#for a year !!
hoarder-of-dragons · 1 year
Merlin: I'm sad
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infernothechaosgod · 6 months
I really find it intresting how dream isn't really a content creator anymore, he's more like a Pest desperatley trying to live off attention at this point
Like even back during the Dsmp days where stuff should be thrilling for him he didn't make much content on his own, he showed up sometimes in lore but outside of that he didn't do really...BEASICLY ANYTHING?
And now dsmp is over and dude didn't do anything for like a year, usualy there would be an explanation for why the chanel owner isn't active, like an accident, a burn out or simply a break or hiatus
But we didn't get any info on that from dream dude Just stopped uploading one day but still had the audacity to argue with people on Twitter and do the most moraly wrong things possible
So can we really call him a content creator anymore? He says dumb shit on twitter and makes "I love minErs" jokes on tiktok
Can we really call that content?
(Also reminder that we shouldn't call him the creator of dsmp or at least the main one, because he came up with the idea with bbh sapnap and george and BBH WAS THE ONLY ONE PAYING, Dude named the smp after himself and didn't even pay)
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beelzzzebub · 7 months
the scary thing is that i don't even need to fail to fail out of school. i just need to do poorly enough that i lose my financial aid and then bam i'm out
school is my thing, it always has been. i've been told it over and over again. i practically don't have anything else. so why do i feel like i just can't do it now
i need more time than i could ever find, to recuperate from some nebulous thing that i can't even identify
i'm disappointing my entire family and doing worse than i ever have before, and i want so desperately to have the gumption to care about what i'm trying to study and learn and to make myself do it, but all i want is for it to stop. i hate that i can't appreciate or find enjoyment in where i am, because i wanted it so bad and because i know that just having this opportunity is a privilege in itself, but i just feel like i'm constantly spiraling and all i really want is a break. i just want a hug and for someone to tell me it's ok
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inyri · 6 months
It’s possible my perspective is skewed given my profession, but:
I had a patient walk in today (actually sitting in the lobby an hour before we start taking patients, but that’s beside the point) who, when I handed them a COVID rapid test to take and then come back at opening, said
“Oh, I don’t know how to do this. I’ve never done one before.”
We are almost FOUR YEARS into this damned pandemic in intensely travel-heavy jobs and you are seriously going to tell me with a straight face that you have never- not even ONCE- taken a home COVID test?
(Counterpoint: my kid’s preschool required weekly home testing for the better part of a year once it reopened. Did she love it? Of course not. But at 4 she can now swab her own nose- unlike SOME PEOPLE-)
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damoselcastel · 5 months
Author's Notes 2023
A yearly-sum-up of my personal thoughts for my written works in 2022 (ones with chapters updates count too), my own personal tradition. All of the fic I listed can be found on my AO3.
Storms at Phinora - FE4 Lewyn/Tiltyu fic
Written for Nagamas 2022, set mid-chapter 5, basically an excuse to explore the angst of various fav ships as they grapple with the events and overwhleming odds.
Druid Jaehee's Nursery - TA Jaehee/Elderflower fic
A very silly NSFW take on the world of Terrrium Adventure (manhua), speculating on breeding being used to dupe rare pulls. Even the ship Jaehee/Elderflower, has to be the most casual (bickering) friends-with-benefits ship I've ever written. Although considering how fast and loose I play with worldbuilding references, yeah can understand why NOBODY read it, lol. (I actually had a spinoff featuring Sydling and his Dryads written but sadly lost it cause like a ninny I wrote it in Notepad)
Quartet’s Common Time - a FE3H Annie/Mercie/Dedue/Dimitri fic
This is the fic that got the most investment/writing time this year. Big polyam smutfic (f/f, m/m, multi) with nods to Faerghus politics. Very happy with the love we gave the Dimitri/Annette rarepair, along with the various flavors of Dedue/Mercedes (the domestic fluff was a persona fav). Finished, it ended up at a hefty 26,908 words (I do wish we had some more comments for that end chapter... no idea what readers thought of it) Cowritten with the wonderful @mrmissmrsrandom and we'll continue to post for this verse.
Daemoni - FE14 Marx/Hinoka demon!AU
A fic that burst into being from a combination this year's spoopy month having a true Friday 13th + this great piece of fanart. While I did initially have a different ending planned, I pivoted to the current one and its frankly been a stress-free write. I'm just going loosey goosey with my monster/myth interpretations and largely making up things as I've gone, but I'm quite enjoying this verse- and I think readers have too? At least, two of them have. …I might still post my OG ending idea, but as a oneshot (it'd be spicy).
My free time activities shifted quite a bit half way through the year, and admittedly I've still not finished a FE17 run- for various reasons. However, it feels like I never hit burnout this year, and boy, most years that's the case at one time or another. Feels like my writing interests have gotten even more niche- likely cause the games involved are getting even older/I remain a rarepair captain. Let's all stay sane in 2024!
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seokmattchuus · 1 year
Somebody pull a JBJ but with Zoom team (and kamden) pretty please
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clownmoontoon · 10 months
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🌙HI HI IM MOON!! \OUO/ #clowny art art only blog @clownymoon (( i also answer to clowny🤡 or pink!🌸 ))
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nb they/them 🌈 34 🌈 freelance artist w adhd!✨
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⭐️i blog about whatever i want and draw the same!🌈
(typically colorful character art and comics! fan art and oc!🌈)
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💸 COMMISSIONS: OPEN w limited options atm! 💸
☕️ tips/donations: kofi ☕️
🖼insta ⏰tiktok 🧸toyhouse
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im an artist n writer that loves to come to tumblr for a chill time of Screaming about my blorbos, The Memes, and ART!!!!!!!
ive an affinity for 🌈RAINBOWS🌈 and 🌸BRIGHT COLORS🌸 so general eyestrain warning for my blog and art! :o)
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🎨currently drawing: a thing for my patreon in the works >:3c and sO MANY LUCIFERS 😈🍎💕 📚currently reading: fanfiiiic 🥰💕📻🍎✨ 👀currently watching: REWATCHING HAZBIN 😈🍎✨
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dcrtmund09 · 4 months
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Renewing Wolfs contract? They can't be serious. We should be glad to see him leave this summer.
If we renew his (high paying!) contract and don't pull Maatsen release clause.. I WILL RIOT.
We're not a serious club anymore. It's Emre Can renewal all over again.
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you-need-not-apply · 9 months
There is discourse in the #queen Elizabeth tags I repeat:
People are fighting over a dead monarch in the Queen Elizabeth tag
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Oh, my ticking time bomb of a story
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vampireddyke · 8 months
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villainanders · 2 years
Oh you guys have very different feelings about anders potentially hallucinating mr wiggums than me
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kingsis · 1 year
I need someone to do spamton with the cpr x misery x reeses puffs remix. I need to see Addispam crying on the floor while Big Shot and Puppet spam are fuckin around in the bg.
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damoselcastel · 1 year
2022 Author’s Notes
 A yearly-sum-up of my personal thoughts for my written works in 2022 (ones with chapters updates count too), my own personal tradition. All of the fic I listed can be found on my AO3.
JANUARY Red Courage - a FE3H Claude/Edelgard AU fic My 2021 Nagamas gift fic, basically grabbing all the ideas I had for this ship pre-release but then had abandoned after playing the game (and seeing how non-interactive the lords are towards each other). These two getting married would be quite the political power couple, but I admit within this fic I also was explore a no-TWSitD AU focused on how 3H’s plot could’ve happened anyway, with just human greed...and well, Adrestia’s gross patriarchy. I’m rather pleased with the result and even and am casually working on a sidequel that follows what Dimitri and Dedue’s time in Alymra was like.
Human, Weapon - a FE14 Beruka backstory fic Written for the Les Revanants horror zine, one of my first outright horror attempts, Beruka’s past provided some good fodder to explore. I feel like FE has a lot of solid examples of disquieting ex-child-soldiers, usually children forced to act as assassins, ect, and it obviously having lost lasting negative impacts of their personal growth and expressiveness. Beruka is one, though her backstory is only hinted at in supports- we know she killed the master who’d trained her.
APRIL Chains We Forge - a FE14 post-Conquest bad end AU The hostage fic I wrote inspired by @flutterbatwrites‘ Bad End AU for Conquest in particular. The too long awaited update, wherein dad-tyrant!Xander makes his appearance. I had a LOT of fun depicting all the fankid princes and how they might get make mischief. Still a last update to make, I promise I will and hopefully soon-ish.
MAY Enlèvement - a FE3H Dimitri/Annette fic Ship fic cowritten with @mrmissmrsrandom, this verse spun out of  Fleckerl‘s continuity and we’ve got a whole bunch of ideas. This one’s mostly cutesy speculation on how Dimitri and the Annette’s crushes on each other might’ve gone.
Kitchen Box Step - a FE3H Dedue/Mercedes fic Cowritten with @mrmissmrsrandom with more speculation on post-war politics within a Dimitri ruled Faerghus- but this time with fankids! And not just Duecedes kiddos, but also some royal bastards left behind by Rufus (in our party-prince headcanon, cooked up before Hopes shattered these dreams). All the characters we’ll be feature more of in this verse, which is just very fun to sandbox in.
JUNE Hunger Pangs - a FE16 ABO childhood fic Prequel to Sense of Taste, where it’s mostly the Faerghus four being cute kids and sfw. I’ve notice the trope very rarely ever deals with questions of like, what it’s like pre-puberty with all that presentation weirdness. And then I’m once again wasting Faerghus headcanons by sticking it somewhere no one will read them. I think there’ll only be 3 more chapters, though I have more ideas for the verse- like Dedue’s claiming and a SoT sequel.
NOVEMBER Course de Danse - a FE3H Dimitri/Annette academy fic All our academy-set ideas for this ship, this collection will be pretty solidly G rated as a rule...aside from maybe an off-color joke or insinuation or two. As much as I don’t personally like Byleth-as-teacher or school as an FE game focus, it is fun imagining all the Fodlan kids interacting as students. Also co-authored with @mrmissmrsrandom
Quartet’s Common Time - a FE3H Annie/Mercie/Dedue/Dimitri fic
This is the big polyam smutfic, with a very small nod to Faerghus politics. The first couple chapters will have more f/f and m/m action, but there will be a sweaty pile on. I suppose for any interested, look forward to when @mrmissmrsrandom and I post more next year!
Ongoing IRL stuff from last year INTENSIFIED this year, which REALLY threw off personal project free time. But with @mrmissmrsrandom‘s cooperation, we got a lot of fic we’d had on the shelf posted. Although with Engage right around the bend, don’t think we’ll get all out FE3H ideas up before that next FE entry is out. Silver lining, maybe the Fodlan fandom can chill out :v
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nonsemsical · 2 years
wtf is happening in crc3
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epoxyconfetti · 3 months
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