#flustered sirius black
engie-ivy · 11 months
Hi! I really like your writing, could you possibly write a fanfic where Remus is a confident gorgeous bastard and Sirius is a flustered mess?
(Hi @arcades-n-academia! You might not even remember this request, with how long it took me to answer. I guess it took some time for a good idea to come to me, and then to find time to actually write it? I would say I hope it's worth the wait, but with how long the wait was that might be pushing it😅 Anyway, without further ado, I present to you:
Confident Gorgeous Remus Lupin and Flustered Mess Sirius Black!)
Being handsome, smart and successful, Remus has his choice of men. So he's allowed to have standards, right? And he has a type, namely confident and intelligent men who know what they are doing. Unfortunately, Sirius Black, easy on the eyes as he might be, is none of those things.
Or so Remus thought.
A New Side
Remus is feeling quite chipper. He's walking down the street carrying two boxes with cake from his favourite bakery, on his way to the office where he worked for the past year.
Remus is a renowned environmental scientist, but he took a break from that line of work to join an environmental law firm. He had wanted to learn more about the legal side of protecting the environment. What arguments are the big corporations using to deny accountability for the pollution they are causing? What data can these environmental lawyers use to prove these corporations are responsible? What evidence of the consequences for the environment is sufficiently compelling to a judge?
In return for learning the ropes of environmental law, Remus has been serving as an expert witness in their cases, and has consulted on scientific matters.
All in all, it has been a good year. Remus had a great time at the company, they made him feel at home and he truly learned a lot. But while he's going to miss the people, hard-working and dedicated to making the world a better place, he's excited to go back to his true passion: scientific research. He's got plenty of ideas, and he's excited to re-join his research team and get started.
Last Friday was officially his last day at the law firm, and since he's still got one week off before he'll take up his old job again, he's dropping by the office today to bring some cake and thank them for the past year.
As Remus pushes open the door, the first person he's greeted by is, unfortunately, Gilderoy Lockhart.
Alright, maybe when he says 'hard-working and dedicated to making the world a better place', that doesn't include everyone.
Lockhart doesn't particularly care about making the world better, he cares more about creating an image of himself as someone who is making the world better. He wants that aesthetic of a handsome, noble lawyer fighting for the good cause. Without doing the actual work, that is. Lockhart is known for doing nothing while taking credit for everything.
They would've kicked him out, if he didn't have a talent for charming people. Especially middle-aged women appear to be quite fond of him. Middle-aged women with too much money looking for a good cause to support. So since Lockhart is so proficient in bringing in donations, they continue to tolerate him.
"Lupin," Lockhart smiles. "Well, isn't today your lucky day."
'Because after today I never have to see you again?' Remus wants to say, but he holds it back. No, he went an entire year without clashing with Lockhart, he's not going to ruin it now. So he forces a smile. "And why is that, Lockhart?"
"Because today is the day you're getting the chance to go on a date with me," Lockhart smirks.
Remus blinks. "Sorry?"
"Yes, you heard that right," Lockhart says, still smirking. "You get to go on a date with me."
"That's… flattering, I suppose, but I'm sorry," Remus shakes his head. "I'm not interested."
Lockhart is silent for a moment, then he lifts his chin and tightens his jaw. "See for yourself then, Lupin. Your loss."
"Remus, you gotta help us out."
Fabian and Gideon have stopped him in the hallway.
"We keep arguing about it," Fabian says.
"So we need you to decide," Gideon adds.
"We usually don't go for the same guy, so this is new to us," Fabian sighs.
"We can't agree upon which one of us gets to ask you out, so we decided to leave it up to you," Gideon shrugs.
"So you need to tell us, Remus," Fabian urges.
"Which one of us would you rather go out with?" They both ask at the same time.
Remus looks from one brother to the other. "I like you both, as good friends."
Fabian cringes and Gideon dramatically places a hand over his heart. "Autch."
"Oh, come on," Remus says. "You can't expect me to choose one of you to date! That's just asking for trouble. Believe me, this is for the best."
"Alright, we normally don't go there, but since it's you, we are willing to make an exception," Fabian says.
"So what about dating both of us at the same time?" Gideon asks.
"Bye, Fabian! Bye, Gideon!" Remus starts to walk away. "Nice catching up with you!"
"You don't know what you'll be missing out on!" Fabian, or maybe Gideon, calls after him.
Benjy keeps nervously fiddling with his tea bag. "So… ehm, I mean, like, we won't see each other at work anymore, and I just thought… I hoped… I wanted to ask… If you don't mind, of course, maybe we could see each other outside of work? You know. Like dinner. If you like to have dinner. With me."
Remus stops from where he had been going through the cabinets of the office kitchen looking for cake forks to look at Benjy. "Oh, Benj… That sounds lovely, really. But truthfully, I'm not looking for anything right now, so it's probably best not to, as I don't want to give you the wrong idea."
It's not exactly true. Remus is quite open to someone storming into his life and sweeping him off of his feet, but Benjy isn't the 'storming in and sweeping you off of your feet'-type. He's the 'carefully shuffling in and awkwardly stammering if he may perhaps attempt to sweep you off of your feet'-type. Not that he isn't a great guy. Remus is sure that there's someone out there who's going to look at Benjy and see him worrying his lip and nervously wringing his hands, and think it's just the cutest thing ever.
But that someone isn't Remus. He needs a man who has a bit more fire in him.
After avoiding an awkward situation with Caradoc Dearborn, by pretending to think the flowers Dearborn gives him are only to thank him for his work in the past year, and Dearborn luckily takes the hint and plays along, Remus runs into Kingsley. At first, Remus is relieved that it's just his work buddy Kingsley, but when Kinsley leans against the wall beside him and gives him that smile, he knows enough.
"No, Kingsley," he says firmly. "No. We are friends. We work well as friends. We are not going to change that."
Kingsley lets his head fall against the wall and lets out a dramatic sigh. "You are a cruel, cruel man, Remus Lupin," he says, but he's smiling as he pushes himself off of the wall. "Well, it was worth a try, but I know a lost cause when I see one."
Remus lets out a relieved sigh as he closes the door to the break room behind him. Mary from Communications, Marlene the Office Manager and Lily from HR look up from their coffee.
"Oh my god!" Mary jumps to her feet and runs up to him. "Cake!" She exclaims, snatching the boxes from his hands.
"Happy to see you too, Mary," Remus says, rolling his eyes.
Mary sits down and flips open one of the boxes. "White chocolate pistachio! You're my hero."
Remus drops down on a chair with a sigh. "Has Mary brought her 'special' brownies to the office again?"
Mary glares at him, swallowing down a mouth full of frosting. "That happened once and it was an accident!" She says. "I took the wrong batch with me."
"I'm not complaining," Marlene smirks. "Best day I've ever had at the office."
"What makes you think the whole office is on drugs?" Lily asks Remus. "Again," she adds, almost as an afterthought.
"Just on the way here," Remus says. "Like, six co-workers asked me out!"
Marlene laughs. "Of course they did!"
Lily leans forward, resting her head on her hands. "Come on, Remus. You must know what's going on."
Remus blinks at her. "I promise you that I really do not."
"This company has a strict No Dating-Policy for its employees," Lily says. "But as of today, you," she points her finger at Remus. "Are no longer an employee."
"Which means…" Remus begins.
"Which means that all those thirsty men who have been lusting after you for the past year can finally shoot their shot!" Mary finishes.
Remus looks at Lily, but she just points at Mary and nods.
"It's true, Rem," Marlene says. "I almost had to ask the janitor to mob the floor in the meeting room after each of your presentations, with how much those guys were drooling!"
"And who can blame them?" Mary says, before Remus can protest. "You, standing there, with that casually tousled hair going on, wearing that button-up with the top buttons undone and your sleeves rolled up to your elbows, talking about critical deposition values, just oozing that whole 'Sexy Professor'-vibe…"
"There's nothing sexy about critical deposition values!" Remus protests, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Say critical deposition values one more time," Mary says, throwing her head back and letting out a fake moan.
Remus flicks a pistachio at her head. "You're a menace."
Mary sticks out her tongue and takes another bite of cake.
Remus shakes his head. "Good god, if that is the case, in retrospect, I'm very thankful for that No Dating-Policy. At least now I only have to endure this awkwardness for one day."
"Two days," Lily corrects. "You have to come to the office party this Friday!"
Remus raises his eyebrows. "Party? Are we celebrating?"
A huge grin appears on Lily's face. "Indeed we are! We won the case against Exxon!" She cheers.
Remus stares at her. "The case against… No way!"
Remus laughs out loud. "Oh my god! That's amazing! I can hardly believe it! I thought that case was mostly symbolic? That we didn't have a chance at actually winning?"
"So did I!" Lily exclaims.
"So did everyone!" Mary exclaims.
Marlene shakes her head with a huge grin on her face. "But don't tell Sirius he can't do something!"
"Wait," Remus says. "Back up. Sirius? As in Sirius Black?"
"No, Remus. One of the many other Siriuses that work here," Lily deadpans. "Yes, Sirius Black! Why does that surprise you?"
"No reason, just…" Remus shrugs awkwardly. "Well, he isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, is he?"
All three girls stare at him like he has grown two heads.
"Remus," Lily eventually manages to say. "I don't know what kind of tools you have in your shed, but in most sheds, they don't come much sharper than Sirius Black. He graduated top of his year from Harvard Law, he takes on the most challenging cases from all our lawyers, and still manages to win more cases than any of the other lawyers, our biggest clients almost always request for him by name to represent them, and he receives about five offers per week from corporate offices willing to pay him at least five times what we can afford." She shakes her head. "We're lucky he's so dedicated to the cause, otherwise we would never have been able to keep him.
Remus blinks. "Really? Okay. Wow. That's… not what I expected."
The first time Remus saw Black, their conversation went something like this:
"Hi! I'm your new colleague, Remus Lupin. Nice to meet you!"
"Uh, yeah."
"So… what kind of work do you do?"
"I… ehm, I work for an environmental law firm."
"...Yes. I know. We're colleagues. I mean what sort of work do you do within the firm?"
"Oh, yes, I work in environmental law. I do law work. For… the environment."
After that conversation, Remus had concluded that, despite what his first name might suggest, Sirius Black wasn't exactly a bright light. Their following conversations had only confirmed his suspicions.
"Hey Black. That's quite a stack of papers you're carrying. Big case?"
"Oh, no, just a normal briefcase fits fine."
"Oh, Black, can I get your opinion on the presentation I gave at the meeting this morning? What did you think of the slides?"
"I loved them! They were nice!"
"Yeah, thanks, but were they clear enough?"
"Oh, yes! I could see them very well. With the blue background and white letters. Very clear."
"No, I mean… You know what, nevermind."
Remus had assumed that Black, not being the sharpest mind, must be some sort of an assistant to the lawyers, searching files, copying documents, writing minutes, that sort of work.
Remus also thought, and he's rather ashamed to admit this, that maybe they employed Black because of his father, the infamous cut-throat corporate lawyer Orion Black. Maybe they thought that Orion Black would go a bit more easy on them when meeting them across the courtroom if his son worked for them. Though if that was the case, it was to no avail. If anything, Orion Black seems even more determined to take their firm down any chance he gets.
Remus even thought, and yes, he's even more ashamed to admit this, that the only reason they kept Black around could be because the man is so easy on the eyes.
"So, what made you think Sirius is a dummy?" Mary asks cheerfully.
"I've been trying to get to know him, but it's hard to learn more about someone when they can't hold a bloody conversation," Remus says defensively. "I swear, every time I try to talk to him, the guy can barely string a sentence together!"
The girls are silent for a moment. Then they all burst out laughing.
"Oh my god," Marlene says, wiping tears from her eyes. "I can't believe it. Sirius Black, with his infamous sharp tongue, who always has a retort for everything and can make even the most ruthless corporate lawyer tremble with fear, finally at a loss for words, because of a cute guy!" She laughs again. "I'm never going to let him hear the end of this, I swear!"
"As any good friend should," Mary says approvingly.
Remus looks puzzled.
"Come on, Remus," Lily grins. "With your experience from today, I think it's pretty clear why Sirius’ brain turns to mush around you!"
"So," Remus says slowly. "Black is actually both very intelligent and very into me?"
"He sure is."
Remus sits back on his chair and takes a sip of his coffee. "Interesting."
Remus is hiding in a corner. Not how he usually acts at parties, but he's got a very good reason. Two very good reasons actually.
First, it's so that he won't continuously get hit on, with people making flirtatious comments, bringing him drinks or making not-so-subtle suggestions of what they could do after the party now that they're no longer co-workers.
Second, it's so he can observe Sirius Black without Sirius Black knowing he's observing him.
Because Remus is intrigued.
Sure, he did find Black attractive. No one who sees him can deny that he's a good-looking man. But Remus never considered him as someone he'd potentially want to date.
Remus likes intelligent men. Maybe that's pretentious, but it's just how it is. He's attracted to men whom he can have stimulating conversations with, who challenge him and keep him on his toes, who he can share ideas with. Black seemed to be none of those things, so Remus had never looked at him like that.
Tonight, though, Remus is looking.
Black is, of course, the star of the evening. The whole party is to celebrate his achievement, after all. He looks stunning in his dress shirt and his long hair tied up. Everybody wants to talk to the man of the moment, and Black is making rounds, going from group to group, smiling brightly and making easy conversation with everyone. He looks confident and at ease, oozing charisma and competence.
Remus hadn't felt any particular way about the fidgety Sirius Black stumbling over his words, but this Sirius Black… This is a Sirius Black he would like to see more of. There's just something incredibly sexy about a confident man who knows what he's doing, and knows he's doing it well.
Black is currently chatting to the Bones-siblings– Amelia and Edgar are from the prestigious Bones family, known for their philanthropy and welfare work, and both are highly educated and strongly dedicated–, and Peter Petttigrew and Emmeline Vance. Vance is a tall, blond woman, who works for a pharmaceutical company and with whom they once had to negotiate a settlement with. Peter was quite infatuated with her, and keeps inviting her to these types of events, hoping to get with her, though everyone can see Vance has no real interest in him besides his connections.
Remus doesn't know whether Vance likes to play devil's advocate, or whether she's really defending her beliefs, but she's always taking opposing stances and arguing with everyone from the firm. Remus supposes she thinks having a different opinion makes her special and interesting, by showing she's not like the rest of them naive ideologists, but Remus disagrees. Sometimes, having a different opinion just makes you wrong.
Vance brushes her long, blond hair back. "You drive a motorcycle, right?" She asks Black. "Which means you need fuel. You can attack Exxon, but at the same time, you're one of the consumers creating the demand they're providing." She crosses her arms over her chest, looking quite smug.
Black arches an eyebrow. "I try to make the world a better place, whilst not being perfect myself, yes."
"Well, doesn't that make you…"
"A hypocrite?" Black finishes.
Vance shrugs.
"No one can do everything right. If trying to do good while you know you will sometimes get it wrong makes you a hypocrite, then not even trying to do any good only because you know you can't do everything makes you a cynic." Black crosses his arms over his chest and looks Vance in the eyes. "And then I'd rather be a hypocrite than a cynic."
"And you think bringing a company to the verge of bankruptcy with such an erratic fine is 'doing good'?" Vance asks. "If you take speeding, for instance, people don't speed because they know what fine they'll have to pay when they do. The fine Exxon has been given, however, is unprecedented. Therefore, Exxon couldn't have taken it into account when deciding upon their actions. Therefore, it is unfair." She looks quite pleased with herself.
Black does not look impressed with her argumentation, though. "We fine Exxon because we want them to not pour a gallon of crude oil over a baby seal," he says. "Not because we want to enable them to conduct a detailed cost-benefit-analysis on the strategy of pouring a gallon of crude oil over a baby seal! If they don't like that the consequences are unpredictable, good. It's a punishment, they're supposed to not like it."
"But you can't let such a vital company face the threat of bankruptcy!" Vance persists, clearly trying to get under Black's skin.
Black shrugs. "You're the one who started drawing parallels with criminal law. Alright, but then let's be consistent. What's the highest price someone can pay for the worst crime? It's their actual life. Now, Exxon has destroyed ecosystems, destroyed the lives of hundreds of people, and killed countless wildlife. It doesn't get much worse than that, so what would be the corporate equivalent of having to pay with your life? Bankruptcy indeed, if you follow your own logic."
"But do you really think Exxon is going to pay up?" Edgar Bones asks carefully. "I mean, Exxon has got an whole army of the best lawyers at their disposal. They can keep appealing the verdict to a higher and higher court, and keep stalling the process. The plaintiffs will be broke and forced to give up any further legal proceedings before they ever see a dime."
"If Exxon wants to drag this process out for years," Black replies instantly. "Then I will be breathing down their neck every single day for as long as it lasts and make sure they won't get a moment of rest from this case until they pay up! If we let them get away with this, simply because they have more means, it'll send a message to all companies like them that they can do whatever they want and no one will hold them accountable."
"But they won't be able to afford your services anymore."
"I don't want any money, not until the plaintiffs have been paid what they are due," Black says passionately, balling his fists.
"I suppose it's good exposure for your brand," Vance contemplates. "Being the activist lawyer engaged in a legal battle with Exxon."
Black gives her a hard look. "Some things aren't about money, or exposure. Some things just matter."
Remus stares at Black. That unwavering conviction, that fierce determination… It does something to him. Seeing that burning passion in his eyes, it makes something stir in Remus' stomach.
Remus chugs the rest of his his wine and places the empty glass on a passing waitress' tray, before making his way over to the group.
"Professor Lupin!" Vance says, batting her eyelashes at him. "Always good to see you."
"Hi Remus," Edgar Bones says warmly, giving Remus a quick once-over. "Glad you decided to come tonight."
"Yes, hi," Remus says, without taking his eyes off of Black, whose mouth is opening and closing like a fish without any words coming out. "Could I steal the man of the moment for a bit?" He asks, winking at Black. "To congratulate him on his big win."
Vance looks from Remus to Black and back. "Figures," she mumbles, before brushing her blond hair back and stalking off.
"Oh, I was hoping…" Edgar Bones begins.
"Of course, Remus," Amelia Bones interrupts, grabbing her brother's arm and dragging him away. "Come on, Ed. Let them have a moment."
"I hope I wasn't interrupting anything important?" Remus asks sweetly, smiling at Black.
Black's face flushes. "No! No, nothing important! Just talking about… how you should be a hypocrite, and how you can calculate the benefits of pouring oil on a baby seal, and how my clients will go bankrupt paying me…"
Remus arches an eyebrow.
Black cringes at himself, and covers his eyes with his hand, groaning. "Oh god, I swear… I swear, I'm actually smart!" He says. "I have more than two brain cells! I swear I do! The rest just somehow… switches off when it comes to you."
Remus throws his head back and lets out a genuine laugh. "Well, I guess it's good then that I'm not some corporate lawyer on the other side of the courtroom," he teases.
"It wouldn't have mattered then," Black mutters, crossing his arms over his chest.
Remus frowns. "How so?"
"I like how dedicated you are to your research," Black explains. "It's not just a job to you, you actually care. The way you talk about an exciting new research idea," a spark appears in Black's eyes as he talks. "With that contagious excitement, and always so hopeful, no matter how bad the world can be, that we can make it better. There's a fire and a passion to you." Black seems to realize he's been rambling, and he shrugs awkwardly. "I hardly would've been impressed to the point of my brain shutting down if you had been using that fire and passion to defend some bank's right to invest their client's money in cutting down the rainforest."
Remus stares at him.
He was not expecting this. His face feels warm, and- God, is he blushing? He can't remember the last time he blushed!
He thought Sirius liked him because he's handsome and successful. Many people do. But Sirius has seen him, and likes him for the kind of person he is. Remus feels something stir again, but this time not in his stomach, but higher, in the chest-area.
He gives Sirius a warm smile. "Thank you," he says sincerely, and then he laughs. "What can I say? Some things just matter."
Sirius just looks at him for a moment, before snapping out of it. "Oh, it's nothing." He wants to make a dismissive gesture with his hand, but he has forgotten he's holding a glass of red wine, and ends up throwing it all over his shirt. "Shite!" He curses, wiping his hands over his shirt, only making it worse. "Dammit, dammit! God, I'm such a bloody pillock!"
Remus looks on with a fond smile. Yes, it's going to take a lot of effort to bring out that confident, competent Sirius Black around him, but Remus has the feeling that it's going to be worth it.
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hitmewithsomebooks · 9 months
@jegulus-microfic Jan 10 - lake
159 words
“James Potter I swear to Merlin, if you don’t stop right now I’ll drown you in the Black lake.” Regulus threatened, but it didn’t quite have the same effect when his cheeks were flushed a pretty pink.
James grinned at him, all pearly white teeth.
“…and I love your ears, they’re just so cute I don’t know why, I love that freckle right below your bellybutton, the way you play with my fingers when you’re bored, your affinity for flowers, oh, and your voice when you first wake up, and—”
Regulus groaned, dropping to the floor with his face in his hands. James laughed, sitting down next to him and playing with his hair as he continued on.
“What’s wrong with my brother?” Sirius asked, concern and confusion coating his voice.
“James is telling him all the things he loves about him.” Remus answered.
“Oh. Sappy prats.” Sirius scoffed, rolling his eyes and setting his head in Moony’s lap.
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loserboyfriendrjl · 11 months
sirius: i think you’re pretty
remus: *trips over a desk, pushing all of his stuff off in the process, visibly shaking* thank you :)
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chasingthestarss · 6 months
James: *in regulus’ room for the first time* I love what you’ve done with the place.
Regulus: *trying to hide pictures on the wall* you aren’t supposed to be in here.
James: is it because of these pictures of me? They’re good did you get this one from my mom?
Regulus: no! shut up!
Sirius: He got it from me!
Regulus: SHUT UP!
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saddramaqueensworld · 9 months
I believe that Remus is ripped and muscular under his sweater and no one can convince me otherwise. Sirius is always becoming clumsy when Remus is shirtless.
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basiatlu · 10 months
Wolfstar F1 🥰
Sirius: confused, happy, confused about being happy, fond as all hell
Remus: hurhur comfy snuggles
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sexymoonmansslut · 5 months
sketch dump :))
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aka a bunch of jegulus bc i love them
also yes harry is jegulus’ kid. i’ll say it for teddy and ill say it for harry. they are wizards. they can have bio children. (i love lily do not take it the wrong way pls)
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neverenoughmarauders · 5 months
Because it is too cute <3
'Shut it,' Potter said, scowling at Black as they exited the classroom of Madame Maxwell.
'I haven't said a thing,' Black said, smirking.
'Let's keep it that way,' Potter said, as all the Gryffindors headed towards the History of Magic classroom.
'So,' Black said in a seemingly casual tone, 'Madame Maxwell is really something, isn't she.'
Potter nodded, carefully: 'She's the real deal.'
'And really pretty, if you're into older women. Mind you, compared to your mum she must be quite young.'
Black ducked to avoid Potter's fist.
'What did you do that for? I am just saying, I can understand why you'd find such a refined lady attract - ouch.' This time, Potter had found his target.
'Oh stop it, Black,' Mary Macdonald said, 'I think it's cute how Potter blushed every time she spoke to him.'
'Watch it, Macdonald,' Potter growled.
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iamawolfstarsimp · 1 year
Sup bitches
im back and today I'm trying something a little different
Now I know I've written with baby/younger Harry in at least one fic before but I've never written anything with teenage harry cause I'm not a fan of golden trio era obviously lol
But I thought I'd spice it up a bit and try it cause why not (also this idea is amazing or maybe i dont have any others lmao and I don't wanna waste it)
So yeah enjoy
There was never a dull moment in the ancient house of black, always some commotion or excitement going on.
But somehow Sirius always found a way to get bored.
Maybe it was because he was always cooped up here, or maybe the anticipation of the though or idea of being needed for a mission of sorts and then the disappointment when it doesn't happen led to him being almost constantly bored or moody, Remus would take bored over moody any day.
Thankfully, Sirius almost always found Harry to help cure his boredom as Harry usually was also bored out of his mind.
Unfortunately, Sirius almost always found Harry to help cure his boredom as Harry usually was also bored out of his mind.
He swore, those two would tear the house down one day. Sirius with his clever mind full of ideas for pranks and mischief alike and Harry's lean, younger body that could easily climb up onto and crawl into things.
When Remus heard noise coming from Harry's room he headed upstairs to see what the issue was, preparing himself for whatever mess the boy had gotten into.
His surprise must have shown on his face to find Sirius sitting on Harry's hips and squeezing his sides and ribs causing said boy to laugh, eyes shut tight in his mirth.
"Harry's ticklish!" Sirius exclaimed with a grin before returning to torturing helpless Harry. Memories of the times he himself had tickled Harry when he was a baby came flooding back to Remus.
He didn't bring it up but stayed and watched from the sidelines for a bit, silently observing the similarities in Harry and James. The way Harry threw his head back and cackled when someone went for a bad spot, how he snickered if you poked him in the ribs.
Remus soon left them (much to Harry's dismay) not wanting to get too nostalgic.
This started happening more often. Sirius would sigh something along the lines of "I'm bored", smirk and then trot off (quite litterly, he would usually transform into Padfoot), moments later you'd here loud gigging.
Harry didn't mind fooling around with his godfather, he actually enjoyed it alot (as far as Remus knew). But that didn't mean that he didn't crave a little revenge from time to time.
So Remus wasn't surprised when Harry came up to him asking for help.
"Hey, Remus?" Harry asked as he entered. Remus looked up from his book to answer.
"Yes Harry?" He watched as Harry sat down on the opposite chair to talk to him.
"I need some.. assistance."
"What with? Homework?" Remus was always prepared to help with homework, it was a bad habit he'd developed from back when he was at school. Plus becoming a teacher for a short time didn't help either.
"No, not homework." Harry shifted, a little uncomfortable.
"Uhm.. if it's something else, I-I don't think I would be the best-"
"Oh! Oh no! It's nothing like that!" Harry quickly shook his head. Remus sighed in relief.
"Oh okay, good. What can I help you with then?"
"Well, I need some help to get Sirius back for constantly t-tickling me." Harry grinned sheepishly when Remus smirked and nodded in understanding. "You know him the best out of anyone in the house so I thought I'd ask you."
"You came to the right person," A million ideas came to Remus on ways to get him back, some of them things Remus had even done.
"Did Sirius ever tell you that he himself is extremely ticklish?" Harry's jaw dropped and he shook his head.
"Sirius is ticklish?!" Remus let himself grin devilishly.
"Why don't I show you." Remus left his book in his chair as Harry followed him out of the room. "Oh, grab the cloak."
"What for?" Harry asked.
"Just trust me, I know what I'm doing." Harry shrugged and ran up to his room. He returned shortly with the cloak in hand.
He wordlessly put it on and followed Remus into the sitting room where Sirius was sat. Remus felt Harry linger by the door, waiting for a signal to take the cloak off.
"Hi." Remus said, sitting down on the couch nearby to Sirius.
"Hey, Moons." Sirius sighed, letting his head fall onto the back of the chair.
"You okay?" Remus let concern seep into his voice. Sirius shrugged. "You want a hug?"
Sirius nodded and hopped up from his armchair to crawl into Remus' lap and wrap his arms around him.
"Anything on your mind you wanna talk about?" Remus knew not to push Sirius for answers but also knew that Sirius liked to know that people cared enough to ask.
"No, not really.. just feeling a little down today, I don't mean to be a burden." Sirius looked up at him with his classic puppy dog eyes that he has when he's sad. Puppy dog eyes always cause Remus' heart to melt.
Remus kissed his nose and leaned his forehead against Sirius'.
"All better?" Sirius grinned and nodded.
"Yep, the world's problems were all just solved, nothing will ever be wrong again, thanks Moony." Sirius said sarcastically.
"Alright you snarky little sod-" Remus dug into Sirius' belly with one hand the other squeezing his thigh.
"Wahait!! Hold on, n-nohoho!! Remus!" Sirius exclaimed in shock as his arms were grabbed and held above his head
"Harry!" Remus called, using his longer legs to hold onto Sirius' so he couldn't kick.
Harry immediately dropped the cloak and rushed over, sitting down on Sirius' legs.
"Did you two fuckers plan this?" Get me distracted and then jump on me?" Harry laughed and nodded.
"You'll never break me! I have a stronger will than you think I do, even when you're using tortuous methods." Sirius shouted playfully.
"Softly scribble on his lower stomach." Remus instructed.
"NO!" Sirius arched his back, flopping in every direction.
Once Harry grabbed onto Sirius' belly and started lightly tracing, scribbling and scratching Sirius became less wiggly.
"Nooohohoho! I hahate soft tihihickles!" He whined, letting his head fall back onto Remus' shoulder.
"Soft tickles work really well on his stomach area, it drives him up the wall- as you can see." Remus smirked when Sirius hid his face in Remus' neck. "But, harder tickles work well down there as well, including digging, kneeding, raspberries-"
"What's a raspberry?" Harry stopped his tickling to look perplexed. Remus gasped at Sirius and dropped one of his hands that were holding onto Sirius' arms to dig into his exposed armpit.
"You've never showed him what a raspberry is!?" Remus said in surprise. "I'm ashamed of you!"
"I'm sohohohorry, I'm sorry!" Sirius laughed, his wiggling renewed.
"Harry switch spots with me." Sirius groaned as Remus grinned at him and sat on his upper thighs while Harry held onto Sirius' arms.
"Harry do not let go of him or he will hit me, okay?" Harry grinned and nodded. "Sirius, be good."
"I'll try. No guarantees I won't smack the shit out of you." Sirius said.
"Ready, Sirius?"
"Just do it." He mumbled.
"What did you say? Sorry I couldn't hear you, are you ready?"
"Are you sure?" He teased.
"Are you really sure?"
"Mohohoony, stop!"
"Stop what?"
Sirius groaned and looked away. Remus saw his opportunity. He took a deep breath and quickly hiked up Sirius' loose shirt and blew a little below Sirius' naval, a sweet spot on himself.
Sirius went into a laughing fit, immediately trying to curl in on himself. Remus continued to raspberry across his torso to keep him constantly laughing before reluctantly giving him a break.
"That is a raspberry, Harry." Remus said as he and Harry went back to their original spots. "And Sirius' favorite thing, isn't it Sirius?"
"I ha-hate you both." He replied.
"I've barely done anything! Plus, you deserve this for all the times you've tickled me." Harry said indignantly.
"You guys still suhuHUCK!!" Sirius yelped. Harry had just experimentally poked his hips.
"Oh yeah, that's a bad spot." Remus said after see where Harry's hands were.
"Shut up!" Sirius shouted.
"I don't think you wanna be saying that in your position." Remus said up close to his ear, as teasingly as possible.
Meanwhile Harry had started pinching Sirius' hips to see what would get the best reaction. All of the methods he tried got Sirius to positively cackle but squeezing gave the best results.
Remus was still whispering teases in Sirius' ear and along with the hip tickles, Sirius was in hell.
"IT'S SO BAHAHAD!" Sirius knew his face had to be bright red. "P-PLEHEASE STOP!!"
With one final small raspberry to the neck Remus stopped and nodded at Harry to do the same.
"Learned your lesson? You gonna leave Harry alone for a bit?" Remus let go of Sirius wrists, using his arms to hug Sirius instead. Sirius huffed and nodded in response.
Sirius grabbed Harry and pulled him into their little cuddle pile, wrapping him in a hug.
"I'm tired, you two tickled the energy out of me." Sirius sighed. Remus kissed the side of his head.
"You'll live." Harry answered.
"Alright, Mr. Sass king." Sirius poked Harry's belly.
"Noho!" Harry turned onto his stomach to block the pokes. "No tickles!"
"Okay, okay! No tickles. Right, Remus?" Sirius turned to look at him.
Remus nodded from the crook of Sirius' neck. "No tickles."
"Good." Harry answered, letting his head rest on Sirius' chest and his arms return the favor and wrap around Sirius.
"Did you two date at hogwarts?" Harry asked after a few minutes of silence.
"That's a long story." Remus told him.
"I have time.." Harry said.
Sirius and Remus glanced at each other before silently agreeing to tell him. Harry deserved to know.
Sirius started off with how they met on the train station with Remus adding in little bits to the story as they went. By the time they made it to Remus' fourteenth birthday Harry was dozed off.
Sirius rested his head against Harry's, letting his body relax for the first time in a while. Remus kissed Sirius' shoulder once he knew he was asleep.
"Love you Harry, love you Pads.." Was the last thing he thought before drifting off to sleep.
This turned out to be a bit lengthy but finally one of my daydreams comes to life
Hope you liked
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serethereal · 2 years
cursed ch 1 rewrite
decided to mesh ch1 and 2 together and rewrote a few things. sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for reading <33
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areislol · 2 years
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ft. harry j. potter, ron weasley, draco malfoy, cedric diggory, sirius black, remus lupin
warnings. aged up!! nsfw content, MDNI! mostly soft sex but rough sex is also included, twitter links. fem! reader, sub! characters will be mentioned in the names, imaginative texts included! pet play, teasing, nasty stuff
a/n. cedric, sirius and lupin's image is below!! kinda ooc! ron? i barely see any hp visual links so.. here this is lmao, and please, again, MDNI. sirius n remmy in the marauders era // this is my 2nd nsfw hc/fic im crying happy tears.. ALSO FIRST EVER HP WORK
here's a spotify playlist.
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harry james. potter
𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐇𝐎… absolutely adores your tits, he will rest/sleep on your chest, sucking on your nipples as he falls asleep (his mouth latched onto it still), it's some sort of.. comfort to him. he loves how they're so soft and squishable. loves playing with them, rolling your nipple in between his fingers as he sucks on your other nipple before switching sides.
"I- mhm, god your tits... please.. can I?" harry pleads while looking up at you with puppy dog eyes. Your fingers run through his hair as you nod. He's quick to latch onto your tit as he starts to suck them softly which makes you softly moan as you tug onto his hair, rutting your pussy against his leg.
𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐇𝐎… even after a long day will take his time and be patient and soft with you as he tenderly places a kiss on your thighs before kitty-licking your pussy <3 he's quite literally making out with your pussy and devouring it. if you didn't know any better you would've thought he was a starved animal.
"Just be a good girl f'me yeah? Be nice and good while I eat this pretty pussy.." harry says before ducking down in between your thighs as he begins to eat your pussy feverishly.
𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐇𝐎… loves to fuck you in the reserve cowgirl position, watching as your tits bounce up and down, as his appears before being engulfed with your pussy. sometimes giggling and smiling while staring up at you in awe.
"Oh- fuck, oh your pussy feels so good-!" he says, his head lolled back as his dick slips in and out of your wet pussy.
𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐇𝐎… just wants to be soft with you although most times it turns into a heaty session. loves to make out before having sex with you or during, as long as his lips are on yours that's all that matters..
making out with you before having passionate sex is his favourite thing to do. "I love you so, so much y/n.." he whispers before ghosting your lips to which you smile at before kissing him, for real this time.
𝐒𝐔𝐁! 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐇𝐎… squirms, twitches and whimpers when you touch and jerk his dick, rolling your thump and hand over his tip as he desperately tries to stop you from overstimulating him.
"mhm, please.. y/n-! Ah.. stop, please." harry whimpers as he takes hold of your hand, "uh-uh, just be a good boy and let me touch you.. you'll be a good boy, right?" you chuckle when harry nods his head vigorously.
𝐒𝐔𝐁! 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐇𝐎… is shy during your first time having sex, he's quiet at first but after you ride him he's whimpering and panting, he can only look at you in awe as you ride him
"Shy? Why are you shy?" you question while straddling his lap, your hands on his shoulders as you smirk from his flustered face. "I-im, because.. it's my first time you know.." he mumbles as he turns his head away from embarrassment. You place your finger on his chin and make him look at you, "don't be shy, harry.. let me make you feel good. I promise I will.." you coo.
ron weasley
𝐑𝐎𝐍 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐘 𝐖𝐇𝐎… jerks off while allowing you to ride his hand as he rubs circles on your clit.
"Oh wow... this is nice.." ron whispers, watching you stroke his dick with your hand while he rubs circles on your clit. "Oh please.. ron just get on with it." you whine, ron smirks and nods, "anything for you."
𝐑𝐎𝐍 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐘 𝐖𝐇𝐎… is slow with you, peppering you with small kisses. thrusting slowly in you before gradually fucking you like how you want to be fucked <3
"You like that, hm?" ron is never the one to tease you in bed but seeing you all open to him sparks something in him that he can't explain, all he knows is that he's feeling good. "Let me make you feel good baby"
𝐑𝐎𝐍 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐘 𝐖𝐇𝐎… makes out with your pretty pussy! on most days he just wants to stuff his face in between your legs until you cry out his name multiple times, gripping onto his hair tightly as he makes your stomach knot over and over again.
"Oh, ron! Please.." you whine as you gripped onto his hair tightly. "Please what?" ron mumbles, his mouth still latched onto your pussy as his tongue licks stripes on your clit. "Please go faster.."
𝐑𝐎𝐍 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐘 𝐖𝐇𝐎… pounds your pussy after a long day without seeing you, he just missed this pretty pussy of his.
"D'you know how much i've missed you? Huh? Missed this pretty pussy." ron bucks his hips forward as he slams into your cunt and he doesn't stop, he just missed you so much, he missed being inside of you. You'll be good a girlfriend and allow him to, hm?
𝐑𝐎𝐍 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐘 𝐖𝐇𝐎… watches as his cum drips out of your pussy, admiring it before fucking you again and again, pulling his dick out just to see his cum drip out of you.
"Oh would you look at that.." he whispers, fingers prodding and stretching your pussy to see his cum dripping out of your fluttering hole. "So cute" he coos, he could not wait to do that again.
draco malfoy
𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘 𝐖𝐇𝐎… fingers you, leaving you breathless and moaning for more. who slaps your face harshly before kissing you.
Draco's fingers are pumping in and out of your weeping hole, and he's doing it roughly. "You like that? It feels good?" draco whispers in your ear, grinning as he already knew the answer. Your hands are clutching his arm. You were too tired and overstimulated to speak, you could only nod. "I need words baby."
𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘 𝐖𝐇𝐎… sneaked you into his room after his roommates left and proceeded to fuck you balls deep.
Draco invited you to come visit his room just to "study" but you knew that draco was never really the one to study, but you agreed anyways, he was your boyfriend after all. What you didn't expect was in after a few minutes he would be balls deep inside of you. "Oh-! Draco, it feels so good, mmm"
𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘 𝐖𝐇𝐎… has a breeding kink, wanting to stuff you with his cum, watching as it all dribbles down from your pussy. Watching as your pussy clenches around nothing.
"You're so cute y/n, you know?" he hums teasingly, his hands gripped onto your thighs tightly as he pulls them apart to admire his work. You knew draco was looking at you, or rather your pussy, but nonetheless it made you feel hot under his gaze. You mew in response as your pussy clenches around nothing, obviously hinting that you wanted something more.. thicker inside of you once more.
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cedric diggory
𝐂𝐄𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐂 𝐃𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐎𝐑𝐘 𝐖𝐇𝐎… fucks you in doggy style <3 relishing in how his dick is being swallowed whole by your pussy.
"You look so pretty like this.." he murmurs as he pounds into your red and abused cunt. "Mmm so pretty for you-!" you sputter out as your hands clench onto the bedsheets tightly.
𝐂𝐄𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐂 𝐃𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐎𝐑𝐘 𝐖𝐇𝐎… passionately makes out with your clit before fingering you whilst licking and flicking your bud with his warm tongue.
"You like that don't you?" cedric mumbles as he stares up at you while fingering and licking your cunt. "Mhm! Yes i dooo" you drag the 'o's as he speeds up his fingering, cedric only grinned as your juices flow down his chin.
𝐂𝐄𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐂 𝐃𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐎𝐑𝐘 𝐖𝐇𝐎… holds your hand as he pumps his fingers in and out of your pussy, he just wants to hold hands while doing something intimate with you <3
"Here, hold my hand pretty" he says – in a sweet tone as if he wasn't fingering you harshly – as he intertwines his hands with yours. "God you're so cute."
𝐂𝐄𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐂 𝐃𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐎𝐑𝐘 𝐖𝐇𝐎… eats you out in his room while his roommates are away for quidditch practice, he called in sick just to eat his pretty princesses' pussy. Loving your cute little moans as he burrows his head further and further in as if he wasn't already.
"Oh c'mon! Let me just have a quick taste.. so what if they burst inside?" he says with a pout, his head hovering just right above your glistening pussy. "So what? We could get in trouble!" you whisper-yell. "Awh, well too bad im going to anyways." he states before burrowing his head down.
sirius black
𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐖𝐇𝐎… fucks you until your shaking from your orgasm and squirting. Slapping his cock on your pussy as your hips buck forward.
"Aww, look at you, all of this because of me?" sirius teases before patting his cock on your wet pussy. "We ought to do this more, hm?" you nod ever so slightly to which he chuckles at. "Alright, lets get you cleaned up now."
𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐖𝐇𝐎… loves to see you all tied up as he teases you with his cock, torturing you as he slides it along your aching hole before finally giving you what you really want.
"Look at you, all dolled up for me.. gorgeous aren't you?" he says just barely above a whisper. You nod you head and whine, "alright alright, ill give you what you want now" he chuckles before slipping his dick inside of your needy hole.
𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐖𝐇𝐎… trains you with a leash on, all dressed up just for him as he fucks you again and again.
"What's the safe word?" sirius asks, his finger tracing your spine, "green." you respond with a smile. Sirius returns tn before giving looking back at his dick that was positioned in front of your entrance. "There we go.." he whispers as his dick slips inside your pussy before tugging onto your leash.
𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐖𝐇𝐎… wants to hold you in his arms as you two have sex, he wants to be close as possible, this is as they say, an intimate act.
"Fuck- y/n you feel so good. Come closer to me will you, yeah?" sirius mumbles, pulling you closer to his chest. Both your arms wrap around each other as he pounds into your poor, abused cunt.
remus lupin
𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐔𝐒 𝐋𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐎… hates being rough but since he is a werewolf, his... tendencies tend to come out. He fucks you harshly as he holds you down from moving.
"Come on y/n.. stop squirming you- fine." he mutters before holding you down, his hand on your belly before switching to your arm, trying to subdue your squirming and movements. "Please remmy! I-i need it.." you whine, lolling your head sideways, bucking your hips forwards in the hopes of getting more friction. "Then let me give it to you."
𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐔𝐒 𝐋𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐎… teases you with his dick sliding over your needy hole, grinning when he sees you whining and twitching at his touch. But, he is nice so he will give you a reward for being so patient.
"Remus, please.. I want it." your hand gripping onto his sleeve as you tried to move your slips to "accidentally" make his dick slip inside. "Nuh-uh, just be patient and i'll give you what you want.." even though you weren't patient you nodded anyways, "good girl."
𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐔𝐒 𝐋𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐎… is smitten with your boobs! He loves how soft they are, small, medium or big, he will love them nonetheless! Remmy will fondle with them, suck on them, toy with them, lick them and so on. Just please let him have your tits.
"Mm, don't you think that's enough..?" you question, looking at your boyfriend who was fondling with your breasts. "Enough? Absolutely not!" you frown at his response. "But- what about-" "that can wait, love. Just wanna focus on my girls first."
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note: if you would like to be added to the harry potter taglist pls just ask me!! dont be shy
taglist 🏷️ : (i'll def be making more hp work so.. yeah.. that's that)​
liking + following + reblogs are very much appreciated!!
another note: finding twitter links was kinda hard ngl, just giving you a heads up if you want to make one yourself! and thank you to @tessimagines for agreeing w this idea <33 love ya!!
IDK IF U SAW IT @fleursbending BUT HERE
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ellecdc · 3 months
✋🏻 i have a request
so i’m a loudmouth, a D1 yapper if you will. could you maybe please write something with a yapper reader who just gets quiet and flustered in regulus’s presence?
like she’ll be going on about the randomest thing and regulus walks by and her mouth snaps shut and her face gets bright red.
hiiiii! I decided to pair this with two anonymous requests for our dear reggie too! prompt 2: I was thinking maybe a Potter! Reader who is in the same year as Regulus and has a huge crush on him, she just kind of watches him from a distance, here comes James and Sirius noticing and they try to set her up with Reggie prompt 3: I was wondering if I could get a regulus x reader where regulus is like close to the marauders and then Reggie gains like a crush on reader and the marauders find out and like kinda spy on them but like not well and maybe it ends in Reggie asking reader out
Regulus Black x Potter!reader who has a 'big fat crush' on Reggie
CW: sibling squabbles, this was hard for me to write for some reason so I'm sorry if it reads awkwardly!
“I’m just saying, if you didn’t want your essay to go up in flames, maybe you should have spent less time talking about which of your classmates were ‘filthy blood traitors’, and more time making sure I couldn’t point my wand at your parchment, you know?” You asked rhetorically as James and Sirius roared with laughter. 
“How far along was he in his essay?” Peter asked with a low chuckle before taking another bite of his lunch.
“Oh, he was done. He probably should have handed it in instead of running his mouth.” You said with a proud smirk as your brother roughly patted you on the back, letting out another bark of laughter. 
“I would have paid good money to see the look on his face.” Sirius said as he wiped fake tears away from under his eyes. 
“Find me a pensieve, Black, and I’ll show you.” You offered with a wink before remembering something.  “Oh! James, I meant to tell you; I heard from Janey who heard from Cromwell who heard from Collins whose sister works at Honeydukes that they’re having a sale on those caramel sugar quills that-”
“-Lily likes so much!” James finished for you. “My hero! Thank you!” He said as he pressed a sloppy kiss to the side of your head.
You feigned disgust and rubbed it off before continuing. “If you want, I can ask Janey to ask Cromwell to ask Collins to ask his sister to put some aside for you?”
“I’d owe you my life.” He responded solemnly. 
“Chocolate frogs will suffice.” 
“Consider it done.” 
“I’d like chocolate frogs too, Prongs.” Remus offered then.
“What have you done to help me win over the girl of my dreams, Moony?” James countered. 
“I’ve not told her about the time you screamed like an ickle little first year when you found Fenwick’s toad in your shoe.” Remus replied plainly.
“Why do they have to have warts!?” James groaned miserably as he remembered his toad assault. 
“The bumps aren’t actually warts, Jamie; they’re glands. They contain a toxin that they will secrete if they feel threatened.” You explained.
James blinked at you owlishly before shaking his head in disgust. “That doesn’t make me feel any better.” 
“Hello, Sirius.” Regulus’ voice interrupted then, standing stiffly behind Sirius as he looked around the group of you. “Lupin, Pettigrew…Potter’s.” 
“‘Sup, Reggie?” Sirius responded easily.
“‘Lo, baby Black! What brings you to the red side of the Great Hall?” James asked then, earning him a glare from the younger Black brother.
“Don’t call me that.”
“Well that just makes me want to call you that even more.” James admitted.
“What brings you to the Gryffindor table?” Remus repeated with a knowing smirk.
“Can’t I just come say hello to my brother?” He asked defensively. 
“You could, but would you?” Sirius asked sceptically then.
Sirius and Regulus stared at each other in silence before Regulus finally sighed. 
“Potter, erm… Y/N, I was wondering if you’ve finished Professor Sprout’s essay about the proper propagation of venomous tentacula’s?” 
At the following silence, James turned to notice you staring at Regulus in what appeared to be abject horror before you slowly nodded your head. 
“How, uhm… how many feet of parchment did it end up being?” Regulus continued awkwardly; his eyes flitting between you and his brother. 
The group watched as you opened your mouth a few times only to close it again - not unlike some socially awkward fish - before clearing your throat. 
“Erm…I think it’s about four feet.”
Regulus seemed relieved by your answer and nodded in understanding. “Good, mine is about that as well.”
James looked between his friends, his sister, and his best friend’s little brother after a few moments when it became clear that no one was going to say anything else.
“Was…was that all, Regulus?” Peter asked then, clearly agreeing with James that lunch had quickly become painfully awkward. 
Regulus seemed to look at you first, only responding when you kept your gaze down at the wood grain of the table. 
“I suppose so. I’ll see you lot around.” 
And with that, the Slytherin boy hurried back to his side of the Great Hall.
James’ eyes only left Regulus’ form when he heard a miserable groan escape your lips as you let your head fall to the table with a thunk.
“What the fuck was that?” Sirius and James questioned at the same time.
“I’ve gotta go.” You muttered miserably as you gathered your bag and stood from the Gryffindor bench.
“Where?!” James called after you. 
“To run away with the fucking centaurs at this point!” You called back before disappearing through the doors. 
“Since when does Regulus come to say hi to you, Pads?” Peter asked then, still watching Regulus from across the hall who now had his eyes glued to the door. 
Sirius, who up until that point looked just as bemused as Peter did, had a look of understanding dawn on his face. 
“Merlin’s beard.” He hissed as he smacked James in the arm from across the table.
“Ow! What? What? Why are you hitting me?” James called as he rubbed his arm protectively. 
“When was the last time you saw Y/N be reduced to awkward silence?” He asked then.
“At mum and dads fundraising gala when that wizard from Witch Weekly attended.” James answered quickly; knowing that one of his sister’s greatest strengths was her ability to talk (especially when it helped get them all out of trouble). “Though she’s been doing it an awful lot lately.”
“Like when you coerced Regulus into joining us at the Three Broomsticks last weekend.” Remus offered.
James nodded. “And when I made her come with me to scout the Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin game last Monday.” 
“And when Regulus just happened to be looking for a Herbology textbook when she was studying in the Herbology section of the library.” Remus continued.
“Godric’s balls.” Peter breathed out, looking towards Sirius incredulously. “You’re not suggesting-”
“-that our littlest Potter has a big fat crush on the littlest Black? I sure am.” Sirius said smugly. 
“I don’t think she’s the only one with a ‘big fat crush’.” Remus added, nodding towards Regulus who was chewing aggressively on his lip, still looking in the direction you just went.
“Oh my Godric.” James hissed as he turned towards Sirius excitedly. “Oh my Godric, Pads! We’d be real life actual brother’s-in-law!” 
“I’m going to walk Reggie down the aisle.” Sirius added wistfully as he clutched at his chest. 
“Merlin and Morgana. They can’t even make it through a sodding conversation; stop planning their wedding.” Remus muttered as he turned a page in his book. 
James let out an incredibly dramatic gasp as he looked at Remus. “You’re right. We have to do something!” 
“What do you say, boys? Up for some mischief for the greater good?” Sirius asked with a perfectly arched eyebrow. 
“Operation turn Potter Black!” James cheered to the group, causing the three boys to look at him in various levels of bemusement and discomfort.
“Erm, Prongs…” Peter started.
“Absolutely fucking not.” Remus added.
“We can’t call it that.” Sirius agreed. 
“We’ll circle back to it.” James said as he stood from the table.
Sirius shared a slightly panicked look with the other two Marauders before standing as well. “No…no James, we really can’t call it that.” 
“It’ll be a placeholder until you guys think of something better!”
“Anything would be better.” Peter whined as they all trailed out of the Great Hall in the name of mischief. 
。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+*゚
“Quick! You’ve got to see what we’ve planned.” James had said to you as he grabbed you roughly by your arm outside of Transfiguration and hauled you in the direction of the library.
You allowed him to nearly drag you through the courtyard and into the central haul; apologising to students that you nearly collided with in his haste. 
“But…what did McLaggen do? Why are you pranking him?” You asked breathlessly as the two of you made it to the library doors.
“The bloke’s a prick, Trouble, do keep up.” Sirius called as you met up with him. 
The two boys ushered you through stacks of books towards the end of the library that held private study rooms when Remus and Peter materialised from a row of shelves.
“He’s coming!” Peter squeaked as Remus quickly redirected the three of you. 
“That way, quickly.” 
Knowing better than to question Remus, you allowed James to guide you by the shoulder towards one of the private study rooms in order to hide from McLaggen as he walked into their trap. 
Except no sooner had Sirius opened the door did James bodily shove you into the room before they slammed the door behind you.
“Wha- James!” You shouted as you heard him cast a locking charm and a muffliato around the door. 
“What are they up to now?” A tired voice sounded from behind you.
You squeezed your eyes shut as you realised what they had done, praying to every deity that the voice didn’t belong who you thought it belonged to. 
But of course, the deities didn’t give a bowtruckles arse about you, so you turned on the spot to see Regulus Black sitting at the end of the table looking at you with a sceptical expression and one perfectly arched brow. 
Godric, he was beautiful.
“Making my life hell.” You answered despondently. 
Regulus offered you a tight lipped smile as he nodded in understanding. “Ah, so, regular brother stuff then?”
You breathed out a chuckle as you nodded, trying once more at the door before giving up in your efforts to escape. 
“What did you do to get yourself locked in a room with me?” He asked then, fiddling with the tomes and notes in front of him.
“Had the audacity to be born into the Potter family, I guess.” You muttered.
Regulus made a non-committal sound as he considered you. “I’m sure a lot of people would have loved the honour.”
Your face softened as you looked at the Slytherin boy. “I know they’ve asked you already, but you should come, you know? I know Sirius would love it if you did, and my parents would too.” 
Regulus nodded slowly at you, though he never moved his gaze from your eyes. “I wouldn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable.”
Regulus smiled ruefully then. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t get the impression that you like me very much.”
You stood there with your mouth agape like some mute opera singer. “Okay, I’ll correct you then; you’re very wrong Regulus Black.”
“Oh, I’m very wrong, am I?” 
“Horribly so, I’m afraid; I can’t believe you’d even say such a thing.” You continued haughtily; finally sitting down in a chair across from him. 
“Well, you see, everyone is always telling me how much of a chatterbox you are, yet you never seem too keen on chatting with me. In fact, I’m pretty sure you’ve exchanged more words with Mulciber at this point.” He teased.
“The most I ever talk to Mulciber is to tell him to go fuck himself!”
A divot formed between his brows as he tilted his head in confusion. “Is that not just your love language? I’ve heard you say the exact same thing to Potter and my brother.” 
You narrowed your eyes at him as you leaned back in your chair. “Touche” 
Regulus smirked at you then. “So, why don’t you talk to me?”
You let out a heaving sigh and looked to the ceiling. 
You were trapped, and you knew why you were trapped, and you figured there was no use in pretending that you didn’t. 
“I suppose I find you a little…nerve wracking.” You settled for, figuring that telling him you thought he was so handsome that even standing within his vicinity seemed to short circuit not only your brain but somehow your entire nervous system would perhaps be a little much. 
“Oh good.” He responded, sounding truly relieved by your answer. “I thought it was only me.”
What? You thought stupidly.
“What?” You asked stupidly. 
“I find you a little nerve wracking too.” He responded.
“Why?” You nearly shrilled before remembering yourself and feeling immediately embarrassed for your theatrics.
“Well, I suppose for the same reasons you find me nerve wracking?” Regulus offered. “You’re really quite pretty, Y/N.” 
You swear to all of the gods that your brain made an audible record scratch sound at that moment as you tried to compute what he had said to you. 
He called you pretty, that much went without interpretation. But did he just insinuate that he knew you thought he was pretty?
“You do know that, right?” He asked, shaking you from your internal spiralling. 
“Know what?”
Regulus smirked then. “That you’re pretty?”
You scoffed and crossed your arms petulantly. “Of course I knew that; I just wasn’t aware that you did, too.” 
“Ah,” He started with a smile. “My apologies, I’ll make it more obvious that I find you attractive going forward.”
“Thank you.” You huffed.
“You’re very welcome.”
The two of you allowed a semi-comfortable silence to lap as he continued watching you and you continued looking anywhere else but him.
“So,” He interrupted eventually. “What now?” 
You tapped your arms in thought. “Now I figure out how to get back at my meddlesome brother.” 
Regulus hummed as he nodded his head. “I’m sure you’ll think of something.”
“Yeah…hey, do you happen to know where I could find a toad or two?”
“Yes, actually. I’m quite certain Evan and Barty are breeding some in the dungeons.” He answered with a look of ill-hidden discomfort at the thought.
“Do you think they’d let me borrow some?”
“Well that depends; would they be used for chaos and/or destruction?”
“Yes.” You responded quickly.
“Oh, well then absolutely.” He quipped back.
He smiled and held your gaze before leaning on his arms against the table. “How about this? I’ll ask Barty and Evan for some of their toads, if you go to Hogsmeade with me next weekend.”
You narrowed your eyes as you pretended to think about it before extending your hand across the table. “Deal.”
He shook your hand as he offered you a crooked smile before leaning back into his seat.
The door popped open just enough for your brother to poke his traitorous head in. “Are you guys in love yet?”
He barely had time to pull his head out of the frame and shut the door as you hurled your book bag at him; the blunt force instrument you had hoped would at the very least incapacitate your brother simply thudding against the wall before falling to the ground in a sad heap.
“You know he’s just going to keep you locked in here longer for that, right?” Regulus asked you then.
You made a non-committal sound as you settled back into your chair. “Perhaps that isn't such a bad thing.”
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moonstruckme · 1 year
summary: when Sirius won't stop tormenting you with pet names, you think to take revenge, but he doesn't react as you expected
Sirius Black x shy!reader ♡ 546 words
You jolt a little when a hand lands on your shoulder, a second before Sirius plops down beside you in the common room. 
“Sorry, dollface,” he says, sliding his hand from your shoulder to your neck in what you suppose is meant to be a soothing motion. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
You smile, though your heart only beats faster now that you know it’s him. “You didn’t scare me.” 
“No?” He asks, and there’s that unrelenting teasing tone in his voice. “Does my beauty just shock you every time you see me, then?”
You flush, looking to where your fingers play with the hem of your skirt. Sirius knows he can turn you into a stammering, blushing mess with only a pet name or a tilt of his lips, and he never lets you forget it. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been dating or how much time you spend with him, you never get used to his audacity. 
“Doing alright, sweet thing?” he croons, taking your face in both hands so you have no choice but to meet his eyes. They’re alight with mirth. 
“You sure?”
“You’re blushing.” 
“I’m not.” 
“You are.” He makes an indent in your overwarm cheek with his thumb, looking entirely too entertained at your misery. And it feels unfair. Why should he be able to fluster you whenever he likes, and you can’t even bring yourself to look him in the eyes? “I know I’m a lot to take in, but really, sweetheart.” 
You force yourself to do it, before the boldness has a chance to leave you. “Sorry, baby,” you say, forcing yourself to look deep into Sirius’ cool gray eyes, “I can’t help but be nervous when you’re looking at me so prettily.” 
You relish for a moment in victory as Sirius’ eyes go wide, but then his mouth drops open and he melts. 
“What did you just call me?” he breathes.
Your confidence has exceeded its time limit. You cringe in on yourself, but Sirius catches your hands before you can use them to cover your face. 
“C’mon,” he says, in that soft voice that he almost never uses in public, the one that makes you want to curl up in his lap and tell him all your secrets, “please?”
You glance around, but no one is paying attention to the two of you. “Pretty.” It’s a whisper, but Sirius beams all the same. 
You slouch shamefully, sinking into the couch cushions. “Baby?” 
Sirius throws himself back like you’ve shoved him, grinning like a lunatic. He comes back to you quickly, and there’s pure, unadulterated adoration in his eyes when he says, “You’re killing me, dollface. Say it again.” 
You sigh, but indulge him. “Baby.” 
He clasps your hand between his, pulling it to his chest theatrically. “Yeah, sweetness? Whatever you want, you can have it.”
You’re trying to be exasperated with him, but you’re laughing. “Siri, stop, please.” 
He pouts. “If that’s what you want. But if you ever decide you really want something from me, just say the word, angel, and I’ll do it.” 
“Sure thing, pretty boy,” you say quietly, emboldened by his behavior, and this time, when Sirius flops back dramatically on the couch, he takes you with him.
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chasingthestarss · 6 months
@jegulus-microfic Cheat Words: 1147
Summer at the Potter house was full of fun and laughter. Regulus loved that the most. He liked to sit in a little chair with a cup of tea and a book while Sirius and James yelled at each other about who was better at quidditch. Remus would sit next to him and talk about how he hated quidditch and comment on the muggle book Regulus would be reading.
But it was different today, because Regulus was asked to join in on their little quidditch match because Peter was there and Remus refused to play teams. Usually Fleamont would, but they wanted Regulus to. Regulus could never say no when both Sirius and James were asking something of him. So of course he agreed.
Regulus was put on a team with Sirius because he didn’t know Peter well enough to be teammates with him and James and Peter were practically raised together. It made it fair. Except Sirius was under the impression he should be the captain, and that frustrated Regulus. Regulus was better at quidditch than Sirius, it was a known fact.
They were doing a stupid play and Regulus knew that they would lose, but he let it fly. Of course he did. Because his favorite thing about being at the Potters was seeing everyone happy. Watching Sirius lose happily was a new thing for Regulus. But after losing four times in a row, Regulus was getting tired of losing. James was getting cocky.
Regulus needed to show James that he was better than him. Because he was. So he made a plan in his head. If Sirius wasn’t going to let him take charge of the play, then Regulus was going to have to play dirty to make goals. Because James wasn’t letting the quaffle through. But Regulus could work around that.
When the match started Regulus took off straight and caught the quaffle. Peter was actually a very good flier, Regulus thought he should be on the team. But Peter never tried out so Regulus wouldn’t push the boy. He didn’t want more competition for Slytherin.
Regulus flew at the goals dodging Peter until Sirius could distract the boy. When Peter was off of him, Regulus set his plan into action. He got ready to throw the quaffe and James got ready to block it.
“I’ve never noticed how hot you look on a broom, I wonder if you could ride me that well,” Regulus commented looking directly at James with a quirked eyebrow.
James fumbled on his broom and Regulus through the quaffle, earning the first point of their match. Regulus smirked at James before flying over to Sirius to continue the game. James still seemed very distracted when Sirius made the next goal. Regulus couldn’t help but feel pride from that. Maybe it was the Slytherin in him, but he was quite enjoying this.
“James! Get your head in the game! What are you doing?” Peter called watching James stutter in his flying when Regulus winked at him.
“Sorry, guess I’m just distracted!” James called back.
Regulus got a hold of the quaffle and began flying to the goal, where peter was now blocking the rings. James was on him in a second. Sirius was getting into a position for Regulus to throw the quaffle so he could make a goal.
“I think I was wrong before, I don’t want you to ride me. I think I want to ride you. The buff chaser arms are doing something for me, if you catch my drift,” Regulus teased before throwing the quaffle at Sirius.
“I- you could,” James muttered weakly.
“Jamie, I could do whatever I wanted with you and you would thank me,” Regulus flirted flying a bit closer to James.
“Yes,” James nodded.
Regulus laughed and flew back to the center of the field, because Sirius just scored a goal.
Sirius was confused by the turn around of the game. Regulus could tell because he kept shooting concerned glances at James, who was struggling to not fall of his broom as he flew past Regulus.
“Should we call it? James seems kinda out of it,” Sirius asked.
“We’re winning though?” Regulus responded.
“Well yes, but I don’t want to keep playing if James could get hurt. I’m worried. He was kicking our asses not even thirty minutes ago. What happened?” Sirius muttered more to himself than to Regulus.
“I may have said something to him,” Regulus offered, with no explanation.
“What did you say?” Sirius demanded, flying close to Regulus. 
“You don’t wanna know,” Regulus answered honestly. Because his big brother definitely did not want to know that he had been flirting with his best friend. Definitely didn’t want to know that Regulus meant it.
“Why not? Was it cruel? I though you were changing? What is wrong with you? Just so you could win-” Sirius rambled.
“No! It was not cruel. For your information I told him that I would like to ride his dick because he has sexy chaser arms. I didn’t think my big brother would want to hear that,” Regulus interrupted.
“WHAT? WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT?” Sirius exclaimed.
“It was true and now we’re winning. He won’t fall of his broom. Lets win so he might actually let me do it,” Regulus said then flew to the center of the pitch.
Sirius grumbled as he followed but didn’t stop the match. He even let Regulus fly right up to James in the match. Maybe Sirius actually did want to win. Because he was actively letting Regulus flirt with James, Sirius’ best friend of all time. 
“You have a very kissable face. And neck. And everything. I think I could just eat you. Would that be okay Jamie? Could I eat you?” Regulus asked about to throw the quaffle.
“YOU ARE SUCH A CHEATER!” Peter exclaimed from behind Regulus.
“Whatever do you mean, Pettigrew? Me? I would never cheat!” Regulus exclaimed lamely.
“You so are! You can’t flirt with the competition! That is against the rules! That’s why we’re losing,” Peter retorted.
“Oh but Jamie doesn’t mind. Do you Jamie?” Regulus turned to James, fluttering his eyelashes as slowly and innocently as he could.
“Well it depends, did you mean it?” James inquired.
“Of course I did. In fact I was hoping we could make good on the plans at the end of this match,” Regulus answered.
“Yeah no complaints from me,” James nodded eagerly to Peter.
“This is unbelievable! I hate you guys! This is why Remus doesn’t like to play!” Peter exclaimed.
“I actually think Remus would love flirty quidditch,” Sirius commented.
Regulus flew close to James and smirked at him, knowing he was going to win this game because James was a flustered mess without Regulus saying anything. 
He would win even more after the game too.
Sometimes cheating was actually a good thing.
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siriuslovebot · 1 year
˖ ࣪⭑˖ ࣪𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆 ➸ 𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒖𝒔 𝒍𝒖𝒑𝒊𝒏 ˖ ࣪⭑ ˖ ࣪
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 𝑨𝑵𝑶𝑵𝒀𝑴𝑶𝑼𝑺 𝑨𝑺𝑲𝑬𝑫: hi! can i please request a remus x reader in which the reader has always had a huge crush on him, but thought the feelings were unrequited? she lets the secret slip to lily & marlene and somehow it gets back to remus who finds it very endearing and teases her a bit?
𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺: shy!reader, playful teasing, the pet name mouse, some suggestive dialogue but nothing explicit. 
𝑺𝑼𝑴𝑴𝑨𝑹𝒀: the reader has always had a huge crush on remus. the girls find out and marlene accidentally lets it get back to remus. 
𝑨/𝑵: thank you for your request, lovely anon! i’ve luckily got a few requests that i’m working on, so thank you all for being patient with me. i also want to say thank you for all of the love on my last post! i was very nervous about my first post and i received so much love and support! requests are still open, and as always feedback is greatly appreciated!
𝑾𝑶𝑹𝑫 𝑪𝑶𝑼𝑵𝑻: 4.1k 𓂃♡₊⭑
        “morning, mouse.”
        there’s a teasing touch to remus’s voice as he slides into the seat beside you. you glance at him out of the side of your eye as you take your potions textbook out of your bag, placing it gently on the table. a huff leaves your lips.
         “are you lot ever gonna let that go?” you frown, crossing your arms as you turn to him. 
         there’s a soft smile playing on his lips, and a chuckle from sirius behind him as he joins the pair of you at the table.
         “never gonna forget the look on mcgonagall’s face when she turned around,” says sirius brightly. you scowl at him, wanting to wipe the stupid amused grin right off of his face. 
        “shut up,” you say.
         “it wasn’t so bad. you had a rather cute little snout…” remus touches a finger to the tip of his nose, his smile slowly changing from gentle to a rather shit-eating one. 
        “oh come on, how many people can say they turned themselves into a mouse, y/n? takes proper skill to cast a spell without realizing your wand is turned the wrong way.” 
        your face flushes pink. “i–i was distracted!” you defend. 
        “distracted, that’s right… chatting away to moony and casting spells at the same time. how’ve you gone this long without blowing yourself to pieces?”
        you stick your tongue out at him, shoving his shoulder and laughing as he tumbles halfway off of his seat. he catches himself, making a face as he regains his spot. 
        “watch yourself, black,” you threaten. “how’d you like to be a dog permanently?”
        “double check you’ve your wand turned the right way ‘round this time, yeah?”
        there’s a thumping noise as you backhand his arm, and he winces dramatically.
        “all right, you two,” says remus, voice amused. “slughorn’s here.”
        chastised, you and sirius settle into your seats. the chattering of the rest of the class settles, and professor slughorn directs you to open your books to the correct chapter. you shift in your seat, glancing over at remus as he gathers his potions ingredients. his elbow nudges yours as he adjusts his cauldron.
        “sorry, mouse,” he says offhandedly. though you insist you hate the silly nickname, the sound of him saying it makes your stomach do a little flip. your neck and ears burn, but you say nothing, instead focusing on the task at hand. sirius is distracted by james mouthing something at him across the classroom, which has caught lily’s attention as well. her gaze catches you for a second, and you hope she’s too far away to see the flustered expression decorating your features as you scramble to start on your potion.
        invested in your textbook, you don’t notice when james makes his way over to your table, peering into your cauldrons as he returns from the class stores, having run out of one of his ingredients. “wonder why old sluggy’s got us brewing beautification potions,” he comments, making a face as he peers from sirius’s potion to remus’s. 
        “probably heard about y/n’s incident in transfiguration,” said sirius slyly, nudging your shoulder. your mouth falls open as james laughs.
         “pads,” remus warns, throwing him a sharp glance.
        sirius’s clear eyes dart between you and remus, and he holds his hands up in surrender. “sorry,” he says, “didn’t mean it, honest. y’know i think you’re fit, y/n.” he flashes a smile, turning on the charm.
         you roll your eyes. “you’re a right git, you know that?”
         “oh, come on. i’d have snogged the lights out of you by now if lily didn’t have her bloody rules,” he continues, back to his potion. james sniggering laugh fades as he returns to his table with lily and peter. 
         “‘m going to pretend i didn’t hear that,” says remus.
         “likewise,” you agree, an incredulous laugh bubbling in your chest. sirius responds with a noncommittal shrug, sprinkling a handful of rose petals into his potion without a care in the world. 
˖ ࣪⭑˖ ࣪
        “so, mouse, how’d your study session in the library go?” the sound of the nickname coming in lily’s teasing voice causes your face to burn hot. 
        you turn towards her, having just pulled your nightgown over your head. you make a face, raking a hand through your hair as you flop onto your bed. marlene’s sprawled on her stomach at the end of your bed, flicking through a muggle magazine that lily brought back from holiday. 
        “not you too!” you complain, sighing heavily.
        “i’m only teasing,” she says, leaning against the windowsill with her arms crossed over her chest. her lips are curled up in amusement, features slightly shadowed by the moonlight spilling in through the window behind her.
        “i’ll never be y/n again. i’m gonna be mouse for the rest of my life at this rate,” you grumble, frustrated. “i mean, you accidentally transfigure yourself one time, and suddenly you’ve got a stupid nickname for life…”
        marlene giggles at your dramatics, dropping the magazine onto your bed. “i think you’ll be okay. seems like james and sirius have gotten all of their fun out of it…” she trailed thoughtfully. “sirius was having the most fun with it, and even he was back to calling you y/n by the end of dinner.”
        “remus, though,” lily begins, her eyes flashing with mischief. “seems like he really likes it.”
        you swallow hard, trying not to think of the way your heart pounds at the sound of the silly nickname in his voice. tearing your eyes away from lily, you try to mask the embarrassment blooming on your face. even when the pair of you went to the library after your evening meal, he had taken to calling you ‘mouse’ without even realizing it. almost affectionately. you’d been reeling with butterflies the entire time, unable to focus on studying for your upcoming exams. 
        “kind of endearing, isn’t it?” continues marlene. “i mean, he gets this dreamy sort of look in his eyes when he’s talking to you… and it’s sort of a sweet nickname, if you think about it…”
        “oh, come on,” you interject, as if they’re being ridiculous. 
        “no, honestly, y/n, you’re a bit oblivious,” lily adds. “he definitely thinks you’re fit.”
        marlene smiles as you glance between the two of them, nodding her head in agreement. “and don’t lie and say you don’t feel the same way,” she warns.
        lily narrows her eyes at you, “no lying.”
        “i see you going all starry-eyed when you’re with him!” marlene sits up at the end of your bed, clasping her hands in her lap as she looks at you expectantly. “i’d bet ten galleons you curl up in your bed at night and dream of snogging remus lupin.”
        “oh my godric,” you mutter, placing your hands to your burning face. you can’t bear to look either of them in the eye. you hate that they know you so well, and even worse that you’re doing a horrible job of hiding your crush on one of your best friends. it’s a miracle that no one’s gone blasting it all over the school yet. 
        “so it’s true?” lily prompts, leaning in to better hear your admission of guilt.
        you huff, “don’t make me admit it.” your voice comes out as a whine, and that’s how they know they’ve got you. your secret has been exposed, and they’re having a giggling fit over it. 
        “next thing you know we’ll be finding moony and the mouse, curled up snogging in the common room,” says marlene, sounding smug. 
       “shut up,” you plead, though you can’t help the stupid smile that comes onto your lips as you shake your head. 
        “breaking all sorts of rules,” says lily. “including mine!”
        lily’s one explicit rule: no marauders hooking up with her friends. a tried and true method of keeping the boys (mostly sirius) out of yours and marlene’s pants. it’s been foolproof.
        “oh, shove it with the rules, evans,” marlene retorts. “you’d forget all about them once the four of you can go on silly little double dates.”
        you feign a gag, and it sends them both into fits of laughter. “i am not going on any double dates.”
        “no,” says lily, breathless, “i don’t think remus would like that very much, either…”
˖ ࣪⭑˖ ࣪
        “where’s your chaperone, mckinnon?” it’s sirius, lounging on one of the sofas in the gryffindor common room. his wand is in his hand, flicking back and forth as he sends a tiny spark of light bouncing around the common room. he’s bored, waiting for the return of remus and james, probably to cause some trouble.
        marlene crosses her arms over her chest. “she’s wrapped around your best friend, black,” she says, a faux-disgusted look plastered on her face. “they’re in a broom closet, snogging each other’s faces off…”
        “ugh,” sirius says, dropping his wand as he leans up on his elbows to meet marlene’s gaze. “i showed james that bloody closet. now he’s gone and defiled it…” he flops back onto the couch, looking slightly sickened. 
        “can’t keep their hands off each other, the pair of them,” sirius continues after a moment.
        marlene laughs, settling into one of the plush armchairs near the sofa sirius occupies. “you’re telling me.”
        “what about moony?” sirius asks. 
        “studying with y/n.”
        sirius nods, having expected that answer. “y’know, they’re as bad as lily and james. worse, i think,” he says. “it’s a nightmare, having to watch him fawn over her like a little lost puppy. i mean, ‘m supposed to be the canine here…” he shakes his head.
        “you should hear y/n,” marlene counters. she’s not thinking as she speaks to sirius, not realizing she’s going on about your crush that you explicitly asked her not to discuss with anyone, especially not james or sirius. “the girl’s just dreaming of being shoved into a broom closet with remus. i wish they’d get over themselves and get a room.” 
        there’s a second of quiet between them, before marlene realizes what she’s just done. her eyes widen, and she blinks as sirius turns to look at her. she opens her mouth, though no words come out for a moment. “sirius–”
        “well, i don’t know about shoving but–”
        “sirius, listen to me,” marlene threatens, her voice sharp. “you can’t say anything. please. y/n will kill me.”
        “ah, marls, that ship has sailed,” he laughs, sitting up. “moony’s in for a treat.” he practically leaps from his place on the sofa, looking awfully haughty as he plans to expose the blooming feelings between the two of his friends. 
        “sirius!” she hisses. “i’ll give you five galleons to keep it to yourself. please.”
         sirius tuts, shaking his head. “sorry, love. i’ve no need for your money. besides, i’m doing all of us a favor here.”
         marlene deflates before him, feeling extremely defeated as she watches sirius leave the common room, a new swagger in his step. dread clouds her senses as she realizes she’s going to have to tell you that she revealed your crush on remus. 
˖ ࣪⭑˖ ࣪
         “you’re looking awfully chipper this morning,” comments sirius, eyes skirting over you as you join him in the corridor. 
        “it’s hogsmeade weekend,” you say simply, hooking your arm through his to lead him down to the entry hall. it seems the rest of your friends have left already, none of them keen on waiting for you to return from the greenhouses this morning after helping professor sprout harvest flobberworm mucous for extra credit. “thanks for waiting for me, by the way.”
        “someone had to,” he says, sounding a bit sheepish. 
        you roll your eyes, used to his faux disdain at your expense. “how’s moony?” you ask as you join the rest of the students making their way down to hogsmeade. the full moon was a couple nights ago, and you hadn’t seen your beloved lycanthrope in far too long. he tended to avoid you when it was, ahem, that time of the month, and though you thought it was unnecessary during the day, you understood. sirius and james could deal with him when he was in that state, but none of them liked to risk having you or the girls anywhere near his furry little problem. it was thoughtful, honestly. 
        “exhausted,” replies sirius. “he wanted to wait for you, but lily didn’t want to leave him alone. reckon she was scared he’d fall asleep standing up and get a concussion.”
        you laugh half-heartedly and wonder why remus didn’t decide to stay behind and get some sleep. you worried about him, oftentimes wondering if he was truly taking care of himself properly. each time he went out to the shrieking shack he returned with new scars, looking more and more ill as the weeks went on. it was a wonder he was managing his classes and keeping decent marks. 
        you chatter back and forth as you make your way to hogsmeade, sirius recounting their latest excursion in the shrieking shack. you finally make it to hogsmeade, spotting lily’s bright hair shining in the sun, and the goofy look on james’s face as he does some impersonation of one of your classmates, that you just happen to catch the tail-end of.
        “who’s that you’re mocking, prongs?” you raise your eyebrows, arms crossed as the group begins marching towards the three broomsticks. 
        “i’ll have a guess,” says sirius. he thinks it over for a second, then a lightbulb seems to go off in his head. “that hufflepuff fifth year, what’s his name? the burly one, tried out for seeker and wrecked his broom into the stands?”
        james erupts into a fit of cackling laughter, nodding his head. “yes, yes!” he claps, looking quite pleased with his interpretation of the hufflepuff boy’s less than graceful dismount. remus laughs softly, while marlene rolls her eyes. 
        “not everyone is as adept as you on a broomstick, potter,” says marlene.
        “i’m only joking,” james says, shrugging. “‘sides, it’s not like anyone’s gonna tell the poor guy. what he doesn’t know, won’t hurt him.” the dark-haired boy winks as he opens the door to the three broomsticks, waving you all inside. 
        you nudge remus in the side as you stand in the crowd, waiting to push through the gaggles of students to find a table big enough to fit all of you. 
        “hello, mouse,” he says, voice tired although he’s sporting his usual smile. sirius was right. he looks awfully haggard, and a lot like he should be in bed instead of traipsing through hogsmeade. 
        “how are you feeling?” you ask, concerned. your conversation is overshadowed by the chatter all around you, which you’re thankful for. it’s unlikely anyone could overhear the two of you discussing his delicate situation. 
        “i could go for a long nap,” he says, truthfully. “missed you, though.”
        your heart leaps in your chest, and a shy half-smile finds its way to your lips. “you don’t have to exhaust yourself just to see me, rem,” you say, flushed. 
        “i don’t mind.” he shrugs. his hand bumps yours as you stand, watching sirius push through a crowd of confused looking third-years, heading for a table in the corner. he hooks one finger with yours for half a second, before the two of you are following your friends to the table. 
        you swear the touch sends your whole body vibrating, your heart beating loudly enough that you’re sure everyone in the pub can hear it. you take your seat, head swimming as you settle down and order a butterbeer when madame rosmerta comes for your orders. 
        after the three broomsticks, your group splits up. james and sirius flit off to spintwitches sporting needs, james muttering something about new quidditch gloves. marlene and lily run into mary macdonald outside of honeydukes. which leaves you and remus.
        “right, mouse, where to?” remus looks to you for direction, having brightened up a bit since having something to drink. he’s much less ill-looking, although you notice a fresh scar creeping up from beneath the neckline of his sweater. your eyes skirt over the wound, but you jerk your attention away before he notices. 
        “how about gladrags?” you wonder aloud. “i saw a nice blouse in there on the last hogsmeade weekend. ‘course, i talked myself out of buying it at the time, but i really want it…” you realize that you’re rambling, and stop before you can embarrass yourself. 
        “after you,” he offers his arm, and you try not to look flustered as you take it. 
        gladrags is empty as ever, very few wizards doing any clothing shopping at this time of year, it seems. the cashier is an ancient elderly lady, who shouts hello at you as you enter. you reply, but she’s got hearing problems, and you’re not loud enough. remus shouts a greeting back, earning a smile from the lady and a fit of giggles from you.
        “poor old woman,” remus says, amused.
        “hush,” you say quietly, although there’s no risk of her accidentally hearing you.
        “sorry,” he says, eyes still crinkled as he smiles. “now, where is this lovely blouse?” he inquires, quirking an eyebrow. you finger through the racks, looking for the pale-coloured, silken fabric. you finally find it, the last shirt on a very back rack. 
        “what do you think?” you ask, holding the fabric up against your front, peering down at it.
        “hmmm,” remus examines the fabric, taking the tail of it between his fingers. “looks like  a blouse.” 
        you roll your eyes. “this is why i don’t go shopping with boys,” you say, laughing softly. 
        “maybe you should try it on,” he suggests. “i’m sure it looks better on.”
        you nod. “good idea,” you flit off to the changing rooms. remus waits for you, your coat draped over his arm as he waits for you to change, listening to you curse as you fiddle with the buttons on the blouse. you adjust the lace outlining the neckline and the sleeves, smoothing the fabric as you eye yourself in the mirror. 
        “okay, rem, what do you think?” you thrust open the curtain to the changing room. remus’s eyes widen a tad, and you swear there’s a flush of pink across his cheeks. he forces his gaze up from the dip in the silken fabric that accentuates your chest, and meets your eyes. you shift under his gaze, looking hopeful.
        “erm,” he clears his throat, brushing a strand of hair off of his forehead. “much better on, absolutely. very pretty, mouse.”
        “i thought so, too,” you agree, turning away and sweeping the curtain shut behind you. outside, you hear him swear under his breath and the sound of shuffling. your hands tremble a bit, your nerves getting the better of you. the complement, coupled with the bloody nickname. it’s enough to have your head spinning, wishing you could just grab him by the shoulders and kiss him silly. in your mind’s eye you see the almost bashful look in his eyes as he took in the sight of you, and you can’t focus on anything else. 
        after a few moments of struggling with the stupid buttons, unable to undo them, you hear his voice on the other side of the door.
        “okay in there?” he asks, closer now. the sound of his voice sends a jolt through you.
        “i’m all right,” you respond. “can’t get these bleeding buttons undone.”
        it’s quiet for a second. “need help, mouse?”
        you freeze. he sounds like he genuinely wants to help. you tell yourself he’s just a friend offering help to his friend. deep down, though, you’re hopeful. maybe your feelings are not as one-sided as you thought… 
        you struggle with the buttons for another second, then concede. you peek out of the changing room, ensuring there are no witnesses, before dragging him inside by the sleeve of his sweater. there’s a split second of tension, his gaze finding your half-unbuttoned blouse before it lands on your clearly flustered expression. 
        he laughs gently. your brows pull together.
        “what’s funny?” you ask, frowning. 
        “‘m sorry,” he says, shaking his head. “let me just…” he trails, hanging up your discarded coat before his nimble fingers come to the buttons on your chest. goosebumps rise on your skin, and you try not to shiver. you follow his movements, his face screwed up in concentration as he fiddles with the tricky buttons.
        “i’m starting to rethink this purchase, considering it’s a nightmare getting off,” you say, pressing your lips together as his eyes flick up to your face. he smiles, amused. 
        “i think you should get it,” remus says.
        “you think so?”
        “yeah. especially if you’ll be needing my help taking it off more often.” you swear he winks at you, and your knees turn into jelly. has he really just said that? you blink for a second, one of your hands coming up to stop his fingers from unhooking the buttons.
        “what?” he looks up at you, a teasing glint in his pale brown eyes. 
        your cheeks are pink, and your eyes dreamy as you look at him. his skin is warm where your hand is clasped around his, and despite his exhaustion, he’s never felt more alive.
        “i– sorry,” he says, “you just— you look very beautiful. and i think it would be a waste not to buy this blouse when it wouldn’t look nearly as good on anyone else.” his voice has gone quiet. he swallows before continuing. “sirius said... well, maybe he was lying, but he said you have feelings for me... and i just wanted you to know that i feel the same.”
        the butterflies in your stomach have turned to dragons, ravaging your insides. you’re pressed close to him, close enough to feel his breath fanning over your skin. inside your chest, your heart is beating fast enough that you’re sure it’s going to burst any second. with your free hand, you reach up and slowly trace the new scar on his neck, up to his face. you cup his cheek, your thumb swiping just beneath his clear eyes.
        “can i kiss you, mouse?” he asks, the question barely audible.
        “i would like that,” you say simply.
        there’s a split second of hesitation, before he’s pulling you into him. his lips are softer than you expected, gently parting to deepen the kiss. you tighten your grasp around his hand, and your other hand snakes around to curl into the hair at the nape of his neck. he presses closer to you, very lightly, as if you’re delicate. you hum against his mouth, your head swimming as you finally force yourself to part ways. the blouse is still halfway undone, forgotten between the two of you. you’re drunk on his presence, wishing you were back in the castle so you could have him all to yourself, for as long as you’d like.
        “we–um, do you want to get out of here?” you suggest, pressing your lips together. the ghost of his mouth against yours is driving you crazy. you feel incomplete without him wrapped around you. you want him touching you, forever.
        “let’s get this off, quick,” he says, nodding. he struggles for another second with the pesky buttons, and then you’re slipping the blouse over your shoulders. remus adverts his gaze, and you can’t help but smile. such a gentleman. you adore him. 
        “is the coast clear?” you wonder, once you’re dressed and ready to go.
        “think we’re all right,” he says. he leads you to the front counter, and generously pays for your new blouse, which he admits he likes very much. 
        “in fact,” he says as you exit the shop, “i think you should wear it again tonight.”
        “really?” you ask, unable to mask the beaming smile on your face. 
        “mhmm,” he agrees, interlacing your fingers as he leads you down the street, in search of the rest of your friends. “actually, i think it’d be quite nice tomorrow night, too… and the night after that, and after that…” he trails, grinning as you smack him playfully on the arm. 
        it seems the rest of the group have been searching for you for a while, lily approaching with an exasperated look on her face.
        “where have you two been?” she asks. 
        “we’ve been looking everywhere,” adds marlene.
        “sorry–” you begin, but you’re cut off by sirius, who takes a step closer to peer at the two of you.
       “why have you got that look on your face, moony?” he narrows his gaze at remus, who shrugs. “and you–” he turns to you “--your lips are all swollen. oh! merlin, you’ve been off swapping saliva haven’t you?” he makes a very long, exaggerated gagging noise to which james offers loud laughter.
        “oh, shut up, sirius,” you mutter, shoving him as you begin your walk back to the castle. “you’re just mad that no one’s offered to swap saliva with you.”
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euripidestrousers · 1 month
I think one of my absolute FAVOURITE wolfstar tropes is Sirius doing things that are unintentionally attractive and seductive and Remus desperately trying not to react.
Sirius flexing as a joke - Remus raising his book to hide his flushed face
Sirius shouting at the top of his lungs, cheering for James on the Quidditch pitch. His voice has gotten remarkably low in seventh year. Queue Remus having a coughing fit, not taking his eyes off the game.
Sirius leans over Remus' shoulder to point out the potions ingredient he missed. Remus tries to twitch away and bumps his cauldron, spilling shrinking solution everywhere and now everyone is yelling and he's horribly flustered
Sirius "give me a leg up" Black meets Remus "Oh God his crotch is in my face, stay calm" Lupin
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