to the beach. When you get there you make sure one last time that you were ready for this, you were so nervous been awhile since you been out with any guy especially a first date which is pretty big. You headed towards the beach behind the art gallery and as you walk further down the beach you see him standing at the waters edge with his feet in the water. You were so excited to see him, you found yourself yelling over to him and waving. He smiled as he saw you and started walking towards you as well.
You catch up over in front of him and then you both stop like there was this invisible wall between you, then the nerves set in full on now. You meek out a soft "Hello" He chuckles as he watches you get all flustered he reaches out taking your hand and pulling you closer to him because you are way too far away, and he likes you super close. You looked up at him still blushing as he leans in giving you a soft kiss before pulling away. "Hey Darling, so are you ready for our date today? I have been so excited I stayed up all night looking at places." He was so excited and you were actually quiet happy that its a guy who wants to date you so much that he took the initiative to plan out a sweet date. "Yes I am, what are we doing and where?" You were amazed when he mentioned the same aquarium you had looked at then the firework show in the ferris wheel, its like your minds were insync. However his dinner part was at his house and he was going to cook for you, this you didn't see coming.
You sound shocked "Y-you cook?" He started laughing you weren't sure at that point if he was serious or not. He softly grazed your cheek "Yes I cook, you can help me in the kitchen tonight. That is if you want to." You nod yes the idea of a man wants to cook for you when your last few boyfriends wouldn't lift a pan let alone cook with it. You couldn't wait to get this date started he reached down grabbing your hand and lacing his fingers between yours, you look up and he is smiling at you with that charming smile that takes your breath away. You follow him lucky the aquarium is only a few blocks from his art gallery, you two walk holding hands enjoying the scenery just talking about anything and everything and nothing all wrapped into one. He is so easy going you love talking to him. You get to the aquarium and its much larger than you thought it would be yet the parking lot is empty. You look to Rafayel "Is it even open?" He says nothing and pulls you towards the building as you get to the entrance the person at the door opens it up lets you two in, then you see them lock the door behind you two.
"H-how di....." He put his fingers to your lips as you started to speak. "Shhh.... Before you say anything I want you to see something special." You followed along as he walked you down a dark corridor until you walked into a room with aquariums all around you and the light from them flickering across the room. There was a stack of pillows laid in the middle of the floor and the aquarium tanks illuminating the walls with water effect. It was so romantic you had never seen anything so beautiful on land, yes it didn't compare to under the ocean however its like he brought that to you right there. He walks you over to the pillows sits down pulling you down onto his lap. He wraps his arms around you as he lets you lean back into his chest. Your able to get a good view of the beautiful fish and the reflective lighting shining across the room. "Just wow Raffy this is so beautiful... and romantic." You let the nickname you had been calling him in your head this whole time slip out and he gave you a smirk after you said it. "Raffy, huh? Already calling me pet names darling?" The way he called you darling made your heart beat so fast now.
You blushed with his words "Well it just seemed like something cute to call you, I mean in my head I been thinking about how I would call you my Raffy at some point." He chuckles "Oh its not just Raffy anymore its your Raffy... I could get used to the sound of being yours." You meet his gaze blushing hardcore not sure what to say from there. You two don't say anything for a bit just snuggle and take in how beautiful it is. Your so at peace in his arms and you honestly feel like you have known him forever, it doesn't take long for you to fall asleep against his chest as you hear his heart beat. After a small nap you wake up to him running his fingers through your hair softly, its so soothing. You look up at him he is still looking ahead at the aquariums you don't even know that he knows your awake. You softly mumble under your breath "I'm so falling for you, my sweet Raffy." He smiles looking down at you, that is when you wonder if he heard you. Your face instantly goes red and then you hear those sweet words your heart longed for. "I'm falling for you too, darling."
Your heart feels so full as he leans down kissing you on the forehead he gives you a smile then kisses your lips. You felt so content with him he had become your everything in just a short period of time. This was the best first date you had ever had. After awhile longer staying there it was nightfall outside he wanted to head to the ferris wheel so you two wouldn't miss the fireworks. After you leave there as you get to the ferris wheel there is a line of people but because Rafayel is well known everyone lets you and him go on ahead of the line. You step on with him holding your hand as the basket starts to ascend he has his arms wrapped around you. He clears his throat and looks in your eyes as he speaks. "So I know in your world everything that has happened with us so fast is frowned upon. From Lumeria once we meet the one that is our life mate we know instantly so waiting to say I love you, and get married, have kids, and so on nothing has a time line on it. If that makes sense which I hope it does. That being said I wanted to tell you this now because what will be happening soon I don't want you to be scared by human customs and know that Lumerian customs are a stronger bond to our words."
You weren't even sure what made him tell you all this however you let him talk to his hearts content, it made you feel cared for and since you were falling for him he could tell you anything at this point and you would be happy. The fireworks start shooting off he makes sure his arms are wrapped around you tight. As you watch you see this set of fireworks going off and it plainly says "Will You Marry Me, Y/N!" This was a dream it had to be you went to look over when you felt him pull away from you and he was now down on one knee with a box with a lumerian stone in the ring. You were in such awe and yet in such a beautiful daze at what was going on. His words rang loud and clear "Promise me as I will promise you, no matter if its a thousand years your mine and I'm yours. Promise you will never leave you will stay by my side forever. Be my wife from this day onwards?" He took the ring from the box and put it at the edge of your finger as he awaited your answer. Tears spilled from your eyes his words were so beautiful how could you not want to marry this man. You nod franticly as your words match "YES A Million Times YES!"
He slid the ring on your finger before lifting you up in his arms kissing your lips so softly. You had no reservations the moment he asked because he is right humans may find it fast but he isn't human and even you had a pull to him from the first day you couldn't ignore maybe that was it you were always supposed to be his. As you two held each other tight watching the rest of the firework show your tummy started to growl. You had left the house early in the day and here it was 8pm and you hadn't ate yet. After the ferris wheel went back down you two headed to his house hand in hand there was no fear of this man showing PDA in public at all and you loved it. After getting in his apartment you realize how nice it is. "Oh wow this is beautiful." He smiles at you as he leads you to a lovely kitchen.
You help him get things out as you two embark on making your first meal together. Now he can cook and at the end of it all when you two sit down to eat you realize the flavors of these foods you have never tasted before. He tells you because alot of them are from Lumeria. You enjoy a nice dinner together before you realize its late and almost time for bed, you have been yawning so much anyways. So you help clean up the dishes and as your finishing up he blurts out "Stay with me tonight?" It was so cute when your eyes met he actually looked nervous asking you there was no way you were going to turn this down because laying against his chest you slept way better anyways. He led you to the bedroom and as a freshly engaged couple he spent the next few hours making you know how much he wanted to not only satisfy you but make you happy in every way forever. After sometime of alot of intimacy he pulled you close and you two fell asleep together knowing this was the beginning of your happy ending together.
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hellcatinnc · 8 months
Fluffruary Day - 9 - Never Another
Warning This includes: SFW (Read Tags Before Continuing)
Tags: sfw, fluff, romance, romantic fluff, small gestures, falling in love, love at first sight, duke, lady in waiting, proposal, dancing, engagement, maid, support, care, declarations
Word Count: 3,000
Feature: Noah Volstaire Wynknight x Fem! Reader
Theme: Support
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
You were so surprised when the carriage pulled up Noah himself was right there to greet you. Lady Clairfurth glared you down as you walked towards him. She was still upset he didn't want her however its good she doesn't know the reason he doesn't want her is because he was in love with you. You were sure that if she knew she would have never let you be hired by his household, and probably would have costed you everything you do. However she made sure you had very minimal in things to take with you since most the household paid for her to use. Noah smiled at you as you walked towards him, and he had a playful look in his eyes. He held his hand out for you helping you up into the carriage, the feeling of your hand in his as you stepped up inside was so nice. He had captured your heart so fast there was no way you were about to give him up. He bowed to the Clairfurth family and then climbed in across from you in the carriage. As the horses neigh, and you start to move you knew life was changing for you with every sound of the rocks crunching under you as you head towards your new home.
After you were out of sight from the Clairfurth household he moved over beside you gripping your hand in his. You look down and see his long fingers intertwining with yours as he pulls it to his lips kissing the top of your hand. "Y/N I'm so happy we have a long ride back, I want you in my arms as much as I can have." You felt him pulling you into his arms while he never lets go of your hand. Your head laying against his chest, you can hear his heart beat as you close your eyes. You get up the nerve you softly whisper as your head is still laying against him. "I love you Noah, with all my heart." You hear him chuckle as he tilts your head up towards his face, you see a soft smile come across his face. Then your world stopped when his words were so full of love "You had my heart the night I met you." you got lost in his eyes the moment he said those words you crashed your lips into his. You and Noah shared the most passionate kiss yet, with every ounce of your hearts poured into this moment.
When you finally broke away there were tears in your eyes, he gently reached up wiping them from your face. "You 're too beautiful to cry, my love." You giggled at his words although those words warm your heart. In this moment you wish it would be easy to run away together however with him being the duke there was no way of skipping out on that. However you plan to stay by him through everything and support him no matter what comes your way. There was no way you could let him go now, he was everything you could have ever wanted in a partner and the way he makes you feel you were sure you would never find that with anyone else. He pulled you back into his arms and you fell asleep right there, he softly rubbed your head running his fingers through your hair. As you fall into a deep slumber he leans down kissing your forehead.
When you get to his families home you woke up in his arms, as he is carrying you out of the carriage towards the house. You couldn't believe he was taking the chance of people thinking something is there between you two. You continued to pretend you were asleep however every so often you had to peek and see him as he walked strong into his home and no one questioned once why he was carrying you. He had so much authority no one dare insinuated it being more than a simple servant that fell asleep from the long ride. He took you to your room you would be staying in, as he carried you over to the bed and laid you down on it, you opened your eyes. Your gaze met his and his eyes sparkled with so much love and endearment in them. As he had already gone to pull away when he had stood back up instead you put your hand on his pulling him back into you. Your lips collided again as you both closed your eyes taking in that moment like many other secret moments you two will have and already have had. "Get some rest, I will see you later on. I promise to come see you before bed every night even if we don't always see each other through the day." Those tender words he spoke made it easy to close your eyes back and fall into slumber.
Days turned into weeks. Your nights were filled with him coming to your chambers and covering you and kisses. He would tell you about his day and you would tell him you support him along the way. This may be the only way you can be together for now but at least you have each other. He tells you about his brother and how difficult he can be, as you tell him how tough it is being a maid. The list goes on all the things you two have come to talk about in your nightly talks. The night always ends with his sweet kisses and he holds you in his arms until you fall asleep. Most night he skips out and heads back to his room however some nights you're more clingy and he gets stuck staying in arms reach til almost morning light. It is always hard to let him go, you wish you could lay in his bed with him without worrying about who sees you two, however its not that easy. Maybe one day you two will have that kind of love but for now every moment with him means the world to you.
After weeks of these nights together and when you two pass each other in the hallways you both always find ways to make small gestures touching each others fingers, or bumping in to one another. No matter what it is these little moments let you know he thinks about you all the time as he knows its the same for you. You see him around during the day and the hardest part is not being able to kiss him and be in his arms as much as you would like. His brother was starting to get suspicious at how much attention that Noah showed to only you. One day you came back to your room and there sat a person sitting at the window at first you thought it was Noah. You ran to his side "My love, I didn't exp....." As your words stopped when his brother turned around and you realized its not Noah. You felt like you messed things up in that moment because you had just called who you thought was Noah, my love, when you were just supposed to be a simple maid. He started to laugh and with a somewhat evil glint in his eyes he looked at you and laughed harder. "I knew it, my brother is screwing the help." His words sounded so cold and heartless and then you started thinking what if this is all it ever would be, even though you two had not been intimate in that way his brother was claiming.
He bowed his head at you "Y/N, Let me introduce myself to you. I'm Noah's brother Siathrich Nurial Chamers you will call me your highness, the current king, and this is my home." As you are having your little talk with the current king word got around to Noah that he was visiting you, he rushes to your side to support you and what you both might face against his half brother. As Noah walks in the room he doesn't hesitate he walks over to you standing in front of his brother and grips you hand in his like this was normal. His brother grins "So this is what my big brother is up to, instead of choosing a wife your playing with the maid. Shame on you." His voice sounded incredibly sinister in away like he was all about destroying everything you two had built. Noah stepped in front of you between his brother staring back at you. "You will no longer address her, anything you have to say it goes through me." His words were so valiant and you could feel the love in his words as they rolled off his tongue.
You put your hand on Noah's arm "Please don't turn against your family because of me. I will leave if I am causing issues." He turned back to you putting his hand to your cheek in such a tender way you gasped. " I will die before I let you go, before I give you up." His words were truly a dedication of how much he loved you, as tears well up in your eyes you realize this is nothing what his brother thought. This was love and both of you were absolutely in love with each other with every breath you take as does he. You know your heart will choose him over and over again, as does his heart only beats for you. He set his brother straight that king or not he refused to stand by him if he can't make the woman he wants his wife. His brother seemed to find it funny however he was just playing a game. He even admitted as we supported each other that he grew bored and needed to go find himself a new play toy. You watch his brother walk out and hope this is the last time that you two have to worry about him trying to come between you.
As the door shuts behind his brother Noah grabs you pulling into you engulfing your soft lip within his own. He held you much tighter than usual he honestly was afraid he was going to lose you, and you could see the fear in his eyes. As you looked up at him you were sure you saw it and then the light caught the tears streaming down his face. He looked like he was afraid of shattering without you. This was the first time you had seen a man look at you like this, that would declare dying before losing you, and that would shed tears over the possible loss of not having you in his life. You reached up wiping his tears as you softly kiss his lips. As you pull away from the kiss you lean your forehead against his, no words are needed in that moment. Your hearts were speaking for the both of you with out another thing said. For the rest of the day Noah didn't leave your side, he held you while he read a book to you until you fell asleep in his arms. This night he didn't go back to his room he stayed with you all night falling asleep together.
As the next morning the sun shined in the window, you yawned as you heard the door creek open looking up realizing it was the head of the maids. She had come to find you since you didn't show up like the rest did. The moment she noticed Noah in your bed, she apologized profusely and excused herself pretty fast. That was when you looked back noticing he was still snuggled up against you and asleep without a shirt on. You looked away your cheeks flushed rosy pink and grew hot. This was the first time you had seen any skin under his clothing and although you wanted to look you didn't feel it was appropriate. His look as he was asleep and half dressed with drool down the side of his face this was a memory you would never forget. He may be a duke but he is just like any other man who falls in love, he isn't perfect but he is perfect for you. You pushed the hair back off his face to look at him as he slept so peaceful. You decide to lay back against him, this time you slide you night dress off your shoulders so some of your skin is bare. You make sure it makes contact with his skin as you close your eyes and breathe softly taking it in. This is the first time you have been skin to skin but you wanted to be close in every way with this man. You fell back asleep in such a vulnerable state.
After a few hours later you woke up to him kissing the bare skin of your arm, the one you exposed earlier. You gasped and his reaction made you quieten down. "Shhhh, just take the moment in, let me keep being close to you." You closed your eyes as he kissed your lips so tenderly as he moved down to the corners of your mouth. His lips moved their way down your ears and neck before working down to your collarbone. His declaration he started saying as he kissed across your collarbone up to your bare shoulder. "I never want to be parted from you again. I want to become one with you." Soon as those words rang in your ears they hit your heart just as fast. You realized what he wanted and you would not deny this man that intimacy when you never want to deny him anything. You have wanted that closeness that obviously even after kissing isn't enough. He spent the next hour kissing every inch of you, tasting your sweetness. He made love to you and this took your love for one another to a new level of happiness and love. There was no going back from this, you belonged to him and he to you.
After a long love making session you both got up knowing things needed to change today, and Noah confessed there was a ball that night and he wanted to stop hiding. He declared he wanted to tell the world, his brother and more. He was done hiding with the woman he loved, and his own words no one would come between you two. He made sure the servants brought you the most loveliest dress because tonight you weren't going as help but as the duke's lover and heart. Come that evening you hadn't seen Noah since earlier in the day and you missed him like crazy. He had sent some maids to come help you get ready when it was time for the ball. You were amazed how lovely they had made you and couldn't wait to show off to Noah. You were escorted to the ball room and as you got to the stair way Noah walked out to take your hand and escort you the rest of the way.
The moment he saw you though he couldn't stop smiling as he walked over taking your hand. He leaned in whispering in your ear "You look stunning my love, I love you." You couldn't help but smile as his breath tickles your bare neck. Your words were just as soft. "I love you very much darling, and you are the most handsome man here." He chuckles as you walk out onto the dance floor with him, no one would even know you were a maid in this moment. You looked as noble as the rest of the women there. So many looked upon you envious of your love, it wasn't hard to look at Noah and realize he was crazy in love with you and sees no other woman in the room but you. He bowed before you and took you in his arms as he led you across the dance floor with him. He couldn't take his eyes off of you and before you knew it you realized everyone disappeared besides you two. You were so caught up in the moment when the music stopped you weren't ready for it. Then Noah looked to everyone and made an announcement that you weren't expecting. He said with so much confidence. "I will not let title, birth right, woman, man, or even the king tell me I can't be with the woman I love. To prove this today I make a declaration of love."
The whole room was captivated by him and even you were curious what he was going to do. Then right in the middle of the dance floor he gets down on one knee. You gasped at the sight then looked all around the room then your eyes settled back on his face. He continued his speech. "I love you darling, Y/N you have had my heart the moment I first met you. I know now my life was not complete until you became the love of my life. Do me the pleasure of leaving the world behind you know, and stand by myside forever. Will you marry me?" Tears started to stream down your face as you looked down he was holding the most beautiful ring ready to place it on your finger. You giggled a bit then put your hand out to him "Yes, my love I want nothing more than to be your lover, friend, and wife. I love you and I will support, care, and love you til my last breath." He picked you up in his arms as your lips softly collided as if a way to say your life is going to be a challenge but as long as you both stand by love, and support each other the world can never come between you two.
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hellcatinnc · 8 months
Fluffruary Day - 6 - Never Another
(Small Gestures)
Warning This includes: SFW (Read Tags Before Continuing)
Tags: sfw, fluff, romance, romantic fluff, small gestures, falling in love, love at first sight, duke, lady in waiting
Word Count: 2,044
Feature: Noah Volstaire Wynknight x Fem! Reader
Theme: Small Gestures
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
You were sitting out on a bench because the parties were just never your thing and you were only there as a lady in waiting anyways. Then this man walked up to you and he spoke. His raspier deep voice gave you chills and when you looked back at him he was the most beautiful man you had ever seen before. His dark hair blowing in the soft wind and he had a mischievous look on his face but there was no way you thought your life would be the same after meeting him. You had known about Duke Wynknight but had never seen him so it was easy still being yourself. He sat down beside you and you both talked for awhile about how you both hated being around fake people. He smiled at you and you felt like your heart was going to stop. You couldn't believe a man so attractive would be interested in you especially since you were really a nobody. You wondered if he had any noble blood in him but after chatting and looking at the moon together you get that out of your mind. After some time you heard someone running out calling for the duke and when Noah turned around your heart sank. This man that you took a liking to was so untouchable to your status you found yourself looking down at the ground as he goes and talks to the person.
He comes back after sitting back down next to you. "I want to see you again, is that ok? If so what is your name and what household are you from?" He was asking to see you again and that made you happy however when he asked you your name of your household this is where he was sure to lose interest in you. You stand up and bow before him "Your grace, I would love that but I am nothing and no one to your nobility, just a lady in waiting." He chuckled as he took you by the hand standing up beside you as he pulled you closer "Maybe that is why your different but also why I want to see you again, please. You know my name is Noah so please your name?" You know your not supposed to down talk to nobility you should have never denied him your name this could get back to the house you live in and cost you to be kicked out. You bow "I'm sorry your grace, I should have never denied you. My name is Y/N I am the lady in waiting for Lady Clairfurth family." He took your hand and kissed it then excused himself to head back to the party. He left you with the parting words "I will be in touch Y/N, thank you for a lovely chat this evening." You felt your cheeks grow warm and your heart beat fast, there was something about him you really wanted to know more. What had Duke Wynknight done to you already.
You headed back inside of course you got reprimanded for being away too long. You had to take care of every one of Lady Clairfurth's needs the rest of the night and every so often your eyes darted across the room to Noah. At one point your eyes met and he mouthed "You Look Beautiful" he made you blush. Every time you caught him looking your way you felt yourself get flustered yet again. You walked over to get the lady a drink and he met you at the table. He said in a low voice "I can't stop thinking about you" your heart was beating so fast hearing his words. He let his hand fall down beside him and grazes your hand the tips of your fingers as he looks back over at you and smiles. You had no idea how to respond to him and you were afraid someone might see. "Will you meet me outside for a dance before the night is over?" He smiled after asking what was a simple request and you wanted to so much but you looked over at Lady Clairfurth and knew there was no way after being reprimanded last time. You bow before him "I wish your grace but I will be punished if I disappear again." You pull your hand back and get the drink and walk back to the lady. The small gestures he makes warms your heart and you know if he keeps treating you like this there will never be room in your heart for no one but him.
That night came to a end, you were sure you would never be that close to the duke ever again after that. You spent your days taking care of the lady but after a few days you heard there was a guest at the house. You looked out the window and saw him, he looked more dashing as ever and he had a bouquet of flowers with him. Your cheeks burned hot they were surely flushed red but you made sure to sort what you were wearing to look your best then headed out the door down stairs. You got to the room that the guests are sent to and you grabbed some tea and walked into the room to give you a reason to talk to him. Soon as you walked in you saw Lady Clairfurth leaning into him like she was going to kiss him when you saw this you dropped the tea set shattering it across the floor. His eyes met yours as he could see you misinterpreted what was happening. Lady Clairfurth started yelling at you for breaking it screaming to clean it all up. The tears you were fighting back as you picked up the pieces as he went to walk over to help you, pulling back from him is what you did but not before you looked up into his face and he saw the tears trailing down your face as you excused yourself and walked out of the room.
You were so sure the small gestures meant something to him but then again who would want you when they could have Lady Clairfurth, she was practically breathtaking with her lovely blonde locks and porcelain skin no one tells her no. She has 5 marriage proposals now and yet she wants the duke too it seems, its not good enough for you to have one for yourself but then you remind yourself as the tears fall on your way back to the kitchen, you are a no one and he is a duke. It really just never could be. You put the dishes in the trash wiped your tears sorted your clothes then went back to go see if she was in need of anything else even though you didn't want to see them snuggled up on the couch. Soon as you step foot back into the hallway he is pulling away from her telling her he is not interested in marrying her. Your heart fluttered at the idea that he was someone who really didn't want her when no one turns her down.
She threw a tantrum which she was known to do when she didn't get her way. She stomped off and he turned and only you were standing there. You wanted to hug him but you knew you couldn't but like any other time he found away. He looks at you and asked you to show him out so you got his coat and as you helped him put it on he reached through the coat touching your hand underneath the sleeve. You knew you weren't making up this connection between you two even though it shouldn't be these gestures make you happy. He kept his hand in the second sleeve a little longer so he can rub his fingers over yours before you met him with a smile. His caress was making your heart feel like it was going to burst. You felt like your heart needed more, like your heart wanted more of Noah Wynknight. You bow to him as he leaves as he gives you that mischievous smirk.
After you go check on the lady like you are supposed to do. You find you can't get Noah's gestures and smile out of your mind. When night came and you closed your eyes he was all you could think about. You couldn't believe you were falling for him when your worlds were so far apart, who would let a lady in waiting be with a duke. Was this a lost route to take to end up heart broken in the end but yet you just can't stop yourself. Any moment you feel like you should pull away he makes these little gestures that captures another part of your heart. You tossed and turned in bed that night you finally got up and got yourself dressed and walked out to the gardens. You slowly walked through looking up at the moon daydreaming about him, he was all that was on your mind. Then your dream came through, you heard someone walk up behind you. "Y/N, I had to see you wasn't sure how but I was about to leave thinking I was crazy when I saw you out here." It melted your heart as he said these words that you both were having sleepless nights over wanting to see one another. He put out his hand and you took hold of it as he pulled you into him under the pale moonlight.
His arms wrapped around you, it wasn't hard to feel like you were home in them. Every second that you feel his heart beat you know that you would take anything you could get because you knew there was no way there would be never another besides this man to hold your heart. You looked up at him and you were captivated by him as he captured your lips in his while he held you tighter. He kissed you deep and passionate until you both had to come up for air. His smile met yours as he pulled away he cleared his throat. "I'm going to purchase you as a worker for a maid in my home a personal one. You won't be a lady in waiting but we can sneak more nights like this and see each other more. You would like that right?" You couldn't help but smile you wanted to be close to him even if it meant you were going to have to clean and do more labor than you do as a lady in waiting. This buys you two time until you figure out how to be together and society leave you both to be happy.
You look at him and hug him tightly "I want that, I want to be closer to you as much as I can, Noah." This is when you knew you two became something more you had always called him your grace and the first moment you called him Noah and he smiled widely he was happy you called him by name. He had a flirty personality which is why you were sure why he constantly wanted to touch you or hold you and you were ok with that. He loved that you weren't like all the noble women that made him sick and you wanted to be loved by like you were enough for some one to never want another. There was no doubt he wanted you as you did him and you were sure your heart was completely his. The night had to end with him leaving and you breaking from his arms which you hated but it had to happen. You went to sleep with the taste of his lips on yours, but lost in the happiness feeling. The next morning you woke up to a knock on your door. They had set everything up and Noah had already got things in motion so they were getting you very minimal of stuff that was yours but they had called for a carriage from the Wynknight's household to pick you up. Starting today your life was going to be different.
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mothfables · 2 years
Hello, I’m Moth! This is a sideblog for any writing I do!
As of right now I will not be doing requests of any kind (except for those that have been sitting in my inbox for the past... uh while). This may change in the future, and if it does I will let you know, but for now anything I post is just going to be for me! Also, if something catches your eye, like a prompt or headcanon, feel free to use it! I just ask that you credit me! <3 The ask box is always open if you have any questions or just want to talk :D
This will also be where I’ll link any series I end up doing, so keep an eye out!
If you want to check out my main blog- and see where my current interests are going- check out @iolitemoth!
I’m also on AO3 now! Check @Iolite_Moth!
Specific Tags: #moth’s tales (my writing), #moth art (art by me), #sneak peek (what it sounds like), #chapter notes (notes from first drafts), #fable art (fanart!!!), #fable writing (anything written by other folks), #mod speaks (just me talking, about writing or anything) #gift fic (gifts for folks!!), #snippets and bits (short bits, not necessarily for anything specific)
Skye in the Studio
Part 1
Part 2
Sillyvision Stories
Spell Gone Wrong
Henry’s Transformation
Gender is Boring (Robots and I Agree)
The Plague
Sunstone’s Universal Venture
Hatchlinghood Shenanigans
Trouble with Gossan
Assorted Linked Universe
Violets and Rabbits
♡Bunny Flops♡: Part One - Part Two - Part Three
A Bun in More Ways Than One
In Which Wars Picks a Fight With an Apple Tree (& Loses)
Blushing Bunnies and Rings
Beetle Hunting for Beedle
Thistles and Thorns
War Stories
Winter Chills
Beads and Rings and Other Things
Rabbit in a Wolf Den
Legend(ary) Cuddles
Assorted Legend of Zelda
An Assortment of Kisses
Cuddles and Wishes and Bunny Kisses - A collection of soft, fluffy moments with the bunny duo. Set after ALBW and during LU
Getting Together
First Kiss
Bunny Cuddles
Growth Spurt
Apples and Bunny Love
Heat Wave
Couch Cuddles
Chore Day
Bunny Fever
Cuddles? ✔️ Kisses? ✔️ Anything Else? ...Nah I Think We’re Good
Strength Training
Wolves and Rabbits - Legend meets Wolfie for the first time(s). It doesn’t go well
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Snail - Legend is turned small suddenly, leaving the Chain to deal with a traumatized baby!Legend with the Vet’s memories
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Day 1: Best Friends
Day 2: First Date
Day 3: Cozy Shelter
Day 4: Ice Skating
Day 5: Hugs
Day 6: Small Gestures
Little Bunny - stories about age regressor Legend and his family
Four, Reading
Wild, Baking
The Chain, Storm
Groose, Meeting
Ravio, Thunderstorm
Queering the Chain
Day 1: Queerplatonic Relationship
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