#following a kitten up and down a hall is exhausting
hafwen · 11 months
After being so nervous to leave the room the first time now anytime we open the door she runs out and starts exploring
Last night Gigi did see that Toni was up here but it was close to Gigi’s snuggle time and she wanted me in our spot
And this morning Lillie and Grayson saw Toni again. Toni was immediately interested in being Lillie’s friend but Lillie is nervous about that.
Grayson was desperate for baby time once he saw her. He kept meowing every time she walked away and when she was nervous about him he just meatloafed and meowed at her. She liked that and they went nose to nose!
Mackie was at the closed door crying because he hates being left out of fun so maybe tonight my husband will grab him and she can see him not through the glass door. Toni didn’t like the sad puppy sounds and every so often she would floof her tail but then calm down when she saw we weren’t worried about it.
There was a lot of cuteness but I am so tired.
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Hello, may I ask for Kazutora and omega male reader?  The reader wakes up with a craving at night and goes to eat, trying not to wake Tora, but Tora sees this and prepares food for him.  (Please ignore if it's silly or wrong)
It's neither silly or wrong, it's only silly and wrong if you don't follow my rules
Warning: omegaverse, fluff, mpreg, Omega reader, male reader
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Hello, may I ask for Kazutora and omega male reader?  The reader wakes up with a craving at night and goes to eat, trying not to wake Tora, but Tora sees this and prepares food for him.  (Please ignore if it's silly or wrong)
(Name) couldn't sleep.
Six months pregnant, (name) was craving... something.
He couldn't figure out what he wanted but he knew it had to be salty and sweet and warm.
(Name) glanced beside him to his husband and alpha, Kazutora.
The Alpha was exhausted from working at the pet store, they had a kitten adoption event today and there were a lot of squealing kids and he was just dead on his feet.
(Name) wanted him to sleep, between work and taking care of (name) he needed a good rest so as quietly as possible he slowly slid from bed and waddled out into the hall and into the kitchen.
But, he forgot something.
Kazutora was an incredibly light sleeper.
Kazutora waited a minute before getting out and following (name), leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen to see his mate looking into the open cupboard to try and figure out what he wanted.
"What are you doing?" Kazutora startled (name) who looked like he was caught red handed "pup wants a snack..." (Name) mumbled as Kazutora walked towards and gently cupped (name)s belly "yeah? And what is pup craving"
"Salty...sweet and.... Warm"
"I see, that sounds good... Go sit down" the command was subtle but (name) complied anyways and obeying his alpha, watching him turn on the oven but not put anything on it as he went and grabbed smore supplies, milk chocolate replaced with seasalt dark chocolate.
(Name)s mouth was watering as Kazutora set a plate of four infront of the Omega, his own plate in his hand and the smell of smore and a very happy Omega was filled the space "thank you alpha..."
"Of course Omega"
The two ate in the dead of night, kazutora was tired yes but he was so happy seeing his mate content and fed.
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Wallflower 10
Warnings: age gap, creepin’, slow burn, stepdad-adjacent, possible noncon/dubcon, abuse, violence, self-harm.
Character: silverfox!Thor
Your mother meets a new man, but he doesn’t seem very interested in her.
Note: <3 Another erratic drabble series. Appreciate any and all feedback. Love you all.
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The doorbell rings. You’re in your room, in exile. Your mother warned you not to come out. To stay out of her way. That’s all you ever are, a bother.
Another chime and you turn onto your side and wince, touching your tender stomach. You exhale, careful not to agitate your achy ribs, and tuck your head under your pillow. You haven’t slept, not since two days before. You’re exhausted and edgy with your mother on the prowl for the slightest offense.
You hear the front door and the distant voices. Your hopes were spoiled earlier as your mother’s blithering conversation drifted in under the door. Thor didn’t want to do a restaurant, he wanted something homey. You wish they’d just go away.
You wiggle your nose as you pull the pillow snug and try to block out the noise. You miss Fen’s comforting warmth, his wet nose, and ridiculous groans.
After a while, you give in to the fatigue. The pain follows you into your subconscious and you dream of chairs scraping and a screeching voice, your mother chasing you around the dining room. Your sleep is far from restful as you wake with a start.
You squeak as you sit up, your bruised muscles straining. It’s dark out. The alarm clock betrays the hours past. You turn your legs out and let the blankets slip away.
You get up, soft steps across the floor to listen at the door. You don’t hear anything. You ease the wood on its hinges and peer out, the coast is clear. You bend your arm around your middle, shoulders low as you limp down to the bathroom.
The door opens from the other side as you near. You gasp as you reel, tugging at the tortured tendons of your stomach. Thor catches himself on the doorframe.
“Oh,” he utters in surprise, “I wasn’t sure you were around.”
You push your hand off your middle and rub your arm, “I’m not feeling well.”
“Ah, sorry, kitten, I hope I didn’t disturb you. Were you asleep?”
You nod and wipe your eyes with your knuckles, “you didn’t wake me.”
“Good, good,” he sidles out of the door, “all yours.”
“Thanks,” you hobble forward and hiss as your ribs thrum.
“Do you need anything? What’s happened to you?”
“N-nothing,” you turn back.
“Your stomach,” he looks down as you thoughtlessly touch your shirt.
“Nothing,” you repeat the lie.
He hums doubtfully but says nothing more. You lower your chin and pivot back, shuffling inside and shutting the door. His footsteps depart after a moment. You take your time and the heat of the water soothes your nerves as you wash your hands. You emerge and make slow progress back to your room.
Your mother’s door is slightly open, her voice seeps through as you approach your room.
“Thor, please, I’ve been waiting,” she pleads. There’s a grunt but you can’t hear his words, her response is shrill, “her? She’s napping. And she’s an adult. Don’t you worry about my daughter just–” The bed frame creaks, “fuck me.”
You flee through your door and close it gently. You quickly cross the room and flop onto your mattress, once more wrapping yourself in your blankets. You yawn and snuggle down, burying your face in the pillow.
Your eyes close for a second before the scuff of wood startles you. Then you hear steps, a few, then many, louder as they come down the hall, another set in fast pursuit.
“Sweetheart, please,” your mother whines, “I can send her away or we… we can go to yours.”
“Maybe not tonight,” Thor replies as the stairs groan under his weight, “it’s just not right. I’m not feeling…it.”
“Not feeling what? What do I gotta do…”
You snuff out their argument as you hum. She won’t be happy. You know what happens then. It doesn’t matter if you're sleeping or pretending to be. She’ll come and find you to take out her anger.
Your voice gets louder, louder, to override the storm below. Then it’s all gone. It’s silent but for your tuneless droning. You can’t stop as your dread builds, your mother’s ascent stomping up the stairs, your door swinging open and bouncing off the wall.
She tears the blankets away as you keep humming and cover your face. She has a shoe in her hand and brings it down on your shoulder as you rock and carry the rocky melody. You’re not there. It’s just another nightmare. She puts her knee on the bed, bouncing you on the mattress with the force of her efforts.
“You little brat! You fucking bitch! Grow up! Grow up! Always in my way!” She snarls like a wildcat, her blows landing faster and harder. Your song continues through sniffles and sobs. She’ll tire herself out.
“Kat?” The deep timbre rolls over the floor and gives you pause. It’s how you know it’s really a dream, Thor left. “Kat!” He barrels over and grabs your mother as you peek through your fingers. He rips away the shoe and flings it to the floor, “what–”
He shoves her so she stumbles and hits the night table, “Thor, sweetheart, please, it’s not–”
“Not what? What were you doing? I knew… I knew there was something about you,” he accuses as she brings her hands together, begging him.
“No, no, you don’t understand. She’s a bad seed.”
“She’s your daughter.”
“She’s a leech. She takes and takes and takes–”
“Don’t touch me,” he brushes her off as she tries to caress his arm.
You raise your voice. It’s all in your head. You’re going to wake up. Thor comes to the bed and touches your shoulder, your body quaking as the pain radiates through every inch. Your mother huffs as she paces like an animal.
“She hit me first!” She accuses.
“She’s in her bed,” Thor snarls, “get out.”
“Get out? This is my house. She is my daughter–”
“She’s your punching bag,” he snips, “I was coming back to… I thought maybe we could still have a good night but– you’re disgusting.” He turns back and leans over you, taking your wrist as he dislodges your hand from your cheek, “shh, kitten, I’m here. I’m going to get you safe.”
“Raindrops keep falling on my head…” you sing the words in a rasp, “but that doesn’t mean my eyes will soon be turning red…”
“Kitten,” he pets your hair and the bed lurches as your mother hits his other shoulder.
“Leave. Now. Out of my house,” your mother demands.
“Touch me or her again,” Thor stands and towers over her, “and you will regret it. And don’t you worry, I am going but I will not leave her with you.”
“Oh, you think you know better. You think you can handle her? She’s nothing. She'll drain you dry–”
“Take a look in the mirror,” he snaps before he faces you again. He bends and scoops you up, blankets and all. Your song peters out to a broken hum, “let’s go, kitten, Fen will keep you safe.”
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indigostreaking · 6 months
Hey so this is oddly specific, but I follow a lot of orange/ ginger cats on tiktok because they’re my comfort animal , so could you please write some headcanons on the guys meeting their s/oc’s ginger /orange cat for the first time?
I apparently forgot about this ask in my drafts..so enjoy these little blurbs that I’ve written sometime between 2023-2024 😂😅
You had spent the day getting ready for your boyfriend to come over for your first “sleepover” at your place. You were incredibly nervous despite the fact that Josh had never once given you any reason to be. He’s always full of nothing but love and light, especially for you.
Your orange tabby cat, Macaroni, lounged lazily on the window sill by the door, sunbathing in what was left of the evening light. He glanced up as you approached and purred loudly when you reached down to scratch his chin.
A tentative knock on the door sent Mac skittering down the hall to hide, and you couldn’t help but giggle as he struggled to gain traction on the hardwood floors.
After making a mental note to buy a runner rug for the hall, you opened the door to see Josh beaming back at you through a giant bouquet of white roses. Ever the romantic. “Hey, baby,” he cooed as he stepped inside, leaning around the flowers to place a chaste kiss to your lips with a smile.
“You didn’t have to bring flowers!” You playfully scolded him as you inhaled deeply, savoring the sweet aroma.
“I know, but I had gifts for Macaroni, so I thought I should bring something for you, too…didn’t want Mac to get a big head,” he teased with a chuckle. “Where is he anyway?” He asked as you both walked towards the couch, glancing around the room.
You whistled, and as if on command, Mac appeared. Josh looked amazed as the cat hopped up on the the couch beside him for the mandatory inspection. He looked nervous, and it made you smile knowing the ever-confident showman that he is was nervous about meeting your cat. Mac climbed up into his lap and put his nose to Josh’s before turning around a time or two and curling up into a ball in his lap.
“Well….that went surprisingly well,” Josh smiled proudly. “Can I still give him the cat tree that I brought? It’s in the Jeep…”
“You bought him a cat tree?!?” You asked incredulously.
Josh blushed and shrugged. “I wanted him to like me, and I’m not above bribery..”
After a bit of a near death experience, you had the little orange fluff ball safely tucked in your arms as you trudged back up the embankment to where your car was parked on the side of the road. It was a good thing your boyfriend wasn’t with you because you would have certainly gotten a lecture about safety and impulsive choices. You rolled your eyes at the thought before smiling as you looked down at the scrawny kitten.
After climbing into the driver’s seat and buckling up carefully, you nervously pulled back on to the highway. The little guy, thankfully, was too exhausted from the capture to really react much to the car ride, so it went smoothly. You had debated calling Jake on your way home, but ultimately decided that you stood the best chance of keeping the kitten if you surprised him. Who could say no to this cute little face??
“Baby, you home?” A voice called from the kitchen as you stepped in the door.
“Yeah,” you replied warmly, following the savory smell until you found him pulling something delicious from the oven as a timer chimed. “Smells good,” you added with a smile.
He glanced up and his eyes widened. “Y/n…what’s that?” He pointed with his chin towards the kitten resting peacefully in your arms.
“Hmm?” You replied, playing dumb as you looked closer at what he made.
“I wanna see..” he said softly, wiping his hands on his apron and reaching out. You passed him the kitty and watched in awe for a moment as he cradled the little fluff ball whispering baby nonsense before looking back up at you. “I ‘spose you want to keep him?” He asked knowingly with a smirk. You nodded wordlessly, still shocked over how well this was going. “Well…we need to go get supplies then…can’t have Oliver eating off the floor or without a proper bed, can we?” His smile widened as he spoke.
“Oliver, huh?” You replied with a laugh. “I suppose you’re right..” you added as you followed him out to your car, leaving the food sitting on the counter, ready to eat when you returned as a family of three.
With your musician boyfriend coming home this weekend for the first time in months, you had been frantically cleaning all day, which had left your two cats feeling a bit neglected.
They had been meowing and bickering amongst themselves, and you promised them all the treats and lovin’ once you were done and Danny was here.
Your phone rang and you felt your heart flutter as you picked up and heard, “Hey, baby.” The two of you chatted until you heard his car pull in to the driveway.
In one fluid motion, you hung up the phone and practically sprinted to the door, only to find that Danny must have raced you because as you reached for the knob, the door swung open and your boyfriend stepped in.
You threw your arms around him, squeezing as he enveloped you in a hug. Suddenly, a loud crash came from the kitchen, and you immediately remembered that Danny hadn’t met the kittens, yet. You blushed hard when they trotted into the room and Danny forced a stern look. “When did we get cats?” He asked in a matching faux stern voice.
“When did you go on tour? Because it was probably….the next day.” You admitted with a laugh. “They’re usually much better behaved than this, though,” you blushed as you watched them wrestle and play fight each other. “I really think they’re just showing off,” you added with another laugh.
Danny giggled and his lopsided smile gave you butterflies. “Reminds me of a couple of twins I know,” he replied playfully. “Maybe a bit of catnip will chill them out? Usually works for Jake and Josh anyway,” he smirked.
“I truly almost named them Jake and Josh because they reminded me of the twins, too,” you giggled.
“Is this why you randomly started asking me about baby names?? Scared the shit out of me, I’m not gonna lie,” he laughed softly, raking his fingers through his hair.
“Oh hush and kiss me, then go say hi to Rhythm and Blues,” you smiled proudly at the surprise on his face, then pulled him in for a kiss.
“Sam, we cannot get a cat..we already have a Rosebud at home,” you said as sternly as you could manage while looking at his puppy dog eyes as he pointed to the scruffy orange cat behind the plexiglass window at the pet store.
“But babyyyy, look at their face! They kinda look like that guy—oh what’s his name? The deadbeat dad from Shameless?” Sam pleaded as he rambled. He paused suddenly and you couldn’t help but laugh as he pulled up google on his phone. “William H Macy! That’s who this cat looks like!” He exclaimed excitedly and pointed to the tired looking cat once more.
You looked closer, and damnit if he wasn’t right. The cat looked exactly like William H Macy. You noticed on the little sign taped to the window that the cat was *estimated to be* 9 years old. “Weird, it says that she’s a girl. I thought orange cats were all boys..”
“Most of them are,” Sam agreed. “I think something like 80% of orange cats are boys, so I guess she’s one of the few girls that are orange..” he added softly, as if he’s deep in thought.
“Well, we could at least meet her,” you said almost abruptly, catching Sam and yourself off guard. Your boyfriend’s face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning, and he quickly flagged down someone to assist you.
Before you knew it, you were in the little meeting area, cuddling with the scruffy, older cat and falling in love with her and how sweet she is. By the time your ‘visit’ concluded, you were carrying around your newest family member, giddily picking out treats, food, accessories and bedding before taking her home.
Sam begged to be a passenger princess so he could cuddle the new baby, and you obliged with only a little teasing. You melted as you heard him whisper, “Your big little sister, Rosie, is going to be so happy to meet you, Poppy.”
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m-jelly · 2 years
Love's thorny grip - Chapter 6
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Incredible banner by @ladycheesington <3 I adore it so much. She's so incredibly talented. Go follow her! I wonder what he's thinking...
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: Royal AU, romance, falling in love, soft yandere Levi, plot development, fluff, rough Levi, confessions, Kuchel Ackerman, secrets revealed, suggestive content, engagement.
Concept: You confront your father with Levi and reveal what happened with Ji-Woo. You talk your father around and get his blessing for your and Levi's love. You meet Kuchel for the first time. Kuchel pushes her son to reveal everything he's done because she knows he can be possessive. Levi confesses to you in private the things he's done. Instead of running, you grow closer to your man. You both make kinky promises to each other before returning to Kuchel. You three discuss the troubles that may come.
AO3 Link
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 The end
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Levi lay against your and leaned on his forearms so he could gaze at you. He played with your hair as he smiled down at you. “You are so perfect.”
You hummed a soft laugh. “You’re too kind.”
He kissed you and moaned against your lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You sighed. “I need to go.”
Levi hugged you. “No.”
You rubbed his back and giggled. “I must, my love.”
He whined. “Don’t go.”
You rolled over onto Levi and smiled down at him. “I need to talk to my father.”
“I want you to stay with me.”
You sat up. “Do you want to marry me?”
He grabbed your hips and sat up. “More than anything.”
“Then I need to talk to my father.”
Levi hugged your naked body against his own. “Okay.”
You slipped off Levi and started changing. “I will explain everything that happened with Ji-Woo and how you’ve been with me. He’ll support us, I swear.”
He climbed out of bed and started to change. “I’ll come with you.”
You blushed. “Are you sure? I mean, my father might react badly.”
You smiled softly. “All right. Let’s go together.”
He put on some of his things. “I’ll get changed in my room. I’ll meet you in the entry hall!”
You hummed a laugh and carried on changing. You put on a black dress to match Levi before putting up your hair nicely. You slipped your shoes on and went to where Levi would meet you. You smiled when you saw he was already there in his best black suit. You descended the stairs and saw Levi’s cheeks were pink from a blush.
You stopped and smiled. “You look great, Levi.”
He walked closer to you as his heart raced. “You wore black.”
“Well, it is a colour you’re always in, so I thought I’d join you.”
He pulled you against his body and kissed you. “You wear it well.”
“Thank you.” You kissed him. “Let’s go.”
Levi escorted you out the front of his palace and to the royal carriage. He pulled you onto his lap and cuddled you. “Mm, mine.”
You played with his hair as he snuggled. “Yours.” You kissed the top of his head. “Let me talk to my father, okay? I know how passionate you are about us, but I’ve got this.”
“Okay, kitten.”
You slipped off this lap when the carriage stopped. You climbed out to see your father already waiting and looking exhausted. “Father.”
He ran at you and hugged you tightly. “I was so scared. You were here and the next you were gone.” He shook a little. “Ji-Woo’s ship left to go to an island near our own. I thought he took you! Once he left I heard things about him, how he punishes his workers by beating and torturing them. I was just so scared.”
You stepped back and smiled at him. “I’m perfectly fine. I was at the palace.”
Harold glared at Levi when he stepped out. “Did you lock her up again!? I’ll kill you!”
You stopped him. “He didn’t. We need to talk.”
He gazed at you. “You…you two?”
Tia smiled softly. “I’m so happy you’ve found love.”
You blushed. “Thank you, mother.”
Harold pulled back. “No! No, he locked her up.”
You sighed. “Father, he did it because I was set up on a date with a criminal. He arrested me simply because he thought I might know something, but I didn’t. He was just doing his job.”
He gulped hard. “But…but…”
You took Levi’s hand and pulled him closer. “Levi has said sorry and he’s been so wonderful to me ever since. He was a great friend and more. We’re in love. He’s my everything and I want to marry him. I know I don’t need your permission because I’m an adult, but I want your blessing. Levi has done so much for me and for you.”
Tia rubbed your father’s back. “His policies have cleaned this country up. He’s allowed you to improve trading and care for our workers. He has done some good and knowing him, he’s protected our daughter from some terrible men who want to marry her.”
Levi nodded. “You’re right. One was a paedophile and the other a beater of women. I want to protect her. I want to be with her for the rest of her life.”
Tia smiled. “I think we should give them our blessing. Besides, she’ll marry him anyway.” She eyed you and Levi. “I also think they’re too far gone in the relationship to go back now. I do hope you both have been safe.”
Harold went white. “What? It’s not possible!”
“Darling, I know those love bites from anywhere.”
Levi hugged you with one arm. “We’re safe, I promise. No children yet.”
You groaned. “Can we all sit and talk? I need to tell you about Ji-Woo.”
Harold frowned. “What did he do?”
Levi referred to your home. “How about we talk inside?”
“Fine, fine.” He led everyone into the house and ordered tea for everyone. “Now, talk.”
You held Levi’s hand as you sat next to him. “Well, Ji-Woo took me back to his ship. He sat me on his bed and began undressing as we talked. He then tried to undress me, but I was upset. He told me what my life would be like if we were married. I’ll have no power, no work and basically be a doll that only produces babies. Plus, he was going to take me away from you both, far away.”
Tia welled up and gasped. “Oh, that’s awful.”
Harold clenched his fists. “That piece of shit!”
You smiled at your father. “I’m okay. Levi came to my aid and protected me. Levi saved me the day Ola put my corset on too tight due to your order.”
“I never told her to do that.”
You stared at him and saw he looked confused. “But she said…”
Tia nibbled her lip. “We would never. We both love you and want nothing but the best. Your father would never!”
Harold gazed at you with deep sadness. “Were you badly hurt?”
Levi kissed the back of your hand. “Her ribs could have been broken.”
Harold shot to his feet. “She’s fired. I won’t let my staff treat my precious daughter like that!”
Levi rose to his feet and moved closer. “I understand you are angry, but your daughter is pouring her heart out right now.” Levi sighed. “I love her. I deeply love her and I will do anything for her. I will fight for her and stop anyone who dares to touch or hurt her. She is my world. So, please bless us.”
Harold let out a long sigh. “She has a lot of fire in her, are you sure you can handle that? She’ll want to work and help out as much as possible. Will you let her help?”
Levi looked back at you and smiled. “Of course. I want to work with her. I want to stand with her side by side. I want to be equal with her.”
Harold let out a long sigh. “She’s a strong force. I always knew she’d do great things. I know she’ll think I’m a terrible person for trying to marry her off, but I knew in this day and age women aren’t equal. A great man needed to let her be a greater woman. I was too quick to hate you.” He offered his hand to Levi. “I have faith in you both. You have my blessing.”
Levi shook hands with Harold. “Thank you, sir.”
You hugged your father. “Thank you.”
Levi put his arm around you. “I’ll set up a meal for us all in celebration, but first I need this one to meet my mother.”
You blushed. “I hope she likes me.”
“She will adore you.”
Tia clapped her hands. “Oh, so exciting! I can’t believe you’ve found love.”
Harold sighed. “We need to talk, your highness.”
Levi nodded. “Sure. I’m guessing this has something to do with Ji-Woo.”
“It does.”
Levi turned to you and kissed you. “Spend some time with your mother, okay? I’ll be right back.”
You nodded. “Sure. I’ll see you soon.”
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You shook a little as nerves filled you. You had no idea what to say or do, you just knew you needed to be pretty, perfect, smart and kind. You smiled at Luna as she fixed your dress. “What’s she like?”
“Lady Kuchel?” Luna smiled. “She’s incredibly wonderful. She will love you.”
“Are you sure?”
Luna combed your hair and kept it down. “I am. I can feel it.”
You let out a long sigh. “Okay, I believe you.” You pulled a little face. “I know you’d never lie to me.”
She smiled softly. “Never.” She looked to the door. “Your highness, you can come in.”
You looked to the door as Levi slipped inside. “You didn’t have to wait outside.”
Levi blushed. “I know, but you know what I’m like when you’re half naked.”
You hummed a little laugh. “Yeah, I do.”
He walked closer as he took you all in. “You look stunning.” He held your hand and pulled you against him. “How is it possible for you to look good in everything?”
“I don’t, but thank you.”
He cupped your face and kissed you. “You’re more beautiful than you think you are.” He smiled softly. “I have a few gifts for you.”
“I don’t need anything.”
He held your hand and pulled you out of your room. “Come.”
You stumbled along and followed him to his room. “What are you up to?”
“I just want to show you some nice gifts.”
You hummed a laugh. “You’re really excited, aren’t you?”
“Yeah.” He pushed the door open to his room to show how it was mostly black. “I’ll brighten this place. So, um…I want to share the same room.”
You smiled softly. “I want to as well.”
He felt relief and joy fill his heart. “I’m glad. The bed is big and I have plenty of space for your clothes in the walk-in closet.”
You sat on his bed and smiled. “Perfect.”
He picked up two presents and walked over to you. He knelt in front of you and offered you the first one. “Here.”
You unwrapped it to see a necklace box. “Levi…”
He opened it for you to show a locket with his initials on it. “I love you so much.”
You blushed. “I love you too.” You opened it up and pouted. “There’s nothing inside.”
“Not yet, but we can put something inside in the future like maybe a locket of our baby’s hair.”
You closed the necklace up and smiled. “Perfect.”
He kissed you and moaned against your lips. “One last thing.” He presented you with a little box and opened it up to show a simple silver ring with pretty stones. “Marry me.”
You blushed hard. “Levi.”
He smiled at you. “Come on, my love, you knew I was going to ask you one day.”
You offered your left hand. “I guess I wasn’t expecting it so soon after my father approved of us. My answer is yes.”
Levi slipped the ring on your hand before wrapping you up in his arms and kissing you. “Mine.”
You giggled. “So, are we marrying before you’re King or after?”
“Before.” He nuzzled his nose against yours. “I want to become King as you become Queen.”
You welled up a little. “I will be honoured.”
He held your hands and pulled you to your feet. “Come on. My mother is so excited to meet you.”
You walked with Levi as you felt your nerves bubbling up. “Are you sure I’m good enough?”
Levi gripped your hand tightly. “I love you more than anything in this world. I would do anything for you. My mother will see that. Trust me, we’ll be perfect and she’ll love you.”
You let out a long sigh. “Okay.”
He moved you through the palace to the meeting room to see a beautiful raven-haired woman waiting inside. Levi released your hand and ran over to her. “Mother!”
You fiddled with your dress as the two hugged and talked. You reached up and played with your necklace a bit and felt yourself calm a little. You smiled a bit when they both looked over at you. You bowed to Kuchel and Levi as your mind raced with what to say or do.
Kuchel walked over to you. “This her?”
Levi nodded. “Yeah. She’s my world.”
Kuchel cuddled your face and gazed at you. “She is cute.” She let your face go. “Hello, I’m Kuchel.”
You said your name. “I umm…I really love your son. He means so much to me.”
“I’m so glad he’s found, someone.” She held your hands. “I worry about him so much.”
“He is a bit naughty, but he’s great to me.” You frowned. “Well, maybe not. He did kidnap me from my room a few times when my father had told him to stay away.”
Kuchel glared at Levi. “Did you!?”
Levi groaned. “Yes, but I had every right.”
She huffed. “He can be so possessive sometimes.” She shook her head. “I can imagine he’s done things you don’t know about.”
Levi went white. “No.”
Kuchel folded her arms. “Come on, fess up! The sooner you tell her the better.”
Levi stared at you. “I might have stalked you.”
You stared back. “Really?”
He nodded. “Really.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “That’s not everything.”
You walked over to Levi. “What have you done?”
Levi held your hand. “I scared off all the men your father set you up with, but Ji-Woo was the only one I didn’t know how to get rid of. I did it because I am obsessed with you and incredibly possessive. I didn’t want anyone else having you but me.” He released your hands and lowered his head. “I protected you but I also did it because I wanted you to be mine.” He gulped. “I’m willing to do anything to have you.”
You nibbled your lip. “What else?”
Levi gulped hard. “I don’t want to say with my mother here.”
Kuchel hurried over and kissed your cheek. “I’ll wait here. You two go talk somewhere.”
Levi opened the door and walked with you. “As soon as you meet my mother, a can of worms is opened, but she’s never liked secrets between people.”
You walked with Levi slowly down the hall. “So, confess.”
He let out a long sigh. “You know how I said I scared people away?”
You nodded. “Yeah.”
“Well, that is true, but not in the gentle way you think.” He wrung his hands together as nerves bubbled away. “I uh…I got a list of all the men that were potential husbands for you and made it my mission to get rid of all of them, so your father would have only my marriage proposal left to take.”
You looked up at Levi and watched him gulp hard. “Right.”
He cleared his throat. “Well, I didn’t nicely ask the men to leave you alone.” He glanced at you. “The guy who went to the bathroom and stood you up? Baston?”
You nodded. “We were supposed to have tea together, but he went to the bathroom and left. However, I wasn’t fond of him.” You stopped in the hall and turned to Levi. “What did you do?”
“Well, I scared him in the bathroom.” He sighed. “I smashed his face against a mirror and twisted his arm as I threatened him. When he agreed to leave you, I broke his arm and gave him to my guards to imprison him because he was a criminal.”
You stared at Levi for a while as you process what he said. “So, you beat a man.”
“Yes…” He felt a cold shiver run through him. “The uh, other man who never even set up a date? Well, I stalked him one night with Mike and Erwin. We saw him with a woman of the night and he was going to beat her, but we got to him first. We made him hurt before we dragged him off.”
You nodded. “Right…”
He whimpered. “I just love you so much and I didn’t want you to get hurt! Those men didn’t deserve you at all. They were criminals. One would have beaten you and the other would have had affairs with teens!” He opened and closed his mouth for a moment. “I’m sorry. I have no right to decide who is and isn’t good enough for you. You decide that, but I just wanted to keep you safe.”
You smiled a little. “I’m not mad.”
“You’re disappointed?”
You shook your head. “Nope.”
He shyly walked closer, like a dog who’d been caught doing something he shouldn’t. “Then what?”
You blushed a little. “I’m thankful. You saved me from some terrible marriages. You put away criminals and you cleaned this country up. In your obsession with me, you made this land a better place.” You let out a long sigh. “Levi, I love you and I fell in love with you for you being you. I knew you were very into me and I suspected as much that you had a hand in a few things, seeing as a lot of the men around me who wanted to marry me ended up in the papers being arrested.” You smiled softly. “You did a good thing.”
He grinned. “Great, I’m glad.”
You laughed nervously. “Also, it is a bit arousing.”
Levi blushed bright red. “A-A-arousing!?”
You nodded a bit and walked closer to him as you moaned. “You broke very bad men for me. I think that’s incredibly attractive. No one has ever done that before.” You gripped his shirt and kissed him. “You’re incredible. Is that it? Were you worried about that?”
He whined. “Not everything.”
You hummed a laugh. “I’m sure it’s not that bad.”
He started shaking as the fear of losing you seeped in. “It’s bad.”
You frowned. “It’s okay, talk to me.”
He held your hand and pulled you upstairs. “Well, you know the night that you found me in your bedroom? You’d been in the bath.”
You felt your heart race when you remembered what you had been doing that night. “Yes. I remember that night. We slept next to each other.”
He pulled you into his bedroom and closed the door. “Well, I uh…I heard you.”
You blushed harder. “You heard me?”
He turned to you. “I heard you and I looked through the keyhole and watched you.” He started pacing. “It’s disgusting, I know and I shouldn’t have, but you were calling my name. I didn’t see anything really, just your face.” He stopped and looked at you. “I never saw you naked and anything below your neck.” He put his hands out to you. “I know, I know, I’m a disgusting pervert, but I need to get this all out.”
“I…don’t agree with you.”
He frowned. “What?”
You shrugged. “Well, if I heard you moaning my name behind I closed door I’d look too. Plus, you have a really attractive face when you’re in pleasure and about to cum. So, I would have done it too.”
His mouth opened and closed a moment as he stood there in shock. “Oh…right.”
You hummed a laugh. “I mean, I can’t imagine you got a nice view really.” You sat on the bed and smirked. “I can give you a full view now we’re engaged. You can watch me touch myself any time you want.”
Levi felt himself drooling at the thought. “Oh, I would love to see that.”
You giggled. “So, that everything?”
He snapped out of his daze. “Oh, ah, no.”
You tilted your head. “Is there one last thing?”
He nodded. “It’s probably the worst.”
You folded your arms. “That’s all right. Go ahead.”
He pressed his lips together as he thought about how to word things. “So uh…have you noticed any of your things gone missing?”
You frowned in thought. “Uh…yes, a nice silken pair of bloomers, why?”
Levi stared at you. “I have them. The night I watched you in the bath was the night I stole them.”
You nodded slowly as you processed the information. “Right…right…so, where are they?”
He knelt and reached under the bed and pulled them out of a little box. “Here.”
You reached for them, but he pulled them away. “Something wrong?”
He nodded as he played with them. “Yes.”
“What’s wrong?”
“They uh…” He bit his lip. “The night I took them, I masturbated with them.” He looked away from you. “I-I have a few times.” He looked at you. “I’ve cleaned them so there are no stains on them, but honestly these are very soiled. I’ve used them a lot before we were a couple. I just…I’m sorry.”
You reached out to them. “Hand them over.”
He placed them in your hand. “I’m sorry. I know it’s wrong of me. I have no excuse.”
You stood up and placed them on the bed as Levi rambled on. You slipped your bloomers off and heard Levi stop talking. You smiled at him as you dragged up the silken bloomers and put them on. “Better.” You offered him the pair you’d had on. “You know, that feels pretty good. I love the thought that you’ve cummed all over these bloomers and now I’m wearing them.” You giggled. “Feels naughty and exciting.”
He shook as his cock twitched. “You…you…”
“I’m not disgusted or put off. You caught me touching myself as I moaned your name. You did the same thing, but used my bloomers to help.” You shrugged. “We’re both as bad as each other.” You walked up to him and ran your hands up his chest. “Maybe next time I can watch you jerk yourself off, hm?”
He blushed bright red. “Y-Yes.”
You hummed a laugh and held up your bloomers. “What to do with these used bloomers.” You eyed them before looking at Levi. “Maybe I should shove them in your hungry mouth.”
Levi moaned. “Fuck.”
You gripped his shirt and yanked him close. “What a dirty boy you are.”
He shivered at your words. “I’m a very dirty boy.”
You pressed your bloomers against his nose and mouth causing him to let out a primal moan. “Next time, show me what you did with my bloomers. Keep these to assist in your demonstration.” You let it go and winked at him as he caught your bloomers. “Come on, time to go to our little tea party.”
He shivered at your tone. “Y-Yes miss!” He shoved your used bloomers into his inside blazer pocket and ran after you as you headed to the door. “My goddess.” He hugged you from behind and moaned. “I can’t wait until I get you all alone.”
You mewled as he nipped and sucked the crook of your neck. “I can’t either.”
He let you go and opened his door. “We should head back to my mother.”
You slapped Levi’s butt hard making him jump. “You’re right.” You slipped out of his room as he stood there in shock. “Oh Leviiii, come here.”
Levi raced after you. “I’m here!”
You held his hand and smiled. “Good boy.”
He blushed a little. “I am.”
You lifted his gloved hand and kissed it. “You should take your gloves off more.”
“I know, but I still worry about the scars.”
“I love you for you, okay?” You winked at him. “You’re perfect.”
“Thank you.”
You pulled him along. “So, I guess we’re a right crazy and perverted pair, huh?”
Levi sighed. “We are.”
“Let’s agree on a toned-down story to tell our kids.”
“I’m with you on that.” He smiled a little before stopping outside the room his mother was in. “So, do you really forgive me?”
You looked up at him. “There is nothing to forgive, my love. I love you. I love everything there is about you. I think what you did was wonderful. I’m not scared of what you’ve done. And honestly? I might do the same if loads of women were after you.”
You nodded. “Really. You’re mine, Levi. Mine.” You pushed the door up and smiled at Kuchel. “All sorted!”
Kuchel clapped her hands. “I’m so glad! So, was he a bad boy?”
You smirked. “He was a very good boy. He just protected me in the ways he knows best. I love him, all of him. I’m not scared and I want to marry him.”
Kuchel hugged you tightly. “Oh, I’m so glad!” She led you to the sitting area and poured tea for you and Levi. “I know he can be a bit much sometimes. He is an emotional boy and he’s not sure how to put that emotion out in the open. He truly means well and I know from the bottom of my heart he loves you.” She smiled softly as Levi cuddled up to you. “I can see it in the way he looks at you.”
You gazed at Levi. “I know how much he loves me. Plus, knowing the things he’s done without me knowing? Well, it’s allowed me to see just how far this amazing man will go for someone like me. I truly understand his deep love for me. I think we can only be stronger as a couple from this point on.”
“Well, I’m glad he hasn’t put you off.”
You shook your head. “Not at all. In fact, he’s done the opposite really.”
She giggled. “Oh, you’re more attracted to him?”
“I didn’t think it was possible because I was madly in love with him, but I think now I’m on his level of love, almost.” You winked at Levi. “I just need to beat up a woman.”
Levi blushed. “You don’t need to. No woman has chased after me except you.”
Kuchel laughed. “You are so oblivious.”
You hummed a laugh. “She’s right, you know. You’re more attractive than you think. I’ll have to keep my wits about me.” You held Levi’s hand. “No one is taking you from me.”
Levi smiled. “Well, I doubt we’ll have issues with me. I think the main issues linked to me will be burned politicians I got rid of. For you, though, there’s Ji-Woo.”
“Try not to start a war. My father is cancelling all the possible proposals with him.”
Kuchel smiled softly. “You two need to announce your engagement. I know you don’t like parties, but a ball should do.”
Levi groaned. “You’re right, I hate them, but it’s the best way.” He let out a long sigh. “Very well, we’ll have a ball to announce our engagement then. We must be careful of others.”
You kissed Levi’s cheek. “We can do anything. I know it.”
“Me and you, my kitten.”
You kissed him. “That’s right, Levi.”
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zoeisabelladaily · 4 months
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Dear Diary,
It’s around 3 pm in the afternoon, and I’m utterly confused. Ebonlores School is turning out to be something beyond just a school. Since this morning, I haven’t seen a single student. Those who came with me seem to have vanished into thin air. I thought I heard voices in Professor Xorki’s office, but when I entered, he was alone, engrossed in reading something. Maybe I was wrong, but I’m sure I saw students in the corridor, and suddenly, they were nowhere to be found.
Last night, at midnight, we reached a shore by the chariot. The journey through the forest felt like leaving the world behind. The chariot stopped, and following Ms. Tailholme’s orders, we disembarked. It was pitch dark outside, with spooky noises from animals and the forest air heightening my heartbeat. Ms. Tailholme lit up the Larton.
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In front of me was a vast water body with an island in the distance. My mind was trying to figure out how we would reach the island without a boat or any visible means to cross. Ms. Tailholme touched the land, recited something, and suddenly, a bridge emerged from the water, connecting the shore to the island. The island’s massive door swung open. Ms. Tailholme instructed us to walk on the bridge without looking back. The door seemed tiny from the shore, but as we approached, it loomed large, like an ant in front of an elephant.
On the door, I saw the dark shadow of a statue that looked like someone standing there. As I approached the grand door of Ebonlores, the shadow turned out to be the guard of the school, “Garrick Dunewald,” the formidable gate watchman. His towering presence, wrapped in weathered cloth and adorned in robes, exuded an air of both strength and wisdom. His salt-and-pepper beard and deep eyes gave him an imposing look. In his hand, he held a device of some kind.
All the other students went inside, ignoring him. Perhaps Ms. Tailholme had ordered him to give me further directions. She went inside, leaving me alone with the watchman. In his heavy voice, he asked for my school invitation letter, which I handed over. When I inquired about the principal’s office, he didn’t answer my questions. Instead, he gave me a plain paper with my name on it, pointed to a building called “Xenon,” and out of nowhere, a building appeared on the paper. I didn’t understand what happened, but fear crept in, and I followed his direction.
I placed my finger on where he pointed on the paper and started walking. Miraculously, I saw my footprints on the paper, leading me to the building. Exhausted from the journey from the shore to the door and now to Xenon, I found a huge building with numerous doors. At the entrance, a creepy and dirty dwarf man snatched the paper from my hand and pushed me inside.
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The interior was vast and dark, with fire lamps casting eerie shadows. Countless wooden beds were stacked one above the other, and some students were peacefully asleep. My screams couldn’t disturb their slumber. The roof of Xenon was made of some material that allowed us to see the sky, making it eerily silent. I think every door of Xenon led to a similar hall-like room.
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Walking inside, I found a bed with my name on it and collapsed onto it. A boy on the bed above mine looked down, but the darkness prevented me from seeing him clearly. I covered my face with a blanket and fell asleep. When I woke up later, the entire hall was empty, and the dwarf, now cleaning with visible annoyance, ordered me to leave.
I stepped outside and found myself in the middle of I-don’t-know-where. Suddenly, a small, beautiful white kitten approached me, the first thing to relax me in moments. I grabbed it, hugged it, played with it, and suddenly, Professor Xorki appeared. He told me to come to his office and left before I could say anything.
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I named the kitten Misty, and she helped me find Professor Xorki’s office. He was reading something, and after seeking permission to enter, he politely spoke with me, asking about my interests in various subjects. Some of his questions puzzled me, but he assured me I’d understand them slowly. He handed me a box, saying it contained books, and instructed me to wait for Mr. Servius.
As I sit in the corridor, waiting, I can’t help but wonder what kind of school this is. Since morning, I haven’t seen a single student, and I don’t know if I’m living in an illusion or if this is the actual reality. I hope I can grasp the nature of this place soon. I feel an overwhelming urge to cry out loud and miss my Ma terribly.
I wish Adam could be here with me.
Yours, Zoe
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scholastic-dragon · 2 years
Hello, it's me again with another request 🤌✨
Can you please make a scenario with that TikTok trend "wipe after you s/o gives you a kiss" plz? Thanks.
Friend, in the nicest way, I spent about 10 minutes wondering who you were and what fandom you were asking before I realized who you were lol.
I'm hoping you're asking for Hellboy and if not I am so sorry.
Hellboy x Gn!reader
Brush it off
Word count: 1k
Warnings: kisses 😘 & spelling mistakes 
Summary: you trick your boyfriend with a tiktok trend, he isn't impressed
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He couldn't wait to see you.
He'd been on a 12 hour mission and just wanted to come home and cuddle in bed with you.
Manning was desperately trying to follow him as he walked down the stone halls to his room. Hellboy was blatantly ignoring him and Manning knew, it only proved to agitate him more as he rambled on.
Thankfully Abe sensed the rising tension and arrived from around a corner, having changed out of his mission uniform into his classic bike shorts.
"Manning, I wish to speak to you about today's mission, I believe I found some evidence that will help us," Abe gestured to the library, Manning sighed and marched down the hall. Abe followed behind him, turning back to wink at Hellboy before listening to Manning ramble.
Hellboy would feel bad if he didn't miss you terribly.
He rushed down the halls, finally getting to his door. Quickly pushing in the key code he bounced on the balls of his feet, his heart pounding.
Finally the lock turned green and he heard the gears move behind the steel. The door hissed open and he slipped though, glancing around the room.
"Babe?" He asked, closing the door behind him, taking a few steps into his room. "Baby?" He called again, leaning down to pet the several cats that had started to rub his legs.
They meowed and cried up at him, reaching down with his non-stone hand he gently scratched their little heads.
"Hey, guys," He smiled enjoying their soft purring. "Missed you too."
"Red?" You murmur, coming out of the bathroom, eyes going wide with excitement.
"Baby!" Being cautious of the cats he rushed to you, wrapping you in a tight hug. "Oh I missed you,"
"We saw each other this morning," You giggled, nuzzling into his shoulder.
"I don't care," He sighed, putting you down and kissing you. You held the sides of his face, rubbing your thumbs along his cheekbones.
He laughed softly, pulling away from you. "You taste like mint,"
"I just brushed my teeth," Removing one of your hands you wipe at your lips.
"Don't worry, there's none on you," He laughed, finally feeling the exhaustion hit. "I'm gonna get ready for bed,"
You nod, pulling away from him. "Okay, I'm gonna feed the cats,"
Grabbing your hand, he smiled before placing a sweet peck on your lips. You happily kissed back.
As he pulled away to go to the bathroom, he saw you from the corner of his eye. Once again, you wiped your lips with the back of your hand.
Maybe you still thought you had toothpaste on your lips?
He brushed it off, turning on the shower and sheading his dirty clothes. Normally he'd shower in the community ones at the facility, but he was too tired to care.
He washed himself with your body wash, enjoying the fruity scent. After he washed it all off, something started to move the shower curtain. Pulling it aside he saw a kitten was standing on the edge of the shower, pawing at the curtain.
"Hey, buddy," He scratched the small guys chin. "Babe! You forgot a cat!" He called to you.
You poked your head in, laughing and bending down to grab the kitten. "Silly boy," You kissed his forehead, laughing as he purred louder.
You turned to leave, only stopping when Red cleared his throat. He raised an eyebrow, leaning an arm on the wall of the shower.
"What?" You laugh, knowing what he wants. He leaned forward, being careful not to get the cat wet, you pecked his lips.
Red smiled, standing to his full height to finish his shower. Watching you bring the kitten to the living room in front of a food bowl.
As soon as the kitten was on the ground you once again wiped your mouth.
Was it him? Or did you just have cat hair on your face? After kissing the babies you often had to wipe your face to get rid of the hair. It must've been that.
He finished his shower, having only enough energy to put on boxer briefs before turning off most of the lights.
You were already in bed, snuggling with a few cats and scrolling on your phone.
He pulled back the blankets, sitting on the edge and laying back. Sighing loudly at finally been off his feet.
"Comfy?" You laugh, he simply nods, eyes closed.
He sat up on his elbows, leaning toward you for a goodnight kiss. "Goodnight, baby,"
"Goodnight, Babe," You smile kissing him back.
As he layed back down you once again wiped your lips.
"Why do you keep doing that?" He asked, looking up at you.
"Doing what?" You didn't meet his eyes, only looking at your phone.
"You keep wiping your mouth after we kiss," He saw you trying not to smile, you forced your brow to quirk.
"No I don't,"
"You just did it! You've been doing it all night,"
Finally a smirk breaks out across your face, your eyes finally meeting his.
"I'm sorry," You laugh, enjoying his groan and eye roll. "It's a tiktok trend,"
"Of course it is," He reaches over, taking your phone and putting it on his nightstand, ignoring your protest. You couldn't move to get it because a kitten was curled up on your stomach.
"I'm sorry, baby," You rub his cheek, giving him your best pout. "Will you ever forgive me?"
"I will if you don't wipe away my kisses," He grumbles, annoyed at how easily something like that messed with him.
"Deal," You leaned toward him as best you could with the cat on your lap and kissed him.
His hand came up, cupping the side of your face, kissing you back. You lean into his hand, breaking apart, looking into each other's eyes.
"I love you," You murmur, resting your forehead against his.
"I know you do," He pulls away, using his forearm to wipe his lips. He smirks as your jaw drops and rolls over onto his side facing away from you.
"Goodnight, baby," It takes all his willpower to not laugh at your scoff and curse under your breath.
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blueicequeen19 · 2 years
Innocent Pt. 6
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I get home to find my dad passed out on the couch like usual. I sigh in relief and take my racing heart to bed before I risk waking him up. Exhaustion consumes me and I pass out hard.
I wake up to shouting and the sound of things breaking. My heart leaps from my chest as I quickly sit up to wipe away my sleepy daze. I can tell by the light peaking through the window that it's still early so mom probably just left for the store. I sit and listen as more stuff gets thrown and breaks. I hang my head in my hands as I remember not even glancing at the state of the room. There was probably sink full of dishes, trash over flowing, and nothing to eat that didn't have to be cooked.
"Emmy!" My father shouts causing me to jump. I have to go and face him or he'll kick the door down and yank me out by my hair. I can't swallow the lump in my throat as I make my way down the hall and glance around the corner. Sure enough, he's thrown every dish that was in the sink across the room. My father swipes everything off the table with his arm then spots me with an angry glare still on his face.
"This place is a fucking pig sty!" He shouts, throwing more items to the ground. I sigh as I keep my gaze down, waiting for him to get it out of his system.
"Is this how you want to live? In filth?" He steps in front of me and I try to keep my face neutral.
"No." I say quietly.
"Then why wasn't this place picked up last night?" How do you explain to a grown man that he made the mess and he only made it worse this morning.
"I was tired. I didn't think about it." I say quickly. He laughs darkly but not because anything is funny.
"You're tired? You're mother and I are the ones working to pay the bills. You do nothing but whore yourself out to Kooks." And there it is. His hand flies at me and I flinch, turning away and it clips my ear, causing pain to erupt throughout my head. A growl slips from my lips and he hits me again. I feel the blood drip down to my shoulder as I meet his angry black eyes.
"You will go to the store and home. No where else. I better not catch that Kook hanging around again or I'll take the car and the phone."
"I wont be able to work or go to school without both." I grit my teeth and he shoves me into the wall, knocking the air from my lungs.
"You want to be a smartass?" He shouts, getting in my face but not before seeing my fists clench at my sides. He smacks me again and lands a punch to my gut. I wheeze and slide down onto my ass. I force tears from eyes and bring my knees to my chest. Look small and weak and he'll get bored, I tell myself.
"You're worthless. Don't make me tell you again. No boys. Home, school, and work." He growls then leaves me to clean up another mess.
I just finished closing, throwing my bag over my shoulder and wince at the lingering pain in my gut. A nice big bruise has formed across my stomach. Maybe it's internally bleeding killing me slowly. I hear the rain still pounding down hard before I even open the door. The sound is soothing. I'm too numb today to care about getting soaked so I shove the door open and slowly walk to my car, getting drenched in the process.
A small sound catches my attention. I throw my bag in my car and listen again, trying to find the sound. It sounds like a kitten meowing. I follow the sound to a ditch that's used for runoffs, only about a foot deep. Headlights have me looking back to see Rafe pull up. Oh great.
"Em! What are you doing?" Rafe shouts but I ignore him, trying to follow which direction the sound is coming from. I hear him jog up behind me. "What are you looking for?" Rafe asks and I shush him. Then I see it. Two little eyes looking up at me from the pipe going into the ground. I crouch down and the kitten hisses at me.
"Em, don't. It'll bite you." Rafe warns, trying to take my arm but I pull away. I inch close and closer until the kitten is about to retreat back into the pipe and I snatch it up around the scruff of its neck. I can't quiet tell what color it is but it's shaking, either in fear or cold.
"It's okay, baby." I cuddle it to my chest and it relaxes but still shakes. I look up to see Rafe smiling at me, just as soaked as I am. I have to stop my eyes from trailing over his body as his clothes mold to him like something out of a magazine. Rafe walks me back to my car and I wrap the kitten in a towel I had in my trunk.
"What are you going to do with it?" Rafe asks and I sigh.
"My father won't let me have a cat." Tears threaten to fall but he wouldn't be able to tell in the rain.
"I'll take it. My sister won't mind." Rafe offers. He doesn't seem to found of the kitten but he offers his hands anyway.
"I'll buy the food and stuff for it until we find it a home." I hand the kitten over and Rafe waves my offer off as he places it in the passenger seat of the Range Rover.
I try to step back to give him some space but he yanks me against him, covering my mouth with his. Rafe moans into my mouth and fists my soaked hair, holding me against him. I shove against his chest but he doesn't let me go, snagging my lip in his teeth.
"Stop, Rafe. I can't do this." I plead but he only holds me to him tighter.
"I can't stop. Why are you doing this to me?" Rafe whispers, his tongue mixed with rain water slides into my mouth.
"You have to let me go." I whimper, kissing him harder.
"I want to. You don't deserve to be ruined by me." Rafe's hands grip my sides and I wince, cringing painfully.
"I'm already ruined." I try to pull free of his grasp but his eyes darken, yanking up the front of my shirt and seeing the bruise. I slap his hands away and turn away but he pulls me back.
"Did he do that to you?" Rafe shouts, his mouth at my ear with my back to his front. I lean my head to the side and he moves my hair, seeing the gash on my ear. "Em, answer me." Rafe demands.
"It doesn't matter, Rafe. I'll be 18 soon and I'm leaving this shithole." I fight his hold but he spins me around like I weigh nothing and he cups my face.
"Tell me what you want." Rafe says, like he can fix all my problems.
"I want you to leave me alone unless it's about the kitten. You'll only make things worse for me." I shove him away again and he lets me, eyes angry. I turn away and get back in my car before my stupid heart leaps back into his arms.
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passivenovember · 2 years
First chapter in Brush Fire, my shovel-talk fic wherein random adults and people in Billy’s life give Steve the shovel talk as the two fall, painfully, in love.
One: Carol
Thing is, Billy’s just Nancy Wheeler painted in contrasting shades of bullshit.
And Steve can’t pinpoint the day Hargrove turned into Billy, into a kaleidoscope that bleeds beyond asshole and dickwipe and evil step-brother, but really it’s all a side effect. A symptom of what’s coming, like a cough he doesn’t notice until it’s too late. 
‘Cause at the end of the day Billy’s smart and Steve. 
He’s got a thing for Brainiacs. 
The kind of smarts that could win bar trivia. Pay for a vacation to Europe with the money from an episode of Pyramid. Even better if the guy’s got claws. Pretty eyes that narrow alongside cheeks that blush pink and red, like gumdrops. 
“Help me write my essay,” Steve tells him, waiting outside Billy’s Advanced College Placement class with his collar popped. 
Billy’s smiling before Steve speaks to him. He’s chatting, limbs soft and smile wide, dorky, and then he hears that voice. Goes shocked still. Looks like he’s gonna piss his pants.
“I’ll, uh, see ya later, Bills,” Says that girl. Barb Holland. She pokes at the bridge of her glasses and disappears around the corner, shooting these worried little glances at Billy like he can’t take care of himself. Like he isn’t Hawkins High’s resident bad boy, player, macho-nacho–-
“What do you want, Harrington?” 
Billy’s teeth were pretty, Steve notes, when he was smiling. When he was happy. Now he's got this searing little twist to his lip, saddled with this sudden crash to reality. Steve shoves off the locker to make room for a pee-wee dork that says excuse me, calculating the way Billy’s baby blues have gone dry.
He’s exhausted and tired of it. Sick down to his fifteen-pack abs. 
“I want you to write my essay,” Steve repeats, thinking if he’s more direct Billy will go for it. 
Hargrove puffs out his chest. Squares his jaw. “Fuck no.” He says. Needing the fight.
“Wasn’t asking,” Steve says.
“I’m not writing your essay for you, dickweed.”
“Yeah? Why not?”
“'cause no one’s gonna believe you can spell multi-syllable words,” Billy spits, “And I’m not dumbing myself down to whatever kindergarten level class you’re taking–-”
“God, you’re a menace. You’re a forest fire.”
Billy’s cheeks flare at that. Bright red, freckles punching through like holes in notebook paper and Steve knows it.
He’s got him. Hook and line, just like Nancy, but then Billy’s walking off down the hallway. Leaning in a little hard with his boots, stomping holes into the cement. 
Steve follows after him. Says, “I’ll pay you.”
And Billy says, “I don’t want your money.”
That makes Steve laugh. Loud and sudden. “Everyone wants my money.”
“Everyone wants you, right? King Steve. Whole place’d probably shut down if you graduated, right? Need the golden boy around. The gold eggs he lays in the shit-covered green just outside B-Hall,” Hargrove leads them round the corner, stopping to dial and yank his locker open. “God, you’re a fucker–”
“And you’ve got the highest marks in AP English,” Steve says. He leans against the metal closest to Billy, foot propped to pass the time. 
He'll wait.
He’s already won. He’s got what he came here for, but Billy needs time to work it out for himself. All those brains behind pretty blonde princess curls and Billy devotes all his energy to the glare Steve's pinned with. Billy hisses and spits like a drowned kitten, thinking he’s tough. 
“Not wasting my time on you, Harrington,” Billy says. Like it’s supposed to hurt. “You’re a lost cause. Might as well get Wheeler to suck your dick and write that shit for you-–”
“Watch your mouth," Steve says gently.
 Gotta be patient. Give the boy room to think it over, run it back, mold his pretty pinks into an apology. 
"Nancy and I broke up," Steve says, like it matters. 
Like the way his voice still hitches a little, at the end, shaky and vulnerable, will make a difference.
It does and it doesn't. "What would you even write about," Billy demands, ignoring him. "Being rich? How it feels to be born with a silver fucking spoon in your mouth?"
Steve tenses all over, poised to take the heat of Billy's onslaught if it'll get him what he wants.
Billy lens in presses harder. "Oh, what about the way you're a washed-up beauty queen? You gonna cry about the hours and hours you put into impressing the cows around here only to have them run right over your perfect hair to get to the next freak on the list?"
Steve won't bite. "You think my hair's perfect?" 
And maybe that's a step too far. 
Billy grips the metal locker so tight the thing almost groans, baby blues laced with a challenge. That little lip twist has turned into a snarl and Steve.
Almost backs away. 
Almost backs down.
But the flush is packed on like fresh snow, glittering and saturated with pinks and magentas. Steve really does need help with his essay, so he leans closer. Says, "What can I do to get your help on this?" 
And waits for the walls to crumble around them.
“You’re not fooling anyone, Harrington,” Carol says. "You think you've got this whole school wrapped around your fingers but I see what you're doing."
And Steve knows it's Carol without having to look up from the pin-lanes scribbled in red across his essay. Knows it without swallowing the tucked-away mashed potatoes at the corner of his mouth. Knows her voice like he knew the chimes that signaled the end of nap time, all those years ago. The stick of a bandaid peeled from her skin and patted, harshly, onto his before another go on the tire swing. 
He doesn’t look up at her to point out that, “If I were smart enough to fool anyone I wouldn’t need help editing this fuckin’ thing.”
But Carol doesn’t stop. Keeps rolling on. Says, in that special shade of periwinkle irritation that she used to save for Tommy, “You could’ve asked someone else.”
Steve glances at her. Notices her hair’s different. “What do you mean?”
“Billy,” Carol spits. Word travels fast. She looks over her shoulder. Scans the lunch room as if afraid that he’ll spring up from the linoleum. Knock the tray out of her fist, or something. She turns back, eyes narrowed. “You could’ve asked anyone else–-”
“He’s got the best marks in English.”
“Like I’m gonna hinge my future on someone with anything less than a perfect grade,” Steve chuckles, trying to change its tune somewhere in the middle so Carol doesn’t take this as a notice of war. “Look, the guy’s my ticket outta this shithole.”
“Harrington, you’re stuck. Like the rest of us.” Carol says.
And the thing is? Carol was the first girl who proved chicks could be cool and dangerous and three-dimensional. They were flirts at one point and friends, way before that, giggles and weekend sleepovers stretching all the way back to a blue, cloud-covered room Steve can hardly remember, so. 
He knows Carol. 
Maybe not as well as he used to, but. He knows the girl. Feels like she’s got his neck in her fist, from how tight she’s gripping the lunch tray. Senses that if he makes one step out of line, she’ll dig her fangs into him. 
“What’s your deal, Perkins?”
Carol’s eyes could melt through bone. 
Steve takes the last bite of his mashed potatoes before shoving his tray to the other side of the table. “You got a crush on him or something?"
"What?" Carol says, incredulous.
"Look, I know you're sweet on him--"
"Harrington, you're such a skeez if you thought, for even a minute that I'd ever do that to Tommy--"
"Alright, you're friends will Billy, then," Steve says, exhausted from the theatrics. "You're like his scary big sister, protecting him from the wolf in GAP clothing."
"You're such a dumbass," Carol groans, like Steve's whole thing is getting old and she wishes he'd call it a day. "Why don't you beg Wheeler to tutor you?"
"This conversation is melting my brain."
"Seriously, it's not like she'd say no," Carol says, "She's still got a soft spot for you even if Byers is stuffing her full on a daily basis--"
"--Billy's got a better grade than Nance--"
"--I mean, seriously. Couldn't you pick on someone in your own academic caste?"
"Jesus, Carol, why do you care so much?" Steve drops the act, the good-natured small talk for old time's sake, and lets his words land like fists on the rickety table top. 
All at once, Carol looks older. Wiser and mean and so, so worried. 
"You know what your problem is, Harrington?"
"Enlighten me," Steve says, bored.
"You've never been told no a day in your life."
Billy walks through the lunchroom doors, then, a copy of Moby Dick under one arm and a spiral notebook snatched under the base of his lunch tray. His arms, stiff with forced swagger as he scans the crowd for Steve, jerk when they spot one another.
His cheeks are pink. 
From a million miles away, swimming through a river of pissed-off Perkins, Steve can see it. 
"That boy isn't any different from the rest of us," Carol says tightly. She grips her own lunch tray, and says, "He's sensitive."
Steve opens his mouth to shit all over the floor, and.
"He is," Carol tells him. "Think whatever you want to but I know him. Billy's rough around the edges but he's smart. Too smart for his own good--"
"Smart enough to deal with me?"
Carol's mouth snaps shut, frowning as Steve moves his lunch tray and Billy floats into view. 
"Harrington," He says sharply. Then, to Carol, "Perch Perkins, looking frosty today."
"Fuck off, Malibu Barbie," Carol says, but there's a softness there that takes Steve back to kindergarten. 
He swallows against a pang of jealousy, tracking the way her eyes go warm for this asshole.
Billy tacks a wet kiss to her forehead and then plops down onto the bench across from Steve, flipping to a blank page in his notebook, and Carol sulks away, looking every bit like she'd burn down the world to protect him.
Steve wishes he had been smart enough to recognize that conversation for what it was.
The first in a long line of people that, in the pit of themselves, for better or worse, whether they knew it or not: loved Billy Hargrove.
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books-and-catears · 3 years
Welp, since I’m a regular now; I’mma just park my chair here and spin the idea wheel. And so the idea wheel has decided!
Let’s have the Brothers and Undatables react to MC just barging in unexpectedly while they’re busy doing whatever. Everyone’s just vibing together at Diavolo’s talking about things, playing games, and all dat jazz and suddenly MC comes in with a blank face before they get a sad expression (they’re this close 👌🏾 to having a breakdown, it’s so sad).
MC:....Can I have a hug? 🥺 *says weakly as they were seconds away from crying*
Bby needs comfort! (Let’s just say they recently lost a loved one and they want some affection)
My first ever regular. You have no idea how much I cherish you. Thank you for the funniest and angstiest asks ever. This hits too close to home. I've lost two very close people to disease and suicide in the last few years and the feeling is horrible. So this might end up being a bit self indulgent... apologies.
Please if any of your friends seem not okay, check up on them regularly. Even the adults in your life. And most importantly check up on yourself. Take care okay?
I will do my best to do this justice too. Sorry if it's a little late college and extra classes are a pain sometimes.
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It was not news you were prepared to receive. Not that day. It was supposed to be a day of celebration.
Lord Diavolo had announced a small party just for Council and the exchange students. Asmo had taken hours to get you ready. Everyone was excited and in good spirits, clinking their glasses and cheering for a joyous reunion. There was music, dancing and laughter so loud, it felt like it was echoing all across Devildom.
And yet here you were in the bathroom, bent over a sink, staring at yourself in disbelief. You had received horrible news from the human world.
A last message an old friend had left for you.
"Hey MC, thanks for being kind to me. Although we have a long and sweet history, it felt good to reconnect and feel wanted in my last few days. Thanks for the last hug, MC. It was the best one I've ever had."
What kind of bittersweet message was this? What was the point of making them feel wanted if they still left anyway?
No you must keep your composure, you think. The laughter keeps echoing louder. While internal screams creep up your throat. You have to go back before they start worrying about you.
The doors to the ballroom feel heavy as you push through. "Hey look! MC's back! Now we-- MC...?"
You don't know what face you were making, but everyone went quiet. Some looked horrified, some worried and some panicked. You felt your head go dizzy with the pain, tears stinging the corners it your eyes.
Looking directly at one of them, you croaked out the first thing that came into mind.
"C-could I have a hug?"
This man isn't a hugger. But for you he'd make an exception every day.
Especially when you asked for it so desperately.
Walk up to you swiftly, holding the back of your head and pressing it to his chest, while his other arm wraps around you.
"Would you prefer to spend some time in private?" He whispers as you break into soft sobs in his arms and nod.
"Excuse us. We'll be back shortly. Anyone who follows us will face consequences. MC needs some time alone." He calls out to the rest and whisks you away to his room.
Makes you sit in his lap as he cradles you while you cry. Keeps telling you it's not your fault and you tried your best.
Someone save this boy, he is a mess himself.
He feels guilty already. He can't stand to see you this way. What couldn't he protect you from??
Aren't you the one who rushes to give people hugs?
He returns the favour. Sprinting towards you and engulfing you instantly in his arms.
He feels your shaky breath as you cling on to him and goes bezerk.
"Oi. I'm taking MC home." It's the most serious he has ever been.
Doesn't hesitate to bring out his wings and fly you home as soon as possible. He cups your face as you cry, his fingers wiping down each tear. His eyes are pained looking at you like this, it wasn't even your fault. You tried till the end didn't you?
This man's protective trigger has been switched. Who dare be the cause of this?
You're his cheery best friend. He simply won't stand to see you like this.
Runs towards you and hugs you as tight as he can, like you've done for him so many times. Embarassment be damned.
You asked for a hug, he will definitely give you one. You grab onto his jacket with trembling fingers and lean into him.
"MC would you like to go home ?" He asks softly, patting your head. You nod softly.
Takes you home as fast as possible, and lays you down in his tub. When start crying violently he starts to tear up alongside you. Losing a friend isn't easy afterall.
His first instinct was violence. His fist tightening, about to murder whoever did this to you.
But the moment you raised your arms, asking for a hug in that small voice, it was like looking at a helpless kitten in pain.
Another one who sprints towards you to hold you close. His hug feels gentle yet urgent at the same time.
He cupped your cheek, and stared as your eyes grew misty. "Don't worry we're getting out this instant." Slammed the doors behind him as he left. A subtle message to leave them be.
He took you to common room, near the fireplace to warm you up, one of his arms always around you, as you wailed and choked on your tears. He presses kisses on your head too and tells you how kind you were. You did your part. You weren't responsible for someone else's actions.
He is gasping and tearing up at the sight of you. Oh you poor thing who dare hurt you?!
How could he ever say no to your hugs? Especially now when you needed him most?
He comes at you with such speed that you both almost topple over. He rubs your back and arms trying to calm you down with his touch as he hugs you.
"Would you like to be alone with me MC?" The moment you nod, his wings are out and you're soaring through the air until you find yourself in his bath.
You lean against him and cry your heart out, he holds you from behind, pressing kisses on your head whispering it's okay.
Baby boy is heartbroken. Why do you look like that? Where are you hurt?
He immediately hates that look on your face. He must do something to fix it immediately.
Runs and lifts you up in his arms and holds you so close to himself, his arms providing endless protection.
"MC will food make it better?" You shake your head so he takes off. He doesn't care about the feast he missed, he just wants you to be okay.
Flies you into his room and gives you plushies to hold onto while he gets you all your favourite food. Will hold you tight as you sob into his chest and will feed you later on cause he knows how exhausting crying can be.
He knows that face. And he knows the pain behind it. And now he's feeling it too.
Who did this? Who dared? Tell him their name and they're gone.
A hug, huh? He's ready to give you much more than that if you ask.
Walks towards you and wraps you up in his jacket and then his arms. His hug is so warm and soft you could fall asleep right there.
"Let's go lie down together." He will take you home and put you down in his bed, bundled up in his blanket, his soft pillow under your head. Pulls you flush against him as you sob and scream into his pillow.
He is human. Of course he knows the face of ultimate pain. He's been through it so many times he's made himself immune.
But he wasn't immune to yours. Your ever smiling face - that was what he liked. This irked him, made him restless.
He's next to you in the blink of an eye, wrapping his arms around you, cloak and all, his mouth pressing down on your head.
"Let's take it to the sky shall we? Don't worry I've got you." He says softly. You nod, your fingers grasping at his shirt.
And in mere seconds you are soaring above the clouds, the gentle air cooling your burning heart as you cry into the wind. He holds you close and whispering to make you feel better.
He has seen this face only once before. When Lucifer came to him Lilith dying in his arms.
He saw the look on yours and he was determined to help you however he could. And if it started with a hug so be it.
Takes big strides and hoists you up in his arms, as you wrap your shaking arms around his neck and press your face into his jacket.
"The party is over. MC shall stay with me tonight I'll send them back when they feel better." Gone was his usual cheery tone. He seemed distraught, angry almost.
Took you to his bedroom and laid you down softly, still holding onto you tightly, keeping you from falling apart as you sob into his arms. Takes the next days off to be next to you.
His emotions mirror your own. Seeing you in such pain, makes him feel the same.
His heart is breaking seeing you this way. He can't hold you fast enough.
He swiftly runs to hold your hands first. He feels them tremble in his own and he wraps himself around Immediately, cradling your head delicately.
"Let's get you away. You'd like that won't you?" He says running his fingers through your hair. You let you a breathy yes and he's off.
You land in Purgatory hall, curled up into him on the couch, freshly brewed flower tea on the table. He holds you close as you cry into his arms. Tells you that your friend is in a better place because you healed their soul before they left.
You made the usually composed demon crack. Even if for a moment, he felt the need to do something extreme.
What was causing you this much discomfort? He was ready to eliminate it.
A mere hug? Is that what would make you feel better? He is ready to deliver.
He's there before you know it, holding you like delicate royalty. You could crumble at how soft he was for you.
"Would you prefer somwhere more quiet?" He asks. You only need to nod once and he's already sweeping you off your feet and into his chambers. Picks the most calming teas for you as he sits by your side holding your hand.
He knew the demons were no good. Of course it was a matter of time before MC got hurt again.
He was about to cry looking at you, ready to throw hands at the whoever caused this.
A hug? A hug will help? YES OF COURSE.
He flies straight into, wrapping his little arms around your neck. Like a baby brother comforting a distraught older sibling.
"Come on MC! Let's get away from here!" He says and flies you off to purgatory hall. He brings you to the kitchen and starts whipping up your favourite desserts to cheer you up.
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dc41896 · 3 years
7 out of 10
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✨Pairing✨: Andy BarberxBlack Reader
Summary🪄: Andy doesn’t know what to think of this new customer service
⚠️: Fluff💕!
A/N: This is based off an adorable TikTok I saw, so I’m hoping I do it justice trying to write something off the top of my head. Hope you guys like it☺️!
Locking the door behind him, a tired sigh passes his lips as he tosses his keys in the dish and placed his briefcase on the wooden table in the foyer holding today’s mail: a couple of bills, a store catalog for you, and a postcard for baby Sienna signed by your parents from their vacation in Hawaii. The two year old was sure to squeal and awe at the picture of two dolphins breaking the water’s surface with what looked to be smiles on their faces.
“Sweetheart, I’m home!,” he announces removing his suit jacket before loosening the solid, navy blue tie around his neck.
“In the bathroom!,” you shout back followed by water splashing and high pitched giggles as if Sienna was trying to announce her presence as well. After a day filled with hearings and paperwork, he was more than happy to sit back against the soft, cream cushions of the couch; house flooded with laughs and little songs from his girls flowing down the hall. He let the sweet sounds and day’s exhaustion drift him to sleep, eventually stirring again a few minutes later at the constant taps on his chest.
“Hi princess,” he groggily smiles seeing his daughter’s mahogany eyes as she holds out a small plastic cup incredibly close to his face.
“Offree dada.” He can’t help but chuckle at her offering of coffee, and how witnessing him, or you, pour the dark liquid into his usual white mug before adding a small amount of sugar every day only solidified the idea in her head that “daddy must really like coffee.”
“Thank you honey.”
She carefully climbs down his legs in her light green butterfly onesie toddling over to her play kitchen set where she babbled to herself while searching through the plastic plates and utensils.
“Let me guess, coffee?,” you ask motioning to the little red cup as you lean down to meet your husband’s lips.
“I don’t know if I should be impressed at how attentive she is, or worried that she’s trying to tell me something,” he replies making you giggle as you settle in the cushions beside him, his arm sliding around your waist to trace his fingers along the side of your recently shaved thigh.
“Well she made me five cups in the span of an hour, so I’m thinking it’s just her specialty.”
As if knowing she was the topic of discussion, she hurries over with tight curls bouncing atop her head in two puffs and a mini frying pan in her hand holding it out towards Andy.
This meant she wanted you to give her your order so she could “cook” for you. Something she’d loved to do since getting the play set for her birthday, feeling as if she was just like her parents getting to prepare food in her own little kitchen.
“Hmm what do I want?,” Andy pretended to think, lightly scratching his beard. He’d typically just choose one of her favorites whenever she’d ask making her face light up before running back to her stove. This time though, Andy wondered how she’d react if he gave more than one answer.
“What about pizza..and French fries?”
“Oooh!,” she gasps clearly happy with his choice.
“And nuggets with tatoes,” he adds watching her excitedly bounce on her toes before walking towards the pretend kitchen.
“Ohh and Mac and cheese! And yogurt and ice cream.” Sienna let out a small huff, not being able to cook yet since her dad seemed to want everything tonight, which made you laugh to yourself at her growing impatience.
“I think I want cake too with cookies and candy and-,”
“Dada! Dada!,” she interrupted shaking his leg seemingly trying to tell him “that’s too much!”
“What? I’m giving my order.”
Babbling to herself as she left the pan on his lap, her feet pad to her toy chest retrieving Kit, her favorite kitten stuffed animal, before lying down next to the oven with a tired sounding sigh.
“I uh think she said if you want all that, you’re cooking it yourself. She’s off kitchen duty,” you laugh truly tickled at your daughter’s sass. Andy can’t help but laugh to himself either, getting up to place the small pan with the rest of her toys before picking her up from the floor to rest against his chest with arms around his neck.
“Be glad you’re cute. Anybody else I would’ve given a low score for customer service,” he smiles kissing the top of her sleeping head.
Taglist: @fumbling-fanfics @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @ladydmalfoy @maxcullen @literaturefeen @damnitaa @curlyhairclub @plokyu23 @fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @wildfirecracker @nina-sj @iammyownlover @chaneajoyyy @scoop93535 @secretmysteriousperson
If anyone wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged but don’t see your name, only want to be tagged for certain people I write for (can be found in masterlist), or no longer wish to be tagged just let me know🤓!
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obeymeluv · 3 years
Quick! Kiss Me! [Part 3 - Mammon]
Same rules apply from Part 2: thoughts are italicized and bolded. May be slightly NSFW because the boys have a crush on you and such. If anyone has suggestions for Asmo’s part or Belphie’s, I’m down to hear it. I kind of have one for Belphie but I feel it’s a little cliché.
Also, I’ve logged back in and started playing Obey Me! since I have a three day weekend and the “Are You Kidding Me?!” event is making me want to write those baby headcanons. Might do that next.
You’d been following a buzzing, bubbling sensation around the house. It was enough to make your teeth rattle at points and you wondered if one of the brothers were using shadow magic to stay on the fringes of your vision (or just out of it). Sometimes it would feel like you were right on top of it, your whole body feeling like loose change in a can, and just as quickly it would stop. The cold wash of going the wrong way was a welcome reprieve.
Exhausted, feeling like you’d lapped the house several times, you dragged yourself back to your bedroom. It wasn’t very romantic but at this point you’d had it! The only thing your poor brain could think of was texting them one by one and just kissing them. If you were honest with yourself, you wouldn’t even need to text all seven. If you were really honest with yourself, you just wanted to text one of them.
And he was in your bed, cuddled into your pillows and half-wrapped in your sheets like he was supposed to be there.
Was he asleep?
You resisted the urge to stomp your foot or startle Mammon awake. His jacket was tossed haphazardly over your small desk chair but his sunglasses had been placed with care on your nightstand. Mammon? You placed on knee on the bed, planning to crawl towards him from the opposite corner. Mammon tended to wake up swinging and flailing; you remembered Belphie yanking him off of “his” spot on the couch but not before he’d fluffed his pillow and took a defensive stance.
Your little brain tap was enough to make him snort and stretch but not open his eyes. Tanned limbs dragged themselves across twisted sheets. He sounded like he’d mumbled something but you couldn’t be sure. You were sure he’d scooped up another pillow to stuff his face in and squeeze to death.
Was that a giggle? Mammon gave a contented little hum, snuggling his face into the new, cool pillow. Mammon! you tried again. It was weird to speak with your brain. Could you raise your voice just by thinking it? You froze in the middle of the bed, Mammon snapping up with a slow blink and a confused slur (and a huffy demon gurgle).
If he wasn’t hugging the pillow, he probably would’ve swung his arms out or fallen out the bed and taken half the sheets with him. Mammon blinked again, his white brows furrowing as he scanned the room. He leaned forward and you barely remembered how utterly blind he was as you watched the sleep lift from blue-yellow eyes.
“So who was the lucky—“ Mammon started off in his fake ‘I’m not interested’ tone but the words died out before he could make them any more indifferent. “Your lips are still sealed shut.” he lurched forward, your noses practically touching. “Your lips are still sealed shut!” he whispered again breathlessly, the quickness of his words matching the excited pulse in his throat.
Mammon’s heart squeezed in his chest. His mouth dried and suddenly he couldn’t think of anything to say. This wasn’t how he thought your first kiss would be but Diavolo be damned if he’d turn it down! The demon could barely filter his desire for you, trying to keep the YES! GIMME! KISS ME, KISS ME! in his head and out of yours. His face started to heat up when the pact mark on your shoulder glowed a soft golden color, painting both of your faces in a candlelight-like glow.
The tiniest part of his awed brain could feel his mouth slipping open in shock. You were a vision with golden highlights. Golden highlights from his pact mark! It made him want to take you on a fancy restaurant date and see it again.
Mammon? you were waiting on him now, ever so careful. So considerate. That’s what he loved about you. You put up with a lot of his walls and his loud behavior but deep down you knew. He knew you knew, and he was glad you kept his secret.
The people who made the loudest echoes were often the most fragile. He was a giving heart that had been corrupted against his will, and he had not totally hardened with the fall. You saw those scars and chips and cracks and somehow healed all of it with your human hands. With your smile. Your touch.
Hell, you just saying his name could wipe centuries of suffering from his mind.
“Was I your first choice?” Mammon’s voice turned raspy and tight. He couldn’t bear to hear you say you’d gone to one of the others first. He’d seen you going from room to room, slinking around the house in a way only the second-eldest could master. Years of trying to slip out past curfew and make off with a few odds and ends no one would miss without getting caught had its perks. Watching you touch doors and turn halls gutted him and drove him to seek refuge in your room.
He’d consoled himself amongst your pillows—your scent—and tried not to cry. Even if you didn’t choose him, he’d still have you as a friend. Maybe an in-law. That didn’t stop the cold twisting in his guts or the burning anguish in his chest as he realized over and over that he was one of seven. The other six were better than him, he feared. He was just scummy, scummy Mammon.
You don’t think you are? You tilted your head as you looked at him, hands coming up to comb gently through his hair and massage the bottom of his ears. Your hands smoothed down his neck, drawing him into a hug that was just…very you. Comforting and genuine and wholesome. He felt it first physically, then emotionally as your pact mark burned a little brighter.
You dummy, it was so light, so teasing and gentle that Mammon couldn’t help but smile as you cupped his face and brought his lips up to yours. “Of course you’re my first choice. You’re my first man, aren’t you?”
Mammon realized you said that with your mouth--your open mouth—and he exploded into a rolling yayayayaya victory warble. His eyes were a molten yellow, almost as bright as Diavolo’s (maybe brighter). Tears beaded in his eyes and Mammon blinked them away, stuffing his face into your neck as he tackled you to the bed. A burst of heat rolled over you as his horns came out a hot skin touched yours, the demon greedily snuggling into like he’d finally found his home.
He was scenting you with all his snuggling and ‘settling’ but you didn’t mind, patting his back and running your fingertips across the seams in his black jacket. In all his ‘settling’ you’d been turned onto your side and scooped up by him. Mammon locked his arms around you, feet tangling with yours. He’d tucked you under his chin to keep you away from his horns. “I can’t believe you took so long!” he whined, fingers playing with your hair, “making me wait like that! I’m a busy guy, you know?”
“I can take your place if you’re so busy!” you saw a hint of Asmo in the doorway and probably Levi behind him before Mammon’s wing blocked your view. They’d been called by the noise Mammon made earlier.
“Get lost, the lot of ya!” Mammon flapped his free wing at them. He hugged you closer and you briefly wondered if this what a dragon did with their hoard. You laughed at the thought. “This is my human! And my human is spending time with their first man!” he’d made a little tent out of his wing, peeking down at you with pride and love and a little hesitancy that begged you to back him up because his embarrassment was outweighing his ability to run his smart mouth.
You responded by kissing his chest, little kitten kisses that climbed his throat and jaw and could definitely be heard with demon ears. Popping out from just under his wing, you pecked his lips. His nose just to catch him off guard. “It’s very personal time.” you teased, rubbing his shoulders as his wing unfolded to show you off, sitting happily atop your man.
There were scowls and little demon grumbles you’d never be able to understand, but you didn’t care. You couldn’t even hear them over the sound of Mammon’s purr.
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kookiessugababy · 3 years
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I hope he heard (Kim Taehyung) 18+ nsfw!!
Scenario-> upon spending time with the boys after watching their rehearsal for an upcoming show, your secret relationship with Taehyung is strained as his jealousy for the flirtatious nature of others shows.
Warnings 🚨 -> smut// daddy kink// angst// begging// hickies
Hope you enjoy!
“Taehyung baby i didn’t mean it!” Pleading, clammy hands shook under his stare as you noted his afflicted demeanour, reaching for his cheeks to cup his face. The dingy light cast shadows of doubt upon the floor of the rehearsal room, accentuating his knitted brow and flared nostrils- vexation spilling from the seams of his lips. Standing artlessly across from him as you fumbled with your fingers- silent seconds fleeting as he seemed to ponder amongst his thoughts; veins rose to strain at his neck.
“How fucking dare you let him flirt with you.” Spitting his words in such a prepotent manner, his referral to Namjoons previous (somewhat meaningless) actions let your mouth drop wordlessly, unable to form such an excuse.
The insecurity of such a private relationship was straining Taes trust with the boys- his agitation growing with every visit you made as they continued to toy with you. Unable to even plead your case before he grasped your arm- pushing you to the far wall. Breathless and unsteady, you found yourself staring at your own gaze in the mirrored panelling, your cheek crushed against the cold reflection.
Hungry hands bent your position as you rested against the glass, back arched as Taehyung pulled your hair back to watch the two of you in the reflection. Pleats of your skirt carelessly folded over your thong, naturally exposing your ass as he pushed his hips against your bare skin.
“Who do you belong to, y/n” he lumbered- spiralling flutters through your stomach as his fingers traced the goosebumps of your most intimate places. “You, daddy. I belong to you. Im sorry” Besseching your purity as he pushed himself against your heat- air hitching in your throat at the contact. “Prove it”
Complying to his demand. you cautiously pull yourself from his bearing grip, sinking to your knees as you glance up at his prepossessing visage. A smirk played upon his lips as your nimble fingers tricked at his joggers, discarding them in seconds as his cock pushed against the fabric of his loose grey boxers. His frustration always riled him up in a way you couldn’t explain- his privation obvious in the confinement of the material; his desire to claim you causing your cheeks to heat. In search of approval, you tugged his boxers down to join the heap on the floor- his swollen cock springing towards your face. In reply, fingers scraped back your soft hair as if expecting your calculated movements; allowing you to leave sweet kitten licks on his tip- cleaning up the dripping precum from his arousal. Tae hissed at the contact, pulling his grip tighter- urging your movements as annoyance surged through each teasing touch.
Responding to his dissatisfaction, your lips opened to take in his throbbing member- hand following the path of your salivated tongue as you tenderly stirred his large cock around your mouth. Profanities stung his tongue as you gradually hastened your tantalising pace, rhythmically twisting your small grip around his base, bouncing your head up and down.
Desperate for more contact, his hips circled as he pushed your head further- lungs burning as he relentlessly choked your airways with his impressive size. The warmth of your mouth and streaming eyes caused him to groan at the sight, the feeling of your gagging throat closing around his erection pushing him closer to his high.
Your lips were swollen, pink and sore as you continued to please him- his control now showering above you as he suddenly began thrusting into your mouth. Holding his hands behind your head to stabilise your position, he repeatedly drove himself in and out- your tongue numb as he brushed against it without cease. “Ffuck- baby look at you. Taking my cock so...well in your throat” words were almost inaudible amongst his breathless pants- fucking your face as he watched in delight as you submissed to him. His cock was painfully swollen in your mouth, leaking with hot cum- pulsating slightly at the back of your throat as you choked on his shaft yet again. As you did so, your watering eyes met his own- his load spilling onto your tongue. Tae’s head was thrown back in bliss, jaw accentuated in the light as small beads of sweat escaped the hold of his lashes - dripping down his cheek. Exhausted moans escaping his thoughts as you cooled your raw throat with air; jaw aching and weak. A concoction of saliva and cum spilled down your chin- messing up your features in his wallow. Large hands held below your chin, tilting your face up as his thumb sat on the dripping mess. Rubbing it about your face, a coy look plastered his adoring features.
“Turn around, y/n baby” Tae mumbled as you struggled to pull yourself up, your knees weak from the restraining position of the floor. Repositioning you with his strength, he pushed your front to return, chest pressed against the gleaming mirrors- your mascara now streaming and hair tousled with enmity.
Let them hear your screams for daddy, okay?" His voice was low as he commanded, hands lingering at your thong as he fondled with the soaked fabric. At this point, your clit was swollen and arousal puddles between your thighs-glistening slightly in the low light of the practice hall; your neediness growing with every passing minute. Shuffled echoed in the room as he positioned himself behind you-the cool air warming around your hole as he moved himself closer to your heat. Teasing your folds with his tip, he ran himself lines against your soaking lips- your arousal audible as you whined at his movements. "Beg for my cock, yin" his tone was now serious and stern- your cheeks glowing in embarrassment as you automatically thrusted back as you yearned for more attention. "Please daddy I need you in me. I'm so wet for you please daddy. Fill me up I b-
Devoid of warning, his cock thrusted into you-cutting your pronouncement as your face pushed up to the glass in repetition as you shrieked at the sheer stretch of your tight hole. Tingling slightly under his touch, one hand grasped your hips as he coiled himself into you-burying every inch of his cock into your tightening heat. Sheer sensitivity was a result of feeling him finish in your mouth, unable to handle the asperity of each thrust- his name spilling from your mouth in merciless cries. "Daddy- I.. harder!" You yowled, his remaining hand now adjusting your head to watch the scene in the mirror. Blurred vision barely gave justice to the sight-Taes flushed cheeks and dropped head focusing on every stern movement he made, your breathless figure bouncing with every movement he made. Planting spanks upon your ass, Taes hand raised yet again to mark your pale skin- wincing under each blow. Your stomach tightened as he pushed himself further- toes curling under the overwhelming sensation. Yells volumes your ecstasy as clenching walls made it difficult for him to move- palm prints only spreading along your hips as he struggled through his last few, desperate thrusts. "Cum for daddy, baby" Tae demanded- profanities spilling as you finished around him- mess running down your thighs as his arousal mixed with your own.
Both of you stood breathless in the empty hall-your pants bouncing off the walls in the new found silence, slightly dumbfounded. Eyelids drooping in exhaustion, a hand caressed your sores as a small voice tainted your earlobe. “I love you, y/n” “i love you too tae” your voice dry and throat scratching for words, coaxing a sore reply. “Goodness, I hope he heard”
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years
Do you think I could get a little bit of petplay w a male or gn Reader with your lovely oc Amber? Maybe some smut that leads to softness?
Thank you so much for the chance and congratulations again, I hope you're having an amazing night ♡
Ooooh Vic my darling dearest! Thank you! Of course you can have this! I love writing Amber and doing another reader insert of her is a dream! Pet play is so fun too and I am always down to do it more! I hope this is good, you get some sweetness, some smut and a little more sweetness, like a sandwich of fluff, smut, fluff, hope it hits for you! Also the movie mentioned in this is Secretary (2002) one of my fave movies that I highly recc. Not much else to say but to enjoy this next drabble! Let’s go!
Rating. NSFW. Length. 1.7K. Amber Cottrell X GN! Reader. No Specified Parts Or Pronouns. Warnings: Softness. Fluff. Established Relationship. Praise. Dirty Talk. Pet Play. Collar And Leashes. Amber Spoiling You.
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She came home from work as always, walking back to her apartment building as punctual as ever, stepping into the lobby at six fifteen sharp, heels clicking on the clean tiled floor as she crossed to the elevator. She pressed the button and waited, soon as the doors slid open she stepped inside and pressed the button for her floor. After the ride up and the trip down the hallway she comes to her door, keys in hand she unlocks it and comes inside. She drops her purse on the hall table, keys in the bowl and her jacket is taken off, hung up on the hook before she starts towards the living room.
She figured you would be here when she came in, could just feel when you had swung by and used your personal key to be here.. She came to find you sprawled out on her deep blue velvet couch. You looked exhausted, when you heard her heels hit the hardwood you turned to look at her. She came over with a tsk, a small shake of her head on her approach, “Long day darling?”
You nodded once, eyes dragging over her in the orange glow of the setting sun pouring through the living room windows. She is still dressed from work, curly hair piled up so it was out of the way, glasses hooked on her partially open blouse, blazer and tight pencil skirt, her legs are bare today, heels are patent leather and shiny, impeccable as always. She looked as good as ever, concern painted her features, you reached out to her and she tutts, sitting on the couch next to you. Her hand comes down and smooths some of your hair back and you sigh, leaning further into her touch. 
“Poor thing. You seem unbelievably tense.” She hummed and you agreed, “Yes, so tense. Today was-” You stop, you don’t think you will be able to share it all without getting too emotional. 
“Awe, shh, it’s okay. I think I know what you need.” She assured, she was starting to lean down as she continued, “Do you need to play,-”
Her lips brushed your ear as she uttered the last word, it pitching up in question, the smile clear in her tone, “-kitten?” 
Yes. That is just what you needed. You didn’t know what you needed, all you knew was you needed something, so you did what you always did when you needed something but were not sure what, you came to her apartment to seek her out. Amber always knows just what you need even if you don’t.
“Yes please.” You say, head turning to look into her eyes and she hums, “Yes please, what?” She prompts and you can’t help the small smile as you ask properly, “Yes please, Miss.”
“Ooh there we go, much better.” She presses a kiss to your cheek before getting up. You make a move but she knows you too well, knows you want to follow her and so she says in a firm tone, leaving no room for argument and not even looking over her shoulder. “Stay.”
And so you do. 
You wait obediently on the couch and after five minutes she comes back, you no longer hear the heels, she must have placed them back on their shelf in her closet. She walks over and kneels down in front of you, she holds up something in her hand, the matching collar and leash she gifted you months back in your favourite colour. 
“Oh you look so pleased to see this, how cute.” She praised you before asking, “Lift for me?” 
You nodded before adjusting, exposing your neck and she slipped the collar on you, she closed it, two fingers slipped in between the collar and your throat and she tugs, “Comfortable?”
“Very.” You respond, her fingers pull out and she attaches the leash. “Good.” She tugs the leash and you let her pull you to her, she presses a soft kiss to your lips and you melt against her. You hum into it and as soon as you try to return it she pulls back. 
“Think some dinner is in order, right?” You gave a nod and she got up, tugging on the leash making you follow. 
You unironically loved this. You hung out in the kitchen as she cooked, she made one of your absolute favourites and didn’t even acknowledge it, just launched right into making it. She put on a playlist full of music she knew you liked, took her time to pay attention to you, petting you in between cook times, cooing sweetness to you. 
When dinner is done and eaten, dishes left in the sink, she makes herself a drink before leading you back to the living room. “You gonna sit on the couch with me while I watch a movie sweetheart?” 
You made a small sound of approval and when you made a move to the shelf she kept her dvds she laughed, light hearted and musical. “Awe, no, no. My pretty silly little thing. Kitty’s don’t pick the movie, pets watch whatever their masters want.”
You couldn’t argue with her logic. You came up onto the couch, you watched as she put the dvd into the player before coming back to the couch. She sat down, feet up on the coffee table and you came close, rested your head in her lap and she smiled down at you. One of her hands came to your head, started to pet you as the other cradled her glass of scotch. 
“I think you will really, really like this movie. It is one of my favourites. The lead reminds me a lot of you.” She said it so sincerely, she let you curl closer as you watched with her, enjoyed as the movie went on and you both got to witness a BDSM focused relationship developed between a boss and his secretary. You watch enraptured as it unfolds, watch as Lee opens and becomes whole and honest and herself, you watch as she crawls on her hands and knees, a memo between her perfectly painted lips.  
She leaned down, gesturing to the screen with her glass. “See? Just like you! But you look even better on all fours.” 
Fuck. Between the events of the movie and her saying things like that, pointing to the screen, talking about how she would love to do those things with you or making call backs to times you have done similar things previously, you were getting considerably hot. 
Her hands start to wander, perfectly manicured nails scratch gently over your scalp and neck, it sends a shiver down your spine and makes you want to grind down on the couch. By the midway point of the movie you were squirming and she noticed. 
“Awe am I not paying enough attention to you? You keep moving, you’re getting awfully restless. Here, roll over honey.” You do as she asks, you roll onto your back and she encourages you, “Oh good, good. Now keep watching as I pet you.” 
You listened and expected to feel her deft fingers in your hair but no, her hand slips down between your legs. Her fingers slip under the layers of your clothing and she finds you so excited already. She starts to touch you in earnest, beginning to play. You try to focus on the movie, you try to watch and take it in but she is not making it easy. Even if you aren’t paying as much attention as you could, the lewd images on screen and the tension pushes you along. 
You shift and she tsks, “Still squirming? Even with all the attention I am giving you?” 
You let out something akin to a whine and she asks, “What was that sweetheart?”
She knows better than this, asking you questions during a scene like this. Part of the appeal was turning your brain off, not having to talk or engage in that way, she also knew that still talking like this got to you, badly. A needy sound spills from your throat and you arch your hips, desperate for more contact, for the pleasure to keep going and she chastises you, “So greedy, so needy.”
You nod and she is grinning, she knows that you are eating up every single bit of this. “Feels good, hmm kitten?” 
It is funny that she practically purrs that to you when you are supposed to be the cat here. It felt much too good, you were getting closer by the second, she had to know, you wanted this, needed this and you begged quietly inside that she could give it to you. She wraps the leash around her hand once and tugs, the jerk of the leather against your throat makes you cry out, the rush of arousal soaks into you and staying still is no longer an option. 
“Close, close, sooo close, I can feel it. I know you wanna, c’mon, be a good little pet, cum for me sweetness.” And that is all the encouragement you needed. Your peak hit and you came, spilled and made a mess against her fingers. Her eyes weren’t on the screen, no they were on your face. “Awe there you goooo. Mmm that looked like a good one, yeah.”
Your body falls slack on the couch and her hand slows to a stop, you are struggling to catch your breath and she drops the leash, her other hand slides out of your clothes and comes up. Her eyes back on the screen as she absentmindedly cleans her fingers of the mess of you. “Taste so good, hon.” She praised and you nuzzled your cheek on her thigh. 
You stayed like that, sleepy and happy and satisfied, curled to her as the movie wrapped up. Her fingers once clean were in your hair, you became so comfortable you almost fell asleep. As you dozed you were eventually woken up by her tugging gently on your hair, “Pretty kitty needs a nap I think. Wanna come to my bed with me?”
You wanted nothing more and in around ten or so minutes you had it. Naked and stripped bare, she cleaned you up and put you in some pyjamas she kept at her place just for you, she curled, got into her own comfier attire and when you were bed her hands took over. She stroked and rubbed and massaged until you fell asleep in her bed, she was still whispering sweetness low in your ear about, “What a perfect pet I have.” 
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Taking Chances Ch. 18: Girl’s Night (Heroes/Villains)
Teleporting back into her room in Gotham, Marinette flops onto her bed. Passing Kaalki sugar cubes and Tikki a cookie, she suppresses the urge to scream into her pillow. She was sick and tired of Hawkmoth. Sick and tired of being the one who has to fix everything. She just wanted one week with no Hawkmoth, no akuma attacks. But no. Of course not. Of course he just had to send out a stupid akuma every single day. Because why not. How’re people supposed to know he’s still being the main villain of Paris if he takes a freaking day off? Once she finds out who he is, she’s going to punch him in his stupid face. A knock on her door pulls her from her plotting ways to get back at Hawkmoth. 
“Come in.” She sighs, sitting up and forcing a tired smile on her face. 
“Marinette, your father wanted-” Selina starts, pausing as she looks her over. “Come on kitten, we’re having a girls day.” She says. Marinette raises an eyebrow. Sure she’d met Selina before, but they hadn’t really hung out yet. 
“What?” She asks. 
“You look exhausted and angry, sweetheart. Spending too much time with these boys isn’t going to help. So you’re gonna grab anything you need for an overnight trip and we’re going to go watch movies and eat junk food til we’re sick.” Selina instructs. Marinette grins, jumping up and shoving stuff into her backpack. She puts Kaalki’s glasses into her purse and lets her and Tikki fly in before she turns to Selina. 
“Ready!” She says, practically bouncing up and down in excitement. It’d been ages since she’d had a girls day with anyone. She was so ready to just take a break and be silly. 
“Well come on then. Harley and Ivy are going to adore you.” Selina says, slinging her arm around Marinette’s shoulders. Somehow, they manage to not see anyone on the way to Selina’s car. Which is weird, but it is a weekday so everyone probably had something to do besides sit around the manor. Pulling away from the manor, Selina flips on the radio, the new Jagged Stone song blasting full volume.
“Nice taste in music.” Marinette says with a wide grin. Selina smirks. 
“I have to like the man at least a little, his designer is one of my kids after all.” She says. Marinette smiles, a warm feeling flooding through her. Selina didn’t have to accept her with open arms, she didn’t have to treat her like she was her own daughter. But she did, and Marinette was so thankful for that. Thankful that even so far away from her Maman, she still had a Mom there for her. The two nod along to the music, scream singing the chorus together as the car pulls to a stop in front of an apartment building. Marinette glances at the building, suddenly nervous. Would Harley and Ivy like her? Or would they just tolerate her for Selina. 
“Don’t make yourself nervous, sweetheart. Harley and Ivy are two of the sweetest people I know. They’re gonna love you.” Selina says reassuringly, reaching over and squeezing Marinette’s shoulder. Marinette lets out a breath before nodding. 
“Okay, let’s go.” She says, grabbing her bag and jumping out of the car. She follows closely behind Selina, not wanting to give anyone the chance to get between them. You could never be too careful in Gotham. They walk into the building and go straight into the elevator, Selina pushing the button and leaning up against the wall while they wait. Marinette bounces on the balls of her feet, excitement and nerves bundling together. The second the elevator stops, Marinette’s out, following Selina down the hall. She pulls out a key, winking at Marinette before turning and unlocking the door. 
“Honey, I’m home!” She calls, and Marinette’s jaw drops. The apartment was quite literally covered in plants and vines. They were beautiful. She grins as one of the vines near her leans towards her, a small flower blooming at the end of it. 
“And who did you bring with you?” A tall woman with red hair asks, walking into the room. The designer inside of Marinette instantly has a million questions about the woman’s outfit. It seemed to be made entirely of plants, but she could also tell that they were still alive. She had no idea how the woman had managed that, but she guessed that it was something that couldn’t be replicated for someone else. 
“I’m Marinette. Nice to meet you!” She says with a wide smile. The woman, who Marinette assumes is Ivy, grins back. 
“Nice to meet you, Flower. I see you’ve already made a friend.” She says, gesturing to the vine which was now wrapped around Marinette’s wrist. Marinette giggles. 
“Well, I was hoping they liked me and that’s what this was. I have a garden back in Paris, and I’d hate to find out plants actually hate me.” She says. Ivy shakes her head. 
“No worries there. They adore you, it’s a little odd if I’m honest.” Ivy says, dodging Selina who tries to flick her. 
“Did I hear Selina?” Another voice asks, a short blonde woman walking into the room. Her hair was short and choppy, the small pigtails at the top of her head dyed pink. Marinette grinned at the woman’s outfit- a Gotham Amusement Pier t-shirt, Batman pajama pants, and hot pink fuzzy socks. She wondered if her dad knows that Harley Quinn has Batman pj pants….probably not. 
“Yes, with a guest.” Selina says, plopping onto the couch and gesturing over to Marinette, who was still standing by her new vine friend. 
“Hi! I’m Marinette, it’s nice to meet you.” She says, smiling and waving with her free hand. Ivy whispers something and the vine squeezes a bit before letting go, letting her move away from the door. 
“Well aren’t ya just the cutest!” Harley squeals, running forward and giving her a big hug. “Didjya finally join your boytoy’s adopting habits?” Harley adds, still clutching onto Marinette. Selina snorts. 
“No, he beat me to her. But she’s definitely mine, too.” She says, making Marinette’s face turn red. Harley coos at her, ruffling her hair before stepping back. 
“So what brings ya here? Get annoyed with Bats already?” Harley asks. Marinette blinks in shock. Harley knows? She thinks about it for a minute, and realizes it just makes sense. They’d been fighting long enough and then he started his relationship with Selina, who was one of Harley’s best friends. It just made sense that Harley (who was extremely smart) would put two and two together. 
“No, just thought that Mari could use a girl’s day. She’s been stuck with just the boys for over a week.” Selina explains. Harley gasps. 
“The horror!” She says, making Marinette giggle. “Come on pumpkin, I’ve got the comfiest jammies ever. Oooo, and we can paint our nails! Ivy, find the movies, Selina, you’re on snacks. This is gonna be so much fun!” Harley orders, grabbing Marinette’s hand and tugging her along to one of the bedrooms, Selina’s laugh echoing throughout the apartment. 
“I did bring pjs, ma’am.” Marinette says, once Harley stops tugging her and starts searching through a drawer. 
“Bet that can’t be comfier than the ones I’ve got for ya! And call me Harley kiddo, or Auntie Harley if ya wanna.” She says, looking up from the drawer to smile widely. She looks back and cheers in victory, pulling out a pair of bright red pajama pants. Marinette snorts when she notices the logo all over the pants. 
“Really?” She asks, giggling. Harley smirks. 
“We’ll have to take a picture of us and send it to your old man. Really get ‘im riled up.” She says. Marinette nods excitedly, taking the Robin pants from Harley. This was gonna be awesome. 
Bruce sighs, looking at the news report from Paris from earlier. The damned butterflies were hard to track. He was used to figuring out problems quickly, and this one was taking too long for comfort. It wouldn’t bother him as much if it was anywhere else, but it was directly impacting his daughter. She was being hurt daily, and she’d even died and now she was plagued with nightmares. All because of a man with some magic jewelry. God, he hated magic. A knock on the study door stirs him from his thoughts. 
“Come in.” He says.
“Hey B, have you seen Mari? I was gonna ask her if she wanted to go get ice cream with me and Little D.” Dick asks, leaning against the door frame, Damian standing next to him with his arms crossed.
“Not since breakfast. There was another akuma attack earlier, but it wasn’t a bad one. She wasn’t injured.” He says, remembering the completely strange battle from earlier. It was some man with pigeons, and apparently this was the 34th time the man had been akumatized over pigeons. 
“Did you not check her room after the battle?” Damian asks, eyebrow quirked. Bruce sighs. 
“It was the pigeon one again. I assumed that she’d want to take a nap, if anything. She still hasn’t been sleeping well. Tim said she’s awake every morning when he comes up for coffee, whether it’s three or five, she’s up.” Bruce explains, frowning at the thought of his youngest daughter’s sleep habits. He certainly didn’t need another sleep deprived coffee addict like Tim. It wasn’t healthy. 
“Well I already checked her room. She wasn’t there.” Dick says, and Bruce frowns, pulling out his phone to send a text to Tim and call Jason. One of them had to have seen her. She never left the house without telling one of the family, unless it was for a battle. 
“What.” Jason says gruffly, Bruce is just grateful he answered. Up until a couple of months ago, Jason would have rather thrown his phone in the river than answer one of Bruce’s calls. 
“Have you seen Marinette?” He asks, getting straight to the point.
“No? Why? What’s wrong?” Jason asks, and Bruce hears shuffling as Jason rushes around wherever it is he is. 
“Nothing. I’ll call you back.” He says, hanging up. He glances down at his texts and notices Tim hasn’t seen her either. He frowns, but doesn’t panic yet. Pulling out his computer, he pulls up the tracker that was on each of his children’s phones. He scans the map, frowning when he sees that her phone is still in the manor. In her room. He stands and swiftly moves past his sons to get to his daughter’s room. He knocks, waiting for an answer. None. 
“Marinette?” He calls, knocking again. “I’m opening the door.” He warns, pushing it open. He frowns at the empty room, nothing appearing out of place. 
“Do you think she had to pop back to Paris for something?” Dick asks, coming up behind him. Bruce shakes his head. 
“No, she would have told us. Suit up, she has to be somewhere in-” He stops as his phone chimes. He looks at it and feels all of the tension leave his shoulders. 
Took our youngest daughter for a girl’s day, back tomorrow XO. Of course Selina had her. 
“She’s with the Sirens. She’ll be back tomorrow.” Bruce says, suppressing a smile at the annoyed look on his youngest’s face. She was safe, and that’s what matters. Even if he was certain he’d have to listen to Damian complain for the entirety of patrol. 
“Make all the boy moose go WAAAAAAAAA!” Harley says with the movie, laughing loudly. Marinette chuckles, passing Tikki a cookie in her purse before sticking another spoonful of ice cream in her mouth. 
“I still like the first one more.” Selina says, taking a sip of her wine. Harley sticks her tongue out at her before turning her attention back to the movie. 
“Do you think Mia is secretly a superhero?” Marinette asks, frowning in thought. 
“What on earth are you talking about?” Ivy asks, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Even Harley pauses the movie to turn and stare at her. 
“Stan Lee.” Marinette says with a shrug. 
“Is that s’posed to mean something to me, kid? Cause I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about.” Harley says, obviously confused. Marinette huffs. 
“Stan Lee makes a cameo in this movie. And Stan Lee is the creator of Marvel, right? He’s made a cameo in like, every single Marvel movie. So is Mia secretly a superhero? Is that why he’s in the movie?” Marinette rambles, almost flinging ice cream at Selina as she gestures crazily. 
“Sweetie, how much sleep have you had in the past three days?” Selina asks after a few moments of silence. 
“Not important. Is Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi, Princess of Genovia, also a superhero? Does she secretly work for SHIELD? Or is she more like Iron Man, like a freelance superhero? Was she a hero in San Francisco too? Or did she take over a hero's mantle when she moved to Genovia? Cause she was really clumsy in the first movie and also super awkward, but now she’s less clumsy and she seems to be more put together, but are heroes really put together? I don’t think so. I think sometimes heroes pretend that they’re put together to make everyone else feel better when in all reality they’re seconds away from a breakdown themselves. Is Stan Lee coming to recruit her for SHIELD? Is that why he’s in Genovia? Does SHIELD have any jurisdiction there? Is there a Genovian branch of SHIELD?” Marinette rambles, suddenly stuck on the topic. Seriously, why is Stan Lee in Princess Diaries 2 if Mia isn’t a hero? Why would he-
“Kitten, take a breath.” Selina says, her hands on Marinette’s shoulders helping her to ground herself. Marinette takes in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. She blinks a few times, instantly feeling bad. 
“I’m so sorry.” She says, frowning. 
“What for?” Harley asks, looking confused. 
“For ruining girl’s night.” She says quietly. Selina pulls her into a tight hug and Marinette sinks into it. 
“Sweetheart, you didn’t ruin anything. I don’t know everything that’s going on. But what I do know, is that you rambling out a conspiracy theory about the movie we’re watching is not ruining girl’s night. Trust me. One time, we invited your brother Dick, and he ate all of the cookies by himself.” Selina says, Marinette snorts. Of course he did. “Now that’s a way to ruin girl’s night.” She adds, squeezing her once more before leaning back.
“Let's watch something that we can just get lost in and not have to think at all.” Ivy suggests, looking through the stack of dvd’s. Marinette glances over, eyes instantly catching one of her favorite movies. 
“Legally Blonde?” She suggests, Harley squeals. 
“That’s it, you’re officially ours. Brucie can fight me.” She says, putting in the dvd. Marinette laughs, laying her head on Selina’s shoulder, grabbing a handful of popcorn. She could get used to nights like these.
Next Chapter
Bonus chapter: Harley Vs Bruce
Drawing of Harley and Mari’s pajamas
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magicxc · 3 years
Holding Firm
Pairing: Soft!Dark!Ransom x Reader
Summary: After a long day of work, our reader soon learns that it’s about to be longer.
Word Count: 1029
Warnings: Explicit content 18+, dub-con, choking, thigh riding, dirty talk 
A/N: This is my entry for the shameless hoes for Chris challenge hosted by these two queens: @navybrat817 and @stargazingfangirl18  When I first read the challenge, I thought I had to spin the prompt wheel three times each, when in fact I had to use AT LEAST three prompts lmao. Reading is fundamental guys. It wasn't until I got to the third prompt wheel that I realised, but I had already come to like what I got on the wheels, so I kept some of them; genuinely hope that’s not against the rules. Prompts are as follows: Dialogue - I need a favor and come on, you can take more than that. Kink - clothes sex/thigh riding, praise, dirty talk. Trope - CEO AU. Character - Ransom. Let me know if I missed any warnings and do enjoy!!
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I don't even know why I'm still here. I'm up to my ass in homework and rather than go home and complete it, I’m up here doing a job that I don’t even get paid for. 
“Mel, if you weren’t my ride home, I’d be gone.” I groan out
“Ten more minutes and I'm outta here Y/N, I swear.” she pleads
“Melanie, the pay is great I get it, but everyday? You have to be the last one to leave everyday?” 
"Y/N baby you, me, and a seafood boil in TEN, my treat. But I need a favor first.”
“Melllll” I whine. 
“I'm literally so close to finishing, I just need you to make two copies of these for me please.” She asks, hitting me with those puppy eyes; my weakness on a good day. There's a slight pause between us, a stare off if you will until I sigh in defeat. 
“Yes!” She squeals “The copy machine is -“
“Down the hall, to the left, I know.” I mutter out. Getting up, I make my way to the copy machine and this bitch has the nerve to chuckle. It's on when we get home, I promise to myself. 
Mel and I are roommates, and about four months away from getting our Bachelor's degree. I am majoring in Literature and Mel in Business. For the past couple of months, I found myself managing the academic library for our school campus whereas Mel spent her time crunching numbers for the wealthy ass family who owns it. With Mel in the office on the second story floor of the library and me on the first, we tend to work similar hours, except I know when to clock the fuck out. So caught up in my internal dilemma, I don't even realise the hands snaking around my waist, until I'm pushed against the wall. 
“Hey kitten.” Ransom purrs. 
“Ransom stop. My eyes are tired, my body aches, and Mel is finishing up. The last thing I have the energy for, tonight, is to tell her that I'm fucking her boss."
“You won’t have to, I gave her enough work to keep busy for a while.”
“You what?” I snapped. 
“Come on, don't be like that. I missed having you around the office. What do you say you be my sexy little secretary for today, hmm.” He says rubbing the outside of my thighs. 
“What do you say, you fuck off. You have Mel in there busting her ass just so you can see me. A normal person would’ve called.”
“It's bold of you to assume I have your number.” He sneered
Raising up off the wall in an attempt to leave, I grumble out a fuck you, way too exhausted to entertain Ransoms shenanigans. 
I guess mister entitled didn't like me mouthing off cause the next thing I feel is him grabbing me by the throat and slamming me back. 
“Ransom please, Mel is right down the hall.” I begged. 
“You would think that by now you'd know your place.” He scoffs, roughly raising my leg around his waist as he pushes his thigh against my core. 
“Shut up! I own this place and I own you, so don’t you ever dream of denying me.” He growls in my ear. Whimpering, I’m honestly speechless. I know Ransom can be quite the asshole, but never like this. I hate him and I hate this situation. But most of all, I hate the way my pussy got moist. 
“I'm the CEO of this God forsaken place and what I say goes. So if I ask you to blow me, the only thing you should do next is drop to your knees until they go raw.”
Shit! I hate him so much, but fuck if this side of him isn't sexy as hell. My hips raise a little off the wall as I grind them into his thigh trying to alleviate even an ounce of pressure. This doesn't go unnoticed by Ransom as a smug grin appears on his stupid face. 
Resting his forehead against mine, he whispers, “Tell me Y/N, what are you gonna do huh?” 
“I'm gonna be your sexy little secretary Ransom.” I breathe out.  
“Fuck yes you are kitten, show me how much you want it.” He says sliding his arm away from my leg and up to my breast. Massaging them, Ransom then dips his head low and starts sucking on my sweet spot right beneath my ear. As good as this feels, it's not lost on me that Melanie is right down the hall and I’d rather not get caught in this predicament. Weakly shoving at his arms, Ransom drops his hand away from my breasts to smack my hands away. “You tapping out already, princess?” He taunts. "Come on, you can take more than that, we’re just getting started."
Soon after, his fingers find their way to my nipples, tweaking them as I hit the trifecta of peak sensations. My hips seem to take on a mind of their own as they begin to grind harder. Rubbing his thighs more intensely against my heat, I wrap my arms around Ransom's neck and throw my head back, letting soft moans slip from my mouth. It isn't until he sinks his teeth into my neck that I cum, whimpering softly, ruining my panties and his slacks in the process. “Look at the mess you made, all that for me baby?” He says, stroking my cheek. “You did such a good job riding my thigh. Are you my good girl, hmm?” He teases. My laboured breath finally evens out and raising my head to answer him, I look up to see a different pair of eyes staring back at me. 
I let out a shriek and Ransom turns around to see where my line of vision landed. 
Smirking he goes, “Finished already Melanie?”
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